#i keep telling myself that im gonna pick something (as in a hobby) up but i never have the motivation to do Anything
frankenruth · 6 months
I can say “I used to __!” about so many more things than I can say “I currently __!” about and its driving me mad
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nomaishuttle · 11 months
budgeting is looking like hooooopefully i should have a pretty good amt of money saved up in time for moveout :] like around 5000 which is faiiiirly good my goal is 3 months costs backed up and obv i currently dont know emrm what the rent will be... hopefully i can find something fairly cheap butwe will see... and if i find one in a good walkable location ill save sm on lyft costs...
#im excited to try to walk more... i might even get myself a little wagon if im near enough to a gricery store n then i can actually go into#a store instead of just doing gricery deliveries!!!! which is exciting#butttt i am trying to keep my hopes In check since. yk. i was excited abt this house too n. yk.#but i also have to tell myself itll be better when i have my own place bc otherwise id go crazy . so im being cautiously optimistic...#bc my likee. my max rent cost is 1750 which for a studio seems like. reasonable max rent. rly id prefer <1500 but yk. how it is with#spaghetti....#NORMALLY ill be making abttt 1000 a check i think. optimistically more since hopefully ill be able to do a lot more overtime ? so worst#case scenario i have to get a place that is 1750/mo 1. id only go with a 1750 if it was 1. the best apartment ever matching Literally every#single criteria on my grading list and 2. this is reiterating the last point bc its also on my grading list but utilities included..#but. fingers crossed il be able t find something cheaper :] there r some good ones for pretty cheap.. ill have to do Vigorous checks si i#dont get scammed bc. legit cant afford it LMAO. i couldnt afford it last time eithe but shrugged.whayever i try not to think abt then bc#its. yk. i ws rly optimistic at that time and it hurts to remember how excited i was for this. but anyways...#this time fingers crossedd itll be different#AAANYWAYS. gn everyone#ohhb thinking abt my apartment (entirely theoretical atm)... guys its gonna be so awesome :] im so excited for hieronymus im#excited for my little wagon im excited to start a garden im excited to pick up hobbied#ik i planned to pick up gardening n all that when i moved here but. we know how that went lmao#so hopefully when im in a place i actually truly feel safe. thatl help#+itll be a studio LMAO so i eont be able t judt dhut myself into my room#anddd im thinking. if i do well with my gardening and keeping thise plsnts alive. ill consider getting a pet. but thats a ways away#obvi ik getting a pet is different from having a plant but. yk theres daily maintenance for both things and i wanna make sure i cn like.#achieve those things daily. if that makes sense... bc ik i have trouble with accomplishing daily tasks sometimes so id wanna make sure i gy#into the habit of Taking care of domething b4 i get a pet.hopdfully that is umderstandable NDNFJFNF. idk yet kf im.gonns get s cat or dog#theorrticlsly.. famously i want a dog And having to take the dog out for walks would be a greattt push 2 make me leave the house. cons is#if im having a rly rly rly bad depression day i can see myself not being able to leave tbe houdr st all aside frkm work and.. i couldnt do#hst w a dog. obv i wanna discourage that behavior but ik id..force through it and i wanns be rly careful#+with sork im full time and am hoping to do lots of overtime. modt dogs need t use the bathroom abt once every 8 hours 😭😭 so i feel id#have to do doggy daycare or sometjing basically its a whole situation...#and id also love a cat and itd be way easier especially if i made a schedule for the litter box and STUCK EITH IT i think id do rly well..#cats r way way lower maintenance so itd be easier t like. yk..
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celestie0 · 19 days
Girl I was balls deep in my attempt to make fanart for u a couple months ago
Like I had the reference pictures collated and I sat my ass down and picked up an pencil with the intention of actually drawing something after ages
cause basically I became a lil sad cause I felt like I forgot to draw bc last year in school I took an external art subject and it didn’t occur to me that doing a hands on subject through distance study wasn’t the brightest idea
anyway that fucked me over and led to me dropping and taking up fucking legal studies 😭
Even though I’m a bit more STEM based I can still fw the wordy subjects but not this someone pls save me why am I being assessed on the bi cameral structure of parliament
saur yh I’m super lazy as is with anything so that situation just put me off drawing and art completely
congrats to me setting every world record for yip yapping and going off track
ummm yh for context it was like my 10th read through of the kickoff chapter 6 scene that compelled me to collate a bunch of reference pics that ranged from twitter smut comics to bathroom sinks and eventually I gave up because anatomy is a bitch
I changed into a dress with the same type of neckline I think reader was wearing bc of the way it tucks under her boobies and I was this close to just shamelessly positioning myself in front of the mirror to make my own references
then ofc I got distracted by a half baked portrait of Rose from titanic that I drew when I was like 15 and ended up drawing a two hour long remake of the same picture
only for my friend to tell me it looks like Mary Shelly’s ghost
Should I know who that is
To be fair it looked nothing like her but I mean it was an improvement from thinking all my ability just went poof and I drew better when I was 15
never the less I was somewhat disappointed with the product and I haven’t drawn since
wait I wanna show u actually lemme try
the Mary Shelly in question
do these links work I’m scared I’m gonna accidentally leak personal details or my whole camera roll lol
also IM NOT AN ARTIST don’t judge me peeps I’m just a girl idek how to drive yet
I feel bad every time I send an ask I feel like I’m force feeding u Ellie babes u have the patience and commitment of a saint
I want to 😞🫶 but alas prospect of fanart from me will most likely never see the light of day
that crack scene in ihm was tempting tho everything u write is just so visual
♥️ mwah my gorgeous gorgeous writer wifey
hellooo my dear PLS the ramble of this ask is legendary and i found it very entertaining xD
ouuu the dress that reader wears in ch6 of kickoff is actually based on a dress that i own, here's some pictures of it!! i'm curious if the dress you have is similar!! but yea this is the official outfit reference hahah
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looking at it now it's kind of a mild sweetheart neckline lol n yea def tucks under the boobs very nicely xd i was actually gonna sell it on depop a couple months ago when i did a closet cleanout but i was like nahhh i gotta keep it bc it inspired that scene
taking your OWN reference pictures sounds so badass. and its ok babe it's the thought that counts haha <3 i feel u about the losing passion/talent in art thooo aaa i used to draw too but ehh hobbies fizzle
ahh i can't see the cloud photos :(( but anywho thanks for the yap my dear!! i ate it up. also side note but i'm so glad my writing comes off visual to you!! i always worry there's not enough description in my scenes so that's reassuring to hear. much love!
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lincolndjarin · 10 months
Best Kept Secret Q&A
contains spoilers for all of bks !!
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thank you @znerac for asking these !!
Is there anything you would of written differently? Why, and what would you of done?
the short answer is yes lmao.
the long answer is also yes but with a bunch of explanation. writing bks chapter by chapter and posting as i go is great and also not great for several reasons. getting immediate feedback is always great, and it pushes me to keep writing but it also means that i can't change things once they're written.
if i could the main things i would change would be :
i would rewrite any and all reader descriptions. in the early days of bks it was just a silly story that i wrote for myself. that being said i did my best to write the reader as ambiguous but a lot of my self bled through. very specifically is the fact that i get very very red when i'm embarrassed. i don't know the exact line but there was at one point in dins internal monologue something along the lines of "you blush blah blah blah, he wonders how deep the crimson tint goes." so i would change all of that for sure
on a less serious not i would rewrite all of chapter seven LMAO. i was stressed about six being the first smut chapter and i convinced myself that there needed to be more dirty stuff since i'd already started with it. i am haunted by the chapter seven blowjob. it feels so out of place to me like it's not needed, it's gotta go, i hate it but can do nothing about it.
hypothetically, If a movie/Show director came up to you to make a producion based heavily on BKS, would you take the opportunity?
yes and i would do it lin manuel miranda style by insisting that i play the lead and then i would demand pedro pascal as my counter part (he'll def take it, im convinced that man will do any movie.)
what inspired you to write bks?
a lot of things!!
mostly music, all sorts of songs. when i started it i had also just finished queen charlotte. (if you havent watched queen charlotte and like bks i highly recommend it.) i would say that bks!reader was based on charlotte early on. (i'm also gonna use my favorite line from queen charlotte in the epilouge)
and i just love telling stories. i love making these worlds and the people in them and this was the first time i ever put it into words!!
how do you think writing and posting bks has affected you? Positively, Negatively? What do you think would of changed if you didn't write it?
definitely both but the negatives aren't bad, and the positives make up for it.
bks in it's conception was always intended to be a coping mechanism for me. at the time of it's start my best (and realistically, only) friend was getting ready to move away for college and i realized that he was the only person i ever spent time with and i needed a hobby. i tried a few things until one day writing stuck. the intention was to have something to keep me busy but i ended up really loving it.
there's never been any external negatives, it really is just that i can be hard on myself but at the end of the day it's been a huge point of growth for me.
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@knopes-waffles thank you lovey for sending these !!
was there a particular reason that you chose blue as Kodo’s color?
terrible answer to a great question but uhhh no lmao
i just had to pick a color and this is what my fingers typed lol, i knew from the get go that din's favorite color would be green so i had to pick something that wasn't that.
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thank you to the anon who sent these !! (i assume these were from the same person bc they came in and the same time!!)
will din and queenie have more babies? or just grogu and their son?
i suppose we'll have to see ;)
(although after bks 28 this is answered haha)
where will they raise the babies? in the cabin?
i think so !! i like to think that they live in the cabin, bks!reader became attached to naboo and bks!din will happily live wherever she is. i also like to think that they travel though. they leave naboo as often as they can, din likes to show his children the galaxy so when they're older they definitely invest in a ship
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thank you anon !! luv you !!
what was your absolute favorite scene to write?
there's so many gahhh im gonna try and narrow it down to a top three:
#1 : Chapter 16 - their first kiss
this was a big deal to me, i worked for quite some time on that scene. i had several long conversations with friends about it because i wanted it to have the weight of a scene from bridgerton. i love love love bridgerton, it's my guilty pleasure, and i wanted that scene to make me feel the way bridgerton love confessions make me feel. i needed an "i burn for you" and i had a lot of different versions but i eventually settled on "I ache." because i wanted it to be something that hurt, i think that bks!din is complicated (i sound so pretentious rn im so sorry) in a self hating way that makes even the idea of being happy extremely painful to him and i wanted to get that point across
#2 : Chapter 23 - the markets
the markets in general were always so so fun to write but the lunar markets especially. getting to write them as a normal couple shopping for sex toys was so so so fun, i remember being so exhausted writing this chapter but i loved it so much i just had to finish it.
short story break but i was up until 2 am writing this chapter, it was halfway done and i was supposed to be up at 7 to drive my grandma six hours to visit my aunt for a week. i texted her at 2 and said i was going to bed and i'd see her in the morning, she texted back and said she couldnt sleep so we just got in the car and went. when we got to my aunts i finished the chapter and then passed out lmao, editing it took ages bc i kept falling asleep
#3 : Chapter 3 - reading the smitten paladin
the entire scene where she's trying to not think about din while reading her porn book is always gonna be an all timer for me
(bonus: the epilouge has been very special to me. getting to write a happy ending for these characters that i have put through so much has been extremely healing for me)
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thank you @darthbeebles !! <3
Were there any scenes you wrote/wanted to write but had to cut for some reason? I’d love some deleted scenes if you have any <3
so so so many. i will cover most in the little what if thing later this week but the biggest one was a masquerade ball.
i so badly wanted a scene where she was dancing at the ball and there's a masked man who asks for a dance with dark hair and a mask that only covers his eyes and GAH im making myself angry just thinking about it because i just couldn't make it work
i tried it on so many levels, but at the end of the day the climax of the story didn't work if she knew what he looked like. the identity swap twist didn't work as smoothly and after several attempts to work it in i had to scrap it
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thank you @raintheegg my beloved for sending this in!!!!
What is your favorite characteristic about bsk!din?
very easily his devotion.
it makes him easy to write bc he has one character goal and it to keep reader as safe and happy as he can manage. it also helped me add in the vague religious themes because he really is just that in love with her right from the start
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hi anon !!! thank you for sending this in!!
You don’t have to draw it out if you don’t want, but I’d love to see your vision for inside their closet in BKS!!! It feels like such an important space that I want to understand it exactly how you meant to portray it — 1000 rounds of applause for your writing, it was an incredible journey you took us on 🥲🥲
thank you so so much <3
i wanted to build distinct set pieces in the world, the closet, the nook, the cabin, etc. and the closet was based on my own closet!! i used to sleep in there with all of my pillows and blankets, i have some pics, i don't have any good ones because it's been a few years but these are the ones i found!!
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thank you my sweet anon!!
what was the hardest chapter to write?
very easily chapter 26.
i had a very specific vision for it that i'd been working on for months and i wanted it to go over well. the rule i use with plot twists is that it either needs to not be guessed before it happens or it needs to executed in a pleasing enough way that if you did guess it you don't care or you feel accomplished. i couldn't be more proud of how it turned out
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thank you anon for the ask !
why is kodo’s fav color blue
i thought about this one again and i did remember that i needed it to be an eye color so it ended up being between grey and blue and i went with blue!!
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thank you anon who is definitely not @torizle-blog1
why are you so sexy and hilarious and perfect and awesome
years of practice.
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reilleclan-blog · 4 months
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I was really hoping I could leave my abusive mother but I'm still stuck here. I had lost hope with certain things until I got a call about an apartment and I thought it'd be this but the universe keeps taking opportunities away from me I don't understand what I'm supposed to do . I feel trapped and yeah I feel like I will never escape I don't make enough money for the apartment and it's possibly gone to someone else. I tried getting another client but they haven't reached out to me since last week. Literally posting on the internet and interacting with others is all I have most ppl in my life wouldn't care about anything I feel pride over. I don't want to argue I don't want to fight . I don't I just want to live but it's hard all the time.
At this point I'm gonna say a lot of stuff that is stressing me out and if that means "exposing" then I guess so. My mother began spam texting me to clean .. basically the entire house b/c I'm home or b/c "I don't work a real job" I work part time and with my adhd and autism I'm lucky I still have a job. But I don't understand why I'd ever have to clean this big ass house ON MY OWN when I've cleaned it MULTIPLE times on my own just for my mother to re dirty it not even trying to keep it clean how it was. It feels like if she wants to talk to me she talks to me just to boss me around and that's it. She doesn't have problems with other ppl's daughters helping them or FEEDING them. Cause btw when I moved back in with my mother she wouldn't feed me she'd go out not saying where or when she'd be back and have leftovers spoil or wouldn't let me have anything when she knew I wasn't working and knew I was barely eating.
So yeah the little money I had "saved" went to buying $100 worth of groceries or fast food cause I didn't have many options. And again I'm fucking disabled but nobody cares about that b/c I'm not "disabled on the outside". But back to cleaning this house MOST OF THE MESS is from my MOTHER everything is from my mother. I'm not perfect I have some clothes I haven't picked up a couple unwashed dishes but most of that is from my mother and her doing favors for ppl b/c she wants to be liked or whatever.
I don't have a problem helping my mom but when I'm being berated and told I'm lazy just for this lady to spam text me to clean up HER MESS. And for her to call our family to tell them I'm lazy.. and I'm just wasting oxygen in this stupid fucking house.. that's not a good feeling at all. And I hate that I care for my mother but if I don't do something her way or right away or (in this case cleaning an entire downstairs by myself when it has papers and arts and crafts and HER SHOES and she has a TON of clothes she's bought) I'm immediately "the bad guy" I'm so tired of these fucking ppl I'm so tired of family saying "we don't know what went on in that house" THATS RJFHT U DONT SO WHY THE FJCK DO YALL MAKE ME THE VILLIAN B/C U SEE ONE ASPECT OF OUR LIVES OR INTERACTIONS. I'm so fucking tired THIS IS LKKE EVERYDAY MESS.
MY DAD IS JUST S HUSK OF A DUDE I CALL DAD IM SO FUCKING TIRED IM TIRED . I THINK ABOUT SUICIDE ALMOST ALL THE TIME BECAUSE J FEEL BROKEN I FEEL ALONE THATS ALL I FEEL I FUCKING HATE THJS PLACE I actually sh and at this point it really just feels like only options. I feel trapped I try to embrace myself with hobbies I love but I constantly see stuff I don't have or what others have or what's happening around our world but I'm still stuck in this hell hole feeling trapped. I'd say I have become happier as a person but my mother just takes it away and finds any reason to hate me. Yes it feels like she hates me and my father and at this point I don't think anyone can convince me they don't. I want to forget everything and move on but my brain constantly brings up my trauma I don't want to remember it.
If u tell me to "just be positive" I might shoot someone in the face. I'm JOKING HAHAHA I'm just so lost I wish I felt like I was cared for I wish someone would even care as I type this out. Nobody cares not even my blood
I don't think anyone wouldn't care if i disappeared but it'd be too late for anyone to care. I'm sorry I can't hold on I don't know
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actualbird · 1 year
uh hey man u don’t gotta answer this ask but i wanted to send it in after seeing that post about like hobbies. i feel the same a lot about trying to do things and it’s incredibly frustrating. but idk if it’d help to tell you or not since it doesn’t help the “getting a good grade” aspect feeling, but i thought it was maybe worth it to tell you you’re one of the reasons i decided to pick up writing for tot and create a new writing blog and try to go back to doing something i love so much. your work has long inspired me and i hardcore look up to it, so to speak. but recently the other side of that coin was actually the fact that the breaks you take from writing inspire me more. i sometimes start to fret that i haven’t written in a while but then i think and think about how one of my favorite authors also takes breaks, sometimes really long breaks, and that it’s okay to take time between writing (or doing anything) because it’s not a competition or an emergency or really important in the grand scheme. i tend to not be the best at giving myself time to recover or take breaks when i start to not do as well, but the fact that you do has really helped me a lot.
idk if this was pointless or like um unnecessary to send but i wanted to tell you that something that’s been upsetting to you has still in some way been helpful and positive toward others, even if it’s just me, in hopes of maybe lightening that load a little from your shoulders. um im sorry again for sending this in and u don’t have to answer it or anything, but i thought maybe it could be helpful to tell you that something that’s been a struggle to you has still had a positive + slightly more healthy impact on me by showing me that if someone i look up to can take breaks or stop doing something entirely and fans like me will still stick around eagerly to see literally *whatever* you post and share, people would be willing to do the same for me and it’s okay to just take breaks from things or let them exist as hobbies and not goals to fulfill or deadlines to meet.
idk uhh sorry this got a bit rambly but i just wanted to tell you that in hopes it could maybe be something positive. thanks for consistently being a blogger i can be excited to see things from, and whatever u want to post or share or pursue it’s still something worthwhile. uhhh sorry again lol
anon oh gosh. first off, youve got nothing to apologize for cuz real talk, reading this made me tear up. like, literally, and it’s 5am here. tear up in a good way, i assure!!!!
im beyond honored that the stuff i make cld help you get back to making stuff yourself. a bunch of people have told me similar things in the past, and it never stops knocking me to the ground because god!!! GOD!!!!!! im so happy for you all, thank you for making stuff!!! and thank you so much for telling me. because so much of the time when i Do make stuff i constantly wonder what the point is or if anyone even likes it. so this means so much to me, it always does.
though nobodys ever told me that when im Not making stuff is similarly important. thats…..it's quite literally Never crossed my mind and it’s making me super duper emotional right now. whenever im not Making Stuff™, at best, i feel like im disappointing everyone who does find joy in the stuff i make, and at worst, i feel like ive Actively Tricked Everyone who has come here due to my writing and i shld be burned at the stake for not fulfilling my end of the transaction (yeah i have uhhhh NOT THE BEST view, to say the least, irt myself and online fanwork creation HJVSFHJSDVFJ im working on it) so u must understand……..this ask is this is the exact opposite of pointless to me. it means so so so fucking much to me.
im pretty sure im always gonna be battling the horrid Less Than Healthy Views Demon of “NO, KEEP MAKING STUFF ALWAYS ALWAYS” like til the end of time, but man, it seems like we’re all battling that. so if me taking a break can help u and maybe even others see Taking A Break as okay, then that makes me really really happy.
take a break if you need to, or if you want to. dont be scared to make stuff thats not the stuff people “came” to you for, just make whatever makes you happy. telling this to you and also to myself
thank you for sending this ask, anon. it's helped in more ways than i can coherently word :'3
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trickstarbrave · 11 months
i saw some people bitching on tiktok about art/commission prices again and i feel like ranting
idk why someone got it in their heads all artists are upper class rich folk trying to scam you out of something that isn't hard at all for us to make. art takes time and energy--time and energy we could literally spend doing ANYTHING else. we could be spending time with our loved ones, working a regular job with reliable pay and better benefits, or even just making art WE want to see. most of us are working class or poor.
"but you could charge less and get more customers" who the hell wants to work more for less pay. genuinely. would you rather work 90 hours for 10 bucks an hour or 40 hours for 35 bucks an hour? like get real. past a certain point of popularity you will be literally unable to keep up with commissions bc you cannot physically make them fast enough and stay healthy so higher prices mean you can dedicate more time to people who want it more
"well your art isnt even GOOD" if someone's art isnt your taste or technically worth it to you then dont buy it. to really get good at commissions you do have to build an audience and if they havent then they'll figure out they need to improve or network/promote more. you bitching about it isnt helping them figure it out any faster, and you bitching to artists who DO reliably get commissions at that price makes you look like a whiny brat
"but you COULD charge less and still survive. that means youre scamming people" listen i know you are used to be catered to by large corporations who can use literal slave labor to make things dirt fucking cheap but ethical labor costs more. we are not large corporations with big art machines shitting out subpar garbage you can buy off the rack. you are asking for handmade, customized things from someone in a place with a higher cost of living. we cannot and will not bend over backwards to appeal to the lowest common denominator. see above: we have better things to be doing with our time and this shit costs time and labor to produce. if you dont want a handmade custom art piece or dress or jewelry consider buying from shein then you cheapskate and get out of this market.
because, see above: we have better things to be doing. you are the one asking me to spend my free time making you something because you want it supposedly. i could instead be making things i like. i have the luxury too where if i dont wanna do something i dont have to. i dont have to pick up extra work for you. other artists can find other customers that arent you. if YOU want something you should make it worth the artists wild. no i dont wanna do a full custom painting for you for 40 dollars. i would barely get out of bed for 40 dollars. if i told you to clean my whole house for 10 dollars and deep clean it you would probably tell me im insane and you're not gonna do all that work for 10 god damn dollars. 10 dollars wont even pay for the cleaning supplies.
i dont take commissions anymore specifically bc i kept getting burnt out. i felt i had to make it cheaper to get more when in reality all it did was make more work with little reward. i didnt feel happy making art anymore. it became a chore, and i didnt wanna make anything for myself after i spent hours and hours making other stuff for other ppl. im lucky enough now to have a corporate job with more free time so i can get paid enough to survive and still make art. if i ever decided to again i would probably price it rly high bc tbh. if you want me to make you a custom piece i dont rly wanna draw you had better make it worth the soul crushing work that is turning a passion of mine into a profit.
and lastily with the "you could charge less and still survive" artists deserve to not only survive but thrive. artists deserve free time to make what they enjoy and have other hobbies. artists deserve to not have to work overtime to have stuff in savings. you do too in fact as a non-artist, but attacking artists for wanting that and trying to make it a reality that they get paid not just a survival wage but a FAIR wage is not actually helping anyone.
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Genderfluid Masterlist
Feeling Pretty (ao3) - namjins_moonchild Luke/Ashton NR, 637
Summary: This is basically just Lukey getting ready and Ashton trying to hurry him along so they're not late.
gender bender (ao3) - orphan_account Michael/Luke T, 1k
Summary: new schools and new genders don't always match well.
Helping Hand (ao3) - MonsterAmongCashton (IfWallsCouldMuke) Calum/Ashton E, 2k
Summary: Calum knew it was gonna be hard. Everyone told him it was going to be hard.
“Ashy—” Calum shakes himself out of his thoughts and turns towards his boyfriend to ask him to hand him his pack of cigarettes. But to no avail, he gets a kiss to his pouty lips instead.
“Yeah?” Ashton hums, their lips still touching.
“I want my—”
Just Another Day At The Office....Right? (ao3) - destiel_lemmings Michael/Luke, Michael/Luke/Ashton, Luke/Ashton E, 3k
Summary: Luke thinks that it's going to be just another day at work, the blonde couldn't have been more wrong.
Lilac. (ao3) - destiel_lemmings Luke/Ashton, Michael/Luke G, 10k
Summary: Ever since the day Luke went clothes shopping for school and decided to venture into a normally 'girly' store Luke knew it was time to come clean. And with a pair of lilac lacy panties and some other attire Luke did.
Or Luke has always wanted to feel pretty, he wanted to look how he mostly imagined himself. And he decided it was time to come clean. The only thing now was getting through high school. 
Sweaters (ao3) - felixandtae Luke/Ashton NR, 48k
Summary: Ashton makes sweaters, gives them to people as a present and wears them all the time. No one knew why, and maybe it was very interesting in Luke's eyes, who smoked and drank more than he should.
But, Ashton's sweater-making hobby isn't for what people expected and the reason could break anyone's heart.
that's me im confident (ao3) - harrygirl4 Luke/Ashton NR, 994
Summary: the one where Luke is genderfluid and comes out to his boyfriend, Ashton. He is very supportive and takes Luke shopping for new clothes.
the one where Ashton and Luke go shopping for a new wardrobe for Luke and Ashton gets a show when they get back home.
unforgiven (ao3) - IfWallsCouldMuke Michael/Luke E, 5k
Summary: N/A.
Venus in Furs (ao3) - FayeHunter Luke/Ashton M, 3k
Summary: Luke's having an iffy day. Ashton's there to help them.
Who Am I (When I Don't Know Myself) (ao3) - xanderthenerd Calum/Ashton M, 16k
Summary: “Bro, I keep telling you not to paint your nails on the couch. Someday it’ll spill and there’s going to be a big black spot that we won’t be able to get rid of,” Ashton says, carefully picking up the open bottle of nail polish and setting it gingerly on the coffee table. Ashton then heads into the kitchen, presumably fixing himself something for lunch.
Calum feels kind of weird being called bro, honestly. He’s not sure what about it bothers him; it doesn’t always feel wrong. And he is technically a guy. He has a dick and everything. Of course, he knows not all guys have dicks and not all girls have vaginas, but...he’s not a girl. He’d know if he was a girl, wouldn’t he? He’d have figured it out by now. Or at least, he thinks he would have. There would have been some indication, surely. Yeah, he’s always liked to look pretty and maybe he might have tried on Mali’s dresses a couple times when he was a little kid but it’s not like anything jumps out at him and screams girl.
In other words, Calum discovers that they're genderfluid.
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
Not necessarily DID related and honestly I have an art blog for this but I also don't use my art blog and shit, plus I don't really consider this "art posting" considering its actually more on just the hobby of it - but like, its around three years of arting at this point - probably a bit more. I had originally picked it up out of spite that one of our littles could actually draw somewhat well and was using it for chaos and found that it is honestly one of my best and most reliable self regulating activities that can help me ground, relax and focus the best.
And so ever since I started, I had originally made a deal with myself that we draw at least 30 minutes daily and for the first two years, we barely missed a day partially because we are (problematically) good at keeping routines and making hobbies out of work and work out of hobbies, but also just because it is really something I just >need< to do in order to properly maintain a sense of like, homeostasis and zen.
At this point, I don't even try to make myself draw regularly, I just naturally really try to set at least an hour aside to draw and its just become a regular part of my routine. Which is honestly a double win for me since I have this story I've been writing with a friend since I we were 12 and very much like to say "raised us more than our parents" and as a result both of us have a very strong need and urge to one day put the story out there so it can live on outside of our own mortal "foreshortened future experiencing" heads. And over time we realized that turning it into a comic / webtoon would probably be the best means of telling the story, and so as the art friend between the two, I've just casually added "becoming a reluctant mangaka" onto my list of side hobbies and skills I plan to one day do and am slowly working up, cause again - the story needs to get out there some point.
I don't plan to actaully even so much as draft anything until the RP-format of the prequel is over and at least a year or two from now has passed, so I'm currently just bolstering out skills in my art to actually make it so that I'm not gonna 1) be limited in how I can make characters and the world and 2) So that I can find a consistent style and method to going about drawing things and people
And with this up running year (I count years by art fight years) my main focus is expanding my designs to things I dont usually draw (I specialize in pretty boys, so I gotta expand out to different age groups, more traditional masc characters, remember how to draw women etc) and to actually drawing backgrounds / sceneries
And I just got done drawing my first somewhat old man in a while and not only is he old and more of a not-twink faced dude, but he actually has a beard and Im like huh. This is really out of my 'preferred character design' but I'd like to think it is turning out well and I'm just like huh.
It's really neat how my skill has developed over time.
Anyways, sketch of the character below to enjoy this art log. Please excuse the lazy watermark. @feathery-creations is the art blog I never update.
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ishigamisenkuwu · 4 years
Wedding Ceremony~ [requested]
 Before the petrification, you and Senku are lovers for 2 years. It started when he confessed to you that caught you off guard. But that confession was planned by Taiju and Yuzuriha your two other best friends. 
 “Y/n, I like you. Will you go out with me?” Senku was practicing while looking at the mirror. He was 10 billion percent nervous that you would reject him and his confession would ruin your friendship. “Come on man! Don’t be scared I’m sure that she likes you back,” Taiju was really trying to cheer him up.
 “Yuzuriha why am I dressed like this?” you asked your best friend and she avoided your gaze. “N-nothing Y/n-chan. I just thought it would really look good on you,” she said and her phone rang. She picked it up and looked at you, “It Taiju-kun. Hello? Oh, y-yes we are on our way t-there.”
 She said then she dragged you to the train station. The four of you agreed to go on a friendly date since it's your summer break and you don’t have anything to do besides trying and inventing new recipes. 
 When the train stopped at your station you walked together with Yuzuriha to the mall since you want to enjoy the summer breeze. You were wearing an off shoulder yellow dress with a floppy black wide-brimmed hat. You were wearing flats that go along with the entire outfit.
 “You look really good on that Y/n-chan. I’m sure Senku would like to see you in that,” she said and you blushed. She knows that you have a crush on the leek haired scientist and you told her to keep it a secret from Taiju because he can be loud and he might tell it to Senku.
 Yuzuriha was busy texting, probably Taiju when you got inside of the mall. “Yuzuriha! Y/n!” you heard Taiju’s loud voice calling for the both of you at your favorite coffee shop. You saw Yuzuriha blushed and you know it is because of the embarrassment. 
 You walked towards them and you looked at what Senku was wearing, it was like he matched your outfit. He was wearing a yellow shirt, white pants, and black shoes. You stared at him in awe and you noticed that Yuzuriha and Taiju were matching too, how cute!
 The four of you ordered your coffee and cakes then chatted for a bit. “Senku what are you up to right now?” you asked him and then took a sip from your frappe. “Nothing much to be honest. Just doing some research and learning with the dude we met in NASA,” he casually said and ate his cake.
 After you ate you made your way to the cinema and picked a horror movie. You sat between Yuzuriha and Senku so every time that there is a jump scare you hide your face on Senku’s shoulder while Taiju and Yuzuriha laugh at your reaction.
 “That’s bullshit we shouldn’t have picked the other one!”
 “C’mon Y/n your reaction was priceless!”
 “Tsk, she kept on hiding her face behind me, you big oaf”
 “You looked cute together earlier,” Yuzuriha blurted out that made you blush and distance yourself away from Senku. You saw a cotton candy stand and you dragged Senku towards it, “Senku buy me some.”
 “Tsk, you shouldn’t have done that Y/n. Just tell me if you want that I’ll give it to you,” he said and you bought it for Taiju and Yuzuriha as well. The four of you when to the park and ate some ice cream. The sun was setting and you felt Senku poking your cheek.
 “Y/n, w-we’re going for now. My mom asked me to buy her doughnuts and I’m bringing Taiju along. Sorry to leave you with Senku! I love you Y/n!” 
 “Senku! You know what to do man! Good luck!”
 “I love you too Yuzuriha-chan!” you said and you looked at Senku with a confused look on your face. “Y/n.. I n-need to tell y-you something im.. important,” Senku said with a shaky voice and avoiding your gaze. “What is it Senku-kun?” you asked and he held your hand while looking deeply in your e/c orbs using his ruby ones.
 “I like you and go out with me,” he bluntly said and you were shocked of course.
You laughed when you remembered how he confessed, he seemed nervous at first but he demanded you to go out with him too. “Why are you laughing Y/n?” he asked and you looked at him. His face didn’t change a bit after 3,700 years he still looks gorgeous as ever.
 “Senku,” you called out for him and he hummed as a response. “I love you so much,” you said and you saw him blush and Ginro saw it too and started to tease him about it. “Look at Senku! He’s blushing when Y/n said I love you to him!” he shouts it out and Chrome joined in to tease him too. You heard Gen, Ukyo, and Ryusui laugh behind you. Gen went beside Senku and nudged his shoulders, “So the mighty and smart Senku blushes eh?”
 Senku only scoffed and continued to do what he was doing. It was near lunchtime so you decided to help Francois to make some food. After preparing food you and Suika called the others to eat.
 Senku planned to create cities all over the world and find what caused the petrification so the both of you doesn’t bond like before that made you upset a little bit but of course you respect Senku and you want him to achieve his goals so you help and support him.
You went to sit beside him and started to eat but an idea popped up on your mind. Teasing and making Senku blush and embarrassed was one of your hobbies when you two are together. You cut a piece of pork, “Senku say ahh.”
 You noticed that everyone around you stopped and watched the both of you and all of you noticed a blush on Senku’s face. “Tsk, what are you doing Y/n? I can eat by myself,” he said and looked at his side. You pouted and sniffed in short you were acting like you are upset, “B-but Senku.. *sniffs* I’ll cry if you not gonna eat this,” you said and Senku looked at you and he was surprised when he saw the tears running down your cheeks. 
 “You brat,” he said then took the piece of pork you cut for him. Senku doesn’t like it when his baby cry. Yup, he calls you baby when you two are alone and away from the others. Ginro, Chrome, and Gen started to tease Senku after the meal and Yuzuriha said you did great and she asked if you could help her to make some clothes.
 “Hey Y/n-chan, if you and Senku will be married one day I’ll be the one to make your dress ok?” she said and you just blushed. You never thought of it especially you’re just 18 and he’s 19 and he is busy as hell to rebuild the civilization from scratch. “You really have an advance mind huh?” you said and then laughed it off. 
 “Stand up y/n please. I’ll take your measurements,” Yuzuriha said and you looked at her confused. “W-well I’m t-trying to attempt uhh you k-know.. To c-create a wedding dress and I want you to b-be the model of it,” she said it fast but stuttering at the same time. You just nodded as a yes and stood up.
 “36 24 36 is your vital statistics eh? That’s like the perfect vital statistics y/n-chan!” she squealed and hugged you. For you, it doesn’t matter as long as you have a full-body you’re fine. “What kind of wedding dress are you even planning to do Yuzuriha?” you asked and she showed you a sketch. “Here! It’s kinda cute isn’t it?” she said and started to do her magic. After four hours the both of you finished and you are wearing the dress the both of you made. 
 It hugged your curves perfectly and it is backless which you like and there are some laces. You noticed that she took out some gloves as well and she put them on you. “This is good! You look really great even without make-up y/n!” she said then you remembered that Senku made some makeup and you asked Suika to grab it for you.
 Yuzuriha called Ruri, Kohaku, Suika, and Francois to help you. You were just going to model it why the heck they made it looked like you are going to get married? After 30 minutes of hell, the girls squealed except for Francois. They said to look in the mirror and you did.
 You look really beautiful and elegant, the girls said you should show it to Senku and the others and you blushed furiously. “It’s embarrassing guys! I’m just gonna model it right? WHY THE HECK ARE YOU WEARING THE SAME DRESSES?!” you asked shocked. They looked like your bridesmaid and Suika is the flower girl. “Aww, how cute y/n. You are going to get married today!” Ruri said and you were confused as heck. Married? You? To whom? Then you remembered Senku. Your blush becomes deep red and you just felt someone covered your eyes and dragged you outside.
 Because the tent where Yuzuriha work is far away from Senku they made the preparations for the wedding ceremony you didn’t noticed it. Senku looked at the rings Chrome and him made, it is made of gold and there is a ruby gem in the center of it. Senku knows how much you talked about how his eyes look like ruby and how much you love them. One of the villagers brought the ruby to him as a thank you gift for curing Ruri which made him plan all of this.
 “I’m his best man you idiots back off!” he heard Ryusui said. He sighed and looked at Taiju, “Come here you big oaf, you’re my best man.” Taiju looked at him teary-eyed and he hugged Senku, “I’m so happy for you Senku! Finally after those years of trying to confess to her you two would get married!” 
 You nervously took slow steps as the girls guide you to God knows where. “Where are we going?” you asked but they seem to ignore you.
 “I can’t believe Senku, why he didn’t propose first?”
 “You know him Kohaku-chan he is not that type of guy.”
 “Yuzuriha you don’t make sense he should’ve proposed first.”
 “Senku-sama needs time too. You know he is planning to revive the 7 billion people around the world, Ruri-sama.”
 “I don’t get you at all but I’m happy to be a flower girl for Senku and Y/n!”
 You just gave up and let them drag and guide you while they were arguing why he didn’t propose.
 The place looks so beautiful with all of the flowers and decorations. The wedding would be held near the Perseus and the reception would be on the ship. Senku was so happy even though he knows that you would complain about why the hell he didn’t propose first. He wanna laugh just by thinking about it. The aisle was covered with the curtains that Yuzuriha made so they wouldn’t see you. 
 You stopped at your tracks and you felt they removed the thing that was covering your eyes. You blinked twice to adjust to the light and you saw flowers everywhere. It looks like some of the decorations for a wedding. 
 “What the hell is this, Yuzuriha?” you asked and she just smiled at you. You saw them lined up and walked to the aisle. 
 Your maid of honor is obviously Yuzuriha. The bridesmaids are Ruri and Kohaku along with the females in the village. Tsukasa, Chrome, Ukyo, Ryusui, Magma, Kinro, and the other males are the groomsmen. Suika is the flower girl while Ginro is the ring bearer. 
In Senku’s mind, everything is perfect, the plan was going smoothly. They heard the violin played by Francois, where the hell did they get that? Simple, Senku and the old man Kaseki made it and Francois was playing Beautiful in White. This is the signal that you are going to walk down the aisle with Gen.
 Gen was wearing a tux that Yuzuriha probably made before. “Let me walk you to Senku dear Y/n,” he said and you wrapped your arm around his arm and you started to walked when they removed the curtains.
 Senku looked at you with tears in his eyes but he wiped them away so no one could see how pathetic he looked. In his mind, you were so beautiful in the wedding gown, the way it hugged your curves perfectly, and how it looked so good on you. Although he can’t really see your face because of the veil he knows how beautiful you look right now.
 You looked at Senku wearing a white tux and you noticed him wipe his tears, you giggled and Gen copied you probably he saw it too. When you were near Senku Gen said something that made you blush and he handed your hand to Senku, “Don’t ever hurt my sister Senku-chan.”
 Yep, you and Gen are siblings not by blood because you were adopted by his parents. You hugged Gen and said thank you to him. You and Senku walked to the priest and the wedding ceremony began. 
 Time skip brought to you by the lazy author and Gen’s Flowers~
 “I now announce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride”
  Senku put up your veil and looks at your e/c orbs then he leans forward and kisses your lips softly and you kissed him back. You heard claps from everyone and some wolf whistles and that made you blush. You looked at your ruby ring and Senku. “I can’t believe that we’re married,” you said and Senku just smiled at you. “Well I wanna marry you as soon as possible,” he said and you playfully hit his chest.
 The banquet started and everybody enjoyed the food that Francois made and the booze that the villagers stored at their tents. Meanwhile, you and Senku were in one of the rooms at the Perseus and…
 I’ll leave the rest to your mind reader-chan!
  The second request from its chan. Gomenasai minna-san! >///< It’s too long aacckkkkk
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dirtyoatmeall · 4 years
All it takes is one moment (Atsumu x reader)
A/N: uhhh sorry for dropping off the face of the earth!! I have a million WIPs I’ll hopefully be posting here shortly! I was reading a bunch of cheesy hurt/comfort fics last night and decided to make my own hehe, tbh it got me thinking of doing another one but no comfort and it turning into a slow burn with another character :0 Please read the warnings, this is Post-Timeskip, so spoilers for occupations. Everyone is probably like 25ish here? Also I apologize in advance for their accents, I tried in a few spots, I’m still getting used to it. (also @spiritofthescarletwoods I know you wanted to be tagged in the midoriya angst I promised a million years ago, but here’s some tsumu angst for now!)
Genre: Hurt/comfort or Angst with a happy ending
Pairing: Miya Atsumu x reader (uhmm pronouns I believe are gn but I do not proof read as we all know)
Word Count: 4.?k
Warnings: Mentions of past abusive relationships, insinuation of cheating, slight misogynistic vibes for a moment, crude language, Atsumu is mean :( (Probably OOC Osamu and Atsumu), Post-time skip ((Let me know if I need to add something!)
You and Atsumu have been together for about 3 years now, and it was great. The two of you were very much in love, supported each other, and rarely fought, as you tried to be as open and communicate as much as possible. The last relationship you were in was toxic and abusive, it took a long time for you to be yourself again, and Atsumu had supported you along the way, he knew what had happened, and he swore to never make you feel like that again. And he stuck by that, until today.
Even though you rarely fought, when you did, it was resolved quickly, but this time was not the same. It had started off small. You had an important event coming up for work, you would be presenting on your year long research project, having made big findings in your field work. It was a huge deal for you, but when you brought it up at dinner, Atsumu did not have the same opinion.
“What do you mean you can’t make it? Everything I’ve been working on had led up to this, this is a career changing presentation, and you don’t want to go?” Hurt was clearly evident in your voice, as was frustration. Atsumu sighed, he’d had a horrible week, there was a big game coming up with the Adler’s and he needed to be prepared. “Like I said, I have practice that night, You can tell me all about it when you get home. I don’t see why you’re making a big fuss ‘bout it, ‘s just a presentation babe.” You furrowed your eyebrows looking at him incredulously.
“Did you not listen to anything I just said? It’s not just a presentation, this is my career Atsumu. I consistently put my own work aside to support you, why can’t you do the same for me? It’s not like I’m asking you to miss a game, it’s a practice.”  You could tell he was getting frustrated, but so were you, you made it a point to make every single game of his, missing out on work opportunities to come support him, him refusing to come to something so important was hurtful, and made you feel like you were less important than him, but before you could voice your feelings Atsumu spoke.
“This isn’t jus’ any practice. We have a big game comin’ up, it's important I’m there, ‘m the setter. Let's be real here, we both know which of us is the bread-maker in this household. This is basically a little hobby of yours, you can come back to it at any time. I’m a professional athlete hun, there’s only so much time I have before retirement.” He spoke in a condescending manner that baffled you. He’s never spoken to you like that before, is that how he really felt about your work? You scoffed, rising from the dinner table.
“Are you fucking kidding me, do you know condescending and frankly, misogynistic that was?” He sighed and rolled his eyes as he followed you with his plate, dinner half eaten and cold much like yours. “Here you go again” He muttered, though loud enough for you to hear. You dropped your plate in the sink and you looked at him, eyes wide, and furious.
“What did you just say to me? Here I go again? What the fuck does that mean Atsumu?” He set his plate on the counter, looking at you from across the island as he gripped the countertop. “What I mean is that yer always playing the victim, we get it, you last relationship was shitty, but that doesn’t mean you have to act like this all the time, I thought you got over it?”
You balked at him, was he serious right now? “Oh my god really? Are you seriously asking me if I got over an abusive relationship, after everything I’ve told you about it? After everything I had to do to get where I am now? We are supposed to support each other, I didn’t realize it was one sided.” Atsumu sighed, growing more frustrated, he tried to interrupt you, but you kept going, 
“All I wanted was for you to come to one dinner, after the years we’ve been together I haven’t asked you to miss any games or practices for my work, you know my coworkers have asked if I’m single? They didn’t believe me when I told them I was in a relationship, and you know what? I don’t blame them, I wouldn’t believe me either, since they’ve never seen you, and I take all this time off to travel and support you, all of your team know who I am, why is it so hard for you to do the same?”
As you kept going, his anger only grew, he tried interrupting you again, but it was like you weren’t paying attention to him, just spouting off whatever came to your head, and he was tired of it. 
He slammed his hand on the counter, the sound reverberating throughout the apartment. You flinched, hard, but Atsumu didn’t seem to notice. “Can you just shut up for one moment? God, all you do is go on and on nagging on how what I do isn’t enough, I pay the bills here, why isn’t that enough for you? I could care less about what’s going on at your job, I have absolutely no interest in it at all, when will you get that through your fucking skull? I. don’t. care.” By the time he was done his knuckles were white from how hard he was gripping the counter, and you had tears in your eyes. You sucked in a breath, steeling yourself.
“Ok, I’m going to remove myself from the situation, I’ll be at your brothers, you can come get me when you pull your head out of your ass.” He rolled his eyes as you strode past him, getting your purse from the hook and going to slip on your shoes. “Yeah go ahead, you gonna wet his dick for ‘im too? ‘m sure he’ll love that.” You stiffened for a moment, putting your shoes on before looking at him, tears making your vision blurry.
“Y’know I tell myself that this isn’t like last time, that you’re not him, but at times like this-“ Your voice cracked as a sob bubbled into your throat and you shook your head, turning and heading out the door. Atsumu flinched at your words and the soft click of the door latching, he would’ve preferred to hear it slam.
Your walk to the elevator was blurry but you knew the way by heart after living there for so long. You wiped at your eyes as you pulled out your phone, tapping on the contact before bringing the phone to your ear. It rang once before it picked up, a tired “hello?” coming from the other end. You let out a quiet sob as you loaded the elevator, trying to get the words to come out. Upon hearing you, Osamu spoke again, “(Y/N)? Are you crying? What’s wrong.” You cleared your throat and took a deep breath before speaking, your voice tight. “Hey ‘samu, can, can I come to your place? ‘tsumu and I- we-'' you broke out into another sob, and you could hear Osamu close a door.
“Where are you? I’ll pick you up, I’m just leaving the restaurant I’m close.” After telling him where you were, you stayed on the phone, walking in the direction of the restaurant. Not long you see Osamu’s car pull up, he quickly gets out and looks you over and sighed as he brings you in for a hug. You sob into his jacket for a moment while he rubbed your back gently. He knew about your past as well, and figured it must have been bad for you to leave in tears. He leads you to the car and makes sure you’re strapped in before heading to the drivers side and getting in, double checking your seatbelt before driving towards his apartment.
The drive was short, though to you it felt like it lasted hours. You tried to quiet your sobs, not wanting to bother him. He looked over at you every so often, worry evident in his gaze as he tried to figure out just what his stupid brother did.
After arriving at his apartment, he sat you down on the couch, wrapping a blanket around you and giving you a box of tissues before sitting next to you, gently asking what happened. You try not to cry as you retell the events of the evening, though it got harder and harder as you told him what Atsumu said to you. By the time you were finished you were crying again, and Osamu was furious.
“I-I just don’t understand ‘samu, the things he said, did he really m-mean them? And-and when he slammed his hand on the counter, the look on his face, it, it was like I was back there all over again, like I never left. I-I know he’d never hurt me,” You sobbed out, throat getting tighter as you go on, “But at that moment, all I could think was that he was gonna hit me, and I, I had to leave, and what he said before I left,” You hiccupped and cried into your hands, not able to finish.
Osamu rubbed your back as you cried before getting up to make some tea. While the water was boiling he went into the other room, trying to calm himself down before calling his brother. The line rang three times before it was picked up, a frustrated “what do you want?” coming from the other end. It was enough to dwindle Osamu’s patience into nothing. He tried to keep his voice down, not wanting to distress you further.
“What do I want? Do you know how badly you fucked up? (Y/N) is here crying on my couch right now, do you know what she told me ‘tsumu? She told me she thought you were going to hit her. Are you fucking kidding me? Did you even think before you spoke, because from what she told me, it sounds like you didn’t. How dumb are you, after everything she’s gone through, the first big fight you have you send her running? Over a dinner? Really Atsumu?”
Atsumu groaned on the other line, “Exactly ‘samu, it’s a dinner, I have practice for the game against the Adler’s you know how big that is. She’ll have plenty of dinners for me to go to in the future. I don’t see why she got so upset over it. And she knows I didn’t mean the things I said, I was just frustrated.”
Osamu scoffed into the phone, “Did you even hear what I said, are you hearing yourself? She is the best thing that has happened to you, the least you could do is support her, this is a big deal for her Atsumu, even I know that. Honestly I don’t know why she is still with you after the shit you just pulled, did you hear me? She was scared of you, y’know like that last relationship she had? Where she was sent to the hospital multiple times, she thought she was right back there, that you were just like him. Do you know how bad you have to fuck up for that to happen, after all the counseling she’s done? You know how much trust you just broke? I wouldn’t be surprised if she never wanted to hear from you again, and I’d agree with her. God I have half a mind to tell Ma what you did, You need to sit and stew on what you just lost. And I mean it, I don’t want to see you here tonight, she needs a safe space right now. I’ll let her stay for as long as she wants, but I’m not gonna stop her if she leaves so you better get your fucking head on straight and get on your knees begging for forgiveness you don’t deserve.”
With that Osamu hung up the phone, exhaling as he pinched the bridge of his nose, was his brother really that stupid? He shook his head and headed out of his room, only to open the door to see you standing there, eyes holding an emotion he couldn’t quite place. “Is he coming?” Osamu sighed and led you back to the couch before finishing the tea he forgot about. He placed your cup on the end table next to you and took a seat with his own. “No, I told him to stay at your guy’s tonight. You need a safe space right now to calm down and sort your thoughts. You can stay here as long as you’d like, but I don’t want you to feel trapped, you can leave whenever, if you want to go to your folk’s, hell even our Ma’s place, I’ll drive you there. You just need to focus on you right now ya hear me? And if you don’t ever wanna see my ugly brother again, I’ll help you get a new identity.” You giggled slightly at the last part before you took a sip of your tea, shoulders relaxing. You turned to Osamu and smiled.
“Thank you ‘samu, I really appreciate it. I’m a little more calm right now, I think I’ll go home tomorrow, apologize and get us back on track.” You did a little nod as you said it, but Osamu just furrowed his eyebrows. “Apologize? There is nothing you need to apologize for doll, You were completely justified in your frustration, Atsumu is the one who needs to apologize, not you. Don’t settle just so things will go back to normal, because they won’t.” You sighed sadly, he was right and you knew it. You were falling back to old coping tactics. Your therapist would not be happy with you right now.
“Sorry, you’re right. I’m still gonna go back, hopefully after we’ve both had some sleep we can work it out.” You smiled again, feeling more like yourself. Osamu nodded in agreement and helped you set up in the guest bedroom before turning in. You sighed as you laid in the bed, not used to sleeping by yourself, but the events from the night took its toll, and it didn’t take long for you to fall asleep.
Back in your apartment, Atsumu was having the opposite problem. He laid in your shared bed, staring at the ceiling, did you actually think he was going to hit you, that he meant the things he said? To him, it didn’t seem like a big deal, he was loud when he was angry, and sometimes said things he didn’t mean, which should be obvious, since you knew how much he loved you…right? He grabbed his phone from the nightstand, looking up the museum you worked at. Honestly he wasn’t really paying attention when you told him about the event, he knew it had something to do with your research, which he knew a little about from the nights you’d info dump your findings to him. His eyes widened when he looked at the upcoming events, when he clicked on the date it was scheduled for he winced.
It really was a big deal, curators from all over the country were coming to hear you give a presentation on your recent fieldwork findings, you’d been at this site for the majority, if not all, of your relationship only now having a big discovery others spent their entire lives chasing. There were going to be donors, curators, archaeologists and other anthropologists from all over Japan and other countries as well. You were right, this was a career changer, no, this was a life changing presentation.
Guilt started to seep into his bones as he thought again about what he had said, how he had brushed you off and then got mad at you for voicing your feelings, something that took months for you to be able to do with him. He thought back to when he slammed his hand on the table, the way you flinched, the look in your eyes right before you left. His stomach felt like it dropped out of his body, chest constricting as the guilt flooded him as he kept thinking back to every expression you made, how you were crying when you left, that you were scared of him. He pushed his palms against his eyes as he groaned, how could he be so horrible to you? Osamu was right, about everything. You were the best thing that’s happened to him, and he broke your trust, trust that took so long to build, over missing a practice. He rolled onto his side, pulling one of your pillows against his chest. He inhaled, the scent of your conditioner still lingering, as he tried to think of how he could possibly make it right.
The next morning, after a relaxing shower and breakfast, you were ready. Osamu grabbed his keys, ready to drive you back, when there was a knock at the door. You had a feeling on who it was, so you set down your purse and went to sit on the couch, taking a deep breath. After a few moments Osamu came to the doorway, followed by Atsumu, who stood awkwardly for a moment before Osamu spoke to you.
“I need to be at the restaurant, there’s a key on the counter, if you could lock up if you leave that’d be great. Call me if you need anything.” He turned and left, and when you heard the door close you finally met Atsumu’s gaze, smiling slightly in greeting. Neither of you were sure what to say, but after a minute of silence he comes over and sits on the other end of the couch, obviously trying to gauge your reaction to his proximity.
You sighed through your nose, gaze turned to the floor as you fiddled with your hands, trying to sort out your thoughts. You wanted to just apologize and move on, but you knew you had to talk it out, this wasn’t something you could just pretend didn’t happen. You needed to work through this if you wanted this to work. You bit your lip, thoughts running a mile a minute. You were so deep in thought you didn’t realize Atsumu had moved until you felt his hand rest on your forearm. You jumped slightly, startled at the sudden touch and when you looked at Atsumu, who had moved to the place next to you and hovered his hand over you before bringing it back to his lap, guilt evident in his features, eyes raw with emotion.
“(Y/N), I don’t even know where to begin, I fucked everything up and I am so sorry. Sorry for not listening, for brushing you and your achievements off, for making you feel lesser and unimportant, for scaring you, please, you have to know, I would never lay a hand on you, I never meant a single thing I said last night, I was frustrated and let the week get to me, which is no excuse for the way I treated you. I broke your trust, and I’ll spend forever and a month trying to earn it back. You are without a doubt the best thing that has happened to me, and the way I treated you after everything that’s happened, it- it makes me sick. I love you so much, and I’ll do whatever it takes to prove it to you. But I understand if you don’t want to see me anymore, I’ll leave you alone if that’s what you want, I-I just- I need you to know that I love you, and that I never meant it, I’d never mean it.” His voice cracked at the end,  and he wiped his eyes before looking up to meet your gaze. You were crying, biting your lip to keep it in but failing as you took a shuddering breath that turned into a half-sob. His heart broke even more seeing you like this, and he reached out to comfort you before stopping, hand curling back into his chest.
“Can, Can I touch you?” He asked shakily, scared of the answer, shoulders slumping with relief when you nodded and he quickly gathered you into his arms, pulling you into his lap and holding you tight, like if he let you go you’d disappear. You were crying louder now, hands fisted into his sweatshirt. He nuzzled his face into your hair, quietly apologizing over and over, tears starting to fall from his eyes as well, kissing the side of your head.
The two of you stayed like that for what seemed like hours, though in reality it was about 10 minutes. Your sobs had died down, you were just sniffing occasionally, and Atsumu’s eyes had cleared, no longer obstructed by the water wall of tears. He pulled you away from his chest slightly, cupping your cheeks, wiping at the tear tracks staining your face.
“’M sorry, ‘m so sorry. I’ll say it for the rest of my life darlin’, I love you so much and I am so proud of everything you do. I hope that one day you can forgive me, but I understand if you can’t, if you won’t. You mean th’ world t’ me angel, I want nothing more than for you to be happy, for you to feel safe and loved. I promise I will support you better from now on, no matter what. I’ll make good on my promises from all those years ago, I swear.” You nodded at his words, hands coming up to cup his own before one of his moved to the back of your neck, pulling you in for a kiss, stopping right before your lips met, breath mixing as he looked at you for signs of hesitance, of fear.
“Is this okay?” Instead of verbally confirming you closed the short distance, hands gripping his shoulders as your lips moved against his slowly, taking time to enjoy each other. He pulled away after a few moments before kissing your forehead, hugging you tightly once again. “Let’s go home.” You said quietly into his shirt, squeezing his shoulders before standing on shaky legs. He nodded, getting up after you, lacing your fingers together.
Weeks later~~
 You smiled nervously at Atsumu as you rose out of your chair, giving him a quick kiss before heading to the stage. You squinted briefly at the bright lights, exhaling and smoothing out your clothes before smiling at the audience as you introduced yourself. You tried to keep your gaze evenly over the crowd, but your eyes kept finding themselves locked with Atsumu, who grinned brightly and gave a thumbs up whenever you did. Your smile grew, nerves slowly dissipating as you lost yourself in your presentation.
Afterwards you answered a few questions from the crowd, thanking them again before heading back to your table. You shook hands with the host as they walked past to continue to the next topic and thanked your tablemates who congratulated you. You snorted at Tsukishima, who said it was a little boring, like he didn’t have a page of notes from the presentation in front of him.
You turned to your boyfriend, smiling as you laced your fingers together. “Wow babe that was amazing! I don’t know what half those words meant but you did great, I’m so proud of you.” You flushed at his praise, squeezing his hand while you kissed his cheek before turning back to the host, who was announcing the next speaker. You don’t know what would’ve happened if you didn’t work things out, and frankly you don’t want to think about it, the two of you are slowly building this back to where they were, but this time your relationship is stronger. You’re happier than you’ve ever been, and that’s what matters.
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kazuwhora · 3 years
hi love! could i have a tokyorev match up pls? to start i’m a sagittarius + infp. i tend to be quiet around people i don’t know and i think i have a poker face but i’ve been told by friends that i don’t :( i can’t commit to anything whether it’s hobbies or shows, but when i get excited about something i cannot shut up about it lowkey obsessed with myself but also very insecure abt my body + personality and i hate feeling vulnerable/unsafe around ppl. lmk if you need more info
hi babe love u I match u up with me too bad so sad deal with it
but fr im gonna match you up with the best boy CHIFUYU ESRHJGW
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no but like, its the way he is absolutely obsessed with you. absolutely over the moon OBSESSED with you. you think you have a poker face? he's gonna laugh at you and tell you no you absolutely do not babe. not a chance. sometimes he might let you believe it, but probably not. when he does let you believe it, it's really only to tease you. but you're in luck, both you and chifuyu are sagitarrians. you have troubles committing to any hobbies or new interests? he does too. it's the sagittarius way and there isn't a single thing about this that bothers him in the slightest. he's just as happy to bounce from series to series, hobby to hobby, because you keep his life utterly exciting.
chifuyu is one to easily reserve himself and let you take the spotlight as well. there are times where he will just beg to listen to you talk in circles about something new you've gotten into, and it will make his cheeks a lil pink and plaster a permanent grin on his lips because GOD does he love you and how excited you get about things. part of him wishes he could get nearly that excited, but chifuyu has some emotional baggage that stops him from getting to that point (what man in this show doesnt I swear to god please bring him to therapy for me)
poor baby doesn't really understand you to the full extent though. like he gets really confused with your insecurities because on the surface you seem like you're so confident with yourself and surefooted when it comes to your appearance and personality, and of course being absolutely over the moon in love with you this is the part that he can understand and resonate with. but then he starts to notice the way you hide your vulnerabilities and insecurities around your self image and identity with the mask of confidence and he's just ?? really confused?? maybe you do have a great pokerface after all is what he'll think to himself because the way you exude near self-obsession to hide the struggles of being vulnerable and at a loss with your true self is mind blowing to him. these are never things you've ever admitted to him, but he picks up on them immediately. he picks up on the way you look at yourself when your emotions have gotten the best of you, the way you slightly draw back from your usual self every now and again, and he's so lost with himself because he doesn't know how to help :( what else can he do besides pepper u with kisses at the most unexpected times telling you how lucky he is to have scored someone as beautiful and cool as you, how lucky he is to have someone by his side that brings him so much joy with everything you say. he is desperate to let you know what you are to him in hopes of boosting your confidence and taking down the facade of self obsession that makes up for the insecurities because in chifuyus mind, you are perfect. every part of you, and you're his counterpart. his balance, and his pull.
pls run your hands through his hair when he gets frustrated like this and tell him he doesn't need to stress, because he will stress.
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I Am Leaving The League RPC. If you still wish to keep in contact, Message me for my Discord. If Not, this is goodbye.
This drabble is the final drabble to appear on this blog. Due to the constant hate being spread around, the fact that I've had to see some of my friends leave because of this toxic community, and the fact that many people have made me feel uncomfortable to be on here, I am leaving the League RPC for good.
I apologize for anyone who loves my Morgana, and to anyone who truly wished to interact with me, regardless of my forced strictness on the blog, but unfortunately, people want to hurt others and drive them away from something that makes them happy, and I am saddened to include myself into that group. After 4 years of being on this website, and being in the League RPC, I've had enough of constant bullying, hate, toxicity, callout posts, vague posts, etc etc etc.
People need to learn to LET THINGS GO. But instead, they’re childish, and only want to drive those they hate away just to feel some sort of victory out of the whole thing. People like this are the true reason this community is toxic, and they’re the reason no one feels safe anymore nor want to be on this website.
So to those I know for a fact don’t like me, do yourself a favor: Grow Up and stop acting like this is high school. If you can’t let shit go with me, especially after 4 years since the incident, you’re the problem in this community, and you’re the petty one in this whole situation. I’m leaving on my own accord, not because of you.
And this goes for everyone, this isn’t High School and we shouldn’t be shoved into Cliques like it is one. All of this hate and shit, is from people who still think this is High School, who enforce cliques and if you’re part of a certain clique, it’ll either make you or break you, and that in of itself is toxic. This is a HOBBY, it’s not a job we get paid to do, it’s not a place to gossip and bully others just because you don’t like them. There is a BLOCK feature for a reason.
I’m not gonna say much else, as it has already been stated many times by other people who feel the same way as the rest of us who just wanna come on here and RP for fun. To those of you, I appreciate you and everything you bring to this place, even if we’ve never talked or interacted before.
To all of my friends I have made, you all know where you can find me. I will be on Discord with my League muses for you and anyone else who wishes to still interact with them. If that is the case, hit me up in my IMs and I will gladly add you as well as make a private server for us both to RP in. If not, well, it’s been a fun time.
The drabble will be under the cut, as I want to leave it an option for anyone to read if they wish, if not, then this is it.
The Fallen Angel
Nothing could be done of the events that have unfolded, nor could anyone stop her from the end that would approach more rapidly than she had anticipated. One moment she had finally found a life worth smiling about, and then the next it all seemed to come crashing down all at once.
Blood soaked hair stuck to her paling face, her body aching at each motion she made in an attempt to get up, only to fall back onto the ground. Above her she stayed, golden wings of fire lighting the darkened sky as rain poured around the Angel’s broken and bloodied body. The hole in which her sister’s blade had struck her continued to ooze with blood as it soaked into her torn dress, dripping onto the ground below as the once green grass turned red.
Was this the final end of her? It would appear so, given the circumstances of her survival and with her sister watching from high above, Kayle would make sure no one went to aid her, to save the only protector who stayed. Who cared for those that others shunned away, who gave people hope when all was lost. She was their redeeming Angel, the mages Protector, their savior from the cruel world around them.
She did her best to save them all, but in the end, there was nothing anyone could do.
Blood spilled from her mouth as she coughed, as memories of her life flashed through her head. Her life before becoming an Aspect, how her father smiled as he doted upon both of the girls as one parent should. How she watched the dismay in his eyes when she picked up her blade, only for it all to crumble around her when he died, and Kayle fleeing to join their mother upon the mountains of Targon, leaving her to hide herself away and keep from those who seeked her out, only helping the worthy when she could.
She closed her eyes, if only for a moment as tears slowly rolled down her cheeks. She could feel her own life fleeting as her breathing seemed to become labored, feeling her heartbeats slowing. It took all strength she had left to keep her eyes open, but it was becoming a struggle. The more blood she lost, the more she found her life leaving her, disappearing into the next life.
She could have sworn she felt something brush against her, a hand or some other form of creature. She couldn’t look, her head unable to turn to see what exactly it was. Out of the corner of her eyes, however, she could see tufts of pink fur brush past her, large horns upon its head as she once more felt whatever it was brush against her hand. She couldn’t stop the small smile that appears on her lips as she did her best to brush cold fingertips against his fur. Almost instantly she could hear a small ‘bork’ through all of the rain, as Baby crouched near her as he watched his Mama pass away. It hurt, to see that she would be leaving behind her small companion she called her son. Who stood by her side and kept her company through the many years of her life before today.
She didn’t think he would be the one to outlive her in the end…
She couldn’t keep her eyes open, as she looked up at the sky as her son licked her hand slowly, Morgana found herself beginning to feel tired, her breathing becoming even slower as her eyes slowly closed. The moment she did, she could have swore she heard the sound of her father’s voice echoing within her mind, telling her it was finally time to leave. She didn’t want to, she wanted to stay and fight for the freedom of Demacia, for the freedom of Mages, for those she considered friends. To at least say goodbye one last time. But it was too late, and she could do nothing but wait for the inevitable.
She had a good life, whether one saw it that way or not did not matter to her. She got to enjoy as much as life as possible, watch as the world changed and grew with the times. She met some friends along the way, people she enjoyed to visit when she found the chance to. She wondered how they would find out about her death, and who would end up caring for her son, if they even bothered to come and look for him.
She sighed, unable to open her eyes as she was sure it was time to finally let herself go. Tears continued to roll down her cheeks as she kept a smile on her face, her life leaving her body as her hand would go limp, falling to the ground beside Baby, who simply let out a cry as he could tell his Mama was gone.
The Winged Protector, the Veiled One, the Fallen Angel, was gone.
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minruko · 3 years
(Hi! I'd like a match up from one piece, bnha and black clover! If I can't choose more then 1 tell me please! Also I apologize if I don't make any sense! my English isn't always the best)
ok first Im autistic and I have ADHD Im sensitive I have trouble with focusing and staying still I talk to myself a lot and in my mind I just live in a different world! I Get loud and interrupt others a lot without realizing it but I always apologize and feel bad Sometimes when I hear anything loud or smell something strong (can be normal sounds/smells to others) it irritates me a lot so I cover my nose/ears when that happens ☹️ also I get shy and quiet around new people or to people I'm not close to and when I sit down I move my leg/hands and figit lot and stand around just daydreaming unaware of my surroundings
Hyper sensitive/rushes a lot/hyper excited/lazy/ I don't always appreciate my self/I over explain a lot/impatient/challenging/blunt/mercilessly when loved ones are hurt/lose things easily/I forget dates and to take my medication/can be manipulative
Features: almond shaped dark brown eyes/black short curly hair/thick bushy brows/middle eastern Arab/short/curvy/big titties/hip dips/ beauty mark on my cheek and hands/high cheek bones/scars on stomach and thighs/small slit on my right eyebrow/strech marks on my shoulders and hips/sharp fangs/nose n ear piercings/I always change my fashion so I'm a mix of hippie/princess/nerd/witch/fairy/punk/goth/diva/baddie/alt
Pronouns: she/her gender preference: men
Zodiac: cancer I'm 21 so nobody under 19 pls!
Hobbies: drawing/painting/designing/writing/reading/shopping/watching animation/daydream/sleeping/Playing video games/yoga/meditations
likes: animals/art of any kind/fashion/science/history/fantasy/gemstones/coffee/fiction/marvel or DC/anime/cartoons/nature/moon/tarot cards/magic/aesthetics
Dislikes: anyone who's racist/sexist and more will get jumped by me oh and pickles
and I choose water
Pls let me know if there's something wrong and take your time! let me know when you get my request thanks!
match up below the cut! thanks for participating!!
i’ll do all of the fandoms bc i never really listed to pick only one, sorry for the inconvenience!!
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i match you with luffy! he loves your curiosity more than anything! when the crew docks on a new island you’re the first person he takes with him, keeping the noise and scent irritation in mind he places his hat on your head when he sees it’s about to happen and flashes you a wide grin telling you that it’s gonna be fine. he loves merciless you can be too he thinks it’s cool how this switch flips in your mind and you start kicking ass!
“hey let’s go on another adventure! nami says that there’s an island ahead let’s explore it together and don’t worry i’ll keep you safe!”
i match you with yami! he’s well used to your random out bursts and even encourages them at the hide out say “hey my girlfriends got spunk!” when you say a random thought that’s on your mind. he teases you for not liking pickles eats them around you purposely as a joke so his kisses taste like pickles! he stopped after a day or two though he started to miss your kisses big time. he also enjoys taking naps with you after a long day snuggling with you in his bed is his favorite place to be.
“okay okay i’m sorry no more pickles i promise cross my heart and hope to die.”
i match you with fatgum! he loves curvy women and loves your hip dips, even more, he says they’re special slots where he can place his hands. he is there to listen to any random thought you have even your outbursts which he find’s adorable. the two of you are the sweetest couple the hero world has ever seen. if he ever catches you saying something bad about yourself he just hits you with a compliment along with a soft kiss, there will be no lack of self-appreciation on his watch!
“wow honey that’s an interesting thought you have there, hey what was the thing you were talking about the other day something about comics?”
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nightowlfandom · 4 years
Anime! Fictional! BTS x Real World! Reader- Welcome To My World~ Episode 1
HEY HEY! IM SO EXCITE! Btw who here plays BTS World? This is very loosely based off that.
I need to download it again tbh.
What does it mean to escape? To get away. If it means leaving behind all you know, all you’ve been raised to know, all you’ve been led to believe, with just yourself and the clothes on your back. Scary, but thrilling. Terrifying, but inviting. Unbelievable, but definitely possible....
On a early Tuesday morning where the sun was barely grazing the orange sky, you sat by your windowsill. You were dreamily staring out into the halo that was a mixture of red and orange. The halo of greyish clouds matched your mood to a complete tee. The aesthetic beauty of nature wasn’t enough to make you smile or even blink twice, however. It was always like this though. Yet something about this scene made you go sour.
Releasing a sigh, you stepped away from the window, shutting the curtains. Another day, the same thing. All you could do was attempt to power through.
As you lazily pulled your shirt over your head, you had managed to dodge that annoying dog. The little brat wasn’t even yours, but your oh-so loving step-sister’s. He always had a affinity for making your room a hot mess.  Only yours in particular. 
“Get out of here you little-.” you chased the dog out of your room, slamming your door as it scurried off. “What did you screw up this time?” you curiously scanned the room. Everytime that little fluffy beast rammed his little head into your personal space, something would end up broken, ripped, shattered, or completely destroyed beyond repair. 
You almost screamed when you saw a familiar book cover on the floor. You instantly dropped to your knees, praying to yourself that it wasn’t true. The cover had a pretty violent looking rip along with the first few pages. 
Your absolute reason for waking up in the morning was tarnished. A signed cover of BTS Universe Issue #1. Probably your one and only favorite series on planet Earth. You gingerly picked up the book, trying to inspect it with hopes that the damage was minimal. As little as this was, you almost felt like crying. However there was no time, you needed to tape up the pages and fast! Who cares if you missed breakfast.
“Morning Y/N!” Your step-dad greeted you in the kitchen. “You were upstairs an awful long time, I was about to send your mother to see if you were still up playing that game of yours!” he smiled warmly.
“Thanks Mr. Chai.” you replied politely. “I’m sorry I’m so late.”
“You know...Y/N...you could call me Dad.” he set a plate down on the table. “I know I’m not your father, but I want to be the best father-figure for you because I know...you haven’t really had that.”
You had to stop yourself from saying anything else. You haven’t had the best parental relationship, and your new step-dad really was trying. Maybe it was just his daughter that drove you nuts.
“Thank you.” you replied, smiling. “...Dad.” you winked, making finger guns. “Geez! You made a lot of food for just the four of us”
“ Well you ain’t see muffin, yet!” he winked. “You and Nari have a busy day today. She auditioning and you, my friend....well I don’t know exactly what you have planned for the day.”
“I’ll tell you if we can skip the food related puns.” you sat down at the table. It was a rule that everyone waited for everyone else. Even though you had taken the extra time to repair your copy of BTS Universe, you had seemed to be the first person down the stairs. In all honesty, you were just going to hang out at the comic store until Nari called to tell you she was done.
“Hey now, Donut kill my vibe!” he continued, laughing. “I have a million more of these, come on. Don’t go bacon my heart, Y/N.”
“Good job Y/N, you’ve gotten him started.” You mom came down the stairs in her little blazer and pencil skirt. “Whatever will we do now.”
“He did it himself, the guy’s an animal! You married a wild child, mom.” you joked. “He might just be a serial killer.”
“Don’t you mean...cereal killer?” he held up a box of Raisin Bran to make his point. You could only shake your head as your mother and step-father laughed together. Food related humor so early in the morning had to mean today wasn’t going to be a horrible as it started, at least for you.
“WHERE ARE MY THIGH HIGH BOOTS!” you heard a screech from upstairs. “THEY BETTER NOT BE IN YOUR ROOM, Y/N!”
“When will you two get along?” your mom shook her head. “It’s been three years.” 
“We don’t not get along.” You shook your head. “Not my fault she’s difficult.”
“I can think of a few times you’ve been difficult yourself, young lady.” you mother pointed a stern finger at you. “Like when you locked yourself in the room to read that silly cartoon of yours.”
“It’s not silly.” you defended yourself.
“Oh come on!” Nari’s voice voice could be heard alongside some loud footsteps. “I think it’s cute to be honest. Y/N here actually has a hobby besides stalking celebrities online.”
“Shut up, Nari.” you grumbled. “And keep your dog out of my room! He ruined my signed copy of BTS Universe!”
“Dorie got out again?” she seethed, looking annoyed. “I really have to put a bell on that dog.”
“Yeah.” you sighed, you bummed mood returning. Everyone knew just how much you loved that edition. You kept in in a super special display case, you cleaned the case every week, you kept your other issues on their own bookshelf along with your figurine and digital visual novel editions of the series. You were even on the buyer’s list for the special early anime release. You LOVED this series. Not even Nari dared to disrespect something as important as that, and she loved getting under your skin.
“I’m sure you’ll be able to find another one.” your mother set down a bowl of cereal in front of you along with a muffin. “Now eat, you have a big day today.”
“Yes mam.” you replied, helping yourself to some cereal.
“If you want, you can take a muffin or bagel with you.” your step dad said. 
“Dad! I can’t, I have to be super focused remember? Breakfast will just slow me down!” Nari scoffed.
“Not having breakfast will make it even worse, dummy. Dude, you’re gonna pass out on stage.” you threw a tiny cereal piece at her. “Eat something.”
“I’ll eat later, I just have my eye on the prize and nothing is going to stop me.” Nari stood up determined. 
“Will you at least eat some toast, crazy girl.” your mother said. “Y/N’s right, you need to at least have eaten something to calm your nerves. Y/N make sure Nari eats something before you two go your separate ways.”
“I’ll try, no promise.” you shrugged. “Nari, if you’re done, then get your stuff and let’s go.” You promptly finished your cereal and went to go back upstairs. “You got ten minutes.” 
“What’s her deal?” you could hear Nari ask, followed by an sudden whispering of your mom stating exactly what she thought was wrong with you. Your bet was on ‘everything’.
You walked back into your room, grabbing your purse from your desk. You eyed your taped up issue of BTS Universe #1. There was no way you were going to find another issue like that, and that damned dog just treated it like a loved toy. You grabbed your phone and shoved it into your purse. You went over to where the issue was and placed it on your desk. 
“NARI LET’S GO!” you shut the bedroom door behind you as you walked out the room. 
You sped to a stop outside the building. Nari was shaking in her shoes. She seemed hesitant to even open the door. 
“Call me when you’re finished so I can pick you up.” you said, getting ready to unlock the doors.
“You’re leaving me!?” Nari looked like she was about to explode.
“Hello?! It’s idol trainees only?” you raised an eyebrow. “I can’t go in there with you. Nari what’s the problem?”
“...Um...I’m nervous alright! I’m giving up almost everything and if I don’t get chosen...I’ll just prove my dad right. I need this.” she stared down at her hands. “I’m not used to being a reject. I don’t know how you-”
“You wanna leave here with two working legs, I suggest you don’t finished that sentence.” you cut her off. “I’m not a reject.”
“That’s not what I was gonna say. I’m saying I don’t know how you deal with nerves like this.” she looked like she was gonna pass out. 
“...You just do.” you nudged her shoulder. “You just go for it and hope. Go for it.”
“...Okay, I’ll try.” she opened the door. “...Thank you.” she stood up. “I’ll call you when I’m all set.” she shut the door. 
“I’ll literally be at the store around the corner.” you replied before driving off. You watched in the rear view as she took her sweet time going into the building. 
...(Later on)
You trudged behind Nari as she ran through the door. She seemed happy, so that must have meant the audition went well.
“I’m gonna take a nap.” you called to your mom and step-dad. “See you guys at dinner!”
You didn’t wait for them to reply before you closed the door. As you walked over to your bed, you noticed a disc laying on your bed. Just a random DVD. The closer you got, the font on the front got clearer.
“BTS World?” It didn’t look familiar in the slightest. “It’s called BTS Universe, Nice try Nari.” you wrote it off as a stupid prank by your oh-so-loving Step-Sister. It was only then you realized Nari was with you all day. 
You took another look at it, gently taking it in your hands. It looked like it was glowing. 
Call it curiosity, but you needed to know.
Your laptop was sitting at the edge of the bed, so you put the disc in. 
“State your name.” a voice came out of nowhere. 
“What?” you looked around in shock. The voice sounded like it came from right behind you.
“Please state your name.” the female robotic voice repeated. 
“Are you sure that you want Y/N as your name?”
“Um Yes?” you raised an eyebrow. You still didn’t know what the fuck was going on.
“Would you like to start a new game? You don’t appear to have any saved filed under the name Y/N.”
Maybe you were sleepier than you thought, but you ran with it. “Yes.”
“Starting new game....now”
Your screen began glowing a bright blue, a vivid, saturated blue. It was like your screen had turned into a flashlight. 
“What the fu-” you suddenly stared at your hands, the very tips of your fingers turned pixelated. “MOM!!!” You tried to scream, only to have it come out in the form on an echo. You felt your feet leave the ground as tiny little pixels moved towards your computer. You could see the color draining from your walls, leaving everything white. It was like an earthquake ran through your room...only through your room.
Then...everything went dark.
(Why hello there...LET US PREPARE. I’m gonna go through with it this time, I swear on my bacon! The guys are coming next chappie!)
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outrebanx · 4 years
pretend (pt.2)
JJ Maybank x female reader
Part 1
Summary: You cant stop thinking about JJ after spending time with him at the kegger, so you decide to seek him out.
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: swearing, slight smut (if you squint), i think thats it?
A/N: i am not happy with this at all but im super tired and just wanted to post it so sorry in advance for the shitty writing - it also took longer than i wanted cos i didnt know where to go with the story so that was fun. Anyway i hope you like it (and feedback is always appreciated 🥺)
Tagging: @rudysbay​ @danicarosaline​ thanks for expressing interest in a second part 💙
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You never thought that your mind would be occupied with JJ Maybank’s face as much as it had in the last week since the kegger you spent with him.  To be honest it made you feel a little pathetic - it was one kiss and you were almost certain he wasn’t thinking about you as he literally is known for hooking up with girls and then not speaking to them.
The more you thought about him the angrier you got with yourself and your changing moods were becoming more and more obvious to your best friend Lily.
“What’s wrong with you?” She asked from where she was lying on your bed.
“Nothing, why?”
“Oh I don’t know, maybe it’s that you look like you’re about to rip that top you’re holding in half, you keep sighing and let’s not forget I can tell when you’re lying.” She smirked at you, knowing you had to tell her now.
“Fine,” You sighed, sitting on the bed next to her, “Remember the kegger we were at last week and how I spent it with that JJ guy?”
“Well I kinda want to see him again and I’m not sure if I’m being stupid because it was the first guy I ever really spent time with after Rafe and he’s hot but I don’t know, I feel stupid because he’s probably not given me a second thought.”
Lily grabbed your hand, “Babes, I love you but you’re a mess - you don’t know if he’s thought about you if you don’t ask, so stop torturing yourself.”
You nodded your understanding, “And so I think after our lunch today you should go and find him to ask then you’ll know .”
“I might.”
“No, you will, I’m gonna make you.” Lily laughed, jabbing your side with her finger.
Even if it was the most kooky thing to do, you and Lily often spent your time at the country club, either to eat or play golf with your dads, especially on a nice warm day like today.
The two of you had been there for around an hour just chatting constantly when a busboy came to clear up the table. You looked up to thank him but froze when you saw the face of JJ Maybank.
“JJ! Hi.”
He didn’t even acknowledge you, instead just finished picking up your glasses and left.
You turned to Lily, “Wow he really doesn’t give a shit about our fun evening then.”
She scowled at the back of him as he walked into the building, “What a dick.”
“Should I go and talk to him? Or is that a bad idea?”
“Yes you should, otherwise I’m going to talk to him and then possibly murder him as he’s hurting my best friend.”
You smiled as you rolled your eyes at her, “Please don’t.”
She stuck her tongue out at you as you stood up and followed JJ back into the building, hoping it wasn’t too upfront and that he would at least talk to you this time.
You saw him coming out the kitchen and shouted him over, he had a slight bit of annoyance written on his face but other than that nothing you could decipher.
“What do you want Y/N?” He asked, putting his hands in his pockets.
“Oh so you do know who I am,” you scoffed, “Why are you giving me such a cold shoulder? I thought we had fun.”
You were already regretting coming to talk to him, you were never this upfront or seemingly over-involved after spending a small amount of time with a guy, so it made you very uncomfortable.
“Yeah we had fun, but you’re a kook and I’m a pogue and as you said on the night we were just pretending, so what more is there?”
He began to turn to walk away when you reached out for his arm, “We might have been pretending but this week I’ve been wanting to see you again because I thought there could be something. Maybe I was wrong though.”
This time it was his turn to grab your arm as you turned away, and before you had time to speak, his lips were on yours. The kiss was nothing like you’d ever experienced, you could feel yourself melting into his arms, losing yourself in the kiss - he tasted like the sea and it was something you wanted to taste forever.
You broke apart, both smiling like idiots as you looked at each other, “That was-“ you began to say.
“A reason I shouldn’t have been such an asshole, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, and I wouldn’t mind making this a more common thing by the way.” You smiled at him.
“Well I’m on my break now so…” he offered his hand to you.
You giggled as you took it and he dragged you towards a more secluded corridor, pushing you against the wall and put his lips on yours, his hands on your hips as he deepened the kiss. You never wanted it to end - but you didn’t always get what you wanted.
“Huh so you weren’t annoyed at him for long then?” Lily joked from where she stood at the end of the corridor, arms folded as she took in the two of you.
You gave her the finger, not noticing the look on JJ’s face as he quickly moved away from you, putting his hands back in his pockets.
You gave him a questioning look, confused as to why he seemed nervous all of a sudden.
“It’s nearing the end of my break, I should, um probably go.” He pointed in the other direction and moved to head off.
You quickly pecked his lips, muttering to him “When are you free?”
“For you, anytime.”
You laughed, “you can always come to my house later, it’s easy to find.”
He grinned at you, “Will do princess.”
He had already turned away, luckily as he wasn’t able to see the blush that had spread across your cheeks at him calling you princess.
You couldn’t stop smiling, Lily raising her eyebrows at you as you walked towards her, “Damn girl I haven’t seen you like this in forever.”
“I haven’t felt like this in forever.” You admitted, the butterflies in your stomach still going crazy.
Sat at home that evening, you kept looking towards the door, hoping JJ would come round. Your parents weren’t home and you were an only child so there was no need to worry about any one bothering you.
There was a knock at the door, you quickly stood up and before opening it you checked yourself out in the mirror in the hall, you nodded to yourself and moved the handle. You were met with the shy smile of the blond boy, hands in his pockets like normal as he took in the size of your house.
“I’m surprised I haven’t mowed your lawn with a house this big.” He joked but you could tell it kind of bothered him, not that you knew what to say.
“Um, come in,” you stepped back allowing him to walk through the door then headed to the kitchen with him following you, “do you want a drink or something?”
“Nah I’m good thanks,” raising his eyebrows at the large glass of wine your poured yourself.
You sat in a comfortable silence just looking at each other, unsure of what to say.
“So,” he started, “do you surf?”
He did taste of the sea so you weren’t surprised this was one of the first things he asked about.
“I used to when I was younger but then my parents decided I needed ‘other, better hobbies’, so not really, but I do miss it.”
“When you’re free I’ll happily teach you how to again.”
You smiled at him, “holy shit I’d love that! I’ll probably make a complete fool of myself but at least it’d provide you with some entertainment.”
“And I’ll get to see you in a bikini.” He smirked
“Oh I look really good you’ll definitely like it.” You flirted back.
You chatted back and forth for hours, and at some point you two had moved to the living room where you were now sitting on his lap, slowly kissing each other, enjoying every second of it.
You were interrupted by a knock at the door, “What the fuck?” You say as you remove yourself from JJ’s embrace and go to see who it is - you were met with the last face you wanted to see, Rafe Cameron.
You held out your hand before he had the chance to speak, “Nope, fuck off Rafe I don’t want to talk to you.”
“Please Y/N I want to apologise.” He pleaded.
“I couldn’t give two shits about an apology because I don’t. care. about. you. That’s why we broke up and why I don’t want to have this conversation.”
You went to shut the door, only to be stopped by his foot.
“I still love you Y/N and no matter what you say I know you love me.”
In the corner of your eye you could see JJ stand up to come and see if you needed help, you shook your head to indicate him to stop - it would only make things worse if Rafe knew JJ was there.
“No I loved you Rafe. Past tense. You made me miserable and I still loved you for so long, but not anymore, so please go.”
He stepped back, “I will get you back Y/N.”
Slamming the door on his face you muttered, “Sure you will.”
You leant against the door for a second, even talking to him for a few minutes completely drained you, how did you date him for so long?
“Hey, you good?” JJ asked from where he leant against the doorframe of the living room.
You walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist, “Yeah I am now.”
Removing yourself from the hug, you patted his chest, “Right that’s enough of the heavy stuff, what do you want to do?”
He smirked at you as he pressed his lips against yours, instantly wiping the thoughts about Rafe out of your mind. He lifted you up so your legs could wrap around him, your hands behind his head as he led you back towards the sofa.
You were sat on his lap and as he moved his lips over your neck you moaned, wanting him to do more.
You blushed, “thank you, you’re not too bad yourself.”
He chuckled and moved to take off your shirt - you raised your arms to make it easier before moving back in to kiss him.
It ended being one of the best nights of your life, you were so glad you pretended to be with him that night at the kegger.
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