#i just sure did fuck his life up beforehand huh?
pumaskulls · 1 year
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"Every little thing you do I see
Doesn't feel quite like your relief
I find it hard to sit this still
You've left another hole to fill
I hear you well and I won't pretend
That every other word held ill intent"
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em-ontv · 18 days
Under his skin.
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Pairing: Soldier Boy x fem!supe!reader
Summary: When he met you, who was just like him; tempered, aggressive, he immediately hated you, no, loathed. But maybe that's not all he feels for you.
Warnings: vulgar language/cursing, mentions of violence (barely), no use of y/n, English is not my first language, mistakes should be present, apologies beforehand.
Author’s note: So… I just wanted something where this man isn’t an egoistic maniac. He annoys me so much but I love him <3, this was written just out of spite, enjoy!
Word count: 705
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Ben hated you.
You were a supe, a big deal. The leader of a new team of supes who were really just assholes when the cameras were turned off, and each of them possessed powers more messed up than the previous.
You were quick to throw fists and unleash whatever terrifying power you were gifted with. And fuck, did that rub him the wrong way. It was the same recipe, a sweet smile in front of the public and a complete disregard for human life in private. And you were the worst of them all; invulnerable, aggressive, with a temper that made Soldier Boy himself look like a boy scout.
He fucking hated you for that.
It was bad enough that Vought thought it was a good idea to create another superteam in case Payback ever went awry — then it succeeded, way too much for Ben's liking.
He had a hard enough time trying to keep his own idiots in line without worrying about another set of so-called 'heroes' stepping on his turf. But no, they went ahead and made you into their new big thing. And what's worse? You were someone who didn't take shit from anyone — not even him.
From the first day you met, it was like pouring gasoline on a fire. You talked to him like he was nothing, like some relic from a different era. You didn't just talk back; you tore into him, picking apart his ego piece by piece, you got under his skin like a parasite.
But the real kicker? You weren't afraid of him. You stared him down like he was a joke. It got to a point where he couldn't stand the sight of you. Just knowing you were around would set him off, make him want to tear somebody's head off, preferably yours.
"Where's the asshole?" Ben growled at Mindstorm, who swallowed thickly and pointed toward a room. He shot him a glare before nearly kicking the door open.
And there you were, sitting there with a smirk on your face, like you owned the place.
He clenched his fists, feeling his blood pressure rise, and you haven't even said anything yet. "You piece of shit. You think you're hot stuff, huh? Running that joke of a team like a dictator?"
"Don't be mad at me just because your team can't find it in their hearts to respect you." you tilted your head. "Talking about Payback, how is it? Still playing dress-up?"
His jaw twitched, and for a moment, he considered throwing you through the wall.
"You're nothing but a wannabe," he spat. "A cheap rip-off version of me. I don't know how you got this far, but don't think for a second that you're anywhere close to me."
You just grinned, more amused than anything, but there was a hint of anger lingering behind your eyes. "You're a washed-up mascot for Vought. Your team can't handle the dirty work,” you leaned forward. “And you as their leader? You can't even get your own shit together, talk about leading a team."
Ben's face flushed with anger, his fingers twitching toward his shield. But you just watched him, knowing you stuck a nerve.
"You're lucky Vought's got rules," he muttered, barely holding himself back. "Because if it was up to me—"
"You'd do nothing, Ben." you cut him off, your voice dripped with condescension. "Because you can't do anything. Not to me."
And in a split second, he swung his shield at you, but you didn't dodge.
You caught it.
And then it started.
Slowly but surely, Ben would lie awake at night, fists clenched, jaw tight, replaying your arguments in his head. He'd think about you and that infuriating smirk. The anger was still there, seething, but there was something else now, something creeping in at the edges of his thoughts.
It was humiliating, that's all it was. He was Soldier Boy, the toughest bastard on the planet. He didn't take shit from anyone, let alone someone like you. But then, one night, after downing half a bottle of whiskey and staring at the ceiling for hours, it hit him like a freight train.
He didn't just want to beat you.
He wanted you.
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mediumgayitalian · 7 months
“Oh, shoot, sorry. Go back to sleep. Sorry.”
Nico shifts, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. The light in the infirmary is low, and strangely soothing. It’s almost hard to keep his eyes open. But he manages, rubbing his knuckles under the curve of his eyesockets, and searches in the dark until he finds what woke him up.
Will stands a couple feet away from his bed, figure curled and shadowy, owlish eyes wide and almost unnaturally reflective in the dark.
“‘S’okay,” he mumbles. “Couldn’t really sleep anyway.”
“Oh.” There’s a shuffling sound, and suddenly Nico feels warmer where Will has stepped closer. “You in pain?“
“No. Just bad at sleeping.”
“Hey, me too.”
Surprise at Will’s easy admission and a little bit starstruck at the bright flash of Will’s grin, Nico doesn’t have the chance to beat himself up over being so flippantly open. His teeth seemed to glow as much as the whites of his eyes, which would be creepy, except it’s hard to feel anything but calm as a cool night breeze wafts the scent of lavender from the sill planters in every inch of the infirmary, and it’s hard to think of Will as anything but warm. Especially the hand he places, briefly, on the curve of Nico’s knee.
“Something like that.”
“Still. Sorry for waking you up.”
Nico hums, fiddling with his skull ring. “Why were you up, anyway?”
“Oh, I won’t have time to sleep for another couple days.”
There’s a mellow cracking sound, and then all of Will’s knuckles begin to glow a soft, sunset yellow. Nico startles.
“Apollo thing,” Will explains. A smirk is now visible at the corner of his mouth, forcing a dimple on his right cheek. In his hands, almost hard to see under the glow, are three small vials of something Nico doesn’t recognize. “Getting meds and salves in order.”
Hesitantly, Nico drags his gaze away from the clinking glass bottles, forcing himself to meet Will’s eyes. They’re ridiculously bright. Is that an Apollo thing, too?
“Why does that mean you can’t sleep?”
Will gestures to the myriad of occupied beds outside the curtains Nico has pulled up. “Shitton of injured, man. I got way more people than I got stuff. I prepped for the Romans beforehand, obviously, but I didn’t have a good hand on their numbers and didn’t prep enough. I’m short on supplies. Haven’t slept since Gaea did.” At Nico’s look of alarm, he quickly assures, “But don’t worry, I had Cecil brew me something strong. It’s disgusting, so I think it might be his Coffee Redbull Matcha Heartstopper Special, With A Shot Of Crushed Caffeine Pills For Good Measure, but I’m not sure. Hands are only a little shakey, though, feel.”
In a mirror of a few days ago (fuck, Nico hopes he’s kidding; how long can people go without sleep?), he darts out and rests his hands under Nico’s. Sure enough, they’re trembling, although nothing nearly as bad as before.
“Dangerous levels of sleep deprivation aren’t as bad as delivering a baby, huh.”
Will shudders. “Don’t even joke.”
He looks so genuinely horrified that Nico can’t help but laugh. All they’ve seen, all they’ve suffered — and golden boy is gagging at the miracle of life. If Nico wasn’t so sure that he’d seen at least as many gory nightmares as Nico, if not more, he’d tease him for being squeamish.
“What kind of school nurse wannabe is squidged out by birth?”
“Nurse?” Will squawks, snatching his hands away (Nico finds his own hands, strangely and suddenly, cold). “I didn’t go to seven years of med school to be called a school nurse wannabe!”
Nico narrows his eyes. “You didn’t go to med school. You’re fifteen.”
“As I said.” He grins teasingly. “I didn’t go.”
It takes Nico a second, but when he gets it he cannot physically hold himself back from kicking him. Solace, weak from muffled laughter, stumbles sideways into a lamp.
“Ay! Be careful, you wanna kill the camp’s only brain surgeon?”
“If he’s being annoying,” Nico bites back. He can’t quite stop smiling, and he’s embarrassed about it, but thankfully the darkness hides his face. “There’s no way you’ve done brain surgery.”
The shitty cot Nico’s been coerced into camping on for the next three days creaks as Will perches on the edge of it.
“Have so. In the woods, two years ago, removed a brain tumour. Stressful as shit.” He flashes another sideways grin. “Couple dozen more medical emergencies under my belt, and I might actually be as qualified as a nurse in this country’s garbage medical system. Thank the gods for them, honestly. They do a shit lot more than a lot of doctors claim to.”
Sensing the topic change for what it is, Nico doesn’t press any further. “That what you wanna do?”
“Aw, man, I don’t even want to think about it. The idea of someone else running this infirmary gives me a stress ulcer. Y’all do a lot of stupid shit and frankly some of the procedures I have performed exist in no medical textbooks anywhere, medical or no.” He snorts. “Anyways.”
His hands are blazingly warm again, almost like sun through a maginifying glass, when they pat his shin twice. He stands, stretching — more bursts of light appearing along the length of his spine, lighting what his fading knuckles leave out.
“Try to sleep again, Neeks. You’ll need it.”
“Maybe I should be the one to say that to you,” Nico says. Will waves his hand dismissively, and in a fit of impulse Nico reaches out and grabs it, meeting his raised eyebrow with a stubborn set to his jaw. “I mean it, Will. No one’s awake right now. I just woke up. Why don’t you crash for an hour or so? I’ll wake you if anything happens.”
Will hesitates. “If anything happens, that’s on me. It — I can’t let it be on me.”
“Do you trust me?”
Stupid question. Of course Will doesn’t trust him, Nico let someone die in front of his eyes, Nico is the bringer of death and darkness, why would he —
“Yeah.” Will sighs. Nico looks up, startled, but the medic is eyeing one of the few spare cots, face screwed up in consideration. “You’ll wake me?”
“Immediately,” Nico assures hastily. He nods his head at the bunk next to him. “Sleep, man. You look like you need it.”
“Oh, well, just what I’ve always wanted to hear from you. You look stunning, by the way.”
Nico knows it’s a joke, but he flushes anyway. Thank Hades again for the dark infirmary, and the length of his hair.
“Whatever. Sleep or don’t.”
“I’m going, I’m going.”
In seconds he’s out of his flip-flops, slightly-scratchy blankets turned up and wrapped tightly around him all the way up to his neck.
“Thanks, Nico. I owe you.”
In the next breath, he’s out, all that’s visible of him the flutter of his light eyelashes and the tangled mop of blond hair. He snores, slightly, with every puffed exhale; a tiny, stuttered sound, not unlike a cat. It’s kind of cute, and Nico’s smiling before he realising.
“You don’t owe anybody shit.” He shakes his head fondly, leaning back onto his pillows to keep an eye out. “Goodnight, Will.”
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thejujvtsupost · 6 months
Hi! I saw your requests and can I just ask a little red riding hood au where reader is little red and geto/gojo/nanami/toji are the wolves that eat you (out).
[They don't have to be literal wolves but just as wild. U can pick one but if you want to write for more than one it would be great]
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Good Enough To Eat 18+ mdni
Anon your brain is beautiful! This was originally for Halloween, but my I present: full moon Nanami 😌
Notes: F!reader, sex in the woods, prey/predator play(+dom/sub?), oral (F receiving), light breeding kink bc it’s Nanami, minor injuries, reader is consenting/discussed beforehand- consent is v sexy!
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Someone did a public service and pulled an audio of Nanami’s heavy breathing and I need to be euthanized. I’d also like to dedicate this to @pseudowho because they’re always on top of the Kento Agenda and sharing the audio with them was a MUST. Like that’s literally our husband. 💗
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You weren’t sure how long you were running with your picnic basket but you couldn’t catch your breath.
You couldn’t stop, either.
What started out as a simple evening picnic in the woods with your lover turned into a chase, as you ran for your life.
Kento… Kento was different from other husbands…
His unique qualities weren’t a hindrance to your relationship aside from the few times a year his instincts took over- and the heightened senses around the full moon. Even then, you both were so careful to avoid any accidental injuries. His body was far stronger than yours, with his heightened strength and lack of restraint being around him during his most vulnerable moments was dangerous.
“You can’t run forever, my love. I can smell you…”
Despite his taunts you refused to respond. He would catch up eventually but you didn’t want to make things worse by alerting him with your voice.
Unfortunately, between the blood pounding in your ears and lack of oxygen in your lungs, you lost your balance and tripped over an exposed tree root- with a twisted ankle, you were now dinner.
“Poor thing, that looked painful. Let me see it.”
Kento sounded calm but you knew the truth. Inside he was a simmering, insatiable, beast that already expressed its intentions of eating you.
He was getting closer and closer with his inhuman speed, you tried to get up and run but he had you pinned face down to the forest floor in seconds. Fuck.
“Got you.”
His voice was raspy in your ear as he started mouthing at your neck, “Gonna take you apart right here, right now. Feel how ready I am to take you?”
And you did, his cock was straining in his pants when he harshly ground against your ass. Impatiently, he pulled your hips up and adjusted your legs, keeping a hand on your back to maintain a good arch. The draft of the cool night air hit the back of your thighs, reaching higher when Kento flipped your dress up.
“No panties huh? You like being a wet whore don’t you? Running through the woods from a beast and leaking from your cunt.” He leaned down to inhale your scent close to the source and growled. “This pretty cunt needs filled up.”
You couldn’t help but feel a little bit of shame at how turned on you were by all of it.
A high pitched mewl left you as his tongue flicked across your clit from the back, feeling the way it throbbed each time it lashed against you. His lips sealed around your sensitive nub, alternating between slurping up your growing arousal and suckling your clit.
Your body was on fire, pussy clenching, needy for him to fill you. “Kento please!”
With one last smack of his lips he moved his body over yours, completely dwarfing you under him and tangling your fingers together. “Gonna get you full of me, breed this pretty pussy.” His cock brushed against your folds for a moment before he thrusted into you in a single breath.
If you weren’t so wet, the stretch wouldn’t be as pleasant. Unlike now, when your eyes were rolling back from the feeling.
You could feel his cock grow harder, stretching you, his swollen tip rubbing against the spongy spot in your cunt, making you leak around him.
He’s panting in your ear, needing you to milk his cock, your whimpered moan of his name only spurring him on more. He moved your legs higher to fuck you deeper, thrusting into you in the most animalistic manner you’ve ever experienced with him. With every pass, he hit his target. You knew your knees would be bruised by morning and it would be a welcomed mark.
His grunting and panting rivaled your moans as you grew close to your peak- he wasn’t far behind you with the way your cunt was fluttering and slicking.
“Kento- gonna!” You couldn’t finish your sentence before you released around his cock, soaking the dirt beneath your bodies.
“Yeah that’s it, come baby.” He roared, spilling his spend into you with a few sloppy thrusts before stilling, his cock throbbing with its own heartbeat, an endless stream of cum filling your pussy.
He pulled out once his breath was even and carefully flipped you over, “Are you okay, sweetheart? Hurt anywhere?”
Your eyes were still glassed over when you smiled all dreamy at him. “We gotta do that again.”
Kento fixed his clothes with a chuckle and gathered you in his arms, putting the little picnic basket in your hands as he carried you back to the car.
He buckled you in and held your hand to his lips when he got in the drivers seat. “How about a hot bath and some ice for that ankle when we get home?”
While worth it, you’d definitely feel deliciously sore tomorrow, deciding then to take the day off work.
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daisyvisions · 1 year
how do you think tbz will react when their partner accidentally squirt for the first time…i feel like hyunjae sunwoo sangyeon find it hot and will teased you a lot like “omg you peed all over me” but will always try to make you squirt the next time 😩😩
juyeon changmin jacob eric haknyeon will totally freaked out at first, thinking you really wet yourself …but when they realised what it is, they will be worried and check on you if you’re alright…or if you actually peed…
i don’t think younghoon kevin chanhee enjoyed it…they will probably just freak out and terrified…
i really wonder what is your opinion on this
Squirting For The 1st Time - TBZ Reaction
Warnings: Smut (18+, minors DNI). Also I apologize in advance if some of these sound repetitive
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😮‍💨 Okay so for me, I feel like they would each react like this:
Sangyeon - Really fucking turned on, but if you have some safety word or sign established before hand in case things get too much he’ll immediately stop and check on you. He’ll even ask if you wanna still continue or not
Jacob - Would be incredibly worried at first, wondering if what he did was too much. And since it came as a shock to him he might tone it down for the rest of the night because he doesn’t wanna tire you out too much
Younghoon - Honestly? Shocked. Maybe because he’s heard of what squirting is but has never seen it like this in real life so he wouldn’t really know what to do after (like in terms of cleaning up, if he should taste it or etc.)
Hyunjae - He’d get surprised for a moment especially since it was unexpected, but very amused at the fact that it happened and thinks to himself after how he can get you to squirt again (and he’s very determined about it too)
Juyeon - Dazed and confused, naturally it would take him a few seconds to process what just happened and really be like “huh??” then he’s got all these questions in his mind on what it could be
Kevin - Is probably aware of what squirting is beforehand so when you end up doing it he’s of course surprised since it was sudden but it will instantly click in his head on what that was. He’s neutral towards it so if it happens, it happens
Chanhee - Might not enjoy it mainly because he might find it a bit messy but if it’s something you like he’ll come prepared next time so that he’s not worried on how to clean up the mess because who is he to deny the pleasure of his beloved? (might eventually warm up to it)
Changmin - Might freak out because he thinks he might’ve hurt you. But when you tell him it’s totally fine and it’s actually very pleasurable for you he’ll try to do it again because low-key the face you made when it happened was hot
Haknyeon - Incredibly confused on what just happened and freezes. He will bombard you with questions and asking if it hurt or if you enjoyed it. And depending on how you respond he will act accordingly (aka if you like it, he’ll do it more and if you don’t he’ll try to avoid it)
Sunwoo - He’d be surprised but more of a “woah what was that?” and it might turn him on more than it should. Might be the type to tease you about it more every time you have sex, and really gets sex drunk when you squirt all over him
Eric - Amazed. He loves the idea that he’d gotten you so messed up fucking you that you’ve reached this point but is also the type to completely turn off the horny switch in his brain in order to make sure you’re okay
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specialagentlokitty · 7 months
Hannibal lector x reader - unravelling
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Part two:
Scoffing a little bit, you shook your head.
“I’m not spiralling into anything Jack, I’m doing fine.”
He shook his head, sitting down on the chair in front of you.
“No, you’re not. When was the last time you actually had a good sleep? A good meal?”
“Last night.”
Lying had become a strong suit for you, so as Jack stared at you, you felt never more at ease, simply just staring at him.
“I know the accident was hard on you, you’re refusing to process what happened. You know that isn’t healthy, and you moved in with someone you only met after a couple of months, you’re at a bar every other night, and apparently you’re not allowed anywhere alone. It isn’t healthy.”
You glared.
“Who the hell do you think made me come here? Huh? I was just going to blow tis off, Sam made me come.”
“He has an extensive criminal record.” Will said.
“From his teenage years, look it makes paying rent easier.”
“We offered you your job back, we offered you a desk position. We’re trying to help you adjust after the accident but you refuse to help us.” He sighed.
You turned to Hannibal who was just stood silently observing the conversation.
“I don’t want your help.”
“Please let us help you, it’s what we’re here for.” Jack said quietly.
You scoffed again, glaring at him.
“Help me? You’re the reason I was in the fucking accident Jack! You sent me in there alone, told me to follow him, he ran me off the road down a cliff!”
“You blame Jack for what happened to you?” Hannibal asked.
You turned your gaze to him.
“If Jack had actually blocked the roads I suggested he blocked we wouldn’t have gone down that backstreet.”
Hannibal slowly nodded his head.
“Perhaps we should speak without Jack or Will. Do you agree to stay if they leave?”
You nodded your head, watching as the two of them left, you didn’t bother to say a word to them.
When the door closed, you turned your gaze back to Hannibal who was watching you intently.
“Tell me about after the accident (Y/N).”
“Well, Will has already told me about what you were like beforehand, in fact everybody can contest you were a very different person beforehand. You were polite, kind, always smiling.”
You shrugged a little bit.
“Memory might be a big foggy, severe head trauma you know. Even got the scar to prove it.”
Hannibal hummed, nodding his head and leant forward a little bit, resting his arms on his knees as he clasped his hands together.
“How long did recovery take?” He asked.
“You have access to my files right? I’m sure you’ve read them.”
“I do, yes. It says you stopped attending your recovery program. Then you moved apartments around two months later.”
You shrugged a little bit.
“Medical bills and household bills are a lot to handle at once.”
“Yes, perhaps they are. Except the FBI payed your medical expenses.”
“Did they? Must have slipped my mind.”
Hannibal regarded you for a moment, taking some time to study you, the way you rested your head on your hand and the blank expression on your face.
“You have secluded yourself from your past self, refusing to allow anybody who knew you before the accident to come close to you. Perhaps you should consider opening yourself to them again.”
“No thank you.”
“Not even Will? The pair of you grew up together and you refused to tell him anything that happened.”
You refused to say anything, and you turned away from him.
“I understand traumatic events can change somebodies life, running from it won’t get you anywhere (Y/N).”
“I’m not running from anything.” You growled.
You clenched your jaw, balling your hand into a fist a few times.
“You were in a coma for a month, took another month to be released from hospital, you refused to leave your home for weeks, then went missing for two months, you returned completely changed, moved in with your friend outside.”
“I’m done talking about this.”
You stood up, making your way to the door.
“Will is looking into what’s been happening.”
You stopped, turning around to look at him.
“Come and see me next week. I’d like to carry on seeing you, I believe we could make some progress over time.”
You scoffed, leaving the office and Sam stood up, leading you outside and when you got back on to the street he showed you his phone.
“A curfew on the eighth ward?” You asked.
Sam nodded his head, putting it back in his pocket.
You felt a pair of eyes on you and turned around to see Hannibal look out his office window.
He offered you a wave, and you ignored him, turning back to Sam.
“Let’s go.”
Sam followed you down the street, once you were out of view you found a dark place to pull your mask and gloves on, making your way to the eighth ward.
Jumping up on a lamppost, you gestured for Sam to do the same thing and he did, pulling his hood up to help hid his dog mask.
You both made your way across the ward like that, avoiding the inspectors that were patrolling the ground below.
Stopping at an intersection, you found a few other ghouls doing the same thing and one of them gestured for you to go to a rooftop, so you all did.
The one in the fox mask stepped forward.
“They’ve shut down the whole ward. Anybody outside is being arrested and they have a warrant to test anybody arrested for rc cells.” Kyle said.
You nodded your head, and Sam crouched down on the ledge, glancing down before walking back over.
“Even got a helicopter coming in.” He said.
“We need to move out as fast as possible then, go back to forth ward.”
Everybody nodded, and you looked at the helicopter that was coming over the city.
“Let’s go!”
You led them all over the rooftops, the light on the helicopter over you guys in a matter of minutes, and you kept going.
You could hear shouting from below, and you saw the lights from this ward to the forth ward which was covered in darkness.
“Members of the hell hounds stand down now!” The person in the helicopter called.
You ushered everybody into the ward and you jumped over, aware of the light following you.
Turning around, you looked up at the helicopter, sticking your middle finger up at it.
“Grimm stand down!”
You lowered your hand, putting your hands into the pockets of your jacket.
“We will enter with force!”
You just carried on staring, knowing full well that they wouldn’t enter the forth ward.
Sam and Kyle walked up to you, standing next to you.
“Stop taunting.” Sam whispered.
“Why? It’s fun. We all know they’re not going to come in.”
“Let’s just go, we need to get back.” He grumbled.
You huffed a little, turning around to leave with him, using the ward as a shortcut to get back home and you changed.
Sitting on the couch you turned on the news, watching the headline article about hell hounds being spotted running through the wards.
“You’re getting reckless.”
“We both know they’ll never get the task force to bring us down. I want to drive the bastard doctor who fucked me up out.”
“You really think he’s going to buy that?”
“He wants to see if his experiment worked, I’ve no doubt he’ll be watching.”
Sam walked over, sitting next to you.
“Can’t you just ask your FBI friend to run the name?” He asked.
“No. I don’t want them knowing I’m looking for this man. Plus it was a fake name, when I requested to see my surgeon after they said nobody by that name ever worked there.”
Sam nodded his head.
“The therapist?”
“What about him?”
Sam glanced at you before turning back to the TV.
“Will you continue to see him?”
“If I want to keep them all away then I have to, they’ll just keep getting involved until I go back to see him.”
“If they find out?”
“They won’t.”
Sam hummed a little bit, nodding his head.
You went back to see Hannibal the following week, again avoiding all of his questions that he asked, and you carried on avoiding his questions.
You were living two separate lives, and it was easy enough to keep them apart, you had grown pretty used to pretending to be human, and running the hell hounds.
It was a busy schedule.
So often you showed up to your therapy late, which was something Hannibal picked up on and finally decided to bring up after a month of you resuming his sessions.
“Do I need to arrange your appointments later?” Hannibal asked you.
Walking through his door, you made your way over to the chair and sat down.
“No. I’m just a busy person.”
“New job?”
Hannibal nodded his head.
“What do you do for work?”
He nodded again.
“Have you spoken to Will like I suggested?”
“Why not?”
“Look, people grow apart Hannibal. I’ve grown into a different person and Will can’t handle that so there’s no point holding on to somebody who can’t handle when someone changes.”
“Why’s that?”
“It’s a waste of my time.”
He hummed a little bit.
You reached down, picking up your coffee cup and you took a sip from it.
You set your cup down, and brush some hair from your face.
“What if I were to set up a dinner for you and Will? I can do all the cooking, all you have to do is turn up, speak with him.”
“No thank you, like I said, not interested. I also don’t do dinner parties they’re not my thing.”
“Perhaps we could meet here then?”
Hannibal set his notepad down.
“Do you not wish to be friends with Will anymore?”
You sighed a little bit.
“It doesn’t matter, we all go down different paths in life eventually right? Well, it’s my time.”
“Tell me (Y/N), do you wish to cut Will out of your new life?”
You thought for a moment about this, because you hadn’t ever thought about it before.
“Well, no. I just.. I want him to give me time, space. I get he’s worried but he’s all over me and what I’m doing. I need him to back off.”
“I see, so, if Will were to back away, would you be willing to get meet with him?” He asked.
“Maybe. I don’t know. Why are you so concerned about this anyway?”
Hannibal gave you a small smile, and leant back in his chair.
“I believe having contact with people from before your accident will help you process all that has happened. I believe you’re choosing to ignore the accident, meaning you aren’t processing everything that happened.”
“I’ve processed it.”
“Then tell me about it.”
You shook your head.
“No thank you, and I believe Doctor Lector our time is up.”
You stood up, grabbing your coffee cup, and you gave him a nod of your head as you walked towards the door.
You turned to look at Hannibal.
“If you want to talk about the accident, do get in touch.”
You didn’t say anything, you simply just left his office and Hannibal made his way over to his desk, taking his tablet to look at your medical file.
He had been studying it, because whatever happened just after that accident was the reason for your change in behaviour and there was a lot of holes in the records.
Something wasn’t adding up, he knew that and it made him curious, there was something about you that seemed so oddly familiar to him, and he wanted to know what
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musings-ofthe-unamused · 11 months
Drunk in Love (Obey Me)
Pairing: Lucifer x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: I hate Lucifer!!! But I love Lucifer angst!!!
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Lucifer's forehead looked like a shiny egg. The glare on it shifted as he violently gestured with his hands. He was giving some sort of lecture, but you had tuned him out ten minutes ago. Now, all you could do was focus on his giant forehead that glistened like a freshly boiled egg. 
"Are you listening?"
You blinked. "Huh? Oh. Uh…yes?"
He crossed his arms, glaring down at you. "No. You're not."
"Can you blame me? Do I really need to be lectured for this long?"
"You skipped school."
" One time , Lucifer."
"Are you trying to become a dropout? It only takes one time!"
Your mind flitted back to those "anti-drug" campaigns. It was a bunch of cheesy slogans like that. Gateway drugs, hanging with all the wrong people, and making bad decisions. Lucifer sounded like a more angry version of the teachers there. You raised an eyebrow, not wanting to listen to his lecture anymore.
"So you're telling me you've never skipped school?"
He snorted. "No. I'm a diligent student."
That was more than enough to get you annoyed. "Diligent? So just because I skipped one day, I'm suddenly a bad apple. Ok, got it."
"Good. Glad we've come to an agreement. You're grounded for a week."
You stood up. "Seriously?! That's so unfair!" 
"It's completely fair. You are to not go out. You go to school and immediately come home."
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
You rolled your eyes. "Oh, fuck off."
Lucifer's eyes darkened as he spoke your name with a low and careful tone. "Say that again."
"You're just pissed because your life is so boring! You see one person break the rules, and out of jealousy, you incite your oh so powerful wrath because you can't stand seeing people actually enjoy being alive."
"Don't you make assumptions about me!" Lucifer shouted, pointing his finger at you. "I am trying to help you!"
"News flash! Punishments won't help anyone!"
"Yes it does! I'm keeping you from wasting your time!"
"This," You motioned widely with your hands, as if to encompass your relationship with him in a bubble. "Is a waste of my time! Did you even ask me why I skipped?"
Lucifer's eye twitched. At this point, you knew it was best to tread lightly. That was, until he spoke again. "I don't need to know why! You were being stupid!"
"You're fucking stupid! You're nothing but a boring, pompous, power hungry asshole!"
Before you could let Lucifer even rip into you, you stomped out of his room and slammed the door. You were half expecting him to chase after you, demon form and all, but he never did. You huffed proudly to yourself. It was about time he was told what's what. 
When you opened your door, you saw Mammon and Levi lounged on your bed. Levi was laying on his stomach, fidgeting with his switch, while Mammon sat next to him. You flopped down on the only empty space. Immediately, both Mammon and Levi turned their attention to you. You stared at them, and then covered your eyes.
"That was bad, wasn't it?" 
Mammon hummed. "Honestly, I haven't heard him that angry in a while. Not even towards me."
"I haven't heard you yell," Levi thought out loud. "It was kinda…"
You groaned. "Enough."
Mammon poked at your cheek. "Are you ok?"
Were you? You felt drained. Fights were bad, but getting yelled at was worse . If these two weren't here, you would probably be crying. It's not like you haven't been lectured by Lucifer before. In fact, who hasn't been lectured by him? The hurt you felt more so came from him not having any faith in you at all. Sure, you could've told him beforehand you were skipping, but would he even have let you go?
"Tired," You mumbled, deciding not to express your hurt. "Wake me up when dinner is ready."
"Should we leave?" Mammon asked. You knew he wouldn't.
"It's fine."
About an hour later, you woke up to numb legs as Mammon shook you awake. You groggily rubbed your eyes and sat up. Levi was using your thighs as a body pillow as he continued to game. With a sigh, you pushed him off. Your head was pounding and you wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep. But your stomach grumbled. 
"What time is it?" You mumbled, slowly getting up.
"Almost six." Mammon answered.
"Whose turn was it to cook?"
"Satan's." Levi's game made an alarming noise. He sighed and tossed it down. "I can't pass this level!"
You sleepily smirk at him. "Need my help?"
"No. Last time I got your help, you wouldn't let me play for two hours ." 
You shrug. "It was fun."
No one spoke about the fight with Lucifer. You didn't want to talk about it either. You were ready for the awkwardness when you saw him out at dinner. Talking, but avoiding the touchy subject. Stiff words with no emotion. How fun did that sound? Levi trailed after you with his Switch while Mammon stood glued to your side.
As you sat at the dinner table, you noticed that Lucifer wasn't there. You tried to not look too concerned. Normally, he would be at dinner after lecturing anyone, as if to say "you could be next". Satan walked in with the main course and set it on the table next to the sides. It was some sort of roast with an array of "vegetables" as sides. He sat next to you. You saw Beel reaching for a piece of the roast. You took the giant fork before he could, and filled up his plate. Then you did the same to the rest of the brothers. When everyone had their plates, you all awkwardly looked at each other.
"Uhm…" Levi pursed his lips. "Do we…wait?"
"Why should we?" Satan rolled his eyes, picking up his fork. 
Belphie nods in agreement. "It's not like he ever waits for us." He yawns and sits back in his chair, hugging the pillow in his lap. "Let's just eat."
There were no complaints. Everyone started to eat. After a couple of silence-filled minutes, Asmo decided to fill up the silence with his escapades for the day. Something about the new clothes he got and new skincare products. It was a good distraction. Soon conversation flowed between all seven of you. Laughter and playful bickering was enough to have you in a good mood. That was until you heard the front door open and then slam shut. 
“I’m home!” Lucifer announced, his arms raised as he stumbled into the dining room. “Welcome me back!”
“Welcome back?” You questioned looking up from your plate. He looked like shit. “Where were you?”
“Well,” He slurred, all but falling in his chair. “Diavolo and I got a bit too enthusiastic with the Demonus...and drank six bottles each.”
“Jesus Christ man, it’s literally six in the evening.” Mammon gaped.
“Oh. I’m just a bit tipsy. And watch your language around the dinner table. Beelzelbub, please pass me some food.”
Beel looked up then frowned, his eyes growing as he scooted the plate closer to himself. You stifled a giggle as Lucifer reached out, trying to get any sort of food. Beel whined and defensively smacked his hand away. Lucifer grabbed his hand and gasped. Satan groaned and rolled his eyes.
“Great,” He groaned, leaning back in his chair. “Now we have to deal with this.”
“I find it quite amusing,” Asmo grinned, his chin resting on his hand.
“Deal with what?” You asked.
“That’s right!” Mammon smiled, a giddiness in his eyes. “You’ve never seen Lucifer drunk!”
“It’s nothing special,” Levi muttered.
“You’re only saying that because you don’t get scolded.” Belphegor snorted. “Get ready. You’re in for a treat.”
“Beelzebub!” Lucifer gasped again, totally offended. “How could you? I am your brother! I love you, and this is how you treat me?”
“And I love food.”
Lucifer drops his head onto the dining table with a thunk . His shoulders shook as if he was crying. You lifted an eyebrow. The once strong, proud, never faltering Lucifer was now nothing more than a clumsy drunk demon. You warily finished off your plate. As funny as it was to see him like this, you also were too tired to deal with him anymore for today. You silently stood, taking your plate into the kitchen. You go back into the dining room.
"I'm gonna go rest in my room for the rest of the night."
"I wanna come!" Levi says.
You shook your head. "I need alone time."
Satan interrupted him. "Just let them get rest."
You silently thanked him. After taking a glance at drunk Lucifer, who was still face down on the table, you left. Once in your room, you sat on the edge of your bed and chewed at your nails. Drunk? Drunk ? Lucifer drank, sure, but he wasn't once to get this bad. You doubt it was Diavolo's doing. Despite his upbeat and playful personality, he would never put Lucifer in a position like that. So it must've been —
Your eyes widen as the conversation you had with him earlier pops into your brain. Was it because you called him boring? Did he actually go out and get drunk to prove a point? Never had you thought that your words had any sort of effect on Lucifer. It felt kind of good , knowing that you were the one to lead him to this point.
"Let me in!"
Speak of the devil. There was a pounding at your door. You swung it open to see Lucifer. He smiled and then took a deep swig of water. You sighed, putting your hand on your hip. "Do you need something?"
Lucifer places his hand on your shoulder. "Can we talk?"
"I don't want to talk to you when you're drunk."
"But I wouldn't-" He pauses, blinking his eyes. Then he hiccups. " hic ! Ugh. Please?"
You shift your body so he could come in. Maybe it was a lapse of judgment, or maybe it was the fact that he currently had no filter. Whatever it was, something was telling you to let him in and hear you out. Lucifer walked over to your bed, his steps a little more stable. You sat next to him. 
He hummed a bit, taking the last bit of water. "Did you really mean it?"
You knew what he was talking about, but still, you asked. "Mean what?"
"When you called me a boring, pompous, power hungry asshole." His words smoothly ran into one another. He was sounding less and less drunk. "That really hurt, you know."
You snorted. "I can tell. I've never seen you act like this before."
His eyes softened slightly, as did his voice. "You wanted it to hurt?"
"I-" You took a moment to think. "I did. Because you hurt me."
"I'm just trying to make sure you live properly.." He groaned, leaning against your shoulder. "Just look at my brothers! They're always a mess."
"They're a mess because you keep meddling in their lives. We're all adults, Lucifer. If they need help, they'll ask. Stop trying to control everything. Stop trying to control me."
"But I have to!"
"So you act even more childish when you're drunk?"
"I'm not drunk," He straightened and then turned towards you. You stared at him as both his hands gripped the side of your face. "I need to protect you. I love you ."
Lucifer wasn't the type to be affectionate, much less say such weighted words. You can't even remember the last time he said them to his brothers. It took you aback. Then you remembered he was drunk, and it was probably all a lie anyway. So when he kissed you, you did nothing.
"Lucifer," You whispered, placing your hands on his chest. "You're drunk. Go to sleep."
"Please. Please kiss me back." His voice was so desperate. His eyes were no longer hazy, the cloudiness of alcohol all but gone. "Please."
It wasn't right of you to kiss him. Not when you were now doubting your feelings on him. With a shake of your head, you stood and left your room, closing the door behind you. The living room was lively as the boys played a board game. You sat in the corner, ignoring them and zoning out. Lucifer kissed you. He tried kissing you again. The platonic love you had originally thought he felt fell out the window. Your heart was pounding, but your eyes still felt heavy. All you could think about when you drifted off to sleep was Lucifer's desperate expression
You had tried avoiding Lucifer all day. At breakfast, on the way to school, in the halls, it seemed like everywhere you turned, he was there. You didn't want to talk about last night. It felt awkward. It felt painful. Maybe it's because this was the first time he was nice to you in ages and it's because he was drunk. Or maybe it's because you didn't want to find out that all those words were a lie. Whatever it was, you wanted to avoid it. 
The bell rang for lunch. You told Mammon that you would meet up with him later. In all the drama yesterday, you had forgotten to finish your homework for next period. You sat alone in the empty classroom and worked diligently to finish. Until a large hand placed itself over your papers.
You stood, gathering your stuff. "Not now, Lucifer."
"Can we just talk?" He sighed.
"I need to go meet up with Mammon." You tried to push past him. "I'm going to be late."
He rolled his eyes. "So you're not going to finish your homework? I'll help." 
That made you snort. He really needed to get his thoughts under control. You didn't need to be here for that, so you tried leaving. But he didn't let you. Instead, his hands wrapped around your waist and he pushed you back until you hit your desk. His body was flush against yours as he looked down at you with a stern expression.
"What are you doing?" You hissed.
"We need to talk about last night."
"Do you even remember what happened?"
He winced slightly. "I remember asking Diavolo if I was boring. I remember drinking to prove both of you wrong. I remember coming home-" Lucifer's voice dropped to a whisper as his hand gently cradled your cheek, his thumb grazing against your lips. "And making a fool of myself. I remember telling you how hurt I felt…and how you wanted me to be hurt."
Your face was ablaze in a blush. Lucifer's voice was always smooth while talking. Right now, it rendered you helpless as you just stared at him. "So are you going to apologize?"
"I am. I won't say I'll change right away…but you made it clear how you felt. How I made you feel. But now…"
"I want you to feel good."
This kiss wasn't based on drunk feelings. This one was calm and confident. His lips were warmer, softer than you remembered. And this time you kissed Lucifer back. You let yourself get lost in the way his lips seemed to so perfectly fit against yours. His hand moved down to your neck, while the other squeezed your waist as he tried to press himself closer to you. He let out a soft chuckle, as if he had just won something. You bit his lip. "Ow! Seriously?" He glared at you.
You grinned and patted his cheek. "Just a little revenge."
"You get a pass this time," He sighed. He looked at you with such a loving gaze, that you had to look away. "I truly am sorry. I have crossed the line yesterday, multiple times. I lost my temper. Next time you are in need of a lecture, I will not resort to the same method."
You raised an eyebrow. "Next time. And what method will you use?"
He smirked. Before you could ask what he was doing, his lips were attached to your neck. You let out a surprised gasp. Lucifer laughed and leaned back. "This one. Hopefully it'll deter you."
"Asshole!" You playfully pushed him back. "How about being more lenient?"
"How about giving me a warning next time you decide to skip?"
"Good." Lucifer pauses. He shifts uncomfortably. "I apologize for raising my voice and not bothering to hear you out. And…about what I said last night…don't feel pressured to answer. I want to take it slow. By taking you on a date. Tonight."
"I can't."
"What?" His face fell. "But I thought-"
You shrugged. "I'm grounded. Not allowed to go out."
Lucifer's face turned red. It was such a cute sight. After a second, he composed himself again, giving you a smirk. "Oh, you play a tough game. You're no longer grounded. Good?"
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
DMD!Cowardly Lion x AFAB!Reader || Smexcerpt
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Plot: I don't even know how to explain this. It's filth with a littttle hint of 'how did I even end up in this backwards universe??'.
Warnings: Unedited. Lion humanoid/human, size difference, dub con, knock knock // who's there // cum inside, he calls you a 'little snack' and he MEANS IT-
He's enormous, the Cowardly Lion. You remember him from the movie; he was always your favourite, but he was n e v e r this big.
Although- he's not a coward now either. So a few things are pretty different in real-life, huh?
But you're really in no position to be thinking things right now, anyway, not with your childhood favourite fictional character mounting you from behind.
You don't understand how you got here, into this 'predicament'. Well- actually- thats not true, you do remember. You remember wishing you anywhere but home and then suddenly being here, in a sty with the Lion. He called you darling and buried his snout in your neck, smelling you, and you got the feeling you were indeed somewhere entirely different all of a sudden.
Not just a different place- but a different world. A different time. Somewhere where you were the Cowardly Lion's mate.
He fucked you shortly afterwards and then you really were his mate.
You've been here ever since; it's been weeks.
... so yes, you know logically how you got here; That you wished to be some place and then, like a magic trick, you were. But you certainly don't understand the science. Or the magic?? Oh, bother-
How can you think when that monstrous creature that used to be such a sweet adorable lion is sinking his huge cock into you again?
You'd gotten used to the size over the past weeks (the first time was a shock to the system, to say the least. In more ways then the one.), but you certainly hadn't gotten over it. Not when it felt so good stretching your pussy out.
"Mmm... always perfect, little snack." He growls from above you, the sound of his baritone voice filling up your head so you can think of little else as he starts thrusting in and out of you at a slow - but firm, - pace that makes your brain turn to hot, gooey mush. You know it's wrong, in your world there was no such thing as a humanoid lion and if there were you certainly shouldn't fuck it, but you can't deny yourself when he doesn't even ask beforehand. If you don't get the chance to say no, you surely can't be blamed for taking it can you?
It's not long at all before the monster is pounding into you, his cock ramming into your little drippy hole and forcing you open. His pelvis brushes against your ass every time he rolls his cock into you and you can sense an orgasm building insidd the more he twitches. You just want him to fill you up; cum and empty his sack into you so you drip with the creamy, white substance. And you want his tongue in you slowly licking it up, too.
"Ughhhh, please please please... " You moan, digging your fingers and your knees into the ground covered in old sheets, ripped pillows, leaves and newspaper so you dont shift away from him with the strength of his thrusts before just laying on your forearms and arching your ass upwards towards him unable to do much else but take it and beg.
The Lion doesn't respond except for growling, he gets so animalistic when he's a. Eating, or b. Destroying your little cunt. He does get rougher like you asked though, spurred on by the plea in your voice to start absolutely violently hammering you with his thick cock.
And he tastes you. Licks up your spine and over your shoukder the flat of his tongue; up your throat and over your lips, until you part them and let him kiss you with it. He growls into your mouth while you take his cock so well. You're so perfect for him, so good. Small, and delicious.
His tongue delves almost too far into your mouth and down your throat, and all you can do is suck on it and drool on it and drive him even more mad with the spit that slicks your chin and his fur.
When he finally bursts, painting your cunt white inside and outside when it oozes around him, you cum almost immediately; an obedient pet for your monster lion mate.
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Trimax Thoughts Vol. 7 Pt. 1
I am slowly but surely catching up! More stream of consciousness thoughts below! This one is a doozy... I almost couldn't verbalize my thoughts clearly; I just had so many.
[All images are from Trigun Maximum Vol. 7.]
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[ID: A set of five panels in a row, each a close up of a different face of a crew member. They all look pensive. The panel below is of a nondescript part of the ship's ceiling. The dialogue reads "A great scientific discovery... huh..." End ID.]
...seems like this is not the first time you people have come across a "great scientific discovery"...
Yikes. Rem's trying so hard to keep the twins a secret but her eyes in that scene... she does not trust these people. And I'm pretty sure I know why.
Hjhfdjhf Knives is a little troublemaker. He's so cute.
Interesting that it's Vash who sees Conrad first.
Knives is so happy to be accepted he just started crying... augh...
I do find the way Conrad talks to them is kind of interesting though. Idk, saying "Let's move forward together" isn't really something I'd say to a couple of young kids... it's just that I still think Conrad sees them as a new sentient form of life before just being children, you know? But at least he's being nice to them.
"We can work through a few little differences. If we just talk to each other, we can come to understand one another. Because there's no difference between human hearts and ours." <- Oof. He was so optimistic. I'm paying special attention to the words "we can work through "little" differences" and ""no" difference between them".
...the apparition of the girl there, who I'm going to assume is Tesla, is eerily similar to the strange apparition Vash saw of Conrad being killed in the previous volume. Is it an intentional thing that Knives did? If that's the case, it implies Tesla is intentionally trying to show them something... which uh...
...the flower is fresh. That means Rem is changing it and checking on it. It's kind of a miracle these two didn't follow her into this wing beforehand if she keeps disappearing to do this.
Vash is the first to catch on that something is weird about all this. Or, well, I don't think that's quite true. Knives also seems to know something is up but his face makes me think he doesn't want to admit it.
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[ID: Vash squishes in next to Knives, trying to see the screen, saying "Who?! Why?! What does it mean?!" Knives has a cartoonishly annoyed expression as his hands ready to press on the keyboard, and says "I don't know! Quit pushing, Vash!" End ID.]
Ah... siblings... :')
Oh what the fuck. This is so much worse.
Literally what the fuck. And what makes it so horrible is you can tell these people were so excited by their new discovery that they weren't even listening. We don't actually see any of Tesla's perspective but there is a small panel where she's crying. The "question of ethics" is given a single sentence, like it wasn't even contemplated. These weren't "villains", they were ordinary people. And that is even more terrifying - because all of us would love to believe that the line between good and bad is a firmly drawn thing.
Ah... so this was the inspiration for Vash not eating in Stampede... :/
Rem's perseverance is going to make me cry
Ah... never bring a knife or sharp object around someone who is suicidal...
HOLY FUCK REM. Oh my god. Certified mom moment fr.
Hey. Do you ever think how this is probably the first time Vash has seen real blood (excepting the possibility of maybe some scrapes or bruises but I'm talking actual bleeding). Anyways I just. It clearly triggered thoughts of Tesla and that fear, that trapped feeling, that "lash out before she hurts me" took over, and that upwelling of momentary relief because he's safe only for him to look down and it's Rem's blood, not his, and it's his hands, not hers, holding the weapon and I just ahgjuhbfgsjbhgjbadahhhhhh
I don't even know what to say. I have no insightful commentary I just... Vash clearly got her to the medical area. Eating his food where she can see. Clearly still wary, deeply shaken, gauging for a reaction from her. And she just smiles at him. Augh.
Sorry, is this a Night on the Galactic Railroad reference??? AS IF THIS WASN'T PAINFUL ENOUGH.
*sounds of crying*
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[ID: First image is of young Vash, with closed eyes, a faint grin and a sweat drop, saying "I don't fully understand though. I've never even seen a train." Second image is of a very cartoony Rem and Vash, Rem at first glaring then grimacing as she says "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" and Vash shocked with sweat drops. End ID.]
The sillies... ok but this is so sweet and tells us a lot about Vash and Rem's dynamic, for all that we only see particular scenes of it - and in spite of everything, it's a good one. Everything that's happened over the past while has been incredibly emotionally charged, and there's definitely no going back to how it was - but Rem is telling him her honest feelings, holding nothing back at this point, and Vash not only clearly listened (you can see the light come back into his eyes... augh), but he is the one who takes the step to break the tension and be a little silly (which I'm going to take a wild guess and say that's something he did before), and Rem sees it for what it is - it's not alright, and it hasn't been resolved (god, could something like this ever?) but she will never give up on him (on either of them) and he doesn't want their relationship to be tense and fraught with conflict. Anyways, that takes a deep level of love and understanding on both sides. I adore them. I adore complicated yet loving parent-child relationships.
...Knives doesn't remember??? WHAT
Sorry, Conrad opposed the experiments??? And the fact that apparently they caused an "uproar" and it was still only given one brief mention in the official report. Ugh.
Knives' breakdown and eventual decision to cause the Big Fall is so so well done. Augh this poor kid...
"I made a completely rational decision" <- me when I lie
"You need to look at the larger picture" <- I think I can finally get around to writing about Knives' trauma now. Oh yeah. It's all comin' together.
Oh this is so weird that the flashback appears to be different... because first we see Knives saying the Plant ships will survive, but now apparently several were "sacrificed". Knives kicks Vash when he accuses him of not "being" human but now it's because he accuses him of "being afraid" of humans. I'm. Confused. Is this the difference between what the brothers remember...? Is it just an extended scene?
"This is not fear. This is anger." <- ME WHEN I LIE
BRO HE ABSORBED HER? WHAT. (Also these panels are so fucking cool. I would include them here but it would literally just be three continuous pages.)
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[ID: Wolfwood has flicked a rubber band at Vash. It hits him in the face. His head moves to one side from the impact but his expression doesn't change. End ID.]
We now interrupt your regularly scheduled doom, trauma and destruction for Wolfwood certified annoying older brother comedy relief moment.
There's something about Wolfwood being the one to break up a potential shootout by playing up Vash's reputation (as Vash himself did in the first volume of Trimax) before a single person can get hurt... but it comes at the expense of continuing to damage Vash emotionally... as I suppose his brand of pacifism always kind of does huh?
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[ID: Vash smiles broadly with closed eyes. It is clearly forced. Wolfwood watches from the entrance, leaning against the Punisher. End ID.]
Ow. Just ow.
I have so many emotions from this scene. I don't even know what to say I feel like I've been pulled in about ten different directions by my heart strings. I will say the lines about taking solace in forgetting your past and that people will one day forget you is in stark contrast to Vash's insistence on remembering...
"Wolfwood, you are really my guide, right?" <- I am experiencing shrimp emotions
Knives knocking out the communications network... that's a good move. Also kind of symbolic lol
"before the end" ugh it really does sound like Vash expects to not make it out of this... but well. there's like... 7 more volumes. so.
Wolfwood: *experiences a viscerally horrifying vision involving him getting impaled and then literally ripped apart* Also Wolfwood: "I'm not gonna say anything I don't want to burden him" (for the love of... talk to each other you two!!! you're stronger together!!!!! we've established this!)
He noticed anyways... and then Wolfwood tried to follow him aghhh
...so Wolfwood didn't kill that man... and somehow that guy's the one who transmitted that weird vision??? ("How did it feel to die" <- either terrible old man transmitted it himself or he knows how it was done.)
Elendira is fascinating. I don't know what she wants really. I don't think she wants to die, but... idk. It seems like she wants to choose how she goes out? That dying along with the whole world in an instant is preferable to... idk what the alternative is. Anyways. She's cool.
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[ID: Knives is leaning against a pillar, sleeping. He is partially draped in what looks like cloth, but it likely an extension of his powers. The limbs, face, and single wing of a dependent Plant can be seen blended in with the folds. End ID.]
Knives finally gets some sleep! ...Do you think absorbing his sister, and her proximity, eased his loneliness enough that he felt safe enough to rest? Rip to her though, she doesn't look too pleased about this.
"finest human specimens" Holy fuck Knives. Do you even understand how you sound. By your own admittance, you sent them in knowing they would fail and die.
The whole "no human could've killed you anyways we're so much stronger and can't coexist" to "when they crush an ant, they don't even notice" -> so which are you? The foot or the ant? He's tried to frame them as both on multiple occasions... or maybe the dependent Plants as "ants" and him and Vash as a foot above the trampling feet... or something. Idk.
Pov: your brother has mutated his own body by clearly absorbing one of your sisters, tells you you're dying with no lead up whatsoever, and then just straight up attacks you. (sorry, sorry. Knives is a little funny to me in a... dark comedy kind of way)
OUGH... it's the lines from Stampede... except it's Vash trying so hard to appeal to Knives... "there's another way"... D':
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[ID: Cartoony drawings of Elendira and Wolfwood. Wolfwood asks "What exactly were ya plannin' to do anyway?" and Elendira, sweat dropping, says "Well..." End ID.]
Love that Elendira latches onto the first decently sane person she finds and immediately starts chatting away to him. Didn't know I needed this dynamic. hhdjfbhsdjf
WHAT. KNIVES THAT IS NOT THE SOLUTION. "I can't make you see things my way so I'll just absorb you" WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.
...Legato just saved Knives... and him knowing Knives was in danger was the whole reason he was so frantic... in a twisted way, that's... almost sweet...?
I wonder why Vash's gate is so overly powerful compared to Knives'... I have a theory but I'll need to think on it a bit.
I can't believe Knives just left Vash at Legato's mercy... bro wasn't Legato's whole "I want to murder your brother" thing the whole reason you literally crumpled him like a soda can???
...Well. This seems to be going great. I'm going to be doing a quick write-up on Plant anatomy and powers, as well as finally digging into Knives' trauma so if anyone is interested, stay tuned for that! Might take me a little bit though... things have been pretty hectic unfortunately and I'm uh... not in the greatest of moods. But I'm really excited to write them and to catch up! :D
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chidoroki · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers S2EP6
aka: season’s beatings!!!
Oh Hakkai lookin’ kinda nice in the Black Dragon uniform though.
Inui and Koko take control over the gang while Taiju is away at church huh? That could either be really good or really bad for our plan.
Yuzuha just chilling at home.. and getting a suspicious text? Should I be worried?
Ahh dunno what promise they’re talking about but I love how the umbrella hid Koko’s eyes in that scene.
Look at my boy Chifuyu walking all serious and confident.
Good lord, he was so violent back in the day, and to his own Toman men! Who hurt you sweetie?
Aaaahh Baji!! I wasn’t prepared to see him during this flashback!! God he looks amazing.
Aw dude come on, I know Chifuyu was being rough but do ya gotta beat some sense into him like that? Gives me Valhalla vibes all over again.
My boy looked up to his captain so much it hurts aahh.
For a dude who respected no one but Baji to now seeing him put that trust into Takemichi is something else man. I’m proud.
Even giving him Baji’s sash.. what a wonderful moment between the two of them.
That is kinda crazy: a big fight coming up and the only people we can trust in Toman are the two new captains we have great dislike for.
Time to put your talk-no-jutsu skills to the test Takemichi.
Ah shit, if Taiju is walking in now does that mean the three outside were completely knocked out already?
OH! Kisaki and Hanma just decided to beat up and tie Chifuyu up!! You damn bastards! Knew you two were up to something! Still dunno what they could gain from this, but fuck! At least it looks like Chifuyu managed to get a couple hits on Hanma.
“Oh, well. I guess the Hanmas team is through.” I hate how I’m still fond of you after you just betrayed my boy like that.
They really just did all that for fun.. well damn.
Hakkai I know you got a hell of a lot of anger inside you, but there’s no way you thought simply charging at Taiju with a knife was gonna do the trick right?
At least Takemichi figured out Kisaki and Hanma betrayed him.. and yeah Taiju isn’t dead at the moment, but I don’t think Hakkai getting strangled is the perfect way to think the mission is complete.
Oh Takemichi this man is gonna knock your lights out for sure.
What do you mean this is only 50% of his power?? And Taiju claims that he punched him with 30% when they first met? Oh our crybaby hero is gonna die.
Um Yuzuha??? What!? No fucking way, she’s the one who stabs Taiju?? Holy shit girl! Right in the back too.
Wait, hold up, pause, stop. This man, who was just fucking stabbed, has enough strength to pick up an entire damn church bench with one hand, lift the whole thing over his shoulder and throw it?? Hello???
I.. huh? She heard about this whole plan from Kisaki? So I did have reason to worry! But why? What’s happening I’m so lost at whatever this dude is planning. Unless he just did that for shits and giggles. Probably the reason to just add more drama and chaos.
Was it really Yuzuha who killed Taiju in the original timeline? Isn’t that different from what Kazutora said? I don’t remember weeks ago.
Oh okay, hello Taiju’s back with more tattoos. Hot damn.
So the wound is shallow because he had enough time to dodge due to Takemichi’s shout beforehand? Sure. Whatever makes sense I guess.
Many kudos for Yuzuha for standing up to this monster but I am so scared for her.
Can you not punch her across the damn church?? But goddamn am I impressed she’s at least still conscious after that hit!
“Dear Lord, why does God always put me through such ordeals?” Sir do pray tell how your life is so bad?
“Why must I kill my own beloved little sister?” You better fucking not man! I don’t care if you even have tears streaming down your face!
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to-thelakes · 6 months
banged up (3)
pairing; frank castle x fem!reader
summary; frank unexpectedly meets your roommate willow and you begin to realise your feelings for frank.
warnings; fluff, hurt/comfort, soft frank, awkward frank, descriptions of injuries and memories of torture (not too explicit/graphic tho), suggestive themes, realisation of feelings
notes; part 3 is here my lovelies! we've got more soft frank, an introduction to willow (who uses she/they pronouns) and some realisation of feelings. this chapter is such super sweet and i am getting carried away with this fic. i love these two together so much and i just want them to kiss and get married and have babies. that's all.
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part one part two
When you heard your roommate - Willow - come back at 9am, you didn’t get out of bed. You hadn’t had a chance to look at yourself in the mirror and you really didn’t need her worrying anymore than necessary. So you let Frank deal with it. But you could still hear their conversation through the slightly ajar bedroom door and it made you smile (which made your face hurt even more than it already did).
“Hi,” Willow sounded unsure as she closed the front door and discarded her shoes onto the shoe rack.
“Mornin’.” Frank was cooking breakfast and you could sense the hesitance in his tone - trying to work out whether Willow was a threat. But he knew you had a roommate and considering they’d come in with a key, he didn’t immediately go on the offense.
“So you a friend of my roommate’s or…?” Willow asked. You tried not to chuckle, knowing it would hurt, as you listened to Frank’s boots shift on the floor. He was uncomfortable, you just knew it. He had never been over at your place when Willow had come back off the night shift. There was one close call a few weeks back but you had mostly kept those two parts of your life separate.
“Yeah, stayed over last night,” He responded. Willow let out a soft ‘uh-huh’ before she ran her hands over her face. They were exhausted.
“She in her room?” Willow asked. Frank was caught off-guard by the question and he quickly realized that he didn’t know if she knew about the company you kept during the nights. How would they react to seeing you bloody and bruised? Frank was surprised that your roommate hadn’t said anything about him considering his face had been plastered on the news more than once over the past few years. But they hadn’t shown any indication that they knew who he was.
“Mhm, gettin’ her beauty sleep,” He responded, gesturing vaguely towards the room. Willow nodded and ran her hands through their hair before letting out a soft huff.
“Cool, okay. Well, I’m gonna go to sleep. Would you two make sure to keep the noise down? It’s been a uh- long night,” Willow finally said. She sounded exasperated and you couldn’t blame her. You bit your lip, feeling a little guilty for not saying anything to them beforehand but you didn’t exactly expect this to happen.
 Plus, you had spent most of last night in so much pain that you could barely think straight let alone have the foresight to message her about Frank being in your apartment, “You the guy she went on a date with?” Willow asked after a beat of awkward silence between the two. She was halfway to her bedroom door when she turned to look back.
“Nah, just a friend,” Frank dismissed. Willow nodded and then disappeared into her bedroom while Frank continued to cook. As you lay curled up on the bed, your phone dinged and you grabbed it to catch a glimpse of the screen; it was a text from Willow.
‘What the fuck is The Punisher doing in our kitchen?’ There was a brief moment before another text dinged through, ‘Are you fucking Frank Castle? I swear to everything that is holy…’ A giggle bubbled from your lips despite yourself and pain shot through your body in an instant. The brief moment of joy was replaced with burning pain as you twisted your face into the pillow, crying out. 
Tears pricked at your eyes and you gripped your pillow underneath your hands. It made it worse but also gave your mind something to focus on. The ache in your fingers was much less painful than your stomach.
Another message dinged through and you tentatively reached a hand out to glance over it. ‘Good on you for getting that vigilante dick, better tell me about it later’ ‘Hook me up with Jessica Jones? Lord knows I need that woman to rail me’. You couldn’t help the laugh that burst out of your chest but your laughs were interspersed with cries of pain and coughing that only seemed to make every part of your body feel worse.
‘Must have been a good night… heading to sleep now, talk to me later xx’ The last message dinged through and you whimpered softly as you curled back up on the bed. Frank appeared a moment later with painkillers and a plate of food. His eyebrows furrowed.
“Somethin’ happen?” He asked. You shook your head and slowly pushed yourself to rest back against the headboard, “You need some painkillers?” You nodded. You had probably had the last lot around 3 hours ago when you had woken up to find Matt in the apartment so you were more than happy to take more. You needed it.
“You know how to get in contact with Jessica Jones?” You asked as your head fell back against the headboard. You adjusted your legs a little before taking the plate of food from Frank. His head tilted slightly, a questioning look on his face.
“Wanting to add her to your roster of vigilantes to take care of?” He asked. You shook your head and stabbed your fork into a piece of bacon.
“Nah, Willow needs a good railing. Thought you might have contacts,” You shrugged, a wry smile spreading across your face. Frank stared at you for a moment, painkiller bottle cap off and in his other hand. His face made you chuckle but that just made your stomach hurt and so you quickly wrapped your arm around it, squeezing your eyes shut as your fork clattered to the plate.
“You’re real funny, sweetheart,” Frank muttered. You nodded your head, completely serious as you forced yourself to recover from the pain.
“I’m hilarious. God knew I would be too powerful if I became a comedian so he gave me no social skills and vigilantes for friends,” You responded, the corners of your lips turning up into a smile. Frank shook his head in disbelief as you let your stomach go, the pain subsiding a little.
“Whatever you say,” He then poured some painkillers onto a spoon before he gestured for you to open your mouth. You took the spoon into your mouth and swallowed it down.
“Y’know if Willow needs a railing, I think I need to be in an orgy or something. Nobody’s given me an orgasm in fucking years,” You grumbled. Frank didn’t know what to say as he poured another spoon of painkillers, “I just want God to give me a man that won’t cum in two seconds flat and leave me high and dry.” You were just bitching at this point but after your failed date and your torture, you were really beginning to wonder what the fuck you had done to get God - or whatever being was out there - to hate you so much, A soft sigh escaped your lips.
“This really bothers you, huh?” Frank asked after a moment of silence. You huffed out (though that made your chest hurt) and shrugged.
“I just got tortured and they got every fluid out of me except one. I’m not saying I wanted one of them to fuck me but the least I could have gotten was fucked in that fancy fucking restauraunt bathroom before I got kidnapped. Y’know,” You explained. You were half-joking but also, not joking in the slightest. He tilted his head as he looked at you and you reached out for his wrist, guiding the spoon of painkillers into your mouth since he seemed to have forgotten what he was doing. 
You swallowed the painkillers down before Frank pulled the spoon away and put it and the bottle down on the side.
His jaw clenched in thought as he tried to decide what to say. You could tell his head was spinning and it made your stomach turn (in a good way). Maybe it was because Frank had been taking care of you all night and he had been more attentive than any boyfriend you had ever had but you were sure that he would take of you if he fucked you. You found yourself almost wanting it.
“I need to piss,” You stated after a moment, distracting yourself from your unsavory swirling thoughts and giving the speechless Frank a reprieve. You had been fighting off going to the toilet for an hour or so, not wanting to face the thought of walking again. How you had walked last night was beyond you but you were desperate for the toilet so pain be damned, you needed to go.
“Come on,” He urged as he put the plate of breakfast to one side and got up from the bed. You shuffled around and wrapped your arm around his shoulder. He hauled you to your feet and with his help, you hobbled to the bathroom. You caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror as Frank guided you closer to the toilet and you looked atrocious.
You were pretty sure you would have looked worse last night since you’d got the swelling to come down since but you still looked awful. Your face was covered in bruises, they were in various stages of healing but there wasn’t much of your skin that wasn’t discolored. Your left eye was bloodshot and there was a slash across your left eyebrow which made the skin swell. You definitely were going to have a black-eye when the swelling went down.
Thankfully, you didn’t see how damaged the rest of your body was but you knew that it wasn’t pretty. You could feel the sutures that kept your skin together on your arms. Without them, you would have bled out.
“Need me to stay?” Frank asked as he moved one of your hands to rest against the sink. You shook your head and he let your other hand move from around his neck. He stepped back, “Keep the door unlocked, yeah?” You nodded and he then disappeared out of the bathroom. A long breath escaped your lips, trying to work up the courage to step over to the toilet. 
Despite the ice pack and the rest, your ankle still felt awful. You didn’t think it was broken but it was definitely sprained. You could vaguely recall a boot being stamped over it and you rolled it in your heels before you had been kidnapped. It was painful and putting even a little bit of pressure made you want to cry.
But you had to do it so you did. You limped to the toilet and pulled your underwear and pants down before you sat down. Your arms hurt and as you peed, you looked over them, taking in every suture and stitched up cut. You could remember how it felt when they sliced you the first time. After that, it became just a blur of pain.
Your wrists also looked awful. At first, they hadn’t bothered to tie you up. Instead, they put you in a dark room with lights that flashed intermittently to disorient you. Then, someone appeared, sliced your skin open wherever they could and disappeared. You hadn’t been able to fight back even if you wanted to. It all became far too much, far too quickly and when you had eventually collapsed, they tied you up.
Your wrists were still red raw, layers of skin stripped away. The rope had been the only thing keeping you upright for most of the time, you could still remember the burn in your calves. You sighed, pressing your hands over your face. It took everything in you not to start crying. You sucked in deep breaths, stabilizing your breathing before you wiped and clambered off the toilet. You dropped the seat, flushing and then going to wash your hands.
But the soap against your cuts made you whimper and hiss in pain, tears pricking your eyes. When you were done, you just rested your hands against the edge of the sink. The thought of moving made you want to cry and you were staring back at yourself in the mirror. Your eye really needed an ice pack.
There was a knock at the bathroom door and you said that Frank could come in. He nudged the door open as he looked at you. The tears were threatening to spill down your face at any moment and he frowned, stepping towards you.
“Hey, hey,” He murmured softly as he gently pulled you into a hug. His arms were tight enough to know you were safe without being so tight that it hurt your already battered and bruised body, “You’re safe now, you got that? Nobody’s gonna touch you.” You sniffled against his chest, tentatively moving your arms to wrap around him. You were trying so hard to be careful of the stitches, not wanting another one to pop.
“Don’t know how I didn’t tell them,” You admitted softly, “It hurts so much.” He nodded and pressed a kiss to your forehead, “Don’t understand how you can do this,” You added after a beat. Frank ran his hands down your hair.
“I know, sweetheart.” He murmured. You sighed, your bottom lip quivering as you held Frank a little tighter, “Need to eat some breakfast, come on,” He said after a moment, supporting half your body weight to head back to your room where your breakfast plate was. 
Once you were back on the bed, Frank adjusted the pillows so you could sit up comfortably. Then he grabbed the other plate of breakfast food and the two of you sat together, eating in silence.
Frank’s presence was enough to make you feel safe and you didn’t want him to leave.
Despite your complaints, Frank left the house at around 6pm to get some takeout for the both of you. He had been with you all day, talking to you, lying down with you, feeding you painkillers and snacks and getting anything that you needed. You appreciated it immensely but the thought of him leaving the house sent your anxiety off the charts.
But he promised that he would be back soon and that he was a call away if you needed anything. So, you reluctantly let him leave with that in mind. But of course, the second that Frank leaves the house, Willow made her appearance. You were curled up in bed when there was a knock at the bedroom door.
Every single possible scenario ran through your head before Willow called your name, “I know you’re not asleep and Frank’s gone.” You sighed and told them that she could come in. Willow pushed the door open and for a moment, she was smirking. That was until she saw you and her entire teasing, smug demeanor dropped.
“What the fuck?” It was an involuntary response and you sent her your best attempt at a smile, “Was this him?” She snapped. You scoffed and that made your chest hurt.
“No,” You stated bluntly. Willow’s eyebrows furrowed, not believing you for a goddamn second. You probably wouldn’t have believed you either, “He’s the one that saved me. Got grabbed during my date,” You explained. Willow didn’t know what to say and so she simply pushed your bedroom door to and moved to sit by your side. 
“What did they want?” She asked softly. You shrugged and they scoffed. You let your eyes fall closed, you were exhausted. It had been an incredibly long day.
“Just know that Frank found me, got me the fuck out,” You murmured. Suddenly everything made a lot more sense to Willow and they let out a sigh, pushing her braids behind her ear.
“Is that why he didn’t want me to see you even though I knew you were awake?” Willow asked. You nodded which made you wince, “Jesus, girl. Was it him that stitched you up?”
“Yeah, used most of the kit, sorry,” You murmured. Willow scoffed.
“It kept you alive, I don’t give a fuck,” Willow responded. You gave her a grateful smile before your head fell back down against the pillows. Just keeping your head up made you exhausted and you let your eyes close, “I’ve still got some of my prescription painkillers from my shoulder injury. You want them?” You bit your lip, debating whether that was a good idea, “I wouldn’t offer them to you if they would make it worse.” 
“You’re not a Nurse,” You murmured. Willow chuckled and nodded their head, “But please,” You added after a moment. You were so grateful for even the chance at stronger painkillers, it hopefully would make it easier to function. Willow surveyed you battered and bruised form for a moment before she stood up.
“And I’m gonna wrap your ankle, it looks awful,” Willow stated. You let out a grumble of acceptance before letting your eyes fall closed. You just wanted to relax but you also felt so bad. Willow had enough on her plate without worrying about you. You knew that she had plenty of her own issues to deal with between family, friends, her ex. Her roommate being tortured really wasn’t something you wanted to put on them.
It was a few moments before Willow returned and she had a fresh glass of water in their hand. They placed it down on the side before perching on the edge of the bed.
“Before you bitch, I know you hate pills but you either take it like a big girl or be in pain,” Willow stated. There was no arguing with that tone and you groaned softly in annoyance before slowly pushing yourself up to rest against the headboard. Willow then placed the pill in your hand before you grabbed the glass of water. You put it on your tongue and instantly chugged the water.
The pill washed away with the tsunami water and it was gone. Willow smiled before she shuffled down to bed, “Gimme a pillow,” She ordered. You grumbled in annoyance before grabbing one from beside you and throwing it their way. She grabbed it, put it under your ankle and then began to wrap your ankle, “I have a question,” Willow said after a beat. You groaned, tilting your head back. Willow asking questions never meant anything good, they were a menace at their worst and nosy at their best. You grunted in annoyance.
“The Punisher wouldn’t just stay around anyone’s house all day and night. I mean, he should have taken you to the hospital but he didn’t. Gonna explain why?” Willow asked as she continued to wrap your ankle.
“It’s complicated.” It was literally the only way to explain. You and Frank had always been complicated. You knew Frank because of Karen. She had asked for help with something Frank needed probably a year or two ago. Karen had been madly in love with Frank then. You had a feeling she still was but she wasn’t as obvious with it anymore.
But when Frank had found out you had helped (and knew he was alive), he freaked. You couldn’t blame him but he had found you and threatened you. It made you terrified to even go near him and when it was released to the news that he was alive, that terror turned to worry. Even if Frank was terrifying and vengeful, you knew he had a code. He hadn’t hurt you despite the fact that he had no reason to trust you wouldn’t tell people he was alive.
Karen had been worried about him too and she had somehow managed to rope you into a scheme to make sure he was okay when he had gone to the hospital. That then led to you helping break him out of the hospital with Dinah Madani, a literal Homeland Agent. It had been a weird time in your life but somehow Frank saw you as someone to trust.
So, one night, he found his way to your apartment as he bled out and you saved his life. Ever since then, he checked in on you every week and often came to you to get patched up - as did Matt. You didn’t exactly have any medical training but you had a steady hand and the best leftovers to feed the injured so they had both found you to be someone to trust.
It boggled your mind that you had grown a friendship with Frank especially after your rocky start but it felt good to have someone who you knew protected you. You also had called him more than once while completely trashed and he always came to pick you up and take you home like the gentleman he was.
But it was complicated. That was the only way you’d ever be able to explain your friendship with Frank because you didn’t think he would ever actually let you in and trust you. It didn’t really bother you but you sometimes just wanted to be there for him like he was for you.
“You want to fuck him, don’t you?” Willow asked bluntly. Your eyes widened and you used your good foot to kick her in the side.
“I want anyone to fuck me at this rate, as long as they do it right,” You snapped. Willow chuckled at your comment, shaking her head as they continued to wrap your ankle.
“I wouldn’t blame you for wanting to fuck him. He’s the only man who's ever taken care of you while you’ve been sick,” She pointed out. You scoffed, opening your mouth to rebuke that claim. The past few boyfriends you had hadn’t been all that bad but then you remembered every time you had been sick, none of them had come over. You groaned.
“Jesus Christ,” You mumbled. Willow nodded, glancing over at your down-trodden expression. It all seemed to make so much more sense now, “That’s probably why I wanna fuck him so bad, he actually pays attention to me.” There was a pause before you added, “Not gonna happen though.” Willow cocked an eyebrow before they returned back to your ankle, doing one more pass of wrap before she was done, “Willow, he lost his wife. Don’t think fucking anyone is his priority anymore.” Willow hummed in agreement before she pulled away from your ankle. It was wrapped up nice and tight but not so tight it’d block your circulation. It would just hopefully keep the swelling down for the next few days.
“He’s missing out,” Willow stated as you began to shuffle to lie back down. They moved the pillow with your ankle, keeping it elevated, “I’ve heard you give head, pretty sure those men go to a different universe.” Your eyes widened and you kicked Willow with your good foot.
“You perv!” You accused, pouting at her. Willow chuckled.
“Don’t suck your boyfriends off in the bathroom then I won’t hear it,” Willow shrugged nonchalantly. 
You pouted, sinking into the bed, “Noted. I’ll keep giving head strictly to the bedroom.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Willow mumbled. You rolled your eyes and moved your arms to rest over your face. You were so tired but the prescription painkillers were at least helping. The numbing pain had been replaced with relief that was also making you drowsy as hell.
“I’m gonna go get ready for work. Will you be alright?” Willow asked. You nodded.
“Yeah, Frank’s gonna be back soon. I’ll be fine,” You dismissed. Willow nodded, pressing a kiss to your forehead just as the apartment door closed which meant that Frank was back. You eyed her for a moment before she smiled and disappeared. Her and Frank shared a curt conversation before she headed into the bathroom.
You stayed where you were, eyes closed. Your stomach was turning in anxiety after that conversation. You did like Frank and it was ridiculous and terrifying and suddenly it felt like you didn’t know how to act around him.
“You and Willow close?” Frank’s voice startled you and you opened your eyes. He still had his coat on, wrapped snugly around his torso. A takeaway bag was in his left hand and there was a smile on his face.
“Yeah, they’re a fuckin’ menace though,” You muttered before slowly pushing yourself to sit up. Frank went to come over and help but when he realized you weren’t grunting or hissing in pain, his eyebrows furrowed, “She gave me some painkillers, strong ones,” You answered the question before he even asked it. Frank nodded and he placed the bag on the bed. He then unzipped his coat and pulled the beanie off.
You opened the bag and it was from your favorite Italian takeout. The familiar smell hit your nostrils and you groaned in excitement before unloading the bag onto the bed. Your muscles still ached and there was an acute sense of pain but the painkillers that Willow had given you were making it so much easier to ignore. You felt almost normal.
“Careful, sweetheart. You still got stitches,” Frank reminded you as he placed his beanie and coat on your dresser. He then came over to the bed and sat down across from you. He had ordered you pizzas from the Italian place down the street and you could have kissed him. You would have kissed him if you had the courage. 
“Shouldn’t have got me my favorite then,” You responded, a wry smile on your lips. You flicked the box open and of course it was your exact pizza order. The grin spread wider and it hurt your bruised cheeks but you didn’t care. You grabbed the pizza slice and shoved it into your mouth, taking a bite. You let out a groan of appreciation, “Fuck, forgot how good this was,” You muttered, mouth full of pizza.
“Feelin’ better?” He asked. You nodded your head, a smile spreading across your face.
“Are you going out tonight? With Matt?” You asked curiously. Recently, the two men (despite their differences) patrolled together and then if they got injured, invaded your apartment for the night. That hadn’t been the case last night since from what you could remember, it was early when Frank had saved your ass.
“Nah, stayin’ here to make sure your sorry ass doesn’t get grabbed again,” Frank responded. A smile began to spread across your face despite yourself and you quickly shoveled pizza in your mouth to ignore the bubbling feeling of happiness, “That gonna be a problem?” He asked, noting how you seemed to have tensed up.
“No, no, I don’t mind. It’ll make me feel safer. I’m glad,” You rambled, “The painkillers are making me drowsy so… probably need the protection.” You added. Frank nodded and he continued to eat his own slice of pizza. The two of you fell into comfortable silence and for the first time since you had woken up to Frank taking care of you, you didn’t feel any pain. It was a mercy.
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storm-and-starlight · 11 months
well. okay. I went and did it. I watched Supernatural season 15 episode 18: Despair.
I now present my thoughts as I had them during the episode, only mildly edited:
Apparently Chuck is already dead?
Also WOW the dialogue is fucking terrible
Okay so Billie betrayed them and I very much dislike that take on her
Also they decided to do on-screen teleportation after FIFTEEN YEARS of keeping it off screen and just like. Wow that's bad
like the off-screen teleporting just added Something to the show that worked really well? and removing it removes one more cool little aesthetic choice and makes everything fall just so much flatter
Okay so Chuck isn't dead he's just disappeared after the winchesters failed to kill him
Charlie! I didn't know she was in this episode
Well, apocalypse!Charlie, but still
I'm not so sure I like the direction they took cas in this season, like he's very very humanized and very casual and while it does make sense for his character I'm still not that much of a fan
Awww Eileen died
Awww brother hug
Heyyyyy, Donna!
Oh please tell me Donna survives.
Once again the dialogue is just really really bad
Wow Bobby looks young
Also he's just not acting like Bobby whatsoever
was Jim Beaver even in this episode?
Okay yeah this is just a bad fuckin episode
All the people from other worlds just got poofed out of existence and it was INCREDIBLY badly written and directed and acted
It's all stuff that's supposed to be "cool" and dramatic and intense but none of it is actually landing
Oh oop I think I'm at The Scene
Nope wait nvm it's Billie trying to kill Dean for coming back from the dead and being a rule breaker and like. Wow everyone really has forgotten that Sam was the original protagonist, huh
Good God the dialogue is HORRIBLE
"don't you think it's finally time for the sweet release" pause "of death?"
like kudos to Billie's actress for at least trying to make that one sound natural but like. damn.
Not sure whether or not the glowy wards thing is new but I'm not hugely a fan, and there's a LOT of it this episode in response to a lot of things and hrmmmmmmmmmm no not liking it
Oh oh here we gooooooo
I did not know Dean had a breakdown beforehand
Oh my god Cas gets himself schlorped deliberately to save dean's life by summoning the empty to get rid of death?
Also wow THAT'S a fucking sentence
Oh my god?
Okay Cas is actually crying wow
This is a really long love confession when Death is actively trying to break down the door to the room they're hiding from her in because she wants to kill Deean
Cas: Extremely long heartfelt speech about how wonderful Dean is Dean: why does this sound like a goodbye? Cas: Because it is. I love you. Dean: don't do this, Cas
Also wow that's a hell of a closeup on Misha Collins there
They had the FUCKING NERVE to play Dean's Family Devotion Theme after he watches Cas confess his love to him with a BLANK FUCKING FACE oh my god
And now we get Dean having a surprisingly sedate breakdown
And we don't even get the quiet credits we get the rock credits
Goddamn. Okay. That was awful.
IN CONCLUSION: the... everything ... surrounding the Destiel confession scene aside, this is remarkably bad. The dialogue is terrible, the directing is terrible, the acting is sub-par even from people who are usually pretty damn good (Felicia Day as Charlie very very much feels like she's phoning it in), did I mention the dialogue is terrible? Because it's so bad, and the actual love confession... well, it certainly lives up to everything I've heard about it (and no, I didn't actually see it when I came out because I wasn't interested in this level of psychic damage then). Anyways. Yeah. Bad.
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dndfuckhouse · 1 year
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Whistling away the time, floating through the sky...
DAY ZERO > Continuation of Cimmorro & Vinny Shopping - 27/3 > Potion Brewing and Han Hair Dye - 30/3
DAY ONE > Cimmorro and Vinny start Wizard Studies - 3/4 > Han and Finn have a chat - 5/4
The Helpful Timeline Diagram
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Continuation of Cimmorro & Vinny Shopping- 27/3
Picking up from where they left off, Cimmorro begins walking again towards the bookstore Vinny mentioned as they continue planning his imminent arcane program, satisfied with Vinny's enthusiasm all the same.
Cimmorro: "i'd be happy with any knowledge you're willing to share with me. goddess, i'd even be over the moon if i could even learn that thing you do that cleans things up. that shit is useful!!!" Vinny: distracted from his shopping list he looks over with an amused glance "aha, you're in luck its one of the ones they teach most beginners actually! though i understand why, it's quite eye-catching to a learner, and its utility is great for ink stains..." he reflexively eyes his own cuffs as he says that Cimmorro: "YES. oh my fuck. you get it!!" grasping at vinny's arm as if to emphasize his newfound kinship, he lets go just as quickly to put an arm over his face, dramatically mourning "all these years, all of the robes i had to discard because they've been ruined to no end..." he looks up again with a shimmering glint in his eyes, positively giddy "you might be the savior to my future garments! and most importantly, think about all the tomes i could unearth and restore!!" Vinny: not expecting the shaking he makes a surprised sound but laughs a little as cimm whips around in a fervor before speaking "i'd have thought with the colour scheme of most jasidian robes that it might not have been as pressing an issue, but i suppose that might have been a silly assumption..." he smiles and scratches his chin "it certainly makes research cleanup less of a chore. i only really fussed about it once i opened a store though, when i was a student i forgot about it most of the time..." he laughs again awkwardly Cimmorro: "hah, it's not always about the visible stuff really" he continues walking once more "job like mine, always on the go, yknow? even the dark shades of our robes aren't immune to blood and other stains clinging. unavoidable even." cimm hums as vinny shares more about himself "makes sense. apprentice life and whatnot. busy busy..." he smiles as he reminisces his own student life "were you only a protégé of carlyn? or did you also have other mentors besides he?" Vinny: "ahh yes... traveling is always messy business, though you do get to know people better trotting through the muck" he thinks as you ask, looking away at the giant tree buildings you walk past "i... picked up a few things beforehand. i went to shorewater to find a proper teacher though, the contrast of being under carlyn was quite stark" he smiles a little sadly as if mulling something over Cimmorro: he nods at the statement, letting out a small laugh "i suppose you're right about that. i sure have learned a lot about these guys around me" side eyeing vinny's shift in mood as he speaks, cimm takes a moment to wonder. "picked up a few things huh? i am curious, especially with your apparent passion for it, what made you so interested in the this wizardly path. it didn't sound like your family simply dabbled in it" Vinny: he walks in silence a few moments as he furrows his brows a little "... well, not my immediate family but there were a few people back in my village who plied the trade. that is where i picked it up initially. i'd consider all of them family though really..." he clasps his hands and starts playing with his fingers as he lets out another strained laugh "i mean, i told a few of you before... the school of the artificer only recently became legal to practice in most regions, yknow?" he continues smiling while looking away.
Cimmorro continues staring at Vinny, examining his body language as he speaks. When he speaks about his village but he doesn't seem to be talking bad about them so its confusing why he seems so sad. He thinks he’s anxious as well over just revealing this to him, but that's not really a thing to be sad over.
Cimmorro: "right, right. then i presume that's a reason to why you said your folks hops from one place to another?" cimm asks as he looks up at vinny. he doesn't seem to shut the convo down himself and is even adding on to things so cimm supposes keeping it going is okay! "and what are you so nervous of? you're fine now, aren't you? got that clearance, baby!" he adds Vinny: "...w-well one of the reasons" he continues messing with his hands and glances upwards instead "haha... yes i am, but... in certain areas they can still charge you if there's proof of practice from before its legality. exceptions to every rule of course, but well its..." he pauses before continuing "it's not as if it was the only school everyone home practiced..." he looks down at his hands again now "if you're a scholar they can get lenient, pulling strings, and then there's the nepotism...." he seems to start trailing off while mumbling to himself a little darkly Cimmorro: "you seem to be bitter about something in particular? or maybe even someone?" he smiles consolingly. "sorry if i'm prying too much. i truly am just curious as to how you got into this line of work with so much ardor. you seem so happy about it yet... somewhat lost at the same time? so i can't help but be puzzled by it" commenting with a light shrug "you don't need to worry if you think i'd put you in trouble though!" Vinny: he pauses and furrows his brow again, making a sour face "that obvious huh..." he scratches his chin still looking away and goes on "...i really do love it, learning and studying and experimenting. i guess i was more passionate when i was younger before" he sighs almost exaggeratedly "...so seeing you want to start ah.... made me recall it a little" he looks back at you finally "and most people aren't that l-lenient about witches, let alone a son of the goddess of law..." he laughs nervously looking away again "but well if last nights antics spoke to anything it'd be your geniality..!" Cimmorro: he snickers freely "might want to work on a spell that gives you a poker face" cimm continues to find vinny's passion quite charming, it's nice to be around one who is similarly driven. "i can imagine getting the approval to continue research with more breathing room only helped with fueling that passion" he smiles but quick to raise a brow at the follow up comment, a laugh comes out of him. "aha, it may be something to frown about to some, the illegal practice, but not something that's impossible to absolve in her grace's court. at this point you are doing good in expanding the scope of the arcane which is quite valuable to us too. so long as it's not disrespecting the sanctity of the cycle... you're alright, is what i believe..." he steps to the side and pokes vinny's arm playfully "so don't go playing with things you shouldn't be! then i might actually have to do something about it! capiche? i know where you live!" mostly obviously just a playful threat on his end Vinny: he looks over again while listening, still fiddling with his hands, but the personal view seems to make him less anxious about discussing it at the very least "...well that's nice to know... i guess im quite used to strictness" he laughs, a little stiltedly, at the joking "well, i have no plans myself..! the inanimate interests me more anyway" he furrows his brow again "and plenty of people already know where i live, a blessing and a curse" Cimmorro: relieved the mood has started to lighten up again, he smirks knowingly as he continues to jest around "is strictness what you prefer then?" he nods then as vinny assures him, as if a satisfied supervisor. "and good, as long as you're aware that you'd be breaking my heart if you do something uncouth! boohoo... now, what makes for a good spellbook, you think?" Vinny: he makes a face and rubs his cheek embarrassed by the tone change "i'm quite well mannered, i don't seem the type to be uncouth am i..." he shakes his head with a sigh as you start eyeing the spellbooks and items, settling back into shopkeep mode.
Though the two do their best to haggle, the shopkeep seems to eye Cimmorro’s outfit and determine he had enough money to pay them probably double for the thing if he wanted and stands firm. Vinny tries smooths over the conversation with a smile as Cimmorro huffily pays, leaving the store together.
Cimmorro: cimm rubs his eyes as he says thanks to vinny as they exit. "uuuuuugh having celebrity features is my burden..." he groans and continues to pout while walking. the entire time he seemed to be too busy seething about the exchange to properly appreciate his new book. when he finally does, however, his face brightens up with child-like joy as he holds it out in front of him, stopping in his tracks to fully take it in, initially not expecting how excited he is to start learning. after standing there for a few moments, he turns to vinny, for once not saying much, but his grateful and confident grin says enough (with the help of his signature tail wag) Vinny: he laughs a little at the grumbling now that they've left the store "well, some of them are more shrewd eyed than others..." though once cimm gets a look at the book he finds his joy almost infectious and he gets a big grin of his own. he slaps an arm across cimm's back putting his hand on his opposite shoulder happily, puffing his chest out a little to stand taller as if to give it a grandiose feeling half jokingly "and so your journey begins cimmorro!" Cimmorro: he snorts at the display and plays along with one of his own, acting out like a loyal subordinate with a mock salute. "let's not get ahead of ourselves yet though, we haven't talked about your rates! also, we can start after han's potions are done... she asked first after all" despite all the excitement he doesn't mind waiting a little longer... gives him time to personalize his spellbook..!! Vinny: his cocks his head a little "i wasn't intending to charge you, though you're right about the potions going first... still it felt like an important moment didn't it?" he takes his hand away and fist pumps it a little as if to encourage the feeling before looking at the items youd bought together earlier "which would be easier to make first..." he has a look on his face as if he seems like hes about to get lost in his thoughts again Cimmorro: "no, no, no. no more of that! i already let you get away with this last time!" he huffs while crossing his arms "we can arrange something i'm sure. name your price! is money not something you're willing to take? if so, out with it! or, gasp, is it that you want me to pay with my body?" he hides his face behind his book while stifling a laugh Vinny: he makes a blank face for a minute before putting his hands on his hips as if the suggestion is strange "cole doesn't even pay me though..." he makes an embarrassed face at the joke before shaking his head "...your company alone will suffice....!" Cimmorro: "what... WHAT?? you're just taking people in???? also that answer doesn't really clarify if you do want to bed me or not! curious!" Vinny: he whips out his hands a little flustered "no, no! well i mean i didn't even remotely want an apprentice to start with. but boy, she really wore me down, i can't imagine getting charged by a unenthused teacher, and she works at the store too-" he closes his eyes and moves his hands around faster "t-these topics are not related!!" Cimmorro: "well, there you go, she's also working at your store! so she's returning the favor to some degree..." he rubs his own face with both of his hands and groans "c'monnnn, man.... you're making me feel bad. also! you're not denying it! curious!" Vinny: "i let her because i couldn't think of anything else..." he sighs a little embarrassed, pointedly ignoring the curious, before standing straight again hands still on his hips "i said it earlier, it's not as if you're stealing away my time, what else would i be doing on the boat... i can chose to pay a friend a favour cant it?" he slaps a fist in an open palm to enunciate the point "and its the most basic of the basics..! i learned this stuff when i was a kid, and i didn't pay anybody for that" after he says that he gets a look as if he suddenly thinking about what he said and pauses before going on "almost like were paying it forward now" he smiles pleased by the idea Cimmorro: cimm frowns a little frustrated, though not completely targetted at vinny as he's reminded of someone else. "you- uuuuuuuuuugh, you're just like them!" a defeated sigh "fine, do as you wish. but you better sleep with one eye open" he huffs, continuing their walk still grumbling a little, barely audible "this is why people like you and ulle get in SO much trouble...!" despite his rough display of it, there is a sense of care behind cimm's complaints. he decides he will relent at least for now Vinny: he smirks as if amused, though also happy he won the argument and continues walking beside cimm as he toddles off, he asks curiously "like who..? yknow you make that threat alot to me but i feel pretty secure" he stops with a laugh cutting off the teasing as cimm continues grumbling under his breath Cimmorro: he lets out a sarcastic laugh before yanking vinny down by his collar (dangerously close!) and, in a hushed voice, goes "watch what you say to me or you'll regret it" he lets go of him with a friendly pat on the chest and a poisonous and mischievous smile before switching to a peppy demeanor, walking once again "i'm gonna go back and eat at the ship, you're free to join meeee~ hohoho" Vinny: his face flushes red again at the sudden pull as his grin gets a little warped on his face out of surprise. after cimm releases him he coughs a little into his hand, hiding his mouth behind his fist "r-right..." as cimm trots off he follows behind a bit shaking his head as if to dispel the blush, breaking eye contact "i-it's free i suppose...." he mumbles under his breath a little afterward  to himself "...he didn't even answer the question..."
The two share a slightly more tolerable conversation on the way back to the airship, walking into the dining hall to grab themselves some free lunch.
Potion Brewing and Han Hair Dye - 30/3
Despite her usual demeanor, Han typically doesn't let time slip away that bad. Doing a light jog to the ship with some paper bags in her hands she makes her way to the airship, she doesn't remember exact time but something about leaving at sundown? ANYWAY SHES GOTTA GET ON THE SHIP NAOW! She moegirl runs across the coastline and stumbles onto the ship like’ ehe sorry 😅’ at the attendant.
Cimmorro: cimm who's been on the deck admiring the sunset up until a while ago spots her not too many strides away. "han! yoohoo!" he calls out, waving his pipe idly with a hand as it lets out ribbons of smoke. "glad you could make it!" Han: han didnt expect to be spotted so soon n kinda jumps, she seems rly self conscious rn, but she gives a grin even as she gets embarrassed abt being caught coming in so late ... but she waddles over to cimm anyway "hiiii... i am not late" Cimmorro: "sure you're not," he snorts and eyes the items on her. "had fun shopping?" he can't help studying her new look as well, now that she's closer, but he seems positively happy about it. "also, looks pretty on ya." Han: han smiles more freely "yea! i buy gifts for ferrie chris and the others!" she shows the [bottle of overpriced potentially hallucinogenic alcohol] she goes looking to show off other things she bought, but looks at cimm like O_O at the pretty comment, then immediately does a double take looking more embarrassed, hand immediately going to pull her hair and looking down, unsure "you think so...?" Cimmorro: "ooh! oh... oh my," he seems amused by it all, especially the jewelry and the alcohol. when she shies down he just smiles. "i KNOW so. please. you look fresh! young! vibrant! i bet it feels nice too, light and easy. i like it!" despite sealing the somewhat extravagant compliments with a wink, he is being genuine about it. Han: she breathes out a laugh at cimms theatrics, looking at cimm with a worried smile "i dont know about young and fresh, but .. it does feel light. too light? like im off balance. i miss that weight." she knows hes trying to make her feel better, so- "but, thank you" Cimmorro: "ah," he chuckles "i know that feeling. every summer when i trim my hair short i feel naked. exposed! and for your case, i'm sure a big change will take a while to grow on you. but if you're worrying about how you look, well you look just as fine and lovely" he slowly takes a drag on his pipe before he continues. "if you really don't end up liking it, apparently vinny might have a solution. but try to wear it for a few more days, huh? who knows." Han: han looks like she will at least trust cimm on this, even though hes acting like a clown (she is smiling tho, cant win them all 😔 ). "i would like to see you with proper long hair i think" laughs internally at the image, but then raises an eyebrow curiously at the vinny has a solution part "what kind of solution? speaking honestly, i was gonna ask if u want chance to do the.. what u call, hairdressing? you seemed eager before ball" Cimmorro: a soft laugh comes out of him, along with the smoke. "maybe one day. it's hard to maintain long locks out here. i'm honestly impressed you manage with it. i feel like it would put me in danger more often than not... then again, you're plenty capable of defending yourself 🥹 and yes, sorry if i overstepped something but since we did talk about the hair dye, i wondered if vinny could make something to help it grow back," he confesses. "i just thought it could ease your worry since it was important after all..." when she mentions hairdressing, he blinks surprised, eyes eventually glinting with excitement. "you'll let me doll you up? again? really?" Han: han laughs "what kind of danger would it put you into??? capable of defending-- what??" <CLUELESS> han doesnt rly understand why it would put him in danger Ha Ha Cimmorro Is So Silly. han get shy after cimm says that abt hair dye "ah.. you thought of that? " :wiwi: "its nice but you are right, i think i will let it be.. for now at least." she gets kinda worried about the how excited cimm but she just smiles again, worriedly lol "yes really?" whispers "what does doll up mean here" Cimmorro: cimm just laughs towards the continuously darkening sky. "don't worry about it. a topic for another time," he waves his hand as if to dismiss it. "of course. you're free to take it or not. i was merely trying to give you the comfort of options" he smiles good naturedly. "dolling up means dressing up! you're my big dolly 😗 " Han: thought dismissed head empty ^O^ she looks at cimm like :D while increasingly getting more flush at the big doll comment, then furrowing her eyebrows "well.. i think.. you.. dress.. well.. so.. thats okay...?" she has stopped processing 😌 Cimmorro: "of course i do!" his obnoxious confidence overflowing. "you're right to come to seek my wisdom, young one! do you just want me to play with your hair or do you have something in mind?" Han: she blinks in thought "i dont really know what 'looks cool', so you have all freedom, i guess?" 🤔 Cimmorro: "nyehehe... leave it to me >:3..." cimm rubs his fruitfly hands together. "do you still want that dye though? we were actually waiting for you to come back to get started on it! vinny got all the stuff he needs" Han: han makes an o face "i forgot all about it !! you two already got everything?! then sure" 😳 ⁉️ Cimmorro: "yuhu, we went shopping this morning. come come," he puts out his pipe before heading back inside.... zalgo! Cimmorro: kicks door open vinny your balls hand them over Han: han shier behind cimm vinny ur balls…
The two make their way below deck back to Vinny and Cimmorro’s room. As they open the door they spy him seated on his bed reading from a book. He has an open bag laid out on the area he isn't seated, and a number of arcane components and glass vials are all laid out, organized but somewhat haphazard. As he notices the two of them, he glances up and gives them a smile.
Vinny: "oh there you are, i was beginning to wonder if i should go find you two myself" Han: han is like ooooooo science +_+ she waves at vinny from behind cimm ;3 Cimmorro: "han was showing me all her souvenirs!" cimm eyes the arrangement on the bed. "aren't you worried about those spilling over? the ship will be moving soon after all 😂 " Vinny: he closes the book and looks over the items "well, i needed to count out a few things... better to make sure beforehand..." as he thinks to himself you hear the bells for the ship begin ringing and the crewman shouting to one another in the distance. vinny balks and quickly picks up the vials and drops them in the bag as you feel the airship begin to move as it sets to take off. Han: han does try to stiffle a laugh at that Cimmorro: cimm on the other hand laughs straight up while moving to his bed to sit before the ship starts moving even more and makes him lose balance. "nice save, hope nothing broke" he continues to snicker while patting an empty spot on his bed for han to shuffle over to Han: han plops down, sending cimm flying- no jk, but she does sit down as commanded Cimmorro: head thru the ceiling dead) Vinny: this is so sad like if you cry everytime) Special Guest Aqua: Half his body stuck on the ceiling and the other chilling on the main deck as everyone passes him by)
Vinny: he lets out a little wheeze as he groups some of the items together, the sound of the airship creaking all around you "i w-wouldn't want to explain it if we make a mess, how awkward..." he glances back between them and the window "i hadn't thought about if we'd be allowed before now actually... better not mention it at all" Cimmorro: "if someone comes by we can just say we were making cocktails" he gives a thumbs up Han: han looks at vinnys vials n shit suspiciously n gives cimm a raised brow "i think they might guess its not cocktails" Cimmorro: "it's fancy cocktails... local to some place they don't know... something..." he smiles almost blankly Vinny: vinny furrows his brow and looks back down at the items "keeping quiet, yes yes..." as he waits for the airship to settle its course he pulls out a journal from the bag and begins reading something to himself before glancing back at han proper "oh! i'd only just noticed" he smiles at her again "a fresh look! we'll be needing less dye than i thought" Cimmorro: cimm's just like :3 peeking and studying the stuff in vinny's book and bag as they chat Han: han was beginning to look over to try n read his notes too and when he looks up she just sheepishly goes "oh, yes.." and plays with her hair again "i didnt realize it mattered how much hair there is" Vinny: he nods "the mixture changes depending on the length and the amount of time its enchanted.." he thinks for a moment "say if i made one for your previous length to last around 2 years, if you used it now it'd easily last you four" Han: :O "thats so long........" thinking to herself... "can i make requests?" Vinny: he nods cheerily "absolutely! i grabbed some things for what i remember you two suggesting last time, but i should be able to brew most colours on the fly..." he looks over the contents of the bag again and eyes cimmorro snooping and shakes his head a little like 'lmao...' Cimmorro: "not touching anything" he says defensively "just checking out what you prepared <:3.." Han: han is in like, childlike wonder at all this "i want to have it last about one year, as for colour........" she ponders it "opalescent seems little ... eh... whats the word... like too much..." she elbows cimm, embarrased again "you said doll up, what would you pick?" and looks at vinny "you can suggest too" Vinny: he raises an eyebrow at cimm as he continues shuffling things around "you have a real curious streak to you im noticing" he smiles again "great for a new study" before turning back to han "hmm.. i don't even think that much about my own looks" he idly runs a hand through his own remembering he should also get a trim before eyeing cimmorro Cimmorro: "ow. um, hmm" he takes a moment to study her real good. "what about... pink! you seemed to like that for your ball gown" cimm just wiggles his eyebrows at vinny Vinny: he turns his head to eye han back assuming he's being asked for an opinion "big range there... pale wouldn't be too different than what you already have if you're a little put off by a big change" he smiles reassuringly Han: "the big change was going from black to white, really..." Cimmorro: "not into going back to black then?" Han: she makes a face as she studies all the colours vinnys put out "it will go back to black eventually anyway, but .. i dont rly like how bright white is, it was fine in shorewater but if we're doing more.. "hunting" then i would rather have something darker... like dark purple?" Cimmorro: "ah, so we're thinking practical" he nods with his arms folded. "that would easily make you fade into most things, especially at night for sure" Han: "yes, like that" :3 heartened that cimm sees her vision Cimmorro: "practical and looks sleek, i imagine! hard to go wrong with dark shades really" Han: nodding nodding nodding, looking at vinny expectantly Vinny: vinny nods as he starts setting a few items aside "that we can do!"
As he feels the ship finally level out, Vinny moves to sit on the wooden floor between the beds instead and begins arranging a small setup on the ground. He pulls a small cauldron about the width of his handspan out of his suitcase, and sets up a few vials next to it in a wooden holder. Afterwards he starts messing with a few pieces of parchment from the bag, as if he were looking for something intently.
Han: >a small cauldron | sos. mimi witch Cimmorro: cimm just like omg its sooooo cute at the small cauldron Han: han too fr Vinny: his travel set Han: han n cimm over the bed like OO
Cimmorro: "cute, reminds me of the time i'd play chef with my cooking set at the temple graveyards" he reminisces this as if it's a perfectly normal thing for a child to be hanging out at graves ☺️ <- in peace Han: <- doesnt see anything wrong w it, thinks its cute Vinny: distracted by reading he doesn't even pick up on the comment, afterwards he pulls a small stone slab out of his suitcase, and settles it under the cauldron. he places a parchment on top, you notice now its a spell scroll before he speaks an incantation. it quickly incinerates in a puff of smoke and you watch the top of the slab seems to grow red hot. satisfied he places the cauldron over it before turning his head "ah, could either of you hand me the three big vials in there?" he points behind himself Cimmorro: me and han reach for it at the same time and our hands touch Han: literally like tnohignt else can happen Cimmorro: AHJGKAWUIAHGIG it happens and cimm is like omg han 😳 and then vinny is just like PLEASE TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE Cimmorro: CIMM HANDS THEM OVER LIKE A GOOD BOY BTW
Vinny: he takes them from cimmorro as he laughs a little at the both of you standing up, he uncaps three big triangle vials before he slowly pours each of them into the cauldron "this'll be the base..." he pulls out a wooden stirrer from his suitcase again as he begins to mix it "have to wait till it gets a little firmer" Cimmorro: "damn what's he cooking 🗣️ 🔥 " Han: han just oohs n aahs Cimmorro: what does it smell like in here now Chip: like sour grapes Cimmorro: omg i love u sour grapes Special Guest Aki: like something burnt. Smells like updog)
Cimmorro: "how long does that usually take?" cimm just enjoying the smell rn Vinny: he laughs at the shout as he stirs "the whole process is about 3 hours, but most of that is letting it sit after i put it all together..." he corks the empty bottles and puts them back in the bag and stops stirring "now... for dark violet" he gestures at you standing by the bed "i'll need the...little green bag, the sprigs of lavender and the small parchment parcel. the rest should be in my suitcase.." he begins rifling around for other items on the ground Cimmorro: "oh that's longer than i imagined :o" then he's just like yes honey picking up the things to hand over Han: han jsut sitting like a good girl watching the process Cimmorro: "how does one get into more.. hmm, complex brewing...? it seems fun. and most i can do is herbal remedies and some medicine but its always nice to broaden and learn more" Vinny: "if you want the colour to come through you need to allow it to really set..." he continues stirring before he looks back at over at you taking the items "its all alchemy, which is a subset of artificery... i picked up a bit here and there but a real alchemist could probably teach it better" he smiles "like your friend plum!" Cimmorro: "ahh, you're right right they have a pretty interesting arsenal on them all the time" cimm sits on the floor beside him idly musing the idea, tapping his feet together. "putting a mental pin to annoy them soon-ish perhaps... but certainly after spellbook!" Vinny: "really giving yourself a full itinerary" he smirks before finally stopping and taking the stirrer out "now.." he opens the parchment package and inside you spy cut up slices of eggplant and small blueberries. he grabs a small knife and peels the skin off the eggplant before dropping it in the mixture, he rolls his sleeves up afterwards and crushes the blueberries in his hand over the cauldron, letting the juice drip inside of it. he then puts the remains on the small parchment, setting it aside. he wipes his hand off on a small cloth before stirring again with his other as he stares at the colour "starting off alright..." Han: han is like i want blueberry now... Cimmorro: "keeping busy relieves me of booooredom. also, you look like you're making a very specific stew right now. are components usually food with the same color?" cimm looks if there's any leftover berries he can snack on Vinny: there are a few berries still sitting on the parchment, he nods his head in response "not just food, but you've got the right idea" he reaches out and grabs the little green bag. he opens it and empties out a purple dust into the mixture, stirring it in, afterwards he crumples bits of lavender inside with his other hand "right now i'm colour mixing basically..." he continues stirring while squinting at the mixture that's taken on a dark purple hue "texture also has an effect...which is why I didn't really want to put the whole of the berries in" Han: :O "how does texture effect it?" Cimmorro: cimm grabs a couple berries and gives it to jasper after plopping one into his mouth as he watches Vinny: he thinks on how to describe it "how it appears for example" he moves his free hand about in the air "eggplant skins are shiny right? the berries are bit more muted, so it'd end up looking a little dull" Cimmorro: "ooooooooh, that's fun... then i assume would there be an effect that would make it curly and other stuff too? if you had the right component." Han: :OOO Vinny: he nods "changing and enchanting the actual texture is a little more tricky, you'd have to start with a different base, but yes, its a similar principle" with a smile he stops to cork open a few more vials and begins mixing some sort of concoction together in the wooden rack "i should be good on the mixing... han you can have a look at the liquid and tell me if you like the colour or not yourself" he's not looking as he gestures with an incline of his head Han: han peaks into the cauldron and narrows her eyes "... can i.. taste it....?" not the question that was asked but she cannot contain the curiosity Vinny: he looks over from where he's mixing vials and blinks, staring at han then back at the mixture with a squint "er... i suppose? it'll be very gritty though..." Han: puts a finger in, tastes it o_O Cimmorro: cimm watching you like O_o "how do you feel..."
Han finds the mixture tastes more like eggplant than berry for some reason, and the texture is similar to juice with sugar that hasn't been mixed in yet (a kind of grittiness).
Han: han was making a grimacing face as she prepared to taste it but it actually tastes pretty good so shes pleasantly surprised. "good!" :D "can you make little more dark?" shes excited bc it tastes good Cimmorro: cimm's like O.o seeing han pleasantly satisfied. pokes a finger in to taste too and just goes like mm.. i see! Vinny: he snorts at the taste testing as he pulls out a small black vial and pours a couple drops in the cauldron "that should darken it..." he mixes it with the stirrer a few more times before going back to his vial mixing, he grabs the finished concoction and slowly pours it into the cauldron. as the last drop hits he speaks an incantation once more, and snaps his fingers. the brew lights up for a short second as a small poof of purple smoke emerges in the air above it. he stirs it again for a few more times before putting a small lid on it "should be good to leave now!" he shoots the both of you a thumbs up Han: han claps at the lightshow :D Cimmorro: oooo aaaaahhhh boioioioioing Han: the boioioing is cimms boner? Cimmorro: STOPSNWDMLWF Vinny: kl;hjasehjklhjklrHJKLASDFG Cimmorro: IS EVERYTHING COCK TO YOU RN Han: SORRY I CANT STOPTPOS DLKFASD Cimmorro: GO EAT Vinny: WHQAT BEING HUNGRY DOES TO A MF Cimmorro: what are we doing for the next 3 hours. threesome time Vinny: and u just mocked cock? Han: ^ fr Cimmorro: tch ill take my boner elsewhere then! Han: IF U CANT HANDLE THE HEAT GET OUTTA THE KITCHEN Cimmorro: this is an actual convo theyre having rn Vinny: vinny leaves the room Han: actually ye jsut put quote marks Cimmorro: THATS HIS ROOM Vinny: hes leaving Cimmorro: TOO Vinny: CAN U GO TO GEN AND STOP CLOGGING THIS WITH COCK
Cimmorro: cimm gives vinny a thumbs up as well "thanks for the show" Vinny: he stretches his arms a little "if you consider stirring a brew a show?" he begins cleaning up the components scattered about to put back in his bag Han: han gives a thumbs up back too Cimmorro: "yeah :D it's fun and interesting. i like watching people work" Han: "hey! you also added some berries into it!" 😇 Vinny: "i suppose that's true, it can be fun to take it a new process" he looks over at han and laughs a little "i should have bought more, im starting to get a craving..." he looks forlornly out the window Cimmorro: "maybe there's some fruit cocktails at the bar..." Han: "i was thinking that...." Vinny: "hankering for a good drink the first night back on the airship i see..." Cimmorro: "hey, beats doing nothing while we wait. not like han has to do anything but," he makes a drinking gesture "once the potion finishes settling" Han: "and last night was not exactly party" Cimmorro: cimm snorts Vinny: he laughs a little strained "true enough, i wouldn't mind a walk either way..."
Cimmorro: >troupe de blowjob walks to bar ! cimms probs hardly tipsy its just like juice to him and 2 hours is not enough to get him shitfaced Vinny: vinny has half a cocktail and stops bc hes like i need to check on it when we get back roflmao Cimmorro: vinny hashtag responsibly drinking Vinny: hes never gotten sloshed in this game king of the bar scene Cimmorro: we'll get him there eventually Han: han no drunk, but she eats smth nom nom
The three return after some time in the dining hall to Cimmorro and Vinny’s room. Vinny scuttles over as they enter and kneels on the floor to check over the mixture, squinting at it seriously.
Han: han squints too Cimmorro: "how's it looking doc" cimm just lounges carefree on his bed Vinny: the mixture has thickened up a little, he grabs the wooden stirrer and gives it a few more stirs "looks finished to me... i just need to strain and bottle it now" he sets about the task, moving around the room to grab a few more tools. after a few minutes and with purple stained hands, he holds a small vial with the finished brew "...and all done..!" he stands and turns to han "it should work as soon as you down it" he dusts his hands as he hands it off to you Cimmorro: cimm sitting up and watching han excitedly Han: han gallantly accepts the potion like shes seen play knights do and stares at it for a while before downing it excitedly
As she drinks it she tastes eggplant more than anything else and a thicker texture than before, its not entirely unpleasant. Once she finishes the three pause a few moments before they see Han’s hair slowly begin changing colour, starting from the root to the tip until its fully shifted to a dark violet
Cimmorro: "whoaaaaaaaaaaaa" Han: han just goes hehehehe in the lil ship window reflection, playing with Cimmorro: "she's.... reborn!!!" he hollers Han: then she friendly punches vinny in the arm n goes "YOU DID SO GOOD THIS IS SO COOL THANK U" n does a one armed hug that looks like more like a chokehold Cimmorro: hes just clapping and making merry Vinny: hes about to reply with a sunny smile before he lets out an 'oof' at the punch, he struggles in the chokehold for a moment letting out a strained laugh, patting her on the arm across his neck "i-it was nothing, g-glad you like it!" Han: still in chokehold, han turns to cimm n sticks out her tongue "hes my favourite spell caster in this party now" Cimmorro: he gasps, playing offended. "do i mean nothing to you anymore?! that's always how it is, isn't it... one potion is all it takes to a girl's heart..." flops back into his bed dramatically Han: han hehehehhes satisfied w cimms dramatics Cimmorro: he props himself back up with an arm "really though, looks good on you!" he's just happy she's more cheerful than earlier today Han: han lets vinny go, satisfied w the amount of pain shes inflicted (pain=love btw) n smiles at cimm "um well.. thanks 😳 u still to 'doll me up' or whatever" 🙄 Vinny: he bobs his head around now free as he rubs his neck, still smiling away, though a little wobbly from the pressure "i-it looks pretty good under the warm lighting" Han: hans like silly vinny, all light is warm Cimmorro: "of course, we could give you some sprucing with maybe a little trim and layering ^o^" noting vinny's earlier remark he turns to him and goes "do you want one as well?" Vinny: he blinks and glances upwards rubbing his head again "if there's even much to be done.." Cimmorro: "just some evening out, some fine tuning some might say. unless you actually want it to be shorter :3" Vinny: he continues messing with it as cimm speaks "i've never gotten it trimmed much shorter than this..." Cimmorro: "wanna try? :3" wink wink nudge nudge Vinny: he furrows his brows a little still contemplating "...if you think its a good idea?" Cimmorro: "hmhm, i think you will look as dashing as you do, but with a fresh new look! han is a great example" he gestures jovially at her Vinny: he seems to grow embarrassed as he sighs still messing with it "i'll trust the good advice of my barber then.." avoiding eye contact he looks over at han and smiles again at the change in her mood Cimmorro: "tis a date then xo" Vinny: " : ] "
Cimmorro: "🐱 by the way you haven't forgotten about the rainbow dye have you?" Vinny: he stares at you deadpan "..i wonder...." Cimmorro: "hey" Vinny: he looks away as if thinking "hmm..." Cimmorro: "... on second thought maybe i should shave a side of your head while you sleep (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡" Vinny: he looks back surprised letting out a laugh at the idea "oh no..!" Cimmorro: "I'M WARNING YOU i need it. I'll do anything you want" cimm eating his own pride for the sake of pranks Han: "well, u saw how he makes them, cant u try n recreate it?" 🤔 Cimmorro: "i dunno what was in those vials...." sob cry sob cry Vinny: "ruining this associates hair of your's is that important to you huh?" he says it while holding back another laugh Han: single tears w him Cimmorro: "it would just be for a day! cmon...." Vinny: he snorts finally letting up "let's say if you do well in my cobbled together wizardry classes ill make one for you as a reward" Cimmorro: energy rejuvenated instantly "oh I'll do more than better! you'll see! I'll blow your mind!" he's literally evil smiling rn Vinny: he nods his head playing along clapping his hands together "i'm looking forward to it!" Cimmorro: "okay that's a promise alright? a deal? Han's my witness. you're giving me that dye!" Han: han sits up straight to witness 🫡 Vinny: he starts laughing loudly again Cimmorro: he hmphs "I'm ready whenever you are also han, before i forget, i have that thing i told you about where i can make portable light for you if you still want it" Han: "oh, ye" :O " what do you need for it?" Cimmorro: "ruby dust, i bought some earlier. just gimme something you want to be permanently radiating. something easy to hide like i mentioned before" Han: "permanently? you wont be able to ... make it stop being magical?" Cimmorro: "i can, but it'd have to be on my command" Han: oic 🤔 Cimmorro: "once it's put out, I can't do it again unless i have the dust. which are a little pricey!" Han: han takes out smth from the bag n looks it over, then goes "oh, but i want to look at it......" :( and goes back to looking thru her bag <- the sheep
Han: "could it be small coin? i was thinking about attaching it to something.." Cimmorro: "yeah that works :o! easy to pocket when you don't need it. it's as bright as a torch though so be mindful of that... oh but it doesn't burn!" Han: she nods, considering all that "i was thinking about attaching it to this" and she slips out a dagger from her boot Cimmorro: "oh my... you just have those things all over you huh. sounds good to me though!" Han: "yes. dont you? 🤨 but ye, i was thinking to enchant coin" takes out a gold "and then tie it to dagger" mimes how shes gonna tie it and nods to herself "by the way, i found this in my bag" she takes out 4 red crystals "do you know what it is? it can be group fund if its useful" Cimmorro: "yep yep that's handy, keeps it from getting lost too!" he eyes the crystals a little surprised, "uh, hmm seems like your common crystals, still worth something though. around 35gp, could probably get it to 40gp if you bargain hard enough... but ehhh. still something!" Han: han shrugs at the crystals n puts them back "good to know, keep in mind" Cimmorro: "something to fall back on when we run out of all the platinum 😂 you good with the coin then?" he reaches a hand out towards her Han: puts the coin in ur hand 😤 Cimmorro: cimm eagerly grasps it in his palm as he takes out his holy symbol with the other free hand. "i actually haven't done this before so I'm excited to see it myself!" he says as he takes out a small folded parchment with the small pile of ruby dust
Placing the coin on top of the dust, Cimmorro touches it with one hand, he tangles the chain of his holy symbol between his fingers in the other and begins muttering a short prayer. Soon enough the dust soon sparks into small embers shimmering like rubies before the coin absorbs it all completely, shedding light enough to brighten the room.
Cimmorro: cimm seems happy enough with the sparkle show and goes "yayyy!" Han: han is like that giant eyed cat looking at xmas ornaments pic looking at the magical display as she claps with the same enthusiasm she did for vinny earlier :3 Cimmorro: he proudly hands over the coin to han. "may you have less trouble traversing the dark from now on!" Han: receives it like she did the potion "thank you...! i shall...!!!" she takes a piece of thin rope and starts coiling it around the dagger, adding the sheep charm and the coin to it Cimmorro: 🥹🥹🥹 cimm is v touched that she seems to treasure the small gift but doesn't really comment on it he's just like 🥺 fr Han: han happily wrapping it heheh :3 Cimmorro: hehehe Han: han n cimm: hehehehehe vinny in the corner: SNORE Cimmorro: LITERALLYJEKEKSKKXC like a grandpa babysittingg his grandkids Han: K;HASD;LGKWARE;FDS GRANDPA WAKE UP U FUCKED UP BIG TIME Cimmorro: JUST JUMPS HIM Special Guest Aqua: LETS KILL HIM...) Han: LKHA;ODSLRKWES;HDOIF)
Noticing that Vinny at some point had fallen asleep sitting up like an old man, Cimmorro and Han continue their chat quietly before saying their good nights. Cimmorro helps ease Vinny back to his bed though, the poor guy, before curling into his own bed with jasper.
Cimmorro and Vinny start Wizard Studies - 3/4
The next day, soon after the two wake and ready themselves in the morning, Vinny quickly sets about putting his wizard lesson plan together. He seats himself on the floor again, seemingly preferring the space it provides and organises a few tomes he picked up in Figstup for Cimmorro's use and sets off into an explanation of the basics. He's rolled up his sleeves to avoid any potential ink stains occurring from the frequent gestures he makes with hands while still holding the quill he uses to draw diagrams. after about a couple hours of teaching he pauses a moment to let Cimmorro ponder the incantations a moment.
Vinny: "hopefully this hasn't been too hard to grasp so far...?" Cimmorro: cimm starts off as excited as he was just the day before, but as vinny begins his lessons, cimm can't help but blink a little stupefied. his way of teaching is... definitely different. at least compared to willow. granted, these are two very different subjects so he figured there will be more things for him to get used to... but it really is quite distracting. they're almost like the complete opposites: willow, direct, concise and maybe a little stricter than average, there'd be no room to bumble about. vinny, on the other hand, quite a blundering mentor, things seem to be described in more paragraphs than what one would find necessary, along with cited sources and sub-topics. cimm doesn't find the trait to be one that would deter or slow down his study though, no. he needs all the information he could get and he's glad that vinny is more than eager to cover all the fields. he knows he's in good hands. after a while, he does pick up on his rhythm and the lessons have been pretty easy to pick up. vinny might even notice how cimm takes this on very seriously, rarely doing anything that may distract them (though he can't help with a small joke or two from time to time) and dutifully taking notes of anything and everything. when he asks for him, he looks up from a rune he was copying and says "huh? oh nah! honestly, quite surprised it's been easier to make sense of. some of these things i could see parallels between some divine spells and incantations. like translations? kind of cool!" Vinny: he seems pleased at cimmorro's studiousness, though he often has to think for a moment before the odd joke here and there registers in his mind, too distracted by his own thinking. it's not unexpected from what he knows about him but he hasn't seen him so focused for an extended period of time before, it's a bit of a contrast from his regular selfs constant messing around. compared to his previous experience starting out teaching cole, it's going alot more smoothly, though he mostly blames that bit of mess on his own inexperience. then again he doubts cimmorro would end up blowing up the airship on his first day no matter how bad he was at explanations. as he responds with an eager tone vinny smiles and nods his head "your background seems to be even more helpful than we'd thought, huh? and you're right!" he points down towards ones of the books "though there isn't too much overlap between known cleric and wizard spells, when you can compare them its often like translating between languages. detect magic when written down doesn't look too outlandishly different between most practices" Cimmorro: cimm nods in understanding as he cranes his head towards the book. "even if some spells don't overlap, since it basically uses the same type of code and elements as ones that do, it makes it a little less overwhelming to try and decipher" he shift idly through his own notes, seemingly satisfied at the current progress so far. "if i had known sooner, i would've dabbled into this when i was younger. definitely could've helped make my job a a bit easier!" he laughs "it's a bit of a pet peeve, but i do find it sliiiiightly grating when we receive a scroll to archive and it still has to go through approval in our arcane section because i couldn't decipher it myself. ack, i just want to put those pretty things tucked up the shelves and dealt with! organized! and it's not my ideal trip to go up and down flights of stairs from the arcane department to the archives and vice versa" the memory makes him realize he hasn't stretched his own legs since the lesson started and begins to do so now as he sits on the floor. "now the 'arcane' part in my clergy title serves a lot more purpose" Vinny: he smirks in response as if amused "they say the more you know the easier it is to learn and find patterns, at the end of the day it really is all magic in some form or another. i forgot your temple was a tower though, i can imagine the cardio that'd net you on a daily basis..." he leans back a little bit to stretch his back as well, mentally deeming it a good time for a brief break "ive never lived somewhere so grand myself... even being dragged around the palace to work on arcane barriers was a real hassle" he laughs to himself before he takes on a curious look tilting his head "you have an official title? well of course you do, what's your role back home?" Cimmorro: "i gotta give some credit to those stairs, if it weren't for them my trek on foot would've been a hell lot more difficult than necessary these past few years," he snickers. "and now i have finely shaped legs ☺️ ah, maybe one day we'll install a magical lift of sorts" he stretches his ankles a bit and leans back on both arms as he listens. "you do seem like you live a mostly humble life! it seems nice! i don't hate my life in the tower, and i like the busy buzz, but sometimes it's also hard to find some privacy in it. so i get what you mean about it being a hassle" a smile forms as he reminisces his life. once vinny poses the question, he hums "i do pretty much all sorts of things, whatever i can get my hands on really. but before i left i was largely part of treating patients due to the ruby mother's touch," he wiggles his fingers then sits up straight "medical team leader, red beryl cimmorro! priest of death and magic, at your service 🫡" after having fun with his little display he goes back to his lounging position and gives vinny a thoughtful look. "what about you? do you uphold a role at the accord aside from being under jeane's beck and call?" Vinny: he blinks as he listens to cimm list out his job and responsibilities "wow...sounds pretty fancy! you worked directly with people then? on top of all your studying" he smiles "no wonder im reminded of carlyn's clinic" he laughs again as he diverts his eyesight to the tomes a little awkwardly "well i used to walk alot more as kid, not so much these days. carlyn told me once my arms seem to have grown with all the lifting i do these days but i don't know what to base that on...?" he glances at himself giving his shoulder a pat before shaking his head "i like being around people but having my own space was quite important, my village was the type where people just stroll in without knocking if they know you" he shakes his head "though these days i seem to miss it, it used to annoy me something fierce" as his thoughts stray to berryl he furrows his brow a little and he folds his arms "im under everyone's beck and call if you wanna put it that way... im just a contract wizard, but even that affords you some rank in certain peoples eyes" he tilts his head pouting "basically they can call me in whenever they want to do whatever they want, but otherwise im free" Cimmorro: "yeahp... well, i would've been fine if i just kept doing my studies but neither my ma or willow was going to have that so, what they did is they grabbed me by the scruff and threw me into the team whether i liked it or not. wasn't right for me to be diving into books all day cooped up on my bunk they said! and man, i was so crossed! but looking back on it now i appreciate that they threw me into the lions. got myself some much needed learnin'" he strokes jaspers fur while smiling to himself. when vinny points out his own arms he gives him an amused glance. "don't you make chairs? those made out of slabs of wood as a matter of fact. i think that alone explains the mass forming. also, it's quite hard to imagine you getting annoyed of anything so i'm surprised. hah, though now that i think about it, given your studious spirit, i shouldn't be." he just visibly grimaces as vinny shares more about how the accord treats him like a little dog. "so you're contracted? i thought you were officially part of their merry little group," he looks up in thought "at least there's an end to it eventually?" Vinny: he smiles at the image of a unfriendly hermit teenage cimmorro as he shakes his head "...darkwoods pretty light actually, it's what makes it so appealing to buy stuff made from it" he knocks his head back against the bed behind him with his arms still folded as he thinks "my teenage years were my most bristly, and i've said before i'm more than capable of getting mad..." he sighs "contract wizards are considered as much their own as anyone else, and.... it's a nice thought but i doubt im getting out of it anytime soon" Cimmorro: "is it? but, not that i'm questioning your choice of material just curious, but if it's light wouldn't that mean it's not as durable?" cimm tilts his head at the logic of it. "bristly, you say.... kind of imagining you as one of those volatile teenagers (a/n: cimmorro is projecting)... vildristin, bad boy style, yeah" he nods, oddly satisfied and amused at the image he's conjured in his own mind. his demeanor shifts into something thing a little more incredulous at the topic of contracts, however. "are they funding your store or something? is that how they trap you like that?" Vinny: "its a paradoxical material, durable but light. hefty when you swing but stills like a feather, but its also quite hard to work for all those reasons" he snorts at the volatile comment "b-bad boy? i dont know if i got that crazy, though i guess leaving home is a bit of a late teenage rebellion..."  he shifts in his spot lifting his head again to look out the window "nothing like that but i'm sure they'd bring up the store too if they wanted, but its nothing im so attached to... you can always start somewhere new" he sighs from his nose "no, no a different kind of blackmail for me" he turns back to you a newfound sad smile on his face "you might even be able to guess half of it at this point really" Cimmorro: cimm's face brightens as he understands the appeal of darkwood now with a long 'ooooooooooooh!' but his face crumples in thought again "so..... then it must be the machines, the metal! you can thank those for forming all that" he gestures at his arms "even cole looked like she could pull over an entire wagon!" he blinks at vinny again like a bird trying to judge if it should venture further into this. after while though, of course he gives in and leans more closely in a whisper, even though he doesn't really need to since it's just the two of them in the room, but for the theatrics, "is it the witch stuff...? how'd they find out?" Vinny: he nods his head "...yes, exactly right" he leans back against the bed behind him again, folding his hands over his knees with tiredness in his face "i let it slip myself, accidentally of course. it was during a small meeting with the big man himself" he starts to fiddle with his fingers again "...you know the first time you come to a city by yourself knowing things you shouldn't its a pretty scary experience. carlyn picked me up but i never told him where i'd gotten my basics of magic from" he shrugs "i thought the accord were my friends, after they scouted me. no one ever talks about wanting to leave them, such a professional group of innovators" he sighs to himself afterwards Cimmorro: cimm on the floor like this going like NOO WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO OUR BEAUTIFUL WIZARDS
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Cimmorro: cimm makes a face as if he ate a lemon as vinny tells his story "that's fouuuuuuuuul! no wonder you've been avoiding the topic... ahhhh..." hejust kinda slumps further onto the floor and stares at the ceiling. "man... nasty. never meet your heroes, i suppose... do they all know? or just like, mostly the higher ups? jeane?" Vinny: he smiles at cimms reaction a little bit "...and not a story i can tell many either" he looks off in thought at the question "a few of the inner circle i can name, jeanne is one yes, and berryl. though he may have told any number of people so i dont know exactly. i'd hope he doesn't consider me THAT important..." he makes a kind of lightly annoyed face Cimmorro: "well, for what it's worth, i appreciate that you could tell me" cimm, from the spot where he is laying on the floor, gives vinny a friendly pat on the knee. "from my understanding they're treating you like their little errand boy, no? i hope that doesn't involve any more strange dirty work if they could be that sleazy..." he shoots a worried look at him before looking at the ceiling again. "funny how my mentor who is oftentimes neutral in opinion expressed slight but some rare disdain towards the accord. now, i can fully understand." Vinny: he looks down again at the knee pat with a grateful expression "thank you, cimmorro" he leans forward again, and settles his chin in his hand on his knee "they didn't contact me for much work before the ball, but that could certainly change nowadays..." he gives an awkward laugh "i should stop leaning into all these fantasies of running away so much" he pays attention at mention of willow before nodding "they're pretty in the know then huh? i'm sure the other outer members are alright.. but who knows how many any number of them are being pulled along like this really. not something i enjoy thinking about" Cimmorro: "oh? what makes you think that?" re: the accord contacting him. "did they even give you a way out of this blackmail? conditions? or is it really 'you do as we ask for as long as we like,?' 😑" cimm shivers at the thought of more people being exploited. "yeap, don't like that" Vinny: "i've gotten more attention, being involved in a citywide cult escapade gives you more relevance than being a simple arcane shop owner. jeane seemed to think so at the very least, of course they'd like to brag one of their own was involved in their takedown" he drops his head almost woefully "...as long as they like" Cimmorro: cimm straight up just looks at him like 🥹 Vinny: NYORON Cimmorro: ^ unmoisturized, invaded in my lane, unflourishing, taking psychic damage
Cimmorro: cimm's quiet for a moment while schemes run through his head. after a bit he just goes "..................... potion of memory loss in his favorite drink......." half jokingly suggesting ideas Vinny: with his eyes closed vinny snorts, lifting his head again "....not the worst idea?" Cimmorro: cimm smiles at him when he lifts his head again then lets out a laugh. "hey, it's a start! i don't hear you coming up with anything yourself" Vinny: he furrows his eyebrows smirking a little "i've been wallowing a little bit i will admit" Cimmorro: "and now i'm here 😌" he sits back up with a grin "we can spitball ideas in between your magic curriculum! we may or may not come to a solution but... might make you feel better? also, we're drinking. after lessons. no excuses and no buts!" he says firmly "my treat!" Vinny: he makes a face like he doesn't quite believe there'll be any point but relents with a huff and shakes his head smiling "sure, maybe it'll be fun" he blinks after wide-eyed "d-drinking? what brought that on" he laughs again "sure sure, a reward for hard work" Cimmorro: "to unwind! and to celebrate! my first day in wizard school! yay!" he claps "i don't think i've ever seen you drink... were you drinking at the ball? i didn't see you get tipsy one bit! i'm curious! +_+" Vinny: he seems to regain his spirit at cimmorro's cheerfulness, shifting to sit straighter "i do drink...! i drank at the ball, but i wasn't exactly going to get all that drunk next to jeane. ezra tells me i have a high tolerance though" Cimmorro: cimm happy to see vinny's mood getting better, raises his hand to his mouth and goes  'ohooooo?' and playfully smirks. "i smell a potential drinking game up ahead! how exciting! i feel fired up now!" Vinny: he raises a brow while an awkward smile "oh boy..." shaking his head he leans forward again to pick up one of the books "l-lets focus up again before we get too excited... where were we..."
Cimmorro laughs heartily as he settles to study again, rolling his sleeves up in determination. Vinny doesn't need to do much to put him back on track, and the two of them ease back to their scholarly tango as the day goes on.
Han and Finn have a chat - 5/4
Whiling away the hours on the airship, Han makes her way above deck again to kill some time. Finn also finds himself lounging on the deck after the sun has set, staring off into the distance.
Finn: something finn has quickly taken to is lounging on the deck at night. theres not much to do on the ship, not for him anyway and especially not during the day. its been nice to get some time off, he was able to make a lot of time for sulking which wasnt possible in shorewater. he sighs at the thought of it all. he still cant really believe his uncle threw him to these wolves. maybe he can at least attract the attention of a handsome stranger if he shows up here nightly and acts mysteriously troubled... just like one of his stories. Han: han's made a habit out of getting on the crew members nerves, so she normally spends her days on top deck or the crow's nest. today she's opted for more staying more lowkey, so she's just laying on the deck until she looks around and spots finn. following a brief battle wherein she remembers the last her name left finns mouth, and overcoming herself, she gets up and crosses over to where he's standing "finn. hi." Finn: finn is excited when it would seem hes being approached... he turns to look the person over and its sobering. raising an eyebrow he looks them up and down. it would certainly appear that theyre very similar to who he thinks.... "han?" he asks flatly. normally he'd be embarassed about the prospect of getting a persons name wrong but with a lowlife such as her it wouldnt matter. he might even apologize to this person if they indeed are someone else. Han: not understanding why finn studies her like that, then remembering shes had an appearance change, she pulls at her hair nervously for a second before thinking thats not what she's here for n collecting her thoughts. she looks more serious as she crosses her arms and says "i wanted to thank you, for the battlefield.. i remember hitting ground and losing my sense, so you must have helped me. thank you. i wont forget this debt" she closed her eyes mid way through that speech and opens them at the end to look for finns reaction Finn: finn takes a short moment to process this and then begins laughing like an anime character, covering half his face with his hand briefly "ha! are all of your kind so lax in showing gratitude? some time that took! i guess cherishing life comes first" he gestures around his shoulders, alluding to her haircut "i would go on, but youve done well coming crawling to me before i took this to you" inward, hes frustrated han is talking to him about this. yes he deserves worship now. yes he wanted to berate her over not thanking him at a crucial time and grind her to dust under his heel. leave it to han to ruin his ambitions. whatever struggle is cementing itself in his mind does not make it outward, he smirks and looks down on her despite being shorter "youve accumulated quite the great debt indeed. know that my altruism is limited and i may not be so generous next time, lest you take care of this..." Han: han is taken aback by the laughter, she just listens to him in a stupor... why is acting like this, she has so much trouble keeping up with- with- with just his everything, the posturing, the tone, the words, its all so frustrating. she just looks lost and confused at the end of his tirade, she goes "...take care of what?" as if they're having two different conversations Finn: finn is still amused despite her being out of the loop. one could say she certainly wasnt objecting to any of his claims or demands. thats good enough. finn sighs and puts a hand on his hip "a debt is something youre obligated to repay. familiar with the concept? or are you just spouting big words you picked up in shorewater?" one might describe his smile as shit eating Han: trying to ignore his ribbing even as it gets under her skin, she goes "yes, i am aware." she brings a hand up to rub her head briefly, muttering "i meant more like--" before cutting herself off and deciding to listen to finn "are you meaning you have something in thought that i could do..?" Finn: finn studies her demeanor. he does have something in mind. "perhaps i do" he cant think of anything that could be better than it. he wants nothing more than to order han to grovel on the floor right here and declare his superiority. in his fantasy, it would even be in front of the vengaboys but he suspects this wont go over very well with them. this is the next best place. he opens his mouth to speak again but thinks it over. his one order that MUST be obeyed. it could be a waste...but then again... this is the only chance he'll get to make any of them prostrate like theyre meant to. uncle vorde will chew him out if he hears about this. the thought makes finn bite his lip "or do you mean to say you havent even thought of anything yourself? how shameful..." Han: han tilts her head in thought and embarrassment? looking somewhere out into the sky, "i mean, usually it just mean i will watch your back in fight..." she looks back at finn,"but if you think i can do something now, thats fine too" she shrugs cluelessly Finn: finns hand twitches, his fingers briefly spasm around nothing. he hasnt done this to anyone in so long. the thrill tempts him so. briefly he feels himself taken back to antessa 10 years ago. and yet... he cant bear it. he can bear the ire, but not the disappointment that clouded his uncles eyes. finn would curse vorde, had he not asked to be changed. the one person he cannot betray. finn shakes his head and sighs "what a blockhead you are... hmph" all tension seems to evaporate there "i cant possibly decide on the spot like this, unbelievable as it is there are quite a few uses for you. when ive assessed an adequate form of atonement ill inform you. and i expect you to do as told, of course" Han: for some reason, han feels like she disappointed finn, a feeling she shoves deep deep DEEP under. she keeps making a lost-n-confused-lamb face at this whole interaction, "well.... okay... if you say so...." she does a mock salute, the kind shes seen shorewater officers do. unsure on the note this conversation ended on, she looks around the deck, not seeing a lot of people. this interaction should have ended but she cant hold in the curiosity- "actually, one more thing. i have questions. about the.." she says quieter "vampire things" Finn: finn snorts at the salute. he finds he doesnt hate this particular moment, as much as it disgusts him to admit this to himself. at the vampire inquiry something in his eyes seems to dull. he takes a look around for himself but decides he doesnt want his secrets overheard even when the chances are low. theres no reason oblige her either, but perhaps itll encourage her to obey in the future. "not here" he says more flatly "somewhere without an audience" he looks at han expectantly, suggesting his own room is not an option Han: han does not pick up on the suggestion and goes "well, either of our rooms works? unless you dont want plum or rokka present..." 🤔 Finn: finn closes his eyes in disbelief for a moment "i would prefer neither of them be present" he would command plum to leave but...... things dont work that way with them "think youll kick rokka out?" he asks sarcastically Han: han laughs friendily n turns to leave, expect finn to follow "why would i do that? i can just ask" and starts walking to her room Finn: "...... i suppose so" he grits out and follows her, frowning all the way there over the fact that they live in completely different worlds Han: stop being crazy finn <3) Finn: he cant..)
The two walk down to Han and Rokka’s room, she asks her roomate politely if he could go hang out with Psalm and Plum for a little as she shuts the door behind them.
Han: han bounce sits on her bed and makes herself comfortable, not really waiting for finn. "so" she gets a bit bashful "i didnt mean to overhear in forest, but u were pretty loud, and it Was forest, but you said you are dispensible?" she leans forward on her knees and turns more serious, facing finn "im pretty sure you hate talking about it but, how does it work? do you need anything? like how you avoid sun? i dont think its good to have party member whose needs we dont know, and i have no idea what vampire means" Finn: finn leans against the wall and crosses his arms like an anime character. he dwells on the question for a moment, unsure if he wants to share his insecurities with someone like her. he does, however, understand her desire for this group to function in battle. he tilts his head at the end of her babbling "you dont know what it means? you only think to ask now?" (<- not as malicious as earlier... more... exhausted. he doesnt have the energy to be particularly mean rn) Han: han feels a bit frustrated too, n gives finn a smirk that lands somewhere btwn genuine and annoyed "everytime someone brings it up, you act like someone shit in your breakfast." she eases up "and like, whatever, i get it. i just want.. how you say.. cohesion. " she brings her hands into a grip to show ~cohesion~ "i only know it means 'blood-sucker' generally, but i imagine folklore i know is different from folklore you know" ends this with a neutral, if a bit unimpressed look, at finn Finn: "what are they like in your folklore?" he also snorts at the wording of 'his folklore' as if he wasnt the unliving, not breathing manifestation of said folklore. making him very much, very real. he wants to hear this before moving on Han: han hmms at the ceiling, recalling "the strzyga is typically born as demon child. they have two hearts, two souls and two sets of teeth, only satisfied by blood of living. although, only elf settlements near us really passed this on" Finn: "well, im glad to confirm that i only have one of each" he raises an eyebrow and lightly bounces his leg, feeling a bit awkward now "im uncertain what it is that eludes you at this point. you seem to understand enough about my condition" Han: han thinks for a second "so blood of living is correct? i havent seen you eat once" pauses and raises an eyebrow to look at finn "are you eating well?" Finn: finn feels like if he were a cupboard, one of the cups was just taken and smashed on the ground. what did she mean if hes eating well? the audacity. the mockery. as if he couldnt take care of himself "han, if i may ask a question in return. do you eat?" his smile is all sorts of ways off, his voice something akin to nails on chalkboard Han: han doesnt rly get why hes so off but whatever! its a simple enough question! she can answer it! she proudly huffs "three meals for day, equal part vegetable and meat" and gives a thumbs up Finn: "and you would not be standing if you didnt eat, yes?" Han: "i could probably go for week without food, if desperate" Finn: finn sighs deeply and rubs his temples "the point is, you were eating throughout the weeks" Han: she nods Finn: "good. start assuming that about the people around you. if you ask me another stupid question im leaving" he grits out Han: han just laughs, like finn said something funny "well, you know, its easier to cook for whole tribe than each person cook for themself, so if you ever need help, you can ask" she grins at him and then remembers something else "then, what was that about being expendable? you seem to be more sturdy than others but not by much" 🤔 Finn: finn facepalms at the fact that han completely missed the point of that but decides itll be for the better if they move on from this. hes back to crossing his arms "even if i die, i wont stay dead. thats why you should leave danger to me. simple, no?" Han: he stares at him for a moment before starting to turn that thought over "hmm... how long would it take for you to come back?" Finn: finn raises an eyebrow "about an hour" Han: "hmmm, then, its much better to just keep you alive. so, no can do, danger will be split equally" ^-^ Finn: finn groans at this "why are you and psalm so unreasonable about this?" Han: han chuckles "how is this unreasonable?" Finn: "if you die, you wont come back. i cant believe you're actually making me state that" he stares at her like she said 1 + 1 doesnt equal 2 Han: han starts listing things on her fingers as she talks "if you die, we are limited in our fire power for an hour. cimm can bring me back immediately if desperate, i know he cant bring you back. anyone's death would not be boon in any situation, so why are you eager to take hit for others?" Finn: "cimmorros resources are better spent elsewhere" he mumbles and takes to staring at the floor "why not make use of my disposition" he cant tell her that a warriors death is the only one he finds suitable for his miserable existence. "but considering how annoying you and psalm are being about this, i dont believe we'll reach an agreement on that anytime soon" Han: han is dense but she can atleast tell when a person is sulking, and she doesnt really want to keep prodding, nor does she really know how to console him, so she just agrees absentmindedly with the last statement and stays quiet for a while "um, i think i got all i needed, really, um..... ... ... do you want to hear embarrassing story about cimmorro...?" her tone is unsure Finn: the urge to leave arises in finn and beats in him like a heart would. hes just about ready to up and leave when han suddenly says that. he looks up from the floor with renewed vigor and sparkly eyes. nodding enthusiastically "yes! yes i would very much like to hear an embarrassing story about cimmorro!"
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Han: han honestly didnt expect the 180 in attitude it kinda takes her aback but she goes on in stride "he was coming in so late during our last week, he forgot to take off his tiara thing, and he had to cut it from his hair n the morning" she doesnt rly know if that was a hashtag hit tweet so she just expectantly waits for finns reaction Finn: finns expression goes from happy and bubbly to :TAILSFINN: "cut it from his hair?... why couldnt he just take it off? huh?" he tilts his head like hes trying to pick the story apart from every angle, recalling the way cimmorros hair looks and if he should spent extra time staring at it next time he sees the cleric Han: han gets more worried like shit did i piss him off again?? "no, like, he didnt take it off, and it got more tangled in his hair, since its just some chains and gems..." shes sweating Finn: finn slowly nods like hes starting to understand. its hard to imagine cimmorro would forget such a thing. like himself, he seems very concerned with his appearance... would cimmorro really resort to cutting his hair? finn bites his lip. that man has more skills than he anticipated... making it look like nothing happened. he will have to think hard about how to utilize this story "how odd... i didnt think him to be so forgetful 🤨" evidently, he had hoped for something more hard hitting. but he supposes it is enough that han shared this unprompted "well, thanks for the story. you said you were done interrogating me, right?" Han: han rly wishes this dude would just laugh at this or something... he is putting wayyy too much thought it this... is this what stand up comedy feels like...  "um, yes... thank for your... honesty?" this is cringe Finn: finn nods and makes his way to the door. upon resting his hand on the door knob he looks at her again "evidently i dislike talking about these aspects of myself, but i do want us to succeed when the situation calls for it" with that hes ready to leave Han: han nods earnestly, looking a bit haggered by what just transpired
Finn leaves Han to her room and thoughts as he heads back to bask above deck once more.
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minhavn · 2 years
hiiii i hope you’ve been well 🥺❤️❤️ i just had a thought… what about perv taehyun who gets caught in his perv moment?? whether the reader reacts well to what she sees or not is up to you 🤭
— 🌟
warning : (noncon) cum eating, panties stealing
a/n : hi, darling 🤍 ive been sick for few days lately so yeah <//3 hope you've been taking care of yourself well, tho !!
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Taehyun had been your friend for years. The trust and bond the two of you created were invincible; giving him a slight crack to creep in and use it for his advantages.
When you paid him a visit during silver week, he was so happy that he came to pick you up at the station twenty minutes earlier; taking your luggage and putting them inside his car before opening the passenger door for you.
"How's live?" You asked, buckling the seatbelt while taking off your coat; not noticing the way his eyes were travelling down to your chest and exposed collarbone. "Good. How about you? Anything special?" You shook your head, telling him about your life in general and also some events that happened a week before you came here.
Shifting slightly on the seat before he pulled over his car, signing you that both of you had arrived. Apparently, he lived in a pretty nice neighborhood because there was a market that sold fishes and vegetables for a low price nearby; giving him a chance to try on making various dishes. "I made grilled eel and sour fish stew in case you're hungry," he said, carrying your bag into the guest room while you were taking a bath; staring at your set of lacy panties before taking them from your bag and hiding them inside his room.
Stepping out from the bathroom, you had found that Taehyun was gone and placed your bag on top of the bed. "Huh? I swear that I put it inside here already," you muttered under your breath, trying to find your favourite underwear before wearing whatever you could find; feeling confused with their sudden disappearance.
"Tyunnie," you called, munching on the salty sweet meal as he raised his head from the table, "did you see, um," you hesitated; not feeling sure that it was appropriate to ask him about your missing underwear before shrugging it off, saying it wasn't important. "Alright then," he placed his hand over your shoulder, giving it a light squeeze before bringing the dirty dishes into the sink and emptying it up.
Showing up from behind the kitchen, Taehyun handed out a plate of mango sticky rice; a dessert he recently found out days ago. "I'm going to be inside my room, okay? Call me if you need anything," he ruffled your head before closing his door once he was inside.
"I think he mistook sugar for salt," you grimaced at the salty taste from the sauce before finishing it down—not knowing what he put inside the sauce beforehand.
It's been days and somehow three of your bras went missing already. "Is that so? I'll check the laundry room, then," Taehyun said when he listened to your complain about it, offering to buy you new pairs of them before going to the basement to check it out.
"Alas," he shook his head, saying that none of your underwear was found there. With a worried expression, Taehyun told you that he will try to find them again tomorrow morning; so, there'd be nothing for you to worry about. Trusting his words, you gave him a nod and went to your room, saying you were too tired to think about it.
Waking up from a dull thud from the wall, you rubbed your eyes and squinted at the faint, familiar voice from the room beside yours. Getting up from the bed, you opened your door quietly and approached it with hesitation; placing your hand over the doorknob while thinking about changing your mind.
"Ahh, fuck!"
A harsh sound of breath took you back into the reality as the door was opened, showing you a shirtless Taehyun with your missing favourite underwear, covered in his thick cum as some of them dripped down to the waxed wood floor.
"Wanna join me?" He offered, a smirk decorated his beautiful face when he got caught by you—or maybe, it was the other way?
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flamingo-writes · 2 years
Shared Puppyhood – TASM!Peter Parker x Reader
A lil drabble I thought of while walking my dog. And I may be projecting myself a bit here...
Summary: It's strange when you think about it. You have a dog, who you share with Spiderman. And it all happened because Spiderman, the guy you'd been patching up for the last months one day got to your apartment slightly injured, but in his arms he had a dog who needed medical attention far more urgently than him. And while caring the dog back to health, you ended up adopting it, and Spiderman in a way too. Who knew this dog would completely change your lives.
Warnings: mentions of wounds, swearing.
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Peter swung by, eventually landing next to your window as he gently used his foot to slide your window open. Carrying a bag of dog food over his shoulder, managed to get inside your apartment in one swift move.
And soon, he was greeted by the sound of paws hitting the wood floor as a medium black dog with long thin hair welcomed him with a wiggling tail and excited eyes.
"Hey, buddy" Peter said kneeling before him and scratching it's head. "How's Archie doing? What's up in your fluffy doggy life, huh?" He continued as he took off his mask, kissing the dog's head.
"Peter?" You asked nervously from somewhere else in your apartment as he got up and walked out of your room, greeting you as you walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. "For fucks sake, you scared me for a second there..." You sighed exasperated.
Peter’s heart skipped a beat not expecting to come in such a moment. He looked away shyly and cleared his throat.
"I should've called before, right?" He said walking out of your room and using a web to pull the dog food towards him. "I remembered you said Archie almost ran out of food so I brought a new bag"
"Oh thank you, Pete!" You sighed relieved. "Yeah, I was gonna buy it later this week..." You said looking at the 44lb bag and then at him. "Thank you!" You said smiling at him before walking towards your room. "Give me 5 minutes while I change..."
"Sure, take your time" He said as he heard the door closing behind you and he headed to the livingroom, followed by Archie as he kept wiggling his tail at Peter.
Peter had grown familiar to your apartment, as the livingroom soon stopped looking like a ER. Since one day he accidentally fell into your fire escape and he'd begged you over and over again to not take him to the hospital, you turned out to be a drop out veterinarian student and knew enough to patch him up.
"Why did you quit?"
"It's a very stressing lifestyle...You try your best for the sake of the animals, and most people are ungrateful..." You told him among other things.
And while now you worked as an elementary teacher, you still retained most of your knowledge. Specially since Spiderman would often knock on your window, wounded and apologizing beforehand. And every time, you stitched him up without hesitation. Feeling bad for making you patch him up every time, he made sure to bring all the materials he used up, sutures, gauze, peroxide...And a few more things like May's banana bread, or donuts, even coffee.
"I'm sorry. I know this is one of the reasons you quit being a vet tech, but–"
"Hey, it's okay. I don't mind patching you up...You've proven to be a lot more grateful than many of the people I came across at the veterinarian hospital..."
Those words made something in him tick. And from then, he only fell more and more each time he knocked on your window.
Although, he never told you his name. For a good three months you just knew the face behind the mask, as well as most of his body as he often arrived with wounds in several parts of his body. But he always refused to tell you his name. You called him Spidey, or sometimes just Bug. And he soon started calling you Bug in return.
Especially one time he knocked on your window with an injured dog, calling your name.
"Please, help me. There was this warehouse on fire and he was trapped inside" He said desperately. "I know I should take it to an actual vet hospital, but I can't afford it, and I couldn't leave him behind"
It was the desperation in his words and the tears in his eyes that made broke your heart and made you do something about it instead you did what you could with what you had at home.
Lucky enough, the dog had a few burns in his paws and tail, nothing too serious, the rest of the dog was intact, except from a mild sore throat from breathing smoke.
And while the dog was resting and getting better, Spiderman went every single day to your apartment, mostly to see the dog and to thank you over and over again. His little food gifts were more than enough for you, but Peter didn't know how else to repay you.
"What will happen once the dog has fully healed" You asked him.
"I'd say put him up for adoption, but honestly...I'm too attached to him to give him up..."
"I can't keep him, Bug..." You whispered. "I can barely afford my own living..."
"Yeah...I know...Me too, also I can't have him at my apartment..."
Seeing that none of you wanted to give him up, and finding a home for him was hard, since finding a home for a medium adult dog wasnt as easy as finding a home for a puppy. You two somehow agreed on keeping the dog, but sharing the expenses. You let the dog stay at your place, walked him in the mornings before work, and got his vaccines covered with help from your friends from vet school, and Peter made sure the dog always had food, and bought him toys and treats. Whenever you had to leave for the weekend, Peter would stay at your place watching over the dog.
"How should we name him?" He asked.
"Something cute..." You purred. "He looks like...Peter, don't you think?"
"Don't name him that!"
"Why not? It's not like you–" You stopped as the penny dropped. "Your name is Peter?"
"What? No....no, no. My name is not–" He stuttered, sighing as he realized it was pointless at this point. "Yes, my name is Peter..." you burst out laughing.
"What a way to finally learn your name!" You chuckled and looked at him. "I stand by what I said earlier, Peter is a nice name"
"How about Archie?"
As you walked out of your room, wearing clean pajamas you greeted Peter with a smile, as he felt the air get knocked out of his lungs.
"You look comfy" He pointed out, looking at your shorts decorated with sheeps of all tones of white and brown.
"Thank you, I bought these pajamas at Costco!" You said making a dumb pose, with your shorts and matching shirt of a sheep jumping over a fence. Peter giggled. "Want to stay over for dinner?"
It wasn't the fanciest dinner. It consisted of microwave pizza with leftover salad you made earlier that day. But it was better than anything Peter could ask. Mostly because he had your company making the chewy pizza taste like one of the best things he'd had.
"Thank you, Bug" He purred, calling you by the affectionate nickname he decided to call you. "For dinner"
"Thank you for Archie's food"
"It's nothing..." He said looking at you with a gentle smile with eyes that seemed to melt with adoration. "I should go, it's getting late, and you work early tomorrow"
"Sure..." You murmured, looking away from his gorgeous dark eyes as you hoped he'd stayed a little longer.
You walked him towards your room, as your window was his preferred main door. Stopping in front of your window, he spun on his toes and looked at you, holding his mask on one hand, as he gently brushed your cheek with his free hand's finger.
"See you soon?" He asked as you met his stare and nodded.
"You're always welcome, you know that. You don't even have to wait for me to get home, my window is always open. You can just pop in and play with Archie or take him for a walk or...whatever" You said, as Peter smirked, knowing this speech by heart as you often told him over and over again he could come in whenever he pleased.
"Thanks" He said as he turned around, holding his mask now in both hands, as he was ready to jump out the window, but something was stopping him.
An intrusive thought.
"Is everything alright?" You asked, noticing the way he stood there staring at his hands.
"Hm? Yeah..." He sighed, shaking his head. "Ah, fuck it" He said as he turned around, facing you again and stared into your confused gaze. "Hypothetically speaking...What would you do if I..." He cleared his throat. "Lets say, kiss you?"
Your eyes widened as your cheeks soon started burning and blushing. "I-I...Don't know" You purred. "Why don't we figure it out?" He smiled at your shy response as he threw his mask to your bed and cupped your face at once.
He'd be lying if he said he'd never fantasised of this moment before. Kissing you for the first time. Although, not even in his wildest dreams it felt as good as it did now.
His lips pressing against yours delicately as you kissed him back right away. Lips shyly locking together as you figured out each other's pace. Your heart igniting as you wrapped your arms around him, bringing him closer as he mirrored your movements. Melting into each other's embrace as the undisclosed feelings you had for one another finally surfaced mixed in that kiss. It was tender, shy, and it was so sweet.
He hummed, breaking the kiss as he cupped your face gently. "Thanks"
"For what?" You chuckled softly, meeting his chocolate eyes.
"Everything" He said. "Patching me up, helping Archie, keeping my secret, the shared puppyhood, being you..."
You smiled and looked away feeling slightly flustered as you hugged him and hid your face in his chest.
"No need to thank me..." You replied as he hugged you back, kissing the top of your head. "I'm happy to help"
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rafescoke · 3 years
Need To Know (Part 2) ; Rafe Cameron
#Part 2 
#Part 1
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: Reader confronts Rafe about his past
Warnings: More angst, more flashback smut, substance, swearing, Rafe being a dick again
A/N: Thank you so much for the overwhelming love from my last post! I love you to the moon and back <3
p.s, my request box is always open for you to drop in any ideas!
“My god, you both look great.”
Rafe chuckled, too drunk to say anything, and wrapped his arms around his girlfriend of 4 months. The night breeze flew past everyone on the yacht as they strolled down the stream, moving their hips along to ‘Summer’ by Calvin Harris and trying to hear each other’s conversations over the loud music.
“Thanks, Tops,” (Y/N) smiled, feeling her body moving to the beat. She thought about the amount of drinks she had, but giggled when she had to recount again, and then frowned when she kept forgetting the number she ended on.
“What are you thinking?” Rafe whined, pulling her away from Topper who had his arms around another girl, trying to move on from his failed relationship with Sarah Cameron. He had told Rafe and (Y/N) that he have never felt better, but they both know the truth. He was completely wrecked after the breakup; when Topper found out about Sarah and a certain boy from the other side of the island, Rafe had to be there for him every single night until recently. He was too afraid of the things that Topper would do to himself.
“I can’t remember how many drinks I’ve had tonight,” she cried, tugging on his shirt as she placed her chin on his shoulder. Rafe laughed, patting her back before pulling her to face him.
“You had 8 shots. I had more.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, raising her brows. When she saw a smile slowly creeping onto his face, she groaned loudly.
“You always do this to me!” She grunted, but a tone of humor laced in her face. “God, I hate you.” She made a move to talk away, crossing her arms.
“No-” he shook his head, pulling her arm so that she will end right back into his arms again. He grinned when his tactic worked, “You don’t hate me. You love me too much.”
“Disgusting,” (Y/N) made a face, and stood on her toes to whisper into his ear. “Wanna do something?”
Rafe looked at her, and when he saw the sly smile etched onto her face, he kissed her fully on her lips, always admiring this side of her that she rarely shows to other people.
When he first found out about this opposite side of his girlfriend, Rafe couldn’t believe his eyes. He tried to convince himself that when she had asked to do coke with him for the first time that night, it was merely his imagination and not reality, but when she woke up next to him the next morning, the sun highlighting her hair and eyes, smiling shyly at him, he knew that it had, indeed, happened.
“You want to do coke?” he asked, forcing himself to keep his grin concealed. “Right now? In the middle of the party?”
(Y/N) hummed in response, and kissed his cheeks. “Please?”
Rafe didn’t answer her as he pulled her through the many dancing bodies to one of the back rooms in the yacht, trying to contain his excitement. The last time they had done this together ended up being one of the best nights of Rafe’s life, and he hoped to relive it again.
Rafe poured the intoxicating powder on the cold table, licking his pink lips as he separated them into four lines using his driver’s license. (Y/N) saw a glimpse of his handsome ID photo on the card, and tried to stop herself from kissing him. 
How could someone look so handsome in their driver’s license? It’s impossible.
(Y/N) licked the side of his face as he tried to balance the lines evenly, not able to contain her feelings anymore. She felt like having him for the rest of her life, and she can’t imagine spending her future with anyone else. 
“What was that for?” Rafe groaned, but he was smiling. (Y/N) wiped the already- drying wet mark on the side of his face with her sleeve, only to be stopped by Rafe’s fingers around her wrist.
“I didn’t say you could wipe it.”
(Y/N) giggled, kissing his cheeks as he returned back to his previous work. She wondered again on the never ending questions of why would Rafe choose her amongst the many girls who have tried to get his attention since forever, but her thought was disturbed by the sudden swift of Rafe’s lips against hers.
“Ladies first,” he whispered, handing her a rolled up hundred dollars bill. (Y/N) smiled, putting a light pressure on her left nostril using her pointer before dipping her head to inhale the substance.
She threw her head back, laughing when she could feel Rafe’s soft lips peppering wet kisses along her exposed neck. She closed her eyes against the warm feeling, her fingers running through his messy hair.
“Your turn, baby,” she giggled, stopping her boyfriend before they could provide a free show for everyone else. Rafe sighed, clearly unsatisfied, but he took the rolled up bill from her fingers and dipped his head.
Before he could inhale the white powder, he turned to look at her, a glinting mischief in his eyes. (Y/N) groaned, wanting to spend her hazy trip with her boyfriend instead of going ahead of him.
“What is it?”
“Lay on your back,” he said, not looking at her as he took out the extra mini ziplock bags. (Y/N) looked at him with a frustrated expression. “I swear to god, (Y/N), just fucking do it.”
(Y/N) sighed and laid her back against the sofa, trying to hold her skirt from lifting up and exposing her black thong she had bought beforehand. She widened her eyes when she felt Rafe’s cold rings grazing her skin, closing her eyes when she felt his hands slowly creeping towards her aching core.
“What are you doing?” She hissed, closing her legs quickly. “Rafe, we can’t do anything here.”
“Relax,” he whispered, pulling her legs apart again, and (Y/N) almost moaned from the sudden cold breeze nipping on her skin. She gripped on his wrist again, trying to remind and warn him about his next move at the same time.
Just by the glare that Rafe had given her, signaling that he wasn’t playing and he hadn’t got the time to joke around, she let go of his wrist, looking up to her boyfriend who was unlocking the mini bag.
She hissed when Rafe poured a perfect amount of cocaine on her lap, enough for him to get on by the night. She watched as he separated them into lines using his driver’s license again. She gulped, her heartbeat getting quicker.
“Stop moving so much,” Rafe grunted, focusing on perfecting the lines against her soft skin. After a few seconds of trying his best, he looked back to admire his work, licking his teeth.
“Oh my god, Rafe, you can’t be-”
“Shut up,” he said, taking the rolled up bill and dipping his head until he was on the same level as her head. She bit her lips, nervous. She threw her head back when Rafe inhaled a line, her heartbeat beating quicker than that time she tried to hide herself in Rafe’s closet from Rose. 
She could feel his fingers gripping her thighs, and she couldn’t deny the growing feeling inside her. Rafe chuckled, wiping his nose, and dipped his head back to the previous position.
“Rafe. . .” she whined, trying her best not to move around so much. The grip around her legs tightened, and she gritted her teeth as he placed wet kisses along her leg, ending directly before her desperate core.
“Oh my god,” she groaned, closing her eyes.
(Y/N) has experienced nothing of that sort, and the farthest thing they have done was fucking each other in Rafe’s hot tub that one drunken night. The last time she did coke with her boyfriend, no body parts were involved and it was only the two of them and her grandmother’s glass table.
Rafe chuckled, rubbing his nose as he resurfaced from his second last line, holding the rolled up bill between his fingers like a cigarette. “You like that, huh?”
“I’ve never wanted you to fuck me so bad before,” she said, groaning as she tried to keep her legs still for Rafe to inhale that one last line, but she knew he wouldn’t make her life that easy.
She watched as he kissed the inner of her thighs, going upwards, placing more kisses on her hips and again, directly halting before her core. Rafe could see the wet mark on her thongs, and could feel himself getting harder. 
“Please,” she begged, looking at him with her innocent eyes, her fingers wrapping around his wrist. “Please, Rafe, baby, please.”
“As you wish, princess.”
She went into another unexplainable feeling as he did his final line, and then  giving her more wet kisses along her thighs and lastly, that resulted her into jerking her body upwards towards his chest; he placed a strong kiss on her clothed core. 
Rafe laughed, watching her pressed herself against him, trying to find any kind of friction. “Relax, baby. I thought you wanted me to stop?”
“Fuck you,” she whispered, before climbing onto his lap and attacking him with kisses. 
“Okay-” he said in between kisses, “Fine-” more kisses, “Fuck me.”
(Y/N) groaned, feeling his hard member all pushed up against her as she kept on attacking him with kisses. This is exactly the problem; he would tease her and she would just not stop. 
“People are watching, baby,” he whispered, stopping her fingers from unzipping his jeans. They were both breathing really hard, and (Y/N) leaned closer to his ear.
“Let them.”
He groaned as she finally unzipped his pants, exposing his throbbing penis against the night air of North Carolina. He tried to pull his and (Y/N)’s body downwards by an inch to hide their ungodly behaviour behind the table, but was caught off guard when (Y/N) gripped his fingers, halting his movement.
“I said let them watch.”
Rafe wasn’t sure if it was the drugs that took over her or it was just another side of her that she was finally exposing to him, but he couldn’t deny the excitement coursing through his veins. This was every teenage boy’s wet dreams, and Rafe couldn’t believe the fact that he was finally experiencing it.
Before he could prepare himself, he felt her sink into him as she wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her forehead against his as she panted to reach her end. Rafe held her waist, not putting any pressure and letting her take control completely. He watched as she bit her lips, placing quick kisses against his neck.
“I love you, oh my god,” she said as she pushed herself down onto him, closing her eyes to concentrate on the familiar feeling growing in her stomach. “My perfect boy.”
“I’m close,” he shuddered, this time thrusting his hips against her to quicken the pace, feeling his end reaching. He didn’t care about the crowd that was starting to form near them; he was happy and content with the girl who was a moaning mess on top of him.
“Fuck-” she screamed as he released himself into her, falling against his chest to catch her breath. Rafe placed a lazy kiss against the top of her head as she grunted, too tired to even remove herself. 
“I wanna do coke with you every single night,” she whispered involuntarily as Rafe pulled her up, finally finding the strength to do so. He fixed her dress for her as she rested her head against the sofa, feeling so close to doze off for the night. Rafe smiled, tucking a strand of her hair before buttoning his jeans back again. He kissed her cheeks as she sighed, intertwining their fingers. 
“I’ll always love you, okay?” he said, but she was too tired to say anything back. She whispered something back, and Rafe laughed in return, and the night continued with her head against his chest as they snuggled up close on the sunbathing area. When the clock struck 12, they watched the fireworks decorating the night sky, and Rafe swore he had never seen anything more beautiful than (Y/N) under that glowing sky that particular night.
“Happy birthday, my love,” Rafe whispered, before placing a longing kiss on her lips.
(Y/N) woke up with a start.
She heard noises coming from her window, and she groaned before making her way towards the light. Her feet tapped lightly against her carpeted floor, feeling the cold temperature coming from outside.
Great. Just the person she wanted to see.
“Let me in, baby, please,” Rafe said against her window, fogging her glass. “Please? Let me explain myself.”
(Y/N) held her middle finger up to him before returning to her bed, watching the panicking boy from the corners of her eyes.
How could he climb up to her room after all the things he did to her?
“Oh my god-” she heard him speak, “It’s cold out here. Please? Let me in.” 
(Y/N) tried to block out his voice as she placed her pillows against her ears, but when she kept hearing his pleads, she couldn’t shake the bad feeling in her heart. She stood up from her bed, watching Rafe struggling to hold on to a branch, and opened the window, all while silently cursing to herself.
Rafe quickly shut the windows and sighed as he got used to the warm atmosphere, his eyes following the girl as she returned back towards her bed. Rafe stayed shut, following her actions, and sat beside her limp body.
“I don’t want to talk to you,” she cut him off, and Rafe watched as she shifted to get comfortable. She wasn’t looking at him, and Rafe felt a pang of pain across his heart.
“Please, baby, you deserve an explanation.”
(Y/N) stayed quiet, and Rafe took the silence as an agreement. He ran his fingers through his hair a few times, trying to find his voice; because this is exactly the problem -
He didn’t know how much more (Y/N) had heard from his ex’s mouth, but based on the quick summary that she had given him through the phone call an hour ago, everything that she told him was true.
Because he was stupid. He was selfish, and he didn’t believe in the idea of falling in love with some and making great memories with them. Life simply wasn’t that way to him - 
All he cared about was sex and drugs, and his ex filled that exact cravings in him. He grew attached, but (Y/N) had taught him love. She taught him all the things that he didn’t know existed in him before.
“It’s true,” was all he said.
He grimaced as (Y/N) let out a shrill laugh, and stayed shut right after. He felt the need to caress her but decided against it, knowing that she will probably push him off.
“And I’m sorry. I was stupid, okay? I didn’t mean any of that. God, I wish I can turn back time and did everything differently because god, I was so fucking stupid and I hate seeing you cry because of me.”
Rafe could feel his own tears crashing down. The last time he had cried this hard was when Ward yelled at him, saying how useless he is and that he will never be proud of him, but (Y/N) was there for him during that time to calm him down. 
Now he’s alone.
“God, (Y/N), you give me love and you’ve taught me how to love and- and, I can’t let you go now, oh my god, I can’t-” he took a deep breath, “Not when I love you too much.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” she whispered, and Rafe felt like killing himself at the sound of her voice in pain. “Why didn’t you fucking tell me?” She repeated, louder this time.
“I was scared,” he whispered back. “I wish I can take your pain away.”
“Rafe-” she sat up, her eyes puffy and red from the never ending tears since she fled the party. She looked at the boy she loves, and felt a sudden wave of emotion for the thing she was about to say.
“Can we stop seeing each other for a while? Can we take a break?”
“What?” Rafe shook his head, his fingers trembling. “No. No. You are not hearing yourself. No.”
“Rafe, please,” she cried, gripping onto her bedsheet. “Give me time to think. I can’t think about all this, just let me breathe!”
“You can’t let me go, (Y/N),” he whispered, trying to connect their fingers like always. When he saw her slipping her hand into her covers, he let out a breath.
“It’s too cold for you to go home. You can sleep in here, with me.”
“Don’t do this to me,” he said again, getting closer. When she flinched, he used all of his energy not to let out a yell, knowing that it would cause her to leave him for good.
“Just give me time. To think. Okay?”
“I love you,” he whispered, “I’ll wait. However long it’s going to take, I’ll wait.”
She didn’t return his affection and Rafe waited a few more seconds for her to mutter the words back. He took a deep breath before standing up, limping towards her window again.
“Rafe, you can stay here. Don’t make this any harder for me.”
But he left anyway, and (Y/N) was frozen in her position as she stared at his previous space on her bed, his scent slowly evaporating into the air. She couldn’t believe it; she lost him. She lost every inch of him, the only boy she truly loves.
She cried again against her pillows, missing her boy.
#Part 3
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