#i just want to see cool gif sets goddammit
agattthaa · 1 year
Pairing: Beckett Harrington/F!MC
Word count: 1.277
Warnings: A little bit of jealousy, but is nothing out of this world, they are cute and in love
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-I still don't understand why you bought this tuneless device for me. 
-And I already told you, Beck. It works for a bunch of stuff. Sets alarms, play audiobooks, track your daily activities. That helps me a lot when I'm practicing Thieth. It can help on your secret workout section. 
-You practice yoga with me everyday. 
-Yes, Beckett, I do. And I don't have a six pack. -She pointed out, to which he only rolled his eyes and continued.
-And between all my activities, I don't have the time for a 'secret workout section'. You know that, we spent the vast majority of the day together. 
-My mother always says that a man can always find some way to hide something, if he really wants. 
-And you think that what I would choose to hide from you would be a workout section? -He lifted one of his eyebrows. 
-Why Harrington? Do you have anything else that you want to hide from me? -It was her turn to lift an eyebrow, but the smirk on her lips didn't let her expression be too serious. 
-You know very well I do not. Besides, considering how many people in this school wish to take my place, if I was hiding something, you would already know. -His voice grew to be clearly annoyed, meanwhile, her smirk turned into a smile instantly, because she knew perfectly well what he was implying. 
-Oh my, is THE Beckett Harrington jealous right now? -she poked his side. Her smile growing bigger as he turned red. 
It was risky, Eli knew it. They were in this thing for almost a year now, before he really considered himself to be a true pendpal, before he accepted that he now had friends, before Rafe. 
And while they were definitely a thing, they weren't that thing she wanted them to be. They did everything a couple did. Sometimes even more. 
They spend almost every moment together, they went on little dates, he gave her flowers almost daily, made notes specifically for her so she could understand her classes better, they slept together with most of the nights just holding each other and actually sleeping, he gave her the sweetest forehead kisses and held her hand all the time, and she knew fully well he did not appreciated PDA but knew she did. 
Most married couples aren't so serious. Sheira had told her, and she knew it. And yet, he didn't ask that goddamn question. So she didn’t imply anything. 
But now, he gave her the perfect opportunity, so what could she possibly do if not take that opportunity. 
-I don't believe I have a reason to be. -He answered when the red had subdued. 
He tried to play it cool, but she knew him too well. She could hear the words he didn't say. She knew he was asking her if he had a reason to be jealous. He was laid on her bed, as usual, but his eyes were not on her, and that was unusual. He was scared of her answer. 
She sat down closer to him. He was laid on his side, so she placed herself in front of her torso, placing her hand on his face and caressing her thumb against his cheek. 
-I don't believe you have a reason to be. Although you say otherwise, only one person showed interest in me since I came here. 
-And why do you think that is, Eli? -He sat down, lacing her hand on his, while the other touched her face in adoration. -Why do you think I must be by your side every minute? Why I never let go of your hand? Why I kiss you out of nowhere?
-Because you have an enormous crush on me that you can't get over no matter how hard you try? -Her smirk made him smile hopelessly.  
-I never tried to get over it, first of all. Besides my enormous crush on you, it's the eyes. The eyes that follow you everywhere, Eli. I don't know how you don't see it. Everywhere you go, everyone watches you, with eyes filled with hope that one day you'll look towards them as well. Goddammit, last week I went to the bathroom and that guy from your team was asking you if you wanted to do something after practice. 
-He told me it was a team outing, Beck.
-Yeah, one that neither Griffin nor Zeph knew about. 
-Besides, I said no. 
-I know you did. Still, you don't know what it's like. 
-That's what you think. Do you have any idea how many of this year's juniors are watching you? A girl came to ask me if you were single  Beck. How many times has that happened to you? 
The moment the words left her mouth, she regretted it. His eyes instantly got bigger. He was not expecting her to say that. 
-What did you answer her, Eli?
-That's irrelevant.  
-Eli, what did you tell her? 
-I think you know what I told her, Beckett Harrington. 
-Full name won't work this time and I don't. What did you tell her, Eli? 
-Had any blonde girl come to you asking for a date, Harrington? If not, I think you know what I told her. 
His face turned to a lovestruck smile. 
-You told her I wasn't single, didn't you, Eli? -She looked away from him when his smile became too blinding. He took that opportunity to kiss her temple, her cheeks, her eyes. -Did you tell her you were my girlfriend?
-You are the one saying that, Harrington, not me. 
-I can almost see it. The skeptical look on your face, you looked her up and down I'm sure of it, and you tried to be crude, but she didn't realize it because you never can do it. Then you said it, the most beautiful words "No, I am his girlfriend". Was it like it, Eli? 
She didn't say anything. Because Eli knew Beckett, but he also knew her. It was exactly what had happened, but she would not admit it. 
-I won't say it before you do, Harrington. No matter how much you annoy me.
-Why must you be so headstrong, my love? -He held her face, forcing her to look at him. -Eli, can I also tell people that you are my girlfriend? 
Her face broke on a sweet smile and she melted on his hands. 
-Ask properly, Harrington.  
He smiled, letting a little bit of air come out of his nose. 
-Eli, my sun and all my stars, will you be my girlfriend? 
-I'll think about it. -She pulled him closer, smiling almost as much as him. -Okay, I will. 
-You are impossible. 
-And yet, you love me. -She joked against his lips. 
-I really do. 
Before she could say anything, he kissed her, making her melt on his arms. She, with her hand on his face, pulled him closer, and he held her by her waist, hugging her close and closer, as if he could not bear to be apart from her not even by a centimeters, not even by a second. 
But their peace was disrupted almost immediately. A loud beep was almost deafening when compared to the silence they had before. 
When they look down on the watch on Beckett's arm. The words "Abnormal heart rate decteted" were in bright red. Almost as red as Beckett's face. 
-I'll never wear this again. 
Eli's cheeks hurted from how much she laughed. She held his face on her hands, running her thumbs on his cheeks before giving him a small kiss. 
-Yeah, you don't have to worry about anything. 
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Part Two
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"Shh!" I demand, staring at Ville. He nodded, slowly creeping down the hallway behind me.
He'd only just arrived about five minutes ago and we were already on our merry way down the hall to cause trouble. I quietly open the door to my sisters room, more than happy to wake her up. She was sound asleep, face down and dead to the world. Ape should've known better than to ask me and Ville to get Danni. Ville shakes his head at me, somewhat disapproving of my antics, but I ignore him. I walk to the edge of Danni's bed, radio in hand. I set my plan in action, sitting my radio on the pinstripe nightstand and turning it on. The second the music starts blaring, I jump on top of her, throwing an elbow to the side of her head. She immediately pushes my face away to the best of her ability, grumbling and furrowing her brow.
"Wake up!" I laugh, wrestling with her.
"Goddammit, get off me!" She yells, she's always such a grump. She finally gets twisted over and grips my hair, holding my head beside her ribs and punching the side of my neck with her free hand. Bad choice. I bite the skin on her ribs, earning a yelp and getting a knee to the stomach. I punch her in the hip opposite of my head, trying to get some leverage.
"I brought you a present!" I yell, tugging on her hair the second she slaps me, but she isn't giving up. "Let go of my head!" I plead, still attached to her side.
"I bet you did!" She spits, kneeing me in the thigh.
"Ow! I did! Look, it's Ville!" I say, suddenly she pauses. I still can't see anything besides the fabric of her shirt, so I only assume she's looking at him. She lets go of my hair and pushes me into the floor. I grunt, shaking my head and sitting up.
"Ville!" She cheers, running past me.
I look up, smiling as I climb to me feet. He stood awkwardly, his arms loosely wrapped around her while she nearly choked him with her grip. He kisses her cheek right as she turns her head, almost causing them to kiss.
"Ew be careful, people will think you're into each other" I laugh, catching their attention. Poor saps.
"I missed you, too" he smiles.
"Oh my God! I have missed you so much!" She stares at him, cupping his face.
I'm honestly glad to see his return, especially for her. It's no secret that Danni tends to steer towards a bad crowd and I can't always keep an eye on her, but she seems to calm down a lot when Villes around.
"We've so much to catch up on" he smiles at her.
"Yeah, like why you're letting him beat me up"
"I thought you were winning"
"Okay that's fair" she smiles. "Bam, come on, let's go"
"Where?" I stare, walking past her.
"Anywhere, we can't just force him to stay in the house all the time"
"I'd rather spend the day doing whatever you want" he says, tapping her arm. "Especially since you don't work at the owl place anymore and actually have time for me"
"Owl place?" She says, scrunching her face up. "I never worked with owls"
"No, when you were blonde and tan, you know the restaurant with the owls and the good food"
"Oh! Hooters!"
"Ah, okay, yeah I don't work there at the moment so we can definitely hang out all the time"
"Why'd you leave school?"
"Because I'm happier here doing this" she shrugs.
"Well, if you ever want to jerk up your guitar or violin, I'd be happy to drag you on the road with us"
"That would be nice, I'd love to travel with my favorite person"
"He's my friend" I reminded her, rolling my eyes. "I'm the cooler twin, go braid your hair or call Jenn or something" I said, gripping Ville's arm and walking away with him.
"Don't be jealous" he teased.
"You're gonna make her think she's cool"
"She is cool"
"What? I enjoy your sisters company very much"
"Dude, come on, she's lame"
"She is not. She's great to be around, I wish you'd see that"
"Whatever man, we've got the whole day ahead of us" I shrug, walking outside with him.
I wish that were the end of it, but like always, Danni had something up her sleeve.
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risquefanfics457 · 2 years
Josuke watches Titanic
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The day was cooling off, it was summer. Thankfully the summer nights had been more bearable than the day when it came to the heat. “Okay, babe,” Josuke flops onto the loveseat with a huge bowl of popcorn. You grin and slide a CD case into his view.
“Yep! It’s a favourite of mine! I watch it whenever somebody I know hasn’t seen it!”
“So how many times have you watched it?”
“Uh, at least 8 times now.”
“Huh, well it can’t be that long then…” He looks at the running time on the back, “Whoa, hold up! 3 hours?”
“And thirty minutes.” You add helpfully.
“Hold on, you’ve spent… 24 hours of your life watching this?”
“28.”You correct and slide over next to him. “The more you watch it, the better it seems to get. Like the propeller guy-!” You snicker. “And it’s even better if you can watch it with somebody who’s never seen it!”
“Are you sure? You want to push that Titanic watching time to 31 hours?”
“Of course, I want you to see this. Think of it as a… test.”
He turns his head, “A test? Or more like a challenge?” He perks up.
“How about a competition? I think we both know the ship sinks, so the first one to cry loses.”
“You’re so on.”
You take the disk from the box and slide it into the CD player, “Don’t get so cocky now, Josuke. A big strong man like yourself can handle a tragedy?”
“Are you kidding? You haven’t even seen me shed a tear.” He laughs
You plunk back down next to him and steal some popcorn, “Remember last week when you stubbed your toe on a set of stairs?”
“T-that’s not emotional crying!”
You shake your head with a smile, “You don’t need to act tough, y’know.”
“I don’t need to act tough if I am tough.”
You lean your head onto his shoulder, “Alright, tough guy.”
(From here on it’s pretty much commentary)
“Nice. Paramount. They make good movies, right?”
“Shh.” You smile
“Hey, wait a minute. They’re not even on the ship? What gives?”
“Give it 15 minutes or something.”
“There isn’t anything in that safe.”
“Ho, wait. There is something. Oh, tiddies.” He points
“Tiddies.” You repeat chuckling
“What’s this biz about a necklace?”
“Oh it's worth like a shit ton of money. They think it went down with Titanic.”
“Old lady?”
“Old lady.” You smirk
“Old lady.” He repeats
“Old lady.” You repeat again
“OLD LADY!” He hollers
“Wait, those tiddies were the old lady’s?”
“Yep, old lady tiddies.”
“Dude, that douche is going to trigger Old Lady’s PTSD.”
“I love how her name is Old Lady.”
“Well, what is the old lady's name?”
“Rose!” You guffaw.
“Tell us the story behind the tiddies, Rose.”
“Oh, my god.”
“It’s been 84 years? Jesus, Old Lady is old.”
“Okay, see. That’s a ship!”
“Whoa! Old Lady is looking young!”
“Rose.” You correct laughing
“Smoking is bad for you kids.”
“So he won the tickets?”
“Shit, dude. Better start running.”
“Wave goodbye to your family! It’s the last time you’ll ever see them!” You cut in
“Wow, that’s morbid.”
You wave your hand dismissively, “Ah, yes. The steam room.”
“Let me guess, babe. It’s steamy.” He raises an eyebrow.
“Oh, no. It gets steamy elsewhere.”
“Hold up, is this like R rated?” “Um, depends on who you ask.”
“I think I’m going to like this.”
“He’s the king of the world.”
“Rose, what did I just say about smoking?”
“Who are those guys?”
“That guy is her rich fiance, and the older woman with red hair is her mom. The other rich dudes can be put into 2 different categories. 1. Good man, happens to have money. 2. Rich dude is an asshole.”
“Ha, Rohan proves that point quite well.”
“Oh, look. Eye contact.”
“Eye contact is important in any relationship.”
(This is followed by a staring contest)
“Hey, is Rose depressed?”
“Well, it’s complicated, see-”
“Whoop, nevermind she’s going to throw herself off the back of the boat.”
“No, you’re distracting me!~” He mocks Rose
“Alright, so Jack is a good guy. I think this pretty much solidifies it.”
“She’s wearing heels, Jack.” Josuke tries to warn Leo di Caprio
“The heels.”
“Oh, that looks bad from her fiance’s point of view.”
“Propellers…” You snicker
“Oh, there’s the necklace. Dang, it’s pretty chunky. She’d look so much better in something… cheaper. Like, not like, bad. But like complementary. Like some simple necklace, not some hunk of diamond like that. The weight alone could sever her head off her shoulders.”
“Okay, creepy vibes coming from the fiance.”
“Okay, rapey vibes coming from the fiance.”
“You saved my life! Get off my side of the ship!~”
“No, no. Ew. No spitting. Guys. No…”
“Yeah, he looks good, but a pomp would do him some good.”
“Good toast.”
“Okay, that’s a party.”
“Ha, my mom tried to get me into ballet as a kid.”
“What!?” You almost double over in a laughing fit
“Okay, flipping the table wasn’t cool. I wanna punch this guy.”
“And her mom is siding with him? Oh, my god.”
“Don’t marry for money! Marry for love!” 
“Okay, but that flying scene. That was perfection.”
“That went from romantic to depressing.”
“And a nice pair at that.” You say
“Agreed, wait what?”
“RUN! Bad man’s gonna catch you.”
“Somebody give him the finger.”
“You like the car scene?” You pry
“It gives me some ideas.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me.
*Gasp* “They found the tiddies.”
“Aw. Hey, those guys should be keeping an eye out for icebergs.”
“You’re all fucked.”
“No, Rose. Believe Jack. Rose? Goddammit!”
*Suddenly there is a hole in the TV where Cal’s face was*
“Huh, I didn’t think you’d get that mad,” You say
The tv seems to fix itself and the movie plays.
“I don’t think she knows how to use an ax.”
“This is a bad idea.”
“Wow, okay. It actually worked.”
*At this point he stops talking and is super invested*
After a long silence “My heart will go on” plays
“....... Jack.. dies.”
He finally turns to me with a waterfall of tears going down his face, and he is a blubbering mess.
“Oh, baby.” You wrap my arms around him and hold him close. He continues to cry at the death of his favourite character and the fate of Rose.
“Ugh, she could’ve moved her fat ass overrrrr…”
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Words: 3,823 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: Alexandria Warnings: Language, violence, mentions of suicide, gore, sexuality, fear and anxiety, disturbing imagery, typical TWD stuff A/N: This is part of a series! Find the previous parts on the Masterlist! Summary: Y/N heads outside of the walls for a distraction after the distressing day before. She returns in the evening to learn some concerning news.
Your name: submit What is this?
You woke early from fitful sleep plagued with the same old nightmares. It was still dark out and you knew no more sleep would come, so you decided to be productive again. Meat was always scarce, and after the news of Denise the day before, you needed a distraction. Not to mention having to relive old traumas… After quickly dressing, you stepped out on the porch into the cool morning air. Normally you would have asked Daryl if he wanted to join you, but the house across the street was still dark and you hoped that, for once, he was getting some sleep. Though with the events of the previous day, you really doubted it.
You grabbed your bow and headed for the gates. Sasha was on duty and she pulled it open for you with a kind but sad smile as you went out.
You spent all day outside the walls, engrossed in hunting, and it was after dark when you returned, hauling the rabbits with you over your shoulder. Tobin, a longtime Alexandria resident was on gate duty and you thanked him with a nod as you came in. He seemed particularly stoic but you attributed it to the prior day’s events. Denise was beloved by most of the people in town, especially since she had taken over after Pete’s demise… You made your way toward Aaron’s house and saw that the garage light was on and the door was open. You went in, expecting to find Daryl there tinkering on his bike, but the garage was empty and Daryl’s bike was distinctly missing. He must have parked it outside his place. You knocked on the door into the house and Eric answered it with Judith in his arms. You greeted them both with a smile but Eric’s face was grave and he was white as a sheet.
You throat tightened and your stomach dropped when you registered his expression. “What’s the matter?”
He gulped and stepped back to let you inside. “Have you been out all day?” he asked you.
“Yeah. Since before the sun was up,” you said, gesturing to the rabbits over your shoulder. Your heart started racing. “Eric—what’s going on?”
He shook his head and opened him mouth to speak but no sound came out. Turning on his heel he walked further inside and set Judith down on a blanket on the floor before he faced you again. “It’s—It’s bad,” he said seriously. “Carol left.”
Your brow contracted. “Left? What do you mean she left? Why? For how long?” Your thoughts immediately turned to Daryl. He and Carol were very close. You were sure he was worried, angry. He’d probably try to go after her.
“She left a note. I—I don’t think she’s coming back,” Eric said softly.
You paused for a moment. “Did Daryl go after her?”
“Rick and Morgan did. Daryl was already gone when they headed out.”
You stomach lurched and your head spun. “Gone—Gone where?”
Eric just stared at you.
Your breathing was speeding up. “Gone where?”
He averted his eyes and shrugged. “Best guess is back to where… it happened. To try and track them.”
You felt like you had been punched. “No. No, no, no,” you murmured, more to yourself than to Eric. “I—no. He can’t.” You tried to heave in a breath but your lungs felt tight. “I need to sit down,” you gasped, practically collapsing into a nearby chair as your knees felt like they were giving out.
“Glenn, Michonne, and Rosita went after him this morning,” he said quickly. Your eyes shot up to his face.
“Okay…” You waited expectantly for more details.
“But—they left early and none of them are back yet.” He looked mortified that he had to be the one to unload all this information on you.
You hung your head into your hands. “Oh my God. No… Fuck! Shit!” You stood up abruptly, the brace of rabbits forgotten and paced the length of the kitchen. “Okay. Okay. So, I’ll get some of the others and—and we’ll go look for them. Right? I’ll go find them and we’ll bring them back,” you said, more to yourself than Eric.
He winced, his expression regretful, anxious. “There’s… there’s something else.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? Isn’t that enough?!”
He grimaced. “Rick came back after he and Morgan went out. They think Carol had a run in with some of the Saviors not too far from here. Morgan stayed out to follow her trail. They think she might be hurt but they don’t know. But when Rick came back—Maggie is sick. Very sick.”
“Sick how?”
“She—she thinks something with the baby. She was in a lot of pain… Rick loaded everyone up to get her to Dr. Carson at The Hilltop.”
You mind was whirring. “Okay. Okay…” You sat there, trying to process all this, wringing your hands. “Goddammit!” you said, taking your head in your hands again. “What the hell?!” You looked up at Eric desperately. “Who all went to Hilltop?”
“Pretty much everyone. Aaron went. And they took Eugene to get treated too since he was awake. I volunteered to stay here and watch Judith.”
You stood up and paced the length of the room. “Goddammit, what the hell is Daryl thinking!? I told him! I told him not to—” You broke off, gritting your teeth. Your hands clenched into fists. You turned over your conversation with Daryl the night before. You realized he had never said he wouldn’t go after The Saviors who had killed Denise. You now realized he’d been very specific about which words he spoke.
Eric shrugged vaguely. “I know. But—he’s…”
You sighed and shut your eyes, pinched the bridge of your nose hard in an attempt to ground yourself with something. “I know.” You looked back at Eric desperately again. “What do we do?”
He shrugged, at a loss for words now. “I think there’s only one thing we can do.”
Your jaw clenched. “Wait.”
_ _ _ _ _ _
And you waited. And you waited. And you waited. You weren’t good at waiting, even in the best of times. You refused to sleep. You refused to eat. You stood watch at the top of the gate and stared into the darkness which became dawn which became mid-morning. Still there was no sign of anyone. Everything was too quiet. You felt more and more nauseous by the minute, your stomach turning with anxiety.
Finally, a vehicle came into view in the distance. You raised the scope of your rifle to your eye. The RV. It was the RV. You continued to watch as it approached and you could see that it was Rick driving. You finally lowered the scope and the nauseous feeling in your stomach changed to a hard pit.
He stopped at the gate and raised a hand to signal that it was alright to open the gate. You climbed down and yanked it open, letting him drive through. The back of the RV had barely cleared the gate when he shut off the engine. You rushed to await whatever was to come, but you had a feeling like pins and needles prickling up your spine and a heavy weight on your chest. It was hard to draw air.
The door opened and people began to step out. But their faces… they weren’t themselves anymore. They were changed.
You knew that look; that wide-eyed, hundred-yard stare, the terror in their eyes. You had seen it on yourself, on your brother, on many others after they tangled with Negan. You knew what it meant. And there seemed to be a lot of people missing. Your people missing. You forced in a breath and just watched as they stepped out. Who was there and who was missing? Rick came around from the other side, and if possible, he looked worse than all of them.
“Rick…” you said, rushing over. He hardly seemed to hear you. “Rick!” You grasped his shoulders and his blue eyes, frantic and wide landed on your face.
“Judith?” he rasped, in a fog.
“She’s fine. She’s with Eric. Rick,” your voice broke off. You glanced at everyone who was pouring out of the RV, trying to take attendance.
“You were right,” he said, nodding almost imperceptibly. Tears were welling up in his eyes. “You were right. You were…” he trailed off.
Your eyes landed on Michonne and Rosita as they stepped out of the RV. “Daryl?” you demanded. You squeezed Rick’s shoulders to bring him back to you. “Daryl?!?” you urged.
He looked away down at his boots. His answer came in a whisper you almost couldn’t hear. He couldn’t look at you while he said it. “They have him.”
The breath was ripped from your lungs and your hands slipped from Rick’s shoulders. You staggered backwards, reeling. Suddenly Carl was there and he grasped your arm firmly. When you took in his expression, you were amazed that he looked better than anyone else. Of course he did. He’d grown up in this screwed up world during his formative years—he’d been at the prison when it fell, he’d had to put down his own mother… You, on the other hand, were spinning.
“He’ll be okay,” Carl said. “Daryl’s strong. He’ll fight.”
You shook your head. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”
Suddenly Aaron was beside you. You’d never seen him look worse. He was as white as a sheet and shaking. His eyes were wide, red, and puffy.
“Oh my God,” you launched yourself at him, grabbing him into a tight hug and unable to stop the tears from pouring down your face. “Oh my God.” He hugged you back weakly. You pulled back and looked at him, clasping his face in your hands. “You’re okay. You’re okay,” you said, doing your best to reassure him.
“I’m sorry,” he said weakly, shaking his head. “I’m so sorry.”
“Hey! Stop it. Stop. Everything—everything is going to be f—fine,” you said, pulling yourself back together while he was going to pieces. “You’re okay. Eric is okay.” You released your hold on your dear friend and nodded. “Go see Eric. Go home.” Aaron gave you another fearful and concerned look but you simply wiped the tear streaks from your cheeks and nodded. “I’m fine. Go home.”
You spun around again to look at the rest of the ragged group and started mentally going through the list of people who had gone out. “Maggie?!” you demanded suddenly.
“She’s at Hilltop,” Carl said. “Sasha stayed there, too.”
Your brow drew down low over your eyes. Something about that statement struck you as odd. “And Glenn?”
Now Carl looked away, and you could see light glistening in his eyes.
“No. No… Oh my God. No.” You put a hand out and had to lean on the RV, at risk of collapsing from the lightheadedness that flooded your brain.
Carl looked at you with a mixture of devastated and angry tears in his eyes. Your hand flew to cover your mouth and tears broke loose and streamed down your face again. You again glanced at the people wandering away toward Rick’s house. Michonne. Eugene. Rosita. Your eyes shot back to Carl, a sense of apprehension almost overwhelming you. “A—Abraham?”
Again, Carl shook his head.
He turned away from you, leaving you spinning, and grasped his dad’s arm. “Dad. Come on. Let’s go see Judith.”
You felt like you were going to be sick.
_ _ _ _ _ _
“I’ll go.”
Rick stared at you. “I—I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You aren’t asking,” you countered.
“I’ll go myself. I—”
“You’ve got kids. You’ve got a baby. Hell, you’ve got a whole town to look after now, Sheriff Grimes. And you need to get ready because they are coming. They’ll expect you to be here. You’re the leader. Just—I’ll go.” Rick watched the muscle in your jaw twitch. “You know I have to go.”
Rick heaved a sigh. He knew you’d go regardless of whether or not he wanted you to. He knew you did have to go. This was you and this was Daryl. “How?” he asked you. “How are you gonna get him back?”
“Don’t worry about that. That’s my job. I know more about Negan and that place than anyone. I will get him out. I promise you. I will get Daryl out.”
Rick let out a long slow exhale, with an edge to it like a growl. “I don’t suppose I have any real choice in the matter anyway,” he said.
“You don’t.”
Rick sighed again, rubbing a hand over the heavy stubble on his face.
“Rick, listen to me. They are going to come and the first thing they are going to do is take all your weapons and all your ammo. That inventory Olivia keeps of the armory? Burn it. And take some of the guns and ammo, just enough so they won’t suspect anything, and hide them outside the walls. Outside. If you hide them in here, they will find them. And when they do, someone else will die.”
Rick gulped and nodded. He felt like an icy hand had seized his heart in his chest. “Alright.”
“And there’s one more thing… Negan and his assholes—they cannot know that we are connected. Do you understand? You need to make sure that no one ever mentions me, okay? Like I don’t exist.”
Rick gave you a questioning look but nodded.
You gulped at the constriction in your throat. “I’ll tell you everything at some point but right now I need to go. I don’t want Daryl there a minute longer than he has to be. You understand everything?”
Rick nodded gravely. “Yeah. I’ve got it.” He hesitated. “Be careful.”
“I will.” You turned on your heel and went home to prepare.
_ _ _ _ _ _
You were concealed in the woods outside the nearest Savior outpost. It had taken you far longer to get there than you had hoped and you’d had to go pretty dark to find it… You killed more Saviors, but not all of them. Some you had kept alive for a little while, until they had given up their information on the location of the satellite outposts and lookouts. You glanced down at your jeans and t-shirt. They were filthy but still a bit too well kept. You wiped the walker blood on the blade of your knife on your shirt and then took the edge of it to your clothes, placing a rip here and poking a hole there. You looked at your arms. They were scratched and bruised from fighting your way through the woods, through walkers, through soldiers of The Saviors to get here. Good. You wanted it to look like you were having a shit time. You heaved in one last breath; your heart pounded. You were terrified, but the thought of Daryl being held by them sent an urgent shot of fearlessness through you. It had already been too long. You didn’t allow yourself to run through the what ifs… You gritted your teeth and stepped out of the woods, approaching the front of the outpost with your hands up.
The two guards in front saw you immediately. “Freeze! Don’t move!” Automatic weapons pointed at you.
You obeyed. They approached.
“Holy shit,” one of the men said as they got closer. He exchanged a look with the other.
“Son of a bitch,” the second man said matter-of-factly. “You gave us quite the run around, little lady. Negan had whole crews out looking for you.”
Your chest was heaving with nervous breaths. “I—I know. I made a mistake,” you muttered. You didn’t have to try to sound scared. You were. There was a quiver in your voice, but you knew it would work to your advantage. You wanted them to see you as helpless, scared.
“A big one,” the first man agreed. “Search her,” he said, nodding to his associate. He trained his gun on the center of your chest.
The second man frisked you, lingering a little too long with his hands on your body. He removed your knife from the sheath at your hip and clicked his tongue. “Damn. Too bad we can’t have some fun with her first,” he said, hungry eyes wandering over your body and back up to your face.
Revulsion twisted your stomach.
“Too bad,” the other agreed. “But you know what Negan said. She goes straight to him. What do you want? Why are you here?” he pressed.
“I—I want to come back,” you said quietly. “I can’t stay out here…”
This drew chuckles from them. “Negan was right,” one said to the other. “He called it.” He pressed the muzzle of his gun into your back. “Walk slow. Toward the building.”
“I’ll call it in. Damn, is he gonna be surprised. Might even throw us a bonus for bringing her in.” He raised his radio to his lips. “This is Rich at satellite outpost Beta-2. Repeat, this is Rich at outpost Beta-2. Anyone copy?” There was a brief burst of static before another voice responded through the speaker.
“I copy Rich. This is D at Sanctuary. What do you need? Over.”
“We’ve recovered a wanted individual who fled Sanctuary. How would you like us to proceed? Please advise. Over.”
There was another pause. The other man grabbed your wrists roughly and zip-tied them together behind your back, cruelly tight.
“Who do you have?” came the voice again.
“We’ve got Y/N.” He said it with relish and his eyes flew to your face again, a small smirk on his face.
The pause this time was even longer and your stomach turned. What if this wasn’t going to play out as you thought it would? What if he just decided to kill you? Then Daryl may never get out… Finally, the voice responded again. “Negan wants her brought here to Sanctuary immediately. Secure her and get her here now.”
It was done. You were going back.
You were thrown roughly into the back seat of a truck and once you were in, they zip-tied your ankles together too. The whole ride, the man in the passenger seat stared at you while he spun your knife with the point stuck down into the center console. Your heart never slowed from its sprinting in your chest.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you saw the familiar building coming into view and the truck stopped at the double doors. The man in the passenger seat cut the zip-tie around your ankles and soon you were roughly pulled out of the back of the truck by the elbow. You were pushed toward the double doors and forced inside. The sounds, the smell of the place brought memories flooding back to you and you began to feel lightheaded as you were herded up the stairs. You were met at the top by two of Negan’s apparent lieutenants, Simon and Dwight.
Simon was glaring at you and his nostrils flared. “Well, looky what the cat dragged in, Dwight.” He let out a low whistle. “What can I do for you, Y/N? Oh, and may I just say that you look like shit.”
You gulped at the lump in your throat. “I want to talk to Negan,” you said quietly. You glanced at Dwight beside Simon and that’s when you noticed that most of the left side of his face and ear were horrifically scarred—burned. When you had been at Sanctuary, Dwight and his wife and her sister were workers with you and your brother. You had gathered from what Daryl said that Dwight had escaped and ended up going back. Now he had moved up to being one of Negan’s right-hand men.
You let out a gasp as Simon backhanded you across the face hard. You tasted blood from a split in your bottom lip. “Of course, you want to see the big man,” he growled, stepping right up into your face. “You’ll see him when we say you can see him.” Simon grabbed you roughly by the elbow and dismissed the two men who had brought you in from the outpost. “Let me escort you to your accommodations, Y/N. I reckon you’ll find them familiar.” Soon you were in front of a metal door with a ‘#1’ painted on it; the cell you’d been held in when you’d first been brought to The Sanctuary with your group. Simon’s grip on your arm was like a vice. He smirked as he yanked the door open and shoved you inside, into the blackness. “Enjoy,” he snarked. “I’ll be sure to have fresh towels and the room service menu sent right up.”
“Simon—” you started, but you were cut off when he slammed the heavy door in your face, leaving you now in complete darkness.
Fuck. Was this what Negan had said to do with you? You had a hunch it wasn’t… Simon was a prick. He was volatile. You were willing to bet that he had taken it on himself to teach you a little lesson before taking you to see Negan. The zip ties on your wrists were cutting into you and it was nearly impossible to get comfortable with your arms pinned behind your back the way they were. You shifted your position on the floor and tried to alleviate some of the pressure.
You had no idea how long you sat there in the darkness, but it was at least several hours before you heard voices and boot steps on the other side of the door. You pressed your back into the wall and managed to stagger up to your feet. When the door cracked open, the light coming in even from just the dim overhead lights in the hall seemed blinding and you winced. At first all you could see were silhouettes in front of you.
But as they came into focus and your eyes adjusted you saw that it was Simon and Dwight, this time followed by the man himself, Negan… complete with leather jacket and his signature baseball bat slung over his shoulder.
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I posted 468 times in 2021
187 posts created (40%)
281 posts reblogged (60%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.5 posts.
I added 1 779 tags in 2021
#hanyou no yashahime - 251 posts
#hny - 245 posts
#yashahime - 218 posts
#hanyo no yashahime - 212 posts
#towa - 181 posts
#inuyasha - 172 posts
#setsuna - 136 posts
#sessrin - 124 posts
#anime - 123 posts
#sesshoumaru - 117 posts
Longest Tag: 93 characters
#i also don’t believe sesshomaru was just cool with homura setting his daughter’s home on fire
My Top Posts in 2021
HNY - Episode 22 Spoilers
BEAUTIFUL EPISODE. My feelings are all over the place. You've been warned 😂 I'll try to be brief.
First of all, Hmmm. Excuse me sir, Inu No Taisho, WHO TOLD YOU TO LOOK THIS GOOD?
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No wonder everyone wants a piece of you. I saw for you like 4 minutes, and I’m already in love with you, thank you very much.
Beautiful naive Towa. Of course Towa was the easy bait for Zero. She stated that she's linked to Rin, so she knows whose daughters is the most obvious choice to control.
And goddammit, Zero already KNEW that Towa gave her pearl to Riku. What does that mean?
Sesshoumaru is such a good Papa. Even in distance, he could sense Setsuna and wants to help her by giving her a sword.
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203 notes • Posted 2021-03-06 13:15:38 GMT
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277 notes • Posted 2021-03-05 00:30:11 GMT
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316 notes • Posted 2021-03-20 21:09:31 GMT
I legit can't get over how many emotions we see on Sesshoumaru's face in this scene.
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478 notes • Posted 2021-03-13 15:47:50 GMT
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531 notes • Posted 2021-03-22 11:26:43 GMT
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hypnosisbuttd · 3 years
Day 4: Headphones
(Anyways reupload becuase Tumblr is being weird af)
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You finally have it. The perfect track to send your enemy into being your loyal slave. But how would one go about getting your enemy to listen to it. That's where our magical device comes in. Headphones are a classic trope used by hypnotists of all sorts, being able to block out the noise of the outside world and keep your subject under your thumb. So let's listen to our next story. A tale of two roommates who are about to listen to a most peculiar track indeed.
Pico quietly made dinner for him and his best friend Boyfriend, while Boyfriend was quietly relaxing on the couch. Suddenly the doorbell rang, and the delivery man set a package on their doorstep.
“Beep?” Boyfriend questioned.
“I got it bee, you just keep an eye on the food.” Pico offers.
Boyfriend shrugs and goes to watch the food while Pico picks up the package from the front door. He opens it up and finds 2 pairs of headphones attached to some sort of MP3.
“Hey Bee, did you order anything?” Pico asks
“Bo.” Boyfriend says, roughly translating to “No”
“Huh… well I guess it is some sort of gift. Maybe a rapper wanted us to listen to his track?” Pico questions.
As soon as he said the words ‘Rapper’ and ‘Track’, Boyfriend was out of the kitchen and instantly stood next to Pico looking excitedly at the tape.
“Hah, I kinda thought that would get your attention…” Pico says ruffling Boyfriends Hair.
“Beep Bo Bap!” Boyfriend insists excitedly.
“Alright alright, let me just turn off the stove first.” Pico says heading out to the kitchen.
Once Pico is sure the house won't set on fire, Pico and Boyfriend place the headphones on their head. Pico turns on the MP3 and the two of them begin vibing to the somewhat familiar tune. What they don't notice is the slow beeping and white noise playing in the background, slowly worming its way into their ears.
The two of them slow down their vibing and end up just staring at nothing for a couple seconds.
“Hey… B… Your head… feel funny… too?” Pico slurs slowly, attempting to resist.
“B-bah…” Boyfriend drools, unable to say much.
Pico looks boyfriend up and down. “You know what, you look so fucking hot right now…” Pico says crawling towards Boyfriend.
“B-beep?” Boyfriend says, not having the strength to respond. Pico crawls on top of Boyfriend as Boyfriend lies down to accommodate Pico crawling on top of him. And in less than an instant, Pico begins tenderly Kissing Boyfriend on the lips.
The two of them gasp for air and suddenly their energy has returned, but their minds have not. Pico growls and unplugs the headphones, both boys still wearing them. Pico looks at Boyfriend with a hungry growl. Boyfriend doesn’t have time to react before Pico rips him from the couch and slams himself against the wall with Boyfriend in his hands. He locks Boyfriend in another passionate kiss and the two of them stand there making out. Finally Pico rips off him and Boyfriend's clothes as the two of them frot. Boyfriend just drools and moans as Pico drains all the energy from his body causing him to collapse to his knees.
Seeing this, Pico smirks and turns around, his bare butt directly in Boyfriends face. Boyfriend realizes what he wants to do and buries his face in Picos ass, licking the inside ring. Pico moans as he feel all his memories drain away. With each lick, Boyfriends memories also fade, being replaced by peculiar new ones.
They remember the two of them meeting up in highschool, but after that everything changes. They never broke up, and are closer than even before. They both are cam boys who perform shows on the hub. They remember their undying lust for one another. And most of all, they know why they are doing this. They are rehearsing their next video.
With the final memory locked in place, both Pico and Boyfriend cum their old lives goodbye as Boyfriend falls to the ground. Pico chuckles and leans down, smooching his Boyfriend on the nose.
“You think this is good enough for the audience?” Pico asks
“Bap…” Boyfriend agrees, feeling Picos face.
“Right. Then, first thing Tomorrow , we'll do it. K?” Pico asks
Boyfriend nods as he sits up with the help of Pico.
“Now then cuddles?” Pico asks
“Skedoo bep.” Boyfriend affirms slipping into Picos arms.
Pico carries boyfriend to the couch and the two of them cuddle in their naked bodies.
Meanwhile from afar, a peculiar girl called the Game Master watched the whole thing unfold. She giggles seeing her plan succeed. She skips down the corner where Daddy Dearest is waiting.
“I assume the job is done?” Dearest asks
“Mmhmm! Those two boys will be nowhere NEAR your daughter now!” Game Master giggles.
“Understood, heres your payment.” Daddy Dearest pulls out a huge bag of candy and a stack of 100 dollar bills. The Game Master takes them eagerly
“Pleasure doing business withcha!” She giggles skipping off.
Daddy Dearest chuckles. He had paid the game master to find a way to get Boyfriend and Pico to hook up again, hoping they would avoid his daughter. But this is even better than he hoped. Now they are completly humiliated, theyve been brought from a famous rapper and a legendary mercenary to just a couple of gay cam boys. Finally, he had won.
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Bleed (Javier x Reader) {MTMF}
Title: Bleed Rating: PG-13 Length: 1400 Warnings: Violence (mentions of gun violence, bullet wounds, blood, and medical procedures) Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. Set in late November 1991. I’m going to do a follow up chapter in a few days, I do believe.  Summary: Reader is shot. 
@grapemama @seawhisperer @huliabitch @pedropascalito @rogrsnbarnes@thewallpapergoesorido @twomoonstwosuns @gooddaykate @livasaurasrex @ham4arrow@plexflexico​ @readsalot73 @hdlynn @lokiaddicted @randomness501 @fioccodineveautunnale  @roxypeanut​ @snivellusim​ @lukesrighthand​ @historynerd04 @mrsparknuts​@synystersilenceinblacknwhite​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @exrebelshocktrooper​@awesomefandomsunited​ @ah-callie​ @swhiskeys​ @lady-tano​ @u-wakatoshii @space-floozy​ @cable-kenobi @cool-ultra-nerd @himbopoes​ @findhimfives​ @pedrosdoll​ @frietiemeloen​@arrowswithwifi​ @random066 @uncomicalhumour​ @heather-lynn​ @domino-oh-damn​ @cyarikaaa​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @im-still-a-pieceofgarbage @ksgeekgirl​  @yabby-girl​ @xqueenofthecraziesx​ @punkass-potato @coredrive​ @pascalesque​@theduchessofkirkcaldy​ @queenquazar​ @sabinemorans​ @buckstaposition​ @holkaskrosnou​@yespolkadotkitty​ @fleetwoodmactshirt​ @seeking-a-great–perhaps @kochamcie​ @jaime1110​
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From where you were laying, you could see a body laying on the opposite side of the Jeep. There was shattered glass on the ground from the busted out car window. 
And there was blood — your blood. Your arm wasn’t even the worst of it. A few spots were bleeding from slamming your arm into the broken glass on the way down…
But the main concern was the wet sensation pooling under your leg. 
The world was swimming around you. The pain had shifted into a numb throb, a tingling sensation radiating up your thigh, into your hip, before fanning out. 
Your cheeks felt simultaneously hot and cold — and there was sweat clinging to your brows. 
Everything felt far away. 
You closed your eyes slowly, your eyelids feeling weighed down. Something touched you and you jerked, eyes going wide as you focused on Javier who was kneeling beside you. 
“Baby, baby… you’ve got to stay with me okay.” Javier urged as you watched his hands go to his belt. 
“I’m honored,” You said wryly. “But I’ve been shot.”
A faint smirk played over his lips, “Yet your wit hasn’t been affected.” He quipped as he slid his belt from the loops. “I need to cut these off.” He told you, “Shit, that’s a lot of blood.”
You shook your head, “You should see the other guy.” You turned your head, looked across the broken glass to the body of the man you’d shot. 
He had been aiming at Javier. You hadn’t even thought twice about pulling the trigger. You hadn’t even seen the second gunman. 
A soft cry tore from your lips as Javier used his pocket knife to cut your jeans off. The motion caused more blood to gush from your wound and you felt a fresh wave of dizzying nausea take over. Fuck.
This wasn’t good. 
“Keep talking,” Javier told you as he rubbed the back of his hand over his forehead, causing blood to smear there. Yours. That was your blood. “Baby, keep talking.”
“Buy me a drink first,” You hissed out as Javier tossed your ruined jeans aside. 
“That an offer?”
“Maybe.” You could be dying. There was a lot of blood and you felt… off. Was this what dying felt like? 
You’d seen death before. 
Death was a slow creeping shadow. 
One second, a person could be laughing at your kitchen table… and the next minute they could be dead behind the eyes. 
“Hey, hey.” Javier patted your cheek. “Eyes open.”
“Trying.” You mumbled, tilting your head to watch as he wrapped his belt around your thigh and pulled it taut to stop the blood flow. It hurt like a son of a bitch, your skin pinched under the leather. 
But the gaping bullet hole hurt worse. 
“Where the fuck is the ambulance?” Javier seethed as he reached for your hand, giving it a squeeze. “Hey, you’ve got to keep talking.”
“Did they hit you?”
“Baby, I’m fine. I’ll be better if we can get this bleeding stopped.” Javier squeezed your hand again, before shifting to examine the wound. “I think we’ve got it slowed. Goddammit where’s the ambulance?” He looked around frantically. 
“I’m glad you’re here.” You whispered, your eyes falling closed as you let yourself sink into the strange tingling sensation that seemed to envelop you. “I don’t want to die…” 
“No one’s dying.” Javier leaned over you, patting your cheek. “Come on. Open your eyes. Let me see your eyes, baby.”
“I can’t…” 
“Fuck.” Javier rubbed his hand over your cheek, “Come on. I can’t fucking lose you. You can’t do this to me. Come on.” 
You heard a car door slam shut.
“Holy shit—“ Steve swore. “The ambulance was behind me. Fuck. That looks bad. Is she—“
“Still… kicking.” You mumbled, though you weren’t sure how loud your voice was because Steve didn’t even acknowledge you. Javier, on the other hand, squeezed your hand hard enough to hurt. 
“She’s lost a lot of blood and I can’t…” Javier sounded like he was crying. 
You tried to open your eyes, but even that little gesture felt like it was taking too much of your energy. 
“Javier—“ You whispered, weakly squeezing his hand. “It’s okay.”
“Stay with me, okay? You’ve got to stay with me.”
“Peña, you’ve got to let go.” Steve urged, and you felt Javier’s hand jerked out of your grip. 
There were other voices — new ones. You were too tired to translate the Spanish they spoke, your brain catching one or two words as they shifted you from the ground to a stretcher. 
When had the ambulance shown up?
“Javier?” You questioned as someone peeled your eye open and shined a light into it. It wasn’t Javier. 
Someone else had your arm and you flinched as you felt a needle jab into your arm. After that, everything got a lot more confusing. Your thoughts swirled in your head, just out of reach of making coherent sense. You dipped in and out of consciousness, easily drawn into the dark nothingness of whatever shit they had pumping through your IV.
You hated this shit. 
Yet, in this situation you didn’t have much of a choice. 
 Javier was sitting by your bedside when you woke up. He was sound asleep, resting on his folded arms that he had propped up on your bed about halfway down. His face was turned towards yours — like he had fallen asleep waiting for you to wake up. 
It probably meant something that in what might have been your final moments, he was all you could think of. 
You knew he’d been the one to find his mother and you didn’t want to add to the tragedy in his life. Hell, you knew how he acted when things went wrong for his informants — that guilt he carried with him. 
You had been afraid that you’d be someone else he felt responsible for. Someone else he’d lost. And maybe you were putting more value on yourself, than you actually held in his life. But then again, he was sitting by your bedside and no one else was. 
“Javi,” You whispered as you reached out and touched his cheek, before you stroked your fingers over the hair that fell against his forehead. 
“Morning.” He grumbled, stretching just arms out in front of him before he froze. His eyes snapped open and he jerked upright. “You’re awake.”
You laughed quietly, “Unless heaven is a hospital, yeah.” 
“You scared the fuck out of me.” Javier reached for your hand and gave it a squeeze. “Do I still have a leg?”
He nodded, squeezing your hand back. “They, uh… they said it was close to an artery. A little to the left and you’d be—“
“Yeah.” You lifted your hand and rubbed at your face. “And to think that handsome face of yours would’ve been the last thing I saw.”
“I suppose that’s why you were spared, baby.” Javier snorted, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand. “They should be releasing you in a day or two. Steve’s settled all the bullshit at the office.”
You smiled at him, “Tell him ‘thank you’ for me.” You stretched a little, rolling your shoulders back against the mattress. “I don’t think I can handle getting desked, Javi. You’ve gotta get me back in the field.”
Javier pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek, “I’ll see what I can do for you.” He winked. “But first, we’ve got to get you out of here.” He gestured around the hospital room. 
“Are you going to get me out of here?”
“Wish I could.” He shrugged. “Office won’t be the same while you’re laid up.”
“I expect you to call me at least three times a day to let me know what’s going on.” 
He cracked a grin, “I’ll see what can be arranged.” Javier dragged his hands over his face. “You’re gonna get to catch up on all the good novellas.”
You rolled your eyes. “Which is why you’ll have to call for updates.”
Javier nodded, “Wouldn’t miss it.” 
“There goes our New Years plans.” You remarked as you rubbed at your eyes. “Shit, I don’t like whatever they’ve got me on. I feel like I’ve got cotton in my eyes.”
“You need rest.”
“I don’t need this shit to sleep.” You groused, “Are you staying?”
“As long as they’ll let me.”
You ran your finger along the side of his hand. “I don’t want you to go, Javi.” You let your eyes flicker closed, “I never do.”
Javier stood up, leaning over the bed to press a kiss to your forehead. “Sleep.” He told you softly. “I’m just glad you’re still here.”
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Something More Than Friends
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader 
Warnings: None 
Squares Filled: Best Friends since Childhood for @spnfluffbingo​
Word Count: 1800ish (Yeah well we all know me and drabbling… rarely happens…)
A/N: This is my first fic for 100 drabbles to say I love you. Any SPN fics will be posted here while all Marvel related fics will be on my side blog @until-theend-oftheline​. You can find the masterlist with all the fics if you click on the link above. 
The prompt is: “Pull over. Let me drive for a while” - requested by @becs-bunker​ 
Betaed by: @blacktithe7​ - go check out her blog - she is awesome and sweet!
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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You sat quietly in the passenger seat of the impala with the window rolled down and your hand playing with the cool evening air rushing by as Dean drove you towards the setting sun. You were both quiet, listening to the tones of Led Zeppelin streaming from the car stereo. You were heading back home, to the Bunker, to Sam and Cas, but the truth was, you already felt at home. This car, sitting in the backseat behind the brothers or beside the older Winchester whenever Sam was off doing his own thing over the years, that had always been where you felt the most at home. 
Just like Dean, you had lost your mom at a young age, but unlike him, you didn’t have any siblings. Even if John Winchester wasn’t winning any father of the year awards, compared to your father, he had been the world's greatest dad. You didn’t feel sorry for yourself. You never had. You had your share of luck even in the midst of all the shitty cards you had been dealt. Your drunken father had gotten himself killed on a wendigo hunt when you were ten years old, and Bobby had found you in the cave in the middle of the woods, because of course your father had thought it would be an amazing idea to drag a little girl with him on a monster hunt in the middle of the Washington woods. 
Bobby Singer had been the beginning of your luck. He had taken you in, and after a few weeks after living with him, you had met 12 year old Dean and 8 year old Sam when they were dropped off in Sioux Falls for a few day, while their dad went hunting for a nest of vampires a few states over. 
It had taken a few days and giving Dean a bloody nose for him to take you seriously. You hadn’t been trying to get into his good graces. You had just been an angry little girl that was tired of living her life from the outside looking in, so when Dean had told you “no girls allowed” for the hundredth time when he and Sam had headed for their secret hiding place in the scrap yard, you had lost it. He was bigger and stronger than you, but even if he had held back, you had held your own. You could see that by the clear admiration in his eyes as he pressed the back of his hand against his nose, and you muttered a quiet “sorry.” You hadn’t meant to hurt him, but Dean had just smiled and shrugged, waving you along, telling you that if you could punch like a hunter, there might be hope for you yet. 
Dean had always been infuriating and stubborn, but he had quickly become your best friend. He was the one you called when you needed someone to laugh with, a shoulder to cry on, or an asskicking partner on a hunt. So when the brothers had found the Bunker, they had naturally asked you to move into one of the many rooms. You had hesitated at first. Things weren’t as simple as they were when you were children, and your best friend, while he still was that, had become more to you. 
Dean and Sam had been the two constants in your life, but while Sam had become like a brother, you felt something very different towards your childhood best friend. You had been in love with Dean for years now. You just never told him, and you were sure you never would. Your friendship was more important to you than anything, and you were sure Dean didn’t feel the same way about you anyway. You were his best friend on the best of days and an annoying little sister on the worst. You were sure that was how he saw you, and you could live with that as long as you got to keep him in your life. When you had come to terms with the fact that that was how things always would be, you had agreed to move in with the brothers and their recident angel. You loved having a home for once in your life, but being so close to Dean hadn’t made your feelings lessen. On the contrary, you loved him more deeply than ever. 
A loud yawn from Dean, pulled you from your thoughts and you smiled when you saw him shake his head a few times, clearly fighting to stay awake. It had been a long hunt, and Dean had been the one to bury the bodies while you had gotten in a quick nap before you left. 
“Why don’t you pull over? Let me drive for a while?” you offered, reaching out to run your hand over his shoulder trying to loosen a few kinks. 
Dean briefly looked over at you, giving you a tired smile. “While you’re the only chick I’d ever allow to drive Baby, we’re both tired. You could use some shut eye too, Y/N/N.”
You grinned, lovingly shaking your head at him. “And while you’re the only man in the world that will walk away with all his limbs intact after calling me Y/N/N, there are no motels for miles, and you are about to fall asleep at the wheel Winchester.”
Dean laughed, throwing you a quick wink, before suddenly turning off onto a dirty road, still at full speed, making you gasp and reach for the car roof to brace yourself. Dean laughed at your little jump, and you shot him a glare as he kept driving you into the middle of nowhere. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing Dean?” You scolded, but he just smiled at you, pulling over next to a huge oak tree in the middle of the field. 
“Who needs a motel when we got Baby?” Dean grinned, jumping out of the car heading for the trunk. He left you frozen in your seat. Sure you had slept in the Impala before. You even slept on top of one of the brothers a time or two, but not for years, and not since your feelings changed, at least not since you had allowed yourself to see that they changed. 
You still sat there frozen when Dean opened the back door and threw in one of your duffle bags along with a few blankets, before making himself comfortable. 
“You coming?” Dean asked, looking up over the seat at you with a smirk, and your eyes widened in surprise. 
“You want me to sleep back there with you?” you asked, swallowing hard, and Dean pushed himself up on his elbows, shrugging. 
“Not like we haven’t before,” he reasoned before reaching out his hand, offering to help you climb over the seat. You wanted to punch him in the nose like when you were kids, only this time, it would be completely unjustified. You weren’t mad at him. You were upset, but it wasn’t about him, and you wanted to kick yourself for the mere thought of hurting him. Dean didn’t know how badly he hurt you, and you couldn’t tell him. Not without giving away your secret. 
You didn’t move, and Dean sighed, lowering his hand. 
“Y/N I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable these past few weeks, but nothing has to change. You’re still my best friend,” Dean muttered and your eyes widened. You had no idea what he was talking about. 
“Made me feel uncomfortable?” you asked, still not moving but looking straight at him. “You haven’t - what are you talking about?”
“You know, lending you my jacket, getting you that extra foam vanilla latte crap, making you pancakes…” Dean ranted, and you frowned. 
“Dean what are you talking about?” you pushed, and Dean groaned, lying back down with a scowl on his face. 
“Nothing. Forget it.”
You weren’t going to forget it. You were utterly confused, and Dean seemed sad about something. No matter what, he was your best friend, and you weren’t going to let the day end like this. You never went to bed with things unresolved between the two of you, no matter how big the arguments had been at times. You were always back to being friends before you closed your eyes. You had lost enough in this life. You couldn’t afford the last words ever to be spoken between the two of you to be in anger or pain. 
“No. I am not letting anything go, Winchester,” you huffed, crawling over the seat to sit between his bowed legs on your knees looking down at him. 
“Talk to me, Dean.”
“Goddammit Y/N! Don’t make me say it,” Dean roared at you in a way that would make most people jump, but not you. You knew Dean, and you knew his bark was way worse than his bite. Besides, Dean had never hurt you, ever, and you knew that he never would. He could growl all he wanted. You just crossed your arms, staring right at him as he glared back at you. 
You had no idea how long the staring contest lasted before Dean finally broke. 
“Son of a Bitch” Dean grumbled before sitting up, not leaving more than a few inches between you. “I’ve been trying to tell you… well show you… Goddammit you are an infuriating woman sometimes you know that?” 
You sighed at Dean’s rant, letting your arms fall back against your sides. “Just tell me you idiot! I got no idea what you are on about!”
“I love you,” Dean blurted out, and you both froze. 
You opened and closed your mouth a few times, just looking at him, while Dean looked as if he couldn’t breath. It was as if time stood still, and all you could hear was the wind, making the old car creak as the two of you sat there in silence, caught in a moment you weren’t sure if you wanted to run from or never have end.  
“You… what?” You blinked, and Dean finally managed to suck in a breath. He reached out gently cupping your face in his hands, and you felt your eyes well up. 
“I love you Y/N/N. I know I shouldn’t and that you probably don’t feel the same. Hell even if you do I still shouldn’t. It’s dangerous enough to be my friend let alone…” Dean ranted. 
“I love you too.”
Dean stopped, and it was his turn to stare blankly at you. “What?”
“I love you, Dean Winchester,” You laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck. “But I got no idea what you are talking about trying to tell me. You always make me pancakes.” You shook your head and Dean pouted. 
“They were heart shaped!” 
“I don’t know what shape they were but that wasn’t hearts,” you sassed, gasping as Dean’s lips crashed against yours. Your heart was beating, and your head was spinning as he kissed you, only breaking apart for air and muttering something about you being infuriating, but you didn’t care. You just grinned, kissing him again, not willing to ever let this moment go. 
Reblogs spread my work and make me happy. Got a favorite part/line? Did something touch you? Do you relate in some way? Please tell me and make my day. 
Dean Tag Team
@slowlywithfreedom​ @flamencodiva​ @deansgirl215​ @atc74​ @winecatsandpizza​ @blackcherrywhiskey​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @whimsicalrobots​ @torn-and-frayed​ @jadewritings​ @mogaruke​  @wayward-and-worn​ @super100012​ @blacktithe7​ @becs-bunker​ @docharleythegeekqueen​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @ericaprice2008​ @danijimenezv​ @roxyspearing​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @supernatural13-13​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @akshi8278​ @miraclesoflove​ @impalaimagining​ 
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Sam x Reader Warnings: none! A/N: Short update. This is part of a series! Find the other parts (and more!) on the Master List.
Your name: submit What is this?
Finally, you couldn’t stand to stay in bed a moment longer. You threw the covers off, having hardly slept at all, and limped into the bathroom, quickly washing your face and brushing your teeth. You couldn’t help but smile as you looked at your reflection in the mirror and smoothed the flyaways in your hair. You wandered down the long hallway, one hand sliding on the cool wall as you leaned on it to take some weight off your stitched-up leg, and turned into the kitchen. It was empty but for once didn’t feel lonely. You set about brewing some coffee and hummed happily while you measured the grounds. Everything felt new. There was (for once) a feeling of happy expectation in the air and you breathed it in with deep, relaxed breaths. You felt as if you had arrived at the top of a hill you’d been climbing for years and were looking out over a road stretched before your feet, smooth and unbroken as it meandered over verdant pastures and through cheerful woods.
You settled in to a fresh cup of coffee, cupping the warm ceramic in your hands and taking a deep breath in of the roasty steam, your eyes closed in a blissful smile.
The sound of soft footsteps caught your attention and you looked over to see Sam leaning on the doorframe, smiling at you. The grin that spread on your face was reflexive. Sam loved how your eyes crinkled at the corners. “Hey,” you said.
You felt your cheeks color with a blush and grinned at him again, tilting your head a little. “I was thinking about you doing that all night, too,” you said. Sam grinned again.
“That’s good to hear.” He grabbed a mug and filled it with coffee before sinking down onto the stool beside you at the kitchen island. Neither of you could keep a smile off your lips. “How’s your leg feeling?”
“You know, it’s weird, but I hardly notice it today. It’s like my mind is… completely elsewhere,” you replied, raising your eyebrows at him and biting your bottom lip. “How’s your hand doing?”
Sam looked down at his cast. “Hardly remember it’s even in a cast.” You smirked at him again. “So,” he sighed, giving you a conspiratorial look, “apparently we both had the same idea this morning,” he said.
You cocked your head in a question.
“I went in to tell Dean that uhh… well, that I finally kissed you and he said you had already been in there.” Sam pressed his lips into a thin, amused smile. His eyebrows lifted toward the ceiling.
You let out a bashful laugh. “Oh, no. On a scale of 1 to 10 how pissed was he to be woken up again?”
Sam waved it off. “I’d say a begrudged four… He didn’t even pull a weapon on me, so that’s something. It was fine. He was just—he’s happy for us.”
“So… wait… you went in to tell Dean… Does that mean that he knew that you—?”
Sam ran a hand back through his hair again, a little anxiously. “Yeah… well… it kind of burst out of me a while ago that I was—” Sam had almost spilled the “L” word but he quickly rerouted, not sure you were ready to hear that yet, despite it being the truth, “—that I had feelings for you.”
You stared at him. “How long is ‘a while ago’?”
Sam blew an exhale out through his lips and tried to hide behind his mug. “I mean… maybe like, uhh, a month. Err, maybe more…”
“A month?” you repeated, your jaw hanging slightly open. Sam looked suddenly anxious. “While you were still with my sister,” you thought aloud.
Sam gulped. “Yeah, I… Yeah.” He tried to read your expression. “I’m sorry, I—”
“Can I ask… how long you—?”
Sam gulped again. He looked down at his coffee and sighed. “To be honest, I don’t even think I really know… it’s almost like I always have had feelings for you and I was just too stupid to realize it.” His eyes lifted to meet yours again. His expression was sincere. “I wasted so much time…”
“But Dean knew for over a month,” you repeated again, shaking your head.
Sam was running a finger around the lip of his mug. “Yeah, I just was scared—I—”
But you suddenly laughed and rested your hand on his arm, soothing his fears and sending a jolt of electricity through him. “No, Sam. It’s not that… I’m just amazed that Dean didn’t spill it. And maybe also a little annoyed.”
Sam’s hand came to rest over the top of yours and his thumb smoothed over the back of your hand, sparking with electricity and sending both of your hearts leaping. “Wait… so Dean knew that you--about me?” Sam asked.
“Oh, yeah,” you laughed.
“Huh…” Sam said thoughtfully. So, Dean knew that you both had feelings for the other through basically the entire, torturous process. “I really can’t believe he didn’t yell it out in frustration. That must have been driving him—”
“Completely insane?” came Dean’s deep voice from the doorway. He was leaning against one side of the frame, just the way Sam had been, with a crooked smile on his face. “It was. It was driving me insane. Do you know how hard it is to listen to someone pine and wring their hands over something for months and months all while you have a piece of information that would probably solve everything, make everything better, and you can’t share that? It sucks. It’s terrible. I hated it. It worse than sucks. I never want anyone to tell me anything ever again!” he finished dramatically.
You and Sam exchanged tight smiles before shooting him an apologetic look. “But you kept your promises. Both of them,” you said, giving him an impressed look.
“You’re goddamn right I did,” he said, straightening up. His green eyes drifted down to your hand on Sam’s arm, and Sam’s hand on top of it and his smile widened. “And now look at you. A couple of gimpy cripples in love,” he said.
You and Sam’s eyes both shot open wide and you looked over at Sam briefly before staring back at Dean, your mouth now hanging open. “…What did you just say?” you asked him.
“Oh—” Dean seemed to realize what he had just let slip. “Uhh… Dammit. I—umm…” he shrugged and gestured vaguely, awkwardly clearing his throat.
“Dean—what did you just say?” you asked again. You really thought maybe you had imagined it. Had Dean really just said “in love”?
You now looked at Sam and though his eyes were wide like yours you didn’t see any turmoil in them. He cleared his throat and looked down again at your hand in his before meeting your eyes steadily. “He said ‘in love’,” Sam said. “And I’m not going to try and correct him because that’s the truth. I’m insanely in love with you. And I don’t even know how long I have been.” He nervously licked his lips but his eyes didn’t stray from yours. “And if you’re not ready to say that—if that’s just too fast, or too much right now then, that’s fine but—"
Sam was interrupted by three loud, echoing bangs coming from the direction of the front of the bunker.
“Was that just someone knocking?” Dean asked. His answer was another series of bangs.
“Someone is knocking,” you said. “Who the hell would be knocking here?” Your heart started to race, your mind immediately jumping to worse case scenarios.
Sam looked at Dean and the two of them were immediately a blur of action. Dean suddenly produced his pistol, which he apparently always had on him, and pointed vehemently at you. “Y/N, you stay here! You’ve got a messed-up leg!”
“Dean, I can—”
“No!” Dean roared. You looked at Sam for help and he only gave you a sympathetic look, shaking his head, and gently grabbed your shoulders.
“He’s right. Just wait here. We’ll check it out,” he said.
“You’ve got a fucked-up hand!” you called after Sam, sliding down off your stool and landing hard on your feet which sent a jolt of pain through your injured leg. “Goddammit…” you swore under your breath. The Winchester brothers had already disappeared into the front room, and you hobbled toward the doorway.
The brothers clattered up the stairs to the heavy metal door which served as the front entrance to the bunker. Dean got ready with his pistol aimed at the entrance and Sam was waiting to heave it open.
Dean nodded and Sam quickly unlatched the lock and yanked the heavy door open as hard as he could.
“Oh.” Dean immediately lowered his gun when he saw who had been knocking. “Uhh…” his eyes found Sam who stepped around the door to look outside.
Sam’s mouth dropped open when he saw the figure. It was your sister. She was standing there, looking out of place and wringing her hands.
“Hi,” she said, quietly. “Umm… Sam, can we—could we talk?”
Dean awkwardly cleared his throat and glanced at his little brother’s face, which was still just frozen in that same stunned expression. “Well, I definitely don’t need to be here.” He thumped Sam on the back and rushed down the stairs as fast as he could, but not before shooting a seriously unhappy glare at your sister.
Sam still hadn’t said anything and was just staring, wide-eyed at her.
She stepped over the threshold through the open door toward him. “I really need to talk to you. I’m sorry to just show up here but it’s—it’s important.”
You were waiting anxiously in the kitchen, leaning back against the counter and chewing on your thumb nail. You straightened up when Dean burst back into the room. He was scruffing a hand through his hair and his face was muddled with confusion.
“Who the hell was it? Where’s Sam?” you asked urgently.
Dean’s eyes snapped up to your face. How should he say this? “Uhhh… it’s your sister…” Probably best to just get it out.
You stared at Dean blankly.
Dean stared back.
You forced in a deep breath and let it out, doing your best to stay calm. “Sam just kissed me last night. You just spilled that Sam is in love with me and I didn’t even get a chance to tell him that I’m in love with him too and now you’re telling me that my sister, the one who CHEATED on him, just showed up at the front door of the bunker?”
“…Yeah, I think that about covers it,” Dean said wincing.
“And did she say anything?” you urged.
“She just said she needed to talk to Sam…”
You crossed your arms over your chest and stared daggers at Dean. “And you didn’t tell her to go to hell?”
Dean mouthed wordlessly for a moment. “I don’t think—That’s not—I’m not getting in the middle of this again!” He pointed emphatically at you again. “No! I will not be in the middle!”
You pressed a hand to your forehead. “Shit…” you muttered under your breath.
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drethanramslay · 5 years
Late nights, Date nights
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Pairing: Ethan x MC (Leah Garcia)
Word count: 4.1 K words
Warning: There is fluff and humour in the beginning and smut towards the end. If you are not comfortable reading it, I have distinguished is with asterisks (*)
Taglist: @miyakokurono @trappedinfandoms @openheart12 @sekizincimektup @junggoku @ethandaddyramsey @edith-eggs1 @ethanramseysgirl (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list 😊)
Songs: Eyes off you by Prettymuch and Unbelievable by Why Don't We
Forgive me if there are any mistakes.
Ethan was pacing around in his office, marching so hard, that it left tracks in the carpet of his office.
C'mon Ethan, Leah is your fucking girlfriend. You can eat her out but, can't ask her out on a simple fucking date??!!
It was their six month anniversary, after months and months of pining over each other. When he thought about it now, he wondered why was he so against the concept? He thought that he was doing the right thing by not giving in, but in the end, he just ended up hurting himself and his Leah.
Leah... His sunshine.
The concept of nicknames never really appeased him. It was such a ‘teenager’ thing to do. When he was with Harper, the word 'babe' made him cringe so hard that it made him want to throw himself off the railing of the mezzanine floor of the hospital.
But with Leah, it was different. She breathed back life into the parts of his soul, which he thought were long dead. She constantly challenged him, pushed him to be a better doctor, a better friend and a better partner. She brought light, to the valleys of abyss and grief. Just like nothing can escape light, Ethan could not escape Leah's affection.
And he didn't want to run anymore..
He had never felt these intense emotions in a very long time. His mother leaving him at a tender age of eleven, made him grow up way to soon. It fucked him up. It made him close up and build walls to protect his heart from such earth shattering pain. It made him distant and cold.
But now he laughed more. Smiled more. And he knew that Leah was the one who saved him.
His salvation. His saving grace. His sunshine.
He decided enough was enough. He spoke to HR and Naveen and they gave them the green light. Leah had already made a great reputation in the hospital for her work ethic, her passion and her compassion. So why waste anymore time?
Ethan was so lost in thought that he didn't even notice Leah come in. "Woah woah Ethan. Are you trying to wear the carpet thin? You just got this office?!" Ethan looked up and saw Leah leaning against the door, with a smile. She was wearing a green blouse with a black pencil skirt. Ethan approved mentally.
"Hey sunshine."
"Hey yourself." She said as she closed the door and stepped into Ethan's embrace. He buried his face into her hair, and inhaled the lavender scent, which immediately soothed him. To him, she smelled like spring. She was perfect.
God, could you be any more sappier Ethan? Be a man.
But he knew, that if Leah even looked his way, he would be down on his knees.
"How was your day?" Ethan asked as he kissed her crown.
"It was so productive. I saved a nine year old girl today. Seeing her parents happy... It was beautiful."
"Well, I never doubted you once." He said with a tender smile, cupping her cheeks. "Also, do you have plans for tonight?"
"Yeahhhh, today is just an ordinary day, with no anniversary whatsoever. I was planning on going home and binging on greys-"
"Sunshine, don't talk shit."
"Hey, but you still love me."
"That I do... Anyways I have made a reservation in 'Osteria' tonight to celebrate our anniversary."
"E, you know that I wouldn't mind staying in bed and drinking cheap wine right?"
"I know, but I want to spoil my baby!! Be ready, I will pick you up by seven."
"I will be ready."
Ethan rolled up to Leah's penthouse and send her a message. He had donned his black tux but had skipped the tie. He unbuttoned the top buttons of his crisp white shirt. He was going to call her again, when he heard a tap on the window. He looked up and the phone almost fell out of his hands.
Leah stood in front of him, wearing a black evening gown. It was an off shoulder, which showed her collarbones. She was also wearing the ruby stone necklace, her birthstone, which Ethan had gifted her on her birthday. Her jet black hair had been tied up to a messy side bun, a few rebellious strands blowing in the night wind. He steeped out to open the door for her when he almost tripped at the sight.
The dress had a slit which almost went up to her thighs, putting those glorious bronze legs on display.
God, she was gonna be the death of me.
"Wow. You look gorgeous Dr. Garcia."
She blushed red. "You don't look so bad yourself Dr. Ramsey." He pecked her on her lips.
"Shall we?" He opened the door for Leah, like a true gentleman.
"Yes, we shall." Leah giggled and stepped in. Ethan walked around and sat in the driver's seat, and they pulled out of the curb.
The entire ride was filled with jokes, heated gazes and silent promises. Ethan had placed his hand on her bare thigh, slowly caressing it. Leah knew that it was risky to wear such a gown, but she took the chance anyway. And now here she was, slowly going crazy with Ethan's hand on her thigh.
She wanted to devour him. He looked delectable and so very handsome in a tux. The open buttons, gave her a peak of his collarbones and she literally salivated. Collarbones have always been her weakness.
Soon, they showed up at the restaurant. After handing of the keys to the valet, and borderline threatening him that if there was even one scratch, he would have a nice chat with the manager, they headed towards the restaurant.
"God Ethan, you are such a Karen." Leah giggled.
"I maybe old, but I got that reference!! And no, I am not. I am particular."
"Whatever floats your boat babe." She linked her hands in his and they headed towards the hostess.
"Welcome sir and ma'am. Do you have a reservation?" The hostess asked.
"Yeah... Please check under the name Ramsey."
The hostess checked the log book for a long time. Ethan started sweating. What was taking her so long?
"I am afraid but, there is no reservation under that name sir." The hostess replied timidly, after Ethan's cool eyes landed on her.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Hundred percent sir."
"But it does not make sense...I called two months before to get a reservation... Do you have any empty tables?" Ethan said, pinched the bridge of his nose, slowly getting frustrated.
"Sorry sir but... All the tables are occupied."
Goddammit Ethan!! You had one fucking job.
He led Leah back to the valet and ran a hand through his hair. "I am so sorry sunshine. I just wanted this evening to go perfect and I had to go fu-"
Leah put a finger on his lips. "No. You haven't fucked anything up. It's the gestures that counts. Also, the night is young."
"But you heard the hostess-"
"Well, I have some ideas on how we can spend our anniversary." Ethan just gave her a quizzical look. She took the car keys from the valet and turned towards Ethan and winked. "Get in the car Ramsey. Get ready for the best night of your life."
"So your 'best night' includes shopping at Target??" Ethan asked amusement sparkling in his ocean blue eyes.
"Shut up. Where we are going, we need a little more casual clothing."
"But I like your gown. It helps me slip my hand-"
"Shh Ethan!! We are in public. Keep it PG 13 for now." Leah said, as she blushed red. Ethan just laughed, enjoying teasing her.
Leah proceeded to pay for the clothes and pushed Ethan into the changing room with his set of clothes. Ethan simply obliged because by the look of the determined glint in her eyes, he didn't want to be trampled by a woman on a mission.
The dark jeans fit him perfectly and the grey V-neck fit him snugly. He was wearing his slip ons when Leah came out of the dressing room, smoothening her outfit.
She was wearing a black tank top which she tucked into a baby pink skater skirt. On top of the tank top, she had slipped on a denim jacket. "How do I look babe?" She asked as she observed herself in the mirror.
"You know that even if you wore a potato sack, you would still be the prettiest woman I have ever laid my eyes on, right?" Ethan said earnestly.
She gave a soft smile and kissed his bearded cheek. She plopped down next to him and slipped on her white converse hightops.
"Seriously sunshine? Converse again? You literally have so many at home."
"Well I don't have this style. And you know what they say, 'once a converse girls, always a converse girl'." She said as she brushed him off.
"Sunshine.... literally no one says that."
"It's all in the details, E. C'mon let's go."
After a half an hour drive, Leah pulled into the make shift parking lot near the docks. They got out and Ethan let out an appreciative whistle. "Wow."
Leah had brought them to the annual fair, where there were tonnes of food stalls and gaming places. The entire place had been decorated with LED lights that were illuminating the Boston night sky. The Ferris wheel stood tall and proud, moving at a gentle pace. The place was littered with a number of game stalls like 'shoot the bottle' and 'ring toss' where people competed to get a prize. Fairy lights hung from the trees around there and a number of people were sitting under them, laughing, eating and drinking cheap beer.
On the other end there were a number of food stalls open, which were being catered by the numerous food joints in the city. The crowd near the ice cream vendors and the cotton candy vendors were unreal.
"Oh. My. God. Ethan they have go karting as well!!" Leah exclaimed grabbing Ethan's arm and pointing towards the make shift track. The karts had designs in various neon colors and the entire track had been painted with glow in the dark paint.
Leah continued to point at the different places and stalls, talking excitedly, but Ethan's eyes stayed glued to Leah's face with a small smile. The child like wonder in her brown eyes made Ethan melt. Her voluminous dark hair blew with the wind, caressing Ethan's face. The way the neon lights reflected on her caramel skin, the way there was an pearly smile on her face and the way she clutched Ethan's arm made his heart do somersaults.
"Are you even paying attention?" Leah asked, breaking Ethan from his reverie.
"Sorry, I didn't get the last part. Was blow away by how beautiful the view is."
Leah rolled her eyes and smacked Ethan's arm. But there was a small smile on her face.
"Let's go to the go karting place."
"Oh yes. Can't wait to see you behind in the dust." Ethan said with a teasing smile.
"Oh honey. I can't wait to see your face after I defeat you. If you think I am going to go easy on you just because I love you, you are very very wrong." Leah said with a coy smile.
"Oh you are so on. Winner can ask the loser anything and buys snacks."
"Let's do this." Leah said as she cracked her knuckles.
"So...what do I ask you?" Leah questioned herself, with her fingers tapping against her chin. She had won hands down. She got a tacky medal which she decided to wear for the rest of the evening. She just continued to wear a smug smile on her face, so that she could annoy Ethan.
"Please, just get it over with." Ethan groaned as he munched on the caramel popcorn.
"Hmmm.... Which is your favourite place to kiss me?"
"Hmmm..that's a tough question.. see, my favourite place is your pussy but I think your neck would be my favourite place to kiss." Ethan mused.
"Why?" Leah asked as she took a bite of bite of the cotton candy, letting it dissolve on her tongue.
"There are three reasons- One, the moment I kiss your neck, you have that wanton and 'fuck me' expression which drives me crazy. Secondly, the moans you let out are....oh Lord. Just thinking about them gives me a bad case of blue balls. And lastly, you become so wet and ready for me... It makes the experience much more memorable." He said nonchalantly as he continued to munch on the popcorn, seeing Leah's reaction from the corner of his eyes.
Leah was blushing wildly. Ethan may come across as a gentleman but his dirty talk made her knees weak like jello. He could speak things that would make a priest blush. "That's not true." Leah weakly objected as she stuffed her face with cotton candy.
"Oh really? So if I do this.." Ethan reached to place a hot, wet kiss on the spot below her ear. Leah's mouth opened slightly at the intense feeling. Her body flushed wildly. Her toes curled as Ethan continued to lick and suck. She felt herself getting wetter and wetter when his teeth sank into the tender spot on her neck. After what seemed like eternity, he pecked it and moved back to admire his handiwork. "....it won't do anything?" He asked in a husky voice.
Leah didn't dare to look at him because she knew that if she would, her face would betray everything. Also she didn't want to see the shit eating grin on his face.
"Shut up." Leah grumbled as she tore and ate her cotton candy more aggressively.
"But I didn't say anything!"
"I know what you are thinking so shush."
Ethan laughed a deep laugh, his dimples on display as he wrapped his hand around her waist. "It's okay sunshine. You can tie me up and have your way later." He said as he kissed her crown.
"Oh look, there is a shooting booth." Leah said, changing the topic before her mind could go into full fantasy mood of Ethan being below her, moaning her name as she rode him six ways to Sunday.
They reached the stall which was decorated in a western country style. "Howdy! Wanna shoot somethings?"
"I'm a healer but.." Leah picked up the shotgun and loaded it while Ethan rolled his eyes. He will never understand her obsession with anime.
"Shoot all the balloons on that board and then you can choose what prize you want." The guy with the handlebar moustache said.
With quick precision, she shot all the balloons in a matter of seconds. She then twirled the gun around her finger and blew the smoke away. "And that's, how you do it in the wild wild west." She said in a smoldering voice.
Ethan and the gamekeeper had their jaws on the floor.
Could she get any more attractive? Ethan asked himself.
"Damn girl.." the old guy with the funny moustache spoke.
Leah gave out a short laugh. "If you don't mind, can I get those rose tinted glasses?" She pointed to a pair of cat eye sunglasses.
"Sure girlie."
After wearing them she grabbed Ethan and walked hand in hand towards the next booth. "Sunshine, what is the point of these glasses if they can't even cover your eyes?"
"These are stylish and I can wear them when I am going out."
"I don't think I can ever understand your sense of fashion."
"Uh duh!! You guys can't even distinguish between 'peacock blue' and 'turquoise' colour."
"Is there even a difference between them?" Ethan asked incredulously.
"A fine example right here."
Ethan lightly shoved her but Leah just held onto their intertwined fingers. She pulled him to her, went on the tip of her toes and kissed him. Ethan cupped her cheek and kissed her slowly and tenderly. The sounds of people talking, the mainstream pop music playing through speakers, everything disappeared as they kissed each other under the neon lights.
"Oh god...I am so full!" Leah groaned she leaned back on her hands. They were sitting under a secluded tree, with golden fairy lights hanging off them.
"Sunshine, I think you will have to roll me out of here." Ethan groaned as his hands caressed her bare thighs, which she had thrown over his lap. He picked up their popsicle sticks, and threw them in a perfect arc, into the nearby dustbin.
"I can't roll out a 6 feet something skyscraper on my own. I would die."
"Sucks to be short." Ethan stuck his tongue out.
"Hey your tongue is blue!!" Leah exclaimed.
"And your is red from the strawberry flavour." He observed.
"Wanna make purple?" Leah asked slyly, waggling her eyebrows.
Ethan guffawed at the expression and soon she also joined in his laughter. She clutched her stomach. "Oww....shouldn't try to laugh too much. Gosh, I shouldn't have taken that second helping of Quesadillas."
"C'mon let's take you home." Ethan stood up and grabbed Leah's hand so that he could pull her up to stand. She dusted her skirt and then intertwined their fingers. She leaned against him, as they headed towards the exit.
"I had a lot of fun today. Thank you."
"You can thank me in different ways later." Leah said, as her brown eyes darked with desire.
Ethan just smirked and squeezed her to his side.
"That's a promise baby."
The moment they entered Ethan's penthouse, Ethan pressed Leah against the door. Leah's let out a sharp breath and she looked up at the stormy blue eyes. She could see the desire and the lust swimming in those blues of his and she could also feel the desire in her, ignite like a slow fire.
Ethan cupped her cheek and pulled her in for a heated kiss. She went on her tiptoes to meet him half way. With their lips locked in a passionate embrace, she still felt that he was too far away. So, she hooked her fingers on the belt loops and tugged him closer to her.
Getting the memo, he moved closer until they was no space between them except their clothes. Ethan reached to take her jacket off, which he threw across the room. The need to get her naked, writhing and moaning under him, was becoming overwhelming.
She took out Ethan's shirt and moaned when she felt his warm skin on hers. She wrapped her arm around his neck while she laid her other hand on his bare chest. Her dainty fingers seemed to have a mind of their own. They caressed his chest, his back, his abs and were about to go lower, to his happy trail when he growled and caught them.
He grabbed her thighs and lifted her so that her legs were around his waist. He took her hands and pinned them against the door. The kiss was a fight for dominance, where nobody seemed to be a clear winner. Leah slipped her tongue into his mouth and he groaned appreciatively.
He tastes like ambrosia, sweet nectar and all the good things in life. Leah knew that she could never ever get over the way he tasted.
Ethan lifted her with ease and led her to the first surface he found, the dining table. He moved his hands under her tank top and groaned when he found out she wasn't wearing a bra.
"God Leah, you know how much control it takes to be around you? That when you pull such stunts on me, I just want to bend you over and fuck you on the first surface I find?"
"So what's stopping you?" Leah asked. She pulled him in for another searing kiss.
"After I am done with you...you won't be able to walk for a week." He spoke in a husky voice, filled with need. He took of her tank top and growled appreciatively at the sight of her breasts.
Leah smiled coyly. "Don't make promises you can't keep Ramsey." Ethan just narrowed his eyes and kissed her with so much force, that it made her gasp. His hands reached for her ass and squeezed it.
He then descended on her neck kissing and licking the small droplets of sweat accumulated on her neck. He slowly grinding against her heat, making her aware of how badly he needed her. His hands went from her ass to her breasts. He massaged it before pinching the nipples. Leah yelped. Ethan did not once show her mercy, as he stimulated each sensitive spot on her body. Leah felt as if her nerves were on fire.
He slowly made his way down south, leaving fiery hot kisses on her body. Not having any patience left, he just lifted her skirt up and quickly slid her panties out. Seeing her exposed pussy just made his jeans tighter around his growing erection. He blew air on her wet cunt, leaving goosebumps on their wake. "What are you doing?" Leah asked breathlessly. She was finding it hard to keep her eyes open due to the desire coursing through her veins.
"What we do on a table Sunshine.... Eat." His dark blue eyes met her brown ones and he licked her dripping slit, slowly. Leah thought she was going to loose it at that very instant.
He gripped her thighs and threw them over his broad shoulders and proceeded to eat her out, properly . He swirled his tongue on the sensitive bud of nerves and then went on to stick his tongue into her wet pussy.
He let out a moan, which resonated deep in her core.
He never once slowed his pace. He continued to lap up all the moisture. He alternated between her clit and her cunt. As he pushed his fingers in her, and fucked her, Leah climbed higher and higher. Her stomach started to tighten, with the need to release.
"Oh god...I am gonna come..."
Ethan stopped his hand movements and rose to his full height. Leah's eyes snapped open and she glared at him.
"Fuck you Ethan!! Who the hell gave you the fucking righ- ohhhh."
He shoved his dick slowly into her, enjoying the way her walls clenched around him. They fit each other perfectly. Like two jigsaw puzzles. You couldn't differentiate, where he ended and where she started.
This..this was heaven.
He slowly moved, in and out. But Leah wasn't having it.
"Ethan, I want you to fuck me."
"Are you sure you can handle it sunshine?"
"I ain't no weak bit-" Leah couldn't complete her sentence because at that moment he snapped his hips and started fuking her. He held her hips with one hand for leverage and his other hand gently squeezed her throat, feeling her rapid pulse under his hand.
He did not let go of the punishing rhythm he had set. He moved his hips in such a way that he hit her on that spot which made Leah see stars. It was quite a view for Ethan. The moonlight streaming through the glass facade and illuminating her sheen skin. Her eyes half closed, her breasts moving with every stroke and her legs wound around his hips.
"Please, please, please let me come." Leah choked.
Ethan also felt a tingle in his lower back and his abs constructing. He was close too. His strokes became faster and shorter.
"Okay sunshine. Come."
Just that one word and Leah obeyed. She felt a burst of pleasure rush through her body, setting every part of her alight. She saw fireworks behind her eyelids. She hadn't even come down when, Ethan's release caused her to have another mini orgasm.
It was too much. Way too much.  Aftershocks racked her body and tears streamed down her face as she soared through cloud nine.
Without pulling himself out, he gathered Leah in his arms and took her to the bedroom. He gently laid her down on the bed and pulled out and headed to the bathroom to get a  washcloth. Leah winced and felt empty like a crater.
Ooooh boy, gonna feel that tomorrow.
Her eyes were closed as she tried to catch her breath and get her head straight. Ethan slowly wiped her neck, her stomach and her sore centre, instantly cooling her body down. He threw the washcloth into the laundry basket and slid into his bed. He wrapped his strong arms around Leah and pulled her close to him. He bent down to kiss her lips tenderly.
"I love you sunshine."
"Happy six months, babe. I love you." She gave a tired smile and they both slipped into a dreamless sleep.
Wow that was the longest I have written. *wipes brow*
Like, reblog and let me know how you liked it :))
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dumbkiri · 5 years
Buried Secrets Two
Parts: [ 1, Here, 3 ]
Summary: [Name], knowing she and John are in danger, runs to the babysitter’s house to get John back to safety. She also gives the nice babysitter money to go out of the country. Then [Name] is in a stolen car wondering where and who to go for help. She reluctantly goes to the Titans. Although plans don’t go as planned. Dick tells the truth to the Titans and they figure out a plan to stop Deathstroke once and for all. Deathstroke has unfortunate news for [Name]. 
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Female! Reader
Genre: Slight Angst
Word Count: 3k
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“Wait, Ms. [L.Name], why are you suddenly leaving? Also you’re bleeding,” Samantha, John’s babysitter, had ran behind [Name]. The young teen was not understanding why she was given two grand for only taking care of John for a night. 
[Name] held John closer to her body and noticed that he was going to cry soon. She set John down in a carrier then grabbed Samantha by her shoulders, “Look, sweetie, use the money to finally go to South Korea. Didn’t you say you always wanted to go there?”
“Y-yeah, but I can’t leave without notifying my parents. I’m just a sophomore in high school,” Samantha gave [Name] a weird look. 
[Name] cursed under her breath and grabbed four grand from a duffel bag, “Here use this to bring your parents with you. Just get out of town, no, the country.”
“Why? What’s going on?” Samantha didn’t know when to stop asking questions and it was annoying the older female to no end. [Name] zipped up the duffel bag and grabbed the handle of John’s carrier. She walked over to the front door and zoomed over to her car that she stole. She opened the backseat car door and strapped John into a car seat. 
John began crying now and [Name] closed the door after she stuffed her bags next to John. “Listen carefully, Samantha. Bad people are after me and they might use you to find me which is why you need to leave. Because they’ll only bring harm to you and your family for no reason.”
Samantha’s blue eyes widened, “Bad people like murderers?”
“Worst. Now call your parents and I’ll tell them what to do.”
[Name] looked at her phone and typed the address to the Titan’s Tower. Her fingers froze and she let her thumb hover over the start button. Deathstroke said that Dick brought the Titans back together. But she couldn’t bring herself to believe him. Deathstroke isn’t known to be a liar, manipulative, yes. If Dick really did bring the Titans back even their old friends, why didn’t he contact her?
“Ma...ma,” John whined in the back seat, his little feet kicking the air, 
[Name] should feel grateful that Dick didn’t call her. It would be awkward to see him. It would be awkward to see them all and John, what would they think? Did Dick tell them about John? Her [e.color] eyes looked at the rearview mirror. She watched as John babbled in his spot. Drool dripping down his chin. 
She worried for her son. [Name] promised herself she wouldn’t go back to being a hero. That was in the past and it was going to stay there because she didn’t want her son getting hurt or worse. He was too young to die. He’s just a baby. 
“Starting route to Titan’s Tower,” 
This was her only chance to keep him safe. They were her family once and John could be a part of it. 
“Dick, come on, man, wake up” 
“What happened to the three of them?”
“Do you think they all just passed out here like idiots cause I do.”
“Hank, no.”
Dick groaned and opened his eyes to see Rachel and Gar waking up as well. His brown eyes observing the two teens that laid on each other. 
“Ugh, what happened?” Gar asked rubbing his head with his eyes adjusting to the bright light from Jason’s phone. 
“They seem fine. Maybe they had a sleepover without us” Jason said and Hank chuckled at his remark. Jason turned his phone light off and backed away to give the trio space.
 Rachel removed herself off of Gar’s body with a slight blush apparent. She sat on her knees and rubbed her hands on her thighs. [Name] was on her way. “Did you guys see what I saw?” Rachel asked the two males who were affected by her power. 
Gar nodded his head, “Yeah it was strange. It was like I was next to her when she was fighting Deathstroke and Dr. Light. It was so weird, I couldn’t do anything for her.” 
“Shit,” Dick cursed under his breath and jumped to his feet. He needed to go to the computer. He needed to see how far she was away from the tower. Dick ran out of the kitchen with everyone following him with questioning gazes. 
Donna was the first to reach him, “Whoa, Dick, slow down. Wanna tell us what’s going on?” The Wonder Girl looking at her friends for some help to get Dick to spill. They stayed quiet and watched him type on the keyboard. His fingers going at a crazy rate. 
“Searching for [Name] [L.Name]...” 
Hank stepped up to Dick with his hand placed on his head, “Hold up, why are you looking for [Name]? Is everything okay with her?”
“No,” Rachel spoke up, “My power, it allowed me to see that she was in danger. She was fighting Deathstroke and Dr. Light all by herself.”
“She blew her own home up, it was crazy and she has telekinesis!” Gar exclaimed pulling at his hair. He never saw such a powerful person with a cool ability. Dick tapped his foot impatiently waiting for the computer to give him results and it was painfully slow. His family was in danger. Can he call them his family? He hasn’t seen them in three years. Every time he wanted to contact [Name], he got cold feet. 
“Dick, you got to tell us what is going on,” Dawn set her hand onto his shoulder. He looked behind him and they were all staring at him. Their eyes boring into him to tell them the truth. He took a deep breath in and pushed away from the computer. 
“I haven’t been honest with you guys,” Dick crossed his arms over his chest, “the only ones that know this secret is Bruce and Alfred. Even if I told you a long time ago what had happened between [Name] and I, I don’t think it’s your business in the first place.”
Hank glared at him, “Now it is.”
“Yes,” Dick nodded his head, “Because they’re in danger.”
Dawn tilted her head in confusion and Donna spoke up, “They’re? Someone else is with [Name]?” The two women had no idea what was going on and neither did the rest. Dick was being hesitant and he took a long time to explain what was going on. He bit his lip and chewed on it. Rachel and Gar looked at each other wondering if they should help Dick with telling the truth. 
“It’s not easy to say this,” Dick admitted with his head low in defeat. He had to tell them anyways because [Name] was going to show up to Titan’s Tower eventually. “[Name] and I...we have a son. He’s two years old and-”
“No fucking way,” An unexpected voice cut through and it was Rose Wilson, Deathstroke’s daughter. “You had a secret child and you didn’t bother to tell your teammates. What other secrets are you keeping?”
“None,” Dick said with a sharp tone. 
Dawn removed her hand off of Dick’s shoulder, “Why didn’t you tell us? We’re your friends.”
“It’s because it was none of our business,” Hank bellowed, “obviously we weren't good enough friends for him to confide in us.” Dawn looked over her shoulder at Hank. Their eyes connected. 
Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt. 
It was the front entrance. Someone was there and it was definitely [Name]. It had to be. Although when the camera footage popped up on the computer screen, no one was visible. Suddenly, they all heard the elevator dinging. Dick was the first one to investigate. They all waited in the main room to see the elevator doors opening. 
What they saw made their hearts churn especially Dick’s. His eyes couldn’t believe what they were seeing. In the middle of the elevator was a bassinet with a crying baby in it and a woman bloodied and beaten holding tightly onto the bassinet. Dick reacted quicker than the others and immediately ran inside the elevator. His hands flying to the woman’s face. 
Her nose was bleeding and her eyes were barely open. It was like she was trying to stay awake, but her body was forcing herself to sleep. Her breaths were shallow and her hands gripped tightly around the bassinet. She opened her mouth, blood coating her teeth, “Take care of him, okay?” Her head felt lighter in his hands and he understood. 
“[Name],” Dick called softly tears brimming, “you’re not here, are you?” 
She gave him a smile and her body disappeared right in front of him in red waves. The old titans rushed into the elevator and looked down at Dick kneeling in a fetal position. Then he looked up from the spot where [Name] had once laid in. Letting his anger out, Dick punched the elevator wall in front of him, “Goddammit!” 
“W-wait, I don’t understand,“ Gar spoke up trying to see in the elevator, “[Name] was just here. What happened to her body?” The green haired thought of the worst. He thought she had died. Donna looked at the teens and pushed them away from the elevator telling them that the adults would handle this. 
Dawn knelt down beside Dick, “Come on, Dick. We’re going to find her, but right now your son needs you.” Dick wiped his tears away and picked up the bassinet with shaky hands. Hank stopped Dick from exiting the elevator, “I can hold him...if you want.” 
Dick shook his head, “Thank you, but I got him.” For the first time in a long time, Dick was with his son again. Yet he wished the circumstances were better.
“Alright an hour later, John is finally sleeping,” Dawn and Donna walked back into the main room where everybody sat in or around the kitchen. Dick gave them a grateful nod and focused his attention back on the wall. 
“So is anyone going to explain what happened to [Name],” Gar asked very curious why the woman disappeared in the elevator. 
Jason tossed a piece of popcorn into his mouth, “It’s because of her ability.” 
The old titans gave him questioning glares. 
“What? Bruce had me study potential allies and [Name] was one of them. According to what she knows, she has the ability to warp reality and teleport. Well that’s not all she can do, but it’s what she used in this situation. My guess is she used teleportation and put little John in the elevator before Deathstroke could get to him.”
“So her body was just her warping reality?” Rachel asked. 
Rose shrugged her shoulders, “If she could teleport, why didn’t she do the same for herself?”
“Because she hasn’t used her powers in a long time ever since John was born. She didn’t want to risk him getting injured.” Dick answered. His brown eyes were directed to the floor in thought. [Name] was in danger and in the hands of Deathstroke. His second worst enemy. 
Rachel slid off the kitchen counter, "Well, aren't we going to save her? Isn't that what the Titans do?" 
Dick looked at Rachel and shook his head. He wasn't going to allow his new recruits, his friends, get involved with Deathstroke. He won't allow another young soul die at his hands. "No, you guys will stay here and keep watch on John." 
"Great," Jason groaned, "you're putting us on babysitting duty while you guys fight a known villain. He's your son, how about you spend time with him for once?"
Dick growled, "Don't go there." 
"Or what?" Jason challenged stepping up to Dick. The teen with black hair was beginning to push Dick's buttons. And they weren't supposed to be bothered with. "I say you sit this one out, Dick. Let us handle the bad guys for once." 
"No," Dick said firmly. He was standing his ground. The presence of the new Robin didn't scare him nor did he tremble. "Deathstroke is mine. Now stand down or I'll put you on probationary timeout." 
Jason scoffed and turned his back on Dick muttering a few curses. The old Titans walked up to Dick and they formed a tiny circle ready to discuss their plans on how to get [Name] back to safety. 
“A caring mother, you are,” Deathstroke talked to [Name], sitting directly across from her. Their knees almost touching each other. “I could have promised not to lay a finger on your son, but you made things more difficult for you.” 
[Name] swallowed down the blood from her mouth. The taste of iron bothering her taste buds. “I won’t allow my son to get hurt because you have a personal vendetta for his father.”
“You speak as if Grayson holds no meaning to your heart, is it true you two had a falling out?” Deathstroke asked with a tilt of his head. 
“You can say that,” [Name] responded looking away from him. She wasn’t going to speak about her relationship problems with a psycho like Deathstroke. Her business was her business. This wasn’t a therapy session among a hero and villain. 
“Huh, always thought you two were good for each other.”
“Ah, good one. An attempt of sarcasm by the one and only Deathstroke.” [Name] replied to his remark. Her right eye closed upon feeling the warm liquid that was blood drip down it. She forgot that she was hurting while chained to the chair in special handcuffs. Deathstroke’s presence didn’t allow her to relax. He forced her to be on the edge. 
“Why don’t you use your powers, [Name]?” Deathstroke looked at her crossing his arms over his chest. She got him thinking. She needed him to think of the consequences he’ll reap. 
The blood dripped onto her clothing in a slow rhythm. “I don’t know maybe because you got a hold of Cadmus’ tech. Did you steal them or actually request for them, I’m really curious.” She wiped her chin with her shoulder and sighed. [Name] didn’t like waiting and she hoped the Titans could find her. But it was nearly impossible especially if Deathstroke is good at covering steps and going off grid. It was his specialty. 
“I made a bargain with them,” Deathstroke began ominously, “I give them you in exchange for the Titans.”
[Name] was puzzled. “Cadmus doesn’t have the Titans, you only put yourself in a situation which can’t happen because-”
“I hand you over to them now and they could experiment on you. Then they’ll send out their people and get the Titans for me. It’s an easy trade off.”
“I thought you wanted Dick for yourself. Why not get revenge by you doing what you do best. You’re a killer, Deathstroke. Blinded by your rage toward Dick and vice versa, you two killed an innocent boy. A boy I was beginning to love in my own way. A boy Dick took advantage of. A boy who was your dearest son. Why continue this vengeance and for what reason?”
“You are to blame for my son’s death. You allowed Grayson to let Jericho into the Titan life knowing who his father was. Who I was.” [Name] could feel the anger radiating off of his body with each sentence. “Yet you and the Titans didn’t stop Dick from coercing Jericho. You killed him.”
[Name] shook her head, “No, I left the Titans before Jericho died. I only heard about his passing from Dawn, Dick didn’t tell me the truth until I came back and threatened to search his memories.” She paused and softened her glare, “Slade, I’m really sorry about Jericho. He was a wonderful boy and he could have made a great man.”
Deathstroke uncrossed his arms and leaned closely to [Name]. He placed his right knee in between her legs and let his right hand hold the chair. His left hand wiped the blood away from her eye so she could look up at him with both of her [e.color] eyes. “You will be when I make you feel the pain my wife and I went through.”
[Name] knew exactly what he meant. His words struck her heart and her blood ran cold. "No, please, he's just a baby," Her voice was soft and fragile. Her eyes pooling with unshed tears of sadness. 
Deathstroke gripped her chin tightly with his fingers. 
"I'm begging you, Slade," [Name] was crying now. Her eyes closed as she cried for what Deathstroke was planning. She opened them up and begged again, "Please, don't go after my boy. He's innocent and he would never hurt anyone. Slade, please." 
He removed himself from her and began walking away from her in silence. 
[Name] struggled in her bonds. Her feet pushing against the floor and her chair tilted sideways. The weight of her body made herself and the chair fall on their left side. Her body ached, but that didn't stop her from calling out to him, "Leave him alone! Please!"
Dr. Light popped into the room and watched as the mother cried out to Deathstroke. Feeling a little remorse for her, he questioned the man who wiped his sword with a white rag. "You aren't really going after the baby, are you?" 
"Does it matter to you?" Deathstroke placed his sword back into its sheath. He turned his body to Dr. Light waiting patiently for an answer. 
Dr. Light nodded his head, "You said that she and the baby would only be bait for the Titans. All I want is the Titans, not for us to kill some kid." 
"And all I want is revenge." Deathstroke finished and walked out of the room. 
"Don't do this!" Dr. Light cringed at the hoarse yells coming out of [Name]'s mouth and he turned his attention back on the woman. She was lying helplessly on the floor with tears sliding down her face. 
He wasn't supposed to do this.
“Alright, calm down, will ya?” Dr. Light ran over to [Name] and lifted her chair upright. She sniffled and brought her red eyes onto the villain. “Don’t look at me like that. I cross lines, sure. But killing a kid, that’s not for me...yet.” 
That didn’t make [Name] feel any better. 
“I mean a kid that hasn’t done any wrong to me. Fuck the Titans though, am I right?” Dr. Light chuckled and looked at the special handcuffs on her hands. He didn’t know how to take these off. “This is gonna sound awkward, lady. But I can’t take these handcuffs off you, only that bastard can.” 
“That’s fine,” [Name] finally spoke up and her eyes were a bright red along with her hands, “all I need is you.” 
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threeletterslife · 4 years
06 | Illegirl
→ previous | next
→ summary: Excelling in every school subject, acing every math test and conquering the academic world is something you do as easily as breathing. As your residential social outcast nerd, you live rather as a recluse, talking to almost no one except for your dear ol’ cousin and that sweet boy in a few of your classes—Jungkook? was that his name? Befriending your ʰᵒᵗ AP stats teacher was the last thing on your high school senior agenda…
→ genre: 90% fluff, 8% crack, 2% angst | teacher!au & f2l!au
→ warnings: profanity, kissing/making out, the yikes of being friendzoned
→ wordcount: 5.7k
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You've never really thought about it before but now you realize that teachers do have a life outside of school.
They don't just sleep under their big, teacher desks at night and pop up in the morning right before the first bell rings. You know now that teachers, although with so much authority and intellect, are just humans—they have feelings, they have a life and they can also be your friend.
You beam as you look at your teacher as he lectures. A friend he was...
Your eyes shift up and down Jimin's figure and man, was it too sweet for your eyes. He's so good looking. Actually, even that was an understatement.
Your teacher's tight, white button-up shirt fits his figure just perfectly as his tie sit handsomely on his broad chest. His black jeans look strained on his muscular legs, and your eyes start moving up to settle specifically on his thighs. Goddamn.
Jimin pushes up his glasses (that he only wears in a classroom setting) and that motion draws you in to study his ethereal face. Your breath hitches as you marvel at his wide, almond eyes, adorable nose and those soft, plump lips. So beautiful, so surreal, so...
"Y/N? Y/N. Y/N!"
You jump a foot in the air. "Huh, what?" you shout, startled out of your mind. You know you probably sound like some twelve-year-old caught with porn and you mentally scold yourself for sounding so off-guard.
It gets worse when everyone in your math class laughs at you and you can feel your cheeks turning red with embarrassment.
"I asked you a question," Jimin says as he points to a problem on the board.
You've always noticed that your teacher never ever cuts you slack for being his friend; he doesn't show favoritism, preferring to treat everyone quite equally, no matter how bad someone might take an L on his test. You always thought that was honorable of him, but now, you kind of wished he'd leave you alone to die in your ocean of humiliation.
Palms already sweaty from all the unwanted attention on you, your eyes shake as you squint at the problem. It's hard to focus on the numbers. "Oh shit," you mutter under your breath, but you've always been a loud mutterer.
Everyone laughs again.
Uneasy sparks blaze in your stomach. You hate how everyone is watching you, waiting and listening for anything out of place to ridicule your every move.
But you take a deep breath and the math problem seems to clear up in your vision. It's an easy one, thank god.
"22 pi over 7," you squeak quickly, ducking your head under.
"Hm? Speak a little louder, Y/N," Jimin says as he adjusts his glasses, craning his neck towards you as if he couldn't hear you.
Goddammit, Jimin.
"22 pi over 7!" you yell in the stupidest and shakiest voice ever to be heard by mankind.
Finally, the fire in your stomach burns out when Jimin nods. "Correct," he chuckles slightly, his eyes glinting a bit. " Try not to daydream too much, Y/N. Even geniuses need to pay attention."
The fire is back and hotter than ever, except it's not only in your stomach, it's everywhere in your body. So. Fucking. Humiliating.
Trying to cool yourself, you set your head down on the desk, looking at your shoes as if those dirty, black Watt Star Converse were something actually worth looking at for more than half a millisecond.
Damn. I used to never get distracted... What the fuck is wrong with me?
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After school, you trudge to your math teacher's classroom, still embarrassed about the incident earlier. When you walk in, Jimin's erasing the whiteboard, his back facing you.
As quietly and quickly as possible, you set your stuff down at your desk in the front of the classroom and sit. I will not initiate conversation. He's gonna hate me for getting distracted during class.
But when your teacher turns around, he laughs warmly, eyes scrunching up in the way that you love most.
"Y/N, why so quiet today?"
You flinch. "Oh, uh, no reason." You always sound so suspicious when you lie to Jimin.
"C'mon, you look disturbed," your friend says as he sets the whiteboard eraser down, abandoning it to walk towards you. "What's the matter?"
Oh, you know, just simply embarrassed that I think my friend, my teacher is hot and got fucking distracted over his goddamn body during his class.
But you can't say that.
"Oh, um..." you trail off, racking your brain for a good excuse. But as smart as you are academically, you're as stupid as a guppy when it comes to making plausible excuses. "I'm on my period."
You cringe the moment the words leave your mouth. Why, Y/N, why the fuck—
You want to crawl in a hole when Jimin raises his eyebrows in question. "Oh," he says. You swear you see his face flush pink as he turns his back towards you again, walking towards his messy desk. "Did it start today?" he asks.
Okay, what now?
Now it's your turn to flush pink; you didn't think Jimin would ask questions about your fake female problems. "Uh, yeah," you lie. "The cramps distracted me." Feigning pain, you try to convincingly grasp your stomach.
Jimin looks up at you from his desk, his silky black hair falling loosely over his twinkling eyes. To your surprise, he's smiling. "It isn't the first time I heard that excuse, Y/N. I know what you're really like on your period, remember?"
Well, shit. You did remember, you had just hoped he didn't... But it was your darn luck that he did. What did you expect from your intelligent teacher?
Face steaming, you huff. "Oh, whatever!"
Jimin only laughs, his eyes nearly disappearing as his full lips open up to a breathtakingly beautiful smile. You gulp. There's no doubt about it.
You're crushing on your teacher; he's much more of a distraction than your period will ever be.
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"Operation help Ji—I mean, Mr. Park starts now!" you announce as the members of your math club cheer loudly.
"I don't know what kind of fucked up nasty humans were mean to our teacher, but we're totally gonna show them!" Nicole declares, Sarah and August agreeing aggressively by her side.
"But the question is... how?" Jungkook asks shyly, scooting closer to you.
Very aware of his movement, you slightly squirm, but pretend nothing happened. "I was thinking of a math tutoring club? For anyone who wants tutoring or is failing the class," you say. "And that way, if asshole parents complain again, we'll be able to say that Mr. Park did everything he could to help them—he has a fucking club dedicated to passing his class!"
"Ingenius as usual," August laughs.
"And when would we start this club?" Sarah asks.
You grin, your eyes sparkling with ambition. "If we can, tomorrow."
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"No, no, no!" you practically scream, hitting your favorite pencil against a packet of math problems aggressively. "For the last time, you can't divide x to get an answer! You're gonna lose solutions! Do you want to lose solutions? Do you want to lose that A?"
The teen you're tutoring looks about ready to cry but you honestly feel no remorse. She had been constantly checking her goddamn text messages, giggling over quite inappropriate texts about Jimin. It makes you sick.
If she thinks Jimin's so fucking hot, why doesn't she at least try to be good at math?
"Hey, hey, Y/N, calm down," a familiar, silvery voice calls.
"I'm trying!" you protest, flinging up your hands.
Jungkook laughs, sliding into the chair next to you and looking at the girl you were tutoring.
"What are you having trouble with?" he asks the girl in such a silky, smooth voice that if someone told you he was an angel, you'd believe them.
"Everything!" the dumb girl wails.
You roll your eyes.
"Hey, hey, then let's start from the very beginning, okay?" Jungkook soothes, smiling softly.
Goddamn, I wish I was that patient.
You just start to zone out as Jungkook literally reteaches this girl how to factor. You honestly wonder how she even passed elementary school. But then again, you have to admit you're a little jealous that this girl has so many friends to text. Yet you'd rather be smart than be popular—that's just how you roll.
You pause. But it's not like you don't have friends. You just don't have that many. And I actually like all the friends I have for once...
You don't remember falling asleep when a large, warm hand gently shakes you awake. Your groggy eyes open to see Jungkook, a goofy smile plastered on his face. "Tired, Y/N?" he chuckles.
The girl he's tutoring rolls her eyes. "Hmph. She yells at me for checking my messages but she does something even more unproductive," she grumbles.
Oh no. You did not just wake up to deal with attitude. You're not gonna have it. "Excuse me, but while I'm out here mastering linear algebra, you don't even know how to factor. Guess you had one too many hours of texting, huh?" you snap.
"Dayum," Jungkook mutters under his breath. He casually holds his hand out for a high-five, which you do, extremely dramatically.
"For your information, I know how to factor now," the girl huffs.
"For your information, that's a required skill for fifth graders," you bite back. "In addition—"
"As hilarious as this is," Jungkook interrupts, placing a hand on your arm, "You should calm down. It's a tutoring session, not a roasting session."
You sigh as the girl practically drools over your friend.
"Sure, Jungkook, sweetie. Thank you so much for your help so far," she giggles, flirtingly twirling her hair with her slender finger.
"Yeah, whatever," you reply as you feel Jungkook's hand slipping off your arm, the warm heat now gone.
Jungkook goes back to teaching the girl, oblivious of her seducing attempts. You roll your eyes as you look around the tutoring club—the turnout was better than you expected, honestly. For the first time in a classroom, however, you feel lost. You're not the best at teaching, (to be exact, you're the worst). Your patience is shorter than your height, (which is saying a lot), but everyone else in the math club seems to be teaching naturals.
Feeling a little guilty you can't do much to help out, you start to play with your pencil, twirling it around and doing cool tricks that you've accumulated over the years. But of course three minutes in, your hand loses grip of your writing utensil and it flings off, hitting the ground and starts rolling away from you.
Sighing irritably because you have to physically move to go get it, you stand up from your chair, crawling on the floor to reach your pencil. "Found you, you idiot," you tell your blue oxi-gel when you hear a light laugh coming from above you.
Facing forward, you come face-to-face with a pair of knees covered with smooth, black material. Looking up, you see your teacher smiling down at you.
"Were you actually talking to your pencil?" he teases, face set with a brilliant grin.
"I... uh..."
"God, what is this?" Jimin asks as he looks around his classroom filled with students. "Y/N, are you organizing a cult?" he whispers with a full grin plastered on his face.
"What no!" you protest as Jimin helps you stand up. "It was kinda supposed to be a surprise but..."
"It's a math tutoring club," Jungkook chimes in. "We're helping students reach that A, you know?"
"You guys made a tutoring club for me?" your teacher says, placing a hand to his heart. "I'm about to burst into tears."
You chuckle at Jimin's dramatized actions. "Well, no one deserves mistreatment. Ahem, especially not body objectification," you say as you glare at the girl Jungkook's tutoring. She rolls her eyes.
"Awww," Jimin coos. "You guys are amazing. You know what? We're ordering pizza, my treat!"
People cheer so loud your ears physically hurt.
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You sigh out, clutching your full stomach as you slide into the shotgun seat of Jimin's nice car. "Damn... Since we already ate, does that mean we're not eating dinner at your house tonight?"
Jimin chuckles lowly. "Why? Wanted to go to my house?"
Your cheeks blush red as you shake your head aggressively. "No! I was just saying..."
"Well, I mean, we didn't have dessert yet, didn't we?" Jimin suggests, smiling. His fingers softly brush against yours as he reaches for your seatbelt, buckling it for you. "You always forget to wear your seatbelt, Y/N," he laughs. "You never know when I might fuck up on the road."
"Hmph!" you say, crossing your arms over your rapidly being chest. "Stop babying me! I was gonna put it on this time!"
"That's what you say every time," Jimin chuckles as he starts his car with a press of a button. "Now, cupcakes or brownies?"
"Huh? Um, cupcakes?"
"Great! We'll stop by the market to get some ingredients. We're going to learn how to bake!"
Oh no. Why did that sound like a disaster waiting to happen?
But surprisingly, it was a miracle waiting to happen. You stuff your face with aesthetic, black frosting, occasionally biting at the soft, plush bread. "To think we can bake cupcakes but not cook ramen right the first time," you chuckle.
"To be fair, we actually used directions," Jimin says, neatly slicing up his cupcake to eat piece by piece.
You scrunch your nose. "You look like a prince who's too snooty to eat with his own two hands."
"Or maybe I want to be hygienic? You know, unlike you," Jimin teases as you huff in response. Jimin pokes at you, making you turn to him in exasperation.
"What?" you sigh.
"I dunno... I never really got a chance to thank you..."
You raise your eyebrows, thoroughly confused. "I mean, but it was a team effort..." you try to say modestly. "Besides, I didn't do much of the teaching. I mean can you believe this girl didn't know how to fac—"
Jimin rushes in for a hug, knocking the wind out of you—you lose all train of thought, you lose your voice and all sense of functionality. All you can hear is your heart beating wildly in your chest and Jimin's steady breaths against your ear.
"Y/N... Thank you," he whispers, gripping you tighter. "I know it was you who came up with the idea. And I just—I'm so touched. When I told you my problems, I only expected you to listen, maybe, I don't know, sympathize? But you took my problems and found a solution, putting it into action. No one's ever done that for me before... I don't even know what to say..." your teacher trails off, still hugging you tightly. "I'm emotional, I know... But I almost broke down crying when I saw you and your friends hosting this club... all for me."
Your brain turns into mush at Jimin's heartfelt confession, and you can't help but hug him back, burying your face into his shoulder. Words can't seem to make it past your mouth—you can't afford to ruin the moment by saying something completely stupid.
But that's when you feel it. The rapid thumping of a heart. Except it's not yours—it's beating faster than yours.
It's Jimin's.
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You walk into Jimin's class slightly earlier than usual, your phone pressed against your ear as you bob your head up and down, staying silent for a few seconds and then talking away.
"I know, I know, I miss you too, Jin," you say just as you slide into your comfortable seat, slipping your backpack off your aching shoulder.
"Yeah, I know, I love you too. Of course, I'm still alive!" you huff, rolling your eyes. "And no! I didn't burn the house down... yet. No, we don't eat ramen daily—we eat it every other day," you protest.
You're quiet again as Jin gives you a piece of his mind.
"Yes, I know ramen's bad for me," you sigh. "Fine. We'll try to make salad or something today. Mhm. Yeah. Yes, I'm in his class right now. No, Jin! I can't just hand my phone over to him, are you out of your mind? You can call him on his phone at some other time."
You sigh loudly as your cousin rambles on the phone. "Wait. What?!" you suddenly shriek, causing a few early-comers in the class to stare at you in shellshock. Quickly lowering your head in embarrassment, you aggressively grasp your phone with both hands. "What do you mean you're going to be away for another month?" you whisper angrily. "Are you serious? Why does the drama team have to be so good?"
Jin chuckles on the line as you pout. "I know, congrats and all but you've been away for too long. Stop teasing me, I just miss you!" you huff.
Your cousin attempts to explain himself as you sit through it all, nodding your head occasionally. "Okay, then," you say in a sad, defeated tone. "I guess, good luck... Anyways, I've got a test this period, gotta fly." You pause, frowning. "Of course I studied! Who do you think I am?! Yeah, well thanks, I'm pretty confident. Mhm. Yeah. Have fun. Love you too. Yup. Bye." Smiling softly, you end the call with your cousin, slipping your phone into your backpack to replace it with your lucky pencil and eraser. There, now you're completely ready for the math test.
From the corner of your eye, you see Jimin, watching you. When he catches your sight, he gives you a small smile paired with a discreet thumbs-up. Your heart flutters.
Gosh darn diddly dang.
Ever since that night you felt his heart beating wildly in his chest, you can't help but wonder if maybe, possibly, hopefully, you're not in a one-sided crush. It was pretty plausible Jimin had always been so caring because he liked you back—either that or he majorly friendzoned you.
The annoying school bell blares, throwing you out of your thoughts, and as if exactly on cue, your teacher stands up from his desk, taking graceful steps to the front of the class. He clears his throat to gain the attention of still-rowdy students. "I hope everybody's prepared," Jimin says as he shifts from the weight of stacked tests. "If you studied polar curves as I said, you'll be fine for the unit test."
A low murmur fills the class as your peers start to panic.
"What the fuck is a polar curve?"
"Shit, I don't even know what unit this is!"
"Definite integrals, you shithead."
"Well goddamn, I'm gonna fail again."
You cock your head. Yeah, definite integrals might be challenging at first, but they weren't hard—it just required a lot of practice. But something told you most of your classmates didn't even know how to spell 'practice.'
As Jimin passes the tests out, you hear students groan from their first glance of questions.
"No noise, no talking!" your friend reminds his students. "If you need extra scratch paper, pencils or erasers, they're up here in the front; you know the drill. Good luck to you all!"
But you can barely hear your teacher as you're already racing to finish up a problem on the exam. You've figured long ago that Jimin's test questions were always in order from hardest to easiest—which explains why most kids rarely finish. You, on the other hand, learned to immediately flip over your tests and work your way from the back to front.
You don't hear anything, nor do you see anything except for the all too familiar graphs and curves printed out on white paper. Your favorite pencil flies across the exam faster than your mile time, and soon, you're finished.
Wiping your sweaty and cramped hands on your jeans, you look up at the clock in the front of the classroom. You've finished at least twenty minutes early. You sigh softly. I don't feel like checking answers.
Almost instinctively, your eyes glance at your teacher's desk—it was starting to become a habit to look at him. But also, you wanted to see if he was grading the math tests from earlier periods. Except, he most clearly wasn't.
Why? Because he was looking at you. And your eyes meet. Electricity courses through your veins and you swear your heart stops beating for a few seconds. You can't hold the gaze as you quickly turn your head, releasing a breath you didn't know you had held.
Goddamn. Now, this is awkward.
Trying to shake off the awkwardness, you take a small breath and grip your pencil in your hands again. Maybe it's time to check answers.
Except—except, you can see out of the corner of your eye, your teacher still watching you. It wasn't a creepy stare though, no. It was like a handsome prince lovingly admiring his beautiful princess. Well, you were no beautiful princess, and though Jimin might be handsome, he was no prince. But still. His gaze made you feel... secure and even admired. Your heart flutters in your chest.
Why is he watching me?
You're too scared of the answer to even possibly ponder it.
So, sighing quietly, you use all your willpower to pretend like your teacher is not watching you as you cross your legs and tuck a strand of loose hair behind your ear. You give your lucky pencil a nice squeeze. It's time to check answers.
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"Did you know you frown when you concentrate?" Jimin asks as he does the dishes, diligently washing a bowl that had been previously filled with a healthy salad.
You sit on the kitchen counter, making some tea as you cock your head. From all that watching, he would know all of my stupid behaviors when it comes to test-taking. But you feign ignorance. "How would you know?"
"Well, not to sound weird but sometimes I watch my students take their tests," Jimin says as he dries his wet hands on a nearby towel, then sauntering over to sit next to you on the kitchen counter.
Your heart falls. So I'm not special. He watches everyone.
"No, not all of my students... I only ever watch you," your teacher admits as he scratches the back of his neck in what seems like slight embarrassment.
Your heart leaps in your chest. You don't know how to pirouette, twirl, turn, but your heart was surely doing it at the moment. Was this it? Was he confessing? Were you not in a one-sided crush?
"It's because I care for you," he starts awkwardly. "I mean, don't you tend to watch things you care for? Just to see if they're alright? I dunno..."
Ohohoho, you have no idea.
You nod enthusiastically. "Mhm, of course." Your lips stretch out into a large smile—you're unable to control it. You feel warmer than the cup of tea in your hands. "So you truly care for me?" you tease slightly, casually nudging Jimin.
He nudges you back, laughing. "Of course, Y/N, you're like a best friend to me."
Your eye twitches slightly, your smiles wavers and vanishes and you don't feel as warm anymore.
Well shit, you were friendzoned.
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Smiling in accomplishment, you stretch back from your seat, mentally celebrating the finishing of your homework. Your blasted teachers had given you some extra weekend work, but jokes on them, you finished it all in—you glance at your watch—seven hours.
Wait a minute. Seven hours?! You do a double-take, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand and polishing the glass of your watch. The delicate, silver hands still pointed all signs that it was indeed, 10 pm.
Well fuck. I've literally been at school seven more hours than I should've. I've been at school for practically 15 hours! That's more than half of the hours in a day—I spent approximately 63% of the whole day at school!!! And even worse, I mISSED DINNER!
You take deep breaths to calm yourself, immediately looking up to see—no surprise—Jimin working hard at his desk. His eyebrows were scrunched up cutely, and he was biting his pink lips in concentration. The sight of him instantaneously calms you down.
But then you notice Jimin looks frustrated, stressed even. You always admire him for taking care of his own problems, yet sometimes you wish he'd learn to burden others with his dilemmas.
Slowly and quietly, you creep up behind your teacher, looking over his shoulder. "Need any help, Mr. Park?" you whisper in his ear, a small, teasing smile plastered on your lips.
Jimin jumps slightly, turning around to look at you. His serious look is replaced with a reciprocated bright smile. He flutters his eyelashes and runs his fingers through his silky hair, refusing to break eye contact with you. "Oh c'mon no one's around," he says, chuckling. "Jimin will do."
"Yeah, no shit no one's around," you pout slightly, casually placing your chin on Jimin's shoulder. Ever since he majorly friendzoned you, you have to admit it was easier to have physical contact—though your heart beats wildly in your chest every time the two of you touch.
"Hmm..." your teacher hums, twirling his red correcting pen. "It'll take just a bit more... Is our little Y/N bored?" he asks as he reaches out to mockingly pat your head.
You groan dramatically.
"What time is it?" Jimin asks absentmindedly, letting your head rest on his shoulder.
"10," you mutter lazily, wanting to doze off with your face up against Jimin's warm neck.
"WHAT?!" your teacher shouts, shifting suddenly to grasp your arms and bring your whole body in front of him. He even tugs you forward, closer to him. Your heart is already having its own mini explosions, not being able to comprehend such closeness from your ultimate crush.
"Why didn't you tell me it was this late, Y/N?" Jimin cries. "Shit, I'm so sorry, I made you wait so long! God, I lost track of time!"
You just shrug, although a bit surprised at his outburst. At this moment, you're just worried Jimin'll hear the aggressive thumping of your poor heart—it can't take this anymore. You're definitely not built for unrequited love. "It's all good," you say, trying to smile calmly. "It's no big deal, really."
Apparently, your stomach thinks otherwise as it lets loose a large growl, much to your horrification. "Oops," you whisper.
At that, Jimin runs his fingers through his hair, sighing. "Fuck, we've been here for seven hours, Y/N, it is a big deal!" He grabs both of your hands, taking you by surprise. "We skipped dinner! I swear to god, Jin will kill me if he found out!"
You giggle. It was slightly amusing to watch Jimin fret so much. "What if we don't tell him?" you whisper mischievously, leaning forward. You're trying so, so hard not to scream in the utter joy that your crush is literally holding your hands right now.
Nope, I'm not going to acknowledge that at all, you tell yourself dutifully.
Now you're waiting for Jimin to answer, to say something funny, or witty as usual. Yet, he doesn't. Instead, he's actually quite silent—it doesn't seem normal. You take a peek at his face to make sure he doesn't look sick or anything, or maybe it was just a dumb excuse you made up to check his ethereal features out.
That turned out to be a big mistake.
You peer into Jimin's eyes, only to catch them looking at your lips. His eyes flutter back up to yours, and now the two of you are staring at each other. Your eyes speak a language only the two of you can understand.
His eyes tell you to inch closer to him, to part your lips.
Your eyes tell him to tug you into his lap, an all too familiar action. He doesn't let go of your hands.
You can feel his breath, hear his breath.
Hell, you can hear his heart. And you're not mistaken—you swear on your own life that you hear the quickened pounding.
And still, you're staring right into his soft, but slightly hooded eyes—never breaking contact. You're so close. So, so close to him, the closest you've ever been.
He slowly, tantalizingly slowly leans in, almost to give you a chance to back out. Oh, hell no. You're staying.
His beautiful, breathtaking face is so close that your eyes are almost crossing to meet his. Then, he closes his eyes just as he closes the minuscule gap between the two of you.
Your lips meet.
You don't know how something can go by so quickly and slowly at the same time. Each movement of your connected mouths is so languid, so relaxed, yet quick, but victorious fireworks are exploding behind you.
Straddling Jimin, you feel his body heat, your bare legs chafing against the smooth material of his slacks. It's so close to heaven that it is.
He works his magic, lips pulling and parting at the precise moments, his tongue finding its way into your waiting mouth. You can barely function from the heat of the moment, but you realize that you are glad he doesn't taste like beer this time.
Jimin sweetly squeezes your hands that are encompassed in his, leaning back slightly for both of you to breathe. Immediately, your eyes are open, and they lock onto his. But as if in a time restraint, both of you hurriedly shut your eyes again and lean in to meet each other's lips once more.
It's euphoric, really.
And for the first time in your life, you get to feel what physical affection is like. This one's not a lustful, drunken kiss, it's so much more than that. You put your heart in this, and you hope Jimin did the same. It surely felt like it.
With one last, sweet and soft, lingering kiss, your teacher, crush and friend leisurely pulls away. You almost lean forward to follow his lips—you guess you miss them on yours that much.
Your eyes flutter open, meeting Jimin's hooded ones.
Goddamn. You don't know how to feel, what to say, what to do, what to think. Your hands are still tightly enclosed in his.
"Oh..." you breathe out, hoping Jimin would say something for you, anything. But he doesn't. He remains silent. It's so not like him.
Regret starts to pour into your body, coursing through your veins. It feels like poison. You can feel yourself wilt, as you realize—it was still one-sided, Jimin had merely been caught up in the heat of the moment, again.
"Fuck," you whisper, mostly to yourself. "Fuck," you say louder, tears starting to well up in your eyes. Jimin loosens his grip on your hands, and you slide them away, the warmth all gone. You search for your teacher's face for anything, any sign that he was okay with what both of you had just done. But again, nothing.
"Oh my god. What have we done?" you mutter, looking down and away. You were yet to slide away from Jimin's lap, but you couldn't bear to move away from that sort of comforting warmth.
"Shit, Y/N," Jimin breathes. It's the first phrase he says after the... well, kiss. "I'm so sorry," he mutters, his hand fluttering around your face to cup your cheek, but you flinch away. Goddammit, Y/N, why?
"Fuck, I'm so sorry, Y/N," Jimin whispers, he tugs his hand back to his chest. "It was a mistake! I didn't mean it. Oh god, don't tell Jin." He notices you're still on his lap and jumps up, making you fall down onto the cold, classroom floor—you're too shocked to react much. "God, I'm so sorry!" He tries to help you up, but you shake your head and stand up on your own.
"Y/N. I'm so sorry. It was a mistake," Jimin repeats. "It really was."
Your head is spinning, and you don't know what to say, or do, for that matter. "Then, a mistake it was," you finally manage to say, your voice a bit shaky. "Can we go now?"
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I made out with him again. And he wasn't even drunk this time.
You repeatedly have that thought, over and over and over again. You can't seem to get the feeling, the sounds, the sight out of your head. You'd given your all into that little kiss, but Jimin deemed it was merely 'a mistake.'
That didn't hurt at all, nope, not at all.
You're quite good at lying to yourself. Because you know that hurt you a lot. God, I'm so humiliated. You just want to roll up in a small ball and throw yourself into a deep, dark corner. But you can't. Unfortunately, that shit is only figurative.
Sighing, you take a slight peek at Jimin in the driver's seat. His face is completely emotionless, which makes you worry.
We just ruined a perfectly good friendship, goddammit.
You're dropped off at your house; no words are exchanged between you and Jimin, you don't even turn back to give him a parting wave (like you usually do). Unlocking your front door, you quickly walk inside, slumping down to the floor immediately. With your back leaning heavily against the door, you bury your face in your hands.
Things had been going so well. Life had been going so well.
Now it seemed like you lost your best friend—who knows what more you might lose?
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—previous | next
133 notes · View notes
meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
i’m here. (a)
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☙ pairing: bakugou x reader
☙ theme:  angst
☙  cw/tw: profanity, grief, nightmares
☙  a/n-request:  random heartbreaking idea i had to get out of my head after watching p.s. i love you one day. sorry everyone.
{ ** continuation here } 
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Jolting upright Bakugou panted, his red eyes wide open and heart hammering, sweat soaking his chest and back. There was a sick nauseous feeling in the pit of his stomach as he tried to even his breathing and calm down. 
Flinging the covers off, Bakugou growled and swung his feet off the bed and slowly stumbed to the bathroom. Turning on the light he winced at the brightness of it before getting used to it and turning on the faucet. The hero leaned over, splashing cold water on his face and literally cooling down in no time. When he was done Bakugou stood before the sink a bit longer, hands gripping the edges while his nightmare played over in his head.
You cradled in his arms and smiling, a hand brushing his cheek, his forehead pressed to yours and biting back all his tears and raw emotions. You bled out from a piece of debris impaling your abdomen, your sweet and wavering voice trying to keep him together.
“You’re so fucking stupid, why did you do that - I was supposed to take that hit!” He spat out through gritted teeth.
“And that kid too? I think you’re dumber than me Kats,” you spoke and tried to chuckle but a breathy choke cut it short.
Bakugou held you tighter, his body going numb and hearing turning into white noise except for your own voice and his. Gritting his teeth he looked down at the wound you tried to hide under your hand then back up and around the chaos.
He tried to scream out for help but his voice wasn’t fucking working. 
Your body trembled in his arms and made him gasp, looking back at you again and shaking his head, hand cupping your face upon seeing your eyes growing heavier and that smile growing weaker.
“No goddammit, you’re staying with me, you’re not fucking leaving me - I’ll get help, I’ll save you!”
“Kats,” you breathed out and worked your smile back up, hand taking his own and kissing his cheek, “I’ll never leave you, ever. You’ve already saved me so many t-times, it was my turn to save you baby. I’ll be fine and you’ll be fine, okay?”
Bakugou’s lip trembled, he felt your hold on his hand loosening, his breathing hitched and he shook his head. Warm lips kissed every inch of your face, Bakugou savoring each one, remembering the taste and feel like muscle memory and feeling hot tears rolling down his face.
“I love you so much Katsuki.”
The sound of porcelain cracking made Bakugou come back to his senses and he realized his quirk was starting to act up from being so emotional. Quickly he removed himself from the appliance and strode back into the bedroom, palm rubbing at his head and groaning as he tried to shake off the nightmare but his stupid fucking brain couldn’t let it go. 
The more it played on loop the angrier the blonde became. His palms were starting to steam at the mere thought that you’d be stupid enough to sacrifice yourself for him or that it would even be a single thought in your mind at all. After being together since high school and being married to him, you knew better! 
Soon Bakugou’s emotions were running rampant causing him to yell out and swing an arm, clearing off the top of the dresser of books and figures in a fit of rage. The glass of a stand alone mirror shattered when one figure flew into it. In flashes, the images of you dying in his arms clicked over and over and over, they wouldn’t fucking stop!
Bakugou panted and tugged at his hair, pathetically falling to his knees and screaming, body trembling and chest heaving. 
He grabbed a book that laid beside him and chunked it at the wall opposite to him causing a string of lights that was decorated with polaroids to fall down and tangle, making a few pictures fall from their clips. The blonde looked up to see what the noise was and panicked when he saw what he had done. In an instant he was crawling on his knees to the mess he made, hands grappling at the lights and trying his best to fix it.
“Shit she’s gonna kill me! I’ll never fucking hear the end of it - fucking shit why are these impossible to fucking untangle!”
Truly the task was simple but Bakugou was too unstable at the moment to chill and concentrate. He groaned in frustration and sat back on his calves, trying again until he heard the sound of feet padding across the carpet towards him. Bakugou sighed and shook his head.
“I’m fucking fixing it, don’t get your panties in a wad just yet!” He spoke.
There were no words in response, just arms wrapping around his neck and hugging him close. The tip of your nose pressed to his cheek and you kissed it softly with a smile. Bakugou briefly froze once your hands rubbed at his chest and you were smothering him in tiny kisses to his face and jaw, shushing gently on his skin and making him slowly but surely deflate in your arms.
“Kat calm down, just breathe okay?” 
You whispered on his temple and started to run a hand through his hair and rested your cheek to his own, watching what he was trying to do and softly chuckling. 
“It’s an easy fix you just have to take a fucking chill pill.”
Bakugou scoffed and lightly elbowed you, making you giggle, the sound like music to his ears and making his jaw un-clench. 
The man took a couple deep breaths, listening and focusing on you humming softly in his ear. Even though he had matured since high school and for the most part grew out of his temper, there were still just a few selective things that set Bakugou off like the literal bomb he was and one of those things was your safety and life. 
You both worked together as pro-hero’s, fighting the same fights and taking hard blows for each other, at least you’d try for him but almost always Bakugou was fast and protecting you first and foremost. 
“I’ll be damned if I ever lose you,” he would always say. 
So during these chaotic fits, you were the only one who could calm Bakugou and as prideful as he still was, even he himself would admit to that, not wasting a single heartbeat in saying that he needed you.
After a few moments passed, Bakugou was calm enough to start correctly untangling the lights in his hands. You praised him quietly with kisses and continued to watch him.
“What got you so worked up anyway baby?”
For a small second Bakugou stopped, refusing to let those images flood his mind again and only shook his head with a sigh. 
“Just ... a stupid nightmare.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
After finally getting those dumb lights to cooperate, Bakugou turned his head to look at you, his red eyes smiling as he brought his hand up to cup you cheek and kiss your lips softly. 
He breathed in deeply through his nose, taking in the smell of strawberries from his hand ruffling locks of your hair and making the scent of your shampoo permeate in the air. Pulling away from the kiss, your foreheads pressed together and the man took just a few more seconds to register how soft your hair was between his fingers and how your chest lightly pressed on his back every time you breathed. 
Bakugou turned back around and started to gather the loose polaroid's on the floor to re-clip them to the lights and shrugged when he explained his vivid nightmare back over to you. The entire time you held him, rubbing his chest and playing with his hair, kisses littering his face and neck or your face nuzzling into him.
“Katsuki, no matter what happens to us we’ll always be together, even if it’s not physically, I’ll always and forever be with you. You can be weak, it’s not a crime but don’t go losing your fucking head okay? You’ll be fine and you’ll get through anything, you know why?”
Finishing his task, Bakugou sunk back into you, letting out a breath and grabbing your hands that hung from around his neck. His head fell back onto your chest and he kissed your arm.
You smiled and wrapped around the shaken hero tighter - protectively. Hand running through his spiky locks and fingers massaging at his scalp as you laid your cheek to his temple.
“Because I’m right here baby, always! Anytime things seem too hard to take or like you can’t get through another day - I’ll save you,” you replied softly on the shell of his ear before kissing it. “You’ll be fine Katsu, I’ll never leave you ... I’m here, always.”
Bakugou nodded, his hand squeezing tighter around your own. 
“You’re here,” he breathed out, tension and fear leaving his body.
You hummed in response and smiled when Bakugou turned his head and looked at you. A small smile grew on his own face and he tapped your arms, you released him and let him stand to his feet while picking up the string of lights.
You stood behind him, following as he went to hang it back up on the wall, your quiet words of guidance helping him along the way. When it was done, Bakugou took a step back and scanned over the pictures, the memories of each one replaying in his head, the nightmare now becoming a blur. 
With a yawn the male stretched his arms above his head and rubbed his neck. Your hand could be felt grabbing his opposite wrist and making him turn to look at you.
“Come on Kats, you need some rest.”
Bakugou didn’t object, only followed you into the living room that was connected to the bedroom of the small apartment. Walking over to the couch Bakugou plopped down onto it with a drawn out sigh and his arms opening for you to join him. Once you were laid down, Bakugou turned to hold you close to his chest, now being the one to nuzzle his face in the crook of your neck as his hands touched your cheeks and hair. 
He smiled and kissed your cheek, his mind and body second by second relaxing and starting to power down.
“I love you so much.” He sleepily spoke and squeezed tighter, his eyes lazily looking to the tv that was on and quietly broadcasting the news station.
“Earlier this week the notorious villain, The Reaper, was finally caught after evading hero’s for months now. The city is rejoicing as the man will be brought to justice after the tragedy he caused two weeks ago that resulted in the death of the #2 hero, also known as the sidekick and wife of Katsuki Bakugou …… ”
The sound of the newscaster was slowly drowning out and exhaustion was creeping into Bakugou’s bones, his red eyes growing heavy with a yawn.
“You’re ... still ... here.” He spoke again while hugging a pillow close to his chest before finally drifting back off to sleep.
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philthepegacornfics · 4 years
Mental Health Day
Michael Clifford x Reader
Request: @galcalirwin​ and I were talking and she gave the idea of a mental health day.
Word count: 3.3k
Trigger Warnings: Some swearing, Depression, Being overworked.
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Trudging through the front door of my house, I kicked my shoes off and made my way towards my room. On the way, I poked my head into Michael’s gaming room. He was playing League of Legends. I decided to not disturb him and made the rest of the way to the bedroom.
A dull ache spread in my chest as I crawled into bed. Not even being bothered enough to change my clothes. I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling of the dark room. My eyes traced the random patterns of shadows. The shapes were familiar as I’ve done this everyday the past week. They were a constant in my life.
“Better than friends,” I muttered to myself. Tears started welling up in my eyes.
Suddenly the light flipped on causing me to snap my eyes shut from the sudden brightness. Tears were now running down the side of my face. I slowly opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the light. All the shadows were gone. Much like everyone else in my life. Everyone except Michael.
The bed dipped down. I turned my head to see Michael sitting there. His green eyes were carefully analyzing me.
“When did you get home?” he finally spoke.
“I dunno. Thirty minutes ago?”
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were home?”
“You were playing League. I didn’t want to bother you.”
Michael stared at me for a moment before saying, “Two things, (Y/n). First, you never bug me, okay? I need you to know this.”
“Okay,” I whispered. There was a small crack in my voice.
“And second, I’ve been playing Modern Warfare for over an hour now. What time did you get home? And where’s your phone? I’ve been texting you.”
“Around eight thirty, I think. My phone is in my purse.”
He sighed as he ran his hands through his blonde hair. “(Y/n), love, it’s after ten. Where’s your purse.”
I bit my lip to stop myself from crying further. “Some-somewhere.” I couldn’t actually remember where I put it. Today had become such a blur. “I need to go to sleep. I have work in the morning.”
“Again?” he frowned. “When’s your next day off? I swear you haven’t gotten one in over a week. Plus you’ve been working really long hours.”
“Yeah,” I sighed. “We’re really busy right now. I think I have one in a couple of days… If they don’t call me in.”
Michael wrinkled his nose, frown still present on his face. “You seriously need a day off.”
“What am I supposed to do?” I whined, wiping my cheek to get the stray tears off.
“Call in sick.”
“Set your alarm early tomorrow to call in sick.”
“I can’t just do that, Michael. I’ll get fired!”
“They’re not going to fire their best employee because she called in sick for one day,” he rolled his eyes. “And if they did, we’d find you a better job that doesn’t overwork you so much.”
I bit my lip, “I don’t know.”
“It’ll be fine. Plus I don’t have studio time tomorrow, so you’ll get to spend the whole day with me,” he smirked, knowing that that would win me over.
“Oka-ay,” I groaned.
“Now let’s get you showered and changed.” He stood up and walked over to my side of the bed. He offered his hands to me. I took them and let him pull me out of bed.
His hands played with the hem of my shirt before gently pulling the fabric over my head. Once my shirt was discarded onto the floor, he reached around me and unclasped my bra. Pulling it off, revealing my bare chest.
As I started taking off my own pants, Michael took his glasses off and set it on the nightstand. He started taking his own clothes off. I raised an eyebrow at him. He gave me a grin and placed a quick kiss to my cheek.
“I love you,” I half swoon at the simple gesture.
“I love you too, my kitten,” he kisses the tip of my nose before grabbing my hand to lead me towards the bathroom.
When we got there, I closed the door behind us as Michael turned on the water. Once the water was hot enough, we climbed in. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled my back to his chest. He rested his chin on my shoulder. I leaned my head against his. There we stood basking in each other’s company letting the warm water run over us.
The water started to cool down, so Michael turned it back up and we started to actually shower. He started off by washing my hair. His calloused fingers massaged my head. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling. When he was done, he moved out of the way so I could properly rinse my hair. As I started putting conditioner in my hair, he washed his own. Finally we started washing our bodies. We mostly washed our own, but let the other wash our backs. Giving small back rubs in the process.
We both rinsed off completely and shut off the water just as it was getting cold. He handed me a towel before taking one for himself. Taking the time to dry off, we wrapped our towels around ourselves. While in the bathroom, we decided to brush our teeth before heading back in our room.
I got dressed in one of Michael’s baggy shirts and a pair of panties. He decided on gym shorts and a baggy black hoodie that he cut the sleeves halfway. Making it like a t-shirt.
“Have you eaten?” he asked in a soft hum.
I shook my head, “I’m not hungry.”
“(Y/n),” he sighed. “You need to eat.”
“Not if I’m not hungry,” I argued. “And we just brushed our teeth.”
“Fine, I’ll let you skip dinner, but you have to eat breakfast.” He turned off the bedroom light.
“Deal,” I agreed to his terms and started climbing into bed.
“Did you set your alarm early to call out?” He asked, pulling the covers back on his side to climb in himself.
“Shit,” I mumbled, rolling over to bury my face into a pillow.
“You said your phone is in your purse. Do you remember where that’s at?”
“I don’t know!” I whined into the pillow.
Michael let out a sigh before saying, “I’ll go look for it.”
I felt him get off the bed. A few minutes later, the bed dipped back down again. I pulled my face out of the pillow to look at him. He held my purse out to me. I rolled over and sat up, taking it from him. I opened it and pulled out my phone. Unlocking it, I set my alarm for two and a half hours before I had to go to work.
I set my purse down on the floor before plugging my phone in to it’s charger before setting it down on my nightstand. I noticed Michael’s glasses were still there. I grabbed them and handed them to him to put them on his side.
He gave a small thanks, setting them on his nightstand before settling into bed. I follow suit, putting my back towards him, getting comfortable. He threw his arm over me and pulled me into him. His legs easily tangled with mine.
“Goodnight, love,” he murmured into my hair before placing a gentle kiss to the back of my head.
“Goodnight,” I let out a content sigh. “I love you so much.”
“I love you.”
I woke up to my alarm going off. Quickly sitting up, I reached over and turned it off. Hoping that I didn’t disturb Michael too much. In the night, we had moved away from each other. His back was now towards me. I let out a yawn as I stretched my arms and back. Slipping out of bed, I made my way to the closet to pick out my outfit for the day.
“Kitten, what’re you doing?” Michael’s voice was gruff, full of sleepiness.
“I’m getting ready for work,” I yawned.
He pulled himself up out of bed and made his way over to me. When he got to me, he pulled me into a tight hug, resting his head against me. “You work too hard. Said you were going to call out,” he mumbled. 
I stared into space for a moment, remembering the night before. “Oh yeah.”
“Come back to bed,” he begged.
I nodded against him. He let out a small sigh as he pulled away. Making sure to grab my hand before walking back to our bed. I dropped his hand and moved to my side of the bed, grabbing my phone on the nightstand.
I easily found my manager’s contact. My finger hovered over the dial option as I bit my lip. I looked up at Michael who was already laying back down.
“I don’t know if I can,” I admitted to Michael’s sleepy form.
“(Y/n), you have to. You’re running yourself into the ground.”
“He’s going to be mad.”
“That’s his problem. Nothing he can do about you using a sick day.”
“They’re going to be overwhelmed from being short-staffed.”
“That’s the company’s fault. Not yours. They should have enough people to handle someone calling out. Come on, you know as well as I do that you deserve a day off.”
I kneaded my bottom lip between my teeth. He was right. It’s been over a week since my last day off. And goddammit, I’m tired.
Taking a deep breath, I dialed my manager. I held the phone up to my ear as it rang. After a while, I was sent to voicemail. “Hey Josh,” I started. “I’m sorry to do this, but I can’t make it in today. I’m really not feeling well. Just giving you a heads up.” With that I hung up.
I opened my text messages in my phone and sent him a text as well with a similar message. Setting my phone back down and crawling into bed next to Michael, I let out a soft sigh. “I called out.”
“Good job, Kitten,” he placed a kiss on my temple. “Now cuddle me.”
He pulled me against his chest. I snuck my arm underneath his and wrapped it around his waist. A small smile spread across my lips as I listened to his steady breathing. I deserved a day off. And if it’s spent in the arms of the man I love, all the better.
Light shining on my face from the outside window stirred me from my sleep. I groaned as I rolled over, pulling the blanket over my face. Reaching a hand over to grab Mikey, I was greeted with empty sheets. I pulled the blanket back down to look over the room. He was gone. I couldn’t help but frown.
I rolled back over to check my phone. It was a quarter past ten. There was a text from my manager. Checking the message, it simply said, “Feel better soon.”
I pulled myself up, out of bed and started wandering from room to room. The bathroom and his gaming room were empty. I put my hands on my hips, trying to think where he could be. Suddenly a noise came from the kitchen. Found him.
I tiptoed my way down the stairs and headed to the kitchen. Michael was standing in front of the stove putting butter into a pan. Ingredients littered the counter top. Leaning against the bar area, I watched him move. He was humming a small tune I didn’t recognize.
When he turned around and saw me, he gave a small jump. “Jesus (Y/n), you scared me!” he laughed.
I let out a small giggle, pushing myself off of the counter. His hands found their way to my waist as I stepped up to him. He gave a lazy grin as he looked down at me. I couldn’t help but match his smile.
“How’d you sleep, beautiful?” his right hand moved to tuck some of my hair behind my ear before settling back on my waist.
“Good,” I hummed. “Didn’t realize how much I needed it.”
He nodded his head. “I’m glad you were able to rest.”
“Me too.”
He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss. It was a sweet chaste kiss that made my heart flutter. I will never get use to his kisses. They always held different emotions depending on what was going on, but each one always made me feel loved.
“So what’re you making?” I asked as Mikey moved away from me to continue cooking.
“Eggs and toast. Do you want to make the holes in the bread?”
“Of course I do!” I said excitedly. I sat on a bar stool facing him.
He handed me a piece of bread. I took it and gave it a small bend so I could bite a hole in the center. Handing it back to Michael, he handed me another slice. I repeated the action. He moved back to the stove. Putting the bread in the pan, he grabbed the eggs and broke one into the center of each. He then dashed salt and pepper onto the egg.
“Did you want cheese on yours?” he asked, flipping over the eggs and toast.
“Yes please.”
He sprinkled some cheese on top of each one and allowed the cheese to melt before plating it. Setting the plate on the counter, he added some green onion on top that he must’ve chopped up before I came down.
He set the food in front of me and moved to pass me the hot sauce and a fork. I smiled at him gratefully. As I started taking a bite, he went and put more butter in the pan.
“Are you not eating this with me?”
“No, those are yours,” he chuckled.
“Oh,” I set the fork down to wait for him to be able to eat with me.
“You can start, it’s better while it’s warm,” he said before taking a bite out of the slice of bread in his hands.
“Are you sure? I can wait for you.”
“It’s okay, I insist.” My belly growled as he was talking. He let out a small laugh, “And it sounds like your stomach does too.”
I gave him a sheepish smile before picking up my fork and eating. When I was half way through, he sat next to me and started eating himself. We sat in silence as we enjoyed our meal.
I got up from my spot when I finished and put the dishes in the sink. I started cleaning up the food on the counter, putting things back in the fridge. Once Mikey finished, he started hand washing the dirty dishes.
“So, what do you want to do today?” He asked, drying off his hands.
I thought for a moment before a wicked grin spread across my face. “Kick your ass in Mario Kart.”
“Ha! You wish you could!”
“I know I can!” I turned around and started running upstairs to the game room. Michael was right behind me.
We were both out of breath when we got there. I sat down on the couch as Mikey changed the TV’s input and got the Switch set up. He sat down next to me, his leg brushing mine. He handed me a controller. I rested my head against his shoulder as we were picking our characters.
“Cuddling up to the competition, huh?” he joked.
“Only when the competition is hot,” I shrugged.
“Don’t think I’m going to go easy on you,” he laughed.
“Wouldn’t dream of if, darling.”
“Loser orders pizza later?”
“Michael, we just ate!” I laughed.
“I said later!”
“You’re on.”
“I love you,” he chuckled, kissing the top of my head.
“Cuddling up to the competition?” I threw his words back at him.
“Oh, shut up.”
We decided on doing only four races with random maps on. That way neither of us had to fight over which maps we played. As we raced, Michael and I pushed against each other, trying to make the other slip up.
I won the first two races and he won the third. We were on the fourth race now and Michael was in the lead. I squeezed the controller tighter, trying to will myself to go faster. I was only a few feet behind him. There was a line of item boxes before the last turn. Grabbing one, I prayed for something good.
As we took the last turn, I got a red shell. My eyes widened with excitement. I saw him use the coin he got from the item boxes as I lined up the shot. Releasing the red shell, it hit him as he got to the finish line, stopping him in his tracks. I zoomed right past him, claiming first place.
I shot up to my feet and started dancing in victory as Michael yelled, “That’s bullshit!”
“It’s not my fault that you suck at Mario Kart,” I laughed.
“Take that back,” he narrowed his eyes.
He suddenly grabbed me and pulled me back to the couch. He started tickling my sides. I let out a squeal as I laughed my head off. I tried using my hands to fight him off. He easily shifted our weight so my back was against the couch and he was on top of me. Grabbing both of my wrists, he pinned them above my head. He shifted my wrists so he could hold them with one hand and continue tickling me with the other.
“Michael, stop, I can’t breathe!” I wheezed in between laughs.
He paused his onslaught on my stomach. “Take it back.”
“Never!” I tried to wiggle out of his grasp to no avail.
He gave a small shrug and continued his attack. Tears started rolling down my cheeks from me laughing so hard. 
“Michael!” I cried.
“Michael,” he mimicked.
“Okay, okay!” I giggled. “Take it back!”
“Take what back?” he smirked, fingers still digging into my side.
“You don’t suck at Mario Kart!”
I gasped for breath as he pulled his hands away, freeing my wrists. I reached up and cupped his face. He leaned into my touch. Smiles never leaving our lips.
“I missed this,” he mumbled.
“Missed what? Torturing me?” I snorted.
“No,” he scoffed. “I missed your laugh and your smile.”
“Oh?” I furrowed my brows and retracted my hand.
Michael let out a heavy sigh. “You’ve just been so tired and sad lately. I’ve been worried. At first, I thought it was me.”
“Awe, Mikey it’s not your fault. You’ve been my rock. It’s just… I’ve been so busy with-”
“Work. I know,” he nodded his head. “And that scares me, (Y/n). I hate what it’s doing to you.”
“Well, what if,” I paused for a moment to think. “What if I found another job.”
“I think that’ll be healthy. One that doesn’t work you so much.”
“Then I’ll start looking.”
“After today,” he said, leaning down. “Today I want to spend as much time with you as I can. And for you to relax.”
“Lucky for you, those two things can go hand in hand,” I lifted my head up off of the couch, catching his mouth with mine.
His hand moved to cup my face as our mouths moved together. My hands rested on his hips as he straddled me. Suddenly his tongue darted out and licked my bottom lip. I opened my mouth. Our tongues did a little dance, darting in and out of each other’s mouths. Teeth occasionally bumped against each other. I gently bit Mikey’s bottom lip as he pulled away for air.
He let out a small laugh, “I love you so much, Kitten.”
“I love you too, Mikey. So much,” I beamed up at him.
Taglist: @galcalirwin​ @baldcalum​ @aneclecticwriter​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​
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motleyfuckingcruee · 4 years
Hey Jealousy (Vince Neil x reader)
Cool ! 😂😂 ok so this is the plot I hope you'll like it 
You're Vince's girlfriend and you go with him on tour and Guns N Roses are the first part of their show. On the tour, Axl and you became closer which actually turned Vince jealous. Axl and him fought on the tour because of you and once you and Vince came home, you fight and try desperately to explain that you're in love with him and not with Axl. He gets jealous and says how much he loves you and will die if you love someone else. You kiss him and show him how much you love him
Requested by @antheasnow (i'm so sorry it took me so long to write this!)
Hey Jealousy
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You smile as you watch your boyfriend run and jump all over the stage. He’s certainly got a lot of energy tonight. You hold your breath as Vince seems to almost trip over a chord for one of the amps, but he plays it off cool. You giggle to yourself. You’ve been with Vince for about a year now. You two are still inseparable.
“Hey (Y/N)!” You hear a cheery voice yell. You turn to the backstage area to see Steven, the drummer of Guns N’ Roses, sitting on one of the couches. “Come and join the fun! He’ll be off in a bit!”
You’re hesitant to leave your place. You know that Vince will have a cow if he can’t see you from the stage. He’s very protective and freaks when you leave his sight for even a moment. Once you went to the bathroom without telling him and he was screaming and yelling at everyone. It’s like he thought you were kidnapped or something. You decide to go join Guns, mostly because you’ve seen Mötley Crüe perform the same set so many times. You needed a change of pace. You walk over to the nearest couch, sitting down with a smile on your face. It just so happened that you sat next to Axl Rose.
Vince definitely was going to have hissy fit now. You and Axl grew rather close over the few months they’ve been on tour with the Crüe. You got tired of being by yourself when Vince would run off to party with Tommy and Nikki, so you made friends with Guns. They were rather quiet with it being their first tour and all. You don’t think they know how to act. Instead of going off to the nearest strip club or party, they stayed at the hotel in their little group. You and Axl just immediately clicked. Vince wasn’t happy about that. One day, Axl just said ‘Hi’ to you and Vince about beat him to a pulp!
You love Vince with all your heart, but his jealousy is getting out of hand.
“Hey, darlin’,” Axl greets you happily.
You smile at him. “Hey, Ax.” You look around to see what the other boys are doing. Your smile fades as a look of disgust covers your face. Steven, Duff, Slash, and Izzy are all snorting blow without any thought. Lots of it too. “Ugh,” You groan. You’d seen enough of this with the Crüe and it hurt to see your new friends to be doing it as well. Your eyes land back on Axl who’s smirking at you.
“You don’t like drugs, do you?” Axl asks, taking a drag from his cigarette.
You shake your head, “Not at all. I hate it. It hurts me to see you guys kill yourselves on purpose.”
“That’s an interesting way to put it,” Axl says thoughtfully. “It must be the ‘rockstar’ way.”
You shrug, frowning. “I guess, but I hate it. Once I tried to get Vince to get clean and he hated me for a good month.”
“How could he hate someone as beautiful as you?”
You blush, looking down at your lap. It’s no secret that Axl is very attractive. What with his sexy singing voice, gorgeous red hair, and pretty green eyes, how could a girl ever refuse him? The only downside to him is his temper.
You’d date him in another world. But in this one, Vince held your heart.
In a lot of ways, him and Vince are a lot alike. They both have tempers, really pretty hair and eyes, and are both the lead singers of their bands.
But you love Vince. You have since you met him three years ago.
“I think he was just really mad,” You respond, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “He got over it and was wanting to be around me again.”
“You know,” Axl says, leaning in really close. “If you were with me you wouldn’t have to worry about that.”
You smile kindly at him. “I love Vince. Nothing will change that. Axl, you’re a great guy and everything but-.”
Within a second, Axl is no longer beside me on the couch. I look behind me to see Vince beating the shit out of him.
“Oh God!” You yell, getting up. “Vinny, please stop! I’m begging you, stop!”
I try to go and pull Vince off of Axl, but a pair of strong arms hold me back. I look to see Nikki who has a smile on his face. No doubt he’s enjoying the fight. It’s been a while since there’s been drama on tour. And tonight’s the last night of the entire tour.
“Nikki, please let me go!” You scream over the other yelling going on. “Goddammit, let me go!”
“I’m sorry sweetheart,” Nikki says into my ear. “But, Vince told me to never let you get in the middle of one of his fights.”
You watch in horror as Axl finally gains the upper ground. Axl punches Vince multiple times and you pray to whoever is above that you don’t hear a crunch. Vince would be even more pissed if Axl broke his nose. Vince manages to get back on top, punching Axl in the jaw multiple times. Finally Tommy and Mick are able to get a good hold on Vince. They pull him off of a beaten down Axl Rose. Vince doesn’t seem to have many injuries. Only a busted lip and black eye.
“Alright,” Doc says, not looking surprised at what just took place. “I think it’s time for all of us to head home.”
Everyone nods in agreement. Thank God you’re already in Los Angeles. A plane ride home with a pissed Vince would be agonizing. A drive home is torture enough.
You collect Vince and go outside to hail a taxi. The way home was agonizingly silent. The cab driver kept trying to make conversation, but Vince would snap at him. He seemed like a decent enough guy. We arrive home, neither you speaking a word as Vince unlocked the house to let you both inside.
You go up and take a shower, deciding that Vince just wanted some time alone. You can’t believe that Vince lost his shit like he did. Well, actually, never mind that thought. You can completely believe that he lost his shit. You hope that Axl was okay. Vince got multiple good hits on him.
Once you finish your shower and got dressed, you head down to the living room. You find Vince sitting on the couch with only the lamp on. Normally, he’d already have the television on. You sit down next to him, not sure what to say.
“Why the fuck would you even talk to him!” Vince snaps, his gaze on you.
You hate how much anger is in his eyes. You really didn’t mean any harm. You just wanted friends. “Because he’s my friend,” You answer quietly.
“He only wants to get into your fucking pants! God, you can be so fucking stupid sometimes. I bet you’ve already had sex with him, haven’t you!” Vince yells.
You flinch. “No. Why would you think that?”
“Well you two are just so fucking close! I wouldn’t be surprised!”
You sigh. “I just wanted people to hang out with while you were out doing God knows what with Nikki and Tommy.”
“Then you should’ve fucking went to Mick!”
“He was with Emi.”
“So? You could’ve kicked that bitch out! No one gives a shit about her!”
You frown. “If that’s how you talk about women, I’d hate to hear what you say about me.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
You glare at him. “You obviously hate me at this point, Vince! Ever since I tried to help you get clean, you’ve hated me! I’ve done everything I fucking could to make you happy and yet you still pull this shit with me! Why don’t you just ask me to fucking leave already? That’s obviously what you want!”
Vince is speechless, his eyes wide. After a few moments, he recovers. “I don’t want you to leave.”
“Then why do you treat me like you do? You act like an overprotective boyfriend in front of everyone, but as soon as we’re alone you blame it all on me,” You say. You feel a few tears fall down your cheeks.
“Oh, babygirl,” Vince says, scooting over to where you are. He envelopes you in a hug. You cry into his chest, feeling helpless. “I don’t want you to leave. I’d be lost without you. I’ve just been on edge lately. I promise I’ll be better, okay?” He pulls back to look into your eyes. He wipes some tears off of your cheeks. He smiles gently. “I love you.”
You smile, the tears still falling. “I love you too,” You choke out.
“You better,” He winks. That’s the Vince you know and love. “Now, come on. I’m ready to sleep for three days.”
And with that he carried you to the bedroom.
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nejiraez · 5 years
bakugou katsuki | late night drives
well fuqqqq; also this one shot is gender neutral friendly~
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The constant hum and vibrating of his phone were what pulled Bakugou away from his resting state. His eyes immediately snapped open at its bothersome sound.
He must've forgotten to put it on "Do Not Disturb" before he went to sleep earlier that evening.
It took a moment for his scarlet eyes to realize what in the hell was going on around him after being rudely awakened. The moon's evening glow peaked through the tiny slits of his curtains, indicating that it was still late at night.
With an annoyed grunt, the young blond sat up in his bed and felt around the heap of sheets and pillows in search of his phone. Once his fingertips skimmed over the device, he immediately snatched it and hastily unlocked his phone.
"Who the hell called me at one AM?" He muttered in question to himself.
The brightness of Katsuki’s screen illuminated half of his room and his face. It made him squint at the light with great discomfort since his eyes weren't well-adjusted to the transition yet.
Dimming the illumination, his thumb tapped over to the "Recently Called" list and scrolled upwards to see who had just called his phone.
The swarm of heart emojis and your set contact picture - which you all had put in yourself - seemed to rouse Katsuki from his sluggish phase. He was more alert now as he read over the notification. 
Missed call from '(Y/N) 🥺💖💘😻💕' at 1:48 AM
Bakugo’s jaw clenched once he saw his S/O's name on his screen. He clicked his tongue in exasperation as he pressed your name so that he could return your call. "Goddammit, (Y/N) ..."
He rose his phone up to his ear and waited to hear your voice on the other line.
The number of times that Bakugou had scolded you for staying up late doing God knows what left him feeling as though he was your parent or guardian rather than your boyfriend. Why couldn't you just understand that sleep was fucking important?
Was that too much to ask for?
On the second ring, you immediately picked up his call. "Katsuki!?" He heard you say with a confused - yet lively - tone. "You're awake?"
"I am now," he replied, taking a quick pause to release a muffled yawn, "because you fucking woke me up."
You released an audible 'aww' at the sound of his yawn. You felt guilty for waking him up, especially over something so little. "Never mind then, you sleep. I'm so sorry for waking you!" You said, backtracking on your decision of talking with Katsuki.
Swinging his legs out from underneath his covers, Bakugou placed his bare feet onto the cool hardwood floor and rested his elbows on top of his knees. Even though he had no energy for it, he still wanted to talk to you. The sweet sound of your voice was something he didn't want to pass up.
"It's whatever, I'm awake now," he slurred. It was clear from his tone that he was still absorbed off the effects of his heavy sleep. "What'd you call me for?"
You pursed your lips and played with the ends of your (h/c) hair. "You're going to be mad..." You said, trying to stall your answer to his question. "It's stupid!"
"I won't be, tell me."
Bakugou was able to hear the delay and uncertainty on your end. You were clearly debating if you should tell him or not, but in the end, you just let out with it.
"I was craving ice cream and I wanted to get some with you!"
There was a long pause from Bakugou's side of the phone. You weren't sure if he hung up at your antics, or if he was just too speechless to respond. Either way, you called out for his name hoping that it was the latter.
"Fine," he interjected before you could even finish.
"Wait, really?!" You exclaimed in pure shock. You were beyond excited that your grandpa of a boyfriend, who slept at 8:32 PM on school days, agreed on sneaking out with you. "You mean it?!"
Bakugou dragged a tired hand down his face and sighed. "Yeah. Now hurry up before I lose interest and fall back asleep."
"Okay, I'm gonna come to get you." You said from the other end of the phone. "Sorry for waking you again, I'll be there really soon so just wait outside, yeah?"
"I'll beat you up."
Katsuki then heard the melodic string of your giggles in response to his harmless threat. His features softened whilst the corners of his lips tug upwards at the thought of your smiling face.
Even when you two weren't even in the same room, you still managed to have his heart in a complete wreck. A slow, small smile lingered on his lips. "I'm serious, pull this stupid shit again and I'll do it."
"Sure, sure. Whatever you say!"
Sitting outside the front steps of his house, Bakugou watched with amused eyes as you pulled up into his family's driveway in a lousy fashion. Your driving capabilities, to say the least, wasn't... the greatest.
You came to a halt, unlocked the car and rolled down the window to greet your boyfriend. "Hey!" You said as you patted the seat adjacent to you. "See? I told you I wouldn't take long."
He shook his head and walked up to the passenger side, yanking the door open so that he could slide in. Once he was settled and buckled up, he leaned his head against the window and in a smug manner he asked, "What the fuck was that back there?"
You reversed out of the driveway with caution and out from his neighbourhood on towards the main roads. "What do you mean?"
"That was a poor excuse of a frontward park." He reclined the passenger seat halfway down and rested his toned arms behind his head, "Pathetic."
You swatted at Katsuki's knee once you saw him faintly bite down on his lip to stifle himself from bursting out in howling laughter. "Quit teasing me, you ass."
Since then, you had kindly asked Katsuki to stop distracting you. For you wanted to get the both of you to the ice cream cafe in one piece.
And he did exactly just that. Begrudgingly. He was very petty and adorned a cute scowl on his face when you told him. For the most part that is...
Pulling out from the vacant drive-thru, you managed to sneak a few scoops of cookie dough into your mouth before parking. It was just you who was eating. You offered to buy Katsuki one of his own, but he flat out refused. Claiming he doesn't like "that sugary shit".
As you continued to delicately eat another spoonful of ice cream, you felt the ash blonde’s prolonged stare on you. His crimson eyes followed the movement of your spoon from the cup and back to your lips, again... and again. It was almost as if he were in a trance.
You pulled your attention away from your treat to catch a glimpse at him. "You've been staring at me for a while now, Katsuki. What's wrong?"
His previously focused scowl now morphed into a softer emotion at the sound of your voice. "Nothing," he sat back up in his seat and nodded his head over to where the spoon wavered before your lips. "I want some.”
Your brows shot upwards, "Oh? Okay, say 'ah'..." You scooped up a hefty amount and held it out for him. You beamed as you watched him lean in to take a taste.
However, the cute moment was put to a swift end when Bakugou knocked the spoon out from your grasp and snaked his hand towards your face to cradle your cheek in a gentle manner.
"What the hell, Katsuki!" you yelped out as you watched in horror when the ice cream splattered all over the interior of your mother's car. "My mom's going to kill me once she sees this!"
Bakugou's eyes fluttered to a close while he rested his forehead against yours, completely ignoring your complaints of distress. "Quit worrying, (Y/N)." Was all he said before he closed the tiny space between you and him.
His nose gently nudged against yours and his kisses started off with a series of small pecks. But gradually, he became more demanding and wanted more. His hand fell onto your shoulder and he gave it a light, reassuring squeeze.
Bakugou felt your body stiffen from genuine surprise, but you composed yourself and shyly returned his kiss.
He kissed you with such need and force that you weren't sure if the same Katsuki you were kissing now; was the same sleepy grouch you were talking to around an hour ago.
You couldn't breathe. You placed a hand on his broad shoulder and pulled away so you could catch your breath. Confused and dazed, you managed to pant, "Wh...what was that? I... uh, what?"
Bakugou watched you practically go speechless for a second from that whole ordeal. He felt a great sense of satisfaction deep within his chest; your reaction unquestionably has boosted his ego.
He glides his tongue over his bottom lip, licking away any flavour or residue that was left there. All the while staring at you with lidded eyes, which left you smack-dabbed in the face with embarrassment and utter shock.
"I thought this would've tasted like shit," he pondered to himself, he swiped his thumb at the corner of your mouth, cleaning you off, "but I guess anything tastes good when it's on you."
"O-Oh-? I-"
Without missing a beat, you started up the car and rolled down the windows. It felt hot in that confined space, or maybe it was just you.
You tore your flustered gaze away from his triumphant one and awkwardly cleared your throat.
Perhaps taking Katsuki out at night was the wrong idea...
"I'm driving you the fuck back home."
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