#i kept Higashikata because i don’t think anything can beat that
cophene · 6 months
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007 | california king bed.
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pairing : jojolion x gn reader summary : the heir to an limitless fortune goes on a vacation to morioh to find their true love. seems easy enough; only, if that they're unable to find their love, they'll lose not just their fortune, but their life. notes : multi-chapter fic, sfw, doesn’t follow canon plot word count : 2.9k+
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★ . . . KARERA HAD NO PROBLEM GOING to sleep, time zones be damned, and so her snoring kept you up the entire night. You must have dozed off at some point, because when you next opened your eyes, light was filtering in through the window and Karera was gone.
You groaned and reached for your phone before pausing. It was now officially one month before your nineteenth birthday. One month for you to find your true love and claim your family’s fortune.
Or one month until you died, depending on how you looked at it. 
KARERA: Oi, headed over to your villa. You can stop by before you head off with pretty boy to drop off your things. I'll wait until then before i go out. Wouldn’t want to cockblock you kekeke
Hope you didn’t forget about the sightseeing. You’re supposed to meet at 11.
Y/N: Don’t get an ulcer, i have his number.
I'm gonna be fine, don’t worry. Pretty sure josuke won’t make me do anything weird.
Actually, what time was it? You bolted upright.
It was already ten thirty.
You hastily got your clothes and crossed the hall to take a quick shower. Why hadn’t you set an alarm? You’d been too cotton-headed from talking to Josuke to remember. Still dripping water onto the floor, you rushed back to your room to pack a small bag. You would’ve gone outside right then if your stomach hadn’t loudly declared it was empty. 
You had virtually no energy. If you didn’t eat something you’d collapse before you and Josuke left the mansion. The Higashikatas wouldn’t mind if you grabbed something from the fridge, would they? 
You went into the kitchen. Gleaming marble countertops and shiny appliances greeted you, as well as Daiya and Kei at the kitchen island.
“Morning,” you croaked, wincing at how crusty you sounded.
“Morning, Y/N!” Daiya chirped. “Did you sleep well?” A pair of teacups sat in front of her and she pushed one toward you, almost as though she’d been waiting for you.
“Didn’t sleep at all actually, but thanks for asking.” You gulped down the tea. A little sweet but it helped.
“Good morning, L/N-san,” Kei said. She was drying plates and replacing them in the cupboards. She didn’t quite smile at you. “Would you like something to eat before you go out with Josuke?”
“Don’t bother, I can just grab whatever you have from the fridge.”
“It is not a problem. Norisuke-san gave me directions to look after you during your stay.” With that, Kei whipped out some breakfast foods in a flurry. In no time at all, there was a bowl of miso soup, a rolled omelette and a bowl of fluffy white rice in front of you. Despite your protests, Kei began cutting cubes of cantaloupe and watermelon too.
You glanced at your phone and began shovelling food into your mouth. No time to argue. If you spent a minute on each dish, you should be able to make it.
Daiya watched you eat closely. Extremely closely, her eyes squinting a little as though she had trouble seeing you. “You’re going out with Josuke today?”
“Mhm.” You downed the miso soup in one gulp.
“Slow down. You’ll choke. Are you in a hurry?”
You nodded. “Hard to explain, but I need to be out of here by eleven.”
Daiya hummed. After a beat, she asked, “Y/N, what do you think happiness is?”
You didn’t have time to chat with Daiya right now, but you felt bad ignoring her. “That might be too deep for someone who just woke up.”
Daiya rested her head on her hand. “That’s fine. Just tell me what you think happiness is. I won’t make fun of you.”
You glanced around discreetly for Kei, hoping she would divert the conversation for you. She had disappeared, though. You thought you heard the sound of a vacuum being fired up somewhere.
“Well, I guess … happiness is security. Knowing that you're safe and that things won’t catch you off guard and … ruin everything,” you mumbled to your omelette.
Daiya’s dark eyes glittered like marbles. “That’s interesting. I wouldn’t have expected that from you.”
You shoved the omelette in our mouth. Looks like you wouldn’t have time for the fruit. “I should get going,” you said, trying to break off the conversation as gracefully as you could.
“Do you know what I think happiness is?” Daiya asked, oblivious. “Sharing your memories with someone. A fluffy cake shared together, or huddling under an umbrella. Waking up on a lazy afternoon in each other’s arms. I think sharing those little memories with someone is true happiness. They’re more precious than anything.”
One breath and you’d be out the door. “That’s pretty romantic of you, Daiya.”
“Do you think so?!” she gasped, leaning towards you.
“Yeah, I mean—I guess.”
“Can I tell you something?” Daiya smiled softly. “The truth is, my eyesight is pretty bad. I fell into the faults when I was a toddler. I can’t see more than a few inches in front of me. Dad’s always worried about me, but I just tell everyone to treat me normally. I don’t want people fussing over me.”
Guilt knifed through your heart. You were being such a jerk right now. Daiya was doing her best trying to have a conversation and all you could think about was leaving. 
Daiya gasped as she pitched forward suddenly. Her arm reached out to grab the counter but it knocked over your teacup instead. Without thinking, you reached out to catch her. The teacup shattered.
“Y/N…” Daiya murmured.
“Careful. You could’ve hurt yourself.” You looked down at the floor, grimacing at the shards of porcelain.
Daiya raised her face. She was so close you could count her individual lashes. “Y/N … are you fussing over me?”
“Didn’t I tell you not to? I don’t want to be fussed over.”
“I wasn’t. I just didn’t want you to—”
Between one blink and the next, your perception went wonky. It was the strangest thing, but it felt as though something dropped out of your eye. You didn’t have time to see what it was before Daiya caught it in her palm.
You tentatively let go of Daiya. You scrubbed at your eye, blinking rapidly. “What was that? Did you just do something?”
Daiya ignored you. Even if she couldn’t see well, she picked her way over to the living room with the ease of someone who knew where everything was. She stopped in front of a game of chess and considered it.
You followed after, feeling light-headed. The board only had a handful of large black chess pieces, each with a sphere inlaid in it. When you looked closely, you thought you could make out symbols in each of the pieces. The piece that Daiya put down was a bishop, the profile of a person faintly visible in its sphere.
There was a nagging feeling in your skull, like you had just entered a room and forgotten why. You rubbed at your eye again, the confusion like cotton stuffing. Your body urged you to get going, but why?
“You’re missing a lot of pieces. How are you supposed to play?”
“The number of pieces isn’t important.” Daiya laid her head on the chess board, touching each chess piece in turn. “This one is a memory of someone playing in a flower garden. And this one is of riding a bike. Oh, and this one is of a cute little kitten!”
Memories? Inside the chess pieces? You peered at the bishop Daiya had just set down. The guy inside the sphere had his dark hair hidden under a sailor cap. His quiet smile tugged at something in your mind. “So what’s this one? Who’s that guy inside of it?” Why did you feel like he was important? You’d never seen a sailor cap like that before, but you couldn’t get rid of the feeling. 
Daiya giggled. “You have no idea.”
“I feel like he’s important. Like there was something I had to do.” You rubbed your eye again. No matter how hard you smacked your brain, you just couldn’t remember who the guy was.
“Fairness is rules, and rules are power,” Daiya said in a sing-song voice. “And in the spirit of being fair, I’m going to explain my Stand ability to you, okay?”
In a burst, Daiya’s Stand appeared behind her. It was bright and colourful, with a head that resembled a travel cushion and five other connected units, all with smiley faces on them. “My Stand’s name is California King Bed. If you break a fair rule of mine, I get to extract a memory from you.”
It felt like the floor dropped out from under you. You rushed to the chess board, snatching up the bishop. “You stole a memory from me?”
“Mhm, and I’m not going to give it back. I told you not to fuss over me. That was the rule.”
What the hell? You shook the chess piece, panic rising up your throat. You tried to twist it apart, break open the sphere. This guy was part of your memories! No wonder your head felt so fuzzy.
“Be careful with that,” Daiya chided. “If the piece breaks or gets lost, the memory will disappear forever!”
“Give my memory back!” you yelled. “Daiya, this isn’t funny. Give it back, right now!” You didn’t have a clue what the memory was, but Daiya wouldn’t have taken it if it weren’t important.
“Hm, I wonder what time it is,” Daiya said, grazing the watch on her wrist.
“Time?” You looked at her watch hands. It was nearly eleven. But why did that matter?
Your hand brushed against your pocket, and even through the material, you felt the chill of your bone dice. You jolted at the realization. You had made a bet yesterday with someone! They had rolled higher than seven, and so you had to do whatever task they set out! But who had it been? You had to do it by twelve, but what had the task been? 
“How do I get my memory back?” you asked Daiya, gripping the bishop in your hand. “There has to be a way, right?”
“There is,” Daiya said. “The fairness of rules is power, so I’ll tell you California King Bed’s weakness too.” She smiled wickedly at you. 
“If I happen to step on your shadow, then …”
Daiya’s foot grazed over your shadow on the ground. All at once, the chess piece on your hand hissed, a crack running through it. White mist escaped the sphere, trailing towards your head before Daiya snatched her foot back, giggling. Just as quickly, the mist zipped back into the chess piece and it became solid again.
“It’s going to be a lot harder than that to get me to step on your shadow,” Daiya teased. “Where all of the lights are, the windows, even the sun’s position … I’ve got it all memorized! If you need true love to break your curse, I’ll do it! I’ll be your true love! We’ll share all of your memories and have true happiness!”
You gaped at Daiya. Yesterday at dinner you’d brushed her off as the ditzy little sister. Obviously, she was a lot more cunning than that. You had to get outside. You were meant to do something at eleven, you just couldn’t remember what the hell it had been. Did it have something to do with the guy on the chess piece? If you told Daiya about your Stand and the dice, she might be willing to give your memory back. But what if she used it against you? You could ask her to roll and force her to return the memory with Dancing’s Done, but you genuinely weren’t sure what number she would roll. Your Stand had surprised you once; you couldn’t afford to owe a task to Daiya.
“If you wanna go sightseeing, I can take you,” Daiya said. She tapped your nose. “You’re dressed so sloppily. Why don’t we go back to your room and we can pick something better? Ooh, maybe we could match!”
You gritted your teeth as Daiya skipped toward your room. You looked at the chess piece again, willing anything to come up. Would Dancing’s Done attack you still if you couldn’t remember the task? Did that count as opposition?
“Are you coming?”
You walked slowly to your room, trying to calm yourself. Daiya would be at a loss if your fingers started falling off, but you couldn’t do anything about it.
The best bet would be to get Daiya to step on your shadow somehow. But even if her vision was impaired, it was going to be hard as hell.
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When his phone read a quarter past eleven, Josuke wasn’t overly worried. Y/N said they would suffer jet lag and Josuke himself had gotten to the mansion five minutes late. He sent off a text that he was outside but to take their time. At least he had time to plan out what they would do.
His phone went off then and Josuke answered, thinking it was Y/N.
“Oi, this is the pretty boy, right? Are you and Y/N out and about already?”
It took a second for Josuke to place the voice. “Is this Karera?”
“I’m still waiting for Y/N. We haven’t left the mansion yet.”
The other end was silent for a second. “Wait, what? You’re still at the Higashikata mansion? Do you know what time it is?”
“It’s not like we have a schedule or anything. We don’t even know where we’re going today.”
“YOU IDIOT!” Karera screeched. Josuke winced, pulling his phone away from his ear. “Did you completely forget about the dice? You rolled a nine. If Y/N doesn’t get their ass outside right now, their Stand is probably pulling them apart already!”
Josuke’s blood turned icy. Shit. He had completely forgotten. Today’s sightseeing was because of Y/N’s Stand. According to Joshu, his fingers and then his entire arm had fallen off when he’d defied the Stand’s task. Josuke strained to see beyond the mansion’s gate. He didn’t know if the same would happen to Y/N considering they were the Stand’s user, but if it would, then where were they?
“I don’t know where Y/N is,” Josuke said to Karera. “Could they have left already?”
“They were asleep when I left for the villa,” she said. “They would’ve told one of us if they’d gone somewhere!”
Josuke’s insides went wobbly when he thought of Y/N suffering their own Stand attack. If he had known that could happen, he would’ve given Y/N a simpler task. Then again, Joshu had been yelling his ear off about it, but you learned to tune Joshu out after a while.
“Are you still at the villa? Could you help me find them?” Josuke asked.
Karera didn’t answer right away. “I’m … a little held up with something. You’re on your own, pretty boy. I’m gonna hope that since you and Y/N didn’t decide on anything specific, Dancing’s Done will be a bit more lenient. But if it isn’t and Y/N is bleeding out, you’d better count your days.”
“It’s not like I wanted this to happen,” Josuke muttered. “I’m going to try and figure this out. I’ll call you back.”
Karera grunted and Josuke ended the call. He craned his neck to take in the gated wall. Could he scale it? Or maybe he could use Soft and Wet’s bubbles to lift him over…?
Thankfully, the gates slid open. Josuke frowned when he spotted Joshu’s hair but rushed forward anyway.
“Joshu, do you know where Y/N is?”
Joshu clicked his tongue. “Why do you wanna know? Trying to improve your chances?”
“Improve my chances?”
Joshu strutted towards Josuke and jabbed his finger into his chest. “You and I are both going after Y/N for their money. I’ve got the means to back it up. You don’t. You should just forget it.”
Josuke’s mind briefly buffered. “Are you talking about the true love curse?”
“I’m gonna get Y/N to fall in love with me.” Joshu smiled smugly. “Then I won’t have to bother with the fruit company because I’ll be filthy rich.”
Josuke couldn’t help laughing. “That’s never going to happen.”
“Says you. You didn’t even know who the hell you were a year ago. You still don’t. I’m fully in control of who I am and what I want.”
“Keep telling yourself that.”
“You’re just worried they’ll actually fall for me, aren’t you? I got Yasuho to do it.”
“Yasuho was never in love with you.” Josuke didn’t even know why he was talking about this. He wasn’t vying to be Y/N’s true love, but a part of him rebelled at the thought of it being Joshu. 
“Can you just tell me where Y/N is? I completely forgot about their dice yesterday and they’re supposed to come with me to go sightseeing. I don’t want their Stand to attack them just because I was late.”
Joshu’s eyes widened. “That’s right.” He turned back to look at the house and began running. “Fuck! If they died because they couldn’t go out today, I’m gonna lose that fortune! Where the fuck are they? And why were you just standing there like a dumbass? Do you want them to die?”
Josuke scowled and rushed after Joshu. Why did everyone keep asking that?
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gundamcalibarney · 2 years
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Jodai Higashikata is the sperm donored son of John Joestar. He’s the pitcher at his school’s baseball, a rather amicable if a bit anxious and shy. Relatively withdrawn he tends to keep to himself and tends to prefer to follow the lead of others as honestly he doesn’t really know what the fuck is going on, however like all Joestars this boy has got a temper, insult the way he dresses and he’ll hurl insults and punches as his way of dress mimics the man who saved his life on that harsh winter storm. When he’s done with baseball he’s eager to learn medical sciences.
That “i don’t know what the fuck is going on here” feeling intensifies when this guy who is apparently his nephew and this funky mirror show up to town looking for him and also apparently the rest of Morioh is rife with Stand users, cool.
During 1988 he was struck by an illness caused by gaining a Stand ability via DANTE stabbing himself with the Stand arrow causing a ripple effect amongst blood related Joestar users.
After powering through he soon gains the Stand known as [When Doves Cry] which has the ability to change the material of an object.
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
The villains work at McDonald's and their mortal enemy (aka their respective jojo) drives up to the drive-thru to order. What do they do?
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This was acc fate so I hope yall don’t mind if I combine these 2 absolutely glorious requests-
- Ok but we can all agree that this fucker wouldn’t wanna work AT ALL, let alone work at fucking mcd. He thinks he’s above that due to simply being “too sexy to work” or whatever dumb argument he comes up with usually. So how did the almighty Dio end up here? Well because he was FORCED to work of course, since all he did was fuck around the mansion all day long and it was about time the government demanded explanations for his constant tax evasion.
- So there he was, bitterly handing yet another order to some random person until suddenly he saw a dark car pull up and surprise surprise, in it there was none other than his worst enemy: Jotaro Kujo. And to make matters worse, sitting right in the passenger’s seat was Jonathan Joestar himself. So much for a family reunion.
- Whilst Jonathan tried to keep his calm and be as polite as one could be as he ordered, Jotaro was already foaming at the mouth once he heard Dio’s PTSD inducing voice. The marine biologist tightly gripped the wheel as he hissed out his order and at this point Dio was already bracing for the impact that was soon to come. The second the pair pulled up, Jotaro’s fist collided with Dio’s face then just as fast the man grabbed the order from the vampire’s claws and quickly drove away without another single word. But hey, at least he paid for his order (at Jonathan’s insistence.) That is one thing Dio is glad for.
- Just like Dio, Kars thinks he’s way too sexy to work and rightfully so. Because unlike the self centered vampire, Kars is indeed simply too damn sexy to work even one day in his long ass immortal life. But after the rest of the pillarmen kept complaining that they are going bankrupt, Kars took it upon himself and landed a job at your local mcd drive thru.
- U N L I K E D I O, Kars is actually pretty damn good at his job and doesn’t slack off too much. Even if he internally dreads everything he never lets it show and is always as polite as one can be, even when he deals with rather nasty customers. Hell, me mans even got a damn raise since he’s been on his best behavior at all times. Although we must not forget how this would all come to an end the second Joseph Joestar would pull up.
- Unfortunately for Kars, that’s exactly what happened and Joseph had a straight up aneurysm the second he heard his arch nemesis’ voice come out of the speaker after he placed his order. Needless to say, Kars had to force a smile on his face as he presented the man his order. But Joseph being Joseph, he just HAD to mess with Kars a little and pull the good ol’ “yOuR nExT LinE iS-” bs until he actually paid for the order and took his leave. Either way, from now on Joseph will purposefully pull up at the drive thru where Kars works every single fucking day just to make his life a living hell.
- Let’s just say he was so salty from losing his precious job (after they found him fucking around with a random hand that he INSISTED was a prop) that he refused to work until he completely ran out of money and was quite literally forced to land a job at fucking mcd.
- This completely threw him and his balanced quiet life completely off and the man dreaded every single day in which he was required to work. Although he still tried maintaining his professional persona and was as polite to customers as possible, he still sometimes had small anger outbursts that may or may not had influenced his paychecks. For the worst.
- As if things couldn’t get EVEN harder for the man, right as he was in the midst of one of his usual breakdowns he heard the voice of none other than Josuke fucking Higashikata ordering a big mac. It goes without saying that Josuke was just as (if not EVEN more) shocked to hear Kira’s voice respond. At this point he knew his enemy would try something dirty, so Josuke didn’t even bother to pick up his order, let alone PAY FOR IT. Quite the contrary, he full on punched Kira as the rest of his gang cheered him on, Josuke proudly taking his nephew’s example. The manager happened to see him throwing fists with Josuke and so not only did Kira end up with a broken nose, but he was also left jobless once more.
- The mafia business was getting more and more rusty after Bruno’s gang started interfering, so Diavolo was more or less required to seek a job since his income was becoming almost non existent. Yes he was the mafia boss, but not even someone in his position could escape the broke lifestyle™️.
- But as we all know, Diavolo is f e r a l and hates human interaction so he always has Doppio work for him. Poor Doppio is basically overworked at this point meanwhile Diavolo just chills in the void, waiting for the poor man to hand him his paycheck. He’s hella selfish too and never actually lets Doppio buy anything, instead choosing to get whatever his ass wants every single fucking time.
- So we can all agree that Doppio was relieved (to say the least) when Giorno & co finally found out where Diavolo was currently employed and jumped his ass in the back of mcd at 4 am. The gang gave him the beating of his life and told him that he too should work and that he should stop overworking poor little Doppio. The next morning Bruno’s gang pulled up to check if Diavolo kept his promise and oh what a sight to behold he was, wearing the mcd uniform while bitterly asking customers if they wanted anything else. Just to make his job even harder, Giorno ordered big ass meals for the entirety of the gang and it took Diavolo quite some time to prepare all of them. He will have his revenge. But first he gotta get that c o i n even if it means humiliating himself in front of his enemies.
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printscript · 6 years
JoJo Shorts pt. 2
Pairing: Josuyasu Words: 1497 Rating: T AU: None Warning: Minor language Summary: Josuke is the biggest drama queen you’ll ever meet. A/N: I was fully planning to go more from Josuke's point of view bc I like writing for him, but it slipped into Oku and stayed there so here you have it. Also, Tomoko is underrated and writing for her is actually a lot of fun.
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18227726
Tomoko Higashikata was a generally put-together woman. Her childhood was average, she grew up, had a few jobs, dated a few people. She was usually short to temper unless aggravated, but her entire life had changed once she had a child. Yes, it had been 16 years dealing with said child, and yes, they sometimes had a falling out once in a while- as teenage sons have with their mothers.
But this time, her son was being a drama queen. Nothing new, surely, but it was grouped with raw rebellion and utter asshole.
“JOSUKE OPEN THE DOOR-” Tomoko pounded the wood with her fist, jiggling the doorknob but knowing that it wouldn’t do anything. When Josuke wanted to be alone, there was nothing you could do about it.
Josuke began to sputter words though muffled sobs, something about how he didn’t deserve to ever speak to anyone ever again; he probably had his face in a pillow.
It made Tomoko sigh the deepest sigh she could muster and rub her temples with her fingertips. “Josuke, you are going to be late again, please get up.”
Her son just wailed. “Mom, you couldn’t understand, my life RUINED! I’m never going out again, I’ll die.”
“Josuke, you have to be kidding me right now, I have to get to work. If this is about your fucking hair, I think I’ll have an aneurysm.”
There was no response from Josuke, which meant that it was definitely about his hair.
“If you don’t go to school today, I’m gonna beat your ass, Josuke!”
“It’s better than letting anyone see me like this, in such a horrible state, everything is going to shit, I deserve this.” Josuke groaned into his pillow.
Tomoko was at her wits’ end. At this point, there was no use in arguing with her melodramatic teenage son, so she decided that she would just go to work and deal with him later. Yep, she had to deal with him later. For her own health. She made her way down the hall and downstairs, grabbed a light jacket, and moved to open the front door. She opened it to Josuke’s friend, Okuyasu, probably here to take him to school.
“Hi, Ms. Higashikata, is Josuke home?”
What a nice boy. So much nicer than Mr. my-hair’s-ruined-so-my-whole-life-is-too, who was sitting upstairs whining. Tomoko sighed, attempting not to sound too distressed.
“The idiot is in his room sulking about his hair.” She said. “I have to get to work, but if you could get him to leave the house, it would save a lot of stress, thanks, dear.”
“Sure thing,” Okuyasu said, hand on the back of his neck before he slipped into the door and into the kitchen. The front door closed behind him before he heard the car start up and pull out.
Josuke’s house was nice. That was one of the reasons Okuyasu liked to come here so often, also because his own home held so many bad memories for him, but this house only held good ones. It made him smile. He focused on the railing of the stairs as he walked up them, then went up to Josuke’s door, knocking lightly.
“Mom, I already told you, no one can see me like this!” Josuke groaned.
Okuyasu laughed, “Bro, it’s just me. Can I come in?”
There was a choking sound from inside Josuke’s room, the click of the door unlocking after a moment, then the patter of socked feet running back towards the bed. The blanket was settling over Josuke’s back by the time Okuyasu could open the door and peer in.
“Ah, come on, bro, you can’t look that bad, right? Your hair always looks so cool, no matter what you do to it.”
“Thanks, dude, but not even Crazy D could fix this one.” Came Josuke’s muffled voice from the comforter.
Okuyasu had walked across the room and sat at the foot of Josuke’s bed at this point. Josuke always looked amazing. He was just that kind of guy. You know, the guy who takes his physical appearance really seriously. Like the dude probably has more skin and hair products than Okuyasu could count.
When Okuyasu forgot to reply, Josuke spoke up again.
“Promise you won’t laugh, okay?”
Josuke sighed before he sat up, letting the plush blanket fall from his shoulders.
The first thing Okuyasu looked at was not his hair. He was drawn to Josuke’s long eyelashes and the overemotional tears in the corners of his eyes that just made them look bluer. He looked at his best friend’s mouth, and how Josuke’s right canine sunk into the skin of his bottom lip as he bit it in nervousness. He looked at his jawline, the way the muscles in his face rippled when he swallowed and at the hole in his earlobe where he earring usually was. Okay, now he was spacing out. Josuke was so pretty it made him feel a little too warm. Okuyasu had to stop himself from reaching his hand out to move the stray strand of hair that was blocking his view of Josuke’s other eye.
His hair... it wasn’t funny or ugly or ruined at all. Josuke was crazy. It was down, out of its pomp, framing Josuke’s face and brushing his cheeks. Sure, it stuck up a little in a few places, and it looked a little damp from when Josuke may have attempted to fix it earlier, but it was just a little bedhead. Not funny at all. Cute, if anything.
“I accidentally fell asleep when my hair was still air-drying, and so, of course, it had to go and get all smushed from sleeping on it, but now it’s just not going back to where it’s s’posed to be and since it was wet and had a little product in it to keep it up in the morning but didn’t realize it was my last bottle, now it’s gonna be sticking up all day, and I can’t let anyone see me like this because I’d die on the spot if my hair wasn’t perfect and how it’s s’posed to be, ya know? It’s like my signature thing, I just-”
Josuke stopped the flailing and rambling he was doing to look at Okuyasu, his rant turning into an incoherent babble until he fell quiet, putting his hands on the bed between his crossed legs and looking a little embarrassed.
Okuyasu was suddenly lost for any words that could even tell him that it didn’t matter at all. What was he supposed to say, ‘your bedhead looks kinda hot?’ No. He’d get smacked, probably. Or at least he’d weird-out Josuke and they’d stop being friends forever, he couldn’t-
“W-what did you say?” Josuke was red, his eyes as wide as saucers, fully gnawing on his lip now, looking like he was trying not to scream, or faint, or both.
Shit. Okuyasu could have sworn he hadn’t said that aloud, but maybe he had, he sometimes forgot to filter his thoughts.
“I said your bedhead looks kinda hot.”
That sent Josuke mentally reeling, at least it looked like it because he had one hand over his eyes and one dragging through his hair to try and fix it again. His ears were red and he was mumbling again.
Okuyasu had failed a second time to keep himself from saying something stupid, and he thought he really should just leave the room before he made Josuke die right there and then.
Instead, his legs made him stand up and move in front of Josuke. He reached in his pocket and produced a rubber band. These were special rubber bands for hair apparently. Yukako would give him these when he kept dropping his pencils so he could group them all together. She always had a few of them on her wrists and Okuyasu just sorta forgot to give them back. But before he could stop himself, he had his hands buried in Josuke’s hair and pushing it back into a half ponytail. It was a little sloppy; Okuyasu was no hair stylist, he only slicked his own hair back every day, but he thought he did a pretty good job even as Josuke stared up at him with a dumbfounded look on his face like Okuyasu had just kissed him or slapped him or something.
“You could just try a new look, Josuke.”
Josuke had already been patting his head, trying to figure out what his friend in front of him had done with his hair, and upon not being able to figure out how the ponytail looked from feeling it, got up and shuffled to the bathroom.
“I mean- it’s not really my style or anything, but like, I guess since you did it, and it’s not that bad, I’ll just keep it for now-” Josuke made excuses from the mirror.
Okuyasu sat back down on the bed and laughed a bit.
“Dude, you’re such a drama queen.”
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van-writes · 7 years
Werewolf Boyfriend
Pairing: Keicho Nijimura/Josuke Higashikata
Raiting: G
Prompt: “AU” for @jjbarareshipsweek2k17
Warnings: Werewolf AU, Trans Boy Josuke!
Ao3 Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11566893
Notes: I’ve written this at least 3 times until I was satisfied with the result. KeiJosu is one of my favourite ships, shame on me for not writing them sooner!
“It’s going to be full moon this Monday.” Keicho told him while they were comfortably sitting on the couch. Well, Keicho was the one who was sitting down, Josuke had taken the rest of the couch and had laid his head on Keicho’s thighs, letting his boyfriend pet his head like he was a puppy.
However, at those words, his body stilled and looked up at him and noticed that Keicho was looking at him too, his expression contorted in one of concern. Josuke chewed his bottom lip, his eyes full of worry. “Will you be alright?”
Keicho’s fingers that were in his hair tensed for a moment, before they began to pet Josuke again with soft strokes. “Yes, but I’ll probably seek you out, can you take it or do you want Okuyasu to chain me in the basement? I know it can be tiring for you to take care of me when I’m a wolf.”
Josuke took a deep breath, listening to the beat of his heart. Having a werewolf boyfriend wasn’t easy, once a month he became a big-ass giant wolf who had only in mind one thing: to go to his mate. It didn’t really bother Josuke, but the first time that had happened he had been so scared he had broke down in tears when Keicho had pinned him down the ground. It was the first and only time he had thought Keicho would kill him and he could still feel his feral breath against his skin. It gave him goosebumps even now that he was thinking about it.
After that disastrous first time, they had learned to know each other and the other full moons went better. They didn’t really do anything sexual during those (Josuke wasn’t a fan of zoophilia so, no, thank you very much), Keicho only needed his presence to calm down and they usually hugged each other until the morning when Keicho could take his human form again.
Josuke sucked a breath and sat up on the couch, taking Keicho’s cheeks between his hands and pressed their lips together. If Keicho was surprised by that gentle gesture, he didn’t show it, instead he placed his warm palms on his waist and reciprocated the kiss, pressing his mouth firmly against Josuke’s.
“I don’t want to see you in chains, you can come to me when you want… I like to cuddle with you when you’re all fluffy.” Josuke giggled, letting his hands travel down until they reached his shoulders and he squeezed them firmly.
When they pulled back, Josuke sighed uncomfortable and lifted one of his arms to adjust the tight binder around his chest. Keicho tilted his head, watching him with interest but he was smart to not move his hands to help him.
“You know, you can take it off when you’re here, I don’t mind it.” Keicho whispered, nuzzling his face against Josuke’s neck, sniffing it deeply to get hold of his sweet scent.
Josuke smiled awkwardly, his hands found their way in Keicho’s blond hair and he began to run his nails in his scalp. “I know, you always tell me… but I feel better with it on…” Keicho hummed against his neck and began to kiss it lightly, lingering his lips there for a few seconds. Josuke shuddered, that place was always sensitive and every time Keicho decided it was fun to shower it with attention.
“I know, I don’t want to sound demanding or anything, I won’t ask you again if it makes you feel uncomfortable.” Keicho muttered against his skin, lifting his head to smile at Josuke. The boy felt his cheeks turn in deeper shade of red, Keicho was really handsome, even if he was only two years older than him, he had a charm that only an adult had. Josuke didn’t mind that at all.
“Y-You just want to grope my boobs, admit it.” Josuke said back, trying to lighten the mood. Keicho stared at him for a moment before he chuckled and pressed his face against Josuke’s flat chest.
“What are you saying?” He laughed, turning his eyes upwards. “I can do that even now, you know?” Josuke wanted to give him a smart reply, but he was distracted by something else.
Keicho hadn’t realized that his wolf ears had come out - they usually did when he was excited or happy - and to Josuke he looked like a smiling puppy rather than a handsome boy now.
Immediately, without saying another word, Josuke’s fingers found Keicho’s fluffy ears and he began to lavish them with attention, carefully handling them like they were the most precious treasure of the world. Keicho let out a soft sigh and closed his eyes in a bliss. It was a pity that his tail hadn’t come out too, Josuke missed the opportunity to look at it swing right to left, showing him just how much happy Keicho was in that moment.
“You’re really cute, my cute giant puppy!” Josuke grinned and pressed his lips against Keicho’s forehead, eyes, cheeks, jaw but he purposely avoided his mouth. He heard him growl under him, but he didn’t find it threatening at all. Instead, he lightly bit on his nose and laughed when Keicho let out a soft grunt.
His laughs quickly died down when Keicho tightened his grip around his waist and lifted him up like he weighed nothing. Josuke let out a small scream, he wrapped both of his legs and arms around Keicho, holding him close. He heard his boyfriend chuckling amused, his voice vibrated against his chest. He walked until he was standing in the middle of the room, so Josuke didn’t have anything to lean on except for Keicho.
“Are you going to give me a kiss or what?” His boyfriend asked, placing his hands on Josuke’s thighs to have a better grip on him. Josuke pouted, but he couldn’t stay mad at him for long, simply because Keicho’s wolf ear were just too adorable and he wanted to touch them again, but he wanted to be sure he wasn’t going to fall before he did that.
“Alright, alright, you get your kiss! Jesus, you’re such a demanding puppy when you want to be one…” Josuke leaned forward and gave a small peck on Keicho’s lips before pulling back after it hadn’t even passed a second.
Keicho growled, his ears twitched annoyed, but Josuke simply smiled at him. “You’ll get the rest when you’ll put me down.”
Keicho looked like he wanted to disagree with that, but in the end he did as he was told and placed Josuke down, but not after he gave a small squeeze to his round ass. Josuke sighed content, but kept holding Keicho closer to him, taking advantage of the fact that werewolves were warmer than a human being.
“I’m so going to stay away from you during summer… you’ll make me combust...” Josuke mumbled, nuzzling his face against Keicho’s broad chest. His boyfriend huffed amused, running his nails on his back, making Josuke arch under his touch.
Keicho was a werewolf, Josuke was human, their life was going to be hard, but together they were both sure they could reach the happiness they yearned for.
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ventoaureorun · 8 years
Hello ! How would each jojo be like as an older sibling ? would there be differences in how they would treat a younger sister or brother ? (it can stay gender neutral if you want !) (i know it's 5 characters max, but i couldn't choose between the jojos ;_;)
[ Ok cos I don’t Jojolion I wont do Jo2uke haha sorry about that :’) it might also be a bit short for each of them since there’s so many :( Also ya i kept it gender neutral ✖ JONATHAN JOESTAR ✖- Jonathan would be the best big brother you could ever wish for, he’d do anything for you and even take the blame from dad for you too. - You want a midnight snack? Jonathan is on it, creeping downstairs to steal you a cookie just to make sure you were happy.- If you were in a bad mood Jonathan wouldn’t leave you alone until he managed to get you to cheer up again be it with some very bad jokes or small Hamon tricks. He’s the caring older brother type.- He’s such a sucker for you too, whenever you were to compliment him or tell him how cool he was calling him the best Big Brother Ever he’d just puff his chest up with pride. Flashing you a smile.- He’d love to play with both you and Danny at the same time too, passing a frisbee between him and you in the backyard as Danny tries to catch it. ✖ JOSEPH JOESTAR ✖- Joseph would be that one brother you have a love hate relationship with. Like, all your socks mismatched on purpose, or the salt and sugar being switched up, he just like playing small pranks but would apologise afterwards.- He’d love to teach you a bit of Hamon too, not for battle but for just for tricks to show off or maybe a bit of self defence.- Though he won’t take the blame for you, you bet Joseph would talk back to Grandma Erina for your sake if he feels like you’re not in the wrong, this usually ends up with the both of you getting punished instead.- If you came home in a bad mood though Joseph would definitely ask you what’s up, if its something he can help with he would, he’s still a loving brother and would want to see you smile all the time.- If you need help with homework and Joseph is free, he’d totally be your personal tutor, bullying you if you got it wrong and congratulating you if you’re right.✖ KUJO JOTARO ✖- Jotaro just doesn’t interact much with you, other than the occasional Hi Bye or asking you where things are he doesn’t really bother.- But he’ll get super protective if he ever finds out anyone is bully you, he doesn’t care who if you come home crying or beaten up the next day your bullies are magically in the hospital. He’ll never admit it but you can tell by his slightly scuffled look that day that he beat them up for you.- He’d occasionally show signs that he does care for you quite a bit, like sharing some desert with you if he knows you had a bad day. Or nonchalantly leaving notes on your work explaining how to solve the question you couldn’t solve.- Holly is too nice to ever actually punish the both of you but Jotaro would give you a warning if you ever stepped out of place thus he ends up being the one to teach you right and wrong.✖ HIGASHIKATA JOSUKE ✖- Josuke is the Best Friend kind of brother. Going to the arcade together, or bringing you out to lunch, maybe even being willing to spend some of his saving on you.- He’d also bring you out to karaoke and introduce you to his friends so all of you are just one rowdy bunch of excited teens having fun together.- Josuke would get super overprotective once you reach the dating age though, not wanting to see you get your heart broken so before dates he’d would have already threatened your partner not to hurt your feelings but you won’t ever know he did something like that because the last time you found out you ended up scolding him instead.- Josuke would also share haircare products and tips with you, though you don’t share the same sentiments about your hairstyle like he does you still enjoy having silky smooth hair.- You’d also never be hurt, ever cut or scratch no matter how small would be immediately healed up with Crazy Diamond the moment he notices.✖ GIORNO GIOVANNA ✖- Giorno would be the Best Brother! Being bullied when he was a kid lead to you getting some of it to, but if anyone comes to mess with you Giorno would immediately step up to take the hit instead.- He hates to see you hurt and would much rather take the fall for you. He’s the quiet brother kind, so you won’t know when he does get hurt in your place. He doesn’t want you to worry about him.- When he gets older though he’d try to leave you out of the mafia but still use it to take care of you. If you want something expensive he’ll get it. If you want an ex to leave you alone, he’s on it.- He’d also feel super responsible for you since you’re each other’s only family. Giorno would protect you with his life and he know you would do the same for him. So when it came to Passione in the later years, fully expect him to make sure everyone had an eye out for you.✖ JOLYNE KUJO ✖- Jolyne would be a great older sister, she sees that since dad isn’t always here for you, she tries to fill that part of your life so you don’t feel as lonely.- She’d be the kind of sister to lend you her makeup and music CDs whenever you wanted maybe spoiling you a little in the process.- Instead of mom lecturing you, it’ll be her. Jolyne just wants to make sure you don’t grow up to be a spoilt brat but in all honestly she rarely does end up scolding you, but gives you the “ I’m disappointed in you” talks instead.- If you like shopping, be sure as hell that she’s bringing you out to buy whatever you want. She herself spending a lot of time getting her own fashionable clothes and makeup.- She’d also be super close to you, loving to hear whatever relationship updates you have. Hearing you talk about someone you like or even getting together with them is interesting to her. She’d try to give you ‘ relationship advice’ though it usually turns out horribly.✖ JOHNNY JOESTAR ✖- Johnny would be the most perfect older brother, he himself having an older brother Nicholas, he just wants to be that figure in your life too. Making sure you never feel any bias against you in the family.- If dad were to scold you he’d step up and take the full blame for you regardless. He feels like since dad already hates him he might as well take the hit for you so you’d live a better life than his.- Johnny would also love bringing you out to the racetracks to ride with him and teach you everything about horses that your dad wouldn’t teach you [because he thinks you’re not ready.] Johnny calls that bullshit and just wants to see you happy.- He’d be the most heartbroken to leave you after he runs away from home, secretly still getting people to write to you and update you on his wellbeing telling you not to worry or if dad is being mean you should “ Run away too! Stay with me. I can take care of you.” 
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