#i like fionna a lot she's horrible
dogs2thesequel · 1 year
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caught up with f&c last night. this is the dynamic I think
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inbarfink · 1 year
I already talked about, like, the Obvious Symbolism of Simon reaching his lowest point literally dressed like the Ice King and then gradually gets back to his old outfit as he starts climbing out of his depressive spiral, at least somewhat.
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But it’s also really interesting, maybe even more interesting, how Fionna’s outfit has been gradually shifting and changing with basically every adventure.
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My first thought was that it really shows Fionna coming into her own as a character. The more she grows and also the more character development she gets - the more the audience learns to see her as more than just Girl Finn - the more her outfit moves away from just being a slightly girlier version of Finn’s classic look and into being its own thing. 
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Because Fionna is her own character. 
But my second thought was more about the first time Fionna’s classic outfit got an update in this series.
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This wouldn’t really relate to my first reading, since it just kinda makes her outfit closer to Finn. But it does relate to the most important Theme that her character arc revolves around - Fantasy versus Reality.
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Fionna starts out the story interacting with the idea of magical adventure and heroism via the lens of fantasy. She compares everything to video games and just thinks about everything in terms of it being cool and fun and she literally tries to chase down a person from her dreams.
And her mindset was probably only reinforced by discovering she was literally created to be the Main Character in God’s little fantasy universe literally created out of self-indulgence for his silly little stories.
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And because of that, she starts out the story with a huge Protagonist-Centered-Morality blind spot where she can’t recognize when she and Cake are in the wrong
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And she rushes into action and violence just thinking it’s ‘cool’
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And, like, in general acting without thinking of the consequences.
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And at basically every step of this adventure, these kinda actions clashed against the reality of her situation. And it all started when she pointed out to her own creator that the outfit he designed for her is cute - but extremely unrealistic for an adventurer like herself
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And from there we move to Fionna experiencing more and more of the harsh consequences of assuming everything should fit into her fantasies of heroes and villains 
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And that she should punch first and ask questions later 
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And in general that it’s always better to trust her guts over her head. 
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And with every one of her experiences, the bright and adorable outfit that is a reminder of her origin as God’s Most Self-Indulgent OC gets tweaked in more way - turning it into something that looks a lot more, for the lack of a better word, gritty. And also turning it further and further away from the outfit of her own literal fantasies.
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And all of these horrible traumatic experiences and the general dangers of the magical and very different world she’s in have all weathered down Fionna’s original optimism and eagerness and brashness that originally defined her and turned her terribly overprotective and scared instead. And it really reminds of how Simon’s own trauma weathered him down. 
Turning him from a kind man with a passion for adventure and the fantastical and a powerful parental instinct to a miserable jerk who aches for mundanity and made a little girl cry
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Until he got to his very lowest point.
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So I’m guessing next up for Fionna is getting to see her regain some of her old identity that the Trauma has been tearing away at - getting back some of that cheerfulness and brash attitude and adventurous spirit. Because while it has put herself and her teammates and others in serious troubles - it’s also been a huge help at other times (especially as she's a good counterbalance to Simon ‘slow but dependable’ Petrikov)
She needs to find the balance, learning the lessons from her multiverse adventure without losing all the things that made her Fionna Campbell in the first place.
And I wonder if this development is gonna be paralleled with a return of some of the more ‘classic’ elements of her look - or if her outfit is instead going to diverge farther?
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losergender · 6 months
media i think the pjo cast would be into
percy : h2o + mako mermaids (he religously makes stelle watch them with him once she's older) , he also really likes teen beach movie + austin & ally (reminds him of him and annabeth). he's a great spiderman fan too, had a hyperfix on it as a kid and it came back SUPER STRONG when atsv was released, he was devastated when he couldn't infodump annabeth about it
annabeth : THE SIMS !!!! she got her dad to buy her all the DLCs of the sims 4 as compensation for how he treated her. i think she would also love the new york times games if they were more dyslexia friendly (you know when she gets absolutely furious at the sphynx in tbotl bc the questions are stupid? that's how she'd react to connection categories)
grover : he would love animal crossing new leaf and new horizons so much! i also think he would lend happy home designer to annabeth but she would get frustrated at how little you can personalise the houses. he also really likes deltarune and the concept of goat boy helps blue mc with single-mother reminds him of him and percy
nico : pokemon, but specifically the card game. will tries to introduce him to the game many times but nico is horrible at managing a console so after lots of frustration he goes "i wish it came it card format" and will is just like "OH!" he also really likes animation because he was alive during its beginnings, so i think he could be just familiar enough with it but not enough not to be super excited with every one of the new techniques that have been developed
rachel : she has watched tangled many many times. obviously she has a devianart / tumblr account. huge huge fan of the spiderverse movies (was the one percy infodumped about it) and adventure time (the opening of fionna & cake is her morning alarm). she is also a loona stan (after becoming friends with annabeth she asked for help figuring out the loonaverse and accidentally got annabeth into them as well, but rachel is more into the music while annabeth just focus on the lore)
tyson : when i was maybe 8 i had this nintendo game about horse riding that i am sure he would love. ALSO MLP!!! twilight reminds him of annabeth!!
will : TRIGUN !!!! SOMEONE LET THIS BOY READ TRIMAX!!! + he loved hannah montana, he still owns the cds and the climb is his favorite song.
bianca : would have loved christian girl k-pop i just know
clarisse : she grew up watching shonen anime. i don't watch a lot of shonen but i'm personally gonna say she likes one piece so when she got the quest on tsom a part of her kept going "omg one piece reference." she also thinks jojo's is the most hilarious piece of media to ever exist.
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paragonrobits · 11 months
given the heavy amount of inherent romantic subtext between Fionna and Ice Prince and thus by definition Simon Petrikov (as, even more than Winter King, Ice Prince feels a LOT like an idealized depiction of Simon at his most fancy and subdued sophistication and has no real signs of Ice King at all except for the magic jewels on his cape), I think its not implausible that we're meant to see some kind of romantic vibe or possibility between them
and in particular, Fionna has a few similarities towards Betty that's interesting in this regard; she has a similar impulsive attitude that ultimately drives the plot and her decisions keep forcing Simon out of his passive box, and she has more than a few verbal quirks that are specifically thinks Betty says: compare Betty time traveling and declaring 'I'm leaving past you for now you, dum-dum!" with Fionna bonking him on the head and making him think straight while also calling him dum-dum, which I don't recall anyone else saying.
So with this in mind, what are we to think? Is this deliberate in-universe? It's pretty likely that if it is, it might be coincidental; I don't think you can ENTIRELY rule out Golbetty pushing Fionna in this direction, though I don't know if it sounds right for Golbetty to essentially make Fionna a substitute for her, especially since their character arcs aren't aligned in finding substitutes
what I think IS happening is that both of them have personalities that lean in that general direction; its clear that Fionna is at least interested in the sort of personality Ice Prince represents; the calm and literally cool sophisticated gentleman, which also lines up with Hunter's character, though he's more of a blue collar variation. It's likely that this sort of guy is her type as far as men-aligned people go. (Which makes a contrast given that she gives the impression she still hates baths and probably smells of wet beef, but horrible gremlin x sophisticated gentlefolk IS an excellent character contrast)
Simon is a bit harder to gauge in this direction; we only really have Betty as an established person he was personally interested in. However, we CAN make some guesses with Ice King and the princesses he tried to pursue, most obviously Bubblegum (who might also be the one he pursued the most because she has quite a few things in common with Betty), but from the other princesses he tended to fixate on, there's a few common elements. They tend to be highly intelligent (which, no offense to Fionna, but she IS a Finn variant so... emotional intelligence perhaps but not really a brainlord), very assertive (yeah), impulsive (oh yeah) and even physically powerful (and while Fionna doesn't quite have the power to match up her bravado, she WANTS to); she does map up pretty well to the sort of people Simon has fixated on while he was Ice King.
with this in mind if Golbetty's intent WAS to set them up for whatever reason or get them to move on, respectively, it probably wasn't the most sensible decision given that any crossover romance is the most extreme long distance relationship imaginable but also that DOES sound like a Betty plan. good intention I guess!
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petrigrof-doomed-yuri · 2 months
i hate petrigrof.
just kidding. i do not. kinda.
note: this post makes petrigrof seem toxic. its not toxic. its just very doomed.
this is part one of my talking about the things i hate about petrigrof! because theres a lot. its. its insane.
i hate fionna and cake the series. just kidding again, but i hated the they way handled them. it felt so.. incomplete. which the series isnt over yeah, but simon basically was like “yay! im happy again!” at the end so im gonna pretend all the relationship building is over.
this also isnt the only time im talking about the fionna and cake series with this, because thats where we get most of our content from. but yeah anyways eyebrjdbsmd
i hate how simon was made out to be the bad guy and like betty did no wrong. which, did simon do something wrong? yeah he did. he didn’t consider how much betty gave up to fulfill his dream and stuff etc etc.. but betty is a grown woman. shes her own person.
this like also kinda harmful stereotype of women wanting to do what the man wants but i digresssssss 😁😁
but anyways, betty is her own person. simon never asked her to do any of it. like, yeah i agree simon is really stupid for no realizing it. yeah i think simon shouldve known better, but then again.. this isnt anyway his fault.
the fact though, is he never asked for her opinion on things. THATS the problem. but that wasn’t really ever talked about, so its kinda just.. bbbbllllleaaaaggghhggghh…
another thing about betty is that she should definitely be hold accountable. but also, to be fair, she thought “wow simon is my idol and is soooooo cool” and then started dating him. like babe i love you but why would u do that… there was such a horrible power balance because she read his books before and she thought of him as something higher because of that. so of course she subconsciously gave up all of her dreams for him. which sucks but i feel like she needed to learn how to stand her ground.
i am NOT blaming her though. at all.
she just was OBSESSED over simon to the point she wasnt her own person. which sucks, but she needed to learn to let go and move on.
dont get me wrong though.. i love these two so much!
i think definitely with a longer relationship (they were only together for about 5 years or under and didn’t even get married) so they were early-ish in their relationship so they didnt work out any of the kinks. and thats what sucks about them! they didnt have enough time to you know, have a relationship.
i think these two with enough time couldve been something great and its so sad they couldn’t get the life they deserve:( i love them sm
(i didnt cover all of my points here, so later down the road i may rewrite this LOL)
(also i didnt re read this so uh. sorry for the mistakes!)
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razberrypuck · 1 year
an assortment of various fionna and cake finale thoughts :)
to start off: I did enjoy it a lot! it was a little bit underwhelming I will admit (I think just because it was way overhyped as this super ultra sad thing) and it did feel a little (lot) rushed towards the end but honestly I don't really blame them for that? they only had 10 episodes to work with and plenty of things to tie up, and overall I did enjoy the ending, even if it left some things VERY open.
THE NIGHTMARE SEQUENCE IN FIONNA WORLD HELLO??? that shit was genuinely unsettling I LOVE it
I enjoyed golbetty, I loved how intimidating they made her, but I wish we got more of betty as herself.
I liked seeing shermy and beth again. I like the nod to the audience that hey, this isn't an alternate reality betty sent simon to. this is their ooo, this book was written by this simon -- perhaps so he wouldn't forget what betty taught him. perhaps to cope, to explore what their lives could've been like, if he hadn't let betty sacrifice so much. I also did thoroughly enjoy the segments of casper and nova.
fionna should've lost her arm during the fight with the scarab I think. she's GOING to lose it one way or another. I feel like it would've been a nice way to make the scarab more of a threat towards the people living in fionna world and not just. idk. buildings.
ALSO THEY SHOULD'VE ELABORATED ON THE WHOLE ANTI-MAGIC TOUCH THING. it felt like that was building to something and then it just Didn't. it was not a factor in either of these episodes and that sucks a little bit.
I've seen a few people bring up "show, don't tell" in response to some of the episodes and I absolutely get where that's coming from. from a storytelling standpoint yeah, they could've shown more than they told -- but also, from a characterization standpoint, it feels like simon isn't the type to RESPOND to indirect approaches. if he was not told, directly, that casper and nova's relationship was horribly flawed despite the love they had for each other, the message wouldn't have gotten through his head. if he didn't keep talking about it, it wouldn't have stuck. look at his behavior jumping through dimensions; nearly every world they visited, the behavior of that world's simon was the inciting incident. farmworld simon died preventing the mushroom war from ever happening. winter king regained his sanity only by inflicting the madness on another. vampire world simon was killed before he found and raised marcy. in the case of farmworld and vampire world, it's like the universe is trying to tell him look at what happens when you die early. look at how much you matter. and in the winter kingdom, that there is no secret "middle ground" with the crown. you'll be stuck between forcing another to carry the curse or being ice king until the sun blows up. but he doesn't pick up on these lessons. he wasn't forced to look at the dead bodies of farmworld or vampire world's simons. he brushed the winter king off as just being a fucked up simon, and proceeding to say he could be cursed "the right way," as if there's any winning with that crown. hell, this even applies to his and betty's relationship! he never thought much about how much betty was sacrificing because it seems like she never brought it up. that obviously isn't an excuse, but my point is: simon is a man that NEEDS to be told things, not shown. he needs to talk about things to process them (also see his video logs of his descent into madness). also pointing loudly at casper's design he has bandages covering his eyes he CAN'T see. he CAN'T see the things that might seem obvious to other people. he CAN'T see how much nova is sacrificing. this bullet point got a lot longer than I meant it to be but that's my take on a lot of the "show don't tell" stuff in the finale, outside of, again, the episode feeling a bit too rushed.
the detail of the betty statue in fionna and cake's world turning into one of golbetty is one that I really like. it feels like. idk. acceptance, on simon's end. that's still the love of his life, now as she's chosen to be, rather than how he remembered her.
I feel like the open-endedness of a lot of the stuff we've seen is because the crew has said they're interested in making more spinoffs, but holy shit I wish we actually got to see how simon going missing EFFECTED people in ooo. I wish we got to see people, even just randoms that frequented his museum-house, growing increasingly concerned for the 20th century man that never missed a day of work. I wish we got to see finn, who knew simon was in an awful place the day he disappeared, maybe stop by to visit, only to find him gone. or marceline showing up because he wasn't answering her calls (he ALWAYS answers her calls) and being worried about him. I wish we got to see people looking for him, or assuming the worst, or finding the golb shrine he'd hidden away in his closet, or finding choose goose's fried corpse on the floor of his home. I wish we got to see the confrontation that came afterwards, or him going out of his way to find and apologize to astrid. but whatever. I guess.
scrabby being reduced to prismo's assistant bc prismo STILL put in a good word for him after everything. he really is everyone's friend. scrabby is legally mandated to chill the fuck out Or Else and prismo isn't even trying to get on his nerves he's a better man than me. not only did he "put in a good word" he GAVE scrabby what he WANTED, to some extent. he is a wishmaster (or rather, could become one) like??? prismo is the guy ever you could do anything and he could still chill with you.
the bittersweet ending to petrigrof has left a hole in my heart <3 they are everything to me and everything to each other but finally learning that it's okay to let go and move on despite the pain is the best ending their story could've gotten, in canon.
there's probably more in my brain that I could write about but its 6 am and I havent gone to bed yet so end of post <3
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my guess is that BMO's death came about in part because the idea of them wandering around for eternity in a completely desolate world was itself pretty cruel? it's misjudged but I think AT is very prone to killing (or "killing") characters as an aside without really thinking things through (RBG in Something Big, Rattleballs in Reboot, plenty of other examples I'm not recalling off the top of my head). Also disliked these episodes but mostly because they were underwritten-- WK was tightly-written, had a core thematic concept with ramifications for all the "main" characters, these two were almost entirely devoid of any larger point and after WK the main plot impetus (IK needs to become Simon again?) is too obviously a bad idea to maintain plot interest
Ehh I'm with Jagm on this, "mercy killing" isn't the route AT usually goes. It's more of a brutal side character death like you said, but on a version of a beloved main character. And this wasn't close to a merciful BMO death (we saw 500 others in the show). BMO could've been taken offworld and gone with Fionna and Cake into their world like the baby finn and honestly, that would've made for some interesting plot. Like imagine if they go back to normal at the end but they have an actual BMO with them instead of the alarm clock we saw at the start of episode 1. Wouldn't that have tied things up in a perfect loop and been wholesome instead of horrible? Hire me HBO Max.
I agree that they do not come close to the standard of Winter King which was a very tight episode with lots of emotions happy and sad. I think we would've benefitted from more time in Vampire world with Marceline. I did like that the second ep shows Fionna growing more attached to Simon and then us hearing more about Betty's side of things, but if you're frustrated by the core premise of Simon trying to become Ice King, then you're going to be bored by these eps. You'll want them to move onto the next plot point rather than linger here.
A point I'll give big credit for is that Cake is rightfully conflicted with Fionna about altering their original world. After everything, Fionna is having second thoughts because their world is going to be changed by magic and she's going to become like a different person. But Cake had a shit life anyway because she was a house cat, and she can't stand living like that. The issue is to make their world magic they're going to have to sacrifice Simon's mind, and they very nearly did so in a dead world like this one. It would've been the only way for Ice King to live in Lich World, which is why Fionna even gave him the crown.
He also used it as the magic battery for the portal which is a nice touch.
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macccc hi. hi hi <3 ik u don’t watch qsmp but i wanna cry in ur inbox for a second. we got. fucked up sibling dynamics. it happened. cellbit had a twin sister named bagi and he went missing and was thrown into a war and she searched for him endlessly. his first memory is standing over a dead body and having to eat it to survive. bagi is slowly recovering her own memories and is desperate for him to remember her. he keeps pushing her away bc he can’t fathom that he had a LIFE and a FAMILY and people who CARED about him. he thought he came from war but he came from love and didn’t even know it. bagi became a cop just so she could try to break him out of prison but she never got the chance bc he broke out first and she lost him again. she spent fifteen years looking for him and he spent fifteen years trying to survive. they’re both devastated over this in different ways. this always happens with media i get into it always comes back around to messed up siblings i’m going to start eating the floorboards. the strider bros the plant twins ccrimeboys. this is my brother and i need a shovel to love him. you can get a new son or a father but who can grow me a new brother. yk. just gonna lay here and cry for a minute brb
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anyway how r u doing!!! how’s it going!!!! how r ur blorbos!! i never got into adventure time as a kid what’s it like what’s the recent series like how’s it going :3 how r ur little guys i wanna know!!!! i’m still watchin hannibal btw makin my way thru s2e2 AS WE SPEAK!!!
OH GOD OH FUCK I LOVE HORRIBLE TRAGIC SIBLINGS !!!!!!!!!!!! i keep saying this but im so glad im not directly into qsmp because i KNOW i would be imprinting on cellbit like a baby duckling. it was A JOKE AT FIRST because i saw he had a white streak but every new thing i learn about him im like. of fuck thats my type of character like. to a t. unbelievable.
I AM DOING GOOD its sooooo cold today and i cannot wait 2 be done with work so i can get all cozy (<< guy who is dumb and chose a career path that is Almost Always Outdoor Manual Labor) . adventure time is soooooooooooooo so so so good. i actually have not seen ANY of the post-canon series which is why im currently rewatching the main one!! i want 2 watch them so bad. ive heard such good things about fionna and cake. ouuguguhg. its a very good show its the perfect balance of really silly and lighthearted and also.... emotions. <3 formative piece of media. u are speaking to the worlds biggest flame princess kinnie. also i have been thinking abt my ocs a lot lately bc i havent drawn them since artfight. this is a DISGRACE.
IM SOOOO GLAD UR STILL ENJOYING HANNIBAL. oh season 2 goes nuts. season 1 is probably my favorite as a whole but my favorite Individual Episode is the season 2 finale. ohhh the season 2 finale makes me so insane. ouguha. also lmk when u meet a character named mason verger i have a funny story about him <3
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farmverse · 11 months
andif i posted writing. what th
cw; adult discussing his own hypersexuality and as a teenager, mentions of teen pregnancy
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“My history is… complicated,” he says lamely. His new jeans are still stiff. He hasn’t properly worn in his boots yet. His only options with his jacket are to keep it on or hold it in his lap, and his prosthetic makes taking it off and putting it back on easier said than done anyway, but it’s uncomfortably warm in the uncomfortably quiet room.
“What isn’t, these days?” The man sitting across from him reminds him almost of his mother. His laminated nametag reads Dr. Marvin Campbell, and his blond hair is starting to thin, covered with a white little hat that Farm forgets the name of. “With that Scarab guy showing up and attacking the city, I mean. Since then, nothing has been the same.”
Farm examines his fingernails. Over the years, he’s mastered the art of biting them cleanly and evenly, since he can’t hold a set of clippers with the claw of his prosthesis. “My complications go back further than that, I’m afraid. I’m… like that Scarab guy, in a way.”
“That’s right — you and your family came from another timeline…” Dr. Campbell’s fingers move lightning-quick over his exceedingly loud keyboard. Maybe the horrible sound is supposed to help him type faster. “Your original world had magic, didn’t it?”
“Not always.” Farm’s kids aren’t here, so he doesn’t bother censoring himself. “I didn’t fuck with it. Tried to stay as far away as I could. At first, I just didn’t believe in it, but…”
Boy, that old fartbag sure proved you wrong, huh!
Technically, the so-called “Vampire Queen” hadn’t done much. That had been Finn.
The crown.
And me!
Farm flexes his left hand forcefully, then shakes it out in an attempt to banish his nerves. It sort of works. Almost.
“…It did some shit to me that I’ve… just had to learn to deal with. And I didn’t always do the best or smartest thing. I-I know that. But I’ve… I’ve done my best. Tried to give my kids a safe childhood. Keep them clothed and fed and happy.”
“And that’s commendable. You should be proud of that, Farm.”
He wants to believe it, but it feels empty.
“…But I’ve also done some things I’m not proud of.” He sighs heavily. “When I was a teenager, I put on a magic crown that granted me ice powers and fractured my psyche. I… hurt a lot of people. My own family included. And, afterwards, I made some particularly bad choices.” He shifts. “I think I felt like… I had ruined the morale of the people around me. So I had to boost it, somehow. And, one thing led to another…”
“What do you mean by that?”
“…Please don’t make me say it.”
“I just want to make sure we’re on the same page, here.”
Farm meets Dr. Campbell’s gaze, at once both reluctant and deliberate. “I told people to use me however they wanted. And they did. And I-” (Fuck, why is his throat choking?)
Dr. Campbell is so fucking patient. The look he’s giving Farm now is the same look Minerva Mertens gave him when he first tried to tell her at sixteen that she was going to be a grandmother. But he’d thrown up and stumbled out, and she had never known.
Deep breath. Slow down. Cool off. You got this.
When he tries to speak again, he manages to keep his voice level. “…I gave birth to my first son when I was seventeen. I still don’t know who his other parent is.”
There’s a brief pause before the next question. “How old is he now?”
The question nearly makes him flinch. Its silly, really. But he answers anyway, because to hide away from it would just be pathetic. “He’s almost fourteen. Does great in school, polite, good-hearted — he’s the reason we moved here, honestly. If he and Dez hadn’t snuck out, we’d probably all still be in Farmworld.”
Farm blushes a little. “Uh, my original timeline.” He rubs the back of his neck, idly tucking his light hair back under his cap. “Fionna came up with the name, and it stuck.”
Dr. Campbell laughs. There’s a moment of recognition, like he’s just speaking with a friend’s father, before the veneer of professionalism goes back up over the conversation.
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Couples Costumes
So Halloween snuck up on me this year because it’s fucking tomorrow and I kinda forgot about it with all the things on the news. I had a handful of Halloween related posts that I wanted to post and while I managed to get a few done, the ones that require some photoshop work are still on my ‘To Do List’. Clearly, I went a little overboard with my post here posting 45 Halloween Costumes above (I am counting the classic Batman Costumes and the Wayne/Garth pics as just two costumes, so yes my math is sound).
I WAS planning to do a Velma/Shaggy or Salt/Snail costume with my S.O. but I am remarkably alone yet again, woe is me and my pity party. ^_^ Not being a downer, I promise. *Slaps Cheeks* Back on topic, Michael! You're rambling again. Yeah so here is a list of costumes. I might make another list next year but let's be honest the best couples costumes will be on this post. If you have your ideas/suggests I love to hear/see them in the notes.
Ash & Misty (Pokemon) - Kind of a classic costume these days as they are both iconic. Who wouldn't want to see their girlfriend in some jean shorts tiny yellow tank top? Misty can be switched out for sexy Pikachu.
Bob & Louise (Bob’s Burgers) - Lots of great characters in the show but none better than Bob and Louise (sorry Tina fans). This would be a fun outfit to host a party and cook burgers. Just a thought.
Birdman & Birdgirl (Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law) - Fun costume for Adult Swim lovers. I love for my girlfriend to do that inner monologue out in the open the way Birdgirl does. I could also switch Harvey out for Phil because “Ha Ha Naughty”. 
Max & Roxanne (Goofy Movie) - Simple costume with some paint on the nose and select clothes. I suspect only the 80′s thru 90′s kids would make the connection but the Z Generation has proved me wrong before.
Wanda & Cosmo (Fairly Oddparents) - Not my favorite costume set but one that would be fun if we had a kid who we were fairy godparents too.
Curious Georgia & Man in the Yellow Hat (Curious George) - This is all the excuse you need to jump on my back or my front or my bed. 
Alice & The White Rabbit (Alice in Wonderland) - Alice in Wonderland has lots of males to dress up as between the March Hare, White Rabbit, Mad Hatter and more. I am sure you girls like options.
Lilo & Stitch (Lilo & Stitch) - If I had four arms the sexy stuff we would do in bed but I don't sadly. However, I can make a great stitch voice not that a cartoon voice does much for you.
Jack Skellington & Sally (Nightmare Before Christmas) - I might be too broad shouldered for this sort of couples costume but if my partner is willing I am game. 
Mavis & Jonathan (Hotel Transylvania) - Mavis is perhaps a little to cute. I mean kind of a strange crush on a little vampire girl, so yeah I am not against someone cosplaying her for me.
Nick Wilde & Judy Hopps (Zootopia) - A little bit anthropomorphizing of Nick and Judy but they got good chemistry and so do we.
Spinelli & T.J. (Recess) - Not to take an innocent toon in a wrong direction but you know they probably smoked weed in high school together and T.J. convinces her to wear a dress for prom but no doubt still has her boots on. They make a cute couple to say the least.
Finn & Fionna (Adventure Time) - Heroes of Adventure Time! Sadly (not really sad about that) I am not blonde but we can always up on some 
Velma & Shaggy (Scooby Doo) - Yet another cartoon crush. I like a nerd and a little thick Velma.
Fred & Wilma (The Flintstones)  - Costumes are epic enough being basically caveman tunics. I can get behind this costume more if we had a Pebbles or Bam Bam to take out trick or treating.
Black Widow & Captain America (Avengers) - If I could afford it I would be Stark. If my hair was longer I would be Thor. Perhaps Hawkeye would be a better pairing. Regardless Black Widow is a woman among many men. This means you get your pick of which hero I dress up as.
Sam & Suzy (Sunrise Kingdom) - Kind of a hipster approach towards Halloween but sometimes being a nitch audience is ok.
Max & Furiosa (Mad Max) - If my girlfriend had a buzzed head, (for whatever reason that was) Mad Max would be an awesome costume to do together.
Mask & Tina Carlyle (The Mask) - I am a big Jim Carry fan so any excuse to dress up as his characters is a win. Camren Diaz was also smoking hot in this film.
Ash & Sheila (Army of Darkness) - Ash is pretty badass and the number 1 reason to dress as him is to have a chainsaw on your hand and double barrel shotgun on your back.
Dorthy & Scarecrow (Wizard of Oz) - I can also be a Tinman or Lion for your pleasure. That and you can be a green witch... no, I think prefer Dorthy.
Mary Poppins & Bert (Mary Poppins) - This costume would be so much better if I could sing or dance but I can't so I won't.
Aragorn & Arwen (Lord of the Rings) - If I find a woman into the Lord of the Rings (and Game of Thrones) she might be a keeper.
Harry Potter & Hermione Granger (Harry Potter) - Am I the only one who is upset Harry didn't hook up with Hermione? Am I the only one upset Emma Watson didn't hook up with me? Am I rambling? Should I shut up now?
Peter & Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy) - Might easily be my favorite couple in the MCU. Gonna be a long night painting my girlfriend green.
Beetlejuice & Miss Argentina (Beetlejuice) - Again painting the girlfriend green and myself white! I suppose you could be Lydia and I can actually do a great impression of Michael Keaton's Beetlejuice.
Morticia & Gomez Addams (The Addams Family) - I would pay Thing if I could but sadly I can not disembody may hand and have it run around. I will have to settle for Gomez but your free to pick between Morticia or Wednesday. 
Wayne & Garth (Waynes World) - Playing to males? Meh sure. I loved this movie and I don't mind some cross-dressing for my partner. Just gonna be weird when Wayne makes out with Garth.
Burt Macklin & Janet Snakehole (Parks and Rec) - I am a special agent on a mission and your a wealthy widow with a secret. Only Parks and Recs fans will get this and that's just fucking great. Two rules though we don't break character and if I find a Johnny Karate, I must fight him.
Dexter Morgan & Hannah McKay (Dexter) - Might have been one of the hottest love scenes in a TV show ever. This costume works well with the plastic wrap and doubly fun to take it off you later.
Eleven & Mike (Stranger Things) - Pretty adorable couple on screen. Not sure about Season 2′s ‘rebel’ storyline in the city but still awesome all the same. I can't wait for season 3.
Batgirl/Catwoman & Batman (Batman Show) - I’m Batman. *Coughs* I mean I am dressed as Batman. The 1960′s Batman costume were simple but fun. Woman didnt look bad at all in their costumes either.
Daredevil & Electra (Daredevil) - I may keep it simple with the black mask and black shirt combo over the body armor. The good thing about those Marvel shows is the outfits are basic as hell.
William Riker & Deanna Troi (Star Trek) - Loved the TNG. Loved Star Trek. Can't go wrong with simple clothes and the Starfleet badge.
Comics/Video Games
Wonder Woman & Superman (DC Comics) - Open to interpretation about which Superman or Wonderwoman we are dressing up as. I have to admit the Wonder Woman movie costume was awesome. 
Batman & Catwoman (DC Comics) - Few romances have ever been so ‘Cat and Mouse’ or rather ‘Bat and Cat’ than that of Batman and Catwoman. The skin-tight body suit and whip make Catwoman all that much alluring. You can decide if you want to go TV show, Cartoon, Comics, Video Game or Movie versions of Selena Kyle.
Rogue & Gambit (Marvel Comics) - A man with deep love and a woman who can never be touched by him (at least skin to skin). This is some Shakespeare level tragedy for this lovely duo.
Spiderman & Black Cat (Marvel Comics) - What can I say its the costume on Black Cat... 
Link & Zelda (Legend of Zelda) - I am totally open to also as playing as Ganon if you want me to capture you and tie you down to the bed. 
Mimes - A whole day of not talking to one another and miming shit out?! Sounds horrible lets just talk in private when no one is looking.
Fireman & Dalmation Girl - Who’s a good girl? Who’s a good girl? You are! Yes you are!
Little Red & Big Bad Wolf - I won't lie 90% of the reason this costume works is that it leads to sexy time in the bedroom.
Waldo & Wanda - We go to Good Will, buy a bunch of random junk. Write Property of Waldo on it and leave it around the neighborhood all night long. We can set up a Waldo themed house so people can bring items back to us.
Snail & Salt Shaker - Oh ho ho am I clever? Probably not someone has been bound to make a costume like this before. I think it be fun for you to avoid me the whole part as I walk around as a Salt Shaker.
Frankenstein & Bride of Frankenstein - Classic movie costume and its really all about the hair for the bride. I can imagine this being a big hit with the kids and fun for a monster movie night.
Regards Michael California
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coolmiddlename · 7 years
season 5.1 stream is over!!!
ok! so reaching into season 5, i found that i had slightly better memory of the episodes and that the emotions they gave me were closer to home. which is to say: through some bizarre magic i have a similar opinion of these eps that i had 4 years ago! eps that used to annoy me still annoy me, eps i loved i still love. and i felt the burning controversies they caused, especially Wizards Only fools at the end. its different to season 4which had a sort of universal adoration.
the season altogether was once again quite entertaining. i did feel some moments of frustration, but none of boredom. we watched the stream as a group and at once stage there was 15 people on at the same time! much bigger than the previous streams.
i dont have the same gushing of raw emotional thoughts that i had yesterday but here’s a shot:
theres no real nostalgia for these eps! at least not 5.1. they came at a time where i was firmly settled into the adventure time fandom, and in a more stable place back home. but there IS  a level of excitement, the same ive always had for them. 
part of why theres probably no nostalgia is cos they begin to ditch all pretenses of childishness. theres this slightly anxious undertone all the way through season 5! i’m sitting here feeling VERY tense. i have mixed feelings on this tone shift. i can’t even tell how it functions episode by episode; season 5 feels extremely satirical.
best way to describe this is how finn acts. this was FIRMLY the place where he stopped acting like a kid, and stopped being treated like one. i dont remember a single scene in the season where he was overprotected, or even protected at all.
cos season 5 is so long theres way more standalone eps barely featuring the protagonists too. its strange because theres not a single ‘standalone’ ep in season 8, aside from Horse and Ball! oh, Wheels and High Strangeness too, but do they really count? yet theres still a strong continuity in season 5. the magi of life giving, fionna and cake, the various themes in episodes. they are designed to flow into each other well. even Up a Tree, the most pointless ep of all time, serves a purpose in showing Lady’s developing pregnancy :P
“simon and marcy” is STILL fucking amazing. ice king and marcy’s relationship is touched on plenty in season 5.  i dont have anything large to say on this but it was nice to see marcy get along with ice king, rather than just simon. funnier too! 
the suitor was better than i remembered it being. the black humor is on-point. and i cant help but feel really sorry for pb at the end. 
what ice king said about her in the next ep was something we analyzed the SHIT out of back in 2013 but i forgot that scene existed! what a pleasant surprise to see it again.
....im gonna talk about peebles in all of these reviews, so this is what i think of her in season 5.1: it was kinda the transition of settling into a character. and what ended up being pb’s character for the next couple seasons was someone who did a lot of bad things to help people, held a lot of burdens to protect her citizens, but ended up getting a little too comfortable with the morally ambiguous identity and self-justifications. it comes through in the way everyone discusses her... The suitor: “The princess don’t date.” Red starved: “We figured its best not to ask Bubblegum about her experiments.” The cooler: “You’ve been SPYING on me?” “Hey I’m PB, it’s what I do!” I’ll probably talk more about the Cooler on Tuesday or Wednesday if i bunp the streams but she had gotten so used to doing what she does that she was, in effect, gaining a reputation as a horrible person. And it’s great that these things change after that turning point, at least to an extent; if PB remained the same sort of person now that she was in season 5-6, i wouldnt be able to stand her. it’d have gotten so blande and expected, just like how the characters expect it! remember how the lich is “so evil hes boring”? :P her defining characteristics went from “fucking dangerous” to “extremely impatient and troubled but working on it”.
and i do respect that the show managed to actually... develop her, but not in a way that made her less interesting - they made her more so. considering how interesting this conflict was before, this is INSANE. adventure time got SO MUCH BETTER in seasons 7 and 8, moreso than it was in season 5.2, the golden age of the show!
anyway to rank season 5.1: i dont think its as good as season 4, but its far more consistent than any season before it. considering my current emotional state of being this chapter ceased to be a feel-good show, but it was hardly a waste o time; season 5.1 was the setup for the second half of the show which so far has been fan-dooby-dastic. 
when i see season 5.2, i will probably have more coherent and strong thoughts. good night everybody!!! see you then.
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  ((Well, that whole December/January shtick went so well.  Hope ya caught my sarcasm, because I’m mad at myself.  The inability to complete plot threads was mostly due to end of year depression/anxiety, school being a bitch, and the fact that neither of us (Technomun who is simultaneously Grimmun, and Cathartimun) can get our shit together. 
  ((This post is just playing catch up with all of the shit that happened out of tumblr over the course of the last two months.  So a lot of stuff has happened, that’ll be under the cut.))
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  ((Alright, let’s get this started.
-The Birthday Weekend
  That went.  Fairly alright, all things considered since it involved several parties that hate each other.  Eridan was an ass the entire time (no big surprise here), and harassed the shit out of Vriska.  Terezi was an obnoxious brat through and through, Karkat cried a lot, Vriska got drunk to avoid her feelings...so nothing new among the trolls.  Well, other than the fact the Destiny Islands crew and the Radiant Garden crew got to meet up again.  Eridan, an ass as usual, tormented Vriska whilst invisible until he got caught.  This is why she drinks.
  Dave had to be mostly tipsy through the whole thing, and practically leashed to Karkat to avoid him killing Dirk, and later got REALLY drunk...Dirk got horribly drunk on only a few drinks, and kept going between sober and smashed through the weekend.  Those two still aren’t on good terms, but on...better?  Dave can at least (slightly) stand being in the same room with him.  Roxy’s tired.  Grim got drunk...Terezi was hitting on everybody (except the trolls).  Jade was one of the two people who remained totally sober (the other being Eridan), and declared the couch the Sane Zone, for anyone who was sober or could handle being drunk (translates to her, Eridan, Roxy, and Grim).  Anyone who succumbed to intoxication was promptly, and literally kicked off of the couch and onto their ass.  This happened to Karkat at some point.  This allowed her to be on...eh, better terms with Eridan.  They got to talk shit over, and now they’re not at each others throats most of the time and can agree on a few things.  Not great friends, but not openly shit talking each other.
  It was the last day of the weekend - Roxy and Grim’s birthday - that they actually distributed presents.  Here’s the list that we made to keep shit straight because there’s so fucking much.
To Dave
Sword from Jade
MIDI fighter from Roxy
Crow from Karkat (Dave named it Fido)
A knife named The Ace from Karkat’s boss (story about that later on)
A suit from Dirk
Ice troll skull from Vriska (as in Skyrim)
“Oh my god, it’s R2-D2! I loved him in Star Trek!” (Dalek) shirt from Grim
Red and white Scalemate with shades sewn onto it from Terezi (Red with a white belly)
To Jade
CD case/shelf from Dave
RHCP album from Karkat
New bass from Vriska
Soldering kit from Dirk
Danger Days Union jacket from Roxy
Badlands/Halsey sweater from Grim
Black and green Scalemate from Terezi (Black with a green belly)
To Roxy
MCRX Black Parade jacket from Jade
Pokemon Sun from Dirk
Pokemon Moon from Eridan
Super Mystery Dungeon from Terezi (and her 3DS)
MCRX flag and album from Grim
A poster that Dave drew of one of Roxy’s favorite scenes from the Complacency of the Learned – the scene where Calmasis cruelly curses Frigglish
Pink and violet Scalemate from Terezi (pink with a violet belly)
To Dirk
Last minute gift from Jade of Genji’s sword
Entire series of the Free! sub from Roxy
Iwatobi jacket from Eridan
Orange and black Scalemate with shades sewn onto it from Terezi (orange with a black belly)
“I’m BATMAN” shirt with the words in the logo, and a nice Batman cape from Grim
To Grim
Galaxy aesthetic assault rifle from Jade
Black and pink Scalemate with white eyes from Terezi (black with a pink belly)
Authentic Atom Cats jacket from Dave
Exorcism book from Vriska
Tickets to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them from Dirk and Roxy
Harry Potter movie collection from Karkat
Glowing pink nautilus necklace from Eridan
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  This is why we needed a list.
  Suffice to say, the birthday weekend was...eventful, hectic, and fun.
-Christmas Weekend
  This time, they spent Christmas weekend at the Radiant Garden castle.  Which was an adventure, since they not only had to leave Jackie behind (like they were bringing a Deathclaw to a place like that), but also had to deal with Eridan’s dogs, Pronauma and Terancor (note: they’re massive, not adults yet, and will be about the size of Polar Bear Dogs from ATLOK), and the looming threat of being thrown into the dungeon with Dragon Mom.  
  More drinking, more antics...Dirk had to be dragged out of his room more often than not.  Nothing MAJOR happened (other than Jade embarrassingly mentioning something about her and Karkat, causing Roxy and Grim to scream), but it was certainly something.
  The loot pile this time is as follows (WARNING: LONG)
To Roxy
VR set up from Dirk
Ugly Christmas sweater from Grim
A cat plushy from Vriska
A plasma rifle from Jade
A robotic cat tail from Dave
Super Mario Maker for the 3DS from Terezi (along with Roxy’s copy of Fire Emblem: Conquest)
Pink cat cloak made of fleece from Terezi
A blue LED constellation scarf from Eridan
To Dirk
A Cintiq from Roxy
Ugly Christmas sweater from Grim
A Kamina body pillow from Jade
A Genji butt mousepad packaged in a condom box from Dave
Fleece Batman hooded cape (similar to the dragon cape) from Terezi
A tank top like this from Eridan
To Dave
Final Fantasy XV + Season Pass from Roxy
Bleach: the Diamond Dust Rebellion from Dirk
Ugly Christmas sweater from Grim
A new DSLR camera from Karkat
A Princess Peach 3DS carrying case from Vriska
A new skateboard with a crow deck from Jade
A black, fleece cloak based around a crow from Terezi
To Jade
Seasons 1-3 of Sherlock from Roxy
A Fionna hat (Adventure Time) from Dirk
Ugly Christmas sweater from Grim
A GIANT husky plushie from Karkat
Glow-in-the-dark space-themed guitar/bass picks that come with stickers from Vriska
A Tunnel Snake’s jacket from Dave
A white wolf cloak made of fleece from Terezi
A set of camo bandana collars for Becca from Eridan
To Grim
Black and gray leopard print weighted blanket from Roxy
Resident Evil VII from Dirk
Ugly Christmas sweater from Terezi
A devilishly sultry Alternian romance novel from Karkat
The Bible from Vriska
A pink beanie with cat ears attached to it from Jade
A Lucid Plasma Caster that has a slag element from Dave (picked it up from a job in Pandora)
Black cat cloak made of fleece from Terezi
This tank top from Eridan
To Terezi
Super Smash Bros for 3DS from Roxy
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright; Ace Attorney from Dirk
Ugly Christmas sweater from Grim
Super long red dragon plushie from Karkat
Replica of Falchion from Fire Emblem: Awakening from Jade
Red dragon shoulder puppet from Dave
A D&D starter kit from Eridan
To Eridan
A book heavily detailing battles from WWII from Roxy
A coffee mug with skull and crossbones on it from Dirk
Ugly Christmas sweater from Grim
An Alternian wartime romance/tragedy movie that the two would always watch back on Alternia from Karkat
Some more of that Death’s Brew coffee from Jade
A violet sea horse cloak made of fleece from Terezi
To Karkat
Ugly Christmas sweater from Grim
Condoms from Vriska (JOKE PRESENT)
Yurio’s leopard print hoodie from Vriska
A red sickle that looks a lot like this from Jade (custom made! <3)
A Krabby plushy from Dave
A silver fleece dragon cloak trimmed with red from Terezi
A copy of the sketch of the Signless and his group from inside of Dualscar’s journal, copied meticulously by hand by Eridan, and framed (gift from Eridan)
To Vriska
Ugly Christmas sweater from Grim
Hardcover collection of the Spider-Gwen comics from Karkat
A red, electric guitar (Charvel Desolation DS-3) from Jade
A Spider-Gwen sweater from Dave
A tiny poop emoji phone charm from Terezi
  Too many people.  Eridan got his girlfriend, Aradia, a new necklace he made, but he gave that to her later on to avoid Vriska’s prying eye.
-New Years
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  I can skip a lot of shit with this one because we wrapped that up recently.  New Years was just a few people getting drunk, Jade and Dirk getting into it and resolving shit, and then setting out on a quest to find her siblings, Jake and Jane.
  What’s more interesting is the month that followed, as they proceeded to search worlds she had coordinates to to see if his soul string ability reacted, via her workshop door.  They nearly got killed a few times by some of the worlds’ fauna, nearly lost Dirk to some of the worlds, and Jade managed to scoop Dirk’s fake eyes out from his skull, and replace them with better prosthetics.  Roxy caught them because Dirk’s medical bot, HAL, showed up to the workshop when he felt Dirk go under, and have some nerves severed.  Roxy knows about the eyes now (and got a ton of new prosthetic arms, and a better anchor for them), but doesn’t know about their project.
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  Like I said, a lot of shit went down.  This is just a summary of all we talked about when I was dealing with finals, and we were both dealing with the weird funk of the holidays, and coming of the end (of the year).  Finally able to write again, so here ya go.
  Let’s see if they can actually get shit moving again.))
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