#i love being a drakaina also
hdowlpost · 2 years
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OWL GIFTS for @drakaina
See on AO3: Teddy's Christmas Book
I hope one day you'll be able to read this book and look back fondly on some of your best memories. It's odd, looking at you as a little baby right now and imagining that, but you're going to have some wonderful Christmases, I promise. Love you lots, Harry
Word Count and Art Medium: 2643 words, digital images Rating: G Contains: Fluff, Kid Fic, Parenting, Proposal Notes: This gift is for Drakaina. When I saw Teddy and Scorpius in your sign-up, I thought I absolutely had to include them, and when I realised that a memory book full of Christmas traditions was also a request, my mind immediately went to this. I hope you like it! A huge thank you to my beta reader A for all their support with this project! Thank you as well to the lovely mods for putting this fest together and being so patient and supportive while I created this work! The Harry Potter Universe and it's characters belong to J.K. Rowling, I just wrote them a memory book!
Read on AO3: All the Way In
Summary: It starts with an accidental bond during their Eighth Year—hot, intense, and vulnerable. But when the bond is broken, Harry and Draco agree to remain just friends. Easy, clean, and painless, right? Word Count: 7.5k Rating: Explicit Contains: Hogwarts Eighth Year, Post-Battle of Hogwarts, Angst with a Happy Ending, Non-Linear Narrative, Internalized Homophobia, Pining Harry Potter, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Magical Bond, Switching, First Time Notes: Drakaina, I hope you’ll like this little story I wrote for you and that you’re having nice holidays! Here also goes my thanks to the people who helped me and endured my double-guessing about this story; especially the mods with their great patience. Ps: about the internalized homophobia tag, I want to clarify that Draco is the one with it and that if he says something that might sound somehow wrong it doesn’t necessarily reflect my own vision nor his own, poor bean. You’ll have to give him a little time to grow out of it.
Read on AO3: Draco Malfoy and the Stupid Secret Santa Debacle
Summary: All Draco wants for Christmas is to know which name Harry pulled out of Granger's stupid Secret Santa bag, but he ends up getting so much more than he could ever ask for. Word Count: 3610 words Rating: G Contains: Hogwarts Eightth Year, mutual pining, Secret Santa, first kiss Notes: I am so so excited to finally be able to get this to you, Drakaina. You are a dear friend of mine, and I'm so glad I got you when assignments were given. I truly hope that you enjoy this fic!A quick shout out to Jasper and Becca for being amazing, wonderful supporters of this work. I appreciate both of you more than you could know! Another shout out to McDynamite for the summary and for being a good friend always.Thank you for reading!
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isabeladraws · 4 years
i finished kotsam and i just wanna say that i love yakov despite the 0 affection and barely any conversation 😔💗
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maeflower · 2 years
- if you have ever gone to the woods with me
characters: cyrus monroe x danica silvan
word count: 1.9k
summary: dani takes cyrus to the woods with her, a few months after they started dating.
(he doesn't know what it means. not yet)
it's a silent kind of confession because dani's not the type of girl who can say things out loud.
but, she thinks cyrus understands.
notes: very much inspired by this poetry and my personal headcanon that dani loves going to the woods, but going to the woods in nmc stresses her out because she keeps getting attacked by monsters. so, i want to give her another woods she can relax in :D also on ao3
There was a forest in the back of her high school where Dani used to go every time she was having heavy thoughts. She would go alone, sit on the tree trunk in the middle of the clearing and sketch, or just write random stuffs in her journal, listening to the birds chirping and leaves rustling, breathing the green forest air. It helped get her mind off things, especially when she felt particularly anxious, and she always left the forest with a fresh mind and less burden in her chest.
NMC doesn't really have an equivalent of such place, the closest being Solanaceae Forest, where Dani's had too many near-death encounters to feel comfortable going there unprompted. But, there are woods half an hour train ride from NMC - near a small human town - with tall, dark trees and dense canopies, and Dani's never felt more at home than when standing among the trees.
Dani found out about it during one of her training sessions with Thalia and Jarrod. She was complaining about the lack of quiet places at the campus ground (and NMC in general) and Jarrod mentioned the place.
"Good place if you like to hike. Or just being surrounded by nature. There aren’t many monsters living nearby - probably because of its proximity to NMC - so it's safe to go alone."
"AH, it's the place with the stupidly tall trees!" Thalia shouted. "The one where I had to wrestle a drake!"
"Only because you provoked it first."
"I did not-,"
"Don't worry," he ignored Thalia and turned to her, "they're usually nursing their younglings at this time of the year and prefer to stay in their lairs. So, you'll be safe as long as you don’t bother them."
Dani shook her head, "How do you even know about such place? The number of the monster's population too?"
Thalia just grinned, her sharp teeth glinting dangerously, while Jarrod gave her a shrug, "The perks of being a local, Danica dear."
Then he stretched and stood up, signaling the end of their short break, "C'mon, we'll go through the previous stance again."
Dani groaned. She was half-convinced Jarrod secretly worked for NMC equivalent of FBI or something, with how brutal his training regime was. Or maybe that was also just a quirk you got as a local. You had to be combat-ready at all times with the number of monster attacks NMC suffered every month, after all.
At least, she thought while getting up, he's a much better teacher than Thals, who doesn't seem to understand human limitations.
(Thalia huffed when she told her this.
"You're a drakaina, dragon breath."
"Well, I only found out less than a year ago so can you please slow down?"
Dani went alone the first few times. She can't go as often as she likes, as she's still a busy college student with a number of responsibilities, but it's nice being able to recharge once in a while.
This time though, she decides to invite Cyrus.
"Cy, do you want to go hiking with me this weekend?"
Silence. Dani holds her breath, only letting go when Cyrus finally grumbles a response.
That's how most of their dates are planned. Dani finds a place she wants to visit and asks Cyrus if he's free and wants to tag along. The key is to always frame it as something casual so it doesn't spook him off.
"Do you want to go to the zoo with me?"
"Cy, there's a stationary shop near Solanaceae that I want to check out. Do you want to meet there?"
"Hey, do you want to grab something at Café Brownie?"
But, Dani finds that she doesn't mind. They're both not big on romantic gestures, preferring to do things for their partners in silence instead. This kind of dates suit them a lot more.
So the next Saturday, Dani wakes up early - careful not to wake Astrid up -, packs water and a few light snacks and goes to meet Cyrus at the train station.
The journey takes a short time but Dani finds herself dozing off, borrowing Cyrus' shoulder as a pillow. She's still very much not a morning person, but some sacrifices need to be made if she wants to arrive before the sun is too high and the temperature rises. Summer is approaching fast, the days are getting longer and warmer, which suits Dani very well. She's always been partial to summer, the cold makes her drowsy and a bit sluggish. Now that she thinks about it, it might be the drakaina in her blood.
They arrive at the next station before all the morning fog rolls out, the chilly air prickling their skin. From there, they continue on foot. 
The trees in the woods are tall, far older than the ones near her high school. They're not growing densely together so there's a lot of wiggle spaces between the trees. But, the upper branches are so closely intertwined, creating a dense canopy that blocks most of the light coming from above.
They walk in silence, only interrupted a few times by Cyrus asking her to share her water bottle and her occasionally pointing out the name of trees and small animals passing them by. An hour into their journey, they stop to rest and take a shade underneath an old oak tree. Dani sits down cross-legged, her back lying against the tree bark while Cyrus washes his face on a nearby stream.
Sunlight filters through the tree canopy and Dani closes her eyes, feeling the sun warming her face. For a moment, all she can hear is the soft, calming sound of nature before the sound of footsteps takes her back to reality.
Dani opens her eyes and finds Cyrus looking at her curiously.
"Sorry," she gives him a sheepish grin, "it's been a long time since I can relax in the woods without something trying to kill me."
"No worries," he pauses then, still staring at her as if he's just seen her for the first time. Dani suddenly feels a bit shy. It takes courage to let someone else see you with all your guards down. And being on the receiving end of Cyrus Monroe's attention is already no easy feat. "You're in your element here."
Oh, now she's really blushing.
"Being in the woods always relaxes me, I think," she looks down, trying to regain her composure. "There's one near my high school back home. I used to go there every time I needed to think."
"You went alone?" She can tell what he's thinking, bold move for someone who gets lost just going from her dorm to the lunch hall in the next building. She's grateful he doesn't verbally say it because she'd rather get swallowed by the forest floor than to be reminded of that incident. Dani wills the flicker of embarrassment in her chest to die and quickly explains.
"Y-yeah, it's not so big - you can't get lost or anything there - so it's not dangerous to go alone. And it's close to my house so I can run home before it gets dark."
"Besides-," she looks at him then.
"-I never felt the need to bring anyone with me before."
It's a silent kind of confession because Dani's not the type of girl who can say things out loud.
But, she thinks Cyrus understands.
It's the language he's also fluent in, after all.
Cyrus doesn't say anything. But, if the way he holds her hand after that while helping her cross the small brook seems gentler, then it's for her to keep to herself, tucked safely inside her chest to open again and ponder later.
Soon, they reach an area where the trees are sparser and Dani has a light bulb moment inside her head. She turns to Cyrus.
"There's something I want to try, but don't laugh if I fail, okay?"
Cyrus raises one eyebrow, curious, but holds off on commenting.
Dani closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Shifting doesn't come easily to her even after months of training, but she can feel her wings slowly unfurling and spreading across her back. Then, she takes to the sky.
The view from above is mesmerizing. She has to carefully navigate between the lower branches to get a good vantage point but it's all worth it. From this height, she can see their resting place and the tiny brook they just passed, a wild rabbit hopping to its lair, shrubs of wild berries growing thickly a couple of meters from her original position.
So, this is what they mean by bird's eye view.
Cyrus joins her a moment later with a practised beat of his wings, the ivory white a sharp contrast against the dark brown and green of the forest.
"Your wings," he nods at them, "they're the same colour as the trees."
Dani looks behind and notes with amusement that Cyrus is right. She never noticed before - probably because this is the first time she is surrounded by so many green leaves since she learned how to shift - but her scales are the exact shade of emerald green, and with gold flecks dusting the outer part of her wings, it creates the same effect of sunlight peeking through the leaves and turning their tips gold.
"A good way to camouflage," he says and Dani laughs.
"I never thought about it that way but you're right."
She spreads her wings further and does a little somersault in the air. Cyrus follows her with ease.
"So," he smirks, "that flying lesson pays off."
Dani pouts.
"I still don't like being thrown from a tower, for future reference."
"How will you ever learn then?"
"Ugh. I should've asked Cressy for flying lesson instead..."
He snorts, "Bold of you to assume she wouldn't do the same."
"Leon then!"
"All nephilims learn how to fly like baby birds, Danica."
"You guys are so extreme. Even we- I mean, even humans give their children training wheels first when they start learning how to ride a bike, you know."
His eyes glaze over, "That’s how it is with us. You fly or you fall."
Dani blinks at the bitterness in his voice.
"Cy-," she begins.
He shakes his head, "I didn't come here to sour the mood. C'mon, let's try going up."
Dani still stares at him, hesitant, but Cyrus seems resolute on avoiding the subject.
Maybe a conversation for another time then, she relents and nods.
So they fly upwards, deep green and ivory white dancing around each other, slowly intertwining.
Once they reach the canopy, Dani is slightly out of breath, her heart beating faster not only because of fatigue but also the excitement brimming in her chest. She eyes the closely interwoven branches curiously.
"Do you think the branches will take our weights?"
Cyrus shrugs, "Let's find out."
They choose the part that looks sturdiest and sit on top. It takes some time to get comfortable while trying to keep their balance and to slowly fold their wings. When they succeed, Dani cheers. She faces her boyfriend - about to share her joy- and finds him already looking at her.
"Hi," she grins. He moves closer and kisses her softly. Dani hums and gives him another peck.
"Will you come with me next time as well?"
Cyrus let out a sigh but his gentle expression betrays his true thoughts, "Of course."
Dani smiles and rests her head on his shoulder.
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leondaltons · 2 years
all your kotsam ocs sound so good!!
so far i only have one, her name is penny collins and she romances yakov! she's an introvert, very much resistant to being at magi academy - penny is excellent at school and she wanted to be a doctor (she ends up picking the healing degree at magi), and the change in her life was incredibly difficult for her. i don't think she'll ever truly adjust. originally she was a drakaina, but i'm wondering if she wouldn't be a kitsune or nephilim but idk if nephilim would work so well with yakov so i'll see haha (sorry for the long comment!)
Aaaaah, I love her!!! She sounds truly interesting 😍 (Aubrey is also majoring in healing 🤝 aksjska). I truly love hearing about kotsam mcs because there is so much room to develop them 🥰
Regarding the routes: I like Drakaina but personally, Nephilim and Kitsune are my favorite subplots as I found them far more richer in world content, but Brynn really made a good job with all the species <3
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evilwriter37 · 3 years
Scholar's Mate - Chapter 38
Rated: explicit
Warnings: none
Pairings: Hiccup/Viggo
Summary: Viggo Grimborn is the charming business professor and head of the chess club at Hiccup’s college. Once Viggo gives Hiccup his address and asks him to a private game of chess, it doesn’t take long for their relationship to turn intimate. But, Viggo wants Hiccup to keep it a secret from his friends. Can Hiccup balance his love life with college and friends, while also seemingly being stalked? And how far will Viggo push Hiccup’s boundaries before it becomes too much?
Word Count: 2,088
@ashleybenlove @jayalaw @drakaina-amore64
Hiccup picked at the bottom of the robe he was wearing. He hadn't had any clothes to change into, as he hadn't gone back to his dorm at all after the incident with his friends, so Viggo had lent him one of his robes. It was red, which Hiccup looked good in, but the thing was made of silk, and Hiccup felt a little out of place in it.
"So why can't we go get my things tonight?" Hiccup asked. He was sitting in Viggo's kitchen with a mug of ginger lemon tea. The shower and the tea were calming him considerably. He was sleepy, but he wanted his things from his dorm.
"Well, it's past midnight," Viggo told him. He had just poured himself his own cup of tea. He wore a similar robe to Hiccup's. "I assume the security guard at the gate would be confused as to why he was getting a professor's ID with a student ID."
"Ah, right." Hiccup had never had any reason to go back to campus at such a late hour before, and had forgotten about the ID checks that started at midnight.
Viggo sat with his mug. "I assure you that tomorrow you will have your things."
Hiccup flushed a little, looked down into his mug.
"What is it?" Viggo asked, reading him well.
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blue bird anon: Can I request a fantasy au with Dragon Kirishima, Bakugou and child!reader? Kirishima finds an abandon egg and takes it in. Reader hatches from the egg. (It's up to you if she's a dragon, harpy, or naga or any monster hybrid) thank you~~
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Kirishima was out on his morning flight on an early saturday morning like he always was. He enjoyed this time by himself , as much as he loved his King, he still wanted time alone to survey the kingdom and make sure everything was all okay. It was a rather chilly morning which was odd since it was in the middle of spring. The chill should be gone by now and the flowers should be blooming. Kirishima flew a little lower shaking his head at the chill he was greeted with, he landed changing back into his human form stretching with a smile on his face.
Kirishima was in an open area , a field it looked like. Lots of nests were scattered around in the sun too. Kirishima crouched down to inspect one of the nests touching it, feeling some kind of heat coming from it. The eggs were already broken so whatever was here has already left. The wind kicked up and Kirishima whined, hugging himself looking around each and every nest to find the source. Every nest had some kind of element to it; water,earth,wind,fire and… frost? In this part of the world..?
He kneeled down by the nest running his fingers around the frost on the ground up to the straw nest feeling the chill right in his heart giving him goosebumps. “Odd….what are you doing here?” he asked the unbroken egg sitting in the nest surrounded by hatched blue white eggs. It had frost coming off it and a small long crack on its side.
Bakugo was awake strolling around his castle checking up on his servants and maids. Making sure everything was good for the day and no problems came up overnight.
He was a … interesting King. He did not like change and wanted things done fast with no argument. If he had to use force he would, if the villagers in his kingdom ever gave him trouble then Kirishima was ordered to eat them. If any other kingdoms tried to overthrow him he and Kirishima burnt them to the ground.
So when Kirishima came back with a egg in his arms and purple face with goosebumps all over his body he was… annoyed.
“What is this?” Bakugo asked, gesturing to the egg in Kirishimas arms.
“E-e-egg fou-nd it!” he said, teeth clattering as he set the egg on a nearby table to hug himself and run in circles.
Bakugo leaned down to inspect the egg noticing it had two cracks in it , one looked freshly broken too. It was a white blue egg with a foggy look too it. The top of it had white frost on it and everytime Bakugo touched it his fingertips turned purple.
The man stopped running and stood next to his King. “yes?”
“Frost Scales are only found in the North, whats this doing all the way down here.”
“It was in a nest full of hatched eggs of the same kind. The whole field was full of Elements Eggs”
“So what do you plan to do with it?” he asked, standing back up with his hands on his hips. “If it hatches “
“Well uh.. Take care of it?”
“Do you really have time to pretend to be a dad ? Kirihsima?”
“Well i -”
“If it hatches, I'm training it to be a killer just like i trained you.”
“Y-yes my King..”
The days went on, and Kirishima made a nest for the egg with fur blankets in it in the main room on the table. It shook every now and then and every time Bakugo poked it he heard a soft noise come from inside it. He was excited, two dragons at his fingertips. Fire and ice at his disposal. He could conquer even more kingdoms, strike fear in the villagers, travel farther than ever before…
Kirishima on the other hand was worried for his King and the egg. Sure Kirishima always had a smile on his face but when his King needed him… it was like he was a different person/dragon. It was like a different mindset, as soon as Bakugo snapped his fingers something in Kirishimas mind switched and all he saw was red.
A week had gone by and Kirishima was out buying supplies for the kingdom while Bakugo had pulled up a chair by the table to watch the egg. It had multiple cracks in it now and everytime Bakugo talked to it it shook a few times.
“Cmon. ya little killer”
“Im going to train you to freeze everything in your path”
Shake, crack
“Almost there. Come to papa”
The top of the egg fell off and Bakugo jumped out of his chair with a huge grin on his face. A dragon, a deadly dragon. A deadly… his grin flatlined when he saw what was inside. Kirishima was a dragon when Bakugo found him, so why… He tilted his head and the rest of the egg broke revealing you to the King. you were small, very small. Your foggy white blue wings extended outward, they looked bigger than your body and the horns on your head were long and curled in on themselves at the tips. You had short white hair that covered your eyes and white blue scales all over your arms, legs, stomach,hips and chest. You lifted up your hair to see who was staring at you. You had pure white eyes that froze Bakugo right to his heart.
Kirishima came back soon after with a sack over his shoulder. He pushed the castle door open to see his King staring at the small child on the table. “It hatched!!” Kirishima ran over and you turned to him holding yourself shaking.
“You must be cold here here” he opened the sack, taking out a shawl made out of bear fur and putting it over your head . “there, that must be -”
Bakugo grabbed his dragon and yanked him to the side looking very angry. “What… is that…Kirishima…”
“Uhm.. My King. she looks like a Drakaina, a female with dragon features”
“Can she turn into a dragon..”
“No, just males .. my King..”
“Then shes useless to me, get rid of her”
“Wha? My.. my KING!”
“I have no use for her!”
“She just HATCHED!”
The two argued getting louder and louder, Bakugo was getting very pressed and Kirishima had set a couple things near him on fire.
You slipped off the table and sneezed out snow while you tried to get your legs to work. You held onto the table to steady yourself to watch them. The .. one yelling the loudest sounded the most familiar to you, what did he call himself again? You took a step and Kirishima was through the roof right now.
“She cant fend for herself!”
“I dont care! What am I going to do with a child? I have Kingdoms to rule, villages to set fire too!!”
Kirishima took a step back when he saw Bakugo raise his hand.
“All i have to do Kirishima, is snap my fingers.. And she will not be a problem anymore. Its our pact, you cant fight it.”
“My King ill take care of her , you wont even see her.”he was panicking now. He did not want this.
“And when i need you?”
“Ill lock her away in the castle she wont be a problem… “ he didn't want that.. He wanted to care for you and show you what being a dragon was about…
Bakugo lowered his hand to grab Kirishimas neck, yanking him over. “You better be right, if your not i will do it -” his leg was very… very cold…. , slowly his skin was turning purple and he was getting goosebumps.
The two looked down to see you hugging Bakugos legs, nuzzling your chin on it. You were also pulling Kirishimas leg to you but when you looked up you were looking at the King.
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crazy4dragons · 3 years
Fifteen (Part 1)
Hiccup struggles to come up with the perfect gift for Astrid’s fifteenth birthday. Hiccup-centric for now, with a bit of subtle Hiccstrid coming in Part 2. Rating: G. Prompt sent by @drakaina-amore64 (thank you!).
Hiccup sighed as he glanced at the collection of half-finished projects around him. Astrid’s fifteenth birthday was in a week, and he still had nothing good enough to give her. Or so it seemed that he didn’t.
A Viking’s fifteenth birthday was a big deal. Fifteen was the year children were finally allowed to take the lead on patrols, participate in battle, and most importantly, learn to fight dragons. For those reasons, fifteenth birthdays weren’t just a family affair—the whole island celebrated them.
And Astrid’s fifteenth birthday was an especially big deal, at least to Hiccup. She’d been his best friend growing up. With his mother gone, he often ended up staying with either the Jorgensons or the Hoffersons when Stoick was away and Gobber was busy running the island. On the weekends Hiccup spent with the Hoffersons, he and Astrid would play all day, then innocently cuddle up together for bed to help calm her fear of the dark, and his fear that a dragon would crash through the walls and eat them both alive.
They hadn’t been close like that in years; not since Astrid started basic battle training at eight years old and slowly latched onto a new group of friends. The last time they’d hung out was at Hiccup’s tenth birthday party, and he suspected that was only because Astrid’s parents made her go, just to be polite.
Gods, he missed the days when they were friends, always laughing and making up stories about defeating dragons together. Maybe if they were still close, he wouldn’t be having such a hard time thinking of a gift for her.
“Axe? She has one already,” he mumbled. “Mace? Has it. Sword? Has that, too.” He gathered the partially-finished weapons and put them in a box.
“What are ye working on, lad?”
Hiccup turned to see Gobber entering the forge. “Oh, nothing. Just uh…brainstorming some gifts for Astrid’s birthday.”
“Oh, I see. What ideas do ye have?” Gobber hobbled over to his desk and grabbed a piece of metal.
“I thought about an axe, or a mace, or a sword, some kind of weapon,” Hiccup began. “But I can’t seem to come up with anything she doesn’t already own.”
“Ye know, Hiccup, a Viking can niver have too many weapons.”
Sighing, the boy ran his fingers through his shaggy hair. “Yeah, yeah, but I just thought I could do something different. Maybe even something special.”
“Aye, I see.” Gobber raised an eyebrow. “Ye like her.”
A light blush covered Hiccup’s cheeks. “Well, uh…I…” he stammered. He’d always liked Astrid, but now that she was slowly transforming into a fiercely beautiful young woman, he couldn’t help but like her, like her.
“Ye don’t need to hide it, lad. I ain’t gonna tell anyone, ‘cept maybe yer father,” laughed Gobber. “Ye know, in a few years, yer gonna have to start settling down, anyway. And Astrid is just the kind o’ strong lass who could give ye a nice, strong heir.”
Hiccup rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, an heir,” he mumbled. He wasn’t sure he wanted to be the heir, let alone father the next one. He also wasn’t sure he could even find anyone desperate enough to birth his heir. Yes, he was the next in line for Chief, but there were other more attractive, more successful men from neighboring islands who would offer the same social status—plus the added advantage of a tribal alliance.
“It’s gotta happen someday, Hiccup,” Gobber said cheerfully. “Yer father’s not goin’ to be around forever, and—”
Before he could finish, Hiccup was gone. He needed to focus on Astrid’s gift, not becoming Chief, and if he was being quite honest, he was rather tired of everyone talking about it. And by everyone, he meant Stoick and Gobber.
As he trudged home, Hiccup made a mental list in his head of everything he thought Astrid might need, only to cross off all of it by the time he walked through the door. Not only did she already have every weapon he could imagine, she also owned more than enough armor and other battle accessories. Clothes were always practical, and he could easily sew some leggings or knit a pair of cozy socks, but giving Astrid clothing seemed a little too intimate, even if it was just leggings and socks.
Not feeling up to waiting for Stoick to arrive, Hiccup cooked and ate dinner alone, then took his evening bath and headed to his room. Finding a piece of charcoal, he grabbed his sketchbook and opened it to a blank page. He always drew before bed, but this time, he was on a mission to draw until struck by inspiration for Astrid’s gift.
He began by sketching a portrait of her, paying special attention to her big blue eyes and toned muscles. As she grew up, her eyes were gradually losing their glow from childhood, instead becoming fierce and icy. However, Hiccup still thought they were gorgeous. And her muscles he both admired and envied. Gods, she would never feel attracted to him the same way he felt attracted to her, not with his delicate body.
A talking fishbone, that’s what Stoick called him.
Sighing, he put down his charcoal and flipped through his finished drawings, hoping that ideas for his next sketch of the night would come to him.
“I’m home, son!”
Stoick’s booming voice shook Hiccup out of his thoughts. “I’m busy, Dad!” he called, turning another page of his sketchbook. It landed on an image of a Deadly Nadder, Astrid’s favorite dragon. When they were little, she’d always talked about them. She even had a plush one that she took to bed each night, thinking it would protect her from fiercer, scarier dragons, like Night Furies and Monstrous Nightmares.
It was then that it hit him. He would make Astrid her own book, filled with drawings of all the things she’d loved growing up, from the stream they used to swim in together, to the axe her parents gave her for Snoggletog a few years ago, to the little plush Nadder he was almost certain she still kept in her room.
“Are ye so busy ye can’t clean up after yerself?” Stoick bellowed from downstairs.
Hiccup groaned as he remembered that, in his preoccupation with Astrid’s gift, he’d left his dishes on the kitchen table. He knew that if he left his room, he’d end up getting caught in an unwanted conversation with his father, and that definitely wasn’t what he wanted, not with all the drawing he needed to do in order to finish his project on time.
“Hiccup? Do ye hear me?” Stoick prompted.
“Coming, Dad,” the boy said, half-mumbling.
“I don’t know why yer always hiding out in yer room,” the chief remarked as Hiccup descended the stairs. “Can’t a son spend time with his father?”
Hiccup sighed. “Well, Dad, if you must know, I’m uh…I’m working on a birthday gift for Astrid.” He blushed while saying her name.
“Trying to impress her, eh?” Stoick raised an eyebrow.
“No! Of course not. I just…we used to be friends, and I want to do something nice for her.”
“Mmm-hmm. I see how ye look at ‘er.”
Hiccup covered his face in embarrassment. “Dad!”
“Remember, Hiccup, nothing happens on this island without me hearing about it.”
“Sure,” the boy sighed, shuffling to the table and grabbing his dishes. After washing them, he quietly slipped back upstairs before Stoick, who was preoccupied with warming his dinner, noticed he was gone.
“Alright,” he said aloud to himself. “Let’s get these drawings started.”
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firerose · 3 years
His last breath
Also on ao3
The air around them was burning, flyers were attacking them from every direction but Snotlout did not mind that. He loved the rush of adrenalin battle especially when he was fighting at his friends and boyfriends side Snotlout saw Astrid louring two flyers closer until she threw her axe at the chest of one of them. He screamed and fell off his dragon while his friend was blasted off by Toothless fire. Snotlout could not suppress a smile. "That is what you get when you mess with the riders of Berk, He thought proudly as he flew behind a big rock to dodge balls of fire." “Are you okay Snotlout?, Fishlegs asked in concern. Snotlout turned towards him and like always he could not help but blush. Fishlegs had that cute frown on his face when he was worried.“Of course Fishlegs! Did you see how I wiped that grin off that flyers face earlier?“, Snotlout joked and Fishlegs rolled his eyes.“yes I did but I also saw how close you were to being toasted. I know you love violence but just be a bit more careful okay?“, Fishlegs pleaded. Snotlout could not help but feel a bit annoyed.“ Come on Fishy I‘m not five years old anymore I can take care of myself.“, Snotlout said a bit too harshly. He did not want to upset his boyfriend but he could hear the twins laughter and more explosions so he looked forward to rejoining the fight. Fishlegs gave him a soft smile in defeat. Then suddenly Snotlozt heard Hiccup yell out a warning, A shadow fell over them and Fishlegs pushed Hookfang away with Meatlug. Dragon and rider tumbled to the side. Hoped that he had just imagined the sound of metal cutting into flesh but when he looked in Fishlegs direction the truth crashed down onto him. Fischlegs was falling of Meatlug and axe stuck at his side. “Nooooooooo.“, Snotlout yelled in panic and quickly flew towards his injured boyfriend to catch him. Hookfang carefully gripped Fishlegs into his claws and carefully landed on top of the small top of the rock. The other riders came to them all looking pale in shock. Snotlout could feel his own body trembling as he knelt next to Fishlegs. The young man's face was ash grey his face a mask of agony.“S-Snotlout...I….I.“, Fishlegs chocked out and Snotlout felt his heart-shattering. How could he lose Fishlegs? How could he ever live without him? „ You are not going to leave me Fishlegs not after all we went through you hear me? Stay with me you stupid muttonhead!“, Snotlou demanded his voice shaking with despair. He could barely feel Hiccup‘s hand on his shoulder or hear the distress sobs of Tuff. All he could be looking at those tears filled beautiful green eyes that he had fallen in love with only months ago. Fishlegs coughed his mouth filling with blood. He lifted his head a bit and as if in trance Snotlout lowered his head to lean into their last final kiss. It felt different from their other kisses. The others had been passionate full of energy this one was slow almost weak and yet it somehow was the best one. Snotlout pressed his lips onto Fishleg‘s mouth and he could feel his lover‘s last breath. It was like he was sending Snotlout his last piece of strength so he could go on with his life without him. Snotlout did not want to let go. When Fishlegs fell back he pressed stronger, pushed air into his lover‘s lungs but it was pointless. Fishlegs lips turned cold and that was how Snotlout‘s heart began to feel. He lifted his head and let out a scream of sorrow and rage. The flyers circuit over them like vultures waiting for their meat. His friends were too busy crying to notice them. The twins held each other, Ruff‘s head buried in Tuff‘s shoulder. When he felt a hand touching him softly at his arm he knew that it had to be Astrid. She wanted to embrace him just like Hiccup did but Snotlout did not want to sit around any longer. He wanted to let the flyers pay. One last look at Fishlegs, the person that had always managed to cheer him up calm him down from his bad mood, and then he mounted his dragon. His axe felt heavy in his hand when he rose to the sky he heard his friends calling for him but he did not care. Memories of his lost love clouded his mind and fed the lust for revenge inside him. He heard them laugh and with a demonic howl, he lunged himself at them. This time there was no joy in him no feeling of satisfaction as he burned his enemies of their dragons. There was only pain left and soon he let tears of blood rain down from the sky
@creativepromptsforwriting @ship-in-the-name-of-love @fictionalnormalcy @imaginativemind29 @drakaina-amore64
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years
Irvin + weather for OC asks! Also Kendis + social media, if applicable!
I almost forgot I reblogged this. But aqw3 ty for asking <3
Irvin + Weather
Honestly not something I have thought about for my lightning boy. But I think Irvin likes the calming effects of rain. Just the drizzle after a storm or just a the roll in of a cloudy day. And there’s some rain, and things are still wet, gray, and still. I think he gets a lot of work done during moments like that. He’s an active, sunshiny boy; however, he has a few hobbies that are just “still” hobbies. He likes working with his hands -- planting, repairing wood furniture. And post-rain/quiet rain moments is ideal for that. 
He really likes the snow. I wouldn’t say his favorite season is winter (it probably is) but he really loves snow activities.. Corny. Snow angels. Snow men. Packing some snow in an unsuspecting boyfriend’s hoody (sorry Leon). 
He never really thought about lightning until it became his ability. Honestly, if he had to pick an elemental ability -- lightning wouldn’t be it. But, even though he isn’t sciencey (... or studious), he’s been learning about it. More so in his second year. In part for a sense of responsibility (How Do You Say You Accept Your Duty And Take On The Guilt Of Your Actions Without Saying It?), but also because hey it turns out that lightning is cool? Follow him for more weird facts. (Cressy thinks it’s so cute).
Kendis + Social Media
If relevant qwerwe, my dude. Of my four, Kendis is probably the most social media attuned. Emile MIGHT beat her, bc Emile is just savvy like that. But Kendis is fucking nosy and has a great ego, so, um yeah she’s all up on the chatboards and etc about Keeper stuff. (She also has such a soft spot for how social media helps people connect and boosts causes and etc.)  .... I suppose that’s a fact. She has a number of social media accounts, has ‘drunk girl at the party who is always down for shit/holds your hair back when you vomit’ energy, and is pretty. So she had a good number of follows even before the Keeper stuff. She’s not ALWAYS good at maintaining, though. Sometimes her stuff falls to the wayside for everything else.
You think Senator Monroe hates Kendis bc she’s a mouthy drakaina who remains unbowed, unbent, unbroken ... wait wrong house. too stubborn for her own good, but the truth is the only reason Kendis hasn’t been BANNED off the whole internet is because she knows Cyrus doesn’t always appreciate when she gets into arguments/fights over him for the entire world to see. BUT. UM. Talk Shit Get Hit (proverbially), is her legit legal name. It’s not a good look for the Keeper to Rumble On The Web buuuuuut .... Sometimes her better judgment as well as a desire to protect what’s hers leans toward NOT mortifying said people. Other times, what is impulse control? And it’s not limited to Cyrus. Her mom is another button. Sometimes Astrid. Once Ebner, etc. She refuses to let slights against those she cares about stand. Even if it’s via an armchair ignorant. (Or especially, as she’d argue).
Dang, I’m not thinking of a third. She loves group photos for insta. She’s unrepetant and unbothered by your thoughts on her amount of selfies (though she actually doesn’t have many, or many pics in general bc she’s out there doing things, and probs just doesnt think / care to bother). However, enjoys taking a moment at a party and being all ‘strike a pose time!’ and getting her friends to commemorate the moment. Heck, she’ll even drag in a stranger if it doesn’t bother them.
OC, Topics, Facts, Go!
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cantillat-moved · 4 years
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Random trivias for your Chaldea needs. You are welcome Under read more because it is a long post.
King David was bi. He had both wives and husbands. His favorite lover was Jonathan (Yehonatan), son of Saul.
There was a werewolf serving under King Arthur.  His name was Melion, or Marrok, and at some point vows to never marry a woman who has loved another man. Needless to say, his wife cheats on him and conspire with her lover and trapped Melion in his wolf form for seven years. You can read about it here. This tale is similar to Bisclavret.
btw there was also a knight in the round table  who could talk to animals. Maybe he was actually a disney princess
Nikola Tesla worked under Edison for 6 months but parted way because of…well, that part FGO got right.  Also, he declared that the love of his life was this female pigeon, and when she died it was like a light inside him went out too. He died a few days later, of heartbreak. “ i loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman, and she loved me. as long as i had her, there was a purpose to my life. “
Leonardo da Vinci made a tank. A real tank, with canons and all. He also created a Gatling gun.
Da Vinci refused to eat meat and fought for animal welfare, having the habit of buying caged birds at the marketplace to release them, and the fact that people raise animals just to slaughter them upset him greatly.
Queen Medb died with a slingshot to the forehead while bathing. With a piece of cheese.
Anne Bonny had the habit of showing her breasts as a distraction and made it easier to kill her enemies, not to mention to make it clear that they were bested by a woman.
The only thing that Jeanne d'Arc was successfully convicted during her trial? She wasn’t burned under accusations of being a witch, but for wearing men’s clothes.
Do you know who else was bi? Heracles. One of them was Iolaus, who helped him in many of his Labors and was one of the Argonauts. Hylas, another of Heracles lovers, was also one of the Argonauts and eventually was abducted by water nymphs.  Nireus, one of the suitors of Helen of Troy, eventually also had a relationship with the famous hero.  Welp, actually Heracles even banged a monster. Echidna, a drakaina that is considered the mother of all monsters. Harem protagonists get on his level. (never mind that he killed 3 of her children)
Mozart’s sister Maria Anna was also a very talented pianist, but after she reached the age of marriage she wasn’t allowed to perform in public. Unlike Mozart, she obeyed their father’s wishes. The siblings were so close that they invented a secret language together.
Hans Christian Andersen had dyslexia and although he learned to read, his spelling was terrible and his manuscripts are riddled with mistakes. Because of that, his writing style was closer to the spoken language and still sounds fresh today. He also went full “I AM A SHAM!!!” when critics...Well, criticized his work. Woe is he.
King Philip of Macedon took Young Alexander to see this super awesome horse, but no-one could ride the damned beast. NO ONE. Until that twig of a boy charged to the half-wild stallion, grabbed the bridle and rode into the sunset while everybody was about to have a stroke out of fear the boy would die, but the kid fucking did it. The trick? Bucephalus was startled by his own shadow, so Alexander rode towards the sun. Problem solved. He also pretty much died from heartbreak when his boyfriend died in battle
Zhuge Liang won a battle just by egging the enemy. You see, he was cooped up in this fortress, surrounded by enemies and in numerical and tactical disadvantage. Then he just showed up and started provoking the enemy’s general.  “ Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries “ style. But the general, aware of Zhuge Liang’s reputation, was like “nah bruh, that’s a trap. If we attack we are going to be boiled alive, blown up or some shit” and called off the siege and went home.
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pearlcscent · 4 years
That moment was so funny, and I happen to love Lucas and Ebner 🥺 Also, we’re apparently getting the LIs’ reactions to this in Kodan! Btw, I wanted to ask, since I picked Lucas’ background the first time I played and never changed, what do you think about the other two? Like, how are the having a mother and both parents options?
i think they’re cute too! i bet they’ll have a laugh at that lmaoo
i love the potential of isabella and lysander’s route. they were separated and there seems to still be a lot of unresolved stuff between them (and love) which i’m so excited to see it play out. in my playthrough, philip hates his dad for abandoning his mom so i’m looking forward to their relationship progress!
i haven’t played book 2 yet but from what the author has said it’s going to be so angsty and Good. and it seems it may take quite a good chunk of the book too! which is nice, i really love getting a look at these families and their relationships from the past. i also wanna bring them back together (to philip’s dismay lmao). 
the human route it a bit more boring because they are humans and the family drama isn’t as intense as the others. maybe because it was the first route i played, the impact of finding out you’re a keeper through the constellation project hit me a little harder though. it gives the parents a little more spice if you will. roxana and the anderson/castella family drama is so intense, it’s hard to compare. although i do find alexa and julian’s (i hope that’s the dad’s name LMAO) relationship very interesting! and honestly if you add the drakaina factor (which is theo’s species) things are very fun anyway. i enjoy having different family routes for my mc’s and it’s makes replaying sooo much more enjoyable. 
there aren’t very noticeable changes in book 1 since the parent scenes are very brief so instead of being one parent it’s two. book 2 is what really sets them apart! 
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ustrinamor · 6 years
❤ : What are some role-plays that you have done/are doing that you particularly enjoy and wish to share with your followers?
[ This Meme | @epheemere | still accepting ]
OH GOD YES let me show these off.
First off there’s this thread I have between Azula (@ignisperfectus) and @drakainas‘s Daenerys that’s a crossover and has given me a team-up I never knew I needed before. Never has writing Azula felt more natural to me. Nik’s Dany gives her room to be as intellectual and persuasive as she was meant to be, and I love being able to show how subtly dangerous she is even when she’s trying to make an ally. It also actually makes sense plot-wise, which I take pride in our efforts for. I tend to shy away from straight up crossovers instead of AUs because crossovers don’t usually make sense, but this one works so well IMO. We used the gaps in ASOIAF lore to insert the ATLA world into it without much issue. 0 lore breaking at all as far as I’m aware. As for the plot, Azula has a genuine reason to seek an alliance with Daenerys, and she has power to offer in return so it’s not forced and it’s organic and I just love it so much. They have shared experiences and goals that give them a reason to work together. There’s also bunch of quiet maneuvering and two BOSS women acknowledging each others power while making sure their own worth is known and I am always down for strong females recognizing other strong females. EEK I just love this lmao here’s the first post in the thread
Okay now let me tell you about my thread between Arsine (@incenditsomniator) and @theharellan ‘s Solas. It’s in its very early stages (only a couple of posts in) but I’m already so in love with it omfg. Bless Tas for writing with me during such an important, tumultuous event for my muse. Trying to stay consistent with Tas’s style has kept Arsine’s thoughts feeling really fresh and is allowing me to make her as vulnerable as she should be in the situation she’s in. Solas’s motives are also so mysterious like I know the main intent is he’s giving her advice but Tas is so skilled at writing the trickster that there’s also a feeling he could try and steer her towards outcomes more favorable in his mindset. It’s such a delicate touch and it gives you this feeling that there’s so much more hidden depth to Solas’s words than he’s letting on to, and Arsine might be oblivious to that, but we aren’t. I just can’t wait to see how this develops! Here’s the first post in the thread.
Okay so this might be cheating because it’s not a specific roleplay but I live for everything between Josephine (@aureumorator) and Talon (@quiisquiliae). Talon really helps Josie loosen up and she tries her best to take care of him and it’s all just really cute. Trip has helped me come up with the most random headcanons for them that I never even thought of before and my Josie muse is never more alive than when they come to me like “Hey what if…” XDDD I realize that the vast majority of the cute shit and headcanons so far has happened on dis.cord instead of tumblr and I therefore cannot link to any of it so OOPS but I love them so much and you’ll just have to take my word for it XD
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leonum-matrem-blog · 7 years
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DAY 01
 Favorite portrayals of a character in your fandom
       There are so many good things I can say about our wonderful ASOIAF/GOT Fandom, and let me tell you. This fandom was my first fandom in the RPC side of Tumblr and I have had the funnest times. I have stayed up late laughing, I have spent evenings smiling and grinning, and doing the most crackiest funny things and have also done the most deepest angst and poetic constructs ever. It has a always been a blast and I am so happy and proud to be a part of this fandom. Thank you guys for everything. I’m sure I will miss people but please, i love everyone.
Cersei Lannister: @cerseilionesslannister ( a woman after my own heart ), @queenxcersei , @lionoftherock
Jaime Lannister: @kingslaying (another woman after my own heart), @crownedclaw , @pater-leonum 
Tyrion Lannister: @tyricnn , @giantatheart , @goldenwitted 
Tywin Lannister: @fleckedwithgold 
Joanna Lannister: @ladylannistcr ,
Myrcella Baratheon: @princessbcrn , @crowndoe , @flosinnocentes , @childishlioness
Joffrey Baratheon: @crimson-smirks , @tyrantled , @royalsadist <friend i know you aren’t here but i will always adore you Ren)
Qyburn: @oerhishall
Catelyn Stark: @starkmatriarch
Ned Stark: @handofhonor
Jon Snow: @killthebxy , @northernhonor , @mithraiic , @rebxrnbyfire
Arya Stark: @needlcd , @zoklotala
Robb Stark: @withanarmy , @crownofbronzeandiron
Brienne of Tarth: @neitherknightnorlady
Theon Greyjoy: @reekcd 
Favorite bird: @killtherxven
Talia Forrester: @fifthbornforrester !!!
Daenerys Targaryen: @wcndcrs @breakercfchains @zcldrizes @drakainas 
Ramsay Bolton: @boltxnbastard @taintedblccd (<i kno ur not there della but you’ll always be a fave), @eversoblack
Ashara Dayne: @fllnstar
Arthur Dayne: @themorningsword
Sansa Stark: @steelunderneath @wolfqueennamedstark , @aloneinmycage , @snowmcid , @acharmingbird , @courtesyarmored
Melisandre: @thelordslight  @meleabra
Missandei: @cfnaath
Margaery Tyrell: @rosereigned , @anthca , @thelittlercse
Eli Martell: @epeolxtry
Doran Martell: @theeldestsun
Mellario: @ofnorvos
Stannis Baratheon: @kingwhocared
Robert Baratheon: @martyredalbatross , @godsiwasstrong 
      In all honesty, there is so MANY of you i honestly know i forgot people, and it’s so HARD because I love every single one of you. But please don’t think that if I missed anyone that I don’t love them. I love you all and I love everyone on this list! Thank you all for being such a huge blessing on my life!
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evilwriter37 · 3 years
Scholar's Mate - Chapter 35
Rated: explicit
Warnings: none
Pairings: Hiccup/Viggo
Summary: Viggo Grimborn is the charming business professor and head of the chess club at Hiccup’s college. Once Viggo gives Hiccup his address and asks him to a private game of chess, it doesn’t take long for their relationship to turn intimate. But, Viggo wants Hiccup to keep it a secret from his friends. Can Hiccup balance his love life with college and friends, while also seemingly being stalked? And how far will Viggo push Hiccup’s boundaries before it becomes too much?
Word Count: 3,605
@ashleybenlove @jayalaw @drakaina-amore64
Fishlegs was shocked when Hiccup arrived back at their dorm around 10 pm. His hair was a mess, (more of a mess than usual, that is), and there was some sort of stain on his shirt. He smelled odd too, his scent carrying across the room.
"Hiccup, what's that smell?" Fishlegs asked. He stayed on his bed, afraid that his friend would snap at him for saying the wrong thing. He didn't know if Hiccup considered him a friend anymore. He considered Hiccup his friend still. He would stay with him through this, even if he didn't want him to.
"Uh, would you believe me if I said it was sweat?" Hiccup asked awkwardly. He was digging through his drawers, and Fishlegs caught sight of what he thought was a dildo. He flushed. It was quickly covered up though, and Hiccup was grabbing clothes, probably to go shower.
"No, I wouldn't," Fishlegs said, crossing his arms. "What'd you do?" He had an idea, but he figured he'd ask anyway.
Read more on ao3
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agameofsouls · 7 years
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♥ so i’ve been doing tumblr rp now for seven slutty, slutty years and i’ve never done a follow forever and i’m gay so let me do this k thanks ♥
♥ my main bitches ♥
♥ @dusttcdusk // y’all already fuckin know how i feel about her. we’re partners in real estate and partners in life, and we’re common law married at this point and nothing anyone says will change that. without her, my life would be empty, and that’s that. there’s honestly no me if she’s not around. aside from that, her muses are fantastic and she is an incredible writer, and plotting with her is hella fun. do yourself a favor and be friends with her because she is the light of so many lives!
♥ @mothersin // look, i’m gonna let you finish, but my girl right here? best lilith OF ALL TIME. OF ALL TIME. seriously, i don’t make friends all that easy, but she’s become an irreplaceable part of my friend group, and we are lucky to have her. she is understanding, fun, loves documentaries, puts up with our shit, and plotting and world building with her is really fucking awesome. her writing is amazing, and everything she does drips with gold because that’s how good she is, okay. give her every love, because she deserves it ( also can be found on @deathquiet and also @goldenhips )
♥ @mephistcpheles // THIS BITCH. i love her SO MUCH. look, we’ve been friends for a while, and i love her with my whole heart. she’s hilarious, amazing to talk to, and hoenestly? the fact that she can deal with my bullshit means she is probably up for anything. her muses are fantastic as well, and i first fell in love with her on her meph account, and have recently got to interact with pris, and they are both amazing and well written, and i love seeing what she does. love her or else k thanks!!! ( also can be found on @gravesofgold )
♥ @praedatum // PAL!!! yo, ryan is a good friend, and really easy to talk to. he’s another rp friend i’ve known for years, and always love to write with. he’s also funny, and easy going with all of the chaos and bullshit that christina and i throw at him, and adds to it as well with his own great ideas. his muses are all interesting and fun to write with, and his writing style is honestly really fucking neat and interesting. i’m never bored when i write with him, and you won’t be either so go give him love and plot with him bc it is an experience!!
♥ @alwaysaweapon // my love for you is as deep as the oceans. you were my first real rp partner, and one of my closest friends around. you really helped shape me as a writer, and your friendship has been one of the most comforting things over these past seven years. i love you, and i love your family, and i’m still so happy to have watched you find your true love and happiness in life. i love you, and i love to write and plot with you, and i’m so glad you’re back at rp!! 
♥ my baes ♥
♥ @thickcrskiin // JANET!!!!! the fact that you go along with so much of the bullshit that we throw at you and still like us means the world to me. i really love to write and plot with you, and our interactions have been really fun! i can’t wait to continue with some of the stuff we’ve talked about, because it’s gonna be GOOD.
♥ @deathfound // oh my god oh my god oh my god i love cassie so much! she’s adorable, and i love our interactions. someday i hope we can plot together more, because it’s been a joy to write even small things with you!
♥ @delabor // I’M FUCKING YELLING okay i love samael so much, even though he’s kind of a butt head, but that’s what makes interacting with him so fun. everything you do is hilarious, please never stop.
♥ @reignofolympus // RENEE I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. i love zeus, and i love how much you love him. your portrayals and headcanons are life changing, miracle arranging. i recently read some of our past interactions and choked because they made me laugh so hard. i’ve missed you, and i love you, and you’re the best okay?! the best.
♥ @seaprofound // i adore your portrayal and headcanons involving poseidon! you’re hilarious to talk to, and before we were mutuals, i used to admire you from afar. you’re a delight to talk to, and i hope we can get into more bullshit soon because p a l it’s FUN.
♥ @willbeshot // I KNOW WE’VE HARDLY TALKED OR INTERACTED BUT LOOK. the fable series were my first video games i ever got into, and i have such fond memories of the characters. your portrayal of reaver is incredible and i adore it. i hope we can plot together sometime. until then, i’ll continue to watch with heart eyes.
♥ @beautyveined // I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! i love being able to talk about ares and dite with you, and world build our royals au. you’re so creative, and i really enjoy your portrayal of aphrodite so much!!!! i’ve got some giant heart eyes for you, and so does ares.
♥ @patervenandi // libby, i am so glad i’ve got to know you and write with you. you’re hilarious, and i love that you go along with our bullshit so much, and help make it even more dramatic. your adam is top notch, and i truly love him so much!!! 
♥ @drakainas // I LOVE YOUR PORTRAYAL OF DANY SO MUCH and i love the things we’ve talked and plotted about!!! your writing is incredible, and i honestly can’t believe we’re mutuals because you’re such a quality writer. i literally cannot BELIEVE it!!!
♥ the rest of my fam ♥
♥ @letagin ♥ @crawleigh ♥ @venusiiian ♥ @stvrvcined ♥ @hellfirebound ♥ @ofspellbooksandswords ♥ @monstershuntingmonsters ♥ @radishflower ♥ @murderasscience ♥ @vireous ♥ @vindictiveolympianqueen ♥ @staarryniights ♥ @lcstinthewoods ♥ @noblerage ♥ @notaseamonster ♥ @demonbitch ♥ @thegcldheart ♥ @squadleadcr ♥ @worldfathered ♥ @valadhxfndr ♥ @vagrantwitch ♥ @sufferavvitch ♥ @rlyehbound ♥ @stalkingthestars ♥ @asgardianhammer ♥ @intellxctual ♥ @fracturedmonster ♥ @abandonedbyheaven ♥ @oldwcunds ♥ @wcrriorisms ♥ @supxrbiia ♥ @overyourhubris ♥ @kissofthemuses ♥ @personatvs ♥ @hearthowled ♥ @deniedprayer ♥ @belluaa ♥ @vitapurgatorium ♥ @loyaltywon ♥ @daemonxs ♥ @classifiedborn ♥
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cosmosbestiary · 6 years
Field Guide To Dragons
Every year millions go out to find dragons, either to slay, study, learn magical secrets from them, or even just to catch one to keep as a pet. And every single year most of them get eaten because they can’t do something as simple as tell a green fire swamp juggernaut primal child wyrm from a green fire swamp juggernaut common child wyrm, and that why I’m writing this field guide. Because it is my hope dear reader that when you start out on your journey to find dragons you can use the knowledge found here to reach your goals instead of becoming dragon dung like most others do. Now as to the above example I give of the green fire swamp juggernaut primal child wyrm and the green fire swamp juggernaut common child wyrm, most of you are probably wondering about what the different, after all there only one word that is different in their name. Well my friends that one word makes all the deafferents, for each of those words is different type of dragon classification category each meaning a something different and each making a different kind of dragon. And we well go over each category and what they mean in due time but first I must make sure you all understand the traits all dragons have in common. Share Dragon Traits Now despite the many different forms and levels of intellect dragons come in they all belong to one specie, as hard as that maybe to believe at times but it is true. This means that dragons of course share many traits in common, and we will list and talk about each one but first let’s clarify what a dragon is. Dragons are a race of endotremce polymorphic omnivore magical lifeforms that come in large variety of forms, and are often mistaken to be reptiles due to the facts that lay eggs and normally have scales, they also have sweat glands and mammary glands which you will notice isn’t something are not things reptiles have. In truth dragons do not fit easily into the classification of lifeforms as we know it as they seem to have some traits in common with all of them, as to why well that is up to debate. Either way that means that there is nothing else like a dragon but another dragon. This is no doubt one of the things others have the hardest time understanding about dragons and I can’t tell you how many times I seen someone loss their life just because they thought a dragon would act the same way a lizard would. If you learn nothing else from this book learn this, DO NOT TREAT DRAGONS LIKE NORMAL ANIMALS, EVER!!! Cause if you do its lunch time for you. Now if you want to know real dragon behavior here are a few things they do all have in common. The first being their hording instinct, all dragons love to collect things and in fact need to. In the case of primal dragons they normally just grab whatever shiny things they can find but sapient dragons normally preface to make sure the things they collect are worth something. So, while polish glass make work as a great lure for primal dragons all it will do with sapient dragons is make them angry at you for thinking you could bride them with worthless junk. Another behavior that all dragons have in common is in fact tire in with their unusual reproduce ability. Now as anyone can probably tell you mystics(magical lifeforms) can breed with almost anything and can created hybrids that can likewise breed with almost anything, dragons as mythical mystics can of course do this which doesn’t make it that odd, what is odd is how dragons take it a step further. You see if a dragoness (female dragon) mates with a non-dragon then any offspring will be full dragons no matter what their father is but if a drakon (male dragon) mates with a non-dragon then there a 75% that the offspring will be a draco (half-dragon) and a 25% that the offspring will be a dragon, also if this is the case the mother will lay egg even if her specie is unable to do because of dragon magic. Now if a draco has an offspring there 15% the offspring will a dragon instead of what is widely known as a dragon-blooded, a non-dragon with dragon ancestors. However, if a draco has offspring with another draco or a dragon then the offspring will always be a dragon, also dragon-blooded have higher chances of having dragon offspring then normal non-dragons. I should also bring up drakaina (dragon hermaphrodites) who offspring’s odds of being a dragon or a draco depends on if they are the mother or the father. Also, while we on the subject you may wish to know that dragons and dracos can have offspring by parthenogenesis but this rare as the dragon or draco has to be apart from any specie that can impregnate them for some time. I should also bring up a few other ways dragons can reproduce while we are on the subject, ones that aren’t as widely use as the other three ways we just talk about but can still happen. First you got infusion when a dragon lays an unfertilized egg that looks to be made of stone and another dragon, or sometimes other creatures, comes along and blasts it with magic. This somehow fertilized the egg causing it to hatch into a new born dragon. Infections in it a dragon turns a non-dragon into a draco, they normally only do this to servants as a reward but they have been known do it by for other reasons. Not all dragons know how to do this as it isn’t something done by instant and all I really know about is that it involves dragon’s fire that we will talk about later. Next are parasitization and spore which are very rare because not all dragons can do them, in parasitization involving a dragon laying micro eggs which than get into a host some out who soon find infant stage dragons bursting from their bodies! While spore involving spores landing and growing into a dragon, partly by feeding on magic, is it impossible to tell what dragons can do this one as even the dragons themselves can’t tell. Now, a side effect of these reproduction abilities is that dragons can find almost anything sexually attracted. Which may explain a bit more about those tales of dragons kidnapping people then you would like to think. In fact, this behavior can be use this to your adanvge if you are or know someone who good looking and you have to deal with dragons, despite their power and intellect dragons are no more immune to good looks than anyone else. The best part about using this strategy is that dragons seem to be pansexual by nature so it doesn’t really matter what the gender, sex, or sexually of the person is trying to do this. Just make sure you’re ready to deal with what come after and be very careful about doing with a primal dragon as they aren’t normally smart enough to know what the word no means. Another thing all dragons have in common is their respect to authorly, as all dragons follow a command structed of sorts. This command structed is partly bases on power and partly bases on rank. To put it very simply the most powerful and highest-ranking dragon in their apocalypse rules, apocalypse is what you call a group of dragons for reasons that should be obvious to anyone that ever had to deal with one dragon much less a group of them. Now this brings us from behavior to share biology and magical abilities, also known as the reason why dragons are so deadly. And since we are on this we should probably start off with the reasons why dragons are so hard to kill yet are so good at killing everything else before we get into the other things they have in common. Which brings us to the adamantine and rubber anatomy dragons have, you see dragons have this non-magnetic crystal-like metal that makes up most of the harder parts of their body call adamantine. Which happens to be one of the strongest metals in the known universe if you can work it, and their softer flesh are like rubber in the way they can stretch and bounce. Making that a lot of weapons don’t do much good at hurting dragons, most projected like arrows and bullets can’t get past the adamantine parts while bludgeoning weapons like hammers are basely useless thanks to their rubber like flesh. That why most people who fight dragons use magical swords or axes sense slashing weapons with a good deal of force behind them are one of the few weapons that be counted on to harm them. Of course, even if you do hurt a dragon that doesn’t mean the fight over no matter how badly off they seem. Thanks to their super charge regeneration abilities dragons will always heal completely from all wounds that doesn’t kill them, heck if you can keep a dragon’s head alive long enough it will regrow its whole body. I have even heard rumors of people harvesting a living damage dragon and keeping it alive long enough for it heal from the damages and regrow its whole body. I can’t say if this is true or not but I don’t recommend you test this and none of stories had a happy ending, unless you’re on the enrage dragon side that is. How fast they can heal varies greatly by what kind of dragon we are talking about but in my experience if you leave a crippled dragon to die but don’t see it die then get ready for an angry house guest in about month. But if dragons are so hard to kill weapons why not use spells? You’re probably asking and for that all I can say is good freaking luck with that. All dragons have spell resistance to some degree and it is normally a very high degree at that. Plus, they are all immune to some of the handiest types of spells for fighting things more powerful then you. Curses aren’t going to a damn thing to them and transmutation spells may as well be card tricks for all the good it does to dragons, and mind-altering spells don’t do much good even if dragons aren’t completely immune to them.  But what about elemental damage dealing spells? Well those aren’t much better, dragons are immune to all damages from their own elemental type and are resistance to most others. However, with that say dragons are weak to damage of the element opposite of their own, so if you how to cast a high damage dealing spell of that kind SPAM IT! Spam it as fast as you can and watch out cause the dragon will target you first. So, spells and normal weapons only somewhat works, well if that the case why not just use chemical, biological, or nuclear methods to fight dragons? You are no doubt asking right about now. Well just ignoring the facts that those things are a lot harder to work with then normal weapons and spells, and are illegal almost everywhere, and could can cause just about as much harm as the dragon itself if not more so, there the fact they also don’t work that well on them. Now don’t get wrong the big powerful stuff will kill most dragons, key word being most not all, as well as everything else near them for miles arounds but if we are talking about not killing everything then that a different story altogether. First of all, dragons are so diverse that there is no way to created biological or chemical weapon that will work on all them, many people have try and they as well as everyone who happen to be near their testing sites are all dead. Second, even if you did make one that did work on one kind of dragon you would only get a few uses out of before the dragons would become immune to it. Dragons you see are very adaptation creatures thank to their abilities of RNA editing allowing them some control over their DNA, genetic transfer that allows them to trade genetic with other lifeforms, and symbiogenesis with allows them to get useful traits from the things they eat even not living things thanks to their magical nature. Plus, all dragons have a magical ability called Alchemical Anatomy which allows them the ability to alter their bodily fluids into other chemicals, they normally use it make their blood deadly poison or to create slime of all kinds from their sweat glands.  And yes, they of course resistance to nuclear poisoning as well but the degree of this change based on what kind we are talking about. Moving on we now have dragon hive mind, or should I say semi-hive mind. You see dragons have this from of collective consciousness that allows them to communicate with each other from almost anywhere in the cosmos. Think of like a very simple form of the internet if you will, dragons can choice to log on to it, contact friends and families, maybe even allow them to see thought their sense, or just see if the can find some other dragon thought it. However, communicate is the only thing they can do though this hive mind, they can’t heck into another dragon mind, up lord or down lord anything, and there is no search engine. Plus, while doing this dragons enter a state of meditation where it is possible to sneak up on them, and it does take some trial and error to be able to contact to it making that most primal dragons can’t do so without help from sapient dragons. Now this brings us to the four big dragon abilities, the things that make all dragons fear no matter how powerful they really are, draconic shifting, dragon fire, dragon venom and the most fear of them all god slayer. Draconic shifting is the name of the ability that allows dragon to alter to shape, size, weight and mass, sure dragons are not the only beings can to do it but dragons can alter their own parts individually is far rarer. So, if you ever find that dragon claw is longer then you thought it was now you know why. Now it is important to note that draconic shifting is more of a skill that takes practice, training, and study to get good at as much as a inborn ability so the level of shifting dragons can do varies greatly per induvial. Primals are normally the worst at it as good rule of thumb, and normally can only make themselves a little bigger or smaller. Next up is dragon fire and this one may need a little explaining to understand this do to the fact that many mistake dragon’s fire for the fire some dragons have as a breath weapon when in fact it is about something all dragons have, manna. You see if ask someone who can sense auras what they sense auras as they will normally use terms like stream, mist, fog, or cloud that makes soft purring noises or quit whispers while feeling like silk and smelling sweet, but dragon auras aren’t like this at all. Dragons are more like burning infernos or balls of pure plasmas that roar like a wild beast and feels like an open flame while smelling of strong spice! Yes, dragon manna is thick and rich and acts if it was a living thing on to itself, and it allows dragons to ignore the spell resistance of non-dragons. It is also said that if you can inject enough dragon fire into a being without causing them to explode then they will turn into a dragon, I have seen people try but I only seen them explode. Next on our little list dragon venom, the deadest venom there is! Now what make it so deadly isn’t that it is the fastest or that it doesn’t have cure because it does in away. What makes it the deadest is the fact the only things immune to it are dragons and half-dragons. All other living things can be killed by, heck even non-living things like the undead and spirits can be kill by it. Why is it so deadly? Well not only is it a cocktail of deadly venoms but it is also filled with micros and viruses found nowhere else, and it is rich with a blend of deadly curses. Now that leaves us with the most fear of all their abilities, the god slayer. Name because dragons have no only the ability to ignore all forms of magical damage resistance but can even harm incorpeeral beings, meaning all beings can be harm by dragons. Even force fields and wards don’t work well against dragons because this. This is also the reason why everyone wants a weapon made from dragon parts, for not only are they made out of adamantine but they also keep the god slayer ability. Now with the big stuff out of the way we may as well get on with a few smaller things all dragons have in common before we move on to how to tell different kind of dragons apart. First off there the fact that all dragons are ultravores meaning that can and will eat almost anything including rocks and metals. Then there their hibernation ability that allows dragons to go into a state of suspended animation in the rare cases they need to wait something out. Sapient dragons call this the deep sleep and even they don’t know how to tell how long a dragon can survive like this. All dragons also have fully prehensile tongues which also can have their own weapons on them, which just adds another reason to avoid their mouths. And then we dragon senses which are normally very powerful, now how many and what kind of senses they have can very per what kind of dragon we are talking about but one thing they have in common is that dragons can alter their senses at will to sense all the higher, middle, and lower dimensions, planes, and layers of reality that other beings go alone never knowing they exist right beside them.  What this means is that dragons are a lot deadlier then you can probably know. Also, and this is a bit odd, dragons show signs of being siphonophore like. It is possible for dragon bodies parts and some organs to have different genetic material than the rest of the body, and unlike most other large multi-cell organisms that have a complex ecosystem of microbial lifeforms that are not body cells to aid in their body systems all the microbials that make up dragons systems are genetically dragon, even the viruses. Knowing this wouldn’t help much but it is still an odd thing to think about.   All dragons fall under seven forms of classification with an added eight one that some, but not all, also have. Those classifications in other of the way they are listed are breed, element, variant, caste, rank, stage, tribe, and sometimes clan. So yeah this there are a lot of combines of dragons and that not even counting the different physically features they can also have that has nothing to with this like what kind of tail weapons they have, but more on that later. Right now we are going to go over what each of those classification means and how many categories are in each one. But before we start I should also tell that some combines are so common in some areas they may have their own local name, for example I when to an area where blue life forest ravager common teenager wurm beasts with mace tail weapons and gore horns were called head crushers. However, local names are very helpful when it comes to classifications so we won’t talk about them. They also ignore the fact dragons can change all of their classifications by a form of metamorphose that dragons called the molt. Now this isn’t something dragons have any real control over nor can tell when it is about to happen but when it does happen the dragons turn into solid crystal before breaking the crystal covering in a blight flash of light revealing their new form. Dragon Breeds Dragon breeds also known as dragon colors are often the first thing people notice about dragons because it can be seen by what their primary color is, as in what color is most of their body. And before you ask what shade or hue their primary color is doesn’t matter, a red dragon is a red dragon no matter what kind of red they are. Each breed has their own power and is known to be different from one another in behavior ways. First, we have the red breed also known as the warrior breed as they are highly aggressive which as you can probably tell is a great trait to have in what is one of most deadly creatures to exist. They also have they inborn knowledge of martial art better known as the combat chameleon ability that allows them to learn fighting techniques at unbelievable fast levels sometimes just by seeing them, and yes even primal dragons can do this. Next, we have the blues known as the diplomat breed both because they are claimer than other dragons and because of their ability to read body langue and social ques. This ability is called que reading and with it blue dragons known just what to do to make themselves like or fear by others, therefore getting just what they want. Now then we have the yellows who are called the merchant breed both because they are more likely to trade for something than take it or demand it and because of their ability of nose for treasure which allows them to smell out rocks, gems, and metals and even tell how pure it is or if it is worked or unworked. Naturally they use this to get preciouses metals and gems which means they often have very large hoards. The greens or hunter breed are known to be stealthy and can thank to the ability of vital find knowns where to hit for the most harm. Browns are known as the worker breed thanks to their natural building and repair abilities, in fact it is said that they can build almost anything. They are also known to be very head strong, and that saying something for dragons. Next up is the pinks best known as the breeders both because they have higher fertility than other dragons and they can tell who can pair off the best, making sapient pinks shippers by nature. Greys are called the wise breed because of their ability store memories and the knowledge with it. Greys not only can recall everything they every experience but with a tough they can copy and transfer memories of any being they tough, this doesn’t mean they are any smarter than other dragons or can recall anything at will. This ability works more like finding information on a computer by searching though the files save on it and grey dragons are often surprise by what information they find they have, as well as anyone who use this ability on as I can tell first hand. Just the other day I remember laying a dozen dragon eggs two thousand years ago and I’m not even female much less a dragon, it can be very odd. Next, we have the oranges or the demolition dragons as they are known, these dragons are masters of tearing structures down thanks to their ability to sense the weakness points in any building, known wreaking master. Oranges are also some of the laziest dragons, which is a good thing for us not wanting a dragon to wreak our homes. The black dragon breed, or curse dragons, are the most fear of all dragons breeds that to their inborn power to put curses on others. Black dragons seem to be able learn any curse and to place on anyone, thing, or if they are strong enough place. Next, we have the whites or healer dragons, as they are known thanks to their inborn healing abilities. All white dragons seem to be able diagnose any injury or sickness and come up with ways of treating them. Which when combine with their magic and alchemical anatomy means that even the dumbest and weakest (by dragon standers) primal can heal almost anything. Maybe because of this white dragon seem the friendliest dragons, well by dragon standers anyway. Next, we have purple dragons also known as the leader breed thanks to their suggestion power. This ability is a mind-altering effect that allows them to influence other actions and thoughts. Now they can’t make someone do something wouldn’t normally do at least at first but they can use it to change the personality and feelings of someone over time though long-term use. Because of this purple dragons often try to put themselves in charge and have high option of themselves. That leaves with only two breeds left, the dual dragons and rainbow dragons. Now dual dragons aren’t a true breed but is what you call a dragon with two main colors instead one, this normally means the dragon has zebra like strips or is divine in the half or down the middle with two different colors. Either way a duel dragon has the powers of both colors and often the behaviors as well. Than there the rainbow dragons which are the rarest of all breeds, in case you can’t tell rainbow dragons are in fact rainbow color and have the abilities of all breeds, making them extremely powerful, and they know it. But sense most beings don’t see rainbows as threating most people think of rainbow dragons as harmless, until they get a tour of a rainbow stomach. Now one thing you should remember is that while most dragons will stay the breed they are though out their whole lives it is possible that when they go through the molt they can change breed. With that said it is very rare a dual dragon to do so and I have never heard of a rainbow dragon changing breeds at all. Dragon Elements Now we get to what is probably the best-known way to classified dragons, by their element. Dragons can one or more of twelve different types of elements. Each element gives the dragon a different kind of magic to use as well as being immune to their own type, weak to one other and are resistance to the rest. This gives them control over any of the element in question near them. Also, keep in that dragons learn to use their breath differently for example a fire dragon can learn to shot fireballs or even fireworks if they wish. • Fire: These dragons have breath of fire and can use pyromancy (fire magic), which are things that you should have known by reading what element this is. These dragons are immune to heat and have infrared vision. • Terra: A sonic scream is the breath weapon of these geomancy (earth magic) dragons. All terra dragons can burrow thought rock and dirt about as fast as they move on top of the ground. They also have seismic sense that allows them to sense beings and things base on the vibrations in the ground. • Wind: With a breath of powerful gale winds these aeromancy (magic of air) dragons can break bones as easily as they break wind, and yes that was joke yet also very true. Never stand behind a gassy dragon of any element if you want to live. Wind dragons can walk clouds, fog, and steam as if they were clay ground or soft pillows. They can also have aerosense which allows them to sense things base on how air moves around them. • Water: With a breath weapon of water jet these aquamancy dragons can cut you in have. It should go with out saying that these dragons can underwater, any kind of water too. • Metal: Able to release deadly toxic gas from their mouths, and sometimes the other end, that cause effects similar to advent heavy metal poisoning as well as having magnetic powers metal dragons, and metalmancy (do I really need to explain this one), they can be a real join to fight. They also have great magnetic sense that not only allows them to always find magnetic north as well as other magnetic fields but they can also find magnetic metals. • Electric: With breath that is nothing less than a lightning bolt these dragons are electrifying, and in case you can’t guess they have electomancy (electric magic). They have the ability to of electric sense allowing them to find the electric fields in both living things and machines but they can manipulate them as well, and they are immune to electric damage. • Ice: Releasing freezing cold from their mouths at will and their cyromancy (ice magic) these dragons are cold costumers. These dragons are immune to cold and can move on icy surfaces as easy as others can walk on normal ground. • Life: Spiting powerful acids and with the magic of biomancy (life magic) fighting a life dragon can get messy. All life dragons have what is commonly called bio sight, a sense that allows them sense living things around them. They are also immune to most known acids. • Light: Shooting lasers from their mouths and arm with luxomancy (light magic if you couldn’t guess) fighting one of these dragons can be an enlighten expernse. Light dragons have x-ray vision and rays bounce right off their scales. • Darkness: A blast of draining shadows makes up the breath weapon of these Umbramancy (darkness magic) power dragons.  All darkness dragons can coat themselves in shadows making very hard to hit them and to see them as well. • Aether: With a breath weapon of pure weaponized manna these aethermancy (magic of aether) these dragons are known to be a bit more magical than most other dragons. With the ability to go incorporeal at will aether dragons can be some of the hardest dragons to harm. • Void: These voidmancy (void magic) dragons’ breath weapon is a powerful vacuum force that sucks things into their deadly maul, some would say like a black hole. Void dragons can at will dispel magical effects with a touch. So, twelve dragon elements types sound simple to remember, right? Well I got bad news for you for it gets more complex than that, for you see dragons can have more than one element in fact they can have anywhere to just element in fact they can have all twelve! But it gets even more complex than for you dragons with more than one element have greater power over one than the others. This is categorized by placing the name of the stronger element a head of the other for example if a dragon had three elements with fire as it strongest with wind as it weakest and darkness in the middle it would read fire wind darkness. And yes, this does mean a dragon with the element category fire wind darkness would be a different type that a fire darkness wind despite having the same elements. Oh, and this is a fun little fact, each combination of elements not only have each element breath weapon that make up their combination but their own unique ones as well! Lucky for non-dragons everywhere most dragons only have one element and the more elements a dragon has the rarer their type is. Also, dragons can change their elements when they molt but they normally don’t and when they do it is normally by adding another element. I should also say that it is a bit rare but possible for a dragon to have no element. These blank dragons as they are called are about as rare as a two three element dragon, they are general magic users have no special element abilities as well as no breath weapons. Because of this they are treated as disable by sapient dragons. Dragon Variant Out of all dragon categories this is probably the easiest to understand and needs the less explaining. A dragon variant is just another way of saying what kind of ecosystem a dragon is best adapted to live it. There is a variant for category of ecosystem there is including space ones, and while this could be a bit confusing for someone who can’t tell a difference between a wet land and a swamp it is pretty straight forwards.  This category also gives dragons the least abilities for it only gives them very simple things that they would need to survive in that ecosystem, for example of course a lake dragon can breathe underwater while a desert dragon can go longer without water than other dragons. Keep in mind that dragons can change their variant when they molt. Dragon Caste All dragons have one of four castes, each caste has different powers and abilities. Also, like almost everything else about dragons they can change when they go thought the molt. • Juggernaut: Even by dragons standers juggernauts are strong and durable. Easily tanking wounds that would harm other dragons like they are nothing and regenerating at a much faster rate than other dragons. They also have what is known as manna armor which is basely a force field around their body that absorb most damage before it can hurt the dragon. • Eldritch: These dragons not only have the magic of their elements at their command but are also general magic users as well. They have very high spell resistance and can regain manna at a faster rate than other dragons. They also have the ability known as draconic knowledge which is inborn knowledge of science, magic, engineering, and nature. This knowledge only grows as the dragon matures, and yes even primal eldritch dragons have this ability even they are just animals in sapient. • Ravager: Masters of dragon shifting as well as having the ability to turn invisible at will ravagers are sneaky dragons. They also have what is known as dragon intuition which not only tells when something is dangerous or not what it seems right away but also gives them great cunning. • Magnus: The most power of all dragon castles magnus dragons have the power of all the other classes combine. This is also the only castle that dragons can’t change from when they molted. Probably because there isn’t much point in taking a weaker form. Dragon Rank This form of dragon category is a bit different from the others in that there a very clear hierarchy of least power to most powerful going on here. Which is why it is called rank by the way, in case that wasn’t clear enough. Also, unique to this category is that dragons will have all the powers and abilities of the ranks below them as well as the powers of their rank. Dragons can change rank when they molt all be it rarely, but they will only go up in rank never down. Primal dragons are the lowest rank dragons as they are little more than clever animals. Primal dragons are non-sapient with no rank base abilities and powers and are look down on by other dragons. These are the dragons you find beings keeping as pets, mounts, and, familiars, and in case you are wondering sapient dragons are find with this as they do basely the same with them. Also, a word of advice never say that a sapient dragon was at any point a primal even if you know it’s true as this is seen as insult and the last thing you want do, cause it could be the last thing you do, is insult a dragon. Sapient dragons also don’t like it when you say a primal is related to them in some way but this is not see as an insult itself. Primal dragons are the shortest lived of all dragons as their lifespan is measure in centuries which is a short time by dragon standers. Common dragons come next and these dragons are the weakest of the sapient dragons and have the ability to mimic any sound they hear. Thanks to this ability dragons can master spoken languages much faster than most being. They also have a death curse which makes it that anyone who kills one of them will find that primal dragons and dragon spawn will try to kill them once they sense them, this curse also draws other hostile non-sapient mystics to effected by it. Sapient dragons can also sense this curse on those effected and have the power to remove at will, which they or may not do depending on what dragon you killed to get it in the first place.  Common dragons can live thousands of years, also known as a lot longer than most anything else. Next on the list are noble dragons who are called this thanks to their aura powers, which allows them to affect the emotions of other beings. This could be as simple as causing fear on all who look upon them or giving hope, to even destroying the sanity of others if they are skill enough in their control. They also have the power to open portals that both they and others can use, portals that could very will lead to other worlds, planes, dimensions, and even other universes. They are also telepathic but giving their other powers that not as impresses.  It is said that these dragons live for millions of years, and it is very hard to argue against this for reasons that you can probably guess as to why. Royal dragons have to abilities of desolation and Spawncraft there a reason why these dragons are called royals. Desolation is the ability to create a mycorrhizal network which allows all dragons, half-dragons, and dragonspawn that in physical contact with it to both grain nutritious from it as well as regenerate faster. The desolation also joins with other mycorrhizal networks and increases the overall manna levels in the area, as well as allowing dragons control over the environment. With this not only can dragons control the environment of the area but they can also control its geological features, which means not only could a dragon control what plants grows in the area and how well, they can also grow metals and minerals. While Spawncraft is one of the most disturbing abilities of dragons as it allows them to create what are little then organic robots from their own flesh. Call dragonspawn these creatures have no free will of their own and exist solely to obey their creator, which controls them by a smaller version of the their have mind ability. If a dragonspawn falls out of the control of its creator it will either keep doing the last thing it was order to do, stop moving completely, or fall into a berserk state till another dragon or half-dragon takes control of them. Other than this it is very hard to say anything about dragonspawn do to the fact that are made with a purpose chosen by the dragon that made them, meaning they come in many different forms with different abilities, there are even dragonspawn that are nothing more than fruit trees. Royal dragons live for billions of years or at least that what dragons say as they may as well be immortal to other beings who question this. Finally, we have the highest ranking of all the dragons, divine dragons. Who are even truly immortal or so long lived that not one of them has die of old age ever! And giving that there are tales of royal dragons dying of old age that is saying something. Divine are called divine for a reason, they have quintessence which means they’re deities! This gets them the powers, abilities, skills, and spells that any deity can learn as well as making them immune to death effects, sleep effects, mind-altering effects, pathogens, radiation, toxics, poisons, paralysis, aging, and curses unless they will themselves to be affected. They also have no need for food, drink, air, or even sleep but they can still do so if they wish. This also makes them different from demi-gods who still do need to sleep, eat, breath, and drink yet also different from gods as they aren’t spirits. Dragon Stage And here we are now, on the most confusing dragon category of them all. What makes this the most confusing category you are no doubt wondering, well that easy it is the names! You see the dragon names of these stages translates into the names for what would age categories for most other beings and most assume that what they mean for dragons as well, they do not by the way. In fact, they have far more to do with size than physical development which is why many prefer to just use a number for a stage instead of a name but the names are still more widely use. It’s probably also doesn’t help the confusion that much like ranks dragons only go up in stages when they molt, of course thanks to dragon shifting they can always make it look like they are of a lesser stage if they wish. Now before we go into the stages and what they really do mean I think you all should know what dragons real age-related terms are. First you have hatchling which are what newborns to young children dragons are called. Than you have whelps when older children to the late teenage years. Which leaves us with full growth dragons which are known as serpents, yes like snakes. And for those of you wondering about dragon aging rate, despite being so long-lived dragons seem to physically development at the same rate of humans if not a little faster. No one really know why this is, and the dragons don’t seem to care. Now let’s begin the stages with the only stage that does has something to do with physical development, stage 0 the dragon egg. Dragon eggs look like scaly brightly color faberge eggs that can vary greatly in size, they can be as small as a robin’s egg to as big as must houses! Their size depends on both the stage of the dragon that laid them as well as how many eggs in a clutch was laid at once, the bigger the egg the higher stage the dragon that hatch from it will be. Also, you should know that the reason that dragon eggs stand out so much is because is that dragons are trying to ley things know where their eggs are so they can stay away from them. Not only anything messing with them has to deal with the parents but dragon eggs are not defenseless. They have the same adamantine and rubber anatomy as dragons have, and they are full of dragon venom. Plus, they can release a deadly miasma and often have other powers as well to keep them safe, some can even move. Fun fact dragons don’t hatch so much as the explode from their eggs, this isn’t strong enough to harm other dragon eggs or dragons nearby but will chase almost everything else. Next up we have our first true stage known as stage 1 the infant stage, these are the smallest and by dragon standers least dangerous as they only grow to the size of a large rat. Next up comes stage 2 or baby stage who size comes in about that of a large house cat, follow by stage 3 the toddlers who grow to the size of a large dog. After that is the large human man size child stage or stage 4 if you will follow by large rhinoceros size stage 5 tween. The teenage stage 6 clocks in at the size of a large elephant while stage 7 adult is the size of a large dreadnoughtus. Next comes the large blue whale size mature 8 stage and then the senior stage 9s who clock in at the size of 118.6 meters (129.70254 yards. And finally you have the most fear of all dragons the stage 10 elders who are 300m(328.084 yards) huge! And these are all the dragon stages known to existed by other non-dragons or divine races, the key word there being known. For dragons tell tales of four more stages, stages that rarely come about for so few dragons can reach their power. Stages that comes in the sizes of planets, stars, solar systems and even freaking galaxies! Are these tales true you’re no doubt wondering? Well speaking for all non-dragons everywhere I can say I hope not. Dragon Tribe Dragon tribes are the biggest category of dragon categories and the easiest to ideality, for dragon tribes are little more than their body types.  Naturally this means that it is both the category most know about and the one that has the biggest effect on the dragon abilities and nature. Which is why I will not even try to explain every single dragon tribe here, they will get their own chapter with an entry for every tribe I know about and thanks to a life time of working with and against dragons, as well as having dragon knowledge going around in my head, that a lot of dragons. Dragon Clan Our last category is different from the other because not all dragons fall into, in fact most dragons don’t have clans at all. Dragon clans you see are a special category that gives both share physical features that mark them as different from other dragons and special powers. Much like tribes there isn’t enough room here to go into ever clan so I will save that for its own chapter. Other Dragon Traits Now that you know all the categories that dragons are classified into we should speak on a few other traits that are common in dragons and are used to define local dragon names. These traits can be both physical or powers and they can be use give abilities or just be cosmetic. And there are a lot of them, you have things like scale shapes, to horns and antlers, to number and type of teeth, even claw shape, but the two biggest things that affects those looking for dragons are there tail weapons and tongue weapons. All dragons with tails have a tail weapon and there are a lot of different kinds of subtypes of tail weapons. Just take the common mace tail for an example, not only does it come in many different shapes but it can come with spikes that also come in many different shapes, and sometimes those spikes can be use as drills, or shot off of the tail as a range weapon, or be use as missiles, or all of the above! Which can really make for a nasty day, and your last one at that. And same can be said for tongue mace, and yes, some dragons do have a mace for tongue weapon. Now for tongue weapons most dragon’s tongues are deadly enough without something extra, after all they fully prehensile tentacles that can constrict, rip off limbs, or be use like a whip when they aren’t holding a weapon. But apply that not always deadly enough because dragons can also version of all any tail weapon on their tongues because nature was filled with hate and rage for everything when it came up with dragons. Or at least that the way I explain it, and no one else come up with a better reason for this.
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