#i just. i dont care so all the info blends together
sondronism · 1 year
I am realizing I truly could not have survived at a regular college because I can't even comprehend what's going on in my art history class and as far as I'm concerned it's pretty simple stuff
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1ovede1uxe · 2 months
ahh ive been looking everywhere for open matchup requests so im so excited😭
also i couldnt find the original post so im so sorry if i missed any rules 😭❤️
OKAY soo first my appearance: i am 5'8, i have medium length brown hair, freckles, blue eyes, and im on the skinnier side. i usually like to just wear pajamas but i really like grunge style!
my personality: i might be a tiny bit shy at first but i get comfortable usually pretty quick and im really outgoing and bubbly! i LOVE to talk and i tend to be pretty loud😭 i also laugh like ALOT, and i laugh hard. i usually end up clapping really hard, falling over, or running into people💀 but all in all i just really enjoy being friends with everyone and being nice but i think i may come off as annoying lmao
random things i like: i love cats, i also love to cook and bake, i like to write, i also enjoy watching tv, i love coffee, i also love cows, and i love to thrift and shop, and eating omg i eat so much
things i like in a guy: taller than me (but it doesnt matter), protective, romantic, funny and will match my energy and laugh with me, and someone who likes to cuddle😭
my love language: lowkey all 5 but if i had to choose one id say physical touch! i dont really care for pda but when no one is around i am very touchy 😭
i also am an entj and a gemini!
i hope that was enough info😭❤️ thank you in advance!!!!
hi! i'm so excited to get to write this for you! i hope I picked a character that's to your liking.
My number one match for you is. . Guido Mista! He's quite the popular pick but quite honestly I feel like he would blend with your personality best.
Mista on his own is already an outgoing guy, so he's absolutely going to match your energy the second you get comfortable. He's friends with everyone the same way you are, but don't get me wrong, since he's hella supportive, the second you don't like someone, its we don't like him. You already know he's a goof, so he's gonna make you laugh and he thinks your laugh, especially the harder ones are absolutely adorable, even if you are running into people.
Mista also loves food no doubt, and will absolutely eat or sample anything you put in front of him (or he'll sneak in the kitchen while you're cooking just to taste, I mean can you blame him?). Just don't cut anything into fours.
I see Mista as someone who's smooth and romantic, so he can totally cater to all of those love languages, but he's not over the top like some other italians in this series. He'd respect your desire to not do any kind of PDA, but he still goes with you everywhere when he can, and once you're together alone it makes it all the more special when you're all affectionate.
Physically, he's a bit shorter but he is still taller than you (coming in around 5'10"). He doesn't care what you wear around him, he still thinks you're stunning fresh out of bed in the morning, and when you dress in grunge outfits he's going to hype you up (he thinks you look soooo cool, and he thinks you did even before he made a move on you).
little bonus stuff, he totally buys you random little gifts that remind him of you, even if its something you mention in passing. you will receive many cow plushies. he will make you coffee how you like it (or try his best to) on sunday mornings :3
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i sincerely hope you liked this! you seem like a super cool person :D
p.s. my extremely close runner up for you was my man joseph from battle tendency, as i felt the connection in personality with the goofiness and pretty much everything else, however, i feel like romantically, he'd definitely want pda, and also might be a little clueless romantically sometimes, at least in the part 2 era,, so mista takes the cake for this one
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nicomrade · 1 year
A genuine question here, but why do you dislike The First so much?
well its a weird thing to talk about cause really its the same reason why i dislike stolen lupin or any other low tier TV special. the real question is why other people liked it so much and i think its only because its such a pretty movie, its jaw dropingly gorgeous and the lupgang banter is great but just those 2 together isnt enough to make a good MOVIE. but it is enough that u can have a good TIME if u dont think about whats happening. thats the short version, its just a bad movie. sorry🐅
i purposefully havent been too frank when talking publicly about it (why i kept a mean tweet about it in drafts for literal years) but compared to the unlimited love it gets from the fandom it looks like thats enough for people to pick up that i dislike it so much lol. so lets talk about the first!
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ill be brief on each point. that ancient technology thing it does w the eclipse? thats a bad trope. its a very very bad trope. its the atlantis conspiracy theory, its 1 throwaway line away from slipping into ancient aliens, they pull the same shit in a couple other TV specials and none of them are fondly remembered so hopefully we all know this plot point sucks and is racist. if not you can google it. lets move on
the nazis. after watchin harimao i said it was more anti-nazi than the first, idk if id stand by that cause i havent seen it again since but i mention it to put it in lupin context. generally if it isnt OK to have lupin scam an ex-nazi in part 2 ep 3 by disguising himself as hitler, whys it OK for lupin to steal from nazis by disguising himself as hitler? at no point is the movie actually anti-nazi (though i wouldnt call it pro-nazi either) and its fucking weird to see lupin disguised as hitler in modern lupin cause each time nazis show up in classic lupin everyone agrees its tasteless & overdone.
laetitia! TMS did a genius thing w her cause shes incredibly well written as a self-insert fic protag. it is very easy to watch the first & pretend u urself are best friends w the gang by projecting urself onto her. this doesnt balance out her lack of character it only helps the audience not care about it. compare her to mariya from tokyo crisis- one could be written out of her own movie and we only get info bout her to move the plot (the bad, boring plot) forward, one is essential to the core of her movie and shes realistically affected by the things that happened to her and makes believable connections with some of the gang. yay! a character!!
the movie is also very segmented between "plot scenes" and "lupgang banter scenes" you will notice everything fun about lupin STOPS when we are being explained Plot Elements. lupin talks to laetitia and its a boring nazi ancient treasure movie. then we get a scene thats not about the eclipse or laetitias grandpa or the nazis and all of a sudden its super fun !!!!!!! this is bad writing. lol. watch fuma & see how lupin at its best can blend comedy and plot and exploration and fun banter.
my personal experience w the movie! the first time i watched it i had to pause it cause i was bored out of my mind. iirc it was more or less when lupin gets on the eclipse ship thing n all banter stops cause its just him n the nazi dude n i realized hey this movie kinda sucks actually! i texted a friend about it n he was like. yeah having to force urself to finish it sounds like ure not enjoyin this movie. i did watch the first 3 or 4 times? i did gif it a lot. theres scenes i like (the banter) but it doesnt make it a good movie. like i said when i first wrote my personal review of it: "I think looking at gifsets of this would be more enjoyable than actually watching it". laetitia really embodies her movie in that sense, shes a really good character if you only look at her. she shares her name with all of her ancestors! just who is she? why is she wearing short shorts? why was she a cop? how old is she? then you realize theres nothing there
and ultimately this IS a reaction to it being an unpopular opinion. there are so many lupin entries a lot more worthwhile than the first (2019) that dont even get half of the hype. in my personal ranking its in the bottom 10 (tho ive skipped 2 specials so u can consider that the bottom 12). i genuinely dont like it but im not as vocal about lets say, angels tactics, because we usually agree thats a bad one- or at least we dont recommend it to newcomers. the first has a good reputation so i feel more strongly about it despite liking it more. i would be just as vocal about dragon of doom & voyage to danger if people talked to me about them more often. (and i have a much more coherent critique of dragon of doom lol)
so i dont really know how to explain why i dislike the first cause i just do; the same way u just dislike a bad part 2 episode, the same way most of the fandom just finds napoleons dictionary kind of boring. how do u explain why u dislike the nazi ancient tech self-insert npc girl movie- except by calling it just that? i guess i wasnt blinded by how pretty it is which makes me sound full of myself LOL. but its true a lot of animation can get away w god awful writing if its well animated enough- and if its too ugly no one will watch the best written animated movie. i love animation too and it has so much to offer and i want to see more done in the style of the first with the story of [insert your personal favorite TV special]. im glad it opened the door for vs cats eye to look that way (though lets not forget the 2012 3DCG lupin short!). but the WRITING the STORY the MEAT of the first just isnt any better than any other mid to low tier lupin TV special. is it really worth recommending the first as someones entry into lupin just because it looks pretty? is it really better than the anime that made the author reboot his own manga? why are we even still talking about the first?
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franciskirkland · 5 months
*presses 1 for more info*
*cracks knuckles* apologies in advance for long post but u literally just invited me to infodump and i am nothing if not a scoundrel so you might regret this <3 also sorry for answering late i had rly awful cramps yesterday and was like. passing out ough </3
anyway. i may have created a monster i may have had a stroke of genius. or perhaps just a stroke. i've come up with a polyship that blends three of my favourite france ships (sorry arthur...)
it has no basis in canon and i don't know if it's historically sound or sensical whatsoever but i dont care. fran deserves the most rugged lads around to keep up with her insatiable needs.
turkey, scotland and america.
according to my HCs sadık is what i'd call hypermasculine. ripped as fuck, with copious, thick, dark body hair - and a bit cocky. alasdair as well, he's shy but buff and hairy and chubby - the bear trifecta. i guess alfred isn't a bear in the truest sense of the word, like in my opinion he's hella muscular but not very hairy at all, prob shaves or waxes. he could also be chubby as a treat, why not? it is always morally correct to make characters chubby. (also, alfred wore a bear waiter outfit in the april fools ep so. honorary bear :3)
i also think the ship works particularly well with transfemme françois(e) but it could absolutely work with bigender/genderfluid male/nb fran too! (for anyone who's new here i always HC france as amab and some kind of genderqueer or transfeminine) but i digress!
so i don't know all too much about poly relationship styles IRL but i see this as being a closed, committed/exclusive relationship where it's fran (goldilocks) and her 3 bears all living together. they're all completely devoted to her and she loves them each equally. healthy polyamory isn't about giving 3 people each 33.3% of your heart, it's about being able to love with your entire heart three times over.
sharing a barbie doll like that isn't easy but fran makes sure that whoever she's with at the moment, he knows she's all his. the three guys bond over prioritizing her happiness, and despite the complexity of their lifestyle they don't butt heads too much if at all.
i don't really see them as being involved with each other romantically, separate from fran. they're brother husbands. saying they're like roommates with the same gf isn't unaccurate but would be way oversimplifying it. they're involved in each other's lives to a point where they're inseparable. they've all chosen to settle down together so their bond is on a much closer level than mere friendship, but it's mostly platonic?? ngl they probably do engage in foreplay together and make out a lil bit. they'd do it if their queen wanted to watch.
additionally i'm not sure if they'd be friends organically, as in without fran there to unify them in the first place. their personalities are all very different and have different needs in their relationships with her.
alasdair has a lower social battery compared to the others and needs more time alone, including alone with the wifey, to just sit and cuddle and talk. alfred is high energy and needs a lot of attention. (read: walkies. he's a puppyboy) sadık is pretty independent, but likes being treated like a king, so fran puts a lot of effort into impresing him and performing acts of service for him.
and in some ways, they're very similar. all of them have possessive, territorial qualities (fran loves a possessive man) while alasdair and alfred are the jealous type. aly because he can be somewhat insecure and clingy, alfred bc he's a bit immature. i don't see sadık as truly getting jealous, he's too self-confident, but instrad he's very competitive and dominant so basically same difference.
alfred is undeniably a boytoy and yet so much more. he's optimistic and uplifting, he makes her feel young and playful and never lets her get bored. alasdair is who she goes to when emotionally vulnerable, the gentle one who provides moral support, guides and empowers her. sadik loves to challenge her on a physical and intellectual level, encouraging her talents while keeping her on her toes.
those are just examples, their roles don't stop there. they make her laugh, protect her, hold her, shower her with affection and gifts, always look out for her best interests, praise her not only for beauty but the generous, warm-hearted person she is. whatever she needs.
even though it might seem like they're her manservants, she has three husbands to take care of!! making dinners and packing lunches, keeping a big house clean, keeping them comfortable etc. it's hard work for her to balance and nurture all these relationships, individually and as a foursome, but if anyone can do it it's our girl.
between the three of them she's rewarded generously... her poor booty tho... ok i suppose i'll stop there but please feel free to send more asks about them or anything else literally whenever <3
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hutaosgraveyard · 4 years
HEllo! It’s me again! Here is my info for the Obey me match up lol. I am a gender-fluid person who uses they/them. As far as looks go I am 5’6” a bit chubby with brown curl hair and green eyes. I am the mom friend and some how the chaotic gremlin in my friend group. People can find me staying up until like 6 am and still yell at them for staying up that late as well. I hate large groups and tend to stay in 3 - 5 any more then I find myself overwhelmed and distancing myself so i can watch sht go down and stay quiet. I’m more of a listener then a talker, half of my conversation with friends are ether them rambling about something. Or me thinking about something curse and messaging them when they are asleep so they can yell and rant to me later about it.
As for hobbies. I write mostly fanfic lol and draw fan art, but I also make crochet plushies to gift to friends. Besides the plushies I want to learn how to make actual clothing from it. I studied in screenwriting for film and I use it to write better in general. My passion in film is mostly on the fantasy animation side since thats what I watch the most and its also just what I like to write. I really want to make my own detective story though or Otome game! That last one has been a goal for me and my friends for a while lol. Thats all I can think of about myself really. I hope it was enough and good luck with everything!
(Also this is a new ask layout on mobile and appartently I could of just sent the match up as one part rip lol)
Hey! Thank you for sending this in! Your pair has many differences from you, but I feel as though your personalities would end up blending nicely. So without further adue,I pair you with....
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*Well, for starters, your shorter than him to the point where he could wrap his arms around you to try and show other demons that you are his.(not actually but you know Mammon, Jealous taundere babyy)
*Since you are the mom friend but also the chaotic friend, I feel like you to would have a lot of fun hanging out. You two would do something crazy together but you wouldnt let it get to far. (Lucifer will thank you)
*And with the sleep part, Mammon might get embarrassed but he might try to cuddle you so you sleep once he notices you staying up late. He is a taundere but still deeply cares for you in his own, Mammon way. (He probably noticed you staying up late because you yelled at one of the other brothers to sleep and he went to your room and saw you wide awake. )
*Mammon definitely likes parties , but since you arent a fan of big groups of people, he WILL make new plans for you. He'll probably invite you and 2 or 3 friends to some cafe or hell's kitchen.
*You being more of a listener than a talker with Mammon is fine since Mammon is a big talker. He would most likely lead and start your conversations.
*I feel like at first Mammon would try to use you hobbies as a profit, but he sees how much they mean to you and he just admires it. (He wont admit that he admires it though-)
*Also, if you were to make a plushie for mammon, (especially one that looks like him) he would treasure it forever. Once again he would try to hide the fact that he loves it so much but you constantly catch him cuddling or hugging the plush.
*Mammon isnt one for Otome games but he still loves video games and you. So he will be supportive of the idea. (Will also totally try to make money from it)
*Mammon would also come to you for help in any writing related class, since you seem to be a good writer.
Thank you for reading, I had a lot of fun making this matchup!
Characters I also considered-
*Lucifer- You being the mom friend
*Leviathan- All of your hobbies
*Satan- You being the mom friend and the detective story
*Solomon- You are both more reserved people (I honestly dont know why I considered Solomon but for a second I did)
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teamvnla · 5 years
Cutscene : Reunion Bouquet
When Van, Kash, Russ, and Lye had first arrived in Mistral the concern of where they were going to stay didn't have time to cross their minds, Van had assured them he had it covered something about a friend owing him a favor. It was a furnished loft apartment, with how dusty it was the group figured it hadn't been used in a while. The boys insisted on Lye having the bed, she had gladly accepted. It wasn't often where she would get up and not find the boys piled up together on the pull out couch, they seemed used to it. It was her first time seeing them like that but her gut was telling her it wasnt their first time.
They had quickly made work of getting settled, not having really discussed what they planned to do. However, it was unspoken among them that the point of of going to Mistril was to wait for what happened with Amorette to die down some, they had to regroup and make a plan. They had to get stronger, so they started taking up different jobs with people who would turn a blind eye to their lack of liscense if it came down to it they could forge a thing or two.
A few weeks of this routine passed before the team gathered into the bedroom, it was a day off they all shared which meant the best time for a meeting.
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"You want to go after Bruno?" Kashmere's brows furrowed at what had just left Van's mouth. "I thought we came here to get away from him?"
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"Yeah, but we both know Bruno and we both know he's angry. He going to send people after us so I figured we go after him first." Van began running a hand through his hair. "I'm not sayin' we go tomorrow, I'm not even sure when yet."
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"I get where you're comin' from, but we aren't exactly in the best position. Like you said, we know Bruno's angry. That limits out connections and what strings we can pull around here." Russ pointed out, his left ear twitched as he spoke, a good amount of their connections that were in Mistral were originally through Bruno. Sure they knew there were probably people they could trust, but now wasn't the time to risk it they had to be careful.
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"We could hop around some more? Farther, with the towers how they are it'll take longer for any info on us to spread. It would buy us more time at the very least." Lye suggested sitting up.
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"That's an option...we just don't have to means right now. We need to figure out where Bruno is first. Russ could figure that out easy."
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"Yeah, if I had a computer. All I've got is a scroll and theres only so much even I can do on it." Big purchases weren't in the groups radar at the momment, they already had to get Russ and Kash new scrolls since they had to abandon their previous ones.
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"Aren't you guys buddy-buddy with that clothing heiress?" Kashmere had gone quiet from thinking before speaking up, they had done research about the members of Van's Beacon team when he had first been assigned.
"Nava?" The twins spoke in unison, neither seemed to have consider her as an option, both for different reasons. Lye was so focused on their current team and her current condition that she hadn't thought of bring the brunette into the fold, Van on the other felt a bitterness at Nava's sudden departure after the fall. He felt that way about both the missing members of VNLA, he could mask it well but he knew it was there in his chest.
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"I dunno, it might be hard to get around her folks. They're pretty strict the last we heard." Van tried to dismiss the topic with a nonchalant shrug.
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"Then we just have to find a time when they're not there, they're bigshots I doubt they're always watching her. Plus it's Nava, she's the perfect person to ask for help." A smile tugged at Lye's lips as she talked about their teammate.
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"It's a connection not tied to Fang in anyway so I don't think it'd hurt to try." Russ backed up the idea.
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"You guys could even try going tomorrow, to scope out the place. You could disguise yourselves as staff to get in." Kash began to propose possible ideas of entry.
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"Why don't we just try a head on approach? We could just ask to see her?" Lye suggested earning a doubtful look from Russ and Kash. "Just me and Van, we could say it has something to do with our team and some paperwork we need Nava's signature on." She added, they three of them continued planning giving Van no room to protest. He sat back in silence, red eyes watched on as the optimist and pessimist in his head fought it out.
The following day the twins station themselves nearby the Lavender estate watching the main gate for staff that would come and go, with the staff scurrying in and out of the estate it seemed that an event or something along the lines was being prepared. They had done some research about the staff the night prior to figure out who they should target, yet the staff that they saw didn't appear to be the ones who worked under Nava.
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"Sitting around is what I planned when I started the meeting." Van commented under his breath idly thumbing one of the chains connected to his outfit, the pair had dressed up in their civilian clothes to blend in more.
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"I don't get why you're so butthurt about it, Russ and Kash are looking for other options anyways." Lye responded rolling her eyes, her rabbit ears had picked up on the comment form her twin. Van looked to Lye and scrunched his nose making effort to continue the topic.
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"Excuse me.." The new voice grabbed the twins attention, the turned and were met with a short women with round amber eyes, long brown hair. A pair of round mouse ears sat atop the women's hair, the deep wine uniform she wore only further confirmed who she was to the twins.
This was Nava's personal caretaker, Cinnamon Laveau.
The twins looked to the women expectantly.
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"This might be a but presumptuous of me but, are you Van and Lye Marigold?"
The twins were surprised to say the least, they had a whole plan about how to "coincidentally" bump into one of the staff. They hadn't expected one of the higher up staff to approach them first.
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"Yeah, that's us how do you..." Lye trailed off looking curiously at the mouse Faunus, but instead Van answer her.
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"Nava reports." He stated as Cinnamon nodded confirming.
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"Being her personal caretaker I was also granted access to them, she always wrote fondly of the two of you." She smiled warmly, the pair looked different than the pictures she had previously. That was expected with what happened at Beacon, she knew from seeing Nava that the toll wasn't just physical. "What brings you two to Mistral? You two originally hail from Vacuo, dont you?"
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"Well we were actually hoping to see Nava." Lye begin, before being able to go along with their original script Van cut in.
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"We were in town and we figured it wouldn't hurt to try to see her to catch and stuff, it's been a while." He gave a smile and brought a hand up scratching the back of his neck, he could see that Cinnamon actually cared for Nava and knew an emotional angle would benefit them more than a technical one. He had been on enough grifting jobs with the White Fang to know how to adjust the dialogue to get what they wanted.
Cinnamon's eyes practically lit up, this was perfect. She had seen how hard it was for Nava to readjust to being home under the strict regime her parents had. She remembered how heartbroken the young girl was the night she returned and her parents had confiscated her staff and any other training equipment, Cinnamon found she had no other power but to hold Nava in her sorrow.
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"That sounds great, the staff is preparing for an event tonight, but Nava should be free. Come with me." She smiled gesturing with her free hand for the twins to follow her, she led them to the main gate and into the vast estate.
They had followed Cinnamon who traversed the winding halls with ease, soon they found themselves in a tea room with a large window and balcony overlooking the garden in the back. The pair took a seat, despite the casual demeanor he presented Van felt uncomfortable in the chair. Lye on the other hand was visibly excited at the chance to see their friend.
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"Can I get you two anything, tea? Coffee?" Cinnamon offered.
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"Oh, tea please." Lye answered polite with a soft smile, this was the most at ease and happy Van had seen her in a while. It would've been nice had he not been so focused on the thoughts that crawled over his shoulder and into the back of his head.
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"I'm good, thanks."
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"Alright then I'll be just a moment." She quickly left the room, she quickly made her way to one of the smaller kitchens to prepare the tea and a few pastries. She grabbed three cups, two for the girls and one for if Van changed his mind. As she was setting up the tray a familiar figure enter the kitchen.
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"Oh, you're back already. How did it go?" A tall man with black hair and gray blue eyes, looked down at the mouse Faunus. He wore a similar deep wine uniform. Slate was also Nava's personal caretaker, however he managed more of Nava's schedule and saw her to and from where she needed to go.
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"Pretty good, I delivered the last requests so they should be done far before the party. Is Nava done with lesson?" She asked as she placed the tea to steep.
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"Just about, I was just about to prepare her tea. Though it appears you already have that covered...do we have guest?" He quirked a brow taking note of the number of teacups on the tray.
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"It's a surprise, just bring Nava to the tea room with the white leather chairs." She picked up the tray and began to make her way of the kitchen.
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"Which one?"
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"The one overlooking the garden." She called over her shoulder.
When Cinnamon enter the tea room Van had been walking around the room examining the decor, he was mainly trying to see what information he could get from it. Lye on the other hand, still sat in her chair patiently waiting for the mouse Faunus to return.
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"I brought some pastries as well, everyones preparing for the gala but these are still made fresh by the house's pâtissière." She informed as she set the items from the tray down onto the table, she poured Lye a cup of tea. As she took a step back, the door to the room opened.
Slate opened the door for Nava, usually he would tell her why he chose the particular room for her break but this time he didn't. Instead their idly small talk stopped at how her lesson went. When the door was fully opened fully she saw why.
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The shock was visible of the brunette face, faster than she could cover it up with her usual calm demeanor. She recovered her stood straight.
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"What are you two doing here?" She questioned, her gaze looked the pair over, they hadn't been separated for that long. How had they changed so much?
That wasn't the reaction they had expected to say the least, they had expected a bit more excitement at their reunion. Even Van did, but upon seeing Nava's appearance as she stepped into the room made him feel something was off. She was well put together, not that she wasnt put together before. This felt more meticulous, but not in Nava's sort of way.
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"We were in the neighbor hood and thought we'd stop by for a visit." Van stated taking a seat next to Lye as Slate pulled out a chair for Nava across from them, Cinnamon stepped forward filling a cup for her.
She gave a small hum in acknowledgement as she went about adding milk and sugar to her tea.
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"How have you been, it feels like forever since we last saw each other." Lye spoke softly, a soft smile resting on her lips.
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"Busy, there had been a lot of catching up to do." Nava gave a short and to the point reply.
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"I would assume so, huh?" She laughed lightly. "Are you able to manage your business studies with your Hunteress ones? You were always really smart, so I bet it's not a problem."
Nava paused bring the tea cup to her lips. "Oh dear, of course not." She shooks her head, Lye was surprised but what followed surprised her more. "All the Hunteress nonsense went out the window the moment I returned home, after what happened at Beacon?"
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"Nonsense?" Lye's ears wavered as her brows furrowed, Cinnamon seemed surprised while Slate's stoic expression shifted with only a quirk of his brow.
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"Nonsense. Here, allow me to put it in layman's terms. Someone of my status and position has no reason to run amok trying to play hero. I should be focusing on where a belong, I'll be the head of the Bundles of Lavender soon enough."
The long white rabbit ears atop Lye's head wavered, slowly falling as Nava spoke down to her.
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"..what do you mean? This doesn't sound like you..." She spoke softly, she set down her teacup as a snicker came from the brunette across from her.
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"Doesn't sound like me? Since when do you know that?"
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"Nava, we lived together for four years. We've been friends for four years!"
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"You didn't truly think we were friends did you?"
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The shock and hurt on Lye's face was all the answer she needed.
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"Oh my! You did! I was someone of higher status in a completely unfamiliar environment. I need atleast someone willing to take the blame if I ever got into trouble, you were just the easiest to cozy up to. You took to it so easily, desperately really."
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Lye could felt as though she had been stabbed through her chest as her ears fell to lay against her head curling to her chin.
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"Aryl was far too stoic, it'd take too much work. With all the resentment and anger Van practically vibrated with, I knew better than to try. You were the perfect groundwork for the both of them, you were just the most convenient at the time." She glanced to Van for a moment, his expression surprised her. Her expression nearly faltered.
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Van sat back in his chair, head tilted to one side a lazy smile on his lips. He seemed absolutely unfazed by every of hers that dropped with that condescending tone. However, when she spoke he unconsciously scratched at his forearm. He was completely unaware of this tick, and unaware of what was triggering it.
Lye having taken reigns of the conversation made it easier for Van to sit back and watch Nava as she spoke. He had seen conversation similar to this, the whole 'big reveal' after all the set up and tricks. This wasn't it though, it didn't sit right in the bottom of his gut. He should've been able to take what she was saying and use it as validation for his bitterness towards her, but something just wasn't right. Had he just gone soft? Had his senses dulled?
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"Ah who knew the Lavender heiress was such an actresses." He clapped his hands though his tone presented sarcasm. "Well I guess we were too presumptuous with this vist. I think it's the right time to get outta here." He stood up, walking around Lye chair before grabbing her hand. He pulled her out of the chair and began to lead her to the door.
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"I'll see you out."
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"Nah, I got it. I've got a good memory don't trouble yourself with us." Van called over his shoulder, Slate looked to Nava who simply continued to sip her tea.
A tension remained in the air even after the door shut. Slate took out his scroll notifying the front guards to tell him when the twins were seen leaving the premises.
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"I thought you'd be excited, I'm sorry I didn't know..." Before Cinnamon could finish Nava's familiar soft voice spoke up.
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"Don't apologize...it's better this way. I have to let go of the hope I could still be a Hunteress, it would've been impossible with the two of them around. I made a deal with my parents." She stared at the reflection in the teacup, her grip tightened on the handle.
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"I'll cancel your lessons for the rest of the day. You should rest up for the gala tonight." Slate laid heavy hand on Nava's head who nodded silently.
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So I have a rant and a half build up of rambling about my very first Percy Jackson Oc Elysia and I need to let it spill so all of you get to hear this info dump about her and my feels
Im putting a trigger warning here I made her when I first read the whole series a few years back. Her backstory isnt the happiest. So im going to put trigger warnings for mentions of (but not going into detail of) abuse, self harm, suicidal thoughts, so if you cant handle mentions of that please dont read this I dont want to upset you
Anyways I have years of work into this bab of mine and I need to get it all out
Also An important thing to note is the timeline of her(and my other ocs) stories. Basically it kinda takes place...as if Trials of Apollo didnt happen?? Sorta? I made her before it ever came out and set her story after Blood of Olympus before trials of apollo was announced so its basically diverges after Blood of Olympus...if that makes sense...I hope it does. 
So basically....At the start of her story Elysia is 13 Nico is 16(from what I remember its been about two years since I read the books so please forgive me)
Ok this might jump around alot because im kinda word vomiting and info dumping about her so if something doesnt make sense please feel free to ask me to clarify I love to
So her full name is Elysia Angela Melina and shes a Daughter of Hades. At the start when she gets to camp shes 13.
Im going to attatch two pictures ive drawn of her to the post here
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This is her with a referrence sheet of her at 13-14 and the digital picture is one of her at the present time that I tend to write about her at age 16.
So Elysia doesnt have things easy. She comes from an abusive household that really fucked her up mentally and emotionally before she got to camp. She ran away at 13 after getting kicked out of her sixth or seventh school and thigs got ugly at home. Stuff happened and she was brought to camp(im refining and probably going to redo how that happens) and well...she doesnt exactly fit in.
Shes on the shorter side for her age and shes lanky and skinny(partially from both skipping meals and sometimes only eating when she can sneak food at home) and she comes onto the scene wearing oversized hand me downs in all dark colors and long sleeves thats got a clear fearful and insecure posture and stance and is always trying to blending into the background and hide from being noticed. Shes got a thick mane of not very well cared for black hair and eyes so dark in color they look completely black, sometimes even in the light with pretty dark bags under them highlighted by really really too pale skin. So it makes her an easy target to be bullied ya know? But she silently takes it like she always does while clutching this beat up little backpack she ran away with as shes put in the Hermes cabin until she’s claimed(which has a 1-3 day delay depending on the god, because a lot of kids come to camp especially at the start of summer) 
When she gets claimed she freaks out and panics because everyone is staring at her and shes suddenly the center of attention because it happened in the middle of the campfire.
So begins the bonding with her big brother.
Shes got alot of inner turmoils and traumas and problems and inner demons and as a result she has undiagnosed anxiety disorders, depression, and some PTSD along with a very low amount of self-esteem and confidence in herself from the ordeals of before reaching camp. Though once shes at camp and she eventually settles in she starts recovering bit by bit. She slowly gets close with nico(it starts kinda awkward for both of them and she comes off really quiet and shy and terrified of sudden movement so its a little hard but they overcome it)
 By the end of her first year at camp shes gotten close to Nico but has a really hard time making friends with other campers her own age so she ends up sticking close to Nico and following him like his shadow because theres a period of time that heś the only person Elysia feels even remotely safe and comfortable around. And as a result at first she spends alot more time with Nico’s friends and various members of the Big Seven and she gets close to them as well(more to her siblings at first but she gets there shes a nervous bean give her time)
Though in the middle of that first year she meets a girl that soon becomes one of her best and closest friends, a daughter of Hephaestus named Karter Becks(the second oc for this fandom I made) and I’ll get to more about their friendship later.
So by the second year at camp shes settled in a little, shes decidedly become a year-rounder because she would rather be eaten by a harpy than go back to “that horrible place”as she dubs it(not to mention its very very dangerous for her outside of camp)
More things about Elysia!!!
At thirteen she had absolutely NO control of reign of her abilities. She couldnt raise or summon the dead, her shadow travel was horribly spotty and half the time she couldnt even do so correctly and her most experience with spirits is that she can sense them and she can hear and speak to them but she cant really see them( they appear as really really blurry shapes that hurt her eyes to look at for too long) of course she beats herself up over this lack of skill, mostly because she(stupidly but understandably) compares her lack of teaching and training and beginner skill level to Nico’s at the time current skill level. Yeah its dumb and yeah in the back of her mind where her common sense is she realizes this but she cant stop herself from doing so, just like she unfairly to herself compares her sword fighting skill to older campers that have been there longer. 
She eventually gets her own sword of Stygian Iron, because no matter what else she tries no other swords feel...right to her. They’re always too heavy or too light too awkward to hold dont work right with her swings or just dont feel right to her so at some point shes overthinking herself to death about it and beating herself up for being too picky when Karter suggests innocently that she tries swinging around her brother’s sword. “After all Elys, whats the worst that would happen, that it feels too heavy?” 
But what ends up happening is that though its too heavy for her, it still feels...right. The best way to describe it is that she feels more connected to her powers and to herself in a way. After hearing that she gets her own of Stygian iron and its...perfect to her. Its not too heavy on her wrist or too light to wield. And afterwards she actually starts getting some more confidence which helps her improve a little faster than before.
Once Elysia is fully apart of camp life it takes a long time for it to fully click that her belongings...are hers and her likes and interests and likes are respected. They wont get taken away or threatened, she doesnt have to hide what she likes or pretend she doesnt like one thing or another. She’s free to be her own person for the first time in her life and she struggles for awhile to adjust to that and accept it. Those struggles result in alot of scattered breakdowns and even one or two...relaspes that for once in her life she has a support system of her half brother and half sister, his friends, her two close friends, and chiron to catch her and help her back to her feet. She has people to lean on and depend on and not have to be afraid of and this helps alot into her recovery and acceptance of herself and her mental illnesses. It takes her two of the three years shes been at camp for her to get at the better place shes at when shes 16, where she now has a small group of good friends, shes managed to bring up some of her self-esteem and self  confidence, shes been clean for a year and shes in therapy for her PTSD and depression and shes opened up more to those around her and shes not the terrified jumps at her own shadow kid but a more quiet but kindhearted and sometimes even giggly teen whose slowly getting her life back together with plans for the future.
But on the topic of things she likes...
This girl loves-no ADORES animals, all kinds mythical or not. She didnt show it at first but she was so SOOOO excited when she realized the camp had Pegasi even though she tried to keep a distance from them because she realized she made them nervous. Oh man you shouldve SEEN her when Chiron took a group of campers her age into the woods and they caught a glimpse of a passing through unicorn. She was giddy about it for DAYS guys. She just...she has so much love and admiration and excitement for animals its so cute you guys.
Elysia also loves(ironically) learning about Mythology, from all over the world. Its her special interest and when she finds and buys a old broken touch screen phone(or one of those touch screen i-pod or something) and gets Karter  to fiddle with it and (eventually after shenanigan filled misadventures of trying to upgrade it to not be detected by monsters and fix the cracked screen) she fills that thing to the brim of downloaded auidobooks of different mythologies as she can and she listens to them when doing schoolwork(she ends up having do be “homeschool” by online classes because things just do not go right when trying to attend schools outside of the protected borders)
She also loves anything soft. Especially stuffed animals. Oh my god she loves stuffed animals, well into her teens. She had one she managed to bring with her to camp that is her ultimate comfort object, a older beat up and been through a life time of ringers and back stuffed husky doll that she cherishes and takes care of like one might take care of gold. Over time (once they found out her birthday--October 5th) she starts getting stuffed animals as presents or just even as little splurges on herself . She also loves soft blankets soft clothes soft anything. She loves the texture and feel of it and it makes her happy.
She’s an aspiring writer and songwriter and can even sing a little but she has no confidence in her ability in any of those. But she has boxes and piles of notebooks and journals filled with little cartoony doodles and pages upon pages of stories and songs shes been writing for years now
Fun fact during her first year at camp Percy and Annabeth dropped by for a visit during their winter break to visit friends and I have this whole little story I might post about hoe when Percy’s walking to go meet someone he finds Elysia sitting alone at the beach doodling animals in her journal and he goes up to her(shes sitting all curled up so at a distance it probably looked like she was crying or something) to see if shes ok and because Nico had been telling him about her via iris messages and updates since she got there but he didnt get to meet her during the summer(stuff happened and she kinda hid from alot of people) but he finds her and he sits with her(after announcing his presence because Nico has told him about her being very jumpy and easily scared and that at that point hes the only one she really opens up to so dont take offense to it) and they sit for a bit and Percy asks her about her doodles and she just, for the first time like ever, she starts to open up because she gets so freaking excited and hyper about it that she just starts babbling away about her doodles and the animals of them and then about animals in general and she goes on this whole, like 30-40 minute info dump/ rant about them complete with diverting tangent questions that she answers herself before continuing with this just lit up and openly happy and ecstatic expression as she goes on and on while hes sitting there just listening to her and smiling down at her partly nostalgically because at that moment she reminds him so much of how Nico was when he first met him and you got him started on Mythomagic and that shes being so open about her excitement and then she looks at him and realizing what she was doing and she shuts herself up now panicking about how much she just word vomited on her big brother’s friend and more importantly this huge shot demigod Son of Poseidon whose saved the world not once but TWICE and who is probably very busy too busy to be hanging around with her--you get the idea of her panicking until Percy slowly reaches out his hand and she nods to let him know its ok and he ruffles her hair and tells her its ok he liked listening to her and holy shit I went on a tangent about that. 
She also has alot of sweet bonding moments with Nico and Hazel because they teach her about having a loving and caring family and what thats like and its really sweet and cute and emotional
Did I mention she likes taking Nico’s shirts? Oh yeah she likes “borrowing” Nico’s shirts, and some of his jackets, mostly t-shirt and long sleeved shirts because once they get close his scent and presence really relaxes her nerves if she gets anxious. Of course its not stealing, its just borrowing and eventually giving back on laundry days...or he just lends it to her without being fully aware of it. Its cute because shes so short that they end up really big on her and she loves flapping the sleeves and the feeling of being engulfed in the safety of his presence without him even being there
uhhhhhhh....yeah thats alot about her huh I think i’ll leave you all with that to take it and make sense of and I might make a part two(or you guys can ask about her too) 
and yeeeeeeeeeee thats my PJO oc Elysia Melina!!
@demidorks (im sorry if im bothering you by tagging you youre one of the pjo blogs I follow and one of my favorites)
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thenixkat · 6 years
Animorphs notes 3
Book 3
Narrated by Tobias. Getting all of the white kids out of the first I guess
Tobias forgets the color of his eyes after a few weeks as a bird. But he remembers that he had blond hair and was kinda big.
Tobi has also oly been looking at his bird face head on cause otherwise he’d notice how doofy his face looks
Dan’s not holding that hawk prisoner he’s just got shitty animal husbandry. If that 3 ft by 3 ft cage is the only cage he keeps her in. That could just be a travel cage dude uses for the filming for all the info I have and Tobi has already demonstrated that he over anthropomorphises animals
Also Tobi is gonna get that captive bird fucking killed with this Peta shit.
And he does something very unbirdlike infront of multiple people any of whom could be a controller.
And he nearly gets killed doing this.
Tobias is a dumbass that doesnt consider the consequences of shit.
Tobi she’s a fucking bird and there’s a fucking elephant destroying shit and humans causing a ruckus. She’s startled and startled birds fucking fly u numpty!
Rachel chews Tobias out for being a complete idiot and starting that stunt while on fucking air
Ya know what, Tobi’s descriptions of Rachel are starting to make me uncomfortable. And that plus his insistence of talking to Rachel on her solo mission every 5 secs probably means he has some creepy crush on her
Tobi don’t start on that shit you chose to be in morph far more than was safe, was warned multiple times of the time limit and got yerself stuck. Its not a curse if yer fucking responsible.
Applegate skips on the whole redtails also hunt smaller birds and that’s… weird
Tobi assumes that a human smiling when they see a bird means their jealous. Not that like, the person just fucking likes birds and nature and shit and is either going to or going home from a job where they spent hours in a bland cubicle looking at just a computer so hey a cool bird, they must be jelly that they cant fly.
I don’t like Tobias.
Why do the yeerk ships have clocking that hides them in ultraviolet as well when humans can’t see into that range? Wouldn’t it make sense just to cloak along the visible spectrum and save power and also cleaning bills from hitting so many birds and bugs?
Marco is valid.
Also betting that that released hawk is gonna be ded in the next few days.
Also why did Jake not get any info from Cassie on potentially what to feed Tobias? Why isn’t Tobias just fucking living at Cassie’s barn? She could claim that he’s some tame hawk that someone gave to her b/c they couldn’t afford to take care of him any more
Tobias why didn’t you bring up the thing in the sky to the whole group?
Is this brooding angst?
Also if Tobias has been eating random leftovers from Jake for weeks he should be sick as fuck.
Why didn’t anyone call Child Protective Services for Tobias’ case too?
Dead geese
Wolves were recently released in the nearby national parkl/woods
There are mountains nearby, and a coast near by, an abandoned church, a mall next to a construction site
Has Marco been in the mountains before?
Marco, yall only tried to rescue Tom once. That’s not everything you could do. Yall could just fucking kidnap him and fake his death and also tell Jake’s parents so they don’t do anything… rash
Tobias is kinda taking charge of this mission
Tobias doesnt like Marco
Its 20 miles from Cassie’s barn to the mountains
Cassie apparently dosent consider that female wolves might also fight for dominance
None of these kids practiced this morph beforehand even tho they know morphing something for the first time usually leads to some loss of control
Cassie can morph horse. There’s horses plural at her barn. They could have all become horses in the woods to travel the 20 miles then turned into more normal forest animals to blend in once they got there.
Every Time they morph my comparative anatomy classes start fucking screaming in anguish. The knees reversing is not nearly as bad as fingers shriveling and disappearing b/c somebody doesnt know fucking digitigrade limb anatomy
Morphing took Cassie 2 mins
Tobais is a hawkaboo
Alpha. Ick
Jake can’t control his morph and is triggering wolf shit in the others
They really should just fucking demorph and remorph.
Tobias gets frustrated and flies off to clear his head
Too fucking bad we dont get a first person view of turning into a wolf b/c Tobias got himself stuck as his fursona and had to narrate this book
Fake park rangers
No, I’m not going to believe that hork-bajir have T. rex feet b/c these kids know jack and shit about every kinda animal. Also zygodactyl feet make more sense for a tree climber, and would look lovely while kangaroo hopping
Tobias only notes blades on their heads, wrists, elbows and knees.
Tobi mistakes a random group of 5 wolves for his friends
These dumbasses dont demorph and remorph b/c they want to be wolves for the rest of their life
Taxxons are consistently described as fat centipedes
Tobias finds out his hawk body is horny for a lady bird
More misinformation on how wolf packs work
Idiots don’t display submissive behavior and back away to avoid a conflict. Or just flat out fucking run away.
SO the gang are able to demorph at least 7 mins past the two hours time limit. Cassie was in morph the longest yet is the first to finish and then helps the other morph with her coaching skills. Interesting.
SO how long can they really stay in morph? It takes Cassie 2mins to morph, they were at least 7 mins past the window. Cassie spent 69 mins in morph more or less, could she go longer?
Did lying to them about how much time they had left help? How much of morphing is psychological?
Owls can and would eat hawks. Tobias should be concerned about that.
Marco comes up with the idea to drive the alien tanker uncloaked over the city to alert the citizens
Jakes plan is to enter the ship through the pipes as fish. Why would there be a way to get into the rest of the ship from the water tank?
Rachel’s gymnastics group is doing a show in the mall
It bothers me that the kids and books don’t call Iness 226 by their name. B/c conflating the yeerk with their host is… not a good mentality to have
...birds can walk. Does Tobias think the only way birds can move is by flying? He can fucking run, it’d be a cute little flapping waddle but he can fucking run
Tobias loses control kills a rat, has a freak out and tries to commit suicide in front of Rachel. Is thwarted by Marco
Tobias goes feral to avoid his emotions
Tobias goes to see if the female hawk is still alive/maybe a booty call
Ya know I wanna know whats going on with the other animorphs while Tobias is having this crisis
It took Tobias a surprisingly long time to get past his shit and give a damn that a person was about to be brutally murdered in front of him
… how does Tobi’s eye attack work on the hork-controllers? AT what angle is he going to avoid the foot long horns and still hit the eyes?
You can totally hug a damn bird Applegate. People hug birds all the damn time.
Why don’t the two people with osprey morphs? Catch fish? Hell they could work together driving the fish into a net if they’d thought to bring a net.
These kids are so dumb. Marco? Cassie? Morph fucking ospery and see where the fish are!
Toboas gets distracted by the sexy lady hawk durring an important part of the mission
Andalite description: eyes on antler-like stalks, large main eyes, dainty hooves
Why is Visser 3 here now?
Plan gets 500% more dangerous and Jake and Rachel still push for it
Cassie sides with doing the plan over fucking waiting till security cools off and trying again when there’s less chance of death
The hork-controllers shoot a deer but not a bird going out over the lake multiple times
Hork-controller talking shit to a human-controller
Why is there a grate at the top of the water tank that leads in to the rest of the ship?
Tobias genuinely seems to think that there are voluntary hork-controllers given this and his comment in the first book’
Also I don’t like how Tobi keeps refering to non-human people as creatures. This shit probably happened in the other books but fuck it I’m noting it now
Heh. The kids can’t open the grate to escape and are plotting group suicide to avoid capture and infestation.
Its almost like trying to infiltrate a spaceship/tanker through the water take was a very very bad idea.
Tho is they had like mosquito morphs it might have worked
Taxxons can apparently climb like small bugs do.
Tobi steals a gun to kill the ship with
Tobi kills a ship with a gun
Random chance saves the animorphs again and Tobi is the only one to notice the humans falling out of the ship
…. Marco has an osprey morph not bald eagle.
Also! Bald eagles are fish eaters! Why didn’t Rachel morph to make fishing a little easier
Tobi sees the sexy lady hawk die
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harryseyebrows · 6 years
More parenting questions because we need specifics! Attachment parenting or cry it out? Baby wearing? Homemade baby food? Are any picky eaters? Do they introduce them to any religion? (I imagine Harry showing them all if anyone starts to ask questions) What stance will Jeff and Harry take on underage drinking or age of first cell phones? Who gives the birds and bees talk? Are they the cool house to hang out at for the teenagers? (Harry always has baked goods, Jeff has a killer vinyl collection)
i love you for this.
okay. so in terms of parenting style, it evolves from baby to baby. they had such a hard time getting pregnant with the twins that it makes them super protective once theyre born. harry is a bit more overbearing and neurotic, and not to say that jeff isnt just as scared and nervous, he’s just a bit more rational. they read the same books and know almost all of the same information, but when it comes down to it, harry often foregoes what most people and experts will tell you in favor of rushing down the hall if either twin so much as hiccups. jeff tries to reason with him and urge him to let them self soothe sometimes but its with very limited success. and jeff is kinda constantly battling with himself because he knows that harry is still spooked after the miscarriages (he is too) and when he forces harry to stay in the room and not run to them as soon as they cry, he sees how uncomfortable it makes harry, so he usually relents. however, harry relaxes over time. by the time the twins are around 6 months, he has other things to worry about, namely being pregnant again so soon, so he’s tired and cranky and swollen so letting the twins cry it out is sometimes the better option. he knows that he has a secure attachment with both twins and that they’re not lacking for anything, and that they’re both healthy and happy. with river, harry is significantly more relaxed, and by the time willow comes along, he and jeff are both old pros. 
BABY WEARING. if you think for one second that harry would not be ecstatic over the possibility of having his baby/babies strapped to him so he can walk around and show them off, even if its only at home and his only audience is the house plants, youre a CRAZY PERSON. harry loves a baby sling. jeff is less enthusiastic than harry but he’s still pretty psyched about it. even though when they take the twins out together, one baby per chest, they do look ridiculous. harry never gets tired of it, even after 4 kids. especially when theyre newborns. catch him doing laundry and dishes with his paisley printed baby scarf-sling on. DELIGHTFUL. 
homemade baby food. they try it just for shits when the twins are able to start solids but its a very short-lived project. too much mess. too expensive. store bought it just fine for them lol 
eli will eat whatever you put in front of him, but jude, harrys sweet, otherwise amicable little boy, is the one who goes through a phase where he proclaims ‘i dont like it’ to anything and everything. oddly enough, though, the things he will still eat are mostly healthy, like cubed fruit and baby carrots. however, he’s still a big fan of mac and cheese, but staunchly refuses to eat dino-shaped nuggets, to which eli usually looks at harry and jeff as if he’s saying ‘more for me, right?’ river is easy, too. a little human garbage disposal. harry has had to stop him from trying to eat a banana peel more than he’d like to admit. willow isnt quite as easy as river but she’s pretty close. all of the azoff children have very broad palates, thanks to harry and his adventurous cooking. jeff and harry also like to very very hands-on with the kids eating experiences -- they dedicate one night a week to having the kids help them with dinner. harry also likes to bake with them quite a bit. how many 4 years old do you know that have baked a lemon tart?
as far as religion goes, the kids are raised with ~blended religions ie jewish and christian (i did some research on it, and much like any other polarizing topic, there are a lot of people who claim that it has to be a hard left of right, one or the other, but if you dig a bit past the more sensationalized articles, you can find some info on people who were raised with two faiths and turned out just fine -- its finding a balance and respecting the holidays and traditions of both -- as well as explaining things just as you would if you were raising them with one faith. if given the room to explore both and come to their own decisions, it can actually be very valuable and healthy **also worth noting that i myself am not a religious person but i know its important to a lot of people). jeff and harry do their best to keep things clear and distinct but also make sure that the kids dont feel alienated or distant from either side. they dont force anything on them -- the kids are free to say no to certain things, and they both do their best to answer questions and such, so its not super strict, but more of a ‘its there if you want it’ type of situation. the kids also think its very special that they get to celebrate Hanukkah and christmas 
as neurotic as harry was when they were little, once the kids are older, he’s the more lax one when it comes to certain things ie drinking, pot, tattoos, etc. he’s pro ‘if youre gonna drink id rather you do it in the house than at a party’ so when the boys are 18/19, they’re allowed to have a beer or a glass of wine if they want it, as long as harry takes their keys. he knows that if you make something super off limits, its gonna make it that much more tempting when he’s not around to say no. thats why when river is 6 and asks what beer tastes like, harry lets him have a super tiny sip and is amused when river spits it out immediately, but less amused when he spits it out back into the bottle. jeff is a bit more strict and would prefer that they dont do it at all, but he respects harrys policies and kinda grins and bears it. 
jeff does the birds and the bees because harry is banned from talking about anything sex-related around the kids per their own request, simply because he’s super embarrassing and they hate it lmao sometimes he sits down and watches those shitty daytime talk shows, the one with the doctors as a panel, and he learns some random ass info about penile health and the next thing you know he’s bringing it up at breakfast only to be met with a chorus of ‘shut upppp dad, oh my GOD’ jeff is way more chill and easy to talk to, and the kids dont mind when he tells them because they can see that he’s just as uncomfortable as they are, eager to have it done and over with, as opposed to the theatrics they know theyd get with harry (probably some pseudo guidance counselor nonsense where he’d act placid and calm and stare at them with his laser beam focus, radiating ‘you can tell me anything’ vibes that would make them want to wither away. there’d be hand gestures and a condom demonstration with a banana, a lecture on embracing your sexuality but being careful and safe. NO THANKS, says all 4 kids)
and you are absolutely correct, other kids and teenagers seem to love going to the hazoff household, even though the actual hazoff kids dont know why. one of their dads is a complete goof (and totally embraces it) and the other is significantly more chill but also prone to being nerdy and embarrassing (harry tries to impress under the guise of being casual, whereas jeff is always ready to bust out naked baby pictures while simultaneously be the ~cool one). there are always cookies or some type of loaf cake on the counter and ready to be eaten, and jeff is always working on some new sound or projection system for movies. its just a really nice, open environment where anyone who steps into their house is accepted with open arms. unless they’re rude or mean. then harry is mildly passive aggressive but otherwise still civil. only once that person leaves does he mutter something about ‘well they weren’t very nice’ 
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someraesofsun · 7 years
Here's... news.
A whole lot of ex venting and explanations and shit under the cut
Its been a month and a half since the break up. Or maybe more than that because honestly days just blend together at this point. I thought I was doing fine, and I was. Then we made contact again.
I noticed on one of the shared accounts I paid for, my email was no longer the email the account was under. I noticed this because I couldn't log in using my email but my username worked fine. Alarming, I checked the account details and there it was. Her email.
I didn't handle it maturely. I made a snap story on how pissed I was because I thought she wasn't on my snap anymore. As far as it looked, she was stealing my fucking account for this service and she had access to receipts I bought from their store, my credit card info, etc. She was using the service under my dime and under my name. I made a bunch of videos showing receipts of her stealing from me and basically being like "it was enough when you didn't want to accept my new name or when you thought my transitioning worries were whiny and not your problem. It was enough shitting on all my interests and leaving me on seen for hours without explanation during important conversations. Don't try stealing my money too"
In addition I ranted about it tumblr. I was incredibly pissed off. I didn't call her names or anything but I did come clean about her transphobic shit and the lack of communication and all the times she made me feel awful. Maybe because the entire relationship, it was my bpd and my mental illness and my toxicity that was the problem. It was never ever her. It was crazy fucking me. Sorry always came with a caveat. I'm sorry but its your problem. I'm sorry you're hurt but you brought this all on your fucking self.
And finally, there was something proving that yeah, she's not the perfect fucking person she made herself out to be those entire ten months. She's stealing from me. Surely that means that finally i'm not the fucking villain. There was anger, yeah, but there was also this feeling of victory. I finally caught her. I'm not crazy, she really is cruel. There was a sick satisfaction to winning that I'm not proud of. I know in my heart that I did bring my flaws to the relationship. I was clingy. I could split and get nasty on a bad day. I always tried to apologize and make it right and change for the better. But she always held my actions over me even after I apologized and tried to undo it. I would step away when I split. I would keep my dysphoria to myself because it was clear she didn't want to hear it. But when I approached her calmly about things that upset me, even that wasn't right. I was upset but she had every right to remind me that I was still the bad one. She didn't have to hold herself accountable because somehow, she was the one wronged.
I mean I get now that we were both extremely emotionally abusive towards each other. I'll admit to it. I was cruel too. After a while, she kept sticking knifes in me so I stuck them right back in her and we went back and forth like that. I dont remember who stuck the first knife in who. I don't think it matters because that's not how two adults are supposed to fix things.
She hated the name I chose for myself and she hated when I talked about trans stuff and she hated my movies and my music and every time I seemed to open my mouth I fucking exhausted her. I don't know why I stayed with her for so long. I began hating her. I called her names during fights. I got upset quickly and I never expected much out of her ever and I think she began feeling that and it made her feel pretty useless and low. Her comfort when it did come was never enough for me. Because it always felt like she was trying to fix me. I needed to be repaired and all my problems solved when all I wanted to hear was "you're not crazy. This sucks but you're not crazy and how can I help?"
But that never came.
We were toxic. Disgustingly toxic. And of course she had friends on my snap I forgot to remove and of course they told her about the story and of course she was still fucking added on there. She told me herself that she found it hard to stay away from me and I shouldn't have just assumed she removed me by now. I barely use snap. I don't watch stories because never open the app except maybe once a day. I didn't know she was still on there.
She defended herself real quick. She changed the email while we were still dating so she could buy something off the store for me and the receipt would go to her email and not spoil the gift. She forgot to change it.
I didn't "win" because that's a perfectly reasonable explanation. I didn't try winning. I said sorry, deleted the story, thanked her for giving an explanation. It wasn't worth it. I wanted her gone again because I was better off in the ignorance of thinking I finally had something on her that wasn't gaslit out of my head or wasn't dubious at best evidence that I wasn't fucking crazy. That she was cruel to me.
But she bought me gifts, so she must have been a nice girlfriend. Never mind that she didn't talk to me for an entire week, ghosted my messages, called me draining and pathetic and codependent. Never mind the mental hospital and her refusal to communicate with me. She used the account to buy me gifts. So i lost.
Even writing this now I feel like I'm trying to prove to myself that I wasn't the only villain in this relationship. She called me asking to let me know if she was too busy to talk when I asked her "controlling" and "manipulative" and those words still fuck with me. Maybe I was the manipulative one. That's a bpd trait according to a lot of psychs. She called me draining because I vented too much so now I keep to myself. I don't talk about things. I'm too scared my friends will see me as selfish for talking about myself so much. I'm scared I have no personality and nothing of value to offer the world. I'm scared everyone will see the monster she saw. I could end it right now but I won't because now I'm kind of living to spite her. She made me feel like nothing and drove me to dark, toxic places I never want to return to.
This is obviously a biased account. I glossed over any times I was a complete scumbag with a few words of admission but I also spent the whole of four months at the end of our relationship begging for forgiveness and trying to make things right and trying to be honest with her and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of asking people to forgive me for reacting in a bad way to bad circumstances. I'm trying to change. I think posting that fucking snap story set me back a few months in change. I knew it was dumb. I don't think when I do shit. That wasn't a moment of thought, it was impulsive. I apologize for it and I apologize for the tumblr posts. They were shitty of me. I was out of line and I had a whole lot of anger still built up that I don't think I realized I had. I'm sorry for going off the map and not really being on here at all. I couldn't deal with it. It was keeping me up at night just how many people fucking hate me on here. And how I feel like I deserve that.
I want to have a nice relationship. I'm scared I'm too awful for one. I'm scared I'm beyond help.
I don't know the state of this account. I don't know if I'm keeping it or not. I don't know how good for my health it is, in all honesty. Logging on here, it's quiet and I like that. But I know that doesn't last forever for me. Knowing me, this post is going to get me hate. Me defending it is going to get hate. Me apologizing for it is going to get hate. In a place where I can't do any right, I kind of feel like I'm being suffocated.
I'll figure it out eventually. Maybe make a new, personal account and leave this one up because it's still impressive to me i even got a thousand people to care about my online activities. Even if a good number of those might be hate followers for all I know. I burned enough bridges. I'm not in the business of anymore of that... I just want to focus on improving myself and moving on. That's gonna be hard for me and whatever went down with the account stuff, it fucked with me. I'm seeking help.
Take this however you want. This is an admission of guilt but it's also an explanation. You might see it as just a bunch of excuses and fine. Go ahead.
I'm trying to care less about what people think of me.
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bangtanhmu · 8 years
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hi hi my friends ! i have finally compiled all of my backstory files & have decided to put them together for u in one giant post since some of u were interested ! i linked the texts where certain info is referenced for some things that u might have missed !!!! n also u don’t have 2 read this @ all like y/n is still YOU these are just like the mini fics i wrote 2 help me write the texts so they’re all unique 2 each individual boy n everyone has their own stories n personalities !
pls put ur reading glasses on 2 protect ur lil eyes bc we are abt to go on a luv~ journey
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Y O O N G I:  custard bread couple
how they met: 
they met @ a clothing store !!! the stylists had finally caught on that yoongi had been taking home his ~work clothes because honestly he had been a lil too lazy to shop or dress himself lately and after he gave them back he was left w very little clean things and didn’t want to go through their communal laundry pile n figure out what was his so he decided to just shop instead. so he went out w the standard celebrity hat + mask disguise combo and tbh noticed y/n working in the shop right away bc she was in the darks section hidden between two racks of sweaters n secretly using her phone. and it was kinda cute n funny to him 1. bc she was slacking off during work and 2. bc she was dressed in white n pastel pink so she did more standing out than blending in. n so yoongi pretended to look thru a rack of black sweaters for a few mins before he cleared his throat n said “is playing hide and seek part of the job?” and y/n obvi jumped bc she didn’t even realize someone had been in that section and dropped her phone on the ground. so she was pouty and ready to kinda say something bratty back but as soon as she took one look @ yoongi n his hat + mask she bursted into laughter and said “you look like a walking police sketch” min yoongi pretty much lost to the demonic possession that is love @ that very moment
backstory: yoongi’s y/n
her parents run an art gallery in gangnam !!! they always gave her lots of freedom 2 pursue her own interests so when she was little she did everything from piano to taekwondo to dance to collecting dragon ball figurines but also rilakkumas. she never rly had 2 worry abt anything bc her parents are super supportive. and now……..because she’s always had so much freedom, she doesn’t exactly know what she wants to do w her life ??? because a lot of things interest her ?? and choosing one thing doesn’t seem like a decision she’s ready to make yet !?? so she got the job @ the clothing store bc she wanted some responsibility  (even tho she breaks company policy n is on her phone half of her shift) and routine. n it made her feel a little less guilty abt being ~taken care of i guess ???? but tbh she doesn’t give herself enough credit bc she does a lot for other ppl ??? esp for her parents like she’s always helping out @ the gallery and running errands hmm other things. she has an older brother who studies film (her fam is generally v artistic) n he’s quite serious n like the definition of perfect child and she likes to tease him a lot but she takes care of him a bit too she’ll call him like “ i dropped off some candles n boxes of tea @ ur apartment bc yesterday you looked so stressed u kinda resembled goku abt to go super saiyan. that can’t be good for ur health !!! take care of urself ”!!!! um tbh when yoongi n y/n were getting to know each other like ~deeply she was kinda worried that he’d be put off by her upbringing bc tho they are not completely polar opposite, his is still very very different from hers and she was afraid that maybe he’d judge her for it but it wasn’t like that @ all !!!! yoongi was v happy & relived (?!!!) to hear this bc he knew that she had 3 pillars of support if he couldn’t be there for some reason and also it was so……….. relieving………. for his heart to know that she hadn’t been hardened by the world ??? and like y/n had been studying his reaction super closely totally prepared for some judgment but the only thought in yoongi’s head was “thank god thank god thank god” because y/n is like his own little heaven & that’s hella cheesy for him to think so it’s probably why he calls her demon instead. he likes that she has many interests because she always has something new to tell him and she knows a little abt everything so when they go out n she explains something to him he feels proud ???? and impressed and smitten ?? and not the usual annoyed bc she talks abt things a lot cuter and with less pretense than namjoon does when he’s being a know it all. but he doesn’t feel like y/n is a know it all. she’s just a sharer !!!! she wants to share everything w yoongi from random facts abt soccer or art or the extensive n complicated backstory of the band gorillaz & she gets excited about it and yoongi LOVES it !!!! he loves that when she’s excited the first thing she thinks abt is telling him so he can be excited too and he loves that he doesn’t have to guess what she’s thinking or feeling bc she tells him everything. she doesn’t hide from him and so he feels like he can’t hide from her and pushes himself to be more honest and open and it’s so relieving to finally be able to fully share himself w someone !!! the only thing that takes years off his life is that yoongi is like 90% of y/n’s impulse control (i think u could tell that in a few texts) lmao
custard bread couple things:
side characters - custard bread lady. y/n’s best friend sooyoung who has a very straightforward and ~jeongguk like personality.
reoccurring themes: custard bread, stop saving his fansite pics, love is demonic possession lmfao, RILAKKUMA VS KUMAMON, this face ;( 
nicknames:  brat (he calls y/n this usually followed by ;( ) demon (they call each other this lmfao) yoongz (y/n calls him this) mim moomgi (y/n calls him this)
how they met custard bread lady:
it was predating. yoongi was walking y/n to work one morning (which….. he’d rather be sleeping but he wouldn’t be able to see her for a week after that so he decided to milk all the time he had) n they decided to stop @ custard bread lady’s shop bc it was open and on the route 2 y/n’s job so it seemed pretty convenient (they had never been there before) n the plan was to get yoongi’s black coffee & y/n’s hot chocolate n get out of there within 5mins which seems like a reasonable plan but little did they know a middle aged man from h e l l would be the customer ahead of them. & every time yoongi tells this story he swears this man must’ve had zero concept of the coffee making process bc he was like ridiculously offended that he’d have to wait a few minutes for his coffee n completely yelling @ custard bread lady for no reason which was……….delaying the production of his coffee even further. n y/n wanted to step in so bad yoongi could see it all over her face she wanted 2 straight falcon punch this middle aged dude all the way to whatever sad desk job he has for disrespecting the god they would come 2 know as custard bread lady. but he knows her. she’s too high maintence for prison.  so yoongi rolls his eyes and very loudly says “just go buy a bottled coffee from f*cking starbucks if ur really in that much of a hurry” and the man turns around like what did u say u punk. who do u think you’re talking to. and yoongi has decided to just completely pretend like he didn’t say anything bc if u dont give demons like this attention they’ll eventually go away so he takes the opportunity 2 step up to the counter n is like “can we have a black coffee n hot chocolate pls we’re prepared 2 wait as long as u need” n custard bread lady is so confused bc the man is like still yelling @ yoongi (who is holding tightly onto y/n so she doesnt turn around like “HE SAIIIIIIIID JUST GO BUY A BOTTLED COFFEE FROM F*C—”) so custard bread lady prepares their order n the guy is yelling @ yoongi who is now scrolling through twitter on his phone & taking mental note of all the new curse words he’s learned from this man and eventually that dude leaves (not without threatening to find yoongi later) and custard bread lady is relieved that he’s gone & is thanking them like they’re some kind of heroes & they’re like we literally didnt do anything @ all. but she’s appreciative anyway n throws in free bread w/ their order and unknowingly changed their lives n taste buds 4ever 🍞
face claim:
gfriend eunha
(idk if these are technically face claims bc i rarely show their faces ! i just like 2 use the same girl for one member to keep the texts consistent & unique 2 them)
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S E O K J I N - ajae couple
how they met: 
they met @ uni !!! seokjin is hardly ever on campus (he’s a v busy man) so he was super super lost n confused trying to find a restroom one day. and while he was wandering through the halls he saw y/n carrying a 50 ft stack (an exaggeration) of coloring books (there’s a reason ehehheh) and even tho his bladder was abt 2 explode he ran over to help her bc it really looked like she’d fall over if a spec of dust landed on top of them. but being suddenly approached by a tall n broad (n handsome) guy startled y/n so s he fell over anyway. and seokjin laughed his rly rly loud goofy laugh as he picked up the coloring books surrounding her and made a rly cheesy  "wow i didn’t think you’d fall for me this quickly"  joke & @ first y/n was completely appalled but then she realized he wasn’t laughing at her he was laughing at his own joke lmao !!!! not everyone is as confident n open as seokjin he has no problem talking 2 ppl but it was kind of not the case for y/n she didn’t rly know what to say or do so he did abt 90% of the talking as he carried the coloring books (he didn’t ask abt them) to wherever they needed to go n y/n did abt 100% of the laughing bc seokjin held back a little not wanting 2 overwhelm her and because he rly liked hearing her laugh for some reason. so they get 2 where y/n needs to go n seokjin puts everything down n jokingly asks if there’s a 50ft stack of colored pencils that he also needs to bring in n she laughs again so he’s satisfied n decides to quit while he’s ahead. before he leaves he asks 4 her number and also directions to the nearest restroom !!!!!!! 
backstory: seokjin’s y/n
she wants to be a teacher. a kindergarten or elementary school teacher❗️👩🏻‍🏫 she’s like a teaching assistant rn n she’s almoooooooost finished w school !!!! i think what she wants 2 do says a lot abt her personality. very patient very kind & gentle !!!!!! and will indulge in ~childish things like games the way seokjin does !!! but i don’t think she’s as outgoing as him she’s more introverted n shy !!!! she’s the oldest in her family n has 2-3 younger siblings so i think that’s part of the reason why she wants to work w kids so much bc she’s good w them and she loves interacting w them and she has more patience than others do so she’s rly good @ taking the time to understand them…………and seokjin lmao. she listens to him like genuinely listens & appreciates what he has to say and it rly means a lot to him bc there’s certain times when he feels under appreciated or like his voice doesn’t matter but she takes him 100% seriously. she encourages all the silly behavior he’s usually told to suppress bc that’s his charm !! and she thinks he’s sincerely funny and cute and interesting and smart. and tbh most people don’t rly remember that seokjin is his family’s maknae and being the oldest of 7 dudes was probably hard to adjust to !!! they talk abt cooking & baking !! it’s usually seokjin leading and y/n assisting but she’s the one who finds the recipes and stuff n gets so excited bc “omg seokjin is gonna LOVE this !!!!!” and tbh she’s so soft for seokjin he still flusters her a lot even tho they’ve been together for a while so whenever she calls him handsome or cute it’s not bc she knows he wants to hear it but bc she’s still like so in awe of him n probably won’t ever stop. family is so important to her & hers really ADORES seokjin like she mentioned how much her mom loves and brags abt him & that makes her so happy ! n it makes him happy too bc he fits right in & he feels like he belongs ! @ the beginning seokjin was rly worried about scaring her off bc she seemed so shy and stuff and he didn’t wanna overwhelm her but they both got comfortable super quickly bc seokjin is such an easy person to be around and once she started opening up he brought out his full personality. and it’s feels so nice to be himself and have someone w/ common interests and someone he can talk to without feeling like he’s whining. he loves her a lot like rly rly rly loves her n is willing to put aside his pride & admit that she might be the most beautiful person on this planet. he loves to take photos of her when they’re out eating n stuff n it makes her shy but he just like loves looking at her and probably spends most of the day remembering her face. but he also loves like how good she is !! like just a genuinely good person w a pure heart and he thinks it’s so cute that all the games she plays are like super mellow nintendo games like animal crossing !!! he probably bought the game too just so he could give her the fruit from his town and bury bells outside of her house. omg he probably screams when he shakes a tree and bees start chasing him and y/n thinks it’s so cute & funny to watch him panic n then complain abt his character’s visual being compromised bc of the stings. tbh they’d be THAT family that has like a yt account where seokjin uploads vids of him & his son’s mario maker map or snack reviews and u can hear y/n laughing in the background as she’s filming. good & pure.
ajae couple things:
reoccurring themes: cooking, food, video games.
face claim:
red velvet irene
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J E O N G G U K - choke slam couple
how they met:
these 2 frogs met outside a convenience store lmao !!!! u know those claw game machines where u spend like a billion quarters just to fail @ winning a plushie 50 consecutive times ??? that’s what guk was doing. mingyu made the mistake of saying those things were impossible and of course guk had to prove him wrong. honestly @ the time he didn’t even know why he had so many quarters in his wallet but he’d later find out that it was one of taehyung’s weird pranks that he’ll forever be grateful for because y/n who was eating her convenience store ramen very very slowly had been watching him lose to the machine 7 times in a row and tbh it was so f*vkifng funny to her and watching the rly cute guy getting scammed by a machine had made her forget abt the mental breakdown she had bc of exams 1hr earlier. so she stuffed her snacks in her backpack n watched him fail just once more before sauntering over as he turned to complain to his friend. y/n smiled n said hey as she put 2 quarters into the machine & guk turned around v v v startled but his surprised rounded eyes soon filled w/ awe ? admiration ? worship ? as y/n managed to successfully capture a plushie within 4 seconds n then slid it into the large pocket of his hoodie after she pulled it out of the slot. but guk couldn’t do much 2 respond bc what tf a goddess was standing in front of him??! this divine and hot as hell supreme being who conquered the cursed claw machine in 1 shot. so y/n taught him the secret to beat the game and mingyu had excused himself after the pair had won two more plushies together and guk didn’t even feel bad that he had forgotten that his friend was there bc this really really interesting convenience store girl was leaning over his shoulder n coaching him as he went for the doramon plushie and her hair smelt like strawberries. when he walked her back to her dorm there were 3 plushies in the pocket of his hoodie, one in his actual hood, 3 in y/n’s backpack and one in her arms.
backstory: jeongguk’s y/n
a student !!! she’s a 1st yr university student. she kinda reflects where guk might be if he was a ~normal dude. i think that’s why the way they met is kinda important bc it was 2 ppl the same age @ the same place @ the same time but @ two completely diff places in life & feeling completely diff emotions. she grew up in a competitive environment bc her dad is a taekwondo instructor and her brother is a well decorated like student athlete type of thing in that sport. omg so she spent a lot of time there and idk why i gave her a tiny bit of sad story but she lived most of her life w/o her mom so it’s always been her & her dad & brother like eating take out n watching sports together @ home and that was more than enough 4 her. only her & yoongi’s y/n & hoseok’s y/n seem to be genuinely interested in idol groups and for her i think it’s bc she rly turned to girl group members for her female role models n stuff !!!!! she’s living away from her dad & brother for university & that’s probably why she was having a hard time that night they met. and bc guk knows she’s alone he gives her a lot of attention (in f2l texts he always wanted to talk on the phone or FaceTime even tho they weren’t together yet & he talked abt how he loves being w her even tho sometimes he’s just keeping her company while she studies) guk’s y/n is smart and witty and confident and guk really really really thinks she’s wonder woman or something. in his eyes she can do ANYTHING they joke a loooooot and roast each other a looooooooot but he truly believes she’s the most capable person in the world and he thinks super super super highly of her. she’s funny and dependable and ambitious and understanding and she respects the creative direction of his dubsmash vids lmao. bc they joke around so much guk always takes the time to let her know how much he cares abt her so she doesn’t miss understand. like in the christmas texts and valentine’s texts he’s one of the only members 2 rly pour out his feelings bc he makes sure to put in the effort during special days. y/n sometimes tells him that he doesn’t need to bc she knows without him having to say it and she doesn’t want him to feel pressured but he thinks it’s really important that she hears it from him. it’s a real concern for him he’s mentioned it a few times that his instinct is to show affection through teasing her & memes but that’s bc he was scared of the vulnerability @ first but now he’s a self proclaimed Emo™ and let’s her know that she’s loved by him. their personalities are really really similar so they understand each other easily but are different enough that they compliment each other well and are literally each other’s partner in crime (they talk abt how much trouble they get into). idk if any of u watch running man but there’s this episode when haha’s wife guest stars and they’re paired as a team and the dynamic is sooooooo guk & y/n bc even tho they’re competitive and she’s yelling @ him to endure just a little bit longer so they can win the challenge she’s still being like affectionate n like calling him pet names while coaching him and after he gets eliminated from another challenge and it’s her turn he does the same for her and they won the show that day by like playing to the other teams weaknesses and gassing each other up @ the same time omg & the last challenge was something romantic like they had to both pick a random floor of the building to meet on and if they chose the same one then they’d win and they both picked their anniversary and won & it was so funny & cute bc they were like screaming. and that’s how guk & y/n are. partners in crime but @ the end of the day Emos In Luv.
choke slam couple things:
reoccurring characters: wonwoo from seventeen. uyoo the dog. y/n’s best friend yerin. the napkin lady from the convenience store (who hates them very much).
reoccurring themes: kermit memes / frogs, RIPPED (as in everything he raises [kids…….or puppies] will be ripped like him), jeon jeongguk vs jeon wonwoo, getting banned from places, choke slams
nicknames: frog girl (he calls y/n this because he claims that she looks like a kermit the frog meme) babe (usually it’s hot babe lmfao and he never calls y/n this directly only when he’s talking abt her……..to her?) 
face claim:
red velvet joy
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J I M I N - snow couple
how they met: 
they met…………@ the dmv hehehehehehh! jimin can’t drive yet but he really really wants to and in korea u gotta take one written test n two driving tests. mini is there for the first driving test n he’s sosososo nervous bc if he fails this he really won’t hear the end of it from the others……….especially jeon jeongguk. he’s gone over the procedure abt a thousand times in his head and he’s convinced that he’s ready but then the small waiting room door opens and in walks y/n dressed in all white & her hair in pretty bun (she looks like she has v important plans after this) and she’s reading the driving manual they gave him after his written test and jimin is surprised bc he for sure thought he’d get celeb privilege n take the test alone (plus its early morning who else would be here). y/n sits beside him and notices he’s not studying @ all so she’s like hey wanna share my book !!!! and omg shy jimin is like o….kay…….sure as she scoots closer to him. n jimin pretends to read the left page but rly he’s looking @ her through his peripheral n listening to her whisper the ~important things on the right page to herself and it’s kinda calming but also making him incredibly nervous. n when y/n notices he’s totally not reading she closes the book and introduces herself and jimin (v shyly) does the same n she tells him that she thinks she has a 3% chance of passing considering that her brother has been teaching her & it took him 3 tries to get his license n mini laughs @ this and says that he has a 5% chance of passing because bc he only studied last night and exactly 0 ppl have been teaching him how to drive. so they go out to take their tests and jimin cheers for y/n and she fails n y/n cheers for jimin & he fails but it’s ok and jimin’s like “it looked like u were playing v bad gta” n y/n’s like “well u looked like u were 8th place in mariokart” and while the instructor went to schedule another test for them they were talking abt the teasing they’d get from their friends n jimin was describing guk like an elementary school bully & y/n was like “ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ he’s probably just jealous bc ur more handsome than he is” & jimin was gooooooone
backstory: jimin’s y/n
wow a BIG CUTIE a real flower girl like if jimin was born a girl he might be the cute n small n secretly devilish y/n !!! i imagine her parents to be business people or at least someone mildly important bc she always maintains a clean appearance (like even when they met early in the morning @ the dmv jimin made note of how well put together she looked)  and i think she likes that image and so does jimin bc he always feels like he’s meeting up w a princess (except on their secret shinee nights……..that’s strictly business) they can relate to each other in that sense bc even though they’re both very much themselves most of the time there’s still pressure to maintain a certain image in the back of their mind n i think that’s why they clicked right away when they met bc as soon as they stopped pretending to study and joked abt how unprepared they were it instantly became so comfortable. they can admit their faults & insecurities to each other w/o dwelling on it so it’s rly rly rly refreshing n jimin always feels like he’s floating on a cloud when he’s with y/n. she adores him really really adores him so much and i think it’s obvious (even tho she teases him bc his reactions are so cute) bc everything reminds her of him ! jimin has said that she thinks everything small and round looks like him  but i really think it’s bc having tiny jimin’s around when she misses him gives her some comfort !!! i don’t think he’s caught on yet bc he still has a hard time comprehending that someone likes him that much & reciprocates his feelings & attachment 100%. she’s the most insecure abt her bf being around so many beautiful ppl !!! n it’s not even that bad like she only ever mentions one group and the only reason it makes her uncomfortable is bc jimin has talked abt them before and jimin is the best guy in the world 2 her so there’s small feelings of “ah am i good enough for him?” but she usually fights those thoughts off. they have so much fun together & they love meeting up outside bc being cooped up is not what they’re abt !!!! but omg jimin is so determined not to waste any opportunity to spend time w her that he sometimes meets up when he’s v exhausted and ends up falling asleep while they’re out (it’s happened twice in daily texts hehe) and y/n doesn’t mind bc she thinks he’s cute even tho it hurts her that he works himself so hard !!! but she’s okay w/ looking after him while he sleeps bc at least she knows for sure that he’s resting. jimin adores her just as much !!! he thinks she’s so funny & amazing & cute & smart and they’re always giggling abt something or talking abt something excitingly but even if they aren’t doing much like if he’s just resting on her lap before he has to leave for a schedule he still feels like he’s on a high. and nothing makes him happier than checking his phone after a super long day n seeing a bunch of goodnight selcas and msgs~ and he appreciates that she feels the need to take care of him bc she’s never really had to take care of anyone before (she's family maknae) and that must mean that he’s rly dear to her so holds that special feeling and takes it with him wherever he goes~
snow couple things:
reoccurring themes: snow app thirst traps, secret shinee thing, apeach, tiny………..park jimin………tears………..
nicknames: mini (y/n calls him this)
what is the secret shinee thing:
okay the secret shinee thing is a………….game? a competition? initially meant to be a stress reliever but it got way too competitive and complicated over time lmfao okay it’s like competitive noraebang + chubby bunny + other special rules !!!!! so the other person picks a shinee song (member solos are allowed too but usually saved for the final round) for you and u have to sing it with 2 marshmallows in your mouth and during a specific members part you have to dance too. and there’s a banned word that u can’t say & u get 5 points deducted from ur score every time u say it and every time u forget to dance. so u have to try to get a high score despite all the challenges and whoever has the highest combined score @ the end wins. okok for example if mini was choosing for you he’d say something like
 ring ding dong 
 banned word: butterfly  
and okay if ur score was like 89 but u said butterfly once and forgot to dance once during jjong’s part then ur score would be 79. & if u were picking for mini you’d say something like
banned word: stay
and the loser has to do like a full game of chubby bunny (i’m imagining jimin rn and dyyyyying) + buy dinner + something embarrassing that the other person gets 2 chose :p
the reason they don’t want anyone to know abt it is because 1. it’s their special game n they’re worried their friends (taehyungandgukbutudidn’thearthatfromthem) might try to take it over 2. they rly look SO ridiculous while playing 3. jimin is actually friends w/ shinee (taemin) and if they found out abt this he’d be mortified 4. they take the competition too seriously heheh :p
face claim:
gfriend yerin
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N A M J O O N - aesthetic couple
how they met: 
omg they met on set !!!! namjoon is super super super super super super lucky that someone else was sick n y/n was sent to the photo shoot instead. longest photo shoot of his life honestly bc he was hung up on her as soon as she wheeled a rack of clothes past him w/o even looking his way. and he couldn’t help but stare as he was getting his hair done and his eyeliner applied and completely ignoring whatever yoongi was complaining about this time bc the peach tones of her outfit n make up n aura were too captivating & his mind couldn’t rly be bothered to focus elsewhere. and y/n totally knew that he had been staring @ her the entire time bc hello this is y/n she’s always 2 steps ahead of namjoon (which he loves bc he’s always been @ the top of whatever he does he’s never had 2 play catch up before) n so she continued to avoid his eyes as she smoothed out the collar of his shirt & joon was holding his breath bc her perfume that he recognized was really the icing on top of the cake. y/n smiled when he was finally styled to her liking and said “you know my sister likes bangtan. she talks abt jimin 24/7, but i’m more into rappers” joon finally woke up as she was walking away and he shouted out a v awkward “ur wearing chanel no5!!!” and y/n laughed @ his clumsy + cute attempt to impress her. n the fact that she was the smooth one during their first meeting still kills joon 2 this day.
backstory: namjoon’s y/n
she’s a stylist —but not all the way up there yet she mostly does styling for photo shoots n doesn’t have like a person or team she exclusively styles for at the moment but she’d rly like one. she’s interested in design & that would be like a dream come tru and namjoon fully believes in her bc she is so unique & brilliant & pretty much other worldly (in a good way) to him that he knows whatever she creates is gonna be good. she’s like namjoon in that she wants to be cultured ! and has probably studied like foreign language (they talked abt english lessons) or art history or some other interesting thing bc she’s always looking for inspiration. she has a younger sister who loves bangtan (her fave member is jimin) & hates namjoon bc of an incident that happened the first time she met him heheheh her dad is a professor n her mom works very hard to raise the family ! n they’re very well mannered n always had high standards for their daughters n even though they’re not authoritarian style parents y/n & her sister always felt like they had to maintain a certain image. so y/n carries herself w/ a lot of grace & namjoon loves it bc he’s (life threateningly) clumsy. @ the beginning he thought that he was way more into her than she was into him but i think we can all tell from the texts that she rly thinks namjoon is the hottest man alive lmao :p and tbh she finds him rly cute & charming especially the quirky way he dresses & the way he smiles w his entire face & the way he needs to fact check everything !!!!! & she really loves that he’s interested in fashion & supports her work bc she loves sharing each other’s opinions of clothes. they rly are the soulmate couple to me bc even their different interests are similar interests like. they go to record shops/cafes because namjoon likes to find weird english music and she likes to look @ the album art & they have this habit of turning two different things into one common thing. kinda like a puzzle. and that’s why i think they were meant for each other. she’s so openly into him like 24/7 and he pretends to be nonchalant but it flusters him & he loves it but he does his best to act ~smooth. it’s also super good & healthy bc he never feels insecure in the relationship and in return he tries his best to treat her like an actual goddess which she has fun w/ sometimes (the pic of him tying her shoes lmao) but they both receive back the love n attention they give ! it’s a rly good balance. y/n has also mentioned being close w/ namjoon’s mom a couple of times now and he loves it bc he’s such a momma’s boi but sometimes he feels like they just get together over tea and compare notes 📝 bc he’ll get calls from his mom like “you broke her sister’s arm !!!!!!!” or texts from y/n like “i can’t believe it took u 2 days 4hrs and 17 minutes to call your mom back, kim namjoon” lmao they just get each other and are so comfortable w/ each other namjoon can lay his head in her lap and talk abt alternate universes for 3 hours n she’ll let him get all of his thoughts out & he listens to her talk extensively abt the different shades of red. they’re each other’s best friend, personal photographer, #1 fan etc etc. just a good n healthy relationship
aesthetic couple things:
reoccurring characters:  y/n’s sister who hates namjoon. y/n’s best friend seungwan.
reoccurring themes: selfie wars, when will y/n’s sister stop hating him?, ryan, mildly suggestive texts. 
nicknames: baby (he calls y/n this)
why does y/n’s sister hate namjoon:
he broke her arm lmaoooooooooooo ! accidentally ofc ! it was the first time y/n was introducing her to him n she was very very worried bc her sister is a fan of bangtan n had high expectations that he’d be the person fans thought he was. so namjoon gave 2 of the tickets that are reserved for his friends & family to y/n  and her sister and they were gonna meet for the first time after the show n probably eat w his parents or something. at least that was the plan. so everything is over and they’re backstage looking for namjoon & y/n goes to the restroom bc um…….their concerts are like 3hrs long friends. and while she’s waiting y/n’s sister spots namjoon n like naturally she gets v excited bc she’s a fan and stuff n she forgets that she’d recognize him even tho he probably wouldn’t recognize her and she reaches her arm out as he passes to say like “yo my sister is in here” bc he looks like he’s trying to call her on his phone but instead it comes out as a loud n excited HEY !!!! and namjoon looks up 2 see a teenage girl reaching towards him n shouting n wearing the tour merch so he jumps to a very bad conclusion n assumes she’s like a sasaeng or something n gets scared n freaks out lmfao he like pushes his arms out to keep her away n this catches her off guard and she stumbles back n loses her footing n falls v awkwardly n suddenly starts yelling y/n’s name (it all happened v fast they both didn’t have time to react) and namjoon finally recognizes the familiar features and puts 2 n 2 together and hes like oh……………………….shit… and y/n comes out of the restroom and sees her sister on the ground looking livid and namjoon standing in front of her looking like he just signed a deal w/ sweet death and she also says oh……………………shit…and after many bribes including getting jimin to sign her cast she still hates him.
face claim:
apink naeun
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T A E H Y U N G - soft couple
how they met: 
they met at noraebang late one night omg !!!! taehyung was there w jimin and we know tae doesn’t drink but y/n truly thought he was drunk outta his mind when she walked into the wrong room n found him singing (yelling) and dancing to gee by snsd. jimin was so embarrassed (even tho he wasn’t the one trying to hit taeyeon’s high notes) and just looked @ the doorway mortified but tae didn’t care n offered y/n the microphone as he continued to follow along to the choreography as best as he could. and of course he gained a duet partner bc y/n was smitten as soon as she saw the pure (non intoxicated heheheh) excitement in his eyes :b y/n forgot abt the friends she was supposed to meet there and stayed with the 95z until their hour was up. tae made jimin pretend to be hungry so he had an excuse to hang out w y/n some more and invited her to mcdonalds w them and he kept sneaking peaks at her as they walked the two blocks bc he honestly was convinced she was an angel n now that he wasn’t being filtered by the multicolored lights of the noraebang room he felt a lil shy and ofc jimin noticed this right away and would giggle whenever taehyung’s eyes would go wide when y/n spoke to him and when he stuttered out her order to the cashier !!!! so mini had his fun bc he knew that would be the last time he’d ever hang out w them n not feel like a third wheel
backstory: taehyung’s y/n
if u asked taehyung abt y/n he would tell you that she’s an angel. an angel that has been sent down from heaven to love n protect him. she’s everything an angel would be: kind and caring and sweet and open and loving. she let’s tae be tae and that’s a v important thing !!! often he gets kinda scolded for behaving too ~weirdly or they tell him not to act so freely when they’re on broadcast but that’s never the case w y/n. he’s never heard those things from her. she accepts everything he shares & treats everything so specially n like it’s the most brilliant idea in the world. whenever he’s super excited texting her abt things she never shuts him down or refuses to play along she always joins in just as excited & encourages him to express his creativity and so he always feels super good & confident & he’s never worried that she’ll think he’s strange. and tbh it’s not like she goes out of her way to baby taehyung, that’s just who she is as a person. like when they first met & she didn’t turn around and walk out the door but rather joined in on the fun he was having w/o missing a beat !!!!! she’s just naturally rly open & accepting & fun so he doesn’t feel like she puts up w/ him out of sympathy or whatever. he knows it’s genuine & that she TRULY does think his thoughts and opinions are smart & unique & interesting & she really does fully trust him. and that’s why he think she’s his angel and he’s always reiterating his appreciation for her n complimenting her n making sure that she never doubts the pure love he has for her. she’s an only child and bc of that she’s very sociable and has a lot of friends and obvi has no problems starting conversations w strangers heheh. and she’s also a student like guk’s y/n (i see her doing something w medicine like studying to be a pediatric nurse or something n i can already imagine taehyung shouting nurse wifey !!!!!! when he gets a paper cut) and i think she puts a lot of pressure on herself to succeed in school & worries a lot more than he does in general & she doesn’t rly have to talk about it for taehyung to recognize it so he’s ALWAYS alwaaaaays talking abt her positive qualities bc he never wants her feeling insecure & he mentions how he’ll always be there to love & support her no matter what’s going on in her life bc like he said he loves her when she’s sad happy hungry sleepy thirsty sneezy but especially SAD bc that’s when she needs him most. they’re rly soft and pure omg everything they do is so cute like the couple items? scream. most of it is taehyung’s idea bc he’s excited to be in love and he wants everyone to know !!!!! even though he technically can’t let anyone know & that’s part of why he dotes on her so much too. this is a 2 way angel street. he’s her angel too and she feels it all the time !!!! there’s always a happy guy around that brings out the best in her !!!! n she loves the spontaneity that taehyung brings into her life bc they try a lot of new things !!!!! but still keep some regular things like they’re always eating mcdonald’s lmao (pls help these kids) and they don’t feel the need to go out as often the way jimin’s couple does. they stay in a lot and cuddle up and that’s just as exciting to them bc they have big imaginations and a lot 2 talk abt. they don’t stay mad @ each other bc theyre bother very forgiving n understanding n bc their fights are never fights like they both are very thoughtful ppl they’d never do things like forget an anniversary or say something hurtful that they don’t mean. bc that’s not who they are as ppl (esp in the relationship) taehyung’s jealousy is very small n usually half serious ! bc everyone likes her (like everyone likes taehyung)! from grandmas they meet when they’re out to kids in her neighborhood to her professors to his members (especially guk but it’s only in a noona - dongsaeng way & he mostly just feeds her & the other gfs info on tae/the other boys) so he gets nervous but she always thinks it’s cute and reassures him !!! there’s lots of communication n support n gassing each other up !!!! as expected from angels !!!!!
soft couple things:
reoccurring themes: uses dog pics to represent himself, this couple doodles a lot, tae uses bullet points / report style when he’s trying to make a point without being too serious (ex: missing person report when ur sad, recipe when he’s jealous), emojis, boyfriend daesang, soft memes
nicknames: wifey (he calls y/n this)
face claim:
red velvet seulgi
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H O S E O K - best couple
how they met: 
they met @ the hospital when hoseok was a handful of months old and y/n was a handful of hours! n there’s not much to say abt that initial encounter but their moms are best friends n they grew up together u know. hoseok would cry whenever he fell n scraped his knee & y/n would tell him she loved him n did her best to distract his thoughts as she placed a band aid over the wound. when her parents didn’t get her the doll castle she wanted for her bday hoseok ran home n gathered up all his legos to build one for her. n so they lived w that kind of dynamic (being each other’s knight in shining armor) for a long time n they loved it u know and they could admit that to themselves and to others but as they grew older they would never admit that they ~more than platonic~ loved each other bc “best friends don’t do that”. so hoseok would sit on the edge of y/n’s desk w his arms crossed n his tongue digging into the side of his cheek as another one of their classmates attempted a horribly thought out confession and instead of direct rejection y/n would ramble on abt what a perfect guy shinee’s taemin was. hoseok still instinctively scoffs whenever he hears replay. it wasn’t easy 4 y/n either bc her bff hoseokie whom she had to quickly change the channel for when horror movie ads came on was suddenly this handsome godly dancer n she had to wash her hands for an uncomfortable amount of time as she eavesdropped on the other girls in the restroom gushing over how hot her best friend was and struggled to deal w the fact that she thought the same.
backstory: hoseok’s y/n
we know a little bit abt y/n’s backstory bc hoseok & y/n mention their childhood a lot. like we know that he’s her best friend and that their moms are best friends and we know that she hasn’t loved anyone besides hoseok (except for shinee’s taemin) she’s basically hoseok sunshine but…………w/ a twist. hoseok is a capri sun & she’s lemonade. she’s rly rly sweet but wow if u even look @ hoseok the wrong way ur dead SO DEAD. but hoseok usually talks her out of being confrontational so u’ll probably just get hit w/ the double stink eye from them. to me she’s got an office job !!!! like she’s the mischievous graduate assistant n probably maknae of the office so she’s well loved but has to do things like run to the store n buy pringles for her coworkers when they’re working overtime and the stereotypic coffee run thing~ she brings a lot of joy to the older employees the way hoseok brings a lot of joy to his members & team so they never work her too hard. i think it’s a v comfortable job for y/n & it’s nice to have kind of a ~controlled environment. the beginning of their relationship was a mix of easy & awkward bc even tho it’s what they both wanted for a long time it was still like…….suddenly ur making out w/ ur best friend what the heck is going on. but after that it was so natural !!!! they know each other’s personalities so well that they’re never confused abt what the other needs !!!! tbh everyone was waiting for this to happen. like their moms have been dreaming abt a wedding for years and yoongi + guk had a bet going on and guk lost bc yoongi did some instigating hehehehh. y/n is so friendly & charming & they’ve known her for as long as they’ve known hoseok so they all like her for him bc she’s absolutely his #1 fan. y/n i think worries the least abt his schedule and not seeing him for a bit bc she’s already experienced it as his best friend and if anything it’s easier now bc she knows he’s ~hers. and if she is missing him he’s rly good @ making himself available to her so things get sorted out pretty quickly ! she rly rly rly cares abt him and wants to protect him bc he’s the best person she knows and so like that’s why she gets so worked up even if someone says they don’t like bngtn lmao & she rly cares abt his feelings like they mentioned that she was a fan of taemin when they were in school but ever since she found out it slightly bothered hoseok (f2l texts) she never mentions it (the way guk’s y/n does. not that she doesn’t care abt guk’s feelings. they’re just 2 v diff boys) !!!!!! she’s always giving him compliments and trying to make him feel good she doesn’t want him to feel insecure. hoseok rly loves her bc he truly feels like he has a person in this world who understands him 100% and he never feels like his personality is too much or too little when he’s with her. everything feels perfect & familiar & it’s like his heart’s home is w/ her and not w him.
best couple things:
reoccurring themes: my mom told ur mom to tell me to tell you / family events  (basically all stuff implying that they were childhood bffs turned Best Couple), lee taemin
face claim:
red velvet wendy
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japvnesedenim-blog · 6 years
5 Simple Statements About honey face mask Explained
Wow, honey is so mouth watering, and it seems It can be really valuable! It is like the most effective of both of those worlds, it's so exciting that often the ideal remedies are located in mother nature. Voted up! You will get rid of acne with no enduring the soreness of digesting bitter tablets or making use of These creams and lotions which, normally, are practically nothing but lumps of petroleum jelly combined with an artificial scent, colour, delicate bleach, and random antibiotics. For those who have cystic acne, white toothpaste (not gel) is a superb remedy. Implement some before you decide to go to bed every night, and you may see a massive big difference once you get up. Type to go looking... When autocomplete effects are offered expend and down arrows to review and enter to choose. Contact product end users autocom.filteredProducts.size success can be obtained Software: Use within the regions impacted with acne or you'll be able to use it on The entire face as a preventative process. Planning: Extensively combine all of the ingredients inside of a bowl to secure a uniform regularity towards the lotion. Increase the honey towards the egg white and lemon juice, and mix all the things yet again. You may need ½ tablespoon of honey. Ensure that it is the translucent, runny type. Honey is antibacterial and functions being a normal antiseptic. Additionally it is moisturizing and allows replenish the skin.[3] Honey's powerful antibacterial action can remedy current acne and stop any more unwelcome pimples. As this mask could get messy, It could be a good idea to tie or pin your hair back again. You might also want to consider draping a towel in excess of your upper body and shoulders to protect your clothes. • All those with oily skin can use a selfmade face mask well prepared by incorporating two tablespoons of environmentally friendly clay, 1 tablespoon of powdered milk, and a bit drinking water in freshly squeezed orange juice taken from the medium-sized orange. Thanks on your posting. I like the way. You discussed the honey mask Recommendations. Your mask is easy to generate. I am going to attempt it in my following spa therapy. I find it irresistible. Mister healmunsta. This can be utilised to gather facts on visitors to content articles along with other pages on our site. Until you're signed in into a HubPages account, all Individually identifiable information is anonymized. Orange is often a fruit which has the goodness of ascorbic acid that provides excellent answers to a lot of skin concerns like blackheads, blemishes and excess sebum. Clean fruits and bouquets are the best offerings of Mother Character to us; oranges are so simply out there nowadays, so Why don't you get the best out of this fruit? more info at social media make a wonderful and straightforward face mask and pamper our skin. So now, devoid of losing much time, Permit’s progress and put together this kind of face mask for oily skin. Separate the egg. Crack an egg over a bowl, and transfer the yolk from shell to shell. Each time you transfer the yolk, a little bit of the egg white should really circulation into your bowl. Hold executing this until eventually each of the egg white is while in the bowl.
About skin care
Hi Kelly! Just assumed I’d move along my Odd eye treatment. I’m 49 many years previous, so I need all the help I can get! I took a coffee filter, cut it into three parts. Then put about 1tsp.of coffee in the middle of every bit. In women of colour, skin may perhaps seem ashy or uninteresting from dead skin buildup. These face masks, combined with standard exfoliation and everyday utilization of moisturizers should soothe dry, chapped skin. Increase lemon juice towards the egg white. You will want 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. The lemon juice will act as a purely natural astringent and aid dispose of the acne and blackhead-leading to microorganisms. It may additionally help lighten your skin.[two] Skip the hot drinking water when bathing or showering, and use lukewarm drinking water in its place. Scorching drinking water can really feel comforting, but it really could also strip your skin of its all-natural oils. Ensure that your face is thoroughly clean, and free of any make-up before you start applying the mask. You might need to scrub your face with a light-weight cleaning soap prior to deciding to set around the mask to get rid of any make-up or surface impurities. Your thoughts about this information and my article are important for me. I will likely be extremely appreciated in the event you share your views and responses. Thank you. In this economic climate, why expend $thirty or more on the leg wax when you can do it on your own? I have a lot of buddies who wax their unique legs And that i uncovered a recipe for your sugar "wax" over the Double X Web site for Ladies. Editor Hanna Rosin shares her spouse and children's recipe. Guidelines: Put all components into a sizable bowl and stir until it turns into sticky and thick. Implement the mask to the face for five minutes and clean face carefully which has a gentle facial cleaning soap. Orange peel incorporates potent properties that support preserve troublesome pimples away. Implement a thick coat of this zit-busting orange peel face mask to deep-cleanse your pores and generate out the Grime, grime, excessive oil, and bacteria, all of which bring about pimples and blackheads to kind within the skin surface. I Particularly really like applying it prior to a date or ahead of a thing essential After i want my skin to look it’s finest. The rapid brightening, smoothing and line minimizing outcomes lasts for several hours and hours! Just after it has sat on the skin for 20 minutes, rinse the mask off with warm drinking water. The avocado fats and The complete milk yogurt fats assistance to moisturize your skin, whilst the yogurt’s lactic acid encourages collagen generation, and evens out your complexion.[twelve] You may use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in to the Hubpages account. No info is shared with Facebook Except you have interaction using this type of aspect. ( via stepto remedies to read the full post ) Following the guidelines right here and generally using good care of yourself (having very well, acquiring plenty of snooze, exercising, taking care of anxiety very well - you'll find content articles on all of these matters below if you want them) may help. Exercise very good hygiene, stay away from touching your face, clean your dresses and pillowcases/sheets regularly, utilize a organic laundry detergent if you can, and stay away from employing dryer sheets or cloth softener (they might aggravate acne for some people). 2tsp wheatgerm oil Guidelines: Blend every one of the ingredients right into a smooth paste. Apply and therapeutic massage the mixture into skin. Preserve the mask on for twenty minutes.
Not known Details About strawberry face mask
(i) Beat one egg white right until you will get a foamy consistency. Message Carefully the egg white on the skin of the eye spot and together the cheekbones. Depart it on for ten minutes after which you can clean the region using a cotton swab soaked in chilly h2o. Make this happen 2 times every week. And how to care every day schedule fir my below eye skin to help keep it young for extended yrs. Be sure to help me…. If you'd like to use this mask once more Make sure you produce a new 1 as this stay in the fridge for 3 times nonetheless it’s very good in case you make a new 1. (ii) I would counsel that in advance of supplying the combination as a gift, you could possibly check it wheter it may possibly previous for 3 weeks. Also we will value in the event you kindly share your getting with our other audience……. Hi thanks for the reply. Imagine if I add citric acid powder and geranium essential oil? Will these function good preservatives? If Sure for how long will they delay if not refrigerated? Many thanks lots. Do you are doing a thing Unusual like rubbing a little something throughout your face just before a date (or anything critical), way too? Or possibly you have One more funny ritual? I’d appreciate to listen to about it! Depart me a remark and allow me to know so I do know I’m not the sole weirdo who does this stuff My skin form is typical,Oily only After i get up in morning.I dont want to chance my face skin,i wish to moisturize my face but don’t understand how..I don’t consider on these these days creams.i want purely natural issues.Can u pls guideline me for glowing crystal clear skin. Make sure you counsel some very good face mask to ensure that my skin will be apparent from compact acne on forehead and oil. Hope you are going to me to have fantastic skin:) Hello, I've oily skin, incredibly liable to acne, a great deal of to ensure that I am able to’t keep in mind a time After i experienced apparent skin….. will the banana mask still work on my skin??? I hold getting active acne which leaves darkish and deep spots, making my skintone uneven. A lot of solutions that you can buy – including moisturizers, facials, conditioners – consist of avocado oil as it provides an excellent supply of numerous essential nutrients which assist moisturize your skin. It is actually pretty common know-how that oranges certainly are a godsend for your skin. What isn’t emphasised more than enough, nonetheless, is With regards to rejuvenating your lackluster skin, by far the most potent Component of the fruit is, actually, it’s peel. Be sure to do an allergy test before you attempt any of our masks. Go through https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-vFharetTU and use Recommendations before you move forward. I exploit weekly when Multanimitti with Rose drinking water, Sandal with Rose h2o and experimented with Papaya fruit pulp with Banana , lemon , cucumber mask, only papaya with Besan Powder and tomoto juice with lemon. I really fed up using this type of acne and oil on my fore head I have compiled some excellent facial scrubs that get the job done just in addition to the expensive scrubs, but all genuinely all natural and value literally pennies.
Not known Factual Statements About honey face mask
These four honey face mask recipes use distinctive added components, based upon your skin kind. They can be all manufactured with foods-primarily based elements that are probably within your kitchen area today. Straightforward and functional! "My face necessary a little assist with moisturizing, and this served me with that. " Rated this post: Should you occur to help make a sizable batch of banana face mask (or any other face mask) don’t stress! Most face masks can be saved within the refrigerator for approximately 1 7 days and be utilized safely. If nearly anything starts off smelling funky nevertheless, it’s time and energy to hit the trash. Enable https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=facial+mask and tough skin problems go away You'll be able to use these remedies to remove dark circles: Masks must stay on for 10-quarter-hour. I love washing masks off with a steaming incredibly hot washcloth. I run a washcloth underneath warm h2o, squeeze out the surplus drinking water and after that press to my face for a complete minute. I then Carefully wash off the mask in a round motion. Washcloths are good for exfoliating. Of course, You need to use freshly squeezed lemon juice and natural honey blend. Lemons are full of AHA’s and BHA’s which take away lifeless skin cells and assist clear up blackheads, acne, and discoloration, whilst honey can be a pure antioxidant and antibacterial. Here's lemon juice and honey facial mask recipe for yourself. To prep your skin prior to any face mask, pour boiling sizzling h2o in the bowl and stand higher than it allowing the steam open your pores. Building your own handmade face masks and scrubs is pretty easy. Why buy a retail store-acquired face mask when You may use simple components located round the dwelling to help make masks that Value pennies? To fortify this face mask’s wrinkles fighting Attributes, we will add two other wrinkle-busting purely natural ingredients. Wash your face which has a delicate soap and use a smooth towel to pat it dry. Implement the mask on to your face using a make-up brush, as or else the turmeric can depart yellow stains on fingers. The baking soda may well sting marginally, but you don’t have to get alarmed. Hi I've a wrinkles underneath my eyes that's far more day by working day kindly advise me that will i use raw banana by mashing it twice on a daily basis, is this efficient? Depart the mask on for 15 minutes. To forestall the mask from dripping all over the place, take into consideration laying down or sitting in a cushty chair together with your head tilted again. It's also possible to use this mask while in the bathtub when you are soaking or taking a comforting bathtub. (i) As this mask is quite sticky, Make sure you pull back again your hair by using a head scarf or band to prevent your hair from receiving messed up with the mask. I attempted making it myself but it received messy. So I looked up some honey masks on the internet and this was The most cost effective I could come across. Can’t beat 4oz for $15. And theirs have some fantastic ingredients included to it. I went in advance and bought a couple. Test it out: You can even add ½ tsp of olive oil to this mask being a moisturizer so that you do not need to reapply moisturizer after utilizing the mask.
A Secret Weapon For face mask
Extra virgin coconut oil is a favorite among Do it yourself splendor products aficionados. It really is antibacterial, and brimming with antioxidants and no cost radicals that maintain the skin hunting younger. You can but it really's advised which you make use of a darkly colored glass bottle, not plastic, for purity. Undoubtedly use within a couple of days because the oil Houses will lessen with time and warmth. Right before we proceed to how to help make the mask, let us take a look at the significance of Just about every of the opposite extra ingredients: The applying of the egg white mask can clog the pores and raise the possibility of breakouts for those who have acne inclined skin. Other Uncomfortable side effects involve the distribute of micro organism around the skin, as raw egg whites have salmonella, a bacterium that can result in foodstuff poisoning. Ensure that you use pure essential oil, not fragrance oil meant for diffusers or cleaning soap-earning. If you can't come across any, try out one teaspoon of lemon juice alternatively. Do you need to do something Strange like rubbing anything all over your face in advance of a date (or a little something critical), much too? Or perhaps you have A different amusing ritual? I’d enjoy to listen to about it! Leave me a comment and let me know so I'm sure I’m not the only weirdo who does this stuff We have talked about that Dr. Oz phone calls bananas mother nature’s Botox? Well, he's on to one thing! The nutrients in bananas have the facility to considerably cut down the appearance of wrinkles and make the skin seem a lot more supple and youthful. Hi! Healthmunsta, I thanks for sharing this article about egg white face mask. Once i was in highschool, I had a Instructor who advised me that she makes use of egg white and milk mixture for her face mask. Thank you, KoraleeP and WhiteMuse! Glad to provide banana face masks to your consideration, They are really quite productive however simply available and natural. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689410044/ -grabbing :) The one thing I am concerned about is Samonella. I am aware not all eggs are contaminated with Samonella, but it really does raise an eyebrow. If the advantages are that excellent for my skin I might be ready to give it a whisk :) Results from using any products or solutions mentioned on the positioning could differ with regards to the individual and thedermreview.com tends to make no ensure as to the outcomes you could possibly working experience. While in the E-book of Genesis, you can read through how Adam and Eve applied fig leaves to address "their nakedness" immediately after consuming the fruit within the Tree of Knowledge of Very good and Evil.[twelve] "The masquerade motif appears during the Bible on two diverse degrees: an try to fool persons and an attempt to idiot God. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YocarBNFYX8 's your choice. You should do it immediately after washing your face, which happens to be Ordinarily done each morning and evening. Most people use masks inside the night, as that is certainly once they have probably the most time. An additional society that features a extremely prosperous agricultural custom would be the Bamana persons of Mali. The antelope (known as Chiwara) is believed to obtain taught gentleman the tricks of agriculture.
A Secret Weapon For egg white face mask
A lot of products and solutions available on the market – which include moisturizers, facials, conditioners – have avocado oil as it provides an incredible supply of numerous important nutrients which aid moisturize your skin. Great stuff! The only difficulty is that i'm vegan. Are you aware of of something from the vegetable globe that could substitute egg yolks and egg whites for face masks. Would love (and i am absolutely sure other vegans would also) to know very well what it truly is! Great hub. The egg white mask has existed endlessly. I remember my mother speaking about how her mother released her to this. Thanks for bringing everyday living to it once more. Who suggests egg whites are only for those with oily, acne-inclined skin? This hydrating egg white mask is perfect for those with dry skin, too! It incorporates strong components which include avocado, a food stuff filled with numerous vitamins and nutritious fats, which can be great for hydrating and moisturizing your skin to really make it supple, tender, and smooth. The egg white will feed your skin with nourishing nutrients such as protein and riboflavin. Another terrific go through! This is A different wonderful tip for honey: it really works excellent on pink eye and staph infections! I had pink eye a couple of occasions, about four decades back when my oldest son was in daycare. None of the prescribed eye drops gave the impression to be assisting, but black tea and honey did the trick! Also, I'd a staph an infection and Yet again, the antibiotics were not performing A lot to apparent it up. Handmade for face masks give brief Alternative, purely natural and productive way your skin challenges. The facial skin is without having doubt Probably the most sensitive and who make a difference most look very good. So program these do-it-yourself recipes for face, you may be The ultimate way to just take care of your respective facial beauty. Brown sugar also has glycolic acid, a strong alpha hydroxy acid, that can help expel toxins and microorganisms, as well as moisturize skin. It is also a hydrating agent and it locks dampness into your skin cells and guards versus skin dryness. Use brown sugar in lieu of white sugar as it is a lot more Mild on skin and will work perfectly for really sensitive skin. -Everytime you rinse your face or other system elements immediately after applying these masks, do not use any sort of soap. In fact, soap just isn't suggested for your cure of acne, considering the fact that the trouble goes much over and above straightforward Dust or oil. Slightly warmth the honey and include it in your egg white combined with the yogurt (be certain it’s clean). A warning when using lemon juice: Lemon also can make the skin photosensitive. Rinse your face completely and use sunscreen in case you’ll be out within the Sunlight before long afterward. Listed here are 5 basic recipes to get you commenced. Locate the one particular that actually works in your skin kind or the problem you would like to tackle. You need to use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in for your Hubpages account. No information is shared with Facebook unless you interact using this type of function. (Privateness Coverage) Honey functions effectively for tightening our skin and is a great moisturizer. I examine all of your content and uncover them exceptionally practical. That you are this kind of a fantastic writer and also you give us an in-depth specifics of almost everything you compose. Do it the moment a week, if possible when you have your 'spa day at your home'. If you have some time, get it done each individual other working day. Be sure you check to make sure your skin isn't sensitive to lemon. Test diluting the lemon juice with water to lessen discomfort. Hope this aids.
Top latest Five pineapple face mask Urban news
Comply with The straightforward fifteen min stay pack time using this type of mask and pat dry that has a clean up towel. It is going to leave your skin sensation stunning and easy. The caffeine written content should help lower swelling and restore the skin's shed blush, brightness and vitality. The bottom beans are fantastic to wash and scrub, although caffeine includes a tightening effect on your skin pores. Serach the above mentioned acne web site. Many of the acne cures consider care of oily skin way too. So I would propose first you treat your pimples challenge. Uncooked honey by by itself is lovely, but You may as well combine and match other foodstuff-dependent elements to tailor your mask in your special skin form. Contemporary papaya mashed , some drops of lime juice mixed in can make a nice mask for growing old skin. Papaya is significant in Enzymes. It companies the skin and allows also with sunburn. I retain it on for approximately twenty to half an hour . In this article you may understand Exactly what are the top splendor remedies with yogurt and how to create a honey and yogurt face mask for acne. Mix almost everything together to sort a easy paste. Be sure the paste is free of lumps. Also Be certain that It is far from far too runny, usually it might drip into your eyes or with your apparel or furniture. Soon after implementing face packs you can usually use ice cubes wrapped inside of a towel to therapeutic massage your skin. This will close up opened pores and forestall Filth and pollution from generating their way in. • Only rubbing new orange peel on your own face can help lighten skin coloration. In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfwyB59sdjY , it tightens the skin and enhances the texture. Aside from applying orange juice and peels on skin, you may take in this fruit and its juice frequently to spice up immunity, assist in digestion, prevent kidney stones, cut down Excess fat deposits, teat negative breath, reduced blood pressure level and cholesterol amounts, and reduce the likelihood of establishing heart problems. Share How it do the job: Bananas have antioxidants and vitamin C in them in addition to other minerals. They help to lower wrinkles and wonderful lines. Coupled with other potent nutrients from other purely natural ingredients, we could formulate effective banana face masks which can help in resolving a variety of skin complications, like combating wrinkles, getting rid of pimples, skin brightening and plenty of extra. Keeping your skin lovely does not have to cost you a fortune. You are able to invest lots of money if you purchase facial masks from boutiques and spas. Include lemon juice towards the egg white. You will need two teaspoons of lemon juice. The lemon juice will act as a organic astringent and assist do away with the acne and blackhead-resulting in bacteria. It could also assist lighten your skin.[2]
About honey face mask
This combination of features, together with the advantages of honey which we’re by now spelled out make for a great acne cure. The chemical substances current in these widespread alternatives to acne may be harsh on your own skin, along with the powerful mixture of chemical substances can impact The body in other ways in which you might have never ever expected. In terms of the honey mask method, You need to use it coupled with the medication you could possibly currently be taking and it won’t interfere in any way. The initial importance might have survived only till the introduction of Christianity which then integrated lots of the customs into its very own traditions. In the method their meanings had been also improved so, one example is, previous gods and goddesses ended up, basically, demonised and had been seen as mere devils, subjugated towards the Abrahamic God. This type of common acne is due to the blocking in the sebaceous glands, the glands responsible for the generation and secretion of sebum, possibly as a result of peeled off skin, dust or other this sort of content obstruction. Jointly, they obvious up the skin pores. Honey is really a pure antioxidant and it has antimicrobial Houses. This gets rid of the microbial infections that cause acne. "I know that all the things here will work. I am hoping for the most beneficial! Thank you a lot of!" AA Abhishek Arora Often, wrestlers will set their masks on the line versus other wrestlers' masks, titles or an opponent's hair. When in Mexico and Japan, masks are a sign of tradition, These are looked down upon in The us and Canada. Source A lot of African masks depict animals. https://steptoremedies.com/egg-white-face-mask/ believe that the animal masks can help them communicate with the spirits who are now living in forests or open up savannas. Folks of Burkina Faso often called the Bwa and Nuna get in touch with on the spirit to stop destruction. The Dogon of Mali have advanced religions that even have animal masks. So, In case you are gathering the kelp you, prevent highly polluted places. For anyone who is shopping for it, Be sure that it can be collected and manufactured in an area with as small a standard of air pollution as feasible. An additional good go through! Here's An additional fantastic tip for honey: it works great on pink eye and staph bacterial infections! I had pink eye some instances, about four several years back when my oldest son was in daycare. Not one of the prescribed eye drops gave the impression to be aiding, but black tea and honey did the trick! Also, I'd a staph an infection and Again, the antibiotics were not performing Considerably to crystal clear it up. I begun using black tea luggage as my heat compresses, after which I'd dab honey about the soar. Within just one-two times, the entire infection experienced drawn into the surface and my chills/fever went away. Sorry for the main points, but I'm a true believer in natural medicines and those two particular ordeals are what created me the believer that I am now! Make this happen before you decide to drop by bed and leave the mask on right away. Rinse your face with heat h2o the subsequent morning. It is usually recommended to do that for two months after which evaluate the effects. Protective masks are pieces of kit or machines worn on The pinnacle and face to find the money for defense to your wearer, and currently generally have these features:
egg white face mask Fundamentals Explained
Just about Never ever had a split from it In spite of all remedies internally and externally even with residence designed recipes. I pray this coffee does it for me It’s deeply nourishing on the skin and loaded with protective antioxidants that safeguard the skin in opposition to premature ageing and free radicals.  Amongst The most crucial methods to take care within your skin is to safeguard it in the Sunlight. A life time of sun exposure may cause wrinkles, age places and also other skin problems — and increase the threat of skin most cancers. Boling, declaring, “Bananas are significant in potassium, that is great on your lymphatic technique. The lymphatic program is what helps your skin clean alone, and it provides nutrients to each mobile in your body.” Coconut oil melts with very little warmth. Just putting a dab in strong kind while in the palm of your hand will soften rapidly. In case you’re concerned about it clogging, I would propose managing some sizzling drinking water within the sink having a sprint of dawn dish cleaning soap to break it up after you have completed with the oil. It shouldn’t seriously do any hurt, although the dish cleaning soap may very well be a straightforward preventative evaluate. It is totally Alright to work with egg white masks proposed higher than for oily face. In reality, it helps to deep clear your pores and take away excess Grime. The fresh new lemon juice also performs to obvious acne and lighten the skin to provide you with sleek, blemish-cost-free skin. Do you are doing one thing Unusual like rubbing anything throughout your face in advance of a day (or something critical), far too? Or perhaps you may have An additional amusing ritual? I’d really like to hear over it! Go away me a comment and allow me to know so I am aware I’m not the sole weirdo who does these things four. Rice flour is a wonder component In terms of tan removal. Making use of rice flour over the skin will let you in obtaining rid of stubborn age places and tan and Additionally, it lightens complexion with standard use. facellite facemaking faceman face mask face mill face milling face mite Statistics for face mask "It absolutely was really easy and simple to do. I'll continue carrying out this facial for just a clean and younger hunting skin. Many thanks." RD Rylie Doosendorf Deciding on sorting choice will instantly update the items that are displayed to match the chosen sorting selection Directions: To form this anti growing old skin care face mask which also includes a lightening outcome, place many of the ingredients in the blender, or mash by hand inside of a bowl. Use your fingers to unfold the mask over your face and neck and depart it on for a minimum of half-hour, ideally for a longer period, prior to getting rid of. 1. As presently talked about, orange juice is full of ascorbic acid content and deep cleanses the skin carefully. It lightens current acne spot and blemishes. Orange juice also brightens complexion and keeps in Look at abnormal oil secretion.
The best Side of face mask
Hello, I applied honey mask for 6 days and saw a shiny and nutritious final result on my face then I attempt to use Honey+Egg+Lemon and noticed blemishes scattered on my face just on first working day of use, I keep on making use of it on the opposite day hoping that It is just the reaction of applying it fro The 1st time. “We're a participant during the Amazon Providers LLC Associates Method, an affiliate promoting method intended to offer a means for us to make expenses by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated internet sites.” Korean masks have an extended tradition associated with shamanism and later in ritual dance. Korean masks were used in war, on both of those troopers as well as their horses; ceremonially, for burial rites in jade and bronze and for shamanistic ceremonies to generate absent evil spirits; to recall the faces of fantastic historic figures in Dying masks; and while in the arts, notably in ritual dances, courtly, and theatrical plays. Hurling helmets ended up made necessary in 2010, and possess a wire mask to the front to shield the participant's face. In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxMzMpXSans of Shiva, present in Anatolia from circa 6,000 BC, the younger, bare ithyphallic god seems donning a horned mask.[fifteen] Inside the Greek bacchanalia as well as Dionysus cult, which associated the usage of masks, the ordinary controls on behaviour ended up briefly suspended, and other people cavorted in merry revelry outside the house their common rank or standing. René Guénon promises that from the Roman saturnalia festivals, the standard roles have been usually inverted. Ahead of powerful transparent products for instance polycarbonate had been invented, visors to shield the face needed to be opaque with modest eyeslits, and were being a sort of mask, as frequently in mediaeval suits of armour, and (for example) Old Norse grímr meant "mask or visor". Disguise In the cleanse mixing bowl, whisk together the egg white and lemon juice right up until the combination becomes frothy. The lemon juice masks the odour of your egg white. Include ½ teaspoon of honey and stir nicely. When making use of the mixture, perform upwards out of your chin for your cheeks and afterwards to your forehead working with a delicate round motion. By way of example, insert yogurt or product and honey In case you have dry skin. Include https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=skin+care if you have oily skin. Should you have super dehydrated skin, oils function instead for dairy. Even though they normally clearly show competent craftsmanship, they just about normally lack the spiritual character of the standard tribal masks. Oceania [2] Furthermore, orange peel also has potassium that assists the skin keep its dampness together with magnesium that assists beat skin aging induced by cellular oxidative harm. Suffice to mention then, the rightful spot for orange peels is just not with your trash can but within your splendor program. @vishnum969: In fact, egg white is highly effective For numerous skin disorders which include acne prone skin and growing old skin. Dress in an outdated t-shirt about your dresses to forestall yellow stains from turmeric, that may be pretty tough to clean off. The mask is considered an instrument of revelation, supplying form to the sacred. This is commonly completed by linking the mask to an ancestral existence, and therefore bringing the previous in the existing.
The Fact About coffee face mask That No One Is Suggesting
Perfectly maybe. Some splendor specialists strongly recommend eye creams. Why? The skin round the eye contains no fatty tissue and is also thus extremely slender and susceptible to wrinkles. In case you occur to generate a considerable batch of banana face mask (or another face mask) don’t be concerned! Most face masks may be stored inside the refrigerator for around 1 week and become made use of properly. If something commences smelling funky however, it’s time to strike the trash. "It was very simple and easy to perform. I will proceed doing this facial for the easy and youthful seeking skin. Many thanks." RD Rylie Doosendorf Prevent spending excessive time during the Sunshine, and normally put on sunscreen after you do. Decide on sunscreen with no less than fifteen SPF. You need to wear it daily, even during the darker, colder winter months. When implementing the mixture, get the job done upwards from a chin in your cheeks after which for your forehead using a gentle round motion. In the event your mask has dried up in certain areas and caught towards your skin, you should ensure you usually do not tug on the skin even though washing it out. Carefully massage the world with h2o right up until the mask loosens up and gives way. In case your feels tight after employing a facial cleanser, then it's as well strong and you'll want to make use of a gentler just one. There are many powerful natural vitamins and minerals in bananas which make them Mom Character's extraordinary magnificence fix! Dr. Oz even goes as far as to the tropical fruits are mother nature’s painless, low-cost Botox. In addition they get the job done miracles on acne and oily skin. Avocado is a loaded supply of all-natural fats and likewise is made up of omega three fatty acids. This can make it The perfect ingredient which might be made use of to restore the dropped humidity from the skin. Increase the honey to your egg white and lemon juice, and mix all the things again. You will need ½ tablespoon of honey. Guantee that it's the translucent, runny type. Honey is antibacterial and acts being a purely natural antiseptic. It is usually moisturizing and allows replenish the skin.[three] That is The 1st time I have examine egg whites as face masks. I locate the ideas on how to use these truly handy. Wow! I'm certainly surprised to find the valuable qualities of banana for skin rejuvenation. I will certainly try out them out, as I am seeking some organic substances for skin lightening and to struggle wrinkle at the same time. Thanks a lot for providing these types of crucial facts. Deciding on sorting alternative will routinely update the items that are exhibited to match the chosen sorting option In search of face masks? We are right here that will help. Our facial masks deal with various skin care problems. Acne considerations? There's a mask for that. Store our big selection of face masks for acne.
5 Tips about egg white face mask You Can Use Today
I would want to find something which assist the skin to return to a firmer point out… it just began to become a bit… euh… slack… at certain space. Disclaimer: The content material on This page is generic, informational and adjunctive at very best, but are not able to serve as a substitution for Specialist medical suggestions. All You must do is spread some honey about your face and wait quarter-hour. Wash the honey off working with lukewarm h2o, then Carefully pat your face dry with a smooth, clean up towel.[23] Orange is really a fruit which has the goodness of ascorbic acid that gives superb remedies to a lot of skin worries like blackheads, blemishes and excess sebum. New fruits and bouquets are the most beneficial choices of Mother Nature to us; oranges are so effortlessly out there these days, so why not get the most beneficial out of this fruit? Allow’s rapidly make a wonderful and straightforward face mask and pamper our skin. So now, without having losing A great deal time, Enable’s progress and prepare such a face mask for oily skin. I make use of a Uncooked honey mask a number of times per week (in some cases every single day), And that i’ve recognized a definite improvement while in the tone and softness of my skin. I like it more for The point that it’s entirely edible and doesn’t expose my skin to the chemical substances present in most attractiveness solutions. This is excellent! I are actually seeking ALL over for a little something such as this! I'm going to should test Just about every recipe. Thanks for sharing!! Here's recipes for the top three face masks for acne. Be sure you remove all makeup and wash your face carefully just before implementing these all-natural face packs. Cleaning your face helps unclog pores and permits the masks to penetrate deep into your skin. To open up your pores, You may also have a quick splash with warm h2o as an alternative to steaming. Utilize moisturizer or lotion when your skin remains to be damp. Use facial moisturizers and creams in your face, and lotions or physique butter on One's body. Transform the kind of moisturizer or lotion you employ dependant upon the season. [24] Use brown sugar for just a gentler scrub and white sugar for a daily scrub. You should use any sort of oil you want, but coconut oil or olive oil would operate best. Have to have one thing much better? Test salt! Honey's intense antibacterial motion can overcome present acne and forestall any additional unwelcome pimples. I'm all for elegance tips and appreciate components which i already have . I exploit coconut oil day-to-day to help keep my skin hydrated but will Incorporate it with honey and avocado . Thanks for many awesome strategies ! My daughter has been using a honey mask and she enjoys the way in which it helps make her skin come to feel moisturized. I believe I would like a elegance day After i try this, in addition! Be sure to get a handful of hours of training each week. Training boosts blood flow to your skin and materials it with oxygen and nutrients. In the event you training tricky more than enough, the sweat can help flush out the toxins inside your skin. Training could also support cut down strain.[17]
yeast face mask - An Overview
No you are able to do these. These will not have any terrible Unwanted side effects. Rather these will beautify and soften your skin……… Elizabeth is the founder and creative director with the Nourished Everyday living. Her mission is to aid individuals discover a extra balanced (much less tense!) method of residing a contented, healthier lifetime. Read through more details on Elizabeth below. Hi I have a wrinkles under my eyes that's far more day by day kindly propose me that may I take advantage of Uncooked banana by mashing it twice a day, Is that this efficient? woooooow!!!!!!great interesting face masks…:D I've numerous complications on my face like darkish spots,rough skin,blemishes…:( i just want to know the number of times in a week I am able to use these masks????and can i utilize only banana daily???thanks…:) For finest final results, usually clean your face that has a delicate face wash initially to eliminate the Filth and impurities accrued on your face each day. https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=face+mask tends to advertise superior absorption of the proteins and nutrients from these egg white masks. No HTML is authorized in feedback, but URLs are going to be hyperlinked. Opinions usually are not for advertising your articles or other web pages. I'm acquiring pimples for one year i utilized quite a few but very little labored .are you able to counsel me by making use of pimples and marks obtained by them (ii) Just after implementing a face mask, contemplate massaging your face with ice cubes wrapped in a soft towel. This will perform to close opened skin pores and cease Grime and pollution from generating their way into your skin pores. Alternatively, you'll be able to clean your face with cold drinking water. People who are afflicted with acne often use lots of highly-priced beauty solutions or get numerous acne treatments. So in advance of making use of this type of goods or treatment plans seek to use a banana face mask. Because it has lots of powerful vitamins and minerals that not merely mend your skin from the surface but from inside too. Thanks for his article. My teenage son has struggled with acne and we try a variety of various things at this time. 1. Just Humble Banana Face Pack: Mash a ripe banana and utilize on the face and skin. Permit it sit with your face for 15 minutes after which rinse it off with cold drinking water. I’m certain you listened to countless well being advantages of pomegranate but Do you know it does miracles for skin far too? Of course, it’s genuine as it's thrice extra antioxidant than pink wine or eco-friendly tea. Mix all the above substances inside a bowl. Steadily insert drinking water right up until a thick paste is fashioned. Applying clean up fingertips, massage a thick coat of your mixture on to your face in a mild circular movement. does the banana and honey with lemon do the job ? have You furthermore may heard that avacodo with lemon and egg would perform for pimples ?
A Simple Key For coffee face mask Unveiled
Include lemon juice to the egg white. You may need 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. The lemon juice will work as a purely natural astringent and assistance do away with the acne and blackhead-leading to microbes. It may additionally aid lighten your skin.[2] On this face mask, I’m intending to use papaya in addition to banana due to the fact papaya consists of enzyme identify as papain. Papaya also has potent antioxidants which assistance to eliminate lifeless skin cells, gives you a glowing skin, prevents getting old, acne and scars also. Good hub. The egg white mask has existed for good. I try to remember my mother speaking about how her mother launched her to this. Thanks for bringing lifestyle to it once again. Incorporate the honey into the egg white and lemon juice, and blend every little thing again. You may need ½ tablespoon of honey. Make certain that it is the translucent, runny type. Honey is antibacterial and functions being a organic antiseptic. It is additionally moisturizing and helps replenish the skin.[three] Egg whites tighten the skin and shrink your pores although the yogurt nourishes your complexion. It’s like acquiring a Botox remedy! When implementing the mixture, operate upwards from a chin to the cheeks then for your forehead applying a delicate circular motion. A healthier eating plan may help you appear and feel your best. Take in loads of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. The Affiliation amongst food plan and acne is not clear — but some investigation indicates that a diet program rich in fish oil or fish oil dietary supplements and lower in harmful fats and processed or refined carbohydrates could possibly promote more youthful seeking skin. Consuming loads of drinking water assists keep your skin hydrated. Use lukewarm drinking water as well as a facial cleanser suited in your skin variety. You'll be able to clean your face with clean palms, a washcloth, or perhaps a soft sponge. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2099741476785788 up with a few toner and moisturizer. Get plenty of slumber, set fair limitations, reduce your to-do listing and make the perfect time to do the things you love. The outcome could possibly be a lot more spectacular than you be expecting. Hello, many thanks for The nice report! I have been using egg-white now for a few a long time, but it was instinctive instead of possessing read about it on-line. Please acquire a bit moment to finish your profile so we can personalize your practical experience and ensure you receive material and provides which have been suitable to you. Bear in mind, the skin on your face is considerably more sensitive in comparison to the skin in your arms and legs. Opt for exfoliating scrubs carefully. The greater the grains, the more abrasive the scrub will probably be. Stay away from scrubs with walnut shells Should you have delicate skin. Preserve it on for 15 minutes while you lie down to prevent gravity from pulling the mask downward. In the event the time is up, Carefully scrub from the dried mask from the face and use moisturizer. A perfect organic moisturizer is three-4 drops of olive oil. Contemplate pursuing up with a few moisturizer. The lemon During this mask may be a minor drying to your skin. If you discover that your face is slightly dry, utilize some moisturizer to the face.
The Basic Principles Of egg white face mask
-Manuka Honey is claimed to generally be the only option regarding antimicrobial Qualities, which is why Manuka Honey Masks are deemed the best. In that scenario, stop working with this technique and take a look at among the list of other masks. You'll want to seek the advice of a training aromatherapist right before making use of any vital oils. The egg white not simply assist nourish and business your skin, but it really will likely assistance tighten the pores[1] Discard the egg yolk or save it for an additional recipe. You may use the egg yolk to create a nourishing face mask. Check with the area on this page on creating a nourishing face mask to learn the way. This information is accurate and accurate to the most beneficial with the writer’s information and isn't meant to substitute for formal and individualized suggestions from a qualified Experienced. Kindly assistance on the best combination to to start with very clear the black acne heads, which resulted from my choosing the face. It comes about unconsciously. Next is to revive my glowing smooth skin texture. Clean your face. Use a gentle cleanser to clean your face with lukewarm water, then pat your face dry by using a thoroughly clean, dry washcloth. -After you rinse your face with lukewarm drinking water, wash it yet again with chilly drinking water a few minutes later. This tends to tone your face and raise the firmness of your respective face muscles. To implement orange peel powder to be a purely natural cleanser, Merge it with a little bit h2o to make a paste. Utilize it on the skin and depart it on right up until it dries completely. Finally, rinse it off with lukewarm drinking water. but i didnot come to feel any improvements in skin and i felt having more dark all over again only face. So Pls suggest on this. four. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2087800381313231 to battle wrinkles: A number of people get in touch with bananas as pain-free, economical natural Botox, they usually rightly do this! Bananas are full of strong nutrients to remarkably diminish the looks of wrinkles, and make your skin appear younger and radiant. Turmeric is definitely an historic situations dried root herb and baking soda will work as a powerful cleanser and exfoliant. This is often an improvement more than the traditional Aloe Vera Honey Mask with the therapy of acne and it can drastically improve the benefits. Repeat as desired. Most professionals recommend from exfoliating over twice every week. When you have plenty of blackheads, you are able to just implement this mixture on the places in which you have blackheads. Ideas: The apple honey mask will work ideal when it’s contemporary. Quite simply, right after preparation, you shouldn’t keep it within the refrigerator to use afterwards. Because it is so fast and easy to get ready, make it just before you decide to want to utilize it.
New Step by Step Map For yeast face mask
A lot of people throw out orange peels at the time they’re accomplished having or juicing an orange. But did you know that orange peels absolutely are a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants? The orange peels actually have a increased vitamin C material compared to the fleshy within! Got extremely oily and acne-susceptible skin? Fret no extra with this easy and cleaning orange peel face mask, that may depart your skin oil-absolutely free and moisturized concurrently! Remember to get slightly instant to finish your profile so we will personalize your encounter and make sure you acquire written content and offers which can be applicable to you personally. Honey is among the best items you can put on your own face. Its humectant properties ensure it is extremely-moisturizing, whilst its antimicrobial Attributes ensure it is an excellent acne-buster. Strategy: Take a bowl to mix these substances and use a coat above your face with the fingers. Then massage your skin inside a round movement to cleanse. Then rinse with chilly drinking water and pat using a clean up towel. Caution: Because of its strong germicidal and fungicidal Attributes, tea tree oil should not be employed for the duration of pregnancy. Furthermore, ingestion should be avoided. Tea Tree vital oil might not fit some skin types and will induce irritations, inflammations or rashes. Thanks for always furnishing excellent data. I would like to test the turmeric mask – just wondering if it won’t shade the skin tone to yellow. [24] Use brown sugar to get a gentler scrub and white sugar for an everyday scrub. You may use any type of oil you desire, but coconut oil or olive oil would perform best. Require some thing more powerful? Try salt! bj s brewhouse root beer bbq ribs reduced sugar pickle relish recipe for canning best baked sweet potatoes from the oven a1 sauce marinade chicken authentic mexican white cheese sauce recipe buffalo wild wings chili con queso dip copycat recipe cake inside of a cup recipe pounds watchers crown royal salted caramel consume recipes the best way to cook a frozen chicken pot pie in the phillips air fryer iyengar bakery vegetable puffs jerk shrimp cooking light-weight jiffy pie crust blend peach cobbler mango panna cotta jamie oliver mexican themed social gathering food stuff list About recipes search engine Nevertheless, before you start Checking out the remedy options, you'll want to absolutely recognize what brings about acne and then try and logically deduce how honey masks may be valuable in its cure. Using orange peel for skin care has various Positive aspects, one of that is lessening blemishes, especially when coupled with honey. Right after viewing item depth web pages, glimpse listed here to discover an uncomplicated method to navigate back to webpages you are interested in. Lemon juice might make your skin delicate to daylight. Stay clear of going outside the house following using this mask, or apply a thirty SPF sunscreen instead. Add lemon juice for the egg white. You will require 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. The lemon juice will act as a all-natural astringent and assistance eradicate the acne and blackhead-causing microbes. It may additionally enable lighten your skin.[two]
orange face mask Secrets
Boling, indicating, “Bananas are high in potassium, that is great for the lymphatic procedure. The lymphatic program is exactly what can help your skin clean itself, and it provides nutrients to every cell in The body.” It is your decision. You need to get it done immediately after washing your face, that's Commonly performed each morning and night. A lot of people use masks while in the night, as which is whenever they have essentially the most time. Clean your face with a mild cleanser. Accomplishing this may eliminate any Grime and buildup prior to deciding to exfoliate. Be sure you pat your face dry gently with a clean up, dry washcloth in advance of implementing the sugar-baking soda combination. Is a strong antibacterial and antiseptic agent. Slows down the ageing process of skin by battling off cost-free radicals. Moisturizes skin. Go easy to the lemon juice. Lemon juice can dry out and irritate your skin. Should the scrub contained olive oil, you could potentially use more lemon juice, but simply because this a person doesn’t, persist with just a couple drops of lemon juice. Be careful not to cleanse far too frequently otherwise you chance more than-cleaning skin. Most industry experts concur you really only will need to wash your face in the evening to remove make-up and sunscreen, that may clog pores. Individual the egg and help save the yolk. Crack open up an egg over a bowl and transfer the yolk back and forth involving the two shells. Each time the yolk falls into a shell, a small amount of the egg white need to drop into the bowl. Hold undertaking this until finally all of the egg white is while in the bowl. Should you are looking for an all pure, refreshing face mask component to present your skin cells a nutritious Strengthen, orange peel powder is to suit your needs! This powder can be used in face masks that will help those who: Prevent Placing the mixture on broken skin. When you've got any cuts or open up acne on the face, steer clear of implementing the scrub to Those people locations given that the lemon juice will sting them. On top of that, the friction from implementing the scrub may perhaps make your acne worse. I make use of a raw honey mask numerous situations weekly (occasionally every day), and I’ve observed a definite improvement within the tone and softness of my skin. I like it even more for The reality that it’s entirely edible and doesn’t expose my skin to your chemicals located in most attractiveness solutions. Steer clear of putting on damaged skin. For those who have any cuts or open acne in your face, steer clear of applying the scrub to those places as being the lemon juice will sting them. On top of that, the friction from implementing the scrub may possibly make your acne worse. These four honey face mask recipes use different extra components, dependant on your skin form. They may be all designed with meals-dependent substances which can be almost certainly with your kitchen at this time. Effortless and functional! Wash your face with a mild cleanser. Use a gentle cleanser to wash your face with lukewarm h2o, then pat your face dry with a clear, dry washcloth. I had no concept that orange peel was so great for the skin! Really appealing, certainly something to incorporate to my DIY to-do record!
The Definitive Guide to coffee face mask
Pamper oneself with an easy, exfoliating, Do-it-yourself face scrub which you can make in the home. All you need is brown sugar and olive oil, and you will whip up an incredible remedy to safely cleanse off All those lifeless cells! Hey all, I am Suzanne, I love collecting new info on pure remedy for well being ailments. I constantly think that mother nature has solutions for all our health conditions, we just really need to utilize it in the appropriate way. Wash your face with a delicate cleanser. Use a gentle cleanser to wash your face with lukewarm water, then pat your face dry which has a clean, dry washcloth. Turmeric masks are commonly used to even out skin tone and lessen the appearance of dark places or scars. Honey adds a slight bleaching influence when lemon juice and yogurt Carefully exfoliate to get rid of lifeless skin and motivate new cell expansion. steptoremedies attempted it anything and its interesting.... its definitely productive... just need to set minutes all of it ... I do it day to day before i take a bathtub or even though take a bath... This is why ordinarily I am 30mins in the bathroom hahahaha... for 30days i can begin to see the effect of glow Entire-face diving mask as Element of self-contained breathing equipment for divers and Some others; some Allow the wearer discuss with Other folks by way of a crafted-in conversation system A rib knit three-gap balaclava enables the wearer to safeguard the face against cold air or hinder recognition. Keep a jar all over and dab the honey on acne, burns or minimal cuts. And when you’re sensation Unwell, take a spoonful or two. This company enables you to join or affiliate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, to be able to generate cash from ads on your own articles or blog posts. No details is shared Until you engage using this characteristic. (Privacy Plan) Be certain never to smile or talk to the face mask on! This will stretch your skin around the mouth and eyes and truly bring about wrinkles to variety. Though they usually display skilled craftsmanship, they just about usually lack the spiritual character of the normal tribal masks. https://www.wikihow.com/Take-Care-of-Your-Skin am DIY pursuer and therefore hold making an attempt all-natural matters to get rid of terrible disorders. You can be amazed to understand about the treasure mom earth has and how it may help us boost our well being. Be part of me in a very journey which get you closer to nature and keep you wholesome. The Iroquois made impressive wooden ‘Fake face’ masks, Employed in therapeutic ceremonies and carved from living trees. These masks appear in a terrific range of styles, determined by their exact functionality. The potassium in orange peel hydrates the withered dehydrated skin. Software on the mask also helps you to lock in dampness within the skin. Milk pulls out the surplus oils with the clogged pores and hydrates and nourishes the skin. Here are five household therapies for dry skin that get the job done.
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minty-minho-blog · 6 years
5 Simple Techniques For sugar face mask
The orange powder is an essential and key component component of the complete procedure. It may be well prepared effortlessly at your house by making using pursuing methods. Blend all the above ingredients in a little mixing bowl. Employing clean up finger recommendations, implement a thick coat in the mixture on to your face. Subscribe to The usa's largest dictionary and have thousands extra definitions and Sophisticated research—ad free! two. Insert coffee powder, sugar and cinnamon powder in the coconut oil and blend all of the substances together. Orange peel powder is used in numerous skincare recipes to manage acne by drying it out and for a scrubbing agent to Carefully take away worn-out skin cells and thus open up up clogged pores and address blackheads. In addition it assists rid the skin from surplus oil, even more mitigating the risk of acne and imparting a healthful glow to the face in its place. A pop up will open with all mentioned web pages, find the choice “Let“, with the respective web page underneath the position head to enable the notification. in. Our selection also attributes bath extras like body sponges, all-natural loofah pads, bath towelettes, shower caps, bath brushes, tub mitts and also bath kits for small kinds to take pleasure in. Acquire skin care goods on line by logging on to Amazon.in and luxuriate in a vast choice of solutions at the top prices on line. Be it The common-or-garden challenging-boiled eggs which might be elevated into mouthwatering deviled eggs or boiled egg sandwiches, or maybe creamy poached eggs with a gorgeous runny yolk, eggs are an extremely low-priced and flexible domestic staple. Help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_zWPn_5aag save the egg yolk and discard the egg white (or save it for another recipe). Egg yolks not simply aid nourish and moisturize your skin, Nevertheless they may aid minimize the looks of blemishes. You should utilize the egg white for making a simple face mask. To find out how to create 1, check with the part in this post on generating a simple mask. For starters, mix fuller’s earth as well as orange peel inside a bowl within their present native point out. Now, increase the freshly squeezed juice to produce a paste on the three. Once you've a thick paste, insert several drops in the crucial orange oil to it. Relevant Lookups for face mask: kids face mask fishing face mask cartoon face mask medical mask monkey face mask beard face mask kevlar face mask nurse face mask breathable face mask water resistant face mask antibacterial face mask plague health care provider mask mouth mask quite face masks 3m n95 mask Far more... Honey face masks can assist you fade acne scars and also out skin discolouration, providing your bright and toned skin. OEM ODM rorec moisturizing nourishing Olive honey aloe vera pomegranate blueberry cucumber sheet face mask You are able to nonetheless it's advised you utilize a darkly coloured glass bottle, not plastic, for purity. Definitely use within a couple of days because the oil Attributes will lessen with time and warmth.
The Greatest Guide To yeast face mask
Honey may assist with acne, but there isn't any confirmed scientific studies to confirm whether it really helps.[17] In the event you are thinking about the usage of an egg white mask, the very best avenue of therapy is usually to go to a skin care professional or a health care spa, where by those that provide the remedies have the type of expertise and schooling to advise you on no matter whether this kind of mask are going to be beneficial in your skin. Though an egg white mask is straightforward plenty of to generate in the home, building a person from a recipe observed on line might be risky, particularly if You're not aware of what more components that are sometimes advisable, for instance cornstarch and lemon, can perform to the skin. [16] Try out several of the subsequent relaxation strategies: Take a stroll across the block. This will let you get the job done off some steam. The contemporary air could also assist tranquil your head. Turmeric is a typical component in Southeast Asian beauty items. It really is beloved for its skin lightening talents. Just be careful, the orange can stain really light skin. My skin is super sensitive And that i crack out like outrageous if I take advantage of coconut oil on my face. It seems to work terrific if I utilize it basically any place else on my system…go figure. Yet again, source:- steptoremedies for all of your practical posts! You’ve completed much more for me this yr with my skin and snooze than any physician has!! During this economy, why devote $30 or more over a leg wax when you can do it you? I have several mates who wax their own legs And that i learned a recipe for any sugar "wax" around the Double X Web site for Ladies. Editor Hanna Rosin shares her loved ones's recipe. That is a single fascinating mask! When I initial saw the photo I believed it was a mask based on Turmeric, since It is additionally an orange powder, but a mask manufactured out of ground orange peel would have not happened to me. Many thanks for sharing! Orange peel consists of effective Homes that help keep aggravating pimples away. Implement a thick coat of this zit-busting orange peel face mask to deep-cleanse your pores and generate out the dirt, grime, excess oil, and microbes, all of which result in pimples and blackheads to kind around the skin surface. I typically utilize it in the evening. I do think my skin usually appears improved each morning when I utilize it at nighttime. On the whole the potential risk of salmonella may be very very low; particularly if you are aware of in which your eggs come from. So, I don’t Individually stress about it whatsoever. This article has some wonderful info on it: Coffee is often a prosperous source of antioxidants that protects our skin towards absolutely free radicals that hurt and age us. The caffeine in coffee stimulates the skin and enhances blood flow into the face, which is great for nutritious mobile turnover that makes us look radiant and vibrant. Want far more beauty strategies? Check out the video beneath, and you'll want to subscribe to Bustle’s YouTube page For additional hacks and methods! Drinking a great degree of h2o on a daily basis allows quite a bit. Also, clean your face and get off all makeup each night time.
5 Essential Elements For banana face mask
I also present variations of this mask so that it is suited to typical, dry, oily and sensitive skin. That is my ‘drop by’ face mask if I feel my skin becoming a little bit also oily, or if I am suffering from an outbreak. I swear by it. The pigment in a very mole is deep during the skin very similar to a tattoo. No topical Remedy will eliminate the pigment. I like to recommend removal by a plastic surgeon and sending it to pathologist. That is accustomed to detect individual browsers or units when the access the company, and it is used for stability motives. That’s a wonderful notion! I also use coffee grounds & coconut oil for cellulite. I didn’t know i could freeze. I had been trying to keep lots of utilized grounds in the mason jar w a dab of coconut oil in my shower. I really like the frozen Model alternatively. Could possibly operate best since it’s saved refreshing. Will check out. I'm on an organic and natural kick at this time and I favor not to put anything on my skin that I could not, well, take in. https://www.wikihow.com/Have-a-Good-Face-Care-Routine suggests I'm moisturizing more with oils (Feel sweet almond and coconut), I am scrubbing my skin and lips with brown sugar and coconut oil, I'm steaming my face in excess of my teapot and I'm using baths in milk and salts. how often really should I take advantage of this mask to determine outcomes but i also dont want to wreck my skin by making use of to A great deal if tht is smart Her close friends had been surprised at how fantastic her skin seemed and pestered her for the recipes so she made a decision to place them on line so she could support All people. Rinse your face with cold h2o to wash away mask’s components and to tighten your skin pores. Utilize an excellent moisturizer of one's option to hydrate your skin. Volla! Are you presently shock with your glowing and supple new look. Get an index of essential oils that function for all skin kinds. Not all necessary oils operate for all skin types. Some might burn up or hurt delicate skin, as an example. With regards to the milk, powder milk will operate best since the combination will only have to have somewhat degree of h2o. If you employ liquid milk, you won't get the good thing about milk by this tiny total. If you don't want to use milk,just liquefy the coffee with some drops of h2o then increase yogurt. These banana face mask recipes are usually not designed just for acne clients. if you rely on them on the traditional skin you have moisturized, tender and exquisite on the lookout skin. Brown sugar is a superb skin-exfoliator. It helps slough off dead skin cells on the outer layer from the skin. This permits home For brand spanking new balanced skin cells to regenerate and performance correctly. It may also deep cleanse your skin, getting rid of grime and germs from inside skin pores and stopping even more breakouts. The applying of an egg white mask can clog the pores and enhance the potential of breakouts for whoever has acne susceptible skin. Other Unwanted effects include the spread of bacteria within the skin, as Uncooked egg whites have salmonella, a bacterium that can cause meals poisoning.
The best Side of face mask
As this mask may get messy, it would be a good idea to tie or pin your hair again. You might also want to take into account draping a towel about your upper body and shoulders to shield your garments. You can nonetheless it's advisable that you choose to make use of a darkly colored glass bottle, not plastic, for purity. Surely use in just a few days because the oil Houses will lessen with time and heat. 2. Banana Face Mask to lighten skin: This natural face mask is nice for fading absent darkish spots, removing blemishes and brightening uninteresting skin. That is built up of subsequent three potent substances to hydrate, lighten and brighten your skin. Exactly how much you exfoliate is up for discussion. Some Girls have skin that gets scaly speedily. Many others seem dewy and fresh new with minimal fuss. Dermatologist Dr. Electric power-full of every one of the goodness of those superb ingredients, this face mask can make the skin glow and take away tan from oily skin. In excess of a time frame, you will certainly discover an All round enhancement in your skin texture, spots in your skin will probably be lightened and you may experience a new glow and shine with your skin. For instance, add yogurt or product and honey Should you have dry skin. Add lemon juice Should you have oily skin. When you have Tremendous dehydrated skin, oils operate as a substitute for dairy. If you're able to regulate it, you can implement banana-yogurt mask right away. If you are feeling it's going to mess-up Then you can certainly let it sit on your face for approximately thirty minutes or as very long as possible,after which you can rinse it off. Keep the mask on for ten to 15 minutes, then clean off with warm drinking water. Following patting your face dry which has a thoroughly clean towel, ensure you moisturize your face to forestall your sebaceous glands (which hydrate skin by producing pure oils) from going into overdrive to help make up for The shortage of oils. I used a banana mask with banana, apple cider vinegar, oatmeal in addition to a sprint of cinnamon ,,,, it absolutely was great!! Handiest facial I at any time did ….. and I hav used alot of different natural facials …. these days im gonna try your tumeric banana mask. Thank u for sharing these recipes. Egg whites support tighten skin, generating them an efficient house treatment for lessening look of crow’s-feet beneath and around eyes. Raw honey by by itself is Pretty, but You can even blend and match other food stuff-primarily based components to tailor your mask to your special skin kind. I tried it yesternight …… The outcome had been astounding …… My face was truely glowy glowy ……. I utilized the rice powder wnich i have grinded myself…. It's some gritty construction which gave a wonderfull scrubbing xperience ….. Totaly in adore with the effects….. *Thankyou* *thankyou* And how to care daily regime fir my below eye skin to keep it youthful for extended a long time. Please aid me…. Save the egg yolk and discard the egg white (or reserve it for one more recipe). Egg yolks not just help nourish and moisturize your skin, but they can also assist decrease the appearance of blemishes. You can utilize the egg white for making a simple face mask. To learn the way to create a person, seek advice from the section in the following paragraphs on building a simple mask.
sugar face mask - An Overview
The egg white not only help nourish and organization your skin, but it really will even aid tighten the pores[one] Discard the egg yolk or put it aside for one more recipe. You can use the egg yolk for making a nourishing face mask. Consult with the segment in this post on making a nourishing face mask to learn how. Go in excess of your overall face, but avoid your lips and eyes. Don’t use a washcloth to rub the sugar into your skin, as this may be too harsh of the exfoliant and will irritate your skin. Wash your face. Use a delicate cleanser to wash your face with lukewarm water, then pat your face dry that has a thoroughly clean, dry washcloth. Use the mixture on your face with the fingers. Function the sugar-honey combination on in your face with all your finger ideas in Mild round motions. Prevent your eyes and mouth although implementing. I think I’ll truly Incorporate 3 and 4 mainly because I've dry and inflamed skin. On the list of benefits of working with this sort of elements is they gained’t respond terribly collectively like atore purchased types could possibly! Get ready your face for the mask by washing it with warm h2o. This may open up your pores, that can improve the success of the mask. Because this mask has a tendency to obtain pretty messy, It's also possible to pull your hair back again into a ponytail, braid it, or pin it again. Whisk within the honey. Make this happen right until the lemon juice, olive oil, and honey Blend into a medium-thick Resolution. You can regulate the level of honey and olive oil you employ based on how thick or thin you'd like the scrub to generally be. Lemon juice can make your skin sensitive to daylight. Steer clear of heading outside the house soon after employing this mask, or apply a 30 SPF sunscreen instead. The egg white, lemon, and honey mask should help minimize blackhead and acne when the egg yolk, olive oil, and banana mask might help moisturize and nourish your skin. Examine this post to find out how to make both of those! Just finished this face mask, my skin feels fab! Rather like the idea of turmeric extra to it so I’ll do this upcoming time x Repeat at the time every week. Only do this mask the moment weekly. Performing it in excess of which will cause your skin to become dry and irritated. The mask ought to strengthen the caliber of your skin and lessen the looks of acne. Shower right after. When you shower prior to, the eggs will have nothing to "seize on to". Soon after, you need the mask to generally be properly and definitely off your face, and a shower can assist with that. Nourish your skin with honey and cooked oatmeal. Prepare dinner two tablespoons of oatmeal, then stir in one tablespoon of honey. Permit the mask interesting to home temperature, then implement it on your face. Help you save the egg yolk and discard the egg white (or put it aside for one more recipe). Egg yolks not merely assist nourish and moisturize your skin, Nevertheless they could also assistance lower the looks of blemishes. You should use the egg white to make a simple face mask. To learn how to make a single, check with the part in this post on creating a simple mask.
A Review Of honey face mask
This is utilized to identify unique browsers or equipment once the obtain the service, and it is employed for security motives. one. Use added virgin olive oil for most effective final results. Processed solutions could irritate your skin or result in acne breakouts. Studies have demonstrated that egg proteins drastically add in maintaining the elasticity of skin. An egg incorporates about 69 distinct proteins, which have the magical electrical power of lessening fine strains and give non permanent aid for your deep types. You might like to give this a try out Specifically mainly because I observed in the image you use your full neck with the combination. It lessens the prospect for a mess. Combining egg whites with honey and lemon juice helps make a highly effective Do-it-yourself egg white face mask for acne. Honey has powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which make it very helpful versus acne. Maintain a jar around and dab the honey on acne, burns or slight cuts. And if you’re feeling Ill, take a spoonful or two. No HTML is permitted in opinions, but URLs will probably be hyperlinked. Responses will not be for promoting your article content or other web sites. Supply There are many means accessible to get ready a face mask at home. Nevertheless, be careful While using the accuracy of your ingredients. In the event the proportions go up or down – the face mask might not present the precise success. This can be utilized to detect individual browsers or gadgets if the accessibility the services, and it is employed for stability motives. Would you like the ideal of science-backed well being & nourishment info inside your inbox? If Certainly, remember to share your e-mail to subscribe. For more honey Strategies, try honey and cinnamon for brighter skin or honey with cocoa and product to exfoliate. Avoid the eye and mouth place when implementing the combination, as these are definitely additional delicate when compared with other elements of your face; and the tightening and stretching in the mask might induce wrinkles. • Insert https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2088297497930186 of basic yogurt, two tablespoons of honey, and two teaspoons of orange juice in 50 percent a cup of instantaneous oatmeal. This moisturizing face mask helps sustain gentle, clean and radiant skin.
coffee face mask Can Be Fun For Anyone
three. To avoid wasting time, put around the face mask just before accomplishing something like receiving breakfast All set or soaking in the tub, so that you destroy two birds with 1 stone. Your skin will sense easy and smooth instantly, but it might have a handful of applications to note an actual big difference in scars and spots. About a number of weeks and months, You might even see a putting variance in the appearance of your respective skin. Skin exfoliation mask, the yogurt aids clear away dead skin, lighten and brighten skin, will get rid of dark spots and Nearly prevents ageing. The Attributes of yogurt are many and when used in this mix, it’s confident to give you Advantages a lot better than a readymade mask. Permit the mask sit on your face for ten-quarter-hour and then clean your face with lukewarm h2o without having working with any soap this time. Pat your face dry and implement a moisturizer of the decision to circumvent your sebaceous glands to go overdrive and create surplus of oils to help make up for insufficient the oils. . Any over that so you’ll be dripping honey in every single place! I'd a dilemma with dripping initially, but the moment I Slice back again on the quantity of honey I employed, the issue resolved by itself. As well as that it’s a bit more inexpensive that way, far too! (i) Implement pine apple juice beneath your eyes, depart it on for 20-25 minutes and after that rinse it off. Generating this a pattern will help you take care of wrinkles usually in addition to in avoiding the early onset of wrinkles. Reply: Any authentic honey will do, but my individual most loved is Uncooked, unfiltered honey because it retains extra of its powerful therapeutic Attributes. I can in fact notify the distinction between the types of honey I’ve used for my honey mask. Is loaded with citric acid, which Carefully lightens darkish skin and evens out discolouration. Also lightens dark places and acne blemishes. Opt for which sort of sugar to employ. When https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689546949 got sensitive skin, always pick brown sugar in excess of white granulated sugar or other coarse-grained sugars. Brown sugar could be the softest sugar and would be the most Mild with your skin.[eleven] i have tiny pours on my cheeks and nose and also acne issue…. remember to support me to remove this.. You can even increase ½ tsp of olive oil to this mask as a moisturizer so you would not have to reapply moisturizer soon after using the mask. Dr. face mask for oily skin reminds us that bananas have medicinal Homes that may be accustomed to soothe many inflammatory skin situations, together with acne. Dr. Boling says, “In line with a 2012 post in the Journal of Pharmacology and Phytochemistry For those who have an American type coffee device, use the coffee grinds within the filter; In case you have an Italian design equipment, just unscrew and take away the debris still left concerning the aspects of the cafetiere. In the bowl, choose some orange peel powder, sugar and almond oil. Ensure that the level of sugar is equal to your peel powder and below you have got a fairly easy recipe to a lovely smelling lip balm that’s productive and straightforward to make.
The best Side of yeast face mask
Baking soda With this solution will help in getting rid of the excess oil within the pores which can clog up the pores resulting in acne breakouts. Honey includes a significant serving of antioxidants for moisturized and vibrant skin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLyzh-nGTmg in honey ruin no cost radicals that cause oxidative stress in skin cells, thereby slowing down the getting old process of skin. Hey all, I am Suzanne, I like amassing new information on normal cure for wellbeing ailments. I often think that character has cures for all our health conditions, we just should utilize it in the proper way. Avoid the Sunlight concerning 10am and 2pm, as This can be when its rays are most dangerous.[18] If you don't like carrying sunscreen, consider using a moisturizer or foundation that have already got sunscreen in it. Historical past: Lots of of these masks have previously been in use for a huge selection of years as a standard home treatment for skin circumstances like acne. It's pretty frequent knowledge that oranges absolutely are a godsend in your skin. What isn’t emphasized sufficient, even so, is With regards to rejuvenating your lackluster skin, the most potent Portion of the fruit is, actually, it’s peel. Try this very uncomplicated and really successful cure to deep clean up your skin and expose a glowing complexion! three. Honey is usually a organic moisturiser which will help in preserving skin comfortable and supple. I normally use 2-3 drops of organic moisturiser in face packs to help keep the contents well well balanced so that the mask does not strip the natural dampness and hydration from my skin. It is the weakest finger and is not going to stretch the sensitive skin beneath your eyes just as much. Stretching skin excessive may result in wrinkles. one. As currently talked about, orange juice is rich in ascorbic acid written content and deep cleanses the skin thoroughly. It lightens existing acne spot and blemishes. Orange juice also brightens complexion and keeps in Test extreme oil secretion. two. Insert coffee powder, sugar and cinnamon powder to the coconut oil and blend all of the components together. Yoghurt, as we all know, is usually a abundant normal supply of protein and also consists of lactic acid. This makes it the very best component to hydrate and moisturize the dry skin. Inuit teams change broadly and don't share a common mythology or language. Not surprisingly their mask traditions may also be usually unique, While their masks tend to be manufactured away from driftwood, animal skins, bones, and feathers. See also: Masks amid Eskimo peoples Prior to I demonstrate this mask, Watch out for the level of lemon juice you insert for your face mask, just don’t go overboard with much more than 8 drops or 1/two tsp. Anyhow, this delectable smelling mask is certain to tease your taste buds, tempting you to have a lick, but you should resist!
The Ultimate Guide To pineapple face mask
"I know that anything below will get the job done. I am hoping for the ideal! Thank you a great deal of!" AA Abhishek Arora It is something that the many cosmetic industries happen to be applying in their products on account of it a number of skin benefits. Writer Information Boling, saying, “Bananas are significant in potassium, which can be superb for your personal lymphatic technique. The lymphatic procedure is what allows your skin clean up alone, and it provides nutrients to every mobile in Your system.” To find the most bang for your personal buck and the top success, try to find cold pressed, unrefined coconut oil. I take advantage of THIS coconut oil. You could find cold pressed, unrefined coconut oil in many grocery and overall health food items merchants. Here are a few really very simple Do it yourself face mask recipes that have become extremely popular between honey enthusiasts. The actions and elements involved with Just about every mask are so easy that you could prepare it in a few minutes. You would probably constantly recognize that yogurt will give you that cooling calming sensation when applied, that’s since it has that anti-inflammatory agent. [2] Also, orange peel also contains potassium that can help the skin keep its moisture along with magnesium that helps beat skin growing old induced by mobile oxidative harm. Suffice to mention then, which the rightful place for orange peels is not really inside your trash can but with your attractiveness routine. 4. Rice flour is really a speculate ingredient With regards to tan elimination. Making use of rice flour on the skin will allow you to in acquiring rid of stubborn age places and tan and Furthermore, it lightens complexion with typical use. Utilize a face scrub a few times each week to maintain your skin in suggestion-best shape. It is important to exfoliate the two your face and Your system 12 months-spherical, however, you may perhaps locate you'll want to exfoliate even more in Wintertime. It is the weakest finger and is not going to extend the delicate skin less than your eyes just as much. Stretching skin an excessive amount may lead to wrinkles. Take a look at my skin During this photograph…You'll be able to see the main difference it makes following the 1st use. Here's how my face appears to be like soon after making use of this mask… I am not putting on any type of makeup listed here, just moisturizer. Here i will discuss most effective six DIY egg white face masks which have been quick to arrange and will help clear up an array of skin challenges to give you toned and lovely skin. If essential, you are able to master different hacks to different the egg’s yolk and whites. This egg white face mask with lemon juice and further-virgin coconut oil is most effective fitted to All those with dry skin. The coconut oil performs to hydrate and nourish your skin, making it comfortable, balanced and youthful-looking.
Not known Details About coffee face mask
I did not notice egg white can be good for your personal skin. Many thanks a lot for sharing. I have bookmarked this hub for long run reference! :) I've been intending to pamper myself for a while, And that i think that a facial mask is just how to go. I'm absolutely energized to test these, Specifically because they all use low-cost things from the fridge or cupboard. Hello. Once you clean from the white egg wiith heat h2o, do you need to wash your face with soap or one thing? I mean how fonyou eliminate the scent? o Numerous African masks signify animals. Some African tribes believe that the animal masks may also help them talk to the spirits who live in forests or open savannas. Folks of Burkina Faso called the Bwa and Nuna get in touch with into the spirit to stop destruction. The Dogon of Mali have advanced religions that also have animal masks. Having said that, toners of right now aren't your mother's toners of a couple decades back. They are much much more Light, stuffed with antioxidants and skin brighteners and could make even the driest skin appear vibrant. The #1 reason for wrinkles is Solar injury, so it is vital to implement a sunscreen of no less than 30 SPF from the early years on even in winter and on cloudy days. An incredible trick is to buy two moisturizers: A single for that night time and one particular to the working day that features UV safety. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zelnf6j5DVk that has a quite loaded agricultural custom would be the Bamana people today of Mali. The antelope (termed Chiwara) is thought to have taught guy the insider secrets of agriculture. Sounds good! I might in all probability rinse it off after thirty minutes to an hour (just due to the egg white). You truly need to use The complete egg. The white as well as the yolk jointly. I conquer them properly, and set them in somewhat jar and keep it from the fridge. Each and every morning I implement it all over my face (incredibly generously) utilizing a cotton ball. Then as I am showering I wash it off. Particularly uncomfortable varieties, for example an iron mask, for instance the Scold's bridle, are healthy as equipment for torture or corporal punishment . "As we become older, it breaks down, creating traces and huge pores." Skincare experts disagree on all sorts of issues, but Many of them look at retinoids to become a wonder skin saver. This is actually the best egg white face mask for aging skin. It can help clean out wrinkles and hydrate aging skin, which makes it search youthful. Impression edited by healthmunsta Fantastic and useful report. I like just about anything home made - It is really generally the purest and Greatest! I'd personally use only natural and organic oranges due to each of the pesticides that happen to be Typically sprayed on them. Any use of this information is in the user’s discretion. For health and fitness issues or emergencies and medication adjustments, make sure you consult with a healthcare Expert.
Not known Factual Statements About orange face mask
Put together for your mask by washing your face and tying your hair back again. Use warm drinking water to assist open up up your pores. Should you be putting on make-up, you will need to get it off employing makeup remover. This may minimize redness and soothe any soreness. If https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=skin+care have aloe vera gel or glycerin, you can apply that also, as these each have comforting Houses also. There are many banana face mask benefits just one just really should be familiar with which mask is greatest for what skin sort. For this, we've been in this article to assist you as We now have categorized the face masks based on the different skin care requirements. Retain a jar all-around and dab the honey on acne, burns or slight cuts. And if you’re feeling Unwell, take a spoonful or two. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfwyB59sdjY of coffee face masks include their power to lessen face inflammation. This selfmade mask will be your best ally for those days any time you haven't acquired A great deal sleep or have slept poorly and you wake up with a bit puffy face. This is the perfect egg white face mask for ageing skin. It helps easy out wrinkles and hydrate ageing skin, rendering it look youthful. Image edited by healthmunsta By combining bananas with other components stuffed with effective nutrients, we will make face masks that serve many functions. We're going to examine banana face masks that combat wrinkles, banishing acne, Regulate oil, lighten skin, and a lot more. Treat your self to a luxurious wax cure like they do in posh spas around the globe. Dip palms into heat wax and then peel away leaving arms gentle and supple. Blend the egg white and lemon juice. Using a fork, rapidly whisk The 2 elements until finally the egg white results in being foamy and frothy. Clean from the mask with lukewarm water in the event the time is up, and pat your face dry having a towel. Take pleasure in the seem of one's moisturized skin! This is often accustomed to discover distinct browsers or units once the access the support, which is used for protection reasons. Skin care entails more than just cleansing it and applying lotion. It also will involve possessing a nutritious diet plan, finding more than enough rest and exercise, and controlling pressure concentrations. Your special skin style might also identify any further treatments at the same time, which include making use of exfoliating scrubs or moisturizing masks. This services allows you to sign up for or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, to be able to receive funds from ads on the content articles. No knowledge is shared unless you interact using this function. (Privacy Coverage) Once i was all around fourteen, my hair bought just a little oily from my functions. To maintain my hair refreshing for a longer time soon after I washed it, I would use whipped egg white on it. I place it in my damp hair, and let it dry, then brushed it out. My hair had more volume way too.
5 Easy Facts About egg white face mask Described
Awesome piece. Great to acquire again to Basic principles and out with the chemical laden cosmetics. I'll be seeking honey tonight. Disclaimer: The written content on this site is generic, informational and adjunctive at ideal, but can't function a alternative for Specialist healthcare advice. Avoid paying out a lot of time from the Sunlight, and always put on sunscreen when you do. Pick out sunscreen with no less than fifteen SPF. It is best to put on it daily, even throughout the darker, colder Winter season months. Carefully exfoliates and scrubs skin thoroughly clean. Absorbs and removes impurities and Grime within the skin’s surface. This company will allow you to join or affiliate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, to be able to get paid revenue from advertisements with your content articles. No information is shared Except if you interact with this particular aspect. (Privateness Plan) Sit for fifteen to half-hour to Permit the face mask settle and have absorbed deep into your skin. Once the time is up, rinse off with warm h2o, and pat dry having a cleanse towel. The elements demanded for producing orange peel face mask with the oily skin and acne are given underneath. https://www.wikihow.com/Category:Skin-Care isn't just for chugging—it works great to be a normal exfoliant, far too. From face masks to hair therapies, these Do it yourself coffee scrub recipes will depart you with ...More » Blend the above substances comprehensively in a small mixing bowl. Coat your face With all the mixture working with clean up fingers. Enable it settle for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, you are able to lie down, near your eyes and take it easy given that the mask does its magic. In the event the time is up, rinse your face, and pat dry with a clear towel. Orange peel has purely natural bleaching Houses which aids lighten places. Honey has impressive antiseptic, antibacterial and moisturising Attributes which hydrate and nourish the skin. You may as well try out these home treatments to get rid of blemishes. > Who doesn’t desire to smell good all day lengthy? A very good scent can not merely cause you to scent awesome, it may possibly improve your self-assurance manifold. Honey is of course antibacterial, which can help your skin struggle off acne. In addition it's got an a fantastic antioxidant capability, and you'd like antioxidants all over to fight the no cost radicals that problems the skin. The alpha hydroxyl acids in apple cider vinegar assistance unclog skin pores and dissolve useless skin cells. Moreover, apple cider vinegar treats blemishes, restores the normal pH of the skin, and minimizes the looks of pores. Permit it sit for quarter-hour. Rinse your face with chilly water and pat dry that has a clear towel. Your skin will truly feel amazingly comfortable and glimpse clean and moisturised. In case your face is a little dry following the mask, particularly in acne spots, merely utilize a drop of olive oil to be a all-natural moisturizer.
Facts About banana face mask Revealed
I have definitely bad skin, and I really like doing a basic Uncooked honey mask! It cleans my pores, decreases inflamed acne, and leaves my skin emotion softer than before! So it seriously moisturizes your skin, Management extra oil, cure acne. It also brightens your skin so Furthermore, it definitely great for getting older skin. Can I mix mashed banana with sugar, orange juice and avocado oil ? And when yes am i able to store in the sealed container? Many thanks Somewhat cinnamon oil may be used While using the coconut oil, but I'd only use a fall or two in a small jar of coconut oil–much more than that could burn the skin. Are you able to make sure you explain to me any remedy for my less than eye skin. I am thirty many years old n i got great lines and crow’s feet under and about my eyes. Plz enable me… And allow me to know any powerful herbal cream or cure which will help me to get to obtain my less than eye skin youthful back again again. I attempted it anything and its great.... its really helpful... just ought to established minutes all of it ... I do it each day ahead of i take a tub or when have a bathtub... that's why typically I am 30mins within the rest room hahahaha... for 30days i can see the impact of glow The matters in these pages together with textual content, graphics, films along with other substance contained on this Web page are for informational applications only rather than for being substituted for professional clinical tips. Lemon juice is really a more powerful ingredient, so dependant upon your skin time, you might want to Restrict the quantity of times you utilize this mask to one-two occasions a week. Source Egg Yolk Face Masks—Egg yolks, Alternatively, are known for their capability to moisturize and hydrate skin, leaving it that has a wholesome glow. These masks are great for individuals with dry skin. Wash your face very first and also your arms as well as you don’t to apply a face mask on dirty face. So immediately after this implement a thick layer of the mask on the face. Rinse your face with drinking water, Carefully pat dry employing a soft towel and utilize a light-weight product to seal within the absorbed nutrients. पत्रलेखा ने कैंसर मरीजों के लिए धन जुटाने में मदद की These face mask recipes are simple to make in the home, working with common components out there in your kitchen. Orange peel is nutrient-loaded and has quite a few Advantages for skin, not only skin lightening.
coffee face mask No Further a Mystery
To be able to get the cucumber juice You need to grate it and after that squeeze the juice from it (grate adequate cucumber to acquire the amount of juice you need). Mix the above substances extensively in a small mixing bowl. Coat your face with the combination applying clean up fingers. Let it accept 15 minutes. In the meantime, you are able to lie down, near your eyes and chill out since the mask does its magic. Once the time is up, rinse your face, and pat dry by using a cleanse towel. This can lower redness and soothe any soreness. If you have aloe vera gel or glycerin, you could implement that too, as these both have soothing properties also. This assistance lets you to join or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, to be able to get paid money from adverts on your articles. No info is shared unless you interact with this attribute. (Privateness Coverage) No need to have to spend a fortune on top brands When you've got at your fingertips the refrigerator and pantry to build your very own products. Once a week use a mask In a natural way soon after cleansing your skin effectively to permit penetration. i want to know the households remedies for tumaric from india for itchy skin over the face likewise because I'm sure the best Answer I want to know urs smilrs Separate the egg. Crack an egg in excess of a bowl, and transfer the yolk from shell to shell. Each time you transfer the yolk, a small amount of the egg white really should circulation in the bowl. Hold doing this till the entire egg white is during the bowl. Clean off the mask with lukewarm water if the time is up, and pat your face dry using a towel. Benefit from the appear within your moisturized skin! As you'll be able to see, employing an orange peel face mask has multiple pros that work for various skin sorts. Regardless of the you need it for, orange peel powder is without a doubt a blessing. As I become old I have already been hunting for something which could assistance sluggish the ageing approach down a little bit. However, our skin is below assault 24/seven by quite a few things – ranging from involuntary publicity to dangerous radiation (such as the Sunshine) to diet. Add the olive oil or coconut oil. You may need two teaspoons of olive oil. The olive oil will moisturize your face, leaving the skin emotion delicate and clean. If you don't have olive oil, You can utilize coconut oil in its place, which is also extremely moisturizing. If you want to use this mask yet again Ensure that you develop a new 1 as this remain in the fridge for three days however it’s very good when you come up with a new 1. Thanks to your article. I much like the way. You explained the honey mask instructions. Your mask is a snap for making. I'm going to check out it in my next spa remedy. I love it. Mister healmunsta. I commenced making use of black tea bags as my heat compresses, and then I might dab honey over the soar. Inside of 1-2 times, each of the infection experienced drawn to your surface and my chills/fever went absent. Sorry for the small print, but I am a real believer in all-natural medicines and those two personalized experiences are what manufactured me the believer that i'm today!
Not known Facts About banana face mask
While you are concluded applying towards the afflicted acne spots, wait for about ten minutes and afterwards rinse off your full face Along with the lukewarm h2o. You may just keep it within an air-limited container and put it while in the freezer. Then subsequent week, just remove it about an hour or so before you decide to implement it in order for it to thaw. The egg white not simply enable nourish and agency your skin, but it really will likely assistance tighten the pores[1] Discard the egg yolk or save it for an additional recipe. You can use the egg yolk to produce a nourishing face mask. Confer with the area in this post on making a nourishing face mask to learn how. So, If you're amassing the kelp oneself, avoid really polluted destinations. If you are acquiring it, make sure that it is collected and manufactured in a spot with as reduced a level of pollution as possible. Insert the olive oil or coconut oil. You'll need 2 teaspoons of olive oil. The olive oil will moisturize your face, leaving the skin experience comfortable and smooth. If you don't have olive oil, You may use coconut oil instead, that's also extremely moisturizing. I have a little, smaller pimple on my forehead(tzone) from so many years, I have consulted the dermatologist as well they gave some creams for application, Right until i use those creams,my forehead is obvious once I ended using again little acne will begin on my forehead. -When you rinse your face with lukewarm h2o, clean it all over again with chilly h2o a few minutes later on. This will tone your face and enhance the firmness of your face muscles. Depart the mask on for quarter-hour. To forestall the mask from dripping all over the place, consider laying down or sitting down in a comfortable chair with the head tilted again. It's also possible to use this mask from the bathtub if you are soaking or having a stress-free bath. Frequent acne might also arise because of certain hormonal action in the teenage a long time that are sometimes connected with the doorway into puberty. This hormonal activity often helps make the regulation with the sebaceous gland to malfunction, abruptly making massive amounts of sebum. This is often why popular acne is mostly located in teenagers. When the openings of these sebum glands are blocked, the sebum are not able to escape and it commences depositing by itself down below the skin pores, building them glimpse red and swollen. Use a ripe avocado so that it is simpler to mash it into a lump-totally free paste. You can even freeze, then thaw it right before mashing to produce items less difficult. When you've got a blender, use it in place of a fork to rapidly and proficiently blend the avocado right into a lump-totally free puree. Honey, Conversely, is actually a all-natural humectant that assists the skin keep its dampness. It works equally as correctly as a normal cleanser and exfoliant to advertise obvious and glowing skin. This mask may possibly appear somewhat Odd on This website intended for natural solutions, but working with Aspirin – Honey Mask for treating acne is additionally a powerful and simple solution. Stay clear of Placing on damaged skin. In case you have any cuts or open acne with your face, prevent implementing the scrub to These parts given that the lemon juice will sting them. On top of that, the friction from applying the scrub could make your acne worse. Just give these masks a try out. These are virtually free therefore you don’t will need to look the whole world to have the necessary ingredients. In short, you have nothing to shed except your acne. Why not give it a try out?
Fascination About honey face mask
Aloe Vera Gel with at the very least ninety% pure aloe barbadensis leaf juice in it really is great for sunburned or irritated skin. Aloe vera is known for its therapeutic Houses and may do wonders for the skin. Points: Honey has antimicrobial Qualities and antioxidants that happen to be beneficially sticky. This stickiness pulls absent the dust, dead skin, and microbes through the pores although the antimicrobial Attributes maintain the skin from turning into infected once more. Please just take a bit moment to accomplish your profile so we are able to personalize your experience and ensure that you get written content and provides which have been appropriate to you personally. I attempted it every little thing and its great.... its definitely powerful... just have to set minutes all of it ... I get it done day to day just before i take a bath or although have a bathtub... This is exactly why generally I am 30mins inside the bathroom hahahaha... for 30days I am able to begin to see the result of glow Make certain that you use pure important oil, not fragrance oil meant for diffusers or cleaning soap-earning. If you cannot discover any, attempt one teaspoon of lemon juice alternatively. Utilize a face scrub a couple of times a week to keep your skin in suggestion-best form. It is vital to exfoliate both of those your face and your body calendar year-spherical, however , you may well discover you should exfoliate even more in Winter season. Many thanks for generally furnishing good facts. I would like to test the turmeric mask – just wanting to know if it received’t shade the skin tone to yellow. Orange, full of Vitamin C, is the greatest all rounder In terms of your skin. From your peel on the juice all function in the absolute best techniques to keep you glowing and healthy. one. Reduce or split a banana into tiny items, and location right into a mixing bowl. Mash up the banana with a steel spoon. Keep a jar all over and dab the honey on acne, burns or insignificant cuts. And if https://www.wikihow.com/Apply-Face-Masks-Correctly ’re feeling sick, have a spoonful or two. This articles is precise and real to the best from the creator’s awareness and isn't meant to substitute for official and individualized suggestions from a qualified Skilled. OEM ODM rorec aloe vera olive pomegranate blueberry honey normal skin mask for face masks skin care Choose to pick the finest cleanser for The body? Deal with oneself to refreshing showers on a daily basis with a range of bathtub and shower things like overall body washes, stress-free shower gels, cleansers, deodorants, overall body creams and moisturisers from Amazon. Meditate. This can be an historic follow that has been all-around for centuries—and forever cause! Many individuals discover that it can help them crystal clear their minds and rest.
5 Easy Facts About banana face mask Described
Am i able to retail store almond oil along with the vitamin E capsule drop by putting each jointly in a very plastic bottle and applying for few times on my facial skin? Is it required to adhere to by using a moisturizer soon after rinsing off the honey mask? I exploit Neutrogena Healthful Skin moisturizer. In the morning, a splash of lukewarm h2o is all you need. In case you have super oily skin, you may cleanse your skin once more each morning. Never ever wash your face with sizzling or chilly drinking water (both equally may cause damaged capillaries). A high quality area Uncooked honey produced my skin glow in a means the Many others didn’t! So for the actual great things about a honey mask, use the best quality honey you find. Go https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689548155 within the lemon juice. Lemon juice can dry out and irritate your skin. In the event the scrub contained olive oil, you might use a lot more lemon juice, but since this one particular doesn’t, keep on with just some drops of lemon juice. Hi! I've truly dried my orange peels but.. :-/ I forgot to not include the white part (which you said it shouldn't be). Am i able to nonetheless utilize it? May perhaps I understand what variation will it make, working with 'just the leading most component' and 'including the white element'? This face mask features a 50 % face masking facility that can preserve all air pollution at bay and can even maintain you heat. What much better than obtaining the benefits of exfoliation and soothing in a single face mask? Effectively, the Oatmeal and banana face mask will be the a person that offers you scrubbing and smoothening impact simultaneously. Straightforward is vital right here. You must find a superior cleanser that the skin responds very well to and persist with it. Lots of people throw out orange peels at the time they’re performed having or juicing an orange. But did you know that orange peels really are a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants? The orange peels actually have a greater vitamin C material compared to the fleshy inside of! You should purchase microdermabrasion kits. See a list of the best facial scrubs and microdermabrasion kits. Most of it's essential to be questioning how to really make it in your house, since it's not an item available in outlets. Actually, making orange peel powder is really easy! Homemade is always much better, fresher and more effective! With out further ado, let's roll up our sleeves and get into the zest The 3 panel structure will ensure a perfect fit, though the neoprene material used to really make it will preserve you heat also. What's more, it has the advantage of currently being immune to h2o. Right here are my four recipes for honey face masks created with distinct skin forms in your mind. They can be absolutely foods-based mostly and you probably have the majority of the ingredients in your kitchen right this moment. Hurray for straightforward!
5 Tips about skin care You Can Use Today
[six] Some ceremonial or ornamental masks weren't built to be worn. Even though the spiritual use of masks has waned, masks are utilized occasionally in drama therapy or psychotherapy.[seven] Historic masks Orange, full of Vitamin C, is the greatest all rounder With regards to your skin. With the peel for the juice all perform in the absolute best means to maintain you glowing and wholesome. Japanese masks are Portion of an exceedingly outdated and extremely sophisticated and stylized theatrical custom. Even though the roots are in prehistoric myths and cults, they have got made into refined art forms. If you aren’t making use of the mixture for your full face, you may likely get absent with applying it to your face greater than twice weekly. Just be sure to cease making use of it when you recognize any discomfort. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1084945117566267392 , i`d experimented with it when for my spouse and she or he love it, I'm producing some much more for her again. that goes effectively with ice product and just about every other style of dessert sauces or toppings.I had to go searching for quite a while to uncover the correct kind of sugar to implement on the highest in order that it wouldn't dissolve This is considered the most complete mask within our manual, as it's the two a scrub as well as a nourishing remedy. You'll need floor coffee beans, just as much cocoa powder, 2 times just as much dairy or almond milk, a tablespoon olive oil - you can also use almond oil or, In case you have oily skin, lemon juice - along with a tablespoon honey, which may be skipped When you are vulnerable to acne. Cleaning the skin is The main move of skin care routine. But most often people today affiliate cleansing the skin only using honey. Goaltender mask, a mask worn by an ice or field hockey goaltender to protect The pinnacle and face from harm Technique: Blend all of them inside a bowl and use a thick coat with your face. Enable it do the job its magic for 15 minutes till it dries out. Then rinse with water and dry your face using a towel. Use a moisturiser promptly to prevent dry skin.  While there are many skin care solutions available available but nothing can give you with the sort of greatest final results that a humble fruit as banana can. The banana face mask will do miracles for the skin. I am Do it yourself pursuer and therefore hold attempting purely natural factors to eliminate terrible disorders. You can be surprised to learn about the treasure mother earth has And just how it may also help us increase our overall health. Join me in a journey which choose you nearer to nature and maintain you healthier. Sugar: It can be Mild as being a scrub and would not clog pores. Honey: It's a superior moisturizer and assists endorse wound therapeutic. Skin exfoliation mask, the yogurt will help take away dead skin, lighten and brighten skin, receives rid of dim places and almost prevents ageing. The properties of yogurt are many and when Employed in this combination, it’s sure to provide you with Added benefits much better than a readymade mask.
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bechapbeats-blog · 8 years
The Process for Completing a Track
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Do you want to make music history with your track? Here are the steps in the process of completing a track are;
1. The artist writes lyrics
Any great song has two parts – great lyrics and music. To be able to write a song, you need to understand the structure of the song. It comprises of an introduction, verse, chorus and the bridge. Try freeform song-writing then fit it into the structures recommended above. This way you say what you want to say in the song without the encumbrance of a scaffold. Then fit it into the AABA structure; this is the most popular DNA for music. The A stands for verse and B is the chorus. This means that the song will have two verses, a chorus and another verse at the end. Next try the complex ones like the AABB, ABA, etc. Be inspired, listen to great songs, read poetry and prose, summarize them, be opinionated. Capture the stream of consciousness, use this exercise to channel your thoughts about everything, these are the building blocks of a song.
2. the recording
The next step is recording. Apply the music notations, the bars, measures, notes, rests, etc. Your lines should have even syllables and maintain a steady rhythm. Experiment with a melody; work your song around an existing melody, then graduate to modifying this melody. Make sure to leave lapses for the artist to breathe. Then revise by practising the song. Set the rhythm and rhymes. Record the performance in a single take with 1 or 2 mics. A song can be recorded with all the instruments which is a trackout in hiphop/rap. The Trackouts will blend with your vocals better than a WAV or MP3 file when mixed properly. Why? Because say the snare on the site was too loud now that you have the trackouts you can now lower JUST the snare in the mix. And you can really bring the beat around your vocals evenly alot better than a WAV or MP3.
3. the mixing
After you have a great recording get it mixed properly. It should be a cocktail that gets people high and happy. Look for a good engineer who has the experience and many sessions under his belt. This Is The Most Important part of the song. A mix can break or make the song, a bad or “Quick Mix” just wont do it. There has to be care taken into your song that's why it is so time consuming. The Term Fix it in the mix or mastering, does not apply its a total lie. The best way to get the best out of your song is so have the BEST recording you can and then get it mixed properly! Mixing a song means putting all the tracks together to make one single track.
4. the mastering
Mastering makes your track loud and audible on all platforms – carts, iPod, stereos etc. this is the last step of the recording process. It is done by a mastering engineer well-versed with the gear. Mastering is done by the ear or using a software that requires a studio monitor and headphones. The Master Is working on the final mix that was bounced to one audio file. THis is the topping on the cake and will make your song way louder to the volume you want, without clipping of course. If your mixing on your own. CLIPPING IS NOT OK! Dont be lazy and make it work without clipping. Then once you have had the song mastered then burn a CD by converting your stereo file into a 16-bit at 44.1 Hz.(which is Red Book Audio, All cds are these specs)
5. and then you can promote it
After all the above has been done, it is time to get it distributed and monetized. Buy ads and get it set up on streaming websites. You could also promote your music by live performances and collaborate with other musicians. You could use social media to promote your appearances and gigs. Another way to promote your track is by selling your music on YouTube and iTunes. Or cutting a record with a label. Radio and TV channels hosting daily talk shows and music reality shows invite the artists to promote their tracks live. Passionate musicians can also build a community of practice with music channels, radio, TV, blogs, and websites. And all their work can be promoted via email, SMS, MMS, twitter and Facebook. Then all you have to do is collect royalties with ASCAP or BMI organizations. If Your Looking For some DOPE Instrumentals Check me out here at http://www.beChapBeats.com   I ALSO have LOGOS/ MIXTAPE COVERS / Vocal Tag(drops) with 6 dope artists to choose from and more info to come! THANK YOU FOR READING! I APPRECIATE ALL THE SUPPORT   Follow  / Connect with me on social media:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0VJk49xDzHcQqkm-CtVUJA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Be_Chap_Beats Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/be_chap_beats/
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