#i just want some sibs bonding
gophergal · 1 month
I always hate the pity I get when I say "I don't have much of a family"
Like, fuck you dude. My family is very small, but my parents distanced themselves from their relatives for a good fucking reason and so have I
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momentsofamber · 8 months
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The Scream fandom might absolutely jump down my throat for this, but it just occurred to me to tell all the Freaks and Weirdos (/affectionate) who follow me here that Scream has been one of my comfort fandom SpIns since middle school ('05-ish), and one of my more recent gateway ships into the proship community was one of my partners and I shipping Richie and Wes from Scream 5.
Like we had this AU where Wes was a teen sex worker lying about his age online and Richie (already in his 20's) had been following him for a little while and they got to talking one on one and bonding. Wes told Richie how old he really was and Richie was like 👀 HEY THAT'S EVEN BETTER. And then Richie's dad used his Police Power(tm) to help Richie kidnap Wes yandere style so that no one else could ever have him the way Richie does.
I was the one writing Richie for this rp. 😂
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Yandere Creepy Bunny Hybrid
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After a criminal conviction, the claimed hybrid shelter responsible for sourcing most of the beloved species of hybrid is set to shut down
It’s employees pleading with the public to take in their hybrids who’d be otherwise left on the street
Enough for your parents, who you’ve come to live with, to worry
While they were undecided about the morality of owning hybrids
Humanoids with some animal features
They were determined to be helpful 
whether they truly felt such justice or enjoyed the good samaritan role they’d take in a low-maintenance hybrid
A White rabbit with crimson eyes 
In your opinion one of the more beloved species that would’ve found a home somehow but you couldn’t complain
“Welcome Hori! We hope you can find a home with us!”
“Yeah make yourself at home. Don’t mind our kids they’ll be happy to explain anything you need.”
“I appreciate it.”
“Come come I have to show you all the cool things I have!”
Your family takes to him like metals to magnets 
Hovering near him and waiting on him like he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread
But he’s just so incredibly…quiet
Not just because he doesn’t speak unless spoken to 
But because he just doesn’t move
You’ve peaked at him sitting in the living room on a chair with no book, no TV on, windows closed, no music playing
What kind of bunny sits in the dark and does nothing
His large red eyes are huge, his ears incredibly long and upright
Skin  so pale, he could pass as the undead
Hori won’t even eat like other bunny hybrids
When your parents first gushed over his photo too many evenings were spent looking up what a bunny hybrid would need
Vegetables, fruits, bunny-hybrid pellets were what they filled the cabinets and fridge with
But he ate none of that 
Barely nibbling when your brother excitedly presented the spread
“This looks…good.”
Barely a quarter of the plate was gone
Before he claimed he was stuffed
The second your family slipped up though and handed him a plate full of steak 
he left nothing on the plate
“I thought bunnies weren’t omnivores?”
“...Maybe the original animal doesn’t but I am a hybrid. Things are…different.”
“Yeah (Y/n), things are different! Stop bullying Hori!”
It oddly feels like Hori is not all he seems 
Constantly seeking out hotdogs over the fruit you offer
Or spending unusual amounts of time staring at the passing neighbors
Or coming home at unspeakably late hours
But every time you tried to bring this up your family would scorn you
Writing off your observations as you being nitpicky
Or even jealous of the newest member of the family
“Just know (Y/n) you still hold a special place in our hearts.”
“Yeah no need to whine, we won’t forget you.”
“Just don’t take it out on Hori he’s been through so much.”
So you settle to avoid him
Just let him be in his parts of the house and you in yours 
But that doesn’t seem to work with his edition
“(Y/n)...will you accompany me on the grocery run?”
“I thought my older sib was taking you?”
“Originally…but I’d like for you to take me!”
“Come on (Y/n)! Take this time to bond with Hori! Maybe you’ll find something’s in common between you two.”
It’s annoying that he insists on doing things with you
But it’s just some things
And of course, because he’s so creepily quiet it almost feels like you’re by yourself
It just gets worse
“I want to sleep with you, (Y/n).”
It was way past midnight and Hori was above you 
Caging you between his arms as he practically laid above you 
There was blood around his mouth and if you had the space you’d check over you body for a wound
“Hori? (Y/n)? Please?!”
“T-t-that’s not even a real sentence! Please get off me!”
Once he does reluctantly give you space
You flick on a lamp or use your phone’s light to light the room
Hori’s hair is much longer, flowing past his tail 
Which was no longer a small puff ball now bloomed into something larger
His ears were incredibly long and twitching as though it was filled with joints of its own
His teeth seemed like they had no end, just rows and rows of spiny teeth all coated with the gunk and gooey mess of a carnivore’s meal
“All that blood?!”
He licks an abnormally long tongue around his mouth
“The left-of-overs from dinner.”
“Dinner was hours ago!”
“Not your dinner my dinner.”
The implication made your stomach twist
“Uh was it good?”
“Very. Now, sleep with you?”
You hoped he’d forget but if only to get some semblance of control and maybe be able to fall back asleep 
You relent
“Fine, but I’m not going to share my blanket…you’re a lot bigger than before.”
“It's okay those covers are not the heat I am after.”
You decided not to comment on it, wrapping yourself in your comforter
Letting Hori’s much larger limbs wrap around you tightly
This creepy bunny continued to surprise you
You could only hope that you’d figure him out soon 
Or your family might be the one to pay the price
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phantomantz · 2 months
some changes i would have made to the characters storylines in tua s4
disclaimer: i am no writer, it's just fun to think about the possibilities. btw anyone feel free to use any of these ideas for fics idc
lila doesn't cheat for starters. instead she and diego have both been secretly doing vigilante missions and keeping it from the other because they think they'll be mad. on one of these missions the two run into each other and rekindle their spark. basically the five and lila story but with diego and lila instead thanks. maybe one or both of them almost die or their kids are put in danger, and they decide to find a much less dangerous hobby, because while its thrilling in the moment they realize they wouldn't sacrifice their family for it
luther is shown to be much more depressed about sloanes absence (if there really is no way for her to come back) but he's trying to hold it together to be there for his family. would be nice if he bonded with characters like klaus, viktor or allison who have also lost their lovers. diego and lila shenanigans means they need luther to babysit a lot and luther finds happiness caring for his nieces and nephew. maybe he also finds a fulfilling job where he can meet a lot of people and help others.
five still finds the time subway but without lila. we get more time exploring the alternate timelines and seeing different ways the apocalypse has happened including ways the other sibs have ended the world. his PTSD and reliving his trauma is also explored. he eventually ends up in the five diner where he's told that they end the world every time but instead of excepting defeat and making everyone sacrifice themselves he finds another way (what exactly that is im not so sure) and becomes the first and only five to successfully prevent the apocalypse forever
allisons relationship with claire and ray are explored more heavily as well as everything she did in s3. i like the idea that she takes care of klaus because 1: hes the only sibling that will still talk to her and 2: because of the guilt she feels after getting him killed. i just wish her arc focused on something OTHER than saving klaus because thats basically all she did this season. would be nice if she spent more time with viktor and luther the two people she wronged most heavily in s3.
i would keep viktors confrontation with reggie but alternatively i would make this reginald umbrella reginald so it has much more weight to it. either that or have viktor express that even though he said his piece toward this reggie he will never actually get closure with their real father and nothing will remove the pain from his childhood. the rest i would keep pretty similar. reginald wants to kill ben and viktor wants to stop him at any cost. viktor knows what its like to be "the bomb" and doesn't want the same thing that happened to him to happen to ben. instead of working together to find ben however they're more in a race against eachother. maybe allison joins him and they make up on the way. i would have liked for ben and viktor to have had a heart to heart in the beginning of the season, maybe about how ben felt like a monster sometimes because of his powers, and viktor relating. idk how this would work with sparrow ben because he doesn't seem to hate his powers the same way brelly ben did but it would have been nice to show another reason why viktor is going through so much trouble to save him. and the ending where he trys to talk him down would be more impactful i think.
for klaus i would keep everything pretty much the same up until he runs into that quinn guy. instead i would have him travel to the subway with five in lilas place. five and klaus' powers are the most mind boggling out of the bunch not to mention time and death are inherently intertwined and this needed to be explored. also, you're telling me klaus literally has the power to talk to GOD and this never has any plot relevance???? klaus should have been involved in finding the solution to the apocalypse imo. also we needed klaus and ben interactions. idk how or when but it NEEDED to happen
ben and jennifer being the catalyst for the apocalypse is making it very hard for me to figure what to do with him tbh. i just wish he had more time with the other sibs and didn't turn into a horrific blob monster at the end 😭he felt less like a character this season and more like a plot device and he deserved to have some scenes that actually fleshed him out. it would have been cool if the reason he causes the apocalypse was actually because of his powers and not just because he happened to be the one to make skin contact with jennifer. i really thought that the twist was gonna be that the squid that jennifer was stuck in was the one that ben summons and that was why they were connected. not the fact that they both just had reactive magic particles in them that anyone could have set off. like what if jennifer being cut out of the squid was what killed ben?
OH! what if jennifer was an eldritch horror from the same dimension that bens tentacles are from and for some reason she wants to kill the brellys/end the world and because bens powers are linked to her she can control his mind ???? c'mon i feel like i've got something here
a have a couple of other ideas but don't know where they would fit in rn so yeah.
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sepublic · 1 month
I like how Luz and King, whose arcs involve their relationship with fantasy because they're kids (in contrast to Eda, who is much older and has different baggage), have different relationships with those fantasies; Esp due to what those fantasies were.
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King drops his wholesale; His fantasy was about being a tyrant who destroyed his enemies, which is inherently destructive in practice. And with him realizing how much power he DOES wield now, and must be responsible over -both in his friendship with the Collector and status as a Titan- it makes sense he just abandons that completely, especially in foil to a certain witch hunter. And he abandons that fantasy because it wasn't actually what King wanted, and he's figured that out now. His fantasy admittedly started off as a delusion fed by Eda, too.
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Luz still keeps hers; She's just learned to maintain a healthy balance, deciding when and when not to embrace and pursue it. This can be attributed to Azura being far less about destroying enemies; Aside from the Gildersnake, it seems most of her stories are on the friendlier, mundane side, with things like sports and growing plants. But we do see how even the former can get distorted and hurt others, hence Wing it like Witches. Likewise, Luz holding onto her fantasy is her way of keeping her father Manny alive, and embracing her weirdness, who she is as a person, etc.
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There's a dichotomy with these siblings' fantasies, and even the origin of them; King's came about as Eda humoring him, but not knowing when to make a distinction for her kid. Meanwhile Manny gave Luz's fantasy to her, and it was about keeping her spirit alive, and not just the fun... But the fun matters too of course. So Luz's relationship with her fantasy is her relationship with Manny, because of its inspiration in Dana receiving Pokemon Red from her father before his death. So she can't just drop it, Luz needs to learn to live with it healthily like Eda learns to live with the curse, etc.
And it's a way for Luz to continue her living relationship with her other parent Camila, who understands now, and wants to cultivate fantasy in her daughter and even herself again to bond over; Something Luz initially refuses out of self-loathing, and a misguided attempt to reconnect with Camila when she thought the opposite -pursuing fantasy- was what pulled them apart. But it was because of the death of their wonder and the enforcement of that by the system, and mother and daughter finally rekindle their light in For the Future together.
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You can also see Titanlights' relationship with fantasy through the Titan, another parental figure whom is mutual for these sibs. The Titan is the setting and thus embodies a lot of the show's themes; The Titan is Just Some Dude after all of the insincere, destructive hype of being a God. And this is how King wants to follow. Likewise, the Titan explains to Luz that she needs to forgive herself for her dream's unintended side effects, and by passing his power onto her briefly, allows Luz to live out her dream as much as she can, and remember that afterwards. Luz internalizes both the Titan's mundanity and encouragement for her healthy relationship with fiction, and King gets his new dream by seeing his dad's spirit in action, as well as a personal message; I loaf you.
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deaddovedecadence · 9 months
(Guess which fucker is suffering from his uterus again? ME! Bevcucase I am suffering you get to hear how I think each member of the batfam (sibs only cause im mad at bruce rn for something he did in another story)would deal with you aggressively swearing at the Universe)
*Transmasc Reader on their period headcanons*
Dick Grayson
“I am going to stab a motherfucker in the throat and sacrifice them to the sun god if means he’ll end my pain”
surprised af, looks at you like you’re crazy
mildy concerned that you’re muttering under your breath swearing vengeance at the universe for giving you a period (apparently the uterus thing is fine but the period thing isn’t?)
Eventually asks what’s wrong and when you tell him that everything hurts, he’s very much going ooh and calling up babs to ask for some help with managing your pain. Once that’s happened he takes you to his room because his mattress is heated and wraps himself around you for a nap
Jason Todd
“If one more person tests me I’m telling Damian that they pissed me off”
He’s surprised with the viciousness of your throat and then pissed when he realizes that you have his favorite hoodie
you have to give him all the puppy eyes in the world to convince him that you need it and it smells like him and that makes it safe.
He understands better then a lot of people because his working girls complain to him when they see him.
helps your make even more creative threats because it’s funny to watch the horror on dick’s face when he hears them.
Cassandra Cain
“I’m going to rip out my uterus and feed it to the ground”
Dies laughing to herself at the absolute violence you threaten yourself with too make the pain stop then scolds you for threatening to hurt yourself
you explain to her that you aren’t actually going to hurt yourself and that you’re just in pain and severely dysphoric.
To combat this, Cass calls you brother (well signs it aggressively) while she cuddles with you in Dick’s bed (it’s the best bed okay!)
Tim Drake
“I hate my everyone and everything”
Finds you crying, and swearing at your body in front of the mirror. Immediately goes into damage control mode, bundling you away from the mirror and calling bart, because Bart’’s also trans and ergo he might know how to help with your freak out.
Bart has to stop Tim from freaking out and very patiently explains to him that sometimes bouts of dysphoria happen and there is nothing that anyone can do about them. Tim ends up asking again if you want to start t and when you say no, he just sits with you on the ground while you come back to yourself
Duke Thomas
“Fuck these motherfucking cramps,”
As the only other trans person in the manor (though Duke is agender to your transmasc) you feel a special kind of bond with him. He makes you feel comfortable and safe when your skin is itchy and all you want to do is explode
Laughs at you swearing at your cramps, and offers you some aleve and a heat pad. The two of you watch an anime together and argue about ship wars. It’s great!
Damian Al-Ghul Wayne
“I am going to rip out the universe’s entrails and give them to damian as a gift”*
Thinks that it’s perfectly reasonable to be angry at your body for failing you.
Makes you spar to get all of the anger that lives inside of you out. It’s very funny to watch the two of you. scream in different languages as you attempt to beat dummies into a pulp
He of everyone understands that it’s hard to keep control of anger and keeps you start to notice when your hold on it is fraying
*(the line that inspired everything)
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wangxianficfinder · 5 months
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Fic Finder
May 13th
1. I really need help finding a fic! It's either ABO or the Chinese equivalent kunze/qianyuan. It's got some sort of arranged marriage, as Madam Yu(?) marries WWX off to LWJ. In this universe Alphas often do not allow their Omegas to bite them back and create a reciprocated bond, as it gives them power and status in society. LWJ lets WWX bite him back (because he's a romantic and a sap), and the Jiang's are salty because JYL wasn't given a reciprocal bond when she married JZY, so WWX is technically of a higher status than she is now. @star-whatevers
FOUND!🔒Alliance AU by Ilona22 (E, 21k, WangXian, JYL/OC, Arranged Marriage, A/B/O Dynamics, PWP, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Intersex Omegas, Not JC Friendly, Matchmaking, canon Jiang family dynamics, Family time, Night Hunts, Mention of male omega pregnancy, Intrigue at Jinlintai, Mentions of Prostitution, War, Conflict between characters)
2. Hi! Fic finder plz. Looking for a fic where wwx is "sacrificed" by the other great sects to the gusu lan (in exchange for something? Don't remember). He is given to lwj and all the sects assume wwx is going to be a concubine (so much so that when they present wwx to lwj they dress him up like a concubine). Wwx also expects this and is very surprised when Iwj treats him nicely and everything. You can tell that lwj has fallen for wwx but is holding himself back. Wwx gradually falls for him too. I remember there was a part where the great sects came to visit and were surprised that wwx wasn't treated like a concubine. Tysm!!
FOUND? golden when the day met the night by glitteringmoonlight (Not rated, 95k, slow burn, sugar daddy LWJ, light, angst, fluff, developing relationship, eventual smut, WIP)
3. Hiii!!!
I'm looking for a fic where Lan Zhan is de-aged and the juniors take care of him while on a night hunt. Wei Ying is still away and has not returned and they have not confessed yet. Baby LZ just wants his WY so the junior quartet takes him to Qinghe to a discussion conference or smth. Wei Ying is also called there and LZ just goes and hugs him.
That's all I can remember. I think he was cursed to be more open and vulnerable so that he could confess.
Thanks! @ffaddictsrn
FOUND! Send Me Your Earnest Love by goneforthestars (T, 13k, WangXian, Age Regression/De-Aging, Curses, Attempt at Humor, Light Angst, baby LWJ, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Post-Canon)
4. I hope you can help, fingers crossed! I've tried everything on this one... Jin sibs murder JGS? sort of along the lines of Qin Su and the boys, but I can't even remember if it was a full fic on Ao3 or maybe even a ficlet/snippet on Tumblr? I think JZX was very shocked/normal reaction but siding with his siblings and JGY/MXY/QS were all stab-happy gremlins? I think JGY and QS might have found out much earlier that they were related and planned revenge together? Any help would be great, thank you! @katonahottinroof
I read #4 a few weeks ago😭 I believe lan zhan was a courtesan/prostitute who was supposed to assassinate wei ying, and lan zhan was beholden to meng yao for saving him. lab zhan ends up going to wei yings home in the burial mounds and gets poisoned I think ? does this sound familiar? the story may be tagged under courtesan lan zhan or prostitute lan zhan
NOT FOUND! out to get you (to get you) by iliacquer (E, 41k, wangxian, graphic depictions of violence, switching, top/bottom LWJ, top/bottom WWX, power play, courtesan LWJ, assassin LWJ, dark lord WWX, bondage, happy ending, past slavery)
FOUND! 🔒Something is Rotten in the State of Lanling by East_Of_Akkala (T, 42k, XuanLi, 3Zun, LQY/QS, Fix-It, Character Death, Angst, Family Feels, Black Comedy, Except for chapter 1, MDZS SPOILERS, Canon Divergence, Jin Siblings Dynamics, QS Deserves Better, Humor, Fluff, Background Relationships, Warning: JGS, POV Multiple, POV QS, POV MXY, POV JGY, Murder, Attempted Murder, Illustrated Fic)
5. Good afternoon! I hope everyone has had a pleasant day.
Can’t say how many of my favorite stories have been found through you guys!
For the next fic finder.
I’m looking for a fic that has both a/b/o in it but also the lan clan were dragons and wwx was a fox, I think. Either one or both, I can’t quite recall.
Oh and it’s set in study arch.
Wwx and Lwj were already a couple or courting at the very least.
Anyway what I remember the clearest was a part where wwx was walking some stairs, might have been the stars to cloud recesses.
Anyway a spiritual dog suddenly appears and I think starts chasing or just barking at wwx.
Anyway twin jades to the save.
It is later revealed that the dog belonged to Jin Zixun which was confirmed by Zixuan who recognized the dog.
That’s all I remember.
Have a nice day and keep up the fantastic work! @ravenwithwings
FOUND! Jades' Lotus by keela_1221 (E, 125k, LXC/WWX/LWJ, Jadecest, Incest, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, Fluff, Smut, True Mates, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, No Sunshot Campaign, WWX Has a Breeding Kink, Male Lactation, Marriage Contracts, Polyamory, Pining, thirst, Mpreg, They Experiment a Little, Cum Marking, switch everyone, Double Penetration, graphic description of childbirth, Sprinklings of angst for flavor)
6. There's this wangxian fanfic I know I've read more than once, but I can't seem to find it anymore! Ok, so it's a modern world with cultivation fic, and in it the 5 Great Sects are like big crime syndicates or something similar. Wei Ying has his own territory in Yiling where he is known, of course, as the Yiling Laozu. The story uses specific terms to refer to some characters' status. Ex: Lan Wangji is the Red Pole of the Lan Sect, and Meng Yao is, I think, the Straw Sandal. Pls help me find it? @dreammaiden21
FOUND? 🔒 Words are Gonna Bleed from Me by GravityWinsAgain (E, 173k, WangXian, WIP, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Triad AU, Blood and Violence, Explicit Sexual Content, warnings in the notes, Modern with Magic, Dark Magic, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, Murder Husbands, POV WWX, Organized Crime, lovers to enemies to estranged lovers and back to lovers, it gets weird when somebody dies but not really, Angst, Feels, BDSM Switch WangXian, Ghosts, Body Horror)
7. Hi there! I hope you can help me figure out which fic I have just remembered. I think it might have been an ABO fic, but I'm not sure. All I remember is one scene. There was some kind of trial, and WWX was seated in some kind of special alcove where nobody could see or hear him, so that he could watch without encountering the Jiangs. I think he made some kind of comment about the type of court drama that would necessitate such a feature being built. Does anyone else remember this? Thank you!! @balleyboley
FOUND! 🔒 Crossing Paths by Ilona22 (M, 21k, wangxian, shapeshifter au, graphic depictions of violence, war between sects, war crimes, not JC friendly, happy ending)
8. hi! potentially very long shot, but I'm looking for a fic with this quote "Besides, no one ‘was good,’ in some isolated way. Good was a relation between people. Good was a thing you did." I saved this quote then, and sadly can't remember any other details about this fic... I'd love find it to reread again, thank you! @potatokunst
FOUND? I Started From the Bottom/And Now I’m Rich by x_los (E, 57k, WWX/WRH, WWX/JGS, wangxian, JYL/JZX, time travel fix-it, Pining, Marriage of Convenience, Arranged Marriage, No Sunshot Campaign, WQ Lives, Transmigration, Weddings, Sugar Daddy au, Sugar Daddy, Black Widow, Protective Siblings, Family, Dysfunctional Family, Family Bonding, Sugar Baby, consort, Politics, Demonic Cultivation, Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Canon-typical domestic dysfunction, Canon-Typical Gore, Ballad 39: Tam Lin, YLLZ, Crack Treated Seriously) did a search for the quote and it came up -- ch 3, specifically
9. Fic finder request: there's a fic I only recall some details of. In this fic, dual cultivation in the Cold Pond Cave contributes to the security of the Cloud Recesses, but it has to be done by powerful cultivators with a member of the main family. MY and LXC are married in this fic, but they are unable to use this method of boosting security because MY's cultivation level is not high enough. Wangxian do it eventually, and when they leave the Cold Pond Cave, they are congratulated (?) by the Lans, who were waiting outside. WWX is also welcomed into the sect as one of their own. I think JC comments at some point that it's really weird for him to be safe in Cloud Recesses because of this reason. Please help me find this fic!
FOUND? The Ritual by nightwalker (E, 12k, WangXian, Sex Magic, Post-Canon, Fluff and Smut)
10. Hello! I am looking for a fic that might have been canon-esque, but also could have been modern, where Mama Lan calls Lan Zhan her little bird. Only I think for a while the author gave us the Chinese word for it, which I don't recall what it was. It's translated later in the story. Thank you!
11. Looking for a longfic I read a while back. The elements I remember are that the Lan figured out that WWX wasn't being properly compensated/treated as a head disciple of the Jiang and the deliberate stunting of his academic education was a violation of (handwavy) Jianghu high academia codes of conduct. As a result the Lan got WWX his backpay and the Jiang teachers got shunned by their academic peers. Had similar vibes to Stunted, Starving Juvenility, but I did a reread of that recently and I'm pretty sure it was a different fic. Thanks! @alychelms
Love this one and recently read it, but not it. The fic I'm looking for was definitely in canon-setting
NOT FOUND sounds like part of the story for 🧡🔒Truth Will Out (when caught on video) - End_OTW_Racism! by KizuKatana (E, 178k, WangXian, WN & WWX & WQ, graphic depictions of violence, modern cultivation, canon divergence, YZY abuses WWX , caught on camera, partial core removal, WWX kicked out of Jiang sect, livestreamer WWX, meet ugly, dual cultivation, smut, no war)
FOUND!🔒 the language of flowers and silent things series by Reverie (cl410) (M, 107k, WangXian, LXC/NMJ, LWJ & Madam Lan, NHS & LWJ, LWJ & LXC, LWJ & NMJ, LWJ & NHS Friendship, Developing Relationship, POV LWJ, Minor Injuries, Autistic LWJ, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, aka the YZY warning, Genius WWX, Light Angst And Hurt/Comfort, WWX Protection Squad, Gusu Lan Sect, Slow Burn, Protective LWJ, LWJ-centric, Politics, Canon Divergence, No Sunshot Campaign, Cultivation Sect Politics, Protective WWX) I don't recall if backpay was a part of it, but 11 reminds me of this
12. Hi, I really need help finding a fic I read on ao3 some time ago. It was a modern day fic, I believe set in America, where wei ying and lan zhan meet again at jiang yanli’s wedding. They both act awkward around each other and don’t really interact until they are all in the hotel lobby and wei ying is trying to leave because LZ…but yanli tells lan zhan to give him a ride because it’s suppose to be a long ride home (to a different state I believe and lan zhan will be driving by it either way so it’s ideal) Wei ying tries to reject the idea but LXC gets involved too and he’s like it’s a good idea. It’s like a long drive/road trip fic where they are forced to interact and make up. Thank you for your time and effort.
Hi, I wrote to you asking for fic #12 on your may 13th post. I ended up finding it. It was a wlw fic 7:15 from Chicago by milesofheart. I’m sorry for the inconvenience but thank you for this platform, allowing me to ask in the first place.
FOUND! 7:15 from Chicago by milesofheart (T, 24k, WangXian, F/F, Modern, Rule 63, Road Trip, Getting Together, Female WangXian, matchmaking siblings, recovering from traumatic childhoods, spiritual trauma, Lan Disciplines as modern religious fundamentalism, LWJ's defiance of the Lan Disciplines, activist LWJ, the universal rage of women in a sexist world, Estranged Friends to Lovers, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, brief references to sexual violence, references to past alcohol abuse, mention of spiking a drink as a bad practical joke but in a safe environment, mentions of real American political and social issues, brief mention of physical child abuse, past experiences of homophobia)
13. I need help finding a fic. I've looked through my AO3 history and had no luck. Here's what I remember: Its a modern AU (I dont recall if its modern Cultivation or modern without magic) WWX is on the outs the Jiangs but is close to the Nies. There is a scene where NHS puts put Nie braids into WWX hair, and LWJ is jealous and takes them out. WWX developed a software that the Nies distribute and the Jiangs use. When WWX does online tech support for the Jiangs he uses the alias MXY.
FOUND! Come Around and Stay by trippednfell (M, 160k, WangXian, NieLan, Slow Burn, Kid Fic, Found Family, Modern AU, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, PTSD, Blood and Injury, Dissociation, Angst with a Happy Ending, Musicals, POV Alternating, Baking, Yunmeng reconciliation (eventually), Friend Zoning, Literal Sleeping Together, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks)
14. Hello, how are you doing? 👋
I am looking for a fic which i found on this blog i think, i am not sure. It's where wwx breaks up with lwj as a dare but they're actually meeting for the first time. I thought i had it bookmarked but unfortunately i was wrong, please help me find it. 🫰
15. Heya bros!! Got a request for the ficfinder? I read it a while back but accidentally closed the tab.
It was Wen Ning and Nis Huaisang centric. Chapter one was Wen Ning helping NHS escape qishan, chap 2 was NHS helping WN break outta the Jin dungeon and I think chap 3 was them talking about it??
I think Hua Cheng and Xie Lian made a very brief cameo in the third chapter?
FOUND? Jailbreaking by CullenBlue (T, 21k, WN & NHS, Canon Compliant, POV NHS, NHS Is A Little Shit, Cinnamon Roll WN, Fierce Corpse WN, Ghost General WN, References to Heavens Official’s Blessing, References to The Scum Villain’s Self Saving System, NHS insulting the Wen Clan’s taste in interior Decorating, Mentions of Murder, WN made a friend by talking about his childhood trauma, BAMF WN, Panic Attacks, mentions of gore, Canon-Typical Violence, Violence in the Name of Comedy, Trauma, Is NHS taking anything seriously? who knows, Bromance)
16. Hi...
I am looking for this fic that I read a long time ago. It's a modern au and mpreg, where at the airport Wei ying went to the toilet and left a yuan with strangers (Mr & Madam Lan). Both of them thought twin jade especially lan zhan had a secret child as a yuan share similarities with the lan gene. If I'm not mistaken, Wei ying works together with lan zhan before leaving the country because of pregnancy and lan zhan doesn't even know about it. I don't remember why...🤔
Please help me find it. Thank you for your time 😊 @hazeylove89 //
Hi. I would hope to find this fic I read a long time ago. It's modern au where Wei ying leaving a yuan with stranger in airport for toilet break however the stranger is Mr &Mrs lan. Both of them thought a yuan is lan zhan child as a yuan share similarities with lan zhan. Btw this fic is mpreg n lan zhan don't know that Wei ying is pregnant.
Sorry if it's a difficult request. Thank you.
17. hello! trying to find a specific tumblr post (not here but out in the wild) about yllz wwx actually being a fairly solid ghost who died in the burial mounds and knows he's dead but expects the ones he loves to also pick up on that and mourn him/give offerings? but none of them do; they see solid and assume alive, so he's feeling hurt about it. pretty sure it's here on tumblr somewhere but will accept fic recs
18. this for fic finder <3 i remember reading a fic where WWX is a paperman and is spying on LWJ bathing. and then paperman wwx gets a cut and lwj gets angry or sulking at him for disregarding his safety @notdaniee
FOUND! I don't know about a fic but there's a comic by @moobiess like that
19. hello, thank you for your help!
i was looking for this fic where wwx and mianmian are dating (?) and wwx accidentally moans lwj's name while making out/intercourse. i am unable to find it anymore. could you please help?
thank you again.
hello! #19 from the latest fic finder (may 13th). yes! it does! wwx goes to lwj's and they 'talk' about whatever happened and then they end up having sex.
bummer that they made it private, thank you for the help though!
sounds like a fic that has been privated/hidden by Pancho I believe , in the story does wei ying end up going over to Lan zhan and they have sex?
20. hiii, i need help finding a fic on ao3 where lan wangji and wei wuxian time travel to the past and tell the sect leaders some form of info. the sect leaders are then nosy and weird about it so they end up using something to spy on them? lan xichen feels guilty but joins in anyway. in the scene that the sects see wwx and lwj are sitting and wwx is combing lwj's hair i think ? the two are aware that they're being watched as well. i don't remember much else, but i hope that's accurate enough. thank you so much.
FOUND? lan xichen is very concerned (and confused) by theninjacat (T, 3k, WangXian, POV Outsider, Time Travel, Canon Divergence, Sunshot Campaign)
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notjustdragonspages · 5 months
The way people talk about Donnie and Leo only needing eachother as brothers, as twins, is making me start to hate the duo. I don't want to, but-
I feel like it's people who are maybe only children? That don't understand that you don't ACTUALLY have favorite siblings in a healthy family? I love mine equally depending on who annoys me more.
I just.. don't like it. Raph and Mikey are also their brothers, but all the fanfics I see constantly centered it around some twin mind meld, or leo and donnie having some special bond.
Just because you have a twin, doesn't mean they're your favorite person in the world, or you get to disregard your other sibs.
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nnnyxie · 1 year
may I request headcanons for the turtles w/ a younger sib (same age as mikey) who’s a jeweler? like they’ve got their own little workshop in the lair to make really nice stuff from old silverware scrap metal and glass, clean up old jewelry they find in the trash, and sell most of it online 💍
please, and thank you
ahhh!!!!! yes yes yes!!!
you didn’t specify which version, so i went w/ the rise!boys since that’s what i’m ‘known’ for (i think?)
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your workshop, the boys— they but it all themselves!! they heard you talking about jewelry making with april and was like ‘ayo what if we just…’ and BOOM. built.
it was SO HARD to keep it a secret!!! especially since raph and mikey are AWFUL at keeping secrets. AND!!! the process wasn’t exactly quiet— it took forever cause they had to work on it when you were out.
but hey! they got it done!!!
donnie gets you the metal and glass. he lets you use some of his equipment too. he also uhm… ‘bought’ the packaging used for shipping… iykwim
sometimes you go to the repo place w/ mikey and donnie!! and people tend to leave jewelry in their cars (which is lowkey upsetting!! like why are you leaving beautiful rings, bracelets, and necklaces lying in your car!?)
and and and mikey will help you with blue print designs!! (i have no clue how jewelry making works)
if you engrave your jewelry, he’ll design the font for it!! which he absolutely loves doing because it’s bonding time and we all know he loves bonding time!!!
leo would definitely model your jewelry for you. give him some bracelets and necklaces— that mf will already have a whole ass outfit ready!!! we love him for that!!! (and we love that he’s canonically into the glam rock look!! ie; david bowie, elton john, queen, duran duran, etc)
he’s always leaving reviews on your websites and telling people which items go with what kind of outfits!! (i just think he loves fashion)
now when it comes to raph— he’s the one that breaks apart the metal for you. sure donnie’s machines can do it but, you know he wants to be a part of this somehow!!
he feels so useful when he does it— he feels like it’s a very important part of the process in jewelry making!! which it is cause like— you need metal!! and he’ll sometimes go on little walks with todd and find small gems for your jewelry too!!!
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ahhh i hope this is what you were hoping for!!
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11queensupreme11 · 9 months
If anyone from the prophesized 7, outside of Percy, were put in Percy's situation -- who is most likely to survive the ROR Gods and who ends up being dead eventually? I like to think Nico has a high chance of survival, JUST BECAUSE, he's the son of Hades and his father happens to be well respected. Annabeth as well, she seems to be careful enough? Leo and Piper are definitely goners though. Piper especially, her attitude isn't going to work here!
it really all depends on if their godly parent is willing to take them in or not tbh
anthonius: 5/10 survival. athena won't want to take him in. sees him as too inferior due to being half-human and not logical enough for her tastes. might be taken in by zeus, but hera's temperament puts him in danger. he's smart tho so he might survive
piper: 0/10 survival. aphrodite would take her in but sees her as inferior due to being a half-breed. she'd treat her with poisonous sweetness and piper would return with her own sneering behavior and we all know how dangerous aphrodite gets when pissed. piper's definitely not lasting the day
leo: 10/10 survival. i see ror!hephaestus as somewhat similar to pjo!hephaestus tbh, just a lot less affectionate and caring. he'll take leo in but would pretty much ignore him. leo has free reign to do whatever in the palace tho so he'll just build stuff to pass time. hephaestus will get intrigued by his inventions and slowly but surely, they'll bond over that. he'll learn to see leo as his son and care for him
as for hazel, frank, and jason.... well, if i tell you, it'd spoil some stuff i have planned about the romans in ror
nico's not part of the seven, but you included him anyway, so i'll just do it too
nico: 8/10 survival. hades will happily take him in! persephone won't care for him, but will pretend to be a caring mother because that's what hades expects from her. his sibs will be nice too. i docked 2 points away tho because nico tends to run away a lot and he'll definitely try to run away once he realizes how much of a platonic yandere hades is, he'd def try to run away and might get himself killed by the monsters/demons in helheim 💀
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Dubcon mating with alpha dream except hob knows EXACTLY what hes doing:) hob has been all but throwing himself at dream all semester all "ohh wow i would NEVER leave MY alpha like that.. too bad i dont even have one :(" hell cut it as close as possible going to class through his pre heat just to hopefully give dream a wiff of how slick and fertile he is. Dream does not seem to notice. But hob is one of the few omegas in the school this year so hob thinks his chances are pretty good to be able to get him in rut. He follows dream to his office all smug and confident. But he wasnt prepared for how overwhelming getting held down and rut fucked was!! Hes trying to crawl away despite himself but only gets hornier when dream physically drags him back. Hob has fooled around before but never done more than some over the clothes stuff with an actual alpha.. dream gives him his first knot and latches his teeth to the back of his neck to mate him as well. Hob is a bit teary and dream still hasnt come back to himself.. his pants were ripped off his body along with his underwear but dream lays on top of him so hes not cold. Hob is determined to keep his alpha though. Hes got his gym clothes in his bag and he drags dream off to his own room, planning to hide long enough that the bond solidifies and an emergency break wouldn't be possible anymore :) good thing dream isnt awake to make hob see someone for that!! Hes got a weird sense of honor and hob is doing all he can to make the bond permanent before dream can get in his way :)
Oh YES. Sneaky, sneaky Hob. This is excellent.
Hob is ambitious, ok? He’s been told all his life that he’ll never get anywhere or be anything. He sees it as his job to prove people wrong. So he has a plan: put himself through uni, get a fantastic fucking job, and get himself the most eligible alpha he can find.
Not necessarily in that order.
Dream is just perfect. Clever, rich, handsome. Hob can’t understand why anyone would leave him, but he’s not complaining. With Dream’s previous mating bond gone, Hob is free to make his move. He’s a little scared of how it will work out, but Dream has been nice to him and shown an interest in Hob! Not in a sexual way, but that’s only because he’s too professional. Hob is sure that Dream won’t object to them being mated. Hob isn’t the perfect omega, but he’ll do his best. He’s (mostly) a virgin, and he plans to take good care of his alpha. What more could Dream want?
And once he becomes lucid again, Dream is surprisingly compliant. He doesn’t seem angry. He panics at first, but once Hob assures him that he wanted Dream to fuck him and mate him, he just kind of… accepts it. He takes Hob home to his big empty house. He just seems pleased to have an omega around the place!
Hob gets his comeuppance for his sneakiness, because the house isn’t entirely empty. Dream soon introduces Hob to… his son. Orpheus is preschool aged and spends his time split between Dream and Calliope’s homes. Hob is suddenly thrust into the role of step-parent to a child who could conceivably be his sibling, while Dream breathes a sigh of relief because he really needs all the help he can get with Orpheus.
But Hob doesn’t believe in giving up! He rolls up his sleeves (figuratively and literally), speedily reads a couple of websites about blended families, and decides that he’s going to be the best fucking step-parent anyone has ever seen. He does regret his underhanded behaviour a tiny bit, but he’s made his bed and now he’s going to lie in it.
And he still gets to ride Dream’s dick at the end of the day, so… it could be a lot worse. Every time Dream grabs him at the waist and pulls him back onto his cock, shoving his knot more firmly into his hole, Hob remembers how it all started… and he’s honestly really looking forward to his next heat. Dream fucked him so good in his rut, so Hob is pretty sure that spending a pheromone loaded heat with him is going to be amazing. And maybe they’ll even make a little sibling for Orpheus :D
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bandsandwristbands · 1 month
A post with questions - please tell me more about headcanons with piercings 👁️ 🫦 👁️ who is the big spoon/little spoon too
boy i hope this is about gaara and or lee cuz thats what im talkin bout
omg so piercings
Firstly i hc piercings as very normal/relevent in Suna with different ones popular for different types of ceremony! More 'casual' ones for coming of age (like ears, lips, eyebrows etc), more ornate ones for spiritual devotion/religious reasons (Things like more fragile dermals, stretching, specific types of metal or crystals represented in the jewelry would be indicative of status as well) Also probably personally assigned meanings to signify marriage or familial status.
Also also tattoos and henna are popular for similar reasons
OKAY onto Gaara specific hcs
I think Temari pierced his ears for him shortly after the chuunin exams. Two sets to represent his siblings and the relationship with them that he is now starting to fix. (Yada yada healing physically while healing damaged connections yadayada) Plus it's something to bond over mutual interest.
Belly piercing cuz i said so idk if you want gender hcs but short of it is it makes him feel pretty lol
I think he'd show interest in piercings/body mods to try and connect with his people and culture more in pursuit of Kazekage office but also would be about Him trying to practice controlling his sand in response to pain. Between hosting a demon and being treated like a weapon most of his life, Gaara probably struggles with feeling present or in control of his body so having agency over his own pain and how he gets to present would be cathartic.
Others ones that I like on him in general but may be ooc to some are tongue, smiley, or corset but they're all good really 👌👌
Temari def has a belly piercing tooo as well as lots of ear piercings (helix on one side probably for shikamaru, daith, like three on the lobe)
Temari also pierces any Konohan homies who show interest (Mostly the girls, she def pierced Ino's nips lolll)
Kankuro has his whole face done basically (Tongue, snake bites, all three on the nose, an eyebrow my cringe goth king)
Lee is unpierced for practical reasons, with the way he's constantly moving, fighting, getting injured it'd be a bit anxiety inducing to worry about it. He thinks they're very cool tho and really appreciates the cultural significance. He can be convinced once he and Gaara are married uwu
Lee does get done up with traditional henna at the pressure from the locals because it's a warrior thing and when in rome yknow. Plus Gaara is real gay about it. Seeing his culture all over Lee has him all mushy inside.
All three sand sibs go all out during festivals with the ornate body jewelry because they're allowed to express themselves in an official way without the council being a bunch of squares. Flexing the kage wealth a bit lol.
((I don't have any art for this rn cuz I'm including it in Lore Art for a behemoth fic I started that I hope to god i finish in a reasonable time lol))
Anyways they take turns with spooning, they both want to just curl up and disappear into each other although Gaara big spooning is more like a backpack, Lee sprawls and Gaara clings (touch starved headass)
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i-eat-candles · 4 days
What's the twin bigwings' backstory?
To answer this question I feel like I’m gonna have to explain a bit of the lore and world building of my au so bear with me for a sec if you would.
Also there will be some mentions of death so just a warning for that
Also this is kinda long
The twins were born on the island of Hollyhock, which is one of the so called “pure islands” of the archipelago. A pure island just means that it’s an island inhabited by mainly one tribe that keeps to the old traditions of said tribe, and Hollyhock is the “pure island” of the mudwings. They hatched with a rather small group of siblings, having only two younger siblings, Lilypad (or just Lily) and Bullhead. They knew who there parents were, but they all tended to keep to their own groups.
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When they turned 7 they all moved to the island of Arca, known as the island of knowledge and trade. Many dragons travel to Arca because of its amount of schools and academy’s where you could be taught and learn about essentially anything, and you could also find, buy, and trade anything and everything here with the amount of merchants and traders that set up shop. It is also the island where they hold Kairos, a day that celebrates the day that the archipelago was discovered. The siblings loved this celebration and would go every year until the incident.
After a few months of living on the Arca, Lily had decided to split from the group, as she wanted to go out and explore other places and meet new dragons and not be stuck with the same dragons for the rest of her life. She did agree to meet up with them every Kairos though, just to catch up with them.
On their 4th year of living on Arca, when the sibs were all 11, Bullhead died in an incident. It was on the day of Kairos, when Bullhead and Cygnus were getting some nice brother bonding time and a huge bomb suddenly went off where they were. Bullhead had died in the explosion, and Cygnus now blames himself for not being able to save his little brother. They did not attend Kairos again after that.
From that point on Cyperus had started training how to fight to try and protect Cygnus, but she was usually gone for so long that Cygnus never really got the emotional support from his sister that he really needed. Cygnus had also started to study medicine and how to help others so that he could prevent anyone else from experiencing what he had. Cyperus also now treated her brother as more of a little sibling rather than her twin, and tried to take on more of a big wings role.
They lived on Arca for about 2 more years until they joined Fools Gold and became the crews boatswain and medic.
Wow this took really long
If you have anymore questions about my ocs or actually questions FOR my ocs that would also be awesome!!
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thefirstknife · 7 months
Hi Bel,
I have a question regarding the worm gods. Has there been any mention recently in the lore of what they’re up to now? I understand they’ve kinda been power crept to fuck as of all the developments of the last few years, do they really do much at all anymore? Savathun never really seemed to vocalise a specific conflict with them, and Xivu as far as I remember doesn’t really invoke them when she’s doing her shenanigans? Have they just been kinda dropped cause they don’t slot into the new lore space in a post-Witness timeline?
They're still very much around, but we really don't know what they're doing. Probably not doing well given that Oryx is dead, Sav rejected her worm and Xivu is in shambles without her throne world and the tithe system. Their power depends on that tithe system and they've lost all three Hive sibs now.
Xivu does mention her worm occasionally! For example here, while talking to Eris in Season of the Witch. Her tithe system is tied to it. If she ever stops following her nature, the worm's hunger will consume her and Savathun summarises it in this line. There's some cool stuff in here as well. This is why she's in trouble now without the throne world and tithing disrupted. Season of the Witch in general had a lot of content regarding the worms, especially with how Eris managed to bond with Ahsa which also revealed there's more worms, just like Ahsa, who either died or fled.
Savathun's conflict with them was also that she figured out that they lied to the siblings and essentially tricked them into the bargain with a really bad caveat. Sure, they got their immortality, but they ended up being forever dependent on the worm gods. Any mistake and you're toast. Can't change your mind or do something else, ever. And Sav very much still wanted that immortality, but without being tied to anything or anyone, so she rejected the worms and sought the Light.
For all intents and purposes, the worm gods are probably starving right now. It was kinda inevitable that once we deal with the Hive, the worm gods would lose power by default. We essentially sent them packing without ever having to confront them directly. So it's not so much that they're dropped, it's just what would've happened to them either way once we dealt with the Hive sibs.
There might be a possibility that they will at some point try not to lose their whole power by seeking other subjects to bargain with. I would really like to see a worm god enemy again! But without the most powerful Hive, they will not be anywhere near as much of a threat, unless they find something stronger to bond with. Rhulk was experimenting with this by trying to fuse the Scorn with worms, for example, however with unsatisfactory results.
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randomwriteronline · 4 months
I've been re-reading your notes on your Adoption AU and there's so many neat points.
The way each turaga bonds with and helps the kids, as well as the specifics. Like Nokama helping Gali find a way to vent her anger safely, and encouraging her to be angry in the first place. Or Vakama nonchalance to Tahu's declaration that he'll run off to find his siblings. "Sure, just let me kit you out first so that you can survive."
The body horror related to the Toa Mata's origins in this AU.
How you've adapted the Toa Metru's hordika transformations just gives me so many feelings. It's horrifying, and heartwarming in the ending. They only want to care about their kids and won't hurt them.
Velika is delightfully scary, as is Artakha.
The twist in the ending, how the Toa Mata unravel everything and didn't even intend it that way. Also the irony that Velika's plan likely would have failed like this ultimately even if everything else went according to her plans.
im sososososo glad the kids n turaga are good i love them so much. at last i can lean entirely in the familial affection i want to project onto their canon counterparts without fucking it up. AND im happy taht the villains are fucking off putting despite in Velikas case being like, A Normal Woman while the protagonists are all weird ass pieces of cosmic horror disguised as ppl technically. i mean. as normal as she can be. AND YEAH IT WOULD HAVE ALL BEEN FOR NOTHING... thats both funny as hell and so so terrible.
ACTually i do have. a few more stuff i forgot to mention like KOPAKA ISNT COMATOSE FOR LIKE THE WHOLE SECOND HALF OF THE PLOT, when his sibs touch him he starts getting better and gets out of the hospital and stuff, he just has to, you know. get back in his body properly. because he was Snow for a hot second there
or when Tahu becomes fire Vakama throws himself in a blazing inferno and pulls him back out essentially through the beads Tahu made for him... or Nokama and Whenua throwing themselves into the ground/sea wading through it until they pull their kids out... or Matau holding onto Lewa's hand in the middle of a tornado...
OR. speaking of the hordika. i have two specific scenes that are so clear in my Mind
first one is shortly after Velika activated the trigger for the transformation and the Turaga scattered to keep the kids safe from them somehow, and Whenua manages to get Onua in a ventilation shaft. Onua ofc thinks his dad is coming along and starts panicking when Whenua fucking shuts it behind him (also bc hes scared of heights so yknow) and tries to reach for him through the grates but Whenua starts giving instructions on how to avoid HIM - he cant climb anywhere so the kids need to stay off the ground, he cant crane his neck but hes got good hearing, stay away from his back elgs bc theyre very strong and dangerous, etc. He tells Onua he's a smart boy and to keep his siblings safe and then he just keeps repeating that he loves him so so so so much as he goes through this horrendous change more and more violently until hes full on just a monstrous animal screaming and scraping at the wall trying to get to his son and Onua has to scuttle away in tears
and second one is later on, while the Turaga are in full pursuit. Pohatu is running away but hes distracted, so he falls down some stairs and gets hurt super badly - nothing broken but it hurts so much he straight up cant stand up or move for a little. and Onewa finds him (hes a big predator with so many Sharp Fucking Teeth) and approaches him quickly and Pohatu is bawling his eyes out bc his dad is going to MAUL HIM and then theres this huge tongue licking his face while Onewa whines inconsolably. hes like RED ALERT BABY HURT CLEAN BABY IMMEDIATELY and hes nudging him with his nose and whimpering trying to understand how to help him and hes laying down next to him with his big scary body curled up around him just Licking Him. Pohatu snaps out of shock like dad thats gross! thats gross!! thats gross... and he starts crying HARDER bc his dad loves him SO much even tho hes a big fuck off scary ass beast and hes been lookin out for him this whole time still... and then Onewa pulls him up by the scruff of his shirt and puts him on his back and they go around like that. and Velika is looking at that and going "HM. I MAY HAVE MISCALCULATED."
also Nuju def takes a bullet for his boy and Nokama absolutely jumps Velika the moment she comes close to her daughter and maybe lands a big fuckoff bite on her. and Gali kicks the fuck out of Velika for all of ten seconds when her mom is neutralized bc Nokama taught her well
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sunnysideaeggs · 1 year
what do you imagine the relationship like between Daeron and Alicent, and the rest of his siblings? like how would you cast it/present it if you could, and what would be his intro to the show? xx
In my Daeron feels getting ready for S2 <3333
Daeron is a kind of mysterious type of guy for me, the undeniable hero of Team Green and surrounded by mystery in his life and death.
By all means he’s a good kid, his mom’s favorite and the golden child. Being the youngest he probably was closer to Alicent than most of his siblings, and was the one they protected the most. I can see him getting a strict Hightower education (faith of the seven, scholarly inclined, politics and diplomacy) and excelling at it. Otto secretly wishing he was the firstborn lol.
I can see him looking up to his big brothers. He trains hard to be like Aemond, and cut his hair short like Aegon. Maybe as a kid he was following around Aegon and laughing at his jokes, and wanted so bad for Aemond to teach him to fight <3333
He gives me young Jaime and Sansa vibes, liking the stories about knights and fairytales. Him listening to Hel and her prophecies <333 or them both making life at court. Him and Hel were the most beloved of the Targtowers, so maybe Alicent took them both to do charity or to pray together. PR king.
Ideally, I would have introduced him by the time Jacaerys was born. Instead of the Joffrey birth scene, we can have a Jace birth scene along with a Daeron one. It would’ve brought more Rhaenyra/Alicent parallels and given Alicent a much needed birth scene, which the writers didn’t gave her. It makes the timeline smoother, the time jumps smaller and gives more time to develop the factions and rift between A/R. Also it brings a Jace/Daeron parallel too, as they’re the only heros of the dance. They were supposed to have shared the cradle. It also makes noise about Vizzy having a child and a grandchild the same age. But alas, hotd writers can’t write.
In S2, I would introduce Daeron by Otto sending ravens to their allies around Westeros. They’re our ‘eyes’ in all this. We can get some sneak peeks of how the ideological side of the conflict affects lords around Westeros and even peasants. For example, would a lord be more willing to support Aegon because he has a married older sister whose children could lay claim to his castle? Or a heiress lady who fears her bastard older brother? We can give actual reasons for the greens having support instead of “SHE HAS A PWUSSY, SHE CANT RULE” narrative the writers were pushing on S1.
And then, we have Oldtown. The great high tower, the citadel, the city vibrant and lively. We get closer, and in the training yard there’s our boy. A happy teen, he’s training with a few knights and the master of arms mentions how just recently he started training with real steel (this is important, shows his youth and how he’s not yet ready for war). From above, Gwayne (I’m going to assume he’s at Oldtown, since there was no mention of him at court lol) and Ormund are talking about the future, how Daeron is doing good, how will they start ‘movements’, etc. Ormund is called by his maester (the raven by Otto) and Gwayne gets a lil uncle-nephew bonding moment where Dae shows all his charisma and endears the audience because he’s the best boy.
While they talk (idk about what, how he misses him mom and sibs?) they head somewhere to see the blue queen, Tessarion, in all her magnificence. She’s happily purring while some maesters take care of her (grand maester conspiracy!) and make some annotations about godknowswhat. Tess and Dae bonds and Gwayne stays behind saying ‘he doesn’t trust dragons’.
(Just as an annotation, if Gwayne was indeed at KL and they just forgot to invite him to the coronation in E9, Ormund watches Dae alone, the talk can be done between Ormund and Dae, and the maester with the letter can be an ending to the scene with Tessarion. I am a flexible queen.)
The rest of the episode continues, yadda yadda. Btw, this is the first episode, Vhagar-ate aftermath. War is now imminent and this episode centers in the game of thrones aspects of all of this. We can also add Nyra grieving, Daemon being slimy and Aemond getting the chancla. Aegon’s party is a must too. We can even get Alicent being worried about her son at Oldtown, wishing he was with her and she could protect him (</3). If you want to get REALLY bookish, get me an old and wrinkled Vaegon at the citadel, frowning and staying tf out of it. As an easter egg.
At the end of the episode, we go to Oldtown again and Ormund sent for Daeron in his office. He asks him about family, politics, etc (makes him smart and gives redundancy to why the greens are fighting for). Ormund then asks about Tessarion, and how she’s growing well, etc. How she could fight in battles, if the need arose. Dae understands the danger and shows his loyalty to his family. Then we get the news of Vizzy, Aegon, Luke, etc. Daeron finishes with ‘What happens next?’, having a frame of his face. The shot ends. We get a view of Oldtown at night, getting closer to the high tower. We watch the beacon light up green. The credits roll up.
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