#i like the idea of incorporating all these ideas to make a good soup that WILL KILL YOU.
zombinary · 11 months
me: oh hey that person uploaded their winter king animatic lets check it out
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shhtickerbook · 4 months
Iced Chocolate
Chapter five
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new chapter up! A little shorter but I still really like it, just some more comforting fluff I know myself and y’all will eat up hehe. AO3 link below too! Kudos and bookmarks would be very cool :)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
When Mr Crunch had made his way back up into Wonka’s dormitory, he was greeted by a very sweet sight indeed. Both Noodle and Willy were cocooned together in the small bed, limbs entangled and latched onto either sibling. Noodle was a very light sleeper though, eyes fluttering open at the creaking door opening. After carefully detangling her arm and leg from Willy’s hold, she rubbed her eyes with a smile to the accountant.
“He wouldn’t let me leave.”
She grinned and she spoke in whisper, not wanting to wake up the chocolatier as he was still snoozing. Although at her departure he began to frown and drowsily feel around the empty space, looking for something. On the ground was the knitted toucan, having been dropped to the floorboards at some point in his slumber. Noodle retrieved it and gently pushed it into Willy’s arms, who immediately began to settle again.
Noodle loved Willy so, she loved to at last have somebody who watched after her and listened to her ideas. Who cared for her, loved her.
The girl couldn’t ask for a better big brother, after all she’d never felt safer around anybody before. Yet now she’d been introduced to this other side of him, vulnerable and tender. She wanted to get to know him more, it was just a shame that it wasn’t in better circumstances given how ill he was feeling. Maybe when he was feeling better, she could try incorporate their lessons when he was feeling little. Noodle smiling to herself at the idea.
Abacus just chuckled as he patted the girl on the shoulder, then placing a paper bag he was holding onto Willys desk. Whilst on his way back up, he’d passed Lottie who was cooking up some chicken broth. Knowing it was a good food for when someone was ailing, with the usual odour of damp laundry in the washhouse being masked by a delicious salty, savoury smell. It wasn’t often they cooked, they didn’t have the money for it. Usually every shilling went towards trying to get out of this place, but with the money they’d been making selling chocolate, they now felt like they could afford themselves these small luxuries.
“Lottie decided to fix up some soup for lunch, how about I take this next shift and you help her finish up.”
Noodle nodded hungrily, not before looking back at the snoozing wonka with a smile.
“I really like him like this, I mean- not him being sick. But he just seems so peaceful and relaxed. He’s different, but not in a bad way.”
Abacus agreed, looking fondly as he saw how he held the knitted bird tightly with one thumb in mouth. He couldn’t lie that he didn’t adore this side of the chocolatier, perhaps it was related to how much he missed own granddaughter and his now fully grown sons. Caring for Willy made him feel needed, fulfilled even. It was already clear how Willy found respite and comfort in his regression, but Abacus was beginning to wonder that he himself was also getting the same comfort and release from caring for him.
“Indeed, infact I think we’re very lucky to have been trusted with this side of him. Now, you head on down and help Lottie whilst I attempt to get this one to take the medicine I bought. Which I doubt is going to be made easy.”
Noodle grinned as she stepped around Abacus to the door, she was actually feeling pretty hungry after the deliveries and that nap. Soup sounded really good, and her mouth was watering as she smelled it downstairs.
“Good luck.”
She spoke in a sing song voice mischievously before leaving, Willy’s favourite thing was of course, candy. He was extremely picky when it came to most other food groups and trying new things, let alone how he was going to react to foul tasting medicine, so the girl made a quick exit to avoid what was could easily turn into a battle.
Willy was half between being awake and dozing still, his head aching painfully. Although his fever had gone down a little, he was still pretty sick. It felt as if his bed was rocking back and forth, like a boat. Boat… was he on his boat right now? With the swaying sensation around him, he surely had to be. Wondering where he was going, where was Mamma taking them this time? Hoping it was somewhere pretty, his favourite place they visited was the river that ran through a cherry blossom forest. You could balance upon the boats bow and watch the sweet smelling pink petals fall like a snow flurry.
Willy wanted to go see the pretty flowers again, moaning a little as he tried to verbalise it. But his throat was too sore, he felt gross. He wanted Mamma, she always made things better.
Abacus had chosen to let the boy rest for was long as he needed, knowing that sleep was the best possible remedy. So he settled himself on a chair by the bed, continuing through a book he’d been reading whilst nursing a cup of tea that Noodle had kindly brought up. The weather outside had lessened to a gentle snowfall, which at least gave the dingy accommodation some sense of cosiness to it. Buried in his books plot-line, the man didn’t catch a very quiet mumble at first. (And though he would never admit it, his hearing had gone a little in his age)
Willy had begun to rouse, but with his feverish condition he felt confused. Especially as he opened his eyes to see a blurry dark scene around him, one that even while out of focus looked wrong. Mamma’s boat was filled with
warm colours, reds, oranges and pinks.
Willy murmured, frowning as he stretched his achey limbs in the small ramshackle bed. Even the covers felt wrong, not plush and warm enough. That noise did get the accountants attention though, Abacus turning to see the boy waking up. Willy felt a gentle hand on his forehead, but instead of soft and smooth, they were larger and more callused. Blinking in confusion his face screwed up further.
The mistake in Willys recollection made Abacus’s heart break a little, frowning sadly as he softly stroked back Willy’s curls. Having no choice but to gently break the news.
“No lad, it’s just me I’m afraid.”
The low baritone rumble pulled Willy out of his fantasy, finally waking up properly. Immediately feeling an awful lump in his throat, apart from the sore one he had already. Waking up and remembering was the worst.
Willy wasn’t even sure at first if he’d woken up still feeling small or not, but he did know one thing. He missed his Mamma, badly. As much as he loved and appreciated his friends, he didn’t want them here. Only wanting his mother, their canal boat and not this horrible smelly room. It wasn’t until he felt a soft cotton fabric against his face did he realise that there were tears dribbling down his cheeks. Abacus having taken out his pocket square to wipe them away, not wanting to add a swollen red face to Willys list of many ailments.
“I know you poor thing, You must miss her so.”
Willy only nodded mournfully, shuffling his rear further up the bed so that he could lean onto the man. Well if Mamma couldn’t be here, Abacus could be a close second. It wasn’t the same, but the comfort was still appreciated greatly. The pair remained still for a few minutes, with only the soft sniffing from Willy until he spoke again.
“Do you miss your mamma?”
The sudden question wasn’t one Abacus had expected, feeling a little taken aback for a moment. He hadn’t thought of his own mother for quite a while, and she’d certainly been deceased for some time now. But memories of her permed ginger hair framing her round moony face, a pale green pinafore that always seemed to be stained in some kind of baking ingredient.
“Yes, I suppose I do miss Mother still”
Abacus frowned a little, feeling guilty that he’d gone so long without recollecting her. Willy seemed to sense his minor unease, his hand reaching out to hold onto his own when he stayed quiet for a little while.
“You think my mamma an yours are friends now..?”
Abacus felt a lump in his throat at the question, one that was so genuine and sincere. Whilst himself and Willy weren’t religious, and neither truly knew what came of afterlife. It was a lovely thought, it was comforting to think. He couldn’t help but feel a little emotional, which certainly wasn’t something he felt often. He tried to swallow down the lump in his throat, Abacus closed his hand around Willy’s, squeezing it tightly.
“Yes, I like to think they are”
Abacus looked down at him, Willy catching how he seemed to be blinking rather rapidly with shiny eyes. The confirmation brought him some comforting reassurance, he missed mamma so much. But she must miss him too, he liked the idea of her having friends where ever she was. Abacus couldn’t help but think the same, the simple childish thought bringing him some comfort that he didn’t realise he needed. Yet again he was reminded of how special it was to be trusted with this side of Wonka, even when feeling so young he came out with the most profound things.
Over the next few minutes, Abacus allowed the them both to just sit in comfortable silence. Willy had positioned himself curled into the older man’s neck, as Abacus continued to gently stroke the back of his hand, his other having picked up his book again to try and finish the chapter he’d been on. Although Willy couldn’t make out the small lettering, he liked the soft vibration against his head as Abacus mouthed to certain sentences silently as he read.
Chester had made a reappearance too, Willy holding the knitted bird over his nose to hide that he was sucking his thumb. He always found comfort in him when he missed mamma, as it was her who had knitted him together whilst she was pregnant. His faint cocoa smell still remained, although his congested nose made it a lot harder to catch the scent.
Abacus couldn’t help but smile at the sight, but he was well aware of the inevitable battle for when it would come to the subject of medicine. But for the time being, they decided to make the most of the tranquility they had. Where was the harm in just a few more minutes of peace?
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
Roy has always been a science guy
Well, okay. Not always. But yes, before the New 52.
I think we can all agree that New 52/RHATO Roy bears little to no resemblance to pre-52 Roy. Lobdell basically just took a stock 90s hacker character (Lobdell can only write stock 90s characters) and called him “Arsenal.” Which, sigh.
HOWEVER. This idea of “science genius Roy” is really entrenched in fandom now. Plus the way my brain works is I tend to try and figure out a way to synthesize contradictory elements of canon and make them work, rather than just going “no, that’s stupid” and ignoring it. Especially since this was the only version of Roy we had for like seven years.
And the thing is, 2000s canon? Makes a pretty good argument for “tech guy Roy.”
See, after I read all of RHATO and RH/A in 2020, I went back and reread the 2001 Green Arrow series, and I noticed Roy is consistently, unquestionably the techiest Arrow. Now, admittedly that’s a bit of a tallest hobbit situation, since Ollie and Connor are staunch Luddites and Mia has the scientific know-how of an ordinary teenage girl in the early to mid-2000s. (I bet she’s great at texting on a flip phone.)
But there’s this repeated and very cute thing where whenever a member of the Arrowfam busts out new tech, they’re like “Roy gave me this. 🥰 ” Which I love, because it makes Roy feel very present and part of the family even though he lives on the opposite side of the country at this point in canon.
But it also makes Roy come across as by far the most technologically savvy member of the family.
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Roy invented a stun grenade arrow for Ollie!
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He provides them with weird motorcycles!
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Roy begging Ollie to evolve out of the 14th century is such a good mental image.
But wait, there’s more!
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A GREEK FIRE ARROW. Roy out here reinventing lost 7th century technology and putting it on arrows.
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A tiny arrow to put...in your pants? Okay.
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Roy is so well known for his love of tech that Dr. Light knows about it, apparently! (Yes, Connor wielding an enormous gun while Dr. Light is racist towards him fucking sucks. Fun fact: this issue is why I rage quit reading GA on a monthly basis in 2006 and didn’t pick it back up again until Rebirth. This page wasn’t the only reason but it sure didn’t help.)
When Roy does show up on the page, he continues to be tech-savvy:
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I love that he just had those tiny clippers on him.
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The “Roy and Connor bond” issue is a delight on many levels but Roy casually turning his Ferrari into a thing we still can’t do nearly 20 years later is one of my favorite aspects. As is Connor affectionately teasing him.
This scientific prowess carries over into Outsiders, which isn’t a surprise because Judd Winick was writing both books at the time and he loves a techy Roy:
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Roy worked with S.T.A.R. Labs, the best scientists in the DCU, to reprogram a robot from the distant future. Now, obviously that wasn’t successful because she was a Brainiac, but they were able to essentially create an AI with a complete personality existing alongside the Brainiac programming, which is pretty damn impressive. (He was also able to reactivate her in Graduation Day, also by Judd Winick.)
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And he created a headquarters that responds to him like this without any visual commands or pressing any kind of buttons??? What???
Plus, he canonically specifically has a kink for fucking in that souped-up airship he mentioned up above. Oh, Roy.
Also, on a much simpler level, you can make a strong case that he’s more inclined to trick arrows than Ollie (and Connor actively thinks they’re ridiculous). He likes gadgets!
Now again, this is not me arguing that New 52 Roy was well-written or that RHATO was a good book. I feel like that version of Roy is, like I said, a 90s hacker who sometimes picks up a bow, and Roy should always be archery first, tech second.
But my inclination is always to try to reconcile canon as much as I can, and incorporate as much as possible into my versions of the characters, so when I write Roy, I tend to nod to the New 52 science aspect by going back to this era. I can’t really get on board with the boy genius stuff or the Roybots, but I’ll often have him messing around with new trick arrows in his downtime, because I like the idea that he’s a tinkerer who loves toys. He’s also been an all-around weapons expert since the early 90s (rather than just arrows), so it makes sense to me that he’d want that range (pun intended) to be as wide as possible.
In conclusion, Lobdell is a hack, but Roy is still a STEM guy, and he definitely has to fix Ollie’s phone every time he goes back to Star City.
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
Hi there, I'm new here, and love your work sm. My silly little Czech ass got positively jumpscared at the Fiala name, and then I discover he's got Czech/Polish ancestry. AND THAT HE KNOWS THE LANGUAGE? I AM SHOOK. The fact that he could speak to me in my native language is so cool. Like you have NO idea how excited the fact makes me.
a/n: I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SO MUCH! it's honestly why i love writing ocs with different backgrounds becos i want to jumpscare people like this!
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casimir fiala ★ profile
Hell yeah he'd speak to you in Polish or in Czech! He's had a lot of practice speaking with his grandparents so the words flow smoothly off his tongue. In fact, when he speaks English, there's a bit of an accent there that makes it seem that he's been speaking Polish his whole life. He might even call you cute endearing nicknames in Czech, especially if it catches you off-guard every single time or if makes you a bit flustered.
But you know the best part? He literally inherited both his grandparents' recipes so you know he makes the best Czech food. When you're sick, he makes the warmest and most comforting soup. And then fried cheese or potato pancakes for snacks? Always! And whenever you're craving a good warm kolache, he'll have one ready for you immediately.
He loves his heritage because his grandparents have raised him with love and he has good memories with it. So he literally incorporates it daily in his life and there's no way he wouldn't love sharing all of that with you too
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cephalog0d · 10 months
"He could smell something warm and full of aromatic spices, which was a good sign nothing had gone disastrously wrong. The door was mostly closed and Damian had music playing, so Bruce couldn’t make out any individual words, but he could faintly hear Damian speaking in Arabic. He caught an exasperated exclamation of “Mother”, followed by slightly tinny laughter from Talia over the phone, but it was much more performative than genuinely distressed, so he decided to leave them to it."
I was finally reading Comfort Food and this paragraph grabbed me by the throat!!! Like adult Damian calling him mom just to cook for his baby brother and they're having a fun/pleasant time?? I NEED the DVD commentary
Biggest Brother Damian does all sorts of little nice and helpful things for his siblings but if you make a big deal about it and call it out he gets real awkward. XD He's like a brownie, he can only do nice things if no one's calling attention to it. (That's mostly a joke, but a little bit true that he's a lot better at actions than words. He is, in some ways, his father's son and not so great at the whole "using your words to express affection" thing, so he just does stuff for them instead. Like making soup! Because feeding people is a great way to show you care without actually having to talk about it much! See also: Damian throwing a granola bar directly at Tim's face when he's been on the computer too long without a break, because they get along better now but they don't get along that well.)
I was thinking about the fact that Dick's life has been totally upended, and how beyond losing his parents he's also lost a whole slew of other things that were familiar and comforting, and then thinking about parallels there with Damian having to adjust to living in Gotham/with Bruce (compared to Tim and Jason who were at least from Gotham already; Cass has her own complicated relationship with her childhood vs her time with Bruce that's kind of a different thing than just a change in culture). And that led to thinking about food, specifically, in that context and here we are!
And the great thing about doing an AU is that you get to choose if/how you want to incorporate canon and in my case I am BLATANTLY IGNORING all of the "Talia is a horrible, abusive parent" canon and letting her actually be a good mom, dammit. (At least within the bounds of her being a somewhat morally ambiguous comic book character. Good parenting is kind of a sliding scale in the DC verse, and particularly in the Bat verse.) She's not a perfect parent, but neither is Bruce (and they share some of the same parenting flaws! Like extremely high expectations for themselves and everyone around them, or weird ideas about what knowledge and training is and isn't appropriate for a child to take part in, or having very strong opinions on What's Best For Damian that don't necessarily align with each other OR with Damian himself and have definitely never been a three-way point of contention at any point during his childhood).
There's been some rough patches over the years, but by this point Damian is on mostly good terms with both of his parents, and while he mostly lived in Gotham growing up (after the point where he actually met Bruce, obviously) he did also split his time visiting Talia in various parts of the world for various lengths of time, depending on what exactly she was up to. (Yes, as he has acquired more and more younger siblings he has started bringing gifts back for them. He says it's because they won't shut up and leave him alone if he doesn't, but you know. Literally no one believes that.)
His phone call to Talia here definitely consisted of equal parts helpful instruction in what to do and deeply unhelpful commentary on the state of Bruce's pantry and what he does and doesn't keep stocked. Or honestly probably a lot more of her dragging Bruce and less actual help. Damian definitely just asked her to text him a recipe and instead she was like "Nope, phone call" and he only complained like twice about how a text would've been easier when she spent like five minutes explaining what not to use instead of actually offering a suitable substitution.
(This story also sent me down a rabbit hole trying to research what type of food different parts of the world consider "sick people food", a la chicken noodle soup in the US, and mostly consisted of me being frustrated that the first page of results was almost entirely the same list of a dozen things repackaged by different sites, and then it devolved into articles with titles about "what country's food will make you sick?" Super helpful, internet, thanks. I did find a big reddit thread that was somewhat helpful, once I skimmed past all the answers that weren't really an answer or didn't bother to say where they were talking about. And it's funny because it was a very minor detail that got glossed over anyway due to the POV involved. Whoops. But I have several recipes I want to make now?)
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tta episode 12
“Last time, on Total Takes Action: the four final players competed in an all-out western challenge… an all-outback western, that is! From kangaroo wrangling to outback cow herding to giant, man-eating spiders, this was the real-ish deal! Scruffy overcompensated for their failing love life, but it was Peter who saved the day, and a sick Scary who took the fall. Who will survive this episode? And who will be eaten? Find out now, on Total! Takes! Action!”
The final three stand in a line outside the craft services tent while Chris sits in a director’s chair in front of them, his legs crossed and his eyes studying them intently. 
It’s been some time now, as evident by the beads of sweat on O’s forehead and the twitchy movements Peter keeps making out of nervousness. Finally, the host clears his throat. 
“So, I’m sure you’re all wondering why you’re out here,”
“Yes!” All three say in unison. Chris chuckles. 
“Today is the penultimate challenge- three players enter, two players leave! And you dudes have a lot riding on this- one million dollars is nothing to brush off,”
“I don’t care about the money!” Scruffy pipes up. They look exhausted.
Chris rolls his eyes. “Much like yesterday, today’s challenge is inspired by another popular subgenre of western- the science fiction kind!”
“Running out of ideas?��� O asks, crossing his arms. Chris glares and pulls out a futuristic looking taser gun, then stuns him. He falls to the ground with a thud. Peter and Scruffy stare. 
“That’s better. Anyway, today is going to be an all-out… LASER TAG EXTRAVAGANZA! That’s right, it’s every man and Scruffy for themselves on a souped-up race to the finish line. The first two players to reach that line secure themselves a spot in the finale- the last will go home. Across the set, there are various… um, roadblocks that will stop at nothing to tag you out with one of these babies,” Chris says, pulling a few large laser guns out of nowhere. He tosses one to each contestant- a neon green one for Scruffy, a white one for Peter, and an orange one that lands on the ground next to O. “Not to mention your fellow campers- if you get tagged out, you’ll be sent to our brand new…. Cactus Pit! For about fifteen minutes.”
“Cactus pit?!” Peter asks. 
“Yeah, we couldn’t think of another way to incorporate the western theme without importing more sand,” Chris chuckles. “Go meet Chef in the craft services tent to get geared up and meet me back out here in five!”
Scruffy straps a large, futuristic-looking chrome vest to their chest and slides on knee and elbow guards while Peter watches on from afar. O is just now recovering from the stun gun, though his legs are still partially frozen as he slides on the metallic shorts provided with the outfit. 
“You feelin’ alright, little guy?” O asks, fastening the vest buckles. “Need any help today?”
Peter turns back. “No, I’ll be okay. If I can survive a heart-to-heart with Scary, I can survive anything, right?” he chuckles to himself. “Thanks for the offer, though. Good luck!”
Peter jogs outside, leaving a slightly despondent O behind. 
O: “Well, I guess I’m not needed anymore. Good-bye, friendship!”
Scruffy whistles the show theme song under their breath while bouncing their gun in their hands. They seem… oddly relaxed. Confident, even. 
SCRUFFY: “I’ve been training for this all season- an obstacle course? Every man for himself? Dangerous threats along the way?! This is perfect- finally, a chance to prove myself,” they put on their safety goggles and then blow a kiss at the screen. “Wish me luck, Jules!”
Chris paces back and forth in front of the geared-up contestants, snacking on a Slim Jim very loudly and reading the paper. He turns. “Oh, right. We’re still doing this. Okay, gang, you ready?”
The campers look between each other, then nod. 
Chris pops in a pair of earbuds, then pulls out an air horn and blows it, forcing the final three to duck and cover their ears before they can actually start moving. 
Peter starts off first, jogging towards the city set as a heavy fog rolls in, misting the set and making everything but the fluorescent lights of the other players impossible to see. 
O follows Peter, looking around before colliding face-first into a brick wall. “Yeowch!”
A nearby clicking sound and a shower of white light greets O on his left side, and Peter emerges from the fog, holding up his gun. “Who goes there?”
“Woah, truce, truce!” O sets down his own weapon and puts up his hands. “I wanted to talk.”
The much shorter player lowers his gun and blinks. “About what?”
“I think we should stay in an alliance,” he says. His own orange getup casts a warm glow in the fog. “Scruffy has a super unfair advantage over both of us, and if we stick together, we might be able to make it to the final two! Wouldn’t you wanna be in the final two with me?”
Peter thinks for a moment. “Huh… yeah, I guess that’d be fun. Friends in the final two…”
“Right! Friends!”
He smiles and holds out a hand, which O gladly accepts. “Truce,”
“Truce!” O shakes it confidently. 
Scruffy stalks through the fog on the forested set, the fake trees casting a dark glow over them. They’re crouching, close to the ground, crawling between plastic ferns and foam rocks, somersaulting into hollow logs and watching the entire scene with suspicious eyes. Their tactic is clearly trained to perfection, so when a shadowy figure dashes behind them in the background, they’re already prepared. 
Scruffy whips around and fires his laser gun, and a cartoony “pew” sound effect lights up someone’s vest red. 
Chef sighs and walks out of the shadows, dressed as a StormTrooper in a laser tag vest. He grumbles. “This wasn’t in my contract,” and he walks off. Scruffy pumps their fist. 
O and Peter walk casually down the middle of the road on the western set, aiming at random cacti and tumbleweeds to practice shooting. 
O holds up his gun and fires at a moving cardboard road runner, the red laser dot directly on its side. It, of course, does nothing but light up the set piece for a brief moment. But Peter is impressed nonetheless. 
“Wow, you’ve got a good shot,” he says. 
O lowers the gun. “Thanks. Michela taught me how to aim,”
“Were you guys close? While she was here, I mean,”
“Uh, kinda. I thought so. But then Max came back and she didn’t need me around anymore, I served my purpose,”
Peter raises an eyebrow. “What does that mean?”
“Well, you know. I did my job! And she got better, so she moved on, right?” O says, aiming the gun at a saloon sign. “That’s how this stuff works.”
“Friendships? I don’t think so,” Peter says. “They’re not… transactional. I mean, they can be, but like me and Scary- I would consider us friends now,” he pauses. “Don’t tell her I said that, though.”
“You and Scary? What could you have to offer her?”
“My time, my care. My patience. And she helped me out too, in return, and even though she’s gone, we’re still friends-ish. Same with Al,” Peter continues. “Friendships shouldn’t end after you give them something. I had to learn that the hard way. I’m sure if you talked to Michela, she would still call herself your friend.”
“Huh,” O thinks. “Weird.”
A sudden rustling behind them makes both jump and aim their guns. But it’s only a squirrel, skittering across the set with a nut between its teeth. 
Peter turns to O again. “You don’t have to ally yourself with me because you think I’ll only want to if you’re useful. We can be ally-friends, too!”
O smiles and nods before a sudden whirring overhead catches both their attention. 
“Did you hear that?”
A fleet of flying saucers appears in the distance, laser beams gearing up as they approach the two. Peter and O look at each other, then scream and run in opposite directions. 
Scruffy hears the distant sound of screaming and pays it no mind. They chuckle to themselves. “Amateurs,” and press on, past the haunted mansion set, past the courtroom…
They re-enter a thickly wooded part of the set and scratch their head. “I was just here,” they think aloud. “I have not been walking in circles! My tracking skills are flawless!”
A sudden rustling in the foliage catches their attention and they aim their gun, but only Peter falls out of the bush. He groans and rubs his head. 
Scruffy grins and clicks his gun, ready to fire. 
“W-wait!” Peter begs. “Don’t!”
“Why not?”
“Cause… I know the way to the finish line!”
Scruffy lowers their gun for a moment and thinks. Then, they sigh, and put away their weapon, pulling Peter to his feet. “Fine. But as soon as we’re there, I’m shooting you,”
“Sounds good to me!”
O tiptoes through the maze, completely lost in its long halls. The sounds of distant barking are making him more nervous with each passing second. 
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” he mumbles to himself. “Get a hold on yourself, Oliver. Breathe. Count to ten.”
He takes one deep breath, then another, before the barking picks up again and he loses count. “Dammit! Why isn’t this working?!”
The barking grows closer and he shakily holds up his weapon, backing himself into a corner. Before he has time to prepare himself, two coyotes jump out of the darkness. 
“Coyotes!” he shrieks. A red light emanates from something attached to their backs. “With guns!”
He screams as they fire at him, tagging him out. His vest glows red and he shrieks again as a trapdoor opens from under him, pulling him into the darkness. 
“That sounds like O,” Peter says, those distant shrieks echoing again. “We were supposed to be allies today… I should go help him-”
He starts off, but Scruffy grabs him by the back of his shirt and turns him forward. “Not so fast. If you run, I’ll shoot the sensor on your back. Think smarter,”
Peter grumbles to himself but they press on, eventually exiting the forest and re-entering the walk between the mansion and courthouse. 
“So, where is this magical finish line, anyway?” Scruffy asks. “If you and O were allied, he must know too, right? He could be there this very second.”
“He wouldn’t. He would wait for me. We’re friends,”
Scruffy laughs. “There are no ‘friends’ on Total Drama. Only allies, and alliances are thin. Breakable,” a serious expression crosses their face. “The second they sense weakness, they leave.”
Peter watches their expression cautiously. “Do you want to talk about something?”
“No. I’m fine,” they insist, speeding up. 
Chris watches O balance on one set of tippy toes and flail his arms around to avoid falling on any cacti in the glass holding cell he’d been chuted into. 
“Man, this is great,” Chris sighs, crossing his arms. After a few more seconds of amusing himself, he turns with an annoyed expression. “Where are my salmon and goat cheese crackers?!”
Chef walks up to Chris with a covered dish. 
“Finally! I swear, these interns are so busy on their phones they can’t even bother to wait on me hand-and-foot!” the host rolls his eyes, then holds out a hand to the plate. "Gimme gimme."
Chef smacks it away and pulls the lid off the dish, revealing nothing but a black landline. Chris sighs. “It’s not my job to answer phones around here,”
“You’re really gonna want to answer this one,” Chef says, his voice completely deadpan. 
Chris grumbles angrily to himself and picks up the phone. “Yello?” He takes a swig from a coffee-filled Thermos. 
A voice on the other end says something indistinct and Chris spits out a mouthful of piping hot coffee, just barely missing Chef. 
“And then she just- started dating him, I guess. Like I don’t even exist!” Scruffy throws out their arms for emphasis as the two pass the trailers. “Not a word to me!”
“Do you think she didn’t think you’d find out?”
“No, of course not. Jules knows that I’m a capable player, I hear about everything worth knowing. And this was definitely worth knowing. Why didn’t she tell me?” they pout. “She could’ve sent a letter!”
“Maybe she wants to tell you in person?” Peter asks nervously, watching Scruffy flail around their gun with every word. 
“No, she wouldn’t. The only logical explanation I can come up with is that… well… it’s more beneficial for her to be with him than stay friends with me,” Scruffy sighs. 
Peter furrows his brow. “There’s that talk again! What’s wrong with you people!” he says. “Relationships aren’t about what you can give, they’re about who you are. If Julia really cares about you, then what someone else can offer her shouldn’t matter.”
“But it obviously does,” they sigh. 
“It could be a million things,” he pats their shoulder. “Trust me, I’ve done my fair share of overthinking. I’ve been in so many transactional friendships, witnessed so many petty breakups, and I refuse to believe that that’s what’s happening. You shouldn’t have to prove yourself to anyone.”
“I know, but… I mean, she likes that I’m a good competitor. If I win, maybe…”
Peter sighs. “Do you really think staying in the competition will help?”
“It would help with a lot, really,”
Scruffy looks down and Peter sighs, pulling the picture of his girlfriend from his pocket. “I guess I understand. We have to do hard things for love, too,”
Just as they round the corner of the trailers, a click sounds from behind them and they both turn, then freeze in place. 
O, covered in cactus spikes, aims his gun right at Scruffy’s chest. 
“Game over,” he says, his forefinger pressing on the trigger. 
“No!” Peter shouts- but it’s too late. 
O pulls the trigger, and the mist rolls over set once again. A “pew” sound, and the “schwoop” of a hit target rings out. 
But as the fog clears, Scruffy is still green, and the red glow of a hit soldier is coming from the ground. 
Peter, his girlfriend’s picture clutched in his hand, lies. O gasps, then drops to his knees. “NOOOOOOOO!”
Scruffy holds up their gun, aiming at O as he grieves, but then shakes their head and simply flees into the brush. 
O holds Peter’s head in his lap and pants. The former’s glasses are cracked, and there’s a spider crawling over his cheek (which O quickly sweeps off). 
“Peter, I’m so sorry, my aim- I thought my aim was perfect-”
“It is. I jumped. I had to let Scruffy get away,” Peter says. “They have to win. I don't… My life is already pretty sweet. I don’t need the money.”
“You sacrificed yourself… for them?” he makes a disgusted face.
“They need this. I’m already pretty set,” he holds up the picture of his girlfriend. “I could’ve won, but I chose not to. Because some things in life are more important than transactions.”
A chute opens up beneath Peter and sucks him in, sending him to the cactus pit. O hangs his head. 
The opening in the grass closes over and O takes a moment to breathe before he stands, now more determined than ever, and begins running. 
Chris’ director’s chair is empty as Peter falls into the glass cactus tank at the end of the set, the finish line mere meters away. 
Scruffy comes barreling in first, crossing the checkers and panting. 
“Yes- yes! Final two!” they turn. “Chris?”
The set is empty. Chris and Chef are nowhere to be found. Panic crosses Scruffy’s face. “CHRIS?! I NEED SOMEONE TO VALIDATE MY WINNING!”
Peter taps on the glass of the container and winces as he’s poked. “I’m here,”
Scruffy turns. “Oh,”
O comes jogging after, crossing the finish line. He collapses to the floor shortly afterwards, his gun skidding across the pavement. 
The intercom crackles to life. “Woo okay, final two. Scruffy and O,” then disappears. 
“What’s he up to?” Scruffy wonders aloud, O and Peter both making pained groans in the background. 
Peter disappears in the Lame-o-Sine, both Scruffy and O waving as the black car disappears into the city. 
“Good guy,” Scruffy comments. 
O glares. “The best,”
The two walk back to the trailers, avoiding looking at each other until they’re at each individual door. Scruffy pauses, their hand on the doorknob. “What do you think Chris is doing?”
“Something bad and mean, probably,”
“No, I mean… he didn’t even show up for the elimination ceremony, and he loves gloating. Something’s going on,” Scruffy says, rubbing their chin. “Maybe Scary was right…”
O massages his temples. “Good night, Scruffy,”
And without another word, he walks into his trailer and slams the door behind him.
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gensokyogarden · 1 year
I think you all have strong points and if my brain were more together I'd ramble about them in detail but since it's unfocussed I'll ramble quickly.
Amber: You pay very good attention to events. Like, I miss muse birthdays and the like all the time. But anytime someone has something special going on you're sending something in for them.
Ran: Sometimes I can barely keep track of my own headcanons from a month ago but you manage to incorporate details from years of portraying your muses into how you write. Also you have a lot of interesting ideas that gives you unique takes on characters. For example I think your Sanae stands out in several ways. Plus you do full story arcs for your characters and that's real cool.
Anne-mun: You are literally so detailed in your lore and when you write longer replies you're similarly detailed in what you write. You're also very dedicated to projects like your smut-spam. You're also better than me at boardgames. Based on just about every one we played together.
Ruler: I called Frozenfairy the funniest but you're also incredibly funny. You're also the only person I know that only writes a single muse and I think that's allowed you to really make your portrayal of Seiga iconic. To the point that I kind of just think of your Seiga when I think of the canon character.
Sethy: You write muses from very different fandoms, and multiple versions of the same character, very well. Your muses always come across as sweet and charming, which makes you very fun to write with.
Nep: I only just met Nep tbh so I'm limited in what I can say, but I think that they lend a lot of life to their muses in the way they write them. In particular I think they've got a really great dynamic any time they write with Ran.
Aurora: First off your pfp is sooooo cute, I don't think I ever said that. On top of that you've got a lot of enthusiasm. Maybe that's a strange way to put it but you're always happy to share things about your muses and to put it into what you write about them. You're also the only person I've ever seen make danmaku for their characters and that's really cool.
Vel: You're able to take a, in my opinion, quite obscure character (Lily Black) and make her fun and interesting. I also think that Mugi and Maki are real fun oc ideas. Expanding on the rabbits that serve under Eirin is super rad. Also, you always have fun ideas about little mini event things. I quite enjoyed the little lottery box thing you did not long ago.
Argo: This isn't a roleplay strongpoint but you're always there to check in on my health and things. I really appreciate that. As a strongpoint of roleplay, I think you adapt to stuff really well.
Kay: I think Kay's most unique strongpoint is her confidence. Kay radiates bad bitch energy and I highly respect it. Beyond that I don't think I need to say much but you've been a real good friend to me.
Noka: Noka you write even more muses than I do and I think anytime you write a muse you make them interesting. I am always excited to roleplay with your muses and I think we need to have them go on more cute adventures.
Soup: You're incredibly funny and also a master of non-sequiturs. Also you give attention to some real unrepresented characters and that makes me happy. Also the music that you make is really cool and I'm always excited when you share it.
Sats: Of course Sats is a really great writer but I think her real strong point is her great knowledge about folklore and how she incorporates that into her muses. The level of detail on some of her muses, notably Parsee, is genuinely so astounding to me.
Sarience: You're always there to make fun in character comments on the little things. Also you give attention to some characters who don't have much of a presence in the rpc like Hecatia. But also you're very good at writing Neka as just a sweet little bud to everyone in Gensokyo. I really like Neka.
Zane: I think your strong point is being dedicated to staying true to your muse's emotions and exploring how they should be feeling. Like when Eri left and you had a full arc of Nyalter working through her emotions. I greatly enjoyed that.
Swigg: You have ideas that go against the standard grain of fandom perceptions and I really like them. For example, your Nazrin is my favorite Nazrin. I also think you've done a great job of both breathing life into technically canon characters (Chang'e) and creating really lovable ocs (Hana).
Kyo: I do not write with Kyo enough but Kyo makes all their muses fun. I particularly love Kyo's take on Marisa. Generally though I'd say your strong point is the energy that you bring to your muses.
Momi: you haven't really been around in the rpc lately, which I understand (miss you though), but just in case ya ever see this I don't wanna leave you out. I think your someone else whose strong point is the level of detail you put into your muses. Like the thought you have on your muse lore is astounding and I aspire to do that some day.
Xana: Xana is a sweetheart. I think her strong point is the humor that she brings to her writing. Also she gives Mima rep and that's a super plus in my mind.
Cobalt: Is someone else that I think has their sense of humor as their strongpoint. Also am I able to say that the way they write Chen is a strong point in general? Like I absolutely adore how Cobalt writes Chen and gets excited any time they're on my dash.
I have no idea what to call Letsspringintoaction and I've been too embarassed to ask but they genuinely feel like the heart of the fandom in my mind. Always showcasing different fanworks on their blog.
Now none of y'all say you don't have strong points or I will go fucking feral.
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hearthandheathenry · 6 months
Hmm, it's not really a big thing, but I think I like writing, but my language is not really advanced, but I have good ideas… I like solving psychological problems and solving puzzles, even though I'm not that good… I like singing… I like cooking sometimes… not a lot, but I think These hobbies have nothing to do with the major I may pursue at university.
These are all great things you can incorporate into helping people or making a difference!
With writing, you can idea-pitch, write inspiring stories, or write articles or blogs about bringing attention to something or a cause. Maybe you want to spread awareness about something or educate others. Take my blog posts about cost-savings with groceries for example, I had an issue with how to save money while eating healthy and I researched and shared my findings to try to help others. Or maybe you just want to write fun novels that others may find comfort in while connecting to your story or characters. Maybe you like poetry and you'll move people with your words and express things they cannot.
Singing is also wonderful! Maybe you can create your own music or collaborate with other artists. There's many who have inspiring works where they can express deep emotions or other things while singing and songwriting.
Perhaps your love of cooking will blossom and you'll learn ways to help people via food. Maybe it'll be meal-planning for the elderly, working in a soup kitchen, or simply finding ways to feed your loved ones. Like because of my continued learning with cooking and my grocery savings, Ive started bringing food to my elderly aunt while she was recovering from back surgery. It helped her tremendously and I felt good that she could eat well and healthy while recovering.
Maybe instead of focusing on the job your major will bring you, focus on the skills you're learning at university. I learned a lot of psychology, nursing, science, and writing while I was at school, I learned how to collaborate with others and manage projects. Those are all skills I use in my career and everyday life, even though I don't have an official degree. So check out those skills your learning and honing to help think of more possible future routes, rather than trying to narrow it down to one specific job/career. Like I know my skillset and what im interested in falls in the customer service industry mixed with animals. So jobs that fill those two roles tend to be enjoyable to me and it leaves the door open to new opportunities and roles I wouldn't have thought to go to. Whats meant to be will always find a way, and things that are meant to be will happen so coincidentally that its funny. You'll literally look back and laugh at how things worked out. We never know where we're at in our journey, but we always end up finding our way in the end. Thats why hindsight is 2020 and why people continually progress even if they felt like they havent. The universe is always working to align you with where youre meant to be at any given time. So just do your best to steer your journey day by day by making small choices that feel right to you in the moment. Learn to trust your intuition and instincts.
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prussiacide · 2 years
nations who are good cooks
ok, i got a lot of ideas about this one too
romano: starting with the obvious. when he was living in america and working for alfred (seems like the interwar period?) he cooked for him along with being essentially a personal maid. and ofc its only natural that the representative of southern italy would be an amazing cook. in my human aus, i usually have romano either starting a restaurant or working as a chef, and in nation aus, i would imagine food is one of the areas he is never lazy in. if romano was at one point the representative of naples, than pizza would be a specialty of his (and he would have some STRONG feelings on all the different incarnations of pizza in america and arounf the world), along with pasta with seafood in it and dishes with salami. overall romano is def one of the best cooks out of all characters
antonio: ok, basically if spamano had kids their children would be blessed with amazing food no matter which parents cooking. antonio’s favorite part of cooking is watching others enjoy it. he loves having big dinners with his friends, like romano, ned, bel, francis, gilbert, and watching their reactions, seeing just how much they enjoy it. he’s kinda like when ur grandma coaxes u eat more even when ur full. and of course, olive oil is used heavily, perhaps even excessively, in all of his recipes. whenever romano asks him for a recipe for one of his dishes, antonio always refuses to give up the ‘secret ingredient,’ and everytime romano accurately guesses it’s (surprise!) olive oil
francis: i mean, he’s in the gastronomy or gastronomics or whatever they call it club in the hetalia academy episodes. and french cuisine is some of the most famous and delicious in the world. im not talking about the stupid little five-bite-and-ur-done french dishes they have at fancy restaurants, no, when francis cooks, it’s hearty, delicious, and filling. he’s especially skilled at making soups (even arthur cant deny that his french onion soup is absolutely amazing), quiches, and ratatouille, lots of so-called peasant dishes that will leave you full for hours and will make u feel warm and satisfied
sadik: yet another member of the gastronomy club in the hetalia academy episodes, sadik cooks very frequently in his free time (he’s another character who i often make a chef in my human aus). turkish cuisine, much like turkish culture, is influenced by a variety of different sources, like european, middle eastern, and asian, so i imagine that sadik is adept at cooking foods of different cultures around the world, and likes to incorporate flavors he considers ‘exotic’ into his dishes
yao: yao is shown to immediately want to care for people around him who are sick (such as immediately running to care for kiku when he has a cold) and i imagine him cooking for others is a big part of that natural instinct to care for those around him. now, im unfortunately only familiar with westernized chinese cuisine (which i hc that bc of yao’s appreciation of china towns and chinese diaspora around the world he would still enjoy westernized chinese food), so i cant really comment on specific authentic dishes, but think of warm soups and light snacks. those are his specialities. 
tolys: i imagine that in soviet times, ivan had tolys doing a million things at once, including being a personal assisstant/secretary, cleaning the house, and cooking. i dont think tolys would love cooking or consider it a hobby, rather something that needs to be done bc people need to eat, but after years of cooking for the other bloc nations, he’s grown pretty good at making a variety of eastern european dishes, like russian pelmeni, polish pierogi, lithuanian beet soup, or ukrainian borscht, whatever ingredients he could get his hands on and whatever he could do to make the other bloc nations feel at home
gilbert: i only include gilbert bc i feel like although he wouldn’t be an amazing cook, he would be adept at throwing together an edible meal from found ingredients and anything he can get his hands on. the mans been a warrior/soldier his whole life, armys are not generally famous for their cuisine, so i bet over the centuries he’s become good at improving meals with found ingredients. he could make a decent meal out of some shit he found in the wilderness. i also bet hes amazing at making one specific dish—not sure what it is yet, still have to pick one — but just one specific food he can make on special occasions and everyone is blown away that ‘wow! gilbert can cook?’
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anony-mouse-writer · 2 years
Down With The King!
I will be watching everyone’s povs for this cuz why not. spoilers for the king’s vault on hermitcraft season 9
- the king issued a challenge to the server. if they managed to beat his impossible vault, he would return the diamonds and resign as king. if they failed, he would be king of the server forever more
- ren: welcome to the vault!
everyone else: booo
ren + co, who have spent a week doing massive grind making this vault: wow such enthusiasm
everyone else: woo
- everyone takes off all their gear. this does mean dwarfpulse is beardless the whole time, which is cursed
- the knights of the square table all watch from little tinted glass tunnels the whole time its fantastic
room one was cub’s parkour and a mob fight. everyone fails the double slime jump
- jevin (dare sticked to be useless) pulls a midnight black cats but the hoglins were all weirdly passive so its fine
- a brief aside with bdubs versus about half the server in pvp
- after bdubs was skain, joe, in chat is all ‘oh no, cleo we better prepare for trouble’ and im so so sad no one made a team rocket joke back
room two was cleo’s explosive game of red light green light.
- doc and etho just fucking cheat at the end and no one stops them
- cleo threw a lever just for fun and jevin got in a huff ‘fine you wanna cheat? we can cheat!’ and then immediately dies and ends up at fucking spawn
- redstone door fails and joe manually has to set it off. this feels right somehow.
- another aside with a worse-for-wear bdubs vs half the server pvp part 2. he’s got a black eye and a missing tooth
room three is scar’s pay to win parkour
- grian, having 3rd life flashbacks: scar put your shirt on
- for a bunch of people bitching sbout being broke they sure are quick to pay to win loll
room four grian: ready for top ten anime betrayals?
- everyone choosing to just skip grian’s room while he tries to convince them that its a bad idea by explaining his fae-ass logic
- grian is so sad that no one trusts him
- everyone goes to fight the king and gets fucking wrecked in a kill box, its incredible
- grian got like half the room out on the first two questions lolll
- ‘if its not lit up, its not scar safe’
- grian: ren had no supervision over my loot table >:)
the final fight was against the knights of the round table in increasingly powerful armor lol
- my first thought was cub was in netherite, but no it was enchanted leather lol. i wonder if it was as good as zed’s
- joe didnt even know he was gonna fight loll
- bdubs was in full diamond fighting a small army in full diamond and this ended exactly as well as you’d expect
- rip doc monster who i think was the only one to actually die in the one on one fights
- bdubs’s vault is may have had a puzzle, but everyone just flipped levers until it opened
results: the diamonds are missing. i saw someone say mumbo stole them and yeah. ill incorporate that into my world view.
- they reskinned snowballs into tomatoes to throw at ren in his cage and im cackling
- everyone: booo hiss
ren: :(
everyone: uhh. sorry
- team effort to take down the afk banner my beloved
- grian asks to take the crastle loll
- i was wondering where all the cursed ren heads came from and apparently joe killed him a bunch (source: gem 19)
- soup group’s training montage my beloved. impulse’s mcc audition tape?
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moth--knight · 1 year
for the ask games :) — 14, 17, 20 + 💫🎀
AHHHH HI!!! :3 sorry I need to say at the top I fucking love your wild geese fics so bad. working on leaving a comment soon but. oh my god. SO GOOD.
anyway. thank you for this ask!!! putting da answers below the cut because I ramble uhhhh a lot. sorry.
14. Post a line of dialogue from one of your WIPs without context.
 "She doesn’t know if she can face the mortification of going back to the optical store for a third time in less than two months."
17. Describe a fic that is still in the 'ideas’ stage.
I have. Too many of these. I'll talk about two though!
I am writing a sequel to sunday best thanks to some gentle encouragement (/pos) that involves Melissa and Barbara making out in a confessional and cookies. The pieces are there but I am still slotting them together.
I also REALLY want to write a fucked up BayoJeanne thing where Bayonetta gets a hold of both Eyes of the World, becomes her own god, and traps Jeanne in a time loop of sorts so she never stays dead. Very angsty, psychological horrors elements.....it is coming together in the soup of my brain slowly but surely.
20. Do you have a favorite fanfic or author? If so, tag them/post a link and share the love!
I already shouted you out hehe, you are on my list for fave barlissa authors right now !!!!!!!! everyone go read wild geese !!!!!!!!
god but also mississippiwriterinjackson, whose connected fics five times and passing notes have driven me to insanity. fucking hell. The romance of it all couched in the mundane and domestic. I am biting my hand clawing at the walls etc etc.
I feel like I talk about my favorite Bayonetta authors all the damn time, probably bc I am friends/good oomfs with all of them lmao (hi XilianX hi Wilmaa hi Dikhotomia hi dubhgloinne hi The_Valaxy), but I am going to shout out Spooky oomf and her fic le chat et sa magicienne because months later and I am still thinking about those french women. goddamn.
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
answered this one but I will say it again: specific feedback on someone's favorite lines/parts of a fic!! tell me what made you feel soft or where the knife got twisted. since I write it and sit with it all for a while, I never know what parts are going to get other people. I am desensitized to my own impact. lmao.
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
*strained smile* uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I think I am good at incorporating small character building/world building details in a way that enhances a story without terribly derailing focus. maybe.
AND my work is always gay as fuck which I think is great. lesbian brainrot is alive and well for any and all moth_knight fics. amen.
THANK YOU AGAIN FOR THE ASKS!!!! hope they were interesting o7
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stormyoceans · 2 years
[VICE VERSA episode 7 parts 1&2]
Oh my god Puen’s arm is so dead
Wait, what do Up and Aou think their relationship to Joob is?
“Hello, beautiful” Pang: *leaves*
I’ve completely fallen in love with the intro at this point
I imagine making a comedy is super-hard, it’s not just about the writing but timing and delivery as well
I see you Puen being the one to suggest a romance
“Our script should be more mellow with a girl on our team” I have no idea what any of that means
“I’m afraid you’d die” I think you should be ten times more afraid for yourself Talay
“Hasn’t it occurred to you that I’m your portkey?” yes, all the way back in episode 2
They should definitely be hearing what the other party is saying at this distance
Thankfully it didn’t occur to Talay that Puen might be dead
“Your scent smells nice” It’s true, Puen is an actual cat
Talay: *takes off the shirt* /much/ better
“I won’t let you go back alone” Puen’s heart launches itself into the wall
“I’m paying” Fuck your wallet Tess, you’re rich anyway
This reminds me it’s been a while and I wanna go see a movie in theaters too, fuck streaming services
Talay learn to lock the door for god’s sake
Now Talay has no one to share his popcorn with :c
Omg the show even pointed it out adjfkdl
This looks like such a comfy cinema, holy shit
“Who did anything to you?” me with people I hold dear (you included <3)
As much as I appreciate that Talay can talk to Tess’s brother, friends can be just as important if not more important as romantic interests, dickhead
Oh my god these two are such wrecks without each other
“One sec my ass, I’ve been waiting half an hour” Me and my autistic ass
LEARN TO LOCK TH–ugh fuck it
Btw you won’t hear me complain about the product placement because I was taught Thai BLs need it to even exist
Puen that pu(e)n was terrible why would you do this
Omg Puen is being so open and honest, good
What if he called him “kitten” in be–
I’d like Tess’s dad to cry but not for the same reason
Wait, what do Up and Aou think their relationship to Joob is? <<<<< the only time up and aou saw joob was when she and dol went to their movie premiere, so i think they just assumed she was one of tess and tun's friends
“Hello, beautiful” Pang: *leaves* <<<<< POOR PANG HAS TO DEAL WITH SO MUCH
I’ve completely fallen in love with the intro at this point <<<<< JUST ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU
I imagine making a comedy is super-hard, it’s not just about the writing but timing and delivery as well <<<<< AGREED as a general rule i think making people laugh is way harder than making people cry, and when it comes to comedy there's also a very fine line between being funny and being absurd. the risk of overdoing it is always very high
“Our script should be more mellow with a girl on our team” I have no idea what any of that means <<<<< not sure what they meant with that either but i choose to interpret this as talay saying 'diversity is important and we should try to incorporate a different point of view in our story'
“Hasn’t it occurred to you that I’m your portkey?” yes, all the way back in episode 2 <<<<< I KNOW I ALREADY SAID THIS MULTIPLE TIMES BUT THE WAY THEIR ATTITUDE ON THIS COMPLETELY CHANGED IN THE SPAN OF A FEW EPISODES MAKES ME CRAZY. it's also SUCH GOOD ANGST because on one hand they (and we as viewers too) don't really know how portkeys work at this point, so it's impossible to say who is right between them, and on the other you have talay taking the fact that they aren't already back in their universe as proof that they aren't portkeys and so that they aren't meant to be, while puen is taking talay pushing him towards someone else as a rejection (more on this in the next post when the almost kiss happens if i ever get there alive)
WHAT IS THAT RANDOM-ASS BUST <<<<< truly a questionable choice in home decor sfjksgdj though now im wondering if it has some particular meaning because the show often does this (for example in episode 3 they actually show a wooden hand with its pinky out as a sort of foreshadow to the pinky promise puen and talay make at the end of it)
Thankfully it didn’t occur to Talay that Puen might be dead <<<<< VERA PLEASEFJKSGDKSG but also they slept in the same bed so many times i think at this point talay just knows puen sleep in the most ridiculous positions
“I won’t let you go back alone” Puen’s heart launches itself into the wall <<<<< AND MINE IS RIGHT BEHIND IT these two owe me so much monetary compensation for the shit they put me through
“I’m paying” Fuck your wallet Tess, you’re rich anyway <<<<< talay was so real for this because i, too, would just pay everything for my friends if i suddenly got rich
This reminds me it’s been a while and I wanna go see a movie in theaters too, fuck streaming services <<<<< BIG SAME i haven't seen anything in theaters since before covid it's been AGES and im grateful for streaming services to a point but it's just NOT THE SAME
PUEN BAILED??? FUCK <<<<< talay even took the time to dress nicely and search for the perfume puen liked 😭😭😭
Now Talay has no one to share his popcorn with :c // Omg the show even pointed it out adjfkdl <<<<< TWO MEN AND THEIR BAWL OF POPCORN THE ROMANCE OF THE CENTURY (the way im not even joking........)
LEARN TO LOCK THE DOOR <<<<< sfjksgdksg idk if it makes it any better, but back in episode 1 fuse and kita said that tess gave him the passcode to enter his place. i guess talay just never changed it sfjksgdj
“Who did anything to you?” me with people I hold dear (you included <;3) <<<<< VERA YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY YOU ARE SO SWEET 😭😭😭 SAME THOUGH IM READY TO FIGHT EVERYONE FOR YOU
As much as I appreciate that Talay can talk to Tess’s brother, friends can be just as important if not more important as romantic interests, dickhead <<<<< i tend to forgive kita for being like 'if you are so upset then that friend must be more than a friend' because that man has been talay's main support system for the entire show when it comes to his relationship with puen and coming to terms with his own feelings, so i just assume kita KNOWS who talay is talking about
Btw you won’t hear me complain about the product placement because I was taught Thai BLs need it to even exist <<<<< yeah and it's also like.... admittedly vice versa had way more product placements than usual, but it's also probably the reason why a show like the eclipse could be made without having any of them. anyway i still think most of the product placement scenes in vice versa are actually good or at least straight up adorable (nivea bathtub scene in episode 3 you will always be famous to me)
Puen that pu(e)n was terrible why would you do this <<<<< AS AN ITALIAN IM BOTH HORRIFIED AND DELIGHTED BY THAT PUN (AND I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE VERA)
Omg Puen is being so open and honest, good // TALAY STOP TEASING HIM HE’S BEING SINCERE, LOOK AT HIS POOR FACE <<<<< im sorry if im gonna sound rude but the way people were so pressed about puen not telling talay his name when him being so vulnerable and honest about his feelings was the most important thing for talay to begin with. it's not the name that matters to talay but knowing that when puen says "not many people see this side of me. you're one of them" he actually means it (the name thing has always been about puen's character arc, which is learning to accept himself, rather than talay's, which is letting himself love and be loved)
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guiltiest-gear · 2 months
Oooh, for the numbers questions, what about 33 (something you want to learn) and 56 (favourite food(s))?
33. something you want to learn
I want to learn how to make art or something, especially like, in the style of Disco Elysium portraits
I'm gonna like, rant/infodump a bit about the ideas I have in my head but can't produce
I've always wanted to make unconventional self-portraits
Stuff where my face is obscured or censored in some manner, something something loss of identity, you know how it is with trauma
I thought about the inherent divinity of transgenderism, and about the halo Jesus is often depicted with in art, as like a glowing circle around him
Sorta like Kim Kitsuragi's portrait, and his portrait for example
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It's that sorta white glow, using that
I have ideas but I am unfortunately too self-concious and about myself to do it
I'm trying to kill the part of me that cringes to just make bad art but by god is that motherfucker hard to kill
Anyway yeah, I think like also incorporating often a lack of colors, only to be used in very specific circumstances, often leaving it in grayscale and all
I have ideas, and I need to get them out so bad, but it's hard because there are the horrors
56. favourite food(s)
Honestly, that's a really good question
First and foremost, I'm gonna indulge the American answer and say burger because you can never go wrong with burger
Second, soup dumplings, I love having them with just a shit ton of black Chinese vinegar, literally the perfect food
Third, Costco hot dog, you can never go wrong with a costco hot dog plain and simple, it's just that good
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drvitaltips · 6 months
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
Vaydor powered by Infinity VQ engine (Batman Suicide Squad car)
And these guys are up to stuff it is Trump and we get it it is a plan it's trying to come together but this Vader idea is very good they make them for the slingshot and they make them individual and companies started doing their own frames after Time and that's what they did. Shaquille O'Neal has one and of course it's an analogy there. But that's getting premature too we're all pretty late but we're working now here's the deal these cars are going to be big really big and they're going to be planned on and plant on and it takes the Firebird concept away from the Max and hands it to us because we're going to be driving the Vader version it makes the car faster and people soup up the motor and they put the dot exhaust yeah the dot doesn't like it us saying that. Yeah it's probably our wives and we saw how that went today. What a mess is a disaster look like huge assholes in front of everyone but the firemen were countering the police they said and turned into a disaster. But really it takes it away from them and that's what we want to do and what they're saying is they'll have to go after the cars what we say is their hours just like the cars were taking from Dudley and from wildcat mountain in Oregon and we have other places and we get it there's information there and the max still trying to go there and find it and some people went searching and we're going to search it we're going there tomorrow and I'll tell you about how I'm walking and I feel nervous and afraid like the first steps of a baby and I understand it I'm actually going to try and recover instead of just going down like we usually do because this time we're going to go down for the count no matter what we're doing this is an interesting show but this little kid my nephew is saying my motorcycle is going to be in a movie and tons of his stuff is but really we didn't know it either and there it is his bike and that's what Bob Jr was calling it he said this is his for when we ride so now you know what it's meant for and he had something to do with the guy getting hit but he didn't know it the guy was telling our son our friend and really my nephew and the Big Mac bought it he was calling it out too he says someone saying something rude they do it a lot and it's one way to do it but really we have to start doing it a lot in order to do it here and this is going to do it a lot of people are buying the theater kit now really it's just a front end but you can see the rear end on this car looks nice LOL and I'm going to fat ass who says and he does NOT like man ass. So we see it and it's funny to us and we're motivated but really this is great I mean he's really excited that his bike is going to be in a movie and he put the motor in and didn't know what it was from and it was very heavy he says very heavy but he moved it and it says it was like iron and that's what people say about the Harley motors he said that he had to incorporate his arm like into his leg and move it like it was a machine and just one foot step then the other and like propped up I mean he didn't he could barely lift it and Bob said on the table you have him saying he lifted it right up and in and he was surprised but didn't want to mess it up it's right there and smiled and he said good you smiled back and said that's awesome something like that he said just awesome the word and now this is going to go around because that word went around back then and it was awesome if this is a great feeling I now see what he's saying we have to take it on and notice to watch me but that's us
We're going to hell and was sure about it these people are up and they're going to do stuff and we need them to do stuff or our friend he will melt into nothing and others for the projects and we know it
I'm very concentrated and so is bja and I don't need ketopectate but thank you very much Chris we're going to get up there and do the job for Christ's sake this is terrible
Billy h
I'm going up there and trying to take these things so screw you all
Tommy f
Hey pick me up some cranberry juice would you me too Hera says
That's funny he's making the Indian sounds and he gets it that the motorcycle the Harley-Davidson company came from Indian and we're going to try and take that over while we're at it
Cherokee gods and goddesses
We are helping with that and we do understand it's taking time and they don't feel like selling it but our son and daughter have a new model and we want to make a really big chief and they're sitting there doing nothing just like Harley and they'll get the math when they ride around if they're doing nothing and making the frames and all that stuff so pain
Thor Freya
Now we see what it is we're competing before by buying it and trying to make them exclusively for us and now I'm going to compete by trying to buy them all and it makes sense and we probably will start to try and sell Indian
It's a huge bike company I own 20% and they say 30 which is true and they're not making that many and he's got ideas and his ideas worked in the past tons of people started buying them again when he made that fast sleek Indian it's it's really got a great name it's like warrior and it is what it is and it's fun as hell it's fast and sleek and it handles and he like that Big Chief and he and Ken were taking pictures and it said it's yours and Ken was great he said whose is it and he wants the thing to buy it the guy won't sell so that's the way it is but can watch his own not someone else's
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thedisneychef · 1 year
What Recipes Use Heavy Cream? Delicious and Creative Ideas
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Hi there! If you're looking for something delicious to make, heavy cream is a great ingredient to include. It adds flavor and richness to so many dishes, from creamy sauces to decadent desserts. In this article, I'll give you some ideas of what recipes use heavy cream that are sure to please your taste buds. Heavy cream has been used in the kitchen for centuries - it's definitely one of the most popular ingredients out there! Whether you want an easy dinner recipe or something special for dessert, chances are good that adding a little bit of heavy cream will do the trick. Read on to learn more about using this versatile dairy product in all kinds of tasty dishes. Soups And Stews I'm a big fan of soups and stews, especially when I want something warm and comforting on a cold day. Slow-cooking is the only way to go if you're looking for an amazing flavor. With some heavy cream thrown in, your soup or stew will be even better! Adding heavy cream gives any dish a rich and creamy texture. It's also great for thickening up all kinds of recipes, like chowders or bisques. You can use it as a topping too - just drizzle over the top before serving and you'll have folks asking what your secret ingredient is! When life gets busy, nothing beats coming home to a cozy dinner with family and friends. Soups and stews are perfect for those occasions because they require minimal prep time (thanks slow cooking!) but still provide that delicious comfort food feeling we all crave from time to time. Adding heavy cream takes them to the next level - enjoy! Dips And Sauces I love making dips and sauces with heavy cream because it adds an amazing richness of flavors to them. The creaminess of the ingredients helps to create a velvety smooth texture that's infused with aromas I can't get enough of. Whether its garlic, basil, or any other herbs or spices, they all come together perfectly when you use heavy cream in your recipes. One dish I make is a roasted red pepper sauce that turns out so delicious every single time. It starts by roasting some bell peppers and adding them to a blender along with onion, garlic cloves, olive oil, vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper. Then I add a few tablespoons of heavy cream before blending until everything comes together into one creamy consistency. As soon as this sauce is ready it's like no other! With such intense flavors from the peppers combined with sweetness from the sugar - this recipe will have you coming back for more over and over again! Baked Goods When it comes to baking, heavy cream can be used in a variety of recipes. Its high fat content makes it perfect for creating light and fluffy cakes, cupcakes, and other desserts. Biscuits and scones are also popular treats that benefit from the addition of heavy cream. While some recipes call for simply adding the cream to the dry ingredients prior to baking, there are plenty of ways you can get creative with cooking methods and flavor combinations. For example, try replacing part or all of the butter in your favorite cookies recipe with heavy cream. The result will likely be an even softer cookie than usual! You could also whip up some homemade ice-cream or frozen yogurt by combining sweetened heavy cream with various fruits or flavors like chocolate or vanilla extract. For something more savory, use it in place of milk when making mashed potatoes; they'll come out extra creamy and flavorful! No matter how you choose to incorporate heavy cream into your kitchen creations, these rich and indulgent recipes are sure to please everyone's taste buds! Puddings And Custards I'm a sucker for puddings and custards. Not only are they delicious, but you can dress them up with all sorts of flavored creams and cheesy fillings. Whether I'm entertaining guests or just looking for a sweet treat to indulge in during the weekend, these recipes have me covered! Take this classic vanilla pudding recipe as an example: it calls for heavy cream combined with eggs, sugar, and cornstarch until thickened. The result is a creamy and smooth dessert that's made even more delightful when topped off with fresh whipped cream or chocolate shavings. It's simple yet oh-so-satisfying! If you're feeling adventurous, why not give my spin on tiramisu a try? This version uses mascarpone cheese mixed with egg whites instead of the traditional heavy cream mixture. A dash of coffee liqueur gives it an extra kick while cocoa powder keeps it light and fluffy - perfect after dinner indulgence! Ice Creams And Frozen Treats I love making frozen treats at home, especially when I can use heavy cream. With a little bit of creativity and some simple ingredients you can make delicious desserts to enjoy all summer long. Fruit smoothies are one of my favorite recipes that require heavy cream. By blending fresh fruit with ice, sugar and the cream, I have an amazing treat in minutes! It's also easy to get creative by adding different flavors like vanilla or even chocolate for something extra special. For those hot days, nothing beats homemade ice popsicles made with heavy cream. All you need is your choice of juice or puree mixed together with the cream – it's so creamy and delicious! You can try experimenting with different flavors as well as mix-ins like coconut flakes or nuts for added texture. And if you want something healthier, why not try yogurt instead? Whatever way you decide to go, these frozen treats will be sure to delight everyone this summer! Frequently Asked Questions What Is The Shelf Life Of Heavy Cream? When it comes to storage solutions, the shelf life of heavy cream depends on its fat content. Full-fat heavy cream typically lasts between two and three weeks when stored in the refrigerator or up to 12 months if frozen. Low-fat options may last a little longer since they have less fat that can go bad. It’s important to note that while these are guidelines, you should always check for signs of spoilage before using any type of dairy product. What Is The Nutritional Content Of Heavy Cream? If you're curious about the nutritional content of heavy cream, you can rest assured that it's packed with fat and calories. A single tablespoon contains 51 calories and 5.3 grams of fat, so if you're watching your calorie intake or trying to maintain a low-fat diet, try to limit how much heavy cream you use! How Can Heavy Cream Be Substituted For Other Dairy Products? When you need a dairy substitute for heavy cream, there are plenty of options! If you're looking to make creamy sauces, yogurt or sour cream can be substituted in equal parts. For baking, evaporated milk is a great choice that'll still provide your dish with the right texture and flavor. Coconut cream is also an option if you want something vegan-friendly. Whichever one you choose, these substitutes should work as well as heavy cream! How Much Heavy Cream Should Be Used In A Recipe? When it comes to using heavy cream in a recipe, the amount you use will depend on what the outcome should be. If you're looking for a creamy texture, then you'll need more than if you were just substituting it for another dairy product. Generally speaking, when substituting heavy cream for other dairy products like milk or yogurt, start with about half as much and adjust from there depending on your desired consistency. Can Heavy Cream Be Used In Savory Dishes? Yes, heavy cream can be used in savory dishes! Heavy cream is a great way to add an indulgent richness and creamy texture to any dish. It's particularly suited for sauces, as it adds a wonderful thickness that makes the sauce extra luxurious. However, if you're looking for dairy free alternatives or just want to lighten up your meal, there are plenty of other options to make creamy sauces. Try using almond milk or cashew cream instead - they provide a similar velvety texture without all the added fat. Conclusion In conclusion, heavy cream is an incredibly versatile dairy product that can be used in a variety of recipes to add richness and flavor. It has a long shelf life when stored correctly, making it the perfect ingredient for any kitchen. Heavy cream packs a nutritional punch with its high fat content, so it should be enjoyed in moderation as part of a well-rounded diet. When substituting it for other dairy products, keep in mind how much heavier it is and adjust accordingly. Finally, don't limit yourself to just desserts – there are plenty of savory dishes that make delicious use of heavy cream too! With all these benefits, why not try adding some heavy cream into your next recipe? Read the full article
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