#i know im gonna be sobbign by the end of it
ythmir-writes · 7 months
dr. zayne "i'll use my body as payment" and "i always pay my debts" is all bark bark woof woof at first but then i remember his Myths and -
or, what you (i) would like to say the moment zayne decides its a good time to self-sacrifice
i hold his hand tightly, pull him back into a tight embrace because No, you don't have to, you don't have to do this zayne. there is no situation dire enough to come to pass in this world that should warrant that extreme a sacrifice
do you think you going on there and freezing yourself so you can stop a Wanderer attack will make tomorrow a little brighter? do you think its only you specifically who can save us all from the worst case scenario and save the world? dr im-so-brilliant-i-finished-medical-school-and-got-a-license-in-the-time-it-takes-someone-to-sneeze?
i dont want your sacrifice! i dont want to walk on roads paved with your bones. i dont fucking want to live in cities thawing from your frost because you thought unleashing a blizzard only you could do and wiping yourself out in the process would be a brilliant move to protect them. i dont want to take the cup that holds your blood, i do not want to have to look at the world and see you only in memory.
i want you here. i want you holding my hand. i want you poking at my forehead because i didnt bring enough warm clothes again or because i wasnt able to take my meds on time again or because i freaked out you werent calling when you shouldve -
i want to be there to bandage your wounds. i want you bandaging my wounds
you are the most selfless, kindhearted, driven, and dedicated person i know. your bravery is second to none - most infuriatingly so whenever you think you can save even just one soul but please!! dont ever fucking think you have to carry that burden alone.
remember that time you managed to parry that Wanderer attack and reminded me consistently of it for three days? do you remember? because i do! every day. every goddamn day i go out to do my work and you do yours, it all rattles in my head. you told me that i could rest easy because you have my back. that whatever happens, safety is a priority.
you told me that im not fighting alone anymore. i cried at that, remember? and you did too, you sentimental shmuck
so why the hell do you think you have to do it all alone? what kind of mental gymnastics did your brilliant brain do for you to reach the conclusion that its okay to leave me behind when youre out there fighting for the world, for Linkon, for us
for me?
i want you fighting with me, please
dont do it. dont go -
let me fight with you too
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yumeyumeappleo · 1 year
Just watched the Life is Strange ending cutscene for the first time! 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁(audibly sobbingn)
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g0-th-ic · 6 years
i don’t know what to do anymore.
i’m a sobbing mess. i don’t want this to end. but i know it’ll be best for you cause maybe i’m not to greatest to be around. i’m really not meant to make a person happy. i’m so ugly. i’m so fat. even ask everyone. it’s just normal. i’m so tired.. i want to stop crying and breath but it’s hard to be typing. i miss eveurjting i don’t know why i’m sobbign i don’t i don’t know what to dod i’m super achy. i don’t wanna sleep i can’t.. i’m so schwredd
i cnat keep doinmg this im choking up, how could you see anything beatifuk in me
why am i even alivfe
i’m gonna pyke i’m sosorryy icatn thinkijgn
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