#i like fulgur :] <33
astrxealis · 2 years
fulgur liking legend of zelda and final fantasy he is so BASED !!!!!
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fakesimp · 1 year
Love at first sight with Fulgur? <33
Under the rain, with Fulgur Ovid
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Warning !
Fluff ; First Meeting
A/n !
Mystaaaa ! Sankyuuuu fufu~ here you gooo ! Hope you like this !
1k Followers Event Prompts !
Love at first sight
He was the first.
. . .
The way he handle things so easily, the way he act around people, his smile, his kindness,
He's like everyone's dream man,
But there's one thing that's a bit off from him,
He always cover himself entirely despite the hot weather, by means covering himself entire is by wearing coats, gloves long pants, it's almost like he's wearing winter clothing at summer.
It made you wonder,
Multiple times, you wanted to ask but you didn't find the courage to talk to him.
You decided to shook it off,
That is until one day, it was raining hard. It's basically pouring by this point, you were running with all you can towards a nearby shed, that is until you heard a familiar chuckle coming from your side
"That was quite a sight, are you alright? You're soaked" You whip your head to the owner of the familiar voice, it is him. The man who's everyone talking about, there's not a day goes without him in a conversation. "I, just-- felt like it, ...thank you for asking though" you replied, slightly pouting and a bit flustered. Earning another chuckle from the man, "I see, and your welcome.." he smiled at you, "Well, now we're both trapped." He said as he look at the heavy rain in front of both of you.
He is literally standing so close to you, because he is avoiding the water splashes, despite him fully covered, he' still trying his best not to get soaked. You stared at him, and he's doing exactly the same thing. He stared at you, and when you realize what's happening you whip your head away, clearing your throat. "Sorry, I, didn't mean to stare" you apologized.
If only you knew how his expression soften at the sight, he could only let out a soft sigh and chuckle once more, "It's fine, everyone stares at someone they like.. no?" He spat out, making you immediately whip your head towards him who' staring at you still.
You opened your mouth, but nothing came out, you're opening and closing your mouth like a fish by this point, making him letting out a small laugh, "Cute.." he said as he then pat your head, but. It's cold.
What is?
His hand.
You look at him who' soon moved his hand away and hid it, "Sorry, I couldn't help it" he averted his eyes. "...cold" you whispered, making him loom back at you, tilting his head slightly, "Cold?" "Your hand" you notice the way he stiffen a bit when you said so. "Ah.. is, is that so? Might be from the rain.. it is cold after all" he said as he shove his hands in his pockets, both of you then stood in silence, listening to the rain.
You don't know how long has the silence taken over, it's not an awkward one, but instead a comfortable one. "Fulgur Ovid." He said out of the blue, making you look over at him, "That's my name, how about you?" He asked as he look over at you, "( . . . )" You replied and earning a smile from him. "What a beautiful name, nice to meet you" he said and then looking at the distance, the rain is slowly going down, until it finally stopped entirely.
"Ah, the rain stopped" He said as he look over at the clear skies, he then turned to you, "We may have not spend so much time together," he smiled softly at you, "But trust me, I enjoy every bits of it" his eyes soften a bit, he then reach out his hand, that looks, in humane, it looks robotic to be exact, but somehow you didn't step away, you just let him reach his hand out and then pat your head.
"You're a unique one" He chuckled as he pull his hand away, "Usually people would back away," he stared down at you, "Or even run away.. yet, you didn't.." his eyes soft, "Why?" He whispered as he tried to find an answer from your expression.
Both of you stared at each other for a good minute, "Maybe, ..because I believe that" you paused for a moment, "..You won't hurt me?" You sounded a bit unsure. He scoffed slightly and let out a breathy laugh, "..or maybe, it's because I'm ..." And you stopped and shook your head, "Nevermind, Fulgur, isn't it?" He tilted his head slightly but then nod his head.
"Do you think we can hangout again?" He blinked and smiled at you, "Of course I don't mind, ..then may I have your contact number?"
Ever since then, both of you would contact each other, planning a hangout, the day of you first seeing him, until the day of you first interacting with him. Is the most memorable thing you've remember each day, Lowkey thanking the rain, if the rain didn't happen, you both probably won't interact !
Under the rain,
You've fallen for the man even deeper, falling deep for him who's not entirely human.
Falling in love towards a cyborg named, Fulgur Ovid.
©fakesimp . 2023
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A/n !
There we go ! I hope you like it ! I hope you enjoyed it too fufu~ also apologies in advance if he's ooc (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠)
( 8/10 )
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hannahlovesluca · 11 months
Hey there!! Could I request a matchup?
(I’m genuinely blanking on what to put here)
~ preferably with a guy ~
Gender: female (she/her)
Love Language: quality time, especially big on physical touch
Personality?: enjoys social interaction but fully an introvert. Extremely soft-spoken, but a good listener. Likes quiet time. Loved ones mean the world to me; willing to do almost anything for them.
Likes!: reading fantasy/adventure/romance, writing short stories, playing & creating music, dogs, bunnies, hedgehogs, tea, baking, small craft projects
Dislikes: pileup of things to do, organic chemistry, vaguely passive aggressive people, bitter melon
Thank you so much!! Hope you’re having a fantastic day <33
i pair you with…
Fulgur Ovid!
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hear me out…
• you guys both enjoy reading and will definitely have like ur own “book club” where you read the same book and then have a discussion about it!!!
• and omg if u play dnd he will fall so hard
• fulgur also really enjoys writing stories and would love to help you out if you ever have writers block!!
• along with that, if you push yourself too hard, he will be making you tea and forcing you to stay in bed <3
• we all know fulgur has a soft spot for kids so if the day ever comes where you want kids - FULGUR WILL MELT ONTO THE GROUND
• fulgur is genuinely like a father figure to me (haha daddy issues) so its kind of hard to write romantic hcs for him but im trying!!
• he knows you love your quiet time, and he loves spending that time running his hands through your hair and humming quietly
• bonus points if hes humming SITA
• sorry this is so short!! im extremely sick!!! 🤒
RUNNERS UP: Elira Pendora, Ike Eveland
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myszumizu · 2 years
Hello I saw that your box was open and would like to request a either noctyx or luxiem accidental relationship reveal.
Where reader or the members accidentally reveal their relationship on stream. I like the cute reactions of the boys getting flustered or shocked.
Hope you like it
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THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING <33 , and thank you guys for the support on my last post!! I CANT BELIEVE THERE WAS OVER A HUNDRED LIKES! THANK YOUUUUU!
gn!reader, fluff
. it just slipped out
. while alban tries his absolute best to keep your relationship hidden, he would eventually let the cat out of the bag
. happens when y’all were doing a collab
. probably when playing minecraft
. it was nighttime and you two were still out doing whatever
. you came into contact with a zombie and because you had just respawned, you did not have any of your loot and could not defend yourself
. yeah, you died
. and alban just revealed your relationship
. double fucked
. chat goes wild and the mods are panicking behind screen
. “alban you idiot.”
. “eh? what?”
. after a bit of processing, alban goes “OH SHIT.”
. he panics and gets all red-faced
. cue you hitting alban with your fists
. but it all turned out alright
. now alban can call you babe whenever he wants
. that’s a win i guess
. the moment y’all got together, he would have already dropped hints about your relationship
. acts like you two are a married couple 24/7
. chat asks a lot if you two are together but fulgur always gives an ambiguous answer
. but one fateful day, the truth is revealed
. you were over at fulgur’s house just to chill
. he had a stream scheduled
. while he was streaming, you were in the background on your phone
. suddenly, you had to get up to go get something
. as you were walking, you accidentally tripped and fell with a thud
. obviously, this alerted your boyfriend and he instinctively turned to find you on the ground, groaning in pain
. without hesitation, he goes, “oh god baby are you alright?”
. to which you replied, “yeah yeah i’m fine.”
. right after you said that, you realised what you’ve just done
. chat heard your voice and within seconds, the entire chat is flooded with comments
. “oh fuck, you’re streaming fulgur.”
. “shoot.”
. tries to change the topic but fails miserably because he’s so flustered
. the suspicions were confirmed
. [name] x fulgur is real
. “hehe, sorry [name] but now everyone knows you’re mine.”
. oh fulgur, they knew LONG ago
. now, chat doesn’t suspect that you two are “together together”
. but they do suspect that there is some hidden feelings going on behind that screen
. i think how sonny would reveal your relationship would be by pure accident
. sonny was about to begin a stream
. however, he left his mic unmuted
. a very common mistake made by many streamers
. you just so happened to be at his house
. and you were also unaware of the fact that sonny had left his mic unmuted
. you were bringing food and water to sonny before his stream started
. “handsome taichou, here’s your food.”
. “ah, thank you love.”
. chat instantly recognises your voice
. chat overload
. at this point, you guys were still oblivious to everything happening
. “[name], can you give me a quick kiss before i officially start the stream?”
. obviously you give him the kiss
. when sonny started the stream, he was puzzled as to why the chat was so active
. after reading through the comments, he mentally facepalmed
. “[n-name], i left my mic unmuted. chat heard everything.”
. well, now you don’t have anything to hide
. good job sonny
. definitely reveals it when y’all stream
. okay so, most, if not all, of the nijisanji en members (professor included hehe) would have already known about your relationship
. you were doing another among us mega-collab and you were the imposter along with elira and reimu
. the only imposter left was you and you had already killed someone else, meaning you only had to eliminate one other person in order for you to win
. you had been following uki around for quite some time, waiting for the cooldown
. when it finally cooldowned, you went straight for the kill
. the game ends and all of you come together again
. uki is malding
. everyone goes dead silent
. “oh wait shit. nononononono.”
. “uki…”
. suddenly, everyone bursts out laughing, leaving a stunned you and an embarrassed uki
. after a few seconds, both you and uki regain your composure
. “okay [name], now that EVERYONE knows, can we fu-“
. “uki.”
. of course we can uki
. his would be a very unique case
. at least i think it’s unique
. yugo was busy composing yet another song that was inspired by you
. now, he was writing the lyrics based off what he felt
. he was streaming this as well and didn’t notice that the lyrics he wrote was basically telling the tales about your relationship
. the lyrics were very genuine
. no names were mentioned until something unexpected happened
. “ah thank you for the superchat! ‘i really like the lyrics to this song! was there any inspirations?’ [name] of course! this was all about them!”
. yugo was so excited to talk about you he didn’t process what he said
. he continued to talk before finally realising that he had just revealed your relationship
. his eyes widened and he immediately went, “WAIT THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT!”
. too late yugo, chat already knows
. you were already in chat and took in a deep sigh
. you joined the call and hear a sniffling yugo
. “it’s okay yugo, now we don’t have anything to hide.”
. yeah it’s alright yugo
. now chat knows how much you love [name]
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Any intros for people we don’t know yet?
haha well you see
i could do that
or i could just-
hey guys welcome to the shook character intro masterpost, yes this will be updated when i inevitably make more, cry about it-
anyways let's get on with it:
Vara Dorobo: A 26 year old catgirl with a knack for stealing. Arrested for stealing a large gem from a museum, though the gem has not yet been recovered. Overly flirtatious and crass. Hates her brother in law Saino but loves her nephew Piero.
Lilliannah Glitzern: A 19 year old girl who loves cute things and weapons. Arrested for the murder of her parents, though some think her to be innocent despite her willingly confessing to the crime. Seemingly perfectly fine with her current situation. Kind and upbeat. Misses Xayvion, and tells Vara to shut the fuck up regularly.
Samantha 'Sam' Dynamis: A 32 year old woman who likes selling things. Works as a prison guard and takes it seriously, but acts incredibly laid back. High energy, high spirted, and loud. Sells items to prisoners regularly. Likes to go drinking after work. Best friend is Sousuke, and works under Sumi.
Marco Perditus (not yet on the blog technically but he exists so-): A 32 year old man who doesn't talk very much. Arrested for taking part in a violent confrontation after being accused of several murders. Keeps to himself for the most part. Blood makes him nervous. Likes Sam.
Sumi Yukikara: A 28 year old woman who likes fighting. Works doing prison interrogations. Incredibly strong, and surrounded by strange little guys. Friendly and likes to help people improve. Happily married to Midori with 2 children.
Momorio Yukikara: A 5 year old girl who really likes the beach. Attends a local elementary/middle school. A bit of an energetic gremlin, but well meaning. Likes to catch lizards with Akihiko.
Celari Yukikara: A 78 year old woman who moved to Florida to stay close to her daughter and grandchildren. Very good with kids despite her seemingly aggressive demeanor. Incredibly fit and healthy for her age. Wishes she could truly relax for once.
Naliok Fulgur: A very odd 33 year old man who claims to be from another world. Arrested for trying to take over a cul-de-sac. Confident and cunning, but plays dumb so people underestimate him. Finds Miumehime to be amusing but pleasant to be around.
Elizabeth Sherry Justice: An 18 year old girl who is well known, but not well liked due to her tendency to lecture others. Arrested for disturbing the peace, after she accidentally started a massive brawl. Serious and a bit abrasive, but very well meaning. Best friends with Konaco.
Konaco Joki: An 18 year old girl who's the star of the cheerleading team. Attends a local high school. Laid back and kindhearted despite her moderate popularity. Has a tendency to get caught up in messy situations. Best friends with Elizabeth.
Lucie Hart: A 34 year old woman with an oddly polite demeanor. Arrested for murder, but believed to have actually committed many more. Keeps one eye covered. Offputtingly happy. Bares a mild resemblance to William.
Hugo Acoris-Pitra: A 21 year old man who is literally just some guy. Arrested for vandalism, specifically graffiti. Argues a lot with his father. Pretty chill, all things considered. Very concerned about most of the things happening around him.
Merridith Ishihara: A 30 year old woman with both looks and power in spades. Owns and runs a successful talent agency. Definitely not involved in any other possibly shady practices. Happily married to Kunio, and often works with Sumi.
Ayanei Utsukushi: A 30 year old woman with a successful modeling career. Works with Merridith. Very down to earth despite her fame. Still too nervous to confess to her crush. Wishes she could hang out with friends more often.
Ski'nei Yami: A 29 year old woman who covers most of her face. Works as a security guard at Merridith's talent agency. Very social and can talk to anyone with ease. Apparently prettier than Ayanei, though almost no one has actually seen her face.
Chiyoko Meiwaku: A 33 year old woman with a love for alcohol. Works as a defense lawyer, and is surprisingly good at her job, though she allegedly only tries her hardest if she's sure her client is innocent. Very laid back and prefers to drink alone or just with a few friends.
Saino Seiryu: A 30 year old man who loves flowers. Owns a small plant nursery that he runs with his wife Keina. Quiet and seems to be shy, but is actually quite the opposite. Hates Vara, but is happily married to Keina, and has a son named Piero.
Piero Seiryu: A 6 year old catboy who loves the outdoors. Attends the elementary/middle school his mother works at. Very curious and innocent. Has a small collection of bucket hats.
Keina Seiryu: A 31 year old catgirl who always gives things her all. Works as a secretary at an elementary/middle school. Often underestimated or put down, but does her best regardless. Kind but stern and competent. Cares about Vara, but is still a bit disappointed in her.
Grace Traupe: An 18 year old girl who spends a good 80% of her life being anxious. Arrested after she ran over her father while trying to learn how to drive, which was an accident but literally everyone else in her family hates her. A human bundle of nerves, and is almost always on edge. Has grown attached to Chiyoko.
Saori Sukui: A 39 year old woman who leads a cult. Arrested for the murder and complete mutilation of several people. Still trying to recruit new members, despite being literally in prison. Cold but charismatic. Makes and collects straw dolls.
Brigitte Von Couronne: A 26 year old woman who co-owns and runs a bodyguard for hire business. Came to Florida on a job, and got stranded after the client was arrested. Claims to be royalty, but she's only technically nobility at best. Confident and competent. The straight man.
Dao'shin Hudisha: A 29 year old man who co-owns and runs a bodyguard for hire business. Came to Florida on a job, and got stranded after the client was arrested. Still a bit scared around women, but keeps it internalized. Skilled and curt but polite. The funny man.
Miumehime Asaiume: A 28 year old woman with an... Eccentric personality. Was arrested for impersonating law enforcement. Claims to be a foreign princess, as well as a police officer. Seemingly not at all concerned about her current predicament. Finds Brigitte and Dao'shin to be amusing.
Carmine Chatarra: A 45 year old and very shady woman. Arrested for driving with an expired license. Sells used cars for a living, but is allegedly involved in other more questionable things as well. Somehow knows general info about everyone in the prison.
Ellie ______: A 34 year old woman who is surrounded by mystery. Arrested for assault and battery... probably. Selectively mute, and chooses to not use sign language despite knowing it. Seems put off by Carmine, but has taken a bit of a liking to Miumehime.
James Spill: A 31 year old man with a love for video game preservation. Arrested for mass piracy and distribution of said pirated materials. Very active in online forums. Cynical and a bit of a jerk at times. In a long distance relationship with Mira.
Mira Terebigēmu: A 29 year old woman who enjoys making and modding video games. Lives in California. Very active online. Kind of an ass, but a solid friend. Very close with her younger brother. Has definitely modded Sumi into several Street Fighter games. In a long distance relationship with James.
Erika Spire: A 23 year old woman who really just wanted to go skydiving one weekend. Arrested for breaking the obscure law of being a single woman parachuting on a Sunday in Florida. Athletic, social and a bit goofy. Her bestie was also arrested for the same crime.
Hayate Wazawaza: A 29 year old woman with a knack for finding a scoop. Works as a free-lance reporter with both a news blog and YouTube channel. Is always sneaking into the prison to try and get some interviews. Persistent and comes on strong, but values honest reporting above all else. Best friend is Tomoyasu.
Tomoyasu Taki: A 28 year old man with a love of all sorts of stories. Works as a free-lance camera man with Hayate. Always keeps the cameras rolling, incase anything interesting happens. Quiet and prefers not to speak if possible. Has been crushing on Hayate for years, but doesn't want to ruin their already great relationship.
Mae Okane: A 29 year old woman at the top of the business world. Has moved the main branch of her company to Florida due to it's strong tourist economy. Cold and stern while on the job, but much more relaxed and personable while off the clock. Still can't die. Hasn't had a single successful relationship, and is very depressed by that fact.
Aleino Rinri-Teki: A 35 year old man with a gift for biology. Still lives in Japan, but no longer works for the SPW. Found work elsewhere somehow, and has done nothing but make massive strides in his field since. Cynical and smug. William's superior, much to his amusement.
William Akumu: A 38 year old man with a gift for chemistry. Still lives in Japan, but is no longer imprisoned (sorta). Found work alongside Aleino due to their talent and experience working together. Cold, calm, and collected. Aleino's subordinate, much to his annoyance.
this took way to long to do h-
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clemeelom · 2 years
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who is this guy....... why does he remind me of baizhu....... why is he so hOT
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IS THIS A GUY OR A GIRL EITHER WAY THEY LOOK LIKE FULGUR AND YUGO HAD A KID IM SCREAMING but also i havent watched vtubers in a while so that may or may not be accurate
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childe being childe but when will he come home <///3
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i purposely ignore big mask man because i theres something about him that will make me scream. i welcome both with and without s.
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anyways look at all of them!!! i love!!!! rip signora but also if she didnt die we wouldnt get all of these sexy individuals gathered together <33
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look at her!! ily queen!!! go get it!!!! pop off lah!!!!!
anyways to sum up fatui hot fatui sexy fatui can fuck me and collei is baby <33
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theutiarchives · 3 years
02. My story, summarized
I'm not sure if I'll do a more in-depth post, this is the very quick version of almost 11 years of Recurrent Utis:
first UTI around 18years old
Out of nowhere. I wasn’t sexually active yet; Not on the pill;
2011-2015 (24-29 years old)
I entered a long term relationship; with regular intercourse, within the first month I had a UTI. They quickly escalated and after 4 years and 10-14 infections a year, it got to a point everything became physically and mentally unbearable. It ended.
2015-2017 (29-31 years old)
I was traumatized by sex. The relationship ended, I avoided intercourse, and the infections stopped for 1 year and 8 months;
2017-2019 (31-33 years old)
‎‎An UTI came out of nowhere in the summer of 2017; I had non-stop infections until January 2019; I did a 6 month prophylactic course of antibiotics; a vaccine; physical exams; dealt with a raging fungal infection that gave me uti symptoms 24/7, that went undiagnosed by the urologist; I was told it was psychological; Couldn’t sleep, took anxiety medication, got underweight, exhausted, hair thinned and started falling, my career suffered; In that time I was saved by my Gyno and all the symptoms went away in 48h with antifungals; After the 6months on abx, the UTIs continued; my kidneys started to hurt in 2018; overall exhaustion settled 24/7; started to have gut problems, with occasional bleeding. Raging UTIs by December 2018, with red dense blood coming out and what looked like blood drenched pieces of skin. Drove myself to the ER.
2019 January > October (33years old)
After the last UTI that took me to the ER I abandoned urologists and consulted a recommended Internist; She immediately switched my antibiotics, the infections stopped. I enjoyed a 9month Uti free period; Small kidney stones detected, 2-4mm, no treatment; Gut issues (some blood) would come and go, colonoscopy came clean but with small hemorrhoids (never had constipation nor pain).
2019 October + November (33years)
2 UTIs, one each month, simple multivitamin triggered
2020 April + May (34 years old)
One time intercourse = Uti. Alcohol = another UTI.
2020 June > December (34 years)
Entered a relationship, UTIs returned non stop; managed to be 60 days without a UTI; Pap smear came back with HPV; Chronic cervicitis; I developed IBS, with my gut bleeding around infections and after antibiotics; growing abdominal discomfort; SIBO problems when taking probiotics; developed a skin problem that got me on oral corticosteroids for 5 months; 9 infections in 8 months, with no-sex-after-infection intervals of 4 weeks. Exhaustion 24/7. Ended the year giving up on intercourse. Body began to collapse overall.
2021 (35 years old)
My body was still very much collapsing in the beginning of this year; still on oral corticosteroids that we’re giving me UTIs even without intercourse; developed persistent Tinnitus, 24/7; can’t tolerate post coital abx (disrupted gut +diarrhea +another UTI); Another colonoscopy: Gastro told me to avoid antibiotics at all costs, my gut continued to bleed after abx. Very changed stools; I managed to get rid of the oral corticosteroids myself, continued to do everything on my power to keep UTIs at bay, but I still had a some more. Last one was about 2 months ago.
I’m giving my body the best rest and preparation in my power before undergoing Fulguration this October in Turkey, under Dr. Sevinç, Liv Hospital.
Please keep in mind this is a summarized version of 10+y of recurrent UTIs /chronic UTI, and there is a LOT of information I had to skip!
(as an European non-English native please feel free to correct me)
Take care 🌿
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myszumizu · 2 years
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: let’s go, noctyx headcanons! hope y’all are doing good and thank you for the support on my last post <33
: gn!reader, talks of violence, killing and kidnapping mentioned, yandere
. he can be quite possessive over you
. SUPER protective as well and would keep tabs on you at all times
. may sometimes let you go out with your friends or family but would need you to update him about your whereabouts at all times or he’ll track you down himself
. not that’ll it be hard for him as he makes you wear a necklace with a tracker for a pendant
. will definitely spoil you rotten
. sonny would allow you to walk around his house freely but if you think you can escape, think again
. his house has many hidden cameras which follows your every movement and alerts him if you do anything suspicious
. what can i say, technology in the future is super advanced
. he uses a mix of emotional and physical punishments
. will manipulate and gaslight you when you do something wrong
. only hits you if make him snap or attempt to escape, a crime he deems unforgivable
. however, sonny will never put your life at risk because you are the most precious thing in his life
. gets jealous relatively easily but will not do anything that can ruin his reputation
. have you seen this man become yandere for fulgur?
. you do not want him to be obsessed with you
. he’ll kill someone without hesitation with or without his abilities
. i feel like he’ll be quite controlling and may even use his psychic abilities to maybe brainwash / hypnotise you into loving him
. his punishments are HARSH and when i say that, i mean it
. when he punishes you, you will, without a doubt, end up with multiple bruises, cuts and a stern warning
. don’t worry though, he will make you feel better with a night of passion where you’ll find yourself covered in many marks
. you aren’t allowed to talk to anyone besides him and you are not to have any outside relationships
. heck, you cant even go out without him attached to your hip
. if you ever you act out, uki will have no problem restraining you
. if uki’s feeling slightly more sadistic, he might even stop your food and water supply until you have no choice but to beg for him to feed you
. he likes seeing you desperate
. your chances of escaping him is as slim as the chances of you getting vox and shoto to be seiso when they stream together
. yeah, not gonna happen
. try to escape him and i will guarantee you it’ll end up in a rough, rough night, even more rough than normal nights
. you will also be chained to his bedside for a whole month or even longer if he isn’t willing to forgive you
. anyways, i wish you all the best
. might probably be the best yandere to have out of the five
. he isn’t super controlling and is instead, very lenient
. he will not hit you, no matter the situation
. even his punishments aren’t so cruel
. fulgur is more of the obsessive type and is silently possessive so when he brings you out on “dates”, he’ll have to holding your waist or your hands
. will never tie you up or chain you because he doesn’t see the need to
. i mean, you’re such a good darling for him so what’s the point? chaining you up will only make you lose your love for him
. he has a few cameras here and there just for security reasons
. if fulgur ever catches you attempting to escape, he won’t flip out or hit you or anything like that
. instead, you will see something even more terrifying
. his eyes will lose their glow and you will be met with his face of disappointment
. he’ll begin to manipulate your emotions until you feel extremely guilty of your actions
. after that, he’ll pull you into his arms and rock you like you’re a baby that needs protection from the world
. again, fulgur ovid will never hit you but he will find other ways to get into your little head and ensure that you never leave him
. possessive, obsessive and protective
. he is also very clingy and must always be by your side no matter what
. will claw the eyes of anyone that touches you that isn’t him
. i don’t think alban would ban interaction with your family and friends completely but he will be watching as you guys converse
. he doesn’t want to risk anyone taking you away
. he will give you a lot of shiny presents with hidden cameras inside so he can keep track of who you talk to
. definitely has a shrine dedicated to pictures of you and has a few of your belongings as well
. alban dislikes the idea to physically hurting you because he doesn’t want to taint his partner forever
. might give you warnings if you do something out of line
. he may not hurt you but will hurt the other people around you
. if it ever comes to the point of him actually killing someone, he’ll pin the blame on you
. he’ll say something like “the reason [person’s name] died is because you decided to let them touch you”
. alban can be very manipulative and contrary to popular beliefs, he can be very intelligent as well
. but he can be a bit careless
. there’ll be times where you would be able to escape him but you will never manage to make it far and he’ll eventually drag you back
. and you know what that means
. another person you care about gone from your life
. well, that’s too bad but then again, you don’t need anyone else in your life besides alban, your beloved cat boy
. i don’t know why but i can envision him to be someone condescending and sadistic
. during the first few months of him kidnapping you, you’ll be chained in his basement or his own room
. this means no interactions with friends or family whatsoever
. he’ll ignore your cries or pleas to release you and may even gag you if he gets too annoyed
. he is the second most controlling, right after uki
. hates the idea of you interacting with anyone else besides him, even if it’s an animal because only he gets your attention
. if you are being bad, he will slap your face as a reminder and if you continue, that’ll result in even more pain
. as crazy as it sounds, yugo would record your screams from being beaten and use it in his music
. his audience wonder why the sound effects are so realistic
. you will always be the first one to hear his new work(s)
. he dedicates each performance to you and he will announce this at the start before he begins playing
. i don’t think he’ll go as far as killing those you love unless you complain about them or bring them up too much (he gets jealous)
. if you behave for weeks, he may reward you with your favourite snacks or if he is feeling generous, maybe a phone call with your chosen friend or family member
. has an obsession of leaving marks on you
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