#i know twitter is trash but fuck this sucks
chongoblog · 1 year
I realize that every time I bring Tumblr a report of the bullshit Elon's doing on Twitter, it gets a bunch of notes. Sometimes I worry that it makes me look like some kinda clout chaser using Elon's foibles to get me notes or something stupid like that, but honestly, it's a form of venting, because Twitter was absolutely a hellscape even before Elon purchased it, but it served a general niche purpose. A sort of central point of communication for people. It was a place where creators could share their creations to a wider audience. It was a place where you could ratio Dennis Quaid. It was a place that created a sense of somewhat reliable communication across the world. And seeing Elon just destroy it bit by bit hurts in a lot of ways. And when I deliver his bullshit to you all, it's accompanied with a bit of grief.
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he replaced the Twitter logo with doge as part of a crypto scam
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secretmellowblog · 2 years
Me (an lotr fan): wow I don’t think I could be more heartbroken over the way giant corporations have taken the story I loved and reduced it to a hollow financial asset that does enormous real-world harm. I hate how the story is irrelevant and meaningless to executives who only see it as a hollow spectacle they can manipulate for profit. But thankfully I can’t be surprised anymore there is no way they can possibly make it worse
Warner Bros:
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ruiiplume · 11 months
I've been thinking i should go back to reblogging some cool art as well as my friends' art on this blog next month
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97linelover · 6 months
Unspoken words - Choi Seungcheol
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18+ / mdi
summary: when your boyfriend comes back home after an fight, you did not expect your world falling apart.
content: idolxseungcheol , non idol reader, cheating, angst, crying, talking about other woman, fight, no happy end!
wc: 1.1k
a/n: decided to publish my first angsty fic, please remember English is not my mother language.
With heavy steps, Cheol walked through the quiet apartment. "Baby? Y/N?" His voice was shaky and full of regret, the light was dimmed, and the TV was running. He walked into the living room to find you cuddled in the thick white fluffy blanket you always used to cuddle.
He wanted to kiss you awake; he wants to tell you how much he loves you like he always does when he comes home late, but within the night he lost that right to do it. 
You fell asleep with concern written all over your face. He knows it because it happened far too often in the last few weeks. 
"Cheol?" Your sleepy voice brought him back to reality. "Y/N" he breathless said you threw the blanket off your body. "I was so scared, Cheol" you whispered. "It was pouring, and we promised to never leave in a fight." He knows that if you talk longer, you will end up crying, and he does not want to make you cry. He never wants to make you cry or upset.
But he will destroy your pure loving soul within seconds. 
"I'm sorry for being so bitchy, work has just been too much lately, and with you being away for Promo, I just felt tired, and then the rumor just brought me over the edge; the fear took over me, the fear of not being enough" you tried to play it cool, to play it cool that you really felt insecure next to Jihyo.
Seungcheol just listened; his heart broke with every word you said, and the love in your eyes when you looked at him was still fully there. "Y/N" his voice brought you back, and you looked at him. He rarely uses your full name, he always uses nicknames. 
"Cheol, what's wrong" you furrowed your eyebrows. "Can you please take out your phone" you followed his request. "Go to Twitter, please" His voice was weak, and you felt weird, you felt like puking. 
There was this gut in your stomach that made you feel unwell, you opened the app you downloaded to see the newest stuff about your boyfriend.
But there was no exciting news, there was nothing good at all, you swiped through the news tears already welling in your eyes. 
There he was. 
Your boyfriend of 6 Years, kissing her, Jihyo, the woman you were afraid of.
"Y/N" he whispered trying to explain himself. "It was just a kiss right?" You locked your phone, your voice weak "It was just a kiss; mistakes can happen" you said with tears in your eyes and a lump in your throat, your hands were shaking, and you felt like someone pushed a knife into your chest.
"It was not only a kiss" he said, and you squeezed your eyes shut. 
He cheated on you, the man you were sure he was your endgame cheated. 
"you fucked?" you said bluntly, your voice not the having the familiar warmth in it that he loved, and he shook his  head, "what did you do?". 
"Is it important?" he whispered, "Yes, Seungcheol it is. I want to know what could possibly be worth it to throw this relationship into the trash" you were braver than you would've thought. 
"We were at a club after our fight, and I drank too much, and then we landed inside the bathroom, and she sucked me off, and I got her off," and that was your breaking point. 
You took some steps back because you felt disgusted by him "please, I did not plan this" he whispered. "I was angry because of our fight, but I did not plan this" you scoffed "But you did, you went out after I poured out my heart to you, after I told you about my insecurities about her, and you go out and cheat on me with her" You felt the tears running down your cheek.
"you broke my entire trust, god I was so dumb, this was the reason we had our fight in the first place... and now it came true" you walked past him "you probably wanted her for a long time" you walked into the shared bedroom "No, I don't even want her now , I was not thinking straight, you're all I ever wanted" 
"Leave" you said with so much venom that he felt cold all of a sudden. He knew it was over; he knew there was nothing to fight for; he knew your past with your dad cheating on your mom; he knew about your insecurities, but he still decided not to give a fuck about it. 
"I will stay at Chan's place" he said quietly, and you sobbed. "I don't care, get the fuck out" he closed the door behind him, and you fell down to the floor. 
He did not even apologize.
He did not even fight. 
In the same night you packed your bags and went to a hotel, you felt like everything you believed in was fake.
You ignored every message he sent you, every page you followed, you unfollowed. 
You texted the members that it is for the best if you do not stay in touch, that you could not act like they aren´t together most of the times, you did not know that the members made sure that he knew how he messed up. 
And when Seungcheol texted you that the apartment was sold it was your time to gather all of your remaining stuff, he said he is at practice so you used the key to open the place you once called home.  But when you heard the TV running, you felt all the color leaving your face. You found all the stuff in boxes, some with your name, some with his. 
"Cheol?" you asked "yes, It's me, I m sorry I broke my ankle and I cant go to practice" his voice was weak. You walked towards the living room. "Oh.. how are you feeling?" you asked weakly, and he smiled "It would be a lie to say good; I did this myself," he shrugged. "I lost the love of my life, and now I can't even do my fucking job" At the mention of you, you felt like crying. 
"Everything happens for a reason; maybe in the end we were not meant to be, even if we thought we were perfect" You felt the tears once again. 
"I deeply loved you, fuck I was ready to spend my forever with you, but when I look at you all I see is pain and disappointment, Cheol, but it's okay because in the end I need to do what makes me happy, and you're no longer a part of that" this broke him completely.
You heard him sob, and you tried to ignore this ripping pain in your chest.
You turned around, "I wish you the best Seungcheol, I really do" you grabbed your stuff and walked out of his life.
There were so many words left unspoken.
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catwalkvivi · 6 months
well hey, since hardly anyone's looking at this corner of the website anyway I might as well take the opportunity to vent (it's annoying to do it on twitter with the character cap)
Man, social media is hard.
I see so many people posting regular content consistently for years and years without even seemingly breaking a sweat, while it's always been so difficult for me... Calculating engagement, deciding the best times to post, or, hell, even just sharing what they think/feel/made/fucking ate that day just seems, like, so easy and second nature for pretty much everyone around me. It's genuinely incredible to me that somebody can share what they've learned about idk shitty impractical tanks made in WW1 on this website and make it such an interesting read that hundreds of people engage with it!
But I've tried keeping social media accounts for art and stuff so many times now, on here, on Instagram, on Artstation, on Xitter, and eventually it just- kinda- fades away, it just feels so exhausting to keep track of all the things necessary to Chase the Algorhythm™ if you wanna have any relevancy. Is it a charisma thing??? Where do I grind to get a stat boost on my Cha???
I'd love to say it doesn't matter to me, since I've been drawing shit for myself for years now, but unfortunately artists do need social media presence if they wanna get work. Not to mention, well, I wanna reach people with the stuff I do! I want people to react to what I made, to say what they liked about it, or how it made them feel, and then when I post something I worked on for hours only to get, like, almost zero visibility? idk, man, it just kinda hurts. It's probably selfish and immature for me to say it, I know that it takes time and effort to build an audience and all that, but damn I get happy when people show me that something I've made has affected them positively. I like the connection, I like the conversations, I like meeting people who enjoy the same nerdy trash that I do!
(I was very fortunate to have an art post of mine reach a lot of notes here years ago, which was amazing, but it's such a rare thing)
God, and, like, there's all these weird unspoken rules about interacting on social media too.
The other day a friend of mine came up to our friend group and was like "oh my god this girl liked my stories on instagram it means something does she like me" and I was SO confused and then they were like "well, when somebody not on your friends list likes your stories, it means they're interested in you"
Then some time later another friend was telling me that somebody stopped liking her posts and unfriended her and how that is a horrible offense and my fucking brain hurt, like- okay I get the unfriend part kinda but there could be a hundred reasons for it??? it's not like you have a deep personal connection to all 300 friends you have on your account???
Then I see so many people out there simply sharing something they think or did only to have some rando twist what they said and come at them like they're the shittiest person on the planet that deserves everything bad in life actually (except the ones that are willingly spouting/promoting hateful shit to begin with. Those can rot in hell and I shall not mourn their demise)
Like??? It might be the Power of Autism™ in me but it always feels like I'm one step away from either making a fool of myself or offending twenty different people or both. It's both the fear of having hundreds of thousands of eyes on me and the fear of having none at all. And that makes it really difficult to share anything on the internet for me. I already have to deal with my entire existence as a trans woman making some cunts around the world mad, it sucks that I have to risk it in places where I just wanna post dumb drawings and talk about dumb things that make me happy with others.
I dunno. Word vomit I guess. Social media is hard. Interacting with humans is hard. Sharing stuff is hard. I prefer Pokémon
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heyftinally · 5 months
Swifties do love setting Taylor up.
Just what I saw on Twitter Yesterday:
1989 is a pop Bible that everybody knows. - Well if it's trash maybe.
Reputation is hip hop ??? - What?
Reputation is goth Rock ?? - Lol
That Reputation is also supposed to be R&nB - like where?? wtf?
And her new album the Treacherous Dead Poets Default is an album with a new sound.
Or this yt lady on tt that was claiming that no other artists has transcended genres as successfully as taylor did. 😭 And she mentions Rock? Girl where? And literally there are tons of artists who did it way better than her.
Or that one video which they have now deleted bc taylor was getting dragged. It was a video of her just walking on stage and singing (not live) and the caption was like: I can't believe she was doing that for the first time. ' - Some small part of me does feel sorry for these delusional fanbase. Cause she has the highest grossing tour right now. Big emphasis on right now cause that record is not forever. Anyways they can not post much about her performance anywhere without people using it to drag her. Cause let's face it. She can't perform. She's not serving. She's giving nothing. Her dancers slay more than she does.
Pffffft Taylor went from pop country to pop and never changed again. Slightly different vibes? Sure. Still pop. She wouldn't know rock if it smacked her in the head.
Missy Elliott is hip hop. Early P!nk (ie Most Girls) is R&B. Sumo Cyco is goth rock (+ others, but still). Taylor Swift wouldn't touch any of those genres with a 10ft pole, and quite frankly she'd suck at them if she tried lol.
She doesn't "transcend genres", and considering she can't even make different versions of pop sound good, I think we know why.
And no, she can't perform. Let me flex my expertise here: I'm a trained dancer. Specifically with 26 years of training in tap, jazz, ballet, theater, and contemporary, with additional training in commercial/street jazz (aka music video and tour choreography) and various other styles in sporadic classes. I've literally been choreographing since I was about seven years old, and have been analyzing commercial choreography since I was 15.
That said,
Her performances are not only weak, but they show me that her tour choreographer either
Doesn't exist and she created all of her own "dancing" herself
Doesn't know how to adapt choreography for someone with virtually no dance technique
Actively has something out for Taylor and is trying to make her look bad
I'm going to reference "Look What You Made Me Do" from the Eras tour, because that's the most recent and clearest to illustrate my point
A video of the performance in question, for reference.
Okay, first off, right off the bat, her hand floating on her hip looks awkward and uncomfortable. It's giving "over-excited 8yo at recital". For someone with as much experience as she has performing, I'd expect her to look more settled in her beginning pose. She looks like she's overthinking, and thus it looks under rehearsed.
Then we have that flexed hand - yes it's a nit pick, but that pose belongs very few places outside of a 6yo's tap dance.
Movibg on, her robotic movements look messy as fuck. Sharp isolations like that are HARD. A lot of dancers with years of training struggle with getting the kind of sharpness you would expect to see from that choreography. And on the scale of a stadium like she's in, everything is amplified. If it's messy, it's going to look five times as messy as it might on a smaller scale, because the further away the audience is, the more detail gets lost. So you're movements need to be SHARP in order to translate to the audience. Add to that that this is clearly filmed professionally/intentionally, and it really just looks unprofessional/poorly planned.
Meanwhile the things like the "don't like you" scolding (besides looking childish) are so small that you wouldn't see them beyond the front row. When you're choreographing even for a normal stage, the #1 rule is make everything BIG and intentional. If you're kicking, you're hitting AT LEAST a 45° angle, and with the force of trying to kick the winning soccer (football) goal. Taylor doesn't do that. Those movements are small, sad, and weak, and it honestly looks lazy. I know a 10yo currently doing a competitive dance solo to this song, and I shit you not that 10yo is 50x more interesting to watch perform than Taylor.
So yeah, her music has been one note since Fearless one note (uninspired pop), and her "stage presence" is about on par with an 8yo who doesn't want to be here.
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spatio-rift · 1 month
9/10 and 24/25 :3
Yesss thank you Smiles so sweetly. 💙
9. worst part of canon: we all know about this... taka(+orochimaru)s characterization thrown away in the war for jokes or to act as plot devices... i fear i may never forgive kishimoto. the atmosphere wasnt so tense that we needed karin to be crazy about sasuke again + that overt about wanting sasuke to bite her (?!). why is suigetsu acting like he wasnt captured and experimented on by orochimaru but worked for him like karin. why is juugo acting like sasuke is kimimaro when he clearly made the difference before. orochimarus weirdass change of heart because we needed the hokages to show up. or even suigetsu randomly stumbling upon a convenient scroll detailing how to undo shiki fuujin and his first thought (before he meets sasuke again) is to pocket it because it would be useful for sasuke?? like why was it in suigetsus hideout of all places. why does suigetsu even know what it means. im sorry i just dont think orochimaru discussed the matter of his arms & the first 4 hokages souls over the vivisection table and i dont believe sasuke ever brought it up during hebitaka because WHY WOULD HEEE. etc etc etc like am i making sense? they really are just there to move the plot along and play out a joke once in a while. nothing about what happened when taka separated matters at all in the war theyre barely even characters
10. worst part of fanon: 100% the tendency to make everyone friends i think its so boring!!! like in what world are taka invited to karuis wedding? in what world is karin a guest star on the real housewives of konoha (=joining them for brunch). what exactly do temari and karin have in common other than both having the Kishimoto Woman Personality Type #1.
its so much more fun to have characters who just cant stand each other. naruto dislikes taka for literally no reason and its hilarious we should keep it that way. no way im ever believing karui genuinely befriends sakura i think they should HATE having to see each other all the time because their girls are besties. it will always feel more natural &balanced to me + im more inclined to believe 2 characters whove never talked to each other could be great friends if youve also considered who they DONT mesh with at all.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse: im trying to remember the sort of discourse ive seen on twitter… but i think i will be boring and say like anything about sakura honestly and especially her relationship with sasuke. the only thing i can think about rn is her fake confession to naruto i dont know what about it gets people going THAT much but they are naastyyy about it.
discourse about Saradas REAL Mom i also steer clear of as much as i can. disgusting. nasty. rancid. i hate that its still a thing people argue about in 2024
you could literally say anything about a naruto woman and it will bring up disgusting discourse honestly
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing: i cant remember anything specific and i know i will feel silly right after posting because like 5 different things will immediately come back to me. here are a few
-> that sasukes ending sucks but everything could be fixed if he got to travel the world with taka. because he #DeservesIt. no the fuck he doesnttttt he should go on his own since he wants them to leave him alone so much.
-> i guess more generally all the complaints about narutos ending SPECIFICALLY about everyone getting married and having kids. i really dont careeee the kids are cute the pairings were set in stone from the beginning everyone is happy. im happy. who give a shit.
also its not exactly a complaint but every other comment on any kind of naruto side content (like sasuke retsuden manga etc) being like "this is awesome not like that trash boruto" SHUT UP!!!! i understand not liking the story of boruto and i understand feeling disappointed by it as a sequel to naruto but you dont have to bring it up all the time!! just move on!!! ignore it!!! you will be much happier!!!
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baejax-the-great · 4 months
Hi! I just wanted to combat that anon (fuck them btw) and say I ADORE your fics.
I’ve plagued everyone to tears in my life over broken oaths and water in the dawn. Your premises never fail to go hard asf. And your prose? It absolutely baffles me how you write so fast when the quality is just next level, and your characterisation of patrochilles? Ugh it scratches such an itch in my brain, you just Get Them.
I recently logged into my ao3 to read sweet victory and realised most of your fics have availability set to logged in users only. Omg I was like a kid on christmas. I have so much reading to do!!!
Your work is incredible, and brings me so much joy. Have a great day!
Hey, thank you! (but also don't worry about that anon. Pretty sure I know who that is and they have a very weak understanding of appropriate behavior (or how to get under my skin for that matter))
Patrochilles crawled into my brain and sleeps there. Prior to them, I can't say I had much interest in Greek myth. I played Hades, someone suggested I read tsoa, I read the Iliad, became obsessed with Ajax somewhere in the middle of that, and two years later, here we are (366k words on the archive???). I like to joke that the muses still wake up every few years and target a random person with "Okay, it's your turn to make sure his glory is eternal like we promised" and then go back to sleep. And possibly the one I got was confused and hit me with the Ajax beam, too.
I also think when Troy (2004) came out, the muses had to work overtime to fix that egregious error
I'm mostly joking. I tend to think of these Greek heroes as the OG comic book characters. Over the years, so many authors have taken a crack at them with their own biases, preferences, and interpretations. Some shit gets retconned. Some new stuff gets canonized. People debate over it. Except those debates end up on jstor instead of reddit or twitter or whatever.
Obviously, though, as one of the current people writing about these guys, I'm right and my cultural biases have no role in influencing my perfect understanding of their characters (/s).
It was interesting going from Hades game, where Patroclus is so snarky and dry, to the Iliad, where when he finally speaks, it's to literally cry with tears streaming down his face to Achilles. I was thinking to myself, well, I'm fine with Supergiant inventing this part of him and I'll keep it for myself. And then he had the best trash talk of all the Achaeans. I had actually put my book down to text a friend "the trash talk in this book absolutely sucks; humans clearly didn't have that down yet" and then the next line was Patroclus telling everyone to shut the fuck up because he was with me on that one. And then he wrecks Hector's shit verbal-style while blind and dying. Love that guy.
Anyway this is all to say many interpretations are good! Except for Troy (2004) and the one where Achilles considered Patroclus his mommy. It's cool to see how people take small details from a 3k yo book and turn it into full characterizations. Less cool to learn just how badly Ajax's original story got warped. I'm super happy these guys inspired me to write so much in the past couple years and that the fandom has honestly been one of the most interesting and engaged that I've come across.
As for the archive-lock, I tend to keep my active WIPs open to guest readers and then lock them after they've been finished for a little while. It's probably not terribly effective, but my hope is this limits some of the constant scraping being done of the archive.
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zigmenthotep · 4 months
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Someone posted in the comments on my video on the topic about not being able to find the "44 rules for dnd" since the original posts were deleted, and I honestly couldn't even find the Twitter post I got them from originally. So I've transcribed them to Tumblr where they can live forever with all the other trash!
Context: Posted to r/dndhorrorstories May 25, 2024
My dm laid out the 44 rules for dnd 
My dm just posted this after a hiatus, enjoy:
I'll just put shit out now thats going to change before anyone goes through with anything:
I'm timing turns. I don't give a fuck of it’s unfair in your opinion cause your spells are hard or you don't know what square to move to. you get 1 minute to know all the actions you want to take or I skip your turn.
If you want harder fights, bring a second character sheet and expect to twiddle your thumbs when you die. I'm not going to baby anyone.
If you call me or my rolls unfair, I'll get up and go home. and if you got a ride with me you can find your own way back and suck it up.
I'm going to take your characters loot away as regularly as you want it given out. Rule 3 will apply here.
If you don't act out any of your persuasion or intimidation or any other social checks you fail, before you even roll. You fail immediately because you aren't even trying and you're making the game lame for everyone else.
If you don't pick up cues for "side quests" that's not my problem. Get over yourself, it's not a video game, it's a role playing pen and paper based game with miniatures. I'm not holding your hand if you choose not to pursue shit.
If you move to a square in combat there's no take backs.
You tell every single person what you're doing before you do it. You don't fucking roll dice and then say you're casting fireball. You tell us all.
I will give out exhaustion more frequently. If you argue, go home or you can actually fight me over it or you can dm yourself.
Every snide comment you make to an npc will be remembered and paid back in triplicate. You all seem to believe there is little consequence.
You will not be given a mega dungeon every session. A temple is not the size of a small city, neither is a cave. This shit will happen when it's natural and organic. Go play some roguelike if you want that.
The travel portion is done. You wanna travel continents doing literally whatever you want whenever you want? Go play world of Warcraft or play dnd with chat gpt.
If you're late with no good reason I'm going to halve your characters hit points for the entire session.
If you don't show up for no good reason, and that will be determined by me alone if no one else has the guts to say shit for fear of upsetting one another, the first time you'll find yourself losing either a whole level or up to three major items of your own. The second time you do it in a row, you'll be removed from the chat and the group full stop. I have no fucking time for people to not show up.
If you get too stoned or drunk to play, I will go home without a warning. Your warning is here.
If you get up for bong or smoke or whatever breaks every 10 minutes I will simply pack up and go home. I'm sick of waiting for every bloke to be at the table.
Guidance, divination spells, owls and whatever spells I decide are too fucking stupid are banned. Outright. No more fucking guidance.
You get one chance at a skill check. If you fuck up, your party doesn't get their chance to do the same check. Think careful who's good at what.
Discussion of meta game details in game will result in instant damage to your character
Rules lawyering fellow players is encouraged. “Uhm Ackchtually”ing me will just result in me telling you to fuck off.
You roll your dice within view of two players who aren't you standard. You roll them neatly and you roll them on the table. Failing to do these three things will auto fail whatever roll you did. Arguing that you actually rolled validly when you clearly didn’t is an automatic critical fail.
Instant death traps and mechanics are coming into place. If you call these things unfair moving forward, I will laugh at you and tell you to fuck off and cry some more.
I will not give you random magical items and vendors will not stock them. They are meant to be rare and hard to acquire.
Random encounters in the form of random dragons or strange mysterious road trader or a band of goblin prostitutes isn't going to happen. Go play baldurs gate 3.
I don't give two fucks what reddit said about x or y ruling.
I actually give less of a fuck about what your mate's dnd group did
Saying anything to me about other players not liking me doing x or y without them saying it directly to me will result in me kicking you out of the group. Don't use someone else to push your own agenda.
You're not to sit down and have a two hour discussion about what Samson from Bundoora secondary did three weeks ago when you come to play. Take the 15-20 minutes I use to set up and review my notes to talk to eachother, then sit down to play.
Saying Shit like "guys come on we're not here to have fun we're here to play dnd, this is serious business” is rude and dismissive of how much work I put into this. I will simply go home if I hear this shit.
Don't fucking order food randomly. We will eat together at a specific time or not at all. I don't want food shit all over my things.
No food or drinks near any of my dnd gear. If you wreck something you can pay for it. I let one person trash my dm screen once and I never had it replaced by them. In fact I had that person attempt to gaslight me into believing they didn't wreck my shit at all. I'm not stupid, you're an adult. Accept responsibility.
Arguments between party members outside of roleplay will be resolved by me giving the definite ruling. If you don't like it, fuck off back home.
I don't give a fuck what they did in critical role or what that one guy on reddit said or if you think that it's all make believe so you can do what you want. The world I run works on internal rulings and lore I created specifically for it.
Every single person in this chat is having debuffs applied to their characters that should have occurred a long time ago. This will be specific to characters.
If you don’t bring your sheet, you don’t play.
If you don't bring dice, borrow some.
When we play dnd I'm not your friend. That doesn't mean you treat me like an enemy during the game. It means I'm no longer “being nice”.
If you treat me poorly in any way shape or form after or during or before the game due to something that happened in the game, you're out. If you cannot seperate a game from reality, I think you are a fucking moron, and I have little time to deal with that energy.
You will submit your spelllists daily (in game). If you do not give me a spell list each in game day, you will not be allowed to cast a single spell or cantrip in combat. I do not trust you guys to not use this against me.
If you do not mark off spell slots or you say something like "I remember what I'm at” as a way to justify it, I will simply fail your spell, deal half your health in damage to you and say you have no spells to cast for the rest of the day.
If you break literally anything you can buy the replacement that day or not attend till you do.
If you complain about the choice of music I fully expect you to bring the whole playlist the next session or to shut the fuck up.
Cannot stress enough how little I care about how you feel about my rulings from now on.
Oh and rule 44. I'm never just threatening you. I'm promising you.
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demonsfate · 1 month
i've never seen a fandom hate and spite their own mc more than the tekken fandom. i was browsing r/Tekken one day for tips on how to beat lili and unsurprisingly i found a post where people kept disrespecting him on his OWN BIRTHDAY. seriously, as someone who is a diehard stan of kazuya mishima and sasuke uchiha (i loved both of them since i was a kid) even those two get more respect than jin - the naruto fandom on reddit never straight up disrespected sasuke on his birthday.
worst part of it all is that jin got basically the same treatment as luke from star wars and captain america in marvel comics - he was just ooc as fuck in tekken 6 and his characterization in that game completely contradicts tekken 3-5 jin. it can easily be fixed too by just saying he got brainwashed by azazel (like how nina got brainwashed by ogre). jin fans get called whiny for trying to retcon or fix their own favorite, but side character fans (ex. paul, law, etc) get a fix their own fav and be called "the best writers in all of fiction". i think i also remember seeing someone say they hope jin's va gets terminal c*ncer and dies so the writers could have miguel kill him off and then replace him with kazuya or lars as the new mc while xiaoyu fucks hwoarang or something (i checked to see if it was still there, but they probably deleted their twitter account).
why can't the tekken fandom just do what voltron stans do and ignore canon while making their own?...yes, everyone and their grandma knows tekken story has gone down the shitter since post tekken 5. so then instead of saying "Tekken story sucks and no one cares about lore in fighting games" for the 100th time how about fucking make your own au's and fanfic.
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honestly it's hard to look thru any jin content without a joke about tk6, or straight up bitter haters. i'm not saying every jin post has a comment with that content, but there's a lot that does. reddit is probs the worst place for jin hate too as i see it there the most. heck, i get hate for being a jin main. usually when they don't agree with one of my takes, they point out me being a jin main and how we're all retarded or some shit. (alisa & jun are now more of my mains, but that was back then when i still listed jin as my main lmao) so whilst you're still gonna come across jin hate on places like twitter or even here, it's best to steer away from reddit 'cos it's most egregious there.
yeah. most normal fandoms do just ignore canon, or if they can't ignore canon 'cos it's canon, they acknowledge it's trash and purpose ways it could've been handled better. but the tekken fandom isn't like that. they're insistent on jin being a fucker head because it happened in one game. and yeah, i have seen ppl say jin fans are either whiny or losers for wanting to say he was brainwashed and not hold him responsible for his actions. and it's like, yeah, i approve of holding characters responsible for their actions. but the problem with jin is that his character should've never been written to commit those actions to begin with - i'm not gonna care to hold a character responsible when they were out of character. i'm just gonna criticize the writing.
also maybe you saw that on a message i already answered? there was another anon that also told me something similar that their sister or friend was praying for that in a church lol. i dunno if you're the same anon or not (as you both have similar takes regarding the treatment of jin's character)
i think the reason why tekken fans have a harder time ignoring the Bad Parts of canon compared to fandoms like marvel, star wars, or certain animation is because of the "stories in fighting games don't matter" saying that's popular. it gives people the mentality that they shouldn't care about the story as much... yet ironically caring about it as they're mad at jin for being the Hope of Mankind lmao.
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gaykarstaagforever · 11 days
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This is one of those articles that pisses me off because it amplifies and legitimizes what is, in reality, one fucking stupid shithead being a piece of trash on Twitter.
The New Hampshire "wing" of the Libertarian party is basically one guy, Jeremy Kauffman, who is a racist anti-government cryptobro maybe 3 people agree with about anything. He keeps running for office and failing, and every time that happens he goes on the "official" Twitter account of the NHLP (which he runs, because, again, by this point, the NHLP is almost literally just him) and yells about how he only lost because the media is out to destroy him, and the national libertarian party are in fact secret gay communists who can't handle how PURE and REAL he is. I'm not exaggerating. He's been doing this since at least 2020.
Most libertarians are anti-regulation and may get into some lite Sovereign Citizen crap. Kauffman is basically an anarchist who wants people like him to all move to New Hampshire so they can help him seize the state and declare it "free."
Free to do what? Well, let him run crypto scams, which is another thing he does that he keeps getting in trouble for.
His Twitter activity is a mix of him lashing out at his many perceived enemies, and teenaged edgelord shit from like 2001, because he knows Corporate Media will continue to report on it because it's from an "official" state branch of a political party. He has previously said child labor laws should be abolished because making kids do manual labor is "good" for them, and that any reporters he doesn't like should be imprisioned or exiled from the country. He got into a huge fight with the other New Hampshire libertarians over this, because they are sick of him embarrassing them. But for whatever reason they can't dislodge him from claiming to hold the party banner.
He's also been either pro-Trump or calling MAGA people socialists, depending on what fight he's in the middle of with whoever this week.
NONE of this is in this shit ABC News article. I had to research this. And I'm not getting paid to inform people.
New Hampshire libertarians aren't calling for violence against Harris. One known-asshole is being a troll on Twitter. That's all this is.
...I mean libertarians suck, and most of them are only that because they're rich white guys who want to be able to break any laws they don't like and bully people without consequences. But they're not all Jeremy Kauffman, and he shouldn't be allowed to represent them. They hate him, too.
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rageprufrock · 2 years
Do you have any extended thoughts on Love in The Air?
I have, conservatively, 5 million thoughts about Love in the Air, a show which I recognize is objectively Not Good, but with which I am obsessed. I made a bunch of posts on Twitter about this a while back, about how LITA is in that perfect fandom sweet spot where it's just shit but also just good enough that it leaves me completely unhinged and plagues my days and nights full obsession stylez.
Like every fucking day is a fight against my inner demons not to write the excruciating longform about Prapai, because everything we know about him is completely bugfuck insane in the context of everything else we know about him. He's 25! His leisure activity is so dangerous that people die every year at one of the most prominent professional versions of the illegal secret drag racing he does! He hangs out with objectively nightmare trash shit bastards! He knows Sky's ex boyfriend socially. Did he ever swap hookups at the race? He's the heir to a family business of...some kind? We have no idea! He's just a generic business person! Is it real estate? Are they in manufacturing? Does Prapai have to lead QBRs? He got an undergrad and masters in the UK! Where the fuck did he study? What the fuck did he study? Did he go to LSE? Has he been shittered in Shoreditch? Did he ever throw up and/or suck a dick on either of the windy little streets in Shoreditch on which I lived? What the hell did he mean when he said he raised his siblings? Is that just a cultural thing? Were his parents totally absent building their family business and so he was parentified as a child? THESE ARE ONLY THE QUESTIONS I HAVE ABOUT PRAPAI.
I have a similar list about a mile long about Sky, including but not limited to: did he even break up with Gun, or did Gun dump him, because that would somehow make that whole fucking situation even sadder. Where's his mom? Does he miss her? Why is he studying architecture? Did he read Bleach? When did he give up on reading Bleach? How bad is his crush on Roy Mustang? Is it possible to have a crush on Roy Mustang worse than my crush on Roy Mustang? How the fuck did he and Rain become friends? What the hell do they talk about? What happened to all the shitty people he used to be friends with? Do they know where he is now?
So yes. I have...a lot of extended thoughts about LITA.
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
Can someone explain for me why Twitter of all apps is the one that likes to lick Vivzie boots the most? The always defend her on EVRYTHING, and anybody who question her actions is inmediately invaded by the "you just hate her for no reason" crowd.
And its weird, because twitter is know as the "app where everyone gets cancelled" yet this transphobe, abusive asshole that constantly acts childish on her social media is defended from all criticism???
For example, some minutes ago i saw someone calling out Vivzie foe liking that one shitty tweet saying that indie creators should thank her for being a pioner on indie animation. And i got happy at first, because i was thinking "finally, people are realising how horrible she is" until i saw the comments and most were like "um i dont see anything wrong 🙄 you just hating for no reason". Yeah guys supporting your fans giving you credit for something you didnt did and minimizing the work of others is nothing bad at all/s
And months ago, when it got leaked the discord conversation where a worker on helluva said that others proyects should "suck a dick", everyone in the comments was like "c'mon guys is just a joke dont take it seriously".
Its always "there is no proof", "it was years ago", "i dont see anything bad", im tried of these people.
And its fucking weird because i remember months ago hating Vivziepop was the norm, back when Lucifer design was revealed everyone was trashing it and Vivzie. Nowdays, she could throw a baby out of the window and twitter would laugh it off saying "oh i dont get the new Vivziepop controversy 🤣 she did nothing wrong" while harrassing those who said she was kinda mean for that.
Its really crazy watching how some smaller artists gets into worse controversy over smaller things and Vivzie is just there untochable.
Yesterday i saw some controversy over some artist who did a "drawing "ugly" features as beautiful" and its funny how they where getting so mad over what was clearly a mistake by someone with good intentions, yet they where attacking that poor artists as if they said a slur.
But Vivziepop has people who worked with her talking about her abuse and people think she is "hated for no reason"?!?!?!
I dont get that goddamn app. Hope Elon Musk destroys it and every Vivzie fan loses access to internet forever.
Average conversation about Vivzie on twitter:
Person: Vivzie threw a baby out the window and it happened on live TV.
Twitter: That was debunked. I don't like Vivzie either but this is just a nothing burger. Go out and touch grass.
Things are better than they were -- you used to get no one at all listening on Twitter -- but there's a reason I can only take so much Twitter.
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How much did you pay for the tumblr blaze’s reach?? It has been legitimately the only ad I’ve seen on the site and it’s after every 3rd post 💀💀
wait its the only ad youve seen? ill answer your question in a moment but im... a bit stupefied by knowing THAT detail specifically. as for how much i paid for it, well time to spill the beans i guess: i have blazed this SPECIFIC post (but i blazed other posts on this blog earlier this month) for $150. and thats only from THIS month. i have blazed this other times and i cant give an exact number, but honestly i can say in total i paid MORE than $200 on that post in general. now why would i do that? because i love seeing some people make jokes about it, getting REALLY pissed off from seeing it OVER AND OVER AGAIN, like just that knowledge is SO FUCKING HILARIOUS TO ME. the thing is about that too is THE PEOPLE TOOK THE BAIT! they took the bait, literally reblogging how much they hate it, how much its complete DOGSHIT and probably thinking about how i should be a cow on a trash farm like that one german dude on twitter said to edmund mcmillen. but theres also the polar opposite, the people who find it very funny, people who oddly enjoy it, like genuinely enjoy it. or people who just saw the blaze and think its based. i like that, too, honestly. i like this polar opposite dynamic with the post and how people see it over and over. its funny, at least to me. it gives me genuine enjoyment, seeing how much people both genuinely seem to like it bc funny, and how much people hate it. oh and yes i can afford this, so you all are probably stuck with this for a GOOD LONG WHILE, because i feel like i practically live in a factory job that pays me well enough.
oh and also, i see a lot of people dont notice what that post is referencing. originally referencing, i mean. people also dont seem to get the whole mordetwi thing so im just going to explain that, too: so i mentioned this horribly made mordetwi fanart made YEARS ago on deviantart with literally the same exact lyrics and a VERY similar background to the art my good friend harvey made. this is the art it was referencing:
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so yeah, i mentioned that artwork to my friend harvey who was trying to come up with something for me to post on this tumblr to specifically make jokes about our cursed, horribly written at first crackfic that turned serious at some point (which to be fair, during this time i wasnt writing much but i got into it a bit later, came up with a lot of plot and helped the best i could with consistency on frantic fanfic writing, but enough of THOSE details!) and got genuinely better, storywise. i made that joke about the fucking ship we put in there, YOU CAN GUESS FUCKING WHAT I DONT THINK I NEED TO SPELL IT OUT. so i made a joke about him making parody art of that and the dude really did it. i was so shocked, astounded, and overjoyed with this POWER I HAAAVE that i blazed it and successfully knew i got people to go through some serious mental anguish, cringe, and even a small bit of trauma from viewing that. but also some people who genuinely enjoyed it, which KUDOS TO YOU PEOPLE YOURE GREAT!
but yeah no i spent too much cash on this and it probably wont stop anytime soon, SUCKS TO SUCK, GUYS!
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kamenstrikerace · 4 months
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Time To Tackle Some Of This Yu-Gi-Oh Fandom Drama ONCE AGAIN
I just saw that Go Rush is coming to America, and it's been confirmed that it will have 151 episodes. What really pissed me off were the comments about it. I have to get this off my chest.You know, I was going to remain calm, but some of these comments are beyond words. The mental gymnastics and double standards are sheer animosity.
The first comment exhibits double standards and mental gymnastics. It starts by claiming that all Yu-Gi-Oh! shows are flops in Japan, which isn't true since Japan has never confirmed whether Yu-Gi-Oh! shows are flops or beloved. What I can't stand is how this comment calls the shows edgy but then defends the Rush era of Yu-Gi-Oh! while blatantly stereotyping. I couldn't care less about what you have to say, buddy. I think you're in the wrong era. I can't agree with someone whose brain cells are melted into mush or consumed by degeneracy.
Like, I stopped supporting Go Rush because it sucked so much from day one. It sucked so much that it FUCKING SUCKS! You wanna know why it sucks? Because it's the same trash writing as Sevens. It made me feel so attacked that only those Twitter cunts would enjoy it. I do not support this type of degeneracy or try to stay optimistic. In fact, these last two years have been hard on me, trying to accept the series from scratch. It failed so much that you people try to sugarcoat the blame on the Gallop era while saying the show is bad.
WHY DO YOU THINK Yu-Gi-Oh! fans hated Zexal, Arc-V, and VRAINS so much? It was because no one liked them. They're like the Star Wars prequels: divisive and terrible. I don't care if people in this fandom overthink it. They need to let go of their overthinking bullshit and learn to discipline themselves.
Let me quote what you just said: "Go Rush and Sevens are the most optimal balance between seriousness and silliness." That is just you being a modern degenerative moron. YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS? YOU MADE ME LOSE BRAIN CELLS SO MUCH THAT I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO DIGEST THIS CONTEXT. This is why literacy and media are dying. Modern media is trash. Retro always wins. You have to be a fool to say stuff like that. Like, I hate Zexal and VRAINS, but I admit they both suck so much. They were never mainstream, just badly written shows.And you can't even say that? Because you're afraid of getting canceled by those Twitter mobs who virtue signal everything they see as "problematic." It's like society can't get any more ridiculous.
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kaatiba · 3 months
@angelicxi replied to your post and said:
it's the executive function baby, there's nothing wrong with you. it's not a moral failure it's not laziness it's not a fault of character. i struggle to finish anything longform, even fanfiction. it's what it is. perhaps with time and therapy it'll get better but in the meantime don't drag yourself over hot coals about it. and honestlyyy...length is irrelevant lmao
like to be completely honest and perhaps a bitch. 500k words per work sounds impressive but is it good? i've seen so many big name fans and big name works in fandom that suck complete fucking ass despite being over-praised. the book market is Saturated with shitty works, many of them in the 200-350 page range. absolute waste of trees. quantity does not reflect quality and personally I sneer at people who feel superior because they can "write fast". like sure you bang out 10k in a day wow good for you. but if it's all trash does it matter? methinks not <3 i've said it before and i'll say it all my life. everyone can "write". everyone is, technically speaking, capable of picking up a pen, of typing up a document, everyone can learn this skill. everyone can learn to write what appears to be a coherent document. but not everyone can Write, capital W. just because a "story" flows legibly and seems to hit the 'right' narrative beats...that does not make it literature or give it any worth. not everyone has interesting ideas and, more crucially, not everyone is capable of investing those ideas with soul, which is ultimately what makes or breaks literature, imo. a story's got to have soul. you have to care about that world and especially about the people that live in it. ideas are dead, people are alive. and i'd rather take my time even if that means years to write out a small number of good words than bang out a novel in a week that ultimately doesn't say shit. :] (also i know it's unavoidable, being frustrated, comparing yourself etc. i do this too from time to time but i quickly slap myself out of it w this exact line of thinking. i'm just not stephen king or terry pratchett—i can't write high volume + high quality and i just have to live w that.) (and in the spirit of comparisons: tolkien only started putting LOTR down properly in his mid forties. george martin might fucking die before we get to know how ASOIAF ends. it doesn't matter. that is simply how time and circumstance aligned to produce some of the most enduring works of fantasy. and these are just two big name examples.)
lastly, and this might perhaps sound a little harsh...the crux of the issue seems to be this feeling that you are "disappointing". that you are "not living up to [your] potential." why? why are you writing to be praised? that is not sustainable. get rid of the audience in your mind. imagining yourself as a popular author is fun and tempting, but when you write, when you conceptualize especially... get rid of the imaginary audience in your mind. don't write thinking of the twitter reaction. don't write to please. don't write with a predetermined social goal, neither. in the long run all that does is trip you up. hnjghjg and I know I sound especially preachy with this but I am truly saying it w all my love. get rid of the audience. write what you think is fun to write, not for merit, but for the sheer fun of it. starting out w something like "oh i want to do my Duty and provide representation..." or "oh, I should write THIS kind of story, this is what We need"—what duty? who is we? it's a self-absorbed line of thought that will trip you up because the hand of that invisible audience is in there. just like thinking "oh i'm so disappointing, such a failure" ultimately also has the traces of that invisible audience, the same self-absorption, if a negative one.
i definitely needed to hear this! it is the executive dysfunction, you're right, and i'm gonna explore options to help me handle it! i just don't think i can fight against it on my own anymore lol. and you're right! a lot of words =/= good writing (i.e. writing i'm pleased with and that conveys what i want it to and connects with the reader). and i think (as much as i hate this term) that 'radical acceptance' is the key to just...feeling better and writing better. accept that i am not terry pratchett or steven king, i cant write well at volume rn, and that's ok. that the way i write is ok. even more, the way i don't write is ok lol.
"why are you writing to be praised?" why AM i writing to be praised??? hard to hear but v correct! this is a problem i have with most things i do: an all too consuming desire to be liked and lauded etc. i know my own worth and that should be enough for me. hopefully it will be! not preachy at all, it's exactly what i need to internalize.
and i love your point about comparison lol. maybe i just need to live longer to create the kind of works i want to create. thank you so much for this leah <3
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