#i like to think they dragged a few supplies off the ship with them bc otherwise lol
babykittenteach · 11 months
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nethhiri · 4 months
Marooned: Chapter 43
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: Sex and violence (as always)
This one is a longer one bc I worked on it all week long. Hope y'all enjoy <3
Kidding Around
Killer helped you escape Kid's death grip in the morning so you could participate in the sunrise coffee ritual that you had established with him. It was clear that Killer was an expert after so long with Kid, switching you with a pillow that Kid then squeezed to himself. You stood on the bow with Killer, one of his arms casually around your waist. With him, silences weren't awkward. You watched together as the sun peeked over the horizon with its grapefruit-pink rays. They shifted orange then pale yellow as the dawn evolved. 
"What are your goals, Killer?"
"To make Kid king of the pirates."
"After that."
"I doubt Kid will want to stop pirating. Maybe we'll return to our hometown and turn it around. I could have a restaurant." Killer prompted, "And you?"
"I don't know anymore."
His hand squeezed your hip reassuringly. He had noticed that you stopped talking about your revenge as much and that you rarely checked your specialized log pose. He didn't think you had given up on it, just put it on the back burner. 
When the sun climbed high enough in the sky to clear the horizon, you squinted. There was a black shape. "Land ho!" You looked up to the crow's nest wondering who was up there. They weren't doing their job. You caught a glimpse of big, poofy, orange hair as Quincy darted away from the ladder, wearing just a robe, probably trying to avoid being seen before everyone woke up.
"That's odd. I thought Nu was on watch." 
"I think he had a visitor," you said with a cheeky inflection. That's cute. Quincy was with the other ginger on board, the one with the mohawk and tiny glasses. 
"Damn it. I told everyone to knock it off with that shit. They need to be alert."
"I would like to go on record to state I have never hooked up with anyone there."
"You haven't been up there with Wire then. He has a way of talking people out of their pants."
"It's his secret talent."
"Has he....done that to you?" You bit your lip, eyeing him with curiosity. 
"Decline to comment." He headed towards the galley to start breakfast. "Come on. Everyone will be eager to eat and get off the ship."
This island was essentially neutral. There were pirates and marines alike, though the marines were few. They were probably only there to restock supplies. You smirked as you went by a group of them atop Mini's back, daring them to engage you as they stared wide-eyed at your jacket. They decided that you were simply an imitation. The real Sea Snake was dead, obviously. It would be unwise to put them down in public anyway, so you let them be. 
You had left before anyone could stop you, not that they would, but you didn’t want to be burdened with being dragged around for errands. Kid was quite disappointed when he couldn’t find you. He had gone into his workshop to see if there was anything he needed more of, and had finally noticed the small renovation you had done. He had wanted to take you with him while he did business before that, with the intention of ending up conveniently together just in time for dinner, and he wanted that even more now. Kid didn’t want to ask you on a date per se. He did want to be alone with you in a context other than the bedroom, however. You had been showing him favor lately and with the new information that you were similar to him in more ways than he thought, Kid felt more comfortable with the idea of getting close to you. Of course he didn’t like you like that. He simply thought you had potential to graduate from fuck buddy to fuck close friend.  There were a few things you wanted to purchase. First, though, you had been waiting for a chance to be in a more open area. It was very difficult to train with Mini on the ship, both because she was enormous and because you would break the ship. Plus, Mini could use a bit of exercise. Being cramped on the ship for too long wasn’t good for her. Mini walked until you were both deep in the forested part of the island, in a clearing. For several hours, until you were both out of energy, you practiced new skills and techniques. You flopped on Mini as she laid down, both taking a quick rest. 
Hunger woke you from rest. The sun was much lower than it had been when you had closed your eyes. Your nap went longer than intended. You felt very refreshed afterwards though, so you didn’t mind one bit. The two of you headed back towards the ship, Mini split off from you to return, while you kept going to find a place to eat.
Kid was in a bad mood. How hard was it to find a huge raging monster and a boar? All while he was taking care of some errands, he was keeping an eye out for you, but failed to catch a glimpse. Even when he came across the other officers, none of them had seen you either. The thought had crossed his mind that maybe you dipped on them, or worse, maybe someone had taken you. That thought bothered him more than he thought it would. Actually, the longer the day went on without finding you, the more he dwelled on it. He growled to himself, frustrated that he couldn’t shake you from his mind.
You found yourself in a dimly lit, grungy bar. Every man who initially approached you turned tail as soon as they saw your face, whether it was from your stank eye or from your scars, you didn’t know. You were leaned back with your feet kicked up on the table and a beer in your hand, somewhat tucked in the corner of the bar. You liked privacy and you liked being able to see the entire room, no need to look over your shoulder. 
The door swung open, a big red ogre behind it. He looked pissed and stomped straight to the bar. You were surprised Killer wasn’t with him, or anyone for that matter. You called a waitress over and handed her a note to deliver to him. You were going to send him a beer but the bartender put one down in front of him before he even asked. The waitress handed the slip of paper to Kid and scampered away, which was probably for the best since he whipped around angrily to see who sent the note. His eyes didn’t soften, but they did brighten when he saw that it was you. 
“What crawled up my ass?” Kid crumpled the note and threw it at you. He grabbed a chair and dropped his body into it across from you. “YER the one who crawled up my ass.” He pointed in an accusatory way.  Your eyebrow twitched up. “Me?” You looked him up and down. “If I was in your ass, you wouldn’t look so mad. I promise you that.” 
“Shut up.” Kid rolled his eyes. “I’ve been lookin for ya all day. Thought ya might have got stolen.”
“Bet you would have loved if someone took me off your hands.” You have him a questioning look. “But why? Need me for something?”
Kid reached across the table and tugged your collar. “Nah, yer mine now, girlie. They would have ta take ya from my cold, dead hands.” He grinned so big it almost split his face in two. “And that’s not happenin.” 
That made your heart quicken. You looking into his amber eyes, hiding your soft spot for him. “You still didn’t answer the question.”
”Ah, well,” Kid didn’t have a great excuse. He wasn’t going to tell you the true reason. “Was gonna see if ya wanted to spar with me.” What a dumb fuckin lame-ass excuse. Idiot! 
You shrugged. “Sure.” Weird that something as small as simply wanting to spar upset him earlier. There was definitely more behind it. 
“Really? I mean good.” He swirled the beer around in his mug.  There was a bit of an awkward silence. 
Clearing your throat, you mentioned, “I have some things to do first. Didn’t get to em today.” You tapped your fingertips on the table. “Was gonna ask Heat to come with me cuz I need more clothes and he’s good at picking outfits, but I guess you could come.” You quickly added, “If you want. Because it’s just easier that way.” The dim lighting hid the blush on your face. 
“Ha! I’m way better at picking outfits than Heat.” Kid leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms.
”Real outfits, Kid,” you warned, “Not lingerie.” 
“Yeah yeah. Real clothes. Whatever.” He waved you off, cursing you mentally for putting images of you in lingerie into his head.
You both sat and drank your beers, Kid propping his feet up on the table as well. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him stare at you a few times. What’s that about? Your ears perked up when some very drunk man was asking about how someone disabled could be a pirate, assuming they were talking about you with your missing eye. It was clear who they were talking about when he made a joke about an unarmed pirate captain.
It did tick you off when people talked about your imperfections, but fuck did it have you seeing red when you realized it was directed at Kid. You could tease him and make fun of him. You would NEVER bring his involuntary amputation into it, however. That was crossing a line. You don’t even think he heard it, judging from his lack of reaction and how he looked at you in confusion as you got up from the table. You didn’t feel like behaving tonight. There was an itch for violence that you needed to scratch. Maybe defending Kid was just an excuse to let some steam off. He certainly didn't need you to defend him.
”Wanna say that again?” You stood at the man’s table, palms resting flat against it.  The man grimaced when he saw your face. “What? You defending your cripple boyfriend? Seems about right an ugly cunt like you would be with him.” 
“It seems that you don’t know who either of us are.” You smiled at him and his companions. Anyone who had heard of Eustass Kid would know that he was far from incapable with one arm. “That’s cute. You must have been on the sea for what? Five minutes?”
The man’s companions laughed nervously as he kept up. “Bitch, if you’re not gonna take that prosthetic out and let me skull-fuck that butchered face, I would get lost.”
You reached up and pulled your log pose from your eye socket, rolling it around in your fingers. Faster than he could react, you grabbed his hair, slammed his face on the table, pulled it back up, and shoved your eye into his mouth as far back as you could push it. “Swallow it.” His eyes were wild and he clawed at the arm holding his hair. “I said SWALLOW IT.” 
He gagged and choked, holding his throat, before gasping for air. “WHAT THE FUCK?” His eyes were watery as he stared at you with bewilderment. 
“Actually, I’m gonna need that back.” You grabbed a steak knife from the table and grinned at him.
”No please…” The man was sweating, scared shitless.
“Apologize to him.” You pointed at Kid, who was still relaxed in his seat, enjoying the show. 
“I-I’m sorry, S-sir.”
”Eustass Kid,” you corrected.
The man’s eyes widened with realization, that he fucked up big time. He started to plead for his life almost immediately.
You thrusted the knife into his stomach and tore it open. “Unfortunately, I do still need that.” His hands tried to grab yours away but kept slipping from the blood. His screams were really fucking up the atmosphere of the bar. You pushed into the open wound with your hand, searching for your eye. “Skull-fuck, huh? You’re lucky I don’t have a dick or I’d fuck you right in this warm, wet hole of yours.” Your hand found what it was looking for and retrieved the small orb. Dunking it in his companion’s beer, you cleaned it off and stuck in right back where it belonged. 
His two companions, trembling and trying not to catch your eye, dragged him off, leaving a trail of blood behind. He might live. You thought about cutting his arm off since he had such nice things to say about Kid’s amputated limb, but what you did was much more satisfying and cruel. 
You felt a metallic arm pulling you into Kid’s lap. “Yer so fuckin hot when ya get like this,” Kid growled in your ear lowly.
You grabbed his beer, having finished your own, and chugged the rest of it. “This bar sucks. Let’s go somewhere else.” You trailed a finger down his exposed chest. “I feel like fucking some shit up.”
Kid’s signature laugh rang out through the bar. “Then let’s fuck some shit up.” He grabbed your chin. “How could I say no to a bonnie lass like yerself?” 
You made a fake retching noise. “Quit with that flattery bullshit.” Kid didn’t have to do any of that. If he wanted to fuck, you were down. “I’ll fuck you later.”
Kid frowned as you took his hand and dragged him out of his seat. He meant what he said. Of course, he wanted to fuck, too. Beside the point, you let Killer say nice things about you, but you didn’t take Kid seriously and that bothered him. 
You and Kid started a fight with anyone that looked at you sideways. Kid held someone still for you to beat up and you did the same for him, laughing maniacally as you did so. Alternating between knocking someone’s lights out, getting sloshed at different bars, and making out in dark corners, the two of you ended up walking to the very edge of the island. There wasn’t much else but beach here. You had no idea what time it was and no idea how you were still standing. Kid supported your weight as you walked through the sand in an incredibly unsteady gait. There was a piece of driftwood that was just big enough for you two to sit on. You leaned heavily against Kid and he put the excess fabric of his coat around your shoulders. 
For how drunk you were, Kid was impressed with how you deftly undid his belts and snuck your hand into his pants. It was known by now that arousal came as a package deal with your aggression. His thick shaft hardened quickly under your hand, happy to oblige whatever needs you had. Kid let his head fall back, enjoying the feeling of your small hand struggling to jerk him off. He let out an impatient huff when your hand started to slow, before stopping altogether. His amber eyes flicked to where your hand was limp around his cock and your head rested in his lap. “What the fuck?” That bitch fell asleep. Kid groaned. It was feeling so good too. He swallowed thickly. You clearly wanted to give him a handy, so there wasn’t anything wrong with helping you finish the job, right? He stuck his own hand down his pants and enveloped yours with his grip, tightening your hold on his cock. The feeling of doing something just a little bit wrong and in public to boot, sent a thrill right to his balls. He finished himself quickly with your hand, his pulsing cock emptying into it with a grunt. Kid snickered to himself with the thought of you waking up with your hand dried shut.
Kid had already pissed you off, not because your hand had been glued shut with his cum, which was admittedly funny, but because he had to put his two cents into every single thing you looked at. You wanted a second weapon to dual wield. You loved your gunblade and it was versatile though it still had limits. Every weapon you picked up, Kid chided you for picking something so low quality. You were deeply regretting inviting him along. You picked up a curved sword to inspect the blade.
”Shit metal. Shit craftsmanship.” Kid’s arms were folded and he looked just as annoyed as you did.
You finally stood toe to toe with him, pressing your finger to his sternum. “If you think everything in this town is shit, why don’t you make me something useful. Impress me, magnet boy.” 
“Magnet man.” Kid unfolded his arms. “Fine. I will. And it’ll be so good it’ll blow yer tits off.” He went to flick your nipple but you slapped his hand away.
After perusing possibly every weapon this town had to offer, you moved on to your next task: clothes shopping. Kid had actually picked out some tasteful outfits. He did manage to sneak a few, more risqué items in, though they were cute so you did entertain the idea of buying them. You also found a little outfit that Kid agreed Heat would be enamored with. You found a few more things, including some more bold choices, since you wouldn’t fit in without at least one pair of stupid ugly pants. You threw everything into a pile and returned with your normal clothes on. When you went to pay, the man behind the counter said that your boyfriend had already paid.
It shouldn’t piss you off but it did. “I told you to stop doing that shit.” You jabbed Kid’s side and grabbed the bag from his hands. 
“Doing what?” 
You couldn’t even say it without getting embarrassed. “You know.” You held the bag up. “The compliments and … nice gestures.” You huffed. “It’s weird. We’re not…anything.” Kid was just your fuck buddy, nothing more. No feelings were involved, or that’s what you told yourself. 
Kid knew that was true, though he thought he might want to be something to you. “Didn’t say we were. I can’t do something nice?”
”You’re Eustass Kid. You’re not nice.” 
“Whatever. Ungrateful hag.”  “Thank you. Much better.” You smiled at him.  Kid grumbled and complained for the rest of your shopping trip, eventually dragging you to a street vendor to eat since he was getting progressively more hangry. This time you paid, insisting on it to make yourself even with him. You both got some kind of saucy meat on a stick and found a tree to sit under. Kid wolfed his down in about a minute while you took a few more to finish yours. 
“What?” You said sharply, noticing Kid snickering at you.
”Yer a messy eater, ain’t ya?”
You froze as he used his thumb to wipe sauce from your cheek, popping it in his mouth. You huffed, mostly to avoid blushing. 
Kid seemed like he had something on his mind. “About the other night…”
”I won’t mention it. Don’t worry.” You knew he had a reputation to keep up.  “I was going to thank ya.”
”Oh. It’s not a big deal.” You sighed. “Listen I know what I just said, but it is refreshing to see that you’re not always a giant dickhead.”
He made a noise of acknowledgment. “We both loved her. Victoria. It was a child’s crush, but it was real enough to both of us at the time.” He had heard Killer explain some of it to you that night. 
”I never had anything like that.” 
“Would ya like to?” 
It was only human to crave affection, and you would be lying if you said you hadn't thought about it before. It would be easier not to have attachments holding you back. It may also make your life less depressing. There were pros and cons to each side. You never got far with the notion since there was no one you had been interested in on that level, or any level. 
Kid mistook your extended silence for offense. “In general. Ya know. Not … with me.” Unless she wants me like that. He let his voice trail off.
“That would complicate things.” You pulled your knees up and rested your head on them. 
“But it might be worth it.”
"Was it worth it to you?" 
Kid knew you were referring to their past with Victoria. "Aye." No matter how much it tore him up some days, he wouldn't trade it. As Killer said, you had to go through certain things to be who you were today, and Kid liked who he was and what he had in his life currently.
After dropping your bags at the ship, you walked with Kid towards the clearing that you and Mini found. A few minutes passed, filled only with the sound of chirping birds and leaves shifting against each other in the breeze. Your hands swung close enough to each other that you could feel the wind from Kid's hand. “I saw that ya missed me enough to connect our spaces again.” Kid teased. He couldn’t take the stretch of silence, not after the slightly down conversation from earlier, and he hadn’t yet gotten to mention that he noticed the change.
”Hypothetically, what if I were to say that I enjoy your company… occasionally.”
“I would say that of course ya do. Everyone enjoys me.” Kid had a smirk on his face, yet underneath, there was a big goofy grin threatening to break through ad your admission. 
“Mhm.”  “Hypothetically I enjoy starin at yer ass when yer workin,” Kid offered. 
”That’s not a hypothetical.”
The clearing was empty. It seemed as though no one else had found your spot. It felt odd to square up to Kid for a fight where you weren’t trying to kill each other for real. The agreed on rules were no use of devil fruit, but weapons were fair game. You could end the fight with one touch of your hand with your devil fruit, which is why you didn’t want to use it.
Standing across from Kid, you could appreciate his stature, broad shoulders, strong physique. He wasn’t cut like Killer was. There was a bit more meat to him, filling out his stomach in very pleasing way. You had to stop yourself from dwelling on it, or this was not going to be a fight at all. 
Kid came at you first. Normally you used your speed to dodge and land an attack in an opening. This time you blocked him. He did the same thing to your punch. It filled you with a sense of pride that you could match him in strength like this. The hits from his metal arm hurt worse. It wasn’t a conscious choice, but both of you had started by holding back, not completely willing to hurt the other. The competitiveness between you, however, quickly caused you to start putting your full weight behind everything. You could hear Kid growl as you narrowly avoided his fist, which instead splintered a tree trunk. You used the opportunity to land a kick in his side. He wheezed for a second before coming after you again. A big sweeping motion with his metal arm took you by surprise, knocking you to the ground. Using the momentum from rolling, you hopped back up in time to miss another attack from Kid. 
The taste of blood was in your mouth. It seemed he had split your lip. You licked the red liquid decorating your mouth, steeling yourself to get more serious. Pulling out your gunblade, you shot several times in seemingly random directions. It was habit not to shoot at Kid since his devil fruit could deflect bullets. Large branches from the surrounding trees fell around him in a way that made it difficult to dodge them all and forced him to remain in one space.
You followed right behind the branches, taking a running leap at Kid’s back. Before you could press your blade to his throat, he shed his feathered coat that you were holding on to, causing you to fall in an ungraceful way. You had to quickly roll to dodge Kid’s next attack. He had taken out his own gun and sent a bullet into the ground you had just occupied. 
Kicking out forcefully in Kid’s direction, you connected with his leg, destabilizing him enough that you could launch yourself from the ground to tackle him. He was quick to prevent you from getting him into a grappling hold. Kid grabbed your wrist and slammed it on the ground, forcing you to release your grip on your gunblade. In a flash he had both your wrists caught and your legs pinned under his own. Kid held his head back, knowing that your counter would be to headbutt him. 
The afternoon angle of the sun bounced orange rays from your fiery eyes, the light glistened off the thin sheen of sweat on your Y/S/C skin, and it lit your hair up like a flame, the way it was wildly strewn behind you only enchanted the effect. Kid was entranced by the heave of your chest as you caught your breath and the playfully aggressive gaze fixed on his own face. Red caught his attention, blood spilling slowly from the cut in your lip. Suddenly, he was transfixed by the crimson bead, lowering his mouth to meet yours, sucking the iron-tinged from your lower lip. A silvery thread of saliva connected you as he pulled away. He searched your face for any sign to stop and found only molten desire. 
There was a tangle of limbs, hands weaving through hair, sloppy wet kisses, and indecent sounds. Kid's weight pressed against you and his grip keeping you in place had placed impure thoughts in your mind even before he tasted the blood on your lips. That served only to add fuel to the fire burning deep within your core. Deep down you were mad about this weakness, the intense sexual chemistry you had with Kid. In this moment, you were in thrall to it, insatiably grabbing any part of him you could reach. 
A nervous clearing of the throat alerted you both to the presence of Pomp and Reck. Kid grabbed the gun he had knocked from your grasp and you pulled his from his bandolier, both sending a warning shot in their direction. 
"FUCK OFF!" You roared in unison, sending them racing off toward town.
"Can't. Get. Any. Fuckin. Privacy." He said between shoving his tongue down your throat. 
You could feel Kid's cock grinding into your thigh as he hastily ripped your pants down to your knees. You spread your thighs apart as far as the restricting fabric allowed to give Kid's hand access. His flesh fingers wasted no time finding their home in your dripping core, one after the other were inserted impatiently. The stretch as his fingers scissored your opening wider had you groaning into his mouth. Kid eagerly devoured the intoxicating noises slipping from your lips, each one causing his tip to drool. 
"Kid, I ngh-need it. Now." You panted out. 
"Yer not ready yet." 
"I don't care." You grabbed his dick through his pants. "Give it to me before I take it myself." 
Kid slipped a third finger inside, earning another sweet set of sounds from you. "Look at ya, rotten brat. Givin orders to me." He thrusted his fingers a few more times before removing them completely. 
You whined at the empty feeling. "Please." Your thighs rubbed together for friction. 
"Ya want this fat cock?" Kid freed said beast from the confines of his pants, stroking it slowly to give you a show.
You nodded vigorously, freeing your legs from your pants.
Kid pulled your soggy panties to the side, lining himself up with your slit and pushing his dripping mushroom head between your glistening folds. You wrapped your legs over his hips and pulled him inside yourself until you were completely full. Truthfully, Kid would have loved to drag this out and tease you a little more, but your wanton craving for him was really turning him on and there was no doubt someone else from the crew would come interrupt again soon. Kid's metal hand was big enough to wrap under you, holding your body in the palm while the thumb rested over your pussy. The cold metal against your clit was electrifying and you hissed through your teeth when Kid applied pressure. 
"Ya like that?" Kid moved his hand, effectively using you as a human fleshlight. "Yer gonna love this."
A cry of pleasure was ripped from your throat as Kid continued this movement, grinding his cock into your cervix, and added a low vibration with his devil fruit directly above your clit. With barely a warning, an orgasm crashed over you, making you shriek even louder. Kid narrowly held his own release back feeling the gush and pulsation of your climax. He continued to move you up and down his shaft, increasing the vibration in his thumb. The first orgasm was barely over before the second one overcame you. 
"Oh f-uck yes." You moaned. "Use m-me!" 
Kid's pace was erratic. The way your cunt gripped him with its gushy walls was enough to milk his balls dry. "That's right," Kid growled. "Yer my personal cock sleeve. Ya can't get enough of my cum can ya?"
"F-fill me up, C-Captain." You hand pressed down on the thumb of his metal hand, feebly attempting to grind your clit against the vibrations. 
Kid snickered, helping you out by increasing the pressure. Purple energy crackled around your collar as he tightened it around your neck. Your moans were raspier now, though just as needy. "That cunny of yers is suckin me in. She wants my cum so badly, aye?" 
You nodded your head, saliva pooling at the corners of your mouth, unable to swallow. Black tinged the corners of your vision. Your mouth formed a silent cry as Kid tightened your collar further, using you to get off. You twitched and trembled, a final orgasm taking you over. The tingling warmth enveloping you in a bath of endorphins. You were fully caught in your own pleasure, so much so that you missed Kid doubling over you, releasing a cry of his own as he emptied himself into you. He used your body to pump every last drop from himself. 
You gasped as he released his power, sucking fresh air into your lungs to quell your burning muscles. Kid removed himself from you and laid you down flat, pushing your legs back to admire his seed dripping from your hole. He wiped the drips with his fingers and pushed it back inside you, pulling your panties back over your cunt and giving it a pat. 
"Keep it all in, bunny, or I'll have to fill ya up again."
"Yeah? Not much of a threat is it?" You found your pants and dusted yourself off.
As soon as you had your pants on, Kid slung you over his shoulder and cracked your ass with his hand. "No talkin back."
About halfway back to town, Kid let you walk on your own two feet. "Can ya walk or are yer legs still jelly?" He kept his hands hovered above your shoulders in case you fell over.
You grabbed his coat for support. "I'm good." You thought he had picked you up to be an asshole. Was he trying to be helpful? You didn't complain this time. Your legs had been jelly. 
Kid took note of your hand moving from his coat to hold onto his arm. He let it stay. You only removed it when Heat stared at it too long, not even aware that you had still been holding onto Kid. There was an immediately coolness where his warmth had been, and the urge to keep holding him close surfaced. Kid had been thinking the same thing. He liked feeling your weight on him, feeling you rely on him. He wanted you to rely on him more and trust him with yourself.  
Next Chapter
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myriadimagines · 4 years
Babysitting Duty
Star Wars (Rogue One) One Shot
Pairing: Reader x Cassian Andor
Other Characters: K-2SO, Jyn Erso
Warnings: violence, death 
Summary: You’ve always felt like Cassian is constantly leaving you behind on missions. So when Cassian orders for you and K2 to stay with the ship during your mission in Jedha, you and K2 decide to disobey his orders, leading to some near death experiences and a surprising confession.
Original: Not Your Babysitter — Part 1 & Part 2 
Word Count: 2,469
A/N: the amount of time it took me to finish this was offensive. i literally started the draft back in september. i almost didn’t rewrite this one bc this didn’t have an actual request to go with it, but part 2 had a request so i just decided to combine both together into one. anyway!! happy new years!!! heres a one shot. as a treat.
reblog/feedback/comments are very much appreciated!!!
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You button up your knapsack, shoving your blaster into your holster before you straighten, hopping off the ship. You see Cassian a short distance away with Jyn, the two of them crouched by the edge of the cliff staring off at the Holy City. It’s situated in the distance, Imperial ships looming in the sky, with a giant Star Destroyer about it all. 
Find Saw Gerrera, in a city swarming with stormtroopers. Sucking in a sharp breath, you think, shouldn’t be too hard, right?
You walk up to Cassian, who hands his binoculars to Jyn as he goes through his backpack for his supplies. He looks up as you approach, and you sit down beside him as you can hear him explaining to Jyn, “Kyber crystals. It’s the fuel for the weapon.”
“The weapon your father’s building?” K2 chimes in, and Jyn looks over her shoulder, glaring at the droid with a steely gaze.  
“Maybe we should leave target practice behind.” Jyn slowly says, and you raise an amused eyebrow as you look up at K2.
“Are you talking about me?” K2 asks you and Cassian in disbelief, and you can’t help but chuckle as Cassian nods.
“She’s right. We need to blend in. Stay with the ship.” Cassian orders, and K2 shakes his head. 
“I can blend in!” K2 protests. “I’m an Imperial droid. The city is under Imperial occupation.” 
“Half the people want to reprogram you, the other half want to put a hole in your head.” Jyn explains, and you can see Cassian bite back a smile. As Jyn and K2 continue to bicker, you give Cassian a nudge.
“So what’s the plan?” you ask, and Cassian presses his lips together. His gaze lingers on you, before he looks away, and you resist the urge to sigh as you already know what’s coming next.  
“Stay with K2. We need someone with the ship in case we need to make an escape.” Cassian says, and your shoulders slump. 
“So you’re putting me on ship duty.” you don’t even bother hiding the disappointment in your tone. “Again.” 
Cassian looks almost apologetic as he looks up to meet your gaze, and there’s something else in his expression you can’t quite decipher. You should know by now not to expect so much with Cassian, with him constantly sidelining you during your missions together with no good reason for doing so. He reaches out, his hand landing on your shoulder as he gives it a little squeeze, and he tells you, “We’ll be back soon.” 
He gets up, and you watch as he walks off, not even bothering to try and argue with him. You can’t help but anxiously chew on your lip, feeling a sense of helplessness wash over you as he walks further away from you. He follows Jyn as she dumps a bag in K2’s arms, and K2 flinches as he remarks, “I’m surprised you’re so concerned with my safety.”
“I’m not.” Jyn curtly responds. “I’m just worried they might miss you, and hit me.” 
Cassian pats K2’s arm as he passes, and K2 lets the bag fall out of his arms, quietly remarking, “Doesn’t sound so bad to me.”
The bag crashes against the floor, and an awkward, heavy silence fills the air as Cassian and Jyn’s footsteps fade away. You can see their tiny figures making their way across the desert landscape, and you let out a heavy sigh as you look over your shoulder to see K2 marching back towards the ship. You pick up your own bag, reluctantly dragging your feet back to the ship, and you perch yourself on the edge of the ramp as K2 fiddles with the controls in the front. He sits in  the pilot’s seat, staring out through the window, and after a few moments, K2 remarks, “I can practically feel your disappointment from here, y/n.” 
“Well, because I am disappointed.” you scoff, and K2 looks over his shoulder at you. “I shouldn’t be stuck here with you when I’m more than capable of being out there with Cassian and Jyn.” 
“You’re not the one who should be complaining here,” K-2 grumbles, and you turn to look at the droid with a raised eyebrow. “I’m clearly the more unfortunate in this situation.”
Your hands ball into fists, and had it not been for the fact that K-2 is made of steel, you would’ve punched him. 
“You know what?” you straighten, pushing yourself off the ramp and getting to your feet. You look at K2, placing your hands defiantly on your hips as you declare, “Screw Cassian’s orders. Let’s just go!”
“I would rather defect back to the Empire than do that.” K2 deadpans. Rolling your eyes, you let out an annoyed huff as K2 continues, “Do you know what your odds are of getting killed? In summary, they’re high. And if Imperial troops don’t get you first, Cassian probably will because you’re disobeying him. He already thinks you’re a troublemaker.”
“Excuse me?” you gape at the droid. Shaking your head, you snatch up your bag, fuelled with anger and spite that you can feel brewing in the pit of your stomach. You start marching in the direction of the Holy City, and you snap, “I refuse to sit around here anymore. I’m going to show Cassian tha—”
You jump back at the distant sound of an explosion, and your eyes widen as you can see a stream of dark smoke menacingly curling from the city into the sky. You instinctively reach for your blaster, and you turn to look over your shoulder at K2, who had rushed to trail after you in an attempt to stop you. You can see his eyes flicker from the city before back at you, and you don’t even need to try and convince K2 further as he remarks, “Let’s just go. Cassian and Jyn clearly don’t know how to stay out of trouble.”
The entire city is in chaos, the sound of blaster fire and sporadic explosions filling your ears. You and K2 duck into an empty street, avoiding as much of the violence as possible. K2 had made it very clear that your mission was to find Jyn and Cassian, not to join in on the fight, and for the first time today, you agreed with him. You keep your finger gripped around your blaster, and the two of you sprint past an abandoned tank, engulfed in flames and surrounded by the bodies of fallen stormtroopers. You hate how your mind jumps to the worst conclusions, but with so much death surrounding you and no sign of Cassian and Jyn, you can’t help but wonder how they’ve managed to escape all this.
A grenade explodes close by, and you find yourself blown backwards. You scramble to take cover by a collapsed building, and you raise your blaster just in time to fire at two stormtroopers approaching you. K2 calls out name, quickling pointing out an extremist rebel that’s about to  throw another grenade in your direction and you quickly shoot him. Shaking his head, K2 remarks, “I have to say, we’re not making a lot of progress.”
You survey the scene, before pointing at an alley to your right. “Come on, let’s go!”
You scramble to your feet, sprinting away from the main street. You can hear stormtroopers on your tail, and you and K2 navigate the narrow alleys, darting in between the buildings. You’re scrambling to find a way to lose the stormtroopers behind you, and you fire a few shots over your shoulder before your blaster is shot out of your hands. You swear under your breath, and you reach over to topple over a stack of crates at your side, trying to improvise as they tumble onto the path. It buys you some time as the stormtroopers stumble over them, and K2 picks up a blaster from the body of a stormtrooper nearby, and you duck as K2 shoots the rest of them dead.
“You’re welcome.” K2 says, lowering the blaster, and you simply roll your eyes. You dust yourself off, picking up another fallen blaster off the floor, and the two of you turn a corner, just in time to watch a KX droid fall front of you. You defensively raise your blaster, before realising it was Jyn who fired the blast, you can see her eyes widen in horror before she registers you and K2 standing behind it. After a pause, K2 demands, “Did you know that wasn’t me?”
You bite a smile, and Jyn relaxes. The both of you lower your blasters as she shrugs, “Of course.” 
You gaze wanders over to Cassian, who fiddles with his blaster as his eyes momentarily meet yours. Relief washes over you, but before you can say anything, Cassian turns away before he chastises, “I thought I told the two of you to stay on the ship.”
“You did. But having to sit with y/n is boring, and you were in trouble.” K2 responds, and you turn around to glare at the droid, mouth opening in protest. K2 marches past you as he sees one of the fallen stormtroopers struggle to get up, attempting to toss a grenade at the four of you. K2 catches it with ease as you shoot the stormtrooper, and Jyn backs away as K2 tosses the grenade over his shoulder, just in time to hit an incoming squad. You flinch as the grenade explodes, and K2 deadpans, “There are a lot of explosions for two people blending in. You’re right, we should just wait on the ship.”
Cassian resists the urge to roll his eyes, and he turns his attention to you. He shakes his head, before saying, “I expected better from you.”
“What?” you stare at Cassian in disbelief, and you can feel anger and frustration bubbling up inside of you. Pointing to K2, and you splutter, “You left me with babysitting duty, Cassian! You know, maybe if I was with you in the first place, we wouldn’t be in this mess!”
You gesture wildly to the fallen stormtroopers around you just as K2’s head whips around in your direction. “You were babysitting? I’m the one who was on babysitting duty!”
“Enough.” Cassian waves his hand, quickly putting an end to you and K2’s arguing before it can further escalate, and you know K2 is biting back his remarks as much as you. You fold your arms across your chest, staring at Cassian, and he shakes his head. “Why can’t the two of you just follow orders?”
You grit your teeth, and you can feel months of accumulated frustration bubbling to the surface. You struggle to keep your voice steady as you retort, “Because your orders always consist of leaving me behind. I didn’t join the Rebellion to just sit on the ship with your droid, Cassian. K2 told me that you think I can’t keep myself out of trouble, but I’m a good fighter, and it’s about time you realised that.” 
Cassian’s jaw clenches, and he pinches the bridge of his nose as he tiredly mumbles, “K, that’s not what I told you.” 
“Well, that’s just how I interpreted the situation.” K2 defensively remarks, and you frown, confused at the exchange between the two. “And I was right. y/n almost got themselves killed. They almost got me killed!” 
“Wait, what did you tell K2 then?” you ask, and you can see Cassian gulp as he nervously avoids eye contact. You stare at Cassian, willing him to look at you insist, “Cassian, what’s going on?”
Cassian stays quiet, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d say he almost looks embarrassed. Jyn, from where she’s standing, looks between the two of you, before she remarks, “Oh, I think I’m beginning to see what’s happening here.” 
Cassian shoots her a look, before he suddenly grabs your arm, pulling you away from K2 and Jyn for more privacy. You reluctantly stumble after him, still feeling your residual anger, and Cassian lets out a quiet sigh as he fiddles with the zipper of his parka. After a pause, he finally admits, “I wanted you to stay behind because I didn’t want you to get hurt.” 
“How is that better from what K told me?” you huff, folding your arms across your chest. “So you really think I can’t keep myself out of troubl—”
“No, it’s more than that.” Cassian interrupts, borderline annoyed. Feelings are so frustrating, he bitterly thinks, and had it not been for the fact that he’s in love with you, he most certainly would’ve lost it by now. Shaking his head, Cassian finally reveals, “It’s because I care about you very deeply, y/n. And that might make me a selfish captain, but I don’t want to risk losing you.” 
You don’t respond, the gravity of Cassian’s words slowly sinking in. You open your mouth to respond, but find yourself at loss for words. Cassian himself can’t quite meet your gaze, almost too nervous to see the expression on your face, and you breathe out, “Oh.” 
“You should’ve stayed on the ship.” Cassian insists again, letting out a heavy sigh. You gulp, and you can feel your heart hammering inside your chest as he shakes his head. “I—”
“I don’t want to lose you either.” you blurt, and Cassian finally looks up at you, eyes wide. Letting out a shaky breath, you continue, “Do you know how nervous I get each time you go off alone?” 
Cassian blinks at you, before he softens slightly. “I’m sorry. I guess we’re both trying to figure this out.” 
You slowly nod, knowing that this, these feelings, are uncharted territory for the both of you. You let out a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of your neck as you ask, “Are you going to make me go back to the ship?”
“No. You should’ve been on this mission with me from the start.” Cassian shakes his head. He offers you one of his extra blasters before continuing, “You are a good fighter, y/n, I’ve always thought so.” 
Your fingers brush as you take the blaster from him, and you can feel your cheeks getting hot as he nods at you. His fingers linger on the blaster for a second longer than necessary, and the both of you exchange a shy smile as you fumble to tuck the blaster into your holster. 
“Are you two done having your little moment?” K2 asks, and you and Cassian look up to see Jyn and K2 awkwardly standing beside each other, Jyn impatiently tapping her foot as she raises an eyebrow at the two of you.
Leaning into Cassian, you quietly say, “Please don’t ever make me babysit K2 again.”
Cassian laughs. “I don’t plan on it.” 
tag list: @proudchocolateaddict​​ / @myfriendmagislit​​ / @dragon4123​​ / @fire--pheonix​​ / @natalia-helena-alianova-romanov / @fairytalesforever​​ / @emmacata​​ / @hauntedpocdreamer / @fangirlsarah16​​ / @adaleya​​ / @floup-doodles​​ / @batfam16​​ / @into-the-ironverse​​ / @lotsoffandomrecs​​ / @ruvaakke​​ / @911buttercup​​ / @azeret-mirror​​ / @randomfandomimagine​​ / @lotrfics​​ / @locke-writes​​ / @lovinghufflepuffgirl / @lxncelot​​​ / @captainshazamerica​​ / @ta-ka-shi-ma​​ / @interwebseriesfan24​​ / @sebstanismylife​​
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damerondala · 3 years
🍒 Okay tub time with Kix? 😗👌🏻 Exquisite. So good. Where do i find such a caring man ugh and a clean bathtub chores suck
New Cherry Thot of the Week… This one’s hella self-indulgent but don’t worry bestie, i’m dragging you along for the ride too… Picture it: The Marauder, 19 BBY (did i spend 3 minutes looking that up for this dumb joke? yeah…) Somehow, you and I have joined up with the Bad Batch on some kind of mission. Details don’t matter because the important thing is we’re sharing a tiny spaceship with 5 hunks. 🥰 But obvs we have our favorites… I’m going with Wrecker for you (i know you love Hunter too, but just hear me out, this thot has a purpose) and Crosshair for me.
But here’s the thing. We somehow figure out they like us back (maybe Tech spills the beans), AND they have a bet going… Who can win us over first? Because these 2 are always competing over something with each other right?
And like hot damn, but also ohh there’s so much we can do with this info 😈 We both start teasing our respective guys, leading them on a little, not giving in to their flirting or anything so they can’t say they’ve won the bet for a while. They get more frustrated. More… pent up… And… well… so do we…
Uh oh. Maybe we can’t play this much longer. Maybe one day it’s too much, and one of us races to our crush prepared to just kiss them silly, only to find they had the same idea. And then afterward we try to find the other, and discover they couldn’t hold out with their guy either 🙈 And maybe it’s awkward, maybe Wrecker and Crosshair argue over who actually won forever, but it was kinda weirdly fun anyway. We’re happy, and happy for each other. /EndofSappyStory 🍒
cherry. my love. my life.
this might be the best thing that you have ever gifted me holy fuck the way i BLUSHED while reading this??? whooooooo jesus i love this so much!!! 😭 okay lots to unpack here:
1. excellent golden girls reference again. made me giggle and i appreciate the research tech would be proud of u hehe
2. you and i being bffs in this thot made me so happy aw
3. EXCELLENT CHARACTER CHOICE FOR US OMFG i couldn't stop thinking about the "don't worry wrecker you'll top him next time" "no he wOnT" while reading bc omfg those lines applied to this kind of bet????? AAAAHHHHH IM HAVING A CRISIS
i'm gonna write this in sections, actual encounters with the boys happen in sections 3 and 4 with our sexy murder toothpick man being up first! also this is gonna be pre-omega but post-echo joining the batch 
self indulgent filth and fluff in the form of some reader insert thots below ;) 
18+ as always kiddies. i really hope you enjoy! this was so fun to write 
section 1: the bet 
so i imagine this happening right after you guys joined the squad
and it certainly didn't take long for crosshair and wrecker to realize their feelings for you two beautiful women, although one was more brazen about his feelings than the other
one day when hunter had sent you and your friend into a market to pick up a short list of supplies, they got to talking 
crosshair made an offhand remark about his girls’ ass which made wrecker fidget, he never was very composed when it came to pretty girls and this caused all the other members of the batch share knowing looks and smirks
“wrecker if you’re trying to be discreet about your feelings for ___ you’re going to have to do stop fidgeting.” tech noted, rolling his eyes when wrecker started stuttering out excuses but he was cut off by echo
“give ‘im a break. at least he isn't as vulgar as crosshair” 
“you’re just jealous she doesn't flirt with you, mir'osik” (i had to search up insults in mando’a and this one means shit for brains and when i tell you i died laughing okay anyways sorry)
this made echo roll his eyes, deciding it wasn't worth it to fight over whatever stupid insult the sniper threw at him
wanting to stir the pot juuust a bit, hunter proposed a challenge for his vod. he should be the good influence on his brothers, but he couldn't help but want to see where these crushes would take them
he could hear the girls’ heartbeats intensify around their respective crushes anyways, so he had a pretty good feeling that they felt the same about his batch mates
“don’t know about the rest of you, but i want to see who can win his girl over first” this was met with a smirk from crosshair, a blush from wrecker, and side glances shared between echo and tech
“easy.” crosshair drawled, he knew he had this in the bag
he may be quieter than the others but boy was he was observant, taking note of the way her words had a hard time flowing out of her pretty mouth when he was in close proximity of his girl
wrecker on the other hand didn’t want to make her uncomfortable, in his eyes she was just so sweet. innocent, really. she wouldn’t want the same treatment he knew crosshair had in mind for his girl
the peering eyes of his squad made the large man cave with a sigh, “fine.”
section 2: the slip up
weeks had gone by since the boys established their little competition and you, your friend, and tech were working on some small repairs around the ship
you and your friend had noticed some increased...flirting from your respective guys
crosshair paid more compliments and lingering touches that seemed genuine
and wrecker flirted the best way he knew how; lifting too heavy objects and reaching for items in the tall cargo holds, handing them down with a gentle smile
tech, being the most blunt member of the squad, commented on the whispers you exchanged, dropping a surprising truth on both of your ears:
“well of course they are trying to flatter you. how else do you settle a bet to win each of you over the fastest?” 
tech watched the two women freeze before him, sharing shocked looks before turning their attention to him, realization hit his gut like a crate of durasteel, and he swallowed under your stern gazes
“what do you mean, goggles?” 
“they...like us?”
tech’s cheeks burned red hot, was his brow beginning to sweat? maker, it felt like it 
this was the one time he didn’t feel like explaining himself, instead choosing to coyly excuse himself from the two pairs of watchful eyes
he left you and your friend to stare at each other before both rolling your eyes, “well now we know who spills secrets the easiest” your friend chuckled, shaking her head 
after a few moments of silence you both spoke up, deciding there wasn’t that much harm in playing along with the two members of the batch. you were fond of them, after all
you both continued chuckling about the situation, mostly out of disbelief that the flirting and teasing wasn’t just a hopeful facade your minds made up
once the repairs were completed, you both retired to opposite ends of the ship, minds full of deliberation of how you would handle this new information 
section 3: the gunport 
you were sat in the gunport, musing the situation you found yourself in, hands picking at your fingernails in an effort to curb your nerves 
on one hand you didn’t want to ruin the bond you had with the marksman
what if he was just flirting out of pure boredom? there isn’t much to do in a confined ship like this anyways, he might as well pass the time flirting with a woman in his general vicinity 
but it just had to mean something
no way the whispered compliments - most of them accompanied with a wink, no less - meant absolutely nothing to him 
you decided that you had enough, this was going to eat you alive if you didn't get to the bottom of what was going on in that head of his
with a huff, you stood straight and turned around to exit the space
but you were met with a silver haired man climbing up the ladder
you both froze, both internally freaking out at the basically forced confrontation
oh gods what is he doing up here? did he read my mind??
...shit what do i do i forgot everything i was going to say to her 
you nervously chuckled, figuring that you were going to go talk to him anyways so might as well get this over with
“crosshair... um i need to ask you something”
“no, i need to tell you something cyar’ika. i’m tired of sitting here and watching you walk around all day, not being able to show you how i feel.”
now that left you speechless, mouth slightly hanging open in shock to which he deeply chuckled at, “hope this isn't the first time i leave you speechless.” 
there it was, that smug attitude that made you roll your eyes but also ignited a heat in your lower abdomen
with a smirk, you decided to play it back to him. two can play at this game, lanky
“well it’d be pretty rude to not demonstrate what you had in mind, trooper”
this was the green light crosshair needed, quickly heaving himself up the last few rungs of the ladder, his hands immediately finding your waist and snatching you close, pressing a firm kiss to your lips
your hands flung up to catch the sides of his sharp cheeks, humming at the feel of his scruff under your palms as you coyly push your tongue through his lips, hoping he’ll welcome your tongue into his mouth
he does, and you are exploring each other in the most delicious way, causing soft moans and sighs to leave both of you
while you were entranced by crosshair’s mouth on yours, you didn't realize he was pushing you back onto the chair of the gunport until you were sat down and he was kneeling in between your legs, his nimble fingers clutching your thighs and hips
in a matter of minutes crosshair had managed to get your bottoms completely off, your slick panties hooked on one ankle, and your thighs over his shoulders
for a man who could run his mouth, he sure proved it 
expert fingers entered your weeping cunt while his tongue prodded your bundle of nerves with sharp, quick strokes
he’s beaming at the way you’re trying to support yourself on shaky arms and trapping his head to your cunt with the backs of your calves, the sight of your head thrown back and the whimpers coming out of your mouth making him harder than he had been in a looong time
his fingers and mouth brought to your orgasm quick and hard, nearly screaming his name as your toes curled in bliss 
he took his time in working you through it, making sure he could draw it out. he could get used to this.
when you can finally open your eyes and look him in the eye, you’re kissing him again, enjoying the moan he lets out at the feel of your tongue tasting yourself on him 
you decide it’s his turn, and you’re pushing him into your previous spot, smiling at the way his eyes slightly widen at the way you took charge 
crosshair wants to say some sexy remark, something that he knows will get you to sheepishly smile and look away but he can’t, not with the sight of you sinking down to your knees and slowly pulling down his blacks, keeping eye contact and granting him a playful glint in your eye
you can't help but want to tease him just a bit, running your tongue over the bulge in his blacks
he tries his hardest to not be loud but maker, is he loud when you finally take him into your mouth and down your throat 
you’ve quickly found that he enjoys eye contact while in this vulnerable state, nearly shaking when he sees your eyes brimming with tears trying not to choke on his length 
one hand sneaking down to alternate cupping his balls is what pulls him over the edge, crying out with your name living on his tongue 
you swallow his release, again utilizing eye contact to your benefit and drawing out another prolonged moan from him 
it makes you smile in pride, loving how this hard, unyielding man turned into such a mess while you had your way with him 
crosshair pats his lap and expectantly looks at you, waiting for you to perch up onto his lap, straddling him 
despite being a skinnier guy, crosshair wraps you up in the warmest, most secure-feeling snuggle you have honestly ever experienced 
after sharing such an intimate moment with you, he began whispering sweet nothings into your ear, about how gorgeous he thinks you are, how much he cares for you 
it’s honestly kind of shocking but welcome nonetheless, cross can be kind when he wants to and you are very glad that this was the outcome of your dancing around each other for months 
section 4: the interruption 
you retreated back to your room, honestly just wanting to sleep and get your mind off the day
it was becoming harder and harder to not just pounce on wrecker, but you didn't want to just give it up so quickly 
and to be honest, you had a bad feeling that tech was full of it
you struggled with self esteem issues for as long as you could remember, so it was difficult to believe the 'genious’ of the batch when he said that wrecker had feelings for you 
despite your trepidations, your mind couldn't stop thinking about him, his broad shoulders, toned arms, huge thighs...
your hand slithered down your torso, slipping underneath the waist band of your bottoms and slowly circling your clit as images of wrecker effortlessly lifting anything that crossed his path filled your mind, honestly wishing it was you he was lifting
perhaps lifting you to brush your pussy on his nose, his tongue exploring your womanhood enough to make you shout his name
but apparently that last part was not all in your head
although you didn't shout it, wrecker definitely heard the way you whispered out his name in a moan in the dark room
he really hadn’t meant to barge in, but after a few knocks with no answer  he began to worry
he came by to tell you how he felt with absolutely no expectation of sleeping with you. truthfully, he gave up on trying to get into your pants, he was willing to lose the bet with crosshair, he knew he wasn’t as smooth as his brother anyways 
while he obviously would never be opposed to making love with you, he figured that you deserved to be courted beforehand, and he thought there was no way you’d want to share your body in such an intimate way with somebody like him 
but the sight he was greeted with was enough to prove himself wrong
you, spread out on your bed with your hand moving diligently under your thin lounge shorts and you moaning his name made him subconsciously let out a loud gasp 
that you absolutely heard, eyes snapping open and hand coming to an abrupt halt, ripping out from under your bottoms
“wr-wrecker! what are you doing here?!”
“i- uhhh- i didn’t see anything! erm, i'm sorry, mesh’la”
by now you had your blankets covering you, despite being fully clothed, and were looking at him with mortified eyes
wrecker still stood in the doorway, unsure if he should let this opportunity pass him by
if you had told him to leave he would, he’d do anything you said, but the fact that you made no move to force him into leaving made him linger
“i'm...sorry if im overstepping mesh’la but i just- i can't stop thinking about you. and well,” he gestured to your form, still cradling the blankets to your heaving chest, “i think you think about me too”
of course you couldn't deny it, he had just seen you pleasuring yourself and moaning his name, what the hell kind of excuse could you come up with? none, that's what 
his sheepishness made your heart soar, realizing he probably was just as nervous as you
deciding to cut him some slack, you slowly rose up, blanket falling to the ground as you sauntered over to his frozen frame
whispering, “you're right. do- do you want to stay?” 
you had the poor man at a loss for words, eagerly nodding at your proposition and allowing you to take his hand and lead him to your bed, pushing him down so you could straddle his lap
his large cock bulging through the thin fabric of his blacks and pushing against your already hot cunt made you cry out
pure adrenaline coursed through both of you, hushed moans leaving your mouths as you steadily ground down onto him, his hand tangled in your hair and the other kneading your breast
your lips broke away from his mouth and you smirked at the look on his face, absolutely fucking giddy that this was finally happening, he had been dreaming about this moment since he first saw you
the sounds he made while you sucked on the sensitive skin of his neck encouraged you to slip a small hand down the front of his blacks and pull his thick cock out, heat flooding your body at the hiss he let out when you started slowly jacking him off 
your legs were in the perfect position for him to push your shorts down and over your ass, fingers picking up where you left off and circling your clit, working you open to take one of his massive fingers
the more you squeezed his throbbing shaft, the louder wrecker became 
and not wanting anybody to hear you two fooling around, you glued your mouth to his, tongues mingling in heat
the excitement of the entire situation made it not last very long overall, but you both had intense orgasms regardless
wrecker curled his - now two - fingers inside you just right, and your continued squeezes and strokes of his cock made him finish, his cum coating your palm 
both of you were shaking, muffled groans and gasps filled the room until you were coming down from your simultaneous orgasms
after coming back down to the moment, wrecker chuckled and flopped down on his back, bringing you with him to crash onto his chest
you both giggled like a couple of smitten teenagers who were experiencing their first love, relishing in the butterflies in your stomachs, we just did that
“been waiting a long time to do that, doll” wrecker’s big hands rubbed up and down your curves, closing his eyes and smiling at your laugh, “i know”
his head shot up at that, “you know?” the way his eyebrows furrowed up made your chest tighten with admiration, smiling cheekily down at him, “of course i do. tech told us gals.” you leaned down to place a peck on his chin, “you think you won the bet?”
“dunno. but I feel like i just won the entire galaxy.” 
it honestly didn't make much sense in your post-orgasm daze, but the endearing tone made you smile and kiss him once again
section 5: the hallway 
after your respective encounters with your boys, you ran to your friend, bumping into her in the hallway, the tight space echoing your giggles and shrieks of excitement throughout the entire ship
you both were so flustered and giddy that you were talking over each other, just needing to tell her about what just happened 
“i just sucked-”
“you will not believe-” 
you both stopped and laughed even harder, holding onto each other for support, then your friend took a deep breath and smiled, “you first.”
the sounds emitted from you two not only made your boys smile and their chests swell with pride but also coerced some chuckles from the other members of the batch 
they all knew how long these...events were in the making and how eager cross and wrecker were becoming 
and in all honesty they were glad their brothers had found happiness in two girls like yourselves 
nice, funny, and obviously in love with their brothers
they really could’t have asked for better women to take care of their family 
taglist! (fill out this if you’d like to be added): 
@djarrex, @pastelpanda19, @rebelpitstop, @sageislostinspring, @shiny-mando
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chaoticevilbean · 4 years
Trying my hand at an Avatar Sokka AU. Gonna be weird Bc thassa me and I’m just That. Anyways, don’t expect too Much from this. And I’m gonna try to Make it good, but I also Haven’t watched the show a million times. Just a few.
It’ll probably include:
- No one knowing Sokka’s the Avatar except Kanna and Kya
- Sokka as Chief of the SWT. I will probably make him younger when his father leaves for plot purposes.
- Sokka starts as a firebender because the Spirits do something. It will never be clarified what they do.
- The former Avatar was Aang’s friend and saved him and Appa after they decided to run away together. However, it was only the duo that got put in the iceberg, preserved by the Avatar’s power, and that Avatar went into hiding without his best friend. He stayed alive and in hiding until he knew that it was unlikely anyone thought he was still alive. If it was assumed that the Avatar was gone forever, his successor would be safe from the Fire Nation. Especially because the raids would ensure the Earth Kingdom would be suspect instead of the Water Tribes.
- When the raids were done, the previous Avatar pulled a Jedi Master and just straight-up died to pass on the responsibilities.
- Sokka didn’t discover his abilities until he was about five or six. It was during a raid and he was with his mother and grandmother. He learned to control it quickly with their help. By control, I mean he doesn’t randomly cause steam or smoke or light firepits. He can hold his flames inside.
- Sokka attempted to copy the moves of the raiders who used bending, but found that waterbending moves like those his sister did worked better on the ice. Since he grew up with the Midnight Sun and Polar Night, he isn’t affected by them. (Also, his Avatar Spirit balances it out a lot.)
- Sokka thinking he’s just a firebender because the raids have been going on for a hundred years, but then Kanna has him do a test and the results are absolute. He is the Avatar.
- Sokka trying to imagine what an airbender would bend like. Sneaking out in harsh winds and practicing to bend with light steps and using the air to lift him higher. Building up his lungs and trying to be as though he’s in the mountains or soaring above treetops.
- He doesn’t get far, but he gets started.
- Using his lung power and inner flames to dive deep and long to catch fish and gather other supplies. More often after his father left.
- When Aang comes along, Sokka observes his every move, trying to master them in private late at night, with the excuse of keeping watch
- Aang is taken by Zuko because he’s an airbender and they’re supposed to be extinct
- Sokka eventually gets good enough with both the firebending he learned from his enemies and the airbending he learned from his friend to start waterbending. He’s sort of good because he’s been using the moves for years (amateurish but still used)
- The trips go the same, only they’re now just trying to find possible teachers for the Avatar and the Avatar themself so they can somehow teach the person all at once before the comet
- Aang connects to the Spirit World because he’s a monk and he knew the other former Avatar extremely well. The Spirits allow him passage.
- Aang causes Sokka some panic when he compares him to his ‘old friend, the previous Avatar’. Sokka eventually gets used to it.
- Zuko tracks the Gaang because they’re his only lead.
- Sokka acts solely as a nonbender when around anyone because he doesn’t want to be the Avatar. Yes, he knows the war is awful. Yes, he grew up with it. But that’s exactly why he doesn’t want to be the Avatar. He grew up with raids and the death and destruction that followed. His mother died protecting his sister when they were so young. All the men, the hunters and warriors, left the tribe and left Sokka in charge when he was a preteen. The war has brought nothing but sorrow, and Sokka doesn’t think he can overcome something so huge, so insurmountable. So he acts as much like a nonbender as he can.
- He isn’t sexist towards Suki because Kyoshi makes sure he has that stamped out early on. Instead, the moment the blindfold is off, he’s craning his neck back to see the statue of his past life. Suki thinks he’s a bit thick, and Katara doesn’t understand but covers for his preoccupation.
- Sokka learns to be a Kyoshi Warrior when Kysohi literally takes him over during the night and steals both warpaint and an outfit, and then teaches him to properly wear it all. Suki finds him firebending in full Kyoshi garb and using the fans. She assumes that he’s just the product of the Fire Nation’s cruelty.
- However, she does ask why he stole their gear and how he’s using the fans better than most newbies.
- “Kyoshi.” “What?” “Kyoshi... possessed me... and taught me how to be like you... and she’s proud of you.” “... is this normal for the Avatar’s friends?”
- Suki doesn’t tell the others under the conditions that she ‘take over for Kyoshi’ in training him and she can figure him out for herself through that.
- At the Fire Temple, the group gets separated, but Sokka is called by Roku to the Solstice room. He ends up managing to get inside with the help of Shyu, who understands he’s protecting himself and others by hiding.
- The others still get captured, and Shyu claims that Sokka made a controlled explosion to get in (the original idea until Shyu told him he knew the boy was the Avatar). Aang tells Katara that Roku sealing the chamber means Sokka is being spoken to. Zuko and Zhao are still there as well.
- When Roku takes over to tear down the temple, he disappears into an obscure hallway so Sokka can regain control without his friends knowing.
- Toph finds out Sokka is the Avatar when she ‘sees’ him practicing. She starts demanding he ‘keep her company’ when she does daily bending practice (they all do it so they can improve enough to eventually teach the Avatar and fight the Firelord). Whenever Toph ‘sees’ Sokka make a mistake while practicing earthbending, she uses the correct moves the next day and makes sure she’s in full view of Snoozles.
- Sometimes Toph drags Sokka over to watch Katara and Aang practice because she’s ‘bored’.
- Aang goes to see the Guru and when he’s heading back because he was given a vision of Katara in danger, he explains what he learned to Sokka. Sokka takes Aang’s place in their plan, so he is the one who helps Iroh rescue Zuko and Katara.
- When Azula starts to attack and it looks like they’ll lose, Sokka hides himself and is ignored because he’s presumed a nonbender. He goes through opening his chakras in what is definitely record time, but Sokka’s always been good at following plans/instructions (not orders, instructions, like how-to’s and stuff). He has to let go of his attachments to the Gaang, to his tribe, to Yue, Suki, and those he met on his journey. He does so by considering the fact that by letting go of his focus on them in particular, he can focus on stopping the larger problems, the problems that are likely to or are causing them harm.
- Sokka enters the Avatar State just as Aang enters, and the chaos causes Azula to think Aang is the Avatar. When she shoots him with lightning, Sokka drops from the Avatar State and gets his family out of there.
- Zuko still turns against them, but Agni’s voice is strong, and Sokka sees the same brotherly nature as he has within the boy.
- After taking the FN ship, Katara brings up a discussion of who the Avatar could be because they were there and helped the group, and Sokka makes up a vague story of how someone pulled him out of the battle (to explain his disappearance). Toph acts like she’s actually wondering, but pulls Sokka aside later and tells him she knows.
- Sokka can use metalbending, but doesn’t do it often if at all because he’s so used to hiding and he feels like it’s Toph’s thing. She stamps that out once she gets sick of it.
I might add more, but I’m just plotting this out right now, and I’m gonna try it out later when I have the time. If you want, suggest stuff. If you hate this idea, then please give me constructive criticism instead of pure wrath. I’m still going to include a character arc that hopefully does Sokka justice, but instead of focusing on his dismantling of his former sexist ways and learning that not being some big tough guy is okay (he can love shopping and fashion, he can love poetry, he can love dresses and makeup, he can love singing and have fun and pick up fine arts and paint), it’ll be more of him opening up and learning that he is strong enough, and if he isn’t, he has friends and family for a reason. He’ll learn how to be more confident in his abilities and how to let his true self shine more than his fake one.
Have at It.
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guardianofjunmyeon · 4 years
Finding Atlantis (part 11)
Genre: Action/Adventure, Enemies to Lovers, PirateAU
Description: 20 years ago the seas became angry. Unruly and unkind to any sailor, to any ship that dared venture too far out in her waters. Many a man has heard the tales of Atlantis, the lost city, the key the ocean. But fewer men know the tale of it’s missing child. The key to the ocean, the key to Atlantis but a lost little one. The power one would hold should they find this child would be nearly that of Poseidon himself. Thus, the hunt began.  
A/N: another quick update hoohoo. The next update will be shorter bc i cut this in half (read: 2/3 and 1/3). No warnings this is just smth cute
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18
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The two dinghies pulled on land is a welcome sight after all the hours you’ve spent at the mercy of the sirens.
Unfortunately, it seems as though your group is the first to have returned.
“Take them back to the ship. I’ll wait here for Minseok and Seulgi.” Kyungsoo instructs Baekhyun. He almost seems like the Captain of the two –his expression schooled and words confident.
You make a move towards Kyungsoo to offer your help when you feel fingertips press into your side, placating. Biting your tongue you hold in your words. The fingers relax against your side. Kyungsoo offers you a reassuring smile as if he can read the concern on your face.
“We’ll head back as soon as we’re all accounted for,” he says directly to you. He places a hand on Baekhyun’s shoulder and you take the opportunity to slip from Baekhyun’s hold –from his skinny fingers burning their touch into your side. Offering your own nod of acceptance, you turn away from the two of them to avoid having to meet either of their eyes.
You watch as Jongin collapses in the small boat waiting to take you back to your ship. Chanyeol folds his arms across his chest, watches carefully as you take a few steps in his direction. “Won’t he need backup of some kind?” you ask Chanyeol through the exhaustion seeping further into your muscles. You tilt your head towards the two men who came to save you.
Chanyeol smiles a tiny but profoundly proud smile. “No, Kyungsoo has got it. He’s a lot tougher than he looks.” His eyes shine as he looks beyond you. You follow his gaze and then immediately look down at your boots when you catch the fond look Kyungsoo sends to the taller; clearly having overheard his words.
Waddling over to the boat to collapse at Jongin’s side you decide not to dwell on the look. If Chanyeol thinks that Kyungsoo can handle himself then…you’ll trust them.
Baekhyun isn’t as easily convinced of his safety as you. “One hour. If I don’t see you all rowing back by then, I’m coming back for you,” he says sternly.
“Ay Captain,” Kyungsoo laughs out.
Kyungsoo is crushed in a hug by Chanyeol and then a shortened one by Baekhyun before they retreat to the boat where Jongin is fighting off sleep at your side.
Baekhyun takes control of the oars while Chanyeol pushes the boat into the water. As Kyungsoo’s figure gets smaller and farther away, you feel dread settling in your chest. The wave he sends your way feels more foreboding than you’re able to dwell on.
When you can no longer see him, and the sounds of nature surround you, you begin to feel sleep tugging you down into unconsciousness. Chanyeol and Baekhyun talk in quiet voices, but none of the words register in your mind –only the fact that they’re having a hushed conversation. Jongin inevitably dozes off and you stay awake, just so that you can watch your ship come into view.
Docked beyond the rock and reef of the island, it sits lazily atop the water. Its dark sails almost blend into the black of the night.
Baekhyun rows you all to safety the entirety of the near hour it takes to get to the ship. The distance from where Kyungsoo waits for the rest of your crew to your vessel is farther than you anticipated.
Once the conversation between Baekhyun and Chanyeol has died off, you feel the shift in energy as everyone prepares to wait for the other half of the rescue team to arrive.
You shake Jongin awake and Chanyeol helps you begin the climb up the side of the ship. Baekhyun works on securing the boat.
As soon as both of your feet are on deck, Yixing is at your side holding you in a firm hug.
“You made it,” he sighs out in relief.
“Barely.” You grimace and let your muscles give in. You fall with an uncoordinated drop to the ground. Jongin crawls up the ladder and lies face flat on your right. Not even half awake as he lifted himself on deck. Chanyeol and Baekhyun have to step over him just to get on the ship. They plop on the ground not far from you –Baekhyun catching his breath and Chanyeol finally succumbing to the exertion used throughout the day. The adrenaline running out and jelly settling in his bones. Your own adrenaline ran out long ago.
“Can you make it to the infirmary?” Yixing asks, crouched down in front of you.
You think that you could, but honestly you really don’t fucking feel like it. “No, not right now.”
Yixing nods empathetically and pats your calf. “I’ll bring the supplies out here then. Wait for me,” he instructs. Standing up and looking quickly over the four of you sprawled across the deck, he kicks Baekhyun in the leg with his boot. “Get up and gauge injuries. I’ll be back.”
A long suffering groan is the only reply he gets.
You close your eyes and rest your back against the wooden railing of the ship.
The rest of your crew is nowhere to be seen. It doesn’t surprise you. If you had to guess you would assume that it was anywhere from 2 to 4 in the morning. What’s the point in everyone on the crew staying awake above deck with worry when only a handful of people are reasonably needed for a rescue mission?
If anything, you hope that everyone else is getting plenty of rest so that when Junmyeon is brought back, you all can continue the mission. You can’t afford another chunk of lost time like that after you and Baekhyun were rescued from the island. You’re a week behind your nonexistent schedule. You hope that the lost time won’t be detrimental to the mission.
The feeling of a hand gently grabbing your forearm shakes you from your thoughts. You open your eyes figuring Yixing is back to look at your injuries. You don’t expect to be met with the sight of Baekhyun looking down at the blood encrusting your wrist with a small frown on his face.
You notice that your hand is shaking in his grasp. Clenching your fist and pulling away to try and hide it, you’re immediately met with resistance.
“Don’t,” he murmurs. His grip on your arm doesn't relax until you stop trying to pull away. From the corner of your eye you see Yixing tending to Jongin while Chanyeol dozes off on his back at Yixing’s side.
With long and careful fingers, Baekhyun turns over your hand to look at the full damage of your wound before his frown deepens and he lets out a puff of air.
“You’re a fucking idiot.”
You yank your hand away from him and hold back a hiss of pain at the stinging it causes your wrist. He lets out another breath of air, this one more annoyed than the last.
He reaches out and yanks both of your arms towards him, and when you let out a noise of pain his irked expression melts into something softer. Something apologetic.
This time you don’t fight him as he takes a look at your reddened, cracking skin. “You’re an idiot,” he emphasizes again, looking into your eyes pointedly. You frown. “But I’m going to help you heal anyway.”
“Thanks,” you breathe out sarcastically.
He settles on his butt and drags a bucket that had been partially hidden behind him to his side. You fold your legs beneath yourself and let your arms lie limp between the two of you. He twists out the water from the rag sitting in the bucket. You hear Chanyeol whining somewhere near you and Yixing hushing him like a parent would their noisy child.
The feeling of the cold rag on your skin forces you to focus your attention fully on the man in front of you. Baekhyun wipes farthest from the actual wound and works inward.
It doesn’t start to hurt until he begins to wash off the thick layer of blood that had caked right above where the rope dug in the deepest.
The sting is so abrupt that you straighten in your spot and choke out a pitiful moan of anguish. His eyes flicker from your wrist to your face only momentarily. “You deserve this for turning your wrist into shredded meat,” he laments.
“Fuck you,” you whimper out.
His lips quirk up in amusement. The rag dips into the bucket; red seeps into the once clear water staining it crimson. Baekhyun presses it to your skin again. It doesn’t hurt as much as it did before.
A pout settles on his lips as he concentrates on disinfecting and bandaging your wounds. You watch his face closely as he works in silence. The careful cleaning of your blood, the attentive way he tries to avoid hurting you where he can, the soft and reassuring press of his fingertips against your skin when you tense in pain. All of the actions only reaffirm the truth you’ve come to accept.
You like Baekhyun.
You fucking like Baekhyun.
You like Baekhyun and you told Jongin and Chanyeol.
You like Baekhyun and he’s cleaning the blood from your skin with so much care that you could trick yourself into believing that he actually cares about you.
He’s probably just tired and being gentle because he lacks the energy to be a dick. That would be reason enough for you –after all he did row the four of you an hour to safety. Even you wouldn’t have the energy to continue hating someone after that.
When the bandage is done being wrapped and the blood is no longer coating your arms, Baekhyun stands up and tosses the dirty water into the ocean.
“Captain, we’ll get you all something to eat and drink, but first we should get each of you to a bed,” Yixing says gently. You can only nod at his words –body giving in to exhaustion. “You take the Captain and I’ll get Sehun to come help me get Chanyeol and Jongin below deck.”
“Me?” Baekhyun asks in shock.
“Yes, you-”
“Yixing I can walk there on my own it’s really fi-” Yixing’s glare is enough to quiet you instantly.
“I said: you take the Captain to her room. Someone will bring you food afterwards,” his pitch drops angrily.
Baekhyun squats back down immediately to hoist you to your feet. You put as much energy as you have left into getting up. When Baekhyun’s arm is wrapped around you again and you’re leaning into his side, Yixing breaks out into a pleased grin. Smiling as if his voice hadn’t been threatening a minute before.
“Good. Now go,” he commands. Baekhyun nods quickly and ushers you towards your quarters.  
You hobble out from under his arm and flop heavily onto your bed as he closes the door behind himself. Baekhyun leans against your closed door and lets out an exhale.
“That man is fucking terrifying,” he says.
“There’s a reason he’s quartermaster,” you manage to say. Yixing seems nothing but gentle and kind. Despite the fact that he genuinely is gentle and kind, it’s also a mask that he uses to fool others. A facade he knowingly uses to his advantage. Behind Minseok, Yixing is the most experienced with a gun, and behind you, the best with a blade.
He’s smart about when he actually decides to strike, and can be more cold-blooded than he lets on, but he is still the sweetest person you have ever come to know.
The urge to change clothes and fall asleep in bed is stronger now that you’re surrounded by the familiarity of your room, but you have to stay awake until Junmyeon arrives. Your clothes are dirty with blood of all kinds; dirt and mud coats you like a second skin.
You bend down to unlace your boots. You figure it’s the least you can do to get comfortable until all your men are present and accounted for. It hurts a bit to flex and bend your wrists, but it’s not unbearable. The stinging from where the rope was rubbing into your abdomen is a bit more apparent now. It has turned into the most painful part of moving your body.
A smack to the back of your hand has you pulling away from your shoes.
“You do know that you can ask for help every now and then right?” Baekhyun grumbles out. You open your mouth to protest and utter out a ‘what the fuck?’ when he bends down to unlace your shoes for you.
“What are you doing?”
“Helping you take your shoes off. I’m sure it hurts to bend like that.”
You pause. He slips the first boot off your foot and tosses it haphazardly to the side. “Baekhyun!” you scold.
“Relax. It’s just a shoe.”
The other comes off and gets tossed to the side more aggressively than the first. When you snort at the careless treatment of your boot, Baekhyun smiles and hides it behind a cough and scrunch of his nose.
“You smell rancid,” he says.
“You don't exactly smell like lavender or fresh bread either-”
“Shut up.”
“You started it.”
A pause.
“I’ll get you water so that you can clean yourself up. Wait here.” He moves towards the door and then quickly turns around to point at you with narrowed eyes. “Do not fucking move.”
You roll your eyes and wave him away with weak flicks of your fingers.
Once he’s gone you count to 15 before standing on your feet, walking to your mirror, and lifting your shirt to look at the rough darkening line that colors the top of your abdomen. It isn’t bleeding, but you can tell that it will bruise darker and be tender for days to come. Prodding at it with gentle fingertips you grimace at the pain any touch creates.
You do know that you can ask for help every now and then right?
You scoff out a laugh. As if he’d help even if you asked.
The two of you are friendly now, as you have to be given the circumstances. You doubt that any kindness Baekhyun offers you extends passed respectful ally-ship for the sake of your crews.
You can’t read his mind. You don’t know what he’s thinking or feeling, but his actions lend towards your theory of civil respect. Nothing less, but definitely nothing more.
How you ended up being the one liking him one-sidedly you’ll never fucking understand, but it bothers the ever-loving fuck out of you.  
Your door is pushed open without preamble and Baekhyun stumbles in balancing food in one hand, a bucket and a cup of water in the other.
He looks so dumb.
He looks cute.
“Need help?” you ask.
“I got it,” he puffs out.
The cup spills out half of its contents when he sits it on the table. The food doesn’t spill but it clatters noisily as it’s set down clumsily. He sits the large bucket of water on the ground roughly as if it has personally angered him. First collecting his breath and glaring down at the bucket for a second longer, he then turns around to face you.
“I thought I told you not to move.”
“I didn’t realize you were my master,” you reply petulantly. Shuffling over and downing what’s left of the water in the cup, you smack your lips in satisfaction.
Baekhyun grumbles under his breath and sits heavily in the chair next to you while you continue to stand and pick at the food on the tray.
Vegetable buns and porridge. Boring, but it will fill you up.
“Are you not sitting because of bruise on your stomach?” Baekhyun asks out of nowhere. The bun you were holding up to your mouth after a bite gets stuck in your throat.
“What?” you cough out in horror. How did he find out?
He reaches towards the hem of your shirt and you flinch away. He balls his hand around air and brings it back to his lap. For a second, you feel bad for your reaction, but you cover it up by busying yourself with rearranging the half eaten bun next to the untouched one.
“Chanyeol and Jongin also have bruises around where the rope was tied around you all.” You frown down at the food at his words. “Were you not going to mention it?”
You know this is heading towards an argument.
You exhale and turn your body to face him head on.
“To you? No. I probably would have told Yixing if it got bad enough,” you say evenly.
His expression turns sour. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“If it got bad enough? Means if I-”
“No. You know exactly what I’m talking about,” he cuts in.
You exhale to calm the beating of your heart, pumping double time in preparation for yet another screaming match that you know is inevitable. “You and I both know that you’re just here being nice for the sake of everyone else. I know you don’t really care or want to bother patching me up, so I don’t bother asking for you to put in any more effort than necessary. Yeah, I’m bruised and it hurts to touch. What do you care? What does it matter if you know or not? It’s not like I’m going to die of it and it’s not like it would affect you in any way.”
Baekhyun closes his eyes and roughly drags his fingers through his bangs. Holding in a shout through closed lips, he sounds like he’s growling in frustration.
You clench your fist, bracing yourself for the explosion.
It never comes.
Baekhyun doesn’t shout, he doesn’t scream, he doesn’t curse. All he does…is laugh. A short tired laugh. More an exhale of breath than a laugh really.
You deflate in confusion. Fingers uncurling, eyebrows rising, head cocking to the side.
“You’re right. It doesn’t matter if I know or not. It doesn’t matter and it doesn’t affect me in any way. I just-” He brushes both of his hands through his hair and lets out a long suffering sigh. “Whatever. I’m tired of arguing with you.”
He walks towards the door and you stare, mouth agape. He’s…not going to fight you? “I- Baekhyun wait I-” you reach out to grab the sleeve of his shirt. You barely catch any of the material between your thumb and index finger.
He stops but doesn’t turn around. “Baekhyun, look at me…please.”
Trying to lessen the distance and get a better hold of his shirt you walk closer. He refuses to face you.
You have to thread your fingers through his to get him to react to you. His eyes close and he groans quietly in defeat before turning around. “I…I…”
“What? What do you want? Just let me go.”
He pulls but you hold on tighter. Knuckles going light from how tight you’re gripping his fingers. “What do you want?” he asks again.
“I don't…I don’t know. I …” your voice catches in your throat.
He scoffs in disbelief.
“Let me go-”
“No!” You squeeze his hand again in yours and look down where the warmth of his hand seeps into yours. “No…” you repeat again, softer. More honest. More vulnerable. You bite your lip to hold back the words that want to slip out. Keeping your fingers twined, you let your free hand rest on his arm.
There’s no talking. Only your rapid breaths as you think through your next movement. You don’t know how long he’ll stand there before walking off and leaving you alone in your room. Alone with all the words that you’re too cowardly to say.
You slide your hand from his arm to his shoulder. From his shoulder to his neck.
A shiver runs through his body as he leans into the touch. His neck has always been sensitive. You’ve known that about him for years.
His fingers squeeze against yours. When you finally make it to his face, hand cupping his cheek as you look into his eyes and hope –no you pray that maybe what you can’t say you can show.
Show through your actions. Show through your eyes.
You take a step forward to close the last of the distance between you, chests touching. Hearts pumping, chests rising and falling as one. His fingers slip from yours and rest heavily at the small of your back, holding you even closer.
He exhales shakily, tongue peeking out to wet his lips.
“Is this your way of asking to kiss me?” he asks –nervousness uncharacteristically creeping in at the edges. You smile softly. You thumb at his bottom lip and watch his mouth fall open in response to the touch. His stupid wet stupid pink lips.
“Can…can I?” you breathe out.
“You’ve never had to ask before,” he whispers a breath away from your lips.
You want a taste of him again. You want to surround yourself with him and to never forget the sight of him, the smell of him, the feeling of him. You want him. Every piece of him. The annoying argumentative side. The ugly jealous side. The headstrong proud side. The beautiful caring side. The sweet kind side.
All of it.
You’d just have to lean in a bit more to complete the kiss. Just a centimeter more.
“Captain! Junmyeon is back!”
You pull away and smack a hand to Baekhyun’s mouth to push his face away from yours.
“Junmyeon!?” Excitement runs through your veins, the moment from mere moments ago already evaporated. You don’t even care that Yeri just walked in and caught you in a semi-compromising position with Baekhyun.
Junmyeon is back.
You shove passed Baekhyun to run beyond Yeri and out to the main deck. You don’t care that your abdomen smarts or that Baekhyun lets out a sound of frustration behind you.
You have to make sure that Junmyeon is okay. You have to see him with your own eyes.
You stumble out to the main deck and look around the lantern lit ship frantically. You finally catch sight of him held on both sides by Kyungsoo and Minseok. Seulgi is standing in front of Yixing, mouth moving rapidly as she motions wildly from Junmyeon to Yixing. Her hair matted with blue blood and a red slice down her arm, thick with drying blood.
Your excited stumbling slows to a worried walk as you take in the scene. Junmyeon’s left leg is lifted a bit off the ground and his expression is twisted in pain. There’s fresh blood on his cheek and his clothes are heavy with what you hope is water. Minseok and Kyungsoo look drained at his sides. Purple streaks their skin, a mix of their blood and that of the sirens.
At least they’re all real.
Minseok sees you coming first.
“Captain! You’re okay!”
You smile sadly. “I should be the one saying that. You all look terrible…”
Kyungsoo laughs out tiredly. Junmyeon smiles dazedly. He looks beat.
You punch him in the chest.
“Dumb fuck. Getting pushed off the ship,” you growl out.
He smiles lazily. “I missed you too.”
He unloops himself from Kyungsoo and Minseok to hop over and wrap you in a weak hug. You hug him back just as gently, holding in tears that threaten to spill out and over. “You had me so worried.”
“I know, but I’m okay. We’re okay,” he tries to soothe. Pulling away you cup his cheeks and scan his face sadly. He’s dirty and looks as dead tired as you’re sure he feels. You brush the hair off his forehead tenderly and thumb off a spot of mud on his cheek. “You should let me go. I think your boyfriend is getting jealous again,” he tries to joke, but his voice comes out weak.
“Again?” you question as he limps back to Minseok. Wait… “Boyfriend?!” you hiss.
Despite his exhaustion, despite how awful a day it’s been, Junmyeon laughs. He can still manage to laugh.
“Junmyeon, stop moving around,” Yixing barks out.
You see Baekhyun walking up to your side with his arms over his chest and a childish pout on his lips. Even if you didn’t know him as well as you do, you’d be able to tell that he’s upset.
You cringe and take an inconspicuous step farther away from him.
“Is he going to be alright Yixing?” Seulgi asks.
Yixing prods at Junmyeon’s obviously injured leg. “His leg is broken, but he’ll be alright. I’ll have to reset it and look him over for any other injuries, but it doesn’t seem any worse than that.”
“We’ll give you the debriefing in the morning Cap’n. I think everyone needs a good night’s sleep,” Minseok offers.
“Yeah…let’s…reconvene in the morning. Everyone wash up, attend to your injuries and then we’ll get everyone together and figure out what the fuck happened and what the fuck we’re going to do next.” You reach toward the bruise growing in pain on your stomach but lower your fingers when you feel Baekhyun’s eyes on you from your periphery. You clear your throat. “Let’s try to keep moving. We can’t let this slow us down for long.”
“I’ll take care of Junmyeon. You all go rest,” Yixing says, taking it upon himself to guide your injured first mate to the infirmary.
You wait in your place until nearly everyone has cleared the deck.
Nearly everyone.
“Baekhyun,” you call. He startles in his spot still pouting at your side. You sigh and lick your lips nervously. He blinks down at them dumbly. “I need help getting my clothes off so that I can bathe.”
A toothy smile plasters itself across his face and you want to kiss him.
God. Stupid. So fucking dumb.
“Don’t say anything. Just help me out of my clothes and then fucking leave my room so I can clean up.”
He nods slowly. “Yeah of course. Why else would you want me to help get you naked- ouch.”
You scowl and raise your fist to punch him in the chest again. “Don’t make me regret asking for your help.”
He smiles again, gentler, eyes shining with an emotion you haven’t seen since you were on the island together. When he brings his hand up to your fist and wedges his fingers between yours to bring your intertwined digits down, you let him.
Mostly shocked, and a bit flustered by the action, you gape at him.
“Let’s go.” With another squeeze of your fingers that sends tingles up your spine you let Baekhyun guide you back to your room.
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Hi! Can I please have some Karma and Sugino friendship beadcanons? ❤
*cracks knuckles* I’ve been waiting so long for this...😤💚
I literally adore this friendship! Definitely my fave Karma relationship (next to Kayano uwu).
I guess I could sum it up as...Sugino is such a popular, friendly, socially intelligent guy. Karma is “cool,” edgy, and very socially awkward. They’re literally the most iconic type of sitcom duo
Anyways, sorry I was freaking out for a sec there 😅
So...they get off to a rocky start, but I imagine they get super close over the year. At first Nagisa is kinda a middle man, but eventually, they can hang out and vibe without him around.
Sugino overcomes his prejudice and biased view of Karma, and sees the good qualities in him. His respect for Karma grows and he thinks of him as a trustworthy guy.
Karma thinks Sugino is ingenuine at first, but realizes he’s just purely nice. Sugino is very honest and easy to talk to, which is great for someone like Karma, who doesn’t trust people easily at all.
Now...for some headcanons hehe
Sugino is one of the few people that Karma will voluntarily help with studying. He may joke that Sugino owes him a favor or needs to supply him with wasabi or some shit, but he’s honestly just doing it bc Sugino is a close friend.
They’re the most confrontational in Group 4 and may end up verbally disagreeing just bc of their clashing personalities at times. Except it’s usually with little things, like directions, what to do, etc.
(In the future) Everytime Karma is mistakenly given the opportunity to drive, Sugino is such a backseat driver. He’s legitimately scared sometimes that Karma will kill someone...
They fight over the aux, and Karma somehow manages to get it every single time.
Sugino has accidentally hit him in the head with a baseball far too many times...Karma can’t even get pissed bc they are accidental.
Whenever they’re paired in PE, neither of them are taking it seriously. They’re just messing around so much bc it’s honestly so lighthearted. When they do take it seriously, it’s always an interesting match. Karma has faster reflexes, but Sugino beats him in agility. Sugino also has more raw strength, but Karma is a quicker thinker.
Sugino is canonically very talented at a lot of things: sports, art, acting... Karma jokes around that Sugino might finally beat him as the Class Talented Genius, but it’s not out of jealousy at all. It’s his way of complimenting Sugino and showing his support.
Surprisingly...Karma doesn’t ship Sugizaki. Of course, they’re both his friends, but he’s still way closer with Sugino. And he can’t help but see the delusional fantasy Sugino is living in where he puts Kanzaki on a pedestal. It bothers Karma but he isn’t sure what to say. He just hopes Sugino gets over himself eventually, but in the meantime, he’ll quietly support him.
The two of them and Maehara are the ones to come up with “get-rich-quick” schemes...they always invite Isogai but he just sighs and says “Don’t break anything. Don’t kill someone. Or each other.”
They once make a bet with each other that neither of them can indulge in their guilty pleasure for a week, and whoever caves first loses and has to do something embarrassing. Karma can’t eat any junk food or sugar, and Sugino can’t touch a video game. They constantly bait each other during the week while they’re both losing it. Sugino eats snacks in his face, including his precious strawberry milk. Karma rubs it in his face that he could afford the newest version of Sugino’s favorite game. They eventually end it without either of them lasting the week, and tackling each other in a fight. Group 4: “I literally can’t with these dumbasses”
They end up in a ballet class together with Kimura. It was suggested by Korosensei that it improves their balance and skills, but Karma shrugged it off and Sugino said he’ll pass. A couple days later, they change their mind bc dammit, Isogai and Maehara beat them AGAIN. They drag Kimura too bc why not, athletes and chuuni’s stick together. They leave having great ballet skills, and return to assassination. But Isogai and Maehara still be winning 😔
Karma is shook at first in the beginning of their friendship when he notices how many times Sugino nearly jumps into fights/starts shit. He brings it up, and Sugino just sheepishly responds “Oh you know, I only do it when my friends are being messed with. I really should handle things better though.” And Karma just stares at him like ?? “No Sugino don’t change. Now that I hear that, I finally have some respect for you lmfao.” And Sugino is like “oh cool! ...wait that was an insult.”
But that really is a part of Sugino that Karma respects and appreciates a lot. He knows that Sugino has got his back whenever he needs him there, whether it’s assassination, street fights, etc.
Sugino is a chaotic well-meaning idiot, but Karma never wants to use him as a minion like Terasaka. He’d prefer Sugino by his side, like a right hand man, with his support close by.
Karma lives to scare Sugino with his edgy stories, but of course, that goes away the longer they know each other and become friends. Sugino just either accepts it or eggs it on. Karma: “what if I drop this spider onto your head and it infects your mind?” Sugino: “do it bitch.”
Both of them get the same present format for each other on their birthdays. One joke/prank gift and one useful/practical gift.
I HC that Sugino becomes friendly with Gakushuu too at some point, so whenever the rivals are being petty and ready to kill each other, Sugino is just like :D
It’s a pain doing laundry at his apartment since his family has so many clothes and sweaty sports gear to wash, parents are usually busy, their machine doesn’t work sometimes, and he hates leaving things to air-dry... So Karma lets him wash his stuff at his house UwU
Karma always makes sure to watch his baseball games in the future. Not in person all the time, and not the whole game, but at least a couple minutes of the screen. Just to make sure Sugino is doing alright. If he’s having a bad day and isn’t in the lead, Karma texts him like “wtf u better win bitch >3” and Sugino replies “ur right but fuck u”
Karma has a field day whenever girls are flirting with Sugino and he’s so oblivious. Over the years, he has: pretended that he was Sugino’s boyfriend instead and “back off hoes,” basically arranged dates for him just out of fun, and catfished Sugino (as adults)
Sugino’s home isn’t perfect at all, his family is far from perfect. But it’s still way better than the emptiness that Karma is surrounded by. So he invites Karma over a few times for dinner and such, and Karma appreciates it a lot. He also bonds with Sugino’s wild little brother and they create so much chaos.
Sugino can’t trash talk at all, and Karma tries to teach him but it doesn’t work. He’s too wholesome, and Karma just gives up after ten minutes of hearing harmless, stupid shit come out of Sugino’s mouth.
Overall, they’re the Iconic, Talented, Sitcom Duo with so much comedy potential. I love this friendship so much!
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vanityloves · 4 years
1⃣ and 💛 for medic (this is my comeback at u >:DDDD)
hi hello dont you love that im answering this more than a month later!! /s
word count: 868 :] bc again - i can not be quiet
[cw: mentions of eating/food, thats ab it]
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1⃣ - What’s the first thing that attracted you to them?
Uhhhh Doctor aesthetic. My brain really said "You never had one of these chaotic bastards before, why don't you try it out for funnies" and then I did. Now look at the sad little man I've become /s
I'm gonna assume I thought he was physically attractive too bc Older Man, greying hair, broad shoulders. Yeah.
I honestly loved that he's just a bastard and not afraid to show it - he knows what he's about - ethics be damned I guess! My gut instinct was to say he was emotionally constipated which is actually why I started shipping with him! I thought it'd be funny if this painfully obvious, stupid sweetheart chara pines after a wacky but brilliant doctor thats denser than fruitcake who cant read the mood. I've definitely changed that up some bit but characterizing Medic as a mess emotionally wise, is still very prominent. Now it's emotionally constipated²! everyone hates that!
💛 - How do you help each other with everyday things?
I'm very soft of the idea of them waking up and getting ready together. Both go to bed late and it's usually Medic that wakes up first, which in turn makes Chef (more often times than not) get their ass up with him. Medic wakes up fairly easy; taking a moment to stretch and shake off the sleepies. Chef on the other hand has to drag themselves to a sitting up position and vibe there for a few minutes but there's a 30% chance they'll flop back down and fall back asleep if Medic doesn't come over and wake them up himself. He usually leans down to rub their arms or pat their leg, softly telling them to get ready. If he's feeling more affectionate, he'll plop himself down next to them, wrap them up in his arms, and playfully shake them awake. 
Throughout the day, Chef will pop their head into the medbay to check on him, while Medic - if he just so happens to walk past - will peek his head into the kitchen to see if Chef is still around. They don't always chat when this happens but it's a nice little reminder that the other is thinking of / looking out for them. 
Chef "nags" Medic about eating and vice versa.  Medic is typically fine when it comes to eating meals but he'll accidentally skip them when he loses track of time,  resulting in Chef badgering him to set a timer or something so he can take a break. Of course, he waves it off and laughs like 'sure jan'. Chef is just a fool and doesn't eat with the others often (especially when they first join). They tend to skip meals on purpose but also because of their forgetfulness. There's been a handful of times they've almost/fainted or whited out. Both parties make it a point to eat together if not for themselves, then for the other. 
Medic learns quickly that Chef doesn't like coffee and opts to make them tea and hot chocolate ( if supplies last ). It's not the crummy packaged one either - it's the Rich, Dense Hot Chocolate that Chef neither has the sweet tooth or the stomach for - regardless, they drink it bc it's soothing and legitimately makes Medic happy to see them enjoying something he made. 
Technically, Chef has to be awake early enough to make breakfast but that doesn't mean they're the first awake - because of this, Medic (and whoever's up first), usually gets the kitchen to himself before it gets too warm/crowded. As a bonus, he's able to get breakfast the way he wants it since there isn't 9 People Hovering over Chef. Also because we believe in Medic Supremacy in this base: 'You don't like your eggs scrambled? Sorry, you should've woken up earlier. ' *Medic sipping his coffee n minding his business*
Speaking of coffee - Chef is prone to making Medic a fresh cup throughout the day. He's not like Sniper Levels of Coffee Drinking but he definitely drinks more than the average person. He stays up late into the night when he's working on a particularly tough project and wakes up early. Chef makes it a point to scold him (even before they're together) to get more rest, all while replacing the old mug with a fresh one.
To add to that, they take comfort in being able to spend time together in silence while sharing a warm drink, especially after a long day. Medic doesn't appear to be a very stressed individual and tends to shrug off worries if possible - maybe even laugh it off or flat out ignore it. Chef comes off as stressed and (truthfully) a bit anxious. They're just in a base full of Tall Men that physically look down at them, they literally can't help it. They're pretty relaxed for the most part but huffs and sighs a lot when they're deep in thought.  Medic is sometimes (read, majority of the time) bad with emotions but will ask them 'what's wrong'. This usually results in limited talking, more silence, but then comes the physical comfort of having someone near. A comforting hand on their knee or just humming in response, confirming that he'll be there when they need him to be. That's more than enough for them. 
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Ninjago/Avatar (NinjAvatar?) au P3
What I have worked out of Koko’s backstory, and maybe an angsty awkward family reunion
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5)
So how did a nonbender from the Earth Kingdom wind up in the Southern Water Tribe you ask? Hold your ostrich horses, I’m getting there! Koko was born on Kyoshi Island (I’m not gonna try and come up with a Ninjago equivalent of Kyoshi bc she is a Queen and I love her. Probably would have realized I liked girls a lot sooner if my parents had let me watch A:TLA when it was airing tbh.) Her dad was a scholar from the Academy in Ba Sing Se (can’t remember if it had a fancy name or not) who was writing a paper on Avatar Kyoshi, and her mom was the leader of the Kyoshi’s Warriors at the time. They fell in love, got married, had Koko, and were happy for a few years!
And then they got sick and died (debated whether I wanted to give Koko two moms for a long time, but I don’t have the energy to come up with two oc’s, and I wasn’t about to bury any gays)
Koko trained with the Kyoshi Warriors for a few years (idk how old they are when they start, but lets just say young enough for Koko to become a very skilled warrior at a very young age) but she was always drawn to her fathers old text...scrolls?(pretty sure that they only have scrolls and not books in the A”TLA world. If I say books at all in this, I mean scrolls btw) fascinated by the history of the world. She wanted to be able to go to the same Academy her father did, but there was one problem: money.
So Koko set out into the world, looking for work so she could raise money and putting her training to the test. She mostly took security and guarding type work, and took every opportunity to read new scrolls and learn more about history. And then she took a job helping to take relief supplies to the Southern Water Tribe after a Fire Nation raid (that probably never happened in the show, but I Do What I Want).
Seeing what they were going through, seeing how defeated and broken the people in the Southern Water Tribe were, really shook Koko. Kyoshi’s Island had never been involved in the war, and she had always taken jobs that avoid going near any active war zones, so this was the first time she had actually seen just how bad it was. That was when she met Maya, who had just lost her mother in the latest raid. Her father had passed when she was a baby.
Koko decided that these people needed help more than she needed to go to the Academy, so she decided to put her plans on hold and asked the chief how she could help them, free of charge. She stayed in the village for a little while, helping them rebuild. Maya let Koko stay with her, and the two became close friends. When Koko learned that Maya was a waterbender, she made it a personal mission to help Maya become a great waterbender. There were no experienced waterbenders left in the tribe, and practicing was risky (they never knew if a raid was going to happen or if the Fire Nation was watching them).
Koko taught Maya how to fight like a Kyoshi Warrior, and she had read a few things about waterbending out of curiosity, so Maya has her own weird self-taught waterbending style. That may or may not become a plot point later.
Everything with Ray and Garm happens, and Koko lets go of her dreams of the Academy and settles down with her family. She frequently left the South Pole for short trips, mostly for to get different supplies to make things easier on the tribe, occasionally she finds toys or games she can bring back for the kids in the tribe to enjoy, and she’s always on the lookout for new scrolls (yes, she has found some waterbending scrolls. Like, two or three. Yes, she stole all of them. She was just returning them to where they belong after all)
I am debating on whether or not to have Lloyd find his animal companion bc one of the cool things that Koko brought back was a dragon egg. She didn’t know it was a real dragon egg when she found it. It hatched when Lloyd touched it, and the baby dragon immediately bonded with Lloyd (yes, it’s Ultra). I might might come up with a different way Lloyd and Ultra meet, but I like having it be fairly early on in Lloyd’s life bc its cute and having a flying companion animal early on makes it so much easier to keep things consistent with the plot beats I wanna hit from both shows. Maya waterbends a series of hidden tunnels in the snow for Ultra to hide in whenever the Fire Nation shows up. (the whole tribe knows about Ultra and love him, as long as he keeps his fire breathing under control) 
When she and Garm figured out that Lloyd is the Avatar, (after they stopped panicking of course) they decided not to try and keep it from Lloyd until he was older (preferably not until he was like, 15 or 16). They told Ray and Maya and the chief so that way they had some people to lean on and help cover for Lloyd and keep his secret, and keep him from bending anything but water (didn’t stop him from messing with airbending in secret. He was never told about the Avatar, so he doesn’t make the connection. He just thinks its cool as heck, and then he and Kai and Nya each had their own element to use!). After a lot of discussion and worrying, Koko set out to try and learn everything she could about the Avatar.
And now back to the confrontation at the South Pole! Lloyd and Nya get back from setting off the flare (Nya wanted to see if she could find something in the ship to re-purpose and use in the village, and Lloyd was bored so he tagged along) and run right into an angry Maya and Garm. The kids are saved from a scolding however by a rapidly approaching Fire Nation ship. There isn’t enough time to get into one of the tunnels with Ultra, so Garm drags Lloyd and Nya (who’s covered in oil from the old ship) over to the wall away from where the ship is coming in and Maya waterbends them a little hidden room to hide in. (There is a peephole thing for them to see whats happening.)
The Fire Nation ship makes its dramatic entrance, destroying the wall and all that. Kai tries to charge Morro with a spear, but Maya catches him and holds him back before taking the lead in talking to Morro. Don’t ask me why Sorrla, the chief, doesn’t do it. Wu is there, but he’s just hanging out in the background a bit. Garm doesn’t notice his brother, partly bc he’s too far away, partly bc he’s focused on Maya, Kai, and Morro. Morro ends up saying that he’s in search of the Avatar, but decided to check out the Southern Water Tribe when he saw the flare.
Maya is internally panicking bc ‘this can’t be a coincidence, he must know something somehow’ but plays it cool. Kai wonders outloud what the Avatar is, which made Morro a bit suspicious bc how could someone not have heard the stories of the Avatar, and decides to threaten to burn the village down to see if Maya was bluffing about not knowing anything. Maya starts internally panicking more, bc burning down the village will not only, y’know, burn down the village, but it could very well reveal not only the Avatar, but his father, the ‘dead’ Fire Nation Prince as well. So Maya makes a tough choice.
When the firebenders in the crew get ready to burn the village down, (and Wu tries to covertly get Morro to, y’know, not burn the village down) Maya uses her waterbending to douse the guards flames, before turning herself over in trade for leaving the rest of her tribe alone. Garm has to hold Nya back, and another water tribe boy named Lar grabs Kai to hold him back as Maya is brought onto the ship in chains. As soon as the ship is far enough away, and they’re no longer being held back, Kai and Nya are pissed. They both yell at Garm for letting their mother get taken by the Fire Nation bc no-one comes back from the Fire Nation, until Garm tells them ‘we’re going to rescue her, and then we’re going to have an important conversation. Lloyd get your dragon.’
So a rescue scene happens. Maya gets free on the ship thanks to her training from Koko (and Garm and Ray taught the both of them about Fire Nation combat training), and then Kai, Nya, Lloyd, and Garm show up on Ultra. Lloyd and Nya both use their limited knowledge of waterbending to fight. Garm keeps his face covered and his hood up to hide his identity, and doesn’t use his firebending at all when they’re fighting on the ship. Kai doesn’t use his firebending either, but he does end up punching Morro if the face. Garm gets distracted and almost takes a nasty hit when he finally recognizes Wu, who’s mostly hanging back from the fight, and only stepping in to deflect something coming his way, or to subtly help Morro.
They get on Ultra and start to fly away, but Lloyd airbends to shatter a glacier to help cover them and deflect some projectiles coming at them, revealing that yes, he is the Avatar, and uncovering Garms face on accident. So now Wu knows that his brother is alive and is with the Avatar, who is a thirteen-year-old child.
As they fly off on Ultra, Garm and Maya tell the kids everything. They already knew that Ray was from the Fire Nation (when Kai started firebending they told the kids just enough to satisfy their curiosity and confusion), but now they tell them about how Ray and Garm wound up in the South Pole, why Koko’s been gone so long, and why they waited so long to tell them any of this. The kids are stunned, mb a little mad at first but they understand why these secrets had to be kept for so long, and Lloyd is scared. He just got blind-sided by a huge destiny and burden, and it’s terrifying.
After the talk, they set a course towards the North Pole. Even though Maya can teach Lloyd her own style of waterbending, she thinks it might be a good idea to have the Avatar learn some traditional waterbending, and the Northern Water Tribe is much more fortified and would be the safest place for him to learn, regardless of who teaches him. And so the journey begins...
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deerheadlights · 5 years
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Chapter 2 of bearing the brunt of Alexander the Great’s conquest
333 BC
 It was the stench of a battle just ended: offal and dust that had not yet settled. Looking down from the vantage point of the small foothill in the Amanus range, Tydeus shook his head. He had been sure the battle of Granicus River was a fluke, that Memnon of Rhodes had handled it badly. But now Alexander the Macedonian had cut down the King of Persia! At least that was what it appeared had happened, a figure had slumped against the gold plated chariot, and suddenly the Persian cavalry had fallen into a rout.
“If only we had gotten here yesterday,” sighed his companion.  Tydeus grunted. He didn’t like Nothon’s accusatory tone. “I have a feeling he would have refused us anyway.” “Well the boss’ll be mad we didn’t at least give it a shot, so we better give him that story.” Together they had been traveling to join the embassy of Iphicrates the Athenian ask the Great King for resources to raise another army in Greece. “Is that thug in Tyrian purple really your boss? I was hoping to say that at least I served some Athenian politician.”
“He’s the one taking care of your interests with your girl, so I would say he’s your boss.” What is that supposed to mean? Tydeus rounded on the man, his shortness exaggerated by Tydeus’s own height. “Well we’re going to need some Persians to like us, or at least give us some gold. Let’s pick up one to ransom before the Macedonians start rounding up all of their prisoners.” He started to lope down the hill with surprising ease. Nothon had said he was a political exile of Athens living in Rhodes, but his manner made him seem more like a street cut-throat. Still, Tydeus reflected, he had helped him out of some tough spots in the past year. At first, He and Alkyone had managed to get their footing in Sardis. Alas, he should have known that the ancient proud city would not being able to resist Alexander promising independence from the Persian empire. After the battle of the Granicus river they had had to leave once more. However, by then the Athenians had gotten their bluster back, and sent an embassy to the Great King, complete with representatives from Thebes and Sparta. Seeing the desperation of the situation, Tydeus and Nothon had been sent with authority to give in to steeper demands of the Great King, if it came to that.
 Getting a hostage would be smart, as long as he wasn’t so injured he would die on them.
In the pandemonium of the rout, the horses of the Persian nobles had fanned out. Most of the troops that had fought were heading towards the enemy camp for loot; Tydeus and Nothon skirted the edges of the battlefield, to the high scrublands towards the headwaters of the Pinarus river. There, injured horses bugled and bit one another, gorging themselves with water. “We should take one, before they kill themselves drinking too much.”
“If you want to reach in there and drag a horse from water, be my guest.” It was by a more shaded glen of birches growing by the river did they start finding bodies. From the tracks Tydeus could see that on the way back to Issus to pick up their camp and start moving, some of the more injured men had fallen from their horses and been trampled by their fellows. He turned one with his toe. No, this one’s stone dead too. Ahead, Nothon, bent over one slumped against a birch “We’ve got a live one! He’s wearing some purple and scarlet too!”
His eyes were glazed over, and there was a dark patch of red across his chest to his left shoulder, but he was definitely alive. From his earlier years in Ionia, Tydeus knew his fur-lined cap held in place with a red ribbon was a mark of nobility, though to him the man’s yellow and indigo zigzagged trousers and fitted purple tunic with scarlet seams looked more gaudy and barbaric than a mark of high breeding. He looked like a young man, his beard was light and face unlined, though covered in dust. Tydeus pointed to the wound “Is it bad?” he said in slow Persian. He just looked back at him. Nothon peeled away his collar, “It’s ugly, but it seems to have knit up from him slumping like that. Too bad we don’t have a dog to lick it”
“So you’re a doctor now too?”
“Didn’t I tell you I was trained in the Asclepia?”
“It would be best if we could put him on a horse…” The horses drinking at the river were still stamping dangerously, but Tydeus heard a snort away from the copse. A few steps through some thorns and he saw the source. It was leggier than the Nisean chargers by the river, with bigger eyes and smaller facial bones. The horse’s reins were hopelessly tangled in the thorny brush, and it’s chest plate have been almost hacked off and was now thumping against its knees with each movement. It snorted again, giving a wild tug against the branches to no avail. “Shhhh, shhhh pretty lady,” Tydeus could see it was a mare “Got yourself all tangled up huh?” He seized the reins by the showy bridle with golden florette cheek pieces and cut off the knotted parts. Rubbing her neck, be bent down to remove the chest plate “There, there, nice Xanthe.” It wasn’t a creative name, the horse was yellow dun with dark points and mane. He looped the leftover leather into the bridle to make a crude lead rope. “Hope you’re strong enough to make it back to [Issus? Town name] with some dead weight.”
 Alkyone looked at the dust cloud through the courtyard window. One would think that only the gods would have the power to make something so large it could be visible from miles away, but it was only a human army. She was worried about Tydeus, he had supposed to meet with the King before the battle happened, but he still hadn’t returned. That Alexander was always at their heels! First they had gone to Sardis, where Tydeus and her father had contacts, people who handled the trade across the Mediterranean. For a few months they had lived comfortably, the Macedonian army was busy consolidating its hold on its northeastern border. Then when the news came that they were crossing into Asia, Alkyone was assured by the military parade when the troops had gone out with Memnon of Rhodes. It reminded her of the time before Charonea so much her heart squeezed, but they had more horse troops and lighter soldiers, unlike the heavy hoplites that had been crushed by the Macedonian cavalry charge, or so she had heard Tydeus and their host discussing one night.
But it was just a repeat of the past 3 years of her life. The news the battle was lost, the discussion of surrender to Alexander, and she and Tydeus were in exile from the exile once more.
At least on their journey south, they had met Nothon. He and his benefactor Lethos were just the sort of people her father would have loved, who wanted Hellenes to live democratically in their cities, not joined in tyrannical leagues or crushed under tyrants like Alexander. Lethos was an Athenian born, but he lived in Rhodes to manage his shipping routes better. When he’d heard their plight, he had set them up in Cyprus and given Tydeus his mission to help Iphicrates win over the Great King.
Cyprus was...alright. It was ancient and legendary, the birthplace of Aphrodite, so she told herself she should have felt a home. But it was strange compared to Athens and Sardis. Hellene was just one stripe of the fabric in Cyprus, it was underlaid with an Anatolian warp and bits of Babylonian and Phoenician woven in. Every Eastern style shawl, every curl-toed sandal, every round-ended accented word was a reminder she wasn’t home. Maybe she should check the docks today, Tydeus could have gotten back just at the nick of time. She would have to ask the steward.
Lethos owned the house, basically a glorified adjunct to a storage warehouse. It wasn’t much of a house, and all the “servants” were shipping slaves or the stewards personal staff, so once again Alkyone had no one to curl her hair well. At least the steward, an older Phoenician, was biddable, though he acted so nervous. At first it was nice to have all her requests obeyed with haste, but lately it was frustrating. She just wanted to talk, but everyone tiptoed around her. When she caught the steward in the stairwell, he nearly leapt into the wall. “Sir, I know I’m being tiresome, but do you think you could lend me an escort to check the docks this morning? I feel like there will at least be new--”
“Of course, of course, let me just send for Doru and Thrax” Ugh, not them. The two intimidating men had made her feel safe in the more unsavory sections of the dock, but lately she had noticed that their eyes weren’t looking for threats around her, but at her. At first she was going to complain to the steward about a lecherous gaze, but the looks on their faces… it was like she was muzzled dog that had to be kept on a leash and in sight at all times. Well no wonder, could you imagine how upset their master would be if I got lost? Stop being so paranoid.
 Alkyone put on a striped shawl with copper weights so she would tinkle like a local. If anything in the past year she had learned how to attract less attention. So much for being a beacon. The port in [town] faced the gulf of Issus, and had grown even richer supplying the Great King’s army at such close quarters. The market stalls had their goods arranged on the ground, wood was at a premium compared to the mainland. She strolled with her escort two steps behind, eyeing some cochineal dyed veils. It was so awkward now, living at the whims of a benefactor instead of having her own family’s money! But she wasn’t here to buy, anyway.
 The dock was awash with fishing boats and modest bireme transport ships, but a crowd was forming around one in particular. There was shouting “I saw it with my own eyes! The cavalry running away, the center crumpling! Alexander beat the Great King before his navy could come here to reinforce him!” What! Even the Great King? Alkyone had heard Tydeus and Nothon discussing their courses of action before they left, they were sure at best Alexander the Macedonian would manage a bloody tie that would set back his numbers enough for fighting back in Greece to become an option again. “How could this happen, I thought the Great King had all the best troops in the rest of the world?”
 “If we still had King Ochos or his son, this would have never happened” she heard a man sniff. She turned and saw an old Mede leaning against a terracotta wall. “Why not?” She wasn’t in the habit of calling out to strangers but these times called for less decorum. “They were true sons of the line of Darius the Great!” he said in the Phoenician patois that was the common tongue on the island, “When they died without issue, not everyone was willing to accept a distant cousin as heir. It’s hard to lead an army when all of the satrapies are half following and half considering how easy it would be to become their own kingdoms. Persians can never get transfers of power right, when the Medes ruled Babylon --”
“Uh, thanks for your wisdom,” Alkyone hurried along. Did they make it to the Great King in time? Does it even matter? What if they were captured? Her thoughts started to take a selfish slant. This man Lethos obviously wanted a capable man like Tydeus for help with his aims to liberate Greece, but what about her? If Tydeus never came back would she still be allowed to live in the storehouse? If it came to that she would have to convince him that she had good symbolic value as the daughter of the man who helped orchestrate Thebes rebellion. Her father had always seen that. She had been betrothed to another family, the son of a Boeotarch who was part of the Sacred Band. When he died at Charonea her father had declared that she was in mourning for Thebes’ lost freedom and would only marry again at the foot of the Kithairon after the Daedala. Before that happens, I’ll be an old spinster. I’m already 19!
A sail caught the corner of her eye. It was striped yellow and grey, it had many brothers strung up in the warehouse. One of Lethos’s transport ships, could it be them? It seemed maddeningly close, but it took all afternoon for the boat to finally sail into the harbor. By then Alkyone had worked herself into a panic that Tydeus was dead, convinced herself otherwise, fallen into despair that it was probably just carrying Egyptian grain and no news, and finally worked her hopes back up that Tydeus and Nothon were coming back. Thrax and Doru had just played knucklebones.
An old Tyrian jumped first off the ship to tie the moorings, then she saw Tydeus step off. Oh thank Hera, Aphrodite, Zeus, Poseidon, everyone! But what came out of her mouth was “Is it true that Alexander won and now the Great King is in flight?” He sighed, “Yes, it’s true. Soon the Macedonian navy will be here.” Her whole body seemed to sink a bit. “Get on the ship.” “What? You mean now?” Suddenly Thrax and Doru seemed to snap to attention. “She’s not going anywhere!” “We’re going to Rhodes you fools. Go tell your steward we will finally be paying his master a visit.” That cowed them straight away. “But can’t we eat something first?” It was lame, but Alkyone just couldn’t take another weary flight to a new place. “We’ve got kerkyon on the boat, come on.” Great, porridge… I should have bought some fish cakes while I had the chance.
 So she stepped onto the boat, with its disconcerting lilt. She had never even been on a boat until that day over a year ago, and she was hoping it was something she never had to get used to. The low-bodied merchant ship relied on its mast than the one bank of oars, which meant it had more room for cargo but that getting to Rhodes would take at least 2 days. A slick bireme pulled past them easily. At least I don’t have to share room with sweaty rowers.
 Besides Nothon, Tydeus and herself, there was only an old brown Tyrian sailor holding the tiller and -- “Is that a Persian?!” she squealed, pointing at a trousered man curled up by an oar bench. “You bet, Despoina,” Nothon chuckled, “right now he’s too feverish to be of much use.” Sure enough, in the sunny afternoon his teeth were chattering. “Make yourself of some use and get Alkyone some kerkyon.” That wiped the smile off of Nothon’s face. He threw a glare over his shoulder at Tydeus and went into the hold. “It’s good we have an alkyone with us, to protect us from fall storms.” the creaky voice of the old sailor intoned with a wink. At least it looked like a wink, years of squinting at the glare off the sea made his eyes seemed closed all of the time. The original Alkyone had had the god of winds for her father, but the old sailor seemed to forget that she had helped cause a great storm with her hubris before her redemption as a kingfisher bird. I’ll give you a goat in Rhodes, Aeolus and Poseidon, as long as we don’t have a storm!
Alkyone could see in the distance some larger ships converging onto Cyprus. She turned and saw Tydeus spying the same thing. “Nothon, get over here and row with me. I’d like to outrun the news to Rhodes, if possible.” Nothon had just emerged from the steerage, porridge in hand. She worried about Tydeus ordering him around so insensitively, since Nothon said he was also from a noble family back in Athens, but he didn’t act like it. His words said respectful things, but his tone always seemed to mock them. In any case, being sensitive wasn’t in Tydeus’s nature. Soon Alkyone was sitting with her back to the portage, eating kerkyon, listening to the old sailor beat out a rhythm for their rowing. She noticed the Persian had stopped shivering, thrown off his cloak and moved to the shade. His hair must have been naturally curled, because even in the damp it hadn’t lost its curl. His skin was darker than Alkyone’s, but not so tan it would have been out of place on a citizen of Thebes. He had the so-called Persian straight nose that pottery painters always drew on their works for barbarians. She waved her hand in front of his dark, unfocused eyes. In the basic Persian she had learned from staying in Sardis, she tried “What is your name?” He squinted at her like she was too bright, or maybe she had said “What is your cart?” by accident. After a beat, he answered. “Marduniya.” Was that like Mardonius?  Alkyone remembered from history [lessons?] that during the Persian Wars, General Mardonius had served King Xerxes until he was killed at Platea, only half a stage from Thebes. Though he had been reviled like all enemies, he had surprised the Hellenes when he had helped depose tyrants and set up democracies in Ionia. “I’m Alkyone.” He made an affirmative noise and continued to press the backs of his hands against his face, trying to cool down. The sun was starting to set, so it would cool anyway. Hopefully she would be able to sleep on the churning sea, the meager amount of grain porridge she had eaten was already threateningly heating the back of her throat. “Are we going to sleep at sea or beach?” “Do we have a choice of beaching in this country? Though I’d rather not sleep with the horse…” “We have a horse?!”
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aro-aizawa · 5 years
anyways, since the idea won’t leave me alone here’s my pitch for a prince of the galra keith au where lotor doesn’t exist and canon is just a suggestion i guess. (under a cut part ways in bc uhhh it’s like 3.7k words. rip.)
for starters: krolia is human and zarkon’s his dad. a nightmare idea, i know bc uhhhh the same thing that occurs w thinking about how lotor exists is uhh “zarkon fucks?” yeah. yeah he does. which uhhhhh yeah. but bare w me here, bc he’s still an utter dick in this au and krolia is still a badass. 
in this au, krolia was married to mr shirogane and had shiro before leaving earth on a garrison solo mission to pluto. she collided with a stolen galra ship manned by a prisoner who was trying to flee the empire, though the galra ship wasn’t damaged her ship was completely destroyed but she managed to survive for the prisoner to bring her aboard. together they tried to escape the empire, but they got caught. the prisoner was executed and krolia was taken to the arena. 
(earth believes she crashed her ship in the rings of saturn, and honor her death. no solo manned missions to space anymore, and certainly not to places humans haven’t been before. it also delays plans to send more people up there, so the next manned mission isn’t until shiro’s mission to kerberos. mr shirogane dies a five years before that mission.)
there she fought viciously and won literally every single one of her fights with only a dagger she’d earned early on in her battles. even when they provided bigger weapons, she always came on top with just a knife which earned her high praise and approval. enough to gain zarkon’s attention. 
idk why but he forces her to marry him, and when shiro’s 9 years old and krolia’s been in space for 5 years, keith’s born. he doesn’t actually go by keith at this point though because i doubt zarkon would let krolia name him that. not quite sure on what he’d go by though i quite like kyix of discordiansamba’s burgundy. krolia wanted to name him keith, and so calls him that when they’re alone as a secret nickname. 
keith doesn’t look fully human. a la lotor style i guess, he looks human but has purple skin and yellow sclera. pointy zarkon-ish ears and fangs. he’s still tiny as fuck though and doesn’t grow, to which he’s furious about bc galra are big and he’s a shorty but no one mentions it to his face otherwise he’d stab them right where they stand. 
krolia tries her best to raise him w good morals and lessen zarkon’s influence on him but she doesn’t fully manage it. he’s willing to please zarkon even if he’s not cruel about it, and he does wish for the best for the empire but knowing that his father’s reigned for over ten thousand years, he knows he’s probably never going to sit on the throne himself. doesn’t prevent him from getting all the training a prince would need (including a lot of combat training). 
he’s never told much about earth because krolia finds it hard to talk about. she does tell him about humans as a species and teaches him the three earth languages she knows, korean (her native language), japanese (mr shirogane’s native language) and english. she especially doesn’t tell him about shiro, but she does say that she left a husband and her family behind on earth, that she misses them a lot. 
back on earth, shiro goes to kerberos when he’s 26 (two years older than canon) and they still get caught. most canonical events in the year time zone go almost exactly the same. shiro gets sent to the arena, matt and sam still get sent off to the camps before matt’s broken out by the resistance, katie goes undercover as pidge, and lance and hunk are just regular dudes, but lance is in fighter class straight off the bat. 
(to earth, shiro crashes the ship and dies just like his mother did. which is......all kinds of sad to think about.)
except when shiro lands on earth, the garrison trio decide to break shiro out on their own. they then steal a jeep and head out into the desert, finding a nice guy who owns a shack (canon keith’s father but not in this au, who im gonna call mr fireman bc he doesn’t have a canon name). he’s been doing some investigating some funky stuff (the lion), and lets the kids crash at his place bc kids shouldn’t be wandering the desert w/o any supplies at night it’s dangerous. 
anyways, the shack conversation all goes almost exactly the same w mr fireman taking keith’s place. he goes with the kids, but he doesn’t get in the blue lion, she doesn’t let him in. mr fireman parts ways with the kids friendly-like, and the four of them head off to arus. 
things.....largely? stay the same? when it comes to stealing the red lion off the ship, they actually have to get the lions to drag it out of the cargo bay because they don’t have a pilot for it but as long as the lion is out of the empire’s hands, that’s all that matters although allura does try to pilot it when sendak’s ship is destroyed. due to having no pilot, they can’t retrieve black for shiro. so they only have three active lions, but three lions are still pretty powerful. 
from there i haven’t exactly worked out all the kinks but somehow they get in contact with rebels from their steady liberation of galra-controlled planets. they do small targets, taking out the weakest on the fringe of the empire and build up footholds while building the coalition. shiro fights with them on the ground, and using the castle with coran and allura when it’s not possible. sometimes he rides along with the other paladins. 
sometime before they go the galactic hub, and skipping over crystal venom entirely, they join forces with the rebels and the coalition to pull off a mission to kill zarkon. they’d received intelligence to suggest that he’s visiting a less secure ship, to oversee a project for a few days. instead of taking the lions and just blasting the ship to pieces, they decide to infiltrate and take him out stealth like to guarantee his death. 
only the information is faulty because it’s keith there instead of zarkon. 
when they learn that keith is zarkon’s son.......they kidnap him. 
their goal was to hold him hostage and/or interrogate him for weak spots in the empire, but somehow they end up thinking “hm maybe he can be redeemed bc his dad is literally an asshole and ehhh he can’t help who his parents are?” so they give him a chance....tentatively. 
keith, seeing this huge opportunity to sabotage his father’s greatest opponents and eventually steal the lions back for his father, takes this absolutely for granted and fakes his redemption. he basically pulls a lotor, and ends up helping them in certain areas but sabotaging them in others. he’s unable to report back to his father for spying purposes, but he does leave clues and/or hints to weaknesses somehow. all the while, the real reason for these things going wrong isn’t thought of. 
all the while, the paladins are trying to bond with keith. trying to get him to redeem himself, and they end up really liking him even though he’s still rather a loner, doesn’t pretend to be nice and trains like every day. he particularly gets along with shiro, the two of them forming a close bond that keith had not planned or counted on. 
allura is the only one who’s still suspicious of keith. she’s not....hostile. not really, she pretty much acts like she does in canon when keith’s heritage gets out. though they do have a few moments where they could maybe see eye to eye. she’s still apprehensive and unwilling to think that zarkon’s son could be anything but evil. 
this pays off when she investigates a major hit to the castle that renders it unfit for battle for a time and finds that keith was responsible for it. 
at this point, keith has been seriously reconsidering his allegiances. thinking that maybe the right thing to do really was to redeem himself and help out voltron and coalition. he’s not completely blind to the shitty things zarkon did, he’s well aware but he figures that maybe getting his father’s approval isn’t worth all the suffering of others nor something to desire. 
allura attacks keith and calls him out in front of everyone. providing evidence of literally all the times that keith’s fucked them all over. the team feel betrayed, keith is super guilty, and allura’s just pissed. keith doesn’t get a chance to explain before he’s thrown into a prison cell on the castle to wait until voltron can contact the coalition and decide what to do with him because it’s clear that zarkon hasn’t exactly been hurrying to find him. 
but then zarkon attacks the castle of lions with a massive fleet headed by haggar, a force that’s way too much for just three lions to take on while the castle’s defenses are still down. the whole team is in trouble and it pretty much starts to seem like zarkon’s gonna win and the paladins are gonna get killed. 
until the red lion reaches out for keith. 
so he breaks out of prison (that he could have done within minutes of being confined there), and heads to the hangar. he jumps in and uses the element of surprise to disable the fleet enough to make them need to retreat. 
the paladins are freaking out because uhhhh who the hell is the pilot of the lion? they do a little sound off like “allura that’s not you? coran? shiro?” but then keith uses the lion to communicate and basically says “sorry i broke out jail”. 
when they get back to the castle keith awkwardly does a heartfelt explanation of his plans and how the paladins actually did sort of make him want to redeem himself and realise just how much zarkon needs to get murked and stuff. he apologises for fucking them over and he even offers to go with whatever punishment they decide to dish out with no retaliation. 
the team go off and talk for a while. debating if they could really trust him anymore. allura is adamantly against it, pissed off that he’d already betrayed her trust after all zarkon did and the fact he piloted her father’s lion. lance joins her, upset he trusted him at all. pidge and hunk are apprehensive, pointing out that the lion must have seen the good in him to choose him. shiro believes in what keith’s saying and has faith in the kid to actually redeem himself. 
they tell him he can stay but the only reason he’s not dead and/or serving time in prison is bc he’s the red paladin. they make a lot of rules about what he’s allowed to do and not to do though, which keith doesn’t enjoy but he doesn’t complain about them. one of them is that he’s only allowed to fight the empire in the red lion and no on the ground stuff. 
now that the team have the red lion’s paladin they awaken the black lion and they form voltron for the first time. it’s badass, and the liberating of planets goes even faster than before. 
the paladins start to bond again even slower than before bc they need to rebuild that trust. it goes....pretty rockily considering the fact that keith is still pretty prickly in personality, and the others aren’t entirely convinced he’s actually changed sides. but shiro is essentially the only one that actually makes any headway in rebuilding the trust/relationship. 
one night he asks about keith’s mom. bc human far out in space? as far as the team knew there should have only been them and the holts, so he’s definitely curious. keith tells him about a pilot who’d been picked up in their solar system after their ship got destroyed and took them as prisoner. he tells shiro all about his mom and what she taught him of earth. 
but shiro. he starts to wonder who on earth this pilot was. because, uh, only very few pilots have gone missing in space and one of them is important to him. so he asks her name. keith replies krolia. shiro asks “as in...krolia kogane?” and keith’s like yeah. 
shiro mentally freaks out, doing mental acrobats all over the place but his thoughts mostly boiling down to a mixture of “HOLY SHIT MY MOM’S ALIVE” and “HOLY SHIT I HAVE A HALF-BROTHER WHO’S AN ALIEN PRINCE”. he manages not to let keith know he’s freaking out, and excuses himself. 
they end up doing a covert blood test and yup keith is shiro’s half brother. this earns him points in “okay yeah he’s capable of change if we warm up to him”, so the team start to treat him more favorably, not that keith is aware of this new revelation. so it’s common knowledge to the ship minus keith. shiro tries even harder to bond w his little brother, bc uhhh yeah he’s never had a little brother and he definitely likes keith so far even though he was a little evil for a while. 
keith at some point expresses to shiro why he’s fine with not telling zarkon that keith’s on the paladins’ side. that his mother would most likely be killed for turning him against zarkon due to the fact that paladins are humans, and that she’s still at central command completely unable to get away. like a glorified prisoner because, well, she is. 
shiro suggests to the team that they pull off a rescue mission to free krolia, not only for keith’s sake but for shiro’s sake too. plus the fact that she’d been a prisoner for twenty three years. which then kicks of the finale of season 1. (yes we’re still in season 1. it should have been way longer than it actually was.)
things go largely the same, except that in allura’s place it’s krolia. when keith charges at zarkon his identity is revealed to him. they manage to rescue krolia, keith fights zarkon and thace destroys the shield holding them in place. they don’t go through a corrupted wormhole though. 
then there’s a cute heartfelt reunion between keith and krolia. during which keith emotes more than he ever has in front of the paladins, who have pretty much all accepted that yep keith’s a good guy now considering he almost fought to the death with zarkon. 
but then shiro steps up and calls krolia mom which confuses the fuck out of keith, the only one who doesn’t know. krolia shakily says “Kashi?” and they tearfully hug, krolia completely caught off guard that her other son wasn’t on earth where she left him. keith is confusion until krolia explains, and keith asks if that means shiro is his brother. they say yes and they have a big old threeway hug, to which lasts for like an hour because its big family bonding time. everyone is happy for them.
you’d think, huh is this the end of the au? this is pretty long already.....nope!! we’re just getting started!!! (this thing is a monster......hence why im never going to even attempt to write it out lmao)
we go into season 2 where krolia starts to talk to the others about the rebel galra group that she helped and kind of joined called the blade of marmora. she tells them that there was a galra named thace who kept her in the loop about keith, and the goings on of voltron. she tells them that they would be a very good ally in the fight against zarkon. 
shiro then backs this story up with his memory of how ulaz helped him escape jail, and says that they should trust them. the team tentatively agree, but decide not to immediately go to them and focus more on building the coalition. krolia pulls keith aside and gives them a knife that they had given her to protect herself as zarkon prohibited her to carry weapons. its keith’s marmora blade that she was unable to activate because of her lack of galra blood, but they gave it to her to protect herself anyways. 
canon largely stays the same for a while. zarkon still does the tracking thing, except when allura and keith go out in a pod, krolia comes with them. they have a little thing where they make clear with each other where they stand and end up having a little fun despite the tense atmosphere until the castle is attacked by zarkon.
when the team meet up with the blades, keith demands why they didn’t help krolia themselves. they’d already proved with shiro that they could free prisoners if they wanted to, and demands to know why they didn’t risk it for krolia. he wants to know why they never took a bigger part in taking down the empire and why they never stepped forwards to work with voltron themselves instead of letting the team come to them. 
kolivan says that he only gets the answers, an alliance between them and gets to keep the blade if he joins as a member of their order and take the trials. keith accepts. the rest of the blades however, don’t like the idea that the son of zarkon was joining up and taking the trials. but when keith passes and pretty much immediately tries to kill memory zarkon on sight, he proves himself to them. the blades ally with the coalition and voltron. 
again, season 2 goes quite a lot like canon. except!!! in the finale they actually do end up killing zarkon along with haggar and shiro doesn’t go missing! hurray!!! 
but. that means with no prince lotor, and a dead zarkon instead of comatose zarkon, there’s no one to lead the empire. hence a kral zera is called. 
(here is where i mention i have vague memories of s3 onwards and haven’t seen past s4. so i don’t...actually know how most canon events from here on out go in explicit detail. its all pretty vague.)
the plan from there is for keith to attend and win. if he gets crowned the new emperor, he could officially announce the end of the war, and significantly reduce the amount of fighting the resistance would have to do to bring peace to the known universe. the coalition & blades don’t fully trust keith however, thinking that once keith is on the throne he’ll just betray them. 
keith understands and explains he doesn’t actually want the throne. he suggests that they just kill everyone on the planet when the kral zera is called, with no more candidates, the empire will be severely fractured and would still be easier to defeat than having a leader. in the end, they go with the idea of having keith become emperor, but the coalition there in case people fight back against his orders. 
keith wins, some back down and obey and some don’t. the coalition and voltron take down those that fight back, and from there it’s a lot of “keith orders galra to release planets and those that don’t, get liberated by the resistance”. its a lot of politics where keith frees all the prisoners of the empire, lets them get back to their home planets and finds sam returning him to pidge and matt. 
he sets up a colony in an empty solar system for the civilian galra to live governed by the blades, while he sees to it that those that were soldiers are put on trial and punished for their various crimes. 
again, still not entirely sure what happens in late canon, but i guess from there it does the whole...sendak takes earth thing? but it’s actually a pretty easy mission considering they have the might of the entire coalition (which is almost the entire universe at that point) and the blades and voltron. but after the defeat of sendak there pretty much isn’t any opposing galra resistance to keith’s reign? so from then on it’s just the paladins, allura, coran and krolia back on earth experiencing things. 
krolia busts into the garrison like “hey guess who’s not dead! also meet my alien son who’s king of an entire race of people, and my other son who’s leader of the universe’s most powerful weapon also with a sick glowing arm”. the garrison sweats under the pure power and skill the three of them exude. especially when krolia utterly annihilates all records on their simulators/actual ships. and then keith and shiro join in on it too and they end up giving them all the awards and accolades bc no one is going to top that ever. 
the paladins go to disneyland. keith is still technically emperor but considering the blades have been overseeing all galra activity anyways, he’s not really needed. so he just bums around earth for a while, getting to know the other half of his heritage that he never really got to. 
krolia meets mr fireman and they end up getting together bc krolia deserves good things and a desert hermit who helped get shiro back into space and eventually to her with is a good thing. they still live out in the shack tho bc mr fireman is committed to it at that point, bc he ended up living there through sendak’s invasion pretty well. 
and then uh i think that’s pretty much it. keith is a normal teenager, allura and coran get puzzled by human shit, lance reconnects w his family, hunk does too and cooks a bunch of food and pidge works w the garrison in making it less shitty while also just tagging along with whatever dumb things they decide to experience. 
end of au!!!!
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crqstalite · 5 years
pt. 1, unexpected (andronikos && mierrio)
this is gonna be bad, i’m just warning you now (i also think everything’s bad, but you be the judge of that). but i really wanted to write mierrio n andronikos to kick off the heritage universe, so this happened.
lowercase intended, primarily for aesthetic n bc i’m lazy sorry.
written 7.6.19. word count: 2,839.
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mierrio usually didn’t need a lot of prompting to relax. the ghosts are finally quiet (still binded to her, but hey, they could have some power she might need in the future), and the fury is a nice ship. with some particularily frivulous updates by her hand, it’s more like a castle than a ship to be completely honest.  feels like her own private getaway, if she didn’t share it with five others.
and she adores it. running a brush through her hair, her eyes flicker to the dress she’d picked out, sparkling in the dark light of her cabin, a gorgeous purple that she’d saved specifically for him. tonight, she’d asked khem to keep ashara and xalek under a watchful eye (she didn’t care what talos did as long as he didn’t tear her ship apart), because she and andronikos were going out tonight. a small miracle, after not even having a proper marriage ceremony (becoming a dark council member and finally getting rid of thanaton was a good replacement though), and she intended to enjoy it without any interruptions.
not that ashara and xalek were much of any bothers. ashara was always willing to learn and xalek was often… quiet at his post, the best any master could really ask for. talos mumbled away to himself in the cargo bay and khem kept to himself in the crew quarters. that left her and andronikos plenty of time to get up to things that would most likely make her mother roll in her grave, wherever she was. she didn’t know what it was, maybe his uncanny charm, maybe the way he made her scream his name in the darkness of their quarters, she didn’t know or care. she figured the dress would give him enough provocation to continue on with her after they returned to the ship.
satisfied with her hair, she pinned it back into the small bob she was now known for. she was going to shave it like andronikos had once suggested, but decided to keep it short and around her neck for now. privately, she’d told him he’d have nothing to pull on in a fit of passion, and that changed his mind quick enough. mierrio liked this look, being a darth often meant not running through trials and finding artifacts for a madwoman, so longer hair was no longer an issue. she found she loved showcasing her feminity and not being threatened or predated on for it, and her hair and choice of clothing was just one of those displays.
as a slave, she previously had no choice. now, she was as free as she’d ever be, so she took anything she could get.
stepping out of her cabin, she wraps her arms around herself underneath her poncho. it’s a little chilly, nothing she can’t handle, but personally she likes her room a little warmer. it takes a moment for the temperature change to settle in, but she catches the tail end of ashara’s cloak as she quietly steps out of the hallway leading to the exit of the ship. mierrio had been aware her apprentice had been out today with andronikos (doing what she didn’t remember or have enough willpower to care), but hadn’t been aware they’d need to sneak around to return. “ashara? i wasn’t aware you’d be back so soon.”
ashara froze, andronikos behind her as she held something close to her chest underneath her outer robes. “master! ah, i’m sorry i didn’t call ahead, something…came up is all and i needed to get back!”
“what came up?” now she’s curious. what could’ve prompted ashara to be so worried to drag andronikos all the way back to the ship? it could be heat stroke, but she doesn’t look terribly sweaty or hot. they’d gone out with plenty of water this morning, but they weren’t supposed to be back for another few hours. it must’ve been important, especially if andronikos didn’t stay out by himself.
she opens her mouth to inquire, when the…thing underneath ashara’s robes wriggles. mierrio freezes mid-step just before she’s about to reach her apprentice and husband, and locks eyes with her, stifling her yelp of fear. “ashara. what was that?”
“uh…nothing master!” she says a little too quickly, making moves to step backwards into the engine area, where she usually resides during the day, andronikos attempting to block mierrio’s view of her.
narrowing her eyes, mierrio raises her voice a bit, crossing her arms over her chest. “ashara zavros, what did you bring aboard my ship?”
she and andronikos nervously make eye contact, almost having a whole conversation between just those looks. and mierrio revel hates being left out of anything. however, her apprentice doesn’t need any more prompting before undoing the top of her robes and tenderly pulling out a tanned, yellow blanket. it’s clearly covering a bundle of some sort as mierrio tiptoes forward, brushing a loose hair away from her face as ashara hands it to andronikos softly, muttering “you explain it to her.”
“explain what?” she asks, almost getting a glance of what was in the bundle as andronikos holds it closer to his chest just out of view. “andronikos…”
“i’ll explain in a minute, sith. just promise you won’t have my head.” he says defensively. she gives him a look that makes him blush a bit in the dark lighting before she sighs, and nods.
“i won’t have your head, not for now at least.”
ashara visibly gulps as andronikos pulls a sliver of the blanket off the bundle. beneath it, is a sleeping green twi'lek infant. it’s tiny fists are balled up, close to their face, clearly dreaming as they breath softly, barely audible among the other sounds of the ship. they’re face is darker than their hands, so she figures he must’ve been out in the sun unprotected for a while (not unusual on tatooine at all) before they’d brought him back.
“andronikos revel, you brought a baby onto the ship.”
“well, it’s kind of a long story.” he shifts the bundle to cradle them better as mierrio cocks a suspcious eyebrow, her eyes continually being dragged back to the baby as they shift ever so slightly against andronikos’ arms. “we were out in the dune sea, right? out there looting some of the pirates, business as usual. then, ashara wandered off, so i had to go find her,” ashara jabs him in his side (a move mierrio had once taught her during basic training without a saber), light enough not to make him drop their visitor, but hard enough to make him yelp ‘ow’. “not hard, obviously, but when i found her, she said she heard crying somewhere. so i followed her for a bit, and in a little camp nestled away near a cliff, we found a tent. that tent had this one in it.”
“there was nobody there, and with closer inspection, no one had been for a couple of days. to put it plainly, we figured no one was coming back for him.” ashara shrugs. “i’m sorry master, but we couldn’t just leave him out there all by himself.”
mulling over her present thoughts, she took a deep breath and exhaled. “and what did you intend to do with him once you arrived back on the ship?” they surely didn’t have the supplies to be raising a baby, they’d been running on fumes since they landed in mos ila. now that she thought about it, she had forgotten to remind the rest of the crew of that.
“well, we didn’t get that far once we got back to the spaceport. our immediate concern was making sure he stayed cool and hydrated.” ashara responded. “andronikos suggested raising him ourselves.”
“you did what?” she asked, quieter as she steeled her eyes on her husband.
“ashara suggested giving him to an orphanage, and i agreed.” he said, stepping back a bit from her nervously as she puts her hands on her hips. “'less you had another idea?”
she could hear the hope in his voice, that she would have another idea and possibly agree with his original suggestion. “my room, now. give him to ashara, we need to talk.”
“good luck.” mierrio could hear from her apprentice as she turned around, stalking right back to her room (well, their room, but it was difficult referring to it as such).
“nice knowing you, jedi.” andronikos responded, following after her.
“alright, what do you want to talk about, mier?” she must be giving him a sour look, because he’s trying to butter her up again. “c'mon babe, you’re not actually mad are you?”
“mad is an understatement, andronikos.”
“okay.” he takes his arm away from around her shoulders as she leans back against the wall in their quarters. “look, maybe not my best moment, but you sith are all about family right?”
“is that what you intended for us and this twi'lek to be? a family?” she sounds completely and utterly sarcastic, and she doesn’t care either. “stars, what’s gotten to you?”
“well, you don’t have to be so upset about it, sith.”
“i’d be less upset if you’d told me first.”
he rubs his temples as she’s trying to keep her simmering anger from boiling over. he had no bad intentions, she knows that. andronikos has never tried to hurt her, and she doubts he ever will, but for her to…to. to be a mother? is that what he intended for her to do if they did take this baby in?
oh stars. she can barely keep her own crew (much less herself) out of harm’s way. much less an infant that couldn’t even wield a blaster yet, and depended on her to keep them safe and warm and fed.
she panicking unnecessarily now, she can tell, but having to take care of the children of the dancers had when she was still a slave on nar shaddaa hadn’t ended well. she missed those that survived, and often felt that she’d failed them in some way. and while she’s not a teenager anymore, she’s also aware there’s at least a decade seperating her and her husband. something they’d never discussed, but something she was always mildly aware of.
“look, mierrio. i know maybe this isn’t…well perfect-”
“far from it.”
“but i mean, not saying it’s always been a dream but i like entertaining the idea of you and i…y'know raising a kid or two. you don’t have to say yes, i’m not forcing you to, taking him back to dromound kaas probably isn’t advisable. but-” he’s searching for words as she goes through her own thoughts. she’d never taken andronikos for a family man (he’s a pirate for star’s sake, and she’s a sith. either of them could die, leaving the other a single parent or in the worst case scenario, leaving their child as an orphan), but she’d be lying if she said she never entertained the idea of children as well. especially after all of the talk about leaving a legacy behind when she was dead. maybe force-sensitive, maybe not. darker skin, lighter skin. brown eyes, green eyes. black hair, brown hair. an adventerous little girl, a quickshot little boy. she’d never gotten over the idea of having one of her own, holding an infant in her arms with the surname revel and part of the kallig legacy.
them being hers. being theirs. being a product of her love for this insufferable pirate.
“i never said no, andronikos.” she eventually says, breaking the silence.
“i-what?” he looks stunned for a second.
“i never said no. i just said i’d be less upset if you’d informed me of your…find, earlier.” she muses for a moment, before continuing on, partially daydreaming (also very slowly realizing his comment about sending him to dromound kaas held some truth with him being a twi'lek), “it is true, sith do value family. and while i am most definitely not ready to carry ours… i would be willing to raise this one as our own.”
“you would?” it’s not elation in his eyes, or maybe it is, but he’s most definitely happy. something that sometimes takes a bit for mierrio to figure out if he’s not directly smiling (she’s always been bad with emotions, apparently having a resting bitch face and more oblivious than she’d like to be). “means a lot, mierrio.”
“oh, i know.” she smirks, sidling up to him as she leans up against his body. his kisses are like fire as they battle for dominance for a moment, though as always, she let’s him win. “alright, don’t get yourself too excited, andronikos.”
“fine, fine.” he doesn’t pull away from her though. some days she feels like his eyes stare into her soul, and unlike other men, she welcomes it. she has nothing to hide from him, and she’s not afraid he’ll wound her if she says something wrong. he brushes a loose strand of hair from her face as she kisses him again. there’s one of those mischevous smiles on his lips again, and it’s absolutely infectious. “we might as well get back before your apprentice assumes i’m dead.”
“if we have to.” she responds, as her eyes wander to her small cabinet that stored her more…personal effects, almost groaning as she imagines the dress. “you also ruined my evening, andronikos.”
“ah, i’m sorry sith. know you were looking forward to it.” one hand snakes down her hip, and she smirks, figuring what he’s implying. “guess we have one more thing to celebrate tonight, don’t we?”
“it seems that way, doesn’t it?” she asks, allowing herself one more kiss in the darkness of their room. her entire life has just changed, most likely for the better, hopefully. she hasn’t met a lot of other mothers, especially those that are sith, so she’s going in blind. she’s praying to whatever deity that’s out there she doesn’t get herself or this baby killed.
returning the communal area in the ship, ashara still has the baby with her, but talos is with her now, as well as khem and xalek lurking a few feet behind her. she’s seen ashara smile before, but there’s something absolutely whimsical about seeing her smile at the twi'lek infant. she looks up once she sees mierrio return, though her smile fades to her disappointment. “master.”
“ashara.” she’s mulling over how to respond, sitting down next to her as her apprentice straightens rigidly against the couch. she’d have to talk to ashara later, and possibly xalek about not being as afraid of her as they seem to be. softening her features requires a bit of concentration, but she does so. “may i hold him?”
“yes, of course.” she says, carefully handing her the small baby. she seems as if ashara truly does not want to let him go, so instead of heading back to her quarters as she’d originally wanted to, she stays on the couch.
he’s a cute little thing, with startling purple eyes that stood out against his jade green skin. she’s not sure whether he’s even directly looking at her, as they wander from person to person. but, mierrio can feel herself internally relaxing, allowing herself a smile. it becomes more and more of a reality that this is her son, or at least would be legally once they registered him as such.
“he’s cute, ain’t he mierrio?” andronikos asks, standing behind the couch as he leans over to look at him. “told you we wouldn’t die, ashara.”
“i had my concerns, i’ll admit that.” she says, smiling.
“what shall we do with him, my lord?” talos questions.
she scans the others faces, ashara’s hopeful, much like talos’. khem…well khem doesn’t seem to have any, nor does xalek. however, she tilts her head backwards to meet andronikos’, who while surprised, understands her. it’s a brief kiss, one that leaves her wanting more, but she figures it’s enough of an explanation. it’s the first time they’ve ever kissed in front of the crew, but turning back to them, she smiles. “we’ll keep him.”
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
god this is so bad. i’m actually crying with how bad this is. i can’t promise it gets better but i can promise more of it.
i also like to headcanon my companions bonding together. the companions of the week? mierrio’s apprentice n her husband. i headcanon andronikos as very,, per se chaotic at times. ashara is most likely still pretty gullible,, but also p chaotic in her own right.
tl;dr i think they’d be good friends, bonding from taris to hoth without anyone else but khem val n his possession by zash.
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sofhyuck · 6 years
Terrace House!AU Winwin
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Genre: fluff, bullet point scenario, veeeery brief mention of sexual harassment 
Word Count: 1.9k so close to 2k i swear
A/N please read the introduction first!!
am i doing this in any particular order?
absolutely not lmao
anyways for this au let’s pretend uhhh you’re a famous Instagram/social media personality (idfk) and you’ve done multiple collab videos with other idols such as Amber and Jae so you’re fairly well known in the kpop sphere
and lil baby sicheng won’t ever dare to admit it bc he will be teased relentlessly has a tiny lil crush on you
tiny little as in he has a secret insta just to follow you so he can keep updated since sm doesn’t let them even dream of having their own accounts
you’re running a tiny lil bit late because you just came from a business meeting oversees and the airport lost your luggage and it was a whole mess so now you’re tired and aggravated from fighting with the airport staff and you’re terrified of making a bad first impression
luckily you managed to gather all of your suitcases and traffic isn’t bad so you’ll be able to make it for dinner 
but that doesn’t ease the anxiety of meeting five new people that you’ll be living with for the next few months
the driver pulls up to the house and you thank him and lowkey you’re shaking a little but it’s fiiinehaha
the door opens before you even ring the doorbell bc everyone was waiting for you and a woman in her late twenties with a kind smile pokes her head out
“finally you’re here! we were beginning to think you weren’t going to show”
and you just blush and stutter out an apology but she just shushes you and ushers you inside, yelling out for someone to bring your luggage into your room
there’s barely time to take in your surroundings before you’re dragged into the living room were most of the house was gathered only to be met by a soft gasp
poor sicheng is red bc yea he just gasped when he saw you how embarrassing can you get poor kid
lucky for him you couldn’t figure out where the gasp came from so he’s safe for now although one of his roommates can already tell sicheng is in love with you ooooh boy
you quickly introduce yourself, the younger members already knowing who you were, excitement clear on their faces sicheng literally bouta hop out of his seat cute bubby
and everyone introduces themself and when it gets to sicheng you just cut him off with a giggle like “i know who you are”
and he is sh00k bc wow you know who he is what is life and your giggle was so cute wtf of course she knows who you are sicheng
meanwhile you’re like wow he’s even cuter in person this is why all of nct is fucking wh i p ped for him
the woman who met you at the door has already dubbed all of you as her children and a man around her age is your dad she’s an unashamed queen and you all love her
but it’s getting late so you all retire to your respective rooms but the fun doesn’t end there for you ladies oh no
mama wants to gossip she seent the way sicheng gazed at you heart eyes and all what am i even saying anymore idk i’m watching jeffree star and shane dawson while writing this oops back on tracknow
so she sits you and your other roommate down and is just like...spill the tea girls who’s cute who’s not past relationships i want everything go!
and they both look at you bc they know you and sicheng already have a lil somethin going on
so you’re like yea obvi i think he’s cute i mean look at him
but they just look at you like mmhmm sure that’s all
so you sigh and just sort of...spill it all out talking about how you never really have the chance to date since you’re kind of in the limelight now and the possibility of being caught up in a controversy is hella high
so yea you’re a little wary about flat out stating you might have a crush on an internationally worshiped idol
and your roommates just nod in understanding and then you switch topics, talking until three in the morning and you’re about to pass out
meanwhile in the boys room... *insert cool visual transition* 
sicheng was being teased to hell and back before he finally has to be like...yea i think she’s cute but i don’t really want to say more for risk of her getting swept up in some controversy she doesn’t deserve that wow we stan a gentleman
so now there’s this mutual understanding within the house to not push the idea of you and sicheng too hard
even the producers are in on it bc they don’t want their show getting a bad rep either
but it’s still inevitable you guys hang out, i mean, you’re living in the same house and there is an obvious attraction between you two
now sicheng’s in a bit of a lull right now, his comeback just wrapped up and he’s not doing anymore promotional activities so he’s resting a bit and he’s getting a lil bored just hanging at the house
meanwhile you’re doing a mini series where you go around to different attractions and just live the tourist life you’ve never been able to live before
for your next episode you’re going to everland and you’re like...why not invite people from the house??? bc it’ll be boring to go by yourself
so you invite everyone and that’s how you all end up at an amusement park running around like children
your manager supplied the group with three mini cameras so that you can break up into groups and obvi mom and dad pair up and the other roommates want you and sicheng to be able to spend time together
so you all get your cameras and split up on your own to wreak havoc have fun!!
does sicheng like rollercoasters??? idk but lets say he does and you don’t mind them either as long as they don’t go upside down and the line isn’t long yes this was me at everland i went on two rides rip
but there’s a problem...putting two well known celebrities together in a highly populated area is uhhhh not the best idea
you get in line for a ride, having a nice conversation about your lives when a group of giggling girls join the line behind you
giggles quickly turn into squeals as they spot sicheng and you don’t really know what to do bc you’ve never had to deal with fangirls before, especially not this close
and while you know that fans are generally nice...you’re still hyper aware that some are...not so nice
and one of the girls in the group is not looking at you too kindly while sicheng offers to take pictures with them 
you’re more than happy to take the pictures for them until one girl practically throws her phone at you and grabs sicheng’s arm
now you’re obviously glaring at her while she strokes his arm, oblivious to how uncomfortable he is
when her hand begins to travel, ahem, a little lower you snap
the producers weren’t even saying anything while sicheng is literally being groped????
you shove her phone into her hand and grab sicheng’s hand before sprinting away from the girls and the cameras, finally stopping in an almost empty area of the park
in your rush you left your personal camera by the roller coaster, leaving you and sicheng completely alone and camera free for the first time in months
you both take a moment to catch your breath, settling down on a bench
sicheng breaks the silence by wrapping his arms around you and letting out a few shaky breaths
it took you a few moments to realize he was crying
the two of you stayed like that for a few minutes, letting him cry all his tears out
eventually his breaths evened out and he removed himself from your shoulder 
“thank you for that” he sniffled “i was so scared and i didn’t know what to do there were so many people and cameras and everything was happening at once-”
you quietly shushed him, wiping away stray tears from his cheek
“it’s ok sicheng, that shouldn’t have happened. no one has the right to touch someone else like that without consent and the crew shouldn’t have just done nothing, to be honest i’m really mad right now and i don’t want to go back there where every single move we make will be recorded. let’s just...stay her for awhile”
and you two do
you talk about anything and everything ranging from your favorite color to the pressures of living in the limelight
you finally get the opportunity to talk how you’ve wanted to for the past few months but haven’t been able to because of all the cameras constantly surrounding you
and you guys texted the house groupchat so they all know where you are but they don’t tell the cameramen bless their souls
finally it’s time for you all to meet at the front gate and you both get an ear full from the producers
but oh ho your manager knows what happens so before the producers can finish he goes o f f on them bc they handled the situation incredibly unprofessionally 
despite your ability to avoid cameras, word about the whole incident spread rather quickly and, well, nctzens fucking loved you lol
so from then on, you and sicheng didn’t really care about being close on camera
plus fans had been shipping you since the show had first aired and your ship name was trending for almost two days when news of the incident first broke
yuta and taeil had even face timed sicheng to tell you they fully approved of your relationship
speaking of relationships
you and sicheng had gone on multiple dates that totally weren’t dates but also totally were
so you guys were basically dating without either of you having actually asked the other out
you’re just happily living loving each other while the entire production crew, cast, nctzens, and all of nct are like 
p l s just make it official we’re all dy i ng
after the show you guys still hang out like all the time his dorm is basically your second home
and one day you two are sat cuddling in his room, rewatching your show and reminiscing about the good old times it’s been a month calm down there kids
until you notice him staring at you so you look over at him and you both just stare at each other for a minute and then he just leans down and pecks your lips
and you both just smile until you speak up
“so...dong sicheng...will you be my boyfriend”
he pouts because “i was supposed to ask you first”
“well maybe if you didn’t take so long i wouldn’t have had to make the first move!”
“i’m the one who kissed you though!”
you two continue your banter until he kisses you again, effectively shutting you up
the rest of the day is spent cuddling and kissing, briefly interrupted by yuta walking into the room only to tear up and leave the room
to this day he refuses to tell you if it was due to his happiness or jealousy
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princesssteve · 6 years
The Widomauk server continues to be a notable influence on my writing and now we have chapter 2.
Title: Caleb Widogast Needs Help
Ship: Widomauk
Fandom: Critical Role
Words: 3,221
Rating: Pg-13. There is mention of drinking and whiskey dick???
Chapter One: Here
Original Prompt: By Weed Nephew – “au where molly delivers like 90% of calebs food bc he only ever orders from one place and he eats there almost every day & molly likes getting to see him but is genuinely starting to get concerned bc this cute man is going to die of eating nothing but takeout 24/7”
Chapter Two: Caleb goes out drinking with Mollymauk. Everyone is a drunken disaster but like... charmingly so.
He had stood, lo mien in hand and what he knew to be a dumb look on his face, watching through the half-opened door as Molly sauntered away with all the ease and grace of someone who genuinely did not care. He watched and tried, desperately, to think of a way out of this.
Molly knew where he lived and had access to his phone number. Further, the tiefling did not strike him as the sort to be willing to let him beg off with a bullshit excuse. Not for this. Caleb closed the door and turned to press his back against the wood, cool and solid in a way which was not helping at all. The house was as dark as he could stand to keep it – saving on electricity in every way he could to help fuel his lo mien addiction. It wasn’t even good lo mien. It tasted rather like it was the reheated leftovers of a meal the Riverworks staff had last week and then sent along to him. But it was easy. It was good enough to sate the needs of his traitorous stomach and didn’t have to be reheated once it went cold. It let him focus, let him work, let him do more-
Caleb breathed, slow and through his nose, and pressed his shoulders back against the door as carefully as he could so as not to startle Frumpkin. Something in the vicinity of his spine popped, loudly, and he did his best not to wince. He’d been slumping over too much. Again. Nott had been giving him the look of mildly hypocritical disapproval for days, but he hadn’t heeded it. Oh well. He had… they had plans now. An excuse to get out that would not let itself be excused away. Caleb huffed out a breath again, reaching his free hand up to gently attempt to force the worried crinkle of skin from between his brows. It didn’t work, but it was grounding. It reminded him that he, somehow, was this mess of anxiety and thoughts and worries wrapped undeniably in a physical form. A physical form that needed a shower.
It just seemed like such a waste of time. If wasn’t like he hadn’t bathed in recent memory, it was just that he hadn’t in… most likely a few days. He curled a finger in his ginger hair. Most likely called such due to the red ginger plant -alpinia purpurata-, which were a vibrant red and spikey. Native to newly occupied areas during the 18th- Caleb mentally shook his mind from that path, reminding himself not very kindly that no one cared about his random tidbits of knowledge. Hair was wrapped tightly around his finger and he focused back on that. It wasn’t awful, but he could feel the sweat and oils from the few days he’d forgone bathing. The texture of lank hair sent an uncomfortable roll down his spine and now that he was directly aware of it, Caleb knew he’d have to shower. Molly hadn’t seemed to mind, but Caleb was only partially sure that his quip about this being a date was a joke.
He pushed himself off the door, shifting his raised hand from his hair to steadying Frumpkin as he shuffled carefully past not quite teetering piles of books that lined the hall. Nott sat on the floor in the kitchen at the end of the hall, surrounded by a near to obscene collection of buttons that she was carefully cleaning and inspecting one by one. There were piles, clearly some sort of organization that simply escaped him, and she looked up from straightening one to shoot him a sharp smile.
“Your dodecah-whatever glowed at me,” she supplied, jerking her head toward the gentle grey light of his latest obsession. The first time it’d sparked and glowed she’d had a near to panic attack, shooting it with a crossbow she kept stored and then yelling for him when shooting it hadn’t made it stop. The glow was old news now, random and seemingly without reason in a way that frustrated him to no end.
“Ah, jah. It does that,” He returned needlessly, setting the bag of lo mien before her. They were probably out of forks and he needed to do dishes, but there was just so much else to focus on. Caleb shifted his eyes from the only just overfilled sink to Nott, watching as she pulled out a styrofoam container and plastic fork with triumph in her expression. Oh. Yes. Of course. The goblin, long green hair hanging in heavy locs that could be handsome dreads if either of them had the patience to twist and maintain them properly, returned his gaze – long noodles already half hanging from her mouth of sharp teeth.
“Ou wan some?”
Caleb looked away, uncomfortable but not with her. Just. In general. “Nien,” He replied after a moment’s hesitation. “You eat first. I’m… going to shower. We uh… we have plans. With some friends. Tonight.”
Nott swallowed, and he did not have to look to see the incredulity of her expression. “We have friends?”
“We do! Apparently. They want us to go drinking tonight. Mr. Mollymauk and… his retinue.”
“Do we want to go drinking with them?”
“He has my number. And address.”
“I have a cross bow.”
Blue eyes snapped to her in a knee jerk reaction of panic, Caleb taking a step towards her as if to stop her right this moment from shooting someone who wasn’t there. “No, no, no, no, nien. We are not shooting them.”
She studied him a moment, slowly returning her hand to her fork and dinner. “So you do want to go then.” It was structured like a question but said as a statement. Caleb wasn’t sure if that was reflective of Nott’s tenuous grasp on common or a judgement she was making. He wanted it to be the former, but knew she was entirely too smart for this to be true. She knew. Maybe not entirely, but she knew.
“I think it… could be good for us. To speak to other people. People we are not robbing, or doing,” he gestured vaguely to the dodecahedron which returned his gesture with a faintly diminished glow, “that for. To have some fun.”
“Are they paying for our drinks?”
“It was insinuated.”
She gave a put-upon sigh that was very badly acted, returning to her food. “Okay. We can go. I’m not showering though.”
He waved off the statement easily, sure it wouldn’t make much of a difference. Nott was always better about her self-care than he had ever been. It would sting considering her phobia of water if he was in the mood or position to care. As it were, he had entirely too much bouncing around in his mind to give much of a shit about his failure to person. He’d always been bad at personing, this should come as no surprise to him.
Later, sitting with a dark head of hair on his shoulder as the woman it was attached to waxed poetic about girls, Caleb reminded himself that he was really, really bad at personing. He took a long drink of the swill this place called beer and tried not to think about it.
Molly had come, as promised, and ushered them both into his car with a deep bow and relish like he was the driver of some grand stretch instead of a beaten Saturn. He’d taken one look at Nott -and Caleb hadn’t thought it would be a problem but maybe he really should have considered the possibility- and waved her into the backseat with a throw away “Takes all types my dears.” He did not explain what it took all types for, but Caleb pretended to not let the hanging statement bother him. The car had slowly gotten more and more full as people forced their way into the backseat with every stop Molly made. Luckily, everyone seemed to like each other. Even more luckily, any movements made to join himself and Molly in the front had been cut off with charming ease by the tiefling and Caleb was… Well. He wasn’t comfortable. But he wasn’t panicking.
By the time they’d arrived at what was absolutely the most divey dive bar he’d ever seen, there were seven of them, five in the backseat alone. Nott had very quickly made an unholy alliance with the blue tiefling whose lap she’d been shuffled into, and in turn the half orc man who held them both in his lap. Fjord was his name, and he’d had an awkward stumble to his southern drawl as he introduced himself around Jester- hands hovered over her hips. It was by no means safe, and the weight of the car was wildly unbalanced, but they’d gotten there in one piece.
They’d gotten there, and they’d gotten very, very drunk. The only other human in the group, a younger woman named Beau with an abrasive approach that reminded him of Nott, had ended up latching onto him – perhaps recognizing that they were both equally bad at love or maybe simply for the familiarity. She’d gotten three beers in before girls had come up, but the subject had not left since. She rambled, making sense in only the loosest terms, about women in general. And one woman in particular. A woman who, judging by the stiff hold of her admittedly impressive shoulders and the dusting of charming pink across her cheeks, could absolutely hear them.
Caleb didn’t think it mattered much to stop Beau. She was having fun very harmlessly, and Molly’s warning from before suggested this was common. Instead he met the eyes of the large woman, holding the contact despite the discomfort it brought him, and lifted his drink in her direction. Solidarity. Awkward, awkward solidarity. The woman, Yasha he reminded himself, returned his gesture with a nod and from his place sprawled across her shoulder Molly downright giggled. They were all drunk disasters, as promised.
At some point Nott had dragged away their DD, the blue tiefling who had expressed a gentle discomfort with drinking that spoke of experiences. They had gone off to do something, and Fjord had followed after like a very concerned duckling as they cackled away. Now it was just the four of them, not really sitting together but also not sitting apart, as Beau rambled about the arm muscles of a near to goddess named Yasha.
It was all… very charming. Caleb couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so comfortable with anyone, let alone this many people. And while he wouldn’t dare to say he was well and properly… comfortable… he was closer to it than he’d been in a long time. It hadn’t been since. Since he was much, much younger and fancied himself in love.
He never did know, now that he was far enough removed to consider it, what it was about her that he was in love with. Astrid. He wasn’t over her, not by a long shot. You never really got over people you once loved, you just learned to miss them less. He had learned to miss her less so well that sometimes he could even think about the moments he hadn’t loved her. The moments that hadn’t left his heart clenched and his breath short and wild. It was when he thought of these moments that he wondered. By any stretch women had never quite been his cup of tea, romantically speaking. But she had been an exception. Had it been her? Or had it been the way she was with him? Gentle and guiding, but still pushing him further. She would lead as they danced, in more ways than the literal, but he had still danced when he was with her. Had that been what he loved? Or had it just been her? Was there a difference?
His eyes burned, and Caleb realized with a start that he was drunk. Way too drunk to be thinking about this. He looked up, as far up as he could reasonably excuse as being socially acceptable, in the hopes that gravity itself would stave the sluggish tears where he could not. Instead he met red. Molly. Molly was looking at him, his coat slung over the back of his chair and his smile soft with drink and something he couldn’t read. Something almost like concern, or affection, or a mixture of both. He looked away, settling his eyes over Molly’s shoulder and letting his breath out slowly. The emotion in his gut wasn’t quite under control before Molly stood, graceful in his drunkenness as he let the waves only he could feel take his body in a way that almost seemed sensual. Or maybe Caleb was just drunk and far more interested than he should be.
“Alright you twat, my turn. Switch cuddle buddies!” The purple tiefling stood next to them, tall but not towering. Beau narrowed her eyes in suspicion and tightened her grasp on Caleb’s arm despite the way the rest of her immediately leaned a little more toward Yasha.
“Why?” She asked, the headstrong aggression of her default sober softened into an almost pout.
Molly huffed, all drama and jutted hip. “Because,” he stressed, “that’s my date you’re macking on. I blackmailed him into coming out, I want me some cuddles.”
“We’re talking.”
“He’s gay.”
Caleb didn’t correct him, didn’t know if he needed to. Didn’t know if it was true. His gut twisted.
“So am I!” Beau continued, clearly not noticing his vague distress. Maybe he was hiding it well. Maybe no one knew. The gentle cast of Molly’s gaze over his features suggested otherwise.
Molly shifted his weight to his other hip and jerked his head very pointedly at Yasha, who watched with equal parts understanding and discomfort. Truly, she was one of Caleb’s people. “So are you,” he agreed with a sharp annoyance.
Beau followed his gesture, remembering who exactly she was switching to, and sat up properly. She spared his arm a parting pat as she stumbled to the other side of the table and bodily threw herself into Yasha’s side. Yasha did not move, although a small smile did turn at the corner of her lips as Beau clung onto her arm and began blathering about needing to be carried. His attention was torn away from the image they made – admittedly quite the cute one – as Molly settled on his other side. He was close, but not touching yet and Caleb noticed that he had brought his beer with him.
“Better?” Molly asked, head tilted to the side inquisitively. His hair fell in short, purple curls between his bejeweled horns in such an artistic way Caleb thought briefly that he was like a painting. Exquisite and rich and colorful and in no way meant to be touched, particularly not by someone like him who burned so easily from his fingertips.
He stared, and beer loosed his tongue before he could think to stop it. “Not really.” Caleb looked away from the flash of concern in vibrant red eyes, instead staring defiantly at his hands wrapped around the chipped glass stein his beer had been served in. “It was not her fault. I was just thinking. About… things that are better left un-thought about.”
Beside him Molly hummed and eased himself to lean gently against his side. There was no way to settle his head without stabbing Caleb’s shoulder with his spiraled horns, but the warm press of another body against him was not unwelcome. Tieflings ran hotter than most, something about the hellfires in their blood or some other vaguely racist wives’ tale. “Wanna talk about it?” He asked, voice rolling like spiced honey with care and caution so overwhelmingly obvious in his tone that Caleb felt his cheeks heat in shame.
He glanced to the side to hide it.
“Nien. I am fine.”
“You sure?”
Caleb dared a glance back at him, wondering if Molly’s face would hold the same careful condescension he’d seen in countless strangers’ faces during break downs and anxiety attacks and moments of fierce hyper fixation. None of them had intended to understand when they'd asked. It did not, and for a brief moment his mind pipped up. Tieflings are largely immune to fire damage, with very few examples of diluted blood removing the racial advantage. This was first observed in- No one cared Caleb. Pay attention.
Blue eyes flicked to Molly’s proper, meeting his gaze head on. He was concerned, clearly, but not demanding. Not condescending. Just… there.
Caleb swallowed and made himself smile. It hurt, a little, and it felt wrong. Even he could feel that it was a bit angry, a bit broken. But it was true. “Nien, nien. I just need to… not think. For a bit.”
Molly’s returning smile was far easier, and far more beautiful as he sat upright to reach for his mug. “Sounds to me then like you’re not drunk enough.” Molly offered his mug to him, raised expectantly. “Cheers?”
“Ah. Cheers. Did you know the custom of touching glasses originated in ancient human society? It evolved as a way for a host to put his guests at ease, by serving everyone drinks from the same carafe and – ah. I am… rambling. No one cares.”
Molly blinked and leaned in, resting his chin on Caleb’s shoulder with the same easy, beautiful smile. “No, no. I do,” he corrected in a tone that was entirely, confusingly genuine. “It’s interesting. I always wondered but never bothered to find out. Go on.”
He blinked in response, slow and off kilter. Tieflings are immune to fire damage. His mind supplied, and this time Caleb leaned into the thought. There was a twist of emotion deep in his gut still, but not entirely her. Some of it was gentle affection. A soft thought of ‘Oh. That’s cute’. A gentle linger in the way his eyes caught on purple curls twined around large horns and sharp fangs peeking just behind lightly chapped lips. He focused for a moment, on a place lower, but found that he had likely already drunk his way into whiskey dick. For all the gentle interest and slight stirring there was no response. Generally, not great. But right now, it was somewhat reassuring. There was only so much damage he could do to their relationship. Drunk as he got, there was only so much his mind and particularly body would allow.
His fingers birthed flames, but tieflings were immune.
Caleb swallowed, and saw the way Molly’s eyes followed it – feeling his gut twist just a little bit more. He raised his glass and drank deeply, then bumped their mugs together as gently as his drunken hands would allow before Molly could look disappointed. “Ah… the host would drink first. Like that. To show the drink was safe. Before raising their cup to the guests and inviting them to drink in good health.”
Molly leaned his head forward, pressing lips into his shoulder in a brief kiss that burned through his coat before pulling back to raise his glass. “To our good health,” he returned with a sardonic smile that Caleb felt to his soul. “Eventually.”
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savetheblackpaladin · 7 years
Could you do headcanons on what you think the paladins might do to comfort a s/o who is pregnant and in a lot of pain due to cartilage softening in their body? Or just a s/o whos in a shit ton of pain either one works
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Round 2 in the pregnant S/O series!! Let’s do both at the same time with an S/O about to pop!
Under the cut bc it’s long
listen, the moment he finds out your pregnant he’s educating himself on everything he can, so when the pelvic pain starts he knows exactly what to do
he’s still panicking of course, because his love is in pain and he hates that technically he’s responsible for it, so he’s gonna baby you, goddammit!
he likes to massage your muscles in your inner thighs, hips, and lower pelvic area to ease the tightness and pain in your pelvis
it’s rather intimate and he’s probably gonna get handsy
especially since his hands are already right there and your making such lovely noises
I feel like Shiro might have a slight pregnancy kink, so watch out
absolutely helps you with appropriate exercise to help strengthen your back and ease the lower pain
he has you walk with him around the castle twice a day
hip tilt exercises 
no butterfly poses for you
hunts down hot packs and hogs them all for you
“I don’t care how sore you are Keith. Y/n needs them more than you.”
“Ok but are you dying? No? Then you don’t need the hot packs.”
“Hot packs? What are those?” Listen, no one is getting them.
you are getting massages all the time
your feet hurt? massage
your back aches? massage
twinge your neck from sleeping wrong? massage
your spawn literally has a foot or something in your ribs? massage
would literally walk behind you and carry your growing belly if he could
he’s done it a couple of times because he just loves it
speaking of belly
kisses you and it every morning. 
gently rests his head against your belly, trying to hear the heartbeat of your child(ren). he gets kicked in the jaw. a lot.
he’s the one to rub cocoa butter all over your belly day and night
no one gets within a foot of you during pregnancy without Shiro nearly flying to get there to make sure nothing happens to you or anybody gets too close
he’s got an irrational fear that one accidental bump would cause a miscarriage
he’s watching like a hawk whenever anyone else touches your bump bc this baby is due any moment and it’s going to be perfect so don’t you dare ruin this
as your due date comes closer, the less Shiro lets you do because you need to be conserving your strength and resting
makes you a wonderful nest to rest in and fetches you everything
goes so far as to stop training altogether and is by your side as much as he can (24 hours the week you’re due)
knows better than to try and cook for you so unfortunately Hunk is dragged into the kitchen at odd hours
he’s so excited to be a dad but you are still his number one concern. he’s so passionate and caring it brings your hormonal butt to tears nearly every day
as the youngest son he knows exactly what pregnancy entails and is 100% the best boyfriend you could ask for during this time
the moment the pain starts in your joints/pelvis his is freaking on it!
His sister used to float in the ocean to ease her pain so he brings you down to the pool and holds you up while you float, singing soft songs until you nearly fall asleep
if you do fall asleep he’ll gently wrap you up in a towel and carry you back to your room
when a pregnancy pillow couldn’t be found on the ship he made one for you from extra pillows
his number one concern is your comfort
you best believe this boy knows pregnancy yoga, he had to go with his sisters a couple of times when daddy was working
lower pack pain? you know he’s running to the kitchen to heat up a hot pack at 2 in the morning
“Just you wait baby, daddy’s gone be back real quick!”
“Sorry I took so long, mi cariño, but I also grabbed you some of that food you’ve been craving. Also I brought the massage oil for your feet!!”
“Yeah yeah, I know you just wanted the hot pack but I thought it would be nice to get you other things too. You deserve it.”
doesn’t panic when you hurt, just does his best to ease it
the boy can cook! So you best believe he’s gonna go with all your cravings. You need pickles and peanut butter? yeah sure. raw onion? he’ll try. Taco bell refried beans? well that’s a little harder but yeah sure.
your pregnancy glow has him shook
to him you look like a goddess and he wants you to feel like one
he’s always bathing with you so he can rub his concoctions into your hair and skin that will leave you even brighter
also the way you look carrying his child while the water slides over your skin? oh man, that gets a man hot under the collar
also your hair is really silky now? He can’t stop touching it!
when your feet swell he’s ready with a pillow to get them elevated and a bottle of massage oil
the way his face lights up when you enter a room nearly brings a tear to your eye, he’s so proud of you
legit would show you off in the middle of battle if he could
“You wanna see what a perfect person looks like? Here’s a picture of my Y/n.”
Wolf whistles when you walk out a room
won’t baby you to excess but he knows your limits and he’s there for you on rough days with kind words and soft hands
loves watching everyone coo over you
he’s from a big family so it’s only normal to have the entire ship adoring you
it makes him feel good
always has a hand on your belly when you cuddle, gently rubbing his hands on it
legit cries every time he feels the baby move
His calmness during your pregnancy goes out the window the week you’re due
he’s asking about contractions every hour and the moment they start he’s got a timer out and he’s keeping track. he’s so nervous he’s sweating constantly and he can’t stop bouncing his leg
his hair is so messed up from all the times he’s run a hand through it because holy shit he’s gonna be a father in a few days and he thought he was ready but turns out he’s absolutely not ready to take care of an infant
you’ll have to keep him calm, good luck
A Mess™
he’s a special mix of fiercely protective and absolutely terrified for the entirety of your pregnancy
when the pain starts his first thought is that maybe you’re dying
once he realizes that it’s just your body getting ready to give birth, the guilt sets in
he’s determined to make you feel better but he really doesn’t have a clue as to what he can do? But he knows a lot about relieving sore muscles
he’s also a hot pack hoarder and you will be constantly supplied with a fresh one the moment he believes it’s gone cold
massages the moment you wake up, massages before bed, the moment he sees a twinge of pain in your face you get a massage
badgers Coran into giving him some sort of pain relieving lotion he can rub on your sore back and joints (after he’s confirmed 12 times that it will be safe for baby)
warm baths when the pain is nearly too much where Keith will keep you company by washing your hair, pouring the warm water over the skin that isn’t quite in the water, soft kisses to your hands and nose
hunts down a hover chair for you and has you use it the moment your feet start swelling up
follows you around like a puppy, a very lost and confused puppy
doesn’t let anyone near you except for Allura, Pidge, and Shiro.
everyone’s pretty sure it’s some sort of Galra thing
when Lance gets too close, he growls from across the room and stomps over over put protective arms around you. (”Rude.”, Lance tells him every time. But it’s only bc Keith sees him a worthy rival)
Hunk is allowed to bring you food but only after Keith deems it worthy with a thorough inspection
With Coran, Keith is just convince he wants to like, perform experiments or something on you. Coran isn’t bothered with it since he knows what Galra males are like with their future young
Keith feels a fierce pride watching Allura and Pidge cooing over you. If he were a bird, he would preen. But he usually just puffs out his chest and holds his head high.
He’s iffy about Shiro being near you but since he’s going to be the godfather and is Keith’s mentor, he has a special place. He’s gonna be nearby though, watching with careful eyes. 
While still terrified of being a father, Keith loves putting his hands on your bump 
panicked when he first felt a kick but he put his hands back immediately and kind of laughed nervously as the kicking continued
talks to your bump at night, before bed. He wonders if baby will recognize his voice outside the womb
kisses you and bump before a mission for good luck
High-key thinks you are amazing to be able to go through pregnancy, especially as the due date comes closer
Ask Keith who’s the toughest on team voltron and he’ll say you every time
your glow? He loves it and he just wants you any way he can have you. it drives him up a wall. in a good way
when he learns exactly what happens to a body though pregnancy his eyes go super wide and he’s just in shock. Like you are doing all that??? HE DIDN’T EVEN KNOW CARTILAGE COULD SOFTEN WHAAAAA?????? YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!
the week you’re due he’s in full-on dad mode. something in his DNA just clicked and he’s excited/protective/and a little scary
absolutely no one is allowed to touch you unless you initiate first because he’s ready to rip an arm off 
he just wants you nice and safe in a nest of sorts, building your strength and safe from others
he’s by your side 24/7 with his hand in yours or on your lower back
only leaves you to get you things and he runs the entire way
doesn’t care if he’s being ridiculous because he needs to protect his mate and young
however he looses it the moment contractions start and screams for everyone to come help because he is scared
so so scared
he’s switching between pacing back and forth while Shiro and Lance try to calm him down and holding your hand
he’s crying because ofc it hurts you and this time, there is nothing he can do
can not wait for this to be over. does not want to go through this again
also ate up all related pregnancy literature he could find because he wants to be prepared  for everything
even reads up on other species just in case there’s similarities 
might have screamed when he learned that your stomach muscles literally separate late in pregnancy due to the pressure of the uterus expanding
scratch that. Definitely screamed.
engineers you a sling-type thing that supports your belly to help with the pain
as such you tend to have less lower back pain, even if you think you look a little silly
the moment the joint pain starts up he’s ready!
with warm comfort food. you are gonna be a well-fed pregnant person
found all the extra pillows in the castle and you must recline like a greek god before the pain gets too bad
snuggles with you and rubs whatever is sore. will do so for hours. 
the moment he wakes up he just looks at you for a few minutes, adoring your glow and peaceful face before gently resting a hand on your tummy
kisses!! so many kisses!!! your face!! your belly!! he’s enamored with you!!!
gives you puppy eyes every time you enter the room
when you start doing the pregnancy waddle his heart almost bursts
he’s so overcome with love he starts tearing up a bit
if you stay still long enough he’ll walk up behind you and just hold you under your belly, letting you lean against him
does all your pregnancy workouts with you and surprisingly won’t let you slack off
“Yeah I know you’re tired, but you’ll thank me later when you have the strength to pop out a literal human being.”
“That wasn’t 20 reps. Do it again. Wha–? No complaining you need the strength! C’mon Cupcake!”
So many compliments, like everything out of his mouth is a compliment
“You like glorious today, Cupcake.”
“I wish I could paint what you look like right now in this moment. And no. Selfies aren’t the same.”
“There’s my beautiful pregnant Cupcake, looking adorable as ever!”
“Have I told you how much I love you today? Because it wasn’t enough.”
As the due date draws closer Hunk is surprisingly calm
he knows he can’t panic right now because you need him to be strong
don’t worry, he’s panicking internally
His nerves got the best of him one day and he spent the entire week making a crib out of space junk
with a matching mobile
he’s now making baby toys in his spare time bc he might as well start spoiling this child now
humans are so squishy compared to alteans????
what does she do?????
you might have to convince her that you’re going to be fine. Humans are surprisingly sturdy when it comes to child carrying
Allura: “Sounds fake, but okay…”
when the lower back pain starts she’s like “Ohmygawd they’re going to die”
but she’s there for you, asking what she can do to help while she holds your hand
shows you Altean techniques to ease pain that are surprisingly helpful? Like pressure point stuff!
totally into aroma therapy so be prepared for her to be lighting incense type stuff that actually works and helps relax you and your muscles
Goes to Coran every ten minutes for advice. He helped raise her and had kids before so of course he knows what he’s doing, right? RIGHT?
shows you all her baby photos that Alfor kept on the ship, keeping you laughing with funny stories 
happens to find altean baby toys/clothes/crib/ etc and excitedly brings them to you when you’re too sore to move too much
doesn’t want you over reaching yourself and lets you have her hover chair from the comics
she may be a princess but you are her Queen/King and she will do anything you ask of her
lots of time is spent in the Altean pool so you can exercise without pressuring your sore joints and feet
she finds you the comfiest clothes to wear as you get bigger, loving how adorable you look in altean robes
I feel like Alteans are nuzzlers
likes to walk up behind you and nuzzle your hair before quickly kissing your ear (she thinks only yours are cute)
tucks you under her chin at night and wraps her arms around your belly, content to breathe your scent
super cuddly the farther along you get, until she’s pretty much latched to your side
she works out hella hard now because she’s got a child coming to protect too
you thought she was lethal before? now she’s outright deadly
sings altean lullabies to your bump at night before sometimes falling asleep on your chest
thinks your swollen feet are hilarious because that doesn’t happen to Alteans
but she’s willing to massage them for you
in between her giggles because they’re huge!!!!
also when your belly button pops out? HILARIOUS SHE’S CRYING WHAT ARE HUMANS?????
she’s got the crib set up next to your guy’s bed the week you’re due
she’s ready to do this!!!! BRING ON MOTHERHOOD
will carry you sometimes whether you want her to or not, she likes the heavy feel of her pregnant boo in her arms
in awe when the baby’s foot/arm can be seen stretching out your belly
“She’s reaching for her mommy!!!”
she’s convinced it’s a girl (she’s right)
“Who’s a good little baby floating in embryonic fluid? You are! You are!!”
in the original Voltron he had a family once so Coran is already prepared!
although a little concerned with how a human body with hold up with a hybrid
he’s already figured out what to do if your body tries to reject the baby
you’re a little concerned about being potentially injected with anti bodies but he’ll thoroughly test it out with your blood first before the real deal
the chillest because he’s already gone through this once
has the pool on reserve at all times for pain-free floating
“Don’t worry love, I will hold your growing belly for you when you’re too tired!”
finds Altean maternity clothes that help support your body as it changes
totally has some pain-soothing/coco butter type altean cream to spoil your growing belly with
thought he was too old for this but seeing your belly swell with his child has filled him with energy befitting someone 100 years younger
he’s so bouncy and excited
he’s got an education plan already lined up and this kid isn’t even born yet
he’s dusting off his culinary skills because this poppa is gonna provide
warns you about the pain of softening cartilage like a month before it actually happens (another biological difference between alteans and humans) 
he was actually worried for a bit there that humans didn’t do that and he was concerned about the birthing process
huge sigh of relief when the pain did happen (you were a bit miffed)
“It just means everything is going according to plan! Now let’s get you comfortable. Maternity clothes help but they can only do so much!”
Doesn’t find the swollen feet as hilarious as Allura did, he was actually worried your body was having troubles
“Is--Are those supposed to do that?”
Once he’s convinced it is, in fact normal, he’s all about elevating them on pillows and gently massaging them until the swelling goes down
He’s fascinated by how the human body changes differently that the Altean and he thinks you’re amazing!
pokes where your muscles have separated on your belly
“And it just goes back? Without surgery??”
Appreciates your hips widening because mm, mm, daddy likes!
“Your what grows bigger???”
Mustaches tickle on your belly but Coran continues to pepper it with kisses every morning and night
Not a good singer. At all. Doesn’t stop him from trying to sing lullabies to your belly.
Doesn’t want to leave bed ever. He just wants to cradle you and his future baby all day long.
Absolutely cannot wait to be a dad again
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jamest-kirk · 7 years
Okay (btw i love that mcspirk one) but maybe with idk, space sirens? Like they attack the ship and as siren they should have to pull them out in space and let them die (and they eat them too i guess) but jim/bones siren can't because the other is very attractive so they sort of save the other's life (maybe through a kiss bc those who are kissed by sirens can breathe in space?) And optionally some other sirens maybe try to eat/kill them anyways but the other fights them off and all?
Sirens don’t work like most predatory creatures roaming space. They don’t attack humans or other aliens outright, instead they’re much more like vultures. Waiting for others to attack, and then picking off the scraps. Luring doesn’t work so well when nobody hears you through the thick walls of space ships. With humans in Klingon territory, that’s usually very easy dinner. Humans in their own, not so much. And sometimes, when hunger strikes enough, sirens will attack those smaller supply shuttles.
Jim is part of the group that attacks two small shuttles on their way to bigger ships, like the Enterprise. Jim’s seen it pass multiple times. The lights, the speed, the pure size of it magnificent. But these vessels won’t ever make it there, because his family is breaking the shuttles apart and dragging victims outside.
He doesn’t usually think twice about it, until now. His eyes find Leonard immediately, when the hole in the shuttle drags his body outside and tumbling into outer space. Jim is quick to get to him, but something stops him from his usual habit. Leonard looks at him, eyes dark and angry - not even necessarily terrified. Just intimidatingly mad, and somehow, Jim feels like he needs to keep this man alive. He doesn’t know why yet, but it’s a gut feeling. And so he reaches out, cupping Leonard’s cheeks, and he leans in to kiss him.
“What. The fuck?!” Is the first thing Leonard shouts at him, and Jim smiles fondly at him. “I saved your life,” he says. “Like hell you did,” Leonard says, and Jim tries to stifle a laugh at how helplessly the other floats without Jim holding on to him. Humans are weird that way. “Why can I breathe here?” “The same way fish breathe in water,” Jim explains. “… No,” Leonard replies. “Yes,” Jim says. “I’m going to die here,” Leonard mutters to himself. Around them, nothing but some debris from the shuttle, and otherwise a whole lot of nothing. “You’re not going to die here,” Jim promises. “And if I die,” Leonard continues, blatantly ignoring Jim, “so will hundreds of others. I can’t believe this. Fucking space.” “Wait, what are you talking about?” Jim asks. “I’m a doctor, damn it, I was traveling to a ship that would take me to a planet suffering a bad epidemic.” “Well,” Jim says slowly, “shit.”
Leonard’s arms are strong around Jim’s shoulders as Jim swims - or flies, however you’d call it - through space. It’s not unpleasant, but the odd feeling in Jim’s stomach is guilt, and maybe the excitement of having something to do other than simply surviving. If he can get Leonard to that nearby ship, then maybe he could still save all those people. And if that meant never seeing this man again, not having him as his own, then so be it.
They do get Leonard back on a ship, but not the way Jim had intended. Leonard uses his comms to signal the ship, and to beam just himself aboard. But when he mentions Jim’s a siren, Jim gets beamed on board, too. The sudden surge of oxygen around them makes him gasp for air, though his body is quick to adapt to it. What he’s not adapting to, though, is the force pushing him down to the ground, arms quickly tied behind his back. “Wait,” he hears Leonard call out, “Jim’s not harmful. Let him go.” But they don’t, and Jim’s knocked unconscious.
He wakes up in a small room with zero gravity and little oxygen, more accomodating than the ship itself, but it’s still a prison. Theres even a guard in front of the glass window, doing his best to ignore Jim when the other knocks on the glass. “Please,” Jim says, “I just wanted to help. Let me go.” “I cannae,” the guard says, a weird accent Jim can barely understand, “we have our orders.” “I will die in here,” Jim says. “No you won’t, the captain’s delivering you to the collector.” “The what?” “It’s like a zoo,” the guard explains, though that doesn’t really explain anything to Jim at all.
“Leonard,” Jim says when the doctor comes to see him. “Are you okay?” Leonard asks, but Jim shakes his head. “No, Leonard, I don’t want to be here.” “I know,” Leonard says, “I’m sorry. I’ll see what I can do for you.”
Jim doesn’t know how long he’s been there. Must be a while, because every time Leonard visits him he’s wearing a different outfit. He does his best to try and persuade the captain of the scavenger ship to let Jim go, but apparently Jim is worth some good money. At least the guard, Scotty, is nice. Gives him most of the meat on his plate and chats to him about building things. More ships, and stuff like that. Jim is still miserable, but in the presence of these two men, a little less so.
“How are you doing?” Leonard asks, “are you holding up alright?” “No,” Jim says, “Scotty explained to me what a zoo is. I don’t want to be put on display, Leonard. I don’t… This is what I get from saving your ass. I should’ve just eaten you.” “Why didn’t you?” Leonard asks, and Jim shrugs. Hesitates, before he answers. “You were beautiful.” Leonard looks at him blankly for a few seconds, then; “What?”. “I thought you were beautiful,” Jim says, “eating you would’ve been a waste.” Leonard sighs, quiet for the longest time, and then he bangs his fist against the glass dividing them, hard enough to make Jim jump. “Damn it,” Leonard curses, “fine. Ima smuggle you out of here.”
The roles are reversed, now. Jim’s arms are tightly around Leonard’s shoulders as the other carries him through narrow corridors. Scotty helps them, for no reason other than the goodness of his heart. Also partially because their plan is to escape in a small cargo ship, and Scotty wants to fly it. Doesn’t really like his job here, anyway, he says. And thankfully, Scotty knows just which corridors to take, who to avoid, and how to get to the docking station relatively unseen.
By the time they fly out, they’ve shot a few people, but no one rang that alarm. Not yet, but Scotty suspects they will, soon, and he sets course to hide the ship amidst a meteor shower. “Are you nuts?” Jim overhears Leonard yell at Scotty. “They won’t look for us here,” Scotty says. “Because we’ll fucking die,” Leonard counters. “I know how to fly a shuttle, doctor! We won’t crash.” Though he’s barely finished his sentence when they do hit a rock nearby. “Starting now,” Scotty finishes his sentence.
The scavenger ship passes the meteor shower without looking at them, and Leonard lets out a relieved sigh. “I think we’re in the clear,” he says, sitting down next to Jim, and he gently squeezes his arm. “Where do you want us to drop you off?” “Well, where are you going?” Jim asks. “That planet I mentioned before, they still need help. After that, back into space, probably.” “Can I come with, when you go?” “I mean, if you want to,” Leonard says. “Then yes, I’d like that,” Jim says. Leonard helps him up towards the exit of the shuttle, but he makes sure he’s secured tightly himself before considering opening that door. “Thank you,” Jim repeats, and he leans in to kiss him. “What was that for?” Leonard asks. “Just making sure you can breathe in space, when that door opens,” Jim says, throwing him a small smile. “You already did that.” “Hmm,” Jim agrees, hands on Leonard’s cheeks and he shamelessly repeats his actions. “Again?” Leonard asks, though Jim smiles when he feels the other’s arms around him. “Maybe one more time,” Jim says, “just to be sure.”
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