#i lived this experience every day age 16 through 18 when i would hide in the back of my school's study center to skip class
pochapal · 1 year
back from jury duty day 1
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Upon request, here is a rec list of bottom Louis fics where Harry is pining. We also have a pining Louis fic rec list here and a mutual pining fic rec list here, if you’re interested. If you enjoy this rec list, please support it by giving it a like and a reblog to spread the word. Happy reading!
1) Could Be Kissing My Fruit Punch Lips | Explicit | 4554 words
Harry happens upon a porn site that specializes in live videos and sort of falls in love with the cute boy he only knows as Kitty.
And then he gets the surprise of his life when he finds out Kitty attends his university...
2) Put You On Repeat, Play You Everywhere I Go | Explicit | 8290 words
Harry is a college radio show host and Louis is a contemporary dancer attending said college. After a drunk hook-up, naturally a whole bunch of pining, dedicated love songs and make-out sessions on dance studio floors ensue.
3) Focal Point | Mature | 8935 words
By the time you read this, I’ll be gone, so don’t bother looking. Last night was lovely, Harry, I’m sure you agree. Sorry to run, but that’s just how life works sometimes, I’m sure you understand. Don’t forget about me. xx P.S. Thanks for the money.
4) Sit Next To Me | Mature | 12299 words
Harry Styles of One Direction always gets what he wants. Well, nearly always. What he can’t seem to figure out is why the very fit man who comes to assist Liam’s tattoo artist seems to have zero interest in him. Is Louis Tomlinson the straightest man alive? Or does Louis showing up for every show on tour mean something more is going on?  
5) Doesn't Have To Be A Real Thing | Explicit | 12532 words
In which Harry helps Louis get over his ex and it kind of becomes a regular thing. It’s totally casual – they have an understanding. But what happens to Harry when Nick reappears in Louis’ life?
6) Love Is Like This; Not A Heartbeat, But A Moan | Explicit | 13150 words
In which Harry loves Louis, but Louis has been cold to him ever since he presented as an omega at age fifteen.
Eight years later, Louis approaches Harry with a request, and who is Harry to deny him?
7) Wake Me Up With It | Mature | 13699 words
The one where Louis makes Harry tell him a kink he's never gotten to try out, and then he offers to do it with him, which leads to Harry's heart exploding afterwards when Louis seems to have meant it as a one time thing. Featuring a pining Harry, a scared Louis, and an excessive use of the word baby.
8) A Love Reaction | Mature | 15802 words
It's never been a thing. Not until now.
9) Dance Like Warriors On A Battlefield | Explicit | 20028 words
Down in the arena, the triumphant gladiator places his foot on the back of the loser, holding him there as he waits for instruction on his next move. Kill or let live. It’s barbaric, really, the bloodlust involved in this sport. Louis is pretty sure that if it wasn’t for his distaste for the killing there would be a lot more blood soaking that sand.
As it is, his father rarely gives the kill order anymore. He gives the order to let the loser live. Louis rolls his eyes, turning away. He doesn’t miss the way the gladiator’s eyes linger on him.
10) A Springtime's Wilt, An Autumn's Bloom | Explicit | 25953 words
Harry is Louis' personal chauffeur, and although he hides his feelings for his boss behind a wall of rigid professionalism, Louis still manages to squeeze through the cracks.
11) I Didn't Fall For You (You Fucking Tripped Me) | Explicit | 20681 words
These days Louis tends to steer clear of dating alphas. He’s dated too many knotheads in his time, and he’s ready to just focus on school and his friends and his pet monitor lizard, of course. Too bad the alpha next door won’t take a hint and stop using the worst pick up lines of all time on him. He’s really got to stop laughing with him--and talking to him and walking to class with him and letting him bring him coffee and tea and gifts for his lizard and watching Netflix together and...
12) England Has My Bones | Explicit | 24087 words
The next time Harry thinks about calling, it’s 4.14 in the morning on a Parisian hotel balcony.
13) Indestructible | Explicit | 24243 words
“Hi,” Harry murmurs, and Louis hiccups out a sob.
“Hi,” he manages, still clutching onto Harry’s shoulders. Harry’s fingers drift across Louis’ cheeks, and there’s something off about Harry’s expression, but Louis can’t figure out what it is.
“I’m okay,” Harry says, and Louis is going to say something to that, even if he doesn’t know what, except Harry’s kissing him.
Louis freezes.
14) To Be Loved (And To Be In Love) | Mature | 30227 words
The one where Louis’s popular, Harry’s not and they bond by trying to get their friends together while accidentally matchmaking the entire school.
15) Not Quite | Explicit | 34163 words
Niall gives Harry an exasperated look, nodding slowly. “Okay...so do you want to explain why we’re hiring Louis? And do you want to explain it without making any mention of his soft hair or ample buttocks?”
16) And Touch Me Like You Never | Explicit | 35971 words
The one where Harry and Louis agree to be each other's New Year's kiss and it ends up being a lot more than they bargained for.
17) The Sweetest Incantation | Explicit | 40600 words
Harry is a witch who's still working on developing his powers and Louis is a werecat who falls into his life and turns it upside down.
18) Your Touch Shouldn't Make Me Feel Like This | Explicit | 48883 words
Uni AU in which Alpha Harry has been in love with his omega friend for the longest time and one motorbike trip to the countryside with Louis made him realize that he could no longer hold back his feelings.
19) Some Things Take Root | Explicit | 50269 words
AU. Louis’ ex doesn’t get jealous of anyone besides Harry. Harry helps Louis use that to his advantage.
20) Social Cues | Explicit | 55860 words
To Harry, Louis was becoming as tangible and essential as music in his life. He still was a mystery but at the same time, he was one of the most real things Harry had. He just hoped he could live up to the image Louis probably had in his mind of him.
He could play the part, after all, what was published of him wasn’t as detached from reality. He didn’t think of himself as a rockstar cliche, although he couldn't deny he did sleep around, partied a lot, and did some drugs. But then again, wasn’t that what the majority of his friends back in his hometown were doing at college?
Harry wanted to impress Louis, he didn’t want to disappoint or leave his expectations unfulfilled, so he’d give him the full rockstar experience.
It was a very simple plan, what could possibly go wrong?
21) Amazing Sin | Explicit | 56034 words
The story of Louis ‘Steal Your Man’ Tomlinson.
22) You're Supposed To Be Smart. | Explicit | 83318 words
Louis is an oblivious idiot who get's high scores in exam and will probably graduate with flying colors and Harry Styles is a right idiot who swore to always protect Louis but can't ask him out on a date.
23) Your Name is Tattooed on My Heart | Explicit | 86809 words
Louis is ready to find the love of his life, but first he has to stop falling for the punk rocker next door.
24) Falling Into You | Mature | 143112 words
In the grand scheme of adolescence and boyhood, Harry was still working himself out, so far with little luck. But four things he could say for certain: 1) he'd been at the top of his class all through primary and secondary school, 2) he was the shittiest alpha to ever walk the earth, 3) Liam Payne never let him forget it, and 4) he’d been in love with this boy, Louis Tomlinson, ever since he was fifteen years old.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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everlarkficexchange · 4 years
Everlark Fic Exchange. PROMPTS
Springtime Edition 2021.
These are the prompts we’ve received so far.
Crossed out prompts have already been selected and are being turned into fics!
A huge ‘Thank you’ to everyone who’s taken the time to come up with an idea and send it our way. Your prompts are the heart of the Exchange. Without them, our authors wouldn’t get to write all those beautiful fics. So, please, keep them coming!
You haven’t sent anything yet? Don’t worry, there’s still time. We’ll be receiving prompts until March 7.  Don’t be afraid to inspire us!
Prompt 1: “No, I noticed just about every girl, but none of them made a lasting impression but you.” (Peeta’s pov of the girls who made impressions that didn’t last and the ones Katniss made that did.) [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 2: “Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity” - When they are assigned to the same group in middleschool Home Ec class, Peeta seizes the opportunity to pursue Katniss using all his well-honed family bakery and salesmanship skills. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 3: I would like to see some everlark where Finnick walks in on them or Johanna and the there victors make fun of them for what they heard [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 4: Trope: Jealousy Katniss. Modern AU Katniss Everdeen sees his ex boyfriend as the date of one of her coworkers in the company party. She shouldn’t care, because she broke with him, one year ago and still.... when their song plays, against her better judgements, she finds herself dancing with him. [submitted by @alwayseverlark]
Prompt 5: Peeta and Katniss were both rescued in the arena and Peeta shares a bunk in D13 with Finnick - Finnick was sleeping and Peeta and Katniss doesn't see him there in the dark hours while they are tangled in lust and desire - either when everlark is doing it and realizes finnick is there or maybe finnicks POV as he is listening silently or even telling Johanna about it the next day - maybe he even stops them mid fuck with a snide sarcastic remark it's up to you [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 6: Modern AU. High School or College Everlark. Make the “booth Kiss” but Everlark! Peeta is the big brother of Katniss best friend, and she never imagined rule number #9 would become a problem. “Rule #9: Relatives of your best friend are off-limits.” [submitted by @alwayseverlark]
Prompt 7: Prompt: Butthurt emotionally immature Peeta acts the asshat manwhore around Katniss when, in misinterpreting her, he believes that she thinks he’s not good enough for her. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 8: Age gap. Peeta and Katniss are cast as the romantic leads in a show (tv, film, stage, or even a commercial). Of course they cast someone half his age. Peeta can’t help falling for her anyway. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 9: Canon-Divergent/ In Panem D12 “I waited for you” he said but she dint’t reply. He pressed for an answer he knew he deserved, “under the rain, Katniss. I waited for you, under the rain... why would you do that?” / “I can’t do this anymore, Peeta” / “Bullshit, you can but you just don’t want. I thought you were brave!” he yelled at her looking for any reaction that will give some hope. His tears threatening to run down his face. / She didn’t move, and she didn’t correct her, so he ran away and slammed the door behind him. / “I love you” Katniss said to an empty room. [submitted by @alwayseverlark]
Prompt 10: Canon Divergent. When Peeta is rescued from the Capitol and brought to D13, he’s forgotten everything related to Katniss. The Capitol has erased his memories: no Valley Song, no bread, no games, ... nothing. It’s the perfect opportunity for Katniss to let it go, it’s what every tells her... but she still kisses his pearl goodnight. [submitted by @alwayseverlark]
Prompt 11: Prim is marrying before starting her dream job as a pediatric surgeon in another district. 30-something Katniss is proud, thrilled, and yet bereft when her entire life was lived for Prim. She’s never even dated. Has Peeta been waiting for this moment to make his move? Or do they meet at the wedding? Or when her friend drags Katniss out of her slump to a party or on a wild vacation after convincing her to quit her jobs and start a new life? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 12: Fae Katniss. She’s been with him his entire life, so Peeta simply accepted that no one else could see her, thought other people had their own Katniss. She’d been called his imaginary friend and later a crutch, a figment of his imagination, a delusion. Dr. A asks him to make a “real” friend, ignore Katniss, try going on a date. But Katniss won’t be ignored. And a jealous Katniss is a force. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 13: Katniss is “just one of the guys” and the only girl in school who’s never been asked for a date by any of these guys. One day she’s “discovered” by a modeling agency and whisked to the Capital. She returns 3-months later with a new look, new found confidence, and cash. How will Peeta deal with the new Katniss and all the attention she gets from everyone?  [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 14: Peeta is 17 when it comes out the only thing his mother ever cooked was the books; he loses his home, his family, his roll in the community. Katniss is 17 when she loses her only reason for living. What brings them together? How do they help each other survive? What forces work against them? When do they accept the other as ally, as friend, as lover? Canon divergent. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 15: 16-yr-old Peeta’s family moves away. 10 years later he returns and buys a foreclosed upon fixer-upper. When does he learn it belonged to Katniss’s family? She still lives there and hides from him, observes him, haunts him, and ruins all his romantic dates when he’s trying to impress women by making them dinner. Does she learn all she needs to know about him and fall in love before he discovers she’s real and living with him and the one who’s been ruining his love life? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 16: canon divergent, arranged marriage. Many, many years after the rebellion, old victor and mockingjay Haymitch living alone finally starts accepting help, hires teenagers Katniss to bring him liquor and pick up packages and Peeta to bring food and do some chores. The old man sees how the 2 could be good for each other, and being strategic, manipulative, and an old romantic fool with regrets over “the one that got away,” he writes a will leaving his huge fortune to Peeta and Katniss on the condition they have a big romantic wedding within 30 days and live in his mansion caring for his Effie Rose Garden (“Creamy buds unfurl to reveal a memorable heart of buttery yellow, dusty apricot and zesty orange. From a cupped bloom, Rose Effie gradually opens to a perfect rosette, showcasing her splendor.”) And geese.  [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 17: AU, supernatural. “The Monkey's Paw" retelling - 3 wishes are granted (to the owner of the monkey's paw, either Katniss or Peeta) but the wishes come with an enormous price for interfering with fate. Will the last wish make things right? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 18: enemies to lovers. Katniss ruins Peeta’s relationship or his shot with a super hot woman. Peeta ruins Katniss’s shot at great job or security with potential fiancé. Other series of embarrassments and cockblocking type events? Will they start sabotaging each other for revenge? Will they have angry sex or will it dawn on them that they’re actually attracted to each other first and make everything awkward before they instead have a sweet vulnerable moment and slow reverent love-making? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 19: based loosely on retelling of biblical Jacob and wives Rachel and Leah in that polygamist Peeta is husband to both Katniss and Prim. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 20: Peeta works in ER or long-term care facility. Katniss called in from next-of-kin list and has to decide whether to pull the plug on Prim. They argue over value and meaning of life, over spiritual beliefs and doubts of afterlife, over everything. What will she do? Will this event in this one room be the only thing they ever share, or will the bond they forge through this emotional event be the beginning for them? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 21: Graduating senior Katniss finally accepts an invitation to one of Madge’s wild, unsupervised parties completely unprepared for what goes on in them. Everyone at the party notices her for different reasons from jealousy over the way she looks to suspicion that she’s going to tell parents about the activities to desire to ruin her good girl reputation. Peeta has never missed a party - how does he react to seeing her there? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 22: Their creative writing assignment is to write a short story or poem and to illustrate it as a sketch, painting, animation, with puppets, anything goes. Classmates Katniss and Peeta base their works on the exact same shared experience! (such as the burnt bread, the dandelion, the meadow at sunset, something else entirely). Reaction? People think one of them copied the idea off the other or that they worked together. But Katniss and Peeta realize that the other one remembers, and it meant something to them, too! Will they finally talk? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 23: social media type craziness enemies to lovers. Katniss and Peeta each host a YouTube channel rapidly growing in popularity, Peeta focuses on baking and Katniss on wild game cooking, a competition for audience share becomes personal after they both bake a meat pie recipe, viewers begin to rabidly support their favorite or to ship them together hard, they start to hate each other without ever meeting, maybe they get forced into interacting for a charity benefit, things get ugly, maybe one or both has significant other who react badly to the shipping hype? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 24: While no one expected Katniss to show up to graduation right after her mother passed away and her sister died, they were surprised that she disappeared completely, and even more stunned when she reappeared years later to claim the town’s only apothecary as the last living family member. What compels her to take it over? Where has she been? What kind of welcome does she get? How does she feel about returning and about town life? What’s been going on with Peeta, is he the baker, is he single, a dad, how’s he been all these years? Will talking with him be awkward? Has he changed? Who has Katniss become? Does she seem different? Will she stay? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 25: Katniss is the new girl at this school, transferred to get a better education. Everything about her is alluring, even more so because she doesn’t see the effect she has. Seems everyone is in a clique. She learns that some people are mean and compete like it’s a fight to the death. How does she survive this new arena, learn to identify friends, and stay true to her values under this pressure to fit in? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 26: MJ canon divergent: Prim was not killed. Gale and Katniss attempted to get back to how they were before the war, but he realized he already lost Katniss' to Peeta - heart, body and soul. Any POV. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 27: Everlark in a Tangled!AU, with Katniss as Eugene, and Peeta as Rapunzel (without the super long hair...he has lovely, curly blond locks that heal when combed along to the song...but boy uses a rope to get people in/out of the tower!) [submitted by @albinokittens300]
Prompt 28: Modern AU: Bestfriends!Everlark took their shot at being lovers. But Katniss introduced Peeta as her "bestfriend" to a guy in a party (she was not used to calling him boyfriend yet). He was furious. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 29: I want to request a fic where Katniss and Peeta almost lost their first child and it just made their love and relationship even stronger. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 30: Peeta is Katniss’ tantric yoga teacher. She joins the class on a dare from Johanna and is committed to attending for 3 months. She hates it...at first. Smut happens. [submitted by @mrspeetamellark]
Prompt 31: Peeta Mellark, breakout star and heartthrob has just been cast in the newest highly anticipated fantasy epic (think like Jon Snow in GoT....or whatever because this is just a prompt) His character is highly skilled with a sword and absolutely lethal with a bow. Him and the rest of the cast have to do three months of intensive training prior to production. How will that go with him having a massive crush on Katniss Everdeen, weapons expert and fight choreographer? [submitted by @nightlock-89]
Prompt 32: Katniss Everdeen, famous musician hates posing for photoshoots whether it's for an album or a magazine with the exception of celebrity photographer Peeta Mellark who seems to always know the way to get the best shots. [submitted by @nightlock-89​]
Prompt 33: Based off the movie The Vow except it's Peeta who wakes up to find out he's married to his childhood crush Katniss Everdeen with no knowledge of them ever even dating. [submitted by @nightlock-89​​]
Prompt 34: Modern AU where a forty year old Katniss has shut herself off from the world from fear of getting hurt. After her sister dies she realizes how isolated she is and now wants to open herself up to love, but hasn’t a clue where to begin. Everlark HEA - the details of how they meet and what Peeta’s been up to are entirely up to you. :) [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 35: Katniss and Peeta tet to have a date night but the babysitter calls for some "disaster" at home (a burst pipe or something, nothing serious). [submitted by @booksrockmyface]
Prompt 36: Katniss and Peeta are both single parents. They meet while chaperoning a field trip. The rest is up to you! [submitted by @mrspeetamellark]
Prompt 37: Forbidden romance AU: Katniss is the school principal. Peeta is a new teacher fresh out of college. Age!gap Everlark. Smut happens. [submitted by @mrspeetamellark]
Prompt 38: Both Katniss and Peeta are rescued from the arena, and Peeta’s entire family makes it safely to D13. How does everyone get along? (Perhaps the older Mellark brothers have a “chat” with Gale? Or the Hawthornes, Mellarks and Everdeens meet up for the first time at dinner and a fight breaks out? Does anyone have anything to say about the beach kiss?? Prim? Rye? Gale? Will Katniss stick by Peeta or avoid meeting the expectations she set with that beach kiss and declaration of “I need you”?) [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 39: Katniss has been bumping into the same stranger (Peeta) for months. When they get stuck in an unfortunate situation together, she decides to be the first to say hello. [submitted by @eiramrelyat]
Prompt 40: Katniss is finally, after a long fight with infertility, expecting their second baby. She plans to share this news with Peeta in a big way. Just some sweet, happy Everlark excited for their second toastbaby! [submitted by @albinokittens300]
Prompt 41: based on high school musical. katniss as gabriella, the smart, great singer and shy girl who starts a friendship w the football star player of the school peeta mellark after singing together at a new year's day's party. could be based on the events of one or all three movies. just some light, fluff high school romance and a very hea. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 42: Group of friends. Economic disaster, no jobs; eventually in desperation someone in the group suggests making a porno for $, the idea takes off, as they work on a script and put out ideas, alot becomes clear, like who has kinks, who has tried a lot, and that one is an inexperienced virgin. Does the writing experience have consequences to the group dynamic, will they actually film and sell it, will they stay friends? Are any couples or siblings part of the group? Are secrets revealed through brainstorming? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 43: After getting her to agree to be his girlfriend, Gale calls Katniss frigid for not being ready for more than handholding and chaste kisses. In effort thaw her faster, he makes an appointment with a team of sex experts, Mellark, Mason, and Undersee (offering MD diagnostics, individual and couple counseling, sex surrogacy help). The professional team breaks under strain of dealing with jackass Gale. Katniss breaks all ties with him and learns in working with the team that she wants sex and just how she likes it. (Is it M/F, F/F, 3-way...) [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 44: First-date Everlark. How do they know each other? Who asked who? How do they prepare? Where do they go? How old are they? Does the first date end with a kiss? Pancakes? Request for another? Is it perfect or a disaster so epic they actually have fun and agree to a second first-date? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 45: Peeta works security (peacekeeper? police?), Katniss is a protester (rebellion? BLM?) or a civilian (rebel?) or a local translator in her village. Do they know each other at all? Work together? Fight on opposite sides or meet at common ground? What threatens them? Are their feelings real? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 46: They really do toast privately in CF - katniss wearing an orange dress for peeta and peeta making cheese buns for katniss. They wanted something their own. No one knows about it and there’s no baby (as far they know) but how would this change their relationship? How they make their decisions? Would anyone actually believe they’re married when she gets to district 13? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 47: Katniss and peeta have a secret semi-relationship prior to the 74th games resulting in a child. Katniss’ family hides it was her pregnancy and pretends its mrs everdeens - assuming katniss went to cray or something. What happens when both katniss and peeta are reaped? Will peeta learn of his child? Will anything change during the games? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 48: Mrs. Mellark survived the bombing of district 12 because she was squatting at Peeta’s house. How does this event change her and how does this effect Everlark? (Does this count as an eligible prompt? I just think it would be a great dynamic!) [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 49: Age gap. Peeta is a kid in love, driven to enlist, returns as amputee, expects no woman will have him, let alone Katniss. She has become a skilled healer, comes to care for him. He makes her heart full again, she renews him. Age becomes irrelevant. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 50: Fae Peeta or some other supernatural. Mellarks are secretly fae and Peeta meets his mate *Katniss* on the first day of school. katniss is human and it’s dangerous for them to interact when they are so young still. Peeta is forbidden to interact with her until the 74th games - where he will do everything he can to save her. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 51: Katniss and Peeta unknowingly have super powers. Anything beyond regular human is rare or unheard of in Panem. For some reason it manifests in both of them and comes out as they both fight to protect each other’s lives in the games. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 52: An AU based on Casper The movie from 1995 (just rewatched this movie, it gaves me so much EverLark vibes^^). Katniss comes to live in an old house alone or with family. Peeta is a ghost staying in this house for who knows how long. He doesn't remember much of his living life. The house is full of secrets. They try to discover the story of Peeta and of course they fell in love ! How can it be a happy ending ? 😉 [submitted by @dreamingreaderuniverse]
Prompt 53: Peeta has a harder time after the 74th games then anyone realizes. PTSD, the virtual abandonment of his family, and Katniss’ lack of interest in him, he’s in a bad place. He puts up a front when around Katniss and Haymitch, but things come to head when he gets an anxiety/panic attack while on the victory tour. Katniss is there for him. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 54: Madge has hosted “Beach Week!” ever since her family acquired the multi-dwelling retreat years ago. Katniss never had the $ to go, but with Madge relocating to Paris, Katniss lets Madge cover her share of the expenses with the promise to make it the best! week! ever! Katniss assumes Madge means taking a turn at karaoke or *gulp* going skinny dipping by moonlight. She learns that Madge and her many guests shed all inhibitions, especially with this being their last chance to go wild. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 55: Arriving in D13, it’s quickly discovered that Peeta will never be the same. Mixed with a failed high jacking, and a brutal beating, Peeta’s brain will never be the same. He’s childlike and mostly nonverbal, but Katniss still sees her Boy with Bread and will protect him at all costs.[submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 56: Peeta wasn’t highjacked in MJ. He was tortured, but not set against Katniss. After Peeta’s warning to D13 he receives the punishment for treason: he becomes an avox. [submitted by @kiinghanalister]
Prompt 57: Girl Scout Cookies come to D12: real world trackerjacker venom to a proud 4th generation baker. Is his own daughter a new scout? Is he asked to lead the fundraiser? Does troop leader Katniss come by with her scouts asking to set up a sales table in front of Mellark Bakery? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 58: Katniss’s grandchild is full of questions: why does grandpa walk funny? why is your yard have only dandelions when everybody else only has grass? why can’t I pick the prim roses - they’re yellow, too ... did you know I could eat this many cheesebuns? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 59: Katniss dad is a victor he won his hunger games and is a mentor. Peeta is reaped for the games and Katniss begs her dad to help him win the games. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 60: Quote prompt: I can see in his eyes what I've done is unforgivable ... "Who can't lie, Peeta?" (Maybe Katniss and Mrs Mellark manipulate situation to get what they think is best for Peeta, sacrificing relationship and destroying trust? Does he leave for years? Does she ever apologize enough to renew a friendship? Was he forced to live a different life than what he wanted? Or does he live his dream life but without Katniss? Is he happily married with kids when she sees him a few years later? Or is he an old bitter man who never loved or trusted again?) [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 61: The Hunger Games is real - you can go home with your winnings to live HEA. Katniss and Peeta celebrate with sex. Unfortunately, the beauty treatment chemicals stimulate the gonads, and Katniss finds she’s carrying not just one Mellark baby but eight. They’ll need more $. Haymitch suggests a reality tv show. Everyone must play a roll to earn a salary - Mrs Mellark plays the loving grandma (off camera, she’s still a mean bitch), who else will take on a tv persona? They jam in many ridiculous product placements. They slap their logo onto anything they can sell to capitolites. How far will they go to keep those baby butts in clean diapers? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 62: Katniss is the football team’s new kicker and the league’s first and only female player. It’s their first road trip. She’d heard stories about what goes on from head cheerleader Madge and piccolo player Delly. Katniss deals with locker room issues, getting respect she earned for her skill, handling the culture of drinking and casual sex, dealing with possessive girls jealous of her time with the guys or others influencing her to change her look or her attitude, finding what makes her happy and what is real. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 63: Enemies to lovers; Katniss and Peeta are rival business owners (located right next door to each other). A blackout during a snowstorm pushes them together and they are forced to face their true feelings. Do that really "hate" each other, or is their intense desire for one another manifesting itself in other ways? Before the night is over, they find themselves locked in the other's arms. [submitted by @ameliaodair]
Prompt 64: Katniss and Peeta are in a scary car accident - bring on the angst! With happy ending of course :) [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 65: 74th games - Katniss is being cornered by a male tribute (whoever you want) early on in the games. She doesn’t have her bow and he’s larger and stronger. He quickly over powers her but he’s not looking to kill her - he has more nefarious ideas. Peeta finds them and doesn’t hesitate to tackle the tribute off of Katniss and kills him in rage. Katniss doesn’t leave Peeta’s side after this moment. How does this change Katniss and the rest of the books? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 66: A story told in pictures. Like, Instagram of their stuff only, as Katniss and Peeta get in to college, change roommates, suffer loss, move on, eventually see their stuff together when they cohabitate, or maybe start there and go through drama of breakup until find way back together. (Like the supposition that your garden looks overgrown is a clue that your husband is having an affair type of idea). [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 67: 🌈❤️🦋Katniss and Peeta are the cutest couple!🌸❤️🦄Everbody hates them. Everyone tries to break them up, for their own reason, using their own methods. Damn it, it only makes their love stronger! It ends in some triumph, like celebration of their golden anniversary or other great fortune. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 68: Katniss always wanted to be a mother, she just never wanted to admit it with the Games hanging over everyone’s heads. So when the war is over and everything is real for Katniss and Peeta, she’s wants to start a family with Peeta. Only- Peeta has never wanted kids. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 69: It’s the start of the holiday shopping season. The Hunger Games Victors’ big public event is attending the grand opening of a huge new toy store where they are presented with hottest must-have new toys: action figures of themselves. Afterwards, they start playing with their dolls. Johanna’s is quickly naked. Is Finnick’s anatomically correct? Anyone jealous of Katniss’s doll coming with the Cinna Collection accessories? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 70: Everlark AU Where the Heart Is (movie) - heavily pregnant Katniss is abandoned at a Walmart in the middle of nowhere by her baby daddy. Homeless and with nowhere to go, Katniss secretly bunks at Walmart each day. One early morning she goes into labor and is discovered by the blue eyed and kind employee Peeta who immediately jumps in to help. Admitting to having no one or place to go to Nurse Effie, Katniss finds herself and her baby the reluctant charge of Haymitch Abernathy. [submitted by @kiinghanalister]
Prompt 71: Magic of Ordinary Days AU: 1940s, Katniss is a single pregnant girl. Desperate for her daughter not to have a child out of wedlock, Mrs Everdeen contacts a priest who in turn knows a young man who just may be willing to help. Sweet, kind and shy Peeta stayed home to take care of the family farm when his beloved brother went to war to never come back. He’s always wanted a family but rural small town life gives little chance to court. He hears of Katniss’ plight and graciously offers to marry her and raise the child as his own. He does everything he can think of to make a home for Katniss and the baby. How does Katniss take it? How does their relationship develop? Will they fall in love? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 72: Post MJ Everlark Parallel to the CF Scene that takes place after the jabberjay hour. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 73: Katniss looses a baby before they have Toastbaby one [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 74: Con man Peeta has an elaborate operation fleecing money out of unsuspecting wealthy victims. Why does he do it? Is it a Robin Hood type operation to redistribute money to the underprivileged and marginalized people? Or is it more selfishly oriented? He can’t do it alone and hires Katniss as a “research assistant.” Authors choice as to what exactly her role is. Does she help select the victims? The recipients of the funds? Or is she involved in planning and executing the cons? Does she help him discover the errors of his ways if he’s doing it for himself? Whatever the plan is, falling in love is not part of it and when you lose focus of the plan, bad things happen. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 75: Black swan style AU with Peeta as Odette and/or Odelle. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 76: Vignettes from a mother’s eye. Everlark through the eyes of Mrs Everdeen, Mrs Mellark, Mrs Hawthorne. One of them or any combination of the three. Canon compliant or any AU. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 77: Married Everlark are coworkers and their marriage is on the rocks. They’ve been sleeping in separate rooms. Divorce looks inevitable. On a business trip, there is *dramatic pause* only one bed. Does the forced closeness lead them to really talk for the first time in months or does it drive them further apart? Smut not required. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 78: Everlark in their twilight years. What do their relationships with the toastbabies look like? Are there grandkids? [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 79: This holiday is dumb, Katniss says every year even as Peeta goes all out with the traditions, decorations, themed baked goods, cajoling Katniss to partake in activities. Now there’s a toastbaby on the way and for some reason, Peeta doesn’t do any of the things he usually does for the holiday. How does Katniss react? Relieved? Or does she realize she actually loves his zeal and tries to spark the spirit back into him? Writer picks the holiday and level of cheesy fluff. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 80: How does that work? They were roommates and best friends. When they meet a couple who has a common law marriage, Everlark starts to wonder if it applies to them too. Go angsty or fluffy or crazy, wherever the muse takes you. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 81: Shakespearean style AU in the vein of Still Star Crossed. Katniss and Peeta were not the famed star crossed lovers. Someone else was. But while the deaths of their best friends are still fresh, Katniss and Peeta find themselves in an arranged marriage to hopefully heal the rift. Tell me their story. Any time period or setting welcome. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 82: Everlark + Taylor Swift. I'll make it easy. Any song, write a fic based on it. Are Katniss or Peeta the songwriter, or the ones living out the ending? [submitted by @archersandsunsets]
Prompt 83: Katniss gets stung by tracker jackers post mj, Peeta take care of his wife [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 84: Elementary School - the beginning of having a “girlfriend/boyfriend” - Katniss’s best friends (Maggie and Gale) are the “it couple”. She really doesn’t care - she can sit with her friend Jo at lunch and hangs out on the monkey bars alone. Until a new boy comes to school! [submitted by @winegirl65]
Prompt 85: Arranged Marriage!Everlark. (Not medieval necessarily but ‘old time’ setting) Peeta and Katniss have been betrothed since they were children, but have only seen each other through portraits/paintings. Both grow resentful of their arranged marriage, and act up against it; K being as wild and unladylike as possible: hunting, wearing trousers, riding bareback; P being a rake, silver tongue con artist, etc. A month before their wedding, they meet at a The Hub (black market/pub/whatever disresputable place you want it to be) and bet at arm wrestling against each other. Is it love at first sight? Do they armwrestle each other? Do they recognize one another? Will there be smut because ‘hey, we’ll be marry in a month anyway’? Writers choice! [submitted by @alliswell21]
Prompt 86: Katniss is married to Gale, but they have an open marriage. Gale sleeps around and has other girlfriends, but Katniss is only intimide with her best friend, Peeta - extra brownie points if Everlark have toast babies or Kat leaves Gale for Peeta. Thank you! [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 87: Katniss is desperate for a job. She applies for a job with the following description, even though she isn’t fully qualified: We are looking to hire a Data Analyst to join our data team. You will take responsibility for managing our master data set, developing reports, and troubleshooting data issues. To do well in this role you need a very fine eye for detail, experience as a data analyst, and a deep understanding of the popular data analysis tools and databases.Peeta’s just doing his friend a favor, applying for a job he’s definitely not qualified for in order to keep an eye on his friend’s crazy uncle.What happens when Katniss and Peeta are the only applicants for the job of data analyst to Supervillain Haymitch? Will they find a way to both get what they need? Do they stick to the job description or discover that there’s much more to the phrase “Others duties as assigned”? What about Haymitch? His nefarious plans always go awry, and actually don’t seem all that evil, but perhaps with the help of his two questionable new data analysts, he can finally expose two-faced Superhero Coin for the dastardly villain she is. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 88: Peeta designs “toys” for his adult shop. He hires Katniss to test his products, she has to fill a questionnaire for feed back or something of the sort. One day she comes in complaining that one of the toys doesn’t work; Peeta thinks she’s not using it properly, so he sits in to watch her try it once more... “to take notes”. She is indeed using it wrong, so he steps in to show her the correct way. [submitted by @alliswell21]
Prompt 89: If Prim and Peeta are never reaped, and Mrs Mellark and Prim die after the 75th Games, and widower Mr Mellark marries widow Mrs Everdeen, what would happen to Katniss? We know from the book that her mom would leave her. And, what would Peeta do? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 90: The Olympic committee is selling sponsorships and heavily advertising the upcoming games. The most photogenic of each sport is asked to pose for pics and attend functions, film commercial together, do some interviews. What sports represented by Katniss, Peeta, others? Required to look cozy? Animosity behind those smiles? Competitiveness? Banter? Any secrets? Do they have a “breakfast club” ending? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 91: Katniss senses something is amiss before the bakery door opens: chaos as Mr. Mellark incapacitated (throws out back?) on one of their busiest days! Mrs M never acknowledged K before, but they desperately need kitchen help, now! And K is more than capable of working hard. A bargain is struck to clean up and follow all other directions thrown at her in exchange for bread and coin. Hard negotiations? Peeta’s reaction? Is it Katniss and all 3 boys in the back? Do the older 2 know her? Any talking? How does the long day go? Does it end well for Peeta? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 92: Years later, the blocked mine shaft is finally cleared, and the bodies are recovered. Will recovery of her father’s remains help Katniss or make things worse? Will the community do anything to honor the men? Will the Everdeens get any personal effects, did he leave a message for Katniss? Will there be evidence that leads to prosecution and $ settlement? Will Peeta, Gale, community, mom, Prim be there to support K? Who can she talk to? Is she changed? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 93: Mr Hawthorne doesn’t die in the mine explosion. It’s he who Katniss meets in the woods and becomes her hunting partner, and eventually a father figure when he starts offering advice on what to do once she graduates. He sees how the baker’s son acts, but he has 3 sons who need strong, hard-working and skilled wives, and he saw Mrs E leave town life behind. Peeta never sees K with Gale - what impact does that have on him? Does Mr H speak of rebellion or does he stay quiet on the subject? Does Katniss see the Hawthorns happily married and modify views on marriage if not on raising a family? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 94: Chris Pratt was a “kick ass” door to door coupon salesman. That could be Peeta! Vacuum cleaner sales, and he has to come in for a demonstration! He’s charming, but does his pitch earn him a sale? Does his cleaner choke on all the cat hair from buttercup? Does the powerful unit suck up something of value? Is it even her house or is she house sitting and wasting his time? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 95: Peeta is also rescued or ah least when he is saved from the capitol he isn’t hijacked which leads to katniss and peeta finally dating - Johanna and finnick still make fun of the happy couple about being so “pure” and one day they have enough - either they purposely do the deed loudly or something in front of them or whatever it is, make it steamy! Or.......peeta exxagerates and tells finnick and Johanna what they have done together in an attempt to prove how unpure they are and Katniss overhears and finally does all the things peeta was explaining [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 96: The Games ended with the rebellion years ago, but now you can “experience all the excitement for yourself at Disney’s newest theme park The Hunger Games! Take a wild train ride into a real replica arena! Experience the thrill of virtually racing to the 3-D weapons pile then trade your kill count tickets in for arcade prizes! Flex your muscles swinging real replica axes and swords! Try on costumes, or enjoy a spa day at Beauty Base Zero! Enjoy an all-you-can-eat meal at The Cornucopia Buffet!” So, who wants to go? Or, who works there? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 97: Everlark cuddling. That’s it. That’s the prompt. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 98: Toned, nubile, athletic Katniss and Peeta are hired as stunt and body doubles for a couple of famous film actors who have been liberally airbrushed for the promo pics. The $ is good. No one can know. A lot of nudity. No dialogue, just well timed grunts and groans. One talks a lot when nervous between takes. Some embarrassing moments. Friendship and trust built over time. When it’s over, can they walk away? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 99: I want a smutty filled fanfic in d13 if Peeta wasnt hijacked and or captured. Are they in a relationship? How does this change Katniss’ relationship with Gale? What does Johanna think of it all? Does Finnick make fun of them but slap Peeta on the back? Does Mrs. Everdeen have an awkward conversation with Katniss about birth control? Does anyone overhear or walk in? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 100: Can be modern canon compliant divergent or whatever but with Johanna and Finnick and or Haymitch talking about Everlark and what they have or haven’t done yet. They all make a bet to see who is right and how far the star crossed lovers have taken there physical and emotional relationship. Extra points if Finnick knowingly smiles at Peeta or Everlark tells them who is right. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 101: Artist Peeta’s niche: option 1: pets - portraits dressed in period costumes with or without owner, or perfectly painted on sugar cookie, other medium? Does Prim want it, or does Katniss surprise gift it to Prim? Buttercup or Lady? In studio or outdoors? Is K indulgent or exasperated? option 2: uptight Katniss discovers that Prim had erotic boudoir photos taken of herself, and neither she nor photographer Peeta told her! She would have stopped Prim. Who is Peeta to katniss? Is Peeta insulted by what she spews out about his job and art? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 102: Peeta and Katniss are both made to wait outside the principals office. One of them in trouble for getting into a fight. The other ? Conversation started by the one not seething. As the hour drags on, they discover common ground and attraction. Suddenly, principal opens office door, and the moment is gone. Do they find way to each other at school? Or in big high school, do they happen to see each other years later under very different circumstances? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 103: Nonhijacked Peeta in d13 needs advice from Finnick about well, you know, how to fuck a girl. And well Katniss goes to Johanna or Annie for the same thing. Will Finnick and Johanna and or Annie tell each other about Katniss and Peeta asking advice? Will they purposely sabotage Everlark by giving them funny bad advice? Will they purposely and awkwardly talk about it at lunch with Gale there? Up to you but make it funny and hot [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 104: Everlark before the quell starts to get intimate, when it dawns on them that Katniss doesn’t want to get pregnant and frankly, either does Peeta however this is something they want to experience. So what do they do? Ask Panem’s biggest heartthrob Finnick for some condoms. Hopefully when the victors have training the next day at lunch, Finnick hasn’t told anyone. Hopefully....😏 [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 105: Katniss is lucky enough to be upgraded to First Class on a flight home to visit her mother and younger sister. Little does she know that onboard is one of Panem’s most important, and consequently, most handsome men, and he takes a shining to her. [submitted by @mandelion82]
Prompt 106: Peeta is a pearl diver/diver/oceanographer. He’s been looking for the perfect way to propose to his longtime girlfriend, Katniss, and thinks he’s found it when he discovers a rare pearl under the sea. The problem is, Katniss isn’t the only one who appreciates his find. [submitted by @mandelion82]
Prompt 107: When her boyfriend cheats, Katniss gets her revenge by making a pass at her boyfriend’s greatest enemy. She only intended to flirt with him to piss off her cheating ex, but things spiral out of control, and they wind up in a dangerously passionate entanglement. [submitted by @mandelion82]
Prompt 108: Everlark fall for one another over a blood transfusion. It happens not once, but twice. His blood runs through her veins, and now hers runs through his. What are the odds they would save each other’s lives? [submitted by @mandelion82]
Prompt 109: Haymitch as a matchmaker. Nuff’ said. His matches are always disasters, but one time, he gets it exactly right when he sets up his neighbors, a stoic girl with a braid and a lonely, blond baker boy. [submitted by @mandelion82]
Prompt 110: A group of bachelorettes/bridesmaids kidnap groom-to-be, Peeta Mellark, in order to convince him that he's marrying the wrong woman, and that he should, in fact, be with their friend and fellow bridesmaid, Katniss Everdeen. [submitted by @mandelion82]
Prompt 111: Peeta is a struggling post-graduate art major. He finally finds a place he can afford because the landlord cuts him some slack on the rent. One day, his landlord becomes ill/injured and his daughter/niece takes over. Peeta's instantly smitten with her, but she insists on the full rent. Will Peeta find a way to pay his sexy landlord? Can he also win her heart? [submitted by @mandelion82]
Prompt 112: Katniss's family owns a Mexican restaurant. Peeta and his friends come in, and he's immediately captivated by her. He keeps coming back, hoping to win her over, but he makes the mistake of inadvertently insulting her/her family. Can he make amends? Will she ever go out with him? [submitted by @mandelion82]
Prompt 113: she’s the man au featuring katniss and gale as the twins, peeta as duke, and madge as Olivia. [submitted by @thegirlwhowokethedreamer]
Prompt 114: Inspired by THIS picture I found - finnick understands Peeta and katniss' love for one another in his point of view [submitted by @everlark-always]
Prompt 115: Post mockingjay, everlark picnic in the meadow, with child or without whatever you feel I just want happy thriving everlark post war [submitted by @everlark-always]
Prompt 116: Hades Peeta and Persephone Katniss fanfic. Maybe Katniss is being abused or needs a reason to leave Olympus and Peeta provides that for her or Peeta just takes her. Peeta may bit of a douche or even dark!Peeta but the two warm up to each other eventually. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 117: Dark!Peeta fanfic where he is a stalker, kidnapper, or serial killer. But he does all of these things because it’s his way of protecting Katniss and ensuring they will be together. Katniss finds out in the end and chaos ensues [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 118: Under the Tuscan Sun AU: Reeling from the breakdown of her marriage due to her partner's infidelity, and struggling to follow up a successful book release, Katniss's friends book her a trip on a bus tour through Tuscany, Italy, to try and help her move on. When she accidentally ends up buying a villa in the Tuscan countryside, she finds not only new inspiration but a new chance at love in the form of her blonde-haired contractor, Peeta Mellark. [submitted by @thelettersfromnoone]
Prompt 119: what if Katniss and Peeta didn't get interrupted by finnick that night on the beach in the quell? Would they have kept going? Would the outcome of the night change since that new relationship step where they absolutely would have refused to be seperated? [submitted by @everlark-always]
Prompt 120: In the blast in THG, Katniss loses hearing in BOTH ears - she's miraculously able to hear the announcement of the 2 tributes from the same district (maybe it's just super muffled??) how does katniss handle the rest of the games without her hearing? how is peeta able to communicate with her? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 121: Secret lovers!Everlark, aged 20s: They've been a group of friends with Gale and Finnick. Katniss has always been "one of the boys" and seemed uninterested with boys... until Peeta and she had this drunken confession night and they've been hiding kisses and touches since. Summer in a few weeks, they want to go officially together to their annual beach trip, and they start planning how to break it to their friends gently... especially to Gale whom she turned down in college. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 122: a day in the bakery with Peeta and Katniss ... could be modern or in Panem ... I’ve just been watching a lot of Korean cafe videos and I need detailed descriptions of cake and cute couple moments 🍰 [submitted by @rosegardeninwinter]
Prompt 123: wholesome late 1700s Austen-esque romance with local country pastor Peeta (a la Henry Tilney) and his pretty, windswept parishioner, Miss Katniss Everdeen (a la any Austen heroine) with the angelic singing voice and dandelion trimmed bonnet [submitted by @rosegardeninwinter]
Prompt 124: The war is over, Peeta has been home for 6 months and things have been gradually better between him and Katniss. Just as Katniss starts to realize how much she needs Peeta things begin to fall apart and he is quick regressing into the tortured Capitol mutt. The Doctors say there is no hope. Katniss convinces Beetee to break into Peeta's medical files and discovers things about Peeta's mother noone knew, especially Peeta. Can this new information be the key to bringing her Peeta back or will it destroy both of them. [submitted by @emazura]
Prompt 125: Peeta Mellark has just started school with a disability (physical, metal, etc.). How will his best friend, Katniss Everdeen, help him through the year and navigate bullies? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 126: The Wedding Year AU. K & P meet and start dating. Early on, they learn that between the both of them they're invited to a lot of weddings (for friends, coworkers, family, whoever), even in the wedding party for some. They decide which ones they'll attend, and these weddings are spread throughout the year. The thing is K has commitment issues and isn't sure if she's even the marrying type, so how does this year of weddings play out for her and P? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 127: AU - Peeta is has two older brothers, a loving but weak father, and an abusive mother. How can the older boys comfort five year old Peeta after his mother’s attacks? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 128: broken katniss post mockingjay - super depressed about everything and the weight of what she went through is finally sinking in with no war to distract her. Peeta comes back and takes care of Katniss - either Peeta Katniss or even Haymitch’s points of view [submitted by @everlark-always]
Prompt 129: AU Inspired by the Greek and Roman mythologies, where the Games take place in an amphitheater/arena turned into a labyrinth. How often do the games occur? Are there mythological beasts/mutts? How do Katniss and Peeta survive? Or do they not? What happens after they leave the arena? [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 130: Sheep herder Peeta and quiet seamstress Katniss. That’s it. That’s the prompt. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 131: okay well somebody’s gotta do the inevitable Everlark/WandaVision crossover ... but it’s gotta end happy or I’m gonna be very upset [submitted by @rosegardeninwinter]
Prompt 132: Katniss and Peeta are musicians writing songs about one another unbeknownst to the other. Specifically Taylor Swift's cover of Untouchable, Katniss writes about Peeta. Peeta writes Jump then Fall (maybe change it up a little) about Katniss. Please & thank you! [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 133: The victory tour is live-streamed and mandatory viewing for each district. What no one expected however, was for Snow to know Peeta was the words behind Katniss - the one he couldn’t control. When peeta starts talking about rue and thresh in D11, snow issues the command and everyone is shocked when a bang rings out and a red spot starts rapidly spreading on Peeta’s chest. Reactions and the aftermath! [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 134: Katniss and Peeta in an FLR marriage, Peeta is bisexual and so Katniss has a lot of boyfriends like Cinna, Thresh, Gale, Finnick with whom they have sexy times. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 135: Princess Katniss Everdeen was forced to marry King Snow's son Cato, to ensure that the people in her kingdom didn’t die due to famine. Too bad she falls in love with Cato's personal sex slave, Peeta Mellark. But his time in the royal harem and that with the prince has made him too broken to even consider about love. Will Katniss be able to soothe his bettered soul? What happens when the king finds out? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 136: Katniss Everdeen never had a student as unruly as Peeta Mellark. She wants to spank the hell out of him. What happens when he finally submits himself to his hot and sexy bio teacher? [submitted by @everlurked]
Prompt 137: Millionaire Katniss Everdeen is a porn film maker. Too bad she has to hire, watch and edit two of the sexist man on earth Peeta Mellark and Finnick Odair having sex when she finds out that she might be having a huge crush on Peeta. But she thinks that they are in a relationship. Will she take a chance when Peeta tells her that he is bi and actually Finnick and him are friends, comfortable with each other to do such intimate things for money and not so subtly hints that he likes her too? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 138: Katniss realizes her feelings for Peeta on the train back and is honest with herself and Peeta about how real it was for her - the beginning of a real relationship after the games [submitted by @everlark-always]
Prompt 139: Young Katniss discovers a wolf cub caught in one of her traps while hunting with her father. They bring him home to heal and Katniss falls in love with his gorgeous blue eyes. He joins the family and becomes Katniss’ new hunting partner. As he grows, Katniss discovers the orphaned wolf’s secret. Werewolf!PeetaBonus: Jealous Gale (As friend? Hunting partner? Your choice) [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 140: The west side of the village is surrounded by a vast forest that no one dares to enter. There’s a legend that states anyone who enters will die in the hands of the wolf that can’t turn back into a man. Katniss doesn’t believe this but when she reads a book, the curiosity gets to her and the only one that she could trust is the drunk man of the town. Witness her encounters this cursed being and how everything in this town isn’t what it seems. #werewolves #magic [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 141: Okay. So texting is wonderful, isn’t it? Katniss is thrilled that she can talk to people without actually talking, especially across the room when that one person you want to talk to is in a different conversation/group than you are. (This can just be fluffy, but as an added bonus, maybe it’s also a way for someone to get *flirty* - or more - with their convo, making her blush like crazy, and the people in her group wanna know what’s going on, why are you blushing..... Or even reversed where Peeta ends up blushing at something she sent. Though he would probably just grin and look up at her unabashedly, which she chided him for later because it’s a dead giveaway. OR! Katniss receives an unwanted text/set of texts from someone - named or not idc - and someone like Finnick or Jo, Gale, maybe Prim, or even Peeta - beast mode activated - sees it over her shoulder and loses their shit and starts taking over the conversation in a ridiculous and hilarious way, unbeknownst to the person responding, and to Katniss’ chagrin. Maybe even as a group, and Katniss just cannot get her phone out of their hands. (I feel like Haymitch, Cinna, and Effie would add their hilarious two cents here and there but also I have no idea how that would work. Idk. This is also known as “The prompt for something I want to write but I don’t write sexy because I’m an awkward turtle but I still want to read this”. You know. Thank you in advance to anyone who read this and/or takes it on.) [submitted by @everybirdfellsilent]
Prompt 142: An Eon ago, the powerful seer got sent a prophecy that shook the world where it stood. "The joining of the purest soulmate will bring the gift that will change the world." (Can be changed to sound so much better)Throughout the years, the prophecy has been misconstrued and manipulated to their owe benefit. Is Katniss the child, the prophecy warned or is there more to that? #Magic #Soulmates [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 143: Katniss moves into a new town for her new job when she catches the eye of the VP of the bicker gang. How long can she resist him and can she truly fit into his life? #HotPeeta [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 144: She has a night of fun before the start of the semester. She meets this guy, they hit it off that they sleep together. But when she shows up to her class the next day, she sees the guy again. But he’s her professor and he’s way older than she originally thought. #olderPeeta [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 145: She moves in with her aunt and uncle when her parents dies in a small town. After suffering through trama, Katniss slowly starts to get better with the help of her family (aunt, uncle, cousin) and the Mellark brothers. But when things starts happening to her and the people around her, it’s revealed that she and almost everyone in the towns are apart of the werewolf pack and that one of the Mellark brothers is her mate. #werewolves [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 146: Katniss and Peeta Mellark as the "Biggest Family of District 12!" #allthetoastbabies [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 147: An Everlark fic inspired by e.e. cummings poem I Carry Your Heart [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 148: When a wolf pup runs towards Katniss while in the forest calling her Mama, she doesn't know where they came from and how can she understand them? Is she going crazy? Who's the father? (Its the hot hunk that she meets a day later) #werewolves #toastpups [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 149: An Everlark fic based on the real life story of a kitty becoming best friends with a neighbor (I will post the video link in the comments of the answered ask). Is Peeta depressed? PTSD? Grieving? (Please no divorced/widow/single dad storyline though unless it's like adoption). How does Katniss ultimately bond with Peeta and be a healing light for him in addition to Buttercup? Tension tension tension. [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 150: Katniss + Peeta idiots to lovers, modern au best friends secretly pining for one another. Ever the dynamic duo and short on cash, they decide to participate in a couples study. Who's the therapist? (Haymitch?) At what point does the therapist assigned to them realize they aren't even together? And does the therapist realize one or both is in love with the other? Big bonus points for a "It's you. It's always been you." moment. [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 151: Pandemic!Everlark. It's their first zoom date and stressed out, overworked Katniss FALLS ASLEEP (maybe they were watching a show together?) Peeta stays on the line and draws her. What happens after Katniss wakes up to a sheepish Peeta with a breathtaking portrait of her? [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 152: Enemies to lovers modern au. Katniss emails her group of new hires the training guide to review before they start on Monday. Monday morning just before she's set to meet with the group of trainees Katniss finds an email from new hire Peeta Mellark, attached is the training guide. Completely edited and rewritten. Lots of fuming in their first meeting and total tit for tat hijinks ensue. Torture us with the rivalry please. [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 153: Best friends!Everlark who have always been in love with one another. Katniss is in a pretty serious accident, of course Peeta visits her every single day. He notices that every time he enters the room her heart monitor beeps due to elevated heart rate. He notices and finally mentions to a mutual friend (Madge? Finnick?) how it's sweet that she gets excited to see her friends, said friend rolls eyes and is like uh yeah ok "friend". Peeta's all what? Cue suspicion so next time he visits her he takes it a step further and gives little touches (brushes her hair back, strokes her cheek, grazes her arm? LET IT BURN) to see what happens. Sure enough her HR skyrockets. Tell us all the sweet and suspenseful details :))) [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 154: Soulmate au where your soulmates injuries and scars show up on your body tinted in their favorite color. Katniss through the years as she discovers new marks, pondering what it could possibly be, finally figuring out that her soulmate is being hurt way too regularly and in very specific places. Do her parents figure out Peeta is being abused? How do they find and "rescue" him? Or does Peeta live his whole childhood being abused before turning 18? Does he runaway? How do he and Katniss find their way to one another? [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 155: Just a really sweet meet cute of skateboarder!Peeta wiping out the first time he sees Katniss. Bonus points for her being a skater too.[submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 156: Post MJ: Toastbabys perspective from in the womb throughout pregnancy. Bonus points for post birth moments. [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 157: Miscommunication. Katniss texts Peeta that she needs some 🥖. Peeta thinks the breadstick is a euphemism of her asking him for sex. How do things play out? [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 158: CF AU: Peeta gets drunk with Haymitch after the quell announcement. [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 159: High school au with popular girl, valedictorian, great at sport and then there is Peeta Mellark shy, awkward, sweet but not so good in academics with a huge crush on Katniss. Will she even look at him when she already has tall, dark and handsome Gale by her side? Typical high school drama ensues. [submitted by @everlurked]
Prompt 160: Katniss witnesses a potential crime in progress and gets in contact with law enforcement. Thanks to her tip, a travesty is adverted. But why did the perpetrator seem to recognize Katniss? And when did the baker’s boy become a head FBI agent? [submitted by @kiinghanalister]
Prompt 161: Katniss is texting back and forth with her older boss (who is hott and recently divorced) about a deadline. She's also bra shopping and taking photos to send to Johanna to get her opinion when she accidentally mixes up the recipients. She notices that she just hit send on the photo to Peeta by mistake (her boobs look amazing by the way, bonus points if it's sunset orange) Mortified she texts "shit, wrong person" What happens the next day at the office. Does Peeta think the pics were for a boyfriend? What's he thinking about during the staff meeting? Will Katniss be able to show her face? [submitted by @nightlock-1989]
Prompt 162: Peeta is actually the Mr. Mellark Mrs. Everdeen left behind to marry her true love when they were 18. They parted on good terms but Peeta just had to get out of town never knowing Mr Everdeens first or last name. 22 years later he returns and falls in love with frequent customer Katniss (who is of age) He brings out the playful side in her and she makes him feel young again. Katniss, who doesn't have a great relationship with her mother, doesn't tell her about the older man she's dating. While running errands, Mrs. Everdeen bumps into Katniss and Peeta, who happen to be engaged in a playful game of grab ass. Shock sets in for everyone. Does Mrs. Everdeen think Katniss is Peetas midlife crisis? Does Katniss' young age begin to nag Peeta? Huge bonus if Katniss freaks out because she realizes Peeta has fucked both her and her mom. [submitted by @nightlock-1989]
Prompt 163: Golden Age of Hollywood AU: Songbird Katniss finds herself signing a contract with The Capitol Productions, a major force in the studio system, after a casting agent hears her singing at a nightclub. Her first project is a musical with a handsome Capitol film star, Peeta Mellark. But while they agree to an engagement as fodder for film promotion, the fine print on their contract never covered the relationship becoming real... [submitted by @thelettersfromnoone]
Prompt 164: Peeta is a handsome prince, fleeing his evil stepmother, who has stolen his rightful crown. Katniss is a skilled tracker, taking bounties to send the money back to her struggling family. Will the well-respected hunter make good on the bounty, or will her heart have a different plan? [submitted by @thelettersfromnoone]
Prompt 165: Peeta gets with another girl after the war, while him and katniss are trying to be friends, thinking katniss doesn’t want him, but instead it only makes her insanely jealous. When she falls ill does Peeta come to her rescue or does he keep his distance to please his new gf [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 166: Peeta moves into a new town. It’s a small town but so lively but things starts getting weird when he starts encountering dead animals on his back porch. Looks like someone found their mate and is trying to empress him. #werewolfKatniss [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 167: He knows where she is at all times. What’s she’s doing and who’s she’s with. But lately she’s been hanging out with that guy for his liking and he needs to teach her and show her that she belongs to him and no one else. Her whole mind, body, and soul. !DarkPeeta #psychological #thriller #angst #mightnothaveanicehappyending [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 168: One thing that sets this community apart from the others is that is a matriarchy. But a lot of surrounding communities want to get in. When it is Katniss’s coming of age ceremony, the prophet tells her that she has the opportunity to choose a first husband from the neighboring community. Katniss was set on Gale but he became the third husband of (whoever you choose). Will she stick to her community’s men or branch out and get new blood? #olderpeeta [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 169: A Capitolite veiwer perspective on the 74th games, maybe running right up to the first day of the Quell. Do they notice Katniss or Peeta at first, or is it one of the other tributes they like. How do the Starcrossed lovers creep up on them. Maybe reactions to Rues death, or the victory tour ( if you want to go that far) [submitted by @darkhorse-javert]
Prompt 170: Superhero/Catburglar AU: The jewel-thief Mockingjay has evaded The Capitol's superhero, Captain Strong, for long enough, and the Merchants of the city have started putting pressure on the hero to bring the thief in for justice. The only problem? The Captain is the alter-ego of teenager Peeta Mellark, and his elusive nemesis is his high school crush, Katniss Everdeen. [submitted by @thelettersfromnoone]
Prompt 171: IndianaJones!Katniss and JiltedLover!Peeta [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 172: Secret Agent Everlark. Peeta and Katniss are undercover partners on a case in Istanbul (or what have you). They take names and kick ass. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 173: Peeta's POV in THG when he wakes up in the cave after Katniss injects him with the medicine to cure his blood poisoning, finding her in a very scary pool of blood. His perspective until she finally wakes. Canon compliant please. [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 174: Victory tour AU/deleted scene, Peeta and Katniss walk along a beach in District 4, in a brief moment where they are alone, and Katniss tells Peeta why her favourite colour is green, and anything else you think would fit nicely into that conversation. Basically just Katniss opening up a little more. Either Peeta or Katniss POV. [submitted by @emilia206]
Prompt 175: Katniss hits the force field in CF instead - Peeta’s reaction [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 176: Peeta absentmindedly calls Katniss “love”. She doesn’t mind. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 177: Canon compliant Peeta's POV in MJ when the bombs go off in front of the president's mansion. [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 178: A story based on THIS tweet. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 179: Prompt based on the korean drama “Lovestruck in the City”. Peeta as Jaewon and Katniss as Eunho and the rest is up to you [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 180: Capitol didn’t know hijacking but they left Peeta broken. He was sexually assaulted many times by Capitol buyers, both men and women. Will he be able to recover? How does it affect Katniss and Peeta's dynamic. Also Finnick plays a very important role in Peeta's recovery. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 181: After her parents death (possibly small pox?), Katniss goes to live with her mothers family. They accept beautiful blonde Prim instantly, but Katniss looks far too much like her Native American father. They sell her as a slave at auction to the Mellark Plantation. Even though she always works to the point of collapse, she is treated terribly by Peeta’s brutal mother. Does he help her keep in contact with Prim? or take care of her when the slave masters beat her? Does Mrs. Mellark sell her again? [submitted by @hope4hea]
Prompt 182: Canon Divergence Katniss gets caught hunting and whipped [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 183: Katniss is really pregnant in CF and forced by Snow to get an abortion [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 184: Horror-love story. Locals tell legend of “La Dame Mellark” who practiced Dark Arts, caused her family’s ruin, and haunts decrepit, facetiously-named “Mellark Mansion.” What if ghostly figure sometimes spotted in window and unexplained occurrences not her ghost but actually Peeta who survived fireball explosion with physical and emotional scars? Years later, Katniss new in town, either seeks shelter there, maybe looking for her sister’s missing cat? Is Katniss trapped or injured or on the run? Does her singing soothe Peeta when he slips from shy to explosive personality? Does he free her? Do locals storm property looking for her? Is Katniss the delusional crazy dangerous one who repels the attacking horde with explosion, then is soothed by gentle Peeta who promises to care for her because turns out Prim died long ago and Katniss never faced truth? HEA for them, maybe not for townsfolk. [submitted by @567inpanem]
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I caught the Pokémon fever and I felt the urge to draw Yuu as a Pokémon trainer!
I kinda want to make a new AU where Yuu actually comes from the Pokémon world as well as update her BIO. Also I’m thinking of changing the color her school uniform’s vest.
Also, in this AU I think with her Pokémon by her side, she’s a lot more confident enough to think she would have no need to disguise herself as a boy. So this is what her uniform would look like:
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Backgrounds I used:
Name: Yuu
Gender: Female
Age: 18 (I know I said she was 16 before, but now I want to change it 😖)
BIO: (It got a bit long, so I hid it under cut)
In the world of Pokémon, Yuu was originally from Opelucid City in Unova with her single mother. They were a poor family and her mother stressed day after day, trying to make ends meet while also putting up with the other responsibilities that came with being a parent. What set her over the edge was when Team Plasma attacked the city and froze it in ice along with their home. This made Yuu’s mother decide to put her in foster care in Castelia City in hopes another family would come and take better care of her daughter. That’s what she said, but when Yuu looked at her mother’s face she couldn’t help but see a bit of relief in her eyes. After that, Yuu mostly kept to herself, not really interacting with the other kids, blindly hoping that her mother would return once she’s more financially stable, but she never did...
One day, when she and the other foster kids were out and about the city (with adult supervision of course), enjoying their Casteliacones, a Patrat swiftly took Yuu’s remaining cone! She chased after it down in one of the alley’s, and hid around the corner and made a big discovery! The Patrat was actually a disguised Zorua! After hearing his stomach growl even after he scoffed the cone down, Yuu felt sorry for the illusion Pokémon and approached it. Zorua growled as Yuu settled down her backpack to take out her lunch bag and revealed it’s contents to him. “You need it more than I do. Take it.” She got up and left to return to her group, leaving behind a very confused Zorua. Oddly enough, Yuu met Zorua again shortly on the same day. After finishing most of her lunch Zorua saved an apple and followed her home to return it. (Disguised of course) But even with the disguise, she recognized the apple immediately and could see right through Zorua. Since then the two would meet when Yuu had the time and bring Zorua some food and she would chat and play with him. Sometimes she would talk about something funny she saw on TV, or go ranting about how annoyed she gets with grown ups pestering her about playing with the other kids when she wasn’t even interested. The only game she was interested in was Hide n Seek, but was then banned from playing it by the adults for being too good at it. And couldn’t even talk about Pokémon with the other kids without talking like a “stuck up know-it-all”. As well as talk about her dream of finally becoming a Pokémon trainer and go wherever she wanted without any kids or adults telling her what she can or can’t do. Zorua would then bark at her like he understood what she meant, and for the first time, she felt she finally has a friend/ally.
Then one day, one of the other kids leading a group traced back to where she had been meeting Zorua and found him, and by the time Yuu got there, she was horrified to find the kids circling and ganging up on a distressed Zorua - wanting to touch his ears and tail. At first, Yuu froze in fear, fear that now the kids know where her special meeting place with Zorua was, fear that Zorua might think she betrayed his trust by telling them about this place, but as Zorua cried out - Yuu snapped. Pushing all the other kids away, shielding Zorua, Yuu yelled at them to leave Zorua alone. It did not sit well with the biggest kid, who shoved Yuu to the ground, which angered Zorua! Zorua then used scratch on the kid and used his power of illusions to change into a Hydreigon! Not realizing it was an illusion, the kids ran away, crying and screaming. This greatly relieved Yuu, believing this event would make the kids think twice before messing with them again. However, that sense of security was short-lived ‘cuz shortly after it, she was confronted by the adults who run the foster home as well as a policeman, who was holding a struggling Zorua by the fur collar. Yuu was scolded for attacking the other kids while also making contact with a dangerous wild Pokémon that had a history of stealing food from tourists and local alike and now has attacked a defenseless child. Yuu tried to explain that Zorua was starving and how those kids were scaring him and the only reason he attacked was because she was shoved. But her explanations fell on deaf ears as the policeman said he’ll take Zorua somewhere far away from Castelia City. All Yuu could think of was that she was about to lose her only friend and will be left alone with kids who hate her. Not wanting to bear with that reality, she charged for the Policeman, kicking his shin which was enough to make him to lose his grip enough for Zorua to wriggle away free. And the two both charged out into the alleyways of Castelia City.
Since then, Yuu was a small child with a Zorua on the run. The police were frantic about searching for them, but thanks to Yuu’s cleverness when it comes to Hide n Seek and Zorua’s illusions, it made it all too easy to give them the slip. They were together, but unfortunately they had to steal food in order to get by. One of these thefts lead to a fateful encounter with a certain mad scientist by the name of... Colress.
While he was enjoying his newfound freedom from police custody at a café, Yuu swiped one of his pastries. And of course, it had to take one misstep to alert Colress that he was being stolen from which prompt Yuu to run as if her life depended on it. But as she regrouped with Zorua, they were suddenly surrounded by Colress’ Klingklang, Magnezone, and Porygon-2. With KlingKlang using protect from Zorua’s attacks, they had no way of getting out of it. But even then, Yuu refused to give up if it meant that she and Zorua will be separated. Seeing her bond with Zorua as well as her ability to give Zorua commands despite not even old enough to become a trainer, Colress’ interest was piqued and the gears of his mind started to turn. He held off his Pokémon’s attack, and met with Yuu at eye-level to ask her about her story with Zorua. At first, Yuu refused saying he’s just another adult who would never listen to her or give her the time of day, only for him to respond that it’s quite the contrary. Something about his eyes told Yuu that this isn’t something he would lie about and she reluctantly told him about her situation.
And Yuu didn’t know how (and was too afraid to ask), but somehow Colress was able to convince the people at her foster care to let him take custody of her as her guardian as well as convince the Police to let Zorua off. But one thing she did ask is why he decided to help her and Zorua out in the first place, his response was, “Because I firmly believe that someone should never be separated from a Pokémon they have a clear bond with. No matter what age they may be.”
And since then, Yuu and Zorua were always together. And though Colress was her guardian, he was never a father-figure for Yuu. Yes, he did provide Yuu and Zorua food and shelter, as well as Yuu’s education. But he never hid the fact that he saw the bond between Yuu and Zorua as a fascinating research subject. Sometime even testing how in-sync their brainwaves were. Yuu didn’t really mind either as long as no one dares to take away Zorua again and at the time she saw Colress as the only adult that was ever straight with her.. Zorua himself didn’t trust Colress and would always keep a sharp eye on him while sticking close to Yuu.
Hearing about the close community of people and Pokémon in Alola, Colress moved his lab there thinking it would be the ideal place for his research and took Yuu and Zorua along with him. At first Yuu didn't know how to feel about the change, but was surprised that compared to the kids she knew in Unova, she actually thought decently about her classmates at the Pokémon school that she was enrolled in. For one thing, they actually respected Zorua's space and hers which was a huge breath of fresh air. And her teacher, Professor Kukui, just let her take her time before getting to know them instead of pushing her to do things that made her uncomfortable. Later on, Yuu hears about how close the other students are with their parents, which made Yuu more aware of how different she is from them considering she doesn't exactly have a typical father/daughter relationship with Colress. Seeing her newfound sense of loneliness, Professor Kukui invited her to his lab to spend time with the Pokémon while also meeting his wife, Professor Burnet. It wasn't long before Yuu started having dinners with the married couple and started seeing them as parental figures.
(Now this has been going on for a little while now, so I’ll just sum up the next part shortly as the next part should be stories for another day)
When she became a trainer at the age of 11, Yuu decided to take on the Island challenge. Along the way she became partners with Primarina, Toucannon, Raichu, Mudsdale, Lurantis, and among others with those 5 plus Zoroark being her main 6 for Alola. And after becoming Alola’s first champion, Yuu decided she wanted to travel to experience everything the world has to offer, not only to perfect her battle-style further, but also to meet the Pokémon of every region as well as to grow deeper bonds with her Pokémon.
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flufflepuffle296 · 4 years
“Chloe xxx”
I really want Chloé to get another redemption arc, but not because she wants to be Queen Bee again or prove herself to anyone-but because she wants to prove to herself that she can be as awesome as she wants. Also sorry but I rambled here.
I don’t even want it to start because of something big like being rejected or glares from classmates, it could just be she’s chilling in her room and she notices her butler flinching when she calls his name, or she’s watching a show and she wants to be just as cool as the main character, or even just looking around the class and just thinking “why not?”
She then starts calling her butler’s name a little sweeter, takes Sabrina out for coffee at her favourite café this time, pushes Alya’s bag towards her when it falls off the bench. She anonymously donates money to varying charities and doesn’t tell anyone about it. She feels warm when she does it-she doesn’t know why but it almost feels kind of nice. She begins working a shift or two here and there at the hotel. She smiles at Mylene when she walks in (even if she considers that outfit a crime against fashion), and returns pens when she borrows them. Nino loses a USB and Chloé helps in the search party for it (though does it secretly at break and lunch).
Becoming nice to Marinette is harder though. She decides however, that if she wants to be an ok person, she has to give everyone a chance, so buys a yard or two of a nice fabric the girl’s been eyeing for weeks, and posts it with a note signed “-C xxx”. It kind of feels a little nice when Marinette walks in in a pale pink beaded dress that isn’t totally horrible Chloé supposes.
She later realises that saying sorry is another thing she can do to become a better person, and she always kind of wanted to but was too prideful to do so-but no more! She apologises to butler Jean, saying that she’s sorry for screaming at him, firing him, everything.
She then apologises to Sabrina, for treating her as a slave and asking if she wanted to go to that film she’s been rambling about, since they always go for her choice. She also takes all of her homework back that Sabrina was doing for her, and starts working really hard on it.
She goes to the bakery later that week, and orders a large slice of cake, reasoning that she can’t be nice to others if she’s not being nice to herself, therefore she needs this chocolate cake. She then asks Sabine if she can go up to talk to Marinette, who is rather skeptical of her and only allows her in the dining room. She apologises for bullying her all those years, and hands her an envelope signed “-C xxx”. Marinette opens it, to find it full of cash that’s tied in small bundles with labels on.
“Homework soaked-age 7” €3
“Sketchbook ruined-age 10”. €18
“Teacher’s present destroyed-age 14”. €16
Everything she’s physically destroyed or ruined is accounted for and compensated. She then apologises for all the verbal abuse and mean comments, before asking for a truce. Marinette accepts, and points out that since they have a truce, she is obliged to inform Chloé that she has buttercream on her face.
A week later she gets all her homework back: B+, B, A-, B-, A+.
Not her usual report of full marks, but she’ll take it.
She starts working every night at the hotel, from 6pm till 10pm. She refuses to look it though-she is Chloé Bourgeois after all. Her uniform is spotless, her makeup is now impeccable (blue eyeshadow with pale lips? What was she thinking?), and she never has a hair out of place. She begins living on coffee-these grades aren’t going to raise themselves after all -and constantly has an energy drink in her bottle (not that the class is allowed to know that).
Grades: B+, A-, A, B, A+
Getting better...
Once in class, Rose slammed her head on the table (delicately? She somehow slammed her head DELICATELY?), and weeped that she didn’t understand the material. Chloé scribbled an explanation on a sheet of paper, and after class slipped it in Rose’s bag.
The next day, an akuma strikes near the school. They can’t leave because some kids live far away, and Bustier isn’t taking initiative and the class rep is no where to be found. Chloé bites her lip, before standing on the desk and clapping her hands. Once she has the class’ attention, she gives out instructions.
“KIM, IVAN! Grab heavy objects and block the doors. JULEKA, NINO, NATHANAEL! You can lock the windows since you’re the tallest. EVERYONE ELSE! Clear books away and any other things that could cause bruising if knocked over, put bags away, and hide under the desks and benches!”
Everyone stares at her.
Everyone scrambled to their duties, before hiding under the desks, holding their heads like Chloé instructed.
Grades: A, A-, A+, B+, A+
Nearly there...
She informs her father that she’ll be leaving for a week next month, and tells Bustier and Damocles. She books a plane ticket to New York with her money from working, as well as a hotel room. She packs her bags and leaves, giving her dad a kiss and a hug beforehand and promising that she’ll be safe. She boards her plane and then hauls her bags up to her room, before making a call.
“Who is this?”
“Your daughter, Chloé.”
“I DON’T-oh you. Why have you called me I’m in the middle of working-shouldn’t you be at pre-K?”
“I’m 15 and French ma-but anyway, is it possible if you could promote Marinette’s website-MDC-in return I’ll work for you for free.”
“Oh yes Marinette-the exceptional one. How long will you work?”
“I’m only here a week-I’ll become your assistant even! I know you hate Stephanie.”
“...Fine. I’ll drop her into conversation at an interview if you’re only here a week. Now do not call me unless it’s an emergency. You start tomorrow-8am, sharp, in a fashionable outfit-or you’re fired.”
Chloé smiles as the line goes dead. Her mother may be a dragon, but Chloé can respect that she helps those she cares about.
Even if it isn’t her...
The next day she arrives at the office at 7:45, in a white suit with gold jewellery. Audrey nods, before sending her out with rapid instructions for coffee. Chloé takes her order to the café she requested, and starts reading it out to the barister, only for him to pale and interrupt her halfway through.
“Oh God-you’re ordering for Audrey aren’t you? Oh Lord-HEY AARON! STYLE QUEEN ORDER NO. 37! QUICK!”
The other worker, Aaron, goes white, before flipping every machine on and opening every can he can find in preparation.
“You must be her new assistant-good luck with her, the last one would come in to order her coffee and then sit in the corner and cry so much we set up her own space-look!” The first one says, pointing out to a comfy area of bean bags and pillows.
Chloé cringed. “Nah, worse. I’m her daughter, if you can even call me that, that’s interning for her in exchange for a favour.”
The barister pitied her. “Yikes.”
Chloé takes the coffee being thrusted at her and nods at the two, before sprinting back to the office.
After that week of hell, she still refuses to wear anything other than heels and designer clothes, and her hotel room is immaculate. She packs the night before, and sets off back to Paris in the morning.
MDC takes off after the Style Queen reccommended it briefly in an interview, and Chloé starts helping Marinette manage and organise commission dates and social media, eventually becoming her PR person/caffeination.
She starts working not only her 6pm-10pm shifts, but also a few shifts from 4am-7am a few times a week. She does her homework at lunch and as soon as she gets back from school, even doing it during akuma attacks. She gets through a concealer a week for her bags, and sleeps all weekend.
Grades: A+, A+, A+, A+, A+.
...Or not...
She realises that she can’t maintain this. She can’t survive on 3 hours sleep and an unholy amount of caffeine. She cuts back on her shifts, doing 4 a week at most, and only does homework for a maximum of 2 hours a day. She starts, meditation and yoga, trying to keep her mind peaceful. She still donates to charities, and goes out with Sabrina and shops.
Grades: A, A, A, A, A.
Still pretty good, and she’s happy this time!
She begins doing things more for herself. She’s always wanted to learn Spanish after all. She hires a tutor, and starts working extremely hard to become as fluent as possible by the end of her education.
She learns conversational Spanish in about 6 months of semi-intensive learning, and decides to do something else as well. She starts learning Mandarin with Marinette, and struggles slightly more than she did with Spanish, but she’s still progressing.
She realises that she has a knack for learning languages, and picks more up more easily after she starts learning Spanish, Mandarin and later Portuguese.
One day when she’s out she comes across a homeless man, and offers him some money and brings him a hot meal. She sees others around him in the same situation, and does the same for them.
She then volunteers at the local soup kitchen, feeding hundreds of people on weekends and washing up afterwards. She connects with the homeless and a few refugees, and starts learning Arabic from one of the regulars, in return slipping her a few Euros (basically she gives her €250 every week).
She takes a shift at the bakery, manning the counter and becoming fast friends with Marinette as they practise their Mandarin on one another.
Grades: A+, A+, A+, A+, A+
She eventually starts applying for universities, listing her abilities and experiences.
• A+ Student
• Volunteer
• Interned for Audrey Bourgeois
• Works at Boulangerie Patisserie
• Works at Le Grand Paris
• Fluent in Spanish, English and Mandarin, knows conversational Arabic and Portuguese, learning Polish.
The more she writes and thinks about the past 4 years, the more she comes to the realisation of
“Holy shit, I’m awesome. I’m an ok person. I’m a good person in fact. I’ve done good things. I’ve made a good impact on society. I did it. I DID IT!!! And I’m going to keep doing it-after all, I’m awesome and people rely on me, plus it makes me feel good. I’m no longer a spoilt 14 year old. I can be good. I am good. I am a good person.”
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baoshan-sanren · 4 years
Chapter 50
Emperor Wei WuXian And His Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Birthday
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 Part 1 | Chapter 8 Part 2 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 Part 1 | Chapter 15 Part 2 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 Part 1 | Chapter 22 Part 2 | Chapter 23 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 | Chapter 26 | Chapter 27 | Chapter 28 | Chapter 29 | Chapter 30 | Chapter 31 | Chapter 32 | Chapter 33 | Chapter 34 | Chapter 35 | Chapter 36 | Chapter 37 | Chapter 38 | Chapter 39 | Chapter 40 | Chapter 41 | Chapter 42 | Chapter 43 | Chapter 44 | Chapter 45 | Chapter 46 | Chapter 47 | Chapter 48 & Chapter 49
Nie HuaiSang wrinkles his nose at the smell.
It has been some years since he has descended into the dungeons, but the damp air seems heavier now than it had been in the past. They are not meant to be enjoyable, the dungeons, and more pleasant accommodations would defeat the purpose of using them as a form of punishment. Still, HuaiSang does not understand why nothing can be done about the smell. The fan does precious little aside from moving the sticky air across his cheeks, and he folds it irritably, tapping Song Lan on the shoulder.
“Are you certain that torture will yield no results? I assure you, Madam Yu has made quite an art of it over the years. I think she takes pride in obtaining confessions without spilling a drop of blood.”
Song Lan shakes his head. They have spoken of this before, but HuaiSang knows that his voice will carry to the nearest cells. Perhaps Xue ChengMei cannot be tortured into a confession, but there is no harm in issuing a threat.
The boy is on his feet long before they reach him, forehead pressed against the bars, a mischievous grin etched across surprisingly attractive features. HuaiSang understands that a monster’s appearance will rarely reflect their inner monstrosity, but even he has to admit that this is slightly ridiculous. The boy looks fifteen years old at most, short in stature, small in build. The only vaguely threatening features of his appearance are the white, sharp teeth, but even those are made more menacing by their surroundings. Had the boy grinned at him in a well-lit courtyard instead of doing so in-between the bars of a cell, HuaiSang would have thought him cute, rather than dangerous.
“The Royal Companion,” the boy exclaims, “what an unexpected pleasure! I am a great admirer of yours.”
“Is that so?” HuaiSang says, “Do not spare the detail. I am always willing to be admired.”
Xue ChengMei’s eyes glitter in the darkness, his grin unwavering, “I should have known you would make no pretense of false humility.”
“Not precisely the way I prefer to be flattered.”
“It is your deeds I admire,” the boy says, “Tell me, does Sect Leader Su still believe that his son perished from a snake bite? Do you not think it extremely unfortunate? To be bitten by a yellow tail in MoLing?”
The boy taps his lips with his finger, issuing an exaggerated wink, “What a studious, sturdy snake that must have been, to have traveled all the way from QingHe just for a taste of the Young Master Su.”
HuaiSang mirrors the boy’s movement, tapping his lips with the fan.
Interesting. And potentially problematic.
“Your performance was not nearly as impressive,” HuaiSang smiles, “Such a common poison, with such an easily obtainable antidote. Surely, you did not expect that plan to work.”
“Ahh,” the boy sighs, pressing his cheek against the iron bar, “not all of us can be masters of the art I suppose. But the resulting chaos was quite entertaining.”
“Tell me about the Emperor’s potential,” HuaiSang says, “Tell me about achieving greatness.”
“Oh, but I have a much more interesting story to tell.”
“I am bored now,” HuaiSang turns to Song Lan, “let us go back.”
“Your father,” Xue ChengMei says quickly, “was no older than myself when the Empress took the throne. Such a young age, to be handed such great responsibility. Are you sure that you do not care to hear the story?”
HuaiSang’s fingers do not clench around his fan. He is calm as still water.
“You will like it,” the boy goes on, excitedly pressing himself against the bars, “it is a story no one else knows, but I am willing to share it with you.”
“Most of his words are deranged nonsense,” Song Lan says decisively, “there is no need to humor him.”
“Might as well,” HuaiSang says, glad to hear himself sound unaffected, “He seems anxious to tell it.”
“I am,” Xue ChengMei exclaims, “It is a fascinating tale. Many, many years ago, there was a mad Emperor who had a gift for demonic cultivation. But trying to control resentful energy comes with a cost. In order to continue using this infinite resource without harming himself in the process, he decided to store this energy into an object. The object would be capable of concentrating and directing the energy, but the process of creating such a thing came with a cost as well. He committed endless atrocities, slaughtered thousands of people, burned towns, rivers ran red with blood, so on and so forth,” he waves his hand impatiently, “You know that part of the story I am sure. Temples and cities obliterated, Sects decimated, advisors strung up by their toes, blah-blah.”
The impatient wave of his hand is such a perfect mirror image of Wei Ying’s own frequently used gesture, that HuaiSang is both alarmed and nauseated to see it.
“This part is known to all; the Emperor’s little niece, his favorite creature in the world, decides that the Emperor must be replaced, and murders her own uncle in cold blood. This is a story told and retold. Every child can recite the details. The Emperor’s experiments had failed, the Emperor was killed, the Empress took the throne, years of peace followed. But,” the boy presses his forehead to the iron bar, “this story is wrong.”
“Is it?” HuaiSang says, more and more convinced that this creature is dangerously unstable, “How so?”
“The Emperor did not fail in his experiments,” Xue ChengMei whispers conspiratorially, “He had succeeded. He had managed to create an object which can store infinite amounts of resentful energy, an object which can be used by any of his descendants. Any descendants, that is, who posses a particular affinity for demonic cultivation.”
HuaiSang feels his stomach turn, “The sword.”
“The sword,” the boy confirms, “Now, this is the interesting part of the story. The Empress, having grown up at court, did not have many trustworthy friends. But she did have three close confidants, two sworn brothers and a sister, peers she explicitly trusted. One of them, your father, was entrusted the sword. He was to place the sword in the Nie family's Ancestral Hall, where no descendent of YanLing DaoRen could lay their hands on it again. Can you guess what happened next?”
HuaiSang no longer cares that the boy can see his tight grip on the fan.
“Enlighten me,” he says coldly.
“Your father did not follow the Empress’ order,” Xue ChengMei grins brightly, “and who can blame him, truly? A young girl, not a full day in possession of the throne yet, asking him to hide such an object? If she were to lose her seat within a year, who would stand in the Nie Sect’s defense? Who would believe that the Nie Sect had obtained such an object for the sake of protecting the throne, instead of personal gain? You may think yourself a rare creature, Young Master Nie,” the boy winks again, “but I think you will find that the Nie Sect Leaders have always been pragmatists at heart.”
HuaiSang ignores the jab, his mind a whirlwind, “What did he do with the sword?”  
The boy offers an exaggerated shrug, “Pawned it, sold it, given it away. What difference does it make?”
He is lying; HuaiSang knows this. He had made no effort to make it sound like the truth.
“How did you get it?”
“A friend gave to me,” Xue ChengMei says, blinking innocently through the bars.
“A friend who is still in the Immortal Mountain City?”
“Maybe,” the boy says, “Maybe not. Maybe he is no longer a friend. One cannot always trust those they call friends,” his grin is a sharp, sickly-sweet thing, “I believe this is a lesson the Emperor has yet to learn.”
HuaiSang wants nothing more than to take a hot, fragrant bath, and forget that he had ever spoken to this creature.
“You wanted the Emperor to become another YanLing DaoRen. To what purpose?”
“Wei WuXian would never be another YanLing DaoRen,” Xue ChengMei scoffs, “He would be so much more. A perfect vessel of destruction. A divine entity. Chaos personified.”
That answers that question.
HuaiSang taps his fan against his leg, thinking.
“Your attempts to eliminate the Lan Sect. You did not want the presence of those who can cleanse the Emperor of the resentful energy. But the Lan Sect is still here. The Emperor will recover. Your plan has failed.”
Xue ChengMei does not seem upset by the revelation, “Plans fail on occasion. There is always tomorrow.”
“You must have a great deal of confidence in your friend, who is maybe no longer a friend, if you intend to live long enough to see tomorrow.”
The boy only smiles in response.
It is an empty threat.
HuaiSang hates making empty threats.
A Jin Sect disciple cannot meet an accidental death in the Immortal Mountain City dungeons; not unless HuaiSang means to cause a diplomatic disaster. The situation at court is still too tense, too fragile for such heavy-handed solutions.
HuaiSang also cannot reveal the reasons for Xue ChengMei’s imprisonment. Such an accusation would result in a swift death, with no opportunity to draw out the accomplices he must have in the Immortal Mountain City.
No, the boy is infinitely more useful alive, although it sets HuaiSang’s teeth on edge to have this creature anywhere near Wei Ying.
There are many more questions he could ask, but the smell is unbearable, and for the time being, he has the majority of the answers he needs. The boy’s revelations may have been sparse and unpleasant, but HuaiSang has never needed all the pieces of a tangram to discern its shape.
Only when he is climbing the stone steps, does one particular sentence come back to him with full force, and he finds himself shaking his head in disbelief.
Chaos personified. As if Wei Ying had ever needed a demonic sword to be worthy of such a title.
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souldrawn · 3 years
aka  bios  are  coming  slow  and  this  is  selena’s  solution.  below  the  cut  you’ll  find  a  brief  summary  of  each  of  my  muses,  their  age,  gender,  orientation,  etc.;  everything  you  need  to  know  to  get  a  general  idea  of  who  they  are  if  you’re  not  familiar  with  them  already  and  see  if  anyone  sparks  your  interest.  thank  you  for  reading!
DEBBIE  LOOMIS:  ex-wife  to  a  cheating  husband  and  ex-mother  to  a  deceased  son  who  turned  to  murder  after  she  left  home  and  never  looked  back.  her  resentment  toward  her  failing  marriage,  grief  over  the  loss  of  her  son  and  rage  over  the  women  responsible  ( in  her  mind )  for  it  all  turned  her  down  a  path  of  serial  murder  with  one  goal  in  sight:  kill  sidney  prescott.  ( mid-40s,  cis  female,  heterosexual ).
GALE  WEATHERS:  a  local  reporter  with  unmatched  ambition  that  borderlines  on  ruthlessness.  she’s  not  particularly  well-received  among  some  of  the  woodsboro  community  due  to  her  cutthroat  nature  toward  covering  the  news  but  that  doesn’t  stop  her  from  doing  whatever  it  takes  to  get  the  facts  and  the  story.  (  28 - 50s,  cis  female,  tbd ).
KIM  POSSIBLE:  just  your  basic,  average  girl  who  just  so  happens  to  save  the  world between  cheer  practice,  babysitting  jobs,  school  and  maintaining  a  social  life.  fighting evil  day  after  day  is  no  big,  but  acing  cheer  regionals,  getting  hard-headed  teachers  off  your  back  or  securing  a  date  to  the  school  dance  can  be  so  the  drama  sometimes.  ( 15 - 18,  cis  female,  bisexual ).
SIDNEY  PRESCOTT:  a  woman  doomed  to  a  life  of  trauma  and  survival,  with  a  spine  of  steel  and  a  heart  of  gold.  sidney  was  forced  to  grow  up  at  a  young  age  when  forced  to  deal  with  the  loss  of  her  mother  at  the  hands  of  a  murderer;   from  there  things  seemed  to  steadily  spiral  as  she  became  the  unwitting  ‘final  girl’  in  what  has  been  four  separate  murder  sprees  to-date.  she  always  comes  out  of  it  alive,  but  at  what  cost?  ( 16 - 45,  cis  female,  lesbian ).
TREE  GELBMAN:  resident  campus  party  girl  and  sorority  alpha  bitch  turned  murder  victim...  again,  and  again,  and  again.  dying  and  reliving  the  same  day  on  loop  forces her  to  face  the  person  she  is,  the  people  she’s  hurt,  and  the  grief  she’s  buried  for  three  years  and  refused  to  acknowledge  until  she’s  been  forced  to  stare  death  in  the face  more  times  than  she  can  count.  oh  yeah,  she  also  has  to  figure  out  who  keeps  killing  her,  before  she  ends  up  staying  dead.  ( 21,  cis  female,  bisexual ).
ADIRIS:  the  youngest  of  seven  left  on  the  steps  of  a  temple  at  the  age  of  five,  adiris  held  onto  the  belief  that  the  gods  had  a  greater  purpose  for  her.  she  spent  the  years  that  followed  in  quiet  servitude,  working  her  way  up  to  assisting  high  priests  when  she  came  of  age.  when  a  great  plague  began  to  ravage  the  people  of  babylonia  and  the  priests  were  no  longer  able  to  serve,  she  donned  the  title  of  high  priestess  and  persisted  to  serve  her  people  through  purification  rituals,  doing  her  best  to  hide  that  the  plague  was  slowly  eating  away  at  her  body.  when  she  isolated  in  the  mountains  with  a  few  devoted  followers  and  prayed  for  salvation,  a  fog  began  to  engulf  her  and  she  sacrificed  herself  to  the  god  behind  it  in  an  effort  to  save  the  people  of  babylonia.  while  her  body  was  never  recovered  from  the  mountains,  she  continues  to  live  on  in  a  new  realm,  where  she  sacrifices  unknowing  survivors  to  the entity,  the  god  she  believes  she  was  born  to  serve.  ( eternally  20,  cis  female,  asexual ).
AMY  ROSE:  a  spunky  hedgehog  with  a  huge  heart  for  her  friends  and  an  even  bigger  temper  that  you  don’t  want  to  trigger;  more  often  than  not,  she’s  helping  clean  up  her  friend  sonic’s  messes,  but  always  enjoys  the  adventures  he  leads  their  friends  on.  ( idk  dude  she’s  a  cartoon  hedgehog  and  I  only  write  her  bc  of  jack  so ).
ÉLODIE  RAKOTO:  a  young  woman  desperate  to  solve  the  mystery  of  her  parents’  disappearance,  élodie  is  every  bit  an  adventuring  spirit,  finding  it  more  lucrative  to  learn  and  discover  by  doing  than  observing.  she  works  as  an  occult  investigator,  something  that  lands  her  in  dangerous  situations  more  often  than  not,  but  experience coupled  with  her  sharp  wit  and  resourcefulness  ensures  she  worms  her  way  out  of  every  trap  she  can;  even  those  that  seem  to  have  no  end.  ( 29,  cis  female,  pansexual ).
LYDIA  DEETZ:  obsessed  with  death  following  the  loss  of  her  mother,  lydia,  more  than  anything,  wants  to  talk  about  and  process  her  grief:  something  her  father  is  hell-bent  on  avoiding  at  all  costs.  when  they  move  into  a  new  home  and  he  announces  his  engagement  to  the  life  coach  he  hired,  she  turns  to  the  two  ghosts  and  the  demon  she’s  befriended  for  help,  not  knowing  what  consequences  lurk  around  the  corner  for  her.  ( 15,  cis  female,  tbd ).
JUNO  MONTGOMERY:  a  pretty  average  person  living  pretty  average  life  working  at  a  pizzeria  in  downtown  los  angeles  with  the  hopes  of  hitting  it  big --- if  only  studios  would  stop  throwing  her  scripts  in  the  reject  pile.  aside  from  dealing  with  pain-in-the-ass  landlords,  entitled  customers  and  a  mountain  of  debt  courtesy  of  film  school,  life  isn’t  too  bad.  just  painfully  average.  ( 25,  cis  female,  tbd ).
NATALIA  MARTINEZ:  a  homicide  detective  with  a  knack  for  seeing  ghosts  and  communicating  with  the  dead,  thanks  to  a  traumatic  brain  injury  from  a  work-related  gunshot  wound  to  the  head  she  miraculously  survived.  investigating  murders  is  nothing  new  for  her,  but  dealing  with  souls  that  can’t  pass  over  until  everything  is  set  right  is  something  else  entirely.  ( 42,  cis  female,  lesbian ).
NICK  ROBERTSON:  lifelong  best  friend  to  jordan  riley  and  a  huge  basketball  enthusiast;  hence  why  he’s  played  since  he  could  hold  a  ball  and  rode  that  train  all  the  way  to  a  major  in  sports  medicine  at  rothfield  university.  once  graduation  day  comes,  he  and  jordan  plan  to  start  their  respective  careers  in  sunny,  sunny  california ---  they  just  have  to  survive  a  murder  spree  first.  ( 21,  cis  male,  tbd ).
PENELOPE  DUSEK:  an  immortal  witch  with  a  special  talent  for  all  things  related  and  connected  to  the  dead,  including  reanimation ---  with  some  fine  print  attached  to  that  particular  skill.  by  day,  she’s  your  pleasant  local  baker,  making  the  best  homemade  pies  in  the  county  and  catering  weddings,  birthdays,  bar  mitzvahs  and  retirements  alike,  and  by  night,  she’s  escorting  souls  of  the  recently  departed  into  the  afterlife.  you  know,  hot  girl  shit.  ( 674,  cis  female,  pansexual ).
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mcrrisons · 4 years
wooo hi friends!! s here FINALLY dropping this intro, you’ll now know that i’m late to everything O:) i have insane muse for this type of character so i’m sooo excited to be here! any questions lmk but now ........... *rubs hands together like a fly* let’s get to plotting
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『 travis fimmel. fourty-six. cismale. he/him. 』 oh heavens, is that WELLS MORRISON from CHESTNUT DRIVE i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them -BELLIGERENT & -CONTRITE. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool at COLLECTING UNEMPLOYMENT and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been +CAPTIVATING & +OPEN-MINDED. i hope i see them around again! 
full name: wells irving morrison
age / birthdate / sign: 45 / november 18, 1974 / scorpio
gender / pronouns: cismale / he/him
orientation: hetero
height: 6′2″
hair color: dirty blond, some gray growing in
tattoos: a lot of drunken tats over the years, either cheap ones or ones that his buddies did for him for free. most of the actual WANTED ones covered up some scars he chose to ignore
drinks / smokes / drugs: big yes to all, no one left behind - but alcohol and cigarettes daily as those are more acceptable and easier to get
occupation: although collecting unemployment from the government, he often has plenty of odd jobs to make money under the books. 
residence: mapleview, born and raised. still lives in the same plot of houses his great great bought / built years ago.
alignment: chaotic evil (but he tries his best............ ok)
parents: hank (deceased) & caroline morrison 
siblings: 2 brothers (jeremiah & tucker) and 1 sister (addison) that he KNOWS of
children: lane morrison (intro here), and probably a few others but that’s for future plots!!
wells’ blood runs thick through this town to a long line of morrisons, and they sure as hell make SURE everyone knows it. rumors have flown around about the morrison family for generations, eyes roll when they enter a space (at least in wells’ experience) & they own a reputation of chaos. scaring away newcomers just by being themselves. and of course, like it was in his dna, wells’ actions would align with those that preceded him.
he grew up on a plot of land bought many moons ago by his great great ... grandfather / uncle /  (the story changes every time he hears it) w/ a few trailer-like one story homes with broken screen doors & random “antiques” in the yard aka things that people in fair lane were throwing out that everyone THOUGHT would be needed one day. (still lives here btw!!!)
growing up around family was FINE but it reminded him of his destination - what he was going to end up like anyway, DESPITE being kinda smart in school & having larger dreams. the family was scrappy, deceitful; wells learned at an early age how to manipulate people to get what he wanted. he was taught how to STEAL, lie, charm, and how to get by with what they had.
wells spent most of his childhood at his uncle’s home, just a few minute walk away on the plot bc his own home wasn’t ideal. he looked up to the guy A LOT, but hasn’t spoken since he left mapleview for bigger and better things when wells was just 15.
his father, a returned drafted vietnam vet, took out the anger of what he witnessed / how he was treated / how life was UNFAIR out on his family, and often times physically. he wasn’t involved in wells’ life all too much, only when he needed something or wanted to let off some steam. 
his mother was a caring & loving woman, also mapleview grown (the two had been high school sweethearts), but loyal to a FAULT, always choosing her husband to back. 
screams, crashes, fights, fires - you name it. needless to say, that plot of morrison homes never had it quiet, easy. cops knew everyone by first and last name and could drive the route from the station to the morrison’s home with their eyes closed.
wells’ father DIED when he was 19 (although wells hadn’t considered him alive for a while) & no one knew HOW so there was never any closure for him, his mother, his fam... all his death provided was another source for the rumor mill surrounding the morrisons. was it a bad bar fight ? did he have a bad fall ? wrong pills ? some say his mother was a killer but he knew better than that.
wells’ mother is still live & somewhat well, living with his brother in a house about 20 minutes away. at her old age, it’s hard for her to do things on her own and it was decided that wells - the youngest of his generation - wouldn’t be able to care after her, let alone care for himself. she’s been there for about 10 years now and still complains every minute.
ok back to our boy. somehow wells managed to destroy every good thing that ever came his way. self-destructive due to self-hatred and REGRET which never got better as he got older and continued to well, destroy things. a slippery slope, for sure.
alongside his uncle, always dreaming of getting out of this small town, wells was good ENOUGH at school and that was his way. but of course it didn’t happen: 1. he fell into fulfilling prophecy of his predecessors, 2. he had not a PENNY to his name to leave (i.e. gambling addiction), 3. he had a child in his early twenties, 4. he tried to fight the admissions counselor at the nearby community college
having some sort of love in his life. didn’t happen: 1. he pushed/pushes everyone that dare get too close (mostly selfishly), 2. couldn’t change his addictive personality (i.e. alcoholism), 3. began to resemble his father, 4. has 0 emotional intelligence and cannot touch feelings/emotions
to get a job and be a normal person in society. didn’t happen bc: 1. has a narcissist complex, 2. would steal from the cash register, 3. would hit on customers, 4. doesn’t understand paying “taxes”
more to add here
BASICALLY, he’s lived a life. he acts as though his life is already over, there’s nothing to lose, nothing to gain and this is just how it will be for the rest of his time on earth. he’s despondent and lives far too much in the PAST, blaming himself for everything that came his way (but ok he’s not too far off tbh).
although MANY a regret linger in his mind before sleep, his largest regret is losing his family - the love of his life who LEFT the two high and dry just after about a year together and his son who moved out at just 16. the mother of his child was the only person he remembers that saw him for more than rumors, his facade and became a good influence to him - but OF COURSE he fucked that one up and she left. he blames himself big time, but would never show that. only hatred her way aloud. 
his son, lane, left while still a boy just like himself, and it HURT to think that the apple hardly fell from the tree above, not able to be a good father. never TAUGHT how to be one. manipulative to a fault, wells would always say the younger was never appreciative, never UNDERSTOOD... and he’d convince himself that his son hated him as much as he hates himself. he’ll also say he’s the only reason he’s still alive. LOVE / HATE seems to blur so often for the old man here. always did.
the only constant throughout his life has been alcohol. the morrison’s start off early of course, and wells was drinking/etc on his own by the time he was 12. UNLESS you count the bourbon his father would feed him to sleep as a baby. what started off as social and partying as he grew older, became something much more ugly. his body didn’t just crave it, it NEEDED it to function by the time he was in his early twenties. it was easier to hide it then, all young and into a good time but it wouldn’t just last for weekends. he’d need a drink to get by mentally, and physically and became fully dependent. a depressant to match his mental illness.
he has a DEEP southern accent with a hard RASP that sounds as though he smokes a pack a day (because he does). 
despite graduating high school (i KNOW, believe it), he doesn’t have a vocabulary too wide and will use larger words incorrectly all the time.
can have a bit of an old grumpy man aesthetic, easily belligerent, even though he’s only in his 40s and can be charming as hell too (that smile!!!! ok!!! knows how to manipulate.)
he doesn’t trust the government at ALL and is a bit of a conspiracy theorist, despite collecting money from the government each week for unemployment. he refuses to pay taxes so only does jobs under the books. will go on a tangent about how the government is creating diseases, hiding aliens; eat the rich, etc... he also doesn’t trust cops at all, despite being picked up and taken home by them at least once a week.
grew up on rock and roll! had a band in the 80s where he could’ve SWORN they’d be rich and famous. long hair, tight pants, acting out - wannabe motley crue.
drives (ILLEGALLY) an old ford from the 70′s that somehow still works, after losing his license years ago from too many DWIs. 
i assume all of the town knows him as the town DRUNK. maybe it used to be funny back in the day, but now it’s just really SAD. he’s a nuisance. 
y/c HIRED him for some odd jobs, must be under the table.
HIGH SCHOOL BUDDIES who also stayed around mapleview. they can be friendly, enemies now, distanced, a lot to do here.
a BROTHER / step (which i might submit to the main :))
a ONE-NIGHT stand
a GOOD INFLUENCE who tries their best to get him working towards something better. fair warning, this would 9.99/10 times not work.
where wells is the BAD INFLUENCE to y/c, convincing them to drink a ton, giving horrible advice when they’re in their most vulnerable state.
a STORE OWNER that has banned wells from entering their establishment due to a prior mishap.
a DEALER of all things wells shouldn’t, but does.
THE HILLS by the weeknd - a plot where these two are hooking up or together but only in secret. whether that’s because they’re in different socioeconomic classes, have a bad history, the other is cheating... they have to hide.
WHITE KNUCKLES - they’ve previously had a bar fight, are known enemies. could’ve been something said about his family, his past.
12 notes · View notes
orionsangel86 · 5 years
75 Must Watch Supernatural Episodes in preparation for Season 15
As you might recall, a while ago TV Guide posted an article about their choice of the top 75 episodes of Supernatural to watch as a catch up of the series before the final season. 
I read that article, and found myself absolutely horrified at many of their choices and outraged that many of the all time best episodes (including ones extremely important to the story) were missed off.
Everyone has their own opinions of course, but when I disagree with something that much it tends to motivate me to act out of pure spite - I do love a good spite motivation - and so I have made my own list, for the fandom, of the 75 absolute must watch episodes for anyone who wants to understand the integral story of Supernatural.
I have to hand it to TV Guide, whilst I adamantly disagreed with their choices, I admit that this was EXTREMELY DIFFICULT and having to sacrifice some of my faves so that I could include others that were more important to the story HURT, but that’s how it is.
Full list under the cut. Let me know what you think of my choices and my reasons!
1. Pilot
You cannot start a series catch up anywhere else, and we have to include the pilot episode. Introducing us to Sam and Dean, and setting up the story including the back story with the family tragedy. You just can’t beat a good old fashioned female fridging for man pain. *jokes*
2. 1x06 Skin
I feel like Skin is an important episode to watch as it is our first real look at Dean’s psyche as a character, where we start to realise just how much he is hiding behind his tough macho man exterior. The speech by Shifter!Dean to a horrified and confused Sam is heartbreaking and very revealing. 
3. 1x12 Faith
This is still hands down one of Supernaturals best episodes. It was also the first time Kripke started considering a bigger mytharc involving faith and Christianity. We can all thank this episode for planting the seeds that would later give us the hugely popular character Castiel, and the hugely successful mytharc plots of Seasons 4 and 5. Also, one of the best music moments from the show with the “Don’t Fear The Reaper” chase scene.
4. 1x14 Nightmare
This episode introduces us to the Special Children story line which was of paramount importance to the first two seasons. It gives us the first glimpses of Sam’s powers to come, and is also the first time we get some hints of John Winchesters abuse of Dean.
5. 1x18 Something Wicked
I chose this episode because it is the first time we get to see more of Sam and Dean’s childhood, and how horrific it was - especially for Dean. A brilliant episode that once again clearly demonstrates how John Winchester is not a man to be messed with. If at this point you aren’t itching to call child services on his ass you probably need to read up on your understanding of child abuse.
6. 1x22 Devils Trap
The Season 1 finale gives us the show down between John Winchester and the Yellow Eyed Demon Azazel, some heartbreaking moments between father and sons, and a cliffhanger that leaves Baby and Dean both broken.
7. 2x01 In My Time of Dying
I love this episode. Dean’s out of body experience at the hospital, Sam’s grief, John’s deal, Tessa’s introduction to the show. C’est magnifique!
8. 2.05 Simon Said
I just think Simon Said is a great episode that further develops the special children plot whilst being both funny and dark at its core - classic SPN.
9. 2.15 Tall Tales
Our introduction to Gabriel - well, to the trickster as he is known here. This episode is gloriously funny and a must watch!
10. 2.21 All Hell Breaks Loose: Parts One and two
Okay I’m cheating a bit and putting these two episodes together, but in my opinion they count as their own feature length episode as you can’t watch one without the other. The climax of the special children arc, the deeply emotional Sam death scene and Dean’s bedside vigil, and Dean selling his soul. This two part season finale packed a lot of punches and is a definite must watch.
11. 3.03 Bad Day at Black Rock
How can anyone forget Sam’s run of bad luck in this hilarious episode. He LOST HIS SHOE!
12. 3.10 Dream a Little Dream of Me
This is another must watch episode for the deep dive into Dean’s psyche. We also get more of a backstory to Bobby Singer, but the real brilliance happens when Dean spends part of the episode talking to his own dark mirror, revealing all sorts of subconscious fears and insecurities on his part.
13. 3.11 Mystery Spot
I couldn’t not put Mystery Spot on the list. This infamous episode of Supernatural will have you singing “Heat of the Moment” over and over again whilst sympathising with poor Sam every time Tuesday comes around. Don’t let Dean eat the funny tasting tacos!
14. 3.16 No Rest for the Wicked
In lots of ways, Season 3 was a weak season. It was drastically shortened due to the writers strike at the time, and Kripke & Co didn’t get to tell the story they initially planned for, instead they had to come up with an alternative which gave us this dark finale in which Dean is condemned to hell. That can’t have been a fun hiatus for fans watching live... Still, it was a memorable finale and that is why it is on my list.
15. 4.01 Lazarus Rising
This episode. Here begins Supernaturals “golden age”. Enter Castiel, Angel of the Lord and future fan favourite right up until 2k19. How many people out in the world saw that now famous entrance and immediately fell in love? 
*holds up hand*
If you do nothing else, and you’ve never seen a single episode of Supernatural before, just watch this one, and I guarantee, I GUARANTEE, you will want to keep watching.
16. 4.07 It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
The problem I have with season 4 is that I want to put basically every episode on the list. To this day it remains my favourite season of the show (and not just for the extreme DeanCas sexual tension). I kept this episode on the list simply because I love the Halloween theme, I love the frankly horrifying Samhain, and I LOVE the journey that Castiel goes through in this episode alone. Bonus points for Sam Winchester fangirling over Castiel proving he is no different from the rest of us. :P
17. 4.16 On the Head of a Pin
I say season 4 is my favourite season, and On the Head of a Pin is one of my all time favourite episodes. This is Supernatural at it’s finest and it’s not surprising as it was written by the great Ben Edlund. It is a perfect blend of horror and angst as we watch every character painfully spiral downwards. Sam hungrily drinks Ruby’s blood much to the audiences horror, Castiel faces his internal and external conflicts as all starts to unravel in the heavenly plans, and Dean plays a terrifying game of wits in an outstanding performance with the demon Alistair, his hellish torturer. It was a performance that Jensen Ackles should have won an Emmy for in my honest opinion. This episode has forever ruined the song “Cheek to Cheek” for me, but it was so worth it.
18. 4.17 It's a Terrible Life
It’s one of the classics. This AU world in which the angels flex their power over the Winchesters is another well loved fan favourite and quite frankly deserves to be here purely for the hilarious scene that many office workers all over the world would wish they could reenact as Sam quits his job in the most Sam Winchester way possible. 
19. 4.20 The Rapture
I had to keep this episode here because it is so important for future story lines. As Castiel gets closer to Dean, heaven takes action and we meet Jimmy Novak, Cas’s tormented vessel, and in Castiel’s own future words “his greatest regret”. It’s a deeply emotional episode that proves even angels have their dark sides.
20. 4.22 Lucifer Rising
The Season 4 finale is still one of the most epic in my opinion. Sam and Dean’s dramatic fight in the episode before has left them both vulnerable to the angels and demons that are manipulating them for their own purposes. Ruby’s villain reveal speech is still one of the best, and as she shows her true colours to a horrified Sam, Dean makes an angel fall for him. In every way. 
21. 5.03 Free to Be You and Me
This episode is another classic and many fans of Destiel would put it among their top episodes. As Sam and Dean go their separate ways, Dean grows closer to a now fallen and socially awkward Castiel.
22. 5.04 The End
Another epic from the mastermind that is Ben Edlund. The End has inspired much extremely angst ridden fanfiction over the years (and a very romantic song in a future musical episode) and is notorious for breaking fans hearts the world over. As Dean is unwillingly sent to a future apocalyptic world, he meets his harsh and brutal future self, and a drug addled hedonistic human Castiel. The most memorable and painful moment being his confrontation with a sharply dressed Lucifer wearing his brothers face. Tears flowed freely from fans the night this episode aired. 
23. 5.08 Changing Channels
Changing Channels is another of those infamous episodes that even non fans of SPN are aware of for it’s sheer lunacy. Sam and Dean once again find themselves up against the trickster aka the archangel Gabriel, who puts them into a TV world where they must “play their roles” in order to survive. 
Highlights include Sam’s herpes commercial and Dean’s heart eyes for Doctor Sexy MD. 
24. 5.16 Dark Side of the Moon
Dark Side of the Moon is a beautiful episode. The race through heaven and through each Winchester’s memories gives us a far greater understanding of their complex and troubled relationship. The heartbreaking scenes of Dean’s heaven with his mother that Sam could not be part of were especially painful to watch. The climax reveal that God wasn’t listening and Castiel’s subsequent loss of faith only added to that heartbreak. Another must see episode.
25. 5.18 Point of No Return
As is the case with season 4, it was so difficult not to just put every season 5 episode on this list. I do think that both seasons just need to be watched in full to truly grasp how brilliant they were. Point of No Return needs to be on this list though because this episode is the breaking point, the tensions remain high throughout as each character makes desperate choices as they all spiral towards the Endtimes.
26. 5.22 Swan Song
Swan Song is often considered the number 1 top episode of Supernatural. It is always at the top of these “rank the episodes” lists in the media, and that is why it is on my list too. It is brilliant in many ways, but if I am being completely honest it doesn’t even come close to the top of my own personal list ranking SPN episodes. It is certainly emotional, and there are some extremely heartbreaking scenes. Lucifer plays his hand, Dean plays his right back with the power of love, Sam makes his swan dive. It’s heartbreaking, it needs to be watched, but the “endings are hard” meta moan by Kripke always felt slightly too pretentious for my tastes. Don’t make excuses dude, this episode didn’t need them.
27. 6.11 Appointment in Samarra
I’ll be honest, I didn’t like season 6. Whilst some of the individual episodes were good, the mytharc was weak and I think the season struggled to find it’s feet for many episodes at the start. I didn’t like soulless Sam, preferring my Sammy to be the compassionate caring sweetheart he always was before. That being said, Appointment in Samarra is a brilliant standalone episode simply because the character of Death is so very compelling. Dean’s time playing Death was fun whilst also being a deeply emotional exploration of cause and effect in the universe. It’s a must watch.
28. 6.15 The French Mistake
I couldn’t not put this episode on the list. If Season 6 did one thing right, it was this ridiculous episode.
29. 6.20 The Man Who Would Be King
The only other thing Season 6 did right. 6x20 is Ben Edlund’s masterpiece and without it, frankly, the entire mytharc plot of the season would fail miserably. This beautiful episode told from the point of view of a hugely conflicted Castiel not only birthed an entire new generation of Destiel shippers, but canonically confirmed that Castiel’s every decision was motivated by his love for Dean. 
*Ouch my shipper heart*
30. 6.22 The Man Who Knew Too Much
The season 6 finale is on this list purely for two characters: Sam and Cas. Sam’s journey to put himself back together inside his own head is as enjoyable as it is emotional. Castiel’s spiralling through into utter villainy is simply soul destroying - especially for those of us who are heavily invested in this character. 
31. 7.01 Meet the New Boss
I had to keep the season 7 premiere in this episode as it is the only hint we have of what could have been an AMAZING season story line! Sadly, it was not to be, and Castiel’s run as God lasts this episode only before a very misguided showrunner wrote him off the show (thankfully she saw reason and brought him back dramatically later on, even though the damage and huge drop in ratings was already done.) Worth watching purely for enjoying a power drunk Castiel wipe out a homophobic preacher - he really doesn’t like those homophobes!
32. 7.10 Death's Door
The first time I watched Death’s Door I sobbed for 20 minutes straight. Bobby Singer was the best father Sam and Dean (and Castiel at times) could have ever had, and this heartfelt goodbye to the character as he fought against his reaper and his own memories really packed a punch.
33. 7.17 The Born-Again Identity
The episode that turned it all around. The Born-Again Identity sees a desperate Dean take a chance on a mysterious healer to help a haunted Sam. That healer turns out to be everything Dean has been waiting for. Castiel’s dramatic return to the series answered both Deans, and many fans, prayers. 
34. 7.20 The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
The introduction of Charlie Bradbury was a must on this list. She immediately became a fan favourite with her upbeat quirkiness. Created to be an avatar for fandom in many ways, she was a breath of fresh air compared to the previous fan avatar the show introduced us too who the less we mention the better. This episode was a lighthearted fun episode in an otherwise downright depressing season.
35. 7.23 Survival of the Fittest
It’s a must watch for the dick jokes alone. In all seriousness, I like this episode, even if it is another weak finale compared to others. The dynamic between Dean, Sam, Meg, and a Castiel who isn’t quite himself, is enjoyable, even if the villain of the season isn’t all that interesting.
36. 8.02 What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
Where the season 8 premiere focused on the present day, and what Sam had been doing in the year between the season 7 finale and now, episode 2 focuses more on purgatory. Dean’s time in purgatory desperately hunting for an AWOL Castiel is definitely worth the watch, especially when their purgatory reunion was so heartbreaking. Bonus points for Sam being worthy of Mjolnir!
37. 8.07 A Little Slice of Kevin
I make no secret of the fact that Castiel is my favourite character in Supernatural, or my love of Dean and Castiel’s relationship. This episode is on my list because Castiel’s return to the real world and an emotional Dean gets my fangirl heart pounding. This episode must use every romantic trope in the book on these two heartbroken dumbasses and it will always be a favourite.
38. 8.08 Hunteri Heroici
This episode is another one of my favourite. The boys finally bring Cas along on an otherwise regular monster of the week hunt, and it is hilarious. Not to mention the hunt is extremely loony and for that reason alone, it is a must watch.
39. 8.11 LARP and the Real Girl
The reintroduction of Charlie Bradbury is a delightful episode where the boys get a taste of LARPING. This is one of those memorable episodes where we get to see the Winchesters both out of their element, and also embracing a bit of fun outside of their normal dark lives. It is a joyful episode to watch.
40. 8.12 As Time Goes By
An integral episode that ends up being a game changer for the show. Thanks to a time travel spell, the boys find out their grandfather was part of a secret organisation. This episode is a must watch for the introduction of Abaddon, the Men of Letters, and the Winchester’s new home base that will see them through to the end of the series - the Bunker.
41. 8.17 Goodbye Stranger
Goodbye Stranger is one of those episodes that will break your heart and leave you screaming. Castiel finally breaks free from heavens grasp - but what broke the connection?
42. 8.23 Sacrifice
I adore the season 8 finale. Crowley’s confession, Sam’s heartbreaking speech which kicked off a long ongoing arc over the next 6 seasons exploring the darker side of the Winchester’s codependency, Metatron’s betrayal, and Castiel’s fall to humanity. The final scene with the angels fall to Earth is beautiful and emotional and I just love everything about it.
43. 9.01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here
The season 9 premiere is another deeply emotional episode which explores the aftermath of Sam’s trials to close the gates of hell. Sam is once again on deaths door, but Dean has ideas to save him - and his choices drastically affect the course of both brothers, and Castiel’s, lives for the next several seasons of pain and downward spirals into darkness. 
44. 9.06 Heaven Can't Wait
The first ever episode written by our angst goblin king Bobo Berens and what a first episode it was. This episode was like a twisted mix between tragedy and romantic comedy but it worked brilliantly. Fans of Dean and Cas both laughed and wept at it’s perfection. It also was the episode that birthed a thousand fanfics thanks to one well placed “fanfiction gap”.
45. 9.11 First Born
This episode is one of the highlights of Season 9, with a brilliant performance by Timothy Omundson as Cain, this episode sees Dean make the terrible mistake of signing a contract before reading the terms and conditions. Bonus side plot of Sam and Cas getting some Bunker bonding time.
46. 9.18 Meta Fiction
This Castiel focused episode from the genius mind of Robbie Thompson is another must watch. The villainous Metatron manipulates Cas into playing a role in his own scripted story. Bonus guest appearance from fan favourite Gabriel adds to the appeal of this episode. (Following the season 14 finale I can’t help but wonder if this episode had some influence on the current writing team - could we even call it foreshadowing?)
47. 9.23 Do You Believe in Miracles?
The season 9 finale was another very strong episode which must be watched if only for the huge cliffhanger ending. Dean spirals into his own darkness under the effects of the Mark of Cain, and pays for it with his life. Thankfully Crowley is there to make things “better” and take the wayward Winchester under his demonic wing.
48. 10.03 Soul Survivor
Like many others, I feel that we were robbed of a longer Demon!Dean arc. I also feel like the show could have gone far darker with the character given everything we know about poor Dean’s psyche. Whilst episodes 1 and 2 took a lighter touch the demon, Soul Survivor was as close as we got to a truly evil representation of Dean and this episode shook me with the truly brilliant yet terrifying performance Jensen gives us. 
49. 10.05 Fan Fiction
Fan Fiction is one of those episodes that you will either love or hate. Created as a love letter to the shows fandom, Robbie Thompson poured his heart into this episode and I do think it is a necessary watch even if just for the beautiful rendition of Carry on Wayward Son at the end. Some may find it cringeworthy in parts - many in fandom don’t exactly like the show drawing attention to their “dirty laundry” and I don’t think anyone will forget a fangirl telling Dean Winchester directly that “you can’t spell subtext without S-E-X” nor the break-the-forth-wall look Dean gives the audience upon hearing that. Nevertheless, we can officially say that both Destiel and Sastiel have been mentioned directly by the Winchester brothers - funnily enough Sam seems totally cool with the concept of hooking up with Cas; Dean though, well, as the saying goes “the lady doth protest too much”.
50. 10.14 The Executioner's Song
Like with First Born, this episode is a must watch for Timothy Odmunson’s performance as Cain, and how brilliantly he and Jensen work together. A haunting and tense episode with a heartbreaking conclusion. It’s dark and deep and pretty damn epic.
Bonus Episode Shout Out - 10.16 Paint it Black
I am not actually including this episode in the list, as it is a generic MOTW for the most part. But I do want to give it an honorary mention for one scene in particular. If you are new to the show, and are planning on using this list to catch up, then for this episode, go to YouTube and search “Supernatural 10x16 Dean’s confession”. TRUST ME. If like me, you love analysing Dean’s character to death, his church confession in this episode is like being given the key to figuring out the meaning of life. 
51. 10.22 The Prisoner
I have chosen this episode over the Season 10 finale because this episode depicts Dean’s spiral into total darkness, whereas the season 10 finale always felt like a particularly weak episode to me. Following Charlie’s horrific (and highly controversial) death, Dean lets the Mark of Cain consume him and goes on a killing spree. The ending of this episode ripped my heart to shreds as Castiel promises that he will stay with Dean forever, only for Dean to beat him to near death and only stop at the last minute thanks to that final shred of humanity left in him. If the shot of a bloodied and heartbroken Castiel staring at the angel blade that narrowly missed his head doesn’t make you cry, then I don’t even know why you watch this show.
52. 11.04 Baby
Another fan favourite told from the point of view from the Impala which at this point is definitely its own character and so much more than just a car. Baby is an extremely well put together episode which confirms that there is more than a little bit of magic in that sleek 1967 muscle car.
53. 11.11 Into the Mystic
Into the Mystic introduces us to Eileen Leahy, a character who we all immediately fell in love with, and not just because she is literally PERFECT for Sam Winchester (yes I ship it), but also because she is a badass female hunter and this show is most definitely lacking badass female hunters. It also keeps us on the edge of our seats as Lucifer disguised as Castiel infiltrates the bunker and manages to trick Dean. Epic stuff.
54. 11.17 Red Meat
A well known controversial episode, Red Meat penned by Angst Goblin Bobo Berens delves into the darker, more toxic parts of the Winchester brothers relationship, and highlights just how horrific their codependency has become. Love it or hate it, you can’t deny that it highlights that these boys have some serious issues, and this episode marks a turning point from which both brothers, but especially Dean, start to move upwards, towards a more healthy bond.
55. 11.18 Hell's Angel
The fight to save Castiel from Lucifer’s clutches would be so much easier if the depressed angel actually knew how much he was loved by his Winchester family. Unfortunately for him, Dean is a dumbass who never uses his words. Hell’s Angel is heartbreaking but a must watch if you have any doubt in how much Dean Winchester cares for his angelic guardian. Lucifer’s mockery of his desperation is a particularly nasty knife twist, but then again us fans lap this stuff up. 
56. 11.20 Don't Call Me Shurley
The dramatic return of Chuck AKA God. Another must watch episode which explains in some way what the hell God has been doing all this time, whilst Sam and Dean fight to save a small town from a deathly supernatural fog. The tear-jerking song “Fare Thee Well” sung by Rob Benedict at the end not only foreshadows God’s “death” at the end of the season, but also the departure of fan favourite writer Robbie Thompson from the writing team. Emotional indeed.
57. 11.23 Alpha and Omega
The season 11 finale marks the first time in the shows history that a finale doesn’t have a single death. The uplifting ending in which the boys manage to save the world and reunite God and his sister is a one off for Supernatural, especially when it ends with another shock character resurrection - symbolising a new direction for the show and a new showrunner. This was an epic finale that I thoroughly enjoyed.
58. 12.01 Keep Calm and Carry On
The Season 12 premiere saw the return of Mary Winchester, an awkward introduction with a shocked and overjoyed Castiel, and a dramatic race to save Sam from the British Men of Letters. It sets up a far more human mytharc plot than the previous seasons world ending battles between Gods, but with Mary’s introduction, and Andrew Dabb at the wheel, the story is about to get a whole bunch more personal.
59. 12.10 Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets
One of my all time favourite episodes, Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets gives us a very small peek at Castiel’s pre-Winchester past, and his beautiful female former vessel (no matter what form Castiel resides in, he is always beautiful - a fact referenced in show almost as often as out of it!). It also confirms that no matter how much Cas and Dean may bicker with each other, no one else insults Dean Winchesters angel and gets away with it! Bonus points for long suffering third wheel Sam Winchesters epic bitch faces and eye rolls throughout.
60. 12.11 Regarding Dean
This episode is one of those rare beauties which gets the balance between humour and heartbreak just right. As Dean rapidly loses his memories under a witches spell, Sam and Rowena fight to save him. Regarding Dean explores deep themes including Dean’s loss of childhood innocence at a young age, and how a life shrouded in darkness has effected him. Pure heartbreak. Bonus points for THAT scene on the bucking bronco. 
61. 12.12 Stuck in the Middle (With You)
Another all time favourite, directed by our very own Richard Speight Jr in a highly stylised homage to Reservoir Dogs and other Tarantino movies. Castiel takes the role of Mr Orange in this gruesome tale, much to the distress of Mr White AKA Dean. One absolutely devastating love confession later and there isn’t a dry eye in the house. DO NOT SKIP THIS EPISODE.
62. 12.19 The Future
The episode that shook the fandom to it’s core thanks to one tiny moment. A desperate Castiel makes some bad decisions, but not before first using Dean’s love for him against him. The knowledge that Dean at one point made a tailored mixtape of his favourite Led Zeppelin songs and gave it to Castiel as a gift BROKE ME. To this day I am still not over this information. To this day I cannot quite get Dean’s soft voice saying “it’s a gift, you keep those.” out of my head. Just remembering the scene as I write this makes my heart flutter and I STILL can’t believe that the writers took the show in this direction. It’s beautiful.
63. 12.22 Who We Are
This heartbreaking episode reveals the importance of Mary’s return to the show, as Dean goes into his mothers own head to try to save her from brainwashing. A truly epic performance from Jensen Ackles (once again) in which Dean finally admits his own burdens, explains how he was robbed of his childhood, and how he was forced into the role of parent to his younger brother when he was 4 years old. Ah that character development is truly delicious. 
64. 12.23 All Along the Watchtower
The season 12 finale packs a lot of punches. The imminent birth of Lucifer’s nephilim son causes a rift in the universe, opening a doorway to another world. As the tension builds to a dramatic conclusion, Lucifer plays his hand, unwittingly trapping himself in the AU world with one beloved character, as another sacrifices himself and a third tragic death leaves Dean shattered and broken on the ground. 
65. 13.01 Lost and Found
The season 13 premier was everything I have ever wanted from a Supernatural episode - namely PAAAAAIN. The last 10 minutes of this episode in particular had me ugly crying into @margarittet and @tinkdw‘s laps. In fact, every time I rewatch this episode I cry again. As we are introduced to Jack, we say goodbye to Castiel, and my god, I will never get over watching Dean Winchester wrap the body of his angel in preparation for the pyre and try so hard to keep it together. Same Dean. Same.
66. 13.05 Advanced Thanatology
Where Lost and Found broke my heart, Advanced Thanatology stamped on the shattered pieces until the final seconds in which it magically pulled me back together again. This episode was the climactic end to a 5 episode mini grief arc for Dean who just couldn’t get over Castiel’s death. In this episode, we realise just how badly that death has affected Dean, as he foolishly risks his life in his desperation for any kind of win he can get. Episode highlights include a brilliant performance from Billie who has assumed the role of Death as she knocks some sense into Dean, and the final dramatic return of Castiel, proving that “it’s never too late to start all over again”.
67. 13.06 Tombstone
Following 5 episodes of extreme angst and pain, the audience is finally given some relief in this joyful episode which sees the reunited Winchesters take their new son on a trip to cowboy country. Honestly it’s worth watching purely for Castiel’s attempt at playing cowboy to make Dean happy, and Sam Winchesters knowing looks as he pointedly calls out Dean’s dramatic 180 turn from uber depressive to ecstatic happiness following his angels return to the world of the living. Bonus points for this episode getting the hashtag #brokebacksupernatural trending on Twitter. 
68. 13.10 Wayward Sisters
The episode that should have kicked off a whole new spin off were it not for the idiotic decisions of a group of suited white guys with no concept of what decent TV is nowadays. Yes I’m still bitter, Yes Mark Pedowitz can go to hell. Wayward Sisters was a brilliant episode that gave us a whole new generation of badass hunting women, and a story that I was 100% invested in seeing more of. It’s a damn tragedy this never got picked up for its own series.
69. 13.16 Scoobynatural
I can’t write a list of top episodes without adding Scoobynatural. The three Winchester boys find themselves zapped into TV land and meet the Scooby Gang. This episode was just hilarious and brilliant. Bonus points for Castiel’s bond with Shaggy and Scooby, and only a minor deduction for Dean’s over the top flirting with Daphne.
70. 13.21 Beat the Devil
In true Supernatural fashion, as the end of the season gets closer, the tension builds to extreme levels. In the apocalypse world the Winchesters try to find and save Jack and Mary, but Lucifer is on their tails. An unexpected attack leads to a highly traumatic and shocking scene in which Sam is killed and a distraught Dean is only pulled away from further danger by a terrified Castiel. The final scene of this episode in which Lucifer resurrects Sam in a truly horrific display of power over his former victim and vessel is haunting and brilliantly acted by Jared Padalecki. The fear he radiates around Lucifer being the only thing that allows me to continue to take the devil seriously at this point in the show. 
71. 14.08 Byzantium 
I know what you are going to say, I have skipped a BIG chunk of episodes in my list. I have to be honest here and admit that the season 13 finale was possibly one of the worst episodes in Supernatural history and I can’t in good conscience add it to this list. I also think that the writers struggled to pull themselves back up to the high standard of early season 13 after that dreadful finale, so the first half of Season 14 always felt a bit dull for me, however Byzantium does make up for it, in it’s emotional story of how Sam, Dean, and Castiel all deal with the death of their son. The highlights of this episode have to be the scenes in heaven, where Jack reunites with his mother Kelly, and Castiel finds them both in her own piece of paradise in another tear-jerking scene. Castiel’s deal with the creature from the Empty leaving Cas fans everywhere horrified and distraught, but also rather excited at what exactly may trigger the deadly deal. Hopefully this plot point will be picked up next season, as it is definitely highly anticipated.
72. 14.10 Nihilism
Another dream episode for any Dean fans who like to analyse his beautifully deep and layered psyche. Sam and Cas must dive into Dean’s mind in order to free him from the archangel Michael. What they find is worth several essay’s of analysis on this fascinating and wonderful character. Dean’s bar; surrounded by symbols and hints of his life and a very apt song put on repeat - Will Dean ever get his rainbow ending? Only one more season to go until we find out.
73. 14.14 Ouroboros
Following all the drama and separation of the Winchester family, they finally all reunite in this episode to hunt a gorgon. I always prefer the episodes where Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack all work together, and this episode explores the group dynamic perfectly. The gorgon is a charismatic villain who taunts our heroes and has them all fighting to keep up with him. Put it simply this is just a fun episode and exactly what we want from our MOTW episodes in the new Supernatural era.
74. 14.15 Peace of Mind
Just like the previous episode, Peace of Mind is simply one of the more fun and enjoyable episodes of the season. So much so in fact that I have probably re-watched it a dozen times because I loved it so much. In a rare team up between Sam and Cas, they find themselves stuck in a Pleasantville type place. Hilarity ensues, and poor Sam gets himself stuck in a 1950s style marriage and a sweater vest. Castiel reads some raunchy erotica and enjoys it. You will find yourselves laughing at “H-E-double hockey sticks” for hours afterwards. A must watch lighthearted episode in an otherwise dark season.
75. 14.20 Moriah
The season 14 finale was certainly one of the more epic finales we have had, and a meta masterpiece penned by showrunner Andrew Dabb. As Dean’s anger and grief following Mary’s death only deepens, and the rift between him and Castiel continues, it is Sam who discovers that all this time, for their entire lives, they have all been nothing more than characters in a world created by a cruel and manipulative writer God. Chuck’s return and reveal as the villain of the entire show came as a shock to many fans who saw him as a beloved fan favourite, but to many others, myself included, this reveal harmonises this entire story and the Winchesters long and traumatic journey and blows my mind at just how perfect it all is. God Was Never On Your Side, and this has always been a show to stress the importance of free will in a Godless world. 
*chef’s kiss*
Bring on Season 15.
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onf-headcanons · 4 years
ONF in Demon AU
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A/N : Is clearing idea dumps from drafts, this would be the second version of modern AU 
Hi, does anyone remember the idea of illegitimate child of Satan from here and a random Lucifer!Hyojin moodboard here?
ALSO YOU TOTALLY CAN IMAGINE THIS IN A REVERSE WAY, ANGEL AU (where reader is a reincarnation version fragment of Archangel but this one idea dump/establishment will be done for another day)
ALSO you can totally imagine it as deity AU, example that you are Zeus reincarnation but you awaken late and you need to stop Kronos for his rampage. Or even you are Odin and you need to stop Modern version Ragnarok this time. And ONF members could be tie with other Greek/Roman gods. This one will be fun should OH MY GIRL and B1A4 are tied in too. Its just idea I am not sure if I will expand this. But discussions are welcome
(There is no harm to think it as late Victorian or any other era you like, it is just I felt it is better to write in a familiar timeline as I dont want to do something wrong)
So below are just a few establishment for the AU, I am not gonna divide this into 2 scenarios so warning this is going to be long post.
Ok even though I did mentioned illegitimate or forgotten child. This is plausible for your family comes from bloodline that related to demonXhuman ancestors.
Also it truly depends on you. Making into a throne inheritance war or
Reader come of age and their soul are reincarnated royal demon (not neccesary Satan) so there are some demons/demoness guarding you from you are still a child (kinda like those 2 characters from Good omens or Maleficent)
for the above idea, readers magical heritage only awaken once they pass a certain birthday 16, 18 or 20 or 21, up to you. So you suddenly can see mythical creatures.
It could be your bloodline awakened but you are not that qualified to ascend throne or because of your human blood you cannot hide yourself from angel/demon hunter so you have your own demon guardians
Lets say you are imagining on something big world building, again derived from the establishment for familiar au, it is definitely plausible for you to have other "candidates" and they have their demonic godparents/guardians as well
Example, should you go for inheritance war type, maybe you have a distant related sibling(s). It will be fun if you, have ONF members as your guardians while your sibling(s) have other kpop groups. Presumably to name, Dreamcatcher, ONEUS, ATEEZ, PENTAGON or ASTRO... in short its totally flexible.
To add, (and this is an idea i use to draft for fake pilot episode for a homework I worked), you could tally idols and number of idols you wanna integrate into the story to "Lesser Ley of Solomon", linking your bloodline towith King Solomon (*disclaimer, loosely based mythically). 72 demons, how many demons for 1 person is totally depend on you. Whether number of demons/demoness one have on their side equals to their power/ability (or even how many support they obtain) is up to you.
(and disclaimer I am not Christian this is just an idea dump so dont start cultural bashing. again this ia just an idea dump and I am not planning to touch sensitive issues yet.)
Ok enough world building, lets move to story wise.
You could be growing in orphanage it adds more mystery of your bloodline/heritage or similar to the familiar au, living with your family but your family later died on accident. Your parents bloodline combine making you are the perfect vessel for the reincarnation or maybe its a tradition like every 100 hundred years you will reincarnate or something. Again its flexible.
The moment you realize you are seeing things was you noticed similar aura of each person appeared on similar day. You might not get to see who is watching before you actually confronted to the air that you will contact the police
You might really go file a report but after several times the police be like dear there is no a single soul stalking you tho
then out of depressed, you accidentally get yourself into accident and your demon guardian shows up.
Or, because you started to able to see mythical creatures. Mythical creatures starts to notice your existence as well. And that somewhat gives off your location to other candidates through gossiping (should this is inheritance war type of story). Then your guardian show up to protect you when you are attacked by rival sibling’s demons.
Could be you visited some witch to get your ability to see mythical creatures covered up? Recommended by a friendly non related sibling or a friend you made/could be angel?
You thought you only got one but it surprised  you that you actually got 7 (later 6)
As this was different from summoning because they are guardians either assigned or volunteered. There is no need for you to provide them anything. And different from familiar au, there is no need to leave them in your home. To ensure your safety they must follow you 247
For now I would be thinking our boys actually guards you in a daily shift. Example, Hyojin on Monday, Changyoon on Tuesday, Seungjun on Wednesday, Jaeyoung on Thursday, Minkyun on Friday, Yuto on Saturday, Minseok on Sunday. (after Minseok departs, the other members rotate themselves to do the Sunday shift)
Since their shift are like that, you sometimes take chance to hangout with them. Eating out with Hyojin, Arcades with Yuto. mostly happens Sunday.
I am thinking it might be fun which your predecessors of the throne are very eager to get the throne, you are just trying to keep out of trouble. So in another way, demon ONFs get to experience the modern human world in a more chill way, it was not just guarding you, but also trying to experience human world. You could like summon them?/keep them by your side just like a normal sibling (Especially if you are the type that grow up alone without any siblings)'
Cues in ONF members actually understand your preference and remembers them very well. So you could not help relying on them as days pass by.
You are defo gonna get an ultimate rival and a friend that shares the same circumstances as you. Maybe the first rival sibling ends up being your friend after they know you are not intending to compete. But there are some rivals are more aggressive out there.
Could be you knew a few demon hunters but they know you meant no harm and then they just let you go
It will be more fun if existences of your kind triggers inner civil war between demon hunters/angels. Because there is also some distant “siblings” of yours wish to live their live quietly but some parties does not agree of letting your kind roaming free and feeling the bloodline must end.
Should you are the type to compete for your birthright (because you are too irritated of people keep coming to kill you non stop). They are happy to serve you till the end as you embracing your darker side. (Well I am not sure to give ONF members and reader loveline here so I will not talk about it for now)For this version, to explain Minseok’s departure , I would prefer that Minseok is back at hell to be your team’s spy, monitoring all political moves and changes.There are still bottom line morality, you are not really slaughtering your way through. But you do make sure the other party wont come to look for trouble anymore.They are going to train you to make sure you are ready. Fighting in physical and magic.That friendly sibling joins on training you too. 
You are definitely getting strict critiques from Hyojin and Seungjun during the beginning of your training.
My preferences, you get a friendly sibling(s) where their demon guardians end up being BFF with yours. (RTK and MIXNINE side effect, sorry)
Characterization should be the same as those I have established from the familiar au. Just the world building and some settings that are slightly different.
Hyojin is to keep the trait of his preference on human food
Changyoon is to keep his nagging trait 
Seungjun might help you with studies (not solidify him as a nerd but there is tendency that he will)
Jaeyoung is more to the body guard type
Minkyun defo gonna make friends with stray animals (either you house ends up becoming pet shelter, you becoming a foster mom for animals or you cannot keep any because you are allergic but mental supporting Minkyun is up to you)
Yuto definitely is the quiet but alert type same goes with Minseok
My preference stereotype for them would be the cinnamon rolls that would kill
Sometimes they might go.. “ I am a known demon back in hell but why I am doing this babysitting shit?” 
But then ends up enjoying stuffs human does lol
Changyoon enjoying TikTok lol, they got famous because of their contents. 
Defo gonna have movie night.
It will be funny if ONFs as demons themselves, got scared at the monsters/ghosts seen in horror movies. Bonus if you actually not scared of horror movies. And they are gonna question you out of disbelief like why the hell are you not scared? How can you not even flinch a single bit?
Reason : monsters and ghosts imagined by human beings do not look the same based on their knowledge.
They sometimes show themselves to other humans but rarely. Mostly just being the unseen follower behind you.
Cues in sometimes they forgot they are invisible, and picks up something from the mart and it gave people a fright. Example, Changyoon or Minkyun passes through a nice outfit and just took the hanged outfit out to place in front of himself, only to realise what he did after looking into a mirror nearby
Hmm my thoughts, Jaeyoung and Minseok would be the ones who would always their visiblity when you are out with them.
Hyojin and Changyoon would be the ones who prefer to keep their invisibility
Copying from familiar au, should you attend college or university, people might thought some members of demon!ONF are your boyfriend.
At first when they changed pattern starts to live close to you, they could  not get the concepts of moral of human being well. You will be guiding them. 
Could happen that you are so pissed off by someone at work and you could not help but ranting when you are at home. 
(Of course the demon!ONF on that day saw what happened but you did insist on them to not do anything)
They might go like : “ Should I kill them for you?”
You : “What?”
Random ONF member : “I can do it to make look like an accident you know.”
You : “OMG NO”
You : “You know maybe you can try to mend things when they are trying to frame me on purpose.”
Random ONF member : “Gotcha”
For the you are not competing scenario, they would be always keeping you safe from harm until you died. Should you get married, you let them participated as relatives/friends. Cues in they even help you take care of your child later on. It could be even fun if you child does not inherit bloodline but they can see ONF members
I will stop here will write another post should i have more ideas to add.
Welp of course for a third option scenario, would be you being a supporter the friendly sibling of yours. You just wanna stay safe so you acted like an advisor role for that candidate, helping them to gain power but not participating directly. Like I said its flexible
For this one I would like to write it as you are just trying to chill with your quiet life but demon hunter, angels and aggressive candidates keeping coming at you.
Also for this one I would link to the point of unfavorable and forgotten child part.
Less favourable child gets assigned with less powerful or less aggressive demons
So for this story ONF aren't high class fighter demons at all. But they do excel in magics.
In opposite, you could the one who knows how to fight maybe because you are quite rebellious in personality.
The moment you found out there 3 parties wanna kill you and innocent less aggressive candidates, you snapped.
Maybe some candidates heard of your friendly sibling name and they rushed over to seek help. End up bump into you instead.
You : what kind of dad is *your biological demon dad name*?"
Cues in Demon ONF keep calming you down because they are afraid that rumours of you belittling your demon father might make their king angry
But you have your attitude and no shit is given. Because you understand that your life your destiny is in your own hands.
You : I wanted a peaceful life alone but now I have to deal with Angels, hunters and a bunch of siblings that I never met , never knew about each other, who all wants me dead.
You : its not fair.
To end it once and for all, you suggested to the friendly sibling to find other candidates that do not have any intentions to compete for throne. Form allies with them so that later own they could get votes for the throne and the rest of the gang could get a decorative chill title while living a peaceful life
Also suggested to the sibling of yours make use of the allies to protect less aggressive candidates
It worked politically. As most of the candidates work on slaughtering others to cut secure birthright, your ideal and policy of strengthen inner then tackle threat gain more favour. Finally your sibling gets the throne.
And you and your other members of allies might get duke duchess or something
This version of story would have and need slot of mind games. Political games as well. (Will be interesting to write but there will waaaaaay too much characters to take note.)
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Bo Burnham: Inside Songs Ranked from Worst to Best
The musical of the summer was supposed to be a life-affirming celebration of one of New York’s most vibrant neighborhoods, full of color, romance, and big group dance numbers. Instead for many viewers, the musical of the moment was filmed and performed by one man, alone in isolation from the comfort (or discomfort, really) of his own home, with songs centered on techno paranoia, mental health, and the fear of aging. Maybe after a year stuck in their homes, audiences could relate to the existential dread and general anxiety on display in Bo Burnham: Inside more than a conventional movie musical.
Billed as a stand-up special, Burnham’s latest musical comedy endeavor finds the former wunderkind holed up and feeling more uncomfortable than ever. Writing, editing, directing, and performing from a claustrophobic studio, Burnham’s stand-up special skews more toward being a straight-up musical, and not because the special is light on jokes and missing an audience. Rather this has all the hallmarks of a musical narrative and plays closer to experimental cinema than sketch comedy.
Burnham expresses his characters’ inner-thoughts, fears, and desires via song throughout a contained narrative, in this case the narrative being one man trying to occupy himself during a pandemic. It has ballads, charm songs, comedy numbers, “I Am” and “I Want” songs, and a big reprise. By capturing his personal pandemic experience and putting the whole affair to song, Burnham has created one of the most compelling (and catchy!) accounts of life during 2020.
To celebrate the musical that we all needed after a year in our homes, we’ve decided to rank every song from Bo Burnham: Inside. You can stream along via the Inside (The Songs) album on the streaming platform of your choice.
20. I Don’t Wanna Know
Merely an interlude, “I Don’t Wanna Know” doesn’t quite work outside of watching the special itself. However, it is a clever way to address the fact that modern audiences do not have the attention span to sit through a film at home without checking their phone or complaining about a runtime.
19. Bezos II
While certainly meant to poke fun at the real-life Lex Luthor, it’s not that fun to listen to Bezos’ name repeated. Stil, Burnham does elicit a few laughs with his over-the-top mock congratulations. “You did it!”
18. Any Day Now
A Sesame Street-like mantra that plays over the credits, “Any Day Now” suggests this could all end either hopefully soon or on a depressingly vague far-off date that will never come. We’d like to think it’s the former, but it’s safe to assume what Bo thinks.
17. All Time Low
While this number gets docked points for its short runtime, it absolutely packs a punch with its four-line, single verse. After Bo admits that his mental health is rapidly deteriorating, he describes what it’s like to have a panic attack set to a chipper ‘80s dance backbeat. Unfortunately, we don’t get to ride the wave long enough, and judging lyrics, that’s probably a good thing for Bo.
16. Content
This strong opening number musically sets the vibe for Inside, letting us know that we’re in for some synth-heavy throwback beats that would be best listened to underneath a disco ball.  Also incorporating silly backing vocals, a hallmark of many of Inside’s best tracks, Burnham declares he’s back with some sweet, sweet content. “Daddy made you your favorite,” he sings, and he ain’t wrong. 
15. Bezos I
Unlike the reprise in “Bezos II,” “Bezos I” gets by off its increasingly deranged energy, with Burnham roasting fellow tech billionaires and working himself up into a manic frenzy by song’s end. Musically, it sounds like the soundtrack to an intense boss battle on a Sega Genesis game before ending with a sick little synth solo and Burnham hilarious squawking. It’s arguably the only acceptable thing that Bezos has ever been associated with.
14. Unpaid Intern
While “Unpaid Intern” is one of Inside’s shortest tracks, it absolutely makes the most of its time. The jazzy tune scorches the exploitative nature of unpaid internships before Burnham breaks out into a laugh-out-loud worthy scat routine. It unfortunately ends too soon.
13. Shit
Inside’s funkiest jam sounds like Burnham wrote the lyrics for a new Janelle Moane album cut. Bo show’s off his vocal dexterity and plumbs the depths of his depression in a surprisingly danceable fashion. Throwing in a little faux crowd interaction helps bring home the fact that we have all felt like this at one point or another during the pandemic.
12. Sexting
This slow-jam details the complications of sexting, throwing out hilariously too-true punchlines like “the flash makes my dick look frightened.” “Sexting” feels like one of a few songs that could most easily appear on previous Burnham specials. Proving that Inside’s musical textures do not come exclusively from ’80s synth pop, the outro of the song expertly mirrors modern pop trends by throwing in some trap-influenced “yahs” at the end of Bo’s lines.
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11. How the World Works
Influenced by comedian Hans Teeuwen and children’s entertainment in general, “How the World Works” finds Burnham going back to the well by playing the ignorant, smarmy white guy who is oblivious of the real issues plaguing nonwhite Americans. What’s even better though is Socko calling Burnham out on forcing others to educate him for his own self-actualization instead of doing the work on his own for the betterment of others.
Socko pointedly asks “Why do you rich f—— white people insist on seeing every socio-political conflict through the myopic lens of your own self-actualization?” Not to keep things too heavy, the song ends with an absurdist bit where Burnham returns Socko to the nether place that he goes when he’s not attached to Burnham’s hand. Scathing and bizarre, it’s a great piece of social commentary. 
10. FaceTime With My Mom
While most of the music of Inside feels directly transported from the 1980s, “FaceTime With My Mom” seems only inspired by the past decade’s musical trends, updating the sounds in much of the same way that the Weeknd and Dua Lipa have. This is Bo Burnham as a hitmaker, and his attempt is convincing. “FaceTime With My Mom” earns easy laughs by getting to the seemingly specific, yet universal things that all our moms do over video chat. 
9. Goodbye
Every good musical needs a good closing track, and Burnham nails it with “Goodbye,” pulling off a reprise that weaves in many of the special’s signature musical moments and touches on the special’s core themes. A forlorn piano ballad before it soars through Inside’s best motifs, “Goodbye” caps a triumphant musical achievement, coming back to “Look Who’s Inside Again” just to punch you in the gut one last time. 
8. Problematic
Addressing his past work and some aspects that have not aged well, while also skewering celebrity apologies, “Problematic” is self-aware critique by way of an ‘80s workout bop. From the specific Aladdin confession to the overall apology for being “vaguely shitty,” Bo has never made accountability sound so good.
7. That Funny Feeling
This is Bo Burnham’s version of Father John Misty’s “Holy Shit,” a laundry list of all the stupid things that are signaling the fall of culture and civilization as we know it. If Misty hadn’t gotten there first, we may have had this one ranked higher. Still, Burnham manages to come up with a sticky chorus that you’ll be humming the next time something makes you feel like you’re living in the uncanny valley.
6. White Woman’s Instagram
Perhaps the special’s most playful moment, “White Woman’s Instagram” uses the musical cues of an inspiring empowerment anthem to poke fun at the predictably, perfectly curated feed of a “girl boss” Instagram. The song is greatly enhanced by the accompanying visuals, which find Bo recreating the meticulously staged and glamorous portraits that women pass off as their everyday lives.
However, Bo always likes to sneak in some sentimentality, and imagines a genuinely heartfelt post to his white woman character’s deceased mother. Don’t worry, the emotional moment doesn’t overstay its welcome, and we’re soon back to laughing at horribly derivative political street art.
5. All Eyes on Me
The droning synth and pitch-down vocals make “All Eyes On Me” oddly hypnotic and beautiful. The song seems to be addressing Bo’s depression along with his need for validation and attention, a juxtaposition that many performers deal with. It becomes clear that Burnham isn’t addressing an invisible audience, but himself, trying to will himself up and out of his dreary mental state.
4.  Look Who’s Inside Again
A classic “I Am” musical song, “Look Who’s Inside Again” just may be Inside’s most emotionally resonant track that seems to hit closest to who Bo Burnham was and who he is today. This is the song that I will most likely regret the most for ranking so low.
“Well, well, look who’s inside again. Went out to look for a reason to hide again,” perfectly describes the cycle of depression and will, for me, be the special’s most lasting moment. The downbeat ending “come out with your hands up, we’ve got you surrounded” is heartbreaking enough to send a shudder down your spine.
3. Comedy
The special’s real first number is absolutely packed with hooks, from the “Call me and I’ll tell you a joke” bridge to the “Should I be joking at a time like this?” change-up. This is Bo really flexing how far he’s come as a musician, expertly utilizing autotune and a key change (us “stupid motherf***ers” can’t resist them).
“Comedy” also finds Bo comfortably in the lane that we’re most used to seeing him in, playing the egomaniacal white messiah with a wink. “Comedy” is the tone-setter and it’s so good that it lets you know that you’re in good hands for the next hour plus.
2. 30
Either I’m ranking this song too highly due to its personally relatable nature or the fact that I haven’t been able to get “All my stupid friends are having stupid children” out of my head, but I really don’t care. “30” is Inside’s biggest earworm and addresses the existential terror that comes with no longer getting pats on the back for being a young wunderkind.
“30” also examines generational differences, showing how 30 year-old people are more infantile than ever. However, at the end of the day it all comes back to those shimmering keys and that irresistible refrain. Apologies to my friends with children.
1. Welcome to the Internet
No matter how deep and emotionally rich some of Inside’s other tracks may be, “Welcome to the Internet” is the one that will live on the longest. If this were a traditional musical, this would the antagonists’ showstopper; a vaudevillian romp through the alluring chaos that is the internet. Speeding up and slowing down the pace to mirror the manic, addictive nature of surfing the net, Burnham pitches the negative aspects of online culture as they are: a feature, not a bug. Promising “a little bit of everything all of the time,” “Welcome to the Internet” is almost as enticing as the dark tool itself.
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rokutouxei · 4 years
in a way that would make you proud
bungou stray dogs dazai osamu (& oda sakunosuke) | T | 2913 | [ao3]
warnings: post-canon, alcohol, dazai-typical suicide references, implied/referenced self-harm, oda is still dead, also everything is in lowercase. spoilers for dark era / 黒の時代.
notes: this was supposed to be for dazai’s birthday, but i started it way too late. i didn’t want to rush it, so i took a week to write it and now it’s just a long angsty love letter from me to him (in a way.) + first bsd fic so i wanted to make a good impression LOL
dazai didn’t think he’d live up to the age of 23. hell, he didn’t think he’d make it to 18. he was sure, at 10, that he would be dead by 15. everyday he would wake up wondering (hoping? believing?) that he’d be dead the next day. he never really does. alternatively: june 19th, every year, just feels like a long, long night.
dazai doesn’t celebrate his birthdays, at least in his head. it’s just another likely-humid day in the country’s short rainy season. every birthday is just another reminder, no, a testament to a year of failed attempts to take his own life. it’s miserable at the worst. today, it’s just numb. he doesn’t even wake up feeling any different.
but he doesn’t let that train of thought stop everyone around him for celebrating for him.
dazai considers, for the first few minutes after waking up, skipping work altogether. it’s not going to be surprising, or anything new from him, really. and an earful from kunikida is just going to be cheap fun for the next day. but as dawn slowly gave way to the sun, he figured dealing with the pleasantries (as in, the “surprise” party that had stopped being a surprise a week ago) and sitting in his office chair would make him feel a little more put-together, at least more than just lying in his futon with his new roommate, a growing stack of empty cans of ready-to-eat crab.
dazai sighs, shuffles out of his bed, hearing the imaginary shackles that bind him there clink around.
(one o’clock am)
besides, the members of the armed detective agency think of themselves a small family at best, and for families, birthdays are special. (dazai hums this to himself on his way to work, like it’s a fact he’s learned, not a lived experience.) he’s spent the past two years carving himself a spot in this mismatched little group, and even if his space feels just as impermanent as anything he’s ever wanted, it’s still a place. he isn’t going to lose all that hard work over a random day.
budget is tight this quarter, but when he gets to the office, he’s welcomed with, salad, karaage… and even crab! there’s no alcohol because kunikida is too strait-laced for that and he insists there’s still work to be done. dazai whines and makes complaints, as everyone expects him to.
most of his colleagues have small gifts for him, like an orange from kenji, a candy from ranpo (quickly taken back), his favorite bandages from yosano… nothing really spectacular. kunikida gets him nothing, but the wordless glance they share with each other says otherwise.
atsushi feels indebted to his mentor, so he splurges to get him something nice: a scarf. which is hilarious, to say the least, considering it’s basically summer, but since scarves are off-season they are cheaper, and that’s the only way atsushi can afford something as stunning and high-quality as this—a nice thick cotton one in a deep blue shade. he passes the credit to kyouka for choosing which to get and for wrapping it nicely.
dazai’s eyes flicker with something for a moment before it’s gone. he thanks them with as much heart as he can muster, then does his usual dramatics. asks if the scarf is sturdy enough to hang himself with.
atsushi begs him please don’t and dazai feels something squeeze in his heart.
after the feast, the rest of the day goes as it usually does: dazai smiles and makes jokes and laughs and drives kunikida batshit insane. it’s just a normal day at the armed detective agency office.
just not for dazai.
(two o’clock am)
a work day is still a work day, though, and there’s no getting away from kunikida even on “personal holidays.” there are reports to be written and things to be followed up. dazai isn’t being efficient about it, but he still does his share—at least enough so that it’s even a bit fair for his begrudging partner, who is always gentler to him on this particular day.
an extra serving of patience—that’s what kunikida always gives him on his birthday. and even on this year, dazai’s quick to claim it; two hours before the work day officially ends, he’s already packing up to leave.
not that kunikida’s screaming will really stop him, but it feels a little better when dazai can afford to leave a little early with permission.
atsushi’s a little surprised no one stops dazai from leaving, but he asks no more questions when kyouka shushes him. kunikida only tsks when dazai is out of the building.
(three o’clock am)
out of the office and back into the rush of the city, dazai’s feet bring him to a beeline to that place, like on autopilot. he’s humming all the way there but his brain’s only echoing a sort of static. that is, until the imagery of sitting next to empty seats begins to burrow into the haze of his mind—and it hurts. numbness is okay, but pain? it hurts the same way squeezing into old shoes that no longer fit you does.
and dazai hates it.
so he steels himself, says, no one’s there anymore, insists, there is nothing to come back to.
even if he knows he will find himself there again one day. he always, inevitably does.
but not today. that’s not where he feels safe enough to break.
this time, dazai’s a little more purposeful, a little more awake.
he drops by a liquor store to get whiskey. just goes up the aisle and picks up the first one he finds. it’s not like he’ll remember what it tastes, anyway. the cashier doesn’t make small talk. dazai smiles at them anyway.
he contemplates buying flowers, but he feels a pang of pain at gifting something that’ll die before he does.
and so he begins the long, slow walk to the seaside.
(yesterday, today, and tomorrow)
yokohama is too familiar to him now. he’s lived here too long.
every street bears his secrets. every crosswalk has a memory.
every inch of the city has a weight.
when he was still learning to maneuver the ins and outs of the city, a little boy barely filling in the hollow of his new uniform, there was darkness everywhere. everywhere he entered, everywhere he left. dazai was sure the darkness would quickly consume him.
dazai didn’t think he’d live up to the age of 22.
hell, he didn’t think he’d make it to 18. he was sure, at 10, that he would be dead by 15.
every day he wakes up wondering (hoping? believing?) if he’d be dead the next day.
today, he’s 23.
odasaku died at 23.
dazai should have died at 15.
or better yet, it should have been him who died at the hands of mimic.
he’s sure.
(four o’clock am)
even if odasaku had acted of his own accord, he was still given a mafia’s burial. the details, of course, were hushed: it didn’t matter that mori had orchestrated the entire deal with gide. what mattered is that odasaku’s death had led to the granting of their prized business permit.
a piece of paper in a stupid black envelope.
in the months between the port mafia and the armed detective agency, dazai struggled to find a way to put into words what the experience left in him. it was like it was him who was shot clean through the chest. he was walking down the path the end of odasaku’s life had pointed him towards, but then what? at what cost? to what end?
his friend’s death left no trace of him, his private files burnt, the ones still useful to the mafia kept in confidential locations. (dazai knows where everything is.) to the outside world, all that was left of the man named oda sakunosuke was a headstone, on a rather beautiful gravesite on a fancy cemetery overlooking the sea.
it was dazai who overlooked all these tiny details, even while on the run, in hiding.
honor the dead, they said.
he figured it was the least he could do.
dazai always felt like he could offer too little to the only man who ever really knew him.
so now he offers it all, stumbling along the unfinished path of a dead man, even if he didn’t know where was he going with it.
“ya, odasaku.”
(ten minutes past four)
not much of anyone comes to visit this grave, really. ango, maybe, dazai bitterly thinks, but he’s gladly never had the chance to see the man here. (he hopes he never gets to.)
because this is the only place dazai truly feels quiet.
he doesn’t really stop thinking. he doesn’t know how to. there’s always too many things to consider, so much going on, and even when his brain lets go of the tangible, of the here and now, there are other things for thoughts to latch on to, like old wounds that suddenly seem fresh if dazai closes his eyes hard enough, or the phantom sensation of a noose, or the sudden realization that he’s drowning, just not in water.
dazai’s long mastered the art of keeping his forever-rushing thoughts in neat compartments. he doesn’t usually lose track of his spirals, except when he’s here.
here he counts down, 18, goodbye, 17, 16, 15, hello, he is young again, he isn’t wounded in the places that hurt when he’s alone, he is meeting odasaku for the first time. (he’s walking down the port mafia headquarters and he sees him, and something deep within him, six years away from the future, shouts: don’t! spare him! meeting you is a death sentence!)
and then he is meeting him for the last time.
like freshly pumped from a weakened heart, stuttering, begging to live, the spurting red blood is still warm. it sends those in dazai’s veins boiling. there is no rationalizing here—no amount of reason brings the dead back.
he knows that.
but dazai breathes easier when the lines are less muddled, and he can point the criminal to the judge and sentence them to death.
it was mori ougai, sir.
it was gide, sir.
it was me, sir.
it was him—it was oda sakunosuke’s fault, sir.
(it was him who pulled me out of the dark, sir. who forced me to deal with the mess we made, sir. who told me i belonged here, sir.
i don’t want to be here, sir.)
it is only here where dazai’s mask really breaks.
shatters cleanly in half, then falls down with a thump on sacred ground.
(twenty minutes past four)
dazai rests his back against the headstone, staring out at the ocean, the sunset dyeing yokohama bay a lovely vermillion. the tendrils of loneliness cling to his limbs like they’ve sprouted out of the ground, when really it’s from deep inside his heart.
only here does dazai really feel seen: his transparency only to a man buried six feet under.
dazai’s given up on it, now. it doesn’t matter that people don’t “get” him, as long as he’s able to do what he has to do. this is a luxury is long past him, now that he’s slipped into someone else’s unfulfilled dream. he’s trying to be what odasaku would have wanted himself to be.
if there’s one thing, one thing he would ask for, it’s faith: and with his subordinates’ faith comes success—and that’s all he needs.
just bargaining chips he’s collecting under his pillow as he says, “look, odasaku, i’m doing good, look, cruel god, this duty’s given my life meaning, forgive me, forgive him.”
no, there is no meaning here, no metaphor, no hope.
just a gaping void.
(four thirty am)
the sun slips under the bay and the sky is a beautiful lavender-violet; the sea breeze makes him chill. rainclouds have begun to crawl over the horizon, hiding the moon.
dazai feels old. too old. he feels too old for someone in a body that’s only twenty-three. he never expected this body to last as long as it has. he was ready to retire at ages much younger than this. his hands crave death with the same vigor his mind races to write strategies for situations where he survives. now, he lives in a world he never expected or planned to be a part of.
he wonders if odasaku felt this exhausted when he was at this age.
all dazai does here is think. until the thoughts stop.
the cap of the whiskey bottle is screwed on tight but when it opens, the smell takes him back to bar lupin so fast that his head spins. dazai takes a swig of the whiskey straight from the bottle.
and he was right. he can’t taste it.
only blood. the blood in his hands, the way it stained his bandages, odasaku’s dead weight, the red pooling on the floor. dazai only tastes blood in his mouth.
blood’s always been the only thing that’s filled him.
and he hated it. felt it thrumming underneath his wrist, his jugular, blood that said try as you might, you insolent mortal, you can’t die, that so many times he’s tried to wring himself dry of it.
he never does.
because if he loses his blood what else would be left in him?
odasaku once told him that the emptiness inside of him will never be filled, not by anything that he’ll ever find in this world. and odasaku was right—dazai knew. dazai knew long before he was told. no amount of money, no amount of power, no amount of whatever will get him out of the edge of the cliff he was dangling on.
for a moment, dazai wonders if odasaku knew and was so sure of it because odasaku was aware he was taking it away with him.
whatever “it” was.
(the sun begins to paint the sky violet)
dazai remembers an afternoon a million years ago when the hollow in his heart didn’t have the shape of oda sakunosuke’s hands. ozaki kouyou was teaching two jittery fifteen-year-olds about literature.
well, just one, but dazai’s really only there because he wanted to mess with chuuya, and kouyou spotted him first.
with not a single year of formal education on chuuya’s back, kouyou’s work with him was nearly tenfold. she was tasked not only to refine his abilities (he’s good, but he can be better, a touch of elegance will not hurt), but also teach him other valuable skills.
being part of the organization, after all, was not just about violence and murder.
dazai knew that. chuuya was yet to learn it.
arithmetic and history and science—the redhead had tutors for that. but literature, kouyou had taken into her hands.
it’s not the text itself, or the language and vocabulary, she said, what we’re honing here is critical thinking, and the bits of philosophical thought to be picked up that’ll shape you into a brilliant mafioso in the future. pretty words, dazai thought. she sipped tea while chuuya read. she tapped his back with a fan when his posture broke and he began to slouch.
chuuya read the books religiously, without complaint (at least not in front of kouyou). dazai never really understood all this. he let his mind wander. why didn’t she just let the boy read war strategy books—the kind mori made him devour? oh, but chuuya wasn’t really a strategist, and well, he’s obedient, that’s why he’s a dog—
the silence of the afternoon was broken by chuuya getting up to ask about a phrase he didn’t understand. kouyou smiled in a way that left dazai unsettled. and somehow, that afternoon was burned into dazai’s memory like it was something he mustn’t forget.
the phrase was 無我夢中.
to be totally absorbed in something, you lose yourself in it.
that is, dazai’s long known what he’s doing, he just doesn’t want to admit it.
(the sky is a weak light blue, giving way to an inevitable morning)
the whiskey bottle is empty now. dazai shifts to stuff it into his little paper bag of gifts when his fingers graze the soft cotton of his new scarf, deep blue.
save the weak, protect the orphans, he was told.
he pulls the scarf out and clutches it in his hands.
feels its weight. imagines rope.
please don’t, atsushi said earlier.
and dazai is trying, and trying, and trying, and—
is it enough?
is he enough?
will he be enough?
“odasaku,” dazai says, hums it under his breath like the wind will take it, bring it where he needs it to go, “would i have made you proud?”
fat droplets begin to pour out of the dark clouds. there are no stars out. yokohama glimmers under the thin sheen of rain.
nearby, a child hurriedly grasps his father’s free hand as he digs into his bag for an umbrella, and the little boy goes, “papa, the sky is crying!”
and maybe the sky is. maybe the man sitting behind the gravestone is.
but there are two sure things about rain:
one, that it washes away any and all things if you let it.
two, that it will always, somehow, at some point, stop.
(morning’s just beginning)
dazai gets up on his feet, with just a little sway from all the alcohol. but the night’s still young, and there are better stuff to drink than whiskey out of a bottle. he looks back at the grave with eyes promising he’ll be back soon, a little better, a little wiser than he is, and then off he goes, into the city he far-too-well knows.
maybe he can bother someone into treating him to some good, expensive, old-fashioned wine.
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chaotic-noceur · 4 years
regarding pragma.
read it here
Dear @softpedropascal
wow this took so much longer than I thought it would whoops.
So, first off- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have the bestest day ever cuz you deserve it!
I’m incapable of forming coherent thoughts so um...here’s a cumulative post of my running commentary because my binge reading plans got disrupted so this seemed... neater? Idk. anyways, here you go. 
Part 1
No matter how many meetings and mediations you two went through, he still found a reason to keep dragging this out.
I read this as ‘meetings and meditations’ and was very confused for a sec 😂
That hat. You got him that hat. He still wore it?
omg u gave the hat a backstory. adkgadflhg 😍
He was tempted. God, was he tempted, but he shook his head and stood up straight. 
This just. Yes. We love a respectful man. 
I love all the little hints that you’re dropping about the reader and Frankie’s backstory. 
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 2
He told himself long ago that be would never forgive her for what she did,
“Can’t you, I dunno, sign for him?” he asked.
😂😂Frankie. Sweetheart. Who do you take me for? I can’t forge someone’s signature. I don’t have the skills for that. 
There was a reason he didn’t say goodbye. He was afraid to. He was afraid that if he said them again, he would have to go another five years without seeing her. Or has it been longer?
mY hEaRt
Pope and and Frankie’s ENTIRE interaction. 😍 I love that he can see right through Frankie’s bs, loves him anyways but will give it to him straight. 
He was too busy thinking about how if he had gotten his shit together, he could be living here with her, taking walks to his favorite lake every day.
asdfgadfkglhdf!!! Boo it ain’t all your fault 😢 (or is it 😏)
It’s funny how the simplest touch can cause the most complex feelings—feelings that he had sworn he buried deep inside of him somewhere. It was a complicated thing trying to be angry at her because in that moment all was forgotten and forgiven.
the DEPTH. in these sentences. oml. I’m so ready to learn about this complicated backstory.  
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 3
“I can make him sign ‘em,” he offered.
YES. I love a low key threatening boi.
“Yeah, until you decided I wasn’t good enough,” 
“Did you want to show me what I could have had with you if I wasn’t such a fuck up.” He sighed and put his hands on his hips.
“I’m trailing water and mud all over the place but just remember that I saved your life before getting mad, okay?” 
“Nothing. Just like saying your name.”
ahhhh these are precious!!  
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 4
“Yeah. People do that right? Day dates?” He honestly wasn’t sure. Dates weren’t his forte.
🥺 someone help him. He’s so cute omg. 
“We might’ve made out a little too,” he mumbled.
aksfhksdfg look at him turning into a flustered boy!!!
“No. I just…stopped looking up,”
Babes. Idk if the double meaning was intentional but like. Wow. That hit hard. 
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 5
and has a name like ‘Bill’ or ‘Tom’.”
oop. We love a subtle Redfly dig 😂
I’m sorry there’s probably some more amazing stuff after that but t’was not a good ace day so i skipped the smut
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 6
You hid your body from him at first and when he moved your hands, you covered your face. Then he told you to never hide from him—he would always think you were beautiful
🥺🥺 this is so soft omg
sorry skipped the smut but im sure it was beautiful
“I’m not going anywhere.” You moved his arms so you could kneel in front of him. “I’m staying.”
*incoherent screaming*
“You can ask me for anything. I would give up everything I for you.”
The whole ending scene was AMAZING okay but this. This line right here. Big hurt omg. He knows the weight of what he’s saying. He knows how hard the road to recovery is and how many things are gonna try push him off that path. But he says it anyways. And it really really shows just how much she means to him. Brava! 
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 7
lmao I really need to start reading the warnings 😂
She was never going to be sad longer than necessary if he had anything to do about it.
“That no matter where we were, when we look up, we’re looking at the same moon.” He looked at her though she was still looking up. “That always kept me going, you know?”
The moonlight seemed to shine directly on her and make her glow like some ethereal being. She was an angel. She had to be. The stars twinkled above them but he had his own right here right now.
eXcUsE mE. wHo gAvE yOu tHe rIgHt tO wRiTe sOmEtHIng tHiS bEAuTiFul
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 8
“Stop ruining my romantic moment, please.
I can’t even- Omg. This whole chapter. I have no words
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 9
“I can’t,” he said, voice broken. “Please just let me…let me hold you. Let me…”
IDK THE FULL CONTEXT TO THIS (really hating my ace-ness rn cuz this last line is so heartfelt) BUT OMG BROKEN FRANKIE I JUST. ARGHHH
you realized that you were embracing your entire world right then and there. Letting it go would be the hardest thing you’d ever do.
take my heart and crush it why don’t you omg. 😭😍
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 10
She was hurt again. And it was his fault again.
I can’t do it. I can’t be alone anymore.
His world spun and he felt like he was falling. He fell and fell into the abyss with no one there to save him as the bag felt like it was burning a hole in his hand. Is it hot? He felt hot. Burning up. Had he finally died and gone to hell? God knows that’s where he belonged.
No. It’s just an overwhelming darkness. Nothing. And that’s what he wanted, right? To feel nothing.
*VERY INCOHERENT SCREAMING* This is beautiful writing omg. The raw emotion in this. Holy hell. 
oml. That transition from pure pain and angst into love just *chefs kiss*. Frankie deserves so much 😭
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 11
“It wasn’t supposed to make you cry,”
wHat eLsE wAs iT sUpPoSeD tO dO omg. 
This whole chapter was SO CUTE!!! The way that Frankie just knows things about her. UGH. 
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 12
“What if it’s big and pulls me in?!”
“I don’t wanna die,” he whispered.
His life felt as though it was falling apart all over again and he realized it was because she was the one that held him together and now that he was leaving, everything was one big mess again.
*inaudible screaming*
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 13
That ending tho! I love that you gave them their own little thing with the moon. Its so sweet 🥰and the Pope-Frankie friendship moments. *melts*
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 14
okay i was gonna blockquote but there was too much to quote This whole chapter felt so raw omg. If you’re pulling from real experience then I’m so sorry you ever had to go through that *pulls you into the biggest hug ever* (assuming you like hugs, if you don’t... i send you an affectionate ‘rubbing my forehead into your shoulder’)
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 15
“You could’ve walked in here with your head shaved and I’d still love it…but…please don’t.”
😂 yessss give me the humour in this sad
still haven’t learnt to read the warnings oml 🤦🏻‍♀️
ahhhh the soft reassuring Frankie content!!!!
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 16
“Probably because it’s Wednesday,” he said.
“It is?” you asked.
“Yeah. What day did you think it was?”
I FEEL SO ATTACKED OMG. What even is time anymore.
asfadsdfgdhk Its so SOFFTTT. Is this what it’s like to fall in love??😭
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 17
hallelujah i’ve finally learnt to read the warnings
ngaww Frankie being all excited and soft 🥺🥺 are they going camping?? are we gonna get Frankie in his element??
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 18
I’m as flat as a board back there.
I feel attacked and this wasn’t even directed at me oml 😂😂
tHeY aRe sO iN lOvE oMg 😍
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 19
I get it, it’s embarrassing, but I’m not judging you for it.
YES. In this house, we don’t judge people who are struggling to find jobs!
“I wouldn’t say them if you didn’t deserve them. You deserve good things, Frankie. You may not feel like you do but you do. Always.”
He sighed and rubbed your back. “If you say it then it must be true.”
*incoherent screaming* we all deserve good things okay 😭
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 20
thank you for the warnings that i’ve finally learnt to read before reading the fic
What if I’m a lost cause? Just some pathetic druggie who can’t get his shit together…mooching off his girl.
NOOO You’re not just some pathetic druggie Frankie😭😭
“Sleepovers? Do I get to paint your nails? Do your hair?”
Our love has aged gracefully kinda like us.
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 21
“With all due respect, sir, I’m not and have never been an addict. Yeah, I did drugs. Yes, I hurt your daughter and she had to leave, but you know what, we’re together now and nothing’s gonna change that. She’s forgiven me and she loves me and that’s all that matters.”
YAS. I love this change from nervous wreck to confidence! 
This is so happy and soft and sweet oml. My angsty soul doesn’t know how to deal. 😭
⫷⫸ ⫷⫸ ⫷⫸
Part 22
Sweet baby jesus. It was soft. And then it was not. And then it was soft again and I just. *incoherent screaming* GURL. 
I’m gonna have a house right on the other side of the lake.
asdfgI I Have Feelings.
GURLLL. This was so innocent!! They’re both so young and cute and asgalsfjghsd. 
“Are you running away from something?” she asked, and he bristled. “From me because you love me and don’t know how to say it?”
*incoherent screaming* well shit. you go gurl! you call him on his crap!
I skimmed the smut but like Frankie being a nervous wreck is 🥺
If you wanna see someone else while I’m gone, you can.
*more screaming because OMG if only he knew what that would lead to*
O damn. I kinda loved his slow descend into darkness... The fact that the reader still clings on to hope and love and just, damn. I’m lost for words. 
that’s all my brain feels right now. that was dark, but like. a good dark. It was heart wrenching but beautiful and- “I won’t be able to find you if I’m lost myself,” THIS. I just. *chefs kiss* but also, *ugly sobbing*. 
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starswallowingsea · 4 years
Catholic Guilt
1400 words and very, very personal. This is mostly based on my personal experience but I don’t doubt that some of it will ring true for other lgbtq+ ex Catholics. Content warnings for homophobia, transphobia (internal and external for both), and anti-choice sentiments. 
Today, you were born. Congratulations! You have been brought into this world by your very loving parents. They give you a name and swaddle you in blankets to take you home in a few days. You will be baptized in a few weeks, dipped into the holy water to cleanse you of your sins before you can do anything besides eat, sleep, and poop. 
You spend the first few months attending Mass with your parents. They give you some teething toys or your bottle to keep you from disturbing the rest of the Congregation. Having a baby disrupt the Mass will make your family look bad, after all. 
You are now three years old, old enough to walk and talk. You pull out the Misselletes and flip through them, tearing out the flimsy pages and laughing. Your parents pull you away and give you a cardboard book with pictures to look at. They look away and you run off again. 
You are five years old now! Such a big child, I remember when you were a little baby crying from the baby carrier in the back of the Church! It’s time for Sunday School! There are only five children there for your age group. You spend an hour after Mass every Sunday eating snacks and doing Catholic Crafts. 
Happy First Communion! You are eight years old now, still not quite old enough to think for yourself, but you have to go to Confession for the first time now. You aren’t sure what to say and make something up about hating your siblings if you have any. Maybe you stole some chocolate from your family, but you don’t really know what needs to be confessed. The teachers told you to tell Father everything, but some things feel too personal to tell. Your parents dress you up in the fanciest clothes you remember wearing so you can go up and eat some bread and drink some wine in front of everyone. There are pictures afterwards. 
Welcome to Middle School! You are 12 years old now, starting to think for yourself. You say you still like the Church and you still mostly blindly follow their teachings, but sometimes you think other thoughts. Sometimes you see ads that are pro-Choice and you think “that’s stupid,” but then you think about what you would do if you got pregnant. You banish the thought, because having sex at age 12 is not something you should be thinking about anyway (even though you sometimes think about your classmates like that). You’ve already been questioning your sexuality at this point, but you try not to think about it, because being gay is a sin. 
14 years old and still following the Church. You’ve shaped some vague opinions on hot topic issues, still following the guide of the Church. You hear the Priest talk about how abortion is murder and how gay and trans people are ruining the sanctity of life. You quietly fume about one of these issues, but quickly move on, as the Priest has gone off on another tangent about veganism now. You continue going to confession only when Sunday School tells you to. You now have a better idea of what to confess but you can’t bring yourself to do it. Maybe if you keep it bottled up God will never see it. But speaking makes it real and you can’t even think about confessing to some of the things you’ve done even though you know you should. So you make something up and you know the Priest doesn’t believe you but you do your Hail Marys and Our Fathers as penance. Afterwards there is a pit in your stomach because you know God can still see what you didn’t confess. 
You are 15 now, just starting high school and everyone seems so different now. You’ve known these kids since you were five, but you’ve always been the odd one out. You try and follow the Church’s teachings about living a holy life in example for others but it just makes you tired. So you stop caring during the week. You attend some youth groups to “keep the faith strong” but by now you know that you aren’t straight or cis and it just hurts. Every little comment just chips away at you until you feel complete apathy towards both Catholicism and Christianity in general. You still go to summer camp and winter retreats because you have lots of fun outside of the religious activities but prayer is tiring and the microaggressions leave you feeling empty and alone. 
Sweet 16! You can drive now, and you’re still on the fence about the Church. You don’t miss Sunday Masses ever and it gives you structure to life. It is also the year you get confirmed. Your Church does Confirmation later than most. You are surrounded by 8th graders and your little group of High School Juniors. Even though you don’t have any bad feelings about having to go to Church on Sundays until now, the Bishop standing in front of you says that you should die for who you are. You are trans and queer and so deep in the closet you feel like you have to hide your phone screen from your parents all the time even if you aren’t looking at pride related posts. You heard your parents say once that gay marriage was ruining the country and decided never to come out, and now a Bishop, someone with a lot of local authority, says that trans people are freaks and gay people are irredeemable. You make a silent promise to yourself to dissociate with the Church. But for now, you sit, stoney faced, knowing that this man has to bless you into the Church. You feel that pit in your stomach again. 
Welcome to adulthood, age 18! How exciting! You’ll be going to college soon and you need to decide if you want to keep going to Church. You know your parents and grandparents want you to go but after a few weeks you know they won’t know if you stop. They don’t ask about the Priest or his homilies or activities happening in the Church. You get away with it too, because the Church services on Campus overlap with the ones at home. You continue to go through the end of the semester, needing the time to think and walk before going back to class the next day. You hear the Priest here, too, tell you that abortion is murder but you know that people don’t go getting abortions willy-nilly and silently fume. You don’t socialize with anyone in the congregation so when you stop going in the Spring, you don’t think they notice you left. 
You come home for break, now sure that you don’t want to be Catholic, but your parents still drag you to Church every Sunday. You’ve taken this time to think about other religions that have appeals to you, including paganism and Greek, Roman, and Egyptian deities. You’ve tried worshipping them all, but when things get rough, your mind drifts back to Mary, the Saints, Jesus, God. You still keep that little gold pin in your car to keep you safe while driving and you still call to Saint Anthony when you lose something, and sometimes you still think you feel a response as Saint Anthony draws your eyes to the one spot you missed and shows you what you were looking for. 
Even in the dark of night, when you let your guard down and cry, you cry out to Mary for help. You feel a comforting presence there, and then you feel a pit in your stomach again because you want out of this religion but you can’t seem to let go no matter how hard you try. So you let Mary wrap her arms around you as you confess everything to her and then wake up and try again to forget everything you’ve grown up with. Your life until now has been so entrenched in the Church and it's hard to separate the good from the bad. You still want to go back but you know you will never be accepted for who you are. 
So you just stop trying to get out quickly and start trying to undo the years of trauma and guilt instead, that you know will never go away entirely. 
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tiffanytheswiftie · 5 years
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So every year on my birthday I kind of like to recap my year, and since I'm turning 29, I decided to model this year's after the Elle article Taylor Swift did at 29 entitled "30 Things I Learned Before Turning 30."
@taylorswift @taylornation
1. It's okay if people don't get my interests.
Over the years, I sometimes tried to hide my interests because I was worried people would think they were weird or wouldn’t understand them. It always seemed like a lot of my interests fell out of the “ordinary” interests of those around me. But I’ve learned that’s okay, and it’s okay if people don’t get it. If I enjoy it, that’s all that matters. Like the song says, if it makes me happy, it can’t be that bad.
2. I can love my body while also wanting to make it healthier/look better.
I have struggled with body image and my weight for the majority of my life, and I have always believed the biggest struggle was the mental aspect of it all. I thought I could only appreciate my body once it got to how I wanted it to look (which, it never has). I hated it. However, I realize now that the best way to improve it, is to love it, and appreciate it for what it does for me already.
3. It's not malicious to cut out toxic people.
Cutting out toxic people is hard, but necessary. I’m not calling someone up and saying, “I’m never talking to you again,” or completely ghosting them, however I no longer involve them in most aspects of my life. It’s freeing and better for my mental health.
4. Traveling is so important.
It’s no secret that I love traveling. I want to visit every continent (minus Antarctica), experience different cultures, see history, and experience new things. It’s important to open up my mind and broaden my horizons, and something I recommend everyone to do. It’s good to meet people from all over the world who live different lives and come from different lifestyles and philosophies. Plus, traveling is just so fun! Like Donna says in Mamma Mia 2, “life is short, and the world is wide, I want to make some memories.”
5. My path can and will change often.
When I first started trying to decide on a major for college, I seriously thought about at least 12 different career paths. And what I chose wasn’t even included in those at the time. Point is, my path will change often. My dreams will change often. And that’s okay! It doesn’t mean I failed, it just means my path has shifted onto something different. My initial dream may have just been setting me up to go down a certain path.
6. My life isn't on a timeline.
Honestly this is probably the hardest lesson I had to learn. Everyone, myself included, seems to put life on a timeline. I thought by a certain age I had to have a degree, I had to be married, I had to have kids, I had to have traveled to a certain amount of places, etc. and if I didn’t then it just wouldn’t happen. I hear people talk about other people and where they are in life. But no one’s life is on a timeline, and everyone’s big moments will happen differently. The only time it’s ever really “too late” is when I’m dead. And I’m not dead. I’m very much alive.
7. I need to be able to look forward to things.
Sometimes life can seem monotonous. Every day looks the same, and it can really wear me down. I always try to make sure I have something to look forward to. It could be something big, like a trip or Christmas, or something small, like watching a new movie. Either way, I keep a countdown app in my phone, and I look at it on days I feel like my life is doing nothing. I always make sure there’s something I can look forward to.
8. It's possible to be both brave and terrified.
My mantra in life has always been “Fearless.” I got it from a Taylor Swift quote when I was about 17 years old that says, “Fearless is not the absence of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.” While I’ve always loved that quote and have used that word to overcome fears, it took me awhile to actually be able to fully embrace the idea of being fearless.
9. Water is good for the soul.
Drink water. It’s not only good for the soul, it’s good for staying alive. Hydrate before you die-drate. There’s nothing more satisfying then getting a big gulp of cool water.
10. I shouldn't care what people think of me.
This is something we’re preached our entire lives, yet often we still worry about the people who judge us. And that’s crazy. I only get one life and going through it worried about what someone thinks of me is a stupid way to live.
I think I can best sum this lesson up with the words from Sebastian Stan in Houston, “Don’t care about what other people say about you, just really don’t give a damn…you have to ultimately go ‘I’m doing this’ and people aren’t going to like that. Not everyone’s going to like what I do. So…who gives a f***? You know, if it feels good to you, and you’re helping somebody, or you’re not harming anybody, you’re being kind, you’re being considerate, then that’s it. That’s all you need.”
11. If someone judges me for my appearance, they are the ones with a problem.
One thing that has hindered me through the years is my fear of someone judging my appearance. I’ve let it affect every aspect of my life. For so long, I wouldn’t go to certain events, talk to certain people, participate in certain activities, travel certain places, date, go to restaurants, do fun things like dancing or swimming, etc. (and some I still don’t) because of being afraid people would judge how much fat is on my body. And I recognize that’s not a good way to go through life, and if someone judges me for that, they are the ones with the issue, not me. In the words of Brianna Wiest, “Focus on what your body does more than what it looks like doing it.” And I’ve been trying to live those words.
12. I need to live in the present, not the future.
I tend to freak myself out by thinking either too far ahead or about things that haven’t (and might not) even happen. I think about what age I’ll be in 10, 20, 30 years. I’ll think about what might go wrong with something at some point. It’s not healthy, I will drive myself crazy overthinking about this. One of the biggest things I’ve learned is to live in the now. It’s good to have future plans or be prepared for the future, but never forget to live in the present. Focus on the now. Live now.
13. It's good to try different things to figure out if I'm interested or not.
It’s so good to try different things out to discover if it’s something I enjoy or not, something I want to pursue or not, etc. It’s so easy to sign up for a class, look up a tutorial, or just get out and try. I have tried a lot of things in my life that ended up not being what I decided to put all of my energy into, but that’s a good thing. I don’t have to ask myself “what if?” and some of it I still enjoy doing as a hobby.
14. Writing is good for my mental health.
If you follow me on any social media, or are reading this right now, then you probably know that I tend to write things out often. I enjoy writing. It’s one of the ways I express myself, and it’s good for me. It’s therapeutic. I write when I’m excited, happy, or sad. I write out poetry or songs or just short little essays. I enjoy it, a lot, and I’m glad I’ve embraced it.
15. Read as much as possible.
Reading is good for so many reasons. It makes me smarter, it makes my brain more active, and it takes me into different worlds. It also lets me experience things or understand things I might not have otherwise. It helps to stop my mind to slow down and focus on one thing. Reading is important for everyone. It can be a novel, a short story, a magazine, whatever. Just read.
16. A good night's sleep can make a huge difference.
Trying to get a good night’s sleep just makes the next day better and is good for my mental and physical health overall. I’ve had crazy sleep schedules, sometimes from work hours but mostly because I’m an anxious night owl who pushed myself to stay awake and watch movies rather than going to sleep. I honestly feel better now that I’ve got myself on a better sleep schedule.
17. I should push myself out of my comfort zone but also know my limits.
I would have missed out on a lot if I hadn’t pushed myself out of my comfort zone, and I hope to do it even more in this next decade. It’s good to run towards some of the things that terrify but fascinate me. However, it’s also good to know that everyone has limits. It’s good if I can recognize situations or places that always make me feel uncomfortable and to try and keep myself out of that environment.
18. Music and concerts are therapeutic.
Music has been a part of so many aspects of my life (as it is for many). It’s played on road trips, at parties, at big life events, in my room, in the movies I love watching, and the list goes on. It’s no surprise that music is therapeutic and something so many people can relate to and love. One of my favorite parts about music is getting to go to concerts. Taylor Swift, Julia Michaels, Aly & AJ, Miranda Lambert, Britney Spears, Demi Lovato, and Selena Gomez are just some of the artists I’ve been lucky enough to see in my life, and whose concerts let me really let loose, and just be in the moment and feel all the feelings. And that’s great, and something I hope I get to experience quite often in the next decade and beyond.
19. It's important to be knowledgeable about the world.
This can be looked at in two different ways.
On one hand, learning about other cultures and places is interesting and important on opening up the mind and broadening horizons (kind of like what I stated about traveling). It’s cool to see how people live, talk, what customs they have, etc. and to recognize that while we’re all different, we also all have a lot of things in common.
On the other hand, it’s important to be knowledgeable of the issues in the world. It’s good to know what big concerns there are and learning about them so I can see where I stand on it as well as knowing what I can do to help people. For example, with refugee crisis, knowing what is going on in their country and what they are facing so I can look into what I can do to help provide assistance (such as donating, raising awareness, praying, etc. We can all do something). It’s important.
20. Be active in politics and be respectful with politics.
Being active in politics is vital to helping shape the present and future. Being educated about issues, empathizing with people, being aware, opening up my world to be bigger, and having an open mind is all important when approaching politics. It’s also imperative that I make sure I am always respectful when doing this. If I disagree with someone, I don’t attack them. If someone attacks me, I ignore them. If you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. Don’t play stupid games.
21. Dog videos and cat videos will always make me feel better.
There’s not much to say about this except it’ll always make me happy and dogs and cats are so cute and deserve all the best things in the world. Also please send any and all dog and cat videos my way.
22. It’s so good to get to meet people from different backgrounds, lifestyles, cultures, etc.
Through traveling and living several different places, I’ve been lucky enough to meet people from all over the world. This has opened up my mind and has helped me to be able to recognize the different issues people face. It has helped me see so many lifestyles and values and I have learned a lot about the world through these people. I am thankful for them.
23. Being open about mental health is so important.
I have social anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder, AKA anxiety and depression. I’ve talked about this a lot in the past few years, however it took me awhile to get to that point. I was first diagnosed at 17 and it wasn’t until I was about 25 that I finally was able to be open about it and talk about it (and I have to thank Jared Padalecki for being a huge reason I was able to do that through his words and Always Keep Fighting campaign).
Mental health isn’t just about diagnosable disorders, though. Everyone has mental health, just as everyone has physical health. Mental health is just as important as physical health and should be treated as so. It’s okay if a couple days need to be taken to feel better. It’s okay to not be okay, as cliché as that sounds. The more open people are about mental health, the more awareness there will be, and that will lead to healthier minds.
24. Encouraging friends is something that should be done daily.
Let me repeat that, ENCOURAGING FRIENDS IS SOMETHING THAT SHOULD BE DONE DAILY. Everyone needs encouragement. Uplifting others is the easiest thing a person can do that can make such a big impact. Uplift them, encourage them. I am genuinely so proud of so many of my friends, and I try to tell them that often.
25. Watching movies will always be my joy and therapy.
I watch a lot of movies. A lot. And it’s because I genuinely love them. I find so much joy and entertainment being able to escape into different worlds and lives and situations for a couple hours. I also turn to them when I am sad or dealing with anxiety and depression and need something to help me. They are therapeutic. They are fun. I am thankful they exist, and I don’t care if that sounds weird to someone (see #1). I also love learning about them and knowing different aspects of them, such as how a scene was filmed or how an actor approached the character. Random challenge: when watching one of your favorite movies, take yourself out of the story for a minute and just watch the characters on screen as actors. It’ll blow your mind on how talented they are.
26. Creativity can be expressed in a lot of ways.
I’m a relatively creative person and sometimes it feels like I can’t find a way to express that, which makes me go crazy. I used to think I had to have a specific and grand outlet in order to express creativity, but that’s not true. I can express my creativity in the clothes I wear, the things I write, in painting or making bracelets, in photography and videography, or even in every day conversation. There are so many ways to express it, and none of them are wrong or not enough. I’ll do me and you do you.
27. It's good to have people who inspire me, but I shouldn't put them on a pedestal.
A lot of different people inspire me. Some are family, some are friends, some are musical artists, some are actors, some are YouTube creators, some are activists, some are just random people on Instagram or Twitter or wherever, and the list goes on. And it’s great to be inspired by other people. It’s nice to have people to look up to or who inspire me to be myself or express myself. However, it’s always important not to put them on a pedestal. Nobody is perfect. We’re all people.
28. Be kind, be empathetic, be patient, but stand up for myself.
Kindness, empathy, and patience are all things we should strive to have. I always try my hardest to be kind to everyone (sometimes I fail, like everyone, but I try). I have realized I have a lot of empathy, which is great and I’m thankful that I have that. I’m working on patience with myself, but I do try to be patient with other people. However, I also need to know when to stand up for myself. Sometimes people mistake kindness for weakness and try to push me down; I shouldn’t let them do that. I can still be kind while standing firm.
29. I may never understand a struggle someone's going through but that doesn't mean it's not real.
Often times when people talk about their struggles, I see others say, “well I have never experienced that or have seen that so it must not be true.” And that’s a poor way of thinking.
For example, as a white person, I’ll never fully understand the struggles and obstacles that racial minorities face. But it’s so, so important I still recognize that those struggles and obstacles exist and do my part in trying to help improve them. Another example is that a man will never fully understand the struggles and obstacles I face as a woman, but they should still recognize that those things are real.
30. I know that age is just a number and turning 30 next year just gives me a new decade to look forward to.
And last but not least, turning 29 shouldn’t be a scary thing. Age shouldn’t make anyone sad or feel like they have failed at life or something for not reaching a certain point (see #6). People put too much emphasis on age sometimes and it’s ridiculous. I’m 29. I’ll be 30 next year. It doesn’t mean anything except that I’m given a new slate to start a new decade of my life, and that should excite me, not scare me. So here’s to 29, I hope my last year in my 20s is great…but I have a feeling my 30s will be even greater.
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Blue Raven 666: Exterminators and theories
BlueRaven 666 is a YouTuber who has created videos about many intriguing theories for the web series, Hazbin Hotel. BlueRaven 666's channel. Gray the Exterminator is his original character. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXaxReyJNiKDJQ6g75jigxg I'm posting the transcripts/fanfiction to show support.
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Gray is an Exterminator angel OC created by BlueRaven 666, the YouTuber’s demon OC name. Gray has blue eyes, a blue smile and an X over their right eye. A blue tipped horn is their unique physical trait.
The Golden Rule of the Exterminators by BlueRaven 666 
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Gray: “Greetings mortals. The diabolical cretin known as Blue Raven has kindly asked me to explain the rules we Exterminators follow during Hell’s annual extermination. These rules ensure that as many of us survive the full 24 hours we spend in Hell as possible, while simultaneously taking out as many sinners and demons as we can.”“There are some rules that are quite obvious. Don’t hold back. Kill as many of the damned in your line of sight as possible. Don’t let the denizens of Hell get ahold of your weapon. Spare nobody, no matter what they may say or do. And perhaps the most important rule of them all: be wary of the buildings you pass by and those you choose to enter. Now you may be asking yourselves, why is this rule so crucial above all the others? Most would think that if the Exterminators aim to kill as many sinners and demons as possible, the buildings would be the number one spot to find those that try to hide from us…and you would be right in your assumptions. The denizens of Hell who have witnessed past exterminations know to take shelter in the nearest building.”
“The problem for us comes in when it comes down to fighting as creatures with wings. Fighting in close quarters with a demon can become very problematic if we aren’t able to access an immediate escape route. We are aware that Hell is home to the likes of Alastor, the Radio Demon, Vox the Television Demon as well as our fallen brother, Lucifer. Not even a dozen Exterminators possess the power it takes to take even one of those individuals down. Entering a building where any one of them could be hiding could be a death sentence for us. The only exception for this rule is if a building is already old and dilapidated, or if it is one that has suffered a lot of external damage from the turf wars that constantly raged throughout the rest of the year. These buildings are usually obliterated on site and all sinners and demons taking shelter there are swiftly dispatched if they can be managed.”
“In summary, the Golden Rule of the Exterminators is to avoid fighting in close quarters. Being outside is needed in order to efficiently dodge fatal blows that could be dealt by an opponent and there are plenty of denizens in Hell that can define themselves on the streets on extermination day anyway. While we’re fully willing to lay down our lives for this tradition every year, it’s most certainly better to be safe than it is to meet a likely slow bloody death at the hands of a demon. That’s all I have for you today. Have a blessed day and God be with you.”
Gray the Exterminator Q and A Part 1 by BlueRaven 666 
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Gray: “Greetings mortals. It has been brought to my attention that my presence in Blue Raven’s domain has been met with overwhelmingly positive reactions from his loyal followers. Many of you seem to be curious as to who I am as well as well as the overall nature of Exterminators as a species. Today, I will be answering some of your questions in order to shed some light on what exactly Exterminators do and how we think. I have selected 20 questions to cover that will allow me to help you become more familiar with who I am as an individual. Worry not, if your question doesn’t get answered. With an ever-increasing number of questions being asked daily, many will have to be answered in later installments. Patience is a virtue, embrace it.”
Question 1: How did you get lost?
Gray: “Ah yes. I believe Blue Raven mentioned that our meeting was caused by me getting lost shortly after Hell’s most recent extermination. I was knocked unconscious whilst battling a demon. My fellow Exterminators presumed I was dead and left me behind. As a result, we do not collect the mortally wounded or deceased once the extermination has ended. While Heaven is visible from the skies of Hell, returning is not as simple as flying back. Doing so would be the equivalent of trying to fly from Earth to the moon. Blue Raven has decided to take me in, forging a fragile truce between an angel and a demon until the situation is resolved.” Question 2: What is your gender/sexuality?
Gray: “Most Exterminators are ambiguous to gender though many believe us to be female, but we tend to leave it up to the individual to decide which pronouns they prefer to use. My preferred pronouns are “they” and “them.” Sexuality: asexual.”
Question 3: Were you born in Heaven or on Earth?
Gray: “I was born into a family of seasoned Exterminators in an area of Heaven that is inhabited by Exterminators exclusively.”
Question 4: How nervous were you during your first extermination? 
Gray: “The level of anxiety an Exterminator feels during their first extermination is usually high. The first thing we’re told by the lead Exterminator before we are sent into Hell is that death is a very real threat. New recruits are ordered to group up with three to five more experienced angels in order to stand a better chance at surviving our first extermination day. I was not scared of dying personally. It was the long list of demons that were known for killing Exterminators that I feared facing.” Question 5: What is your preferred method of killing demons?
Gray: “We are urged to make the death as swift and painless as possible by our superiors. A sword or spear through the head is my preferred method used to dispatch a demon.”
Question 6: Can demons kill angels?
Gray: “They can and they do if they are powerful enough. We are not invincible.”
Question 7: What is your rank in the Exterminator hierarchy?
Gray: “I am what would be referred to as a soldier. Soldiers are the lowest rank and are basically seen as cannon fodder until they gain more experience.”
Question 8: Did you choose to become an Exterminator?
Gray: “In the grand scheme of things, no. Those who are born into families of other Exterminators are expected to join them once they are of age. Failure to comply would mean an immediate banishment to Hell as we are naturally too bloodthirsty to be good for anything else around Heaven.” Question 9: Why do Exterminators look like demons?
Gray: “The armors’ design was thought up decades ago by an Exterminator by the name of Thistle. (English name meaning “prick” or “thorn”). He used the horns of a demon to blend in with Hell’s populace in an attempt to avoid being attacked. Tragically, he was killed after being mistaken for a demon by his comrades. They took his brilliant idea back with them, altered it so that it was more distinguishable from the populace in Hell and the final design has remained ever since.”
Question 10: Are you a fallen angel?
Gray: “I am not. I realized the situation I’m currently in may make it seem that way, but I still hold my status as an Exterminator.”
Question 11: Why is the tip of one of your horns blue?
Gray: “The original version of this question mentions an imp by the name of Blitzo.”
Blue Raven: “It’s pronounced “Blitz.”
Gray: “Come again?”Blue Raven: “It’s Blitz, the o is silent.”
Gray: “Why do you miserable brutes insist on having such peculiar names?  Regardless, this imp is known to have white patches on one side of his face just as I can be identified by the blue color on the tip of my right horn. These unique traits are known to Exterminators as identity tags, as my coloration is fairly unique amongst Exterminators in general. These details make it easier to tell other angels who I am when I’m on duty.”
Question 12: Are there Exterminators trying to kill all of the demons during the Extermination?
Gray: “Many will try, even though it is futile. Hell is many times larger than the Earth and its population can be more than double on the day of extermination. Even if the amount of sinners was half, we wouldn’t be able to kill them all in 24 hours.”
Question 13: Have you ever had to fight someone you loved?
Gray: “No. Any angels that fall from grace nowadays are typically slaughtered by Hell’s denizens within weeks following their banishment.” Question 14: What is the punishment for breaking the Golden Rule?
Gray: “The Golden Rule of the Exterminators is not law. It’s treated more as an unspoken rule that is learned the hard way. As such, the consequences of breaking the Golden Rule of the Exterminators is usually severe bodily harm and death.”
Question 15: Have you ever met Alastor, Vox, or Lucifer?Gray: “I’ve been acquainted with our fallen brother Lucifer as he and the Lord tend to contact each other every great once in a while. If memory serves, I’ve never had a negative encounter with him. I’ve only caught glimpses of Alastor and Vox. Safe to say, I don’t wish to get myself wrapped up in a battle with either of them.”
Question 16: Is there an overlord you’d like to kill?
Gray: “Every Exterminator tends to have a personal list of individuals they’d like to slay. The only ones I have on mine are two individuals. The first is the insect type, Katie Killjoy and the second is a sinner that goes by the name of Gray Man, the despicable monster Albert Fish.” (American serial killer, child rapist and cannibal)
Question 17: Who is your least favorite demon in Hell?Gray: “Well all of them are terrible, quite frankly. However, the one known to Hell as Valentino (porn owner) especially makes my skin crawl.”
Question 18: Who has been your most difficult encounter so far?
Gray: “I would say the holder of that title goes to the one known as Niffty. She has a reputation of being so fast that no Exterminator can catch her.”
Question 19: Why does the Extermination happen?
Gray: “Overpopulation has become an ever-increasing problem in Hell and it continues to worsen with each passing year. The Extermination has been set in place to ensure those who are sent to Hell will have somewhere where they can be integrated into the population.” Question 20: What is your opinion about Charlie’s plan to rehabilitate sinners?Gray: “The topic is quite controversial amongst those in Heaven. Some believe it is genius. Others believe it is pointless. I personally try to keep an open mind. It sounds impossible but stranger things have happened.” “I hope I was able to satisfy your curiosity over me and the behaviors of my fellow Exterminators. Have a blessed day and God be with you.”  Gray the Exterminator Q and A by BlueRaven 666 Part 2 
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Gray: “Greetings, mortals. This is a continuation of your hard-pressed questions about Exterminators and myself as an individual. As we have the luxury of time on our side, today, I have selected 25 questions to answer and we’ll be going into further detail in my responses as much as I can.”   
Question 1: How many angels/Exterminators are there in Heaven? 
Gray: “Due to my status as an Exterminator, I can only really speak for the total population of Exterminators that reside in Heaven. To put it in perspective, Hell maintains an average population of 15 billion denizens. There is one Exterminator per every 300 of Hell’s denizens, bringing the total population of Exterminators to around 50 million. However, we only make up a small percentage of the total number of angels in Heaven, roughly 5 percent, according to some. Going by that math, the total number of angels residing in Heaven to be over 1 billion. In comparison, the world population on Earth is around 7.8 billion.”  
Question 2: How does an Angel become an Exterminator? 
Gray: “I should mention that Exterminator is a status that very few in Heaven wish to obtain, but there are three ways one can achieve it. The first and most common way is by being born into the life. True, it may not be something within your control, but it’s a fact. The second way is by appointment by the Powers. This happens for a multitude of reasons, but it’s usually because an angel has committed a sin and is granted an opportunity to choose their fate: be banished into Hell or serve as an Exterminator until the next Extermination day passes. The third and least common way one can become an Exterminator is by volunteering. Volunteers typically require extensive psychological screening by the Powers and Virtues and must meet several requirements before their request is approved (physically fit, flight training, strong will, intelligence test, respect for higher ups, etc.) These screening occur under the belief that an ordinary angel who wants to become an Exterminator could be experiencing sinful thoughts and is seeking an outlet they can unleash these thoughts on. Such individuals are considered to be highly dangerous and can rarely be trusted. (Similar to how one would view a person wanting to be a soldier to kill for sport or for criminal acts)”   
Question 3: What is the difference between an angel and an Exterminator?
 Gray: “Angels are given several rights and opportunities that Exterminators cannot be trusted with. For example, an angel can be entrusted to carry out the duties of a guardian angel on Earth. Exterminators cannot. Angels may also be chosen to accompany the Archangels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, etc.) as they communicate messages between man and God. An Exterminator would never be considered for such a role. We may be entrusted to communicate the status of Hell and its denizens to God but only if the situation has reached crucial status.”    
Question 4: Why do Exterminators have an x over their eyes? 
Gray: “The X over the right eye of an Exterminator is a symbol of one’s status as a full soldier. Those still in training will not receive this mark until they are ready. Think of it like a brand logo. It’s the mark of the officially of one’s rank as an Exterminator.”  
Question 5: Can Exterminators fall in love? 
Gray: “Of course they can, though it may be difficult. Most Exterminators experience trouble getting along with one another. This can be for any number of different reasons: conflicting personalities, personal rivalries, or a general lack of interest in the individuals that surround them. This tends to be the most common issue that Exterminators face when it comes to looking for love. Most will even agree to be partners simply for the sake of carrying on a bloodline.”    
Question 6: Can angels/Exterminators reproduce?
Gray: “Well, yes. Those that reside in Heaven are granted that privilege.” 
  Question 7: Is it possible for Heaven to become overpopulated?
 Gray: “I would say it’s possible, yes. However, it would be incredibly unlikely. Heaven and Hell differ greatly in size. To put it in perspective, the size difference between the two realms would be like comparing planet Earth to the sun. The sun is so large that 1.3 million Earths can fit inside of it. That’s how big Heaven is compared to Hell. Between the number of angels that eventually fall, the number of Exterminators that are lost in the Extermination each year and those who arrive in Heaven after death, overpopulation is a threat that Heaven need not worry about anytime soon.”    
Question 8: What do Exterminators do when it isn’t Extermination day?
Gray: “Much of the time, we simply just sit and wait for the next one to arrive. We do our best not to fight amongst ourselves and spend time with our families if any members have survived and spending time indulging in our own interests and hobbies.”  
Question 9: Do Exterminators train for battle? 
Gray: “Yes. We Exterminators are trained up for months before every extermination… quite vigorously, as a matter of fact, granted we cannot accurately replicate the climate or terrain of Hell, or the abilities of most demons. But we’ve managed to brush up on the basics, work with new recruits alongside more seasoned Exterminators and practice new attack and defense strategies up until the next Extermination.” 
Question 10: What is your favorite weapon? 
Gray: “Most of the time, I, along with many other Exterminators, will choose to use a sword or a spear. Spears are lightweight and easy to use, without having to be too close to an opponent. Swords, while they are considerable heavier, are double-edged and work quite efficiently. My favorite weapon to use, however, would be a crossbow. It may not be the most practical weapon by any means, but it is quite efficient at taking down demons from a safe distance.”  
Question 11: What do Exterminators think of modern weapons? 
Gray: “Most Exterminators share a simple common interest in weapons and artillery. We find devices such as firearms, tanks, aircrafts and nuclear weapons to be utterly fascinating. However, such weapons are viewed as far too devastating to be used during the Extermination. Close range combat serves as a reminder that we are taking lives by our own hands and that fact is emphasized tenfold when we look into a victim’s eyes moments before they draw their final breath. Plus, imagine the amount of work it would take to get a tank from Heaven into Hell and back again.”  
Question 12: If you die a non-sinner, do you become an angel? 
Gray: “If you die having never committed a single sinful act in your life, I believe you will be ranked higher than an angel. That’s grounds for sainthood, if I’m not mistaken. You may be eligible for placement amongst the first triad in the hierarchy of angels at the very least.”  
Question 13: What happens when an angel/human/demon dies? 
Gray: “When we die, our consciousness is plunged into what is known as the void. The void is an infinite expanse of nothingness that extends for eternity. In the void, you shall feel no joy, no pain, no sadness, no thirst, and no hunger. There will be no sound, nothing. (It will be the same state as before birth). Imagine the deepest sleep you’ve ever fallen into that will become your reality once you’ve been plunged into the void and it shall continue on until the end of time. Death connects us all.”   
Question 14: Are there any Exterminators you can’t stand? 
Gray: “Oh goodness, where to start? There Alabasdor, one of the few that willingly volunteered to become an Exterminator. He’s not quite right anymore and enjoys making demons suffer slow, painful, gory deaths during the Extermination. There’s Flax, one Exterminator who really can’t be bothered. He averages around five kills per extermination, while everyone else averages between twenty and forty. The exterminator that takes the crown for being the most unbearable to me, however, is called Silver. She’s like Alabasdor but ten times worse. The only reason she hasn’t been banished into Hell yet is because she holds the highest kill count after every extermination. It wouldn’t be so bad if she didn’t spend a month gloating over her victories afterwards.”   
Question 15: Has an Exterminator ever been saved by a demon before? 
Gray: “Not in any case that’s been documented. It would appear that my situation has been the first recorded case of an Exterminator being saved by a demon. That isn’t to say it has never happened before, however, most demons pounce at the first opportunity to take an Exterminator’s head as a trophy.” 
Question 16: Could an Exterminator form an alliance with a demon?
 Gray: “Impossible. No demon could trust an Exterminator to allow one to assist them with anything and the Exterminators are too bloodthirsty to find it worth their while to help a demon. The truce between Blue Raven and I seems to be unique amongst the usual relationship between demons and Exterminators.”   
Question 17: Do you have a favorite demon?
Gray: “I believe the princess of Hell is every angel’s favorite demon.”  
Question 18: Have you ever met a docile demon?
Gray: “I believe that Blue Raven is the most docile of his kind along with Princess Charlotte and Tom Trench.”    
Question 19: Has an Exterminator ever spared a demon? 
Gray: “Most do not. We kill every opportunity we’re given during the Extermination. However, we do tend to spare imps and demons that are expecting and find themselves without shelter, as well as individuals we know for certain will be too much for us to handle. It may not come across as professional, but in our eyes, it's the run-of-the-mill ordinary demons that are a dime a dozen and serve as our main target.”  
Question 20: Do you think it’s possible for sinners to be redeemed? Gray: “Possible, yes. However, I believe the question remains as to whether or not there will be enough individuals seeking redemption who will actually be able to achieve it. At least the annual Extermination will no longer be necessary. (That what Charlie hopes). There is also a significant number of demons that have obtained a high social standing in Hell society and have gained a significant amount of territory. As a result they may not be so keen on letting go of that status.”  
Question 21: What would happen if God was killed? 
Gray: “Such a fate is not possible. Speaking hypothetically, however, the death of the Lord would plunge everything in existence into the void. The entire universe as a whole world would cease to exist.”   
Question 22: What do you think of Angel Dust? Gray: “He isn’t the worst sinner that’s out there. However, I would prefer it if he stayed no less than 10 feet away from me at all times.”   
Question 23: How does God feel toward Lucifer? 
Gray: “Our brother’s name is only mentioned in Heaven as a cautionary tale for other angels. It serves as a reminder that no matter what one’s social standing might be in Heaven, even those closest to the Lord can fall from grace if they choose to repeat his past transgressions. But everyone knows that Lucifer is still his favorite. (He was the light bringer and one of the first angels. Lucifer got banished from Heaven due to his pride and view of Man as inferior to Angels. He wanted to have more freedom, even if it meant going against the rules.).” 
  Question 24: How would you react if you met an overlord of Hell? 
Gray: “Depending on the individual, I presume one of two things would happen. I would either be killed on sight or verbally toyed with until I lost my patience. Given my current state, I cannot afford an encounter with an overlord of Hell. I suppose I would just keep my distance and avoid making any moves against them at this present time.”  
Question 25: How old is Blue Raven by demon standards? 
Gray: “Blue Raven, I believe this is a question for you to answer.”   
Blue Raven: “Alrighty then. How old am I demon’s standards? Well, that’s a loaded question. Some people think it’s how long you’ve lived on Earth with the number of days, weeks, months or years you’ve spent in Hell added onto that. Others just count by the amount of time spent in Hell alone. Just to make it seem less pathetic, I’ll go with the former and say I’m 23 by demon standards, which really isn’t much when you’ve got demons like Alastor, Vox, Angel Dust, Mimzy, etc. who have been down there decades longer. Back to you, Gray.” 
Gray: “That will be all for this session. We sincerely apologize if this session was longer than anticipated (but why apologize?). Stay tuned for more Q and A. Have a blessed day, and God be with you.” Gray the Exterminator Q and A by BlueRaven 666 Part 3 Gray: “Greetings, mortals. Before I begin this installment of questions and answers, there are a few things I would like to say. Firstly, Blue Raven and I wish to thank you for helping this channel, surpassing 6,000 subscribers. We are grateful for your support and look forward to what’s to come as the channel continues to grow. Secondly, we have been made aware of the crisis that is currently taking place on Earth and urge everyone to stay safe out there in the coming weeks. The sooner humanity works to keep each other safe, the sooner this crisis will end and social events and activities will resume. To start this off, a lot of you seem to be curious about my interactions with Blue Raven since I would up down here and became a part of his YouTube channel.”  
Question 1: Are you and Blue Raven getting along? 
Gray: “I will say that there are quite a few pros and cons about living with a demon. Our sworn truce prevents us from killing each other. However, we do tend to get on each other’s nerves quite a bit. Speaking in expletives is practically a second language down here, whereas, it’s a forbidden one in Heaven. I can easily make my point without the use of swearing or curse words, a concept that Blue Raven seems to struggle with. Have you got anything to add to this?”
Blue Raven: “Oh no, F**ck!”
Gray: “You see?” 
Question 2: Do you and Blue Raven do anything to annoy each other?
Gray: “Well, Blue Raven has been trying to coax me into swearing as well. Most demons are nocturnal and Blue Raven is no exception. The brightness of his computer screens tends to keep me up during the night as he works.” 
Blue Raven: “Ok, my turn. Gray is an angel and is required to worship God Every. Single. Day. That…uh…that kind of behavior tends to call problems for us demons.” 
Question 3: What is life like for an Exterminator in Heaven?
Gray:  “Not good. Not terrible, by any means, but most definitely not good. You see, we’re not the pure, innocent souls like most angels in Heaven. We exist solely to kill. As such, our lives solely revolve around training for the next extermination and keeping the demon population in check. We are taught from an early age to be apathetic, which tends to bleed into our daily lives outside of the Extermination. This can lead to us being unkind and uncaring toward our fellow Exterminators, including family and friends.” 
Question 4: What is Heaven like, over all? 
Gray: “From an Exterminator’s perspective, it is like the way humans view the Earth’s oceans: fascinating, vast, and largely unexplored. You see, Exterminators make up roughly five percent of Heaven’s total population and we aren’t permitted to step outside of our boundaries, unless we’re needed. What we Exterminators know about Heaven is limited to what we know about our own territory and what Exterminators that have been recruited from the outside population have told us. The region of Heaven where Exterminators dwell is very simple. We have houses, neighbors, families, children, pets, gardens. There are public places where we can partake in outdoor activities and social events like sports as the weather is usually comfortable year round. Popular sports in heaven include volleyball, gymnastics, and competitive flight races.”
Question 5: “Do you have any friends?” 
Gray: “I do. His name is Cinder. He’s a former angel that was recruited to join the Exterminators for questioning God’s rule. He can be identified by an X that completely takes over the place of his right eye, pearly armor and a sad expression cast over his face rather than the traditional malicious smile most Exterminators bear.”
Blue Raven: “Gray has a bit of a crush on Cinder!” 
Question 6: How are Exterminators viewed in Heaven’s society?
Gray: “Our existence is a bit controversial amongst the denizens of Heaven. There are some who see us as a necessary evil that is essential for keeping the population of Hell in check. Others see us as being no better than the demons we slay. Regardless of whom you may ask, however, no angel who isn’t an Exterminator wants to be associated with one.”  
Question 7: Do you ever wish you weren’t an Exterminator?
Gray: “Sometimes. There are days where I wonder if being an Exterminator is the only thing life has to offer me. However, being an Exterminator is all I’ve ever known and I’m not sure how I’d be able to handle deviating from that path.”  Blue Raven: “You could just stay down here, where nothing is off limits and everyone wants to kill you.” 
Question 8: Do you have to earn your wings/halo/weapons?
Gray: “Our wings manifest in early childhood and we learn how to fly in adolescence. Our halos are given to us once we reach adulthood and as shown as a sign that we are ready to step up and join our fellow Exterminators as soldiers. Halos are hand-made and made of glass. All first time soldiers are given the choice to carry a sword or spear. With other weapons such as crossbows, sickles, and scythes, require additional training and must be earned.”   
Question 9: Is there a minimum number of demons an Exterminator has to kill per Extermination?
Gray: “Yes and no. It is frowned upon if an Exterminator doesn’t like to kill demons at all. However, those chosen from the outside population of angels are told they only need to achieve one kill per Extermination. The average kill count for an ordinary soldier is between 40 and 50. More experienced Exterminators or those who happen upon a larger number of demons in a particular area can score up to a hundred or more kills. Silver’s highest kill count stands at 392.” 
Question 10: What is your highest kill count?
Gray: “My highest kill count stands at 74. Most of the victims were imps.” 
Question 11: Would you kill a child/baby that was born in Hell?
Gray: “No. Most Exterminators won’t, especially babies. Even the children at are born in Hell are defenseless up until a certain age. Coming across a child or an infant in the streets during the Extermination is rare and we are more inclined to go after the parent responsible for leaving the child unattended rather than the child themselves.”  
Question 12: How long do most Exterminations take?
Gray: “We are usually in Hell for the full 24 hours on Extermination Day. However, sometimes we finish our work early and elect to return to Heaven. Extermination Day feels like the longest day of the year! The shortest recorded Extermination lasted for 16 hours.” 
Question 13: What would an Extermination look like in Heaven? 
Gray: “If Heaven ever became overpopulated to the point of where an Extermination was being considered, the Exterminators would be the first to be weeded through. Angels would also most likely go through rounds of vigorous testing to see if they are deserving of Heaven. Those who obtained entry simply by accepting God but never acting upon it (those who have never prayed or gone to church), would likely be banished to Hell automatically.” 
Question 14: How do Exterminators travel to and from Hell?
Gray: “There is a portal that we go through that is summoned. It looks like an enormous tornado that is just beginning to form! It is disorienting to go through, but it is much quicker than just trying to fly.”  
Question 15: Can humanity contact Heaven/Hell?
Gray: “Uh, Blue Raven, do you have an answer to this?”
 Blue Raven: “Indeed, I do. We’ve only recently discovered a way to contact the living world trough social media, but it’s a pain in the ass and only Vox and I really know how to do it. You could also do it the old fashioned way, with Ouija board, or some ancient ritual. Proceed with caution if you do decide to use an Ouija board. Go poking around online for a while and you’ll run into something. I’m not responsible for what happens if you successfully summon a demon! We’ve stopped accepting animal sacrifices as payment, so stop killing animals to try and summon us demons. Animal abuse is bad! We don’t take that kind of payment anymore.
”Gray: “Raven, what happens to kids who end up in Hell?”
Blue Raven: “Well, define kid, because I consider anyone who looks younger than 16 a kid. Regardless, 99 percent of the time when you see a child in Hell, chances are they’re a natural born demon, but there are mortal born children that die and end up in Hell and usually they deserve it. You know the brats they are, nothing but mean and disrespectful to everyone that’s around them. Kids that have killed animals intentionally for one reason or another, the ones that engage in sexual or drug activity at a very early age, willingly. Mind you, there are children that wind up in Hell and it’s becoming more common as time passes. There is a line that kids are crossing to where they aren’t beacons of innocence anymore and they aren’t given a free pass when they wind up in Hell. In fact, they are the first ones to be singled out to be tormented by the demons down there and most of them can’t do a damn thing about it. So I’d say if you’re a kid, younger than 18 in human years, get your act together. Save the adult things for when you are an adult because God doesn’t care if you’re a kid, what age you were when you died, if you soul has been corrupted enough to go to Hell, then you’re going to Hell and it’s not going to be a fun experience.” 
 Question 17: How many sins does it take to send a person to Hell?
Gray: “Blue Raven said that if you committed enough sins, to the point where your soul is no longer pure enough for Heaven, you will be sent to Hell. It could take as much as killing a single person without remorse or committing several sins.”  
Question 18: Why are you gray?
Gray: “Because both of my parent’s natural coloration was gray. I just am. Why I was named Gray, I don’t know. It wasn’t my idea.”
 Blue Raven 666: “It was my idea to create Gray and Blue Raven as my avatar OC.”
Question 19: Can girls be Exterminators?
Gray: “Of course they can. In fact, I believe women make better Exterminators than men. They tend to be more flexible, agile, and better at quick decision-making than males.” 
Question 20: Do humans have an accurate depiction of God?
Gray: “Not in the slightest. I can’t go into much detail under angelic law, but he’s definitely not like how humans see Him. His image has been corrupted by so many human minds that couldn’t handle the information they were presented with that they came up with a much more appealing image, most humans know today. They changed His overall image to better fit their own ideals.”  (God is supposed to be a figure who is accepting of everyone’s background, provided they do good things in their lives. Worship is important, but doing good actions for one’s community and the world is even better. Good and bad behavior is learned over time as people grow up. We learn from our parents, peers, teachers, the government, and social institutions, religion being one of them. As we are created in His image, we must do our part in honoring Him and caring for ourselves and humanity the best way we can. He manifests in different faiths: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc. Messengers of God, Jesus, Abraham, Mohammed, etc. are different individuals who represent similar cultural ideals. He not only is part of nature and the universe, He is those very things. He is often depicted as a bearded man in the clouds, kind of like Zeus, but he is more than that. He takes forms beyond just human. He is light, His is the life-giving sun, He is the star-filled night that makes us look up in awe and wonder. He can be felt in every act of kindness, every prayer and devotion, in all the moments where people come together to ask for forgiveness, share their stories, or to just share the comforting, if not orderly experiences of going to church every Sunday. Over time, humanity has altered His image to exclude individuals who don’t fit certain standards (ex. loving the same sex, those who do not believe in God, marginalized groups of people etc.) Church and religion has been seeped in the desire for money, power and privilege, instead of its assumed role in bringing communities together who believe in something greater than themselves. “Love thyself, love thy neighbor, love thine enemy”…religions set standards and views of what is right and wrong for people to follow. But has that always been true? They say His word and rules never change, but when society evolves over hundreds of years, one comes to realize that one thing that’s forever constant is change…and as God is constant, change is also a part of Him.)(Feel free to disagree, I’m not religious.)
Gray: “That’ll be all. Blue Raven, I’ll let you take things from here.”Blue Raven: “I am NOT doing the “God be with you” part, just so we’re clear! Thank you guys so much. We know things are bad out there, we know you guys are probably getting restless and want to go out and do things with your buddies, but the best thing you guys can do for yourselves and your loved ones right now is obey any stay at home orders going on at the moment, practice, social distancing, and for f**ks sake, wash your hands and wear your protective face masks when you go out. Use common sense, don’t be dummies! Sooner people start cooperating, the sooner the orders will be lifted and businesses can reopen. Going out to get a haircut isn’t worth you or your loved one’s life, alright. Stay safe out there.”Gray: “But I thought you hated the humans.”Blue Raven: “Shh. They (other demons) don’t need to know. Humans watch my videos, after all.” 
Blue Raven 666 Interrogation Q & A by BlueRaven666 Part 4
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 Blue Raven: “Hello everyone, Blue Raven here, and for this session of questions and answers, we’re switching things up a bit. You see, between the Q and A sessions we’ve done so far and my last upload a lot of info was leaked that Hell has been taking note of effectively pissing off Gray and causing them to quite possibly holding me at spear-point as I’m recording this. So for this session, Gray will be taking a break as I answer some of your hard pressed questions about myself, demons, and life in Hell. I’m gonna be honest, you guys had a lot of questions and so I think that justifies Gray’s feelings a bit. I mean, you all know more about them than you do me at this point, so I’ve picked 24 of your most hard-pressed questions about me, demons, and Hell.”
 Gray: “I have answered a total of sixty five questions for you, Raven. I refuse to come back until you’ve done the same.” (Now Blue Raven has to post more videos lol)
 Blue Raven: “Oh god dammit.”
 Question 1: How long have you been in Hell?
 Blue Raven: “Almost five years, I believe. First got here summer of 2015 and I’ve been here ever since.” (Perhaps when he started YouTube?)
 Question 2: What kind of demon are you?
Blue Raven: “Okay, you see, I didn’t know the answer to that, myself, until just recently. There’s a lot going on here: the blue wings, the tail, the horns, none of which are immediately identifiable as a single type of animal. As it turns out, I’m a dragon demon. Yes, Hell has dragons and dragon demons. It actually took another dragon demon to point this out before I realized it. (Was it Hatchet from Zoophobia? What if Blue Raven met Fitch and other dragons while Gray has to escape Adina, the evil head of the Exterminators who tortures other demons?)
   Question 3: What are your powers/abilities?
 Blue Raven: “Nothing that’s worth writing about, really. I can breathe fire, fly, grab things with my tail, and thanks to Vox, I know how to contact people and entertain in Hell and the living world. That’s knowledge that I can’t leak to anyone or Vox said he’d kill me so don’t bother asking.”
  Question 4: Which city do you live in?
Blue Raven: “I live in the part of Hell that’s known as the Styx, a.k.a. the middle of fuckin’ nowhere. Vox actually had to have a communication tower built where I live just so I could receive Wi-Fi because I don’t want to live in the city.”
     Question 5: How do you die?
Blue Raven: “Okay, let me make you all aware of the first unspoken rule of Hell: do go around asking everybody how they died. Natural-born demons will take personal offence to that (“Are you saying I’m a low scum sinner?”. What I will say about my death was that it was the result of a broken heart. Put the pieces together and I’ll eventually figure it out.”
  Question 6: Why are you in Hell?
Blue Raven: “Oh boy. Let me list the reasons; not believing in God, practicing witchcraft and Satanism, reading Tarot, I interrupted a church service once, being LGBTQ+, gluttony, big one right there, envy, greed, sloth, you know, I think I’m beginning to see why I’m a dragon demon.
 Question 7: What is daily life like for a demon in Hell?
 Blue Raven: “Well, I mean I can’t speak for everyone that’s down here but on a typical day, I wake up, have about three cups of coffee, eat some breakfast, watch some YouTube videos, work on some of my own videos, go to my day job at the local preschool. After work, I chill out at home for a little bit, watch some more YouTube videos, work some more on my own stuff, and then I go to bed and that’s my average daily routine. If you hear of me doing anything more than that, it’s a special occasion.”
 Question 8: Does time still apply to Hell?
 Blue Raven: “Yeah. You can’t visually tell the difference between day and night, but we have a.m. and p.m. We have clocks and calendars, so time still does apply to Hell, it’s one of the realm’s ongoing tortures, actually.”
  Question 9: What is the government system of Hell like?
 Blue Raven: “Very simple. If a member of the royal family orders you to do something, yeah, do it. If one of the Gnostic demons orders you to do something and you’re a lower rank than them, you do it or get ready to fight and lose. If an overlord tells you to do something and they’re more powerful than you, you do what they say or square up. Demons and sinners can pretty much do what they want down here, but the moment someone of a higher rank or someone who holds more power gives you an order, you better do it or you could end up being double dead before the next Extermination comes around.”
 Question 10: Is there gender/racial segregation in Hell?
Blue Raven: “In a way, yes. You’ve probably heard the saying birds of a feather flock together, right? That aspect tends to be applied to Hell society. Demons usually socialize with those of the same species, or those that are down here for the same sins. One type that nobody associates with down here are the cho-mos (child molesters) and the perverts. It gets kind of complicated when it comes to gender, though. You see, I’d say around 90% of us don’t really know how to keep it in our pants for those who were born human. That fact doesn’t really matter because we’re infertile, but natural born demons are able to reproduce, so unless they’re looking to create a boom in the population, the males and the females tend to be kept separate.”
  Question 11: Where do new denizens spawn in Hell?
 Blue Raven: “Literally anywhere. There’s no one single place that sinners manifest after they die. We don’t fall through arriving in Hell. It’s almost like waking up, only in a totally different from and someplace you’ve never been before.”
 Question 12: Do people in Hell get sick?
Blue Raven: “Yes, we do. You can thank pestilence for every pandemic or illness to ever come into existence on Earth, but we do get sick down here in Hell to rot. Horn rot, tail rot, hoof rot, a whole lot of rot. But tapeworms are coming down here too, and you can’t trust the doctors down here because most of them are either witch doctors, plague doctors or quacks. So if you do get sick down here, you’re kind of screwed.”
 Question 13: How do demons get their forms?
Blue Raven: “It depends on a wide variety of factors. Your personality, your sins, how people viewed you in life, how you died and so on. We continue to change and evolve as we continue to exist in Hell so forms can change over time. (I mean, look at this guy, he’s a fuckin’ gun.)”
 Question 14: What happens if you get injured in Hell?
Blue Raven: “Unless it’s an angel’s weapon, or your form gets completely destroyed beyond repair, nothing. Bruises and scratches heal pretty quickly. Broken bones take only a couple days to heal up. Bullet and stab wounds are nothing. The bitch of the situation comes in when it’s an angel’s weapon. Then the injury takes eight times longer to heal, and it if’s fatal, it’s fatal.”
 Question 15: Would you ever sign a contract/make a deal with an overlord?
 Blue Raven: “I kind of already have with Vox. I wanted some decent technology to start making videos online. I got a hell phone and now I work for him. Don’t make deals with demons, kids.”
 Question 16: What is your relationship with Vox?
 Blue Raven: “It’s just an employer-employee sort of dynamic, nothing more.”
New message from: Vox: Oh so you’re a liar now too, eh?
Blue Raven: “Stop tapping into my microphone you creep.”
     Question 17: What would happen if someone were to break a deal with a demon?
Blue Raven: “Oh, you don’t want to do that, my friend. Your soul will belong to the demon for all eternity either way, unless that demon gets killed. Humans have been killed for trying to break off their deals if not them, than their friends, family, and even pets. Again, don’t make deals unless you intend to hold up your end of the bargain.”
 Question 18: How does a demon become an overlord?
Blue Raven: “Do I look like a demon that has achieved overlord status? I don’t know. I know Alastor defeated a bunch of overlords that used to be in power, so I guess that’s one way to go about it.” (Demons who have committed a bunch of horrible sins (both in Hell and on Earth) and had an infamous status on Earth are more likely to become overlords…especially those either born to higher class families on Earth or those in Hell who have tapped into their powers and evolved. In Hell, the “Survival of the Fittest,” “Might Makes Right” applies very often.)
    Question 19: Who’s the oldest demon in Hell?
Blue Raven: “I’m pretty sure it’s Lucifer, along with the other fallen angels that were cast out along with him. (Beezelbub, Leviathan, Azael, etc.)
    Question 20: Is Lucifer a fallen angel?
Blue Raven: “Yes.”
  Question 21: Why are you so nice for a demon?
Blue Raven: “I don’t know. I think I might be trying to compensate for something. Who knows?”
   Question 22: Are you tired of being in Hell?
Blue Raven: “If I’m being honest with myself, no. I get tired of certain people, yes, but in my own opinion, Hell isn’t that bad, at least where I’m at. I’m a dragon demon, so I’d say I’ve adjusted to Hell’s climate pretty well I think. If it’s miserable down here, yeah well that’s because you’re from Heaven where everything is perfect, (angry) including the temperature.”
   Question 23: Do you think Charlie’s plan could work?
Blue Raven: “I mean, I think it could be in theory, anything’s possible, right? However, there are a lot of sinners that are leading good lives down here that they really don’t want to give up. So I think it’s all a matter of if a sinner wants to be rehabilitated and go to Heaven. You can’t exactly help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves.”
 Blue Raven: “Okay, that’s 23 questions answered. Whatever, this was fin. Now let’s hope I don’t get into any major trouble for it.”
   Greetings, mortals of Earth. I am an angel who was born in Heaven long ago. You’ve probably heard of us: we are messengers of God who sometimes visit Earth to send messages or bless individuals. We are often portrayed as holistic beings with golden halos, white feathery wings, who play harps and frolic around in the ever-sunny sky. Well, Heaven has those kinds of angels, but there are many different types. Angels are divided into groups called choirs. From the highest rank to the lowest are: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels. They all serve a variety of roles, from guarding God’s throne, to maintaining cosmic order, to inspiring harmony in the human and spirit world. Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Uriel, are some of the most well-known, important Archangels.
There are also Angels of Death who are in charge of punishing sinners, often using flaming swords and other methods. There are some who aren’t as destructive and bloodthirsty, as, say, Samael. In fact, one angel, Azrael, is a benevolent being said to guide the souls of the deceased after death. Puriel judges and examines each soul after death. But still, there are others who teach sinners and the unfaithful harsh lessons, even beyond the grave. Sorry, getting a little off-topic here. Where do I come in and who am I?”Others call me Gray, and I am an asexual, gender neutral black-winged angel and Exterminator.
I know what you’re thinking, “A dark murderous angel without a gender or sexuality? That can’t be true.”
Alas, it is. Just like mortals, angels can identify as male, female, transgender, and anywhere in between. However, we are strongly encouraged (or perhaps even ordered) to push aside feelings of passion, lust, and other messy emotions. After all, we are constantly on duty, and all our destinies lead to one true purpose: unification with God. Or the universe, or the cosmos, however you’d like to phrase the inevitable force that connects us.
You see, not all of us are pacifists, born or made. I was born in a section of Heaven that is not found in your Bibles or textbooks. This area is exclusively for other Exterminators.
What is our purpose, you ask? Exterminators are responsible for slaughtering Hell’s denizens once every year to prevent overpopulation. The rules are simple: kill swiftly, show no mercy to anyone, and stay close to your fellow angels during the 24 hour time shift. Samael is our leader, and as you can imagine, he is quite ruthless and stern.
In terms of status, I am just a lowly soldier in the Exterminator rank. I can be recognized by my blue tipped right horn, x over my right eye, my blue eyes and mouth. Like the other Exterminators, I have black feathery wings, horns, talons, and I carry a unique weapon. To add to my lower rank, the other angels tend to look down on us due to our bloodthirsty nature. We have a drive to fight and move around, while the other angels are content to sit around studying, praying, singing, or dancing peacefully. It is not what you would call racism; but more like the reaction one gets when your coworkers find out you work at a cemetery or morgue.
Yes, the work is dangerous, depressing and not for the faint of heart. But it must be performed efficiently by some people. Not only must we kill demons during the annual purge, but we also must be careful not to get killed by powerful overlords residing down there. Laying down our lives is a part of war, whether it’s serving God or protecting your home country and citizens.
I was born into a family of seasoned Exterminators, so I had no choice in the grand scheme of things. Deciding to pursue any other occupation would dishonor my family and my community. The punishment would be immediate banishment to Hell…basically a death sentence. So, I mustered up my courage and followed in my family’s footsteps (or wing-flaps).
During one of the annual Exterminations, an unfortunate event occurred. After being knocked unconscious by an attacking demon, my brethren assumed I was dead. They left me behind, flying into the portal and out of sight. By the time I came to my senses, the purge was over and the portal had closed. Flying back to Heaven would be impossible…the distance was far too vast to cover. I stayed hidden in the shadows and forged for food. Then, this demon showed up and decided to take me in. His name was Blue Raven 666, a tall humanoid with blonde hair, blue eyes, white horns and a blue shirt with 666 on it. He has an ability to look into events and come up with theories to try and explain why things are the way they are. He seems to have some knowledge about Niffty, Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, and several other characters. Angel has complex relationships with his father Henroin, Aranea his white spider mother, and his siblings Aracknis and Molly. Strangely enough, Molly isn’t a demon, yet she can enter Hell freely. But his ideas are just unconfirmed theories, albeit plausible ones. For instance, Vaggie may have been a fallen angel due to her use of a harpoon spear, an x over her eye and her willingness to kill/threaten powerful, suspicious demons.
Ah, here I go again, babbling on and on. You’re probably not interested in such abstract perspectives, but it’s one of the topics to keep me entertained before I go back to Heaven.
Why Blue Raven took me in, I’ll never know. Perhaps he took pity on me after seeing me in a weakened state on the brink of starvation. Maybe he was trying to keep an open mind, like me. Surely not all angels were good and not all demons were bad. It was a temporary truce between an angel and a demon, one that was fragile and unknown to anyone else. While we got acquainted, Blue Raven told me about the demon princess Charlie. She had set up a hotel for the purpose of redeeming sinners and sending them to Heaven. Given how many evil sinners and demons were down here, I figured that it was nearly impossible to achieve such a goal.
Then again, stranger things have happened. Even our fallen brother, Lucifer isn’t all bad. Sure he may be prideful, but he does care for his wife and daughter very much. He was banished from Heaven due to God creating mankind and favoring them over the angels. The rules in Heaven are strict, so it’s no surprise that someone like him would rebel. I’m just counting myself lucky that I’m still alive. If it hadn’t been for my new demon acquaintance, I would’ve surely perished out there. (And no, I’m not a fallen angel; I still hold my status as an Exterminator.) Hopefully, once I return to Heaven, things will return to normal and I can resume my duties.
I’ll be here to answer any questions you may have, and Blue Raven 666 will be happy to help. Be sure to go check out his channel and videos. If you’re a Hazbin Hotel fan who likes to dive deep into theories and possibilities, then his channel is for you. Please take care of yourselves and those around you. I heard there’s a deadly virus known as coronavirus-19 going around on Earth and I want to make sure you mortals stay safe. Heaven’s getting more crowded each day, but it can be assured that everyone’s doing fine up here. Thank you for your time, and as we say in Heaven: “Have a blessed day and God be with you.”
Oh, you’re still here? Would you like to hear more about me? I’d love to talk more about Heaven and who I am. Very well, then. Let us begin…
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