#i know i'd do anything for people but idk that they'd do the same
dazzle02 · 5 months
Can we have the 118 really come through for Tommy for something PLEASE?! Like, really thinking about things, I feel so sad for him.
Like, he was clearly pretty close to both Hen and Chim by the time he left the 118.
But then they lost touch, which happens. It's fine. But TWICE Chimney has called asking for help, and both times he immediately came through.
The second time, he was risking his life, and his job if he survived. All for a hunch that Hen had that Bobby and Athena were in danger. He didn't hesitate to help them out. (Thank you Buck for pointing this out!)
It just makes me kinda sad... So yeah, I need him to need help and for them to help out.
And this isn't anything against Chimney or Hen, people lose touch and it's not like he reached out in all that time either. And I'm sure that if he had called them needing help with something they would've come through. It's just something I've been thinking about.
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buckyalpine · 2 months
Here is a list of things that make me mad in no particular order. Angry ranting. Pls ignore this, I'm just screaming into the void. These example apply to very specific situations I've encountered with people who are perfectly capable of doing better.
People who lack common sense. Social awareness. Common courtesy. Saying "Oh my God, I'd never do that" when they've never been even close to said situation but they're now experts on how they'd act while sitting on their pristine Thoroughbred horse, sipping on English tea with their pink so high it may as well be in their nose.
People who say "Well I wouldn't care if it happened to me" or "I'm just being honest" when you point out something they did/said.
When autocorrect/spellcheck decides it cannot for the life of it figure out what you're trying to spell OR it gives you suggestions for every word under the sun except the one you want. All you did was leave out a single letter with the rest of it spelled perfectly and spellcheck decides to go into a coma. So you fix the mistake and the little squiggly red line goes away. Fuck you.
Gnats. WTF is you're problem. I've Googled this shit cause I want to know why tf you can't just fly straight, why do you have to buzz all over the damn place near my head of all places.
Flies. Same thing as above. Why tf can't you just fly straight. WHY NEAR MY EAR. You have the entire world and you decided my room is the place to be? And now we're both miserable because you keep hitting yourself against the window after noticing your grave mistake. I leave the door wide open but you want to keep body slamming the glass.
Giving me life advice on something you know nothing about.
People who don't love their pets. Yeah, you take care of them but you do it as a chore and then complain about it. Those little fur babies deserve it all, give them the best or don't have pets at all.
Holier than thou attitude.
People who laugh at those who are visibly upset and tell them they're being too sensitive.
Allergies. IDK Why tf my body acts surprised as hell every single spring. It's just fucking pollen. Why are you trying to fight it. Do you understand that in your brilliant plan to try and fight the little evaders you actually make me want to end it all because my nose is itching and my eyes are watering and I can't breathe. Food allergies are another level of bullshit. I'll never forget the day this one girl tells me she wished she had allergies? Like it makes you special, mf what??? She was being serious too.
Thin, straight, fine black hair. Can't do anything with it. It doesn't hold hairstyles, doesn't curly, gets heavy as soon as you use any product and 90% of the time it just looks like Snape cosplay. Ask me how I know
Parents who buy their very young children shoes with laces. This is inconvenient for all of us. why tf would you do this when Velcro exists. Your 4 year old doesn't need laces when they have no clue how to even eat cheese with their crackers, mf why did you buy this shoe for them?!
Bananas. Hate them with a burning passion. The smell. The texture. I hate the peel is left out and about like it isn't making the entire room smell. Don't even get me started on banana breath. (Keep in mind this is not me saying I think they're gross. I wish I liked them because they're a super convenient snack and very healthy)
People who lie and say you can't taste the banana in a smoothie. Yes, I can. You always can. You can have 1000lbs of any fruits and that single banana will still stand out.
People who don't understand mental illness/ act ignorantly to those suffering.
Big companies who ask you to donate to stuff. You're going to use this as a tax write off, stfu.
People who laugh at others for not knowing something. Maybe that thing had 0 relevance to their life. Maybe they learned about that because they were taught something else. Either way, how is it funny.
People who laugh at those learning a new language. You're the fucking worst. They are LEARNING. Let them get used to the pronunciation, let them get accustomed to sentence structures, let them make mistakes without being embarrassed. You're the embarrassing one cackling you're damn ass off while they're trying to do something new. You're discouraging them from wanting to continue because you feel the need to be an asshole.
People who make everything a serious debate/conversation.
People who steal. Not out of necessity but just because they can. I'll never forget overhearing this group of kids in my high school bragging and laughing their asses off over how much candy they stole from other kids. They also stole phones. These were not troubled kids mind you, they were doing this for shits and giggles.
Eczema. So fucking itchy, why can't skin just act right. It feels awful, looks awful and just comes and goes as it pleases.
People who clown you for who you find attractive. Why. If I find this person attractive, what in the ever loving flying fuck does it have to do with you. It's just so unnecessarily rude. I don't even get how its funny or why you find it okay to call someone ugly as if this is something they personally have control over.
I'm going to add more to this list.
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tizeline · 8 months
I was actually wondering what the Sep Au Brothers feel about fashion? I read an analysis the other day about Rise Donnie and he seems to have the best fashion sense out of them all (and may or may not have his own fashion line?? Idk but I love that idea)
So I was wondering if it was the same or different for your Donnie? Do the Drax brothers have more of a yokai fashion sense or like- idk, what do they think of human fashion?
I have no idea is that makes sense but words are difficult
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I think I've seen the same post actually, haha! Yeah, I really like the idea of Donnie being into fashion, and I don't see why it would be different for AU Donnie. As for the Drax Bros, I mentioned it in This Post but their outfits are mostly inspired by what Draxum wears, which in universe would be explained by them wanting to be like their father by emulating his sense of style. After the whole Redemption Arc thing and the Draxum family decides to abandon their Evil Plan, the trio might start exploring and developing their own taste in fashion.
Leo I feel like would be quite excited to try out human clothes, considering he already has an interest in human stuff. It might actually end up being a bit of a bonding experience for him and Donnie when they properly become friends, with Donnie helping Leo find the right outfits for him!
Mikey and Raph would proably still mostly stick to yōkai clothes, while they do eventually become, not just more open-minded about humanity, but also curious about it, they'd still wanna stick to what they're familiar with.
Actually, with Raph it might be more of a necessity. It would be really hard to find human clothes that'd fit his size, and also work with his spikes. Yōkai on the other hand are a lot more diverse physically than humans, so the people in the Hidden City who work with designing and creating clothes would take that into consideration. So needless to say it would be easier for Raph to find yōkai clothes that fit him rather than human clothes.
Seasons probably don't effect the Hidden City that much, I'd assume? Cuz it's underground? So the Drax turtles might not have that much experince with seasons. Still, I don't think they'd love winter considering the fact that they're reptiles and as such are more sensitive to cold. (I think Draxum would've made sure they're more resistant to cold than normal turtles, it would be quite inconvinient if they started brumating in the middle of a fight just cuz it was snowing lol, but they're still more susceptible to it than mammals)
I think Mikey would appreciate autumn, when all the leaves turn a vibrant orange. Both because as an artist he'd appreciate the autumn aesthetic and because... y'know, orange. I think all the bros would like summer cuz, again, reptile biology, they'd like the heat.
I'd assume yokai would have their own unique holidays that the Draxum family would celebrate, no idea what those would be, though.
Draxum has definitely informed his sons about how dangerous Big Mama is and how bad it would be if she found out that they were literally created with her favorite champion's stolen DNA. They don't like her and know to avoid her, if any business is being done between their family and Big Mama then Draxum is the one who handles most of the negotiations.
And lastly - episodes like Todd Scouts and Snow Day, and then The Mud Dogs - none of these I have figured anything out for of how they would be handled in the AU sooooo no answer for ya there, sorry!
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doberbutts · 7 months
I think the terms TMA/TME work best when they're used as rules of thumb, rather than expected to function as strict categories. They're often helpful, but occasionally they can become obfuscatory, and there are edge cases where they can't be neatly applied. In those cases, they should be set aside, but with an understanding that they will be brought back into conversations when helpful.
To give a personal perspective - I'm a trans masc individual who has, upon occasion, experienced misdirected transmisogyny. I was on T for 5 years, then came off it (partly due to health problems, partly due to starting to identify as nonbinary rather than as a man) and began presenting in a more feminine manner, and people would regularly mistake me for a trans woman.
When people thought I was a trans woman, I did notice an increase in hostility, harassment and unwelcome advances from strangers. Groups of men would shout at me in the street, mothers would glare at me and physically pull their children further away from me if I came near. I also started getting catcalled and couldn't enjoy a night out in a club without being groped. I'd experienced some of these things as a trans man and as a girl, but probably never at such a high frequency or so intensely.
I definitely think I got a taste of transmisogyny and people do still assume I'm trans fem from time to time. But I still wouldn't describe myself as TMA. I don't shout it from the rooftops, but if it feels relevant in the context of a conversation, I will say I'm TME. Because I think the terms are about overarching dynamics, rather than whether or not an individual has ever faced a single instance of transmisogyny.
For me, there was always a sense of distance between myself and any negative experience, that came from knowing they'd misread my AGAB - "that lad just called me a chick with a dick! How funny! I'd be so lucky!" / "You're harassing me for using the female showers at the gym when I am literally menstruating. Are you going to stop being a creep, or do I have to show you my bloody tampon?" There's a degree to which I can sidestep or disavow their idea of me in a manner trans women can't.
I also don't know what it's like to deal with many other elements of transmisogyny, or deal with it as an overarching narrative in one's life rather than a freak episode.
I think it's fair to say I have at times been a grey area and I could use my experiences to argue against the validity of TME/TMA, but I don't want to do that. I don't like it when the terms are just used as a way to say AFAB/AMAB while being perceived as less problematic. But I think it is helpful to have little shorthand reminders about specific power dynamics that do have an impact in our communities. I have absolutely seen transmisogyny play out in queer spaces, both online and IRL, and I think it's worth having vocabulary that emphatically reminds people to check themselves and to not assume they don't have internalised bias against trans women just because they're trans masc.
Trans women are a boogeyman in popular culture and the collective unconscious in a way trans men never have been (at least, not to anything like the same extent). Trans women face an intensity of monstering that I think most people won't understand unless they spend a lot of time sharing space with and listening to trans women. The rapid adoption of TMA/TME feels like an attempt to fast-track that understanding en masse. Maybe it's a bit clumsy, but I do think it's having an impact and important conversations are happening. I don't know if the terms will stick or fall out of use. Having been in the trans community for over a decade and seeing how our vocabularies evolve, I'm inclined to think they'll stick around for a few years and then largely disappear. But I feel that while trans women are finding them useful, we need to be respectful of that fact.
Idk sorry to rant in your askbox, I wanted to give my two cents. Feel free to ignore lol
I'm going to be a bit blunt here: in the span of time I've been off tumblr to, you know, sleep... I've gotten 20 different asks trying to convince me to like the usage of tma/tme and also several transphobic asks about my top surgery. The transphobic ones I blocked and deleted because I'm literally 3 weeks out and will not be dissuaded. But I'm simply not willing to continue arguing a point I've made very clear that I don't love the usage of this particular theory the way it's currently being used.
You can like it for yourself. I have said this over and over again. I do not like it for me, and do not think it is accurate for my life or my experiences or the reality that is what I have to go through on a regular basis. True to everything else that I've posted, I don't really care what you call yourself. If you want to call yourself TME and you believe that framework works for your experience, more power to you. Just don't label me that, because I don't think it works for mine.
Trans women are absolutely a boogeyman in a way that trans men often aren't. That is, unfortunately, one of the ways that hypervisibility is such a curse. Everyone knows what a trans woman is, and a good majority of those people also think the only good one's a dead one. That's bad. That's transmisogyny, and we should ally with trans women to help fix this problem.
Also unfortunately, as trans men become more and more visible to the world, instead of facing mass erasure and dying in silence or escaping to live in stealth, trans men are also beginning to become a boogeyman as well. Now we are a social contagion, a craze, with rapid onset gender dysphoria, mutilating ourselves and ruining our precious bodies, carving out our wombs, simultaneously debasing ourselves and also becoming predators lurking to snatch daughters up and forcefeed them our ideology, betraying women by becoming a mockery of men. What's worse, we tend to politically close ranks with trans women and cis women alike so it's harder for transphobic lawmakers to divide and conquer as they're used to with cis men, so instead they have to demonize us to prevent any further allyship.
That's the conversation trans mascs are trying to have.
Genuinely, I do agree that trans women face an othering that most people do not grasp without understanding transmisogyny theory, which is why I think everyone should have at least a basic understanding of it. But I also think that's true of many other demographics, and that if we want to get out of the pit that bigoted society put us in, we've got to work together to do so. It was, after all, the combined efforts of Marsha P Johnson AND Storme de Laverie that brought us out in the open. And among me friend group, we have people from all different races and backgrounds and genders and more locking arms to ensure the safety of each other, wanting to understand and know each other, lifting each other up.
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all-pacas · 24 days
can you imagine what it would be like if cameron and chase had children on the show?
hilarious. liver lesbians two point oh
no okay! ok. SERIOUS ANSWER.
First of all, I don't think they'd be bad parents. It also seems to have been something they discussed off screen and decided they were going to do. In a way, it makes sense for them both, yeah? A lot of their relationship seems to have been… both of them sort of cosplaying "an adult relationship," ignoring the looming issues and hitting those Milestones. That's not to say I think they were like… faking it, but. I think both Cameron and Chase liked being people who were in a successful relationship, proving they could do it and sustain it. And that kind of "ignore the problems" attitude got them through a few years!
I'm gonna do a quick tangent! IDK if you know Elementary (if you don't, it's incredible, please watch it). But a major thread for Joan's character on the show is that she feels like she should pursue romance and date and have Serious Relationships, because that's just what you do, and she's very good at following society's rules. Except she doesn't actually like romance. She enjoys sex. She enjoys friendship and companionship. But she's pretty damn aromantic, and her development essentially is her coming to terms with that fact about herself: that wanting to want relationships isn't the same and it's actually fine. A lot of Joan's development is her embracing the idea that she can be whatever and whoever she wants to be, she can be a consulting detective, instead of fitting into a little box.
I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say Cameron is aromantic, but it's very, very true that she wants love. She defines herself as someone who loves, someone who would love a dying man, someone who can love and fix House, and a lot of her relationship with Chase actually sort of tiptoes around the idea that maybe she's not correct about her self perception. She is almost always presented as "in the wrong" where Chase is concerned, subtly and less so. (She is told to compromise and let him move in. She is told to destroy the sperm. She is told to stop passive-aggressively ghosting him and get engaged.) I'm not sure that Cameron really learned anything about herself in all of this, but I do think that a) Cameron absolutely has a five year plan for herself that involves Marriage and 2.5 Kids and a House, because it's what you do and because she defines herself as a person who wants all that, and b) she probably does not want all that, because time and time again she struggles with the gap between how she wants the world and her life to be, and how it actually is, and never quite seems to be entirely happy with who she is and where she is in life.
So of course she wants kids. And I think she'd be a good mom, to be clear. But I think she'd like being a mom a lot less than she expects. She absolutely imagines some sort of… wearing a long dress and everything is perfect and floaty and soft focus, you know?
Obviously, Chase gets along great with kids. He bonds with them, he's good at talking to them. The S8 sister retcon makes perfect retroactive sense: of course he basically raised his younger sister, because he knows how to talk to kids too well for a spoiled rich kid only child. I actually don't know — he alludes to Cameron that they're planning on having kids, but I can go either way on how much he'd actually, personally want them, you know? Getting along with kids is different from having them, and he has so many issues with his own parents it's easy to imagine he'd be pretty wary of the idea. And while he comes off as more committed than Cameron when they're together, he doesn't have any serious relationships or desires to settle down before or after her. But when they're together, he is totally all in on the relationship, and what do you do when you get married? You have kids, obviously.
So I think they absolutely were planning to have kids, and had the divorce not happened, they definitely would have had one or two, and I think it would have majorly freaked them both out (Cameron, who has a history of picking up and moving cross-country in the face of trauma, can't leave once she has a baby; Chase, who has all the parental issues in the world, probably terrified of letting his kid down like his parents did). And I think they wouldn't be able to talk about it with one another, because that would be admitting doubts. And I think they'd probably both double down on being good parents, because if you admit this isn't what you want you have failed as a person. I think it's quite possible they might have both (to circle back to Joan and Elementary) been happier and lasted longer if they never got engaged, if they could just… be together with no expectations or pressure or kids. I think there's no way either of them would ever consider it. Cameron idealizes marriage too much. Chase is too incapable of admitting his insecurities.
I think I've joked before: AU where they don't divorce still ends in divorce. I think their best case scenario is they split up when the kids are older. They manage to be pretty amicable about it, they actually do remain friends and decent co-parents. They're both deeply, deeply relieved to call it quits.
Also, their kids would be really pretty.
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adventuringblind · 1 year
If you’re still taking requests can you write something where you meet Lando at a club during a race week, like the club id in your hometown and he’s there for the race, and he never finds you after that weekend, and like the only thing he has I a picture you took on his phone with him but he really wants to find you and he goes back to that club the next year during the race to try and find you, idk if I explained well but is this thing we’re you meet someone and have that instant pull but never see each other and when you finaly find each other it’s mike an instant click again
Lando Norris X Reader
Genre: Fluffy stuffs
Request: yesssss I love this idea! My requests are still open! Send me ideas it's my favorite thing to hear them
Warnings: It's titled Cinderella... toxic family behaviors, also not proofread because that’s hard and I’m not getting paid for this
Notes: written in third person. I think my new goal is to make a fairytale version for each driver. So of y'all want to see more of this please let me know and if you have any pairing ideas I'd be happy to hear them.
So I'm not sure about how other countries do their addresses. I am from the US and am basing the address format off of that. Apologies if there is any confusion 😅
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He didn't believe love at first sight could be possible. It didn't make any sense. But as Lando laid his eyes on her, somehow he just knew.
Maybe it was her smile from across the bar at him. Maybe it was the alcohol that made his confidence go up. Maybe it was the way she laughed at all his antics and jokes. He didn't know, but he was sure he'd never felt more comfortable than with this stranger.
They talked the entire night. They danced until their legs gave out. Then they parted ways.
It was the next morning he realized he didn't get her number. The devastation hitting him like a truck.
Everyone around Lando tried to get to the bottom of his depressed state. Nobody could figure out why he stared at the same picture everyday for over a month.
That stupid selfie he took of the two. He tried everything he knew to find her. Using that picture as his guide. He tried searching her name on socials, but either her account was private or she didn't have any.
Maybe he was imagining everything. She was a ghost, and he was officially crazy.
Lando. The attractive male she met at the bar. How had one man done so much to her in one night?
She'd purposely not left him with her contact information. Her family was difficult when it came to privacy.
She wanted to go find him. However, she had already gotten herself in trouble for going to the bar in the first place.
Her stepmother and adoptive sisters made it a point to make her life difficult.x she didn't need to be dragging her relationship through the mud like that.
So why couldn't she stop thinking about him? Was it the way he was so gentle with her when they danced? Was it how his smile and laugh lit up the entire vicinity? How he was impressively respectful? She didn't know, but she felt more at home with a stranger then at her actually home.
It felt ridiculous to be moping over him. She'd never see him again, and he probably wasn't thinking about her. Yet she couldn't stop herself from letting her thoughts drift back to the Brit and his lovely eyes.
It had been a year, but Lando never stopped looking.
He'd been on some dates. His friends were tired of him playing detective. They'd tried to help him find her, then resorted to helping him move on from this mysterious and elusive female.
However, Lando Norris was determined. He would go door to door if he had to.
Is this determined state, he dragged Max out to the bar where he met her. Exactly a year later.
Max sighed in exasperation but indulged his friend nonetheless. He wanted to help him get some closure, if anything. Lando reluctantly agreed. If she wasn't here, then he would move on from it.
He waited at the bar. His eyes scan the crowds of people for and sign of that familiarity he had once before.
Max did his best to help. The picture is not giving him much to go off.
But it was her that spotted them first.
Lando was out of his seat in an instant. His body moves faster than his brain. He wasn't thinking properly.
When his lips landed on hers, everything fell into place. He didn't care if she didn't remember. He needed this for himself, and then he could move on.
He was shocked when she kissed him back. She gripped his shoulders while he let his arms wrap around her. As if one would dissapear if the other let go.
"You found me." She said breathless as they pulled away from eachother.
It was the one weekend she had the house to herself. The rest of her family went on some sort of vacation. They never invited her. Something about it being relatives only.
She didn't care, though. Her friends would be showing up any minute to whisk her away for a night out.
It had been a year since a stranger stole her world. She doubted she would see him there. The odds of it unlikely.
When they arrived, she quickly made her way to the bar. Her mind is ready to let loose for the night.
Then she laid eyes on him. The man who shed been thinking about for the last year.
She thought she might be seeing things. Willing him to be there in front of her. Her careful steps forward only make her more nervous.
She was received when he came to her. The kiss he placed on her lips, sending her body into shock.
Yet she embraced it because he felt like home.
It was almost midnight, and the two had spent the majority just talking. Dancing in between conversations.
She was pulling out her phone when she saw she had an unread message. She was going to get his number this time, but the distraction of the text sent her mind into a tizzy.
There was an emergency, so we're on the next flight home.
It was from one of her stepsisters. The panic set in faster than anything, and instead of her number, she pulled out a pen and reached for a napkin. Her hand frantically scribbled her address.
"Come find me."
She slid the napkin to Lando. Then ran off with one of her friends. Leaving the male in confusion.
Technically speaking, Max didn't have to be here. But driving around and knocking on stranger doors didn't seem like something he should let his friend do alone
Lando, on the other hand, had thrown caution to the wind. He was practically shaking in excitement.
Though he was a bit frustrated that this was taking ao long. He had an entire address except for the last number on the house. Meaning he had to knock on every door in the area until he found the right one.
The next door was opened by an older looking woman. She looked angry at him even though he hadn't done anything yet.
He cleared his throat and went into his explanation. "Hello, I'm looking for a girl, she gave me her adress but left out the last number and so I was wondering if maybe she lives here?" He explains, holding up his phone to show her the picture.
"No. I don't know her... but maybe one of my other daughters does." She changed her tone immediately upon really looking at Lando. "Would you mind coming inside and maybe we can help?"
Lando was skeptical. He didn't know what to do. Max took that as his cue to also get out of the car and join him.
The woman motioned the two to follow her. The door closing loudly behind them. Lando wanted to cringe at the smell. Strong perfume singed inside his nose.
The two males followed her into the dining room and gestured for them to have a seat. Then scurried off to find her daughter's.
She reappeared a few minutes later with two younger women. Definitely not ones he was looking for.
It felt more like they were being shown off than helping. Both of them batting their eyelashes at him and Max
They were going over who lived in each house he hadn't been to yet. How maybe he had the wrong address. How they should stay for dinner that night.
Lando felt uncomfortable. Thankful Max was politely turning away each unwanted advance.
"I hate to ask, but we've been driving around all day, can I please use your restroom?"
One of the younger females showed him down the hall. Brushing her hand up against his at every given opportunity.
He felt relieved to be away from the situation. He didn't actually need to use the bathroom. He just needed a break. He leaned against the counter. Preparing himself to figure out how he was going to find her now.
Then he heard it. Muffled shouts from further down the hall.
He quietly excited the bathroom and tiptoes his way towards the muffled panicked shouts.
"Lando! I'm here!" Came a familiar voice. "Please, they locked me inside."
Lando tried the doorknob. Obviously, it didn't work. So he tapped the door. "Is there a window you can get through?" He whispered to the door. He could hear her sigh in relief at hearing his voice.
"Yes, but their is a drop-off. It's almost 13 feet up."
Lando was not going to let all his searching go to waste. So he came up with a plan.
Max was making his best attempt at polite conversation when Lando practally dragged him out. "There's been an emergency, and we're needed back at the hotel."
Max waved goodbye and thanked them for their time. Leaving the three strange women in a state of shock and confusion.
When they got in the car, Max was ready to lecture him. However, Lando beat him to it with an explanation.
"She's there. They locked her in her room. Since it's an older house, we need a key to unlock it. So I'm coming back tonight to help her leave through her window."
Max was at a loss for words. Again, feeling the need to help Lando in his quest for love.
"Okay. When do we start?"
They came back when it was dark. Parking the car one street away so they wouldn't be spotted.
It was an ungodly hour in the morning. Yet the young woman had never felt more energized.
She hastily scribbled a note to her family. Not about where she was going, just that she was leaving and didn't want them to look for her. Not that they would.
She'd packed a bag of her belongings. Small things she couldn't replace and the necessities. Lando had laughed when she panicked about what to bring with her. Making her a promise that if she stayed with him, he would take care of her. The girls anxiety settled after that.
She'd managed to pop out the screen of the window. Peeking her head outside to see if anyone was around. The drop wasn't terrible. 12 and a half feet wouldn't do that much damage if she landed it right.
At least, that's what she was telling herself.
Ten minutes later, Lando was shining a light in her window. A rope in his hands and Max at his side. She'd briefly met the Dutch at the bar.
Lando tossed up one end of a rope to her. It almost hit her face because she wasn't expecting it.
She secured it tightly to the door handle. Then sat at in the window. Her legs dangling, hands clutching the rope.
"I'll catch if you fall, I promise." Lando encourages. Making her feel a little better.
She breathes deeply and starts her descent before she can think about it any longer. Using the rope to slow down her fall as gravity does its job. Her hands were burning when she felt the ground touch her feet. Her knees buckling with the sudden weight.
Lando was immediately pulling her into himself. Kissing her red hands.
Then they went back to the car.
It was a crazy idea. The existence of true love. But they say true love always finds you. And as the two strangers, tied together by a red string, they realized it was true.
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velvetvexations · 19 days
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I've always felt overwhelmingly supported by transmascs over transfems, who in my experience have often treated me very poorly for very little reason. That's not because of anything about transfems, of course, and is only evident of how the ones really active in discourse like this tend to skew, but the fact remains that one's gender identity does not determine what kinna person you are or how you treat others.
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You're just suffering "splash damage", which makes it better, somehow. I mean, even cis women get and have always gotten shit for being too masculine eons before trans women were a recognized class of a person, but what do I know.
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It's a term branching off of redpilled, which means to be overcome with despair and doomerism. I actually almost said it just last week and held off because I thought "mm, idk, people might not like that it's kinna 4chan talk", but she said it first, so.
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It's a great example of helping out others not being a thankless job. It does in fact lead to others throwing themselves out there for you in return, which is not - why - you do for others but is certainly a perk. Velvet Nation already got me cash when I needed medicine. When you put love into the world people will love you back.
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It sure fucking was!
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I'd rather not speculate on how her mental illness is influencing her behavior. To be clear, I'm not mad at you, anon, you're totally cool and everything is fine, I just think it's better to steer clear of that.
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It gives thirteen year old.
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Same as it ever was.
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I mean, I don't often describe myself as a lesbian. I literally say in my pinned post that I am "fem-attracted."
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I'm on another level.
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Thank you, anon!
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You'd certainly think they'd be better about this shit.
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HE'S SO GOOD. Whenever I get Elden Ring I'll never beat Shadow of the Erdtree for lack of an option to just side with him.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Headcanons for Mark, Jonah, and Adam and an S/O who has a bunch of vita carnis Mimics as "helpers."
What would the three of them think of someone who can somehow "tame" these things and just keeps them around as house pets? They just hang out in their home and on their little plot of land (that I'd imagine is isolated because people moved tf away when the rumors started spreading) and keep any threats away. Reader doesn't actively do anything to sate their diet though. Although they aren't opposed to the Mimics stomping out any would-be troublemakers or those who piss them off... They still get their food themselves but use reader's home as a place of refuge.
Maybe the way the three of them meet their S/O was finding out that Alternates were being warded off from there. Idk, I haven't had a chance to get fully invested in MC but the idea just sounds really interesting. Also, I have the mental image of a Mimic putting away the dishes and someone's immediate reaction is screaming "What the FUCK is that?!?!" And just getting this whole explanation of what it is and that this one and all the others are friendly despite it needing to be reminded that the human in front of them is not food.
I LOVE that mental image you described. Mimics just doing chores and human things, only to see an actual human look at them absolutely HORRIFIED
He was relieved to get away from the Alternate-populated Mandela County for a while.
But when you answer the door while preparing dinner, you called out for James (one of the male Mimics you named) to stay in the kitchen...
Without realizing how extremely suspicious that sounded until you saw the look on Mark's face. "Who's James?"
"Oh! He's uh...can you wait here while I-?"
"Is he your new roommate or something?" He jumps to conclusions immediately, thinking you're cheating on him as you never told him you lived with another person.
In anger he storms past you to confront this "James" you were apparently being so secretive about....
Before you could stop him, he sees the Mimic and freaks out, causing it to drop the plate it was holding and screams right back at him.
You're quick to disperse the situation before it becomes a bloodbath, but by then it's too late. Mark was thoroughly traumatized.
When you mentioned living with creatures who kept the local Alternate population out of your town..he didn't think they'd be be skinless humans.
He locked himself in your bathroom, trying to stave off a panic attack as he recites his prayers, convinced there was "evil" hanging over your house.
Eventually he lets you in and you help him calm down, reassuring him that wasn't the case at all before explaining the Mimics and their role in your household, answering whatever questions he had (which were a LOT).
"Even if they're not demons....why would God make something like that?"
"Maybe..it's the same reason he made the platypus."
"......that's not the same, s/o."
"I know, I'm just trying to help."
He's made jokes about the Mimics before.
But he didn't think they were real living and breathing creatures you were coexisting with.
He swears he was smoking something when he saw one wearing your clothes and sweeping the floor with a broom like any ordinary person would.
At first he tries to be chill about it as to not freak you out..
Until he goes into your pantry for a snack and finds shelves with jars filled to the brim with Crawl sticks.
As well as a Mimic curled up on the highest shelf, asleep.
Next thing you know, Jonah's dry heaving over the nearest trash can.
"Babe for the love of GOD please tell me that I'm on some weird ass trip because I can't handle this rn"
"...well maybe if you didn't brush off my research, you wouldn't be as scared." You pat his back before glaring at the Mimic who was just seconds away from lunging at your boyfriend at his most vulnerable moment.
"Jonah, sweetie..rule number one is to never turn your back on a Mimic unless you're running away from it." You make him turn around to face it, and they stare at each other before it eventually calms down and leaves.
Even after you explained how you "tamed" the Mimics, he's too scared to leave your side or be alone in the same room with one.
Their permanent smiles and wide eyes just...give him the chills. Even if they're just staring with curiosity, he always insists it's a look of hunger.
They are aware he's dating you and will playfully threaten to eat him, but never actually go through with it bc you'd probably kick them out and leave them without food.
(gonna make this post-Catalyst)
He's having a tough time keeping the relationship alive and coping with being an Alternate--a secret he only recently shared with you.
Despite him being the first one you've ever encountered, you're not all that afraid. Just surprised.
You confess to having your own secret to share, taking him to your home where you could talk about it more.
He keeps asking how you could trust him with anything when he looked like a hideous monster. But you reassured him he'll understand soon enough.
After you arrive, he sees the Crawl trees behind your house, but thinks nothing of it until you bring him inside.
You whistle and a Baby Mimic comes skittering towards you on all fours, climbing onto you like a koala bear before you turn back to your boyfriend, smiling.
It takes him a second to connect the dots. "....wait, that's a....Vita Carnis...i-it's a real thing??"
"They've always have been."
"Wow, this is...one hell of a secret. D-Does..that Mimic know what I am?"
"The adults can usually tell, but this little bugger thinks you're tasty food." You scratch the baby Mimic's chin, hearing it coo sweetly as it nibbled on your jacket strings. "But you see why I'm not scared of you? Because I've made peace with these "hideous monsters", just like I've made peace with what you told me."
He tears up at your sweet and kind words, though he listens as you introduce him to the "helpers" of your household aka the adult Mimics who wore your clothing and were doing different tasks.
They all kinda stared at Adam as he awkwardly greeted them, but didn't do anything more.
It's strangely comforting that they perceive him as a human.
At the same time, he feels lucky to not look appetizing to them.
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
28 Asks! Wahoo! :DDD
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(Post in question)
XD I'm glad you like him! This makes me want to make some lore for the little critter. Some of the other imps and cats have lore, so Armpit should too!.... Starting with giving him a proper name <XDD
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(Video in ask)
Oooo pretty song! Though I'm not sure what they'd think.. :0 They might just enjoy it in general and not have much thought afterwards <XD
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Google seems to say that that's a scary game, I'm sure they'd be too scared to play <XD
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I feel like what it would take for Bonnie to yell at someone is if they were yelling at him. But even so.. I just don't know if that's how Bonnie is..
Like if say, Monty was really barking at Bonnie for how he's behaving and just shoving everything in his face. I'd like to think that Bonnie would eventually blow and yell back something like "I DON'T CARE" or "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM GOING THROUGH".. Buuuutt at the same time.. Bonnie is mellow and kind by nature.
Seeing Monty yelling.. he might just shut down even more. He's so tired. He's tired of everything. And now Monty's yelling about something and its all just.. so exhausting. It might be easier for Bonnie to just stand there and not say anything and wait for Monty to get it all out of his system and then leave. Fighting back is just gonna make Monty yell more and cause more drama. Bonnie would give up in an argument pretty quickly and just stand there until the other person is done yelling.
And what's Monty gonna do? Push Bonnie around? Bonnie is way heavier and stronger than him. Pushing him/encouraging Bonnie to get physical is just gonna result in Monty flailing about and Bonnie standing stiff as brick.
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I've never seen that movie(..?) before so I cant really say.. But judging by Google images, it looks really cool! And it has a lot of cats in it XD
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I remember them! What a whacky cast of characters :00 My favorite is probably the Monkey XDD
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I've never watched any of the Ghibli movies although I really should 💔
Now considering all the stuff I've heard/seen about those movies.. the food looks delicious, and the lands seem peaceful..?? They all might camp out for a while in one of those worlds and just bask in the peace and quiet.. 😌
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XDD Hey I see that digital circus reference!
Although they didn't have any rides like that fortunately, and STAFF bots didn't exist when Foxy was still in service. If a kid had an accident of some kind, whether it be an injury or a uh. "Spill".. It was probably Foxy's job to alert an employee and they'd come in and clean up the mess and/or whisk the injured child away so Foxy could go back to work.
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If you go to my blogs post search and type in "super mario bros", you should find 99% of all my Mario artwork!
If you have any trouble finding it don't be afraid to send another ask- idk if ur on mobile or PC it might be different <XD
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Seam could have known how to do that perhaps..? But his powers were never meant to hurt people. Seam was the court Magician. He would just use his powers to put on these beautiful displays and show off these bizarre tricks and shows. (Usually along side Jevil to add extra flare and humor to his performances)
Although... technically you could say that he did use his magic to harm once. I don't know if it counts as a hex.? But he did lock Jevil away in a magical cell made of his own magic... does that count? :0
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Yeah that was the intention. Seam, that Older imp and the two cat ladies worked under the King directly. So they wore these beautiful robes and headdress things to show their status. Jevil was the court jester so he just wore a jester outfit.
If Jevil had any other role he'd probably be dressed all fancy just like them. :0
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Yeah <:( for a lot of reasons.
For many years talking has hurt Seams mouth and face, obviously- So he's resorted to mumbling and talking very quietly. After years and years of doing that his voice cant be great. When the stiches were removed I can imagine him raising his voice and it just sends him into a horrible coughing fit. Plus those holes in his mouth are still there, and they cant feel great to be stretched around..
I can see him struggling to make certain sounds. Like the word "cheese". He'd probably cut off half way cuz the holes were stretched and it felt like a punch to the lip. :'(
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That's a good question... I think at least for now, Seam just wants to cover it up.
Underneath that wrap.. his face is pretty messed up. Its not just his eye.. I imagine that the eye hole also didn't heal great so I don't know if they could even put in an artificial eye. It might hurt Seam or make his face really sore.. Plus after the eye was in, he'd just want to cover it up with a bandage anyways..
So for now, he just covers his face and doesn't touch the wound. And I don't think he'll have the courage to mess with it anytime soon... :((
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I have not :/ But I have seen ads for it EVERYWHERE. So I am aware of its existence. XDD
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I've never heard of that game no.. but Googling it, I can say that I love the art style! :D
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Awe,, Thank you so much!! :DD
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Possibly! :000
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Aww.... nah that would destroy anybody.
I mean if they absolutely had to for some reason, like they could never return to the surface because if they did they would die.. They would survive underwater for a while. But then eventually they'd run out of supplies and they'd starve or the octopod would stop functioning after a while..
Also MAN they would all be ruined mentally. Never being able to see their families again. Never being able to feel the sun on your skin or breathe in fresh air. Being stuck underwater for the rest of their lives would destroy all of the Octonauts. Save for possibly Inkling, but even then being trapped down there and all your friends are miserable would wear on Inkling too..
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Maybe not the whole playground. But I can easily see Christmas/holiday themed decorations being hung up around the Daycare :)
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Hmm.. I hadn't planned/thought about something like that... But that's a really cool idea! Perhaps at one point they were pursued through dimensions :0 Terrifying!
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Which "Wapeach" are you referring to? If you're talking about the ship of them, Mmmm nahh,, I don't think they'll ever be a thing..
Are you referring to "Wapeach" as in the peach wearing that purple outfit with the long purple boots? If so I don't know what to make of that <XD
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Judging by Google images.. they'd see the desert wasteland, turn right around and jump through another mirror. <XD They need to find food man!
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(Post in question)
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Bad Endogeny! No! Don't stab people's legs! >:(
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Never heard the song before, but I'm sure Jangles would be up for it! XD
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XDD 1 Jangles is powerful enough, the world cant handle 2-
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Jangles would be in awe of his idols. Sans and Papyrus would probably be wondering why this 3ft(??) tall plastic Halloween skeleton decoration is alive and talking XDD
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@octonauts16 (Post in question)
Oh! No no, Cici is Bibi's little sister. I don't think I'll be making him a girlfriend any time soon <XD
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I'm cautiously excited. I always love to see more FNAF but I'm worried that they might twist the lore even further and make things even more confusing... <XDD
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torialefay · 2 months
Do you have an opinion on stray kids new living arrangements? They now live in 4 dorms with two members in each and the distribution is
Chris with I.N
Lee Know with Han
Changbin with Hyunjin
And Felix with Seungmin
Shippers must be going crazy right now 😂
- i feel like chris & i.n's dorm is super chill. plus chris said he's been cleaning a lot lately so i'm wondering if i.n. is the same way? idk idk. but tbh i don't think they'd even see each other that often considering chan stays up late whereas i THINK i.n. is on more of a regular schedule. so kinda just a 'live together but don't really spend time together' kind of thing. which honestly probably works well for both of them. i think i.n. would be at someone else's dorm a lot whereas chris isnt even home 😭
- lee know and han's dorm is like the 'do not fucking bother me' dorm. like ur never gonna be invited over so dont even ask. maybe they'll host a dinner a couple of times, but that's about it. leave them alone and don't ask anything from them vibes. they only need each other. they are the old married couple and want nothing to do with you. lots of peace & quiet.
- changbin and hyunjin's dorm is the one i can see people congregating to the most if they wanna hang out. when people aren't over, i see them staying up late together just talking about random shit & giggling. like i genuinely think their dorm would be so fun. of course they do their own thing a lot of the time too, but i feel like they genuinely enjoy having the other there to talk to/ ebtertain them. they'd also be place all the boys go if they wanna drink & do dumb shit
- again, i think felix & seungmin's dorm is pretty chill for the most part. i see them kinda just doing what they want separately most of the time, but they could def come together & have dinner most nights when they're home. i'd also think they'd be the most likely to have everyone over for a movie night. i don't think either of them would be hard to live with though, so it'd be pretty calm for the most part.
just my thoughts hehe
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jessadamsdraws · 8 months
Because I'm on a hyperfixation about the new fop coming who knows when I want to put my hopes / "things I hope they do" list I have. Keep in mind if they don't I'm okay with it because honestly I just want to have a good time and don't take anything too seriously but I still would like if they did this.
Spoilers for the 1st episode
The fact that Hazel does not technically "need" the fairies.
In the 1st episode we met Hazels parents and they don't seem like neglectful/bad parents. However, they were unpacking from the move and haven't settled down into the new routine yet so things could be different. I have 2 theories for how they (the writer) could handle this
1. The parents are workaholics and slowly get to busy for her.
2. Jorgen pays a visit and is like. " I don't except this, she doesn't deserve the fairies" Then we get an episode about why she does.
Personal I would like the 2nd option cause it'd be a cool concept but idk
2. We get cameos of some of the old human kid characters and grown ups
We saw Timmy in the 1 episode as an actor for a crimson chin movie (I love that btw) but they never actually addressed if it was him like it looked like him but they never directly said it. I'd like if they'd do that with the others. But with that same subtlety.
3. The fairies are out of practice and keep screwing up the wishes
Okay this one's a fun idea.
In the episode Cosmo and Wanda state that they've been retired for about 10,000 years as God parents. In the episode Hazel say "I wish I could fly to Antony myself" but the wish kinda backfires and she becomes a fly instead.
I hope that this is a roccurring gag in the show. Because Hazel is said to have a strong sense of moral justice meaning her wishes are more or less going to be her feeling the need to help other people.
For now this is the most of it but I'll add more later. If you have any let me know I'd like to read them
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spaceyaceface · 1 year
Hello! Rumor is you want some Ominis ideas lol
Idk if this is any good, but I've had this idea where after Sebastian killed Solomon, Anne moved to London in with the reader. The reader hears all about the trios adventures together before Anne was cursed and loves hearing about it. When Anne is ready to reconnect with Sebastian, the reader goes with her and chemistry begins to boil there maybe as Sebastian and Anne want privacy to talk, and the reader hounds Ominis for more stories.
Just an idea, you're free to do what you want with it lol
I'd love to see a fem!reader tho 😊
Hope you have a great day!
Oh this is very good!! I loved this idea, hopefully this turned out at least a bit like how you pictured it! I really wish we had gotten to see Anne, Sebastian, and Ominis interact in the game---it would have been so much fun!
Warnings: none, pure fluff
Word Count: 1.6k
As Anne paced the floor of their London flat, Y/N was reminded how similar she and her twin truly were. She had seen Sebastian pace in the Undercroft many times during her fifth year--now, as the summer before her sixth year drew to a close, she could hardly count the amount of times Anne had done the same.
"Anne, you're going to wear yourself out before they even arrive," Y/N said imploringly. "Come on, sit down."
The brunette sighed, but continued pacing. "I can't help it. Am I sure I'm ready for this?"
"Will you ever be?"
Anne chuckled. "Probably not. I... I have missed them, rather terribly."
Y/N gave a small smile. She had missed her friends, too. Perhaps one especially... but she would see him soon enough. Anne had told her countless tales of their old adventures from before she had been cursed. It had seemed to comfort her to reminisce on the good times---and Y/N, by her part, was absolutely enthralled in the stories she shared.
It was through these stories she learned that Anne had a real knack for picking pockets---"Never to steal or keep anything for my own," Anne had been quick to clarify. "Just to mess with people." And mess with people she had---hiding wands and pocket watches to drive others mad, while she and her companions watched on in amusement. The targets always deserved it, she assured Y/N. Common ones included Leander or Imelda; they'd even managed to hide her broom once, levitating it high above the Quidditch pitch so she had to use one of the rickety school brooms to retrieve it. She'd complained the whole way up and down, threatening every person she saw that if they had any idea who had messed with her broom, they'd better tell her or they'd get a wand up their arse. Somehow, they'd never been found out.
Sebastian, as she had more or less expected, had always pushed the limits. He'd been familiar with the restricted section since his first year, determined to learn every outlawed hex he could get his hands on. When occasion called for it, he'd use them, mostly on older Slytherin students who got on his nerves. He'd usually get away with it, too; that was the power of having an ally like Ominis on their side.
And Ominis---well, Y/N would be lying if she didn't admit that it was any tale involving him that intrigued her the most. Compared to Sebastian, her friendship with the Gaunt boy was slower coming. Because of this, she savored every opportunity to get to know him better, even if just through stories. The image of him slyly breaking rules made her all the more curious about him---of course she knew he was a trouble maker; he just seemed to do it in a sort of style neither Anne nor Sebastian could achieve. Apparently he had a way with nonverbal spells the others hadn't yet ben able to master. With his blindness, he was the image of innocence, able to cast spells left and right without anyone suspecting him. It had led to plenty of lovely stories that Y/N could only dream to witness.
There was one other fact about the boy that she couldn't wait to question him about.
The thought that he would be there soon sent a flutter through her stomach. If she was honest with herself--which she tended to avoid when it came to this topic--she was a bit more fond of Ominis than she probably should have been. There was something different about him, something she didn't feel when Sebastian was around. It frightened her, but excited her all the same. The more she thought about his beautiful eyes, his well-kept hair, his lovely lips---well, maybe she should join Anne in her anxious pacing.
She didn't get the chance. There was a knock on the door, causing Anne to freeze on the spot. Y/N stood from her seat at the kitchen table, moving to answer it. When she opened it, there they stood---Sebastian and Ominis. They were clearly nervous. Sebastian's jaw was clenched hard, and his eyes darted around the room behind her.
Y/N smiled at them, trying to calm them. She opened the door wider, then reached forward to take Sebastian into a hug. "It's so good to see you," she said. The letters she had sent to both the boys had been brief and far in between. She could hardly believe they were here standing before her now. Sebastian returned the hug. She could feel him relax a bit at the warm welcome. Y/N pulled away, then turned to Ominis.
She had to hug him now, didn't she? Not that she didn't want to---quite the opposite, in fact---but they had never---
She forced herself not to think of it and pulled him into a hug. He was stiff for a moment before returning the gesture. He was warm and smelled of fancy soap.
When they pulled away from each other, she found herself missing the contact. But she had other matters to attend. She ushered them both in, closing the door. Sebastian and Anne stared at each other, each unsure of what to do. Then, in a synchronized movement only twins could have, they moved forward to embrace one another. Y/N smiled---that was a good start.
The group shared pleasantries for a moment, but it was clear that the siblings needed to discuss things on their own. Anne lead Sebastian to her bedroom, shooting Y/N a nervous glance. She gave her a reassuring smile in return.
This left Y/N and Ominis alone. Ominis took in a deep breath beside her. "I suppose all we can do now is wait," he said.
"I'm just going to assume it's going well until I hear explosions," Y/N said. Ominis chuckled.
"Sounds fair enough."
She took them over to the kitchen table, both of them taking a seat.
"How's your summer been?" Y/N asked.
"Admittedly, not wonderful," he said. "Sebastian's been... in a bit of state, as I'm sure you can imagine."
Y/N pressed her lips together. "I can. I got as much from his letters. He's lucky to have had you by his side to get through it. Any more mentions of Dark Magic?"
"Thankfully, no. He seems thoroughly dissuaded from that path, having had time to process the results." Y/N was glad to hear it---she had worried about her friend. Ominis continued. "What about you? How has your summer been with Anne?"
"Difficult, at times," she said. "Obviously, she's been grieving, not only her Uncle but Sebastian as well... it's only been recently she's decided that he can't be completely lost." She smiled a bit. "However, I have had my fun in hearing her stories about you three before her curse."
Ominis chuckled. "I hope you don't think any less of us."
"As if I didn't do worse my first year there," Y/N said, grinning. "I actually found most of them very fun--I wish I could have been there. How come you never told me you were so good at nonverbal spells?"
Ominis shrugged. "You never asked."
"Well, you're going to have to teach me," she said. "Oh! And there was one more thing Anne mentioned I wanted to ask you about."
He smiled, intrigued. "And what would that be?"
"Is your puffskein impression as good as she says it is?"
Ominis's face flushed bright red. The reaction made her laugh---it also made her heart beat faster. His cheeks looked rather pretty dusted that shade of pink.
"You---she told you that?" he spluttered, obviously mortified.
"She did, with the utmost respect, too. Said you've probably shortened Duncan Hobhouse's lifespan by a few years from all the frights you gave him," she said through her laughter. "Of all your exploits, that is what I longed to see the most."
"In fairness, Duncan is absolutley dreadful. And a coward," Ominis said.
"So you're confirming it, then? You purr just like a puffskein?"
"I--" He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. "I suppose I am. But only to torture that good for nothing cowardly prick."
She grinned. "Whatever excuse helps you keep your dignity."
"You know, I didn't come here to find out Anne had given you material to blackmail me."
"I won't use it to blackmail you," she said. "Just to rile you up a bit. You look cute when you're flustered."
Her mouth closed quickly as Ominis lifted his head, smirk appearing on his face.
"Oh, do I?" he said, tone teasing. His face was still flushed, making it even harder for her to come up with a proper response.
"You---um... I---"
"I'll have you know, you sound rather cute when you're flustered," he said quietly, leaning a bit closer to her.
She couldn't have guessed what would have happened next, though she very much would have wanted to know. Unfortunately, the door to Anne's bedroom opened, and Ominis sat straight up in his chair. She couldn't imagine the pair of them looked like anything less than a couple of kids caught doing something they weren't supposed to do. That thought was confirmed when Sebastian narrowed his eyes, looking at them both.
"Are you both alright? You seem a bit flustered," Sebastian said. Ominis let out a small laugh while Y/N buried her face in her hands beside him.
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imaginespazzi · 3 months
Hey bestie, me again! Two asks in one day - who am I?! But I had to get this one out to you after seeing that we may be getting some big WNBA news soon 🤣
Idk if it'll be GSV-related, but either way, it got me thinking about the draft again. Now let's say they follow the Atlanta model i.e. they get the 4th pick and what that could mean.
Ok so i know it's hard to say rn and Azzi's injury history makes it even harder to truly predict where she would go (IF she declared) BUT if she does manage to stay healthy the whole season and has an amazing season - do you see her being a lottery pick next year?
For simplicity's sake, let's just go with how the standings are as of right now and let's say that the lottery teams do end up being LA, Washington, Atlanta (aka Washington), GSV - and the picks are in that order. Imma go ahead and guess that unless Kiki has a drop-off, Paige and Kiki are the locks for #1 and #2. I know a lot of people have Aneesah at #3 - do you think if Azzi has a great season, Washington may opt to take her over Aneesah with that pick and if not, then would GSV pick her at #4? 👀
Lmao sorry I know it's early days and in all likelihood, Azzi will prolly stay another year, but at the same time if there's every chance that GSV could draft her already in next year's draft (like we know Steph gon be cooking sum up behind the scenes 😂), then maybe that's another consideration for her to declare?
Anyway, just thought i'd put this out there cause like I know we all keep joking (and semi-hoping) that GSV will somehow end up with the no 1 pick and advance the PURPLE PAIGE PURPLE agenda but realistically, they prolly won't lol. BUT they could very well still draft Azzi with whatever pick they do end up getting 😌
PS: i think that's like my long ass asks quota reached for the next two weeks, sorry babes 😂
OMG TWO ASKS IN ONE DAY? Must be my birthday or something cause I always love seeing you here <3
I'm itching to know what it is cause my head's going overboard with idea but i'm really hoping it's something about GSV (like them getting the no.1 pick and getting Paige!) But you know this actually feels like a possibility because why not follow the Atlanta model precedent?
A lot of draft boards have her as a lottery pick without her proving anything this year and even those that don't, have her mid-level, so if she does have a fabulous season, and because this isn't the strongest draft class, I very much could see her potentially being a lottery pick if she lives up to her potential.
I know you said to keep it simple but I do think it's gonna depend on teams. If you're saying Washington specifically? Yeah I could absolutely see them picking Azzi at #3 over Aneesah because need her shooting but if it ends up being, say the Wings? Then a) I would hope not but b) they also would not because I think they need Aneesah more so it does depend on that.
I will say that if GSV gets the #4 pick, and Azzi declares for the draft after an amazing year and is still on the board at #4, I think there's a very high chance that they pick her. She's absolutely a player you can start to build a team around and they'd be lucky to have her.
No one knows how the cards will stack themselves of course but Azzi to GSV is a lot more realistic than Paige to GSV but I'mma root for purple Paige purple till I can't anymore anyways.
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zai-doodles · 10 months
In your fairy tail will Laxus be different, guy was too much of a prick to accept his change of heart or that "deep down, he's a good guy", he threatened to kill the entire city just because he had daddy issues.
i have so many opinions ive been avoiding answering this until i had time to write an essay so here you go.
So, i personally, feel like fairy tail has a really weird habit of having characters do extremely irredeemable shit, say several times that the character is enjoying what their doing, then have their character do a 180 several arcs later because after fighting fairy tail they just saw the light or some shit.
Like i was rewatching the Battle of Fairy Tail arc and lauxus is just... so awful? and the way they try to redeem him with the spell shit not working like sir he was going to kill everyone maybe we dont give him a pass?
all this to say heres how I would rewrite the battle of fairy tail:
Ok so i'd keep Laxus' resentment of Makorav over the banishment of his dad, the only thing keeping laxus in ft is knowing one day hes going to inherit the guild. He works his ass off to become as powerful as he can in order to live up to that legacy but also...
He hates it there.
Specifically, the ones who grew up in the guild (ie erza, mira, natsu, gray, etc) because he always felt like makorav embraced them more than laxus.
So he works hard and keeps his head down, picking fights more out of resentment than anything the other guild members did. I think some of the older guild members who remember Ivan are very wary of Laxus but not afraid just... keeping an eye out.
Laxus reads it as pity.
Once Laxus grows up, hes arrogant, entitled, and selfish. He puts his everything into becoming the best and surrounds himself with yes men (the thunder legion im getting to them) who boost his ego.
Then one day he overhears some fairy tail members spreading a rumor that Makorav is going to retire...
And Erza is going to become the next guild master.
And it fucking breaks something inside him.
I think Laxus resents Erza the most because its just so clear Makorav favors her over everyone. Shes so perfect and humble and honorable and...
Everything Laxus isn't.
So he sets up a plan. He's going to take the guild by force.
ok so it happens basically the same as canon right up until the end. Before the timer runs out Laxus demands Makorav hand the guild over to him before all these people get hurt.
Makorav shows up to confront laxus and instead of doing or saying anything, he just quietly walks up to laxus and stands in front of him.
Laxus starts to panic and yells about how the old man has to give up or everyone is going to die. Outside fairy tail is taking down the dome but its not enough.
Laxus grows more erratic but Makorav says nothing.
The timer runs out and nothing happens.
Laxus sighs in defeat. He's been caught.
He was bluffing.
See the plan laxus and the thunder legion made was simple, they'd prove themselves the strongest by beating the entire guild and once everyone was taken out, makorav would have no choice to hand the guild over since no one was left to stop the thunder dome.
the body link magic still hurt any attackers just to make them seem more real, but they were only really there to pressure Makorav into caving.
Laxus didnt account for his grandpa having faith in him.
However the power grab couldn't be ignored, attacking the guild and even just threatening the city leads to laxus getting banished.
The thunder legion decide to leave fairy tail but laxus forbids them from following him anymore, not feeling worthy of being their leader anymore. So the thunder legion kinda just go off on their own as a trio for the time being.
Idk if this feels lame to others but to me its better than having laxus fully believe hes going to kill everyone and go through with it (even if the spell didnt work) only to redeem him later. It just feels weird to me? idk im not a great writer but this is just my lil rewrite.
as a treat have my bickslow redesign
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shhh ik its not v good im still work shopping it but this is like, my third attempt so just take it for now
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wibta if i didn't invite my (or my fiance's) parents to our "wedding"?
neither of our parents are abusive or anything-- they're all fine supportive parents. however this is a shotgun wedding, planned on very short notice for reasons i won't get into here. originally it was just going to be me (26F), him (26M) and two of his friends (20s M/NB) as witnesses in the woods signing a document and then we'd all go party in a lake. however, my best friend from my home country (26F) turns out to be coming to this country on an unrelated trip on the same date, so we invited her too. so in total, five people signing papers and jumping in a lake
the problem is that my mum is going to be in this country during the elopement, so when i mentioned inviting my friend (who will be traveling with my mum) my mum also asked to come. furthermore, partner wants to invite his siblings over after the ceremony bc they live nearby, so his parents want to come too now.
i'm scared that this level of family involvement and the quantity of people now coming is going to turn it, against my will, into a Whole Thing. the sort of Thing were we'll have to organise proper accommodation and catering and an actual ceremony of some sort. my mum would be coming from a different state and need accommodation at the very least. i'm scared of the future in-laws being there bc partners' parents in particular are quite society-minded and like doing things "properly" and i don't want to feel like they're judging me for eloping with their firstborn in the middle of a forest. like, we're probably going to get married in 8th century danish garb and have a nupital swordfight, they would think that is so weird. on top of it all my dad is still in my home country and i'm extremely close with him, so i'd feel wrong and guilty if everyone got to be there except with him. (we do not have the money for him to also come over)
on the other hand, i know that it's a huge deal when your kid gets married and they'd WANT to be there. and both his parents and mine have been extremely supportive of us. but idk how to explain this isn't our "real" wedding (we'll have an actual ceremony later) and more of a political elopement. plus hospitality is a value of mine so if we did invite our parents i'd feel very anxious to provide catering and accommodation that i frankly just can't afford to pay for. idk, i just feel like if our parents were there i'd spend the entire ceremony feeling anxious and ashamed and judged, rather than reveling with my partner and close friends. but i don't want to make my mum or his parents feel like i dont care about them.
so, wibta for excluding our parents from our shotgun wedding?
What are these acronyms?
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littlemisssatanist · 6 months
can i ask for a small favor? can you rant about daemon targaryen please? i just re-read your team green 💚 post and i'm reminded of how much ick i feel towards that character, especially in the wake of the team trailers being released.
hiii!!! tysm for this ask i was super happy when i saw it in my inbox i'm flattered people want to hear my opinions lol
my thoughts about daemon are very convoluted. i think he has the potential to be a very interesting character but it's kinda canceled out by the incest and pedophilia thing.
like. i understand it's an incest dragon show but my main issue with team black when it comes to their criticisms. they love to spout endless words about how aegon is a rapist and how alicent is a rape apologist for not... idk slitting his throat i guess.
it's really ironic to me, because these same people will turn around and then yap about how daemyra is the perfect ship. they'll be aghast when you even slightly suggest you enjoy aegon's character in any way but be in an uproar if you dare bash their dashing and roguish prince daemon.
honestly, name one terrible thing aegon did and i'll be able to give you something daemon did that is arguably worse than that.
aegon - raping a servant girl in the show (which honestly i'm treating more as a fanfiction considering how terribly written both the greens and the blacks are).
daemon - uhmmmm probably the whole thing with nettles. you know. the sixteen year old girl he groomed and raped (yes raped because minors aren't able to consent). actually, now that i think of it, he did the exact same thing with rhaenyra too, huh? or does team black find the whole fleabottom episode to be hot and rhaenyra being sexually free? that seems like the sort of thing they'd take from that whole fiasco.
on the topic of blood & cheese: the way some people defend this is honestly sickening.
'but poor luke was killed by his terrible uncle aemond' he was an envoy of war (not to aemond, btw, he owed him no safe haven) and also he kinda. yk. took out his eye. i'm not saying luke deserved to die, but i'm going to be honest this is one of the more mild things that happened during the dance.
whether luke deserved to die (which i'd like to reiterate: i do not think he did. i can understand WHY aemond killed him, but that is not me EXCUSING him. this is for those of you who don't know how to read and will inevitably find a way to start putting words in my mouth) b&c is completely unexcusable.
it's team feminism until its a woman who doesn't fit your little box of badass hottie. it's team feminism until that woman doesn't bow down to rhae-rhae and betray her own family and children in order to join the 'good side.' it's team woman until you point out that rhaenyra was groomed by daemon and continues to make decisions that are decidedly anti-feminist.
this is why i can't stand team black stans who say things like 'i hate the greens except for helaena bc she didn't do anything wrong' because you quite literally cannot do that without admitting that helaena suffered because of the blacks NOT the greens.
helaena suffered bc of DAEMON not because of any actions taken by the greens. DAEMON was the one who orchestrated b&c, the one who sent men to terrorize her and kill her children.
daemon did that.
i have no problem with people who can admit that their faves have flaws. i admit aemond's flaws, daeron's flaws, aegon's flaws. the problem i have with daemon is that his stans are so insufferably annoying and they literally cannot do any of that.
my last thought about daemon (at the moment, at least) is his relationship with strong boys.
lots of tb likes to say that daemon loved those boys like his own and would never do anything to hurt them. and i... honestly find it a little strange, and also a little embarassing, because how am i going to have a better grasp on his character than those that love him most???
i genuinely believe that daemon, had rhaenyra ascended to the throne like viserys planned, he would have caused 'unfortunate accidents' for the strong boys in order to get his blood on the throne. which, btw, was one of the main reasons viserys named rhaenyra heir, to keep daemon from sitting on the throne.
i think it the succession crisis had been between daemon and rhaenyra instead, it would have been a much more interesting storyline.
then again grrm isn't that good at writing interesting storylines when it comes to daemon considering he's a self-insert. honestly i wouldn't be surprised if when he died it was found out that grrm had a fanfiction written somewhere where daemon survived the fight with aemond and got to live out the rest of his boring ass life grooming little girls. who knows.
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