#i like to think once she realizes she's into women she freaks out a bit
laugtherhyena · 5 months
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Hatamori adjacent things i sketched a few days back
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kneelingshadowsalome · 7 months
König is, obviously, a big little freak. Do you think he'd feel flattered/lovestruck if a cute girl stalked and was obsessed with him or would he be weirded out? I think the first: for once he gets pussy and love without having to do anything. Also it'd be kinda funny if he didn't even notice his little admirer at first cause she doesn't register as a threat and he's too busy being broody and depressed cause he's so alone (while reader is in her apartment fantasizing about their future kids and drawing little hearts on a pic of him)
Ohhh yes. König being oblivious af, thinks this is simply a joke.
It started out in school: cute little postcards that had bunnies or kittens or flowers or hearts on them, delivered to him by his mom who was smirking about how her boy had a secret admirer. There was nothing fancy scribbled on the other side, just soft, silly messages like: "I like you!" or "Your cute" or "Luv u ♡", and König saved them all.
…Until he showed the postcards to the wrong “friends”, who only made fun of them. One of the boys told him they sent those cards to him as a joke because no girl could ever want him, and König believed them. Allowed himself one, maybe two tears in solitude before he threw those cards away.
What was odd, though, was that the cards still kept coming. He always threw them in the trash, and at some point while growing up, they stopped arriving. No cats or hearts or cute mice illustrations for him anymore, just loads of video games and internet and a growing interest in war history and gym.
He didn’t think much of it after the age of 17, just went to the army to make a man out of himself. Got laid for the first time, got bullied some more, grew some muscle and grew some balls. Got kicked out of sniper training, his one and only dream, and went back home to brood for a few weeks.
That’s when he received the letter.
A 5 page love letter, written in beautiful, whimsical handwriting, smelling of something so angelic that it drove even the eternal stench of gunpowder and rust and military storage away.
König gets plunged into a whole world of soft feminine attention without even asking to, the letter now placed on his old desk that’s too small for him to sit at anymore. The fragrant sheets of paper are filled with confessions of adoration and love and… it would be a little bit creepy, were he a man who fancied so-called normal women.
He goes to the attic, searching his old cardboard boxes for the postcards to compare the handwriting, but can’t find none, remembering that yeah… he threw all of them away, didn’t he? The handwriting wouldn’t match anyway, that much he can remember, but then again it was a kid who wrote to him back then. Now, his admirer is a grown woman who apparently got back on her obsession train once he visited his childhood home after years of living abroad.
The hair on his shins, arms and at the back of his neck shoots up as he realizes some woman has a crush on him, some cute girl has been watching him since day one. Those postcards weren’t a joke, so she must have gone to the same school as him… She might be the daughter of some of their neighbors, living right next to him even now.
König goes door to door in search of her, but only wrinkly elders arrive to tell him that no, they never had a daughter or granddaughter or if they had, they have long since moved out to some big city.
He goes through the letter once again but finds no clues to who she is or where she lives. It’s just pages and pages of flattery about how he’s still the man of her dreams and so much more. How he’s even cuter now that he looks like someone pissed in his cereal. She wonders if he’s built the same everywhere, and if he is, then she should say her evening prayers… Too many impure thoughts going through her head already, why does he have to be so handsome?
König is in hell, as always, desperately trying to look for his admirer when he goes out to take the trash. Visions of some girl touching herself at the thoughts of him pester him from sunrise to sunset, and he has to take a cold shower every morning simply because one wank doesn’t seem to be enough to tame the big fellow downstairs.
He hugs his pillow and dreams of his girl, someone sweet to wrap his arms around and to protect. He fantasizes of someone cute waiting for him, someone he could surprise every time he gets home, someone adorable to eat out until they sob and squirm. Until he gets the stench of death out of his mouth…
A message arrives on his phone from an unknown number, and at first he thinks it’s spam.
But when he opens the message, he’s met with two perfect bare breasts. So fucking cute, especially when they’re accompanied by a set of fingertips grazing her soft skin; König even notices she has red nail polish on. So adorably, incredibly cute…
There comes a text that says: “I thought of sending you another postcard, big boy… But perhaps you don't care for kittens anymore. Hopefully this will do? ❤️”
There’s no face reveal, just tits and a cute female hand laid out there before him. Just a text that confirms that she’s the one. Typing a quick reply, he sends it to the unknown number: “This will more than just do 😳❤️❤️❤️”
Without thinking, like, at all, he pulls out his already hard cock and takes a hurried picture of it with a trembling hand. He usually knows better than to send a dick pic to a girl, especially after exchanging less than two sentences with them. But hey, she started this. The least he can do is give her something to pray about (and for)..
So he sends that horrid picture of his ugly cock to his cute mystery girl before she can even type a reply to the first message, and asks: “Are we praying tonight, my lady?”
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mj0702 · 2 months
You patted down the hallway still half asleep entering the kitchen where you stopped confused. Something was different but you couldn't pin point it. It... looked different. You shrugged it off still not functioning this early in the morning and patted over to the coffee maker. You pulled a cup from the cabinet while switching the machine on with your left hand which worked out semi fine. You put the cup down on the counter pulled open the fridge getting out the milk emptying some into the milk container from the coffee machine and put it back. That's when you realized what was off – the whole kitchen was spotless. No cups standing around. No used plates in the sink. No cereal boxes standing on the counter. No peels from fresh cut fruit. No nothing – spotless... the whole kitchen. You turned around confused to find the living room tidied up as well. The pillows on the couch laid out like a catalogue picture. The magazines on the table where laying in one place not like usual all over the living room. Narlas bed next to the couch – empty. You shook your head before making yourself a Cortado padding out on the balcony sitting down on Onas lounge chair overlooking Barcelona. You leaned back and enjoyed the little quiet time you had counting on your sister bursting through the door at any second coming back from her walk with Narla. You couldn't remember where Ona was but surely she had some media stuff or charity stuff or fan meeting stuff or whatever stuff to do. So it was Lucy & you day. That's okay. You could work with that – maybe you could guilt trip her into getting ice cream later. Ona banned ice cream from the freezer after Lucy and you had a ice cream eating competition and both of you got sick. For the whole night and Ona had to pick up the pieces that once resembled two tough Bronze women now whining for attention and care. You quietly drank your coffee then padded back inside washing the cup immediately before your sister was back and complained about you being messy.
Two hours later you got nervous. Lucy still wasn't back and her phone was off. You tried to call her a few times but no use. You were hesitant to call Ona since you couldn't remember what she was doing and you didn't want to interrupt a possible interview freaking out about probably nothing. So you called the next best person you could think of.
“Yes Kjæreste??” Ingrid answered her phone after the second ring
“Ehrm... hi... ehrm..” you suddenly felt very shy your mind going a million miles an hour why you called Ingrid instead of Alexia... or Olga... or Jenni for heaven sakes
“Kjæreste?? Is everything okay?? Are you hurt? Do you need me to come pick you up somewhere?” the Norwegians voice turned worried
“No... no I'm fine... but... I woke up two hours ago and Lucy still isn't home from walking Narls and I don't know what to do... I'm worried something happened... I don't want to call Ona since she's in some kind of stuff you guys have to do today...” you started to ramble and where met with silence from the other end “... I'm sorry... I'm probably just being stupid... just... forget I called... okay bye”
“Wait Kjæreste... don't hang up... give me a second...” Ingrid quickly said sensing you wanted to end the call
You listened as she quickly and quietly talked in spanish – too fast and too muffled for you to understand before she started to talking to you
“Mapí and I are on our way Kjæreste... you be good and stay put okay?!” the norwegian said and it confused you even more
“Oh god... something happened didn't it...” you paled and started to shake
“No nothing hap...” Ingrids reassurance fell short as you suddenly heard another voice
“Don't worry mi neña... we're on our way to pick you up... pack a bag okay... you staying with us” Mapí said and her happy voice calmed you down a little bit
“Where the fuck is my sister then??” you snapped
“Ehrm yeah... we'll have a meeting with Alexia as soon as we picked you up... we'll be there in ten minutes...” Mapí said and you heard guilt in her voice
“Ugh” you groaned but apparently you had no other choice “Okay...”
Exactly twelve minutes later the doorbell rang but when you tried to open the door you figured out it was locked
“Great Lucy... lock me in like fucking Rapunzel” you grumbled as you fumbled for your own key to unlock the door
“Hola mi neña” Mapís wide grin greeted you just as you opened the door
“You wanna tell me now what's going on??” you grumbled locking the door after you
“Alexia will do that” the blonde quickly said “I'm just here to help you with your... bag? No bag?”
“I would've packed a bag if I would've found one” your grumpy mood didn't rise with all the not informations you were receiving
“Ehrm... okay... uh uh uh...” Mapí said confuse first before she started to happily clap her hands “... we can go shopping later”
“Just...” you wanted do say something but didn't know what to said
“Come on.. Ingrid is waiting for us” the tattooed woman smiled widely
“Hola Kjæreste....” Ingrid smiled friendly as you slided into the back seat
“Hola” you grumbled
“What's wrong Kjæreste?” the norwegian asked as she started to drive towards Alexias
“I don't know... no one will tell me” you grumbled annoyed
“It's not our place lille venn... but you get your answers soon” Ingrid smiled softly not giving into your mood
The drive was just short of 20 minutes and as soon as Ingrid pulled into the drive way the door opened and a slightly stressed Alexia appeared in the door
“Buenos tardes Cariño” the blonde spaniard greeted you as you pushed passed her
“Yeah yeah... Buenos tartlet” you grumbled as you made your way into Alexias living room where Olga was sitting on the couch tipping away quickly on her laptop
“Buenos tardes pequeña” the dark haired woman smiled up at you before going back to her work
“Can somebody tell me know what is going on? Is Lucy dead... oh my god... she's dead isn't she...” you first grumbled and then got worried “She got herself killed didn't she?? Where's Narla... she's with Keira right?? Oh god... Keira... I should call Kei... why didn't I think of Kei earlier... wait... Kei is okay isn't she... I'm not an orphan ain't I....???”
“Cari...” Alexia said firmly gripping your shoulders so you looked at her “... breath.... calm down and breath”
“BREATH?? Kei AND Lucy are dead and you say “calm down and BREATH”??? Oh god... does Ona know??” you freaked out your breath coming out more and more rapid
“Y/n!! Breath!” Alexia said in her captains voice trying to get through to you “No one is dead – no one get killed”
“You think Ona will adopt me??” you freaked out further
“STOP” Olga now stood up freeing you from her girlfriends grip turning you around so you now had to look at her “Take a deep breath”
You looked at the woman with wide eyes but the shock of hearing Olga speaking so strictly with you made you do exactly what she said – so you took a deep long breath
“Bueno... again” the dark haired woman said more calm and you did it again “... muy bien”
“Now listen to me Cari...” Alexia came next to her girlfriend “... Lucy is very much alive... Keira too... and Ona too... and they all are very much on Vacation... and... and... and..”
“And what?” you squeaked out your breathing still a bit laboured
“... and they forgot that you were still at home” the blonde mumbled embarrassed
“They WHAT???” you screeched dumb folded
“The plan was that you're staying with Olga and I while Lucy and Ona went on holiday...” the blonde said calmly “... if you remember we talked about it about three weeks ago...”
“Yeah... I do remember now” you said still bewildered
“... so the plan included Ona and Lucy bringing you over this morning before they drive to the airport... they overslept this morning.... and rushed to the airport... and forgot... that you... where still... there” Alexia said embarrassed
“So.... so... they...” you stuttered “... I... home alone?? I'm Kevin?!”
There was a stunned silence before Mapí bursted out laughing which caused the rest of the women to started chuckling too
“Stop laughing... I'm Kevin...” you cried out in agony
“You're not Cari...” Alexia chuckled “... there was a misunderstanding”
“Did you have something for breakfast pequeña?” Olga now asked trying to distract you
“No....” you mumbled still a little upset
“Come on then... I'll make you some Huevo rotos con Jamon” the architect smiled pulling you away sending her girlfriend a look to talk to Mapí and Ingrid
“Uh... I want some too” Mapí perked up following until Alexia grabbed the shirt and pulled her best friend back
“No Maps... bad” Alexia scolded her voice light
“But... breakfast” the tattooed woman pouted
“You already had two breakfasts” Ingrid rolled her eyes at her girlfriend antics
“Three if you count...” Mapí said without thinking wriggling her eyebrows at Ingrid
“Stop talking” the norwegian interrupted her girlfriend quickly – and a little embarrassed
“Ew” Alexia deadpanned “... topic change... Lucy and Ona are gone for about two weeks... can you...”
“Yes” the tattooed woman quickly said very happily
“You don't even know what I wanted to say” the blonde spaniard looked at her friend confused
“We take her in... mi neña can stay with us” Mapí nodded happily
“What?? No... absolutely not” Alexia exclaimed “... she's staying here like Lucy and I discussed”
“She doesn't want to stay with you” the tattooed said as a matter of fact “... otherwise she would've called you and not me”
“She called me... not you” Ingrid pointed out
“We're a team... she probably wanted to call me but Ingrid is before Mapí in the alphabet and that's why she called you.. she knew I would be there” Mapí said convinced
“Yeah... sure....” the norwegian said not believing it one bit
“She's staying with us” Alexia interrupted before Maps could jump into a 15 minute monolog about how you wanted to stay with her “Discussion over”
“You can't just end over a discussion without respecting the other party” the tattooed woman said perplex
“Oh but I can...” the blonde answered sweetly “... I'm pulling the elder and capitan card”
“But...” Mapí looked defeated
“Discussion over” Alexia just said while Ingrid snorted behind her girlfriend
“You can always call me if she's mean to you okay mi neña?” Mapí said as she fought Ingrid who tried to shove her girlfriend through the door
“Yeah okay... thanks Maps... you're really a good spaniard” you smiled
“HA!!! YOU HEARD THAT PUTELLAS???!!! I'M THE GOOD SPANIARD!!!” the tattooed woman yelled towards the living room using her whole weight against Ingrid
“AND I'M THE PRETTY ONE!!! NOW GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!” Alexia yelled back “And Cari... living room.. now”
“I didn't do anything!!” you screeched but shuffled down the corridor once Ingrid succeeded by poking Mapís side so she had to let go and the norwegian used the moment to push her girlfriend forward and through the door
“I didn't say you did... BUT... we have to talk about some things” the blonde said softly gesturing for you to sit down “... we're responsible for you and your well-being”
“... at least some one...” you mumbled as you plopped down on the couch
“Don't pequeña... you know neither of them meant it” Olga stroked through your hair as she passed the couch
“... as I said... we're responsible for you... so there are gonna be rules” the blonde said keeping her voice soft “... I want to know where you are when you're not with me or Olga... just if something happens I know where I need to go okay... just a short text nothing more... you don't have to explain anything just a short text where you are or going to be and we're good... if you break that rule I won't hesitate to drag you to any event I have scheduled for the next two weeks”
“But I don't wanna be on your boring events” you whined
“Then you inform me about your whereabouts and we're good” Alexia said smiling lovingly “... second rule... I want you home for dinner... if you can't make it you'll call or text – either Olga or myself”
“I'm not five” you grumbled
“Could've fooled me” the blonde smirked “.... rule no. 3 …. if you need anything or need to talk.. I want you to know that you always can talk to me or Olga okay...”
“Can I have some food?” you perked up making Alexia laugh
“Sure... Ona told me you like cuttlefish” the blonde chuckled when you looked at her with shocked wide eyes “... no?”
“Ew no!!” you squeaked disgusted
“Alexia....” you whispered waiting for a reaction “.... Lexia”
Other than a grunt there was no reaction at all
“Alexia” you said with more insistence shaking the Barca captain
“Qué?” the blonde mumbled sleepily
“Ale...” you shook the blonde harder so she would wake up a little more
“Sí?” Alexia sat up a little confused
“Ale...” you whined a little bit
“What's wrong Cari?” the blonde now asked worried
“I can't sleep....” you mumbled “... can I sleep here?”
“You... what?” Alexia looked confused
“She wants to sleep here...” Olga mumbled tiredly from behind Alexia “... so make space for her and both of you go back to sleep”
Before Alexia could reject anything you quickly shuffled your body in the small space between Alexia and Olga cuddling up to the brown haired woman as her blonde girlfriend turned around facing the two of you when a smile crept onto her face
“Don't even think about it Putellas” Olga said her closed eyes her voice a little muffled by your hair
“Motherhood suits you” Alexia grinned as she scooted a little closer seeing that you were asleep already feeling safe in Olgas presence
“We talk in a week again... this was just one day... she's a handful” Olga said and as she finished you got more comfortable ramming your elbow into Alexias stomach unconcussionly
“Madre mía” the blonde grunted
“Told you...” her girlfriend smirked
“ALEXIAAAAA!!!” you yelled through the apartment
“Yes?” the blondes head appeared in the kitchen door
“I'm hungry” you whined as you exit your room
“Jesús y María...” Alexia rolled her eyes “... is there a time where you aren't hungry?”
“I'm a Bronze...” you deadpanned “... of course not”
“I have another interview and then we can make something for lunch okay? 30 minutes top” the blonde said
“Can I have chips meanwhile?” you asked hopefully
“No...” the blonde shot that idea down quickly
“But I'm hungryyyyyyy” you whined loudly
“30 Minutes Cari...” Alexia tried to calm you down “... here... eat that”
“That's one big ass peach” you said with wide eyes your mood instantly increased
“That's a mango” the blonde said flatly
“Oh ew... soap peach.. no...” you threw the mango back at Alexia
“Cariño... please... I really have to do that interview” Alexia basically begged you at this stage
“Can I have a sandwich?” you whined again
“I just told you I'll make lunch in half an hour” the blonde look at you bewildered
“But I'm hungry now” you groaned
“ONE sandwich...” Alexia pointed her finger at you threating before turning to her laptop waiting for the online interview to begin – and it began right when she said “Single motherhood is so hard”
Needless to say she broke the internet that day with fans speculating about a possible little Putellas.
“I can't take her with me on Thursday” Olga said after she checked her calendar “... I have an important meeting”
“Mierda...” Alexia sweared glancing at you sitting on the couch munching on some churros Olga made for you watching some spanish soap opera “... I have the whole day full with interviews and media for Barca and Eleven”
“We could ask Ingrid” the dark haired woman said
“No... she's with me for Barca...” Alexia wrecked her brain trying to find a solution “... and I definitely won't leave her with Mapí... I have no desire to have to go to court for some shit they pulled off”
“Marta and Caro?” Olga try to find someone as well
“They're in Norway right now... visiting Caros family” the blonde mumbled her phone in her hand going through her contacts
“I'm out... I have no idea who to ask” the dark haired woman held her hands up in surrender looking past Alexia “Ay... stop jumping on the couch... sit your ass down or no more churros”
“But it's so enthralling” you answered your eyes glued to the TV
“I don't care... ass down” Olga said strictly and you slowly sat down again
“Again... motherhood suits you” Alexia glanced up from her phone smirking
“Don't Putellas... you fucked that one right up... single motherhood my ass...” Olga grumbled
“Not my fault they started early...” the blonde snorted before lifting her phone to her ear
“Who are you calling?” the dark haired woman asked
“My last resort for Thursday” Alexia mumbled waiting for the call to connect and when it does she didn't even bother with the typical hellos “... what are you doing Thursday Hermoso?”
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Outsiders shit. Some modern some not idfk
These are all like. The most crack-filled hcs ever, please excuse my brain 🙏🏽🙏🏽 if these don’t make sense to you, tell me
- dally is so headstrong that the moment someone bets he can’t do something, he does it
- the gang takes advantage of this
- (this is a method I use on my younger siblings 😭😭)
- dally can walk in heels
- also two bit. Like scarily well. His sister is amazed.
- pony calls people whore
- Johnny calls people thot
- they say these to each other on a regular basis.
- also hoe
- uhhh where was I
- something something gay something something 70s 80s smth pony and Johnny because Johnny never died frfr no cap
- Johnny: “I can’t believe yall vape smh”
- also Johnny: *pulls out a cigarette for each hand*
- pony does the same thing
- twobit and Marcia are either gay-lesbian solidarity or they’re dating, no in between
- if they’re gay, they’re a beard couple just like “we pretend to date, they can’t catch on” “I like the way you think, woman”
- ily twobit matthews. That’s all.
- twobit and Marcia are actually both Hispanic, its canon trust I was there
- dally types “women ☕️” in instagram comment sections
- also “it’s bc I’m a man isn’t it”
- (ty V on discord for that second one 🙏🏽🙏🏽)
- cherry and dally argue on twitter
- a lot
- dally spams cherry and then she absolutely COOKS this pathetic rat man
- dally blocks cherry, doesn’t talk to her for a while, then eventually forgets and unblocks her to harass the poor girl again
- cherry doesn’t realize blocking is a thing, but she complains to marcia and marcia shows her how to block Dallas
- dally, two bit, and Steve are all hopelessly addicted to twitter
- like it’s really fucking bad
- someone get these mfs off the internet
- dally therapy
- now
- right fucking now
- cherry valance and ponyboy bisexual man/bisexual woman solidarity
- they are besties
- nothing more nothing less
- change my mind
- (you cant)
- marcia “good luck babe” by Chappell roan
- pony autism
- Johnny audhd
- Darry autism
- soda audhd or just adhd
- I saw someone say dally ocd once and I like it so
- dally ocd
- twobit adhd
- Steve adhd
- everyone trauma :D
- when johnny actually lived after the fire bc thats what actually happened actually fr, he left his parents because he realized they didn’t love him (pulling from the “I don’t wanna see her” scene for this)
- he stays with the curtis boys most of if not all the time
- if soda and Darry are gone, pony will grab Johnny and they’ll sleep together
- not in a weird way you freaks
- pony just genuinely cannot sleep
- I may or may not be influenced by fics I’ve read…
- soda saw them one night when he got home late and was like “…queers?”
- he stays out a bit later than usual now, often found sleeping in another room
- Darry actually supports more than pony thought, when he comes out, Darry is like a pride parade mom frfr
- kinda lowkey overbearing with it
- ily Darrel curtis
- soda is the typa guy to genuinely not understand lgbtq+ but supports anyways
- sodas the typa guy to be asked what his pronouns are and say “just he/him. Wish I had smth more interesting, but I’m just a guy :D”
- on the other end of that, soda and Steve are gay
- everyone is gay
- all of them
- so very fucking gay
Im done yapping for now, im so sorry for anyone that sees this
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deadpool15 · 1 year
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Mommy duties
Cassie's POV
I woke up this morning, still tired as hell. Only to look to my left side and see an empty ass bed. "Great way to start a morning sweetie", Cassie says sarcastically. Hitting and kicking and kicking my feet up like that will make this woman magically appear. After a while, I stopped thinking this would be a great time to get in some extra rest." Yes, Cass, look on the bright side, and today will be a great day." I turned her head when I heard a very loud whine, then I opened my eyes clearly and stared at the door hoping and praying it would stop. "And now I have to pee".
I walk outside my bedroom and bend down and see our 3 year old son, Corey. The naming process was a bit much to think about it. With me being American and Bada being korean. I didn't really care about whether the name is korean or american. As long as I could pronounce it, I was fine. Know what you're thinking? You're a terrible mother if you sit there and listen to your son crying and do nothing. I look up and see the cameraman set up with everything, "Don't judge my parenting skills if you don't have kids, you freaks."
Once my precious little Corey looks up and sees me, he gets all happy and jumpy. He starts tapping my leg and bouncing up and down, letting me know he wants to be picked up. Of course, any other time, I would big my big baby up with a smile on my face, but in my current condition, everything is either aching or swollen. "Hello everyone, or good morning, I guess. I'm Cassie Lee. Or wait, last name first, so Lee Cassie. "And this little man," I say as I bend down despite my back pain and pick my son up. "This is Corey Lee, I know I just contradicted myself with the last name again, but it's sounds better like that, yea. I'm the mother, and it's my way or no way. " I say while laughing.
"So, today, we won't really be doing anything to be honest, just like a day in life with us." I look behind me to realize that Corey is hiding behind my leg. I just laugh softly. "You would think with whom his parents are, he would be used to the camera. Welp, I guess not, huh?" I turn around to go my morning routine. I'm brushing my teeth, then having to get Corey ready for the day. As I'm putting him in his outfit, we choose for the day a member of the crew says, "Had you and Bada ever thought of bringing little Corey to daycare, Mrs. Lee". I just chuckle and stare at my son for a minute and then continue. " It's a common thing to put babies in daycare, so it was suggested to us, you know, some women said was good. It would give us a bit of a break. But in my family, daycare wasn't a thing. In fact, the women in my family look down upon them, to be honest. " I said while laughing. They view as mothers trying to get away from their children. I think it's reasonable. Parents go through a lot. I mean me and Bada I just became parents to Corey, so I don't look down upon it like my family. But I can say that for me, I have extreme separation anxiety from my son. Sleeping in separate rooms is like a lot for me. It's hard on Bada to, though, with her working. "
I finish putting on his pants and start kissing all over his face and making my way to the kitchen to feed him. I fix him some rice. It's weirdly his favorite. And eggs with apple slices. "Corey eats some weird combinations, but hey, he is happy, so that's all that matter". I say, turning to the camera and smiling. After a while, he looks around and starts getting crying. "There goes a happy day. He is used to Bada feeding him in the morning." I try to do the train thing she usually does, but he starts crying louder. "Mama... Noo....Mama, "Corey says while trying to get out of his high chair. Yea, this isn't working. As soon as he starts speaking, I realize he doesn't want me, but Bada. He calls me Mommy, and Bada is Mama or Eomma. He does it so he doesn't get confused, I think.
I try to grab him and sooth him by whispering in his ear and rubbing his back, but nothing seems to be working. "Come on, baby, I know, but Mama is at work right now. We can't just cry, though. " I wanna call her, but I know she will be busy on and won't be able to answer. After a while, I just give up, "Corey wanna go see Mama." He finally stops crying to look at me and starts to calm down. Ok, then let's get your shoes on. we are going to go see Mama. He starts running or attempting to run with him being so excited that it seems hard. He brings his shoes and smiles with his big puffy cheeks. "What am I gonna do with you?"
I put on his shoes. And then go put on my dress. Many people expect pregnant women to dress like nuns. And I refuse to do that. I come out fully ready in my dress, showing off my 5-month bump with pride. " I was that bitch before I was pregnant and I still am at 5 months what does that tell you ladies and gentlemen. I've just been that bitch." I say while covering Corey's ears. Then I grab his hand and his bag, making sure to grab a couple of toys. Then I go in the kitchen to pack up his breakfast in a container to give to him when we get there. "Well, let's go, baby".
I walk outside in my sandels cause my feet just aren't made for it anymore. Then I pick up Corey and place his bag in the Corey and then move to scrap him up in his car seat. Then I get in the driver's seat after making sure he is secure. "My mom is always saying he is a toddler now. A big boy needs a booster seat not a car seat. I just let her say whatever and move on. Corey is a small baby I and he likes his car seat. So he shall stay fully secure and safe inside of the seat. I then start driving.
I always get lost when it's time to come to this set. "She has told me a million times where this place is, but I always get lost when I right around the corner." I looked up and saw the exit and finally remembered the area I'm in. "See, my sense of direction just never been there. In my defense, I grew up in New York, and almost no one drives a car there. With how crowded the city is, no one wants to. " I said, looking at the camera. Then, I look up and see the MNET building. "We are finally here. The literal pain I had to go through this morning all for some breakfast is crazy. I said while pulling into the parking lot.
While trying to park, I realized I had to parallel park. "See, I knew getting here was too easy. This whole process seemed way easier than it usually is. Shit. " I turn around and see Corey giggling. "That's a no, no word ok. Don't say that word, baby. " I struggle, then eventually I am able to park the car, without hitting anything. "Funny thing is I didn't know how to drive until I came to Korea. Bada actually taught me, and the driving lessons paid off because I really didn't wanna hit anything. This isn't my car it's hers. So yea. "
I go to get out of the car while making sure to grab my babies bag, of course. Then I reach in the back seat and start to unbuckle Corey from his car seat. And he is smiling all happy. "Yall see the sudden mood change. It's actually quite crazy. He remembers the building now. " I say while smiling back at him and putting him on my hip. Not before reaching the front of the car to grab my water bottle. "We are on the way to see Mama, yay, right?" I started singing with Corey as we make it to the entrance of the building.
The woman at the front desk looks at me and bows. I try to bow as well until she looks down and sees my stomach and starts apologizing. "No, it's fine. I understand. Who exactly are you here to see? Do you have an appointment? "She says while smiling at me and Corey. "He is very adorable ma'am". I look at her smiling and thank her. Corey gets shy and tries to hide in my neck. " I'm here to see Bada Lee. She should be on set right now," she stares at her computer and starts typing before telling me to give her a moment. I nod and wait, and then she looks down at my hand and giggles, "She said her wife might be coming in one of these days." I look at her and laugh. "I don't exactly know if they are filming right now, though Mrs. Lee. Would you like me to inform her? " I just shake my head.
"No, she doesn't know we are here right now. I wanted it to be a little work surprise. " She nods and gets up to show me the way to the set. "We are almost there to see Mama," I say to my son while being so ready to put him down. He gets really clingy with me when he is around strangers. I guess that's my fault. "And here we are, just right there is team BEBE's room. I believe they are still filming. And then they should be making their way to their room right after. " She tells me before smiling and walking away. I bow as much as I can and place down Corey's bag. "We will wait a little while they should be done soon baby".
Bada's POV
After filming my no-respect battle with Redy, I sat down. I just knew she was going to pick me. We have had some tension since we got here. Or at least we do on her part, it seems. We were once a part of a dance crew called Cupcakes together. Then problems happened, and we all went our separate ways. Some of us grew as dancers and others as I could see still carrying those conflicts with them. If she felt I certain type of way, I didn't mean to give her that impression. But I felt better after winning the battle. I sat down and watched Tatter, Lusher, and my other members get into their own no-respect battles. I was proud of them. Ever since we got her, the other crews have been insulting us by saying that the only reason we are famous is because of me. How we have no talent besides me and simply a crew with my talents. Which has been pissing me off, we are all talented, and I'm glad people are seeing that.
After a few more battles, Daniel announced that we would be taking a break, which is much needed right now. I just feel like the teams need a break. Or a stretch, I low-key wanna go home. I miss my wife and my son. Right before I left, I made sure to go inside his room and hug him, which wasn't nearly enough time, in my opinion. Eventually, the cameras turned off for a moment, and everyone stopped with all the fake beefing and started talking with their crews and other crew. "You all were good out there ok, don't overthink. Or think about anything these people are saying you're good dancers and we just have to keep showing them what you all are made of. " I look at my crew while smiling until I hear a bunch of people mumbling about something. Then I see all the crews going to be nosy. I get up and see Halo of Wolf'lo and Mina of Deep N' Dap all excited. The rest of the crews start to gather around.
I make my way over to the circle people with BEBE following right behind me. Then ask Babysleek, "What's going on?" She looks at me and smiles someone on set, brought a cute baby here." I stare at her, trying to figure who's kid is she talking about. Then I look to the side and hear, "O, she is a foreigner. Do you think she speaks Korean. I don't know, probably not. The baby looks like it could be part korean, though. Maybe she is here to visit her husband. Do foreigners always show off their pregnancy? Yea, i think it's not a korean thing for sure. Well, whoever he is, that man is lucky she is gorgeous".
As soon as I hear about a foreigner walking around with her belly showing, I smile. They think she is married to a man, funny. Too bad for the guys here she is mine. Eventually, the crowd moves around, and I see my son. I wait for a while to see if he will spot me before I reach out to him. Then he looks up at everyone smiling, and the crowd starts to have a heart attack. Amazing what babies can do, am I right? He turns over and looks at finally spots me. He starts running towards me, yelling. "Mama, Mama, is here." He says while running towards me. The crowd turns and looks around confused due to his mother being right next to him the whole time, trying to find out who he is calling Mama. Then, when he grabs my leg, everyone looks around, shocked before laughing and gushing at the baby. I hear JJ yelling, "She is actually MOTHER, OMG, I CAN'T TAKE THIS."
I laugh at her before grabbing my son and picking him up. And hugging him while kissing all over his face. He starts giggling and keeps saying Mamma. Then I look over to my wife and say, "What are you doing here, my love?" She stares at me at smiling while holding her hips. "We were waiting for you in the crew room, but I guess Corey got bored." She says while staring at me, biting her lips. I know that look on her face all too well. Then I move towards her and grab her waist, and kiss her. I've never been afraid of PDA, especially when you are married to a woman with curves to spare at this point. I hear everyone start cheering me on as I kiss her. She looks at me and says, "Corey didn't wanna eat because his mamma wasn't there to feed him, like she usually is." I look at her, then glance down at her outfit and start to bite my lips.
I grab her hand while still carrying Corey, and we make our way towards the crew room. We then sit down, and Corey jumps out of my arms and starts to play with his toys. I then turned around to grab her hips before she could make her way to sit on the couch. "You caused a whole show out there, didn't you, baby?" She looks at me and smiles." I was trying to wait for you to help with our parent duties, or did you forget Ma'am?" I squeezed her hips while kissing her neck. "Yes, of course I remember Mrs. Lee, you look way to good in this dress baby". She laughs at me and tries to back up before I grab her again. "What do you have a pregnancy kink or something?". I grab her neck and continue kissing her.
"No, but I definitely have a you kink. Walking around looking so good. The entire set got a glance at you before me, I don't know how to feel about that baby. You just look too good to be seen by anyone other than me. " She finally managed to push me off of her and says "I would like you to tend to you to our son, and maybe, just maybe Mama will get an award. " I look at her nodding and smirking. "I'm getting that sweetheart. Just know that. That dress is the reason you're gonna be crying later. Just wanna warn you, baby. " I say while picking up Corey, getting ready to feed him.
"Yea, yea, whatever, Mrs. Lee, "she says before smiling at me and sitting in a chair while slowly opening her legs and showing me she isn't wearing any underwear. I hold onto our son a little tighter before chuckling, "Yea, you're going to get it. I'm gonna make you beg me to stop".
"I guess we'll see, won't we Mrs. Lee". She says as I continue to feed Corey. "Yes, we will, Mrs. Lee. We surely fucking will".
(Just in case yall were confused, Cassie was filming for one of those korean parents' shows, that's why the camera was following her and her son)
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igetthedisneybox · 11 days
How did you decide which concept character was who's kid in your Encanto au?
Miranda: Miranda was automatically one of Bruno's once I decided to pair him up with Alejandra. The two women look far too similar to not be related.
Amelia and Sofía: I read a fic where the twins were Bruno's daughters, and really liked the idea. Plus, they look similar enough to Alejandra, but with Bruno's skin tone, I think it's believable they could be their spawn.
Princesa: I knew for sure I wanted Isabela to have a new "golden child" burdened by their gift, and Princesa fit that role nicely. I was also having trouble fitting her due to her random blonde hair, and since Isa adopts her kids, genetics didn't really matter.
Fuega: Fuega's whole thing seemed to be her annoyance at her "perfect" sister, so I made her Isabela's daughter -Princesa's sister- to reflect that.
Mariana: I saw someone use her, and just wanted to lol. Needed a third kid for Isabela, figured she'd work just fine.
Leta: Since she was supposed to be Pepa's twin, I figured making her her granddaughter was a good way to connect the two, and explain the physical similarites. She also matches Dolores and Mariano physically fairly well.
Andrés: Needed more boys, so I dug around in the Bruno concepts. This guy looked suprisingly like Dolores, with the darker skin and the curls, so I picked him.
Carlos: Had to use the famous Carlos. Since Camilo doesn't have bio kids, I gave him to Dolores to explain why he looks so much like Camilo. And looking at him, he actually resembles Mariano a lot lol.
Avila and Amada: When I raised Dolores and Mariano's kid count to five, I needed two more, and so I picked the two older twins from the girl cousins page. They have Dolores's ears and Pepa's smile, how could I not?
Tomás and Rómulo: Knew I wanted to use these guys from the begining (thanks for the idea!) but placing twins was hard, since I was acting under a strict 'three kid' rule for myself. I gave them to Luisa, since a) she was adopting so I didn't have to worry about genetics, and b) I rationalized that she would have kids the youngest kids, and be the last to have them, because she needed to work on her self care, and having kids is just about the opposite of that.
Zoe: Same reasons as the twins pretty much.
Hugo: Also an idea from you! He was originally Mirabel and Bubo's (because of his rockin hair and 'stache combo) but Óscar ended up being a better pick for those two. Thought it'd be nice to give the loud Camilo a quiet kid for a nice challenge.
José: He needs no introduction. It's obvious, even if he's adopted, that he's Camilo's kid.
Héctor: Since both Bruno and Isabela ended up with all girls, I wanted at least one of 'em to have all boys to even things out a bit. So I found a concept of Antonio I liked, and used him as Camilo's third.
Óscar: He was originally Bruno's, but when I added Bubo in, I realized how similar they looked, with the hair and the nose, and liked the idea of Mirabel having a kid with an "odd" gift.
Beatriz: She's a beta Mirabel. They look too similar to be anything else imo
Lidia: I just loved this early Luisa concept so freaking much. Thought she looked emough like Mirabel to be hers, and also gave her Bubo's stature (they both shorties lol)
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blurrymango · 2 months
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He's greasy and probably sticky and he's definitely also crusty and has enough blackheads and pimples to make me a very happy man. I bet he probably smells like beer and cigarettes and self-hatred I bet he ffucks hard and good but it sucks because he is unpleasant and gross I bet he steals panties and smells them I bet he's left so many girls disappointed because he just couldn't get hard and I bet he likes to get choked and called a nasty old pervert. He prolly pisses inside women without their consent he prolly doesn't clean his dick properly he prolly makes girls eat his gross ass and he prolly makes women shave their pussies before he gives them head because he's a SCUMBAG. But he's sooooo good at eating out pussy and ass and sucking dick because uhhhh hello his tongue is long as ffuck but women and men are hesitant to let him perform oral because of how sharp his teeth are. I bet he puts his cigarettes out on girls to get them to leave the room afterwards sooner. He prolly drugs people's drinks, he's definitely a date-rapist he'd also most certainly ffuck a corpse and also I'm pretty sure he's said in canon that he would ffuck a teenager or something.
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And as for this fag. I bet he doesn't tell girls that he has STDs before he ffucks them I bet doesn't put much work in like he doesn't care for foreplay I bet he bites too hard to be pleasurable I bet he zones out during sex and leaves ladies freaked out and unsatisfied. Let's be real he prolly cheated on Paula while he was dating her but got all pissy over her sleeping with Muds because he's a hypocrite a massive scummy brat. I bet he has sensitive nipples I bet he masturbates to his own scent. Be real this guy has never used a condom, refuses to use condoms prolly he's more concerned about his own enjoyment than his partner's safety. Bet he prolly likes watch girls make out. He definitely humps titties and he cums on pretty girls' faces and it gets all in their hair. Bet he refuses to let girls put anything in his ass because he doesn't want to seem like a faggot. Prolly got so caught up in his own head once during sex that he took out a switchblade and started cutting up the bitch he was ffucking. Didn't even realize he was doing it either until she started retaliating violently. He apologized, obviously, but it was a bit of a bad moment for him.
If anything I said here contradicts canon I don't give a damn. I just think Murdoc and 2D should both be absolutely ffucking terrible guys. Degenerate perverse losers, y'know.
And yeha oh wow for once I didn't make 2D trans!
Anyway. I think Murdoc should pound 2D's ass. I think 2D should ride Murdoc like it's his favorite thing. I think 2D should get addicted- to Murdoc's cum inside him. I think Murdoc should make 2D call him Daddy and I think 2D should be disgusted and so very turned on by it. I think Murdoc should lock 2D's dick in chastity and ffuck him in the ass daily. I think they should drug eachother. I am once again of the opinion that Murdoc ffucked comatose Stu all the time like ain't no way he didn't use that pretty blue haired bitch like a fleshlight because hey! Stu is very pretty and I bet Murdoc get snubbed of some pussy because of the comatose cunt he had to drag around with him so why not take out his sexual frustration on the beautiful boy he's supposed to be taking care of- wait hold the ffucking phone this was NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A 2DOC POST GODDAMNIT.
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jacksdinonuggets · 7 months
~Lost And Found~
-Summary: Vaggie after the fall, gets found by Clara. she slips due to the pain but luckily Carmilla takes pity on her and gives her hospitality
Notes: I think vaggie is my favorite character now....
also, requests are still open, you can send an ask if you want to see vaggie suffer more and get comfort. or if you just want to see some fluff
The pain in Vaggie’s eye and back was pure agony. Breathing was difficult without spiking pain in her back. She wished she hadn’t gone to heaven. If you were one the seraphims or God couldn’t decide where to put you, you could choose to be an exorcist or go to hell. Now Vaggie was really regretting her decision. 
As she crawled over to the dumpster, more pain ran throughout her body. Her breaths were ragged and heavy. She groaned as she forced herself to sip upwards. Her mind was starting to process what was happening. She was a bit slow in things and couldn’t process events until long after they happened. Realizing how heaven lied to her, how many souls she’s killed, and how many people she hurt, she let out a pained sob. She was a monster. She’d only kill so Adam wouldn’t beat her and instead praise her for her “amazing” work. Realizing how she’s been manipulated, she started to slip. No, not literally. Slip into her weak headspace. Littlespace. 
She let out a wail as more pain, mentally and physically, flared up. She wasn’t able to mask as easy when she was small. If she felt like crying, she would wail her heart out. And unfortunately, that was happening.
“Hey, are you okay?” someone came running up to her. The person looked around and saw golden blood leaking from her eye and back. She saw her torn wings on the ground and the… stabbed eyeball. The person almost puked just looking at it.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Vaggie whimpered, screwing her good eye shut, ready for it to end.
“Mama! You need to come see this!” The person shouted, trying to alert the attention of someone else.
Another figure came running over. She was tall, had ballet shoes and her hair was put up so it looked like horns. Once she saw the golden blood, she pulled the other girl close to her.
“That’s an angel, Clara, leave it to die,” The woman spat. Vaggie just cried louder, knowing her inevitable death would be painful instead of quick. The scene made the woman, Carmilla, feel a bit weird. Weren’t angel’s supposed to be tough?
“I’m sowwy! End it ‘wuick, pease!” Vaggie begged, not being able to stop her babyish lisp from coming out. 
“Mama, she needs help. She’s clearly fallen. The exorcists left over 3 hours ago. Plus, only angelic weapons can hurt angels. Maybe she rebelled against them?” The girl, Clara, told her mother.
“We can perhaps return her to heaven and see if she really did fall,” The mother said. That freaked Vaggie out. Adam was going to kill her, torture her, do anything to her. She couldn’t bear it.
“No, no, no! Don’t send me back! Adam’s gonna huwt me, again!” she cried.
This piqued the mother’s interest. Adam was hurting his exorcists? Maybe this girl was worth saving anyways. Besides, this girl clearly was not in a big headspace, she would have to take care of her.
“Fine. We’ll patch you up and once you’re feeling better, you can tell us the whole story,” The women picked Vaggie up and started to carry her away. Vaggie muttered “I’m sorry,” over and over again during the walk back to their house.
“I understand that you’re sorry, you need to stop over apologizing, child,” She told her. Vaggie shut up but still let out a few whimpers due to the pain she was in.
During the walk, Carmilla couldn’t help but feel empathy for this girl. She probably did something like spare someone's life and they did this to her? It was cruel. The girl wasn’t a killer. Well, not now at least. She tried to ask the girl a few questions like her name, what happened, and what age she was feeling. She didn’t get much of an answer to the ‘what happened’ question but it did sound like she spared a soul and was really sorry for the whole extermination. 
When they got to the house, Carmilla set her up on one of their guest beds before grabbing a first aid kit from the bathroom. The poor girl seemed to be shaking as she patched up her eye. She had to clean her back and knew it was probably going to be painful. She gave affirmations while Vaggie yelped in pain from the wet rag cleaning her wound. 
Vaggie seemed to calm down when she began to bandage her back. However, the calmed silence was interrupted as Vaggie squeaked before hunching her shoulders and softly began to sob. Carmilla was facing her back and didn’t know what was going on. So she got up and went to face vaggie when she saw it. The girl had an accident.
“I- I’m sorwy, I didn’t mean to!” she cried. Carmilla should’ve been prepared for this. The girl was feeling very much in the baby range. These were bound to happen. So she quickly called odette into the room.
“Mija, go to the store and get some overnight adult diapers. Little one probably won’t be able to move much and it’ll be safer to have more absorbent ones,” Carmilla handed the blonde girl a fifty dollar bill and sent her off.
She didn’t know why but she felt this sort of weird connection with this angel. It felt like she was caring for her daughters when they were younger again. It got her feeling all maternal.
After undoing the bandages on her back, she carried to the bathroom and ran the bath. 
“M sowry,” Vaggie said once more.
“It’s okay sweetie, accidents happen,” 
Carmilla felt a lot less aggressive and assertive towards Vaggie as she bathed her. The girl was in so much pain that it was practically impossible. She probably in a lot of mental pain too.
Washing Vaggie’s hair was a bit hard because she couldn’t get the bandage wet. But she somehow managed to do it. 
When Carmilla carried vaggie back to the room, she saw that the bedsheets were replaced and a bag of diapers, a bottle, and a stuffed bear waited for them on the bed. Odette must’ve seen what was happening with the girl’s headspace. The bottle was also full with warm milk too.
After changing her into some padding, a big pajama shirt to act as a nightgown, and new bandages, she set her in the bed and began to help feed her the bottle. Carmilla smiled. It’s been awhile since she’s done this but it felt nostalgic. She loved caring for her girls but they were all grown up now. It was nice to be able to care for a baby again.
Before long, the girl had fallen asleep with her new stuffed bear cuddle to her chest. No doubt she was exhausted from the pain she endured. Carmilla tucked her in and left the room. The next day was going to be tough, but she would have to push through it.
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gffa · 2 years
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Padme is a character that’s difficult to talk about narrative intentions with, because she’s so underwritten in so many ways and written to serve Anakin’s narrative arc (she’s not alone in this, I would say it’s fair to point out that Obi-Wan gets this as well) that she’s there to be the person Anakin is filling himself up with after the loss of his mother.  She’s there to be the person he can’t let go of, the person he becomes attached to, because her presence soothes him. As much as I might disagree with it, I do think the narrative intention is that Anakin is still a good person at this point (or at least capable of being a good person), that Padme is there to show him compassion and help him step back away from the dark side.  These were his first steps into the dark side, he wants to become more powerful than any other Jedi to stop death from happening, and Padme is there to show that he is still capable of letting those things go, even if we know he ultimately won’t. For Padme, the way he lashes out shows a vulnerability that pulls on her heartstrings, like when he tries to provoke her by saying he killed the women and children as well, he’s crying at the same time, we the audience can see it as a red flag, but Padme’s heart is twisting itself around for him. There’s theorizing that goes around every so often of the, “Padme Amidala is a freak, okay, she wanted to dive face first into the hot mess that was Anakin Skywalker” type and I see a lot of truth in that, I think part of her absolutely thrilled at all that hot mess being beamed in her direction, that she loved the whirlwind romance of it, that she cherishes her duty to her people that she swore to help, but that she can’t help being swept up by the romantic idealism of Anakin, who blows right past all common sense and leads with his hurricane of emotions. This meta about Padme being super into the sweeping epic romance of it all is another part of her character:
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This scene ends with her giving in, with her leaning into the kiss, because she’s so moved by him setting his lightsaber in her hand, telling her that this is his life. Or there’s this banger meta by @gil-estel about how Padme is drawn to Anakin because, to her mind, wants Padme for her.  That he doesn’t want anything of her politics or her role as a former queen or senator, that he’s her chance to have this relationship that’s just hers.  I can see a lot of that in her character, too! Or this other banger meta by @antianakin that’s about her connecting with Anakin’s anger, that it’s when she sees all that anger in him that her last barriers against him are destroyed, because she felt that.  That, when she tells him, “To be angry is to be human.” is because she’s familiar with that kind of anger. And I think I can really see that. Even when that rage turns on her later in TCW and she no longer feels safe around him, she does go back to him, she does reject the idea that Anakin would kill Jedi younglings (crossing the line of what’s understandable, even if it’s wrong), she's even willing to overlook it once she can't deny it, and say she still wants to run away with him. It's not until he refuses to meet her even a little bit in the middle that she finally realizes who he's become, the destination all that rage was heading towards. It's something I can sympathize with for her, so many of us feel so much rage at the horrific things that happen in the world, it's not hard for me to imagine Padme falling for someone who grabs hold of that rage, that kind of rage she feels but has to keep setting aside because her duty demands it of her, because she knows that she wouldn't actually accomplish what she wants with that rage, and put it together with the Padme we see. Look at Padme in The Phantom Menace.
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It’s not hard to read helpless anger in her character, at being unable to help while her people are dying.  It’s not hard to read into her that some part of her would wish she could just take a blaster and shoot all the Trade Federation members dead for what they’re doing to her planet. They’re her people, she loves them and wants to protect them, of course she’s angry at what’s happened to them. Or when Onoconda Farr is murdered, Padme immediately leaps into investigating it because she doesn't like or trust the police, Tan Divo doesn't take her as seriously as she wants, she takes all that anger she has inside her and does something about it. She investigates who might want him dead, she grabs a gun and goes to the docks, despite that she's a senator, not a police officer.
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She is so angry about what happened to her friend that she doesn't care about the rule of law, she doesn't care that she could be jeopardizing the case, she doesn't care that she's stomping over people's rights--her friend was murdered and she's furious about it. Uncle Ono was her dear friend, she loved him, of course she’s so angry at what happened to him. It's not an anger that always rears its head, Padme has more self-control than that, but sometimes it explodes out of her, and I think that's part of what attracts her to Anakin, he's someone who has all the same anger that she does, he doesn't care about rules when he's furious about something, and even if that means stepping on some people or hurting people or killing people along the way, she understands that kind of feeling. This is the person who comforts Anakin on Tatooine with the words, “To be angry is to be human.”
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Someone who has compassion in her heart, but also intimately knows what it’s like to have that same anger that Anakin has. Padme doesn’t have to be consigned to just one reason for showing Anakin compassion on Tatooine.  It can be a multitude of things, that she’s underwritten and just there to further Anakin’s story, that she’s a kind-hearted person who sees the good and the pain in Anakin, that she doesn’t consider the Tuskens to be human-equivalent, that she’s falling for him because she’s a freak who’s into this hot mess, that she’s attracted to the epic romance of it all, that she viscerally understands what it’s like to be that fucking angry, that you want to murder someone for the people they killed. I like a combination of all of the above, because even if I can’t speak to what Lucas intended with her--if he even intended anything with her--I love Padme’s character and all the complex things that are going on with her.
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moonlitmmarie · 2 months
Goku, upon Trunks and Goten coming out: "But how do two guys...uh...y'know? Eh, whatever makes you happy! Hey, you'll have a buffet at the wedding, right?"
(Also, while he's not the very sentimental type, I think even he would be a little touched that he and Bulma, his very oldest friend, are part of the same family now.)
Bahaha of course Goku had really nothing else on his mind but food. I totally agree about the one family thing though. There was that one time in DBZ that Bulma mused about how she missed her chance with Goku, so I think that she would look at the newlyweds TruTen and look back at that moment and realize Goku and her will become family one way or another. Like there's something magnetic about her genes and his genes and there's nothing they could really do to stop their descendants from getting along and ultimately fusing the two families into one. She would think that fate really has it way of turning things out, and she can't say she mind it one bit as she is now as happy as she could be.
Goku of course wouldn't think all that, but yeah he would all be like, "Gosh Bulma and Vegeta, I guess being in-laws makes us family now!" Vegeta would be absolutely fuming and seething at the statement and would only calm down once he thinks about his two sons (yes Vegeta sees Goten as one of his own in my eyes. Not in a too sentimental and accepting way but he tolerates the kid enough and then eventually you see a Vegeta acknowleging Goten by his name and caring about the boy's opinion of himself such as asking if Goten likes his moustache in GT.) And Vegeta obviously cares about Trunks' happiness and well-being too, so if he said something to object to this idea ("You're enamoured with this dumb brat?") and Trunks stood up during dinner with Goten's greasy, food-scattered fingers intertwined with his own, shouting, "But Daddy Papa I love him!", he would discard all of his past efforts to give a shit about his son's romantic interest and just, "Alright do whatever you want, at least he's a warrior and you're a warrior." (something something Saiyan women being fiery and with fighting spirits something something Vegeta doesn't know which of them is the woman in this case but it's not applicable anyway because they're both men but oh well he ran out of fucks to give at this point).
But he used his (fake) disapproving overprotective dad attitude to force them to give him something in order to get his approval of their relationship. He settled with them making sure the kids have traditional Saiyan names. They could very well be named 'Son Gohan the Third' or 'Vegeta the Fifth', but I took the liberty to explore other vegetable names.
Chichi took a lot of convincing before she could begin to accept the idea that her son is into men/his best friend. She would freak out over not having anymore grandchildren. When they managed to assure her she will have a grandkid with the power of Shenlong, she worries that the kid would fade away and vanish should Shenlong's existence is erased or some other threats to the universe. Only when she holds the little baby girl breathing and living and squeaking in her arms is her mind at ease.
Thank you for the ask, it was fun to share my own headcanons ❤️
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dangermousie · 10 months
This whole sequence was amazing in every way. I love that it starts with his trying to do his patented "nothing is wrong" but she won't let him and she figures out pretty instantly it's that poison because they are behind schedule and so he didn't get to the next place with the antidote.
Their discussion about the minister - as she points out, minister could have sent someone with it, and he returns yes but he wants to control and punish NYZ and make him suffer, so he won't, then segues into this:
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And I start freaking out a little because this is the moment I realize that his desire to leave everything and everyone behind and live in seclusion on an uninhabited island is a result of serious damage, the same way her automaton planning to have a baby as per orders and living as an automaton was a result of her serious damage.
Earlier, he told Shisan that he feels heartbroken for her because in her world it's all missions and killing and revenge and he wants to show her there is more to life, but the thing is, he's just as damaged and just as self-limiting as a means to cope with trauma, it's just his coping mechanism is different. She wasn't a seducing murder automaton because that's her innate personality - once she got a taste of normalcy, she developed desires and tastes of her own. But it becomes really clear that he doesn't want to go live on an uninhabited island in the middle of nowhere because he's an extreme introvert, but because he's been so damaged and hurt, physically, mentally, and emotionally, by all the court cruelties and games and being a pawn, that he just wants to hide. It is a sign of healing for her to decide earlier, actually no I don't want to live in solitude far from the world and I wanna travel and help women and I love cities blah blah and it would honestly be a sign of healing for him to decide he doesn't want to be in the middle of nowhere either. There is a vast difference between being a pawn in court and just being in the world traveling freely doing whatever you feel like.
Another thing that is great is how self-reflective he is. He probably knows this is a sign of damage but this is the quickest to him way to fix it. But also, this bit, he is just so GOOD with her:
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I love that after this she adds, not like you could abduct me and they laugh. They are both so attracted to each other's strength.
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He can read her like a book, but the wonderful thing is, she can read him like a book too. They truly are soulmates in the traditional sense of the word.
Like when she says this - and the look on his face!
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I may have flailed a little (a lot!) at her saying this because at the start it might seem like a very functional dude fixing a broken woman but the more it goes on, the clearer it becomes that it's two differently-broken people fixing each other. I love it so!
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This is the crux of this - it's like he told Shisan earlier, it felt great to have someone where he didn't just protect them but they could protect him too (and that is why Baby Marquis has no chance btw - clearly what Ruyi wants is a relationship of equals but it could never be that with Baby Marquis. With NYZ, they both get what they need from each other. Baby Marquis could get what he needs for his issues from Ruyi but what would she get out of it?)
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To be seen fully and to be loved for that is the most heady feeling in the world.
And then she gives him the candy back and I eeeee a little but then this happens and I basically pass out:
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If we do get a happy ending, I really do think it will be them traveling the world together, far from any of the courts but not in the middle of nowhere either.
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vernfernn · 5 months
i don’t think i’ve ever told anyone this but like, during one of my first Skyrim play throughs, i was working up to build Lakeview manner. Lydia was my companion for the majority of the beginning, and she followed me around literally everywhere. holding all the materials i was hoarding, fighting my battles for me (i was new and inexperienced), and generally doing all the heavy work and getting literally no reward.
and when i say holding all my materials, i mean all my materials. all my good gems. my stone. clay. other miscellaneous ingots and bs i was never gonna look at nor use. countless dragon bones, scales, cast iron pots, ingredients and potions i “may need someday”.
she followed me everywhere, fought dragons, went missing when i ran from the dragons, disappeared when i started getting the hang of the game, and i never really bat an eye until i was at the half finished house and several dragons spawned in to attack me (i always fast traveled and that kind of triggered a dragon to always spawn whenever i got to the house) and was constantly screaming for her because i was low level and had no idea what i was doing.
she also was there for when i became thane of falkreath and followed me when i painstakingly tried to figure out who i was supposed to do quests for to become thane.
i remember going into some sort of cave to find a journal for the priest of arkay only for it to be infested with the draugr (my sworn enemies at the time because they freaked me out) and she ended up getting locked out of the boss fight.
she got stuck behind a door while i sniped those idiots from a distance and somehow did not get spotted.
anyways, after building up all the wings for Lakeview (with spotty interior decor) we went to a mine so i could get a bunch of iron because i needed nails and hinges for my basement.
we finally get home and of course—a dragon decides to attack. again.
and i’m fighting for my life here, trying not to die and reload my quick save from literal hours ago.
and lydia thinks this is the perfect time to ask to be my steward.
with fire literally raining down from the heavens, burning my character alive, i hastily say yes without even realizing what she was asking for, and go into the offensive to put down this habanero lizard and steal its soul. classic hot girl shit.
she, me, and rayya (the housecarl you get when becoming thane of falkreath) fight this damn thing and kill it within literal minutes (i felt so proud of myself for not struggling during this fight.)
me later realizing i don’t have a follower behind me anymore when i fast travel to falkreath to buy more building materials for my house. the entire time i was wondering if Lydia glitched again (she got stuck behind a wall in ustengrav before and during that fetch quest for that one priest so i decided i would backtrack once i finished buying building materials to furnish my house.)
i teleport back to my house and almost immediately see lydia walk around like she owned the place. it was then i realized she wasn’t my follower anymore, and i assumed that my game had indeed glitched so i go up to her to see what the problem is or to recruit her again.
que lydias talk screen having the options to decorate my house when i talk to her, and i realize what happened. i immediately have second thoughts when i hear how happy she is about being my Steward and i feel guilty for wanting her as a follower again. so i just leave her there along with like 15k gold to furnish my house.
i also have a housecarl as mentioned before: rayya. and as i’m playing (and marrying some lass from riverwood for the money and literally nothing else because i was DESPERATE to have the house fully furnished.)
i eventually realized it was a bit odd that there where three women living in one house under one roof along side two kids and a husky and other small creature. (it was either a rat, bunny, or mud crab i do not remember.)
que me replaying this character a several more times and keeping up the tradition of having Lydia as a steward for Lakeview and Rayya as another household member but never adopt any kids or marry again because i’m now a master at scamming vendors in the game. plus the kids were annoying, and always ungrateful, and always asking for cash or gifts (none of which they were ever grateful for).
as the years progress i grow attached to my character and start creating a small story for him because we have a lot of history and i got attached.
i’m then wondering how i would explain Lydia and Rayya.
it hits me.
they’re married and employed by a really cool landlord who also happens to be the prophesied savior of the world.
they simply live out their years in a big house with the best scenery and local necromancer to keep them company. once tasked to follow and guard a guy who could yell really loud, now living out in the woods with an early retirement.
now in my head they are married and live in the big ass house with a cool husky, some chickens, a cow, carriage, horse, bard, and the occasional giant on its way to absolutely murder the chickens and cow whenever he stops by. classic cottagecore—warrior—lesbian story.
que me going through the house to see if there would be enough beds for everyone.
minus the one in the wing i used to create a primary bedroom, there’s another bed for two people upstairs. in my mind that bed is theirs and they’re married
lydia kept one of my amulets of mara my first play through when i agreed to let her be my steward (she kept a lot of my stuff, and i was unable to get it back because i felt too guilty taking the one thing she seemed to like). ((also i tried pickpocketing her but failed every single time)).
i grow genuinely attached to this idea and can never keep Lydia as a companion when it comes to getting my house furnished and feel a sense of pride when i’m reuniting her with her one true love.
anyways, that’s the story of how i came to love two completely unrelated characters and no one will understand my attachment to them. i love them so much and want them to be happy.
they’re married, idc
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winchesterwild78 · 8 months
Chance Meeting pt 2
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Part 1
18+ minors do not interact
This is my first ever fan fiction. I adore Jensen Ackles and have no hate towards his family. In this he’s single. I’m not sure exactly how to do this so any suggestions or feedback is appreciated. Please be kind and all mistakes are my own.
Warnings: fluff, angst, smut (later on), Jensen being a sweetheart
Chapter Warnings: lite smut, fluff, reader with body issues
Chapter Summary: Do you go to the Karaoke Party or not. Things start to heat up.
You stood for what seemed like forever thinking about Jensen, the kiss and if you were going to Karaoke. Your phone ringing brought you back down to earth. You grabbed it and saw y/f/n pop up with her goofy picture plastered across the screen.
“Hey y/f/n. What’s up?” You asked as you answered. “You were supposed to text me when you got there y/n.” She said with an annoyed sigh. “Oh yeah, sorry it’s been wild, I um, well something happened that I’m trying to still wrap my head around” you told her. “Wait, y/n are you okay? What happened?” You smiled and sighed “yeah, I’m fine. I just ran into someone and it ended with a kiss and I’m not sure what it means or why it really happened.”
There was a bit of silence then your best friend jokingly said “what did you kiss one of the celebrities there?” “Oh no, y/n you’re not in jail are you?!?” You laughed and said “No, y/f/n I’m not in jail, but um Jensen Ackles did kiss me.” Silence was all you heard then she screamed. “Oh my God, y/n, tell me everything!!”
You started at the beginning and told her everything and how you’re debating whether to go tonight or not. “Y/N, you better get your ass to that karaoke party tonight! Jensen Freaking Ackles asked you to be there!” “Do you know how many women would kill to be in your shoes right now?”
You sighed, you knew she was right but you were still fighting the negative thoughts in your head about how you looked, especially when you’d be standing next to him. He was beyond perfect, and you, well you were not.
“Y/N, you still there? “Um, yeah I am” you said with a quiver in your voice. She sighed and said “get out of your head, sweetie. If he kissed you and wanted to see you then he meant it. I’ve never met him but everything I’ve seen about him is he’s a genuine person. Take a leap of faith, y/n.”
You knew she was right so you decided to do it. “You’re right y/f/n, I’m gonna go take a shower and get ready. I love you girl, thank you.” “I love you too, y/n, now go get your man.” She laughed and you both said your goodbyes and hung up.
You looked at the clock and realized you had less than an hour to get ready and get to the conference room where the event was happening. You grabbed your favorite jeans, dark blue lace bra with matching panties, and your favorite AC/DC shirt and walked into the bathroom.
You turned on the water and waited for it to warm up. Once it was warm enough you jumped in and showered. You wrapped a towel around your head and dried off with another one. You got dressed and put on a little bit of your vanilla body spray. You plugged in the hair dryer and pulled your wet y/h/c hair down. You’ve let it grow out over the past year and it’s now grown to the middle of your back. You quickly dry your hair and work on putting some makeup on. You’ve never been one for heavy makeup, but you figured you’d wear some tonight.
After getting ready you grab your blue flannel and put it on. You decide you want to be comfortable so you opt for your black and white vans. Once your shoes are on you glance at yourself in the mirror and take a deep breath. “Well this is as good as I’m going to get.” You grab your crossbody bag and your room key and head towards the door. Walking towards the elevator your heart is pounding and you almost turn back around, but you push yourself to go. “You can do this, y/n.” You say to yourself. You push the elevator button calling it to your floor. The elevator arrives with a ding and you step in. There are already people in there so you pushed the 1st floor button and stand against the wall. When the elevator finally made it to the 1st floor you got off and looked around.
The hotel was bustling with people who were clearly there for the convention. You made your way through the crowd and found the conference room where the Karaoke party was already in full swing. You slipped in and stood at the back of the room taking in the crowd. It was amazing and you could feel the excitement in the air. You smiled as you saw DJ Qualls and Richard Speight taking the stage to introduce the next song. People were cheering and singing along. It was actually quite a scene. You slipped further into the background. You kinda felt like the wallflower at a middle school dance. You were happy to be there, but still nervous. As you scanned the stage you looked for Jensen. At first you didn’t see him, but then you caught a glimpse of him off to the side of the stage. He was dressed in a dark blue shirt that hugged his biceps and fit him perfectly, black jeans that fit him like a glove and his boots. You smiled and bit your lower lip when you saw him laughing at something someone had said to him. Then you felt your chest get tight and a warmth flow through you. What on earth was this man doing to you. He’s across the room and he’s still able to make you feel like you’re a giddy teenager.
DJ announces to the crowd there is a special guest who wanted to sing tonight. As he calls Jensen to the stage the roar of the crowd was deafening. You smile as you see him take the stage and you noticed he’s scanning the crowd as he starts to sing. He sings the first notes of “Angeles” and the crowd goes wild singing with him. Damn his voice is smooth like whiskey and sends chills down your spine. As he continues to sing you are pulled from your spot on the wall. It’s like a magnet is pulling you to him and you can’t help but smile. He scans the crowd and finally sees you. You see his green eyes sparkle and a smile creep across his face. You smile back at him and he winks at you.
When the song finishes he thanks the crowd and chats them up for a few minutes. He definitely has charisma and knows how to work the crowd. That’s when he looks at you and smiles. Jensen tells the crowd he heard an angel singing earlier today and he was hoping they would help him convince her to come on stage and sing with him. The crowd went wild and he extended his hand to you. You took a deep breath and took it. Climbing on the stage Jensen leans over and whispers “I’m so glad you came, y/n.” “You look absolutely gorgeous.” You shiver and nod. His warm breath brushing over your ear and neck. You blush and clear your throat. “So what are we going to sing?” You asked as DJ hands you a microphone. Jensen looked a you with a smile and said “I’ve had the time of my life.” You smile and nod. Before you know it the song is starting. You swallow hard and listen to Jensen start. When it’s your turn you take a deep breath and sing. The crowd erupted with whoops and applause. By the time you and Jensen finished the song you were holding hands and you felt on top of the word.
The audience was cheering and you were grinning ear to ear. Jensen thanked the crowd, waving as he walked off the stage pulling you with him. “Wow, y/n you were amazing.” You smiled at him and told him thank you as you dropped your head. He put his hand around your chin and lifted your head. “Up here sweetheart, I want to see those beautiful y/c eyes.” You look up at him and meet his green eyes. Damn, why does he have to be so beautiful. “Y/N, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you all day. I’m so glad you came.” He said to you as he pushed his body closer to yours. You could feel the heat coming off of him and your body felt like it was on fire simply from his touch.
You both were still looking into each other’s eyes as he slowly pressed his lips to yours. It was a sweet gentle kiss. A bit different than before but it felt amazing. He pulled away and you saw his pupils go dark with lust. He cupped your face pushing you into the wall and crashed his lips to yours. This time more passion and need behind it. You whimpered and felt him smirk. His free hand gently grabbed your hair and pushed you deeper into the kiss. Your hands instinctively went around his neck and running up and into his sandy brown hair. His tongue licked your lips asking for permission to enter and you opened your mouth. He deepened the kiss as both your tongues fought for dominance. The only reason you pulled yourself away was to catch a breath. Then you were both on each other’s lips. The world around you drifted away as you melted into his arms. As his hands started to explore your body you were suddenly snapped to reality and pulled away.
“What’s wrong y/n?” Jensen asked breathlessly. You looked at him and his eyes were softer and full of confusion. “I’m sorry, you don’t know how much I want to continue this, but I’ve got too many things going on under these clothes that I’m sure will turn you off.” You said with tears pricking your eyes. Jensen took a step back and looked you up and down. “From where I’m standing sweetheart I see a beautiful woman with a healthy body, beautiful y/c eyes, and a killer smile.” “I want to get to know you, all of you.” He said with a smirk on his face. “But, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable anything we do.”
You look at Jensen not sure if you can really trust him enough for you to be vulnerable with. You’ve been hurt in the past and you seriously have had your fill of being used. For some reason you felt a little more comfortable with Jensen. You thought it was crazy because you just met him. Granted you’ve watched him on TV for over 15 years, but that was a character. This was in fact reality.
Before you could say anything else Jensen took your hand and led you to the green room. He pulled you inside and shut the door. The you sat on the couch and Jensen sat next to you. There was something about him and the electricity in the air but you heard your best friend’s voice in your head “take a leap of faith.” So you did. You straddle Jensen, cupped his face and leaned in for another kiss. He grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to him. The passion was undeniable. Jensen’s hands slid up to the collar of your flannel and pulled it off. Your lips never parting. Damn this man was smooth. His hands slowly moving up to he back of your shirt while yours moved to his hair. You both pulled away for a quick breath and you smiled at him. Lips crashing onto each other again and his hands started to pull on the hem of your shirt. He stopped and you shook your head yes. This was all he needed. He pulled your shirt over your head revealing your dark blue lace bra and ample breasts. He growled as he started peppering kisses down your neck and down to your covered breasts. He hooks his fingers and unhooks your bra freeing your breasts. “Mmm perfect” you hear him say as he cups each breast and licks your nipples. You feel your panties getting soaked as he’s exploring your upper body. “Jensen, please” is all you can say. “Please what baby?” He asks with a smile. “Please take me to your room” you said.
With that he grabbed you set you down and said “let’s go” You grab your clothes putting them back on in a hurry while giggling. Jensen grabs your hand and leads you out the door and to the elevator. You both step into the empty elevator and are back on each other like a couple of teenagers. As the elevator opens you realize you’re on floor 7. Your floor and now you realize it’s his floor too. He grabs your hand leading you to his room. You reach his room and wait for him to open the door. As you enter his room you realize you’re taking that leap of faith and man has it been amazing so far.
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skylarmoon71 · 5 months
Lance Sweets (Bones) - Oneshot: Extra
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“There’s three guys in there!”
Hodgins sounds a bit panicked. When Booth brought the two of you to the most recent crime scene, you hadn’t actually expected assassins to show up. You’re all hiding in the bathroom.
“Booth, did you see any guns?”
He shakes his head.
You nod, reaching for the knob.
“See you on the other side.”
When you dart out the door, Hodgins looks at you as if you’ve grown another head.
“What is she doing!!” Hodgins asks quietly.
He doesn’t get an answer. Booth shakes his head when he hears the many grunts and punches. There’s a distinct sound of a table breaking. It finally quiets down.
“We’re clear.” You call.
Booth holsters his gun, pushing the door open. Hodgins follows behind, still a bit hesitant. When they break the corner, all three bodies are on the ground. One of them has his head stuck through the broken glass table. The others are groaning on the floor.
“That last one put up a fight.” You state as you rotate your arm.
“Are you freaking Wonder Woman!?”
With a shrug, you bend down, reaching into their pockets. There’s no surprise that they lack identification.
“You should probably call this in, we’ll need to question them.”
Booth just walks away with a grumble as he pulls out his phone.
“I could have helped.” He mutters dejectedly.
You smile, and Hodgins is still trying to wrap his head around what just happened.
By the time you all make it back to the lab Hodgins is telling some crazy story about what went down. You all have the three men in custody as the bureau continues to work at their identities.
“I swear it was like a freaking movie. She took out all three of them.” Hodgins exclaims. Angela laughs.
“You shouldn’t mess with women, am I right?”
Brennan nods in approval.
Camile chuckles.
“I guess we all have our specialties. You’re going to have to show me some moves sometime. Given how often we tend to get breached, it might come in handy.”
She’s not exactly wrong.
Your eyes stray for a second when you see the suit. You assume it’s Booth, but when you spot the face of a certain psychologist, your once confident stance changes.
“What’s the occasion?”
He jokes when he spots the small group. His eyes take a moment, but the second he sees you, his gait slightly changes.
Your silence to his question catches the attention of everyone present. Angela and Hodgins exchange a look. Camille smiles. Brennan is the only one who looks a bit unclear of what’s happening.
“I just remembered that we have to go do something. Don’t we?” Angela questions. They all nod, but Brennan still looks lost.
“What thing?” Brennan asks.
“Oh sweetie, just follow me.” Angela takes her arm, leading her away and the rest of the following suit.
Now it’s just the two of you. Your pointed glare follows your friends who have undoubtedly betrayed you.
It’s impossible to make this any less awkward.
“I should get going. Booth probably needs a hand interrogating those guys.” You finally work out.
“O-Of course, they aren’t going to interrogate themselves, am I right?” His laughter is obviously to cover up the uncomfortable atmosphere. You just give a stiff nod, turning with the intention of walking away as fast as you possibly can.
“(Y/N), wait.”
He reaches over, taking your wrist softly to stop you. The action makes you pause. You’re overly conscious of the warmth from his hand. You look up and he guides you to the side, out of the main view of others. Once he does, he seems to realize that he’s still holding you. He releases almost immediately.
“I feel like we should address this matter. The longer we prolong it the worse it’s going to get. It doesn’t exactly make for an efficiently functioning work environment.”
He’s right. But what exactly does he want you to say?
Maybe you should just pretend.
“I don’t really see a problem.”
He looks a bit confused, then he smiles.
“I see what you’re doing. By avoiding the problem you think that you could rationalize that there’s nothing between us.”
“There is nothing between us.” You reason.
“Really.” You confirm.
Sweets takes a step forward, and you find yourself backing up. You stumble against the wall, and his eyes search yours.
“I’ll admit that given my profession I should have seen it sooner. If you’d like to pretend that you don’t feel a thing then I can’t force you to admit it. I just want you to know that I do have feelings for you. As unprofessional as it is, I have to be honest about how I feel. “
You gulp, it’s easier to deny it when you assume these feelings are one sided. But what are you supposed to do now that he has admitted that. Sweets takes another step,and you press your hand to his shoulder, lips quiver.
You need to be the voice of reason. If he gets any closer that won’t happen.
“We..” You take a breath to calm yourself down.
“We work together. Y-You can’t..w-we can’t…”
“That statement implies that you feel the same way.” He adds.
“I-I don’t.”
“Then you should probably push me away. You easily took down three guys, subduing me should be simple.”
So he did hear.
That’s a bit infuriating.
Why was he testing you right now?
“Damn psychologists.”
He knows exactly what he’s doing.
“Push me away (Y/N).”
He whispers.
You bite your lip, gripping the collar of his shirt, you pull him down for a kiss. He’s obviously caught a bit off guard, but he reciprocates, sliding one hand against the wall as he draws you closer.
You should not be doing this. There’s so many reasons why this is a bad idea, but you’ve been dreaming about his lips for too long to stop now. Your hand moves from his collar, sliding over his chest. A soft sound escapes your lips at the feel of him, and his mouth opens as his tongue slips past your lips. You welcome it, meeting him halfway. He’s the one that moans this time and you’re almost positive you’ve never heard something more beautiful.
Booth’s voice pulls you out of your daze and you push Sweets back. He staggers, and you stare, clearly shocked. Booth pretty much gapes, and you press a hand to your lips.
“I-I have to go.” You say hurriedly as you rush past Booth.
That’s apparently your trademark now.
Running away.
“H-Hey wait sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
His words fall on deaf ears. Booth turns back to Sweets who is licking his lips, clearly still a bit thrown by the kiss.
“Really, (Y/N)? You know she can snap you like a twig right?” Booth’s words aren’t fully acknowledged.
“I have to go.”
Sweets is clearly distracted. He just walks away.
“Come on!!”
The rest of the day you try your best to limit your interactions with Sweets. You’re at least a bit grateful for Booth’s discretion. He hasn’t spread your little incident to a certain group of nosy scientists. Not that they are ignorant to what’s going on.
“So, are you going to avoid him forever?”
Booth had swung by your office, no doubt to torment you.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Come on, I was there. I saw you shoving your tongue down the guy’s throat.”
You blush, sending him the most venomous look. Booth lifts his hands.
“Hey, I’m just saying what I saw.”
You hate that he’s right. Even more that you haven’t been able to think about much but that kiss. How good it felt. Not just to touch him, but to have those feelings reciprocated. The both of you have been working together for a few months, almost a year. In all that time you can’t believe you never noticed. Maybe you just didn’t want to. Somehow pretending to be blind made it easier.
“Sweets might be a handful, but he’s a good guy. You should give him a chance.”
“Really, you’re giving me relationship advice.”
“I give good advice!” Booth defends.
“Whatever, you could say what you want, but you must have it bad for him. Otherwise you would have floored him the second he even got within an inch of your space. Honestly I can’t believe I didn’t notice before. I guess this explains that little fight in the office last time. All that pent up frustration.”
“Do you want me to hit you?” Booth smiles.
“All I’m saying is that you should give it a shot. You never know what could happen.”
You hate it when he actually makes a reasonable point.
It’s irritating.
You intend to say just that, but there’s a knock on your door and someone enters. You both turn your focus.
Sweets look a bit awkward, and unconsciously, you cross your legs under the desk. The heat of that kiss has returned.
Booth smirks.
“I’ll get out of the way of you two love birds.”
Booth moves to the door, giving Sweets a pat on the shoulder.
“Don’t mess it up, shrink.”
Nothing else is said. The door closes and you stand. You feel like you should make a run for it again.
“I’m sorry.”
His apology wasn’t where you saw the conversation going.
“I shouldn’t have made a move on you like that. It was unprofessional.” He runs a hand over the back of his head.
“I was the one who kissed you.”
He nods, a bashful smile on his face.
“You did, but I didn’t exactly stop it.”
You fidget.
“I’m glad you didn’t.” You finally admit.
He looks at you, and you can tell just from his expression that he’s picturing it. Kissing you, touching you. Your face must look quite the same.
Just looking at him seems to be too much. You clear your throat, breaking contact.
“Listen, I like my job. It’s the first time in years that I feel like I’m doing something good that doesn’t compromise my values.”
He knows you’re referring to your time in the navy.
Sweets nods.
“I understand. I’m sorry I put you in this position.”
You shake your head, and you will yourself to take a step closer. He meets your gaze when you’re directly in front of him.
“I’ll admit that everything about this, it terrifies me. But someone wise just told me that it’s better to take a chance. I’d like to give this a try, if that’s something you’re interested in. “
“I am!”
His immediate response isn’t what you expect. Sweets swallows, running a hand down his tie.
“I mean I’d like to see where this goes too.”
You smile.
“Whatever happens from here on out, I just need to know that it won’t affect our work. It’s not like I’m planning for this to implode in our faces. But we need to be realistic. This job needs to take precedence regardless of what happens in the future.”
“I agree. No matter what, we always get the job done.”
Sweets holds out his hand for you to shake. You can’t stop smiling at the gesture.
“I guess I know why you’re called Sweets.”
His brows furrow.
“Why do you think they-”
You step forward, grabbing his cheeks as you pull him in for a kiss. His eyebrows shoot up, hands automatically going around your waist. You grin against his lips and he spins around, pressing you against the door. The collision has you humming, and his expression softens and he slides both to your cheeks, trying to taste as much as he possibly can from your lips.
You have absolutely no complaints. 
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On Baz and his insecurity
This is gonna be a long word vomit, fellas. 
First of all: this is not at all Simon’s fault and he’s absolutely allowed to be confused and not feel the need to rush in any sort of discovery for anyone’s sake. With that being said: Simon does tend to reach realizations with Baz that you couldn’t pay him to think about on his own for his own sake (because he wants Baz to understand, even when he doesn’t feel the need to understand himself). There’s also this unfortunate but understandable and very human effect where Simon’s lack of processing and understanding of himself (and Simon not saying shit he thinks and feels) feeds Baz’s insecurities. 
You can see that around the word gay. When Simon asks to be boyfriends, he’s not even remotely ready to begin to consider if he’s gay, and you have Baz put his guard up with “nobody cares if you’re gay” – I mean, worse case scenario Simon’s proposal could come across as “want to be boyfriends? I’ll probably terrible though and perhaps no homo” to the guy who spend his entire adolescent thinking the person saying it was happily straight. An (understandable) identity crisis one is not ready for can come across as a dismissal for the (understandably) insecure. To be clear, I don’t think Baz gives half a fuck about how Simon labels himself. Perhaps this comes up in some manner, but when you get to the heart of it, it’s not really about identity. He cares about Simon wanting him. “You can have this, if you want it” he says (or something similar) when he softens. When Simon gets Baz’s guard down. 
This manifests again after they have sex for the first time, when Simon, who usually breaks down, is happy and relaxed, and Baz, who is usually bracing himself for something to go wrong, is freaking out. His very first instinct is to brace himself for Simon not liking it (because of their previous unsuccessful attempts). Then he braces himself for Simon finding it less appealing than sex with a girl – “it’s more messy with guys,” he thinks (or something like that) which is 100% his own insecurity, and it’s very revealing. Honestly, I fully believe you don’t need to go to the author’s social media to realize Simon was neither in love nor sexually attracted to the girl he was with before, we just need to pay attention to what’s in the page (“I think it’s obvious he was never in love with her” or something she said on twitter dot com once, and not to sound like the little bitch I am but... it is obvious. I lose a little bit of my sanity when I see the lack of either romantic or sexual attraction being denied or not picked up on among readers.) I understand mind reading is not among Baz’s many talents, but even if we limit ourselves only to what Baz can hear and perceive, we can still conclude that Baz is wrong as hell for even entertaining the thought that Simon would rather be with a girl. 
I would go as far as to say that Baz has the tools to know Simon isn’t actually interested in women (I know some believe he is, but this is already long and I have posted about it a lot, so I’m just gonna say “nope” and move on). In the ren faire, Baz is the one drawing you a very detailed picture about the boob situation. Nobody notices them more than him. While in boobie-land he watches Simon like a hawk, noticing the attention on him, ready to step in the second it seems like someone might try something (before doing better and more fun things such as flirting through sword fighting). Not gonna elaborate on why Simon’s is not boobie-liker behavior (I did that here) based on his thoughts, but even in Baz’s POV: Simon doesn’t pay any attention to anything that’s not fucking food. His eyes never wander, even when there are boobs almost in his arms or something. There’s also how, while in school, Baz thinking Simon actually wanted his girlfriend is all in the framing of “golden destiny” and not based on actual behaviors or shit (Notice that Baz’s tells Penny “I don’t know anything about relationships” in WS). In CO, Baz’s says Simon is leaving “with the only person he has ever wanted.” We know he only believes this because of the whole golden destiny business, which Simon likely parroted when he was in the shackles of heteronormativity, (and also because one would assume you date someone because you’re into them, yet this is an assumption CO challenges). This also means Baz has observed Simon, he has noticed other girls’ interest in him, and besides the golden shit... Baz noticed that Simon has never shown any interest in any girls (but he hasn’t put that together).  
Baz has a bit of a contradiction going on. He hates such a big part of his identity, yet there’s part of him that’s comfortable in his own skin. In his own head. He dresses for himself – he likes suits – not because he’s actually trying to look hot. He doesn’t really perceive his own hotness. On some level (and to some extend) he does know his insecurities are there. He also knows that he should know better. When he’s freaking out post-sex, he does catch himself immediately like “I don’t know anything about sex with a girl or a boy actually, I’m just saying shit here.” It’s important that Simon turns that moment into one of laughter: while Baz is worrying about Simon not really wanting it, Simon shows him how happy it makes him to be with him like this. 
Baz also has enough tools to know he’s wrong as hell to be jealous about Simon’s past relationship with Agatha – he had his moment to choke on his disbelief (literally) as Simon fought him on the assumption that he was attracted to her (unspoken but still there: Simon also fights the assumption that he wanted to be with her like that: he didn’t!). Simon has told him that he always felt wrong while dating her. That the thing he liked was the lack of processing because she did not awaken a single goddamn thing in him. Baz knows this. He has heard it! So he immediately feels foolish when brings up Agatha after the goat scene (ending with Simon telling him there’s nothing about him he doesn’t want, indicating he has nothing to feel jealous or insecure about without outright saying that; Agatha has her own version of that, finding Niamh irresistible and telling her she doesn’t have shit to feel jealous about without outright saying it) (they are mirrors etc). 
It’s a funny little way in which the books kick your ass, you see: before the 24 hour break-up, while inside of his head, Simon calls himself a Baz-sexual (to communicate how he experiences sexual attraction), that he has never truly wanted anyone before him, thinks he has never loved and will never love anyone like he loves Baz, that he’s the most fuckable person alive or otherwise etc etc. At the same time, Baz wonders, “does Simon actually want me?” He actually doubts it. Makes me unwell, I’ll tell you that much. 
It’s easy to see where Baz’s insecurities come from when you consider he doesn’t have access to Simon’s thoughts because there’s much Simon doesn’t say, even when they start communicating properly. When Simon is thinking that Baz is the love of his life, Baz isn’t even sure if Simon loves him at all. He has never heard it. (IIRC by the time the book ends, Simon still hasn’t told Baz he’s the love of his life. Baz doesn’t know Simon feels that!) That after years of thinking Simon would ride into the sunset heterosexually, he spends an entire year watching Simon pull away from him, breaking down whenever they try to do more than kissing. That, on top of that Simon shows that he has issues with being gay, and being gay in public, which for Baz translates into issues with behaving like boyfriends in public, and/or having issues with wanting Baz. That, on top of all that, Baz thinks his monstrousness makes him less deserving of love and acceptance. 
That’s part of why it’s so notable for Baz, when Simon starts getting so handsy with him in public (the line about how, “for someone who worries about being gay,” he gets off with getting handsy with Baz in public, and then how that’s “probably connected”). Why the “gay at IKEA” date makes so happy. Those moments are, in part, about how Simon showing him that he doesn’t want to hide that he wants him. Simon showing Baz that he has no reservations about wanting him. When Baz tells Simon “it’s fine not to know (what he identifies with)” he means it. It’s really alright with Baz if Simon doesn’t want to label himself. There’s a light-hearted tone in SFC when Baz tells Simon “you’re not even gay” after Simon tells him “we can be as gay as we want in my grandma’s house.” I don’t think it would have mattered much then, if Simon said “no, I’m not,” because at that point their relationship is in a good place. Baz tells you the man is an expert at getting his tie off – there’s no question that Simon wants to be with him. But I do wonder. Simon saying “I am, for all intends and purposes” then it’s all about Simon and how comfortable he has become with being perceived as gay. For Baz, it’s something he can laugh about with no further observation. They’re good. They’re in love, and they’re comfortable with each other. But I do wonder if the casual acknowledgment of their relationship being a gay one, if Simon’s positive reaction or rather, Simon not sinking into any sort of denial or reaction that could potentially feed Baz’s negative emotional state and bring back old insecurities provided the kind of comfort he needed at that moment. A moment where he worried about his family invalidating him and his relationship with Simon.  
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mrsmiroir · 2 years
whatre ur kaz/inej/kanej headcannons?
i’ve got. hair headcanons. because i’m a freak like that.
inej had had long hair her entire life. so had her mother, and her mother’s mother, and her father’s mother, and most women in her family. before each performance, her mother would braid it, keeping it out of her face, weaving flowers and ribbons into each strand, and every night, her mother brushed it out carefully, gentle with each knot, as her father massaged her sore muscles.
on the ship, the bottom becomes a matted lump. tante heleen inspects it on the dock, then promptly declares that it must be shaved. in canon, it would be impossible for her hair to be the length it’s described as had heleen shaved it. maybe she just intended it to be humiliating, highlighting inej’s loss of autonomy and identity. perhaps she only had a bit of it cut. inej is tiny, without her hair, she looks even smaller, even younger. maybe her hair makes her more profitable. whatever it is, it’s disgusting.
at the menagerie, the lady that combs her hair is far from gentle. she doesn’t use the same oils and treatments as inej’s mother. her hair is just one of those elements that help sell the disgusting othering fantasy of the menagerie.
she contemplated cutting her hair once she joins the dregs. it becomes dry and brittle and the hairbrushes she can afford are not meant for her hair. it falls out in clumps and it almost makes her happy. but she remembers her mother, her grandmothers, her cousins, her aunts; how their long dark hair flowed past their waists, twisting into intricate braids as they went about their day, catching the light as they braved the high wire or performed on the ground.
her own braids are loose and have hairs sticking out. with time, she gets better, and soon she can braid her hair into her signature coil that she can tuck into her scarf as she jumps from rooftop to rooftop, or let it fly freely as she leans her head out of the window at the top of the slat when she feeds the crows.
as for kaz, i think his hair is actually pretty wavy. his mother had jet black hair, both he and jordie inherited it. their curls, however, came from their father. his father cuts their hair in the kitchen of the farmhouse, and kaz’s haircut always looks a little lopsided because he won’t stop squirming (jordie doesn’t help, he’s too busy tormenting his little brother because that’s his duty as the eldest).
kaz’s hair covers his eyes when he lives on the streets, it’s dirty and tangled and he’s definitely got a colony of lice up there, but everyone his age does, and he doesn’t mind. he has other things on his mind anyway.
when he’s ten, the prison guards shave it all off, as they do with all prisoners. he won’t stop moving, desperately trying to escape their grasp as they drag their hands, razor and all, over his skull. he gets nicked several times, even bites the guards a couple of times before they shove him down and he passes out. he’s in jail so often that it never has any time to grow back.
he keeps it short for a while after that, not caring for his appearance until he realizes that he can forge it into another part of his persona (and also he’s a teenager he’s very image conscious!). he lets the top grow and keeps the sides and back short, because it’s easier to shave it than to cut it. it looks like shit because he can’t see the back of his own head. also it’s pretty much canon that he does it himself, so that’s probably why it looks Like That. he combs it back and gels it to emphasize the sharpness of his features. the first time the others see what it looks like without styling, curls and all, they’re taken aback. it makes him look softer, younger, like a boy instead of the monster he’s convinced everyone he is.
i think that post-canon, inej teaches kaz how to braid hair (which he learns, and then learns all the fancy ways to do it, because it’s a puzzle and he’s kaz). inej shaves the sides of his hair and cuts the top when it gets too long, even though she loves the way it looks when it gets all floppy when he lets it grow out. it’s all very tender yk.
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