#i just remembered how their shipname is called in reverse LOL
adhdtsukasa · 6 months
i love every relationship in wxs, obviously, they're frequently bought together do not separate and i can't imagine looking at them without acknowledging that they were all equally important im each other's development, but if i had to pick my favorite, then it would be emukasa. wihout doubt. there is something special about emukasa that makes me slam my head onto wall everyday
not even in a shipping sense, i don't even quite literally ship them outside of polysho — i just think that their friendship is something so precious, a special thing that needs to be hold gently, or else it makes my heart ache. they care for each other. all of wxs do, and this is a fact. but when i think about how emu and tsukasa do so, it stings even more.
the way they started as a weird girl and a boy who tries his best to not lose his shit (or break his spine, according to the main story animation. yes i still think about it on daily basis) dealing with her — and the way they're best friends now, laughing together, crying together, getting mad togther. the way emu was so scared of tsukasa leaving her in amidst a dream, but still wished to support his dreams, because he matters to her so much. the way they were both crying and making fun of each other for it in our happy ending, so the other wouldn't feel so sad. the way it's tsukasa who invites emu to start a new story together in kirapipi★kirapika, just like she has invited him to their first one, to forming wxs together. all these details and moments in their relationship, revealing the bond that they've created.
yes, there are wxs ships i like better, but none of them just hits the way emukasa does. i don't want them to be kissing. i just want them to hold hands and keep on being best friends together, making me cry over them everday.
idk man i just think that everyone should think about emukasa sometimes
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