#i literally won't see him for like another 2 weeks so this shouldn't even matter but im thinking about this one coworker i have
cryolyst · 8 months
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mikuni14 · 8 months
Dead Friend Forever - Ep 7
This episode of DFF is also excellent and I feel so blessed to have experienced two series with such well-written scripts this week (the other being Love for Love's Sake, of course) 💖
Everything in DFF is clear, logical and understandable when we take into account that the characters of this series are 1) humans 2) teenagers. I completely understand the behavior of each of these characters, even when I feel like tearing my hair out or throwing punches and kicks at them. If anyone is wondering whether what Non, his teacher, his bullies, is doing is illogical, I encourage you to study police reports - I have literally read about situations such as those in DFF.
Phee: what a solid guy 😍 As soon as he appears, we see him as a perfect boyfriend, romantic, strong, who gets things done. I like his attitude, the fact that no matter what, how, he gets shit done, even if he has to use his own father and his position to do it. I understand his controlling nature when you have a boyfriend like Non (Phee is in love, but he's not stupid and naive), I also understand that he doesn't fully trust Non. I completely understand his behavior at the end, especially when he entered the scene with Non and the teacher hugging. I also understand cruel words. Should Phee have acted differently? Of course. But he COULD NOT. Because he would have to be made of stone and be a hardened adult with perfect self-control and nerves of steel. Phee, despite how smart and talented he is, is only human and is still a child who doesn't have to be able to regulate his emotions, control his feelings of hurt, betrayal and rejection, and doesn't have to be able to cope ALWAYS and in every situation. Perhaps when Phee calms down, he will want to explain the situation, or at least apologize for his words. Who knows. Anyway, he's great as a character, my fav.
Non: in his being pathetic, in refusing Phee's help, in trying to save his situation by sinking deeper and deeper, in trusting the wrong people, in "allowing" bullying, in seeking validation of his self-worth where he shouldn't be, he is 100% real. Non irritates and that's how it should be. Because victims are often irritating and often confusing in their behavior. And how often questions are asked: but he/she agreed to it, no one forced her/him, he/she went there herself, they did it of their own free will! Why didn't he/she tell anyone, why didn't they confess? And here we can also ask why Non is doing all this, why won't he confess to Phee, why won't he transfer to another school, why is he having sex with the teacher? For me, Non is a victim of the system, his illness, his family, his school, and maybe also his personality. I also wondered why he didn't want to change schools and just leave it all behind, usually students who are victims of bullying dream of changing schools. But I think, looking at his conversation with Phee, that Non wanted to regain control over his life, wanted to solve his problems himself, perhaps feeling like a weakling and a loser seeing how easily Phee solved his problems. Perhaps he felt that control over his life was slipping from his fingers and he desperately tried to regain it by closing open issues, such as his debt and the movie. Does his behavior make sense to me? No. But I've never been in such a situation, I'm trying to understand it and this explanation seems quite logical to me. Especially since Non tries hard and finally wants to give up at least the movie, while staying at the summer house, and is stopped by Jin. And he tries to get the money back by sleeping with his teacher, because in his mind THIS is not bad, THIS is just a way to solve the debt problem. And for him, a poor person, the problem of money may be more important than having sex with a teacher. Sex with the teacher itself doesn't have to be such a big problem for him, especially since the teacher is young, handsome, helpful, nice and shows compassion and attention. For a person like Non, it may even be flattering and he may even convince himself that nothing bad is happening, it's just sex, physical stuff, he gets something out of it that solves his money problem and the teacher is so nice! I can imagine how Non can manipulate himself in this situation and how easy a victim of grooming and manipulation he is for the teacher. And I must say that the series shows PERFECTLY how adults prey on children and teenagers, technically the adult does not force Non to do anything, he just sets up a very complicated trap in which Non cannot say "no". This series really doesn't fuck around, it just shows the TRUTH. Just to be clear: Non is the SA victim in this situation, PERIOD. I do not accept any accusations against him.
Jin: I don't know ultimately whether it was Jin who released this video, but if he did it, I understand that too, his behavior seems logical to me. People do all kinds of stupid and hurtful things under the influence of feelings of betrayal and hurt (even if Jin had no right to these feelings), especially young people (here is the same situation as with Phee, which I described above). Jin may feel betrayed, because he "did so much for Non", he always defended him. Jin also honestly has a crush on Non and found him not with a boy on a date (Jin didn't have any strong reaction to seeing Non hugged by another boy), but having sex with an adult and with a teacher to that. It's a lot to digest, and clearly Jin couldn't handle it at all (if I'm not mistaken, he was also drinking, which certainly didn't help).
All these shitty little pricks: Fluke, as always, avoids trouble and simply removes himself from situations, never comments, never takes sides (meaning - he takes sides with the bullies). I wonder how Jin always looks at him when he's looking for allies to help Non and how Fluke never reacts. Por, with his increasingly worse behavior, also fits the mold of a classic bully who has found a victim, in addition, someone he truly hates, and whom he can torment without consequences, and it's quite possible that he simply likes it. All this is a dangerous mix, pushing Non to his limits, encouraging other bullies, but also very realistic. Tee and Top are up to something and it scares me. All I know is that this money will be stolen and Non will have to get it again...
I am very impressed with this series, how well it's done, how realistic and logical it is. I'm incredibly intrigued and curious and I'm looking forward to the next episode. I rate the story building, script and character cohesion as 10.
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papa-evershed · 1 year
Hey! If you’re interested in doing so For Science or something, I could go a run down on your favourite moments from the Act On interviews. I really feel like Rob is so comfortable and engaged in those, they’re a delight.
I can definitely do this! This is right up my alley because I completely agree, I feel like the Act On This interviews are when we get the best glimpse of him just being him because it isn't press related. And quite frankly, him just being himself is more interesting to me than watching someone answer the same five questions over and over again on a press tour. (Not that I'd complain if he did do more press. I'll take whatever I can get, I'm not fussy.)
I'm going to apologize ahead of time for the length and because this will most likely be a very unorganized list. I considered doing video clips but Tumblr just makes that too much of a pain in the ass. 😩
(* I decided to really only do the most recent Act On This because otherwise I'd be here all damn week trying to make a list and ain't no one got time to read that. 😂)
First off, it's not exactly a moment but like previously mentioned—just the general vibe of these interviews. It's so much more laid back and less professional (in a good way) so we get to see The Hot Mess Express™ in all of his glory and who wouldn't appreciate that small glimpse into his unfiltered chaos? These gifs literally happened within seconds of each other. Between him dropping his phone, struggling to set it right, then immediately breaking into dance, I get whiplash just watching.
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2. I won't gif this one because he's so understandably private about his kids, but the moment when one of them bursts in not long after the above moment. And honestly, there isn't anything there to gif (again, not that I ever would) because boy was quick as lightning to turn that camera to protect his kid's privacy. 100/10. For all of his goofing off, Dad was quick to Dad™. And even with that distraction and the speed with which he remedied it—he still kept up with what Ross was asking and saying to him. For all the talk of how much of a class clown he is, it appears he can still handle his shit without missing a beat when it really matters and this was a prime example of that.
3. When he pretty much just admitted to being drunk during the Christmas trivia. Keep it real, that's how we like it. 😎
4. This one may be considered a boring choice but another one of my favorite aspects of the Act On This interviews is hearing him get to speak so candidly about his acting process. It's not something most actors really get to discuss in great length with traditional press anymore unless they're the pretentious, insufferable, method sort that make headlines with their extremes. But hearing him discuss how he tried to find ways to bring warmth to the character in The Inheritance made me even more interested in seeing it—to see how much of it they kept, to see if the attempts were even successful. He talked about adding humor because otherwise the audience might grow tired of these fighting siblings and he's right. When he finally does settle down and get serious, he gives incredibly insightful answers and I feel like his approach to most characters is just spot on. So yeah, a thoughtful answer that also increased my interest in an upcoming project is a major win.
5. It's happened over the course of a few different Act On This interviews so it's a bit hard to gif or anything but when either he or Ross mentions how frugal he is. 😅😂 He's got a five year old IPhone (which shouldn't be remarkable but lbr), his laptop supposedly only works if it's plugged into the wall, he'd rather have the money than a make-up artist, and I'm almost positive there are examples I'm missing. Love me a frugal king. 👑
6. I wouldn't call this one a moment really, more so just another example of why I love Act On This—for little pieces of insight and perspective like this. I like learning how people cope with different things and what tools they use, this one is also just very relatable because it's something I find myself also doing as I get older too (although not in audition rooms, obviously).
7. Similar to the last one, whenever he talks about how he's found ways to deal with nerves. It's especially interesting to me because I feel like I've seen a lot of chatter among fans as to whether or not he gets nervous but he's pretty transparent about how his nerves have sabotaged him in the past. It's something else that's relatable, when he discusses finding methods that work for him (mindfulness really is slept on). It takes a certain level of vulnerability to admit when you've been actively searching for ways to cope and it's admirable to hear anyone not just admit it but to encourage others to do the same. Plus, don't we all watch these hoping for those honest moments?
8. Because I'm a trash person and I wouldn't be me without admitting it...every single moment when he has the audacity to just exist looking like this. 🤷‍♀️ He was 🔥🔥and I'm honest enough to admit that the eye candy is certainly a perk of any Act On This interview.
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Honestly, I could keep going but I will spare us all.
Of course there's the obvious mentions too, like whenever he breaks into song and/or dance. The Christmas trivia was a pleasure. And like most people, I also enjoy just any little personal tidbit he's chosen to share throughout the years, even something as simple as what beer he wants to drink or his love of house plants.
Overall, I appreciate these interviews because like you said, they're just so comfortable and engaging. Once he gets the wiggles out there's usually some really great advice or tidbits shared so I really watch these always waiting on those moments and anything else is just icing on the cake.
Hopefully this was somewhat of a satisfactory answer and bless anyone that's read this far. 😳
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toomuchracket · 1 year
reader marching george to one of the teachers when she feels like he’s received a much lower grade than he deserves because
1. some teachers are vindictive (seriously why go into teaching if you can’t be patient with kids)
2. she tutored him for this specific subject and he did really well with her so it’s impossible for him to do that shit on the actual test
3. he insists he does not care about the grades (he’s “too cool to care about that shit”) but lowkey he’s bricking it and she can tell
4. this is severe injustice and she will not stand for it (and the fact that it’s her crush on the receiving end makes it even worse)
george comes into the class you guys sit together in one day (a different subject) and he's really deflated like "only just scraped a pass on that chemistry test i had the other day" and you're like "genuinely how the fuck is your grade so low i literally helped you study for that for weeks and you were doing great???? and you texted me to say you thought it went well???? this isn't right" and george tries to shrug it off and be like "doesn't matter, a pass is a pass" and you're like "fuck that! we are going to talk to someone". george is like "really it's alright!!", but you're getting properly riled up because he worked so hard and it's genuinely impossible for him to have done so poorly - like, the boy was correcting YOU on facts about hydrocarbons the day of the assessment - and yeah ok fine you also hate seeing his pretty face all sad. and you know the teacher george has for chemistry is a vindictive little bastard (a.n. i am in fact basing him on my own chem teacher), so you figure that he's not even bothered to mark the test properly because he likes to see people suffer, which is ridiculously unfair. but because you're a literal genius (and you know that teacher is a misogynistic self-serving cunt who won't listen to you), you drag george to someone higher up: the head of the department, who YOU have as a teacher this year and therefore they know you pretty well and trust that you're sensible and wouldn't do something for the sake of it. and you question if the tests for george's class have been cross-marked by another teacher, because you've been tutoring him and he's been doing really well but the test results were a lot lower than expected - thinking you give a really impassioned speech about how he's been taking his studying so seriously, you guys have been doing quizzes and past papers and making flashcards (you make george show the teacher these as proof), and you're actually really proud of him for all the effort he's put in, only for it to likely not have been recognised. george gets all glowy and blushy when he hears it all and sees how much you genuinely care about him, and the teacher is like "oh this doesn't sound good, i'll look into it" and properly apologises to him. the next week, the actual cross-examined marks are released, and you were right - the first teacher hadn't bothered to mark them right at all, so lots of people in the class had received grades they shouldn't have. anyway, george actually does end up getting an A; he comes into your shared class actually glowing about it, sits down and literally puts his arm around you to pull you closer to him and kisses your head like "thank you, you absolute angel, couldn't have done any of this without you". and you're freaking the fuck out because oh my god??? a pet name??? a cuddle??? a little affectionate head kiss??? dead. but you just ruffle his hair and say "you worked hard, you deserve it. i'm proud of you. now, keep up the effort for THIS class, yeah?" kinda laughing, and george is like "i'll literally do whatever you say honestly". and then class starts so you can't respond but you're internally like oh god oh fuck i have such a crush on him lol. and george is literally thinking the same thing about you (and is also literally planning your first date in his head at that moment) <3
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smallcrystals · 3 years
analysing timber spruce time
i don't know if this was intentional or not but i wanna talk about it
so here we have the description of timber's cameo in this short:
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i don't think timber is "slightly cowardly" by nature. lemme elaborate.
so, remember what timber did when gloriosa trapping the students?
he runs, grabs his axe and tries to get the students out.
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he isn't depicted as cowardly here, in a very serious situation.
keep in mind that timber doesn't have a fucking clue as to what is going on.
his sister apparently found these geodes that can do magic(????) and she's been using them to make this the chs students' best week at camp ever before filthy rich can come and take their land that belongs to the both of them. then, under her increasing stress, she goes and gets the last two geodes that transform her into, essentially, gaea everfree.
but he still goes to help the campers. that's not cowardly. that's not a timber spruce trait we see in legend of everfree. sure, unsolved selfie mysteries can be just showing more insight to his character but why is it that he gets scared at a potential sea monster when he's literally been through this? when he's seen his sister turn into a demon?
trauma can lead people to react to even the smallest of things that remind them of what happened before. demon gloriosa vs. "sea monster". timber screaming and hiding behind twilight – and if you focus on him through that part of the short, the boy closes his eyes and shakes – can be seen as a response to what happened at camp everfree.
sci twi has powers and timber knows this, he's literally seen it. she can save people. timber can't do anything. he has tried to before but that led him to being trapped by his own sister. no way is his traumatised mind letting him help again in magic situations when that happened to him. that's probably why he hid behind twilight.
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what happens in screenshot 2 isn't uncommon either and it actually fits timber's character. timber has never told anyone "when i was 10 i wanted to sell the camp to go live in the city". it doesn't seem like he's entirely open abt things that make him slightly vulnerable or stuff that's personal to him. trauma is not even "slightly", it is vulnerable state, it is personal.
timber whistling, blushing and looking away could be him trying to sweep his response under the rug and move the attention off himself. the "oh shit how did i let that slip, quick, act normal". that makes sense. maybe timber even did that to be funny, because he does that. try to be funny. perhaps he does it to hide whatever is going on inside his head.
and you know, people do exactly what timber did. there are times where people see stuff that reminds them of their trauma and they respond suddenly, then, if they don't want to talk abt it, they don't. they change the subject, they brush it off.
twilight's reaction is kinda interesting to me. it does make me a little uncomfortable after realising this could have been a trauma response from timber but this could also suggest more abt the point i previously mentioned. twilight may not know what timber's going through. because if she did, she of all people would know how it feels and wouldn't have reacted like that to him. so maybe she doesn't know, maybe timber hasn't told her. that leads us back to my last point that timber doesn't like being vulnerable.
there can be many reasons as to why that's the case. i like to think it's because he's had to grow up fast. you know this point, i've brought it up many times.
he's the younger child. it's common for them to be a lot more vulnerable when it comes to family matters, especially if they're a teenager. but due to his parents' death, he might have thought him being vulnerable and having raw moments of sadness/grief/etc is not going to help gloriosa. growing up fast goes against what should happen, it speeds up a process that shouldn't be sped up. maturity is different for everyone and forcing it isn't good. if sped up, you can get reprocussions or side effects. this might be it.
but yeah, i'm definitely convinced timber's response here was not one out of natural cowardice but bc of his trauma. it makes sense why he would be scared, even if it turns out not to be anything scary. he's young and had to take in a lot of stuff at once, like magic existing and trying to figure out if it's bad or not, and then the climax of LoE.
i don't know, it's just something i noticed and i hope you guys can see what i mean!! it might be that i went way too far into his character but i won't turn down the possibilities. i am a writer, after all.
(people should also stop making fun of him for it, self explanatory. but that is a rant for another day lol.)
anyways, i love timber and want to give him the biggest hug :(
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hot-wiings · 4 years
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The One Where Dabi Gets Involved With Overhaul’s Girl, Part Sixteen.
Edited: 2-26-2021
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"You're with child. You've got a baby growing in there. Our baby."
When Kai says the words to you, you're still in complete shock. A baby. A literal baby was growing inside you. You couldn't imagine going through the horrors of childbirth, you couldn't imagine pushing a baby through your vaginal canal. With Kai and all his health rules, no doubt that baby would come out a whole ten pounds.
Would you even be a good mother? Your own mother abandoned you and your sister with your grandfather. She callously tossed you both to the side without care all because your father died. Your mind flashes to Eri, your mind flashes to the deep maternal feelings and protectiveness you feel over Eri. No, you would be a good mother. You would be a great mother, one who protected her child no matter the circumstance.
You put your hand to your stomach, on top of the one Kai held there. You would be a great mother, and you would protect this child, your child, no matter the circumstance. That brought you back to reality. This wasn't Kai's child, this was your child. You weren't sure if this baby was even Kai's or Dabi's, but it didn't matter. You would raise this baby as your own, and you weren't going to let Kai influence or touch them. No, you were going to be long gone before this baby even came out. You, Eri, and this baby, even if it killed you to do it.
"It's going to be different now. I meant what I said, I want you to genuinely love me. I'm gonna be nicer."
Kai moves his hand up from your stomach and touches your cheek lightly, he brings his other hand up and cups your cheeks as tenderly and carefully as he can. He holds your face in his hands as if your glass, and it just makes you sick to your bones. He wasn't like this weeks ago, why would he change now? He was merciless, he beat you, he hurt you, why would he suddenly change now?
"I'm gonna be nicer, gentler."
I can't believe you. I can't believe you'd change like that. Not so suddenly, not so quickly.
"It'll be so different. I won't let you be hurt, I won't hurt you. I'm gonna make it so you're nice and safe from everything."
I can't believe you. I can't believe you'd change like that, now when I've got this baby inside me.
"We're having a baby."
You have to force the words out of your mouth. It takes everything in you to smile at him. Putting your hands on Kai's hands that cup your cheeks takes every bit and every ounce of strength in your body. You have to make him believe you. You have to convince him.
"We're gonna be parents."
"You're gonna be such a great mother."
"You're gonna be a great dad."
You feel nauseated saying it, but you say it so convincingly, so utterly slick and lovingly he must have bought it. Kai withdrawals his hands from your cheeks and turns around with a small smile on his face as he rummages through the medical equipment.
"We should do an ultrasound to determine the due date. I already know when the due date will be, but I just want to make sure the baby growth will be on track."
Your stomach churned at his words. You knew there was no possible way he would know whether or not Dabi was the real father, let alone that there was another father in question. You had slept with Dabi within a week of sleeping with Kai, the time frame between them both was too short, and the due date wouldn't look suspicious. While the thought of that floating in your head made you anxious, that wasn't why your stomach was churning. Just the idea of having an ultrasound, the idea of letting Kai think he could be in this baby's life, letting him think you were creating a happy family with him, filled you with guilt.
He hurt you, you shouldn't feel such guilt. He hurt you physically, seeking the comfort in another and cheating wasn't nearly as bad as what he did. Yet, seeing him with such a smile, excited at the prospect of having a child with you, filled you with sorrow. Seeing him tell you how things were going to be different, promises you weren't sure he'd keep, promises he'd change, filled you with such sorrow and guilt.
Kai took a machine and wheeled it over to you. It was tall with an old boxy-looking computer screen on top of it. It had a thick cord running out of it, and that cord was attached to a circle remote-like nozzle, a remote control wand.
"This is a sonogram machine. I'll put this gel on your stomach, then I'll roll the transducer over it. It'll pop your ultrasound up on the monitor."
Despite your nervousness and churning stomach, you didn't show what you were feeling. The stakes were too high now. You had to convince Kai how submissive you were, you had to show him that you loved him devotedly. Showing no hesitance, you pulled your shirt up to your bra line, giving Kai complete access to your stomach with a smile on your face.
Your lack of hesitance only seemed to put more glee in Kai's body. With his lips tipped in an upward position, Kai pulled a new clean pair of medical gloves on and grabbed an alcohol wipe. He ripped it open and carefully swiped it across your stomach, with such precision and careful immaculation. He treated your stomach with such fragility, as if had he touched too hard you might break open into two. After he trashed the wipe he grabbed the gel bottle off of the sonogram machine.
"This is gonna be cold, don't get scared or startled, alright? Having an accelerated heart rate is bad for our baby."
He took the cap of the gel bottle and squirted the gel over your stomach in a back and forth motion. He put the cap back on the bottle and placed it on the edge of the sonogram machine before he grabbed the circle wand-like remote. He moved the tip of it across your stomach in a circle, spiral motion.
You both looked over at the machine as Kai moved the wand around. It looked like a regular ultrasound, you had seen one when your mother was pregnant with Eri. Rather than a white baby being inside the black circle which was your womb, it was a tiny white dot the size of a bean. You knew that you wouldn't see a whole baby until later, around the twenty-second-week mark of your pregnancy, but even seeing the tiny bean was surreal.
"She, he- They're so small."
"Mm, our precious little peanut. We won't be able to do another ultrasound until around your second trimester. Doing too many ultrasounds can mess with the baby, our baby."
"Can we print some pictures, I wanna keep some. You know, so we can give some to my grandfather once you restore him back to good health, and our child will be able to look at it them once they're older."
Your words come out so convincing, cunningly convincing. You weren't even sure if Kai was ever going to restore your grandfather to good health, not when it allowed him to run around leading the Yakuza. The lie is a perfect coverup for the real reason you wanted pictures, so Dabi could have one. He deserved to have the sonogram of his possible future child.
"Of course, we'll have a bunch printed out. I'll have to get some pregnancy books for you. Now that you're carrying you'll have to change your diet and we'll need to put restrictions on when you're awake and what you do. It's important you get a moderate amount of sleep and exercise."
Kai took his gloves off and discarded them before he placed them upon your face. He cupped your cheeks just as delicately as he had handled your stomach, with such careful touches. He lightly pressed his lips onto yours and slid one hand down to your right hand as he pulled away. He pressed a quick kiss against your knuckles before dropping your hand. Kai grabbed a towel to his left and used it to clean the gel off your stomach, then he discarded the towel and grabbed your hand again with the fondest of smiles rested on his face.
"You'll marry me, won't you? I want our baby raised right, both parents in a loving marriage."
You had a feeling that regardless of your opinion and answer, you'd end up with his ring on your hand. Willingly or not. You muster up the best smile you can and give his hand a tight squeeze.
"Yes. We're gonna be such good parents."
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amenomiko · 5 years
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Hehehehe Thank You for the request. Such a cute topic ❤❤❤. But honestly I can only do for Azuchi Castle first if you don't mind. Wait for the second part yeah.
1. Nobunaga
-He was arguing with his son. MC could only shake her head to the topic as it is only an agreement about sharing konpeitos.
-"I believe we have agreed about this matter, father."
-His father smirked, "You are only a kid, and kids should eat less when it comes to sugar."
-"Say that for yourself. Don't bring age into this and besides Konpeito is not even sweet."
-"Heh. One word from me and I can always rearrange how Konpeito landed in my hand before you know it."
-"....That's unfair! You've misused your authority, Father!" His small palm shaking as tears started to form in his eyes.
-"Hmph. That's what you get for being a mere kid. Hahaha-"
-"Anata. STOP." MC pulled her son close, whos tears has started to fall on his puffy cheeks. "It's just a candy, can you at least be rational?"
-Nobunaga was taken aback. Rational? Excuse me? "Rational- this is how you play when you deal with a real negotiations in the future." He glared to his wife, who only raise her eyebrows to him back.
-"Uhuh. Negotiations. Hmh." She turned to her son and kissed his cheeks. "Come, Honey. Mommy will get Konpeito for you."
-"Wha-..? MC. Wait..!" Before Nobunaga could stop his wife, the door has been closed shut.
-That night he looks very gloomy during war council and only say "Hm." to every report, to Hideyoshi's dismay. The demon lord just sulk like an adult child he is.
2. Hideyoshi
-Hideyoshi has been busy with reports and such, to the point he didn't have time to accompany MC. Not that she mind tho, she has her beloved son to always accompany her wherever she go.
-Her son has picked up the habit like his father, of where..
-MC accidentally bump her toe on the corner of her shelf (ouch). "AFSGSGDJDKDLF QAQ!!!" It has shocked both of her husband and her son, and before Hideyoshi could reach his wife, his son already run pass him and kneel in front of his mother.
-"Mother? There, there. Don't cry. Does it still hurt?" He gently cup his mother's cheeks and rub her tears.
-"Awww Honey. My gentle little prince (*´˘`*)♡~ yes..! I'm perfectly fine. Thank you so much!"
-Hideyoshi find that it is such an adorable sight. But he is still worried about his wife. "MC? Let me-"
-He turn to his father. "It's alright. I can handle this. Mother, let us go to Uncle Ieyasu's place and then let me bring you to see the flower that I planted specially for you. I hope it makes your pain go away."
-MC cooed, hugging her son. "Awwww my baby I love you sooo much ❤❤❤❤" She kissed her son on the cheeks many times, even Hideyoshi's voice of "Uhm.. MC..? MC? My wife? At least let me help to carry you to Ieyasu- MC..?" is not heard anymore.
-That night Hideyoshi pinch himself for being ridiculous to feel jealous of his own son and assure himself he won't get himself busy again so he will spend more time with his wife.
3. Masamune
-"Father, teach me how to cook already." His son, the exact copy of him, said it while smiling smugly at the kitchen's door.
-"Haha nope. No. Not now."
-"What do you mean by "not now"? I've trained sword skill and I'm the top in the dojo okay?"
-"Yeah but that skill of yours is useless in the kitchen. Last time you cut the table instead of cutting the vegetable remember? You will waste all the ingredients so NO."
-"I can do it better this time ୧( ಠ Д ಠ )୨!"
-"Nnnnnnnnnope." He grinned, ignoring his son's fume of anger, and also the incoming tantrum. But, it didn't come.
-"....Hmph. Fine." He said. "You will regret this..!" He run from the kitchen.
-"( ͡°з ͡°).....? ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^) Heh. Finally some peace. Now where was I.." *immediately pauses as he can hear stomping footsteps coming near, revealing MC and his son*
-There's a frown on her face, and his son..? Since when did he cry- shit. This is bad news.
-"Date Masamune." Her wife started. "Can't you just show mercy to your son? How could you say that he is lack of skill and an idiot?? I can't believe you..!"
-"Come now, honey. Let your father eat alone tonight." She pulled her son before wiping his 'tears'.
-"Wha- wha-..??" He pauses again when his son suddenly turn around and shows 😝 face at him.
-"...That brat- JUST WHO'S CHILD IS THAT-- oh wait- AGHH OAO!!"
4. Ieyasu
-His son give out another sigh to the medicine in front of him. Ieyasu raises his eyebrows, frown showing on his face. "So tell me. What herbs is that?"
-"Father.. I have promised Uncle Mitsunari that I'm going to-"
-"You haven't answer me."
-"Father, I-"
-"I don't care about your promise. Finish your assignment."
-He tears up. "That won't work on me." Ieyasu huffed. Of all the people, why Mitsunari? For the love of-
-"Anata? Come on. He's just a small boy. Let him do whatever he wanted to do."
-"This is the time when he should expose to this knowledge. If he wanted to be like his 'Uncle' Mitsunari he should think twice because in the future he will be nothing but an airhead just like hi-"
-"Tokugawa Porcupine Ieyasu, say another word and you will sleep with Wasabi in the garden tonight (*´﹀`*)."
-Ieyasu: *uncharacteristically froze ( ゚д゚)* *After 5 seconds* Excuse me??
5. Mitsunari
-Mitsunari just finished his book on battle tactics and realized his room is empty. He is missing his wife, earning her attention. "MC?" He went outside and saw his wife, playing with his son.
-"Mother, I would like to excuse myself to take a bath. I'm all sweaty."
-"Alright..! Let's take a bath together? I will teach you how to blow bubbles from your han-"
-"EHHHH Σ(O□O)!MC!! He is a boy!! He shouldn't take bath with you-"
-"Anata, he is still a small boy. Oh gosh 😂. Come on now honey." Before they walk away Mitsunari be like *GASP Σ( Д ) ﻌﻌﻌﻌ⊙ ⊙ <--- eyeballs* when MC peck his son on his lips.
-"MC THAT'S HIS FIRST KISS-- *feels uneasy of all a sudden* I didn't even get one lately (∩´﹏`∩).."
-"....Oh boy..."
6. Mitsuhide
-"Not now, Anata. ____ is looking."
-"I will be going for a week, MC. Let me indulge for a while to make a week worth." He smirk as he lean closer to his wife's lips.
-"Father. Stop it. Mother is uncomfortable."
-His father's lips twitch. "This is a matter between adults, you can play elsewhere for a while." He leans in again.
-When MC automatically respond to her son, her husband literally kiss the wall behind her instead. Mitsuhide: ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ......
-"Yes, Honey?" She smiled to her son lovingly and were surprised when he peck on her lips. "I will see you soon. Let's go, father." He pulled his father, where Mitsuhide were too shocked to respond. "Did you just- wait- MC-"
-MC could just giggle to both of them.
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