#i know this isnt the intention the game is presenting
mymp3 · 2 years
oh btw p3 update, i think im a little over half ways through.
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
Sonic actually got upset with anyone in the comics who referred to him as either Ogilvie or Mautrice, this included his own Comic dad so even if it was canon then it wouldn't mean anything.
(If it was canon then it would just be like how Tails is really named Miles, it never comes up so it legit wouldn't matter (I do want at least one person in canon to call Tails Miles, I want to know how he canonically reacts to it))
the name olgilvie was never actually used in the comics though? his middle name being maurice is mentioned a couple times but his first name from before he started going by sonic was always left unknown. the idea of his first name being olgilvie just comes from ken penders saying that he wanted to make that sonics name. but this was never actually brought up in the comics, it wasnt mentioned by any of the characters and it wasnt on any of sonics character profiles either. other writers for the comic have even said that sonics name ISNT olgilvie. so acting like its canon is just. idk. are we really gonna accept everything ken penders says he would have done with sonic as canon regardless of if its actually mentioned in the comics or not? because thats a terrible idea
also regarding tails's full name: he hates the name miles in aosth. but he doesnt seem to have a problem with it in other continuities, i can think of a couple times hes used it himself or other characters have called him that and he wasnt upset by it or anything
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ganondoodle · 19 days
since i have seen this argument pop up again and again and now its used to defend the minecraft movie
i really hate the argument that something, be it a movie or a game, can be as shitty as it wants when its primarily aimed at kids (or people THINK it is aimed mostly at kids) bc its 'just for kids'
like children are lesser an stupid? like they arent incredibly impressionable and deserve good movies? im not saying they should only watch critical acclaimed drama movies, but you can make a movie 'for kids' AND make it good, its been done before, sure there will always be shit movies, and thats fine, but dismissing any kind of criticism towards them bc "its just for kids" feels so unecessarily mean spirited towards children, like they are little people in wildly different stages of development!! they can think too!!
'kids' itself is such a wide range that i feel its not very useful as a category anyway, a 5 year old isnt the same as an 11 year old, both of them should get good things, and both can watch or play things they may not completely understand yet! i grew up with shrek, and while a big parody and haha fart humor movie, they (1+2) have an incredibly strong core, i didnt udnerstand them fully when i was little, so what? i still enjoyed them, i felt more connected to them than any disney movie (bc hey .. the monster is the main guy and no they dont all turn into conventionally pretty humans as the ultimate reward- i felt othered throughout my life too) and i still do, theres jokes and themes and meaning i understood fully only when i was rewatching them as an adult, i still enjoy them even at 27
and like, shouldnt it ESPECIALLY matter what children watch? (not in the puritan brain worm way) bc they are ... people in development?? do you think if they just sit down and watch shitty movies and play games that dont challenge them at all, be it thinking critically or emotionally, all day it wont have an affect on them??
(im sorry to bring up totk again, but that 'its for kids' argument has been used to defend it so much too, and its so incredibly annoying to me, ah yes, its puzzles are all skippable or easy as shit bc its main target are kids and children are stupid and shouldnt be challenged ever, the story is a simple fairytale type deal maybe to you, but contains alot of harmful stereotypes that have led to real world harm and its repeated unquestionably while offering nothing intersting to think or engage with, theres a reason alot of childrens media contains alot of stereotypes to propaganda even but its just for kids of course its not propaganda bc kids are stupid and cant understand that lol BECAUSE they are so impressionable, if a series 'for kids' only lets the girls be in frilly pink dresses and do 'girly' stuff do you not think that wil affect how they think about themselves??
if they keep seeing the light skinned blonde heroe stab the unquestioned evil arab stereotype bc he wants to take over your holy land bc hes just 'evil' and is never ever humanized in any way and only presented as a monster, while the good little maiden princess does everything she can to support her hero in shiny armor with big sad doe eyes and pretty little white dress- do you not think it will affect them? if it were an isolated incidence perhaps not much, but its a stereotype perpetuated to such a degree that you think its just 'how fairytales go'? yeah, you have been influenced by these portrayals, they are working as intented- and if they are used as such in media without the writer intending to influence you that way? thats even worse bc it means it has been so normalized to think that way people dont even realize it- while alot of real people in the world are ganondorf, they are demonized and dehumanized, others think of them as inherently evil.. but its just a "simple fairytale"
yes i know children can also question things on their own, but you shouldnt assume that comes naturally and then also in just the correct way, i questioned why i was just doing whatever the talking boat told me to do when i first played windwaker as a kid, but more bc i liked how ganondorf looked and hated being told things to do without a good reason being given (autism much?), 'evil' didnt do it for me, but that doesnt mean i knew he was an evil arab stereotype, i didnt like tetra turning white as zelda, bc i thought she looked cooler before and i didnt like 'girly' things myself, not bc i knew it was whitewashing
-not saying media should be free of anything 'problematic', the problem is how its presented and never questioned or engaged with critically and then that stupid argument being used to dismiss it like children are both unable to think and not influencable somehow-)
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this one isnt my best writing (the story itself is goofy but it was taken directly from a dream so whatever) but i think the illustration came out good enough
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[ID: an illustration of a dead guy slumped over on a table, decomposing flesh and slop all over the place. a guy who appears to be some sort of investigating personnel stands beside him, prodding his shoulder with a pen.]
story under cut:
I never really cared for livestreams. It always seemed like a hell of a commitment, sitting down and watching somebody in real time, not being able to turn my focus away lest I miss something exciting. They always seem to stretch on for hours, too. Who has time to watch all that? Well, I guess if somebody has time to stream it, somebody has time to watch. Anyway, that doesn't make a difference to me. I don't have time to sit around watching a four hour stream. I liked this guy's videos, though. That's why I decided to take a look.
I had no intention of sticking around for the whole thing, of course. I popped in a few minutes after it started to see what was going on. The title advertised some new game he was planning on sharing, but he hadn't started yet. I had stuff to do, and I didn't feel like sitting and waiting while he dicked around, so I closed out. I'd peek in again later to see if anything interesting was going on.
The next time I opened the stream, he was dead.
It hadn't been more than twenty minutes, but there he was, hunched over, face down on the desk. Lifeless. The chat was frantic. I could barely read the messages as they sped by, but I gathered that he'd been like that for a while now. Chilled and bewildered, I closed the stream again. I didn't know what to make of it. What do you do? What can you do? Unsettled, with a vague feeling of responsibility for the situation that I couldn't do a damn thing about, I went on with my chores.
I carried on with my day, feeling disoriented and unable to get the image of the dead gamer out of my mind. What the hell could have happened? As I mindlessly scrubbed away at the pan that had been soaking in the sink since last night, I wondered if the stream was still going. I wondered if he lived alone. How long would it go? Until somebody found him? Until his equipment stopped working? Hours, days? Would he decompose on the internet for all to see? Would people watch?
Unable to stop thinking about it, I gave in to curiosity and tuned back in. There was a woman in the frame now, sniffling wetly and speaking softly to somebody just out of the shot. The dead man remained still in his place. I gathered that she was his wife, and that whoever was in the room with her–aside from the corpse, I mean–was some sort of first responder. That was about all I could gather; the conversation was nearly inaudible.
A sudden wave of disgust came over me. I had no business watching this. A complete stranger's grief and horror at the loss of her husband, the undignified slump of a man who could no longer present himself, vague murmurs of their private life. I quickly exited the window and shut my laptop. I hadn't bothered to look and see if anybody else was still watching, but I didn't have to; there was no doubt that somebody was. Probably a bunch of people. I couldn't blame them. It was morbid, certainly, and invasive beyond words, but who wouldn't be curious? Interested, even?
As a matter of fact, I was curious. I was interested. I lasted a while longer, but the pull grew too strong to resist. Once again, with a hesitant hand, I reopened my computer.
There were a number of people in the room now, police, EMTs, what have you. Most of them were just milling about, but two were examining the corpse. Christ, didn't they realize they were live? Could nobody see the camera? Wouldn't the wife have known he'd be streaming? I nearly closed my computer again, disturbed by the unintentional broadcast of such a private moment, but something caught my attention. I wish it hadn't.
One man was knelt beside the body, poking and prodding and dictating notes for another to jot down on his pad. The examiner began feeling around the back of the dead gamer's neck, and as he did, the skin and meat began sloughing off in wet chunks, sliding away from the tendons and leaving clean bone behind. Nobody in the room seemed particularly alarmed by this, but I was dumbfounded. He'd only been dead a few hours, if that long! What the hell could make a person rot like that?
I watched as the examiner continued maneuvering the body around. In spite of his careful movements, the corpse continued to come apart, flesh sliding off like unset jello, skin opening up like wet paper to reveal caverns of pus. I couldn't see the wife, but she was still in the room; I could hear her crying. It was a funeral sort of crying, soft and subdued, not the horrified shrieks I'd expect of somebody watching her husband rapidly decompose into a pile of chum, but then, nobody seemed all that horrified.
At this point, I was invested. I turned up my volume, listening closely, hoping to pick out something that might explain the gruesome display, but with no success. The conversation was hushed, sounding almost as though it were coming from another room, and while I could make out a fragment of a word here and there, the rest was unintelligible. How that was possible was beyond me; the dead man had a fantastic microphone, and the sound had been fine at the start of the stream. As a matter of fact, even now I could clearly hear the sound of birds chirping and cars passing by–not outside my house, but his. Dogs barking in the distance, the footsteps of a jogger fading in and away. The background noise was perfectly clear. The chatter taking place right in that very room, however, was muffled ambient noise.
The impromptu autopsy taking place all over the living room floor was nauseating to watch, but I didn't have to endure it much longer. The stream ended without warning. Maybe his computer died, or somebody knocked a connection loose, who knows. I felt a sense of relief in knowing I couldn't peek back in again, but I also felt thoroughly shaken. What the hell? What the hell had just happened? I couldn't make sense of it, and I supposed I'd make myself nuts if I tried. I closed my computer. I had a feeling I wouldn't open it again for some time. I remained there for a moment, staring blankly at the wall. Then, with nothing better to do, I pulled myself up and got back to washing the dishes.
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alebrijediscordico · 3 months
i need to sleep soon, but i've been rotating pastra's new video with his own retelling of the jeff the killer creepypasta and. mein gott……
first of, Go Watch 🔫
and second of, spoilers under the cut, bc im gonna ramble abt it now!!
so there's thing ive noticed of a few rewrites i have read before is that many times the authors take a lot of creative liberties while rewriting and, well, many of them interested me a lot ngl! most of them are full rewrites with almost no similarities to the og story that isnt the characters and maybe one or two plot points, and i think about them and it amazes me how one can change a characters story and still make it feel like the same character
but the thing about pastra's rewrite, is that they understands Who jeff the killer is and What jeff is, and not only gives the original story's Feeling an actual structure, but a Why for it too
and that starts with the who. jeff is a villain in most narratives that had included him before, even if the original creepypasta aimed (?) for him to be sort of the empathetic, like. back then he was but a kid, maybe a violent one, but a kid that fell to his most destructive urges nevertheless (and with this extra, irrational fear that i think was more of a personal observation when i first hear of this creepypasta when i was Really young, of "oh god, what if turn out like Him" since he was around my age then, but anyways.)
but this jeff is not a kid anymore, is actually of college age, and for most of this rewrite's narrative he is this looming terror on the loose; death with a rotting, self made smile. and as more things are revealed, and both the detectives and audience get closer to jeff, at first one would think is going with the same, empathetic route like the original, with the bullies and stuff, but since we already know how that goes, pastra actually Uses that to get people by surprise and… no, he isn't just a kid, or in this case a man, Driven to madness by circumstances. he starts a villain, ends a villain
which perfectly pictures what jeff as a concept was and is in essence:
a brutal, unpredictable force of violence; a monster
and that's what makes him scary again, because he is still a human after all, but his actions slowly take away that until only his appearance, no matter how mutilated it is by that point, is what anchors him to his humanity; a tether to it made out of a spider's web string
like i remember listening to the narration in the background while playing splatoon some days ago, and sometimes having to pause the game just to listen more attentively. and in some parts, specially towards the end, making me actually feel kinda scared, not only for liu (which is also Very well written and the role he plays to connect jeff's past to the present and reveal his true intentions is Amazing), but for every single one of the witnesses too
and then that part. that one part after staying convinced most of the video that this rewrite would follow a similar plot as the original, liu says "but no. it was just… jeff" LIKE- that legit gave me Chills, and minutes after jeff's infamous phrase Actually used well??? like as i said, this actually brought back some of that fear from the original, tho it mostly impressed me for the execution, but genuinely what the fuck (legit said out loud while listening "are they gonna- no they won't- HE DID…")
n. well, this is less about the creepypasta now, but just me thinking how good pastra's storytelling is, the story's structure feels so clean and interconnected, the pacing is so nice but it has that touch of his that is across all his videos. and the voice acting!! the man genuinely sounded insane when jeff did, is incredible :D
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ditzydoodiary · 10 months
autistic ramble about twilight sparkle because i love her sm and shes my fave autistic comfort character !!!
this took a really long time to make, and im really proud of it, so any reblogs/reshares would be appreciated ! especially if you like mlp !!
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when people say she isnt autistic, i always find myself very surprised. i think to myself, have these people even watched the show??because yes, while the writers and lauren faust may not have intended for her to be explicitly autistic, she is very clearly portrayed that way, intentional or not. not to mention that lauren faust (creator of friendship is magic) has recently responded to a tweet saying that she thought pinkie pie being adhd was obvious; lauren faust has adhd herself, so its not surprising that so many of the mlp fim characters also posess many of the same traits as her. and i also raise the question; if she thought pinkie pie was obvious as having adhd, then why would twilight be any different?? she is very clearly autistic, but i dont think twilight's obvious neurodivergence has been addressed by lauren yet (unless im wrong of course, but i just haven't found anything about it when ive searched for it).
anywho, to list just a few of twilight's autistic traits:
- trouble socialising and making friends (this is literally the main plot point of the first few seasons and is even still present in the later seasons, so its not like this was just a one time thing). an example of this would be in the very first episode when twinkleshine, lemon hearts, and minuette invite her to moondancer's party; she awkwardly declines, saying that she needs to catch up on her studying instead. to this the other ponies say, "ugh, does that pony do anything except study? i think shes more interested in books than friends"
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- she has a very obvious special interest in reading, books, research, and the study of pony magic. she indulges in these interests to such a level where she often loses track of time and stays awake all night, and often misses out on opportunities to socialise with her friends. when she cant indulge in them, she gets upset. this ties into finding comfort in routines, too.
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- taking things literally (e.g: that part in "look before you sleep" where she takes rarity's statement about them getting warmer in regards to playing a game literally). look before you sleep is also a great episode showing her need to have everything planned out; in this episode, twilight has her first slumber party, and uses a slumber party planning book as a guide. she thinks has to follow every single instruction in the exact same order, and when rarity and applejack dont oblige, she gets upset.
- HEAVILY relies on schedules and planning. she utilises all kinds of lists; visual lists, written lists, checklists, etc. when she's unable to stick to her routines/plans, she becomes irrationally upset and/or angry, lashes out at other people and can have meltdowns. this is again shown all throughout the show, but is more prominent in the episode "lesson zero".
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- LOVES organising, lining things up, and finding visual patterns in all sorts of things. she'll often just do this for fun and as a way to calm down, while others might find this more of a chore. i suppose this can be done as a form of visual stimming? I don't really know what this is called; but i know a lot of autistic people do it. i suppose this could also tie into needing routines and structure, as organising things can help autistic people feel more in control and can provide a sense of stability.
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- she can often come off as insensitive or rude without meaning to, and sometimes she struggles with tone as well as being quite blunt. this is most likely due to her misunderstanding or being unable to read typical social cues. this could also perhaps be linked to low empathy, which is something a fair few individuals on the spectrum experience. this is especially true in the earlier seasons, but still shown in the later seasons as well.
- twilight also struggles with regulating her emotions and having meltdowns; this is typically the result of her needs not being properly met and her routines being changed. and when she's not having full blown meltdowns, she can at least be seen being snappy towards her friends when overwhelmed.
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- stimming !!! oh boy does she stim a lot. stomping her hooves, jumping up and down, PACING (this is a big one), teleporting spontaneously when overwhelmed, flapping her wings, etc. in fact, twilight once paced so hard for so long that she made a groove in the floor without even realising !! (this was seen in the episode "its about time" - which is also a good episode that showcases her autistic traits)
- shes also sometimes shown struggling with overstimulation; in the third episode of the series, "the ticket master", twilight gets overwhelmed by her friends crowding around her and loudly shouting, resulting in her running off and snapping at them.
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- shes often shown struggling with generalised anxiety, which is another common trait of autism.
and the best part is, this is obviously a common occurrence, and her friends fully support her through her struggles !!! her meltdowns, overthinking and anxiety are so frequent, that her friends know exactly what to do and how to help her.
obviously, this isn't every trait, this is just all the surface level stuff !!
i would have included more video and photo examples, but tumblr has a limit on how many you can add to a post :( i hope i still got my point across despite that !!
all in all, i think she's wonderful autistic representation !! even if this wasn't intentional, i still think it's great and love the way her personality and traits were portrayed. the main character of a children's show possessing these traits is awesome and something you don't see too often !! i hope lauren or at least someone on the production team talks about this, because it means a lot to myself and many other autistic people who love mlp <3
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kijosakka · 7 months
alejandro,,, so fun <3 OKAY I HAVE MANY AN IDEA SO TO BEGIN WITH: panopticon
as established, panopticon is a Thing in this au mainly as a theme (but also a very very big influence in the creation of this in the first place).
panopticon itself refers to an institutional/prison design wherein a central guard tower and the construction thereof makes the prisons unable to tell if theyre being watched at any given moment; thus, self regulation.
^ dramaturgy, as an AU, focuses on noah acting ‘in accordance’ with the cameras in a genre-savvy adjacent manner; he self regulates. the ‘central guard tower’ to him is the audience.
to alejandro, however, the audience is not a variable. his competing does not factor in the audience and public the way noahs does; instead, his focus is shifted to his castmates.
to slot it in now, im talking about alejandros perception of the audience and the perception of him thereof (which, this and the above will be compounded upon with the stuff below further explaining alejandros facade/masking).
^ again, the audience just isnt a necessary variable to alejandro (at least, beyond *his family). playing in the manner he is, orchestrating and manipulating, you just cant fit in the time to placate the audience to make them love you. the more important thing is the opinions of his castmates, who are the real variables impacting his win.
and so, in short, alejandro is polarizing. people love a villain, but there is still the in-universe distinction of it being a reality show. it is real people; so, some part of TD’s audience will account that and denounce alejandro for being so comfortable in manipulating his peers so shamelessly.
[*his family, as seen in canon, seems to be something he is acutely aware of. he would be aware of how he presents himself, and would do so in a manner pleasing to them.
this is not to say hes unaware of the audience. he knows theyre there and speaks directly to them in the confessionals in a shifted manner (exaggerated/nitpicked for the purposes of this AU).
< where most characters speak about their competition to the audience, alejandro often speaks directly to the audience. tiniest distinction but i feel i should make it and emphasize it]
and now,, his actual facade; what it portrays, what it hides, and the reasons/motivations.
^ restating another post (ty ophe), alejandro has a mask of a person hiding antagonism. he acts like an idealist version of his actual person; kind, sensible, intelligent, considerate. athletic, helpful, goodhearted, compassionate, attractive to boot. taken to an extreme, holier-than-thou and patronizing. diminished, way overcompensatory, or maybe doormat-ish.
while this version of noah comes off as uncanny valley because no real person is so detached and lifeless, no real person is so perfect either. alejandro would trigger the same bells but to a much, much lesser degree. more like there were pieces of a puzzle missing rather than something distinctly wrong.
because alejandro seems like a person, he portrays depths and facets to himself (while all positive), and interacts with his castmates like how people interact with people.
it is, again, a the veil of an idealist person hiding antagonism. i don’t think alejandro is a cartoonishly antagonistic, unremorseful supervillain character (and hes not really portrayed as such in canon, but just to say), but he is absolutely not the perfection he portrays himself as.
now is a great time to add that alejandros mask heavily relates back to the expectations his family pushes on him; not only is it good socially (for the purposes of the competition) but theres probably a sense of validation there aswell (if shallow, because its still not an appreciation of the ‘real’ him).
^ and thats a Thing as well, the ‘real’ alejandro. flawed and imperfect, able to be irritable and snappy and meanspirited with arrogance hiding the cracks of overwhelming inferiority. as a person, that is, in intent for the game hes, well, an eel. conniving and slippery and manipulative and sly and vindictive and unapologetic.
and as for reasons,, staying in line with the burromuertos ‘high society’ position in this AU, maybe it was something like a way to prove himself; he works the social game and shows business promise because of it, and brings a hefty sum of money home to his family that he earned.
and his facade is an easy one, not only a way to show a sense of professionalism and keep the burromuerto name ‘untainted’ by blatantly unsavory behavior similar to someone like duncan, but a way to keep his castmates none the wiser while the steals the money from under them.
BUT within the au itself things umm do not go to plan as noah makes it his mission to unmask alejandro as just as fake as he himself is.
which brings about the topic of a very specific cast relationship: noah and alejandro
as,, yk,, the backbones of his entire au (ok its more like nervous systems. noah is central and alejandro is peripheral) i want to save a full digging into their relationship and developments for another post entirely (probably going episode by episode until pre london focusing mostly on alejandro, and then another post after i figure out the actual events of WT going through the changed canon)
but to just go through it very quickly; noah doesnt trust alejandro and sees through him. alejandro eventually catches wind of the fact that noah doesnt trust him, and i imagine it would trigger a wondering of how? spurred on by noahs whole ‘no substance’ thing.
and besides, nobody has anything on noah despite him being their castmate going on 3 years now. and now that he’s thinking about it, what does he himself really know about noah in the same way he knows things about the rest of the cast? that’s interesting. *
^ i imagine alejandro would be wary but not worried about noah knowing, simply because of the passive nature he’s read of the other. < poor alejandro. it is not nearly that easy.
[*interesting,,, i will cover that more on the actual post going ep by ep for their relationship. because i do have Thoughts]
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streaminn · 1 year
Wednesday realizing her budding romantic relationship with Enid is suddenly in jeopardy by two girls who are already upfront with their intentions is so funny though, like I can imagine her first thought being murder, this is no longer a love triangle this is the hunger games big prize being a wonderful and confident werewolf gf
Wednesday: (Threatening with a knife) get back, you savages! You had your chance!
Enid: Willa?????
Not that she would be so upfront and obvious about it, but I can IMAGINE Enid presenting her as her “roomie” and Wednesday just death glaring harder than she has done ever before, meanwhile Enid is just (understandably) lost and begging Yoko for help, and Yoko thinks it’s absolutely hilarious and there is already a betting pool on which shorty with an attitude will win
Listen, I think witnessing Enid be absolutely distraught for two years with two separate girls than she did with Ajax could be proof that Enid needs some love in her life
Like pheobe left Enid quiet when the second semester of junior year came in and she wouldn't say a damn thing abt her experience. The only proof that smth happened are those posts this pheobe did on Enid's phone and pictures that Enid would look at sometimes before she locked them away
Bc dammit, I feel so bad for the amount of whump I put her through so I'm letting her be chased and feel the love of someone that could've went so well
Unfortunately life don't work like that, soooo
Enid moves on, slowly then she meets Tara during the start of senior year and it's this whirlwind all over again. Except her ass got in the middle of a murder mystery that lasts for three to four days and Enid doesn't know if what she's truly feeling is romance or the high of nearly dying bonding them together
In the end, it doesn't matter and so they hug it out and Enid is thinking this might just be her love life, drifting from person to person and losing parts of herself to a what could've been
So when smth is could happen with Wenclair near the end of senior year, Enid is rightfully afraid because she doesn't want to lose wednesday. There's something terrifying about high-school ending and realizing that their friendship could end with it too
So when February rolls around with Wenclair still skirting along each other, the girls roll in and holy shit the way the gang were vibing in Jericho did not at all expect Enid to freeze
And yknow your chances are on the line because Enid isnt insecure. Okay that's a lie, she is a lil bit, but shes brave at times and it says something that when a girl with leather jacket walks in, Enid fucking dives behind yoko
Wednesday thinks it's a potential murder victim, maybe it's an old girl who bullied her loathed love
Except leather jacket goes "Enid!" with the biggest smile ever and is Enid looking shy!? The wolf is peaking out of Yoko's shoulder, giving a wave as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear with a nervous grin
The werewolf hasn't blushed since junior year, who tf is this girl
"pheobe," Enid breathes and oh hell no, the way Wednesday went from fingering her knife to full on grasping it has the rest of the gang looking at her
Safe to say Enid ditches them and Wednesday is left sulking at the table, glaring daggers at the back of the werewolf because what in the nine circles of hell is this!?
Enid's distracted the whole weekend after that and like okay, Wednesday understands, Enid can have friends but she misses her roommate like a man missing his lung. Everything is damn unbearable without her and so it's a relief when Monday comes around because Enid is studious, surely there is-
There's a college student introduced to them in biology class, said to be staying there for a week to figure out more about outcasts
Nevermore, ever so accepting and willing to bridge a gap between normies and outcasts accepted the offer off a student staying for a bit, absolutely ecstatic at this chance
Alright, normally wednesday wouldn't care until Enid freezes once again in the corner of her eyes.
Something drops in the seers gut and a horrible festering feeling churns
Yoko is out, having skipped the lesson so there is one empty seat next to the werewolf. Wednesday has no good reason to stab the teacher for their convoluted plan because it was simply understandable to put the new outlier in an empty seat
(she might spike their drink in pettyness however)
So Wednesday watches with a tight jaw as this normie went and slipped her hand into Enid's so easily that it left the watcher green with envy
"enid," tara says and she's looking at her roommate like she's the reason she lives. It's disgusting because wednesday recognizes it like it's her own face
"told you we'd meet again," enid chirps and she looks delighted. "I didn't expect it to be like this tho!"
It's another one, Wednesday thinks and her pen snaps in half.
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meatsex · 9 months
No pressure nor ill will, but as someone who has had past bad experiences with vinesauce fanartists, I'd like to know if you could possibly talk about your intent when you draw vinesauce art in such niche themes, large quantities, as well as basically drawing gore of real people. I like your art in general, but with some VS art, I don't know how to feel about it, due to the lack of insight to the author's intent, so that is all I'd like to have clarified, if possible.
im going to reply to this because you asked nicely, otherwise i wouldnt and ill say why at the end
i dont know what exactly falls in "niche theme", but these are things you will find not just in my VS art but in any kind of art i do: crossovers (vocaloid songs), parodies (shared line with crossovers), violent acts put on a comedic spotlight or in the reverse case, situations that are violent in nature but presented as comedic put through a more realistically violent light (literally see gen loss vinny anvil scene)
also see: my t/rent reznor art, my t/im and e/ric art
saying "basically drawing gore of real people" is strange, while i wont deny the definiton of gore applies to something as "blood covered person", its usually a term thats always been reserved and used for way more lethal things, like dismembering and maiming. with subjects and media that doesnt have an "established limit of how much you can put someone in a violent situation", ill top it to just drawing things like what i first mentioned, how does this judgement apply to what i draw then? let's use vlinny which seems like a good example with lots of fandom history too:
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(taken from his vinesauce wiki page) "his clone flesh will dissolve", while this isnt a vinesauce licensed trademarked (tm) description of a character, but rather a fanmade one, it still applies to what makes his basis, so, therefore: drawing vlinny with melting skin is okay because this is literally something that has been established by the person who came up with it, HOWEVER, anything farther or more violent than that while could still be true to the nature of the character, is something id preferably not to draw because it would cross the boundary of what has been visibly established by the source. this would be the same as me drawing joel ripping apart a demon from doom
BUT WAIT, what about the "hereditary" drawings? ill hand you the benefit of doubt and worry for these ones, because while they are a parody of one of the main characters (dont look this up if you dont want spoilers), i cant just draw a streamer dismembered and say "well duh its okay cuz its a parody", thats not how anyone's ideals should work, but i bring up the point again of limiting myself to what i consider is fair game established by either the source or general consensus, and i have yet to see people telling me OR others leaving commentary questioning stuff like blood
the type of art i make of VS is not a specific type of art id make only of this, but rather a type of style i already do by default and just apply to the topic im fixated on at the moment, if its something that is, like i already said, considered okay to do
its obviously a very blurred line what is the "limit" and how much you can stretch it, since none of the streamers are actors in a movie full of action, or characters in a videogame put in a fantasy setting, so unless its a "character" (vlinny, genloss vinny, joel as doom) my limit will always be "just cover the guy in ketchup" because this is, to me, the okay-est limit that doesnt cross the line to "now this is just getting borderline weird", im sure for someone else the line could be the guy having a small cut in their hand, and to someone else the line could be the guy being amputated completely (if this is your line get away from me, seriously)
now, at the end, why wouldnt i have replied to this if it wasnt asked nicely? while i dont think its a bad thing to ask (i will always be very open to discussion of my art) and i dont know how long you have been here and i dont expect you to tell me, i think if you have been around long enough or did a bit of research on my socials, you can see i hate a specific type of fan of media, especially media which involves irl people, and while it isnt a catch-all to say "hey im not a weirdo!", i think it helps make clear and establish that i dont have weirdo intentions at the very least. i am sorry that you have had bad experiences with fanartists of the community in the past, i cannot say because i hadnt been there (as a fanartist at least), so i cant blame you for being wary of what you might see drawn by me, and i am glad that despite these bad experiences you could have a grounded way to ask me instead of just accusing me, so that i really appreciate. id like to think i have made my "author's intent" clear with this reply, i have tried to be as descriptive yet clear as possible, but with some people you might not be able to ever clear your mind on what their intent is, and this is just my opinion but you wont be able to go knocking on every person's door asking if they are normal or not, and id never force someone to look at my art, if they dont like it or have stopped liking it, it is absolutely okay and its their right to curate their own online experience however they like, as i have curated mine
i also feel like this is something other people might have going around in their minds, but wont ask or dont want to ask, for whatever reason, and i dont think its something id suddenly begin randomly typing about one day. especially now that id like to be less talkative in social media for personal reasons
again, i hope this is clear enough, whether you keep looking at my art or not, i again appreciate that you enjoy or enjoyed it and that you could ask this in a grounded way
(edit) something i forgot to clarify, regarding why i draw such large quantities of art: i draw very fast so i can draw a lot, and VS is my current fixation, that's about it. a lot of the art you see posted regarding that is usually warmups prior to paid or personal work
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syrupspinner · 4 months
i just completed Hypnospace Outlaw
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i sincerely love how much the sci-fi genre is just explaining how much sci-fi stuff would suck if it was real
the reason you play hypnospace outlaw is the aesthetic and presentation, just so were all on the same page. the reason this game got your attention is because its a passionate parody of web 1.0, and it does an excellent job of that. i can tell this game was made with a deep nostalgia for what made the past special without being blinded from its flaws (like the viruses and general difficulty to navigate).
the only problem is that im 24
well i shouldnt say thats a problem. just because i dont have nostalgia for what theyre throwing back to doesnt mean the game doesnt stand on its own. i didnt grow up with a ps1 or n64 but i still enjoy that specific form of lowpoly modeling, for example. its just unfortunate that i cant have the same hit of nostalgia that people slightly older than me can, yknow? i wish i could enjoy this game as much as them
again, the game was still very enjoyable. the puzzles start out very grounded, introducing you the the world and how it functions very effectively, before ramping it up with more abstract mechanics and compounding techniques needed to find more results. the only problem i found myself stuck on in an unfun way was figuring out how to decrypt sandwich files. its one of those puzzles that make you feel silly for not getting it earlier, but in my defence... who the hell would program something that esoteric
as an aside, i saw people discussing what genre games like this would be. by "games like this" i mean hypnospace outlaw, outer wilds, rain world, animal well, that kinda thing. i dont think applying one genre is effective, but instead its about how they combine the genres of exploration and puzzle. instead of having all the tools to solve a puzzle when youre presented with it, you have to leave and seek out the solution elsewhere. notably, if the game isnt build to accommodate/encourage this, itd be pretty unfun. these games and their open-ended design manage to skillfully mesh both genres together: the exploration is the puzzle
so yeah, i really enjoyed the game! there arent a lot of games where its just fun to explore the world as its presented, and HO does a fantastic job of that even without considering the puzzle design. i love just reading about the characters and their lives in hypnospace. this games greatest strength is just how charming it is, theres really nothing that matches it in that regard
i also found it really inspiring. i love how much personality all the characters fit into their webpages. maybe someday ill move this blog to neocities just so i can evoke something half as impact
oh no this was all a secret advertisement for neocities wasnt it! well, it worked, im not even mad (yes i know about the page builder)
anyway! the game is worth it for the vibes alone, and the puzzles are a really solid foundation that everything is built on. totally worth buying! the only thing is if youre going for completion, please use a guide to find all the pages, some are hidden way too well. totally worth it, though. if you know what the "thanked" achievement is named after, you know it makes it worth it. also, buzz was hilarious, i love pranks on the player
now im going to spoil the ending, stop reading this is you want to not be spoiled about the ending, because im about to spoil it now. after sasuke
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oh my GOD dylan merchant is such a schmuck. maybe ive just lost too much sympathy for venture capitalist techbros, but i cannot spare any positive regard for this guy. like, okay, i get hes the bad guy, but outlaw 1.0 tries sooo hard to make you feel bad for him it wraps back around to being infuriating. the thing is that i have no idea if this is intentional? like, was a guy who let a teenager go to jail and think about how his prank killed 5 innocent people plus his crush apologizing decades later (*after* being caught) with an unfinished video game supposed to be a sincere tug of the heartstrings? "sorry i killed zane before he could stop being an annoying twerp" "sorry i killed rodney, his family smelled like walmart" "sorry i killed mavis, i think that was her name. i got nothing else to say about her" "anyway thanks for playing the 'final' version of the game that killed everyone. you have successfully absolved me of my sins and sent me to heaven. remember to subscribe and hit that bell icon" DUDE how emotionally shallow and self aggrandizing do you have to be you are a child murderer my guy
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sieglinde-freud · 1 year
i think the fell xenologue does a great job at characterizing some of the royals beyond the vanilla game mostly because every single royal has like one or two core principles that really make them who they are and so getting rid of those one or two things completely converts them into a completely different person. like alcryst losing his self doubt, celine loses her empathy, hortensia loses her resilience, etc etc. but i think my favorite version of this has to be fogado, who has in my opinion the most drastic change. i think all of the other royals have very outward presenting traits that you can easily catch onto and see theyve lost. but fogado is just a little different, because what fell fogado lacks isnt really a trait; he loses his sense of love. (rest under the cut bc it turned into an essay. my bad also fell xenologue spoilers obvs)
“our” fogado (?? idk how to differentiate between them. work with me here) is not an easy person to read in universe. he makes it very clear in chapter 13 that he’s pretty good at deception and is very willing to make use of that skill. his supports with timerra and pandreo also tell us he’s gotten used to keeping up a specially crafted persona meant to kind of suppress his feelings (that timerra and pandreo can see through but. like 1. theyre smart 2. sister and bff ok moving on). but he doesn’t do it out of malice or because he just likes being tricky, he lies because he loves. everything in fogado’s life is shaped by what he loves: his country, his friends, and his sister. every single motivation he has is fueled by this: the constant partying, how often he leaves the castle, all his acting. its even in his goddamn class name (cupido) and birthday (feb 14) if you needed the game to spell it out for you
so thats why when we get to the fell xenologue, the fogado we meet is changed in that one specific way: his love is gone. we know this because of a few things, the first of which is that he is honest. aside from the robe (in which he is assassinating someone! but also. lets be so honest with ourselves here. you can see his fucking face) he’s immediately upfront with his intentions: he wants the bracelets, he wants power, and he wants you to die. and thats it. he just kind of hands you that information, and then fucks off when you win. on what earth would our fogado do that? dude wouldnt even tell you if he broke his leg, he just partied a little hard last night. but thats just it isnt it? our fogado lies because he loves people, hes protecting them. fell!fogado is transparent because he’s not protecting anyone, he doesn’t care.
but the biggest kicker in fell!fogado’s lack of love is in his interaction with our timerra. our fogado loves his sister more than anything, as he literally plans his entire life around making HER life easier. he sacrifices even just spending time with her just because he needs to make sure hes fully prepared to keep her safe (not that timerra wants that for him but he doesnt really get that. which is another topic i could dive into but this post is long enough lets not make it a novel). fell!fogado though? well you see–
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any love fogado holds for his sister, or any love at all really, is just not present in fell!fogado. and you could say that maybe its just because of the corruption, but then why do we still see love between the fierenese and brodian siblings? even fell!timerra still loves her brother if her conversation with our fogado is anything to go off of. but the writers know that fogado lives and dies on his love for people, its his entire being and so much more so than the rest of the cast. which is why thats what had to change in him for the fell xenologue. it wasnt really just a flip of the switch haha murder thing (though. it could have been handled better. lets be real) but it was the loss of everything that makes fogado him. and i think the fact that this gets to be highlighted in the dlc just makes base game fogado all that much more interesting, because it cements his motivation now that we know what he's like without it. fogado is a guy driven by love and its just fucking great
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ryuzakjis · 1 year
glamrock bonnie theory!
ok hey fnaf fans! my brains been brewing with a theory about exactly what happened to glamrock bonnie for a while so i wanna share what ive come up with !!
now i know theres a lot of people under the opinion that monty had decommissioned bonnie a short time before the events of security breach, but in my opinion most of the evidence people had pointing towards monty being the perpetrator has been rendered prettyyy baseless after the release of ruin.
so now im beginning to point fingers elsewhere.
specifically, fazbear himself.
OK but just hear me out because i know what ur all thinking !!! but a close relationship has been established between bonnie and freddy in both the base game AND in the ruin dlc !!!!!! how could he possibly become suspect to these claims !! and to THAT i say... Motive.
now by no means am i implying that there was malice behind my theory of events, i know freddy and bonnie were obviously extremely close before his decommissioning (gay robots hehe..) but id like to draw attention to how much emphasis was placed on bonnie and freddy throughout the game! i have a feeling that this was intentional.
one thing that caught my attention in particular was the fact that there are now confirmed to be 2 glamrock freddys.
at first glance, a second freddy seems to make sense considering that in the majority of the base game endings, freddy ditches the plex alongside gregory. of course they would need to use a second freddy after all that happened in security breach! but even so, this is easily disproven by the fact that all of the animatronics remain in the state gregory left them in, implying that fazbears immediately went out of business after the events of the game.
this implies that there must be another reason for the existence of 2 freddys.. now i KNOW this still seems a little skeptical considering that prototypes arent often used in the final product, but at the same time it does seem like the prototype freddy had been used as the main attraction before, a clue towards this being the gift in his stomach hatch. and anyways, would fazbear entertainment really spend all that cash on a whole other model after creating a functional prototype..?
but regardless of whether or not u think that theres another reason behind the existence of 2 freddys, there was clearly some emphasis on fazbear - like the graffiti along the vents, the intentional prototype print on the bottom of his paw, the focus drawn to him and bonnies relationship.. this along with monty's origin story, which seems to subtly shun freddy throughout, gives me the feeling that there must be more to it than what we initially assumed.
now to shift our focus to the possible motives of bonnies decommissioning.. what if he had been the first target of glitchtraps virus? this would make more sense now that glitchtrap is basically confirmed to have been the mimic all along because of COURSE the mimic would have a rabbit bias if its basing its behaviour off of afton!! and now that bonnies body has been found in bonnie bowl, monty being the aggressor seems to be off the table. sure his aggressive nature initially would place him under suspicion, but this flaw isnt any different to chicas food cravings and roxys perfectionism, i dont think his temperament is anything more than just another flaw displayed to show off the ai's sentience. under this premise, i have a slight suspicion that monty was simply used as a sort of red herring to cover up the truth of what happened.
so what actually happened?
what if while spending time with bonnie in the bowling alley one day, freddy was suddenly presented with the impossible task of facing off against the first victim of the virus. while attempting to fight off the unknown virus, maybe bonnie had begged freddy to put a stop to it for his own sake in order to save his best friend from destruction during the small moments of clarity he experienced while fighting for his own autonomy. the amount of damage on bonnie suggests a struggle, so maybe freddy was forced to obey bonnies request when he realised it was too late for him, grabbing a bowling ball and following through as a very last resort. perhaps this is why a second freddy had to be built, what if the aftermath of losing his best friend by his own hands, as well as the damage he wouldve sustained in the struggle, rendered freddy beyond repair.
BUT of course this is just speculation based off of the hints given to us, so if anyone has any criticism feel free to share! and even if this ends up being disproven, its at least an angsty headcanon i quite enjoy..
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roboj0e · 13 days
I just have to say this bc I started following some tags that have brought discourse on to my dash but after that I'm gonna block as many discourse tags as I can.
This weird ass way that y'all approach fiction by trying to sus out what trauma other ppl have so u can make sure they're a "good person" by ur own personal and arbitrary standards is also just incentivizing ppl to invade other ppl privacy and contribute to the rising surveillance state we live in. You all just cops. And no fellow black ppl that does not undermine police brutality bc these are all connected issues. Not when the threat of police violence is the first tactics used against anyone who ppl think they hold moral high ground over. And also I'm black trying to call the cops on me contributes to the threat or racialized police violence which happens to me bc I don't care what fiction ppl read btw.
Y'all are putting children in harms way by making them think predators are just ppl on the internet who don't have the same DNI criteria as them. Y'all are putting them in harms way by applauding vigilantism and sending them into the sights of ppl y'all are entirely convinced are dangerous predators.
Be uncomfortable with whatever fiction u want big bruh no one cares but damn stop invading ppls privacy sheesh. Y'all are terrible ppl u can sit on ur high horse all u want but causing harm to real ppl is always evil and I'm specifically using the word evil since y'all love to use a christofascist framework to engage in fiction.
If fiction effects reality then conservatives are correct when they say that gay/trans character made their child gay or trans.
"There's nothing wrong with being gay or trans" u might say and ur right but they still aren't wrong by ur logic. And we all know if u give them an inch...
If fiction effects reality why aren't more ppl empathetic and understanding even tho children's programming has been that way for decades.
If fiction effects reality why havent cartoons like Tom and Jerry had kids throwing knives and skillets at each other?
If fiction effects reality ur favorite video game just caused another mass shooting.
No more "but the jaws movie, cats can drink milk, rabbits eat carrots" first of all absolutely none of that has to do with the fiction y'all are so up in arms I legit haven't seen anyone try to ban any of those properties so it doesn't belong in this conversation.
Second yes pls ignore all the nuance with the jaws movie like how ppl were already reasonably afraid of and misunderstood sharks it's why the movie did so well in the first place, or the very recent shark attacks that took place during that time, or beach vacations being presented as an affordable option for middle class families, or pools being left abandoned bc of desegregation. Nope none of that happened just the movie and that absolutely turned regular ppl into shark hunters out of now where. Yup!
Ppl know very little about animals. It's why Disney can fabricate information in a documentary and get away with it for years. That isn't fiction effecting reality thats a dangerous mix of both a trusted source of information intentionally spreading misinformation and ppl taking this information at face value something y'all shouldn't even be doing when u watch or engage with ANY MEDIA. Ppl being on average incurious about things they see on TV doesn't mean their morals are gonna suddenly change. Also PROPAGANDA ISNT FICTION. propaganda is the intentional spread of misinformation presented as fact with the intent of preying on ppl fears and prejudices. And it can come in all forms but it SHOULDNT be classed as fiction even when presented through fiction.
If fiction effects reality u can't like fictional serial killers or u apparently will be batting for the next ted bundy. So no more tojis self shippers.
If fiction effects reality all u Miguel lovers better be careful around an irl child abusers u might fall in love. Also the way y'all hate proshippers but are romanticisming a man through his interactions with a teenager is YIKES... OKAY
Also dark fiction isn't the only thing under attack any more. The more chronically online are definitely still yelling about lolisho or whatever but it's spread to the more average consumer and now ppl are attacking just regular old furries again. Which has given me whiplash to witness it's insane. Ppl are legit bullying furries again.
Not to mention the antis in the furry scenes whose entire logic is "if ur animal looks too much like an animal u must like animals"...okay...and something about animal genitalia also.
Everybody so creative!!! So many rules for how to make the most morally righteous fiction so everyone knows ur a good boy who says his prayers.
ALOT of y'all are still religiously programmed to believe ur bad thoughts are satanic. And anyone who has them must be demonic. It's scary how many religious wording y'all use.
Theres a reason why everytime one of y'all go on a tangent about how Japan is full of sick freaks the ppl applauding u are other teenagers and xenophobic white nationalists or teenagers on their way to be xenophobic white nationalists.
There's a reason why sasaki and Miyano got banned before any of the weird gross stuff y'all hate.
There's a reason why while y'all were applauding a furry porn site being blocked in Virginia and in that same anti-porn bill was anti trans sentiments.
There's a reason why payment processors are slowly making it impossible to monetize sex work but starting with all the gross fiction y'all hate and y'all are cheering but aren't realizing that payment processors ARE DICTATING WHAT U CAN AND CANT BUY WITH YOUR MONEY.
There is no amount of influencing a show can do to make someone into the pedophile, rapist, abusers y'all keep claiming ppl are. UNLESS they are already a pedophile abuser or a rapist which is ONLY known if the express the desire to harm real ppl or have already harmed real ppl. Also u can't bully a real pro contact pedophile into not being a pedophile btw!! They do not care, they usually commit multiple offense leave prison(if convicted) and DO IT AGAIN. there is usually no shame involved so no amount of "ew a PDF file 🤢🤮🤢🤮" is gonna stop a real predator like y'all are not only wasting ur breathe but also look really weird being scared to use the correct terms.
I say all this to say. I'm tryna make art and have fun here but Jesus following my fave tags has me inundated with discourse all of a sudden. Can y'all like TAG UR DISCORSE AS DISCOURSE so I can follow the tag but block ur crazy ramblings??? 😭 PLSSS TAG UR DISCOURSE I DONT WANNA SEE IT!!!!!
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noxexistant · 29 days
1, 8, 15, 17 for the ask game!
hi ion! i talked. so much. i am so sorry and thank you for the opportunity.
the character everyone gets wrong
i am swallowing the urge to say "all of them", so we'll go with the two most glaring - jack and davey. the both of them are victims of blorboification, epecially influenced by javid, but i think a lot of it also comes down to fundamental misunderstandings of their characters based on surface-level readings.
people portray davey as meek and shy and modest, when in reality he's just anxious in front of a strong personality. he speaks without thinking - he speaks So Much - and constantly puts his foot in his mouth, he's judgemental and guarded, he's unfriendly. he has a sense of responsibility so strong that it turns back around into a flaw - he didn't want to strike! he doesn't respect the newsies or even acknowledge their complexity or humanity at first. he's misogynistic. he's unempathetic, especially to jack. he isn't this sweet infallible mom friend who loves everyone and wouldn't say boo to a goose.
jack is portrayed as cool and suave and unaffected, as if people don't realise that that side of his personality is an act. jack is a reluctant leader, he's deeply traumatised and just surviving day-to-day - santa fe isn't a real ambition, it's delusional escapism to keep him alive. he's hardened and violent and guarded, he has very little sense of self, he has no real ambitions. he feels utterly alone, despite the friends surrounding him. he is a Fucked Up seventeen year old boy.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
gonna use this as an opportunity to talk about santa fe more. it's been the constant interpretation as long as i've been in the fandom that jack's dream of going to santa fe is real, tangible, an intention - but the whole point is that it isn't. jack was never actually going to go to santa fe, and it's made even more clear in uksies by the usage of the atchison, topeka, and santa fe railroad, which didn't even go to santa fe at the time - and jack doesn't know that, because he doesn't know anything real about santa fe. it's just a fantasy to him. an image on a postcard, a place to imagine when he needs escapism, and nothing makes this clearer than his painting of it being drawn solely from imagination. he isn't using a reference image, he's painting a place he's never seen.
and while portraying that jack does end up going to santa fe at some point or another isnt wrong in itself, it's wrong to present that he'd be happy there. the mythic west was a calculated endemic spread amongst the working class on the east coast throughout the mid-late 1800s, it was all lies. santa fe was nothing like jack's fantasies, in 1899 the cowboy dream was dead.
jack would never be able to face that.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
white jack kelly. and even when jack is portrayed as ambiguously poc, he is so often drawn with white features - blue or green eyes, a small nose, loose waves, etc. the newsies in general are portrayed as this same-faced conglomerate of white boys differentiated only by hair/eye colour. i think a lot of fanart falls to modernity too, gives everyone modern and that frustrates me as a history enjoyer.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
platonic! environmental! character studies! canon, missing scenes, realistic portrayals. i would love to see more portrayals of the newsies with realistic scars and injuries, i would love to see characters explored outside of ships, i would love to see complexity and honesty and less self-acknowledged mindless projection. i want to see hisory and the surroundings and how they're all affected by their upbringings and circumstances.
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omi-papus · 2 years
I realized that Robin inngame becomes infinitly more tolerable and fun if you just think of her as kind of a dumbass. Like ok listen I dont know what the fuck is up with her voice lines. Like hers specifically. Everyone elses dialogue is pretty alright and even great. But something about Robin just does not click. Shes presented as this badass, marvel esque strong female character tm. Not to an unberable degree. Shes fine. But I feel like when I first played I only tolerated Robin when Al-An was stuck to her, because she would bring interesting things out of him. And it felt off sometimes. The worst bit Id say is, "How do humans cope with the loss of memories? Like forgeting someones birthday?" Like girl, this is clearly some existencial shit this man is on, get a grip.
Now, everytime I play and she says some shit like that, I go, "Sure sweetie. You go do that" And thats what got me to like her. Like to just think shes as a person is just out of touch as fuck actually makes sense with everything a lot more. Like yhea shed yeet herself into an alien planet with no way out just to comfirm a suspicion because she dosent like a company and cant accept the idea someone she loves isnt a perfect angel. All her brain holds is plant facts, you think she can make good choices? Yhea shed really just recite poetry to an alien expecting him to understand, without even knowing the damn thing in full. Girl is 90% pure unfiltered emotion and cant explain abstract concepts worth shit. Homegirl will really meet an alien thats like, "I wont explain who I am or my intentions but get me out of her real quick" and INSTANTLY be like "Bet, get your ass in this iPad". (Granted she didnt want to go as far as she did with the whole brain situation and she was rushed but still, not even panic.) Shed be the friend that everyone goes to when thyre in truble, because shell agree to murder without asking question if she digs your vibe. OF COURSE Robin will genuenly unpromted go "Hey that new body of yours in kind of making me feel something, Imma just give you the rest of my life and follow you into the void of space, leaving everything else behind k?" Bitch has never had a plan in her life, you think shes going to start now? She sees some alien ass and all else is irrelevant.
It also works with the gameplay, cause like idk about you but in Below Zero it felt like everything was yelling, "Hey, you have 30 seconds of oxigen. How about you go into that cave at the bottom of the ocean floor I bet theres cool shit in there." And sure enough I did.
And like, you have any idea how little self preservation biologists can have? Robin is the girl that will lick the frog to test if its poisonous, shes the one that does the pain tests for insect bites. She can and will manhandle a hipo because she wants to see the inside of its mouth.
This is so not what the game intended but I love waterlogged brain Robin and I will deny canon til the end of days.
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trainingdummyrabbit · 10 months
ok. limbusspoilers im still not over it <3 track rambling, yay
so listening to compass over and over in a half manic state Does Things To Your Brain <3 this isnt an analysis so much as a Talking About It Because Otherwise Ill Just Keep Being Haunted
the think that really really Gets me about the track is, specifically, its instrumental and mixing. ive spoken a lot about its distance, its murkiness-- but what i really wanna exemplify is the guitar. not an angry screeching, but this almost solemn, melodic pulsing like ripples across the water. it never comes to the foreground, it simply stays back, a constant, repeating chant. i dont know how to describe that execution (im not a formal music guy) but it uses a soundfont that sounds like Reminiscing does. and when it does do those stings, quiet as they are, it conveys this silent intensity that i cant describe so much as Feel. nails digging into any purchase it could find, straining, deeper and deeper, sinking, and sinking In. and then the second accompanying guitar layer kicks in at the "hold on tight--" still harrowing in tone, but bringing forth the imagery of climbing, clawing your way up rather than digging in and sinking down. again, something to be said about the expectation of the track being loud and bombastic and angry, only to be this cold, distant simmering. having those guitars-- those Specific guitars-- act in such a way is what truly pulls the entire thing together. even at its height, even at its most desperate, the track retains this surface tension-- this barely held-together image of calm. if not calm, then steadiness. the main crack in that facade is in fact mili's voice-- how it cracks and strains as it reaches for a resolution, the desperate attempt to stay steady, stay firm, against everything rushing past. the repeated "my compass is curiosity" takes on less of a revelation intent (solely,) but something of a mantra, a dont forget, dont forget, this is what we are holding on for. dont let go. something she-- ishmael-- had held onto so long ago, briefly smothered into obscurity, now becoming the very star she reaches for. that tether that keeps her grounded.
And another thing to be said about it is the way it is mixed in-game. even through everything, that heartbeat, a main driving force of the track, is still muffled. it gives the sensation that everything falls away except one thing-- the voices. sounds of combat overlap and mix into sludge, but the one thing that stands clear is the Dialogue. you cant hear anything else But it, no matter how hard you try. the music falls to a lull, and that piercing, grating taunting and laughter is all that you can focus on. and speaking of, the way that the encounter fades between its lyrical buildup and the simmer of the backing instrumental is also deeply striking. it doesnt feel like a boss track. not like one usually would. it feels like a trial. the way it fades in and out with ishmael's focus, every flashback-- its not standing in the present moment. its like watching from the background, as everything falls to pieces, watching, watching. this isnt a call forward, this isnt anything like that. its a test. almost as if casting the present moment in a flashback itself. it's seeing what ishmael can make of herself. if she can make something of herself. she is the focus, the subject, rather than the one calling it forward. the music doesnt come from her, it comes from around her. it is to say, "here is the truth of everything. now what will you do?" somehow it manages to call in the feeling of both dissociation and unwavering focus. as if moving on instinct, on strings; this is it, this is it. as if to truly call into question just how hardy she is-- just how much she can take. and once she truly conquers it, once she steps past and reaches forward, then and only then does that grating noise fall away-- only then does quiet fall-- the distant calls of what she left behind fading away.
anyway i remembered what the guitar reminded me of. black sun - death cab for cutie. have fun
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