#i like the idea of waking up morning and suddenly seeing an entirely new room and a new chair at the table and just. going with it.
merriclo · 2 years
the fact that there’s hurricane family lore. i love it.
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iamnotoriginalphil · 6 months
Roommates? (Melissa Schemmenti x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: You move into Mel's spare room
Words: 3.6k
Warnings: praise kink if you squint, swearing, mentions of alcohol
AN: Written after 3x07.
You groaned as you dropped into your seat in the break room, not hungry for the lunch you’d packed for yourself. Burying your head in your hands, you did your best to try not to think about the email you’d just received. It was hard when your stress was becoming all encompassing after weeks of it.
“What going on with you?”
You groaned again, even when you felt the brush of an arm against yours. The floral scent you’d grown accustomed to over the last few years wafted towards you. Melissa. Your closest friend at the school, and the person you’d been pining after for so long you’d lost any self respect you might have had.
“That place I was going to move into fell through,” you said, “I feel like I’ve seen every spare room in this city and there is no where to live.”
You peeked at her from between your fingers, hating to sound so whiny but knowing that your stress levels had reached breaking point. She was looking at you with a raised eyebrow and an incredulous look. You sighed, sitting up properly under her watchful gaze.
“You know Jacob’s looking for a place too,” Gregory said from the other table.
“I know,” you groaned, “he suggested we look for a place together and I can’t commit to living and working with that man. He once tried to rap at me about the Martin Luther King Jr and I can’t have that in my home.”
“I get that,” Gregory replied, “why are you even looking for a new place to live? Your place is nice.”
“My roommate keeps watching me when I sleep. Sometimes I wake up and she’s standing at the end of my bed just staring at me. It freaks me out.”
“Well hey, I’m thinking of renting out my spare room. Would you be interested, hon?”
You hadn’t expected Melissa to say that.
She gave you one of those small smiles that you’d never seen her give another person. Your heart fluttered and you found your cheeks heating up.
“Really,” she said, “you can pay rent, right?”
“Yeah, of course,” you replied.
“You can move in this weekend,” she said.
Come Saturday, your things were in boxes and bags, and you had a spring in your step. You were humming to yourself as you packed up your car, your entire life filling the seats and the trunk. You took one last look at the building, sighed, then got in your car and drove to the next chapter of your life.
It wasn’t until you were standing in front of the door that the reality of what you were about to do crashed into you. Living with Melissa. Being in her space all the time. Existing in close proximity. She was going to see you first thing in the morning. You were going to see her late at night.
Your crush was going to either get so much worse or dissipate when you saw all of her annoying habits.
The door opened before you could knock, revealing the red head who starred in so many of your dreams. You blinked, rearing back, not having expected her to suddenly appear. Her lips quirked up, hand snapping out to grasp you around the elbow before you could fall backwards.
“Were you planning on knocking or do you wanna live on my front step?” she asked.
“ I was… just about to… can you help with my boxes?” you asked instead, switching tracks without having to explain yourself.
“Sure, hon,” she chuckled, slipping past you.
Watching her lift your heavy boxes set off something primal in you. You followed behind her, your own arms full of your stuff. She led you up the stairs and into her spare bedroom, placing the boxes down on the made up bed.
“Well, here you are. Bed, dresser, the bathroom is down the hall. You can have a a shelf in the fridge. Your key is just there. Let me know if you need anything else,” she said.
“Do you need help with the rest of your stuff?” she asked.
“Only if you want to. I can do it myself. It’s no bother.” You had no idea why you were saying no. You felt flustered. You always felt a bit flustered around her.
“Come on, hon,” she said, giving you an indulgent smile, “the sooner we start the sooner we’ll be done.”
She left you alone after pttling the last of the boxes into your room, leaving you to unpack and settle in. Sorting your clothes into colours helped to ease your thoughts, the mindless work turning your head empty. It calmed you, getting your life in order so you could get your thoughts in order.
It wasn’t going to be so bad living with Melissa. She was being nice to you which was more than Jacob or Janine had been able to say after their cooking lesson with her. Accommodating was the word. She was almost going out of her way to be nice.
And most importantly you could keep your crush to yourself without ruining it all.
That night, she made dinner, offering you some and then curled up on the couch with a glass of wine. You were hesitant about joining her, hovering until she rolled her eyes and tugged you to sit beside her.
But it was easy to fall into a routine with her. Surprisingly easy. So easy that you didn’t even notice until a few weeks in.
Sitting at the table on a Wednesday night, doing the puzzle you’d started over the weekend, you listened to her hum in the kitchen. Something was bubbling on the stove top, the smell mouth watering. You looked up as fingers pushed a piece towards you.
“Thanks,” you said, looking up at her.
She was already smiling at you and you couldn’t help but smile back. It was an instinctual response. You couldn’t help it when it came to Mel.
“You hungry?” she asked.
“Always,” you replied, knowing it was the answer she wanted.
“C’mon then, hon, make some room. Can’t have you starving before you finish that patch of sky,” she said.
“You’re teasing but I saw you get excited when you finished the boat,” you said, clearing your pieces away from one end of the table.
Sitting across from her, the lights soft and warm, there was always something a little romantic to the feeling. Of course, you were sure it was all in your head but you couldn’t help but enjoy it, just a little, more than you should. She would look at you, those twinkling green eyes making you flush, and her smile had butterflies erupting in your stomach.
Still, every night felt like domestic bliss. Coming home with her, in the bubble of her house, the quiet night pressing in on the window, it was the kind of life you hadn’t known you’d been missing.
“You’re a goddess in the kitchen,” you said.
She’d waited for you to try her food, just as she always did before beginning to eat her own meal. Her foot brushed against yours under the table, making you jump. She chuckled, doing it again and you felt your cheeks heat and your heart stumble over itself.
Some days it almost felt like she was flirting with you.
“You’re sweet, hon,” she said.
You found your foot brushing against hers again, emboldened by her bashful response. Those green eyes flicked up to you, something twinkling in their depths. You weren’t sure how you looked but you were worried you’d shown your hand to her.
Dropping your foot back to the floor, you averted your gaze down to the plate of pasta she’d laid down in front of you. Her foot nudged yours before resting against it, length to length, the warmth of her skin seeping into yours.
She kept silent the rest of the meal, following your lead. You weren’t sure you could say anything, not with her foot against yours. Certainly not if she was watching you.
You remained silent as you cleared the table once she was done. Standing shoulder to shoulder at the sink, you did the washing up together, working in companionable tandem. You were so in tune with one another after living together for those few weeks, working together came without flaws.
“Are you gonna be watching our show tonight?” she asked into the silence.
You didn’t say no.
Sitting beside her on the sofa had always been trouble for you. Shoulder to shoulder, lit by nothing but the flickering screen, sharing a bowl of popcorn until your hands brushed together, it had always been a specific type of torture for you. The air always felt electric to you, and you knew it didn’t for her.
Except this night her head fell to your shoulder and her body curled towards yours. You froze until she admonished you, doing your best to relax your muscles. And there you stayed until she went to bed, feeling as if you had entered some kind of parallel universe.
Thursday night you’d put the entire odd experience behind you. She hadn’t mentioned it over breakfast or on the car ride over to school. On the ride back home she’d sung along to the radio, keeping her hands and feet to herself. You’d thought it was done. You thought you wouldn’t be tortured anymore.
But after you’d changed out of your school clothes and into something more comfortable, a knock sounded on your door. Opening the door, you found her in the hall, wet hair clinging to the skin of her neck, a towel wrapped around her body. You stumbled back a step, blinking at the vision before you.
“Um…” was all you managed to say.
“Have you seen my Eagles hoodie?” she asked.
“No,” you replied faintly, doing your best to not let your eyes wander further south than her chin.
“You sure? Because I can’t find it,” she said.
“Did you check in the washing?” you asked, hoping that would send her away.
“I thought you mighta borrowed it,” she said, lips tipping up into a small smirk, “you always seem to like it when I wear it. Can’t keep your hands off me.”
You felt your cheeks heat even further, deeper, almost uncomfortably. You looked down at your feet, terrified to be caught staring at her. You didn’t need to come across as a creep to her, ruining your friendship completely and irrevocably.
“I’m just teasing, hon,” she said, shoving your shoulder, “it’s probably in the wash.”
You were left staring at her retreating back as she left you be with your swirling thoughts and thundering heart, breathless from the image of all that skin on display. You were slow to close your door, leaning back against it as you breathed out a long sigh. Pressing a hand to your chest, you could feel the beating of your heart against your skin, practically bursting from your body.
The after image of her in the towel stayed in your mind until you could bring yourself to venture downstairs.
She was standing at the hob, stirring something on the stove, dressed in the familiar grey hoodie she’d been looking for. You blinked then stepped further in. She turned, smiling at you over her shoulder.
“Wanna help me out here?” she asked, seeming not bothered by the interaction upstairs.
“Sure,” you said, wanting to move past it too. Clearly, it hadn’t effected her the way it had effected you.
“Can you keep stirring this for me? I gotta start on the chopping,” she said.
“Sure,” you said again.
Your fingers brushed over hers as you took the wooden spoon from her. She paused a moment, eyes roving over your face. You held your breath, frozen, waiting, wondering what she was thinking.
“Keep stirring, hon,” she whispered, hand guiding yours, the skin of her palm warm against yours.
Slipping away, you kept your eyes on the pot, not wanting her to see the way you were beginning to come undone. One day you could brush off as weird, two made you wonder what was going on.
A warm hand landed on your hip, practically burning through the fabric of your leggings. A soft chin rested on your shoulder, looking over you as you continued stirring. You didn’t know what to do but keep stirring. If you focused on the warmth and the soft body brushing against your back you might melt into a puddle of goo.
“Good job, hon,” she murmured, lips brushing your earlobe.
A small squeak came from your parted lips and her throaty chuckle only made you feel as if you were crumbling in her arms. Those hands on your hips gently pushed you out of the way, fingers plucking the spoon from your hand.
“Go on, go finish that patch of sky. I can finish up here,” she said, sounding as if she had no idea the turmoil she was causing you.
You simply nodded and wandered back to the dining table. You sat, staring at the pieces, trying to reel your thoughts back in. A finger absently ran along the sides of the puzzle, feeling the gaps for the missing pieces. It wasn’t that Melissa wasn’t tactile, sometimes she could be, but this whole thing was something more. A step further.
A little closer to the kind of relationship you wanted with her.
That night she curled up against you again, cheek resting on your shoulder in the flickering light of the tv, hand resting on the thigh hers was resting against. You spent the entire time holding your breath until she slipped away to her room.
Friday left you on tenterhooks. Once again she was normal right up until your return home after a day at school. You were considering retreating into your room and not emerging for the rest of the night. It felt as if she was playing a game with you and you hadn’t been informed of the rules.
And yet you kind of revelled in the attention, if only because it might be your only chance to pretend she wanted you the way you wanted her.
You weren’t given the chance to make the choice for yourself.
A knock on the sounded on your bedroom door once again. You flung on a shirt, covering up as best you could while in the middle of changing out of your work clothes. Pulling open the door, you looked down, finding yourself in one of the lacy camisoles you’d been trying on last weekend when going out with friends for a drink. You squeezed your eyes shut for a moment, trying to contain the groan you wanted to release. When you opened your eyes it was to find a smirk and sparkling green eyes turned in your direction.
“I was coming to offer you a glass of wine but it looks like you might be going out,” she said.
Her eyes swept down your body and if you were a betting person, you thought her gaze might have lingered on the cleavage on display. You found your back arching, just a moment, until her eyes swept back to yours and her smirk only deepened.
“Come on down, hon. You ain’t going anywhere in those sweat pants,” she said.
“I’ll take that wine,” you said, needing to drown your embarrassment in something.
You trailed behind her down the stairs into the kitchen. It truly was the heart of the home in Melissa’s house. You hoisted yourself onto a bench as she poured the wine. As she’d pointed out, there was no chance you were about to head out in the sweats you were wearing, even if the lacy cami on the top was more dressed up than was normal for slouching around the house on a Friday night.
When she turned back around, her eyes seemed to light up. She sauntered towards you, both hands holding glasses of red wine. Offering you one, she drew closer. You took a deep drink, needing it more and more as she took another step closer to you. Her thumb came up, running along your lower lip, wiping away a drop of wine before she sucked it into her mouth, maintaining eye contact with you.
“Mel.” You felt as if you’d woken up into a dream, breathless and unsure of what you could do.
“Yes, hon?” Her voice had turned so husky you weren’t sure you were existing in real life anymore.
When you didn’t reply she took one last step forward, right between your thighs. One hand ran up your leg making fire lick through your veins and your cheeks heat under her gaze. Her lips ticked up into a smirk again, seeming to enjoy the trouble you were having at forming a sentence.
“What are you doing?” you finally managed to get out in a whisper.
“Aren’t you enjoying it?” she asked.
“I don’t…” It came out strangled, “Mel, please.”
“I’m trying to seduce you, hon,” she said, “is it working?”
You nodded, not sure you were capable of forming words. Just the thought she was trying to seduce was enough to send you into a coma. You hadn’t thought she would ever look at you the way you looked at her.
“C’mon, hon. You can do better than that. Say it.”
“It’s working,” you whispered, not sure you could deny her anything in this moment.
“Good girl.”
She drew ever closer, breath ghosting over your lips. You froze, eyes fluttering shut, waiting to see what she was going to do. A brush of lips, a soft sigh, fingers clenching around your thigh. You barely had the chance to enjoy it before she was stepping back from you. The whimper that came from you was embarrassing but the look on her face when you opened your eyes was smug.
“Mel,” you said again, not sure there were any words other than her anymore.
“Do you know the hell you’ve put me through since moving in? You’re so fucking hot and I don’t think you even know it. You’re the exact woman my Nonna warned my cousin Vinny about,” she said, almost groaning.
“I haven’t been doing anything,” you said, addressing the only thing you could.
“Parading around in your tight leggings and these little tops and those fucking shorts in the morning. And when you’re thinking about something your tongue pokes out and then all I can think about is reaching over and kissing you. Also did you know you hum to yourself when you think no one’s around. Fuck, when I see you in the kitchen humming and dancing I just want to pin you to the closest surface and fuck you until you can’t do anything but say my name.”
You weren’t sure you had a good response.
“Yeah but you wear tight trousers pretty much every day at work,” was your only come back.
“But you weren’t looking at me in them and thinking what it would feel like to have my legs wrapped around you,” she replied as if it was the most natural answer in the world.
“I fucking was,” you snapped, at the end of your rope. She’d been playing with you long enough, “christ sake, Mel. I’ve been thinking about you since the first time we met. You’re literally the most gorgeous person I’ve ever seen. I didn’t think you were interested.”
“Hon, I let you move into my house. What part of that says I’m not interested?” she demanded.
“I don’t know,” you said, sounding angrier than you expected, “you might have just been trying to be a good friend.”
“Then let me be very clear.” She took a step back between your legs again, “I am very interested in you.”
You legs tightened around her hips, holding her in place as you lent forward. Your lips ghosted over hers and you were surprised by the noise that came from her. It was whiny and needy and she was straining towards you. You chuckled, drawing back.
“If you plan on seducing me, I expect to be wined and dined,” you said, “no more fooling around until you put some effort in and prove I’m worth it.”
“You fucking brat,” she laughed, a hand curling around the back of your neck to pull you closer.
She kissed you deeply, tongue licking into your mouth, sending your thoughts spiralling away from you. Your knees tightened on her hips, your hands cupping her cheeks, indulging her for long enough to let her think she’d gotten her way. You nipped at her lower lip before drawing away.
“Wining and dining, Mel. I’m not some common whore,” you said, “I deserve romance.”
“There’s your wine,” she said, shoving the glass back into your hands, “I’ll make a start on dinner.”
You bit down on your lip, watching her slam down a knife on the cutting board, grumbling under her breath, trying to hold in a grin. The glare she gave you broke the flood gates as giggles tumbled from your lips.
“You keep on like this and I’ll stop seducing you,” she threatened.
“You stop and I’ll wear those shorts you like all weekend,” you retaliated.
You caught her arm, drawing her in for another kiss, just enough to remind her what was waiting. She softened, gently squeezing your leg before going back to cooking. You watched her, finding yourself falling more and more for her, the anticipation delicious, the woman beautiful.
And maybe moving into her home was the best thing to ever happen to you.
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obsessivestar · 30 days
'What If It's All A RomCom?' - A Ted Nivison X Reader
{{-Ooooh we gettin' juicy in Chapter 5 folks, next one might be a lil' spicy ;^))). If you wanna catch up on how we got here, I'd recommend starting at Chapter 1 and go from there! All old *AND* new Chapters will always be linked at the very bottom ♡ Thanks so much for bein' here and enjoy! :^) -}}
//General Warnings: 18+ fic, Reader implied to be afab and under 5'5.
Chapter Warnings: Heavy language, implied sexual thoughts ig
Word count: 4.6k\\
@k-k0129 & @callsign-scully
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Chapter 5: You're Going To Be Trouble.
The rest of that day on set was spent filming a few more scenes with the extras. I found it a little strange at this point that we had filmed almost nothing with some of the main characters. Turns out, some of the extras could only be up here for the first week, so Tanner was getting all of the filming done with them first. It was fine by me, I needed a little break after that first kiss anyway.
God, that first kiss.
We did too much, I know we did, but...I can't say I regret it. Not at all. Ted was a better kisser than I was expecting. Suddenly, I find myself wanting to be one of 'the homies' he claims to smooch up so much. Truthfully, I know I shouldn't be feeling this way. Joseph seems to be cool with the idea of Ted and I fooling around now, but maybe he wasn't wrong before. I couldn't relax for the kissing scene until we were alone, and then I practically jumped on him. Tanner admitted it wasn't what he was expecting, but he liked it anyhow. Still, these feelings are starting to affect my job. What even are these feelings?
They could just be coming from the film, right? What if this isn't real? Or even worse, what if it IS real? Ted seemed to be struggling just as much with that kiss, not to mention all that flirting. Does he feel this tension as harshly as I do? What if we do find some twisted way to sleep together? What happens when it's a wrap on the whole film?
What if we have to part ways?
What if I don't want to?
I lay awake at night, staring up at the ceiling like I had done yesterday, once again thinking about Ted. All of these thoughts are racing through my mind, and I can't properly grasp any of them. When I close my eyes, I just see Ted kissing me. I feel his hands around my waist, I feel his stubble against my fingertips, his lips refusing to part from mine, his implied desire to go further, 'be louder'. I take a deep breath, breathing out through my mouth to calm myself. Even if all I do is kiss the guy for the next 2 and a half weeks, I'll be thinking about it every night. I know I will.
I wake the next morning to the sound of a lot of people moving around downstairs. Many members of the film crew were searching the entire living room. Some had lifted up the sofa, some were looking around the kitchen, moving cameras, practically pulling the place apart. I could see Tanner, Joseph, and Dan were helping out, Joe especially. He seemed upset.
"Is there a fucking bomb somewhere in the house?" I asked with a chuckle, coming down the stairs to walk to Joe. "What's happened?"
"Your clothes are gone." Joe admits with a frown, rummaging through some of the kitchen cupboards. He must've been desperate if he was looking through the kitchen for clothes.
"Uh...no they're not?" I furrow my brows in confusing, gesturing upstairs. "They're...in my room, I just changed."
"No no no no, the ones I brought. Your film wardrobe. They're just--they're just gone." Joe groans, closing some of the kitchen cabinets. Uh oh. That's over half of my clothes for this trip. My personal suitcase was way smaller than the one Joe had brought and had barely a week's worth of clothes in it. We had spent days getting all of those other outfits together for 'Kara', and I was supposed to take it all home when the film wrapped. Everything I was going to wear for the next 2 and a half weeks were gone.
"Alright, we've checked...literally everywhere. I even went outside.." Ted approached Joe and I, wearing a baby blue t-shirt and some brown slacks kept up by a nice black belt. I believe this fit was one of his own. I could tell. Ted had a nice sense of style. "I didn't leave it outside." Joe huffs, crossing his arms as he leans back against the kitchen counter. "It was down here by the kitchen, away from the camera's, in a bag."
"...It was in a bag?" Tanner asks from across the room, stretching his neck out a bit so he could see us. "Yeah, the suitcase I had it in fucking broke when I brought it upstairs last night, so I had to put it all in a bag until our hangers came in." Joe explained, running his fingers through his hair. "I couldn't drag it up the stairs by myself so I left it in here."
Tanner frowned, coming over to join the 3 of us in the kitchen. "What kind of bag?" Tanner asked with a nervous smile, gesturing his hands out in front of Joe.
"I had to throw them in--" I see realization hit Joe like a ton of bricks, his expression changing from frustration to near anguish. "I'm a fucking idiot."
"What?" Tanner frowns again. "You're not an idiot."
"I'm an absolute fucking idiot."
"Did the garbage get taken out today?"
"The garbage was her clothes."
Joe places both of his hands over his face and moves his finger up into his hair to pull at it with another groan, a frustrated smile and a chuckle leaving him. I honestly felt pretty guilty, even if I had nothing to do with this. Maybe if I hadn't been the first to turn in for the night, I would've been able to offer to put the bag in my room.
"How many outfits we talkin'?" Ted asks, placing his hands on his shoulders. "Like...10? I think?" Joe answers, shaking his head and swallowing thickly, making an audible 'gulp' noise. "I don't know man--I'm just--I'm overwhelmed. I'm fucking sorry."
"No no, it's okay, we can fix this.." Ted speaks to Joe in a comforting tone, holding his hands out with his palms pointed to the ground. "We're literally 5 minutes away from the city, we can get new clothes, right?" Ted asks, turning his wrists in a little shrug.
"I'm not letting either of you front any of those costs." Joe replied, shaking his head. "Oh, they don't have to." Tanner chimes in, looking at Joe. "I got an emergency credit card literally for when something like this was gonna happen."
"Emergency credit card?" I repeated, furrowing my brows again.
"Yeah, it's got a little under a thousand in it right now." Tanner explained, reaching into his back pocket to pull out his worn leather wallet. "I signed up for it a couple weeks ago just in case we needed it. My instructor recommended it."
Joe and I look at each other and I smile at him. I see a sense of relief wash over his body, but he's still a little reluctant. "Tanner, I--I don't want to spend a thousand of your money because of my fuck up."
"See, that's the best part: It's technically not my money. It's the school's." Tanner smiled, pointing at Joe. "As long as it's related to this film and I can prove it was an emergency, they cover it."
Joe gives a humorous smirk and shrugs. "OK that's different, I'm OK spending your school's money." He chuckles, getting a laugh from Tanner.
After informing everyone to stop the search, the 4 of us have a talk and agree to split up for the day. Tanner and Joe will stay here and take the time to get some of the last solo shots with the extras done and over with, and Ted and I will head out in his Tacoma once again to go outfit shopping. In reality, Joe could've been the one to go with me, but he lied about wanting to watch Tanner be a director. I know he was lying because he winked at me as Ted was busy putting a long sleeved brown shirt on. It was meant to be a little chilly today anyways.
As soon as we stepped out, it was just Ted and I once again.
After pulling out of the driveway, we're once again on the road to head into the city. It's a Friday, so the roads are a bit more packed than usual. At one point we even ran into some traffic, which caused Ted and I to start an out of the blue conversation detailing interesting facts about each other. I had told him a few interesting things about myself, but boy did I feel boring compared to him. He told me all about some of the things he had done for YouTube content, like his trips to the Rainforest Café and Margaritaville with Eddy, his 400mg Nerd Rope incident, when he watched all the barbie movies, all of It. Anything I said, he'd immediately upstage me. But the one thing; the one thing that surprised me about him the most was...
"Your whole name is Theodore?"
I turn my head to look at Ted as he kept his eyes on the road, or more like on the still SUV at the red light in front of us. "Theodore Nivison.."
"Junior, too. I'm the sequel." Ted grins, glancing at me for a moment. "I almost introduced myself to you as 'Theo', actually, but I figured Tanner had already told you about me."
"Oh yeah, that would've made you sound even more like a prick."
"Well, see, I had this idea that I needed to be charming, but now I see you're a fucking wench, so.."
"Wench!?" I start laughing, tilting my head back. This mother fucker. He does not need to be this funny. He can't be handsome and funny. It isn't fair. "You're a fucking tool, Theodore"
"Oh I hate hearing my full name in your voice." Ted cringes playfully. "Don't do that."
"I'm gonna start calling you Theodore now."
"Please, don't. I'll take 'Theo' and 'Teddy', those are fine."
"I thought you didn't like Teddy?" I make my voice sound a little higher and lean my arm against the storage compartment between us, batting my eyelashes at Ted. He turns his head to look at me and say something, but he pauses. Our faces are close again and I think I see him blush for a moment, but he rolls his eyes and turns his head away to look out the front window again. "I don't mind it from you."
"Awe, Theodore! You do care!"
I'm giggling to myself in the passenger seat as the light turns green, adjusting myself so I'm fully seated. Ted gives me playful smacks on the arm before he starts driving again, pestering me to be quiet as he drives. I'm lightly whacking at his hand whenever he tries to pester me, giggling like an absolute fool. I just love messing with him. I absolutely love messing with him.
We drove around for a little bit, trying to decide where to go to get these clothes. We didn't want to spend hours and hours going from store to store and we certainly didn't intend to max out Tanner's card, even if it wasn't his money. Ted mentioned that he usually just goes to Old Navy, so we settled on there. The closest Old Navy was in a strip mall, so we had to find a parking spot and walk around inside for a little bit just to get to it. A lot of the smaller stores we passed by were either completely empty or closed down entirely, yet there were a lot of people walking around just for the food court. Valid.
"You wanna get lunch after?" I ask Ted, glancing up at him as we walk. He's so tall. "You askin' me out?" He remarks with a smirk. "I'm asking if you're hungry. I'm hungry."
"...Yeah, I could eat, but not here." Ted agreed with a little shrug, slipping his hands in his pockets. "I'll take us somewhere better later."
"Not the Rainforest."
"...Alright, but you're no fun."
We spend the entire late morning and half of the afternoon together in that mall. The entire time we're joking with each other and laughing together. It felt like it did on the very first day when we had to get breakfast: little to no tension, just good vibes and even better chemistry. As much as I enjoyed getting weak in the loins by his charming looks and deep voice, I also enjoyed just casually getting along with him. I enjoyed having this friendship
This friendship has A LOT of sexual tension in it, but still, I like being his friend.
I had tried on a TON of clothes at that Old Navy. Turns out, not a bad place to shop. They had some sort of flash sale going on, so we got a lot more than just 10 simple outfits. Even Ted had decided to buy a new shirt, letting me help him decide between a few before we'd pay for our stuff and leave. We took a lot of photos, too. At one point, Ted had completely underestimated if whether or not a shirt would fit me. I came out of the dressing room with it about half on. It barely covered my bra and completely showed my midrift. There was no way I was able to pull it down, I looked like an overgrown toddler. I looked ridiculous, but man, were we laughing about it. At another point, we accidentally took the long way back around to the entrance we came in from, so we passed by a fairly busy Victoria's Secret. Ted sneakily moved over to a full set of pink lingerie and held it up to his body, gesturing over at me with a humorous smirk.
"You're not buying that for me." I snicker, crossing my arms at me. "It's for me, bitch!" Ted remarks with a cringey, feminine lisp, hooking the lingerie back up where it belonged to scurry back to me before being seen. I laughed hard enough for my voice to start echoing across the mall. Everything he did today was making me laugh. Even when we were leaving the mall and I realized Sweet Escape was playing, Ted was making me laugh with his...unique idea of dancing. Maybe he liked making me laugh, I don't know. I wasn't complaining.
We get back to Ted's tacoma just before it starts raining. Ted has to rush to throw all of the new clothes in the backseat before he can get in, some of the rainwater weighing down his tall hair a little as he sits down in the driver's seat and closes his door with a huff.
"Look at us, getting caught in the rain." I grin at Ted, watching as he ran his fingers through his now damp hair. "Yeah, super romantic, I'm sure.". Ted playfully scoffed, starting up his truck to pull out of the mall parking lot. He'd drive a little slower once the rain would pick up, keeping his eyes on the road. This particular drive was quiet, but that changed once we parked by the restaurant we were planning to get lunch at.
"No way am I walking in that.." Ted speaks, taking his seatbelt off so he can relax back against his seat. "I don't think it'll last much longer." I reply, taking my seatbelt off as well. "It's probably just a passing storm. We can just kill time.." I lean forward to look up through the front window, trying to see how dark the clouds above us are.
"That works, got a question for you anyway." Ted spoke, shifting his body a little so he could face me more comfortably. I gesture at him to let him ask his question, checking my phone's weather app to see how long the storm was estimated to last.
"Why couldn't you kiss me yesterday?"
I stop scrolling through the weather app to look at Ted, raising a brow at him with a smirk. "From what I can remember, I had no problems kissing you yesterday.."
"Yeah, once we were alone." Ted smirks at me, tilting his head a little when I didn't give an immediate answer. I stare back at him for a moment before adjusting in my seat to face him more, leaning a bit against the storage space between us once again. "You couldn't kiss me either." I smirk back at him, squinting a little as if to examine him. "You're the one that said you could kiss the--"
"Yeah I know what I said, 'pretty lady' I know. I know." Ted interrupted me, holding his hand up in between us. "I'm asking you, I have my own reasons."
"And what reasons are there?"
"I'm asking you, princess. Don't dodge around it."
"No no no, now you've got me curious."
"I don't fucking care what I've got you, I'm not telling you shit until--"
"You're the one that was supposed to give the tell, Ted."
Ted and I lock eyes once again, my smirk turning into a knowing smile. It's true. All of those nerves? Ted technically started it. At first, Ted was too nervous to give the tell on camera so Tanner wanted us to do a practice kiss. That's where I was personally messing up.
"Why couldn't you kiss me, Theo~?"
Without even realizing, my eyes linger down to his quaint blush toned lips, quickly darting my eyes back up to meet his once more. Did he notice? I hope to god he didn't notice. I had been thinking about that first kiss for nearly an hour last night, but being alone with Ted makes me think about it again. My stomach feels fluttery just looking into his eyes. I have to hold back the urge to giggle anytime he smiles at me. Part of me even wants to kiss him right now.
Ted's silent smirk turns into a charming smile, raising his chin a little.
"...I don't think it needs to be said at this rate, does it?" Ted finally responds, his eyes seemingly searching my face. That certainly isn't going to help the butterflies in my stomach, but it's the closest thing I'm probably going to get to a clear answer about Ted's feelings, at least for now.
"Well...I guess we're both disappointments, then." I say, resting my chin on my hand.
"Guess so.." Ted shrugs lightly, keeping his gaze on mine. I glance at his neck before looking at his face again.
"You're going to be trouble for me, aren't you?" I ask in a gentle voice.
"I kinda hope so, yeah." He grins back at me, lowering his chin to fully meet my gaze. "That's what I'm goin' for."
The sun's harsh rays slowly move over to practically light up the inside of the truck, revealing that the storm had finally passed. I wonder what would've happened if that storm had lasted just a little bit longer. I probably would've kissed him. God, I wanted to kiss him.
Ted and I finally exit his Tacoma to go inside and grab some lunch, deciding to dine-in despite knowing we had been out longer than anticipated. I brought this up to Ted, but he assured me Tanner wouldn't care. I'm starting to think Tanner and Joe are trying to set us up. Even as Ted and I sit at our booth and continue to talk casually about ourselves, I get a sense that Ted and I have a timer between us. I don't know what it's counting down to, but either this tension is going to just fizzle out as harmless flirting and we go our separate ways, or it's going to explode in our faces. Yesterday's kiss makes me feel like it's going to be the ladder.
I had a big storm of my own on it's way.
After lunch, Ted and I returned to set with everything we had bought, plus some leftovers for Tanner. Joe and I spent the rest of the evening getting all of the outfits together, making sure to keep them all hung up in my room this time. Next thing I know, the day is over and I'm once again in my room, just looking over social media on my phone. I'm wearing a flowy nightgown to bed tonight with only pajama shorts on underneath, but I'm comfortable, even though it's late. I probably should've put my phone down an hour ago, but it was hard to fall asleep. It sounded like everyone else was out cold, it was dead quiet out there.
Suddenly, there's a knock at my bedroom door.
I look up from my phone, furrowing my brows a little. Who could that be? Joe?
"Yeah?" I ask in a confused tone, resting my phone in my lap.
"Can I come in for a bit?"
Holy fuck
It's Ted.
At my door.
At my fucking door.
"...Why?" I ask, sounding even more befuddled. Ted responds back with something, but I can barely hear him over the door. "Open the door, I can barely hear you."
Ted slowly opens the door, in the same blue shirt he was wearing earlier with some sweatpants on instead and a laptop in his free hand. "Tanner fell asleep in my bed and his door is locked."
"How did Tanner fall asleep in your bed?"
"We were playing Smash Bros on his switch and he--he just conked out, like magic."
As ridiculous as that would sound to the average person, I believed him. Tanner does just fall asleep sometimes. It's funny.
"What does his door being locked have to do with this?" I ask, pointing down.
"Well, I was gonna just take his bed, but I can't get in."
"Uhh-" I let out a nervous chuckle. "You're not fucking sleeping in here, weirdo."
"No, I--keep fucking dreamin', alright? I just need a space to rest my back while I finish this script. I'm sleepin' downstairs."
"Why can't you work downstairs?"
"Because that couch fuckin' sucks. Can I chill here for a bit or not? Like an hour, tops."
I let out an annoyed huff and roll my eyes, patting the empty spot on the bed beside me.
"Thank you." Ted mockingly bows at me before entering the room, closing the door behind him. I scoot a bit further away so he has more room, watching as he sits down next to me and stretches his legs out in front of him, placing his laptop in his lap.
"I don't see how the couch sucks." I shrug, looking down at my phone again. "It was pretty comfortable the other day."
"Oh cool. Can I steal your bed for the night, then? You can take the fuckin' couch." Ted looks over at me with an amusing smirk.
"Oh now you wanna sleep in my bed?"
"Not if you're yappin' in it."
"I wasn't yappin' in it till' you started fuckin' yappin' in it."
"Well now we're both yappin' in it when I need to be yappin' up my fuckin' work, princess. Quit your yappin."
"I'll stop yappin' when you stop yappin'."
I let out a huff as I hold back the urge to laugh, but Ted starts laughing quietly, making me start chuckling as well. I shake my head to myself, lightly wiping my eyes.
"God, we never stop, eh?" I chuckled, looking at Ted again. "No, I don't--I don't think we can sometimes." Ted admits with a grin, running his fingers through his hair briefly before returning to his laptop, scrolling through what looked to be a long page of words before moving to the bottom to start typing again. I look back at my phone and smile to myself. I'm so comfortable with this man. It's a little jarring to me sometimes, but I am.
Ted works quietly alongside me for a few minutes. I'm scrolling through Instagram with my audio muted, so the only sounds are Ted's fingers clicking down against his laptop keyboard and the occasional hum that leaves him. After a little while, the clicking stops, and he decides to spark another conversation. Writer's block gets the best of us, I suppose.
"What do you think about filming so far?" Ted asks me, turning his head once again to look at me. I like the way the laptop is illuminating his face. "I've really enjoyed it." I admit with a soft smile, settling my phone down in my lap once more. "I like...how challenging it's been, y'know? I wasn't expecting this to be the easiest thing in the world or anything, but the amount of problems we've had to solve and the anxieties I've had to push through...it's all been fun. I'm having fun."
"Yeah, it's been a ride for sure, so far.." Ted nods at me, lightly licking his bottom lip. "I've liked getting to hang with Tanner and Joe again, I got to meet you, Dan's a little strange at times but I think he's openin' up. I think he's chill. I like this....tight little group we've developed. I like it. Um..."
Ted pauses for a moment, glancing at his computer screen before looking at me again, his eyes searching my face as if he was contemplating something. "Can I be honest for a sec? Just...between you and me?"
I feel those butterflies in my stomach again, meeting his gaze with a gentle blush along my cheeks. He's so dreamy. "Absolutely.." I speak in a soft tone, giving him a little nod as well.
"Who was it that was supposed to be me again? Mason, I mean. Carl?" Ted points at me as he tries to guess Conner's name, shaking his head at himself. "No. Con-Conrad?"
"Conner." I correct him, a giggle escaping me.
"Conner. Thank you." Ted chuckles a little, looking down at his hand for a moment before bringing his soft eyes up to look into mine once more. "I'm...I'm kinda glad he didn't make it up here. No I am. I am glad he...didn't make it."
I'm met with an incredibly genuine smile from Ted, making me smile back with a quiet sigh, as if one of those butterflies in my stomach flew up and out of me. I didn't need to guess what Ted was implying there, I knew. I just knew what he meant, and it was incredibly sweet. Probably might've been the sweetest thing a guy has said to me in a long, long time.
"But don't tell Joe I said that, he'll probably smack me upside the fuckin' head." Ted makes a smacking gesture to his head, getting another flirty giggle out of me. "No worries, I'm great at keeping secrets." I reply with a confident grin.
"Oh are you?"
My gaze lingers on him, my soft smile relaxing as I gaze into his dark, earthy eyes. The lights were off when Ted had initially entered the room, so the only thing really illuminating us were the screen lights of his laptop and my phone, but still, I could take in every detail of his handsome face. His dreamy eyes, the unique curve of his nose, the plucks of his growing stubble, the little moles along his cheek, the small dimples he creates when he smiles, his quaint but inviting lips, the shape of his jaw, all that hair on his head...
"...Did you just look at my lips?"
|| Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 6 (smut) || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 (smut) || Chapter 11 ||
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aphroditesswan · 9 months
So I have a black butler idea that you probably won't like cause it is sabciel BUT it's completely platonic like it's a father figure situation and not romantic at all
I was thinking about Ciel having a nightmare and waking up and screaming or something and sabastian helping him calm down and stuff? I'm really bad at explaining things
little person
ciel & sebastian
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warnings: night terrors, sebaciel shippers dni i will actually starting rolling around on the floor if those nasty proshippers start following me 
summary: ciel has always woken up from nightmares, usually falling asleep just a couple minutes later, but this time was slightly different.
genre: hurt/comfort, fluff ish
notes: i honestly did not know how to write this but this pushed me out of my comfort zone n it was so fun ALSO SORRY IVE BEEN LATE TO GET TO REQUEST my personal life is extremely busy, especially with family and school but i have this and another fic coming in 🙏🙏 
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Being the Earl Phantomhive wasn’t easy. The only (living) person who could speak from experience is of course the Young Earl, Ciel. He hadn’t much experience, but he was determined. 
Determined and had his own help. 
Restless nights were nothing to Ciel. Ever since his parent’s passing, waking up in a cold sweat is nothing new to him. In fact, he’s rather surprised if he manages to get a good nights rest. 
He’s tried everything you could think of. Counting sheep, glasses of warm milk and tea to relax him, going through immense activities throughout the day to tire him. These all do nothing but make him wish for the bed that he so dreads sleeping in every night and curses in the morning. 
Now was one of those nights. Thrashing, shaking, shivering, throwing around the blanket, tossing and turning in every way he could on the ginormous mattress in a room that didn’t belong to him a couple years prior. 
His late parents room was a drastic change from his own. 
It was certainly larger. Which meant more space. More cold, empty space that he never knew how to fill. Being head of the household wasn’t easy, you weren’t a child anymore, you had no reason to fill your desolate room with little toys and fun nicknacks from various corners of the world. 
This nightmare, this one particular nightmare, haunted him like no other. One where he watches his parents, his home, everything he’s ever known burn to the ground. He dreads this dream, he waits eagerly for his body to wake itself up like it usually should. But it never does. 
He continues to watch his home burn and collapse, the smoke from the flames going into his lungs and making it hard to breathe, even in the dream. He can feel himself choking, gasping for air, sweating and panicking with every crackle of the oversized fire engulfing his manor. 
Suddenly, his world started shaking. His body, the trees around him, the entire scenery in his dream. 
Then he woke up. Finally, he thought. He was sweating, the chill of his still cold and empty room not providing any aid to his already chilly state. But he felt a hand on his shoulder, a gentle one akin to his father’s. 
“Young Master,, are you alright? You seem a bit shaken up.” 
He looked over, squinting his eyes to see the figure of his butler looming over his bed with a candle where he sat. 
“I’m,, I’m fine Sebastian.” He whispered out, for a moment forgetting this was his own manor where he could do what he wanted and speak how he wished. 
“Come with me, Young Master.” Sebastian stood up straight, walking a bit then turning to face the boy, waiting for him to get up and follow suit. 
For some reason, he wanted to, and he did. He stood up and walked behind Sebastian, following his own butler all the way down his own stairs. Sometimes he couldn’t believe that this was all his, that all of this was now under his name, not his father’s or grandfather’s or even a distant uncle’s. This was all his. 
He found himself in the kitchen. Looking around, watching Sebastian pouring a glass of warm chamomile tea. 
“Sebastian you know that’s no use.” He scoffed, all of this just a waste of time to him. “Now My Lord, we might as well try.” 
The young earl took the cup reluctantly, drinking just a bit of it. He felt his butler just gazing at him, so he drank more out of pure awkwardness. Not because he wanted to, not because he butler had graciously added sugar to his tea, not because he had faith he wouldn’t go to sleep just to wake up to another nightmare, but because his butler annoyed him with the staring. 
“There. Are you satisfied?” “Are you?” That was unprompted. What did that even mean? Ciel took a minute, just staring down into the cup with the tea leaves. Supposedly, they could read your future. He didn’t see much, he wasn’t trained in that field. He had also never believed in superstitions, even though an entire being whose existence defies humanity was standing only 3 maybe 4 feet in front of him. 
“Yes Sebastian, I am. Now take me to bed.” He huffed, setting down the cup onto the counter. “Are you positive, young master?” “Don’t question me, Sebastian.”
“As you wish, my lord.” He walked Ciel up the stairs, following two to three steps behind him with a candle and standing by the door once he got to his room. 
“Good night, my lord.” “Good night, Sebastian.” Ciel laid down, turning away from the door where Sebastian stayed for a moment, only a moment, before placing the candle down on the dresser. He bowed, although Ciel couldn’t see it, and shut the door. Ciel listened for the footsteps, hearing the clicking of shoes descend the stairs. He sat up, looking at the candle through the corner of his eyes. He wondered how such a small flame, something so minuscule compared to his still small stature, could take away everything he had ever known. He was there when his parents had passed, and there will be someone to watch him die as well.
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im so sorry my req have been taking so longgg i’ve been so busy with christmas shopping and finals and studying but consider this and another fic that’s coming out BEFORE CHRISTMAS as a present 🥲🙏
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octuscle · 1 year
Oh thank goodness! Just made it to baggage claim at DEL to grab my bag… hope none of the leather is damaged.
Good news, everything is in perfect condition. You even feel like everything is freshly polished when you open the case. It smells even more intensely of leather than when you packed the case. The bellboy who helps you unpack the suitcase is amazed. You can be sure that in fifteen minutes the entire hotel will know about your special luggage. But you don't care about that. You've already sat at the hotel bar in a full leather outfit in completely different hotels.
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Whereby I must show you my respect. To go outside in this humidity and at over 30 degrees Celsius in a full outfit already proves that you are serious about leather, mate! Unfortunately, Delhi has now not so the gay nightlife. And a leather scene is also not necessarily there. But you don't need long to find like-mates in the relevant social networks. There are enough expats in the city. And private parties are obviously the place to be. A pretty horny looking fellow invites you to his boss's party. He sends you a limousine tonight to take you to the party. It all sounds pretty exclusive.
After a few days in the hotel, hardly anyone reacts to your appearance in shiny creaky leather in the lobby. The doorman holds the door open for you and opens the door to the back of the impressive limousine. The driver lowers the divider to you and tells you that you can help yourself to the bar. You may also help yourself to the cigars. According to his knowledge, it should be your favorite brand. And the window whirs back up. That the chauffeur has presented his muscular tits naked, you are no longer surprised. You light a cigar and start to massage your cock in anticipation of a horny party.
It becomes more and more bizarre. The car passes a guarded gate and drives through an illuminated park for what feels like a quarter of an hour. Then the car stops and a completely naked bodybuilder opens the car door for you. Everywhere, people who look like clones of the bodybuilder stand around and hand out drinks and snacks. Or walk around with a tray full of poppers. And in between there are horny fellows. In suits, in latex, in all kinds of gear. Only leather is actually quite rare. Finally you see the guy with whom you had an appointment. He asks you if you want to dance. Not really your thing. But you do him the favor. Mate, it's really hot. You feel like you're sweating through the leather. And you're actually sweating through the leather. The leather gets thinner and thinner. And mischievous with your skin getting darker. The only thing left on your chest is a harness of chain links and leather. No idea where it came from. But it feels better. Nevertheless, beads of sweat glisten on your chest hair. Fuck, you had shaved your chest especially for the party. And why is your dance partner suddenly as tall as you? A moment ago you were a good head taller… No matter, the music gets into your head, the poppers too, you just let yourself go…
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The next morning you wake up. This is not your hotel room. It looks more like a darkroom. With a bed covered with leather. And a bathroom next to it, the one with the black light illumination and the pee trough also in a leather club. There's a knock at the door. Your dancing partner from yesterday enters. Your host or rather your new master would like to meet you now. Welcome to Delhi!
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pinkthick · 2 years
Hey there, i read your Doctor Strange supreme fic and oh god it's beautiful <3
Could i request a fic of Stephen where he's forced to unleash his true form to protect reader and America? Maybe then reader will stop being afraid of him and give him the hugs he severely needs ^^
Thank you so much. You don’t even know how much that means to me<33
I do hope you like it 😅
Just a little miscommunication
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Pairing: Doctor Strange Supreme/Fem!Reader
Doctor Strange Supreme & America Chavez
Doctor Strange Supreme & Wong
Summary: Thinking it’s going to be a very boring Saturday, Stephen decides to let America to choose an activity to do in the afternoon. Everything changes when Wong asks for his help when Kamar-Taj is under attack, meaning Y/N could in danger.
Will Stephen and Y/N grow further apart?
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Stephen groaned as he stretched his stiff body. Maybe staying in bed all night reading wasn't such a good idea. He was actually waiting for Y/N to return from Kamar-Taj, but she most likely decided to spend the night there. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary.
Seeing the sun beaming through the window finally made him get out of bed. He ran a hand over his face, before reaching for the shirt lying on the floor. Stephen went to the bathroom the freshen up and maybe to trim his beard a little too.
After completing his usual routine, he thought that he should start preparing America's breakfast before she wakes up. The girl has a bad habit of eating sweets before meals, and he tries to stop her because he knows it's bad for her, especially since America is losing her appetite. Stephen knows he has already lost the battle with her when she pouts. It shouldn't be that difficult to say no to a person.
He makes his way out of the room and silently closes the door before going to the kitchen.
The sorcerer gathered all of the ingredients for the pancakes while also placing some bacon strips on the skillet. After adding the wet ingredients, he began to gently stir the mixture.
While the bacon was finishing up, he poured the pancake batter onto its own skillet and waited for bubbles to appear before flipping them. While Stephen sliced some strawberries and bananas, a smile appeared onto his face feeling America's energy near the entrance.
"Morning," he said, placing the fruits in a small bowl.
"Good morning," she mumbled as she approached him, rubbing her eyes slightly.
"Did you sleep well?" the ex-doctor inquired as he finished the pancakes and placed them on a plate alongside the bacon.
"Yep," she said as she sat down at the table, "though perhaps I should have stayed in bed a little longer."
He chuckles slightly before placing the plate in front of her and conjuring up some cutlery with a simple spell. "Just because it's Saturday doesn't mean you should spend the entire day in bed. Besides, I don't have classes today at Kamar-Taj, so we can do whatever you want."
"Believe it or not, I'd like to try some new spells today," she said as she began to eat, enjoying Stephen's slightly shocked expression.
Both of them were startled by the familiar sound of crackling magic before he could respond. They weren't expecting Wong to collapse on the floor. Stephen took in his appearance, relaxing a little because he wasn't hurt except for some cuts on his face.
They went to help him, America completely forgetting about her breakfast. "What happened?"
"We're being attacked. We require immediate assistance." the Sorcerer Supreme said, slightly out of breath. Stephen didn't hesitate to walk through the portal with Wong as he quickly changed into his robes with a spell.
“Wait! I can help." America said as she wanted to accompany them before being stopped in her tracks by the Cloak of Levitation. She was perplexed before hearing Stephen speak, not knowing where Levi came from.
"Please, America, stay here." Feeling the cloak dissapear before appearing suddenly on the doctor's shoulders. "I don't want you to get hurt."
"But you know I'm a hell of a fighter!" She yelled, slightly enraged.
"I'm not going to repeat myself," he said as the portal closed in front of her.
As if she would stay here knowing that others are in danger. She went straight to her room to get her sling ring, completely disregarding what Stephen said.
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He wasn't ready to see Kamar-Taj in this condition again. Buildings were destroyed, and the majority of the courtyards were on fire, destroying the foundations. As selfish as it may sound, he was only thinking about Y/N at the time. He couldn't possibly lose her again.
His train of thought was interrupted when some shadow creatures snarled and surrounded him, along with some students from Kamar-taj. They opened their mouths to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth. He wasn't bothered by it and simply lifted his arm before sending a red wave their way.
A few creatures vanished into the ground, evading his attack, but that wasn't what surprised him. What really did is that they weren't from this universe, giving their odd energy. How was this even possible?
The shadows then began to retreat, he supposes, in one of the main courtyards. Stephen opened a portal to the Sanctum and went after the creatures after ensuring that all of the students were safe.
He wasn't expecting to see a fucking shadow demon today. Those winged humanoid creatures with sharp claws were an annoyance. The only difference between this one and the others he saw in the past was that its body trailed into nothing.
He suddenly became aware that it was absorbing some of the masters' energy. That can't be right; they're not supposed to be capable of anything like this. His heart sank, when he saw Y/N among them. In his rage, he sends a powerful pulse of magic into that demon.
It simply absorbs the magic without much fuss, which concerns Stephen, but at least it has forced him to leave the masters alone. He looked at Y/N, who looked at him with surprise, but seeing how relieved she was, he felt at ease.
The only problem is that he didn't pay attention to the creature. It launches bolts of his own magic at him, and even if he did summoned a shield, he is thrown backwards into a wall.
He looks up at the demon, his frustration growing as he recovers from the impact. It is clear now that no matter how many regular spells he casts on it, they will not harm it in any way. Instead, he lets a whip-like tentacle lash out and whacks the demon into another wall to buy himself more time.
He quickly rushes to stand in front of you, not knowing exactly what to do, but then he’s startled by the demon “Ah, yes. So you must be Stephen Strange.“
"Do I need to know your name?" The sorcerer growls slightly.
"Have you ever heard of Dov Son Of Mortem?" The demon looks at him with pride, but when he sees that the doctor doesn't recognize the name, he quickly adds, "Nevermind, but to be honest, I was expecting the multiverse threat I'd heard so much about to put up a fair fight with me. I'm so disappointed that everything they said about you turned out to be lies."
Stephen cuts the demon's ramblings short by sending a vicious bolt towards it that he learned from the Darkhold thanks to the incident with Wanda. The creature barely defends itself before Stephen, against his better judgment, loses his human form, even though you are present.
If the demon desires a challenge, Stephen will provide it. Before the doctor sends more offensive spells his way, a tentacle slams him hard into the ground. The sorcerer can see that the shadow is no match for him, but now he is the one who is disappointed. "Didn't you say you wanted a fair fight? You've just wasted my time."
He casts one of the three paths spells without thinking too hard, knowing that a demon couldn't possibly survive a spell from the Book of Vishanti. Stephen notices how the shadow demon snarls before being changed into dust. He showed him mercy, he could have done so much worse.
"Is everyone all right?" He inquired, and the majority of the masters responded. You were the only one who did not respond. He knelt down, slightly concerned, and turned to face you. "Hey, look at me, are you all right?"
Your head felt like it was about to explode, and the ringing in your ears didn't help. Because you couldn't understand what Stephen was saying, you simply extended your hand to him. His oversized hand gently held you while he brushed some hair behind your ear.
“Y/N?” He asked, distressed, and this time you heard him.
"Yea," you said out of breath, then felt a sharp pain that made you gasp.
"Oh my God, are you all right?" Pulling you closer, but you stopped him by placing your hand on his chest.
"I'm fine," you said as you swayed slightly, and the sorcerer tried to hold you, but when you pulled away from him, he stopped.
"Are you certain because—"
"I told you I'm fine, Stephen. Thank you very much." In an irritated tone, you interrupted him. You couldn't look at him when he was like this.
He frowned, but before he could respond, he heard Wong yell.
“Strange!” The all-powerful sorcerer turned to face him. Imagine his surprise when America and Rintrah followed the Sorcerer Supreme closely.
Seeing America with a large scratch on her face caused his heart to race.
"Before you get mad, just so you know, Rintrah would have died if I hadn't been here." The girl spoke quickly, not giving him a chance to respond.
"But isn't he a better sorcerer than you?" You questioned, not understanding how she could have saved him.
"With all due respect, Master Strange, her multiversal punches are lethal. She was responsible for the deaths of more than half of the creatures." The minotaur elaborated
"America, when we get home, we're going to have such a long talk." If looks could kill, America would be for sure dead.
The other masters have already left, leaving only the five of them in the courtyard.
"Look, this conversation doesn't need to go any further; let's get you both to the healers." Getting up, the doctor slowly pulls his wings, tentacles, and other inhuman features back inwards, leaving him looking human.
"Don't worry, I'll accompany them." Wong said, slightly strangely looking at Stephen.
"You don't have to—"
"I said that I will accompany them. You can thank me later." Finally realizing the meaning of the look he gave Stephen, Wong created a portal, leaving only Stephen and you in the courtyard.
There was an awkward pause between the two of you, before he started talking. "Are you sure you're all right?"
"I am; don't worry." you asked as you turned to face him with an expression he couldn't read. "And you?"
"Why wouldn't I be?” Stephen looks confused at you.
"Well, you were thrown against a wall." He looks embarrassed, and you chuckle just a little.
"Uh, yea. I simply wasn't paying attention because I was a little distracted. " he says awkwardly while looking down at his feet. "I'm sorry."
You look at him confused as he further explains "I know you're frightened by my appearance and I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable earlier,"
"Sorry, what?" As he finally has the courage to look into your eyes, you watch him in total confusion. "When did I ever claim to be afraid of your appearance?" As Stephen watches you in astonishment, you move a step closer to him.
"You're not? " He inquires with a slightly trembling voice because, if he were being completely honest, the way you behaved around him didn't give the impression that you were not afraid of him.
"Of course not, Stephen." He was at the very least shocked.
"But I—I don't understand" He looked at you for an answer as he painfully sighed.
"You really believed I was afraid of you?" You stare at him as he nods slowly, feeling your heart break, and you finally give him a hug after a long time. He immediately envelops you in his own arms to keep you close.
You pulled away from him and Stephen found himself mourning his wife’s warmth.
“Steph..” you say as you put a hand on his cheek and he leans in “The reason I avoid this subject—“ you pause for a moment to find the right words, not wanting to hurt his feelings more than you already did “My heart hurts whenever I think of what you’ve done to yourself for me. When I see you like that, all that I can think is that you destroyed yourself just so you can be with me.”
You try to hold back some tears without much success “Was it worth it?”
He steps back a little and gently wipes away your tears, which makes you feel even worse about yourself. “I would do it again in a heartbeat. I was so miserable without you, Y/N. How could I live without you when you are my world?”
Your voice betrays you and you simply can't tell him anything. Instead, you grasp his robes and simply pull him down for a kiss. It is slow and tender, but when you try to back away to catch your breath, Stephen grabs you by the back of the neck with one hand and pulls you closer while planting a soft kiss on your lips once more.
Even then, you don't part from each other when you stop kissing. The tips of your noses lightly brush as the sorcerer taps his forehead against yours. Both of you close your eyes as you slide a hand into each other's hair and simply enjoy each other's company.
This was more intimate even after the two of you had kissed; you could both feel the magic and energy between you.
In comparison to him, you could feel how much weaker your magic was. His was so heavy and dark, while yours was so light. Even so, you didn't feel threatened by it; somewhat, it seemed to be trying to protect you.
"Oh God, how I missed you." He gives a shaky reply.
“You know that I love you,right?” At that the neurosurgeon feels his heart will melt
“I love you so much. You can’t even imagine.” He says as he kisses your hair
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perceivedregret · 1 year
so it continues
written for @thefreakandthehair lex’s spicy six summer challenge! prompt was hurricane for a ronance centric fic. i'm super excited to be part of my first writing challenge! i hope folks enjoy this stand alone work that's set in the supernatural creatures au i've created. i was super lucky to have the prompt available to help motivate me to complete this idea that's been nagging at me for months. this fic takes place later in the timeline but works well enough on its own. feel free to explore the rest if you'd like, but for now!! have werewolf!nancy and witch!robin
tomorrow is closed (part one of two)
Nancy has this thing with the weather.
She’ll wake up naturally with the rise of the sun by the internal clock, or the damn wolfy-senses as Max likes to begrudgingly call it. Whether or not she got a good night’s rest the night before is besides the point. The habit only calls for a single peek between the blinds, doesn't require more than a squint behind bleary eyes to know what kind of day to expect.
It's become a sort of game for her. Every morning she makes a bet with herself. She tunes in to the local news and weather as she gets ready for the day, waits for weatherman Frank to confirm her guess. 
And today is no different.
Nancy raps her knuckles lightly against the glass of the window as she watches the huddle of birds in the nest. She takes a moment to study the horizon where flashing lights illuminate the shadowy clouds, moments later accompanied by a distant roll of thunder.
Static cuts from the junk radio that sits haphazardly along the edge of her desk and Nancy flinches, the radio's feedback piercing. Fiddling with the knobs she turns down the volume until the hum of music no longer rings harshly in her ears, shifting the station to the local news and weather.
Finding the station is easy, has become an ingrained muscle memory as she only teeters back and forth between the one and the most tolerable music station she could find in college town.
Another display of flashing lights and she celebrates her win preemptively, the room further dimming. It comes in today , she thinks with a knowing grin, fingers sweeping deftly across her lashes and clearing away the sleep.
“Today's the day, huh?"
Nancy jumps at the sudden voice, hand to her chest as she spins towards the source. Robin's head peeks out from behind the door of the bathroom that connects their rooms, the upturned corner of her mouth covered in blue-white foam.
"Dammit, Buckley, you can't keep doing that, the whole…" Nancy motions vaguely between themselves, exasperation apparent in the movement. Somehow Robin smiles around the toothbrush. "It's not fair, this one-sided mind connect… thing ."
"D'as no’ 'ow id wo'ks 'nd– gib muh sec." Robin chokes out, free hand rushing to cup her chin as she tilts her head back. A raised pointer finger is the last thing Nancy sees before Robin disappears behind the door entirely, the sound of Robin spitting and the sink running sneaking through the gap.
Nancy rolls her eyes, the line of her mouth thinning as she tries to hide an endeared grin. She makes her way across her room, quick to comb her fingers through her hair. She knocks once before stepping inside but the door that leads to Robin’s room is shut, the bathroom empty. Nancy takes the opportunity to inspect herself in the mirror before going through her usual routine, not bothering to do too much since classes had already been canceled for the week.
She’s trying to tame the final loose strands of her hair when a loud thud comes from Robin's room, followed by low muttered curses one without superhuman hearing would miss. Nancy considers checking on her, gives up on the flyaways that are at constant war with the humidity and sets the hair clip just above the nap of her neck when Robin’s throat suddenly clears.
“No, it's okay, I’m fine! I’m fine, it’s just, this damn cat,” Robin mutters, followed by another succession of low ushered dammit's.
“Robin, seriously? Get out of my head!”
“Sorry, sorry!”
“No you’re not,” Nancy mutters quietly around a smile, leaning into the sink to collect water in her palm. There was never any real venom behind her words, but this other game she plays demands at least a response.
Like the weather, Nancy has this thing with Robin Buckley. A back and forth, one that Nancy still doesn’t entirely understand but one she enjoys, nonetheless. But like her thing with the weather, this thing with Robin involves a game.
Nancy isn't altogether opposed to the constant intrusion that comes with the mind thing. If she’s honest with herself she finds that she rather enjoys it, delights in the fact Robin has this bit of access to her, this connection.
But if she's honest with herself on this then she'd have to further investigate why she doesn't mind. Why the constant reminder that comes in Robin’s one-sided replies sends a familiar warmth through her. A sense of longing that has itself raveled so snuggly around her it nearly smothers her.
She doesn’t have to dig too deep to know the why. The path to truth is as shallow as the empty faux-graves Hopper and the Suits had dug up for their group back in Hawkins.
Except she isn’t ready to delve into it, not after Steve or Jonathan, especially not after Barb, not yet at least. Robin is too important. After everything, the thought of ruining anything between them, most importantly their friendship, would surely kill her the way the wolf-turned-werewolf bite was meant to do all those years ago.
Instead she hides it, buries it as deep as her heart allows and hopes it's deep enough to ignore and not be uncovered, especially not by the one who is privy to her thoughts and capable of uncovering said truth.
So, Nancy has this thing with the weather and Robin Buckley. Another game, one she's determined not to lose.
Even if she's the only one playing.
Another series of thuds this time accompanied by a disgruntled yowl. Nancy eventually hears the unmistakable click of Robin’s window being unlocked and opened, followed by the scattered footsteps of the stray Robin has been so determined to save.
Satisfied with her reflection Nancy starts to make her way back to her room, now actively making an attempt to be less attuned to all things Robin and her current spout of rambling apologizes. She chances a glance outside where the growing clouds cast a shadow over the adjacent buildings, thinks she sees a white-tipped tail disappear around a corner.
Nancy has tried to befriend the grey-white Manx but her attempts to do so have proved unsuccessful. She hasn’t been able to get closer than a few feet before he’s hissing at her, the fur along his spine and tail puffing up with each spitful warning. It doesn’t help when the werewolf part of her instinctually reacts, eyes flashing a defensive yellow, the bed of her nails going numb as her claws prepare to extract.
She hopes he finds somewhere safe to hide, especially today. The cat would rather brave an incoming storm than share a space that houses four other supernatural creatures and a human witch he barely tolerates. She tries not to think about him getting caught in the coming storm.
At the sound of Robin’s door opening her heart flutters in her chest. She tries vehemently to not think about that either.
"As I was trying to say." Robin sidesteps into the room, the hinges of the door whining as she shuts it with a fuzzy-socked heel. Nancy makes an attempt to not stare as Robin leans heavily against the door.
It was a valiant two second attempt, but an attempt nonetheless.
She can’t help but let her eyes wander when Robin gives her the opportunity. Robin tips her head and her hair falls forward, presenting the crown of her now nearly blonde head that has ever so slightly lightened from the constant Florida sun.
Robin's knees knock together as she sinks against the wall, seemingly trying to make herself small under Nancy’s attention. Nancy’s eyes slowly trail up Robin's exposed legs, still surprisingly pale after all these months, her gaze coming to a stop just before she reaches her face. She takes in the oversized shirt that nearly drowns her frame, one she safely assumes belongs to Argyle for its bright colors and assortment of oddly shaped leaves.
When Nancy’s gaze does finally reach the other girl’s face, she feels her own cheeks flame pink. She doesn't need to be able to read Robin's mind to know she's been made.
Instead of calling her out on it Robin’s smirk shifts, her nose scrunching and her hands coming up defensively in front of her chest. "We've been over this, the mind thing–"
There’s a hint of nerves behind her words. Why? 
"–that's not how it works, Nance. If–"
She didn’t notice, how did she– no, don’t. Stop, don’t think. Don’t think .
Robin's eyes narrow as her mouth snaps shut. Before she can start again Nancy cuts her (and herself) off with a dismissive wave and what she hopes is a reassuring smile, begs her voice to not come out as tightly as her chest feels. 
"I know, you don't have to say it." Nancy directs her attention towards her desk, eyes darting over the mess of her recent project that clutters the surface. "I think of you, I end up in your head, and it makes you think of me. 'If we're both thinking about each other hard enough, we meld ,' or whatever the hell you and Steve used to call it."
“Yes, exactly! Except… no, no, not really. Me and him, that's a little different.” Robin sucks air between her teeth and Nancy looks over her shoulder, watches Robin’s head tilt left and right in consideration. “It’s just a little bit different, we–”
"I know . You two have a back and forth, we don’t. Regardless, it doesn't mean I'm used to you having access to my thoughts."
Cheater she thinks, and this time tries to think it as loudly as she can. She spares a final glance over her shoulder if only to glare teasingly before focusing on opening the lockbox that conceals her gun. A strong gust slaps against her window, the quick flash of lightning making the double action revolver she holds in her hand shine.
A mock offended gasp followed by an incredulously low muttered "I don't cheat, " from behind just barely pulls Nancy's attention. Nancy tries to suppress a chuckle as nimble fingers run over the cold metal, trigger finger aligned with the barrel.
Thumbing the release, she flicks the cylinder out of the frame to inspect the circle of wooden bullets in the chamber. Blowing air through the exposed rear of the barrel, she picks away the splinters of wood that litter the opening.
They're still not as good as Argyle's. Dammit, how does he make them so perfect, I don't– Nancy bites her tongue, uses the sting to try to rein in her thoughts again as she continues to inspect the revolver and the bullets inside.
"Ever the sore loser, Wheeler," Robin sighs as she leans back against the door, still across the room.
"Shut up, no I'm not. Besides, this is different."
"Different how? You against the weather, you against Fred and the school paper–" Nancy winces with a silent rest in peace “–now you against Henry. Well, I guess it's now you against Argyle against Henry.”
"The difference is that this is actually important. If we're ever going to take down Henry and his hounds I need to get just as good, if not better at this. The wrong sigil or the wrong shape and weight of the bullet is life and death, and death is not an option. I need to get this right."
Robin whistles low. Nancy can picture the scrunch of her nose without having to look back. "Okay, yeah, you're right. That– it's different."
I'm always right, cheater, Nancy thinks with a smirk, knows not to speak or else expose her amusement.
"Except I don't cheat, so you're not actually always right. But, honestly, this weather game you've got going on… I don't know Nance, this one feels a little teeny-tiny bit like cheating. The weather man's been talking about this storm all week."
"No! I mean, yes, technically he has, but they're still not sure if it’s going to hit us as a tropical storm or a hurricane. I obviously don’t want it to be anything more than a storm, but my bet is hurricane.
"It's been light showers and tropical storm force winds all week, but today is the day. They’re going to announce it picked up over the Atlantic, you watch. Florida weather is already so unpredictable and–"
As if on queue the emergency alarm system blares through the speakers of her radio and Nancy nearly jumps out of her skin, making Robin cackle.
"Shut up. You know my hearing is different from yours," Nancy mutters around her own fit of giggles, lowering the volume as Frank's static voice cuts through. He announces fervently the list of counties that are under tropical storm advisories, including theirs, urging everyone to begin any last minute prep for the fast approaching storm if they haven't already.
"Tropical storm? What- I was so sure it was going to upgrade overnight. I mean, obviously I’m not saying I want a category five or anything, but not even a CAT one?” Nancy mutters with a pout, turning the volume down to a low buzz.
“I know it’s not the Once in a Lifetime Hurricane you were expecting, but a storm is coming in today. As your unofficial ref, I say you won today’s bet.”
“Yeah okay,” Nancy says with a self-deprecating roll of her eyes, the corners of her mouth slipping into a sheepish grin. It's dumb, I know.
"Nothing you do is dumb, Wheeler," Robin says quietly around a chuckle, her hands rising preemptively in apology. But, Nancy doesn't comment on it, can't bring herself to act peeved at the intrusion, instead allows herself a genuine smile.
Nancy’s amusement is only short lived. She redirects her attention towards the gun still in her hand, knocking the wooden bullets out of the extractor and onto her desk where she rolls one of the crudely carved bullets underneath her fingers, unimpressed by her own work.
Another crack of lightning illuminates the room, this time the accompanying crash of thunder following sooner than it had before. With a resigned sigh Nancy reaches out to change the station, today’s bet against the weather officially over.
Dreams starts sifting through the speakers and Nancy tenses, looks over in time to catch the look that masks Robin's face the moment the song registers. Her fingers are immediately back on the dial.
"It’s okay. You don't have to change it, it's fine," Robin says, voice soft.
Nancy hesitates. "Are you sure? I don’t mind changing it."
"No… I mean, yeah? Shit." Robin mutters. After a moment that feels like an eternity passes her eyes slip shut, a pained wince shadowing her features as Stevie Nick's floaty vocals carry their way around the room.
Nancy's fingers twitch, itching to reach out and turn the radio off all together. Instead she waits, barely flinching at the crack of thunder that seems to shake the entire complex. Robin exhales a shaky breath with another low muttered curse. Eventually she nods, opens her eyes as the instrumental breaks and her gaze immediately locks on Nancy.
Nancy watches as the harsh lines between her brows melt away with the slow guitar bridge, Nancy’s own heartbeat moving with the faster drum beat. Robin takes a shallow breath, steadier, and she clears her throat.
"Honestly, I’ve kinda missed this. It used to drive me absolutely bonkers trying to understand how two complete flower children like my parents could have ended up stranded in a town like Hawkins. I used to dream of life after seventeen, ya know... Bella Donna promised a life of adventure.
"But then I turned seventeen and our lives went to shit... What I’d give to come home and find my mom in the middle of our living room, stoned, dancing to Fleetwood Mac."
Robin sniffs quietly with a quick succession of teary blinks that makes Nancy’s own heart ache as she thinks of her own family back home. She wants to take the steps that will carry her across the room, wants to take Robin's hands in her own, help carry the pain that's all too familiar, to hold her.
She doesn't. She musters up what she hopes is an encouraging smile. Robin grins back, line of her mouth tight before she resigns herself to looking out the window. Nancy takes it with a quick swipe to her nose before she turns back to her desk.
They remain silent for a while.
Nancy goes over the carvings, jotting down notes for later. The only noise that fills the space is the music from the radio, her pen scratching along the paper, and the occasional clank as she snaps the barrel of the revolver in and out of the frame.
They remain content in the quiet as the chorus of thunder continues to crack in the distance.
After some time Nancy turns her head to prop her chin onto her own shoulder. In the safety of shadowed light, she allows herself to look.
Robin is looking out the window, watching the angry dark clouds continue to creep in across the sky. The coming storm casts shadows and light across her face. If Nancy focuses hard enough she can almost see the reflection of it in her eyes.
Heavy rain starts to fall and the room darkens even further, heat from the little bit of sun the day had to offer slowly dissipating. The wind howls and Nancy can only just hear the birds in their nest, their silent chirps nearly hidden behind the sound of the wind as the tree that houses their nest trembles.
"I'm not cheating, by the way."
Nancy speaks suddenly, her voice soft. Robin turns to look at her. When her brows pull together and her lips pout in question Nancy has to look away. She focuses on Robin's hands, her fingers interlocked and laid against her stomach. 
Nancy chokes on a swallow, attempts to hide it with a cough as she turns back to her desk. “Today, the storm. I'm using context clues, taking the hints nature has to offer. It’s Journalism 101. ‘Don’t just ask if it’s raining; go look .’
"You, though, hearing my thoughts with all your witchy magic? That's definitely cheating."
"Fair point,” Robin murmurs with a chuckle. "In my defense, Wheeler, if you don't want me to have access to your thoughts, have you considered…"
Nancy hums when Robin doesn't continue, half focused on cleaning up the mess of her desk. She shuffles note cards of the sigils she's been learning and stacks them neatly atop a book of supernatural studies.
She continues to skim the titles of cut out newspaper articles she's been using to track Henry and his pack as she waits. After no response she shoves them unceremoniously below the pile of neatly handwritten pages dotted with information she's picked up about the hybrids from Argyle.
She's inspecting the edge of her blade when she hums again. A nudge. The other part of her, the most demanding part, is still waiting, reverted to being completely attuned to all things Robin Buckley. She tampers the fluttering in her chest, or at least she tries to as she sets down the dagger and unearths a random article, tries to settle her nerves and focus on the words on the page.
The door creaks as Robin finally pulls herself away from it and Nancy’s stomach swoops as the energy shifts inside the room, mirroring to the torrent that plays outside.
She can hear the pop as Robin pulls on her fingers, the way she shakes her hand out. Robin spins the ring on her thumb as she makes her way across the room with a ghost of a smile on her lips, one Nancy knows is there without having to look back.
Another passing moment and Nancy clears her throat. Have I considered what? She thinks, doesn't trust her voice to not give her away.
"Have you, Nancy Wheeler, considered…" Robin's voice is low, scratchy, and it sends a shiver down Nancy's spine. The articles crinkle in her hands as she makes a desperate physical grab for control of her nerves.
The lights flicker and Nancy shudders. Nancy inhales deeply as Robin approaches from behind. She closes her eyes, sinks into the familiar scent and warmth that washes over.
"Have you considered not thinking about me?" Robin's voice is barely a whisper.
Nancy nods, perfect brows pulling together with a dazed shake of her head because- "Of course I have."
"So, why don't you?"
I can't.
"Why not?"
Because I'm pretty sure I’m in love with you.
part two soon!
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roosterbruiser · 2 years
I loved the newest installment of Fuck: The Universe so much! All of Jake and Wisty's various kisses made me want to have a Jake and get to kiss a Jake so, so badly. You make me feel very old and very single (and I'm only 27).
Without further ado, here are my favorite parts and some hopefully not too incoherent screaming about why I loved them.
And this is how Jake gets to wake up now: held tightly in your arms with your body molded around his, your lips pressed against his back, the sunlight streaming in through the curtains you insisted he get (and he does admit that it elevates the room), in the bed that you’ve become a frequent fixture in. But when he breaks it down, when he really dissects these mornings here, he would give every other bit of his comfort away--the ceiling fan being on, all the lights being off, the curtains being closed, the nice sheets, the plush mattress, his mandatory three pillows--just to be in your arms. 
AAAAAHHHHH getting to cuddle Jake as the big-spoon in the morning? Kiss his lovely golden shoulders and feel his muscles move under his skin? Honey I want him so bad.
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And you don’t even mean to think it, you don’t even mean to let the feeling wash over you, but you suddenly remember your father doing this with your mother. Picking up her hand and inspecting the manicure, telling her how much he likes the new color. Kissing her knuckles. It makes a softness press into the very marrow of your bones. 
I am sobbing! The thought of Ice being so sweet with Wisty's mama! And I just know that the first time Wisty got a mani pedi with that blueberry nail polish Jake loves to hate as a little girl, Ice did the same thing for her as he did for her mama.
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It’s been hard for you to let go like this since the official passing of your father. Your mom has been doing remarkably well, never shedding a tear around you at your weekly lunches and still making a frequent church-date out of Jake. It seems like everyone is moving on so normally, pushing forward. And sometimes you feel like you are, too. You’ve moved in with a serious boyfriend, you’re working on base. But then other times, like today, you dream about your father and feel like the floor has fallen out from under you. You hate it that you’re still so angry, hate it that he’s gone. Jake’s already taken care of you--Hell, you and your family--so much in the past few months. You don’t want him to feel burdened by this grief that plagues you. 
Oh, oh oh! This was such a gut punch. Everything for Jake and Wisty somehow comes back to how they found each other huh? In the worst time of Wisty's life. I love that the only conceivable end to the fight is for Jake to hold Wisty as she cries. It would be a complete 180 for Jake to act any other way in this universe. And I swear to God if he had gone dick-Bagman mode I woulda reached through my phone screen and throttled his golden neck myself.
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All of this is just to say that every installment of Fuck:The Universe has been better than the last. I cannot wait to see ever minute of the rest of Jake and Wisty's lives now.
P.S. If you find a Jake wandering around in the wild, please do think of me when you're addressing him to go out to his new home! 🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘
I literally adore you and you're such a constant form of support!! it's so special!! 27 is also such a gorgeous age!! it's the age Stevie Nicks was when she wrote Landslide and it's a girl boss age!! remember that!!
literally making MYSELF moan when writing about waking up spooning Jake Marie Seresin!! he's everything to me
yeah all the parallels between Ice and Jake make me feel fucking WEEPY!!!
that last gif made me giggle so much!! listen, in Fuck: The Universe we only allow the softest of Jake Seresin's!! Jake is still making up from his stunts in the very first part and he's gonna KEEP making it up to Wisteria! period!
and once again, thank you so much. it means the world and everything more to me that you let me know what you like!! makes my night!!!
and I will absolutely keep you in mind if I find a feral Jake!!
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powerful-niya · 2 years
An angsty The Last/Blank Period!NaruHina idea: the damage Neji dealt to Hinata's heart begins to take its toll on her and Naruto is worried about her heart health.
Hey there again! I'm really sorry for the delay on your request! Life's been throwing a lot at me lately. I have been pretty busy.
But I've finally finished your request. I tried to keep it short, haha. I hope this is what you were hoping for!
Thanks again for your patience!
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Word Count: 1.3K
Soft morning light filtered through the bedroom curtains, bathing Naruto and Hinata's room with a gentle, warm glow. It played across their walls, creating fleeting patterns of light and shadow as dawn gradually unfolded over the village of Konoha.
Naruto sat awake, quietly perched on the edge of the bed, his gaze fixed on his lover peacefully sleeping beside him. Her delicate features were softened by the gentle morning light, a tranquil expression gracing her porcelain face as she lay curled under the comfort of the covers.
Naruto smiled as he observed her. He was still adjusting to having someone share his life, still adjusting to waking up each and every morning and finding his beloved hime right beside him once again. Having been alone for most of his life, having her there, knowing they now shared a home together, was a welcomed change.
It was so new, comforting yet unfamiliar. 
But he cherished it. He cherished it all. 
These quiet moments, where he could simply watch her sleep, observe the gentle rise and fall of her chest, and see her at peace, filled him with a sense of tranquility and gratitude he hadn't known before.
Naruto couldn't resist; he reached out, his fingers lightly brushing against Hinata's cheek, marveling at the warmth of her skin beneath his touch.
But his expression tightened slightly as he noticed the peaceful look on Hinata's face suddenly vanish, replaced by a deep frown and scrunched features. Her body began to squirm restlessly—a pattern he occasionally witnessed during her sleep.
He couldn't forget it.
Now, being so close, living together, he saw sides of Hinata he hadn't seen before. Like the turmoil that often gripped her during sleep, haunted by nightmares and sad dreams of the past.
Of Neji.
Months had passed since the ordeal with Toneri Ōtsutsuki, since the Hanabi Rescue Mission, and even years since the Fourth Great Ninja War had ended.
Years since Neji's sacrifice. His death. 
Neji's death had struck the entire village hard, but for Hinata, who had cherished him as cousin, friend, protector, and rival, it inflicted a pain deeper than any physical injury.
Naruto sensed she dreamed of him. Hinata never shared those dreams with him; she kept them all to herself. 
But Naruto knew. He always did.
Naruto could sense her restlessness at night, noting the hitch in her breathing and the sorrowful whispers of Neji's name in her sleep. 
Neji-nii-san," Hinata would whisper, and he would hear it.
Naruto frowned as he raced his eyes over her, memories flooding his mind—memories of Hinata's grief-stricken face at Neji's funeral, her quiet tears that continued long after the village had moved on. 
The impact of Neji's death lingered with Hinata, deep in her heart. It even echoed in the quiet spaces between their conversations, and in her dreams as she slept, a void that time could not seem to fill.
It hurt Naruto deeply to witness it, to see her suffering so much.
He sighed, brushing his finger across her cheek once more, gently tucking a strand of her midnight blue hair behind her ear.
"Oh, Hinata-hime," He whispered softly, feeling her sorrow deeply.
But it was then, Hinata began to stir, as if she sensed his presence, heard his voice. Her eyelashes fluttered open, revealing the gentle lavender hue of her eyes, clouded momentarily with traces of sorrow.
"N-Naruto-kun..." Her voice was soft, barely above a whisper, yet tinged with a weariness that tugged at his heart.
"Hinata-chan," Naruto murmured, his hand sliding down to gently rub her side beneath the sheets, "I-I’m sorry if I woke you. I didn’t mean-"
"N-No, you didn't wake me. It's just..." She trailed off with a sigh.
Naruto frowned, "You…haven't been sleeping well lately, hime," He pointed out, more stating than asking, "I'm worried," He added, studying her face, so familiar yet now tinged with a quiet sadness he couldn't ignore.
Hinata shook her head, a faint, forced smile flickering on her lips, though Naruto could see the shadows in her eyes and hear the rapid thud of her heart.
She rubbed her right eye gently, trying to dispel the lingering sleep that was in them, "It's n-nothing, really. I-I'm fine." She replied, but the tremor in her voice was unmistakable, something she hadn't intended.
Naruto's frown deepened as he sense his lover's obvious lie. His hime was never good at lying.
He reached out to gently take her hand, "You know you can talk to me, right? About anything."
His frown deepened when she remained silent. 
Hinata just lied there, staring off into the distance. 
He sighed again.
Naruto knew more than anyone the pain of emotional scars. He had carried his own for years, and dealed with their weight alone. He could still remember how his scars gnawed at him, consumed him. 
But he found that leaning on others, having the support of his comrades, those he aimed to protect, had helped him heal. Now, seeing Hinata struggle, and seeing her so down, stirred an urge in him to protect her from further pain, to be there for her. 
Her heart couldn't handle this alone. Keeping her pain inside would only make things worse.
Naruto leaned in close, the bed softly creaking under his weight, "You've been through so much, Hinata-chan," He whispered gently, his gaze steady, "But you don't have to carry it all alone, hime. I'm here for you, always."
"Oh, N-Naruto-kun," Hinata murmured, her eyes softening with gratitude, those words filling an emptiness she hadn't realized was there. They were words she never knew she needed to hear. Naruto's words. 
She met his warm blue eyes, her lavender eyes shimmering with unshed tears, "It's Neji-nii-san," She admitted quietly, "His loss... it still hurts sometimes, even after all these years."
Her lips trembled, tears threatening to spill over, "I miss him, Naruto-kun. I miss him so much."
"I know," Naruto nodded gently, running his thumbs across her knuckles, "It's okay to miss him, to feel the pain when you think of him. He was your cousin, our comrade. His absence hurts me too." Naruto whispered, bowing his head, his short blonde hair shifting softly. 
"But I don't like it when you keep it all inside, Hinata-chan. Keeping that pain bottled up—it's not good for you, not good for your heart," Naruto said, shaking his head. He reached out, placing his other hand gently over her heart, feeling its erratic beat beneath his touch.
Naruto's expression grew a bit more serious, his brow furrowing, "Promise me, Hinata-chan," He insisted firmly, "that you'll share everything with me. The pain, the grief, the dreams—promise me, you won't hide it from me anymore, okay?"
"Oh, I-I'm sorry, Naruto-kun," Hinata whispered, shaking her head as she sat up on the bed, gently cupping his whiskered cheeks. Naruto leaned in to her touch, his hand rising to cup her own cheek. 
Hinata frowned, her voice trembling slightly, "I just didn't want to bother you. I just-"
Naruto shook his head, "You're never a bother to me, Hinata-chan. Please, don't ever think that."
"I-I'm sorry," She apologized again, "I didn't mean to keep this from you." She paused, shaking her head again.
"I-I promise, Naruto-kun," Hinata continued softly, "I won't keep it hidden anymore." She looked up, meeting his gaze, "Th-The pain, the grief, the dreams," She whispered, her lavender eyes twinkling as she stared into the eyes of her beloved.
"I promise I won't hide any of it from you," She affirmed, feeling a sense of relief wash over her as she watched Naruto smile warmly, a look of reassurance spreading across his whiskered face.
"Thank you, Hinata-chan," Naruto whispered before leaning in to give her a tender kiss, sending a wave of warmth through her entire body, soothing her heart. 
Just what she needed. 
The kiss was soft, gentle, and sweet, the two pulling back after a moment.
Naruto then drew nearer to Hinata, adjusting their position so they were nestled closely under the sheets. Her head rested on his chest, where she could feel his strong heartbeat pulsing against her cheek.
Hinata sighed in bliss. 
"Now hime," Naruto whispered, "tell me everything."
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strawberrysurecake · 2 years
Heyo! Love ur Bucci gang Hcs! (Especially the tsunderes ones!) Not sure if you're taking requests rn (sorry if ur not bsbdbdb) but I was wondering if I could request sum Bucci gang Hcs with a s/o who has Somniphobia! It's a phobia of sleeping, this can be due to being afraid of something bad happening while asleep or afraid of going to sleep due to nightmares and/or night terrors. S/o is afraid of going to sleep and tries to do everything in their power from falling asleep!
If your request aren't open or you don't want to do this request, you can totally disregard it! ^^
Bucci Gang + Trish with S/O Who Has Somniphobia
Contents: Giorno, Bucciarati, Mista, Narancia, Abbacchio, Fugo & Trish
Tags: G/N!reader, fluff
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Thanks for the request, Pomegranate! Somniphobia is actually something I can relate to. I don't have much problems with sleep anymore but in the past, I used to avoid going to bed until I got incredibly tired. I hope all you somniphobes reading get the chance to overcome your fear!
As for my status about requests, requests aren't officially open beyond the neko short fics but I like to take them anyway because it offers a break in between projects I have.
Psst. By the way, I'm trying out a new aesthetic and informative format for my posts. I made the webcore-styled header myself in MS Paint from scratch too so I'm pretty proud of it.
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❁ - - Giorno Giovanna - - ❁
He has a tendency to wake up in the middle of the night sometimes
It was during one of those nights that he heard you brewing coffee at 3AM
Shuffling downstairs and into the kitchen, he finds you nestling a hot mug of coffee with the darkest circles under your drooping eyes
He asks you if something is wrong but your answer of "no" doesn't satisfy him
"We have a day off tomorrow. There's no need for caffeine this late."
He learns of your fear of sleep and he's intrigued to hear you open up about a vulnerability to him so easily
He nudges the mug away from your lips and morphs the top buttons of his silk shirt into fragrant lavender buds
"Come. You need to rest. I'll sit by you until you're asleep."
❁ - - Bruno Bucciarati - - ❁
When coming home from a mission, he's used to having you run to the door to greet him but not at this unusual hour
It was 2AM when he returned and you were right there on the sofa, languid but ready to kiss him hello
"Amore, I won't be offended if you're asleep by the time I come home..."
Your explanation of how you can’t sleep unless he's there with you has him slightly concerned
After a little quick thinking, he zips together a concoction of fabric and cushions to create a crude cuddle buddy
"Let’s call him...Onurb. When I'm away and you can't sleep, Onurb will be here to keep you safe."
Although he'd rather be the one cuddling you to sleep, he supposes Onurb will have to do for a stand-in when he's away
Though he sincerely hopes you don't become too attached to Onurb...
❁ - - Guido Mista - - ❁
"Baby, it's 4AM. Why are you baking so early in the morning?"
He receives the most deadpan explanation for your fear of slumber, of nightmares and the inherent vulnerability that comes with sleep
Considering his superstitious fear over a single-digit number, he doesn't have much room to criticise your fear of a biological necessity so instead, he relents
He makes conversation with you while you bake but as soon as it hits 5AM, he's hauling your ass back to bed and keeping you there until you get some decent shut-eye
When you wake, the baked goods of 4AM have all been devoured by Sex Pistols
"See? Told you baking at 4AM was a bad idea!"
❁ - - Narancia Ghirga - - ❁
His little spoon is nowhere to be found and now he has to search the entire apartment for your whereabouts
If you're not in the living room, the bathroom or the kitchen then where the hell are you?
The front door suddenly clicks open and there you are with a small bag of snacks in one arm another bag in the other
"You went to the shops without me!?"
You could have at least bought him some orange juice
But what really matters is that you’re safe and you didn’t get kidnapped
"Why'd you go without me? And why this late?"
Though your somnophobia isn't something you want to bother him with, he insists you wake him up whenever your anxiousness gets the better of you
In his lean arms, he reminds you that he's always here to protect you from your fears
"How am I supposed to sleep well if you can't sleep well?"
❁ - - Leone Abbacchio - - ❁
He knows you don't have the best relationship with sleep so what he does is keep you locked tight in his strong arms until you fall sleep
He'll save you from your nightmares, shoo your sleep paralysis demons and hum a quiet lullaby to coax you into dreamland
He doesn't mean to hum you a lullaby; that's something he does on the cusp of sleep
If you mention this habit, he'll deny it
❁ - - Pannacotta Fugo - - ❁
"How come you're still awake?"
The evidence of an all-nighter are all etched into your features as he can tell
Despite how tired you look, there's a tenseness to your posture he can pick up on
"Is there something wrong? You can tell me anything."
Contrary to his suspicions, you're not sleep deprived because you're anxious over any upcoming missions but because of sleep itself
There's guilt over how he's never known this about fear of yours until now
The way he scoops you into his arms is tender
He's very attentive to your needs from that night onward and he takes rigid care to ensure your eight hours of sleep happens
Anyone who dares disturb your slumber will receive the biggest reprimanding of their lifetime
❁ - - Trish Una - - ❁
"Do you want some water? Tea? Warm milk with vanilla?"
She knows of your somnophobia and she won't rest until you're asleep
In the dim lighting of your bedside lamp, she shares a mug of hot milk with you as you share stories about your day
"That was the seventh phone call I received that morning. I wish they'd leave me alone while I'm getting my nails done. I kept hoping it was you who was calling."
She stays up later than she'd like but she can't help wanting to indulge in your company just a little more before fatigue takes over
So long as you sleep well, she sleeps well, too
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drakenology · 4 years
Dumb Little Housewife
husband!bakugo x housewife!reader
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warnings: smut, dumbification kink, unprotected sex, degradation, daddy kink, housewifey stuff ya know?
author’s note: hii! so this is for the new year new kink event with @butterscotchbaku . i’m a little early whoops I couldn’t help myself. go follow her page and all that junk her work is pretty amazing and i’m a HUGE fan ugh her blog is so cute 🥺. and make sure to check out some of the work that participated in this event as well. Hope yall enjoy!
6:30 am, you wake up just before Bakugo to make him his breakfast. You yawn and grab your robe off the back of the bedroom door and tip toe to the kitchen, careful not to wake your sleeping husband on the way out. You hum a little tune while you scramble some eggs and fry a little bit of bacon, happy to please the one you love.
You were grateful he could offer you such a carefree lifestyle. You cook and keep the house clean while Bakugo saves the world, brings home the cash and fucks you nice and good every night. What an even trade. Even though you wouldn’t mind working Bakugo insisted that you stay home, eager and willing to support you both. As you brewed some coffee for you and Katsuki, you find him trudging to the kitchen with a loud and abrupt yawn.
His hair was a mess on top of his head, eyes half lidded and droopy. He’s really at his sexiest when he looks half dead. You smile and hand him his mug as he walked towards you, pulling you closer to him by your waist. You giggle and give him a sweet kiss on the lips.
“Good morning, honey!” You say cheerfully. Bakugo takes a sip of his coffee and sits down at the table.
“G’Mornin.” He said groggily, sleep coating his already deep voice. The sound is almost like sex itself, making the spot between your legs lightly quiver. “‘M workin’ from home today so I’ll be a little busy.”
You pout, almost whine when you hear that Bakugo will basically be at home all day just to ignore you. On top of that you suddenly had an itch only he could scratch since you’re too dumb to get yourself off correctly. Or at least that’s what Katsuki would say. You sigh, feeling particularly bratty this morning and lean against the table in front of him just enough for your robe to droop down and give him a full view of your ample cleavage.
“You can be a little bit late can’t you, Suki?” You mewl, handing him his plate to eat. Bakugo shook his head, staring down into your robe. He was almost persuaded by the sight of your breasts alone but work had to come first even if his hot wife wanted to get fucked right there on the dinner table.
“No I can’t. And don’t try anything while I’m working either, Y/N. You’re already on thin fuckin’ ice.” Bakugo said with his mouth full. You roll your eyes, recalling a few nights when you pushed Katsuki to his limit but he couldn’t punish you right then and there because of work or something or other.
You took full advantage since you and Bakugo hadn’t had sex in about a week since he’d been swamped with hero work. Whether it be sending him videos of you fucking yourself with shaky and clumsy fingers or pictures of you bent over with your pretty panties showing under a dress you wore; you were really pushing your luck.
You pout, grabbing his and your dishes and loaded the dishwasher, hiking your robe up a little to show off your ass in the new thong you bought as you bent over to close the door. Bakugo walks out of the kitchen, smacking your ass hard enough to make you cum right there on the spot. You were already a little wet and needy. You gasp, closing your thighs together as you’re almost brought to your knees by just a strike to the ass.
You had an idea. An idea that was sure to make Bakugo ditch work and fuck you into a stupid bumbling mess.
8:30 am, You walk into the bedroom just past the office Bakugo had set up in to start his work and throw off your robe, adjusting your bra to push your boobs up a bit more. You strut into the office in nothing but your underwear, Bakugo not even turning his head to face you. He was too busy typing up some stupid report or whatever. You grab his chin and pull his head to face you, hovering over him to bury his face between your breasts.
“Y/N so help me...” He hissed, blushing profusely as you climb into his lap. You start to grind up against his thigh, moaning softly as you feel friction for the first time all morning.
“Can’t even work in peace. If only you could see how fucking desperate you look right now.” Bakugo said, only slightly giving in by grabbing your ass with one hand, the other still trying to work.
You bit your lip and blocked his vision of the computer screen with your head and continued to grind on his leg, annoying Bakugo to no end as you completely disobeyed him for the last time. He groaned, stopping his typing to wrap his hand around your neck and pull your ear to his lips.
“You just don’t listen, huh? If it’s dick you want, I’ll make sure you get it all, ya dumb slut.” Bakugo growls into your ear, nipping at your earlobe as you feel yourself get wetter at his lewd words and insults. Bakugo stands on his feet, lifting you up with him as he plopped you onto the desk. You rub your thighs together excitedly as he took your wrists and pinned them above your head.
“Since you can’t keep your fuckin’ hands to yourself.” Bakugo said, yanking your panties to the side with fervor. You gasp as the cold air of the room greet your slick pussy, the feeling quickly being replaced with Bakugo’s thick digits findind their way inside. You whimper, trying to rub your clit to help bring your orgasm closer only to be restricted by your strong husband.
“Nuh uh. Don’t you fucking move. This is what you wanted, right? Now sit and take it like a good whore.” You mewl at his words once more, loving when he talks to you like this. God you couldn’t even compare to the fullness he gave you even with his fingers. Your head was in the clouds now at this point, Bakugo taking one hand to pinch and play with one or your nipples to emphasize the pleasure as he sped up his movements.
Sloshing sounds filled the office, your sopping wet pussy now being abused by Katsuki’s fingers as your slick coated his hand and dripped down your ass onto the desk.
“You’re making such a mess, baby. You’re a sloppy little slut, aren’t you?” Bakugo remarks with a smug look on his face, knowing you’re way too dumb to even form a sentence right now. You bumble and nod, not making a lick of sense when you speak as your moans overtake your own rational thinking.
Katsuki laughs at your dumb little face, tongue lolling out as you pant and cry out for more. Your vision becomes hazy as you come so close to cumming, pleading for Katsuki to make you cum on his fingers since you were being so good only for him to laugh at you. He stops his movements as soon as he felt you were even slightly clenching around him, causing your breathe to be uneven. You let out a pathetic sob, your legs shaking uncontrollably as you come down from your almost high.
“Ooh... So close.” Bakugo mocked. “What’s the matter? I thought this is what you wanted. Don’t tell me your punishment’s too much for you.” You shake your head no, the only thing you have the strength to muster as you pant and rub your thighs together to start up your high again.
He lets your hands go and stands you up to bend you over the desk, your wobbly legs barely able to keep you stable as you stumble around. Bakugo chuckled darkly at the state of you, almost ready to ruin you completely over and over again to get you off his back for long enough to get some work done.
“You know what’s coming next, hm?” Bakugo asked lowly, sending convulsions into your pussy at the thought of what he was about to do.
“N-No daddy p-please don’t.” You beg. He was about to spank you, enough times to make up for all the punishments you’ve missed. You whimper as you feel a sharp strike against your ass, the sting fading into delicious pleasure as your slick dripped down your thighs.
“Count.” Bakugo demands, striking you again causing you to yelp and whine for him to stop. “I said count. Not beg. You get two extra for that.”
“Th-Th-Three!” You squeal as he strikes you again. At this point you’re drenched and regretting even pulling this stunt on your husband, forgetting all about all the things you’ve been doing to him to tease and piss him off.
Smack after smack almost sent you into orbit as your eyes rolled to the back of your head with each hit. You huff as you reach the last hit, your pussy clenching around nothing as you hold yourself back from cumming.
“Th-thirteen-fuck! Thirteen.” You whine, your head burried into your arms as you sob. Bakugo was laughing at you the entire beating, loving the way your body jolted with every blow he delivered to your juicy ass. He was hard as a rock at this point and really wanted to fuck you into oblivion.
“Hm.. I think you’ve learned your lesson. Whatddaya think, princess?” Bakugo asked rubbing circles into your sore ass cheeks.
“Yes! God yes please fuck me, Daddy. I need youu. I’ll be good I promise I won’t bother you anymor-“ You ramble, whining and begging until Katsuki shut you up with a nice filling. Your pussy deliciously stretched to accommodate his impressive size, sobbing into your hands as you cover your face.
You’re so happy your husband was filling you to the brim that your eyes start to tear up, the feeling of his dick kissing your cervix enough to make you clench around him bliss. You let out loud high pitched moans along with frantic thank yous and I love yous as Bakugo ruts into you like a bat outta hell.
“Ya like that? Huh, baby? I know you fuckin’ do, ya little whore.” Bakugo hissed into your ear, already knowing the answer as you babble nonsense into the desk. “That’s right baby take me. Hah, you feel so fucking good right now.” Fuck he was killing you, but it felt so good. Bakugo was fucking you so hard you could hardly keep up with his pace, holding onto the edge of the desk for dear life as he pounded your poor pussy. White lights flash behind your eyes as you come close to cumming for the second time, this time harder than the last. You try and as permission instead coming out as a bumbling mess unable to even form a coherent sentence as Bakugo fucked you into euphoria.
“I-I’m g-gonna- Hah! Ughhhn, sh-shittt- ah! D-d-d-daddyyyy!” you whine
“I can tell you’re close. My poor stupid baby can’t even tell me she’s about to cum for me.” Bakugo said, rutting into at a sudden sloppy pace as he comes close to his own release. You loved his last few thrusts before he came, cumming way before he does from the feeling of his cock throbbing profusely inside you.
You’re a screaming spectical now, your spongy walls clamping down on your husband’s big fat cock, Bakugo cooing praises into your ear as he came hot inside you right after you from the feeling of your tightness. You seemed to milk him for everything he had, Bakugo slowly pulling out after fucking his seed into you to watch his seed spill out of your used up pussy with glee. Bakugo smacks your ass one last time and pulled his pants back up, you still unable to move from the desk as he led you to the bathroom to get you to clean up.
“Ya happy now?” Bakugo said starting your bath as you sat on the edge of the tub. You nod, still hazy and drunk off Bakugo’s dick. He kissed your forehead and ran back to the office after hearing his skype going off. You giggle and wait for the bath to fill, deeply madly and truly in love with the man who just demolished you.
“Oi! Don’t let the water overflow, you idiot!”
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roryywrites · 3 years
A Great Idea
Summary: you had been working for Lena Luthor, the CEO of L-Corp —not to mention one of your girlfriends— for 6 months and your team has been stuck on the problem for weeks. Until one night while in bed you had a late night thought.
Paring: supercorp x reader
Warnings: light language, nothing else :)
Genre: fluff
A/n: literally wrote this in the middle of the night when I was watching himym, hope you enjoy! :)
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Your eyes shot open due to the dirty dream you were having. You could feel your wetness between your thighs and suddenly the thoughts of work came to mind.
You looked over to your side and find Lena sleeping so peacefully but the empty side to your left made you wonder where Kara was. She usually didn’t have anyone calling her to the rescue at night but maybe this was one of the times.
You’ve been working for Lena at L-Corp for 6 months now. Your professional relationship new but your romantic relationship was there 2 years prior to working for her. Now that she was your boss and you her lead scientist you had a lot of paper work and that night and you decided to skip it.
You went back to your apartment and find Lena dead asleep. You decided not to do your paper work anymore because if she sees you doing work instead of being with her, let’s say you were in for a long agonizing night.
You looked for Kara just after slipping all your clothes off. You found her in the bathroom brushing her teeth and reading something on her phone. “What’re you reading?” You asked and snaked your arms on her waist, hugging her from behind, taking in her wonderful scent.
Kara hums feeling happy she could finally feel your arms, because you had been working all day with Lena, and even working with her you don’t really get to see her. While you were busy calculating and making formulas, Lena was running a company.
“Just an article about the attack earlier” the blonde replied and spit out the rest of the toothpaste in her mouth. You nodded and started planting kisses on her muscular back. You slowly moved up to her neck and stooped when realizing where it was going. “Are you tired, baby?” The pet name giving you goosebumps as she only called you that when she was horny.
Kara was never the type to call people pet names but she had an exception for you. She calls you whatever she wants while in bed but in your daily life she usually calls you ‘bubs’ or ‘sunshine’, so her calling you ‘baby’ was a sign she wants you. “Sorry, Kara, but I actually am” you pout and kiss her neck one last time before slipping in beside Lena and Kara doesn’t say anything else when seeing your eyes almost flutter shut.
Out of the blue, an idea comes up to your head just after having a dirty dream about your girlfriends. You turn to the right and slightly shake Lena’s shoulder. “Lee” you whisper but get no response so you do it again. “Lee, Lee” your voice a little louder to slightly wake her.
Lena groans and hums in response, opening her eyes just enough to see your silhouette . “I just got a great idea” you beam and sit up excitedly, trying to shake her out of her sleep.
Lena wasn’t exactly a night owl, nor was she an early bird, she was an afternoon person. So every time she has to work late you go to her office with food, and Kara. The combination of food, Kara, and you was like candy to a 4 year old, it was all she wanted.
Lena sloppily sat up and immediately fall onto your chest, not having the energy to even talk. “What if we combine the two formulas?” You wondered and Lena gives you a confused sound.
You explain why you should combine the two formulas and Lena starts listening. While telling Lena about your late night epiphany, Kara walks in the room in her super-suit, her eyelids threatening to shut and not open till the morning. But when she heard you and Lena talking about the things she never understood, her eyes shot open in amazement of how you two can finish each other’s sentences.
“Holy shit y/n! I think you just solved our entire problem!” Lena exclaims, the previous sleepy and tiredness in her voice long gone. You hadn’t notice Kara standing by the doorframe for another minute but when you finally did you shoot her a soft smile accompanied with a hand gesture, signaling her to come to you.
When your hands finally meet, you pull her to you and Lena and she falls face flat on the mattress. “What kind of idiot did you stop now?” Kara groans and shakes her head saying she doesn’t wanna talk about it. Your eyes meet Lena’s and you both already know that Kara had a bad day —well, night.
You slowly flip Kara to her back and see her already half asleep. Both you and Lena knew that it would be almost impossible to get her out of her super-suit and she has to do it in her own. “Kara, love?” Lena cooed and brush her hand to Kara’s hair, gently stroking her golden locks.
Kara hums and slightly open her eyes “you have to take the suit off yourself, honey” the blonde pouted and let out a groan before super speeding out of her suit, leaving her in her underwear and bra.
After getting out her suit you lay back down on the bed with Lena and Kara beside you, their arms on either sides of you, enveloping you in their warmth as they fall back asleep. It didn’t take you long before dozing off along with them but before you did, you made sure to write the formula on your arm so you wouldn’t forget.
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neonlights92 · 3 years
Night Changes: PART ONE
Jeon Jungkook has spent the last twenty years alone.  Single.  Solo. 
And that’s just the way he likes it.  That is, until he meets the supposed love of his life.  Suddenly he’s falling over himself at the chance of a real relationship with someone.
The only thing getting in his way? You.
genre: fuckboy!jungkookie, college!jungkookie, romcom, e2l (kinda)
A/N: my attempt at a college kookie story? enjooooy
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Perhaps it is the universe telling him to stop drinking. 
Jeon Jungkook really needs to start listening to the universe, and stop listening to - well to put it bluntly - his penis. 
When he wakes up in another stranger’s bed, with a splitting headache, and lipstick marks scattered across his chest, he reckons he should start making better life choices. 
The young woman sharing his bed - a girl from the party last night, with legs that go on for miles - rolls over and blinks her eyes open sleepily.  She smiles at him.
“Hi Jungkook.” 
He racks his brain for her name.  Jisoo… Jennie… Lisa… Rose? 
He feels bad - he really really does - but what can he do?  He was seven tequilas in, when Taehyung convinced him that taking her home would be a good idea. 
“Hi…. You.”  He finishes lamely, smiling sheepishly. 
She blinks again, this time a little more furious.  Her eyes narrow after a moment. 
“You don’t remember my name, do you?”  She purses her stained lips, and Jungkook really does feel awful.
Or maybe that’s just the hangover. 
“I uh - maybe.  It’s.. Last night’s a little bit grainy for me, to be honest.”
She seems unimpressed, arching a well-groomed brow, “You’re in most of my classes at college, Jeon Jungkook.”
And really that’s when he feels like a complete asshole. 
“Shit.  I’m sorry,” He tries to place her - he tries so fucking hard - but he knows he doesn’t recognise her, and a worm of guilt starts niggling in the pit of his stomach.
She rolls her eyes and sits up, pressing a hand against her forehead and clicking her tongue, “Whatever.  Just get out.  Jerk.” 
Jungkook feels bad.  Seriously, he does. 
But he can’t help but share her sentiment.  
He scrambles out of bed, fishing around her bedroom floor for the jeans he so carelessly threw off, and the white shirt he’s sure is stained with something he’ll never be able to get rid of.  He stumbles into the clothing and turns back towards the nameless woman glaring at him from underneath the covers.
“Do you hate me?”
She rolls her eyes, “Get out of my house, asshole.” He winces.  He knows he deserves that.
“See you soon?” She shakes her head, and tugs a hand through her unruly hair, “Hopefully not.” Jungkook bolts out of there like his life depends on it but just as he pulls the front door open, somebody else blocks his way.  And suddenly everything in the world shifts, and he feels as though his heart has just split open right down the middle. 
Because standing in front of him, holding two bags of groceries, is an absolute angel.  
Jungkook thinks - no he’s certain - she’s the most beautiful woman he’s seen in his entire life, and now he understands the songs, and the sonnets and the plays.  This is what love at first sight is.
It has to be.
“Oh.”  She laughs a little, “Hi.” 
Jungkook’s eyes widen, “Hi.”
“You must be Y/N’s guest.” 
Y/N.  So that’s her name.
“Uh… Yeah.”
Her cheeks flush brightly, “I’m Soomi, Y/N’s roommate.” 
“Nice to meet you Y/N’s roommate.  I’m Jungkook.”
When she giggles, Jungkook feels like he’s ascended into another plane of existence.  
“Well it’s nice to meet you too.”  Her eyes lower to his haphazardly buttoned shirt, “Under the circumstances.” Jungkook feels stupid and wonderful all at the same time, and just as he’s about to do something crazy - like ask for her number, or ask her to marry him, even - somebody clears their throat from behind him.
In a moment, Jungkook remembers exactly where he is.  His heart drops.
“I see you’ve met the asshole I slept with last night,” Y/N raises a brow and clicks her tongue, “You were just on your way out, Jungkook, weren’t you?”
“I… Uh…  Yeah.  On my way out.” Jungkook knows he has no right to feel dejected - after all he was the one who couldn’t remember Y/N’s name in the first place.  But he’s sure Soomi might very well be the love of his life, and he can’t possibly just walk out like this, can he? But when he turns to face Soomi he notices she’s already stepped out of the way for him… And there’s really nothing more he can do.  
“Well uh… It was nice to meet you Soomi,” He moves into the hallway and turns to give Y/N a half smile, “See you in class.”
“Like I said.”  Y/N pulls a face, “Hopefully not.”
Soomi giggles again and he feels like he’s been shot straight through the heart, “Bye Jungkook!”
The door slams shut in his face, and the moment Jungkook is alone he notices how quickly his heart is racing.  Oh god.
He’s in love. 
He has to be.
“Jungkook.  You’re being ridiculous.”  Jungkook’s roommate Namjoon rolls his dark eyes, “She is not the “love of your life.”  Stop being so dramatic, you sound like Jin.” Jungkook feels like his heart is about to burst.  It’s been less than three hours since he met Soomi and all he can think about is the curve of her smile.
“No.  I’m serious, Namjoon.  C’mon, when have you ever known me to feel this way about a girl?”
Namjoon sets his mug of coffee to one side and clicks his tongue, “Never.  I’ve never known you to feel this way about a girl.  Which only further proves my point - you’re being ridiculous.”
“You’re just made of ice,” He comments bitterly, “I’m serious Namjoon.  I’m in love.”
“Listen Jungkook you know I usually love to disagree with Namjoon,” This comes from Jungkook’s other roommate Taehyung who is slung across the couch lazily, “But I’ve got to say… This time he’s got a point.  You sound like a crazy person.”
“If you saw her you’d know exactly what I mean.” 
Namjoon rolls his eyes so hard Jungkook is surprised he doesn’t lose one to the back of his skull.
“It’s a girl Jungkook.  A girl you met for all of twenty seconds.” “She was an angel.”
Taehyung giggles, “You’ve really got it bad huh?” “My heart hasn’t stopped pounding since I left her.”  Jungkook feels himself deflate slightly, “I need to see her again.” “And how are you going to do that?”  Taehyung raises a dark brow, “Surely you don’t have any classes with her, or you would’ve seen her by now.”
“No but… I have classes with Y/N.”  Jungkook knows it’s a dumb suggestion.  
But he can’t help it.  He needs to see Soomi again. 
“Y/N as in the girl who you slept with and who’s name you couldn’t remember?”  Namjoon scoffs, “Even you can’t be dumb enough to think she’d help you out of the goodness of her heart.”
“No… Maybe not out of the goodness of her heart.”  Jungkook agrees, carding a hand through his cherry red locks, “But I can figure out something she wants.  Y’know… Mutually beneficial.”
“I hope you’re not talking about your penis,” Taehyung pulls a face. 
“Have you not been listening for the past hour Taehyung?  I am in love with Soomi - I’m not about to sleep with her roommate...Again.  I’m a one woman man.”
Namjoon pushes himself to his feet, “Your only hope is that she’s in love with somebody else.  Somebody you could potentially help her seduce.”
Jungkook stands too, “That’s brilliant.” “What about Hoseok?” Taehyung cocks his head to the side, “Everybody’s in love with Hoseok.”
“Do not drag Hoseok into this Jungkook.”  Namjoon gives his friend a pointed look, “I’m serious.  He’s still heartbroken over Alexa.”
“Alexis,” Taehyung corrects, “Why can’t you ever bother to get the names of our girlfriends right?”
As Namjoon and Taehyung argue over Namjoon’s inability to remember names correctly, Jungkook starts thinking of all the ways he can convince Y/N to help him with Soomi.
It’ll be a piece of cake.
Or so he hopes.
Monday morning rolls around and Jungkook spends practically every minute from the moment he leaves his dorm scouring the campus for Y/N.  She isn’t in his first class of the day - or even the second.  By his third class of the day he starts to wonder if maybe she’d confused him with someone else.
Maybe there’s another Jeon Jungkook on campus who sleeps with attractive women and forgets their name in the morning.  Somebody else is stealing his game.
But then - like a vision from heaven - she walks into his political science class as if she isn’t the key to all his happiness. Her eyes flit across the lecture room and when they land on Jungkook she glares.  He wants to sink back against himself but he refuses - instead he smiles widely and gestures for her to sit in the empty seat beside him.
She shakes her head as if he’s crazy (and to be honest, he might be) and instead moves towards the very back, sliding into a seat all on her own. 
Jungkook grunts.  He can’t really blame her. 
Still.  Does she really have to make things so difficult?
He grabs his books and shuffles over to where Y/N is sat, engrossed by something on her phone.  When he looks closer he realises it's one of those pimple popping compilations on Youtube.
Jungkook clears his throat and when she looks up her expression morphs from surprise into annoyance.
“What are you doing?”
“Sitting beside my new friend,” He grins wider, “Y/N.”
Her eyes narrow into slits, “What do you want?”
“To make amends,” Jungkook answers immediately, “I kind of feel like an asshole.” “You should.”  She gives him another look of annoyance, “But I’m also not stupid.  You’ve got the hots for Soomi, haven’t you?”
Jungkook feels his stomach drop.  Is he that obvious?
“Everyone has the hots for Soomi,” Y/N waves her hand noncommittally and gives him a once over, “Though not everyone has slept with her roommate.”
Jungkook winces.  It’s clear Y/N despises him.
“Would it help if I said I was sorry?”
“For forgetting my name or for giving me the worst head of my life?” The insult sears him.  Jungkook may be a little bit of a lady’s man but he’s always been determined to please his lovers.  He wishes he could remember any part of their tryst (to prove her wrong, more than anything) but once again he draws a blank.
“I can make it up to you.” She raises a brow, “I highly doubt that.”
Jungkook opens his mouth to argue with her - before Y/N’s attention is stolen by the figure that has just walked through the double doors of their lecture room.  Jungkook follows her gaze and smirks when he realises who she’s staring at.
“So you have the hots for Park Jimin then?”
Y/N’s eyes snap up to meet his and she seems flustered, “What?”
“You just looked at him like he rearranged the stars to spell your name,” Jungkook’s smirk widens, “You like him.”
Y/N looks ready to smack him across the face.  
“Shut up.”
“I’m not wrong though, am I?” When her eyebrows dip into a scowl, Jungkook knows he’s won this battle.  He leans towards her, conspiratorially. 
“I know Jimin well.”
That’s kind of a bold statement (and kind of a lie.)  Jungkook knows of Jimin.  He’s on the same dance team as Taehyung and Hoseok - two of Jungkook’s closest friends.  That’s enough of an in, isn’t it?
“No you don’t.”  She mutters with a roll of her eyes, “I can see where you’re going with this.”
“No seriously.  He’s best friends with Kim Taehyung,” Again a slight overstatement, but Jungkook doesn’t correct himself, “And Taehyung is like my brother.  We grew up together.”
“So what?  You help me out with Jimin and I have to do the same for Soomi?”  She scoffs, “Soomi and I are best friends.  I don’t want to lie to her.” “It wouldn’t be lying.”  Jungkook’s voice pinches a little, “It’s just helping fate along.” “Fate?”  Y/N’s expression morphs into one of disbelief, “Oh my god.  You really do have the hots for her.” “If cupid himself descended to earth and shot me in the ass with an arrow, I’d feel exactly the same for her.  Seriously.”
Y/N seems to contemplate the suggestion.  Her eyes move to meet the back of Jimin’s head - where he’s sat in the front row - and she sighs heavily.  Jungkook tries to read her face. 
Is she softening up to the idea?
“Let’s say I agreed to help you.”  Her voice is flat, “How can I be sure Soomi won’t just be another notch on your bedpost?”
Jungkook feels his chest constrict, “I resent that.  Just because I have more experience than others doesn’t mean I’m an asshole.  I don’t pursue women with the intentions of fucking them over.”
He won’t admit it but that assumption kind of pisses him off.  
When Y/N is quiet a moment longer, Jungkook sighs and tugs a hand through his hair. 
“If I do fuck her over…. Which I won’t.  I give you full permission to start a rumour that my penis is the size of a cocktail sausage.  I won’t even deny it.”
Y/N’s eyes widen and Jungkook notices (but doesn’t comment on) a red flush to her neck.
“Alright.  Fine.  I’ll help you out with Soomi, if you help me out with Jimin.”
Jungkook has to force himself not to punch the air in triumph.  Instead he grins - nice and wide - and nudges Y/N playfully, “I think this is the start of a very beautiful friendship.”
She groans.
“I’m already regretting this.”
Jungkook sends Y/N a text message the next morning, bright and early.  He doesn’t expect a response from her - he assumes she’s more of a night owl than an early bird - but then his phone pings in response and he has to say he’s a little surprised.
Jungkook: good mornin’ y/n… this is cupid calling 
Y/N: y’know..  I knew giving you my number was a bad idea 
Jungkook: oh c’mon don’t be like that, now that we’re friends you should definitely start warming up to me
Her reply takes a little longer but Jungkook isn’t worried.  Despite what she feels towards him, Y/N thinks her only way to Jimin’s heart is through Jungkook.  So she’ll just have to put up with it.
Y/N: I just puked in my mouth at the thought of warming up anywhere close to you.  Gross
Jungkook smiles at her response.
Jungkook: I think you like me more than you're willing to admit.  Anyway we need to get on with our…. Agreement.  Want to come round this evening to discuss arrangements?  I’ll even throw in some pizza and beer.
Y/N: I only like hawaiian.
Jungkook: Disgusting.  You and Namjoon will get on fantastically then.  Alright hawaiian it is. 
He sends her his address and when she replies with the puking emoji he laughs despite himself.
Maybe she’s not all that bad.
“Pineapple on pizza is a cardinal sin.” Y/N glares at Jungkook as she tucks into her third slice, “Why are you hating?”
“I just - I don’t get it.”
Y/N had arrived at his apartment earlier that evening with a six pack of beer in what Jungkook had assumed was a begrudging olive branch.  The two of them had spent the last hour discussing the delicate intricacies of mario kart, and Jungkook had found himself enjoying her company more and more.
He hated to admit it but she was kind of cool.
Only kind of, though.
“You don’t get it because your taste buds are subpar,” She moves her mouth into a small smile and Jungkook almost gasps at the gesture, “Hawaiian is the only acceptable way to eat pizza.  Period.”
“Y’know you look much cuter when you smile,” He quips, watching as she chokes on the last piece of crust, “You should do it more often.” Her eyes narrow into a glare, “I smile at people who bother to remember my name.”
“I thought you’d forgiven me for that.  I’m helping you out with Jimin aren’t I?”
Y/N laughs - and Jungkook is surprised at the warmth in her tone, “At a price.  Or are you forgetting I’m setting you up with Soomi?”
“Which reminds me,” He scoots closer towards her, pushing the pizza box out of the way, “What’s our plan of action?” Y/N seems to pause for a moment, her eyes flicking nervously across his face as she tucks some of her hair behind her ear.  Jungkook doesn’t comment on her sudden shift in behaviour, but he notices it. 
Man.  Girls are weird.
“I thought maybe… You could come over one night, to watch a movie or whatever.  And you could ask Taehyung and Jimin to join, too.”
Jungkook nods emphatically, “That’s a good plan.  Something intimate to really plant those seeds of love.”
Y/N laughs again and he notices the crinkles at the sides of her eyes when she does so.  Weird.  Why hasn’t he seen those before?  Admittedly… It’s kind of adorable.
“Plant those seeds of love,” She pulls a face, “You really are a wordsmith, Jeon Jungkook.” 
“Is it any wonder when my major is English lit?”
“Me too,” She cocks her head to one side, hair falling out from behind her ears, “Makes sense why you’re in most of my classes.”
Jungkook feels kind of (very) guilty as memories of their morning together are brought back.
“I really do feel like shit for not remembering you.”  He rubs the back of his neck in that universal boy sign for awkwardness, and clicks his tongue, “I wish I had.”
She shrugs, her eyes darkening a moment as she looks away, “It’s alright.  I’m kind of used to it to be honest.  Always been more of a... Background kind of person.” 
Jungkook clucks, like a mother hen disappointed at her chicks, “Hey don’t say that about yourself.”
When Y/N moves her eyes to meet with his own again, Jungkook notices she doesn’t seem angry or bitter.   Just resigned.
“But it’s true,” She licks her bottom lip and smiles almost sadly, “Soomi’s always been the centre of attention everywhere we go.  And I’ve known her… Forever, really.  So it makes sense.  Someone always has to take the back seat.  I don’t mind it.  Suits me just fine.”
Now Jungkook really feels like an asshole.  When she was prickly, it was easy to shove everything under the carpet, and pretend that not knowing her name wasn’t sort of horrible.
But now she was being nice, it made everything a hundred times worse.
“I’m sorry Y/N.  Really.”  
She meets his gaze again and smiles - this time a little lighter, “Don’t worry about it.  Now you know who I am… And you’ll never forget it.  Not least because I’m the love of your life’s best friend.”
Jungkook feels kind of awful right now, but he knows that apologising again will probably only annoy her.  He tucks his guilt somewhere into the back of his mind and smiles widely, trying to ease the mood.
“Right.  And I’m the person who is going to help you snag the man of your dreams!” 
She laughs at that, taking a final chug of her beer before setting the empty bottle to one side.
“Park Jimin here I come!”
“You’ve got a one way ticket to Bonetown and Jimin is flying first class!”
She laughs louder, this time snorting, “That makes no sense, but I’ll take it.”
They spend the rest of the evening hanging out in a way that feels strangely familiar, and it’s only when Y/N’s head begins to lull to one side that Jungkook realises it’s past three am.  And as he orders her an uber home, and insists she takes the final slice of pizza for the journey home, Jungkook realises that Y/N is more than just kind of cute.
She’s kind of great.
Later on that week, as Jungkook fills Namjoon and Taehyung in on his progress with Y/N, the former seems less than impressed.
“This is only going to end badly.”  Namjoon shakes his head, “Haven’t you ever seen a romantic comedy?  Shit like this only ends in tears.”
Jungkook takes a swig from his beer and rolls his eyes, “Have you ever tried to be positive a single day in your life Namjoon?  Y/N agreed to help me.  It’s progress.”
“But you dragged me into it,” Taehyung seems unimpressed, “And I told you me and Jimin aren’t even that close.”
“Okay so I might have embellished slightly….”
“Slightly?  You called us the best of friends,” Taehyung groans at his friend’s stupidity, “I’m not sure Jimin even knows what major I’m taking.”
“This is the most Jungkook problem of all time,” Namjoon guffaws at the situation, “How the hell are you going to sort this out.” “Tae - I just need you to convince Jimin to come on one date.”
Taehyung rolls his eyes, “I don’t know him that well, Kook.  What exactly am I supposed to say?” 
“I don’t know but you once convinced your mom those nudes of you that got leaked senior year of high school were actually for an art project,” Jungkook pleads with his friend, “I know  you can do this.” Taehyung laughs at the memory and pulls a face, “If he says no though, there’s not much else I can do.” “Fine.  But at least try.”
Jungkook knows that the universe is working in his favour.  It has to be.  The moment he laid eyes on Soomi he knew he’d never be happy again without her.
“Alright Kook I’ll try.  But I’m not making any promises.” Jungkook grins, “You’re the best.”
“I know I am,” He leans further back into the couch and grabs a slice of the pizza Namjoon ordered, surreptitiously picking off the pineapple, “Now what are you going to do about Y/N?” Jungkook raises a brow, “What do you mean?” “Well you described her as a she-demon,” Namjoon snorts, choking on some of his beer, “How exactly is that going to seduce Jimin?” “Remember everyone loves him,” Taehyung tacks on - less than helpfully - his smirk growing, “She’s going to have to get in line.” “Everyone does not love Jimin.”
Taehyung scoffs, “You’re kidding right?  I once watched him turn down three girls in one night.”
“Yeah.  This girl from my psych class says he’s still heart broken from his ex,” Namjoon seems to be enjoying Jungkook’s predicament a little too much, “Says he won’t even give anyone a chance.”
Jungkook refuses to let his friends’ pessimism get in the way of his elation.  He’s one step closer to Soomi, and if Jimin thinks he can be the one to stand in his way he’s got another thing coming.
“I’ll make it work.”  He answers with more confidence than he necessarily feels, “Besides, Y/N’s not that bad.  In certain lights she might even be considered kind of… Cute.  She’s just a little...brash.”
“Could her brashness towards you be due to the fact you forgot her name after an evening of vigorous love making?”  Taehyung gives his friend a knowing look, “I mean that would probably even hurt you Jungkook.  And you’re the master of not giving a fuck.”
“I apologised.”  He says it like that should fix everything, but in the depths of his heart Jungkook knows forgetting her name was kind of (really) shitty, “Besides.  If I really do set her up with Jimin and this all works out perfectly she’ll have a lot to thank me for.  Might even forgive me.”
Taehyung laughs and Namjoon pulls a face.
“We live in hope.” “That we do Joon.” Jungkook grins, “That we do.”
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peepeepotter · 3 years
Late Night Encounters Part 3
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT!! Female receiving oral, unprotected vaginal penetration
Word Count: 3.5K
A/N: It’s my birthday so I didn’t proofread this!! I’m sorry!!
Once again, Fred had a date. He woke up that morning and remembered every bit of what he had said, and stood by his words. He told Y/N he still wanted to see the ring on the table when he got home. He wanted her to think about it for at least 24 full hours before she made a decision.
Y/N and Fred had narrowly missed each other that morning. He was off running errands for the day and she had only just woken up. He was home for lunch and she was out with Hermione. Y/N felt her heart sink, feeling guilty for wanting to see him. Why guilt, though? She didn’t feel like she had a valid reason to feel guilty. After she got home from lunch Fred had already left for his date, so she fell asleep on the couch in the living room, figuring it was a good way to pass the time until she saw her new best friend again.
“Why was this on the kitchen table?” George asked, waking Y/N up out of her sweet, dreamless sleep on the couch. He was holding the ring.
“I can’t sleep with jewelry on.” She shrugged, getting up and going to grab the ring. He held it up higher. She almost laughed until she saw the look on his face.
“I’m serious.” She sighed heavily at this.
“I know, George.”
“You know what?” The audacity that men have.
“I know you’re sleeping with her again.”
“W-what?” He almost dropped the ring.
“I just don’t get it, George.”
“I w-wouldn’t do that again.”
“Except you are.”
“Why are you accusing me right now?”
“Because I’m not dumb! Just because I trust you doesn’t mean I’m dumb! I’m not naive. The first time, sure. This time, no! It’s the same as last time, but you thought I’d stay with you just because you proposed this time! Maybe I won’t, did you think about that? What if you get her pregnant? Did you just expect me to stay around and raise the kid? Or what if we both get pregnant, who are you leaving alone with their child?”
“I cannot believe this right now--”
“Stop that! Stop it! You’re gaslighting me! You know I’m right! Stop lying!”
“How long?”
“A year.”
“So immediately after we got back to where we were.”
“Why? What did I do? Why am I not enough for you?”
“Maybe if you--”
“Actually, no, fuck you. I’m enough for me. I’m enough for so many people. I gave you a second chance and you fucking blew it! I’ve done so much for you, for Fred, too!”
“I--” He sighed. He was speechless. It was the first time you’d really fully stood up for yourself. It was on him, he knew that. “I think...I’m going to spend the night at the Burrow, and we’ll talk about it tomorrow.”
“Go, spend the night with her, but don’t lie to me and say you’re staying with your mom.” She spoke bluntly, tears streaming out of her eyes quietly. It was a silent cry, the only way Y/N ever allowed herself to cry in front of people. He hesitated, but he turned around and left the living room. Y/N entered the kitchen, starting to grease pans for baking.
Fred came home that night, mostly confused. Y/N wasn’t in the living room tonight, which didn’t make him feel great. That wasn’t the worst of it though. The date was great. She was perfect, but...he hated it. Something was missing. As she listed off interests, favorite movies, her favorite quidditch team...all he could think was that something was missing. When he got home, and Y/N was missing, it dawned on him. It was her. She was missing. The girl had listed off all of Y/N’s favorite movies, her favorite songs. She liked to bake. Her favorite quidditch team was the Holyhead Harpies, the team his little sister played on. Suddenly, Fred felt rather sick. He can’t have feelings for his brother's girlfriend--no, fiance!
With a pit in his stomach, he walked into the kitchen, where he opened his eyes wide. The entire kitchen table and window sill were covered in baked goods. There was one clean counter, where Y/N sat staring off into space, waiting for her next round of cookies to finish.
“Oh! I forgot! I’m sorry, how was the date?”
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh nothing--”
“Don’t, please don’t close yourself off. We’re close now, just let me in. What happened, what’s with the baked goods?” He asked, leaning with his arms crossed and his back against the island counter across from where she sat. He noticed the ring was missing, it wasn’t on Y/N’s finger, it wasn’t on the counter or the table where he’d seen it last.
“He admitted it. He’s cheating on me with her again.” She sighed, looking to the ceiling and holding back tears. “And it sucks so hard to know he wasted all this time of mine again. He proposed to me. I know he’s your brother, but that’s just so...crazy. Who does that?” She paused, and just as Fred was about to talk she kept going. “And the worst part is that I don’t...I don’t feel anything. The first time he cheated with Angelina it was like my whole world came crashing down. He was my best friend, my boyfriend, and my roommate. Now, it barely even feels like we’re roommates. I thought I could love him the same way after it all, and maybe he cheated because I couldn’t.”
“Don’t blame yourself. Cheating is always a decision. If he realized you didn’t love him the same way he should have communicated with you. Broken up. Not proposed and delayed this.” Fred sighed. Y/N wouldn’t make eye contact with Fred, assumingly because she was upset.
“I--” She paused, chest tight. She looked up at Fred, making blatant eye contact. “What if I’ve been emotionally cheating?” Fred’s eyes widened and his heart sank. He felt awful, like his feelings for her would just have to go away again. Right as they were getting close.
“W-what? With who?”
“You fucking idiot.” She sighed, pushing herself off the counter. She went to walk away, but Fred put his arms on either side of her on the counter, pinning her where she was.
“Don’t walk away.” He whispered, so close to her face. Her heart pounded.
“I--” She sighed. “Fred, I’ve felt more for you in the past five days than I’ve felt for George in the past year and a half. I waited all day for you to be here, and I kept feeling guilty for it. I’ve felt so guilty, and then I find out he’s cheating and I’m so numb to it because you’re all I can think about.” She paused to breathe before she continued her quick ramblings. “Also, the idea of having feelings for you is so weird, because we only just started to like each other, but you’re standing so close to me and all I can hear is my heart pounding in my ears. I can’t stop thinking about all the girls you used to bring home and how I don’t want to be just one of those girls you sleep with. But obviously I can’t just be with you because I think I just broke off my engagement with your brother and also because you haven’t said anything--” So Fred, in his overwhelmed state, pushed forward and pressed his lips against hers. She grabbed both sides of his face as he grabbed her hips. After a few moments, he quickly pulled apart, moving one of his hands to keep her hand on his face in place
“I couldn’t tell you the other night, but I had feelings for you that summer before the war, but you were with George. I couldn’t...I couldn’t just confess then, and besides you were so happy with him. Then we didn’t like each other, and the night before you got engaged I couldn’t stop thinking about you all over again. And...George made us spend all that time together and you’re the only thing I think about. The girl I went on the date with was so perfect, but I couldn’t get you off my mind and I realized she was just like you. But she wasn’t. She wasn’t you, no one will ever be you.” Fred spoke in a hushed tone with his eyes closed, as if speaking any louder or seeing her would make Y/N evaporate into thin air. Slowly, he opened his eyes to see her with tear tracks down her face.
“I don’t think anyone’s ever said anything that nice to me before.” She whispered, taking the hand that wasn’t trapped by his and wiping her face. He giggled, letting go of her hand and using both of his hands to hold the sides of her face. He leaned forward and kissed the tear stains on Y/N’s face. “You’re like this perfect man, it’s so wildly different from George.” She mumbled.
“I can’t account for where he went wrong, and I haven’t always been great. But if you give me the chance, I will love you better than anyone else could dream of.” With tears streaming down her eyes she pulled him in to kiss her again, he smiled against her lips. He held the small of her waist as she rested one of her hands on his chest, the other sat at the back of his neck playing with his hair. He moaned when she pulled it gently, causing her to smile into their kiss. She almost missed being able to see him rolling his eyes at her smirk.
“Love me, please. Tonight, tomorrow, every day. Just--love me tonight.” She whispered against his lips as they panted for air. 
He leaned down, kissing her again as he grabbed the back of her thighs and lifted her back to a sitting position on the counter. Y/N threaded her fingers through Fred’s hair, one of Fred’s hands was on her thigh, the other rested on her waist. Finally, she bit his bottom lip in an attempt to get him to do anything. In response, he gave a noise that sounded between a groan and a growl, moving to her neck to leave bite marks. He licked the shell of her ear and bit the lobe as he moved down to the length of her neck, sucking hard. She moaned softly, whimpering when he used he grazed his teeth over her neck. 
She started grinding her hips against his in an attempt to get some friction. He grabbed her hips, pulling her closer to him to aid in her plight for friction. After he felt satisfied with the bruises he’d left on her neck he went back to her lips, sucking on her bottom lip briefly before licking it in a silent asking of permission to use it. She gracefully licked his tongue, granting his own tongue admission to her mouth. Their tongues wrestled messily, Y/N playing with Fred’s hair and occasionally pulling softly to hear him moan. She was starting to feel frustrated with just grinding, so she moved the hand that was on the side of Fred’s face to gracefully feel all the way down his body before she started palming him through his slacks. He gave a harsh groan this time, pulling apart from her mouth briefly.
“You’re so beautiful, so sexy.” His voice was deep with pleasure and she moaned at the sound alone. Her heart swelled, she hadn’t been praised like that sexually...ever. Fred took one of his hands off of her hips to thread into her hair, pulling gently to hear her moan. He swore to himself that he could hear that every minute of every day and never get tired of it. While Fred knew he was going to fuck her, his intentions were pure-- he wanted to make love to her. Y/N, however, was getting frustrated with his politeness. She started to unbutton his slacks and he broke off their kiss again. “Hold on, I want to take care of you.” He whispered, flush against her lips.
“I appreciate that, but I want you inside of me.” She whispered, her hand that had been unbuttoning his pants was now tangled in his shirt. Fred felt his heart drop to his cock when she said this, groaning at her lack of restraint. Y/N started unbuttoning his shirt as he separated her thighs and pulled her completely to the edge of the counter.
“You’ll just have to be patient, princess.” He grinned as he went to crouch, kissing her knee on the way down. He left kisses all over the inside of her thighs, leaving her soaked to the core before he had even really touched her. Both Fred and Y/N were thankful she was wearing a dress that day, making his access considerably easier as he rubbed her through only her thin panties. Kissing the inside of her thigh as he looked up into her eyes, he felt like the luckiest man alive. He almost grinned when he saw she was adorning another pair of fruit covered panties.
“You know, I wasn’t kidding when I said the cherry panties were sexy,” He smirked up at her, rubbing circles into her clit through peach covered cotton. “These are sexy too, but I think they’d look a lot better on the floor.” He grabbed the cotton on her hips and pulled them down, leaving them on the floor like he promised. Y/N’s thighs were shaking from all the teasing he had done already. He licked from her inner knee to where he promised to take care of her, latching his mouth onto her clit. She gasped at the feeling of his warm tongue, closing her eyes. He used his tongue to create figure-8’s against her clit, and slowly pushed one finger into her. At this, she threw her head back, resting the crown of her skull gently against the cabinet behind her. She laced her fingers through Fred’s hair, now pulling hard. He groaned in his own pleasure, creating vibrations against her clit which in turn made her moan. He pushed a second finger into her, slowly pumping them as he worked her clit. After adding a third finger, her legs were shaking violently, showing she was nearing the edge. He quickly swapped his fingers and tongue, using his thumb to rub circles against her clit and sticking his tongue as deep as he could inside of her warm pussy. He had his other arm wrapped around her thigh, one of her hands reaching to hold the hand there as she neared her end even faster than before.
“I want you to say my name when you cum, baby, can you do that for me?” He paused briefly, looking up at her, she nodded vigorously. His tongue returned to it’s warm reserve inside of her. The motions he made with his thumb against her clit became faster, and soon enough she was squeezing his hand and nearly screaming his name. Fred waited for her to stop squeezing his hand to stand up and kiss her on the lips again. “You did so good, baby.” He whispered against her lips.
“Freddy,” She whimpered against his lips. “You haven’t even fucked me yet and I don’t think I’ll be able to walk.” She almost laughed at the thought. He grinned, happy with his work so far. He tucked a strand of her behind her ear, kissing her ear as he spoke.
“You won’t need to, baby. I’ll fuck you right here,” He started licking and kissing her neck again, making her whine. “And I’ll take care of you so you don’t have to walk.” He whispered against her quickly bruising flesh. She whined again, reaching to finish her job unbuttoning his shirt and unzipping his already unbuttoned pants. He let her continue as he wrapped his hand in her hair once and pulled back, exposing the front of her neck to him where he continued his attack. When she finished unbuttoning his shirt he helped her pull it off his shoulders, exposing his freckled and scarred skin on his chest to her. She rubbed her hands against his chest, feeling every individual scar and wondering where each of them came from. He watched her eyes dart around, a small closed-lip smile adorning her face as she felt the raised white scars. He rubbed his thumb against her cheek softly, loving his own view. Using the same hand that was petting her cheek, he lifted her face to look up at his. He pulled her face close to his own and kissed her softly.
“I love you, Y/N.” He whispered against her lips with his eyes closed. She smiled, reaching her face up to kiss his eyelids. Angel kisses on his blonde eyelashes. It was a sweet moment, to remind them both that not only was there no going back after what they were about to do, but also to remind them that this wasn’t just fucking. This was real, unadulterated love. He opened his eyes, looking deeply into hers as she pushed his slacks and boxers down as far as she could with her hands, using her bare feet the rest of the way. He lifted her dress over her head, tossing it somewhere behind him, inevitably landing on some type of baked good. She rested one hand against his jaw, pulling his face close to hers, her other hand pumping his cock and gently rubbing the tip. He closed his eyes, letting out a deep breath at the feeling of her small hand around him. He rested one hand on her jaw, mirroring her. His other hand rested on the small of her back to push her closer to him. They kissed gently, feeling like this moment was fragile and could be broken. Y/N moved the hand that was on his cock and squeezed his bicep, quietly communicating that she was ready. He moved his hand from the small of her back to line himself up with her entrance, and as he pushed in the both gasped quietly at the feeling. Fred rested his forehead on Y/N’s shoulder, eyes closed as he waited quietly and politely for her to adjust to his size. After a few moments she tapped him to tell him to move, her eyes squeezed tightly closed for preparation of any pain that would come from his movements. He moved slowly, truly taking this moment to get to know Y/N’s body. He felt every groove inside of her, every dip and small raise in her skin, memorising her inside and out. As they both started to get used to this puzzle-piece moment in which it felt like the clicking of soul-mates finally coming together, they started kissing again. Fred’s tongue entered her mouth, exploring, dead set on memorising her entire body. Her hands found themselves resting on his back, nails digging in every so often. If this had been her sex dream, she would’ve been wondering how many girls had dug their nails into his back, but in person all she could think about was him. He filled her every sense, she could smell him, feel him everywhere, taste him, his freckled skin stuck on her eyes even when they closed, and their shared moans overwhelmed her ears. If this was what making love was, she definitely had never shared that with George.
Fred lowered his hand, rubbing her clit gently as his pace got faster. He wasn’t sure if he had ever felt so good so quickly, he was almost positive he hadn’t ever felt his high come so quickly. As he pounded into Y/N’s g-spot and rubbed her clit, she found herself loudly moaning. Her nails were now leaving deep marks into Fred’s back, and Fred hadn’t even noticed.
“Fred,” She moaned his name loudly, the sound of which made his own high come even faster. Set on finding their highs together, they were flush together. Y/N nor Fred had never been so close to someone, their entire bodies touching. Her legs were wrapped around him, her torso flush against his and her face buried into his chest. His face was buried into her neck, leaving occasional kisses to avoid his own moans. Quickly, they found their highs together. After hitting her g-spot so many times, she warned him. He quietly thanked Godric, his own high coming as well. So as they came together, panting, completely embraced, they felt loved. They’d both felt fucked-out before, but this felt different. This felt simultaneously heavy and weightless on their hearts, and they stayed together for a long time. They kissed quietly, Fred not really wanting to leave her, and she not wanting him to leave her either. Before he pulled out she spoke.
“I love you too, Freddy.”
Tag list: @fredshufflepuff @melonoptimist @phelps-weasley-twins @maybeisthemoon @groovynachos @katllol @manuosorioh @brownieparker @superblyspeedydragon @packmentalityx @missryerye @p0gue420 @hogwartshomiehopper @skarlettmikaelson @seppys-return-to-madness @fandomscombine @wzardweasley @eattheboat @mgchaser @borhap-boiiii @gabiconstellation @hardpartybasketballshepherd @superpowereddonut @sukunas-cult-leader @whysoseriousssssssss @skateb0red @urgingforyou @lookscutebutwillfight
permanent tag list: @potters-heart @0x0spunky-monkey0x0
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holdinbacksecrets · 2 years
Hi hi
Hope you’re doing good!
I have a request: your thoughts on the song POV by Ariana and Mingyu
( I just love your writing SO much I try to whack my tiny brain for ideas for request because I literally love whatever you write?? You’re so eloquent?? Your writing is so absorbing I simply love it so much )
- Taylor Swift anon
i hope you like this... and thank you for your kind words, swift <3
i love you.
he’s written a letter, and the envelope misses your name. instead, he left an i love you in the handwriting you didn’t know until you turned twenty-three.
do you remember that night in january? we were headed home, and you said something about walking late at night. how the ground feels safest beneath your feet when the moon’s above your head... i do. i ponder it often. i’ve found myself dissecting the words in my head, and paying more attention than i ever have to asphalt. your mind holds endless delights.
six months passed before you opened the window in my bedroom. your perched yourself on its sill and harmonized with the birds and the wind. i started asking you about the song you sung. if we weren’t together, i would text you. i thought about it too: what their whistles remind me of. if it’s a melody i already know.
you’ve called me beautiful before. you held my face between your hands. your eyes consumed every corner and crevice in front of you. i melted beneath your gaze. apparently, my eye sparkled because you said: “that! it’s that!” as if i wasn’t reflecting you. as if you weren’t watching my love for you consume me entirely.
when you can’t sleep, and you retreat to the living room, i wake up too. only sometimes: when i stir enough from a dream to recognize the emptiness beside me. there was one night… one early morning, i joined you. you began to talk softly about flying, and your dreams about growing wings and watching your feet leave the ground. you wished on stars for the chance to fly someplace new. you would search until the view made you feel safe. you smiled suddenly. you grasped my hand and began to cry. “i haven’t had the dream in years. i didn’t realize it stopped when i met you. after you held me for the first time. the embrace was deep and warm, and i finally understood what it means to find a home. i’ve never seen one within myself. show me. help me see all the love you do. where is it in me? because i know where it is in you.”
and i know where your love is. trust me. i've got you,
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sevendeadlymorons · 4 years
Ok mc is still unused to devil Dom and the house and the boys so they usually wake up in the middle of the night, if they even sleep at all the first few weeks. Just them their thought a hot cup o any beverage on the big chair in the library at 2 am just lost and a little sad.. who would find them first how would they react? I just had this idea in my had for such a long time and!!!! Sorry but I positively love your works so much!!
Just pretend that Belphie wasn’t locked up and he was there in the start of the game, ok? Ok.
Thank you! And this is so sweet I’m loving it :,)
Brothers Reaction to Newly Acquainted MC Sitting Alone At Night
You’d woken up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night for the third time this week, hyperventilating after the nightmare you’d just endured. You check your surroundings but quickly realise that you weren’t in your room, but in the room you were assigned to when you were dragged to the Devildom against your will. You sigh and hold your head in your hands, desperately trying to shake away the irrational fear you’d embedded deep inside of you the past few nights. You knew you weren’t going to be sleeping tonight so you decide to get up and go grab a hot drink and sit in the huge chair you saw in the library when you walked past with that demon. When you’d finished making your drink and sat down in the chair, ready to start drinking it, you hear the floor boards creak from across the room...
Seeing the eldest of the brothers in the middle of the night wasn’t exactly the most comforting situation to be in, but you composed yourself as best as you can when he spotted you and walked in to the room, sitting down dangerously close to you. Lucifer stares at you questioningly, wondering why you were up so late. He was going to say something but felt, since you’re new here, it may stress you, so he kept quiet.
Time passed and you two were still sat in silence, awkwardly sipping on your now lukewarm drink. You wanted so badly to just get up and leave but God, he had a presence that made you stiff. You thought you were about to lose it until he finally spoke, breaking the painful silence around you. He told you softly that if something was troubling you, that he would try and help, his eyes glistening in the ray of moonlight from the open window, making him look like an angel, causing you to feel much more relaxed. You nod politely and go back to drinking your drink, his gaze still locked on you, but now, it felt more comfortable. He went on to talk about Diavolo’s plans for the future and how you were helping them get there, reminding you how grateful he is to have you here. It was a nice thought, honestly.
Hearing such soothing words from him calmed you down, overall, and you both talked about music and hobbies. He wasn’t such a bad presence in the end, and his smile still makes you feel safe whenever you think about it.
The demon you knew to be Mammon walked into the room with a surprised look on his face. Obviously you wasn’t the person he was wanting to see at 2 in the morning... Ever since you first lay eyes on him, you knew he was the more eccentric brother, as he quickly became quite vocal and perhaps even comfortable in your presence?
He marched towards you straight away, your paranoia rising as you wonder what he was going to do. But instead of all these awful things you’d thought up in your head, he stopped in front of you and started telling you how late it is, calling you foolish. You thought you saw concern flash in his eyes for a brief second as he was nagging you though. He sighed and shrugged, realising that you may just be overwhelmed, so he took a seat next to you and just went silent, letting you dwell in your thoughts, but not entirely letting go of the fact it was still very late and you had RAD tomorrow and he wasn’t going to be the demon to drag you out of bed.
Weirdly, in the end, he made you feel more relaxed somehow? He obviously showed some care for you and that made you feel a bit more secure in your surroundings. He was just who you needed to see in that moment.
Seeing the third born, Leviathan, came as a shock to you more than it did to him. As soon as he saw you, he rolls his eyes and huffs, then continues on to what you imagined to be the kitchen. You thought he’d left at first, leaving you in a peaceful silence with just you and your hot drink, alone in thought. Then, why do you feel so hurt by him ignoring you...? Your thoughts continue to attack you, until another creak echoed into the room. It was him again.
He looked into the room at where you were sitting; it looked like he was deciding whether to walk on or comfort you. He seemingly made up his mind as he walked in and sat down opposite you. You knew he was awkward to be around as soon as you met him, and you weren’t surprised whatsoever when he pulled out his phone and started playing a game, the light from the screen illuminating his face. You noticed his eyes darting up every few seconds, maybe to check you were still there and you hadn’t left him? He wasn’t going to say anything anytime soon, and you knew that, so you sceptically asked him what game he was playing. He didn’t even look at you when he answered, his eyes glued to the screen as he quickly tapped buttons on his phone. You chuckle, telling him you play it too, and you’ve never seen someone’s neck snap up to look at you so fast in your life. His eyes light up as he begins to talk about his favourite characters, then going to ask you yours. He was like an entirely different person; he even dashed up to sit right next to you, showing you all his rare cards, but then blushing after your legs brush against eachother.
Levi made you feel safe, and like you had someone to relate to. Talking to him was also like talking to an old friend, insults included. He really was a joy to be around.
From out of the shadows, you realise it was Satan, a face that you trusted because of his tranquillity and ability to stay more or less level headed. He obviously came in to have some alone time as he looked like he didn’t expect to see you sitting alone at this hour. But nonetheless, he flashes you a comforting smile, making you relax just a bit, but you still kept your guard high; he was a demon after all...
He quietly minded his own business and went to pick out a book from the various shelves. Reading at this hour sounded a bit odd to you, but perhaps he couldn’t sleep like you? He pulled out a book and sat down on a large chair besides you. The silence was almost deafening as the two of you sat in complete silence for what felt like hours, the only sound audible was the rustle of paper and the sip you made as you drank your drink. You was tempted to get up and leave but he suddenly spoke in a calm and soothing manor, something you never expected from him. He asks several questions, from what your favourite book is, to your favourite genre, and even told you if you ever needed something, come to him and he’d sort it out. He was a kind soul at heart, you noticed, sharing his love for cats with you and watching his eyes light up as he continues to tell you about the ones he looks after outside.
He made the night just that bit better. All you wanted was a friendly face and Satan provided that, along with a much needed conversation.
You sighed as you realised it was just Asmo. He was probably the least threatening to you compared to his brothers, but you had to admit, being alone at night with the Avatar of Lust did feel slightly unsettling. He caught on to your presence pretty quickly and casually walked over to you, flashing you a big smile and a friendly wave. You cautiously smiled back and went back to drinking your beverage.
He was unsurprisingly friendly, starting up a conversation, or a lecture, you suppose, about how you shouldn’t be up this late unless you want your skin to suffer. He talked quite a lot about himself, so thankfully you didn’t have to respond much, and instead stuck to drinking and nodding occasionally to show you’re still listening. He even gave you little compliments to try and cheer you up; complimenting your hair and skin to which you laughed and thanked him. But he never took his eyes off your hands for some reason, and you couldn’t understand why until he took your hands in his and you soon realised you’d been shaking. He looked at you with sparkling eyes, his tone suddenly quite serious as he began to tell you that if you ever felt lonely or distressed, come to him and he’ll make you feel all better. You couldn’t help but smile and look down in embarrassment, his thumb rubbing the back of your hand soothingly.
After sitting with Asmo for a while, you came to realise he actually had such a kind heart. His aura was calming and you felt safe. He definitely improved your mood.
Coming from around the hallway was Beelzebub. He always threatened you in a way, what with his large frame that towered over yours and the way you don’t think you’ve seen him smile yet. How could you not be slightly worried about his intentions? He didn’t see you as he made his way to the kitchen next door. You sighed and went back to drinking your hot drink, staring into your lap and feeling painfully lonely. You heard yet another creak and quickly looked up, but all you could see was a stockpile of food held by none other than Beel himself.
You felt your heart leap out your chest in shock. You didn’t even hear him come towards you. He kept staring at you with that same emotionless expression, but when you looked closer, it wasn’t a scary one, or a threatening one. He sat down across from you and started to eat through the huge pile of food he’d gathered, an entire steak lasting maybe 5 seconds. You got heartburn just from watching him so you turned away and continued to sip your drink, listening to the awkward sounds of Beel devouring his next piece of meat. Not even 5 minutes later and you look up and notice all the food was gone, all that was left was this huge grin on his face. In that moment, you felt peaceful, like his smile was lighting up the room and making you feel better already. He looked at you and smiled that same smile, causing you to smile back. He was actually such a happy soul and you soon started talking about your favourite foods and he even got up to get you some fruits that you said you enjoyed.
He was comforting to be around and your first impression on him was no longer as negative. He made you feel safe and you knew you could be open with him without judgment.
Out from around the corner was Belphegor. You could’ve swore he went to sleep ages ago, so you thought he’d be one of the brothers you could avoid, but apparently not. He didn’t even say anything to you as he walked in, blanket and pillows in tow, and spread himself out on the couch across from you, falling straight asleep.
You had no idea what just happened as you listened to his gentle snores, feeling like you’re intruding on something even though you knew he was the one who walked in here and fell asleep right in front of you. You felt slightly weird just watching him sleep and instead focused on finishing your drink and getting out of there. The drink was still hot so you couldn’t exactly just down it, and leaving straight away would’ve just looked weird, what if he wakes up and sees you staring at him? You couldn’t calm yourself as multiple thoughts rushed through your head at the same time, leaving you with a pounding headache. You didn’t even notice the demon across from you peaking one of his eyes open to watch you carefully. You hear him call out your name suddenly, disrupting your panicking thoughts. You stare straight at him and see that he’s now sat up, the blanket wrapped around his shoulders. He apologises for interrupting you and tells you that his twin, Beel, was just snoring too loud and it woke him up, so he came to sleep down here. You smile and nod, but still felt kinda weird. He notices and proceeds to get up and sit right next to you, wrapping you up in his blanket and resting his head on your shoulder, telling you to sleep as you look tired. You blink in surprise but agree silently, waiting for him to fall asleep before trying to yourself.
Belphie was a soothing demon to be around. He never smiled much, but he was warm and made you feel safe and wanted, even if you did sorta play the role of a pillow for him. Falling asleep was quite easy with him around.
I had way too much fun with this, holy shit, thank you to whoever sent this me
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