#i legit was not seeing this ask
mxtxfanatic · 1 year
I saw such a bad take on Jiang Cheng's character and I can't stop thinking about how terrible it is. "Jiang Cheng did nothing wrong....couldn't have handled things better because of his situation..."...something something. Why is it so hard for people to accept what's written in canon. MXTX wanted JC to be seen as an antagonist, she wanted him to be a terrible person it's so obvious from all the parallels between him and WWX's characters... A huge excuse when they try to paint him as a "sad, misunderstood uwu boy" is that he went through a lot and thought it was all wwx's fault. But so did Jiang Yanli, and she didn't have any of the reactions that Jiang Cheng did. SHE was the one who lost her husband, SHE also lost her parents the same way he did? I also reread some scenes recently...and his homophobia is so apparent especially in the scene where lwj and wwx visit his parents' shrine. ALSO, his excuse for thinking their dating is that he saw them hug under that tree??? AND HE FOLLOWED THEM TO SEE WHAT THEY'D DO AFTERWARDS😭😭😭
I'm just confused about what excuse they have that makes it so easy to overlook all the shitty things about him💀 (oh, they also seem to hate...wangxian? Like actively believe those two are annoying and that they're bad people. Which is kind of sad, since they're the main pairing of a...ROMANCE NOVEL. So I feel pretty bad for them for having to read a whole book about two characters they don't like) Just wanted to know your thoughts. JC is irredeemable in my eyes. He's not a bad guy but he is a very bad person. But maybe other people see something I don't😂
Somehow I missed this ask, but I found it right on time (after seeing some stan bullshit 🙄) . My thoughts on Jiang Cheng is that the book is very clear that he is a terrible leader, a terrible uncle, and a terrible brother (both martial and bio) who chose the path of his toxic, violent mother to pursue over his kind father. Anyone saying otherwise is not worth engaging.
People don’t see something you don’t about his character, anon; people are choosing to unsee the things in canon because they’ve imprinted on a character that only exists in fan art, fanfic, and “incorrect quotes” memes. The disconnect isn’t a misunderstanding of the story but people uninvested in the original story wanting to impose their own uninspired fandom tropes onto an already cohesive story, and I simply do not have the energy to deal with that level of denial anymore with this fandom.
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choccy-milky · 2 months
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congrats on baby #2!🥰👍 part 2 to this post bc seb is a smug ass bitch when it comes to getting clora pregnant. and ty @rednite-dork for sending me the original pic ages ago LMFAO... i knew as soon as i saw it that i had to redraw it eventually 👼
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If Johnathan can be brave enough to scale the castle walls and challenge The Count then I can send this fucking email
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gigizetz · 8 months
jay aggressively complimenting you is so funny and you deserve it so much!!
(also answer his question >:/)
Thank you! I'm really happy he reacted to that animatic haha!
to answer the question (which is, in his words, how am I so talented): I do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 10km of running every single day
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its-a-me-mango · 29 days
does mango taste like a mango?...or does he just taste normal?.. (well whatever normal would be for mango lol)
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Every day I wake up and people are trying to EAT ME!!!! SICK AND TWISTED!!!!!!!
Anyway depends what part you eat lol, don't eat him thought it would count as a crime and he doesn't taste like mangos, putting him on the chopping board to show you everypony take notes. The reason he's called Mango is lore based i'll explain it one day but for now STOP EATING ME AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! /J
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lilybug-02 · 4 months
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Lily how do I pack to move out??? I can’t take all my plushies with me gajdishwkqowjdb
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It's gonna be okay. You just have to ration them out like I did with my Godzilla things. I now have two Godzilla shrines in separate houses. <3 im a happier person because of it.
Moving is so hard man.
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sparklingchim · 3 months
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#can i yap for a moment#im extremely sleepy but im feeling very upset and mad and confused#also lowkey questioning whether me feeling all that is justified or if i am overreacting#anyway#made out w a boy tonight#and he wanted to go to his place#and i was like no i wanna stay and dance with my girlies#and he gets upset??#asking why i'd kiss him if i don't wanna hook up and i said i just wanna have fun?#made me feel so stupid#that anger in me led to a little fight with another boy (who was unfortunately very cute) and i just wanted to punch him#i just hate when boys think they're so superior#so i argued with this stupid but hot man#until an ex? friend shows up and he was pretty drunk just yapping about things#anyway he basically told me he'd like to rekindle our friendship#but not in a heyy haven't talked in so long let's meet up again#it was in a heyy let's hang out again got a new big car and moved out of my parent's house 😋#which gave me the ick bc that's why we aren't friends anymore and i told him no multiple times#and got sad bc he was one of my closest friends#anyway and then we left the party#this guy pulls me aside the parking lot#and i was so embarrassed bc there were so many people and they were all looking and i could already see people gossiping about it#and i just wanted to die#and then he just CONFESSES??#gives me flowers and all which is saur saur cute#but i legit have zero feelings for him </3#and have commitment issues and have never been in a relationship and don't wanna be in one#actually grosses me out thinking about relationships </3#the confession was so random and i kinda lost another friendship? even tho i wouldn't rlly consider him a friend we just share sum classes#but yeah boys are so stupid and confusing and i dunno how and why i get myself into these situations :') m sorry just needed to rant </3
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verysmallcyborg · 5 months
mental image received loud and clear 👍
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THEY'RE SO CUTE I'M SOBBING..... THANK U FOR BRINGING THE MENTAL IMAGE TO LIFE GHOSTS........ ;___; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OUGH fornax is so shaped.... i love their happy expression and the TAIL WAGS!!! COMICALLY TINY STOOL!!! and her little orange floral shorts..... i'm in tears i'm going to stare at this forever [inserting 500 crying cat pics with hearts here]
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angiemaniac · 5 months
your au makes me want to write my tav/durge fic that i thought was too self indulgent. my tav’s a bard and durge is a paladin. but it seems both our tav’s are going “i hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me” about this strange man.
Honestly! I say go for it.
I made the Durge Companion AU for a few reasons. The major ones were to explore Default Durge’s personality through the game if he were a companion, as well as his romance.
But the other one I had in mind was that I wanted more people to be encouraged to have their own story for DurgeTav stuff! Because obviously, it’s gonna be different for everyone. Some might let him embrace his nature, and others will try to fix it.
To anyone wanting to make their own writings and art? Go for it! It’s a time to be creative.
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VH - The Thorn in Villains' side
“Wake up, you creature of the night, and despair !”
“Nooo, sleepy, beddy-bye -”
“I said wake up !”
Vampire Hero opened an eye, blinked and yawned. He didn’t look at Villain at once. That was the courtyard itself that caught his attention. He was in the middle of it, tied to a pillar. All around him were huge spikes of metal, as if he was in the center of a gigantic metal flower. They all were curved at different angles. You couldn’t step amid them without being scratched, at least. In a sense, that was pretty. Villain themself was on a balcony, their hands on the balustrade, dominating the scene.
“Kids”, he whispered with leniency. “What they do these days.”
“Shame”, said Villain who hadn’t heard him. “You interest me. I thought we could talk.”
Vampire Hero yawned again for all answer.
“Is it insolence ? Or is it the pain of having been under the sun for all day ?”
“Pain ? Why ?”
“You vampires can’t bear the sun.”
“Oh, I understand the confusion. No. Do you know how some birds fall asleep immediately when you cover their cage, because they think it’s the night ?”
“I suppose ?”
“Well, I work the other way around. I have a sunbeam on my face, I get sleepy. It doesn’t hurt me; I just take a nap.”
Then his tone shifted abruptly:
“All day long ? You mean I’ve been here for more than a day ?”
“I see.”
His voice was now icy. Villain had a delicate little cough.
“I admit I didn’t know about sunlight. What about silver, then ?”
“That would work on vampires, yes.”
“You’re in luck. All these spikes are covered with silver. If you want to free yourself, you need to get through them.”
Vampire Hero hissed in annoyance:
“Ugh. Any particular reason why ?”
“Unless you want to rot in here forever.”
“No, I mean. Let me get this straight. You’ve made all these spikes so I could walk over them for a couple of minutes ? It just seems kinda wasteful.”
“If you want to talk about waste, time’s ticking. Why won’t you have your little dance right now ? You have two minutes before reaching me.”
“Yeah, okay.”
Vampire Hero slipped out of his bonds and stepped forward. He whistled.
“That’s quite the thorn forest you have there. Gasp ! Curses, even. What’s a poor vampire to do ?”
He slowly turned his head toward Villain and smirked:
“Hey, watch this.”
He extended his hand and casually patted the flat side of the spike.
“Oh no”, he said in a toneless voice, while staring at Villain. “I’m doomed. Ouch. Argh. And such.”
Slowly he smiled, revealing his razor-like teeth.
“Do you see it ? Do you begin to see it ?”
“See what ?”
“Your mistake.”
“Show off”, whispered Villain.
“Possibly, yes. At least I’m not ordering useless death traps on a whim. I’ve always made sure they worked first.”
“Death traps ? You are a hero.”
“Now, yes.”
Vampire Hero took a couple of steps among the spikes, decided it was quite enough, jumped, caught the guardrail and climbed the balcony. He hadn't avoided all of them, far from it, but when he landed on his feet, his face was emotionless. There was maybe a twinge of exasperation. He stood still in front of Villain. They both stayed quiet for a moment.
“What are you ?” finally asked Villain.
“A vampire hero.”
“No you’re not. You don’t fear silver or sunlight and you had death traps. You’re neither. What are you ?”
“I am pissed off. I want to be home every night and you’ve prevented me to do it.”
“Why ?”
“I'm married. Just know you’re very lucky I am what I said. I’ll let you live. Reluctantly.”
Villain barely reacted when he pinned them against the wall, whispering in their ear:
“Now then ! You’ve made me lose time. You owe me a drink.”
Vampire Hero is now a recurring character. His job is to troll current villains. Click on the Vampire Hero Masterlist or Tag for more snippets with him.
Or back to Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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darth-sonny · 2 years
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MNCM!Leon meets One and Four...and they have a few things to say about his outfit
[Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis © @mutantninjamidlifecrisis]
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choccy-milky · 1 year
Okay, just saw the meme roc0717 posted of her MC being kidnapped after she rejected Sebastian xd
I couldn't help but think of Clora and Sebastian because I love the way you draw them and describe their interactions 😭😭😭😭 They are definitely my OTP! Your work is the salvation of all us Ravenclaw girlies who love Sebastian but there are very few fan arts of him with a Ravenclaw MC.
My question is, how would you describe Sebastian's reaction/response in the hypothetical case that Clora had rejected him in chapter 13?
(English is not my native language, sorry for the mistakes 💀).
LMAO I SAW THAT TOO AND IM SO GLAD YOU THOUGHT OF SEB AND CLORA BECAUSE SO DID I😭💖 i was already considering drawing it but your ask made me actually do it LMAOO (idea taken from roc0717's post)
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look at the happy couple. also to answer your question for what seb would have done if clora rejected him in chap 13, ive also thought about it and tbh i dont even know LMAO. probably pic related (though to be honest hed probs just bottle up his depression/feelings, focus solely on his studies/his O.W.Ls. maybe become a dark wizard who knows LMAO. also your english is perf no need to apologize!!)
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 month
Can you give a brief summary of your AUs please?
Sure! :)
Breath of the Sky: A year after Skyward Sword, the newlywed lovebirds are slingshot into the future just before the Calamity. They now have to navigate being in this place, revered as Hylia and the Hero of Myth, while BotW Zelda and Link figure out how the heck they’re supposed to accommodate and deal with it. Chaos and lots of drama ensue. Currently playing: the Lovebirds and the Anxious Duo travel together with the Champions to survey Hyrule and see the Divine Beasts.
Forsaken AU: Original AU with original characters. When Princess Zelda, known for her prowess with her magic and her confidence in her abilities, gets disturbing visions of an oncoming darkness, she tries to claim the Triforce for herself to protect Hyrule. However, the Triforce shatters at her touch as she isn’t worthy to wield all three pieces, and she inherits the Triforce of Power. Put out but not defeated, Zelda goes on a quest to find the fated Hero of Hyrule - she knows it’s usually a dude named Link, and he likely will bear at least another piece of the Triforce, so that’s two birds, one stone! Except… half the kingdom names their boys Link. But after going through half a bajillion Links, two of them are promising! One she can sense a strong magic in, even though he just says he’s a masseur and knows nothing about fighting. The other hardly says anything at all, but Sir Edgy and his faithful doggie companion can’t keep hiding his secrets from her forever.
Blood of the Hero: Ten years after the Calamity, the Shrine of Resurrection is damaged, leaving Link vulnerable and dying. Link’s parents, Abel and Tilieth, who were on the Great Plateau protecting the shrine, are now tasked with saving their son’s life by taking him to the Sheikah shrines across the land. Currently playing: Link’s still out of it but he’s about 5-6 hearts and one stamina vessel in and showing signs of improvement while his dad has a complete spiral from ten years of PTSD buildup and his mom tries to pick up the pieces and take care of them both. Oh, and Impa thinks they’re all insane.
The Imprisoning War: Millennia before Hyrule Warriors, Ganondorf attempts to steal the Triforce and it predictably shatters, starting a two year war that nearly destroys both Hyrule and the Gerudo. The other two Triforce piece bearers are HW Link’s predecessor, the half-Sheikah/half-Hylian named Link, who is madly in love with Ganondorf’s daughter and came to look at Ganon as something of a father figure, and Zelda, who has to overthrow her father to lead Hyrule to victory. Once Ganondorf is defeated, things only get worse for Link as he has to abandon Hemisi, the woman he loves who just helped him and Zelda defeat her father, and enter an arranged marriage with Zelda to save what’s left of their broken kingdom. (Backstory for Golden Mercy)
Golden Mercy: When Ganondorf returns during Hyrule Warriors, he’s on a mission to make things right, though what that means is beyond everyone around him. Kidnapping the Hero of Hyrule and telling him he’s protecting him from the Queen is not what anyone expected, and nobody can quite figure out what his ultimate goal is. Link sure is confused, though, and… starting tor realize there’s more to Ganondorf than just being a monster. Zelda, on the other hand, is quickly spiraling with panic and fear over losing her friend and Hero, as well as trying to protect her kingdom from such a threat that was so dangerous the previous Hero split his soul into pieces to prevent him from ever returning. (Lots of redemption arcs. Lots of them.)
Wild Spirit: When BotW Link is mortally wounded in the Calamity, Zelda decides that Hyrule can be saved more quickly if she lets the Spirit of the Hero be reborn in a new Hero rather than hope a potentially malfunctioning shrine can maybe heal her friend in a few decades and he might not even know what to do. BotW Link dies, but his spirit remains to guide the next Hero, a young man from Lurelin Village. This new Link is friends with his strange spirit companion, and slowly learns his destiny as he grows older. Now that he’s of age, he must take up th mantle of Hero of Hyrule, and his first task is to find the Master Sword, which was entrusted to his predecessor’s father, Abel.
Dad Squad: This one I share with @nancyheart11 and literally anyone else who wants to jump in and have fun with the Dads. When the Yiga use new magic to jump to different points in Hyrule’s history and kidnap Heroes of Hyrule, it’s up to their Dads to save them. Then again, Link doesn’t really need saving all that often, and putting a bunch of Links together is never a good idea for the bad guys, so the Links bust themselves out. But now they’re running around lost and confused, the Dads are still trying to find their Boys, and the Yiga are somewhere in the middle. As for their motives… well. There’s a dark magical mask, maybe a Bad Dad demon king, and a whole bunch of idiocy chaos.
LU in Healthcare: Basically what it says on the tin. The Chain is in modern land and they’re all involved in the world of healthcare! And somehow everyone tolerates my pittance of updates/lore.
Hero of Shadow: During the events of TotK, the demon king discovers the grave of someone he knew and loved dearly - a young Sheikah/Hylian warrior named Link. Using his powers, Gan resurrects him at a price, to ensure that his boy stays safe and loyal. Meanwhile, this young shadow warrior is trying desperately to break free of his father figure’s control while fighting his own feelings on the matter, and his only guide is a strange mystical voice that leads him to shards of a broken sword. In the surface, TotK Link is starting to figure out that something else is going on in the depths. (Essentially, I threw my Imprisoning War blorbos into TotK)
…I think that’s all of them. Wow, I have a lot of AUs lol. So much for brief. 🥴
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reactionimagesdaily · 1 month
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found this one on a post
Fuck, that's good. I love the specificity of it
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thepersonperson · 1 month
btw I immediately check r/jujutsufolk because you mentioned something's going on there regarding Sukugo. First thing I see is them doing an AOT memeing of Gojo replacing Geto with Sukuna when he should have waited for 10 years at least! Sukuna stole Gojo.
It's so hilarious. I won't be surprised if a shipping war breaks out of there.
(Prev Related Ask)
Jujutsufolk wouldn’t ever get into a shipping war because the subreddit universally agrees that Sukugo is a top tier pairing. The powerscaler Gojo fans clown Sukuna and his fans constantly. The powerscaler Sukuna fans will glaze Sukuna while trying to avoid the wrath of the Gojobros. However. All that fighting stops the moment anyone suggests that Sukuna and Gojo should kiss.
In no particular order. Here are my favorite things the dudebros have cooked up. The comments on each post are also diabolical. (Please note how old some of these posts are.)
Alternate JJK 261 (Gojo instead of Yugo)
Alternate JJK 236 (Gojo still dies but it's gayer.)
The reaction to JJK 226. (The Infamous Hug)
Their reaction to “You Cleared My Skies” being Sukuna’s official feelings towards Gojo.
Is Sukuna going to tell Gojo he loves him? Why does this subplot exist.
A post from one of the mods.
Why didnt Gojo just say to Sukuna I LOVE YOU? Is he stupid?
gojo really needs to come back soon or else sukuna breaks
And here are things I screenshotted because I couldn't believe what I was seeing. (Aka Sukugo popping up on seemingly unrelated posts.)
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And as of JJK 266, they are finally awakening to the Itafushi agenda and citing Todo Aoi as ground zero. (Which is? Something I would do???) Some are reflecting on past dismissals and going, “sorry fujoshis you were right, here’s my Gay Megumi meme as an apology.”
They either have the reading comprehension curse or the fudging godsight sure-hit domain. There’s no in-between.
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crabsnpersimmons · 8 days
I was gonna draw your have you eaten yet? lads and I found this while looking for references and thought of eclipse immediately 😂
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LOL oh man the shenanigans Eclipse would get into if he had 8 arms 😂
also!! can't wait to see what you draw ouuuuu 🥰🥰🥰
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