#i kinda knew that was gonna happen and really unavoidable cause i need the money just feeling :/ about it
loverboybitch · 1 year
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ive been so busy and so sleepy but at least ive been spending alot of time with my friends<3.//.
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mari-guri · 8 months
IDOLiSH7 Ep. 7 - Ray of Light
They had to remind us of their moment just to also remind us of their fall out LMFAO
You know what i get it yeah when it comes to members in groups that get super popular. It basically happens in every single group, it’s almost unavoidable (and don’t come at me saying any insert group bc you know that’s a lie). I know when it can get super biased towards one member and a company pushes them to the front and center too much it can cause not just a rift between fans but also within members themselves. Like obviously, I can totally see why a company would want to capitalize on a member’s fame because logically it makes the most sense. More exposure to them means more money, but if there’s anything i learned about trickle down economics (is that it’s a fucking joke) is that this kinda thing doesn’t work in the long term for the benefit of an entire group. This kind of dynamic has no right way to go about it, but it needs the cooperation of the whole group for it to work. Popular members NEED to also advocate for their peers and set it straight. The times i see this happen in real life I find generally really benefits the whole group. They gain more respect from their fans and their other members get appreciation. But anyways that’s just a small little anecdote. Not super well thought out, but there’s probably more i could say but yeah.
Don’t fall for it
That’s right. ✨ Communication is key ✨
God bless Nagi
Ur separating them
That’s right IDOLiSH7 not IDOLiSH2
Where are his eyes i just noticed
Hold up i gotta see these names
WSHLASH, Strawberries, DuO (??? cmon you can do better than that), Re:vale looks like they could be another group of characters here lol, oh and there’s TRIGGER and there’s our seven. WITH RIKU NOT WEARING A SHIRT A G A I N
Lmaooo mr capitalist assumes there were connections involved which indicates that’s how he’s able to raise his talents to popularity and not necessarily just from his own talent
Not a diss to trigger btw, they probably would have been popular regardless but they’ve already made it clear that they’ve crushed everyone in their path to the top
Who tf are you
High key both groups songs aren’t amazing so like LMAO
betting on that
A slow… debut song… interesting ?
Or is it not their debut
Idk how this works
Y’all just need to utilize his cuteness I guarantee it’ll work
Damn this ship is crazy
Wish I knew what it was called
IoRiku ? Idk don’t come for me
Everyone shut up nagi’s singing
Oh it’s over (i know i say this every time)
Episode 6 - Triumphant Return in the Rain
Episode 8 - Please, Music
Return to IDOLiSH7 Page
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idorkish · 4 years
Fly Away - Chapter 6
A/N - Hints of smut, some angst, smoking. Tried something different with POV. Sorry for how late this was posted LOL If your name is struck out, it means that I could not tag you in this. 
@petlaufeyson @howmanywastedmoments  @soafanficluvr1  @redwoodog  @chaosmieu @khyharah @5sos1dsexy @opies-oldlady @queen-ofthe-bikers-soa-blog @mrsirishboru @fortheloveofthesoa @samcrolivesforever  @ineedthesons @mwesterfeld1985 @divathelover @happys-crazy-queen22 @kitkat1690 @sons-of-anarchy-imagines-blr @tellermorelli @juiceboxxortiz  @ladyannikki @mybabysons @jade770 @kacilove26 @myworldoffandomfics-blog @brriik @jchona @nessy-bearxb @trashling101 @dmagicreality @kittenofanarchy @soachibstel1 @virtualdazelight @cole-winchester @cynthia1guardia
Angel’s POV-----------
The universe always seems to know what you want the most and dangle it in front of your face before cruelly snatching it away. It is a sadistic entity that thoroughly enjoys snatching away hopes of happiness from you. Maybe it’s just me. Maybe I’m just paying for all the bad done in my and my father’s life so far. Or maybe I’m just being melodramatic because it’s been over three months since I last got laid. Our last gig was also about three months ago, I wonder if there’s any correlation. 
Coming back from the gig, everything seemed to be going well. I was legit happy. I heard more and more from Precious and she brought little Tiki to come up and see me a couple of times. There were no lockdowns that forced me to miss class and work. I was making decent tips at the coffee shop from all the old grandma and grandpa regulars. I got to see Herman a few times, away from the prying eyes of the club. It. was. Fantastic. Until it wasn’t. 
I should have seen it coming. 
I learned that Happy was finally putting his Nomad streak to rest, in favor of coming to Tacoma. Bambi was a little hellion back in Charming, giving Jax and Opie a run for their money. I swear, she’s gonna whip that club into shape one day. This should have made me ecstatic, and for a brief moment of time, it did. 
I don’t know what I thought, I knew Herman and I weren’t serious. There would be no “happily ever after” or riding off into the sunset. He’s a Son and I’m the daughter of a Son. There is no mixing of the two. I at least thought we’d keep on good terms. I was not expecting such a cold shoulder from the man anytime we were in the same room. 
I didn’t think much of it at first. I hadn’t been to the clubhouse in a while and felt like I was ignoring everyone. Granted, I had reached out to SAMCRO multiple times, hoping to get some updates on how everyone was doing. All I was met with was vague responses. SAMTAC was no better. 
 Herman and Happy had become inseparable. Part of me wondered if he was back to his old ways or if Herman was using Happy’s presence as a way to keep away from me. The gig had been our first and last time together. I couldn’t help but take this personally, how else was I supposed to take it? 
 I decided it was time to visit the clubhouse once again. I figured it would be nice to take them all some treats from the shop, as well as some actual good coffee. Johnny had said he would tag along but it felt like I needed to see them on my own. I didn’t realize that they were having a party and for the first time in my life around this club, I felt like an outsider. I found Lorca and made my way towards him, handing off the sweets and coffee. I knew it was unwise, he was going to eat all of it before anyone else, but what the hell. Darla was busy making her way through the crowd and entertaining everyone and no one seemed to notice that I was there. 
“What’s all this?”
I had barely taken my eye off Lorca so when I turned back to see the crumbs covering his mouth and chin, I couldn’t help but break out in laughter. He attempted to wipe it with his arm, but it only made things worse as the icing spread across his face and beard more. 
“Patch party. Prospect got voted in the other day so, well, what ya see here! I thought Kozik told you about it? He told us you were busy working or some shit.”
For a brief moment, I was stunned but I turned to Lorca and smiled, “That’s right! I got off early tonight. Forgot all about this! Let me make my rounds!”
I felt like I couldn’t get away from him fast enough. I’m not sure how I was able to do it but I went almost unavoided for an hour after getting there. Staying at the bar, I nursed my beer and watched the scene before me. 
Darla was still making her way around, constantly getting pulled around by different members to talk to her. Lorca was off to the other side of the bar, still eating the treats and drinking the coffee. The rest of the men were scattered around the clubhouse with random croweaters swarming around them. The no-longer Prospect was in the middle of the largest group, laughing loudly as he told an animated story. Staring from the bar, it was such an interesting sight to me. I had grown up with this and the sights, smells, and noises made me feel like I was home. But there was still a feeling like being an outsider. I know I will never be fully part of the lifestyle, and I have been ok with this for as long as I can remember. 
The door to the clubhouse opened and two laughing figures made their way through. Angel turned her eyes and watched as two men came through, their arms wrapped around women in short-shorts and barely-there-tops. Angel took a long swig of her beer as she realized that it was Happy and Herman making their way inside. The girl wrapped in Herman’s arms turned into him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down. Angel clenched the bottle and she watched him lower his head to this other woman. It told her exactly what she needed to know. 
Angel finished up her beer and made her way toward Darla. “Momma D!” She called out. 
The older woman turned her head and smiled wide. “My sweet baby girl, when did you get here?” 
She waved her hands for Angel to come closer and then wrapped her arms tightly around her. “I wasn’t expecting you! I thought you were working tonight?”
Angel shrugged and gave the older woman a smile. “I got here not too long ago. There was a change in my schedule so I brought some treats and coffee but Lorca got to me first.”
Darla laughed but never let her arms fall from Angel’s waist. Instead, she ushered Angel around with her, making sure to stop by the various broken off groups to chat before making their way to the next. 
It wasn’t long before Angel forgot the brief moments of hurt. She was finally having a good time reconnecting with the men and women she counted as family. Angel was sitting on a stool near the pool table, joking with those playing. An arm wrapped around her shoulder and Angel briefly froze. 
“Staying away from me kiddo?” The gruff voice let Angel relax as she smiled and leaned against the slim body next to her. 
“Heya Uncle Hap.  Course I’m not! I’ve been here while you’ve been fooling around with them crows.” Her voice was teasing and caused Happy to chuckle as he squeezed her shoulder. 
Angel felt content to lean against Happy as everyone made their way over to talk to Happy.. She felt so content she didn’t realize eyes glancing her way. In her gut, she knew who it was consistently looking her way, but being with the closest thing to home was enough for Angel not to care for the moment. It helped that Happy kept his arm slung around her shoulder and kept her close. Angel knew it would be weird for a lot of them to see Happy showing as much affection as he was, but the more veteran club members understood - SAMCRO was more than a club, it was a family. Happy had watched Angel grow, he was also the only connection to Bambi and the others at this moment. 
The No-longer-a-prospect came over and Angel did her best to stop the roll of her eyes. The last time she had seen him, he was trying so hard to get into her pants and Kozik and made him go away. “Happy! Nice to see you again man. Who’s your friend here?”
Angel turned and stared up at the man, “Not interested and off-limits. I’m gonna go see if Darla needs help, Hap.” 
She left as quickly as she could and made her way towards the clubhouse kitchen. It would be the only place that no one would be in and she would be able to breath for a moment. Pushing open the door, the last thing Angel expected to see was Herman leaning back against the counter, his eyes closed and head thrown back and his hands guided a kneeling brunette’s head back and forth on his cock. Angel watched for a moment, shocked, before muttering a quick ‘sorry’ and heading back to the main room and continuing out the front door. 
The cool air was a nice relief for Angel. She leaned back against the hood of her car and fished out a smoke. She normally wasn’t one to smoke but it was becoming more of a common habit that she wasn’t fond of. Pulling a drag of nicotine calmed her frazzled nerves. Logically, she knew she shouldn’t be mad. They hooked up a couple times, they weren’t anything else. But she couldn’t help it, she was pissed. She was also horny as hell, which made her even more pissed off. There was something about watching him be pleasured that did something to her. She didn’t have long to keep thinking about it as she watched Happy walk her way. 
“Since when do you smoke?” 
Angel couldn’t help but laugh at the face he was making. It had been a while since she had really seen anyone, she had forgotten they didn’t know of the habit. “Eh, the diner gets me stressed. Still kinda a new habit. Don’t look so shocked. Y'all smoked all the time. You should be more surprised that it’s taken me this long.”
Happy shrugged and took the cig from her hand, taking a long drag for himself. “Still weird. Keep forgetting how grown you got while away. What happened there?” 
Angel tilted her head and cocked her brow. She wanted to be nonchalant and try to keep the real reason to herself. “Saw things I wish I hadn’t. I keep forgetting how nasty y’all start getting and don’t care about a thing called privacy when in the clubhouse.”
Happy just laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close and placing a kiss to her temple before handing back the cigarette. “Let me know if douche bothers you again. Member or not, you’re off limits. He knows better. Plus they all know you got someone. When do I get to meet this “Johnny”?”
Angel only laughed and leaned further into Happy’s arms. “I love you Hap.”
The man chuckled and held her tighter as they stayed outside smoking their cigarettes, both blissfully unaware of being watched. 
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thisismandee · 5 years
The Rebel and The Criminal
This is the last chapter following the actual script. I do plan on continuing this story. I don't know how long I will continue it but we shall find out. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that had read this story so far.
Chapter 11) Sincerely Yours
We all sat there in silence for a minute. I was shocked that she gave into peer pressure that was surrounding her.
"I never did it either, I'm not a nymphomaniac, I'm a compulsive liar." Allison says with a cheeky grin on her face.
"You are such a bitch! You did that on purpose just to fuck me over!" Claire yelled at Allison. She had every right to be upset, Allison sat there and pushed Claire to the edge.
"I would do it you love someone it's okay." Allsion says. I think she is trying to defuse the tense situation, but I don't think it is going to work.
"I can't believe you, you're so weird. You don't say anything all day and then when you open your mouth...you unload all these tremendous lies all over me!"
"She has a right to be upset. You all did just attack her all at once." I said trying to stand up for Claire. She looked over and gave me a small smile.
"You're just pissed off because she got you to admit something you didn't want to admit to" Andrew directs towards Claire.
"Okay, fine, but that doesn't make it any less bizarre." Claire did have a point. The one time Allison has a full conversation with us, it is to get Claire to admit information of her personal life.
"What's bizarre? I mean we're all pretty bizarre! Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all." Andrew also has a point. I had my own secrets, but I have just been good at hiding them.
"How are you bizarre?" Claire looks at him doubtful.
Allison is quick to answer for him. "He can't think for himself." She gives him a look. Like she knew things about Andrew. Was there something going on between the two of them and I just haven't noticed it.
" She's right. Do you guys know what, uh, what I did to get in here? I taped Larry Lester's buns together." I had heard about that, but I didn't know that it was Andrew that did that.
"That was you?" Brian asks.
"Yeah, you know him?"
Brian nods his head, "Yeah, I know him."
"Well then you know how hairy he is, right? Well, when they pulled the tape off, most of his hair came off and some, some skin too." I give him a look of disappointment. I can tell from his face though that he feels bad about what has happened. He continues to tell his story. "And the bizarre thing is, is that I did it for my old man...I tortured this poor kid, because I wanted him to think that I was cool. He's always going off about, you know, when he was in school...all the wild things he used to do. And I got the feeling that he was disappointed that I never cut loose on anyone, right...So, I'm...I'm sitting in the locker room, and I'm taping up my knee. And Larry's undressing a couple lockers down from me. Yeah...he's kinda... he's kinda skinny, weak. And I started thinking about my father, and his attitude about weakness. And the next thing I knew, I uh, I jumped on top of him and started wailing on him...And my friends, they just laughed and cheered me on. And afterwards, when I was sittin' in Vernon's office, all I could think about was Larry's father. And Larry having' to go home and...and explain what happened to him. And the humiliation...fucking humiliation he mustuv felt. It must've been unreal...I mean." Andrew has tears in his eyes. " I mean, how do you apologize for something like that? There's no way...it's all because of me and my old man. Oh God, I fucking hate him! He's like this...he's like this mindless machine that I can't even relate to anymore..."Andrew, you've got to be number one! I won't tolerate any losers in this family...Your intensity is for shit! Win. Win! WIN!" You son of a bitch! You know, sometimes, I wish my knee would give...and I wouldn't be able to wrestle anymore. And he could forget all about me."
I didn't notice it until now, but I also had tears in my eyes. I felt bad for Andrew and what he had to go through at home, and the way that it made him act in person. "I think your old man and my old man should get together and go bowling." Bender says from his spot in the circle. Andrew lets out a laugh. I then hear Brian starting to talk.
"It's like me, you know, with my grades...like, when I, when I step outside myself kinda, and when I, when I look in at myself you know? And I see me and I don't like what I see, I really don't."
"What's wrong with you? Why don't you like yourself?" Claire asks him.
"'Cause I'm stupid...'cause I'm failing shop. See we had this assignment, to make this ceramic elephant, and um...and we had eight weeks to do it and we're s'posed ta, and it was like a lamp, and when you pull the trunk the light was s'posed to go on...my light didn't go on, I got a F on it. Never got a F in my life... When I signed up, you know, for the course I mean. I thought I was playing it real smart, you know. 'Cause I thought, I'll take shop, it'll be such an easy way to maintain my grade point average." I scoffed. He thought it was going to be easy? Shop actually takes some smarts.
"Why'd you think it'd be easy?" Bender asks him. I could tell that he was annoyed.
"Have you seen some of the dopes that take shop?" Brian asks.
" I take shop...you must be a fuckin' idiot!"
"I'm a fuckin' idiot because I can't make a lamp?"
"No, you're a genius because you can't make a lamp." I could sense the anger in Benders voice.
"What do you know about Trigonometry?"
"I could care less about Trigonometry."
"Bender, did you know without Trigonometry there'd be no engineering?" Brian questions Bender. I don't get why these boys were arguing over something that was so stupid.
"Without lamps, there'd be no light!" Bender says back. Okay this conversation was going nowhere and it wasn't needed. Why are they arguing over something so miniscule.
"Okay so neither one of you is any better than the other one," I say to both of them. They stop their pointless arguing.
"I can write with my toes! I can also eat, brush my teeth." Allison adds to the conversation. I was so confused on what was going on. She was so random, but she did know how to diffuse this situation.
"With you feet?" Claire asks.
"Play Heart & Soul on the piano." Allison adds.
"I can make spaghetti!" Brain says.
"I can, uh, tape all your buns together." Andrew jokes.
" I can speak latin, Its weird but I can do it." I say trying to add to the conversation.
" I wanna see what Claire can do." Bender says.
"I can't do anything." Claire insists.
"Now, everybody can do something."
"There's one thing I can do, no forget it, it's way too embarrassing."
"You ever seen Wild Kingdom?" Bender asks. "I mean that guy's been doing that show for thirty years."
Claire finally gives in. "Okay, but you have to swear to God you won't laugh. I can't believe I'm actually doing this." She takes out a lipstick and opens it. She places it in between he breasts and applies the lipstick from her cleavage. She lifts her head and the lipstick is perfectly applied. I do have to admit I was impressed. Me and everyone else claps. But then I hear Bender clapping sarcastically and slow.
" All right, great! Where'd you learn to do that?" Andrew asks Claire.
"Camp, seventh grade." She says as she is putting away the lipstick.
"That was great Claire, my image of you is totally blown." Bender says sarcastically. He is being an asshole. He needs to watch himself.
I slap him, "You're a shit! Don't do that to her. You swore to God you wouldn't laugh!" I screamed at him. He was being so rude. He looks over to me.
"Am I laughing?"
"You fucking prick!" Andrew says, also standing up for Claire.
"What do you care what I think, anyway? I don't even count, right? I could disappear forever and it wouldn't make any difference...I may as well not even exist at this school, remember?" Bender was throwing Andrews words back at him. Yes, Andrew did say that, but John was being a complete douche bag to Claire right now. He turns to Claire. "And you, don't like me anyway"
"You know, I have just as many feelings as you do and it hurts just as much when somebody steps all over them!" I could tell Claire was getting tears in her eyes and she was about to start crying.
"God, you're so pathetic!" John was getting very angry with her at this point. "Don't you ever...ever! Compare yourself to me! Okay? You got everything, and I got shit! Fuckin' Rapunzel, right? School would probably fucking shut down if you didn't show up! "Queenie isn't here!" I like those earrings Claire." He was taking this too far.
"Shut up." Claire mumbles.
"Are those real diamonds, Claire?" Why did he have to take it this far.
"Shut up!" Claire was now getting angry.
"I bet they are. Did you work for the money for those earrings?" He doesn't know how to be nice does he?
"Shut your mouth!" Claire is kicking him to try to get him to stop.
"Or did your daddy buy those?"
Claire is now crying, "Shut up!" he screams at him.
"I bet he bought those for you! I bet those are a Christmas gift! Right? You know what I got for Christmas this year? It was a banner fuckin' year at the old Bender family! I got a carton of cigarettes. The old man grabbed me and said "Hey! Smoke up Johnny!"" He notices Claire's tears. "Okay, so go home'n cry to your daddy, don't cry here, okay?" He needs to be put in his place. I lean over and slap him across the face.
"Will you stop it! Leave her alone! She doesn't deserve you being a fucking asshole to her! Just leave her the fuck alone!" I yelled at him. He looks at me but doesn't say anything back. His hand is to his face from where I slapped him.
"My God, are we gonna be like our parents?" Andrews asks.
"Not me, ever." Claire answers.
"It's unavoidable, it just happens." Allsion says.
"What happens?"
"When you grow up, your heart dies." Allison seems somber. But I feel she is right. I can see myself in my mother everyday, and it makes me scared.
"Who cares?" Bender asks.
"I care."Allsion looks like she is about to cry.
"I care too." I added. I also felt tears forming in my eyes. Bender looked over at me. He looked like he actually cared how I felt about the situation.
"Um, I was just thinking, I mean. I know it's kind of a weird time, but I was just wondering, um, what is gonna happen to us on Monday? When we're all together again? I mean I consider you guys my friends, I'm not wrong, am I?" Brian asked the group. I have to admit I hadn't thought about this until now. I felt like I would still be friends with them. I was new here so I didn't have many friends, and I had gotten to know them pretty well just in this one Saturday.
"No" Andrew answers the question.
"So, so on Monday, what happens?" Brian asks
"Are we still friends, you mean? If we're friends now, that is?" Claire asks him to clarify.
"Do you want the truth?" I had a feeling Claire was about to say something that was going to be mean.
"Yeah, I want the truth."
"I don't think so." Claire seems somber from this answer. I felt the tears coming again in my eyes. I was hoping that some way, we all can be friends after this, but I guess I was wrong.
"Well, do you mean all of us or just John?" Allison ask Claire.
"With all of you." Claire looks over at me. She can tell that I am upset, but she doesn't change her answer.
"That's a real nice attitude, Claire!" Andrew snaps at her.
"Oh, be honest, Andy...if Brian came walking up to you in the hall on Monday, what would you do? I mean picture this, you're there with all the sports. I know exactly what you'd do, you'd say hi to him and when he left you'd cut him all up so your friends wouldn't think you really liked him!" She was trying to justify her answer, but it wasn't working.
"No Way!" Andrew says. I feel like he really means it though. I could see, come Monday, I'm walking down the halls and I see Andrew and we mutually say Hi to each other. I feel like he wouldn't stoop that low.
"Okay, what if I or Mandy came up to you?" Allison asks Claire.
Claire looks upset to have to answer the question truthfully. "Same exact thing." At that moment I feel a tear on my cheek. Clair had been there for me, and I had been there for her, but on Monday all of that was going to be different. I thought, maybe just maybe I had made some sort of friend finally at this school. I look over at Bender and he sees that I am upset. He then addresses Claire.
"You are a bitch!" He yells at her. I can tell that he was getting very angry with her.
"Why? 'Cause I'm telling the truth, that makes me a bitch?"
"No! 'Cause you know how shitty that is to do to someone! And you don't got the balls to stand up to your friends and tell 'em that you're gonna like who you wanna like!" He was furious.
"Okay, what about you, you hypocrite! Why don't you take Allison to one of your heavy metal vomit parties? Or take Brian out to the parking lot at lunch to get high? What about Andy for that matter, what about me? What about Mandy? What would your friends say if you were walking down the hall with her. They'd laugh their asses off and you'd probably tell them you were doing it with her so they'd forgive you for being seen with her." I was completely crying right now. Why did I have to be brought into this conversation. After what Claire told me earlier. This just makes me more upset, because was she telling me the truth, or just saying things to make me feel better? I wanted to leave so badly.
" Don't you ever talk about my friends! You don't know any of my friends, you don't look at any of my friends and you certainly wouldn't condescend to speak to any of my friends so you just stick to the things you know, shopping, nail polish, your father's BMW and your poor-rich-drunk mother in the Carribean!" He yelled at her again.
"Shut up!" Claire is now crying too.
"And as far as being concerned about what's gonna happen when Mandy and I walk down the hallways at school, you can stay out of it. It is none of you business. Just bury you head in the sand, and wait for your fuckin prom!" This comment made me feel a bit better. It felt like he was sticking up for me. I still couldn't help but cry, but I did feel some sort of comfort.
"I hate you!" Claire sneered at him.
"Yeah? Good!" There was silence, then Brian speaks up.
"Then I assume me, Allison, and Mandy are better people than you guys, huh? Us weirdos." He turns to Allsion. "Do you, would you do that to me?"
"I don't have any friends." She responds.
"Well if you did?"
"No...I don't think the kind of friends I'd have would mind." Brian then looks over in my direction.
"Would you ever do that to me or Allison?"
"No, after today, all of you are my friends, in my mind anyways." I wiped away a stray tear.
"I just wanna tell, each of you, that I wouldn't do that...I wouldn't and I will not! 'Cause I think that's real shitty." Brain was getting visually upset.
"Your friends wouldn't mind because they look up to us." Claire speaks up. Brina and me both let out a laugh.
"You're so conceited, Claire. You're so conceited. You're so, like, full of yourself, why are you like that?"
Claire is crying again. I don't get why though. She is the one that is being rude. "I'm not saying that to be conceited! I hate it! I hate having to go along with everything my friends say!"
"Well then why do you do it?" I ask Claire.
She looks over at me. Then she addresses everyone in the group. " I don't know, I don't...you don't understand..you don't. You're not friends with the same kind of people that Andy and I are friends with! You know, you just don't understand the pressure that they can put on you!" Brian has a shocked expression on his face.
" I don't understand what? You think I don't understand pressure, Claire? Well fuck you! Fuck you!" He hides his face in his sleeve but I can tell that he is crying. "Know why I'm here today? Do you? I'm here because Mr. Ryan found a gun in the locker."
I was stunned. My mind started going to the worst of the worst situations. I then realized that we didn't really know much about each other.
"Why'd you have the gun in your locker?" Andrew asks Brian.
"I tried. You pull the fuckin' trunk on it and the light's s'posed to go on...and it didn't go on, I mean, I..." Brian didn't really answer the question. He was avoiding it.
Andrew asks again, "What's the gun for Brian?"
"Just forget it"
"You brought it up, man."
" I can't have an F, I can't have it and I know my parents can't have it! Even if I aced the rest of the semester, I'm still only a B. And everything's ruined for me!" My heart goes out to him. I had times in my life where I felt that type of low, but I was never pushed that far to even get my hands on a gun.
"Oh Brian" Claire says.
"So I considered my options, you know?" Brian says.
"No, killing yourself is not an option." I say calmly to Brian.
"Well, I didn't do it, did I? No, I don't think so."
"It was a handgun?" Allsion asks him.
"No, it was a flare gun, went off in my locker."
"Really?" Andrew asks and then he lets out a laugh. I was confused.
"It's not funny." Brian says. Soone everyone starts to laugh, even me. It was a pretty sad, but funny situation. Soon Brian is even laughing. "Yeas it is, fucking elepahnt was destroyed."
"You wanna know what I did to get in here?" Allsion asks. We all look over to her. I was curious. "Nothing, I didn't have anything better to do." I started to laugh with everyone else. That is pretty comical. "You're laughing at me," She says.
"No." Says Andrew. But then Allsion starts to laugh.
"Yeah you are!" Allsion says in between her laughs. After everyone lets out their laughs, Bender looks over to me.
"What about you Mandy? I think you are the only one we don't know about. What did you do to end up in this wonderful Saturday detention?"
"You guys know Mr. Ryan, this history teacher? Well we all know that he is an a-hole right? Well, I don't appreciate A-holes. So, on wednesday, he was talking about something but then for some reason he decided to talk about his personal opinions about a topic. He was getting out of hand so I asked him, 'Are you always so stupid or is today a special occasion?' And as I was leaving the classroom, I might have flipped him the bird." I say chuckling thinking back to that day. He was such an asshole and he deserved that.
Everyone seemed shocked that I said something like that to a teacher. I know why. I am a shy person most of the time but if you push me over the edge I am like a loose cannon. I just couldn't help it. Soon everyone is laughing again, because let's be honest, Mr. Ryan deserved it.
Brian gets up from the circle and goes into one of the offices. Soon, we hear music playing, we all start dancing around the library. On tables, on the second floor, just everywhere. We were free for those few moments. Nothing was holding us back. It was the best couple of minutes ever!
I looked up at the clock and realized that it was 3:15. I went and grabbed Bender. I don't think he realized the time. "Hey, you have to get going, if Vernon finds you here, you are for sure dead meat."
"I guess you are right, here come with me I am going to need some help." He grabs my hand as we go to the second floor. I watched as he climbed on a table and opened up the duct in the wall. "Hey" John looks down at me. "I just wanted to say, that on monday, I would say hi to you. Also, I had a good time with you this Saturday, thank you."
Was John Bender saying thank you? "Thank you? Are you going soft on me?"
"I'm not going soft, hell no. and you should appreciate the 'thank you' those only come along every ten years." He laughs and I let out a laugh as well. I then look up at him, and there is silence between us. Our eyes meet, it all of a sudden felt like there was a magnet between the two of us. I started to get closer to him, and he started to lean down, but then he turned around real quick. He had a nervous look on his face. "Hey see you at 4, sweets."
I felt embarrassed. Were we going to kiss just then or was that just my imagination. I decided to ignore it. "Yeah see you at 4, troublemaker." He smirked and climbed into the duct. I joined the group again.
They were all sitting on the railing just waiting for the time to go by faster. Claire broke the silence. "Brian?"
"Yeah?" Brina answered.
"Are you gonna write your paper?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Well, it's kinda a waste for all of us to write our paper, don't you think?" Claire did have a point.
"Oh, but that's what Vernon wants us to do."
"True, but I think we'd all kinda say the same thing." Again another good point from Claire.
"You just don't want to write your paper...Right? "
"True, but, you're the smartest, right?"
I could tell that this flattery was getting to Brian. "Oh, well."
"We trust you." I say to Brian. He looks over at all of us and we all nod in agreement.
"Alright, I'll do it." Brian finally agrees.
"Great." Claire then looks over at Allison and then me, then back at Allison. "Come on."
"Where are we going?" Allison asks. Claire is practically dragged me and Allison with her.
"Yeah, Claire where are we going?" I ask for myself.
We move to the back of the library and Claire empties out her makeup bag. She then pushes back Allison's hair and starts to do her makeup. I do have to admit she had a way to really highlight someone's assets. "Mandy, can you go in my bag and grab the white top I have in there?" Claire asks me.
"Yeah." I start rummaging through her bag and I finally find the top she is talking about. "Here" I say as I hand over the top to Claire.
"Thanks." She takes the shirt. "You know you really do look a lot better without all that black shit on your eyes."
"Hey, I like that black shit." Allison says.
"This looks a lot better, look up."
"Please, why are you being so nice to me?" Allison asks. I just stand by and watch Claire work her magic. I had to admit that Allison was starting to look like a completely different person.
"Because you're letting me." Claire puts on what I am guessing the finishing touches. Allison then goes to change into the white blouse. Claire and me go back to join the boys. "Hey Mandy, I just want to say sorry about what I said earlier. I was just very upset and I was speaking in the moment. I shouldn't have brought you up in that argument with John. That kid just really gets under my skin and I can't stand it. I just knew that mentioning you was going to get him upset, so that's why I did it, and I just want to apologize."
I was happy that Claire was apologizing. "Thank you, and I forgive you." I thought about Monday. I really hope that the conversation earlier was able to sway Claire, because I really wouldn't mind being her friend. All of a sudden the doors from the room Allison was changing in open up and she walks out. She looks completely different. Her hair is pushed back and you can see her face. She was gorgeous. The boys look up and see her. Allison walks right up to Andrew. He looks like he is in shock.
" What happened to you?" Andrew asks her.
"Why? Claire did it! What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong, it's just so different. I can see your face."
"Is that good or bad?" Allison asks him concerned.
"It's good!"
Seeing them makes my heart melt. They were so cute, and I could see them being with each other after this Saturday. It dawned on me that I had some unfinished business to take care of.
I leave the library and start to walk the halls cautiously. I was looking for any sign of life. As I turned the corner I see that the light was on in a supply closet. I opened the door with the hopes that I found what I was searching for. When I opened the door I wasn't disappointed. I found John Bender on what looked like a spare desk. He looked up at me.
"You lost?" He asks. I just smile at him, and he smiles back. I swallowed the lump that was in my throat. I walked closer to him and it felt like everything was moving in slow motion. I was now inches away from Bender. His eyes were still locked on mine. I decided I had to go for it. I leaned forward. And I closed my eyes, before I knew it my lips met his. I felt him reciprocate the kiss. I felt butterflies in my stomach. This is what I had been waiting to do for what feels like ever. He breaks the kiss.
"Why'd you do that?" He asks.
"Because I knew you wouldn't" I smile at him. I did have one question that I want answered. "Am I just a girl you would just consider? Or..?"
He leans in and gives me a kiss. This one I lean into, and it felt like I was on cloud nine. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He again broke the kiss. "Mandy, no. You are different than any other girl I have ever met." I give him a quick kiss. That was the answer I was hoping for. I quickly left the closet, before I got caught.
As I was walking back to the library I could feel that my cheeks were beat red. This had been the best Saturday that I had had in a long time. When I got back to the library we only had two minutes left, so I took my seat and waited.
Before I knew it all six of us were walking down the hallway together. I was holding Benders hand the whole way. Allison was holding Andrews, and we all had huge smiles on our faces. We pass Carl on the way out.
"See ya Brian" Carl says.
"Hey Carl" Brian recipricates.
"See you next Saturday." Bender adds.
"You bet!"
We all leave the school and split off into our own ways. Brian waves as he gets into his parents car. Claire does the same and they drive off. I see Allison and Andrew share a kiss before Allison gets into her car. I was so happy that they found each other during this detention. I look over to Bender.
"You walking home?" He asks.
"Yeah, I don't live that far away."
"Want to walk together?" I squeeze his hand as a yes. We begin to walk through the football field. I look up at John. I swear this is the happiest he has been all day. I couldn't help myself. I stood on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss on his cheek. He looked down at me and then forward again. He then shot his arm up in a fist. Best Saturday Ever!
Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you're crazy to make an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us... In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each of us is a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, a princess, a rebel, and a criminal. Does that answer your question?
Sincerely yours,
The Breakfast Club
| Chapter 1| Chapter 2| Chapter 3| Chapter 4| Chapter 5| Chapter 6| Chapter 7| Chapter 8| Chapter 9| Chapter 10 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14
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