#i love going to thrift stores and most of my clothes are secondhand but yeah pass on the used bedding
I know a lot of people (sewing youtubers) make clothes out of thrifted bedsheets which in theory is such a great idea because you get so much fabric in nice solids/prints but it really squicks me out to wear something a stranger slept on, sweated on, and maybe even stained with any number of bodily fluids and/or food. We're human. it's fine. But I'm not wearing that no matter how many times it's been washed
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lilacmingi · 16 days
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works. And please don’t spam-like!
Pairing: Cruella!San x boutique owner!fem reader (ft business partner!Hongjoong)
Word count: 6,745
Note: Okay this one might be my fave out of the whole series!! So many people loved it and I personally am really proud of this one even to this day!
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The new window display looked incredible. You had stayed after closing the previous night to put it up in hopes that it would attract some new customers. Not just that, but you wanted to show off the jacket you worked so hard to reform.
You went in to make a few minor adjustments before opening for the day. As you were straightening up the outfit on the mannequin, your coworker and business partner, Hongjoong, walked in adjusting his beret.
Today's ensemble consisted of a white t-shirt with safety pins all over it, thick, black suspenders clipped onto a pair of black pants with a partial red, plaid pleated skirt attached to it—he's always dressing in the most wonderfully unique outfits.
"Morning." You greeted, stepping out of the window display. "You're looking fashionable, as usual."
"Thank you." He grinned, doing a little spin so you could see a full 360 view of the outfit. "I'm experimenting with something different."
"You mean the skirt attached to the pants?"
"Yeah. I think it looks cool, don't you?"
"Yes! I love it. We might be able to sell something like that, hm?" You grinned, raising a brow.
"If the people want it, I'll be more than happy to make more." He said. "Oh, here's your coffee, by the way."
"Ah." You placed your hand on your chest. "You're a doll. Thank you."
"You're welcome." He nodded, heading to the back.
Seconds later, music started playing through the speakers in the store, your lips curling into a pleased smile.
You and Hongjoong shared a similar music taste and you'd both curated the perfect playlist for the store. It's a mix of alternative rock, indie, and a touch of classic rock and indie pop—which was fit for your motley boutique.
The two of you had been friends since college. You both majored in business and shared a love for reforming clothes. It wasn't long until you started making plans for a business. You made a deal to go in together, save the money, and start up your own boutique, and as of one year ago, you did. It was a brilliant idea that blossomed into what it is today.
Yours and Hongjoong's business is located
in one of the fashion capitals of the world—London. You both specialize in thrifting and reforming. The two of you check out local thrift shops and buy pieces to cut up and put back together to make something unique. You can't find clothes like yours and Hongjoong's anywhere else.
"So, I stopped at a couple secondhand shops on my way here. I hope you don't mind."
"Of course I don't. What did you find? Anything good?"
"Well, I found this scarf." He spoke, pulling the accessory from a shopping bag. "The print is unique. I thought maybe we could cut up uneven chunks of the fabric and sew them on a jacket or something."
"Ooh." You nodded, envisioning the piece. "I like that. What else?"
"These dainty little chains and these boots."
"Let me guess. Attach the chains to the boots to make them edgy?" You guessed.
"Yes! This is why we're business partners." He grinned. "I'm gonna go put this stuff in the back with the other pieces."
You hummed in acknowledgement and took a sip of coffee, the sweet taste coating your tastebuds, a slightly bitter aftertaste following.
"Please help get me through the day." You spoke to the beverage as you plopped down behind the register.
Hongjoong emerged from the back room, smoothing out his shirt.
"That window display looks nice."
"Thank you. I did stay late last night to get it set up." You grinned, proudly. "I hope it attracts some new customers."
"It will. It looks fantastic. No other storefronts look like ours." Hongjoong assured you, his eyes trailing off to the dog bed behind the counter, your pet Dalmatian curled up asleep inside.
"I didn't even know Valentino was here." He commented.
"Yeah. He's tired today. He's been sleeping ever since I got here."
"Hey. If that window display doesn't attract new customers, Valentino will."
"Yeah, he's a favorite among our usual customers."
"Speaking of customers." Hongjoong pointed towards the front entrance.
Someone was standing outside in front of the display window, you couldn't see them too well from where you were sitting, though.
"I'm gonna go work on those boots. Just call me if you need me."
"Sure." You nodded, watching Hongjoong disappear behind the beaded curtain separating the front of the store from the back.
You stayed sitting behind the register, assuming the person outside was just perusing and most likely wouldn't come inside.
Just then, the door to the boutique opened, catching your attention. You turned your head and watched as a man with unique half black and half white hair strode into the store. He wore pinstripe pants and a white dress shirt unbuttoned at the top, a tight corset cinched around his waist. On top of the entire ensemble was a cream-colored fur coat draped over his shoulders. His entire appearance practically screamed high fashion and you were left speechless as you stared at this incredibly well-dressed man.
"What's that in the display window?" He asked, pointing with his cane.
"A jacket."
"I know what it is. I'm not stupid. I want to know who made it."
"I did." You answered.
"It's wonderful."
"Thank you." You were surprised to hear this man's praise. "Would you like to see it up close?"
"What kind of question is that?"
You stepped onto the platform in the display window and removed the jacket, bringing it to your new and eccentric customer.
He held it up, examining it, running his gloved fingers over the embellishments on it.
When you first got a hold of it, it was a measly little leather jacket with a couple holes in it, but now it looked like something completely new. You put a couple patches printed to look like newspapers on the jacket to cover the holes and added hundreds of studs and chains to it. To top it off, the word rebel was hand-painted on the back in sharp, white letters.
"I'll take it." The customer finally spoke.
"That's wonderful. Let me ring you up."
He followed you to the register where he paid for the jacket.
At this point, Valentino had gotten out of his bed and wandered around the counter.
"What a cute dog." He commented.
"Thank you. His name is Valentino."
"Like the fashion designer."
"The very same."
"Hm." The man gave a hum of what seemed like approval.
"You know, I just put that jacket out last night. You're the first one to show interest in it."
"What can I say? I have an eye for fashion." He grinned.
"I'd say you do. Your outfit is incredible."
"Oh, this?" He questioned as if it were nothing. "I just threw this together."
Your brows raised at his nonchalance.
"Well, darling, thank you for the jacket." He gave you a wink, retrieving the clothing from the counter. "Perhaps I'll see you around."
You blinked a few times as you watched him stride away, your cheeks feeling slightly warm at the nickname darling.
"Wait." You called out.
The man turned to glance over his shoulder.
"What's your name?"
"San. Don't wear it out, dear."
Just then, Hongjoong emerged from the back seeing San leave the store. The door closed and Hongjoong turned to look at you in your flustered state.
"Who was that?"
"San who?"
"I don't know, but he was beautiful."
Hongjoong let out a snort. "You're drooling."
You brought your hand up to your mouth, not feeling a thing.
"Am not."
"You were about to."
You rolled your eyes, choosing not to argue back.
A few days passed and all you could think about was the fashionable San. He was only in your store for about five minutes, but he made quite an impression on you, capturing your attention as soon as he stepped into your establishment.
A customer had just purchased a pair of pants with a partial skirt attached to it. Hongjoong only made one tester pair just to see if anyone would buy it.
"Looks like you need to make more of those pants." You commented.
"Looks like I do." Hongjoong smiled.
Your eyes widened as you saw San walking past the storefront, his eyes landing on the new display you set up.
"Oh my gosh." You stood from your seat behind the register.
"There he is!" You whispered, pointing to the window.
"That San guy from a few days ago?" Hongjoong asked.
"He came back? That must mean he loved what he bought."
Your cheeks became warm thinking about San loving the jacket so much that he came back.
The door opened and in walked the highly fashionable man from the other day. Today he wore a black and white striped shirt with a long, black trench coat over the top. The pants he wore were the same color as his jacket and were cropped above his ankles, showing off his shiny dress shoes with pointed, metallic-capped tips.
"Hello." Hongjoong greeted as he approached San.
"Hello." San responded as he passed Hongjoong, walking straight to you. "Y/n, my dear."
He took your hand, giving a kiss to the back of it. "It's a pleasure to see you again."
"Yeah. It's a surprise to see you." You managed to say.
A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he let go of your hand. "You're surprised I came back?"
"Well, yes."
"I wanted to see what else you've got. Hopefully it's as good as that jacket."
"Ah, well, feel free to look around." You gestured to the endless racks of clothes. "We have plenty more items like that."
San turned towards all the clothes and began perusing the store.
You watched as he strode around, his fingers running over the fabric of the clothes hanging up. Every so often, he would pull a piece of clothing off the rack, examining the garment and rubbing the fabric between his fingers. If he found something he liked, he would take it off the rack and toss it over his arm.
"I must admit, I'm impressed." San spoke up.
"Thank you. I can't take all the credit, though. Hongjoong designs a lot of these pieces as well." You spoke up.
"You're both incredibly talented." San praised. "What about this?" He retrieved a pair of pants from the rack.
You remember the trousers well, Hongjoong designed them. He took two different pairs of pants and cut them in half, one black pair, the other red plaid. He sewed them together and clipped a wallet chain onto the belt loops.
"I made those." Hongjoong spoke up.
"Incredible." San murmured. "I'll take these. I have just the right top to pair with them."
Hongjoong offered to ring up the items San had collected while you made yourself busy rearranging a jewelry display.
Once San had paid for his items, he headed towards the door, briefly coming to a stop beside you.
"Keep doing what you're doing, love. There aren't many people who possess the talent you and your business partner have."
"Thank you." You told him.
"Don't mention it." He waved his hand dismissively as he headed towards the door. "Au revoir." (goodbye in French)
Again, you were left speechless and absolutely awestruck.
"He's amazing."
San continued to stop by the boutique over the next couple weeks, always looking for new finds and wanting to know the latest piece of clothing that had been reformed. He even showed interest in Hongjoong's pants with the half skirt attached to it and requested a custom pair of his own. He was practically a regular customer at this point.
Each time he popped into the store, he wore yet another incredible outfit that left you mind blown. He was the most fashionable person you had met—besides Hongjoong, of course.
"You know San?" You asked.
"The one you always ogle at?" Hongjoong asked.
"I do not—" He gave you a look, making you stop mid-sentence. "Yes. That one."
"What about him?"
"Do you think he lives around here?"
"I don't know. Why do you ask?"
"We should hire him."
"His style is incredible. We could use someone like him on our staff."
"Hm." Hongjoong hummed. "It's not a bad idea."
The mail slot in the front door opens as today's newspaper falls to the floor. Your dog, Valentino got up to retrieve it, carrying it over to you.
"Ah, the paper. Thank you, Valentino." You thanked your Dalmatian, taking the newspaper from him.
You unrolled the paper, pausing when you saw a photo of a familiar-looking man printed on the front page.
Plastered on the front page of the newspaper was a photo of San, and he was wearing your jacket. The cover read: RENOWNED SOUTH KOREAN FASHION DESIGNER CHOI SAN AT LONDON'S FASHION WEEK.
Your jaw dropped in disbelief.
"Hongjoong?" You called out.
Your partner came hurrying over.
"What's wrong? What is it?"
"Look." You showed him the front page.
Hongjoong's eyes widened, his mouth hanging open.
"He's a fashion designer?" He exclaimed in disbelief.
"Apparently so. A renowned fashion designer too."
"I can't believe this. Do you know what that means?" Hongjoong asked.
"We had a popular fashion designer stop by our shop!"
"Exactly! Do you think he told his famous fashion designer friends about us?" He inquired excitedly.
"I don't know. Let's read the article."
South Korean fashion designer Choi San has graced London with his presence, traveling to the bustling city for London Fashion Week. He's been seen around the city wearing some eye-catching outfits that have people talking.
Choi San is known for his uniquely original and out-of-the-box designs. Fans and designers alike are all anticipating what he has in store.
"Wow." You gaped. "I'm speechless."
"Do you think those eye-catching outfits consisted of anything he bought from this store?" Inquired Hongjoong.
"I sure hope so."
You were dying for San to return to the boutique. You wanted so badly to talk to him about the new information you found out.
It was a couple days before he returned.
Those were the longest two days of your life.
One overcast day, he came striding into the boutique, graceful and elegant as ever.
"Hello." He greeted before perusing the items, acting as if he wasn't hiding a huge secret.
"You're a renowned fashion designer?!" You shrieked.
"Of course, doll." He responded, casually as his fingertips trailed over a pair of handmade earrings on display.
"And you didn't say anything?"
"You didn't know?" He asked, raising a brow.
"No. I saw you in the paper the other day."
"Well, I don't fault you for that. I'm fairly new in the fashion scene. A virtuoso, they call me. Can you believe that?" He chuckled. "It's rather flattering."
"I can't believe a famous fashion designer has been visiting our little boutique. I had no idea."
"Don't let it get to you, dear." He chuckled. "My status shouldn't change the relationship between us."
"R-relationship?" You blushed.
"Yes?" He said it like a question. "We're friends, are we not?"
"Yes! Friends. Of course. Yeah." You chuckled nervously.
That was awkward.
Hongjoong emerged from the back room with a newly reformed piece of clothing, a measuring tape draped around his neck.
"Ah! Just the man I wanted to see." He smiled. "What do you think?"
Hongjoong held up a black coat that had been completely redone. It was embellished with silver swirls and had epaulettes added onto the shoulders.
"Wow." San gaped. "I love everything about it. How much?"
Hongjoong gave him the price he was considering for the garment and San immediately bought it.
"I'll probably stop by within the next few days." He told the both of you.
"That's fine. You're welcome any time. Even if we're closed." Hongjoong smiled.
"Good to know." San tossed his shopping bag over his shoulder. "Until next time." He waved, striding out of the shop.
San returned to your store just a few days later, a large bag tossed over his shoulder.
He strode into the boutique, dropping the sack onto the floor. You furrowed your brows at him.
"Well, don't just stand there. Have a look." He gestured.
You opened the bag and began digging through it, gasping as you pulled out multiple pieces of designer clothes.
"What are you doing? This is thousands of dollars worth of your clothing."
"Right. I want you to tear it up."
"I'm sorry?"
"What you do here. Thrifting clothes. Tearing them apart and putting them back together. I'm having a show, that's why I'm here in London. I'd like to do a small showcase during my show."
"So you're talking about a collaboration? Your clothes, our style?" You questioned.
"That's exactly what I'm talking about, love."
"We would love to."
"I'd like to watch you work if you don't mind. I can assist you, of course. I would just need a station with a sewing machine."
"Don't worry. We have an extra in the back." Hongjoong chimed in. "We can definitely work something out."
"Fabulous." San grinned. "Let's get to work, shall we?"
Later that evening when the store closed, the three of you gathered in the back room where all of the sorting and reassembling took place. You and Hongjoong would examine each piece San brought in, making plans and sketches, discussing how you would upcycle it. With each piece came a story from San about how he came up with the idea for the garment. You enjoyed hearing him talk about his thought process, hanging on to every word. You took it as an opportunity to learn a bit from the fashion genius.
After examining each piece of clothing, the three of you got to work. You and Hongjoong would cut up clothes while San laid them out on a table and pieced them together, following the sketches the two of you provided. Naturally, you and your business partner had music playing to help keep everyone motivated. Though, sometimes you'd get distracted, prancing around the room and dancing.
Unbeknownst to you, San was watching and admiring you as you goofed off. To see you so carefree while doing what you love made his heart swell.
A couple hours passed and the three of you had gotten a considerable amount of work done. You cut up about half of the clothes San brought to you and laid them out with pieces of other garments of San's that you'd planned to turn into one piece.
Once you had a few pieces laid out, you and San began to sew them together while Hongjoong continued to disassemble any remaining garments in the bag.
At some point, Hongjoong let out a huff, stretching his back.
"I could use something to eat. Is anyone else hungry?"
"Starving." You responded.
Hongjoong glanced at his watch.
"It's only 7:00 PM. I can go and pick something up."
"Sounds good. San and I can stay here and keep working."
"Perfect. What's everyone in the mood for?"
You and San shared a look before you spoke up.
You then looked to San for approval, worried that he would turn the idea down and suggest some lavish meal.
"It's a classic. You can't go wrong with pizza." He responded.
"Great." Hongjoong clasped his hands together. "I'll be back soon."
Your partner left the room, the sound of the front entrance closing behind him following shortly after. You paid no mind to it as you worked, sewing the lower half of a red plaid shirt onto the bottom of a cropped, leather jacket.
"So, Y/n, how long have you been into fashion?" San inquired.
"Since I was a kid. I'd get into my parents' closet and take their clothes." You chuckled. "I remember one time I took my dad's suit jacket and tied one of my mom's scarves around the waist. Then, I got a hold of her red heels and put them on. The outfit was horrendous and I was far too little for any of the clothes, but it was so much fun."
A soft smile made its way onto San's face as he pictured a tiny you prancing around in a large jacket and heels.
"I used to draw pictures of outfits too. Most of the drawings were of dresses. I'm talking pages upon pages."
"Did you ever create any of those drawings?"
"Goodness no." You chuckled. "When I got older and learned how to use a sewing machine, my taste had changed quite a bit."
San listened to you talk about how your love for fashion progressed as well as how you and Hongjoong met and started your business together.
"That's quite a story."
"Yeah, it is." You hummed. "Not everyone is lucky enough to have their plans work out like mine and Hongjoong's."
"I'd say you're both very lucky."
Valentino, who had been napping walked up to you, resting his head in your lap. You stopped what you were doing to give him a few soft pets accompanied by ear scratches. His tail wagged happily in response. When you stopped, he lifted his paw, placing it on the side of your thigh as a way to tell you to keep going.
"Alright." You chuckled. "But only for a little while. Mama's got work to do."
San watched you with adoration, his heart thumping heavily in his chest.
"How did you get Valentino?" He asked.
"I actually found him roaming the streets. I was headed here when I spotted him. I felt so bad. He was only a little guy at the time. I brought him into the store and gave him part of the sandwich I packed for lunch. Hongjoong was surprised to see me come in with a dog, but he didn't mind. I decided that day that I would keep him." You gave the Dalmatian a fond look as you stroked his ears. "While I was working, he wandered in the back room. I later found him sleeping on a Valentino shirt Hongjoong thrifted. That's how I decided to name him."
"He's lucky to have you." San smiled.
"I think I'm the lucky one."
It wasn't long before Hongjoong returned with a couple pizzas and some drinks. The three of you took a twenty minute break to eat and rest before getting back to work. When midnight rolled around, you decided to call it a night. The three of you agreeing to close up shop and head home, promising to pick up again the next day.
You continued to meet up for a week, working tirelessly on the clothes. San and Hongjoong stayed in the back room sewing while you worked the store. When you weren't running the boutique, you were in the back helping San, switching out with Hongjoong.
It took two weeks for every piece to be completed. Once finished, each item of clothing was placed on a hanger and put in a garment bag, provided by San, then put inside a van.
"Thank you so much, darling." San beamed, flashing a bright smile accompanied by the most charming dimples. "The two of you have done marvelous work."
"It was an honor." You told him.
"It really was. To work with someone like you has been such an awesome experience." Hongjoong agreed.
"It's been wonderful working with the both of you." San approached Hongjoong, giving him a brief cheek-to-cheek air kiss.
He then moved over, doing the same to you, except he actually kissed your cheeks.
"I'll see you around." He smirked, giving you a wink before hopping into the van and driving off.
You stood with your mouth open, your cheeks burning from San's sudden kisses.
"He just..." You trailed off, your hands cupping your burning cheeks.
Hongjoong stood off to the side, unable to hold back giggles as he watched you in your flustered state, having witnessed the exchange.
"Y/n! The paper's here!" Hongjoong called. "And San is on the cover again!"
You rushed out of the back room, excitedly.
"Let's see what it says."
Hongjoong laid the paper out on the counter so the both of you could read it. The front page was plastered with photos of San wearing clothes that he bought from the boutique. Your eyes traveled from the photos to the article as you began to read it.
Choi San is set to have a fashion show this weekend where he will showcase his most recent designs. The fashion genius has been spotted walking the streets of London wearing an incredible ensemble from his new fashion line. Critics have been raving over the pieces he's been seen wearing around the city. When asked for any clues about his upcoming line, this was his response.
"Well, I can't reveal much about my designs, but the theme for the show will be 'The Next Generation of Fashion'. So stay tuned, darlings." The designer said.
"What?" You frowned. "His designs?"
"That can't be right." Hongjoong murmured.
His eyes scanned over the article, a frown on his face.
"He didn't say that, did he?"
"It says it right there, plain as day." You pointed. "I can't reveal much about my designs. Not only that, but it says he's been wearing his designs around the city. The clothes he's wearing in the photos is our stuff from the shop."
Hongjoong shook his head in response, unable to believe that San would do that.
"I have to talk with him." You murmured.
"It looks like you'll get your chance."
The door swung open and in walked Choi San, happy as ever.
"Hello, loves." He greeted, striding towards the register.
Hongjoong, who knew what was going to happen, quickly made himself scarce.
Your jaw clenched as he approached you with an arrogant grin that you wanted so badly to slap off his face. You snatched up the newspaper and slammed it onto the counter.
"Care to explain?"
The designer's brows furrowed as he looked down at the front page. "I don't understand."
"The article, San. You totally took credit for mine and Hongjoong's work."
"No, I didn't."
"It says so right here." You pointed.
He leaned down to get a better look at the paper.
"I can't believe I thought you wanted to work with me." You scoffed, shaking your head. "Just go."
San merely turned around and left the boutique without another word.
A huff left you as you spun around, storming into the back room.
"What happened?" Hongjoong inquired.
"I told him to leave."
"He didn't say anything?"
Valentino trotted in a few moments later with an envelope in his mouth.
"What's that?" Asked Hongjoong.
"I don't know. He already got the mail."
You took the lavish, cream-colored envelope from him, opening it up.
Inside was a card with two tickets to the fashion show. The card had a short note written in neat handwriting:
You've worked hard. Enjoy the show.
- San
"It's tickets to San's fashion show." You scoffed.
"He sent us tickets?" Hongjoong rushed over, peering over your shoulder.
"I guess that's what he came here to do." You assumed.
"Y/n, you need to go." He told you.
"What? No. There's no way. Not after what he did to us."
"I know you're upset that he used us, but I want to go to the show, you should too. The least we can do is show up and see our designs on the runway."
To your disappointment, he had a point. It would be nice to be able to see the clothes you and Hongjoong worked so hard to create.
You walked into the event, loud music blaring throughout the large room. You felt like your whole body was trembling. You didn't want to be there.
"You look great." Hongjoong assured you.
"That's not what I'm worried about."
"It'll be fine, Y/n. Despite what he did, I think he wanted us to be here."
"I can't understand why."
The two of you made your way to a row of seats. Hongjoong stopped suddenly, nudging you.
"Look." He pointed to the first row of seats, each one with a card on them. There were two chairs beside each other, one had a card with Hongjoong's name on it, the other with yours. You were a bit surprised to see that you had reserved seats, especially after what happened just a few days prior.
"C'mon." Hongjoong beckoned you over to your chairs.
After sitting down, you held the name card in your hand, flipping it back and forth. On the cardstock was your name printed in beautiful gold letters, a decorative box framing the print.
The show began shortly after, rock music playing through the speakers in the building as the lights started to dim. A silence settled over the room as everyone focused on the bright catwalk. A voice came over the speakers, kicking off the show.
"Welcome to the next generation of fashion."
Models began striding down the runway, each one donning an outfit you had never seen. You knew immediately that these were San's designs. Though you want very happy with him at the moment you had to admit, his designs were impeccable—they were nothing like you'd ever seen before. It was hard not to be impressed by his incredible work. He truly was a virtuoso.
Halfway through the show, that same voice came over the speakers once again.
"And now, for a special showcase."
Your eyes widened in awe as you watched the models strut down the catwalk wearing designs that you and Hongjoong created. It was like a dream come true. You just wished the circumstances were better. Though your situation wasn't the greatest, you didn't let that put a damper on your excitement.
The both of you watched with awestruck expressions as the models sashayed down the runway, showing off the upcycled pieces of San's previous fashion lines. The models looked incredible, as did their hair and makeup. Every single one had a different look and managed to match the vibe of each ensemble.
"Wow." You gaped.
"Yeah." Hongjoong nodded, his wide eyes staring unblinking at the models.
The last few models made their way off stage, signaling the end of the showcase. You knew what would happen next.
Your chest tightened when San walked up on stage. The crowd clapped and cheered as he made his way to the front of the catwalk.
His black and white hair was pushed away from his face in a messy, yet tidy way that perfectly suited him. His ensemble consisted of a white dress shirt that was unbuttoned halfway, showing off a silver body chain. The shirt was tucked into a pair of black, high-waisted trousers with two rows of buttons on the front and a chain dangling from the waist. He had on a large, spotted fur coat that resembled a Dalmatian, and bold, red gloves with many silver rings on top. The coat was long and swayed behind him as he stepped forward.
"Good evening, everyone." He greeted, scanning the crowd.
You unconsciously pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, afraid of being noticed.
"I hope you all enjoyed the show. First of all, I want to thank every single one of you for coming tonight. I appreciate your support dearly."
The crowd clapped in response.
"The showcase you all just watched was extra special. You might have noticed some familiar elements in each outfit, those elements being my old designs. Each one has gotten a new life, being turned into something different." He explained.
There were a few oohs from the crowd.
"I can't take all the credit for the end result you all saw moments ago. Yes, these may be my clothes, but they were truly brought to life by the amazing people who run a small boutique in town and I have to give all the credit to them. I was only a small part of this." He admitted. "Contrary to what the papers have been saying, all the fashion I've been wearing during my time here has been created by them. The pieces I wore were purchased at their boutique, it was not me giving anyone a sneak peek at what would be showcased tonight. You should all know, I hate giving spoilers."
Your lips pressed together as you felt shame and embarrassment flood your entire body.
"Now, I would like to introduce you all to the two incredibly talented fashionistas who re-created the stunning looks you just saw. Hongjoong and Y/n, will you come up here?" San turned right towards the both of you, your cheeks being set aflame.
Hongjoong nudged you as he stood up, heading onto the catwalk with you nervously following behind.
"Everyone please give these two a rousing applause!"
The whole room erupted in claps and cheers for you and Hongjoong. You were overwhelmed. You got to see your designs displayed on the runway and you were receiving a literal standing ovation from a room full of fashion designers and other luminaries. To top it all off, San was being genuine the entire time. Of course, you totally made a fool out of yourself and snapped at him without bothering to hear him out, and for that you needed to apologize.
San thanked everyone and gave a shoutout to yours and Hongjoong's boutique before closing out the show.
"There's going to be an after party in the next room, so please feel free to stay and hang out."
And with that, the show was over and the after party began. Everyone started getting up from their seats, making their way to the next room as you, San, and Hongjoong exited the catwalk, going backstage.
"Thank you, San. The showcase was incredible." Hongjoong told him.
"I should be thanking you. Tonight was a success and that's because of you two."
You smiled a little, guilt weighing on your heart.
"Well, I believe you two need some time alone, so I'm going to the after party. I'll see you later." Hongjoong quickly excused himself, allowing you and San some privacy.
"San, I'm so terribly sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I was really hateful to you that day." You apologized immediately.
"It's alright." He shook his head with a soft smile. "Don't worry yourself."
"I didn't know the tabloids messed up"
"Well, they did. I read the paper when I got home that day and found that they misquoted me. I never said my designs. I said the designs. They also jumped to conclusions big time and assumed the pieces from your store were my designs. I'd say I can't believe they did that, but honestly, that's how they are." He rolled his eyes. "Magazines, newspapers, websites. They're practically known for mincing people's words. How embarrassing."
"My apology still stands. I should have let you explain."
"I told you not to worry." San brought a gloved finger up under your chin, lifting your face to look at him. "You don't have to apologize."
"Alright." You sighed.
He dropped his hand, giving you a warm smile.
"So, what did you think about the show? Honestly."
"It was incredible. I was blown away by your designs and the ones Hongjoong and I worked on looked great too. It was honestly a dream come true. And that was nice of you to give our shop a shoutout at the end."
"You both deserve it." He smiled softly.
"Your outfit tonight is incredible. I especially love the coat."
"Thank you, doll. It's a tribute."
"A tribute?"
"To you. It reminded me of your dear Valentino so I wanted to wear it tonight."
You didn't hold back the flattered grin that spread across your features.
He did that for you?
"Now, let's talk about this ensemble you have on. You look absolutely divine." He told you.
Your eyes widened. "You think so?"
"I know so. Let me have a look at this." He glanced at your outfit, stepping back and allowing you to show him the full look.
You chose a flattering, yet chic ensemble; a bit edgy like what you and Hongjoong reform, but classy enough for a fashion show.
"Oh my." San gasped. "My dear Y/n, you are absolutely stunning."
You tried to stay cool, but San's compliments were getting to you, making your whole body feel like it was going to collapse.
"Love, can I tell you something?" He suddenly asked, his hand reaching for yours.
You allowed him to take it as he pulled you closer.
"Yes. Of course."
"You've captivated me, my dear Y/n. I treasure that night we shared in the back room of your shop. I enjoyed learning more about you and your love for fashion."
That brought a smile to your face.
"I enjoyed that night too, and every night after that when we worked on clothes."
"I'm glad the feeling is mutual." He smiled, his thumb running over the top of your hand.
You could tell there was something he wasn't saying or something he wanted to say, rather.
"We made a great team. Perhaps we should make this duo permanent."
"What are you trying to say?" You inquired.
"I'm saying, I want you to be my girlfriend."
You tried to hold back your smile as you looked at him.
"What if I don't feel the same?" You asked.
"Darling, I know when people are staring at me."
"I saw you gawking at me all those times I came into your boutique."
"Oh." You became flustered. "So you noticed."
"Don't be embarrassed, darling. I quite liked it. Attention from the public is nice, but attention from you is even better."
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, your heart racing.
"So, what do you say? You want to make this official?"
"Yes, please."
San was unable to contain himself as a glowing grin spread across his face, his dimples making an appearance. His hand let go of yours, moving to rest against your waist, tugging your body closer. You knew what he was getting around to and you were more than okay with it. His gloved hand cupped your cheek as his sharp, half-lidded eyes darkened slightly, his face inching closer to yours.
"Just kiss me already." You urged, desperate to feel his lips.
"What's the magic word?" He whispered.
Unable to wait any longer, you grabbed the body chain that hung over his chest, using it to pull him to you, your lips crashing against his. The unexpected action caught San off guard, but he didn't mind. In fact, he thought that was very attractive.
His hand immediately moved from your cheek to the back of your neck, pulling you closer so he could deepen the kiss.
"A girl who knows what she wants. I like that." He smirked against your mouth before capturing your lips fully with his own. You clung to him desperately, your hands clenching the fabric of his shirt as your head tilted slightly, wanting to feel closer to San.
A hum of satisfaction from San vibrated against your lips, sending a rush of butterflies through your stomach. His hand that was resting on your waist made its way to the small of your back, holding you firmly against him.
As much as you hated to, you pulled away in need of air. San stared down at you with flushed cheeks and swollen lips, his eyes droopy. His hair had become slightly out of place, a few extra strands hanging over his forehead. You casually brought your hand up to his uniquely-colored hair, gently running your hand over it, careful not to mess it up.
"I've always been fascinated with your hair." You admitted.
You hummed with a nod.
"I used to color it when I was a kid. I felt that I stood out too much."
"You know, sometimes standing out is a good thing."
He smiled, cupping your cheek. "That's exactly right, my dear."
The designer placed one last kiss to your lips before escorting you back out to the main room.
"Now, what do you say we go to that after party?"
"Sounds good." You nodded.
Hongjoong: Hades ⟡ Seonghwa: Maleficent ⟡ Yunho: Captain Hook ⟡ Yeosang: Evil Queen ⟡ Mingi: Dr. Facilier ⟡ Wooyoung: Hyena ⟡ Jongho:
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Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
DO NOT steal, plagiarize, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way
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fire-the-headcanons · 5 years
What's WeaponsEx?" Raven asked.
"There's a big weapons convention every summer in Vale. Tons of businesses show off new stuff. Dust companies, arms manufacturers, defense engineers—" he said.
"And there's an entire wing of the hall for comics!"
"You mean recruiting."
"Yeah, same difference. There's costume contests, artists answer questions and sign autographs—"
"And they get a few famous Huntsmen to come too," he finished.
Qrow listened with an intensity usually saved for forging class. "Whoa, cool."
Raven rolled her eyes. "You're drooling."
Follow the Beacon Taiyang—COSTumes
[Link to Masterpost]
[Hey, look! A normal-length chapter!]
"Ramparts! For all of your cosplay needs!" Summer declared, throwing the door open dramatically. The Taupes followed her in, looking around in confusion.
"This is a costume store?" Raven asked, brushing through a rack of sweaters.
"Thrift store," Tai corrected. "People donate old clothes, they sell 'em cheap, and the money goes to charity. Summer likes to find stuff and make alterations."
"Come on, let's look at suits!" She grabbed Qrow's wrist and hauled him off toward the men’s section. Amused, Tai and Raven followed.
"Okay, we want to find a green suit and vest for Ozpin, and a red suit for Pete," Summer said, already digging through the racks for anything near the right colors. "Preferably double-breasted, but we probably won't find one. We can sew a little gold ribbon around the edges to make it look like him. I've got a scarf we could tie like his ascot. What about shoes? Should we get shoes?"
He accepted the hideous maroon suit she was holding out.  "Our uniform shoes will be fine, Summer."
"Yeah, you're right." She was in her natural habitat now, comparing every dark green suit in the store to one of their photos from Ozpin's file. It only took a few minutes for her to pop back out of the racks with a three-piece that looked to be about Qrow's size. "Try it on!"
"Uh…" He eyed it warily, holding it in front of his face.
"We are not spending four thousand lien on something you're only going to wear once," Raven said, glaring at the tag.
She had a point. Tai glanced over Summer's shoulder at the photo on the scroll, searching for another solution. "Y'know, Ozpin's suit is really dark—the uniform jacket and pants would probably work fine if we got a green turtleneck to put under it."
"I was thinking just a scarf for that bit, actually," Summer said, running to the end of the aisle and grabbing one with horrible stringy fringe. "We'll tuck the ends in under the jacket. Cardboard will work for his tie-pin-thing, and then all we need are some glasses."
The bin was right next to Tai, and he started rifling through. "None of these look like Ozpin's."
"Those weird bendy parts on the sides are probably custom. Just grab some small round ones."
He held up a pair he’d seen almost immediately, and Qrow gingerly took them.
"How does he see though them?" he muttered, squinting. "These are tiny."
"They're also only thirty lien 'cause the lens is cracked, but we can take them out back at school."
"What should we get for the Carmine costume?" Tai asked. "I don't think we're going to find a leather apron here. Or for less than fifty thousand lien."
"What? No, I'm wearing the one I didn't finish in time for WeaponsEx!"
"Come on, you can wear it next year. We've gotta match. Nobody will be able to see the detail on it in the dark anyway!" 
"Fine," she sighed, grabbing maybe the ugliest brown dress in existence off the rack behind her. It looked about six sizes too big for her, layered with thick ruffles in multiple shades. "I'll cut patches of the darker lining for the embossing Carmine has around the edges. There should be plenty of fabric."
She just couldn’t do a sewing project halfway. "That's still way more effort than you need to put into this."
"What's WeaponsEx?" Raven asked.
"There's a big weapons convention every summer in Vale. Tons of businesses show off new stuff. Dust companies, arms manufacturers, defense engineers—" he said.
"And there's an entire wing of the hall for comics!"
"You mean recruiting."
"Yeah, same difference. There's costume contests, artists answer questions and sign autographs—"
"And they get a few famous Huntsmen to come too," he finished.
Qrow listened with an intensity usually saved for forging class. "Whoa, cool."
Raven rolled her eyes. "You're drooling."
"Yeah, it's where the SDC unveiled the Guillotine last year." Summer said, still thumbing through the suits. "The easiest way to do Professor Mesánychta's suit would be to splatter-paint stars onto the school uniform, but anything that would show up might not wash out…"
"Flour." Tai pointed out.
"Ooooh! Yeah!" 
Raven frowned. "It'll just fall off."
"Not while you're wearing it! Your aura kinda holds it in place—I speak from experience. We can make her headband out of cardboard too. Lucky so many of the staff wear dark suits."
They brought their things up to the registers, the twins looking much more at ease with their two hundred lien price tag.
"So, where should we eat?" Summer chirped.
"…We're not going back to the school?" Qrow and Raven shared an anxious look.
"Well… we could, but it'd take like two hours to fly there and back," she said. "Besides, don't you want to go somewhere other than the cafeteria?"
"Maybe, uh, we'll just meet up with you again after, then…" Qrow stammered. 
"What? Come on, that'll take ages," Summer said with a wave. "Come with us to Goldenrod's! We go every time we’re in Vale, they have these giant noodle bowls, it's great—”
"We'll meet you there in a half hour," Raven said. "There's a comic store Qrow wanted to look at."
Why were they—oh. They hadn't been worried about the cost of the suit just because it was frivolous. Tai's ears burned with secondhand embarrassment. "Uh, Sum—"
Summer tilted her head. "You know I love comics… Why don't we all go after lunch?"
Qrow straightened up, bracing himself. "Because we don't have any money."
Raven shot him a panicked glare as Summer wilted. "…Oh." She fiddled with her hands for a second before shoving them into the pockets of her hoodie. "Sorry, I…"
"I—I mean, it's been nice looking around with you two—"
"We'll buy today," Tai said quickly. Anything to make the awkward stop.
"You don't have to—" Raven began.
"No, come on, it's team bonding time! We've got you. And next time we come to town we'll just pack a lunch."
* * *
"So, have you ever visited Mistral?" Summer asked, errantly drumming on the table as they waited. "I guess you said you were from southern Anima, that'd be a long trip…"
"It was. We went twice."
Her eyes widened. "Really? What's it like? I don't really remember Anima that well." 
"It's…more dangerous than Vale," he said, glancing out of the window at the end of their booth. "Unless you're rich. We mostly kept our heads down. …What about your home? What's Patch like?"
Summer shrugged. "Not much to say. It's just a little port town on an island outside Vale. Forest on the west side has some Grimm, nothing big enough to be a real threat."
"It's the most boring place in existence," Tai sighed.
"At least you'd have ships to look at," Raven said. "There is nothing on Remnant less interesting than a farm." Everyone stared at her for a half-second, she'd been her usual withdrawn self all day. She flinched at the sudden attention. "…I've always liked boats."
"Me too," Summer admitted. "But, sailing boats. With sails. You know, the old-fashioned windy kind, not the new big loud cargo ships."
Nobody liked the giant—usually Atlesian—monsters that would barge into the harbor at all hours. Tai gestured with his chopsticks. "Ugh, and that one asshole that always runs too close to the north side of the island and wakes everyone up in the middle of the night!"
"Well, hey, why don't we go to the docks after the comic store? We could take pictures and stuff!"
"Because your camera’s broken. Remember?"
"Oh, yeah." Her face fell a little. "Well, we can still look around."
"There's not actually a comic store," Raven admitted. "We were trying to buy time."
Summer reached across the table, taking her hand in both of hers. "Raven. You're not getting out of going to the comic shop with me and Qrow just because you made it all up."
Raven rolled her eyes, the ghost of a real smile playing around her mouth. "Fine."
Next Chapter: Summer—Mission Critical
[Yet another chapter of Qrow is a Nerd. ‘Suave flirt’ is a valid interpretation of the text, it’s just not my interpretation]
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spirit-shroud · 5 years
Clair and Amei for headcanons?
hell yeah…. my babies… here’s the ask meme
this got Lengthy™ so it’s going to live under a read more now. @ people whose read mores dont work, i’m sorry
clair first bc hes older and has been recycled more lmao what they smell like: in his character sheet, it’s specifically noted that he smells like “rubbing alcohol, or cheap perfume, or a hellish mix of both, with neither one offering relief to the nose” which i think is really just his whole character in a nutshell tbh what their favorite smells in the world are: apple cinnamon, honey, fresh bread, and that very specific flower scent that only exists in the floral section of grocery storeswhat pajamas they wear/what they wear to sleep in: clair is always cold and doesnt like leaving the house so his pajamas are like. canonically the most expensive and nice clothes he owns. like. the majority of his clothes are secondhand/thrifted/were given to him as a gift but his pjs are as warm and plush as possible. if he isnt wearing like three blankets’ worth of sherpa and angel fleece he is probably grumpy about it. he also owns at least three(1) onesies, one is a bee suit but like, pajama version, one is an ugly christmas sweater that got out of hand, and the other is probably a toned down fursuit he bought not recognizing that it was in fact a lowkey fursuit. maybe like. a bear or something. his actual fursona would probably be a squirrel or possum but that isn’t the questionmy favorite ship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them: my friends havent gotten in their character sheets for n6 yet and honestly like…. n6 has. No Men i’d want to ship clair with dkhfgjdhfg so he’s shipless for now ™ HOWEVER his taste in dudes is pretty questionable in that his ideal man is roughly the equivalent of howl from HMC. clair is a morosexualmy favorite friendship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them: i think it’d be cool if he was friends w mrs. karan bc i think they’d bond super well over their shared love of children, grandma activities, and soft anarchy. the problem is that they’re both reclusive as hell so they’d like. only talk every once and awhile jhfjfga song that reminds me of them: i just so happen to have a WHOLE SPOTIFY PLAYLIST FOR THIS CLOWN which you can listen to here. yes i will take any opportunity to drop my clair playlist. no i do not have any remorse what animal i think they would be if they were an animal: okay i did not read ahead and realize there was a fursona question but according to several group chats and also me he’s either a squirrel or a possum. maybe a mouse. some sort of small to medium rodent what position they sleep in: left side, supported by roughly 823748234 pillows and stuffed animals, with at minimum 15 pounds of blanketstheir favorite drink: chocolate mocha iced coffee OR hot apple cidera gift i would give them if i could: he deserves……….friemds but if i make all the OCs to give him friends it wouldn’t be a roleplay it’d be a fanfic (or i guess a novel if i removed him from the setting. i could write a novel starring clair i think he’s definitely ridiculous enough. idk what kind of novel it’d be tho)
ok onto AMEI my NEW BOY he is NOT VERY WELL DEVELOPED but that’s OKAY
what they smell like: y’kno the distinct scent of like. makeup? or like what liquid foundation smells like? it’s like that what their favorite smells in the world are: vanilla, campfires, gunpowder, simmering soupwhat pajamas they wear/what they wear to sleep in: if he isn’t passed out in some weird spot in his day clothes, chances are he’s just chillin in his cave wearing a nightgown that’s far too fancy for the west district tbh. it isn’t warm or anything but it is good to like. hide inmy favorite ship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them: what if… he held hands w shion,,, and while they were both in the city at the same time if they got coffee together a lot,,, haha just kidding… unless???my favorite friendship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them: amei is still adjusting to life where everyone is hostile and inhospitably rude so he doesn’t have any friends/allies yet but. One Day™ (his existence would annoy the everloving FUCK out of nezu but what if they HUNG OUT wouldnt that be WILD)a song that reminds me of them: “Promiseland” by MIKA – actually the majority of the insp behind the character :0 what animal i think they would be if they were an animal: probably a canary what position they sleep in: fetal position as wrapped up in their blankets as he can managetheir favorite drink: any sort of hot tea except peppermint!! a gift i would give them if i could: does this count for like. not physical gifts? can i like. give him sanity? a gentle pat on the head so he Understands that he’ll get a redemption arc? that he’ll be ok??? is that allowed??? 
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the-first-date · 5 years
A conversation with Ashley Pecorelli [25/F/Brooklyn]
Madge Maril: So, first things first, tell us a bit about yourself — hobbies, job, dog.
Ashley Pecorelli: Well! I am a queer mental health counselor-in-training (and hope to make mental health resources accessible to LGBTQ adolescents)! Besides REAL hobbies which I definitely have (?) I enjoy watching Property Brothers with my lil dog, Mitski, thinking about the Twilight saga at all times, and using The Sims to cathart. It is way harder than I thought it would be to write something about myself wow.
MM: Real Tinder bio hours.
AP: So my Tinder bio was most recently (I guess still is) a transcript of the ticket girl video, specifically when she says that she called the police station to see if she could serve jail time instead of paying the ticket. It says all you need to know about me.
MM: I'm going to find this video and hyperlink it. Did tinder work for you? I guess "work" being that you are now in love, as I gather.
AP: https://youtu.be/EujUx_82Bxs one step ahead of you. So I guess Tinder did "work" for me! Although honestly I never felt that it was overtly working against me because when I started using it in earnest, I really wasn't looking for something in particular.
MM: Ooo, I've never thought about tinder working against us. Though I definitely think it has for me before. 
AP: I started using it right after I got out of a long, damaging relationship, dated around a bit and had fun and didn't have fun and then found someone who is also With Her (Ticket Girl). How do you feel it worked against you? 
MM: Oh no, you're turning the table!
AP: Oops.
MM: Honestly, I can readily admit that I download tinder A. way too fast after a breakup and B. to get compliments from men. I just swipe and swipe and swipe.
AP: True, it's honestly the ultimate game. Total sensory overload in one sense but in another sense also total sensory deprivation.
MM: Oo yeah. For me it's complete escapism, and I only really responded to people who were treating it the same way. So no good. But — what inspired you to first start looking for something in particular? I.e. what do you think inspired you to really pursue finding someone?
AP: Honestly, I truly did download it way too fast after a breakup, like the same day hahaha. But I guess for me the breakup was more a final escape and the first time I felt any sort of emotional (and sexual, sadly) agency, so once I got out I wanted to start exploring that as quickly as possible. I really didn't know what I wanted until I started seeing people and seeing things I did like and things I didn't — but the truly WILD thing was, even when a person and I truly just were not a good fit, I saw what healthy romance and sex is SUPPOSED to look like and understood that I had previously had no idea what the bare minimum level of being treated like a human is. Which is pretty sad and dark! But was also really exciting, to get crushes or feel NO spark or make out with a woman in a bar or have someone listen to the album you recommended them.
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So all of that, the good and the bad and the platonic and not platonic, was great, in retrospect. But then I met my current partner (lol) and realized that it could be way more than just the bare minimum, and could be something I really didn't think existed. Not just love (because somehow I've never doubted love's existence) but true understanding. 
MM: Damn. Thank you for sharing that. Let's talk about those interactions — the dates. The million dollar question: What do you wear on a first date?
AP: Hell yeah now the JUICY BITS. So on a first date, I typically try to look hot (obviously) but also somehow represent myself to the other person in almost an experimental way. Like I try to put on something I myself would feel really awesome in, and if for whatever reason that's not their idea of hot, fuck them! That's my whole mentality anyway. 
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My favorite first date outfit has been my black vintage T-shirt with two dragons dueling over a castle, knotted up to show a bit of not abs-abs, high-waisted black jersey peg pants (that feel like pajamas), chunky black platform boots, and whatever big weird earrings I bought on my most recent whim. If they don't like the dragon shirt, they ain't shit.
MM: Black jersey peg pants? What are peg pants?
AP: It's actually these very particular pants from ASOS.
MM: WOW these are the pants of dreams.
AP: SO comfortable, SO flattering — basically have the look of something Audrey Hepburn would wear but way more accessible and comfy.
MM: The pockets! The high rise! The cropped cut! I get it. 
AP: SO GOOD right???
MM: Do you think you also factor in what the person you're going on a date with will find hot? Do you take into account their age, gender, all that? 
AP: Oh, totally. Honestly most especially with other women, but people of all genders for sure. I think when I go to pick something out I kind of picture what I know about them (however little) and what their sensibility might be when it comes to style and aesthetics and ~hotness~. I also think the more I have felt unsure about someone or the way things are going, the harder I try to almost make up for it.
MM: Completely agree. Dating women ups the ante.
AP: It totally does! And then I think about her and wonder if she's doing the same thing.
MM: Do you wear perfume or makeup on a first date, too? (Also yes... I mean if we're all thinking it then SHE has to be thinking it, too. Right?)
AP: Yes! I wear whatever my signature scent is — I say this because I always have one, but it evolves every so often. My favorite one for over a year now has been from & Other Stories. Makeup wise, I just try to look like what I would look like on the hotter end of the everyday spectrum. Basically meaning... the addition of foundation and multiple shades of eyeshadow. It's taken me a long time to get to this point, but I've become kind of obstinate in that only I am allowed to be mean and critical to me. I can be as mean to myself as I want but either you like what you see or you don't! (Please like me.) 
MM: And that's reflected in your makeup, you think? More so than the clothing? Drop the & Other Stories fragrance name!! 
AP: Okay so it was Fig Fiction, which was such an amazing beautiful warm awesome scent! They discontinued it though (the last time I found it I bought three bottles). Now I use Sicilian Sunrise, which is pretty similar! 
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I think yes, more reflected in makeup. Simply because I am almost always going to dress in a way that makes me happy (if I've done laundry recently) but I'm not always going to put on makeup, so the makeup should just be closer to what you're gonna see all the time.
MM: Ok, so then the makeup is on. And the T-shirt and peg pants are on. Is it always the chunky black platform boots? Why? Because that's a constant power move IMO.
AP: The chunky black platform boots are truly ideal for many reasons: They're cute, they're sturdy, they subtly make me three inches taller (I need every inch), they'll hold up in rain or snow, and they'll allow me to do some damage to your face if you turn out to be a creep. And (drumroll) I got them on Poshmark for $10.
MM: No!! Do you know the brand?
AP: You're not gonna believe this but H&M. I do not shop at H&M for many reasons and would NEVER buy shoes from there but I took a shot on these because they were secondhand and they've held up impressively well. Almost everything I own was thrifted for financial and sustainability reasons, but these are truly a marvel.
MM: What does that word mean to you, specifically? Sustainability.
AP: Honestly I do not feel qualified to talk about sustainability at all! But to me, it's complicated. I grew up in a lower-class, financially insecure family while most of my friends were wealthy, so my family would either buy clothes secondhand or from a discount store. As a kid, this was really embarrassing to me to not have a closet full of Limited Too or Abercrombie, which obviously feels silly now. I'm still working class and financially insecure, so it's very difficult for me to buy from stores or brands that (at least claim) to ethically produce clothes because they're generally really, really expensive. That's the case for most of this country, including many people who are way worse off than I am. Thrifting is good for me because it allows me to get clothes when I need them at a low cost while also reducing environmental impact, but I don't think it's reasonable to make a judgement call on what any one person "should" be doing in the name of sustainability. Any one person can do whatever is comfortable to them, we can all try within our means! But at the end of the day, the real damage (and real opportunity for impact) is coming from big corporations and the government's actions. I don't think you can truly think about whatever sustainability means if you're getting mad at someone for shopping from a retail chain because it's all they can afford. Okay that was a lot and I have no idea where I was even going with that, sorry! I feel in many ways not educated enough to have feelings about this.
MM: Don't apologize! There's no set definition for the word, it's unique to all of us. And the Limited Too envy was real. 
AP: Omg especially when they had the matching outfits for you and your Build-A-Bear... I wanted it so badly. BIG topic.
MM: I can't believe it's been an hour!! I'll wrap this up so you can get back to your sorbet.
AP: Omg it has, wow!!
MM: Final q: Did your last first date go well?
AP: My last first date ended with plans to watch the Star Wars Holiday Special together. This year we're going to watch the Star Wars Holiday Special together in our new apartment. I'd say it went okay!
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MM: AWW. On that exceedingly wholesome note — thank you for chatting!
AP: Of course! My pleasure! 
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periilune · 5 years
Answer all 200
damn okay you asked for it:
(this was asked a long time ago and its just being posted now bc its 200 fuckin questions f u kars jk love you)
1. What is your middle name?
2. Do you have any nicknames?
Liz, Laur, Lau, Squid, Koala, Rhyne, Babe
3. Do you have any allergies?
Not to my knowledge
4. What is the longest your hair has ever been?
Too long,, like I could sit on it
5. Apple or PC?
6. Favorite flavor?
In general probably some kinda cheese but for sweet stuff is cookie dough
7. Have you ever been on a blind date?
Bold of you to assume I’ve even been on a date (no I haven’t)
8. Are you friends with any of your exes?
2 of them actually!
9. What kind of car do you drive?
I can’t even drive,, but I have a Toyota Avalon waiting for me when I can
10. How grammatically correct are you when you text?
It really depends, I’m very correct when texting adults, decent when texting acquaintances, absolute disaster with good friends
11. What foreign country would you most like to visit and why?
Probs the UK or Italy, the UK bc I have several friends there and its very nice, and Italy for good food and good views
12. Creamy or chunky peanut butter?
Creamy all the way
13. Favorite food to pig out on?
14. DC or Marvel?
15. Disney or Nickelodeon?
God idk,, probably Nickelodeon
16. Do you have any stickers on your laptop computer?
Yes, one from Kiawah Island (very nice place) and a couple random ones
17. Name/author of the last book you read cover to cover. Do you recommend it?
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan, considering that was like my 3rd time reading it yeah I do
18. Do you read any magazines?
19. Coffee or tea?
Not a fan of either, I guess I’d pick coffee
20. What is your go-to Starbucks drink?
Red Velvet Frappucino
21. How many things can do with your weaker hand?
Oh You Know ;) in all honestly not much, I can catch because I used to play softball
22. Last show you binge watched?
Currently binge watching My Hero Academia!
23. Dogs or cats?
24. Favorite Disney princess?
Mulan or Moana I think
25. Do you like fast food?
Generally yeah
26. Favorite thing to cook for yourself?
Pasta and some type of garlic or cheesy or toasted bread
27. Favorite song to sing in the shower?
Currently Morning in America by John Bellion
28. Have you ever butt dialed anyone?
I don’t think so
29. iPhone/iPad or Android?
30. Any styles of music you do not like?
Most country tbh, excluding John Denver n Carrie Underwood they’re both great
31. Have you ever kissed anyone of the same gender? If so, did you like it?
Not quite, but pretty close. We were dating so I’d say I liked it
32. Have you ever gotten a ticket while driving?
I can’t drive so no!
33. Favorite emoji?
💖 or 🍒 I think
34. Showers or baths?
Showers for convenience, but the occasional bath is nice to relax
35. Is there anything you regret buying?
Some clothes I have I don’t like, my fake airpods that don’t work
36. Are you fluent in more than one language?
Not yet, but I’m learning Spanish!
37. Any movie(s) you can watch over and over again and enjoy just as much every time?
Black Panther, The Last Unicorn, any of The Lord of the Rings trilogy
38. What is the heaviest you have ever weighed?
Around 155-160 pounds
39. Do you have any tattoos? If so, how many and where?
Not yet
40. Have you ever uttered a spoken hashtag?
41. Favorite school subject?
I used to love English but not so much anymore, right now in in Psychology and its really cool tbh
42. Favorite non-chocolate candy?
Fuckin uh,, airheads are pretty good
43. Name one celebrity you dislike.
Johnny Depp is a shitty abuser.
44. If you could have one superpower, which one would you most like to have?
Telekinesis I think
45. From 1-10, rate your singing ability.
46. From 1-10, rate your dancing ability.
47. From 1-10, rate your cooking ability.
48. From 1-10, rate your driving ability.
49. Are you religious?
I’m really not sure, I was raised religious but I’m questioning a lot atm
50. Do you drink soda? If so, which one is your favorite?
Yep, I like Cherry Coke
51. Have you ever locked your keys in your car?
No, but I’ve been with someone who has
52. Spring or autumn?
53. Do you play any sports?
Not now, but I’ve played soccer, softball, and basketball in the past
54. Can you play any musical instruments?
55. Are you more introverted or extroverted?
56. How easily do you cry?
My dude,, so easily
57. Last musical artist you saw live?
My Lord and Savior Avi Kaplan
58. Favorite YouTube channel?
Not 2 be That person but I genuinely like Markiplier tbh
59. Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Wars
60. How long have you known your best friend?
Well 1 of them funnily enough our moms knew each other when he was a baby and I was unborn, but we really met in 6th grade. My other best friend I met  about 3 years ago :)
61. Have you ever voted for a reality show?
I think so
62. Last CD you bought? uhhhhh maybe a pentatonix cd dunno which one 
63. Have you ever ended a romantic relationship?
Nope I’m the one who gets dumped 
64. Have you ever been broken up with? See above (3 times) 
65. Have you ever been in the audience for the taping of a TV show? Nah 
66. How long was your longest relationship? Are you still with that person?
A year and 3 months currently, and yes
67. Have you seen any Broadway plays or musicals?
68. Have you ever acted in a play or a musical?
Yes! I’ve been in The Wizard of Oz (twice!), Little Shop of Horrors, Seussical the Musical, and the Little Mermaid 
69. How flexible are you?
Not very 
70. Have you ever sexted? Yes…  
71. Do you own any clothes from garage sales or thrift stores?
72. Real or fake Christmas trees?
We’ve had a fake one my whole life, but I’d like to have a real one some day
73. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2-3 
74. How well can you write in cursive?
Not great, but I can get the job done 
75. What is your political affiliation?
Not officially affiliated, but rather left 
76. Do you like any boy bands?
The Backstreet Boys duh
77. Have you ever broken any bones?
Just a couple small ones in my toe 
78. Have you ever gotten any stitches?
79. Do you have any piercings in places other than your ears?
Not yet
80. What is the oldest piece of clothing you still wear and how old is it? One of my favorite pairs of shorts is pretty old 
81.Do you like wearing hats?
Depends on the hat, I have a handful of baseball caps I like 
82. Have you ever dyed your hair?
At one point I had the tips dyed purple, but now I regularly dye it to make it slightly lighter and redder 
83. From 1-10, how competitive are you?
Like 8 probably, I’m not very athletic but I’m competitive about other things   
84. How long have you been at your current job?
Since November 2017   
85. Have you ever studied abroad?
86. Phrase you say the most?
87. Have you ever quit a job?
88. Have you ever gotten fired from a job?
89. Have you ever won a trophy? If so, what for?
Yes! For cheerleading competitions, 3rd place in making a video for a club, in a soccer tournament, and probably some others idk 
90. Have you ever been a Boy/Girl Scout?
I was a girl scout but that was a while ago 
91. Last thing that made you laugh?
Uhh last night some dumb meme my boyfriend showed me
92. Do you eat meat?
93. Are you more of a morning or a night person?
Night person, but I’m also old so it’s hard to stay up late
94. Worst habit?
Chewing fingernails, isolating myself from people when I’m sad
95. Deepest fear?
Uhhh that everyone who says they care about me is actually lying and talking about me behind my back
96. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yeah pretty much
97. If you could take home any animal from the zoo, what animal would you take?
An otter! I love them
98. Do you consider rapping singing?
I wouldn’t say it’s singing bc its different, but it’s certainly an art form and it has every place in the music industry
99. Favorite costume you wore for Halloween? How old were you?
When i was a ninja that was sick, i was probably 12-13
100. Favorite store to shop at?
For clothes? Maybe Plato’s Closet (nice secondhand place) but I also do a lot of online shopping
101. Have you ever given anyone CPR?
102. Favorite Pokémon?
Cresselia is dope but also Eevee
103. Do you own any homemade clothing?
104. Do you drink alcohol at all? If so, what is your drink of choice?
I’ve drunk once, vodka mixed with Hawaiian punch and it was p good
105. Have you ever skinny dipped?
No i’m fat
106. Favorite type of cookie?
Warm chocolate chunk
107. Favorite flavor of ice cream?
Oreo or chocolate chip cookie dough. The best thing i’ve ever had was a red velvet oreo milkshake tho
108. Biggest pet peeve?
When people interrupt or ignore me
109. Are you still friends with anyone from high school?
I mean I just graduated so yes
110. Favorite literary character?
Oohhhh, maybe Sam from LoTR? He was the realest friend ever
111. Are your birth parents still together?
112. Do you wear or have your ever worn glasses?
Nope, 20/20 babeyyyy
113. How many of your Facebook friends do you actually hang out with?
Like 6, one of those being my mom lol
114. Have you ever been the victim of a prank?
Not that I can remember
115. Do you belong to a fraternity or a sorority?
116. Have you ever taken a nude selfie?
117. Are you adopted?
118. Favorite fandom?
Ugh fandoms r gross, maybe the rwby fandom? 
119. Oldest memory?
Trying to strangle myself at pre-school aged 4 lmaoooo
120. Have you ever snorted when you laughed?
A couple times
121. Can you drive stick?
Can’t drive at all!
122. Favorite Disney song?
How Far I’ll Go, or maybe Go The Distance
123. Random boy’s name.
124. Random girls’ name.
125. How often do you eat out at a nice restaurant?
Once a month? Not often, I’ve done it twice in 3 days recently tho bc it was my birthday
126. How many people are in your nuclear family?
3, me and my parents
127. What accent do you consider the most attractive?
Gosh, not to be basic but probably British, although I don’t really know many others
128. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type?
INFP i think? Maybe INFJ
129. What is your astrological sign?
Leo! (capricorn moon and cancer rising)
130. Biggest regret?
Trying to make someone care again who had no intention of doing so
131. What type of shoes do you wear the most?
My checkered vans, I swear I wore them every day of senior year
132. Do you like any soap operas?
133. Do you listen to talk radio?
Not often
134. What sports team(s) do you root for?
SF Giants, Carolina Panthers, Charlotte Hornets, Duke, Kentucky
135. Describe your sense of humor.
Ridiculously stupid, inside jokes
136. Have you ever been hit on by someone of the same gender?
Yeah, my ex-girlfriend lmao
137. Favorite video game?
138. Name a moment in your life when you were pleasantly surprised.
When i got a mf perfect score on my ACT
139. Do you believe in serendipity?
I had to look that up but I guess so
140. Have you ever left a movie theater before the movie was done?
I don’t think so, one time the movie malfunctioned and cut off like an hour in and we had to leave
141. Have you ever felt you were born in the wrong period of history?
Nah, everything has always sucked, but now is somewhat less sucky than before bc we have the internet
142. Is sex before marriage wrong?
143. Have you ever gotten a song you dislike stuck in your head?
Yes omg, fuckin Girls Like You, fuck you Adam Levine
144. Can you handle spicy food?
Only slightly spicy
145. Have you ever called a non-lover a term such as darling, honey, babe, or dear?
I call my friend Ryker babe all the time, and call most of my friends “love”
146. Do you like MTV?
Nah not really
147. Where on your body are you the most ticklish?
Probably ribs area
148. TV show or movie you quote/reference the most?
The Princess Bride is so quotable, so maybe that idk, I quote memes more than anything
149. Have you ever lived with a roommate you didn’t get along with?
Can I say my parents? I’ve never lived not in my house, but I’m about to go to college and I hope I like my roommate
150. Where do you think is the best place to meet a new lover?
Either school or through mutual friends?
151. Have you ever successfully been on a diet?
I mean I’ve lost weight but it wasn’t a diet, just not eating lol
152. Favorite thing to do outside?
Have a photoshoot, jk I love looking at flowers, also swimming is good
153. Where did you go on your last vacation?
Kiawah Island, for grad week
154. Do you say “y'all” at all?
Yes, I live in the south and started using it ironically but now I can’t stop
155. Have you ever lived on a farm?
156. Do you believe in evolution?
There’s scientific evidence for it, so yes
157. What TV channel do you watch the most?
Honestly HGTV those houses are awesome
158. Favorite Beatles song?
Hmmmm, Maybe A Day In The Life or Eleanor Rigby, I Am The Walrus is always good too ngl
159. Have you ever been on TV?
On like the local channels for school awards and such
160. Have you ever been to Disney World or Disneyland?
I went to Disneyland last summer!
161. Do you like horror movies?
Not really, I’m a pussy
162. Do you like to go fishing?
163. Have you ever been hunting?
164. Do you take medication for anything?
Yes, for ye olde depression
165. Name one item from your bucket list.
Get a novel published
166. From 1-10, how much do you like children?
3 maybe, they’re kinda annoying
167. Have you ever thought about your wedding?
Yes, but my ideas have changed over time
168. Have you ever been bungee jumping or skydiving?
No, but I’d like to
169. Favorite flower?
Hmmm Sunflowers? or Snapdragons, or the pink magnolias
170. Do you collect anything?
Enamel pins, and rwby blind box figurines (it’s not an addiction I swear)
171. Who was the last person you told a lie to?
My mom probably
172. Have you ever been a bridesmaid or a groomsman?
173. Have you ever had a fortune cookie fortune come true?
Not that I know of
174. What was your favorite toy to play with when you were a child?
Hmmmm I had this little Narnia figurine set that I loved, also a bunch of littlest pet shop toys
175. How good are you at math?
Pretty good, I took AP Calculus in high school and got an A, doesn’t mean I liked it
176. Have you ever learned anything from a how-to YouTube video?
Not that I can think of right now
177. Have you ever participated in a science fair?
Yes, it was required in 6th grade
178. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender?
Womanhood is difficult and I often wish I did not have to bear it, but I’ve made peace with it
179. Have you ever participated in a public protest?
No, I’m scared
180. Do you have a pool at your house?
181. Have you ever hosted a wild party?
No lol, the wildest was probably my birthday party when we all got high and then had a 1 am McDonalds run because munchies
182. Do you like karaoke?
Not really
183. Have you ever written a love letter?
Kind of yes, I’m rather sappy
184. Have you ever ran a marathon?
God no, I’ve done a lot of 5Ks though
185. How often do you get mad at yourself?
So much, I suck
186. Any guilty pleasures?
Probably shitty old Warrior Cats AMVs, those are great when you’re bored and need to remember your roots
187. Fruits or vegetables?
Vegetables solely because potatoes fuckin slap
188. Do you live in a house or an apartment?
In a house, but I’m about to move into a dorm
189. The countryside or the suburbs?
Suburbs, I’ve lived in them my whole life, also listen to Subdivisions by Rush it’s great
190. Worst job you’ve ever had?
I’ve only had 1 job so I guess working at Chick-fil-A
191. Do you hang out with any of your co-workers?
Yes, one of them was my friend from school as well so I hang out with her regularly
192. Were you ever voted homecoming/prom king or queen?
Nope, but my good friends were prom king and queen!
193. Were you voted a “best” or “most likely to” in high school?
No, but I was “Most Likely To Be President - Girl” in elementary school so take that
194. Have you ever gotten detention?
No I’m a good kid
195. Have you ever babysat?
Yes, we watched disney movies and played dress-up
196. Have you ever taken a road trip just for the fun of it?
Nah, but I’d like to
197. How many drinks get you tipsy?
Idk, I was a little funny after 2 vodka spiked punches so
198. Were you a part of any academic clubs in high school or college?
Certainly yes, Technology Student Association, Beta club, Book club
199. Have you ever given a public speech, aside from your schooling?
I did the sermon one Sunday at church, but I’m not a big fan of public speaking
200. How long have you been on tumblr?
5 years in november! (God thats awful)
@officieel i did it bastard
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babbushka · 5 years
hey!! i just wanted to say that i love love love your style. where do you shop & how’d you figure out what you like??
Tumblr media
Gosh, me? :) This is so kind, thank you! My answer got strangely dark/depressing so I’m going to put it under a cut lol
Because I’m a bigger gal, shopping can be very very frustrating for me since the options are soo limited for “””plus size””” people. I shop primarily at thrift stores! I’m a very big advocate for repurposing clothing and shopping secondhand because I think the fast fashion world has a lot of problems in terms of ethics and sustainability. 
However, I’m not by any means against shopping from retailers, and when I can’t find anything at thrift or consignment stores, I absolutely adore Old Navy’s dresses, it’s where all of my dresses have come from! Some really good online retailers are places like Eloquii and Modcloth, although they can be very expensive so I don’t shop there unless I have a coupon. 
As for figuring out what I liked, that was kind of a long road of discovery. I used to be really emo/scene when I was a young teenager, so I would wear you know like, metal band tees and ripped jeans with fishnets and that whole thing. And then mental health issues hit me very hard and I didn’t care at all about what I wore. I didn’t really care about anything to be honest :/
I think I wore hoodies and sweatpants almost every day for 2 years. A lot of my body dysmorphia kicked in from eating disorder related traumas, and I had absolutely no desire to really show my body or really even acknowledge that I had one (honestly sometimes I still don’t). Between that and there being SO few options, (I’ve had many meltdowns in fitting rooms lol) it just was a lot easier to completely hide myself and my figure behind huge ugly bland clothes, than it was to try and go shopping for cute things. 
And then randomly, like 2 years ago or so, I got the urge to start dressing nicely, as sort of a coping mechanism I guess? I was starting grad school, and I thought to myself, “I need to be taken seriously by these people because they could be my future work colleagues.” So I started taking care in my appearance again, and while I still struggle (pretty much daily) with body issues and the dysmorphia hasn’t ever really gone away, I’ve started making an effort to be put together and to present myself the way that I wanted to be presented, you know?
Which was very very scary, because for the first time in years I had to consider things like what my personal style is. How do I actually go about presenting myself the way I envision in my head? So like, in terms of looking for styles I liked, or trying to get inspired by clothing, I turned to movies :) Looking at what the people in my favorite films were wearing, thinking about the trends I liked most during different eras -- and I always sort of kept coming back to the 70s. 
The internet is such a wonderful place for research and I would search up like, 70s dress patterns, or 70s street style, or mundane things like 70s eyeglasses trends -- and there would be thousands of images that I could use as reference or inspiration!
YouTube and Instagram are huge sources of inspiration for me -- especially because now we have such an influx of plus sized people who post hauls and lookbooks and style videos! Seeing them showcase their outfits gave me ideas for what I could do with mine (and also what I didn’t like, which I think is just as important!), and opened my eyes to stores I never would have tried before, places like Modcloth or UniqueVintage. 
I also love looking through my family’s old photo albums and seeing the sort of clothing that my grandma was wearing, my great grandma, my great-great grandma. Pulling inspiration from there is huge for me, which is probably why I get so many comments and messages saying I look like an old person (but I love looking like an old person lol). 
I think it’s such a personal thing, you know? What’s that one quote, fashion is fleeting but style is forever? I worry less about what is trendy and more about things that I genuinely like to look at, like to be in. Colors and patterns that I think are fun, styles and outfits that are comfortable and that compliment my body and that i think i look nice in. I don’t dress to please anyone but myself now, and that’s such a liberating feeling. 
Do I have days where I hate the way I look and want to burn all my clothes and cry in front of the mirror because I’m confronted with the harsh reality of living in a broken body with a broken brain? Yeah. But I also have days where I just feel so fucking cute in my little plaid ruffle dress and my hairscarf and my earrings and then it’s all okay. 
So if I had any advice to give, not that you really asked for any, I’d say look at the clothing in films you love, browse different tags on instagram, search for lookbooks on youtube. There’s tons of inspiration to be found out there, don’t be afraid to go looking for it
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riskeith · 4 years
HIIIIIII!!!!! omg!! it is i feel like i just sent my message minutes ago hehe, i’m so happy!
she is always cute you’re right!! honestly if i had to pick a fave character it would be her i love paimon soo much. her dialogue is always so entertaining. we don’t know anything about her we just saved her from drowning and she devoted her life to us. what a great gal. fun fact, i have the wolf’s gravestone sword on my original acc and all i need is diluc to have the most powerful dps.. can you imagine 😳
OH RIGHT omg.. tiny buzz haired cluna how could i forget. damn i guess you’ll have to take mine then 😔 rip. but i’m not complaining at All. does depop exist in aus? it’s a buy/sell thrift store app that has amazing things. if you don’t have any thrift store or secondhand stores i imagine that depop would work great. aside from being environmentally conscious there’s also a great amount of interesting looking clothes hehe. damn this sounds like a sponsorship hshskshsk. anyway check it out! YOU DID? but dark academia is like... slow songs bass boosted? AND OFC I HAVE and now that you mention it i can see that, those truly were academia vibes. (shskdhsk my school is very posh in that sense so i guess i just applied that to my own personal style)
it must be so annoying, like can you even eat those days after getting it? omg you should!! an ear full of piercings is a look tbh. especially since you have short hair too. I DO HAVE TATTOOS one on each wrist. i’ll show you some day i promise.. heh.. ;) i can give you hints of what they are; there’s a pokémon game called ___ and ____, guess! and yeah hopefully i’m getting one soon, i want to get a quote but i’m not sure what yet. that’s a very valid concern like you get to spend the rest of your life with your tattoos and it should be something you enjoy looking at and feel happy with jdjdkd.
there’s more than the two ruin guards? like i know there’s the guard and the other type i can’t remember... is there more? fuck... and yeah!! or making vines grow to captivate the enemy? or something like that? pretty cool.
BUBBLE TEA IS MY FAVORITE DRINK (even more than tea and coffee) i’m soooo obsessed with it cluna you have no idea. we don’t have a lot, literally one in the whole city, and they don’t make them that well but i’m still obsessed. have you ever tried coconut milk flavor? that’s my favorite aside from the basic tea one. wbu?
oooh! that’s valid! makeup is very time and money consuming to say the least. some brands literally want a limb for a lipstick so. and it’s easy to get obsessed and to want to spend more and more money to get products yikes. and yeah i do wear makeup when i leave the house. i used to have a lot of fun with it when i first started out but now i can’t bother to ‘explore’ anymore. i just do my basic routine and go on with my day. i have considered not using it as much bc i don’t find it fun anymore tbh. :// i just hate being so dependent on it, yk?
(AAAH??!! OK oh my gosh...... will do. god why did my heart just start racing i’m so nervous yet excited eee.)
oh, hopefully i get to hear from you again! biggest mwaaaah from yours truly <3
ikr what is happening today.. we’re just rapid firing back and forth ahaha
wow paimon the real mvp.. YOU HAVE WOLF GRAVESTONE ON YOUR OTHER ACC??? omg your luck.... i can imagine!! manifesting for u hfskjfd 
oh it does apparently... but that requires meeting up w people if you don’t wanna pay postage yeah? that shit makes me so mf anxious hhhhhhhhhhhhh. HAAHAHAH could you get me a sponsorship too 🤪 it is slow songs bass boosted???? i thought... im trynna think back now and i cannot remember.. i guess the vibes were too immaculate for me to care hfsdhkjs. i also tried to put in some hp vibes and i would’ve made it a hp au if not for the fact i know nothing about lore and shit.. (i lowkey want bakugou to be in ravenclaw which i know is very not normal sorting hfksjdhfksd. but could you imagine?) ((ooooooh fancy!! must be nice walking around and seeing everyone dressed up ahaha))
AREN’T ALL POKEMON GAMES ___ AND ____ FHSDKJHSKDFJS (i used X and Y as placeholders first and then realised.. isn’t taht literally a game too) but im guessing sword and shield!! wait did you use that just to give a hint or did you actually get it for the pokemon game hfksjdf. oooo a quote! bringing it back to roa AGAIN the author has said people have gotten The quote from the fic tattooed and honestly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i get it.
dragonspine has a new one!! idk if you’ve run into it yet? and the other one is called the ruin hunter lolol i. >:( angery at that one
:o!!!!!! rip omg..... never thought that i should be grateful for the 87583459 new boba shops popping up every other week. and ripppp no that sucks! i hope you get to try some real good ones some day!! and i’m sure i have.. i really like coconut! and i do like bubble tea but only the tea and not really the bubble? FDJHFKJSHFKDSJHS like they always put too many pearls for my liking and i can never finish them yikes...
yeah that really sucks :((( the beauty industry is a shithole LMAO (omg lmao beauty influencer youtube... the drama and apology videos fhks). hoping you find a happy balance with it/are able to become more independent from it soon!! <33
(FHJFHDSKJ im so excited too....... !!!!!!!) 
hugssssss!!! 🥰🥰🥰
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smartshopperteam · 8 years
What We Wore To The Women's March On Washington
SAVE ON WEDDING & PROM DRESSES at http://ift.tt/23SccX9 Where Smart Shoppers Shop!
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Today’s Women’s March on Washington was one of the largest demonstrations in American history (and we’re not even counting all the people who attended the sister marches in other cities all over the world). The sheer size of the march makes sense when you consider that its main mission — to promote and defend women’s rights — speaks to America’s single largest “minority” group. Women make up 51% of the American population, and a large part of the fight means showing those in power that this constituency and its needs will be impossible to ignore. It makes sense, then, that we dressed to be seen.
We wore pantsuits and Pussyhats and clear backpacks and puffer coats. We wore saris and hijabs and wigs and weaves. Some of us wore what we wear every day, and some of us wore our nicest things out, but all of us came with the intention to be recognized for our womanhood. The people who attended represent the wide cross-section of the myriad backgrounds, cultures, and ideologies, and the things we picked to wear showcase that variety.
Ahead, we’re showing the women who joined us (and you! and her!) at the march today, and the outfits they chose for it.
Raquel Willis
“I wanted to wear something that was unabashedly feminine, but also powerful. Something that shows that I’m okay being cute, but I will still kick your ass.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Lindsay Arakawa
“I just feel powerful in these clothes in general. This tee is an Alpha Female tee from @SparkleDiva69, and some big pants. My hat is from Korea.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“My jean jacket is from a thrift store in San Francisco with some pins I got at Refinery29.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Jeni Tanner Jordan
“A friend of mine who is the head escort at one of the independent abortion clinics in Montgomery, Alabama made these earrings. She couldn’t be here, and she wanted me to wear them for her. And my pussy hat; no march is complete without it. My friend made it for me, too — she couldn’t make the trip, either, so that was her way to contribute and be a part of it. I’m a secular feminist who’s disabled in the South. I feel like if people see me, and they see I’m outspoken, they might think they don’t have to be ashamed or afraid.
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“I’m the legislative liaison for The Greater Birmingham National Organization for Women; I served as president the two previous years. Trump got elected, and our first meeting after was full of people who wanted to make a difference, who were ready to take action now, and I think that’s what’s important. This is the first time since Trump won the electoral college that I have felt hope. Coming here and seeing all these pink pussy hats — I know we’re all going to go back and take action and things are going to start changing, because we see right now just how terrible it is.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Annie Rose
“Oh, this old thing? This was painted on me lovingly by my friend. It says, My fierce, powerful body. My choice.’ I just feel really passionate about not struggling for simply hanging out. We’re fighting for more than just equality. We’re fighting for liberation for all people. I feel beautiful, magical, and strong.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Aurora James
“I’ve had this sweater for a long time, and it says ‘Panther Power’ on it. What I’m wearing actually was my last thought! I’m here because I think it’s so important that we all get out and stand up for what we believe in. We’ve been a little bit of a passive society, and I think we need to actually motivate ourselves to go and support what needs supporting.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“I designed my purse — it’s Brother Vellies. I think it’s important to carry and wear things I felt my most comfortable in.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Aurora Linnea and Crystal Dyer
“We’re in mourning clothing.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Aurora Linnea
“I really want to be in solidarity with women in this moment. I feel like there are so many threats to all people with this administration, but the threats to women in particular are very real and very harrowing. And I just want to be women right now and feel good about it.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Crystal Dyer
“I’m really inspired by older feminists. I wanted my veil to reference nuns and sisters — my hat is Masonic. On so many levels I’m upset by Trump’s presidency. Like, racially, even economically — I’m pretty much against him in every way.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Betsy Fiory-McCoy
“I’m wearing pink because we think Trump needs to understand that a ‘pussy’ is only intended to be a small cat or a term of love between people who like each other. It’s not something to be grabbed on women he’s never met before.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Paloma Elsesser
“I wanted to look like I’m a SWAT, because I’m here to fight. I’m ready and braced for that.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Marion Zaniello
“I have a business named Marz Denim, and I make painted jeans. This is a Martin Luther King, Jr. quote on front: ‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.’ The back has a Rupi Kaur quote, who’s a more contemporary female poet. It says, ‘We all move forward when we recognize how resilient and striking the women around us are.’”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“These are the robes of the Buddha that we wear in our particular tradition. They help us uphold our vows, keep us strong in terms of our being committed to social justice. Our practice is for the benefit of all beings. That includes women, doesn’t it?”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Adama Sow
“I’m from Dakar, Senegal, and I’m American. I got these overalls from a vintage store in Amsterdam, and everything else was my mom’s.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“I’m here because I couldn’t not be here. Everything else just didn’t feel like it was worth my energy. This is where I want to be, and this is where I need to be.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Amy Hood
“We wanted to represent red, white, blue, and pink — so this femme-patriotic. This is how we dress every day. Everyone thinks we’re wearing a costume, but this is what we wear.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Pussyhat Project caps in action.
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Rachael Wang
“I’m wearing a lot of vintage today, but I had to wear a beret just to throw it back and pay homage to all the movements that have come before us. I’ve got a really good Marilyn Minter button on my beret. It says, ‘Don’t fuck with us, don’t fuck without us.’”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Siobhan Buckley and Jadyn Kist
“We went to the mall yesterday and we wanted to get anything pink there was. It’s a feminist color. We had talked to Code Pink before, and then I was working for The Feminist Majority Foundation, and both use pink.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Nora Mahmoud
“I’m wearing purple for the suffragettes, because that’s the color that they used to wear. And I’m wearing a leather jacket because they’re badass. My purple hijab says freedom and power to me — freedom to determine how others see me, and how I move through the world. We’re here to march and to support everyone who is oppressed and who don’t feel safe, because everyone deserves to feel safe in this country.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Halle Bryant
“I’m wearing this shirt, which I got from my grandma. I’m Native, and it says, ‘Homeland Security, Fighting Against Terrorism since 1492.’ And it has a picture of a bunch of renowned chiefs.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“I wanted something with red, white, and blue. And then, my Black Flag shirt for reasons that are obvious. This hat is a Beyoncé lyric. I wanted to be protected — to be warm, safe from pepper spray, and ready to fight. Yeah — fuck this. There are so many reasons to be here.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“Donald Trump tries to fight Muslims, and Mexicans, people of all colors and religions. I’m here to support each person that comes here for this rally. The sign says ‘No racism, no hate. Yes for love and peace’ to show that that’s our religion and Islam is peace.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Harriet Sokmensuer
“All my clothes are secondhand, so it’s just kind of roll with the punches. I usually stick with black, because it’s easy — and that’s pretty empowering. This is my most comfortable, badass outfit — it’s vintage Levi’s, my oldest Vans, a comfortable leather jacket, and this little clutch.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“My back patch is made from a pillowcase.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Danielle Jackson
“This is very warm — I can layer it up.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“The coat has deep pockets, and I have a fanny pack. You want to be hands-free out here! You want to be able to shout and cheer.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Collette Williams
“My hair shrinks in this kind of weather, so I decided to just tie it. Also, too, I grabbed it should it get risky, and they start firing off the smoky stuff. It’s good to have something to cover your face. It’s [my daughter’s] generation, and her children, if they come after. We hope that this is something they won’t have to do. But if they have to, their mother’s prepared.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“I don’t own pants, and I thought it’d be cold!
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Val Norman
“We gotta make it known that the Blackness and your natural heritage is a beautiful thing, instead of just only white things being beautiful.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Alicia Smith
“I think I feel like my most true self. My hair wrap is activism. I’m trying to brush off stereotypes and what people expect me to be.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Julia Arnsten
“Doctors tend to be listened to, and we have a lot of things to say. We want to take care of everybody — health care is a human right. We believe in the Affordable Care Act.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Dawn Goldworm
“These jackets came partly embellished, and then we added it onto it. We wanted to do a sort of revolutionary military thing, but soften it with love and happiness.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Dawn Goldworm and Katrina Blandino
“We’re matching on purpose! We’re best friends. I think, in a way, all the women here match. They’re trying to divide us, and we have to come together, because we’re all the same.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Nadya Rockefeller
“We wanted to honor all the famous suffrage acts.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Karin Tanabe
“We both attended Vassar College, and Vassar has a history of supporting women’s rights. We wanted to honor that.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Cora Cofield
“I’ve been wearing this shirt at work a lot, because I feel like I’m surrounded by a lot of men. It makes a statement all day long. In my opinion, this is assertiveness — I take a stand.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“I’m an electrician, so I wear pants all the time. So on Saturdays, I wear a dress.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Zarah Soria, Brittany Carmon, Alicia Castro, and Hazel Diaz
“We weren’t originally dressed like this, and then we saw a vendor with Black Lives Matter hoodies that had the names of all the victims. We were like ‘That is dope, and we need to wear that.’”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Hazel Diaz
“We wanted to make sure women of color were represented here in the march today. Our sign says ‘Not Whores, Not Saints, Just Women,’ in Spanish. My 11- and 9-year-old made this for us. We want to make sure that people understand that women aren’t here to battle each other and compete with each other to the top. Empowering each other is like essential. Like, we do that in our friendships and our relationships with each other, and we show that to our children and our family members, and in our community. We definitely wanted to make sure that there was something that represented the work that we all do together.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“My clothes don’t symbolize anything. I just wanted to be comfortable. I’m protesting Trump. He’s a menace. When George Bush was elected, we didn’t like it, but we didn’t take to the streets like this. This is trouble. People don’t realize it. He’s duped a lot of people.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Solange Franklin Reed
“Turtlenecks reference Black Panthers. I’m here for intersectional feminism, environmental justice, to be an ally for non-heteronormative and non-racist, and non-homophobic values.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Rachel Manning
“They were giving out Bing Bang pins, so I put them on my hat. I also got a bunch of pins from my grandmother and my mother that I wanted to wear.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“I also wore all pink, because obviously.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
Irisa, Patty Patton, Marie Antoinette, Samy, Kareema, Lorenzo
“Pink represents women, and is synonymous with women. We just wanted something that spoke to power, unity, and something that would represent a collective whole — so we wore berets. The black leather jackets are just a necessity, because it’s cold! We match because that’s strength. We’re all family and we wanted to unite for this cause.”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
“I trained my kids to be activists since they were knee-high. My first protest was in New York. I was a transit advocate. I was called ‘The Mad Lady of the A Train.’”
Photographed by Michelle Groskopf
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from What We Wore To The Women's March On Washington
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