#i know the proportions are horrible shut the fuck up
d3xterdr4wz · 9 months
sorryyy i drew me n harvey again cuz it's all i can draw now
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sparky ranting about how much he loves elvis presley while a fellow engibunny is forced to listen at a jollibee drive thru
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libraryofgage · 1 year
Steddie PJO AU Part One
One (1) person asked for this, and it was only after I told them I'd had an idea, so, like, fuck it we ball.
The parents of the various kids will be revealed as the series goes on, but I'll look forward to your guesses along the way!
Also, I haven't read the books in a hot fucking minute, but the trailer has had me in a chokehold. This is written more for fun than anything else, so just shut off your brain and enjoy the ride without thinking about accuracy. You'll love it, I promise!
As always, if you see any typos no you didn't ;)
With a low, frustrated growl, Eddie tears a page out of his notebook, crumples it into a ball, and throws it on the floor of his tent. All he gets for his troubles is another page of lyrics underneath the first that fail to actually do what he wants. "Fucking shit prophecy," he mutters, tearing that page out, too.
It hits the ground right as Chrissy pokes her head into the tent. She watches it bounce once before settling on the ground. "How's the songwriting?" she jokes, letting the tent's flap fall shut behind her.
"Bad," Eddie says, dropping the notebook and standing. He glares at the paper balls and kicks one away. "Just as bad as the prophecy itself."
"Aww, it's not that bad," Chrissy says, walking a little closer and playfully punching Eddie's arm. Her smile is bright enough to make Eddie feel like he needs sunglasses, and that isn't even because Chrissy's father is Apollo. That's just all her. "At least your prophecy doesn't promise, you know, horrible death."
Eddie scoffs, turning to look at Chrissy as he gestures at his Def Leppard shirt and torn jeans and chunky rings and general metalhead vibe. "Do I look like someone who should be getting that prophecy?" he asks.
He doesn't wait for her to answer before scrunching his face and reciting in a high, mocking voice, "You shall witness an unfair fight between land and sky where feathers with great reluctance fly. And as the sun is shining bright, you shall be swaying in the moon's sweet light."
By the time he's done, he's clasped his hands and held them up to his face with an exaggerated doe-eyed expression. Eddie drops it the moment he finishes, his nose scrunching in disgust as he rolls his eyes. "I have a reputation to uphold, Chrissy."
She doesn't take his complaints seriously. Instead, Chrissy rolls her eyes and sits on the edge of Eddie's cot. "Sure, sure, you're too cool for anything good to happen to you. Still, you might be better off if you didn't try turning that prophecy into something angry."
Eddie huffs, kicks another paper ball, and drops to a crouch next to the cot. After a few seconds, he begrudgingly admits, "Yeah, maybe."
Chrissy sympathetically pats his head, her touch warm and light, and smiles at him. "In other news, we've got another retrieval request for you," she says.
"Oh, boy, work."
"C'mon, you enjoy them," Chrissy says, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a folded piece of paper. "A cyclops sighted some demigod kids running around with, well, she wasn't sure if he was also a demigod or not. But they won't be safe long when they're clustered together like that, so, go bring 'em back."
She passes Eddie the piece of paper and watches as he unfolds it and frowns at the two words written there: "Athens, Tennessee."
"Are you kidding me? That's so cliche," Eddie says.
"Yeah, but at least it's not California or something."
"Thank fuck for small miracles," Eddie mutters, folding up the paper again and shoving it into his pocket.
Looks like he's got packing to do.
The sun is shining, birds are tweeting, and a cool wind is blowing across the park. Steve lets out a slow breath, his shoulders starting to relax as he leans against a tree and watches Will and Lucas lay out a few blankets, Mike and Dustin get into an argument about the scale proportions of the Parthenon, and Max, Erica, and El throw a frisbee between them.
It's been a long month, one that seemed to be filled with more running and near-death experiences than they're used to. And they're used to a lot of running and near-death experiences.
So, taking a day to just relax in the park sounded great when El suggested it, but Steve had still hesitated. Who knows what could find them if they linger in a park too long. When he voiced these concerns, the kids just banded together to convince Steve, and he relented when they compromised on him bringing the nail bat along.
"Steve, do you wanna lay down?" Lucas asks, gesturing to the blankets. Will is already there, stretched out and smiling up at a rainbow stretching across the sky.
Steve joins them, pulls a Bluetooth speaker out of one of the backpacks holding the blankets down, and connects his phone. Music starts playing, and he sprawls across a blanket, pillowing his head on his arms and taking in the sunshine. "You know, this is nice," he says.
"Yeah. We should do this more often," Will whispers, nearly drowned out by the grass rustling in the breeze.
Between the breeze and the music, Steve starts to drift off, his breathing evening out as his mind wanders. He's half asleep when he hears Dustin shout, "It's a fucking one-to-one asshole!"
His words are quickly followed by Mike shouting back, "Who gives a shit?!"
Steve sighs and adds his own voice to the mix. "Stop fighting!"
"Yeah, guys, stop fighting," Max says, and Steve can imagine her tongue sticking out at them as he hears Erica snort.
"Oh, fuck you," Dustin shoots back.
"That's it!" Steve announces, sitting up and glaring at the kids. "Get over here."
His voice leaves no room for argument, and he'd feel bad at how the kids deflate if he didn't already know they're all menaces. Once he's got all seven kids on the blankets, he sighs and says, "Look, guys, let's not fight. How about we all just sit here for a bit, enjoy the breeze, and then we'll go get lunch."
The kids glance at each other, a silent conversation that Steve barely follows passing between them before Mike nods. "Yeah, sure, I guess."
"Great, now, just re--"
"Oh, how cute!"
The sudden, saccharine voice sets Steve's entire body on edge. He slowly looks over his shoulder, staring at the middle-aged woman smiling down at them. Something about her is familiarly off, but he tries to give her the benefit of the doubt. So, Steve flashes a charming smile and asks, "Hi, can I help you with something?"
The woman's smile turns a little sharp, and she shakes her head. "Oh, no, I just had to commend you on your ability to round up these kids like that," she explains.
Steve hums and pushes himself up, keeping a hold on his bat so he can rest the end on the ground and lean on it. He feels more than sees the kids start to shift until they're behind him. "Well, thanks. Did you want advice or something on caring for your own kids?" he asks.
She laughs, short and grating on Steve's ears, and then tilts her head not unlike a bird. "No, no. It's just impressive that you've managed to keep them alive for so long," she says, her voice distorting and becoming shriller as she speaks.
Yep. There it is.
"Wow, that's even faster than usual," Lucas says.
He's right, which just makes Steve even more upset. Can he not get more than fifteen minutes of peace? Can he not just lay back and enjoy the sunshine without worrying about some monster coming after his kids? Can he not fucking relax for once?
Steve feels the frustration build and build in his chest, crackling through him until he's ready to burst, and he stands up straighter. "I'll give you one warning," he says, his voice low as he watches feathers sprout from the woman's skin. "You walk away right now, and I won't beat the shit out of you."
The woman, who seems to be mostly bird by now and is probably a harpy, just laughs again, like Steve's told her the funniest joke she's ever heard. "You? Defeat me?" she asks, her eyes roaming over Steve before she laughs again. "I am worse than your nightmares. I have eaten more demigods than you can count. I have feasted on their screams and crunched their bones between my teeth, and I look forward to doing the same with these children. What could a lone son of some lesser god possibly do to stop me?"
From behind him, Steve hears a few of the kids inhale sharply, an almost sympathetic sound. "Well, she's done it now," Erica says.
"Yes. Steve is going to kill her," El agrees, her voice soft and brushing against Steve's ears like a tiny snake.
And yeah, they're right. Maybe Steve would have just beaten her unconscious and then gotten the hell out of dodge, but now she's threatened his kids. She's lost any chance at mercy from him.
With a twirl of his bat and a vicious grin, Steve rolls his shoulders back and says, "Wanna find out, overgrown chicken?" he asks.
He doesn't even bother waiting for an answer before swinging his bat, the nails dragging across the harpy's chest and ripping a shriek from her. Now that Steve is thinking about it, violence is also a great way to relieve stress, and he's certainly not going to look a gift harpy in the mouth.
If you'd like to be tagged in future parts, just let me know!
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g0ldgauntlet · 2 months
Memories I Unlocked About My Little Pony (G4) That Made Me Realize Some Things.
(Image Description is in alt text. Post also contains minor spoilers for Arcane Season 1)
The "Party of One" Episode
Pinkie's portrayal in that episode felt like a fairly accurate representation on how mental health can fuck with you (Though, please note that I'm not a mental health expert, I just found her really relatable in some ways as someone who is undiagnosed). She has some of the most intense range of emotions, even going a bit overboard before and during the initial birthday party for Gummy to the point of exhausting herself, but her friends don't judge her for her behavior (Even if it's clear from the expressions on their faces that they don't agree with every decision she makes).
However, the moment that Pinkie feels like her friends are hiding something or trying to avoid her, her mental health begins to decline (Especially because she knows she's being blatantly lied to). Then we see her lack of emotional regulation and starting to overthink everything based on these interactions, assuming the worst. You can't even fully blame her for it because, again, no one is communicating with her properly, but the severity of her actions still showcases that her mental health is playing a part in her blowing the situation a bit out of proportion.
Plus, there's this quote-
Tell me that my friends are all lying to me and avoiding me because they don't like my parties and they don't want to be my friends anymore!
-which is a conclusion that she came up with herself. No one actually said this to her, but she assumes this is the case, and she wants Spike to validate her assumption even though he knows that's not true either. Spike gives in and tells her what she wants to hear, though, and she enters a depression because of it. This is now what she actually believes.
Of course, after this, we get the infamous facial expression that is this:
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By this point, Pinkie is in the middle of having a mental breakdown. She's trying to isolate herself from her friends, now viewing them as enemies, and she's replacing them with random things that she's trying to use as a coping mechanism as she attempts to host her after-party for Gummy. The kicker is that these methods are failing. Pinkie much more rapidly shows signs of losing her composure as she puppeteers for these inanimate objects like they're real people. She keeps twitching, and then eventually it feels as if the objects have actually come alive, but in reality, the next conversation that takes place is all in Pinkie's head. These inanimate objects take the form of her negative thoughts convincing her that she's justified in believing that her friends are actually horrible people who think horrible things about her and that she shouldn't associate with them ever again, even though Pinkie herself doesn't actually believe any of that deep down. It's a very good visualization of how Pinkie's new view of her friends is still eating away at her despite her trying to shift to a new sense of "normalcy." This scene is honestly a child-friendly version of Jinx having "conversations" with the voices in her head during Arcane Season 1 (Her even going as far as to make inanimate versions of her dead friends), with Jinx also initially trying to hold onto hope that Vi still cares about her despite her mental health continuously declining.
When the other five members of the Mane Six are finally ready to talk to Pinkie, she explodes and tries shutting them all out. While they're all concerned for her due to the way that she's acting, they don't give up on her. At most, Rainbow Dash just calls Pinkie's inanimate object party creepy once she finds her, but she's still determined to drag Pinkie away from the unhealthy atmosphere (And mindset, in a metaphorical sense) that she's locked herself into. Dash takes Pinkie to the barn at Sweet Apple Acres, and it's revealed that there was a party waiting for Pinkie. Unfortunately, she continues to assume the worst of her friends, and by extension, the motives behind the party.
It's then explained that the reason why they were avoiding and withholding information from Pinkie was because they were trying to keep the party a surprise, and it was meant to be their way of celebrating Pinkie's birthday...which she forgot was that exact day.
When I tell you that I felt secondhand embarrassment-
Yet, it's not even unrealistic. A bunch of misunderstandings and a lack of having the full context to the situation led Pinkie to assuming the worst outcome and letting her negative thoughts consume her, which I think multiple people (Myself included) have experienced before. Pinkie is still given a rather mature moment, though. She perks right up after realizing that she was wrong about her assumptions, but then she feels ashamed and embarrassed for how she acted and for having doubted her friends so much. However, they reassure her that they hold no ill will towards her and make it clear that anyone can experience these types of misunderstandings.
Then we get the central message from Twilight: That good friends have your best interests at heart, and you shouldn't immediately assume the worst of them. I think it's a good way to encourage people to work on their sense of trust in others, as well as encouraging them to find ways to manage their mental health in any way that they can without necessarily demonizing those who are struggling with those issues.
I think this episode was why I was never the biggest fan of the MLP creepypastas, such as Cupcakes. I can definitely see that people had fun with this crazy portrayal of Pinkie (And I'm not going to tell you that you're wrong for liking it), but I think her canon portrayal is much more sympathetic to those who struggle with mental health issues.
Fluttershy Would Swear If MLP Had a Higher Age Rating
I remembered how upset she could get whenever she was pushed too far, and one of those moments was when Twilight brought up Discord early on in the series. Fluttershy saying "That...big...dumb...MEANIE!" with such vitriol instantly made me think that she (Or the writers, honestly) actually wanted to say, "That...MOTHER...FUCKER!" instead.
Then I decided to check out an episode from one of the later seasons that I didn't watch: The one with her brother, Zephyr Breeze. Fluttershy says that she's "peeved," and it's treated like she said a swear word. She absolutely would have said that she was "pissed" if this wasn't a kids show.
Does Fluttershy need to swear? No, definitely not, but it would be very funny and not all that unrealistic to me if she dropped a word or two whenever she got angry.
Flash Sentry Deserved Better
This boy got screwed over so hard that it's honestly really sad. He's a good example of MLP's consistent lack of development within a lot of its male cast, but it was much more noticeable with him since he was the love interest of the main character, and as a result, a lot of attention was focused on just him.
I honestly wouldn't be able to tell you much about Shining Armor (in the show, not the comics, which I have never read) aside from him being Cadance's husband and Twilight's brother, and then basically being used as a partial plot device so that Cadance could use the power of love to defeat Queen Chrysalis. The same goes for Big Mac, whose most defining trait was not saying much besides two words, and I believe that Soarin also has minimal development. I don't even remember that much about King Sombra in the initial first few seasons aside from what the cast members tell us about him (though I could be wrong here, it's been a while since I watched the show and I heard he gets more characterization later).
It seems fairly obvious to me that a large reason behind why Flash - and his dynamic with Twilight by extension - was not expanded upon later was because Bronies (and by that, I specifically mean a very vocal crowd of older adult men) within the fandom sent so much backlash over this character in Hasbro's direction that they decided to sideline him instead. It still astonishes me that grown ass men had so much influence over this show when they weren't even the target demographic, and that's not even the only time that they had ruined something for other people. Flash was not that different from what I just mentioned about the male cast members, meaning that it's not a "Flash Sentry" problem - It's a "Male MLP Character" problem.
I will, however, acknowledge that the decision to have main universe Twilight go to a universe where the cast members are highschoolers was a strange decision by the writers. A college setting would have been just fine, especially since Lauren Faust has said that Twilight might be at least around the age of a college freshman in human years.
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As a kid, I liked Flash, and I used to theorize about what the writers were going to do with him later on. As I got older, I realized that way more people liked Flash than I thought (Especially on TikTok. Good lord LOL), and others were mostly indifferent towards him. It was upsetting watching him get sidelined, and I didn't like Timber, who I had assumed was supposed to be Flash's replacement but ten times more annoying.
Flash had become the fandom scapegoat and punching bag. I think it would be more fun to see people reclaim him and make content of him in their image based on their headcanons or whatever, like they did with several other characters in the show. I, for one, am definitely planning on doing so myself!
Rainbow Dash Is Basically Sonic For The Girls and I Owe Her An Apology
I used to HATE Rainbow Dash as a kid. I thought she was the most annoying out of the Mane Six (With Fluttershy as a second-least favorite but that was a whole other thing. I don't dislike her anymore, don't kill me LOL). However, it was not lost on me that people would constantly make comparisons between her and Sonic, and I'm now realizing as an adult that this makes more sense beyond them both having super speed.
Dash is sweet, but like Sonic, she can also be cocky, competitive, heroic, and reckless. She is the one who influenced the rest of her friends' lives early on (Via the Sonic Rainboom), just as Sonic did with his friends, eventually forming a tight-knit group. She gets up to shenanigans with a cheerful, pink-themed character (Pinkie, of course), and has a yellow-themed friend who decides to stand up for herself and can keep up with Dash when she puts her mind to it (Fluttershy). Like Sonic, she also loves reading, and her presence revolves a bit around having a cool factor.
It is kind of shocking, yet funny that I held this double standard against Rainbow Dash as a child, since she and Sonic share similar traits, and yet I thought Sonic was cool while Rainbow Dash was unbearable. Internalized biases have a chokehold on people, I suppose.
Sunset Shimmer Is a Reformed Villain Done Right
(Please keep in mind that it's been years since I watched the Equestria Girls movies, so I might have some details wrong here)
She started out acting like an arrogant, highschool queen bee type of person who thought she was owed everything, only to be humbled by Twilight. Then she begins to realize the error of her ways, and while the Humane Six forgive her right away, not everyone else does, and Sunset Shimmer simply has to live with that. The sins of her past continue to haunt her, but she still finds the resolve to strive to be a better person and help other people who need it (Such as SciTwi).
I think her arc was a realistic portrayal of someone who had done something messed up and then realized later that her mistakes will cause people to see her differently. Despite that, and despite knowing that some people may never forgive her, however, Sunset wants to keep moving forward so that she can make amends and help people heal rather than hurt them. I liked the message behind this as well - That people should continue to try to do good things, even if your past mistakes can't be reversed. The past shouldn't hold you back for the rest of your life.
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lovefrombegonia · 3 months
Just some rambling IWTV season 2 flashback to the dreadful ep of Lestat throwing Louis from the sky...
In the trial episode, when there was a flashback to what happened that night with Louis and Lestat...well...from what we know now, they beat each other. And when Louis just smashed Lestat's face on their coffin so hard, they fell to the opposite sides, I laughed so fucking hard. Like WTF 💀💀 I was actually reluctant to watching any flashback to that episode but I am glad that they didn't make it what I thought they did back then. Anyways, back at them vampire boyfriends having a meltdown while they give zero fucks about their terrified, traumatized daughter, I calmed down a bit,, it's getting serious...
Then Louis tried to get up, looked at Lestat's face, and started laughing while saying "look at your fucking face". Cut to Lestat's face--bruh I was laughing like a psychopath at the man's bloody face 😂😂 coz he did look fucking horrible like a bloody clown, mouth half open! Eyes all like this: 🩸👁️👄👁️🩸
This is extra weird to me when I think about how the same event but in season 1, from Claudia's POV was so fucking horrifying and triggering to me. I almost wanted to shut the show down. Oh lord, I feel like I just enjoy seeing Lestat get beat up sometimes. That's ok. He deserves some beating. Louis gotta put a leash on him with how fucking feral he gets.
One thing tho, this was also Louis's retellings, right? In season 1. So, why did he say the story in such a way that it looked like, Lestat was just beating the shit out of him. Louis wouldn't lie just to make Lestat look worse than he already is. I don't get it coz, regardless of whether Louis did beat Lestat back or not, what Lestat did after that, by dropping Louis from sky high...that reaction from Lestat was already horrible enough on its own. Nowhere near a proportional reaction to what Louis did or said to him. So, Louis just...wanted to keep Daniel in suspense or what LOL Or was that scene from s1 supposed to be from Claudia's diary POV? I don't remember now if it was flashback to Daniel reading the diary. And I don't wanna watch that episode again. Might be that it's simply the show keeping us on our toes. If so then idk what to feel about the show doing that. I also don't think Lestat's face looked as bloody in s1 during this happening. Probably a continuity error. Or...a memory manipulation by Armand? Louis didn't at all notice the different retellings of the same night tho, neither did Daniel. Or maybe Lestat did have a bloody face.
Introducing the memory manipulation and memory erasing power gives some new meanings to previous events. Definitely, makes things more interesting. I do hope the seasons ahead are just as good as season 2 was. Even new powers. Show us Magnus and Akasha too. Armand looked shooketh when Lestat almost whisper-said the name 👀
I know that Akasha has a movie called Queen of the Damned. She looks...majestic. The Lestat beside her tho, looks like budget Edward Cullen. The movie has low ratings too. Idk if I should watch it and potentially spoil the future seasons. Or just wait for the next season and then watch it. I have seen a little bit of this film tho, on television. She just sauntered down vaguely in a disco. Hard to forget her, in that sexy attire and just fucking amazing look over all. Hot af
I already know some minor spoilers about Lestat. Well, one spoiler. That Lestat had...Alabama mommy issues 😭😭 what is this wrong with this French dude. Louis and Claudia really got paired with the most unhinged vampire...
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arcanaaa · 1 year
Let me just say that for my cana at least, her relationship with erza is pretty lukewarm and this is no real fault to erza since when they first meet it was when they were young (erza having survived a horrible terrible trauma understandably) so of course erza would be really distant, which is really off-putting for cana at least since cana herself can see she has suffered and tried to befriend her (this is canon btw) but that stigma kinda stuck with her a bit and just ugh
what i would like at least is a more detailed thread between cana & erza’s childhood: how erza struggled with the events of her past, her guilt over jellal and her failure to protect him/the rest of the survivors but also cana seeing erza suffer and her actually seeing with her gift (this is headcanoned) how she suffered but having no actual context or understanding of how someone could have survived and cana just trying to get close, trying to help erza, maybe out of pity? maybe because seeing her is too painful but because cana sees herself: she sees how death haunts her
and of course there’s them growing up, there’s cana growing more & more into a young woman, a woman who’s discovering herself and erza, erza seeing this and maybe being worried or jealous because erza doesn’t have that freedom, that luxury because she can’t not when she’s too weak (this is what erza would believe i think i mean it depends on the interpretation) and she has to be strong- for others as well as herself and so i could see erza harping on cana, giving cana a hard time over the way she dresses, not to shame cana for it but because she worries and see’s the looks that guys give her and of course cana is like who the hell do you think you are and this just drives a deeper wedge between them until they’re older when the s-class trials come
and erza wins the trials and cana loses and just drives further resentment further bitterness and of course now cana goes out of her way to drink more to party more because ahaha why not its not like i care you won or anything even though she’s lost twice and still gets picked (but this is omitted of course) and erza just as frustrated just as exasperated with cana like cana if you’d just train more you wouldn’t have fallen behind, like yes logically that would help but this well intended advice just adds salt to the wound and oh my god the rage cana feels like how fucking dare you who the fuck do you think you are getting to tell me that no fuck you and fuck off and them just becoming more and more distant and oh cana’s no fool to tangle with erza in a fight but that doesn’t mean she’ll let erza patronize her like she doesn’t need a fucking mother she doesn’t need erza’s advice goddamn it she knows what she has to do she’s fucking tried and what the fuck does she know she doesn’t know shit and this is just a continuous cycle until maybe their guild is threatened
and oh here comes erza and cana is just so damn done with her like gimme a break and maybe erza is just like alright that’s enough and they take their spat outside and they hash out what’s eating them and cana just pours all her resentment all her feelings out and ‘are you so high and fucking mighty that you can’t see that it isn’t me that needs to be watched out for but its you erza?! you have no idea what i have to deal with, what i’ve seen and you have the fucking balls to tell me i’m irresponsible?! fuck you– you don’t know shit! you wouldn’t fucking understand– none of you do!!!’ and erza being just frustrated and she explodes like 'you never gave me a chance to know!! not once did you ever open up to me’ and cana appalled like 'I DID TRY AND YOU SHUT ME OUT YOU SHUT EVERYONE OUT AND THEN YOU TURN AROUND AND ACT LIKE THE FUCKING SAINT’ and their argument just escalates to earth-shattering proportions like pl e a se
gimme this
gimme these two breaking down about their insecurities; gimme erza seeing cana who she admires for being so independent and confident in herself to not have any doubts about herself about what is right or wrong and having the strength to face her weakness instead of shutting herself in armor but more gimme cana admiring erza for being so damn powerful so damn strong and beautiful for finding the inner strength and taking a hold of her own fate taking her life in her own hands and forging herself into something that is more just gimme these two resenting and admiring one another pls @ god gimme this
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Longest Tag: 135 characters
#and they all basically epically blow his mistakes out of proportion and take his words totally out of context in the worst possible way
My Top Posts in 2022:
Always a good day to make a sad Cordell :)))
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15 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
Posted my very first fanfic!! Please give it a read and let me know if you liked it 💕
22 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
You cannot type “Sammy” when you hate the person who made Sam 💖Sammy💖 sorry I don’t make the rules
24 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
If i come across one more "Jared Padalecki faked his breakdown" post it is block ON SIGHT
43 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Fuck each and every single one of you who has a moral superiority complex for not being an only child. I hope you step on legos. I hope you run out of your favourite chocolate.
"Eldest daughter syndrome"- you mean having to do chores, be responsible for your parents' emotions, take care of others and shouldering parental expectations? Guess what? So do only children
"middle child syndrome"- you mean having to be dominated by others in your family? Guess what? So are only children
"only children are so privileged/bratty/spoiled"- SHUT up forever
"how does it feel to not have to fight for your parents' attention?"- Absolutely horrible. Next.
"only child cannot write sibling dynamics properly"- NO. If anything only children write it the best, because we research it SO hard we know ALL possible siblings dynamics BECAUSE we're afraid of assholes like you, whereas you entitled siblings only think yours is the only kind of sibling dynamic to exist
"siblings aren't so lovey dovey"- Maybe YOURS aren't. Doesn't mean it is not possible
I'll murder anyone who tells me "you're so lucky you're an only child". Maybe not physically, but you're deader than dead to me if you dare say this out loud. I'm NOT exaggerating.
50 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
1/2We are on 4x08 and he is sitting with his fingers crossed and repeating to himself ‘not cancer, not cancer, not cancer’. ‘BRIAN IS BACK AT BABYLON! SEE! It was just a scare. Where’s Blondie? Go find him- VIC?! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? Vic, i miss you baby. I miss you so much. What’s with the old guys? Oh fuck. I don’t like the sight of Brian in a hospital bed. Horrible’ ‘is Ben still a bitch because Rage might become a movie? Grow up man.’ Deb is shopping for the gravestone ‘promise me, you wont pull some type of shit like that. Just give me a little stone and write ‘well fuck’ on it and that will be perfect.’ ‘BRIAN IS BACK! He looks like shit, poor baby. *jumps up and screams* HE HAS TO GET TO CLASS! HE WENT BACK TO SCHOOL! HE LISTENED! Of course Brian wants to drive him. (Cuts to britin in the car) LOOK AT THEM! Brian, you gotta come clean. HE MISSED HIM! HE FUCKING MISSED HIM! The man who was willing to do anything to get rid of him in season 1, just casually said “i missed you”. I AM NOT OKAY. (Brian tries to prove justin he missed him with a kiss) oh just suck his dick! (Justin keeps saying he’s not convinced and brian laughs) THAT RIGHT THERE IS SOME BIG DICK ENERGY. He has that man wrapped around his finger. Good for you Blondie. (brian takes his shades off) oh poor baby, he looks exhausted.’ ‘I don’t know what this lindsay and the painter bullshit is. But i need it gone because it is taking air time away from Brian’ the Justin/Mikey/Keller scene is up ‘oh is this the producer or whatever? Why does he looks familiar? I have a very soft spot for Justin calling Brian his boyfriend.’ ‘Aww look at Brian listening to Justin. Unlike some other boyfriend. How is he planning to hide the surgery from Justin? HE DOES LOOK TIRED! Brian just tell him. Does he plan on not having sex for a whole month or? (Justin is about to hear the voicemail) oh no. SHIT. OH SO THATS HOW HES GONNA FIND OUT?’ Justin is now confronting Mikey ‘oh poor baby, he looks so sad. He looks like he cried. Wait? He’s gonna tell Mike? Dude, go to Brian! WHY IS NO ONE TALKING TO EACH OTHER IN THIS FUCKING SHOW? It wouldve made more sense to go to Ted than Mike. Or Cynthia! Mike is gonna blow this out of proportion like i would. NO HE CANT HAVE CANCER! Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do fellas. Mikey you keep your mouth shut. Justin, you go to Brian and have a talk with him and I will continue to freak out’ and now we are at Brian in the office scene ‘you can hear it in his voice that he isn’t okay. Baby, please tell Justin. He looks and sounds like shit. Ted looks worried as fuck. THIS FUCKING SUCKS. All of it. He cant catch a break. Why didn’t he tell Ted? That would make sense.’ Deb has a breakdown in the diner: ‘oh my poor sweet Deb. This is gonna be me though if something happens to Brian, just so we’re all clear on that’ He is now groaning because of Linds and Sam ‘I don’t like this. He grabbed her ass. He suggested a threesome. She calls him a pig or whatever and now we’re friends? Weird and i hate it’ and we are now at babylon ‘Justin is trying to be sweet and caring and Brian is trying to be the Brian Kinney that Justin knows. If only this could be solved by, oh I don’t know…TALKING. (mikey tackles Brian) is he fucking stupid? Be honest? I swear he’s dumb. WHAT DID I SAY, he’s worse than me. He shouldve gone to Ted. Or Emmett. EXACTLY JUSTIN TELL MIKE HES BEING STUPID. I don’t like this producer dude, but that could be just because i don’t trust hollywood people. Ben really is a piece of shit. This is some shit Brian would pull in season 1 not mister Buddha.’ And we are at Britin scene ‘aw Justin’s not feeling well. ALL IT TOOK WAS CAN YOU COME WITH ME AND BAM BRIAN DROPS EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING FOR HIM! Although why is he peacocking? He clearly cant fuck right now so who is he trying to impress with these dudes?’
Sam! That's the fucker's name! Ugh what a terrible arc.
And yes, the failure to communicate about the cancer... so frustrating.
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bnha-dumpster · 3 years
Alright, just wanted to make sure you weren’t uncomfortable! Oh and, you can choose if this is pseudo or normal (?) incest. But I’d like to request something where Bakugou walks in on his younger brother (male reader, and they’re both over 18, but they still live with their parents) masturbating with his shirt on. (probably that skull t-shirt) Then Bakugou fucks him (possibly overstimulation) and Y/n has to worry about keeping his moans in because their mother is downstairs. (Also this might be stupid but- I don’t mind degradation, but if you decide to write it then maybe not too harsh? I’m sensitive atm lol)
Thank you, <3
oh i actually like the premise of this! this is soft big bro bakugou hours 
pairing: older brother bakugou x little brother male reader content warnings: incest, masturbation, praise kink, big brother kink, secret sex, overstimulation, excessive use of the word “nii-san” word count: 1.6k
You’ve always loved your brother. Well, maybe you love him too much. You’re not sure of the “normal” amount of love you should give a sibling, but you’re pretty sure you’re past that. 
It might be from the fact that you think you don’t think he loves you at all- in any way. Bakugou has always been an aggressive person, you know that. He treats everyone roughly, even the people he cares about. You should be used to it. Still, it hurts. You didn’t inherit the tough skin your brother did and you’re sure that he thinks you’re weak for it. 
Your yearning for your brother to care for you devolved into something else. That brotherly love was replaced with something else and it’s made your life harder. It makes his harshness hurt more than it used to. All you want is for him to tell you that you did good or that he cares about you in some way. 
You have to make up for the lack of love somehow.
Clad in only your brother’s shirt, just slightly larger than what you wear, you immerse yourself in the ways you wish your brother treated you. Maybe him fucking you isn’t exactly how you should be imagining your brother, but it’s what you’re doing. The scent of your brother surrounding you as you stroke yourself and thrust two fingers inside yourself is more than enough to make up for your lack of love. At least, for now it is.
“N-nii-san... Please, Nii-san...” 
Your whimpers and whines are muffled, as quiet as they can be. You want to cry out and be as loud as your heart desires, but your mom and brother are downstairs. There’s no way you can disturb them. There’s no way you can let them see you like this.
“What do you want Nii-san to do, hm?” 
For a moment, you think the gravelly voice of your older brother is just in your head. It’s the click of the lock on your bedroom door that makes you realize it definitely isn’t just your imagination.
Bakugou leans against the wall. He stares down at you with his arms crossed, expression unreadable. Is he disgusted? Does he want to hit you? Will he ridicule you? You have no idea what he’s going to do. 
What you don’t expect is for him to begin stripping. The moment he tosses his shirt at you, there’s a second where you stop functioning. Your brother doesn’t care. He continues to strip in front of you. Each article of clothing tossed somewhere in your room. The blond ends up leaning over you, tugging at his shirt. Even if it’s baggy on you, it doesn’t cover the erection you’re trying to hide from him.
A predator-like grin is on his face as he looks down at you. It’s like he’s waiting for you to say something. Wait- he is.
“I... I want Nii-san to...” Now that he’s here in front of you, you can’t seem to get your words out. He slides his hand under your shirt and goes straight for your chest. A sharp pinch to your nipple is a warning to tell him. “Please fuck me, Nii-san...”
His grin only grows wider. The hand that was teasing your chest goes straight to your cock, pumping it a few times. Bakugou watches how you tense and buck into his hand as he does so. You’re so sensitive, so eager.
“I know that’s not all you want. I know what you’ve been doing, I’m not an idiot. You steal my clothes and I hear you moaning my name when I pass by your room... Tell me everything you want your dear Nii-san to do.”
The rumble in his voice goes straight to your dick. You whimper and grab his wrist. He has to stop before you cum. You don’t want to cum so soon. 
But you can’t answer him. You’re already doing your best to keep yourself quiet, the hand not holding onto your brother’s hand over your mouth to muffle any noise. The blond pulls your hand away and stills his own. The way he stares at you make you wonder if he wants this just as much as you do. 
“My... I want Nii-san to suck my...” 
“You’re way more shy than I thought you’d be.” As soon as you say it, he’s sliding down between your legs. Pinching your thighs and grinning up at you, Bakugou gives a kiss to the shaft of your cock. “I’ve been holding back all this time. I wondered if this was just a phase but it seems like you really want me, huh?”
“Yes...” The way you answer him so eagerly makes his own cock twitch in anticipation. “I always feel like you hate me...” 
“Hate you? What kinda idiot- hey, I don’t hate you. Let me make up for all of that.” Those are his last words before he licks a stripe up your cock and takes it into his mouth. It’s hot and feels better than you could ever imagine. You hold your hand to your mouth, the other tangling into your brother’s hair. Keeping yourself from bucking into his face is nearly impossible. You’re lucky that Bakugou has your hips pinned to the bed. 
He’s got your whole dick in his mouth like it’s some sort of candy. His tongue wrapping around the head and the groans vibrating against it- wait, is he enjoying this? Another groan when he takes it all down and it hits the back of his throat confirms it. That combination of knowing he wants to do this to do is what helps you over the edge. 
You push his head down as much as you can and cum in his mouth. Bakugou swallows it all before pulling up, wiping the sweat off his brow. That grin returns and he laughs, “What next?” 
What he doesn’t expect is for you to spread your ass open for him. He stares at your hole; it’s already prepared, twitching in anticipation. There’s a moment of pause before he dives in, lapping at it. His tongue slips in far easier than he thought it would, but he doesn’t take it for granted. Bakugou is happy to eat your ass. He can taste something. So you use flavored lube. It’s a light taste of caramel, probably because of the smell his quirk gives his sweat. He doesn’t mind it at all. In fact, you using something specifically because it reminds you of him only turns him on more.
Small, muffled whimpers come from you as he eats you out. After cumming, you’re sensitive, far too much to be touched in such a delicate place. But your big brother doesn’t give a damn. He eats you out like a man starved, hiking your legs over his shoulders to give him better access. All you can manage to do is squirm and whimper. 
Bakugou keeps it up into you’re hard again. The second your cock begins to come to life again, he pulls his head back and lips his licks.
“Caramel flavored, huh?” He chuckles when you look away. “You really want me, Y/N. Want your Nii-san so bad that you need to have lube that smells like him. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a dildo around here.” 
The way your gaze snaps back to him makes him laugh. Red eyes take in your flushed, embarrassed face, the way you squirm and whimper because of him. 
“Nii-san, please...” You’ve moved your hand away from your mouth. “I need your cock... Please...” 
Once again, that predatory grin appears. He keeps your legs on his shoulders, practically bending you in two. His cock, hot and heavy, slides against your ass. Your breath catches in your throat when you realize how big it actually is. It’s no surprise that it matches his proportions, but it’s just more than you expected. 
“Be good for your Nii-san and let me fuck you good.”
That’s all he says before he sinks his cock deep inside you. His lips slam against yours to muffle your cries as you adjust to his size. He stretches you out more than your fingers ever could. It’s uncomfortable as he bottoms out. But he’s kind to you and waits for you to adjust, absorbing your whimpers. They’re delicious and he can’t get enough of them.
When your whimpers turn into small moans, he begins. The first few thrusts are soft, gentle. Bakugou is working you up. He knows how big he is and he doesn’t want to make this horrible for you. He pulls away from your lips and rests his forehead against yours.
“You’re so tight. This ass is all for me, isn’t it? Been dreaming of having your ass wrecked by your big, strong Nii-san. Must feel good.” He cups your face and wipes the stray tears. “Do you feel good? You feel so good for your Nii-san.”
“Nii-san feels good... Feels really good...” You let out a moan and immediately shut your mouth after. The two of you stop to make sure Mitsuki didn’t hear before Bakugou shoves his fingers in your mouth. They muffle your moans just enough. With that, the pace gets harder and more intense. The blond watches your eyes roll back into your skull when he hits you just right. His cock hits your prostate in the best way and he loves the way you get tighter when he does. 
You cumming so quickly is what he expects. The overstimulation, even after one orgasm, is just too much for you to bear. You bite down on his fingers as you do, ass tightening to an almost painful grip around him. But he’s not done. Even after he forces you to ride your climax so intensely, he keeps going. 
“We’re not done yet. Nii-san’s gonna make you feel real good tonight. I’ll make up for all the times you felt like I hated you. And,” he laughs as his gaze goes down to the black shirt you’re wearing, “I’ll let you keep this shirt since you love it so much.”
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sir-sunny · 3 years
i hope i'm not being anoying yo
Coming up with headcanons is really fucking coolkdidjsjsnd i love everyone who sends them fr fr SO im bringing more!!!
Hajime and nagito love to argue and debate over the littlest things, that's how they show love. But when they are legit fighting it is a mess of epic proportions. They become focused in this fight and this fight only, screaming at each other ( not really but it feels like that in the moment) but after blowing some steam out they become cartoonishly petty
Nagito: well maybe you should tell that reserve to stop cleaning my room because i dislike having my things out of place
Ibuki: ibuki does not want to be mean but you guys are literally next to each other….
When feelings do get hurt breakfast is just a little quieter
I imagine nagito actually starts avoiding group settings and hajime specifically. He feels like shit, he's inconveniencing hajime, he is hurting hajime, he's a terrible person
Hajime also feels like shit because he wants to fix things so bad and apologize to nagito but gives him a bit of space because he doesn't want to overwhelm him
Also he's just so lame and awkward so he doesn't know how to do it
Spend their time avoiding each other wishing they had said the right thing :(
Eventually hajime just has enough of this angsty bullshit so he just talks to nagito and shuts his attempts at self deprecation
There's heavy tears for sure
I don't know how BUT 77-b definitely betted on this
you're not annoying at all!! i really enjoy hearing ur hcs!
ohm god yes nagito and hajime will debate for HOURS. these two can and will argue about anything and everything alsjdhajs their discussions are (usually) civil but very passionate nonetheless. catch these two disputing over pizza toppings, ice cream flavors, movie endings, dog breeds, fashion choices, and the list goes on. sometimes their friends like to (not so) subtly listen in on their conversations because they get pretty heated
hhghgugghuhhm them getting in real fights and hating the negative tension between them. they both just want to apologize and make up but theyre under the impression that the other wants nothing to do with them.
nagito feels like hajime hates him and he doesn't deserve to be around him so locks himself in his cottage and just feels horrible
meanwhile, hajime feels like nagito's avoiding him because he's mad at him and isn't ready to face him so hajime just waits around the places they usually hang out (the beach, the restaurant, the theater, the carousel) and his heart breaks a little more every time nagito doesnt show up :(((
when they FINALLY finally talk to each other, they cry and apologize and hug and apologize and cry and hug
77 b's like: are they good now??? thank god cuz its movie night
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earthandsunandmoon · 2 years
i should have also sent midnight oil for your ask too,,, drop that fav babe!
Ok. You asked for it. it's not like i even listen to that band 🙄
Rob. Hirst. Rob fucking Hirst. the man of my dreams. I literally dream about him every night.  He is on my mind 24/7. 
He is knowledgeable, talented, talkative, hilarious, slightly cranky, occasionally sarcastic, extremely kind, speaks Japanese and French, and has made some of the best music the world will ever hear.
Oh, and also he’s really hot
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the fucking muscles on this man are unreal. He is just a tiny little ball of energy and puts his whole heart into every performance. Also his singing voice is amazing (very evident on Red Sails in the Sunset. No one could sing “Kosciusko” like him!!). I remember watching the “Blue Sky Mine” video when I was like 16 and i saw him hanging off the train and I was just like WOW. that guy is hot.
He is just so neat and special to me and hot and makes me so happy. I will literally just shout “hirst!” to my sister and she knows I’m about to go off about my latest hot take. No other man can make me flail and cry and laugh like he does!  He may have not finished his law degree but he deserved ten thousand honorary degrees imho. His writing style is honestly far better than that of any of the books and textbooks I was assigned to read this past year. He has such a good vocabulary and sharp wit but he is really down-to-earth as well. Even if he literally can not shut up and can talk for hours i will listen attentively because everything he says is interesting/slightly deranged in a good way.
I really love everyone in this band though. They seem angry and terrifying at first until you realize they are actually just the sweetest guys. I would die for Jim Moginie. Peter garrett is actually a tender sweetheart. Bones was the funniest person to ever exist and the glue that held the Oils together through the 90s. Martin's smile gives me heart palpitations. Giffo is, well, Giffo. It is my dream to take what has traditionally been seen as an “ass-kicking” pub rock band with a largely male fanbase and absolutely babygirlify this democratic socialist collective to no end. 
Even though most of the members have experienced some sort of horrible family tragedy they still try to make the world a better place, singing hopeful songs and fighting for the causes they believe in. Idk they’re just really inspiring I’m embarrassing myself but I can’t help it. even the way Rob will talk about his own mental health helps me a lot. I was in a really bad place a few months ago and this band has pretty much helped me find happiness and purpose again. :’)
All that aside, he’s so fukcing hot. Just. Jesus christ.🥵🥵🥵🥵 I’ve never really been into muscular dudes but. how could i not. he’s not just muscular he’s perfectly proportioned and healthy and cute and his personality is just. ahh!
I just love him a lot. 
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thefirsthogokage · 3 years
Today is Saturday, May 22nd, 2021. And we have to talk about something.
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Oliver was bullied off Twitter by people saying they would blame him if Buck and Eddie didn't get together.
This is not to all Buddie fans, this is to anyone engaging in problematic behavior, including people who aren't Buddie fans, and to people in other fandoms who may engage in this crap too.
Whoever the fuck made him do this, genuinely fuck you!
I mean seriously, how absolutely IDIOTIC do you have to be to not understand actors have ZERO control over their storylines?! AND THEM BULLY THEM FOR NOT DOING THINGS THAT WEREN'T WRITTEN FOR THEM TO DO?!
I just don't understand how people could be that absurdly DUMB an HORRIBLE! You know the only thing an actor MIGHT have control over? If they quit. They are between seasons right you, you really think Oliver is going to want to stay on a show whose "fans" constantly harass him for something OUT OF HIS CONTROL?! Do you really think he'd want to stay and take that abuse? You really want Buck and Eddie to get together, then shut the FUCK up. Because the biggest way it could be ruined is if you drive Oliver to quit. Or worse, if it takes a bigger tole on his mental health. You never know what someone is going through, so you have no idea what his mental health status could actually be.
None of you you people realize what a deal big ANY rep is on a show and how PRIVILEGED we have gotten over the years with more and more queer rep. To gen Hen and her wife ALONE is a goddamn victory of epic proportions!
Grow the ever living fuck up, gain at least ONE brain cell, and learn how to be decent human beings!
Edit: Also, when someone repeatedly asks you not to do something - in this case Oliver saying he doesn't get the way people are "joking" and asking people to stop - and yet you keep doing it, that is bullying. Going against someone's wishes to stop doing something is bullying.
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hetacon · 4 years
Virgil and Roman Play With Some Legos
Word Count: 1,120
Pairing: Prinxiety, mentioned platonic LAMP
Warning: Nothing I can think of
Summary: Virgil and Roman just play with some legos, it’s calm.
Roman walked downstairs, finding the lights still on in the kitchen and Virgil sitting at the table with a big box of legos next to him. He was busy looking for a certain piece before finding it, attaching it to wherever it went. No instructions were to be found and he appeared to be making something random at the moment.
“Virge, what are you doing up still?” Roman asked from the staircase still, peeking his head over the railing.
Virgil looked up to him and gave a slight smile. “Hey Roman, I’m just, you know, making something.” He was indeed doing as he said though Roman already seemed to know that so he continued. “I just, uh, couldn’t stop thinking and my room got a bit much for me so I wanted to calm down, I figured being out here was my best bet. Since everyone was sleeping and all.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Hm?” Virgil hummed out.
Roman started to walk down the steps and went over to sit across from Virgil. “Do you want to talk about why your room made you mentally clock out and risk not getting your beauty sleep?” he elaborated.
The anxious side snorted and cracked a small smile, glancing to Roman with an amused look on his face. Roman was glad to see the small change, he noticed more now that those small changes were big things to notice in Virgil’s behavior so it was always welcome to have him emote in the slightest of ways.
“I don’t need sleep for my beauty, unlike you I presume?” Virgil teased a little. Roman let out a dramatic gasp and hit his arm but he was grinning to himself and Virgil noticed it too.
“Well, I suppose the first part of your statement is true,” Roman mused as Virgil’s cheeks lit up a gorgeous shade of pink.
“Oh shut up, sap.” Virgil went back to the box of legos and dug around more. “I’m not sure, things have just been a little busier for me is all, you know? I just needed a break, figured that I shouldn’t let it consume me and all. Getting better at taking care of myself and all that stuff.”
Roman nodded along with him and conjured up a pile of legos for himself, starting to build along with Virgil as he listened. “That makes sense, I’m glad to hear that you are taking care of yourself too, oh angsty one,” he laughed softly. “What piece are you looking for?”
“Ah, same blue I’m using right now, three by one,” he said, lighting up as he picked up a piece, only to realize it was a four by one. “Dang it.”
“Here.” Roman held out his hand and conjured up the piece, placing it in front of Virgil.
Virgil raised an eyebrow at him and Roman looked back at him with a confused look as Virgil swept his hand across the table, sending the piece across the living room.
“Well ok, dramatic! And that’s my job even!” Roman exclaimed.
“No conjuring pieces, finding them is part of the fun!” Virgil told him, shaking his head. “Jesus Christ Superstar Roman, it’s like you’ve never tried to de-stress using one of the greatest inventions of all time, holy fuck.”
“But what if the piece isn’t actually in there and you waste your time and get frustrated?” Roman asked, folding his arms over his chest.
“Hey, no time is wasted time when it comes to legos so you shut your princely mouth.” Virgil seemed to be loosening up, his shoulders seemed more relaxed as they talked.
“You know, fair enough, that is your decision and I will not dictate how you deal with stress.”
The two of them continued to build for a little while, Roman choosing to make a mini statue of himself out of gold lego pieces. He snorted at how horrible it looked as he sat back, the proportions where hard to work with. Virgil on the other hand seemed to be making four different things and when Roman asked about them, he turned them around to show the start of Patton’s logo. Virgil turned on some music at some point, Roman made them a quick snack, and they got back to work.
“You know,” Roman eventually said after a long while of silence, sitting back fully in his chair to look at Virgil. “This is quite fun, I can see why you like this. I mean, it’s creative, you get to move your hands, and it has no consequences if it doesn’t end up exactly the way you want it, you can just take it apart!”
While Virgil moved on to the last one, Roman’s logo, he nodded along, giving a slight hum of affirmation. “Yeah, it’s nice having company though. I was still kind of drowning in thought before you came downstairs.”
“Oh, well I’m glad to be of service to you then!” Roman bowed to Virgil, cocking a stupid grin in his direction to which Virgil smiled back. Roman now noticed the lack of eyeshadow, taking note of less bags under his eyes. He looked more well-rested than he had a while ago, Roman wondered how it took him so long to notice.
“It’s honestly just kind of nice having your company, specifically you really.” Virgil glanced down to his phone to see what song started playing but then looked up to Roman. “Love hanging out with Patton and Logan but I still worry a little about impressing them I guess, it’s easy with you, you don’t have expectations for me or anything. You just talk to me, it’s nice.”
“Well yes, I suppose. I wasn’t especially nice to you before though..”
“But not everyone is, you know?” Virgil said. “I forgive you at least, that’s all I need.”
Roman nodded and took a hold of Virgil’s hand, kissing the back of it gently. “I’m glad to hear of it, love, thank you.”
Virgil blushed again, Roman was really starting to like that look on him.
“We should do this more when you need to get away from all your thoughts,” Roman offered once they finished and were cleaning up, their creations still put together. They both liked what they made so they each decided to keep them. Well, Virgil was giving his to their somewhat respective owners but regardless.
Virgil looked a little surprised but nodded. “Yeah, uh, that would be cool, if you wanted to and all.”
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touchmycoat · 4 years
blackwater arc reread: notes
okayo kayokayaokay
so several hundred years ago, baby qingxuan was born, and the White Thing was like, “you’re cursed!” the only way free of this super powerful Shit is if qingxuan becomes a god
shi wudu not only managed to find one person born in the exact same minute/hour as sqx, but also someone with the Xuan character in his name, and swaps the fates of sqx and hx
hx’s life falls apart and he loses everyone he loves to miserable deaths
sqx continues to be a golden child, and ascends to godlihood
the White THing haunts hx, but according to xie lian’s estimation, never really gets a meal from hx, ‘cause hx is just that steady, that hardcore—until the Confrontation with the White Thing, during which hx goes absolutely batshit, kills all the horrible people within reach, dies of his own power flipflop shit, and then turns around and swallows the white thing to boot
he’s so damn powerful he goes on to make it through Tonglu Mountain and become a Calamity
through swallowing the White Thing he learns the truth about the Shi brothers?
so as the Earth Master, the true Ming Yi is ascending, HX nabs that poor fucker, and takes his identity, and keeps him imprisoned to torture and extract information from
hx lives life as ming yi, hooks up with hua cheng somewhere along the way, and the two share singular purposes as they infiltrate heaven
sqx becomes determined to befriend hx
hx does not shy away from turning him down, but is, by xie lian’s later exposition (with pressing open his own wound to trigger the amulet), such an upstanding soul anyways that sqx is very, very determined to befriend him
all this while, hx is bidding his time. His goal is utter ruination for the brothers that destroyed his life, so he picks the time of swd’s third 天劫
he’s also been collecting live humans with miserable, miserable lives at his mansion
there are two possible outcomes he wants: 1) get a taste of your own medicine, sqx. you took a life that was not meant for you, now you’ll live among the most wretched.
(That outcome can only be realized by swd’s hands—so there’s a test for swd here as well, or more a taunt. Even when your little brother is desperate to repent in some kind of way, for both of you to survive, can you do it? Can you be the catalyst for giving sqx a life of suffering?)
2) go fuck yourself, swd. you can either make your baby brother miserable by giving him a wretched fate or make your baby brother miserable by making him responsible for your death. And sqx will live. He’s lived this long in blissful ignorance, hx will make sure he lives further in the most agonizing knowledge.
(This outcome wants sqx to stop choosing his brother.)
so he’s been collecting bad fates toward that end.
not long after xie lian’s third ascension, the real ming yi breaks out once and for all, sending up a help signal. hc and hx have an agreement, so hc goes to cover for hx, pretending like hx’s been undercover in his shit for years.
this is also when the real ming yi dies. hx puts the bones in his own mansion ‘cause where else can you put it.
(hc would drag hx to hell for his shit taste in interior decor)
The day hx enacts the plan, and has the White THing haunting sqx again, sqx tosses a wrench in his works by going to xie lian. Otherwise, hx probably just planned on scaring sqx a little (okay a lot), break his mind a little (a lot), and then take away sqx’s powers. Send him back to swd armed with the truth of what his brother’s done and see what sqx chooses.
(Over and over and over again, hx wants sqx to stop choosing swd.)
But. Okay. Xie Lian tags along. So hx puts his plan into motion, but has to keep swerving. Hence all the hide-and-seek, all the misdirection, all the gradual realizations in the black water arc.
He tries to ditch xl in the festival people, but surprise! xl can take over sqx’s body, and beats up hx’s kagebunshin no jitsu
(hc gets REAL mad at hx about this, which is frankly hilarious ‘cause hx is just like. “?!?!?!?! YOUR babe’s the one messing with OUR pl—” and hc’s like “shut UP dianxia does no wrong this is YOUR problem bITCH”)
hx goes to save sqx after swd has sqx tied up but surprise! xl is there again. they get to the rain master’s to hide. pm takes sqx to go see swd, and sqx agrees.
which hx takes as a confirmation of sqx’s complicity
but xl gets dragged along yet again, with hc’s insistent company. at blackwaters hx does his best to separate the group, taking the most important sqx. but fucking swd meets up with xl and they end up in the mansion together
so hx fakes being poisoned so he can send everybody away. hc helps him out.
so hualian are back at puji shrine. xie lian has everything pretty much pieced together, and so nyooms back into sqx’s body in a last ditch attempt to help.
he witnesses the entire shit show
hx is such a specific man, with such specific grievances. he wants vengeance. it’s hard to say whether this vengeance is proportional or not because what happened to him was so fucking disproportionate. he knows the main culprit is swd, and wants him brought down, wants him torn from his godly status. He succeeds in this by failing swd at his third 天劫, then basically going “I’ll tell everyone what you did”
sqx is more complicated. sqx is ignorant, but is the furthest thing from innocent.
but sqx knows it too. between the two brothers, he’s the one reacting with the most compassion. He acknowledges the horror of what’s been done, and knows there really isn’t anything he can say. He’s not here to beg for mercy, he doesn’t have the right.
hx asks if he’d die then
he says yes, but probably knows at this point that’s not something hx even particularly wants
sure enough the choices were put to them
sqx would’ve so very gladly chosen the fate switch. yeah, it’d suck, but honestly he knows it’s the least he deserves. god this is fucked. He’s been reaping the benefits of someone else’s ruined life all this time and he doesn’t even know how to begin making up for it. but hx gave them options! This is fine!
but swd wouldn’t take it. to his last breath swd is a stubborn prideful motherfucker, and refuses to let everything fall the way hx wants. so he’s determined to blast a third option onto the table—his own death, but not at sqx’s hands. and no fate switch either, if he’s relatively confident he’s the only one who can do it.
(swd would only die like that if he’s decently confident of hx’s character? if he saw through to hx’s bottom line in the options hx presented them—that hx’s not some mad fuck out for any desperate shred of revenge, but actually never once wants sqx dead. But, well, maybe swd just measured everything up and saw that if he lived for any longer, he’d only serve to bring further pain to himself and sqx.)
(sqx must be so fucking pissed swd wouldn’t let them choose the first option though)
so we get these through-lines of CHOICE. Isn’t it so fucking brilliant that SWD, with all his love for SQX, never once gave SQX a choice that matters, and HX’s pivotal introduction to SQX’s life is a choice. A choice that SQX made, by the way. I really do think that counts for something, and HX knows it.
SQX calling the wrong name—symbolizing his ignorance. Not knowing is complicity too, when you’re the beneficiary.
“Do you have anything you want to say to me?”—this is the first thing HX offers SQX after SWD’s death. why?
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bowtied-pasta · 3 years
Splendor and True
You know what it do 😩👌
“So,” Offender began. “Splendor, huh?”
True sighed. It had been a decent night, and now he wanted to grill her for the juicy stuff. It was supposed to just be movies, snacks and a sleep over at his. She didn’t know what she was expecting, honestly. The man was worse than middle school gossip, he wanted to know everything and he always had a way of finding out. It didn’t help that he could read her mind on occasion either.
“Okay, I get it. You don’t want to talk about it, but I think if anyone could help you, it would be me. Us being the same species and you not knowing much about our courting or the like.” He nudged her side gently, trying to coax her into admitting it.
She rolled her eyes, smiling up at him gently in amusement. Nudging him right back. “Don’t lie to me like that, you’re just nosey.”
He rolled his eyes, in his own way. So much like the way she did, but he didn’t have the organs to show for it. Always something interesting to notice with these men. “Okay, yeah. I want the hot, juicy details about my newest little pals not so little crush. Can you blame me? It’s not too often I get to be involved in a situation like this.”
Wearily watching him smile down at her, she felt rather targeted. “I... well. Fine. I do like him.”
He hardly got any time to have a victory moment at hearing he was right as she began spiraling on. “I like him very much but I can’t tell him because oh my god what if he doesn’t like me and he just tolerates my existence in his home until he can help me figure some stuff out and then he’ll send me on my way to do who knows what because he probably just plans to ship me off to my ancestor when we find him and its not that I’m not open to getting to know them when I find them, but I sure would like to stay with him and-“
She silenced when he placed his large hand on top of her head. “Hey. It’s not like that. I wouldn’t tell you to go after him unless I thought he liked you too. I mean, I like to play but that would be kind of cruel.”
She sighed, nodding as she plopped down onto the couch they were sitting on. She had to hand it to them, wherever these guys got their furniture from, it was always comfortable despite it being larger than what she was used to. Her human proportions making her feel like a child when sitting in any of their homes unless she traveled into proxy dwellings, more human sized accommodations always in those portions. “Yeah, okay... I just. Well, it’s like you said. I don’t understand the courting stuff. I’m afraid he doesn’t like me like that, I mean honestly, why would he want me? I may not be entirely human, but thats what I was raised as. I’m weird and I don’t conform to your norms and ideals. He has standing and a reputation, I offer him nothing that would better that.”
“That’s not what he cares about.” True looked over at him, watching as he shook his head and waved off her apparently ridiculous worries.
“Oh yeah?” She huffed, slightly miffed that he continued to brush off her worries without actually explaining why. “What gives you that idea?”
He appeared to think for a bit, over exaggerating by crossing his arms and humming in thought. She knew he was about to do something she would regret allowing, but he moved on before she could stop it. “Oh, you know, probably has something to do with the fact that he’s said things about you to me already.”
Her head shot up, looking at him incredulously. “He talks about me? Well, I mean I guess he would. I am living in his home.”
Tutting at her, he waggled his finger and smirked in her direction. “No, no. You don’t understand. He talks about you a lot. Oh, how did he word that one thing he said the other day? I think it went something like... ‘Oh! True is just so wonderful! Amazing! I don’t know how I got so lucky, finding her first.’”
She stared at him, frozen in astonishment at what he was doing. His voice had pitched upward, the gravel gone from his deep voice as he mocked the way Splendor’s tenor would sound. “Are you being serious right now?”
“Why ever would I kid about this!?” His hand flew to his chest, acting offended that she would accuse him of such behavior. “I am simply telling you of the time he said things such as ‘I just think she’s very cute, with her glasses and such pretty hair.’”
His voice pitched upward again, mocking Splendor again as his hands interlaced and he held them up to his face like the love sick saps in old cartoons, making her jump to Splendors defense. “Shut up, he doesn’t sound like that!”
He laughed, dismissing her rebuttal gently with a wave of his hand. “Oh yeah? Then what does he sound like, huh?”
“His voice is nice! It’s light and it almost always sounds so happy. Sometimes it makes me smile to hear it, even if it’s not me he’s talking to. And he calls me little nicknames sometimes, which is the only reason I gave him a nickname too, not that he knows that. He’s soft and careful and kind. He’s very patient with me, and it’s not just me either, he’s patient with his proxies too. And when he laughs, oh it’s wonderful, I work so hard to hear him laugh, to get him laughing because of me. And… well, his eyes are pretty. I know, they don’t have any color, but the way his eyes are is kind of like... if I look in them just right, then its like stars in a sky of darkness. I’ve only seen his hands maybe once or twice, and I think he probably hides them because of how scary he thinks they are, but I think they’re wonderful. Holdable. Kissable. They’re very pretty, and I can only assume the color tapers off, which must be wonderful to look at. I hope to one day get a chance to look at it myself. And I really like-“Her eyes widened as she slapped her hand over her mouth, whipping her gaze toward Offender who was looking down at her with a cocky grin.
“Got ya to talk, did I?” He chuckled at her. Patting her head as she processed her little splurge of simpery for Splendor. “You might as well keep going, little buddy. Better yet, write him a letter.”
She exhales heavily, crossing her arms and turning her head away from him. “Not that its any of your damn business, but I actually have. He will never, ever see them though. End of discussion. And now that I’ve divulged my feelings for Splendor at your demand, can we please watch the movie?”
The silence that followed was telling. He wasn’t done. No where close to it, in fact. She fought herself to keep her eyes locked to the screen, watching as a guy on screen jumped off of a cliff and into an ocean. She wasn’t sure where the movie was shot, but the waters were very pretty as they crashed against the rock face. Of course, the scene didn’t last very long, leaving her confused about the fate of the man. Though it seemed she wouldn’t find out what happened at all. No sooner than she had let her guard down had Fen appeared in front of the tv with some papers in his hands, making her jump at his sudden appearance, as she thought he hadn’t moved from his spot on the couch.
“Must you always pop in and out like that? By the way, you make a horrible window. We’re supposed to be watching a movie, remember?” She rolled her eyes before eyeing him closely. Taking a look at the papers in his hands, her eyes popped open wide in recognition. “No.”
His smile was answer enough, but he gave one anyway. “Oh, yes. They were quite easy to find actually.”
Shooting up off the couch, she tried to snatch the papers out of his hands before he could hold them any higher, but it was a losing battle as always with most enderbeings. Hopelessly tall while she was hopelessly short.
“Come on, please? You don’t need to read those, I promise they’re no good. Just the rambling of me at three am every day.” She poked and prodded at him desperately as she begged him to give her the papers back. She didn’t know how he had found them so easily, or even how he teleported to her room without alerting anyone to his presence, but she knew those were the letters to Splendor.
He remained silent as he seemed to skim over three of the letters. He took his sweet time, nudging her away with his leg if she managed to distract him too much, but he never looked away from the papers. She was thankful he wasn’t doing a live reading of it while mocking her voice, but this was still embarrassing regardless.
Finishing up the last letter, he merely folded it back into thirds and slotted it back into its envelope and handing her the whole stack with a large grin on his face. “Now that is what I’m talking about. You should just hand those to him, and while I admit staying still would be the most courageous and correct thing to do, you could always just toss them at him and run. Gets the confession out of the way.”
Indignant and fuming, she hugged the letters to her chest and glared up at Fen. “But I don’t know how he’ll take it. I mean… are the letters really okay? Could I really just give him these and expect it to be okay? What if-“
She gets cut off as he groans, dragging a hand down his face in obvious exasperation. “Honestly, you two are just insufferable. I can’t stand this for much longer. Look okay, if you don’t confess then I’ll act as your little birdy and let a certain someone know that a special someone loves them very much.”
The idea was terrifying, and as serious as he looked, she wanted to think he was joking. “He has no reason to like me. He’s so much older than me, not to mention more capable of things as well. I’m…. very human. I’m weak compared to all of you, and I mean… reading intent means nothing if I cant do anything about what they intend to do. I can’t just walk up to him and think a confession will go over well. I have no reason to think he could like me.”
She jolts when he flicks her forehead. Its nowhere near as hard as it could have been, but she yelps and covers the spot with her hand. She startles when he kneels down to her height suddenly and grabs her shoulder. “I don’t know how many times I’m gonna have to fucking say this True, but he doesn’t care about that shit. Never has. All of this,” he shakes the letters in his free hand. “You don’t need to say any of this. I know you think words are scary, so let me help you, okay?”
She took a moment to glance at the letters that would never be delivered. The pretty paper she had written them on bright and colorful and unavoidable. She should have just written them on white paper, then he likely wouldn’t have found them as quickly, if at all. “As long as you’re telling the truth, then I guess I’ll listen.”
He muttered what sounded like praises to the ceiling above him as he stood and led her back to the couch. “Good, now all you have to do is a few simple things, and I promise you’ll make him the happiest man alive.”
It was now a week later, and she found herself sitting on Splendor’s couch as he started up a movie. Movie nights happened once or twice a month, Splendor’s candy business getting rather time consuming lately, with paperwork and other things she really didn’t understand.
She hadn’t been taught much about his business, but she knew he was very successful and she really liked his products. He had gifted her test products before and had let her sample things before they went out. After having dragged her birthday out of her, he had even gifted her a basket of stuff that she had yet to get through even though it had been quite a while since her birthday.
“You haven’t seen this one before I think. It’s a bit old, in terms of what I’m sure you’re used to watching, but it’s in color.” He laughed as he sat next to her. Getting comfortable in the blankets that were piled around the two of them.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine.” She watched him nuzzle into the blankets before he handed her the bucket of popcorn to hold. She stuttered over herself as she remembered what she needed to do now that they were here. “Besides… I’m with you, right? Can’t be too bad if you picked it out.”
He took her statement at face value it seemed, and softly hummed before patting her head and hitting play on the remote. For a moment she thought maybe Fen really was wrong and Splendor didn’t like her that way. But just as she was about to zone out while staring at the screen to remove herself into her thoughts, she felt something wrap around her under the blankets.
She stayed still as it did, knowing it was one of his tendrils. She took a minute to enjoy it, waiting for the movie to become a little interesting before leaning against his side. She fought to stay casual when she felt eyes on her, not wanting to appear tense. Next would come the hardest part, but she supposed it was only difficult because she understood the meaning behind such a gesture now.
We she felt him relax again, and she was sure he was watching the movie instead of her, she moved one of her hands through the blankets in search of his tendril. Finding it had somehow wrapped around her under all the blankets and had managed to stay outside of her shirt. Regardless of his mastery with the appendage, she set her mind back on track as she lightly grazed her fingertips over it while in search of the tip.
She found the bell with little trouble and grabbed just under it before bringing it up through the blankets and toward her face. She didn’t dare look up at him, she already knew he was watching her. Fighting through the blush rising on her face and the butterflies tearing through her body that made her jittery and nervous, she brought the bell up for a little smooch.
The near moment her lips disconnected from the bell, she felt herself get pushed gently against the back of the couch and he suddenly had a soft grip on her chin, tilting her head back to make her look up at him. His cheeks were more flushed than normal, his eyes locked on hers as he stared her down while seemingly taking a moment to think on what to say. “Do you mean it?”
Did she mean it? She doesn’t understand how she couldn’t. It would be hard for that to be a mistake, and honestly if it hadn’t of been for Fen’s help then she wouldn’t have even known to do it. “Yes.”
She yelped suddenly when she found herself pulled onto his lap. Blankets tangled around her body acting as annoyances when she discovered she was practically bound by them. Regardless, she couldn’t get away if she wanted to. The tendril wrapped around her ensured that.
“If you’re sure you know what it means.” His face hovered closer to hers, his eyes searching her face for any doubts.
“Yes. I… liked you for a while now. I accept.” Her hands found a comfortable resting spot as her arms rested over his shoulders, only bringing them closer.
Silence ruled for a moment before she felt a hand tangle in her hair. The distance closed rather quickly, despite the softness on the kiss. It was a gentle, loving and warm kiss. Conveying finally being able to do what he had been longing to do for a while.
She was struck stupid when they finally parted, gently panting to catch her breath as her glassy eyes met his again. Letting out a muffled noise of surprise, she barely had time to catch her breath at all before he went in for another kiss. This one a little more desperate than the last. His tongue teasing along her lips until she allowed him to deepen it in her shock.
Shaking and desperate for oxygen, her brain went fuzzy and she moaned at the current assault her emotions had on her body. Light, fuzzy and warm. The feel of his lips on hers and his tongue exploring her mouth was something she hadn’t dared to think about before, but it was mind consuming.
She struggled not to embarrass herself when they separated by leaning back in for more. Finding him a little starstruck while looking down at her. Softly panting while she was near gasping for air. “Well then… uh… this makes us significant others. Yes. Right.”
He chuckled at her, moving his hand to instead begin combing through her hair, watching fondly as it made her melt against him and attempt to lean into his touch. “It makes us mates, schatz. Of course, were not mated, but that can come later. Much later, if you’d prefer. However it works out.”
She hummed, relaxing against his chest as he played with her hair. The movie still playing the background of little interest to either of them anymore. His next words made her eyes open as she tensed though. “Now, who told you about the tendril thing?”
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fluffycloudtemple · 3 years
r/Yogscast Sjin Megathread highlighted comments, part 2
Posting some great comments from the r/Yogscast Sjin Megathread for emphasis. There were lots of good comments (mixed in with too many bad ones), but I thought these encapsulated the situation the best.
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[Image descriptions below jump]
Image 1: Reddit comment from EternalGanghi:
"It's kinda sickening. Similar thing happened to Achievement Hunter and the company and fans damn near totally denounced Ryan Haywood. He tried to get back on twitch after a couple months and everyone reported him and got him deplatformed. "The amount of people here who are just 'Eh, don't subscribe if you don't like him' is horrible. There hasn't been a single scrap of evidence showing his trying to get better. Even so, it's known he used his old channel to connect with his victims. At minimum that channel needs to be shut down so he doesn't get all the free subs from people who never unsubbed."
Image 2: Reddit comment from rpgamer987, followed by a comment from JazzBoatman:
Comment 1: "I'm not sure I'd even be comfortable with a redirect video, personally. Dude deserves absolutely none of the audience he built, after clearly demonstrating abusive behavior. "A small reminder as well that there were plenty of 'second chances' as accusations were trickling in for years prior. He could've at any point made an effort to be better, to not continue that behavior, and chose his path. "It's honestly just a little bit mind boggling to think how every step of the way he's made, and continues to make, some pretty awful choices. "As you said, 'no signs of change.'"
Comment 2: "Dude deserves no audience full stop. Ever.
Image 3: Reddit comment from Krankelibrankelfnatt:
"I think that there's a lot of people who are unaware just like you were, and I think that it's sadly because of how the whole issue was handled by the Yogscast. They should have been a lot more candid and cleared the air as it happened, but instead we only got a few vague messages from a few people and then Sjin quietly disappeared. "They are using much harsher words now, but it's too late. The fact that he wasn't properly denounced and his actions made public two years ago, means that loads and loads of people who looked up to Sjin just didn't know why he was let go, and are now eagerly awaiting his next videos. His channel still has tons of subscribers and I would guess that the majority of them will watch his new content not knowing what he did. The Yogscast should have tried their hardest to take away his platform, but they did essentially nothing, and now his platform remains for him to just hop on to again."
Image 4: Reddit comment from Krankelibrankelfnatt, replying to an unknown person, followed by a comment from GroundbreakingRow402:
Comment 1:
"If they don't want exactly what happened to them and the likely very personal details of their own trauma on full display, then that's their call.
"Sorry but you are missing my point. By 'actions made public' I obviously don't mean that that every single person's dealings with Sjin should be publicly exposed with detailed descriptions of what he did. I am saying that they should have made it clear how serious, and of what nature, his transgressions were, no names or specifics given, and made it clear that he was kicked out of the Yogscast due to it. "As it was handled, it sounded like he didn't really do anything wrong in particular, and that he mostly left of his own free will because of bad vibes and was a casualty by proxy of the 'big cleansing' that led to Turps and Caff being kicked out, because he did something mildly inappropriate that was blown out of proportion. The whole thing was handled with silk gloves when it really should have been met with a clear statement that made it obvious that he was kicked out due to his disgusting behaviour."
Comment 2: "Absolutely. I still cannot believe the statement Lewis made about his departure, and of course the infamous 'fuck you' stream is the worst thing that's happened in the Yogscast. Similarly, this subreddit not allowing any comments whatsoever about Sjin has been very damaging."
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bi-kisses · 3 years
Imagine being so darn stupid and pressed about what a few consenting adults do behind closed doors! LMAO! What are these people? Catholics? Like chill out, stay out of peoples business. They arent hurting you. They arent involving you. It isnt about you. It isnt harmful. So shut the fuck up! Stop putting your nose where it isnt needed.
They're so invested in finding any particular way it could be Bad and thus they have to blow everything out of proportion and bend over backwards to involve children or the general public. Like... The vast vast majority of pro kink people will agree 1) it shouldn't be easily accessible to children 2) it shouldn't be public 3) people shouldn't have to know/hear about it if they don't want to. And yet they fixate on every instance where it HAS gone awry and affected children, as if that means we should condemn every individual act of BDSM thereafter.
You don't hear them freaking out about how religions are horrible for children or how they don't want religions pushed upon them or their kids or the horrendous things people do behind the shield of "God's will" or a botched scripture interpretation. You don't hear them losing their shit over people who hunt recreationally and take pleasure in killing wild animals. You don't hear them focusing on the ways competitive sports destroy the bodies and minds of its top athletes. The second it touches sex, a taboo subject, all bets are off and it's the end of the goddamn world for a girl to enjoy being choked while she gets railed, even when no harm is done, when it's shown that the changes in air and blood flow can create extremely pleasurable responses, even when she's perfectly safe and can tap out any time. It's always "what if!!!" Or "how about this time when-" like bitch I'm sorry but kids have been decapitated going down water slides, people die all the time while rock climbing, the psychological effects of even casually smoking weed regularly are actually substantiated, and not a single damn thing about kinky sex is a unique or pressing issue.
If they're so worried about the psychology of it all, how come they avoid all real psychological studies regarding kink like the plague? If they care so much about dangerous sex, why aren't they actually talking about preventive measures to keep people safe? What about using things as lube that you shouldn't? I can guaran-fucking-tee that's a WAY bigger issue that does more physical damage to more people, as a yeast infection can transfer between partners like you wouldn't believe and, untreated, can become even worse shit.
It's ALL about the puritanical feeling that sex must be done just so or else. There's not an ounce of logic behind it.
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