#i like women inspite of daemon
ride-thedragon · 1 year
The worst thing about Rhaenyra is the inherent need her fans have to moralize the protagonist. Rhaenyra isn't a good person.
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That's okay.
Rhaenyra isn't a feminist.
That's okay.
She is not a girl's girl and that's fine.
It's so unfair that people can unapologetically Stan Aegon and Daemon but draw the line at morally questionable women.
We love gray characters until a character is truly gray and a woman.
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Rhaenyra isn't better than Alicent, nor is Alicent better than Rhaenyra. These women are both brought to the heel of their patriarchal society at the helm of the most power it affords to women.
Neither of them are intersectional thinkers or necessarily progressing women's rights. Rhaenyra would rule then her son. Alicent will just have her son and grandson's rule.
It's a disservice to her character to pander to the idea of moral righteousness or bettering.
What happens to her happens because she is a woman. At every turn, her womanhood and the role of it will pigeon hold her in this society. That does not excuse her very questionable behavior.
Two things can be true.
For example, using my favorite girl, Nettles.
Under Viserys' rule with Alicent and Otto ruling this young girl is a sex worker to sustain her life. She is assumed to have lost her virginity to eat and was disfigured as punishment for wanting to eat. That was her assumed life under their rule. The entire time she has the capability to be a dragon rider.
Had it fallen normally to Rhaenyra nothing would've changed for her and like most of the women we see in that line of work she'd die at the hands of someone or from illness or pregnancy all while being able to claim a dragon.
Women do not need to be exceptional.
( Not everyone can be Nettles)
Women can just be legally named the heir and be heir.
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But to impose a moral code that these characters can never live up to is unfortunate. Again, I rise and say I love Rhaenyra, and I understand that she's been groomed by a crazy person and has the moral compass of every Targaryen after the conquest. She's that girl. I'm sorry for those who don't get it or feel the need to justify it.
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I also love Alicent, and as a victim of white people's nonsense in 2020 and the Hollywoodification of the feminist movement in the 2010s, you'll never see hate a woman when men are to blame. Seeing someone try to care about something, she has no understanding or ability to truly escape from is hard and a lot of you project the lack of understanding most people have had when it comes to feminism on her as a means to seem above her and what she does. We all fall short and to villanize her for it, is crazy, especially when the person we compare her to has access to do better and doesn’t pursue it.
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I'm still waiting for y'all to dislike Daemon for killing a wife, sleeping with a woman at his wife's funeral, and strangling the other after she miscarried their child. Let's not mistake splinters for planks.
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chubbymesblog-blog · 6 years
Review:"The Daemon lover" by Shirley Jackson
The Daemon lover shown a desperate women want to be married. She awakens at seven in the morning, she mulls over her coffee, then beggins writing a letter to her sister Anne to inform her of her wedding. On the other hand, she ask the superintendent about her fiancè Jamie Harris if they saw him, but the superintendent said that they didn't and they refer the girl to the house of mr. And mrs. Royster. She went to the royster house and she didn't find james there. According to the description of the narrator Jamie was tall, wearing blue suit and carrying a flowers. She asked many people about Jamie if they saw him crossing the street around ten o'clock in the morning, and they had the same answer they said yes, but they had different information because according to the narrator Jamie was tall, wearing blue suit and carrying flowers. Every person she asked was laughed on her, until'l one boy lied to her and asked her to gave him money for the information that he gave and she did. She went to the house according to the information of the boy she only heared a voice laughing but the house that she expect where to find Jamie was dark, silent, messy and nobody lived. She saw an evil face there and she ran hurry but still she failed again to saw Jamie there. She always came back and knocked to the house but no one lived there.
A horror and love story because, the title already gave it, and you also expect thrill, excitement and guessing.
I think the story was all about the girl waiting for her fiancé but never came at all.
A little fear, thrill because, she always find Jamie and every persons that she asked was laughed on her. And she always talk to her self assuming that Jamie was already there.
I understand from the story was there's a girl love her fiancè so much but she never saw him and heared his voice at all but, inspite of she did everything to find him but she failed.
I liked about the story when she wrote a letter to her sister Anne about her wedding. My favorite part is when she make sure that her appearance was good looking and the dress she wear was also good in her wedding.
I dislike about the story is all the people she asked was laughed on her and there's a one boy made her foolish.
No, I think the person who able to relate this is already experienced the same situation but not there whole story.
The lessons I get from the stories was don't drink too much coffee and don't give your whole life to the person that you will never know if that person will have the same feeling to you or love you seriously and never left you hanging.
4 stars because the story was a little confusing and the ending was to short to give an exact details of the whole story about where Jamie is? Is Jamie a real person? Or Jamie is just her imagination, but still the story was good because you can get a little lesson from it about love.
Kristine D. Bernades,BA210,10:00pm
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ride-thedragon · 1 year
don't be a hypocrite you don't love rhaenyra's character, what you do is always criticize her, better focus on netty and alicent and leave rhaenyra alone.
she is a victim of alicent but you ignore that fact because you want her to be a villain from the beginning. i bet,you think that book rhaenyra did something bad to criston cole when she was a child and that she deserves what he did to her.
(i agree with you that she is not a good person tho.but there are worse people/characters than her).
Do I say anything that's wrong?
Do I say anything that makes it seem like I'm so unempathetic to her that I can't fathom a world where people support her?
Criticism isn't hatred. I wish that was more normal.
I think I'm really nice about her and her family. I've never gone out of my way to hate on her as a character or outside specific circumstance.
I think I'm unambiguously weary of her as a character when I talk about Nettles. I push for an understanding or avoidance of her in that context because I don't think it's fair to blame her for the things Daemon does. I love blaming Daemon.
I don't make Rhaenyra a villian. What do you think is the system Alicent is perpetuating? What is she upholding?
Rhaenyra will always come short because she's not a man, her usurping is so normally justified because she's a woman.
Why would I think a 14 year old girl is egging a grown man on? Are you okay?
That's like saying show Alicent is doing the same thing or Baby Laena.
I love women, with a bias towards them anytime I talk. This isn't an in depth character analysis. This is a generalization for the benefit of understanding her complex character.
Saying this about her isn't saying that Daemon isn't burning in hell, or suddenly upholding Aegon II or preventing Larys from brutally dying (hopefully) .
When I care about them as characters outside of their multiple atrocities or one redeeming quality (Daemon core), I'll consider writing a character post about them.
I love Rhaenyra. I just talk about Nettles more because I like her more, and no one's corrupting Rhaenyra’s story to the point of mischaracterization and active plot denial.
I'm not denying that Rhaenyra is a victim.
And we agree that she's more complex than people allow for, which is the point I'm making.
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