#i like to think that sally talks a lot and super fast and rambles and everyones just like
thapunqueen · 2 years
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in LOVE with the Welcome Home ARG, sally and julie were ofc my immediate favs <3 @partycoffin
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devourers-of-god · 8 months
Hey! I'm new here, so I'm sorry if something's wrong. I really like the way you write, it's just wonderful!
Can I ask you for a little fanfiction/headcount where Sally first saw the traces of selfharma on a femme reader? They can be both in a relationship or just friends... I would like something cozy, soothing and fluffy
Thank you in advance
Hi!! Welcome on Tumblr !! Thank you for your compliments, it’s super sweet T-T<3 I will make you a little oneshot with headcanons at the end <3 I think I will do friends but they crush on eachother!
And happy Valentine’s Day for those who celebrate !!
Warnings: self harm mentions, nothing graphic. Fluff !
Character: Sal Fisher
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Oneshot - Worried
« Have you noticed y/n haven’t been looking like herself lately? » Todd said, looking up at Sal. Todd had noticed a shift in your behaviour. He’s not great at expressing concern but he thought that telling Sal would be a great idea, since Todd suspect that Sal’s crush is actually you.
« Mmm.. I mean I guess..? She doesn’t hang out with us a lot these days. » Sal replied, looking in the distance. In reality, Sal did notice something, you’ve been avoiding talking to the group. Almost isolating yourself. Which isn’t usual since you’re usually bubbly and full of life, always wanting to hang out and occupy yourself, but these past few weeks it was like you just became.. empty.
« You’re the only one that knows her better than anyone. I think you should say something Sal. We never know. You know there’s 53,2% of women suicide per ye-»
« Alright I’ll talk to her. » Sal cut off Todd, the blue haired boy didn’t want to stress himself out about such a tragic situation that might happen..? Sal slammed his locker door, waved at Todd and thanked him, and now he needed to find you.
In reality, Sal was crazy worried about you. He’s always had a crush on you, since you moved in Nockfell a few years ago. He loved the way you laugh, how you smile downwards, how your cheeks becomes a tinted pink when you’re flustered..and- « Watch where you’re going freak! » Travis said angrily. Sal was lost in thought and his luck made him bump into the one and only, Travis Phelps. Sal didn’t want trouble today, he was already in such stress that he didn’t need another anxiety inducing situation. The masked boy quickly escaped his bully and went on with his goal.
After a few minutes of intense research, he caught a glimpse of you making your way out of school. « She’s ditching class now? » Sal thought to himself, trying to walk as fast as he can, but with his small legs it was harder than other people. You were going behind the bleachers, notebook in hand. You’ve been writing everything that’s been going wrong in your life. You found comfort in writing, it felt great to know that the only one viewing the journal was you. It made you feel safe. The notebook was like therapy to you, writing edgy poems in code to hide your embarrassment. You would say to yourself that it was like your private little garden.
After finding your usual spot, you noticed Sal coming. Your face became red, and it was not because of the cold.
« ..Hi. » Sal said panting, he just noticed that you walk so fast. You quickly put your notebook underneath you. You were wearing ripped pants with a zip up jacket, that was too short for you.
« Hey Sal. » you replied, you sniffled quietly. What Sal doesn’t know is that you’ve been crying since the day started, you couldn’t go to class, you just couldn’t. It was too demanding. Too hard for you, you preferred isolating yourself until the end of the day. Sals visit was unexpected.
« Have you been… crying y/n? It’s okay if you were and if you don’t want to talk about it I completely understand-» Sal stopped quickly after noticing he was rambling and talking fast.
You sighed. Wiping your nose with your hand, making your sleeve fall off your arm.
A heavy silence was heard.
Your scars were showing. You noticed they were in plain sight after you noticed Sals eye widening. « Oh fuck off » you thought to yourself. Your heart rate fastened as you rolled your sleeve down.
« Say something say something say something say-» Sals thoughts were racing, just like your heartbeat. He had to say something. He had to. Why couldn’t he speak up? He went through the same thing you’re going through. Sals supposed to know what to say right ? Only seconds had passed but it felt like long, long minutes before Sal eventually took his courage and spoke up.
« … I’ve been worried about you. And this confirms my concerns. Y/n.. I’m sorry you’ve been going through this… God I’m sorry y/n I wish I could’ve there to help you. You mean so much to me I- I just can’t watch someone so important to me in a state like this » Wow, it was maybe one of the only times that Sal would say something so heartfelt. Sal noticed your hands were shaking and your eyes slowly watering. His first instinct was to hold your hand. Your face got flustered as he did that.
« Sal- I’m the one who’s sorry. I should’ve communicated this with you earlier.. things has been bad but nothing is your fault. » You said as Sal hugged you tight, he didn’t want to let you go. As in the hug in just in general.
« I really like you y/n, let me help you.. please.. »
Annnddd that’s it HAHAHA SORRY😭 this might not be as good because I have an important exam in like 30 minutes and I’m stressing the fuck out. Anyways, here’s some hcs to compensate :P
- when Sal first noticed, he made sure you felt safe venting to him.
- carries a first aid kit.. just in case something happens.
-he make sure to clean your wounds when you relapse, he doesn’t want you to get an infection.
- he makes sure to always be there for you, you guys hang out more than usual after this.
- caresses your scars with his fingertips, humming, to help you fall asleep.
- makes sure to hide anything that you use to hurt yourself without you knowing.
- keeps the secret to himself.
- is way more affectionate than before, he eventually got way better with words of affirmation so he can help you even more.
Okep! Thank you for reading and I really hope you guys enjoyed ;( I love you all !!!
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I only started following you because of my salad fingers phase and you had a crossover comic featuring him, but now the lore of dhmis is enticing and I have no clue where to start. Can you- can you pwease explain it to me?
-dysrix anon
ok got it!!! no problem!!!!!
(before i start rambling excessively i just gotta say that's different to hear lol, i think the majority are around for the puppets and just tolerate mr sally's presence)
OK SO. dhmis is a webseries that started in 2011 as a short film made by a couple of college kids who wanted to say something about not imposing rules on how creativity should be expressed, because art school is kinda just Like That. that video was put on youtube and went really super viral and all the Reaction Video People were a "so scawy 😥" whiny baby about it. the creators wanted to make a series but left the idea alone because it was a lot of work and also expensive (puppetry). then in 2014 they were commisioned to make 2, they did, and then tony the talking clock (emphasis on those last three words) became a tumblr sexyman and a bunch of everyone started shipping him with sketchbook (who they called paige) and humanizing them and it was just this whole thing. anyway thanks to them the creators made a kickstarter to fund the rest of the series and it actually worked out, too. so i'd like to thank the clockfuckers we would not be here without you. i hope you fucked your clock. anyway then over the next two years the last four episodes came out and they were epic and gamer and increasingly Kinda Horrifying (three still messes me up a bit but none of the others ever scared me, it's just more weird than anything. in a very good way) and the last one, six, came out june 19th 2016 (which was father's day, and it hasn't been father's day june 19th since yesterday, and it won't be again until 2033), and it was awesome. then september 13th 2018 wakey wakey (thirteen second long trailer) happened and everyone lost their shit and then sundance film festival in january 2019 where they pitched that pilot they made around (and seeing as the pilot as we know it is almost certainly a lost media now, those very low-quality cam leaks on youtube are possibly all that remains). then in july 2020 they started making the show and well you know Plague Was A Thing That Happened so it was pretty quiet for a while and then august 30th 2021 they announced they finished filming and then february 25th there was a clip continuing the pirate joke and saying they were finishing lines and then late may wakey wakey disappeared aND THEN YESTERDAY FLY HAPPENED AND
and the reason i'm finishing that particular tangent very quickly is that i am now realising you were likely asking about the lore of the story itself. and not its process of existence
there sure are a lot of ideas out there!! and i have definitely got my own ideas which i don't really talk about ever because they're honestly a bit too rude to the media theory (which i hate - a lot - but also which a lot a lot a lot of other people really like. so it'd be mean)
ANYWAY THE BASIC SUMMARY OF THE WEBSERIES is there are three puppets and they're yellow guy and red guy and duck and they all live in a house together and every episode some object in their house comes alive and sings to them a lesson about an abstract, basic concept like yknow creativity and time. so it's sort of meant to resemble something like sesame street at first. but these sentient objects (who are usually called "teachers") are kinda Really Fucked Up and the lessons go wrong really fast and usually end in uhhhh murder. also their life is a lie and it's like puppet matrix and roy, yellow guy's dad, really does seem to be the guy pulling the strings behind it all. man it's like thirty minutes total on youtube i don't want to spoil it TOO much in case you ever decide to check it out lol. oh wait. oh wait you asked where to start
well you start there!!!!!!
ALSO there's a bunch of lost videos and that one puppet interview and a collection of little things around miss becky's instagram or mr joe's twitter that all just weaves together with the main thing to make A Web of Story and it's awesome. i'd be glad to tell you all about that too if you ask!!!! i'm very normal about all this that's why i have lists and notes and a handful of rambly word document essays about this everywhere
ok i'm done thanks for coming to autism hour with creech
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willowaudreykeyes · 4 years
Okay: I’ve watched it 4 times and here’s the things about the episode that I find interesting. Or that I’m looking too much into. You guys can all decide because idk.
- Roman seems to make alliterations when he's shocked? He's done it before, but now he's done it again and when he's surprised that Thomas 'lied' or 'tricked' the ticket person.
- Virgil has resting disappointed face even as he eats popcorn.
- Roman is very dramatic about the age thing. "He's in his thirties, he may as well be in his sixties." "Can't think of new excuses quick enough in his old age."
- "I love you" is very big words. Do not use them, or forget them, lightly around Virgil.
- Have they always been on his back so much about lying, or was it only after Janus was introduced?
- Possibility: Romans eyes actually change into hearts when cute guy appears?
- Also: Roman goes into Shakespearean when cute guy appears.
- Roman is so optimistic when it comes to love! But not about other Sides? He's rather pessimistic when it came to Virge (at the beginning) and Janus. And kinda Remus too.
- Roman has used "We don't know if he's not gay" more times then the three can count.
- Pins equals introverts way of talking apparently. I guess that makes sense, since there’s pins for almost every kind of hobby, and Virgil knows this too.
- Roman sounds rather happy when they found out that Nico likes Paramore. Supporting his emo friend and his hobbies right there.
- “The Nightmare Before Christmas” is and will always be a Prinxiety thing. Did you see those star eyes Roman gave? And how happy-surprised Virge was?
- Virgil does think about romance too. “You can live like Jack and Sally, if you want.” Kind of cute.
- Virgil has eyes like a damn hawk. He saw those pins and went full on x10 zoom on them.
- Roman’s got some adorable music happening when more clues appear.
- Sticker/Button System must be followed or Virge no happy.
- Roman is almost as good as Patton with puns, except he has to explain it. Has he done that before? I feel like he has. I feel like this is a thing but I’m not sure.
- Roman and Virgil have about the same wavelength when it came to the creepy stalking-ish part. They both cringe when Thomas goes off to the side.
- If you use a word at the end of a sentence that sounds like a name at Roman, he thinks you got his name wrong. He did it at some other point I can’t remember when but he does this. Kind of feels like a autism and/or ADHD trait? (I know I for sure get confused sometimes)
- “Great... he’s gay” “Great indeed...” “GREAT INDEED” I love them. Just gonna say that again.
- Roman has this big thing about his name and it doesn’t seem like its a thing he’s faking? He seems genuinely confused. The one that’s two above mentions it, and the way he spelt it at the trial? And how he seemed very defensive when Janus spelt it wrong? This is a thing.
- Virgil is a self-proclaimed expert of anti-social etiquette and I say he deserves that title. 
- Virgil also really likes non-verbal ways of communicating. 
- Roman does the thing where you put your two pointer fingers together and its adorable.
- Fast head nod of agreement coming from Roman here. Over dramticness? Or actual quirk?
- Roman very much freaks out when flirting goes wrong. Not just a Virgil thing. 
- Virgil be scaring Thomas with zero regrets when he lost his test that the Universe gave him.
- Virgil be very glad to admit when he’s panicking. He also has admitted when he’s anxious in the past. He knows it, acknowledges it, makes Thomas and the others deal with it because dealing with it isn’t in the job description.
- Roman’s fine with compromise! Virgil gives an idea that attempts to help the romance part, Roman’s not 100% happy but rolls with it. Besties right here (even if they don’t know it). He does have a limit though.
- Nicknames are forever with Roman.
- Virgil is on Thomas’ left side, the more ‘thinky’ side of the brain. Roman is on the right, the more ‘feely’ side of the brain. It’s kind of more obvious in the scene where they grab Thomas a lot.
- Roman really slips with his feelings when he’s stressed. He says stuff that’s usually more about his self-worth. “You’re making a mistake.” “If I am, I’ll add it to the list.” That was said under a lot of stress and frustration. He’s done it before and he’s done it again; except now they don’t address it and it’s just a passing sentence.
- pLaNt
- Virgil would rather embarrass Thomas by making him talk to a stranger, instead of the guy that he thinks is cute? I mean, its very embarrassing by the end of it and Virge barely seems affected by it.
- And now Virgil is compromising. He works with Roman to make sure that Thomas looks okay (the “check your teeth” line).
- idk wtf the sty’s thing is about. Weirdly placed anxiety over it? Or something?
- Roman is very impulsive and basically throws Thomas into the trash can when a bad thing happens in front of a lot of people. Ego was definitely hurt there. Why hide instead of run away? Did Virgil sorta influence that?
- Plans help anxiety. Pretty sure they’ve covered that topic before, but lets just do a recap in this I guess.
- Virgil is half the people on this platform “Cyberstalking... but real life”. I mean, everyone makes a metaphor that has an actual word behind it sometimes. 
- “Try Speaking from the heart” ... I expected Patton, but there has been moments before where a Side who is expected to be there, isn’t there. Logan showed this in “Moving On” when he physically left but he never REALLY left. Patton showing up to add his own words to this may have been too much for him? Or he thought it would be for the others?
- Ah crap here’s the monologue-
- First off, it’s very honest. Full on honesty. With no holding back. And it really hit the feels; but is it realistic though? (Genuinely asking I’ve never been in that kind of situation)
- Very rambly too “I honestly don’t know what I’m doing at the mall today. I don’t know what I was looking for... I guess that answers my question- The mall is where you go when you want something but you don’t know what it is because the mall has everything.” Very rambly, very nervous, very honest.
- Roman and Virgil are very... in awe? Shocked? What is this? Roman looks so contemplative as he looks at himself in the mirror and I wanna be in his brain and know what he’s thinking.
- “I don’t know a lot about anything. Least of all, myself.” Okay, Janus just pulled all the way away for a full minute and forty-eight seconds (this is 99% accurate) to just let Thomas talk and feel didn’t he? This is just complete honesty.
- Anyone would be awkward with the guy coming out of that stall. I’m awkward thinking about it and seeing it again. Moving on-
- “I gotta stop wooing strangers in bathrooms” just a 3000 word fic of at least one other time that he’s done this and I will be yours forever
- Virgil is a dramatic emo who dislikes lying. Crossed arms, waiting outside for him, looks up when he says “you know what I meant”- They’re all part of an actor your at least a LITTLE dramatic.
- Virgil has a big thing about lies and relationships. This has to do with him and Janus’ relationship somehow- It’s about Thomas’ relationships with friends and his romantic life too. He didn’t seem as annoyed about them in the ‘Lies’ song way back when which didn’t mention lying about any type of relationship.
- “Can’t have true love if the relationship isn’t built on truth.” Is this what he was thinking about in the bathroom? Its a cute line either way. 
- Okay, Roman and Janus have some kind of... something. Cause a lot of Roman’s talks about his goals for Thomas pushes Thomas into relying on Janus until Roman realises that it’s morally bad OR (as seen in the talk after the bathroom scene) when he realises that it’ll be bad for Thomas in the long run.
- “Will (D)deceit continue to be the answer to all of your problems? Is that fair to him?” HIM WHO!? Janus or Nico!? Both!? AHHHH! This could mean so much in any direction you throw it but I can’t find the dang words!! “No, he’s better off without me.” This could just be Thomas misunderstanding the ‘him’ Virgil means too or he does understand idk-
- “I was afraid you left!” *INSERT TWO SIDES SCREAMING HERE* Hahaha he’s literally screaming on the inside omg-
- “He fears things too!?” Virgil doesn’t understand how people work when he’s worked up. Duly noted.
- Roman and Virgil equals A Gay Panic
- Thomas’ first thought when panicked is to ask the guy, that he thinks is cute and has been trying to get the attention of for the last while, ‘what is wrong with you?’ ... 10/10 Thomathy
-  .Roman seems... a little resigned that another ‘chance at happiness’ is walking away? I mean, he’s super sad but resigned to his fate. That’s sad as hell. He’s USED TO THIS and I don’t like that 😢
- Virgil’s scene where he looks between, NOT Thomas, but Nico and Roman, is really well done and filled with... a lot. He psyches himself up first of, taking in quick breaths before pushing Thomas, obviously afraid but still doing it anyway. And the look he gives a very resigned Roman looks like its both guilt and sadness. Could just be me thinking that he has a ‘this is my fault’ thing.
- Full on surprise on Roman’s face when Virgil pushes Thomas. No one was expecting that.
- Carrots. The carrots brought them together. Thomas... you don’t have to eat carrots, but at least say ONCE that they aren’t all bad.
- “I like songs” you’ve also written some and sung x5 as many but okay, go with that I guess. (Is this to not brag about being a singer right away? I guess so?)
- If Nico was writing about something that happened midway through his visit to the food court, what was he writing about before that? Did he have nothing until Thomas tripped over the bin?
- “I tend to waste a lot of opportunities in my life” Then cuts to Virgil. Ouch. Direct hit on Virge...
- BRAVERY. (i’ll get back to this-)
- “Shut up, emo.” No complicated nicknames; just the easy picking. Very cute. Very yes. Roman your a sap and its great.
- When Thomas is telling Roman to ‘get out’, he sinks down and is he biting his thumb? He’s still excited. And I’m adding ‘biting’ to his list of stims.
- Virgil claps his hands.  Roman and Virgil both cover their mouths. Both yell. Manic hand movements. Virgil gets Thomas to walks around and flappy hands. (And the nervous pee too I guess?)
- OKAY. EYESHADOW. Big thing, also new. I believe that it may be him ‘growing’ as a Side. First, he believed that he was JUST Thomas’ anxiety. Then comes to term with being more then that, which helps him become a ‘Light Side’. And now, he’s learnt that ‘fear’ and ‘bravery’ can both be present at the same time and is now growing from that as well. So, his back and forth between black and purple could mean a back and forth of the ‘fear’ and ‘bravery’ aspects. Thomas about to send a bad tweet? Black. Optimistic about things ‘never being the same again’? Purple. Thomas bringing up that they just met? Black. Its a promising start? Purple again.  Purple when something optimistic, its purple. Pessimistic, its black. There’s a thing happening there.
- And also, lots of smiley Virgil when he goes purple. Brave enough to smile? Or optimistic enough to be truly happy about it?
- “Join me! No thinking!” Okay, all the ‘Roman Himbo’ stans have already gone nuts over this so I’ll keep going XD
- Roman’s first date idea is to go to France immediately and I love him for being so honestly over-the-top
- Dogs are the demons of anxiety its now a fact. They even bring out the Tempest Tongue, despite hearing the dog “thirty times a day”.
- Do not tell Virgil to relax. Black eyeshadow. Very on brand tbh. He does not relax and you should know this by now Roman.
All in all; I love them and the entire episode ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
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bandficsbyh · 4 years
Hi! Could you please do a Gerard way x reader where the reader is in a band and basically mcr comes up to them and are like we think your really cool and the rest of the band like walks away but the reader is just there like : oh my fucking God you did not just walk away from mcr Sorry if that's to much or to weird thank you and have a nice day 💚)
Mr. Brightside
Gerard way x reader
A/N: this is such a good request oml!!! I had one similar to this in the works anyway, so this just gave me inspiration to make it better. It’s not exactly like the request, but I hope you like it! If you want a part two let me know 😊💕
Warnings: alcohol, swearing, smoking (?)
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There’s nothing better than a packed out club all there to see one band. A good, sweaty, mosh pit forming gig. The energy is intoxicatingly amazing.
Actually...I lied. There is one thing. Being the band onstage at said kind of gig. That’s almost heaven on earth for me personally. Luckily for me, tonight was one of those nights.
The club was hot, and the crowd jumping and falling all over one another wasn’t helping keep the temperatures down. But no one minded, it added to the vibe of the show. Our band was decently popular too, having our debut album out, so some people even knew the words and were singing along. For a young band we were making waves really fast.
Tonight, one voice stuck out in the crowd to me. I leaned out into the crowd a bit in an attempt to identify the person a little better. I only got a few flashes before he was lost in the crowd; greasy black hair, pale skin, black hoodie, and hazel eyes. I smirked a bit to try and keep up the rockstar persona, but I couldn’t deny the pull in my chest that wanted to see him again. I almost felt like I should’ve recognized him.
After the show, I slung my guitar into it’s case quickly trying to get packed up. I smiled at my bandmates and let out a cheer, inspiring some from the others.
“To another kickass show!” I yelled, holding a beer up over my head triumphantly. The singer, Beth, raised her beer to add onto my toast.
“Fuck that, to a badass beginning to a badass tour!” Beth cheered, earning a chorus of ‘fuck yeah’s from the rest of the band. We all got our gear packed and headed out to load it into the van, that way we could party uninhibitedly on our way to the next gig. The girls were debating if this crowd was more energetic than the last as we loaded our stuff into the trailer.
“Seriously, I think last time they got into it more. But there were definitely more people this time.” Our drummer, Wendy, said. My fellow guitarist Layla seemed to disagree. I lit a cigarette before wading into the conversation.
“Mm, while we’re on the topic, did you see that cute brunette in the crowd earlier?” I asked, slinging my guitar bag over one arm, and putting the other around our bassist Sally’s shoulder. She let out a laugh, readjusting her bass bag.
“Which one? The one with the tattoos, the one with the spikes, the one with the jeans, the one with the-?” She rambled jokingly, pretending to be lovesick. “No, you ass. The greasy one in the hoodie.” I snickered. Beth caught wind of our conversation and decided to help in taunting me.
“You didn’t happen to see yourself in the mirror or anything did you?” She laughed, nudging my ribs teasingly. “You guys suck! I swear, man, there was a cute ass guy in the crowd that looked like that.” I groaned, throwing my head back dramatically. “By the way, that wasn’t on topic at all.” Wendy added, earning another bout of laughter. When we got to the front of the van, our manager was waiting impatiently.
“Finally! You just had to take your sweet ass time, huh.” Our manager Brian huffed, crossing his arms and trying to look serious. “Hey, man, we got here before departure time.” I shrugged with a smirk. Brian rolled his eyes and motioned to the van next to ours.
“If you haven’t noticed, the band you’re touring with has been waiting since the show ended.” Brian said. “Wait who are we touring with again?” Beth asked, scratching her arm and shifting awkwardly. Brian sighed and shook his head.
“My Chemical Romance.”
My head shot up from where I had previously been examining my nails. “What?” I asked, practically choking on my own spit. “Yeah, who are they?” Layla piped up. My eyes bugged out a little. Brian opened his mouth to answer but I beat him to it.
“Dude, they’re a super good, super popular punk rock band. They’re gonna blow up with this new album, I know it.” I rambled, absolutely stunned we had landed a tour with my favorite current band. Brian and the rest of my band stifled their snickers at my fangirl outburst, glancing behind me a few times. I blinked a few times.
“They’re fucking behind me aren’t they.” At this a chorus of laughs rang out from behind me. I scrunched my face in embarrassment, before turning to face the group behind me. The grinning group of boys standing behind me that I recognized from the inside of my CD case confirmed my fears.
“Thanks!” The shorter one, that I recognized as Frank, said happily. I smiled a little and nodded awkwardly.
“Well, I was going to introduce you all, but seems like (Y/N) beat me to it.” Brian snickered. I shot him a small glare, feeling my cheeks blazing with embarrassment, before looking down and kicking a rock.
The rest of the bands mingled, introducing themselves and getting to know one another while I finished off my cigarette and stared at my feet.
“Hey.” I looked up and met the same hazel eyes I had seen in the crowd. “Your show was awesome by the way.” I smiled. “Thanks, glad you liked it. I’m (Y/N).” He smiled back, flashing me his adorable tiny teeth. “I’m Gerard, but you probably knew that...” he chuckled. I blushed a little and nodded.
Of course I knew. He was my favorite. How I hadn’t recognized him in the crowd earlier baffled me.
We got to talking for a bit before we had to take off to the next gig. Gerard was much sweeter than I expected, complimenting me a lot and rambling on about his love of comics. We really hit it off.
Right before I walked off to get into the van, he handed me a piece of paper.
“Just in case you wanna go for coffee or drinks after a gig sometime.” Gerard said, his cheeks dusted with a light pink tint. I giggled and nodded, clutching onto the paper for dear life as to not loose it.
When I got settled in the van, I decided to finally read the paper he gave me.
‘Just an FYI, your band’s my favorite too. Xoxo, G. (***) *** ****’
God I love Brian.
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myfandomrambles · 6 years
Do you have reasoning/evidence for your Septimus Heap ND headcanons? If you don't feel like explaining it that's fine, I just like seeing the reasons people have certain hcs (and I really like yours!)
I have whole posts on Septimus and Marcia if you want to check those out. 
Well umm, hope you like this cuz this is pretty long. I super love these books, and I have thoughts lol. (Also: Projection? In my HCs? It's more likely than you think)
Jenna: ADHD & Anxiety
she is generally very restless. Jenna never really is into just chilling with stuff. Often being the one to initiate doing things. Likes to stay busy even if it’s just walking through the halls of her palace or tending to the horses.
she can hyperfocus on things sometimes. We can see this when she’ll focus on things, like Maricas shoes in book one and kind of zone out when they walk and the stars outside her window.  In the second book, she remembers the bones in the skeleton and is able to just do it all in one go.
She gets distracted easily normally though bouncing between doing things. And gets bored when people talk around her. Like sometimes being the second one to get annoyed with Stanley.
Hyperfixations. Like the Dragon Boat for a while, the Queen's’ Room and other things.
Usually pretty hi energy. And has pretty large outbursts with her emotions even when trying to keep them under control. Kind of goes along I think with her kind of being described as one of the boys and a lot like her brothers in comparison to other kids. (I got called a tomboy a lot for my not liking sitting still and yes please I will play in the mud lol)
She stims some and doesn’t like not being able to. Comes up when she is trying to be unemotional or is told to play Queen.
Some impulsive behaviour. But even sometimes with more silly stuff as well.
Anxiety: In the later books, we see she can start to ruminate on things. On top of that, she starts to be a bit more cautious about things. Stuff that reminds her of previous stress is more powerful, not to the extent of PTSD like symptoms but it is noticeable. She also experiences anxiety in the run-up to having to make large decisions becoming more overwhelmed. I also think we see in the last to books some sympathy with sep who used to confuse her with his anxiety (like in Syren)
Mandy Marwick: C-PTSD & Selective Mutism
Hypervigilant all the time. Down to the way he sleeps. 
Has identity confusion, kind of picking up new personalities around where he is. Reckless to his own detriment. Easily agitated. Struggles to form relationship really thrive where he can have more simple relationships. 
Also just like the young army, like Septimus he can sometimes slip back into the cations in relation to the young army.
Checks out possible dissociation may be related. He also shuts down in general in response to his emotions turning stress inward. He can even check out as a bit of a survival tool. This helps when he goes to see the Port Witch Coven.
Selective Mutism: He is just literally selectively mute, can talk but doesn’t under most circumstances. Doesn’t talk much, some people haven’t ever heard him talk. Being the most talkative with Septimus and then when necessary. And in Todd Hunter he is more talkative it seems especially with his boyfriend Sam Heap. 
Nicko Heap: PTSD & Depression
Well with this I’m mostly looking post-House of Foryx. It’s explicitly stated he is very different from when he left, never goes completely back but overtime is able to adjust back to home.
He had a lot of trouble reintegrating to things. Has become more passive in a sense, I think slowing down unable to do things and interact with his family the way he used to. Describes being tired, so  I think fatigue could be present.
Struggles to enjoy anything like he used to, even though he still likes boats he doesn’t get the same excitement we see in the early books more searching for peace.
His relationship with Snorri also is strained for a bit because they both feel so disconnected from everything. Preoccupied thoughts with the trauma too.
Sarah Heap: Anxiety and Depression
I think her anxiety is brought on when her very specific way of life in the Ramblings is disturbed and a mother of 7 is turned into really only being mother to 1 kid (Jenna) and even the kid still in the same general lace is essentially never been her kid and is mostly raised by someone else. This disruption caused this I believe. Flyte really describes this and we see it worsen anytime her kids is missing for long periods of time.
Ruminates on her kids and what they might be doing.  was shown to be irritable but in a way more reminiscent of anxious breakdown then anger when fighting with Silas. Obsessively, mothers, the duck Jenna brings back. Struggles anytime things she tries to use to manage stress (like her garden)
Depression: Shown to be very emotional often crying and showing signs of despair. Sometimes feels a bit secondary and useless/helpless when her skills around herbal medicine are not applicable and she really has the pertinent info to her kids' problems. This triggers hopelessness.
Has trouble keeping things clean, borderline hoarding behaviour. Observed in her sitting room.
Isolates from others. Seeming to only see her own family rarely out of her control, but when there is not a major problem like an illness or siege she tends to stay away from most people.
Simon Heap: BPD
Deeply insecure needing outside validation and hates rejection and abandonment. This fear tears him up and fuels his worse choices.
Dangerous/Risky behaviour is common. I think his ability to hold his breath underwater is a Darke skill we see used in the port and later in the Todd Hunter books. But to have this and other of his Darke skill they would be practised.  We also see this in being willing to do bad dangerous things like pick fights with extraordinary wizards, neutral things like ride his horse way to fast. use half a flyte charm and use magic that is dangerous/draining/Darke for himself to protect the castle.
Unstable identity looks for a new one a few times when the perception of perfect wizard falls he become full-blown dark wizard breaking ties with his family, this breaks moves to the port tries to be something else but still not really a heap again, then alchemy apprentice and reunites become a family man (later even having his son). This also can be unstable goals after his fixated one is broken.
Volatile and hot relationships. Even his consistent relationship with lucy can be read as dramatic and volatile
Very dramatic emotional reactions, big mood swings. Also very reactive emotional states. Including anger
Is capable of long term planning to get his goal but still acts impulsively very often when his emotion are rilled up. Like joining Dom Daniel in the first place as a huge example.
Depressive symptoms and moods
Splits on people. Jenna, his Parents, and Septimus. Even picking a fight with Sleuth and his horse to some extent.
Lucy is his favourite person
Snorri Snorrelssen: Anxiety
She definitely ruminates on things and can get stuck in one thought pattern.
She also scripts and will plan out what she is going to do
really doesn't like it when life doesn't go as planned, the seen in sally Mullins is so relatable TBH my poor girl.
Shows similar worsening problems with communicating and interacting after the house of Foryx to Nicko. Seeming even more disconnected and stressed out, Snorri even seeks to return home.
Ullr is a comfort animal. Having the magic ability of synching thoughts, but more commonly she plays off her cat to feel more in control and power. Even just his warmth and presence. She is very sad when they are separated but tells Ullr to work with Jenna.
Is on edge a whole lot in connection to being able to see hidden ghosts. Feels like she has to constantly watch everything she is doing. ��
Syrah Syara: C-PTSD & Dissociation
C-PTSD: experience distress at reminders of her trauma. Relates well to sep but not the others. Shows clear signs of anxiety even when not possessed. Definitely shows feelings of helpless earned from her captivity. Has breakdowns.
Dissociation is way more of just a fan theory. I think her memories are not totally gone but a factor of dissociation. This might be more projection but I think the possession played a role in this with trauma. When the stuff with the syren and all of that happen her mind tried to deal with it all by dissociating. So I think it is possible she could remember the stuff. Also just she is relatable so yeah.
Silas: Dyslexia
This headcanon wasn’t mine originally I stolzed it from the great @septimusheapheadcanons In this post
Umm so yeah! That’s the things I think, Hope you liked it?
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twerkstallion · 7 years
Cars Fandom Tag Meme
Tagged by @a113cowgirl THANK YOU!! 
Created by @pixelthenerdcat 
“Just because I love doing these tagging memes :) 
For the Cars films, what is your…”
Favorite male character: LIGHTNING MCQUEEN! He is so fucken funny 
Favorite female character: wow there aren't enough so Sally!! (But I have a feeling Ima love Cruz) 
Least favorite male character: prof z. What a fucken creep. Why does he have car hair. What- 
Least favorite female character: minny, or the french lady with tit eyes 
Favorite scene: the opening scene of Cars changed my entire life. Every single thing Lightning does is iconic to the max  
I mean: you're in a movie theatre. It's dark. The Pixar lamp turns off. The screen is dark. It's silent. Suddenly, you hear Owen Wilson breathing and talking to himself about eating breakfast. The screen lights up a few times from the blackness, but it's just flashes of speeding racecars with roaring engines in the thrill of a race. You and the other 40 occupants of the theatre sit stone still, bewildered. What the fuck is this memefuckery, Pixar, what the f- 
Favorite actor and their role: uhhhhh wtf they're all so awesome????? They all put so much into their characters and you can just TELL and wow. 
Favorite Cars videogame (yes this includes mobile games like Fast as Lightning): the original Cars on the 360. All of the dialogue and paintjobs and stories and subplots and races and jokes had me LIVING. ESPECIALLY THE SOUNDTRACK HOLY FUCK!! AND LIGHTNING!! FALLING ASLEEP! IN THE MIDDLE OF GAMEPLAY! I N C R E D I B L E 
OTP: uhhhhhhhhhhh I'm not super shippy with cars honestly?? Because they're... cars.... 
I love salqueen tho 
BROTP or Platonic OTP: Lightning being friends with people without realizing it, like Mack and Strip tho... 
NOTP: I'm not here to bash ships... excEPT THAT ONE SHIP I WONT MENTION!! 
Why do you like the films: why do I- 
Why do I like caRS!??!?????!!! 
I WISH I FUCKEN KNEW BUDDY!! YOU TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!! Cars is corny as fuck!!! It's garbage basically!! But somehow I just... SAW Lightning McQueen and my brain just.... locked on!! Like, "HERE WE GO, tHE ONLY THING YOU’LL EVER GET THIS EXCITED ABOUT IN YOUR E N T I R E LIFE, THIS IS THE THING, FOREVER.!" And now I'm stuck like this!!! It doesn't make sense!!! I literally have NO explanation!!!! I wish I did!!!!!! 
What are you hoping to see the most in Cars 3: 
-the realistic, good dinosaur-esque rendering  
-salqueen smooches!!! 
-Lightning McQueen yelling noises 
-Lightning driving under a WAVE at the beach with the sun shining thru the water 
-the new settings!! 
-I could go on but uhhh the movie still might suck 
“Okay, now for some fandom related questions:” 
Favorite part of the fandom: the memes, the Freakouts™, the keyboard smashing, the art, the fic, the Reactions™, the fanon, the in-jokes, when people find a post that says "woah there's a cars fandom???" And the entire tumblr cars fandom replies "hi", the edits, the MVs, the spoof videos, the creative humanizations, the shitposts, the Actual Car Nerds, the FEELS TRAINS, the speculation, the quotes blog haha, the art styles, the rare gifset, ok this is a lot, 
Favorite Cars fanartist: @edgyroses, @hillbillyhell, @paralleldragons, @kiwi-likes-cars, @radiationstinks, @flatter-pencil, @invalidincorrect, there are more i swear...
Favorite Cars fanfic: these aren't tulips, Fillmore' freak juice, stormy weather, the jaguar syndrome series, Doc Hudson autobiography, stuff from @a113cowgirl, @radiatonstinks, @pixelthenerdcat ... I feel like a lot of my classic faves got deleted or didn't age well with me so that's it basically
What you enjoy putting out in the fandom (this could be anything, including rambly text posts): I love when I make a killer shitpost and the entire fandom just breaks down around it. (eg. “Get your Chicks”, “Lightning doesn’t have tits”, “car condoms”) Edits and fanart are fun too. And this is the only fandom I've written fic for. (And if I had the means to do video, you bet your ass I'd churn out memes and edits like no tomorrow.) Oh, and META!!
Do you think the fandom will survive after the release of Cars 3? (I know, evil question, but still >:D: uhhhhhh ok at first I thought NO WAY, but then... the Cars fandom was bangin' for YEEAAARSS after 2006, so if Cars 3 is good, the kids will go nuts and we will stay for a little while longer.... 
What made you become part of the fandom?: um well definitely FF.net. The original Cars trailer switched a GIANT fanfiction switch on in my head. It was instant, a lightbulb, a revelation. I was eight years old and suddenly pacing around, feverent and brimming with ideas and predictions for hours and hours and hours. I didn't even know what fanfic was despite writing so much of it in my head until... I found FF. Then I saw that OTHER people did the SAME thing, and I went nuts. I remember I read all 403 cars postings and I'd check daily for updates on any of them. (I ended up reading some untagged smut at a young age because of this though, and it fucked me up pretty bad honestly. Suddenly there was sex in a k+ rated story. Major yikes) But yeah I hopped on FF and DA and followed the content. I never actually talked to anyone in the fandom (thank god) until now, here on Tumblr. The tumblr cars fandom is a fucking INCREDIBLE niche here on the vast internet, I'm so glad I've been a part of this. Thank you for bonding together ya fucken nerds. I love you.
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