#i know people who can not deal without their coffe and all I know is I'm not that bad with my tea I can go a day or two without tea
starpros-sunshine · 7 months
My love, My darling, oh how I yearn for your warm embrace! Oh how I yearn for you sweet scent to herald the end of my trials and my tribulations.
A throbbing ache that claws at me and digs it's cold talons into my head and persists and persists and persists and persists and swallows me whole and oh how I yearn for your lovely touch to ease my pain and free me from these vultures that seem to follow me wherever I go.
You are the warm light in this cold world, the remedy to all my plights, my comfort in these lonely nights and wether it might be on those cozy autumn evenings or those calm spring mornings, your presence delights again and again and I can't help but hope that your warmth will continue bewitch me body and soul and keep me company for a long while 'till death do us part.
Yours sincerely; someone that really really enjoyed drinking his cup of Earl Grey just now and decided to write a very bad ode about it <3
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coff-in · 22 days
Okie so I was thinking about requesting for a while but never stuck with an idea. Maybe something with a reader who has been neighbors with the graves since they lived in the apartments. Like they’re a tad younger than Ashley (about two years) and looks up to the both of them like they’re older siblings and follows them around like a lost puppy. Like reader’s parents would want them to make friends with other kids but they refuse because “I want Leyley and Andy:(“ . They’re a little too touchy during childhood to both siblings, and it might bother Andrew and Ashley (Ashley a little more than Andrew lol) but eventually the neighbor mellows out. They’re still sweet and kind to those around them but they’re not as physically touchy and trying to talk to other people. Like, reader explains they can’t make it to a hangout cause they made plans with other people and the Graves siblings are like “Wait, this isn’t how it’s supposed to go-“ And now they unconsciously try to do anything to get reader to stay with them and isolate them from others. Like taking any opportunity to get what they want. Andrew’s sick? How about you skip your date to help him out? Their parents are gone for a while? Sleepover time! Just like we used to do when we were little! Oh you can’t find you’re sleeping bag and it’s conveniently colder than Antarctica? Cuddle time! You’re now stuck between two attractive goth siblings. And you’re not gonna ever leave. Ever.
notes from coff-in: i feel it in my heart (and in my delusional head) that ashley would constantly sneak over to [reader]'s place to hang out with them. and if ashley's going then andrew has to follow her to make sure she doesn't cause any trouble.
[gender neutral] reader-insert
[reader] following around leyley and andy put put her very on edge. why the fuck are you following them around?! are you trying to steal andy's gaze, you fucking floozy? go away! back off! andy's is hers!! it would take befriending leyley first before you can actually hang out with them both, and befriending leyley can take a lot. she's whiny, and clingy, and pushes and pulls [reader] away and close all the time. like an ocean of insecurity... but they're finally able to safely traverse her waves.
andy appreciates [reader]'s patience. he's also happy that ashley was able to make a genuine friend. they both found [reader]'s fixation on them weird, like go hang out with someone else already! but eventually [reader]'s unstoppable force clashed with them, the unmovable objects, and they were able to be friends. best friends, even! with friendship bracelets, sleepovers, going out to parks or streets together; honestly three peas in a pod.
other people think you're weird for hanging out with the graves siblings as much as you do. some girls talk [reader] being so brave to touch andrew so brazenly with ashley around. it's not too much of a big deal- i mean, you can't touch him for too long without giving ashley some attention too :3
and then [reader] gets older, they notice how distant they get. sure, school can be pretty hectic and busy but surely you would still have time for them, right? why aren't you coming over as much? sure, their mom isn't the most welcoming... but they can still come over to your place! oh... you're busy studying... and tomorrow you'll be out with other friends... well, they can join you! problem solved :)
ashley throws a fucking tantrum over [reader] having other friends. what do you mean you have other friends?! are you leaving them?! you can't do that! you chose them! they chose you! ashley's spreading rumors and fighting harlots in the parking lot in order for you to stay close to them. andrew is less... obvious about it? he offers to do your work (he's done it before for ashley) in exchange for you to hang out with them. simple, right? he's not asking much and you get guaranteed passing grades in return. just snuggle up next to them while you watch a movie together... simple.
they really don't know why you'd throw this away for other people.
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astrotoilet · 3 months
I trust you
||Cate Dunlap x Male reader||
Sorry i really wanted to use this picture lol-
Tumblr media
Summary: Y/N is the only normal human Cate actually believes on, and she doest not wanna kill.
WARNING:This story contains: Swearing.
It's was being a hard day for Cate Dunlap on the Vought Tower, with the movie Flipped having just 1 week left to be released the stress began to consume her.
Also the stress of having to deal with Homelander, Sam, The Seven, fans and Ashley was a lot.
However among all the stressful things there was someone that always made her happy
Y/N L/N was a guy she met as he worked in Vought, at first she had disgust for him due to him being a normal human, but after a few talks with him she started to grown feelings for him, feeling safe and protected.
Cate and Y/N usually went to talk outside the building, they always spent a good time together making Cate feel good and forgett about all the shit that happened on Vought and her life
However due to being a popular person thanks to the whole Guardians Of Godolkin thing, people tend to recognize her easily and usually ask her for photos, selfies and autographs.
Cate appointed a meeting with Y/N on the park to speak about a few things she wanted to tell him since a long ago...
Cate left the building and then meet with y/n
"Hey Cate, you look beatiful as always" Y/N said
Cate blushed and smiled
"Thank you, you look pretty cool too" Cate said looking down
"Well and what would you like to do today?, im so fucking bored to be honest haha" Y/N asked her
"Haha same ,well we can go to the park, drink a coffee, go eat or something, there is something i wanna tell you" Cate said
"Perfect we can go to drink coffee" Y/N said
"Yeah perfect let's go" Cate replied
"Hey but what about if we first go to do more things, like watching a movie and that?" Y/n said
"Yeah!" Cate replied
On their day they went to the movies, spending a lot of the day together, on their outing she encountered with some fans that asked her for photos to the point she had to even reject ones, who knows? The paparazzi could have even took pictures of them together, the pictures may even become popular tomorrow, or right now? Who knows.
After watching a movie and the encounter with fans they stopped to decide wich place go now
"Damn these motherfuckers where intense" Y/N said
"Ugh im so fucking done of that" Cate said
"Where are we going now?
"Well we can we go to the coffe shop now, we did a lot of things today" Y/N said
"Yeah, it's been a beatiful day man, i really appreciate you heh" Cate said smiling
"Thanks Cate, it's good to hear that"
"Let's go"
They then went to a coffee shop and sat down, y/n ordered the drinks along with something to eat
A ginger pie for Cate
And a meat pie for Y/N
"So what you wanna talk with me?" Y/N said
"Well... there is something i have been trying to tell you"Cate said
"And what is that Cate?" Y/N said
Then the drinks and the food came
"Thanks!" They both said
"Well uhh...You have been the only normal person that has made me feel good...and you know i wanted to tell you that.....well uhh i love you..."
Y/n stod silent and blushed as the blue eyed blonde stared at him with her face even more blushed
"Well Cate I-I...I am very surprised by what you told me, i wasn't expecting that and i just will tell you....i feel the same way Cate you are the most beatiful girl i have seen, im a guy that has been loving you since the first time i saw you" Y/N said sweating
Cate's blush intensified even more and she began to sweat to, her voice began to shake
"W-Would you let me b-be your g-girlfriend?" Cate asked Y/N
"Y-yes, i want it, i accept Cate" Y/N replied without thinking it twice.
It was an awkward moment at first but soon they just enjoyed eachother
Cate and Y/N then left the cafe and went to walk on the park
Unknowingly to Y/N Cate grabbed his hand and rolled her fingers on his, making him smile.
Cate looked up at him and giggled happily
It was being a wonderful afternoon and Cate was having the happiest moment of her life
Y/N was the one that made her comfortable about her arm
He was the one who made her feel a bit of trust on normal humans
Even tought she still hated them and wanted to hold them accountable, the fact that she was now the girfriend of a non-supe person that she loved a lot made her think about erasing this idea from her agenda
"What do you wanna do now, my blondie?" Y/N asksd her with a small smile
"I just wanna kiss you forever" Cate said
"And i wanna go with you, to the end of the sun and rule the world together and forever" Y/N told her
Cate smile and jumped on his arms, y/n lifting her as they kissed
"You are the best thing that has happened to me, my love" Cate said
"You too baby, i promise i will make you the happiest girl alive
"Would you like to go and wipe Ashley's mind again huh?" Cate said winking
Y/N laughed
"Well if you want, sounds fucking great" he replied
They then kissed and left holding hands
The End
Well guys i hope you like this story :)
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kagakuoniryu · 3 years
sooo i just followed you and.. maybe i just get into overd0se by coffeine- so- what about some if the genshin character (maybe thoma, ayato, kaeya and diluc and maybe venti) that comfort theyr s/o in a situazion like that -?
Synopsis :
Their partner make an overdose of coffeine
Characters :
Warning :
Mention of overdose and all the sides symptoms of it
A/N :
Hey! Sorry it took so long, I always feel bad when I have to make people wait for their request but it's common that there is other request to do before, so I try to work as fast as possible ; I decided to take out ayato because unfortunately I don't write for him yet, usually you know I start to write for a character when they're either featured in multiple event in the game (like scaramouche) or when their story quest comes out (like miko fir who I started to write for when she came out), so I'll happily oblige when ayato's finally out but for now I prefer not to not make mistake about his personality, I hope you're okay with it!
Thoma :
He started to get concerned to see you drink so much coffee and energy drink and tried to stop you without forcing your hand
But unfortunately you still managed to make an overdose
Once the first symptoms hit you thoma is fast to bring you to your shared bedroom with a medecine for your headhache and sometime in case you might need to vomit
He won't disturb tou but ir you ask for his presence he'll oblige
He'll also tell everyone to not disturb you under any circumstances expect life and death question
Very loving until you get better
And then expect coffeine to be banned from your diet
He don't want you to live this twice
Kaeya :
The same way he drinks lots of wine he thought you just drank lots of coffee
But you were reasonable enough to not get an overdose
And he was all wrong
When you started to faint and throw up, that's when he understood you've gone too far with coffee
If he's at work when this happen he'll tell you to go to his desk where he'll close the curtains to prevent direct sunlight and give you something in case you need to vomit
He'll check you're good and alive every half hour
It prevent you to sleep since he can and will wake you up just to make sure your heart hasn't stopped but he means well
Once you're better he'll lecture you about how much he was concerned for you, he definitely ban coffeine and if you don't want to he'll make a deal with you, no coffe for you and no wine for him
But you know when he comes home smelling alcohol you're the only one keeping the deal
Diluc :
I love him but he will be so busy he won't notice your overdose for the day
Or even the night with his darknight hero duty
He'll learn what happened the next day by Adeline
And he really feel bad for not being there for you while he should
So he decide to cancel all his plans for the day and take care of you
He'll spoil you with items you've been eyeing and treat you to a good dinner
With ou saying he'll go back to bed to sleep in with you and cuddle you
He make a mental note to at least check if you're okay twice during the day because he don't want to repeat those mistakes
Venti :
He is the reason why you're having your overdose
He often forgot humans are not as strong as him and challenged you to a drinking contest
Unless you decided to not drink alcohol but coffee instead
When the symptoms kicked in you were having a stroll in windrise after said contest
Thinking you were having a heart attack venti started to panic, he didn't wanted to loose you too
He'll brought you to the church, with barbara welcoming you, but being suspicious of him
He'll explain what happened and barnara would start to treat you, she'll then let venti being close to you while you rest, but she want to make sure he don't do something stupid
Venti will honestly just cuddle you to comfort you, maybe even sing a song or two
When you're able to leave it's not venti bur barbara who will tell you to not do something like this ever again
~hope you'll like it~
🌸Request are open🌸
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chalkrevelations · 3 years
OK, Word of Honor, Episode 9, and I know last time I got deep in the weeds about symbolism, but this week, I’m getting back to basics and rambling on (and on) about what this show is really about: Zhou Zishou and Wen Kexing and their relationship.
First, though, the usual warning: SPOILERS. Not just for this episode, but potentially for the entire show, so drive past and circle back around later if you want to watch all 36.5 eps unspoiled.
Bear with me on this one, because this ep spends a LOT of time on ZZS and WKX, and I think a lot of that time is ZZS making some Monumental Life Decisions, including how he’s going to proceed in this relationship and how he’s going to approach his life moving forward. But I’m finding myself needing to work through it chronologically, and it’s. A Lot. Also, let’s face it, ZZS has been my ride-or-die at least since he dropped to his knees and started disrobing in the middle of the throne room in Ep 1, so a chance to wallow in his emotional journey is a chance I’m gonna take.
So, we do have a brief opener when we find out Dead Guy who the Yueyang disciple was shrieking about at the end of the last ep is Fang Buzhi, AKA the Nine Clawed Fox, the guy who lifted WKX’s (Danyang) Glazed Armor (along with some replicas). He got got by mysterious somebodies in the previous episode, and we find out now that he has three tiny needles in his neck, which ZZS recognizes as a Tian Chuang technique. This leads ZZS to 1) assume it must have been Han Ying who did it, so the (Danyang) Glazed Armor is now in the hands of Tian Chuang, and 2) realize that maybe this is not the best place for the former leader of Tian Chuang to be hanging out right now, so he makes their excuses, because he knows that Gao Chong must be VERY BUSY now that he’s got this corpse on his hands, so they’ll just BE GOING, thanks so much. Gao Chong hopes to see them at the Hero’s Conference, and WKX responds in a Significant Tone that of course he’ll be at the Hero’s Conference, and now ZZS has his Thinky Face on again, because WKX is not nearly as subtle as he seems to think he is when he’s making Pronouncements.
The ZZS/WKX Show really starts kicking into gear that night, at the Getting Lucky Good Luck Inn, where we open on ZZS wandering contemplatively around his room, looking beautiful in the soft light of evening (your FACE, Zhang Zhehan) and ruminating on Prince Jin’s motives for wanting the Glazed Armor, like he’s never met this power-hungry asshole before. Also, he thinks to himself, wtf was that, with Gao Chong keeping anybody from seeing Chengling in the last ep? There’s a knock on the door, which momentarily confuses him - understandably, because as we’ll see, WKX doesn’t generally get the concept of announcing yourself and waiting to be invited in by knocking first, preferring to dramatically bust open doors (at least to ZZS’s bedroom) and grace you with his presence, whatever your thoughts on the matter are. He’s accompanied by waiters and dinner, and ZZS realizes his senses are going, presumably because he can’t smell this spread that WKX has procured in an attempt to prove what a good provider he is (what did I say about food and bonding? ZZS fed him in the market, and now it’s his turn to feed ZZS). WKX tells us that life is just three hots and a cot - which gives away more about your life than you would likely be comfortable with us knowing, Lao Wen, given how close to the vest you’re holding your cards – and that everything else can wait if you can have a meal with someone you like. :coff: (Also, remember this, it will come around again.)
Cut to dinner by flickering candlelight, the better for soft lighting to caress ZZH’s exquisite face, but ZZS isn’t into it at all, staring into space instead of eating WKX’s proffered Courtship Delicacies. This earns what’s possibly WKX’s most hypocritical and amusing comment yet, which is to ask ZZS, “What is it that you can’t tell me?” ZZS - apparently - is still feeling soft about WKX’s help against Tian Chuang’s Chengling-kidnapping attempt - or maybe he’s thinking that a little bit of opening up on his part will soften up WKX - because he hardly has to have a spoon dug into his ribs at all to admit that he’s wondering if it was a mistake to bring Chengling to Five Lakes Alliance. My dude, just steal him back, then. WKX laughs at him and tells him he’s got such a handsome face (true) along with a kind and innocent heart (false, he’s a former government spook and assassin, a part-time ill-tempered gremlin, and a whole-ass troll), and therefore girls will clearly go crazy for him (true, just ask me). ANYWAY, A-Xu, (WKX continues) now that the requisite random no-homo boilerplate is out of the way, are you really thinking of taking on Chengling as a disciple, because now is apparently not too soon to have the adoption conversation about Our Son. I almost expect him to pull out the adoption papers then and there. Instead, he pulls out a story - which is awkwardly placed and kind of clunky, actually, despite being thematically important - of a dog he had once, given to him by Someone Very Important, although of course he’s not going to say who that was (:facepalm:), and his mother warning him that he’d have to take care of it for life, and then he betrayed it.
So, there’s a lot going on here. We’ll eventually find out that ZZS gave Zhen Yan a puppy, so will this story of a gift dog jog ZZS’s memory into realizing that WKX is Zhen Yan without WKX actually telling him, so that WKX can tell his Bundle of Neuroses that it’s not reeeaaallly WKX’s fault ZZS figured it out? Also, WKX sees ZZS being like this about Chengling, and in the Chengling = Zhen Yan equation we’ve already established, is it possible this will prime ZZS to remember another disciple/young boy he took responsibility for, at one point? Of course, on ZZS’s side of things, it’s possible that hearing about this dog that WKX failed is likely to remind him of the way he failed his own responsibility to all the other disciples of Siji Manor, so, excellent way to take a stab at his heart, WKX! However, ZZS breaks the miserable tone we’ve become mired in by smacking WKX, chiding him for comparing their son to a dog, and getting them drinking. See, here, Chengling is the dog. Earlier, the two sisters A-Xiang rescued were the dog. Later, A-Xiang will be the dog. Unfortunately, WKX is going to have a blind spot and never quite realize that, in the Ghost Valley schema he’s set up, the Department of the Unfaithful is also the dog, but we’ll get to that in later eps. For now, cut to later that night: After dinner and a washup, ZZS sits on his bed, and we get some special effects to indicate that his hearing is also giving him problems, so he deploys his special Nightly Nails Torment meditation pose, and then we get the second instance of WKX playing the xiao to help him meditate and rest. (Junjun, your hands on that xiao …) ANYWAY, we get a gorgeous little bit of physical acting from ZZH here that could easily have been overplayed but is nicely restrained and subtle, with just the slightest smile when ZZS realizes WKX is playing, and then his whole body visibly relaxing as he allows himself to sink into WKX’s now-familiar musical embrace the meditation. It is :chef’s kiss:
Cut to next AM, when ZZS is now a very cranky boy, and I get this, because I also am exceedingly irritated when people bust into the room where I’m sleeping with an abundance of cheerfulness and try to get me to interact and do things without at least half an hour to creep my way out of bed, two cups of coffee, and an hour of silence before any attempts to converse like a reasonable human being (I’m looking at YOU, mom), and I don’t even have the excuse of seven Nails pinning me. Also, when WKX whips off the blankets, we learn that ZZH dresses to the right. :hands: I’m just making an observation. So, WKX wants to go to Yuefan Tower like some kind of wide-eyed tourist, and despite some smacking and scowling and death threats, we then smash-cut to the Tower, where ZZS has apparently come to the conclusion that the only way to deal with the ADHD gremlin crawling into his bed is to humor him about this daytrip. I think you could have come up with some more creative ideas that didn’t involve leaving bed, but I guess you’re not the fast one in this relationship, Zhou-ge. Srsly, though, I’m sure WKX would have been happy to do all the work, my dude. (I don’t always have strong top-bottom preferences, but you probably aren’t going to have much luck convincing me that ZZS is not a pillow princess who wants to just lay back and be spoiled. “Aren’t you a very capable man?” indeed. WKX has to do ALL THE WORK, god. I don’t know if I’m swimming against the current here – god knows I was in Inception fandom, where I felt the same way about Eames - but here we are.) Also, I can’t believe WKX didn’t just sit in the bedroom and creep on A-Xu’s beautiful sleeping profile for at least the amount of time it would have taken to drink a pot of tea, another viable option if it was me in this scenario. Tch. What kind of stalker are you, Lao Wen?
ANYWAY, at Yuefang Tower, ZZS tells us about the Four Sages of Anji, a senior-citizen polycule of soulmates who are, conveniently, at this very moment, on a boat in the lake beside the tower, playing music and sword-dancing. This is the first time they’ve been seen in 10+ years, after they put down their various swords and ran off together to live like hippies off-the-grid in the woods, probably skipping around naked, drinking “tea,” and having lots of sex. ZZS sighs wistfully while recounting this tale and calls them “a breath of fresh air.” There’s some discussion and poetry quoting and literary references to soulmates, and somewhere in here we get a shot of ZZS and WKX from behind which makes it super-obvious how hard they’re working the costumes to make Gong Jun look as broad as possible. He’s got the power shoulders on this set of robes, compared to Laopo ZZS’s soft, unstructured, flowing robes, and with those shoulders tapering down to the belted waist, they’ve got Junjun seriously working the Chris Evans Dorito silhouette. Meanwhile, focus back on their conversation: ZZS thinks that “the world is not important, finding a soulmate is,” giving some MAJOR FORESHADOWING for the end of the show (which we are accepting as “Ep” 37 because WE ARE), when we get that icy separation from the rest of the world but they have each other. WKX gives him a yearning look. ZZS looks back … there’s really no other way to put this … coyly, not meeting WKX’s gaze directly. This offers WKX and us a chance to admire his profile once again, thank you, Laopo. ZZS waits until WKX looks back out at the lake before looking at him directly, and his face journey, y’all. He’s thinking that it might not be bad to spend his remaining time with this soulmate, I think he’s starting to re-think the slow suicide, and he’s also thisclose to just letting WKX have him. Y’all, he seriously wants WKX so bad, here. It may be the first time we’ve seen this level of interest from him - it may be the first time, in all that we’ve seen of him, that he allows himself to even have that kind of interest. I think this is the next big step from Ep 6, when he allowed himself to enjoy being desired - now he’s allowing himself to desire, to want something again, other than a chance to drink himself to death in the gutter. This, right here, is a crucial point when he makes the decision to spend whatever time he’s got left living rather than just dying, and I’m flailing on the couch. This is the face of a man who’s ready to Make Some Declarations while getting railed within an inch of his life. SOMEONE IS GETTING SOME TONIGHT. Or he would if he wasn’t going to turn out to be such a fuckup. FFS, WKX.
But first, we cut to a scene of them back at the marketplace, wandering through as WKX mocks various sects in town for the conference – including the Mount Hua boys, who apparently look like virgins make their first trip to a brothel – and ZZS supplies background info on them. WKX asks if ZZS can tell what sect WKX is from, and ZZS calls him a messy bitch before asking if WKX can please stop making him play guessing games about everything and just tell him what WKX so clearly wants ZZS to know. (I know, right? But no, because then WKX might get what he wants, and he’s way too terrified for that, so you have to guess. That way, it’s not his fault when you figure out who he is and reject him, as anyone clearly will do because he’s unlovable and unforgiveable and not even really human, A-Xu.) WKX immediately changes the subject to ramble about the Hero’s Conference and how laughable all the sects are for wanting to be seen as heroes, blah blah blah, rinse and repeat. ZZS comments that only inexperienced people want to be heroes, that experienced people know “every character of the word hero is written in blood,” and yes, the character they’re using for hero, “ying,” is still the same character used in Han Ying’s name (which is not, by the way, the “ying” used in Wei Ying’s name, to cross streams for a moment). ZZS says he’s too old to be a hero (I and my knees feel you, my dude), now he’s just a wanderer, and he asks if WKX wants to be a hero or a wanderer, and WKX says that as a wanderer, all he needs is ZZS, and I’m telling you, someone absolutely would be getting some tonight if only he wasn’t such a fuckup, Lao Wen.
I’m’a try to wrap this up soon, because it’s gotten v. long, but we then cut to that night at the Getting Lucky Inn, ZZS drinking in his room, WKX busting in with his usual dramatic flair, with wine, inviting ZZS up to the roof to drink and look at the moon. He clearly has ulterior motives, but unfortunately for everyone, we’re going to discover they’re not the ulterior motives ZZS is expecting. As they lean back on the roof together, hands almost-but-not-quite touching, a romantic tune playing, WKX tells ZZS that he’s like, really happy! Just super happy! So happy! Ask me why I’m so happy, A-Xu! Spoiler alert: It is, unfortunately, not because he’s getting ready to get some from his laopo. This is particularly unfortunate, because ZZS chooses this moment to take another big step in this relationship, telling WKX that he’s not going to ask about things WKX doesn’t want to tell him, that he’ll wait for whatever WKX wants to tell him. On the surface, this comes off a little bit like, I’m done with asking when you’re not going to answer anyway, but in context – particularly on the back of the earlier scene when ZZS watched WKX turn on a dime and immediately change the subject to avoid exposing anything when ZZS asked WKX to stop making him guess everything – this is as good as a declaration of going all-in. ZZS is committing to this relationship on faith, without having all – or even most – of the answers about WKX, and his approach is going to be to wait until WKX is ready to reveal whatever information he feels safe and comfortable revealing. In practice, he’s going to end up being better or worse at this, depending on the day, but what it reminds me of, already, is that moment in the 20s (Ep 21? 22?) when A-Xiang and Cao Weining are arguing about her killing the beggar guy, he approaches her, she yells at him and points to the ground to indicate exactly how close he’s allowed to get to her, and his respect of that boundary she lays down is instantaneous and absolute. That’s what ZZS is saying he’s going to at least try to do, here. It also reminds me of the way he’s going to respect WKX’s decision on whether or not WKX is going to claim his place as a disciple of Siji Manor, without it affecting their relationship, so we really are starting as ZZS means to go on, here.
Unfortunately, we then find out that what WKX is actually so happy about is that his plan to burn down the jianghu is starting its next big step, and their romantic evening is interrupted by a bunch of dudes fighting and killing each other over a bunch of fake Glazed Armor. WKX mentions that he’s so happy the show’s started; he’s alternately amused, satisfied, and smug as they watch various fights; he seems to be expecting ZZS to also be amused; and I feel like the implication is that this was his real motive for inviting ZZS out onto the roof, to be able to watch this show with him. ZZS – who’s spent enough time standing ankle-deep in blood for six lifetimes and was working hard just a few weeks ago at drinking himself to death to try to forget what that feels like - is displeased and horrified, rather than very proud of what WKX has accomplished; he pushes WKX away from him when WKX approaches him to ask if he doesn’t think it’s all so very amusing; and he calls WKX crazy, then turns his back on him and walks away. To make things worse, the next morning, after WKX brings breakfast to ZZS’s room and actually knocks, only to find that ZZS has left in the middle of the night, WKX will witness an angry mob gathered outside the house in the woods where the Four Sages of Anji are staying for the Hero’s Conference, demanding a piece of the Glazed Armor the Sages are supposedly holding for Gao Chong, and eventually leading to the deaths of all four of these peaceful aging hippies whose commune in the woods was ZZS’s ultimate dream, leaving WKX horrified by the fact that his actions have consequences, including some that are going to make his boyfriend even more pissed off at him.
SO. All that happened. There were some other people in the episode, too:
We see A-Xiang and Cao Weining having lunch. She asks him why he’s not eating, calls him fat and cute, then proceeds to tell him about Ghoul, who likes to eat the faces of pretty boys. Her conversation skills could still use some work. Cao Weining vows to kill the ghosts of Ghost Valley who would do such awful things. A-Xiang actually ignores this slander about the evil of the residents of the Ghost Valley in a way that she doesn’t usually – usually she looks kind of unhappy when the Evilness of the Evil Inhabitants of the Evil Ghost Valley comes up, going all the way back to ZZS’s comments in Ep 2. Right now, she’s too busy pumping Pooh Bear for information, asking about why the Ghost Valley would have left a pile of heads on Yueyang’s doorstep if the Five Lakes Alliance is so great, so what is Five Lakes going to maybe, perhaps, do about this? Cao-dage is suspicious … that A-Xiang might be scared, but don’t worry, he’ll protect her. Oh, sweetheart. I could eat you up with a spoon, right along with Ghoul. Also, it finally registers that A-Xiang called him cute, but she has to step away for a quick confab with a henchwoman.
We also have to watch Chengling get bullied some more by a Yueyang shixiong who I think is Gao Shan, who we’ll later see bullying some prisoners in the Yueyang dungeon as he admits that he’s doing it to relieve his own frustrations and make himself feel better -  fantastic disciples you’ve got there, Gao Chong, I’m super-impressed by the morality and ethics you’re instilling as a sect. Once again, I have to consider WKX’s position on the jianghu as a hive of scum and villainy. Anyway, once Bullying Hour is over, Chengling runs into A-Xiang, and he can’t manage to prevent the waterworks as he confesses that he thought he’d never see any of them again and that ZZS didn’t want him. UGH. Zhou Zishu, come and get your child back. He’s at least somewhat mollified by Xiang-jie telling him she’s been sent to take care of him, and god knows she’s managed to keep WKX fed and clothed this long, so she has some experience as a minder, as counterintuitive as that seems.
We get a quick shot of Han Ying (My Beloved) with two identical pieces of Glazed Armor, apparently realizing that there are fakes out there.
Deng Kuan shows up, beaten and stumbling, and nearly gets turned away at the front gates of his own sect as a beggar – have I mentioned how unimpressed I am by the Yueyang disciples? Deng Kuan appears to be the only one of them worth anything – before they realize who he is. He is put to bed and tenderly nursed by Gao Xiaolian, who cries over him as he won’t wake up.
Finally, Gao Chong, Shen Shen and Zhao Jing (uh-huh) are horrified to discover that there’s fake Glazed Armor fk’n everywhere in town, making Five Lakes Alliance look ridiculous, which is just fabulous as the Hero’s Conference is coming up, guys. Shen Shen, because everything is a nail, vows to kill anyone who makes problems. Later, Hei Zi, who plays Gao Chong, has an utterly fantastic moment after the deaths of the Four Sages (wow, I did not remember that we wrapped up their entire storyline within a single ep), when he’s haranguing Beggar Gang Chief and is literally all, “You want the Glazed Armor? :pulls a piece out of his robe: HERE. You want some more? :pulls another piece out of his robe: TAKE IT.” It’s a great acting moment, his delivery is perfection.
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colorfullfalls · 4 years
Blast to the past
Sodapop Curtis x Reader
Summary: Soulmates are very tricky because sometimes two people who are meant to be are born in two different generations. Your soulmate can be born three days after you die. Luckily the mystical universe transports you there to meet yours. That’s how you find yourself back in the 1960’s instead of the present.
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Warnings: hinting at sexual assault
Friday night is ladies night. It has been since you were twelve and it will be until you die. The core group gets together and does whatever seems interesting for the evening. The three of you ranged in activities of going to the movies, getting something to eat, thrifting, people watching, getting coffe and sitting at an empty park- you name it and it’s been done.
Tonight the gang decided to get smoothies and sit in an empty parking lot. The small town didn’t allow much entertainment for freshly graduated adults. Especially for adults that wanted more to life than such a simple place could provide.
Claire laid on the pavement, dark hair swirling around her shoulders as she turned to gaze at the moon. She was beautiful in the moonlight, soft skin glowing. You were always jealous of her unique good looks, but never aimed bitter thoughts at her. She was a warm and loving friend who was literally a ride or die.
Claire turned her head to look at Margo who was sitting upright with her keys in hand, twirling them around her hands. Margo was the wild one of the trio. The jokester who was basically a meme lord. You three fit like puzzle pieces, best friends for ever.
Claire and you shared a look of amusement as Margo dropped her keys, mumbling a quiet shit before laughing and picking them back up to repeat her actions.
“This is supposed to be a quiet, soul searching moment you know.” You deadpanned, lips curling into a smile as Margo rolled her eyes and flipped you off.
“If you wanted quiet then you picked the wrong bitch to bring along.”
Claire shook her head, “Okay, let’s post on snap about a replacement bitch. Preferably one that can be silent at times.”
You shifted so that your legs were pulled up in front of you instead of rested against the cold ground of the parking lot. A funny thing to add popped into your mind and you knew it would make them laugh, “There’s one more requirement though. It’s vital.” You added, swirling the contents in your cup to break up the remaining blotches of ice.
“They have to be willing to sacrifice their own life for Pakistan”
Claire busted out laughing hitting her cup off her leg and Margo snorted, causing everyone to laugh even harder. That fucking tik tok would never not be funny to you guys. Especially when their soulmates thought it was hilarious and would say it when you guys failed to.
Claire found her soulmate a year ago at a football game. Her soul mark burned when the cute player from the other team bumped into her after the game. Gage was the coolest dude you knew. He treated you guys like best friend and he treated her like she was the sky, the moon, and the stars. Not long after Claire found him, Margo found Naomi. A badass chick that was a tattoo artist in town. Margo now has little tattoos decorating her body from the designs her soulmate came up with. Naomi and Margo just fit, and you were happy for her. Happy for both of them.
Day after day with no luck of finding your other half, you were starting to despair for yourself. Soulmates usually found each other close to adulthood if they were in the right life time. It was disappointing to go to bed every night knowing that you were still alone. Your best friends loved you more than anything and always included you, but the soulmate connection was different- special above everything else. And here you lacked that.
Margo dropped her keys again but left them there. She picked up on your solemn mood after you didn’t talk for a few moments.
“I wanted to go camping this weekend, maybe you’ll find your lover there?” She softly spoke, giving you a hopeful smile.
You sadly smiled back, “I dunno, probably not. Sorta giving up over here.”
You looked down at the simple soul mark. An old pop bottle was the initials S.P in the middle with the letters DX very small on the bottom left underneath it. Marks were supposed to signify something important about your other half, describe something about them to you. Ever since you were old enough to remember you would buy old fashioned pop in order to collect the bottles. It meant the world to you.
“Don’t say something like that, of course you will meet them dude. We found ours early but that didn’t mean you won’t ever find them. I’m sure your other half is right around the corner.” Claire supported, patting your thigh for comfort.
“Yeah, it could be Harry Styles for all we know. And honestly it would make sense because how the hell do you meet someone famous like that?” Margo trailed off.
You scoffed, “Harry Styles- my ass. His indicator would so not be an old pop bottle. It would be a guitar or something like that.”
“I guess so. Point is, don’t fret. You have time. The world may fuck with people, but not good ones like you.” Margo grinned childishly.
“Yeah, you’re right. I am good. I sacrifice my own life for Pakistan.”
“God dammit, I hate you.” Claire stood up and offered a hand, pulling you both upright, “We better get going. The same cop has been driving by and I don’t like it.”
“ACAB.” Margo chanted as she crawled into the backseat of the car. You laughed and pushed her the rest of the way in with your foot before shuffling in yourself.
‘Best friend’ by Rex Orange County blared through the speakers as the car moved on the damp roads in the dark night. You guys sang loudly, hands out the window to feel the wind ripple against fingertips. Your heart filled with adoration of the girls in the vehicle with you. Getting sad about the soulmate thing sucked but dealing with it was easier when you had two people to assure you and take your mind off of it.
You waved bye as you walked up the steps of your house. You quickly noticed that no one else was home. Your siblings were off with their friends for the night and your parents went out for their anniversary. You sighed, taking your shoes off lazily. A warm bath would feel so nice to finish out the day. You stretched before taking a step forward toward the bathroom but your foot caught underneath the rug and you fell face first onto the hard surface of the tile.
Your body felt like it was on fire while rolling over to rest on your back. Forcing your eyes open, you gasped at the sight before you. Instead of laying on the bathroom floor, you were in an empty parking lot. Your heart thud roughly in your chest as you scrambled to stand.
Your mind began to panic as you didn’t recognize your surroundings. An old diner sat across from the lot and it wasn’t the one you, Claire, and Margo sometimes went to. You brushed yourself off and looked around, confused as to what was going on. Had you gotten drunk and imagined you were home and somehow managed to get lost? Did you fall so hard that you passed out and got kidnapped? Sharp pains alerted your mind to put a finger to your face. There was a scratch from where you fell, you must’ve hit it. You were just glad that your wallet was still in your hand but your phone wasn’t. You searched for it but no luck.
You meekly opened the diner door and shuffled inside. It was themed to be an old authentic diner. The usual black and white checkered floor tile, the twisty barstools, and the car sign decorations on the wall. Diners like this were adorable in your eyes.
You went to sit at a both and grabbed the young pretty waitress. She gazed at your clothes in confusion which made you internally frown. Your outfit wasn’t inappropriate or anything. Blue khaki shorts that came above mid thigh and a white and blue tie dye shirt.
“Excuse me, where am I?” You asked, embarrassment creeped up your spine as she gave you an old look.
“Tulsa. Are you lost?” She asked, shifting the tray to rest on her hip.
You quickly shook your head no, “Thank you, I’m not lost. Just uh, traveling. I’ll just have a water please.”
She gave you a funny look but nodded, going to get you the cup of water. Everyone in the diner glanced at you in curiously which made you paranoid. Alone without a phone and no escape plan. Not an ideal set up. You tried to rack your brain for what the hell was going on but you were outta luck.
Water was set down on the table and she stood there, observing you. You felt her eyes staring at your piercings, especially the hoop in your nose. You awkwardly looked up at her and smiled, hoping she would go away.
“That’s an odd looking necklace, Miss.” Her hand casually pointed towards the crystal gem necklace hanging between your breasts over your shirt.
You shrugged, “You’ve never seen them before? They sell them at Walmart or any hippy store really.”
She wrinkled her nose in judgement, “Huh, never heard of Walmart. Must be from wherever you’re from.”
You choked on air, coughing loudly to force oxygen back into your lungs. How could someone now know Walmart? Was she fucking with you right now? Waitresses usually weren’t rude unless you were rude to them first.
“They’re like nation wide? One in every town? Seriously, every town.”
No emotion appeared on her face as she shook her head no, “I still don’t know what you’re talking about... do your parents buy you those shorts? Do they care about your nose ring?”
You squirmed in your seat at her question, her voice carried a shrill tone that let you know that she didn’t approve. Jesus, did this girl think you should be in a full body suit without showing skin? You pulled them down subconsciously to try to hide some of your upper thigh. As for your nose ring, you were baffled as to why your that was an issue. So many women had them.
“I bought the shorts, but they don’t have an issue with them if that’s what you’re trying to get at? They think the nose ring is cute too. My parents are very cool with me choosing to do what I wish with my body.”
Her eyes widened in a holy-cow-you’re-crazy sorta way, “My parents would kill me if I looked like you.”
A dry laugh escaped your lips at her harsh words. And they were harsh, whether she met them to be or not. Putting women down wasn’t what you stood for and you really thought that the world was passed shaming people for what they look like.
“It’s twenty-twenty , they shouldn’t care about what you look like. Acceptance is key to a happy family.”
“What’s that mean?” She cocked her head to the side in confusion.
“Twenty-twenty what is that?”
You glanced at the table to your left that was intently listening in on the conversation. You felt uncomfortable in the booth. Two guys stared shamelessly at your legs and you wanted to crawl under the table and hide.
“The year? It’s two thousand and twenty?”
She threw her head back, blonde hair following to fall down her back, “You really are an odd ball.”
You furrowed your eyebrows.
“It’s nineteen sixty nine, dear. Your cheek is bleeding and I’m assuming you fell because you’re acting crazy.” She quietly said, bending down to your eye level. A part of you wanted to hit her so hard that she fell down. Condescending attitudes rubbed you the wrong way to say the least.
You were fuming as you took two dollars out and put them on the counter, “Have a good evening.” You gritted out.
The cold night air pinched your skin as you walked aimlessly around the small town. You came to the conclusion that it was 1969 and you realized why the waitress was so taken back by your appearance. Girls in the sixties probably didn’t have shorts this short or nose piercings. It all made sense as you took in the town. The old styled cars, how people dressed, hell- how they talked. Old ass terms that people only used as a joke now.
So yes, you were in the past, but how and why. Watching Shameless in your bed right now seemed like heaven on earth. Your mom and dad’s faces haunted your mind when you thought about never getting to see them again. Tomorrow they would get back only to see that you have disappeared without a trace. Your dad will be so worried and heartbroken and your mom will be calling everyone to ask if they saw you.
And what would Claire and Margo think? You just knew they would feel so guilty for not knowing when they were the last ones you saw. Hurting them only hurt you more.
You found an old tree and sat down against it, letting the tears splash down your face. It was cold out from the brisk air and you had nothing to layer up with. This sucks, mega sucks, you noted.
An old red Ford Mustang parked on the road and two men got out of the car and headed your way. You clutched your wallet close to your chest in predetermined fear. Two men walking towards any woman would make that woman scared. It was a built in instinct that still wasn’t gone in the twentieth century. Especially with the men from this time. You knew women weren’t truly equal yet and they especially weren’t in this time.
They had on khaki pants and different colored polyester sweaters. Same guys from the diner that were watching you. Horrible look in their eyes as they stood in front of you.
“What’s a pretty lady like you sitting out here alone for? It’s late.” The one wearing a yellow sweater asked. His hair was brown and smoothed back, you were unable to see his eyes in the dark. He bent down to look at you in a way you didn’t appreciate. You were not having it.
“Really? Is it late? Couldn’t tell, not like the moon’s out or anything.” You retorted, shifting further back into the tree.
“Woah, no need to get lippy with me, hun.” He said, looking back at the other guy with the red sweater. Red shook his head to agree with yellow.
“Let’s not get comfortable with the nicknames. I’d say I’d call the cops but hah, ACAB... not that you would know about that.” You trailed off. You rambled when you got nervous and it was not a good feature.
“ACAB? You’re a weird one, aren’t you?” Red said, leaning down too.
“Weird, but an absolute doll. Not many girls ‘round here show skin like you.” Yellow said, hand grabbing your thigh.
Your hand slapped his away lightening fast before jumping up and backing away. You took your shoe off and held it up in defense, “Go fuck yourself! Get away from me.”
The men looked at each other in shock, assumingly at the vulgar words that escaped your pretty lips. You backed further away until you felt safe enough that you put your shoe back on and ran. You heard their feet shuffle in the grass as they ran after you.
You turned down an alley way and tripped again on a stick in the middle of the road, the boys were suddenly visible meaning you would not have time to get up and run. Instead of trying to escape, you grabbed said large stick and grasped it tightly between your hands. You wish Margo and Claire were by your side right now. You could do anything with them.
“A stick? Really? We just wanna spend some time with you.” Red said, walking closer.
“Fuck this! Fuck this so hard! Fuck toxic masculinity that makes pricks like you think it’s okay to do shit like this! Systematically you were probably raised to think chasing a woman is okay- judging from the car that you have money. Kids with money, especially in these days, are spoiled and never told no, but I don’t want you. Leave.” You shouted, twirling the stick like you saw so many times in Starwars movies. You saw the two men slowly step back and you were proud of yourself for fending them off until you heard another masculine voice behind you.
“You soc scum need to bounce.”
You moved to the side to be equally separated from whoever was behind you. A man about your age stood firmly beside two others that looked a few years off, one younger and one older.
The one that spoke was standing in the front and boy, he was beautiful. Dark hair slicked black to rest comfortably against his neck. He wore a blue and white flannel with blue jeans. His body was slim but you just knew he had some lean muscle on him. Red and yellow turned and walked away but not without making some derogatory claims about greasers.
You panted, finally breathing again as you doubled over, stick still firmly grasped in between your palms and fingers.
“Are you okay?” You heard the same voice quietly ask. You noticed they were standing right in front of you now. You meekly looked up to gaze into his pretty blue eyes. He hissed out in pain as he looked at his arm at the same exact moment that your mark started to burn so bad that you couldn’t take it. A searing pain ripped through every single one of your cells. You did it! You finally found your fucking soulmate! Without being able to stand the pain and excitement, your body tumbled forward for the second time that evening.
You heard rustling going on around you, but you clenched your eyes in fear that you wake up still stuck in the past.
“If I open my eyes and I’m not home, I’m gonna throw hands with whatever God there is.” You mumbled, slowly opening your eyes. The handsome man sat on the floor by your face, causing you to yelp and quickly move to a sitting position, hand clinging to your necklace.
“Hey, calm it, I won’t hurt you.” His gentle voice spoke. You laughed nervously as it hit you that he was your soulmate. Your life was fucked, oh so fucked. Sure, you found the one, but in a different decade!
“The world is a cruel place.” You muttered, hands removing from your necklace to rub down your face in irritation, “My life is a joke.”
He sat up on his knees, cautiously moving closer towards you as if you were a scared stray cat that he was attempting to take home to keep and take care of. You internally gagged at the idea of being kept inside as a house wife now that you were living in this time. You could not survive like that.
“It’s not. Usually people are happier to find their soulmate, yanno? I’m happy... I thought you would be.” His voice seeped with disappointment and pain.
You sighed as you felt his sadness creep up your bones and invade your sanity, “I would be thrilled if I wasn’t transported back in time. I’m not kidding, I’m from year twenty twenty. I can show you.”
You grabbed your wallet and ripped your lisence out, showing him. His eyes squinted as he read your birthday and the date you got it. His eyes enlarged as he looked back at you.
“That- that’s just impossible.”
You snorted, “S’what I thought too. Guess the universe really shoved us together on this one... and uh, thanks for saving me earlier, my inner jedi isn’t strong enough yet- I’m no obiwan.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, “I don’t know what that means.”
You blushed, “Big movie franchise that eventually comes out. I’ll try to avoid pop culture references... my bad.”
He smiled, pearly white teeth showing, “you’re really pretty, y/n.”
Your heart raced in your chest at how attractive he was. Claire and Margo would hardgirl swoon with you over him but they’re not here to join you, so you had to soak up his beauty all on your own. And him saying your name like that? God, that would make any girl bust a nut.
“How do you know my name?”
He shrugged, “Saw it when you showed me the date. The name surely suits you. I’m Sodapop, Sodapop Curtis.”
He held his hand out and you hesitantly met his half way as if to give him a handshake, but instead he intertwined your fingers together before moving closer. His skin was so warm against yours and all you wanted to do was pull him closer and bury yourself in his chest. Finally finding him was overwhelming after convincing yourself that you were doomed to be alone.
“Those guys that chased you, we ain’t letting them get away with it. We’ll find them and give ‘em a good what for.” A new voice spoke.
A kid, you guessed to be about 16, stood in the living room doorway, hands shoved deep into his jean pockets. He had longer brown hair like Sodapop, but his eyes were more hazel instead of the pretty blue. You awkwardly smiled, attempting to pull your hand away but Soda tugged it back, stubborn to lose contact so soon. He gave you a sweet smile to reassure you that he wasn’t going to try anything like the two men last night.
“Y/n, this is my brother ponyboy, and that’s my brother Darryl.” Soda said, pointing to the younger kid and the full on man that walked through the front door. You nervously waved with the hand that Soda didn’t claim.
“Hi, thank you guys for saving me... although I think my stick was pretty promising...” You awkwardly spoke making all three of them chuckle softly.
“Better safe than sorry.” Darry said, offering a smile, “Come on, Ponyboy. We will be back.”
Darry signaled Pony to go with him outside, you and Soda sat in silence as you heard the truck doors and the rumbling of an engine pulling away. His thumb grazed over the back of your hand. Your insides felt like they were melting. Sodapop was extremely attractive and you could not believe that you found him. Harry Styles has some competition for sure. Well, maybe that was going far. It’s Harry Styles, no one could really beat him.
“So what’s it like here? What do you do for fun?” You asked, looking around the house. You imagined the houses around to be very similar. Old couches, ancient TVs with the antennae’s, framed photos on the mantles, and the cool old wallpaper. Very similar to the sorta place your grandparents grew up in.
“Play cards every couple nights. Go to the drive in movies when I’m not working. Diner is open late at night so that’s where young folk hangout. We find good times.” He smiled softly, getting lost in his own thoughts, “What’s there to do for you?”
You couldn’t even begin to explain that you lay in your bed watching tik toks off your phone while Netflix plays softly in the background. Or that you quote memes in a parking lot with your friends. Soda would not understand memes at all and that would be a huge struggle because half the shit that came out of your mouth were memes.
“I have fires a lot at my house, we usually sorta just sit there and bullshit for hours but uh then there’s the usual- getting coffee and sitting in a parking lot. Not much to do in my town but eat and go somewhere to hangout...”
“That sounds nice.”
You shrugged, “More people than not get drunk or smoke weed everyday because what the hell else is there to do?”
He quirked an eyebrow, “you do that?”
You shook your head no, “My friends and I drink from time to time but not heavily. And we especially don’t go to parties because those are cesspools waiting to be caught by cops. Well, fuck cops anyway, but..”
You froze when you realized that cops in this time weren’t critized by the public as much. Political climate ranged from your time to now. Soda probably wouldn’t support the LGBTQ community, or if he did he didn’t know much about it. And racism surely lingered in the 1960’s air. You felt sick thinking about fighting barriers that you usually didn’t have to.
“Do girls swear a lot in the future?” He asked timidly, not wanting to upset you but also he was just very curious. He never heard ladies swear and especially not that word.
You snorted at how cute he was, “All the time. It’s normal for us. Trust me, if you are shocked by that you don’t want to imagine the crude things that are said daily..”
His thumb stopped rubbing circles on your hand and your heart faltered. He was probably used to obideint women who were dainty and didn’t outspeak too much. Women in this era were subservient and you could not be further from that. You had quite the mouth on you and your idea would not be oppressed. You graduated pretty high in your class. You were intelligent and political and that was mind blowing to men of this time. What if you were too much for him? You wouldn’t dare change but it would be heart breaking to know that your other half couldn’t take who you are as a person. As a woman.
“What you said about the cops.. what did they do wrong? I mean here they can be annoying but they try to be fair.” He asked, thumb rubbing your skin again. His eyes glanced down at your thighs and you blushed a bit, wishing you would’ve put on your sweatpants instead before leaving to go with the girls.
“If I explained it all, we would be sitting here for days. Long story short; African Americans still aren’t equal and they are murdered by cops at an unequal rate compared to the population size. Protests turned violent and the whole country is a mess. Half the country trusts cops and the other half wants the systematic corruption to be dismantled. Personally, I’m with the latter. So cops aren’t really my heroes. I try to avoid them. Of course my dad disagrees because he’s old fashioned and doesn’t get it, but what’s so hard to get about treating people equally. America’s supposed to be a melting pot so what’s with the racism and harsh divide? Guess the founding fathers only meant equality when it came to every white man- and that’s bullshit.”
You stopped rambling to see that soda was grinning from ear to ear at you. You gave him a questioning look. “Did I miss something?”
“You are wicked smart with politics. Wiser than anyone I know, prettier than anyone I know.”
Three weeks later you found yourself walking through the library with ponyboy, fingers grazing over every book you walked past. Books were little keys to jump inside different worlds. You wished you could find a book from 2020 that would magically transport you back. You found Soda, but at what price? You wanted to go home where you had control over your life. You were lost here.
“Any book recommendations? I’m sure you had to read a lot of these.” The youngest Curtis asked as you rounded the corner.
“Hmm, ever read any Tolkien books? Like The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings Trilogy?”
“Awh, goodie, I get to be your mentor for this. Basically these are the best damn books that you will ever read. Bit lengthy but the detail is beautiful.”
He gently took the Hobbit in his hands, one gripping the back while the other flipped through the pages, examining how many there were before he tucked it under his arm, affirming that he would take a stab at it.
“What’s it about? Is it girly stuff- not that I mind really.”
Ponyboy was unlike the rest of the gang. He was a little softy that you wanted to hide from the world in order to protect him. The gang protected him physically but his feelings were usually punched, as much as Soda tried. Ponyboy felt things differently and deeply. He was in touch with literature and his life revolves around movies and books. You imagined how much he would adore the twentieth century with how much content there would be for him.
You crossed your arms and shifted your weight to one foot, “It’s a fantasy set up. So like elves, dwarves, hobbits, trolls, orcs, shapeshifters, magic, and I’m sure there’s more but my mind is blanking here. I promise it’s worth it. And I can explain as you read.”
“You’re a nerd?”
His innocent question made you laugh, “I guess you could say that, bud. Give it a shot and if you don’t like it, so be it,” you muttered this part to him, “although no one can resist middle earth’s charm.”
“What’s middle earth?”
“Where it takes place, it’s like another version of earth basically. But hey! You’re already so interested. Soon enough you’ll be wishing you were an elf slaying orcs too.” You joked, jabbing him in the side, “and if you say you wanna be a dwarf instead, you’re dead to me.”
He smiled, “what if I like the humans more? What then?”
“Then, I would consider you an absolute freak. Humans in this are like mediocre. Well, in the hobbit at least. Lord of the Rings they are more of a key part, but they’re so boring compared to the other cultures. Unless you like boring?” You raised an eyebrows at him.
“No, I ain’t boring. And I don’t like boring either.” He stubbornly said, walking side by side with you to go check your books out.
You grabbed a few random books that you wanted to check out. Soda worked and he refused to let you go anywhere alone, so you and Ponyboy just read a lot. It was summer vacation so he was outta school and had all the time in the world. You liked hanging out with the kid.
The two soc boys were standing by the counter when you guys got there. You huffed as the one winked at you. In that moment you wished you were legolas with a dagger and could gut him.
“Surprise seeing you here, considering I doubt you guys are literate.” You spoke, smiling at the librarian as you handed her the books.
“Surprise seeing you here with only the kid, we’ve heard you’re shaking up with Sodapop now. Looks like the greaser found his soulmate.”
The derogatory term aimed at Soda fueled your veins with rage. Blood rushed into your head at the idea that these guys thought they were above Soda, who was the kindest man you knew. Your heart told you to call them motherfucking cunts but your brain warmed you that it wasn’t a good choice. You glanced over and noticed that Pony looked as mad as you. If you retaliated, you wouldn’t get beat up but if he did, he would go home bloody while you trail behind him with a guilty face. You would give them a little talk.
You blew air out of your mouth before turning around to them, “Boys, I don’t know if you keep up with the news or not, but Vietnam is an ugly war filled with horrible people. Do you know what soldiers see? People being burned alive, dogs getting shot down, bombs obliterating people, women in villages getting raped, and most importantly you watch the men you grew to love die right before you.”
The two men stared at you wide eyed as you paused to grab the books from the librarian who was also now listeninf to you.
“Drafts are inevitable, and you know what? War doesn’t care who you are; greaser or soc. The enemy won’t stop to ask your financial stability before ending your life. The boys who you deem greasers could be the ones to save you from dying. Maybe try being nice because you never know who you will end up with on that field.”
Ponyboy’s mouth opened in shock when the two socs slowly back away and left without a single word. You hummed in victory before ushering the younger boy out of the building with you.
“Where did you hear those things? Darry keeps up with that stuff and I never heard nuthin like that.” Ponyboy asked after a few minutes.
You guys walked through the gate of the house but you halted before the steps, “A lot about the war is exposed after it ends. We learned about it in school. I used it against them as a wake up call. Try not to worry too much about it.”
Pony slowly nodded, “okay.”
The door opened and two-bit shuffled out the door with a beer can in his left hand, right hand wedged in his pocket.
“You guys are in trouble.” He sang as pony pushed him out of the way and walked into the house. Two-bit walked off the porch and turned to head home. He didn’t wanna be present for the yelling.
Soda and Darry’s heads snapped to the door and you held the books tighter to your chest to hide yourself. You two forgot to leave a note where you were going and now you were going to get scolded.
“Where the hell have you two been? It’s past 8:00.” Darry scolded, throwing down the newspaper that been in his hands.
You looked to Soda for help but even he shook his head to signal that he was just as upset. You handed the books to Pony before holding your hands up in surrender.
“Oh no, you caught us. We were at the library.” You joked, quickly knocking the smile off your face when the two older Curtis boys glared at you.
“Not funny. Anything could’ve happened to you.” Soda reprimanded. Your soulmate was always worried for you when he wasn’t around. He knew how horrible soc could be and they clearly had an interest in you. It was bad enough being away from you, but getting home to you and his kid brother not there made his nerves fly through the roof.
“Socs aren’t a worry when she’s around, trust me.” Pony mumbled, setting the books down on the table.
“Whats that mean? Did those socs bother you again, Y/N?” Soda suddenly was in front of you, checking your body for any cuts or bruises. You smacked his hands away.
“No, simmer down, I’m fine.” You said, offering him a reassuring smile.
“Then what happened!”
“She shut them down with her wit before they could even start. Those soc didn’t know how to respond so they turned around and walked right away.” Pony explained.
“What did you say?” Darry asked, slightly amused. He liked you very much and was glad that such an extraordinary woman was meant for his little brother.
You shared a look with pony to silently tell him to shut up about what you really said, “Nothing that’s important. What does matter is that Ponyboy got a bunch of books that he should be reading.”
He playfully rolled his eyes, “You want me to read so you can talk to me about elves.”
You nodded, “Well yeah, they’re the best part so get to it! Once you start you will love it.”
Ponyboy nodded before picking up the books and heading towards his shared room with Soda to begin reading. You smiled as you watch him go. You knew deep down that he was excited to read but didn’t want to make it seem like he was. He liked to taunt you with your taste in movies and books but you knew he really did agree.
“You baby him more than Soda does.” Darry stated, giving you a teasing glance.
“I don’t baby him.” Soda argued, glaring at his older brother.
“You do, Soda. Darry’s right though, I baby him a lot but I can’t help it. Pony’s a good kid that’s curious about the world. Reminds me of my best friend back home... I am sorry that we didn’t leave a note, we didn’t even think about it.” You admitted, grabbing Soda’s hand and intertwining it with his. He melted into your touch and you could tell that he wasn’t mad anymore. He couldn’t stay mad at you even if he tried.
“I know, I know. Just try to be more careful.” Darry softly spoke, “I’m headed to get a shower and go to bed. Don’t let Pony stay up too late.”
Soda muttered a yes and goodnight as you saluted Darry in a joking way, making the oldest Curtis smile and roll his eyes before going about his way.
As soon as the door was shut you were pulled into Soda’s arms, both wrapped tightly around your midsection as he nosed against your neck. You blushed as you wrapped your arms around him too, smelling the oil and dirt that came with working at the DX. It was an oddly comforting smell. Distinctly him. Your soul mark tingled as he left a soft kiss against the skin of your throat.
“You gave me a real fright, doll.” He softly spoke. Your eyes fluttered shut as he pulled you closer, his lips grazing your skin with his words, “ just worried when you’re not around, ‘m always thinking about you.”
“I didn’t know you thought about anything other than cars all day,” you poked.
He snorted, “yeah right. As if.”
“I’m so used to my independence that I forgot that here I need to let people know where I’m going.”
He pulled away slightly, “Did your parents not care about your safety?”
You snorted, “They did. Of course they did, but it was so easy to get ahold of them that I could just let them know while I was away. Plus once I turned 17 they stopped really caring what I did as long as I wasn’t doing anything sketchy. And I was always with my best friends.”
“Makes sense. Darry doesn’t care what I do if I’m with Steve...”
You pullled away and picked up one of the books to start reading it, “He should be the most concerned when you’re around that boy.”
You sat on the couch and held the book in your lap as you gave him a pointed look. He rolled his eyes. You and Steve sorta got along. He was nice and all to you, but he was a dick to ponyboy and that wasn’t appreciated. He walked to the kitchen to get a pop.
Minutes later he sat beside you on the couch, glancing down at the words splashed across the pages. He skim read but the book didn’t seem that great to him.
“Hmmm, soda?” When he didn’t reply you half way shut the book and turned to him, “what’s up?”
“Does it ever bother you that you’re so much smarter than me?”
Your heart burned at his question. Soda had a complex that he was stupid because he dropped out of high school. Everyone knew he did it because of his situation in which he tragically lived. Darry couldn’t do everything on his own and soda knew that. He sacrificed his future for the better of his small family. He wasn’t dumb.
“Education changes through years, so a lot of new material has been taught to me that you wouldn’t have known.”
He crossed his arms against his chest and slunk down in the cushion, “Come on, for real. Doesn’t it bother you that I’m a drop out?”
You set the book down and shifted so that your hands wrapped around his right bicep. You leaned your head on his shoulder. He didn’t look at you, instead he was staring holes into his bedroom door.
“Sometimes I feel like you should’ve been Ponyboy’s soulmate instead of mine.” He softly spoke, “He’s brilliant.”
“Oh my god, Soda. Can it. The universe wouldn’t send me decades back to find you if we weren’t meant to be. Not one part of me cares that you didn’t finish high school. You’re Soda. The smart man who takes care of his family. Does it bother you that I’m brainless when it comes to cars?”
Soda gave you a look like you were insane, “I don’t mind at all.”
“See, it doesn’t matter. I don’t see you as dumb and I wish you would stop seeing yourself that way too.”
Ponyboy walked into the living room, blonde hair messy as if he was playing with it. His cheeks were flushed from sitting under blankets and he looked a bit sleepy. Reading always made him a bit tired from how at peace he was, which was rare in his current life.
“Y/N, I don’t know how to feel about Bilbo. He seems good but he also seems a little selfish.” He said, eyes skimming along some of the words.
You smiled, “He’s a really pure character. You’ll grow to enjoy him. What part did you get to?”
Just like that Soda was in a better mood. Watching you speak so happily and effortlessly to his little brother about a book made his heart soar. Sometimes he felt like he couldn’t connect with Pony like he wanted to. And where he was lacking you were there to make up for it.
A few hours later Soda sweetly kissed you goodnight before retiring to his shared room with Pony. You snuggled into the couch with blankets wrapped around you.
Opening your eyes you saw that you were laying in your bed instead of the Curtis’ couch. Panic flood through your veins at the idea of returning home without the boys. Your heart was racing out of your chest as you looked at the decorations on your wall. A place that felt like your safest place was now a personal hell.
You wanted to return home but not without Soda, Pony, Darry, Two-bit and even Steve. God, you had to have been especially emo if you wished to see Steve more.
The idea of seeing Claire and Margo was beyond relieving but the pain of never seeing Soda again almost cancelled it out. Once again you would be the friend without a soulmate- without a better half. You sighed as angry tears slipped from your eyes. Why did the world have to fuck with you so much? You didn’t have a soulmate, found them in another decade, and then when you grew adapted to the times and people, Mother Earth ripped you back to your old life.
“Hun, why are you crying?” You heard Soda say. You tried to sit up to look for him but a firm arm was wrapped around your middle. Somehow you completely didn’t register that when you woke up.
You struggled to turn around and there he was. Beautiful Sodapop Curtis laying right beside you in your bed. In 2020. His hair was slightly shorter but his kind blue eyes were still the same. He was still the same handsome boy from the 1960’s.
A choked sob escaped your lips as you wrapped your arms around him, pulling yourself as close as you could. Warm skin against yours assured yourself that he was real. This was real. Not some dream that your brain cruelly conjured you in attempt to calm you down.
“Did you have a nightmare?” He softly asked, a hand coming to rub up and down your back. His gesture only made more tears leak out of your eyes. You were so confused. Why wasn’t he freaking out too?
“I don’t know. Where’s Ponyboy and the guys?”
His hand faltered for a moment before he went back to comforting you, his lips pecked your forehead a few times, “They’re at home, probably asleep. Did you have a nightmare about them?”
Your mind was spiraling. Somehow the boys made it here too and soda seemed to not find this weird at all. He was acting like everything was normal.
“What year were you born?” You asked, clutching onto him, trying to remember what his skin felt like against yours.
“1999. Babe, tell me what’s going on. You’re starting to scare me here.” He lightly chuckled, adoring that you were clutching onto him as if he would disappear.
You didn’t know how to explain so you disguised it as a dream, “I had a weird dream, a really realistic one, that I was transported back to the 1960’s and I found you and the guys there. I can’t remember how we met now.”
You felt him shift slightly to get his arm free. He picked up his phone and the screen lit up. His lock screen was a picture of you two in front of a well taken care of old blue camaro.
“We met five months ago at a car show. You were with your grandpa, Claire, and Margo and I was with the boys. My mark burned when I accidently brushed your arm when I passed. We realized what was going on and we got this picture. We’ve been together since.” He recalled easily.
As he spoke, you could faintly see all of this happening in your point of view. How happy you felt when you saw him, the tingling of your mark, gushing internally at how attractive he was, you could even hear Margo cat calling in your head when you two got that picture.
Suddenly memories were dancing around in your brain. Getting Taco Bell together at midnight. Him joining your friend group to sit around the usual fire pit, him making you a s’more when you beg him even though you knew you didn’t have to ask more than once. Him building you the nice wooden shelf in your room that you put your weird Knick knacks on. Him laughing along when you scream “I will sacrifice my own life for Pakistan.” Going over for dinner and watching Lord of the Rings with pony boy.
“It’s all real.” You breathed out, “I’m sorry, that dream just really messed me up..”
He grinned down at you, his lips slowly drifting right above yours until they softly brushed together. Your soul mark tingled in utter delight. His arms slithered around your back as he moved on top of you, “I should be offended that you forgot about all of that, you know.”
You laughed, “Yeah... I’ll make it up to you by being nice to Steve for a whole day.”
He snorted, “wow, a whole day... that might kill you.”
You exaggeratedly nodded, “Honestly. He’s seriously the worst, soda.”
He boyishly smiled as he rolled off of you and stood up, grabbing his jeans and pulling them over his legs. He shoved his hands in each pocket to make them go in. He grabbed his plain black shirt and slid it over his shoulders and then head.
“I have to get home, Pony’s drivers test is in an hour and I’m the one to take him. He’ll for sure pass. I made sure of that. But tonight we will probably get cake to celebrate, the boys are all coming over. You’ll come, right?” He asked grabbing his hat and sliding it on his head.
“Wouldn’t miss it.”
He winked at you once and leaned over the bed to give you a quick peck, “see you soon, pretty lady.”
You blushed, “see ya soon, handsome.”
He smiled softly before walking out the door. You laid there in the bed in disbelief. Your dream was too real to not be true but at the same time you recalled meeting him in 2020 too.
Either way you were thankful that soda was in the present with you because it was honestly the best of both worlds.
A strong breeze hit the house and your window popped open. A small scrap of paper floated in and landed on your dresser. Your hands smoothed they paper before reading it.
“Sometimes reality changes for people who deserve it.”
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osakaso5 · 4 years
La Danse Macabre
Episode 15
Chapter Index
15-1: Chaos in the Skin of a Man (1)
Qual: Now, let us return to the Ark, Celestial.
Arme: ........
Unity Order Troop: Captain, Leiden. We've finished restraining the members of Rebellion.
Cura: Hey, let us go! And get this guy a doctor! He'll die if you leave him like this!
Fuga: Haa... Haa...
Arme: Fuga...
Leiden: What do we do about them, Qual? Should we bring them in as persons of interest?
Qual: No need.
Qual: We'll exterminate them right here.
Libel: ........
Arme: Wait! You mustn't kill them!
Unity Order Troop: .......?
Arme: I know they commited a... crime, at first... But I came this far of my own accord.
Qual: Celestial..?
Arme: The people of the Surface have legitimate grievances... After coming here, seeing and feeling what it's like, I think there are many ways in which the Ark could help improve their conditions.
Leiden: Hey... What's going on here?
Qual: ...Celestial. Is that truly how you feel?
Arme: Of course! Qual, Leiden! I want you to look more closely into the present state of the Surface.
Qual: Celestial...
Qual: I understand...
Arme: Qual...
Qual: You bastard!!!
Libel: Urgh..!
Arme: Libel!
Qual: First you kidnap the Celestial, then you brainwash him..! You've poisoned his mind with your warped ideals!
Libel: ...Hrgh!
Arme: Stop! Stop it, Qual!
Qual: Huff... huff...
Libel: Pft...
Cura: ...I guess this is it. We're done for...
Unity Order Troop: Uaargh!
Leiden: !?
Unity Order Troop: Who are you!?
Unity Order Troop: Gaaah!
Libel: .......?
Qual: What?
Vida: Ah...
Vida: Haha... Well well, looks like the puny little justice league is losing.
Vida: I thought even weaklings like you would show more guts than that. ...It's a good thing I decided to come early.
Libel: Vida...
Cura: ...Seriously?
Leiden: Huh..? He a friend of yours?
Cura: Nope, not even close. Forget us... you guys better run while you still can.
Leiden: What?
15-2: Chaos in the Skin of a Man (2)
Leiden: Is the Surface just full of idiots? What kind of dumbass would willingly step into a situation like this?
Leiden: Hey, get over here so I can finish you off.
Vida: Hmm.
Vida: You skyfolk really are a snotty bunch.
Leiden: !?
Leiden: When did he get behind me..?
Qual: ...I didn't even see him move.
Vida: Oh, well. I'll be taking that one with me.
Arme: M-me..?
Leiden: ...Don't you underestimate us.
Vida: Huh?
Leiden: Take this!
Vida: Haha...
Leiden: He just took it!?
Leiden: Urgh..!? Uoorgh!
Qual: Leiden!?
Vida: Wow. For someone who probably eats well, you're not tough at all...
Leiden: W-why you..! Don't get cocky with me!
Vida: Oopsie-daisy.
Leiden: Huff... huff..! G-get over here..!
Vida: Heh... hehe! You're doing pretty well  with only one arm!
Vida: Hyahahaha! Pathetic!
Vida: You're looking like a bug with torn wings!
Leiden: I-I'll kill you..!
Vida: Ooh, I'm so scared... Ugh... I think that's enough of you.
Leiden: Guh..!
Vida: I guess weaklings are all the same, whether they come from above or below.
Qual: Leiden...
Cura: Haha... He's so freaking strong...
Libel: Qual, right? Take Arme and run.
Qual: What are you..?
Libel: I'd rather let you keep Arme safe than hand him over to Vida.
Qual: You're telling me to cower from a Surface dwelling vermin like yourself..!
Cura: Now's not the time to get elitist! Hurry up and go!
Vida: Yeah, seriously.
Qual: !?
Qual: Ugh..! What is this strength..!
Vida: Oh, not bad. Are you a little stronger than that other guy?
Vida: Though it's still not enough.
Qual: .......!
Qual: Ugh... coff..!
Qual: Wait..! I won't let you take... the Celestial..!
Vida: Huh... You've got balls, for one of the skyfolk.
Vida: Unfortunately for you, that doesn't matter.
Qual: Guaah!
Qual: Coff.. coff... W-wait...
Vida: You pest.
Qual: .......
Vida: Then there's our completely powerless wannabe heroes...
Libel: ...Try us. Even without arms or legs, we can still bite.
Vida: Haha...
Arme: ...Wait.
Arme: Vida, was it? I'll come with you. In exchange, spare Libel and the others.
Cura: Kid..?
Libel: Arme, don't.
Vida: Huh? And why would I listen to you?
Arme: I'm the one you're after, aren't I? The moment you lay a hand on these people, I'll bite my tongue and die.
Vida: Haha... True, I can't exactly let you kick the bucket. We're hoping to sell you while you're still alive.
Arme: So--
Arme: Ugh...
Libel: Arme!
Vida: Snotty brat. Don't you try to make deals with me.
Vida: There we go.
Libel: Let Arme go, Vida. He's the Surface's only hope.
Libel: Not just for the rest of us. With him, we might even be able to help Kokujohyako.
Vida: Hope... hope, eh.
Vida: Don't you know that hope is only for people who know they'll live to see another day?
Vida: It's because you cling to your hopes and dreams that you don't know true danger. That's what makes you so weak.
Libel: ...Vida.
Vida: Too bad, Libel. Unlike you, we don't have time to dream.
Vida: But I guess I'll humor the brat, and let you live. Live out your quiet lives here on the Surface.
Vida: Bye now.
Libel: ...Wait! Arme!
Libel: Arme!!!
- - - -
Cura: 3... 2... 1..!
Cura: Ugh..! Damn, that's hot..!
Cura: Huff... Finally out of those restraints. Bombs rule.
Cura: Let me untie you, libel.
Libel: ........
Cura: Fuga's in a bad shape. We need to get him treated...
Libel: Yeah...
Libel: Are you okay, Fuga..?
Fuga: Yeah... I'm still hanging on...
Cura: Let's get away from here, before the soldier boys wake up.
Libel: Yeah.
Libel: I'll get you back.. Arme...
Qual: ...I'll...
Qual: I'll never forgive.. you vermin... 
To be continued...
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tvmblrdothailey · 4 years
Bnha x trans woman reader
Tumblr media Tumblr media
A/N: I decided to write an x reader where the reader is a trans woman. To any trans woman reading this I just want you to know thAT I FŪCKING LOVE YOU💙💖🤍💖💙🥰😘🥰😘🥰😘 YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND I WILL LITERALLY FIGHT ANYONE WHO HURTS YOU.
Warning: Cursing, Transphobia, mentions of Sex Reassignment Surgery, Gender Dysphoria. Karen
(Y/N): Your name
(D/N): Your dead name
Summary: It took a while for your parents to accept you for who you are, you just hoped your classmates and teachers would accept you as well.
- Before the first day, you had recieved your school uniform, but it turned out to be a mens uniform. To which you had to “politely” ask them to send you the correct uniform.
- Once you made it to class you were immediently introduced to a green haired male who you’d later find out was named Izuku. Then you met Uraraka, Iida, Asui, etc.
- Eveything was going well until your teacher showed up and immediently had you all sent to change into P.E uniforms.
- It wasn’t the uniform that was the problem, it was the fact that none of them knew you were trans and had to share a changing room with other woman. And even though they seemed friendly at first, you still were unsure how’d they react.
- In the past you had to learn the hard way that a smile can really hide someones true colors and that not all people are willing to accept you for who you are and not what you are.
- It’s worth noting that you havent had Sex Reassignment Surgery yet, because you couldnt afford it. (You did take medication though)
- And even though you were generally confident about your Gender, you still had your moments where you started to doubt yourself abd even questioned if you were a real woman (WHICH YOU FRICKING ARE OKAY!!! 😤💙🤍💖)
- Once you were in the womans lockerroom, you tried your best to find a place where you could change without any of them seeing you. So far it was going good until Uraraka came looking for you. She blushed and in a panic you told her you were a trans woman.
- You froze for a few seconds before hearing Uraraka’s voice “Oh...okay, well just so you know, I think you’re a very beautiful woman!” My god you had to hold back from giving Uraraka a hug right then and there.
- Later down the line you had come out to the rest of the girls as a Trans woman, to which they all responded with hugs and affection.
- “We don’t care if you’re trans, you’re still the same (Y/N) we know and love.” -Hagakure
- “It doesnt matter whats in your pants, if you identify as a woman, then you’re a woman.” - Jirou
- “I am literally pink, and you think I’d judge you because of your gender? Hell nah, get over here and let me love you!” - Mina
- “If anyone tells you otherwise you come to me and I will have a “friendly” chat with them.” -Momo
- “Ribbit, You’ll always be our friend (Y/N), no matter what.” -Tsu
- They would die for you
- With the help of the other girls, you eventually came out to Aizawa, and he promised that you would be treated the same just as any other student. And if anyone gives you any problems you bring it to him for him to deal with. (Protective dad tm)
- Eventually the entire class knew and you felt the biggest weight fall of your shoulders.
- “It does’nt matter, you’re still (L/N) (Y/N). And we all care about you. 💚” -Izuku
- “I don’t give a damn about your gender! So stop it with that self-concious shit.” -Bakugo. Although his words may seem harsh, he really cares about you and is willing to blow up any wall, building or mountain to chase away any Dysphoria you may have.
- You had to exaplain it a couple of times for Todoroki since he was never educated about that kind of stuff, but once he got it he immediently replied “I didn’t know people could do that. Thank you for telling me, and I’ll do everything I can to support you.” 🤍❤️
- Of cource there were going to be some students who felt the need to belittle you...
- One time in the Caffiteria, Monoma had walked up to your table and desided that today would be the day he would be the biggest dick in the world
- “It’s shocking how people say Class 1A is one of the hardest courses to get into, yet they let someone like you in.” He said
- You looked at him “Excuse me?”
- “I’m just saying when you think about it scientifically, you’re still a man no m- “ Monoma didn’t get to finish his sentence before Kendo slapped him, knocking him out cold.
- “Hey, sorry about him (Y/N). I knew he was low but I didn’t think he was that low.” She then smiled at you “Don’t listen to him, he’s just desperate to finding ways to make his class seem better because of some imaginary rivalry that’s only exist in his head. Anyway, I need to take him to Recovery girl to get his brains checked, but I’ll see you later!”
- Kendo was the best, and she made sure that Monoma got a stern lecture from Vlad later that day.
- Then there was the Mall incident, when the class was going on a trip to the mall to buy supplies for Summer training camp, but then you ran into an Ex friend.
- Emphasis on the word EX
- “(D/N)?” They said. To which you froze, you recgonized that voice anywhere and you could already tell that this conversation wasn’t going to be friendly.
- You slowly turned around “Hey Karen...” She didnt look that diffrent, fake nails, fake jewlery, fake personality...what?
- “Why are you dressed like a woman?” She said.
- You groaned before responding “Because I am a woman, Karen.” You tried to walk away from her in order to avoid confrontation, the last thing you needed were hundreds of eyes on you. You made a note to yourself to come back tommorow when you would’nt have to deal with her. But you’re taken out of your thoughts as you feel someone grab your shoulder and spin you around.
- “Do you think it’s funny? To make fun of mental illness?” She said.
- There was a point in time when Karens words didnt offend you anymore, they just frustrated you because of how dumb and ignorant she sounded.
- “Karen, I have told you multiple times that I am a woman, I am not mentally ill, I am human. I get that it might be confusing for you but it’s not for me. I am happy the way I am okay?”
- “You’re the one that’s confused. You think you’re a girl but you’re a boy no matter what? That’s just how the human body works.” She shot back. At this point multiple eyes were already on you two. Some looked uncomftorable, others look confused and then there were a few that looked disgusted. Just a few people had the power to send Dysphoria crawling back into your mind.
- You started to hear fast footsteps before hearing “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY YOU BOOTLEG BARBIE BITCH?!”
- Oh hey bakugo (we’re gonna pretend him, Kiri and Shoto came along aight)
- “Bakugo, It is unacceptable to call a woman by such a deragatory term! Even though she was being rude to (Y/N) there are better ways to-“ Iida was cut off by Bakugo
- “SHUT THE HELL UP FOUR EYES!” Kiri then had to hold bakugo back while Todoroki and Uraraka steped in between you and Karen.
- “Don’t ever talk to our friend like that, she is more of a woman than you’ll ever be. I’d suggest that you walk away right now, our friend can only hold back Bakugo for so long.” Todoroki said
- Uraraka helped calm your nerves and whispered to you “Don’t listen to her, she’s just jealous because you can wear a dress better than her.”
- AIGHT, now the training camp.
- During the training camp, Tiger had not only helped you get stronger, but also helped scare away any Gender Dysphoria that remained inside your head.
- “Don’t ever let peoples harsh words get to you! You are doing this for yourself and that’s what matters!” He said
- When it was time to take a bath, you didn’t hesitate to get into the hot springs. The encouraging words Tiger gave you along with the constant support of your friends had made you feel safe and happy. You could’nt ask for better friends.
- One moment that stuck out was when momo dropped the question “Hey (Y/N), you dont have to awnser this but I was wondering, why have’nt you gone through Sex Reassignment Surgery? Are you not comftorble with it or...?”
- “Oh, I just dont have the money for it.” You responded
-Way way later on.
- your birthday was finally around the corner
- On the big day you woke up to your friends Uraraka and Midoriya at your door and they dragged you to the main room where the rest of the class along with Mr. Aizawa were.
- You noticed a large envelope on the coffe table and they looked at you before Hagakure urged you to open it.
- When you did you found two gifts, one was a shirt
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- And the other was a smaller envelope with the words Class 1A written on the back. You opened the envelope and pulled out a card and opened it to which a small keychain fell out that said “trans woman are real woman” and if that wasn’t wholesome enough...
- You looked inside the card but before you could begin reading Aizawa interupted and asked you to read it outloud.
- “Dear (Y/N), words can not describe how wonderful you are, how brave, how strong, or how amazing of a person and classmate you are. We all love you! When you came out to us as a transwoman, we all immediently wanted to make sure you knew you were valid and loved. It’s come to our attention that you haven’t had sex reassignment surgery because you are unable to afford it. So we banded together and decided we would help pay for your surgery-“ you couldn’t finish as you were allready in tears and you looked at Aizawa and the rest of the class to confirm that they were not messing with you.
- “I’ve already talked with your parents all you have to do is set up an appointment and all that fun stuff.” Aizawa said.
- Your tears turned into water falls and your classmates all went to give you hugs and affection. You thanked each of them through your tears of joy and hiccups.
- Definitely a Birthday that would be remembered.
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crunadh · 3 years
38! 42! 48, 51, 95 :)
Yay, asks!
38 - Tell us about your pet peeves!
Inconsiderate people who only think of themselves, people who let their dogs walk without a leash in the woods, people who put on the belt after they started to drive, people who ask when I will get married (never!) only to tell me that I’ll be so terribly lonely when I get old. Same goes for people who tell me that my biological clock is ticking. I’m going to stop myself right there because my blood is starting to boil...
42 - Do you have a favourite coffe shop? Describe it!
There’s this one independent coffee shop in a town near my parents’. It’s next to a small mall and my mum and me love to go there. It has different types of coffee than what you get at the big chains and they serve my favourite type of Brezel which is covered in finely ground salt instead of those big lumps you usually get. The atmosphere is lovely, too, it has several small seating areas with high bar stools.
48 - What was your biggest fear as a kid? Is it the same today?
Ufff. I don’t know. I was an anxious kid (although people rarely realized) and I think my fears are still the same, but the reasons changed a bit. Also, I finally learned how to deal with my fears in a healthier manner. As for my biggest fear, allow me to keep it a secret :) I’ll give you a silly one instead: Whenever I step on my balcony I’m a little bit afraid that it will just crash down under me. No idea why...
51 - Think of a person. What song do you associate with them?
I rarely do associate people with songs, so I can only tell you about that one person I always think about when I hear “Somebody That I Used To Know”.
It’s a distant friend of mine, we studied together but now only keep contact loosely. But we went ice skating one time and the ice skating park had music on. We must’ve been there for over an hour but I only remember that song. And whenever I hear it I think of that friend and how we went ice skating.
95 - What are your plans for this weekend?
Nothing special. Visiting my parents and checking in with the grandparents. They’re all not getting any younger.
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Mmmmh I'm curious to know what would happen in a Coffe shop AU...
From THIS (Still open for asks for it btw!)
This one had been a lot of fun to brainstorm, so here is it x)
Modern AU setting:
Maiev works in the coffee shop as a student to pay for her college degree. She likes it very much and her other coworkers are really nice to her. Illidan is also a student but he doesn't work, instead, he goes there to get his morning coffee, and usually, he also goes there during the afternoon to deal with his coffee addiction. 
The first day that he goes there and that Maiev is the one serving him, Maiev immediately crushes on him and almost puts her number on his cup but as a coworker tells her that he's a regular, she knows she can wait. Illidan doesn't really get a crush on her but he wouldn't have minded the number. Then everything changes when he (accidentally) makes Naisha (Maiev's favorite coworker and best friend) trips and that she gets her arm broken. After that, the war is declared.
Maiev quickly decides to bury her crush six feet under and she becomes hostile towards Illidan, but it's still discreet enough so Illidan cannot fill a complaint to get her fired, and Maiev is extremely good at it. Little comments about him; messing up his order but slightly so it only looks like an honest mistake; messing up his relationship with the people he comes there. For example, Illidan came in with Kor'vas because they had to work on something for their classes, and Maiev was believing that she was his girlfriend (there was a little jealousy with it...) and succeeded to make comments that left Illidan really embarrassed and Kor'vas had no idea how to react and only wanting to hide. From there, Illidan realizes that Maiev seriously hates him.
Decided to counterattack, Illidan is now the one to be gently hostile towards Maiev, and he will show her that her little attacks on him don't work anymore. One day, he gets there with Malfurion as they finished at the same hour for once, and Maiev tries once again to make her little comments to shame him. Illidan retaliates by making his own comments (he had warned Malfurion about the feud he had with the woman) and Maiev is destabilized by it. Another day, she openly messes up his coffee by making him undrinkable (mostly putting salt instead of sugar) and when Illidan realizes it, he makes eye contact with her and chugs down the entire drink without breaking the contact and Maiev fears him. (He succeeded in waiting to be outside before throwing up, but at least, he won that day).
Weeks pass as those little fights keep going between them. Maiev's coworkers are betting on when it will stop (if it will); on how their relationship will evolve (because they noticed Maiev's jealousy and that clearly, Illidan plays along); and her manager just shake their head about her behavior but doesn't say anything (she's doing a really good job when it isn't Illidan that she serves and as long as Illidan doesn't complain, they can pretend nothing is happening). One evening, after Maiev's shift, she finds Illidan waiting for her outside of the shop and she wonders what he's doing there. In fact, Illidan just wants a discussion with Maiev without her coworkers constantly around. They bicker constantly as Maiev walks back to the flat she's renting for college and Illidan accompanies her. He spends the night there. The next day, everyone at work can see that Maiev is trying really hard to look angry but she's failing, and the money for the bets get into the hands of their rightful owner when they see Maiev serving Illidan without messing up with his drink.
And now, because I realized after planning that AU that nothing said that it needed to be in a modern setting, I present you the coffee shop AU within canon Azeroth !
While Azeroth is experiencing a relatively peaceful time, as every troublemaker is currently in the Shadowlands, Maiev decides that it's time to find a new vocation because she can't be a Warden forever (or at least she's trying to convince herself) and she starts to travel around the planet to find an idea. At some point, she realizes that coffee is really great and that everyone has a different way to do it and slowly, she finds the idea of making a coffee shop.
She installs it in Dalaran because she quickly came to the conclusion that coffee was really similar to Mana and a lot of mages are already addicted to it, and with the neutrality of the city, she knows she can get more customers than sticking to only one faction. After a few try and errors, she slowly gets a good reputation in the city, and then, from outside of the city and as she keeps experimenting (and her Wardens traveling around the world to see how they do it and bringing back the recipes to Maiev) and after a few years, she becomes worldly renowned. At least her coffee shop name.
One day, Illidan comes back to Azeroth and he’s a little lost as to what to do or who to meet again. The Titans came back to the Pantheon and finalized the imprisonment of Sargeras so Illidan could take a few days off and they sent him back to his home, and it’s awkwardly that Illidan walks through the streets of Dalaran, as it had been the last place he had really been when he was on Azeroth. Only a few people know that he’s back but no one really cares about it and Maiev isn’t even aware of it. One day, he stumbles in front of her coffee shop and he remembers that he heard only good about it (though not a word about the owner) and he just decides to try it. After his entrance, some employees whisper between them and one of them disappears as Illidan goes to sit at a table and wait for someone to take his order. At some point, he feels the strange sensation as if someone is trying to strangle him from afar but he doesn’t understand where it is coming from.
As they obviously told Maiev that Illidan was there (as most employees are former Wardens who followed Maiev), she is more than aware of his presence and despite that she hadn’t really worked as a waitress in her own shop for years, she decides that she will be the one to serve Illidan that day. After all those years, Maiev had healed a little from all the Wars she had lived through and the pain she had experienced from everything, and thus, Illidan doesn’t immediately recognize the woman once she brings him the menu, and that she forces herself to sound joyful so he wouldn’t recognize the murder intonation from her voice. As she takes the order from Illidan, who feels more and more uncomfortable with a little voice telling him to run away before he gets stabbed, she succeeds to start a seemingly innocent conversation with him as she brings the coffee. She tells him that she’s the owner and that she created that shop to fill the void that her lover left after the Third Invasion of the Legion and the more she describes the relationship they had, the more Illidan remembers them, and then, it hits him that the woman is Maiev. Realizing it, he tries to not look at her, nor react, because now, he understands why he was feeling so threatened. Then, Maiev just drops a bomb, telling him that it’s a shame that her lover never got to know his child, that Illidan finally reacts by jumping away from the table and shouting her name. Completely unfazed, Maiev turns her head towards Illidan, glaring at him, and without a single trace of emotion, tells him that it's a joke and that there’s no child.
Illidan feels really bad, and he feels like he has no place in her life anymore (as he was already expecting) and decides to go back to the Pantheon on that very night, not ready to face Maiev again. But as she leaves his table, she tells him to wait for the shop to close that evening. As he feels an ounce of hope from that, Illidan just walks mindlessly through Dalaran until he joins her again in the evening. Maiev let him inside and it’s only the two of them. She is still really angry about his decision, especially that he didn’t tell her about it until she found the crystal hidden in her tents, days after Illidan already left. There, she openly cries in front of him, something that only he got to witness back then, and she just tells him everything that had happened and how much she missed him. Out of reflex, Illidan goes to hug her despite that he knows that she could pretty much stab him if she was angry enough at him, but nothing happens and she hugs back. Slowly, they’re back to kissing as if there hadn’t been so long separating their last kiss and that one, and Maiev made him stay for the night. The next morning, Illidan is wearing the shop’s uniform and decides that the Pantheon can wait for him. The other employees (the former Wardens so) love to joke around that Illidan only got the job because he sleeps with the boss, and every time, the customers have no idea how to react, but they're slightly embarrassed through second-hand.
Thank you a lot for the proposition, it was really nice to get ideas for it!
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fuckyeaharthuriana · 4 years
“Cursed” minor spoilers review
This is basically most of the points I talked about when I was at episode 8, plus something extra because I actually finished the series. You can also read my super long spoilers up-to-ep8 opinion here.
The show is generally enjoyable. While it starts slow, in an attempt to explain what all the characters are, it finally picks up by episode 5, when the characters finally collide in one unique storyline. The scenery is pretty, the world building is vague but not as vague as other shows in some parts (*coff*Merlin BBC): the show has a lot of information about gods (and not the vague “old religion”), even if we still don’t know everything about it, furthermore we know that the “new religion” in the conflict is Christianism and the show uses historical elements (the Church).
I am not usually a fan of religious conflict unless done very well, and I wish the show had focused a bit more on the political aspect of things. We never know how the kingdoms are distributes, how powerful they are, what are the relationships between the various forces and powerful allies/enemies. Where are they? How big is Uther’s kingdom? Did the Pope travel to England?? The mix of historical with fantasy facts, doesn’t work very well when there is not a lot connecting the dots and filling the gaps. Characters move through speed-movement and instant teleportation, and any character can virtually be anywhere at any time (example: when Nimue manages to reach Arthur and the Green Knight during their battle), without showing us how effortless/or full of effort that journey was. This annoys me because it lowers the stakes of what is happening, as, if every character can instant travel then everyone can be instantly saved or ambushed by everyone else. To combat this, the show could have easily started by showing us a map, with the classic exposition voice over that delineates the kingdoms and the power conflicts, and where all the main places are. Or, instead of the plot-transitions, we could have had map movements transitions.
The show doesn’t show
Maybe because of budget, the show ends up not showing a lot of things. We know that the fae have magic, but Nimue is the only one using it, while all the other fae show no sign of magic. Maybe they don’t all have magic? In that case, why are they persecuted? Is it because of their religion? It cannot only be because of the way they look, as many fae are just as humans. The show never explains it, and leaves me wondering if the fae actually have magic and the show didn’t have budget, or if magic is something rare.
Another thing the show doesn’t is... showing. There are some battles that are not shown, and I wanted to talk about a twitter that the Netflix Cursed account recently published, showing how “wow, we are so surprised at knowing who the widow is!!”... the problem is that we cannot be THAT surprised when we don’t know the rules of being a widow: is it a title? what are the limitations? Why is it that being the Widow is a bad thing? Sounds like a great deal to me! Furthermore, the big battle that ends up with the new Widow is never shown, we are simply told that it happened, and we are supposed to be surprised.
The same happens with the Sword. We are told many times how many kings want the Sword but we don’t really know what is the position of the Sword in the world. They never explain if everyone knows about it, if some people do, what people know about it, which ends up making me go “okay”, when I am surprised to say something like “oh wow! THEY have the sword now!”.
The plot
I really enjoyed the idea of the Sword, as I generally love good characters being corrupted (or bad characters getting redemption). I found the rest of the plot (religious war) a bit generic, but I suppose it makes sense to give conflict to the story, but the addition of Uther ended up clashing a bit, for me. I think it was too much (and the tone of his character was all over the place). Regarding the end, it seemed a bit like cheating to me, as it looks like the main political points of the world never changed and are still the same. At least the characters end up with an interesting journey. 
Characters’ arcs
My favorite part of a show are usually the characters, and I enjoyed a lot of Cursed’s arcs. Arthur had, in my opinion, the best character arc, even if his character was introduced so weirdly (it was like the show was afraid of introducing him as a thief/kind of opportunist and cowardly decided to never actually go there), but ends up being quite well defined by both his actions and his past, not to mention that the show actively demonstrates how he could and will be a great leader, and shows us his increasing easy with leadership.
In second place, definitely Morgana, as she started from the most interesting place to end up into what we would expect will be her path of corruption (maybe?). I cannot say much more, because of spoilers, but I can say that even if the show played with the bury your gays trope, I still enjoyed finally having a wlw Morgana on screen (not to mention that the show buries other character’s love interests). She brings the personal conflict of rage and duty to the show!
Uther was also one of my favorite even if it felt like he was a bit unnecessary in the first part of the show. I suppose his character arc will be necessary for the second season, but I wish they had picked one feeling (comedic vs serious) for his scenes. And now that I am talking about Uther, let me add that I found Merlin useless for most of the show. I am not sure what the Fisher was supposed to achieve, why we needed so many Merlin scenes? It felt more like the show wanted to talk about these characters, instead of telling a story about Nimue.
The Green Knight was lovely as well, he had a nice character arc that I really enjoyed, and same for the Weeping Monk, they both starts from one point and ends up completely different by the end of the show so it was excellent.
Now, regarding Nimue, I am not sure what to think. She doesn’t really grow, or at least, I couldn’t tell. She starts from one point (hating her village because she is discriminated) and ends up helping the fae, but the discrimination part is never resolved and never come back again, as she is later readily accepted by all the other faes. So I wasn’t really sure why we needed to see her people hating her at the beginning, if not to add some angst that she didn’t really need. For the rest of the story, she seems a bit taken by the flow. She immediately accepts anything, and doesn’t seem to interested in learning more, she just accepts her fate, accepts her mother’s quest, accepts that she has to do this etc. Sadly, she felt like a necessary bland character, and clearly the story would not progress without her, but she had some good moments when she interacted with Morgana and Kaze.
About the Arthur and Nimue, while I didn’t mind them together that much, I felt like the best of their characters came out when they were interacting with others, and not each others. The show seemed to really want us to see Arthur and Nimue as lovers, and never gave them the chance to interact in anything but love scenes, while, on the other side, we had Nimue showing her leadership skills to Morgana, learning from Kaze, confronting Merlin, and we see Arthur overcoming the Green Knight’s prejudice, showing his valor to the fae, even analyzing some deep character trait with Morgana. 
Arthurian elements
I was very VERY annoyed by the constant switcheroo. A character would get introduced and then would reveal their real arthurian name, and this happened at least five times if not more. Other arthurian elements were mixed in a bag and picked up at random (Bors? the Fisherman if he is the Fisher King? The Green Knight?), which is nothing surprising.
Also I had to actively force myself to forget anything I knew about Arthur’s family to be able to enjoy the show, and someone the show decided that Kay was not necessary at all, instead we have a guy named Charles, because, who cares, right?  
Also, we are told Merlin is so smart, but the show doesn’t show it to us, we just see him telling us that he is smart and old and powerful.
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coff-in · 4 months
BUNNY ANON'S GENIUS ASK GAVE ME T H O U G H T S god all the big-brainers are coalescing at coff-in's huh. Love it. As Devious Little Sis's brain-mother, I must chime in :D Brocon reader is SO up devious little sis reader's ally! Devious little sis who is so attached to Andrew (honestly though I think deep down she still loves Ashley and represses *hard* after her death), she just happens to love Andrew way more because Andy's the one who's been holding her hand since she's been toddling around, the one who coddles her to sleep and buys her snacks and makes her food. There's also the possibility that Devious little sis had a kind of rivalry with Ashley back in the day that was eventually resolved because devious little sis is, well, devious, and coddles up to Ashley enough to the point where Ashley stops seeing her as a leech for Andrew's attention (but reader still kinda holds a grudge against Ashley). I think the emotional aspect of it is so interesting too because something I can see devious little sis doing post-Decay is if Andrew seems a little too fixated on Ashley, devious little sis starts her social butterfly ways again. It's toxic, but Andrew realizes that he still has one more little sister to lose, right? She wants him to get even more possessive, even more territorial, more and more jealous each time she talks to another man or woman, because if he's worried about losing her then he won't have time to think about Ashley. She's smart enough to keep it controlled enough so Andrew doesn't also start having murderous thoughts about her ("If I can't have you, then no one should") but she just wants her older brother to realize that he should focus on what he has and he shouldn't take it for granted. Andrew has such a shitty time emotionally in this version. First he kills his sister, who he still loves. His pain is temporarily given a balm when reader soothes him, loves him, being the only good thing left in his life. But then reader starts up on her mind games and now he has to worry about losing her too and his only source of love is threatened and aggggh. In conclusion, I love you coff-in! Mwah mwah.
-Devious Anon <3
notes from coff-in: AAAAHHH I LOVE YOU TOO DEVIOUS ANON!!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU GUYS-- every ask, message, request, and note you guys send mean so much to me :3 i also don't know if i can add anything else to this dish, you seasoned it perfectly!
devious little sister [reader]
i really wanna into the thought process of devious little sis because it's just so neat to me. the way these thoughts and feelings developed and how they reflect and impact their relationship and codependency with ashley and andrew. it should be like a three strand braid, you need all three for it to work and stand. without on of the strands it just wouldn't work or be the same, it'd be something different.
i kinda wanted to lean into that with the request. ashley impacted both [reader] and andrew so even after her death she still sort of dictates their actions, you know?
devious little sis playing her silly tricks and games to keep andrew's eyes on her is just AUGH so so true of her. i personally see devious little sis being a theatre/acting kid, treating every social interaction as a play on stage; she's just playing a role and speaking her lines, she doesn't care about them or what they have to say. she cares about the audience, andrew and ashley. she wants their eyes on her... they're the only people she doesn't have to act for.
poor andrew. it must be such a struggle dealing with his uncomfortably. unreasonably big and need endowments two manipulative sisters. do you think he'd try to push the responsibilities of his action onto [reader] too? like he did ashley? when he looks at [reader], does he see ashley? a reflection of her that he helped raise when she was still alive? it's hard on [reader] too, i think. trying her best to fulfill that vacant role that ashley left in andrew's life and her's too. she can't stop performing though, because it keeps andrew's eyes on her doesn't it?
ahhh i'm losing track of my thoughts now. but it's honestly such a cool idea to think about. if i was better at analysis and had a better reading comprehension i would cook up so much, i bet. i love devious little sister so much, thank you for birthing her on my blog devious anon <3
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yuukannahito98 · 4 years
Upload New Fanfic for Emi's fans in AO3!!
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as what I have been promise for, I will make a new fanfic which take the event after vol 21 ended! But like i said, this fanfic wasn't for maouemi fans cuz even though there will be maouemi scene at it, the story really not made for someone who want see Emi ended with Maou (because this fic was taken after vol 21, and you know how I hate Maou vol 21 version, even Alas=ramus dislike him in that vol, so...yeah). Thus fanfic just dedicated for Emi's fans who didn't like with the ending where Emi and Alas-ramus doesn't get their happiness in the real series, or if you want to see Chiho suffer and Maou jealous. And, this fanfic will also bring a problem between Shepira Earth and Shepira Ente Isla as the plot.
If you guys still interested with this fanfic, you guys could read about the characters and the summary for this fic below of ‘keep reading’ first! Or you can just click the link here if you want to read this fanfic immediately! Enjoy!
Coinciding when vol 21 ended, Emi's daily life with her daughter, Alas=ramus, become a little different after Alas=ramus entered her first class as Kindergarten Student! The Yesod, who saw a loneliness in her Mama's eyes tried to fill the emptiness in her mother's heart.
However, the presence of a stranger who turns out to be related to their real identity appears! Is it their enemy? Or is it their friend?
At the same time, the problems between Shepira from Earth and Shepira from Ente Isla start to collide, making the Hero have to face various dangers and problems that suddenly arise! Will the child succeed in completing her mission to make her Mama happy? When the person who Alas=ramus thought would never interfere, instead become a great opponent she had to deal with!
This is the story about how The Hero and her daughter could find their own happiness and justice!!
Characters Introduction
(please not, I wasn’t the original illustration for this fanart, so if you find the face is similar with a certain character that because I took it from pinterest then I photoshop, edited, colored, and remake it so it looks like character which I want.)
Main Female Character:
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Emi Yusa: 23 years old in Japan (21 years old in real)
Gender: Female
Race: Half Angel Half human
Power: Having Daath, and Yesod within her power and become the strongest human in universe (according to Daath)
Job: Currently a share holder of Café with Sadao Maou
Living: In Apartment Villa Sasazuka with her children
Personality: always on guard with people she hasn't known for too long yet.  Warm and caring to those she cared about, but sometimes strict if that comes for her children benefits.  Always thinking about other people rather than herself (I honestly confused if I should put this in weakness or not). Have a strong responsibility to protect and consider everyone feelings or safety. It's hard to showing her real feelings to someone, because of that she often referred to as a tsundere type.  Due to the strict and tough past, combined with all the responsibilities she now bears, it made Emi look more a lady and more mature compared to other normal girls of the same age as her.  Have a high sense of justice and are always wise in certain circumstances.
Weaknesses: have emotions that sometimes change and are weak.  Even though Emi herself often hides it.  Because she has been a Hero since she was a child, Emi can't act selfish at all (one of her personality which I honestly dislike from her) Very weak to romantic things because of that, she often blushes easily
Like: Rillakkuma and Alas=ramus
Dislike: illogical things, and when people do something injustice
Main Male Character
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Timmy Goldman (in Japanese, can be written as Timi and I will use this version in the story as well): 26 Years old (*I put a wrong number in his picture tho lol
Gender: Male
Race: Second Generation Shepira Earth of Kether
Power: Have a similar ability with Kether (his father) but weaker compared with him.  His eyes will glow if he activates his power, and sometimes he will also emit a mist around him like Amane, but the difference is that Amane has a black mist, Timi has a golden mist. (I will leave his power just like this, until we reach a certain chapter)
Job: running a marine ship family business in Hawaii and America (description from vol 12)
Living: even though he comes from a rich family, he does not have a permanent home because he is always busy with work (and since he found it was unnecessary to have home) But he has apartments in various cities and countries, and will occasionally visit his father's villa on holidays in Hawaii or if it was an orders.
Personality: never shows his original expression.  He only often uses his smile on his face.  Manipulative and good at negotiating.  Even though he is always smiling, but he has a cold aura and is difficult to approach. he always easy to approaching women, because of his sweet and calm demeanor, but until now he have never considered in any relationship.  Although he often hides it, Timmy often misses his mother who died.  Very protective when it concerns the feelings of any children. He got the nickname Manipulative Prince in his company and between Shepira Earth Family because of his calm and cool characteristic like a prince, but still expertly able to tease the other or play with people's feelings without destroying his cool image.
Weaknesses: Dislikes mistakes. and is sometimes too serious in the job or task given.  Just treating emotions or feelings as one of the tools that can be used or manipulated, that's why never considering other feelings if that will lead into some mistake or if that unnecessary.  (I already write his dark past as well regarding this, but we will get it on certain chapter in the future)
Like: Coffe, and following the schedule.
Dislike: Mistakes. But he hates people who selfish the most.
Mentioned in Vol 12
Second Main Male Character
Sadao Maou: 24 years old in Japan (Um, since he became a human, does anyone know whether he should be branded as a newborn or what?)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Power:…Uh, let's call he have a strength and spirit compared with the other guy.
Job: CEO at his Café with Emi
Personality: when it comes to his own feelings he always quiet.  Always try his best to fulfill his obligations in matters of his child.  Hard worker.  Does not like something that is not logical, still does not really understand things about romantic affair.
Weaknesses: Cannot act decisively.  Sometimes hesitant to make decisions.  If something is useless or of no urgency, he will delay the job.  Bad at managing money.
Like: Movie, and All food which tasty
Dislike: Illogical things and debt
Main Support Character
Alas=Ramus: 4 years old
Gender: Female
Race: Shepira Yesod from Ente Isla
Power: Having an ability and strength as a Yesod
Study: Currently at Yochien (Kindergarten) first year
Personality: Always smiling and cheerful.  Very fond to her family especially her mother.  She can be very protective when it comes to her mother and sometimes understands adult feelings better and is always honest with everyone.  Enjoy discovering and doing new things.  Want to be a hero like Emi.
Weakness: when it comes to her mother, she can be very protective and even attack anyone who hurts her mother's feelings.  Sometimes it's still too innocent and speak out frankly.  Still unable to manage the malfunction she has because she lives outside Ente Isla
Like: Rillakkuma, courn soup, and her Mama
Dislike: Everything or everyone who hurt her family.
Other Support Character
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Goldman: 48/50 years (100 years in fact)
Gender: Male
Race: Kether from earth (Timi's father)
Power: as the first shepira who is nicknamed by The Crown; which therefore refers to things that are above the mind's abilities of comprehension, Kether is able to read, control and manipulate thoughts, even the minds of other shepiras.  as the highest Sefirah, is situated about the intellectual triad and is designated as “superconscious.” Keter is infinite source, a state of being, the field of possibility. It is the ultimate unseen reality, that's why can created any type of barrier (like Sariel, Geburah, or even Angel). Color gold represents purification, conductivity and malleability.  Can easily moving around the world or to make a gate. also have an ability to change his appearance.
Job: Running and leader of the Shepira Company family  on Earth
Personality:He can be really quiet or can be so expressive.  He is never serious in responding to a problem, unless he really need to do so.  Can easily read other people's attitudes.  Rarely uses his strength for a battle.  Can be very affectionate if he see cute animals or baby.  Very fond and protective to his shepira family
Weaknesses: will not hesitate to kill if it is needed without feeling guilty if there are enemies who harm the family or especially his son.  Never differentiate between good or evil plans.  For him all ways to accomplish the goals are the same.
Mentioned in vol 12
Other Support Character
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Yamanaka Kozo = 55 years
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Power: Martial arts, swordsmen, and very strong.
Personality: flat and smart in making decisions.  He rarely speaks but is very wise and good at reading the situation.  Knowing the existence of shepira on earth.  One of the confidants and even the entire Shepira family
Job: Timi's right hand man.  Has been a butler to his young master when Timi was just born
He was the only OC which I made lol
Other Support Character
Harianak: 28 Years (appeared in vol 12, I will make his illustration next time lol)
Gender: Male
Race: Second Generation of Shepira Chochmah from earth
Job: Running a famous Family food company around the world
Power: Dark blue Mist can created anything.
Living: Often moves because of work, but has a place to live in Indonesia ( description from vol 12).  His place of birth
Personality: always joking around and loves to tease Timi. Amane and Tim's childhood friends.  Good strategy.  Never serious.
Weaknesses: Always playing with women.
Mentioned in vol 12
Other Support Character
Amane: 32 years old
Gender: Female
Race: Second Generation of Shepira Binah from earth
Job: Running a beach family business
Power: Strong, can be compared with the other second generation of shepira. Dark Mist governs the energy of the underworld like a spirit (I'm not really sure about this tbh, I will check it later on vol 4)
Living: Now live and take control of Shepira from Ente Isla at Mikitti's aunt's house
Personality: always ignorant and likes to tease Timi. Childhood friend of Harianak and Tim.  Easygoing.  Very affectionate and protective of Shepira's family and friends
Weaknesses: If lazy or find it unnecessary, then Amane won't do anything.
The other character from this series will appear as well, such like Suzuno, Urushihara, Gabriel, Chiho, Ignora, and as well as other shepira from earth and Ente Isla. I will update it if i find how their illustration would be. But because this is important for the stories, I will also put the explanation regarding Shepira (Which I got it from internet of course)
Shepira from The Tree of Life
1 Keter (Earth=Goldman, Ente Isla= Not Born yet) is Crown, as the highest Sefirah, is situated about the intellectual triad and is designated as “superconscious.” Keter is infinite source, a state of being, the field of possibility. It is the ultimate unseen reality. Color gold represents purification, conductivity and malleability.
2  Chochmah (Earth= Harianak's father, Ente Isla= Not born yet) is Wisdom: the seed of an idea, insight, inspiration, intuition, inchoate awareness. Color blue-black represents emergence of something from no-thing.
3 Binah (Amane's father, Ente Isla= Not born yet) is Understanding: fleshing out an idea, formulating the story, fashioning the structure. Color dark red represents the “something” congealing.
4 Chesed  (Earth = Uncle George, Ente Isla = Just born) is Unbounded Love: expanding ideas, enlarging the circle, empathic concern. Color blue for flow (water).
5  Gevurah (Earth = already born, Ente Isla = Iron) is Strength of Boundaries: setting limits, saying no, seeking focus. Color red for definition (stop).
6  Tiferet (Earth = already born, Ente Isla = Not born yet?) is Beauty: harmonizing and holding opposing energies, having compassion. Color yellow radiates light.
7  Netzach (Earth = already born, Ente Isla = Not born yet?) is Victory: overcoming obstacles, orchestrating intention. Color green for power.
8  Hod is (Earth = already born, Ente Isla = Not born yet?) Surrender: acknowledging what is, accepting and giving way.  Color orange for restoration and hope.
9 Yesod (Earth = already born, Ente Isla = Alas Ramus and Acies) is Foundation: telling or twisting your truth, testing authenticity. Color purple for growth and renewal.
10 Malchut (Earth = already born, Ente Isla = Nuxe, and...I forgot) is Sovereignty the final, lowest Sefirah of the culmination of the flow from Keter through the Sefirot, from possible to actual. Malchut is what manifests or is expressed. Color brown for source-ground.
11 Da’at (Earth= Mikitti , Ente Isla = Utsushihara) is Knowing: integrating the idea, identifying with it, an intimate connection. Color gray for integration.
Okay, the reason why I put my fanfic on AO3, was because i want to add another illustration and picture within the story as to for reader can imagined the story better!
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
Chisaki Kai (nurse)x reader (reader)
{no quirk/simple au; just for know}
I don't know if some of you will remember but I wrote about a nurse Chisaki one month ago; I guess; and I did wanted to make one more writing about it, the person who requested this gave me permission since the original idea was from them so... yeah. Here it is.
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Aizawa and Yamada were chatting on the teacher's room along with Nemuri about how the students were or annoying them; mostly Aizawa; or being extremely good at their grades and their improvement.
When you entered the room the three stopped talking as Nemuri called you to thei chatty talk with a smile on her face.
Every teacher from U.A seemed to be in that room but out of everyone you were more closer to these three than anyone else between your colleagues. Okay, Toshinori was also one of them but he wasn't in the room, so... yeah.
"How is it going (L/N)? The second year is giving too much work?" Nemuri asked in excitement while Aizawa and Yamada greeted you.
"After mostly of them are waiting for their grades to come out? They are like tiny quiet little angels. Especially the ones who wouldn't shut up on my classes." You sayed while you picked your coffe and sitted along with the group.
"EH?! You're lucky you know that?!" Yamada yelled "My students won't stay quiet even if they went bad on their english tests!"
"Is mostly because you don't put order in your class." Aizawa muttered before he took a gulp from his own bitter drink while Hizashi gasped in offense.
"Mine's are a little bit aprehensive about their grades but still give me some work... did you expelled yours yet Aizawa?" Nemuri asked arching an eyebrow while smilling sarcastically at her friend, which scoffed in response.
"By the way; I know that doesn't fit the topic calm down before you three throw judgment comments at me." Hizashi chuckled while lifting his hands up before he looked at you and pointed "Is seriously that the teacher from 3-B was fired? The guy refuses to talk about it."
"Oh yeah... there was also a guard of ours that was fired." Aizawa pointed out before he looked at you, surprisingly, interested about the topic "Have any coments to do?"
Before you could even respond; Nemuri beat you to it as she hitted slightly the table with her two hands.
"Oh I know about it! They were caught by missy (L/N) here-" she elbowed you jokingly wiggling her eyebrows "Beating up that new nurse. I guess his name is... ah shit I forgot." She laughed before looking at you with that smirk, expecting you say it.
You sighed in false annoyance before taking a sip from your hot coffee.
"Chisaki, Nemuri. His name is Chisaki Kai."
You knew that she knew it her name, but all of this was just mocking because she already knew your... little information.
"You mean that man? Huh, he doesn't seem like the type to accept a punch without throwing one back... or even worse." Yamada shivered at remembering those golden eyes glaring at him whenever he would speak too loud when passing by the halls.
"He doesn't because he would probably have a few problems to deal with it later. We all know his story in here." Aizawa pointed out, throwing his little bag of coffe perfectly on the trash can not much far away from you guys.
You joked, lifting one of yours arms up with a hand curled up in a fist, saying a heartly 'Score!' Which Aizawa only sighed in dissapointment at your behaviour while the other two laughed.
"Speaking of which, you seem very close to that guy huh? How I wonder..." Yamada smirked before taking a bite from his lunch while Nemuri started to smirk devilish at you while poking your arm repeatedly.
Dear god...
"Yeah, I know him a bit, to not say much." You smiled at remembering him.
"A bit? You're always going to that infirmary." Aizawa pointed out, lifting one of his eyebrows questionably "Or you're just as clusmy as Midoriya or you're at the point of moving in to there."
You chuckled at the first comparation, Midoriya was sure one of the most popular students on the teachers, the boy was the sweetest thing but he... was constantly visiting the infirmary due to his injuries...
You already talked with him billions of times....
"Oh come on Shota! You're acting like you're her father or something!" Joked Hizashi receiving a glare from his friend "I know she is young but chill out!"
"That is true. You're the baby in here (Y/N)!" Nemuri joked while you groaned and frowned at the both.
You were indeed the youngest out of every teacher in the room, but still was just as brilliant as them and always had respect from your colleagues due to your intelligence and your gentle persona...
Although there was a lot of teasing... a lot.
"So~ I tell them? Or you do it yourself?" Nemuri singed while poking your arm again.
"Hush. There's no need for that in the first place..." You got up from your chair and went to throw the trash you made away, greeting with a smile another coworker close to the wall.
Taking advantage of you already being close to the snacks machine, you searched on your pocket for some coins to get something to eat.
"Tell what Nemuri?" Aizawa asked in irritation while Yamada poked his head between them also wanting to hear.
"Well, our little (Y/N) is-"
The door of the room suddenly oppened, catchingthe main three attention while some others already glared at the presence.
Chisaki not even spared a glance at neither of them and just looked around in search for what... who he was looking for.
"Oi! Who said you can enter in here?! This room is only for teachers!" One man yelled coming straight to Chisaki direction before he frooze dead on his pace as soon as Chisaki looked at him with threatening golden murderous eyes.
"In my face is very much evident how I care about this statement right? So get out of sign already." He said with his usual cold and cruel voice as he dodge the man and walked around the room.
"That guy gives me chills." Hizashi whispered while Nemuri nodded.
"Something about him doesn't feel right... and is not only because he is from the yakusa..." Aizawa muttered while discreet looking at Chisaki.
You were to absorved on getting a snack on the machine that you don't even knew why was everyone so silent, but you still wanted that candy bar so fuck it.
Chisaki spoted you and sighed in irritation yet relieve as hs started making his way towards you.
There you were...
Aizawa and Yamada notice the action of his and immediately went to get up to go over to you, but both hands of Nemuri pushed them back down with a smirk.
"What the hell?! The guy looks like he is going to kill her!" Hizashi whisper yelled while for the first time, he hated to admit it, Shota nodded in agreement at his friend comment.
"Chill out you two. Look." She whispered while pointing at the dark brow haired young man standing right behind you with serious eyes as you still tried to pick that damn candy bar.
"You're late." He said, a bit of annoyance and even the slightest hint of hurt in his voice, making you jump at the sudden manifestation of his voice, and so close to collaborate.
"You almost scared the shit out of me! Don't do that!" You said while placing a hand over your heart, which was beating like crazy after his actions.
"Watch your vocabulary; but don't change the topics. You were late, and I acted like a fool waiting and looking for you in this whole hell." He handed you a sandwich, neatly enveloped by plastic, with a glare before he looked in disgust at the machine in front of you both.
"Eat this, its yours anyway. We don't know what those things are made of."
"Ah I must had leaved on the infirmary! Thank you so much!" You smiled at him and gently pried your lunch from his hand.
He scoffed in response as a try to hide the pink on his covered cheeks.
"Wouldn't it make more sense if you let to eat latee since is already close to dinner?" You stopped midway from bringing your sandwich to your mouth after Chisaki numbly spoke.
"Uh... good idea." You smiled in embarrassment before you placed the plastic back and went to pick your purse and work folders.
He followed you right after, waiting despite his impatience while tapping his foot on the ground slightly.
"What the hell?" Yamada whispered while the woman nesides him smirked and whispered to both of her friends
"These two are dating for at least four months by now. Isn't it cute?"
"Cute? She is dating a sociopath ex criminal, and you found it cute?" Aizawa whispered monoustly.
"Hey. You didn't listened the stories that she tells me about him, so hush old man."
"... we have the same age."
"By you guys! See you on monday!" You waved at them while Chisaki hovered over your figurine like a hawks... subsconciously staring at them with his typical boreddom eyes.
You two left the room, leaving everyone; except Nemuri; with mouth agape or at least with wide eyes.
"NO WAY!" Yamada yelled before he lift himself from his chair and poked his head discretely out from the room, Aizawa and Nemuri following right after to sneak a peek.
The three gasped slightly at seing Chisaki, the man they knew for being a fearless and cruel individual and avoided any form of touch like he was the devil running away from the cross of Christ, snake his gloved hand discreetly in yours and hold while you giggled.
"My eyes are hallucinating or..?"
"Your eyes can't hallucinate Mic... but this is new."
"I told you two!"
Chisaki suddenly sended the three a one side death glare, making Yamada and Nemuri yelp in fear while Shota only deadpanned at his dumb friends.
He scoffed and returned his attention to you, muttering in oure irritation.
"Why you talk to those sick people anyway? They doesn't seem worth it not even of your presence."
"They are my coworkers and... friends Kai. I can't just ignore their existence."
"You should." He scoffed, soon sighing in relief at seing you both left the school grounds.
"Anyway, how was work?" You skiled up at him, receiving a sigh of his while he let go of your hand to place his own on his pocket.
"Disgusting, irritating and annoying. Nothing new."
"Hm I see." You mused with a smile.
"... you're free?" He asked, avoiding your curious eyes.
"Have some papers to assign and a few gardes and final tests to make and correct... why?"
"Does it take long?" You looked at your folders and winced at the huge amount...
"A little." You sadly commented, already feeling tired of only looking at them.
He sighed again with a hint of dissapointment before a idea popped into his head.
"You cleaned your appartment?" You deadpanned.
This is what you have to atture when your botfriend is a myshophobic/germophobic...
"Yeah? Only yesterday though, why?" You smiled nervously at his question before stopping by your car.
"...I, well..." he sighed in annoyance before spilling it out "If it is about biology or math I could help you a bit so this way you end things faster."
You tilted your head in confusion before finally getting what he truly meant, Chisaki wasn't difficult to understand especoally when he already was so close to you...
"I would like a extra hand if you wouldn't mind. Although there's nothing of yours in my place remember?"
"I can bring some clothes if you insist. Probably I will arrive by eight and a half or close to." He said monoustly while getting closer to you.
"Sounds perfect love. See you then." You smiled up at him, catching the hint of a tiny smile hrowing in his face.
"Here." He caressed one side of your face affectionately before placing a kiss on your lips affectionately right after he lowered down his mask.
"Love you." You whispered gently seing his smirk and the playfull roll of his eyes.
You distance yourself from him to emter your car before giving him a last kiss and a 'Bye my handsome, hi and bye Kurono!'
... wait. Kurono?
"Never saw you the type of getting affection neither giving it Kai." Smirked his friend behind him, luckily dodging a punch from Chisaki.
"Relax relax it was only a comment!" Exclaimed the man lifting his hands up in surrender.
"I should cut your tongue out after this." He growled before making his way to his home by walking.
"Gonna tell Pops about it?"
"If I don't tell he would discover anyway."
"That's true. Can you believe it there's people on the house betting when you're going to lose your virginity?" He choked on his own saliva at his indecent friend's comment.
"Pardon me what the actual hell?!"
"Yeah. Irinaka betted three more months."
"... I'm going to kill anyone included on this... no exceptions..." he growled before hurrying up his pace while Hari mumbled from behind to himself.
"Hopefully he doesn't discover that I betted one more year."
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The thrilling adventures of a PA - Chapter One: A new job for a new life (Adam Sackler x Reader)
As you ented through the gates of the studio, you can't help but feel your stomach churn a bit, a mix of fear and excitment. It's your fist day as a personal assistant (or PA as you've been told), the new job that you scored unexpectedly after one of your regular at the coffee place you worked before offered you the sport. He did brush you a quick description of what it would entail and well, since you hated working there, you said to yourself 'why not'. It couldn't be worse than dealing with hipsters and grumpy karens all day long, day after day for a risible pay. Plus, you'd probably end up travelling outside of the Big City, which is one of your oldest dreams since you could recall (you never had the money to act upon it, obviously). So of course, the offer was too tempting to pass and that's how you ended up here.
You present yourself to the entrance, greeted by the receptionnist who asks what is the purpose of your visit and once you've answered her, you ask for directions, as you're supposed to meet your boss near the trailer park. Nicely informing you how to proceed, she gives you the ID badge you'll have to wear around here and off you go after you've thanked her. A minute after you've made sure you're going the right way, you walk towards your destination, looking around with amazement gleaming in your eyes. You're getting a glimpse of what is really behind the curtain of it all, hoping it wont ruin anything for you in the long run as you usually spend most of your free time watching tv shows and films on your bed, cuddled with a cup of tea in your hands. No way that after another draining day at the coffee shop you'd go with the others in a noisy and overpriced bar that doesn't even have any decent music playing. That, plus the fact that you simply didn't like getting out.
You see the first trailer a hundred meters in front of you and feel your heart beating faster again. How's your boss going to be ? Is she the type that makes you conmfy on your debut or the one that's all business from the get go ? But mostly, you're wondering about who you'll work for. They didn't give you any name so you just hope it'll be someone nice as you know that some actors can be difficult to handle when it comes to their demands. Just as you pass the first couple of trailers, you see a woman standing near by that waves at you as she gets its you she's waiting for. Waving back and smiling, you stop in front of her and introduce yourself, she does the same just after. Her name's Delilah, she's the head of HR and in charge of all the PAs. She's a little over 40 from what you gather about her just from her looks. A nice brunette with squared glasses, dressed in a red leather jacket that hopefully makes you think she's not one of the bitchy type of boss you've had in the past.
- ''Y/N, right ? Follow me, I'll show you around so you get your bearings as quickly as possible. Did Alistair told you about the job and what it consist of ?'' - ''He did, yeah. He said I'll have to run errands, make sure the actor I'm assigned to arrives on time on set, has everything they need and stuff like that.'' - ''Great, that's about it indeed. You'll have the full list of your attributions on your contract but we'll get to that later.'' She then proceeds to show you the main places you'll have to know in order to do your job without getting lost every five minutes. It's a good thing she makes sure you get a mp when you reach the main set because for now, it all looks like a maze to you and in all fariness, it is. Delilah leads you to the rest of the PAs, all set aside and chating together. Suddenly, you feel like you're back in seventh grade but you manage to smile and wave at them gently. - ''Guys, this is Y/N, your new colleague. I know I don't have to tell you how to behave so make her feel at home with us and I'll see you tonight in my office to sign your papers'', she tells you and you nod to answer as she's already out of the set after she's done introducing you to the others, speaking on her phone. - ''Don't worry about here, she's always like this. We've nicknamed here Speedy because she's always running around, never staying more than 5 minutes at the same spot.'' That's Stewart, one of the other PAs. He's a slim, tall blond 30-something guy that has some impressive neck tattos from what you can see and a couple of piercings on his left ear. He's the main character's PA, played by a new rising star. In fact, the cast of the movie is almost entirely made out of new names in the business, who made an impression lately in a way or another. - ''Just make sure you bring here some sweets from time to time as a bride and you'll be alright sweetie.'' That's Shirley, a young afro-american woman, nearly your age and you smile back at her, feeling like they won't hold against you the fact that you're basically a newbie compaired to them. They seem friendly enough, people you'd probably get along with once you'll get to know them. A few moments later, Delilah's back and heading towards you, saying she'll take you to meet Adam, the actor for who you'll be working for.
A quick wave to the group and you follow Delilah once more to the trailer that he's staying in. His name does ring a bell to you but you're not quite sure it's him. She knocks on the door and a deep voice invites her to get in. You both enter, greeted by an half naked figure, smilling at you as he grabs his shirt in front of him. - ''Hey Deli! I see you brought me some company, how thoughtful of you.'' He hugs her a couple of seconds while you're still recovering from the sight of him, that was quite a first impression you got to say and without any warning, it's your turn to receive a bear hug. - ''Adam, this is Y/N, your PA. Y/N, this is Adam Sacklet, one of the main characters of the movie", she says with enthusiam, "we're lucky he was still available as our director wanted him for the role. As for you, be gentle with her, it's her first day, don't scare her off like the previous one, ok?" she warns him, pointing her index at him as he raises his hands in his defence. They both laugh and you gather it's a private joke so you just smile. You're still a little bit distracted by what you just saw when you hear his voice again, now speaking directly to you. - "Welcome. I promis I'll behave...most of the time", he says with a grin and you can't help but feel your cheeks burn a little. - "That's my boy? I'm gonna steal her from you for a bit longer since she has yet to fill in some info but it won't be long, will you survive until then?" announces Delilah. - "I'll try my best", the tall actor replies dramatically and you smile seeing them act like this around each other, kinda reassured that you won't  be left in an unfriendly work environment like the one you just left behind at the coffe shop.
Just a moment after you both exited Adam's trailer, Delilah smiles at you, sensing that the exchange must have been a bit weird from your perspective. - "Don't worry about him, he looks awkward ans creepy most of the time but he's really a nice guy when you get to know him a bit more. Plus, he's easy on the eyes, so there's that working out for him too." You don't dare answer her assessment because you know that if you do, she could easily guess the effect your little introduction with Adam had on you. Luckily, true to Stewart's words, she doesn't linger on and you both crack on to her office where she drills you on some basic rules and makes you sign some forms. After that, you're now officially Adam Sackler's PA and you couldn't even imagine at that time, what impact that would have on your whole life.
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leahxx129 · 4 years
The Last Descendant (Sam Winchester x Reader) pt.2
Summary for pt.2: You wake up in an entirely unfamiliar place but soon run into a familiar face. As the days pass, you grow closer to each other but every good thing has to come to an end, right?
Warnings: cursing, careless medication use
Word count: 2.850-ish
Read Part 1 HERE.
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You wake up with a headache and an unusually dry throat, but these are minor inconveniences comparing to the fact that the room you’re in strikes you completely unfamiliar. You have no idea where you are. You throw off the covers and try to get up, but a painful throb in your left leg slows you down a bit. You examine the aching limb just to discover an apple-sized deep purple spot on it.
„What the hell happened?” you mutter under your breath. Eventually, you bring yourself to get up and limp over to the bathroom. 
„Well, you look like crap, princess!” you compliment your reflection and decide to wash your face, which, you conclude, doesn’t help at all. 
You find some painkillers in the nightstand drawer and pop a few pills, not caring to read the instructions regarding the dosage first. You find your stuff on a chair in the corner but decide against putting the skintight jeans on. Your leg definitely isn’t in the condiotion to be sexy, so you just slip into your ankle boots that go surprisingly well with the oversized male plaid shirt you’re wearing. Walking gives you a great deal of trouble, but being the stubborn ass person you are, you choose to ignore it and leave the room anyway. The corridor is way too lit and it gives off a hospital vibe, but you can tell this place isn’t one. There is a strange symbol on each door which seems remarkably familiar, but you can’t quite put your finger on it just yet. You wander aimlessly through the corridors that follow each other until you hear a noise coming from a room. When you limp closer and peek in you can see a man standing in what appears to be a kitchen, back turned to you.
„Best defense is a good offense, so here goes nothing…” you think to yourself as you creep up behind him as quietly as possible. You grab a frying pan from a hanger and just as you are about to give it a swing, the man turns around and grabs your wrist.
You stand there speechless for a second but regain your composure considerably fast.
„Abercrombie?! What are you doing here??”
He rolls his eyes.
„I thought we’ve established it’s Sam and I live here.”
„Then what am I doing here?!”
„Y/N, just calm down, okay? I’ll explain everything-”
„Well, I’m listening!” you cut in nervously.
„Give me the frying pan first, before you hurt anyone!” he commands, and you hand him the kitchen utensil despite your unwillingness. „Great. Now take a seat, I doubt your leg is already as good as new.” he comments, his eyes lingering on the purple spot. „Want some coffee?”
„Sure.” you sit down on the chair closest to you „I drink it with two loads of sugar, sprinkled with a little bit of an explanation.”
He gives you the most authentic bitchface you’ve ever seen in your life as he sits down across to you and hands you your coffe.
„It’s kind of a long story.”
„I’m listening.”
„Well…in a nutshell, you forgot something in the hotel room and when you came back for it, I invited you to have a few drinks as a sign of my gratitude for saving my ass. Then after a few too many we caught up on that kinky wild sex you had joked about before.”
You stare at him doumbfounded, which he finds very entertaining.
„We drank absinthe, didn’t we?” you finally manage to say while running both  hands through your hair „I mean I love that shit, but it can fuck me up real bad.”
Your comment seems to break him, and he starts chuckling.
„What? What’s so funny, Winchester?” it takes a couple of second before it dawns upon you „This didn’t happen, did it?” you ask through gritted teeth.
„Nope. But you should’ve seen your face.” he shoots you a content smile.
„Quit messing with me because bad leg or not, I can still kick your 6”2’ ass.”
„Is that really the way you’d treat someone who saved your life?”
„What do you mean? And I want the truth this time.”
He sighes and his expression turns grim just in a matter of seconds.
„Remember the blonde chick with the vampire you killed?” you nod „Turns out she wan’t a victim you saved from becoming monster snack. She was his mate.”
„Oh, okay. And?”
„And… you could say that she was kind of pissed off that you decapitated her one true love. So, when you took off on your bike and turned on the interstate road, she hit you right in the side with a truck. It’s basically a miracle that you got off with nothing more than a fractured leg bone.”
You gulp your coffee slowly.
„Based on that look on your face, this is not the end of the story, is it?” 
„No.” his voice is barely above a whisper „She then took you to a nearby abandoned warehouse and… and she wanted to turn you. That’s when I arrived. You see, the part of you forgetting something in the hotel room wasn’t entirely a lie. You left your machete there. I went after you immediately, assuming you left the way you did as that’s the only way out of that town. I saw your bike in the bushes and the signs lead to the warehouse…. I was just on time.”
You can feel tear drops forming in the corners of your eyes, so you wipe them off before they have the chance to surfice. The fact that he cared enough to save you stirs up so many unwanted feelings, feelings you thought died a long time ago.
„No problem. You did the same for me.”
A long silence falls on the kitchen.
„When I fought with the vampire, something weird happened.”
„Yeah. When I cut her on the arm with your blade, she just… froze. Like… almost as if something was already killing her from the inside.”
You hesitate a little. Should you tell him? After all, he saved you. He deserves to know. Certain parts, at least.
„It was forged with dead man’s blood. Incapacitates those fuckers just long enough for hunters to cut their heads off. Real piece of work, might I add.”
He nods as if he’s confirming a theory.
„One more question… where’d you get it?”
„Every girl’s gotta have her secrets, Sam.” you smirk at him mysteriously.
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You steal quick glances at Sam whenever he’s not looking. And when he’s researching, he rarely looks at anything but the lore book. What is it about this man? What is it that makes you sit here and help him instead of running? What happened to staying out of everyone’s business? A few hours ago he told you everything… he’d been drunk the night you met, because his brother’s in trouble and he has no idea how to save him and he just lost it. But the worst part came when he mentioned the Men of Letters and that you’re currently at a safe house of theirs. This only should’ve made you grab your stuff and get gone, but the part involving angels and Michael above all is kind of the main reason for leaving and never looking back. And yet here you are, helping him, convincing yourself it’s because he saved you and your leg still needs time to heal… You shut the book you’ve been reading a little too fast, drawing his attention to yourself.
„If I have to read one more sentence, I swear my eyeballs are gonna start spinning around in their sockets and I’ll see my brain.” you say quickly in your defense, looking as innocent as possible. The right corner of his lips curls into a barely visible smile.
„Go get some shut-eye. You’ve been very helpful, Y/N, thanks.”
„Yeah, I’ve been helpful at finding nothing….” you murmur in response.
„Hey, you went through an entire book in just a span of a few hours! I call that help, even if there is no relevant information in it. Sleep well.”
„Will do.” you force a smile knowing exactly how big of a lie your reply is.
You limp back to the room you woke up in and read the manual on the painkilling drugs.
„Shit!” it’s not strong enough to knock you out for the entire night. „Well then, Sam might crap his pants later this night when the show starts…” you whisper to yourself and take a couple of pills.
The fatigue and the warmth of your blanket soon sends you to sleep. You don’t know how long you usually go without dreams, but at one point they always appear. First, they start off nice, mostly memories of your family. You, your father, mother and brother having a barbecue in the backyard, or just watching TV in the living room, anything basic you enjoyed doing with them. Then there’s a turning point when everything goes to hell. They appear and slaughter your whole family in front of you, one by one. Your father is the last one. He sees you hiding and tries to mouth something to you, but he’s choking on his own blood and you can’t make out anything, at least not until it’s too late. Every scream, every death rattle stops once and for all and that’s when you realize what he was saying. And you do it, regardless that it’s almost no use. You always wake up exactly when this happens, sweaty and screaming, but this time it’s different. There is someone calling your name.
„Y/N, wake up…Jesus, Y/N, wake UP!!” you hear a deep manly voice. Still in the haze of your recurring nightmare, you’re not able to identify who and you do what any person in this line of job would – try to incapacitate the intruder. In a blink of an eye you pull the person onto yourself, then shift so you would be on top and point the gun you got from under your pillow in their face. You’re seeing stars from the pain that shoots through your leg as a result of your swift movements, but you do your best to ignore them and supress the urge of crying out. The only thing disturbing the heavy silence is your panting.
„Sam?!” you finally recognize him.
„Uh, yeah!” his hands are in the air, his gaze is shifting between the gun and your eyes. „I heard this awful screaming coming from your room and I thought something happened…”
You let the gun down and avert your eyes.
„Yeah, not so much. I mean, when people witness this, they freak out, but it’s just another typical night of fucked up sleep for me.”
„You were tossing and flailing and… it honestly sort of looked like you could hurt yourself.” he adds in a low tone.
„Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don’t. It’s fifty-fifty.” you admit, which quite frankly surprises you. You don’t really open up to anyone.
„I see…” his eyes then slowly travel all the way down your body from your face to your thighs as you are still stradling him.
Feeling your cheeks heat up, you slide off him to his right side.
„Sorry about that. And, well, for the whole thing.”
„Oh, don’t be, it was nothing at all. I’ve seen a lot worse actually.” ha pauses for a second, but can’t keep himself from asking „Hey Y/N…Was this…was this about the reason you got into the life?”
„Make a guess.” you respond sarcastically, and he draws his brows together in confusion, awakening some guilt in you. Sam is just trying to be there for you to which your reaction is pushing him away.
„I’m sorry.” you sigh „Yeah. It was about the reason, damn straight. You know how everybody gets into the life by losing someone?” he nods „Well, try losing your whole family at fourteen. Now that can mess your head up real bad. Even though it’s been more than a decade now, my subconscious makes sure I never forget what happened.”
„You know, if you’d like to share-„ he starts but you jump in.
„I appreciate it, Sam, I really do, but I don’t think I can do it.” 
„Of course, it’s fine. „ he gets off the bed and starts towards the door but stops halfway and sits down in a chair. You look at him perplexed.
„Uhm, Sam? What are you doing?”
„Nothing. Just making sure that if you fall asleep, you won’t hurt yourself.”
„By sitting there and watching me sleep like a weird-ass creep?”
„Now that you say it out loud, yes, I admit it sounds way worse than it actually is-”
„Sam, I don’t need a sleeping nanny. I’m a big girl, I can handle a few bruises every now and then.”
„Y/N, please. I’m pretty sure that seeing my naked butt added to your trauma, so please let me do this for you. Let me help you. Or at least let me try.” he pleads. You suddenly realize the weight of his words. He really wants to do this for you and for himself. He couldn’t help his brother, and this chance strikes him as a step on the path of redemption.
„Okay. I hope you don’t snort.”
He smiles at you gratefully. You replicate his expression and turn to the other side and try to fall asleep again. You have no idea how much time has passed but you can’t take it anymore. You sit up abruptly.
„Okay, this isn’t working. I can’t fall asleep knowing that you’re sitting there and staring at me.”
„What? I’m not staring, don’t be ridiculous.” he scoffs.
„You know what? Come here.”
„Beg your pardon?”
„Sit here beside me. Or lay down. Or whatever. This way the whole thing won’t have that creepy stalking vibe.”
„You sure about that?” maybe you’re imagining it, but his voice sounds a bit higher than usual.
„Yup. Although I might kick you a few times, which I apologize for in advance.”
A couple of second pass when you feel the bed sink in a little bit on your left side.
„We can share my blanket if you’d like.”
„Thanks.” he whispers, and you feel him tug on the fabric.
„Good night, Sam.”
„Good night, Y/N.”
When Sam lays beside you, he makes sure to keep a certain distance between the two of you. But during the night when you wake up, you find yourself a little too close to him. Your head is on his chest, your right arm is around his torso. One of his arms is around you, his lips brush against your forhead. You can feel his hot breath fanning your face. Your very first intinct is to jump out of the bed as far away from him as possible, but somehow you don’t follow it. What the hell’s wrong with you now? Or was something wrong with you earlier when you thought cutting everyone out was the only way? You have no idea. And the fact that Sam’s hold around you tightens does not aid you in finding an answer.
The next morning you prepare breakfast by the time he wakes up. None of you mention the proximity you’ve experienced the previous night. The day goes by with researching. You try to crack a joke occasionally and it appears effective – he rewards them with a smile, even with a laughter once. 
Later on, your attempt at a peaceful slumber is again ruined by your restless subconscious. Sam bursts through the door. This time you don’t pull a gun at him – your shaking hands and tear-blurred eyes wouldn’t even let you - but sternly express your desire for him to leave. Being a Winchester, he does the exact opposite, this time not bothering to keep a distance.  Somehow your figure and his fit perfectly. This goes on for a few days, but you decide to leave. The research isn’t going anywhere, but Sam’s Mom and a friend named Bobby supposedly have a lead on his brother. Plus, you have your own business to run, you can’t keep on playing vacation and miss out on everything.
As a surprise, Sam’s fixed your bike that got trashed in the accident.
„I’m nowhere near my brother, but I did learn from the best.” he says shyly, scratching the back of his ear.
„No, Sam, it’s perfect. Couldn’t have done a better job myself.” you say as you stand on your toes to press a kiss on his cheek. Your lips may linger a little longer than they should. „Thanks. For everything.” you add, your voice scarcely a whisper. He smiles down at you, not saying anything.
You walk to your bike, but before you put your helmet on, the words basically just fall out of your mouth. 
„Hey, don’t be a stranger, Winchester. You should call sometimes.”
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