#i limited it to just the seven birds and the inner circle (essentially) bc this could've gone on forever akjdsjdsjk
luobingmeis · 4 years
taz balance as dragon age inquisition and dragon age inquisition as taz balance
i spent too much time on this and leaned real into the dark fantasy for balance
(some names have been adjusted!!)
taz balance as dragon age inquisition:
the hunger: “beg that i succeed, for i have seen the throne of the gods and it was empty”
magnus burnsides: “that's the world. everything you build, it tears down. everything you've got, it takes—and it's gone forever. the only choices you get are to lie down and die or keep going. he kept going. that's as close to beating the world as anyone gets”
merle highchurch: “let those who would destroy us step into the light”
taako: “you let it keep hurting, because you think hurting is who you are. why would you do that?”
lucretia: “in the end, you are always alone in your actions”
lup: “forget you know this about me”
barry bluejeans: “that's what i do. fall out of the sky, make bad decisions, and somehow everyone still follows me"
davenport: "selfish of me, i guess. not wanting to spend my entire life screaming on the inside"
johann: “i don't want to die”
jeffandrew: "all of this happened because of fanatics and arguments about the next world. it's time we start believing in this one"
taz balance: "truth is not the end. it is merely the beginning"
the mcelroys: “if you love a character, you give them pain, ruin their lives, make them suffer. maybe even throw in a heroic death”
dragon age inquisition as taz balance:
the inquisitor: “i’ve decided the inquisitor is an idiot”
corypheus: “that’s it? it’s just a guy!”
cassandra: “we need a competent woman to come save us!”
varric: the author of caleb cleveland, kid cop
josephine: “we’re going to pull your ass out of the fire this time but we’re going to have a nice long talk about ethical- about your fiery ass when this one’s… over and out. dammit. dammit, i could’ve done way better there
leliana: “everything’s for keepsies if you’re sneaky about it”
cullen: “my password is turkey boy, ok? varric saw me eating a turkey sandwich on my first day and he wouldn’t shut up about it. it doesn’t even make any sense, it’s not even a good slam!”
the inquisitor and cullen in their canonical chess game: “thanks for the chess game and... kiss my ass, you sanctimonious bastard”
dorian: “you know, it doesn’t always have to be goof-goof dildo machines over here, okay? i’m travelling around with the boner squad, and i never get to just say what i’m feeling!”
iron bull: “i got too horny from the killing, and i-i’m jerking off”
solas: “bad news, compadres, this place is magic as hell”
solas 2.0 even though in my eyes he doesn’t deserve two: “it’s a record of my life’s work so far, the seven habits of highly effective elves, and i carry it around with me”
sera: "sera just finds a gun! and she’s like, hey inquisitor! count the shells!”
cole: "i'll be having my body back, you undead fuck"
vivenne: "i cast prestidigitation, shoot sparks out of my fingers, cast minor illusion, put myself in a dope outfit, and start walkin' down the catwalk with all the style and panache i can muster, which is - i should note - a fuckin' lot"
the inquisition: “wait a minute. i need to clarify something. just so i’m clear: your whole organization... so far the score is zero? i couldn’t get out of a jizz-cave without nearly dying, and i— i destroyed one!”
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