#i love bumlets
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chaosfairy18 · 5 months
Three little words pt. 2
Kinda 5+1 thing with Bumswiftery, this time Bumlets/Skittery and their first time really saying "I love you"
He’d already sold all of his papes and was on his way back home, his stick that he’d carried around today behind his head and over his shoulders, as Bumlets spotted him. Having his own wooden stick in his hand he grinned and walked up to Skittery who didn’t seem to have noticed his presence yet and hit the stick over his shoulders between his head and right hand, startling his sweetheart.
He quickly looked around until he saw Bumlets and took on a fighting position, stick now in both hands. Grinning wider Bumlets jumped back, only holding his in one hand like a rapier and attempting to hit Skittery with it. They traded blows back and forth, not too mindful of their surroundings – causing Skittery to almost run into a fruit cart – and neither of them planned on giving up.
Skittery smiled as he thought he hit Bumlets’ side in a daring manoeuvre, but he’d jumped back in time, using how it made the other lose his balance to jump forward himself, holding the ‘sword’ to Skittery’s throat, smiling widely, almost beaming.
“Got you.”
They were both breathing hard and almost suspended in the position, Skittery just lowering his sword, looking at Bumlets’ face. “I love your smile.”
He almost let the stick fall at the words, eyes going wide. Skittery wasn’t very open with his affections as it was, at least not with clear ones like this and it had been so sudden- “I- um-“
Shoving the stick away from his neck, Skittery got closer and kissed the edge of Bumlets’ mouth before taking his arm and dragging him in the direction of the lodging house.
After their nap – that Skittery had maybe bullied Bumlets into because he’d been feeling like sleeping the entire day and as much as he would never admit it waking up next to someone felt better than waking up alone – Skittery’s head was feeling pleasantly foggy. He would have probably went right back to sleep if he hadn’t felt something move next to him. Bumlets might be careful with his movements, but he’d still woken him up by trying to get out of the bunk.
“Where y’goin’?”, he mumbled, one arm going up to Bumlets’ waist to hold onto his shirt.
“I really need to help the boys with something, go back to sleep doll.”
“You d’n h’ve to do it now.” He had to come cuddle with him now, actually.
He heard Bumlets laugh quietly and opened one eye slowly to see that he was looking down to him with amusement. “Maybe not, but I thought you were sleeping anyways.”
“Don’ wan’ you to go. Love you.”
Through his one open eye Skittery saw Bumlets turn wonderfully pink at the words, something he usually did to others and didn’t have to go through himself, and stutter as he tried to answer.
“S-Skitts that’s- um- what’s up with you being so affectionate today?”
Skittery just grumbled and closed his eye, but he kept his grip on his partner’s shirt.
After a while Bumlets sighed and laid down again, putting his arms around Skittery and kissing his cheek. “Love you too. Go back to sleep now.”
He probably did, at least he didn’t remember anything else but the warm feeling of being safe and not having to expect something bad or exhausting upon waking up again.
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kid-blinks-eyepatch · 2 months
Skittery is the type of guy to go between texting bumlets and skittery about the other economic/social/political issues
and texting them at 2 in the morning
“i bet bob the builder has a toe fetish :3”
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
Bumlets and Skittery but in each season, like what would they do during fall, spring, winter, and summer (either modern or cannon)
I have so many thoughts, but we’re going to try and put them in order. that being said- it’s june, so we’re going to go out of order and start with summer.
fun fact about new york: when it’s hot, it’s hot. the sun’s up, there’s minimal shade, the sidewalk’s hot, everything is awful. another fun fact, but about skittery this time: my man burns like nobody’s business. he becomes a tomato. his boyfriend is less prone to similarities of a specific red fruit, but he’s also one of those people who seems to not need sunscreen (which- no. just no. I don’t care how much melanin you possess or where you can trace your family to. skin cancer. SKIN CANCER. put on the damn sunscreen.) so picture skittery, who practically bathes in sunscreen, chasing bumlets around with a godDAMMIT YOU BRAT PUT THE FUCKING SUNSCREEN ON and bumlets literally sprinting away shouting NOOOOO and hissing like a cat.
fall is skittery’s favorite time of year. it’s not too hot, not devastatingly cold. he makes sure to do ALL of the activities. pumpkin patches, apple orchards, halloween. not because he particularly likes the activities, but because it’s the only season he likes, dammit, and he’s going to force himself to enjoy it. bumlets thinks he’s an idiot, but they go on a lot of picnics, so he keeps his insults to a minimum.
(“why are we getting a pumpkin???”
“but why?”
“because it’s fall, michael. that’s why.”)
winter is hell on earth for them. skittery always, ALWAYS manages to get some sort of cold by march, and he sounds awful even when he doesn’t have one. bumlets is of the opinion that the cold is stupid, and “IF GOD WANTED ME TO BE COLD, THEN HE WOULD’VE PUT MY ANCESTORS IN. THE. FUCKING. COLD.” (-words said by at least three of my own latino friends). they mostly just stay inside and eat an obscene amount of desserts.
spring is okay. bumlets had sniper teach him how to make flower crowns, so he makes at least one every year for skittery to wear (who, in return, pretends that he’s not going to wear it and then wears it for the rest of the day). skittery hates the slushiness of the half-melted snow that always seems to be on the streets, but he likes being able to walk around in a sweatshirt and not worry about freezing to death.
(bumlets’ favorite time of year is summer, by the way. it’s just sometimes overshadowed by his protective boyfriend bearing gifts of lotion and spray bottles.)
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newsie-collective · 2 years
We also have some Tommy Boy but I could only put ten options so….
Also I probably won’t be able to hold off the entire week so
If you wanna see other newsies, put ‘em in the ask box. We’ll think it over. Have a lil chat. See what we can do.
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ace-with--a-mace · 5 months
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tommonikercomics · 2 months
Bumlets and Skittery angst 🙏? Idk I love them and want to see them sad
CW: panic attacks
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So: 1 request this weekend, posted late, so apologies, things got a little hectic for a second 🙃
But angst!! Angst heals the soul 🤣 also I've decided that Skittery's name is Finnegan/Finn (not aware if he has been assigned a name by the fansies yet, so that's what we're going with lmao)
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what do you think the differnt ways newsies sleep are?
jack: moves A LOT
davey: can sleep through anything and only moves sometimes while sleeping
les: sleep talks (canon)
race: very light sleeper
elmer: loves to cuddle
boots: sleep kicks (I believe this is how he got his name)
finch: whistles in his sleep
albert: wakes up 10000x a night
skittery: twists himself in the most impossible ways
mush: is very warm when he sleeps, like he never uses blankets or a shirt cuz he will overheat
blink: sleeps like a rock (at least once a week he is woken up from someone checking his pulse)
bumlets: buried in blankets (like even his face is covered)
snitch: sucks his thumb (canon)
itey: likes to have someone else in the bed (usually snitch)
spot: he doesn't, world class insomniac
crutchie: always holding his crutch by his side
(send asks abt my headcanons or send fic prompts!)
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i don’t know if you’ve done him yet, but thoughts on racetrack higgins :D
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ah, yes. the little gambling gremlin
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How I feel about this character: 10/10. He's probably the most developed minor character in newsies (at least in 92sies) and I love how snarky he is. I can't decide if he's actually really good at gambling or if he just has some good luck every now and then. Because while there's the "nobody told the horse" bit, he dresses nicer than your average newsie so he's got to have made some considerable money at some point. Also I will always find it funny that of all the newsies, Racetrack is the one that David apparently trusts the most with his impressionable kid brother.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: As I've said in the past I'm not very big on shipping, but I do enjoy the Spot and Race dynamic. They are partners in crime (probably literally).
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I think I'd say Jack and Race! I haven't seen the stage musical version in a while, but in 92sies I love how close they are. They really are like brothers. And the fact that both Jack and Race seem to know Medda better than the other newsies could mean that Jack and Race have also known each other for longer (assuming Jack was telling the truth when he said that Medda knew his father). Also Kath and Race in Uksies specifically.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Racetrack is incredibly smart even if he doesn't always have the best luck at the races. In a modern setting, Race would he the kind of guy who studies quantum mechanics just for the heck of it. That said, he actually hates all math unless it can be directly applied to something tangible or useful. Hence why he'd prefer physics or statistics and probability to abstract algebra or other purely theoretical mathematics. Also, don't kill me, but after Max Castella I prefer Josh Barnett's Race (UK Race) to any other portrayal. I'm sorry but I feel like Race in the Bway/Live show was just there for comic relief...
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish the connection between Race, Jack, and Medda had been explained/explored. It would have been interesting to have that little piece of backstory. And, as I briefly mentioned, I wish the stage adaption version of Race was played more seriously as a rule and not as an exception. Might be controversial, but I feel like 92sies Race's snark was projected onto Albert rather than retained by Race in the stage adaptation.
Thank you both for asking!!
ask game
characters answered: David Jacobs, Jack Kelly, Blink and Skittery, Bumlets and Swifty, Sarah Jacobs, Specs and Dutchy, Les Jacobs, Crutchie, Snitch and Itey, Mush Meyers, Spot Conlon
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twig-collector · 2 months
I love you Skittery I love you Dutchy I love you Boots I love you Itey I love you Bumlets I love you Specs I love you Snipeshooter I love you Snitch I lo—
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bigmack2go · 9 months
I dont think we talk enough about how almost all the newsie shipnames are actual words!! Like I actually fucking just love that so much
It makes me so happy
A list -not all are included and i dont ship them all but they exist and yeah…-:
Jelly (david jacobs x jack kelly) (aka javid/javey)
Space (spot conlon x racetrack higgins) (aka sprace/cock😒/hinlon)
Blush (kid blink x mush mayers)
Jackpot (Jack Kelly x Spot conlon)
Redfinch (albert dasilva x finch whateverhislastnameis)
Rally (Racetrack higgins x jack kelly)
Jam (Katherine pulitzer x sarah jacobs) (aka karah/newsbians/satherine)
Purple (Ractrack higgins x spot conlon x albert dasilva) (aka Spralbert/robot/ralbot)
Robot (also racetrack higgins x Albert dasilva x spot Conlon) (aka spralbert/ralbot/purple)
Crack (crutchy morris x jack kelly)
Joy (tommy boy x jojo de la guerra)
Joke (jojo dela guerra x ike)
Lovebird (romeo lastnamesareoverrated x finch whateverhislastnameis)
Sponge (spot conlon x crutchie morris
Dutch (david jacobs x crutchie morris)
Itch (itey x snitch) (aka snitey)
Crunch (crutchie morris x finch whateverhislastnameis) (aka crockedbird)
Rave (racetrack higgins x david jacobs)
Bell (buttons davenport x elmer kasvrac) (aka blume/belmer/belmeruttons)
Blume (buttons davenprt x elmer kasvrac) (aka bell/belmer/belmeruttons, aka butter)
Dill (darcy reid x bill hearst)
(Idk why but ialmost wrote „darcy hearst and bill pullitzer“ than realized what i did and full on confidently wrote „billy elliot“ instead of bill hearst)
Smile (snipe wah x smalls lastnamewho)
Hike (Ike reed x hotshot hotshot)
Buttery (??) (Bumlets definitelyhasalastname x skittery skeedattle)
Smelly (smalls lastnamewho x jack kelly)
Soundtrack (Racetrack higgins x albert da silva) (aka ralbert)
Dove- (Davey Jacobs x Oscar Delancy)
Butter (buttons davenprt x elmer kasvrac) (aka bell/belmer/belmeruttons, aka blume)
besheet?? (dutchie and specs (apperantly))
Butterfly (skittery skeedattle x bumlets definitelyhasalastname x swifty fan) (aka bumswiftery)
Bitch (finch whateverhislastnameis x buttons davenport) (aka binch)
Decs (dutchy dutchdutch x specs cantseelol)
Hotspot (Hotshot Hotshot x Spot Conlon)
Oh and bonus:
Fireball (Flames Krocki x Tic hasalastname™️)
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More stuff i found in 92sies last night!
First is Jack being laughed at by Swifty who saw him fall down then Blink and even Boots are helping him up!
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Snitch being just a boy during Seize the day although he looks like he wants to go home BUT HE HAS NO VEST-(the main reason why i got the photo)
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And last is Bumlets during the rally where he grabs Boots! There is a lot of Boots and Bumlets throughout the movie which is weird because I always thought Boots was Jacks little since hes around him more but hey ya know joint custody (also i though bumlets grabbed skittery but nope just boots-)
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chaosfairy18 · 5 months
Three little words pt. 4
Final part of the 5+1-esque (actually 3+1) story of Bumswiftery showing each pairs first I love you's and then finall the first time all three said I love you to each other at the same time. Enjoy!
Bumlets dragged Skittery behind him as they were walking into the Bowery to go to Medda’s theatre. They didn’t have a lot of nights out, of course, and going to Medda’s was a special treat, even if they went more now, after the strike, but Skittery still dragged his feet. They had to convince him to even dress up, but Bumlets thought he was just being this annoyed by everything on purpose. He was like that sometimes.
If he truly didn’t want to go they wouldn’t have made it out of the lodge.
Tumbler also had wanted to come with them, but they had to talk him down because this was supposed to be a date, and as much as he loved the kid, he couldn’t really come with them for it.
Swifty was watching with amusement as Skittery groaned about not wanting to see dancers for the dozenth time this day and fixed his collar for him, holding his chin and rubbing behind his ear just a moment.
He was a bit quieter after that.
They got in without problem and sat in the last row, Bumlets in the middle of his boyfriends, waiting until the lights were dimmed until he put his arms around their waists. Swifty instantly put his head on his shoulder, looking to the stage. He’d been excited to see the costumes the entire week since they had planned this.
Skittery was a bit more reluctant, but eventually he did the same, grumbling a bit but also intertwining his one hand with Bumlets’ around his waist.
After the lights had darkened even more and the first dancers were on the stage Swifty was completely entranced in watching them, his eyes almost sparkling. He’d always been interested in nice clothes, but after he’d picked up some more sewing skills from Sarah it had only increased. Skittery, on the other hand, seemed set on not paying attention to the show, putting his hand on Bumlets’ thigh, sneaking it higher up slowly.
“Skitts. No. We’re in public.”
“Barely. No one cares in the theatre.”
Having to let go of Swifty for a moment he manually put Skittery’s hand away, ignoring his pouts to watch Medda come onto the stage.
It also seemed to distract Skittery enough to actually enjoy the show, no matter how hard he’d protested the entire day.
It felt nice.
Near the end of the show Bumlets looked to his boys, Swifty still smiling widely and probably imagining owning some of the clothes still, and Skittery who had begrudgingly found he had fun and even mouthed some of the songs with the singers.
Kissing the side of their heads, he whispered: “I love you two so much.”
Swifty nuzzled into his neck, kissing his collarbone. “Love you too.”
“I love you guys too. Thanks for… dragging me here.” Bumlets hadn’t expected Skittery to say it back, he wasn’t good with it yet, which was okay, the most important thing was that he was comfortable, but that made it ever sweeter that he’d said it now.
Squeezing Skittery’s hand still intertwined with his and tugging Swifty a bit closer he thought that he really couldn’t be anywhere else where he’d be happier.
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kid-blinks-eyepatch · 2 months
Newsies as things said at band camp
Crutchie: guys pls- Jack & Race, fighting over a 5$ megaphone: You don’t understand we need to go into the bathroom and shout “hey swifty” into it
Blink, attempting to read his music: shit what’s that a D? Race, without looking up: Oh i love getting Ds
Mush, eating pringles: Hey Blink you should fight Oscar
Blink: i would but Medda would break it up-
Albert: what if we all link arms and form a circle around you and him? that way medda can’t get to you to break it up?
Swifty, Bumlets, Race, and Finch: *w h e e z e* ———
Race, poking the doorstop: Wall boob!
Spot: what?😭
Race, points above Smalls’ head: another one!
Smalls: oh cmon the walls get boobs and i don’t?
Davey: i feel like Blink has beef with almost everyone
Blink: No i d- *thinking* -okay maybe
Race: *pointing towards Morris* oh it’s my hubby!
Morris: *starts running*
Skittery, Finch, Crutchie, Sniper, Les, Jack: *crying laughing* ———
Albert: *comes back from the bathroom*
Race: what’s wrong?
Finch: *sippin a juice box*
Albert: so Oscar was in there and he’s got his short tucked in in the front
Graves: okay?
Albert: and he goes “i gotta piss”
Finch: *big sip of juice*
Finch: *now has juice all over himself from laughing* ———
York: oh my god i get my first tattoo in two weeks im so excited guys
Spot: what are you getting
York: some birds on my ribs as like a memorial thing
Graves; isn’t that gonna hurt?
York: yeah probably bur i have a high pain tolerance
York: and dont call me emo for this but i kinda likw the pain
Bart: you’re so fucking emo 😭
York: iM nOt
Graves: you’re literally in all black
York: shut up😭
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finchesslingshott · 3 months
i play like four newsies in this rp server so here are their love languages
finch cortez — words of affirmation + physical touch
despite having trouble reading/writing (DYSLEXIC KING!!!), finch values words a lot. he finds sappy, romantic poetry and gives it to buttons. he makes sure to check on his friends every single day. if something says something about him, good or bad, it'll stick to him for days.
his sensory issues go thru the roof and he really doesn't like physical touch from people he isn't super close with. only really allows it from buttons, race, davey, crutchie and mush — and even then, sometimes, it's a stretch. if he lets you hug him/hold his hand/play with his hair, know he cares about you a lot
mush meyers — quality time + physical touch
mush might just be the clingiest person known to mankind. after he and blink start dating, the latter gets an abundance of hugs, forehead/nose/cheek/literally anything kisses, hand-holding, hair-playing, and a lifetime supply of cuddles.
it means a lot to him when someone takes time out of their day to hang out with him. you don't even have to talk to him — just laying in bed with blink in his arms, or sitting in newsies square vibing with skittery and bumlets — anything he can do just to spend time with those he loves
crutchie morris — acts of service + quality time
crutchie is a lot like mush in the sense that when someone deliberately tries to spend time with him, it means the absolute world and then some to him. some of his favorite memories that he constantly goes back to are him sitting on the rooftop at night with jack— teaching finch and buttons how to fold different things out of not-sold papes— listening to davey read to him and the others. there's something about deliberate attention and care being given that just makes him happy
being disabled, naturally, a lot of things come a lot harder to crutchie than someone with both legs good and functional. he feels guilty and weak for asking for help, so he rarely does it (example a: "no i wanna get down :/"). but when someone does something for him without him asking for it, it makes his day. it reminds him that he's cared for, that he really does matter to someone.
i also play bumlets but i haven't had time to establish his character much yet; when i do, i'll rb and add his in :) enjoy losers
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
emme’s obscure newsies headcanons
hi! so, @sparkedblaze (because they definitely did a lot with this project) and I spent some time making headcanon and historical information posts about some of the lesser known newsies who don’t always get a lot of love, inspired by this post by @roideny (who, by the way, has also made another lovely masterlist of historical analysis that you should check out here). feel free to pick and choose what you want to use for your own headcanons, fics, fanart, etc. thanks!
also, if you don’t see enough about the character you’re interested in, yell at me, @ me, hit up my asks. I will gladly give you more. 
Manhattan Newsies
Elmer pt. 1
Elmer pt. 2
Elmer pt. 3
Albert pt. 1
Albert pt. 2
Albert pt. 3
Oh, Romeo
Kid Blink
Tommy Boy
Mike & Ike
Barney Peanuts
Bumlets pt. 2
Pie Eater
Les Jacobs
David Jacobs
Coffee Bean
Jack Kelly
Brooklyn Newsies
Spot Conlon
Other Newsies
Other Characters
Delanceys pt. 1
Delanceys pt. 2
Delanceys pt. 3
Bill & Darcy
Katherine Plumber/Pulitzer
Sarah Jacobs
Miss Medda Larkin
Joseph Pulitzer
for stuff I didn’t cover, I would check these other resources:
@newsiepedia and their character info sheets (although they mainly do more well-known characters)
@newsie-collective and their heacanon posts
@crystallizedtwilight‘s comics are essentially canon
@noxexistant‘s everything
@athousandboxjumps has AMAZING headcanons
@stocksonromance also has beautiful headcanons to share
@musicalcuriosity hasn’t posted in a while, but their historical stuff makes me weep with sheer joy
@loving-jack-kelly has posted some jack content that has literally made me squeal 
@thefactsofthematter post fanfic works that SHOULD be canon
@idontknowwhatimdoing668’s incorrect quotes are accurate 
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