#i just went a little crazy w this one... XD
pixelatedraindrops · 4 months
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Yuma Month: Day 25: Broken
Night terrors, burning body temperature, delirious hallucinations, and glassy faded vision…
Helpless and afraid, he calls out for his caretaker…but he’s not there…
He’s all alone now…with no one to help…
Completely broken.
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You want old men thoughts?? Hmm.... Right now I can't think of much, but I'll give you the little things I got XD
- Imagine in the Norman and Inkubus imagine you made, it's actually Norman that gets you first. You two have an established relationship before Inkubus came along, and started trying to seduce you. You insist to Norman that this new guy is 'just a friend', but even blind he can see that this guy has no good intentions towards his little wife.
- Imagine that you were the one victim of the Fireflies that managed to escape, and now Otis is obsessed with 'finishing what he started' with you. At first, it was with the intention to kill, but he just can't stop thinking about you lately (I'm not sure how in character this is, but I hope you still enjoy it XD)
- Ok this isn't sexual, but imagine you and Jim share a bed together, and in the middle of the night, you at first feel your husband shaking. You look over your shoulder to see his still sleeping face, and it looks scared. Pained. And you hear him muttering... You know what he's dreaming about. It's the same dream he's had ever since that God forsaken poaching trip he went on that almost killed him.
It's not much, but I hope you enjoy these imagines! ^^
Norman Nordstrom x Reader x Inkubus-
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I loveee this prompt XDD Its like:
Y/N: *Introducing their husband and their nice new friend 'Klaus'* And like I said Norm, we're just goin' to the shops for a bit. Norman, getting bad vibes off of this... 'Klaus': I don't want you goin anywhere with him. Y/N: ... :D *w h a t... * Y/N: *Eyeroll* Don't worry Norm!, I love you, Klaus is just a friend ^^ Inkubus, who has been quiet up until that moment.: ... excuse me I'm what-
Y/N, explaining to Norman who's at the door (You're lovely new friend obviously XD ) and that you two are just going out shopping: Don't worry Norm!, I love you, Klaus is just a friend ^^ He doesn't have any weird intentions, don't be possessive. Norman: Hmm... I gues- Inkubus: *'Absentmindedly' tapping his foot on the porch outside- you cant hear it but Norman with his exceptional senses sure can. And why is it significant?... its Morse code for 'OH YES. I DO.' *
Otis B Driftwood x Reader-
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Its totally in character!! I can absolutely see Otis being pissed and obsessing until, like, Baby mentions that she swears he has a crush~~ And he obviously curses at her and the fight because no way in hell does he have a fucken crush, but then when Baby skips off- he has an epiphany~ Like hm... (: Maybe I do have a thing on the slippery little fuck-cunt... Oh, heh heh, even better.
CUZ HE KNOWS, he KNOWS, being in a relationship with him is the worse sentence he could have ever dreamt up even on the purest of LSD.
Warnings; Capture, restraints, (Light) non-con touching/sexual assault and heavy allusions to rape. Just because I wrote this under your ask, does not mean you have to read it if you are uncomfortable. Technically all this can be sub-categorised under Otis' name, but I want to be clear XD My head goes to a darkkk place when I write Otis, okay? I'm sorry-
The old fucker's huge hand was tight over your mouth and nose as he leant in and grinned with dirty teeth at you. "... congrats, for what its worth. Its never taken me this long to find someone. Heheh, you're a good runner, gingerbread. Too bad you're not so good at hiding."
In responce you struggle once again against the restraints keeping you down on your knees; bare skin digging into the gravel parking lot beneath you. The tag ties around your wrists keep your arms stuck painfully behind your back as well as your ankles rubbing raw against each other.
"... lemme explain to you why you don't wanna fight me, alright?... " His hand squeezes you jaw, and you just wonder why he seems in such good spirits. The last time you saw him you were in the bed of a truck racing away from his crazy ass Texas chainsaw-style and he looked about ready to rip your throat out with his gross teeth. What changed? Why is he smiling, now? "... you see, uh... oh shit, I'm a little nervous!" there is not a single sign of nervousness in his eyes; Just a cruel amusement. "Okay, here we go- I like you." Immediately you try to struggle again but his other hand clamps around your arm and holds you still- and close. "Yeah. And well I usually don't take so well to, um... you know, little fucken bitches like you gettin' away... ehhhhh, I'm mellowing out in my old age, I guess. So! Here's the deal,
"I'll play nice. You know, I wont uh... hurt you, I guess. I promise, okay? Scouts honour, or whatever. But you... you gotta play nice too, k? You gotta... " Otis eyes flicker, moving purposefully from where they had been steadfast to yours for the past few minutes... down your body. The hand on your arm moves and ever so gently his knuckles graze against your chest. You jaw would drop if it wasn't restrained. You would shiver. You would hit him. With another creepy chuckle, Otis gives a grimy smirk to you. "You gotta be realll nice, to old Otis. Yeah?
"That's the only way yer gettin' outta this alive, sweet thing. Take it or leave it; its up to you. See? I'm nice!"
Jim Bickerman x Reader-
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That's okay, it doesn't need to be sexual! We also love old men XD
We have had the comedy, we have had the horror... now we get the angst and the fluff XD Here we go-
You're slowly roused from sleep by the cold, Jim assumedly hogging the blanket (Though that's not a thing he does, he usually doesn't even care about the blanket) so you sit up turn your head to look down at him; And immediately you wince.
"Oh, no... "
With his good hand clamped over his own mouth and his skin looking pale, its obvious exactly what he's dreaming about. His eyebrows are furrowed in his sleep and the lines in his forehead and the bridge of his nose are deep, his breathing is haggard and you know it has to be a nightmare.
This has happened before, ever since that trip back to Blackwater you wish he hadn't taken, and every time seems even worse then the one before. And they change him; The bags under his eyes haven't ever been deeper then they are these days; at least not as long as you've known him.
The worst part is knowing you cant wake him up, you can just be useless there beside him wondering what he's seeing. What part of him the teeth are ripping apart this time. Whether he's getting out alive, this time.
Taking a deep breath yourself, you carefully peel his fingers off his mouth so he can breath properly, holding it tight in your own hand instead. And then you just sit there, in the dark (The only light in the room being what the moon creates, coming in through the window Jim broke a couple days ago.), squeezing his hand and hoping he'll wake up soon. That he'll wake up.
When finally he lurches up beside you, breathing heavily as he wakes up and crushing your fingers so hard his knuckles go white and so do yours, you just let him calm down on his own. Just hold his hand and try to give him space while not giving him space at all; wanting him to have room, but not wanting him to feel alone. You're right here and you're not going anywhere. You feel absolutely useless, but... you're not going anywhere.
A few heavy moments pass where he just breaths, and you just watch him with worry-filled eyes, until the pulse you can feel in his wrist returns to close-to-normal, and you give his hand one final, hard squeeze before letting it go. Instead you silently enfold enfold him in your arms, him immediately dissolving into you; wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face into your shoulder, slowly taking some more relaxed breaths.
"Heh... not a fan of those nightmares peanut but I gotta say I like the service I get afterwards."
"... are you okay?... "
"I'm fine." He always says he's fine, but fine would mean no more nightmares. Jim says that he's fine when he has shrapnel in his knuckles, Jim said he was fine the other day after he fell off the roof- you do not trust his fine, at all. Crazy bastard that he is; His 'fine' is completely without basis in reality.
"... you're fine?" You ask, an obviously-dubious look on your face as you lean back and tilt your head at him.
Jim smirks, something you can just see in the dim-lit room. "With my flask and possibly a little under-the-covers action sweetheart I could be better then fine." The smirk transforms into a whole grin and you cant help but roll your eyes; Grinning yourself a little, despite yourself.
He's nuts, but you kinda love him for it. "How about water, and some ice cream?"
Eyes hardening, Jim gives you a 'you cant fix my liver' kind of look. You're very familiar with it; It makes you want to laugh. "How about homebrew and ice cream?- and, also, where the hell are we gettin' this ice cream from missy?? I didn't think we had any more. Either you're makin' empty promises to an old cripple with ptsd or you've been holdin' out on me."
-oh damn. Quickly you let go of him and hop outta bed. "... uh... well no we dont have ice cream... not that you know of, anyway." Avoiding eye contact, you busy yourself collecting the half-empty cups of water off of both of your night stands. "So you- uh- wanted moonshine?? Great, sounds fantastic, lets go- "
He's not to be deterred, an amused glint in his eye as he watches you. "Where are you keeping this ice cream, dumpling? I know theirs none in our freezer."
"Uhhhm... "
"... fine I have a secret mini freezer in the back. You kept stealing my Ben & Jerries, I had no other choice! Now, do you want some or not? Because if not, I'll just go eat it myself!" With that, you grab a discarded flannel off the floor for the chill and rush out of the bedroom- but its not long before you hear the sound of his prosthetic leg hit the ground.
... Its not long later after that when Jim has you backed up against the cold brick wall just outside the back door; Leant in close and with one hand and one hook on your waist. As well as a devils look in his eye that makes you grin under its scrutiny.
"I believe we made a vow, sweetheart, somethin' like what's mine is yours??... "
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
ok so uhm i might've submitted the first ask sonner than i wanted to xD i accidentally used a shortcut to submit it. i had no idea this was a thing lol (i think it was ctrl + enter) aaand then i misclicked and unfollowed you so i followed again and ye... it's one of those days today 💀
anyway - more dabi thoughts :')
imagine the sheer amount of rage that overcomes dabi when you get catcalled in public. you were supposed to meet up at some place and he was waiting for you since he arrived a little early. he could already see you walk down the street when suddenly a stranger whistled after you and said smt that clearly made you feel uncomfortable.
good luck trying to keep your man under control bc he's about to go feral.
- 🥛 (this feels so much better. the milk needs to be there.)
HEAR ME OUT— dabi would be so pisssed at witnessing someone catcalling you, basically treating you like an object or an animal.
you ain’t a dog, so why are these bastards whistling your way? ohh he’s so gonna burn them to fucking ashes, whom the fuck do they think are saying “let’s go have some fun” to? he will show them in person something fun.
while walking toward dabi, you see him raise from his spot on the bench he was sitting on and walk your way which makes you beam instantly, those three molluscs forgotten already as soon as you saw your pretty boy stomping heavily to you “hey baby! how–”, but then you noticed the grim expression on his face and when he reached you dabi walked past your silhouette, immediately you froze on place not understanding his behavior.
“i dare ya bastard to try whistle my girl’s way once more, i’ll burn those ugly lips of yours!”, at hearing his roar you gasp loudly before turning and rushing to him, arms closed around your boyfriend’s waist in a useless try to stop him, who had his hand lifted mid-air with blue flames bursting from it, reminding the dark haired young man that he’s a wanted villain.
those three leave right away after recognising dabi and while that was a good thing, it wasn’t a relief because now the citizens around you were going to call the cops (or even worse, the heroes) on you two, which is why quickly you grab his hand and drag him along in your impromptu escapade, rushing as fast as possible somewhere you two won’t be find by whoever was probably were on your tracks.
getting into an empty alley of a secondary road that would easily get you away from danger, once made other few shortcuts and checking that no one was on sight, you finally slowed down until you didn’t came to an halt. dabi in silence behind your bended figure, watching as you try to catch your breath.
“everyone ‘s gonna be on your back now, dumbass!”, you scolded punching him on his stomach, making the boy spurt air, before glaring at him menacingly. dabi was about to talk back at you, about how it’s crazy how you’re screaming at him, when you kept talking “if you’re gonna burn those trashbags, at least do it when no one is looking.”, and that was your actual point for screaming at him, which made the villain snort amused at you, an hand lifted so his wrist could hide the little smirk curling up his lips.
he then turned to you with a tender smile on his lips, a lifted eyebrow as his right hand went to rest on top of your head gently, cerulean eyes looking down at you in that soft way he reserved to you and no one else.
“sorry i made you worry baby, next time i’ll make sure to burn them in a way that won’t put me in danger.”, with an expression that’s a mix of worry and weak menace because you’re pouting so cutely, you nod firmly at his words. his face suddenly went serious, eyebrows knitted together and the corners of his mouth downwards “it’s just... it pissed me off so much how they were objectifying you, that i didn’t really think about where i was...”, he explained frustrated, hand going now to the back of his head, still boiling with rage at the thought of those three vermins.
you stared at him in awe for a long while before wrapping your arms around dabi’s chest and snuggling against, feeling reassured right away the moment his scent surrounded you “i love you so much, best boyfriend in the world!”, at your full of energy response, the arsonist simply melted while groaning in conflict before closing his arms around your shoulders, chin resting on top of your head as he stared forward with pursed lips and cheeks tinted of red.
“what am i gonna do with you?”, he blurted out exasperated, because damn... wasn’t he one lucky man to have an amazing girlfriend such as you.
“uhm?”, you hummed looking up at him confused after not hearing well what he just said, his voice was too low.
“nothing. shall we go now?”, with that dabi just held your hand and walked slightly ahead of you, trying extremely hard to hide his flushed cheeks but failing miserably as you got a small glimpse of them as soon as you had lifted your eyes on him, a small giggle leaving your mouth as you jumped at his side all happy and giddy.
you call him cute, then he calls you out on it horrified by you saying something like that about a villain, which you argue that it’s nonsense and while bickering lovingly with each others you two finally start up your date.
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belphegor1982 · 10 months
Got tagged by @accidentallylita for a 20 questions for writers thing! Thank you 💜 I'm gonna tag... @tameila, @fantasiawandering, @kabbal, @kaantt and @thisstableground - no pressure at all though.
How many works do you have on AO3?
88. But I still have 44 others over on FFnet.
What's your total AO3 word count?
659,354 (holy crap that's a lot!) and I'm way too lazy to add the FFnet numbers. The FFnet counters are a mess anyway.
What fandoms do you write for?
I have written for... Ready? Go! *deep breath* Harry Potter, Great Mouse Detective, The Mummy, Pirates of the Caribbean, Kung Fu Panda, Watchmen, Justice League, Discworld, White Collar, Hogan's Heroes, Zorro (the 1950s Disney series), Kaamelott, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the 2012 cartoon and a TMNT 2003 and 1987 crossover missing scene from Turtles Forever) , the Don Camillo stories/films, Cobra Kai, Karate Kid, The Legend Of Vox Machina, and Critical Role. Whew! And that's not counting unpublished WIPs, because then I would have to add ACD Sherlock Holmes, Jeeves and Wooster, or The Pirates! In an Adventure with Musicians Scientists :D It's mostly Critical Role and Vox Machina at the moment, though.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Let's see:
Villains (Justice League Unlimited, Flash's Rogues watch the finale of season 2's near apocalypse on TV in their bar, 442 kudos)
Reading the Colours (TMNT 2012, kid!Mikey having trouble learning to read and a bit of synaesthesia, and kid!Ralp being a good brother, 225 kudos)
Culture Shock (Turtles Forever (TMNT 2003 and 1987 crossover), 2003!Don and 1987!Leonardo having a conversation about danger and stakes and genre shifts, 215 kudos)
After the Sunset (The Mummy, a getting-to-know-each-other scene set just after 'The End' to tie up loose ends and explore character dynamics, 202 kudos)
Wife (Justice League Unlimited, the writers made Captain Cold (of all people XD) mention a wife so I created a character and explored her relationship with her husband and his nemesis, 168 kudos)
Aww 💜 I was kinda surprised by this list, to tell the truth!
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try (oh my god do I try ♫). Currently there's still a couple in my AO3 inbox I haven't responded to yet because I like to take my time (and also I like having that little number beside my inbox on my page 😭)
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh that's easy. If, a Hogan's Heroes snapshot (<800 words) where I essentially went "hey, what if [character] really had been killed in that scene?" and picture the aftermath.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh that is hard! I have comforting endings, I have peaceful/hopeful endings, I have bittersweet endings with a side of sweet... But just plain happy? I mean, Pas de Deux would end on a thoroughly good and happy note if it weren't for that pesky last sentence ("This summer 1914 is going to be the best summer"). I'd say Perfect Picture has the happiest: it's a (few years into the) future JLU fic set at a Christmas do, PoV Jimmy Olsen, that ends on him taking the titular perfect picture in the immediate wake of a very happy announcement. I love it a lot.
Do you get hate on fics?
No, thank goodness. Something of a miracle in 22+ years of writing online! My beta has, though, because some people are idiots.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, although it's a recent (ish) development! I've written three kinds of smut: loving and sometimes fumbling between two then three young people who don't a ton of (or any, in some cases) experience, quick and ill-advised between two desperate people convinced they'll die in a few hours, and cosy and warm as a means to (re)connect (two different fandoms) between middle-aged people. Love every one of them.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have! Like the aforementioned TMNT crossover (within the same franchise, bit still, two different shows and fandoms). And, well, it's not exactly crazy, but I wrote a tavern-as-an-afterlife fic in which Sergeants García and Schultz have a little conversation about their respective supposed-to-be enemies. Would that count as "crazy" if they have approximately a century and a few years between their lifetimes?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't... think so. Can't be sure. Sometimes I post fic here and I've definitely found my Tumblr accounts on those crappy Tumblr mirroring websites, so yeah, probably.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone asked me once if I minded them translating one of my Don Camillo fics into Italian, to which I responded with happy flailing and "not at all, go ahead!" But I never heard back from them. OTOH, I have done the translating :D I translated a Mummy fic into French back in the day (2004) with the author's permission, and I wrote L'éléphant de Carter (Hogan's Heroes) in French then translated it into English.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really. I participated in group projects and big bangs and stuff, but I've written a fic "with four hands".
What's your all-time favorite ship?
It should be an obvious choice, because I have so few I ship actively - you know, not just "sure, I like the idea of them together". For the purposes of the question I will say Pike Trickfoot/Scanlan Shorthalt, from Campaign 1 of Critical Role/The Legend of Vox Machina (it's a slow burn with minimum pining! They both have personal growth! He pursues her but then apologises and asks if they can be friends! Each is the only one who truly sees and perceives the other on that level!). But also I really really love my one-third-canon-character-two-thirds-OCs OT3 set in 1910s Oxford. So... tie? :3
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have one of those eternal WIPs (more of an idea, really) of a Discworld/Quantum Leap crossover where Sam Beckett Leaps into Sam Vimes who's in the middle of an investigation, which would mean that 1) Sam B has to wrap his mind around the existence of magic and dwarves and trolls and Nobby Nobbs while Sam V and Al Calavicci stare at each other down (Spider-men-pointing-meme style in the end) going "if my guy/my people get(s) hurt by your shenanigans then so help me I will go SQUARE" (and quickly enough work together).
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, apparently? I've been told a few times over the years by readers that they could "hear" the characters speak in their heads, which is the greatest compliment 💜 (especially since English is not my first language, so I'm always worried about things not sounding right!)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Actual plots, especially ones with a bit of complexity in them 😅 I'm the first to admit 80% of my fics are one-shot character exploration (with conflict - internal and external - being resolved via dialogue and/or communication). Also finishing things on time, GOD.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Heh. I'm French and when I write for Hogan's Heroes I often write a French character who canonically (though rarely, gotta respect the ratio) says things in French sometimes. Of course I'll include some! But I always make sure 1) to include a translation/explanation in the notes (AO3 is really great for footnotes) and 2) that it doesn't really require a translation to understand the situation/stakes. I tend to go back and forth on the use of italics for foreign language words.
Now, if I don't know the language as well as I do French (and, more importantly, if the PoV character who hears it speaks that language), I just clarify in the "s/he said", like
"You gotta be kidding me," muttered Bob in [insert language here].
Works in English too, of course, especially if you're having a multi-language environment in your fic.
First fandom you wrote for?
I was gonna say "Harry Potter", because that's the first fandom I wrote for (and published) after discovering fanfiction (the first fics I read were for Starsky & Hutch), BUT. I guess I should answer Titanic?? On account of how I kinda wrote a self-insert in high school (when the film came out) in which an imaginary inventor uncle build a time machine and my sister and I did some time tourism (obviously money wasn't an issue), thinking "oh we'll just go home on April 14th". I was a soppy 16 years old otherwise 0% interested in romance, so I had my stand-in recently lost her boyfriend (very tragically) and Fabrizio (Jack's Italian friend) be her gently manic pixie dream boy (and, of course, die). In retrospect I might have given my 14 year old sister the best part as the snarky no-nonsense little sibling. I tragically lacked self-awareness and poured my entire heart into it. Thank goodness I had no idea you could put out stories on the internet and that my best friend at the time (the only other human being who read this story) was kind and just as obsessed with the movie as I was ^^'
(I should point out that I wrote it with pencil on loose paper gathered in a binder I lost long ago. Such is life.)
Favorite fic you've ever written?
You can't just - I - oh come on! I can't choose between my babies!! No but seriously, I actually can't choose, sorry :D
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 3 months
l, i was wondering if u could give me some suggestions on an issue i am facing.. its been 6 months since me n ex broke up (on winter solstice nonetheless..) for very good reasons after 3 yrs, we really were doing some damage to each other for a while , triggering each others core wounds like Crazy. i reaally was in a bad place for the whole last yr of it and now really do feel so much better being out. however we lived together for yrs and they were who i was closest to for so long, n we were each others first love once before at 16/17. i felt just anger for months, but now its residing and i just feel soooo tied to them still… i do not want to get bacj w them, but so much of my time now is spent in deep nostalgia of the happy/quiet moments, wanting the good of those times back even tho logically i know its Impossible. wishing i could go back and do it again. wanting to reach out even tho i know it would only be detrimental. i was wondering if u have any tips on balancing this miss with continuing to move on, as i know i must finally do so fully — i feel the anger was keeping me moving forward, but now that its waning i fear getting stuck in this state. i feel as tho this is why we got back together to begin w. anyhow thank u as always fer ur infinite wisdoms x dog bless
hello <3 i understand... both of us had big endings at winter solstice lol what kind of assertive force was in the air back then i wonder ! here's my advice althoug it seems to me u already know what's right for you so it's sort of just reinforcement of your feelings ---
first thing i want to get out of the way is that if you and this person were meant to be together i believe the breakup never would/ve happened & there would've never been a single doubt in your mind about this partnership. I can say this after spending a few years living with slimbo, like, We endlessly grow closer, our bond is fully forged in stability and peace and understanding. There is not a single moment in the past few years of being in their presence that i've had a single doubt of our longevity. We do not make each other's life hell in even the slightest sense. if something comes up we work it out within that day and it never carries over to the next. And that rarely occurs.
Previously in life i did not know such harmony could exist, but now that i know, i look at all my old relationships like damn, i can't believe i ever thought that person could've been "the one" when we clashing so often. And i mean it's not like i could've known better because for most of us, we grow up in families that face much conflict, you just think Oh this is normal right? People fight and thats normal, there's tension and it's normal. Well now i know it is NOT normal and when you find someone who's really ready to meet you where you're at it creates harmony, true harmony, even if external conflict arises it brings you closer, you can solve any problem together, you're on the same level.
(Also i'm not sure how old you are but i think it's super rare to find this type of harmony until a little later in life because youth is confusing & people are still figuring themselves out, gaining the maturity it takes to be a reliable partner and whatnot).
But what i feel is happening for you and this person is that you went through all these formative experiences together, and maybe you're missing the rush of that more than you miss the actual person. Like maybe you're just bored xD that's not meant to sound harsh im just being real. boredom often leads to nostalgia. a little nostalgia here and there can be fun & transmuted into new experiences but being overly absorbed in nostalgia is not conducive to growth, only stagnation. do not fall victim to halo effect just because you're bored or lonely!!
If you were to get back with this person it would 1) block the way for someone who truly matches your frequency to come through, and 2) Likely your repressed anger and resentment towards that person would begin to infiltrate the relationship again pretty quickly. It's not fair to them, nor is it fair to yourself, it would only prolong the suffering.
So i think to move forward from this experience you could try a few things. Firstly i think you're being called to really go inwards, figure out why you feel bored right now, why you feel something is lacking in your life when you have to be alone? Learn how to fill your time with more things you enjoy, becoming stronger in your self concept through introspection, hobbies, leisure, just having fun by yourself. When you can do stuff like this it actually makes you very attractive & radiant in a way that magnetizes people who are also pretty solid in themselves. U just can't really have a good healthy relationship unless both of you are solid and Know Yourselves like thats just a universal truth.
And another thing i'd consider trying is like, meditations where you envision yourself cutting the chord that energetically binds you to this person from your past. That is if you want to get a little woowoo with it. But i really believe in the effectiveness of those exercises. Don't rush into it, just like, when you feel truly ready, let it go. You can still hold your memories and honor your experience with them without wanting them to be in your physicality again. There are exes who i haven't spoken to in yeeeears who i actually can look upon much more fondly now that i've let go. i forgive them and wish them well but it's nice to be distant.
don't be afraid of change~~~don't be afraid that a better match will never come along for you. I didn't foresee anything about the romance i have now before it happened. I knew i wanted to find a love that felt balanced and fulfilling but not All-Consuming. by a total random sequence of events, my vibe was met. You just never know whats around the corner ^^ The more open you are to change, the more change will find you. But you know going back to that person would just be a needless repeat of an old cycle. it's ok to still cherish them and keep moving forward. it's good you're able to feel less angry towards them now, that shows growth & maturity. But dont let it drag you back in !!
i hope this resonates and doesn't sound too preachy lol . Just hate to see someone fall back into Old HABITS. For your sake and the sake of your old partner. letting go is a crucial skill to learn in this life. Best of luck to you anon, you sound like a good person who wants to do their best & that will carry you far in life & love.
PMD9 <3
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the power of the doctor
  c+p my livetweets
 first note: no one but maybe Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis has gotten the cybermen quite right... sure it's fun to have villains boasting, but cybermen (or ~cybermasters) are scary bc they're not supposed to do That (that being any emotion at all)
do appreciate the continuity of bringing back the ~hybrids~ (tm)... .
still holding out hope that there will be fallout/consequences to the last universe reset / Armageddon and the doctor's "solution" there (1% of hope)
im gonna go ahead and say this makes canon one of my favorite short eu stories  - https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Girls%27_Night_In_(short_story)
"it's only been 3 decades for me" rip all the timelord-ace lore lol (in this continuity at least)dan slow down crazy it's only been 10 minutes
lmao i died @ the house still not being there xD
for future analysis: message about the comforts of modernity / technology doing away with regional cultures / identities?
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i love my contact-lensed hypnotic trash son
yaz: is yours, isn't it? (...) yours from another time? me, immediately, without breathing: VALEYARD?????? RANI!!!?!?!?! 
i love this nonesense:
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u know what would go great with that new UNIT building.. . .. a UNIT. . .. spin off
“are you ready for this?” “no! ””me neither!” me neither!!!!!!!
graphic design is my passion
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im screaming chibnall is actually Getting It Right TOT
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i love how this is proving the widely held fandom wisdom(tm) that 13 would not get away with her bs if she had been traveling with tegan and / or donna lol
one day it WILL be the valeyard / the rani and then You Will All See
and that was the day 23.342.340.923 university collage professor thoschei AUs were born and then launched into space 
im enjoying this a lot but i do have to give the critique that the emotional grounding of 13's and yaz's arcs feels very thin (as individuals and as a pair) and hasn't been the focus 20 minutes in, better hurry up @ show
I waited 2 years for this omg ot3 dynamicsssss   
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gotta love a petty in-character reference
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"oh, and ace! or should I say dorothy?" (...) "last time I saw you, you were half-cat" epic burns all around in this sunday night
the cameraperson doing those close af angles in the thasmin bit... i see you cameraperson
waiting for a twist because we've done the One Good Dalek thing like 3 times in new who asdfg 
i think Dhawan's master is forever gonna be my favorite master by far. the guys simply had no bad scenes ever. 
ooo, i liked this moment 
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the master in the doctor’s body... i have read that fic
fear you got beaten to the punch there, m8 
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fear you got beaten to the punch there, m8
me walking to the local convention w/ my first cosplay
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chibnall: can i copy your homework? rtd: yes but change it a little
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but,,, my spin off....,,, ):
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the noise i just made omg
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(screaming this was in the results when i went to re-check the meme's text sdlkjfdlksjf)
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chibnall: can i copy your homework? moffat: yes but change it a little
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we started the era with a funeral, and ended with support group for grief. bookend storytelling!
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(though lol not to brag mates but the 10-era crew has probably have cycled thru a dozen whatsapp - facebook - zoom calls and discord groups by the time this is happening)
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OK overall takes...
im gonna need time to digest lol yes, lots of very clever things, cool lore, and thematic bookends (esp, re: the fam, unit, cycles, optimism, and the master), some Right choices for classic characters BUT a lot of wasted potential for the current ones (thasmin, 13, yaz, honestly even dan! what a flimsy goodbye...).
i also think this finale fits well  the rest of the era, a lot of excellent set ups for fic writers + fandom to elevate, esp in regards to character stuff and new interpretations of old themes (regeneration as identity, emigration metaphors, companion grief, etc). im always gonna be thankful for this lesson in the 13th era: art is what the interpreter of the art brings to it. a lot of people didn’t bring a lot to this era (for valid reasons, sometimes just for misogyny/racist ones)  so they didn’t get a lot, but those who worked their way thru the subtle stuff and even “added-in” stuff, got a great, if imperfect work w/ a lot of nuances, and def things never before done in dw (one of the major wins: making the doctor mysterious again, and making them a refugee / vulnerable rather than “president of the universe” he’d come to be in 10 season of new who). stray points (things i wasnt as satisfied with) 1- im not sure thirteen learned a lot? i think the reason the master's final point in his arc hit and landed so well, while thirteen's didn't as much (for me) is that it all kind of circled around with not really a "lesson" being learned.  we really pulled back the layers of the master's narcissism and obsession with the doctor, and followed it all the way through its origins in jealousy and self-hatred. meanwhile the doctor's optimist, happy-go-lucky facade-that-falls that the fandom did such excellent meta about... never quite hit it in the end with the show. EVEN when the setup was so clearly there SO MANY TIMES: giving yaz a gun, comitting triple genocide on the daleks/cybermen/sontarans, the tim shaw of it all... etc. 2- related to the point of 13 not growing: in the end she and yaz didn't commit to anything (quite the opposite, they stuck to the denial from the warriors ep, which i thought would be Turned Around here...), the special instead of calling out the older doctors, validated them for abandoning the companions (when tbh i think the True Thing, even if it hurt, would be for 13 to have outright said to ace and tegan [and yaz, even!] "im sorry, i wish i could have given you what you needed, but i couldnt. and probably never will") Let me stress it tho: i did really like the yaz/13, 5/tegan, ace/7 resolutions in isolation, they got those dynamics Right in a lot of ways (the 7/ace thing about the Cost you pay for “doing the right thing” , the doctor/tegan being like That but rlly only bc they care sm about each other (aaa) thing, and even with the yaz/doctor thing i can see the logic of them always being so positive + supportive, of doing all they can to “stay together”) but looking at it as a whole, in the context of "doctor who as one long running story", this felt a bit like a regression for the doctor, and by extension for ace, tegan and yaz. 3- i think there was also just not enough time to let the story breath. or rather, there WAS time but also a lot of nonsense taking that time (like the dalek trairo or the whole train thing i was SO EXCITED thinking it would be a kid from the doctor’s mysterious origins but nope, it was just a diversion to get to Squiggles.... even vinder whom i rlly enjoyed ... idk i have to question how Necessary it was to have a whole thing about him breaking his ship then repairing his ship... etc. ) . the scene at  the veeery end where 13 and yaz eat ice cream was like the first time chibnall slowed the peace *enough* to let the emotions land (and also the only moment i actually started crying asdfg).there were so many more companion / doctor companion interactions to be had, but bc of all the Stuff (tm) there wasn't time to rlly exploit (not having the companions in Somber Silence around the doctor, waiting for her to wake up for days, was almost a writting crime of negligence). but then again, that's been chibnall the whole way through lol he ain't no Aguinaldo Silva and that's fine. "understated emotions" is just not my thing.
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sweetnsour1 · 2 years
Dear sweet,
better late than never I would like to participate in your 1kweek question game.
I want to ask: w u t. 🤣
w. What's the last anime you watched? Who's your favorite character in it?
"The Legend of Vox Machina" (It's not an anime in the classic sense, but the drawing style reminds me of one. I hope that still counts xD)
It is an adult animated fantasy tv series based on campaign one of Critical Role, which is a Dungeons & Dragons web series. I highly recommend it, it is really fun to watch.
My favorite character is Vax, 'cause he is a fucking badass with a soft core and hot as hell. And I love his voice actor Liam O'Brien.
u. What is your nervous habit?
When I'm nervous or very focused, I pluck at my lower lip, even pulling off little scraps of skin. It doesn't hurt, but sometimes I overdo it and pull off too much, then it bleeds a little.
I got into this habit 5 years ago during my bachelor thesis. My husband hates when I do this, so I tried to break the habit once, but I had a relapse after a few months and now I'm living with it. But everytime my husband looks at me when I'm doing it, I remember what I'm doing and stop it - only to start again a few minutes later. 😅
t. Where was your last vacation? Would you go again?
On my last vacation I went to Scotland with my husband and a friend of mine. We hiked the West Highland Way. If you don't know it, this is one of the most famous hiking trails in Scotland. We walked a total of 135 km within 8 days (including one break day). It was quite exhausting and at the end our feet hurt a lot, but all in all it was super fun. The landscapes were fantastic (we hiked alongside a lake and moor, through fairytale like forests and over hills), we were really lucky with the weather, we drank good whiskey in the evening and I love British food and people anyway. An all around enjoyable vacation. I can highly recommend this walking tour and Scotland in general as a travel destination. I would go there again at any time.
Hello again, my little lamb🖤
W: Ooo I think I watched one episode of that and life got me distracted so I literally forgot about it until your message now lol. I’ll have to look it up and try it again!
I’ve been sick, so I’ve pretty much just been binging studio ghibli movies so I’m counting Princess Mononoke as my last watch. My favorite character would be mama wolf bc she is petty and I love it. My actual last anime watch was jjk 0. My love for Gojo is possibly unhealthier than my love for Bakugou, but I’m totally fine with that. 😂 it probably has something to do with my sick love for Howl Pendragon, who essentially is the og gojo
U: Fuck, nothing brings out stress like the world of academia. I do a lot of fidgeting with my fingernails. Like I trace the outline of my thumbnail with each finger and repeat that infinitely until my sister tosses a fidget toy at my face. I’ve also been gifted fidget spinner rings which help a lot with that as well. However, sometimes thats way louder and more annoying to people 😂
T: I. AM. SO. JEALOUS. Scotland is like my dreammmmmm vacation. I just want to be surrounded by grass and mist and rain and whiskey and that accent. Just wanna seduce a sexy ginger that I can barely understand and live there forever.
My last trip was a resort in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was a compromise bc my sister wanted a trip that was like a spa thing but I can’t stand having strangers touch me sooo we went for a place with hot springs! It was so fun being able to hop into the springs any time of day you wanted. It was crazy relaxing. And it was cold there still so I was in loooooove. The day it snowed and we could still be outside in bathing suits 🖤🖤🖤 10/10 would recommend and now want to go to all hot springs everywhere bc I am ADDICTED
Thanks for telling and asking!
Last day for the game
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motherforthefamicom · 5 months
this ended up super long but i still wanna share cuz why not so uh putting it under a readmore. sorry in advance (its just some rambling abt an animation thingy im making)
actually though speaking of that animation i didnt even expect myself to like actually start it yesterday but i just.. kept making progress XD
probably had smthn to w me trying a completely different process from what ive normally done for like.. pretty much as long as i have been animating now that i think abt it
normally i just make them in chronological order which is Not a very good idea but i was always super intimidated by the idea of blocking things out beforehand for some reason so i always just drew things as i went along and hoped i remembered what my plan even was (never animated much long stuff so this wasnt too big of an issue for the most part which probably contributed to me sticking to that approach for so long) but with this one i kinda wanted to draw finalized stuff in an actual art program (for most of my life ive only ever animated on fucking. scratch. cuz i started doing map parts n stuff as a kid on there and now its kinda the only thing that makes sense to my brain.. more recently ive used ibispaints animation thing but really only for short loops.. i hate doing big stuff in strict frame by frame it drives me crazy) so i kinda avoided working on it for a while after i got the idea but yesterday on a whim i decided to open up turbowarp nd like super roughly sketch the Basic Idea of what i wanted it to be and then i started coding in the timing and i kept adding frames and now i have a nearly complete skeleton of the animation if that makes sense..
on the one hand it feels so cool cuz i have so much actually just. done. and the concept is much more solidified. ive made a lot of progress. but on the other hand.. my coding skills kinda suck and i skipped over two little segments cuz im still figuring out exactly what visuals i wanna have so now im worried my timing will get messed up when i add that in (i think the way i have it organized is okayish especially in comparison to what ive done in the past but it still isnt great) but then also.. i feel like it just wont turn out very good idk. like in all honesty this is one of the more ambitious animations ive tried doing in YEARS that ive actually made decent progress on but even then i still have so much left.. some of my sketched out stuff turned out weirdly really good nd im worried itll be lost when i actually draw things out properly and then on the flipside some of it is super jank in a way i cant totally tell of the frames just dont flow well or if i timed it out poorly (i dont use actual framerates its awful i just tweak the wait time between frames until it looks good) oh god okay this is getting stupidly long uh ill just cut this off here i dont really know what else to say now XD maybe ill actually go work on the damn thing
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Logs for Thomas, Part 2: #4
Song stuck in my head: "Be Alright" by Dean Lewis
I woke up this morning with a terrible amount of anxiety in my gut. For most of today, I've just felt upset, scared, and a little nauseous.
Then, a little bit before writing this, I realized that today is the day we confessed our love for each other exactly five years ago. November 14th.
It's crazy to think about. I know how long ago it was. Ages have passed, and my life is so different now. Apparently, my body doesn't care.
It was so scary, and so wonderful, and I had... such high hopes for what would come after.
It literally could not have ended worse XD
Before I even realized the date, I also couldn't stop mulling over memories of that whole mess. I thought maybe I was just having a Bad Brain Day--and truth be told, that could still be the case; maybe the date is just a coincidence--but the date explains a lot. This has happened to me every year since then. November 14th is a rough day for me, as is December 23rd. The latter is significantly worse, at least, so I have that going for me (until then).
God, I hate the holidays.
I don't hate you, if that wasn't already clear. I never did. I can't.
I've been thinking about everything that went down with Shay this year. The idea of you hating me just doesn't match up with things you've said in the past. Then again, there are many things you've said that contradict with the things you've done.
But maybe thinking about it over and over is just going to drive me crazy.
It hurts, Thomas. I'm so hurt. I'm so hurt, and confused, and there's so much I would give just to talk to you again. Yes, nonplatonic things happened between us, obviously, but what I'm most upset about is that I've lost a friend, someone who was there for me for years and years.
Even back when I was in high school, when you'd call me stupid, insult my (former) religion, or make fun of my appearance, there was always a part of me that wanted, needed, you to like me, to be proud of me.
You said you were... You said you were proud of me. How can you be proud of me and hate me at the same time?
I know that, tomorrow, a lot of these feelings will dip back under the surface, and I'll be able to feel normal again, but waiting for those hours and minutes to tick is maddening.
One moment--I'm cooking d*nner, and I have to strain the p*sta.
Okay, I'm back!
Sorry, I know it seems silly to censor those words, but based on what Shay--and you, come to think of it--have said about y'alls sensitivities about f*od, I figured it was better to be safe than sorry.
Also, the weirdest thing happened to me a few minutes ago. I had already opened a can of p*sta sa*ce to add to the sp*ghett* literally moments before, but after writing one of these paragraphs and returning to what I was doing with dinner, I... completely forgot how to use the can opener?
Warning, boring rambling ahead. Skip to the blue asterisk to bypass.
Thomas, I've been using manual can-openers for years, especially more recently, since I've agreed to cook for my partners and their kids two nights out of every week (my girlfriend was overexerting herself both at work and at home, so we came to a consensus so she's less stressed out). But all of a sudden, it was really hard to twist the thingy correctly, and the lid wouldn't budge, save for a few dents in the can. And then I realized I was holding it upside-down. Except, I wasn't, because I tried it the other way, and that didn't work either.
I paced around the kitchen and got very irritated, wondering what the hell was going on.
Then, after taking some deep breaths, I tried again, and... I did it?
Look, I'm used to forgetting a variety of things--trauma does that--but this seemed excessive, even for me.
I got really freaked out for a minute or two because one of my biggest fears is developing early-onset Alzheimer's/dementia/etc., but I still had to finish making d*nner, so I put that thought on the backburner for a bit and finished what I was doing.
But then I noticed something else: I left a mess. I may not be the most organized person in the world, but this was on another level. I could barely even pour the strained n*odles back into the pot, so 1/3 of it was just strewn out on the stove, like a fresco of shitty m*c*roni art. And that doesn't even mentioned the sauce splatters all over the counter, among other things. I was even having trouble opening the can of br*sch*tta s*as*ning, and it's literally just a matter of opening the right side of the lid, which I did incorrectly several times.
Then, I wanted to clean everything up before setting the table, but I just... didn't have it in me? Every time I've made d*nner since I agreed to this deal, I've cleaned up after myself. Every time.
How did I forget all of these adult responsibilities so quickly? It was just, like,,, POOF, gone.
*And then I realized that these were all problems I used to have back in 2018, around the same time the affair started, when I was (bodily) 17 and just starting to learn how to cook.
So... it would appear that these mental/emotional flashbacks haven't stopped yet. -_-
That was frustrating--and unnerving. But I suppose this is further confirmation that our brain is still really fucked up over the whole thing.
I'll be alright, I promise.
Shit, I have to go now
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Ooh is this a flashback
Ahhh so they were both mad about it
Okay so this is his statement :)) I see
Ahhh yeah and then he threatened them xdd
These investigators being- idk like not quite sus of him but yk xD very "suuuure" XD
We already to kidnapping/let's be real killing people xdd
And there's the explosives 😬😬
Oh Owen's here lol
Good for him I guess xD
OHHH he shot the guy :OO???
Not like a doubting okay but an ohhhhhkay :D
Ahh yeah he's like freaked out and stuff :((
That poor guy :(((
Dang this kid crazy xdd
Poor Andy <333
Aww thank you :'))
This all sucks but hey at least he and his family are safe <3
Also I forgot to mention this earlier but IT'S THAT GUY??? about Mikey xDD
Okay chill a bit
Like you're right but Owen's saved people enough times xDD
But yeah I guess he did <33
Awww poor O'Brien :'((
He'll have to grow up without a dad just like his dad :'((
Awww that sucks <33 💔 but you did everything you could, man
You just have to try and help another kid along now :'))
Awww <333
Awww y'all :DDD 🥰🥰🥰
AWW the place they went with Gwyn 😭😭❤️🥰
With the whole proud of TK business 😭😭😭❤️
Guess we're getting a bit of that Owen TK not-quite-make-up (because there hasn't really been an argument or outward problem yk but there has been one) now :'))))
Themmm <333
Also TK like "well I mean it hasn't been FOREVER" lol sir xD <333
I love them <33
XDD Their faces lol
Those are such realistic faces though xDD and same for Owen's little "it's coming uuup :D :)))" XDD
Amazing lol
Aww lol them 🥰🥰
"I have thoughts. And here's what they are." SLFKGJDHDFJDLS O W E N
Okay but M O O O D though xDD
SLGKDHKGS Carlos and TK's expressions again xD
"For your first wedding. Hopefully there's no second wedding" SLGKDJFHDKLS XDDD OWEN
Ahhh I'll be glad to have comic relief Owen back lol
XDDD Y'all lol
They're adorable xD <333
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pendwelling · 3 years
LCF smp AU (more notes on the AU below!)
The young founders of the small country of Roan.
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Post-electing of Fredo Von Ejellan, the new president of the country of Roan Endable.
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Extra! :
Back at home, the Angel of Death receives a long overdue letter.
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(Two other vers!) The first one is part of my unfinished Philza!Cale design haha. Instead of a bucket hat, he wears a traditional gat! (the second pic is just to show off his back, I saw how the fandom went crazy after manhwa chapters 58-59 LMAO)
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Extra notes on the AU!
This is a LCF AU based on the storyline of the Dream SMP (if you'd like to know more about it, I recommend watching EvanMCGaming's "DSMP - The Complete Story" Playlist to get a general gist of things, if you don't want to watch several hours worth of streams xD) mostly centred around On (18 y.o) and Hong (15 y.o) who are loosely playing the parts of Wilbur and Tommy, respectively.
With all that said, since this is an AU, there will be many changes to both storylines/characters, especially when the DSMP and LCF both consist of unique and different people/casts. Both stories will be modified to fit each others' narrative! (Meaning, the characters of LCF will not be 100% perfect fits to their respective DSMP counterparts, since that'll be impossible in the first place LMAO)
(This was done for my own amusement because I felt like mashing up two of my current fav things together, so if you happen to enjoy it too then ill be glad :'D)
Characters established so far!
(Keep in mind that some of these might be subjected to change in the future!)
On as Wilbur
Hong as Tommy
Raon as Techno
Cale as "Angel of Death" Phil, w Death being Alberu (+ Choi Han as his Reaper? xD)
Naru as Tubbo
Fredo as Schlatt
Dragon Half-Blood as Ranboo
Amiru as Nihachu
Clopeh as Eret
Rosalyn as Captain Puffy
White Star as Dream, and together with Dorph & Sayeru they're the Dream Team (or "Darkness" from Copin's TL LMAO).
Onto the notes/simplified storyline!
(Before we start, keep in mind this AU isn't happening sometime during the LCF storyline—it is its own separate thing, with the cast taking place in a DSMP-like kind of fantastical universe with some Minecraft elements! Relationships and ages will be modified for this AU as well, such as ageing On, Hong, Raon, and other characters whose ages will be changed too, possibly.))
So, let's begin.
On and Hong leave Cale and Raon at the Super Rock Villa to explore the world and discover themselves. Cale sends them off with his support, leaving them with two discs as a sort of parting gift.
They end up in an underground community called the "Dragon Slayer Village" (DSV). The underground region is incredibly large, surprisingly, considering its underground nature. Down the stone staircase leading them further into the earth, there rest two large, open gates, and within them consists of a city at the far wall amidst a large forest, with cliff surrounding it all alongside the walls. Despite the great realism it presents in imitating the surface world, it all feels somewhat... artificial, once you got past its almost eerie beauty.
They arrive at the village after greeting the guards stationed at the entrance gates, and after a few days of living there, (with Hong opting to make himself a small home on one of the overlooking cliffs,) it becomes apparent that the villagers aren't quite happy with how their leader—the White Star (who is playing Dream in the AU)—is making them stay in the DSV under pretenses that it's for their own good and protection.
Eventually, On and Hong grew sick of this and try to negotiate, questioning WS of the village's nature, and the reason/purpose of having the community be set up in this underground region. After a while, as they grow a little more closer to the community and learn that they're not the only ones to feel the small undertone of suffocation (them, more so than the rest, perhaps since they're surface-dwellers and are more used to the wide-spanning outside world).
They go to WS and ask why no one is allowed to do/leave as they please, despite the doors being open to travellers (and the occasional traders/merchants), and if they can be accorded more freedom. Ever since younger children, they've had somewhat of an openly righteous streak, especially when they grew up with their father, Cale Henituse, who was a renowned and reputable name in the world.
The conversation goes on far less long and peacefully than they initially thought it would—what started as mostly a question prompted by their curiosity, was met with cold animosity. The White Star strongly shut down anything they had to say, allowing them to talk no further. And as fairly recent newcomers, On and Hong didn't even have much power or say in whatever went on in the underground community, and so they hesitantly gave up in the end.
Eventually, they decided they've settled down enough to finally open up a business/experimentation shack for smoke/poison b0mb making. Ever since young, they've had an interest in the matter, and fuelled by the support of their father, their travels were also a means for them to explore their interests even more—especially the dense forest surrounding the underground region was plentiful in poisonous plants that Hong would be interested in researching.
Their attempts at a business/experiment lab eventually ran into obstacles as WS—holding grudges from their last talk—sent his two subordinates, Dorph and Sayeru, who, after ransacking their place and equipment, announced that what they were doing was illegal—and if it wasn't, they didn't even have a permit with approval from the White Star allowing them to do so anyway. The production of smoke/poison bombs was very different from what Amiru Ubarr's bakery made, after all, but still, it wasn't as if the siblings were doing it for malicious purposes.
Stuff repeatedly got confiscated despite their numerous attempts at persuading them otherwise (including On trying to reason that their products would be useful as self-defence mechanisms against the mobs that would spawn from the surrounding forest—and that if the White Star truly didn't want them selling understandably dangerous products, they could simply abandoning the marketing aspect and become a typical researchers lab for two curious individuals), the siblings get frustrated as they time and time again get their affairs unfairly messed with by the WS's subordinates, the supposed "public safety" officers of the community. Following this, they begin to see common but almost subtle shows of these officers abusing their power, from taking bread from the Ubarr bakery without paying, or apples from the Chetter orchards.
Eventually, On proposed they establish their own experiment shack outside of the DSV. As they are not quite citizens of DSV, they aren't obligated to stay, so they somewhat easily manage to settle in a small area clearing in the middle of the forest, encouraging others to come join them if they want.
Naru (his own person in this AU, not a disguised Fredo or Cale), a close friend Hong made in the village, is the first to join them. They had met on the first day, with the more sociable Hong immediately attaching himself to the first person his age that he saw.
Together, the two best friends often sat on the surrounding cliffs of the underground region, where Hong had set his and On's home, to listen to the discs Cale had given them as parting gifts for their adventure. At some point, they built a bench to mark their hangout spot.
(Instead of Tubbo "Bee Boy" Underscore, Naru is Bat boy xD hAHAHJAJA GET IT? CUZ HES A VAMPIRE- cough anyways, the kid likes bats, and since they're underground, it's actually convenient LMAO).
Anyway- Given how close they were, it was only natural that Naru wanted to side with Hong in their own little outside territory. He was a kid without any family, anyway, so he didn't exactly have anyone to keep him in the city—he was probably the closest to Hong than anyone he's ever met in the village. And while Naru was known throughout the village as a kind and good kid, helping out everyone without really expecting anything in return, he didn't have people to call family.
But once Hong came, like a small little hurricane of red and enthusiasm into his life—not to mention, someone actually his age—he eventually let himself get roped into a lot of mischiefs, and they quickly grew close throughout all those small adventures.
One of those biggest small mischiefs, perhaps, was Hong suggesting they throw stink bombs into either Dorph or Sayeru's homes.
As the White Star's closest friends and subordinates (only in AUs amirite), WS was understandably pissed, and seeks out the two kids to teach them a lesson. As someone who was still a citizen of DSV who viewed WS as its ruler, Naru was decidedly more nervous about it, but when faced with Hong's open mocking of the man, he loosened up and laughed alongside his friend as they fled the prank scenes.
It wasn't as funny anymore, however, when Hong was the one to become the victim of White Star's own "prank" when the masked man decided to break into his home and steal the prized disks that his father gave him.
A frantic search ensued, and White Star, upon seeing the loud, positively vibrant and rebellious Hong become fiercely protectively of those disks, almost enough to easily put him in place as soon as WS even threaten to break them, WS's eyes gleam in the face of the two kids both nervously and furiously standing before him, weapons in hand as they fought to get back the disks.
A fight ensued, and after several run-ins, Hong and Naru eventually managed to get them back.
((Gonna skip over a lot of in-dept detail because this is //supposed// to be some quick brainrotted notes LMAO BUT ANYWAY-))
Roan Independence Arc.
Eventually, Ohn and Hong's little experiment shack became their own almost-"nation" and Ohn decided to why not make it official? Perhaps like their own little district, their own small territory in the vast, vast underground imitation of the real world.
On, after not actually that long of a period of thought, decided to call their country "Roan".
"After our little brother?" Hong laughed. "If he found out, he'll be mad you switched around the O and the A of the name Cale gave him!"
On chuckles at the sight of her brother's mirth, the sight of his wild, red hair bouncing alongside his tremorous cakles. She fondly didn't mention how the origins of Roan's meaning could be traced back to "small red-head."
And like so, their small territory, soon marked by the borders of their own walls, was named "Roan," with On as its president, and her little brother as her right-hand man.
After receiving their letter declaring independence, the White Star, as expected, didn't approve of that.
It's his territory, his lands. These two visitors from who knows where came into his region, and while he had offered to let them become citizens so long as they played nicely by his rules, they instead refused his generous offer, and even decided to steal his own citizens over to their side, encased within their ugly walls.
Cue rebellion and the start of conflict.
Attempts at negotiations and declarations were thrown around, and while On had tried to fight with her words, defending her and her own people's ideals, she soon saw that it would be inevitable to resort to violence.
And so both sides prepared for war.
While On and Hong had all the materials necessary to make smoke b0mbs and paralyzing poison darts, they didn't have many materials for anything else. Gathering weapons and armour wasn't going too well for them, and during their first battle, it was clear that they were going to lose when the White Star and his men showed up in more gear than the entire rebel side combined.
Forced to retreat into their walls, desperate, the rebels from Roan gather together and try to force out any other plans they have left that might turn the tides of this one-sided battle.
Then stepped up Clopeh, who beckoned them underground to a room he had prepared in secret in the case of the worst possible outcomes.
But just as hope lit up within them, it was quickly snuffed out just as Clopeh pressed a button.
"Apologies, angel's children," the silver-haired snake smiled beautifully, eyes crinkling in what could've been in disappointment or mirth. "This legend was never meant to be."
—and soon following that press of a button was the White Star and his men, there to apprehend them all.
The reason why Clopeh had joined the rebellion in the first place was that he wanted to partake in history and become part of a legend. The prospect of having his name be written down in the history books for being on the winning side of a rebellion was appealing to him—and the fact that the two figureheads of the movement were the children of Death's only Angel was incredibly appealing—surely, the children of such a large figure would live up to their father's name, no?
But believing he was on the losing side after long contemplation, he had eventually betrayed them for the White Star.
On tried to negotiate their independence with WS after their loss, though it went wrong when Hong exploded in fury and rage, even stronger after recalling the betrayal of Clopeh.
This led to Hong and WS's dual, with the latter having unexpectedly accepted the white glove Hong had thrown at him in a fit of fury. They soon dished out the conditions, with independence being accorded to Roan if Hong won, and their freedom revoked if WS came out victorious.
With On counting from 1 to 10, with Hong and White Star's backs turned to the other, advancing by one step with each number, finally, their arrows fired.
Hong lost, nearly dying (idk if I want to incorporate the canon lives aspect yet haha), and as per their pre-dual agreements, Roan didn't get to have their independence.
But Hong knew the White Star enough to recognize that the man has developed a strange... fascination, shall we say, for the discs Hong's father gave him.
And so, after asking for a private audience with the leader of the DSV, Hong tried to negotiate—this time not with violence, but with words, and a compromise.
If Hong gave the White Star one of his prized disks, Roan would be accorded their independence.
WS's eyes are hard to see with his mask, but his mouth curled into a smile when presented with such simple negotiations.
But the man had simply continued to smile, a little eerily with how his mask covered his upper face, and after what might've been a few seconds only drawn out for show, the White Star accepted, though with some of his own terms as well.
But regardless of whatever went on in that strange man's head, with independence and freedom secured, Hong returned back to his sister with good news.
They were a free nation.
It was a wonder how WS let his people leave the village if ever any of them felt like joining the only other city of the vast underground region, but he still allowed it as per the treaty. Hong was even allowed to keep the home he had built on the cliff where Naru and his' bench rested, as has his own little embassy in the DSV.
The Roanian Elections.
On called for the endorsement of Fredo Von Ejellan, a vampire just like Naru, who was acquainted with her father sometime during both men's long, immortal lives.
She didn't expect Fredo to be acquainted with WS as well, however, and for him to decide not to support her and her brother's nation, but instead find appeal in the White Star's words and run against them.
One of the other parties besides Fredo's was the Mercenaries, consisting of Bud Illis and his running mate Glenn.
Bud's campaign was decent and fairly compelling, and besides his great and avid want to establish way more pubs than a city could handle, it was understandable why some would vote for him. In On's opinion, he was way better than Fredo, whose character was unpredictable and ambitious in the pursuits of his own personal power—not to mention the fact that he was endorsed by the White Star of all people.
And so came the day of the election, with the results of the votes finally having been tallied in.
Ohn and Hong's "ApplePies" Party won with 45% of the popular vote.
The "NorthEasterns" (consisting of Amiru, Eric and Gilbert) ended with 9% of the vote,
The "Mercenaries" came out with 30%,
and finally, Fredo's "VonEjellan" Party finished with 16%.
But that wasn't the end of it.
After the Mercenaries and the party of VonEjellan united as per an agreement they struck ore-reveal of the votes, and formed a coalition government, they ultimately won with a total of 46% of the popular vote going to President Fredo.
Standing on the podium, laughing as he swirl in his glad cup win of the most vibrant red, Fredo hummed into the mic before declaring that Roan should henceforth be renamed to the Endable Kingdom.
Fredo's speech didn't only end at that, however. After also declaring that the flag be changed, as well as mentioning something about the amount of light being reduced in the city because they hurt his vampire eyes, Fredo then came to the end of his presidential speech and declared that Ohn and Naru's citizenship should be revoked, kicking them out of his new country.
Shocked to the bone at this new decree, it took several arrows being fired their way before On took her brother by the sleeve and ran, fleeing the electoral podium and the mad vampire cackling through the mic.
As a fellow vampire of a declining race, Fredo quickly took interest in Naru and called him up to the podium, where he soon appointed him as Secretary of State on a whim, making him unable to join Ohn and Hong as they fled the country.
Meanwhile, the siblings soon found themselves taking shelter in an abandoned mineshaft far in the forest, perhaps last having been used in several dozen years.
Anger simmered in their bones as they sat amidst the coal and dust, the thought of the nation they fought so hard for suddenly taken away from them just like that.
They plan for rebellion, wanting to take back what should've been theirs, more so Ohn than Hong.
She had been telling their father so many good things about their country, and now she could only imagine what the man would say should he hear of what had just occurred on that day (nothing. Cale would've asked them if she wanted to come home or reclaim what was theirs, and he would've welcomed them back with warm tea, or flown there to help.)
But Cale was a legend, and Ohn was now nothing—so different from her father who had made a myth of himself throughout his many immortal years of life. The thought of not being able to live up to their family name of Henituse scared her, and On didn't know what else to do.
"No need to be recorded in history. Live for peace and happiness."
A family motto they were once reminded of at night when they were kids suddenly went forgotten, as the siblings, in desperate need of help for this revolution besides Naru who was working for them as a spy on the inside on Fredo and his administration, soon called for their brother's help.
A young boy wearing a dragon skull as a mask, and a white crown made of the same bones... That brother of theirs was Raon Miru.
(And thus ends the notes so far. They give general context for the AU, but mostly for these two current art pieces ^v^)
I plan to draw more for the AU when I have time ofc, so make sure to look out for those when they come out!
((Hello btw, if you've made it so far :'D This turned out longer than it needed to be, for supposedly "short notes" brskksdjk))
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asterekmess · 3 years
Did you ever watch Buffy? The first episode where Anya was introduced was titled "The Wish" and all I can think about is if Scott McCall had ever run into a pure Sidhe where they offered him a wish. Instead of, "I wish Buffy had never come to Sunnydale." It would be more, "I wish I was never bitten to become a werewolf." But just like all feaye tricks, the outcome is more, his Dad ended up with primary custody rather than his Mom and he was forced to leave BH. And then Stiles ended up more friends with Heather and others. And while Scott's life is worse, when he tracks down the others he finds all of theirs are greatly improved.
I think about it a lot and how Scott never really dealt with the consequences of any of his actions, everyone else did, and how an episode or mini-arc could have fixed a flaw in the show's design. I mean, we were already dealing with a lot of Celtic lore, why not someone from the Sidhe courts?
I have no idea why this took me so long to answer, so apologies for that. <3 I did watch buffy! I've seen all of it, and all of Angel as well. XD
I remember 'The Wish' episode, and whoooo boy it gave me chills. I loved how big the butterfly effect was, how something that seemed so small, something that Genuinely seemed to be the cause of a lot of problems in Sunnydale, ended up being so important to how things had progressed. Because, yeah, you would think Buffy not coming to Sunnydale would be a Good Thing, right? Sunnydale didn't have all of these insane issues before she arrived. It was quiet, and nothing big or scary ever happened. Her arrival matches perfectly with when everything started going absolutely nuts, so whatever selfish ideas Cordelia had, her thought that Buffy not coming to Sunnydale would be a good thing, makes sense. Except that, as she finds out, she's entirely wrong. Buffy's arrival was a lucky coincidence, or fate, whatever your taste leans toward. She showed up right as things started going nuts, and she kept it from going SO MUCH MORE NUTS.
Now, moving on to TW, it is a fascinating mix of being the Exact same situation, and the exact Opposite. I'll add a Read More, cus' holy god is this a lot of Rambling.
Because Scott wishing not to have been bitten...yeah, the bite Did improve things. But it improved things for him. He would absolutely regret making the wish, just like Cordelia did, because he would realize how many good things the bite had brought with it. BUT, conversely, he would have to realize how many good things the bite had brought for him, not for other people, and how their lives either wouldn't have been affect, or might've even Improved without him being bitten. Without the bite, Scott wouldn't have gotten on first line, period. His health issues made very clear in the five minutes he had them that any kind of stamina based sport was just out of the question for him. If he is unable to walk through the woods at a moderate pace without needing to grab his inhaler and stop against a tree, he just plain cannot play lacrosse for two or three hours of running at high speeds and working a bunch of muscles in his upper body. He likely wouldn't have gone out with Allison, because he would have no convenient way to get her attention. Furthermore, he wouldn't have the extra senses that both impressed her on the lacrosse field, and told him about her 'family dinner' the night of Lydia's party. (I've discussed this before, but... While it's true, Allison would have still brought him the dog; that dog would likely have attacked him, and his chances with her would have been shot in the foot when they both got in massive trouble and he likely had to go to the ER for stitches or something. Without Allison or first line, he wouldn't have started hanging out with the 'cool kids,' and quite frankly, wouldn't have had anyone to help him study for the classes he was struggling with. It's true that he also wouldn't have had werewolf things to worry about, or even a girlfriend to distract him from homework, so maybe that wouldn't have been such a huge issue, but still.
If we look at other people's lives and how They would have been affected by Scott not getting the bite...well, let's talk about that.
Stiles didn't get on first line because of Scott, or because of a werewolf bite. Or even because of the werewolf bullshittery occurring in town. He was put on first line because of his abilities, and even after being taken OFF first line for missing the game, he was put Right onto the field in the next game, chosen OVER other players who were perfectly viable options. Which means, he still would've ended up on first line. Allison wasn't interested in dating before she met Scott, and part of her draw to him was based on how 'different' he was. He knew things she didn't know how he could know, he had a weird ability to calm a furious, injured dog, and he had charisma that was ALSO gained from the bite, since being on first line made Scott Much more self-confident. If she didn't end up dating him, it's likely she wouldn't have dated at all. Which would mean no hiding from her parents, no strange conflicts of interest, AND, interestingly enough --depending on her involvement in the murders, etc that would still be occurring in town--no night in the school that would scare her bad enough to ask Kate for extra help and tip her headfirst into hunter training. AND, even if she DID still end up getting those lessons from Kate? There would be no bitterness to fuel her behavior at the end of season 1.
Allison was Traumatized after Kate showed her Derek on the grate. She was horrified, and didn't know what to do about it, and while we can ramble all we want about the morality of her not confronting her family (whom she's just discovered is willing to electrocute people) about it, the fact is that she pushed the thoughts aside to stop freaking out and went to that dance. Where she found out Scott was a werewolf, and was So fucking Betrayed that she was willing to help Kate catch him and Derek. No Scott, no betrayal, no willingness to help Kate recapture the miserable man who'd been chained up in a basement.
If we go back to that specific night, and try to unfold the events from there if Scott hadn't been bitten, things get a little complicated, but I'll take a few artistic liberties. Scott isn't bitten. Presumably, he just happens to get out of the woods in time, or he gets caught with Stiles by the sheriff, or doesn't go to the woods in the first place. These all change the possible outcomes of that night. If he hadn't gone in the first place, and Stiles went alone, would he have been bitten instead? Would Scott have been dragged into all of this anyway, but without the protection and boost of being a werewolf and cured of his asthma? If he weren't the one bitten, and he saw everything Stiles gained from it, would he still have such a hatred for the bite? Or would he want it, like Erica did, to cure him and make him powerful and cool? But, let's assume Stiles doesn't get bitten either. The second half of Laura's body still hasn't been found, and Stiles has no reason to fear running back into the preserve the next day, and no real punishment from his father as far as we can tell. So, does he go back to look again? If he did, he would run into Derek, because Derek would still be there after retrieving Laura's body himself. He would see Derek and still recognize him, and from there, things might spiral, still involving Stiles in the supernatural, and it's likely Stiles would try to involve Scott, and Again we get hit with "Would Scott want the bite, if he hadn't gotten forcibly bitten in the first place?" The answer is probably yes. He wanted to be cool, and popular, and on the lacrosse team. He wanted everything being a werewolf gave him. BUT if we're looking at this wish as similar to "The Wish," then no matter what, Scott won't be bitten. He'll be transported to a new world where it just never happened, and he'll be human, and forced to watch everyone around him be just plain different. Scott not being bitten would isolate him from Stiles, if Stiles got involved in the spn anyway. We SAW how Stiles cut off his other friends once the spn starting getting in the way. He and Harley? We have no clue how close they were. They were close enough for her to tease him about his crush on Lydia, for her to wander up comfortably to the locker and talk to them. And he cut her off as soon as the werewolf stuff hit. What if he cut Scott off? To protect him, if nothing else, like he did his own father. Once he realized the danger involved, I doubt he would be willing to put Scott in harm's way.
So, Scott would not only lose first line, lose his girlfriend, lose his popularity, lose his health and strength and heightened abilities, lose his 'importance' to the goings-on of Beacon Hills, but he would also lose Stiles, who seems to have been his only friend, unless he also had a relationship with Harley.
Okay, I've rambled enough about the what if's, so let's talk about the Reason why this wish would go so badly for Scott, in such a different way than it went for Cordelia. Cordelia, first off, wished that someone Else would not have/do something, rather than wishing for herself not to have done something. She watches how fucked up the world gets, and how much worse her life is without Buffy around to save the day. Scott wished for Himself not to have done something (even something passive, like 'get bitten') and would have to watch how fucked up his world gets, and how far behind he would fall. The other's lives might not necessarily get better, because Peter is still on the loose, and the hunters are still there, etc etc, but they would still Progress, while Scott would stay stagnant.
And WHY is that? Because Scott isn't important to the story. It DOESN'T start with him. That's the Whole Point of his character. He is supposed to be the 'everyman' who gets dragged into crazy shit and becomes integral to things that he wasn't ever meant to be a part of. The guy who wanders into becoming King or 'The Hero' that will save the world, even though he's just a small lad from a tiny town, whose highest prospects were "get on first line."
He was NEVER supposed to be Buffy, or if he was, it was done Very Badly.
But Beacon Hills WASN'T a quiet town before Scott was bitten; however much he might've said 'nothing ever happens in this town.' It was FULL of bullshittery and magic from the very beginning. There was the fire, and Paige, and the blinding of Deucalion, and the death of Alexander Argent, and the Nogitsune in the internment camp nearby. All of these things were around So much longer than Scott's bite, and they'd been affecting the world that whole time too. Because yes, in Buffy, the master was There before she was, but he was literally rendered inert by the situations he was in. And the things he'd done happened Centuries before, not six years. There is a difference. Sunnydale was Not Known for the insane number of weird deaths. Beacon Hills was. And aside from the Nogitsune, every single fucking thing that happened in Beacon Hills, was attuned to the Hale family in one way or another. Deucalion's blinding occurred during a meeting on Hale land, because Talia was known as a wise leader, etc, in the area and other wolves flocked to her. Deucalion biting Argent seems unrelated (if you even believe Deucalion did that, despite being a fucking pacifist before Gerard blinded him), but again, it occurs just a couple hours away from Beacon Hills, which is Hale Territory. The one who plays the Buffy role here? Who shows up at just the right time, and launches themself against an endless wave of evil, with slightly enhanced senses and a thorough need to do good and not back away from things that 'aren't they're problem'? The actual hero who is somehow tied to everything going on in ways even they don't understand? Was Derek. The guy who entirely unwittingly allowed Julia Baccari to survive, because he was trying to be merciful to his first love. Who entirely unwittingly was manipulated into giving up information that let a hunter kill his family. Who followed his sister back to town after six years of just trying to survive in New York, fell into a fucking tragedy, and decided to stop the bad guys anyway, even though he knew he didn't stand a fucking chance.
And as annoyed as some might get. The 'everyman' who stumbles onto the set and accidentally becomes integral to the saving of the world? The one whose ambitions are small and who expectations are smaller? Who is misunderstood, and has abilities that aren't recognized or appreciated, that doesn't really fit in, but tries their best anyway? The literal Angel to Derek's Buffy?
Is fucking Stiles. The son of the sheriff who just could not let it go when he discovered there was something funky going on. Who hung around on the edges, even though he wasn't really wanted, because he needed to help. Who ended up saving Derek's life over and over, and becoming so important as to be Derek's anchor? Who literally WENT DARKSIDE and HAD TO BE NEARLY KILLED, even though Derek didn't to kill him???
I know how it sounds, but JD SAID he took inspiration from Buffy. The issue is that his parallels are between DEREK AND STILES, and BUFFY AND ANGEL. Respectively.
Derek might act like the broody bad boy, but it is STILES' mentality that matches Angel's behavior, and it's Derek who matches Buffy.
I'm so fucking off track. Scott would be miserable if he ever managed to get a wish and used it to keep from having been bitten. And it would be sad. I would feel bad for him, had I watched something like that happen. Seeing him realize that most of the good things he had, he only got because of the bite. That Stiles would still be on first line, that Lydia and Jackson would still be the popular kids. That Allison wouldn't know he existed, or if she did would avoid him entirely. That Jackson would never have been turned into the kanima in the first place. That everyone else would move on and up in life, and he would still be standing at the bottom step. Because it wasn't his actual limitations that were holding him back, it was his refusal to accept them, to work with them, and to just plain stop Envying Everyone Around him, and start living his own fucking life instead of trying to steal other people's.
Scott wishes he were Cordelia, and I promise that would backfire too.
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winterpower98 · 3 years
Oh boy long(er) ask time then! So. In the relationship chart in Cookie Run Timekeeper -> Tree is: I will become stronger! Tree -> Timekeeper is: The power of time is not to be used as such.
Both are tension.
For me Pure Vanilla and Enchantress are more angst (at least in Kingdom lore. Cookie Run lore I have 0 idea) while Tree and Keeper are the kind to butt heads (Timekeeper more than Tree since the Tree is...all powerful or something. Cookie Run lore is a little weird on that.
Timekeeper also has gone a *little* crazy from how long she's spent (she or they works for them tbh. Timekeeper is an alternate version of Croissant so there is that) while the Tree. is. The Tree. Who's roots run alll throughout the land and probably knows all that will come. Ironically making them and Timekeeper similar in that regard.
Like you said though! Timekeeper is very chaotic! Just wanting to sate their boredom but also to be more powerful than the tree! Because They gotta be!.
Do they remember why? ...Maybe, maybe not. Things get screwy in the time pockets. Cookies aren't suppose to stay in there that long. Specially without proper eye-protection! Who knows <w<...Maybe that version had known the tree and saw it turn back into on. Maybe Timekeeper just wanted to help but it was twisted as time went on. Maybe something *really* bad happened and it's fixed now but they don't remember but they know so much more but it's all boring now because they can just look ahead and--
Maybe the Tree is also one of the few things that never follows the pattern and always causes something different. So many possibilities.
This time I made the smart decision to at least read the wiki of these characters XD
And in the wiki, it does say that the Millennial Tree had to go into some sort of deep sleep to save themselves from ... something. I didn't fully understand it.
And I am a sucker for "the character wants to help others got so twisted with time it was unrecognizable" trope, so using that as a motive for Timekeeper's actions as well as hinting at a possible romance is supereffective on me.
Millenial Tree is also, well... a tree. By definition, they are rooted in one place. So, even tho they might have some form of knowledge over time, they might also be the only firm and concrete thing Timekeeper knows.
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giggles-and-tiggles · 3 years
Let Me Work!
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You guys are really passionate about people sending me prompts, huh? XD I really appreciate it! Thanks for complimenting my work! It really means a lot to me. I was happy to make this fic! We all need some lee and ler Peter in our lives, right?
PLATONIC Peter x Reader
Summary: When Peter needs to work on an assignment that's worth almost half of his overall grade, you feel bored and the need to play. You try to take his attention off of the work, but it backfires when the tables quickly turn.
Word Count: 1,250
You excitedly ran through the doors of the Avengers compound. Today was the day Peter promised you that you would spend the whole day together. Peter was your best friend and you never really got to hang out with him because of missions, and hero work. But today was going to be different. You and Peter were going to have a ball together. You made your way up to Peter's only to see him slumped over his desk with papers and books scattered all around him. He had one hand in his hair, while to other hand was messily scribbling down some words in a book.
"Wha - What are you doing?" You said, sadness taking over your voice.
Peter looked up at you with a sorry expression. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I know we were supposed to hang out today, but something came up."
You made your way over to his desk and looked down at what he was doing. "C-Can't you just do the work later?"
"No can do, Y/N. This project is worth half of my grade and it's due tomorrow." Peter sighed.
You felt as if you could cry. You were looking forward to this day for weeks and now it can't happen. But you were still the kind of person to make the most out of a bad situation.
"Well, that's alright!" You said. "We can still hang out, I'll just sit on your bed and keep you company." You made your way behind Peter and took a seat on his bed.
"Y/N, I can't have any distractions." Peter stated.
"Okay, then. I won't talk." You said pulling out your phone and scrolling through social media. Peter turned around with a sigh and a smile and got right back to working.
The room was silent for a long while. With Peter flipping pages and writing things down, and you on his bed mindlessly pushing buttons and scrolling through random things, bored out of your mind. You let out a sigh and crawled closer to Peter's desk. You poked his back and he jerked violently.
"Y/N! Cut that out!" Peter demanded, but couldn't help the smile growing on his face.
"Pete, I'm bored!" You exclaimed.
"That's not my problem, Y/N/N!" Peter said, spinning around in his chair. "Go hang out with Mr. Stark!"
"He's in his lab with Dr. Banner."
"Go hang out with Steve."
"He went somewhere with Bucky and Sam."
"Wanda went somewhere with Pepper and Nat."
"Thor... I don't know where Thor is."
Peter simply sighed.
"Everyone knew that we were supposed to be occupied today, so they went out to go do their own thing." You said.
Guilt soon took over Peter's facial expression. But he knew he had to get this project done.
"Y/N, as soon as I'm done with this, we can hang out together for the rest of the day. But this project is really important to me and I have to finish it today." Peter explained.
You looked at Peter with nothing but understanding. "Alright, Pete. No worries." You smiled. He smiled back and poked your side, before returning to his work. You giggled and fell back on the bed. You pulled out your phone again and decided to talk to some friends from school to pass the time.
An entire hour had passed and you were going crazy. How long was the project going to take? You arrived at Peter's room at around 8:42am and now it was 9:57am.
You sat up and poked Peter's side. He jerked violently and almost dropped his pencil. "Y/N dohon't!"
You smirked and poked both of his sides with both of your pointer fingers. You watched him jerk and flop around hilariously in his chair.
"Y/N stohohop!" He giggled, trying to grab at your hands. That's when you changed your poking into squeezing. Peter's laugh became louder and more frantic.
"What's the matter, Pete? A little too ticklish?" You teased.
"STOHOHOP Y/N!" I'm ahahalmost fihihihinished!" He laughed.
"Oh great!" You said making your tickling more sporadic and unpredictable. Peter clamped his arms down to his sides and laughed.
You shoved your hands into his armpits and he lost it. He threw his head back cackled.
"STAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIT! AHAHA PLEHEHEASE Y/N!" He begged, kicking his legs under his desk and trying to roll away in his chair.
"No, I don't think I will-" You were cut off by a sudden swift movement. Peter had spun around, hoped off his chair, grabbed your wrists, and pinned you down on the bed.
"You have your fun, Y/N?" He asked, towering over you.
"Oh that's great, because now it's my turn." Peter said before digging his hands into your ribs.
"Peheheter w-AHAHAHAHAHAIT!" You squealed, pathetically trying to hit his hands.
Peter scribbled his hands all over your torso, seeing what spots made you react the worst and staying there for a while. All you could do was toss your head back and laugh.
"What's the matter, Y/N/N? A little too ticklish?" Peter teased.
"Oh? But you said it to me first!"
Peter lifted up your shirt to reveal your tummy and blew a huge raspberry. Your laughter got loud and desperate. You starting hitting his head and grabbing at his hands, trying to get him to stop. But the more you hit him, the worse he made the raspberries tickle.
"More? Whatever you say, Y/N." Peter looked up at you with a wink.
You squealed and kicked when Peter started wiggling his fingers on your sides and blowing raspberries above your belly button.
"Maybe you shouldn't have tickled me first, Y/N/N."
Peter didn't listen to your desperate pleas, he just continued tickling the life out of you. You tried to roll off of the bed, but Peter always caught you and kept you in his grasp. You had nowhere to go.
Peter pinned one of your arms above your head and dug into your armpit. You squealed and tried to fight him off with your free hand, but of course it didn't work.
"No, I don't think I will." Peter said with a smirk.
Peter placed his hands on your tummy and wiggled his fingers all around. You instantly dissolved into loud giggles.
"You're super ticklish, Y/N. It's so cute." Peter said, bringing his face closer to yours.
"Stohohohop!" You giggled, trying to pry his hands off of you. Peter picked up on the desperation in your voice and decided it was time to give you break.
"Ughh, fine." Peter finally let you go and you gasped for air.
You looked up at Peter and saw him getting dressed.
"What- what are you doing?" You asked.
"Getting ready. You still want to hang out, right?" Peter smiled.
You looked over at Peter's desk. "What about your project? Did you finish it?"
"Nah. But it's only a little bit of work left. I can do it when we come back."
A warm feeling rushed throughout your body. You really loved Peter, he was the greatest friend you could ever ask for. "Alright."
Peter took your hand and rushed out of the door. Your day was great. You couldn't imagine spending this beautiful day with anyone else.
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AOT Hanji x Fem Reader: Experimenting with Dildos erm Weapons!
You’re Hanji's best friend and experiment partner who is completely in love with Hanji but you’re terrified that she doesn’t feel the same way. One day you end up making some rather questionable looking items…. You get the brilliant idea to make a joke about these phallic looking weapons and Hanji takes it to the next level.
Content: Smut
TW: Just my gayness coming out to say hello, use of toys, oral sex (giving and receiving), slight orgasm control/denial, Hanji and her smug ass xD
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It was early morning and you were sitting in the office you shared with Hanji working on a new compact weaponry for the Scouts. You inspected your work of these shells you were creating for the boom sticks. “This is all wrong!” You yelled in frustration as you threw the shell on your desk. “Ugh!” You ran your hands through your long (H/C) hair.
“What’s wrong?” Asked a voice from behind making you jump.
“HANJI DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!” You shouted as you held your chest.
“I’m sorry (Y/N) I didn’t mean to scare you.” She laughed.
“Hey that’s not funny you could’ve given me a heart attack!” You said in a huff.
“Okay, okay I'm really, really sorry…. Now why are you all upset pretty girl?” She asked as she placed her arm around you leaning in close.
You turned red as Hanji leaned in closer, the sweet intoxicating smell of her lavender shampoo invaded your nostrils as stray pieces of her wet hair brushed against your cheek. “I-it’s these stupid weapons I feel like the design is all wrong.” You held up one of the shells and it was a rather questionable looking metal tube.
“Well it is rather interesting looking.” She chuckled.
“You mean it looks like a penis?” You laughed with Hanji.
“Exactly! But I wasn’t going to say that!”
You turned away from Hanji laughing because you had a funny idea. You sneakily grabbed one of the shells and unzipped your pants sticking the shell out of the hole. You turned around. “Hey baby you wanna give him a stroke he really likes you!” You said in a low tone trying to sound like a guy.
Hanji raised an eyebrow and started to laugh. “Mmmmmmm why yes I would love to!” She said winking at you as she stepped closer and grabbed your ‘penis' while wrapping her arm around you. She smiled as she ran her hand along the smooth metal shaft pushing it between your legs.
You looked at her your face becoming redder by the second as she got dangerously close to your crotch. You could feel your skin get warm as your palms became sweaty and your heart was beating faster and faster. “H-Hanji wh-what are you doing?” You squeaked out as she pushed the shaft in more turning you on. “Hanji?” You bit your lip as you stifled a moan trying to escape.
She looked at you seeing the immense pleasure on your face. “Hm?”
“Wh-what are you doing?” You wined out tilting your head back as she moved the metal tube making it graze against your clit, a small moan escaping your lips. You let out a gasp when you felt Hanji's hand replace the metal tube between your legs. “H-Ha-Hanji! W-wh-what a-are y-yo-you d-doingggggg! Ohhhhh!” You moaned louder as she gently massaged outside your panties making your knees shake. You held onto her shoulders as she pressed her palm against your clit giving you some friction as your hips bucked uncontrollably. “Hanji!” You looked at her, she was completely entranced by how you reacted when she touched you. You took her face in your hand making Hanji look at you. “E-earth to Hanji? Y-you in there?”
She looked at you with her beautiful brown eyes. “Sorry yes I am here!” She laughed nervously. “And I think you know what I am doing (Y/N).” Hanji leaned in to kiss you as she unbuttoned your pants and slid her hand in your panties earning a sweet moan from you as she rubbed your clit. She broke the kiss and laid you down onto your desk. “I see the way you look at me (Y/N).”
You looked at Hanji shocked.
“What? You didn’t think I noticed? My darling (Y/N) you’re so cute when you look surprised.” Hanji smirked at you. “Lucky for you pretty girl.” She pulled down your pants and panties. “I like women and I really like you.” She leaned in kissing you once more.
You entangled your hands in Hanji's auburn hair wildly attacking her lips as she continued to rub your clit, making you moan into her mouth. Instantly you invaded her mouth with your tongue exploring every corner. Suddenly you felt cold metal press against your wetness, you broke the kiss. “Um Hanji are you thinking about using that on me?”
“Yes I was, why you don’t want me to?” She asked.
“Well I mean you can but, I have better things to use.” You said shyly.
“Oh? Do you now?” She asked raising an eyebrow.
“Y-yes…..” You squeaked. “L-let’s go to m-my room.” You said nervously as you sat up.
“Love bug why are you so nervous?” She grabbed your waist pulling you into her arms.
“I n-never dreamed that t-this would ha-happen, so I’m a l-little shocked st-st-still.” You took a deep breath in composing yourself. “Okay to my room!” You pulled your pants up and took Hanji's hand leading her to your room. You locked the door and instantly Hanji was stripping your clothes off. “H-Hanji!” You moaned out as she pulled your pants off again and rubbed your clit.
She leaned into your neck gently nipping at it. “Mmmmmm yes love bug?”
You wrapped your arms around Hanji groping her butt, she looked at you.
“Now where are these toys you have?” She asked while playing with your nipple.
“They're over there in my closet in a wooden box.”
“Show me.” She grabbed your hips pushing you towards the closet, you leaned down to get the box and Hanji smacked your ass while she inserted two fingers making you whimper. “F-fuck you’re so tight (Y/N).” Hanji grunted as she thrusted her fingers in and out of you. “I love it….” She smacked your ass again.
“A-ahhhhh Hanjiiiiii!” You moaned out as she pushed you over to the bed and laid you down.
“Now lets see what you have in here my darling.” Hanji said smiling at you, she opened the box and her eyes widened in excitement. “My, my, my you certainty have a lot of spare time to have all of these.” She said smugly.
“I made all of those…..” You said shyly.
“Well I kind of guessed that.” Hanji started to go through the box. “What is this?” She picked up a metal tube with a black knob on the end.
“Turn the knob and find out.” You said smugly, she did so and it started to vibrate.
“Ooooooooh I like this one!” Hanji took the vibrator and held it to your clit making your eyes roll into the back of your head.
“F-fuck H-Hanji.” You groaned.
“Oooooh what’s this?” She asked holding up a rubber dildo with a fat round base and a pair of odd looking underwear with a hole cut out.
“Well you put that through the hole in the underwear strap it on and bam you have a penis!” You laughed.
“What in the world made you make these?”
“I-I was hoping we could use them on each other some day.” You said shyly.
“Wait have you ever used any of these?” She asked as she pulled out another dildo.
“The one you’re holding is the only one I’ve ever used.”
“Ohhhh this is going to be a lot of fun!” She said getting excited. “Now I have a question for you.” You looked up at her. “Are you a virgin?”
“No I am not….. I had a drunk hook up with Levi once….. I didn’t like it too much that’s what made me realize that I liked girls…. To be honest he was kind of scary even naked.” You laughed.
“Wait you hooked up with Levi!?” Hanji asked astounded. “I didn’t think shorty had it in him! I’m impressed.”
“You ready to be more impressed? I took the Captain’s virginity.”
You smirked and nodded. “Indeed I did.... Honestly I think he used me for practice because he was soon dating Aurora after that but I'm not holding it against him…. She can have his crazy ass.” You laughed.
Hanji laughed too. “Yea he is pretty crazy, but enough about shorty. Let’s have some fun pretty girl.” She cooed as she went down on you.
“F-fuck H-Hanji!” You wined out as she nibbled on your clit making your hips buck. You grabbed her soft auburn hair tugging on it as she swirled her tongue around. “Ohhhhhh!” You moaned as Hanji took the vibrator thrusting it in and out of you. You felt the knot tighten in your stomach, your breathing became heavier squirming beneath Hanji as she pushed the vibrator in deeper. “H-Ha-Hanjiiiii I'm go-go-going to cummmmm!” You howled.
“No you’re not allowed to yet.” She said smugly as she pulled the vibrator out of you right before you hit your climax.
You laid there in a daze trying to comprehend what had just happened. “W-what the hell?” You grumbled.
“(Y/N) don’t worry you’ll have the best orgasm of your life. I just don’t want you cumming…. Yet.”
You looked at her with pleading eyes. “But Hanji I can cum more than once.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Oh can you now? Hmmmm well that does change things.” Hanji grabbed your dildo and slowly inserted it making you go crazy as she swirled her tongue around your clit.
You grinded against her face as she went deeper and deeper, instantly making you cum and gush into her mouth. “Ohhhhhh f-fu-fuckkkkkk Hanjiiiiii!” You screamed out in pleasure as you rode out your first orgasm.
Hanji came up and kissed you deeply as she ran her hands all over your soft supple skin pulling you in closer. “I love how sensitive you are love bug, I barely did anything to you and you’re already a puddle.” She said smugly.
You looked up at her giving her a shy smile as your hands traveled down unbuttoning her pants. Slowly you slid your hand into Hanji's panties gently massaging her clit making her tremble at your touch. “Oh? Do you like that Hanji?” You smirked as you watched Hanji's face.
“Y-yesss!” She wined out as you pushed a couple fingers inside her. “F-fuck (Y/N).” Hanji slowly moved her hips as she rode your fingers.
“Why don’t you lay down and let me have some fun Hanji?” You removed your fingers from between her legs.
She looked at you through half-lidded eyes and nodded.
You gently pushed Hanji onto the bed and unbuttoned her shirt. You unhooked her bra, gently playing with one nipple while your mouth sucked on the other one, Hanji squirmed beneath you. You ran steamy kisses down her torso, making her shiver. You looked up at Hanji smiling as you pulled down her pants. “Why hello there.” You cooed as you took off her panties and started rubbing her clit.
“Ohhhhhh (Y-Y/N-N)!” Hanji moaned out as you slipped a couple fingers inside her. “F-fuck.”
“Hanji you’re so wet.” You cooed as you continued to finger her. “Hanji can I use the strap-on, on you?”
She looked at you all excited. “Ohhhh yes you can!”
You got up to put the strap-on together putting the dildo through the hole and strapping it so it doesn’t fall out. You repositioned yourself between Hanji's legs, slowly inserting the dildo making Hanji moan out loudly.
“F-fuck (Y/N)!” She screamed out in pleasure as you went deeper. You adjusted her legs to get better leverage going even deeper pounding into Hanji harder and harder. “Oh fuck baby girl just like that!”
“Yea? You like that?” You cooed as you spread her lips and massaged her clit.
“Oh fuck yes (Y/N)! I'm-I'm gonna cuuuummmmm!” She moaned out.
“Aweee so soon?” You pouted.
“I’m sorry its been a while since I’ve been with anyone….”
“Well why don’t we change that?”
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sl-walker · 3 years
Thoughts on The Unwilling Apprentice
Okay, so the resplendent @xiamei-sami -- bringer of excellent gifs -- brought forth another treasure, which is ostensibly ‘new’ backstory for Maul.  You can find it linked in this post here.  I read it myself a couple weeks ago and have thought about it and, of course, developed opinions about it, but thanks to the whole work thing, haven’t been able to put those down yet.
So, spoilers ahead!  Beware!  If those bug you, anyway.
Okay, so.  There are a few things I liked about it and then some that I was scratching my head about, and then there were some that were just stupid and the author should be ashamed of accepting money for.  But since I’m in a reasonably charitable mood, I’ll start with what I liked.
1.) Maul was not born evil.  And, in fact, was portrayed here as a perfectly darling kid who did chores and liked hanging around in nature like the actual Disney princess he is.  For people who prefer canon over Legends -- though, this story’s relationship with canon is tenuous at best -- it’s nice to have something to point to and go, “Hey, he wasn’t actually inherently evil!”  I mean, Legends proved that with Wrath, but now we have two sources for it.
2.) He was shown as being very much in tune with the Living Force.  Frankly, the reason I liked this was because I wrote that years ago, dude, and I did it better than you lol, but still, it’s nice when something quasi-canonish does the same thing years after you and with less skill. XD  It just is.
Anyway, those were really the only things I actually liked liked.
Now onto the headscratchers:
Where the fuck is canon?  For real.  Suddenly, we have Nightbrothers living with Nightsisters and there’s no mention whatsoever of their marginalization which is ???  It sort of loosely follows Son of Dathomir, in terms of Talzin being Mother of the Year by kicking her son out and ignoring him being abused by other people, because supposedly Sids offered to make her his apprentice and ??? Profit!
Like, I do seriously LOL anytime anyone tries to portray Talzin as some kind of decent person.  I mean, we did watch her feeling Savage up and being complicit in making him murder her other son, and then there’s the fuckery she pulled on Maul, too, and yet somehow there are still people out there who act like she was a great mother.  Boy, have I got a bridge for you!
But anyway.  This had, at its very best, a very fucking cursory relationship to current recognizable canon.  Maul had a brother in this story, but then all those years later just forgot??  What??
So, have that headscratcher.  Now, let’s go into why the author should feel bad about accepting money for this:
1.) The canon thing.  The lack of canon connection.  Completely ignoring that the Nightbrothers are actual canon slaves holy shit.  How do you ignore that?  Like, how do you not acknowledge that??  Even current Disney canon does!  Admittedly, I do believe this story is meant for school kids, but like-- my dude. So was TCW, and they’re the ones who explicitly stated it. There are ways to make this canon without ignoring swathes of it for supposedly school-age readers.
2.) The motivation for Maul ‘going dark’ makes-- exactly no fucking sense.  It’s basically just a literal adoptive-parent abuse story, which is lazy as fuck, btw.  He basically gets beat up a lot.  There is not, as there is in Legends, a very notable and concerted effort to twist his perceptions and manipulate him.  His mom kicks him out (Mother of the Year!), he gets beat up by the adopting family, he learns how to use the Force and fights back.
One of the reasons this annoys me is that it’s lacking all of the clever work Ryder Windham did in Wrath to not only portray Maul as an inherently sweet kid trapped in truly horrific circumstances, but draw an absolutely credible mental roadmap of how you would take that inherently sweet kid and twist him into a Sith assassin.  And in case anyone’s wondering?  Wrath of Darth Maul was meant to be a YA book.
Like, I hate to tell this guy this, but most people who are abused do not, in fact, turn into villains.  Most people also don’t turn into abusers themselves.  So without the manipulation that Ryder depicts, and that Luceno and the others touch on, it just seems kind of like-- he needed an excuse and went with the cheapest, laziest version of Disney he could.
But this brings me to the next point, which is the most egregious point for me:
3.) The author puts the responsibility for Maul being taken and abused by Sidious on Maul himself.
If there was one thing that made Legends absolutely spectacular, re: Maul, it was that never once did Ryder Windham imply, even a little bit, that little Maul had ever asked for or deserved what happened to him at Sid’s hands.  At no point did any of the authors who handled Maul pre-Disney imply that he would choose what was done to him if he’d ever actually been given a choice.  And to me -- and to a lot of other abuse survivors -- this kind of thing is a Big Deal.  It’s a really damned important distinction to make.
But no, in this story, Maul actually chooses to be Sidious’s apprentice.
W. T. F., dude.  What the actual fuck, dude.
I guess I should write this out for anyone who might not know it, but taking a character who in canon was stated to have no choice in it and suddenly giving them responsibility for their own victimization is highly fucked up.
Anyway, that there is some lousy writing.  Just sayin’.
So, there is my opinion and thoughts.  There are some things I liked, there are some things that were just confusing and then there was shit like the immediate above that means the author should be slapped around a parking lot a few times.  I probably would not kick if people did adopt it as their canon backstory, because it’s still better than the crazy shit people currently assume, like that Maul was somehow born dark.
But please, for the love of god, I am not even kidding about this: If you really want to understand and write a genuinely interesting, nuanced version of Maul, and have a pretty damned cohesive, tragic and psychologically more realistic backstory to build on, stick to his Legends materials.  Those guys who did it first actually did do it best, and this latest offering is very milquetoast by comparison, when it’s not a turd wrapped in paper.
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