#i love glasses wearing dark haired crazy mfs why is this a surprise to anyone idk
floorpancakes · 2 years
since i havent explained on tumblr yet
back when sarazanmai the anime of all time was airing a few years ago everyone had display names with ア (a) in them cause it was like a cute matchy matchy thing and they tended??? to have some relation to the series but not always
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it only lasted mostly while the series aired and i was kinda stuck for ideas until i read the prologue manga and got really really hooked on mabu (nobody is surprised that my favourite character is mabu i mean) eating pancakes off the floor like a feral creature . this was like THE moment i knew mabu was the one lmao i already loved his character but that was the perfect amount of unhinged goblin mode i needed to make sure
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when sarazanmai ended most ppl changed theirs but i thought it was funny so i left it
unfortunately the vast amt of twitter has NOT seen sarazanmai and just kinda assumed it was a me thing. i have been called pancakes or floor pancakes by friends and strangers several times and eventually when twitterpocalypse started hitting and i decided to take up a side blog back here again i figured it'd be a cute fit. i like sweets anyway so it stuck, altho pancakes aren't my favourite sweet i can't say i don't love em
lore drop over but since this has basically just become a holic-and-random-ramble-spot i figure anyone that comes here should gaze upon the Boy, who also is kind of an anomaly and a big long weirdo who likes baking and blushes a lot LMAOOOOO
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smug mabu preening from compliments good
he's kind of possessive of his man so he gets mad when other people eat his food even if it's the correct good thing to let them share
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no context dramatic bitch behaviour
he ate the floor pancakes and then tried to recreate them because he's a lil bit kooky crazy like that
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he's a cool dad...
anyway mabu is cool and thats the floor pancakes lore
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bxcketbarnes · 7 years
Injury on the Quidditch Field
Pairing: Stuart Twombly x Reader
Author: @ninja-stiles
Words: 3738
Author’s Note: I wanted to write Stuart for Stuart Week that @rememberstilinski and @sarcasticallystilinski had extended and who doesn’t love Stuart? Come on. But, thanks to my amazing best fren @mf-despair-queen for proofreading this for me!
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It’s crazy how hard you have to work to be able to achieve your dreams, and then there’s this internship. Working towards this internship is like the hunger games. You fight to the death, but no one’s actually dying. Obviously. Even though I went to highly well known college, it seemed that no one actually wanted me on their team. I even had a guy demand my presence on his team based on my looks, which I was not okay with. So, now I’m in the group with the leftovers, which included Neha, Yo-Yo, Billy, Nick, Stuart, and Lyle, who was the leader of the group. They all seemed really nice except for Stuart. He seemed to have a snarky attitude, which I was immediately attracted to. Why? I don’t know exactly, but it didn’t help that he was absolutely gorgeous. He’s got dark chestnut hair that’s poking out of his navy blue beanie, black rimmed glasses with gorgeous whiskey colored orbs, moles that danced across his left cheek, trailing down onto his neck, and his lips; boy, his lips look so soft and so pink. Surprisingly, Stuart and I had gotten pretty close after I took the chance to talk to him one day.
He was sitting in the cafe area, his eyes glued to that phone of his as he sipped his coffee. I managed to grow a pair and sit across from him after I had gotten my hot chocolate. When I sat down in front of him, he didn’t even acknowledge my existence, playing with the lid of my cup as I looked over his features, biting my lip slightly.
 “Why are you staring at me?” He bluntly asked, glancing up at me for a second before turning his attention back at the device in his hands.
 “I’m just trying to figure you out, Twombly,” I muttered, narrowing my eyes at him as he looked surprised, raising his eyebrows.
 “Why would you want to figure me out? I’m nothing special.” Stuart leaned forward, putting his phone on the table, getting his attention.
 “Well, I don’t know that. You could be the most interesting person in the world for all I know, and you hide behind your phone. How am I supposed to be friends with you if you don’t utter a word outside of work?” I questioned, taking a sip of my hot chocolate and his beautiful lips parted, assuming he’s not used to someone being so straightforward with him.
 “You are certainly something else, Y/N.” He smiled, shoving his phone in his pocket as he stood up about to leave when he looked back at me. “Well, are you comin’ or what?” He asked and I grinned, nodding my head, following him outside, sitting underneath a tree, talking about everything and anything.
 One night, Neha and I were talking in my room, gossiping about what’s happening with other teams that are competing, bashing a few of them, Graham especially. Graham was the guy who wanted me on his team because I was pretty, which I ended up stomping on his foot before walking away from him before I did something I regretted. My phone buzzed on the coffee table, checking it, seeing it was from Stuart and a smile formed on my lips, opening it.
 Hey, Y/N. We’re getting coffee/hot chocolate before the Quidditch pitch, right?
 Ever since that day I first talked to him, we would go out for coffee, while I got hot chocolate every morning before our meetings. I looked forward to it every night before I went to bed and I’ve hung out with him so much that I managed to catch feels. Yup. I have the biggest school girl crush on Stuart. Hopefully I don’t make it obvious enough where the whole group knows, cause it’d be so embarrassing, especially if he didn’t feel the same way. Personally, I don’t think he feels the same way I do. Why would he want a average girl like me when he could have a gorgeous girl on his arm, like Neha for example.
 “Who is it?” Neha asked, smirking as I shook my head, texting Stuart back.
 Of course. Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Stu. :)
 “What? Oh, nothing, it’s no one,” I muttered, taking my bottom lip between my teeth, trying to stop the smile as Stuart had quickly replied.
 Good. I’ve barely seen you this weekend since I was at my parents. I miss you.
 I blushed, my heart racing as I re-read the text message before my phone was roughly taken from my hand and into Neha’s. I try to get it back, but she pushed my hands away as she squeals, handing it back to me.
 “Oh my god. You guys are so cute. Do you like him?” She asked, clapping her hands as i avoided eye contact, nodding my head.
 “Yeah, but there’s no way that he feels the same way though.” I sighed, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. “I mean, I’m not even that pretty.” I frowned, noticing that Stuart sent me a picture of him, his smile contagious. He’s so cute.
 “I don’t know about that, Y/N. Stuart doesn’t really talk to anyone else the way he does you. You’re also super pretty, gorgeous even. You have to have faith, sweetie.” She smiled softly, patting my arm. “It’s getting late, I better go and you have to be up early for coffee with Stuart.” She smirked, winking and I chuckled, bidding her goodnight as she leaves my room.
 I let out a sigh, re-reading that same text, a million thoughts running through my head. Does he like me? Or is he just being friendly? I take a cute snapchat photo, sending it to him as I wait for his response, seeing the three dots, indicating that he’s replying.
 Wow. You look more beautiful than the last time I saw you.
 I smiled, my cheeks heating up as I hide my face in my hands. My phone vibrated as I was fangirling, quickly picking it up, reading it.
 I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Like seriously, I’m having hug withdrawals.
 I chuckled, smiling like an idiot as my thumbs hover over the keyboard, wondering if I should attempt to flirt. Fuck it.
 Well, you can come over right now? I mean, I’m not doing anything and you wouldn’t have to wait to get one of my hugs. ;)
 I twirled my hair on my finger, biting my lip as the dots showed up on the screen, tapping my fingers against my knee as his response showed up.
 I’m on my way.
 I let out a scream, jumping up and down excitedly, running over to my closet, trying to find something cute, but comfortable to wear. I browsed past one of the my silk slips that I had gotten a long time ago. It’s lavender and around the breast area is lacey. I bite my lip, taking it into consideration, wondering if I’m taking things too far. Once again, fuck it. I undressed, slipping the gown on, looking myself over in the mirror, hoping that Stuart will like it. His favorite color as well.
 A quiet knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts, rubbing my hands together, getting a little nervous. I opened the door, Stuart standing on the other side, his hands tucked away in his pockets. His eyes widening as his eyes roamed down my figure, swallowing visibly. I let him into the room, closing the door behind him and he wraps his arms around my waist. I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck, standing on my tippy toes as I hide my face in his neck, taking in his scent.
 “H-Hi.” Stuart stuttered, clearing his throat as he takes a seat on my bed, avoiding eye contact. I chuckled, shaking my head as I sat next to him, our legs brushing together.
 “Stuart, are you getting flustered?” I teased, laying my head against his shoulder. He scoffed, muttering a no. I looked up at him as he looked to the floor, fumbling his fingers together. “Then how come you can't look at me?” I asked, sitting up straight and he faces me. I could tell he's trying not to look and I praise him for being a gentlemen.
 “I-You just look… incredible.” He whispered, almost not hearing him and I smiled, a blush rising on my cheeks. “U-Uhm, you wouldn't mind if I stayed here tonight, would you?” He asked, his eyes connecting with mine and I shook my head, laying on the bed, patting the empty space next to me.
 “Not at all, Stu.” He groaned at the nickname, shrugging his shirt off, taking a long glance at his body. My lord. He was perfectly chiseled, even if he didn't have prominent abs. He also had a happy trail that disappears into his jeans. He unbuttoned his jeans, pulling them off his legs as he crawled into my bed, facing me while laying on his side. “Are you excited for Quidditch tomorrow?” I questioned, laying my head on my hands, his hands slowly moving towards my waist.
 “I guess. I’m not really excited that we’re going against Graham. He’s a total douchebag,” Stuart mumbled, wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I chuckled, nuzzling my head into his neck, resting my eyes as he lets out a content sigh.
 “Agreed, but I do think he’s jealous of you,” I mumbled into his neck and Stuart pulls away, looking down at me with his eyes wide, surprised.
 “Really? Why would he be jealous of me?” He questioned, furrowing his eyebrows together and I play with his hair.
 “Because you’re always with me.” I smiled, running my fingers through his soft hair. “I think he thinks that we’re together. He couldn’t make it anymore clear that he has this thing for me.” A smile perked up on his lips, rubbing his hand up and down my side.
 “Well, he can’t have you,” He whispered, his forehead leaning against mine, my eyes fluttering shut. His hands slowly move towards my hand, our fingers grazing against each others, intertwining our fingers. “Is it crazy for me to say that I have a huge crush on you?” He asked, rubbing his thumb against my knuckles as my heart beats faster against my chest, sitting up straight, staring down at him, hoping this isn’t a dream.
 “I-It’s not crazy at all, because I have a huge crush on you as well,” I mumbled, looking into his eyes as he smiled, sitting up as well, rubbing his thumb against my cheek. “Is this a dream?” I questioned, going to pinch myself when he stopped me. I looked back up at him, our faces inches from each other as his eyes glance down towards my lips.
 “You tell me if you’re dreaming or not,” He whispered, leaning his face closer to mine, our lips brushing together as my breath hitches. Our lips connected, sparks flowing through my body as I bring my hand up to his chest, moving it around his neck. I move my lips against his, letting out a happy sigh as his hands rest against my waist. I pull away, his lips laid against my forehead, pressing small kisses to the skin. “That… was even better than I imagined.”
 “God, Stuart. Your lips are so fucking soft,” I whispered, my hands resting against his cheeks, feeling the vibrations of his chuckling. He ran his fingers through my hair, laying my head against his chest as he laid us down on the bed. He softly grazed his fingers up and down my back, my eyes drooping shut as his soft touch lulled me to sleep.
 The alarm on my phone ranged through the room, waking me up instantly, sitting up as I looked around my room. I stop the alarm, looking down, seeing Stuart sleeping soundly, his face buried in my pillow as soft snores escaped from his parted lips. I moved some of his hair out of his face, kissing his forehead before getting out of bed. I opened my dresser, pulling out a pair of orange shorts, a black sports bra and a black tank top. I pulled off my gown, throwing into into the laundry basket before slipping on my sports bra.
 “Well, that’s certainly a view to wake up to,” A deep, husky voice called out, making me jump. I turned around, seeing Stuart looking at me, leaning his head on his hand as a smirk is present on his lips.
 “Too bad I’m covering it up.” I chuckled, putting on my tank top and shorts, sticking my tongue out at him. He groaned, sitting up, rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes as he stood up. He walked over to me, meshing our lips together and I let out a muffled noise, my eyes widening as how brash Stuart is being. We pulled away when there was a knock on the door, both of our eyes looking towards it.
 I walked towards the door as Stuart began to put his clothes from last night on. Opening the door, I find Neha on the other side of it, a bright smile on her lips as she tried to get into the room, but I blocked the door. Her eyebrows furrowed together, a little confused. “I can’t come in?” She asked, becoming suspicious as I tried to block her view. She pushed her way in, gasping as she found Stuart standing in the room without a shirt on as he gave her a small wave. “What’s this?” She questioned, raising her eyebrows, looking between Stuart and I.
 “Stuart and I were going to get coffee, remember?” I lied, looking back at him, an unreadable expression on his face as he put his shirt on. He scoffed, walking past us, leaving my room and my heart breaks a little. “Stuart, wait!” I called after him and he turned around, glaring at me. “Where are you going?” I asked, playing with my fingers.
 “Away from here. I didn’t think you’d keep what happened between us a secret.” He glared a bit, crossing his arms as my lips parted in surprise.
 “I don’t even know what we are yet, maybe I’d want to figure that out first before telling our friends.” I let out a sigh, shaking my head. “I’m sorry that I lied to her, but I-I don’t want to lose you over that. You are far to special too me. I’ll go back there right now and tell her we made out and told each other that we have huge crushes on each other.”
 Stuart shook his head, taking my hand in his as he brought me into a hug, wrapping my arms around his waist, nuzzling my head into his chest. “No, it’s okay. I see where you were coming from. I’m sorry. I’m such an idiot.” He sighed, petting my hair, noticing Neha leave the room, smiling widely as us.
 “You’re not an idiot, Stuart.” I smiled, softly kissing his cheek. “Now, go put on something else that’ll be practical for quidditch and I’ll meet you at the cafe, alright?” I looked up at him and he nodded his head. I turned around, seeing Neha have a giant smirk on her lips and I groan internally, rolling my eyes as I walk back into my room, putting my sneakers on.
 “So, what really happened?” She asked and I let out a sigh, clasping my hands together. I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of last night, a small blush on my cheeks.
 “I asked him last night if he wanted to come over because he said that he missed my hugs. He obviously ended up coming over and we hugged, talked, made out. No big deal.” I tried to brush it off with a shrug and Neha screamed, jumping up and down with excitement, like I had done the previous night.
 “No big DEAL? You guys made out! My OTP!” She chanted, making me giggle as she finally calms down. “Alright, we really need to go, but I want details on the way.” She ushered, pushing me out the door as we walk towards the field where the game is held.
 “Oh shit. Neha, I have to meet Stuart at the cafe. I gotta go,” I yell as I ran off, hearing her yell that I needed to give her the details later. I skidded to a stop, noticing Stuart sitting at our usual table with his coffee and my hot chocolate, his phone in his hand. “Stuart,” I panted, catching my breath as he glanced up at me, putting his phone away as he smiled. “I’m so sorry. Neha fucking distracted me by making me tell her what happened last night and as much as I’d love to skip this game, we have to go. Let me make it up to you tonight?” I asked and he chuckled, nodding his head as he gave me my cup and I take a sip, immediately feeling like I’m in heaven.
 “It’s alright, babe.” Stuart smiled, pressing his lips to the side of my head as we made our way to the game. “But, I totally wouldn’t mind you making it up to me.” He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows and I smacked his chest, laughing, hiding the blush that has made it’s way to my cheeks.
 “God, Stu! Not like that. Someday though.” I giggle, wrapping an arm around his waist, wanting to feel his warmth radiate off his body before we have to go back to just “friends.”
 Once we were introduced, we ran out onto the field, broom sticks and all. Both teams crouched down as the ref asked us if we were ready, which Lyle replied, “Bangarang,” to. Strange one he is. We began the match, Graham’s team grabbing the ball first, scoring a point immediately. I groaned, trying to stop some of his players from getting the ball, but end up getting knocked to the ground instead. I managed to get the ball, throwing it towards Stuart, which bounces off his head, into the other team's hands and I let out a sigh.
 “What the fuck,” Stuart mumbled, looking towards me and I shake my head, running off. I thought he was over with being on his phone all the time. I glanced back at him as he hung his head down, slapping a palm to his forehead as he put his phone away, joining the game again. I smiled, knowing I had some sort of effect on him and I absolutely loved it. As I was running towards the girl who had the ball, someone had stuck their foot in front of mine, making me trip over it. I tumbled to the ground, twisting my ankle and I let out a painful scream, not being able to move. I looked at the figure that was standing over me. Graham. That dick. He smirked before walking away as my team ran towards me, Stuart sliding to the ground, hovering over me.
 “Oh my god, Y/N. Are you alright?” He asked and I glared at him.
 “Oh yes, Stuart. I’m fucking peachy.” I muttered, wincing as a medic had moved my ankle. Stuart grabbed my hand and I squeeze the life out of it as the medic was doing basic tests to find out the damage I’d done to my ankle. “Sorry.” I whispered, looking up at him as he shook his head, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb.
 “Ma’am. We’re going to have to bring you to the hospital.” I groaned in response and my whole team chuckled, knowing that I hate hospitals. “You’re allowed one guest in the ambulance, so who would you want to bring with you?” He asked and my eyes immediately landed on Stuart. The medic must’ve noticed because they started to put me on the stretcher, rolling me off the field as Stuart followed, his hand never leaving mine.
 Turns out I had fractured my ankle and now I have to be on crutches for the next four weeks. The only good thing about this is that Stuart had volunteered to take care of me, which means he’d have to stay in my room with me and honestly, I would not mind… one bit. Stuart opened my door for me as I crutched my way into the room, landing on my bed with a bounce, letting out a sigh as I prop the crutches against the wall.
 “Well, this absolutely sucks,” I muttered, staring at the small boot that’s engorging my foot. He kneeled down in front of me, taking my hand in his as my gaze turns away from it, looking into Stuart’s eyes.
 “It may suck, but I’m here and we both know that you’re a lot happier when I’m here.” He smiled and I blushed, looking down at my lap, trying to hide it when he tilted my head back up with his finger. “You look absolutely adorable when you blush.” He muttered, rubbing his thumb against my reddened cheek as it turns a little darker, biting my lip softly.
 “You sure are something else, Stu.” I whispered, never taking my eyes off him as he grinned, leaning up, pressing a kiss to my forehead, my eyes fluttering shut. I love the feeling of his lips against my skin.
 “I’ll tell you what, babe.” He paused, sitting beside me on the bed. “Once you recover, I’ll take you out anywhere you want.” He smiled and I laid my head on his shoulder.
 “Anywhere huh? A-As a date?” I asked, playing with his lanky fingers, glancing up at him as he nods.
 “Of course. I’ve been wanting to ask you out on a date for a while, so...” He blushed and I leaned up, pressing my lips to his cheek, resting my head in the nape of his neck, the painkillers making me a little sleepy. As my eyes droop shut, I can feel Stuart lay me on the bed, crawling in next to me, letting me lay my head against his chest. “I’m so in love with you.” He muttered, rubbing my back as I fall asleep with a smile on my lips.
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