#i like a terra who's an asshole! it's interesting!!
nitewrighter · 8 months
Can we get some more teen titans interactions?
ajkfl;dsa Thank you.
So, as always, I've been thinking about Terra.
Nightwing: ...so you were never Geo-Force's sidekick?
Terra: Ew, no.
Nightwing: Partner, then? Never did the brother-sister duo thing?
Terra: Well the thing is, our powers aren't exactly the kind of powers you want to stack. Like, you really only want one geokinetic on a team at a time, otherwise you're worried the entire time about setting off seismic chain reactions, or you're just stuck doing damage control on each other.
Nightwing: ...but you were both given powers to defend Markovia.
Terra: Brion was given powers to defend Markovia. I was given powers as a guinea pig to make sure the meta-gene activation process wouldn't kill Brion.
Nightwing: ...damn...
Terra: Yeah, no they never meant for us to fight side by side. Because then it would be beloved Prince Brion and Walking-Proof-King-Viktor-Fucked-Around.
Nightwing: ...
Terra: I'm a bastard, Dick.
Terra: *pause*
Terra: *faux-enthusiastic* Hey we should be a duo! Dick and Bastard!
Nightwing: Yeah there's multiple reasons why we can't do that.
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egrets-not-regrets · 5 days
After Stormbreaker: Little Bird, Problem Children
Of Fin and Feathers AU: In the aftermath of the incident with the Grey Knight, more bonds are formed. Rhitta and Addax are ready to cause problems, but Mara and Broug says "no".
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Author's Note: Rhitta is the name of Escanor's giant axe from the Seven Deadly Sins anime. I thought it was fitting. :)
Ocean divider (c) @saradika-graphics
Tagged: @shadowfirecat , @kit-williams , @bleedingichorhearts , @barn-anon , @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
@sleepyfan-blog, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @bispecsual , @ms--lobotomy , @whorety-k
@gra93fruit-blog, @i-am-a-dragon34, @felinisnoctis
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It’s been a night since the wounded mers were brought to the gannet colony’s temporary roost to be stabilized and worked on by healers and apothecaries. Mara frowned. All this damage just from a single Grey Knight. The gannet elder rubbed the bridge of her nose to release some tension and stress. With Lana intensely bonded to this Grey Knight, it added a new complexity to this whole situation. It didn’t help that Lana got badly wounded in the process as well. 
Though it seems like the ones who took the brunt of the injuries were the mers who were chaos-aligned. She wondered if they were specifically targeted. Luckily, they were surprisingly not-too-difficult patients. For the most part. It did help that they were on bedrest and that both Osteron and Zariel, and the Alpha Legion brothers were there. Especially to deal with some of the more restless patients.
Her colony avoided the area where the mers were, being wary of the strange mers that arrived in their temporary roost. Only a select group of healer harpies and their assistants were assigned to assist the apothecaries and care for the injured. 
Mara walked around the healing ward checking in with her harpies and the patients. She passed by one area, hearing the restless World Eater mer loudly argue with the Iron Warrior captain. 
“We should pay blood for blood! Our battle will be legendary!”
“Let’s get that asshole!” A young voice popped up. That’s Rhitta. Oh no. 
“Don’t be daft! You are not going to fight the Grey Knight, Addax! Y’barely survived the last fight with him.”
“The little one agrees with me! He’s a threat—”
Ignoring the World Eater, the captain fixed Rhitta a dour, pointed look, “Child, don’t cause problems. It’s only out of courtesy to Addax that you’re staying here.” 
Mara decided to step in before the situation got out of hand, “I have to agree with Captain Broug, I cannot allow you to fight with the Grey Knight.” 
The chaos Iron Warrior mer shot her a relieved look and straightened his posture, reassured to have Mara’s support in agreement. 
Mara glared at the young harpy and scolded her, “Rhitta, before you get all bloodthirsty and vengeful on Claude and Jophiel’s behalf, remember that Lana’s life is tied with the Grey Knight’s. If he dies, she does as well.”
“Oh.” Rhitta’s feathers deflated at the reminder. 
The elder harpy was annoyed, she had no need to deal with more issues right now, let alone have another merAstartes fight on her claws, “Do not encourage more conflict unless you want your privilege to assist the healers here taken away.”
“She’s not leaving.” Addax growled loudly, scarred chest and tattered fins puffed out in a challenge. 
Broug tensed, ready to act should the Addax start going under the influence of his Nails. He had struck a somewhat strange friendship, no, more like a camaraderie with the World Eater, as both of them had fought together against loyalist forces and other warbands back in their time. Though both of them nearly ended each other when they met again in Ancient Terra with Addax having lost control due to the nails. 
Broug was generally indifferent towards the gannet harpies, he was however not interested in facing the wrath of the Alpha Legion brothers, Erriox and his scoutlings, and possibly the Grey Knight, should Lady Mara get injured. 
“Addax.” He said in a warning tone. 
The World Eater sat up, ignoring the complaints from his healing wounds, his large stature protectively blocking Rhitta from Mara’s view, “No, the little bird is not leaving. My nails have been quiet since she arrived. I can think… clearly right now.” he said. 
“Nails?” Mara asked, looking at Broug in question. 
The Iron Warrior Mer sighed; he did notice that Addax was less… reactive and less aggressive than usual ever since that little harpy came into their space. That was the reason why he even allowed her to stay. “Most World Eater mers from my time, like Addax here, have technology called the ‘Butcher’s Nails’ implanted in their brain. It increases their rage and aggression, making them more formidable on the battlefield.”
Mara heard what Broug left out of his explanation, putting two and two together between what both mers said. It seemed like these nails impair Addax’s other thought processes, which is concerning since aggression is the only thing that is left, making the World Eater a potential threat. Rhitta’s presence, however, took away or dampened the effect of the Butcher’s Nails in Addax’s head. That brought on another question, was Rhitta bonded to Addax? So far, the young one remained quiet, hidden behind the large World Eater mer. 
“Rhitta, dear?” 
“Do you feel a bond or magic connecting you to Addax?”
“I think so? Like he feels familiar? I feel safe and comfortable here even though he looks scary.” She became thoughtful and grinned, “but it’s also like I know he’s my partner and we’re gonna fight the world together and cause problems without fear!”
“Yes!” Addax matched her enthusiasm, feeling a surge of fierce pride towards the little harpy.  
Both Mara and Broug replied with a resounding “NO”.
It was disconcerting how there was no familiar biting of the nails deeper into his mind after his outburst. Addax palpated the implants on his skull curiously. This confirmed his suspicions about Rhitta’s presence. For the first time in a long long time, he could feel emotions: pride and amusement; without the pain of the nails’ influence. And all due to this harpy child’s presence. How ridiculous. A rough chuckle emitted from his throat and grew into a laugh, cracked and rough unaccustomed to being able to do so loudly and not quite as long previously. 
A small set of claws tapped on his arm, “Are you ok?” Rhitta asked worriedly. 
“Yes. Yes, I am.” Addax replied, eyes crinkled as he felt relief and something he dared to think is akin to hope. He gently patted Rhitta’s head, marveling at the softness of her crest feathers. Such softness and yet there was no building rage, no compulsion to rip and tear her apart. Rhitta’s resulting giggles made him feel an odd warmth bloom in his chest. Perhaps this was what a bond should feel like or at least how he understood from what the bonded battle brothers had explained. 
Mara’s expression softened as she watched the heartwarming interaction between Addax and Rhitta. She sighed, “Since Rhitta’s presence keeps away the nails’ effects from you, she is allowed to stay.” Rhitta was about to cheer when Mara continued sternly, “However, Addax, you are absolutely not allowed to fight ith the other mers, especially the Grey Knight. You should still be in bed rest while your injuries heal, not looking to pick fights with others.”
The World Eater mer was about to protest, but Broug’s immediate hiss of “shut it” silenced him. 
“Rhitta, since Addax needs to heal, you are not to encourage that behavior. Is that understood?” 
The young harpy gave a little dejected huff before replying, “Yes, Mara. I understand.”
“Good.” Satisfied by their response, the elder harpy turned to Broug, “Captain, would you mind keeping an eye on them? If you need assistance, the apothecaries and Zariel and his brothers are here to help. When Addax is better it will be worth testing how far Rhitta can go before the nails’ effect returns and we will need to discuss the logistics of how to make this work.”
“It’s not the first day, nor the last that I’ve minded that thick skull of his. It will likely be easier with his nails calmed. You have a point however, and I will keep that in mind.” the Iron Warrior mer chuckled. 
Mara gave him a small smile, “My thanks, captain.”
“Of course.”
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roseworth · 4 months
How do you feel about Slade Wilson?
I personally could never get myself to like him strictly for what he did for Tera like I can excuse a lot of things but what he did to her is not one of them. I don’t know, I can never get myself to like him. Am I missing out?
I don’t know much about him beyond his titans cameos so is there an extra layer to his character that makes him likable?
Or is he just unlikable? How do you feel about him and him as a parent?
i think slade can be such a compelling character when hes written well. but the problem is that he is rarely written well
like. he's interesting to me BECAUSE he's such a terrible person and i hate him so much. he's a pedophile and an abuser and just an unapologetically horrible person and i LOVE it when writers don't ignore that. one of the reasons i love deathstroke 2016 is because priest doesnt pretend that slade is a good guy deep down, he is written like an asshole and does awful things throughout the entire book. because hes an asshole.
i dont like it when he works With the titans because. they should hate his ass!!! ESPECIALLY for what he did to terra. but he can be so good as a titans villain because hes a loser predator that routinely gets his ass kicked by teenagers that hate him on a personal level.
another reason hes interesting to me is because he genuinely DOES love the people in his life (derogatory). i hate it when people act like he hates his children because thats not true at all!! unfortunately he loves them so much but his version of love is abusing them and/or pushing them away. hes a terrible father and a terrible person but that doesnt mean he doesnt love his family. its just that his love is toxic and awful and him loving someone is always a bad thing
one (of many) thing that i hated about the movie deathstroke knights & dragons is that they tried to make him a good person. they treated it like his children were being irrational for hating him, his mercenary work was actually "noble" (he gave up a job because it came from a dictator; he would not fucking do that), and they even treated him cheating on adeline as "aw poor slade was so upset and he cheated on his wife because he was sad 🥺" and thats just. so boring to me. the reason he can be an interesting character is because hes such an awful person who does terrible things because hes selfish and doesnt care about other people, and even when he does care about other people hes doing it in a way that doesnt hurt him
thats also one of the reasons i HATED that one arc with respawn. i forget the name of it but it was the one crossover with batman & robin & deathstroke inc (<- this is driving me crazy what the fuck was it called.... it was the one where ra's died.... do u know what im talking about (EDIT: its Shadow War!! i forgor)) because suddenly slade was acting like he was a good father and that he loved his children and was acting Better than batman. which is so fucking stupid because hes a shithead and he knows it! but for some reason slade was like "im embracing my son i love being a family man ☺️ you wouldnt know what thats like would you batman ☺️" like since when do YOU know what thats like. at the very least he shouldve been pushing respawn away that entire time and it pisses me off that he was treated like the good guy in that story. and thats not even mentioning how bad rose's reaction pissed me off in this & dark crisis. williamson i am begging you to learn literally anything about the characters you write.
but going back to deathstroke 2016. that one is sooo good because christopher priest completely understands that slade is the worst. what i love about it is that he actually has "pure" motivations for a lot of the things he does (ie hiring a hitman on rose because he wants to spend time with her, stealing wallace's speedforce powers because he wants to save grant, etc) but it is very clear in the story that his motivations dont matter because hes doing a shitty thing! it doesnt matter that his intentions were good because he was hurting people on purpose!!!! he can try to be "good" all he wants but he is basically incapable of being good without hurting and/or manipulating someone. which is why hes such a compelling character to me. hes a shitty person with relatively good intentions. cool motive, still murder.
thats ALSO why i really like seeing him as a father (derogatory). because the shitty things he does are once again always well-intended but he fucks up his kids BAD. like just looking at his relationship with rose pre52, he pushes her away when he first meets her because hes afraid she'll be in danger if he brings her into his life. then he decides he DOES want her in his life so he hires someone to murder the people looking after her but lets her get her revenge on the person that killed her family. then he drugs her because hes a fucked up person that wants to keep her with him because shes the only family he has left (grant, adeline, wintergreen, and joey are all more or less dead at this point), then later after she leaves he fights her & joey (who is alive again) because he wants them to see that the titans to be a better family to them than he could be, THEN he fights them again because he wants them back in his life. its a back and forth of "i have to push them away to keep them safe" and "i have to go to extreme measures to keep them in my life"
hes a shitty father but hes a shitty father BECAUSE he loves his family. and he fucks them up because he doesnt know how to show them he loves them so he just makes it worse on purpose. he doesnt think that he can get any better so he pushes them away OR manipulates them and forces them to be close to him.
anyways. all this to say i find him interesting as a character BECAUSE he's unlikable and i dont trust anyone that actually likes him. if he was real i would throw rocks at him in the street because hes a piece of shit. but because hes not real i can enjoy his books as long as they dont shy away from the fact that hes a piece of shit
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maxwell-grant · 9 months
🔥 X-men/Krakoa?
Allright let me swing at the hornet's nest here a bit: Krakoa was wasted on the X-Men, not the other way around.
Krakoa was, however problematic and shitty and complicated it might have been even from day one, was onto something enough to generate the intense interest and instant fandom it did, and it's biggest problem wasn't with the forgiving of unrepentant monstrous villains (because that door got blown open forever ago), or the no-humans-allowed policy, or the genocide in Latin America, or the pod people resurrection that took the bite out of every mutant genocide and death past and future, or that the entire premise was built around them trusting the funi haha eugenicist Nazi to build their paradise and let himself be stopped later, or that it kept revolving around the petty courtly intrigues of the arch assholes in charge with only like, two writers capable of propping up this to make it worth reading about. The central problem didn't have as much to do with the fact that the newfound central focus on shadowy detached superhumans huffing their supremacist royalist fumes 24/7 is precisely why nobody likes the Inhumans and especially why nobody liked them as a replacement to the X-Men, and you can't cobble a story out of Magneto/Emma Frost/Mr Sinister mean girl one-liners and hot takes even if that's all the fans want (yes, the X-Men are bastards and so is everyone in the MU, how cutting and insightful and powerful they are yes very impressed, but an Epic Bastard Moments compilation is still not a story). I don't even think it can be entirely blamed on the fact that they had the X-Men speedrun through the 14 rules of fascism as the opening act to a larger story only to decide that actually, we don't need that larger story after all, thanks Hickster but we can just take it from here and keep Stage One as is, everyone's gonna be cool with the cult shit if it still feels like it's going anywhere other than back to the school, we can keep this up forever now! This isn't even a bit, I don't think these things were the biggest cause of death for Krakoa even if they all were there.
I think the biggest problem is that, no matter how many cool or great characters they add to their ranks or what turns into epic pulp sci-fi bombast they take, the X-Men might just be foundationally, irreperably broken as a concept, smothered under the weight of the selling metaphor that just gets more dated and problematic and easier to tear holes into with every passing year, and Krakoa ultimately just elevated all these problems to center stage. There was never going to be a world where Magneto says something as full of shit as "There has never been a mutant war and we've never conquered or stolen land or made slaves and that's why we're better, by the way we're going to be your new gods now" with a straight-face and didn't have that proven immediately wrong (not counting all the people in the Council who absolutely did do all of those things). Krakoa couldn't be both the terra nullius dream clubhouse and the "queer separatist utopia" people desperately craved and a cult backed up by genocide run by self-destructive warmongering hypocrites and a next step in evolution and the headquarters to a superhero team you need to tell monthly exploding punchy stories about and a place that was going to live forever and lead us into the better future and a house of cards waiting to be toppled. It didn't have a future because quite frankly, the mutants don't have a future.
The mutants are, even after all this time, still a half-baked idea of people entirely defined by their oppression, by their death and torture and the hollow space where you're expected to insert your own marginalized traits to identify with instead of much of anything akin to how real marginalized identities are formed and developed and solidified over time. Pretending that the mutants can subsist forever on past shoddy worldbuilding and dated, vague parallels just gets more embarassing over time. It's not an issue individually cool comics or characters are going to fundamentally fix. Krakoa, to it's credit, was some way towards trying to define the mutants past their oppression, but they barely had a language or a flag, and even these attempts were smothered under the Claremontian shadow that's been choking this franchise forever and by the inability of The Big Two to truly hand the reins to anyone other than the same stables of white dudes who always get the final say in everything. Krakoa was Going Somewhere up until it wasn't, and the promise alone breathed a whole new life into the X-books, we really did get some very good comics out of this era, but it was always going to end the way it ended.
Actually scrap all of that, my hot take is, not for racist reasons or anything, but we should destroy the X-Men and replace them with big cool robots that can make us safe forever. Has anyone tried that already?
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drbtinglecannon · 11 days
Darius because YOU! Are his lawyer
This is such a high honor coming from Willow Park's lawyer herself, thank you pal 💖
How do I feel about this character
I love Darius so much he's absolutely one of my top favorites, it's like between him and Eda. He's hilarious, he's cunty, he's interesting, he's one of Dana's favorites, he's a good person but he's a bitch about it, his design fucks, he has no canon love interest, and I wish we got more of him. I have so many thoughts on him and he was only in about 15min of screentime.
What can I say, I looked at all the Coven Heads in the S2B trailer and immediately decided he was my favorite and every time he was on screen I was validated by how thoroughly he passed the vibes check
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I am typically an aroace Darius enjoyer, but I have fondness for dariraine, dariraeda, and darimila (why is he always listed first and why is it fitting (wait I have to preface I'm ace and I use ship names by what sounds best I have literally never done it by "who tops" I can barely remember that's the common use of ship name order SO I'm mocking Darius as he would wanna be listed first because he's That Bitch)) because all of them have a lot of cute fluff potential (and dariraine has fun angst potential especially if it's between Eda's Requiem and O Titan, Where Art Tho)
Typically tho even in those ships I don't see Darius as someone that would live with a romantic partner, I think he'd want to keep his own house lol and he's very valid, it's styled exactly how he likes and no one else lives up to his cleanliness standards, it's win win for both parties
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Darius & Eberwolf is literally Lilith & Hooty a little to the left and it's sooo fucking funny and wholesome for it. Lilith was actually my S2A obsession until she left I was so fucking devastated when she moved out, so seeing Darius & Eberwolf were a similar archetype to Lilith & Hooty really endeared me to them immediately in ER when we knew nothing about them. Then by the series end they really are one of my favorite little duos of toh they're comedy gold potential but didn't get enough screentime 😔 Darius surrendered for Eberwolf even tho it was at the cost of the rebellion and I still think about that scene. Guy who joked about people dying is likely actually not being pragmatic at all when it comes to loved ones 👍 they threaten Terra Adrian & Vitimir lol
I'm also a "Darius & Eda used to be besties and will do so again" truther. They're the same yet opposites, they're both dramatic, they're both powerful, they both have a hot monster form, and they both speedran becoming adoptive parents after just being That Guy to some kid for a while. The ONE episode of interactions they had in COTH with Darius having to exasperatingly tell Eda what he means but also he calls her "Eda" not "Edalyn" like everyone else but Raine does, and Eda mocking Darius over beating his ass in ER and Darius IMMEDIATELY getting defensive & lying which Eberwolf calls him out for, DO YOU SEE MY VISION? THEY USED TO BE BESTIES. THE CLAWTHORNE PARENTS LOVED DARIUS. DARIUS & EDA WERE EACH OTHER'S ASSHOLE FRIEND. THAT FANART OF THEM IN FACIAL MASKS & DOING THEIR NAILS WATCHING DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES IS WHAT THEY WERE.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Liking him at all is still quite unpopular 😔 this fandom sure treats the nonwhite parents a certain way lol. I also don't really like ala//darius, I get the appeal but it doesn't compel me
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
I've had a perfectly envisioned idea for a year or two now of an toh episode that followed the rebel trio after Them's the Breaks, Kid and before Hollow Mind that was a 3 part split reminiscent of how Once Upon A Swap was paced.
Not only would it tie back to the style of OUAS -- a notoriously hated toh episode -- but it would be able to give info in a slow drip by following Raine first, then by the end we see Raine is working with Darius & Eberwolf, then it goes back to the beginning of the day through Eberwolf's POV, then Darius' POV, and ending on the buildup that they're the rebels Hunter is chasing at the beginning of HM.
We as the audience can tell by the designs who they were in HM (or well. Most of us. Some people thought Darius was Alador for some reason) but ahhh think of the extra foreshadowing that could've been in HM if we got an episode inside the castle so close to the day of unity!! Like what if Collector's shadow was visible at one point behind one or all of the rebels, letting us know Belos knew exactly who they were which lead to the foreshadowing in HM of the 3 arrows being where Darius, Raine(Eda), & Eberwolf each get put to stand during the day of unity spell in King's Tide BUT ALSO how we don't REALIZE it's referencing them specifically UNTIL KT AIRS. LIKE THE LAYERS IT COULD'VE ADDED.
Also obligatory Darius Hunter moment has to happen here to lead to Darius' reaction in HM upon hearing Hunter was trapped considering their last on screen moment in ASIAS and some people even now can't visualize them interacting in a positive manner 🙄
I do imagine it would be a touch 🤏 angsty. Like in my vision, Darius sees Hunter getting heat from Kikimora over a wild magic book, and it's like she can't really do anything to him over it but she could tell Belos who would be unhappy to hear that and all 3 of them are aware this would be the outcome, and Darius debates for a solid 10 seconds if he should pretend he didn't see them because well as heartless as he knows it sounds it actually benefits him & the rebellion keeping Hunter at arm's length but now that he's spent time with the kid he's like not a bad kid maybe they can convince him to join them?? Before he goes over and like a true actor plays it off that he asked Hunter for the book. Hunter obviously does not play along well as he's not a good actor, so Darius very condescendingly tells Kikimora to leave like "you can read, can't you, Kiki?" And she sputters "yes of course I--" and he just cuts her off "then read the room" while giving her a cold look until she awkwardly and angrily leaves. Like absolute cunt behavior from Darius but it's hilarious and it works to his cover as a CH. He gives Hunter the book back when Kikimora leaves and they good naturedly mock the other's taste in books ("I don't know how you can read that, Deadwarian era writing is dreadful to slog through" "Well some of us like reading more than fashion magazines") before they pass the mess hall and Darius asks Hunter if he's eaten, "Y-yes!", Flapjack is not standing for such lies and pecks him from under his cloak, which Darius knows is Flapjack so he laughs and tells Hunter to eat, Hunter pauses before he tries to genuinely thank Darius for defending him earlier, and then well shit remember how it's better for the rebellion if Darius keeps Hunter at arm's length maybe he needs to remember the bigger picture? He was literally doing rebel work when he got distracted helping Hunter out, so he kinda gently tells Hunter not to expect he can always go save him, and because Hunter's an abused teen (not that Darius really knows that yet) and he was enjoying having an adult that's nice to him now he visibly deflates before quickly excusing himself
Darius apologizes under his breath because he doesn't enjoy being mean to Hunter (even back when he was being mean to him) but it's one of those hard choices he makes like how Raine refused to get Eda involved. Can be miserably tied back to how Hunter ends up hiding at Hexside and not the rebels finding & helping him.
Wow I went insane typing that all but yeah that's my vision of what I would add to canon if I could add 1 episode into the show that doesn't change anything at all it only adds character filler & foreshadowing potential. Maybe I'll actually write this fic one day haha.
Another thing I kinda wish canon would've done was overtly state Darius adopted Hunter because like it's clearly implied but a lot of people still deny it! Dadrius won guys let us have this they had to cut so much stuff from the show including Darius backstory
From this ask!
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terraliensvent · 7 hours
About this: https://www.tumblr.com/terraliensvent/762628974139637760/httpsdocsgooglecomdocumentd1hedsgxllpfwh2z
At first, I gotta say that I never wrote something like this before, but the way my asshole burned out from this PSA is indescribable. Second, English is not my native language so I may make some writing mistakes, I apologise in advance.
This is more like an appeal to Veal. So basically the whole thing is like:
You: heyy Civ hru?
Civ: Aww im bad :(
You: ohhh nooo what happened?? Wanna talk about it? I'm concerned :0
Civet: *actually does what you asked them to do and tells how they feel*
Like what the actual fuck, this even feels funny to realise. People are being honest here, but let's be honestER:
You're fucking 16, not 6. You CAN talk about such things. I know damn well you wrote this PSA just to make even more drama and let people know "Oh look! I also have beef with Civ! I'm on your side guys!". But if you really get so fucked up after talking about Alcohol/Drugs/Other I'm not even sure how you exist in the society. Like damn you only got 2 years left to stop being so fucking soft. And btw, you don't automatically mature once you turn 18 at the snap of a finger. It's a process that lasts for YEARS, and if at this age you have issues with tallking about such topics (especially on the internet) then I have bad news for you. You're not a little kid to shout "IM A MINOR! DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT ALCOHOL!!".
Even when I was 16 I was talking with my minor and adult friends about many different topics, it's internet, all kinds of shit here. And none of them stopped me with words "I'm a minor!! Don't talk to me about this!!" You know why? Bcuz starting drama was not in their interest.
I'm not on Civ's side in the Terra conflict (I'm actually on nobody's side) but this PSA is pure bullshit and has absolutely NOTHING to do with Terraliens. Not only your words make no sense, but you also showed that you're not trustworthy and childish. You leaked a PRIVATE conversation that supposed to be PRIVATE and BETRAYED a person that considered you their friend. All that just for hype.
Like I personally would never trust you with anything, knowing that for you leaking private chats it's easier than actually THINKING. It's like, people like you are the reason why others may have trust issues.
This whole vent post may sound rude as fuck but at least it's the hard truth that you need to realise to avoid bad situations in the future. As a person who was betrayed by many people I have nothing but pure disguist towards this PSA and your behavior.
The moral of the story: GROW UP.
post related
i dont even have a rebuttal to this actually, a lot of what you said is your opinion and if you dont see anything wrong with having a 16 year old emotionally manage you, a legal adult, and make sure that you go to class and brush your teeth, then thats your prerogative i guess
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shiyorin · 2 years
Hello. I hope you're doing well in life🌹 If possible, I would like to request a Sanguinius with an eternal reader who has a vibe of Ciaphas Cain. Let's say the reader was with the Emperor and Malcador from the very beginning. But the reader is so fickle and enthusiastic that he appeared in the Imperium, did important things and then abruptly disappeared for several more centuries. And then he appears again and sees the primarchs. In general, the plot is completely at your disposal. Do not limit yourself in anything) And can his warriors be called Saracens? It's such a powerful word that I can't. It's perfect for a Warhammer
Aww, thank you. I'm fine.
Sanguinius x Perpetual! Reader
- When you know about Jimmy Space Emperor of Mankind's plan to create 20 18 creatures carrying his own genes, you're not too surprised. After all, he would do anything for his race, Mankind. But seeing what happened to the Thunder Warriors, well, you're not sure if you should feel sorry for these creatures… You agree with the Emperor's ideals, but not his methods. However, you and him still have a strange friendship. Actually, you don't think it's a friendship, you prefer to think of it as an ally. One that still exists as a result of a mutual understanding, one that is ultimately beneficial but not necessarily friendly.
- The first time you meet the primarchs, it's been a long time since the Himalayan lab was destroyed by the Ruinous Powers. And you haven't seen the Emperor and Malcador for a long time. Like father like son, a bunch of assholes. However, there are some guys, you have to look closely to realize he is an asshole. Among them can be mentioned names like Rogal Dorn, Roboute Guilliman, Sanguinius…. Especially Sanguinius. When you see those wings, that mutation, it reminds you of images in the ancient texts of Terra, an expression of holiness, of purity, angel of a god. But the Emperor is not god, and the Emperor's children can never be holy. You mean he may be his angel but holy? Never. And moreover, those wings are a byproduct of Warp. But you can't help but feel interested when you see that man.
- Meanwhile, Sanguinius watches this incredibly mysterious man, observing you closely for reasons he might not even fully explain himself. It might feel like a sort of… curiosity, maybe? Maybe he was just surprised to see that there was one other person besides Malcador who could be allowed to stand next to the Master of Mankind?
- And your mystery fuels Sanguinius' curiosity by haunting his visions of the future. You appear in his visions, not much but enough to make him wonder, worry, even….. obsession? Like a shadow or a fog, something that he can't quite make out just yet. And that gives him an obsession, a sort of burning desire to learn more about the person he can't quite make out. He still doesn't know who you are or what you represent, always at a distance, never quite in-sight…. But there are times in those visions when he sees your smile when you look at him, your tender touches to him, even your words even though he only sees you move your lips. A strange feeling begins to appear in him…
- For Sanguinius, his whole life is dedicated to the Emperor and his Legion, that's who he is, who he's designed to be. But there's you, and you're completely and utterly outwitting the Emperor's carefully-orchestrated designs. And he experienced fear for the first time… or even a greater feeling than that. Love, possibly?
- He falls in love with you through his vision of the future.
- But Sanguinius was incredibly unsure, wondering why he liked someone he can't even identify or properly see. He has to struggle between the idea that what he feels is real or just an extension of his visions of the future. Maybe the next meeting can explain this?
- And Sanguinius's next meeting with you is on the battlefield, when he sees you and your Saracens fighting. And he was stunning by the sight, your warriors dancing the death dance over the bloody feast, and the center of that feast was you, the embodiment of death. But every party must come to an end, after cleaning up the remnants of the xenos, you and the Saracens disappeared without a trace. And now he understands why you can stand next to his father.
- Sanguinius tried to separate his feelings from what his visions have shown him. It's like there's so much room for angst and uncertainty, too. Especially after that second meeting, he thinks that his visions and his emotions are completely separate, but they might have started blending together. The yearning grew in him, but he ignored it. Maybe he's just curious about you, maybe he just wants to see you, maybe….
- You are surprised that Sanguinius was able to find you, and even more surprised when he confessed his feelings to you. In response to those words, of course you choose to refuse. Honestly, his boldness makes you hesitate for a moment. But you've only met Sanguinius a few times, he is still just a boy. You're a being that has existed for countless years, and he has only been alive for a fraction of that time. Also, he is a Primarch, son of Jimmy Emperor, you don't want your old friend to look at you with his judgmental eyes.
- Sanguinius seemed to anticipate the rejection and happily accepted it. But maybe if he can't be your lover, he still hopes to be friends with you. Even if you rejected him, he's still going to love you in a respectful, discreet way. He loves you in the background, out of your sight. He loves from a distance, but with a care and a devotion that only grows with time.
- He always praises you for your talents and feats in the past. At times like that, you just laugh it off. Actually, you're not good at anything, there's nothing to be praised for, you're just lucky. You are always afraid of death, no, you are perpetual, how can you die? You fear things worse than death, and that's why you rarely appear in public. This is a secret that only you and perhaps the Emperor and Malcador know. The secret that you are a coward.
- Over time, you develop a certain feeling for Sanguinius, but it's not love, certainly not. It's kind of more than friendship and less than love. Sanguinius knows that, that feeling you can't see in yourself is something he's always watching for it to shine through the shadows. You didn't say it clearly but you allowed Sanguinius to cross some boundaries. Sometimes, you and him give each other a fleeting kiss, but that's all. You know you couldn't give him more. Love? That thing hasn't been in your life for a very long time. You and him are people who live in darkness, chasing light is instinct. The difference is Sanguinius can be desperate for chasing the light, and he knows very well that light can be grasped only by reaching out. And you have long since given up your desire for light, you only need the light to hang there and be satisfied with that.
- As for Sanguinius…. Well, he was both satisfied and dissatisfied with this. Part of him knows this relationship is just that. The other part, it's still not enough, he's still yearning because of the overwhelming desire. He hesitates to take it a step further, but is also pleased with everything you've given him. His hesitation was short-lived, though, when visions of the future that foreshadow the reality that constantly brings Sanguinius nightmares. He saw his brothers betray, his sons die, the Imperium they built from so much blood and tears fell,…. He desperately wants to preserve what he has, but he can't shake the fear of what could come.
- For somehow, you know it, but you can't tell. You know his condition, but you can't do anything. You know the future he's worried about, you worry about it too but the Emperor has his own plans for humanity, and there's little you can do. All you can do is just follow the predetermined future, do what you can for humanity, for the Emperor… As you always have. You know the outcome of the war, for you know many things, but you don't speak it. There is little more to be said.
It's so sad that climaxes come to an end, why so tired?
Before the Angel's last flight, he confesses his feelings to you again, this time you respond with a nod.
"Actually I'm enjoy with what you can gave me, but… Well, whatever…" He tells you with a sad smile.
You give him a kiss. "We can do it."
Honestly, you know what the outcome will be. It's just a part of you that still hopes the future can change, the results can change.
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winxwannabe · 2 years
why do you hate the netflix show? i'm genuinely curious, as my wife adores it and was also a huge fan of the animated series growing up.
I mean the TL:DR of it is I just think it's a bad show. I found the pacing strange, I didn't like half the characters so it was hard to root for them, Season 1's plot was so awkwardly paced it was boring, but in Season 2 there were like 3 different plot points per episode and I found them hard to get invested in. The LONG answer: my 3 biggest problems with the show were (!):
The blatant racism/whitewashing
This is pretty self-explanatory and I've gone over it before , so I'll keep it brief; the show's whitewashing was the biggest turnoff for me. Musa and the fake out Flora (because Eliot Sal WAS originally Flora, hope whoever made that change got a bonus) were awful, and then the treatment of Dane and Aisha's characters sucked (being taken advantage of by Riven and turning into a huge asshole, and Aisha being turned into Bloom's life coach). We got a little more diversity in Season 2, but by then it read more as a response to backlash than anything else. Same with Dane and Aisha; Aisha gives a little speech in Season 2's first episode where she says she's done being Bloom's life coach, and then proceeds to get a boyfriend who's secretly evil and lies to her all season. And Dane acts like an asshole for 2 scenes before he's shoved to the side as a supporting character.
2. Homophobia
Again, recap from my last rant; Season 1 was very straight. The Bloom/Sky/Stella love triangle took center stage, the only non-straight character was Dane, who I'm 90% sure was bisexual but we'll never know because not once in Fate: The Winx Saga does anyone say the word 'bisexual.' The closest we get is Dane saying he finds both Riven and Stormy Beatrix hot. But Dane, Riven, and Beatrix turn into this awful polyamory thing that goes on for like an episode and a half before it breaks up, and it's never spoken of again. Season 2 gives up an openly lesbian character, Terra, but her love interest (a female specialist whose name I don't remember) is in her own on-again-off-again relationship. Terra and the girl do get together, but last the audience knew the relationship was on! So Terra gets a girlfriend, but said girlfriend is a cheater. Gay rights? oh, and #JusticeforFrancesa
Those are the serious reasons, and with those out of the way I would argue the other really big reason I didn't like Fate was
At the end of the day you can take away magic, the Specialists, and a lot of supporting characters from the show because the core of it - the reason Winx Club works so well - is because these six girls are best friends. The show is about them going through school and breakups and universe-saving together, and kicking ass at it because they have each others back. It is the show's central theme, it's where the best writing is, and where some of its best moments come from (for me at least).
Fate...does not do that. They started the series out making Sky the one to show Bloom around Alfea and introduce her to things instead of Stella, sidelining one of the strongest friendships in the series for the sake of a love triangle. And it only goes downhill from there! I get the whole 'take an episode or two to figure out where we stand as friends' but by the end of the 1st season these bitches are still fighting over the dumbest shit! We start out Season 2 with Stella using invisibility spells again so she's not seen with the other girls - I don't even think Stella likes any of them by the end of the series! Sure everyone goes to classes and plans dangerous missions to save the world together, but outside of that it doesn't seem like they even like each other. There are moments sprinkled throughout where they're supposed to be genuine friends, and they're easily some of fate's best stuff (the car scene in 2x01 is an example). But they're also awkward, because 20 minutes ago they were sulking in their rooms and yelling at each other about their lack of communication. They aren't deserved is the point I'm trying to get at here, and the only way they do feel deserved is if you a) already know their friendship dynamic because you watched the animated series, or b) you follow the actors on social media, where they actually talk and hang out like best friends.
The strongest friendship in this entire series isn't any of the girls - it's fucking Sky and Riven. Because they were pre-established best friends, had arguments throughout season 1, but by the end of season 2 had come back together because the world was in danger, and they both knew despite everything, that they would have each other's backs. Do you know how badly you have to fuck up, where one half of your best friendship is the queerphobic, predatory asshole character, and the other half is a slice of untoasted Wonder Bread?
Do you know how mad Riven would have been if Sky went to not-Omega with Bloom in the season 2 finale? He would have been fucking pissed and ordering everyone to a classroom to give his 30-slide power point on how to get them back within 3 days. Meanwhile Bloom doesn't actually say goodbye to the Winx girls, she just writes them letters and says goodbye to Sky in person (because it is well established that Bloom and Sky's romance is more important than the girl's friendship, let's be honest). And then girls are all hugging and Stella's crying that Bloom's gone and I just thought 'you spent more time with Beatrix than Bloom this season Stella, why the fuck are you sad.'
This is all a longwinded way to say the central theme of friendship was pushed aside for CW-style romance, which made the core cast of girls unable to connect, which made the show bad.
Fate had the same overall runtime as a single season of Winx Club. Later seasons are bad, don't get me wrong, but those original 2004-2007 seasons had twice the character moments, more concise plots, and felt way more fun than anything I saw Brian Young put out these last few years. I would watch an original season (and even season 4! sue me!) any day over Fate the W inx Saga.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, and probably don't show your wife this.
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betagrove · 7 months
I think it's funny how close Kingdom Hearts keeps getting to having interesting things to say about gender politics with its character plots but it always renders itself moot bc it thinks the gender roles in question are awesome & real & true actually. Readmore for ppl who dgaf about kingdom heart
KH1 & CoM are both really refreshing takedowns of Sora & Riku(& Repliku)'s toxic masculinity and possessiveness / rivalry over Kairi. KH1 casts Riku as in the wrong for trying at all costs to be Kairi's savior and "beat" Sora for her affection, and admonishes him for selfishness and ego, but then CoM turns around and puts a mirror in front of Sora to go "Hey, asshole, that could so easily be you too." It shows that even if Sora doesn't directly want control over women the way Riku did over Kairi or Ansem wanted over the Princesses of Heart, his attitude towards Kairi / Naminé still strips them of their personhood.
Naminé herself has a great arc in CoM of seeking a form of existence through recognition & affection via Sora / Repliku, but coming herself to the conclusion that this charade is harmful to all of them, and reluctantly letting go of them both, now relying only on herself. She then goes on to lend perspective to Xion, Riku, and Roxas when they needed it most, and becomes kind of a symbol of emotional maturity & doing the right thing even when it's hard (through Reverse/Rebirth, Days, KH2, and Coded she is a major player setting up dominoes behind the scenes for every victory we win up through KH3)
This is of course downplayed by the rest of the series refusing to allow Kairi to do anything but be a damsel in distress (even when she gets a keyblade in KH2 she isn't allowed to use it ??), and minimizing the importance of Naminé's contributions to the plot, then refusing to give her any sort of catharsis like Roxas got (they even revert her arc of self-determination by giving her Riku (guy who was like vaguely coworkers with her under Ansem TW and I guess refused to kill her one time) to provide the masculine hero figure she harmed herself trying to chase in CoM)
Then Terra's reprisal of the connection between toxic masculinity & darkness in BBS is pretty interesting too. He's actually not a particularly egotistical, selfish, or violent guy in the beginning. When he loses mastery to Aqua at the trial, he's understandably crestfallen, but instead of lashing out, he seeks guidance. Unfortunately Xehanort, a male figure of authority, gets under his skin and espouses to him that anger and violence are integral to who he is as a man & individual. Even then, Terra is opposed to this idea, ashamed that he succumbed to urges of anger against Braig in Radiant Garden, but Xehanort continues to isolate him from his family & convince him that they are unable to understand him. He's told / shown over and over that the only way to protect those he loves is through domination & power, and it culminates in his fight against Eraqus (who is similarly short-sighted here) where you unlock the Dark Impulse command style and strike him down. The death of his master drives his anger even further, turning it back on Xehanort, playing into the long-con and getting him bodysnatched. He ultimately fails to save anyone through imposing his power over others.
Aqua has a similar but contrasting arc of being isolated from her family, but in her case she's just getting wildly parentified / diagnosed with Oldest Sister Disorder. She's also taught that Terra's darkness is inherent to who he is, and that it's her responsibility to handle all the emotional burdens singlehandedly without any system of support. She's lead to feel that anything bad that happens / Terra & Ven's decisions she disagrees with are due to her failure as a leader, leaving her unable to see the real external factors causing these events. After getting some clue of what's really going on, she is able to put Terra & Ven in the safest possible positions in the aftermath of the story climax, but only by continuing to sacrifice herself, dropping into the Realm of Darkness, still feeling like their fates are her fault. 0.2 gives us some fun stuff of her dealing with her low self-esteem & guilt, and she ultimately plays another important role in sealing the Door to Darkness in KH1 by saving Mickey and Riku.
Then in KH3 Aqua gets turned Nortmode by a random darkness attack (not any of the legit trauma she had or being in literal hell for 10 years?), saved by Sora without any hand in her own liberation, then continues on to job against Vanitas so she can be saved by her little brother, then get paid dust the rest of the game. Meanwhile Terra gets to do a bunch of cool shit & then Eraqus shows up at the end to be like "Terra you're the man of the house now and in charge" as if the whole point of BBS wasn't that the most important thing was communication & understanding between these 3 instead of offloading responsibility / leadership onto either Terra or Aqua. Sigh
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svnflower-writes · 11 months
info about my main WIPS rn:
i have too many WIPS shut up i know
original stories:
next christmas:
short story (kind of, if I say it's a short story it'll still be lots of words lmao) about two girls and a small look into their life each christmas and they're best friends who think their pining is unrequited and every time they're like "it's ok it'll happen next christmas!" and it just doesn't and they have to deal with lots of mental health stuff
main characters:
August: lesbian, she/her, i love her so much she's the loml, people pleaser, slowly realises that she doesn't have to be the second choice and she should be a priority, is a bit of an asshole to Lottie in like chapters 5-9 but Lottie deserves it tbh
Charlotte/Lottie: bisexual, she/they, kind of a bitch a lot of the time, gets into relationships for like a week and then gets into another one a month later, commitment issues, eventually has a redemption arc thing and she actually does deserve August
Ayanda/Aya: asexual, panromantic, they/she, they are my spirit animal i love her so much, August's new bestie, absolute sweetheart who values friendship over anything else, also basically the reason EVERYTHING happens in the story
everyone else is kinda irrelevant ngl
love is not enough:
name will definitely change I hate it.
plot is very complicated idk if I even understand it and I'm the one writing it 😭💀 basically gay royalty but it's confusing and the economy is dying and the main love interest is kinda a fugitive??? i guess???? lots of secrets yay
main characters:
kit chevalier-fernsby: gay (very much closeted), he/him, prince, science, slightly pretentious but that's his parents fault, he loves dates where they stay in with blankets and candles and hot chocolate and read books together. he's such a cutie patootie i wanna give him a hug <3
lucas akehurst: unlabelled, he/they, gaurd, hopeless romantic, artist, midnight walks in the rain + art galleries + coffee, mysterious. he is my baby i will protect him at all costs.
no side character information bc i can't be bothered <3
hell is a teenage girl:
hunger games fic! finnick's younger (15 years old) sister going through her hunger games and gaining a lot of trauma. very emotion and relationship (familial, platonic, and romantic but the friends she makes are arguably more valuable to her than her relationship). basically she goes through what finnick goes through and she learns to be a manipulative little shit bc what else is she meant to do
main characters:
serena odair: loml. bisexual icon (with a preference for woman) who is a little bit manipulative but let's be real when you're in the arena you do whatever the fuck you can to stay alive. district four, she wins (duh she's the main character) and her brother means absolutely everything to her. spoiler: trauma yay
cassie farwater: serena's best friend! district 11 and a mean lesbian. 16 years old and her friends mean the world to her. her loyalty is what gets her killed.
eloise astor: serena's gf!! district one – been training for the games her whole life so it comes as a big surprise when she sacrifices herself for marina!!
kaz claremont: the district partner/close friend – he's quite and determined and he listens. he knows all the gossip. very impulsive and bold. panromantic + asexual
ash terra: the only person who gives serena a run for her money in the manipulative category. he's an absolute bitch and will stab anyone in the back without hesitation. makes it clear to everyone that this isn't a game of trust. district 3
sadie nightgrove: district 5, cassie's gf. bisexual. very charming and puts on a clueless facade before turning on people. despite being absolutely able to win the games she would never hurt the people she's allied with - and that is her downfall
mad woman
sequel to hell is a teenage girl and yes it's named after the taylor swift song. quarter quell and lots of serena and finnick sibling bonding. very protective finnick and very manipulative (not to finnick) serena, they're a power duo.
serena is like the only original character in this so she's basically the same just more traumatized and hotter.
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linkspooky · 2 years
Oh I want you to go all in deep! As deep as you can go!
So plz tell me. How is Kitty Pryde from X-Men is like Mai Zenin from jjk?
I'm going to take this joke ask completely seriously, watch me.
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Why are Mai Zenin and Kitty Pryde from X-men the same character? To begin with a brief history on comic books at the time. The Uncanny X-men is one of Marvel's most popular series, it features a school full of children who are gifted with great super powers but otucasted from society because of it and need to be taught by older people with the same powers how to use them. So you know, nothing like Jujutsu Kaisen.
X-men is the original "superhero high school" story. If a story features a bunch of teenagers with superpowers it's probably at the very least indirectly inspired by X-Men. When there's worldbuilding where some people in the world just happen to be born with superpowers, that idea probably came from X-Men. X-men is iconic! Kitty Pryde was introduced to the comic as a result of a Marvel Comics editorial dictate that the series depict a school for mutant children.
Kitty Pryde was the youngest to join the X-men at the time of her creation, and served as the archetpyal "Kid Sister" character to all of the older teams in the group. Not only does she play the part of a literary foil, she's also someone who provides an audience perspective especially to younger readers. The whole point of having a bunch of teenagers have super powers is to make the characters relatable so you can imagine yourself as one of them, so as the other characters got older they added Kitty Pryde to give the audience a new perspective character.
Except, Kitty Pryde is one of the most famous X-Men. Bar none. There's something about how young and normal she is that makes her appealing, especially around a band of freaks, a lot of whom have much more dramatic backstories than her. She's a lot more interesting than just "the baby sister" or "the normal one" because her perspective is unique, she's literally a kid who's thrown into this new world. She's sympathetic because the world she's just stumbled into is bigger than her and she just barely knows what's going on and she's just a normal person who happens to have the ability to walk through walls.
Then we have Mai Zenin, the most teen girl of teen girls. She is a character who should be as immediately sympathetic and relatable as Kitty Pryde, because she also is a completely normal girl thrown into a world she doesn't like, but we the audience don't see her that way because she's not the perspective character, Nobara is.
And Nobara thinks Mai is an asshole.
This is where I go back and introduce you to more comics history. Running at the same time as Marvel's X-Men and just as popular was a series that was also about teenage superheroes, the New Teen Titans. They decided to add a younger teenage girl to a team filled with young adults mostly in their late teens or early twenties but with a twist.
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George’s strength was he also understood the characters 100 percent as I did so there was never any question. He knew. We had talked enough about the characters to know we were exactly on the same page with them. So I said, “Everyone keeps complaining that we’re like the X-Men” and the X-Men had just gotten Kitty Pryde. I said, “Why don’t we really screw around with them completely?” — this is the fans — “…and make them think we’re stealing Kitty Pryde only she’s gonna be bad from Day One.” You always had characters pop up, certainly at Marvel, who were bad that get redeemed. But this character would never get redeemed. She was insane. In fact, she was the catalyst for everything. She wasn’t working for Deathstroke. He was working for her in many ways and she was leading him because she’s crazy. She’s a total psychopath… and she’d be 15. 
In a famous interview Marv Wolfman admits that the concept of Terra came from everyone accusing Teen Titans of stealing from the X-Men, so they decided to make a character exactly like Kitty Pryde... but an asshole.
Terra is the exact same character as Kitty Pryde, young teenage girl added to the team, feels like she doesn't belong anywhere, completely new to life, can't control her powers, but Marv Wolfram and George Perez decided to write her as an antagonist to the main characters so despite having sympathetic traits, the audience doesn't sympathize with her.
Terra's the asshole little sister.
Which is essentially the same concept for Mai, especially in regards to her relationship with Maki. Mai doesn't present herself right away as a loving little sister who looks up to Mai, and loves her in spite of the Zen'in's treatment of Maki. She piles onto the Zen'in's abuse and throws the same insults at her. She's immediately unlikable as Nobara the audience perspective character decides to hate her. After all they grew up in the same household, Maki can be strong and fight back, Mai is just weak and blames others.
Mai, just like Terra too doesn't really want to get stronger, she doesn't want to change. She pouts, sulks, whines, makes excuses, blames others, all ways that we don't like to see victims acting because Maki can be strong right? So why not Mai? Terra was created to be everything that Kitty Pryde is not, and Mai was created to be everything Maki is not.
That's why Kitty Pryde and also Terra remind me of Mai Zen'in, because she is literally created to be the little sister of Maki Zen'in a character we're supposed to love and sympathize, with the exact same backstory of Maki... but an asshole.
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via-rant · 2 years
Comfort character Leo Valdez sounds (starting with aus) because I can't draw and I have no motivation to actually learn:
Gaea: This latest little game of yours. Thank the Gods it's over. Did you have fun? Did you get everything out of your system?
Leo: I-
Gaea: Good, good. Everyone is so relieved. Welcome home Leo.
Leo: You guys have no idea what it's like. She knows what a shitty person I am but she still smiles at me.
Leo as a kid sensing something wrong: Where are you going?
Some guy who took him in: Ah..... Just on a little trip.
Leo: [name redacted]? Will I ever see you again?
The guy: Sure you will kid. Sure you will.
Leo wanting to believe it: Well then. Goodbye [name redacted]. I'll miss you.
The guy: Goodbye.
Leo: Now isn't. This. INTERESTING?!
(Be informed that these are all different aus I came up with and they're not well thought out. At all. Also that was the last one.)
Frank: You didn't tell me they were part of a gang!!
Leo: What difference does that make?
Frank: What diff- They're dangerous!
Leo: I. Was part of a gang.
(After meeting with one of Leo's old friends.)
Piper: It's not your fault.
Leo: I know. I mean I know, but I don't always know y'know? Like sometimes there's a tiny voice in the back of my head that goes "Hey, everyone hates you and they're not wrong to feel that way."
(This can be applied to literally any situation he was in.)
Leo: I sacrificed a ton and tried to be a good kid.
Some asshole: What have you ever sacrificed?
Leo: Everything. I gave up everything to be a good kid.
Asshole: Oh please. You died because you wanted to be a hero.
Leo: I'm not talking about my death, I'm talking about my life! I gave up my whole! LIFE!!
Terra (11): You're my best friend Leo! Cause I'm special! A-and you're special-
Leo: Don't you get it?! We'll never be one of them, we're freaks! We're not special Terra!! It's just something your mom told you to make you feel better about yourself because you CAME OUT WRONG!!!
(Like everyone else I made up a lot of stuff Leo went through while he was on the run.)
Leo: Why would I make them so uncomfortable?
Hazel: It probably has to do with your reputation.
Leo, smirking: I have a reputation?
Hazel: They see your fire, how much you can control it, it's....
Leo frowning: Freaky?
Leo, setting his hands on fire: Do you think I'm freaky?
A voice: Do you blame yourself?
Leo:...... What?
Voice: Well it's quiet common in this situation for a patient to feel a kind of... Guilt.
Leo: What situation?
Eidolon, showing itself: The accident.
Percy: No your wrong, she loves you.
Leo rolling his eyes: No that's where you're wrong. They act like they love you. They act like they'll be there forever. Then one day they make you pack up all your things and kick you out and leave a 12 year old orphan to fend for himself!!
(Leo meeting Percy's mom and stepdad for the first time. I specifically chose this situation because of what the original audio was.)
Piper: I think you'll get it some day.
Leo: Get what?
Piper: Love silly.
Leo: Well what if I don't want a partner?
Piper: Who said anything about a partner? Love comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms darling, self-love being one of them. It's a hard one to get at, that's for sure but once you have it, it's certainly nice to have.
(Aroace Leo Valdez my beloved.)
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hishap · 1 year
If you're willing, 🧠and/or🥊 for Mimi and/or Terra.
(Sorry for the delay, I fell asleep)
[OC ask game here!]
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Given that everyone on the Blue Team is basically just stuff I thought would be cool to see in a BF sequel, I could just reply with a description of each of them, but that wouldn't be that interesting to read.
Instead, I could talk about the fact that Mimi is, of course, supposed to be a foil to Hoaxe. Both the same species, both having grown up as the only one of their kind around, both mistreated by the wasps. The reason Mimi turned out better is she actually made a friend. Without Wil to show her that wasps indeed COULD treat her better if they wanted, Mimi might have sought revenge and power too. But she did not need to. She had Wil to support her, so why waste energy seeking revenge against assholes who aren't worth her time?
Terra had a pretty uneventful life until shortly before The Mimics started, so I don't have as much to say about her that isn't the obvious. Though, she gives me the opportunity to bring up another aspect I like : how the readers (one of them especially) influenced these characters as well. Things like Terra being trans, or Mimi liking to keep things organised, ended up in the series because of someone's comments, and I really appreciate how having that direct a line between writer & audience can influence your creativity in interesting ways ^^
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Mimi :
likes crafting most of all
hates having to deal with racist wasps
Terra :
likes trying new things
hates doing the dishes. This lead to arguments with her parents in the past
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sillymoonboi · 5 months
Uni: *in there real voice* chaos what did I say about you stealing my churros. oh well, so galaxy let's chat... anything interesting happen yet... *grabs time keeper and leans on them*
Time Keeper: seriously uni... why... why are you like this.... also did you find out about... all of the black holes..
Uni: it was an asshole of a lunatic, k time Keeper, actually galaxy you can explain this person better than me. *plays with Time Keeper's rays as Bolt and Revra sleep in Time Keeper's scarf*
Galaxy:the asshole , uni is talking about is named Black hole, he’s the brother of that young sun lord who used to be in this council before you, so black hole did a lot of things- like do this to uni, infect the planet dimension, manipulate a eclipse made by the lord sun and his lover , and a phased moon from terra/earth called bloodmoon into working for him, send the phase moon to assasinate the planet Neptune so he can eat her and obtain her powers, causing siren moons to go extinct, harmed one of the youngest planet called mercury, causing for him to lose his vocal cords, he send the eclipse to mess with the system the solar flares had set up for protection over the planets.
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coffeecat22 · 2 years
While Farah was always my favorite character by far, I was also very interested in the golden trio, Rosalind and Andreas as well. Their past, their personalities, the relationships between all of them (and between Sky and his 2 dads) were fascinating to me.
Season 2 didn't really deliver on those fronts; I never let myself forget that the adults were not the focus of the show but I'd say they still had a fair amount of screentime in s1, and what we got of them was very good. S2 was focused on the teens a lot more than s1 imo and it's a pity because the older characters had a lot of potential. Maybe they didn't have enough time to explore them while trying to tell the story, after all 7 episodes isn't much, but I'm still sad about it.
Random thoughts and takeaways after just finishing the season:
Ben: I expected him to do Rosalind's bidding for the sake of his kids but something about the way he alerted her of Saul being at the school felt weird to me. IIRC Roz didn't know that Saul was there at all, could he have gotten in and out without her knowing if it wasn't for Ben? Did Ben help Saul get inside the school just to turn him over to Roz? It felt more like a betrayal than a situation where Ben had no choice but it also seemed like Saul understood 🤷🏻‍♀️ and then Ben left, even though it meant leaving Terra behind with a headmistress he'd been trying to protect her from.
Andreas: he was as much of an asshole as I thought he'd be lol. Dissapointed we didn't see a confrontation between him and Saul. I saw people theorizing Sky would kill his dad in s2, maybe in a fit of rage, maybe to protect Silva, maybe because mind control was involved... they were right for the most part 😂 I didn't feel like much happened between Andreas and Sky before they killed Andreas off. Sky said a couple of times that he was getting somewhere with his dad but all I saw was a proud look ONCE and that was it. Andreas definitely cared for Beatrix, but he seemed to have no interest in Sky. I think he knew the people of Aster Dell were BW but maybe he thought it wouldn't make a difference if he told Saul because he'd still try to stop Roz. Was Bea really from AD? Or did Andreas lie to her about it?
Rosalind: so she was a total zealot trying to start a war with the BW by stealing the Dragon Flame and destroying AD. I liked this Rosalind more than s1 Roz, idk if it was the writing or the actress but it worked better for me. The scene in front of Andreas' grave was interesting and at first I thought she really cared for him but by the end of the scene I had the impression she cared in the way she would for a possesion, something that was of use to her. And was obviously sorry when she lost it before she was done with it, which is how she feels about Bloom. It was a shock to see her die so soon, but I loved that Luna used her death to justify going to war and getting people to agree with it. There's probably more to say about her but after 7 hours of staring at a screen, is all I can remember now
Saul: funnily enough this is how the show disappointed me the most I think? He just didn't feel like an actual character to me. He's the only one of the adults who is still alive and around at the end but he feels almost 2dimensional. He wasn't allowed to react to anything or it felt a bit superficial. I was laughing by the end of the season: 1) no resolution with Andreas, 2) loved the conflict with Sky but it was kind of forgotten after Andreas' death (it would've been nice to see the immediate aftermath of that for Saul and Sky) and the one scene where they discuss it Saul says some things that sounded weird, but I can't explain why, 3) Saul and Farah seemed close in s1 and yet if you told me that s2 Saul didn't know her I'd have believed it. It was hilarious to see that Saul never asked about her, probably thought she was actually on the run, didn't seem slightly concerned that Sebastian might be telling the truth about her death, etc. I love silrah no matter the nature of their relationship so maybe I'm biased? it seems Bloom told him she saw Farah again, yet it didn't seem to affect him at all. He seems unaffected after losing both Andreas and Farah. I guess it was weird to see him like that all season, almost like he was going through the motions.
Farah: I was fully prepared for anything the writers decided to do with her, so I'm not surprised. I thought I might feel sad but it actually felt like a hole opened up in my chest and sucked in all emotions. So I guess it's a good thing in a way but it also feels empty. The way she died just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, it was really stupid. While I agree that the rules of life and death can't be broken at all or at least not without consequences, this show is not known for making sensible choices in terms of storytelling, but they had to pick this hill to die on 🙄 I'd have happily waited until s3 to bring her back if it meant she could stay but whatever. There's also the possibility that Eve couldn't or didn't want to come back.
I'm kind of mad that they gave us these characters and then took them away like this but I've always enjoyed fanfic and fan theories more than the show itself anyway. This is what I get for getting attached to the adult (side) characters on a show about teenagers 🤦🏻‍♀️
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reddtea · 3 years
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I don't know what most people's relationship with comic canon but for me. I just...ignore... whatever I don't like. Like I don't generally care for ginger Jason or rapist Talia Al Ghul, so I just pretend it's not true to my version of the DC universe. There's some aspects that I might re adapt if I think they could be interesting but I don't feel beholden to what is canon and what isn't. I don't really want to argue over what is correct pre-new 52 or post crisis or dc rebirth or future state shenanigans. As far as how canon Slade is, He's not as interesting as I think he could be. I know that he's done fucked up stuff (relationship with Terra? really???) but I don't find those to be interesting. This Slade is still a bad guy and not the best dad ever by any means, but at this point his kids are pretty fucked up in their own right and nobody in this family is sane that Slade for the most part just wants some peace and quiet and will kill to get some. - Rose probably gets along the best with dad but has no impulse control whatsoever (she's no longer allowed to fly any planes after crashing the 3rd one this year) - Joey talks to Ghosts and hangs out with Dick, he's weird and a traitor - Grant...Slade isn't sure if he's real half the time everyone including Grant acts like he's a ghost haunting the house, he mostly freelances or stays with mom
My Slade is a bit of a combination of Captain America and a Geralt of Rivia wannabe. He wants to be a cool and chivalrous Knight but that has never been in the cards for him. He wishes Rose could be like Ciri, Joey could have been kinda like Jaskier before the throat thing, and Grant was like Bucky Barnes before dying.
As far as I'm concerned with Slade he's a captain America (Steve Rogers) if nobody had any expectations or respect for him because he was a symbol of truth and justice... and was treated less than human for killing people, because he could never be a proper hero. A sort of anti captain America situation where everyone has the worst idea of him believing he could never do good, and Slade is just doing what he feels like he should do anyways. Not a hero, never loved, and never respected but he's still out here doing what he was made for and that's pretty much all he's ever known. He's been trained to be practical and to be a strategist that looks at everything and anyone as pieces on a board to manage to get the job done. Sometimes people get hurt because of it. He generally tries to not feel much about it.
He has a family but they don't care that he's the most badass assassin and one of the top mercenaries in the world, he's just their dad who's a mean and stoic hard ass and nobody is afraid to call him out on it. He has a butler who doesn't give a shit about being nice, but it always there when he most need it , like Alfred but actually an asshole. A brother who is a depressed unkillable annoying wacko that hangs around sometimes to "keep him on his toes" and he's probably the only one who understand him. An ex-wife that he suspects might have a bigger kill count than him (she's just better at hiding it because she doesn't run around with bright orange to advertise) and a (mostly) one sided rivalry with Bruce Wayne and a mutual hatred of Dick Grayson (Dick would unplug his life support if given the opportunity).
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