#i love edwin and charles too
8verity8 · 4 months
My uncanny knack for rare-pairs has led me to consume every Edwin/Cat King fiction I can get my hands on in less than a week and I must say, I have absolutely fallen in love with some of the head canons I've come across!
Head-canon 1: The Cat King is one of Desire's children. I would love to explore this idea more... like one of the reasons he can see through Edwin when they first meet is because he can smell desire/see WHAT people desire. And I bet he 100% would/has used other people's desires to manipulate them, but at the end of the day, it's about their desire and their choice to LET him. Because without consent, it's no longer a manipulation of their desire. If they don't give in to it willingly, then it's no longer interesting...
Head-canon #2: If/when Edwin submits to the Cat King and let's him "mark him as his," he ends up gaining additional abilities through his bond with the Cat King...
Head-canon 3: (This one is pretty uncommon), but I like the idea of the Cat-King being more of a rare entity. And that being a Cat King is what he IS, not just a title which he obtained. That he came into this world a Cat King rather than evolving into one or into the position--this ties back to the whole idea of loving the idea of him being one of Desire's children.
Head-canon 4: I like the idea that the Cat King may be a lot more powerful than he lets on and is a lot older than anyone suspects (or will ever know). I head-canon him as actually immortal (along with any other existing Cat Monarchs who would essentially be his siblings). Even if he plays up the I only have 9 lives bit. After all, he is a shape-shifter too... how is anyone going to notice if he doesn't let them?
Head-Canon 5: I haven't really seen this one, but I really don't see the Cat King as being possessive of Edwin. I think he would be more than happy to share him as long as his needs were being met... and the individual in question was treating Edwin right.
And that brings me to Head-canon #6: I think the Cat King dislikes Charles because he knows (even before Edwin does) that Edwin loves him, and he also knows that Charles does not love him like that back (at least not yet) and is all twitter pated over Crystal... which HURTS Edwin, even if he doesn't understand why yet. I think it's quite possible even that if the Cat King had met Charles and Edwin prior to the addition of Crystal to their friend group , he may have had less of an issue with him.
And the Cat King doesn't like Monty because he knows he is manipulating and tricking Edwin.. once again. Hurting him.
I head-canon that the Cat King can feel/sense strong emotions connected to desire, and Edwin keeps choosing these people who hurt him (with desire(s) as the root cause) while not giving into his desire for the Cat King, which that Cat King KNOWS he has!
I see the Cat King as a protective BAMF who is fascinated by Edwin and wants protect him and make him happy... and is frustrated all to hell because Edwin won't LET him and keeps choosing pain and sorrow instead.
Note that the Cat King had no problems at all with Niko. Just saying.
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hansoeii · 5 months
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the best person I know.
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sasakisniko · 3 months
I keep seeing this take that I feel fundamentally misunderstands Edwin's comment about Charles' reaction to The Night Nurse being "extreme".
Charles obviously took it the way so many people are taking it. As a judgment. He's already insecure, already afraid he's a bad person, that he's violent, and Edwin's comment confirms it to him.
But I don't think that's what Edwin meant. I think what he meant was that that reaction was extreme for Charles. He's known Charles for more than thirty years. He's seen how Charles reacts to threats and how he uses violence exclusively in defense against others' violence. And, in comparison to Charles' reaction to The Night Nurse in 106 (trying to convince her to let them go or even to let Edwin go and take him instead), his reaction in 104 is markedly different. Which, to me, suggests that, if there weren't other things going on that Charles was struggling with, this is how he'd have reacted in 104 as well.
Edwin is well aware that this isn't how Charles would normally react, so he knows something is wrong. He's not judging Charles. He's worried about him.
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gay-strawberry · 5 months
this scene is so good !!! how can a 7 seconds clip have so many things
niko being the only one noticing edwin changed his style and complimenting him
edwin looking behind him assuming she wasnt talking about him then realizing she was and smiling
charles just taking the opportunity to check him out
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shaylogic · 4 months
In the attic sequence when Edwin is helping Charles through his gradual death, Charles coughs hard at the table. Edwin asks if he's alright. He quickly says "Yeah I'm fine, answer my question! When did you go to school here?"
Even when Charles was very literally dying, he was still pushing the "don't worry about me haha" and then he DIED.
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asexualenjolras · 4 months
I need to talk about Charles Rowland and his love for Edwin Payne.
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Charles saying he can't say he's in love with Edwin back doesn't mean he isn't in love with Edwin, and it doesn't mean he doesn't love Edwin in the same way that Edwin loves him.
He is just saying he needs to work out what he does feel.
Charles died when he was 16. He's still a child. Nobody at 16 knows what it means to be in love.
And, on top of that, he grew up in an abusive household with a warped understanding of what love means. His dad was abusive to his mum, so he wouldn't understand what being "in love" is compared to someone that grew up within a stable household. He's never had the time to unpack what that means about his ability to love. He's worried that he might end up like his dad, and he absolutely would never want to hurt Edwin like his dad hurts his mum.
Charles has a lot of confusion about love. He loves his mum, he knows that, and he loves his dad, despite everything he put him and his mum through.
And, on top of all of this, he grew up during a difficult period in history. He was a teenager in Britain in the 80's. The 80's were a notoriously homophobic period of time, and I'm not saying that Charles is dealing with internalised homophobia but growing up during a period of time where the homophobic rhetoric was rife would have an impact on anyone. Especially a confused 16 year old boy who didn't know much kindness in life.
Charles knows he loves Edwin more than anything and anyone else in his life, and he knows the love he feels for him is different to the love he feels for his mum. He just doesn't know whether what he feels for Edwin constitutes as being "in love" with him.
And he needs time to figure that out. That's what he is telling Edwin: he's telling him that he is the most important person in the world to him and that he does love him but he needs to work out what that means. And Edwin completely understands that because Charles put it so eloquently and in a way that Edwin could understand. This isn't the usual unreciprocated love trope. They are each other's person, and they're trying to navigate what that means for each of them.
Overall, Charles loves Edwin and Edwin loves Charles. And they're going to figure out what that means together in time. Because that's what they always do: they figure things out.
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livrere-green · 4 months
the fact that charles was so gentle and sincere with his answer to edwin's confession is something I could never forget... because that's what love is about, right?
love is in the way charles could never hurt edwin on purpose, is in the way he protects him, in the way he knows when edwin needs to be seen; love is in the choice of every one of his words, in the way he knows that being honest is the only right answer.
there's still forever waiting for them, there's still forever waiting for charles to figure it out, to discover if he loves edwin in a romantic way too, and it doesn't matter if is not romantic in the end, because that it's just a side of the love they share.
i think is so important not to overlook something like that, not to let that pending romance overshadow the fact that they already love each other in every other way.
because in the end, we are talking about two boys that have experienced excruciating pain, that have seen horrifying things during all their existences, and in spite of it, or maybe because of it, are capable of loving each other in a way that's so pure and strong and relentless...
reducing the importance of it to a reciprocated romantic love seems so simplistic and inconsiderate to me.
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e-vasong · 1 month
I did ask George Rexstrew some Cameo questions, and while I half-wanted to hoard them for myself, I figured it was only right to share the love! :D
The big hits for those who can't (or don't want to) turn audio on:
For love languages, touch is a pretty strong no. Acts of service and quality time are his primary love languages. Also, he may not realize it, but he would actually love to be on the receiving end of gifts, because it would "surprise him." He hasn't gotten a lot of gifts over the course of his existence!
Edwin hates/dislikes a bunch of stuff, but the things I found most interesting were: abandonment; Satan's star; being late; loud chewers; and tobacco pipes.
"Loud chewers" threw me off, but then I remembered that he got devoured alive for 70 years straight so it makes sense again.
"[Hates] girls...☝️ he's not a misogynist, though." AJSHDKJASDHK
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I really do think a lot on Edwin’s very serious declaration of never letting the two of them get separated after Charles shows concern about it in episode 1, and it’s abundantly clear that he’s just as protective of Charles as Charles is of him. However, due to the kinds of situations they ended up in during season 1, Edwin fell a lot more into the role of the one who needed protecting, which is why I really badly want to see Edwin have a moment in season 2 where he protects Charles or saves them from being separated again, through clever words maybe, or his spell books.
I just desperately want some kind of follow through on the ferventness of his “I will never let that happen” because with the conviction of that line, god I believe it, but do I ever really want to see it too
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heathridgemanor · 3 months
on one hand i could very much justify the orpheus and eurydice reference from charles while believing his feelings for edwin are completely platonic but on the other hand HOW DO YOU COMPARE YOU AND THE GUY WHO JUST CONFESSED HIS LOVE FOR YOU TO FUCKING ORPHEUS AND EURYDICE AND THEN ALMOST IMMEDIATELY FOLLOW IT BY SAYING YOURE NOT IN LOVE WITH HIM BACK ????
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chotachica · 4 months
Favorite part of The Dead Boy Detectives for sure is Edwin pulling literally every single age appropriate male character he interacted with. The absolute cunt ever
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newsboy-player1 · 2 months
Edwin Charles and crystal watching a horror film together and every five seconds Edwin is like “🤓☝️umm acktually it shouldn’t be like this bla bla bla” and Charles is like I love my nerdy bitch wife
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iremiari · 3 months
charles rowland is the type of person to end his marriage vows with "and you're my best mate" then think nothing of it
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six-demon-bag · 1 month
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GEORGE REXSTREW as Edwin Payne JAYDEN REVRI as Charles Rowland ALIX WEST LEFLER as Emma (01.01) The Case of Crystal Palace DEAD BOY DETECTIVES (2024)
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What the fuck is happening to me?
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These twinks and their adorable boyfriends have completely taken over my life, and I can't stop collecting them. I find a new couple to lose my shit about weekly at this point.
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