#i know when he has nightmares and someone tries to hug him the first reaction he has is to pull away
llewnanith · 2 years
gavin grieve makes me want to start eating my floorboards like i cannot stop thinking about him and the grieve family. i can’t stop thinking about gavin knowing how to duck and weave between clawing to get people to look at him and knowing how to make people’s eyes slide off of him for safety. how his first spell was a silencing spell on his room. how he was shocked when his family got rid of his stuff - as if he knew he was unloveable but didnt know he was that unloveable. how he was willing to maim himself for the chance to win, just for the approval of it all. how even he didn’t think he’d live. i can’t stop thinking about scenarios where he would have eaten separately from his family, hearing talking from the room over. how no matter how many times he searched those pictures he still was disappointed about not being in them. how when his family talked about his death as already having happened, he would have had to learn to stop arguing, to find an exit as quick as possible. to swallow his grief of his own life. how he probably feels stranded with no concrete plans of the future. how he probably learned to cry silently. how he brushes off his family treatment as something inevitable, typical, deserved. how the taste of neglect is something that fits in his mouth like a bit, silencing him at night when he wants to scream from it all. literally how do you recover from this. when you build your life around your own ghost, what happens after that’s gone and all that’s left is you?
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saelxstia · 6 months
to tread the path angels fear (p2)
characters: sunday x reader
genre: angst
warnings: major character death, vague description of wound, i get a little off track
notes: uhhhh.. the explanation doesnt really make sense lmao and its a little unrealistic but shhhh just go with the flow
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the news of another death has spread like wildfire throughout penacony; like a wildfire in a dry forest, so has fear spread across the general population. with such a threat looming over peoples heads, even the bravest of people are hesitant to dare enter the dreamscape again.
sunday is no exception. the news has left him restless, troubled. and the mere thought of you, walking into the dreamscape again despite all his warnings, had left him riddled with anxiety. it is with a heavy heart that he walks over to your room that evening. it’s dark when he walks in, the only source of light being the dream pool, and his eyes skim the dark room hesitantly. though he had come to deliver a warning — to stop you from entering the dreamscape — part of him hopes you are not here, to avoid him telling you about the latest casualty.
when he does not see you right away, he lets out a sigh, almost of relief.. but he notices a shadow in the dream pool. so, he begins to walk further into your room, determined to deliver the warning he wished he could avoid. he squints his eyes in his attempts to discern the shadow. at first, he thinks its just his mind playing games with him. he rubs his eyes before looking again.
surely enough, there was someone or something in the pool — a flickering, moving shadow that danced by with slight movements and ripples. his eyes widen with fear as he quickly rushes to the pool to see who the figure was — and if it was you. to answer that question, yes, it was indeed you, and you were sitting in the dream pool with your eyes wide open and breathing heavily as if you had just saw something traumatizing.
this sets off the alarms in sunday’s head, and he immediately thinks the worst. “what happened? you... you didnt..." he gulps. "you didnt go into the dreamscape, right?" you don’t answer, and he gets even more anxious. he gently puts a hand on your shoulder, pulling you out of your distressed state. this shocks you, and you flinch, sucking in a breath. but you slowly relax upon realizing that it was just him.
though your muscles relax under his touch, your eyes are still filled with terror, as if he had just snapped you out a horrific nightmare. you continue to take shaky breaths, your hands trembling, while sunday tries his best to hide his own anxiety. “whats wrong?" he asks gently, his voice trying to be as gentle as possible to try to calm you down, “what did you see?"
you take shaky breaths to calm down, then slowly get out of the dream pool and suddenly launch yourself at him, hugging him tightly and sniffling. sunday's breath catches in his throat and he freezes for a split second, unsure how to respond to this sudden reaction from you. it's almost like you were scared and needed his consolation. he returns the hug, wrapping his arms around you closely and stroking your hair — trying to keep calm himself, despite not knowing what exactly was triggering your fear.
“oh aeons… this is horrible. is this what happened to poor robin? this is brutal, what even was that? please tell me this isn't real.” you start spilling all your worries, unable to just let them simmer in your soul and consume you whole. as your grip tightens around him, sunday's heart thumps. the way you cling onto him, almost as if he was the only source of comfort, was something he had never seen you do when you were younger. he gently pulls you closer to him, stroking your hair to try to ease your trembling. "shhhh," he whispers soothingly, “whatever it is, it's already done and over. it won't hurt you anymore. just breathe. breathe."
you slowly calm down and let go of him, “sorry, i was just..” you sigh and bite your lip. “just what is happening in there?” you question, your voice cracking. "its — its all madness," sunday replies softly, his tone turning grave as he remembers the latest death. "i dont know what to make of it, i dont know if it will ever stop. but..." he swallows. "...im not letting you go in again. you're too... too precious to me." you look up at him; “i almost died in there.. all of this is a nightmare. why does “death” exist in the dreamscape now?” you breathe out, trying to make sense of everything. sunday lets out a soft sigh. "ive wondered the same thing. it could be anything — a nightmare that escaped somehow, a dark entity that was somehow brought to our dreamscape. i cant tell you for sure." he reaches out to brush your hair aside, trying to catch your gaze. "but i can tell you one thing for sure — im not letting it take you away from me. i cant lose you too."
suddenly, just out of nowhere, the memories of what happened earlier came flooding back to you, all at once. you look at him and explain with your tone screaming urgency, “i need to explain what happened. i was exhausted throughout the whole day, everyone got me so angry and it got even worse when my boss gave me even more things to do. i just wanted to scream at everything. when i finally got back though, i was just about to rest when i felt a sharp pain in my head before everything went black. next thing i know, i woke up in the dreamscape, in the golden hour, and a man was killed by an unknown entity. right infront of me. i woke up but only came to my senses when you put your hand on my shoulder.” you take a breathe to continue, “i don’t know what’s going on, but we need to get to the bottom of this, and fast.. people cant keep dying in there.”
sunday slowly nods in agreement. the news of another death had only added fuel to his growing fear and anxiety about you entering the dreamscape again. your explanation did little to alleviate his concerns. if anything, it had only worsened it."i agree," he replied, sounding more firm this time. "we need to find out what is going on. we need to find the root cause of all this."
you both take a moment to contemplate, and there’s a thought in the back of your mind that you try hard to push away. but your thoughts get the better of you, and you blurt it out loud, “what would you have done if.. if it was me who died in there?” sunday's breath hitches at the realization of his worst nightmare — of you dying in the dreamscape. his throat squeezes, feeling like it was all closing in. his fists were clenched so tightly, they felt like they were about to burst.
he cannot lose you.
"dont even say that," he says between clenched teeth. his grip around your shoulder tightens a little, seemingly trying to ward off the mere idea of the possibility. "do not even say such a thing." you shake your head and put a hand on his, “i don’t know, sunday, i don’t feel safe anymore. i didn’t even go in the dream pool of my own accord; it was against my will. i couldn’t control anything..”
his eyes narrowed. this was even more concerning than he had expected. he feared for your safety, that much he was sure of. even so, the news of you being taken to the dreamscape against your will was especially troublesome. "someone.. something forced you into the dreamscape?" he asks, his tone growing more and more serious. "you had no say in it? you were just suddenly... transported there without your knowledge?” you nod, and he has never felt so much fear before.
in fact, he seems even more panicked at the revelation. someone with that much power to transport anyone they wished to the dreamscape was surely a cause for concern. not only was this entity able to kill... it was also able to kidnap. and it had taken you, the person — the treasure — that he cared about most in the world. "who — what was it?" he asks quickly, his voice growing anxious as he tried not to give in to the terror he felt beginning to set in. you take a shaky breath, “i don’t remember.” sunday's heartbeat speeds up at your response. that was perhaps the most alarming part — you didn’t remember. surely, a traumatic experience such as that should have left you with more than enough of a vivid impression, right? to not remember something with that big of an impact.. it was worrisome.
"you don't... you don't remember?" he repeated, his voice getting even faster. his breath hitches for a moment as he attempts to process everything. anything else that you couldnt remember could be a piece to the puzzle, but.. a part of him didnt even want to know what you had forgotten. it was perhaps safer that way. suddenly, a question pops up in his head, and his heart fills with dread, and the answer was what troubled him. he coughs out; “what would have happened if you didnt manage to leave the dream?"
“… i would have been one of the many victims of “death” in the dreamscape."
his chest tightens as he tries to suppress a shudder at that thought. you, someone he loves and holds so close to his heart, one of the victims of death in the dreamscape? he was unable to bear the thought of such a scenario. if you had not left the dream immediately, you could have ended up being another casualty — a part of the ever-growing list of the victims of this entity that was hunting down souls within the dreamscape.
"i cant even imagine.. such a thought is unbearable. i dont know what i would have done if you did disappear." he said, trying to think of a way to ensure your 100% safety. “would you like to leave your hotel room and stay with me instead?” he asks, and the answer’s pretty obvious. “yes, yes of course. i’d love that actually.” you whisper, and take his hand in yours. “of course, anything for you. anything to keep you safe,” he tells you, and he swears it.
after a week of living together, you seem to have started experiencing some odd symptoms. you would sometimes pass out out of nowhere, and at other times, experience vivid hallucinations that almost seemed like premonitions. on top of that, there were times when you would wake up startled after dreaming of a horrific incident, sweating and trembling involuntarily. it concerned sunday deeply, and he did his best to be there for you all the time, to try and ensure that you were safe and sound. he prays that the worst won’t happen to you.
one night, when he was busy with something important, the same thing that happened last week happened again. but this time, you sat unconscious in the dream pool with a gash on your arm and a deep wound on your stomach. when sunday couldn’t find you in his quarters, he thought of another place you would be. oh no, no, no. he really hopes he’s wrong. but it appears, he is anything but.
sunday rushes over at the sight of you sitting motionless in the dream pool, unconscious, with the wounds on your body. he had seen you pass out before, but the injuries were a definite new occurrence. he gasps in concern as he approaches you, his body tensing. he immediately tries to wake you from your unconsciousness, gently shaking you and calling your name. "(name), wake up," he murmurs, but there was no response.
sunday was worried that the situation was growing more and more critical. your heartbeat was dangerously slow, and you remained motionless in the pool, despite him shaking you and calling out to you. his entire body was tense and filled with worry, fear, and apprehension.
he feared the worst. slowly, he began to shake you more aggressively, trying to will you to regain consciousness. he kept repeating your name over and over, trying to elicit any kind of response from you. at closer inspection, your skin is pale and your face looks eerily relaxed. as if you had been unconscious for a long time already. sundays entire body stiffens. the way you seemed so still, and the way you hadn't responded to the aggressive way he had shook and called for you - it was all as if you had been..
he couldn't bear this anymore. his breaths become shaky, and his heart races at the thought of losing you. he couldn't allow this to happen. he wouldn't allow this to happen.
what if you really are gone?
no — that thought was far too unthinkable. your skin was pale, your expression relaxed, your breathing slow...
it was all as if you were already dead.
sunday wanted to deny it over and over and over again, but the signs were hard to ignore. he tried to find your pulse, hoping that there was still one present. there has to be one. there just has to be.
it was just as he feared. there was no pulse. youre dead.
no — that couldn't be. it HAD to be something else. your body was still warm, your heartbeat was simply slow, your breath was simply weak.. everything about you was still alive..
your pulse remained nonexistent. your breaths were still shallow, as you remained motionless in the water of the dream pool.
you were dead.
you were gone.
sunday's breaths are shaky as the realization dawns on him. his eyes begin to tear up as the grief and despair slowly sinks in. and as if the universe was laughing at him, your words came flooding back to him. it’s as if you jinxed it, “ … i would have been one of the many victims of “death” within the dreamscape.”
and it was all too real for him to bear.
your words... your premonition... it all came rushing back to him, as if it had been planned all along.
you had predicted your own death.
and now, your words had come to pass.
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im not that proud of this tbh...... some parts dont make sense and it was kinda rushed but yeah . i might write something with aventurine next 🐱🐱
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sovereignjojoz · 1 year
hi! i really enjoyed your headcanons about the Bucci gang and reader with a scary but nice Stand. would it be okay if i request that same thing for Josuke, Okuyasu, Rohan, and Jotaro? :D
Scary but sweet stand: part 4 edition.
Pairings: Josuke x reader, Okuyasu x reader, Rohan x reader + Jotaro x reader
Notes - I’m so sorry this request took so long anon! I’ve had writers block for a while. Hope you like it🤍
Higashikata Josuke
He jumped back and covered his eyes, your stand literally looked like something out of his nightmares.
Unfiltered, he blurted out, “the heck is that thing!”
If you become saddened by his reaction, he immediately changes his tune and puts on a lopsided grin (as best he can), he doesn’t wanna make his s/o sad.
But even so for the first few times he meets your stand he’s going to keep his distance until he gets over his wariness.
But believe you me once he’s over it there’s no separating him and your stand, like when it hovers over him he’ll become a chatterbox even though the stand can’t verbally response.
“I know! But then you won’t believe what Okuyasu did next, the idiot-”
He might punch someone if they insult your stand.
And I can’t get it out of my head that crazy diamond would love to play fight with your stand all the time.
And chase your stand around too.
Definitely has tried to play fight your stand.
Honestly your stand definitely squished cd’s cheeks in a scolding manner at some point, it’s just obsessed.
Oh, and if it wasn’t obvious before if you ever get injured the first one by your side is cd, ready to heal you.
Nijimura Okuyasu
Initial reaction: run.
He doesn’t mean to! It’s just he’s never seen a stand of the sought and he didn’t know to react so his first reaction was flight.
He definitely ran straight to Josuke’s house and Josuke gave him a look like: wtf is up with you.
After he apologises and depending on how mad you are he might take you to Tonio’s as an apology.
But when he finally warms up to your stand, he really warms up to your stand.
Like almost to the level that they’re inseparable.
He’ll use the hand to erase the distance between you guys if he thinks your too far away.
And he likes to try and scare your stand too to see the reaction it will bring out.
Probably tries to prank it too like by throwing water on it only to get scared after it reacts.
Tried to hug it a ton.
Honestly just a new bestie for him.
Kishibe Rohan
When he first met your stand, he couldn’t really hide his emotions very well.
His throat constricted and he let out a strangled gasp, just taking a long look between you and it.
He really didn’t understand, you were muse like material so what was that! Why did you manifest such a stand.
He doesn’t really sugarcoat so he might be a bit blunt!
He loves you, but not your stand (at first) so when it tries to come into contact with him he’ll dodge.
After a while though he see’s it’s not that bad and best believe if his actions are making you sad he’ll stop his diva-ish act.
He’ll pat it’s head and stuff and say thank you for all the additional acts it does.
I feel like an activity he’d like to do with your stand is clean for some reason, he likes that it’s silent and gets the job done (better than you too, he might even tell ya that!)
He loves drawing you however every one word in a while he might draw your stand too, sometimes when he thinks fondly of it, or to get character inspo since it’s so unique looking.
other times he’ll just leave a drawing around the house of it and notices how your stand jumps for joy.
Overall he does quite like your stand, but he likes you more.
Jotaro Kujo
He grimaces. Hard.
But he tries to keep a straight face and a neutral reaction as best he can, he’s seen weird stands before but yours is something he never would have even thought of.
Star platinum on the other hand mirrors his true expression.
He’s gonna act like your stand doesn’t exist for a good while as a result until your stand starts doing nice little things for him like readjusting his hat.
He’ll still act unbothered however he might give a nod of appreciation.
However one day your stand wasn’t how wrong around him like usual and immediately he noticed something was off.
He supposed he had gotten rather used to your stand assisting him he hadn’t truly approached it’s value.
Definitely see’s that your stands value in battle which makes him come to like it a lot more.
So the next time your stand was there he pat it’s back in an effort to show his appreciation.
Honestly though your stand just looks to star platinum to see his feelings and is quite pleasantly surprised to see they’re mostly positive.
Oh! And your stand most definitely plays catch with star when there’s time.
And probably also plays with it’s hair.
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maopll · 1 year
Hello I'm not sure if my request is allowed since i did not see it on the rules so pls ignore it it is not allowed.
May I request Leona, Jamil, Rook and Malleus with a S/O who is suffering from depression? Another thing is they have caught the reader trying to unalive themselves, and harming themselves, their mental health is also getting worse. I'd like to see the boy's reaction and how they'd comfort their S/O(since it it similar to my current situation).
I understand if you're not comfortable with this request or do not want to do it. I also apologize of it is against the rules. I'd also like to say that I enjoy reading your works a lot. Please take care of yourself. Thank you and enjoy your day!<3
Let me heal your scars
| twisted wonderland !
⌗:, scars on the outside heal after a time. but...are there any methods or medications that can heal the scars inflicted on the inside?....
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⌗:, a/n: anon I am comfortable with this request as I myself have gone through similar situations but you need to push through ! I hope you find solace in whatever keeps you happy and please don't do anything that might unalive you ! I love you <3 I have added things I kind of felt when situation like those happened
⌗:, warning: mentions of reader unaliving themselves,, trauma,, mental health issues,, read at your own risk ! angst !
⌗:, pairings: leona, jamil, malleus, rook w/ gn!reader
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,,your depression has gotten worse. you still have freakish nightmares and you slowly start to wonder "do I really have any worth?" "maybe I am useless" "it is my fault that I always fail". these thoughts keep plaguing you mind it's as if someone is telling you to just k!ll yourself. maybe you should just?....
LEONA refuses to let anything get to his weakness and he would absolutely hate it when someone or something is the reason his cherished herbivore is going through hard times and having negative thoughts. He believed that when you are with him no dark thoughts would engulf your mind but...not everything can be kept at bay...
whenever you would visit savannahclaw you would most wear short sleeves or if you ever wore a long sleeve it would be mostly during winter but short sleeves were your favourite. However he noticed a sudden change in your clothing pattern with you wearing long sleeves more than often and turtlenecks . He may be laidback but he too once aimed for the throne of a king...
He knew you would never tell him so when you were sleeing in his arms he looked under your sleeves and for the first time he was frightened and covered in cold sweat.
" [name]...why do you have those cuts on your hands and on your neck ?" for the first time, your leona was dead serious with anything and his voice was a decible lower than usual. you knew that you would have to provide an atleast believeable excuse to make him believe. but no matter how much you tried to answer you felt as if you were being engulfed by the floor and damn gravity never felt this heavy.
you burst into tears. the thoughts, the pressure of life, the decisions, everything fell on you like a thousand bricks. he sucked at comforting but he knew hugs were your favourite. he told you to cry as much as you wanted to. he patted your back and offered to listen to everything you've been going through those days.
he may not be able to relate with you but atleast he can lessen the pain you've felt.
JAMIL himself had to undergo some strict training in his childhood but he had to admit that whatever happened with you nothing of the sort happened to him. so he couldn't share the nor understand your feelings but just know...that he will do whatever it takes to help you
you would visit his dorms and sometimes dance with him under the moonlight with passion because it was something you wanted to do, something that would be very intimate but recently he saw less passion in you and frequent absences of your presence on many days. he thought you were busy but there's no way that you would be absent for two weeks right?...
he was on his way to Ramshackle dorm to see what you were doing, and if there were any homework, he might help you with those, but he definitely didn't expect your silhouette standing on the highest balcony railing ready to jump. he was frozen with fear. 'there's no way that YOU would do this..'
as soon as he saw your feet leave the railing, he sprinted to the spot where you might fall, and thank goodness he caught you just before you hit the ground. you have some explaining to do cause he was taken aback, he couldn't grasp what was happening and he was definitely sweating HARD.
" WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING JUMPING OFF THAT RAILING ?! DO YOU WANT TO REALLY KI–" you cut him off by shouting "WHY DID YOU CATCH ME I DO NOT WANT TO LIVE ANYMORE LET ME GO" and that was your last straw as tears flowed out of your eyes like a waterfall and you were sure you were crying like a baby at this point.
Jamil can read the room very well so he sighed and said that you can tell him everything later on and he is sure that it is definitely trauma inducing otherwise you wouldn't have tried to jump off
he know how heartbreaking it would be to see you cry but he wants to let you let go of all the pains and sorrows you have experienced these days.
MALLEUS here has no idea. this man child is learning human emotions because he pretty much grew sheltered so he learns them by looking at you. Things that invoke happy emotions, romantic emotions, sometimes sad emotions but what is this emotion that you're feeling right now?
I feel that he is able to sense emotions that his lover feels. dragon instincts I guess. but while most emotions you feel smelled sweet, strong or sometimes like petrichor..this one smelled like poison ivy. why?
he may be learning but he doubts that those scents were anything but normal. while he did want to ask you about it you would just change the subject. he knew you were hiding something. his instincts are on another level when it comes to you
he sensed that you might be in danger so it's best if he investigated it by himself and not long after did he find blood stained knifes and ropes. he was horrified. to think that the one whom he cherishes so much would be trying to part away from him for eternity, to take away their own life. he can't have you do that. not when he already made up his mind to keep you by himself while he rules.
you made sure to check all your surroundings to see if everything was in place but you failed to notice that one knife was missing which malleus brought out in front of you when you didn't notice him. "[name]...why were you doing this to yourself?..." he was sad and heartbroken. his voice sounded like he was on the verge of crying and so were you. he was the last person you wanted to find out about your...intentions of killing you life...
no matter how much you tried to tell him something your mouth would only open just to close the next moment because you just cannot bring yourself to tell him. you dropped down on the floor telling him that "I just can't do it...I can't deal shit with life...everything around me feels like they are judging me..feel like they will engulf me and no matter what I do I'll just be useless all over again.." he couldn't reciprocate your feelings but he can surely make you feel better. such a person as yourself who stays bright and cheery should not be crying on the floor nor should they feel sorrows. he hugged you close to his chest while he told you that he would listen to everything you want to tell him.
if he can't shield you from sadness and mishaps then how can he call himself a worthy ruler who would protect the people..his people? so he would do anything in his power to make sure you never shed those tears again.
ROOK here knew exactly the moment when you seemed more gloomy and down than usual. you would talk less, eat less, and those eyebags were so prominent that they could be noticed from metres away.
Something is not right...he thought to himself. how could his always cheerful and perfect other half be so under the weather these days. looks like he needs to know about the origin of your sorrows. He is a stubborn one so he is going to and he WILL find out whatever or whoever has cause you pain. He knows for a reason that it's gotta be something from the past looking at how you don't want to tell him and looks like he was right....
he is slowly unfolding your bedsheets, opened your drawers, and investigated your kitchen knife. bigger sorrows usually lead to rash decisions and looks like he was right. he is a master archer and hunter. the smell of blood being too familiar to him to be able to trace the scent in the knife being yours.
he knew that it may be a possibility, but the fact being true makes him feel...crestfallen. how? why? when? all these thoughts raced his mind. he knew your reason for doing these would be even worse and heartbreaking. but he had to confront you and comfort you. so that's when you seeked you out in the middle of the night when you were almost going to drift off to slumber.
"[name]...were you trying to hurt yourself?" your eyes grew wide like saucers. you've never seen rook look so dejected and serious. you told him yes and showed him all the scars that wrapped your body. you felt tears threatening to spill from your eyes and..oh? why do your cheeks feel wet?...
his usual signature smile was now a ghost of itself and he had a frown. he hugged you as tight as possible and let you freely cry all over on his chest. he shushed you softly and told you to tell him everything you went through and let go of those past emotions.
with him here he swears to never let anyone or he himself be the reason of your tears. he can't afford to see his amoureuse stain her beautiful face.
a/n: sometimes you just need to let go of all those who belittled you or trampled over your pitiful self. you should now grow a stronger version of yourself and start your life anew <3
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derangedanomaly · 6 months
could you do Nightmare!sans reacting to your S/o being pregnant with a girl?
Hello! I'm sorry for working on this request so late. I was just busy with school work and all that! Here it is, I hope you'll like it!
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Nightmare will be stunned when you finally reveal the news to him.
He genuinely didn't even know that a reproduction between monsters and humans was possible. 💀
You'll have to give him a little space for awhile, he really has to take the information in.
He wasn't considering the thought that you could end up pregnant when y'all were in the sheets, at all. 💀
After he finally processes everything, the king of negativity will be... for the first time in forever, truly..happy..
Happy is an understatement, he'll be overjoyed.
His darling, pregnant with his baby?? What better way is there to show everyone you're his?
He immediately goes back to you, and does a really shocking thing... He hugs you.
It's really out of character for Nightmare to be acting like this. And with everyone in the room.💀
He probably scared everyone with his joyful attitude 😂
I think that Nightmare would genuinely want a son. You know, to carry on his position. (Kinda like in medieval times) (Henry the eighth who? /j)
But after you both find out you're expecting a girl though.. he'll still be happy. Anything that will come out like you is the greatest achievement he could ever achieve. So he won't be disappointed. (That's the most nicest thing he told you)
He wants to help you the best of his abilities, but probably orders the others to help you out, because he's really busy :(
He probably orders Dust the most when it comes to this, since Dust is probably the most educated of the bunch.
He forbids Dust to smoke near you.
If you truly need him, just him and him alone, then he'll be up and ready to serve you. Whatever you need, he'll do it.
You could almost say... That Nightmares gotten soft with you. He treats you as if you were made from glass.
He pays close attention to your belly, and makes sure you don't accidentally bump it on something, or if someone won't bump it.
He couldn't bare it if you had a miscarriage. :(
Nightmare likes watching your belly grow. He takes pictures every week, to look back at your progress. :)
Cannot deal with mood swings. If you get angry, then he gets angry, and an angry Nightmare isn't really a good sign. 💀
Couldn't probably keep up with your random cravings. You want a chocolate, ok. Wait- now you want A TACO?? Where the fuck is he supposed to get a taco?!
Tries to be more understanding towards you, he understands that you're the one carrying his child, and you have a right to be needy, moody, or anything! He really tries to keep this in mind, and not snap at you. (Which sometimes proves to be really difficult)
I think that you'll be fairly surprised about the way his whole personality did 180 while you're pregnant. It's actually a fresh of new air for you. (Don't blame you though. Nightmare proves to be an asshole sometimes 🙄)
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dira333 · 11 months
i'd like to request a fic w/ dabi x reader where dabi nd reader are sleeping in the same bed, and reader, in the middle of the night, suddenly clings onto dabi, cuddling him tightly. wanna see his reaction!!
Hi there, thank you for your request. I'm trying something new with this one and I hope you like it
If you think of Dabi as Dabi, part of the League of the Villains, it's hard to think of him as sleeping in the same bed with someone else. Does he trust the others enough to let them sleep in the same bed? Can there even be romance?
If you happen to be in a hiding place that doesn't have that much space and you sleep in schedules and happen to share the bed with him - purely for sleeping - cuddling him out of nowhere might get you killed. You don't grab someone like him without being burned a little bit, but if you happen to be fireproof or at least a little fire-resistant, sure, go for it.
If you happen to be the one and only, the one that catches his eye and leaves him a little spellbound, you might even get away with it - and it might end up in him making sure that he always has the room with the bigger bed.
If you think of Dabi as a whole person, as Touya before and after, or at least a Touya that is given the chance to breathe, to relax, well...
The first time would freak him out for sure.
Maybe you're not the most cuddly person during the day and it comes out of nowhere, or you are cuddly during the day but prefer falling asleep on your side of the bed, but now you're there, clinging to him like your life depend on it.
Are you having a nightmare? Are you awake? What's going on?
And when he brings it up in the morning, you might not believe him, because why would you?
But it happens again and again, to the point where he anticipates it, welcomes it even. He's set up his phone once, to prove it to you. Calls you a were-koala, because you seem to grow extra limbs at night for cuddling. Sometimes, he falls asleep facing you because it's more fun that way. Other times, he sleeps with his back facing you because you hug him like a jetpack, your face pressed into his hair, legs crossed around him. He could get up like that, carry you around the apartment with you fully asleep - he knows, he's tried.
So how would he react? Depending on his state of mind, he'd either try to kill you or let you do your thing, but he'd surely be freaked out the first time it happens.
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sandwichfordinner · 2 years
Hi its strawberry anon once again >:3, Eli (my bbg real), Ganji, Edgar and Norton with a S/o who wears cute outfits but hella strong? Like strong enough to probably lift a car if they want. (Also take care of yourself and eat well!)
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Eli, Ganji, Edgar and Norton with a strong s/o who has a cute clothing style too ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁 🔔 (female reader)
Strawberry anon hello again! Also thank you for the kindness I appreciate it! I don’t think the last ones turned out great I am not sure because I was out of ideas, so sorry
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Now we all know Eli, a calm, intelligent and clever man who promised to himself to not date at the moment ESPECIALLY when he is trapped in this nightmare-
Oh nvm…. uh.. remember how is said like 5 seconds ago he kept his promise? Yeahhh.. well… about that!
He has now a pretty girlfriend that has the best style of clothing! Amazing, spectacular, brilliant, ate the whole table-
The two of you being silly and happy , when you suddenly turn the tables which shocked Eli and Brooke till this day.
No way… Tries to use words instead of touching you but if you have anger issues he will be on panic mode and scared. But he shouldn’t worry, because later on he will get used to it and will be taking lots of notes.
You are so lucky that Ganji has fallen for you.. He didn’t search for your look,,, but… the way you are so strong amazes him.. You’re perfect..
Also likes your clothing style, while he is a poor little guy.
Do you know how he fell even harder for you???
When he couldn’t run because his legs gave up in Moonlit River Park and you carried him in bridal style. AND YOU WERE HUGGING HIM CLOSELY which left him looking away trying not to make eye contact with you..
If you’re beating the absolute shit of someone he will quickly try to pull you away cursing under his breath. He barely got you out of this situation😭
He is still so thankful that you’re his girlfriend, so you sometimes lift him in bridal style to tease him which ALWAYS works to make him blush
An irritating painter falling in love with a peasant????? Please love is the last thing he actually cares about! Love is nonsense.
But when he saw you how surprisingly strong you are he was confused. Confused about all of this situation, first you dress so much differently from the others and you are even stronger than some hunters?? How is this even possible? If you’re extroverted enough to annoy him he will fall in love with you somehow.
And there it is. A boyfriend that is 0% strong and 1000% girlfriend that is stronger but cheerful. I can just imagine you giving him a kiss on the cheek, which makes him blushy and Joseph disturbs you two but you just somehow twist the sword with your hand. And this leaves the photographer and painter flabbergasted.
So confused . How do you even do it???
You know that Norton loves jewels, but you have never been in the mines because of the incident he experienced. Don’t remind him of it please..
,,*sigh* I wished I could’ve had money or diamonds.. something shiny and good…-‘’
You literally crashed your hand into a big rock, and searched until you felt something smooth. You smiled and got your hand out of the big rock, and to his surprise you were holding a bunch of small kimberlite which one costs like 50$ (and you know back when things weren’t expensive as now, and 50$ WAS A LOT I think). Please his reaction was priceless. HOW ON EARTH DID YOU KNOW THERE WAS KIMBERLITE IN THIS BIG ROCK AND HOW DID YOU EVEN SMASH YOUR HAND INSIDE OF THAT ROCK??? HAVENT YOU BROKE IT??
if you two are in the mines, Norton is having bad flashbacks while you crash your hands in the rocks to find anything: iron, gold, coal. Anything that would make him happy.
,,Hey Nort look I found a.. diamond!!!-‘’
,,That’s great honey’’ Literally doesn’t pay attention so you better quickly get him out of here..
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koiijournal · 1 year
Yandere!Male x Male!Reader
< Afraid of.. Me.? > ٭ Angst warning
[ Reader is male! ~☆]
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. << ♡ >> .
A muffled sobs of sad cries heard from the school bathroom that had been echoing through the hollow hallway. Fortunately nobody was able to hear him due to the ongoing lesson time.
"Huee..wa...! Hic!" Reader tries to lower down the noise not wanting to draw attention from anyone. But just to his luck, someone came in but not just anyone. It was his 'boyfriend', Shinko the most hot headed student known by everyone at the school. Gets into fights all the time, has super awful anger issues and did I mention anger issues?
How did a soft hearted and fragile Reader be in a relationship with that chihuahua!?
Long story short, shinko confessed to Reader. As expected of Reader, he got super scared and flustered but he truly wished to reject him. Then again how could Reader hurt their feelings!!? He wouldn't want to see that but shinko is literally Reader's nightmare, he doesn't even dare to look at his eyes but he couldn't hurt his feelings. So many buts' In the end, he was in a moment of panic and said yes!
Now back to you in the present getting caught crying but your boyfriend. Let's just say shinko wasn't very happy on what he saw.
He walks to you with heavy heart, millions of questions travels through his mind. Why are you crying? Who made you cry like this? Why? Why?? Oh he was so worried over you..
He lifts his arm to cup your cheek wanting to comfort you but Reader quickly takes a step back, you were so scared of him :(
"...Who did this to you?"
You only look down avoiding eye contact, too scared to even say anything. Your hands starts to tremble thinking about the consequences, only little quiet sobs from you.
"They'll pay.. NO MATTER WHO IT IS" His fist slams to the wall behind Reader, you grew even more anxious with him.
I mean SHINKO is the reason why you were crying in the first place, he's just so intimidating to you. Yelling, fighting, and more aggressive actions, how can Reader who's literally the most sensitive being on Earth held back their tears! (Or mybe it has something to do with Reader's past??)
Shinko takes notice in your reaction, it wasn't long until he realized it was HIM that you're scared of. His heart shatters to shards, he takes a step back while gripping on his own hand tightly.
You were paralyzed on the spot, you truly wished to run away right there but it felt like your shows was stuck to the floor. You could only pray for your safety as you shut your eyes.
When you open them back, shinko's figure towers over yours and relax their body in you while he wraps you with both of his arm.
You try to settle down your breath as his head was on your shoulder, suddenly you felt liquids on that spot. You panick internally, not knowing what to do.
"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry please, don't stay away from me.." His voice muffles in a soft tone, oh he really did fell hard over you. One wrong word, you could literally end his whole life, that's how much power you have over him. Yet you still didn't abuse the power.
At this moment you felt a bit touched, the scary looking guy apologizing and crying for you! You didn't know he had a soft side inside of him, which made you look at him in a new light.
"Shh.." You hug him in comfort and pats his back, reassuring him you're there for support.
The following time he only cries in your arm and spewing apologies over and over. Maybe he isn't that scary after all..?
Be careful though, don't spoil him too much.. Who knows he might rely on you completely from there on to his advantage..
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yuuxhan · 2 years
Venti x reader headcanons
Angst + Fluff
(I can’t sleep rn and I’ve been listening to angst all night!! So enjoy!! I tried to keep this as canon as possible)
He has these cute nicknames for you, “Darling” “Love” but his most common one is “Windblume~”
Poor guy is very self conscious, he’s always thinking the body he’s in is not his and he hates it.. he wants you to love him not the nameless bard.
“Please.. oh please.. You don’t.. like him.. right? You love me right? You love ME right??”
Please.. please don’t let him near a mirror.. he will have a breakdown right then and there. Seeing himself reminds him of the past
Gifts! Give him lots of gifts, it’ll show him you really do appreciate and love him.. in return he’ll give you hugs and kisses.. maybe even a bouquet of Cecelias <3
The thought of you not being from this world makes his heart break.. he knows you’ll leave Teyvat and him one day forever and he’s never going to forgive himself for not stopping you
Aftercare at the tavern is always important, if he’s super drunk take him home immediately, give him a warm bath and water before he goes to bed, he’ll appreciate it in the morning
If he ever sees you standing and talking to a someone, he’ll run over and jump on you like a friendly tackle. He’s very embarrassing to be around but you’d get used to it.
“Venti!! I was trying to buy some supplies..!”
“I couldn’t help myself! I saw you standing there and.. it was a clear opening~”
He absolutely loves cuddles, especially with a warm blanket when it’s cold outside. You two, sitting by a small flame. He’d love to hum you to sleep on him, it’s the best feeling ever.
Every night he goes to the huge statue of himself near the church and sit on the hands, he loves laying down on it, it reminds him of when he was a small whisp on the nameless bard’s hands. He’d love to bring you up there too, the wind and the view is gorgeous up there for sunrise.
“Thank you for coming up here with me.. this spot makes me feel more at home, especially now that you’re here with me..~”
If you ever need to find him feeling down and depressed, check windrise.. the spot by the statue feels somewhat comforting for him. Maybe because the statue ‘heals’ him..
He loves to play you songs and sing to you! If it’s private or in front of a crowd, you always get the first spot up close! He also rehearses around you once he’s comfortable with you.. your feedback is always important.
He loves absolutely everything about you, from your head to your toes, from your personality to your eyes.. he gives you compliments all day out of nowhere, it’s quite the tease sometimes but he loves your reaction. He can go on and on and ramble to strangers about you.
“Hey hey hey! Majorie! Have you seen (name)!? When was the last time you saw them?? Was their hair down today? I love it when their hair is down.. it looks so fluffy and it blows in the wind so perfectly..~!”
Even though he seemed tough on the outside, he’s quite sensitive, some comments just get to him and he can’t help but to believe them.
“Oh.. is that what they mean..? Alright..”
Nightmares are a major thing.. flashbacks to 500 year ago during the archon war frightens him.. seeing Mondstat in nothing but flames makes him horrified.
His cries are soft and quiet, you can barely hear him.. though when the time comes for him to scream and sob.. it’s like all of Teyvat can hear it through the wind.
Please comfort him, even if it’s just hugs or a simple nudge of affection.. anything to help him. He’s not used to human emotions still, especially crying so he shakes and gasps for air a lot
“What’s.. going on.. why can’t I.. breath.. help me.. please.. please.. Windblume..”
Dragonspine still scares him till this day, he fears that one day the protection he put over mondstat will break and Durin (the dragon created by Rhinedottir that Dvalin & him took down) will return.
Playing with his cheeks makes him blush, he’s very squishable and he loves it when you do. He ends up laughing when he sees your mocking face and he might squish yours too!
“Ou ou ou.. yoush shqushing tuu haurd..! Stuup ut~!”
Tickles!! He’s so ticklish!! Under his arms, his waist, his neck.. anywhere gets him to laugh.
Braid his hair! He loves intimate touch like that.. he would sit on the bed beside you with his eyes shut, staring as quiet as possible while you fix his hair for him, he feels pampered and taken care of <3
He never celebrates his birthday.. he always thinks of it as the day the nameless bard died. So he doesn’t tell anyone and spends his day drinking away at the tavern..
If he’s using you as comfort on a bad day, the both of you would be sitting down somewhere, his arms as legs would be wrapped around your back. He would want you to hold him like a child but he’d be embarrassed about wanting such comfort and he’d stay silent with a blush on his cheeks, even though he enjoy every moment of it.
“Um.. hey.. do you, mind if I um.. hugged you.. for a moment..?” His cheeks all flustered and his gaze looking away from you.
Venti is terrified of thunderstorms, as a whisp, you can imagine how scary it would be for someone so small and fragile to whiteness something so loud and terrifying. He still has that fear to this day and with you by his side, he’d latch onto you like a child, begging for some sort of comfort to sheild him from his scary it would be. Every flash and bang the storm creates, he’d jump and hide himself in your grasp.. it would make him seem so small, fragile and weak at that point.. but he didn’t care.. he’d want to feel safe.
He HATES to be strapped down to things.. he absolutely despise it.. even if it’s like a ride or for fun, he will not do it. The whole point of his freedom is to be free to do what you want, you know? But even so, he has a fear of being tied to things and he will do anything.. and I say ANYTHING to get out.
When he cries, he tends to find something to distract him.. wether it’s just a pebble on the concrete ground he picked up or just staring at a flower beside him. And when you hug him, he holds onto you tightly, his finger making small patterns on your back to distract himself for comfort. If you giggle from it feeling ticklish he’d laugh with you.. it would most likely make him feel better
He loves it when he’s being held in your arms, cradled so closely. He feels so loved, even though he was never used to it from all those centuries. He loves when you sing to him like that, especially that one song… even if it makes him feel like a baby, being pampered by you is something he’ll never get over.
“You are my sunshine.. my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You’ll never know dear, how much I love you.. please don’t take, my sunshine.. away.”
Venti is actually weightless. He’s the god of wind, not to mention he’s a spirit, not even human. This guy is very easy to carry like a baby, which helps since he’s always jumping on you in surprise hug attacks. Him being weightless makes it easier for you too, you’re able to carry him home like nothing when he’s drunk or just wants to be pampered or worshipped somehow.
(That’s all for now! I’ll add more later on!! :>
I’ll be making a venti angst fic soon! Stay tuned for it!!! 🤗)
(Update, fic has been posted! Along with a fluff of venti preforming Solider, poet, king!)
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nightmarerodent · 4 months
Expecting the Unexpected (part 1? IDK)
A Jakeda one shot that’s no longer a one shot because it got a bit out of hand (as they tend to do)
Jacqui’s heart dropped to her stomach and lodged itself in her throat all at once when she was read the results from the doctor. Positive. Without a shadow of a doubt. The test she took at home wasn’t a fluke. She was pregnant. She was undeniably pregnant. What the hell was she going to tell Takeda?
They were carful. Usually. As careful as two people that rarely got any alone time could be, married or otherwise. Her father was still pissed about that. He never got behind the idea that her and Takeda were going to be a forever thing. He hated that he, and by extension now her as well, was a Shirai Ryu, and Scorpion’s adopted son no less. News that she was now knocked up might just put her dad over the edge enough for him to finally make good on his promises and actually kill the poor boy. It was not a conversation she was looking forward to. At all.
She went home that day in a daze, mind a million miles away from her body. At least she had the wherewithal to go to a clinic in town and not the hospital on base. This way news wouldn’t spread as quickly. If people were going to find out, she wanted it to be on her terms. And putting off the lecture Auntie Sonya was undoubtedly going to give them would be nice too.
Cassie was the first to find out. Takeda was still gone, out on some mission for the clan, and probably wouldn’t be back for the next few days. She was bursting to tell someone, to get advice or reassurance, something, and Cassie knew something was wrong with her best friend. She’s noticed Jacqui behaving strangely; she was more tired and had excused herself more than once to use the bathroom, only to be found vomiting a few moments later. So Cassie showing up at her on base housing with take out and a worried look after Jacqui’s visit to the doctor was unsurprising. Nor was her reaction.
“Pregnant!?” Cassie was out of her chair in an instant, “Are you sure? For how long? Does Tak know?”
“No. I only found out yesterday. And I’m only seven weeks along.” Jacqui told her.
“Am I the first you’ve told? Aw, JB.” Cassie moved to hug her and Jacqui gratefully accepted.
A small weight felt like it lifted off Jacqui and it was enough for what strength she tried to carry since receiving the news to finally break. Tears welled up in her eyes and she began to tremble.
“What am I going to do? This wasn’t part of the plan. Not yet. I’m going to be discharged. My career is over.” Jacqui sobbed.
“Hey, no it’s not. Briggs’s don’t quit,” Cassie reassured her, “You’re the smartest, most badass, most determined person in SF and you’re going to have the smartest most badass baby to ever grace Earthrealm. If the brass has a problem with that then they can kiss my glowing green fist.”
“I can’t defend Earthrealm and have a baby, Cass. They’re going to kick me out. It’s protocol.”
“Says who? Have you forgotten who runs this place? I mean, I wasn’t planned and I sure as hell didn’t stop my mom from pursuing her career.” Cassie pulled back on the hug so she could look her friend in the eye but still held her close.
“Auntie was way further along in her career than I am. She was a commander when she had you, I’m just another Sargent.”
“That’s married to the second in command of one of our most important allies. No one if firing you without pissing off Hanzo. Or me. Or Tak, but most importantly me. Trust me, we got you. You’re not going anywhere. I promise.”
Jacqui wanted to believe her. She really, truly did, but the fear was overwhelming. This whole situation was overwhelming. She didn’t even know if she wanted to be a mom. She was open to the idea. Her and Takeda have talked about it, sure, but always as some vague eventuality, off in the far distance that was some undefined future. A wishful daydream of peaceful times not filled with oni from the netherrealm or some new nightmare crawling out of god knows where in Out World. Now it was being thrown into her face in a time of such uncertainty. And Takeda wasn’t here.
But he will be, she reminded herself. He will be back in a few days and they’ll figure this out together. Always together. That was their promise. And Takeda never breaks a promise.
“You’re going to be an amazing mother,” Cassie believed every word she said with her whole being, “And Takeda is going to be the greatest dad. He already has the humor of one.”
That actually got a chuckle out of her, “His jokes are so bad but he looks so happy when he tells them.”
Over the next few days Cassie kept her promise and didn’t tell a single soul what she knew. She covered for Jacqui too, claiming a stomach bug that Jacqui was too stubborn to acknowledge whenever she was caught throwing up. Cass was always ready with a convincing lie and had the acting chops to pull it off too. She was a Cage after all.
Jin at one point commented that she looked terrible, causing Jacqui to start crying uncharacteristically, blabbering that she felt gross, freaking him out. He immediately started apologizing, saying that she looked fine, it was a joke, she was supposed to snap at him and they’d have their witty back and forth and then she’d punch him like always. It was their thing. She just cried more. She didn’t want to punch him. She never wanted to punch him. He was her friend and she was always so mean to him and she was sorry. This only freaked him out more. He just bear hugged her and desperately looked around for Cassie because this was not his department. He had no clue what to do with a crying Briggs or what was causing it. Was she possessed? Did she need medical attention? Chocolate? A cat? Where was Takeda when you needed him? What was happening? Eventually Cassie showed up and got Jacqui to calm down back to normal but Kung Jin was thoroughly freaked out by that point and refrained from being his usual sarcastic self for the remainder of the day.
All the while, Cassie kept an ear out for news about Takeda’s return. She was hell bent and determined to have Jacqui be the first thing he sees when he exists the transport or portal. When she finally received word after a few days that he’d be returning within the hour, she booked to tell Jacqui. She’s never run so fast in her life.
The second Takeda stepped out of the portal he was hit with the force that was his wife barreling into him and wrapping him into a desperate hug. One he was equally as desperate to return. Before he could even breathe so much as a word, she had already grabbed his face and pulled him into a forceful kiss. He wasn’t complaining. He chuckled as they pulled away from each other, jokingly asking if she missed him, only for the smile to drop and worry to set in as he noticed her nervous smile and wet eyes.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” He asked.
“Only good things,” she told him, “I just- I really missed you.”
As soon as they were alone back at home she told him. A whole mix of emotions flew across his face in a matter of seconds. Shock, disbelief, confusion, fear, joy. He finally settled on ecstatic as he hugged her tight, laughing, and asking her a whole slew of questions. She was relieved he took it so well, though she wondered why she had thought any different. He was always the one that brought the topic up, even if it was just as a hypothetical. He wanted kids. He never said it in as many words or so directly, but it was clear to her it was a thing he desired. His infectious joy was evidence of that.
They celebrated the way couples that were young and in love do, Takeda becoming completely unable to keep his hands to himself for more than a fraction of a second and her being more than willing to receive any and all affection he was able to give. By the end of the night they were curled up together, his arms wrapped around her and a hand pressed gently against her stomach where their future was growing, peppering her with kisses and muttering sweet nothings.
Uncertainty still hung in the air. How they were going to make this work. How they were going to tell people. What their positions as Earthrealm’s defenders would look like now. How and where they were going to raise the child. If they were even fit to be parents in the first place. All conversations they were going to have to have sooner rather than later. But, for now, for a moment, they were allowed to be happy and unashamed. Opinions and outsiders be damned.
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Heartstopper season 2 play-by-play analysis
Question: what is the absolute worst? Is it:
a) dating,
b) coming out,
c) parties, or
d) all of the above…
The answer (for me) is d. And this episode has all of the above, and it was like watching a nightmare… (I went on a few dates, all of them painful, but I don’t know if that’s just the nature of dating or if it’s because I’m acespec; also parties to me make absolutely no sense; also I tried coming out multiple times and it’s been the worst anxiety I’ve experienced, each time).
But let’s see how these things go for our lovely group.
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- I love that they did the “I know you and Charlie are really good mates” and Otis and Sai giving him the looks, and a kissing montage playing in Nick’s head with the huge letters GOOD MATES across it. Perfection.
- Coach Singh’s whole body language after walking in on Nick and Charlie kissing. And her being protective of Nick after realizing that he’s queer. “You don’t owe them that information”. It’s so reassuring for Nick to have another queer person, a queer adult, know, and for her to tell her that he doesn’t have to live with that pressure, that it’s difficult and it won’t always go well, but it’s not an obligation.
- Nick and Charlie being cozy in the library. Two of my favorite things. More of that please.
- I can’t tell you the giddiness I felt when I saw the Pride display and saw that there was an ACE book top and center. Also I’m so happy that we got so much James, and how fucking giddy he is about hanging out with Isaac. Two little bookworms matching each other’s energies.
- I love how Tao became the worst date by trying to be the best date, following the worst online advice, changing his appearance, and being so tense about everything being perfect, that he forgot about just being himself, which is precisely what Elle likes about him.
- All Charlie and Nick needed to get through their exams and coursework was to think about Paris, and being together in Paris.
- Every time Harry appears, he usually puts an arm around someone, like grabbing them, which, as Tao rightfully pointed out last season, is a hyper-masculine way of saying “I didn’t get hugged much as a child”. So imposing and annoying. Go to therapy, Harry. Stop invading people’s spaces, Harry. (I know the other boys do it too, like Otis did to Charlie in the first episode, and to Nick in this one, but the attitude behind it is completely different. But still, boys, stop just grabbing people like that, it’s so annoying.)
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- “But I love you because of how annoying you are” is one of the sweetest things you will ever hear, and I felt so bad for Tara because of how Darcy reacted, literally running away from her feelings. Poor Darcy too. I think I can relate to the automatic reaction of running away from my feelings, running away from anything that was me having to be vulnerable. It gets better, and I love that in the end it’s just practice. The more you talk about your feelings, the better you become at it.
- New favorite ship unlocked: the teachers! “Are you also regretting signing up for this?” Don’t worry, you won’t regret it at all by the end of it…
- James being all giddy asking Isaac to the party, I’m sorry but he’s adorable, and therefore I’m kinda sad about how things turn out, but I hope we get more James in the future.
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- The comedic performance of Mr. Ajayi failing to get everyone’s attention in a gentle manner and Mr. Farouk having to go “QUIET!” Which in itself is so funny. (Fun fact: a teacher in Northern Ireland actually won the Guinness Book of World Records for the loudest shout, and it was her shouting “quiet” at 121 decibels, about the same as a jet engine. Mr Farouk might not be as loud, but the way he does it definitely works.)
- Darcy’s “oh dear, oh nooo” and Charlie and Nick exchanging excited looks when they’re told that boys and girls can’t share rooms is so cute. “I know, heartbreaking, isn’t it?” Mr Farouk says with a raised eyebrow.
- Poor Imogen… she needs more girlfriends.
- Tao’s new aesthetic, as much as they made him try to look out of character, just… works… love the whole outfit, the whole vibe. He looks like he’d be in a Wes Anderson film, so it’s very appropriate that they’re going to one.
- And Darcy going “oh duuuuh”, just the worst‼ And Charlie shouting “your hair’s amazing!”
- I love the stark contrast between Tara’s outfit and Tori’s outfit, and I love them both.
- “Look after him or you die”. Aw Tori, being a good older sister. I want more Nick and Tori interactions.
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- The comically large popcorns. “I hope you didn’t cut it for me”. Tao’s little laugh but then his look of terrible realization. Then his terrible attempts at being flirty. And then his whole rant about “they’re kids, so it’s obviously not going to last long term”, big foreshadowing.
- Sahar’s makeup and jacket, so cute. Metallic blue eyeshadow. The makeup game in this season is top notch.
- What is up with those boys pulling Charlie away? Seriously, what is this masculine impulse of throwing your arm around someone's shoulder, even when you don't know them???
- And what is up with Sai’s reaction to Nick saying “I need to talk to you guys”? This is a lot like the party in the first season, when Nick realizes that he’s not really the partying type, and he just wants to hang out with Charlie and talk. Here he just wants to talk to his friends and tell them something, but it is like the worst moment to do it, and he’s already feeling ill about the idea of doing it, and he’s really not the big loud party type of guy.
- Tao being so pent up about this one date going wrong. They’re both kids, like the protagonists in Moonrise Kingdom, and they really thought that it would work out from the beginning, and they’re upset that it didn’t, and that it must mean that it will never work.
- “I’m fundamentally unlikeable”. “I liked the old Tao”.
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- Tori is so mean in that instant, but we get that it hinges on her fear of Charlie being hurt again, being bullied again.
- After a second viewing, the only overblown comment going around Nick’s head is Tori going “you’re bisexual, so you’re going to cheat on my brother?” (I know that the media tends to have a terrible habit of portraying bisexual characters as promiscuous, which is why Nick is such a lovely change, so I would get why this is insinuated here. But… not from Tori, and so far in the show, at least from my perspective, there hasn’t been anyone insinuating that Nick’s bisexuality makes him unreliable or promiscuous, but especially not Tori. Unless this has to do with a deleted scene... In any case, I expected him to think of her as accusing him of letting Charlie get hurt or something). But all the other things he hears in his head are spot on.
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- Charlie coming in hot and shoving Harry away, because he probably still feels bad about not helping Nick when he was confronted with his brother.
- That one-on-one scene between Joe and Olivia is peak perfect Charlie-Sara interaction. More please.
- Also, is it me, or does Sara wear a lot of yellow? She's sunshine personified. (it's curious that, one of the few times we don't see Sara in yellow, is in season 1 when she's wearing blue when Nick is telling her about the date with Imogen, and she says "don't worry, the right girl will come along", and it might just confirm my theory that light blue represents heteronormativity, but coming from a person who turns out to be supportive).
- Nick and Charlie being all cozy, and Nick tiredly saying that he enjoyed Charlie telling Harry to piss off. And Charlie’s whole talk about that weird obligation we feel to come out to friends and family the moment you realize you’re not straight. I think it’s so lovely that the comic and the show emphasize this so much, because so often in media it’s become a whole thing about how you’re supposed to come out, and for it to be this big announcement, as if otherwise you're lying to everyone if you don't, and as if everything is going to be alright from now on as soon as you come out, and as if not coming out means that you’re afraid and a coward. And I love how much this season works through that, with Coach Singh and Charlie and Sara telling Nick that he doesn’t owe it to anyone. This whole season was perfect because of that.
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This episode is brought to you by Date Dread™, Coming Out Anxiety™ and Party Fear™ (not just a Raleigh Ritchie song with which I identify way too much...)
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Cesar in my AU!
Cesar is interesting in my AU, as he survived the Alternate Encounter by faking his death(Look at him. He’s a theater kid. ), waiting until the Alternate moved on, and then hurried to pack a bag in a fit of panic and hurried to leave the house. More under the cut!
Trigger warnings for: Mentioned suicide, implied near-death experience, religion mention, loss of belief mention, stuff like that, please be careful, guys!
After this, he changed his name, cut his hair, quit singing entirely(No matter how much it pained him since it was a hobby he absolutely loved, but his voice was too recognizable, so he HAD to give it up. He still talks, but mostly uses sign language, despite how difficult it is for him to learn.), took on a job that he would never have taken up if he weren’t attacked by an Alternate(grocery bagger), gave up religion entirely(“What God would allow this to happen to me?”), and just changed himself almost entirely, only showing his true self if he trusts someone enough.
He has no clue about Mark’s death and just thinks he lost his phone, hence why he never answers Cesar’s calls. When he finds out, he’s crushed, but shows it in what most people would see as a “mild reaction” to being told your best friend killed himself.
This isn’t because Cesar doesn’t care, far from it, actually, he cares a lot, he just hasn’t really slept much due to the aftermath of encountering an Alternate and surviving due to him playing dead.
When Cesar is overly stressed, if he doesn’t go nonverbal, he just falls back to speaking in spanish. Jonah(haven’t talked about him yet, but I also have thoughts about him, my funky stoner pizza-loving blorbo <3) typically translates whenever he’s nearby if Cesar shuts down.
Cesar is a HUGE recluse nowadays, typically only going outside if it’s an ABSOLUTE emergency.
Overtime, Cesar breaks out of his shell, going outside slightly more often. His apartment is really well kept, as he cleans often to make sure he stays awake as long as he can.
The instant Cesar first meets Sarah, he just…hugs her. He hugs her and, for the first time since knowing about Mark’s death, cries, because he can’t imagine how badly it’s affected her.
He knew how close Sarah was to Mark, so he tries to see if he can help her in any way, which, in his eyes, is a good thing, although on Sarah’s end, it’s sorta annoying/condescending.
As time goes on, Cesar tries to understand the whole “BPS” thing, but it’s a little hard for him to wrap his head around.(When someone tells him ���It’s just Ghostbusters but with Alternates” is when it clicks for him lol.)
Honestly, Cesar is a BIT of a coward, running away at the slightest bit of danger, but he slowly gets better!...slowly…VERY SLOWLY…
Oh, yeah, he has a shotgun. Did I mention that? He has it in case he runs into another Alternate.(Yes, they don’t work on Alternates, but he doesn’t know that.)
He accidentally runs into Thatcher one day. Thatcher pulls a gun on him because “YOU LOOK LIKE THAT ONE ALTERNATE”. Cesar merely sighs defeatedly because he’s too fucking tired to deal with this.
Honestly, that’s a good way to describe Cesar Post-Attack. Tired. He’s so tired, thinking can be hard for him somedays, but he never lets himself rest for too long, lest the nightmares get to him again or he risk encountering another Alternate.
If he ever met Stanley, he would scream as loud as possible, pulling EVERYONE away from him, putting himself in front of them.
He runs into Alt!Mark at one point. That goes about as well as you can expect. Most of the time, Cesar runs from danger, but this time-THIS ONE GOD DAMN TIME-he doesn’t. He can’t bring himself to move. He’s frozen in place. He has to get dragged away while he screams “WAIT, NO, PLEASE, THAT’S MY BEST FRIEND, THAT’S MARK, NO, NO, PLEASE!!!” because he can’t see past the flaws in the Alternate. He just sees Mark.
He’s still as good a cook as ever, he just seems a little…sadder whenever he does, because he can’t sing and cook like he used to. The most he does while cooking is tapping his foot and humming.
After a while, he does start singing again, as he realizes “OH SHIT I’VE HIT PUBERTY MY VOICE SOUNDS DIFFERENT I CAN SING AGAIN!!! :D”
That’s what I’ve figured out so far, but feel free to ask me anything you have questions about!
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loafandfish · 2 years
Disciples reaction to you having a nightmare please! (Headcanons)
As a person who used to deal with nightmares a lot, I really liked this prompt. It was pretty comforting to write out all the ways I’d like people to respond to nightmares. Also! I wrote most of them in a way that could be interpreted as either romantic or platonic. Key word: most haha
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Simon P: As soon as you recount your dream to him, he’ll pull you into a hug and start humming. He’s a decent singer at best, but at least it’s “soulful” as Andrew likes to say. Then, he starts dancing with you to the rhythm of his slightly off key singing. At first you question if he even heard you. Then you see they way he’s looking at you, hopeful that his antics will succeed in getting you to forget about the bad dreams and instead make you happy. He spins you around until you let out a laugh. He’ll offer you a grin in return, knowing he just succeed.
Andrew: He’s been noticing how tired you were for the past week, so he decides to investigate. As much as you don’t want to trouble him with your problems, you can’t lie to him. When you tell him about the nightmares, Andrew is able to empathize, as he often suffers from nightmares as well. So he brings you into a field of flowers and tells you to look. When you do, he asks what you see. You describe to him the beauty of the field, the forest in the background, and the clear skies. He reminds you that this is all God’s creation. He is in control of all the beauty, and has power over all evil. Including nightmares.
Big James: Prepare to have the worries snuggled right out of you. This man will be wiping your tears, doing everything in his power to get you to smile again. He’ll tell you awful jokes, recount old stores, even tell you in full detail about the time he accidentally stabbed his brother with a wooden sword. When you finally do smile, he’ll mirror it and give you a short kiss before promising he won’t leave until you fall asleep again.
John: He’s by your side in an instant, smothering your worries with gentle hugs and kisses. He will not let you go. Not even if the world was on fire. He’ll whisper comforting words and let you vent to him about the dream. He’ll tell you to listen to his heartbeat and promise that he’s here to fight of any bad dreams as long as it stays that way. He’ll stay by your side for so long, you’ll end up falling asleep in his arms. When you do, he’ll smile softly pressing a kiss to your forehead. He still won’t want to leave you alone.
Little James: He listened intently as you describe the dream to him, holding your hand through the whole thing. When you’re done, you feel a lot better but still shaken up. Without letting go of your hand, he starts singing a lullaby to lull you into a peaceful sleep. He’ll softly kiss the back of your hand just before your drift off.
Judas: He would hold your hands and simply look at you with those big blue eyes until you calmed down. He’s not so sure what to say, but he knows that as long as he’s there, it will help. He’ll bring you little rocks and flowers to cheer you up, knowing you likes to collect the small things to keep in your pocket.
Thomas: He’ll be confused at first, unsure how to handle the situation. But still, he tries his best and begins asking questions. Would you like to tell him the dream? What part scared you specifically? Was there anything he could do to help? The fact that he was giving his all to comfort you was a blessing itself, and made you smile.
Matthew: Like Thomas, he’ll also be a little nervous in the right way to react. He’s not so good with physical touch, or elegant with words. But then he realizes all you need is someone by you. He’ll stay next to you for as long as you need, or until you fall asleep. He may even recount the times he’s had nightmares of his own, and how they’ve proven to be false.
Nathaniel: Initial reaction would be something like “What? Nightmares aren’t real.” But when that only makes you more upset, he realizes now is the time for comfort, not truth. He’ll pull you into his arms and repeatedly tell you another truth. “I’m right here. I won’t go anywhere.” He’ll gently rock back and forth with you secure in his arms.
Philip: Somehow, all nightmares wash away when this man is around. After you wake up in a cold sweat, you immediately call to Philip for help, knowing he’ll be able to comfort you. Just the sight of his carefree smile is enough to calm your racing heart. After you tell him what happened, he’ll tell you to sit down in the grass and begin to tell you stories to occupy your thoughts. If you fall asleep, he’ll gently carry you back to your tent, giving you a soft peck in the cheek before going to his own tent.
Thaddeus: He hears snuffling outside of his tent and immediately goes to investigate. Upon seeing your upset face, he pulls you into a hug and asks what’s wrong. When you tell him about your nightmare, he’ll take you by the hand and ask you to go stargazing with with him. You agree and the two of you find a nice spot to lie down and look at the night sky. He points out the constellations, and even makes some up for fun. You join in and together the two of you stargaze the night away, leaving your fears behind.
Simon Z: Ever the extremist, Simon’s initial thought was that you had been hurt. He immediately check you for injuries until you tell him what really happened. He’s more of a “push all fear aside” kind of person, so nightmares are something he usually tries to ignore for himself. But for you, he’ll do anything to make you feel better. He hold out his palm, telling you to let out all your fear and punch it. You do, more than once at his encouragement and one powerful punch send his stumbling back, waving the shock iff oh his hand. With a smile he tells you that you are stronger than your nightmares, and they stand absolutely zero chance against your punches.
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candyk0rn · 3 years
+*Comforting cuddles with the Dormleaders*+
AN: First twst fic! I’m sort of obsessed with Azul all of the characters and the story. A lot of characters means a lot of new personalities I can get better at writing with! So I’m excited! Also fair warning these are stupidly long!
The whole prompt is what if reader and/or character is having an awful time and they need some cuddles? Also thanks to @squid-god-supreme for the idea ☺️
Twisted Wonderland dorm leaders x gn! reader
Riddle Rosehearts
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Riddle, as we all know, is very strict when it comes to waking and resting times
But what we also know, is that he tries his best to sometimes push those rules he cherishes so much aside
It was around 5 or so, and Riddle woke up from one of his many dreams of his past
He mumbles a lot in his sleep, but this time was a much quicker, more worries sounded pattern of mutters
Beads of sweat fall down his resting face, and you wake up from hearing the small shudders of his body
You look at his smaller figure, shaking ever so slightly
“ Riddle..” you whisper, “ Riddle, darling you’re having another nightmare.”
His eyes burst open, immediately darted towards you
“ Sorry..did I wake you?” He asked, his face going slightly red
You did not respond, in fear of worrying him even more than he already was
“ Riddle, are you alright? Do you want to talk about it?”
He shook his head, sitting up against the bed rest
“ Your company is just enough, for right now.” He weakly smiled in your direction
Then, an idea popped into your head
“ What if…we just stay in bed all day?”
He almost choked
Almost instantly, you laid back down to your spot, got comfortable, and raised your arms in a hugging motion, gesturing for him to cuddle with you
He rolled his eyes, lovingly I promise
He snuggled close to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and his head under your chin
When cuddling, Riddle is most likely the little spoon, just don’t tell anyone that
He grinned to himself, oh how lucky he was to have someone so understanding
He slowly but surely, fell asleep, embraced in your arms
Leona Kingscholar
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If it wasn’t obvious enough, this guy likes to sleep
He likes to sleep a lot
BUT, his way of cuddling is very different, that’s for sure
He’s more of a reserved kind of guy, so he mostly sleeps on his back, with you wrapped to his side
This morning however, was the morning right after a loss between a Savanaclaw and Diasomnia spell-drive game
Unfortunately, Leona has a tendency to lose his temper
And currently, he was doing just that
It was more of an angry rant, actually, him pacing his bedroom and cursed himself while you sat on the foot of your shared bed
“ It’s that stupid Draconia! Every game! He’s probably all joyous and giddy right now, making a fool out of me!” Leona growled
“ Lee, you did your best today, you need to calm down.” You tried to relax, it was rough seeing him like this
“My best isn’t enough!” He boomed, frightening you a bit, “S-sorry…” he noticed your reaction
You moved over to your side of the bed, and patted his with your palm
“ Lee, c’mere.”
He sighed and followed your movements
This was one of the rare moments when he would lean into your touch, wrapping his strong arms around you
Leona faced you, letting your head rest on his chest while he caressed your head
“ Leona,” you began
“ I hope you know that I love you, no matter how many games you win..”
You glanced up at his face, peaceful, and his eyes shut
“ I know.”
And with that, he fell asleep with a smile on his face
Azul Ashengrotto
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Azul goes both ways when it comes to a relationship
Some days, when feeling his best, he’s the big spoon and pampers you
But on those few occasions when he feels small and vulnerable, he likes to be comforted by you
Today, fortunately, he was feeling quite confident in himself!
He had a lot of deals going quite smoothly, and he hadn’t needed to punish anyone as of late!
He decided to take a small break, as the contracts started to slowly pile up
As he walked out of his office, he say you, Jade, and Floyd serving and pulling pranks on people
It was an endearing sight, he loved how you got along with his closest friends
“ Shrimpy!! That’s the wrong table kekeehahaha!” He had heard Floyd chuckle
While Azul was feeling good that day, the stressed aura surrounding you told a different story
He followed you back to the bar, where you had sat down
“ My Angelfish, whatever is troubling you?” He questioned
You smiled, “ Nothing! Just tired!”
You didn’t fool him one bit, and you could tell by the way his eyes softened
He placed his hand in his jacket pocket, and pulled out his pocket watch
“ Well, that wouldn’t hurt…” he muttered to himself
You glanced at him with a confused look
“ You may get off of work for the rest of the night, my treat.” He stated, “ Floyd and Jade can take care of it.”
You shook your head, “ Azul, I need to work, I promise it’s fine-“
But he had already held your arm, leading you to his large bedroom
He sat you down on your bed, and searched the many drawers for some comfortable clothes
“ Please, get dressed, you need some rest.” He whispered
You did as he said, it was admiring what he was doing, it showed how much he truly cared in a sense
He had also gotten undressed, and snuck under the warm covers next to you
“ My love,” he beckoned towards you, caressing your face with his soft hands, “You mustn’t overwork yourself.”
You sighed, in all honesty, you hadn’t really given attention to yourself lately
He kissed your forehead, not wishing to worry you
His free arm snaked around your waist, his head fitting into the crook of your neck
He whispered sweet nothings into your ear, reassuring you
It was such a small gesture, but it spoke volumes
The next morning, Jade and Floyd snuck in and took a photo of both of your sleeping forms
“ Azul is gonna kill you for this, Floyd…”
“ It’s worth it!”
Kalim Al-Asim
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Cuddles came so often with Kalim, it’s almost a daily thing in his schedule
No for real, he put, “ Cuddle time with Y/n” on his calendar
He had spotted you looking rather sluggish in the hallway, on the way to your classes
“ Y/N!” He had shouted a bit, and hugged you from behind
When he noticed you jumped ever so slightly, his worry only grew
“ Sunshine, are you alright? You look sleepy.”
You had smiled at him, his efforts to cheer you up weren’t fruitless, at least
“ I am quite tired, but I’m alright! I only have a few classes left.” You had said
“ Hmmmm…” he was making his thinking face, his finger on his chin
“ Got it!” He quickly grabbed your arm and launched you forward
His hand holding yours, you both ran through the halls
“ Kalim! Please slow down!”
“ Shhhhh! We are almost there!”
He had led you to the hall of mirrors, and you both dashed to the Scarabia portal
The sun was beating down today, yet Kalim still ran, giggling to himself
He was so obviously excited for something, it was almost hard for him to blurt out the surprise
“ Love, where are we going exactly?!?!” You said between harsh breaths
He kept quiet, you were currently in the hallways of the desert dorm, however the hallways were somewhat covered in cobwebs and no candles were lit to light the area
Two large doors, with beautiful carvings stroked into them beckoned you two closer
“ It’s my special place, I thought you would enjoy it.”
As he opened the doors, you could only gasp at what awaited
It was such a contrasting, beautiful oasis compared to the dark hallways you had traveled through
There was a beautiful waterfall, flowing to a hot spring that seemed warm to the touch
Long trees covered the area, shade closing in on the sunny day
There were already towels and bathrobes folded on the cushioned seats right next to the spring, as if it had been waiting there for you
“ Go ahead! Get comfy! I won’t look.”
You felt the silk wrap around you, the soft fabric hugging your skin almost perfectly
“ I made it myself, I thought you would look nice in it.” You heard Kalim state, him already in his orange silk robe
His hopped into the hot spring, sighing in pleasure as he unwrapped his head scarf and laid it onto the dry land
You slowly made your way into the blue water, it was shimmering with beauty
The hot spring had built in stools, which, weren’t the most comfortable, but Kalim said he would make it work
Kalim was resting against the tile that hugged the hot spring, his face relaxed and content
“ How did you find this place?” You asked
“ Just like how you did,” he opened his eyes, “ I felt pretty bad one day, and I decided to walk around, and stumbled upon this pretty place!”
He opened up his arms, and made a kissy face towards you, making you giggle (😚)
You laid on top of him, his arms squeezing you closer to him, and your head right under his chin
He played with your hair, “ Not to bug you dearest, but what’s been bothering you?”
Your breath hitched a bit, “ Well, exams are coming up, and I’ve just been really stressed about it.”
He hummed, listening to you, “ I’m glad I found you, ya’ know I hate it when you feel bad.”
He planted many small pecks to your temple, your hands, and your forhead
Oh yeah, this was way better than going to class
Vil Scoenheit
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Vil had been in a rather stuck-up mood lately…
At least, more than usual
He sighed more than usual, and scowled even towards his closest friends
He scowled even towards you
He had recently requested that he receive more space and privacy with you, which made you noticeably worried
His eyes grew more tired and droopy, and if anyone asked him what had been wrong..
“ Nothing is wrong! Only a fool would believe so!”
He had obviously given less attention to his appearance; and to his actions
You had become extremely worried for your lover, had you done something wrong?
He was currently alone in his throne room, at least that’s what Rook had told you
You had entered the room, and just as Rook had said, an on-edge and frustrated Vil was sitting slumped in his throne
He hadn’t noticed you enter at first, and when you softly called his name, he flinched
“ Y/N, I thought I had told you I need my alone time.” He looked almost annoyed with you
“ My love, have I done something? Why are you avoiding me?” You questioned
He immediately came to reality, his faced shifted from frustration to guilt in a matter of seconds
He stood, rushing to your side, “ My beloved, I never meant..I never..” he couldn’t find the words
He slowly backed away, plopping back onto his throne, his hand rubbing the bridge of his nose
It was completely un-characteristic of him to act this way, it was scaring you to be completely honest
You kneeled before him, as your hand lifted his up
You planted small kisses to his knuckles, trying to calm his unsteady breaths
“ Y/N..” he broke the silence
“ Do you,” his breath hitched and his voice broke,”..Do you truly love me, not just for my status?”
You were stunned, who told him otherwise?
You could see the doubt in his eyes and you quickly stood up, it was as if he was expected you to turn away and run
Instead, you did the opposite
You drew yourself closer to him, a sadness in your eyes as you caressed his face
“ Vil, of course, I love you more than anyone, more than anything, high status or not.”
You felt his head fall on your shoulder, a small sob escaping his soft lips
You could feel his hands grab onto the cloth you were wearing, his fear of you running still present
“ My love, whatever made you assume that I did not?” You questioned
“ I know..I shouldn’t have-have listened, but, the..” he hiccuped, “ the rumors, there were so many I couldn’t..I couldn’t not listen to them.”
He buried his face in his hands, heat covering his face in embarrassment
“ Please, I know it’s hard to not listen, but you mustn’t believe the rumors you hear.”
You continued,
“ I love you so, so much, Vil, I couldn’t love anyone more than I adore you.”
“ You mean it?” You could tell he was already feeling like himself
“ Hehe, mean it.” You grinned
He snuggled his head closer to you, growing more comfortable
You petted his head, and drifted to a comfortable seat on the detailed throne
Idia Shroud
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You, Ortho and Idia were all playing video games together
Idia, of course, was currently in the lead
“ Ehhhh, we should play something a bit harder…” Idia muttered, clearly unamused
“ It’s not our fault you’re too good!” Ortho complained
Idia yawned and stretched, “ ‘think I’m done for right now, gonna take a break.”
You glanced at your boyfriend, you felt you needed to do something for him to spend time with you more
You were feeling a bit unloved at the moment
Ortho stared at you blankly, not understanding your upset expression
You followed Idia, into his bedroom
“ Babe, ya need something?” He asked
“ Ah, no I’m alright, just tired is all!”
He pouted, something was up with you, but he couldn’t pinpoint it
He couldn’t just ask you, it was like a confusing puzzle in one of his games, there must be an answer somewhere
You got undressed and slipped into bed, sleep almost instantly taking over you
But, when you closed your eyes, you felt a weight come close to you
When you opened your eyes, a confused Idia was staring at your face
Directly on top of you
Centimeters always from your face
“ Idia! Oh my Sevens!” You shouted, his figure jumping along with yours, both of you in surprise
“ Hey! Not my fault you’re acting weird!” He retorted
“ I’m not the one right on top of me!”
He shrugged, “ true”
He slowly moved to his edge of the bed, and scratched the back of his head
“ Sorry bout that…” he whispered
You decided to move close to him, and your head instinctively rested on his shoulder
“ I promise it’s just… me being stupid I guess.” You sighed
He glanced at your figure, “ No,” he said, “ I know you well enough to know you aren’t stupid.”
You looked up at him, visible distress in his features
“ You..you’ve just been busy as of late, I know it’s selfish of me but, I just feel..” you shook, “ Unwanted.”
He looked at you in disbelief, he felt awful, he felt as if it was his fault
And it dawned on him, that it was his fault
For the past few days, you have been trying to get him to do things with you
Like eat lunch with him, or cook him dinner, and earlier today, you wished to play a game with him and Ortho
“ Hrk- Y/N! I’m so sorry!” He blurted out
He became distressed, how could he have been so blinded?
He hugged you so tight, it almost hurt
“ I love you so much, Y/N! Please don’t forget it!” He almost yelled
He fell backwards, still holding you, and pulled the blankets over you both
“ I promise, I won’t leave your side ever again!”
He gave you little kisses all over your face, his blue lipstick leaving small stains of blue
You could tell he meant it, he hasn’t ever truly been in love before
And you two sat there until you both fell asleep, Idia’s heavy breaths filling the air
Malleus Draconia
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Malleus, as we know, is more of the reserved type
So, when he decided to become slightly distant, it wasn’t that bad of a surprise
However, when resting with you at night, he would instead keep his back turned
Unlike the usual Big-spoon he was used to
He also avoided your gaze when he saw you in the hallways, it hurt
It hurt seeing him like this, and it hurt you as well
Then one night, he had come to bed late
What he didn’t know, however, was you were still very much so
“ Malleus.” You called
He paused, not looking at you
“ What have I done? What have I done to make you so distant?”
“ Nothing.” He whispered, it was hard to make out what he had said
You sneakily lifted the covers up, and quietly walked to his side
“ Well, obviously it’s not ‘nothing’”
You had almost become stern with him, but you quickly changed your tone of voice when you noticed his expression
He looked almost ashamed, embarrassed
He looked distraught
You softened, and held a hand close to his face
“ What am I going to do when I lose you?”
You stood there, wide eyed
It was true, Malleus had already lived for thousands upon thousands of years, and he would very well outlive you, too
“ Malleus, why must you think about this now?” You moved in front of his shaking form
He was about to break, and once you placed a second hand on his cheek, he did just that
He collapsed, his legs not being able to hold him any more
You kneeled down near him, not daring to let go of his body
His sobs were horrid, it sounded as if he was in complete agony
“ Shhhh, Malleus, please relax, everything is okay, I’m right here…”
His cries slowly turned into small sniffles, and eventually, his tired green eyes looked up at you
His face was stained with hot tears, his eyes noticeably more red and drooping, and his bottom lip quivering
“ Y/N.. I-I’m a Fae, one day, I’ll have to watch you pass on, while I stay still in time” he shivered, “ Do you understand how cruel this is,” more tears were threatening to pierce his skin
You took a deep breath, trying to let go of reality, even for the truth of your short timeline
“ Malleus,” you held his hands in yours as he looked down
“ Now, I can’t deny that one day, I must leave you but…I will forever love you, forever and ever until my last breath is drawn.”
He couldn’t look you straight in the eyes
“ I will always be with you, even when I depart, I promise.” You gave him a small kiss on his nose
“ But, we don’t have to worry about that now, we won’t until it truly happens.”
He nodded, and you helped him rise to his feet
You led him to bed, his arms still clinging to you
He lay behind you, his head in the small crook of your neck
His heart still throbbed in imagining your small, withering figure, but he also now had to live in peace with the fact
He won’t worry about it, not until it happens
Just as you had said
Thanks for reading!
Taglist: @abbachioslipstick
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Reactions from all lords when they find out that Mother Miranda killed their beloved s/o
okay so this has already been done but i thought i’d just answer it as well. i’m sorry if it’s repetitive but i tried, either way i hope you like them! i apologise for salvatore i have no idea on how to write for him :(
Alcina Dimitrescu
This is the first time that Alcina has really questioned her loyalty to Mother Miranda.
She feels nothing but betrayal by the woman she devoted herself to. Mother Miranda was once her entire world, giving all her energy but when she holds your lifeless body in her arms and sees the look of indifference on Miranda’s face it all comes crumbling down.
The Lady Dimitrescu often kept to the confinement of her castle after that, choosing to mourn silently as she didn’t have the strength to keep up appearances at family meetings anymore.
At night in the castle though, all the maidens and her daughters can hear her cry over you, everything bottled up has her slicing at the pillows and curtains and all her composure of an elegant woman fails her as she truly lets herself mourn over her beloved.
Donna Beneviento
Donna is so fragile to begin with, that losing the one person who she loves is the last straw.
Each night she cries over and over as she recalls watching the life leave your body. Not even Angie or her dolls can help her as she feels completely alone in the world.
It doesn’t get better with time either, she misses you every day and finds herself constantly at a loss because you made her life so happy and enjoyable and now that’s gone.
She feels lost now without you. She continues to follow Miranda but inside she feels broken and she becomes very quiet, even more than she usually is.
She keeps a diary that she uses to write down all the memories you’ve had together, and when she needs to she can relive them. It almost makes her forget for a moment that you’re gone but for a moment in time she can remember the warm feeling she gets when she’s with you.
Salvatore Moreau
Salvatore is quite numb to your death and first, almost not even registering it happens for two reasons.
The first is his undying devotion to Mother Miranda and he almost can’t understand how she could do something as horrible as harming you, almost…
The second is that this little guy has been alone for so long that when he loses you his mind doesn’t know what happened.
It hits him like a delayed reaction when he realises that you’re not there to hug him when he turns around and that’s when the loneliness kicks in.
He really misses your company, you were the only one who he cared about in the end and he feels very empty without you in his life.
Sometimes it’s easier for him to pretend like you’re still there and other times he cries as he visits the grave he has for you up on the cliff of the reservoir. But nonetheless he misses you for you were the only good thing he’s ever known.
Karl Heisenberg
As expected Karl is seething with anger. He already hates Miranda for all the pain he’s physically inflicted on himself but now she’s gone and taken away the only person who ever loved him.
He has to take a walk outside before he accidentally destroys his factory and just lets out his anger on every bit of metal he can find.
He plans day and night with no sleep to plot his revenge against Miranda, often reassuring himself that he was strong enough for you to be able to seek your revenge.
When he does get little amounts of sleep they’re riddled with nightmares and he wakes up with tears in his eyes as his body shakes with exhaustion.
Eventually the anger becomes too much and he crashes and burns out. It’s like dynamite exploding and all of a sudden he just snaps, all the metal in the room drops to the floor as he’s flooded with emotion.
All Karl has ever wanted was for someone to love him and he found that in you. He misses the way he felt around you, the purpose you gave him and the way you took the pain away. He craves your affection and realises just how much he depends on you.
That’s how Karl deals with losing you, a constant cycle of uncontrollable anger until he’s too tired to keep it up and breaks down again.
He’s exhausted but he pushes on because his revenge mission against Miranda is no longer about himself anymore.
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josnhoes · 2 years
The child-but not child au think kinda have me thinking about the time how when I was a kid and have a bad dream I just head to my see sister room and just look at her sleeping till she wakes up and she usually have that face of terror because she told me ( years later, now we are adults ) that I have a bad habit of not blinking and have that strangely blank face before telling her that I have a bad dream and if I could sleep next to her
I kinda seeing them doing that to someone just to see a reaction and also they don't want to sleep alone
Oh absolutely, also I feel you on nightmares. I have chronic nightly night terrors even as a child.
Content warning mentions of nightmares.
Nightmares are to be expected especially in someone so little after experience so many overbolts. Sure you had the mind of someone older but your body reacted to trauma like you weren't at times, and the overbolts had you helpless. You loathe to admit it, but if you had had to deal with them alone you couldn't have won even the first. That fact was always in the back of your mind haunting you.
Luckily you had people here who cared, a nearly whole school of them. Sure a few nameless students found you annoying but they were a very small number. So you had a pick of who you reached out to for comfort.
In heartslabyul the best to go to are Trey, Riddle, and Deuce. Sometime Cater as well since he had sisters but it was always a 50/50 chance he'd wake up. Trey makes you warm milk, and hugs you telling you it will all be okay. Riddle wakes up annoyed until he sees its you and the state your in, he listens to your nightmares when you wish to talk of them and as he does so holds your hands reminding you you aren't alone. Deuce in a groggy state always assumes someone hurt you and goes in to delinquent mode until you tell him it was a nightmare, then before you can ask pulls you into bed with a "I'll protect you."
In savanaclaw all three main characters are good to go to. Each has a different style of comfort. Jack swaddles you offering protection, depending how bad of shape you are he'll transform and curl around you allowing you to stroke his fur. Ruggie is used to caring for people, he knows all the tricks to help you fall asleep again and lets you stay with him in bed, even cracks some jokes to get you laughing again before going to sleep. Leona is weird he acts a bit grumpy until he sees your face and then he's pulling you to him protectively purring loudly. He also is smug the next day because you came to *him*.
Octavinelle the only one who gives good comfort is Azul, the twins aren't great with dealing with nightmares and Floyd can be dangerous when he tries to squeeze the nightmares out of you. He things hugs help and they do but he can hug too hard. Azul makes a gentle tea and allows you to cry with out judgement. He knows what it's like to be filled with fear.
Pomefiore you can go to any of them but none of them are super good at comfort. Vil just agrees and allows you to get in bed before going back to sleep. Rook asks too many questions. Epel panics because he doesn't know what to do he was the baby of the family.
Ignihyde isn't a good one to go to either but good at the same time. Idia is always up late so you can trust him to 'keep watch' and since he is gaming you'll hear plenty of sounds but that could keep you up. Ortho treats it like a medical event checking you over and using the twist version of Google to find solutions. But both can have their hair used as nightlights.
Diasomnia the two best to go to are Malleus and Lilia. Both are up not requiring much if any sleep being full fae. Malleus is content to keep watch over you and stroke your hair as you sleep, simply pleased that his little child of man came to him for comfort. Lilia has raised at least one kid, and is well known for his lullaby prowess. He'll lull you back to bed in no time and with a sense of safety.
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