#i know he loves me so so so much in return. like its the polar opposite of my mother. he always has.
ef-1 · 11 months
Thomas Hardy said Neutral Tones, baby
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darkestcorners · 22 days
polarity | 06 yandere!jungkook au ( sneak peak )
A/N : I decided to post this little sneak tonight since you guys have been waiting so so long. This is not edited yet so please excuse any grammar errors. Thank you💕 :)
“No secrets? I-I know what you did.” You accused in between sobs, your hands planted firmly on the floor as you shifted your body weight towards your right leg that left you in an awkward sitting position. It was hard to ignore the chills running down your entire body, your mind struggled to focus on what you wanted to scream at him.
He turned his head to look down at you. His penetrating gaze meeting yours at last.
“I know that you were the one that made my professor accuse me of plagiarism.” You said after another intake of breath. “ You did it, didn’t you? You blackmailed him! Just like you did to me. Just like you do to everyone in order to get your way. I don’t know with what but you did.”
He was silent. Just quietly looking at you.
Your short breaths only quickened, the horrible feeling coming in waves, stopping then gaining more force. You felt like you were stuck in a mid fall. It felt like years passed before Jungkook slowly made his way over to you, your eyes traced over the slight twitch of his fingers and cubic steel bracelet around his wrist. He bent down to your level and you felt his fingers lifting your chin up at him. You knew he could feel you shaking because he angled your face towards him again when you tried to look off to the side, his set gaze halting your rapid eye movements.
“Seems like a little birdie has been talking.” He whispered to you, he almost sounded disappointed. “That just won’t do, baby.”
You felt the sudden urge to slap him but you went to push him away instead. He caught your arms before you could do so, pushing them towards his chest and pulling your whole body closer to him. His actions were rough and careless. An indicator of just how much you’ve pissed him off this time. You could feel your teeth chattering now, your panic attack reaching its peak as you felt your vision blur. It was as if someone had poured a bucket of ice all over you except you wished someone actually had just to rid you of this feeling.
“You know she’s right, you know I’m right. That’s why you’re so upset.” You went on as you squirmed in his hold.
“How easily you’ve forgotten what she’s done to you. Is it that easy to fool you, baby? Does that bitch really have such a tight hold on you still that you that you accept her words as truth without question?” He sounded a parent scolding a small foolish child over taking sweets from a stranger.
He was wrong. Your once all-consuming love for Eunji had turned into a grudge that you couldn’t shake off. She might’ve been a horrible friend but why would she lie about something like that? It seemed too specific. It seemed like she knew more than she was willing to admit and for some reason that only angered you more. She knew more yet she had given you crumbs in return. Was that the plan all along or was she making you a victim of her selfish bitterness again? Even after everything, it was hard for you to believe she hated you that much.
Because you had seen it. You had seen a fragment of sincerity in her eyes earlier. A small piece of pity, no matter how fleeing.
“Ask your little boyfriend what he was doing walking into Professor Clark’s classroom a few weeks ago.”
You swore you had heard it in her voice too. As if she had been doing you one last favor. Granting you one last bit of kindness for all those years spent together being thrown away. But the more you ponder over it, the more Jungkook’s planted seed of doubt began to grow its roots. Had you only seen what you had hoped to?
“You accuse me of lying to you over some gossip your little fake friend filled your head with? It didn’t take long for you to go running back into her arms, did it? Where is your pride?” The disgust in his voice would be hard to fake and you had to look away from the sheer sincerity in it.
“I didn’t run back to her! I wanted answers and-"
“And did you find them?” He cut you off, eyes searching your face like something in it had already granted him the answer. “No, of course you didn’t baby. You let her have the last laugh again.”
“How would she know to make that connection and why would she lie about her seeing you walk into our professor’s classroom weeks ago.” You hissed back at him eagerly grasping to take control of the conversation that he had so easily overpowered in seconds.
God, you really couldn’t breath.
“Do you hear yourself? You’re asking me why a girl that has been jealous and spiteful towards you for years would try and scheme against you for sleeping with her ex-boyfriend! ” Jungkook sneered back and you flinched at the sudden raise of volume in his voice.
“Lying comes as easily as breathing to some. Haven’t you learned that by now? You really are more naive than I thought if you have yet to realize how unkind this world is and how often people like you get trampled over.”
You let out another quivering sob, growing more and more upset by his words. You might be naive but you weren’t that naive to not realize that he wasn’t the one who should be saying this to you. Him of all people. It felt like a stab in the chest. Jungkook lets go of your arms and brings them to cradle your face in his hands instead. His thumbs wiping away your never ending tears. His action is meant to be gentle but his grip is so tight that you feel his nails digging slightly into your skin.
“I’ve only ever tried to protect you, baby. Protect you from her and from yourself.” His hot breath sent waves of shock through you, you felt his lips lightly graze your own. “How many times must I save you from her? And from everyone who has ill intentions towards you before you realize it’s only ever going to be me.”
He lifted one hand from your cheek to carress your hair, those glossy doe eyes pulling you in and tugging at the invisible strings on your limbs and heart.
“How many times must I prove my love to you?”
This wasn’t love. It couldn’t be.
It felt like something much stronger. Much too different. Your love for Eunji had never felt this overwhelming. It never felt like you were being lulled to a perfect sleep, just to be suddenly plunged into a free fall. This didn’t feel anything like a secret held close to your chest, your heart skipping a beat everytime you used to see her even when you’d already seen her three times before that day. How giddy you felt at her accidental touches. How much you seemed to please her and never wanted to see her in pain. How easily it came to you to want to fix all her minor inconveniences.
No, this felt nothing like that. It wasn’t a secret. It didn’t allow itself to be. It was too loud. Too ugly. Whatever you had felt for Eunji, it felt five times more heightened with Jungkook. His presence felt like too much yet like there was never enough of it to actually violate you. It fit you in a way you were so frightened to admit. He had taken a piece of you that you never agreed on giving him. Yet it was that very foreign feeling that had you craving him in moments you shouldn’t have. In nearly all hours of a day. You were frightened at what you had been feeling these past two weeks sharing his space. Completely terrified at what he had managed to make you feel for him in such little time .
Even now, he felt so familiar yet so untouchable.
“This isn’t love.” You replied back in a broken whisper. It was mistake and you realized it quickly but it was too late to take it back. You blamed your overly emotional state for the thoughtless response.
A few beats of silence passed with only your uneven breaths filling the room. Jungkook continued to caress your hair before the corners of his lips twitched. An almost sad small appearing on them.
“Fine.” Another few beats of silence. The heavy air lingered.
You licked your dry lips as he retrieved his hand completely from you. Your eyes tracked the movement before they landed on the unreadable look on his face.
“ If you think I’m such a monster, I promise I will show you how easily I can make that come true for you. ” He stated lowly, dark eyes taking in your features again. “And it will make everything else I’ve done pale in comparison.”
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redmyeyes · 9 months
Fellow Travelers sex scenes
I can't stop thinking about what Matt and Jonny keep repeating over and over again in interviews, regarding the FT sex scenes. That, in the writing and filming it was important that:
No two scenes were the same.
Every sex scene informed the story.
The characters were not the same before the scene as they were after. That they were changed by it.
So, let's talk about them.
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establishment of hawk's usual modus operandi -- brief fucks with strangers. he keeps a tight rein on his desires and won't allow himself to want more.
2. "Fold them."
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establishing dynamics, hawk is in control, tim is being (happily) led. par for the course for hawk (or is it?)
3. "I'm your boy, right?"
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tim can play, too. this dynamic is not one-way. the 'power' in this relationship definitely does not lie solely with hawk. you might even say this flips the power dynamic on its head. hawk is GONE.
4. "Do you like it this way? Your life, like this?"
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not a sex scene, but one of the first slow, tender aftermaths. clear now that, for both of them, this goes much much deeper than just sex.
5. "I belong to Hawkins Fuller."
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tim showing that he's willing to meet hawk on his level. the submission and dominance are so intertwined here they can't be separated. it's the willingness of that submission, the willingness of that Belonging, that changes everything.
and tim begging (through provocation) hawk to acknowledge him / what they have, out loud. "who do you belong to" = "i love you, i need you, tell me you need me too."
6. "It's your turn tonight."
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a fucked-up goodbye, on hawk's part. he really thinks this might be the last time he's allowed to see tim, and he says 'i love you' the only way he knows how -- with his body, with service.
7. "Your Honor, I stand before you accused of being sweet."
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crucially, not a sex scene. even more crucially, there is no sex at all in episode 5, where they separate for the first (and, they think, last) time. instead, we're shown what they're really giving up -- this too sweet (painfully sweet) domesticity.
8. "We don't have to do what we used to do."
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the horribly empty aftermath. where they give in to "sex", of a sort, but it's dry and horrifically painful and NOT AT ALL what either of them want. because what they want is intimacy, not sex. and they're not allowed this.
9. "Stay with me."
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the botched threesome, where craig is an afterthought, an excuse for hawk and tim to be together, and even then, horrifically painful in the way they LONG for each other and for what they can't have.
10. "I want you to fuck me."
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a true surrender. again, hawk showing what he wants the only way he knows how -- through his body -- giving tim his willing submission, body, heart and soul.
11. "We'll be colleagues. We'll see each other every day."
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not technically a sex scene, but the truest expression of them 'making love' that we ever get on screen. returning to #1, it's the polar opposite of what hawk had previously allowed himself, and it's what he really wants -- all the intimacy he'll shortly be sacrificing.
12. "That better?" "Oh yeah."
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finally, finally, after all those years, a return to the true intimacy they were craving.
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exhaslo · 10 months
Hello!! I love your writing, it's soooo good, and I wanted to know if I can make a request (if they are open), Miguel × shy Spider woman, in which she and he almost difficultly interact, since miguel is always talking loudly and stuck in his office while she is his polar opposite, and after I mission together they start enjoying each other presence
Okay, I think I can work with this. So like a Shy, but somewhat outgoing reader while Miguel is loud but an introvert haha. I think I have just the idea~
There were thousands of worlds in the multiverse. Each was unique in its own way, shape or form. Some felt more unfair than others. Your world was one of those that would be classified as unfair. Actually, it was just downright cruel.
You were the Spiderwoman of your world. Life was going great for you until a strange new villain appeared. This new villain was actually your coworker working on a dangerous project that left you frozen in place for hundreds of years.
Yea, he was a villain in your eyes. By the time you were unfrozen, the world you knew was long gone. Humanity had gone extinct and there was barely anything left to salvage. You lived off the ruins of buildings and wildlife to survive.
It wasn't until Miguel appeared and brought you to the Spider Society that you started to live again. However, you were afraid to talk to anyone. You were scared to lose everything again, yet you wanted to experience their worlds.
You just wanted to live again.
Currently, you were walking around the Spider Society, trying to find something to do. Some of the other Spiders waved towards you before heading off to do their thing. You were hesitate to return the gesture, afraid to getting too close to anyone.
"Why did it take so long to capture the anomaly?!" Miguel nearly roared towards a group that just arrived.
You flinched at the sound of his voice and hid behind a pillar. Miguel was frightening to be around. His presence just felt too much for you, that and he was really loud. Despite your fear, you couldn't help but feel attracted to him.
"Just...go, all of you just go." Miguel sighed heavily as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
All of the Spidermen quickly fled, some making quiet jokes here and there. You were hesitant to approach. You just wanted to say hello to him and to thank him again for saving you.
"You don't have to hide," Miguel called out and faced your direction, "I know your there, (Y/N)."
"Sorry," You whispered, stepping out of your hiding place, "Um, thank you again for-"
"You don't have to keep thanking me. It's been a month."
"I know..." You rubbed your arm and watched him start to leave, "It was nice...talking to you..."
There you were again, watching Miguel from a distance. You had been living at the Spider Society for over two months now and you still were having a hard time talking to anyone. Miguel especially. You two were polar opposites.
Miguel was the strong leader of this group, always stuck in his office working and always loud. While you were just another Spider, trying to explore the different worlds and quiet. You felt like it was an impossible task to talk to him if he weren't the one to do so.
"(Y/N), Miguel requests your assistance in an anomaly capture that landed in your world," Lyla appeared from your watch.
"Oh," The thought of your world shattered your heart, "O-Of course, I'll um...be right there."
"Good, he's waiting for you." Lyla said with a chirp before disappearing.
You froze up, feeling your heart race as you tried to build the courage to return to your lost world. That, and Miguel was personally joining you on this mission. You weren't sure if it was fear or excitement that made your heart race.
When you arrived, Miguel was waiting on top of a broken building. You hurried over, trembling as you stared at the world before you. The once beautiful NYC was now overrun by vicious plants.
"It's still hard to believe what happened here," Miguel said before glancing towards you, "I'm sorry for you loss."
"I-It's....It's okay," You whimpered, tears threatening the spill, "L-Let's go catch the anomaly before this world kills them."
"I'll give the direction, you lead us in the safest way there."
Miguel was actually pleasant to chat with. He kept distracting you from feeling depressed about your world. You ended up getting along with him, the two of you sharing stories about each other. Once you caught up to the anomaly, the two of you easily caught him.
"Well, I can't say this about everyone, but we make a good team," Miguel told you as he threw the anomaly in the portal.
"Thanks, I...had fun working with you," You admitted.
Miguel smiled under his mask as he let you walk before him. He kept a close eye on you as you returned to the Spider Society. He felt bad, but you needed the company. Perhaps, he did too. Miguel was going to try his best to get to know you better.
True to his word, Miguel kept finding time to hang out with you. He always had you join him on a mission, then treated you to lunch afterwards. You were the only one who stayed in his world due to not having a world for you to go back too.
Miguel was almost afraid to admit it, but he had fallen for you. You were just perfect for him. All Miguel wanted to do was keep you safe in his arms. The best part was that he knew you liked him back. His heighten senses sure ratted you out.
Miguel was sitting across from you in his office, sharing lunch. You hummed happily, enjoying your silly Miguel burger,
"You okay, Miguel?" You asked. Miguel stole one of your fries,
"Yea, just admiring you."
"M-Miguel!" You gasped, covering your face, "Y-You can't just say something like that...so boldly." You whimpered. Miguel chuckled lowly,
"Says the one who ordered the burger with my face on it."
"M-Masked face!" You squeaked.
Miguel just hummed in response and finished his meal, leaving you alone to eat. You let out a soft whine, grabbing your burger and hesitantly eating it.
What did he have to do to keep you to stay with him forever? That watch you wore kept you here, but you still had to go back to your world to stabilize the balance every now and then. That and you were not allowed to deeply interreact with his world. It was like you were a prisoner.
A happy one. Despite all the trouble, you were still happy to be here, with him. Miguel just wanted to make your life a little better. Once you finished, Miguel noticed some crumbs on your face. It was cliché, but he approached you and wiped the food off with his thumb.
"Yum," He licked his fingers, watching you grow flustered, "So the burger is good."
This was one of those rare moments where everyone was hesitant to approach Miguel, everyone but you. Apparently something went wrong in a mission and a cannon event was broken that destroyed that world.
Miguel was furious.
Entering his office, you quietly called out for Miguel. You wanted to be there for him. Hearing a low grumble, you glanced up at his platform and swung towards him.
"Miguel?" You whispered.
Miguel tensed at your voice. You saw it. Slowly reaching out, you placed your hand against his back. Miguel quickly turned around and engulfed you in his arms. You blushed as you were pressed into his chest.
"Just let me stay like this," Miguel whispered, resting his head against yours. You closed your eyes, wrapping your arms around his back,
"Of course,"
Miguel held you in his embrace for a solid fifteen minutes. Once he had his full, he slowly released you and cupped your cheek. You rested your head against the palm of his hand, enjoying the warmth he gave off.
"(Y/N), I need you to know-" Miguel held your waist close to his, "I love you. I can't afford to lose you."
"M-Miguel," You squeaked, hiding your face against his chest, "I-Is it okay...for me to love you back?"
"I'll keep you protected, give you the life that was stolen from you," Miguel raised your chin, resting his head against yours, "If you'd let me."
"I'd love nothing more,"
The two of you smiled before sharing a passionate kiss. Miguel wrapped you in his arms again, not wanting to let you go. You giggled into the kiss, hugging Miguel happily,
"Shall I tell the others that you're safe to approach?"
"No, let's stay like this for a bit longer."
Sorry it was so short! I hope you enjoyed!!!
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littlexdeaths · 5 months
bye bye bye - e.m.
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y2k eddie munson x girly reader
opposites attract masterlist
warnings: gareth is a dickhead, hope y’all like some cheesy fluff, eddie is a complete dork but we love him for it.
a/n: this is a repost of my first y2k eddie fic, with some much needed edits and additions. i will be working on editing and posting the rest of this series soon. i hope you enjoy 💕
word count: 1.5k
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Today really hadn’t gone how you’d planned.
You had been hanging out with Eddie and his band mates, something you’d done quite often. Only this time you made the mistake of wearing your *NSYNC tour shirt.
It wasn’t a secret that you and Eddie had polar opposite tastes, it was apparent by just looking at you. You were all pink, bubblegum and boy bands. And your boyfriend was a leather clad, heavy metal enthusiast.
Despite these differences, you fit so well together.
And as they say— opposites attract.
But one of his friends was always more standoffish towards you because of it. While you were always nice to Gareth, he seemed annoyed anytime Eddie brought you around. But today that annoyance had seemingly reached its peak.
And all over a stupid t-shirt.
Eddie had gone to get you both a drink, leaving you in the living room with the three other males. They were discussing the newest Linkin Park album. Which oddly enough, was a band you actually enjoyed outside your normal realm of music.
You perked up at the mention of the album, as it had been the only thing Eddie had been playing since it was released. Feeling eager to see what they also thought of it.
“Oh come on man, you can't say Meteora is better than Hybrid Theory,” Jeff scoffs, shaking his head in response to Gareth’s admission as Eddie leaves the room.
The male rolls his eyes before tossing a piece of popcorn at Jeff’s head, “See that’s where you’re wrong dude, have you tried listening to the albums back to back?”
You take this as an opportunity to add in your two cents, trying to include yourself in the conversation despite your nerves.
“Well, personally I think both albums are great in their own—”
You are interrupted with a loud snort as Gareth rudely cuts you off, glancing down at your shirt before meeting your eyes.
“Why would we care about your opinion of it? All you listen to is boy band trash pop,” he sneers, rolling his eyes as he turns back to his friends.
It felt like someone had punched you in the gut, any other words became lodged in your throat. Jeff and Grant throw apologetic glances your way, but continue on with the conversation as if nothing had happened.
Eddie returns shortly after, completely oblivious to what had just transpired. He plops down next to you on the sofa and passes you a can of coke. Due to your solemn appearance, he knew something was wrong. He just didn’t know what.
A frown tugs at the corner of his mouth as he wraps an arm around your waist, tucking you into his side.
“Hey, you okay?” He asks softly, replying with a shrug of your shoulders.
You let your eyes fall to the open can of soda clutched in your fist. You didn’t want to talk about it, especially not in front of them. The last thing you wanted was to cause a scene, or to give Gareth the satisfaction of seeing you cry.
So you sat quietly through the next half hour, letting Eddie enjoy the time with his friends.
But he couldn’t seem to let it go, far too focused on what had caused this sudden shift in your mood. So he ended the hangout early, claiming to be too tired from work. But all of you knew the real reason, guilt filled your chest as he walked you out to his van.
They must think you’re a buzzkill too.
The questions started the moment the door shut behind him, badgering you the entire way back to your house. You easily dodged his line of questioning, claiming to be tired. But Eddie wasn’t having any of that, he could see right through you. He always could.
“Baby, come on. Talk to me please,” he pleaded as he followed you up the stairs to your bedroom.
You continued to ignore him as you sat on the bed with a sigh. You felt embarrassed, knowing such a silly comment shouldn’t bother you as much as it did. All you wanted was for his friends to like you, but it was made abundantly clear that they didn’t.
All because you favored pop music? It all felt so trivial, like they weren’t even willing to give you a real chance. It hurt your feelings more than you cared to admit.
But Eddie being the sweet, doting boyfriend that he was— wasn’t giving up that easily.
“Just tell me what happened, sweetheart.” He says, kneeling in front of you, palms resting on either side of your thighs.
“It’s stupid,” you mutter, avoiding his curious gaze.
“Nothing that upset you this much is stupid,” he counters as you let out a groan, dramatically falling back onto the mattress and covering your face.
You hear his exasperated sigh, feeling the weight of his chest against yours as he leans over you. Eddie carefully removes your hands from your face, looking down at you expectantly.
“Your friends don’t like me,” you utter softly.
He frowns, confusion settling on his features.
“Why do you say that?”
You sigh, rolling your eyes which causes his frown to deepen.
“Well, just look at me…” you trail off, gesturing to yourself. “And look at you.”
It’s his turn to sigh now, taking your hands as he guides you back into a sitting position. Eddie cups your cheeks in between his palms, leaning forward to press a kiss to your forehead.
“I know what you’re insinuating, but I promise that’s the furthest thing from the truth.” He reassures you, his dark eyes utterly sincere.
And as much as you want to believe him, there’s still a small part of you that wonders if maybe they are right. Maybe you’re too different. He must be able to read the apprehension lingering on your features, as one of determination crosses over his.
“I don’t know what they said to make you think that,” he pauses to press a kiss to the tip of your nose. “But I won’t hesitate to kick some ass, sweetheart.”
Despite the teasing lithe in his voice you know he’s serious, quickly shaking your head. The last thing you’d want is to cause more beef with his friends.
“It’s fine, Eds, I’m just too sensitive.” You give him a quick peck on the lips, “Let’s just drop it, yeah?”
You pull away to scoot further up the mattress, patting the spot beside you. But he shakes his head, remaining on the floor for a moment. His eyes dart contemplatively around the room, stopping on the shelf that held your extension CD collection.
A Cheshire-like grin tugs at his lips as he moves towards it, balancing on the balls of his feet. Your brows knit together in confusion as his ringed fingers graze over the plastic spines, stopping once he finds what he was looking for. Eddie pops the disc out of its case and into the clunky boombox before pressing play.
The beginning chords of Bye Bye Bye fill the once quiet space of your bedroom. Your boyfriend quickly jumps to his feet, spinning around to face you. He plants his feet on the carpet, head falling forward as his hands raise up in a marionette style.
Your eyes widen in realization as you crawl back towards the edge of your bed, suddenly intrigued. Eddie shoots a wink your way once he meets your gaze, beginning to sing along. His voice stood out amongst the others, the raspy quality brought a new edge to the track.
But he didn’t stop there.
You watched in amazement as he nailed all the choreography from the music video. You had no idea when he found the time to study all the moves. Between classes, work, hellfire and band practice he barely had time to think.
But knowing he took the time to do this, specifically for you— made your stomach flutter.
You can’t stop the smile from lighting up your features, giggling as your boyfriend continues to serenade you.
“I don’t want to be your fool, in this game for two…”
Eddie drops to his knees at your feet again, coaxing you onto the floor with him. He presses feather light kisses all over your face, the sensation causes you to giggle more. As hurt as you had been, the male always knew how to make you forget your problems.
At least for a little while.
“That’s my girl,” he mumbled, grinning down at you.
He’s a little out of breath from his impromptu dance routine, bangs lightly sticking to his forehead.
“You’re an absolute dork, Ed,” you giggle, ruffling his curls in a playful manner.
But the way he’s looking at you has your heart racing. His head dips, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss as the song comes to an end.
“Now, admit it,” he chuckles against your mouth, nudging his nose with yours. “I’m a much better dancer than that Dustin Timberlake.”
You laugh loudly, fondly shaking your head at him.
“It’s Justin, baby…”
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Speak in Flowers
Flowers speak their own words and show their actions. And your man loves to speak it out loud.
Includes: Victor Creed (Sabertooth), Loki, Thor, Steve Rogers (Captian America), Bucky Barnes (Winter Solider), Bruce Wayne (Batman), Clark Kent (Superman), Arthur Curry (Aquaman), Orm Marius, Joker, Duncan Vizla (Polar)
All my knowledge about the flowers I found on this link
Enjoy this little fluff piece!
Victor Creed (SABERTOOTH)
PINK CAMELLIA: Longing for you
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Victor lives his long life with little to no memories, as most are filled with shocking trauma and events. As years passed and you met him, he was emotionally stunned, fearing what to say and show. The relationship was blooming and bubbling into a fresh memory Victor did not want to miss, but his life did not build him that way. Books helped a lot to him, for him to communicate in ways he needed to express to you his love, his devotion, and his happiness.
You keep every single post-it note, notes in your books, phone, and bathroom mirror he has left. Victor wished to show more of himself in small ways. And therefore, he went for a long walk around the city trying to find a token he could present to you with pride. And then he stopped in front of a flower shop, not looking at all the roses it had on display but at the daintiest petals—pink Camellia. An older lady approaches him, saying.
"Their meanings are Longing For You."
Victor's mind clicks, "I'll buy it."
Returning home, he presents the flowers to you with a slightly spoken tone "I thought of you when I saw them."
HONEYSUCKLE: Bonds of Love
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Ever since Loki decided to take the position as Thor's right hand in governing New Asgard, he inescapably made date nights a fantasy to have. Seeing him several times a month and a few weekly calls doesn't leave much to it. It was as heavy for Loki as for you. Two lovers from different realms trying to make it work. With that, the distance made Loki a nuisance to your delivery man. Every day at 11 am, at your door with a package in hand. At this point in time, you are on a first-name basis.
"Morning, Y/n. Back again."
"Morning, Stephen. Thanks again. Have a cookie."
Loki sent small things that could be delivered easier and faster so you could feel his presence somehow. Most of the packages held a few popular treats, accompanied by letters from him depicting how his day was and always, at the end, writing how much he misses you and cannot wait to have you in his arms. In a new package from today, this one was the most fascinating. Opening the brown box, Hologram butterflies exited the box flying around the room, glowing slightly green as they dispersed into thin air. Looking down, you see delicate branches colored with pink and orange petals, each branching out in their own direction, forming a halo-like shape. Opening your phone, you snap a picture and google search for its name
"Honeysuckles? Hmm...Thanks, Wikipedia. Now let us see the meaning."
Bonds of love.
"Oh, how I miss you, Loki."
MARJORAM: Joy and happiness
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Thor was in a tight position. He was now leading New Asgard on Earth and managed to convince you to try and live in this new area so you could be with him. Not ready to fully move there, you decided to live there for the next 3 months, taking a well-deserved break from work. Living there was a new experience, and you were there to witness the city's first town meeting, first competitions, first restaurant openings, and, as of this moment, the first festival with Thor in hand. Even Loki was there looking somewhat happy but primarily absent.
"You good, Loki?"
"A bit. Seeing the Asgardian people happy makes me joyous, but I miss my lover."
"When are you seeing them?"
"In a few days. They do not know. It will be a surprise."
You looked at him, offering a comforting hug as the people walked around enjoying themself. The sky rumbled, announcing Thor's imminent arrival. Thor's step continued to rumble, and Loki stepped away from you, joining the crowd. Thor was now in front of you, smile beaming and hands full of... green leaves?
"MY DARLING!!" Thor shouted
"Thor...no need to shout. I am in front of you."
"Excuse me! Here you go!"
Thor offers the bouquet of green leaves to you. You accept, sniffing the faint smell of herbs.
"Are these used for... cooking?"
"Yes, I mean, no. Well, the nice lady in the flower shop told me they complement any meat, fish, or vegetable."
"Thanks, I guess..."
"That is not the point of those flowers. Their meanings are Joy and Happiness. Which I feel those feelings when I am with you."
Thor explained nervously, glancing at you with hearty eyes, hoping you would like them as much as he loves you.
"I love you... and the flowers." you replied
Bucky Barnes (Winter Solider)
BLUE AND RED SALVIA: I think of you/ Forever mine
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Bucky loves love. Because of you. He cherished the moments he got to experience in this new modern life when he thought it would be a throw-away line. He adored each of those love-filled moments and loved making them even more. Bucky had a small notebook at all times with him where he wrote each moment he did with you, keeping an excellent timeline as well as future notes on what he should do next time. While looking at his notebook, he noticed the lack of gift-giving, especially flowers. Flowers for Bucky where a personalized and live-like message for your lover. And therefore, he decided to find flowers that were the definition of BUCKY. Walking to market place, Bucky walked among the fresh fruits and produce, looking and thinking until his gaze was filled with so many flowers. Stopping at the sight, Bucky hears a thoughtful voice inquiring
"Looking for a unique flower?"
"Yes, for my partner. Something that would depict me as a flower, if there is a flower like that." Bucky speaks self-doubt lacing his voice
"Of course there is; flowers speak many languages."
Bucky nodded, looking at the flowers stopping at two different versions of the same densely packed tubular flowers with velvety leaves. Red and blue.
"Those are Salvia. The red ones mean 'Forever Mine', and the blue ones mean 'I Think Of You'. Hummingbirds and butterflies love them."
"I do call Y/n hummingbird from time to time." Bucky whispered while taking out his wallet to pay, "I'll take them both."
Arriving in a better mood back home, Bucky found his love lounging on the couch. Walking to you with light ninja steps, he placed the flowers in front of you.
Steve Rogers (Captian America)
HOLLY: Defense, Domestic Happiness
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Steve was on many missions, which were given with his work/lifestyle. So he relished in it when he was home with you. His housewife kink was really showing (if you know what I mean *wink wink*). He adored it when he was doing the laundry with you, doing the dishes, decorating the room the way you like, and planting new herbs and vegetables in your garden. Steve was sold on the whole fantasy he has with you. And he wanted you to show you that. Everyday. Every second.
With that, Steve went on a hunt to find flowers he knew would communicate that. Steve hopped onto a public train in his best 'don't look at me, I know I am famous' disguise, glimpsing at the passing city inching closer to the town center and hopping off his stop going towards a flower shop as he goes cautiously to the lady
"Good day, ma'am. The name is Frank Castle, and I am looking for a flower that would communicate that I love my home and my partner." Steve said, trying not to be suspicious of his 'real name.'
"That name rings a bell, but you don't seem familiar from the photos I have seen of 'Frank.'" The lady says with a hint of suspicion in her voice, looking at the tall blonde up and down. But he wasn't the only one who appeared in front of her with a fake name, and she was a pro at sniffing out a fake. Nonetheless, she wasn't going to put the man in a tight spot.
"Is there a flower you like? Any flower that speaks to you?" She asked. Steve, I mean Frank, looks at the flowers, seeing all kinds of colors and textures in an ecstasy of nature's artistic expression. Finding a dainty four-petal flower so tiny and minuscule an untrained eye would not catch its beauty.
"That is a Holly. They mean 'Defense' and 'Domestic Happiness'." Steve smiled at the flowers that were the size of a pin, smiling gleefully, "I'll take them."
Walking back home with a bouquet in hand, steve opens the door seeing Y/n making dinner. "Y/n? Turn around." Turning around, steve smiles at your surprised smile, appearing in a second when seeing the flowers.
"A little something so you know what I feel when I am with you."
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
IRIS: Faith, Trust, Wisdom, Hope, Valor
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Bruce knew he had it good with you. Really good. You were so, so SO understanding of him, his actions, and his double life. Not even once doubting him but being there with him. Bruce wanted you to know how much he loves you for that, and there were so many ways he could show you that. Trips, gifts, new adventures in new parts of the world, you name it, he will give it to you in seconds. But Bruce remembered that the smallest things mean the most, something he learned from his father when he saw him give his mother flowers every single day when returning from work. As Bruce was in his 'day' office, he called up a number of the oldest flower shop in Gotham, knowing the owner quite well.
"Mr. Wayne. Good to hear from you." The lady said happily
"Mrs. Flowerbottom. Always good to hear from you as well. I would need your expertise. I have been with my lover for a few months now, and I would like some flowers that describe them."
"Of course. And how would you describe your lover, Mr. Wayne?" "They are smart, brave, trust me, and I trust them, and quite simply, they are my hope for a better future." The lady chuckles at the honey-covered words from the billionaire former playboy looking at flowers that describe y/n to the bone.
"I am looking at them right now. Would you like to add a note?" "Yes, it would be: "Thank you for being yourself. I love you with all my strength and heart. Yours always, Bruce.""
Hanging up and finishing up the day, Bruce entered his car smiling, knowing that in a few hours, his lover will a unique surprise back in their shared home. Arriving back at Wayne manor. Bruce looks at the enormous bouquet of Hydrangeas standing proudly in the middle of the living room, a small note with a definition of irises at the bottom of the bouquet
IRIS: Faith, Trust, Wisdom, Hope, Valor
The keys jingle again as you enter, seeing Bruce standing next to the bouquet, saying softly
"These are for you."
Clark Kent (Superman)
YARROW: Everlasting love
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Clark was a Boy Scout. Everyone called him that; the man was a boy at heart personified. His smile never dropped, he was always ready to help others, and he was a lovesick puppy at heart. So lovesick. Clark breathed you. His demeanor changed completely when he was with you. He was and still is diving head-first into the relationship. Telling you about his plans with you having a house, having kids, and an all-around perfect life. He wanted it with you.
Clark made it his everlasting task to bring you home flowers every day after work. To show you that he loves you to the ends of the universe and back. One day when he was going to his usual flower shop he saw new flowers, flowers that weren't there yesterday. And those flowers beckoned him to come closer, sniff them, and be entranced in their intoxicating smell. "They are called Yarrow." the lady said, smiling at the glasses-wearing dork. "They mean Everlasting Love."
Clark smiles at the yellow droplet-like flowers taking them in hand and smelling the sweet and tangy fragrance. Waving the lady goodbye, promising to arrive again tomorrow as he heads home to his love. Hearing the door open, you walk towards Clark, ready to give him his welcome home kiss, but before you can do that, Clark shows you yellow flowers with the tangiest smell.
"For my everlasting love."
Arthur Curry (Aquaman)
ASTER: Symbol of Love and Daintiness
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Arthur loved to scare and surprise you. He loved to go behind the couch to scare you and then present you with a small gift to make you not angry at him. Trinkets such as seashells, funny coffee mugs, or even t-shirts were out of context and confusing. It was funny, really. And sometimes Arthur can go overboard with the scares to the point where you get mad at him and make him sleep on the couch. Like today, Arthur woke up with a stiff neck and aching back while you were well-slept and making yourself your morning tea. Arthur messed up big time, and he was on a mission to make it better by the end of the day. Running like a headless chicken to town, Arthur zoomed past people startling them along the way. Halting to a stop, he sees his salvation, a flower shop. Walking inside, he is greeted by a lady seeing him disheveled and out of breath.
"Please, help me. I messed up with my dove, and I need your best flowers." He pleaded
"Look around the store and see what flower catches your attention." Looking around the room, Arthur spins a few times around, his mind starting to blur, dizziness taking over his decision process. Slowing down, his body turns to a corner of the room with purple-colored daisy flowers.
"The daisies!" Arthur exclaimed, pointing at them like a 3-year-old kid. The lady chuckles as she walks over to them, taking them out of the vase. "They are called Asters. They mean Symbol of Love and Daintiness."
"Well, my dove is dainty and my symbol of love. I'll take them." You watch from the window as Arthur walks back home with flowers in hand, a big smile on his face. The door unlocks, and you make yourself busy by staring blankly at your book as Arthur inches closer, extending his hand which held the flowers. Looking at him, uninterested, he says
"They are called Asters. They are symbols of Love and Daintiness. And to me, you are both. And I am sorry to scare you so much, and I love you."
"....fine. I accept your apologies.Dumbass."
Orm Marius
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Orm had a first relationship with a human. A surface dweller. Someone he held no positive emotions, and yet...he was smitten. So much so that he decided to live with them a few days a week as a start. Orm felt himself stumble into a new world, a world where some souls expressed themself with care, actions, words, or even presents, the most popular being flowers. As Orm walked around town with his chosen love, he saw a flower shop looking at the offers they had. Letting go of Y/n's hand, he walks over using the given time while Y/n's distracted by the fountain waterworks. Stepping closer, he stops at tubular shape flowers.
"They are Calla Lilly. They are extraordinary flowers." the lady working speaks to Orm. "Why are they special?" Orm asks, looking confused at the white flowers.
"They mean beauty. In their own language," she explained.
"The flowers have their own language?"
"Yes, in a way. The flowers you give to your loved ones can be interpreted in a special way beyond the aesthetic." Orm thought for a second before taking out 5 dollars." I have one paper on this currency. Is that enough to cover the whole store?"
The lady laughed at his bluntness as she took the bill and handed him 3 Lillies. "No, but it gives you 3 calla lilies."Orm grunts at his failure but nonetheless smiles as he walks back to Y/n, handing the Lillies.
"These are for you, my beauty."
YELLOW JASMINE: Grace and Elegance
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J tried to keep his job away from you. he tried to divide his "job" away from your eyes, ears, and hands. But it was not something he had complete control over it. Most of the time, he arrived bruised and bloodied while you played nurse. And he wanted to show you in his own way what you mean to him. So he took you in his purple Lamborghini towards the end of the city, a place that would not be considered part of Gotham, a shrouded place, abandoned houses, people looking at you like with a predator-like gaze. Joker held your hand as you walked towards a tiny restaurant you would surely miss if you did not see the small sign at the bottom of the floor spelling out 'Eat in, not out'.
Entering the place, you and J sit next to each other, and you start to ask questions. This wasn't the place where you two would usually go. No glitz and glamour, expensive tiny dishes that would cost an arm and leg, views that would depict the whole Gotham feeling as if you were running the town. It was all swapped with a one-room-sized restaurant without photos, calendars showing the year 2012, and an elderly woman standing in front of you
"Good to see you, J." She spoke her voice gravely, but her perfume was flowery intoxicating
"And you as well, Mrs. Flowerbottom. For tonight I brought my special person here, and I would like your best dish combo."
Mrs. Flowerbottom smiled lovely at you moving back into the kitchen, and you felt just more question bubble in you.
"You come here often?" You asked, looking at him with more question marks in your eyes.
"I was living here at one point. When I had no money when I was younger, I slept on the floor where we are. This place means a lot to me."
While J spoke, Mrs. Flowerbottom brought out chicken soup on a tray, the bowls big enough for 3 people. And next to the food on J's side, she puts flowers with the same sweet perfume Mrs. Flowerbottom was shrouded in. The small clusters of starry, pure-white petals with rich green leaves. J takes them giving them to you.
"I know that I am not good with words, but I have learned that yellow jasmines mean grace and elegance. And I will give you that. By opening myself up and my history with you."
Kissing his lips, you reply, "I would love that."
Duncan Vizla (Polar)
LOTUS FLOWER: Purity, Enlightenment, Self-regeneration, and Rebirth
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Duncan felt his way of life changed because of you. You two lived in his cabin next to the lake, shrouded in snow, away from people, enjoying nature's ambiance, feeling thankful for the experience you are sharing with your Donut. Duncan felt himself being happy. He enjoys chopping wood outside in the freezing cold, knowing that he is chopping them for a fire where he will sit behind you, telling his stories about when he was 'working' back in the day. But Duncan wasn't too much of a gift-giver. He was still finding himself in this relationship. And while Duncan was chopping wood, he saw you peaking outside the window, a blanket on your shoulder looking so cozy and inviting him in. Seeing you wave and then moving back in the room, Duncan stopped his actions and walked behind the house and behind a few trees into the woods, seeing the small Polly dom he made no bigger than a 1-meter squared cube. Removing the shrouded small man-made pond was holding his hard work. He managed to grow louts flowers in this weather and in this land. But thanks to the guidance of a sweet lady, he did a good job.
"Thank you, Mrs. Flowerbottom." He said into the cold wind. Taking his flowers and putting them in a basket, he walks into his home. The warm ambiance melted off his cold shake. And you see Duncan with a small grin, and you know he did something he shouldn't
"If you killed someone and buried them in the back, I do not want to know, Duncan." Duncan laughs as he hands you the cloth-covered basket.
"I didn't kill anyone, but I did something for you." With a puzzled look, you remove the cloth seeing pink lotus flowers, the fragrance filling your nose."
"When did you buy them?" You asked, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I didn't. I planted them a few months ago."
"Why louts? They are so hard to grow here."
Duncan sits down, looking at you with a warm smile as he holds your hands, rubbing small circles of comfort.
"Because I learned they mean Purity, Enlightenment, Self-regeneration, and Rebirth... which reminds me of you. And a bit of me as well. More so, the rebirth. I feel like a new man with you, with a new life."
Feeling eyes prickle in your eyes, you say with a soft chuckle, "You really know how to make me ugly cry, Donut."
Hope you liked it! Tell me what you think.-V
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ash-and-books · 7 months
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Rating: 5/5
Book Blurb: A girl with dangerous magic makes a risky bargain with a demon to be free of her monstrous power in this young adult fantasy perfect for fans of An Enchantment of Ravens and House of Salt and Sorrows.
Liska knows that magic is monstrous, and its practitioners are monsters. She has done everything possible to suppress her own magic, to disastrous consequences. Desperate to be free of it, Liska flees her small village and delves into the dangerous, demon-inhabited spirit-wood to steal a mythical fern flower. If she plucks it, she can use its one wish to banish her powers. Everyone who has sought the fern flower has fallen prey to unknown horrors, so when Liska is caught by the demon warden of the wood—called The Leszy—a bargain seems better than death: one year of servitude in exchange for the fern flower and its wish.
Whisked away to The Leszy’s crumbling manor, Liska soon makes an unsettling discovery: she is not the first person to strike this bargain, and all her predecessors have mysteriously vanished. If Liska wants to survive the year and return home, she must unravel her taciturn host’s spool of secrets and face the ghosts—figurative and literal—of his past. Because something wakes in the woods, something deadly and without mercy. It frightens even The Leszy…and cannot be defeated unless Liska embraces the monster she’s always feared becoming.
Howl's Moving Castle mixed in with Polish mythology and so much more. This was a gorgeous story filled with magic, romance, dangerous monsters, and deals with demons and old gods. Liska is a girl cursed with uncontrollable magic, every time she lets it out someone ends up hurt... or dead. In an attempt to finally get rid of it she decides to wander into the woods to make a deal with a demon. But deals with demons always comes with a cost... so when she meets the Guardian of the Woods, Leszy, he asks for one year of her servitude in exchange for her magic. For one year she will live in his manor and work under him and to her surprise he even begins to train her as his apprentice. One year should go by right? For a village girl shunned by everyone in town for being a "witch" Liska strangely begins to feel like she has found a home for herself with this strange demon and his sentient house and talking cat. Liska and Leszy are polar opposites, she is sunshine while he is darkness, she is a curious and open while he has so many guarded secrets. Yet Liska finds herself drawn to his secrets and his past, trying to figure out why he wants her magic and what happened to the previous apprentice who lived her as well as why a mysterious ghost dog keeps haunting her at night. Liska discovers more than she could ever imagine about the demon boy she lives with and that beneath his gruff exterior lies a boy who is cursed. Liska discovers that Leszya got his power from a deal with a powerful demon himself and that he gave his heart up... yet if she wants to save the boy she has begun to fall for she'll have to break his curse and save his heart before it's too late. This was an absolutely fantastic and stunning read, I adored this book so much, It's such a perfect read for fans of Howl's Moving Castle and Uprooted, it's got a great world and the relationships between the characters was absolutely perfect. My only thing is I wish there was a bonus chapter or a bit of an extended epilogue so I could see more of Liska and Leszy together again after everything. I just wanted one more happy scene for them after everything they went through so badly because I love them so much. I seriously loved this book and can't wait to recommend it!
*Thanks Netgalley and Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing, Margaret K. McElderry Books for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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vagabond-umlaut · 1 year
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*The camera focuses on one of the most well-known and beloved couples from the renowned TV show Jujutsu Kaisen. Despite being six years younger in age and over ten years younger in acting experience, the woman seems every gram the seasoned acting professional the man beside her is; although, a lot more cheerful and friendly than the latter. [The almost-absence of space between them doesn't go past the eye of anyone— nevertheless, the interviewer chooses not to comment on the same. For now, that is.] Kore greets the camera with a happy smile and a wave whilst Sukuna acknowledges the same with a minor twitch of his lips— the two of them then returning their focus to the interviewer.*
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KORE: *stays silent for a while before answering* YOU CAN SAY THAT... BUT TO BE HONEST, IT'S MUCH DEEPER THAN THAT. *shares a small, almost secretive smile with Sukuna*
SUKUNA: *glancing at Kore with a smirk* AT THIS MOMENT, WE DO SEEM TO BE A BIT STAR-CROSSED, DON'T WE, MY QUEEN? *Kore nods, muffling her laughter with a palm*
KORE: *moves a bit away with a sheepish smile* UM, SORRY!! PLEASE ASK. SUKUNA: *rights his clothes, then smiles politely* YES, PLEASE CONTINUE.
SUKUNA: *shares a brief yet visibly soft look with Kore, before looking ahead* I'M VERY HAPPY, HAVING KORE BY MY SIDE. BESIDES BEING A WONDERFUL CO-STAR, SHE IS ALSO AN AMA—
*A loud yell of Sukuna's name interrupts him. The camera moves from them, to Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru in the distance, the white-haired man jumping up and down with an exuberant beam while his black-haired companion waves his hand. Kore and Sukuna look at each other once, the former with a bright grin & the latter with a sigh, before looking at the interviewer.*
*With a happy goodbye and another whispered apology from Kore, and a small smile from Sukuna, both of them walk in the direction of their co-stars and friends– where, sure enough, many more well-known faces can be viewed. The camera returns to the inerviewer after a moment.*
*The camera shifts from the astonished face of the interviewer, to where Sukuna and Kore are walking. Hand-in-hand. The camera lingers there for a moment before going back to the interviewer. The latter blinks at the camera– with a mildly disbelieving yet an excited smile, nonetheless.*
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thebearemoji · 1 year
My thoughts on the astarion romance (spoiler: they're not good)
Hoo boy going right from the wonderful bliss of karlach's romance to this.... dark mess of despair was a hell of a whiplash.
So I'm gonna assume if you clicked on that read more that you don't care about spoilers. If that's not true then dont read this. To be clear we're on the same page, astarion has two potential outcomes. You let him complete cazador's ritual and ascend to big boy vampire or you stop him from completing it.
The game made the choice to make a statement with the outcome of astarion's quest. If you don't break the cycle of abuse, then you're perpetuating it. Astarion after completing the ritual is much more cazador than himself. The romance takes this one step further, the only way to continue it if the ritual is completed is to willingly become astarion's spawn. The game implies in no uncertain terms that you will meet the same terrible fate he was so recently trapped in. Cazador's master tortured him. Cazador tortured astarion. One way or another Astarion will torture you.
He even has a line of dialogue after you reject him along the lines of "Of course I'm familiar with love. I would've tormented it out of you until you had nothing left if you'd let me." That's just the start. Just about every line to come out of a romanced evil astarion is stunningly toxic, he pretends to love you, threatens to leave you, all to get you to agree to become his spawn. You can even read his mind to find out he thinks you're degrading yourself by staying with him. It's stunningly dark, and part of me respects the writing for sticking so hard to their guns.
Speaking as a fan of roleplay focused games, this did take me off guard. I'm accustomed to games treating evil choices as options to explore your characters and develop a sense of gray morality. Because... it's a video game for fun and sometimes its fun to do silly pretend evil things and twirl my pretend evil mustache. But bg3 will occasionally treat evil choices as sins that the narrative will punish you for, sometimes immediately, sometimes later down the line. And astarion is undeniably one of these choices. A non romanced evil astarion is fine, i guess. but i know i'm not the only one out there who fell into the trap of thinking astarion could be the other half of my evil power couple.
I don't think this is necessarily inherently bad on its own. It severely reduces any desire I have to ever play an evil character again in this game, which sucks because I love minthara. HOWEVER
I got a bone to pick with the good boy astarion romance too.
So of course after the gut punch of evil astarion romance, I reloaded and made him the same good boy i did on my first play through. The subsequent romance scene is nice, and he gets the same beautiful heart-wrenching catharsis that made me sure he was the one I wanted to romance second in the first place.
But throughout all the later conversations, he keeps returning to this idea that he "seduced" my tav. ??? Where. From where I was standing, act 1 he propositions me for casual sex, my tav says yes. Afterwards he proposes continuing to have casual sex, my tav says yes.
And yet he keeps saying these words "I seduced you, manipulated you, used you." And the fact that he's admitting it is meant to show character growth.
But why is the game so determined to make my tav his victim??? Why are those my only two options? The dialogue choices didn't give me a way to say "you didn't manipulate me, I chose to be with you of my own free will, knowing what you are." There's nothing i can do to flip this narrative that my character was used and wronged, even though i dont believe she was. And that left the romance feeling very polarized, like there are only two lenses with which to view romancing astarion.
You are either his victim that he lies to for a grand majority of the game. he doesn't even like by his own admission, he claims he used you for protection. But he grows to appreciate all you did for him and even love you.
Or his helpless thrall, equal parts a victim but hell at least at that point you're embracing the kink of the whole thing.
Tbh, neither of those really do it for me.
In conclusion, astarion is an amazing character, I'm never romancing him again, and finally,
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that is all
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heya it's me, the person whose package got ruined and made ne break down like a 5 year old and I'm glad to update that I have a replacement on the way so this story has a happy ending :] thank you so much for that mini drabble, heaven knows that's what given me the courage to let the seller know about this ordeal and got me the replacement! its a bit hard to give back but I'll try my best to return the favor!
ever since the inevitable fall to his current transformation, all childe (all foul legacy) had known was darkness. Be it the corrupted air of miasma found below or the moonless nights above Celestia.
There was nothing but darkness. Boundless night.
Then there was you, a human humming a nondescript tune only familiar to you.
Suddenly, he had found himself engulfed by warmth, his singular eye shining at the light you provided.
His Polar Star.
It always started and ended without you none the wiser: you'd roam around, singing, humming, sometimes softly speaking, and childe would linger in the back and within the darkness covering his massive form. He'd protect you, so your walks were never disturbed.
And he had thought, this is enough. He was content.
One day you stopped. Paused. Without letting him know, you turned around, bright eyes staring at his sole one.
Perhaps, he thought, this is what falling in love feels like.
YAHOO!!!!!! i'm so glad you were able to get a replacement!!! :D and i'm very happy that the little drabble i added helped, i'm proud of you!!!! hehe and i will enjoy this delicious meal you've given me :D
Childe's first reaction is fright, and your surprise greeting makes him turn tail and flee in sheer shock and surprise. he doesn't see how you reach for him, crestfallen, only retreating to his nest near the Abyss in an attempt to calm his nerves
he's scared, now that you know of him- he doesn't want to corrupt you with the darkness that follows him relentlessly
and yet still he returns to watch over you, the Abyssal heart in his chest blooming with new, curious flowers. you're sitting in a field, reading a book and humming the same song you always sing when you hear the leaves rustle, and you turn to glimpse the magnificent creature from before, his crystalline eye watching you faithfully from the shadows
"hello again"
the creature flinches, and for a moment you think he's going to run off again, but instead when you step closer, he slowly emerges into the sunlight, tense and hesitant. you extend a hand towards him, palm upwards in an offering of peace, and after a moment you feel cool, metallic claws wrap tentatively around your fingers
he's shivering, and you squeeze his talons reassuringly
oh- you're so warm, so fragile compared to him- Childe's heart blossoms further as soft affection fills his being, a croon instinctively slipping from his mouth, and he only leans more into your touch when you move to pet in between his crimson horns
eventually he collapses into your lap, quiet chirps and trills dancing about as you pet and caress his hair, his mask, his horns- when you scritch under his chin, Childe's entire body shudders, feeling years of stress and worries wash away as he begins to purr for the very first time
with you, it's like the Abyss never had a hold on him in the first place
your humming resumes as you brush his fluffy ginger hair with your fingers, and Childe feels his eye beginning to droop closed, cooing tiredly and nudging against your hands. through a haze of dreams he hears you laugh kindly, stretching out your legs so he can snuggle closer and cling to you
"rest, my lovely protector. i will be here when you wake up"
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nomstellations · 1 year
(Incoming rambling, sorry if it's a lot, this just made me think a bit, perhaps a bit to much, but still. If you don't feel like reading all this, i understand.)
Maybe it's just me being me, but i don't really see Cerise and Ocras' relationship as being sinful, if anything i think she'd get extra points for trying to help someone out who knows and admits their mistakes.
To me gluttony is when it deprives other people of what they need, not because someone likes to eat a bit extra or enjoy a snack or collect things they enjoy such as books or collectables.
While greed is when one's own financial growth depends on keeping other people impoverished and suffering and all that.
(I could go on, but i think i covered the 2 important ones.)
So by all accounts, Ocras seems he might be on his way to become a risen demon at the very least, while Cerise is probably being a bit of an egdelord (or whatever the angel equivilant of a young adult who hasn't left their angsty teenage years behind yet) right now while the other angels are just shaking their heads and thinking she's a silly goose but a good goose.
the funny thing is about sins is that they can be interpreted in a variety of different ways! to me, greed and gluttony are two things that tend to lend to each other while still being their own things, and Ocras as a demon tends to embody both (gluttony in excessive indulgence of food in a more traditional sense, greed in continuing to consume despite having more than enough for himself, to where it deprives others)
it's cool to hear other people's takes, though! i know this ask wasn't quite asking, but i enjoy having the opportunity to talk about the setting these two in particular come from! you see, the concept of "risen demons/fallen angels" does not exist and its more of an analogue i use than an actual thing.
"demons" aren't what we consider demons in the traditional sense and neither are angels. demons are just beings born from powerful human emotions and aren't inherently evil/sinful, they just embody our feelings and feed off of them. they're meant to be the more magical other half of humans, and in fact coexisted with humans until the seraphim arrived in the world. ocras was just born from someone who had a particularly gluttonous nature, but they weren't "bad" and neither is he, as you can see!
the seraphim are celestial beings that are purely rational and logical, both beyond gender and (what they believe to be) error. they dislike demons who exist purely from emotions and are capable of damaging them as their polar opposites. seraphim seek to "purify" humanity because they're inherently emotional beings, and not in line with how the universe is meant to be and operate in their eyes. they're here to correct that and make all things pure and orderly...which isn't a good thing. the concept of sin is a way of them justifying their acts.
Cerise is a little black sheep for actually leaving their people behind and choosing to love the world they're meant to destroy, so other seraphim view their acts as "sinful and impure" to condemn them to other seraphs and try to manipulate Cerise into returning home.
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gascon-en-exil · 2 years
i've been thinking about the dimidue discourse recently and i think this is what's bothering me:
1) dimitri genuinely loves and cherishes dedue– he says that himself, word for word. he also says, point blank, that dedue was the reason he kept sane for so long– and you see it, too! after he believes dedue to be killed, he no longer has any reason to live, and allows himself to completely devolve into his revenge-fueled boar king state. and, in azure moon, it's only when dedue returns that he sets himself back to his path of recovery– because his reason to live returned.
also, in verdant wind and silver snow, dimitri has unique dialogue if dedue is felled before him, telling him to retreat. dedue is the only character he does that for. it just goes to show how important dedue is to him, even when he's fully consumed by his own demons.
this isn't even touching on the fact that dimitri is enraged about the fate of the duscurians, and wants to do everything he can to help rebuild them. there's so much to talk about, but i have another gripe with this.
if you're going to talk about dedue and dimitri, i think it's important to talk about petra and edelgard as well. petra is an actual political hostage whose father was murdered when she was eleven, got kidnapped and taken to a country whose language she didn't speak, was relentlessly mocked by nobles from said country for her poor speech, and generally got treated so poorly.
there is so much you can say about the invasion of brigid and its vassalship, especially outside of cf where adrestia tries to take it for themselves again. it's just weird to me how it's just dimidue these people focus on when there's stuff just like that going on in the empire, too.
i wonder why. probably because they believe edelgard can do no wrong.
anyways! sorry for the rant, but i just had to get this out. have a great day :)
No apology necessary, it's nice to see how many of us actually understand Dedue very well, in spite of the sentiment that apparently kicked all this off. In part because of how FE's character priorities work there is a lot of underselling of just how much Dimitri cares about Dedue, even when he's at his lowest. When you get down to it the two of them are the stuff of incredibly corny romance, especially in Hopes with its "my place is at his side from now until the end of time" and "I cannot know happiness without you by my side" and "remember when I'd sneak you into my room at night?" and "pick any random AU and we'd still be together." In my big comparison video I thought about ending the Dimidue segment with a joke about how Dedue dying at Dimitri's grave would segue into the ending of Titanic with them making out in front of all their friends and other lovers...but it would have taken forever to do that much photomanipping.
As for Petra, I think it's brought up less because Petragard isn't a popular pairing, nor does Petra have many notable interactions with Edelgard outside of their supports in either game. It's therefore easier to write off the situation with Petra and Brigid as the developers not caring about them very much, whereas people who like and talk about Dedue pretty much all either ship Dimidue or are else violently opposed to the idea of Dimidue with nothing in between on account of those factors I brought up for why Dimidue is such a polarizing ship in the fandom. Dimitri being a subtextually queer character just doesn't sit well with some fans' conceptions of him.
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Fight Club Semiotic Analysis
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Though it is hard to depict the underlying causes of mental illnesses, they are usually all around us without us ever noticing. David Fincher's Fight Club is a prime example of a psychological film that will make you think about it for days after watching. The unnamed narrator throughout the film (Edward Norton) covers the fact that he is struggling so well that his doctors, acquaintances, and the viewers do not realize that anything is seriously wrong. Struggling with insomnia, the narrator finds an outlet through numerous support groups. His relief is soon interfered with when the love interest in the film, Marla Singer (Helena Bonham Carter), shows up to the same groups for the same reasons. During this time, the narrator crosses paths with Tyler during the strangest time of his life.
“If I could wake up in a different place, at a different time, could I wake up as a different person?”
In the film, the narrator and Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) are polar opposites. The narrator is a shy, anxious insomniac, obsessed with his 9-5 job, while Tyler enjoys living on the edge and believes that rules are meant to be broken. After the words, "I want you to hit me as hard as you can" were spoken by Tyler, the two men were inseparable and connected through their souls, much like yin and yang. After they meet for the first time, the narrator returns home to his apartment only to find it aflame and his belongings sprawled out across the sidewalk. The camera pans across his stuff, and his favorite item, a yin and yang coffee table is shown on screen. When further analyzing this scene, I realized that this table symbolizes the narrator's and Tyler's relationship. Exactly like the yin and yang, they are opposites that belong with one another. Even further, this coffee table can be depicted as foreshadowing the ending, revealing that they are the same person, or one. After the realization that the narrator has lost everything, he turns to Tyler to help him forget about it. He calls Tyler, but he does not pick up. Tyler calls back, although there is a small sign on the payphone stating it does not take receiving calls, further symbolizing that the two are the same person, and that the narrator is only talking to himself.
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“What would Tyler Durden do?”
When Tyler is talking about his job and what he does everyday, he mentions that he likes to make his life fun. He works at a movie theater, switching the film rolls throughout each movie. During this, he likes to make it his own by inserting explicit clips at the end of each roll. Tyler says that when they show for a split second, the viewers will rarely ever notice it, or the image will not process in their head until they think about what they just saw. Much like this, David Fincher, the director, shows millisecond clips of Tyler in the scenes prior to them meeting. This is a major symbol of the two, showing that the narrator's alter-ego, Tyler, is forming in his head without him realizing. David Fincher wanted the viewers to go through the same experience as the narrator, subconsciously putting images of Tyler in their heads.
“How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?”
The entire plot of the movie is meant to show the capitalistic effects on masculinity and its corrupt system. This is shown through Tyler's soap-making business, where he makes and sells soap from stolen ingredients. In real life, soap is meant to clean things, much like how in the movie, soap is a metaphor for the fight club that Tyler and the narrator formed - which later becomes known as Project Mayhem - to cleanse and tear down financial and capitalistic companies in order to cause panic. Tyler is against capitalism, and that is strongly known throughout the film. He constantly tried to convince the narrator that they need to do something about it, but he is skeptical because he is comfortable with his routine life. Tyler gets in his head and causes mayhem with the rest of the fight club without the narrator knowing. Things begin to get out of hand when Tyler leaves and the narrator is left confused, finally coming to his senses and realizing that he is the person behind everything and that he is about to ruin his life forever.
The final scene is right before the club's biggest act, and the narrator is on the verge of ending it all, with a gun in his mouth sitting in an empty warehouse. With seconds to the end of the countdown where all major financial buildings will be destroyed, the narrator accepts his fate. He shoots himself, permanently erasing Tyler, but only partially harming himself. Marla Singer shows up the warehouse to talk sense into him. He assures her that they are too late, and the scene closes with the quote from the narrator to Marla, "you met me in a very strange time in my life" as all the buildings collapse in front of them.
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oldxenomorph · 16 days
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now that it's been a while since romulus came out, i can incoherently talk about my thoughts and feelings and what elements i'm incorporating into my canon. enjoy!
for all my friends new and old, here's my personal stance on the alien franchise thus far. my own opinions, of course, some of which may be controversial. i'm very picky about my alien media, i guess.
alien and aliens are my personal, all-time favorites. nothing in the franchise can really be better than these two. they’re the gold standard. they're our introduction to the xenomorph and the xenomorph queen. these are two incredibly tight, well crafted films. i saw alien at a very young age and it was truly thee formative influence. (more like my mom let me see it at a young age and it started our tradition of watching horror movies together.) the first time i saw the xenomorph it altered my brain chemistry permanently. the xenomorphs live inside my brain at all times. these two films will always have a special place in my heart.
alien 3 is a polarizing film in my household. i don't like it, my mom loves it. first it was stuck in development hell and then there was too much studio interference. i don’t care for the writing. but i did like the royal facehugger from the special edition cut, i think that was interesting. (also i’m glad david fincher moved on to make truly great films because he’s one of my favorite directors.)
i'm a certified resurrection hater. i think it's the worst of the franchise. it's just..... so bad. i hated the way it looked. i hated the writing. i hated the acting. i absolutely hated what they did to the xenomorph queen. i hated the newborn. the only thing i liked about resurrection was seeing xenomorphs swim. (i understand that there are queer viewers for whom this movie means a lot to them, and that's fine. it's just not for me.)
i don't care for the alien vs. predator movies.
i haven't read the comics because i have too much to read already.
on the opposite end of the spectrum, i'm one of those freaks that LOVED prometheus and covenant. despite their flaws, i think they set up really interesting thematic elements to the franchise and add a lot of interesting depth. i loved the look of the engineers (so much so that i made their body the basis for the emperor's). i love the trilobite, the deacon, the neomorph, and the preatomorph. i love david 8 and all his weird idiosyncrasies.
alien: isolation is the only video game of the franchise that i've played and its one of my favorites, of all time. it's right up there with mass effect and hades.
and now: romulus.
this was pretty much everything i wanted from a new alien film. (fede alvarez, king, you have done it again.) i absolutely loved the use of practical effects. i loved the atmosphere and the tension. the facehuggers and the xenomorphs were plentiful but still terrifying (and beautiful). andy and his actor really stole the show for me, what a great performance. I EVEN LIKED THE OFFSPRING.
i think where romulus really shines is in how it utilizes the themes and elements that were set up in prometheus and covenent. especially covenant. the connection between david reciting ozymandias and the station being named after the creation myth of rome, is a straight line. (also huge moment for us prometheus/covenant enjoyers when the black substance returned!) while romulus is less about faith, the themes of godhood, horrific godhood, creation and destruction, humanity's hubris, exploitation and expansion, are still, in my opinion, at the center of the film.
romulus was also smart in bringing back weyland-yutani as the evil corporation that influences the events of the films. pairing weyland-yutani with the romulus and remus myth was such a good choice, i think it speaks a lot to the central themes of the franchise. (i know fede alvarez said that the romulus and remus motifs are Not That Deep, but that won't stop me from finding deeper meaning and symbolism and context.) something about weyland-yutani's hubris to exploit the black substance to expand its corporate empire. weyland-yutani has always been an indictment of capitalism, in the way it views all life as being exploitable, expendable, in the name of capital domination and profits.
(also, i totally thought that the painting in the hallway was a version of les sabines by david, but i wasn't sure because it didn't look quite right. luckily someone on reddit pointed out that the painting is actually view of the hotel de ville marseille during the plague of 1720 by michel serre. still thematically tracks especially re: the offspring both nursing from and devouring kay at once. incredible imagery and symbolism in a single shot.)
romulus is by no means perfect. i didn't like all of the callbacks to the previous films. i definitely had a 'he would not say that' when andy said "get away from her, you bitch." when they showed the rook android i was like "oh no.... they gave ian holm the peter cushing treatment." i think those were mostly my main complaints, that the callbacks felt a bit forced.
anyway. things i'm adding to my canon.
the cocoon. i'm so glad we got an addition to the xenomorph life cycle! loved this thing.
the offspring. not the offspring itself, but it's giving me ideas for the princes of entropy.
i'm really intrigued by how the offspring looks (not just its resemblance to the engineers). i've always imagined the princes of entropy has being perfect balances of nyx and the emperor's genetics; generally the emperor's body and signs of nyx in their faces, eyes, and hair. after seeing the offspring, i'm envisioning them not having carbon copies of the emperor's body, but something that's has more xenomorph qualities: dorsal tubes, tail, metallic teeth, that retractable tongue with a jaw. they be embodiments of the 3 possible ways the universe will die, but they still meant to be reflections of their mothers.
they wouldn't come into their fully formed shaped until after the finish their n7 training (hard to blend into humanity when you're 7'7"). but yes, i'm envisioning them as being perfect versions of the offspring, sharing lots of characteristics with their sisters. deep down i just want them to look even more fucked up and unsettling. they are my special little guys.
(something about the princes being, in many ways, the diametric opposite of the moirai, nyx's oldest children. not just in what they represent, but the fact that they get to be so close to their mother. i know i've touched on this before, but it's something i like exploring. we know that, according to achilles, nyx created her children alone, and sometimes under great stress, even if the great family sent their midwives to help her. she loves her children, but even she acknowledges that motherhood wasn't always a success. when she had the princes, the first of her children with the emperor, she was surrounded by the great family, the xenomorph queens, the rachni. she had them in the black palace, with the emperor's true shape next to her, holding her hand. every time she looks at them, she sees herself and the emperor.)
the scorched xenomorph. i imagine her being one of the older drones, and received her scorched scars protecting her sisters. love thinking about her taking pride in her scars because the emperor has scars and she is a reflection of her. also her more mechanical design, i loved so much. thinking about her taking on such qualities because she dreamed about the reapers when she was born, maybe her facehugger impregnated someone with high level indoctrination.
not only did i love how terrifying the facehuggers were, i loved their spider-like behaviors. raising their forefingers up like the way tarantulas do. also they were so fast! look at them go!
anyway, alien: romulus good. sensational. fantastic even. thank you for my life, fede alvarez. i've already bought two romulus shirts. i am going to be the best dressed person in my department.
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 2 months
The Alpha's Beta - Chapter 1 - Part 1
BOOK ONE: The Alpha's Trilogy
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*Warning Adult Content*
Empty House
Alpha Silas Claymore
"Are you excited?" Simon asked as he pushed a book back into the book shelf that ran along the wall of my office.
"Silas, you have to be excited, Jeremy is retried its like a fresh start for not just you but for the whole pack. New rules..."
"There will be no new rules, I like the rules that we have, why would I change them?" I asked leaning forward in my chair so my elbows were pressed onto the desk.
Simon just couldn't wait to get out of his position.
I mean I loved the man, he was my brother after all but he didn't have the will to be my Beta and poor Jeremy had been in the role of Beta since our father was the new Alpha of the pack.
The man needed to retire.
"But sure Simon , I'm excited. I just wish I knew the guy. For all we know he can be shady as fuck and stab us all in our sleep."
Needles to say, I was weary about all of this.
Jeremy assured us his son would be amazing for the role as Beta but he wasn't really part of the pack, he'd left soon after his mother died.
Jeremy said it was safer for his son to live with his mother's parents in the far north.
He said he was being trained to be the best to his ability.
I had doubts about all this, I mean.
What kind of Alpha didn't know his Beta?
My father had grown up with Jeremy, they'd been friends since they were pups.
Jeremy was there the night I was born.
His son, Darren, was a couple of years older than I was and he had already left for the north by the time I was born.
"Silas, relax. Jeremy had given us his word that his son was the man for this job. We both know I can't keep doing this. I almost broke my leg when we were hunting. Silas I tripped. I tripped over a branch. No one is taking you seriously with me as second in command."
Simon was right, he was much more fit for a desk job.
The poor guy was a runt but I needed a temporary Beta while Jeremy was away.
He was the only man I could trust for the job.
Jeremy had been gone for two weeks by this point and in those two weeks Simon had nearly lost an eye, almost broke his leg, sprained his wrist and pissed off our lead hunter Elis, by telling him to 'follow his nose' in this most sarcastic voice I'd ever heard from him.
I knew he was young but I honestly thought he was mature enough.
Everyone was excited for Jeremy to return at this point.
Aside from myself, I just had an odd feeling about all this.
Not necessarily bad but also not necessarily good either.
"Well, I'm going to make sure Darren's office is ready. We'd would hate for him to feel unwelcomed. Right Alpha Silas," Simon raised his brow to me and crossed his arms over his chest.
A strand of his light brow hair fell into his face.
He bated it away with his hand.
I shook my head at him.
He tried so hard but always managed to fail.
"I'll make him feel welcomed but I'm also going to let him know that he needs to earn our trust. That he can't just walk in here and think he can take everything over. He needs to earn respect. Everyone trusts and respects Jeremy so it shouldn't be to hard."
I stood up and walked over to Simon.
I was about six inches taller than he was.
We were polar opposites.
His hair was light brown, mine was practically black, his eyes were brown, mine were blue.
I was strong and he was... well you get the point.
I patted his back and ushered him out of my office.
I still had paper work to finish before I could leave.
An Alpha's work was never done.
I walked into the empty house, Simon had moved out last month and I was left alone, in the big empty home that had once held our whole family.
Somehow a home that held a family of five had turned into an empty whole holding nothing but memories and pain and myself.
In just seven years.
Our mother died when I was sixteen and Simon was eleven.
She had been out hunting with a group, her along with my sister Raylin.
She had just turned ten and was finally old enough to hunt.
She was so excited.
I could recall her running around the house with a big smile plastered on her face
"Silas I'll bring you back a deer," she promised me.
There was an explosion.
I had been with my father at the time, in his office.
The office, I now called my own.
The windows had broken from the impact.
I had run to the window to look outside but my father had pulled me back shouting at me to go under the desk.
I did as he said and soon Simon was with me.
I hadn't even realize he was in the building.
He was shaking and mumbling under his breath.
I held him for a few minutes trying to calm him down but it was useless.
After about five minutes I knew our father had left the room, I couldn't feel his energy anymore.
So I had crept from under the desk, telling Simon to stay put.
I walked to the window and saw the forest on fire.
People where frantic trying to control the blaze but it was to late.
The whole hunting group had been killed.
Mother, Raylin and ten other men and women.
Only a few bodies where found but there was no scent leaving the grounds.
We'd come to the conclusion that they had been incinerated from the blast.
We'd investigated for years.
To this day someone will bring up clues to how it could have happened but it was never solved.
Mother and Raylin's bodies had never been recovered.
Father never got over it.
He had lost his mate and his only daughter.
Six years later his grief consumed him.
I tried to shake the thoughts from my mind.
The last thing I needed to think about was the past.
About the seven years I had to protect Simon.
How I had to take care of the pack, even before I was Alpha.
How I watched him waste his life away, day after day.
Until I couldn't stand by and watch him ruin not just his life but all our lives.
I grabbed the phone off the coffee table and dialed a familiar number before bringing it to my ear and tapped my foot on the ground until I heard the voice mail pick up.
[Hey you reached Lucca Miethke, leave your name and number and I might call you back.]
There was no point to leave a message so I had just hung up, he knew what I wanted.
I wouldn't be surprised if he had purposely ignored my call.
He'd eventually call me back, he always did.
I laid on the couch and I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew the sun was bleeding through the window, lighting the once dark room.
I turned over pressing my face into the cushion trying to soak up the darkness and get a few more minutes of the sleep I hadn't realize I had gotten.
"Would you wake up already."
I jumped into a sitting position and let out a low growl, than I looked over to the rocking chair in the corner of the room and saw the familiar light haired dark eye'd boy.
Lucca sat there shaking his head in disapproval.
He got up and walked towards me, he bent down placing his hands on the cushion on either side of my legs.
His face inches away from my own.
"Bad boy," he scolded in a soft voice, before pressing his lips onto mine.
I melted into the kiss, grabbing his shirt and pulling him towards me before lightly shoving him away and braking the kiss.
"Why didn't you call?" I asked, watching him as he stood up took a few steps away from me, before giving me a light hearted smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
"I did, mind you it wasn't until around three in the morning, so I came here, slept in your bed, your alarm woke me up at seven. What kind of evil person sets his alarm for seven o'clock in the morning on a Sunday?"
"The kind of person who has a whole pack to run and has to be up by seven."
I rolled my eyes at him and stood up patting my pockets until I found my cell phone.
I pulled it out and looked at the time, it was only ten past.
"I need a shower," I said leaning into him.
He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"Want me to join you?" he asked.
I could practically hear the smirk in his voice but I shook my head.
"No, it's something I can do alone. Go get me coffee," I ordered him playfully pulling away from him.
He rolled his eyes and grabbed his keys off the coffee table, kissed my cheek and walked out.
Lucca Miethke and I where nothing serious, he'd been my rock for the past two years but we both knew that one day we'd find our mates so there was no reason to put a label on the relationship.
The only other person who knew about us was Simon and that's only because one night Lucca and I fell asleep on the couch cuddled into each other when Simon was supposed to be at a friends house for the night but he left early for some reason.
He seemed okay with it, I mean it wasn't like Lucca was a stranger, we had gone to school together.
He was a hunter for the pack but I always felt guilty hiding the relationship from the pack.
Not that they would have an issue with a gay Alpha, I knew they wouldn't.
Well, some might but they all knew better then to do anything about it but neither of us saw the point if it wasn't something for the long haul.
For now we were happy and we'd be happy when the other found their mate, it was our deal.
I made my way upstairs but before I could open the bathroom door my cell phone started to ring and Simons named flashed on the screen.
"Good morning" I said into my cell-phone.
"They're almost here," he replied almost frantic like.
"How far?" I asked, regretting that I didn't hear my alarm this morning.
"Five minutes, max."
I sighed hanging up on him.
Well, I guess body spray would have to do.
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spaceumbredoggos · 7 months
So much for stardust Chapter three (I finally got around to updating this.)
Bill’s eye radiated pride as I was struggling to wake myself up. He circled me, transforming into a snarling honey badger with serrated claws and snapping sharp teeth.
“You won’t tell Sixer anything. Or your Gran!!!!”
A small urge of defiance flowed through me. “Are you really gonna stop me?”
Bill snapped his teeth around my throat, causing blood to rise in my mouth. White hot pain surged through me, causing me to flail in pain. Bill grew larger and larger until he was the size of a polar bear, serrated sharp teeth digging deeper into my neck. His claws dug into my shoulders. The black side of him was slowly fading to yellow.
“Don’t you forget, Zie Zie!!! You’re mine!!! My toy to play with and discard, only to dig out of the trash and piece it back together!!!” He chucked me across the room with his fangs, battering me against the wall of the hospital. Blood stained the wall as I slid down it, my breaths raspy and harsh. My head rung with pain as I laid there, eyes spinning.
“Next time, don’t try to defy me.” Bill placed his hand on my head, forcing me to look at him. He shoved me into the wall again as I felt my ribs crack. More blood pooled from my mouth. Just let it end. I tried to move. To thrash. Usually, if I try hard enough in a dream to do something, my body does it for real and it wakes me up. But what can I do if I’m beat to a pulp?
Bill disappeared into the shadows, leaving me to lie lifeless against the wall for hours. My mind spun as I tried to get a grasp on if I was dreaming or not. I shook from shock and terror, bracing myself for Bill’s return.
Suddenly, I was shaken awake by Ford. He breathed a sigh of relief. The room was dark and lit only by his phone’s flashlight.
“The power went out.”
“How does the power go out in a hospital?” I tried to meet his ice blue eyes, trying my best not to flinch as Ford stitches up one of the cuts on my shoulder from the nightmare.
“How are nightmares able to hurt me?”
For a while, Ford didn’t respond. He held me up as I started to seize. He poured water on the cuts on my neck where Bill’s claws dug in.
“It’s not unheard of for Bill to physically hurt his victims in their dreams.” He gazed at me worriedly, noticing how little I was moving. I suddenly took in my surroundings, noticing how it wasn’t a typical hospital setting. Panicking, I started to thrash, but stopped immediately from exhaustion.
“Where am I? Where’s Gran?”
Ford sighed, looking me in the eyes. “You’re gonna have to stay with me for a while.”
“Wah? Why?”
“Because Bill is becoming too dangerous. Imagine if he hurt someone in your family.”
The news hit me like a ton of bricks. I never thought he would hurt someone like Gran or Uncle John. Still, the unfamiliarity of my surroundings made me panic more.
“I know you’re scared Kenz. And you’re not keen on trusting me right now.” Ford’s tone was soft and empathetic, enough to get me to relax a little. “I’m still extremely concerned on how lethargic you are from the fight. Considering how panicked you seem to be, you are just letting me treat your wounds with little or no resistance.”
I ignored his words as my gaze turned to a pair of brown eyes in the distance. The tippy taps of feet were enough to calm me down as a cold wet nose and a wagging tail indicated that the brown eyes belonged to a dog. Specifically a yellow Labrador puppy. The pup jumped straight up on the bed and placed its head on my neck, calming me down further.
“Stan! Get your dog out of my private study!!”
The pupper whined and licked my face, calming me down. An old man who looked similar to Ford walked into the room. “Holy shit. You are a Rogers, Kenz.”
“H-hey Stan…” I gave the pupper some pets on the head. Ford gazed at Stan in confusion. “What do you mean that they are a Rogers?”
“Look at how much they love Rusty over here.”
“Aww!!! Is your name Rusty? Who’s a good boi Rusty!!! You need your snoot booped ‘cause you’re a labbydoor!!!! Yes you are!!! Yes you are!!!”
Ford burst out laughing at me sweet talking the puppy. Stan chuckled, sitting down next to me. “Found him tied into a bag in the Gravity Falls lake when I was out for a walk. Took him out of it and raised him under my wing. And yet it chooses you as it’s human.”
“Dogs gravitate towards me. I’ll be playing Pokemon go in the park and someone’s dog will just approach me and give me a kiss. I always stop to say hi to the labydors. Especially old ones in wheelchairs that give the best kisses.”
Rusty’s comforting presence was calm enough to coax me back to sleep. I can’t believe I have to stay here. But at least Rusty makes me feel more at home.
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