#i like character design and overanalyze small things
thespiritbee · 7 months
I've been nonstop thinking about the latest video and the characters and scenes showcased so I thought I'd make a post mostly comparing Gooseworx's teaser and the characters shown while also analyzing it (I will be making a separate post to analyze the locations, scenes, and characters though-)
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(For simplicity, I will be calling these ones by their colors ^^)
Starting with Blue, I believe that he's this guy
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Since they have the same color and body shape, it also looks like he's working in the same place that Jax was thrown into (Which looks to be called Spudsy's??)
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With Pink, she looks like this Candy Queen(?) *Princess Loolilalu (She got a name while in the middle of making this- Name source: Gooseworx reblogs)
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She has the same type of gloves and the dresses look very similar, It also looks like Princess Loolilalu be the ruler of Candy Canyon Kingdom (Which honestly deserves a post of its own-)
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(Small detail I noticed when looking back is that the characters seem to be very simplified in the cameraman teaser- Pink's dress has no visible detail while The Candy Queen *Princess Loolilalu has sprinkles and icing- I'm probably overanalyzing that tho)
Moving along to Green, they line up with this character pretty well
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They both have a glow along with the same hat shape
Lastly is White, which I couldn't find any real character that matches their design enough to make a real solid connection??
White seems to vaguely resemble Frogni (Yknow Concept Pomni), but there isn't any showcased characters that look like that. Although!!
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Their appearance does seem to be the same thing that Gummigoo is, so my guess is that they'll appear in the same episode.
That's the end of my rant, thanks for reading!!
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purpleajisai · 10 months
The history in fiction: Parallels between historical Japan and the Narutoverse
Part 1: The era of the Six Paths
Naruto may not be a historical fiction and most people will think that the utmost historical reference in the series is the fact that ninja were a thing in feudal Japan. But what if I told you that there is an insane amount of historical parallels in the series? That we could actually place the events of the main timeline within real periods of Japanese history? In this two-part series, I’ll be explaining the many parallels, references and design inspirations of the main events and generations that shaped the course of the series that we all know and love. I’ll start with the era of the Six Paths (starting from Kaguya and ending with Indra and Ashura), and part 2 will be about the Warring States (dynamic between the Senju and Uchiha). At the end of each part, I’ll add useful links so that you can deepen your investigation and see my sources. Without further ado, let’s start overanalyzing.
Historical references and parallels in character design and dynamics
I’d place this particular era of the Narutoverse in the Heian period of Japan (or at least the most important people, the brothers Indra and Ashura). Considering that we’re spanning 3 generations here, I’ll separate the individuals involved in the following way:
Kaguya: End of Nara period (710 AD - 784 AD)
Hagoromo and Hamura: Early Heian period (794 AD - 1185 AD)
Indra and Ashura: Heian period (794 AD - 1185 AD)
On a side note, I’d like to add that I’m not really considering Tenji in the list above because he’s an anime only character. However, his case caught my eye so I’ll discuss him as well. Let’s start by evaluating Kaguya and Tenji then. Kaguya’s character design is a very classical archetype of Heian beauty standards and clothing. Long, straight hair with flowy kimono and a delicate face. Her unusual eyebrows are no coincidence as well, as in the Heian period the practice of hikimayu was commonplace in noblewomen. 
"Hiki means "pull" and mayu means "eyebrows". Aristocratic women used to pluck or shave their eyebrows and paint new ones using a powdered ink called haizumi, which was made of soot from sesame or rapeseed oils." (source)
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Left: Filler anime episode // Right: Manga panel
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Above: Hikimayu through the ages of Japan
Another interesting fact that I’d like to point out is that Kaguya is a character with striking similarity to a Japanese folk tale, in this case the Tale of Princess Kaguya (Kaguyahime no monogatari), whose origin we can trace back to Heian Japan. The Tale of Princess Kaguya tells the story of a little baby girl who “fell from the skies” and was found by a couple of old farmers inside of a bamboo. She grew up to be extremely beautiful and was courted by lots of noblemen, but she rejected them all insisting that somebody would come for her, as she looked at the moon. Of course, Naruto provides us with a different ending to the story but this similarity can’t be overlooked.
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Above: "The Receding Princess" from The Japanese Fairy Book, 1908
Moving on to Tenji, it gets a bit more complicated to place him in an exact historical moment as he has elements of many different periods. His hairstyle resembles the styling of the Jomon period, whereas the entire setting in the filler episodes are more similar to the Nara period with the many small kingdoms fighting for dominance within a vast land, just like pre-unification Japan. Therefore, I place Kaguya and Tenji at the end of the Nara period, because we see how Kaguya takes over Tenji’s rulership and is regarded as a noblewoman after she casts the first Infinite Tsukuyomi. I have to rely on some filler in this case because otherwise I can’t find a logical explanation as to why Hagoromo was so well settled and had a large group of people following his teachings if it wasn’t for Kaguya ruling some land that originally belonged to Tenji. 
Hagoromo and Hamura
Let’s start with the second generation. Following the events of the end of the Nara period I quoted in the previous section, Hagoromo and Hamura would go in the beginning of the Heian period. Their character designs feature long, flowy tunics without a visible belt. Here you have an image of men’s clothes through Japanese history, the third one being a feudal lord of the Heian period. Compare and contrast with these anime and manga images.
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Above: “Men’s Japanese clothes” by Glimja
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Left: Filler anime episode with both // Right: Hagoromo manga panel
Again, since we get very few manga panels related to Hagoromo and his sons, I’ll refer once again to the filler episodes where he is shown as the ruler of a village. The spot within the Heian period in which I’m placing Hagoromo would be around 100 years after the Taika reforms which established one of the first codes of law in Japan and (Taihō code) and divided the country in provinces ruled by feudal lords. Curiously, around the time where the Taika reforms happened, there was an emperor called Tenji. 
Indra and Ashura
The third generation of the alien-human hybrids is here, and I place them in the Heian period as well. My main reason to consider Indra and Ashura in the Heian period is the fact that this is the exact time period where the samurai originate. A common misconception is that a samurai is a Japanese warrior highly trained in the martial arts and weapons. While this statement holds some truth, the samurai were the military social class of feudal Japan, which means that there were people who were of the samurai class but had never touched a weapon in their lives. Therefore, samurai clans were not entirely composed by warriors but also had a number of people who lived a more “civilian” lifestyle. And you may be wondering, “what do the historical samurai have to do with the ninja that we see in Naruto?”. The answer is: more than you think. Historically speaking, the ninja is a samurai specialised in stealth and sneaking, the only difference with the Naruto universe is that the ninja we know and love from the show possess chakra and perform techniques with that. 
The story of Indra and Ashura is strongly tied to the origin of ninja clans in Naruto, just as the Heian period is the origin of the samurai clans. From this time period I’d like to highlight the myth of Minamoto no Yorimitsu, more commonly known as Minamoto no Raiko. His story says that he slayed demons (yes, really) and saved many maidens from being abused by drunk oni with his great sword, Dojigiri Yasutsuna. The difference between myth and legend is that myths hold some kind of historical fact whereas legends are purely fictional. Minamoto no Raiko has been heavily mythified and his story sounds unbelievable or too much like a fantasy story until you realise that he did exist and that his sword is kept in a museum. Doesn’t this resemble how the origins of ninja in Naruto are almost like fantasy stories up until Hagoromo shows up in the 4th war and explains that everything was real all along? 
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Above: Ukiyo-e of Minamoto no Raiko and others fighting the demon Shuten Doji.
Just as Minamoto no Raiko is considered the first samurai, Indra could be considered the first shinobi. He was the first to channel and shape chakra to create jutsu, and he was considered as part of the legends surrounding Hagoromo. Please compare these two panel sequences, one is from earlier in the story and the second one is Hagoromo’s version. 
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The brothers’ character design can also be correlated with the Heian period. Indra’s eyebrows seem to be real but resemble the hikimayu design of Kaguya’s eyebrows, however he does add eye makeup. The people who wore makeup in the Heian period were nobles (mostly noblewomen), once again reinforcing my point that this family started out as feudal lords and eventually fused with the warrior class, becoming ninja clans. Although the character design for Indra and Ashura isn’t 100% equal to Heian Japan’s male clothing, the inspiration is subtle yet visible. I’d say that the inspiration is mostly for the plot rather than the appearance of the character. If you’d like to see more real Heian period clothing, this link has recreations of the outfits of the characters in the Tale of Genji, by Murasaki Shikibu.
These are some useful links that I’ve referred to while writing this post. I’d like to invite you to read them if you’d like to do further research on the beautiful history of Japan.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hikimayu#:~:text=Hiki means "pull" and mayu,from sesame or rapeseed oils.
Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for part 2, the Warring States era. Special thanks to @al-hekima-madara-blog for actually motivating me to write all of this down 💜
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suckishima · 4 months
okay so i know i posted a few weeks ago that i did get to see the haikyuu movie when i was in japan last month and ive been so busy i didnt fully have time to process lol so ive been writing down thoughts as i remember them so, spoilers under the cut (no particular order)
final rally pov shot was craaaaazyyy (sidenote i saw challengers today lmao and they did a similar pov shot thing a couple times and it reminded me how sick it was to see such a complicated thing be animated)
in addition to that tho, while i liked the drop of the music then to just have it be kenmas breathing, i felt lie his breathing seemed a little repetitive?? like it was possibly just the same couple voice recordings repeated???
and also tbh.. i kinda didnt love how after the super amazing pov animation the way they chose to animate the full court flashback to tokyo training camp was just like a flat pan around the room. it just didnt feel all that dynamic after seeing something so cool, and maybe it was just my screening but the image was kinda blurry and not that crisp at that part
in general tho i thought the sound design was really cool, so much of it just straight up felt like a live match happening, and the part when kenma tells hinata to stay interesting and the sound cuts out?? ooo v effective i thought
and then the birdcaaaage aaaah i loved the way the wings like got all stifled in the cage when kenma first trapped him and then ofc the bursting out of it oooo im excited to see it again in imax
there were a tonnnn of small moments that i assumed wouldnt make the cut that actually did too, yaku sitting on lev's back when he's doing pushups, the bokuto/kuroo hair swap flashback lmaooo, goshiki having to share his ipad with tendou (i cant remember for sure now if he actually says that or not but theyre definitely in the movie), bokuto and akaashi coming over and talking to yachi and ah i think theres more. a lot of them were shortened down a bit, but i appreciated them getting attention nonetheless. sadly no kuroo/lev poop conversation though lmaoo
i thought the kuroo/kenma flashbacks were pretty good as well, i think they possibly added a few lines?? it seemed like there were more frames of stuff of kuroo being inspired by the "lowering the net" concept which was really cool bc thats really integral to his character to me. and then theres this line where kenma is like "hinata has kageyama and i have kuroo" and uhhhh that is news to me!! im like 90% thats new content lmao, and oooo it was good, the shots they chose with it too gooood
oh for some reason they changed how kenma flops??? he falls with his butt up in the air instead of just flat??? like why lmao, obviously that was like an Actual Choice they made bc they had to draw it and obviously had the manga as reference and it makes no difference other than to confuse me lolll
im interested to see it again distributed by crunchyroll too bc im sure some of the subs i saw werent right, a few lines just didnt make sense and there were a few instances of like "lead blocking"
and okay. i gotta talk about the chapter 298 stuff
its there its in the movie!! but,, it's watered down lmao
and i think i was also too in my head and overanalyzing it which im disappointed in myself for so im hoping on rewatch ill have a better time
the "hes always been one step ahead of me after all" was like as perfect as it could get tbh, it looks just like the manga and tsukki like says it just right and yamaguchi comes onto the court behind him totally focused and aaah really loved it. then the service ace and tsukkis little laugh it really good
but then i'm torn on the actual serve and block, there's no inner thoughts on yamaguchis "oh no the ball isnt drifting enough" and then tsukkis silent reply "no that was plenty" before stuffing it, so we arent hearing their like mind reading/intuition connection there which was a bummer. and thennnn im not positive on this bit but i dont think anyone repeats anything about the serve and block being the perfect play?? (its yamaguchi echoing ukai in the manga) and then no little flashbacks to how theyve been training
HOWEVER the big main flashbacks of seeing how yamaguchi walks from behind tsukki to in front of him are there!!! and the way theyre presented is interesting? i was like taken aback by the decision to have the clips being showed within their silhouettes as they move toward each other (i couldnt even tell thats what it was at first tbh..) that i missed whether or not all the panels were in it..... (majorly disappointed in myself for that one). idk visually i found it a little confusing i guess and so i couldnt fully appreciate and im hoping itll look cool on rewatch when i understand whats happening
and then the high five ahhh it was pretty good, idk if anything will ever live up to that manga panel for me, the joy and success and sense of achievement in that image means so much to me lol, but its animated fairly well. do wish they didnt cover tsukkis smile tho
then kuroo asks how tsukki feels about volleyball and he says its fun and he smiles and its.. fine. like ugh its just one of those things were this entiiiire section just slightly suffered from being a two minute segment of a movie instead of a whole episode (or even just half an episode tbh), like something about his smile and saying it was fun just fell a little flat for me and i was unfortunately a little sad about it, i was hoping for a little more buildup and like emphasis. this is a huuuuge culminating moment for him and it didnt quite feel like it to me bc the movie had to have other priorities where a season wouldnt have
later one when tsukki and kuroo are like battling at the net exhausted tho and tsukki smiles again that was pretty good, the animated is really top notch when theyre all panting n stuff, and the voice acting there was great, really liked it
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crows-with-kiwis · 2 years
twitter isnt interactive enough so im talking about chainsaw man here
spoilers for the anime
i have read the manga though i will not mention anything from that, just the anime
i was told the animation was amazing but i didnt expect to feel like i was in it myself. everything from the art, lighting, plus sound quality made it one of the most beautiful animes ive watched. and then i get hit with the opening? it was so creative and the song was so good.
then i HAVE to point out the voice acting. the voices fit all the characters so well; i know nothing about the va's but they sound like they were meant to be the characters they were assigned. i watched the sub since i dont know if theres a dub yet, but when(or when i find it) the dub is out, i already know itll be just as amazing.
shout out to everyone who worked on it and i cant wait for more
ok next: story n shit
the first episode was a rollercoaster, i wasn't expecting them to put so much into one episode but im so glad they did. seeing pochita and denji's bonding was adorable, the designs were done amazingly, and honestly i couldn't get enough of it. his dumbness mixed with ignorance of true issues, including his strength and perseverance for small things make his character so complicated in the most interesting way. its hard to find main characters like that and when you do find it its true gold.
with most, they ignore the mc's issues because well, their the main character. but chainsaw man accepts his issues and let's you dislike him. with other animes, they force you to enjoy the mc, meanwhile with this you can dislike the main character.
when makima showed up i was stunned. she was terrifyingly beautiful. her beauty was embraced and weaponized, like it should be. she made denji head over heals by simply existing and she knows it, so she uses it against him.
you know she's bad and trouble, but she's addictive and you love her.
the rest of the episodes were just as good, same with the characters. when power was introduced i instantly fell in love with her, she's so chaotic and annoying with the weirdest personality. she also knows her own beauty and welcomes it. i love chaotic characters who know their strength.
i also cant get over denji realizing he was dreaming of a better life instead of enjoying the life he had at the moment, he didn't know he was happy until pochita was gone. pochita was his only friend and when he lost that he realized so much. then him going on a rampage against the devils and using all his energy could be seen as many things.
back to denji, his pervertedness really makes little room for you to like him. and i enjoy that about him, he doesn't realize its a problem himself meanwhile everyone else does. his desire for touching a woman is gross but you laugh at it.
yes i may be overanalyzing this but i cant help it, the anime is so good. i strongly, STRONGLY recommend it to everyone seeing this if you haven't seen it already. the music is amazing, the animation, characters, everything.
one more thing! the outro is just as good! it changes every episodes and its so dynamic every time. chainsaw man is probably the first anime ive watched and ive been able to sit through both the intro and outro.
ok i think thats enough from me, if i talk about it more ill probably explode
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lighterium · 2 years
Okay I am going to go a little nuts about the design changes/improvements from splat 2 inkling/octoling designs to splat 3 after I saw the eyebrow picture (which I’m assuming are the in-game models)
First of, the thing I noticed Is that they changed the shading in the beak making them a lot less uncanny in my opinion, I also really like the shading in their mouths, they make : }  faces.
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Secondly, Octoling ears seem to have changed. As we all know they most likely have their siphon holes located in their ears like most octopus, added to dumbo octopus ears, having them be mismatched.
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Seems like the devs thought their old funnel fin approach was a little too “ear-like” and have smoothed out the model in the new game, while still retaining the funnel. Maybe it’s for the earrings? I like it though!
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And least but nor last, hands: I think they’re a lot more detailed and highlight the differences of square vs round and slightly pointy
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comparing them to our beloved npcs in art. I wish in game octolings could have the colored fingers though.
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Either ways, I am excited to see what else has changed and what the game brings us.
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bitchfitch · 2 years
idk i have a lot of thoughts about Peregrine but I'm kinda like, unsure how to express them.
Peregrine is one of only a Very few characters of mine who got a design before I'd come up with the broad strokes of their story. it's basically always the other way around, with Evi and Evla being the only other two exceptions.
And that design is of a kind faced, pretty, black man.
I don't think I regret making him black, but there's this constant hesitation when I'm writing him or considering drawing him. I don't worry that his story or design are problematique ™ I worry about people deciding they are because they want to start shit.
I'm a gothic romance guy, I write stories about horrible tragic relationships that always feel at best bittersweet, but i worry putting a black man center stage in a story like that will be taken out of context. That Peregrine being unfaithful will be willfully given meaning it simply doesn't carry.
and like, it's that hesitation that keeps me from getting anything done with his story. I can't afford to pay sensitivity readers, and even if I did and made absolutely certain there was not a single problematic line in the whole thing, the people who see a black character as something to overanalyze and tear apart for having even a single character flaw will still start shit that could very well put an end to my art career. because that's just the risk you take when you're a small creator trying to do anything more inclusive or more complicated than a kids cartoon with a token poc background character and i just Hate that. for like, how it stifles not just me but all artists' ability to include poc in works deeper than a puddle without risking Everything to do it.
and tldr: I'm just so fucking Frustrated and just want to tell a story about a guy falling in love with his husband's secret Wolfman twin brother bc that's a fucking premise and a half but I'm having to worry about purity crusades instead.
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wenellyb · 3 years
I don't know if you keep doing the unpopular opinion thing, but if you are...
I really want Sam Cap to wear his hair long at least one time while using his Cap uniform.
One thing that really frustrate me is how male POC are not allowed to wear long hair on mainstream footage while being portrayed as anything other than criminals or savages, and how in order to be read as someone who has good intentions are needed to cut their hair or wear it short since the beginning (as in Twilight, all those 90s black cops movies, even Hairspray); it hurts me, because it is not a war against long hair, the same long hair in the same movies are celebrated in white actors as something attractive and appealing, like, Mel Gibson can use this horrendous hairdo in Lethal Weapon because it makes him "look handsome" but Dany Glover cannot, only because white public will star crying their ass of about it.
And the MCU doesn't do any better. All Steve, Thor, Loki and Bucky are presented as handsome and manly with their hair long, but every black hero must use his hair super short or almost shaved.
I don't want to give my opinion on things in which I may be overanalyzing in a hurtful way, but I feel that even Black Panther repeats this narrative, consciously or not; when I first watch it I wonder why would at the same time show this beautiful amalgamation of African cultures in a tribute that is assimilated into the film, while at the same time show all this wakandan warriors and other important people also wearing super short hair, a style that was imposed in colonialism, and the main villain wearing his hair long.
So, I am super tired of this, and a part of me really needs POC heros that are allowed to NOT deify these paradigms where whitenes is valued as superior to anything else, in my opinion it hurts diversity, like if everyone who's not white is "allowed" to be showed in mainstream media as long as they try to look white.
I want it specifically on Sam because I have no other explanation on why he's not using a helmet. I understand that his Falcon suits must be read as agile, light and fast and in order of his design to show this he should be more exposed, as protection is visually read as heavy and steady, but his Cap suit has full protection (all the way on limps, torso, neck and eyes) and his insignia is literally a shield, A SHIELD! Why would he be so heavily protected and still have his HEAD UNPROTECTED???!!! WHY????!!!! So the only explanation I'm taking on this is that he is going to wear his hair long at some point.
I originally wanted to ask a short question but I already wrote a whole lecture about it, so what do you think about this?
Hi Anon!!!! I'm sorry I'm so late!!! I never really though about the hair thing, but you're right.
And I think I first noticed when I saw Anthony with longer hair and I realized I rarely saw these longer haircuts on Black actors (even thought it wasn't long long). Usually most of the Black male actors or their characters have short hair cuts and it felt really good to see him like that, I love it. I'm not saying the characters never have longer hair, but I don't see it often.
It might seem like such a small thing to focus on, but in reality it's not small.
You're making some really good point and I agree with you , and I don't know what they'll do in Cap 4 but I'm interested to see if they'll go for the longer.
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tuhbanbuv · 3 years
Okay so time to speculate on what breed of rat Madrat is!
This one was actually a bit harder for me to research, which is surprising. This will be a much longer one, so be aware of that.
First off, Madrat and the Mob Rats are arguably a different breed entirely. Chalk it up to character design, maybe.
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Madrat has dark gray fur, pointed ears, darker skin, and no belly patch. Sometimes it looks like he might be smaller than some of the rats, too. I looked up some rat forums and apparently, rats with heart failure might have cyanosis (darkening of the extremities due to lack of oxygen) and fluid retention or weight loss, as well as having their head slightly hunched over in pain, which fits Madrat as well.
Also, rats have a hard time communicating pain and are shown to be aggressive when in pain. Just thought I'd point that out...
The Mob Rats have white fur, rounded ears, light pink limbs, and a belly patch. They show a general lack of awareness of the doctor's cruelty and consider themselves safe in his care. Either they're being treated better than Madrat (unlikely but still an option, considering they have a hamster wheel and he doesn't, smh), they're very loyal, or just plain dumb. Madrat calls them pathetic and stupid, but they're all lab rats, which are known for their intelligence, so Madrat's probably just salty.
I looked on Wikipedia for all known lab rat breeds, and first off, got fucking jump scared by a vivisected rat which was not great.
So, looking at what we have so far in canon, I needed a gray rat with a considerable girth and pointed ears. I got the Zucker rat at first, which is just...look at this man.
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Chonky boy. They're bred for research on obesity and hypertension, which is funny considering that Madrat's personality pretty much screams hypertension in a small furry container. Could also explain why he's seconds from death too, but then again, he's not that big.
There's also the Knockout rat, which is bred to mimic human diseases. Madrat has heart failure, as well as toxoplasmosis, so that could work as well. Still, most of these guys are albino, which Madrat clearly isn't.
Luckily I have a few mutuals that mentioned fancy rats, or the rattus norvegicus domestica, which is basically the same thing as a lab rat but for general use as pets and shit. After screaming at myself for being so dumb and overanalyzing, I looked at that since it's also listed on Madrat's Wikia description.
Fancy rats have multiple fur types, such as Standard/Solid, Rex, Tailless, Hairless, Satin, Dumbo, and Bristle Coat. Madrat seems to be under the Mink color in the Standard/Solid category, as they have a single color with no spots.
As for the Mob Rats? I still don't know. They seem to be some sort of dumbo rat, due to their ear shape. Maybe their belly patches are shaved bits due to experiments or surgical procedures? That's all I got so far.
Tell me what you guys think! I'd like to hear more speculation as well as your ideas on what the Mob Rats can be!
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ben-the-hyena · 4 years
One of the (numerous) things I love in Tso Lan's cool design is his hair
I am not a huge fan of long hair on men, it works once out of 2 to me, and it def suits him for how tall and slender he is, with such a long face. Plus I also love the male Chinese bun on top making him look even more regal and how despite the control he has on his hair he still has rebellious swirly curls that not only are a cute detail (hehe he can't perfectly comb) but also reminds of his gravity powers (nothing stays in place) and 2 are kind of positionned like impressive shoulder pads over his actual shoulder pads of a similar shape when he's seen from front
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Speaking of the control on his hair, usually when a character has the power of being able to use their hair like a limb, it's a female character. Not only because long hair is often seen as feminine, but also the woman's control on her sensuality since long woman hair is often seen as a sexual thing in many cultures and still in the subconscious (hence why the female characters who bear that power are seen as very beautiful in universe or at least act seductive). I may see too much into it but I did study symbols lmao
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And yet ? Tso Lan has that power, he uses his long hair like another limb to grab things, and is a rare male example in fiction, if not the only for what I know. It echoes to his tongue and his gravity power, eveything moves and is controlled at will by him like he often brags, and it gives him an even colder/cooler look fitting with his collected personality since he will stand still but make people come to him, through his magic or his hair if reachable. He is tall for humans but not the tallest demon at all so it helps
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Plus, in many pre-Roman cultures, China included, long hair was also seen as something virile and proud, warriors often let it long because it was said to contain their strength and nobles let it very long to show they could take care of it. Which then adds that very long hair to Tso Lan's ancient Chinese noble vibes with that bun, his class and collected attitude and his big red noble robe. Furthermore, he manages to twist that troped power : where moving hair female characters often fit the "long hair is feminine sexy" trope and they act sexy, he fits the "long hair is masculine and powerful in all meanings of the term" and he acts regally. In a way, it can mean also a control on his authority : everything he commands to move moves, and so does his symbol of regal and strong masculinity again I see probably too much
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BUT SINCE WE ARE AT IT WITH OVERANALYZING However one could notice his hair is not perfect, it has these wild swirly spikes. And even if he hides them or rather pretends they are there on purpose (the parallel with his shoulderpads, they juxtapose), in the end it means he doesn't have full control on his hair, therefore on his masculinity... and what do I mean by that ? Well, despite being one of the oldest if not THE oldest sibling he is much smaller than most of them and he is very slender and physically weak compared to most of them : sure his magic is VERY powerful (gravity, able to move the fucking moon out of its orbit, laser beams away Po Kong who is as big as a mountain etc) and he is like 8 feet tall so able to handle an average human, but when he has to fight a strong professional luchador like El Toro who can even fly like him at the moment thanks to the rooster talisman, they are basically equal strengths and he does struggle (in fact he might even have had lost if it weren't for his other pair of arms) where his other siblings could have kicked El Toro away. For a demon, Tso Lan is small, skinny and physically weak. Which he tries to hide and compensate by acting very calm and collected to place himself above his generally loud and angry siblings (hence the noble attire and attitude ; plus maybe to remind he is the eldest therefore the wisest), wears big regal clothes to make him look royal and more imposing (look how only him wears full clothes ; his siblings are either naked or skimpy clothed. He both wants to hide as well as enhance his looks and class unlike them who mainly enhance their own abilities) and hide his frame and flaws (like the wild curls that now fit his shoulderpads), and flexes to a maximum his hair (aka manliness and power in all meanings) by letting it very long and using it like a limb
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In short, the Moon Demon may feel the need to impose his own presence with all efforts required possible, and hair was a great tactic back in the old China days
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trashystar420 · 5 years
CHAPTER 3!!! Babysitter Maribat AU AGE Reversed Chapter 3!
Well here’s chapter three, not sure how good it is. A bit OOC here so yeah.
Selina awoke from the annoying buzzing from her cellphone resting on the night stand. It was Bruce?!? Selina immediately answered.
“Wh-THE MANSION IS IN ONE PIECE SELINA!!!!! Do you know what this means!?!?” Before the older woman could respond, Bruce interrupted her, again.
“ I can take you out on dates, I can actually focus on work without having to stress over them, I can actually feel confident walking into my home to NOT find it in pieces!!!! Selina please you must give me that lady’s number!!! Selina Love!!!” Selina was too stunned to even respond. How were you supposed to respond when the BRUCE WAYNE, stotic man who feels nothing, shows more emotion then he has in the last thirty years. Not that this was a bad thing, for a happy Bruce meant a GRAND time in the bed.
The cat lady licked her lips, eager to have the man in her bed yet again. She really must thank that girl for doing this for her.
“Brucie Dear, could you please slow down, I can barely stay awake, especially from last night.” She purred. What she didn’t expect was the tone in his answer.
“Oh, I know and I can keep coming back, IF you give me that young lady’s number.” Shit, since when did he get this aggressive!??!? The poor lady was blushing a new shade of red. Bruce wasn’t the type to be this aggressive. Now she REALLY must thank Marinette.
“Ugh let me talk to her first, then we’ll see.” And she cut the call. Getting up from her bed, Selina’s nightgown slipped out of her shoulders. The proof of Bruce’s late night visit was all over her neck and upper chest area. Blushing at the reminder of what went down that night, Selina made up her mind and called Marinette quickly.
“Mari dear, I’m sorry, were you sleeping?” She asked wincing that she woke the poor girl up, she wasn’t much of a morning person, much like herself.
“Mmmm” the older lady chuckled.
“Hey Mari dear, you know the babysitting gig I set you up for?” Somehow that woke Marinette up.
“OH NO DID I DO A TERRIBLE JOB?!? What if he fires me?!? What if he blacklists me and I can never get my dream job!?? Am I going to jail I can’t go there Selin- Marinette calm down!!!” Selina finally calmed the now sobbing Bluenette over the phone.
After a few minutes of Selina calming the girl down, Marinette was now in a better state of mind to listen to what Selina had to say.
“So he actually wants me to be a permanent babysitter?” She clarified. Selina confirmed.
“Why is this so hard for you to believe?” Selina asked annoyed. The young designer chuckled, as though the older woman knew no better.
“don’t you think it’s a bit weird how he hasn’t even had me for a week to SEE if I was good or not? What about a proper background check?!? For all he knows I could be a suspicious person who is in it for his fortune or something?” Selina rolled her eyes. Leave it to Marinette to start overanalyzing.
“That’s because I recommended you to him dearie, are you saying I have poor judge of character?” She teased.
“Yes” she retorts back then precedes to laugh, Selina gave a pout but let it slide. She really owed Marinette this.
“So Selina, how was it?” Mari asked in a mocking tone. Selina heaved a sigh.
“It was absolutely Devine Mari Darling. It was perfect, though I think the neighbors might complain over the noise.” The more experienced woman smirked. Marinette blushes on the other line and quickly chastised her.
“You asked for it!”
“Ugh so should I call him?”
The Wayne’s were currently seated in the dining room, everyone eating the breakfast Alfred made for them. What was unusual about this morning was Bruce’s mood visibly brighten, which set everyone else other than Alfred off.
Tim reaches over to lil Dick.
“Why do you think he’s in such a good mood?” Dick asked. Tim being the know-it-all he is, gave an answer.
“Bruce got to go out with Selina, and came home to find the house not in shambles.” He whispered, fearing that the good mood his father has will dissolve.
“Father, are you ok?” Damien asked. His father smiling unnerved him. Something about it felt really unnatural.
“Never felt better.” He responded too quickly for Damien’s liking. Jason was just poking his pancake with a fork. Alfred looked concerned, usually Jason loved eating anything and everything.
“ What is the matter Master Jason? Are the pancakes not to your liking?” The butler asked. Jason shook his head, then looked at Bruce with fierce determination burning in his eyes.
“Hey Bruce.” The man looked at the young boy feeling slightly apprehensive.
“Did having sex with Aunt Selina really feel that good?” Bruce immediately spits his drink. Tim was on the floor bawling, while Damien did his best to look unaffected, but ultimately snickered. Dick, being the innocent bean that he is, wonders out loud what sex is.
A blushing Bruce told his clueless son it meant nothing, while Alfred gave a disapproving look to the troublesome brat.
“Master Jason was that appropriate?” Before Jason could answer, Tim gave a ‘yes’ in response to the question. More laughter persisted as Alfred gave a dejected sigh, Dick being clueless, and Bruce wanting the earth to swallow him whole.
The phone left on the counter buzzed. Quirking an eyebrow, Alfred retrieves the phone for Bruce.
“Unknown number?” Bruce took the phone and accepted the call. He waited on the other line with baited breathe thinking it would be another spam caller. Instead a familiar feminine voice spoke.
“A-Are you Mr.Bruce? The one who needed a last minute babysitter? Selina told me that you were planning on making me a permanent one...”
“Ah Ms.Dupain-Cheng, did Selina give you my number?”
“Yes, sorry to call you so early.”
“Ah I wouldn’t worry about that. Anyways this is good timing, I need to talk to you about being a babysitter. I made sure to deliver you your check in the mail. You should have gotten it by now.” Shuffling was heard from Bruce’s line. And some crashing noises. Bruce was close to wincing.
“Ah um... si-sir y-you didn’t”
“Oh yes I did”
“But sir this is $10,000!!! Isn’t that much for babysitting two kids, well behaved ones at that?!?” The entire mansion echoed the laughter that came from the businessman.
“It’s because they behaved so well that I gave you that much, but now that I think about it. Perhaps I should give you three extra zeroes.” He replied. Now everyone was listening in on the conversation.
“NO! I-I mean, Monsier Wayne, please this is considered too much for a babysitting job, and for a day. Please I can’t accept this.” Bruce wasn’t having any of it.
“Oh no I insist you have been a great help. You have no idea how hard it is to manage those troublemakers.”
“You must be joking, the boys have been nothing but angels”
“ either way no take backs” Bruce stubbornly stated. The boys couldn’t pick up what Marinette said over the phone that was muffled by Bruce.
“Can you come at least once a week?” He asked. More muffled digital voices in. The boys gaped as their well respected father, fist-bumped to himself like a little kid getting the best thing in the world. Alfred had merely begun cleaning up after the Waynes.
“Yes you can cancel in advance if something comes up.” He answers
“Yes you can take the boys out, but make sure it is not passed 7.” Jason and Dick perked up at that. Even Damien had to do a double take on that. Tim was listening intently to every little tid-bit.
“You want to start by the beginning of next week?” Bruce asked to confirm.
“I would be glad to Monsieur Bruce.” Marinette finished.
“Please Ms.Dupain-Cheng call me Bruce.”
“Only if you call me Marinette.”
“Then it is settled, Marinette.”
“See you next week Mon- er - i mean B-Bruce.” And the call ended. Bruce was half tempted to do a happy dance, but after looking at his boys, decided not too.
“Now everyone, I expect you all to be in the bat cave by 8, we have another serious meeting to discuss. But right now. ‘Looks at wristwatch’ looks like I have to get going.” And off Bruce went. His kids could only stare as he took off in his very expensive looking car.
“Miss.M-Marinette is going to babysit us!” Squealed Dick while Jason grinned from ear to ear.
“I’m so gonna beat pixie-bob at ultimate mecha strike three!!!” Jason spoke determinately. Tim just sipped more of his coffee, realizing he’s gonna need another mug and walks to the kitchen to make some more.
“That harlot is simply humoring you two.” Damien answered, while looking away. Dick and Jason were clearly offended by that statement.
“YOU TAKE THAT BACK!” Dick screeched as he racked his older brother who was completely caught off guard.
“Yeah lil Dickie teach Demon Spawn a lesson!!!! Jason cheered from the sidelines, and Damien struggles to get the flexible boy of him. Dick eventually kicks Damien in the family jewels.
“Ahhhhhhh oh you are so gonna- eat shit Bitch!” As Jason threw a chair at the incompacitated Damien. The two younger boys fled the scene as a rather pissed off Damien got up. Alfred offered him an ice-pack and he reluctantly took it.
“When I get my hands on those two.” As he stormed off after his idiotic brothers.
“Tikki!!!!!!!!” The super heroine pleaded. The small goddess just gave her a look.
“Just take it in strive Marinette”
“But it’s $10,000!!!!! Don’t you think it’s too much!?!?”
“I don’t know, sounds to me like those boys were not so nice to begin with Mari” Mari scoffed. How could anyone think anything bad of Jason and Dick. They were absolute angels and totally adorable.
“Please Tikki, your just jealous.” The kwami just gave her a look, before muttering ‘clueless holders’
“I heard that!”
“That’s kind of the point!” The kwami sighed. It’s going to be quite the adventure.
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Super need a fix about the scene where peter takes his shirt off in front of MJ. Maybe an alternative;) love ya
//Love ya, too!!! Ahh, I was hoping to receive a prompt about that particular scene. ;) I definitely have some thoughts about it, mostly concerning what would have happened if Ned hadn’t shown up right at that moment. So, here goes, and I hope that you guys appreciate my alternate ending! 
A Purely Anatomical Interest
Summary: MJ has imagined Peter Parker taking his shirt off in front of her many times. Now that it’s happening, though, everything is so much more confusing. Killer drones, secret identities, illusion tech, and a super-fraud: it’s enough all on its own, and MJ knows she’s capable of handling it.
Peter Parker’s abs, though? Those are another story. 
Characters: Michelle Jones x Peter Parker, Nick Fury, Quentin Beck
Word Count: 4,169 
Warnings: Partial Nudity, Teenage Awkwardness, Fluff, Angst
/ gifcredit: @alwaysthequietones /
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Slam, thud.
The door to Peter’s hotel room slams shut behind them, causing both Peter and MJ to start slightly in the quiet of the suite. The noise is followed by the soft thump of their shared discovery as Peter tosses it on his bed. In the middle of the refined hotel room, the hunk of advanced metal tech is almost humorously out of place.
Or, at least, it would be humorous if everything weren’t so real all at once.
Suddenly, the soft humming of the radiator that was so calming when MJ initially settled into her own hotel room now seems ominous, like a quiet whisper that she can’t quite make out, no matter how hard she tries.
The warm glow the light casts over everything now feels ironic as Peter immediately launches to action, shooting to close the curtains. MJ is left standing in the center of the room, watching as the dweeb (whose relationship to her is far too confusing to contemplate at the moment) leaps into the action. Every little, paranoid measure he takes seems almost like second nature to him, something that strikes MJ as both amusing in a twisted way and a little sad.
How much of this, she can’t help but wonder, is a result of losing so much to the Blip?
Peter’s quiet mutterings snap MJ away from her quiet analysis of Peter Parker, and she simply watches and listens as he continues.”
“I can’t believe I gave back those glasses,” Peter breathes, peeking through the curtains one last time for good measure. Before the blue gingham has even had a chance to flutter back into place, he is already across the room and situated at his laptop. “I mean, how could I be that stupid? He’s probably spying on me right now, or sending a drone to come and kill me.”
MJ knows that the proper response is probably something like, “No, you’re not stupid, anyone would have made that mistake-” or whatever, but nothing of that sort leaves her lips as she turns to stare at him. Her eyes widen as she stares burning holes into the loser across the room, incredulous.
“You had access to killer drones?”
Okay, so not her smartest comment; after a quick examination of the statement, she supposes that his killer-spandex probably have given him access to a number of dangerous weapons. But drones… That sounds like something that she’s read about in one of her many conspiracy theories, except this?
This is real, in a way that fills her with both a pressing sense of anxiety and the strange, slightly macabre urge to laugh. After all, this is her life now, and he’s talking about things that sound like they came out of a low-budget sci-fi movie in complete seriousness.
“Yeah. I didn’t really want ‘em, especially after I almost killed Brad,” Peter mumbles. He ignores her stare for a moment, and MJ can’t help but be slightly grateful. She’s sure her eyes are bugging out of her head, and for a moment, she can’t even find words.
“You almost killed Brad?”
Peter’s eyes snap to her then, and at that moment he at least has the good sense to appear slightly sheepish and flustered as well. Now, MJ is acutely aware of the fact that she is standing in the middle of a chaotic, jumbled mess in Peter’s hotel room, and she’s pretty sure that he’s being struck by the same sort of realization.
Just when MJ thinks he might address it, Peter opens his mouth, hesitates for a fraction of a second, and moves on. “Look, I have to call Mr. Fury and tell him Beck’s a fraud, but… I think he tapped my phone.”
Right, right. Okay. There’s really no time to think about what this means; no time to think about them, about the weird walk on the bridge, about anything but the strange simulation tech that is sinking into the duvet and mattress topper.
MJ can tell that Peter’s mind is moving quickly, perhaps too fast even for him. He’s trying to think, but he’s not processing anything but his panic, and MJ knows that if he continues down this path he’s going to overanalyze himself into a meltdown.
Luckily, MJ’s expertise with conspiracy theory has brought her to the point that little can shock her, and this affinity for true crime has also taught her how to react in a crisis. Granted, most of the crises are hypothetical (except for the current political climate in the US, but that is an issue for another day), but any experience is beneficial if it makes her helpful in a situation like this.
“Okay, so what are you gonna do?” MJ’s voice is sharp, practical as she scrutinizes Peter. For a moment, his eyes flicker to hers, and MJ can see the shifting of his brain into gear as his face loses that stupidly adorable flustered expression. A quiet sort of confidence is left in its place.
“Um, I need my suit,” Peter begins, and MJ offers a small nod. There. He’s figuring out what he needs to do now, and she can tell that her logical question was enough to ground him. “And I have to go to Berlin and talk to Mr. Fury in person.”
With that, Peter jumps into action, and MJ observes him as he grabs a dark bundle of fabric (pfft, ”Night Monkey” her ass) and immediately begins to remove his shirt and pants.
It takes MJ a moment to even process what is happening. As soon as it hits, her eyes shoot open so quickly it hurts. Peter doesn’t realize their compromising situation quite as quickly as MJ, but when he does, his mouth falls open slightly.
His eyes meet her own, and for a moment, they stand in front of each other just staring.
MJ can see the beginning of a slight, awed smile that Peter is trying to hide, and so she quickly looks anywhere else. Unfortunately, the only other option presented her is, well–
Nope. Nope, nope, nope, nope-ity nope, nope, nope.
They’re just muscles, MJ tries to remind herself as they seem to stare her down. Just anatomical structures meant to allow movement of the skeleton. They’re useful, and that’s all. There’s nothing about them that’s supposed to be aesthetically pleasing…
Oh, but they are.
It is only then that MJ realizes that the pair of them have been staring. Heat floods her cheeks. MJ swallows, clenching her jaw, and offers him what might be an attempt at a nod before she slowly revolves, turning to face the wall. There is a moment of hesitation as her eyes find the fancy wallpaper, seizing on the pattern as the rustling and zipping of fabric resumes.
Maybe if MJ stares at the wall designs enough they will erase the image of Peter’s bare chest that has burned itself into her mind.
This proves to be just wishful thinking, however. No matter how hard MJ tries to think her way out of this one, to focus on something, anything else, all her brain can scream at her about is the fact that Peter Parker is standing behind her, half-naked and built like one of the Spider-Man action figures in the stores.
She always had thought them to be an exaggeration, but nope.
Maybe this doesn’t have to be a weird thing. The thought comes out of nowhere, and MJ’s eyes drift upward as she tries to keep herself from considering it. Maybe if she focuses on the light fixture above her–
You had a chance on the bridge, and you blew it, the voice in her brain realizes. You lied.
A little pang of guilt worms its way through her stomach, and MJ is having trouble ignoring it. She searches for any way to ease it, but there isn’t one. MJ’s policy is honesty, even when it hurts. Now that she’s broken it, she understands why.
Because even if the truth hurts, it doesn’t hurt as much as it does to hide it.
And here is a chance to make it right. It is for this reason that MJ slowly begins to turn, eyes traveling to the side as she waits for the loser that she’s been crushing on for years to come into view. But each second that it takes to turn adds to the panic in her chest, and at the very last moment, MJ’s stomach lurches to tell her she can’t do it.
Okay. It’s fine, it’s okay. MJ snaps her head back forward so that she is facing opposite him, squeezing her eyes shut. For a few seconds, MJ takes deep breaths as she struggles to regain her composure.
Alright, this is stupid.
It’s Peter Parker, MJ reminds herself. Her mental voice is chastising now, fed up with the amount of pure, unfiltered teen stupidity that is running rampant through her brain right now.
This is the kid who tripped on the way onto the bus, smacked into the side railing, and then apologized to it. He’s not some terrifying, unapproachable person; he’s him, and that’s why MJ likes him. Maybe even more than that.
And that’s why he deserves the truth.
MJ takes a deep breath, slowly allowing her eyes to open. After a minute, she deliberately sucks in some air, parting her lips. It’ll take two seconds, she reasons, to tell the truth. So go. And with that thought, MJ begins to speak.
What if he doesn’t feel the same for you, and when he looks at you his stupid puppy-eyes have pity in them?
The thought crashes into MJ out of nowhere like a semi-truck into a smart car. It knocks the breath out of her lungs, and before she even has time to think, words come tumbling out of her mouth.
“There’s actually three types of muscle in your body. Or, at least, in the human body. I don’t really know what kind of muscles there are in the spider body, so I guess that you could have some weird, hybrid-type muscle going on. You know, because of the radiation.”
Each syllable follows directly on the heels of the last one, sending them all stumbling into one another as they hit the air in a rapid-fire burst. The movement of the fabric behind MJ stops suddenly, sending the room into silence for a moment.
MJ might be imagining it, but when Peter speaks, she swears that she can hear a bit of breathlessness in his confused tone. “MJ, what are you-”
The panic returns again, this time in a stronger surge, and MJ knows that she can’t let him talk. She can’t let him, because what if he says something and it hurts? So there’s only one alternative left.
“There’s smooth muscle, which some of your organs are made out of. It’s the slimy stuff, and it kind of does its own thing, so you don’t really see much of it. Then there’s cardiac muscle.”
“It’s the stuff that makes up your heart, and it’s pretty weird-lookin’. Kinda got that whole bamboo aesthetic goin’ on, you know? It’s called striation. Also, each cell has more than one nucleus, so that’s pretty cool, too. I wish Flash had more than one brain; it might make up for some of the stupid.”
“Wait, I don’t-”
“Then there’s skeletal muscle, which is the type you can actually build. That’s the stuff the bodybuilders have a ton of. It weighs, like, a ton or something, and it’s basically the stuff that moves around your bones, kind of like puppet strings. So your skeleton is one big puppet, and then your muscles are the things that make it dance around like a marionette.”
“Um, okay. So that’s all pretty cool and creepy, but-”
“Right? So there’s no reason for muscles to be attractive.”
MJ stares at the wall all the more fiercely, her breath becoming even more shallow as silence stretches between them. She swears she can hear Peter’s breathing catch in his throat, but before she has time to analyze it, MJ surges ahead.
“They’re really just useful, so there’s nothing that impressive about building them up, right? Like, bodybuilding competitions are just weird. ‘Oh, huh, you have the same stuff everyone else has, you just wasted more time and energy than anyone else on pointless movements. So, here’s a trophy.’ All that having muscles means is that you did the same thing that everyone else already does to function a couple extra times. So this whole thing everyone has for muscles is really weird.”
MJ can barely hear Peter’s slightly constricted interjection. “MJ, I-”
“Some scientists think that it has to do with the whole strength thing. Apparently, our monkey brains like looking at someone who has whatever body type is the hardest to get because it means that that person is powerful. Since today, food is less difficult to obtain for a larger percentage of the population, someone who is muscular or skinny has sex appeal. That’s why when everyone was, like, starving to death and dying of dysentery and plague, being well-fed and heavier was seen as the ideal body type.”
MJ is fully aware that, to date, talking about diseases involving violent episodes of diarrhea has not been a particularly successful seduction method. But now that she has started talking, MJ can’t stop. She needs to say anything, anything and everything.
She needs to say everything because if she stops talking she knows she’s going to have to say the truth.
“So, by that logic, muscles aren’t really attractive. They’re just the hardest thing to get, so they’re the most sought-after,” MJ rambles, seizing a panicked breath between statements. “Pretty lame, really, how capitalistic attitudes ruin our standards of beauty. It’s one of the many evils of the system-”
“MJ.” Peter seems to have recovered his voice, though it is slightly lower and huskier than normal.
MJ clenches her fists, and her breath seems determined not to leave her as she attempts to burn holes in the wall with her eyes. Maybe, if she stares hard enough, she can set the building on fire, and then they never have to talk about this situation ever again. Or, hey, they don’t know the full capabilities of the advanced technology on Peter’s bed. If MJ presses the right button, it could open a hole in the ground that will swallow MJ right up.
Deep down, though, MJ knows that whatever happens next is inevitable. There’s no avoiding the discussion that’s going to follow, so she might as well let it happen to her. MJ lets out the held breath in a soft sigh, loosening her fists.
“Yeah, loser?” MJ’s voice is quiet, and though the words themselves have confidence, she can’t keep a note of hesitation out of her voice.
“I, uh– could you turn around?” Peter’s voice is just as flustered and uncertain, and something about it calms her. It is for this reason that MJ nods, and before she can stop herself, slowly turns herself around.
As soon as she does, MJ can feel all the blood in her body return to her face again. She manages to keep herself frozen, at the very least, but the hammering in her heart makes it feel like someone has shoved Usain Bolt into MJ’s chest cavity. Because, though Peter has the suit on up to his neck, she can still see every single muscle in Peter Parker’s chest, each one only further highlighted by the gleaming, black, suit.
MJ can’t help but think that if there is a God out there, She must have chiseled each and every sculpted rise and fall in Peter’s chest Herself.
In order to preserve her sanity, though, MJ locks her eyes onto Peter’s own. In them, she finds the same alarming depth that is there every time she glances his way. As her eyes fix themselves onto his own, MJ knows that it is this deep, dark warmth that keeps her looking his way, keeps her observant.
As she looks into them now, she sees a tangle of emotions: hesitation, uncertainly, awkwardness. But what she sees that causes her heart to skip a few beats is the hope that ties it all together.
“So, um…” Peter starts awkwardly, running a hand through his hair. MJ swallows thickly, pursing her lips, but she doesn’t look away. “I-I’m sorry. I should’ve thought about it before I started, uh, changing. You didn’t consent to seeing that, so…”
“Uh, no, it– it’s fine,” MJ replies, a little too quickly. For a second, there is more silence, and they both quickly look away from each other.
MJ’s gaze snaps back to his, though, when Peter clears his throat. When her eyes find the slightly awed smile forming on his lips, though, she can’t breathe again. Her eyes narrow just a bit, and the question that leaves her lips is slow and careful. “What?”
Peter quickly erases the smile, but a fraction of the expression remains in his wide eyes. “Uh, nothing,” he stammers. “I mean, we just established that, um, there’s really no reason for anyone to find my muscles attractive.”
MJ isn’t sure quite how to respond to that one, but it’s easier to give him a quick, stiff nod than it is to address the warm tingling in her stomach, so that is what she does. “So?”
Peter’s eyes lock on her own, and they hold all of the familiar things: nervousness, for one thing, and an acute awareness that whatever he is about to do it probably a bad idea. There’s also a gleam of intensity, though, and this is what prevents MJ from looking away as he speaks.
“Well, uh… I guess, even if that’s true, I wouldn’t be upset if you did.”
That statement sucks all of the breathable oxygen out of the room, and MJ’s eyes widen as she gawks at him. She has to process this– she needs to run his statement through her head once, then twice, and then maybe three or four more times for good measure…
For once, a smooth, cooling silence settles itself over the chaos in MJ’s head. As she looks at him, letting his words wash over her, MJ realizes that there is no pity in those eyes, no matter how hard she looks. In fact, if she looks hard enough, she can see something else, something that scares her for a different reason.
Something that scares her in a good way.
So, when MJ speaks this time, it isn’t to drown him out or to hold herself back, and it isn’t in a jumble of words. This time, her words aren’t meant to beat away the fear, they’re meant to embrace it– and they’re meant to do it in as few words as possible.
“Good.” The one word is enough to fill the space between them, and as soon as it drops from her lips the ripples it creates expand into crashing waves that roar in her ears. Peter’s eyes widen across from MJ, but then the smile is returning.
When he looks at MJ, Peter looks like he has never seen anything like her before– he looks at her with an admiration that is pure and whole. It’s not the sort of absentminded appreciation that one has for a sparkling jewel or a static painting, something meant to be seen and not touched. This is the wonder inspired by a storm rolling in with massive, crashing waves, all of the awe that accompanies a brilliant sunrise, the kind of art that will never quite fit in a frame.
MJ lets out a shaky breath, and then she is taking a step to close the distance between them. Immediately, Peter matches it, and then they are so close that their chests are almost touching, so close that MJ has to tip her head down slightly to maintain eye contact with him.
Slowly, experimentally, MJ raises a hand and brings it to rest on Peter’s upper chest. It is warm, solid beneath her fingertips and the suit, and MJ can feel the sharp gasp that her touch causes in Peter Parker. Her eyes rise to meet his, and when they do there is a playful glimmer in them. In response, Peter slowly lets his hand wrap around the back of her neck, resting where his fingers can tangle in the baby curls at the nape.
His touch makes MJ nervous, but this is a different kind of nervous. These are the nerves that result from knowing that something is coming… Something soon, and something that is going to change everything you thought you knew for the better.
“Because even if I did like looking at your stupid arms or anything,” MJ informs Peter, composed though the inches between them seem to tingle with expectation, “it’s only because I’m an inquisitive person with… With a purely anatomical interest.”
Peter’s thumb travels lightly along the side of her neck, barely skimming the skin as he looks up at her. His smile only grows then, and MJ isn’t sure if her body is built to process the slight hint of adoration she can see in his irises.
“I-I think I can live with that,” Peter manages to say, his voice an octave higher than normal. “And, um… Maybe, when I get back from Berlin, we could have– I dunno. An anatomy lesson?”
MJ stares at him for a minute, face completely inscrutable. Peter’s eyes widen as he realizes what he’s said, and MJ watches as his eyes dart around the room, clearly searching for a means of escape.
“Wait, I– uh, I didn’t mean it like-like that, I-”
It’s Peter’s panicked stammering that causes MJ to break. The laughter that bursts from her is wild and unexpected, and it can’t possibly surprise Peter more than it surprises MJ. But there, in the middle of the hotel room, MJ can’t help but sit in the middle of it all and laugh. Peter joins in too, after a minute, and when they step away from each other it’s with a new sort of ease that MJ has only tasted around him before.
“You didn’t just say that.”
“Um,” Peter says with a grin, rubbing his neck sheepishly as he strides to the window, “yeah, maybe you can forget about that while I’m gone?”
“No chance.”
“Yeah, I knew it was a long shot.”
The window slides open, then, and as the night air enters the room, the sort of frenzied relief that MJ feels darts out into the darkness of Prague. As MJ turns to face Peter, there is something different in her eyes– something determined. “Hey, dork.”
Peter, who has by now effortlessly leaped into the open window, turns to face her. He has pulled down the mask on his suit now, and MJ can’t help but miss his dark eyes as she stares into the glassy, opaque ones. “Yeah?” he asks, and just the sound of his stupid voice is enough to make her heart twinge again, renewing the uncertain tension.
“Come back.”
For a minute, those opalescent eyes lock on her own, and MJ thinks that Peter is going to turn without saying anything. But then, his stupid voice pipes up, slightly constricted and forced in its optimism.
“Well, yeah. Who else will be able to get you that anatomy lesson?”
MJ can’t stop the shocked laugh that leaves her, and she slowly shakes her head. “Okay, yeah. Get out before I call Flash and tell him you have a thing for teacher-student stuff.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Peter replies, saluting her in response. His gaze lingers a little longer on her, though, and she could swear his body language softens. “Um… Bye, MJ. I’ll be back soon.” He moves to leave through the window then, but MJ finds herself lurching forward.
“Wait,” she says quickly, and Peter immediately freezes and turns back to her. As soon as he turns, his arm shoots out to catch the piece of tech that MJ has just tossed his way. “You’re gonna need this.”
“Oh.” Peter’s sheepish voice causes warmth to crawl up the back of MJ’s neck. “Thanks.”
“Let me know when you get there.” MJ isn’t sure what prompts her to say it.
Peter gives her one quick, final nod, lingering for a moment before he finally leaps into the night. MJ is left in his hotel room with the sounds of Prague drifting in through the open window. As she moves to close it, though, MJ realizes that those aren’t the only things that Peter has left with her.
MJ now has a slightly better understanding of the anatomy of who Peter is… And, though she can’t quite explains why, MJ knows that once they manage to get through this mess, there are going to be plenty of lessons for the both of them on the other side.
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ethandigby · 5 years
『 LANDON LIBOIRON ❙ GENDERQUEER 』 ⟿ looks like ETHAN DIGBY is here for THEIR SECOND year as a VISUAL ART GRAD student. HE is 27 years old & known to be DEDICATED, HONEST, STUBBORN & PESSIMISTIC. They’re living in NOLAND, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ drew. twenty-two. est. he/him. ethan’s pinterest
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he really likes white cholate & hot chocolate, often eating handfuls of white chocolate baking discs regardless of the time of day. 
visual art major --- tends to stray towards sculptures and installation pieces, though he does have a love for bob ross style landscape pieces. draws a lot of inspiration from older art, and many of his pieces are designed to look worn-out and as though they are missing pieces. 
perpetually exhausted --- for all his love of schedules, he has never managed to consistently get enough sleep and though he loves tea, that never seems to have enough of an impact to truly wake him up ---- a.k.a he is a yawn prone little fuck
doesn’t quite believe the local legends, though he doesn’t dismiss them outright either. the statue by wishing tree has, however, made it into several of his works ---- statues seem to have her facial features without him ever meaning to and he will swear to anyone that asks that in sophomore year of his bachelor’s degree he woke up one morning to her face staring at him from amongst the trees on a painting he had been working on. he will hesitantly add that it’s possible that he had just been thinking of her while half asleep, though ethan doesn’t really believe that
currently working as a TA for some of the freshman art classes, as well as overseeing the use of the different art studios from time to time. 
doesn’t believe in labels --- and that’s corny as hell, but he just wants to be able to be whoever he is in the moment and has had some harsher reactions when he uses umbrella terms, so he just refuses to label himself. relationship-wise it’s a whole different issue, he floats from one major relationship to another and often times will cycle back to one that’s already gone sour. 
has recently started going to a therapist to talk about some of the issues he has processing emotions and his fear of change ---- it’s been helping but he’s still very much on the verge of flight mode and will run away from situations that demand any real sort of emotional input from him on occasion. 
he is cynical, despite a desire to believe the best in people and the world - he has seen too much of the darker side of the world to ever truly believe it ---- this is reflected not only in his interactions with people ( he is open about expressing doubt and disbelief, he won’t believe a word you say, and he overanalyzes promises / invitations / declarations of love ) but also in his art and aesthetic which veers towards the dark and damned, a lot of his work is themed around broken things
stubborn as a mule ---- once he gets an idea in his mind, it can be hard to change his mind with logical arguments though an emotional appeal will have a better chance ---- he’s very set in his ways and struggles with questioning why things are the way they are, insisting that somethings should just be. loathes change and isn’t afraid to express this dislike --- tends to eat the same foods, wear the same clothes, go to the same places ---- despite a childhood dislike of routine, he finds it comforting nowadays, it feels safe.
loyal as all hell, you can hurt him a million times and he will still struggle to walk away and a genuine apology will win him back in an instant. he struggles to cut ties, even with those that he knows aren’t the best for him and has only successfully done so when it is possible for him to do so in a swift and permanent way. in most cases, he will eventually find his way back to those that he knows. 
friendly but not overly so --- he has no issue approaching people if he needs something, but he’s not generally one to approach you just to “chat” b/c he’s not big on small talk in general and honestly? he’d never say it but if he doesn’t know you, he doesn’t really give a damn how your day went or how you feel about the weather or current events. if he drinks, he becomes a little more sociable in that matter, but that often drifts into “ethan is going to info-dump about whatever has his interest in the moment and the only way to stop him is to like physically place something in / on his mouth” territory which is a whole different level of awkward. 
growing up in a household where routine took priority, ethan spent a long time feel stifled by his parent’s demands that everything turned out perfectly ---- the neverending need to do things at just the right time, in just the right way. it was like fitting into a sweater that was just a tad too small, wrong in a way that is hard to explain
it’s in high school that he meets a true kindred spirit in the form of his art teacher ---- he helps ethan to realize his need for freedom and self-expression, and embraces his abilities in a way that he had always been afraid to. it’s a change that his parents are disapproving of, trying to reroute their son’s future to one of the paths that they would have approved of. but for once, he allows himself to rebel.
and after graduation, he leaves. running to new york, where he throws himself into the art scene head first without any real plans. for two years, he works multiple jobs as he cycles through sketchy roommates in his shitty apartment and equally shitty life partners, trying to discover things about himself that he hadn’t known before.
he’s still figuring some of that out, unsure of how to label his gender or his sexuality --- wishing more than anything that he could just be, a desire that he has long held onto since childhood that’s coming back to haunt them at last. 
that’s not the only thing that’s caught up with them as of late, the digby’s finally managing to track him down in new york and showing up at his apartment two years after he initially ran off. they came with open minds and a burning desire to see their son do something other than work minimum wage jobs and live in run-down apartments. they were quiet and subdued in a way that they never had been.
it took six months for them to convince him to enroll in college, and he eventually chose to attend radcliffe with an undeclared major. it was far enough from his hometown that his parents couldn’t reasonably drive up too often, but close enough that he could go home if he had wanted. a three-hour drive in the best traffic.
the distance proved to be the right amount --- though his parents certainly seemed to pop up over the first three months with containers of food and worries that their child would have run off, they eventually learned to trust him. and slowly, the wounds healed ---- ethan wouldn’t say that they’re close but they’ve learned to respect each other’s boundaries.
and he’s never seen them more proud than at graduation, except maybe when he told them that he was going to apply to grad school. it wasn’t the path that they had planned for ethan, but they had learned to be enthusiastic about his success, about his dreams and about his art.
doing his master’s degree - it’s been weird. being here is weird for him in general, he still misses new york even though it was a whole different kind of existence ---- he misses the stability of going to work everyday and being completely independent. here, he has to rely on his professors and classmates, he has people that expect him to check in with them and there’s more socialization --- mostly because he’s been trying to do better with that. 
good / bad influence: okay so traditionally, i think these would be separate connections but i think in this case, it’s more convoluted than that. for all of ethan running away from the environment his parents made, he’s very much stuck to those rules and expectations --- i would love for someone to start to break him out of that --- encourage him to party and drink and live life, and it doesn’t all have to be bad, it can be good too. you know, them bringing him to parties and him learning actually valuable lessons from it --- idk open to talking about their potential influence on each other, i think it could be fun
frenemies ( onesided or not ): i think a lot of ethan’s trust issues are a projection mechanism because he knows that in some ways that he can’t be trusted --- so i wld love for someone who they act like best friends when they’re together and then ethan just ... talks smack about them and doesn’t keep their secrets ( and maybe they do the same?? ) 
exes ( of all types / genders / whatever ): this one, my dear ethan, has gotten around a bit --- maybe they hooked up and now it’s awkward ---- maybe they dated for a while and keep circling back to each other despite knowing that they’re bad for each other ( a la unmiss you by clara mae ) ---- maybe they dated for a while and now they never talk so when they do see each other it’s just ... awkward as hell ---- open to literally anything with this one guys
art buddies: just two pals, palling around --- only prerequisite is that your character has some sort of interest in an art ( writing, theatre, music, film, etc etc ) --- and hey maybe they don’t get along but they put up a united front against the STEM majors who mock their choices in major? 
other: open to discussing dormates, coworkers, current love interests and literally anything else that you can think of --- does your character need someone over 21 to buy them alcohol? call ethan. for real tho, hit me up and let’s come up with some stuff!
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sepiadice · 5 years
Art Direction of Tabletop RPGs
Dungeons and Dragons is good at being Dungeons and Dragons.
That shouldn't be a controversial opinion, and it's not worded as one, yet I have one friend who derisively labels it as a war game, and another friend who believes D&D is all you need in regards to TRPGs. These two are from distinct eras of my life, and have never met.[1]
My moderate view is such: Dungeons and Dragons is good. It's not the ultimate system, but if you want a western fantasy built on the framework of Tolkien, Fifth Edition is the way to go. You could use a different system, in theory, but no other system has the same reach and stability. Everyone knows D&D, which is valuable.
Its combat and mechanics are a good balance of grit and function, and it's mostly teachable. My friend's 'wargaming' derision is because he believes it doesn't support role-playing well. Something about the guy who wrote Dungeon World saying if it's not in the rules, it’s not in the game.[2] But I've always felt that D&D makes the right decision in not bogging it down with structure and dictating the 'correct' way to role-play.
However, if you want to do anything else (Sci-fi, non-european fantasy, superheroes, Slice of Life), best case scenario the seams will creak in the attempt. D&D is good at being D&D, and that's the limit.
I appreciate D&D. I'll play D&D, happily!
There's a reason I bristle when “DM” is used as the generic term.
That said, I've always had a sort of tonal disconnect when I play D&D, and it's because of the art.
Fair warning, what follows is a lot of personal interpretations and vague mumbling trying to relay a point. I’m not actually an authority on anything.
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(Dungeons & Dragons owned by Wizard of the Coast . Image sourced from Wikipedia)
Dungeons and Dragons does not have pretty art. It’s technically well done, and far from ugly, but it’s not actually inspiring. Above we have the cover of the Player’s Handbook, the first thing most new players see. Setting aside that the focus of the cover art for what should be the book about Player Characters is a giant monster man[4], the cover is very orange. The actual people are composed of muted, neutral colors, and the background is vague and out of focus.
It’s not really conveying an air of fantastic worlds and larger-than-life characters (giant wearing a dragon skeleton aside). It coveys oppression, monotony, and “realism”.
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(Pathfidner owned by Paizo. Image sourced from Wikipedia)
Pathfinder’s core rulebook, on the other hand, is colorful. Look at that big, bright dragon![5] Sensibly dressed Fighter Man’s brown clothes are still bright enough to pop him out from the green-grey dungeon background[6], and Fantastic Sorceress’s red dress is also bright and helps frame the Fighter as her hand glows with magic.
While both covers feature a woman with an orb of magic, D&D’s cover shows magic as contained and lighting a small space, while Pathfinder’s magic is big and trailing, hinting at movement.
Actually, D&D’s mage girl doesn’t have a cohesive movement. Is she falling from above? Jumping in from the left? Where is she going? It doesn’t really follow in a meaningful way.
Anyways: color. Yes, yes, I know the plague of brown and and muted tones is a much whined about criticism, and it might seem odd from someone calling himself SepiaDice, but neutral tones have their place; usually as background and supporting other colors to pop more.
Besides, Sepia has a noble history in film, the brown range isn’t a common image color, and Sepia is fun to say.[7]
Color choice is very important. Bright colors draw the eye and make visuals more distinctive. Bright colors also denote and bring energy to things. Dull colors are used for locations meant to be calm and sedate. If you want the characters and locations to seem fun and full of life, you fill it with bright colors.
Everything breaths, adventure can strike at anytime!
Dull colors, and it’s hibernation. People are around, but they don’t seem to enjoy it.
But let’s turn to the visual storytelling: what does each cover tell you about life in their setting?
D&D: lots of posing to look fancy, but there’s no real sense of energy. Jumpy Magerson’s weird Megaman hop has been mentioned, of course. The Giant has a look of dull surprise as he drops Jumpy Magerson,[8] as he holds a sword in the non-active hand. Foreground fencer man is wide open, holding his own foil up and away from where it might accidentally jab anyone. The locations is… orange? Looks like there might be lava geysers?
Patherfinder: A dragon roars at its enemies! Teeth bared, tongue coiled, tendons on display! Wings unfurled to make it seem larger! The fighter is yelling back at the dragon, his weapons mid-swing! Shoulder forwards to defend the rest of the body! The Sorceress is holding a firm stance as she casts a spell that crackles with arcane energy!
Pathfinder’s cover tells a story of epic combat, fizzly magic, and energy. D&D’s cover tells a story of two adventurers existing in a space also occupied by a giant.
Now, both of these systems have the same ancestry, as Pathfinder is an iteration on D&D 3.5.[9] But one sparks more joy when I look at it.
But let’s do another case study. I’ll need an audience volunteer, and my brother’s the only person immediately on hand.
I’m going to make him list three qualities of goblins real quick:
Awesome. Don’t know if the green text translated, but those are what he wrote. Give him a hand!
So, with those three traits in mind, let’s look at a goblin picture from D&D Beyond:
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(Owned by Wizards of the Coast. Source here)
Like, you can’t say D&D doesn’t call that a goblin, it’s literally on the goblin page.
This guy is yellow. He’s built like a four foot tall WWE Wrestler. He’s defending with his advancing arm as he rears up to smack ya!
(Okay, “Sneaky” is a hard one to argue.)
Moving on, what does Pathfinder call a Goblin:
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(Owned by Paizo. Source here)
Look at this charming miscreant! Green. Big ole head. Good mix of of ugly and oddly adorable. Probably two feet tall, and happens to want your two feet, please, but you could step on him if you’d like.
He also looks like a Gremlin
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(An adorable little chaos monster owned by Warner Brothers. Source)
Point is, Pathfinder’s more cartoony take on the classic monster feels more in the spirit of the thing. Every time I see one of those goofy faces, I feel like I’m in for an enjoyable time.
Bringing us back around to the point of this essay: the art direction of D&D bogs down my theater of the mind. The art in the rulebooks don’t inspire creativity or fantastic visions. It inspires… dull, lifeless people walking through dirt roads flanked by dead grass.
I don’t enjoy looking at D&D’s art. Relatedly, I don’t like looking at the art of Magic: the Gathering, whose style I can’t help by see in every D&D sourcebook cover I see. Neither game invokes an inviting world, but utilitarian ones that exist to give quick, forgettable visual flair to represent mechanical card effects.
To save making this long essay even longer and unfocused, I’ll save talk of actual ‘canon’ lore for another time.[10]
So why do I, a semi-professional funny man and sad dreamer who can’t actually draw, want to talk about rulebook art?
Well, I’ve always felt a disconnect when I play D&D. I make the characters, I roll the dice, I attempt to role-play, but I’ve always had an emotional gap between me and the character I’m playing. I like the concept, but when I use my theater of the mind, the character feels stiff and divorced from everything. Kind of like the 5th Edition rulebook.
Then I saw this:
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(Source tweet. All of this artist’s work is great and I wish I could hire them.)
This half-elf showed up on my twitter timeline, and my first thought was ‘How come my characters don’t look like that?’
Soon followed by ‘Why couldn’t they?’
Then I completed the trilogy with ‘Why haven’t I imagined my characters in a style appealing to me?’
As I was deep into contemplating what sort of aesthetic I consider my “brand”,[11] it was entering a mind primed to start overanalyzing.
So, how do I imagine my characters? In the neighborhood of the D&D art, if I have  firm concept. Micah Krane always was mentally nebulous to me, just kinda being a generic half-elf dude. Trix (who was created for the brightly colored Pathfinder) is green-haired and wears a tail coat, but otherwise is also normal looking in my mind’s eye. In the last two D&D campaigns, Tybalt was also vague in appearance, and Teddi had Goat horns, but those were meant to stand out on a generic rogue character.[13]
But you know what I’ve never put on a character I’ve played? Glasses.
I hope that those who read my various media reviews[14] don’t need this overly explained, but I like glasses. I, myself, don’t wear glasses, but I find them to be great accessories in character design. Frames the eyes, come in a variety of shapes, adds bit of extra visual interest. I always point out Meganekkos and pay them extra attention.[15] I really, really like girls with glasses.
But I’ve never made one. Because there’s no cute design in D&D rulebooks. Just a range of handsome people to ugly halflings.[16]
That is the effect of art design in a system. It sets tone, expectations, and aesthetic for the players. It’s so ingrained that everytime I see art of players’ characters that break the standard, it always takes me aback. It’s inspiring to see artists who manage to divorce D&D the game from D&D the art.
I want to imagine fun, personally appealing characters. But the subtle direction of the insert art as I look through to rulebook, or the provided character portraits of D&D Beyond does not suggest things I like to see. It infects the mind, and leaves specific molds. People in practical, mundane clothes, walking down drab, uninteresting roads.
It’s the same lack of escapism that makes Western (Video Game) RPGs super unappealing to me.[17] Dark Souls, Elder Scrolls, Bioshock don’t look like fun places to be, they look tiring and full of splintery furniture waiting to do 1d4 nonlethal damage.
So I have to talk about anime now.
My mother was staying at my home a little while ago, and I turned on My Roommate is a Cat. This prompted her ask me about what about anime was appealing. I couldn’t form a competent answer for the question at the time, but it’s had time to churn in my head.
Anime is a good middle ground between cartoon and realism. It can broach deeper topics and more mature storytelling than children’s cartoons,[18] without sacrificing a light visual tone and fantastic imagery. Also, the fact that it’s produced by a non-American, non-European culture lends a degree of separation with cultural expectations and tropes. Enhances Escapism.
Luckily, in (very) recent years, after generations of exchanging video games and animation back and forth, Japanese Tabletop RPGs are starting to join in on the fun.
Which means I can look at Ryuutama.
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(Image copied from DriveThruRPG. Brought over the pacific by Kotodama Heavy Industries. Buy this book.)
I love this system.
Watercolor art direction. Layout evokes a spellbook. Two Characters and a Dog take the focus on the cover, while the road signs and tiny shrine in the background invoke the emphasis on travel and wonder.
The interior art?
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(Taken off the Ryuutama (english) website. Buy this book.)
Well, that makes the game just look like fun. Cartoony characters fighting cat goblins. Conflict, but it doesn’t make life feel like a constant struggle. A world I wish to inhabit. There’s also more detailed images of dragons and other world-establishing pictures mixed in to give the art range, but it’s this sort of charming that makes Ryuutama the first rulebook I actually sat and read cover to cover.[19] It’s a good system I already reviewed. Buy this PDF, maybe they’ll reprint the physical book.
Anyways, I’ll admit, the art’s a little too simple for D&D. Perfect for Ryuutama, and the end of the scale I want my mental image to be, but overshoots the sweet spot. And it’s difficult enough to find players for the much more popular 5e, so Ryuutama exclusivity would grind my playtime to zero.
Still, Ryuutama does a great job of setting it’s light, fantastic tone, where D&D has failed me. The art direction of the books, and years of exposure and defaulting to what I assume D&D should look for establishes a mental habit that’s hard to break. Wizards of the Coast has drowned nerd spaces with its particular kind of art, especially with MtG plastered all over hobby stores, deck boxes, dice, playmats, and even D&D sourcebooks.
That’s not even accounting for fanworks and the speculative fiction art in online spaces.
So what do I want to look like? Were I blessed with talent or with patient to actually learn to draw well, what would I be referencing?
What about what set my expectations of fantasy years before IndigoDice invited me to that fateful Traveller game?
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(Screen cap of Tales of Vesperia grabbed from here.)
Well, okay, what I’m actually thinking about is Tales of Symphonia, but Vesperia’s graphics are kinda what nostalgia tells me Symphonia tooked like, as opposed to what it actually looks like.[20]
Look at that verdant town! Warm lighting, bright characters, leaves growing to depict life. A hotel built into a tree. This is a fantasy world that is unashamed about life thriving.
Forget solarpunk. This is my aesthetic.
As for the party members…
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(Okay, Judith’s a little gratuitous, but The Definitive Edition lets me put her in a suit, and she’s awesome. Art stolen from here.)
Oddly enough, as far as JRPG outfits go, these are pretty tame with details.[21] Mostly bright, popping colors, even Yuri’s dark clothes are done in such a way to not feel grim and edgy, hints of personality, and I just enjoy looking at them.
The Tales series as a whole does a good job of taking European fantasy and applying Japanese whimsy to the design. Also yukatas. Every member looks like the hero of their own story, while still being part of a cohesive whole.
Which is, you know, the ideal way to operate as a TRPG party.
So, what’s the take away?
Artists, keep being creative. Pull inspiration in from things besides the rulebooks and Critical Role. Look at the other things you love and bring visual flare and whimsy to your art. Then share it. Ignite the passions of those of us who can’t do the draw-good thing.
Players, play with the tropes. I love doing it narratively and mechanically. My favorite rogue is still my neutral good stage magician who would never do a crime. Explore what’s possible in the freeform world of tabletop games, both in play and your Theater of the Mind.
Game designers, branch out with the art. And stop using Powered by the Apocalypse as a crutch.[22]
Hope this long ramble was enjoyable and cohesive. If you want more of this, my other works, and maybe to allow me to make an actual play podcast, consider supporting me through Patreon or Ko-fi.
Until next time, may your dice make things interesting.
[1] Though I would love to read a transcript of the two discussing it. It'd be a fun debate. [2] I don't like Powered by the Apocalypse for precisely this reason. Every actual play I've heard with the system has players talking about their characters in the abstract, because they're just pressing the buttons on their character sheet.[3] [3] I maybe should do a breakdown of PbtA one day. [4] Which is pretty poor direction. Do an epic group shot of characters battling a horde around them. [5] None of the D&D core books has a dragon on the cover. Come on, that should’ve been a gimme! [6] Similar note as footnote 5. [7] Also CornflowerBlueDice is too long to be catchy. [8] I figured it out! [9] I haven’t looked at at Pathfinder’s forthcoming second edition. Fifth Edition reclaimed it’s throne as The ubiquitous system after fourth lost its footing, so I don’t think there’s much point. [10] TL;DR: I ignore it. [11] Pulp Fantasy is too mundane. Steampunk is too victorian-y. Sci-fi fractals into so much. Solarpunk has appeal, but isn’t quite right.[12] [12] Haven’t really found the term. [13] Let’s not examine that I put more thought into female character design than male for the moment. [14] Which you should. Validate my efforts! [15] And desperately pray it’s considered innocent enough of a fetish that I don’t have to stop. [16] Never liked halflings. Gnomes are fine. Halflings, in art, have always been off-putting and malformed. [17] That and the emphasis of character customization kneecapping the Player Character’s narrative involvement. Can’t give them a personality if that’s the end user’s job! [18] Even Avatar: The Last Airbender felt like it had to sneak the narrative depth it achieved past corporate. [19] I do need to give it a reread, though. Relearn the system. [20] It still looks good, especially the environment, but the characters are kind of… leaning towards chibi. [21] This, specifically, is why I chose to highlight Vesperia over Rune Factory. [22] Technically nothing to do with this essay, but I can’t stress this point enough.
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toonstarterz · 6 years
The first half of Golden Week is over, and Tomoko has found herself the object of “platonic" affection for four different suitors. And as our intrepid heroine muses over the which of them to pursue, out of nowhere comes the dark horse. Once thought to be missing in action, this little girl, having been there since the very beginning, threatens to overtake the competition in one psychotic swoop. 
Chapter 141: Because I’m Not Popular, I’ll Go to School with Kii-chan
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The things that Stuffed Yuu-chan and Pals have seen...
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Ah, the classic Introvert Burnout. I had a feeling Tomoko would be drained after having what may have been the most socially stressful time of her life. Not simply for being social, but for how much she had to navigate as a fish out of water. Each “date” involved a new experience for Tomoko to address, and that much effort at once can be really exhausting for a layabout like her.
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That my friend is what we in the TvTropes community call, “Tempting Fate”.
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Heeeeeere’s Kii-chan!
Can’t even begin to tell you how much I love this entrance. We all know who Kii-chan is. But even those outside of the loop would get a feel for who she is. Adorable and sweet-natured, but disturbing due to an apparent lack of negative emotions (even when appropriate). Ah, Kii-chan, it’s been far too long. 
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Nothing to say here, really. Just think it’s a particularly lovely picture of Tomoko. 
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Because the popularity of a manga series is largely dependent on real-time reception, it’s very common for mangakas to add new, “popular” characters, or give the spotlight to characters who’ve been out of focus. Watamote is no exception. It may seem contrived to bring Kii-chan back after being gone for a while, but it works here because it relies on Kii-chan’s character to it, instead of a series of implausible plot developments. Kii-chan is just considerate of her cousin’s schedule–that’s all we need.
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The first hint of Tomoko’s reawakening as the role model onee-chan. 
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One of the perks of being a sporadically-appearing character is that you can really see just much the art style has evolved since the character’s last appearance. For Kii-chan, she hasn’t really changed much design-wise other than being a little taller. But even then, the linework is much cleaner and consistent this time around, which compliments the more “everyday slice-of-life” approach Watamote’s been embracing. 
If only she could grow a nose.  
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The best thing about this type of censorship is that you don’t necessarily have to understand what's being censored. All you really need is a bit of context to put the pieces together. The outlines are detailed enough that we can see the characters as some kind of humanoids with animal features. And given what we know about Kii-chan, it makes perfect sense.   
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Y-Yeah, I...I’ve totally heard of that show.
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Other than the whole Ucchi situation (which is slowly becoming an unintentional blessing), this is the last of the misunderstandings that still needs resolving. It’ll be hard, though, since this particular issue isn’t that troublesome. For now...
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Look at that platonic sibling bonding.
Perhaps I’ve been conditioned by manga/anime, but I find it refreshing how Watamote has managed to develop the Kuroki siblings’ relationship while avoiding any incestual subtext. Lots of series oversell the sibling relationship by having them be overly affectionate and clingy. With Watamote, their bond feels organic because they don’t have to be touchy-feely. An unspoken quality time is all there is to it.
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It’s hard to get a read on Tomoko’s emotions here, but at the very least, she seems troubled. It could very well be that Tomoko just realized that she’s changing in regards to the media she consumes. The former her would’ve probably jumped on the Kemono Friends bandwagon, but the reality is, Tomoko’s otaku interests are being compromised by the mainstream, at least as mainstream as rap battles get. 
But the kicker is...she realizes this change isn’t all that bad.
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Of course, nothing beats watching anime with your psychotic cousin. 
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The whole “pet-sitting” relationship they have here is a tricky one since each side is trying to accommodate the other based on “flaws” that don’t exist (or no longer exist). This usually results in an endless cycle of misunderstandings that lead to nowhere, but this confusion has transcended that cycle to develop into a progression of sorts. Similar to the Ucchi situation, the absurdity became so frequent that it just became reality. One that each side has been influenced greatly from.
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With her constantly adorable face, you forget that Kii-chan is a middle-schooler and is therefore old enough to know about things like sex and perversion. Like Yuu-chan, she may look innocent, and while she was aware of such things as a kid, she didn’t really get it until they approached high-school age.  
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You know, I read this really good manga called Kaguya-sama: Love is War (shameless plug, I know), and they actually had a chapter about a rap battle a while back. Given that both series tend to be up-to-date on contemporary trends, it makes me wonder...has rap suddenly become a hot thing in Japan? Or has it always had its niche audience?
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I’m sure many fans knew that this was going to be an inevitable development whenever Kii-chan showed up again. Unlike Tomoko’s school friends, Kii-chan wasn’t there to see the slow, gradual growth of Tomoko’s character, so it must have hit her like a ton of bricks to see her precious onee-chan go from helpless loner to mature teen in the blink of an eye. 
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Sometimes I wonder just how pitiful Kii-chan thought Tomoko really was...
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Why would you censor Disneyland now of all times?
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Those of us who were clamoring to get close-ups of the photos taken in the Disneyland arc finally get their wish.
The Kowarith photo is my favorite, even though two-thirds of the people in it are faking their asses off. While that may be my personal bias towards the Tomoko-Yoshida-Yuri trio, I think it reflects a better sense of kinship between the girls. The effort is there, phony as it is, to support each other in an awkward situation, which is fundamentally what the series is all about.
The assumedly Fireworks photo is also pleasing, make no mistake. You can definitely feel more genuine emotions (or lack thereof) being expressed than in the other photo. But this focuses more on the individual than how they work as a collective group, despite there being more people. The girls ultimately look like six different colored Skittles–part of the same package, but each unique.    
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Could this be the start of Kii-chan revitalizing her perception of Tomoko as a super popular girl? I sure hope so.
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How ironic. Kii-chan’s perspective of Tomoko is starting to grow ever so gradually on the upside, whereas Tomoko’s perspective of Kii-chan grows more and more negative.
Hang on, is that supposed to be some fake Dragonite shirt? Neat.
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At this point, people assuming that Yoshida as some kind of punk based on her looks is a dead horse of an issue. Some stereotypes exist for a reason, I suppose.
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I see your game, Nico Tanigawa, using a deliberately vague line about “two girls” to make your readers overanalyze a single panel. All I have to say to that is that I am completely and utterly guilty.
One of the girls is probably Yuri, if only because she’s the only girl to appear in both photos. As for the second girl, your guess is as good as mine. I’m inclined to say Ucchi because if Kii-chan only has their appearances to go on, then Ucchi and her emoji-face make quite the impression.   
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I’m getting Yuu-chan vibes here with the way Kii-chan phrases half-insults with a friendly demeanor. 
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Kii-chan is definitely that relative you leave a self-imposed boundary on. Fine in small doses, like at parties and family gatherings, but long-term exposure is unhealthy for the brain. This isn’t even a wholly exaggerated fantasy on Tomoko’s part. Okay, the eating bit is a little much, but given that Kii-chan allegedly dreams about treating Tomoko like a pet, the latter is right to be a little concerned.
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There needs to be an AU one-shot of Tomoko, Tomoki, and Kii all going to the same school at the same time. Right. Now. 
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I do appreciate that despite Kii-chan’s deteriorating sanity, Tomoko doesn’t view her as a lost cause and even tries to put a positive spin on it. Reconciliation Arc is a-go! 
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Did Kii-chan really have that big of a growth spurt, or has Tomoko just reached her peak in height? Not sure how far the genetics will go, but Kii-chan becoming taller than Tomoko is only going to make her even more intimidating. 
This little scheme of hers is definitely reflective of the “old” Tomoko, but there’s a nice reversal going on here. Instead of Tomoko trying to make things sound cooler than they actually are, she’s trying to make things seem worse. Of course, Murphy’s Tomoko’s Law states that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Especially if Tomoko wants it to go right. 
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Ah, Ogino. The only character whose relationship with Tomoko has remained relatively unchanged despite indirectly having the most impact on Tomoko’s life.
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Better update her Wiki page now. 
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It’s pretty telling how it’s these two who cause Tomoko the most grief. It’s not the delinquent who routinely bashes her face in, not the pervert(s) lusting after her little brother, and not the otaku who passive-aggressively teases her. As for why, I think it boils down to the fact that Ogino and Kii-chan challenge her comfort zone the most. It also doesn’t help that Tomoko doesn’t interact with them as often as the others, so she hasn’t really had the time to get desensitized by them.
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This freakin’ teacher, man.
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The second worst part of Ogino’s “help” is that she never actually lies. Sure, she exaggerates to hell and back, but it’s always loosely based in reality, like some cheap movie adaptation of a best-selling novel. 
But the worst part of it is...you can’t hate Ogino for it. Her personal assessment may be founded on largely suspect reasons, but it’s still an honest assessment. I have no doubts that Ogino really is proud of Tomoko, and that’s exactly why she’s the best worst teacher.
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That’s true. If Ogino gave that spiel to people like Hijirisawa or Hatsushiba–y’know, people who don’t know her as well–they might actually buy that crap. But people who know Tomoko like Yuri or Nemo, people like us, can tell that Ogino’s sugarcoating the whole thing. Kii-chan, with her terrifying skill for knowing too much, is no exception.  
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Ah, I see. This is one of those put-all-the-secondary-characters-who-we-haven’t-seen-in-a-while-into-one-chapter chapters. 
Can’t complain, though. I like Itou. 
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“Or something” can also be translated as “lust after Tomoki”. 
We don’t really have much to go on for how Itou views Tomoko, but I think it’s reasonable to think that she may not see her in that good of a light. Not only did Tomoko give off a weird impression when she played off the whole fist bump thing, but Itou’s “powers of perception” probably made her aware of Tomoko and Komiyama’s frenemy-ship, hence her “warning” that Komiyama was around.
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The Inherent Awkwardness of Second-hand Relationships: The Life of Tomoko.
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Betcha’ no one saw this interaction coming. Whether it’ll lead to anything more remains to be seen. Itou’s still got the whole “friendship potential” going on with Futaki, but given that she has the tolerance to BFF Komiyama, I see no reason why she can’t befriend a psycho like Kii-chan. 
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That desire to “loudly blow” is Kii-chan’s inner demons screeching out in desperation for release. I pity the fool who unleashes the beast.
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That does sound like your typical amateur definition of a psychopath, doesn’t it?
For the record, I don’t actually believe Kii-chan is a psychopath, despite the jokes I made. There are way too many moments that discredit such a claim. Now, if you were to accuse Kii-chan as being some sort of deviant (sexual or otherwise) I might see that. But ultimately, I think Kii-chan was just a victim of having her innocence shattered too fast and too soon, which made her more, uh, crafty than Tomoko could handle. 
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Man, it’s been a long time while since we last saw Dicky-chan, hasn’t it? Hope we get to see more of her (and Sayaka, for that matter) after this chapter.
I love how even when she’s collecting masturbation material, Komiyama has to hold her camera phone all lady-like. If the term “purevert” ever needed a concrete definition, this girl would be it.
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Main Character privileges, that’s why. 
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Get. The. FUCK. Out. Of. Here.
With each subsequent appearance, Komiyama’s standard for what constitutes a bitch primed to steal away her Tomoki-kun falls hilariously lower. It’s not enough that a girl in their class makes two seconds of eye contact with him, nosiree. Any girl with an inkling of a relationship with Tomoko is not immune, even if it’s his own damn cousin. Granted, I don’t think Komiyama would be so pathetically scummy as to confront Kii-chan about it like she did to Yoshida.
...I hope.
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“Best friends” may be stretching it now that we’ve gotten this far in the series. However, there is one aspect of Tomoko and Komiyama’s relationship that triumphs over all the others:
Absolute candidness. Even now, the only one who gets to see the complete, raw package that is Tomoko Kuroki is Komi-something. While Tomoko has made substantial friendships with the likes of Yuri, Nemo, and Katou, Tomoko still restrains herself just a tad lest she pushes them away. It’s only with Komi that Tomoko bears her full ugliness, which I think has developed into some freakish level of respect/understanding that none of the others can claim.
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Damn, even the bishounen dude gets to make an appearance. All we need know is Lethal Chef Girl to make a cameo and I’m set. 
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Nope. Any game is an away game when your “harem” shows up to cheer you on.
A few people have expressed discontent with how the chapter seems to end so abruptly, and it’s a fair criticism. It may be the lack of a “Next time...” tagline throwing people off, but while this chapter indeed ends at an odd point, it’s not that unprecedented. Some of the previous chapters ended this way, like that time Komi was all “Oi!” at Yoshida at the cafeteria, which indicates that this chapter is likely one of those series-of-vignettes that also doubles as a build-up chapter. 
On a positive note, while the chapter does feel prematurely ended, how the next chapter plays out if it is connected to this one is sure to be a surprise. 
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zareleonis · 6 years
What do you think of Kanan’s new look? And just Kanan in general?
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i really like what theyve done with kanan.  his new top has 3 things which i notice are common themes among the other character’s new looks: nice simple vertical lines, removal of extra pieces of armor and an overall simplification of his look.  which, by the way is wicked cool and has a looooot of shit worth overanalyzing
THE BEARD!!!! THANK THE FORCE FOR THE BEARD!! MY ONLY QUESTION IS SINCE IT LOOKS SO GREAT WHY WASNT HE DOING THIS BEFORE!! oh also i wonder why he went for that change. shaving just too much a pain to mess around with right after malachor and then he got used to it haha?
kanan’s mask thing is completely sick. i love the jaig eyes that’s such an awesome touch!! makes you wonder if everyone’s favorite uh jaig eye wearer his buddy rex hooked him up with that :3 or even sabine i guess? it makes me happy to think about kanan’s friends looking after him
good bye arm and shoulder armor?? im kind of sad cos i really do like that on him a ton but like i referenced above, his new design is a lot less busy? more simple, and i think i would miss it if i didnt think he looked just fne without it.
i love the new shirt. i never really liked his old one that much – it looks like that ugly sweater you love because its warm and cozy but doenst actually look good.  this one however is smooth and super fashionable.  i love the simple vertical lines. i swear it almost looks like something out of star trek haha. its much nicer than the other one.
the change of the black triangle on his chest to a yellow one is interesting. maybe meaningless but i love this shared element between the two shirts
he’s actually wearing his lightsaber on his belt in one piece now??? that is super exciting and i wonder what inspired that change in him
for what it’s worth, he’s also swapped out his grey-black gloves for brown ones.
as far as kanan in general goes, i have /some/ thoughts but i kinda wanna watch more and get a better sense of where he’s at before saying much
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hera’s new design has a lot of new elements very similar to the changes of kanan’s, which makes me smile. i think the new look makes her seem very cool and tough (though i already thought that about her haha)
just like kanan has dropped his armored shoulder, hera’s gotten rid of the protective shoulder pads as well. i think it’s really interesting that almost all of the characters have gotten rid of some extra bits of armor. i wonder if it’s a simple design preference or if there’s a functional reason to it?
her’s new undershirt is pretty slick.  the smoother more simple collar with vertical line designs follows a visual theme we see throughout these new outfits. in this same area, the top of the brown part of her flight suit has been lowered, and now has a straight top and thinner shoulder straps.
there are some new embellishments to her outfit - some sort of clip on the shoulder strap of her flight suit, little pouches on her upper arm that could carry stuff, and (MOST IMPORTANTLY) a visible button on the right shoulder strap.  this is silly but it kinda drove me crazy cos i couldn’t figure out how she got in or out of this outfit, but now i can actually visualize it
i love that her old uh ear cone covers? earmuffs? have been replaced with a ridiculously cool looking new pair. instead of the simple brown rounded surface, the tops are now flat and grey with gold designs on them and they look AMAZING.
also like kanan, she’s got a minor update to her gloves. they used to have a longer section that covered part of her forearms, but now the gloves just end at the wrist
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zeb’s new look might be the least noticeable, because it has more subtracting than adding, in terms of changes, but its still a nice update
the key point to zeb’s new design is that his shoulder armor is gone, just like kanan and hera.  now his arms are full exposed, shoulder on down, because apparently star wars rebels looks out for its furry fans ;P
the minty green swirly design on his left shoulder is out, replaced with a more subtle blue design on the left breast.  there’s also some blue designs on the right should as well. its very subdued a sort of cutting out extra elements, which as i’ve said, is something we see in other character’s new designs also
there is an added blue and white circle+triangle insignia on zeb’s chest + red stripes on his right shoulder.  i wonder if these designate rank within the rebellion or something like that?
the only other change to his chest piece i noticed is two new small light green sections cutting into the mid dark green portion, and that the line going right down the center of his chest is now thicker, almost has some sort of rope design going on
his belt has been updated, with the center now completely empty, no buttons or lights on the front, and some sort of pouches on either hip, kind of like the pouches added to hera’s shoulders
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it’s almost REQUIRED that sabine mix things up with her look cos that’s just Her Thing, so of course we’ve got some changes here :P they’re not massive changes, but especially when taken into consideration with her s1 look, you can really see how she’s developed
white/purple hair is really nice. overall look is a bit less wild that her past looks, with a smoother transition between the two colors and and a style that is a lot softer, if that makes sense? particularly as compared to s1
notice sabine no longer has her large paint covered gauntlets/gloves that she wore previously. this reveals more of the full black undersuit that she started wearing in s2. its a relatively minor change, but fits with the large theme among the whole cast, of superfluous bits on their outfit getting removed, for a more simple, serious look.
orange is out, purple is in, apparently!!  it’s nice look, a bit less loud than the colors sabine replaced. 
most significant change to the armor is obviously that she’s gotten rid of the anooba on the left shoulder armor, in favor of our little bird friend. i guess sabine must’ve seen the little guy flying around and got inspired? i’m a bit sad though, i liked the anoobas very much.
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ezra’s new look is soooo awesome with how it gives him an outfit that incorporates the same overall visuals of his previous design, but with simple changes that show how much he’s matured.
hair!! i love the adorable floppy puppy dog hair to bits but the new haircut makes him look a lot older. there’s something about a visible forehead that does that!
even though the look *has* changed pretty significantly, elements like the yellow collar and the vest remain in place. i love how that ties the two looks together.
one big difference is that there’s no longer any design on his back. again with cleaning up and simplifying the character’s looks.
the new look follows the theme of the whole cast’s outfit changes though, in that the “vest” is simply a design on his top rather than an extra piece and it forms the same sort of nice smooth vertical lines we see on kanan, hera etc’s updated outfits
new outfit is much more form-fitting! he used to look downright scrawny and the looser outfit served to emphasize that.  you can even see some proper muscles there! :o he’s not exactly the next men’s health cover boy (we’ll leave that to kanan ;P), but physically he’s definitely matured (plus he’s taller). 
a proper pair of pants (not ripped!) and //finally// armor for BOTH legs. it’s no longer something he cobbled together with whatever he could find, and more of a simple, functional outfit that suits a young knight/soldier.
he now carries a blaster. now maybe having a blaster was simply unneeded with his original lightsaber, but the evolution from stunning slingshot > lightsaber > blaster + lightsaber can’t be overlooked
yeah so anyways whole team looks awesome
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xnchxntmxnt · 3 years
Chapter Two - Turtleneck Sweater
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“So it’s...Elliot?”
“Not a name I'm used to hearing, sorry.”
“Well, neither is Decius, but hey,” they shrugged. “Anyway, you’ve had a better reaction than others have.”
“I’m sorry about that.”
“No need to apologize, Koushi, nothing you can do about it. I’ve learned to accept it.”
He smirked, nudging their arm with his shoulder. “Hey, at least I don’t get an ego hit anymore when you wear those basketball sneakers you loved so much in middle school. Nothing wrong with a dude being taller than me.”
Elliot laughed, taking a sip from his (new) monster. Since they knocked into each other, they started catching up (and he was nice enough to get him another monster). They hadn’t realized how long it had been since they last spoke, but it was nice to be in each other’s presence again. After all, the other was the reason they both made it through middle school.
It was safe to say, Elliot had missed his best friend. It had been too long since he and Suga got to spend time together.
Moving to Tokyo for their dad’s job left Elliot heartbroken and unsure of what to do—they weren’t exactly the friendliest person (understatement) and had trouble making friends in real life (also an understatement). Moving away from Sugawara was one of the hardest things he’d ever had to do, but in the last two years, it was almost like it didn’t matter
Which was a really, really bad way of putting it. But it was the best wait he could think to explain. Over the last few years, they’d grown apart and rarely talked despite being so close from the age of five on up.
Then again, he never did well in awkward situations. And things had been awkward when he left. He never wanted to overstep anything, so kinda stopped answering his phone. Not intentionally—he never ignored Suga—but would go a couple of hours without a reply, then the other would go a couple of hours. Hours turned into days and days turned into not knowing how to start a conversation.
Which, again, was his fault. At least partly.
“There’s always that,” he laughed. “Seriously, though, thank you for being so chill about this, man. I appreciate it.”
“No problem, El—if that’s who you are, that’s who you are, y’know? Oh, am I allowed to tell my bandmates? They’re good friends of mine, but I’ve talked about you a lot the last couple weeks.”
“Yeah, sure—wait, that’s why you’re here?”
In the ten minutes of them talking and sitting on the curb, neither thought to mention what they were doing there.
“Yeah! That battle of the bands thing! You didn’t see us yet?”
“Not yet, no—then again, any time I’m not playing or practicing, I’m more worried about writing. I leave it to Akaashi to get videos for me.”
“So you can overanalyze them later?”
“You get it!”
“Same dumbass I knew in middle school, then,” Suga laughed, pulling out his phone to check the time. “Ah, hell—told my friends I’d be back in 15 and it’s been almost 30. I gotta get going, but text me later, okay? We gotta catch up sometime this week.”
“We do! Yeah, I gotta head out, anyway, no worries. Text me when you’re bored and we can talk for a while.”
“Sounds good.”
The two of you stood, Suga offering his hand to help them up. They took it with a grin
“I’ll see you later, then,” he asked, keeping their hand in his. With one look, they knew what he was thinking. They spun him, then he spun them around, the two of them high-fiving among several different moves they came up with as little kids.
They broke away, laughing. After all these years, they still had it.
They said their goodbyes again and headed off in different directions. He thought a lot on his way over to Bokuto’s, though—Suga had grown up a lot in the last couple of years. One would say he was pretty. Definitely pretty, actually. Maybe cute.
Unfortunately, the further he walked, the more he thought. And the more he thought, the closer he came to the decision.
Ah, shit. Cute boy.
Within a couple of minutes of walking, he arrived at Bokuto’s place to hang out before Akaashi and Hiraku came over for practice. They rarely exchanged small talk anymore—three years of extremely close friendship will do that to someone—and Elliot just followed him to his room.
“Had to come out again today.”
“Oh, fun! Not fun? I dunno, how’d it go?” Bokuto asked, flopping backward on his bed. He kicked his fluffy blanket to the bottom, leaving room for them to sit.
“Well...not bad, at least. Just a little weird.”
“I get the feeling you’re gonna talk for a couple of minutes.”
“I don’t have to—“
“Elliot, no, that was a joke.” He sat up, grabbing his hand. Bokuto smiled gently, reassuring him as best he could. “Tell me about it. What happened?”
They squeezed his hand gently, glad for the extra comment. It was a common process: talking/thinking about too much gender stuff -> overthinking -> a little too much anxiety -> self-doubt or crabby mood. As many mood swings that Bokuto had, they knew how to get the other to cool off. Both knew Akaashi was the best with them, but they made do with what they had.
“You remember I moved here after middle school, right?” Bokuto nodded, so they continued. “Before that, I was in Miyagi, all that fun stuff. Anyway. A really old friend of mine is in town for the battle of the bands and I got to talk to him today.”
“Was he shocked?”
“Oh, not really. I’ve always been a little ‘different’ when it comes to style—hell, I started shaving designs into my head when I was...I think ten? Maybe nine. But he said he was happy for me and if that’s who I am, that’s who I am, y’know?”
Bokuto smiled, squeezing their hand. “That’s awesome! Love it when that happens. Good for you for telling him, by the way.”
“Thanks,” Elliot said, smiling awkwardly at him. They took their hand back, beginning to pick at their nails (like usual when thinking too much).
Bokuto took their hand back and leaned over to his bedside table. He grabbed a marker and handed it to him. “Draw me something pretty. No picking.”
They laughed, hanging their head for a second. The laughter increased when he started poking their arm, screeching, “don’t! Hide! Your! Smile! Elliot!” between each poke. It was a nasty habit of theirs that they were trying their best to break, but Bokuto helped a lot with it.
So, they took the marker and started drawing.
About a half-hour and several games of Uno later, Bokuto had both hands full of doodles and designs while they talked about anything and everything.
Somehow, they managed to get onto the topic of love lives.
“Look, dude, I am determined! I’m gonna get a girlfriend by the end of high school! Or a boyfriend. Probably a girlfriend though cause I dunno about the guy's part. But it’s a possibility!”
“Keep telling yourself that, Bo,” they rolled their eyes. He was so in denial, really. They and Akaashi had a bet going.
He pouted. “Hey, well, you’re not doing any better than me! At least I like someone.”
“So you admit it!”
“Not my point!”
They laughed, running their hand through their hair. “I mean, if you’re that competitive, there might be someone…”
“Oh my god, shut up, Bokuto!” They swatted his arm (gently) and grabbed a pillow (proceeding to hide their face in it.
Bokuto only continued to pick on them for it. He tried taking the pillow from their vice grip, asking more questions and even tried rolling them off the bed, but they wouldn’t budge.
“Just WHAT am I your best friend for if you DONT tell me who you have a crush on??” he demanded, finally pulling the pillow out from under their arms. He then hit them with it before discarding it.
“Fine fine fine—if you want to know so bad, you have to guess.”
“But you’ll tell me if I guess correct?”
“No promises.”
“You’re horrible!”
“You love me. Take a shot at it.”
He thought for a moment, a starry, stupid look in his eyes. “OOH OOH OOH, DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON ME?”
“You’re disgusting.”
Bokuto clasped his hand over his chest, falling back on the bed like he’d just been shot. But very over dramatically. “You’ve wounded me!” Elliot kicked his leg and he shot up straight. “Okay, okay, okay, fine. What about...ooh, what was your friend’s name? Suga...sugaworo khaki?”
“Sugawara Koushi?”
“Yeah, that’s it! Him!”
Elliot sighed. There might have been some...feelings in middle school. But nothing they ever acted on. Not in a timely manner, of course. And now--shit, now he was gorgeous and all those crazy feelings from middle school were kinda coming back but also not really? Was he just thinking about this too much? Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit--
“You’re blushing, El--”
“Shut up.”
He smirked, nudging their arm. “Why are you blushing, Elliot?”
“You’re horrible.”
“So I shouldn’t mention Akaashi right now, either?”
He knew just how to push his buttons, didn’t he?
No, he didn't...like akaashi like that, but he had to admit that he was great. Really great. Like totally want to kiss him sometimes great. But he didn't like him like that. They were just really close friends and knew each other better than almost anyone else and talked almost 24/7 and they wrote music a lot even though Akaashi barely knew anything about music and a lot of his songs were about him--
“You’re still blushing.”
Elliot sighed. So he was gonna play dirty like that? Time to pull out his trap card. Which sounded stupid but it worked.
He composed himself, blinked a couple of times, and smiled evilly at Bokuto. “So, Bokuto--how’s Hiraku?”
“Oh, now you're the horrible one!”
They laughed when Bokuto hit them in the head with the previously discarded pillow. He knew what talking about Hiraku did to him--he got embarrassed and pouty until he talked to her again, then his adrenaline shot up again. Freakin dork.
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Yes, this is how i actually think. Yes, this is how character elliot's brain works. Im getting slowly more nervous about this because people get to see how weird i am lol. Anyway, show of hands, who wants to talk about who you have a crush on bokuto
Also hahaha i am very trans gtfo if ur transphobic
Is it bad i expect to lose followers for this lol
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taglist: @ellewords @shoyotime @i-reblog-storie @tama-jam
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