#i love him and his yee yee ass haircut
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I have been having the worst of times but the idea of this boy having long flowy hair actually gave me enough motivation to draw something properly (colour etc) for the first time in a while so here he is!!!!
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blackghostm2o · 1 month
I’ve just watched the 2004 poto: (obviously spoilers)
I thought it was worse, ngl. I did really enjoy it (did not cry just because I’ve seen the ALW musical before)
There are some things they added that I really liked: for example the sword fight (in the 25th anniversary the 3 of them are singing and in the Book Raoul faints after seeing Erik inside the mausoleum [is that it’s English name???]). Also the trap with water was a nice touch, not like the “mermaid” (sirena in Italian, idk if it has a different name in English) but a lil nod to Erik having a shit ton of trapdoors and traps. Also that lil “game” of cat and mouse with Jason Bouquet (was this his name?), a bit hilarious, ngl.
It took me a bit to enjoy Gerald’s singing, he wasn’t bad, he did a good job considering that it’s not his main thing, but I admit that I was spoiled by Ramin’s singing in the 25th anniversary.
There are some things that I’ve preferred in the 25th: like THAT CRAWLING SCENE when he’s first unmasked, my goodness! Or how the Phantom acted more with his body (maybe it has more do to with the difference between movie and play? Idk). The play of Don Juan And the singing, obviously (also the “SING FOR ME” part).
One thing that I’ve absolutely hated was the deformity… C’mon man… It was pretty tame, they were pussies about it :(
Ayo, the open shirt ,’:) that was just fan-service (not completely complaining tho)
They gave a yee yee ass haircut to Raoul, poor mf (didn’t mind him, tho)
Tho the most important thing is that I watched the movie with a friend of mine, this was her introduction to The Phantom of the Opera (like many others) and SHE HAS PUT THE NOVEL ON HER READING LIST!!!! SHE ENJOYED THE MOVIE SM THAT WANTS TO READ THE BOOK, I HOPE SHE DOES. I love dragging people into my brainrots. She loved Christine and was torn between Erik (or in this case, The Phantom) and Raoul :D
Now the whole monkey thing is much clearer.
Edit: La Carlotta has a horrible accent… My goodness I hope I don’t sound like that while speaking English -_-
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rosypenguins · 2 months
insane henry theory anon is back yeah about Liam i never really like had that much theory energy put into him but seriously it fits too. Like, ALSO FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE (i kin all the dromies.) like sometimes you literally get bullied into making yourself as sexual as possible to fit in with every one else (and in the end, i got slutshamed despite only hopping on the bandwagon for one year...?). Like, how could a scene kid go from friendly (see : jake flashback to freshman year) to like a horned up milf lover? I mean I'm not saying scene kids cant be horned up milf lovers i mean im scene i love milfs too but what im saying is he went from "Hi! I'm Liam, and this is Henry! He likes anime dating games >:3" to "𝓘 𝓰𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓼𝓱𝓮'𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓬𝓪𝓷'𝓽 𝓫𝓮 𝓽𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓭…". He literally went from regular kid to stereotypical fuck boy. He even got a YEE YEE ASS HAIRCUT anyway ya thats it
Damn bro, Henry and Liam being amalgamations of what they were bullied for goes fucking crazy. But that’s so sad tho😭
Love taking characters with little to no hints of angsts and shoving a bunch of it in their face lol.
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yawnderu · 6 months
Fun fact: my bf no longer allows me to watch him play RE games because I barked at Chris Redfield one (1) time while observing his playthrough.
Fun fact x2: this will not stop me. I have secured my own copy of Village through eBay.
(There are so many vile things I would let that man do to me and I would happily go into great detail about it, but the world is not ready to know me like that)
Totally understandable, I start barking loud whenever this fine ass man comes on screen. I love his stupid yee yee ass haircut SLNFKRJR
Do go into detail, I'm always ovulating the moment I open Tumblr. JWODJEK
Talking about Chris Redfield, I bet he has awkward sex. Probably hasn't fucked in years because of how busy he is and fucked up the world is, his dirty talk is absolutely awful and he loves fucking in missionary. 👀
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luridce · 2 years
my dummy headcanons for the yee yee ass haircut man, that I want to get off my chest:
✩ his real name is Ido - created this from his hero name pronunciation "Nīdorusutā".
✩ before joining and getting kicked out of the Blizzard Group, and becoming a professional hero on his own, he definitely was involved in some gang (the delinquent vibes?). Inevitably did a 180 and became a hero... because our man is good deep down inside🖤
✩ maybe worked in security? or like a chauffeur for a gang boss at some point? Anyways, any job he did was cut short because of "disciplinary issues" a.k.a. him not being able to take orders and listen to his superiors if he thinks it's not the right thing.
✩ chews bubblegum when he feels like smoking (wants to quit smoking). Get's lowkey annoyed when working with other heroes who smoke right in front of him (lmao Zombieman pls it's not healthy for you, sweetheart!).
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✩ kept the suit he got from the Blizzard Group. Had to return it after being kicked out, but didn't because he's a little shit lol.
✩ wears safety pins as earrings to show solidarity with those who are marginalized, believes in "all lives are equally valuable". So I think most of his attitude/arguments with others stem from seeing people treated badly (e.g. probably wasn't a fan of newbie-crushing that the Blizzard Group did).
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✩ thinks he's a smartass, but probably barely finished school lol. Maybe has street smarts? A little bit of physics knowledge, because he has to estimate the trajectory of his mace?
✩ idk but I think he has like... a million tattoos under that suit. Overall, he's very into the punk look, looking alternative and having a "no rules" style. Wears a lot of dark clothing, ripped clothing, boots, maybe has a few t-shirts in 'weirder' colors (e.g. hot pink? lol). Likes studded and spiked jewelry, has a few killer leather jackets. But only wears everything casually, tones it down for hero work.
✩ I think that his good guy side stems from either: 1) growing up on the streets and witnessing poor, weaker people being treated badly (maybe similar mindset to Garou, reacting to the injustice of the world, but choosing to be better); 2) not growing up on the streets, having a good support system and family that helped him form his values (maybe a good, but strict mom? a younger sibling he kinda wants to be a role models for?); 3) no big reasoning behind that, just him being a decent human being.
✩ pierced his own ears with safety pins when he was a teen to impress his delinquent friends. Pierced his ears unevenly though lmao.
✩ is a total tsundere about it, but secretly enjoys working in/belonging to a team. I wanna believe that him and the others (Mizuki, One Shotter, Gearsper) form some sort of a friendship after the MA raid, maybe go out for drinks or something. I love them all so much... I just want them to interact again in the manga 🖤
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✩ maybe has some resentment towards the Blizzard Group, but is mainly focused on his own path as a hero. Not the one to badmouth the group or Fubuki behind their backs.
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✩ is a regular in one barber shop and goes like once a week lmao like a lot. Keeping his zig zag haircut looking fresh is his top priority. Probably dyed his hair at some point too. Wishing we got a colored version of him in the manga.
✩ keeps his mace and chain next to his bed when sleeping. Curses a lot (says "damn" and "holy crap" in the manga), will call you a dumbass.
✩ and a super dumb last one: sings while driving. Like he's a decent driver, but a horrible singer (thinks he's good though lmao). Telling him to stop will just make him sing louder. Maybe that's the reason he lost his chauffeuring job lmao.
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pastara-cell · 1 month
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DAY 13 💪💪💪
Jomies headcanons! (Maria included, 10 head canons for each of em! I’ll try not to do repeats of past head-canons I’ve shared)
Lets start off with good ol jakey boy!
-Jake definitely has imposter syndrome, 100%
-His pink tips are natural!! Like how people’s hair colour may fade when they get older, his pink tips are actually just the last bit of pink hair thats faded out as he’s gotten older. He had a full head of pink hair in his baby photos!
-I have adhd and I’m officially diagnosing him with it, mhm, yup. Its canon now/silly
-shakes his leg under his desk to stim
-really likes mac n cheese. Like, REALLY likes mac n cheese. Would eat it every day if his mum didn’t force him to have variety in his diet
-He has Eczema, As well as being super reactive to rashes. Avoid poison oak at all costs
-Is a big dog person, but used to own two canaries when he was younger named Jimmy and Lizzie (/ref)
-His favourite colour is Yellow!!
-freezes up when overstimulated
-He does makeup occasionally, golden shimmer eyeliner i’m looking at you
Next is Liam!!!
-he’s a scene kid at heart
-Based on @lettuce-theory ‘s first theory, I’m a whole-hearted believer that Liam did NOT, amd will not forgive Jake after the drake fight.
-Liam and Stacy are great friends on Instagram (gachagram, was it?) and stacy constantly dms him to stop liking her mums pictures. He does it purely to piss her off and plays along with the bit, even with the jomies, so well that he’s convinced everyone except for stacy that he’s actually got a thing for her mum
-His yee yee haircut is quite beautiful, he just never fucking styles it so his bangs part farther apart than drew and jake after episode 10.
-guys. He doesn’t have brown hair…He’s just a really dark red head.
-The most chill guy ever, you could tell him you murdered someone and he’d just be like “…So…You need me to help you hide the body? Orr….”
-Has an older sister, Doesn’t really remember her. She ran away when Liam was 4. He doesn’t really feel anything towards her, but he looks a lot like her. He thought for a while, after he learned about it, that he was his parent’s replacement for his sister, so his parents often reassure him that they love home for being him, and that he’ll always be their liam. Unless he deadnames 👍
-As you can probably tell by the last headcanon, his parents are wonderful people trying their best to keep liam happy and stay stable. They’re middle class, both teach at the local community college, and have a small, nice house. They’re supportive of everything he likes and does. They do miss their daughter, but they’ve put it behind them and do their hardest to focus on liam
-I suppose the last two are more or so just random character story bits I made up, not headcanons, so actual headcanon: He has a calcium deficiency 100%
-he rollerdisco-skates guys you can trust me im his yee yee ass haircut
Then Drew Ofc
-He’s left handed! (pretty sure this is canon because Dosh said so and everything that dosh says is canon, but take that with a grain of salt cause I may be wrong)
-he stops henry, liam, and jake very often to fix their shirt collars or pull down their sleeves. Just a pet peeve of his
-Drew goes to country clubs, He tried bringing henry and liam, but they got kicked out for running next to the pool and knocking a lady in. Jake, on the other hand, is beloved by all the elderly women, who sit around and listen to him talk about whatever. Drew has to drag him away
-small waist, (Put this in my drafts and came back and rosypenguin’s thing came up, Good to know other people agree LOL) but is incredibly insecure about it, cause yknow, slight internalised misogyny.
-Not gonna diagnose him with anything, Especially BPF since I don’t know how to properly portray it accurately to peoples with BPD’s experiences, however, I think he shows a lot of signs of BPD from my research
-has definitely had/is having sal thoughts. In the past, they were more intrusive, but after the drakeup and with what happened with zoey, I think he’s really hanging onto Drew and Henry at the moment.
-He has indeed taken a drink or two out of his parents alcohol cabinet while henry and liam and jake were over. Drew’s clingy when he’s tipsy, but he has terrible full-body migraines during hangover, so he hasn’t done it in a while
-had a bayblade collection when he was younger. Keeps it in his closet now, but he’s super fucking proud of it
-Completely immune to poison ivy, poison oak, And poison sumac.
-Used to be apart of a boyscouts troop, left after he figured out he wasn’t allergic to poison oak by accidentally eating it
Henry my BOYYYY
-Rewatches the entire original Pokémon series atleast 3 times a month
-His teeth were so crooked as a child that he couldn’t talk. He had headgear (Braces that go all around your head) on up until 7th grade, he started in 3rd grade.
-Bruises super easily on ththe slightest taps. Has had to explain to cps multiple times that his parents are not mistreating him
-wanted to learn how to skateboard, could indeed not skateboard
-listens to the living tombstone, Ghost and pals, and Jack stauber
-Had a raging fnaf phase when he was an early teenager
-Adhd as well, Very visibly shakes and gets overwhelmed
-can quite literally read liams mind, same with liam reading his, they finish eachothers thoughts.
-His love for lettuce is genuine, because he grows his own lettuce in his backyard. Lots of lettuce.
-His eyes are actually NOT light green, they’re continuously shifting through every visible colour on the spectrum
-like jake, MASSIVE imposter syndrome.
-Regrets leaving hailey, too deep in to go back.
-she’s got a lovely tenor singing voice, But doesn’t sing. She’s not interested in it
-Can do card tricks
-Half of her skirts are stolen from Zoey, which zoey doesn’t mind as long as they get washed properly
-She listens to Olivia rodrigo 100%. Sour album specifically
-Her favourite colour is purple!
-Her favourite flowers are alliums and lilacs, although she hates the smell of both
-Very frequent user of bath and body works’s cherry blossom fragrance
-other than olivia rodrigo, she listens to Pink pony club and ONLY pink pony club. No other songs
Zoey >:)
-her pink tips are not natural, they’re dyed by Maria!
-Her family Is rather middle class, but they’re still not always there. She has two older sisters who give her advice on high school. She greatly misinterprets that advice
-she’s into crystal/gem collecting, mostly because they’re pretty!
-She and drew once bought a couple geodes and spent 3 hours breaking em all open as a date, she’ll never admit it, but it was her favourite one.
-Got the gold digger mindset from social media (probably TikTok and instagram), as well as misinterpreted advice from her older sisters (such as “High school is hard, you dont have to spend it in one relationship.”)
-However, despite getting the mindset from social media, she was too deep rooted in it to feel anything but sorry for herself when she was caught, not for drew. She knew it was wrong
-Does love Lia and Maria though, and very often would take them on girls days with drew’s credit card. This included spa days, and grabbing coffee, and probablya bit(LOT) of shopping
-her favourite character in mean girls is Gretchen
-Her favourite drink is Shirley temples!!
-Went through a horse phase as a child
-Canadian!!! 🇨🇦 🍁!! Moved to the US when she was 8.
-She used to live in Québec, so they can speak french canadian!
-Dyes zoey’s hair tips pink for her, uses the leftover pink dye on her own hair! Her hair is light enough that it tints the bottom pink ^^
-Befriended Zoey in Preschool, but they’re just friends, not best friends.
-Big believer in Rosianity
-Uses She/they pronouns
-Can skateboard, learned it just because she wanted to rub it in henry’s face (he hates it)
-Listens to Chappel Roan 🔥🔥🔥
-has drew saved as ‘My wive’s boyfriend’ in her phone. Zoey doesn’t question it
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sxdomizer · 6 months
Ramble about anything and everything about your OCs?? I love to learn about them so much
Howdy anon! Happy to have you here, thank you kindly for your ask!
Hmm rambles rambles… I assume this is about my fortnite ocs, and I only have three at the moment, so I’ll do my best to include them all here! Buckle up, this is gonna be a wild ride
The silliest billy!!!
He wasn’t taught to write, so the way he holds utensils and supplies is similar to how a baby would. That is, with his fist. He can’t hold things otherwise, and he has tried. Old habits die hard.
To add to that, he’s ambidextrous! He constantly forgot which hand he was learning to write with, so he ended up learning with both!
Despite the fact that he constantly traded for cigarettes, he doesn’t smoke tobacco. He hates the taste. He did that as a way to get people to trust him, and as a conversation starter. You’d be surprised at how quickly a person can warm up to you once you do something as simple as offering a cigarette.
He does become a stoner later in life, though. That’s more up his alley.
He burned his hands constantly out of habit, and they became brittle and burnt in turn.
He lost part of his left pinky finger early on in his life, and later lost the ring finger of his other hand in a fight.
He was convinced into getting his hands replaced after that.
He can breathe, but mostly chooses not to unless he wants to smell something, talk, or smoke. Otherwise, he avoids it. He doesn’t have lungs, anyway.
He has extremely explosive anger issues that he quite effectively masks with his bubbly personality.
He has to get his eyebrow, moustache, and goatee repainted constantly. He paints his iris on occasion.
The idiot that I hate
He’s a narcissist. Surprise!
He doesn’t have blood. It’s all maple syrup.
He’s sickeningly obsessed with his muscles. Maintaining them is easy, though, seeing as he’s a stack of pancakes. He’s all carb.
He smells wonderful— sickeningly sweet!
He’s buttermilk pancakes, to be specific. Don is bacon pancakes, Wendy is cinnamon, and Flapjack is blueberry!
He’s bisexual, but will deny it until he’s six feet under.
Out of the three, he’s got the highest alcohol tolerance.
He usually avoids consuming alcohol and smoking, though. Not too good on the long run, and the grind never stops.
He works as a mercenary, but most specifically he’s a sniper. He likes the anonymity.
Always takes time to admire the architecture of buildings that catch his eye. Very critical of modern architecture.
He misses his family.
Needs a punching bag. He’s too angry for his own good.
Also needs to get rid of his yee yee ass haircut.
Tumblr’s wife. The funnest guy
He comes off as quite intimidating to most. He’s a big guy, and he’s got quite a bit of power around his area.
He used to have long hair, but has since cut most of it off because it’s “more professional” that way. Disgraceful, society— do better.
He may or may not have a sibling. He doesn’t talk about them, for their own safety.
Partly deaf on one side. I’ll let you guess on which one.
He has a master’s degree in business! Smart guy, knows he could be doing better than Durr Burger; smart enough to know he has to keep a low profile, though.
A father figure of sorts to Heinz, who I still need to develop more.
He likes classic rock, but isn’t much of a music fan.
He’s got poliosis! That’s why there are white patches in his hair; he hates it, but has bigger things to be self conscious about.
He’s confident, but knows he’s seen better days. Misses his youth. Regrets getting into the mercenary business. Something something he’s kinda depressed.
The closest thing Denny’s had to a relationship.
Big romantic, but would rather not risk it.
That’s about it because i can’t quite come up with anything else at the moment,,,, gets gears turning, though, and now i know i have to draw them more
Thanks for your ask again! I’m more than happy to answer your questions ^o^
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bellamer · 2 years
So it took two hours but I'm in because my brother used my mom's phone number for mine and my cousin's phone number for his, even though it got us yelled at. First things first, ima look at the new designs and say what I think
D.VA: Not digging the ponytail, her bangs are ugly
Doomfist: At least they gave him shoes. No more grippers on the field.
Orisa: I guess I like what they did with the hair
Roadhog: That mowhawk is ugly as fuck, yee yee ass haircut
Sigma: What did they do to my baby-honey-precious ? He looks so...plain now. I hate it.
Winston: What shampoo do he use ? His hair is so much fuller, but the outfit... is meh..
Wrecking Ball: Deadass forgot this hamster yo existed so I don't care.
Zarya: That ponytail. Hell fucking no. Why do they look like they tried to soften her features ?
Ashe and Bob: I don't like how they shortened Ash's hair but it ain't bad. But nothing special.
Cassidy: Got rid of his whole tan. Somehow whitewashed a white man. Blizzard probably got tired of people headcanoning him as Latino and went "Enough of that" (jokes on them, there's pale/white Latinos tho) and y'all still could've gave him a better name. I'm all for "Cassidy" but the "Cole" part is just ugly.
Echo: She didn't get a new design for some reason
Genji: Eww. Why's he wearing clothes. But ngl, the fit is drippy so he gets a pass.
Hanzo: Blizzard hates voluptuous man tiddies. Noted. Guess they only like the sort of titties their employees can steal employees breastmilk from.
Junkrat: THAT'S NOT MY BABY ! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOUUU ?!? WHO YOU IS ?!? WHO YOU BE ?!? But naw, seriously, they erased everything unique about junkrat and yassfied them. Fuck this.
Mei: So fucking cute but her OG outfit is cuter.
Pharah: Really just yeet her earrings away for no reason.
Reaper: I hate his new pants. Instead of showing off those marvelous thick thighs, they made them look clumpy.
Soldier 76: Seeing his face just feels wrong.
Sombra: An actual improvement, I just wish they gave her actual fucking shoes.
Symmetra: No more thighs, but I actually love the outfit. I do not like how one piece of hair is sticking out though.
Torbjorn: I like it but it's nothing special.
Tracer: She looks less dorky. I'm kinda sad about it.
Widowmaker: Damn, no more exposed chest but I do like the outfit. I don't care for the braid though but I love her new headpiece.
Ana: It's alright.
Baptiste: I hate his haircut and I don't care for the outfit. They massacred my boy.
Brigitte: It's alright
Lúcio: Boy looks like he got some damn pool noodles in his head, what did y'all do to him ?
Mercy: It is very meh.
Moira: So y'all just deciding to do all of my fucking mains dirty, huh ? Junkrat, Sigma, Baptiste, now Moira.
Zenyatta: It's just fucking meh.
So basically they decided to turn everyone into the equivalent of an unseasoned, raw, chicken breast. The only Main of mine that looks alright is Ashe, but not only that, most of my mains are locked.
Also, none of my skins got transferred or my voice lines. So yeah, the game is garbage. Can't wait to see the hot mess that is the gameplay, if they stop kicking me out every 15 minutes and making me wait in a que of 2000.
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elisabeth515 · 2 years
Omg, hello, fellow Charles Lightoller enthusiast!! I adore both Cameron’s “strutting martinet” version and the real Lightoller who was just a badass through and through (also probably a lot nicer and calmer than Cameron’s version)
You know, the real Charles Herbert Lightoller with his yee yee ass haircut could never top Jonny Philips 😎
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Ngl one time my friend told me that he looks like Jeremy Irvine, judging that pic of Lights looking like he’s so done with your shit
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He is a mythic bitch.
To be fair I love all the Titanic officers, they’re all very interesting characters OwO especially Henry Wilde because he is too precious
I’ve just purchased a copy of the bio on 5th Officer Harold Lowe (“Titanic Valor” by Inger Sheil) and it’s arriving tomorrow, I’m so excited already because he’s a remarkable character (and I think Ioan Gruffudd is the perfect casting for him especially after I found a clip of Ioan singing in Welsh)
Well, I am also going to get a copy of “Sincerely Harry” by Mike Beatty because I love Henry Wilde too much
For the upcoming April I’m going to hopefully make some Titanic content on my new tiktok so stay tuned👀
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clovers-garden-co · 2 years
Nah but tell me how did shin not have any bitches like no hoes? Like bro was fineeeeee and he had a nice voice, pretty good height, OWNED A BIKE SHOP, great with kids, and like uhm… man was ready to beat down who ever was rifling in his shop like uhm no. He was smiles over end of story idc it was canon that he was bad with the ladies
but it’s probably because of that yee yee ass haircut he had. Yknow the one hanma, takemitchi, and kisaki be rocking? Yeah. That shit. Honestly, I would not want a man with smth like that no ma’am.. no.
but shin with his hair down.. ahahaaaa… bitch I’d be on all fours, barking, growling, throwing it back, cooking a full course meal, Glock Glock 3000, uhm.. what else give him the most spine rattling bone shaking wall scratching back arching vaccum godly head … uh.. what else also I’d give him hugs, all of my love, and uh, kill all the bitched who rejected him. That’s about it <3
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corpsoir · 2 years
The fact that people have to point out that self shipping with Giorno is bad just baffles me, like I know Gio was genetically engineered to be sexy thanks to his dads, but he also 100% spends hours sitting in his Don throne watching Minecraft letsplays and playing Pokemon crystal on a beat-up clear plastic Gameboy he swiped from Narancia's bedroom.
Giorno Giovanna probably collects Pokemon cards and has dabbled in Yu-Gi-Oh at least once. He also, canonically, is willing to do dumb shit to impress his friends. Episode one, kid was about to get smacked in the face by a shovel and all he did was worry about his pet froggy. He's just as cringe as the rest of the teenagers in the early 2000s. The only reason he stands out is cuz araki gave him abs (unrealistic, let him be skinny), a Jesus motif, and the ability to shatter the fabric of reality like a poorly-constructed Lego death star (which I'm sure he owns, thanks to Mista).
Giorno Giovanna is a child with a yee-yee ass haircut who thinks he's hot shit (but can kinda back it up), loves his friends, and probably thinks BBC's 'walking with monsters' is the coolest thing on television. Just c'mon y'all. Let him be cringe. Treat him like the child he is.
right like i've had to block so many people who put my art where even IN THE CAPTION i've written that he's fifteen, and yet some fucking people put that art on their horny freak blogs as if im not gonna see it and be wildly uncomfortable with it. or people reblogging my art and in the reblogs theyre like. openly tagging these gross people. free instant blocklist for me i guess what the fuck dont do that. stay away from my art yall are weird.
also the way youre describing him is so funny, purple haze feedback should've had a scene where giorno and fugo are playing mario kart 64 honestly
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miutonium · 2 years
Hmmm this may seem as random but I think you probably would like Doc Oct -🌻
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LOOK AT HIM WITH HIS TEDDY BEAR DAD BODY AND HIS YEE YEE ASS HAIRCUT, I LOVE HIM. I watched NWH when it premiered and this man was in my mind the whole time lmfao im so glad Peter cured him even though I kinda miss him being grumpy hgnrnnrnr
ALSO PLS GO WATCH THIS AJKALDLSLA Alfred Molina is hilarious in this interview and so off the rails istg
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kcabyap · 4 years
if i sent a post forget about this ( i love ur mammon thing) but i have a challenge for you 2 of your fav demon brothers and 2 of your fav undateables random headcannons do what you want with it
Oooooh, random headcanons about my favourite lads, eh? I can do that!
So for this, I'll be doing five each for Mammon, Lucifer, Diavolo and Simeon!
— Mammon
This man has ADHD, and could get a diagnosis if he doesn't have one already; his biggest hyperfixations are money and money-making (of course) and, once he meets them, MC. Though of course, his hyperfixation on MC turns into actual love!
His crow familiars are so dear to him; although he has so many - every one in the Devildom, in fact - he can remember... most of their names, understand their chirps and chirp back to them, and they understand him in return.
He really likes Britain, particularly England! He's had to spend quite a bit of time there, so he's grown fond of it. (The only reason I have for this one is that the biblical Mammon is supposedly Hell's ambassador for England--)
In his demon form, he can and will coo like a bird when he's content... especially if people pet his head or his wings, scratch him under the chin, or generally give him lots of praise!
He keeps a lot of keepsakes that remind him of good times, and he looks at them often. Even though people give him a hard time... he loves his brothers more than anything, and he always will, so he often looks in his box of mementos when he's sad or stressed.
— Lucifer
This is another man who can and will coo like a bird in his demon form! Stroke his wings, scratch the base of his horns, tell him he's handsome; he'll be practically purring, his feathers all puffed up.
He hasn't had a solid eight hours sleep in... probably quite literally hundreds of years; between having to get up early for work and just stressing about his brothers, it just doesn't happen.
You know how you get wine buffs? Well, Lucifer is like that, but for coffee; he can tell you all about the different types of coffee, can tell which blend is which just by their aroma.
...He's also a wine buff, as it goes; he has refined tastes, and he enjoys a drink - helps with the stress - so it's just a hobby that he's picked up over the years. He has lots of knowledge about wine!
Deep down inside, he actually just wishes he could be spoiled and taken care of and given a rest... he wants someone else to be in charge for once; not that he would ever admit it, his pride wouldn't let him.
— Diavolo
This man used to be in love with Lucifer, when he was an angel and at the beginning of their working relationship; but when he saw that Lucifer didn't return his feelings, he was content to just have him as a dear friend.
He often gives Barbatos assignments that... really aren't assignments; they're actually just picnics, friendly visits to various nice locations, dinners... Diavolo is very lonely, he needs to ensure some kind of interaction!
He loses a lot of sleep, too; he spends so long worrying about whether or not he can make his dreams come true, whether he's a worthy successor to his father, that those thoughts often keep him up at night.
He has a secret social media account not under his own name where he can just reblog fun things about video games and food and cars. Sometimes he needs a break from being the prince!
Once, he got really bored and insisted that he and Barbatos switched places, Diavolo being Barbatos's butler for the day. Diavolo had tons of fun, but Barbatos found it all very embarrassing, so they never speak of it.
— Simeon
He's easily tricked, in a way; not because he's dumb, he certainly isn't, but because he just... doesn't know some things. Belphegor once managed to get him to tell Lucifer that he had a 'yee yee ass haircut,' claiming it was a compliment--
He spends a lot of time daydreaming, thinking about new stories to write, new plots, new characters and other such things; his mind tends to wander.
He isn't as loyal to his position as an angel as it may seem... after being in the Devildom and meeting humans too, he wants the freedom that those worlds have, because the Celestial Realm isn't like that.
This man hasn't been on a real, actual date before he meets MC: he's been too busy being an angel and too committed to following Celestial Realm rules to do that with anyone.
He has absolutely thought of going to a human world or Devildom court and legally adopting Luke, and just living in either of those worlds with him as a happy family... sometimes he thinks he'd prefer that to all his duties.
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fineanimesideblog · 3 years
Dbz or Trigun!
🥰🥰💕💕💕 hello beloved and thanks for this im gonna do Trigun because i already did dbz and i NEVER get to talk abt Trigun so thank you!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
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meryl oh my god. Meryl. I've never self-projected so hard on a character in my life as i did on Meryl Strife in my teenager years. I wanted to be her and now I just want her hand in marriage she's so cool did i mention she has a cape full of guns?? For her insurance job???
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
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OK on the one hand i hate when people infantalize Milly because that kind of misses the point of her character entirely. She's not a baby she's a grown woman who's naive and sheltered but who navigates complicated situations with her morals and steady instincts nontheless. I would give my left tit to be bear hugged by her because she IS, in fact, so shaped.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
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So no offence to Generic Dead Anime Mom Rem but she had nothing on the original manga Rem, who was a suicide survivor and a badass and not just a hippie with a catchy hit song. Manga Rem is SO underrated and ill die mad about it.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
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Livioooo oh my god. They didnt include him in the anime because they knew he would serve too much cunt and there would be no room for a story.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
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this catagory was supposed to be for your "problematic fave" or whatever and Vash isnt really that but he definitely is pathetic. That is an objectively true fact about him however i have to also say, Vash will always hold the very special honor of being the first time young me was In Love With An Anime Man and those experiences never really leave you. He is an icon he IS the moment. The definition of "wet and pathetic" the true MEANING of "get you a man that can do both". Call me baby i miss you 😘
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
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why are you the way that you are? well. Actually i know why never mind i retract the question. I dislike you but by virtue of your Tragic Story it's impossible for me to hate you, and because that frustrates me you get the worst fate of all; my apathy. Enjoy the endless plinko.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
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to be perfectly clear he is not going to superhell because of his many atrocities and attempted genocides but for the much more egregious crimes of a) that yee yee ass faux-nazi haircut and b) NOT getting a sexy little earring on his other ear to match his brother's. Also his name is knives and i think he ate a spider or something.
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jungnatic · 6 years
time for us ; bang chan
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pairing: chan x reader
warnings: tooth rotting fluff and crack provided by felix
request: YEE, it was requested by @kits-kpop
word count: 2.2 k
authors note: this was so much fun to write ugh and yes this is names after gfriends new album, go stream that shit 
“C’mon” You whined quietly into your dark bedroom, the only light illuminating being from your laptop. Your apartment was empty and if anything that was a good thing, people would only distract you from you overall goal;
The 21 member boy group had announced their tour around 2 months ago and the tickets for your city had finally dropped, you had even taken off work for this special occasion. You were absolutely determined to get these tickets, after all, no groups ever come near you.
And that said determination worked because 9 minutes later, after lots of blood, sweat and tears, you had gotten to checkout just before the tickets sold out.
“WHOOOOO” You couldn’t help but scream, this would be your first concert since the GOT7 one that you and your best friend actually flew out to Korea for. That was your first ever kpop concert and that’s how you met your now boyfriend of 3 years.
You honestly never expected to meet the love of your life at a concert,,,,,, that’s like a bad fanfiction trope.
But you couldn’t help notice him, after all he was standing right next to you. Since you and your friend were kinda on a tight budget, you couldn’t get two seats next to each other, therefore you were stuck in between some loud girl who wouldn’t stop crying and a boy with a weird brown and black haircut. Not wanting to talk to the crying girl, you instead opted to start a conversation the boy.
“So you like GOT7, huh?” You asked, internally cringing at the stupid question. But instead of calling you an idiot, the boy simply smiled and continued the conversation.
“Yeah! The guys are really cool and their music never ceases to amaze me.” He replied, still smiling.
“Me too! They never disappoint me.” You smiled back at him.
The two of you soon found yourselves in a full blown discussion about everything from other groups to the best place to get ice cream in Seoul.
“I’m not actually from Seoul.” You laughed.
“OH, oh sorry.” He said sheepishly before lighting up. “Maybe I can take you there? I mean I don’t know how long you’re gonna be in Seoul for but maybe it’d be fun!”
“So like a date?” His face seemed to changed to a deep red in a matter of seconds.
It was actually,,, kinda cute.
“I-i, I mean if you want it to be. I mean I never really get days off and I think it’d be fun to spend one with someone as pretty as you.” His eyes seemed to get wide after realizing what he he said and he stuttered out to try and save himself. “I mean, UH-”
“So I’m pretty?” you said, beaming as wide as possible. He was cute, VERY cute.
“I didn’t mean it like that, uh.” He said nervously, looking around everywhere but you.
“Sooooo, I’m not pretty?” This seemed to have made him panic even more because before you knew it, he was stumbling over his words again, trying to excuse himself any way he could even though he did do anything wrong. You couldn’t help but laugh at his actions before trying to relax his nerves. “I’m just joking!’ You paused for a minute before looking down at the ground with a smile on your face. “Plus, I’d love to go on a date with you.”
The two of you later exchanged contact information and bid each other goodbye once the concert with over.
But you couldn’t help but shake the feeling of happiness that was brought with that strange boy, who you never happened to get the name of.
After that the two of you went on your wholesome ice cream date and the whole week that you were staying in Korea, was filled with texting and calling (at the dismay of your friend of course.) You two had learned everything about each other over the span of 7 days , whether in person or over the phone.
His name was Chris, he was 18 at the time and he enjoyed writing and producing songs. You had also learned that he was a JYP trainee and that he lived in Australia prior to moving to Korea (which explained how he knew English and the accent that you didn’t notice until it was just the two of you at a small ice cream store.)
The two of you kept contact once you went back home and it didn’t take long for the two of you to start dating, about 3 months after the concert, he came to visit you.
You showed him your favorite spots to visit and the 2nd night he was there, while the two of you were at this local arcade, he asked you out. It was kinda cheesy actually.
“Christopher Bang, come play skee-ball with me RIGHT NOW.” You exclaimed loudly, dragging him behind you to the machine.
“ Y/N I told you that I suck at this game.” He whined, trying to shake your grip off of his wrist.
But this time you wouldn’t take now for an answer, yesterday he made you go mini golfing after he saw it on the drive to lunch. He wouldn’t stop complaining and whining until you finally agreed to “1v1” him in golf.
And to you it was just a waste of $10.
So now it was only justice that you got to beat his ass in the arcade games that you mastered as a kid.
Starting with skee-ball of course.
And your predictions were right, you DID beat his ass in all of the games, well that was until you got to Dance Dance Revolution,,,,
You had never been a dancer, it just wasn’t something you were good at, like at all. Your friends had always told you that you have left feet and they were right. BUT this didn’t stop you from being cocky still.
“Well looks like this is the last game,, prepare to get your ass beat once again, Christopher. “ You smiled cockily at him which made him chuckle.
He was honestly having a nice time, whether you were kicking his ass or not.
You see, he had liked you for awhile now. Over the past 3 months the two of you had grown a really close bond and his feelings just grew and grew. So he was about to take his chance.
“Fine but let’s make a deal.” He smiled at you and you simple laughed at the fact that he thought a deal needed to be made. You WERE the gaming master. “If I win this game. You have to be my girlfriend.”
“Is this your idea of asking me out, Mr. Bang?” You teased him which simply made him stick his tongue out at you.  
“That’s only if I win.” He winked at you and you felt your heart flutter. You had been harboring feelings for him ever since that date you guys had 3 months ago but you were always too scared to ask him out due to the fact that he was a trainee and he was gonna be an idol one day. He wouldn’t have time for you one day and you didn’t know if you could take that.  But maybe, just maybe things could work.
You two started the game and like you had already knew was going to happen, he kicked your ass.
“Well looks like you’ll be taking me on more ice cream dates.”
The sound of your phone ringing out broke your memories of you and your boyfriend and speak of the devil, look who was calling.
It was none other than Chan himself.
“Hey sorry I didn’t call you today, I was in practice all day but I’m free now!” He said through the phone but you were just excited to finally talk to someone about your concert tickets.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHH, CHANNIE! GUESS WHAT I GOT TODAY” You practically screamed into the phone, not bothering to care if the neighbors heard you.
“What’d you get, babe?” He seemed genuinely excited to hear about it and it made the familiar fluttering feeling appear in your stomach.
“Oh, really? Well, I hope you have fun.” For some reason he seem excited for you. The excitement that he exuded just a minute prior seemed to just disappear out of thin air. But before you could ask him about it, you heard some yelling in the background. “Babe, I’m so sorry. I think Jisung and Minho are fighting again, ah I’m sorry. I’ll call you again soon if I have time. I love you ! Bye!” 
And like that he was gone. For a few days actually, he didn’t call you much and if he did it was only for 10 minutes or so. He didn’t reply to texts that often either. Therefore the only thing you could conclude was that your boyfriend was an NCT anti and he didn’t deserve ANY fights.
No just kidding, the only thing you could think of was that he was busy and just didn’t have time for you at that moment. You even asked his other members if anything was wrong and they all said things were just busy for them.You had a feelings something was off but you just opted to ignore it due to the fact that NCT was coming.
When the day of the concert came around NOTHING could ruin your mood, you were seeing your favorite boys (after skz ofc) and that’s all you were worried about.
So when it was time to go, you grabbed your green lightstick and headed out the door with no cares in the world.
You hadn’t gotten amazing tickets, you weren’t far but you weren’t amazingly close, you could see pretty well but everyone around you had signs which was kinda annoying.
But halfway through the concert your phone had started to get blown up by a familiar Aussie, no not your loving boyfriend but Felix.
Lix: You should’ve saved your money for OUR concert, greedy bastard >:(
You: why would i go to ur concert when nct exists :D
Lix: ur so rude, chan hyung says no kisses for a WEEK
You: we live miles away SWEATY
Lix: o rlly??
Your texts were cut off my a pair of arms wrapping themselves around your waist.
“Hi baby.” Chan’s voice said in your eye.
You felt your eyes widened before turning around and facing the man.
“Chan? What are you doing here?” You were shocked out of all things, but you also wanted to cry. You haven’t physically seen him or touched him like this in around a year and a half. Once Chan was told that’d he’d be having his own group and going on a survival show, you both didn't have time to fly out for one another. So when the tears started welling up in his eyes, you weren’t surprised at all.
“Well we don’t have a busy schedule and I just missed you, so I asked JYP if they boys and I could have a small break,,,well he said yes. I was honestly surprised but then we were told we were gonna be doing a couple photoshoots here so I understood why. But it doesn’t matter because I can finally see you again.” At the end his voice broke but that didn’t stop the smile was ran across his face.
You couldn’t help but begin to smile as well.
But the sweet moment was soon realized by the realization he had been ghosting you.,
“You’re so dumb.” You sniffled and wiped the tears in your eyes before punching his shoulder.
He yelped and looked at you in confusion.
“You’ve been ghosting me for almost 2 weeks JUST so you could surprise me. I would have much rather had you just talking to me, you big idiot.”You said, punching his shoulder once again for good measure.
“OUCH, Y/N LISTEN. I just wanted to surprise you and I know i would have been talking to you, maybe I am an idiot.” You raised your eyebrow at him. “Okay I AM an idiot.”
“ Ya, I know but you’re my idiot and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” You smiled at him again which made him smile back at you despite the fact that where you punched him actually hurt.  
The moment was once again short lived after you realized you were missing NCT performing.
“CHRISTOPHER BANG YOU ARE SO DUMB, YOU’RE MAKING ME MISS THE CONCERT.” You yelled, punching his shoulder for the third time. He winced before giving you and pout which just made you glare at him.
“Felix was right, you should’ve just saved your money for OUR concert. “ He said, sticking his tongue out at you.
“I don’t care, I came here for Johnny because the most handsome man ALIVE.” You smirked and simply stuck out your tongue back.
“That was the worst thing you’ve ever said to me.” He made a disgusted face which only made you raise your eyebrows.
“I could always say worse.”
“Suddenly I���m single.”
♡ admin cail
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wakabond-blog · 7 years
PyeongChang Men’s SP Reaction
FOREWARNING: someone remind me to never do this again I literally sweat through my shorts going through this emotional earthquake
I had reservations about doing this reaction post but I’m watching the NBC mini-promos for everyone (cue lil’ kid saying that Javi is his ONLY hero <3) competing tonight and all the feels flooding in.
Also gonna put my dream podium out there in advance so I can lay claim to my fantasies before they possibly flop: Yuzu, Nathan, Javi (in that order for Gold, Silver, and Bronze), but ofc the best scenario is that everyone skates well and leaves the ice happy and the gremlin judges can do whatever. I haven’t watched a lot of the earlier-group men this season, but looking at their music choices I’m pretty excited for Julian Zhi Jie Yee’s Build a Home program (P/C’s 2016 FS from Euros that year still sticks with me) and hopefully Yaroslav hits his 4F. Just writing out everyone’s name is getting me hella nervous
THIRTY ONE GUYS UP 4 HOURS FML LET’S GIT TO IT, first group up on warmup ice: ayyy Vincent hitting a nice 4Lz-3T
AHHH NBC dropping me randomly into Felipe Montoya’s program right into a botched 3F-2T; c’mon man AISH U TOOK AWAY JAVIER RAYA’S SPOT FOR THIS uwu I kinda dig the all white costume tho but must be a binch to find from the audience viewpoint
Chafik Besseghier actually into taximan more than during the Team SP like yeah sure NBC say it’s part of “French creativity” but that taxi look is wonky...points for commitment though, right? 77.01 with all those lil’ green boxes gouda job Chafik; also a note on that French quirky creativity comment anyone else remember Brian Joubert trying to “disprove” people calling him gay by doing a nude photoshoot
MY BOI Vincent Zhou HITS DAT 4Lz-3T first at the Olympics with that 4Lz-3T combo!!! gah other two jumps off-axis but damn he has the hardest technical content but man you gotta deliver all of it including rotations and GOE; also *pushes glasses up* Vincent ~almost~ got a perfect ACT score wat u doing get that 36 (LOL AT THE COMMENTATORS SAYING HIS SIS GOT A PERFECT SCORE); BANG 84.53 with some stubby GOEs I can live with that new season’s best YAAAS u chase those cars
Okay so the announcement for Denis Ten is in English over the loudspeakers but there’s like a little interruption when they just repeat the word “Kazakhstan” but in Korean phonetics; REIGNING BRONZE MEDALIST LET’S GO nope there goes the 4S-->2S, NICE triple axel though!, also loving the royal blue shirt, triple lutz triple NO (sorry had to say that), but the music is great kinda operatic but not like a loud Bocelli; considering his injuries and other hurdles this is alright, his entire season had a rough start ALSO the flower girls have dresses that match the rink so QUTE also Frank Carroll is still not retired mkay
Matteo Rizzo NICE 3A also considering that this is choreo’d by his mom this is great, strong Italian vibes, really good lines, straight camel with the leg position above the hip, good rotation; love the arms out of the 3Lz this would be a program I would want to do OKAY NBC WE GET THAT U NEED A QUAD TO GET ON THE PODIUM but friggin Matteo’s job is to make his mom choreo proud also considering how this is by far the biggest stage he’s been on after dethroning Ivan Righini, dis is gr8
Michael Christian Martinez honestly still love his taking YOI in stride basically Phichit IRL, not a great performance by any means, really low score in the 50s sheesh but hey that signature Biellmann though! this first group was alright still looking ahead
Yaroslav Paniot that was rough :/// also he took out the 4F and fell on all 3 passes (I mean he landed on his knee on the axel but like...what do you even call that?) damn Tammy Gambill coaches him too, into last place :(( it’s okay Yaroslav
Yan Han going for that hard nose blow and tissue grab looks intense LOVE THAT HARD SLAP ON THE BARRIER you got this my man, AHHH yas more Twilight, NICE TRIPLE AXEL BEST SO FAR man was that rotation fast, crap that 4T still looking for a clean toe in this comp; also these SPs are passing really quickly, Vincent still in the lead after Han’s 80.63
Julian Zhi Jie Yee OMGOMGOMG okay excited for this, awww love the shot back to the opening ceremony; love his shirt with the slight slit V not intrusive but modern and sleek LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVE it; AHHH THE BEATS OF BUILD A HOME ready for this show off for Malaysia, NICE TRIPLE AXEL he had so much space coming down, maintaining composure, come on GREAT LUTZ halfway mark here come the lyrics and ahhh slipping on the 3F-3T, I think that content should be enough for him to make the FS, lines could be a bit better but his spin levels seem there good for him! Man he really floated on the 3A I’m hoping this’ll go into the low 70s yep 73.58 good score for him
And cue more ice-less places Brendan Kerry kinda attractive in that down-under way, used to be really smol but then hit that caucasian puberty WHOOO first clean 4T of the comp, like the shimmery dark blue shirt, nice 3Lz-3T who needs a quad sal if there’s anything the pairs comp taught us it’s that going clean leaves a greater impression than hard tricks, saved that 3A, this cut of Everybody Wants to Rule the World is so #inspirational someone get me my book of self-affirmations also getting all these coach-skater revelations Nikolai Morozov coaches Kerry?? dang, whoa slots right in behind Vincent with an 83 and change
Moris Kvitelashvili okay who tf put his name as Morisi on the official docs they actually announced his names as that ETERI U ONLY HAVE ONE BOY, bring on the Buble, smooth 3A that flow, def on feelin good on that 4S, after Boyangman’s Spiderman program I’ve grown to have a deeper appreciation for Michael Buble, he’s really tall but one of those lanky awkward guys but eh I give him props for having the gumption to compete for Georgia and getting to compete on Olympic ice
Keegan Messing LOL his intro “actually born in Alaska, proficient Yo-Yo master” aww singin in the rain WOW nice 4T-3T I’m laughin at clouds too Keegan, oof that 3A fall though, very fast spinner no travelling either...okay but seriously can we get RIka Kihira here to give these guys a 3A clinic or something, for a second this really feels like a Javi program, nice 3Lz to finish out the jumps my god I thought his coach was either Eteri/Shawn White c.2010 hair wow 85 taking away the lead from Vincent; 12 men done, 18 left!
This next warmup group Danny wit dat fresh haircut, NBC hyping up the final group omg chill ur horses, Michal with those sleeve ribbons!
Michal Brezina those bedazzled dragons, WOW QUAD sal (okay I thought it was a flip at first), good 3A nothing under review, not to compare but to compare this is like Seimei beta ver., beautiful delayed 3F, also I feel like I hear people clapping along to the drums but I don’t see anyone...it’s prolly the NK cheer squad, this skate should just sneak into 1st, damn his profile sideshot looks like a dinosaur, AWWW RAF lol still surprised by these coaching situations OH BOI lol just into 1st by 0.04 over Keegan
Cha Junhwan c’mon get that gypsy dance on bring the soul of Wakaba to the games (I expect shoulder shimmies), TAKE A DEEEEP breath Brian, wow dicey moment with the 3F-3T but landed flawlessly, even better 3A crowd goes WILDDDD, quick interjection these scores that are starting to pile into the mid-80s are seriously reminding me of the bronze-medal battle in Sochi I mean yeah now there’s a pretty solid list of 5/6 guys for the podium but still..chills..., might have urs but really bringing the energy otherwisein the stsq arms flairs right on the beat of the music (I’ll count those as shimmies) wow first standing O very well deserved all the korean flags!!
Other sidenote you know who’s gonna get more cool team jackets than Marina Zueva? Brian friggin Orser: Canada, Korea, Japan, Spain, Kazakhstan! all those colors!! gotta catch ‘em all and with a score of 83+ Junhwan goes into that pack of mid-80s
Paul Fentz jacksepticeye doppleganger back on the ice, honestly great 3T-3T screw the squad his air position is really good, wow wild like on the 3A but again great air position (honestly this plus straight legs on camel spins are like the must-haves), also loving this jazzy music it works for him, Wonderwall was WUNDERFUL
Interjection of hockey testosterone jeez being a referee in that would be terrifying you’re wearing no padding sheesh
Misha Ge okay srsly what is the point of saying “Uzbekistan” in English and then again in Korean phonetics? not into the brown ombre, good 3A, getting gypsy pirate vibes gawd that spin extension though ta die fo
Cutaway to Yuzu absolutely DESTROYIN that EZ applesauce pouch (okay it’s not applesauce but man is he twistin every last drop out)
And since I’m already doing this huge ass shitpost I might as well comment on some of the commercials, the 23andme thing where Warren Buffett narrates “ill let u choose any car but u only get one you’d take care of it so well right WELL THAT’s UR BODY”...kinda hypocritical coming from a dude who only eats McDs, See’s Candies, Coke and steak...
Jorik Hendrickx awww I actually had no idea his sis Loena made it too, gosh Je Suis Malade reminds me of Adelina’s failed comeback...anyway good 3A to start; I remember how emotional his qualifying through Nebelhorn was enjoy this bb, wow he’s gonna join the mid-80s pack too judges panicking how tf do we separate them AWW Loena clapping so cute and Jorik smiling!! love this
Also screaming about how I can see the final group on my shitpost list getting closer to my cursor *bites nails*
Literally the biggest actual fuqboi of this comp Daniel Samohin is up with a new ‘do that fresh fade also doesn’t he have that company/group thing black wolf white wolf WELL DAMN BLACK WOLF JUST HIT HIS 4T-3T god remember when he destroyed his shoulder at Skate America, whoa first two clean quads of the comp so far who knew flopchild would it get together at the Olympics also classic Daniel guitar solo ay fuq down on the 3A gdi this is why we can’t have nice things LOL also the first skater to finish in the wrong direction, cute lil’ smile at the end though! Also gonna hit the low-80s aww happy tears!!! omg is that Nikolai Morozov yup 80 points and change jeez top 6 all separated by less than 2 points lol
Group 4 on the ice jeez those short sleeves SLAY BOI LOL THESE ADAM PROMOS literally all of the vernacular “fierce, I’m a full prone monster” *smizes* okay I’m going for a walk and hope to be back by Deniss see ya’ll in a quick sec and good luck to the first five in this group...but srsly I gotta get up or else risk carpal tunnel at this point </3
Adam Rippon, Dmitri Aliev
Okay jk I made it back for Patrick Chan midway through his performacne looks like his first couple jump elements were good supposedly missed his 3A he looks really tense damn PChiddy it’s alright (sidenote his chest looks bigger than I remember), also ofc Dimi is in the lead now with a tech score over 50
Keiji Tanaka, Alexei Bychenko both happened but I took a shower to be clean for some clean skates
Also isn’t it crazy how Deniss is literally skating right before Yuzu man those world standings were a bit of a surprise at first Deniss Vasiljevs (jk my shower also overran his performance so I’m looking at the protocols rn but hey, good thing is my energy’s now conserved for GROUP 6!)
YESS NBC showing (at least part of) the warmup; Javi hits a BOSS 4S so smooth; Nathan’s smiling, Yuzu looks healthy! my god seeing all the faves on ice together warming up at the OLYMPIC stage is just *clutches chest* a lil’ too much for a casual Thursday evening; okay one more set of commercials and we are off to the RACES!!!
Yuzuru Hanyu TAKES THE ICE the first bars of Ballade a personal fave piece, breatheee, head roll, sway,ohmigod you could hear the sound of a pin dropping, come one quad sal to open...YES OH MY GOD NICE 13 POINTS!!! for that one element, great donut spin, 1 2 3 1 2 3 getting all of his levels ofc great character in spins timed to music, love the sound of his blades BLIND MOHAWK INTO 3A TRADEMARK HIT IT’S HAPPENING ONLY THE COMBO LEFT IS HE GONNA DO THE RIPPON ON THE END YES NICE HE HIT IT OH MY FUQQIN GOD THE POOHS THE OBAACHANS IN THE AUDIENCE THIS IS SERIOUSLY MAGICAL BEAT THAT WOWOWOW THE POOH BEARS RAIN DOWN AGAIN I have never seen so many thrown down at once at him DAMN; this is a true champion, my god yes yes YES!!!! my god I don’t know how get got that 3T WITH RIPPON out at the end lol Ghislain Briand and B Orser jumping; WORLD RECORD GIVE IT TO HIM NEVER DOUBT YU.ZU.RU. HAN.YU; BAM 111 triple ONES BEAT THAT YESS AND HE’S SMILING
OKay okay I gotta calm down for Nathan Chen the Poohs are cleared, yes this is a POTO costume but he looks good; GOD DAMN IT CAMERAMAN YOU MISSED THE FUQQIN DIP YOU HAD ONE JOB ARGHHHH, blade sounds are louder than YUZUS BUT HERE COMES THE 4LZ...OH SHIT MY GOD AND THE QUAD TOE JESUS FUCKING HELL IT WASN’T A COMBO either wow...I’m speechless..come one Nate finish it out finish it out OH FUCKING...33 TECHSCoRE?!?!?!?!?!? He’s still breathing though, looks alright, okay he’s still honestly so young and I understand he exudes this chill outlook which is great but all the pressure had to have gotten him (or he just got unlucky with this bad day :///) nerves?? I know there’s still the free skate left but I want him to walk away from all this feeling okay, not hating skating or anything and making a comeback (hopefully??) in Beijing and maybe having a Chloe Kim kind of moment OH FUQ 13th place 82+...my god
Mikhail Kolyada actually shaking his head after seeing Nathan’s scores we’re all shocked buddy; but skate well hit that sky-high lutz loving your mozart, come on come one; okay triple honestly I just don’t want to see any more thuds on the ice that’s good oh fuck...4T a goner out of the four disciplines this is the one that has the least assured gold medalist and maybe that’s contributing to the nerves? It’s okay Mikhail, your 3A was pretty, and YAY GOT A SMILEY SPASIBO y’know at the Olympics all I can hope for as a spectator is that everyone skates happy and goes as big and clean as possible and leaves happy or at least not too hard on themselves and I know that’s easy to say but so much of sports/life in general is psychological and it just pains me to think of how these guys might react to this under-delivered performances
Shoma Uno smolma please whisk us away with Winter, literally gonna bounce the fuq off of Shrooma if he lands everything please save this; NICE 4F, lines ofc can’t compete with Hanyu but you know...World Silver...he’s got the goods, get those clean edges, skating skills, stsq levels, okay 4T YES YES YES 3T great my god SHOMA SAVES THE TRIPLE AXEL PRAISE AWWWW THE SMILE!!!!! FUCKING MELTING FOR THIS DARK HORSE WHO BTW IS WORLD SILVER REIGNING, MY GOD THIS IS CLUTCH; AND HE HAS HIGHLIGHTS TAKE THAT BINCH, ugh I’m so conflicted right now with all of these flops and clean skates and my head is muddled guessing 106 okay okay lowballed the components gets a 104 also had to save a couple landings I get it but THOSE THUNDERTHIGHS SAVING THE DAY
Javier Fernandez oh please please please all I want is for you to bring home a medal GIVE US CHAPLIN GIVE US 4S AND 4T3T THIS IS YOUR CHANCE GO FOR IT, NICE ON THE COMBO, NICE 4S HOLY HELL ALSO SHOUTOUT TO MY MOM FOR RECOGNIZING THIS AS CHAPLIN U KNOW HE’S DOING HIS JOB and that AMAZING TRIPLE AXEL; so lovely oh my god this is beautiful, tbh I think my mom is actually falling in love with him “his costume looks so good on him O.O” she’s predicting he’ll win and my mom is like...never wrong so...okay tech score just exactly 60, I’m hoping 109 range oh my god GIVE HIM THE PCS IF NOT FOR HIM FOR MY MOM OH MY GOD
Okay wow so heading into the FS tomorrow:
-Nathan, get that redemption skate, go big, go clean, love it, love yourself
-Yuzuru: bring that Seimei power, work your natural magic, be yourself, keep the intensity, and just let it flow
-Javi: VAMOS VAMOS VAMOS BE QUIXOTE, get your own redemption from Sochi (also lol I don’t think it matters what happens in the end but you’ve already won in my mother’s heart)
-Shoma: SHOOM SHOOM INTO OUR HEARTS EVEN MORE, channel your 2017 Worlds Diva moment, do it do it DO IT
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