#i just want them to overhaul it almost entirely
hostiae · 1 year
resident evil 5 headcanons.
(note: this is all my interpretation. re is such an old franchise with so much retconning, inconsistencies, etc, that i think there's room for everyone's interpretations to be valid. )
i'm going to start by diving into how i feel about uroboros, in general. my wesker's portrayal is heavily based on the earlier games and the archives ( i use a lot of the wesker report for my headcanons).
he is self-serving, narcissistic, and interested in his own success, but not really a master villain. he's not interested in world domination, global destruction total global saturation.
uroboros causes delirium. these viruses want to infect. it's in the virus's best interest to infect the world. so, wesker's interest in erasing humanity in exchange for the select few who are "compatible," has more to do with the virus than him turning into a super villain bent on world destruction and eugenics. wesker loathes oswell spencer, he's partially responsible for umbrella's downfall, this isn't a man who wants to follow in his footsteps. he spent years trying to figure out what spencer's ultimate plan was, but he was also more than willing to get the fuck out as quickly as possible.
there's a major difference between a character willing to create, sell, and deal in bioweapons without any regard for others and wanting to kill billions of people.
i don't think wesker is compatible. the fact that he needed the injections tells me he probably wasn't and the only reason the virus didn't rip him apart was because of progenitor. i don't think he has much in the way of control. but he thinks he does. which is dangerous in and of itself.
as far as my portrayal is concerned, uroboros gave him a god-complex that helped him ignore common sense ( and any greater intelligence ). i'm pretty sure that his plan wouldn't have worked. it's more likely to be killed in the atmosphere than to infect the world.
onto chris. chris doesn't require nearly as much changing as far as headcanons are concerned. his desire for vengeance would be just the same as it always is. his anger and hatred towards wesker would be as strong as ever.
my biggest qualm comes with the volcano. it's great for a video game, okay. great for the memes. but the odds of him surviving in the crater of an active volcano?? no. the fight probably took place on the mountain and most likely utilized rocket launchers in the end, to finally destroy wesker, but no one was in a volcano.
i do have headcanons for wesker's survival, but this is just going to go with the canon ending for the sake of being able to split up headcanons.
when it comes to 5, i'm always a little vague bc there's a lot that i can't change, and that's really hard for me to justify comfortably.
also, as for all my headcanons, i can always alter things for threading and plotting purposes.
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myahs-delulu-palace · 2 months
Risqué pic
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Scenario: Shigaraki has a online girlfriend who he loves very much. One night she sends him a risqué photo of herself which led Shigaraki to get a lil….excited 👅
Tw// Shigaraki basically stroking his shit 😱
His girlfriend was such a tease. She just HAD to send him that photo right when he was in front of everyone in the league. Just her…full blown naked on screen. The look on his face was priceless, he was utterly shocked as was the rest of the league.
Shigaraki couldn’t help but get hard almost immediately before standing up and quickly heading to his room, not before Dabi jokingly shouted.
“Don’t forget to lock your door!” He said with a snicker. That bastard. Shigaraki slammed his room door and locked before walking over to his bed and sitting on it, looking over the picture again. God…his girlfriend was so beautiful…and just staring at the photo made him even more excited as he felt his pants get tighter to the point it made him uncomfortable.
Shigaraki couldn’t hold it any longer as he quickly pulled off his pants, kicking them off his legs as he slowly started to touch himself through his boxers. Rubbing his fingers around his clothed cock. The thought of her…and the thought of that photo…was making him drool. He wanted her to be there with him so bad. He wanted to take her here and now in real life. But this would have to do for now…
Just thinking about her pretty face, her sexy voice, her amazing constructed body…made him even more turned on as he started to take off his boxers, leaving him totally bare underneath. He took his dick as started to stroke it slightly. Precum already coming out just a bit from now turned on he was.
Shigaraki was making up fake scenarios in his head as he kept stroking his cock. He twitched and let out shaky breaths and moans as he did. At this point, all he could think about was her. Shigaraki fastened his pace, whimpering and moaning more and more louder. Not caring if anyone else in the base heard him.
Thoughts of her filled his mind up. He was on cloud nine…he was imagining everything he’d do to her as he kept quickening his past more and more. He wanted her so badly.
Shiggy was closing in on his limit…he felt like he was going to explode any minute now, but he kept going. Wanting to finish his fantasies and go as far as he can before releasing. He started to shakily call out his girlfriend’s name in moans now. It’s all he could think about other than his pleasure as he was at the very edge to his release.
Eventually, Shigaraki couldn’t hold back any more and let out a loud moan which filled his entire room as he came everywhere. He fell backwards on his bed and panted. Trying to calm down from the high of his orgasm.
Once he calmed down got up to clean himself off before texting his girlfriend, who had been waiting for his reply since she sent the photo.
“Thank you babe. I put that to good use.”
Second smut I’ve wrote in my life soo…yeah. At least it’s not as long as the Overhaul one I did 😭 hope you enjoyed reading!!
{btw the ending kinda ass cuz I’m bad at writing endings 💀 not to mention I ain’t know what to put at the end}
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plumbogs · 5 months
Making Sims 2 University Fun: my personal guide
I've noticed that while it's probably one of the most utilized of the expansions, TS2's university is generally seen as a slog. Which makes sense. It has a completely different gameplay loop than the rest of the game. But it's very handy to send your sims to college, especially if you use any of the various mods that limit careers based on education. So here's my big guide to making university an actual fun experience to play through (to me, at least).
The university expansion is, uh, very tailored to the 2000s college party time animal-house tropes. the pack becomes more fun when you treat it that way and let your sims be stupid young adults who streak and fool around on campus and throw parties. which, by default, is tricky because of the gameplay that requires so much skill building and assignments. which the rest of this guide will also deal with.
Note: I make some pretty big changes to normal university gameplay, to the point that it does require a bit of modding and at least one instance of fooling with simpe. there's probably also easier ways to do it, and of course everything is optional. maybe you do like keeping sims in dorms for the entire time and just three-speeding trough it all.
*mods: there are a few absolute must-have mods to me.:
TwoJeff's College Adjuster. It's basically an all-in-one controller to adjust semester timing, change semesters, plus a bunch of other features. The semester timing is the most important to me.
Active Classes is still in testing, but it almost completely changes how I play college sims. Once again, I'll detail gameplay later, but actually sending your sims to class makes for a much more fun campus experience.
No College Time Progression On Community Lots: this goes hand-in-hand with the previous mod.
Community Time: IIRC you have to do a little editing in SimPE to make it work right with University - this post explains what to edit. I don't know if I'm allowed to share the exact edit I made as a download. This might seem redundant after the last mod, but there's a reason for the madness: while one group of sims are in their active classes, the other students can do things on the home lot.
Instant Pledge for Greek Houses: This one is important for greek house gameplay, which is later.
SimBlender: There's like, 500 different edits of the SimBlender, and I think all of them have the main function needed for my college gameplay, which is teleportation. You can use a comparable teleporter if you fancy.
Simlogical's University Break is another important one for me, but it's not really necessary if you don't want it. I usually give the sims one break day per season - more on that later.
Autonomous Casual Romance is not required, but it sure adds a lot of fun to your college experience. You can also do any number of professor-limiting, custom degrees, etc mods and fixes you want.
*mods i do not use: there are mods to change the number of/length of semesters, but I seem to run into issues with them so I use the college adjuster to do the same things. I also don't really use any major overhauls, or mods that make term papers faster. I did have the tuition mod for a bit but grew tired of using it.
*general timing changes: I do seven-day seasons with longer lifespans for all sims and play rotations each day. These are the things I do specifically for university:
Four semesters: I only do semesters 2, 4, 6, and 8. Every time a new semester starts, I just use the College Adjuster to set the correct semester for each sim. I use the default length of 72 hours.
Synchronized finals: I use the College adjuster to reset the timer so the finals are all around 6-8am, and synchronized for each sim on a lot. This makes it easier to keep track of timing and skills. Also, all sims in university run on the same 3-day semester. Finals are the same day for the entire college each round. Once again, that just makes it easier for me to keep track of college-wide events for gameplay reasons.
Because this means there's 3 days per school year, and two school years per season week, it syncs better if they get a day off every Sunday using the University break mod.
Teens are sent to college on the same schedule. I send teens to school when they have 14 days or so left, with maybe an extra day or two if the college is currently in the middle of the semester.
*Gameplay: living situations: Here's where the meat begins. Now all your sims are on the same college schedule, they're all being sent to school, and now they need to actually move into college. I follow a real rule a number of colleges use: Every student spends a year in the dorms. Just their freshman year, then they have to move somewhere else. I find that this gives them a chance to meet dormies, adapt to being on college, and sorta figure out what kind of young adults they are. Plus, this gives them time for joining greek houses, which will be talked about later.
I do this because I like seeing sims as their own little characters with arcs and whatever and it forces me to think about what exactly they would be doing in college. Some sims get so frustrated with the constant mess of a dorm, some sims thrive by making friends with every dormie. Sometimes they start new drama with the others they came from high school with. Nothing quite like losing your high school sweetheart to some stinky dormie, after all.
After freshmen year, the students are kicked out of the dorms. They can get an apartment, they can rent a house, they can move into a greek house if they join one. Either way, they need to live somewhere. You can let them stay in the dorms, but I prefer somewhat smaller college households and divide them accordingly. Which gets into that whole greek house situation:
*Gameplay: greek houses. I gamify the Greek houses. I play SSU in my megahood, which comes with a fraternity and sorority, and you can do whatever setup you like there if you dislike gendered houses. Or abandon them all together and ignore this section. There are a few important elements:
Freshmen cannot live in Greek houses. They can, however, pledge while living in the dorms and move in right after their finals end. This includes dormies. There are benefits to the dorm, such as free housing, more social opportunities, usually more money per household since I cheat to make the greek houses actually nice to live in with things like pools and comfortable furniture, etc.
The Greeks have to be recruiting consistently. To keep the house going, they need to constantly be bringing in new members, either playable OR dormies.
Any recruited dormies are required to move in. You can townify them after graduation if you don't really get attached to them, but every member of the house is moved in. I use the instant pledge mod to get rid of that annoying requirement where they have to hang out on the lot so long before moving in. That, and they also move in after finals. You can teleport or invite them on and just ask them to move in. Whatever you want. Then, you must set them to be sophomores. Beyond that you can do whatever. They're playable now. Have fun.
You gotta let the Greeks party. Throw toga parties all the time and use a teleporter to maximize guests. Generally, ALL members of ALL greek houses are teleported to a party by default. Add more dormies, any friends, anybody in the dorms - the kids need to recruit and the easiest way is by forcing everyone on one lot. If you have autonomy mods or realistic alcohol, sit back and watch the madness unfold.
I don't really play wants-based, so playables that join greek houses is more based on vibes or friendship with existing greek members than wants.
*Gameplay: what do you mean we have to study??? Yeah. I made it this far before even bringing up the whole point of college. This is also where it gets a little more complicated and changed up, so bear with me.
I don't do wants-based, again, so I generally just try to make sure sims are at least passing by default. Whether they go beyond a C is up to whatever. I usually try to get knowledge sims to their 4.0s or sims that just seem like they'd take it seriously to max GPA.
ACTIVE CLASSES ARE SUCH A LIFESAVER. You can use the pre-made lecture hall or make your own. Put some skill-building objects in there, and if you like flavor theme the lecture halls around majors. I have a business/gen ed building, a science lot, and an arts lot, each with two classrooms (plus the library contains a classroom). I do believe I made an edit to the mod to make the class performance go higher with active classes, as well, so attending class every day is the bare minimum to get a passing grade.
The active class lots also contain career reward skill-building objects. These are nice because your sims can request to be taught by other sims on the lot. If you have a mod that allows non-students to visit uni lots, this helps even more with faster skill-building.
Every day, I send groups of sims with similar majors to their class. If there's a mixed-major group, each sim group gets one day in active class per semester. (So if there's an economics major, a bio major, and an art major, each one attends class on a separate rotation and the others do the normal autonomous go-to-class where they leave the lot and disappear). They attend one or both of the lectures and otherwise exist on the college lot to skill-build, socialize, eat, etc.
Outside of class, sims will usually research if they're not doing great. I honestly barely bother with assignments or term papers unless the sim actually wants to do them or are aiming for a high GPA. Maybe they go hang out at the lounge or downtown to fool around. Maybe they just fester at home. Whatever they want.
*other gameplay/storytelling things: I usually will take advantage of the aspiration change after their sophomore year if I realize that their aspiration just doesn't really jive with how they act. It's realistic to me. They had many years since being like, 13 when they first had their aspiration selected. I'd like to implement more in the way of holidays/events, personally, but that's not really relevant either. I usually give them an outfit change as well, and I like to go hard with the idea that they're going through a bunch of weird fashion phases. You know you want to give them a mohawk, just for a few days, don't you? Dye their hair red? Shave it all off? Have fun with it.
All of these things combine for me, at least, to make the college years a lot more engaging/interesting and less of a slow "move to a dorm -> study -> read books -> meet needs -> graduate" loop. There's a lot more storyline development that comes from sims being able to enjoy their time as young adults, too, such as the regular polycule jealousy explosions and party fights. It serves to break up anything they had going on as teens and give them a little direction to enter adulthood with. This concludes my little mini-guide, feel free to steal all my gameplay style or just take inspiration if you please. Or ignore it all and shake your head and call me an idiot. do whatever you want forever.
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leychin · 5 months
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Could be seen as a continuation to All of It, but the idea came from @tenkomura, bc when am i ever not thinking about something she said
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Maybe you hate your younger self for being so naive.
Perhaps its because you cling to the memories of before, when everything was so much simpler and All For One was commanding Shigaraki to act. When he messed up, or when you messed up, All For One simply caressed your heads in such a comforting way that the loss felt like nothing.
Oh, how you loved him. Everything was so much easier when it was him. Yes he was the future, yes you were the symbols of fear, but to you he was just Tomura. Its the silent understanding that you both had, that even though the entire world was against you and the cause it was okay because you were together.
He loved you, it didn't need to be said. Even when the league expanded, it was still just you and him. Not to say he doesnt care for the league, because that would be a lie. But the love he has for them pales in comparison to the love he holds for you in the crevices of his heart. Its heard in the blood pumping in his veins and its sung in the whispers of his calm breathing when he's with you.
But you're villains. Villains don't get an ounce of peace. So when the league has ended Overhaul's short lived reign, and everyone's stopped and caught their breath. You sit with him in silence on the side of a bare highway that you'd been walking.
Maybe its foolish, but you follow him like a dog. You watch as Shigaraki opens the case of quirk erasing bullets. He stares. Almost like he wants to test if it works.
You sit next to him, sat shoulder to shoulder now. He simply says "If I erased my quirk, we could be normal." And you don't need to be a genius to know what he means, he means if he didn't have decay he would have a home. If he didn't have decay he wouldn't be All for One's subject of interest, id he didn't have this damn quirk he could be normal with you.
Would there even be a you though?
"Hm, maybe." you supply "You wouldn't have met me though, and I would trade any chances of being normal if it meant i got to be with you." you say, and Shigaraki stills.
"I... I think I would too." he smiles, its a crackly smile that makes blood speck on his lips that you just want to kiss already.
"When this is all over, lets go on a date. Okay?" you ask, your eyes now gazing up at him with hope.
Shigaraki's eyes widen, and looks to the quirk erasing bullets and quickly shuts them. "You promise?" he asks almost eagerly, and you hold up your pinky "pinky swear!"
Oh you fools.
Which is what's left you to stare at Shigaraki's tube. His body floating in the liquid endlessly for whats felt like years, but you know its only been a month or two. You feel so naive for ever thinking it would just be over, because of course its never over.
He would be the new holder of all for one. Because fate stops for nothing and no one, not even love. You hate yourself for being naive enough to hope that you would ever get to love him peacefully. You hate him for not realizing when you did that All for One was using you both. You hate All for One for taking your lives away from you.
This would never be over, Shigaraki will never give pinky promise kisses again, and he'll never build redstone farms for you when you get too frustrated and rage quit. He's never going to reach out for you again, and you're going to spend the rest of your life reaching for someone who's never going to reach back.
You press your head to the glass and cry. The doctor is used to your sobs though ans has grown to ignoring them, which you suppose is a win. But it still doesn't soothe the ache in your chest as you wish for everything to be different, and you pray every night that this is a bad dream. You pray that this is a nightmare and that night Shigaraki did use that quirk erasing bullet. You pray for this to be a bad dream of his and he never developed decay.
Because you would never trade your life with Shigaraki for normalcy, but you love him too much to watch him do this. You wished he would trade you for normalcy because loving him through this and always is simply too much.
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haine-kleine · 2 months
A potential I wish I could see more of in this fandom is the League on their days off. Same way we briefly saw Jin before the Overhaul arc.
Just like the heroes, the villains have their villain costumes, which they put on for 'work'. Unlike the heroes, who are prevented from having this due to PR and public's overall perception of them, the villains can just take those costumes off to blend in with the crowd without being noticed. As we already know, for Shigaraki just taking off his 'family' is enough.
To Toga, the highschool girl uniform serves as a disguise similarly to how Monoma's hero costume does. But combined with her distinctive red spider lily hairstyle, it makes it fairly easy to recognize her. So on her days off crime duty, she dresses as a regular girl, sometimes stealing Shigaraki's hoodies, opting to experiment with her hairstyles.
Similarly to her, Twice's villain costume comes out only on the days they have work scheduled. Otherwise, he shows up on his regular civilian clothes. After Kamino, they tried to make him wear something else instead of his usual mask for secrecy reasons, but after he turned up with a paperbag on his head, Shigaraki mercifully allowed him to wear whatever he wanted.
Mister Compress tries to keep his fancy villain suit for memorable occasions (the state it was in by the My villain academia arc was truly devastating), so usually he dresses like this.
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Spinner's Stain cosplay stays in the closet most of the time. Usually he joins Shigaraki's pajama party, especially during their gaming marathons. Due to his trauma, it's hard to get him to go outside and when he does, he tries to cover as much of his body as possible. Once Shigaraki notices this, he makes sure to join Spinner outside as often as he can. After Shigaraki decays two people who gave Spinner trouble for his quirk, Shuichi stops covering his face and hands as much. It's also the reason they targeted that heteromorphobic cult specifically in MVA introduction.
After his face being seen had led to them almost being captured, Dabi starts hiding himself behind long sleeved high collared hoodies and huge sunglasses. Compress and Toga attempt to make him dress more normal and channel his inner emo aesthetic more than amateur drug dealer, to no avail. Indoors, he tends to ditch the three layered black outfit and go for loose shirts and shorts that won't catch his staples by accident with one wrong move. Also, when no fateful meetings with oblivious family members are scheduled, he tends to forego doing his hair. Attempting to avoid infection from the chemical dye when you are a walking open wound is more hassle than it's worth, so for quick villain outings or his meeting with Hawks, he throws a cap or a hoodie on and calls it a day.
Shigaraki dresses exactly the same as he does when on villain duty, minus the hands. Even though it's convenient, it pisses him off how easy it is for him to blend in and go around unrecognized. When the League gets more popular and their merch replaces Stain's, even having Father on his face can get in the way of his recognition as the Symbol of Fear, when teenagers compliment him on his sick Shigaraki cosplay.
I'd say Kurogiri remains just as well dressed and proper as usual whether he is working at the bar, chaperoning Shigaraki or has a day off, but the image of him channelling his inner Shirakumo and going around naked is just too funny to pass up. He sends the entire League into hysterics, but he is mist, what improper is there about being mist without any clothes on?..
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h-worksrambles · 15 days
Ok, so Episode Aigis dropped, they changed some dialogue and now people are pissed and saying P3 Reload ruined The Answer.
If you want my TLDR, Atlus’ changes (both writing and mechanical) for the DLC are overall small, some good some bad, but they’re ultimately band aids that fail to address the much wider flaws of The Answer as a story.
I think there’s a genuine intent to try and better get across the character’s motivations. And for some characters it works well. I think the new dialogue for Mitsuru is a genuine improvement. I’ve seen some criticise it for focusing more on Mituru’s thoughts towards the protagonist then her (rather queer coded) loyalty to Yukari. But as much as I love my SEES lesbians, I genuinely think giving Mitsuru multiple reasons to side with Yukari rather than just blind loyalty, is much more in character for her than FES’ approach (where she comes across uncharacteristically stupid). But I think by only changing minutia like this it just ends up highlighting the bigger problem.
A lot of people hyper focus on Yukari’s role and talk about how irrational she is here. And now you’ve got people complaining that Reload softens and sanitises her character and makes her storyline weaker. But I feel it’s a case of identifying something doesn’t work but being incorrect as to why.
The thing about the SEES group fight is that it’s fundamentally a really poorly done conflict. It sucked in FES and it sucks here too. There’s not enough meaningful disagreement between the group to make it feel earned. The only one acting out and taking the MC’s death badly, is Yukari. When really if this is the climax they wanted to build to, everyone should have been grieving badly and constantly at each other’s throats. It could have been this building frustration and animosity, until they’re all at odds over what to do with the key and a fight breaks out.
What we get is everyone…mostly being pretty chill, aside from Yukari being kind of petty and jealous at Aigis. And I think the reason people react badly to her (misogyny notwithstanding) is that it’s really weird when she’s the only one having this extreme reaction. Instead of everyone dealing with the MCs death in their own distinct way, it’s only explored with Aigis and Yukari and only somewhat. Hell if you didn’t have such a jarring disconnect, and there was a better variety of reactions and thoughts from across the cast, I think more people would praise Yukari’s writing here. As it stands, when everyone else is almost ridiculously reasonable, it looks very jarring.
And then when the group do fight it feels completely out of nowhere precisely because of how agreeable everyone’s been. Everyone willingly jumps into a pointless fight that could get them all killed, one that only one member of the group even wants. All for a very contrived plot point that was set up five minutes ago. It’s executed in such a sloppy way that it makes the genuinely good scene of Yukari’s breakdown ring hollow. You get the sense that the writers weren’t really interested in exploring Yukari’s grief beyond using it as a plot device to make a dumb, unnecessary punch up scene happen.
I can see what they’re trying to do in Reload. They wanted to make Yukari stick out like less of a sore thumb compared to the rest of the group. But if they were gonna do that, they kinda needed to dial everyone else up, not dial her down. Build the tension between the party further rather than decrease it. Because now, if Yukari, and by extension the rest of the party are way more reasonable, it just begs the question even more of ‘they why are you fighting in the first place?’ It’s slapping on a band aid in a way that just exposes the whole scenario’s weaknesses
I genuinely think Episode Aigis needed to either keep the Answer entirely as is, or overhaul it completely. Making little changes like this won’t win over people who hated The Answer the first time, and will just annoy people who liked it as is. As it stands, The Answer is still a mess of good ideas mired by poor execution and Reload’s take only makes a handful of small changes that are ultimately different, not better.
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bonefall · 1 year
Better Bones AU Masterpost
Last Update: 8/23/23, Version 1.0
"What is the Better Bones AU?"
I'm so glad you asked, convenient question-speaker!
Better Bones (BB) is a full-series rewrite project that seeks to have a more conclusive stance on anti-authoritarianism, revamp the bonds and beliefs of individual characters to make more interesting drama and politics, and overhaul the progression of morality and history throughout the timeline to make the society of the Clans into a living, changing culture.
To do that, we've got 5 goals;
Fix the tangled family tree and give it clearer rules, expanding on kinship between cats while not neglecting friendships
Make the environment accurate to northwestern England, including education on how different biomes are managed and lists of local flora and fauna, to understand how environment has impacted Clan culture.
Build out technology by giving the Clans tool use and food preparation, additional traditions and customs, their own language, and medicinal treatment guides from sniffles up to HRT.
Change the themes of canon by addressing its problematic elements, giving the cats consistent politics and making the narrative conclusively anti-authoritarian.
Be cool as fuck, with wilder deaths, more clanborn villains, bloodier battles, and even MORE complicated innerClan drama
BB is told in notes and outlines, with the "end point" being a full skeleton for the entire series complete with chapter-by-chapter notes, which anyone would be able to write out fully, just as if they were a ghostwriter being handed a draft.
This project is open-source. I encourage you to take any inspiration from this AU that you'd like, or use the Clan culture expansions for your own projects. They don't HAVE to be warriors-related, we have a few folks who like to apply parts of this project to Rainworld! Go bananas.
I only ask that you don't steal any drawn art (as seen in the fanart, character summaries, and culture expansions) to pass it off as your own. Please respect the contributions of these artists.
"Boy howdy! Where do I start?"
WOWZERS another perfectly timed question I'm proud of you
HISTORY LESSON. This is a "brief" summary of the ENTIRE history of BB, breaking down each block of history into Periods, divided into Eras. It sprawls from the founding to the most recently completed arc. NOTE: BB does not cover arcs until they are complete. ASC has not been completed at the time of this post.
Character Summaries Every character gets a redesign and a summary, covering who they are, their role in the story, and their connections to everyone around them. NOTE: You are encouraged to put your own spin on the designs if you'd like! I do not design with genetic accuracy or MAP-friendliness in mind, so you have my blessing to alter them or request a modification for an animation.
Clan Culture Expansions Crafts, Herb Guides, the flora and fauna they encounter on a regular basis, and the Clanmew conlanguage is all in here.
Family Tree Overhauls This is almost done i swear
Fragment Bin This is where I'm going to eventually be putting everything still "WIP" material. I call these "fragments" because the full story isn't planned yet, but I talk about the little 'pieces' that I want to shuffle around. If you're new around here, basically I just sorta babble about a wishlist and then work through it with ask/reply suggestions.
FAQ I'll need this too at some point im sure
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sourpatchys · 7 months
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Title: Life in Carnet
Word count: 2.2k
Rating: PG-13, fluff. F!reader
Time: after Overhaul, before PLF
Summary: An issue has developed. Though, you can’t say you mind much. The future is yours.
A/n: This was supposed to be much longer and I may still add a second part later on, but it’s been sitting in my drafts for much too long and I decided it was finally time to just post it and let it out into the world!
Masterlist guidelines
The terrors of the underworld were almost too much for you at times. Watching over your shoulder just to be sure a knight in shining armor wouldn't pop out and slice you under the guise of misplaced justice.
There was no justice in a world so cruel. The arms of the masses kept those unfavorable in a tube. Never to be loved, never to be seen or heard. Though that tube would grow, freaks of nature holding hands inside the vessel, ready to break the glass.
It was almost poetic, knowing that loneliness could never touch you, it could only stand by and watch as you desecrated its makeshift grave.
You were not lonely— and you never would be again.
The deadly hands of the misunderstood held you close, a warm embrace that shunned all the coldness and misfortune in the world. You were like royalty, standing above those who were nothing but pawns ready to die for the cause.
You were not ready to die, you had finally spread your wings— you were ready to live.
And who better to stand by your side than the King of demise, Tomura Shigaraki.
In his own way, he had become the very thing he hated most— a symbol of peace. He gave hope to those the world had shamed, giving a reason to live to the ones left to rot in the gutters.
Hero's couldn't save everyone— Hero's didn't want to save everyone. Anyone who goes against their morals is doomed to suffer.
It pained you to see the children left to die on the streets, the addicts that had been deemed lost causes, and the broken who were left to crumble. You could see a piece of yourself in all of them, their rose tented glasses had been shattered and they were left to cut themselves on the glass.
Tomura didn't care much for any of them, and yet he had still managed to replace that in which had been broken.
He cared for the league, for the posey he had created with his own two hands. And he cared for you. The woman he saw cursing the world with blood stained hands.
Your introduction to the league wasn't pretty. You were dirty and untamed— having just taken the life of someone you held dear— there was darkness in your eyes.
No one asked you questions, no one made you feel like a freak. You became their healer— using your quirk to its fullest potential, never once holding back.
Your ability was known as the 'Touch of life'. Originally, you had hated your quirk. Being pawned off from person to person, forced to heal strangers who saw you as an object more than a person. Growing up you weren't allowed to attend school, forced to stay home and work— not a dime going into your pocket.
People were supposed to want to help people. That's what you had been told over and over again. You couldn't complain, you couldn't fight back or refuse to help.
You didn't want to help anymore.
The league never made you heal their scrapes and bruises, only asking for your services when it was absolutely necessary. You finally felt free— free to be a real human being.
And then Shigaraki, a man usually so careful with his hands, had sliced his palm. You couldn't even remember how— the memory had long since faded away. You grabbed him without thinking, taking his entire hand into your own, stitching the skin back together with a ray of light.
That's how you learned you were immune to decay. Your body fighting against his quirk so quickly it was at if he didn't have one at all.
And that's how you learned you loved your quirk after all.
Once it became apparent, he couldn't keep his hands off of you. He was like a wild animal hunting its prey— a touch starved villain feeling for the first time.
He was gentle with you, holding you close, running his calloused hands up and down your sides, forever in awe at the feel of your skin on his own. Awkward and untamed, vibrating with uncertainty and longing for more.
His kisses felt like fireworks, they seared into your skin, dangerous and yet oh so wonderful. He was addicted to you, and soon enough you were just as addicted to him.
Your relationship had no title— though with the way his scared lips would trail up your throat, nipping and pleading— you were sure it was love just the same.
Regardless of the tender kisses and soft touches, Shigaraki was still a deadly man. The king of the underworld, the high ruler of chaos.
So when you saw those glaring, unforgiving, bright pink lines, you found yourself being swallowed whole.
Your body was shaking, from fear or joy you couldn't be sure. It was unrealistic to bring a child into the world, especially when that world was crumbling— when the father was the one crumbling it.
You couldn't hold back a smile though, your anxieties fading quickly at the thought of a future. Placing your life giving hands over your abdomen— it felt right. You finally— undeniably— felt whole.
Dabi was the first one to notice you after you'd left the makeshift restroom, his piercing blue eyes looking you up in down with a frenzy.
"You look creepier than usual."
The rest of the leagues eyes met your own, their own curious glances boring into your soul.
"I have no idea what you mean by that— but I feel like I should be offended." You mocked a scoff, cocking your eyebrow in amusement.
Toga laughed, sitting up straight and tapping the cold cement floor beside her, urging you to sit with her. "You do look a little brighter than usual!"
You took the invitation, a small smile still grazing your lips. It was impossible to fully contain yourself— you were sure you'd explode if you had to reel in all of your facial expressions.
"I just got some good news is all— I wouldn't worry about it."
"Did that 12 handed freak finally propose or something?"
A small snort left your lips, "No, not to my knowledge. Speaking of— where is he?"
"Ohhh, so it does have to do with him!" Toga wiggled her eyebrows, giggling to herself.
Your relationship with Shigaraki wasn't a secret. Neither of you had said anything to anyone, but you weren't actively hiding it either— it just was.
Giving the teen a gentle shove you allowed yourself to let out a soft laugh of your own, "doesn't everything have to do with him?"
You got a strong mumble of agreement from the group, their annoyed expressions almost making you laugh fully.
"He said he'd be back before nightfall." Dabi finally metered, "Then again, who knows?"
Humming in response you decided to sit tight, pulling a heavily water damaged book out of your backpack.
— — —
Somewhere along the pages of Prince Charming finally realizing the girl of his dreams was only a few feet away— you had dozed off.
It wasn't often you got the privilege of sleep, the constant traveling and change of pace was hard on your body and mind. So being shaken awake wasn't exactly something you'd normally let slide— but seeing those carmine eyes so full of worry, you decided it wasn't a hill worth dying on today.
"Good morning." You sighed, slowly blinking the harsh tingling of your sleep deprived eyelids away.
Tomura wasn't amused by your lackluster approach, his body basically caging you in from where you sat, his eyes growing darker by the second.
"How are you feeling?"
At first his question confused you— your dreams still drifting away as reality tried to take over. Oh yes, that's right— he'd known you hadn't been feeling well.
If you weren't so sleepy you'd probably be more embarrassed over the fact that you had in fact— only grabbed a handful of pregnancy tests and booked it out of the closest convenience store. You hadn't even tried to get anything else.
A giggle left your lips as you leaned forward and gave your captor a kiss on the cheek, "it's fine don't worry about it."
Sighing he shifted so he was sitting beside you, his hand immediately grabbing yours. He loved holding your hand— you weren't sure if it was just to remind himself that he could or if it was lasting deprivation from being touched starved for so many years— but you couldn't find it in yourself to care, so long as he never let go.
"You haven't been eating right."
It was a statement meant to guilt you, to force you to tell him every single thing that's been bothering you— to outline your sickness in a bullet point list so he could take care of you.
"Is that so?" You turned to him with a raised brow, daring him to continue on with his spiel.
He, ever so observant, took the bait and ran with it.
"You can't keep anything down, you're light headed, and you're way too exhausted for everything to be fine." His voice broke a bit at the end, and with good reason. Not being in good health while simultaneously living on the streets isn't exactly a good combo.
He cared about you too much to let anything bad happen. After dealing with the yakuza he'd slowed down entirely, refusing to move too fast or too far until he knew exactly what needed to be done— all because you weren't feeling good. He'd never say it out loud— but it was easy to tell.
"It's not something I'll die from, modern medicine will make sure of that."
Turning his head and looking you up and down, he had a borderline disgusted look on his face.
"You've been sick for how long now? And you've shown no signs of getting better."
You hummed, putting your hand on your chin and pretending to think. "Yeah I'd say it's been a good two months now."
"This isn't a joke."
Giving him a serious expression, you replied "I know it isn't, you definitely aren't going to think it's funny—the league might though."
He smacked his head against the back of the crate the two of you were leaning on, looking up at the broken ceiling. "So you are dying."
"I already told you I won't die." You punched his arm, "I'll just be out of commission for a little while."
"And what, exactly, does that mean?"
You let out a nervous laugh, leaning your head on his shoulder, "it means next time we go out we're gonna have to steal some prenatal vitamins."
You felt his body stiffen under you after a few minutes, his mind putting the dots together painfully slowly. This isn't exactly how you thought this conversation would go— though knowing Tomura, he'd never expected this conversation at all.
Afraid to see his expression, you kept your eyes towards the floor, squeezing his hand that was still wrapped in yours.
"Is that okay..?"
It was silent for a while, the sound of the other members snoring being the only noises keeping you sane. You knew this may not go over well, even as excited as you were, Tomura had an entire world to destroy, he had people to kill and a kingdom to build. How would a baby fit into that life?
Finally, you felt a large inhale from under you— taking that as permission you looked up to his face, surprised when you saw the fond look in his eyes and the soft smile on his lips.
"Yeah, that's more than okay."
You sat up, lifting your head off of his shoulder to look him directly in the eyes, awe, ever apparent, on your face.
"Really? You aren't mad?"
A dastardly grin made its way onto his face, his pearly white teeth glistening in the moonlight. Truly— it was a sight to behold.
"I don't see anything wrong with carrying on my lineage— especially not with you." He chuckled, a dark frenzy coming into his eyes, "besides, you hang back anyways, nothings going to hurt you."
You thought on his words. It was technically true, being a healer meant you weren't fighting so much as laying low and taking care of the aftermath— the only change you could see happening is you not being on the battlefield at all, staying at the base until they returned.
But that came with some risks on its own.
"You're taking this better than I thought you would."
That same gleam was in his eyes as he looked you over, his hands making their way around your waist as he pulled you into a tight embrace, inhaling the scent of your not-so-freshly washed hair.
"I suppose I should be nervous. But I always knew this was a risk." He took in a breath, a laugh passing through as he thought it over, "I'm ready for anything. I'm going to destroy this world, but that doesn't mean I can't make my own in the process."
The Tomura before you was different than the one you had fallen in love with. He was different than the one that pulled you off the street and gave you a reason to live— this Tomura was confident, this Tomura had a plan.
This Tomura knew what he wanted.
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davekat-sucks · 6 months
Below is my "I strongly dislike Davekat and wish it wasn't canon and don't have ill will towards fans of it, but I do think they are being ignorant on purpose because Dave's character fucking sucks cock after Act 5" rant. Apologies but I needed to share this because it's almost 4/13 and I'm feeling festive.
You know why most of the fandom left homestuck around 2013-2014? cause of long pauses between updates and then we got stupid content that wasn't going anywhere. I left the fanbase DURING [S] game over. I fucking checked out because that was the stupidest fucking flash it could have possibly been and at that point I was waiting for a moment to just give up on the story and come back to it when it was finished.
I'd say most of the homestuck fandom seems silent about what they think about the story. Every fanbase is like that, most people watch from the sidelines and I do that too. I usually say nothing about the media I consume. Sometimes, rarely, I'll go through homestuck's reddit around this time of year and I'll see common sense. (There is hope!) But a good chunk of the people who stayed with the homestuck fandom through all of Act 6, or younger fans who are just joining it now, are able to just take whatever is given to them and not think anything through. I'm not saying anyone in the fanbase is stupid, no, I'm saying that they don't care enough about the story to admit what is good writing and what is shit writing. They don't care about writing. They don't care about the characters. They care about fannon. They care maybe, MAYBE, about activism.
A good chunk of the fanbase seem to be Davekat stans. Why are there are so many Davekat fans? It's because they can just eat the sludge. Maybe they grew up off of it so they can tolerate it. (I think Act 6 does a number on a motherfucker and makes you lower your standards so low that any content will do.)
Some people think any canon gay rep is good gay rep, but who would want to be represented by this? In Homestuck 2, Karkat is demoted to "Dave's boyfriend" and Dave was a selfish jerk through nearly all of Act 6. Dave was such a good character in Act 5, and Act 6 just had him ignore rose's alcoholism and ignore terezi's struggles. He didn't care about anything. Karkat at least somewhat tried to help Terezi or cheer her up. I can't understand for the life of me how someone like Karkat would end up with someone as selfish as Dave was. (Dave was selfish in the pre-retcon bit but still! why show us that? the epilogue was no different Dave abandoned jade instead of talked to her and let him know he wasn't interested in her because he's gay. I hardly recall what was going on at that part of the story, I just remember being dumbfounded that the story reinforced Dave only cares about himself.)
I wish Dave was written differently. I wish he had SOME, an ounce at least, of chemistry with Karkat. Instead what we got was Dave childishly drawing dicks on Karkat's face in some Hussie art and that pretty much sums up their whole relationship. A massive L for Karkat. I'm fine with Karkat being with meenah, nepeta, jade, davepetasprite for christ's sake! Just not the person that Dave ended up being. Why does fixing Dave fall on Karkat? Dave isn't the only shit character. I can't believe that John just gave up fully and completely. I find it hard to believe that Rose, at the end of the story, wouldn't advise John to train with her so he could learn how to use his new powers to go fight the empress. Why doesn't John do more with his powers? Why isn't John a better dad in the new content? I would imagine he would have tried to be like his own dad. Why did the story write Jake the entire way through like he was so worthless he wasn't worth our time and then dedicate so much of the story to him? I could go on and on about this, and I did go off so I will stop here.
This fandom and this story is going to continue circling the drain. The only thing that could possibly save it is a full overhaul and rewrite from people with skill who actually LIKE the characters. If anyone cared about the story THEY WOULD PRESS FOR THAT!!! If anything Hussie wanted to actively destroy any good will the fans had towards it. Maybe he fucking hates the story, I never looked to far into any of the backstory of how homestuck was made but I assume he fucking hated it from how he wrote Act 6. It's so sad to see because most of the characters had something really special about their stories. It's a story that is all about potential. It was crushed under the weight of it's own stupidity. Wait. I'm not done! What the fuck was that part where Dave left a note for Jade that said "I missed you" and a little red band? I didn't ship them but it certainly felt like Dave was into her or at worst leading her on. Am I supposed to believe that Dave was just fucking with her? Was he trying to be there for her? I guess he was fucking with her or trying to be into girls cause he ended up with Jade only to leave her in the epilogue. Why did he turn out to be such a prick!? Why didn't he talk to her? What point is the story trying to make? Abandon everything when you find out who you really are like your old friends don't matter anymore? Dave was maturing in act 5. Why the fuck is the story like this!!!?!?! YOU'RE TELLING ME THIS IS THE SAME MOTHER FUCKER WHO GAVE IT HIS ALL TO HELP? WHO SAVED ROSE'S LIFE AND THEN WENT TO DIE ALONG SIDE HER IN CASCADE? I FEEL LIKE THE ONLY REASON HE TRIED TO HELP BRING JADE BACK FROM THE DEAD IN GAME OVER WAS BECAUSE JADE WAS A SPACE PLAYER AND THEY NEEDED ONE TO TALK TO HER DENIZEN SO SHE'D BIRTH THE DAMN FROG THING OR WHATEVER!? DOES DAVE JUST SELECTIVELY DECIDE WHEN HE'S HAD ENOUGH BEING A COCKSUCKER? IS HIM BEING ABUSED BY BRO A GOOD ENOUGH EXCUSE TO IGNORE HOW LITTLE HE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT ANYTHING?!
Long story short, Karkat deserves at least somewhat better. Thank you.
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Very well said! Everything about this is perfect! People excuse Dave's actions is because of the whole Bro Strider being abusive to him as he grew up. So they think it's okay for him to not move on past it or grow better as a person. Instead, he will just wallow himself in self pity and everyone must feel sorry for him. One could say it's projecting too. Ignoring the fact that Jade had to live ALONE when growing up on an island with an animal guardian. It may be normal for trolls since they have a society that relies on this, but it's not the same for Earth or humans. Not only that, but didn't Dave find out that it was BRO STRIDER who faced against Jack Noir and helped Davesprite ESCAPE? So wouldn't that put into more question about how he feels about his brother and wonder if there was more going on behind the scenes than what he saw? Like why would BRO let Davesprite, who just a Dave from a Doomed Timeline, protect him, knowing how he will be killed? Was his training helpful or did something else make him be this way? It still technically happened by Post Retcon too. So that event and fate is inevitable for Bro Strider. Closest interaction Dave had with Karkat pre-Act 6 is through the memo with John, but even then, he's just fucking around with Karkat. Taunting him to say that interspecies romance is a thing now between the Beta Kids and Trolls and Dave is ready to bang Terezi if Karkat doesn't step up to his game to admit his feelings for her. Maybe it was kind of shitty to use Terezi's feelings and their relationship to mess with someone else that he knows has feelings for her. But dude jumped the chance to use it against Karkat when he thinks humans dating alien trolls should not be a thing. We see Dave do showing kindness. From things like hiding all his dead Daves from Jade so she wouldn't get upset and him having a good time with people like Rose and John. It shows that he is capable of being a good person and probably would wish to be a better one. He wants to be BETTER than Bro. Be someone that treats others better. Maybe even towards his own kids if he decides to have one. But sadly, we live in an age where having a family is a bad thing now. Karkat really deserves better and Dave sucks as he is in these recent HS projects. I don't think James Roach or HICU will make him any better. And Davekat will be hard to make it go away with how the people who work on Homestuck and ones outside of it (like Requiem Cafe) will pander to it because they know it will get the most attention and money. Like carrot on a stick. Even the carrot is rotten, they will still take it.
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birdsaretoddlers · 6 months
OKAY SO. first chapter got an overhaul and i finished the second chapter, so i'm reposting both to. more or less gauge interest? thank you to everyone who's been so nice
Red Vixen Returns! After what appears to have been a two year hiatus, famed cat burglar ‘Red Vixen’ has struck again, this time taking a stab at Overeasy Industries! Newest reports claim that the Phosphoril Rose was stolen last night out of its exhibit at the Museum of Earth Sciences. The CEO of Overeasy Industries has promised that any information that leads to the recovery of the artifact will be rewarded handsomely-
“Turn that off, would you, Vette?”
The television cycled off the news and on to a different news station, then more news, and finally, a gossip tabloid that, again, was covering the news. With a disgruntled hock in her throat, the bartender tossed the remote onto the countertop, unable to escape chippy newscasters with dead eyes and fake cheer. “If you can find any channel not showin’ that, you’re welcome to it.”
The remote spun over the scarred and heavily-lacquered wood. The man at the bar stopped it with the hand not currently holding his glass, tapped the channel buttons a few times, and eventually settled on golf. The tournament lasted for all of fifteen seconds, but then the breaking news bled overtop of it, too. He finally turned the whole system off instead.
“Don’t know what you were expecting, Mars. It’s Overeasy. They’ve bought almost every station we get out here.”
“Mm,” said Mars. “Can’t hurt to try.”
“Awfully hopeful, coming out of you. Careful, someone might just try to steal that off ya.”
Knocking back the remnants of his drink, he set his empty glass an inch over the invisible line on the bartop, begging for a refill. “Welcome to it. Not sure who I lifted it from myself.”
Vette smirked and pulled a pair of dirty bottles from the rack behind her, grey hair tied out of her face with a black leather cord. “Probably the Valentines, if I had to guess. Julio’s always got some to spare.”
“Julio’s full of spare parts. His brother and his sister in law aren’t much better.” Mars waited patiently as Vette offloaded old stock into his cup, then took it back with two fingers. “Dunno why you let your boy run around with ‘em. Gang types, through and through.”
Vette shrugged her shoulders and replaced the liquors to the shelf, sending up a puff of dust as she did. “Who cares where they came from? Keeps him out from underfoot. Better he go knocking over trash cans with them three than the neighborhood boys. At least the Valentines know how to handle a weapon.”
Mars gave his head a slight, acquiescent tilt. “Just thought you’d stay away from cats that reek of a family, that’s all.”
Vette leaned over the bar with one arm, gesturing at the establishment, as much as it could be called that, with the other. “Hey, here at the Dog, everyone’s family as long as they leave their guns at the door. Doesn’t matter who killed who, what corp fucked over the next, anyone that wants a drink or somethin’ to eat can get it. As long as they have the money to pay and don’t spill bad blood within two feet of the doorstep, that is.”
That was true. This dive was the only place that was truly neutral in the entire town. The bartender, her husband and the entire waitstaff looked and acted like they wouldn’t hesitate to shoot you, so nobody dared cause any trouble within the doors of the Sighthound. Otherwise called ‘the Dog’, by anyone who had been here more than once. The walls, floors, even the tables were stained with the arguments of generations of enemies who had come together to dine as strained equals, along with a hefty dose of grime. Smoke hung low in the air, mixing with the rank scent of desperation. The opened front door only did so much to clear it out, but hey, if having health insurance was mandatory, why not get your money’s worth and take a deep breath of the carcinogens?
Mars removed his hat to fan it under his nose. He couldn’t smell the ethanol of his drink through this haze. Vette rolled her eyes, made a comment about his failing constitution, and wandered off without waiting for him to bite out a retort. “Sure, sure. Have to be the one born this minute to start anything here. You’d have ‘em cozyin’ up with a colander in a second.”
“Damn right.” Vette turned the television on again, though Mars hadn’t seen her swipe the remote out from under his sleeve. The ‘breaking’ nature of the news bulletin had faded, golf proceeded apace. She pulled a face and started scrolling for anything else. Mars sipped his highball and did not, though tequila rose was not a proper ingredient no matter what old swill Vette was trying to cycle through the inventory tab. “That’s why we say two feet away from the door. Gives us enough time to close it before we start gettin’ stains on the hardwood.”
With a subtle glance behind him, Mars studied the floors. It was hard to tell there was wood under the inch of grit and mud, but he’d take her word for it, as there was nobody else to ask. They were almost alone here. The ‘enforcers’ that were the Valentines were playing babysitter, the owner of the bar was shut up in his office, and who drank at two o’clock on a Tuesday? Other than him, of course.
Vette leaned around him, blue eyes a-blinking as the watery light in the windows grew dark with the shadow of a car. “Oh, that’s gotta be the lunch order. Hold that thought, Capone.”
Him, and the guy that just walked in the door.
“Loooonng gone, sweetheart,” he hummed, in a tone that might have been sing-song if Mars had the capacity for that. Instead it approached something like a half-assed croak, which was good enough for his purposes. It had been a long time since he’d sang anything, and the rust shaking off his vocal cords caught in his throat, making him cough up an ah-hem! to clear it.
The lunch order stranger that wandered in didn’t say anything, which wasn’t unusual. Most patrons of the Sighthound tried not to acknowledge the others, like a gaggle of cats sharing a particularly small bedspread. He wore a plain, unmarked suit, a hat pulled low over his eyes, devoid of any personality. Walking with an economical gait that was silk-smooth and too precise, he went to post up in the corner under the long since faded ‘ORDERS’ sign. Like any good customer who was interested in a lead-free liver, Mars ignored him utterly.
Vette had disappeared into the kitchen to fetch the doggy boxes herself. With the Valentines gone, off to play with Thompson, extra hands were in short supply. No waitress to ferry orders from the back, no pair of whackouts on the stage, doing an absurdist comedy routine or noodling around on an instrument or three. Such was the price to pay, when a small prince took a liking to someone. And in this city, the Vicinatos were royalty.
Well, maybe more like small, local lords, but the sentiment was the same.
Mars rested his head on his fist and circled his finger around the rim of his glass, mouth revolting at the idea of drinking another drop of the wallpaper paste Vette had poured for him. Drinks were half price, as long as he was fine with getting the overstock, or the specialty liquors that nobody wanted past the special occasion they were ordered for. That was how he ended up drinking vile concoctions such as ‘tequila rose’, which sounded nice on the surface until the liquid that poured out of the opaque bottle was pink rather than, oh, any other acceptable tequila color. Clear, for example. It looked like and had the mouth feel of a melted strawberry milkshake mixed with paint.
But, half price. Mars braved the chalky waters again and tried not to taste them. Not having a great sense of smell helped with that. If he added actual chunks of strawberry to it, the drink might not have been half bad. Chilling it would’ve really been a swell idea, too. Vette came out from the kitchen and Mars watched her hand over the towering stack of brown paper boxes to the stranger, who gave her a little nod.
He picked up his glass as she trotted back over, happy to while away the hours with him, as long as he kept drinking garbage. Mars gave it a little wiggle, ignoring the not-water consistency of the liquor. “Shouldn’t this be in the fridge?”
“Why, you gettin’ picky now?” Vette turned, plucked the bottle off the shelf, flicked her reading glasses down over her eyes from atop her tight, fluffy curls. “Hmm… Yeah, refrigerate after opening. You’re right. Guess you’re taking it home with you. Don’t have space back there.”
He did not want to take this home with him. “Whatever I don’t drink, dump it.” Mars rolled his tongue in his mouth, felt a film on it, grimaced. “Scratch that. Dump it now. Not even I’m gonna go back for another round.”
Whistling, Vette rolled her eyes. “You are getting picky! Can’t afford that out here, buddy.”
“I know that.”
“I’m sure you do, Mars.”
Mars leaned back on his barstool. He was going to try for something snide, slick, along the lines of what he might’ve said a decade ago. Instead, he opened his mouth and felt his shoulder get caught and yanked aside. Alarmingly, the chair screeched as it threatened to capsize and dump him out of it. In a scramble, he grabbed the bar and pulled himself upright, nails clawing the layers of varnish off in yellowing spirals. Something crashed wetly behind him, and Mars sank down into his shoulders, ears heating as he peered around to see what had happened.
He’d tipped into the poor guy who was just trying to get his lunch. The stranger ended up eating splinters, laid out flat on the floor, nose to the so-called hardwood. The doggy boxes had gone up in smoke, or rather, a myriad of pastas and sauces. Vette started cursing about her precious hardwood again, how hard the tomato paste was going to be to clean, that it would never come out. Cringing, Mars slid out of his seat, his arm smarting from the impact. The other man was silently stewing in the puddle Mars had accidentally created. His suit was ruined. His meal was ruined. His afternoon was ruined.
If Mars made it out of this without getting punched, it would be a happy day for all. Crouching and feeling his knees pop in protest, he offered the stranger a hand.
“Sorry, pal, I didn’t see ya there. Let me pay for your food, it’s the least I can… Oh.”
He’d been right. That guy didn’t move right because he wasn’t a guy. The cold, dead eyes of an automaton peered up at him from under his stiff-brimmed hat. Mars felt something inside of him twist, under all the boozy cream.
“Quit your yakkin’,” he tossed over his shoulder at Vette, who stopped the instant she heard his tone, just as flat and lifeless as the machine. “We’ve got a bot.”
“A bot?” Neck craning to get a better look, Vette popped her lips. “Well shit, so we do.”
Mars helped the automaton back to its feet. It whirred and clicked, head jerking on a neck only made for minor motion. Not one of the especially lifelike ones, then. Its jaw worked but did not open, suggesting a lack of capacity for speech. Or emotion, though it was doing its best to pantomime dull confusion, like a dog seeing a magic trick. Completely at a loss for a situation outside of its programmed, day-to-day operations. At least it didn’t immediately resort to violence, like some of the crasser ones. Its outfit probably cost more than the bot itself, and bots weren’t cheap to begin with.
Most of them possessed basic learning ability and problem-solving skills, so in the interest of fair communication and a hefty dose of belief in miracles, Mars set both of his hands on its shoulders. He spoke slowly, clearly, enunciating his words so they would be easy to parse for a language model that was caught in the stone age.
“I’m going to pay for your meal,” he told it, indicating the splattered boxes all over everything in a five foot radius. Including him, he’d gotten ala vodka all over his slacks when he kneeled down in it to get the robot up. “Your bosses’ meal. Whoever’s it is. Where is he at.”
It stared at him blankly, the words stringing together into a sentence, then being fed into whatever neural networking it had. One piece of information, one command, two things that weren’t relevant to it. After a moment of processing, fake eyelids making a soft tik sound as they moved on an interval, it raised an arm to point straight outside. Mars nodded and released the bot. “Thanks.”
He turned to make good on his promise, but Vette rapped her knuckles on the bar to get his attention. “Don’t,” she hissed when Mars looked back. “You don’t want anything to do with what’s out there.”
“Why?” Came the question. He looked to the door again, trying to pick up what had spooked her through the small sliver of natural light it provided. There was a simple black limousine, idling in the street, and… That was all. Mysterious black limos were essentially part of the biodiversity in Tos Vardens. As natural as a pigeon, and just as plentiful. Nothing to be afraid of, most of the time. Mars arched an eyebrow. “Just another car, Vette. And the bot isn’t all that nice. Sorry,” he apologized to the bot.
The bot, incapable of feeling offended, did nothing.
“Why?” Vette repeated angrily. “Because I’ve got a bad feeling about this one. The whole setup reeks of a corp, Capone. Just send the bot back out there. I’ll refund the bill and call the number they used to order, tell them the kitchen’s overworked. Hopefully they’ll just go away.”
Pulling his lapels to secure his overcoat, Mars retrieved his hat from where it had been set on the countertop. “Yeah, well, maybe you can just sit by, Vette, but I’ve got enough morals left to fix my fuck-ups.”
He ignored her scathing, worried stare burning a hole into his shoulders as he ambled to the exit, pausing just outside the square of dim light where the pale sun shone in. “‘s what I’ve been trying to do for the last ten years, anyway.”
Then he set his trillby back on his head and braved the world outside, off-putting black limousines and all.
Emerging from the lusterless, muted world of the Sighthound, the outside seemed like a flashbang being fed directly to him on a mirrored plate. Mars squinted. This was why he tried to stay inside during the daytime. Even through the perpetual cloud cover, the sunlight still hurt his eyes. People smarter than him claimed it used to be brighter, that it wasn’t meant to be so dull. In his opinion, it was still plenty bright enough. He wasn’t sure how he spent days at a time in the great outdoors in his youth. He’d been out here a scant few seconds, and already craved the comforts of his barstool.
Tos Vardens was an old town, even by today’s standards. A monorail rattled in the distance, the scaffolding that held up the tracks curving over buildings of dubious habitability. Everything here was covered in a fine layer of age and silt, reflecting its citizens. The mayor eight years ago had tried to start an initiative to clean up the town, then run off with the donations and tax money collected for the job. 
Nobody had been too put out by it. Or shocked.
The mayor in power now at least pretended not to be corrupt, but his grift was more well-hidden than most. It wasn’t cynicism or nihilism to say so, merely experience and enough time spent in reality. Everyone in Tos Vardens used whatever power they had to grab for more, an ouroborus of taken advantages and burned bridges. Made the tourism push more laughable than most, unless a guided tour of brick squares passed for sightseeing in the current climate. Mars wouldn’t know. He hadn’t left the city since he’d moved in.
The engine of the black limousine gave a short cough. Mars rubbed his nose with his hand, hunched his shoulders, and walked towards it. Slowly though, presenting himself as non-threateningly as possible, keeping his fingers well away from his pockets much as they wanted to jump in. People in this town tended to be tetchy, quick with their triggers, and he’d like to buy himself at least a minute before whoever was inside capped him for the audacity of being alive too close to them.
Unsurprisingly, the car had black-tinted windows, too thick and dark to see through. That proved Vette’s theory that it was a corp car. Most common folk couldn’t afford bulletproof glass, but Mars could pick out the layers of laminate sandwiched between the vinyl in the frame. Mars leaned down, hands on protesting knees, and knocked his knuckle against the window, twice.
“Hey, pal, I kinda knocked into your bot and spilled your food. Real sorry. I’m gonna pay for it, but you might have to wait a while for the order to get remade.”
Nothing. No movement from inside the car. Mars could see his reflection in it, and he hoped the circles under his eyes weren’t really that dark, though it wouldn’t improve much if they weren’t. At one point, he might have been roguishly handsome. Nowadays, he needed a shave and a solid night’s sleep. Maybe several. Couldn’t hurt. The only thing that stood out about him were his eyes, flat chips of amber that were wasted on a guy like him. A girl deserved those.
The car remained silent. Mars shifted his weight on his ankles, not quite anxious, and too disinterested to be unnerved, but decidedly uncomfortable. Clearing his throat, he tried again. “Uh… Hello? You hear me? I said I was sorry-”
The window began to lower, with a soft, mechanical chirring sound. Mars wasn’t quite sure what he expected when it got to the bottom-
But a pistol in his face was woefully high on the list.
His heart jammed up into his throat, but was promptly snuffed out by the tequila and too much experience with this kind of thing. The gun was nicely made, well cared for and shimmering in the light. Pearl handled and connected to a slender arm, covered in a silk glove and linked to a woman who wasn’t even looking at him. A corp, forever shackled to the phone in her hand. The driver was another bot, who’s lack of attention was less insulting.
Right. Mars used the back of his pointer finger to push the barrel aside, not roughly, telegraphing his intent even if its owner wasn’t paying him any heed. “Rude,” he said, without thinking. “I’m tryin’ to do the right thing here, lady, so couldja put that away so we can talk like adults?”
The redhead in the passenger seat blinked. Unaccustomed to that tactic not immediately sending an annoyance screaming for their lives, she looked up. She was pretty, in a vintage way, like she’d strut straight off a theater screen and into this car. A cigarette stick was clutched in her pinkie, under the phone, and her hair was streaked with gray. Her eyes were so pale as to be transparent, only blue at the right angle. Black lipstick, red eyeshadow, the very picture of a woman who had better places to be and better things to be doing. 
For a moment, she just… Stared at him. Mars wondered if she was a bot, too, one of those nicer ones that were almost impossible to pick out as inhuman, but eventually her mouth split into a grin that wouldn’t have been out of place on a shark.
“Why, do my eyes deceive me, or is that Mars Capone?”
He barely swallowed the grimace, but he couldn’t stop the tightness forming around his mouth and eyes before it took root. “Ma’am, your food?”
The woman let the gun swing downwards, the muzzle now pointing away from where it had been aimed somewhere soft. “It is you! What’s a man of your renown doing out in this backwater?”
He would not call the fifth largest city on the continent a backwater. Mars did not say so out loud, though. “I’m doing nothing and I am no one. I’m going back inside now, ma’am. Sorry to bother you.”
“Oh, no, no! We have so much to talk about. Stay.”
The hair stood up on the back of his neck as he caught movement glinting in the silver of her pistol. His body swept sideways without conscious thought, and the robot that had followed him outside stumbled clumsily into the space he’d been occupying not a moment ago, arms lancing through empty space. Finding it had grabbed nothing, it stood upright, head pivoting to face him. The woman in the car had the grace to look mildly abashed.
Mars put his hands into his pockets, arching one eyebrow. It would’ve been sarcastic if he wasn’t so fed up.
“Okay,” he said dryly. “Does it involve me getting into the back of that limo and going to a secondary location? Because I’ve got a drink inside I’d like to get back to.”
Subtly, he flicked his head at the bar’s windows. Both an indicator of destination, and a signal to Vette to put her own weapon down before things got complicated. She’d break the two foot rule for him, but he’d handled himself into this mess. He could handle himself out.
Waving her hands, the woman snapped her fingers and shook her head. The robot, dutifully, opened the door of the backseat and clambered inside. “No, no, Mister Capone. Sorry, old habits,” she offered with a sly grin. “You’ve nothing to fear from me. In fact, I’d like to help you.”
This day kept getting weirder. First a cream based tequila, then an all-channels news bulletin, and now this. “Corps don’t help anybody,” he stated flatly. Mars stayed where he was, a nice five feet down the pavement. The robot shut the car behind it. 
The woman puffed her cigarette stick, blew a smoke ring out of the window and laid her arm over the edge. “Who says I’m a corp?” She asked innocently. “You know what they say about making assumptions.”
“You know what they say about ducks.”
She laughed. If he didn’t think she was dangerous before, which he did, now she definitely was. A laugh like that, so charming and musical, was practiced. Deadly as any piece of iron, and infinitely more versatile. Mars would not be moving any closer. Pouting, the woman beckoned to him with a single finger, like she was reeling in a fish.
“Come on now, don’t play hard to get. Give me your ear for two minutes, and I’ll forget all about the little bill. You can’t be doing too hot in the cash department, Mister Capone. Not after you cut your wings.”
Mouth writhing into a deeper frown, Mars flared his coat back and put his hands into his slacks pockets. She had him there, his wallet was light on a good month, and as of late, a good month was a distant memory. At the same time, he didn’t like how much she knew about him already, and how well she was twisting it against him. He weighed his options. 
“Fine,” he conceded. “Two minutes. And I’m counting.”
He approached again, though kept the edge of his overcoat well out of grabbing range. The woman smirked, eyes knowing under the red eyeshadow. Mars still saw a glimmer of teeth under her lips, barely contained. “Good man.”
“Minute forty five.”
“Minute forty.”
Sighing, the woman placed her gun into the passenger door and ran her fingers through her hair. Even mid-rumple, it was styled in just the right way to flip effortlessly over her forehead, voluminous and beautiful. Even if she wasn’t tied up in a corporation, she had enough money to buy the Dog outright eight times over. “Oh, Mister Capone, would it kill you to lighten up a little? Don’t answer that.”
Mars swallowed the sardonic comment he’d had perched on his tongue. She rolled her eyes and took another drag, blatantly wasting time she should’ve spent on her pitch. “Thank you,” she continued. “Now, I’m certain you’ve heard the news today? I will be quite amazed if you haven't!"
Her tone was indulgent, breezy, voice smoke-damaged as to be low, but not yet rough and grating. Mars gave her a stiff nod, already afraid of where this was going. “I heard. Phosphoril Rose stolen right out of its case by the Red Vixen. Classic robbery for them. Nothin’ new.”
“Excellent! I want you to find them.”
What. “What.”
“The Rose, Mister Capone. And the thief both! A man of your skills could-”
Mars stepped away from the vehicle. Mid-speech, the woman in the car paused, mouth open, looking up at the sunroof. She glanced to him, a small smile playing out over her features that did not reach her eyes. “You didn’t let me finish,” she cooed.
“No need, ma’am. I’m out of that game for good.”
“Aha, Mister Capone,” she began, but he didn’t give her time to continue to wheedle him. He turned away. “You’re making a grave mistake, Mister Capone!”
“Answer won’t change no matter how much capital you put up, lady. Mars Capone is firmly retired. Go ask someone else.”
Grumbling, and quite accustomed to getting her way, the woman in the car called after him again. “At least take my card? You’ll need to know where to route the payment for my meal, as that was not two minutes, and I paid with an encrypted account.”
It had been a minute and fifty seconds, but Mars could play the petty game with the best of them, so he slid around on his heel and marched back. It was quite impressive, really. The smug, triumphant expression she wore managed to ignite an emotion he didn’t know he could still feel: rage, incandescent and sparking. It was muffled, years of a stone-cold front didn’t melt off so quickly, but it was something. 
The woman held out the card between two fingers. It was glossy, white and black, professional and understated. He plucked it out, stuck it in his hatband with an appropriate amount of force, and spun back to head for the door of the Dog. 
She was laughing behind him, even as the car started to pull away from the curb, gravel crunching beneath the tires. “I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you, Mister Capone!” She sang, leaving behind a small pile of ashes from her burned out cigarette to mark her passing.
Leave it to a corp to wrangle his heart out of the box it was put in, only to mash it into a quivering, angry paste. Mars hunched his shoulders in and removed the card from his hat, infinitely curious at to what it said. He just wasn’t willing to give that woman the win she’d take from seeing it As she’d now left… He took a peek a the card, the identity of his would-be benefactor.
Mars tilted his head up to the sky. While he’d been getting his chain yanked by the most powerful woman in the country, the sun had pulled the blanket of clouds over itself and hid. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, said the only word he could think of.
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localsharkcryptid · 6 months
With things FINALLY calming down I took the time to finish up some concept art and now post it :)
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Getting back to work on the still unnamed Dragon Rider/ASOIAF inspired dsmp au and up first for concept art are the trio of dragons belonging to DTeam.
Blue Boy - Name pending. Will be getting a design overhaul features wise as I want them to be more flashy with almost betta fish theming, color palette will probably remain. A rather spoiled beast, having been the only one to be raised up from an egg, this little guy is just barely riding sized and can still slink through most sections of the castle thus has yet to really leave the comforts of the halls for the Dragon Keep. Considered prissy and entitled much like a cat this dragon reflects some of the more stereotypical traits of George and also has a small habit of getting between the man and anyone else present when they want attention.
Fire Fella - Name pending, though there's a high chance she'll be named Brimstone. Designed with general fire themes in mind as well as inspiration from my own design for Sapnap. Hotheaded and aggressive, also with a penchant for eating prized livestock (and Dream's horse that one time) this dragon is noted for her firey color and attitude that seems to reflect the more impulsive and sometimes violent habits of her rider.
"The Verdant Wraith" Nightmare - Ah yes the only one with an actual name right now and unfortunately I just have to live with the fact that Dream would inevitably name a dragon Nightmare. I've drawn this guy several times before but I decided to flip around his coloration entirely from bright greens to dark. Not much has changed over all aside from the color change. Still a once wretched and feared wild dragon who was only recently claimed, Nightmare is considered unpredictable and untrustworthy though there's more to the serpentine dragon than his vicious reputation and the very same is to be said about his rider.
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tadokorochann · 8 months
Okay but for some reason Shiggy always playing video games also equals him being chronically online and as an incredibly touch starved early twenties male individual I equate that to him consistently browsing pron sites
so like now I'm thinking about what his browser history was before meeting reader and then after
with all his posturing in the previous ask I'm imagining his desire to want to have all the control and thus taking it by force-basically what AFO has been grooming him to do with his powers and manipulating him into his perfect lil revenge puppet --so honestly it's probably involves lots of violence, humilation, debasement of one's partner?
then presented with reader and that all getting almost instantly nullified cause SURPRISE Shiggy isn't actually like that at his core- he's really just not had any good role models. Like yeah enacting violence on someone who did him wrong may still sound appealing but you're basically a stranger and oh shit you're gently touching his arm and his tummy feels a little queasy but in a good way???
And you're apparently the first person in his life with a gotdamn brain cause you recommend he wear special gloves for his quirk so all his fingers are never touching something all at once and that's a game changer cause now he doesn't have to be so cautious about being close to people--even tho he still is--but he "claimed" you and you're running with it so you're not skimping on the cuddling obligations of a kept woman! (plus Kai was also probably with holding of touch due to his germphobia so you're craving touch like hell too)
okay this got outta hand! I meant this to be an ask about you and tomura watching porn together/him starting to share gentle femdom videos with you and shyly asking if you can try them 😅😂😂😂
Yesyesyes to all of this! Personally for this au (or storyline I guess since it’s canonverse?) I envision the reader to have a powerful nullification/cancellation quirk of some kind, purely to make both Shiggy and Kai more obsessed with her 🥰
For Kai I envisioned a kind of, not worship for reader, but… reverence? Or admiration of some kind, viewing the nullification as her body’s own efforts to resist the quirk virus. Despite it in and of itself being a quirk. The same type of cognitive dissonance he has when it comes to regarding himself as clean and undiseased despite having overhaul lol. In any case it was a reason to keep her suffocatingly close, make sure nothing else could touch her, soil her, make her dirty. I know the “I’m the only one Overhaul can touch without getting hives” bnha fic trope can be overused but I 100% do not care because that’s exactly how I saw this situation with reader. But, like you said, he’s a germaphobe. So even with skin to skin contact not being a primary issue I definitely think touch was still a point of conflict. And sex was… a very specific, step by step process that HE decided every little detail about. As was this entire relationship. He controlled her clothes, diet, physical activity, hobbies, any possessions she had. There was no choice which soured things even when Kai happened to pick something she enjoyed.
For Tomura readers quirk cancellation is simply a means for him to be able to touch someone with five fingers down. Hug her. Hold her hand without fear she’ll crumble. And it’s so huge for him 🥺🥺🥺 I’m getting off track as well lmao
Definitely love the idea of both Reader and Shiggy beginning to share/watch porn together and that Tomura’s browser history and stuff changes. Bc one of the things that had me chewing on this idea the most was him having someone to be soft with, and to be able to make self discoveries with.
100% feel like Kai did not allow reader the consumption of porn either for reasons of keeping her “clean” mentally or bc of being possessive, possibly both. And domming him was a definite no, at least in this particular blurb.
Reader explores freedom of choice in regards to sex, porn, affection, food, spending time with actual people (no real companions were allowed at the Hassaikai because Kai was adamant he was ✨all she needed✨) and just generally being happy w him. And Tomura gets to begin to unpack the ideals AFO saddled him with. Meanwhile Kai gets to be armless and having a constant breakdown in Tartarus 🥰
(edit: the idea/blurb referenced is here for those who haven’t seen it)
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Hi, saw one of your reblogs about masking and wanted to ask something. Sorry if you're not the right person to ask, feel free to ignore, I just haven't got anyone irl that even cares anymore. I've been masking daily this entire time ever since the pandemic first started, but I'm beginning to wonder, when are we going to be able to stop masking? Is there anywhere you can recommend where I can inform myself about this, about what our outlook is like re: COVID and other safety precautions and that type of stuff? The government's position in my country is pretty much just "masks are no longer mandatory" (I wasn't even allowed to get a booster this year, they're apparently not recommended for under 60s here unless you're high risk), and there isn't a culture of masking when sick here, so almost no one does, not even doctors. And it's starting to affect me socially as well, you kind of end up socially excluded/ostracized quite a lot when most places you go you're the only one masking (which I realize is not as bad as death or long COVID but I do have to admit it's getting to me). I guess I'm just wondering if there's anything else to look forward to other than masking indefinitely?
I'm really sorry but unless and until there are widespread, systemic safety measures in place, as far as I know masking is gonna continue to be your best option in terms of protecting yourself and others from covid and its complications :(
There are less effective but still useful options, like the covixyl nasal spray and nasal sanitizers, and iota-carageenan nasal spray and/or cpc mouthwash as post exposure prophylaxis—but those are most effective when paired with masking.
If you do at any point decide to stop masking, altogether or in certain situations, I hope you'll consider using some of those preventative tools. They're dramatically better than no protection at all.
Air cleaners like the corsi-rosenthal box can help if you're in a space where you'd be allowed to set that up. Socializing outside helps a little esp if you're spaced out.
But unless systems get put in place to overhaul ventilation systems and quarantine sick people etc the most effective option I'm aware of as an individual is a well-fitting N95/kf94/kn95 mask with no gapping at the cheeks or anywhere else.
It might be worth finding out who in your area is organizing to try to demand or implement better covid safety measures, and see if you can join them. Try disability advocacy groups—even if they don't have a project like that in place they may either know who does or be willing to help you set one up.
Lastly, I'm just repeating info I've taken in (hopefully accurately) from medical journal articles. I'm just an ordinary person, I'm not an epidemiologist or virologist or medical expert of any kind, so please do your own research as well. Make sure any info you accept as for-sure accurate is from peer reviewed medical studies published by credible scientific journals.
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imthepunchlord · 12 days
Will how vindictive and spiteful a lot of salt fics can be, I'm honestly surprised someone didn't do a salt fic where Felix does use the peacock miraculous to alter Adrien's personality of just erase him completely and present it like it's a good thing.
So I think a big part of it is when Chameleon takes place. Sentidrien wasn't a thing yet, and this was the time Adrien was getting the most salt, nor was there any Peafowl!Felix as that Miraculous was in Nathalie's hands.
And by this point, a lot of that salt has passed, at least for me it has. It helps when you don't continue watching, and your friends stop watching so there's no feeding you new info, and anything you hear about it later is just so bonkers wild it's like, I don't even have a response for it.
The other factor is that its a very extreme idea. Going farther than what most people wanted to do.
When I was reading salt fics at the time, most people just wanted Adrien to be called out and to face consequences for his choices, with the most extreme is having his Miraculous revoked.
The idea of making use of Adrien being a senti, to have him erased and replaced with a "better" version or completely overhauling him and having him "improved", is just a really dark and extreme concept. Canon may be hand wavy about this topic of terminating sentis, sometimes it matters and sometimes it doesn't, but for some it's not so easy a topic to be hand wavy about. Felix as the Peafowl being able to either blip Adrien out of existence or entirely change who he is, it's an unnerving fact. Like, man, I have to question did Felix use the Peafowl to influence Kagami to be interested in him? Is that why she's up to quickly get with her ex's look alike cousin?
Another factor I can think of is there's a lack of satisfaction to the idea. As most salt wants him called out and facing consequences, to erase Adrien or entirely change him into someone new, that means the prior Adrien never really faces the consequences of his actions. There's no true punishment, he just ceases to be, and the replaced or altered senti now has to deal with consequences they didn't even cause. Plus, especially in a case of a replacement, there's going to be no emotional connections to any injured party they'll face. The replaced may not even care.
And there's the factor that this is being done by canon Felix Mindful, fanfiction can offer a lot of leeway and creativity and allow people to do whatever they want, but I do like working off the original medium somewhat, and for this scenario, I factor in this is going to be done by canon Felix, and I have to think what's his agenda, what's his reason. Chances are good he's not going to do this to help Marinette, given they're not close plus his taking advantage of her and handing Gabriel almost all the Miraculous, I don't know if he even knows about Lila or cares about her; I would say he would do this to either torment Chloe or Gabriel. Weaponize Adrien against them, not to make a "better version" of Adrien.
So, personally, I don't see the appeal of it as an Adrien salt idea, as it's unsatisfactory for Adrien salt as he just ceases to be as is and there's no consequences or call outs, and it just feels like a very extreme route. If Adrien really is counted as alive, then this is just straight up killing him.
At most, I'd say it better serve as a dark exploration on the concept of making sentipeople and that dark reality of how much you can control.
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synergysilhouette · 7 months
Update on my "Wish" rewrite
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For those who were interested, I'm currently working on a rewrite of Disney's "Wish"--and it's an extreme re-write; I'm pretty much just keeping the overall concept of a kingdom of wishes. Make sure to check out my post for the characters (I'll leave the post down below; currently making changes). As for why it's taking so long:
As of this second, I'm trying to split the story into 3 acts, and working with that structure, I'm trying to work on the pacing.
I've made several songs, but I didn't wanna release them yet (though I will release them before the main story) since I'm still working out the plot; I don't want to post a song and then the story ends up being completely different from how it was originally planned. One of my favorites is the love song, which when I wrote it felt like the film's anthem, and in mind with the pop/radio theme we had for "Wish" with Julia Michaels writing it, I imagined it as an RnB, SZA-inspired song (not sure if that matters since you'll only see the lyrics, though; I have no means of composing/producing). Still polishing it, though!
Making changes to our protagonist. At first I imagined her as a hothead who's lesson in the story is moreso about learning not to let her anger guide her and not to be cocky, but I'm working on making her a more shy, reclusive protagonist, since I've wanted a shy Disney princess for a while and my writing was going back and forth between bold, headstrong sorceress and shy, pessimistic sorceress.
Villain issues. I had a main villain in mind, but I did want to alter the situation a bit (no spoilers!), and I wondered if I should have a different villain entirely.
The Dreamers, the protagonists' best friends, have their own lives, and I wanna showcase that rather than having them feel flat like The Teens. One of them already feels like he eclipses the other two, so I need to work on that.
My star. He's coming off more interesting than our protagonist, so I've gotta work on that--plus I'm worried that as of now, his relationship with her feels too strong, too one-sided to the point where it feels almost like a fixation or obsession with her, and I DESPISE that.
Hope that clears it all up. Lemme know if you have any questions! I may do a massive overhaul, but I don't wanna make new posts/big changes to my posts concerning this story until I have Act I completed and I'm CERTAIN that that's the direction I'm going in.
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takendruid · 6 days
Apologies for all the ranting I’m about to do. This is the ramblings of an autistic guy who’s been overstimulated by being outside for like 10 hours, and also is running on 6 hours of sleep.
I want to draw Aimi (my oc) and Overhaul, but I’m so tired right now. It’s 10pm (almost 11 actually now, I’ve been writing this for over 30 minutes). I cannot draw them otherwise I will get sucked into drawing for 6 fucking hours.
This is my OC btw, just for quick context.
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I want. To draw Aimi and Kai. After Kai and Lady Nagant are arrested. And Kai is so broken,, and has finally (maybe) been able to see his father, and also perhaps apologised in some form to Eri. The heroes know Aimi was close to Kai, and that she’s the only person that’s technically innocent but still kind of complicit in his crimes. But because she’s a sane person who denounced his abuse of a literal child, and left him because of it, (and also because he’s quirkless) the heroes are like “maybe. Maybe this woman can actually help him. Somewhat.”
So they bring Kai to Aimi, and he is a broken man. She is heartbroken by the state of him, and all she wants to do is help him (and hold him, but she doesn’t. She respects his boundaries). The heroes are like “being in prison, and also being physically disabled, kind of broke him? Mentally? So can we entrust you to take care of him and maybe rehabilitate him. He will be on house arrest, and there will be a hero on alert if he ever tries anything. But can we trust him to you?” And Aimi is like “yes. But also. Can I build him prosthetics?? He’s quirkless, so he’s essentially harmless (but stretching the definition)”.
Heroes say yes. She builds him prosthetics.
I just. I want to draw them together so bad.
I don’t know if anyone would care about this, but people seemed to really want to know more about her, and see more of her. I’m gonna draw them again soon. I just,, I’m so fucking tired. I’ve been out all day today, and got 6 hours of sleep.
They mean so much to me. I can’t.
He’s still like,, mad germophobe. And she also has OCD, so she gets it and doesn’t judge him at all for his anxiety over her house being a bit messy. Their anxiety rivals each other, just over different things entirely. But also,, she’s a mechanic, so it’s also kind of hard for her to keep her house entirely clean, because she’s always doing shit and accidentally leaving the house a mess. But Kai gets on her case about it because “it’s dirty” and “it could attract bugs”
Taken try not to project onto every brown-haired OC he ever has challenge: Impossible. (The OCD part, not the amputee part.)
Overhaul cares about her so much in my silly little head, and the reason he could care about her so much is because she’s quirkless and “isn’t infected with hero sickness”. Also because she supported his desire for a quirkless world until he decided to bring a child into the fray, and torture and abuse a child. A YOUNG child. Aimi, reasonably, disagreed with that (as shown above) and left the Shie Hassaikai. He was so goal-focused and tunnel visioned that he immediately dropped the one person he genuinely cared about besides Chrono and his dad, and didn’t realise the consequences of his actions until it was too late and she had gone from his life. But he decided it was fine and a necessary sacrifice in order to move forwards, especially since he had other people to help him. But he missed her so greatly, but never let anyone know. Chrono caught on, but never pushed. All that mattered to Overhaul was his goal of a quirkless world, and then he could have Aimi back, not realising she would have hated him because he had tortured a little girl in order to get there.
These two had meant to much to me years ago, but I ended up leaving them behind since 1) I never gave Aimi a proper design all those years ago, and 2) I fell out of my BNHA hyperfixation. But me and my now ex-friend ended up associating this song with them:
This song is so them, please believe me guys. I swear I’m not insane. Specifically, SPECIFICALLY, this song is from Kai’s perspective
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LIKE LOOK AT IT THAT’S SO THEM I’m insane. And tired. God please help me. Someone tell me to go to bed. If anyone read all the way this far and actually cares about my insane ramblings, tell me to go to bed. I’m so tired. But I love Aimi and Kai. I love them so much. They mean so much to me. The fact people have been loving them on here and saying they want more content has reminded me how much these two mean to me. I just needed to scream about them, and maybe someone will care and read all this.
Fun fact, Aimi didn’t used to be an amputee! But she’s always been a mechanic. Like she literally had her own agency at one point (I used to RP with my ex-friend my BNHA OCs, that’s how I got so attached to them). Aimi and Kai also had a kid, but that’s so OOC for Kai, I could never now. It would be so funny if he’s not even asexual, for so many reasons I won’t explain but you guys probably get. He probably is asexual (and he’s probably aromantic as well. I’m not projecting, I swear. Look at that silly man), and also probably very sex repulsed. Now I am projecting, but FUCKING LOOK AT HIM /ref.
Kai and Aimi would kiss on the lips and the lips only. That (autistic) OCD sex-repulsed asexual man would hurl at the thought of tongue being included. Me too, buddy. But also it would probably take a very long time for Kai to get to a point where he’s okay with even kissing on the lips.
Oh my god projecting onto this silly man has somehow helped me mentally disconnect him from my abuser somewhat. Accidental maybe trauma dump time? He looks like my abuser, so that’s mainly why I just abandoned Aimi. Because him looking like my abuser won out over me just loving him because of his character. But me going “yeah he’s autistic. He has OCD. He’s also asexual sex-repulsed, and probably aromantic too but let’s not talk about that” has helped. YAY healing!! It’s funny because my projection here isn’t just me being like “I love you, let me make you like me” my HCs are based on actual source material. I personally don’t fuck with characters being OOC, I like my HCs to be in-character. But that’s just a me thing :3
I need. To shut up now. It’s actually 11pm. But anyway. I’m gonna draw Aimi and Kai soon. Thank you to anyone (if anyone) who read this, reading the insane (not actually. I’m not insane, I’m just autistic and silly and tired) ramblings of me. I’m gonna make a Kaimi playlist because I love them. I’ll probably post it.
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