#i know that she was a nobody's self insert who nobody cared about except her friends and the 5 poeple who liked her
lovemyromance · 2 days
your posts are literally the elriel bible, I don't think i've disagreed with a single one.
In general, elriels agree on a lot of things which is why it's so odd to find EL/GAs fighting with themselves over "elriels say elains gonna be a warrior" and "elriels say elain's gonna save illyria" because I have never EVER seen a single elriel say such a thing. I saw a long post from some elucien about how elriels self-insert and then they listed a long list of things about what canon elain is - except i don't think elriels would even disagree with what they were saying?
It got kind of muddy when they started trying to claim that "canonically azriel only lusts after elain" but whatever - you get the point. Why are they putting words in our mouths?
Thank you :) I know I always excessively post about elriel (because I'm pretty sure I have the attention span of a squirrel), but some days these petty arguments really make my eye twitch.
Idk why antis seem to think Elriels want Elain to be some warrior, savior of Illyria, High Queen type character. I thought we've all been pretty vocal in wanting to keep her femininity and her kindness and finding strength in her compassion.
If it's because the fanarts....well I think we've all established that nobody is really claiming fanarts to be canon. I think that goes without saying when we have fanart of an Elriel family with Illyrian offspring - or when Eluciens have fanart of Elain looking happy around Lucien lmao. Both are not canon. Who cares - it's fanart? It's not like we really going to pretend that all their fanart is canon either?
Because canonically - Elain can't stand Lucien. Canonically, Azriel has literally never touched Gwyn.
There are basic traits to these characters that nobody can deny. But the antis always have a way of adding additional, personal bias into things. They say Elain's not a warrior - cool, that's true, that's canon – but then they take it a step too far and try to claim its canon that she abhors all violence and she would never touch a dagger and she would hate Azriel because he's a warrior.
Canonically, Elain killed the fucking King of Hybern. She might not crave violence (oh- also what an odd thing to claim - that ANY character loves violence, btw), but she has already proven to be violent when needed.
Canonically, Elain does use a dagger. Not just any dagger - Truthteller.
Nobody's saying she out here training as a Valkyrie at the HOW - but she's not just sitting here in frolicking in a meadow while the rest of her friends and family go to war. She was literally taken AWAY from the main battle in ACOWAR and she still showed back up to pull the most badass move in the books, saving everyone.
Idk what about that is so hard to understand. No Elriel has said she's gonna save Illyria (lol), no one has claimed she's going to be Enalius the Second, nobody is out here waiting for her to take part in the BR and also become a Carthyian.
Elriels like Elain as she is. And even though she's not a warrior, even though she doesn't enjoy violence, even though she isn't a Cartyhian – Azriel still adores her. Azriel still wants her enough to question his religion. That's literally in the books. I can give you the exact page number and quote. I don't need to do any "extra analysis"
You want to talk about canon? Let's talk about how Elain is so perfect that she has even the most brooding warrior falling for her. Let's talk about how Azriel was willing to fight in a blood duel for her. Let's talk about how she was so ready to have a tryst with the Spymaster under everyone's watchful eyes.
We don't need to change anything about Elain, certainly not to have her end up with Azriel. Elriel having feelings for each other is already canon. Elriels did not have to change a single thing about them for them to find each other. That was SJM, so take it up with her.
I mean - she kind of ate when she summed up their relationship in ACOWAR with that scene in the garden...they might not make sense on paper but there's something poetic about them
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swagstar · 1 year
yesterday i was thinking about a tldr to the prisma info megapost i have in my drafts and i don't remember much but the last sentence was "and 10 years later im going insane about her - wiki empty, nothing archived. what's there not to love."
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flowering-darkness · 6 months
HII 3 & 10 for whichever one ud like to answer for the most right now, but id also love to hear either question answered for adriana :]
Hello!!! Thank you so much for these questions, friend - I am always very happy to talk about Adriana, so I would be happy to answer them for her~
(question source: "ask game: self-insert lore" by celestialship)
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self-insert? - I like to think that Adriana is quite well-liked! Her role in helping the player face Team Meteor, as well as her ability as a Trainer in managing to acquire all eighteen gym badges of the Reborn League (eventually also taking the role of Shadow Champion, which arguably makes her the second-strongest Trainer in the region!), do probably endear her to the people who know about her, even if she doesn’t know them directly herself. I would argue that she probably only gets actively close to the entire main cast once the postgame begins, because of working more closely alongside them all for Anomaly hunting - and also because I’m still not 100% sure which events she’s personally present for. I really need to work that out. But, I do think she’s the type of person who’s difficult to dislike, except to the type of person who thinks Ghost-type specialists are creepy and weird by default.
10. how do the other characters feel about your self-insert and F/O’s relationship? - Again, I like to think that people are in favour of it ^-^ it’s very clear to those who know us how much we care about each other, and have done for a while (Charlotte and I think also Shelly and the twins watching Adri read Luna’s letter in Calcenon springs to mind). Additionally, while I don’t doubt that some people think Luna is a bit weird, she manages to occupy a good niche where most people who know her don’t know she grew up in Team Meteor, and those who do know that are the people she grew up with (for example, Taka and later Ace), so they are already close with her. So, again, nobody really has much of any reason to not support it, right?
(I actually feel like fewer people in the general public would know much about the relationship than you might expect, simply because neither Luna nor Adriana are particularly.. exuberant? in terms of personality. So, those who have spent a lot of time around either one of us will be well aware of how much we love each other, and.. actually, I can imagine Adriana bringing up Luna if Gossip Gardevoir ever does an interview with her - but at the same time we’re both very private people, so not many events or details would be very well-known in a widespread sense.)
I hope that these answers were alright, friend! Writing them out has given me a lot of things to think about, so that’s fun. Thank you very much again for the opportunity~
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
Okay lads and lasses, time for me to share my thoughts on Volume 9 of RWBY's 9th episode. Just this one and the finale left to go and I will finally be done.
Content warning for this post and episode: suicide.
So far the writers have killed two members of Team RWBY and replaced them with facsimiles meant to imitate their former selves and had another one kill herself on-screen while her teammates stood and watched. Before we begin, let's pour one out for Yang and Blake, cruelly struck down before their time and replaced with Yikes and Boring.
No content warning this time. Hopefully that's a good sign, but with this show and company, who even knows?
So I guess that’s Summer reading a bedtime story to Yikes and Ruby
At least we know what her voice sounds like now. I’m assuming the fact that she has an actual model and VA means she’ll be somewhat relevant in the last two episodes of the Volume and possibly going forward
Lmao Yikes and Ruby have bigass heads did they just stick their adult heads on child models or something
Jaune: “I don’t understand”
That’s nothing new for you buddy, being clueless has kind of been your gimmick for a while now
Great the paper people are back except now they’re fucking rocks
You’re not winning a rock paper scissors game like this guys
White Knight shippers are feasting this Volume god damn
Oh goodie everyone’s hugging Jaune
Why does Yikes have a big fucking grin on her face when her sister just fucking killed herself
It’s like the writers saw the people saying “Yang doesn’t care about Ruby” and thought “Wow that is a fantastic idea let’s use that”
If there was anything left of the character we once knew as Yang after last episode, it's gone now
No but seriously why did we go from Ruby drinking suicide tea while everyone stood there and stared to nobody being allowed to grieve openly to everybody being happy and huggy and comforting FUCKING JAUNE
Seriously Miles you're still not beating the self-insert allegations here can we please go for one fucking Volume without the character you voice upstaging everyone who actually matters
When this episode first aired, I saw people saying that we needed a scene where the characters actually got to fucking respond to Ruby killing herself in front of them, which really stuck with me because it was one of the rare instances of even diehard fans being critical of the show. When the cult members start questioning things instead of making excuses for them, that’s when you know you’ve fucked up.
Anyway I agree that having a scene where the characters actually got to process Ruby’s death instead of instantly running for the Tree and finding the gem people so everything could be about Jaune again would’ve helped smooth this storyline out a bit. The “suicide is an improvement, actually” aspects of it still make the premise fundamentally shit but they could’ve executed on the fundamentally-shit premise better here.
This scene is cute out of context honestly but in-context it blows
I think they’re trying to convey that seeing the gem people is supposed to be a source of hope – the gem people came back “better” after Ascension – but that doesn’t really work for me when the show has been hammering in the message that Ascension takes away who you are. Some core remains, but the memories are gone and you become something new. What Jaune and WBY know right now is that anything that comes out of the Tree won’t be the Ruby Rose they knew. By the rules the show has established thus far, Ruby is dead. Ruby wanted to be dead. Ruby said she didn’t want to be Ruby Rose anymore and took steps to make that happen. Neo gave her the tea thinking it would erase her from existence. Neo made an effort (successfully) to break Ruby to the point where she wanted to be erased from existence. Ruby drank the tea assuming it would erase her from existence. The show has equated going to the Tree with, at minimum, a death of personality throughout the season. Ruby. Fucking. Killed. Herself. She wanted to die.
I know this show is going to cop the hell out because it would never ever have the balls to actually grapple with the ramifications of the main character offing herself but God am I not looking forward to seeing it
Like I don't see a way the narrative can spin this choice without either killing off the main character for realsies (they won't, they'd never have the nuts for that) or presenting suicide as a solution to your problems.
Anyway as soon as you accept that suicide is the solution you can warp to the Tree I guess
Finally Yikes shows some reaction to her sister’s death
The message here is apparently “accept it when people close to you kill themselves, this is totally fine actually”
“We’ve done everything we can” like what, Weiss? Ignore her pain all Volume and then stand there and stare for 20 seconds while she drank poison in front of you?
You don’t have to welcome shit, Weiss. Your friend/sister/teammate or whatever the hell she is to you at this point just killed herself. You don’t actually have to be happy with that. Fuck this Volume for insisting you do.
Great question, Yikes. At least someone is acknowledging the implications here.
It's fine, Boring will soothe away your tears and the shippers will go wild
Blacksmith lady’s back again. Is that Little’s mask she’s shaping?
The cop-out’s already starting. Wonderful.
Well we finally found the way back home (maybe). At least this shitshow is almost over.
The Curious Cat is definitely a cat. Beefing it in front of others and then pretending nothing happened and you meant to do it all along is, in fact, peak cat behavior.
Throw some shade, Weiss.
Oh, so the Cat tried to use Alyx to get to Remnant somehow.
So all this time we’ve been thinking Alyx sacrificed Lewis, but instead she may have sacrificed herself
If the Cat’s telling the truth, that means Lewis wrote the book and portrayed Alyx as a hero and erased any mention of himself
The Cat’s implying they killed Alyx, but I wonder how true that is
Anchor Arms Neo is so funny to me
Looks like Cat-Neo is going to be the final boss
Lmao the fucking zombie Rubies this shit is too funny
I cannot take Cat-Neo seriously as a threat at this point
Oh that was fucking cruel poor Jaune is getting torn apart this Volume
Just stomp on his trauma why don’t you lmao
Weiss adds insult to injury by blasting him off the Tree, but sadly most likely not out of the narrative
Ruby found Summer’s weapon. Guess we’re getting Summer info next episode.
This episode felt more like the first part of Episode 10 than an actual episode in its own right not gonna lie
The first half was shit and the second half was forgettable, reversing the trend of the last couple episodes
Overall rating: BLOWS A BAG OF DICKS/10
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sc3n3kitt3h · 2 years
now. tell me about your ocs. like in general i mean
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this is tekz!!!!! she isnt really an OC but whatever. im stealing her. She came from an abandoned 4-part story on deviantart in 2009 called wolfs life!!!
you see!! my sibling collects vinyls and cassettes and cds and shit, right? they get them from bandcamp and he likes this one artist called OK glass!! Ok glass used to go by the name dictionary attack and one of his old, extremely obscure songs was called WOLFS LIFE 3. (it probably would have become lost media if he hadnt archived it lolz. this isnt particularly relevant i just think my sibling is really cool XD) anyways they showed it to me cuz the song and by extension the story was TOTALLY my kinda thing!!! and it WAS!!!! the song goes super hard. Its pretty much a narration of wolfs life 3... there arent any songs for the other parts. nobody knows how mr. john dictionary attack (idk his name LOL) found the story. Pretty much nobody cares about it except for my sibling and me. This song is a fucking treasure and both it and the story are such relics of their time that i cant help but absolutely ADORE how silly they are!!! Anyways the story itself is about a girl named Tannika, who goes by Tekz!! She has a crush on a boy who sits next to her in math class and a preppy best friend who ends up ALSO having a crush on the same kid which in 2009 translates to them being RIVALS!!! Anyways one day on a full moon tekz turns into a white wolf which is the rarest and presumably most magical type of wolf!!!! She turns into a wolf on full moons or when something romantic happens between her and her crush. Theres a reoccurring motif of one of them going "can i borrow a glue??" and them both going "red in the face". During math class. Anyways im OBSESSED with this story and the song. Wolfs life only ended up having 4 parts, one of which was never actually a part of the series itself for some reason!! And the story hasnt been updated since, yknow, 2009. So ive taken it upon myself to revamp it and make everyone emo!!! surprise user wildspiritwolve on deviantart!!!!
Anyways yeah. the song is so insane. i love it. Literally some 13 year old writes a really cliche self-insert story about wolves and uploads it to deviantart in 2009. 2 years later some random dude finds the 3rd part SOMEHOW and makes a song out of it that nobody cares about. in 2021 the song almost becomes lost media but luckily it doesnt because some random kid downloaded it. Said random kid shows it to their autistic sibling (ME!!!!). Said sibling becomes extremely attached to the song and its characters. Every part of this story is so obscure and weird!!!! My versions of the characters are pretty much my love letter to the internet, which allowed this chain of events to occur, much to everyones horror.
Heres Wolf's life 3 in all of its glory:
here are some links to the original story:
and this one is chapter 4!!:
sooo. thats just 1 of my ocs. the others dont have as much irl backstory to them but lmk if you wanna hear about them too!!! i hope you enjoy!!!
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themadearl · 4 years
Idea: Yuu with the unhelpful ability of attracting the crazies
Note: Again, incredibly self-indulgent & very dubious 
Savanaclaw Edition [Part 2]
🐺 Jack  🐺
Everything seems fine and dandy 
It’s a nice day outside with no overblots
Classes are going smoothly, his cactuses are growing well
Until he notices adeuce stalking Yuu
The first time he sees them following Yuu,
maybe it’s a concidence
The second time he sees them following Yuu,
maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me
The tenth time he sees them following Yuu,
maybe it’s Maybelline 
oh my god, it’s not a illusion
Good boy is nervous on how to break the news to Yuu
“Hey Yuu, your friends are stalking you haha.”
Tries following Ace & Deuce following Yuu instead to see what they are up to
Hence, stalking the stalkers
Which means he’s stalking Yuu indirectly
Anyway, the guilt grips at him 
So he just confronts Ace & Deuce
In the middle of their stalking
Sees them panic and trying to get him to go somewhere else
Looks into the window of Ramshackle dorm
Sees Yuu changing 
What’s there to hide?
Notices the undergarments 
Drags Ace & Deuce away to a nearby forest
First of all, what the heck
Second of all, what the heck
Last of all, WHAT THE HECK
Ace & Deuce explains they are just worried for Yuu’s safety
Press X to Doubt
Reprimands them on their actions and tells them to stop
Cause it creepy and bad
Anyway, is tired and goes back to his room to remove today’s events from his mind
but can’t
Fast forward a few days, still worried about Yuu’s safety
Starts hanging with Yuu, Grim & Adeuce duo
Gets self conscious with interactions with Yuu
Also, starts following Yuu behind the scenes
One day, sees something she left behind
Was going to return it the next day
But doesn’t cause it smells nice?
Gradually takes more stuff that Yuu leaves behind
“I feel like I’ve been losing things lately”
Insert monkey puppet meme
“Must be your imagination haha ha h a”
Now there’s a shrine of Yuu stuff
Two hair clips, a bookmark, cat keychain and few crumpled notepages
Nervous about keeping all this stuff
Ace & Deuce notices
Thinks he is gonna get lectured on and called a hypocrite
But no they just want some too
You live long enough to become the villain
Possible future where Jack’s feeling escalate and it becomes Jack maiming Ace & Deuce
🦁  Leona + Ruggie 🍩
Predators always stalk their prey and Yuu isn’t much more of an exception
Of course Leona is gonna stalk Yuu when she piques his interest
And how does Yuu not pique his interest when she’s the one that foils his plans
Notices more and more people staling Yuu
Too lazy to do anything about it
One day sees Yuu napping on the grass
Lies next to her and sleeps
Yuu wakes up to not being able to move
Leona’s arm drapes across her body
His legs tangled with Yuu’s legs
Tail wraped on her right arm
Sways between waiting for Leona to wake up or to wake him up
Ruggie comes before she has wake Leona up
Sees Yuu
Yuu trying to convey her want for help through her eyes
“Leona-san, you’re gonna be late for class”
Surprising nobody, Leona doesn’t care
After 40 minutes of coaxing, Leona agrees to get up
On the condition that Yuu brings him lunch 
The next day, they meet at the botanical garden
Yuu unknowingly brings along the first year combo who are stalking her
Cause they were curious why she wasn’t eating with them
Yuu presents a basket of homemade sandwiches + tea 
Made portions for Grim & Ruggie as well
Had a happy lunch with Grim, Leona & Ruggie
While Ace, Deuce and Jack look on with jealousy
Fast forward a few days--
Yuu’s been nonstop seeing Leona
And Ruggie by extension of him following Leona
how? does? he? know? where? i? am?
Confused Yuu is confused
Leona doesn’t do much except stare at Yuu tho
And is always able to find Yuu when she is taking a nap
To sleep next to her
Ruggie occasionally pass sweets to Yuu 
In exchange for some treats Yuu pass to him
For getting Leona to get up
🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵
Protect Yuu Club + 3
Jack’s cover is blown and reluctantly enters 
Leona wants in cause it’ll be useful to keep track of Yuu
Ruggie is there to keep check of Leona
Somewhere else, Yuu sneezes
“Is someone talking about me?”
If only she knew lol
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Unfinished Business ~ Part One
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WARNINGS: Mentions of mafia, strong language, 
PAIRING: Bang Chan X Reader
DESCRIPTION: Part one of nine of my new Bang Chan series. 
You’re taken hostage but one of Seoul’s leading mafia families Bang Chan but he doesn’t take you because he wants to fake a marriage or make you fall for him in 365 days no...He wants to use you for his own personal gain. To take over another family but when you try to escape things take a turn for the worst and you learn Chan isn’t one to be messed with.(Please I suck at describing stuff)
THEMES: Smut will be included in a later chapter so this is a fic for a mature audience, Chan x Fem!Reader, Self insert
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The cafe was run down and practically going out of business, same for everything on that side of the city though. The place was like a ghost town no one new ever came by any more thanks to all the Big shot mafia families running everything to the ground. Your cafe manager was staring at you as you cleaned up the tables of the small run-down cafe that you worked in. You'd been running late again that week and that's why Mrs Lu was staring at you from across the shop, hands on her hips as she watched you rushing around to finish things up,
"I know I was late but it's been a bad week, my granddad-"
"I don't need your excuse y/n, I need you here on time so you don't rush at the end of your shift." Her tone of voice was one of annoyance and you knew you only had so long until she decided to fire you. She took you in when you were younger and treated you like her own daughter but you were starting to cost the business money and it was a problem. She shut the cash register and walked over to you car keys in hand, she was 4"5 and so short next to you so you smiled at her weakly, 
"It's late, would you like me to drive you over?" You looked out of the cafe window it was pitch black outside, the only thing you could see was the passing car lights and city lights you sighed, you knew it would be a nice to be driven over there but if you showed up in that side of town with her in her car there would be too many questions. Her car was broken and practically falling apart - you could have sworn the car was older than you, you lived a lie on that side of town, on that side of town you were the smart rich kid who went to university and came back to town because she needed a place to stay and needed a job. 
"Alright, just make sure you text me when you get there. I don't like that side of town." There was a reason she hated that side of town and that was because of who ran it, the place was ruled by mafia bosses and if you were there you either worked for them, were stupid or didn't care. You smiled at her, nobody knew about your lie over there and nobody was going to know about it either.
"I will. I'll be fine, I always am." You grabbed your keys for the shutters and threw them in her direction so she could lock up, she was a small lady but she packed a punch...So did the gun she kept behind the counter. You headed out of the door to find a bus down to the other side of town, while you were waiting you called your second boss to let him know you were going to be late.
"It's Y/n, running late. I'll be there and I'll lock up at 4, you can dock my pay too." You hung up the voicemail call and groaned into your hands. You had to get a car but the jobs weren't paying enough even put together it was never going to be enough. It barely covered your rent and grandfathers bills as it was at this point you were seriously considering selling off some organs or maybe doing a bank job. 
You sat on the bus staring out of the window as it drove through the town, 
"Excuse me," You shifted over to the other seat so the older male could take the only available seat next to you and you stared down at the paper he had in his hands. Splashed across the front was Bang Chan, one big photo of him along with an article about something new he'd done that week, he was one of the city's leading people. He ran practically everything in the posher side of town, including the bar you worked in but you never saw him around. You'd only ever heard the stories of him and his goons but none of them bothered with your bar, it was too small for them to like. It wasn't a huge fancy bar they would probably go for, it was a small pub with broken windows and a broken jukebox.
"Handsome, no?" You shook your head looking back up at the man and you laughed softly at his statement,
"Oh no, not my type. Too egotistical for me," Your answer caused the older gentleman laugh and questioned you on what you knew about him, 
"Not much except that he's cold, famous for nothing and thinks he's better than everybody else." The man frowned at you, everyone else who came across Chan seemed to fall head over heels in love with him but you seemed to see him for what he really was. An ill-tempered rich kid with too much money and power than he ever needed. Too much power for someone who had no idea how to use it probably and how he could use it to benefit everyone and not just himself.
"You better hope he doesn't hear you saying this, it could be your head on a stick." You laughed it off as you reached for the bell but his hand clasped over yours and he had a scared look on his face, one look which could only be explained as though he was speaking from experience. 
"I'm serious. Don't let him hear you talking that way," You slowly slipped your hand out from under his and walked off the bus your eyes trained on the man the entire time until the bus pulled away from your stop. 
"Y/n! Shift started an hour ago!" You jumped a little when you saw your boss waving a bar towel around in the air, his bald head was practically glowing in the moonlight and he had his tattoos on display clearly trying to look intimidating to everyone else around him.
"What happened to your car?!" Sid asked cockily as you walked over to him from the bus stop ignoring his question as you avoided cars. Every time he saw you arrive on the bus it was always the same question but you'd avoided it by saying it was in the shop or something was being repaired.
"I'm fucking speaking to you, I've got important people coming in and I need my best waitress." You smiled softly at him, he meant no harm. He loved all of his workers but since he was under Chan he had to be a little stricter with you sometimes, he couldn't afford people messing up his business which ultimately meant Chan's business. 
"What's the big deal, who's coming tonight?" You asked as you reached the bar, the rest of the barmaids were all grouped together and smirking at one another as you walked into the bar. Clearly, they were happy about something but you assumed it was because you'd agreed to lock up since none of them liked to do it, 
"Chan and his ''goons'' are coming over tonight. Want to see if they should keep the place since you're late and you agreed to lock up. You're their girl tonight. You'll give them everything they want no matter the cost." An apron was thrown over your head by one of the girls and she chuckled at you looking you up and down with a disgusted look on her face. Chan was going to chew you up and spit you out the moment he laid eyes on you, 
"Have fun princess, he loves to pry on the new ones." You ignored her comment and pulled the apron down to wrap around your waist, tying it tightly as though it was her neck you were tying it around. You hated her you always had. You weren't scared of Chan, you'd been given no reason to be but everyone you ever came across seemed to be terrified of the man in the suit, even the girls who had been smirking now look relieved that you'd bothered to show up to work at all.
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Chan stared at the door to the bar, he didn't want to be here and neither did the rest of his close men but it was one of the bars that other rival gangs were threatening to take and he wanted to make sure it was useless before he decided to leave it for them to just take. Chan had never cared for ars in his business but it was a way to smuggle money in without people getting too suspicious on where it was truly coming from.
"It's nothing but a small bar, no one cares about it," Changbin told Chan, Changbin was Chan's right-hand man he knew everything about everyone, everything about anything he was the know it all of the group. The researcher as Jisung and the rest of the boys called him.
"What about the people that work here?" Jeongin, the youngest of Chan's gang questioned he was so innocent about everything. He'd always been the innocent one of the group and it made Chan smile that he cared about the people that worked there.
"They're nothing, they'll find somewhere new," Minho said without any emotion in his voice. He was the assassin, didn't care about anything but that was how he dealt with his lifestyle of killing people how he dealt with the guilt of it all how he got on with it day by day without the guilt crushing him. 
"How kind of you," Felix muttered sarcastically walking up to the door and walking inside first, the whole place fell silent and people put their heads down the way it always was whenever they walked into a room. They loved it. Chan was next and a table was cleared in the back of the bar, he kept his eyes trained to the floor not caring about anyone in the bar he just wanted to get this over with so he could go home. 
"Hi sir, it's nice to finally have you here. I have my best waitress to serve you tonight, I'm sure you'll like her but if not I will offer up a new waitress. Y/N!" You didn't even scramble over to the table you just slowly walked over and introduced yourself, you bowed to him and smiled as you came back up. 
"I'm Y/n, I'll be your waitress for the evening." Jeongin's eyes were trained on your face, Jisung looked up from his phone for the first time all night and Hyunjin was staring at you whole you spoke their mouths hanging open a little shocked you were speaking to calmly and freely to Chan like this. 
"Can we get pints all around, make it quick," Chan said not looking away from his phone until the last second but as soon as he saw your face his mind went fuzzy. You hadn't noticed you just walked away from the table and went to make the drinks for him so your boss could relax instead of hovering around like a lost sheep.
"Look at you, running around for the boss man." You stared at the other barmaid who was on shift with you and frowned she was staring at you as she tied back her long blonde hair. The longer you stared at her the worst you felt about yourself, she was dressed in a tight pencil skirt and a white dress shirt, exposing her chest since it got her more drinks sold in the bar. The girl could have been a supermodel if she wanted but instead, she stuck around here, you knew why though. The more she stayed here the more chance she had of finding someone that worked in a Mafia gang...More money for Mrs Perfect. 
"What are you talking about? I'm doing my job?" You poured the beers into the pint glasses, but she was looking you up and down and scoffing. 
"He's going to eat you up and spit you out." Your brows furrowed and she knew you were confused which meant you hadn't heard anything about him, nothing real anyway. 
"Chan...There's something you should know about him." She looked over at Chan who was still staring over in your direction.
"He killed his wife, murdered her in cold blood because she stood between him and something he wanted. Then there was his family and her family, he killed them all and paid off the police." The hairs stood up on the back of your neck as you thought about his wife and all of those people being killed for nothing. 
"No one else knows about it because he kills anyone that talks about it." She wiped down the bar with a cloth before smirking at you you couldn't tell if she was just doing this to mess with you or if she was serious about this, 
"Have fun, you're on your own. BABY!" She was making a scene to grab attention from people in the bar and it worked. Men stared at her as she threw herself at her fourth boyfriend of the week which made you laugh as she flung herself around him and walked out of the bar with him. 
"Your drinks," You mumbled putting their pints down in front of each of the men at Chan's table, you avoided eye contact like your boss had told you right before you walked over. There were rules for doing this, no eye contact with any of them, only speak when spoken to, don't talk back to them and don't give them any personal information to them.
"Thank you, y/n was it?" Hyunjin asked in a flirty tone, you nodded but said nothing just like Sid had told you to. 
"I'll come back when you're empty. Shout if you need anything," Hyunjin licked his lips he was the player of the group which was why he was so interested in you, he bit his lip while he watched you walk away from their table. 
"She'd make a good-" They all had girls that they would have sexual relationships with it was no secret but Chan already knew where his mind was going.
"Don't even think about it," Chan spoke, his eyes had been trained on your face the entire time you'd been at their table. You looked exactly like her, his wife. It was as if someone had made a carbon copy of her and placed you in the world for a moment when he'd seen you he thought it was her, that she was there alive once again. 
"Sid!" Chan called out and the owner of the bar rushed over to him, willing to give him whatever it was that he wanted without a question.
"What's her name and story?" Chan nodded his head over at you while you cleaned up other tables completely oblivious to everything going on around you. 
"Y/n, she's been working here for about four years. Came home from a college and needed a place to stay, she's one of those fancy stuck up rich kids that thought they could make it alone and failed." So much for don't give out any personal details about yourself, Changbin took note of everything he was saying knowing that Chan was going to ask him to run his own background check on you. He knew his best friend like the back of his own hand. 
"Rich kids?" Chan sounded surprised as he questioned Sid on that, he knew from one look at you that you weren't rich. Your hair was tied up in a messy ponytail, you wore no makeup and you walked around as if you didn't care what anybody thought. You weren't in the same clothes as the other girls in the bar either, while they all wore expensive branded high heels you wore a fake pair of trainers. Anyone else in this area took pride in their appearance, made themselves stand out from the rest and not try to fade into the background which is what you were clearly trying to do. 
"Her parents are lawyers, grandparents are doctors all that sort of thing. Shes's training to be a doctor herself, very smart." Chan scoffed as he watched you trip over your own feet, training to be a doctor but you were clumsy you'd probably stab someone with a needle. You'd already made three mistakes that Chan had been able to count so you weren't who you said you were. 
"Background check, check her name first. I want to know who she is and who she's working for." Changbin didn't even blink or bother telling Chan that he was already on it he just obeyed read through everything he could find on you, going through the police records along with colleges nearby. Running your name, age, and trying to find anything he could find in your personal life, your real one. 
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The tray you were carrying had full drinks on top of it, while you waited for Chan and his boys to finish theirs you decided to wait on other tables, it was no big deal and it would pass some time while you were working, 
"Watch it!" You yelled as a drunken man pushed into you as he was leaving the bar, the tray you were carrying slipped out of your hands and onto Chan's table, spilling out onto his suit and the rest of the boys. Oh Shit. You stared down at the mess and your eyes went up to Chan, his face was turning red and the men around him look terrified for you at what had just happened each of them rising to their feet to stop themselves from getting covered in beers.
 "I'm so sorry! Chan! She's just a little clumsy, she'll clean all of this up and you can send your dry cleaning bill here." Your boss was trying to come up with anything to make Chan calm down but it wasn't working, he was starting to breathe heavily the angrier he got at the thought of his expensive suit being ruined.  
"It's fine." Seungmin froze from beside Chan as he heard him say that, you frowned as you heard the Australian accent fall from his mouth. No one had told you he was Australian and it was kind of hot to hear him speak with an accent. 
"It's just a suit...I'll have it cleaned I know someone." You thanked him for excusing you and you told him you would get them all a drink on the house next time they came back. 
"We're not planning on coming back," Chan said as he got out from the table throwing down some money to pay for the drinks they'd started with, he was standing in front of you and staring down at you into your eyes. A classic move to make someone feel powerless and beneath them, everyone in this area of the town did it and for some reason it made you challenge him to see what he would do in front of all of these people around you. 
"That's a shame, my boss went through a lot to make this place nice for you. It's a shame you're just going to give it all up." Chan smirked licking his teeth as you spoke back to him like that. He liked that you stood up to him, no one ever excited him like this anymore it was going to be a fun game with you. 
"Be careful Princess, you don't know who you're talking to." He whispered to you as he cocked his eyebrow up, you stared at him without blinking you shook your head. 
"No, I do know. I just don't care." He watched you walk away back over to your bar and listened to your boss continuously apologise for the way you were acting towards him, having no idea what had gotten into you and why you were acting this way.
"Seungmin. Do you have anything on you?" Seungmin nodded, he always carried everything they sold along with some other drugs they could ever need in the car. 
"Good. Felix get the car and make sure you have the cuffs, she looks like she might put up a fight." The boys didn't even defy what Chan was thinking they did as they were told and did so without question if they wanted to keep working for him and get paid. 
"Yes Sir," The boys all flooded out of the bar and Changbin got ready to drive Chan home they always travelled in different cars to make sure they weren't being followed. 
"I'll change and come back. We know she doesn't finish until later, but I want this placed watched. Got it?!" He was yelling, taking the anger out he had with you on them. Jisung hung back to keep an eye on you, Jisung was the secret weapon of the group. He came across as soft and innocent much like Jeongin but on the inside, Jisung was the second killer of the group while Jeongin was the bait. Jisung would lure people into a false sense of security, gain their trust so that he could get them for Chan. It was his job. They all had a role to play and they all played it well. 
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3:55 am and you were locking up. Everyone who had been in the bar had long left now and you were cashing up the till putting the tips into the safe in the office before leaving through the back door, it led out into a creepy alleyway that made you anxious. There were no buses or taxi's to take you home so you knew you were going to have to rely on walking home to the bad side of town and pray that there was nothing going to happen. You'd done it a million times before but something felt wrong about tonight, something you couldn't put your finger on so you pulled your jacket around you tightly ready to leave as soon as you could.
"Hey! Y/n right?" You turned to see one of the men that had been with Chan that night and you nodded tucking your hair behind your ear. 
"Yes, can I help you?" He smiled at you and his smile seemed to make you relax when you saw it, he seemed like the nicest one out of all of the boys that had been at the table that night. 
"No, I was just walking around. I'm Jisung by the way, we never introduced ourselves." He shook your hand and you smiled until you realised what time it was and wondered what he was doing at 4 in the morning outside of a bar they no longer wanted, 
"Just walking around at 4 in the morning?" He hissed as you caught on quickly Chan said he thought you'd be smart about this, Felix was waiting around the corner with the car and Seungmin waiting with him. 
"A nice stroll, do you need a ride?" You shook your head not knowing if you should trust him or not. Your gut was torn now so you continued walking out of the alleyway to get into the street. Even if it was early there would still be people around to witness if anything happened to you...Not that anyone would speak since Jisung worked for Chan. A car stopped in front of you and two other people that had been with Chan sat there waving at you, 
"Get in the car Y/n." When you turned to look at Jisung he was holding a gun in his hand but once your back was turned away from the car Seungmin took out a cloth covered in chloroform and it was placed over your mouth. Your legs began to kick and you tried to scream but the tight grasp around your mouth tightened some more and dragged you back against the car. 
"Don't fight it, just go to sleep," Seungmin whispered in your ear trying to soothe you if that was even at all possible in this kind of situation, you continued to kick until Jisung grabbed your legs roughly and you were put into the backseat of the car, arms being bound with handcuffs and your legs being tied up with some rope. Your mind was trying to fight your system into going to sleep but your legs went numb the chloroform was acting far too quickly for your liking, your arms were heavy and your eyelids were starting to weigh down. 
"Go to sleep, it'll make this all easier if you just obey...Trust us." You looked at Jisung with pleading eyes tearing up as he repeated that you should just sleep and then to Felix who was staring at you from the front seat, he felt bad for this from the moment Chan mentioned taking you. It was a direct order from Chan though and he couldn't disobey the man who'd taken him in.
"Trust us, don't fight it. Relax." Your eyes locked with Felix's and he sent you a sad smile, he started up the engine of the car once he saw your legs stop moving and your eyes start to flutter shut. His sad smile was the last thing you saw right before you drifted off to sleep in Seungmin's arms with Jisung and Felix exchanging looks from the seats.
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@moonprincessdiviniation​ @taestannie​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @snowy-meowl​
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makeste · 4 years
Previously on BnHA: Tomura, AFO, Deku, and Nana all met up inside of OFA and were all, “wow this is awkward.” AFO talked a whole bunch about vestiges before realizing that nobody cared (EXCEPT FOR ME. I CARED!!), and was then all “anyway so just to get everyone up to speed here, Tomura is Nana’s grandson.” OFA appeared and was all “what up bro I see you’re still a dick”, and then everyone stood around for a bit waging psychokinetic war on each other and blowing up on the ground and shit. This didn’t really accomplish anything, so AFO shifted gears and started trash talking Deku instead, because he’s a whiny little punkass loser who can’t admit when his brother has gotten the best of him yet again! OFA was all “anyways Deku rules and haters gonna hate, peace”, and then everyone wooshed back out of OFA and back into the real world, Deku with his quirk still intact. Meanwhile Gigantomachia and the LoV stampeded ever closer to the city, and Toga started monologuing in preparation for a seemingly inevitable battle with Ochako! And then the chapter basically just ended there lol.
Today on BnHA: Imagine you are Uraraka Ochako. And you’re out here doing what you do best, saving bitches and being a badass, when all of a sudden some old lady runs up to you and is all “PLEASE HELP ME, MY HUSBAND IS ASLEEP OR SOME SHIT, YOU KNOW US OLD PEOPLE, WE’RE SO FUCKING FEEBLE AND HAPLESS.” And so you’re all “OF COURSE” because you’re a good fucking person, and then she speeds off like she’s got fucking wheels and it’s like damn, grandma, were you in varsity track or what, and then OUT OF NOWHERE she just spontaneously turns into HIMIKO FUCKING TOGA. And she’s all naked and shit, and it’s like damn, Toga, where are your clothes, and she just giggles and ducks into a nearby building. And so you follow her for god knows what reason, and she fucking pounces on you and starts interrogating you in like the most seductive way possible, and you’re all wtf is this. Like, can you even imagine. Anyway so Ochako is having quite a day.
okay lol so I’ve gotta kind of rush through this since I’ve got other stuff I need to wrap up today as well, so! fingers crossed that we get a nice, simple chapter with no controversies or elaborate revelations or anything like that! just give me lots of stuff to mindlessly keysmash about, Horikoshi. I’m counting on you bro
lol what
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an actual fucking plane?? is that allowed?? how bizarrely normal. are we sure this plane does not shoot lasers or something or is powered by someone with like a fusion reactor quirk idk
and who tf is Takeo-san. some random guy Horikoshi is suddenly introducing after 300 chapters to come save everyone at the last minute? pretty sus. Horikoshi is this your self insert
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NO WAY THIS IS ALL MIGHT, RIGHT?? holy shit I swear to god if it’s All Might this lady needs to TURN THE FUCK AROUND RIGHT NOW. stop at McDonalds, order a black coffee for herself and only herself, and drive the rest of the way back home without so much as a bathroom break. there are certain prophecies which we don’t need to be tempting right now, okay people?? holy shit
(ETA: OR, here’s a thought, WHAT IF IT’S BEST JEANIST. hope springs eternal lmao. anyways though surely it’s not actually All Might. he can’t die yet, he’s got like 5 million secret things he needs to explain to Deku, and also Kacchan is unconscious and he can’t just SLEEP RIGHT THROUGH ALL MIGHT’S DEATH like come on.)
oh look more heroes all lining up to be slaughtered by Machia
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real talk, at this point their priority should just be evacuating any citizens in Machia’s path, and then getting the fuck out of his way. none of them stand a chance in hell at stopping him and they know it. the body count is already high enough as it is. regroup and live to fight another day, people
anyway, so Machia is apparently plowing through cities at 100km per hour. that... actually might not be fast enough. Gunga and Jakku were 80km apart, so at that rate it would take him nearly an hour to reach Tomura. that fight’s gonna be long done by the time they get there. huh
okay these guys are saying he’s going to reach them in about 8 minutes. ?? so are you telling me Tomura and Deku and the rest have been fighting for like 40 minutes already?? lmao Gran probably bled to death half an hour ago at this rate. Horikoshi please explain yourself. some of us spent our entire childhoods doodling comics instead of paying attention in math and science AND IT SHOWS
anyway so this is all very bad and this guy is really rubbing it in just how bad it is
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I mean... yeah. obviously the villains are still to blame at the core of it all, but yeah. feels like you all could have planned a hell of a lot better for this. you knew there was the risk of Tomura waking up, and you knew there was also the risk of Gigantomachia waking up as well. and you pretty much had no contingency plan at all huh. society is really gonna be in shambles after this
lmao look at this shit. Machia is so big at this point that it looks like they’re having a picnic in the middle of some desert somewhere. at what point does it cease being a guy’s back and start being its own zip code
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even has its own wifi. amazing
oh shit Compress apparently spotted someone and he’s asking Skeptic to “zoom and enhance” like it’s CS fucking I. that’s not how it works Compress you fucking boomer
anyway so OF COURSE,
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was there a reason you needed to zoom in on them, other than to trigger Toga?? some people just want to watch the world burn
so Toga is now GEARIN’ UP!!
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that honestly is so fucking handy. over at U.A. they have to carry their gear in briefcases like scrubs. does Compress actually have the best quirk in the world?? it flies under the radar so well that I always forget about it, but like WHAT CAN’T IT DO though, y’know??
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“oh hey is that the U.A. kids? Skeptic could you please zoom in on them for absolutely no reason? OH MY GOD TOGA IS RUNNING OFF TO FIGHT THEM, OH MY GOD WHO COULD HAVE FORESEEN, OH MY GOD”
now he’s all “DABI PLEASE DO SOMETHING” but Dabi is all “DABI DON’T CARE”
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Dabi don’t care about NOTHING OR NO ONE!! Dabi don’t got time for this
lmao I literally forgot that Spinner was even there, shit
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so are you gonna go with her then or not? because I got news for you dude, it doesn’t matter how heartwarming your speech is, nothing can stop this girl now that she’s gone full distracted boyfriend meme
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Spinner is the glue keeping this dysfunctional Addams family together honestly. too bad he couldn’t stop Compress from OPENING HIS BIG DUMB MOUTH ah well
lmao but he’s letting her go anyway though
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Spinner for new LoV President. all in favor??
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“PLEASE RUN OUTSIDE OF THE VILLAIN’S PERIPHERY” well thank fucking god the people have you guys to guide them what would they even do without you lklkhlkds
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“sorry for SAVING YOUR LIFE” smh. anyway so how fucking badass is Ochako though?? can we just talk about this. THE GIRL POWER ARC STRIKES AGAIN hot damn
(ETA: and btw, seeing as Iida is nowhere to be found, I’d say odds are pretty good that they did in fact send him to go warn the Endeavorsquad of Gigantomachia’s imminent arrival. godspeed Iida! they need all the help they can get right now honestly.)
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damn Toga you really drained some poor old lady’s blood just so you could pull this kind of sneaky shit. I forgot how much I loved you
ohhhh lol so it’s her “husband” that is Takeo-san lol
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lmao Ochako you rube
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now you’ve done it Toga. there is nothing Ochako loves more than a good old fashioned Old People Romance. DID YOU KNOW SHE HAS SEEN THE NOTEBOOK LIKE FIFTY TIMES. AND NO MATTER WHAT, IT ALWAYS GETS HER AT THE END. meanwhile I just want to watch a movie where James Marsden actually gets the girl for once but we all know that will never happen
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ngl this page would be like a thousand times better if Ochako was still blushing omg. did I ship this before?? I honestly can’t remember but I sure as fuck ship it now goddammit
(ETA: pretty sure I shipped it back during the Forest arc too but I don’t have time to check right now lol. but Toga is just so horny on main for everyone, all the time, and so like, it’s hard not to ship it.)
so now Toga is running off all flirtatiously and Ochako is barreling after her lol
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plot twist, Takeo-san is actually in there. and he has NO IDEA what’s going on. WHAT HAPPENED TO MY WIFE. WHY IS THERE A GIANT MOLE MAN BURROWING THROUGH THE CITY
Ochako why on earth would you follow Toga into this dark creepy house where she could spring at you from any angle out of nowhere. just go back outside and float up over it until you have a high enough vantage point to see all the exits and just wait for her to come out
Toga says she wanted to talk to Tsuyu-chan as well, but let’s be real, you and her don’t have the same kind of electrically charged kismesis energy that you’ve got going on with Ochako though
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getting dragged like a fucking wedding train and he’s not even there to defend himself, shit
blah blah blah just ask her your question already Toga
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would someone please inform Toga that this manga is only rated PG-13
so now Ochako is all “seriously Toga wtf”
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you see that’s what I wanted to know too, lol. I really like that the characters actually think about these things and ask these kind of questions. that’s exactly the contrast between the heroes and the villains right there. the villains care about each other, they’ll give each other heartwarming speeches to please come back alive, and yet they’re utterly indifferent to the thousands of people being killed as they demolish their way through city after city. meanwhile by contrast Ochako’s first thought upon being erotically waylaid by her sexy knife-wielding archnemesis is “but what about that poor old lady is she all right.” just completely opposite energies, almost to a hilarious degree. like maybe Ochako actually should worry about herself just a little bit more lol but heroes gonna hero
and so now what, Toga!! you’re gonna pout about it?? like she’s betrayed you somehow?
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anyway so that’s the end of the chapter! and I’ll just come right out and say that I’m hoping that this fight ends up being something where Toga maybe starts to see things just a little bit more from Ochako’s point of view, and not the other way around, because otherwise I’ll be a little frustrated, ngl. the manga has done an excellent job of making the villains likeable and relatable and getting us to sympathize with them up till this point, but at some point it’s got to start refuting some of these arguments and making it clear that the villains do not actually have any kind of moral high ground here
and also! I really like Toga and would like her to have some kind of redemption arc! but as of now that’s looking to be really difficult if not impossible to pull off, because Toga hasn’t exactly shown a whole lot of remorse for anything she’s done so far, you know? because she doesn’t see it as bad in any way; to her it’s just her way of expressing love, and being true to who she is. but being true to yourself really should NOT involve, you know, MURDER, and so yeah. it’s a problem lmao
but who knows! maybe this battle with Ochako will be the start of something which eventually leads to some sort of change within her! I have absolutely no idea how that could play out tbh, but even so I can hope! either that or she will double down on the whole “villains are victims and heroes are apathetic cruel hypocrites” ideology and decide she wants to kill Ochako and Izuku for breaking her heart, in which case I will be very sad, but I guess if that’s the way Horikoshi’s gonna play it it is what it is!
and lastly, so is this going to be like the final battle between them or something?? surely not, right? like this is just round 2 of 3. well at any rate, it’s sure going to be interesting
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streets-in-paradise · 4 years
Royal Treatment
 Troy (2004) Reader Insert Fanfiction - Part 10 
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Word Count:  + 9 K
Characters ( most mentioned) : Achilles, Mycenaean Princess!Reader, Helen, Patroclus, Ajax, Agamemnon, Menelaus. 
Pairings: Achilles x Mycenaean Princess!Reader.
Warnings:  Very light smutty undertones.
Summary: Since her last private encounter with Achilles left her with more doubts than certainties, the princess keeps trying to obtain a clear answer from him. During the celebrations, she comes up with an idea to test his interest. 
Disclaimers: This was inspired by a mix of greek music ,various drum solos and improvisations of greek folk that I found on youtube and some mediterranean, egyptian and turkish music I have been listening to. Also, I want to apologise if part of this sucks. i’m still learning how to write some stuff and I don't know if this is as good as it was in my head when i pictured it. 
Note: My use of the name Alexander here is only a reference. I know that’s how Paris was called in some versions of the myths and I’m only playing word games with that. 
Tags: @yerevasunclair @mother-dearest-loves-me 
The celebrations started with a short formal gathering in the throne room. The place was slowly getting crowder and the princess arrived later than usual but it wasn’t a concerning time range. Wordlessly, she returned to her spot alongside her father. She noticed the cup of wine he was holding and smiled to the pourer that remained close to him. The servant boy smiled back and the king looked at him like he was ready to order his execution. As a soft gesture of support against his bad mood, she holded his free hand. She knew that words of reassurance trying to explain herself or a convincing tale weren’t enough, so she tried something else. The sudden contact made him stare at her. He was still upset, she saw it in his eyes. Quickly, she changed the intention of her approach. Instead of acting like a caring daughter giving him reassurance, she showed the support of a loyal subdit. She kissed his knuckles and bowed her head in sign of respect, pretending to recognize his absolute authority over her. Agamemnon reacted positively, giving her a half smile that wasn’t exactly of approval but showed forgiveness. He was vainglorious about his self perceived but non existent mercy, appealing to that was more effective than trying to show affection.
The obsequious flatterers of the king started to gather around them, since that part of the festivities was nothing but an excuse to formally celebrate himself. Inevitably, some of the praise fell upon her and she kept her attitude towards it pleasing and passive, avoiding smart remarks or destacable commentary. She wished she could be left alone with her friends, but she had to keep performing for a bit longer. Helen was close to her and right next to her husband, but the distance that implied was a real bother. They shared some complicit glances despite being under the watch of the brothers.
Using their unexpected presence as an excuse to flatter their own egos, both kings started to show off some of the treasures of the conquest presented as gifts for the ladies. Argos wasn’t sacked, there was no need for excessive violence because Achilles speeded up their surrender. Still, as it did for other cities, their submission implied some concessions. Agamemnon got the military control of the land and demanded a share on the treasures of the city. Since he didn’t have a queen, his daughter had to occupy the passive role in his acts of ostentation. She had a collection of jewelry that was entirely based on stolen relics from every city he conquered, having at least one for every place. That wasn’t going to be the exception. The acquired riches were everything he had to brag about after Achilles took the symbolic glory. Knowing that most of the presents must have heard about what the warrior demanded of her, it was also a good way to reinforce her royal magnificence and the image of his control over her. On that occasion, the commemorative object of the victory she got was a necklace.
The young women were the centre of attention, as luxury objects whose value was being increased. Menelaus was acting like a loveful husband to Helen while he filled her with gifts from his share of the spoils, his older brother almost looked like a sweet, prideful father. The ceremonialize praise was hypocrisy, but it was fun for both girls to see their despicable owners pretending to be caring. Fortunately for their exhausted selves, the last and most expectant arrival stole all the attention.
As always, Achilles showed up very late. He tended to skip the pointless ceremonies that weren’t about him and he liked to leave his public hanging. Eudorus and Patroclus entered the room at his right and left side, wondering what he was going to do next. Without minding the context or any appearances of propriety, he walked right to the front of the crowd. Once he found his spot to stay, he blatantly stared at the ladies and saluted them from afar with a smile. Before his entrance, Agamemnon was in the middle of a self complacent speech that he interrupted. The sight of such a simple act creating more distraction irritated him even more. The king tried to save words with him, but Achilles robbed him of the speech before he could carry on.
“ My apologies to the ladies, I almost miss their honors.” He simply commented. “ Quite a charming pair, very sweet. I hope they enjoy what my effort got for them.”
The women stared at each other.
“ It’s not my wish to offend you, brave Achilles, but I don’t depreciate my husband’s courage.” Helen replied with extreme politeness.
“ Father knows my taste in jewelry.” was the princess’s defense.” And he is a smart strategist and clever politician. The brightest conductor of the army, of course.” She smiled to the king, trying to look like a sweet praiser. “ Your alliance is a treasure we must cherish because your accomplishments together are an honor to us all.”
” You honored me, I’m doing the same. “ the myrmidon replied.
“ It was no bother, the glory is yours. Nobody questions that.” The princess gave him the most formal answer that occurred to her in the moment.
Trying to keep with the ceremonial tone, she created an immediate distraction to relieve the tension of the moment.
“ Can we all thank this man as he deserves? This is an historical day for the city. He is the first fully consecrated hero in the times of my father.”
To her exhortation, claps and cheers filled the precinct. After that, Agamemnon decided to put an end to the formalities. There was no way of making it about himself again, so he concluded it. The festivities continued in the banquet hall.
Helen tried to reach her niece so they could do the short walk there together, but her very pleased husband stumbed in their way. Unlike his brother, he was radiant of pride because of the fervent defense that his wife did of him. If he didn’t love Helen, at least he loved how she made him feel.
Agamemnon grabbed his daughter by the wrist before she could escape to their side. Holding hands for the appearances, the started a whispered argument.
“ This is your second mistake in a row. What do i have to do with you?” He reprimanded her.
“ I got away from that shameful situation in the most elegant way, that’s what I’m supposed to do. If i were a man, I would have punched him.” She lied.
“ If you were a man, I wouldn't need him.”
“ Do you think that you would have had your own Hector of Troy if I would have been your baby boy? Quit dreaming, father. This is what you have, I do my best to serve you.“
“ You call this serving me??”
“ Who do you think I was serving when I agreed to bathe him ? Do you think that I enjoyed being degraded into servant work for him ? ” She fakely complained. ” I hate his petty audacious attitude as much as you do, but I stand him because it is what I have to do. You don’t know how hard I’m trying for you.”
She released herself from his grab.
The banquet involved less tension because the informal ambient demanded less interaction between them. She had to sit next to her father and keep with the good behaviour but the distractions kept him too busy to keep bothering her. She remained silent most of the time, but she didn't mind.
Achilles and Ajax were the centre of attention. They had a toast in their honor and people started doing them all sorts of questions. Ajax looked a bit upset because the myrmidon stole what he perceived as his chance to get major glory. He was doing a relatively good act pretending not to care about Achilles's decisive role in the victory and she felt a bit bad for him. One of her very short interventions on the talking was an attempt to validate him, but Agamemnon used her comment as a startpoint for malicious comparisons against Achilles. Using his massive amount of knowledge on heroic tales, Patroclus solved the situation. He did a magnificent defense of both heroes, talking about the complementary balance of their best traits with examples of some of their past feats. His eloquence was impressive for someone of his age, as it was his audacity to argue with the king.
Helen was having the time of her life just by witnessing how Menelaus's nervousness was growing at every instant. It was very strange for her to see him like that, fearing that anything could trigger a suspicious response from his brother. He was having a small sample of the life of lies he forced her into and she loved it. The funniest aspect about the situation was that Patroclus maintained a respectful tone the entire time. He was polite in his corrections and Agamemnon would have been the one looking bad if he would have reacted harshly.
While hearing their argument, Achilles glanced at the royal ladies for an instant. He noticed a slight change in his cousin's attitude, a rush of confidence that he wasn't expecting him to display at least there. He started suspecting their involvement and it's possible partial influence on him. The women glanced back innocently and the three shared their prideful approbation.
Patroclus's shift on the conversation frustrated the king's intentions of turning one hero against the other. Ajax got his well deserved acknowledgement and the curious boy took his chance to do all sorts of specific questions to him, giving him a moment to shine without entering in disputes with Achilles.
Since her comment started the argument,the young myrmidon tried to engage the princess in his rambling. She wasn't versed in the technical aspects of combat, but she tried to remain as a curious listener. Ajax's point, supported by the boy, was to affirm that he was the strongest man in Greece while Achilles was the fastest. He was trying to impress his listeners with less known anecdotes referring to that quality. Achilles didn't bother in refuting him and he barely paid attention because he was amusing himself by subtly ruining the girl's focus on whatever he was telling. Imperceptible gestures, smirks or just staring at her for longer than necessary were enough to achieve it. Staying concentrated in the talk was impossible for her, but she managed the situation adecuately.
When the meal concluded and the dancing started, Ajax offered her to join the festivities with him. She declined in favor of staying as Helen's companion. Ereny asked the princess's permission to be released from her daily duties and, once it was given to her, both handmaids got it. They knew that the young girl was going for the myrmidon captain and they wished her good luck.
The queen was left once more to witness how her husband chased the concubines. She didn't love him nor cared for what he did with them, but the blatant display was humiliating. She struggled to keep the appearances of love between them, but he made it harder everyday. The prideful public aspect of his cheating upsetted her because it was an insult to her pride as a woman. Her niece stayed with her, promising her that they would only have to wait until the brothers would leave the room with their respective companies.
She was feeling slightly disencouraged as well. That was a great time to lose herself in the dispersion of people, but there were too many stares following Achilles and she would never get there unnoticed. An insane amount of women were expectantly waiting to be chosen by him for the night. The ladies were competing for his attention, some being less subtle than others. She wasn't jealous, but she didn't want to engage in that game. She never tried to compete for attention and she wasn't sure of wanting to start there.
While she remained in her seat watching the crowd, her mind kept focused on one thought: Achilles seemed to fancy her in some way, but she still didn’t know how. She started fearing about the image he had of her. He described her as cute, he said that her face was adorable. Those were compliments fitting for a sweet girl, not an attractive woman.
She didn't have any certains but, if it was the case, she wished she could prove him wrong. He teased her for a very long while and she wanted revenge, but she was the princess and she couldn't allow herself such behaviour. She urged to show him how perfectly capable of displaying sensuality she was and the first thing that occurred to her was dancing.
She never showed off in public about the full capacity of her skills. Immediately as she got older enough to be allowed to stay late night in festivities, she got enraptured by the dancing of the concubines and she ended up learning to dance from them. She wanted to learn it only for herself, because she loved the graceful aesthetical aspects of the movements and she admired their performances. Her father didn’t allow her to do it but, like almost every other thing bringing joy to her life, she did it behind his back.
It was her secret talent. If she could disguise herself in the group of dancers to participate in their performance, it would be hard to difference her from the actual performers. With that in mind, she started imagining Achilles's reaction if he could see her dancing like that. She wondered if he would feel as teased as he made her feel, if he would acknowledge her womanhood and if he would want her.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Helen.
" Do we have to stay like this the entire time?" She complained.
" We have to wait until they leave. It’s the best for now. " The girl replied. " I don't get it. Does he enjoy himself thinking that everyone is watching him cheat on you or what? Anyone would expect that after the devotion you faked he would think it twice and be more discrete but no, there he is... making you look like a fool. "
" I'm thankful to get him away from me. I only wish he could have some decency and keep it private.” The queen confessed. ” I don't deserve this humiliation. I'm a good wife, I do everything he demands of me. All I ask in return is to be respected, at least in public." Her voice was breaking a bit.
“ It’s never enough with them, they only think about themselves. “ the princess reminded. her.” I think we should do the same more often.”
“ What we did classifies as such.”
“ It wasn’t entirely selfish. We saved lifes … and their egos from an historical defeat. I mean a bit of real selfishness. A good payback. ”
“ I just want to be left alone. A lover wouldn’t repair the scars in my pride.”
“Many men would give everything they have for a night with you.” The princess commented to her. “ Do you never feel the need of being desired by a man that you want? “
“ Where did your good judgement go?” Helen mocked her.
“ You know everything about my sentimental life, but we never talk about yours.”
“ What most of those men have to offer is not what I would wish.” The queen explained. “ I have experienced desire. If we are talking about impossible aspirations, I want love.”
“ Why choose? You can have both.”
“ What did I do of you? Are you hearing yourself? Aren’t you the same girl whose goal was to have a nicely arranged marriage planned by herself using political strategy ? ”
“ You don’t want me to give up on love. Why should I let you do it ?
" You know better than anyone why I have to."
" That's not going to happen. My mother was alone, we have each other." the princess remarked. " Look at what we accomplished. We stopped a massacre, made a new friend and I got closer to the man I love, more than I ever thought I would be. "
" I told you, it is too late for me. "
" Helen,I used to think that my feelings for Achilles were a fantasy. I was ready to accept it as a comforting dream and carry on with my life. Thanks to you, I changed my mind. " the girl explained. "You have helped me so much. How can you think that I wouldn't do the same for you? "
" I doubt I would find love in a place like this, but I appreciate your concern. " the queen stated.
" Promise me that, if you do someday, you will let me help instead of giving up."
" We won a battle, dear. Not the war. " Helen clarified.
" We can win many more. " her niece reassured her. " You deserve to be loved and to own your desire."
"To be honest, I feel I’m more aware of what I don’t like in a man than of my actual preferences. I don't know what i like anymore. "
" Don't worry. We have time, i would love to help you to rediscover your taste. If it is not now, we will keep digging into figuring it out."
" It's not wise to get involved with someone that would never be mine. "
" You know what? I think I overcomed that. '' the princess declared. " I don't care anymore. Maybe Achilles will never be mine and so what? I want to be with him, I don't mind how. Perhaps he will never make me his wife and that's fine, I don't need to own him to love him. Love is not only about marriage. If marriage can exist without love, love can exist outside of marriage and you can find it. "
“ You have to tell me now what happened in that excuse of a bathing ceremony.” Helen teased her, encouraged and excited.
The princess tried to explain it to her carefully, watching over her expressions and paranoidly checking for the presence of unwanted listeners. Listening to her cheered Helen up.
“ What are you doing sitting here? “ she reprimanded her.
“ If I’m going to do a move, it has to be safer than this. “ The girl clarified. “ I can’t risk being seen by my father or inspiring gossip.”
“ He could have kissed you right there. “
“ Reason in the form of Hesione stopped me from finding out if he would have .” The princess added. “ I don’t know if i can do it now. Have you seen all those women ready to step on each other's heads for him? I’m not going to do that.“
“ You don’t have to be part of that,you are one step ahead.” Helen stated “ If you want a moment to get things clear. This is it.”
With that, she dragged her up from her seat.
The young ladies mixed themselves in the crowd, trying to have fun on their own. The princess procured not to concentrate in trying to find Achilles and just enjoy herself in the company of her aunt. Helen’s mood improved from the brief downfall it had because she redirected her thoughts. Instead of thinking of the public humiliation brought to her by her husband’s behaviour, she focused on the victory over him that she got. She humiliated him indirectly, her actions caused a situation that made him feel like an idiot in front of his brother. Some justice was served that time and she was able to celebrate. It was a small triumph, but just thinking about that made her start laughing without an apparent reason. The sudden boost in her joyful mood started to manifest in her dancing.
The queen’s grace was famous, but Helen never looked prettier as she did when she was really happy. She irradiated her emotions and the ambient felt renewed around her. Bright of happiness, she started dancing right in front of the musicians and the magnetic effect of her approach made them play the same song for longer, just so she wouldn’t leave. The percussionist was jaw dropping with her and even the princess was impressed by how obvious he was.
He was bewitched, but not in a lustfull way. The handsome young man was worshipping Helen with his music and she started responding with her dancing straightly to him. Since she realized that her niece was right next to her evaluating the situation, she encouraged her to follow her moves instead of teasing them with stares. Then, both girls found themselves dancing for the musicians and letting themselves go to the beat of their music.
Unlike the queen, the princess tried to keep her moves as chaste and cheerful as possible. Still, forgetting all her concerns to the sound of the music almost ruined her intentions . The fastening of the beat betrayed her for an instant and some very inappropriate hip flicks she did under the influence of the stimulation around her impressed her dancing companion. She isolated the movement of her hips to the rhythm of the song with a great synchrony. Sharp hip flicks combined with contractions of the lower belly creating a single circled swing. Cheering from the crew of artists made her realize of how she let herself go completely and she calmed down, going back to her usual style.
It was too late, Helen was too curious to let it go. Once the song ended, she had to abandon her admiror. Then, she started questioning her.
“ What was that?? It was incredible! “ She complimented her.
“ Sorry. The beat was great and you were pushing me in the wrong direction.”
“ When were you going to tell me about this?” The queen recriminated her.
“ Our mystery is solved. I think you are into pretty boys worshipping you with respect. Sweet admiration, not those looks of when you know that the man is mentally undressing you.” The princess teased her to avoid the topic.
“ Don’t try to get away from this. “ Helen teased back. “ You have to teach me that.”
“ I lost control, I wasn’t supposed to do that here .” the princess excused herself.
“ You will explain to me later where that came from, now I want to learn how to move my hips like that.”
“ We all have our unique ways of expression. You have your makeup skills, I have this.” the girl joked. “ I didn’t mean to hide it from you, the occasion to show you never presented. “
“ It presented itself now.” Helen rectified. “ We have music and a proper space. “
She was reluctant, but agreed.
“ Only because it’s you who is asking. I owe you too much to say no.” She admitted. “ This is absolutely inappropriate so i will only show you hip moves. For a proper lesson, I need secrecy."
“ Forget protocols, we are having fun.” Helen encouraged her.
Her niece took the position of instructor and decomposed the otherwise integrated steps of the movement so Helen could learn it and copy it. Very slow like at first, the queen achieved it with great enthusiasm. The princess oriented her into repeating it a few times before trying to find a pace with the rhythm. She guided her into picking that pace and, soon, both were dancing at a matching tempo. Helen looked bright with happiness.
" I don't want to brag, but this makes me feel beautiful." she joked.
" It's not very lady-like, but it's fun." her niece replied.
They were being happy with themselves, not caring about anything else. The relegated corner of the place they picked as their fun zone wasn't the safest spot to feel some freedom, but it was the best they had. For once, they ignored the certain chances of attracting stares, the perceptions and everything that tied them. The princess showed the queen two more combinations of hip movements. They were trying hip locks to the sides when a sudden but partially expected intromision ruined their bubble of concentration.
" Watch out, princess. Those moves look so sharp that you could have cutted me with your hips." Achilles told the mycenaean as he passed by right next to her.
The sound of his voice was enough to make her jolt and she lost herself to it, immediately stopping what she was doing.
" I’m glad to see you having fun. I tought you weren't going to get up. " Patroclus cheerfully saluted them, appearing right after him.
Both ladies at once responded to his greetings.
" What are you doing over here?" Helen inquired. " We saw you dancing right in the center with some girls a while ago. You are doing great."
" To be fair, most only looked at me because I'm standing next to him." the boy admitted. " When we came nobody cared but now everyone does because they found out I'm the cousin of Achilles."
" I'm doomed to always being the daughter of Agamemnon, very few people care beyond that." the princess commented. " I treasure those and don't mind for the rest. "
" Don't worry. You will make a name for yourself soon and that will end." Helen added. " Younger noble girls from big cities can be like that but growing up makes them wiser. In a few years, you will start to be seen as yourself and they will adore you. "
Achilles was impressed by the soft naturality of their interactions. They were comforting him as close friends. He kept listening to their conversation.
" It's fine, It doesn't affect me that much. " Patroclus tried to explain himself better. " In fact, I'm hiding from your husband."
To the mention of him, Helen looked exasperated.
" What has he done now?"
" He was talking with Achilles and I was there with them. " the boy started telling them. " He must be too drunk to care about being too friendly. He started saying nice things about me and ended up offering me a woman. "
Helen got second hand embarrassment.
" I'm sorry, darling. Did he make you feel uncomfortable?"
" He said some stupid thing about how he had her before and she was perfect to make me a man. It was disgusting."
" That's the House of Atreus at it's best. Imagine them at their worst. " the princess added. " Ignore him, Pat. You may be too young, but are already a better man than him."
" I have faith in you." Helen emphasized. " I think you 'll be a great hero because your morals match your potential as a warrior. You will make us all proud."
" We love you. " the princess concluded. " Keep ignoring anything you hear from him or my father. They think they know better than everyone else but they are the worst combination of cruel and stupid. "
" I leave him with you just once and you are already pampering and overprotecting him?” Achilles commented, his mocking hiding a shade of happiness. " He knows that Menelaus is not a good example of what truly means to be a man. "
" He has you. " the queen complimented him. " You aren't perfect, but you are guiding him right. It doesn't matter how many battles you win. To me, he reflects the best of you. "
Patroclus smiled at her. Helen's praise impacted him in a positive way.
" She wasn't a strong supporter of you." The princess clarified. " Her opinion changed after meeting him."
" Spending so much time with people who love you changes the perspective. " The queen hinted, indirectly including her niece in the affirmation." I used to think you were a cold, emotionless man with no care for anything. Your bond with Patroclus is only one of many proofs of how wrong I was. I commited with you the same mistake everyone does with me: I judged you by what you appear to be. "
" Good, It's mutual." Achilles simply replied. " You are stronger than what I thought you could be. I started to see it in all the stories that your niece has told me about your shenanigans. I like you a lot more thanks to her."
" It's the first time ever when somebody likes me first. In Sparta, you will be addressed as Patroclus's cousin." the boy added, mocking him with pride.
" Seeing you again in my lands would bring me great joy. '' Helen stated." I hope that this shameful experience with Menelaus didn't scare you away."
" Don't worry, queen. " Achilles reassured her. "If you are guilty of anything, is of cherishing so much that he doesn't want to leave your side."
" I have new friends that like me for me. Get over it. " his little cousin kept joking.
" I celebrate it. They are a good influence for you. " Achilles replicated." Today you humiliated a king for the first time and you did it so cleverly that he couldn't find a way to argue. Agamemnon, of all kings. I can't be more proud. "
" He deserved it. He was trying to create spite between you and Ajax. That's low, even for someone like him. '' Patroclus explained.
" Thanks for helping me there. If it wasn't for you, he wouldn't have stopped until offending one using the other." The princess told him." Not so long before he used to say that Ajax was a brute fool from an insignificant kingdom, now he wants to make him the next Hercules. He is desperate, he wants so badly to get rid of your cousin that he is willing to accept any other who would obey him.``
" I feel bad for any contestant in the army aspiring to get the same glorification he has." the boy affirmed. " Achilles has you, that's a great advantage. They will never make it."
The princess laughed softly, glancing at the warrior.
Achilles's gaze followed hers, in complicity.
" You are the queen's favourite, you will run with the same advantage. "
" The bright daughter of the highest commander designs political strategies for you… All the rest are doomed."
" You are so sweet!" the princess thanked him.
" I don't see why not pointing it out. "
" Agamemnon is too foolish to see it, but you think like a politician." Helen told her.
" What's greatly convenient, because having to stand polítical tangles is what Achilles hates the most about his work. " Patroclus insisted.
" Odysseus had helped him with that countless times. " the young lady reminded him.
" He is a king, his polítical work is for his own benefit." Helen remarked. " I know they are good friends, but the goal of Odysseus's work is not to raise him up above all the heroes."
" His competence has no chance because now he has you aligned with him and working with his interests. Honestly? I think that's a bit unfair." Patroclus concluded.
" They must have their own tricks." Achilles defended himself. " I guess she is mine now."
" We shouldn't be discussing this here. " the princess warned them. " Can we bring up something else ? This is a party, we are supposed to talk trivial things. "
" Where did you learn to dance? " Helen asked, pretending to be innocently curious.
" Seriously??"
" It is a trivial topic. " the queen remarked before explaining herself to the recently arrived men. " What you just saw was me attempting to learn some incredible moves I saw her doing. I had no idea, it was a total surprise and I'm very curious."
" The story behind it is not as interesting as you think it is." the princess clarified.
" When she says that, assume the opposite." Achilles mocked her.
" I have been secretly involved in dance practices of the palace's concubines for years. I don't like to show it at parties because it is something I learned for my own gratification and my father is not supposed to find out. " She confessed " Helen looks so happy, she inspired me to relax and I forgot were I was."
" Wait, are you a dancer? That explains a lot of things. " Patroclus commented, impressed. " I wrecked you when we were trying to teach you self defense but I noticed that you have some flexibility. "
" It's nothing compared with what it requires to be a fighter. '' the princess corrected him. " Being more specific, I'm not a dancer because it's not my occupation. I learned from actual dancers and I practice for fun. It's very liberating for me, a great pastime during the absences of my father. "
" How is it that we keep discovering secrets of yours? " Achilles asked.
" You are one of the few who know me as i am. " she tried to explain herself. " I discovered my fascination with dancing right after I started being allowed to stay all the way during parties. I saw a performance and I knew then that I wanted to do that. I wasn't paying attention to the lustful men around the dancers, I loved their movements. Men may see it only as their entertainment, but the dance looks like a celebration of femminity. I wanted that."
" How did you do it?" Helen insisted.
" It took some time. " She started telling. " When Agamemnon saw me following the girls at a gathering because I was trying to learn from them he was scandalized. He forbade it to me, he said that dancers were whores and no daughter of his was going to humiliate him behaving like a whore. He tried to make it up for me by sending me to the temple of Artemis to dance with the priestesses."
" Of course, you had to learn from the virgins. How would you dare to question his expectations? " Helen joked, sarcastically following the line of the reasonament.
" It wasn’t my wish, I did it because he said it. Dancing like a priestess was not what I wanted.” the princess kept explaining “ I went to the temple, behaved well, learned what they wanted to teach me and worshipped the goddess in the ritual dances. The priestesses liked me and my father started bragging about how his girl was so pure that the temple of the virgin goddess wanted her."
" He didn't let them have you because he needs grandchildren if he wants his bloodline to continue. " Patroclus guessed.
" I wouldn't have joined them. I honor the gods and sometimes i pray, but i never felt loved by any of them. I respect the dedication of their priestesses, they find fullfilment in serving them. It's not for me, I never felt the mistic call. " She commented. “I did what I was sent to do, I was respectful and that was the end of it. It didn't erase my original interest for the profane dances as Agamemnon thought it would."
Helen laughed briefly. It was always funny to hear examples of the complete ignorance about the sensibilities of women that the Atrides had.
" I waited until his next absence and I went to learn with the concubines of the palace. " The princess kept explaining. " They are not used to being respected by ladies. When I told them that I admired their dancing and I wanted to learn from them they didn't know what to say. It must have impacted them, because they agreed to instruct me in secret. That's how I learned. I keep joining their practices when I can. It helps me to relieve tension and it is my secret way of self expression."
" You managed to make yourself be equally liked by temple maidens and palace dancers? You are a true politician, even outside of politics." Achilles pointed out.
His comment made her smile.
“ Now that I think about it, It is the first time I see you dancing. I didn’t have the pleasure at the wedding party.” He reminded her.
“ I didn’t dance much that time and, certainly, not as i like to when I’m not being watched.” She replied.” This was an accident, Helen was flirting with one of the musicians and the ambient inspired me to lose control.”
“ I wasn’t flirting, I was dancing to his interpretation.” The queen defended herself.
“ You don’t need excuses with us. If you want me to kill your husband, just make a sign.” Achilles joked.
Helen laughed more than what she should have.
“ She is thinking about it!” Patroclus added, cracking of laughter.
“ It is not worthy to ruin your reputation for it, but thanks for the offer.”
“ It can be an accident in the middle of a battle. We can say that he got in the way of my spear.”
The princess laughed harder then.
“ See? She gets me.” The warrior commented.
“ It’s the same kind of grim joke I would have made.” She explained, still laughing. 
They shared glances, looking deeply into each other’s eyes for an instant. 
“ Do you want to dance with me?” Achilles offered her. “ We couldn’t last time and you are making me curious..” 
She took his hand as a sign of approval, smiling with delight. 
“ You can dance with me, Helen.” Patroclus playfully added, remarking how they seemed to have forgotten of them. 
Helen grabbed his hand and both were laughing, 
They walked following the intensity of the music’s sound with the intention of finding the group of musicians again. When they resumed dancing the princess stopped caring about anything else but her partner. It was reciprocal, because Achilles couldn’t take his eyes off her. Remembering some of the wild thoughts she have had before, she unveiled her sensuality for him within her dancing. Her movements were like a soft tease implying that there was so much more that she could be showing to him if the show would have been private. Her hips, waist and chest were the areas of her body that the moves highlighted. Combined with the graceful gesticulation of her hands and arms, it was a very appealing sight. 
She knew that he wasn't able to touch her more than what would look necessary because of the context and she was using it at her advantage. Still, since he wasn't able to express himself with actions, he did it with words. 
In a particular moment, when he ended up behind her while she was doing torso undulations, he got a chance to grab her hips and whisper close to her ear. 
" You should have done this in Phthia, behind closed gates." 
They were so close that he was able to smell the scent of her hair. 
" It wasn't the right time, but if you invite me back i can take my dancer suit for a private performance." Was her tempting reply. " I have one, you know? My friends helped me to make it." 
" I don't think I would let you go after that." 
She was melting, her heart was throbbing and her head racing with thoughts of him. However, she did her best to keep going as before because she needed to feel sure of being a woman in his eyes.
While his hands were still on her hips, she changed the move and started doing internal hip circles. The sharp motion, first of her right hip and then the left, incited him to pull away one hand at the time, following the rhythm of her every action. The roundness of the hip rotation made her push her butt slightly against him in a movement that looked accidental but didn't feel as such. 
She put some distance between them, enough to spin around and face him again. The song ended shortly afterwards. 
" Sorry, It was the music. I almost forgot that you were there. " She apologised, faking innocence. 
" Some people may be staring ... Don't you care for discretion anymore?" He teased her. 
“ Most people here are drunk. They couldn’t care less, I couldn't care less.” She answered. “ Besides, this was pretty discrete compared to what I can actually do.” 
“ Why are you doing this? ” 
“ Because I want.” She simply admitted. “ You are the only man I ever wanted to dance for, the first one who has me like this.”
 It was a strange confession of feelings. Metaphorically disguised, but it was there. 
Achilles didn’t answer. Not because he didn’t wish to, he couldn’t do that at the moment. First, because of the context surrounding them but mostly, because it wasn’t a good time to be open with her. He didn’t want her to confound his own growing feelings for her with a rush of lust. He cared deeply for her, it started fast and it took him by surprise. He felt good having her in his life, even when it was at moments. After each of their reunions he felt a bit more infatuated. 
Right there, she was making his body crave for hers, but he didn’t want that to be his first response to her affections. He guessed that she was acting so sensually because she wanted to confess herself but didn’t know how. He thought that she must have heard that was the way in which he prefered to be approached, that she had to make herself be wanted for him. He would have lied if he would have denied that he was enjoying it, but he was trying to avoid thinking with his crotch. 
She had given him plenty of subtle signs about her feelings before and he never gave her a direct answer, mostly because he didn't find a good moment for it and part of him felt like he couldn't allow himself to do it. He didn’t want her to assume that he only reacted then because he was horny. 
He was trying to do better for her, but she didn’t understand it like that at first.
 The princess interpreted his silence as rejection. For the sake of her own pride, she pretended not care. She kissed his cheek,smiled at him and went back to Helen’s side. For the rest of the night,she tried to carry on as it never happened. Internally, she felt stupid, but it was the only way she found to overcome it.
She focused again on helping Helen. Acting carelessly, the first thing she did afterwards was to take advantage of a short pause of the music to talk to the man she was sharing glances with as a way to stimulate her to get closer. The princess started by praising his playing and asking his name in front of her and Patroclus. Smiling proudly, he told them to address him as Alexander. The princess didn’t hesitate in starting calling him Alex. He was very respectful, especially of the queen. He expressed his admiration for her in a kind way and didn't attempt anything on her, clearly seeing her as unreachable. Helen seemed to enjoy his harmless attention. In the conversation, they also found out that Patroclus had musical inclinations. Alexander was a percussionist playing Toubeleki and Patroclus made his contribution to the small talk speaking about his experiences learning to play the khitara. Helen was grateful for the care of her friends, both trying to make efforts for her just because they saw her getting along with him. For obvious reasons, the talk was short, but it was a good start. 
They lost sight of Achilles and the princess was secretly relieved for it. She was mortified thinking that her attempt of pursuing him ruined everything between them. Over the course of the party, the three stayed together because they were already comfortable enough with each other.
They got involved in trivial talks with many different people. At one moment, they crossed paths again with Ajax while they were waiting for servants to bring them something to drink. The salaminian hero was doing the same and he greeted their encounter. He was a bit tipsy, but he was good company because he was funnier to be around than what most people assumed. The four fooled around together for a while. They were drinking and joking and the princess almost forgot how bad she was feeling, until he reminded her that she still owed him a dance because he was the first one trying to get her away from the table. He was just joking and It wasn’t his fault, so she tried to keep being sweet to him. Her polite reply explained her refusal linking it to his circumstantial state. Avoiding to sound mean, harsh or sarcastic, she promised him that she was going to dance with him the next time she would find him sober. Fortunately, It made him laugh. 
He resumed their previous conversation in an infinitely less formal way, saying that he was perfectly fine because he was the strongest man in Greece and the effect of a few drinks weren’t an impediment for him. He told them that he could show them on the spot how he was able to lift both women from the ground at the same time and Helen considered the discussion about his state over, fearing that he would actually try it. She felt relatively comfortable with him and it was a grateful surprise. For such an intimidant looking man, he was very nice and likeable. After sharing some more laughs, she ended up dancing with him.
Their brief encounter cheered the princess up a bit, simply because it was very hard not to laugh with the amount of funny insanity that they came up with. Still, she kept feeling out of place, like if nobody really needed her there. Helen was probably waiting until the end so she could have a longer conversation with the percussionist and Patroclus deserved some time to have fun on his own if he wanted that. She couldn’t help to think that she was ruining the party for them . Openly expressing her wish of not being followed, she excused herself saying that she had enough fun, was too tired and prefered to rest. She hugged her friends, thanking them for their company and wishing them goodnight.
In her walk to her bedroom,the princess speeded up her pace to avoid being disturbed. She didn’t want to be approached by anyone else, wishing to forget about her feelings of shame. She almost reached her destination, but the hold of Achilles's strong arms deviated her in an empty hall. 
“I can't deal with this now. " she admitted. " Would you let me go? I will talk to you in the morning"
 " If we wait any longer, we will never do it. " He stated, embracing her waist. 
" What are you talking about??" She complained. 
“ Don’t play the fool now. You can’t try to hide anymore.” 
" I know that I ruined everything. " 
While hearing her, he seemed slightly confused. 
" By now, you must know how I feel for you. '' She explained herself. " I may be good at reading the feelings of others, but I get easily overwhelmed by mines... I have spent my lifetime training myself to suppress them, I don't understand myself sometimes... I wanted you to see me as the woman I am because only then I could make you understand how I feel."
 Her explanation made him chuckle for an instant. 
" What's so funny ??." She tried to pull away from his contact, but he was obviously stronger than her. 
" I see you as a woman, I have always done it. " He replied. 
" I know how you act around the women that you like. It is not how you acted with me. " 
" Do you think that I don't want you?" A light chuckle escaped from his lips again. " You are so lovely." 
" That's it. I'm always the sweet innocent lamb, I can't escape from that. " She complained. " I'm a living, breathing woman with feelings and desires. "
 " I'm aware of that. " He reassured her. " That was a very interesting reminder of it, but I know it." 
" Then why do you keep ignoring me? " Her voice showed frustration. 
" Things between us are not so easy. " 
" You know, before you start thinking about it, I have to say that stepping into helping you was a choice I made based on my convictions. " She clarified. " I believe in you, I didn't do it looking for any retributions. Even if you don't correspond my feelings, that wouldn't change anything. I'm still commited to our pact."
" Calm down." He caressed her hair. " Can you stop assuming that I think the worst of you? I don't." 
" I don't know what else to do to get a concrete answer from you.” She insisted. “I just want that. I don't mind the outcome. If you don't feel the same, I will respect it. " 
Then, he crashed his lips against hers. It was a sweet kiss, intended to serve as a response confessing his affections, but it was charged with the passion of the long craving for it that he also had. She was in such bliss that he felt her body trembling. 
He smiled against her lips. 
" Are you alright?" 
" It’s the longing. " was all she could answer. 
“ You didn't have to do anything else to get me. " He clarified. “ I liked you in Sparta, now i think it’s something more than that.” 
" I haven't stopped thinking about you since the day we met." She confessed. " I didn't know then that it was going to get that far, but here i am." 
.” Odysseus spent half of the way back telling me to stay away from you like a father scaring away a suitor that he dislikes. “ He confessed. “ I did it for a good long while, but you came to me on your own and you dazzled me."
 " He doesn't dislike you, you are his friend. " She clarified " He knows of somebody who hates you and he tries to protect me from him. " 
" I will never allow that old drunk to hurt you. " He said, in what sounded like a promise. 
" Would you steal me from him?" She playfully joked. 
" If it's what I have to do to keep you safe, I would." 
She kissed him, clinging onto him and refusing to pull away until being breathless. In that act, she condensed years of hidden adoration for him and all her hopes. 
Achilles felt it, and he couldn’t help to love her for it. 
“ My room is close. “ She offered. “ It’s safer to continue there.” 
She giggled and headed first. It wasn't wise of them to be seen getting inside there together, so they had to do it in turns.
The princess arrived first, leaving the door unlocked. Her heart was racing with expectancy. The warrior appeared shortly afterwards, closing the door behind them. Immediately after seeing him, she kissed him again. 
" Slow down, lioness." He teased her after she finally pulled away. 
" I wish I could." she joked in reply. 
" This is what I mean when I say that you are adorable, not that I see you as a cute little girl. " He commented." You are so tender, it gets me."
 " Really?" She asked, impressed. 
" I love it. " He answered, honestly. " I also loved what you did for me tonight. " 
" It didn't look like that. " She pointed out. 
" It didn't have to look like that. It was dangerous. " He reminded her. " I like some risk, but you took a pointless one." 
" I wanted you to want me and I think it worked." 
" You need to know that I don't want you because you did that.” He confessed. “ I want you for you and I want all of you, not just this." 
" Then take me." Her proposition sounded like a beg. " I'm ready." She was talking against his lips, holding his hands and pushing them against her body. 
" Not tonight, princess." He was teasing her, his cheeky tone got on her nerves. 
" Why?? " She complained, her frustration almost made her raise the tone of her voice. “ I want to be with you, I don’t care for anything else. Father will end up selling me for power anyways, It will be the buyer’s problem. ” 
" You didn't let me finish." He corrected her. " I'm not going to take you for myself tonight. " He explained as he started to leave a trail of kisses from her jaw in direction to her neck. " But I have many other ways to show you how good you make me feel. " 
She gasped and he smiled against her skin.
 " The massage was amazing. " He added as he kept descending. " And that dance? You are spoiling me, that’s royal treatment." 
" There is nothing I wouldn't do for you." 
He stopped for an instant just so he could look at her in the eye, feel the intensity of her love, and kiss her lips once more.
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blind-rats · 4 years
For the fans, it’s never about the “happy endings”. People misunderstood that it seems to get a good storyline, either it has to be happy or dark. It’s not that simple. It’s not Happy Ending vs Dark Ending. It’s about good storytelling and characterization.
For years, fans cared more about the characters. When a writer only focused on the plot, and not the character, then they would usually sacrifice the progression, the development, the investment, the connection, and the fans who actually watched the show FOR the characters since the beginning. Good storytelling is when it elevates the character (good or bad) into something layered.
Season 1: 
Aaron was arrested for Lilly’s murder was a good thing; something that should be done. The baddie finally was captured, even got hit by a truck. 
Logan wanted to jump off the bridge was a cliffhanger; something that would keep the fans tuned in for the next season. 
Lianne took the money was IN character; she wasn’t a good mother and Veronica finally admitted that. For a whole season, V thought that by solving Lilly’s murder, her mom would return, but in the end, it didn’t matter. V accepted that. It sucks, but it was progress for Veronica that she finally let her go, although she lost the money. There was balance for these plots and these characters, that is why season 1 was the best.
Season 2: 
Keith missed the flight wasn’t about a happy ending -- it was a set up for the next season because he received a mysterious assignment from Kendall. Again, it kept the fans wanting more.
Season 3: 
Logan beat up Gory was a set up for the next season. Like I mentioned before, if the show wasn’t canceled, it would give Logan a darker path or a lighter path in his life. It was supposed to make the fans wanting more; what would happen to Logan? What would happen to him and Veronica? There was a lot of speculation at the time, but it wasn’t supposed to be the ending.
Keith lost the election, according to RT himself, because he helped Veronica. Which was IN character. He helped Veronica, and it ignited another rivalry between him and Jake Kane again. It was supposed to be another set up for the next season, and it wasn’t supposed to be the ending. 
The Movie:
There are so many retcons in this movie that fans noticed and many expressed their displeasure because the storytelling of the movie was a bit weak, BUT they are still IN characters. Yes, there are some changes, obviously you can’t have the same characters from a decade ago. Logan was matured, Wallace was matured, Mac was matured, Weevil was matured, even Piz was matured. 
Veronica was trying to find herself and decide what kind of person she wanted to be. At the end of the movie, she decided that she wanted to help people. And that is why many fans liked the movie because the character progressed into the next stage. The character didn’t stay stasis.
The movie had so many flaws, especially with cheesy dialogues, unimportant cameos, and frankly not so good plots. But when fans have waited for so long for the conclusion of the series, to have characters finally get their deserved/bittersweet endings, is a good thing.
The Books (The Thousand Dollar Tan Line and Mr. Kiss & Tell):
Maybe because the books were (co)written by Jennifer Graham, a woman, a fan, she knew about the characterization of the characters. Fans immediately noticed the differences between her writing and Rob’s writing; which parts were hers, which parts were RT’s. 
Nobody cared nor remember about the professor and the murderer/rapist, but everyone mostly remembered about Haley, Lianne, Aurora, Hunter, Petra, Jade, Norris, Grace, and even The Gutiérrez cousins.
Notice that all of the memorable characters in the books were absent from season 4 because RT didn’t write them in the books and he felt that he didn’t need to explain their absence.
Logan and Weevil had a good relationship, and they both were friendly with each other. That was progress and should be allowed to continue.
Logan and Veronica had stability and a good relationship even when there were some problems. Even when Leo (who was inserted by RT) was there. But it was pretty much good characterization for both of the characters. Something that was missing in season 4.
Season 4:
To those who said that the whole season was great except for the ending, didn’t pay any attention. From the very beginning, fans were being introduced to a lot of new characters that fans didn’t know nor care like it was some sort a new show. They have their own storylines, their own plots, even their own endings. It would be fine if this was a brand new show, but it wasn’t. It was a continuation of the previous installment. The new characters from the books were much more nuanced compare to the new characters in season 4.
The show focused more on the plots instead of the characterizations. They focused more on the special guest stars instead of the regular cast.
The characterization of Veronica was WAY OFF; so different and seems to be regressed to her former self when she was 17 years old. She was rude to everyone including Logan and Wallace. She didn’t know what was going on with Keith. She was nonchalant about filming others having sex. She was using drugs. She was drinking and shooting a gun. She was mocking Wallace and Logan for having stability. She was more interested in having a fling with Leo but she refused to break up with Logan.
Fans would accept Veronica’s regression if there was something happened to her. Why she behave like that? What was the reason? She was having a life she chosen from the movie and the books, and yet she wasn’t happy. Because of what? What kind of trauma that made her regressed? No reason at all? Because normal life is not something that a detective should have? And that’s when the characterization was down the drain. When a character doesn’t have a motivation to do what’s right or what’s wrong, their behavior is considered to be OOC. 
Matty, a new character, a white rich sociopath girl, wasn’t Veronica, and yet the fans were expected to treat and view her like she was Veronica. 
Marcia, the new chief of police was a wasted character. She wasn’t a foil for Veronica, wasn’t an enemy of anybody, and she spent her time in the precinct only.
The assassins from the Mexican cartel had too many plots and not enough characterization, and frankly, the fans didn’t care about them, especially when the writers sacrificed Wallace and Mac.
The death of Logan wasn’t just the only thing that was considered worse, but the fact that they immediately didn’t see the aftermath. They never showed the emotional impact and didn’t even give the characters and the fans to mourn the character. RT tends to leapfrog a plot, even in iZombie, and put exposition instead. 
The death of Logan was wasted, done by the most insignificant villain in the history of the show that didn’t even have a proper characterization and development. But the show promoted him like he was one of the best things ever happened.
Logan’s death wasn’t caused by a heroic moment or something dramatic. It was last minute and immediately swept under the carpet.
Veronica spent her last monologue talking about exposition. it was an ending. It wasn’t something that fans wanted to tune in, unlike the previous seasons, movie, and books.
So the whole notion that every season ended in a dark ending is partly untrue. Plot-wise, it should served their characters. It should elevated them into something better or something darker, but it was interesting nonetheless. Season 4 didn’t have that at all. All the characters were gone, finished. Veronica rode off to the sunset without any kind of satisfying ending, good or bad. Bad, mostly.
This is why Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul and Cobra Kai are praised because of the writings and characterization. We see the progression of the characters of Jimmy to Saul, who is not a good person, but still layered. We see the development of Johnny Lawrence; from a bully to an anti-hero. Or Hawk from a nerd into a bully himself. IT'S THE CHARACTERIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT accompanied by good storytelling. It’s not (just) about happy/sad ending.
It’s also not just about killing off the main character. There’s a reason why fans are still angry with the ending of How I Met Your Mother or LOST. So many people are pissed with the ending of Dexter and Game of Thrones. Don’t forget about The 100, Gilmore Girls, and Arrow. Not because of the dark endings of those shows, or the killing off the main characters. It was because they wasted so many years with the characterization and development just to get subverted endings that the writers seem to pat themselves on the back, ignoring any fans who had been there for the start.
And RT’s betrayal to the fans isn’t just about killing off the main character. It was the way he did it. He was using the fans to revive the show, using the fans’ money to revive it, knowing that he would kill off a popular character, knowing that he would piss loyal fans and the fandom, who had been very supportive with his works and projects, and yet still done it, just because he despised a character he created for so long. Even BBC News knew this trend and called him out. It was the way he exploited the fans that were considered to be a betrayal.
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hopevalley · 3 years
I’ll admit, last night I was in a lot of pain and I made a post that probably came off quite rude, so for that I apologize. I wasn’t trying to be insensitive. I'm just incredibly frustrated by the attitude the fans have regarding this show.
When I said the writing was poor, I was nitpicking and being unfair. I was told if I didn’t like it, I should stop watching because “that’s just how the show is now.” But now that so many people are feeling disappointed by Elizabeth’s choice in the love triangle, now it’s suddenly okay to be mad at the show. Now it’s okay to talk about how the writing is trash-tier and the writers don’t care about the characters.  Now it’s okay to say things suck (besides the usual criticism about the makeup and hairstyles and lack of period-appropriate attire).
I started this season off being intentionally more positive because I was tired of the messages that told me my negativity was irritating, and I didn’t want to make any blanket statements about the writing until the end of the season (new writer, new way of doing things, so I didn’t want to judge too early). Well, now it’s the end of the season and I’m seeing all these comments about how the finale was bad, and the writing *in this season* didn’t lead up properly to it, and while I agree with that, here’s what I LITERALLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND ABOUT YOU GUYS:
Why has no one pointed out the blatant flip-flop between the characterization/characters of Nathan and Lucas this season? Why are you all going on about how Lucas is patient and Nathan is pushy? Have y’all forgotten S6 and S7 where Nathan was patient and Lucas was the pushy one?
Y’ALL. I just want to say: the writing this entire season regarding the love triangle has been shit. It wasn’t just the finale. 
At first I was so happy with the new version of Lucas (he was so weird before and now he felt like a good character) I didn’t want to jinx it, but man...the second Nathan started being pushy I figured out what was going on: that was the writers’ attempt at “balancing” the triangle lmao. Just flip their personalities around!!!! It was awful but I’m pretty sure that’s what they did to make up for Lucas being vaguely awfully written in S6 and S7 while Nathan was always much more reserved (except in the windstorm episode but we can all agree that was a terrible episode, right?). I can’t believe it happened but I find it almost harder to believe that...nobody else really noticed it? (Is it me? AM I INSANE?)
For what it’s worth, I don’t think Elizabeth’s choice was the wrong one, but I do think the “triangle” was a huge mistake, and the writing surrounding it was bad from the get-go. I guess to sum my thoughts on that up in a very broad sense, I’ll say that I feel like the triangle writing, especially this season, was very...meandering, and nobody deserved that.
Also, for all of Elizabeth’s speech to Nathan about how she was trying to find Jack in him, I never really felt that way about their relationship except for one scene (where she ran to him after she thought he might have been shot), but I definitely felt that way about Lucas in the sense that their relationship reminds me of her relationship with Jack. The candles, the big gestures, the slightly awkward interactions at first. The tonsil-sucking kissing... That’s all very familiar! I’m not opposed to the relationship itself, but having Elizabeth go out of her way to tell Nathan what she did (you know, “telling” the viewer instead of showing them all season) felt really cheap! She could have honestly just told him, “I love you, but I’m not in love with you” and I would have been like, thank God she’s just being honest with him!!
Don’t even get me started on Nathan talking to Lucas... I wanted to like that scene so much, but 1) they had more chemistry with each other than with Elizabeth...again, and 2) it felt manipulative, like “See guys?! Nathan’s fine with it and knew all along!! haha!!” Sorry but your writing all season doesn’t support that even an ounce!
I don’t know why Hallmark is surprised that people are reacting negatively; they promo’d the show based on the premise of a love triangle for a woman who LITERALLY JUST LOST HER HUSBAND IN A SHOCKING AND RANDOM TRAGIC ACCIDENT and then went out of their way to encourage fans to pick a #team, and then gASP...are surprised when fans emotionally invest themselves in their personal choice for Elizabeth and are (naturally, understandably) upset when their choice ends up being the “incorrect” one!
What did they think was going to happen? 
Sure, some fans had borderline delusional ideas of what should have happened and/or of what different scenes meant, but I think most people had a reasonable understanding of the show and chose based off of what scenes spoke to them. Part of the issue all along has been that Elizabeth has never had much in the way of A Personality. I don’t want to sound like a bitch here, but she mostly exists as a vehicle for the viewer to self-insert into, a fresh lens to view Coal Valley (and then Hope Valley) through, and so tends toward more generic personality traits to make her more #relatable. The problem with this style of writing is that the viewers do engage in the media in a very specific way, and naturally chose their “ideal” for Elizabeth with extra-biased judgment (as each person has been encouraged to insert bits of themselves into her character).
This isn’t a knock against the fans, by the way. It’s the way this type of character is meant to be viewed and engaged with...which is precisely why Elizabeth was such a poor choice for a love triangle, but...here we are anyway.
Most Team Lucas fans are happy with the choice, but I’d say it’s folly to believe they’re all 100% satisfied with the writing that led to it. It feels good to feel right, to be right, and to have picked right, doesn’t it? When that high fades I think some of them are going to reassess and be like, “The writing could have definitely been much better, though.”
That said, they dragged the love triangle out all season because they were legitimately terrified that some of y’all would stop watching partway through the season otherwise, and they wanted those sweet, sweet ratings. You can be mad about it all you want, and justly so because you fell for it (and that Feels Real Bad), but they got their ratings and their renewal. You tuned in. You got excited. And they were right in the case of quite a few of you: if they’d had her pick Lucas in Episode 3 or something, a bunch of people would have stopped watching and the ratings would have plummeted for the season.
The really awful thing about this is that...they KNEW it would happen. They made their own stupid bed and instead of just laying in it, they were like, well what if we dragged it out all season to keep viewer engagement with the show up? And they did. And we all fell for it like chumps. That’s worse than the bad writing and the character assassination this season and being wrong about who Elizabeth would choose...by a large margin, IMO. 
The thing is...how many of us knew they were doing that and bought the season anyway? Watched anyway?
Many of us just hoped we’d be justified in the end by Elizabeth’s choice being the one we wanted for her, but we weren’t. For how many of you was that salt in the wound? It’s something to think about, anyway.
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readbyred · 3 years
“Pathetic” Ted Spankoffski x Reader
a gender neutral, reverse hurt/comfort fic
warnings: cursing; mild sexual comments; a very tired dyslectic author
Lately, things haven’t been going so well for Ted. Charlotte broke things off for good and it was far from pretty, the atmosphere was crushing to be honest. And so with time he latched onto Paul more and more, using his best friend as a distraction from his own life and failiures. Unfortunately his companion seemed to be a bit distracted and not very eager to spend time, at least less so than usually. Ted pinned the fault on a crush of his, Emma, one of the baristas at a nearby caffee. She was hot and would be great if onyl she didn’t speak, or at least that’s what he told Paul. His friend didn’t seem to agree for some reason. But that’s how it was, in Ted’s opinion. She always got offended for so many small things and tried to make him out to be the bad guy of every confrontation. But it wasn’t Ted’s fault that their uniform shorts were so short and besides one or two comments were just a given considering how good her and her coworkers looked in them. But she always had something to say, a name to call him or even a complaint to make, if her boss was around. But even then it was all fun and games. Until one day it wasn’t.
It all started “innocently” as he considered it. He spotted Paul using the stairs on the opposide side of the building. Some time ago his friend had stopped using the ones by Ted’s office, for one reason or another. And so they made their way together, Ted trying to get some information out of him as to how things with Emma were. Finally after a conversation more painful than pulling teeth Paul announced that he was going to ask Emma out. It was a big step and it surprised Ted but after some teasing he promised not to blow this. So far so good and it wasn’t until they stood in the line, inside the cafe, that it went downhill.
It was meant to be a harmless comment, he knew Emma found them at least a bit funny too, for sure. Nothing bad, he just asked whet else could she do for a tip if she didn’t want to sing. She already looked very annoyed, he never expected her to appreciate his humour and so he nudged Paul saying that he might give her a different tip if she didn’t want his money. That, for reasons unknown to Ted, crossed the line and Emma whipped around to face them frustrated. She turned to Paul to announce that although she liked him around if his friend was going “to come around only to be a gross creep” then they might as well just go to starbucks instead, since she “didn't go to this shitty job to get harassed”
Ted didn’t even get to say that technically, he wasn’t doing anything wrong because Paul who was now done with awkwardly apologizing to his very pissed off crush, dragged him out of the Beanies, furious. They didn’t talk and to be honest Ted started to feel a bit anxious inside, like a child feels when they tip off their parent in public and know what will await them home.
But that was just how he was! A sleazeball, a jerk, a horny bastard at best. He didn’t want to accept that same persona that was now basically his whole self could have gotten him in trouble with his best friend. And he was never a fan of feeling guilty in general so as soon as he realised that Paul wasn’t going to address it he turned to the first person that asked what happened.
It was Bill who questioned the situation first and although he asked Paul what was up the younger man seemed not to be in the mood to talk and so there was Ted, ready to offer his, very objective, point of view. Leaning on the wall of Bill’s cubicle he announced, trying to sound like he didn't care that he obviously did something bad.
“His grumpy barista got pissed for no reason” chuckling nervously he exclaimed glancing over at Paul working on his computer and ignoring him “it’s not my fault she’s so stiff, alright? And there are many more girls than her, it’s her loss, ey?”
No response. Bill seemed to glance at Paul pitifully.
“Oh, come on! You can do better anyways! And as your best friend I-”
“Can you shut up?” Paul didn’t raise his voice but he as well might have, the tone he was using was way worse. He fully turned to face his older coworker, and for a very long time in a while Ted was, in fact quiet. As he spoke however he became more visibly frustrated “Can you finally stop following me around when I don’t want to be followed, trying to insert yourself into EVERY conversation i have and ruining everything with your gross comments? Why can’t you take the hint? We are not friends, you- you’re just this guy, a guy from work that’s just there when no one wants him to and is just too... pathetic for anyone to directly tell him that''
Ted’s face went blank as Paul let out his years worth of frustrations.
Ted often heard those words. “Pathetic” yes, he was familiar with the term more than anyone. It was alongside such titles as “annoying” “sad” “lonely” “disposable” “a nobody” something he heard often. Sometimes from Sylvia who worked on the top floor and had no real fun qualities besides looking hot (in his opinion). Other times from Emma who would be a decent friend if she wasn't so annoyingly ‘horny for Paul’.
Most of the time he said them himself though. It was normal, you know. A truth he accepted without any brooding except for those lonely nights in his apartment where he drank and let his emotions out. But it hurt no less to hear such remarks be thrown at him from someone like Paul. Someone who, despite his flaws seemed to be genuinely liked by people around him and wanted around. But if Paul wasn't his friend did he have anyone else at all? Not only in his job but in general. After all he didn’t have much besides his work life.
In his youth he was a nerdy little kid that quickly bloomed into a bitter, insecure adult, no magical glow up or ‘it gets better after high school” crap. When he got this job sometime after college, still a mess after that happened a few autumns earlier, he thought he found his place.
Even if he never felt very wanted he liked it here a lot. Only now had he realized he might have been the only one to see it as such. Was he just as sad as everyone apparently saw him as?
That moment made him way too conscious of his own existence and choices, it was no longer a matter of convincing himself that it's all in his head now that the truth was out and clear, the words hanging in the heavy air seemingly for the whole world to see.
And to be fair he had no arguments against the claim, because how sad that was to consider his coworkers, coworkers that apparently hated his guts, the closest people he had?
Because sure, Bill was stiff and boring but there was a certain dose of fun in their usual banter. Sylvia always knew all the gossip from the office and wasn’t all that bad at times. Melissa was always fun to hang around and even brought him lunch on a few ocassions. Even the intern that joined merely two months before, (Y/n), was someone he accepted as a friend. Not to mention Paul and Charlotte, two of the closest people he had, both of which didn’t want him around. And from what Paul said no one else did either. He had no reason not to believe it.
It took him only a few seconds to get it together when Paul finished.Ted always had a habit of getting very obviously defensive when his ego was hurt.
“Okay, whatever!” he shrugged angrily “Well, it’s not your problem then! I know when I’m not wanted”
He made his way to his office, away from Paul and Bill and all those people who he considered to be his friends.
The whole day was a bit messy, ever since (Y/n)’s foot stepped into the office they were sent on endless errands by their superior, Mr Davidson. Whatever happened up above in the chain it created one hell of a mess in the documents and so (Y/n) along with Melissa were the busiest they’ve been in a while.
Hence when they finally found time to get some well deserved coffee most of their friends were on their way back to CCRP.
That led to a lot of confusion when after stepping onto their floor they were met with an unusually tense atmosphere. They must have missed something important, they thought.
It wasn’t a long time ago when they joined the team and they never felt like the new person they were and all the efforts at staying purely professional faded with first friendships. And as much as they tried to,they became fond of their coworkers quickly. And so the current mood around them concerned (Y/n).
This wasn’t snooping around, they told themselves approaching Bill to ask what was up. He was a nice man, older than them and equally unskilled in the tech field but overall a very sweet man. If there was something to be concerned about he’d tell them for sure.
The day was almost over, one hour was left until Ted could go home and drink himself to sleep. But for now he just sat in his chair, staring blankly on the screen of his computer displaying a familiar black and orange webpage he was unusually uninterested in, mindlessly squishing his old and used up stress ball. The busiest hours were over and all files seemed to finally be back in place and safe and so he didn’t have much more to keep himself busy with.
He was angry, upset and hurt. Already keeping so many negative emotions inside, those new ones threatened to spill over the edges of the walls he built over the years but so far he managed to keep it together as much as he could.
And that’s when someone knocked on his door.
“What?” he sounded just like he felt, his own voice betraying him greatly. The person on the other side must’ve taken it as an invitation because soon they revealed themselves to be (Y/n). It wasn’t the last person he wanted to see, sure, but it was only because he didn’t want to see any of them equally. Maybe Paul a bit more than the rest “What do you want?”
“I heard what happened and-” they began, watching him carefully. Ted felt even more miserable under their gaze, truly pathetic and judged with his emotions on display. But there was no more space left for him to push them further down and ignore.
“Great, you came here to tell me how much you hate me too, or what?” he scoffed giving them a bitter look “Because I ‘acted like an asshole’?”
“You did from what I know” they responded. It wasn’t something he didn’t expected to hear but he felt even worse hearing it come from (Y/n). They were someone he had his eyes on for some time but never got to try anything. First, because he was with Charlotte and, as much of a jerk as he considered himself to be, he would never forgive himself for being just like Sam. Later when she ended things it was just too painful to jump back into ‘his game’ as he called it. As he always believed, he wasn’t able to fall in love. He did so once in college and never again. It was easier to believe than to face his fear of rejection and not being enough again. Sure, he didn’t exactly love (Y/n) and even if he could do it at all he probably wouldn't, knowing them for two or three months tops. Those sorts of feelings though, weren’t distant at all and their arrival was, at this point, almost inevitable. And so to hear them stand against him, even if rightfully so, hit him in a way he never anticipated. Hence his confused expression when they added “But I came here to check on you, you’ve been locked in here awfully long...”
“I was busy” he barked back quickly returning to his defensive tone. They sometimes asked him things like this one for no apparent reason as to why would they want to know that. He never fully gave in, only sometimes in passing throwing one or two passive-aggressive remarks referring to his situation with Charlotte and such.
“Bullshit” they raised their eyebrows looking down at him. If it wasn’t for the fact he felt anything but up for joking he’d point out how unusual it was to hear them curse. Unamused they added, awaiting his response “Your screen reflects on the glass behind you. So?”
“’So’ you can leave” with Paul’s words still vividly playing in his head he avoided their gaze. The possibility that they thought of him so lowly seeming very overbearing and terrible all of a sudden “I’m fine, alright? So what else you came here for”
“You know acting like this never worked on me, right?” they took the seat opposite to him, still acting very unbothered by his aggressive demeanour, maybe a bit impatient.
“And why do you even want to know that, huh? I mean really, (Y/n), I know you’re new around here but you really don’t have to kiss ass to-”
“Get over yourself, will you? If you’d like to know I was worried” their frown was gone almost as soon as it appeared as they went one, seemingly letting their words fall from their mouth freely “And yeah! You cross many lines, I’m not surprised Emma was mad, whatever you said to her. But you’re still someone I care about, as a person. And you’re not that bad most of the time, you know?”
“If you really want to have a place to stay over the weekend it wouldn’t hurt to ask more nicely, you know” Ted jumped between acts and masks, desperate to find one strong enough to hide whatever that was that made his expression soften.
“Look, I came here on my own but if you want things to go back to how they were you’ll really need to drop the act” they sighed, gaining a bit more of a serious tone.
“And you tell me that? It was Paul who decided to call me a lonely pathetic asshole” Ted knew well only one of those things actually came from Paul but if there was even the smallest possibility to have someone disagree with what he and others thought of him he’d gladly take it, even if it wouldn’t be honest. But what was more pathetic than fishing for a surely insincere ‘oh no, you’re not!’?
“And he regretted it right after, I spoke to him, really. I’m not going to try to make you shake each other’s hands and apologize, you can do that on your own if you want to. I’m just saying you both screwed up, there isn’t one person to blame”
“Okay, (Y/n)” he sighed “That’s cool of you to try and be moral like that but I don’t need to talk or make up with anyone so you either want to cheer me up my way or you can get back to work”
He let his eyes travel up and down their body freely, assured by their earlier statements and a bit relieved that they didn’t share Paul’s opinion. He looked back up when they stood up, torning to the door. Just before he could mentally curse himself out for ruining it they stopped.
“Tell you what, it’s Friday. I’ll make something up to get out of softball practice and we can go grab a drink” they said grabbing the doorknob “That’s the closest I’ll get to doing it ‘your way’. What do you say?”
“Wait really?” it was rare to see him truly surprised like that but it was the last thing he was expecting to come from them.
“Yeah, I can show you a cool place” they smiled walking out and turning back for the last time “come by my desk in an hour and we’ll be good to go”
The door closed leaving him alone again in a much brighter office.
Ted felt a small smile form on his face, a geniuine one too. Things were awful and he didn’t even want to think about how (Y/n) made him feel or how awkward things were going to be in the office from now on. But even if nothing was alright yet, it seemed that he was getting a bit closer to ‘okay’ and that was more than enough.
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dweetwise · 4 years
a silly thing i wrote about felix and ace reacting to cheryl and feng dating <3 once again inspired by @skllyr‘s lovely art, along with my need to write a grumpy, overprotective felix.
ship(s): cheryl x feng, felix x ace warnings: none word count: 3020
Felix’s adventures in questionable parenting
“I'm… dating Min.”
From everything Felix expected to hear Cheryl say when she pulled him aside after a trial, this has to be the very last thing on his list.
It takes him a few seconds to even properly process the confession, and when he does, he's only more confused.
“Min? Feng Min?” Felix asks, baffled.
“Yeah…” Cheryl says, shuffling her feet self-consciously.
And Felix just stares, not having any idea how he's supposed to react to this information.
His not-quite-daughter but the closest thing he has to one in this world, dating one of the worst troublemakers Felix has ever met? The girl who has left him to die countless times and then made fun of him for getting killed afterwards? The one who bullies killer and survivor alike, having made even Leatherface cry mid-trial?
That Feng Min?
“I'll… give you some time to think about it?” Cheryl suggests when Felix is frozen in place for a whole minute.
He doesn't protest when she walks away, only gaping in confusion while trying to wrap his head around how on Earth the brilliant girl would ever fall for such a self-centered and obnoxious person.
Still, he decides he should get a second opinion.
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So he seeks out Ace, partly because his boyfriend loves gossip, partly because he wants someone to tell him he’s not being ridiculous for disapproving of Cheryl’s terrible new girlfriend.
“Hey, handsome,” Ace greets him with a grin and a wink, but Felix doesn’t have time for flirting.
“Cheryl just told me she's dating!” Felix exclaims, fully expecting Ace to be just as shocked as him.
“Huh,” Ace says instead, not looking the least bit surprised. “Good on her for finally telling you.”
“Wait—you knew?” Felix asks.
“Honey, half of the fricking camp knew,” Ace snorts. “I've seen them holding hands and making o—”
Upon Felix's scandalized expression, Ace interrupts himself.
“—ooaan effort to get to know each other?” the man finishes instead, complete with a sheepish grin.
“And you're okay with this!?” Felix demands, astonished that his boyfriend not only knew, but didn’t think it was big enough of a deal to tell Felix about. He knows Ace isn't as close to Cheryl as him, but the gambler has also taken the girl under his wing following Felix's lead, always calling her "kiddo" and going out of his way to protect her in trials.
“If she's happy, who cares?” Ace merely shrugs, infuriatingly carefree as always.
“I care!” Felix protests. “Feng is a mean person and not suited to be in a relationship before she fixes her attitude! She's going to be terrible for Cheryl—you know how sensitive she can be!”
“Opposites attract, babe,” Ace smirks, placing a hand on Felix's knee.
The gesture manages to calm Felix after his little outburst, and he pauses to consider that maybe Cheryl and Feng aren't that different from him and Ace. He knows Cheryl is almost just as reserved as him, slow to make friends and needing time to come out of her shell. If she has taken to Feng just as Felix did to Ace, against everyone's expectations, he should respect her decision. A small smile spreads over his face as he places his hand on Ace's, realizing that maybe they're not as different as he thought—
Well. There's the notable exception that Ace isn't a complete bitch to everyone around him.
“But nobody even likes Feng!” Felix continues his rant, making Ace snort and shake his head in amusement.
“I like her,” Ace points out.
“You like everyone,” Felix huffs, rolling his eyes, annoyed at how difficult Ace is making it for him to be a judgmental bastard.
“Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine today,” Ace grins, pinching his cheek. “I know you’re not Feng’s biggest fan, but you should give her a chance. For Cheryl.”
“I know,” Felix sighs in defeat. “God, I hate it when you're right.”
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The following day, Felix approaches Cheryl when the camp is mostly empty, fully intending to at least appear supportive despite his justified concerns. But as he tries to tell Cheryl he’s happy for her and thinks they’re a good couple, the girl isn’t having any of it.
“For someone who lied his entire life, you sure are shit at it,” Cheryl huffs, the unexpected honesty catching Felix off guard. “Now tell me what you really think.”
He always forgets that she’s much more perceptive than her years would suggest, able to read Felix better than people twice her age.
“I… don't think she's good for you,” Felix confesses hesitantly.
“Why?” Cheryl prods, her determined gaze practically boring into his soul and making Felix feel incredibly small. When he’s quiet, not able to decide how much he should say, she continues impatiently. “Come on—you can't just say that and not give any reasons!”
“I don't want to be mean,” Felix says, pretending like he hasn’t been secretly shit-talking the gamer for the last twenty-four hours.
“I told you, be honest,” Cheryl pushes.
“Alright,” Felix sighs, before taking a deep breath. “I think she's a horrible teammate, and not a good person. She's unpredictable and a bad influence, and I don't know what you see in her.”
Instead of being upset, Cheryl huffs and cocks her hips, raising an eyebrow.
“Really?” the girl asks.
“Um… yes?” Felix hesitates under her strangely calm demeanor.
“And that isn't a bad influence?” Cheryl asks, nodding somewhere behind Felix, who turns and sees—
Ace, who looks to be eating the contents of a toolbox.
“Ace!” Felix hisses. “Excuse me,” he says to Cheryl, who merely snorts in amusement, Felix hurrying over to his boyfriend making an idiot out of himself in front of some of the others.
“Uh-oh, mom's here,” Nea snarks when he approaches the scene, Meg giggling next to her at the joke.
Ace offers Felix a wave and something that might be considered a smile, if his mouth wasn't stuffed to the brim with mechanical equipment. And to add insult to injury, he adds another grimy gear into the mix from the toolbox.
“What the hell are you doing?” Felix demands.
Ace holds up a finger, wordlessly telling him to wait while inserting yet another brand new part, grimacing as he tries to fit it into his mouth.
“We have a bet, shoo,” Meg explains, shoving at Felix who is blocking her view of the occurring trainwreck.
“What could you possibly have bet that warrants this kind of idiotic—” Felix starts, annoyed.
“We bet five keys he couldn’t fit ten brand new parts in his mouth,” Nea explains.
“And he took it?” Felix exclaims, glancing at his boyfriend who, somehow, seems way too pleased with himself considering the situation. “Of course he did,” Felix sighs in fond annoyance, wondering why he’s even surprised at this point.
Suddenly, he remembers Cheryl, turning around to address her only to find her gone.
There’s a high-pitched laugh from the other side of camp, Felix recognizing the grating sound even before he sees its culprit, eventually spotting Feng Min and Cheryl standing next to each other with Feng… laughing at Cheryl and hitting her arm?
“Find me when your mouth isn’t occupied,” Felix sneers in Ace’s direction, annoyed at how the entire thing turned out, Cheryl not heeding his warnings and immediately going back to Feng—
And then Meg bursts into another fit of giggles and even Ace barks out something that might be a laugh.
“Woah dude, TMI!” Nea jokes, putting her hands over her ears with a shit-eating grin.
And Felix finally realizes the joke.
“Not like that!” he insists, feeling heat creep up his neck from embarrassment. “To talk! Nothing else!”
“Oh, like all the times you’ve disappeared to ‘talk’ even in the middle of a trial—” Meg starts.
“I’m leaving!” Felix announces, ducking his head to feebly try to hide his blush while stomping away from the group and their filthy minds.
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He ends up at his and Ace’s shared space away from the campsite, sitting next to the overflowing trunk of items while absently picking at some prayer beads attached to a broken key.
“I’m here!” Ace’s voice eventually announces. “What were your other two wishes?”
Felix snorts and doesn’t even look up, continuing to fiddle with the item in his hands.
“Did you win?” Felix asks, spinning one of the beads around its axis.
“Ta-dah!” Ace declares, squatting down in front of him to show him a handful of skeleton and dull keys. Felix hums in acknowledgement, still lost in thought, and Ace carelessly dumps the items into the trunk before sitting down next to him.
“So, how'd it go with Cheryl?” Ace asks, wiping some residual oil from the corner of his mouth following his bet.
“Well… I may have told her I don't like Feng,” Felix reluctantly confesses.
“I… okay,” Ace says, clearly fighting a smile at Felix’s social incompetence. “It’s… good that you were honest?”
“Why does that sound like a question?” Felix says, sulking.
“Aww baby, don’t pout,” Ace says, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him closer. “I know you tried your best. We can tell her together, if you want. Just to make sure she knows you support her!”
“Thank you,” Felix murmurs, leaning his head on Acer’s shoulder. At least he has Ace, who despite his eccentric personality is always there for him.
If only Cheryl would also have the same kind of support from her partner.
“What the hell does she see in Feng, anyway?” Felix mutters, not able to stop himself from engaging in another round of shit-talk.
“Well—” Ace immediately starts.
“That was a rhetorical question,” Felix snaps without any actual heat. “She couldn't have chosen worse if she tried.”
“Oh, I don't know about that,” Ace grins. “What about, say… Élodie?”
Felix can't help the disgusted face he makes. No matter how much he pretends for the sake of keeping up appearances, he still doesn't like the Frenchwoman.
“Or David?” Ace eggs on.
“Oh, god,” Felix says, shuddering at the thought. “I see your point—”
“Legion?” Ace continues.
“Shut up! I get it, I get it! Feng is fine,” Felix says, going back to his brooding.
“You're not… upset with this whole thing because Feng's a girl, right?” Ace asks, his good-natured smile masking something unpleasant.
“What?” Felix balks. “Oh, heavens, no!” he hurries to explain. “After what I went through with my—ehm, sex… s-sexuality—” he stutters, still not comfortable talking about the subject when it comes to his own preferences, even in the arms of his very male partner.
But judging someone else for theirs? He wouldn't even dream of it.
“If anything, I'm just happy she's figured it out so early,” Felix admits.
“Okay, good! So Feng—” Ace starts excitedly.
“Is still on my shit list, regardless of her gender,” Felix deadpans.
Ace sighs and holds his hands up in defeat.
“Well, I tried,” the gambler says, before a familiar smirk appears on his features. “Now give me a smooch.”
“While you taste like a ten-year-old toolbox? In your dreams,” Felix huffs, curling up against the man instead in an attempt to save his tastebuds.
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Finding the right opportunity to pull Cheryl aside seems to prove difficult, as any time Felix spots her she’s either with Feng or Ace is stuck in a trial. And after his previous failure, Felix isn’t ready to try confronting the girl alone.
But the Entity always seems to have a strange sense of humor or just impeccable timing, because after just a few short days Felix finds himself materializing at the pre-trial campfire with not only Ace and Cheryl but also Feng, all standing in a neat little row like the Entity placed them there purely to annoy him.
Great; just great. Just because Felix begrudgingly accepts the gamer, doesn't mean he wants to spend time with her. He’s been lucky to avoid any trials with her ever since Cheryl’s confession, but of course this would be the time they’re put together in one, when he’s supposed to have a heartfelt conversation with his foster daughter.
It’s a while before anyone says anything, Ace looking at Felix expectantly, Cheryl avoiding eye contact with Felix, and Feng clicking her flashlight in an annoying habit.
“Let's go, lesbians!” Ace eventually cheers, trying to muster up enough excitement to break the awkward silence.
“Try to actually do gens this time instead of just jacking off into chests,” Feng snarks just as the fog sets in.
And even though Felix knows she’s right and Ace could afford to do a lot less looting, he still shoots her an annoyed glare for daring to insult his partner, right as the fog takes him.
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The trial starts much smoother than expected. The Hillbilly seems to be focused on chasing Ace and Cheryl, and Felix manages to get two generators done in between unhooking and healing them. Feng, as is typical of her, sticks purely to generators instead of going for any altruism for the first half of the trial, but then pulls through and unhooks Cheryl from the proxy camping killer.
And then the gamer proceeds to lead him straight to Felix’s generator.
As Felix is hoisted up on a hook, the last generator gets done. Felix doesn’t mind being hooked since it’s his first, more than happy to buy his two teammates dead on hook some time to escape, but he sure as hell isn’t happy with how the thing panned out.
Right as Cheryl is chased out of an exit by the killer, the Entity’s claws descend on Felix in the second phase of the sacrifice process. Ace, injured, is making his way over from the other side of the map, but he barely makes it halfway before he runs into the killer chainsawing across the map.
Felix curses under his breath, annoyed over dying on his first hook because of the selfishness of one of his teammates. Maybe Cheryl will finally see Feng’s true colors, seeing as even now the girl is just—
—running to unhook him at the last second?
The gamer doesn’t offer an explanation, merely grunting from exertion when she pulls his larger frame off the hook while Felix just gapes in confusion.
“Run, you fucktard!” Feng screams when Felix takes half a second longer than she’d like to take off in a sprint.
Luckily the killer still seems occupied with Ace and isn’t returning to defend the exit, and they manage to make it there with plenty of time to spare before the Entity forcibly ends the trial. Felix is just about to suggest they leave to give Ace a chance at the hatch, when he hears the chime of said hatch being opened with a key, signaling the man’s escape.
Now just the two of them remaining in the trial, standing in the safety of the exit gate, Felix sees an opportunity and takes it.
“Thank you for the rescue,” he says, but doesn’t get an answer, Feng merely glancing at him in distrust before looking away. “I don't know if Cheryl told you, but—” he starts, wanting to clear the air.
“You were a cunt about us dating?” the girl snarks, crossing her arms. “She mentioned it, yeah.”
“I see,” Felix says, cringing from embarrassment. “I guess I never realized how much you do for the team—and especially for Cheryl. I'm sorry.”
“Ugh, spare me the fucking sob story,” Feng scoffs. “I'm gonna be with her regardless, but you not acting like a bitch about it will make Cheryl happy. So… I guess it's fine.”
She's crossing her arms and looking away in a gesture of indifference, but is also hiding her reddening cheeks behind her bangs and showing a side of her Felix has never seen before.
“Truce?” Felix asks.
Feng looks at him warily, but then she smirks.
“Only because I could kick your ass any day.”
Felix finds himself huffing out a small laugh in amusement, and when the killer finally comes to chase them out, he’s not even annoyed at the girl’s obnoxious crouching and taunts.
As soon as they make it to the other side of the invisible threshold of the trial grounds, Cheryl and Ace are there waiting for them.
“There you are!” Ace scolds while Cheryl looks between the two, hesitant. “I thought you'd killed each other!”
"We had to stay to say bye to Billy,” Feng says.
And then Cheryl comes up to her and grabs her hand.
“Thank you,” she whispers with a happy smile, and Feng bristles like an angry cat.
“I don't know what you're talking about!” Feng exclaims and stomps further away in embarrassment, tugging Cheryl along with her.
Meanwhile, Ace sidles up to Felix, giving him a wink.
“I told her everything,” Ace explains. “And I also mentioned Feng saved you. You ever consider Cheryl might be a good influence on her, instead of the other way around?”
'No,' Felix should say if he were being completely honest.
“I still don't like her,” Felix says instead.
“Aww, it's okay," Ace says, before turning to where the girls are walking ahead of them, chatting away. "We make a good team, don't we kids?” Ace calls, smirking.
“Sure, grandpa,” Feng shoots back.
Ace gasps in shock and Cheryl has the audacity to snicker, pulling Feng along by her sleeve to continue their conversation in private.
“Well?” Felix prods, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh this means war,” Ace says with a mischievous grin.
When his lover leans in to whisper about replacing all of Feng's skeleton keys with broken ones, Felix feels a smirk tugging on his lips. Even if he no longer minds them being together, he can at least get petty revenge for all the times the gamer has been less than polite to him.
Smiling pleasantly as his boyfriend goes on in detail about putting bugs in the gamer’s toolbox and other practical jokes, Felix decides that if worse comes to worst, he can always just blame Ace for being a bad influence.
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laufire · 4 years
I wanted to post my sortings (following the Sorting Hat Chats model) of two of my Supernatural faves (I agree -at least for now; there’s too much content lol- on Castiel as a Lion Badger, so this would complete the set), so here it is.
I think she could constitute a complicated case to sort, because we only see her real face in her damn last scene lol. What she did before that was put up a front explicitly to manipulate Sam.
She screams Exploded/Blinded Lion primary to me. She’s ALL about The Cause, aka freeing the demons, to the exclusion of everything, and she’s willing to use anybody, herself included, as a tool to achieve it; see offering her very body and blood for the cause (to Sam, to Alastair). She does all this with purpose, determination, and even joy, because it’s all to fulfill that goal.
Her secondary could be Snake; it’s useful for spies and double agents, and she’s playing a part for almost the entirety of her run. But she strikes me more as a Bird secondary. Her play is not improvised, it’s a long con. She definitely fits the traits of researcher and collector (her witchcraft). She’s an strategist more than a fluid pantser, basically. To go with the handy door metaphor: she sees a locked door and she goes through her box of keys until she find the right one (i.e., the way she presses Sam). I also think there’s a relief in her shedding the mask that responds to someone that’s carefully maintained a painstakingly constructed cover, instead of someone with ease to play different roles on demand.
I’d have to rewatch her cameo in 15x13 again (yes, I saw it as soon as I heard she appeared), to see how it fits. At first it’d appear that the Empty took a toll on her: she tells Castiel where to find what he’s looking for on the promise of helping her get out. Later it turns out she omitted that Hellhounds were waiting for them -I’m guessing that wouldn’t have been too bad for Castiel, but it would’ve for the brothers lol. Does she have plans if Castiel makes good on his promise? Is it a personal revenge on the brothers for killing her? For ending the cause? Is she thinking, well they’ll probably succeed but there’s no reason for me to make it easy for those assholes? Does she simply find the idea funny? I’ll have to think about this xDD, but these options don’t feel like a contradiction of the above, so.
Speaking of Sam: I think that in order to appeal to him, she presented herself as a fellow Snake Lion. She empathized her past as a human to connect to him (“I know what it is to lose someone too”), she talked about not wanting to come in between the ~brothers’ precious bond (trololol), and she showed herself ready to help him and later even for Dean for who they were, like when she told Alastair she’d give him Anna if he left her leave with the brothers (which means she not only presented herself like this to Sam, but that she used this persona for everyone. Something that again, says more Bird than Snake to me). And she did it by making big Lion moves like being ready to sacrifice herself for the brothers’ cause in “Jus in Bello”, rescuing Sam from the Deadly Sins, fighting her old coven leader, etc.
So to summarize: I think she’s a (Blinded) Lion Bird, aka The Vigilante. That moniker strangely fits her: “self-appointed doer of justice”. Just, you know, for an unpopular side xDD. And her presentation as a Snake Lion is called The Rebel, which I think is very fitting.
Bela Talbot
I thought a lot about it, and I came to the conclusion that she feels like a Burnt Snake primary. It’s partially through a process of elimination: none of the other feel right for her, at all. She’s not at all an Idealist primary IMO, ruling out Lion and Bird. That means she’s a Loyalist... except she has absolutely nobody to be Loyal too, and it seems she never had. Her cat appears for one (1) brief moment and that seems to be her closest relationship ffs :( (the cat warns her when burglars like Dean come to steal lol).
That leaves Badger or Snake, and I think Snake fits better. She is more internal than external/group oriented, decided, definitely gives that ~lose with morals impression. @missbrunettebarbie has a post about how Burnt Snakes might also be likely to get attached to material things, to compensate, and I think that fits her and other Burnt Snakes I’ve identified or written myself.
Other than the lack of an inner circle that fulfills that need for her, I think another reason that she’s Burnt is the sentence to Hell she’s been living with for a decade. Snakes put a lot of value in freedom, and she’s doomed to end up the eternal prison. She’s lonely and disillusioned. She repays with money or favors, and she doesn’t truly connect with anyone, and knowing her expiration date -something that’d encourage said lose morals- wouldn’t help there. Why bother. In particular I think this makes her come across as a Young Snake: not caring about consequences or people, hedonistic, prioritizing instant gratification, etc. (which makes me think about how people can get stuck on the age development of a huge trauma. I’m even sadder about her primary now -Burnt primaries already make me prone to ~protectiveness).
Her Snake secondary was clearer. I could entertain Bird secondary, given her taste for collecting obscure objects to help her in her job and how much she’s clearly researched and learned about the supernatural. But she’s definitely more of an improviser. She’s extremely adaptive and thinks on the fly, like how she pretended Dean and her had been having sex in the room to stop a security guard from coming. Her wins are more about opportunism than about planing: inserting herself in Bobby’s rescue mission to steal the Colt, stealing the tickets from Dean. And of course, one can’t ever forget, she was introduced to the show in disguise (a clearly quickly improvised one, at that). She also takes extreme joy in these games, which I think it’s what Dean (who I personally see as a Snake secondary too) responded to in her.
So in conclusion: Bela is a Double Snake, with an immature and Petrified primary, aka The Trickster (this description, perfectly apt for her, obviously reminds me of a character with the same title in the show, Gabriel. Who I like don’t get me wrong, -and who on first glance I’d also sort as a Double Snake, btw-, but this makes me even angrier at fandom’s difference of reaction to both characters ¬¬).
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writingsfromhome · 4 years
Request: Can you do another cone song? Maybe lookalike or maniac? [Can you do it like harry dates a lookalike of you?]
A/N: I know this is way later than I said, I honestly wrote four version of this and deleted them before settling on this one and it’s still not the best. I’m just posting it so I can move on to my other ideas. I hope you enjoy it anyway! Soz it ends kinda on a cliffhanger, I didn’t want to make it super long. It already feels really long.
It was a humid summer evening, not the kind of evening you wanted to step out in. But here I was, in line with my best friend Jules who’d somehow gotten word of this pop-up club that was recently getting more popular with social media. The location would be dropped in code somewhere online for a limited time and then the rest was just word of mouth. Jules worked as a makeup artist so she usually knew what the “in crowd” was doing. This time, she knew where the club was going to be.
Myself, I was just a recent masters-graduate with low job prospects and big time loans. Always tired, single, and at the moment, very, very sweaty. The humidity was really damaging the effort I’d put in for this night out.
“Do you think we’ll spot Ed Sheeran?” Jules asks, her one true desire. “Then I can finally tell him how much he means to me.”
“Don’t know if this is Ed’s scene,” I tease her. “He seems more like a laid-back pub sort of guy.”
“You’re so right,” she still peers around us. “You hoping to see any celebs here? This one’s the biggest so far I’ve heard.”
His face pops into my head but I slam my guard down. “I’ll be lucky just to find a cute guy.”
“Two of you?” The bouncer asks Jules as we make our way to the front-she looked twelve, and we finally head inside. We’d stepped into a storybook.
Vines and tiny lights covered the ceiling and floors, rays of green and pink lights flash around us and the ground was littered with flower petals.
“Oh my god the seats are trees,” Jules whispers in my ear. This was insane.
“They probably have themed drinks,” I grab Jules’ hand and pull her to where I see the bar. We loved a good themed drink.
“This is amazing,” Jules shouts. “I think I just saw Adele!”
On a second look, we decide it was Adele’s doppleganger but we’re soon preoccupied by drinks. I order a Cosmic Boom and take another look around the open space. It was getting pretty full, people dancing but a lot of people hanging about talking.
Jules and I take our drinks to the dancefloor and enjoy ourselves. This was new all over-enjoying myself. I’d spent the last five months working hard at school, job searching, and then a bit of travel. But I was so busy convincing myself that if I worked hard enough I’d forget about the awful year I’d had. Would forget about Harry and the way he left me.
Nobody would believe it, but Harry Styles was my boyfriend for a solid year. We’d met when I was visiting Jules on set of some talk show. He’d been there, after his interview, and mistakened me for backstage crew. He asked me to show him where his room was. He’d been so embarassed when I told him I didn’t work there, but I volunteered to help him find it anyway. I was just killing time ‘til Jules was done.
We had gotten lost and ended up in this storage space where it was clear stage props were stored. We’d found half a car-cut clear through the middle and ended up sitting inside and talking. It was weird, just an hour before that, Harry Styles was this iconic and unattainable person who lived in the fantasy part of my brain. Sitting in the semi-dark with him, in a half-car, and being only a foot away, he was just another person. A regular bloke who was gorgeous, talking to me about his recent mother’s day disaster while I laughed and told him about something similar that had happened when I was a child.
It was quite silly to think we were going to leave that room the same way we walked into it.
He’d leaned in once quiet had settled down around us, both of us just watching the other, afraid that speaking would ruin the moment. His finger had ghosted my face, hesitating, asking me without really asking me. I’d leaned in the rest of the way to tell him it was okay. That’s when I knew I was a goner.
He was gentle with me, but also entirely self assured, leading the way. I couldn’t keep track of his lips or his hands but every part of my body was alive and I lived entirely in the moment for him.
He’d called me later that night asking if I wanted to have dinner at his place. We knew we had something good going. So we kept at it.
Until five months ago.
“Y/N?” Jules says in my ear. I snap out of my memories and look to where she’s pointing. And then back to her ecstatic face. There, sitting near the DJ was actually Ed Sheeran.
“Jules,” I say, lost for words. We had to do this now. We had to approach him, now or never.
“I can’t,” she says close to me. “I’m going to vom right now.”
“Come on!” I grab her and try to move her stiff body one step at a time until we’re only a couple feet away. That’s when the group he’s talking to shifts and I see Harry. Harry with a girl on his arm. My Harry.
“What’s wrong?” Jules halts as my own body goes rigid. “Don’t tell me you’ve got nerves now...oh hey isn’t that Harry?”
“Yeah...” my mouth was dry and I couldn’t believe it. He was here, I really didn’t think I’d see him ever again.
“I need to talk to you,” Harry says as I pour my morning coffee. It was the first week of my final semester so I was actually in a good mood, optimistic before all the deadlines hit. I never saw it coming.
“What’s up?” i was so innocent, drinking my coffee with no idea what else was brewing.
He takes the coffee cup from my hands and puts it down, gathering my hands in his. I notice his hands are slightly clammy, that was the first red flag.
“What’s wrong?” I ask again, the anxiety spiking up.
“No-nothing. I was just thinking about how I have to on tour for the next year. You’ve still got school to finish and a great big career ahead of you. I feel like I’m just going to hold you back and I-“
“That’s silly,” I interrupt. “You’d never...”
“I might. I’ll have tour and you’ll have school-“
“Hold on. Are you just trying to say...is it you who’ll hold me back or me who’s going to hold you back?” I asked, confused. How would Harry ever hold me back? I offered to go on legs of his tour with him when I could. I could do my work on the road. Nobody was going to hold anybody back
Harry opens his mouth to explain but I don’t let him get a word in. How dare he try to twist the situation. He should just say what he felt!
“Is that really it? I’m just a regular girl-next-door who’s run out of her luck with the famous superstar? She could never understand your fame, you could never want her in the public’s eye? Is that it? You’re too good for me? You can’t even think about going public with our rel-“
“Trust me you don’t want tha-“
“Don’t tell me what I want!” The coffee had curdled in my stomach and I felt like dry-heaving but I hold it together. I was so in love with this man, to think about living without him was painful beyond comprehension. But all he saw me as was deadweight. The realisation is crushing. “Just leave Harry. Just bloody leave then, I don’t want to see you! After all we had together I’m just deadweight to you? I’m going to hold you back? And yoy can’t eve be a man and say what you really want!”
He’d ruffled his hair, given some explanation, tried to tell me he loved me but I was somewhere else. My life felt like it was falling apart, and I had a lab to teach in a few hours. He was so bloody selfish. I decided I hated him.
“-show him who cares. Go right up and pretend you don’t even know who he is...” I wasn’t sure how long Jules was talking but she was right. I didn’t care about him. This was my night out.
Jules walks ahead and uses her charm to wriggle her way into the small conversation, inserting me right beside her. She knew the business, taking her time to talk to Ed Sheeran so as not to overwhelm him. In the meantime, my eyes catch Harry’s, and it’s like a movie line. Time slows down, I hear the breath I take and see the surprise register on his face. But I let my eyes skim past his, he meant nothing to me. Instead, they land on his girlfriend and that’s where I fight to hide the surprise.
There’s these photos I see online sometimes, you take a picture and draw it in your own style. His new girlfriend was kind of like that. She looked just like me, except slightly off. More like how I looked last year. Since then, I’d grown out my hair and let its natural colour grow in. But I nudge Jules and use my hair as a curtain, trying to tell her to look. She speaks my language so she sees right away and her eyes widen. She mouths oh my god.
I watch from the corner of my eye while pretending to be engaged by Jules introducing what she does to Ed Sheeran. Harry says something to his girl and she laughs. Jesus, even her smile was reminiscent of mine. I try not to stare, using my drink as a distraction but some small part of me-most of me is upset-but a small part of me feels like I’d won. Harry had told me I wasn’t good enough for him, and then gone out to find someone who looked just like me. That gives me the confidence I need to finally look him in the eye. It’s like he was tracking my moves because he looks at me too. He smiles and I just raise my eyebrows.
“Y/N,” he says in that deep silky voice of his. It carries across despite the noise. My heart squeezes.
“Harry,” I say. I let my eyes slide to his girlfriend and she raises a hand.
“Hi, I’m Katy.”
“Hi,” I smile, she’d done nothing wrong except look like me I guess. She looks up at Harry, waiting for him to introduce us. Ugh.
“And this is Y/N, she’s my best friend but she always says she never understands my absolute obsession with your music.” Jules from the right of me catches my attention. She was introducing me to Ed Sheeran-and exposing me.
“Okay. Ouch.” I give her a look which makes her laugh and shake Ed’s hand. Oh my god. “I’m definitely a fan, just not as big as Jules.”
“She’s more of an indie rock girl,” Harry’s deep voice comes from behind me and I’m surprised to find him standing right behind me.
Jules raises her eyebrow at him, glances at me while Harry and Ed talk before interjecting and resuming her conversation.
“I’d say I’m more of a pop girl.” I turn to Harry. I look for his girlfriend but she’d disappeared.
“But that’s not your guilty pleasure,” Harry says and I avoid the tingle in my stomach as he says it. “And Kat’s gone off with her friend, they saw Adele they want to get a picture.” I don’t bother to say it wasn’t Adele. “How’s it going with you?”
He has to lean in close to be heard and I find myself drawing closer to his orbit. I had to be careful here. I remind myself that I hated him.
“Same old,” I say. “I’ve graduated, now looking for full time work. Travelled a bit too.”
“You finally see those tourist traps you wanted to?”
I forgot how intimately Harry knew me, I wanted to forget how much history we shared. But it’s so painfully obvious now that that would be impossible. Even holding onto my hate was proving slippery.
“The Great Pyramids were better than the Eiffel Tower,” I reference an old conversation we’d had. “So I was right.”
This makes Harry laugh and the club narrows down to just us as he steps to the side with me to a quieter area.
We stand in silence for a moment, just watching each other, memorizing the details about each that time had blurred. Like the laugh lines around his eyes, or the depth to his eyes. It feels like he’s cheating with me, with how fiery and focused his gaze is on me. The unspoken words in his eyes.
“Harry I-“ I raise my hand to tell him I should go, I didn’t want anything to happen we would regret. But he takes my hand and puts it to his warm chest. The words leave my mouth as I look at him again. Really look at him. From afar he looked like he was doing better than he ever was but up close I notice the tired bags and the lost look in his eyes. It was the same one I saw in my own after we’d broken up.
This was ridiculous, I tell myself. He left me, I shouldn’t feel bad for him. I’d won. But I want to ask him about Katy, when he looked in her eyes, did he think of mine? And when he looked at her smile, did I cross his mind? I already knew that he saw me instead ‘cause she looks a lot like I did back then. I wanted to ask him and tell him not to lie.
“How are you doing?” I finally break and ask even though I want to ask, is she just a lookalike?
He looks away, his hand letting go of mine. His fake smile is back on his face as he performs for me once again. “Not too bad. I’ve got a break from tour right now so just layin’ low.”
I look around and point to the club around us. “Laying low?”
“Yeah,” Harry laughs at being caught. “My girlf-Katy-she really wanted to come out to one of these with her girlfriends. She convinced me to come along.”
I didn’t know what to say to that so I just smile. My phone buzzed and I see a text from Jules. I look for her in the crowd and she’s staring at me with a raised eyebrow. I give her the everything is okay smile and she looks relieved.
“Jules is overprotective as usual,” Harry notices. What did he expect, I think, when he’s the selfish arse who broke my heart. The small flame of anger reignites as I watch Jules smile at me with caring eyes.
“She just wanted me to hook up with a cute guy tonight,” I say to Harry. “Spending it with my ex kind of kills the vibe.”
There, I’d addressed the elephant in the room. And just as I suspected, Harry gets uncomfortable.
“So I take it you’ve not got a boyfriend?”
“Nope,” I cross my arms. “Was busy travelling...” and feeling depressed at home I don’t add.
“Right,” Harry straightens up. “Well don’t let me keep you Y/N. Sorry to...”
I look up at him, his pause. His apology seems to be about something bigger than keeping me from the rest of the club. But I don’t mention it. I don’t push it. Yes, I wanted to stay here in this corner of the club with him but I don’t want to make it a big deal. I give him a squeeze on the arm to tell him it was alright. He paints a smile on and I walk away even though I want to just stay.
I walk to Jules, tell her I’d get another drink for us. At the bar, waiting for our drinks, I notice Harry with Katy again, they’re dancing with her friends, she laughs, he pulls her closer.
That was us not long ago, before that morning chat. God. I really did hope, in his head, he saw me instead. Cause...he’d been in mine every day since then. I admit it, some nights, no almost every night...I still though about him. I tried to hide it, I did an amazing job at hiding it, but I couldn’t erase him from my mind. The thought almost makes me laugh as I get my drinks...maybe I just needed to find a lookalike.
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seasidepierre · 4 years
Straight through the daylight - part 1
Tom Holland x OG female character
Masterlist - Series Masterlist 
Summary: Jo had no idea that the little boy who kind of saved her in the park would become her obsession. 
But when she met him, she instantly knew that he was meant to be in her life.
Words: 1.7k
Warnings: so much fluff and softness that you might got into sugar high.
A/N: Pfew, it took me a while to finally gather my courage to repost this on Tumblr. I know people mainly like to read with “Y/N” and self-insert but I love my original characters too much to decide to let them wander around nameless. So here you go, meet Jo! I hope you’ll love her as much as I do! 
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The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
It would have been easier to just admit she had a crush on the guy, she thought. It would have been less expensive and maybe her parents wouldn't look at her like she was some kind of weird creature. Her dad kept bothering her about it and her big brother, William, couldn't stop pestering her about the boy. Because it was all down to this, at the end. She did ask for those tickets for this boy. She did ask to see the musical for this boy. Nobody knew, of course, except for William who was a giant pain in her behind and stole the key to her diary. But really, it would've been easier than to sit there, in this theatre, wearing a purple dress and her blonde hair having been styled in a weird up-do, wearing transparent, peach scented lip gloss and trying to be both invisible and the only thing you can see. William couldn't stop fidgeting in his seat, obviously mentally cursing his little sister because he'd rather have stayed home but nonetheless, she was quite happy to be there. Both happy and uncomfortable as hell. But happy.
The musical had been great and the object of her coming there had been exceptional on stage. His dance moves were on point, his acting was incredible but what definitely won her over was his singing. Never had she heard a boy sing that way, like he was unapologetic, careless and completely sure of himself. She was pretty sure she would never get over it, at that time. She never really understood why nobody at school wanted to talk about it, like they all made a pact to ignore the fact that one of the guys from the school down the street was being incredibly successful and a general talented guy. According to William, he was far from being popular at their all-boys school and he was actually getting picked up on more and more because of his successful stay on West End. She tried to ask him if maybe he and his friends could ask the others to stop but all he did was scoff and say "yeah, in your dreams". William was nice but he was one of the popular guys at their school and he was no knight in shining armour. There was so much he was willing to do, even for his little sister.
Sitting here, in this theatre, felt like she was really encountering the boy for the first time. First time she saw him, she was ten and he had been playing with one of his friends in the park between their two schools. She was supposed to wait for William to pick her up but he was incredibly late, and of course she found him in the park, playing footie with his pals. She was pissed off, to say the least, and could have teared up a little when she saw him there, playing like he couldn't care less of her. There she was, waiting for him, and he was too busy playing football to care. 
For the first time, she realised that William was not just her big brother, that he was his own person and that William and her were no longer a package deal. She had been scared, waiting for him to arrive, being the last one to be picked up, and there he was, laughing and playing. She was so mad at him and so disappointed, she felt insignificant and not worthy of his attention. She had always admired William, so it stung way harder than she'd care to admit. 
The boy in question saw her waiting there, on the entry path of the park and walked up to her, asking if she was okay. She just answered that she was waiting for her big brother and that he was supposed to pick her up from school but he forgot and now she didn't know what to do, whether she was supposed to wait for him or go to him. She started shaking a little bit because of how upset she was and the boy gave her some of his candies before asking who her brother was. When he realised that she meant William, this William, he put on his big boy pants and went to see the guy, to point him his little sister who was waiting for him. He was nervous, because William was kind of one of the most popular guys in their school and he wasn't sure if he was worthy of his time. School could be a little bit of a monarchy sometimes and William definitely belonged with the royals. Him? He was merely a peasant. 
When William looked in the direction the boy was pointing, he got mortified, both because he realised that he forgot to pick up his little sister and because it was a younger boy who reminded him about it in front of his friends. He quickly apologised to his pals and ran to her, quickly taking her schoolbag from her shoulders and apologising profusely. It was the first time William was considered big enough to pick her up from school and if their parents knew, he'd disappoint them and lose the big boy card for a little while. When they came back home, he made her a snack, promised it would never happen again and indeed, it had never happened again. 
William was punctual, though sometimes grumpy, but he was there to pick her up from school and after he realised how tired she could be to walk all the way from school to their house, he'd attached a rear rack on his shining bike to let her sit on during their ride home. Sometimes they'd stay a little in the park for William to play with his pals. His sister would just wait for him, starting on her homework and snacking on whatever he'd have packed for her in the morning. William was a good big brother but he was just that too: a big brother. And apparently, big brothers liked to pick on their little sisters. 
Which is why he had been moaning about this theatre outing ever since he found out and he started growing suspicious about the real reason why they were watching a guy doing ballet, for Christ's sake. William could be a little bit oblivious sometimes, because he cared more about his friends than the life of her little sister. But because he still cared enough about her, he snatched the key of her secret diary and opened it without any guilty feeling. 
That's when he realised that the little boy who had reminded him the existence of his little sister had made quite an impression on her and she could have been crushing on him. After his discovery, William couldn't stop snickering when he'd catch her looking at him in the park but he never really made fun of her or at least, never directly. He didn't speak about it to anyone, which was a relief to her and he never implied anything. William was great that way: he was the best at keeping secrets.
After the musical ended, William was ready to go back home but his sister didn't really plan it that way. She had talked to her mother earlier during the week, asking if it'd be possible to wait at stage door a little so she could ask for autographs. Her mother had agreed because there wasn't much she refused to her daughter and that's how William ended up in the street by stage door, waiting for his sister to get her program signed so they could "bloody get back home, jeez!".
She was ready for it or so she thought. She would see him, be all cool and say hi. She had practiced it in the mirror. She knew what she wanted to say, she had rehearsed to make sure she'd look okay and she was sure of the outcome. There was no chance to mess that up having rehearsed that much. Except she hadn't been expecting the boy in question to go out with his own parents, much like she was. When she had seen him open the stage door, she felt her stomach do a little somersault and her fingers started tingling, for whatever reason. Knowing her whole family was watching her and there was no backing off of this, she timidly walked to the boy and presented her program, which he gently took and asked his dad for a pen. When he finally made eye contact with her, he stopped in his tracks and couldn't form any coherent sentence for God's sake. Thank the Lord, his parents were chatting with some other adults closer to the door than to them. He wouldn't hear the end of it, otherwise.
 "Hey, you're.. You're William's little sister, right?"
"Yeah", she answered, timidly, fidgeting with her fingers.
"I see you sometimes in the park, you're always doing your homework while he plays football", he stuttered.
She nodded, not really sure what to do else. This wasn't the conversation she was planning on and hoping for. After all, when you're crushing on a boy, you're not really expecting him to talk about your big brother, aren't you?
"How did you like the show?" he ended up asking after they both had danced on their feet for thirty seconds in an awkward silence.
"Oh it was.. It was great. ... You were great", she blushed.
By now, they were both looking like little tomatoes. Being twelve and having a crush? Not the most comfortable time of your life, for sure.
"So I guess I'll see you around at the park?" he shyly asked, not really sure what to say anymore.
"Sure. I don't know when William will want to play though, so.."
"It's okay. I'm there every day. ... I'm Tom", he introduced himself.
"Nice to meet you, Tom. I'm Jo."
"Well Jo, I have to go", he grimaced looking back to his parents who were now waiting for him, respectfully keeping their distance, just like hers were. "I hope I'll see you soon."
"Bye Tom."
 And because there was nothing going on exactly as she had planned to, Tom quickly hugged her before he walked away to his parents, trying really hard not to take a look back to her and her puzzled face.
Needless to say, William never really stopped making fun of them for this.
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