#i just wish i could find someone who didn’t suck and is close
plutonianplaything2 · 5 months
Goodnight I am going to bed extremely sad because Halsin isn’t a real person
and also i have no one to be intimate and romantic with so if anyone falls in love with me overnight lmk
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samsno1 · 9 months
Dean Winchester x F!Reader
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hi, heres what i promised to the dean girls! i don't know what to say, this is long and i don't know if the smut is good enough, might edit later, also, dean in this red jacket is my favorite
Summary: It had been a while since you got some and at night of celebrating a successful hunt you expected to finally, after a long time, get laid
Warnings: SMUT, piv, unprotected sex (wrap it up), finger sucking, jealousy (? if you squint), oral f. recieving, fingering, dean is so in love ohmygod, english is not my first language, not proof read (if i forgot anything let me know)
Read it on AO3
WC: 4.7k
You can learn how to change Y/N for your actual name here
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It was difficult for you to find anyone willing to spend the night with you in the current settings of your life, having to lie about what you do, who you are…Basically create a whole new personality just to be able to bring someone to your motel room. In that sense, it was frustrating, both sexually and mentally to be put in this scenery but, either way, saving lives was more important than getting laid, even if you were thoroughly stressed beyond comparison by your inability to find a guy (or girl). 
You, Sam and Dean had gone to California for what you discovered, after great questioning and piles of research, was a simple salt ‘n burn of a poor ghost of a roadkill and was haunting that particular highway and crashing trucks of drivers who were mildly intoxicated behind the wheel.
After finding out where the bones were buried you went to the cemetery and started digging up the grave. Shovel after shovel of dirt fell behind you while you panted in exhaustion until you hit something hard at the bottom of the hole you dug up.
You harshly broke the wooden casket, revealing the remains of the ghost and a putrid smell hit your nose like everytime it happened when you had a salt ‘n burn. You scrunched up your nose and threw the shovel on the ground beside you, reaching with a hand towards Dean for him to help you get out of the hole.
“There it is.” You say proudly as you stare down at the decomposed body being covered with salt by Sam while Dean reaches for the alcohol in the bag and the lighter in his pocket.
You three watch as the bones light up in an orange fire, burning away what’s tying the poor soul to this world, the heat radiating in your skin. After some time you bump your shoulder with Dean’s, making him look at you.
“Let’s go, I need a shower so we can go out and celebrate” You say with a grin as you turn back to walk towards the Impala and Dean follows suit along with Sam, the fire slowly extinguishing itself behind you.
You opened the door to the backseat, the creaking of the hinges echoing through the night, getting inside and closing the door with a thud. Dean and Sam sat in their designed seats at the driver and shotgun, respectively, and you drove into the night towards the motel.  
“I saw a bar not far from where we are staying” Dean said and you hummed and Sam nodded. “You two might have to come back alone, you know” He suggested with a smirk and Sam scrunched his nose and let out an amused huff and you chuckled dryly, a weird nausea bubbling in your stomach.
Deep down you wished Dean could see you the way he sees the bartenders and strippers in bars or clubs you three often go to. You didn’t know if he thought you were too rough, too scarred, both mentally and physically. You usually dressed up nice, using makeup from time to time when you noticed your eyebags were getting darker or when your lips looked too pale. You also tried your best with clothing, well, the best someone could do when you were a hunter. Either way, you never looked like those girls, they were absolutely stunning, even for you, and you couldn’t compete with them.
You shook your head. You were probably thinking these things because it had been some time since you last got laid. Tonight was your night, you were feeling it, you were taking someone to your room.
Dean turned the car off after parking and you got out, going to the trunk to get your bag.
“You guys meet me in my room? I’ll most likely take longer to get ready” You said with a grin and the boys nodded. You took out the keys to your room and got in, throwing your bag over your bed and going to another bag you had in your room, where you kept your “fancy” clothes and makeup.
You took out a beautiful black dress with long sleeves that ended in your mid thighs. It was a dress you thrifted when you went on a hunt alone a while ago and never had the opportunity to use it. When you tried it on, though, it hugged your curves in all the right places, made your body look amazing and you felt as confident as one could feel.
You left the dress over the bed and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower, smiling to yourself. You took your time, washed your hair thoroughly and finished it off in the usual way. In the hunting life you often get your hair very dirty almost everyday with blood, dirt, ectoplasm…you name it. So, keeping it lucious and healthy was a process that you grew fond of doing to recollect some of that normalcy that hunting didn’t give you.
You came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around your body and picked up an underwear set that was, well, sensual to say the least and dropped the towel to the ground to put it on, the dress going over it, careful not to mess up your hair in the process.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and whistled in surprise at your own appearance, you looked good. Time for makeup.
You didn’t do much, a simple concealer, contour and blush with mascara and a smokey eye was enough to drop any man to the ground.
You decided to put shoes on because, first, if you really had to walk back, heels weren’t helpful, second, you didn’t have your heels with you at the moment.
While you were finishing up you heard a knock on your door. You opened it and there they were, Sam and Dean, practically on the same looks, just cleaner, waiting for you.
They both eyed you up and down, drinking your appearance in, Dean dropping his jaw slightly as he stared at your exposed thighs. Sam let out an impressed sigh and cleared his throat.
“Wow Y/N you look…amazing” He said and you smiled, looking down, feeling a tad bit embarrassed.
“Yeah…” Dean agrees, half on earth, half in his head trying to get rid of the thoughts of those beautiful legs wrapped around his neck while his nose deep into your–
“Well, thank you, I hope it isn’t too much.” You said.
“No, n–no, ha, it’s not, at all,” Dean said to quickly, finally grasping the courage to look into your eyes, the beautiful colors drowning him and your shy smile making him want to smash his lips to yours that moment. He cleared his throat. “Shall we go?” He offered.
“Yes, let me just get my phone” You said and went inside for a couple seconds, coming out with it and your wallet. “C’mon!”
You passed through them and went towards the car. Sam elbowed Dean to make him turn to him.
“You are staring at her like she’s a cheeseburger and you haven’t eaten in days, man” Sam teased and Dean frowned at him “You were practically drooling”
“I–I was not, okay? She just looks…pretty, that's all” Dean said, ignoring Sam’s ‘Yeah, right’ and going to the driver's seat in the Impala, you already sat down in the backseat. After Sam got in you all went to the bar and you felt particularly excited this time.
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“Okay, every single one who tried to flirt with me was a disaster” You said, coming back to the table with a sigh, Sam and Dean almost laughing at you as you handed them their beers. “Seriously, who do I have to kill to get laid in this shit”
You took a swig of your beer and looked around once more, trying to find a decent man for you to take back tonight when you eyed a handsome black haired guy a few feet away. You smiled to yourself and got up from your seat.
When you walked up to him you didn’t see it but Dean was fuming with jealousy, this feeling bubbling up inside him that made his fists unconsciously clench over the table. He tried flirting with other women that night, chatting them up like he usually did but it all went down the drain the moment his eyes darted to you again, a guy practically snuggling up to you while you gently pushed him away and refused his advances, either not finding him attractive or just not feeling a spark.
He should be the one you looked at, he knew everything about you, how you liked your coffee, your favorite drinks, the faint lines that would appear around your lips when you smiled, the way your eyes lit up when you were talking about something you enjoyed. He knows you.
Sam noticed his brother’s demeanor and called out to him to snap him out of his jealous haze. Dean turned his eyes to Sam and he had this stupid smirk on his face, sipping the beer once again to hide his amused smile.
“What?” Dean snapped, his hand wrapping around the bottle, the cool glass doing nothing to ease his temper down, his knee going up and down under the table with nervousness.
“Nothin’” Sam answered and finished his beer, getting up and leaving a couple dollars, enough to pay for the beers he drank. “I’m going back, y’know, tired. Tell Y/N”
Dean nodded, he didn’t know if Sam meant for him to tell you that Sam went back or that you’ve been in his dreams for months now, not all of them cute and fluffy, some made him wake up with a hard-on, sweating and longing for you.
He looked in your direction and you were coming back with an annoyed face, arms crossed in front of you, feet stomping the ground. Dean made a confused face and when you got back to the table you sat down on the chair with a scoff, his eyes never leaving you.
“He has a girlfriend” You murmured and then realized you were one man short “Where’s Sam?”
“He called in, tired” Dean said and you hummed. He had a weird look on his face, something you couldn’t make out what was. You sighed and looked down.
“I think we should go too, this night was disappointing to me” You breathed out a laugh “I’m impressed you didn’t find anyone, I saw some girls eyeing you”
“Nah, I’m fine,” He said and finished his beer. You widened your eyes at him but didn’t say anything, just nodding hesitantly in shock. “Let 's go?”
He said getting up and you mirrored him, pulling your dress down a bit, Dean’s eyes on you all the time. He bit his lower lip and mentally told himself to cool it.
As you two walked towards the car you couldn’t help but look at him up and down, silently appreciating his figure. His strong jawline, his green eyes now dark thanks to the night, his slightly crooked nose that made him look unique.
When you got into the car, in silence, you drove back to the motel and you felt an unmistakable tension in the air and you were worried you might’ve done something to upset the man. You started to fidget with your fingers over your lap, the street lights going past the car through the window as Dean sped up through the pavement.
His hands gripped the wheel, holding back the urge to pounce on you right there and then. When he parked the car and reached for the door handle you held his wrist.
“Wait! Dean, is something the matter?” You asked, big eyes looking into his as he looked at you, noticing the trouble behind those beautiful orbs. He wanted to punch himself in the gut for making you feel bad. “What happened?”
“Nothing it’s just…” He trailed off and looked at your hand wrapping his wrist. His other hand enveloped over it and your skin flared up with goosebumps. He felt warm, rough, his strong grip comforting. You took your hand away from his wrist, allowing his hand to wrap over your and pull you into him.
You yelped and was about to question him when you felt his plump lips against yours, his other hand hesitantly holding your cheek and you melted. It took you a while to process what was happening. Dean Winchester is kissing you. Though, when you did, your free hand went to the back of his neck to deepen the kiss.
Everything felt like a fever dream and you were afraid that if you pulled away you’d wake up and Dean would be gone. His lips had a taste of beer lingering from the night out, they were full and smooth. You felt like you were drowning in this feeling until Dean pulled away, seeking a breath of air.
You looked between his eyes, your breaths molding into each other from the closeness. You moved the hand he was holding up his chest, to his shoulder, up to his cheek, his eyes closing and his head snuggling against your hand, his fingers fidgeting around your wrist.
He opened his eyes, a thousand feelings swimming behind his green orbs as you both communicate in silence, an agreement, a revelation. You smiled and pulled him in again, this time with no hesitation. His hand went down your arm slowly, your skin warming up where his hand passed by, and settled by your waist, pulling you closer. His tongue teased your bottom lip and you eagerly opened your mouth with a low moan.
At that, he smirked into the kiss and pulled you over his lap, the steering wheel digging into your back, his hands both placed at your hips as you unconsciously rocked against him. He let go of your mouth again and you stared down at him.
“I wanted to do this so bad” He whispered and you smiled, your fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck mindlessly. He placed a loving kiss at your jaw and pulled away again while you hummed, content.
When you looked at his face again there was a frown and he was avoiding your eyes. You grabbed both his cheeks and made him look at you.
“What was that thought, hm?” You ask lightly as to not push him away. You didn’t want this to end, not ever. He seemed nervous.
“What does this mean to you?” He asked and you furrowed your eyebrows. “To me, Y/N,” he continued, his hands rubbing up and down your thighs “you’re everything, I mean, you– you’re perfect. You’ve seen everything I’ve done and never let me down, you’re beautiful and so much more. If to you I’m just a way to get off then–”
You cut him off with a peck on his lips.
“Stop. Right there.” You started, looking deep into his eyes. “Dean I– you are everything I’ve ever wanted, needed. You mean more to me than words can describe, you’re not just a one night stand, you’re my dream”
When you finished, he didn’t waste a second to wrap a hand behind your neck and steal your lips again, his mouth addicting. There was so much passion, feeling and desire pumping through your veins.
Your dress was high on your thighs and one of his hands squeezed the flesh hungrily, making you groan in his mouth. He went further with his hand, his thumb caressing over your covered sex and you opened your mouth in a whimper.
Dean attacked your neck with kisses and hickeys, his teeth leaving a pattern over your skin as his hand ghosts over where you need him the most.
“Dean…” You say, a beg behind your words and he pulls away, both his hand and his mouth, making you shiver from the lack of contact and the cool feeling his saliva left behind over your neck.
“Sweetheart, as much as I’d like to have you in the car,” He said, his voice rough and deeper with lust, his pupils wide as he opened the door, a cool breeze coming in that did little to nothing to cool your skin off. “you deserve a bed, another time” He finished, leaving an open mouthed kiss under your ear.
Another time. You nodded, words failing you as you stepped out of the car, adjusting your dress and hair the best you could to seem decent. Dean stood up behind you and let a hand linger on your waist, eager to touch you at all times and all ways.
You both walked towards the door of your room, Dean’s fingers tightening on your skin the longer it took for you to get the door open. The moment you were able to open it, he pushed both of you in, turning you around and pinning you to the door inside, closing it with a loud noise behind your back and his lips were on your again, his hands roaming over every inch of your skin.
You yelped in shock but soon reciprocated the touches and kisses, your fingers wrapping around his jacket and pulling it off, his hands momentarily leaving you to drop it to the ground. When his hands came back he grabbed both your legs and lifted you, forcing you to wrap your legs around his hips for support, his fingers digging into your skin yet again.
Your hands pulled on his hair, your tongues battling in a messy kiss when you feel your body move to the bed, your body being gently placed over it.
Dean pulled away, standing up fully and you took him in with a bite of your lip. He unbuttoned his flannel, slowly and you lifted your dress over your hips, lifting them off the bed to help, revealing your panties and over your head to take it off completely and throwing the fabric away.
Dean’s breathing got heavier, the confine of his pants bothering him as he finally discards the flannel, torso naked to you. You drink his defined physique with hooded eyes and he smirks down at you, his head going close to the waistband of your panties, eyes never leaving yours as he leaves kisses from your hips to your stomach to the valley of your breasts until he came face to face with you again, a smile lingering in his lips making one of your own appear on yours.
Your hands grab at his cheeks and pull him in again as he holds you by your waist, pulling your near naked torso into his. His fingers ghost over every inch of new exposed skin as if he was memorizing every atom of your being like you were going to disappear.
Your hands start to explore over his chest, the strong muscles flexing against your palms, your nails scratching at his wide back and shoulders.
His hands travel behind your back to unclasp your bra and you let him, letting the undergarment go loose against your breasts and Dean takes it off. He drinks the view in, staring and you start to feel self-conscious and take your hands to cover yourself up. Dean catches onto that and kisses you again, one big hand grabbing at your right breast and you whimper in his mouth.
“I always knew you were beautiful” He whispers against your lips and pulls back to look at you again “But you are the most perfect thing I’ve ever laid eyes on”
This time you turned away from him with a stupid smile on your face.
“Says you” You say and turn to him again, your hands over his shoulders and moving towards his back “Your back is a perfect place for my nails to dig in” You whisper seductively on his ear and leave a hickey on his neck. He groans and lowers his head to wrap his mouth around one of your nipples, the warm feeling against the sensitive nub making you arch your back into him and your fingers to tangle in his hair.
“Dean, fuck–” You moan as he gently bites your nipple and moves to the other breast, his eyes looking at you from below and drinking in your noises.
One of his hands sneaked up your inner thigh and teased your clit over your panties and you shivered, a smirk on his lips against your breast. He slowly took your panties off, discarding them on the ground and now you were completely bare below him, vulnerable.
His middle finger pressed over your clit and you arched again.
“Dean, please…” You beg, your best attempt at puppy dog eyes looking down at him and he adds his ring finger, starting to do slow circles over the sensitive nub as he kisses up your neck, your noises of pleasure egging him on.
He lowers his fingers to your entrance and he slips both in with no restraint given your wetness, the feeling making you let out a moan and grab onto his shoulders as he hooks his fingers inside you, touching that special spot.
He smirks smugly and continues his ministrations, your pussy clenching and tightening around his fingers making him groan.
“You’re so wet” He mumbles “I wonder how you taste like” He gives your nose a peck, your mind too drowned in pleasure to respond to his words. He kisses down your body, his fingers never leaving you, until he's facing your cunt. He places both your legs over his shoulders, your thighs resting around his cheeks, the light stubble leaving a tingly feeling behind.
He leaves a lingering kiss over your clit and you buck your hips, looking for more friction. He teases a bit more, biting and sucking at your inner thighs, everywhere but where you needed his mouth to be. You took charge and grabbed at his hair, pulling his face closer and he complied.
“Oh, fuck!” You groan.
His tongue licked at your sex and your loud moans echoed through the walls, the warm muscle doing wonders against you and the mix of his fingers bringing you closer and closer to the edge, your eyes fluttering close in bliss.
“Dean, God” You moan as he squeezes your thigh. All the ministrations send shivers down your spine, your core tightening inside you, that familiar rush of warmth spreading through you. Your thighs try to close, forgetting Dean’s in between and he hums against your cunt, the vibrations making you feel like you were in heaven. “I’m cumming”
“Cum for me princess” He mumbles and you let go with a chant of his name. The feeling washes over you, making you feel lighter for a couple seconds, Dean helping you ride out your orgasm. When the stimulation becomes too much and you whine and squirm away, he gets up from his knees, chin glistening in your juices. He took his fingers out, a grunt scaping your throat at the emptiness. It was a sinful sight.
He crawled over you again, his middle and index finger teasing at your bottom lip.
“Open up” He said, voice deep and demanding and you obeyed, opening your mouth and letting his fingers in. You lick your juices clean off his fingers, never breaking eye contact, humming and moaning against his digits as Dean bites his lips with force. Your hand travels down to unbuckle his belt and he takes his fingers away from your mouth to kiss you.
Once you got the belt open, Dean backed away, taking his shoes off and unzipping his pants. Meanwhile, you drank in his appearance. His hair was a mess, a thin sheen of sweat covering his skin, his arms flexing as he lowered his pants along with his boxers. He was divine.
When he dropped the jeans his eyes drifted back to you, catching you staring and he smirks.
“See something you like?” He asks, closing the gap between you again, smashing your lips to his in yet another breathtaking kiss.
He completely lies you down on the mattress, his elbows supporting his weight over you as his cock bumps against your sensitive sex and you gasp, hand gripping the back of his neck.
“Fuck me” You say, bluntly and whiny but he gets the hint and aligns his member to your hole.
“Yes Ma’am” He says and starts to insert himself inside you, an immediate groan coming out of both your throats, his forehead dropping to the nape of your neck as his fingers dug into your hips, holding himself back to not slam into you at full force. You felt amazing around him, the warmth of your walls made him never want to go away.
“Oh my God” You moan as he slowly goes deeper, his cock throbbing inside you. Once he bottomed out you were breathing heavier than ever, pupils blown and nails teasing at his back. “Dean” 
“I’m right here sweetheart” He reassured you and left kisses over your shoulder to distract you. You grinned at his sweetness and rolled your hips against his, a sign that he could move.
“Move, please, I want to feel you” You mumbled and he obliged, instant pleasure going through your body.
“God, Y/N” He moaned close to your ear as he went faster, your moans getting louder.
He smashed his hips against yours, eyeing the way it went in and out, being deliciously consumed by your cunt, glistening with your slick and cum. He stared at you, your fucked out state, the way you were a moaning, whimpering mess beneath him and he felt proud to be the reason you were like this.
You felt every inch ripping your insides, Dean’s hands roaming through your body as his lips left bite marks and kisses around your skin. His lips wrapped around your nipple and everything just added more to the pleasure when his tongue circled around your nipple.
“You’re so pretty” He groaned after pulling away from your breasts and felt that familiar feeling go through him as your pussy clenched tighter around his cock. He was close and he knew you were too. His hands traveled both down to your lower body, one pressed over the skin under your belly button and the other circled your clit messly.
When he pressed down over your lower belly you felt him impossibly deeper and grabbed at the sheets underneath you to ground yourself to reality.
“Jesus– Fuck Dean, please!” You moaned incoherently as that bubble inside you was about to pop “I’m gonna cum, baby, please” You moaned again and you knew he was close to, his hips stuttering and losing rhythm.
“Cum with me Y/N” He said and not even seconds later you unraveled beneath him, your high hitting you like a bus, a loud moan rippling through your throat and Dean pulled out, cumming over your stomach, his chest heaving with his breaths.
Dean forced himself to get up and get a wet towel to clean you up in the bathroom, coming back and gently wiping away the fluids. You were spent and at the same time as happy as you could ever be.
You adjusted yourself in the bed while you waited for Dean to come back from the bathroom after discarding the towel, his naked shadow visible thanks to the light inside. When he walked out he smiled at you and snuggled beside you, tucking your head under his chin and wrapping an arm around your waist.
You were both silent for a while until he spoke up. 
“I love you so much” He said “And no, this is not post sex haze, I’ve loved you for so long” He admitted quietly above you and you felt your heart beating ten times faster at his words. You looked up at him and placed a gentle hand over his cheek to make him look down at you.
“I love you too, dumbass” You say with a chuckle and kiss him deeply again, pouring all the love you knew you felt towards him into the kiss.
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A/N: Notes and reblogs encourage me to keep writing, feedback makes those writings better. Thank you for reading, Xoxo.
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hoshigray · 5 months
hmmmm, chosuki both "marking their territory" after one of reader's friends gets a little too touchy?
Love your work <3333333
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𝐚. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: when i tell you i was grinning once i saw this in my inbox, lol, finally chosuki yessss!! ty for loving my stuff ☆
⊹ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: Choso + Yuki x fem! reader - explicit content; minors DNI - threesome - oral (m! + f! receiving) - fingering (f! receiving) - anal (f! receiving) - anal fingering (f! receiving) - cowgirl 69 + missionary positions - breast fondling + nipple play + sucking - biting/marking - unprotected sex (psa: wrap it up or get tf up) - pet names (baby, cutie, honey, sweetie, sweet pea) - mild possessive behavior.
⊹ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.2k
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“Damn, Y/n, you’re so lucky to have such eye-catchers fawning over you!”
“Pfffthaha, oh, stop it! You’re drunk; stop swinging around!”
There’s one thing in this world that both Yuki and Choso don’t play about — you.
You are the sweetest and most prized treasure they cherish with their very hands. Being in a poly relationship tends to be a hard thing to manage for Yuki and Choso. The two lovers were never in luck to find the right person who didn’t match their vibe or wanted to change the dynamic they were going for. But with every dark tunnel, there’s a light on the other side. And thanks to the blonde and dark brunette’s stars, you were their saving grace.
God, they adored you very much — the best partner they could ever have. The way you’d wake up to them and give them a kiss with a soft ‘good morning,’ how you make lunch for Choso before he goes on his way to work, or texting sweet messages to Yuki to check how she’s doing or telling her about this new place that opened around the area for all three of you to explore. Blind by your smile and caring charm, Yuki and Choso live in eternal bliss and happiness, knowing you have blessed them with your presence to return home to.
Their love for you is mutual and genuine, authentic in that they wish to spend their days — no, their entire lives! — being with you. They see you as their muse, as theirs. So, it’s predictable that they’d be secretly jealous when they’d have to share their piece of heaven with others.
Especially now when all three of you had been dragged by some of your old college buddies for a night out at the pub. Figuring this would be a perfect opportunity to introduce your friends to your lovers, Yuki and Choso were invited over to enjoy the merits of this occasion. What the two partners hadn’t expected was how close you all were — albeit a little too close for their liking. 
You all sat at one big round booth table, Yuki and Choso being separated from you as your friends wanted to have you by them for just the night. Again, it made the two lovers feel uneasy. Even when a girl friend grabs your hand and intertwines your fingers with hers enthusiastically, the blonde can’t fight the twitch of her ruby eyes. The friend goes on to say, “Nah, are you kidding? I think those two are the ones who are lucky to have Y/n! They’re such an angel; anyone would feel like they’ve won a million dollars if they got with someone like them.”
Then, a guy who was visibly buzzed joined the praise fest. “You’re so right! I’d do backflips every day if I scored someone so gracious and sweet as Y/n,” the drunk man brings a hand on your shoulder and nestles his cheek to your shoulder. Choso attempts to keep a neutral expression, but caramel eyes carry a tiny hostile aura. “I’d make sure to love on them every single day, kiss their feet when they walk, wash their hair when they ask—“
“Okay, lover boy,” you stop him before your drunken friend digs his foolish grave even further, and it’s hard to hide your giggles. “I think that’s enough Crowne and tequila for one night.”
You and your friends laugh and continue to strike up a conversation to catch up on material. However, you’re so engrossed in the others’ talk that you can’t sense the tension that’s brewing from the other side where your lovers sit. The two survey the scene with silent eyes, with Choso hitting his leg to stop the bounce of his knee and Yuki tapping her fingernails on the table surface.
All they could do was watch you, their treasured partner, share your attention with those who cherish you. Although, internally, they wanted you all to themselves. Yes, it was selfish; however, you can’t blame your lovers for being a little protective of you. Specifically when it seems your friends don’t appear to respect your boundaries when in their company.
So for that, it’s no surprise they instantly pull you into the bedroom once you three return home. Hungry kisses are exchanged between three pairs of lips, lustful hands stripping you of your clothes and throwing you onto the bed, where they meet in seconds to feast upon you.
“Hahhh, fuck…Hmmm, yeah, lick right there, honey.”
“Mmmm…Mmahh!! Choso, your tongue—Ohh! Feels so good…”
The brunette man is lying down on his back with you straddling above him, his face and mouth buried into our folds, licking around your labia and sucking your essence that seeps out from the pleasurable motions. His hands knead the flesh of your inner thighs as you hum along to the touch. Simultaneously, you use your tongue and mouth to give pleasure to Yuki’s slit, the blonde releasing shaky moans as she rides on Choso’s length with her ass.
The tall woman peers down to watch you orally please her. She strokes your head with a pleasant hand and sends praises. “There you go, cutie,” she bites her lip. “Lick it real good.”
Her commands egg you on to keep going, using the motion of her hips to your advantage to predict how far in you can keep lapping her chasm. Your hands crawl to her waist to massage, using the leverage to keep your lips on her at all times. And to your effort, she is sighing happily at the gratification you give her. It has her rock her hips ever harder, taking in Choso’s long shaft with hunger.
The man below you grunts at the motion, stuffing his face more into your cunt to suck harshly. And you can’t help but jolt, muffled squeals vibrating to Yuki’s core — and she relishes the feeling.
“Look at you, baby,” Choso slowly licks your chasm, sending shivers up to your shoulders. “You’re all wet and ready for us, huh? So good for us,” He kisses your clit and places lazy licks, and you fight to lose your balance.
“Hmmm, yeah, so good for us…Although—mmahh,” Yuki throws her head back at Choso’s dick scraping her insides at the right places. “Can’t say you were good when we were…Hohhh..at the pub.” You bat your eyes towards her in confusion, yet your tongue and lips remain busy. “Letting those people touch you in front of us; what were you thinking?”
You remove your mouth from Yuki to explain, her slick connected to your bottom lip. But before you could utter a word, your body jerked to the sharp instance of pain on your inner thigh. Choso had bit you, licking the place his teeth sank in before throwing in another nibble. You shriek, turning to plead to the man to be easy; however, the woman grabs your head and brings it back to where it’s supposed to be. “Don’t forget about me, sweet pea,” she chuckles at your feverish laps on her wet folds. “Give me my attention…”
She moans to your work, satisfying her with the flick of your tongue on her delicate clit. She rocks her hips even faster, prompting Choso to groan and buck his pelvis to her puckered hole, and his mouth remains glued to your chasm. He then sneaks a finger to toy around your asshole, and a sharp gasp erupts from your figure when he inserts the digit inside. 
“—Khhaaa, oooohmy fuckin’—Gaaahh!” Flicks to your clitoris tag along with the push of his finger inside your ass, playing with the texture by scraping the walls. And when his tongue goes inside your vagina, you clamp onto him with vigor. Fuck, I’m so close…! “Yukiiii, pleaseee, can I cumm?”
“Aww, why should I let you,” her sweet tone distracted you from the sneaking bit of the man’s teeth on your thigh once more. “Do you deserve to cum? After letting other people touch you like you forgot you had your lovers present?” 
“Hahhhnn, I’m sorry; I—shit… didn’t mean to upset you both…Ooof!” Choso switches his finger with his thumb, pushing it to and fro inside your tight entrance. Your eyes screw shut, “Please forgive me, you two are the only ones I love…”
“You swear on that, honey?” A glint shines in her magenta orbs. 
You nod hurriedly before placing kisses on Yuki’s thighs and trailing them back to her vagina, “Yessss, I love you both so much, no one knows how to love me as you do…” Your hips sway involuntarily — not a problem for Choso, who sticks to you no matter what. “Mmmm, only you two know my mind and body, and I wouldn’t want it any other way…”
Blonde brows eyebrows screw together; fuck, you knew what to say to make Yuki fall for you all over again. Her cunt clenching on nothing but the love your words carry. Jesus, you were too much. Without a word, she gently withdraws your body from her body so she can lift her body off of Choso. She then flips you over; now you’re the one lying on your back, with the tall woman stationed behind to snake her hands to your breasts.
Choso’s pigtails have long been drawn down for his hair to fall to his nape, and strands of his walnut-colored hair stick to his forehead. Maneuvering to his knees, he examines your anticipated expression, shaky wails coming out your puffy lips as Yuki places soft kisses on your neck. She also places bites wherever her mouth can reach, her hands busy cupping your mounds, groping the mounds, and tweezing your nipples. With how hard she was sucking your skin, you’re sure there’d be hickeys when you wake up in the morning. The man strokes his dick at the sight before him, inching closer to be between your legs.
“Choso…” The way you said his name made him feel warm; the mark across his nose exuded streaks of his blood that threatened to fall. His ears and shoulders get pinker, and your breath hitches when he slaps the tip onto your saliva-coated slit. 
“Who do you belong to, Y/n?” He says it low to your ear, and you chew on your lip when he licks your lobe. His mouth travels down, leaving harsh sucks on your neck and clavicle along with Yuki. Two mouths on your body have you whimpering like a fool, so sensitive to their touch that you could wither away. “Hmm? Who loves you most, sweetie?” He comes down to your chest that’s occupied by Yuki’s worshipping hands, popping a nipple into his mouth to suck with care.
“Hahhh, you, Choso, my darling…” you sigh into the sense of his mouth licking diligently around your bud. Your face turns in Yuki’s direction, smiling at the golden-haired woman before claiming her lips. “And Yuki, my love…”
The two of you kiss slowly yet maintain the same passion you have for each other, noses brushing against each other and tongues swirling before smacking lips together. The brunette lifts his head from your chest, straightening his posture to insert his cockhead inside your vagina. You mewl into Yuki at the insertion, and it doesn’t stop as the woman slithers a hand to your clit to swipe. You break the kiss in a huff, making the blonde snicker. 
“Mmmph…Jesus Christ,” Choso trembles at the warm snug of your cunt as it accepts his length, pushing in for every inch of him to be swallowed in. When his base meets your southern lips, you hiss at how full you feel from his size. “You know how much we love you, right, baby?”
You nod to him, Yuki placing another hickey-worth kiss on your shoulder. “Your love makes me full, honey…Ohooo…!”
“And don’t forget that…” Choso snaps his hips, drilling his long dick into you and making precise hits to the walls of your chasm. You squeak beneath him, the tip of his cock poking your sweet spots with ease, and you’re gripping the sheets to keep you steady along with Yuki’s hold on you.
The blonde woman flickers her ruby eyes to Choso and beams, “You know you’re hot as hell when you’re all possessive, right?”
“Shut up,” he shushes her with a kiss, humming to her lips that reciprocate his feelings as lovers. The only noise that fills the room is your whines and wails from the hands fondling your body and the shaft plunging so far inside you that you can’t contain the ecstatic screams originating from your inner being. Good God, this felt so fucking good; being wanted and loved by these two is a sensation incomparable to anything. You want to drown in it, be immersed within it, have your senses be robbed of their very being until you fall deep into sleep in their embrace. This feels so worth it, so satisfying…
…Until you look at yourself in the mirror and find so many fucking hickeys all over your body, all the way from your neck to the grave of your thighs. This was not a sight to see after waking up, especially on the morning your friends from last night invited you over for brunch. 
Needless to say, you pulled your lovers aside and gave them an earful. The two nodded to your words, saying “Sorry…” throughout your rant as you tried to find an adequate outfit to conceal their markings, feeling a little bad that they got carried away with you last night.
All is good, in any case. Because now they know that you are theirs both in mind and body.
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requests/thirsts are open hehe~ 🧸
© 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲2024 – reblogs and comments are appreciated wholeheartedly ☆ header edit done by me + dividers by @/benkeibear.
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sceletaflores · 2 months
"Dependence Is Weakness, Darling."
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pairing: older!patrick zweig x fem!reader
summary: it wasn’t just the cigarettes or the lighters. it was the way you still find yourself thinking about him. patrick, with his tangled emotions and overwhelming presence, had left an inescapable mark on your life. and as much as you wished it, he wasn’t someone you could easily erase from yourself.
—or: it's been a little over twelve years since you've seen patrick zweig.
word count: 7.8k (hopefully this is long enough lol)
contains: 18+ SMUT MDNI, p in v, rough sex but in a loving way, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it y’all!), semi-public sex (fucking in a car, you know i had to...), angst, swearing, cigarette smoking as a love language, slight mommy issues lmao, hints of mean!reader cause i still live for that shit, love confessions, rain scene cause i'm corny as hell, porn with SOOOO much plot, no use of y/n.
author's note: this might me the filthiest thing i've ever written lols. i actually DID get a couple asks for some more angsty patrick fics and ofc i love writing angst i'm just a girl i live for that shit. look at me doing what was asked of me and not just whatever i wanted! i'm a giver, what can i say. this fic was revived because of a few anon's who demanded it and i'm so glad they did. you guys got me to give this a second chance and i'm so proud of how it turned out. extra special shout out to @bii-aan-ckaa who fiercely advocated and waited very patiently for this! i'm so obsessed with you and your beautiful kind words. hope you love it! mwah xoxo.
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Fifteen minutes. 
That’s how long you can stomach sitting in the sticky booth of the bar watching Patrick Zweig flirt with a woman you don't recognize across the dimly lit room. Fifteen measly minutes until you were giving your friends some lame excuse of needing fresh air and leaving the table to escape out into the alley.
It’s been a little over twelve years since you’ve seen Patrick. A little over twelve years since you turned your back on him with tears spilling down your cheeks and your favorite racket a mangled, smashed mess gripped tightly in your shaking hand as you walked out of his life forever. 
Or at least what you thought was forever, you guess you were wrong.
To put it lightly, your relationship with Patrick was…complicated. You met him the summer before you started at Stanford. He was tall with green eyes and curly hair and he was kind of an asshole but he made you laugh, so you let him fuck you anyway. At the time, you thought that was it. One really good fuck with a really hot guy you’d never see again.
You thought you were hallucinating when you saw him on the campus courts two months later, when he sauntered up to you with an unmistakable “I know what you look like naked” smirk on his face. He was just as tall and had the same green eyes and the same curly hair and was an even bigger asshole than he was before. You still let him fuck you anyway.
You never thought you’d get sucked into the storm that was whatever the fuck was going on between Art, Patrick and Tashi. Never thought that it would completely ruin your self esteem, your tennis, your everything.
You weren’t particularly close to Art or Tashi in college. Sure, you were all in the same circle. That didn’t make you best friends. Art was nice enough, but he never went out of his way to talk to you. You and Tashi were on the same team but that didn’t mean anything. You respected the hell out of her and her game, and you could tell she felt the same. Even with that respect, there was still a tiny part of you that resented her. 
She was number one, the pride and joy of Stanford, had a constant slew of brands and scouts up to her ears. It seemed like no matter how hard you worked that she would always be number one. It felt like you were always just inches behind her.
Clawing and scratching your way through the ranks since you were twelve to be second best was never the plan. Your mother made sure to remind you of that every chance she got.
Then slowly, she started beating you at more than just tennis. Patrick wanted her, it was more than obvious. At first you didn’t care, he wasn't your boyfriend. He was just a guy you fucked, he could do whatever he wanted. You were friends. There wasn’t a problem.
When you realized you knew more about Patrick than just how he worked dick, then there was a problem. 
At first, all the things you knew about him were boiled down to the vulgar little tidbits you’d notice when he fucked you. You know that he has a birthmark on his lower back. You know when he’d be close because he’d always bite your shoulder before he came. You know his favorite position was really missionary even though he told everyone it was doggy.
Knowing all that was fine.
You also know that he’s allergic to kiwi. You know that he only holds his cigarettes with his thumb and his pointer finger. You’d always know when he was nervous because he’d start tapping his fingers on his thigh. You know that when he’d listen to music he loved, that his right hand would drum along to the beat just a little bit faster than his left would.
You knew all those things because you were falling in love with him, and Patrick Zweig is not someone you fall in love with. Especially not with Tashi Duncan in the picture.
You tried your best to push it down, to pretend you weren’t hurt every time Patrick chose Tashi over you. When he’d miss your games because he was with Tashi, when he’d blow you off to go meet Tashi, when he started to stop returning your calls or replying to your texts. All things you never cared about before started slowly eating at you. You felt awful most days, holed up in your room wallowing in self-pity. Your GPA was steadily dropping as the semester went on. Even your tennis started slipping, and you lost your winning streak to a fucking scrub. When you finally cracked and broke down to your mother over the phone one night she just scoffed.
“Well what did you think would happen when you started to depend on that boy? Dependence is weakness, darling.”
Dependence is weakness. You blocked Patrick’s number that same night.
It all came to a head when he blew up at you after Tashi’s injury. Everyone was pretty shaken up about it. You’d never forget the way it buckled, the way the sharp snap rang through the court, the way she fell to the ground screaming. You’d never seen her cry before. 
Patrick found you later that night, all alone on the practice courts trying to burn the day out of your mind by serving balls till you collapsed. It was the first time he talked to you in weeks. He was pissed. Screaming at you, calling you every nasty thing he could think of, getting up in your face. It was a fucking mess. You both said some things that should have never been said, but it ended when Patrick accused you of somehow being the cause of all of it.
“You hate Tashi, fucking hate her. You wanted something like this to happen. I bet you’re just over the fucking moon that she’s finally out and you can take her place. You can finally be number one seed and you're fucking ecstatic, aren't you? You’re so fucking pathetic, so desperate for validation. Maybe if mommy paid attention to you for once, you wouldn’t be so fucking needy. You're just a sad, delusional fucking runner-up, grasping at whatever shreds of importance you think you still have.”
You stood there, stunned by his outburst, each word hitting you like a physical blow. It was insane, nothing but Patrick blowing things way out of proportion in the midst of his anger.
You wanted to scream, to deny it vehemently, but the hurt and frustration choked off your words. Tears welled up in your eyes, a mixture of anger and heartbreak swirling in you. Vision blurring out everything but Patrick's face twisted up with rage as he glared at you, his words lingering in the air like poison. 
You told him about your mother because you thought you could trust him. You thought he was the only person that really understood you, his dad was a piece of shit too. Him using something so delicate as material to hit you where it hurts was the last straw.
You blew up, all the things you’d been keeping bottled up for months finally boiled over in you swinging your racket down on the green concrete over and over until there was nothing left of it to break. You didn’t even look at Patrick as you walked away. You never saw him again.
You’d love to say it was also the last time you thought about him, but that would be a lie. As much as he hurt you, and as much as you hated him for it, your mind refused to let you forget him.
You still smoke Camel Blues because that was your guys’ brand, even when you should have quit years ago anyway. You still buy the same color lighter, pink. You tell yourself it’s nothing more than an easy choice, that it’s a good color. It’s not at all because you can still hear Patrick’s teasing voice in the back of your head bitching, “I can’t believe you make me use a pink lighter.” when he always forgot his and had to borrow yours. 
It’s not based on a compulsive need to be reminded of him every single time you use it. It’s just convenient, okay.
You know deep down that they were the only remnants of a past that you still couldn’t fully let go of. As much as you tried to bury those memories, they lingered, melded into the corners of your mind like stubborn stains. 
It wasn’t just the cigarettes or the lighters. It was the way you still find yourself thinking about him. Patrick, with his tangled emotions and overwhelming presence, had left an inescapable mark on your life. And as much as you wished it, he wasn’t someone you could easily erase from yourself.
Even twelve years later you’re still trying to convince yourself that dependence is weakness, that you were better off without him. But sometimes, in the quiet moments like this when the smoke curls from your cigarette and the pink lighter flickers in your hand, you wonder if he ever thinks of you, if he regrets how things ended between the two of you.
Maybe it's not that you can't escape Patrick's grip on you after all these years, it's that you just won't.
You’re so lost in your own thoughts that you don't hear the heavy door to the bar swinging open, or the sound of gravel crunching underneath approaching footsteps.
“Holy shit,” a deep voice rings out from your right, “someone pinch me.”
Your whole body tenses, your cigarette freezing a few inches away from your lips. Something like fight or flight starts to quietly buzz beneath your skin. You’d recognize that voice anywhere, even despite the gruffer, more grown up tone that wasn’t there the last time you heard it.
Your heart’s already kicking into overdrive when you finally start to hesitantly turn your head, time almost slowing down as your eyes sweep over the alley. You kind of don’t want to believe that your luck is this shitty. That maybe it was all in your imagination, that you were thinking about him so much you were starting to hear things that weren’t really there, that he was still back in the bar feeling up that blonde girl. But it can never be that easy, and sure enough, there he is.
Patrick Zweig is standing a few feet away from you with both hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans and a wide, achingly familiar grin lighting up his face.
You’re quiet for a few long moments, completely shocked into silence. Your mind races with a million different things you want to say but can’t find the voice to. You should be causing a scene. You should be losing it, screaming, crying, throwing things, slapping him hard across his unfairly handsome face. But you don’t, too surprised to even move. 
Patrick speaks again, taking several steps towards you. “It is really you, right?” he asks, eyes wide and mouth pulling into an easy, lopsided grin. To anyone else, the laid back, carefree tone he was going for would sound genuine. You can barely pick up on the stunned, almost breathless edge lacing his words, like he also can’t believe you’re standing right in front of him.
He steps into the light shining from a dingy lamp above the door, it basks around him in a yellow orange glow.
Same eyes, same ears, same Patrick.
For years you’ve thought about this exact moment, what you’d say if you ever saw him. You lose all of that practice the closer he gets. He’s less than a foot away from you now, an expectant look on his face. He’s waiting for you to say something. 
You feel like running, like stubbing your cigarette on the pavement and making a break for the door. You already ran from him once, but old habits die hard. 
You don’t run, you refuse to take the easy way out. You’re a grown woman, you’re stronger than you were in college, you’re going to the goddamn Olympics. It’s only Patrick for Christ’s sake.
“What are you doing here?” It sounds harsher than you meant, but that’s probably for the best. He doesn’t deserve kindness from you. 
“Tennis.” Is all he says, fishing out a pack of cigarettes from his back pocket. Camel blues. “What are you doing here?” He parrots back, smacking the bottom of the carton, plucking the one that shakes out between his long fingers. “I’d think that Miss. Team USA would be too busy for bar crawls.”
You bristle, eyes narrowing skeptically. You can’t tell if he’s making fun of you or not. “It’s not a bar crawl,” you shoot back childishly, feeling defensive under his heavy gaze. “We’re celebrating.”
Patrick just nods, letting out a small hum in lieu of replying. He's close enough now that you can see gray strands streaked through his hair. He looks older, a few barely there wrinkles creasing his skin as he pops his cigarette between his lips. “Got a light?” he asks around the filter, holding his hand out expectantly before you even answer.
It’s still just as annoying. You roll your eyes, sighing dramatically as you fish your lighter out of your skirts pocket. You place it in the open palm of his hand, ignoring the fireworks that go off at the base of your spine when his fingers catch on your wrist as you pull away.
He mumbles out a half-assed thanks, cupping his hand around the flame to shield it from the wind. If he notices the color, he doesn’t say anything. It feels wrong that he doesn’t tease you about it, staying silent as he tosses it back to you when his cigarette finally lights. You ignore the hurt blooming in your chest as you pocket it.
Patrick takes a deep inhale, the tip of his cigarette burns bright red. The way his lips wrap around the filter has heat spreading through you. “Shocked you’re still smoking,” he waves his free hand at you vaguely, smoke flowing from his lips as he speaks. “It’s not super admirable.”
You let out a dry laugh, shaking your head in disbelief. “That’s really how you want to start this?
“Start what?” he asks coyly, leaning his shoulder too close to you against the brick. He’s playing dumb, the smirk on his face gives him away. 
You say nothing, not trusting yourself to speak. He has a beard now, sort of patchy and fairly new looking. You wrinkle your nose up at it. 
It doesn’t surprise you that he’s acting like this. All calm and collected like he’s catching up with an old friend, like he didn’t say all those horrible things to you. As if every single word he said that night isn’t still engraved in your mind and carried with you through your whole career. 
Patrick’s quiet for a bit, taking another slow drag. “Have you seen either of them?” His voice is hesitant, like he’s treading the water of your boundaries by bringing this up. “Or am I your first?” He lets the innuendo hang in the air, trying to joke his way through something neither of you really want to talk about.
You don’t look at him, keeping your eyes trained on the part of the street you can see through the alleys opening.
You don’t need to ask who “them” is.
You just shake your head no, not wanting to have to say anything out loud and make this into a whole thing. The smoke from your cigarette swirls through your lungs, warm and familiar. 
You’ve seen them both at multiple tennis events. Things like matches, and galas, and charity auctions. Hell, they watched from the stands when you won Wimbledon for the first time. You just make sure and avoid them like the plague, always running the other direction the second you see a short bob and cropped blonde hair.
You’ve been in the same room with them countless times over the years but you might as well have been in separate worlds. The only “contact” you’ve had with them since you all graduated was weirdly ominous.
Art followed you on Instagram after you got your third career slam, but he doesn’t like any of your posts. You’re one of the mere twenty accounts in his following. You never followed him back. 
Then, when your career first started taking off, the press somehow learned about your past with Tashi. They started using it to their advantage when picking headlines for any pieces written about you. “The only woman in the world to beat Tashi Duncan!” It pissed you off to no end. It was stupid, a way to get clicks on their sad little gossip sites. And it wasn’t even fucking true.
They finally stopped when you threatened to sue their asses. Apparently, Tashi noticed.
She sent you flowers. You threw them out.
Patrick nods back, taking his own slow drag. The sound of traffic hums in the background, the music from the bar bleeding through the wall mutely. 
“Congrats on that,” he says casually, looking you up and down slowly. You fight not to squirm under his gaze. “On making the team. That’s some serious shit. I always knew it’d be you, out of all of us.”
It’s a blatant lie. You were always four out of four in college, the one person in the group with the least potential for stardom. If it wasn’t for Tashi’s injury, she’d definitely be in your place — on top of the world.
He’s trying to pacify you, to butter you up. All it does is grate on your nerves and leaves a sour taste in your mouth. 
“Did you just come out here to interrogate me? To mess with me?” you ask sharply, frustration starting to get the better of you. “Do you want a fucking autograph or something?”
Patrick laughs, throwing his head back. “Nope, I wanted to catch up. It's been a while.” he shrugs, eyes darkening ever so slightly. “I just know how much you like talking about yourself, that’s all.”
You pause, picking up on the clear implication of his words. “Excuse me?” you question, turning towards him.
“Just saying,” he says, raising his hands in surrender. “When we were younger everyone always thought I was this arrogant, cocky, self obsessed prick…” he trails off, an infuriating smirk still playing on his lips. It does nothing to soothe you, only adding fuel to the fire of your anger. “And they were all right, I was. But, that’s also exactly what you are right now.” he finishes, tapping the ash off his cigarette.
You feel it, all the emotions swirling inside you of at seeing Patrick again threatening to burst. Anger and misery waging a war in your stomach. The wind is starting to pick up around you, making goosebumps break out over your skin. The fabric of your skirt swishes around your thighs. You feel clammy, but it has nothing to do with the temperature drop. 
“Was?” you ask, condescending and mean, crossing your arms across your chest defensively. “You really don’t think you’re still all of those things?”
Patrick chuckles, shoulders shaking with amusement. He goes to say something, but you beat him to it. “I’ve changed, Patrick.” you say sternly, brows furrowing in displeasure. Your tone is hard, frustration seeping into your words. Considering the last time the two of you spoke, this was almost going well. It’s just like Patrick to ruin something before he needs to.
You know distantly that you could deescalate the situation, but maybe you’re more alike than you thought. Maybe you’re just too greedy to keep the peace. “So fucking sorry that I’m not the same person I was in college, but I actually chose to grow up.”
Patrick snorts, exhaling a plume of smoke through his nose. “Yeah, clearly.” he mutters under his breath, it’s condescending and sarcastic. It pisses you off.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you ask sharply, cigarette now forgotten and steadily burning away at your side. 
Patrick shrugs, like it’s obvious. “You’re still so lost. I sure as shit don’t have a red, white, and blue track suit hanging in my closet, but at least I know who I am.” He doesn't sound angry, only sure of himself, like he may have been thinking about this for a while. His face is passive, body relaxed as he leans against the hard brick.
Your jaw clenches, anger running hot through your veins. He doesn’t know anything about you, hasn’t for over ten years. He doesn’t have the right to try and talk down to you, not after all the hard work you put in to get to where you are.
“My wrist alone is worth ten million. What are you worth now, Patrick?” You’ll be embarrassed about bringing up status later, you always try to stay as humble as possible, but you’re too mad to care. You just need to hurt him, to hurt him like he hurt you. You’d heard from a friend of a friend that Patrick’s parents cut him off a while ago, that he’s been slumming it ever since. “I know exactly who I am, I’m a fucking Olympian.”
The venom in your tone is sharp, each word from your lips like a knife stabbing through the tense air trying to draw blood. “You’re a fucking nobody, Patrick. You’re irrelevant. Washed up. Buried. Forgotten.” You pause when your voice starts to shake, taking a deep inhale of smoke to try and calm yourself. Your hand is shaking too, ash falls from the burnt out tip down to the gravel. Patrick just watches you, his expression doesn’t change. Smoke billows from between your lips, blowing away with the wind. “We’re not on the same level, not anymore.” 
Patrick’s unfazed, staring back at you with his cigarette dangling from his lips. He takes it between his fingers, letting his arm drop to hang at his side. “I’ve been thinking about you.” he says casually, head lolling to the side lazily. He looks at you through his lashes, eyes sweeping over your face slowly. “I was just thinking about you, and now you’re here. Right fucking in front of me.” he shakes his head with a dry laugh. “You look…” he trails off, green eyes taking in every inch of you. “You look amazing.”
Your pulse flutters wildly, you feel so light headed, like you could pass out any second. “I’ve missed you, missed you everyday since that night.” His expression is that same half cocked grin from before, all smooth bravado and easy smiles as if he’s not staring at you like you’re the very blood coursing through his veins. All the air drains from your lungs, mind racing what feels like a thousand miles per second. 
He sounds like he means it. He looks like he means it. He can’t possibly mean it.
A loud chant ringing through your skull is the only coherent thing screaming through all the mess. Don’t fall for it, don’t fall for it, don’t fall for it, don’t fucking fall for it–
“Well I don’t miss you.” A lie. “You were nothing to me, Patrick.” Another lie. “You were just easy dick.” Your stomach twists painfully, like your body is physically trying to stop you from lying to yourself any further.
His face stays neutral, it frustrates you to no end that you can’t tell what he’s thinking. Patrick had a terrible poker face in college, you could read him like a book with a single glance. It was one of your favorite things about him, how expressive his face always was.
Now he’s just staring down the bridge of his nose at you passively, the picture of indifference. It’s another reminder of how long it’s been, that he’s lived a whole life without you in all that time. He takes a long drag off his cigarette, never breaking eye contact with you as he does.
His lips are slick and pink, just how you remember them. The beard isn’t so bad, it makes him look more rugged, more like a man. It’s the most drastic change in his appearance, far different from the smooth skinned pretty boy he was before.
He exhales, a long stream of smoke blowing past your ear. “What are you still doing here then?” he muses with a small shrug. He leans in even closer, slowly, like you were a cornered animal he didn’t want to spook. You can smell him, something woodsy with a hint of musk. You can see the clusters of freckles scattered over the bridge of his nose, almost completely faded. “If I’m nothing,” he clarifies, simple, easy. “Why are you here?”
It’s a loaded question, one he obviously knows the answer to. It’s a dick move, forcing you to confront what you’re really feeling. Your eyes start to sting, complicated emotions welling up in your throat. “Fuck you Patrick.” you whisper weakly, all the bite in your tone getting lost in your dejection. Your lip wobbles warningly, you try your best to stifle it. You refuse to cry in front of him.
Patrick’s face does something funny, turning his eyes to the sidewalk. “I need someone like that again. Someone that isn’t afraid to fucking check me, that wants me to do better and not because they just see a check or a legacy or whatever the fuck else my parents expected from me. Someone that wants me to do better because they actually believe in me.”
The honesty in his voice takes you by surprise. He gets more worked up the longer he talks, chest rising and falling a lot faster than before. Rare vulnerability slipping through the cracks of his hardened exterior.  “I fucked up that night, I know. Now my life’s a fucking mess, and I need someone to help make it make sense again.“ 
You scoff thickly, shaking your head in disbelief as you fight back tears. “And I’m that person?” you ask skeptically, brow raised in question.
“You always were,” he replies easily, his face forming into a sad smile. He almost sounds like his old self. Your brain flashes the image of Patrick leaning outside the door of your science lecture, waiting to walk you back to your dorm. He’s smiling wide enough to show teeth, looking down at you with brilliant green eyes, just like he is right now.
Suddenly, he wasn’t the boy that broke your heart on a tennis court twelve years ago. 
He was the boy that held your hair back when you threw up after drinking too much at a frat party and still stayed the night even though you didn’t hook up, his chest pressed against your back like a security blanket the whole night. He was the boy that let you make friendship bracelets on the handle of his favorite racket, and secretly kept the one you made for him braided around the neck for weeks until you finally noticed the fraying blue strings still in place when he forgot his tennis bag at your dorm room one night.
Suddenly he wasn’t anything but the boy you fell in love with when you were eighteen years old.
You swallow hard, heart pounding against your ribcage. Your cigarette falls from the slack grip of your fingers, plummeting to your feet where it burns out on the pavement. 
It’s like you lose control of yourself, like all your morals get shot out of a cannon into the sun. You’re lunging forward before you know what you’re doing, fisting the fabric of Patrick’s shirt and pulling him down to meet you halfway. Your first kiss with Patrick in twelve years.
It’s a mess of teeth clashing together roughly, with way too much tongue and spit to be classified as romantic. It’s desperate. It’s angry. It’s fucking filthy and it’s exactly what you need.
Your tongue forces its way between Patrick’s lips when he gasps in shock, mapping out the familiar territory of his mouth like muscle memory. His big hands fly up to hold onto your hips as he eagerly returns your kiss, pressing you up against the brick and sucking your tongue lewdly. He tastes like smoke and bottom shelf whiskey. You moan into his mouth, wetness starting to seep through the thin material of your panties.
You stay like that for a while, just kissing until Patrick slides the hard line of his cock against your hip strategically. You moan at the size of it pressing onto you through his jeans, breaking the kiss to inhale a couple lungfuls of air. “You’re not fucking me in an alley.” You say bluntly as he trails wet kisses down the side of your throat.
He laughs, nipping at your collarbone teasingly. “My car’s a block away,” he offers between kisses.
You think about it for a second. Deciding on whether or not you’re going to let Patrick fuck you in the backseat of his car like you’re two horny teenagers and not full grown adults.
“Lead the way.” Is all you say, finally letting yourself smile when Patrick starts to drag you away from the bar. 
You shoot your friends a quick text letting them know you decided to head home early, already in the uber you ordered when you’re actually letting Patrick drag you across a blessedly empty parking lot to an old SUV parked in the middle. A completely one-eighty from the Porsche he used to drive.
He takes a second to press you against the door, capturing your lips with his again. It’s a slower kiss, sweeter than the one you shared outside the bar. You feel butterflies erupt in your stomach when he cups your face, gently rubbing his thumb over your cheekbone. He fumbles blindly for the car door with his other hand, pulling it open and pushing you into the back. He follows closely, climbing in and shutting the door behind him.
Patrick’s back on you in less than a second, yanking at the buttons of your shirt impatiently, fingers too big to work them through the holes as fast as he wants to. He lets out a frustrated growl, grabbing both sides and pulling hard. The buttons all go flying in different directions, landing in different spots around you.
“That was three hundred dollars,” you mumble against his lips, not wanting to stop kissing him for even a second. He looms over you, broad and all encompassing. He sits up to yank his own shirt over his head, tossing it aside and popping open the button of his jeans.
“You can buy another one,” he says simply, shucking his jeans and boxers off all in one go. His dick is long and lovely, tip red and drooling pre-cum that drips all the way down to his balls. Your mouth waters, desperate to taste it, to feel the weight of it on your tongue and down your throat. You push it to the back of your mind. There’s no time for that, both of you too keyed up to do anything other than fuck.
Patrick leans down, biting your bottom lip hard enough to make you moan. He turns his attention to your pulling skirt down, panties going with it and getting tossed onto the floorboard carelessly. His eyes zero in on your bare pussy, wet and on display. The cool air shocks your system, making you want to press your thighs together but Patrick’s hands keep you spread open.
“Fuck,” he whispers quietly, moving to roll the knuckle of his right index finger over your slick entrance, just barely rocking it into you. You gasp, your whole body trembling with need. “Just like I remember.” He mutters to himself, pushing in the smallest bit deeper. 
Your leg kicks out, patience starting to wear thin. “C’mon, Pat.” you mewl sweetly, bucking your hips up in a clear invitation. “Fuck me.”
Patrick shifts up onto his knees, silently shuffling closer to your spread thighs. His cock juts out from his body, so thick and heavy that it doesn’t point straight up, instead hangs angry and red between his legs. His big hands slide halfway up your thighs, you shiver at the way they skirt across your skin lightly. He presses you backwards by them, leaning over you with your legs slung across his shoulders.
His cock drags across your inner thigh, trailing a sloppy line of pre-come as it does. You nearly wail, wrapping your arms around Patrick’s broad shoulders as you beg for him to give you what you want.
“God Patrick! Put it in. Please, put it in. Let me have it, please, fuck–,” you beg frantically, arms tightening around his shoulders like you’re trying to drag him impossibly closer to you. He goes willingly, burying his nose in the soft skin of your neck. He presses a small kiss directly over your pulse.
“I’m gonna give you this cock, baby.” he whispers lowly, hot lips brushing against your skin with every word. He slides the head of his cock through your wet folds, stopping to rub it over your swollen clit a few times. “Gonna get all up inside you and fuck you exactly how you like.” He slides the length down, letting his tip catch on your empty, clenching hole.
You’re so damn worked up, writhing and pushing back and begging Patrick to just fuck you already, that you can’t take anymore teasing. Your hole contracts around the tip of his dick like it’s trying to suck him in. He sinks in deeper, slowly feeding every thick inch into your aching cunt.
“God,” Your name falls from his lips in a shuddery breath that fans over your fluttering pulse. “You still smell the same.” It’s the same stunned, breathless tone from when he first saw you. He presses his face cheek to cheek with yours, the rough texture of his beard scraping against your skin. 
Patrick moves his hips against you slowly, deep strokes that drag every thick inch of him against the walls of your cunt. The tip of his cock stabbing that sweet spot inside you that makes stars glow bright on the ceiling of his car each time you blink. The angle has his balls pressing against your cunt as he fucks into you, the excessive pre-come leaking from his tip mixing with the sticky wetness of your juices leaves an obscene ring of creamy white around the spread hole of your cunt. It sticks wetly to the base of Patrick’s cock with each thrust, shining back at you on his skin when he pulls out.
The slow thrusts feel amazing, but you know it’s not enough. You need him to pound into you, to bully his big cock into your cunt like he’s getting back at you for shutting him out. You need him to fuck you. 
“Harder, Pat…” you whine breathlessly, clawing desperately at the polyester seats.
He groans loudly, hips immediately speeding up, getting rougher, meaner. He leans up to get more power behind his thrusts, breaking your tight hold on his shoulders. “This is where you belong,” he grits out, sweat dripping from his forehead to fall onto your heaving chest. The sharp smack smack smack of his hips bruising your ass gets louder, the lewd noise filling the car. “Where you should have been this whole fucking time, spread open on my cock.”
The only thing you can even get out anymore are pleading whines and loud moans of Patrick’s name as he pounds into you like he’s trying to kill you. The harsh snap of his hips inching you further up the backseat until your head’s knocking against the doors handle on each mean thrust. Your feet bounce by his ears, body almost completely folded in half so all you can do is lie there and take it.
The car rocks steadily, anyone who spares a glance at the SUV will know what’s going on inside. 
Patrick sneaks a hand between your legs, fingers sliding over your swollen clit. You scream, throwing your head back in pleasure as the calloused tips over his fingers work you over. “Fuck yeah,” Patrick mutters, turning his head to lick and bite at your ankle. “You’re so fucking sexy, so fucking beautiful. I missed you so much, missed this pussy.” His voice is pinched, hips fucking into you impossible faster.
The wet squelching noise of your cunt is filthy, splattering against Patrick’s heavy balls with each thrust. “I know she missed me too, didn’t she baby?” he taunts, eyes wild and blown out. “Taking my cock so well, squeezing me so fucking good.”
“Close,” you gasp out. Patrick pitches forward, licking into your parted lips as he rubs tight circles over your clit faster. He kisses you sloppily, smearing spit all over your lips and chin. His sweat drips onto your face and mixes with your own, it should be gross, but it makes you even wetter. The primal part of your brain overjoyed to be claimed by him. He lifts his fingers up the tiniest bit, smacking them over your clit with the smallest amount of force.
Your orgasm hits you suddenly, back arching off the seat wildly as you gush around his cock. You claw at his back desperately, nails raking down his skin hard enough to leave angry red welts in their wake.
“Shit– that’s good, milk it out of me baby, work for this fucking load.” he groans, hips not slowing down as he chases his own release. His breath puffs over your skin, the rhythm of his hips starting to falter the closer he gets. You whine, trying your best focus on clenching your cunt over his cock in your fucked out state. “That’s it, baby– God – you’re gonna make me come, squeezing me so tight I can barely fucking move…” he growls, teeth sinking into your neck hard.
You hiss sharply, nails digging into his skin as the pleasure starts to become too much. He licks over the bite mark, like he’s apologizing. “Gonna fucking come inside you, fill you up so good, fuck–”
His rambling dissolves into a loud groan, hips giving one last thrust as he buries himself as deep in your cunt as he can. You feel rope after rope of warm come flood your insides, painting your walls with it. It feels like hours, him unloading into you with cut off moans and grunts. 
You're still desperately trying to catch your breath when he finally starts to pull out of you as gently as he can. The red tip of his cock popping free lets the river of his come leak out from your abused hole, spilling out of you to drip onto the car’s seat.
Patrick curses at the sight, scooping the white, creamy mess onto his fingers so he can fuck it back into you. You hiss at the over stimulation, thighs squeezing together around his hand. Your chest is still heaving, breathing erratic as you slowly come down from your orgasm. Patrick tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear, smiling warmly as he takes you into his arms and shifts around until he’s sitting up against the door with you curled into his chest.
The windows are steamy, melting all the streetlights outside into a swamp of warm colors on the glass. They shine through the car like sunlight piercing through a stained glass window. You feel light and hazy, like you’re in a dream. Patrick’s body grounds you, firm and familiar against your back. It’s quiet for a long time, only the sound of soft breathing fills the car. You're scratching your nails through the hair on Patrick’s chest when he finally breaks the silence.
“There’s…” he says into your hair, trailing off near the end. He’s idly tracing shapes on your lower back. A circle, a square, a circle, a diamond, a square, a heart. “There’s this challenger in New Rochelle in a couple weeks, I’m entering it. You should come.” 
Your heart drops, the delicate cloud encompassing you and Patrick forcefully ripped away in less than a second. You’ve already heard of this challenger, seen all the publicity it’s been getting since Art’s name came up in the conversation surrounding it. The ‘Phil’s Tire Town Challenger’ is all anyone can talk about. 
If Art’s there, she will be too. Sitting in the stands in a classy Ralph Lauren two piece, watching her husband and Patrick on the court, looming over the two of them for the first time in years. You can’t stomach the thought of seeing her. You can’t stomach the thought of Patrick seeing her, terrified that the second she spares him a glance you’ll be right back where you were in college, an afterthought left in the dust for something better.
Your stomach lurches violently, you feel nauseous. The heat of Patrick’s backseat becomes almost unbearable, making it harder to breathe. You rip yourself away from him, tearing through the backseat to find your clothes. 
Patrick startles, sitting up with a concerned look on his face. “Jesus, what's wrong?” You can feel the warmth of his hands hovering over your back, not sure if he should touch. “What did I do?”
You don’t say anything, you can’t. Your throat feels tight, chest constricted and heavy as you try to take in lungfuls of air. You tug on your skirt and panties haphazardly, grabbing the first shirt you find strewn across the car's floor and yanking it on. You know it’s not yours but you don’t care, too busy trying to shove your shoes back onto your feet and push open the door all at once.
Patrick questions you the entire time, voice confused and insistent as you tumble out into the parking lot. The cool air feels like a life jacket, the smell of rain fills your nose as you try to steady your erratic breathing. You’re still trying to tug your right shoe on as you start to speed walk away from his car.
You can hear the sound of feet slapping behind you on the pavement as you walk. A strong hand wraps around your bicep, whipping you around. Patrick only has his pants on, shirtless and barefoot in his haste to catch up with you.
“What the fuck are you doing? What’s wrong?” He sounds genuinely concerned, his eyes searching your face closely. It makes tears burn hot at your waterline, blurring your vision and falling to trickle down your cheeks when you try to blink them away.
“This was a mistake, Patrick.” your voice is thick with emotion, you try to wrench your arm out of his grip. He doesn’t let go, not squeezing tight enough to hurt but to try and keep you in place. You need to leave, to get as far away from Patrick as you can before you’re in too deep. “Please, let go.” Your voice is small, shaky and weak and so unlike you. The panic from the car is still wrapped around you, growing tighter every second you spend with him.
Patrick shakes his head wildly, raindrops slowly start to fall onto his bare shoulders. “No, fuck no! We can talk about this. We just need to talk–”
“Patrick stop!” Your voice cracks embarrassingly, loud and desperate as you double your efforts to free your arm. “Please just let me go!”
You don’t know if it’s the way you said it or the look on your face, maybe it’s a bit of both, but something makes Patrick let you go. Dropping your arm from his grip and letting his own hang limply at his side.
Rain starts to come down all around you, large drops hitting your skin and soaking the cotton of your shirt. You let yourself meet his eyes, they're sad in a way you’ve never seen before. The green turned dull and lifeless. It looks wrong on him.
When you can’t stand the hurt look on his face any longer, you leave. Walking away deeper into the rain, small puddles splashing up around your shoes with every step. You hope Patrick doesn’t follow you, that he lets you go. You’re doing him a favor by making the choice for him, it’s easier this way.
“You know, I think I really loved you.” He calls from behind you as the rain really starts to pick up. His voice almost gets swallowed by the thunder, you wish it would have. 
Against your better judgment, you look back. Patrick hasn't moved, still standing in the middle of the parking lot. The rain is making his hair stick to his forehead, starting to seep into the denim of his jeans to darken the gray. 
“I’m sorry,” you say quietly, voice tiny and pathetic. Patrick probably couldn’t even hear you over the wind whipping through the air. He stares back at you, there's too much distance for you to see the look on his face. You turn on your heels and keep walking.
It’s nostalgia in its sickest form, the dark familiarity of the situation washing over you with the rain as you walk away from Patrick again. Ignoring every call of your name and desperate pleas for you to come back is new, you can’t tell if it hurts more or less than the silence of last time.
You wrap your arms around yourself, tears mixing with the trails of rain running down your cheeks. It’ll make it easier to convince yourself later on that you weren’t really crying, that it was just the rain. Tomorrow you’ll wake up and this will all be behind you. Patrick will be fine, he doesn’t really love you. In a few weeks he’ll go to the challenger and forget all about you. 
You hear your mothers voice ring out in the back of your head as you walk.
"It's for the best, my love. Dependence is weakness."
You hope to God that she's right.
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tags are now in the comments! if you want to get tagged for any of my works just fill out this form!
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lucysarah-c · 4 months
Hange introduced them. Y/N had been taken on as a PhD student under Hange's research team at the university. As an exchange student, she didn't know many people. Hange, ever the connector, quickly introduced them. The reason for the introduction eluded Y/N, but she didn’t give it much thought. Hange was an outgoing extrovert, and Y/N concluded that this was just part of their role as Levi’s extroverted friend.
It didn’t take long for Y/N and Levi to become more than just acquaintances who met at Hange's birthday party. Y/N didn’t make much fuss about it; Levi was a couple of years older than her, had graduated with honors, and was in a much better financial position than a PhD student. He also fucked like a beast, an important detail.
They didn’t talk much about their arrangement; it developed organically. Y/N would tell her friends that they were just two adults getting to know each other, enjoying the sweaty, steamy encounters in the meantime. While Y/N hadn’t been to many frat parties, she quickly concluded that if she and Levi ever parted ways from their purely physical arrangement, it would be hard to find someone who could do half of what he did.
It was obvious that Hange was aware of this, as they didn’t even try to hide it. Y/N sometimes wished Hange would be a bit less enthusiastic about knowing her personal life, or at least try to maintain a certain level of professionalism.
Levi was very reserved about his personal life, even though they usually met at his house. Overall, he was a calm, dedicated, and pleasant addition to her life. She brought him an expensive tea brand as a gift for all the times he had driven her home, even when it wasn’t necessary.
That day, Levi had come back from a business trip and had invited her over. They had a couple of glasses of wine that he brought from his trip. She was riding him over their clothes, the friction delicious as she gyrated her hips slowly. His hands gripped and raised her shirt slightly, kneading the skin under his fingers as he kissed her collarbones and descended to leave hickeys between her breasts.
The outline of his hardening cock on the side of his trousers was delicious against her covered folds, promising more but giving just the right amount of friction to drive her crazy. Her head was thrown back as one hand rested on his knee and the other on his shoulder for leverage. She softly gasped his name as he undid each little button before unclipping her bra from behind to finally raise it and suck and play with her nipples.
"Ah—Levi!" she moaned, and it was obvious by the way his hands gripped her ass that he had been needy, wishing to come back to her.
"Did that cute little pussy of yours miss my cock inside it?" he groaned with a smirk in his tone.
"Ah—" she was about to reply, but a playful snap on her ass made her jolt. Not painful enough to be uncomfortable but with enough strength. Then she froze in place, her whole body tensed.
Levi must have sensed the change in her attitude because his face, which was buried between her tits, parted and looked up at her. His lips still had a bit of saliva connected to her nipple. "You ok?"
She straightened up, feeling uncomfortable. "I—uh—I need to use the bathroom," she muttered before raising herself from his lap.
"Ah… sure, under the stairs, you know where it is," Levi replied, but she was already walking there and closing the door behind her. Her absence made him uneasy; he began to wonder if he had crossed a line unknowingly as he straightened his posture in his seat and locked eyes on the bathroom door.
"Shit—" she cursed under her breath as she realized what had happened. There was a clear red stain on her underwear. Her period had come early, at the worst possible time. They had been teasing each other about what they would do once he came back from his trip. She paced around the small guest bathroom, unsure. "I left him with his cock hard on the couch…"
There was no real reason for her to feel so ashamed or anxious. She should just tell him and promise to make it up to him later. They were both adults; he should understand.
Two subtle knocks at the door interrupted her thoughts. "Y/N, you ok in there?"
"Yes! I—uh," why was it so hard to say? Her cheeks burned with embarrassment. "Could you bring me my purse, please?"
She expected to hear Levi’s footsteps on the polished wood floor, but instead, he replied almost immediately, "If you need tampons or pads, there’s a basket with them on top of the toilet."
Turning around slowly, she saw the basket with a collection of different feminine hygiene products. Initially, she wondered why she had never noticed them. As she grabbed one, she couldn’t help but smile softly. It was a rather cute gesture. 'How many girls do you bring over that you have this?'
Quickly shaking off the thought, she reminded herself that they didn’t have that type of relationship, so he was free to do as he pleased, even if the idea spread inside her like boiling jealousy. 'He's a great catch… only you are the idiot thinking he doesn’t have others.'
She came out of the restroom, feeling how the mood had shifted to something uncomfortable—or maybe that was just her perception. Levi was casually putting away the snacks and glasses they had used, cleaning up. He looked at her from the corner of his eye as he continued washing the dishes. "You still need your purse?"
"No, thank you," she quickly replied, feeling like she was wasting oxygen. The moment made her reconsider if casual relationships were for her. She felt as if, by not delivering the sex they both agreed on, she was just annoying him with her presence. They could still have sex if he was into it, but she wasn’t feeling it. The cramps were starting to kick in too. "I’ll get going."
Levi, drying his hands, looked back at her slightly confused. "I was about to offer we order something to eat since I came back and still need to do the grocery shopping," he explained, surprising her deeply. "But if you want to go, I can drive you. It’s not too late; I could still go to the supermarket."
He seemed so unfazed, unbothered.
"I’ll take an Uber; it’s fine," she insisted. "I don’t want to be a bother."
Levi, who was unloading the dishwasher, paused. "I’m inviting you, moron. If you were a bother, I wouldn’t be offering for you to stay."
The plan seemed lovely: staying in his big cozy house outside the city because Levi insisted downtown and all its noise annoyed him, eating something tasty, having him spoil her rotten. It seemed too good to be true. The next words slipped out without intention, revealing her thoughts.
"We don’t have that type of relationship."
It dropped like a bomb. The silence was overwhelming, feeling like it lasted hours. Levi put the final dish away, his fingers lingering on the countertop door a bit longer. His lips pressed together, and from the outside, he appeared as stoic as ever.
"We could… if you want."
Adult relationships can be so complicated. Both looked at each other. "If you know what I mean," was implied by both their expressions. It felt so ridiculous, as if junior high relationships were easier than this. "Not to sound too needy, too desperate, set too many rules, be too insistent."
A smile crept onto her face, and she felt like a little girl with a crush. "I think I do."
He tried to wash off the enthusiasm. "Great, so… choose what you want to eat, and I’ll give you my card."
"You choose what to watch?" she asked as she took her phone out to select dinner.
"Yeah, sure."
Later, cuddling in bed and watching a cheesy Netflix show that made them wonder who funded such a production but continued watching because there was nothing better on, she had a question. Levi’s cat purred between his legs as she rested her head on his right shoulder.
"Why do you have all those pads in your bathroom?" she asked, genuinely curious.
Levi looked back at her momentarily before calmly saying, "Isabel, she's… like my little sister. I adopted her when she was little." He began to explain but realized it was hard to tell the complete story without some details. "Her friends and she, in middle school, would start to get their periods and be too ashamed to ask me for pads or tampons. So, I decided to set up a basket so they could grab what they needed. Over time, it became a routine."
"Wait," she sat up straight, "she lives here? What if she sees us?"
"Chill, she’s at college. She’s in her first year."
"Aww, well, it seems like you were a 'cool mom,'" she joked, making a Mean Girls reference.
Levi grimaced uneasily and then admitted, almost ashamed, "Not really… but I promised a friend that I would give her more freedom."
(I don't know what this is, I just got an idea and decided to write it. That's all)
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthor @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @kikarouflames @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-12345 @levicansteponme Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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smileyoongle · 2 months
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Pairing- VampireKing!Jungkook × Human!Reader
Genre- Arranged Marriage AU (Sort of?), Enemies to Lovers, Soulmate AU
Summary- Jeon Jungkook was known to be a tyrant, destroying anything and everything to get what he wanted. And this time, he wanted you.
Warnings- Mentions of blood, gore and murder scenes, eventual smut, JK is definitely a hard dom and mad possessive, vampire bites and blood sucking.
A/N- Even though I have tagged the people who asked to be tagged, there will be no taglist for this series from here on. I only tagged you guys to sort of let you know this series has started. It's a big struggle to keep all those usernames up to date so you might wanna turn on the notifs :)
Please find the introduction to the world of Amour Mort here!
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You ran through the forest, tears in your eyes making it difficult to see the path ahead, but you could tell you were venturing deeper into the more dangerous side. At the back of your mind, you were very aware that you shouldn’t be here past midnight, and that if someone found you breaking curfew, you would probably be executed by the throne, thinking you were some sort of rebel revolting in the recent uprisings. But all of that paled in comparison to the despair gnawing at your soul.
The branches clawed at your skin, leaving angry red marks, but you didn’t slow down, only realizing you had come here barefoot when tiny stones began hurting the bottom of your feet. You were being chased—not by a person, but by your own thoughts and the relentless ache in your chest. Your father’s words would not stop playing in your mind, your palms pressing against your ears as you closed your eyes in an attempt to silence his voice.
"You're nothing but a burden to me. I wish you had never been born!"
Suddenly, a sharp pain seared through your right foot, sending you stumbling and falling to the ground with all the air being knocked out of your lungs. You winced, letting out a whimper as you managed to look back, gasping at the bear trap that had clamped around your foot. Its teeth dug into your flesh, and blood pooled on the dead leaves beneath you.
“No…” you cried out, sobbing at your misfortune, the pain from your wound shooting through your leg in waves. A thought came to you: maybe this is how you die, completely alone and unloved, with no one to care that you weren’t at home right now.
‘That’s not true! Lila cares…’
Your mind screamed at you, your sister’s pretty face popping into your head. Well, this was true; your sister did care about you. But really, there was only so much she could do when your father did not even acknowledge you as his daughter. You still remembered the party where a guest mistook you for a maiden working in the mansion. It had truly hurt you, but there was nothing you could say, not when that is probably what your father wanted the world to think. A part of you thinks he hates you because your mother died just five days after you were born, but how could you, a mere baby, be at fault for that?
Gathering all your energy, you began to drag yourself to a tree nearby, wincing and whimpering with every wave of pain that washed over you. You could even feel the burn on the skin of your forearms where it rubbed against the rocky and muddy ground, convinced that the sleeve of your dress was beginning to tear. Were you even going to make it back home? Did you even want to make it back home?
Upon reaching the giant tree, you pushed yourself up, managing to rest your back against the trunk, finally getting a good look at the steel trap wrapped around your foot. Meant for animals, it was likely a tool for the poorer vampires who couldn’t afford human slaves and fed on animal blood instead. It was the one law that favored humans: vampires were forbidden to feed on them freely. But nonetheless, it was always the innocent ones who had to pay the price. The night-walkers were given the gift of strength and brutality that they used against the weak, be it you or an animal.
Your chest rose and fell quickly, your breathing growing harsh, and your vision growing blurry. It was the blood loss, and you couldn’t even feel the pain anymore. Either you were getting used to it, or your body had started focusing on the fact that you were dying instead. Whatever was happening, it was not good, and you had no idea how to help yourself.
“You shouldn’t be here. Not at this time.” A voice broke through the darkness, making you jump in surprise, your eyes immediately landing on a man’s silhouette standing just a few steps away from you. Your heart hammered in your chest, and, swallowing thickly, you pressed yourself further against the tree, hoping that would make you disappear.
Was this someone who was going to turn you in? Maybe the cause of your death was going to be execution and not a bear trap?
Your silence only prompted the man to move closer to you and into the moonlight filtering through the trees, your lips parting as you took in his face. He was truly breathtaking, with black hair that fell across his forehead and eyes that seemed to pierce through the night. There was black ink peeking at you from under the collar of his black shirt on his neck, more patterns emerging from under his rolled-up sleeve right up to his knuckles, making you wonder just how much of his body was tainted like this.
“N-neither should you,” you said bravely, though your voice was small and weak.
He chuckled in response, making you purse your lips as you watched him kneel down beside you, your body subconsciously shifting backward even though there was nowhere to go, every single thought in your mind long gone in the presence of this man.
His eyes slowly moved across your body, taking in your tear-stained cheeks, your tattered dress, and your bloody foot, tutting at the condition of your wound.
“This is why you shouldn’t be here, little human,” he said, your eyes widening as you caught a hint of amusement on his face, your blood running cold at the realization. Your breath was caught in your throat, and you were suddenly very aware of the blood you were soaked in, your eyes nervously flitting between him and your poor foot. If you had to die, you didn’t want to do so at the hands of a vampire. In fact, you couldn’t even imagine the pain that was probably about to suffocate you when he ripped your heart right out of your chest.
“Please don’t kill me,” you begged, staring into his eyes with tears in yours, shaking your head when he smirked and leaned in closer to you. Closing your eyes, you let the tears fall freely and turned your face away from him, his breath fanning your neck and making you whimper.
“You must taste exquisite.” He inhaled deeply, your chest heaving as his words made your heart thump harder in your chest. This has to be it. He was going to drain your body right now, and no one was going to find out ever.
Preparing yourself for the attack, you closed your eyes shut and gripped the skirt of your dress, thinking about your family for the last time before your life was taken from you.
“But I’m not going to do that.” Came his voice, your eyes slowly opening as you glanced over at him, noticing the sudden distance he had put between the two of you. A frown etched on your forehead, your tears drying up on your cheeks as you processed his words. He was not going to hurt you?
“I’m too old to lose control over a bit of blood.” He gestured nonchalantly towards your foot, shocking you at how he thought this was just a bit of blood. You were literally going to pass out soon.
“Wh-why are you here?” you stammered, biting your tongue when his expression hardened, his eyes sending daggers your way and letting you know that you shouldn’t have asked him that. Silence engulfed you both, your eyes failing to look away from him. It was almost as if he was holding you prisoner under his gaze, a flash of guilt disappearing from his dark eyes as soon as it came.
“I had to get away before they caught up to me,” he confessed, a cool breeze ruffling his hair as he stood up and stared down at you, his eyes reading the confusion in yours.
“My sins,” he responded before you could even ask, his thick boots crunching the leaves on the gravelly path as he walked in front of your stretched-out leg and sat down on one knee. A flash of lightning struck through the sky at that very second, as if to show that the heavens had heard his confession too. And when the thunder illuminated his face, you could swear you had seen the very face of evil.
“Are you scared of me?” he asked, tilting his head as you swallowed thickly, shaking your head hesitantly. But you knew he didn’t believe you when he let out a small laugh. It sounded bitter to your ears, like he was mocking you for being so weak yet trying to fool him at the same time.
“Well, you should be.” In one quick motion, his hand ripped apart the trap into two pieces, your flesh being freed from the sharp claws that were jammed into it. Dots filled your vision as your lips parted in a silent scream, your chest hurting as if you were having a heart attack, and maybe you were because you felt your body go limp as your eyes rolled back into your head.
Strong arms held you before you could hit the ground, your head suddenly resting against a firm chest as your breath came out all raggedy. You could feel sweat beading on your forehead, your body not having any energy to even let you open your eyes for a second.
“W-why…” you breathed out, your voice a bare whisper in the night. And the next thing you knew, you felt a hand pressing against your lips before a metallic taste filled your mouth. With all the energy left in you, you opened your eyes wide and grabbed the tattooed arm feeding you blood, your attempts at pushing it away failing miserably.
“Sshh, you need this. You need me,” the vampire whispered above you, his chin resting atop your head as he ran his free hand through your hair. Knowing that you couldn’t fight him off, not like this, you gave up and swallowed the disgusting liquid that made your body feel warm all of a sudden. You could hear your heart pumping and your breathing steadying as the blood worked its way into your system, your senses sharpening, and your strength slowly returning.
After what felt like an eternity, he pulled his arm away, and you let out a string of coughs, gasping for air while the awful taste lingered on your tongue. It was truly ironic how the blood of someone dead could heal a living being. How a killer could give life to someone. And you were sure that this man who had saved your life was a killer too. Why else would he talk about his sins catching up to him?
“What did you do that you had to run away?” you asked as soon as you found your voice, your tired eyes glancing up at the man holding you. His eyes flitted between your eyes and your lips, sending shivers down your spine when he brought up his thumb and rubbed away some blood from the corner of your mouth.
“What’s your name?” He avoided your question smoothly, pretending you hadn’t spoken a word to him. Frowning, you thought about it for a moment, wondering whether it was a good idea to tell him who you were. But at the same time, you weren’t a very valuable human. There was really nothing he could want from you that would make him hunt you down.
“Y/N,” you said, averting your gaze to your foot, which was now void of any wounds. Your skin looked completely smooth and untouched except for the dried blood staining it, leaving you staring in awe.
“Well, Y/N,” he started, regaining your attention, “you’re gonna find out tomorrow.”
You frowned at his words, wondering if this implied that he was going to see you tomorrow to tell you what sin he had committed. Too lost in your head to notice that he had stood up, you saw him offer his hand to you. Your fingers hesitantly took hold of his cold ones. With ease, he pulled you up as you slightly lifted your dress and examined your foot, pleased with the fact that there was absolutely no pain anymore.
“This is-” You turned to glance at the man, only to be met with darkness. The vampire was gone, the forest was silent, and you were alone once again.
Taglist: @scuzmunkie @girl8890 @adasboredom @acrazybiotch374 @tutnotmytea @leilei-9 @yoonjinhusbands @kumakoyan @ttanniett
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moonsgemini · 1 year
dress - ii
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summary: rafe is finally able to show his girl just how much she means to him.
warnings: 18+ minors dni, smutty smut, oral (f+m), p in v, smidge of dirty talk, praise kink, rafe, teasing, creampie (hate that), choking (nothing crazy), fluff, fem reader
wc: 3.7k
an: this can be read as a stand alone tbh, also this is my first time writing smut in a while so if it sucks girl I apologize lol I was really losing it towards the end but I pulled through. I TRIED MY BEST PLS
part one
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The sunlight seeping through the sheer curtains had gently woken Rafe up. He had been dreaming about her and he wished he could go back to sleep. When he rolled over with his eyes still closed he realized there was someone next to him. He opened his eyes with furrowed brows, his confusion fading once he saw her messy hair sprawled against the pillows. The events of the night before coming back to him.
He smiled to himself feeling content. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest. In her sleep she lightly groaned and pushed up against him. Subconsciously trying to get closer. Rafe could get used to this. The smell of her shampoo filling his senses, the warmth of the sun coming through her window. He didn’t even want to sleep anymore he wanted to be awake to enjoy this moment.
What if she woke up and remembered who he was or his reputation and decided she never wanted to see him again. Maybe the kiss last night was a tipsy mistake.
The girl in his arms began to stir awake breaking him from his thoughts. She hummed as she turned to lie on her back, stretching like a cat before turning to face him. Rafe could have died a happy man then and there as he looked at her sleepy eyes and the lazy smile that formed on her lips when she saw him.
“Morning,” she mumbled, almost shy.
He smiled, “Morning.”
He reached forward and brushed her hair out of her face, he wanted to see all of her. A comfortable silence fell over them as they both just observed each other. She couldn’t believe she had this greek god in her bed. Her friends were going to kill her but she didn’t care.
“So what’s for breakfast?” She asked innocently, hinting that she didn’t want the day with him to end yet.
Rafe pretended to think, “hmmm I can think of few things that sound good,” he smirked.
“Oh yeah like what?” She definitely didn’t get his innuendo.
He moved quickly to hover over her, he used his knee to nudge her legs open so he could rest between them. His arms on either side of her head supporting himself up. The closeness made her face get hot. She was suddenly aware that he wasn’t wearing a shirt and he only had boxers on. She was in some tiny shorts and a tank top. She was grateful she didn’t wake up with a boob hanging out.
“I believe I owe you an act of appreciation,” He smirked and placed a soft kiss against her cheek. She closed her eyes and swallowed thickly, he was going to be the death of her.
“What does that have to do with breakfast?” She asked in a breathy whisper. She felt like if she talked too loud she would ruin the moment.
He placed a kiss on her other cheek, her forehead, and then her chin, “Well I see a very sweet meal in front of me. I’ve been dying to get a taste,” he placed on last kiss on her neck. This one lasting a little longer.
Her eyes fluttered closed savoring the contact, “You’re so cheesy,” She laughed softly.
“You turn me into a romantic,” He smiled genuinely and she reciprocated it.
Rafe leaned down to finally place a kiss on her lips. It was just as good as the night before, the kiss feeling like electricity. He sighed like he was finally breathing fresh air. The kiss started out soft and gentle but quickly turned into something more passionate. Like he wanted to make up for all the time they haven’t been doing this. Her hands found purchase in his hair. Tugging at the short strands when his tongue began poking into her mouth.
She had been dying to know what he tasted like and after finding out last night that he was even better than she imagined, she was addicted. She didn’t even care if she had morning breath because it didn’t seem like Rafe cared. One of his hands moved down to her waist. Rubbing up and down, his thumb catching onto her tank top and tugging it slightly. Her skin felt like it was on fire as he touched her. She moved one of her legs to wrap around his hips to tug him closer to her. Rafe hummed in satisfaction.
His hand moving to her hips and legs, touching as much skin as he could. He’d been dreaming of this for so long he wanted to savor it. Take advantage of having her here and feel as much of her as he could. He moved his lips back down to her neck needed to catch his breath.
She let out a small moan as he kissed that spot below her ear. It was like he knew exactly what to do. His kisses started moving lower. He sat up on bis knees and placed his hands on either side of her shirt. Looking at her to ask for permission, he didn’t want to mess this up. He wanted to be perfect for her. She nodded her head quickly, wanting to be naked already.
Rafe tugged her shirt off and lost his breath. He could have cum then and there. She was better than his dreams. She started getting timid as he kept staring at her. She’s slept with people before but it was never like this, no one ever actually looked at her.
He leaned forward and pressed teasing kisses on her stomach working his way up her torso. He cupped her breast in his large hand, his thumb moving back and forth over her nipple gently. He kissed in between her breasts before moving his mouth to the one that wasn’t getting attention. He kissed around it before he wrapped his lips around her nipple, his tongue moving back and forth languidly. He’d switch from licking to gently sucking. She was in heaven, feeling an immense amount of pleasure over something so simple.
“Fuck,” She muttered softly. Arching her back on the mattress to somehow get closer to him.
“You’re amazing,” He muttered as his mouth traveled back up her body. Reaching her lips once again he kissed her with meaning.
Rafe’s hand moved down to her shorts. His fingers skimmed over the top of them, fingers slipping teasingly under the band. He moved to sit back on his knees, he looked at her and groaned at the sight. Her pretty lips were swollen and her chest was moving up and down at a faster pace. Her hair messy around her. He wished he could take a picture but he knows he’ll never forget how she looks in this moment.
He began to rub her thighs before grabbing her shins and pushing her legs up so her knees were bent. He looked at her core seeing how the fabric pulled tightly against her heat. He could tell she wasn’t wearing underwear and he just couldn’t believe he was getting to have his way with her.
She had been struggling below him. Wanting him to do anything, she felt her pussy ache as he just watched her with a dazed expression. She could feel how wet she was already, she had began clenching around nothing. Just the thought of Rafe was enough to turn her on.
She sighed weakly speaking up, “Rafe please do something.”
He looked up at her and smirked, “Patience baby. Good girls are patient.” He rubbed his hands all around the expanse of her thighs. When he’d rub her inner thighs he’d purposely rub his fingers against her clit pretending it was an accident. His hands felt like heaven on her, she was so turned on any contact from him was sending her over the edge.
After what felt like hours he splayed his hand across her groin and his thumb hovered over her center. He teasingly rubbed light circles over the fabric. He could see a small wet patch in the middle of her shorts. It was feeding his ego to know she was this attracted to him. He felt like he didn’t deserve her, she was a goddess in his eyes. Everything about her was so perfect to him, even the way her body reacted to him was perfect.
“Fuck I can’t believe it’s taken us this long,” He pressed his thumb down harder making slow circles.
“I’ve wanted you for so long baby. Have wanted to make you feel good for so long,” His words and the movement of his hands caused jolts of pleasure to go through her body. She felt like she was on cloud nine.
“Oh Rafe I’ve needed you for so long,” She sighed opening her eyes to find him already looking at her. He had been watching her reactions enjoying how good he was making her feel.
She let out a small wine when he pulled his hand away but then he swiftly moved one of her legs to the other side and pulled off her shorts. He put her leg back to where it was so he was in between them again. He positioned her back to how she was with her feet flat on the bed. He licked his lips, saliva pooling in his mouth as he gaped at her glistening pussy. He had never seen anything so beautiful.
“Baby you’re so gorgeous,” He mumbled as he moved lower on the bed to lay on his stomach. His face now level with her hips. He kissed the inside of her thighs beginning from the top of the knee to where her legs met her groin. He did this on each side wanting to savor her.
She felt like she was being worshipped with the way he kissed her and touched her. Like he thought she was better than him and needed to be indulged and savored. Rafe used two fingers to run through his slit, his fingers getting coated in her arousal as he rubbed between her folds. The squelching sound turning him on even more if it was possible. Rafe felt drunk off of her.
He almost missed the pretty sounds that were leaving her mouth because he was so concentrated on the area that needed him most. She moaned and whined at the feeling of his fingers running over her. Her hands were gripping his hair. He pulled away and wrapped each of his hands around each of her thighs to spread her even wider.
Rafe leaned his head against her inner thigh as he went back to rub her clit in that way that made her eyes roll back. He would do that then move his fingers down to run through her folds to gather her wetness. He teasingly pushed the tips of his fingers into her. She let out a louder moan at this. He couldn’t wait to be inside of her. But he also wanted to tease her for as long as possible.
“You like that?” He asked not looking up at her too concentrated on rubbing circles on her clit. His other hand, that wrapped around the leg he was leaning on, reached up to cup her breast. The feeling of his fingers tweaking her nipple lightly was sending her closer to the edge.
“You’re so wet for me, you’re such a good girl.” He said turning to kiss her thigh lightly. He moved his fingers down her slippy folds teasingly until he got to her entrance again.
“Always wanna be good for you Rafe,” She whined trying to lift hips up to his fingers. If he would just put them inside of her already she’d come in two seconds.
He smiled as he slowly pushed two fingers into her, “You are good my love, the best.” He murmured as he watched some of her arousal drip down his fingers as he pushed farther in.
She was tight and warm, his dick aching in his boxers to be inside of her. But he could wait. He moved his fingers in and out slowly. His fingers curving up getting that spot that made her back arch and moans fall unabashedly from her lips. She could never reach it herself and no other partner had tried. But Rafe’s long fingers were perfect, he knew her body already.
He started to pick up the pace as her moans got louder. He could feel her walls squeezing him and that wet sounds of his movements never stopping. He lifted his head from his position and leaned forward wrapping his lips around her clit. He continued with his fingers as well.
She moaned loudly, “Oh shit I’m about to cum babe.” Her eyes were closed not being able to keep them open because of the pleasure. That fire in her stomach suddenly exploded and a tingling feeling over took her whole body. Her back arched off the bed, her legs squeezing around Rafe’s head as he relentlessly sucked and licked.
He started to slow down once she had come down from her high. He slowly removed his fingers but continued to clean her with his mouth. Not wanting to miss a single drop. After he lifted himself up to be on top of her again.
“Open,” Rafe said as he hovered over her.
Eager to obey she opened her mouth and he placed the two fingers that were inside of her on her tongue. She closed her mouth and moaned at the taste of herself on his fingers. She closed her eyes and sucked on his fingers licking him clean.
“Good girl,” He leaned down and kissed her. Her hips lifted up as she felt the tip of his dick in his boxers rub against her core. She needed him but she also wanted to make him feel good.
She pulled away and pushed his chest, “Lay down please,” she said softly knowing she would get her way with how she was looking at him. With big innocent eyes, ones he couldn’t say no to. He got off of her and laid next to her. She followed him and got on top.
y/n sat directly on his dick. His hard length pressed against her dripping core. She moaned closing her eyes leaning her head back. The feeling of him against her core was sending her over the edge. Any touch from him was making her feel like she was on fire. She leaned down to kiss him. Her hips slowing moving to grind against him, the friction causing a satisfied moan to break their kiss.
“I need to be inside of you,” Rafe said roughly, his hands gripping her hips. He pressed her down harder against him wanting more.
She kissed his chin then pressed a few kisses across his neck. Rafe closed his eyes and savored her gentleness. She continued to kiss down his chest as she moved lower. Her hands following as well as they felt the expanse of his muscular chest and torso.
She tugged at his boxers, “But I want to take care of you first,” She had a mischievous look in her eye. One that made Rafe swallow roughly.
“oh sweet girl,” He sighed, “You’re too good to me. Gonna wrap your pretty mouth around my cock?” He reached down and cupped her her face. His thumb stroking back and forth before it started tugging on her bottom lip. Y/n leaned forward with an open mouth taking and sucking on his thumb. Her tongue swirled back and forth and Rafe could have came just with that.
He knows he won’t last long if he lets her go down on him but he can’t find any words to say. Especially not when her ass is in the air as she hovers over him. Her big eyes staring up at him eager to please, how was he supposed to not let her do this?
She took his silence as a good sign and continued tugging his boxers off. His length came out slapping against his stomach. Her mouth watered at the sight, she had never wanted to please someone so badly.
She licked a stripe on the underside of his cock. Rafe let out a sigh, it felt like torture in the best way. She spit in her hand before wrapping it around him, her hand moving up and down as she got it wet. She leaned forward and took the tip into her mouth, teasing him by sucking and licking softly.
His hips moved up trying to get her to take more of him. She was killing him, he had never felt this good. She took more of him and her mouth. Threw her teasing out the window and bobbed her head up and down taking him in her mouth. Rafe groaned at the feeling of her wet warm mouth. His hands reached down to wrap around her hair and hold a makeshift pony tail. Rafe felt immediately close once he saw her swollen lips around him with drool dripping down her chin. Her eyes watering from taking him deep.
He pushed her away abruptly trying to catch his breath, “I’m literally going to cum if you don’t stop that, and I have a lot I still want to do to you.” He smirked standing up on knees and going behind her.
Rafe pushed her gently forward. Y/n went up the bed and bent over. Her ass in the air with her core on full display for him. He could see that she was still wet as her folds glistened, his ego inflated at the thought of her getting wet from giving him head. He leaned forward and wrapped his lips around her clit. He sucked gently before licked a few stripes across all of her.
He pulled away and slapped her ass. She moaned softly at the feeling shaking her hips and pushing herself towards him. Rafe grabbed his length and gave himself a few pumps before lining himself up with her entrance. He pushed forward slowing getting inside of her. They both moaned at the different feelings of pleasure. He was stretching her so good she couldn’t help but roll her eyes back.
He rubbed his hands all over her ass as he continued to push inside of her at a slow pace, “You’re so tight baby. So wet too fuck,” Now fully inside of her he leaned his head back at the feeling, “I’ve been obsessed with you since we met.”
He began to move his hips back and forth slowly, “Rafey you feel so good inside,” She moaned. He began to pick up the pace wanting her to be louder for him. He was hitting every spot she needed.
The room was being filled with the sounds of their moans and their skin slapping. Rafe had been waiting for so long for this and it was even better than he imagined. He couldn’t wait to give her what she deserves outside of the bedroom. He wanted to buy her everything she needed, would even get her a new house if she asked. He couldn’t wait to please her in every way.
Reaching forward he grabbed her shoulder and pulled her up so her back was against his chest. The new angle he was fucking her at felt incredible. She leaned her head back laying on his shoulder, he brought his hand around her placing it over her neck.
Rafe was in heaven, he felt like the luckiest guy in the world by being able to have her like this. His other hand reached down her stomach until his fingers were over her clit. He gathered some of her arousal and began moving his fingers in circles. An unbelievable amount of please ran through her body. She started to feel that familiar knot in her stomach start to get tighter and tighter.
“Rafe I’m g-gonna cum,” She was able to mumble out through moans. Her mind was a mess and her vision was hazy. All she could think about and focus on was Rafe. Her body fell forward so her lower half was back on the bed.
“Cum for me baby,” He said gruffly into her ear doing his best not to cum yet. She let out a loud moan telling him she was cumming. Her face was buried into the mattress muffling her cries. He felt her walls tighten around him and he groaned, leaning his head back at the feeling. He slowed his pace as she finished.
Rafe fully pulled out and gently moved her to lay on her back. He wasted no more time and pushed into her once again. She let out a gasp at the feeling of him. Rafe began to thrust in and out of her. The wet sounds from her arousal getting him even closer. Rafe groaned at the sight of her, he leaned forward and captured her lips in his.
Their tongues danced against each other. Her hands running through his hair and scratching at his back when he’d hit that particular spot inside her. She arched her back, their faces still close together. She really liked Rafe and she really hoped this would be a one time thing.
“Ah shit where do you want me to cum?” He asked as he felt himself close to finishing.
“Inside, fuck I’m gonna cum,” She whined as she felt her whole body go tingly. Her whole body on fire. She couldn’t lie that if her head wasn’t so dizzy she’d say somewhere else but she needed him in every way. And she was on birth control.
“Fuck,” Rafe’s pace picked up as he came inside of her. After finishing he slowed down, breathing heavily. He pulled out gently and laid next to her.
y/n turned to lay her head on his chest. His heart was pounding, hearing it made a small smirk appear on her lips. They didn’t speak for a couple of minutes just enjoying the silence and being close to each other.
“I really like you if I haven’t made that clear enough,” Rafe said breaking the silence.
She laughed, “I really like you Rafe. I have for a while.”
“I’m sorry it took so long for me to do something,“ He ran his fingers through her hair.
She turned to look up at him, “We’re together now.”
He smiled and leaned down to kiss her, “Will you let me take you out somewhere nice tonight?”
“Yes of course,” She kissed one more time barely being able to because she couldn’t stop smiling.
tags: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @kw13cheer @weareatthebadlands (if I missed you I apologize!!)
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co-psycho · 3 months
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Jean eats you out then fucks u soo good that you squirt 😉 ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི
cw: f!ngering, oral s€x, s€x!
Your legs wrap around his head as he continues to bury his face in the slick between your legs. His warm tongue lapps at your clit while he fingers your cunt with his long thick digits moving at a fast pace. His fingers curl up hitting your spongey g-spot for the third time in the last 30 minutes. His lips were glossed with your arousal. You pant as he moves his tongue and fingers faster looking up at you as he eats you out like he’s been starved for months.
You squirm under his grip on your thigh when you feel yourself coming closer to your orgasm. Your eyes seal shut. Your hips jerk when you feel the same warming sensation building up in your abdomen.
“Aah J-jean I’m close” you moan. It’s was like music to his ears hearing your hushed whimpers slip from your lips. Your gummy walls sucks Jeans digits so well and tight he can’t stop thinking about how it would feel around his thick cock but he wants to prep you before you take him.
ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི
“You’ve seriously never came from head before?”
“No I’m not even kidding”, you let out a shy laugh.
You don’t even remember how this conversation came up in the first place, first you both were talking about how your exams were going then what you had planned over the weekend then the topic about your first time and now it’s the main topic you’re both discussing . How embarrassing it was and how you both wished it would it would’ve been someone else who took your virginity.
Your first “serious” relationship was in your junior year of high school. He wasn’t a bad boyfriend he was there when you needed him sometimes. He had a habit of always putting his friends over you and would cancel his plans with you to hang out with his friends. It was like he was just using you for your body and would leave after. No after care but you couldn’t blame him he was only 17 he didn’t know better .
You took the break up a little too hard even though you dated for 7 months. Afterwords you’ve had a few relationships and hook ups that didn’t last long.
You met Jean in your first year of college. It was through mutual friends and quickly your guys friendship became really close very quick. You could tell him anything without him judging you and the same would go when he discuss any topic with you. Weather is was school, gossip, or even sex. It wouldn’t make either of you uncomfortable.
Now here you are, your back rested against Jeans couch in his living room; fingers running through his honey brown soft locks, while his tongue lapps at your swollen clit.
“Cmon finish for me baby”, he purred. His cock ached painfully in his pants. You had no idea what you were doing to him even before you he had the idea of giving you head in the first place. It was always mixed signals with you. He confessed at the peak of your friendship that he had feeling for you but you didn’t reciprocate the same feelings because you weren’t ready for a relationship.
“I bet I could make you cum in the first 5 minutes of eating you out” he teased.
“I don’t believe you”, you said while rolling your eyes.
“Wanna find out?”.
Your hips jerk up as waves of fire sore through your lower abdomen. “Ah f-fuck.. yea don’t stop”, you moan as your legs begin to shake.
You pant as you come down from your high. His eyes wondering across your cunt watching you clench around nothing. He couldn’t help himself from pulling down his sweats and briefs. He needed to be inside you.
Your eyes widen when you see how big he is. That’s probably why his friends call him horse face, because he is hung like a horse. Your practically drooling when you reach your hand down swiping your thumb over his tip smearing the pre cum leaking from his tip, his breath hitches when you touch him. His briefs were soaked with precum at the front.
He swats your hand away. “I want to feel you”. His eyes were dazed with lust. His hand slowly jerking his cock before aligning himself to your oozing cunt. He slowly thrusts his cock into you. You let out a breathy moan when you feel your walls being filled to the brim. He gives you a moment to adjust to his large size before slowly moving his hips.
Your legs wrap around his lower back while he thrusts into you. Your sweet cunt clench’s around him member. He wasn’t sure he was going to last long with the way you were squeezing him. He’s never imagined that he would ever be fucking you on the couch in his living room of an apartment that he shared with his best friend connie.
All those nights he would fuck his hand imagining your pretty lips or cunt around him. Thinking about the times when you would bend over in front of him randomly when you had to tie your shoe lace, or when you would wear a top with your cleavage showing. Especially when you and your friend group spent week at Erens parents cabin during spring break and you wore a bikini to the lake. The one that you asked for his opinion on over text. Those moments were he would feel his cock twitch in his pants when he let his mind wonder a little to far in those moments and would have to rush to the bathroom to relieve himself.
Yet he is still shocked that he gets to fuck his crush, the girl he’s liked for over 2 years. When he lied to her and said he doesn’t see her like that anymore. This would make it even harder to get over his stupid fat crush on his girl best friend.
“Faster” you begged. His hips snap faster at your command. He would do anything to make you feel good so you could brag to your girlfriends how good Jean fucked you on Friday night.
Your nails claw at his back when he drives his hips into your sopping cunt. Your moans become more frequent when you feel yourself coming closer to finishing. “mm.. you feel so good around my cock”, he murmured in your ear.
He couldn’t help himself from lifting your hoodie revealing that you weren’t wearing a bra. He rolled his digits around the sensitive hardened bud. He leans down and slowly flicks his tongue around your right nip and plays with the other one.
You feel yourself becoming overwhelmed with the amount of pleasure that is rushing through your body.
You cup the sides of his face. Looking deep into his eyes before kissing him while he pounds his hip. His hips slapping at your ass while fucking you so good that you can’t even kiss him the way you want to. Your lips brush against his as you deepen the kiss, biting his lower lip you pause the kiss as you let out choked moans “I’m c-cumming jean.” Your body shutters as you cum around his thick cock splurts of squirt come from your cunt wetting his couch and his abdomen.
Your arms wrap around his neck pulling him closer as your body shakes dissolve into pleasure. He pounds into you while you squirt on his cock. Before you know it he pulls out and coats your belly with his warm white cum. He lets out a breathy moan as he moans.
You will never forget that sound. “Oh fuck baby, your making me cum”. It’s music to your ears. You couldn’t wait to write about it in your diary. ‘My guy best fiend fucked me so good that I squirted all over his fat cock, and he moaned that I made him feel good’, you will never forget those words.
He plopped right beside you as you both came down from your high. Both trying to catch your breath before Jean gets up. You don’t even bother to getting up to look where he went off to because you were to tired from the countless times he made you cum.
“I grabbed you a towel” he said while walking towards to you. He kneels down and wipes the cum off your belly.
“That was a huge load”, you say while an awkward laugh. You watch as he smiles before replying “ yeah because you make me feel good”, he says with a smile.
He picks you up carrying you bridal style to his bedroom. He gently lays you down onto his bed and tucks your legs under the blanket. He throws the towel in his laundry basket the walks over to the other side of the bed.
“Y’know I was actually surprised that you made me have an orgasm in just 5 minutes”.
“Well you already know what they say about men who play the piano”. He raises his eyebrows and gives you a sly smile.
“Shut up”, you giggle before snuggling up to him when he gets in the bed.
“Goodnight Jean”.
“Good night princess”.
“Jean.. we should do that again sometime if your down”. You ask shyly.
“Anything to make you happy”.
Hey guys, I kind of figured out how to use tumblr. Have mercy on me if there’s any typos because I was too lazy to fix them and English isn’t my first language so if you say anything you’re a hater.
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hanggarae · 1 year
now i’m next to you ..
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florist!jeonghan x f!surgeon!reader, 5.3k words fluff, angst, reader’s family sucks, hurt/comfort, slow burn (?), mentions of surgery obviously, a little suggestive right at the end, part of waves will take us away series !
being a surgeon was no doubt tough, and you definitely found the work rewarding enough as it is, but the mysterious flowers left on your desk (a scribbled heart in place of a name of who it’s from) are definitely a plus too
“hi mrs park, this is the bouquet you wanted” jeonghan smiled at the elderly lady, as far as he knew, she was visiting her granddaughter that had recently given birth, “congratulations, for you and your granddaughter”
“oh thank you jeonghan! you’re always such a kind young man, sometimes i wish i had someone like you in my family” jeonghan laughed happily at her comment, cheeks flushing a cool pink. he was somewhat used to it at this point but it always made him sheepish.
jeonghan owned a flower shop that was a ten minute drive from the hospital. because of this, he got orders often delivered there. he knows he could just hire someone to do deliveries, it’d make things a whole lot easier for him, but the feeling of being able to do this for people himself always leave a warmth in his chest, especially when they pass him later to say how much they loved his flowers.
“hey jeonghan!” jeonghan looked around to find seungcheol and joshua waving him over, he smiled before walking to meet them.
“another order?” seungcheol asked taking a sip of his coffee.
“yep, you guys on break?”
“uh huh, and before you ask, no yn isn’t. she’s in the surgery room right now” joshua told him, a small smirk tugging at his lips, a matching one working it’s way on seungcheol’s too.
“shouldn't you both be texting your girlfriends or something?” jeonghan groaned, “thanks for stealing my two best friends by the way, really appreciate it”
“look maybe that’s what you need to finally make a move on yn. you’ve been trying to for what? ten months?” seungcheol told him pointedly.
“nine months and eighteen days, but hey who’s counting?” jeonghan deadpanned, “besides, what makes you guys think i even want to date yn? huh?”
his two friends stared at him unimpressed for a few seconds. he’d spent the better part of the last year sticking around the hospital longer, even if his deliveries were done, just so he could spend a little more time with you.
“okay i do want to date her.. but that’s got nothing to do with you two clowns!” jeonghan hissed. “and the two of you better not say anything because she’s headed here right now” speeding up when he caught sight of you. “yn! hi! how’ve you been?” a smile plastering on his face automatically.
you smiled at this sight of jeonghan with your two work friends, joining them quickly.
“jeonghan hi! i’ve been good thanks, just a stressful day, how about you?” you smiled at him, the stresses of the day melting away with ease.
“stressful?” jeonghan frowned. it was clear from your voice how the day had taken a toll on you, “good thing i know the perfect thing for you when you’re stressed! are you free right now?” he whispered the last part to you, grinning when you nodded, immediately dragging you somewhere.
jeonghan had taken you to his car, ensuring you the entire way that it’d be worth while.
“okay, close your eyes” jeonghan cooed causing you to roll your eyes, making an exaggerated show of covering your eyes with your palms. “you can open them now”
when you opened them, jeonghan held a beautiful small bouquet of jasmines in his hands toward you. “they’re known to be stress reliefs, thought you might like them”
jaw slightly agape, you stared at jeonghan in awe for a few seconds, “they’re so pretty jeonghan, thank you” you told him gratefully taking the flowers from his hands. slowly, the guilt started to creep up in you, “but really- you didn’t have to! here let me pay you-”
“it’s fine, don’t worry about it. i hope you like them yn” he told you warmly, fondness swimming in his eyes.
clearing your throat you told him it’s about time you head back in, the both of you walking back to the hospital together. when you went back to your office, jeonghan headed back to his two friends.
“guys this sucks” he told them dejectedly, frown pulling at his soft features. “she’s totally not into me. like at all”
“han, you’re being dramatic. she definitely likes you, she literally always waits for you to get here” joshua reassured him, rubbing a hand on his shoulder for good measure.
“no shua you don’t get it! she likes me but just as a friend- which i’m okay with don’t get me wrong, but i know she doesn’t like me that way and-”
“dude you sound like you’re in middle school, just ask her out and if she says no she says no, nothing you can do about that” seungcheol told him calmly, taking a sip of his coffee.
jeonghan glared at him before hitting the back of seungcheol’s head (not too hard but it still made seungcheol whine). “you’re in no position to tell me anything mr waited three months to confess to his patient and was the reason she almost had a broken leg forever”
“you can’t talk either mr fake dated a girl and couldn’t confess for two months because he was too scared” jeonghan said pointedly to joshua after hearing his laugh, “neither of you are in any position to say that i should just ask her out and that it’s simple”
joshua laughed at his friend’s pout once again before patting his back before he and seungcheol headed back to work.
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“so just take it easy until the next appointment and then we’ll see what needs to be done from there” you smiled at your patient. she was a high school student and had a surgery for her elbow. “it’ll take roughly 6 to 8 weeks to heal fully but it all just depends on your body’s ability. take it easy at rehab too, don’t push yourself too much alright?”
“got it, thank you so much doctor” the young teenager smiled at you. she laid back against the headboard of the hospital bed while she waited for her parents to come pick her up in an hour, her eyes drifting around the room and landing on the bouquet of jasmines you left by your computer.
“those are really pretty” she said, you followed her eyes to see she was talking about the flowers jeonghan had given you earlier.
you laughed a ‘thank you’ before thinking for a few seconds, “i’ll be right back, just press the button if you need anything, okay?”
when you were out of the room you quickly pulled out your phone, fingers searching for jeonghan’s contact. “hey jeonghan, is it alright if i can place an order really quick? this high school girl just had a surgery and i was wondering if i could just get her a few” you trailed off at the end.
“sure! i’m at the shop right now so just give me around 30 minutes? how long till she leaves?” jeonghan told you from the other side of the phone.
“her parents are picking her up in an hour, thanks so much jeonghan”
“no problem. i’ll see you in a bit” you heard before the tone for the call ending.
you headed back inside, going over the last of the paperwork to get the girl discharged, all you needed was the parents’ signature. you decided it’d be best to reassure her for now, she wouldn’t say it, but you could tell she was nervous. you told her more information on how she should care for herself over the next few weeks.
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“jeonghan do you want to hang out later- why do you look so stressed out?” jeonghan’s younger friend and employee seungkwan looked at him confused.
“huh? oh a friend called and said they needed some flowers quickly, short notice” jeonghan mumbled not meeting his friends’ eyes.
seungkwan eyed him suspiciously, the gears turning in his head, “thought you hated when people asked on short notice? don’t we have a whole policy that we reject it?” seungkwan said with mirth in his voice.
“we do? seungkwan you should stop being so sensitive you can’t turn people away just because it’s short notice” jeonghan said turning to him, teasing lilt in his voice.
“what- you’re the one who came up with it not me!” seungkwan said to his boss, voice growing loud, “whatever, i just wanted to make fun of you for being so in love with yn that you’re doing all this for her”
“who said it was for yn?” jeonghan mumbled while his eyes turned back to the bouquet he was making.
“oh please! it’s obvious! who else would you go through all this trouble for?” seungkwan laughed.
jeonghan ignored his friend, turning all his undivided attention to the bouquet. it mainly consisted of yellow roses in the center with a few pink tulips and sunflowers around them. it was wrapped with a white ribbon, a small tag attached with the card reading ‘get well soon! it must have hurt ㅠㅠ please take care of yourself so you can feel better quickly :)’ truth be told jeonghan wasn’t doing this entirely just because you asked but because he genuinely wanted to do something for the poor girl. a surgery when she’s pretty young couldn’t have been easy and she’s braver than half the people he knows. picking up a small chocolate box from the convenience store next door, he set it in his car’s passenger seat with the bouquet. jeonghan sent you a quick text letting you know he was on his way before he turned his playlist on and headed to the hospital.
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“yn!” jeonghan shouted before running to you, “here you go! she hasn’t left yet right?” he doubled over catching his breath.
you laughed a little at his antics before letting him know she was still waiting, “hey why don’t you come with me to give them to her?”
“are you sure?”
“yeah don’t worry about it. come on let’s go!” you lead the way back to the room.
when you returned with jeonghan you saw that she was still just waiting, scrolling through her phone looking bored out of her mind. you felt bad and realised you could’ve gotten that new junior doctor to keep her company.
“oh hi you’re back! with..” she trailed off when she saw jeonghan but her unasked question was answered when she saw the gift bag in his hands. jeonghan handed the bag over to her, smiling at her reaction to the flowers.
“these are so pretty! doctor your boyfriend’s really talented!” she giggled observing the flowers more. she was so entranced by them that she didn’t notice the awkward atmosphere engulfing the room when you quickly tried to deny what she was implying.
you were cut off by the message saying that the parents were here and were too distracted to see jeonghan leave, and you were too distracted to see the disappointment on his face.
after everything with the girl was settled, you headed back to your office. tired after the long day, you settled back into your chair stretching your limbs. you smiled to yourself when you spotted what was on your desk. it was a messy collection of a few flowers, there was no delicacy to it at all and you know that jeonghan would look annoyed at whoever ‘crafted’ (although he’d probably argue this wasn’t even a craft) the poorly put together flowers. there wasn’t even an official tag with them, it was usually just a torn off sticky note that you could get at the front desk. and as per routine, all that was on the note was a scribbled heart and a ‘good luck for tomorrow’.
for a little over half a year you’ve been getting these, but you still don’t know who it’s from. you don’t even know who in the staff delivers them to your desk because it can’t be a patient or visitor, they don’t have access. it never fails to put a smile on your face and you always secretly hope they’d give you some hint of who was sending them. you put them in your bag, heading to your car so that you could go to dinner with a few of your friends.
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“you look extra happy today” your friend sooyoung teased you, giggling at how the warmth quickly spread across your face at what she said.
“it’s obvious why, did your secret admirer send you the flowers again today?” seulgi added, “what were they today, huh?”
“shut up guys” you groaned, “it’s not a secret admirer, it’s just someone being sweet and appreciating how much surgeons do! is that so wrong?”
“oh yeah definitely” nayeon teased, “someone would definitely get you flowers everyday just because they appreciated how good of a surgeon you are”
you sighed as all three of them burst into a fit of giggles before nayeon spoke up again, “so who is it?”
“isn’t it obvious?” seulgi said before you could answer, “it’s obviously jeonghan. who else is at the hospital and has relation to flowers?”
you shook your head at her reasoning, “it can’t be jeonghan. i thought it was at first too but the flowers are way too messy to be jeonghan’s. i’ve seen the flowers he keeps buried in the trunk of his car and even they’re more put together than the ones that the mystery person gives me”
“true” sooyoung spoke up, “we’ve seen these flowers, they’re all uneven. they look like they were taken from someone’s garden. i doubt jeonghan would give yn flowers that ugly if he liked her”
“hey!” you shouted, suddenly feeling offended on behalf of who was gifting you the flowers, “don’t call them ugly, they’re sweet” you pouted.
sooyoung laughed before hugging your side, “guys she’s already defending her secret offender, it’s so cute!”
you groaned again, burying your head in your hands while your friends continued to make theories on who was sending you the flowers. when you thought back to how seulgi thought it was jeonghan giving you the flowers, you remembered that you never paid him for the flowers from earlier. jumping, you quickly found his contact and called him.
“jeonghan! you didn’t let me pay for the flowers” you pouted though he couldn’t see it.
“oh so you- oh wait you mean the ones for that teenager?” he got rid of the teasing lilt immediately, although you were a little curious what he was going to say at first. “eh, don’t worry about it”
“jeonghan i owe you so much for the amount of flowers you’ve covered me, you can’t keep doing this it’ll end up driving you out of business”
the sounds of jeonghan’s soft laugh melted throughout your ear, “i told you yn, don’t worry about it. i like doing it for you..” the call stayed quiet for a few seconds, almost like jeonghan had something else to say, “uh i’m gonna go to bed now so i’ll talk to you tomorrow, alright? i’ve gotta finish a few orders for a wedding so i’ve got an early night”
“oh of course, sorry to have kept you up” you quickly told him, “but remember i’m going to pay you back!” you ended the call with both of you wishing the other good night.
for the rest of the night, you ignored your friends’ teasing in favour of stuffing your face full with the expensive meal at the restaurant you guys decided to splurge for, mind thinking about the mystery person sending you flowers.
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at the next day at work, nothing much happened. you were battling a pounding headache from the night before and luckily you didn’t have much to do today besides rounds.
you stopped by the staff room that seungcheol and joshua are usually at, oddly enough jeonghan wasn’t with them today. ‘oh right he said he was busy with the orders for that wedding’. you waved at them before finishing off your rounds, if you were lucky, you’d be able to finish early and spend the rest of your shift relaxing while you hoped for your headache to subside.
that’s exactly what you did, checking up on some of your patients recovering after surgery or doing their rehabilitation before sitting in your office. you looked at the clock, 12:36- almost time for lunch. your eyes widened before you quickly checked your bag. in your rush to get out this morning and because of the headache, you never packed your lunch for today.
groaning, you searched for any places nearby that you could go to for lunch. satisfied when you found a cafe that was only a ten minute drive away, you put it into your navigator app.
when you got there, you quickly dismissed your original plan of getting the food to go and taking it back to the hospital. the cafe was right next to a park, so the tables outside the shop were in the park itself. the ambiance and sounds of nature was beautiful on a day like today, it was sunny but not too hot to the point where you were sweating buckets.
you took your food and sat at one table, taking a few pictures to remind yourself to bring your friends back here someday.
“yn?” a familiar voice drew your attention. “it is you!” you voice took the seat across from you.
“jeonghan? hi! how’d the orders for the wedding go?” you asked him, happy to see a familiar face.
he smiled at how you remembered what he had planned for today, “they loved them, thankfully. other than that i didn’t really have much to do today and there wasn’t any orders for the hospital either so i decided to just hop by the cafe”
you nodded as you listened quietly to him, taking sips of your coffee in between your sounds of acknowledgment, “yeah i don’t really have much to do either, but i’ve still gotta head back to the hospital when my lunch breaks done. this place is really pretty though i need to come back here more often” you sighed happily, pointing towards the beautiful park.
jeonghan hummed, agreeing with you. the two of you spent the rest of your break talking with each other, happily passing the time by. you checked your watch and saw you had about twenty minutes left of your break.
you bid jeonghan goodbye before driving yourself back to the hospital making a beeline straight to your office. oddly enough the flowers were there already, one day you were going to find out who’s behind it all you swear.
your ears perked up at the sound of your phone notification until you internally groaned when you saw who it was.
you loved your parents, you swear you did, but sometimes you couldn’t deal with their ridiculing. nothing could ever satisfy them- not even being a great surgeon! as soon as you did one thing that they wanted, here came another expectation they wanted you to meet. it was ridiculous! you weren’t a teenager anymore you were an adult, but they didn’t understand that.
you sighed as you opened up the text from your mom, feeling a little bad because all she just asked you to join her for a family dinner. you immediately texted her a ‘sure, can’t wait to see you all!’ after making sure your schedule was free that day.
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the day the dinner rolled around, you did your best to make sure you looked great. it wasn’t rare for your family to ‘poke fun’ at how you looked, whether that be at how you generally looked or how you were dressed.
satisfied with your appearance, you grabbed your perfume, dabbing some onto your neck, collarbones and wrists. checking to make sure you had everything, all you had to do now was wait for the taxi to come pick you up to take you to your parents’ house.
most of your family was there, it’d really been a long time since you’d seen most of your aunts, uncles and cousins. you weren’t exactly sure what the occasion for all of this was when you agreed to come but you learnt it was to celebrate your younger sister’s engagement.
you hugged her, happy and surprised. you both giggled like teenagers when she showed you the ring and you hugged her again, truly so happy for her.
when the excitement died down a little, your parents started to nag you with questions. “yn when are you planning on dating someone?” your mother asked you, “your sister’s two years younger than you and she’s already engaged, just how old are you going to be when you start looking for someone?”
you were hoping her intention wasn’t to have your entire family including relatives listen to her scolding you, but right now your relatives were trying to hide that they could hear everything being said by acting like they were having their own conversations- but it was fairly obvious all the attention was on you and your parents.
“uh well.. i’m not sure yet. when the right person comes along then..” you didn’t face them properly and mentally berated yourself for it. how could you expect them to finally acknowledge you as an adult when all you could do was turn into the little kid that was scared to disappoint them? “besides, i didn’t really have time to look! i’ve been a surgeon for a year and it took 8 years of training” you grew quiet at the slightly mad looks on their faces.
“we didn’t raise you to make excuses for yourself and not take responsibility yn” your father told you harshly.
you nodded, too drained to argue back. they’d drop it after a week or two and you really didn’t have it in you to draw even more attention to yourself. so you swallowed the lump in your throat down and blinked back the stinging tears forming in your eyes.
after another twenty minutes, you decided it was time for you to leave. their ridiculing wasn’t letting up any time soon and you were sure you wouldn’t be able to go the rest of the dinner without having a breakdown right next to your uncle who only wanted you to hand him the salt.
you made an excuse at their questions, “i’m being called in at the hospital” you told them.
you stepped outside, the cool summer air hitting your face causing the tears welling up for the last 30 minutes to finally start falling. you sat on the curb, silently crying to yourself for a few minutes. you sighed frustrated when you realised you didn’t bring any money to pay for a cab ride back, thinking you’d stay with your parents for the night.
you scrolled through your contacts before you realised that all of your friends were busy tonight.
there was only one you weren’t sure of.
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jeonghan was sitting on his friend’s couch, hanging out with a couple of his friends when he got your call. he answered normally, not bothering to move to another room until he heard you speak.
you sounded so small, so hurt- he could practically hear the tears in your voice. biting back sobs you asked him if he could pick you up from the address you’d send. jeonghan was so confused, as far as he knew you were at your parents’ for a dinner. you’d told him a few days ago and you seemed so excited for it.
he quickly explained to his friends that he had to go and he wasn’t sure how long it’d take. jeonghan waited for you to send the address before starting the car, quickly driving to pick you up.
jeonghan thought about you the entire drive over, worried about what happened to put you in a state like that and angry at whoever made it happen. you were inconsolable over the phone and all he wanted to do was hug you and comfort you, telling you how much he loved you and that you didn’t deserve what happened to you.
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your sobs died down a little, but you still sniffles every few seconds when stray tears would escape you. the sound of a car pulling up caught your attention and you looked up to see it was jeonghan, he looked so stressed.
you felt guilty when you saw him. ‘what if he was sleeping and he woke up for his?’ you thought to yourself, regretting having bothered him.
he crouched down to bring himself to your position as you still sat on the curb, a fresh set of tears forming in your eyes when you saw your friend.
“yn..” jeonghan said softly, worried and cautious. “can you tell me what happened please?”
you shook your head while you fought against your body and the urge to start sobbing again, “it’s so- so stupid, jeonghan. i’m sorry i bothered you, you’re probably so annoyed”
“hey hey, i’m not annoyed at you. if im annoyed it’s at whoever made you so sad” he told you, gently rubbing away your tears, heart breaking at how more just kept falling to replace the ones he wiped.
you explained everything to jeonghan from your sister’s engagement to the way your parents practically humiliated you in front of everyone.
he looked at you for a few seconds before getting up and walking over to the front door of your parents house. before he knocked on it, he unlocked his car and told you to sit in there rather than the dirty curb.
you were too drained from the night to question what he was up to, you’ve known yoon jeonghan long enough to know that you wouldn’t be able to stop him anyway.
he came back a few minutes later, looking frustrated but a little satisfied with himself. jeonghan went to the trunk of his car, pulling something out. when you saw him do so, you smiled a little, expecting him to give you a beautifully arranged bouquet of flowers like he always did when you expressed to him you were stressed and he’d always explain the specific choice of flowers while you admired them.
what you didn’t expect was for him to instead show you a messily arranged bunch of flowers, they looked like they were freshly picked from someone’s front garden. he reached over you to grab an old receipt from the glovebox, scribbling a little heart to the back of it before attaching it to the bunch of flowers. he handed it to you, grinning and happily laughing at your confusion.
“you didn’t expect it, huh?” he asked you, still giggling.
“n-no i didn’t- does this mean-?”
“that i’ve been the one leaving you those ugly little flowers on your desk everyday? yeah. expect well- it wasn’t really me leaving them- i mean obviously they’re from me to you but then one actually putting them on the desk was either shua or cheol-”
you laughed at how he was tripping over his own words, as cool as he wanted to look he was still a little nervous confessing to you.
“i’m so mad” you deadpanned, trying not to let the corners of your lips lift into a smile when you saw the worried look on his face.
“you mean to tell me that i’ve been trying to play detective for the last few months all because you didn’t want to tell me!” you whined, pouting at him.
“it was supposed to be a fun way to confess! i just didn’t think it’d take you this long to figure it out!” jeonghan laughed again when he realised you were joking. “actually, in the end, you weren’t even the one to realise. i told you!”
you rolled your eyes playfully at him, “oh well thank you for finally realising i was clueless about the whole thing. what did make you finally want to admit it anyway?”
jeonghan went silent for a few minutes, reassuring you that he was simply trying to find the right words to say what he needed to.
“when i heard you tonight.. i realised something” he looked at the empty street.
“on the phone you sounded so.. sad. it made me sad too and it made me realise that i was wrong about how i thought i felt about you for the last few months”
“i mean that i thought for the last few months that i just liked you- a crush kind of. and that i wanted to go out with you” he quickly added when he saw the worry flash through your face, “i realised that if i only liked you then i wouldn’t have felt how i did today. and it made me realise that i love you a lot more than i thought. and i don’t want to just go out with you but i want to try to make sure you never feel like how you did today ever again”
“so basically what i’m trying to say is, i love you yn, and i hope someday i’ll be in love with you, and you the same for me” he finally looked you in the eyes.
it was a lot to take in at once. from the dinner, to jeonghan telling you he was your mystery admirer to him telling you he loved you- it was a long night to say the least.
you thought about it, and you definitely felt the same. you wouldn’t say you were in love with him, but you definitely loved him- and wanted to see what a future life with him was like. jeonghan was an amazing person, he’d been the one to bring you joy for the better part of your first year as a surgeon.
leaning over the stick shift, you gently pressed a kiss to the corner of his lip, smiling at his it curved upwards. you met his eyes before speaking, “i really really like you too- i think i might even love you. and i definitely want to be with you, jeonghan”
jeonghan smiled again, index finger tilting the underside of your jaw up bringing you closer to him and his lips to yours.
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“hannie? you ready yet?” you called out to your boyfriend, trying to decide on which necklace to wear.
you decided on the pearl one jeonghan had gotten for you on your anniversary, struggling a little as you tried to put it on yourself.
you felt the ends being taken from your own fingers as they secured the necklace in place, you looked through the mirror to see jeonghan, his hands now coming to circle your waist and pressing kisses on your neck from the back to the side, eventually making his way to your collarbone.
“han..” you sighed, smiling when his eyes met your own, “we don’t have much time left until we have to get there”
“i’m sure your sister won’t mind if we’re a little late” he said but pulled away anyway in favour of doing up your zip like you’d asked.
“oh yeah definitely” you said sarcastically before giggling at your boyfriend’s sulking, “come on, i’d rather my family doesn’t murder me for being late to my own sister’s wedding” in reality you knew you still had plenty of time and you definitely wouldn’t be late, but you still didn’t want to take any chances.
“if they try saying anything i’ll tell seungcheol to threaten them”
“what happened to the guy who once marched into my parents house and lectured them for ten minutes about how they should treat me better?” you teased him.
“he realised he’s scared your parents will end up saying no to him when he asks for their daughter’s hand in marriage” he laughed, his hands finding their way to his pockets while he kissed you again.
you tried to hide the fact that you were flustered by clearing your throat and checking your purse to make sure you had everything, but jeonghan saw right through you sending you a teasing look before grabbing his keys.
“hm?” you turned around to look at him.
“i love you” he smiled, warmth swimming in his brown eyes.
“i love you too” you walked over to him, pressing your lips to his own.
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siriusblackloml · 1 year
Day 4 - Neville Longbottom (Kinktober 2023)
𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 1500+
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: swearing, baby/babygirl nicknames, oral (male receiving), friends with benefits (MDNI 18+)
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist┊Day 5
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“I’ve never had a blowjob before.” Neville shrugged as he laid in his bed, staring at the ceiling.
You knew the moment the words slipped from Neville’s mouth, you just had to be the one to change that for him. I mean, that’s what best friends were for, obviously.
Your jaw dropped at the shocking news. Unsure as to how this topic of conversation even began in the first place, the two of you were simply sharing stories about your different experiences with people. Intimate moments, to be more specific. Apparently Neville had very few experiences; not to say he was a complete virgin or anything. He’s been around with a couple girls, but these same girls were not ones to really go down on him in that way. He shared a quick story about both experiences just ending with something else rather than a blowjob. Which at the time he was fine with, but since then he’s just wished he’d finally meet someone who would want to give him one.
Neville had been your best friend at Hogwarts since day one. You guys were closer than ever and it was truly shocking that you hadn’t tried making a move on him before (especially since you’ve been secretly crushing on him for years). What was even more shocking is that you didn’t know this about your best friend until just before the two of you graduated. You’re just now finding out he’s never had a blowjob before? It just sounds crazy in your mind.
Which is why you can’t really help the words that fly out of your mouth next. You sit on the edge of his bed and throw out a suggestion, silently hoping for the best. You tell him, “I can give you one if you want.”
Neville immediately shot up from his position on the bed, eyes widened from shock as he stared at you. His mouth was agape, jaw practically dropped to the floor. Your heart starts to pound faster and faster, wondering if you had made the right decision for saying that.
You could practically feel the boy’s stare burning holes into your skull as he sat there motionless. Itching to break the ice, you shift awkwardly on the bed and mumble, “Um, sorry. I shouldn’t have-”
“Yes. Wait, no. Actually, yeah. I want it to be you.” Neville barely contains his excitement now, trying hard not to stutter over his words. He’s inching closer to you on the bed to close the gap. “Please, Y/N. I-I just..really want it.”
His pathetic begging has your cheeks blushing hard. The way he whimpers your name has you wet already. You absolutely loved seeing this side to Neville and were mentally beating yourself up for not trying to discover this at an earlier point. Before you can say anything else, Neville is standing up from the bed and pulling on your arms, encouraging you to stand as well. He mumbles quickly, “I just want to see you on your knees already, please.”
Your heart drops and you could have sworn all the air in your chest was sucked out of you the moment he said those words. As pitiful as he was acting, you couldn’t help but comply and get to your knees in front of your best friend. You smile hard at him, looking up through your thick eyelashes as you say, “Okay, Neville. But I can’t guarantee I’ll be any good.”
Of course, you knew that couldn't be further from the truth. But he would soon figure that out for himself.
There’s an obvious bulge forming in Neville’s trousers. Seeing it up close, just inches from your face, makes you subconsciously lick your bottom lip. You’d been fantasizing about this moment for what felt like a million years. Heart racing, you pull back your hair and tie it into a low bun. Neville’s hands leave his sides and pull loose strands from your face to tuck them behind your ear. You look up at him, cheeks still dusted red and lips parted as you silently take in the scene that was unfolding before you.
“Please, Y/N, I want your mouth around my cock already.” He murmurs, fingers tracing your jawline. Your stomach twists and turns at his words. You could have sworn you felt high just sitting there on your knees in front of Neville. How the hell did he have this kind of power over you?
Nodding your head, you gleefully chime, “I’ll make you feel so good, baby.”
Neville groans at the nickname and bites his bottom lip. His hands travel to the top of your head to hold onto your hair while your own make their way up his big thighs. The moment your fingertips have touched his zipper, your heart skips a beat at the feeling of his hardened girth poking underneath the fabric.
You practically need to take in a deep breath as you unzip the clothing, pulling down his trousers and underwear all at once. His length escapes the confines of his pants and immediately shoots out in front of your face. The angry tip of his cock nearly smacks your cheek and you gasp, gawking at the size. He was…massive, to say the least. You watch it twitch in anticipation against his hard abdomen, yearning to be touched.
“W-Wow, Neville…fuck, you’re huge.” You mumble, reaching up to hold onto his length.
He hisses at the contact, his fingers slowly tangling themselves into your locks. You bat your eyes slowly and look up at him with sultry eyes, making him nearly combust on the spot. He whines, “Please, please, please-”
You don’t want to tease him for too long. This was his first blowjob, after all. He needed stability through this whole experience and you were going to be there to give it to him. You place your tongue against his tip and swipe it back and forth for a moment before opening your mouth wide enough to fit him. As you bring the head of his length to your lips, it brushes across your lower lip before being drawn into your mouth almost instantly. It seemed as though you couldn’t control your excitement. The knot in your stomach tightens as you take in more and more of the boy’s massive girth.
Slowly engulfing his length, you listen to the way Neville lets out a moan at the sensation of your spit, tongue, and lips gripping his cock. You bob your head back and forth at a slow pace to take in the taste of his pre-cum on your tongue. You hum at the experience, listening to Neville whine as you push even further down his member. He lets out a loud whine, telling you in an exasperated tone, "Merlin's beard, Y/N, you're fucking amazing. Suck my cock, babygirl, keep going."
Your throat tightens at the sensation of him being so deep within your mouth, and you expand your jaw as much as you can to force yourself down even deeper onto him. Given the enormous girth that was steadily working its way down your throat, you were unable to muster the willpower to respond to any of his statements. You can't help but relish the moment, despite the searing feeling that itched your throat as his tip touched it.
His groans, the taste of his member, and the simultaneous unraveling feeling of your own body all came together to make you feel like you were in heaven on earth. As time passed, the familiar knot in your gut became larger and larger. You groan into his girth, causing Neville's body to tense up even more from the pure pleasure of having you suck him off. He immediately thrusts into your mouth with succession of hearing you moan again, spitting out multiple swear words in the process. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! Y/N, use that tongue, babygirl. Keep going, I’m so close!”
You bob your head faster and faster, feeling the head of his cock nearly bruise the back of your throat. Gurgled noises escape your mouth with every thrust and tears build up around both your eyes. You look up at Neville through your wet eyelashes, and the moment you both make eye contact, it’s enough to make the boy lose his mind.
“G-Gonna, fuck, gonna cum- AH! Fuck, holy shit…” Neville yells out as his seed sprays the back of your throat. You can feel the veins running up and down his length pump out more and more liquid into your mouth, smiling at the feeling of how great it made you feel. Your throat violently throbs as he slowly pulls himself out of your wet cavern, smirking at the way you looked so fucked out just from the large size of his member.
“Did I do a great job?” You ask Neville, licking your lips as you watch him tuck his member back into his pants.
Neville has to sit on the bed, clearly out of breath from the whole experience. He pulls some hair out of his face and smiles broadly. Looking down at his best friend on the floor, he nods his head, “Of course you did. Fuck, why haven’t I asked you to give me a blowjob before?”
You shrug your shoulders, telling him in a sassy tone, “Well now you know where to get one.”
He can’t help but laugh at the (very true) statement. You join in and giggle, ignoring the fact that this possibly breached every rule about being best friends with a boy.
TAGLIST: @calmspencer, @baddiebbarbietngz, @slytherclaw1978, @serendipitous-fernweh, @pandanation24, @rachelreallyroars, @tinafuentes, @chvmpion-jack, @ethereallovr, @godknows-shetried, @waggoth, @ellieswhor3, @wildestdreamers-tv, @faefaes-world, @the-bean-stocks
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under-the-dirt · 10 months
Hi Liv, my dear mutual, who is hopefully warm right now, it's 29°F where I'm at, could I possibly have platonic 141 cuddles with reader to warm me up?
Take your time and stay warm :3
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me too!!! i’m so cold here it’s actually 19 degrees right now. it’s so cold in my house at night and i wish i had a big man to cuddle so i wouldn’t suffer!!! i’d put my ice cold hands between his thighs and cuddle into his chest like ahhhh i wish my bf was built like one of the cod men.. <3
ALSO!! i’m making this one dif bc the last one was rly hard 2 write <3
pairing: taskforce 141 x gn!reader
tags: fluff, cold reader, cuddle puddle, sorry if i suck at writing gaz he’s the only one i don’t simp for </3 UNDER 13 DNI
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Today was cold. Normally, you’d be okay, but the base’s heater was broken and you had no extra blankets to cuddle up with. You shivered beneath your thin blanket, curled up and cold.
John Price
You’re shivering in your room when he knocks on your door, opening it and seeing you all cold.
“Are ya cold?” You nod. “C’mere love.” He coos, crawling into your bed beside you, lifting the covers and climbing under. He wraps his large arms around your waist, calming your shivering almost instantly as his warmth seeps into you. You sigh as he pulls you to his chest, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead and wrapping the blankets tighter around you.
“Thank you,” You whisper, and he chuckles, the vibrations running through your body and causing you to smile as well.
“Oh it’s no problem, I’m a little chilly too,” He chuckles, resting his chin in your hair and closing his eyes.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
He knocks on your door, expecting to find you doing some work or dancing like you do, surprised when he sees your shivering beneath the covers. He’d known it was cold in the base, but he’d just gotten used to it. The cold never really bothered him. He’d always run rather hot, as he was a large man, so he didn’t need heaters and excess blankets. Who knew such a thing could become such a gift, able to warm you up!
He crawled into your bed, wrapping his arms around your waist, turning you to face him and pulling you to his chest as he rubbed your lower back gently. He pretended not to notice as you nuzzled into him, curling up in his arms like a cat, your shivering ceased and you now happy and warm. He responded to your whispered thanks with a grunt, although he was quite happy on the inside.
John “Soap” Mactavish
He’d been annoyed by the cold, always preferring to be warm and cozy. He’d assumed the same about you when he saw you shivering in a hoodie around base before retreating to your room, not leaving for anything. So, why wouldn’t he go help out his little bird?
He opened your door, and as expected, you were shaking like a leaf beneath your thin blankets.
“Ye mus’ be freezin’ wi’ those thin blankets, aren’ ye?” He chuckles, tossing off his shoes and climbing into your bed, pulling you close to his chest. “Feelin better, aye?” He asks, and you respond with a nod.
“Yeah, thanks.”
“Anytime, lovie.” He coos, closing his eyes as you nuzzle into his arms and fall asleep.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
He knew, after seeing you grab a blanket and run off to your room, that you were freezing. They all knew it was cold, you were just more susceptible, he supposed. So, naturally, he went to your room to find you hiding beneath your blankets, teeth chattering.
“Oh love, all cold aren’t we?” He coos, climbing into your bed and rubbing your arm. “Don’t worry.”
He climbs beneath the covers, turning you to face him and pulling you into his chest and stroking your hair gently as you fall asleep.
“There we go, much better,” He chuckles, and you nod.
“Thank you.”
“No problem, love.”
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AHHH I WAS SO SCARED TO WRITE GAZ!!! IDKHOW BC I DON’T LOOK INTO HIS CHARACTER ALL THAT MUCH WASAHHH SOMEONE HELP ME IMPROVE MY GAZ WRITINGF anyways that’s a fun one!! asks cleared finally and i can stop feeling bad abt it!!
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xstarrgirllx · 2 years
mystery solved
xavier thorpe x outcast fem!reader
summary: bianca is having a halloween party in the quad and you and your friends go as the scooby gang.
warnings: best friends to lovers, throat fucking, p in v (no condom), reverse cowgirl, groping, hair pulling kink, hand kink, size kink, squirting, name calling; baby, bunny, & slut, not proof read, most likely misspelling.
writers note: i’m not good at smut so it kinda sucks but i got inspired by a tiktok
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becoming friends with xavier was the best thing you could’ve ever done. he was everything you could ever want in a best friend and more. you’ve two known each other for only 5 and a half years but it feels like longer. you grown up together. you went through puberty together. through all the hard times. you stuck together through whatever and it would always be that way.
and tonight was the night. halloween. what everyone has been waiting for. mostly because bianca has been raving about how fun the party is going to be. and partly because of the fact that it was the girls time to wear something sexy and the boys time to openly ogle at them.
you were really excited because this year you, xavier, yoko, ajax and enid were all gonna be the scooby gang. you were velma, xavier was shaggy, wednesday was scooby, enid was daphne and ajax was fred. enid had to beg wednesday to be scooby because her costume was a onesie and had color.
after 2 days of begging and puppy dog eyes from enid, wednesday eventually gave in. how could she not. she was in love with her. they were perfect for each other. you wish you had something like that. every guy that’s ever liked you just wanted to get in your pants. you kinda gave up on trying to find someone. if it was meant to be, he would come to you.
you were putting on your orange thigh high socks when xavier comes in. “heyy, you ready?” “almost” you respond. “like my outfit?” you ask teasingly. your red pleated mini skirt and tight orange long sleeve shirt showing off your curves in the best way possible. “it’s very revealing.” “ but it’s cute, don’t ya think?” he stalks closer to you and holds you close to him “of course bunny.” you loved that nickname.
he said he called you that because of how little you are compared to him. but you knew he liked it. xavier always found a way to tease you about how short you are but if you think about it you really aren’t that short. he’s just massive. you would be lying if you said that that didn’t make you hot though.
and the fact that you two were always touching didn’t help. you knew he was handsome. anyone who had eyes knew he was handsome. you didn’t necessarily like that others found him attractive too but it’s not like you could do much. you were just best friends.
he sways you both side to side. “xaviii we gotta go. we’re gonna be late.” “okay okay, hurry up.” you rush to put your red mary janes on and grab xavier’s hand running out of the door. “this is going to be the best party ever.” “yeah” he slowly replies looking you up and down. having to stop himself from palming his growing erection.
you guys met the rest of the scooby gang on your way to the quad. enid smirks “oh velma i think you dropped your glasses.” the blonde hits your glasses on the ground. “careful, i don’t want them to break.” you bend down to pick up, unknowingly in front of xavier. he eyes your bent form for a little too long. neither of you noticing the looks between the others.
they all knew somehow, someway you two would get together. enid could see how you look at the tall boy. admiring him. she knew of your ‘not so secret’ secret affections for the boy behind you. “come on, let’s party!” ajax yells as you put your glasses back on and walk into the loud room.
you’re all welcomed with hundreds of students dancing. yoko and divina were by the drinks, of course making her famous mojitos. bianca was flirting with some guy in our grade and kent was dirty dancing with a vamp.
you make your way to yoko and divina. “heyy how are you guys?” “great” they both answer. “how about you y/n/n?” “good but i could be better. if only i had one of the best mojito in my hand right now.” you hint. “coming right up.” yoko chuckles.
a boy with dark black hair and suit on joins you. josh. “hey y/n, would you like to accompany me to a dance?” “uh no thanks.” you turn away disgusted by his attempts. “you sure?” he grabs at your wrist. “yeah i’m sure.” you rip your arm away from his tight grip and make your way back to xavier.
he was sitting down on the ledge of the water fountain. “hi shaggy” you run your hand through his hair. “hi velma” he pulls you on his lap and you put your hand around his shoulders.
a new song starts to play and you start to move to the beat. smiling, laughing, talking, drinking. you were tipsy but you were having fun. you hadn’t left xavier’s lap. though he had to calm you down before you feel him rock hard against you.
just the idea of your clothed heat moving up and down his cock made his mind go wild. he places his hands on your waist. you don’t notice and he tights his grip on your skirt, accidentally making it rise. you look back at him catching his gaze as he stares at the skin of your ass. “you okay?” that’s when you realize that there’s something hard under you.
xavier quickly let’s go of your hips and acts like he wasn’t looking, but you knew. maybe it was the alcohol or the loud music making your heart race but you put his hands back on your skirt and slowly lift it up. giving him a better view without letting anyone else see. you twist around and kiss him. he immediately kissed back, tightening his grip.
you start grinding against him making him even harder if that was possible. you pull away and start kissing his neck. he whimpers but low enough for only you to hear. “we shouldn’t be doing this.” “you’re right” you agree but you don’t stop your actions. after marking him with a few purple bruises you begin palming his erection with your hands.
“i want you” you truthfully let out. “but-“ you cut xavier off and kiss him again. continuing to palm him, you unbutton his tan cargos. looking around to make sure no one was looking at you two before pulling his cock out. at least you thought no one was looking but did it really matter. everyone was drunk and most likely wouldn’t remember.
but this is something you want to remember. “bunny…” you move your small hands up and down his shaft making xavier groan. he bites your bottom lip causing you moan into his mouth. “fuck” he throws his head back. you turn back around and rub him against your clothed pussy.
“god you feel so good. gonna be so tight” he moves your panties to the side and grinds against you bare. his top hitting your clit with each push. you couldn’t stop whimpering. you didn’t even care that you were in public now.
xavier lifts your hips up right above his and slams you down on cock. before you could scream, he places a hand on your mouth and turns your head to look you in the eyes. “don’t want anyone to know what we’re doing right?” he lets go the second you nod.
he starts to snap his hips against yours. feeling him deeper. “be quiet.” he tells you firmly. you start to feel desperate. you want more. you need more. this wasn’t enough. you suddenly get up off of him and tuck him away before grabbing his hand.
“what are you doing?” “finding a better spot shaggy.” you inform him and run to the closest bathroom. locking the door behind you. he pulls himself back out and bends you over again. “you don’t know how long i’ve been waiting to fuck this cunt.” “then do it.. please” “aww my little bunny” he gropes your ass.
impatiently you push back against him. xavier wanted to take his time with you but was just as needy as you. groaning as he pushes back into you. “i love this pussy” you smile at the compliment and start fucking your self on him. “yeah just like that.”
“you’re so big” he wasn’t your first but damn was he the biggest. you have never seen anything bigger than 6 inches and he seemed like 8. he takes hold of your hair and pulls you back against him. bucking his hips up into yours. your eyes roll as you hear the slapping of your skin. his balls hitting your clit perfectly.
you moan and can’t help but clench around him. “such a tight pussy. all mine.” “yeah yeah all yours.. xavii” you start to lose yourself in the pleasure. he fastens his pace and you begin to see stars. “fuckk i’m gonna-“ the tall boy cuts you off now “i know baby. do it. cum around my cock.” it was too much. you couldn’t handle this much.
you black out for a few mins as xavier fucks into you, trying to find his own release. “oh bunny, you squirted on me.” he tells you, watching through the mirror as you come back to reality. the over stimulation was becoming painful good. you start to feel another pit in your stomach. building faster and faster by the second. next thing you know you’re squirting all over xavier once again.
“god just making a mess all over my cock. aww is it too much for you baby?” he pouts and feigns sympathy. “xavi-“ your eyebrows furrow. “just one more time baby. you can do it for me.” “wanna swallow” you moan out. “fuck, you’re such a slut for me. gonna swallow every last drop like a good girl, huh?” he asks you roughly slapping your ass.
he hits you a few more times due to you being too caught up in pleasure to answer. “answer me.” “yes! yes i’ll be a good g-girl” “good. now kneel.” you gain enough strength to pull yourself off xavier and on your knees. you start to kitten lick at him but that wasn’t enough. “come on baby. you can do better than that.”
you slowly lower your head on his cock. you moan at the taste of yourself. “is my bunny to dumb to suck me like a good girl?” you shake your head while he’s still inside you. but he knew you were lying. “hm lemme show you how good girls take it.” he takes your hair in his hand once again and starts to ravishly fuck into your throat.
you feel his cock twitch in your mouth meaning he was close. your breath gets caught and you start to gag. saliva running down your chin and onto your shirt. xavier didn’t care though. at least not right now. right now was his time. he was giving you what you want. your nose hits his pelvis and he cums down your throat. “fuckk bunny. did so good for me. took it so well.”
he pulls you off his cock and rubs your cheek with his thumb. watching as you slowly blink your eyes at him. “so pretty.” you weakly smile at him. he helps you up and cleans you with a hand towel. “thank you” you finally say as you regain your strength. “of course bunny.” he kisses you passionately. you kiss back hugging his waist.
xavier let’s go. hugging you tightly and kisses your head. “i love you xavi” you tell him. “i wanna be with you” he looks down at you, shocked. he eventually grins. “i love you too bunny. and i’d love to be with you.” you kiss once more. after attempting to look like nothing had happened, you both walk out of the bathroom. holding hands and blushing.
“oh look who it is.” ajax says with his arms crossed. “mystery solved.” wednesday joins in with enid by her side. “oh uh hey guys. what’s up.” you nervously ask. “nothing much, you?” enid shares a knowing look with you. “nothing.” “oh really? then why were you in the bathroom together?” ajax asks already knowing the answer.
“just fighting some ghosts, ya know” shaggy tells the gang. “oh yeah i bet.” ajax squints. you all laugh and return back to the party.
the end
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mikalei · 1 year
————————— Murder in My Mind +18
Killer!Husband!Scaramouche x fem!reader
Modern au
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Synopsis: your work as a detective was never easy; you have been assigned to another murder case and was tasked to find and apprehend this killer, but what if it was someone you never expected—what if it was someone closer to you than you think…
tw: ya’ll thought it was fluff at first but it’s not lol, eventual smut, mentions of death, killings, knife, blood, violence, psychotic behavior, weird obsessive behavior,; contains: sexual activity, vaginal sex, oral sex, creampie, vaginal fingering, shower sex, rough sex, marking, biting, tit sucking, cunnilingus..
cw: no use of Y/n, implied female reader, Scara calls reader “darling, my love,gorgeous, and my wife”, Scara is secretly a psycho but we still love him, not proofread.
part i: masterlist ; next
A/n: based on a c.ai bot made by Haniyyah (click hyperlink to visit their tt page, don’t forget to follow them!). If you’re reading this, I love how you write your bots. The prompt and idea was all from their Killer Scaramouche bot, this fic is based solely on what I encounter while using it. (Also I didn’t add the twins part in this story, I don’t want traumatised childrens on my fic just yet). Also sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes, I haven’t written anything for 2 years, I’m still getting the hang of it.
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Inserting my keys to open our front door as another stressful shift has finally came to an end,I couldn’t wait to plop myself to the soft mattress of my bed and snuggled against my lovely husband; that’s all I could wish for right now.
As I heard the door clicked, indicating that the once locked door is finally open,I turned the knob and went inside.I was welcomed by the warm and cozy atmosphere of my humble abode as I dropped my bag and coat at the doorstep.
“I’m home…” I said softly, my voice clearly shows how tired I am as I look at the analog clock in our living room’s wall.
2:17 am
The clock said, I let out a sigh as I sat on our couch. I let another sigh as I lean further more on the couch, closing my eyes. I sat there contemplating whether I have enough energy left to go up to our room and get changed into something more comfortable or just sleep on the couch for today.
I was about to do the latter when a pair of strong hands were placed on both of my shoulders, slowly massaging it. A small smile appears on my face as I slowly open my eyes again. There I see, standing behind the couch was my husband—Scaramouche, who is now towering over me. He looks like he just woke up as he still got a tired expression on his face. He leans in and kissed my forehead before speaking
“D’you just got home?” He asked as he sat down next to me, still sleepy as he wraps his arms around my waist and hides his face on the crook of my neck. I gently played with his soft messy hair. This is one of those moments that if I weren’t already tired, I would’ve swooned and obsessed over how adorable he is at this state.
I let out a soft hum while I continue stroking his hair. After a few moment of silence he speaks again.
“And how’s work? You’ve been coming home very very late” I can already sense his pout even if his face is hidden on the crook of my neck. “He is such a big baby.” I thought to myself.
“I know, I’m sorry. But work has been very stressful lately especially the occuring murder cases of multiple men around our age. We still don’t know if this is just coincidental or a serial killer has been on the loose since each victim has a different cause of death, the only thing that connects them to each other is that they were all at the same age, and work at a cafe or restaurant located near our workplace. And on top of that, the manager on my department kept bugging me lately, always asking me to go out to get some drinks after work and everytime I’ll reject his offer, he’ll assign me to more cases and telling me to take the overtime to finish other reports.” I kept ranting, my husband now looking at me intently as he listens to me vent all my problems.
But there is one thing that Scaramouche can ‘t shake off, your manager has been asking you out? As soon as he heard what you said, his mind instantly started to come up with a plan on how to “fix” this problem of yours.
I kept ranting and soon it has come to a stop. I let out another sigh as I felt my head ache from all the stress, I reached in to massage it to help ease some of the nerves to which Scaramouche notice immediately as he plant kisses on my forehead again.
“Wanna take a shower?” Scaramouche offers as he took over massaging my forehead. I let out a sigh of relief and closed my eyes as I felt his hands work its magic on my aching nerves.
“Only if you join me” I answered boldly, my husband’s hands has come to a stop as he process what I’d just said. I opened my eyes again as I look at him confusedly. There he is, looking at me with a dorky grin on his face, he look like a child who just found what he’s gonna get for Christmas. Before I can even say anything, Scaramouche already had scooped me up from the couch and carried me to our bathroom.
Once he had kicked the bathroom door open, he proceeded to push me against the wall, locking me in a passionate kiss, as his fingers work their way to open the buttons of my blouse. Once he finally got my top off, he then undid the zippers of my skirt as he pull it down along with the stockings I wore underneath it, almost tearing it apart.
He pulled away from the kiss to stare at my body, as he eyed the matching two-piece lingerie set I wore, before attacking my neck. He bit and suck on my skin, leaving small to medium red marks, before trailing down to my chest. His fingers unclasped my bra, and as soon as my breast has come to sight, I swear I saw a shiny glint in his eyes as he didn’t hesitate to capture my tit with his mouth while he massage the other. My hands flew to his hair, tangling the strands on my fingers as kept sucking on my boobs, his tongue playing with the bud. I couldn’t help but mewl at the pleasure I’m receiving, the mixture of stress and horniness gives me a different kind of pleasure that I’ve never felt for a long time.
My moans echoed through the spacious bathroom, making soon conscious at how loud I was, I was about to cover my mouth with my hand when I was stopped by my husband. I look at him confusedly as he glares at me, his right hand is still playing with my tits while his left was pinning my hand to the wall.
“Don’t. Cover. Them…. Wan’ to hear how good I make you feel” He said as he pants, it’s obvious that he breathless from continuously sucking on breast like a starved infant. When I show him that I have no intention of covering my moans, he gave my tits one last suck before he turn his back from me to open the warm water of our shower.
Right, we were supposed to be showering before everything went down.
Scaramouche immediately stripped himself of from his clothes and then went back to me to pull down my panties off. I stare at his toned body, god how I missed him. My mouth waters at the sight, my gaze lowers as I saw his hardened cock, hitting his stomach. From the sight alone I feel my wetness flowing down my thighs, my thighs unconsciously clamped together.
My husband looked at me and immediately smirked at how I was reacting upon seeing him naked. He lets out a soft chuckle that which snaps me out of my thoughts. “Darling, you’re staring… I might just melt if you stare at me long enough” He whispered on my ears, his voice sounds like it dropped a few octave at how low and seductive it is.
I blushed when I realised what I was doing and instantly hides my face in my hand. Scara looked at me and mutters a soft “cute” before stepping inside the shower. “Care to join me now, my love?” He said, I stumbled on my words to say “yes” before stepping inside on the shower too.
I watched as water droplets flow down the crevices of his muscles, I didn’t realize I was staring down until I felt his fingers tilt my chin up, as he pulls me to another passionate kiss. He wraps his arms around my waist as I wrap mine around his neck. He pulls me closer as he bit on my lower lip making me gasps. He then take my reaction to his advantage to slip his tongue inside my mouth.
Soon, I felt the need to breathe once again as I try to break free from his kisses, but to my luck, his arms had kept me from going anywhere, my hands are now on his chest, trying to push him away, but only when I started tapping on his shoulders did he decided to break away.
Both of us are panting heavily at the intense make out, Scara gave me a bashful look before muttering a sorry.
“Sorry, I might’ve enjoyed it a bit too far…” He scratched the back of his neck shyly. i giggled at how fast he can change from being this sexy man to a sweet one. “Turn around for me now will you, love? ‘M gonna scrub your back” he said as he took the soap from it’s rack and helped me turn my back towards him. Soon I felt the soap making contact to my skin, as he massages the slippery material on my back, but, somehow his mind must’ve wandered off to somewhere as his hands are now, not massaging my back, but are massaging my breast once again.
The action took me off guard as his touch becomes harsher and harsher. Soon, he pulled me against him once again, my back is leaning against his chest, as his hard cock is grinding on my ass. “Wait, Scara-“ I stutter as one of his hands went down from massaging my tits to now drawing circles on my clitoris, while his other continues its ministrations on my chest. “ ‘m sorry darling… I-hah… can’t wait… any longer” he groans right next to my ear as his dick grinds on my ass, trying to put get more friction. His slender fingers has now found their way inside my sopping cunt as he thrust two digits in a scissor motion.
“Please, put it in-hah-already” I said as I can feel myself getting closer to my climax. It’s amazing how with just fingers he can already reach that part inside me that can make my eyes roll to the back of my head. But, my pleads fell on deaf ears as he kept on fingering me, inserting one more finger; there are now three fingers inside me and my moans just gotten louder and louder. I kept on pleading and pleading but he kept denying my request.
“I will darling… I will… if you cum on my fingers then I promise, I’ll fuck you ‘till you can’t fucking stand anymore” Something inside me snaps after he had said those words to me. I can’t remember what happens but all I know is by the next few minutes, I was screaming and moaning his name like a prayer, as my legs wobble at the intense pleasure I’m getting just by his fingers.
I couldn’t comprehend what was happening anymore as the coil in my stomach finally snaps. Only then I found out what’s happening. I look at Scara, and he has this amazed look on his face that soon morphs into a satisfied one.
“Wow, you just squirted just by my fingers. Was my fingers that good? Heh, now you’re just stroking my ego” He said as he pull out his fingers out of my pussy. “Why don’t we try to do that one more time, but this time I want you to squirt on my cock, can you do that darling” He said in a dark yet sweet tone as he kisses my cheeks. Before I can even process what he had just said, he already picked me up, wrapping my legs on his waist as he lines his tip to my entrance, before fully inserting his whole dick inside me.
My eyes immediately rolled back as I felt how big he is. Scara took in the sight with a smirk on his face, enjoying my reaction. “God fucking damnit, you’re so tight! This is the reason why you should stop working overtime… so I can mold your fucking cunt with my dick.” Scaramouche said as he started thrusting up in a steady pace.
I can’t even speak anymore, my brains has finally turned into mush as he fucks me harder and harder. All of my knowledge has been reduced to just being fucked by my husband. I’ve turn into a blabbering mess as he makes me lean against the wall as he continue thrusting inside me, I felt a familiar coil in my stomach.“Mmph- ah going too-ah… cum again” I said with all my remaining strength. My vision is now clouded as he fucks me in a ruthless pace now.“Can you hold it for me darling? Wanna come with you…yeah… let’s cum together, my love” I whimpers as I tried to hold it in much longer, Scara started thrusting at an even faster pace.
“Can’t…hold…anymore… Scara” I whine as tears flooded my eyes, this is too much now, I am way to overstimulated from all of this. “I know you can darling… just a bit more” Scara started to suck on my neck again, leaving even more hickeys around it, as he trails down to suck on my tits again which just added more pleasure.
And to top all of that, one of Scara’s hands was placed once again on clit, his finger kept on teasing and playing the small bud with sends pleasure through my body like a shockwave. At this point, my whole body is shaking, I am holding on to his shoulders for my dear life because my legs are already trembling— no, I literally can’t balance myself on my feet anymore as he kept abusing my pussy.
The sound of our loud moans and his balls slapping against my skin is the only thing that can be heard through the entire night. Tears are rolling down my cheeks, was it from the intense pleasure or the fact that I am in dire need of that sweet release? Maybe a mixture of both.
“Scara…” I whine once again, and the next words I heard from my dear husband made me feel relieved. “Go ahead my love, come for me” He grunts as he thrust into me faster.
A loud moan escapes my lips as I once again had squirted on his cock, my eyes rolled back in ecstasy as Scara continued thrusting inside me, I can feel his dick twitching inside me, and soon, he had released his loads inside me. He thrust a few more times, making sure that his cum reached the deepest part of my hole before pulling out. Some of his semen fell out, to which he pushed back inside using his fingers.
“You’re such a good girl for me” He kissed my forehead as he proceed to clean us up and drying us both with a towel. The fatigue has now gotten to me and as soon as my body made contact with the soft mattress of our bed, I was out like a light.
Scara looked at his wife’s sleeping figure. “God even in her sleep, she still looks beautiful” as he admire his wife, he remembers that he has someone he needs to pay a “visit”. He helped his wife get into a much comfortable position and as soon as he finished tucking her to sleep, he looks for his wife’s phone.
As he unlocked her phone, the first notification that appeared was from his wife’s manager. “Perfect” Scaramouche thought as he clicked on the notification. It directed him to the manager’s text messages to his wife, which only made his blood boil even more.
There has been an ongoing pattern on the manager’s text where the manager will text his wife about work-related issues, followed by asking them out to go to a club or bar, and when his wife rejects him, he’ll tell her to spend the overtime to finish some reports, then after a few more hours, the manager will drunk-text his wife and sending her the location of the bar he is in.
And that is exactly what his latest message was. Scaramouche has a dark smile on his face now as he save the location to his own phone, before clicking the “mark as unread” option on the manager’s text message on his wife’s phone.
After changing into a dark outfit, he gives his wife one last kiss on the cheeks before heading towards where this drunk manager is getting a drink.
Upon arriving at the location, Scara smiles to himself once again as he saw the familiar manager, drunkenly wobbling to an alley. “Poor guy… didn’t even know his life will end today” He thought as he follows the drunkard to the same alley after scanning for any cctvs or bystanders. When he confirms that the coast is clear, he went into the alleyway, only to find the drunk manager pissing himself.
“Tsk how disgusting” Scara thought as he observe the naive man whose back is turned around, leaving him vulnerable. Quietly, Scara took a closer step, knife in hand, once he was directly behind the drunk man, he immediately stabs him in his side, while covering his mouth to mute any noise that might raise suspicion.
As the man bleeds to death on the ground, Scara took the man’s phone and opens it. Scaramouche felt sick as he saw that even the man’s lockscreen wallpaper is a picture of you. “What kind of sick obsession do you have to my wife… and let me guess, you’re password is her birthday isn’t it?” The man just stared at him shockingly which confirms Scara’s suspicion as he enters his wife’s birthday on the passcode.
His blood is boiling even more at how sick this manager is. Scara looks down at the man dying on the floor as he noticed that the man’s dick is still out.
Oh yeah he stabs him while he is pissing himself off…
Scara scoff as he steps on the man’s dick. “You obsess over my wife, asking her to go out with you when you have this pathetic bean sprout for a dick, pfft, how can you even satisfy a goddess like her with this thing?” He kept crushing the guy’s balls as the man can only groan in pain.
Scara looks back at the man and noticed that the man’s wallet is poking out of his pockets. Curious, he look inside the wallet and saw a clip of fresh and crisp stack of money amounting up to 500k. Scara smiles to himself as he looks at the notes.
“You rich bastard, thankfully you got a lot of cash in you right? A perfect way to cover the fact that you have a small dick” he laughs to himself once again, unfortunately the man is now but just a lifeless body. Scara’s face become serious. “Oh you’re dead already? Such a shame, I was still not done making fun of your small penis just yet. But the sooner you die, the better. And also, I’m keeping this money, I’m pretty sure my lovely wife will appreciate a nice vacation after the hell you put her through at work” Scaramouche said as he stuffs the money in his wallet.
Before leaving he makes sure that the scene before him looked more like the victim got mugged by some criminal and not murdered because the now dead man hits on his wife. Once Scara was satisfied, he got rid of the evidence like the blood on the knife was cleaned off by hydrogen peroxide, his clothes doesn’t have any blood on them, but he clean them off too.
Once he arrived at his house, he checked the clock and saw that it’s still early in the morning. And from their previous “activity”, he is sure that his darling wife would be sleeping till noon, Scara made sure of it, it was all in his plan, starting from when you mentioned that your manager has been asking you out. It was all part of his plan. He thought to himself as he lay beside his sleeping wife.
When they woke up later, he is going to suprise her with the best vacation day ever. Scara smiles to himself once more before drifting off to sleep.
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extra notes: Yay, a new fic done. Here are a few facts I fail to mention about the fic
Scaramouche has a job (other than being a killer) , he is an engineer
When I wrote “It was all part of his plan”, I meant that Scara planned to have sex with the reader (his wife) because he knows she’s already tired from work and if he tire her out even more then she’ll be asleep the whole time, which mean Scara don’t have to worry about her waking up while he kills people.
This fic will be a series because this is all I can do for today.
That would be all! Thank you for reading, please leave a like and follow me for more. Also my asks are open, so if you have any request I’m glad to try and fulfill it! Hope you like this part! Mika out :3
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blueicequeen19 · 9 months
Thinkin’ Bout Me
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Warnings: making out, heavy petting, talk of partying and alcohol, talk of hookups, mostly inspired by Thinkin Bout You by Morgan Wallen 💦🤍
It didn’t matter where you went or what you were doing, he was always there.
Watching. Waiting. Wanting.
Everything reminded you of him no matter how hard you tried to drown him out. Everything smelled like him. Felt like him. Tasted like him.
You pulled away from Rafe, the familiar taste of Fireball on his tongue. Everyone you knew hated Fireball except one person yet now, it was what Rafe decided he was drinking for the night.
“What’s wrong, darlin’?” Rafe drawled, his hands low on your waist as he pulled you in for more. Your eyes locked on the seething Pogue across the room as you gave Rafe your neck instead. You could smell the weed on Rafe’s collar and it only drove you further mad.
JJ was hitting his vape like there was no tomorrow and downing whatever was in his cup while he glared back at you. The dark look in his eyes and the firm set to his jaw only made it harder to look away. At least he seemed like he cared for once.
“Let’s go upstairs.” Rafe purred in your ear, his hands grabbing your ass as he pressed his mouth to yours. You didn’t want to taste the Fireball but he didn’t give you much of a choice. It instantly reminded you of the time you and JJ got so drunk off it that you did body shots off eachother before an intense, sloppy hook up.
“I’ll meet you upstairs.” You pushed at Rafe’s chest until he took a step back, giving him a tight smile before he nodded and stumbled off to find an empty room. You immediately bolted, running out the side door of the massive Kook mansion and through the trees where you’re parked. You didn’t make it far before ringed fingers snagged your wrist and yanked you back.
“Where are you running off too? Both of your boyfriends are here.” JJ snapped, letting you rip your hand free to shove him chest.
“Fuck you.” You snarled, attempting to flee again only for him to shove you against a tree.
“No, fuck you.” JJ growled in your face, the Fireball on his breath almost making you whimper. You turned your head, hating the effect he always had on you.
“What’s wrong, babe? Thought you’d be able to forget about me? That you’d crawl under someone else and forget?” JJ gripped your jaw, making you face him again.
“Too fucking bad.”
“Stop it.”
“Every time you close your eyes, tell me, who do you see?”
“When you're tastin' what he's drinkin', are you thinkin' bout me?” Your eyes widen at the realization. He must’ve given Rafe the Fireball to fuck with you. JJ smiles widely and you slap his chest.
“I hate you!”
“You wish you hated me.” You shove JJ’s chest and he laughs, securing both your wrists with one hand above your head, his chest firmly pressed against yours.
“I remember licking Fireball off your clit.” JJ’s voice was lower as he pressed his growing erection against your stomach. “I licked it off every square inch of your body and you begged me for more.” You shook your head, hating how good he felt and how right he was.
“I sucked on your perky little nipples until they were nice and sore. And still you begged me to keep going. Please fuck me, JJ. I need it. Give me your cock. I need to feel you inside me.” JJ taunted, the anger still in his voice before running his tongue up the side of your neck while your blood ran hot.
“Then I spread your legs and I pushed inside you until your eyes rolled back in your fucking head. You came so hard while screaming my name that I’m surprised you can remember any name that’s not mine.” JJ’s hand cupped your pussy hard through your shorts, making you whimper against him.
“So when you’re in his bed, am I in your head?” You finally get the courage to turn your head only for him to slam his mouth against yours in a wet, toy curling kiss that tasted just how you knew it would. JJ pulls away too soon, stepping back to leaving you panting and aching for more.
“I bet I am now.”
Then he’s gone.
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fortheloveofarchons · 6 months
The morning after with Xiao
Inspired by GraveASMR on Youtube!
- Smut - Hickeys - Scratches - Edging - Pre-cum - Xiao having possessive behaviour - Xiao being a top - Aether being a sub
The morning light filters softly through the thinly-veiled curtains, casting a warm glow upon the room as Aether stirs awake, enveloped in the comfort of tangled sheets and the lingering warmth of shared intimacy. As his consciousness slowly returns, Aether finds himself in the presence of someone close to his heart.  
With a content sigh, he stretches his body, but only stops midway when he feels a stinging sensation on his back, and an aching feeling on his whole body. The faint murmurs of the golden finches’ chirps drift through the open window, a gentle melody that accompanies the soft rise and fall of Xiao’s breathing. The yaksha’s features are softened in the gentle light, half of his face is buried in the pillow, his arms tucking inside the pillow for warmth while his back is revealed with some of Aether’s scratches. 
Longing fills Aether. 
With a gentle touch, Aether brushes a stray lock of hair from Xiao’s face, he wants to be the person to make Xiao feel comfortable– wants to be the person who wakes Xiao with a morning kiss. 
Heck, he’d even take soft kisses, gentle kisses, hotter kisses if those kisses meant that he could continue where they left off last night.  
But Aether knows that there is work to do. Can’t keep Katheryne, the receptionist of the Adventurers’ Guild waiting. 
And so does Xiao, whose title is called the ‘Conqueror of Demons’. 
As Aether is about to sit upright to prepare breakfast for Xiao, the rustles of the sheets and Aether’s movement stirs Xiao awake, watching his golden-haired partner about to stand. 
“Hey…” Xiao immediately grabs Aether’s arm, pulling him back to bed. “Come back. Where do you think you’re going?” 
“Oh! Good morning Xiao,” Aether turns to Xiao, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Sorry to bother you up this early, but I was going to prepare you breakfast and head off for commissions.”
“Oh, you want to go do your commissions already.” Xiao’s arm wraps around Aether’s waist, preventing him from leaving. “Look at you Aether, you can barely stand on your own two legs. Especially after what I did to you last night.”
As memories of the night before dance through his mind, desire curls low in Aether’s gut. 
“Aether… You really look ravishing like this, I wish I could see more of this side of you when we are in bed.” 
With Xiao’s soft fingers on Aether’s cheek, along with his left hand sinking into his fluffy, unbraided golden hair, Aether couldn’t help but lean his head onto Xiao’s right hand, licking his thumb, sucking it gently, tasting him.  
Xiao exhales heavily, seeing Aether’s eyes drifting shut to ecstasy. Just a few moments ago, Aether was holding onto Xiao’s body tight as the yaksha bites his neck and chest, leaving wet trails of saliva and hot bites being marked on Aether’s body. Xiao could still feel that stinging pain from Aether’s nails clawing into his back. 
He could imagine that Aether would leave more scratches when Xiao is inside of him. 
“We can’t forget your precious thighs now, can we?” 
A strangled sound catches in Aether’s throat as Xiao’s hand travels down to Aether’s shaft, half-hard and already aching from Xiao’s hot kisses and bites. Xiao is aware that Aether is an immortal like him, surely Aether knows what he’s doing with many years of living, but Xiao did not expect him to be… shy, and a little uncertain.
Aether was the one to make flirty attempts to Xiao, after all. The blonde-haired outlander has to be somewhat experienced.  
Yet, Aether immediately arches into his touch, tears coming out of his eyes from the overwhelming emotion of being edged on. It didn’t help him much when Xiao started to leave kisses on his inner thigh, leaving bites on them. 
Xiao then lifts his head up, and his left hand travels down to Aether’s neck, curving around the back of his neck. He then draws Aether close for a slow kiss, a lingering one, one that makes soft little sounds of pleasure against Aether’s lips. 
Looking down, Xiao could see Aether’s own precum dribbling down to the side of his thigh. Xiao’s teeth then bite into Aether’s lower lip.
“I would call you beautiful, dear traveller.” Xiao says, his voice a low and wicked rumble when he calls Aether as ‘traveller’. 
“But they say that beauty is on the inside and… I haven’t been inside you yet.” 
Aether gasps, his hips jerking hard on Xiao’s....
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bvbygrl-writes · 4 months
Good Luck, Babe!
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Pairing: Pansy Parkinson x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: My new laptop is here! Happy Pride (from one queer to another)! I've had this idea since I heard this song and I love Pansy BADD. Based off the song Good Luck, Babe! by Chappell Roan.
Warnings: Angst, Smut if you squint realllly hard, comphet, doesn't follow the canon story line bc I didn't include the war
(y/n)= your name
(l/n)= last name
(e/c)= eye color
(h/c)= hair color
(y/h/h)= your hogwarts house
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It's fine, it's cool
You can say that we are nothing, but you know the truth
And guess I'm the fool
With her arms out like an angel through the car sunroof
Pansy nodded along absentmindedly to whatever the bloke she was currently sitting next to was saying. She was thankful of how loud the music was as it almost tuned out the ear piercing sounds of him drunkenly blabbing on about something she personally didn’t give two fucks about. No, she was far more focused on finding the girl she held dear and close to her heart. Even in a crowded room like this one, she was always able to spot her (h/c) hair, styled to perfection. She watched as her lover took another large swig from a bottle on the table of drinks. And as if she could feel the slytherin’s eyes on her, she turned to look at her. Her usually shimmering (e/c) eyes were dull and tired. Pansy offered her a half smile and there was an unbearable gripe in her chest as the girl turned away, disguising herself in the sea of people on the dance floor.
Her drink sloshed out of the red cup in her hands as the boy wrapped his arm around her from the back of the couch, pulling her into his side. She grimaced at the smell of him, a mix of sweat and tobacco. She couldn’t help but wish it was that familiar scent of warm vanilla sugar cookie that she had grown quite fond of over the years. It hurt Pansy far more than her girlfriend could ever imagine to pretend they were strangers. But, she had a reputation to uphold. Her family expected her to marry a pureblooded man from a lineage much like her own and with how much Draco and his minions hung around, any sign that she planned to do otherwise would be reported back to her parents in no time. 
Plus, this was all so new for her. Pansy had never had feelings for anyone, let alone a girl. She had never allowed herself to show emotion so freely, to let her walls down for anyone let alone someone like (Y/n). She was a breath of fresh air compared to all the people she was forced to be around. (Y/n) was gentle, kind, and always true to herself. She didn’t care who was around or watching her because she knew who she was and was proud of it.
I don't wanna call it off
But you don't wanna call it love
You only wanna be the one that I call baby
Pansy let out a fake chuckle as the guy spewed lines that he most likely thought were erotic. He leaned in close, his hand caressing up and down her side. Even all the alcohol she had downed wasn’t enough to stop her from feeling disgusted from even his mere presence but there was far too much on the line. She closed her eyes, zoning out as he began to kiss down her neck, pulling her shirt to the side to suck at the bones of her collar. However, her eyes shot up as a breeze passed the left side of her body along with that scent she knew all too well. Her head jerked to the side as a familiar frame began to briskly walk further and further away from the party. Pushing the guy off, she ran down the corridor grabbing (Y/n)’s wrist. 
“Where are you off to? I’ve never known you to leave a party so early.” she teased. She looked around the empty corridor, carefully searching to make sure no one was around before pulling the girl close to her but as she went to place a kiss on the top of her head, the (y/h/h) girl pushed her back giving the slytherin a good view of her face. Her heart just about shattered at the tears and runny mascara messing up her pretty face. “(L/n)?”
(Y/n) let out a breathless laugh, sniffling as she whipped at her teary eyes. “You’d think after years of this I’d be used to this but…it never gets easier. I love you, Pansy. I really do, baby, but I don’t know how much more of this I can take.” she admitted. Her (e/c) eyes looked into her lover’s, full of sadness but the love she held for her still remained.
“What’re you saying? Do you wanna…” She couldn’t even bring herself to utter the words. The thought of it alone was enough to bring her world crumbling. “Break up?” she finished, her voice crackling. 
It took everything for (Y/n) to not reach out and hold her face, to nuzzle her nose into the side of her neck how she knew she loved. “I don’t wanna call it off but you have to realize how unfair this is to me, Pans. We’ve been together for what, two years? And during that whole time, you’ve never once even called me anything but my name out of fear of your friends hearing. Not one honey, baby, dear. D-do you know what kind of effect that’s had on me mentally?” she said, her voice breaking as she began to cry once more. She had told herself she’d remain strong but it was no use. She was a sensitive girl and when she felt things, she needed to let them out. Her body jumped a bit as she was brought out of her stormy mind at the feeling of a calloused finger swiping her tears away. She leaned into the girl’s touch as she wrapped her free hand around her waist, pulling her closer. The hand on her cheek trailed down to her chin before tilting it upwards.
“What do I need to do to prove to you how much I care? How much I need you in my life?” Pansy pleaded desperately.
“Tell me you love me.” (Y/n) whispered. Pansy drew her gaze down to the floor, her heart thumping wildly. She knew it was a simple request and she knew saying it wouldn’t be a lie. She did love the girl with every inch of her heart. She’d take a curse for her if she had to. But for some reason, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. It was too risky. It was already a lot for her to be holding her like this outside of (Y/n)’s dorm, even if there was no one around to witness it. 
(Y/n) scoffed, shaking her head. In all Pansy’s years of knowing the girl, never once had she seen her grow angry. It made her blood grow cold. All she could do, even as the girl backed away from her, was stand there frozen. She stood there until the girl’s figure was nothing more than a figment of her imagination. Her fist clenched, nails digging crescent moon shapes into the palms of her hands. The searing pain didn’t even hold a candle to the emotional pain she felt. Hot tears sprung in the corners of her eyes, the only thing that seemed to move as she was still frozen in time.
You can kiss a hundred boys in bars
Shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling
You can say it's just the way you are
Make a new excuse, another stupid reason
Good luck, babe (Well, good luck)
Well, good luck, babe (Well, good luck)
You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
Good luck, babe (Well, good luck)
Well, good luck, babe (Well, good luck)
You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
The music blended into the background as she took another shot. The burning that usually came after had stopped long ago. She was convinced if she drank enough, the conversation that had taken place a few hours ago would begin to feel like a distant memory. But instead, it was as if she had become trapped in her own mind. The conversation played like a movie on a big screen and she was the only one in the theater with front row tickets to watch. 
Her lips moved drunkenly against guy number three of the night. She had managed to find something wrong with the other two. One smelled bad and the other one smiled far too much for her liking. But this one was quiet. He didn’t question when she grabbed him by his collar, crashing her mouth against his roughly. It was nothing like the passionate kisses her and dearest had held. It lacked love, depth, and any real emotion and her on end, it lacked lust as well. But no matter how intense the kiss grew, how hard his grip was on her waist, all she could think of was her. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she slipped her tongue into his mouth.
I'm cliché, who cares?
It's a sexually explicit kind of love affair
And I cry, it's not fair
I just need a little lovin', I just need a little air
A soft whimper fell from (Y/n)’s lips, her fingers tightening their grip in Pansy’s hair. Her thighs began to shake around her head, back arching from the soft mattress. She couldn’t help it. 
When Pansy came knocking on her dorm door at five in the morning, she looked like a wreck. Her hair was messy, bags under her eyes, lips swollen and bruised. She wasn’t stupid. She knew what she had been doing. She was conflicted. She knew how important it was for her to keep up appearances, but at what cost? She was torturing herself and by proxy, torturing her as well. Pansy had drunkenly apologized to her, howling loudly for her to forgive her and just to get her to quiet down, she did. They had fallen asleep after (Y/n) got her cleaned up and changed into something more comfortable. It was nice, falling asleep in Pansy’s strong and womanly embrace. And in the afternoon when they awoke it was even better. The slytherin girl had worshiped her, placing delicate kisses down her body. And from there, things had escalated quickly.
“Shhh, it’s okay. Let it all out for me.” Pansy muttered against her clit, sending an exhilarating feeling through her spine. Hot tears fell down the girl’s face, her chest falling and rising quickly. A large gasp fell from her lips, eyes rolling back as Pansy’s fingers prodded deep within her against her spot. Her pussy began to gush, spraying the girl’s face with her release. Her body convulsed and jolted as she rode out her high before collapsing against the mattress, trying to catch her breath. (E/c), half lidded eyes watched as Pansy crawled up, pulling the girl on top of her.
“I love you.” (Y/n) whispered but of course, Pansy said nothing. She just shushed her, gently combing her fingers through the girl’s hair. She placed soft kisses on her eyelids, lulling her to sleep.
Think I'm gonna call it off
Even if you call it love
I just wanna love someone who calls me baby
Pansy flipped through the pages of her book, relaxing on the sill of the window. Most of the students in her year had left the castle, deciding to celebrate their last and final day at Hogwarts before it was time to head home for the very last time. Her eyes flickered up to the clock on the wall, half past five. She had agreed that she and (Y/n) could spend some time together in the library since there was a low chance anyone would see them together. Two sneaker clad feet stopped in front of her causing her to look up. A smile graced her face before departing once more at the sullen expression on the girl’s face.
“I can’t do this anymore. I’m sorry, love. But this, us, has no future. I waited, three years now I waited. I thought to myself ‘hey maybe she’ll come around, maybe she’ll fight for us harder’ but you never did.” (Y/n) sighed, looking down at the ground as she rocked back and forth on her feet. “I thought if I loved you hard enough it’d give you the courage to be proud of us. But we’re still at square one. Sneaking around to one another’s dorms, letting your stupid friends tease me. We’ve never even been on a real date.”
“That’s not true! What about the summer we spent in Brighton?” Pansy argued, grabbing the girl’s hand. (Y/n) removed her hand from hers gently, scoffing.
“Right, the summer we spent in muggle Brighton because you were too scared of anyone seeing us? We’ve never had a real date in the wizarding world, Pansy because you’re too scared of disappointing your parents. I thought you were different from the rest of the snobby prats you hang around and, in some ways, you are. But…I want to get married one day, Pansy. I want to bring my girlfriend to my family farm, to link hands when we walk down the streets.” Tears fell from Pansy’s eyes like raindrops onto the page. Her stomach tossed and turned and it took everything for her to not jump up and run, just to avoid hearing where this was going. “You won’t even call me names of affection.”
“B-but (Y/n), I care for you! I adore you. I lo-”
“Don’t even finish, it’ll only make things harder for the both of us!” she exclaimed, causing the slytherin’s eyes to widen. “It’s too late for that now. I just hope you realize, you’re never going to be able to push that side of you away. It’s who you are. You need to realize that before it’s too late. Good luck, babe.” (Y/n) choked out before running out the library. 
Pansy ruminated on her words. She couldn’t help the broken sobs that wracked her body. She let out a long string of swears, slapping herself on the forehead. Why couldn’t she be born a man? At least then her parents would let her marry a woman.
She sniffled trying to compose herself as she felt a tap on her shoulder. Looking up, she saw the librarian with a cloth tissue in her hand. She snatched it from her, dabbing her eyes before standing up to storm off, ignoring the loud ‘shh’ from the woman as she did so.
When you wake up next to him in the middle of the night
With your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife
And when you think about me, all of those years ago
You're standing face to face with "I told you so"
You know I hate to say it, I told you so
You know I hate to say, but I told you so
Rolling onto her back, she sighed, glaring angrily at the man next to her. For a man of such high social status and background, he had a disgustingly loud snore. Sometimes Pansy regretted telling her parents to just choose one for her. It’s not like it mattered much anyways. She knew no matter how handsome, how talented, or how wealthy of a man she had married, it never would feel right because they’d never be…her. She rubbed her hands over her face tiredly, staring at the intricate paintings on the gaudy ceiling.They were the only interesting thing in their bedroom. 
Throwing back the thick duvet, she rose from bed, shuffling to the bedroom door. Shutting it behind her, she made her way down the hall to her potion’s room. It was the one room in the house her husband had no interest in. Opening the door, she searched the shelves before grabbing a basic sleeping potion. She carelessly took a few gulps from it. She tossed it back on the shelf before opening one of the drawers, pulling out a wooden box with a lock on it. 
“Alohomora.” she whispered, pointing her wand at it. The lock clicked open, the wooden box slowly popping open. She dumped the contents onto the table next to her, a bittersweet smile on her face. 
There were dozens of photographs of her and (Y/n) from their trip to Brighton. She watched as one of the images moved. In it Pansy leaned over to kiss the girl on the lips and (Y/n) smiled, kissing her back. In another, (Y/n) was licking whipped cream off the top of her lip and smiling. Her smile warmed her heart, as it always did when Pansy would reminisce. Even though these images were taken nearly six years ago, it still felt like just yesterday. And as soon as Pansy would get wrapped up in her memories, she was just as quickly pulled back. This was her life now. She had everything anyone could ever want, but not the one and only thing she wanted.
“I hate to say, but you told me so.”
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