#i lack in action oihugiy
random-tinies · 3 years
First Meeting - Dream Team 2/3
:D Thank you so much for the support on part 1!! As I was writing this part, I realized that it would be better split up into 3 parts so that I could write a part from each person’s perspective. Part 3 will be fun :) The Strangers on the Internet AU is by @possiblyaperson3 and this part is inspired by this scene and this scene. Go check them out, they’re really cool and their aus are awesome.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
tw: hard vore and digestion mentions (not detailed and very very brief), panic attack question mark?, accidental mishandling of tinies, accidental fearplay
George had been doing his usual post-stream activities. He messaged Dream and the two of them discussed the now very real idea of him coming to visit them. Nobody had ever seen his face before so this was a very big thing. He wanted to make sure his friend felt as safe as he could.
dream: i'm closer to you guys than you know. i could probably walk to you guys if we're being real.
Gogy: Really? Dude, that's pog! When do you want to do it?
dream: i'm not sure. before i can psyche myself out lol
Gogy: lol yeah, that would be a bummer
dream: you have to promise not to freak out when you see me, okay? i don't.. look like you.
Gogy: Not many people do, Dream. I don't eat humans.
dream: yeah ha i'm really banking on that.
Gogy: pffft why? i know you're a vegan, it's okay. we all look different.
dream: yeah, yeah, i'm just
dream: just try not to freak when you see me.
Gogy: Alright, I won't freak out.
dream: okay, i'll be right back. see you soon hopefully gogy
Gogy: See you soon, Dream
George sat back in his chair and sipped on a water bottle, turning the conversation over in his head. Dream sure was weird sometimes, especially when it came to his appearance. He could understand that. Some giants were sensitive about their appearance. He chuckled as he recalled when Sapnap came to him one morning saying his throat was on fire.
He himself got lucky when it came to monster-like appearances. While some giants grew scales from abstaining from humans, he grew a fine layer of grey fur. His eyes were yellow and even though he didn’t eat humans, he still had pointy ears and sharp teeth. A lot of his fanbase liked to compare him to a cat, and well, they weren’t too far off from that.
He picked up the clout glasses Dream got him a couple months ago and fidgeted with them. He was really glad he'd met Dream. He was glad for their success and that Dream felt comfortable with them enough to reveal himself. George stood up and left the room, heading towards the kitchen to refill his bottle.
He froze in his tracks as Sapnap yelled out "Dream?! What the hell are you doing here?!"
Wait, Dream was here already? But he was just talking to Dream not even five minutes ago. There was no possible way he could have walked here already. George walked into the kitchen and what he saw was something nobody could have prepared him for. "Dream's here-? What the-"
Sapnap's head whipped towards him, guilt immediately twisting his features. In his hand, he held a human who shivered in terror. At first, George was disgusted, flinching back at the sight of one of his biggest fears. Then the human called out to him in a voice that both of them had heard so many times before through headphones. "GEORGE! GEORGE, HELP-!"
Sapnap jolted and held his hands out towards George, one of them still clutching Dream in a fist. "George! I wasn't going to eat him, I swear!"
… Eat him? A frown immediately crossed George's face and he advanced on Sapnap, who backed up into the kitchen table looking guiltier by the second. Dream flinched at the look on George's face having never seen him angry before. The fist around him tightened, grunting as the air was forced out of him painfully. "George- Sapnap- Too tight-!"
George poked his finger into Sapnap's chest and let loose. "Eat him, Sapnap? You weren't going to eat him? The look on your face says otherwise! What the hell?! You said you were doing good with your diet!" He looked down and saw Dream's face twisted in pain. "You're hurting him! Give him here!"
Sapnap jerked his hand up as George reached for it, using the little height advantage he had to keep Dream out of reach. "No! I mean it, I wasn't going to eat him! I'm not letting you take him, George!"
The giant shoved George back and fled into the living room, forgetting to be gentle with the human in his hand as George chased him. This was not going great. At one point, Sapnap stood on the couch and George almost knocked him off trying to get to Dream, who had fallen silent. It was then they both decided to stop and set him down so they could talk.
Sapnap set Dream on the coffee table and stepped back. George crouched down to eye level to talk to their tiny friend. "Dream? Are you okay? I'm sorry for Sapnap, he can be a bit much."
Sapnap muttered a snarky response but it didn't look like Dream was hearing any of it. He sat and stared at them with heaving breaths, eyes flicking between the two giants, abject terror on his face still. George's brows furrowed and his face softened in concern. "Dream?"
As if snapped out of a trance, Dream bolted up and sprinted across the table. Both Sapnap and George exclaimed "Dream!!" before leaping into action and diving across the table at the human. The tiny speedrunner hooked a small grapple to the edge before diving off, holding a rope to slow his descent.
George cried out as the little human disappeared over the edge. Thinking quickly, Sapnap reached out and nabbed the little hook, pulling it back up. He let out a shocked “What?!” when the rope came up empty and they looked under the table to see Dream sprinting towards the wall on the other side of the table.
“Don’t let him get to the wall!”
“Quick! After him!”
“Careful, don’t step on him!”
“I’m not! I- ack! George, watch where you’re going!”
“How is he so fast?!”
“Wait, where’d he go?”
In the midst of all the chaos, Dream managed to climb to the top of the tall lamp in the corner of the room. George stood in between him and Sapnap, trying to get the younger giant to calm down so they didn’t hurt the human again. “Sapnap, wait! You were squeezing him too hard earlier!”
Sapnap’s eyes were fixated on their friend and George watched his pupils shrink and his muscles tense. “Sapnap, don’t-” “He’s going to get away!” He lunged for the lamp, pushing George and jostling it just before Dream could jump from it and suddenly the human was falling with a loud scream.
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