#i just think that couples who will kill for each other without flinching 🥰🥰🥰
queerofthedagger · 2 years
Okay but have we considered dark, co-dependent Dreamling yet?
Hob, who has seen the best but also the very worst of humanity again and again, and for whom something just snaps when he finds Dream in Burgess' basement. Dream, who has always had an ambivalent relationship with humanity and who, with a bit of a nudge in the opposite direction than canon, might be pushed to bitter caution. Both of them starting off just a little bit unhinged about the other's safety post-Burgess, and having no one around them, really, to stop them from becoming worse.
Dream who sends nightmares to people who so much as mildly annoy Hob, and eventually sends nightmares to keep an eye on Hob, full stop. Hob, who's actually quite touched, what do you mean it might be a bit unhealthy? Who starts out by making sure people in the New Inn or around him know to keep their distance from Dream, who's quite willing to pick a fight (and hide a body) of anyone who looks at Dream the wrong way. Who grows on the inhabitants of the Dreaming so much that eventually, they are quite happy to listen to him, too, when he tells them to protect their boss even when it doesn't seem necessary. Even when said boss doesn't ask them to.
Just, Dream and Hob who become increasingly protective of each other, who become increasingly willing to do anything to keep each other safe, and if that means burning the whole world down? Well, then let it burn. Who go on a downward spiral so slow, by the point anyone really notices it's way too late to disentangle them from each other, and their ruthless devotion to no one but themselves. Dreamling who are ready to kill and abuse their power for each other, and as such are balancing each other so much that it is almost impossible to stop them without killing them both.
Just, Dreamling as 'us against everyone else.' They sure both are obsessive enough for this; all it really needs is the realisation that the other is just as bad.
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