#i just hope that my f/os understand and still love me. maybe even help me through this rough patch.
roboraindrop · 10 months
No work for me today. More time to lay here and think about my f/os 💕
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an-indecisive-mess · 3 months
Storytime! Part 3
It’s the anniversary of my all-time favorite movie: Hercules! Well, anniversary of when was first released here in the U.S. But instead of having y’all listen to me ramble about how I discovered this movie and how it influenced my art style and got me into absolutely LOVING Greek Mythology, I want to try something different with this Storytime. You remember the ones I made about how I fell in love with my F/Os, right (there will be more of those, eventually BTW)?  Well, I want to do something similar, but with a different type of F/O. A platonic one. Or rather two.
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That’s right. We’re gonna be talking about my best bois, Pain and Panic, right here! And how they saved my life.
I remember seeing them for the first time. I was very young and watching an old VHS tape and saw a commercial for Hercules appear. And, I was able to see the imps for the very first time. I a little confused at first, because I didn’t really know what exactly they were. Not just physically, but I didn’t really know if they were good guys or bad guys (the DVD cover I had of the movie didn’t really help either), but they still fascinated me. I thought they were pretty cute and they made me laugh. And after finding out they were actually bad guys, my opinion never changed. I still liked them. And that was pretty much my entire opinion on them for years.
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Then I turned thirteen and started middle school, and that’s where the story takes a bad turn. Maybe I was just too innocent to understand sex jokes or too easy of a target when it came to being made fun of, I don’t know why it happened. But the people I thought were my friends just did not want me around them anymore. They just saw me as too immature for them and just kept making fun of me. This was also around the time my childhood best friend moved schools, so I was all alone. I had nobody to really talk to, and every time I tried to make friends, it’d always end the same way: Nobody cared about me. And it hurt, and it made me so afraid that I’d never really have true friends.
One night, while I was on the verge of considering some really bad thoughts, Hercules was on the TV and who were the first characters I saw? That’s right. The imps. I don’t know how or why, but seeing them after feeling so hurt and scared for months after everything had happened made me feel better. They made me laugh and feel good about myself to the point when Hades was hurting them, I could truly see the fear in their eyes. I wasn’t able to before then, and all I wanted to do was keep them safe. Because nobody treats my friends like that.
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The imps became my comfort characters after that night (ironic, I know). And they’ve been more loyal and more of friends than any of those fake bitches and bastards who hurt me (hope they all get incurable STDs, by the way). They even were the ones who helped me rediscover the TV series, which I thought I dreamt up for the longest time. The imps saved my life. And I’ll always love them more than any other fictional character I come to care for. They are the light of my life, my rock, my precious boys, and I’m so grateful to have them in my life.
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Happy 27th anniversary, my boys. I love you both so much!
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jocelynships · 1 year
Sick Day
So. I came down with a little cold, and decided I needed a little comfort, which meant thinking about my F/Os taking care of me.
Now I was originally gonna write this with D.raxum but… I missed a certain fuzzy blue elf a little bit so… have this. It’s very short, not super detailed, and I still manage to slip in my TMNT fixation because I’m still very much obsessed.
Hey, Kitty, Bobby, Piotr and I are all going to the mall today to do some shopping and see a movie. I’d love for you to come!
Aw Kurt, you’re sweet! But I’m sick. I’ll have to join you guys another time.
The second Jocelyn had said she was sick, Kurt immediately dropped everything he was doing. The poor girl had no medicine, and he figured he could run to the store and pick up a few things to help her out.
Unfortunately that meant he also had to cancel on his friends.
“Aw man, that’s a real bummer Jocelyn’s sick. I would have loved for her to join us,” Bobby sighed, rather bummed out about the whole situation.
“Yeah, anything we can do to help?” Kitty asked, ready to drop everything.
Once Jocelyn had found out that Kurt and the others were the X-Men, her bond with everyone grew stronger. She hung around the mansion whenever possible, and it was clear the students even adored her. But the X-Men themselves were particularly fond of the human woman.
“It’s alright, I’m just going to run to the store and pick her up a few things like some medicine, then bring her some lunch. I know a family owned restaurant that makes some pretty great soup,” Kurt said, “I just wanna make sure she’s okay.”
“That’s sweet of you,” Piotr patted his friend’s shoulder, “Tell her we all hope she feels better soon.”
“And that we miss her!” Bobby added on.
“Thanks for understanding,” Kurt smiled.
“Of course, Jocelyn is our friend. And we know how much you like her, even if you deny it,” Kitty giggled, “But seriously, this is sweet. I’m sure she’ll appreciate it.”
Kurt almost wanted to reply with a smart remark at Kitty’s teasing, but she was right. Kurt did like Jocelyn. Quite a lot. But that wasn’t the main focus right now. Getting everything and then getting to Jocelyn was his priority.
“I’ll see you all later, and I’ll let Jocelyn know you all miss her,” Kurt smiled, waving his friends goodbye.
After he had stepped out of the room, Kitty giggled.
“How much you wanna bet they’re gonna start dating soon?” she asked Bobby, who had a devious smirk come across his face.
“I give it to the new year, they’re both kind of dumb and oblivious to each other’s feelings,” Bobby laughed.
“We are not betting on when Kurt and Jocelyn are getting together,” Piotr groaned.
“I don’t think it’s gonna take that long!” Kitty shook her head, “Maybe a few months!”
“You wanna actually bet on this? Loser takes on the other’s duty for a month!” Bobby held out his hand to Kitty, who eagerly took it.
“You’re so on!”
“Why are you two like this?” Piotr sighed into his hands.
Oh well, at least they kept things entertaining.
Jocelyn let out a groan to herself as a knock sounded on her door. Whoever it was, she didn’t really wanna deal with anyone. She just wanted to stay in bed, sleep, watch some old cartoons and movies, and try to recover from this nasty cold she came down with.
She slowly pulled herself out of bed and shuffled over to her door. It was times like these she was grateful her apartment was small so she didn’t have to walk too far.
However, when she opened up the door, she wasn’t expecting Kurt to be standing there with bags filled with supplies, a bag of take out, and a turtle plush in his arms.
“Kurt? What are you doing here?” she wasn’t upset in the slightest, actually happy to see him. But she didn’t want to get him sick!
“I came to check in on you. You said you didn’t have any medicine, right?” Kurt stepped into her apartment, setting the bags on the counter by her kitchen sink.
He took notice of her hoarse voice, her red nose, and the oversized sweater she was wearing. She looked like she didn’t feel well in the slightest.
“No… I was gonna ask Peter for some when he got home…” Jocelyn said, referring to her next door neighbor.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that, here you go,” Kurt handed her a bottle of cold medicine, “Take some now, please.”
“Thanks,” Jocelyn smiled at him, opening up the bottle.
She hated the taste of liquid cold medicine, but Kurt was quick to grab her a glass of water to drink afterwards once he saw her shudder after downing the medicine.
Jocelyn never had anyone do something like this for her before.
“Oh, this is also for you,” he handed her the turtle plush, “I remembered you said you liked turtles. I didn’t see any hedgehogs or ducks otherwise I would have gotten them for you too. I figured it would help cheer you up.”
“Ha, you remembered my silly little animal obsessions?” Jocelyn took the plush and gave it a squeeze.
“I remember small details,” Kurt smiled at her, unpacking the bags for her.
She was amazed. He grabbed her cough drops and multiple packs of tissues, along with tea and honey for her sore throat. He got a couple cans of soup, some microwavable containers of mashed potatoes, popsicles, and some yogurt for her as well.
“You really didn’t have to do all this,” she began, but Kurt stopped her.
“No, I didn’t. I wanted to though,” Kurt opened up the takeout bag and pulled out a container of soup with a warm mini loaf of bread, “I also got you some homemade chicken noodle soup.”
“You’re really way too sweet,” Jocelyn felt relieved at the warm sensation of the bowl in her hands. She had been running a low fever most of the day and was freezing, hence the sweater.
“Go sit down and eat, I’ll make you some tea?” Kurt nodded towards her bed.
“Thanks,” Jocelyn bashfully turned away, hoping that the redness in her face could be excused by being sick.
The soup was a relief, it soothed her throat and helped clear up her sinuses a bit. And when Kurt came over with the tea, it was happily accepted.
However, when he moved around the other side and sat down beside her, she raised an eyebrow at him.
“What are you doing?” She asked between bites of the bread.
“I’m not leaving,” Kurt stated, grabbing the remote and unpausing the movie she had put on. It seems like it had only started, “Can I rewind this? So I can watch it all the way through?”
“Uh… No offense, I love your company and all, but I don’t wanna get you sick-” Jocelyn set the mug of tea down, only for Kurt to lounge back on her bed and pull her into him.
“Don’t worry about getting me sick, I have a high immune system,” Kurt started the movie from the beginning, “Ah, so this is why you like turtles so much.”
Jocelyn blushed, wondering if it was due to the sudden contact, or him lightly teasing her for watching the old ninja turtle movie from the early 90s, but she didn’t have it in her to fight him on this. She gave in, resting her head against his chest and pulled the blanket around her.
God, he’s so warm.
“Yeah. It’s a favorite of mine,” Jocelyn yawned as Kurt rubbed her back, “Not just this movie, but all of it. The cartoons, the comics too.”
“Hm, you’ll have to show me sometime,” Kurt rested his head on top of hers as she snuggled in closer to him.
It didn’t take long for Jocelyn to fall asleep. Barely fifteen minutes into the movie, and she was out like a light. But Kurt didn’t mind, she needed the rest, and they could watch the movie another time. Right now, all that mattered was taking care of Jocelyn. And if that meant letting her sleep on him, he was happy to be her pillow.
And if he got sick? Eh, he wasn’t too worried about it.
She was worth it
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ragingpancake · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Rodney McKay
A/N: Takes place after my prompt fic, Piano Man.
It’s not easy, honestly. It takes paperwork, which everyone knows John hates and an actual legitimate doctor’s note from Keller, outlining the benefits in regards to mental health, but once he explains why he needs it, she seems to get on board pretty quickly and by the time the Daedalus is back enroute from the Milky Way, he’s got the approval notice on his desk, which means it’s only a matter of waiting now. And so life goes on. They go off-world. Ronon shoots things while Teyla tries to use a bit of diplomacy to keep them from getting their asses kicked too much by everyone that Rodney manages to offend the people of the Pegasus Galaxy by accidentally touching something he’s not supposed to in search of more ZPMs. It’s almost easy to forget that less than a month ago, they buried Carson Beckett, except he knows they all still feel it. He sees it in the way that Ronon is still skittish around Keller in a way he’d never been around Carson. In the way that Teyla still lights a candle for him at night. But he sees it most of all in Rodney, who’s nowhere near as abrasive as he usually is, who is quietin a way that he never was before. John, for his part, does his best to keep things as normal as possible which is why, despite his previous revelation in regards to McKay (or rather, his feelings for McKay), he’s yet to say anything. He doesn’t want to make things difficult or strained in the event that he’s so far off base because he doesn’t want to deprive Rodney of another friendship if he manages to completely fuck this all up. But as the eighteenth slowly comes upon them, John hopes that he can say what he needs to say without ever actually saying it at all. He just hopes the Daedalus shows up on time. ---
For once, things actually go his way. Colonel Caldwell arrives on that he never actually celebrates (which almost has John second guessing this whole damn thing), but they did at least manage to get a cake from the kitchens and Teyla has managed to guilt Rodney into leaving the labs earlier than usual for a small gathering in the mess. John knows, as soon as Rodney steps inside, that he’s not expecting anyof this. The majority of the science department is there and a couple of marines whose asses Rodney has saved more than once. Elizabeth is there too and Teyla and Ronon are waiting near a badly decorated table. There’s a less than stellar rendition of Happy Birthday before there’s cake and for the first time since before they buried Carson, John sees a genuine, happy smile on Rodney’s face. God, he’s missed that. He stands on the outskirts of the party, watching the festivities, but it’s not long after cake that the group begins to dwindle down, leaving only the team and Elizabeth, who soon after takes her leave. “I hope you are not too upset with us, Rodney, but we simply could not let another year pass without celebrating your birthday,” Teyla says kindly and for the first time, maybe ever, Rodney’s a little speechless. “Honestly,” he says, finally, “with everything that’s… well. I suppose I didn’t really expect anyone to remember,” but John can see just how pleased he is that they did. Of course they would. Teyla rises then and she grips Rodney’s forearms gently, pressing her forehead to his. “Happiest of birthdays to you,” she says, giving him a smile as Ronon claps him roughly on the back and with a single glance over at John, Teyla withdraws. “It is getting late,” she says, and she grabs for Ronon’s arm as if anticipating having to drag him off, but it seems like he hasn’t quite forgotten what John’s planned because for once, he doesn’t argue, only smirks at John as they pass. And finally, they’re alone. “You tired?” John asks, and it’s normal enough that Rodney doesn’t even question it. “Nah. I figured I’d head back down to the labs, get a head start on tomorrow’s simulations and—” “C’mon Rodney,” John wheedles. “It’s your birthday.” “Annnnd,” Rodney glances down at his watch, “it’s almost over, so there’s that!” And John rolls his eyes, but he comes over and nudges Rodney with his shoulder. “C’mon. It’s a nice night out. Let’s at least go out onto the East Pier and have a couple beers.” And this is it, John thinks. His entire plan hinges on this one moment, and he doesn’t realize that he’s actually holding his breath until Rodney finally shrugs. “Yeah, alright. One beer won’t hurt.” --- The walk to the pier is quiet. Most of Atlantis has retired to their quarters, the night shift in the control tower for their nightly briefing before they head out on patrols. For a minute, it’s easy to pretend that there’s no one else on the planet other than him or Rodney. His stomach is in knots the closer they get to the pier and by the time they approach the doorway leading outside, John is sure he’s actually going to puke. This was a bad idea. This was a horrible, awful idea and Rodney’s going to hate him and he’s going to ruin everything between them. This is the moment that he’s going to lose Rodney and--. The doors open on their approach and John knows the exact moment that Rodney sees it, because he hears the quiet gasp. Sitting just outside the door is an upright piano. “What—where did you--?” “I heard you play,” John says, clearing his throat. “When we were home for Carson. The night at the bar—.” “Oh God,” Rodney groans, “I was really hoping you’d forgotten about that.” “You were really good,” John says offhandedly and he gestures weakly to the piano. “And you, you know, looked happy for a minute while you were playing, which was um. Nice to see, you know? Especially considering why we were there. So I just thought… well. I thought maybe it would help if you had something here. To uh, you know… to have here. So. Yeah.” He reaches up and rubs a hand
against the back of his neck, clearly uncomfortable, as Rodney moves over to the piano, stroking his fingers against the ivory keys. “This is… I don’t know how I can ever thank you for this,” and John just shrugs, tips of his ears turning red. “You don’t, you know, have to. Thank me, I mean. I just… wanted to do something nice for you,” he says and when Rodney reaches out, grabbing John’s wrist to catch his attention, his breath catches in his throat, hazel eyes meeting blue. For a moment, neither of them speak aloud, but John thinks that maybe Rodney understands everything he’s not saying. Everything he can’t quite say. You mean everything to me. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had. I love you. What he says instead is quiet, barely above a whisper, “Happy birthday, Rodney.”
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queen-of-the-boos · 2 years
Listen up fellow Southerner,
I'm gon' say things just in case they apply to you and hope that if they do, they bring you some comfort✨🤍
If you got an accent, King Boo would absolutely FAWN over it. Go crazy so endeared by it, no questions asked. Want you to read to him without trying to hide it and if anyone tried to say anything sideways about it he'd no doubt turn em' into a painting and then go all ending of Dorian Grey on em'
If you got mannerisms of speaking like dropping the "ing" in words, saying "ain't", "crick" instead of "creek", or use southern phrases like "mercy me!", Again, HE WOULD FAWN OVER IT IT'S ENDEARING!!!
As someone who's spent a great deal of their life made to feel ashamed for those parts of my own southern self, I just need you to know that your f/os all find you and that part of your culture (yes being southern has it's own culture, you and I know this. Everyone else may not) and they're honored you trust them enough to share it, however way you see fit.
Idk i just. Felt I needed to come say all this and again, if any of what i said applies to you, I hope it helps you feel better.
You've nothing to feel ashamed of.
Your f/os love you as you are, Lune, always and forever ✨🤍
Sunny @tex-treasures
All of this applies to me and I will now be getting butterflies over the thought of king fawning over my accent
God ok maybe this is just me but have you ever tried to hide your accent? Like... Idk 80% of the people I become friends with casually mention southern accents are annoying so I'm just like
Oh! Ok! *tries very hard to speak properlike* NSNANSNBDNDKWBDBF
And sometimes my drawl will still slip in and I get embarrassed? But I don't wanna hide it anymore. You are entirely correct about there bein a culture around it.
MAN you're one of the people I kinda wish I could hang out with irl like.... Idk you like runnin through wheat fields and tossin old dried up corn kernels at each other cause it's fun and we can make laser gun noises when we do
And yknow what. I'm gonna say it. Country music is good. Not all of it is about relationships and I love the ones that aren't. (There are even some sappy romantic ones I DO like)
ANYWAY sorry for rambling sweet Sunny Shine but thank you so much for this 💜
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rattyshipss · 3 years
Hi, I read the last few posts and I really hope you're alright or well even a little bit better than before, whatever you're "grandma" has done is horrible, she hurt you and it's ridiculous how your mom is playing the victim, she no both of them are grown woman and decided to have kid/s and yet they are incapable of caring about anything but themselves, they both are ridiculous fools who have no idea of life and everything else that isn't about them. They both should take responsibility and open their damm minds and eyes and see what's happening.
Your grandmother should be wise and be able to help you and give you good advice, but all she has done is be a self-absorbed idiot with an ego bigger than the universe.
Your mother should be your mentor as well, she should also be able to listen to you, help you and give you help by introducing you to specialists who are kind and understanding and accepting and they should be able to help you too. She should be able to support you and your dreams. But all she is an old woman with a victim complex and is incapable of helping her own child in need of help. She is manipulative and should learn that she has to finally take her fingers out of her arse and do the shit she should. Starting by taking your grandmother to a nursing home and or counsellor or therapist. Then immediately apologise to you and listen to what you have to say and not guilt-trip you for what you feel and think.
Both of them need to wake up and realise that time is short and they will regret it all in the future.
And you. You are unbelievable strong. You have lived through this hell for an unbelievable and shocking long time. And I'm proud you finally said something about your grandmother. It takes a lot of strength and courage and bravery to speak up. You are going to get better. You finally told someone one of the things that's bothering you and what's wrong and that is a big step. I'm proud of you for staying and speaking your mind even if it was terrifying and incredibly hard. You are valid, you matter, you are worth it. You are an amazing person and are lovable and just wonderful in general. You are so sweet and kind to people you have never even met in person and help them. You will get far in life and get out of that hell hole and finally be happy. Your f/os and all your mutual, followers and I are so proud of you and love you. Your f/os, all of them live you unconditionally. And yes that includes Diego and Grayson, you never annoy them, you never annoy us. We love you and you can talk to us whenever and wherever you want and or need.
We love you.
Your F/os love you.
Hey, thank you❤ I'm doing a little better than before but no too much because even after that huge breakdown to my mom she's still defending her and I can't understand how she could possible still defend her after everything that hapoened. I had another out of the probably hundreds of huge breakdowns to my mom (TW Emetophobia) where I was crying so hard I almost threw up and I told her I didn't love my grandma anymore and that I hated her which is something I've been too scared to admit to anyone else and even myself. Thank you, that really means a lot, seriously more than I can ever express and more than you'll ever know❤ My mom constantly talks about how we're "putting her in the middle" but I don't understand how she hasn't gotten it into her head that everything is just me defending myself which I should be allowed to do and should t be punished and mocked and put down for. Thank you you'll never know how good and helpful and validating that is to hear that they should be doing something different than what they are and that I'm not the problem or overreacting. I think I just have to accept that that'll never happen though, my mom continuously chooses my abusive grandma, who has abused both of us, over me and I think she always will and I just have to find some way to come to terms with and accept that. I want to leave both of them but then I get in my head and start thinking that once my grandma is gone somehow things will be ok finally and I should just forget everything that happened but 1. Things aren't ok even with just my mom. And 2. I shouldn't have to just forget everything that's happened and just be on with everything once she's gone. I always get in my head a lot and sometimes think maybe I should just wait it out and once I move out I'll be ok and I just won't see them too much so it won't be too big of an issue and I don't have to cut them out of my life but I think to truly heal I'll have to be completely away from them. Just like the thing that is also true for me that I can't heal while I'm still in the environment that hurt me. Scratch that not the environment that hurt me, with the people who hurt me. And then there's another thing relating to my dad but I don't know if I can get jnto it right now because my reply is already really long. And thank you again you have no idea how nice that is to hear, that I'm not the problem, that I'm not awful or overreacting or the cause of everything. It's gotten really hard to believe good things about me after living with them for so long but I'll try to make sure I know that I'm not the problem and that I'm better than them. You and everyone else always being here for me means mor me than you'll ever know and I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you all❤ And same for my f/os, I'm really glad you believe that they think the same way❤ Without them and you guys I really don't know if I'd be able to make it through everything❤ I love you all so much too❤ Thank you so much again, for everything❤
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wintaejk · 4 years
What Do You Dream About? | jjk
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When ___’s brother comes to her asking for help, she has no other choice than to take his place as a member of the biggest gang in the city, B.A.F. However, this is when BTS, another cartel, arrives in town that ___ has for mission to keep company to Jeon Jungkook, the leader of the gang. But BTS is only there for a few days, and ___ realizes soon enough that she only has a night to enjoy Jungkook’s company. Or that she thinks, at least.
Pairing: Jungkook x reader
Genre: Mafia au | Strangers to Lovers | Fluff | Smut
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 9.8k
Warnings: Smut, oral (f receiving), fingering, language, English is not my first language so if some sentences are weird it’s probably the reason (sorry about that lol)
A/N: I’ve already posted that OS but with another fanbase. However, I took it off from tumblr because I am not longer reading about the group (I still love you my babies tho), and I wanted to modify it a bit before posting it here. So this is my first ever English work, I hope you will enjoy it! 
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“You must be kidding me!”
It was the first and only thing you could say at the very moment. But as you looked at Yohan, your younger brother, you could tell he wasn’t kidding. Not at all, actually. “How did that happen?” You weren’t sure you wanted to know, to be honest, but you still had to ask.
“I was just… bored, I guess.” You’ve never been a violent kind of person, but at that very moment, all you wanted to do was to slap him. Hard. “You were bored? Jesus, Yohan! When people are bored, they read a book or watch television. They do not get enrolled in a gang.”
And now he was in deep shit. Asking for your help. But how could you ever say no to him, your little brother, the apple of your eyes.
“What gang?” You finally asked. Just thinking about the possibility of dealing with all those criminals was making you shiver. But you had no other choice. “B.A.F.” Yohan muttered.
B.A.F. was an acronym for Brave and Free. It wasn’t the biggest gang in the country, but it was the most important one in your city, the one controlling it. You could understand Yohan didn’t know how to deal with the situation, because you had no clue yourself. “I’ll deal with it.” You yet told him. You didn’t know how, but you knew you would find a way out.
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It appeared that it wasn’t hard to find the B.A.F’s headquarters. What was hard though, was to manage to talk to someone who could – who would accept to be more precise – to listen to your offer. It took you almost thirty minutes and a lot of flirting to convince the guard to let you in. Not to mention the good amount of money you had to provide. What he didn’t need to know was that it didn’t matter for you: you could have offered him way more since your father always made sure your bank account was full enough.
“The girl ‘ere wan’ed to talk to ya, boss.” The huge amount of muscles said to a middle-aged man who looked at you curiously. “And what’s the girl’s name?” If you didn’t know already that he was the leader of the gang, you would have immediately guessed. He wasn’t only dressed in fancy clothes. All in him yelled power and respect, from his demeanor to his perfectly styled hair.
“____.” Your voice wasn’t as confident as you would have wanted it to be, but you still managed to control it enough not to be shaky. You also took advantage of the silence to add quickly your last name after a few seconds.
That’s when you decided to take a look at what was around you. The room was simple, and you noticed the guard from the entrance had already left. But you immediately realized that you weren’t alone. Other gang members were attending this meeting, and you almost let a gasp of surprise when you recognized Kim Taehyung in the lot.
Taehyung was studying at the same university as you. He was a tall, beautiful, young man. He belonged to the kind of men that were almost impossible to ignore when passing them in the corridors. However, as much as you knew who he was, you were almost 100% sure he didn’t know you in return. And it was maybe better that way.
“Well, ___… Why such a pleasant surprise?” The leader got your attention back, a malicious smirk on the corner of his lips. You sighed lightly, mostly to gather your courage. “I’m Yohan’s sister. I- I would like to make a deal.” He didn’t ask anything. Or at least not verbally. Because the eyebrow he raised clearly showed you he wanted you to keep going.
“I would like you to let him go. To free him.” Bursts of laughter weren’t the reaction you were expecting. And it didn’t make you feel confident. Not a bit. “You must be very brave to come ask us such a thing, doll. Or very stupid.” At that moment, you started to think that you made a mistake by coming here. You started to think you were digging your own grave by trying to deal with these men.
“Fine. I’m all ears. What do you have to offer me?” You gulped. You knew with the look on his face, with the glint in his eyes that you’ll have to offer him more than what you had expected in the first place to manage to have what you wanted. “I can give you a lot of money. My father-” But he cut you before you could even finish your sentence.
“I don’t care about your money, doll. I am nothing like the pathetic guard you just bought with you daddy’s money. I have myself all the money I want. All the money I need. So I repeat my question: what do you have to offer me?” His tone was harsh and clear. If you wanted to stay alive, you would have to propose him more. Something that he would never be able to buy by himself.
I looked at Taehyung, the only person you knew here, as if he was going to help you. To save you. But it was obviously vain. So you said the first thing that came to your mind. The stupidest thing that crossed your mind, to be precise.
“I want to make an exchange.” You saw immediately his facial expression changing. He was interested. “My brother in exchange of me.”
You heard some more laughs in the room, but none of them came from the mouth of the man in front of you. “And what made you think we would want you instead of your brother, doll?” It wasn’t the leader who talked, but a man you had never seen before on your left.
Even though the question didn’t come from the most important man of the room, you still understood that an answer was required. Because yes, why you and not Yohan after all? “You have plenty of men under your orders. More than you probably even need. But women ready to sell their lives forever? Something tells me that you won’t receive that kind of proposition every other day.”
And just like that, with a few words, you sold your soul to the devil himself.
“I think we have a deal, ___.”
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Fortunately, your role in the gang wasn’t important. It was always about distracting men while other members stole things from them or delivering some shit you didn’t know about. In other words, nobody ever asked you to complete important missions. Or at least, it had not happened yet.
“BTS are in town.” Taehyung told you one day. It was him who inherited the task of supervising you. And let’s say immediately that he wasn’t very keen about it when he learnt it.
“And I should be excited because…” You were walking next to each other through the dense crowd of the university. However, no matter how full the corridors were, Taehyung was doing a good job at cleaning the way, he always had. “Not excited, ___. But it’s a big deal for the gang. The boss has been wanting to collaborate with them for so long. It’s a huge opportunity.”
A huge opportunity that led you to get asked to accomplish a mission way more important than the one that had been attributed to you in the past. And little did you know that mission was going to change the rest of your life forever.
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“So all you have to do is serve him and his closest members all night long.” Taehyung explained you for maybe the tenth time that day. “And what does ‘serve him’ mean, exactly?”
“You know, the usual shit. Taking his orders, bringing him drinks. Bending over so he has a full sight of your ass.”
The member that has slowly started to become your friend these past weeks left you alone after that explanation and walked through the people that were dancing and drinking in the party the leader of your gang organized. Taehyung turned around after realizing you were not following him, and that’s when you saw it in his eyes. Was it pity or sadness? No matter what it was, he was still waiting for you to lead you to your mission: play the waitress – a generic word that had a different meaning for your boss than it had for you – with the leader of BTS. You already knew it was going to be a long night.
“Mr. Jeon, let me introduce you to ___. She will be at your service for the rest of the night. You can ask her anything and everything you want, and she will make it her personal pleasure to satisfy your needs.” Taehyung said to a group of men sitting in a comfortable couch. Once again, it wasn’t difficult to determine who was the leader among all the members. What surprised you though was his age: he couldn’t be much older than you were.
But then you realized what Taehyung just stated. And especially what he was implying. “Not anything and everything, actually. I’m a waitress, not a prostitute.” You clarified loudly, earning a gaze from Taehyung next to you.
“___…” The tall man warned. But you didn’t care. If he thought you were going to have anything close to sex with the leader of BTS, he was wrong. Terribly wrong. You were not a slut.
You were going to protest once more, but the man in front of you interrupted your confrontation before you could even open your mouth. “You can leave now, Taehyung.” And so did he, without even looking twice at you.
You looked at the man with raven hair still sitting in the couch and gulped. Saying you were not intimidated would have been a lie, but you still managed to warn him. “I won’t have sex with you.” Which made him laugh. A warm and honest laugh. “I know, doll.”
What was with gang leaders and calling girls doll?
“If I can be honest, you’re a very pretty girl. Almost like a doll. Maybe that’s why you earned that name.” You almost slapped yourself in the face when you realized you spoke your thoughts out loud and he heard it. God was probably punishing you for something you couldn’t even remember.
He laughed when he noticed how your cheeks became a deep shade of red, even though there wasn’t much light for him to notice. And again this warm laugh that surprisingly made you want to trust him when you probably shouldn’t feel that way.
The night wasn’t as long as you had expected it to be. Jungkook – that’s how he asked you to call him – wasn’t very demanding. Only a drink now and then. And smiles, a lot of beautiful smiles that would have fooled you on the innocence of the owner if you didn’t know what was hidden behind this endearing behavior. Yet, the man knew he was handsome, and he was taking advantage of it.
But more than anything else, Jungkook surprised you when, halfway through the party, he got up and walked towards you. “This party is boring.” He stated, and you bit your lower lip to hide the smile that was menacing to spread on your face. He was right, but you couldn’t agree with him, in case indiscreet ears had been listening all along.
“Would you do me a favor?” He hiccupped right after saying this, and you had to prevent another smile. “Would you take me home? I drank way too much to drive by myself, and the other members are kinda busy.” They were indeed occupied with girls who were offering them lap dances. A usual for those parties. You glanced back at Jungkook who was now presenting his keys to you.
You bit your lips, trying to think about the best decision to take. You weren’t exactly naive. You knew it could be a way to attract you into his house. But on the other hand, he drank too much to be able to drive his car.
“How can I be sure it’s not a trap? Why would I trust you?” His eyes glinted for a second while looking at you. But he shook his head and answered you, the glint disappearing as quickly as it appeared. “Why wouldn’t you? Did I do anything that would make you doubt me?” He was bold and you were speechless. “I promise I won’t force you to do anything with me, ___.”
You knew that a promise from a leader of a gang didn’t mean shit. But you still grabbed his keys to take him home. At that moment, you didn’t think about how you were going to get home. You didn’t think about the fact you didn’t tell Taehyung you were leaving. You didn’t think about the fact he was a gang leader. You were only thinking about how he already got you under his spell. How dangerously appealing a man like him was. And it was terrifying you.
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His house was fucking huge. And that was probably the first thing you said when you both entered his living room. “It’s not really my house. I’m just renting it.”
But it didn’t matter. It was still huge, and you were used to enormous spaces.
“Want something to drink?” Jungkook questioned while moving towards a cabinet where alcohol was probably waiting to be drunk. “Just water, please.” You didn’t want to lose any bit of your ability to make reflected decisions. Not with him around you. Not when you already felt inebriated just by being around him.
“Here, your just water.” He gave you a fancy glass that was probably made in some fancy material like crystal. One more thing that proved Jungkook was probably richer than the Queen of England herself.
“I’m very curious about how you ended up in that gang.” The leader told me after looking at you intently for a moment. “What make you think that I haven’t been a part of this world my whole life?”
Jungkook did not become the leader of the biggest gang by simple luck. It was position that required self-discipline, composure, responsibilities and also a big sense of observation. And analyzing the environment in which he was growing was a talent particularly developed by the leader. “Your manners. And the respect you have towards the others. Towards yourself.” It sounded like a compliment. At least, you decided it was one, especially when you considered how it sounded in his mouth. Like something honorable.
“Just had to make a deal to get my younger brother out of this.” He didn’t answer right away and just looked at you a little bit longer.” So you sacrificed yourself?” You just nodded because, honestly, you never thought about it that way until now. You just wanted Yohan to be happy and live the life he always dreamt about, no matter if you had to abandon your owns dreams in the meantime. “Loyalty is highly appreciated by people like me. What kind of leader would refuse such a deal? Especially when the deal look like that.”
“What do you mean?” You searched the man’s eyes in the mid-light, mid-darkness of the living room and you weren’t disappointed by what you found in them. A pure glint of mischief and amusement. “I meant, who would say no to have a literal walking goddess among their gang members?”
You would lie if you said you didn’t blush because of his comment. Jungkook was a handsome man after all. But you decided to play along, hoping he didn’t notice your actual, flustered state. “So this is it. Your best cheesy pick-up line?”
His next move took you by surprise. He walked towards you, like a predator. And you were clearly his prey. Once he stopped two inches away from you, he captured a strand of your hair between his forefinger and his thumb. You were completely at his mercy, caught in between the want of pressing your body to feel more, to have more of him and the need of taking a step back in fear of ending in a dangerous situation you wouldn’t have the strength to stop. But no matter the risks, he could have done anything to you and you wouldn’t have emitted a single protest. “I totally can do way better, but I’m not sure your heart could handle it.”
You were now as red as a tomato. Everything about him and the way he acted was flustering you. His proximity. His breath brushing against your skin. The way he pronounced every single word delicately. His scent – holy shit, if he didn’t smell like heaven... He was slightly driving you crazy.
But he suddenly took a step backwards and you breathed deeply, feeling free of your movements, of your thoughts once again. “I thought you said you wouldn’t try to seduce me, Jungkook.”
Your pitiful attempt to save what was left of your self-control faded away the moment your host answered you. “I never promised I wouldn’t try to seduce you, doll. I said that I wouldn’t force you to do anything you didn’t want to.”
And maybe you were naïve, maybe it was stupid to feel that way, but you trusted him. Because at this moment, you really wanted to be there with him. And you were prepared to continue this dance you had with him that was slowly inflaming all your organs, but Jungkook chose this moment to change his strategy.
“Tell me more about you, ___.” This man knew how to keep you on your toes. In all ways possible. “What do you wanna know?”
Jungkook now had made himself something that was probably a strong whisky and was sipping from his glass, not even bothered by the strong taste of it. He was looking like if he was thinking about what he really wanted to know about you. And finally, he seemed to be decided. He pushed his glass away from his mouth and smiled to you. He had a terribly nice smile.
“What do you dream about, pretty girl? I want to know everything about your craziest dreams.”
You weren’t even startled, this time. You were blown away. He was unpredictable. And you were speechless because you never really thought about what you really wanted in life. “I don’t know. I guess I just want to be happy.” You shrugged. It was probably the lamest answer you could have given him. But that was the only one you had in mind at that very moment. Yet you didn’t want to look at his face to discover how bored and disappointed he was by you. So you changed quickly the perspective of the conversation. “What about you, Jungkook?”
Plus, in all honesty, he was unreadable, and you wanted to know more than anything about him as well.
“I don’t know if I can trust you enough for that, love.” Again, one of his pet names. But it was his statement that got your attention the most and made you quirk an eyebrow. “For what I know, you could be gathering information about me for your gang leader. It wouldn’t be the first time a lovely, good-looking girl would try to seduce me in order to ruin me better later.”
Multiple emotions immediately overwhelmed you after his explanation. The first one was astonishment. You weren’t expecting that at all. But it didn’t last for a long time, because right after you felt genuinely upset. How could he even imagine you would play him like that?! But as he told you, he was the leader of BTS – one of the biggest cartels of the country – and he was used to and expected that kind of behavior. From everywhere and everyone. So you couldn’t blame him for being careful. You could even feel your anger slowly fading away to be replaced by something that looked terribly like a mix of empathy and pity. You wouldn’t want to live like that, analyzing every act of every person you hung out with.
You didn’t want Jungkook to know every thought that crossed your mind during this long minute, even though you were almost sure he could read you like an open book. So you just replied with the first thing that went through your head at that moment. “Am I doing a good job though? At seducing you?”
And then you realized. If you wanted him to trust you – and you didn’t even know why you had that want in the first place –, it was the last thing you should have said after his revelation.
You were afraid you already messed up every chance you had of him to open up to you. But you still tried a last thing and got closer to him. Almost as close as he was minutes ago.
“I promise the last thing I want is to ruin you, Jungkook.” It was just a whisper, but you knew the beautiful man had heard it. You were eye to eye, now. You couldn’t be more sincere. And once again, he lifted his hand towards your face, but to stroke your cheek this time. “You’re doing such a good job, love.”
You bit your lower lip, understanding he was referring to your previous question. His hand was still on your cheek, warming your skin. The sensation was beyond pleasant, but you were too close. You definitely were going to get burnt if you stayed there longer. So you pulled away, making sure to keep a safe distance between your bodies.
“Are you trusting me enough to answer my question, now?” You knew it was a bold move, considering your position. You knew he was a gang leader. And you knew you could get in trouble for being insolent like you were. But he made you feel so comfortable you couldn’t help yourself.
“I have everything I’ve ever desired, love. All my dreams became true a long time ago.” He broke the silence after some time of thinking. However, something in the way he said it weren’t right, making you frown. “I don’t believe you. Everybody has a dream.”
“I’m not everybody.” It was his turn to shrug, and you understood you just shouldn’t push it. So you let it go… for now.
You preferred asking him another questions. A lot of questions, in fact. And he asked you many questions in return. The more you talked, the more you felt comfortable around him. And you talked for a very long time. Until an advanced hour of the night – or the morning, you should say. And you secretly hoped he was as charmed by you as you were by him.
“I never thought it would be that pleasant to have a deep conversation with someone.” Jungkook suddenly affirmed. And you were going to comment his insignificant statement by saying something about all the girls he was used to hook up with, but something hit you hard at that moment. Because the thing was, it wasn’t an insignificant statement even if it looked like it in the first place.
“I almost believed you when you told me you didn’t have any dream.” You saw one of his eyebrows raising on his forehead, quietly asking you to go on with that thought.
“That’s actually very funny. Because it seemed like you have everything you’ve ever wanted. You actually do have everything poor people dream about. A huge house. An expensive car. More money than time to spend it. You even have dishes in crystal…” You lifted the glass now full of some random liquor, but the black-haired man interrupted you. “They are in diamonds, in fact.” You scoffed. He was so rich it was almost ridiculous.
Jungkook had to make a movement with his hand to invite you to continue, but not before you rolled your eyes extravagantly.
“You make it seem like you have everything.” You looked once more at the vastness of his living room before turning your head back towards him. “But in your enormous palace, you feel so lonely. And all you really wish is for some genuine soul to keep you company. Am I wrong?” You murmured the last part, but he had no problem to hear it. You weren’t that far away from each other, anyway. And that’s why it took him only half a second to close the distance between you. You were once again too close for your liking. Too close to allow your mind to think clearly.
“You’re a smart girl, ___.” Jungkook stated. Your heart was pounding in your chest. “Always feeling terribly lonely. And I never stay long enough in a place to find someone who could become my own home.” You immediately knew he hadn’t been that honest with someone in years. And it warmed your heart that he decided to choose you as a safe place to share his deepest secrets with.
“When do you leave?” You hesitated to ask. But you also needed to know. Your heart was still hammering, harder and stronger every minute passing. “Tomorrow.”
And after all the pounding it has been doing since the leader came closer, it suddenly stopped in your chest.
You couldn’t even hide your disappointment. And Jungkook didn’t miss the way your face fell. “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” He sighed. It was his way to try to ease the feeling that was overwhelming you at that moment. And in a way, it worked. “I’m still not going to have sex with you, Kook.” You let out a small chuckle, but his laugh never came, in opposition of what you had expected. In reality, he was just stunned by the nickname you just used. It was stupid, but he hadn’t been called that way in years.
“What about a kiss?”
You didn’t even have to answer. Your lips were only inches apart. They were brushing against each other. And when you closed your eyes, he decided it was the only sign he had been waiting for before definitely closing the gap between you.
What was a simple kiss at the beginning became soon enough a stronger and deeper one. With your tongues dancing with each other. With your hands discovering each other’s face. With your bodies pressing and melting into the other one.
While you were moving your lips in synchronization with his, you wondered if he was used to kiss every other girl like he was kissing you. Slowly. Passionately. Deeply. You wondered if he was used to pass his hands in other girls’ hair the same way he was stroking yours. Gently. Tenderly. Lovingly. And you wondered if he was used to lay those girls down like he laid you on his couch. Kindly. Delicately. Cautiously.
And more than anything else, you were wondering how you were ever going to forget about the way Jeon Jungkook was kissing your lips. Like if he owned them. Like if they were made for him.
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Getting back to your boring life was hard after that night. You couldn’t stop replaying the kisses you shared with Jungkook. You had to occupy your brain with complex tasks to prevent it from daydreaming about the sensations that overwhelmed you during your make-out session with the black-haired leader. And you would have bet it was a complete dream if there wasn’t the remnant of a small hickey adorning the place where your neck and your shoulder met, reminding you this moment of pure bliss when he sucked and bit on the sensitive skin.
That was exactly why you were at the very moment trying to study in a small café of the town. To avoid thinking about Jungkook. And to physically avoid Taehyung.
Unfortunately for you, the fellow member had noticed you leaving the party with your mission of the night. So it wasn’t a surprise he strongly believed something happened between the two of you. Even though you assured him at least twenty times nothing happened at all. Which was a lie, because you still ended up making out on his couch, but he didn’t need to know about that.
But no matter how hard you tried to push your unwanted thoughts away, every single thing around you reminded you of him. You closed your eyes and breathed deeply before sighing. You missed him so much that you even started smelling his cologne instead of the strong scent of coffee when you perfectly knew he was already far away from this town.
However, when you opened your eyes, you almost jumped from surprise. He was there. Jungkook was right in front of you.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” You heard yourself saying. You didn’t even process the words that left your mouth. “I don’t remember you being the swearing type. At least, as long as my mouth stay far away from your neck.”
You were speechless. It was all he had to say? You waited a little bit longer for a different answer than the one he just gave you, but he apparently decided to ignore your question. Which pissed you off even more.
So you ignored him back. It was even more impossible to be concentrated on your work now that Jungkook were looking at you from the other side of the table, but you still could fake it. And that’s what you did by typing on your laptop as if he wasn’t even there.
“What are you working on?” The leader asked you. Silence. You saw his fingers starting fidgeting with one of your pens that were lying on the table. You didn’t know if it was to get your attention or a habit of him, but you just ignored it as well, still typing incoherent words on your laptop. “You’re really pretty today.” He added after a few more minutes. You managed to hold back the scoff that was menacing to get out of your mouth, but no matter how hard you tried, your eyebrow still raised high on your forehead. Was he serious? You weren’t even wearing makeup.
Your technique seemed to work because after another long silence, Jungkook sighed loudly and caught one of your hands. “Fine! I just decided we could stay a little bit longer here.”
You looked up to dive your eyes in his and squeezed his hand back. You could pretend you were annoyed with him, but there was gesture even the sanest person couldn’t deny. Holding his hand and intertwining your fingers with his was one of them. “And what made you change your plan?” You questioned, hoping he would admit the reason was you. And because like you, he couldn’t forget about the night you spent together. “Some unexpected meeting, I would say.”
You didn’t have to ask for further explanations, his eyes were saying it all for him, making your heart miss a beat. You would lie if you said he didn’t get you all flustered. But he was used to it now. And so were you.
“I’m gonna let you pretend you’re working now. Yoongi’s waiting for me outside. We have a meeting with your gang.” You looked outside the café and identified the gang member the leader just mentioned. You had a vague memory of Yoongi being at the party your gang had organized the night before.
Jungkook finally got up but didn’t head towards the door of the café as you expected him to. On the contrary, he walked to you, caught your chin between his fingers and bended your head backwards so you were face to face. “You should be careful. That kind of behavior you had earlier could get you into trouble. You’re lucky I’m all wrapped around your finger.”
You didn’t even have the time to process what he just told you before he placed a feather-like kiss on your lips. And with that, he was gone. Leaving you a complete mess on your chair and no way to concentrate on your work.
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You decided, at the end of the day (and only at that moment because you didn’t want to seem too eager either), to pass by the general headquarters, which you usually tried to avoid at all cost. But maybe Jungkook was still there, and you really wanted to see him again.
You’re so whipped, ___. You groaned, the reality hitting you. But you couldn’t fight the urge to see him again anymore. There was something about him, you didn’t know what and you didn’t know why but you didn’t want to fight this desire of knowing more and more and more about him anymore. Not after believing you would never see him again.
But the depot where the B.A.F.’s members were always meeting was almost empty. Except for some girls you usually preferred staying away from. You were going to simply ignore them and leave, but you heard your name being called behind you before you could even reach the exit. What the hell did she want?
“I heard about you and Jungkook.” She simply stated. For what you remembered, her name was Yoojin. However, you couldn’t care less at that moment who she was, all you could think about was her statement and the knot it created in your stomach. You didn’t want to get in trouble with her, because you knew that if she decided to start a fight, she would literally ruin you. But even if you were perfectly aware of it, you weren’t going to let her intimidate you. “What about Jungkook and I?”
“Well, it’s a tradition here to tell other girls what exactly happened with a member of another gang. In details.” Her smile was pure evil. It was no doubt she was dying from jealousy. But you honestly couldn’t care less. “Then it’s a shame that nothing happened. At all.”
Yoojin didn’t like you either. You could see it. And you also could see that she didn’t believe you. Once again, you didn’t give two fucks about what she was thinking. You just wanted to know where the rest of the gang were. However, it wasn’t going to be that easy to get answers from her. “What did you do then? Had a cup of tea?”
“You wouldn’t understand, Yoojin. People like you usually can’t.” Her eyes narrowed and her jaw tightened immediately. Let’s say you already were thinking about the shortest and fastest way to run away from this place. “And what exactly does people like me mean?”
You looked at her for a moment, trying to choose the right words. But it seemed like there wasn’t a right way to get out of this mess. Jungkook was right after all. Your behavior was really going to get you in trouble. “I’m just saying that you can keep acting like a prostitute all you want. But at the end of the day, you will still be remembered at the girl who just opens her legs easily and nothing more.”
You then walked slowly backwards. If there was something you’ve learned during your short life as a gang member, it was to never turn your back to your enemy. You only authorized yourself to do so when you reached the door and grabbed the handle to finally get out. But, once again, she spoke before you could exit the room.
“I hope you enjoyed your time with him, ___. Maybe the current mission is going to be the last one.” It was your turn to be lost. Did she want to scare you just for her own pleasure or was she saying the truth? “What do you mean?”
“They all left hours ago. Had some problems with another gang to solve. And you know how vendettas are… You never know who will return.”
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“What the hell are you doing here?” It was a little bit after three in the morning, and you got woken up by loud thumps against the front door of your apartment. But you found yourself wide awake the moment you discovered Jungkook standing behind the door. And when you noticed he was incredibly pale you immediately forgot it was the middle of the night.
“I was worried sick.” You told him while opening your door largely to let him come inside. “You shouldn’t. You know I’m a rock, love.” His voice was weak and when he took a step forward, he stumbled and caught hold of you to prevent him from crashing completely on the ground. That’s when you knew you had all the reasons to be worried.
“What happened?” You helped him walk towards your bedroom that was the closest room from the door. You made him sit on your bed, but even there you could see it was hard for him to keep sitting straight. “Got stabbed by this fucker. Would have died if Taehyung wasn’t a fantastic shooter.”
He showed you the cut on his stomach. It was deep, and you could see that someone did a poor job at stitching it. “It’s infected.” You stated. It became very clear to you that you had to repair it yourself, and quickly.
You got out of the room to go get your stitches set, which was in your living room with your university stuff. You grabbed it and got back to your bedroom where Jungkook hasn’t moved an inch. “I’m going to take them off and do it myself.” You informed the black-haired leader who was watching your every move.
“How come you have that thing?” He was referring to your set. “Perks of being a medicine student.” Your simply answered, focused on your work. Jungkook was now lying on the bed and you could see him wincing from the corner of your eyes, but there wasn’t any other way of fixing the mess of the wound. And unfortunately, anesthetic wasn’t not supplied with the basic kit.
“I didn’t know that. You never told me.” It wasn’t a reproach, just a statement. “You didn’t ask me the other night.” You were now cleaning correctly the wound, hoping that there wasn’t anything inside of it.
You stayed silent for a moment, you working cautiously and him watching you. You would probably have blushed if you weren’t so concentrated on your task. After a few more minutes, the head of the cartel sitting on your bed spoke again, certainly to forget about the pain your needle was causing. “How come you live alone? I mean, your parents’ house wasn’t that far away from the university…”
“Too loud to study. My father has to invite a lot of businessmen because of his job and my brother always plays music loudly and his friends are always over.” What you didn’t tell him, though, was that you hated that house and all the memories that were linked to it.
“And your mother?” Your hand stopped in the air, the needle still between your thumb and your index, your eyes fixed on his stomach. You didn’t want to look at him at the moment. You didn’t want to show him how vulnerable his question made you. “Wasn’t it written in my file? Because I guess that’s where you found my address?”
Talking about your mother always made you bitter. Always reminded you the wound that was still here. Not a physical one, like the one you were stitching, but a mental lesion. An emotional grief that will always be there.
Jungkook didn’t deny he read your file. It was useless, you already knew it. And you weren’t stupid enough to believe one of his lies, anyway. “It wasn’t. And I want to hear from you anyways.” Was all he said. You couldn’t help it anymore, you had to look at his face. To know if it was just to torture you or if he was sincere. And what you saw on his face persuaded you to trust him. Made you fall for him even harder.
“She died. When I was twelve.” At that moment you had completely forgot that you had to finish stitching him. All you could think about was the moment you entered your house to find her lifeless body. “She was depressed. She just… hanged herself in the living room.”
Your father always had been a work freak, but after that you barely saw him at home.
The tension was thick between the two of you. Jungkook didn’t say a thing, which you were grateful for, and just caressed your face with his thumb. You’ve always hated people trying to comfort you with empty words when there was nothing more to say. And as you weren’t talking anymore, you just started to stitch the wound again.
When you finally finished your task, you cut the thread off and got up on your feet. That’s when Jungkook spoke again. “What the hell are you wearing?” You looked down at your outfit and realized you were only wearing a large t-shirt that once belonged to your brother and that arrived mid thighs and hid your panties. “Have I some competition I didn’t know about?” Your unexpected guest added, still on the bed.
He was literally staring at your legs with not a single ounce of shame. And you would have lied if you said you didn’t like it. “You don’t. At all. I just love sleeping with baggy clothes.” He was still lying on the bed, but sit up the moment you said it, the hair previously resting on his forehead coming in front of his eyes. You were craving to pass your hand in it.
“Great. Makes it easier for me.” You saw a cocky smile appearing on his face. The one that you hated as much as you loved. “Even if I know I wouldn’t have to worry too much.” What a presumptuous bastard. He was still smiling at you, as if he already won the battle. “And what make you so sure about it?”
You weren’t prepared for his next move. Even though the moment he grabbed your hand to pull you toward him you knew he was only waiting for you to provoke him. You were now straddling his legs and your face was only inches away from his. At least for now. “This.”
Jeon Jungkook was definitely the best kisser you’ve ever met in your life. Nobody had ever kissed you the way he did. Like if he was hungry. Like if he was thirsty. Like if you were the best meal and drink at the same time of the whole world.
His lips were surprisingly soft and tasted like cinnamon. He bit your lip and you opened immediately your mouth to allow his tongue to meet yours. You had been craving this sensation for almost one week now so you almost moan when you felt it entering your mouth and grazing your own tongue.
You made out for quite a long time. Exchanging your saliva. Stroking each other’s hair, as you wanted so much a few minutes ago. Sucking on the thin skin of your necks and leaving hickeys.
“Maybe we shouldn’t do that. Not with you being hur-” You remembered trying to say at a moment. But you forgot what crossed your mind the moment the man now hovering over you placed his lips on yours once again. And you couldn’t even care less when you felt his hands moving up and down on your thighs. But not once did he get higher than your thighs during your make-out session. Actually, not once did he slide his hands higher during the entire night.
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You woke up with Jungkook the next morning. And the morning after that. And again the next morning. In fact, you woke up next to the leader the whole following week. You wanted to blame it on the fact that you had to take care of him, to watch his wound to be sure it was healing correctly. And it was true, in a way. But the very truth was that you couldn’t get enough of him. Especially after the first morning you spent together.
The problem was, Jungkook was very cuddly in the morning. Which would have never been a problem if he didn’t fuel your hormones. With his kisses. And his hands roaming your entire body. His morning boner against your lower back. But that was it. He was only a flirt. Only light touches. Only a tease. And you were sexually frustrated like you’ve never been before.
“Morning.” You heard his voice behind you, spooning being Kook’s favorite way to sleep.
At that point, everything was aggravating the state you were currently in. From his husky morning voice to his fingers grazing the soft skin of your stomach. One inch away from your panties.
The kisses he started to place on your shoulder didn’t help soothing your actual mood. Actually it even made him stop all his moves when he felt how tensed your body was. “What’s going on?”
A whole week of frustration, that’s what’s going on. But you weren’t going to tell him. Because as stupid as it was, you didn’t want to admit out loud he was driving you crazy. Or at least, you didn’t want to admit it before he did. And you also didn’t want to lie. So you stayed silent.
You felt his nose running along your skin, from the end of your shoulder to your earlobe, making your body immediately press harder against his. “You smell so damn good.” At that moment you wondered if he knew what he was doing to you. Was this all on purpose? Or was he just oblivious to the sexual tension between you?
“Tell me what’s going on, baby. I can feel how tensed your body is.” Baby. That was a new one. It was always doll or love. Never baby.
Jungkook groaned when he realized you weren’t going to answer his question. And then turned you around so you were facing each other. The only thing you could think about now was how tempting his lips were.
However, when you tried to capture his mouth with yours, he moved backwards, almost making you moan. As if you weren’t already frustrated enough. You finally thought he was going to kiss you when his face went forward, but it was to once more pull back the moment your lips were going to touch.
Jungkook played that game two or three more times until you finally groaned before speaking again. “Are you going to tell me now?” His lips brushed yours again. Your bodies were now so close you could feel every single mechanism of his anatomy. Every breath. Every muscle tensing. Every heartbeat. And if you could feel it, he could probably tell how uneven your heart was thumping in your chest.
His hand on your thigh was a pure torture and made you tighten your legs against each other, afraid that Jungkook would find out what was going on between them in your panties. And at the same time excited and impatient.
Yet Jungkook was still waiting for an answer and you were waiting for his lips to kiss yours. So you just said it. "You just... frustrate me." His eyebrows, that were previously raised in question, furrowed in an instant. "Frustrate?" He was genuinely lost. But after looking at you intently, from head to toe, it seemed that he had finally gather all the signs of your frustration and that realization hit him hard.
A smirk – it was a little one but you still could see it – appeared on his face. He was proud of the effect he had on you, you could sense it with every fiber of your body. “And to think that I was controlling myself because I know you’re still a virgin…”
You were a what? You were taken aback. Utterly speechless. But it lasted only a few seconds, because your first reaction was to genuinely laugh. “I’m not-” You started to say, trying to speak while still laughing. “I’m not a virgin.”
Jungkook was frowning so much his eyebrows were almost touching each other. When your laughter finally died, the black-haired man opened his mouth as if he was going to says something, but he closed it almost immediately. “What made you think I was still a virgin?” You broke the silence. He simply shrugged, or more accurately tried to shrug, because you were still laid on the bed and it wasn’t the easiest position to move shoulders. “I don’t know… You were so against having sex with me I just thought it was because of that.”
“Well… I didn’t know you enough to let you have your way with me, love.” You didn’t even know why, but this whole situation was making you feel confident. You wanted to tease him, to tempt him, to make him beg. But as always, Jungkook found a way to reverse the situation. “And now you would?”
The beautiful man lying in front of you were once again too close. You couldn’t even breathe, so even less think properly. To be accurate, the only thing that was in your mind was him. His lips, his touch, his morning hard-on. And you were almost sure you were finally going to have what you had been craving for days.
“Too bad I have business to deal with.” Jungkook whispered, his breath crashing on your skin. He finally kissed your lips, but it wasn’t enough. It was only a peck, only two seconds of your lips meeting for the first time this morning. And then he was gone, walking proudly towards the bathroom. Because he fucking knew he was driving you insane.
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Jungkook got out of the bathroom fifteen minutes later. Fresh and ready for the day. You were still lying on the bed. Frustrated and upset.
He looked at you from his spot right in front of the door of the bathroom. He didn’t say a thing, and you didn’t want to break the silence. Your ego was already hurt enough. You also didn’t want to show him how bothered you were by his rejection, so you turned your head, avoiding his eyes. And that was what made him react. “Fuck it!”
Jungkook surprised you when he headed toward you instead of the door. He discarded the covers and grabbed your ankles to pull you closer to him. Your lower legs were now falling from the bed, and Jungkook was kneeling between them.
“I can’t fully satisfy your needs, but I can at least make you orgasm once before leaving.” You gulped at his words while he wasted no time to kiss your exposed thighs. You knew what he was up to and you had to prevent a moan to leave your mouth. He hadn’t even properly started, and you were already a mess underneath him.
Jungkook took off your shorts and panties at the same time and tossed them somewhere else in the room. He was going right for it, causing your arousal still there from all the teasing of the leader on you half an hour ago to increase even more every second passing. But that’s when his mouth met your core that you knew you weren’t going to last long.
He was licking you clean, sucking your bundle of nerves, fucking you with his fingers. You were a dessert and he was fucking starving. You were a glass of water and he was thirsty as hell.
You were gripping his hair, scratching his neck. And in response he would groan against your clit, which drove you crazy. It was so good you couldn’t remember your name. Only his. And you were moaning it. Screaming it.
His mouth was perfect. His tongue was heaven; and his fingers were the key of it. The combination of them made you come hard, harder than you’ve ever orgasmed. Your high lasted a long time, and you had to blink a few times to stop seeing stars.
Jungkook was watching you, his frame towering you. He closed the gap between you to kiss your lips, and this time it was a real kiss. A kiss that made your breath even more erratic. A kiss in which you felt your own slit on his tongue.
“See you later, babe.”
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Later that day, you received a text from Taehyung saying that you had to go to the headquarters right now. And you knew that you’d better be there very soon if you didn’t want to be in trouble, even though it meant you had to miss some classes at university. The gang was more important. That was the very first rule the fellow member had taught you when you entered the gang.
You were still wondering if you were going to get a new mission when you passed the door of the main room of the building. You weren’t the last person to arrive, but the room was almost full, since Jungkook’s gang was here as well.
You tried to catch the black-haired leader’s eyes, but he seemed to be deep in his thoughts. “Perfect! I think everyone’s here now.” You turned your head towards your own leader, still not sure what was about to happen. “They’re about to make a deal. The big boss always asks the whole gang to be there when it happens.”
You turned around to look at Taehyung who just whispered those words in your ear. He still had a few cuts on his face from the last mission they did. But it wasn’t as bad as the one Jungkook had had.
You were all silent, waiting for someone to start speaking and break the silence. And it finally happened after a few more minutes. “I’m gonna get straight to the point, Daehyun.” Jungkook said, talking directly to the leader of your gang. He was imperious and only someone mad would want to disrespect Jungkook at the very moment. “I know you want to make a deal with our gang. And I’m willing to consent. But I have some conditions.”
The B.A.F.’s leader seemed rather pleased and didn’t even try to hide it. By the face Jungkook’s was doing, you knew immediately he was contemptuous of this kind of reaction. The man you were now seeing for a whole week would have never showed his emotions like that.
You also knew Jungkook didn’t exactly liked your leader, making you wonder why he was accepting such a deal. “Our gangs will be linked. Meaning helping each other in case of problems. Collaborating. Exchanging pieces of information.” Daehyun nodded, his smile still visible on his face. “But I want Taehyung. And ___.”
Not even a fly could have been heard in the room at that moment. The B.A.F.’s leader was apparently thinking about it, trying to take the right decision. “You surely can have ___. Don’t even know why you want her so badly. But Taehyung… You have to understand he’s one of my best members.”
You almost wanted to roll your eyes. What a stupid bastard. “The role of a leader – of a good leader – is to know the qualities and the flaws of each member of their gang. If you would have taken an interest in ___, you would have discovered she’s studying medicine at university. And we all know a good doctor is an advantage you can’t deny in a cartel.”
Your whole body reacted as if it was on fire because of Jungkook’s words. He literally stood up for you, in front of both gangs. In a way, it almost meant more than him declaring his love for you. And the look of humiliation that was painted on Daehyun’s face made you even more ecstatic.
“I want Taehyung, too. And we both know I will have him.” It wasn’t a threat. But everyone could understand and sense the danger in Jungkook’s voice, and maybe Daehyun wasn’t the smartest person you’ve ever met, but he wasn’t stupid either.
So he finally accepted the deal. And that’s how you and Taehyung became a part of BTS.
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Naked was the look that suited the most Jeon Jungkook. He was confident and stunning. And he was lying in your bed, his fingers running along your arm after many rounds of rather rough sex.
You were sleepy but you couldn’t resolve yourself to close your eyes and stop staring at your new leader’s face. “You’re so beautiful.” You didn’t even mean to speak, but you couldn’t care less. You thought it with every fiber of your body. “You’re gorgeous. And mine. In any way possible.” Was his reply to your previous outburst.
You quirked an eyebrow, and a playful smile appeared on your lips. “Mmmh, I don’t remember you asking me to be your girlfriend.” He was quick to mimic your smile and get even closer to your body. His head was now in your neck, his lips brushing the many love bites he left earlier. “You know I made you mine the moment I marked you, love. And we both know you love that.”
Light kisses were spread on your light skin, and he sucked one more time. You were tired, but you weren’t going to stop him. “Be my girlfriend, ___.” He wasn’t asking, but he wasn’t demanding either.
“We both know I want it more than anything else.” You answered. He stopped to kiss your neck to smile at you, eyes in the eyes. His smile was intoxicating. He was intoxicating. But a good kind of intoxicating.
“You know you don’t have to stay in the gang if you don’t want to.” Jungkook was serious and sincere. You could see it in his eyes. “I don’t want to leave the gang if it means being a stranger to you.” That was actually your biggest fear at that moment. Jungkook giving up on you.
“You will never be a stranger to me, ___.” He only called you by your name when he was talking with his heart. You learnt it during the short amount of time you spent with him. “Remember the night we met?” You simply nodded, captivated by the way his lips were moving. “You asked me what my dream was. And you proved me for the first time that day how smart you were. How smart you are. I spent my whole trying to find the missing piece. The person who will make me feel like home. And you make me feel like home, ___.”
You couldn’t even describe how your heart was pounding in your chest. Or how you wanted to be one with his whole heart and soul.
“You realized my biggest dream, love. And I want to spend the rest of my life realizing yours.” It was only him and you. Right here and right now. The rest didn’t matter anymore. You were each other’s home. And you were beautiful and strong together.
“So tell me, love. What do you dream about?”
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luna-is-on-mars · 3 years
Hello, Luna my dear💖🥰
I'm just passing by to check in on you. I miss you lots🥺😭 How are you, darling? How is everything? I apologize to you again for being so inactive lately. But I think of you very often, always hoping you're doing well💓💓 I really hope you are taking good care of yourself and that the heat isn't doing too much to you and your health. I'm worried about you... Please don't forget to drink enough water, use sunscreen when you go out and take your meds for your allergies etc. (if you use any). I am sure your Hatter and all the other F/Os you have are taking good care of you💗 Once he notices your glass/bottle is empty, I'm sure he'll bring you new tea, preferably your favorite flavor or maybe even ice tea for the heat. He would really do anything to make sure his one and only is doing well🥺❤️
Also, I don't want to give too much away, but I started working on a little birthday present for you this morning😊 Hopefully, I'll manage to get it done in time. I apologize to you in advance if I don't make it. But then you'll definitely get it in the next few days😌
I love and appreciate you so so much, darling!! Please stay safe and well. I'm sending you lots of love and hugs🤗💜
I hope that you're aware how incredible much you mean to me? It's actually quite frustrating that I'm never able to do your incredible kindness and attentiveness any justice! I always become so overwhelmed and speechless (in a good way of course) when reading your sweet messages and all I can think of are the same words and sentences every time again... But THANK YOU! Interacting with you is honestly always such a joy and never fails to brighten my day and make me smile ♡
And please don't apologize for being more inactive recently, because I fully understand the reason(s) behind it and I'm actually so sorry that I don't know how to help you! But please don't forget that I'm supporting you, always, no matter what. I'm there for you, should you want to talk, ramble or anything else (although I'm terrible at giving advices, I would still try to be of any help). YOU'RE NOT ALONE!
You absolutely don't have to worry about me! There's already so much on your mind and I really don't want to be a additional reason for dragging you down, I'm really not worth that. I still thank you for caring for me, that means so much to me!
This week has been exhausting to me and that's probably even played down (though, that wasn't only due to the heat/sun). However, I've been told that it has been the warmest week of the summer, so it should hopefully be bearable for me from now on?
Thank you for reminding me! I actually find it hard to remember to drink enough, especially in summer. I LOVE tea, but surprisingly only two types of iced tea? And yes, Jervis took good care of me and kept me lovely company (most of my other "F/O's" are actually rather fond of the summer?) ♡ Talking with you about my F/O's is such a wonderful feeling, I absolutely love it ♡♡♡
Oh, you really don't have to do anything for me! And even less should you put yourself under pressure because of me or even something remotely similiar! My birthday isn't that special to me anyway, it never was, it has always been a day like any other. Since I never had any real friends and hardly any family, my mom had no money for gifts and mostly had to work anyway, we never really celebrated my birthday (although I always get a small, delicious cake!).
I'm sending you so much love and hugs right back! I greatly value and love you too! ♡♡♡
I wish you a beautiful day ♡
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canongf-archive · 4 years
hey liv!! hope you're doing ok!! so recently i got into a huge verbal fight with a friend n i feel awful about it n now im just scared that my f/os wont love me anymore or find me unattractive because of that n i was wondering if i could ask how do i get over this feeling? idk why but i feel this is kinda childish to ask so i apologize fjfbfht
hi nonnie !!!!! 💗  i’m doing rlly good today, thank you for checking in!!! 
but i’m so sorry to hear you’re not in the same boat!!!  i’m so sorry you’re feeling the way you’re feeling!!!
fights with friends are. absolutely terrible. at any and every age!!! and i don’t blame you for feeling bad now!!! these are not childish emotions, and even if they were!!! children’s emotions are still valid!!! and so are yours!!! no matter what the fights are about or what is said in them, they’re emotionally devastating and mentally draining and having to live with that tension afterwards takes a lot out of you!!! 
but they happen. they happen to every single one of us. we mess up, or our friend messes up, or we both mess up, or neither of us mess up and we just miscommunicate, and it sucks!!! but the good news is that our worth as human beings isn’t based on that. it doesn’t make us inherently bad people, nor does it make us unattractive or undeserving of love.
i think it’s important to look at it from a different perspective! it’s easy to get in our heads and to allow the way we’re feeling now to dictate how we think other people are looking at us but that’s not really how that works. 
like. think of what your f/os have been through. it hasn’t always been smooth sailing for them, has it? i’m sure they’ve had to deal with some sort of conflict at least once. maybe they messed up! maybe they lied or they acted irresponsibly or they refused to communicate or they hurt somebody’s feelings or they got into a fight themselves! whatever happened in their story, i’m sure there was at least once where they were at a low point. how did you feel about them then?
did you suddenly hate them? did you suddenly find yourself not attracted to them anymore? did you suddenly start thinking of them as less than? or did you still love them. did you see it all and understand why things happened the way that they did. did you want to be there and pick up the pieces with them.
why couldn’t it be that way for you! why couldn’t they love you before and then see you at a low point and still love you! still want to be there for you, still want to help pick up the pieces and pick you up and put you back on your feet! your f/os love you for who you are, and nothing about who you are has changed because of this fight. it’s just something that happened. and yeah, it sucked and it makes you feel terrible! but it won’t be like this forever. it will stop feeling so bad, and you will still be you. and your f/os will still be there. 
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myrainydayloves · 5 years
Finding Friendship in the S/I Community!
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Howdy, I’m Annaka and Sho from Persona 4 Ultimax is my main squeeze! I’ve been in the S/I Community for about a year and a half. I’m not as popular as some users but I have a modest following.
With my credentials out of the way. Here’s my advice to self shippers who are having a problem making friends or gaining followers or gaining the attention they want. I’m gonna walk you through some steps and then you’ll have, at least, a solid idea of how to go about things
Step One: Contact
Find someone you’re interested in talking to. This could be someone who has an F/O from the series you have an F/O in or simply enjoy. Or they could be someone you have an interest in talking too!
Once you find them, you have to message them. And I know that’s hard bc it’s not anonymous! But trust me, most people around here are very understanding! And it’s exciting to have someone want to talk to you! But, just in case you’re at a loss for words, here’s a lil sample script you can follow:
You: Hi, I’m (y/n) and I loved your blog! I noticed you ship with *insert name* and that’s so cool because I loooove *insert type of media: Show/Game/Book etc*
Them: (Here they’ll probably say hello and thank you and maybe ask about your ship)
NOW here’s the tricky part. It will quickly increase your friendship with them if you insist on talking more about their ships than your own. I know you wanna gush but this about making friends! Let them talk and encourage them to talk by asking questions about their ship!
Here are some sample questions:
How did you two meet?
Where was your first date and what was it like?
How do you show your love for them and how do they show their love for you?
Do you guys have any inside jokes?
What drew you to them?
Was there ever a date that went awry but still had a happy ending?
Are you friends with their friends?
Etc. Etc.
Step Two: Bonding!
Now there are lots of ways you can increase your friendship with someone. The best way I’ve found is to be very nice or a little bit selfless!
If your newly acquired friend reblogs an ask meme, send them an ask! If they’re gushing, encourage it! If they seem hesitant about liking someone new, encourage them to try it out! Just send asks randomly!
All of these little things will cause them to take an interest in you! Your friendship only blossoms from there!
Step Three: Content!
People like seeing and hearing about your love for your f/os! No one’s judging you here! My suggestion is to keep it PG-13 so it can reach a wider audience but you certainly don’t have too. Even just a post gushing about them is good!
If you enjoy writing or drawing about your F/O, please post it! It might not get many notes but it will let people know one) what kind of stuff you’re into so they can talk to you about it and two) it lets other people know that you really want to be here
But let’s say you can’t do any of those things! That’s okay! Just write up a post expressing your thoughts and admiration for your F/O! It works to the same affect.
Step Four: Give It Time
It’s tough but making friends is slow business. If you’re lucky, you’ll find someone you click with right away. If not though, give it some time. There’s no rush.
That’s that folks! And if you want to practice, my messages are always open. I hope this helps somewhat!
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
Hey Erika!💚 can I ask your advice? Me and my f/o don’t speak the same language, and in my mind I never talk to him as much as I want because I don’t know in which language to make him speak... Is it wrong to make him speak my language? Sometimes I try to daydream conversations with his, but I don’t speak it very well and it’s not the same. Can I make my f/o bilingual? I don’t want to change him, I want him to be canon, but I find it difficult to use his language when I daydream 😖
Hello, my love!💙
I just want to apologise for having not responded to this ask for several days, as I said yesterday I haven’t been feeling up to it and I wanted to give you the full attention and consideration that you deserve. I think I’m in a slightly better place now, so I’ll do my best! You deserve nothing less.
Some of my F/Os don’t speak English and for a long time I never spoke to them if I felt them around me, I only laid with them or cuddled with them in absolute silence so I understand, darling. The older I’ve gotten and the closer I’ve become with my F/Os, especially the ones who don’t speak English, the more I realised that my version of my F/Os are for me. As such, they can speak their native language and your language! I don’t think it’s wrong at all to have your F/Os speak to you in English! It’s the most basic form of communication between the two of you; but if you don’t want to totally take away from who he is in canon, then you can always make him bilingual! Or maybe there’s some kind of ‘translation’ going on so he’s speaking in his native tongue and you’re hearing it in English, or vice versa. It’s whatever you want it to be, because your F/O is yours! He will still be canon even if he’s speaking English, darling.
I hope that something here is of help to you and that you’re able to communicate with your F/O more effectively! I wish you all the best, honey!💜
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icarus-imagines · 5 years
Len Kagamine X Fan!Reader -Part 3- -The End-
Request from an internet friend~
Word Count: 2,115
Category: Vocaloid
~My Idol~
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"(Y/n)!" a familiar voice called. You turned around quickly seeing Len running towards you. He stopped and caught his breath for a second as he smiled at you overly exhausted from so much dancing and singing. You could see the very sweat accumulated on his smooth skin.
He worked so hard, you thought.
"Are you alright?" you asked worried about his health. "Maybe you danced too much..."
He smiled wearily to reassure you even though you kept your worry close at hand. "I'm quite alright. Dancing and singing this much is normal for me, you don't have to worry. I'll be okay."
You returned the smile even though you thought he wouldn't be okay. "If you say so. Just remember to drink lots of water!" you say importantly.
He chuckled at your persistence and nods. "I'll make sure of it."
He opened his mouth to ask you something but was interrupted as Rin came, a bundle of joy and untamed excitement, as she hugged Len tightly from behind around his neck. They greeted each other and you couldn't help but crack a smile at their loving sibling relationship.
"Sorry, if I'm stealing his attention from you," she said directing her speech towards you, " but I just wanted to let Len know I'm leaving with my partner."
You nodded in understanding knowing she was talking about the person who took her as their Idol. Who wondered who that could be since Rin was such an energetic soul and child at heart.
"So that means," she said dragging her last word out a bit, letting go of Len, putting her hands on her hips childishly. "You guys have to hurry up too and figure out where you're going to go too. It won't be long until the night ends and tomorrow you'll have to have your date."
Len smiled sheepishly, embarrassed as he scratched the back of his neck. You were exactly the same way hands clasped together as you stared at your feet.
She laughed at both your nervous behaviors. "Well, I'm going to go and leave you two lovebirds alone. See ya later!"
With that, she left leaving you both alone. You slowly raised your gaze seeing him shyly looking back at you. Before you were able to say anything he spoke first.
"Rin...Rin is right. You need to figure out where you would like to go and as your Idol I would like you to choose the destination."
You were very grateful for him letting you choose the designated location for the so-called date, but pondering the tough decision. After few mere seconds, you instantly knew exactly what to do.
"I would," you started, choosing your next words, "I would like for you to choose. We are partners for a day, I would like to know more about you. You can choose."
For a second you thought you would be rejected but you're hopes were not crushed as Len's face instantly lit up.
"You would like for me to choose?" He asked in slight confusion yet overall with eagerness.
You nodded, tucking a strand of (H/c) behind your ear, fidgeting because you were still embarrassed at having his attention. "Of course I would. Have you...have you never chosen before?"
Len's eyes cast downward, then looked back into yours after a brief pause in your conversation.
"Never. The ladies always pick where we go. It's usually to go shopping in a grand mall since they've never been to Tokyo before. You seemed different though. You are different. Thank you," he exclaimed smiling brightly as he ruffles his own hair.
You giggled standing up a bit straighter. "T Where would you like to go then? I've never been to Tokyo either. So I'm fine with any place you decide."
Len put his hands on his hips like Rin had done earlier, contemplating the decision. Suddenly he chuckled. "I know exactly where to go."
"And where would that be?" you asked.
"An amusement park," he declared confidently.
"An amusement park?"
"An amusement park!" he repeated.
"Why there?" you questioned genuinely curious about his choice.
He looked down at you his eyes noticeably softening. "I've never been. All my life I've never had the pleasure to do as I please. Never been able to get a choice in what I wish. I've read all about the joy, amazing rides, and crazy food at amusement parks yet never have I, myself, had the joy of experiencing such a wonderful thing. It's the perfect place to go, is it not?"
You nodded quickly, sure to not show hesitance. "Yes, it seems like a wonderful place. We'll go early in the morning then? 8:00 alright?"
"Yes. My limo will pick you up."
He noticed your eyes widen at his statement and quickly spoke to reassure you.
"It's alright! I'll be inside, so you won't have to worry about being alone!" he hurriedly says.
You physically relax. "Thank you. You've done so much for me already."
"There's no need to thank me, I look forward to spending tomorrow with you."
"Me too, Len."
That night instead of having a restless sleepless night your body sank into the cushions of your high ranked hotel bed letting you sleep soundly. On one hand, you thought it was because the hotel was amazing, but on the other, you thought it may have been because of Len.
The way he smiled at you made your insides go aflutter with thousands of butterflies grazing your rib cage everytime you moved. He was amazing. More amazing than you had originally thought.
Another thing was he was more human than you had thought. Not that you thought Len was some kind of animatronic. You had just thought he was programmed to be like a human. To learn Len had real feelings instead of them being magically created and programmed inside his brain warmed you inside. That meant he had ones he cared for. Ones he didn't care for. Someone he loved.
Just thinking of it brought a bright red to flood your cheeks and warm the air around you.
Listening to the silent breaths of (B/f/n) as they slept reminded you too you should be sleeping. Snuggling into your fluffy pillow your head was filled with the endless voice of Len. And with that, your were captured into a night filled with wonderful dreams.
"See you at the airport," you said waving fondly at (B/f/n).
They waved back a smile on their own face as they followed Kaito, their own chosen Idol. "Of course, have fun!"
Wandering to the edge of the sidewalk you waiting only about five minutes before a long, sleek, and dark black limo pulled up to the edge of the curb. The door opened up, revealing Len as he stepped out to greet you.
"Did you wait long?" he asked worried you may have been standing outside the hotel for too long.
"No," you replied shaking your head. "My friend just got picked up by Kaito, I wanted to see her off and soak up this glorious sun."
Len chuckled looking at the sky. "The sun is beautiful in Tokyo in the summer isn't it?" he said more to himself.
Even so, you spoke a simple, "Yes, it is."
Len nodded once, imprinting the image of you looking at the slowly rising sun, opening the limo door back up. "After you."
You giggled at his small antics as you thanked him, stepping into the car and scooting over for him to sit down. Upon his entering and shutting the door, he quickly told the driver where to go.
It wasn't long before you had both been dropped off a mere block or so away so people wouldn't see you. Len pulled out sunglasses that had been concealed in his pockets, looking at them like they were poison.
"Something wrong?" you asked, but didn't receive a reply. You lightly touched his shoulder to get him out of the trance he seemed to be in. "Len?"
The moment your fingers weighed on his shoulder and you spoke his name he suddenly snapped out of his thoughts, looking at you.
"Are you alright? I've never seen you look so angry at a pair of sunglasses before. Os something wrong?"
He sighed a bit looking back down at them and back towards you. "All my life I've had to hide who I am for the fear of paparazzi, the press, and crazy fans from finding me. It's been hard. I can never go anywhere without wearing things like these. I'm surprised they still do things like this. Letting us be able to go into the outside world without fear of us getting hurt in some way. I just want to be normal. Have fun like a normal high school teenager."
You nodded in understanding, easing the sunglasses away from his tight grip. You studied them, though they were quite simple, turning to Len.
"Don't worry. With me here I promise you won't get hurt. And you'll have fun, like any other normal teenager," you vowed, softly pushing the glasses on his face. "You'll have to put up with having to wear these the whole time, but other than that I can grant you any wish you want."
Len's eyes started to water at your kind and thoughtful words, thankful the glasses hid his eyes at a moment like this.
"Can I make my first wish now?"
"Sure, anything!"
"Can we ride the teacups first?"
You let out a heart filled laugh at his simple and very pure request. He could have made any wish and that was what he came up with? He was too cute.
"Of course."
Time passed fast. Filled with endless rides and crazy food creations at food trucks. You both would remember this night forever.
Your carefree giggles floated through the hair like music to Len's ears. "So," you started stopping to look at Len over the huge mound of cotton candy you held on the small cone, similar to his. "What was it like. Being a normal teenager and having fun?"
"To be honest...," he said, making you freeze up momentarily. Had he not enjoyed the time you two spent together? You almost thought of apologizing till he continued. "It was just amazing. I have no others words to explain it if I did I most certainly would. I've never felt so alive and free to do what I wanted with someone else. Nobody even noticed who I was. That's new!"
"That makes me glad. I was hoping you enjoyed yourself," you said picking a small piece of cotton candy and throwing it into your mouth.
"Though...there is something I want before we leave."
"And that is?"
"My last wish for the night." You nodded following his words.
"What would that be?"
"A kiss."
Your (Pale/White/Brown/Etc.) skin flared pink at his casual invitation. Before you got stutter out a reply of 'What!?' he had already taken off his glasses and proceeded to grab you tightly by the waist, lightly placing a chaste kiss to your (Plump/Thin/Etc.) lips.
After he parted you could see his blue eyes gleaming with mischief. He chuckled at you flustered state.
"You really thought I was innocent. I'm still as old as you. Older actually," he confidently. He then licked his lips grinning. "You taste sweet."
"T-thanks," you mumbled out. "At first I thought you were cute and handsome gentlemen. I guess your those things and mischievous."
He smiled interlocking your hands together. You accepted cling to him closely as you made your way through the amusement park, seeing the exit not so far away.
"When you leave I want to say goodbye to you at the airport. I want to also keep in contact. If that's alright with you," he said looking sideways at you."
You nodded. "I would like that very much, Len."
"I'll count the days until I see you again. Nobody will take you away from me. I'm your Idol," he said puffing his chest out a bit to show his authority.
You giggled. "Yes, Len. You are my idol."
I swear Len almost showed his Yandere side at the end a bit! 😂😂
It is finally done. Three Parts.
It was supposed to be shorter, only one part but writing is fun.
-Mod Icarus ଘ(੭ºัᴗºั)━☆゚
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lil-papaya-tifosi · 6 years
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A/N: Dezzy: Hey everyone! We're back with another OS! Technically, according to the request, it is a kind of part 2 of Nice Boys, similar scenario but with Tae and Kookie. This is actually the first thing on here that Sunnie and I have written together, so we're really excited to share it with you. Little mix up when it was posted, but it should be all fixed now. We hope you like it!
Sunnie: Hey Everybody, we're finally uploading this little baby. I must say we had a lot of fun writing this so I really hope you'll love it as much as you loved Nice Boys. This OS was born from an Request so thanks to @pillowiestar for requesting it. Dezzy pretty much explained everything so the only thing I can add from my side is that I also hope you'll like it. And thanks for reading it.
Word Count: 7,568
Warnings: Sub/Dom themes, oral (m & f receiving), fingering, squirting, face riding, lotsa dirty talk, slight impreg kink at the end, bondage, dp, threesome
Summary: When your neighbors get too rowdy late at night you decide to go over to teach them a lesson, but it seems that they don't want to play games anymore.
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You bury your head under your pillow again as your neighbors let out the next cry of victory. Rather, it was Taehyung's shout of joy while Jungkook complained loudly about the lost round. This has been going on for 2 hours now. You could always say exactly when a round was finished because of the volume penetrating to you and because of the thin new building walls you could also say with 95% accuracy who had won. Frustrated you rub your temples and crawl completely under your blanket. The two young men had been living next to you for 2 years. In the beginning they had also been quite nice, but that had changed quite a bit over time. They hadn't necessarily become more unfriendly, because you could still see them hauling the old lady's shopping around on floor 6, but they had become much more ruthless towards your sleep rhythm. The fact that you involuntarily witnessed their extended gaming nights made your opinion of them a little worse. You were slowly getting the impression that the two of them were really doing nothing but spending all their time gaming. Very rarely did you see them outside their apartment. The only evidence that they were still alive was the daily ringing delivery service and the nightly noise nuisance. With a unnerved groan you flip your blanket back and crawl out of your bed again to give yet another warning to your neighbours. It rarely helped and usually only for a short time, but it was definitely better than nothing. So perhaps you were granted a few hours of sleep. Besides, hope dies last, as you know. You simply leave your door open as you shuffle to the neighbouring door and let out your accumulated frustration at the innocent apartment door. It took a moment until someone finally opens the door for you, before you turned it into firewood. A young man with messy grey hair appears in the door frame. Taehyung. >>What gives us the honour at such a late hour? << he asks and gives you one of his boxy smiles, which he almost always seemed to wear on his lips. >>Your less well-off and atrophied brain cells, your apparent deafness and the obvious inability to read the clock give you the honor. Hard to believe, but there are actually people who can't sleep late tomorrow morning, but have to get out relatively early. It really can't be that hard to be a little considerate, can it? << you snap at him and pull up an eyebrow accusingly. Your counterpart looks at you a little surprised. >>What is it? You can be loud otherwise? Have you suddenly lost your voice? << you mock while you cross your arms in front of your chest.
>>Want me to repeat it very slowly? Or do you prefer to have it spelled right away? Would it be more understandable then? << you poke a little farther when you hear a snort from behind the young Korean. Not a second later his roommate appears behind him. Jungkook was the younger of the two, that's how much you had picked up at some point. >>Where is the problem again? << he asks and reaps another incredulous snort from you as he peers over Taehyung's shoulder. Just as you're about to answer, the gray-haired one seems to have found his voice again. >>We are too loud for her. << he said slightly dramatically, which only made you feel more angry. >>Once again. << Jungkook noticed with a crooked grin and shrugged his shoulders. Outraged you gasp for air. >>The 'once again' should definitely make you think by now. Also this should be the last time I have to come over to complain. Next time I'll initiate further steps. I am so sick of it. Contrary to yours, my synapses don't wither through looking at the constantly flickering screens. Apart from that, I can give you another helpful advice: << you say and glare angrily at the two young men. >>Have you ever heard of hearing aids? They are small inconspicuous things that you put in your ear and they are not so expensive. Then you don't have to yell at each other like that to communicate with each other. Maybe you should seriously consider a purchase. << With that you turn around, go back to your apartment and slam the door behind you into the lock. Now that you've been able to vent your anger, it's slowly being overshadowed again by the re-emerging fatigue. You yawn heartily and shuffle back to your bed. When you get there, you fall face first back into the soft pillows. Fortunately, it doesn't take long until you finally fall asleep without a new disturbance.
The next days passed surprisingly without further significant disturbances. Not that you would complain about this development in any way. One evening you had to knock against the wall to put an end to the reappearing volume, but this action was crowned with success, because it had led to the desired silence without resistance.From time to time you've even seen your annoying neighbours outside their gamer's den. This gave rise to some hope that they would do something about the degeneration of their brain cells or at least try to prevent further damage.You, on the other hand, spent the rest of your time learning. The finals were just a few days away and you weren't ready to beat them up just because of the constant noise pollution. Meanwhile there were only two days left until the finals, after that you had finished this semester successfully. Inside you hadn't completely given up hope that the two young men were also distracted by their finals and therefore refrained from screaming at night.
A glance at the clock tells you that it was already 1am. Sighing, you get up from your place at your desk, which had served you as a sleeping place during the last nights, sometimes even involuntarily, and you stagger, rubbing your throbbing temples, towards your bed. Once there, you drop on the mattress with a tired groan and want to make yourself comfortable between your pillows when all your hopes for another quiet night have been dashed. Again. Sometimes you regret moving into this apartment. Since the entire residential complex was a new building, apparently not much value had been placed on thick walls. Unfortunately, this apartment was one of the few affordable ones for your budget. So you had no choice but to complain for the second time this week.
You're exhaling a completely unnerved sound, you get back on your feet and almost storm out of your apartment. Because of your persistent headache, you had even less patience for the two of them. You press the little bell button extremely vigorously while leaving out any accumulated frustration at the innocent door. >>Is someone finally going to open the door? I know you're there. After all, you can’t be overheard. << you grumble at the door. The next blow, which had actually been very unerringly aimed at the door, hit Jungkook's chest with full force when he suddenly opens the door. >>Ouch...<< he sulks at you and rubs the sore spot. >>Stop complaining. That's nothing compared to your noise nuisance. << you hiss and push yourself effortlessly past him, taking advantage of the fact that you took him completely by surprise. He needed a moment to realize that you had just pushed yourself into the apartment. >>Hey, what is this now? You can't just walk in here as you like. That's trespassing. << His statement only elicits an angry snort. >>You just witnessed how I can. Also what you do is noise nuissance, which is by the way not better at all. What do you want to do now? Pull me out by my hair again? << you ask provocatively as you make your way to the living room. Fortunately, this apartment was built just like yours, so you have no problems finding it.
>>Now you've definitely gone too far. A little rest is really not too much to ask for, is it? Just a little bit of silence... << In the living room you finally find a Taehyung who is also surprised. He is sitting cross-legged on the sofa and looks at you with big eyes while the gamepad seems frozen in his hands. Jungkook had stopped in the door frame, probably to block your escape route. However, this one was just of the slightest interest to you. You're looking for something else. Both men were once again dressed in loose sweaters and sweatpants. That's what happened when you had the number of the delivery service on speed dial. Other sports than gaming were probably not considered by either of the two young Koreans. It was a shame, actually, if you thought about it more carefully, because they have pretty faces.
You need a second to find what you were looking for. When you found it, a gloating smile creeps on your lips. You reach behind the TV and pull out all the plugs from the power strip behind it. With the connector strip in your hand, you turn around to the two men again. >>I will take my finals in two days. No, it’s already tomorrow. For days I have been doing nothing besides learning. From morning to evening. As soon as I come home from university, I sit down at my desk and learn. All I need to get some rest in between is my fucking sleep, which I can't get because you two totally ruthless idiots just won't let me. << Angry you look at your neighbors. Taehyung had meanwhile placed the gamepad next to him and was now sitting on the sofa in front of you with slightly spread legs. Jungkook had leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed in front of his chest and looked at you blank. Their much too relaxed reactions only made you more furious, which is why you almost screamed the next words. >>Silence! That’s all I demand. I’m not askng for more. Just a little bit of silence! What is so difficult to understand about it? << The question hangs in the room for a moment. You look back and forth between the two men while your fingers tightly enclose the connector strip.
Before you talk any further, you take a deep breath to stop yelling. >>That's why I'm taking this with me now. So that I get at least a little of the peace and quiet that you ruthless Neanderthals deny me. << frustration follows rage afterwards, which is why you don't even notice how your voice moderates again and now sounds less angry, but completely frustrated and overworked. >>You can pick them up after I’m done with my finals. I just have an immense headache and wish for nothing more than a little sleep before I go on learning. If you would do anything else sometime except sit on the sofa all day and play video games, you might understand. Or maybe you are looking for another hobby or directly a girlfriend. << You can see Jungkook raising an eyebrow slightly mockingly and Taehyung's corners of his mouth curling slightly upwards as you continue speaking. >>A little of dick wetting can do wonders against accumulated frustration. In those two years, the only women I've ever seen here were your mothers. And that's a pretty devastating balance. << Now Taehyung has raised both eyebrows and looks at you amused. But you don't let yourself be distracted anymore and just keep talking. >>But a little advice. Women can only be found out there. They don't come flown into virgin caves on their own to guys who don't even know how to operate a stove, let alone hide under tent sized clothes instead of doing something for themselves. << Innocently you shrug your shoulders. The two men don't look at you anymore, but look at each other, pregnant with meaning, which you can't interpret. >>Good night to you then. << you say briefly tied up and want to leave the living room. But Jungkook didn't move an inch.
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"Get out of my way, kid." You grumble, pushing against his chest with your hand, and his torso feels unexpectedly built under your fingertips. He only smirks in response, still not budging. "You really think you can trespass on our property, steal our stuff, and we'd actually let you leave with it?" He chuckles. You feel a presence behind you, and suddenly the strip in your grasp is snatched away, Taehyung proudly waving it around before putting it back in it's rightful place.
"I think all that studying must've gotten to her head, Kookie. She's not thinking properly." Taehyung calls back as he plugs everything back in. "I think you're right. You said you had a headache too, Y/N? Well, as a medical student I know one thing that could get rid of that for you." Jungkook smiles, lifting his hand to cup your cheek, but you smack it away. "Medical student my ass. You never step foot out of this flat, I highly doubt you even attend classes." You scoff, crossing your arms. "He's right though. He's a med student and I'm an educational student. He's gonna be a doctor and I'll be a teacher." Taehyung chimes in, drawing your attention to him.
You laugh loudly, both of them cocking their eyebrows at you. "There is no way that your lack of braincells could handle all of that. Being a doctor and a teacher require hours of studying, which you two clearly don't do since all I hear through these thin walls is you screaming over your stupid games." You smile, still calming down from your laughing fit. "You know, it's really rude to barge in and ridicule us on our passions." Taehyung pouts. "And do you really think we don't get girls?" Jungkook asks, and you nod in response. "I never see any girls come in or out of that door." You reason, and they both laugh. "We don't bring them over here, we go to their place, because we know how thin these walls are thanks to your late night self love sessions." Your smile drops, Taehyung's words sending a chill down your spine. They've heard you? They know what you do on lonely, drunk nights?
"I have to say, your sounds are so sweet, we've been dying to hear them ourselves, calling out our names instead of 'Matt Bomer! Oh my god, Matt'!" He mimics your sounds of pleasure, making your cheeks heat up. "Also, he's gay, you know that, right sweetheart?" Jungkook asks. "That's not the point! He's still a lot hotter than you two ever could be even if you did work out and all that kind of stuff!" You cry, completely flustered. "Whatever you say, darling. The point I'm making is that we're not the losers you think we are and we'd appreciate it if you could keep all of your snide comments and rude remarks to yourself from now on, or we're gonna have to teach you a lesson." Taehyung smirks, throwing his arm around Jungkook's shoulders.
"Teach me a lesson? Really? Don't use that teacher bullshit on me. You guys are a fucking joke. Please move so I can go home and maybe get a few hours of rest?" You ask, stepping up to them, but they stay motionless. "That's actually gonna be a no go, sweetheart." Jungkook says, stepping forward and taking your chin between his fingers, tilting it up so you look him in the eyes. You don't know why, but it's like his presence, the close proximity to him, his actions, everything about this moment has your confidence from before draining out of your body. "I think you need to be a little nicer to us. You said a lot of things about us that are wrong. Why don't we prove her wrong, Tae?" Jungkook asks, looking back at the older male.
The two look at you, their eyes dark, a tint of something almost animalistic, as if they were hungry lions and you were just a small antelope with no chance of surviving. "I think that's a great idea." Taehyung nods in agreement. "What should we prove wrong first? She said we're deaf, we're virgins, we're stupid, out of shape, the list goes on." He rambles. "Maybe we should prove how in shape we are first. What do you say, baby?" Jungkook suggests, grabbing your hand. He guides it under his shirt, your fingers gliding over his hot skin, and to your surprise, it's fairly tough, your hand gliding over the small ridges of his abs, a small gasp escaping his lips as he closes his eyes at the sensation. You bite your lip, embarrassed at how weak you're getting. You always figured they were out of shape, maybe even a bit chunky since all they wore were baggy clothes, but now that you're feeling it for yourself, you desperately wish to see it.
You don't even realize that he's pulled his hand away, your hand still running over his skin, until both of his hands are rested on your hips. He steps a bit closer, walking you backwards a bit until your back hits something warm, another set of arms wrapping around you. Taehyung pulls you close to him, leaning forward, his hot breath fanning over your shoulder. You're so confused by this turn of events that you open your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. "What is it, Y/N?" Taehyung whispers, his lips ghosting over your skin. "Have you suddenly lost your voice?" He smirks before he kisses your neck. You haven't felt this in a long time, and even though it's your annoying neighbor doing it, you can't help but enjoy it, your eyes closing as your head tilts to the side, giving him more access.
As you relish in the feeling of Taehyung's lips, your breath is taken away by Jungkook's lips crashing onto yours, swallowing your gasp of surprise. You close your eyes, moving to wrap your arms around his neck, giving into them completely. Taehyung's hands move up your torso, cupping your breasts, your back arching involentarily, making your ass press against him. He growls into your skin, teeth grazing against you, which makes you moan into Jungkook's mouth. You haven't been touched like this in so long, it's embarrassing how wet you are already. Taehyung fondles your breasts as Jungkook takes your bottom lip between his teeth, your mouth opening for him.
Jungkook groans as your fingers tangle is his hair, Taehyung grinding against you, and you feel him growing hard against you, Jungkook's own hard on pressing against your thigh. Is this really happening? All you wanted was some decent sleep, yet here you are, sandwiched between your noisy neighbors, letting them ravish you. You definitely weren't expecting this, but you aren't complaining. In fact, you pout when Jungkook pulls away from you, smirking. "I think she's enjoying it, Tae." He says breathily, the older male humming against your neck. "Her cheeks are so pink, it's adorable." He smiles, his hand reaching up to cup your cheek, feeling the warmth radiating from it. "I bet she's wet too. Isn't that right, baby? Mind if I feel?" He tilts his head, and you only whimper in response. "I need a straightforward answer, Y/N. Use your words. Yes or no." He says. "Y-Yes. P-Please." You stutter, much to his amusement. "Good girl."
Jungkook's hand slides lower on your body, cupping your heat through your pajama shorts. As you moan softly, Taehyung decides to try and steal your attention, sucking on your neck harshly, and you're sure it's gonna leave a mark. You don't know who to focus on, but Jungkook makes the decision for you, his hand dipping under your waistband, the feeling of his bare fingers tracing over your slit has you bucking your hips. "Holy crap, how are you this wet already? All we've done is kiss you." He chuckles, truly astonished. "Tae, you gotta feel this."
You whimper as Jungkook's hand leaves you, but it's quickly replaced by Taehyung's, who hums against your neck. "Fuck, such a good girl, so wet for us. What is it, have you actually thought about this happening? Have we ever been on your mind when you played with yourself? I'm not gonna lie, we've thought about you. I know I walked in on Kookie moaning your name while he stroked himself. I think it was one of those nights you were screaming. Isn't that right, Jungkook?" Taehyung's deep voice rings through your ears, his finger tracing large, slow circles around your sensitive bud. You look at Jungkook through hooded lids expectantly. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I couldn't help myself. Your moans just sounded too good, I had to picture that it was me helping you, me making you scream." Jungkook admits, his confession driving you crazy. How many times has he thought of you while rubbing one out? How many times had Taehyung? If you could, would you have come over sooner, making your dirtiest secret a reality?
You've thought about it sure, once or twice, regretfully. You couldn't help it. But to know that they've thought about it to, getting off to the thought of you, it drives you absolutely insane. You push back against Taehyung, grinding on him as your hand traces down, palming Jungkook through his baggy sweatpants, the sweetest, softest sound falling from their lips. "Dirty girl. You wanna touch us? You feel the problem you caused us? I think it's your responsibility to take care of them." Taehyung growls, taking his hand out of your panties and holding it in front of your face. "Open up, sweetheart." He whispers, and you do as he says, opening your mouth for him. He pops his finger into your mouth, your lips wrapping around the digit and your tongue swirling around it, tasting yourself. He moans, Jungkook leaning forward to place soft kisses in your shoulder. "Why don't you put that slutty little mouth of yours to good use, darling? I think it'd do a lot better wrapped around our cocks than talking shit about us." Taehyung chuckles.
The three of you round the couch, the boys sitting down on the couch, looking up at you expectantly as you standing before them. "Well, what are you waiting for, baby? Be a good girl for us and get on your knees." Jungkook smirks cockily at you, sending your heart aflutter. You do as he says, dropping to your knees and kneeling on the ground in front of them. As your eyes scan over the tents in their sweatpants you lick your lips, eager to get to work. You move closer, your hands reaching out to palm both of them through the fabric, a simultaneous moan sending another wave of need through you. They shift, pulling their pants down enough for their cocks to spring out, and your breath is taken away. Taehyung's is longer and thicker, but Jungkook's is pretty with a nice little curve to it. You desperately want them in you, but you know you have to give them something first.
You spit into your hand, their eyes widening at the lewd action, before you bring your hand to Taehyung's length, a deep sigh spilling from his soft lips as you wrap your hand around him, pumping him slowly as you grab hold of Jungkook's. As you get closer to him, his breath starts quickening, the excitement of finally being able to see your pretty lips around him making him slightly nervous. Your tongue pokes out, flicking over his tip as you make eye contact with him, a shiver running through his body. Inch by inch you take him into your mouth, bobbing on him while continuing to pump Taehyung, whose long fingers are tangling in your hair, guiding you on Jungkook's cock. When he hits the back of your throat you gag, a loud moan ringing out from him as your throat contracts around him. You suck it up, tears filling your eyes as you continue to take him in as much as you can, wanting to hear as many of his moans as you can. "Y/N, fuck. Tae, I'm not gonna last long." Jungkook whimpers, his hips moving instinctively as he slowly thrusts into your mouth.
"It's okay, Kookie. Are you getting close? You wanna cum?" Taehyung cooes, brushing Jungkook's hair out of his face. "Y-Yes. Oh fuck. Baby, keep going like that, please." Jungkook begs you, and you happily comply, even picking up the pace. You moan around him, his thighs shaking under your grasp. At this point you've kind of forgotten about pumping Taehyung, knowing you'll make it up to him, but you're too focused on how fucked out Jungkook looks already. His head leaning against the back of the couch, lips parted, eyes shut tight, face flushed, and knuckles turning white as he grips the edge of the couch.
A string of incomprehensible sounds tumbles from his mouth along with loud whines and moans. "Y/N, baby, oh god." He whimpers, his legs trembling. You swirl your tongue around him, your drool spilling from your mouth, lewd slurping sounds echoing off the walls, but you don't care. The only thing you care about in this moment is driving him over the edge, and with one more flick of your tongue, that's exactly what you do, his salty cum filling your mouth, and you swallow every drop.
"What a good girl. I think she deserves a reward, don't you think, Kookie?" Taehyung asks, brushing your hair out of your face. Jungkook nods, his face still flushed. "Why don't you get on the floor, Jungkook, and lay down. Sweetheart, your knees might hurt a bit, but I promise we'll make it up to you." Taehyung orders, Jungkook laying down on the plush carpet. "Now Y/N, stand up for a moment." He says, standing up. You rise to meet him, anxious to find out what he's going to command next. The way he's taking control over the situation, even telling Jungkook what to do, has you dripping. His fingers grip the hem of your shirt, peeling it off your body, next off is your bra, his eyes lingering over your bare breasts before kneeling before you, his skin fingers hooking into the waistband of your shorts and panties. He kisses your stomach as he slides the material down your legs, letting them pool onto the floor as he admires you.
You start to feel nervous under their gaze, rocking on your heels anxiously. "Fuck, you're more beautiful than I dreamed. I can't wait until we make you ours. But first-" Taehyung says, standing up. His large hand reaches around your body, gripping the supple flesh of your ass. His thumb runs over your soft lips, his tongue running over his own. "I wanna feel what Jungkook felt. I wanna know how good your slutty mouth is for myself. Now, kneel above Jungkook's face and open your mouth for Daddy. Understand?" He whispers, the nickname making you shudder. You nod, but that doesn't seem to be enough for him. "Say it, sweetheart. Use your words." He cooes, a soft whimper coming from Jungkook on the floor. "Yes, Daddy." You nod, a low groan coming from his throat. "Good girl. Now get on your knees for us."
You comply, standing over Jungkook and sinking to your knees, his hands rubbing your thighs soothingly. Taehyung stands in front of you, and you realize why he chose to do this. With Jungkook on the floor beneath you and Taehyung standing in front of you, if you sit up straight your face is level with Taehyung's cock. You gasp as you feel cool air blown onto your core, gripping onto Taehyung's thighs for support as your legs shake. "So sensitive. Tell us, baby, when's the last time someone else touched you." Jungkook says, his finger tracing over your slit as he watches it glisten with your slick. "Uh, I think, I think it was my l-last boyfriend, Hoseok." You stutter, trying really hard to remember. "And how long ago was that?" "Maybe four months ago?" You recall the last time you slept with him, the night you broke up. "That's too long, baby. You should've come to us sooner. We would've gladly helped you out. I promise we're gonna treat you right. Plus, we're gonna make sure your perception of us changes." Jungkook says.
With that last thought, Jungkook wraps his arms around your thighs, pulling you down onto his mouth as he flattens his tongue onto you, licking up your slit. "Oh fuck." You whine, gripping onto Taehyung's sweatpants. "Come on, sweetheart, open up for me." He cooes, holding his throbbing cock in his hand. As Jungkook's tongue dips past your folds, flicking against your clit, your thighs tremble in his grasp as your mouth hangs open, Taehyung taking the opportunity to slide into your mouth, your moan sending a vibration through him. "Jesus fuck, sweetheart. No wonder Kookie came so fast." He groans. "Just keep your mouth open for me. You don't need to do anything. Just let me fuck your mouth while Jungkook tongue fucks you." You hum in approval around him as his hips move slowly, thrusting himself deeper into your mouth.
Jungkook's mouth works on you, alternating between sucking on your clit and burying his tongue into your hole, the wet muscle wiggling around and making you moan around Taehyung's cock. Taehyung holds your hair, keeping you in place as he fucks himself into your mouth, groaning deeply each time he goes too far, making you gag around him. Your hips move against Jungkook, his nose nudging against your bud each time you grind against him, sending a new wave of pleasure through you. You're embarrassed at how close you are to cumming, but you can't really focus on caring, only focusing on taking Taehyung and feeling Jungkook. One of your hands rested on Taehyung's thigh as your other tangled in Jungkook's hair, tugging gently each time he did something right, making him moan and send vibrations straight through you.
"Fuck sweetheart, you swallow my cock so well. It feels so good." Taehyung moans, and you look up at him, making eye contact. "How can you look so innocent with a cock in your mouth? You're so perfect, sweetheart, I can't wait to fill up that pretty pussy of yours and- fuck- and fi-ll it up all nice with- our- shit-" Taehyung's sentence breaks up, his voice cracking as his thrusts get sloppy, doubling over as he spills into your mouth. He tastes a bit sweet thank Jungkook, but it seems like there's a bit more for some reason. Once he pulls out you swallow, and once your mouth is empty you moan loudly as Jungkook fervently laps at your clit.
Taehyung kneels down to your level, and you instantly wrap your arms around him as you grind against Jungkook. He holds onto you, kissing your face and your neck as you moan for them. "You sound heavenly, sweetheart. Is Kookie doing a good job? Are you gonna cum all over his tongue soon?" He cooes, his hands roaming over your body. You nod, feeling the end rapidly approaching. "J-Jun-ko-mmm-" You whine, your body trembling. Taehyung bites down on your neck as Jungkook sucks on your clit harshly, sending you over the edge.
Jungkook gathers every little bit on his tongue, reveling in your sweet taste before patting your thigh. Taehyung hears it, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you up to stand. Jungkook gets up, standing behind you. He grabs your arm, spinning you around to face him and before you know it, his lips coming crashing down onto yours, his tongue immediately sliding into your mouth, and you can taste your essence. You've never been kissed with such hunger and need before, you moan into his mouth as you enjoy the feeling of really being needed and wanted.
"Sweetheart, why don't you go to my room and wait for us on the bed? It's the room on the left. I want you to lay down on your back with your legs spread nice and pretty, with your arms above your head. Got it?" Taehyung whispers in your ear. Jungkook pulls away from you, leaving you breathless. You nod, excitedly bounding to the room you were instructed. Taehyung and Jungkook watch as your hips sway, groaning simultaneously at how much they wanted you.
You climb onto the bed, laying how Taehyung instructed, wondering what they have in store for you. You wait anxiously, the thought of what could happen making you aroused again. They finally appear in the doorway, Jungkook's hands behind his back. "Look at that, Jungkook. She's so obedient for us already. All spread out for us." They stalk towards the bed, Taehyung by your lower half and Jungkook up by your head. Taehyung moves so he's sitting between your legs, your knees resting on his thighs. His hands run along your thighs, the gentle touch making you squirm. "What is it, sweetheart? Already horny again? After Jungkook just made you cum? Such a greedy little slut you are. Don't worry, you'll get what you need. Jungkook, go ahead." Taehyung hums, and you raise your eyebrow in confusion. You feel something wrap around your wrists, binding them together tightly. You try to pull them apart, but you can't, your struggle useless.
"So pretty." Taehyung cooes, his finger tracing over your slit, sending a shiver through you. "If we're gonna make you ours, we have to prepare you." He smirks, slipping a finger inside of you. You clench around him, having something inside of you feeling amazing. He quickly adds a second finger, pumping in and out. As his fingers work on you, Jungkook's hand runs from your shoulder to your breast, rubbing it gently. "Y/N, how many fingers have you taken before?" Taehyung asks. "Ah, um, two." You reply. "Well, how about we try three then?" He smirks, adding another finger inside of you. You gasp, the stretch heavenly. He curls them inside of you, his long fingers reaching deep inside of you, the heel of his palm grinding against your previously ignored clit.
"You know, you complained about how we plays games all the time, but do you realize how much gaming helps in situations like this?" Jungkook chimes in. "You see, with all the controls, our fingers have to move fast." At those words, Taehyung's fingers move faster inside of you. "Also, each hand is moving simultaneously, so it's easy to do more than one thing at a time." Taehyung's other hand moves closer, his thumb pressing down onto your clit, your body jolting at the direct contact.
The stretch of his fingers combined with his thumb working on you drives you over the edge faster than you care to admit, your walls squeezing his fingers, but he doesn't stop after helping you ride out your high. You whine loudly at the overstimulation, his hands possibly moving even faster. You gasp and shake your head, your toes curling and your legs spasming uncontrollably. "No no no no-mmmm-no no." You whimper, a tear rolling down your cheek. "No? You don't want this? I think you do, sweetheart. Just one more, come on. Cum all over Daddy's fingers just one more time." Taehyung growls. "D-Da-ddy! Fuck fuck fuuu-" You cry out, desperately wishing to grip onto something. Jungkook reaches down, pushing down just above your pelvis, and your vision goes white, screaming as you're taken over by pleasure.
This time Taehyung stops, a warm wetness covering your lower half. "No fucking way. It actually worked." Jungkook says breathily. You catch your breath, finally able to look down at what happened. You see Taehyung sitting there, breathing heavily with a devious smirk on his face, his sweater and pants soaked. "You ever squirt before, sweetheart?" He smiles. You shake your head, closing your eyes and laying your head back. "Well, then I guess that makes us special." Taehyung teases.
Both of them get up, and you watch as they strip from their clothes. You lick your lips, surprised by how built they both are. You felt Jungkook's body, but now seeing both of them standing before you, you wonder how they got like that. "We do leave our house, you know. We have gym memberships." Jungkook smirks, noticing your stare. You think about that for a moment, how sexy they'd look, all sweaty. "Baby, you think you can stand up for a minute?" Taehyung asks. You try, your legs wobbling, and Jungkook catches you. "I don't think so." He chuckles. "Well then, I guess we'll just have to hold her up." Taehyung smirks.
After some awkward shuffling, giggles, and slips, you're all situated so Taehyung is laying on the bed, holding onto your legs, and Jungkook stands in front of you, also holding onto you, keeping you hovered over Taehyung's standing cock. "Tae, I've got a hold of her. You're gonna have to help me, ugh-" "Don't worry, Kookie. No homo, right?" Taehyung chuckles. You wonder what they're talking about, but you realize when Jungkook gasps, and realize Taehyung is guiding Jungkook's length to line up with your entrance. He pushes into you, both of you moaning together as relief floods over you.
"How is it, Kookie?" Taehyung asks. "So- so so so fucking good." Jungkook moans, his head falling to rest against your shoulder. "Perfect. Alright, Y/N, this may hurt a little bit, but we'll go slow so you can get used to it. You ready?" Taehyung's hand rubs over your back soothingly. "P-Please. Just do it. I want it." You squeak, much to his surprise. "You want it that bad, huh? You want both of us to fill you up? How bad do you want it, baby. Tell Daddy how much you want it." As Taehyung talks, Jungkook stays still, relishing in the warm feeling of you pussy pulsing around him. Taehyung grabs his cock, nudging where you and Jungkook are connected. "So bad, Daddy. Please. I want it so bad." You beg.
Your arms fly around Jungkook's neck, wrists still tied together, as Taehyung pushes into you. He was right, it hurts a bit, stretching you out more than you've ever been before. You cry out, Jungkook shushing you. "Sh, hey, hey, sweetheart, look at me." He cooes. You look at him with tear filled eyes, breaking his heart. "It's okay, princess. I promise it'll get better. You're so good for us. We'll take care of you." Jungkook whispers soothingly to you, kissing your tears away. Once Taehyung is all the way in, all three of you sit there, not moving, them allowing you to get used to it. Taehyung rubs your back as Jungkook peppers your face with tender kisses.
"You okay, sweetheart?" Taehyung asks. You nod, still holding on to Jungkook tightly. "Jungkook." You whisper. "Yes, baby, what is it?" He asks, nudging your nose with his. "Please take this off. I don't want this on anymore. Please." You beg, moving your arms to show him what you mean and grabbing Taehyung's attention. "Kookie, untie her." He says, and Jungkook nods, reaching behind him and untying it with one hand expertly. As soon as you're freed you grab onto Jungkook, holding him tightly with one hand tangled in his hair. "You know, we probably should've done that before we got into this position." Jungkook chuckles. "Dude, we never think ahead." Taehyung responds and you giggle softly, shaking your head.
"Alright, I think I'm good." You nod, biting your lip. "You sure?" Jungkook asks, and you nod again. "Alright. I'm moving then." Jungkook says. The feeling of him sliding out of you, while you're still full of Taehyung, is completely indescribable. You moan softly and you feel him rub against your walls, the sweetest moan ringing through your ears from him. As he pushes back in, Taehyung pulls out, starting an unspoken synchronization that has you moaning uncontrollably, gripping onto Jungkook as right as you can as they bounce you on their cocks.
"Fuck, sweetheart. You're squeezing around us so well. You like it when we fuck you like this? Stretching out your pretty little pussy?" Taehyung growls from behind you. "Yes! Yes I fucking love it!" You cry, your breath quickening. "That's our little cock slut. Such a good girl for us. Now, do you take back everything you said about us?" He asks. "Fuck, yes! I'm sorry!" You shout, burying your face in Jungkook's neck. "Good girl. Such a good girl for Daddy and Kookie." Taehyung hums.
You start to place hot, open mouthed kissed on Jungkook's neck, nipping at it softly, and it's like that flipped a switch for him. "Fuck it, Tae, hold her. I need her to cum right now." Jungkook grunts. Taehyung takes hold of your leg as Jungkook frees one of his arms, bringing it lower. "Wha-ah!" You moan, his fingertips pressing harshly into your clit. "Oh man, holy shit!" Jungkook gasps, the pressure from his fingers making you clench around them. "Shit, Kook, keep doing that." Taehyung growls, both of them still thrusting in and out of you. "You look so good like this, baby. You're so lost in pleasure, I bet you won't even remember your name after this, huh? But you'll remember ours. Say our names, baby girl. Tell everyone in the building whose fucking you so well, stretching your pussy out, whose gonna make you cum so hard we'll have to carry you home tomorrow morning. Say it. Say our names." Jungkook says, leaving you in absolute shock. How the hell did he switch so fast?
"D-Daddy! Jungkook!" You scream out, a pleased smirk on Jungkook's face. "That's right, baby. Now, you wanna cum for us? Be a good girl and give us one more. Squeeze our cocks. Make us fill you up and make you a complete mess. Come on." He cooes, rubbing your clit even faster. "Oh, oh fuck oh fuck fuck fu-" Your cries are interrupted by your own moan, your end hit you like a freight train. "Shit shit shi-it!" Jungkook whimpers, Taehyung only growling as you squeeze around them, setting off their own orgasms. They spill into you, your pussy clenching and milking them for all their worth. They ride out the highs, fucking their cum into you before finally pulling out, laying you down and resting beside you.
"Holy shit." Taehyung breathes, all of you panting. All you can do is smile and nod, completely satisfied. You lay there, wondering if all of that really happened, or if you were actually just sleeping in your apartment. However, the warmth radiating off of the two sweaty men next to you proves it's real, especially as Jungkook turns, facing you and rubbing your thighs soothingly while Taehyung places kisses on your cheek. "Wait." Jungkook gasps, sitting up and looking at you both in shock. "We actually, like, you know. Are you in the pill or anything?" He asks. You didn't even think of that. "Uh, no, I'm not. I'm sorry. I should've thought of that. I'm so sorry." You apologize, feeling stupid. "Sh, no no no, baby, it's not your fault. We should've thought about it to. We're sorry." Jungkook cooes, holding you close to him. "I'm not." Taehyung chimes in, and you both turn to look at him in horror. "Tae, what if she gets pregnant? What's going to happen with all of us?" Jungkook asks. "Then we get a bigger apartment. Honestly, I kinda hope she gets pregnant." Taehyung smiles. "Not gonna lie, impregnation is one of my biggest kinks. Just imagine it, Kookie, her walking around with our babies inside of her. She'd be so beautiful. I mean, just look at her now. All filled with our cum. Look, there's so much it's even dripping out." He's right. You can feel it dripping, you've just ignored it.
Jungkook stays silent, only licking his lips. "And if she does get pregnant, then that just means she'll be ours for sure. What do you say, Y/N? Do you want to be ours?" Taehyung asks, rubbing your cheek. You nod, the idea of being in a relationship with them making you all kinds of excited. "That's great!" He smiles. "Y/N." Jungkook says, catching your attention. "Are you really okay with this?" He asks, and you nod. "I love you so much, Y/N. We love you so much and we're gonna take extra special care of you and appreciate you and all that kinda stuff." Jungkook smiles, placing quick pecks all over your face and neck, making you giggle. "You'll stay with us tonight, right?" Taehyung asks, snuggling up behind you. "Well, I don't think I can really walk home." You giggle. "Well then, I'd say we did a damn good job." He smirks, holding you close. Laying there, cuddled by your noisy neighbors, now lovers, you wonder how so much could've changed in just a few hours. You're not complaining though. Before you drift off to sleep, you imagine how interesting your life will be from now on.
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mic-and-cheese · 6 years
Please info dump about your husband...I wish to know more about him!
Idk where to start so I’m just gonna ramble?? I guess??? Puttin it under a readmore bc it’s long as FUCK
I think one of the most interesting things about Buddy is his backstory? Like he used to love supers but now hates them because his idol rejected him? I’ve seen a lot of different interpretations of his past, and I apologize for starting off on this note but Buddy comes off to me as someone who was neglected as a child, so he has trouble with empathy, other social skills, and doesn’t really have a way to healthily deal with stress, which lead him to go down the path he did. I think he was born in a small southern town, but moved to Metroville and became enamored with superheroes because he’s now living somewhere where he can see and meet them personally. He views Mr. Incredible as a father figure because of a lack of a father or other male role model in his life and he probably feels like maybe his life would be better or that he’d be more loved if he had powers, and he’s been constantly told and lead to believe that he can’t be a hero without powers, so telling him that is a sore spot for him.He started messing with machines and learning how to fix them because his family didn’t have enough money to fix or replace things around the house when they broke and he found that he really had a passion for building and creating. Of course, he’s a really smart kid, he loves to read and loves math and science and did well in school, but some adults kinda thought he was a nightmare to be around cuz he’s a lil bit bratty and tries to get attention, but he got along well with teachers and other adults who recognized that he was talented and gave him the attention he needed. Buddy is really used to having to cause a lot of trouble to get what he wants or to be listened to, which is a trait he still kept into adulthood. His first real invention that wasn’t just him tinkering around with whatever he could find was his rocket boots, and he made them with spare parts he found or bought. He’s met Mr. Incredible a few times before, but he was hoping that being able to show off his talent would impress him enough to let him be his sidekick.Ever since he was young he’s always been an entrepreneur, making money by fixing stuff for neighbors and taking other odd jobs.Even after he was rejected he still loves superheroes, or at least the idea of them, even though he doesn’t really like them as people anymore but I’ll get to that later.The interesting thing about him really is just how much I can estimate about him just from what little info we know about him in canon, and how many ways there are to interpret him. I’ve seen him be interpreted as a kid who was spoiled and didn’t know how to deal with rejection, and while I can’t say I like that interpretation, but it is possible. Even though his backstory is interesting, his personality is just…??? Lovely??? I mean it’s really not but I think it is. He’s just??? so geeky and adorable and I love seeing him get so excited over superheroes even though he has a love-hate relationship with them, and he’s just fearless and probably a bit of a dare devil? He really seems like the sort of person who would try anything at least once and doesn’t get embarrassed easily. I mean it’s just so amazing how he’s an evil mastermind but like, he’s still Buddy ya know? Like he still has his excitable, nerdy, funny personality, but he can also be downright terrifying? It’s interesting from a character writing standpoint of course but like, just? On a personal level??? I mean his personality alone flusters me because everything about him (save for uh, the murder) is something I find obviously given the subject of the blog, really attractive. Like he’s not afraid to be himself or play around and he embraces self-insert esqe enjoyment so like??? How cool is it to have an f/o who may also have f/os or at least be supportive of self inserting!!Of course even though theres a lot about his personality that’s cute, there are a lot of things that aren’t, so he’s not really the best with empathy, and he can be pretty cruel, petty, selfish, and he has difficulty opening up to people but I do think that he’s open to learning and changing with someone he trusts, and can be really sweet when he wants to, even if it is a little awkward.One thing I really love about him is how you can tell that he’s got a life and interests outside of Kronos. Like yeah he’s really focused on his plan obviously, but his personality is just so strong in the things around him and the things he does and says that make him feel so much more dimensional. For example, a lot of his tech is integrated with or inspired by nature, so I really think he likes biomimicry, probably because he’s learning how to one up nature, aka basically what his entire motivation is. I love that he’s obviously just got cute little tics like how his eye twitches in the lego games or how much he likes to gesture and hum and whistle. (also his humming is so cute oh my god)And I’m just constantly in awe of how smart and resourceful he is. I mean my love of tropical islands aside, Nomanisan is just… impressive. Like its so ingenious to build his base literally into the island in a way that makes use of its natural features, such as the underwater landing pad, secret exits, underground passageways, and of course the lava wall, and I just can’t help but wonder how he came up with all of that and how long and how much money it took? And thats just taking about the things on the island that are canon. I mean, from my own speculations I figure that the island not only has that amazing lava wall, but is built to redirect the flow of lava to prevent any volcanic activity on the island, keep lava and ash away from expensive tech (the rocket and mantajet for example) and provide power to the island via geothermal energy. Maybe even a little use of wave energy too if necessary since it’s a pretty good option for a place surrounded by water. I assume Buddy chose the island for its resources, (namely a metal alloy that one of the books mentioned) considering he’s made it pretty self sustaining with what it already has after implementing all his tech. The location, being far from any other place, really, and outside of any governmental jurisdiction is good too, so when you really think about it, he probably could have gotten away with a lot of the things that he did, which is, uh, pretty impressive to say the least, not to mention the real world location of Nomanisan (Easter Island) doesn’t face the sorts of hurricanes and harsh weather you’d expect for a small island in the middle of no where.And I mean??? He’s a genius inventor villain who is still extremely in tune with nature to the point that it inspires some of his inventions??? How cool and unique is that??? I’m sure the island must be an amazing place to be, I mean the beaches and caves, rivers, waterfalls… it must be such a joy to explore. And I dunno, I’ve always imagined that working for Syndrome could be kinda fun sometimes. I mean, he is a pretty funny guy with a good sense or humor, and surely guarding and what not all day must get boring, so I’m sure he’s not opposed to having some fun every now and then.And he’s certainly not ashamed of what he considers fun either! I have a feeling he’d like scale models and collectibles and would go to the ends of the earth for a rare one that he particularly likes, especially if they’re ones he gets to build himself. I’m sure he’s a huge fandom geek as well, like name any 50’s-60’s sci fi movie and he knows it by heart. And with all his animal inspired inventions, I’m sure he loves going out in nature and watching the unique wildlife of Nomanisan. Given Easter Island’s own wildlife, I’m sure sharks and whales, and even some really interesting lizards would be pretty common around there. (And given how much forest it has in comparison to Easter Island, I’m sure there’s A LOT more than that. Maybe even rare species only native to the island.) I also really see Buddy as the sort of guy who just loves new and exciting experiences, no matter what it is. Like if it’s something he’s never done before, he’s on board!With all that in mind it’s just so wonderful just how much of a well rounded character he is. I mean he’s happy, nerdy, childish, and excitable, but he’s also bitter, revenge driven, and unempathetic. That being said, his relationships with other people all have such an interesting dynamic to them. He adores Bob for his ingenuity while still hating him enough to try to kill him and his family, and he cares for Mirage but doesn’t really know how to show it. Like I said earlier, I think he was neglected as a kid, so he never really learned how to properly regulate his emotions, so a lot of the time he’s pretty conflicted. He’s an extrovert who wants to be loved and adored, yet he’s too scared to trust after being betrayed. He has a hard time relating to people and thus doesn’t understand how his actions can hurt them when he means well, for example, betting Mirage’s life or saving people from his own robot without proper regard to his surroundings that a truly well meaning hero would have (aka, throwing a tanker truck just to make a spectacle out of saving a mother and child with no regard to what damage the truck could have done).Of course, while his scenes with Mirage can be interpreted as him not really caring for her, I think it’s the opposite. I think he knew that betting her life was the only way he could have saved her (he couldn’t have pulled her away from Bob, shocking Bob could have shocked her, and if he had shown any weakness for her, Bob could have used that as leverage against him, whereas if he shows no remorse, if Bob had killed her he’d just have a dead lady on his hands for pretty much no reason). Granted as well meaning as he was, I don’t think he understands how that hurt Mirage. He sees that he saved her, and doesn’t expect her to be mad about it, but the reality is that she honestly does have a right to be mad about her life being risked, especially when he never clearly communicated that his intent was to save her.Somehow I’ve gone this far without even talking about why I like him??? I mean I don’t even think I’ve ever fully explained why I like him. I’ve tried, sure, but I don’t even think it’s something I can actually convey in words? But I’ll try??? Anyway, he’s literally everything to me, and I don’t just mean that in a sappy romantic way. I’ve always been fascinated with him since I was 6 years old and saw the movie for the first time. He reminds me of happy memories with my dad who passed away some years ago because I saw the movie with him and I remember how much it confused little 6 year old me. Like the fact that the movie started with interviews was the wildest thing to me, and I don’t even think I could even comprehend the plot until much later on. But during that first experience, I don’t know what it was but something about him always stuck with me. Funnily enough one of the things that stuck with me was his joke from Jack Jack Attack and that was the first joke that I knew I didn’t understand but knew I would someday and I literally made a mental note back then telling myself that I knew I’d understand it, and well, thanks for remembering that 6 year old me, because I get the joke now and it’s still funny to me. (I also never actually realized that the guy silhouetted in front of the lava was supposed to be Syndrome until like last summer and I always just thought that was something that was never explained haha.) Anyway after seeing the movie with my dad, he asked me who my favorite character was. I said Violet since I thought saying otherwise would have been weird at the time, but in reality it’s always been Syndrome and that’s just an important memory to me.And now he’s that memory and so many other things to me. He’s what finally helped me recover from a rough couple of years by showing me that people could still create wonderful and impressive things despite being cast away by someone that they once adored and that my success wasn’t based on their approval, which finally helped me shut them out of my life and become so much happier. He helps me manage my anxiety because all the things that make me scared would be nothing to the guy who still wore a cape and rocket boots even after they nearly got him killed. And of course, I love him because he’s nerdy, excitable, brave, and smart, and even because I feel like I can understand his lack of empathy. He’s just such a well rounded, multifaceted character that it’s almost hard to believe he’s fictional haha. With all that combined, he’s one of my my special interests too! I mean it’s hard not to want to know everything about such an interesting guy right?But even if you can’t see the appeal in his personality, it’s no question that he’s just amazing in terms of his accomplishments alone. I mean he can’t be any older than like, 28 max (I consider him 25 though, since the closest we ever get to a canon age is mid 20’s)  and yet he’s a billionaire with his own private island, at least one successful company, and groundbreaking tech that makes today’s tech look simple, but he did all in the EARLY SIXTIES.The mantajet in particular is just awe inspiring to me, mostly because I love planes, but I mean, most planes take 15 years just to be conceptualized. Buddy created a completely automated, uniquely shaped, supersonic, semi-aquatic jet with the ability to hover in under that time. It’s like if the SR-71 Blackbird were a luxury all-terrain vehicle! And I am just so endlessly impressed that it can go underwater, like I’m sure its entire design was based around that ability, since the engines would have to be strong enough to withstand literal tons of water going through them, which is why I suspect they’re placed in those cavities above the wings, to direct air and water to go through them in the right way while also keeping them intact in the impact! (they may be waterproof but they are unfortunately not (or maybe fortunately, depending on how you look at it) uh,,,, Syndrome proof) And the “manta feelers” probably help the plane hover and also serve as the landing gear??? UGH IT’S GENIUS, SUCH RESOURCEFUL GENIUS.Of course I’ve gotta talk about the design of his aero boots too!! He’s come such a long way since the rocket boots!!! I’m so proud of him!!! The new boots are just as genius as the mantajet, really. They have vents in the sole, probably to either keep them from overheating or to draw in oxygen to use for combustion. I love how the metal strip is implemented into the heel and up the back of the boots, that’s probably where the fuel and engines are housed, and man, I can’t imagine how much power they’d both have to generate, those tiny little engines. I’m sure they run on some pretty efficient stuff. And how the soles of the boots look like they can come off of the main boot itself, I’m sure that makes for easy maintenance! I also love how the animators added the detail of the screw in the arch of the boot so that it articulates properly, rather than just saying “yeah whatever he can walk fine somehow with these half-metal boots.”And then there’s Zero Point Energy??? I mean, ZPE is actually based off a real scientific concept that would essentially harness infinite energy. I think about this on the daily and I still can’t comprehend it. He harnessed infinite energy. In the 60’s. And made a device small and powerful enough to literally generate it in the palm of his hand. Since all of that energy is generated in his gauntlets, it’d have to pass through his hands to reach his fingertips, so not only can he generate it, but he created a suit that can conduct infinite energy around him so that it doesn’t hurt him. Like no wonder he’s so protective of ZPE. (On that note, this is exactly why I think he designed his suit and not Edna or Galbaki. He’d never trust anyone else to design a suit with his most valuable tech built into it)Not to mention, how interesting is it that a ruthless serial killer villain like him chooses a technology that doesn’t harm his target and instead just freezes them in place!Also also can I talk about just how amazing the other features of the gauntlets are? I mean they hold a small bomb that can produce a big enough blast to in theory kill the nearly invincible Mr. Incredible. He’s got a laser powerful enough to make a clean hole through the roof of a house, and those gauntlets can take a hell of a beating too, considering it was thrown all over the city during the final Omnidroid fight with minimal damage. Oh also the little sliding cover over the buttons is cute.Ok ok, next there’s the energy prisons. I assume they work on ZPE since they’re able to suspend victims in mid-air? I literally shouldn’t be so excited about this thing but I can’t even get over how ingeniously HORRIBLE they are. I mean I don’t want to get into any details, cuz if I do I’ll go into scarily gruesome territory but those things are terrifying. They work with almost any sort of super he could possibly be keeping prisoner with such a pretty simple idea really, just by suspending them against their own weight. The only fault in them really is that Violet can get through them, but he may not have necessarily known that beforehand since I doubt he had any force fields to test them on (or at least any “organic” ones).Implementing the monorail system is such a perfect idea too!! It makes it easy to get around, keeps guards from getting lost, works on all terrain, and keeps supers from seeing things they don’t need to see, so long as they stay on the tracks they’re supposed to be on.And speaking of hiding, while not technically tech related, I don’t know if he knows about the KRONOS carved in the cave, but I bet you he does know about that cave and all the other hard to reach areas of the island, since there’s an I2 deleted scene that shows he knows how Gazerbeam died, and the guards know to split up to catch Dash in one of the caves. Also related to Kronos, I like to make fun of his computer room for it’s impractical at best, dangerous at worse design, but listen. The security system. It’s brilliant. He’d have to engineer some sort of substance that stays compact and non-sticky while not in use, but that can quickly expand and maintain its strength to capture intruders. And the victim would still have to be able to breathe through them too?? And like how do they come off?? I’m sure that’s an interesting process too. The “fire randomly” approach is also interesting, since it pretty much leaves no escape. And what about under the walkway??? Like what’s way down there??? I don’t even have a theory for that, really. And and and how does the security system for that room work? Does it recognize unfamiliar noises perhaps, since it was triggered by Bob’s suit tracker, cuz if it were triggered by just random noise, I’m sure Syndrome or Mirage would have accidentally triggered it before. Oh, also also also x3 the computer screen automatically shuts off once the security system is activated, which is a nice touch, so that the enemy can’t get any more info as soon as the system is notified. Having only one way in and out of the room is clever too.I JUST WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT NOMANISAN’S SECURITY PROTOCAL OKI wish we had seen more of the technology that he used for Mirage’s message too. Like, he obviously uses the voice matching and scanning technology on the island (the security bird and life probe) but what about that illusion effect on the tablet?Also I mean, I’m sure being an arms dealer during the Cold War in itself has got to be extremely lucrative, but that doesn’t even account for how high tech his other weapons that weren’t mentioned must be.Ok, ok I think that covers all of his other inventions. I haven’t talked about the Omnidroid yet because hooo boy do I have some things to say about that beautifully terrifying piece of tech. I love that he used an iterative process on it to build upon its design (also the idea that he respects the strength his self-proclaimed nemesis enough to build up the robot to prepare to fight him), and I’ve actually gone back and tried to figure out the reason behind the changes he made in each iteration. And listen. How long do you think it took him to build and test all those robots? A few years maybe? Nah son, using the movie’s timeline, I’ve calculated that if he were working at a consistent pace throughout the project, it’d take FOUR MONTHS. 10 highly advanced ai robots. Fully drafted, programmed, built, and tested in 4 months. Oh and did I mention HE CREATED AI. LIKE ACTUAL AI.And his control over the Omnidroid (at least Omnidroid 9 anyway) is brilliant too. He’s got perfect control over it, and the reason I bring that up is because Omnidroid 10 tried to kill him. I’ve spent a long time wondering why he had perfect control over 9 but 10 disobeyed him, and my conclusion is that he implemented some new code in 10 that would make it act more destructively, thus making it more difficult to control but he never actually expected it not to listen to him because he didn’t actually test it on the island since, uh, having a 10 story tall rampaging robot on the loose near your base isn’t a good idea. I also headcanon that 10 was built to self destruct when defeated so that no one could trace its origins back to Syndrome had he won and been considered a hero.With that long ass section out of the way I’d finally like to bring up that if Syndrome did indeed create all of these inventions, that’d made him a computer programmer, aerospace engineer, possibly a civil engineer, a chemist, the inventor of harnessing infinite energy and ai, and thats only what I can think of off the top of my head.Another one of my favorite things about Buddy is that I love how easy it is to imagine him as a way more fleshed out character than he really is. On multiple occasions I’ve heard other people say that he seems like someone who would love conventions, or probably be an internet troll, and other things of that nature that relate more to his interests and personal life. I mean sure, anyone can headcanon anything for any character, but the way people headcanon Buddy just feels very… natural? Very fitting? Like, he’s a character that’s very easy to imagine having a life and hobbies outside of his evil schemes.Another little interesting thing is how he’s pretty much his own downfall. I mean sure a lot of his losses can be attributed to the Parrs defeating him in some way, but his most glaring faults are usually things that he could have prevented had he acted a little differently or planned a little differently. I dunno I just think that’s interesting for no particular reason.And one more thing I haven’t really discussed/seen discussed as much as I really think it should because it’s an interesting part of his character is does he see himself as a hero or a villain? And There are some interesting interpretations to that question as well. For example, if he views himself as a hero it’s probably because he doesn’t believe that superheroes are actually good people at heart, and that they just put up a facade of being kind and helpful to the public, which he uses to justify his atrocities. Or perhaps he legitimately does see himself as a hero for wanting to give normal people the opportunity to be super, or maybe he thinks that he’s doing a service to the world by killing off the people who are simply putting up that facade of good, or perhaps he sees himself as a victim deserving of a “redemption.” And if he sees himself as a villain, maybe he doesn’t understand or want to acknowledge the full weight of his actions, because it’s all a game to him, or maybe he does see himself as a bad person beyond redemption, so he decided that being a supervillain was fated or required of him. Regardless of which idea he believes, it’s obvious that Syndrome very much so lives (and has always lived) in his own fantasy world where things do play out exactly like how comic books do, and that his actions have no real weight to him (except when he feels like he’s been wronged, because he views himself as the protagonist or antagonist of the “story” aka making his own emotions relevant “plot points,” even if no one elses’ emotions (except maybe Bob’s) have any importance to him) because it’s all a comic book in his mind.Anyway there’s my nonsense rant
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tearofaeons · 6 years
YEAH!? ABSOLUTELY. @reallyintouglyfos​
I remember when i first started playing league :0 i preferred “passive” champs like Sona and Soraka, and refused to play tanks or anything that was “front line”, so, at the time, i didn’t like him for this exact reason. I saw his kit and playstyle as a big No Thanks.
“I could never play a champ like him!! he’s too aggressive”
So i pretended to hate him while secretly thinking he was kind of interesting, but you think i admitted it? no, i was a TOTAL TSUNDERE FOR ALMOST 2 YEARS!!!
Fastfoward to the day gave him a shot in a game of bots and then uhhh kept playing him non-stop for 4 weeks ._. and uh yeah. that’s how i fell in love with a skeleton. epic fail.
but i have my reasons ok.
But under read more because i’m shy òwò
He is! so! FUN! We “synergize” so well! so to speak. I can make plays and at the same time peel my ADC, which is great!! he’s my go-to support when i can’t play Sona -v-
So, he is a very cruel specter – obviously– but i really like this about him. I always enjoyed making the enemy team “suffer” by placing wards in the right places and never letting them kill the adc, so when i’m playing with him, doing that is even more fun! if that makes sense? it’s kind of like: “Oh i’m glad you’re enjoying this as much as i am!” but you know, in a more harmless way. Sometimes, i like to think we’re kind of like a team! c: and that i “help” him collect souls or something. I know that’s very OOC (he doesn’t need anybody) but, yeah
Oh!! that’s also something i like about him!! He’s very independent– he marches to the beat of his own drum. Something that i think is great about him is that when people try to stop/kill him, he doesn’t get mad, he’s just finds it very amusing, and says things like:
“Hm, really? you’re going to do that? well, i hope you don’t regret your decision…”
he’s just… so cocky… and i hate it dkjskdjsk bUT I LOVE IT.
Our personalities are very different! He finds joy in the misery of others, and likes to be the one causing it, but me? i get sad when other people are sad– i feel their pain. He’s eloquent and graceful, meanwhile i struggle to ask someone for a favor, and the list goes on! but, that’s something i like about him and our… dynamic? that we’re so different from each other! (  -ω- )و 
He is “incredible strong-willed and methodical” (as he was described in his lore) and well– isn’t that amazing? Imagine being locked with a bunch of haunted items that insult and prey on your insecurities, and being strong enough to endure it FOR YEARS. That’s impressive!
Tragically! he ended up giving in and slowly became who he is now. While what he went through doesn’t justify torturing people, it does adds layers to his characters, and offers potential ideas.
SPEAKING OF LAYERS, I could talk ALL DAY about the way his mind/brain works and the unique way in which he sees the world! he’s really interesting and fun to write! but,, hmm… i wont talk about that..Not today at least…. >v>
And, you know, if you think about it, he’s kind of like the embodiment of those thoughts that people get when holding something that’s easily breakable: what happens if i bend this thing? what happens if i break it? And hey!? i think that’s really cute! like!! stOP skdjskghdfjg.
He’s so creative! and enjoys experimenting and trying new things! when he isn’t using this talent to torture people (that seems to be a recurrent theme ;; >o>), he can actually do and create very impressive stuff. I like to think that if he was born in Piltover or Zaun, he would had been a renowned scientist–someone who, maybe, could have invented a lot of useful objects that help people in someway.
Also, this is more of a headcanon that’s somewhat supported by canon, but, the fact that he can look into someone’s soul/eyes and instantly know almost everything about them is comforting to me, it should be creepy, but i think is nice. Like, Oh? someone who knows what i’m thinking? not having to struggle to put my feelings into words because the other person already knows what i want to say? someone who knows exactly how i feel? amazing.
Although, he prefers to take his time and get to know and understand me without using his powers, he does this because, well, it’s more natural, but, also because he doesn’t want to look into my soul without permission-- He doesn’t want to intrude into my memories by accident and make me uncomfortable. He respects me and my boundaries, and gives me space when i need it :0 (WHICH I REALLY APPRECIATE, BY THE WAY).
I COULD GO ON BUT LET’S TALK ABOUT..... his design,,,,
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(Ugh.. .. his cape looks so comfortable… i want to wear it ;v;do you think he would mind if i borrowed it?)
tbh he makes me want to give all my OCs a scythe. I mean, just look at him?? he makes scythes look so cool, especially in his attack animations (You can look at them here!). See “Attack 1mid” for example, put it on slow-mo, and just notice the way he moves his arm over his head to avoid getting hit by the chain LI KE,  H UH UH? OH MYGOD?? 
also, the way his “hair” moves is 👌 👀 *click* NICE.
His animations are pretty great in general, so feel free to look at them if you want–especially Dark Star. They’re not as polished as the newest champions, but they’re still good, imo.
ALSO UHHHHH CAN WE TALK ABOUT HIS VOICE?? is FRICKING fantastic!! both in english and spanish. The actors did an excellent job with him (imo), especially with his laugh. I mean, gosh… his LAUGH :‘v please listen to it, listen to that beautiful sound… (But be careful! it’s loud). I like all of his quotes, but my favorite ones are this one and this one.
And, for some reason, he has his own face on his scythe, which, i have to say, is really cute 💖 ;v;
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!?!?! why is he cute!?!? SDKSJDKSJ STOP!! ;o; 
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COULD I PLEASE have 20 more of these green little ghosts dudes thank u.
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You and I Are One Now
Word Count: 1,075
Summary: After purchasing a seemingly harmless ventriloquist’s doll at a yard sale, Alexys ends up finding out she got much more than she bargained for.
*Author’s Note*: A commission for @bad-blue-moon-rising! New year, new F/O, and as usual Alexys introduces me to characters and series I never really would have known about otherwise! I love getting to work with all the different character dynamics she gives me the opportunity to use, and of course writing sappy things for her and her F/Os is one of my favorite things :D I hope you enjoy!
This wasn’t the first time Alexys had come across something peculiar and unsettling—in fact, she was the type of person that often sought out that kind of stuff. She knew it wasn’t very typical, and that most people didn’t understand her preoccupation with the creepy and paranormal…but they didn’t have to. She was content to continue curating her own collection of unique and bizarre trinkets, one that she regarded with fondness each time she added a new piece to the display. It was a modest one, kept in her room and usually only cared for or viewed by her alone. Again, she was fine with that, and sometimes even liked things better this way. It meant she wouldn’t have to face any judgement, interrogation, or harassment for her interests, which was a relief she was happy to cherish.
Just as she was putting her latest purchase into place, the sudden sound of fluttering paper caught her attention. It landed at her feet, an insignificant little note that appeared to have fallen from the dummy’s pocket. That was unexpected; perhaps it was something that got left behind by the previous owner? Well, it had to be something like that, since Alexys certainly hadn’t put it there. Gently setting the dummy to the side, she crouched down and retrieved the note, unable to fight the urge to unfold it and see what it said.
The payoff wasn’t very rewarding, though. To her disappointment, what looked to be gibberish scribbled in a hasty hand was the only thing she found. The girl wasn’t even sure she could make the nonsense out, considering how messy the handwriting was. Turning the paper this way and that in her hands, she squinted and examined the note as closely as she could, determined to figure out what at least one of the words was. Of course, she still wouldn’t know what they meant, but if she could decipher them maybe she’d be able to turn to the internet for some help with translating.
“Karru…marri odonna…loma molonu karrano?” It didn’t sound like any language she’d ever heard, and she couldn’t be sure she’d pronounced even one of the words right.
With a shrug Alexys started to stand, pulling her phone out to investigate, when something suddenly made a noise beside her. She did her best not to yell, and she was lucky she didn’t lose her grip on her phone as she scanned the room with her eyes, hands a little shaky and palms already starting to sweat. It wouldn’t have been such a big deal…if she didn’t know for a fact she was alone. But she was, not even sharing this apartment with her pets at the moment. Soon enough she noticed that the dummy she’d yet to place with the rest of her collection was…no longer where she’d left it.
“What in the—?” Okay, this was getting scary. Had she made a mistake by speaking those words out loud? What kind of unseen force had she accidentally summoned? It didn’t take long for her to get an answer.
“You seem a little out of sorts…it’s not because of me, is it?” The tone was smug and a little sarcastic, and this time her phone did slip from her fingers, clattering to the floor as she spun around to see who such a voice belonged to. “Name’s Slappy. I know, sounds kind of…well, whatever, that’s my name and you’ll just have to like it.”
“Alive? You bet. Thanks to you, that is. I’m lucky you said it out loud, since reciting that phrase by writing or typing unfortunately doesn’t help me.”
“B—But you’re a dummy! And I…I bought you, and—”
“Thanks for that too, sweetheart,” the sentient doll replied, and Alexys swore she saw him wink; a soft blush warmed her cheeks. “It was so stuffy, living in that suitcase. But I guess I could get used to living here now.”
“How are you…what are you?” Her words were finally starting to return to her, but Alexys still couldn’t find it in herself to move from the spot.
“I think for right now, the less you know about my past, the better,” Slappy advised, and she couldn’t help noticing how sharp he looked in that suit. That was one of the first things she’d noticed about him, one of the key reasons she’d purchased him in the first place. He was nice to look at, and now it turned out he had a sassy personality to boot? Just what had she gotten herself into? And what was she thinking, even considering the possibility of being attracted to this clearly haunted yard sale doll…well, she supposed weirder things had happened. “Mind telling me a little more about yourself?”
“I’m Alexys,” she introduced, barely managing to keep from getting tongue tied. “And if you’re going to be living here, we’ll have to set some ground rules—”
“Oh? Like what?” he inquired with a cocked eyebrow, idly adjusting his tie.
“Well, no going out, at least not during the day or something, when people can see you,” she explained. “I guess you could do that if I came with you, if I took you…but I really don’t think it’d be great to let anyone else find out that I adopted a sentient talking dummy.”
“I’m not a dummy,” he corrected, and Alexys was surprised at the venom that’d seeped into his voice. “I’d really appreciate you not referring to me that way anymore, either. I am alive, and real, and I have feelings, too. You wouldn’t like it if someone called you fake to your face, would you?”
“No, I wouldn’t…” Alexys apologized sheepishly.
She was unsure of how to respond when he finally crossed the room and stood in front of her. He gestured for her to lean down and she lowered herself to his level, doing her best not to get distracted by how handsome he was…she really was hopeless, it seemed. “It’s nice to meet you, Alexys. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to exist again.”
She took the hand he offered, blush deepening as she processed the sincerity of his gratitude. She wasn’t distracted enough to miss the glint of mischief that colored his expression as she met his eyes, though. “You, too. Thanks for giving me the chance to meet you, I guess.”
He chuckled and she swallowed involuntarily. “My pleasure.”
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