#i love how mc kills herself because she wants to quit the game and when it fails she 'savescums' to get better attributes by dying too
mylimoji · 8 months
love when otome isekai manwha just straight up puts a homage to rgu.
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yandere-daze · 9 months
I see your writing for fire emblem engage and I really love that game and I just finished it for maddening. I don’t know if this is a request or not but may I ask in the context of the base emblems, can you rank them based on how extreme they would be as a yandere like I think I would rate emblem Celica as 12th cause even if she turns yandere she still very passive and more so she’s just clingy but I would rate Byleth a 4th due to him being extremely manipulative and overprotective
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Hii, welcome to the blog! I´d say normally I would consider this a request but I´m kind of in the mood to write for fire emblem right now so I thought this would be a fun little thing to do ^^
Now I must confess that for most of the lords ( which the majority of emblems are) I have some difficulty with trying to think of them as a yandere or in a self-shipping context in general. Don´t really know why that is. I also haven´t played all of the games yet so I can´t say too much about some of them, I hope that´s okay!
Also because I have a real hard time ranking things in order, here are just some thoughts on most of the emblems as yanderes ☺️
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gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, worshipping, self-sacrifice, kidnapping, possessiveness
Characters: Marth, Celica, Sigurd, Leif, Roy, Lyn, Eirika and Ephraim, Ike, Micaiah, Lucina, Corrin, Byleth
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How are the 12 base emblems like as yanderes?
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Now I´ll have to be honest, I actually haven´t played any of Marth´s games yet so I´m not very familiar with his character. But as with most FE lords, he strikes me as a very kind and heroic character. In Engage he kind of takes the role of a supporter and protector of the Mc and we can see that in general, he is pretty gentle.
He probably wouldn´t be a very bad yandere to be stuck with, I can´t see him ever getting violent with his darling. He strikes me as a protective yandere (something that can be said for most of them) who will do whatever he can to keep you safe while trying to make your stay with him as comfortable as possible.
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I haven´t quite finished Echoes yet because I´m very bad at finishing games but I agree with your take that she also wouldn´t ever harm her darling. She´s a very devout follower of Mila and I think that same mentality could also apply to her darling. Slowly but surely, she starts seeing them as a divine being worth worshipping. She´s been completely alone for most of her life and after she had to leave Ram Village, she´s been craving more human connections. So when she finally met you, it was like Mila had sent down an angel for her. You were so kind to her, so trusting and good-natured, Celica was immediately fond of you.
She will do whatever she can to aid you in your daily life, she has to repay you for everything you gave her. She´s not very likely to attack other people, even as a yandere, because above else she wants peace. Nonetheless, if a monster or a criminal were to try and attack you, she would kill them no questions asked. No one is allowed to lay their hands on someone as divine as you, she won´t stand for it.
Due to a certain spoilery scene that happens in Echoes, I believe that Celica would also be willing to sacrifice herself for you. If there ever was a point where she would have to choose between your or her own life, she would choose yours without any regrets.
Your survival is of the utmost importance and if that means giving up her life in exchange for yours, then she is happy.
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I have only played the prologue and chapter 1 of FE4 and ragequit when Jamke was killing my units in the forest because I couldn´t get them out in time to recruit him. Oops.
Well from what I know with how his story with Deirdre develops, I believe that Sigurd would fall for you much in the same way: Hard and fast. And if nothing else, Sigurd is stubborn. Once he has his mind set on wanting to make you his, he won´t give up until he finally has you, no matter the consequences. I mean he was literally forbidden from getting with Deirdre and he still did it. He doesn´t care what anyone else says, he doesn´t care if you already have a lover. He knows that the moment you two shared together at your first meeting was magical for both of you. He knows the love between you two is true. And he´s willing to risk it all for you.
It´s a good thing if you actually do feel the same way about him and are single! Because even though he isn´t a bad person, he does conquer several territories in Fe4 without any specific orders to do so. He may not like doing it but if it means he can have you, he would be willing to kill any romantic rivals there might have been ( or any he might have imagined).
Once you´re actually with him, he naturally is very protective of you and doesn´t let too many other people get close to you.
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Now I have to admit, Leif is probably the character I know the least about here. As I said, I never played Fe4 to the point where you would get him and I haven´t played Thracia either. So most of this is just the vibes I get and a few lines from Heroes.
Now Leif has quite a tragic story and has been driven out of his kingdom when he was still young. Ever since then, he had made efforts to try and reclaim what had been taken from him. Because of that, he also strikes me as someone who would fight for his darling. He knows what it´s like to lose people that are important to you ( his parents) and now that he has clawed his way back from the brink, he doesn´t want the same to happen to you, the person he has decided he wants to spend his life with. He´s pretty desperate to protect you actually.
Still, he´s pretty young and so the love he feels for you very much still is a puppy-love kind of thing. He likes talking to you and finds it comforting to do so. He´s very nice to you and you aren´t really in any danger when being with him. I think being with him isn´t all too bad, he´s just a bit over-protective if anything.
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I´ll be honest, I know almost nothing about Roy so I´m sorry if this is short😭 Predictably, I haven´t played Binding Blade yet.
He´s also one of the younger emblems here and that shows itself in how hard he tries to impress you. He´s usually pretty dense when it comes to romance but he knows what he feels when he sees you. You make him happy. I feel like he could be a bit hot-headed because of his age but as far as I know, he´s actually one of the few lords that can potentially make peace with the final boss of the game so there definitely is quite a lot of kindness to him as well. He doesn´t really want to pick any fights with people he trusts, all he wants is to be with you and if you don´t resist then honestly, it´s all going to be okay.
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Finally, after quite some time, we get to some more games I´ve actually played! And here we go with Lyn! Fe7 was actually the first Fire Emblem I ever played and it really hooked me even back then <3
Now Lyn actually doesn´t strike me as the type of person who would really actively be looking for any sort of romance. She´s lived alone for most of her life and so she does crave some companionship, but romance is something she really doesn´t have any experience in.
When she meets you, she does feel a bit strange but doesn´t put a lot of thought into it. Quickly as you two spend more time together, she really begins to take a liking to you. It´s nice to not be alone and you´re good company. The more you stay together, the more she grows attached to you. If you can fight, she´ll want to fight along your side, if you can´t or are frail in some way, Lyn will prefer you to stand on the sidelines, where it´s safe. She doesn´t know what she would do if you were ever truly harmed. The attacker definitely wouldn´t be living for much longer, that much is sure.
So to sum it up, Lyn is very protective of you and only trusts a select few people with you, anyone else could be a potential danger and she doesn´t want to risk anything.
I think it would actually be kind of tough for darling to figure out that Lyn is obsessed with them. Lyn doesn´t strike me as very physically affectionate. Only if you watch very carefully can you see the way her eyes soften when she gazes at you or the way her hand around the handle of her sword tenses when a particular troublemaker starts hitting you up. She definitely won´t tolerate anyone trying to flirt with you. She´s known you for way longer than they possibly could have, who do they think they are?
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Eirika and Ephraim
I know it´s mainly Eirika and Ephraim is only really present in the special attack but I thought this was more interesting.
So having one person obsessed with you is bad enough but two of them? And they´re siblings too? Things are about to get quite a bit more complicated. The thing is, you´re not really sure if this is better or worse than only having one of them?
Of course, having two people focus all of their attention on you is very overwhelming. It stresses you out, the way they both fuss over you, the way they look at you.
Eirika is definitely the gentler one of the two, speaking to you very softly and taking great care of you. She makes sure you aren´t lacking anything (except your freedom). She also isn´t very fond of conflict and would prefer to avoid it altogether.
Ephraim is the brash and more hot-headed of the two, always picking fights with people he deems a threat ("He doesn´t pick fights he can´t win" or whatever) and generally being bolder with his affections. He doesn´t hesitate to throw his arm over your shoulder to show off to others that you´re his while Eirika prefers to simply hold your hand in her own.
Them being siblings also causes conflict from time to time. After all, what kind of siblings never have any petty squabbles? Suddenly one of them believes that the other has been getting a bit more attention from you than them and the arguing begins. Wild accusations from Ephraim that Eirika is coddling you too much while Eirika complains about the brutish ways in which Ephraim disposes of rivals. It can get annoying really fast but it´s also something that you could potentially try to use to your advantage.
Playing clear favorites with them might make them argue with each other, potentially giving you an opening to try to make your escape while they´re distracted. Do be very careful with this though because once they realize that you´re gone, they´ll quickly get over whatever argument they were having and work together to find you again. Siblings tend to have petty fights with each other but they will have each other´s backs when it comes to the important things. They *will* find you again, who knows what dangers you might be getting yourself into?
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Similarly to Lyn, I can´t really see Ike as someone who is very interested in romance. In Radiant Dawn, he only has two paired endings, which isn´t a whole lot honestly ( and they´re kind of vague on how romantic they actually end up being). So maybe he would be more of a platonic sort of yandere? He cares a great deal about his friends and his family of the Greil Mercenaries and he tries his utmost to protect them. It would be much the same for his darling.
Ike wouldn´t be very physically or vocally loving in the traditional sense, he strikes me as someone who would struggle a fair deal with expressing his feelings, especially if we´re talking POR Ike where he is still fairly young. In the end, his confession would be pretty blunt, a simple "I like you." or "You´re important to me." maybe but nothing flowery or dramatic, that just isn´t the kind of person he is.
That being said, Ike cares a great deal about your well-being, even if he isn´t all that great at putting it into words. So to show you that, he does the one thing he does best: Protecting you. Ike is a very strong and capable fighter and so he will be quick to dispose of anyone that tries harming you. I don´t see him as someone that would try to isolate his darling however, especially not the Greil Mercenaries. These people are his family, he trusts them dearly and he would want you to grow connections with them and enjoy being around them. It would shatter his heart if you didn´t like being around them.
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Micaiah I see as another worshipper type of yandere. She´s had a rough life so far, only having very few people around her that she could call friends in the Dawn Brigade while fighting for the liberation of Daein. It´s a lonely life, even with Yune whispering into her ear that one day, she will meet the partner of her dreams, the one to make her happy.
And then, on a day like any other, she finds you. It´s a very unremarkable meeting, one you wouldn´t have thought much of afterwards, but to her, it was like all the stars aligned, as if all of her life and past suffering suddenly had a purpose. She was completely starstruck, a loud pounding in her chest when she laid her gaze on you. At that very moment, Micaiah knew that you were the one Yune had been telling her about all along. And so, she vows to let you know just how much you mean to her.
As a yandere, Micaiah is very caring and thinks of you as a higher being, someone who has more worth than any other mortal walking this earth. You are special to her and so she will be damned if anything were to happen to you. She refuses to allow it. If you were ever in any mortal danger, Micaiah wouldn´t hesitate to use Sacrifice on you to transfer over her own life energy to you.
But while she is very nice and caring with you, Micaiah can be quite a bit more snarky and ruthless than you might have initially thought. She doesn´t shy away from making negative or rude comments to people she thinks you spend too much time around. (Remember that scene where she snarkily calls Ike "the father of Sothe´s children" because Sothe talked about him so much? Yeah.) She´s also willing to do bad things if she feels like she has to. If it´s for you, then no crime is bad enough for her not to consider it. She doesn´t like hurting people but she will if her hand is forced.
Also, can we talk about her having a goddess on her side? Yeah, you´re going to have a very difficult time trying to get away from her anytime soon.
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Lucina is someone that I think actually has great potential to be a yandere. She comes from a ruined future, a world where all her loved ones and friends died and the entire world is doomed. Now she has travelled back in time to change fate and make things right.
A particularly tragic possibility would be to have her witness the death of her darling in her future. It was an event that deeply scarred her forever and one that she is now desperate to avoid. She can´t allow you to die again, she can´t let it happen a second time. She wouldn´t be able to go on if she ever had to experience that amount of grief again.
So when Lucina finally makes it back in time, her top priority is finding you again. To do that, she has to go back in time quite a bit. Maybe she makes it back to a time where you two aren´t dating yet, or maybe even back to when you hadn´t even met each other yet. You´re so overwhelmed and honestly confused when you´re just going along with your day when suddenly, a young woman rushes towards you and engulfes you in a crushing hug as she cries into your shirt about how much she has missed you.
It´s quite terrifying honestly and you don´t know how to react other than trying to rip yourself out of her grip, which only makes her cling onto you even harder. Her explaining to you that she´s from the future where the entire world has ended and you, her lover, had tragically died and that she now traveled back in time to make things right, doesn´t really put your mind at ease either. I mean, who would honestly believe that?
But no matter what you say, Lucina is determined to not repeat past mistakes. She had been too careless, letting you roam around freely without her at your side, it´s what led to you dying! She won´t let it happen again!
Lucina will try and be sweet to you, knowing how hard this must be for you to believe, but she won´t give you a choice in this. She´s going to stay with you and keep you safe no matter what. She´ll follow you wherever you go with her blade at the ready, prepared to strike at anyone who tries to take you away from her again.
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Corrin has lived a very sheltered life for the most part, never really leaving the Nohrian castle. Because of this, they had many opportunities to picture what life outside the castle could possibly look like. What else was out there? What adventures or new experiences could wait for them there? Yes, they were always loved by their Nohrian siblings but they couldn´t help but yearn all the same.
Maybe being read some romance books in their childhood led to Corrin developing a fantasy of one day meeting their ideal partner, the one that would shake up their entire world, the one they would spend the rest of their life with. They had dreamed about it a lot in the comforts of their own room, delving into daydreams about what meeting you for the first time might be like.
And then they leave the castle for the first time and they meet you. And just like they had always imagined, Corrin feels themselves immediately lovestruck when you send a smile their way. This was it. This is the person they´re meant to be with, they just know it!
They´ll immediately be very friendly and way too trusting of someone who is basically a complete stranger. But they just can´t help it, their sheltered life hasn´t really helped them in growing a healthy sense of suspicion. No, instead the thought of you possibly doing something shady is completely off their mind.
Ever since that first meeting, Corrin would want to see you again every day. It´s the first real human interaction they had with anyone outside of the Nohrian royal family and the servants in the castle and they´re hooked on you. Listening to you talk about your mundane life is so exciting to them, both because they love listening to you speak and because it is genuinely interesting to them to know what a normal person´s life might look like.
And soon enough, they just won´t leave you alone. They´re sweet and their curiosity is kind of charming, but they are so very annoyingly clingy. They will pout and beg you to stay around for just a bit longer when you tell them that you have to leave. After some time they start inviting you over to the castle and you can´t really refuse to go when a royal carriage is standing before your home one day.
And then suddenly, one day you just aren´t allowed to leave anymore.
" The servants have set up your own personal room for you. I made sure that everything was just to your liking! Now we can spend even more time together, isn´t that simply wonderful", Corrin will simply tell you one day and then it is a done deal. Whatever your life was before, you will have to abandon it to fulfill Corrin´s dream of a happy married life alongside the person they adore the most.
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Honestly, I´ve kind of strayed completely away from trying to rank them as yanderes ( sorry about that) but I agree that kind of everything about Byleht makes them a scary yandere.
First of all, they´re a trained and experienced mercenary, they have all the fighting prowess they might need to keep their darling in check or make sure that nothing happens to them.
Then, they have their affiliation with the church and a certain position of power. Whether you are a student or not, Byleth is still a respected figure in the monastery and has all the benefits that might bring. She has connections to the Knights of Seiros and even with Lady Rhea herself. If you ever were to run away ( or rather, if you were to be stolen away by bandits, is what they would tell everyone afterwards), several knights or even their students would be sent out to look for you. And do you really think you could get away with so many people looking for you? You´ll be back right by their side within 3 days.
Then there´s also the whole... a goddess is in their head talking to them and them having the ability to turn back time thing. Yeah, you´re very much screwed here. How are you supposed to fight back against someone who can simply turn back time? With this ability, they have so many chances to choose the right words when talking to you or to get rid of someone in secret, without you ever knowing these rewinds even happened. In-game we might have a limited amount of uses but I don´t think it´s ever been confirmed that this is actually something that Byleth needs to adhere to in the story.
And then last but not least, there´s the fact that Byleth is just impossible to read. They don´t show any emotions in their facial expressions and their voice is mostly monotone. You would not be able to tell just how obsessed they are with you from interacting with them. You think you´re just having a friendly tea party with them and suddenly you find yourself drugged and locked up in their room.
And even when they finally have you, they´re just kind of creepy with them staring at you for long amounts of time while not saying anything. They´re not very affectionate either.
But what help could you possibly count on now when everyone at the monastery loves the professor?
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courtofmatchups · 1 year
hi! i've sent this to a couple other of my favorite COD writers, but it's a psycho-analysis thing on guy that i wanted to share as im curious about other's thoughts. i should mention that i am a psych student with a special interest in male psychological trauma and "toxic masculinity" (put in quotes because idk the scientific term for it Imao)
warnings for slight spoilers, i don't believe there's much of anything too triggering, just some mention of sexism in avari, and parental/generational trauma, but nothing too detailed.
(and j*sper jumpscare at the end but it's just slander)
this also isn’t at all and excuse for abuse or anything of the sort, and that’s not what i specialize in either; it’s more like a deeper analysis of internalized sexism, now if guy did anything on the level of j*sper or got physical or anything, i would not be writing this. 
so, guy starts off very controlling (literally using mind control), but when you play his route + events (specifically the ones where he goes to avari) a much deeper story unfolds.
it is my understanding that avari has very different thoughts on women, and we even see guy tell MC that his father told him all women are cruel and only want power. i believe guy has been told all his life negative things about women, and that all he has seen was his father marry for power after his mother passed. we also see in a route that guy was much more open when his mom was alive, but closed his heart to everyone when she was killed. it is also seen that guy assumed his mother was murdered by other women. so, Guy has been told all his life these things about women, ever since he was a child, and never had the chance to see any differently as he never opened up to another woman until MC.
now this is where the beauty comes in. after a while, guy begins to truly love MC for herself and not just her power, and even tells her what he was told about women and says she changed that. guy was able to swallow his ego and be emotionally open to MC and begin to see her as an individual and not just a vessel for power. guy defends her to her father and tells him off saying that he truly loves her and no other, and it is not just because of her power, and that she will make a fine queen. we see him praise her throughout his stories and events, and through his thoughts we see he is truly a changed man who has changed his outlook on women through his love for MC.
although he is not yet open to fully sharing his thoughts quite yet, we see that he is actively working on himself for MC.
we also see a boyish side come out of him during these emotional moments, that i believe to be trauma regression and suppressed feelings that he has had to endure due to the excessively violent and aggressive nature of avari. i truly think guy's initial act towards MC is due to trauma and abuse he suffered in avari, and he only begun realizing he was lied to and was wrong about women through his relationship with MC. guy is actually my favorite character because of this, and i think it's truly a beautifully complex story that the creators made.
also, i love how his toxic masculinity was turned around and how it tells the story that growing up in such a toxic environment can truly damage a man.
thank you for reading my long ass ramble about a fictional character in a mobile game that i am utterly obsessed with. 
Thanks for confirming that this man DESPERATELY NEEDS THERAPY
Real talk, tho. I am not a psychology major (psychology is more of a special interest of mine, so take what I say with a grain of salt. Or a kilogram. idk), but I can say that all of your points are valid. Growing up in a toxic environment will mess someone up, especially as a child. Bro basically grew up indoctrinated by the Saligian version of Andrew Tate's pHILosOPhY (for lack of a better term) and seeing that view on women unfold his eyes over and over again probably gave him a lot of trust issues too.
I do kind of appreciate that, despite him being very rough around the edges, his character was still ultimately salvageable. I just kind of wish we had the chance to explore his backstory more in his own consort path tho, cuz I feel that bit was a bit rushed. Or maybe it wasn't and I'm remembering wrong? Feel free to correct me on this. It's been a hot minute since I read his consort path
I still don't really like Guy, at least not as a consort, but I do appreciate his character growth, and you really hit the nail on the head
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Relationship History Tag Game
Tagged by @authoralexharvey! It was interesting to see a little bit of background on the cast of ASMLP's relationships (or their avoidance of them rather?). I'm sure it's manifesting in all sorts of fascinating ways during the actual story. Well, fascinating for the reader--Nadia, Etienne, and Simone might find it less entertaining.
Rules: briefly (or not) describe what kinds of intimate relationships (platonic, romantic, sexual, or otherwise) your MCs have had PRIOR TO THE BOOK STARTING. Have they had their hearts ripped out before jumping into your fluffy romance? Are they aro/ace and have never been in a long-term relationship before?
I did this for Isaac, Renato, and Dorian last time, so let's hear from Ben, Ollie, and Kinslayer next.
Yeah, yeah, laugh it up about how you could fill an encyclopedia with all the people he's slept with. But he puts just as much effort into platonic relationships as he does into screwing around. Of course he's close with Desmond, and not just because he's Ben's sire. Desmond was the role model he'd needed since his father and older brother died when he was still a kid (thanks WW I). Desmond showed him that a man could provide with more than just money. That he could fight not just for dominance or honor (whatever that is) or his own anger, but justice, love, and the protection of others. Hanging around Desmond also helped him figure out that he could check off "all of the above" when it came to which genders he was attracted to. That figurative encyclopedia started filling up pretty quick afterwards.
As for Theodore...look, they fight like cats and dogs, but Theo's all right (do not breathe a word of this, got it?). Ben wouldn't say the guy's like an older brother or anything. More like a rival. Micaela likes him anyway, and she's always had a knack for reading people.
Hell, probably because Micaela is good people. She gets a little gloomy sometimes, and maybe wanders off by herself for a decade or two, but she always goes out of her way to help everyone. She's also a crack shot with a rifle, and has a lot of guts in a quieter sort of way. He likes to just lay out by the lake with her sometimes and stare up at the stars.
Same goes with most everyone he lives with in Olympia. They drive him crazy sometimes, but that's kind of how it is with family, whether they're related by blood or not. Well, he is related to them by blood, only in the vampire way, not the--oh, hell, nevermind. You get what he means, right?
You're going to make her say it, aren't you? Fine. She loved...loves...feels something for Renato. You don't survive an apocalypse with somebody and just stop caring when you're not dating anymore, okay? Even after you've been broken up for years and you're afraid he'll do something that'll force you to kill him.
Mergus is their father. For all intents and purposes, and through magic if not genetics. They quite literally owe him their lives. So, Renato can have his little rebellion, work out whatever shit he needs to work out, but if it comes down to the two of them...she knows who she'll choose.
As for other relationships, she keeps it simple, no strings attached. Why would she want to try for anything more after she found out she could be replaced by a fucking goldfish?
They've lived a long, long, looong time, friends. So, for the sake of brevity, they're obviously not going to get around to naming everyone.
Haru gets first mention, though. They've known each other for...well, at least the better part of few hundred years, give or take. Things started out rocky, as they usually do for all their kind. But Kinslayer had grown patient enough over the centuries to not obliterate some scrappy little class three at the first annoyance. And Haru had the sense not just to realize that, but to be curious instead of mistake their disinterest in territorial pissing contests for weakness. Eventually, they took to traveling together sometimes, even settling down and having kids now and then. Haru is, in a nutshell, their partner.
While they haven't forged quite the same bonds with the other ragtag psychic vampire misfits who chose to trail along after them like ducklings at some point, Kinslayer doesn't mind them either. Well. Luxe can go piss up a rope most days. But once in awhile his mouth does come in handy for getting out of a scrape.
On the subject of their kin, if they were capable of regret, not living up to their moniker with Tristan Knox would be their biggest. But they're a mind reader, not a fortune teller. It took some time and doing, but they eventually corrected that misstep. Yessir.
Which brings them to an honorable mention for their little black sheep cousin, Renato. Despair and desperation aren't bravery maybe, but they'll do in a pinch. Kinslayer looks forward to finding out what havoc he'll cause next. And whether he'll figure out how to dig deep enough to find out what he's really made of.
No pressure tags @theimperiumchronicles @k--havok @vacantgodling @korblez @late-to-the-fandom @words-after-midnight & an open tag for anyone who wants to give this a go!
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tumblingxelian · 3 years
Why Changing Adam Taurus Doesn’t Work
So, while I think the issues with the White Fang material in RWBY are overstated (Save for Sienna Khan content, may she be long remembered! And also returned please!!) I do agree they are there. 
And I also think that not quite everyone who suggests Adam’s role be changed to address this are just his stans being awful. However I still think these people are wrong. 
My contention with people who bring it up is not just or even really because there are asshole Adam stans who make edits of Ada killing Blake & Yang or write and say gross stuff or otherwise want him to be the MC. Those people suck but they also are not worth engaging with. The tension with people not like that bringing up changes to Adam that they feel could improve the White Fang storyline (Which I have always said has its flaws) is, yes, partially that I think other characters could fit the roll better but why do I want them for that role? Well let me tell you, its not just personal preference. Its because Blake's story has a lot of different layers, narratively, thematically, characteristically, and a lot of that is heavily tied up in her history with Adam and his efforts to take the White Fang and use it as a vehicle for his own glorification. On the main level, we've obviously got the usual storyline, moral conflicts, selfishness VS selfness, protecting the innocent, ETC, that's also fine and surface level and often what I think people focus on but there's more to it than that. For instance, there's people who describe Blake as bein something of a 'ranger prince' thematically speaking and it fits well. Blake was born into the White Fang her family has a strong history with the White Fang. (If we go by the comics, Adam quickly zeroed in on Blake's last name) 
There's flags and symbology, battles for political influence and the influence of a nation, of ideals and souls, of the 'prince' being led astray, and seeking redemption as a ranger before returning home to claim their birthright. Within this thematic narrative, Adam is essentially stealing Blake's agency and narrative, and thematic role by taking the White Fang, he's the pretender to the throne, the thief. Then there's her story on a personal narrative level, Blake's story is about someone who was groomed, gaslit, abused and who ultimately had to flee her abuser in a bid to save herself from being consumed by them entirely while viewing herself as a coward for doing so, convinced she should have fixed him, convinced he and his allies actions are her personals responsibility. It s a story about an abuse victim finding her way to a safe space, finding a support network that will stand by her in tough times, won't blame her for his actions, won't abuse her and will in fact actively try to help and protect her. Then she's found, he tears down her life, and again, cursing herself as a coward for how he's twisted her mind she runs, to protect her loved one's and punish herself. Yet despite that she finds her family again, one she feared would never welcome her back, but they do, and she sees a friend grappling with similar but different problems to herself and manages to help pull her from the same unhealthy circumstances she was in. Blake is revitalized, she's healing and she returns, rejecting Adam's influence over her, avoiding being drawn into his twisted mind games, and she reunites with the people who were first there for her when she escaped him. Then, in the ensuing volume they have their final face off. she's not alone, she's not afraid and she's not going to let him win again. Its a story of an abuse victim overcoming their abuser, of overcoming their trauma and finally being able to move on, her story doesn't 'end' there like in so many others, it goes on as she moves onto bigger and better things. 
That story resonates with a lot of people who have faced abuse, its a story that rather particularly would not benefit from stuff trying to give Adam more 'competence' or 'depth' or otherwise better qualities. (And if someone wants to argue abusers are people too, sure, but call me only when you want to start humanizing Jac Schnee to... Or rather. Don't. Please don't.) The point is, there's a lot more to Blake's story and more to the point a lot for major reasons not to try and change the story to Adam's benefit by rewriting him as a mentor or a more "Grey" figure. Because it completely removes these aspects entirely from Blake's own history, from one of the title characters arcs. 
Ultimately, Adam was a personal villain for Blake, Blake is a main character, her story and trauma shouldn't be subordinated or erased for the benefit of his character. If someone wans the White Fang plot-line to better handle these topics, Sienna, Illia, the Albain's and more are right there, ready and willing to be utilized, and they all can be without it doing any harm to Blake's personal narrative.
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forcebewitht · 3 years
Force's Disney Geek Master Theory: Why Twisted Wonderland Is Called Twisted Wonderland
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We have all grown to know and love various Disney characters over the years, correct? Yet, I believe a lot of us can argue that not many characters have the same effect on us even as adults today as the Villains do within their respective movies. In the game Disney: Twisted Wonderland as we all know and love, the select boys to Overblot are supposed to have the "souls" of their Villain counterparts, right? But...why is it called "Twisted" Wonderland, then? The truth may lie within something that has been right in front of us all along, my friends: the meaning of a mirror. Ready to buckle in for this one? If so, then here we go!
We have seen all of these guys share character traits, looks, etc with their Disney counterparts, correct? Well, what if I were to tell you that things in terms of the "main" guys that we are supposed to pay attention to aren't exactly what they seem? This could be analyzed in a few different ways, honestly, yet the most prominent way is this: the differences in their personalities- they are reversed. Let us take this bit by bit, shall we?
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Ah, yes. The Queen Of Hearts. The ranting, raging, bundle of red, black, and gold we all know and love. (or else heads would roll, I'm sure) One of the things that everybody knows about her is that she's extremely hellbent on the crazy rules that she makes up and is prone to anger honestly very easily. Yeah, you can connect that to Riddle- but think about it for a second. While that rage and the rule thing is still there, it isn't as prominent with him as it was with her, is it? With the Queen of Hearts, her whole "issue" was that she wished to make everybody listen to her and follow her every command- but Riddle was essentially always following the rules of another- not his own. This seemed to make Riddle a little more calm most of the time in terms of how he handled and oversaw things. It wasn't until he actually Overblotted that the "listen to me and only me" thing came out- buuuuuuttttttt I'll get to that part in a bit.
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Next: Leona and Scar. While we honestly didn't get to see a lot of what went on behind the scenes in the Outlands in terms of how Scar even met the hyenas to begin with at all, one thing can honestly be said- Scar worked very hard to get where he was. I mean, it's not like you can get an entire pack of rabid, hungry hyenas onto your side in the course of a single day, or maybe even a week (especially as a lion, no less). No, something to that extreme takes careful planning, wording, and stringing along to ensure that nothing goes wrong along the way. The way Scar spoke to Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed made it seem as though he had known them for a looooonngggg time before this- that's where that behind the scenes planning comes in. And then...you have Leona. Leona, from what we can tell in Chapter 2, planned the idea for the "endgame" alright- but he didn't actually act upon any of the plan for himself. Ruggie did. Even in the Lion King, we see that Scar had no problems whatsoever getting his paws dirty a little within his own scheme to take his "rightful place" at the head of Pride Rock- but Leona quite honestly did not a thing once Ruggie was in motion. See where this is starting to head?
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Azul and Ursula. Ursula, the Disney baddie queen of my heart Ursula, the Sea Witch. She was known all around the ocean floor for helping out poor little merfolk in secret, wasn't she? Yet, nobody ever really seemed to catch wind of the whole "her turning those who didn't quite fit the bill into polyps" thing, did they? That was one of the things that made her such a honest threat to Ariel herself- because Ursula was cunning. She did things behind the scenes, and sure- we could catch onto it out in the audience (annnddd maybe Sebastian and Flounder as well), but nobody else really seemed to, right? Azul is the complete opposite in this standpoint. He instills direct fear into his "workers" and those even beyond and within his dorm. Like- basically most knew that this dude was bad news to begin with. Azul, mostly, seemed to hide his cunning facade behind a fake yet still seemingly "soft and genuine" smile and act. But all in all, he didn't really attempt to "hide" anything- hell, he even proclaimed his entire plan of what everyone with those things on their heads were gonna do for him in the open! At least when Ursula sang as Vanessa, she was in an almost perfectly enclosed room with nobody else around.
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Jamil and Jafar. This comparison here, given what occurs in the movie Aladdin, is honestly one of the biggest possible indicators of this reoccuring theme I shall clarify in a bit. Jafar, while being sneaky, was known for being a more "out there" Disney Villain in terms of his personality alongside that of his partner Iago in the film. He would smile in a sinister way, he would crack jokes out in the open, and let us not forget his crazed yet oddly interesting laughter. Jamil? He's the exact opposite. Given his past and what he has had to dealt with growing up with Kalim, he is much more reserved and barely releases a chuckle or cracks a smile at all. His personality is a lot more repressed than that of Jafar himself throughout the film. Jamil has been so used to having to hold himself back thanks to his parents in favor of Kalim's family, he doesn't seem to know how to "let go" whatsoever. Yet Jafar, while still maintaining that sneaky side of him as well, has no problems whatsoever letting a little hang loose whenever he so chooses to.
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Vil and the Evil Queen. This one honestly may be a bit more self explanatory than the others- but the difference between these two is their expressions of themselves. The Evil Queen was the very first animated counted Disney Villain within Disney's history- yet, she barely had any lines throughout the film at all. Her ranges of expression were almost little to none thanks to the era in which the movie was released in- but she always looked like she was pissed, huh? Vil is the exact opposite of her in this sense. He is able to fully express himself through his various facial expressions, theatrical abilities, musical experiences, fashion style, and even how he behaves. Vil is able to do so much more than the Evil Queen did or could do within that time period, that it's almost a little staggering if you fully picture it.
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Idia and Hades. Now, now. We haven't honestly seen too much of the flaming blue boy yet in TWST, but one thing is apparent here right off the bat- in terms of his personality? He is the exact opposite of Hades. Idia is much like Jamil but to a more "geek" degree- he's extremely introverted, shy, a bit snippy, yet mainly keeps to himself and his gaming tech. Hades is most often renowned as the Disney Villain with the most personality- and the best humor. Hades has no problem whatsoever being "out there" with his crazy puns, sassy remarks, anger, and even mocking behavior. I mean, please, guys- I haven't been this choked up since I got a hunk of moussaka caught in my throat!
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Finally, Malleus and Maleficent. Ooooohoooooooo boy. We have to count out the live action movie Maleficent for this one (sorry horned queen fans). One thing that basically everybody even with their toe in the water in that of Disney movies kind of knows this fact- Maleficent is c r u el. She's got a bizarre set of dark powers and an even blacker heart than that. Hell, we basically had to "soften her up" a little bit in Maleficent thanks to just how seemingly irredeemable her character is in that of Sleeping Beauty. I mean, c'mon now- cursing an infant? And we get no explanation for that in the original? C'mon, now. Anyways, Malleus? As we all can tell by now, this dude is the compleeettteeeeeee opposite. Sure, he has those repressed bits here and there too, but it is evident that this dude has a heart crying out for the MC and it is big, bold, and golden to the core once you look past how he looks. He sent the MC a card for winter break, for crying out loud. Yeah, let me know the next time you see Maleficent do that smh.
Now, I have avoided using a certain word up until this point to see if anybody could catch on to what exactly is happening here. Did you figure it out? Reverse. The boys that either have Overblotted already or intend to Overblot soon stop holding out on us, Chapter 6 have had the exact opposite personalities compared to that of their Villain counterpart- until one prime point in their "character arcs". Their Overblot.
Riddle wished to have all bow before him and obey his rules.
Leona led his entire dorm into ruin and nearly sanded away the entire school in the process.
Azul let himself finally free of his personal shackles entirely and "took what was his".
Jamil finally let himself go and opened up more in his personality, almost seeming to be driven insane in the process.
Vil wanted to become the most beautiful one of all and would kill anyone within the way of that goal without any hesitation whatsoever.
The moment that the boys' Overblotted, that was the exact moment when the "soul" of their Disney Villain counterpart took control. Keeping that idea in mind, that should mean that this will happen in the upcoming chapters and their Overblots:
Idia will show off all of the personality, powers, and intelligence that he has been keeping down within this introverted self of his.
Malleus will become so broken by being left out and alone in the cold for the final time that he will turn into a completely cruel Fae and possibly nearly kill either the MC or the representation of Prince Philip within that Chapter in the process.
(Hello, my dear Readers! Guess who is trying to get back into her bigger pieces of writing? This gal right here~ feel free to drop a comment and tell me what you think of this theory- I'd love to hear your thoughts! 💕)
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Llama I think I had a big brain moment. Sans, Red and Skull in FNAF with MC as the security guard.
Sans as Freddy, Red as Bonnie and Skull as foxy. I'm basing it off the fact that Freddy doesn't appear until he needs too like on night 5, like how Sans doesn't fight the player until he has too. Bonnie constantly shows up at the door over and over again like how Underfell is more aggressive and will go after player over and over again. Foxy is aggressive when provoked and takes on a more physical appearance, banging on the door or running and screaming-and he is the most run down of the 3 like Skull is-
I. Love this. I love this. I don’t care if it’s cringe I’ve always loved the spookiness of FNAF and I am foaming at the mouth at all the potential angst,
The three boys were murdered, and their dust was hidden inside the skeleton-resembling animatronics in the ruined Halloween style pizzeria. Now, their Souls haunt the robot skeletons, angry and lonely and wanting to take vengeance on anyone that resembles the human that killed them all those years ago. Mc is the most recent in a long line of unfortunate night guards, working there because she has literally no other options- nowhere else will hire her, and she’s on her last pennies.
Sans: A sneaky motherfucker. He likes to have a challenge, to have a game, so he doesn’t start hunting the guard until a few days in- once they’ve proven they’re interesting prey by managing to avoid death by Red and Skull’s hands for that long. He hides in the shadows, making it difficult to spot him on the cameras, approaching slowly but methodically over the course of the night.
The first time he saw her, sitting in her office in that badly fitting uniform with terrified wide eyes, he knew he had to get in. He doesn’t know why but he knows he has to... he becomes desperate to enter her office. Sans is the only one of the three who can string together sentences (Red and Skull can talk but it’s not exactly... legible) but for some strange reason she doesn’t seem to be too convinced to let in the glitching, sharp-eyelighted robot with a body count who keeps repeating “i won’t hurt you” and “open the door” after silently staring at her through her window for almost an hour. Wonder why
Red: Aggressive is an understatement; with normal night guards he toys with them psychologically, moving right up to the doors and then back away again, taunting them into using up all their power in their panic, constantly keeping them in a state of high alert that makes them more likely to fuck up bigtime. He’s claimed the most lives out of the three robots... an achievement he’s pretty proud of.
Red put up a hell of a fight when he was killed, but it wasn’t enough- hence his unending aggression. Mc makes him feel strangely peaceful. The first time he saw her he was already at the door, ready to jump in and tear this new plaything to pieces, but he was so awestruck by how pretty she was that it gave her enough time to see him and shut the door in his face. Usually, he’s scratching at the windows, he’s making frightening noises, he’s moving around the pizzeria as fast as he can to disorient the guard. But... with her, he’ll just make a few ineffectual attempts at getting in before sitting outside her office door, docile, listening to her talk to herself (trying to keep herself calm). He wishes he could talk back... comfort her, flirt with her, anything. Instead, he just has to listen, and hope the other two don’t frighten her into quitting.
Skull: His robotic body has almost fallen to pieces. The hole in the top of his head affects his movement, but also his mental stability; he hates his appearance and reacts violently to being watched. He hides in the rundown sections of the old pizzeria, juuuust out of sight of the camera, with his one red eye shining out from his hiding place... but obviously, if you have to look out for Red you have to use the cameras, which means you’ll end up looking at Skull. And if you look too much... you have very little time to get that door shut before he runs to the office and bursts in.
Most of his insanity and rage comes from the fact that he’s stuck in a body that barely functions. He’s a shambling mess that can barely last 5 minutes without glitching and breaking. It’s why his method of attack is a charge- it means he can make his way to the office before sections of him starts to fall apart too severely. But when he looks at her he forgets about it all, for a moment; he almost feels like he’s alive again. Just because he can’t speak doesn’t mean he doesn’t try... unfortunately for him, his almost demonic-sounding attempts at communication seem to do nothing but frighten her even more. 
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actualbird · 3 years
// main story 6.2 spoilers
continuation from the prev post!! so heres all my reactions and thoughts from when mc and artem go to [REDACTED IMPORTANT LOCATION, BUT IF U KNO, U KNO] all the way to the end
very heavy on the Overthinking Thoughts on Story Themes because holy shit, the Plot. the THEMES. GUYS....
but before i talk about plot i need to say that having the investigations between the 4 rooms in the building---each room filled with fucked up shit---being interspersed with TENDER, LOVING CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN ARTEM AND MC, COMPLETE WITH THE TRADEMARK TOT ROMANTIC MUSIC PLAYING is by far
the funniest series of mood whiplash i ever got in my life
mc and artem: o damn this room has all the evidence of criminals ava has been blackmailing to do her bidding and also a video of jerry and naomi being forced to KILL THE OTHER and if nobody makes a choice, ava kills both of them
mc and artem: damn, das fucked up
mc and artem: ok, next room, and otw, let's chat and be in love :')
i do have to admit that having the tension repeatedly built and stopped was quite nice. it gave me a breathing period and also the absurd hilarity of romance during a high stakes snooping around of evil place filled with evil evidence, well, it was FUN ASS HELL.
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me: awwww, you two are adorable :')
me: //takes a brief moment to think about the context and setting of this all
and then the sleeping gas came in and i knew it was time for that tension to metaphorically come hit me in the ribs with a baseball bat repeatedly
as artem LITERALLY gets hit in the ribs with a baseball bat repeatedly
the laYERS TO THAT SCENE, JESUS. the fucking Saw Movie tempered glass cage, jerry being used as a puppet, ava egging on the violence and god. the reveal of her past. like, what her late husband did to her was absolutely terrible but ofc shes still abSOLUTELY FUCKIN EVIL. the entire theme of how cruelty begins and it doesnt stop, ava wanting to take everybody down to hell with her
i got chills when she said those lines (dont have a screencap cuz by this point, i was so immersed that i could focus on nothing but playing) that were like "why should i be the only one with sin?" and "i like to see what happens when humans are made to choose between sin and deeper sin."
please enjoy my livetweet breakdown from twitter
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i was literally so torn i had to discuss the choice with my girlfriend before clocking in on a decision kjbKHBSBFKSD
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AND YES, I KNEW THAT WHATEVER I DIDNT CHOOSE, i can go back to replay the other choice. but u dont understand, the choice i chose, that was gonna be the Canon in my mind. the other scenario? thats canon divergent for me.
so i made mc save herself. in my mind, in my interpretation of who she is---a character full of determination and dedication who has grown from little self doubts into a character with a greater self assurance that would hold strong even in a situation like this---this is what she'd do. this is now My Mind's Canon
and god, the utter satiSFACTION I FELT WHEN MC WAS LIKE "there was a hammer made for breaking reinforced glass in the other rooms!" i was like YES GIRL, I DIDNT THINK OF THAT, THANK GOD U DID, DONT MAKE ME THINK ANYMORE OK, UR SMARTER
mc: now which room was it?
the game: //poses another choice testing my memory on which room it was in which section of the building
so i actually managed to get the room right KJBKAJSBFKJSAKF
i was so goddamn emotional when artem said these bits
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me thru absolute mcfuckin tears: he trusts her sO MUCH. HIS LIFE LITERALLY IN HER HANDS, AND HE TRUSTS HER WITH IT //SOBS
and then
the rest of that scene
and holy fuck
like, before i go into that, i do wanna jump to the hospital scene after and say my silly reactions
artem, this is a VERY SWEET and genuine and hopeful speech you did about the value of justice and the law, but pls. pls, u r recovering from internal injury, stop talking so much. SIR. UR RIBS.
vyn, just say u care about artem, even just a little bit, lol. u wont have an allergic reaction to saying u didnt want him to die
im gonna need like 100 or so fanfics writing out the scene of the NXX Rescue. idk if i will contribute one as well, who knows, but i need to see marius caLLING FOR A HELICOPTER AND JUST FLYING THERE
luke back at it again with "okay how can i purpose my niche but crazy good skillset to improve the situation" last time it was cybersecurity, now it's RESISTANCE AGAINST KNOCKOUT DRUGS
also plEASE, WAIT, WHY DID THEY END THIS CHAPTER legit beginning the next one. knowing that we wont get the next one in like, sevERAL MONTHS. HOYOVERSE, ANSWER ME
okay now that thats outta the way i wanna talk about the scene after mc saves artem
cuz holy shit
first off, the dichotomy between ava and mc as characters.
ava so sure of humanity's inherent evilness and always working towards encouraging it and making people worse. that kind of character beaten by mc, a character defined primarily by hope and the enduring belief that somehow, maybe somehow, a good ending can happen. a just ending can happen. mc beating ava by saving artem, by proving ava wrong cuz ava thought mc would just run due overwhelming guilt, THATS SOME GOOD KUSH.
second off, jerry's resulting revenge
my goddamn heart broke when jerry was like "i had a chance! there was a chance for both naomi and i to survive, just like these two!" and godddddddd. i knew jerry was gonna kill ava the moment he got outta that cage, so that didnt shake me as hard. what did shake me was jerry killing himself + the parallel of his reaction to greene. relief. it's all over. no more nightmares.
third off, this is the first story chapter without a court trial
ive seen some ppl say this made em feel unsatisfied but the lack of a court trial not only DELIGHTED ME ON A NARRATIVE LEVEL but also was like....the only way for this case to go.
cuz heres whats happening with every main story chapter: the stakes get upped, the cases get more complex.
up til main story 5, no matter how complex the cases got, somebody could still get brought to justice somehow
here, that threshhold got broken. the case was complicated, the cruelty rippled out and spiderwebbed into so many lives and crevices, the evil ate at those involved to the point that it all collapsed in on itself. ava is dead, but so is naomi and jerry. who exactly did justice help, here?
artem's (too long, plS REST UR VOICE AND LUNGS) speech at the end was very nice and mc did believe it. but also mc now has this growing unease inside of her due to the magnitude of this case. so many people, she thought.
this case got so Much that the literal narrative pattern of the chapter has changed. things are now at a level that the story is deviating from the classic structure of a court focused game, and this is just the beginning. the story will escalate, the effects will bleed further outwards to others and further inwards into mc and
it makes me so, so excited for what more is to come.
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thefools-journey · 4 years
So. Some of you may be wondering why we haven’t written a whole ton about the secondaries or what have you. Here’s the reason: we were waiting for them to end before we really dug into the problems we were noticing. We felt that it was only fair to wait for the routes to finish so that we had an understanding of the writers’ vision. Who knew, we thought, maybe they would see the problems themselves and course correct, maybe they are building to something we can’t quite see yet and these issues will have actual payoff, maybe-
In light of Muriel and Lucio’s endings, and the general mess that has dominated Portia’s route for a year plus now, we are breaking our silence. We are actually going to talk about this shit show.
The fandom at large has talked about a bunch of issues with the secondaries but for me, the cardinal sin, the thing that really all the issues lead back to, is this: the writers lost sight of the tarot themes which so strongly defined and held together the primary routes. Let me explain.
The primary routes each center around three thematic cores:
The Love Interest’s Major Arcana and its Reversed/Upright meanings
The MC’s Fool’s Journey, both how it can go right and how it can go wrong
A question about the MC’s identity and their relationship to said identity
Asra’s route asks: Who was the MC? How does the MC navigate a past they cannot and will not remember? What do they owe a past they cannot remember? How do they handle the revelations of what Asra, Nadia, Julian, etc did? How do you right the past? Can you?
Nadia’s route asks: Who is the MC? The MC has no past. Are they the Fool only? Are they actually the same person they were? How can they tell? Who are they, really? Are they an imposter? No one can answer these questions for them.
Julian’s route asks: Who will the MC become? How does the MC see their future? Is there anything worth fighting for for that future? What will become of them and their loved ones? 
Now, if you notice, these themes are expertly woven throughout the primaries. Asra’s past dominates his route, Nadia is also missing memories and trying to construct her identity both with her family and with Vesuvia, and Julian’s fear of the future drives his flailing for control. Asra has to learn to take a broader view of his actions to get his Upright Ending, Nadia has to learn to trust herself and those around her for hers, and Julian has to learn how to let go for his. These lessons are the issues their cards stand for. The primaries are so dang elegant and delicate in their handlings of theme it is honestly awe-inspiring.
Thematically, the secondary routes have completely lost their hearts. First of all, the MC does not have strong, core questions which need to be answered. They just don’t. I suppose the writers did not want to retread old territory (which is weird considering how tightly bound the primaries are; it really tricks you into thinking you’re living the same events but from different angles depending on your route) but they did not replace the old with anything new. Muriel’s route is, on the surface, about discovering and owning his past, the good and the bad. Why not tie MC’s self-discovery to that story? Or they could have taken the angle that Muriel’s route is about convincing him to be present and active in the world while MC builds an identity for themself outside of Asra, the shop, and the memories they cannot retrieve. Why not tie the investigation themes running through Portia’s early route back to MC and their past? Portia has the unique angle of being as in the dark as MC about all of this, why not discover the past together? And for goodness’ sake, Lucio has no future when his route begins, why not tie that to his need for growth, responsibility, and MC’s own future between the Fool, the Devil, or something mortal and in between?
Secondly, the routes lost their tarot backbone. We have a primer on how to get specific endings for each LI and it still holds, but the writers did not follow through on the thematic coherence of each secondary. The Hermit is looking for something, be it perspective, insight, a solution to a problem, whatever. The key here is that the Hermit must find or learn what they are searching for, this thing must change their understanding of the world, and finally, they must bring this lesson back to the world from which they retreated. Can someone please enlighten me as what exactly Muriel learns then teaches the world around him? Nothing Muriel learns from Morga, MC, or even the Hermit ties back into anything. The Devil warns that you are out of control and exerting a lot of manipulative, destructive behavior on the world around you. It asks you to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. So can someone tell me why Lucio’s route actively avoids any interaction or reflection on two of Lucio’s biggest victims: Muriel and Julian? Why does the route only try to make amends with the “easier” of his victims in the cast? The Star is first and foremost the card of clarity, the light at the end of the tunnel. Perseverance, if you will. Yet Portia’s route has been the muddiest of the trio; the writers drop the investigation aspect of her route in favor just handing her and MC information they could have easily found and muddying the waters with Tasya (she blows up the palace but it’s all okay bc she has a secret daughter Julian never thought to bring up or mention) and the complete removal of the Devil as antagonist. 
So that leaves just the Fool’s Journey trying to hold this stool up with only one leg. And well...it doesn’t go well. At best, the secondary route books pay the barest surface level homage to the themes of the individual cards. At worst, they ignore the cards completely. Muriel's Moon book has nothing to do with illusions or delusions or lies or even an Alice in the Looking Glass upside down world. Portia's back half is a complete and utter mess, starting with her Temperance book being so badly mangled that Muriel's aftermath book does it better. Lucio's route too bungles the Tower and the Star. There just isn't enough here to carry the routes alone.
Add to the core loss the loss of intertextuality. The primary routes are very good, even great but they too do have their moments and mistakes. What helps strengthen them when the cores stumble is how the trio is woven together. Things you learn in Asra's route can inform the way you play Nadia's, for example. Julian's route informs what is going on in Asra's route and slots some missing puzzle pieces together. Nadia's route tells you of the power struggles she is facing and informs the other two routes' handling of Julian and his trial. On and on, the three routes support each other because they are built out of the same basic plot beats, just tackled in very different ways. Now, the writers are allowed to try and write whatever they want. They apparently wanted to be more experimental and less tied down to an overarching plot with the three secondaries. Okay, fine, they are allowed to do that. The problem is that they sacrificed one of the key strengths of the primary trio and didn't replace said strength with anything else. They also, on some level, harmed the very premise of the game, which is that only the player's choices and route selected change the overall plot. Instead of feeling like legitimate possibilities or offshoots of the same timeline/plot, the secondaries feel almost like Arcana AUs. The secondaries throw out all relations to the primaries and each other as quickly as possible and for what? 
It is probably the height of arrogance to suggest fixes for works whose behind the scenes I do not know. At the same time, some small, obvious changes could have salvaged Muriel and maybe Lucio's endings (rip Portia). Instead of having the Hermit appear as a disappointing cameo, why not have him say something cryptic to Muriel, then have MC start trying to seal the Devil. Then let Muriel use his forget me mark to cloak MC and hide them from the Devil's attacks. Protecting MC by hiding them from Lucio, keeping him focused on Muriel, seems to me a simple third solution between Muriel's desire to run and his desire to never fight again. It lets him stand up to Lucio and let him have it while holding onto who Muriel has become. The Reversed End would have MC try to draw Lucio's attention at some point, disrupting the sealing, and eventually leading to Muriel killing the Devil. With Lucio's Upright End, I just have to ask: why doesn't MC fully claim the power of the Fool instead of the Devil? We don't need the other Arcana involved in this fight; we have three routes that demonstrate that. Just have MC pull Scout into the conflict, then have Lucio tell MC he believes in them, then add his power to the mix. You got yourself a full Fool who leaves Scout guarding the realm until they and Lucio's mortal bodies fail and they return to the realm to be together forever. Boom, you're done, you can even add some ambiguous lines so that players can decide how happy their MC is with this arrangement, send me the check.
Here is the bottom line. Our group is full of aroace, and several combinations therein, individuals. We are the last group who should have gotten into a dating sim of all things. But the Arcana did something with the primaries that was special; they wrote a compelling plot with dazzling lore, complex characters, and strong themes wrapped up in a dating sim bow. The writers know better and we know they know better. I do not know what happened with the secondaries, especially around books 10-11, which is where minor issues slowly start spiraling into major ones, but it is clear that Nix Hydra needed some more planning before they released these routes. Hopefully they will learn.
TL;DR: Nix Hydra fired their tarot consultants about eighteen months ago and it has wrecked their secondary routes until they were just embarrassments. They never intended for the secondary routes to even exist and once they had to make them, they scrambled and threw out everything that made the primaries work.
- Mod Telos
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sol1056 · 2 years
considering puppeteer characters
a month or so ago, I saw someone’s watch-through of Nirvana in Fire, with the comment that Mei Changsu is the last person you’d want to invite to a dinner party. he smiles but he’s ruthless enough to see collateral damage as just part of the price to achieving his ends.
which... for the most part, I don’t think MCS is quite that bad -- because he doesn’t manipulate people so much as make sure they’re in the right place at the right time, and then he stands back and watches what happens. seems to me MCS isn’t entirely to blame for every fiasco that follows.
take the infamous birthday segment. yes, MCS probably called in a favor to have the old guy show up with a challenge; he didn’t ask Xia Dong to invite herself or to get involved, but she had reasons of her own for doing so. he did nudge a little to get Gong Yu invited, but he was also aware she had a mission of her own -- he was just setting up the opportunity.
he probably pulled strings to get the annoying twerp of a princess to show up, but if the girl had had two braincells to read the room, she might’ve chosen to make her request without an audience. there’s no indication MCS had anything over her, to force her hand. for that matter, he nudged, but it was entirely Xie Yu’s choice to escalate everything to eleven and destroy any chance of fixing the situation.
in short, MCS is an excellent puppeteer, but he does it all by nudges and suggestions. he sets up the trap and then waits patiently for someone else to walk into it -- much like Minglan, come to think of it.
compare that to Love In Between (just don’t get me started on the subtitles, clearly machine-translated and wow I’ve seen beginner fan translations better than this. but anyway)...
Zuo Qingci is clearly cut from the MCS cloth -- also physically weak from a long-acting poison that will eventually kill him, also incredibly knowledgeable and well-read about his areas of expertise, also with a secret identity he can’t or won’t reveal until he has no choice, also determined to make hard choices for his country.
but where MCS is honorably ruthless, ZQC is just plain cruel.
one thing MCS is very clear about is the line between his allies, his enemies, and those who are bystanders (like Jing Rui and Yan Yujin). Nihuang, Meng Zhi, Fei Liu, and MCS’s personal staff get the benefit of his insight and his support. notably he does keep things from them, but it’s almost always because he won’t nudge so hard as to be dictating -- though that’s mostly with MZ, who wouldn’t be believable if he’s just parroting, and would give away the game if he knows all the details.
basically, when MCS needs something to happen, he’s upfront with his allies about what he needs them to do (even if he doesn’t always tell them entirely why). the character he comes closest to truly manipulating would be Jingyan, and that’s an entire essay on its own.
but in the pursuit of creating a ruthless puppeteer character for ZQC, the author crosses the line at least a dozen times. rather than be upfront with his allies about what needs to happen, ZQC basically treats everyone as his enemy. even the woman he loves, he chooses to poison to force the hand of other characters, for reasons that still escape me -- and the whole thing is frankly unforgivable.
it’s both a betrayal of trust and a clear signal of his complete lack of trust, and even if you left out poisoning someone to manipulate them and their friends into acting how you want, that lack of trust is doom for any long-term relationship (or even friendship). the entire third arc fiasco in LiB makes MCS’s actions downright benevolently pacifist.
which brings me to the scene in Joy of Life that continues to resonate with me -- maybe bc Fan Xian has significant potential to manipulate on a level with MCS and ZQC. it’s where FX is determined to get revenge on behalf of his friend, and his sister (smart cookie) points out that you can’t kill your fiancee’s family and still expect her to be your fiancee. you get one (revenge) or the other (marriage) but not both.
that’s a voice and reminder that MCS seems to provide for himself (that there’s a line one cannot cross, which to me is why he nudges rather than turning everyone into mindless puppets) and a voice desperately lacking in LiB.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Long Distance Longing with the Brothers
Want a little angst and sweetness? I love how this turned out and I think it’s a new favorite for me. I honestly should wait to post it... But I have no patience, I love it too much. Weirdly enough, thank Taylor Swift’s new album for giving me this idea. Go figure. 🤷‍♀️
Warnings: Angst, implied starvation
The brothers knew it was going to happen eventually. The year can't last forever, and at some point they were going to have to say goodbye to their human for the break… But that didn't make the situation any easier. Nobody likes being so far from the one they love. It was only a matter of time before our boys are reaching a breaking point...
Lucifer has never really had a reason to not to work before… Like, yeah there are those days where things get stressful and he takes a step back, but actually taking an extended period of time to just... not work? A "vacation" if you will? He’s never had the desire. What would he even do with himself?
Well, for the first time in literal God knows how many centuries, he had an answer for that question. He was going to be with MC.
And that's exactly what he told Diavolo when he finally accepted that missing the MC was negatively affecting his work. 
He wanted a… "vacation."
Diavolo had never once thought Lucifer would ever ask, and to be fair the man never thought he would either, but he's more than happy to give his friend a few days off to visit his dear human.
Whatever brief hit that his pride took by having to admit that he needed a break was more than made up for by finally seeing the MC again. He knew he missed them, painfully aware of that fact, but just the sight of them waiting to meet him outside the portal was enough to nearly take his breath away…
His first vacation was sure to be paradise. 
Oh, the distance was killing this poor boy. Any day where he can’t have the MC on his arm feels worse than when he's on a losing streak…
Speaking of a losing streak, he's been stuck in one for a whole month without his beloved partner in crime with him. Did he lose his lucky charm or was he just too down in the dumps to gamble well? Anyone's guess.
Well he got fucking sick of it. He wanted to see the MC, ASAP. But how would he get to the human world…?
It takes a week but he gets an idea. It took another for it to actually trigger.
Like clockwork one of the witches he's regularly in debt to, one that just happens to be a bad gambler herself, summoned him out to give her a little extra luck. Usually, he'd just kick whatever slot machine she’s parked herself at and be done with it but this time he's got to ask… How long does that summon spell last, eh?
He made a new sort of bargain. She gets to take Goldie out for a spin if she gave him some time in exchange… 24 hours to be exact.
He didn't waste a second after striking the deal because he had a lot of flying to do.
The MC probably didn't expect to hear frantic knocking on their door at the break of dawn, nor to find a beat tired and disheveled Mammon leaning outside it….
But he embraced them for all it's worth anyway. If it meant feeling them in his arms again, he'd trade away the whole world if he had to...
He… didn’t do so well with the distance. Like at all. He'd mope around the house, constantly bemoaning how unfair things were. Not even his favorite games can give him any joy because those were the games he used to play with MC…
Sneaking in the occasional video call was pretty much the only thing that could make him smile anymore. Just seeing their face felt like getting a cold drink in the middle of a scorching desert… But he wanted more.
Thankfully, the MC themselves gave him a really, really good idea…
For two weeks straight, Levi seemed to get out of whatever funk he was in to help out around the House… Like, really help out. Suck-up levels of help out. It creeped everybody out...
After a time he finally approached Lucifer and made a simple request. There was an anime convention going on in the human world soon and he'd like to attend…
The ulterior motive for this little visit is practically written on the wall, but he'd been acting so damn unnerving for the past two weeks Lucifer just gave him permission to make him stop.
When the MC agreed to meet him on the opening day, they said they'd be dressed up as someone he'd recognize. Frankly, he was expecting Henry or maybe Ruri-chan but he was completely floored to see them waiting for him dressed in a familiar black hoodie with coral-like horns on their head and a carefully crafted serpent's tail behind them.
To this day he still can't decide what made him happier: seeing the love of his life so adoringly dressed as him or finally feeling their body collide with his after they came running to each other outside the convention hall...
In the end it probably doesn't matter because for that whole day alone, he finally felt like he had everything he could of ever wanted right there with him.
Satan's not one for idle moping so when he felt that yearning in his chest finally hit a tipping point, he didn't whine. He didn't complain. He got up and did something about it.
Teleportation magic is tricky to master and dangerous to perform even with sufficient skill. One wrong move and you could end up smearing yourself across three different continents…
But like that would stop him.
He pulled out every book he could find on the subject, researched for days, then practiced for weeks. First on books and apples, then on some of Lucifer’s belongings.
He had to keep making new excuses to throw Lucifer off the scent (especially after he started sending some of his shirts away to different parts of the house) but after some time, it finally paid off.
Satan was probably the last person the MC would have expected to see show up in their room randomly one night, sitting casually by a lamp and reading a book like he didn't just master time and space just to come say hi.
But who was going to be all that picky when they could finally shower their nerdy cat-lover in all the love and kisses they've both been missing for months now?
If you took Asmo at his word, then the sheer depths of longing and despair he was experiencing while the MC was away could far outweigh that of anyone else to ever have existed in the history of all time.
He was the Avatar of Lust, desire was in his nature. Couple that with a burning need to have his lover as close to him as he possibly could and it was safe to say he was losing his mind!
This might have been the reason Solomon finally gave in after his 16th-ish time trying to beg the sorcerer to help him. He really was quite pitiful in this state...
When Solomon told Asmo that he could smuggle him out of the teleportation gate between the Devildom and human world ONLY if he could magically disguised his appearance, he was kind of expecting Asmo to refuse. This was Asmo he was talking about. He honestly thought that he'd rather die than deprive the world of his beauty so selfishly…
The world is full of surprises, ain't it?
No matter where they were, no matter what they were doing, the MC was suddenly mowed over by a "stranger" running at them at top speed like an Olympic sprinter. It’d probably have been pretty scary before Solomon lifted the enchantment shortly after to reveal their demon’s gorgeously familiar face.
Solomon wasn't going to let him stay too long, lest he incur the wrath of Lucifer, but Asmo couldn't care less. Be it a thousand hours or a few short seconds, he could always find a way to make his time with the MC last a lifetime...
Fun fact, Hell freezes over a little every time Beel says "I'm not hungry…" No. Seriously. A freezing wind blasts across the entire Devildom like the realm itself gets a sudden chill...
So imagine the levels of panic that went through pretty much everyone there when his appetite started to fail him.
It's not like the poor baby could help it, food just tasted so much better when the MC was there that eating without them was like trying to digest actual disappointment… He got tired of trying after a while.
A few days of this behavior were worrying, but when he started to get a little thinner the family went into an uproar, starting with Belphie but soon spreading to the rest of the House as well.
Lucifer's soft spot for the twins may have influenced his decision. I mean, it was awfully generous of him to get Diavolo to approve of an fully sanctioned, planned meeting between Beel and the MC. He probably wouldn’t have offered that to anyone else...
Not that Beel cared about all that background favoritism anyway. Hell, on the day that he was finally allowed to see them, he couldn't be bothered by anything other than holding the MC close and hoping they'd never let him go again.
His appetite did return to him eventually, of course, but as long as he had his human with him even the cheapest street taco tasted like a fine five star-meal.
Frankly, Belphegor was sick and tired of missing people.
Ever since the Celestial War he missed Lilith. When he was stuck in the attic, he missed Beel. And now that the MC was away he was supposed to just sit patiently and miss them too? No way. Not happening. Something about that had to change.
It wasn’t the first time he'd gone to Lucifer in an angry huff, but admittedly he had more ammo than usual...
There was a… discussion between the two. It went on for a couple hours… There may have been some words to the effect of, "Don't you think you owe me?" exchanged… 
Honestly, it was kind of amazing Belphie didn't end up in another attic "timeout" by the end of it. But he got what he wanted, so what's to complain about?
With a little persuasion on his part, Lucifer managed to get Diavolo to approve of a weekly visit for the two, SO LONG as Belphie stayed on his best behavior in the human world.
There wasn’t really much worry about him acting up, though, since he'd have his nap buddy back. It would be pretty hard to be a threat to humanity when he was too busy staying snuggled up to his favorite person until well past noon...
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ahjustroza · 3 years
Hello, could you write an HC about an GN!MC who used to be a mob boss or run an illegal organization and the Mains 6 + Valerius' Reaction? Doesn't need to be angsty just dramatic
I wanted to go dramatic with the CGs lmao. Also, it got long and everything is under the cut.
Headcanon includes the mention of murder, suicide, crime, and depression. So I would say it is NSFW.
Mob Boss MC Headcanons
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He always knew it
He knows everything about you even the things you don't know about yourself
I can see you as the type of boss that doesn't create mass murders for personal gain
However, I can see thievery, blackmailing, and playing your games dirty
Maybe illegal underground market business in the red market (a version of the black market in Vesuvia)
You are smart but also have a soft spot
For him
And only him
Since MC canonically lives with him for a long time I can only picture you being a mob boss in your past before him
But your past is probably still haunting you
You don't necessarily need a tragic childhood to be a mob boss
I want to leave the reasons up to you but I refuse to believe you would be cruel and unreasonable
Because you are all amazing human beings
Many people get into this lifestyle by mistake, choice, or by someone else's force
Whatever reason that made you get into this lifestyle however did change you
You have trust issues, always on defensive mode, and always observing everything around you for possible threats or problems
But he came into your life and became the center of it
You told him what you did before moving to Vesuvia step by step
Not in one go
You tried to see how he would react to you
When you couldn't keep this secret from him anymore, you just told him
It was very impulsive of you
Highly surprising
You told him how you started from the bottom and climbed to the top
you told him how everyone in your home knows your name
How many people were your followers and how if you ask they will come and continue to follow you without a question
You did dirty work, you hurt people too
Violence is something he can not tolerate
At all
But just like you, he is also at the loss of words when any topic comes to the possibility of you leaving
He doesn't want you to go
And you don't want to leave
So expect him to stay away from you for a while
He will not speak of it out loud ever again
Never going to tell anything to even Muriel
No one has to know
Because you are now here and a different person
He will assume that you did what you did to survive
Just like his best friend...
When you lose your memories and slowly starting to gain them back
He is hesitant to answer any question regarding your past
But he knows that he has to
So he does
And you get involved in the red market
Asra is disappointed but you assure him that it is to find ingredients for your magic shop
He will never leave you, but he is not approving illegal business
Yet who he is to judge?
He made a ritual to bring you back by killing the Count of Vesuvia
So he is more on the stick close to you so that you won't get hurt side
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She will either use your connections for spy mastering or lock you up until she gets rid of your gang/illegal organization
But oh no she will not give up on you for being a simple mob boss oh no
She grew up into the royalty and probably dealt with and seen worst situations
She will not allow you to put yourself into any kind of danger and if she must she will put you on house arrest or even lock you up in dungeons
She dealt with a crazy husband before and she learned from her mistakes
So do as she says
She will give you two options, either listen to her or leave Vesuvia completely
Nadia will want her answer on the spot because if you truly want to be with her, you shouldn't need a lot of time to think about it
She will be even more dominant around you
She will make sure to remind you who has the power
If you leave Vesuvia she will never want to see you again
But she will be there personally to put you to the ground if you cause any trouble
If you choose to stay then you have another two options
You leave the business completely or run it for her favor
Provide him important information about the underground market and other organizations in Vesuvia
Yet that only can happen if you can hide your identity as a mob boss
So get creepy and wear a Tokyo Ghoul mask during business hours
I'd say if you chose to go disguise and spy on the underground for Nadia
You two will be the dictionary definition of the power couple
Like hot damn
You live like royalty during the day and go be a mob boss during the night
She will even make you her spymaster if you are willing
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He will volunteer to be your henchman (is this what it is called?)
You have now extra trouble because he is not leaving your side
He will even find you more connections for business
He knows key people in different countries and cities
He knows roads to pass without getting caught
He did live this lifestyle for quite a long time after all
Minus the mob boss part
He is by no means not letting anyone he doesn't like to even have an audience with you
My man knows his way with people and not afraid to put up a fight for you
He is impulsive but useful in the underground world
He is a doctor without a license (or it is just a myth? who really knows...) so he was really doing illegal consultations on regular basis lol
He will patch you up when you get hurt and probably will teach you how you can make lethal damage to your enemy during a fight by teaching you anatomy
You will have to send him to horny jail whenever he talks about anatomy because he is a visual learner
And the best way he teaches anything is to show you
So lock him up
It's not like he will resist
He is good with reading body language too
I can think of Julian to be giving you the most understanding reaction when you tell him that you are a mob boss
He has a history (again I remind you)
So if he is in love with you, he is stuck to your side and yes he will still have his leeches with him
His plague doctor mask becomes popular underground too
If you didn't know better, even you would find him scary and intimidating looking during the friendly business hours
And Julian being Julian, he will insist that you find yourself a mask too
So that you will be a power couple
But make it romantic
However, this is the best scenario where you are just doing business in the red market by selling illegal goods, or being a Mob Boss Robin Hood
if you do unacceptable things, such as cruelty towards children and the innocent
And anything violent that including torture and murder,
He will end this all himself
Julian is dramatic but if he had to kill you because there is no other way to stop you he will
Then will follow you not too long after.
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She will hate to hear that.
Portia is strong but fragile at the same time
She has a strong emotional connection to you and you are probably one of those people she trusts more than anyone
So when you say that you are a mob boss she is broken
Hurt and disappointed
But mostly confused
She doesn't know what to do with this
What to do with you, with what you have between the both of you
She loves you a million
But you are wrong with your life decisions
the good and the bad fights inside of her mind when she tries to make a decision
She will either leave everything behind and live a life similar to what her brother had to live
Or let you go to be yourself and get hurt
She will never forget you or never stop loving you
But she will be in a deep depression after you leave her
Most likely never recover
Because you broke the trust she gave you
So if you want her
If you want to be with her
You have to play your cards right
You are on very thin ice here
You can literally break her in a way without a return
So chose your life carefully
What do you want to do as a mob boss?
Will, you hurt people? Cause trouble and chaos? Torture the innocent and break families?
Or will you just do underground illegal trades and sales?
She can keep your secret if you just do your business in the red market
But she will not tolerate you causing harm to others
She will hate it but will stop you no matter the cost before you become the monster you two fought while falling in love with each other
You have her heart
But she has yours too
So she will not allow anyone else to stop you and do it herself
Because she is afraid for others to put you down in a painful way
She'll stop you rather gently
Caress your cheek while crying beside you
She will never forgive you but also will never stop loving you
You are her only big love and will remain like that forever
She will be the person she was while Julian was on the run
Always nervous and always having anxiety and panic attacks
She won't leave you no
No no no no.
She rather dies than spend a day without the thought of you not loving her
Being there for her
She refuses very strongly to let you go and also get caught.
So in this scenario, you two are still together and preferably alive
But she is in agony every second of the day
And you know that this is all your fault
Yet continue anyway.
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He is not accepting this.
He will be furious and hurt so much that he will tell you to go right away
He trusted you and you betrayed him
There is not much to say for Muriel
He doesn't want to see you again
Even though he wants you
He dreamed about having a peaceful life with you
But he will not go over all the pain he had caused by violence and power
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You already know he is down
He will do anything for you
Destroy enemy mob boss?
Run the entire underground together?
Invade a city so that you can make the illegal legal?
Do you want someone dead?
Do you want him to arm people for you?
Recruit followers?
With the potential he has there is no option to stay peaceful in the underground business
Even if you just mention that you want to make a certain business
He'll take it as order the moment it comes out of your mouth
It will be scary
Terrifying even
You will be unstoppable
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Lmao you probably got him cornered and forced him to work with you
And he got so turned on that said yes on the spot
But made it look as he was the victim here
He seems to be distressed with your connection but secretly he likes the power you have
You do as you please, take whatever you want
And people in the palace have no idea
He knows that you are smart
Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to become a boss and run your business flawlessly
He'll support you financially of course
Under the table
But the real job he does is to give you information
He is also good at creating gossips and rumors as well
He is connected to the high class and works in the palace so it is really hard for people to make any kind of connection between him and you
He pretends to make investigations about your illegal business but what he actually does is mislead the palace
In return, you get him precious stuff
Expensive wine, silk clothes, anything he wants
Oh my god Valerius is your sugar baby and he doesn't even know
Whenever you tell him to see you he is there the moment he can leave his work
He likes to be around you but plays hard to get
He loves to see you struggle and frustrated
He will not give you away but don't expect him to go down with you if you get caught either
He cares about his reputation
The best he can do is to help you escape in a way people can't make connections with him
Then you will most likely become his sugar baby-ish for a while
He will boss you around but the second you remind him who you are he will act bratty
Oh does he likes being bratty
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emialawliet · 4 years
The mysteries of Wonder Egg Priority and some interesting things I found in it
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Oh hi Acca. Wait is that a crack on your right lens?
One of the great things about WEP is that it is an original anime wherein we do not have any source material to check on its story thus we do not have a clue on what’s gonna happen next besides the things that happen in each episode. These are one of those animes which are fun to observe.
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Plot Summary: Ai scores a “Wonder Egg” from a gachapon machine at a deserted arcade. But now when Ai falls asleep a girl emerges from her Wonder Egg, the worlds of dreams and reality begin to collide. And it’s all connected.
From the first episode, we have been given a huge amount of symbolism. Aside from the main subject of bullying and Ai’s guilt by pretending not to see it that cost her bestfriend’s life, there are a lot of other things that I noticed that seem to have a deeper meaning behind them or could be a hint to something. I’ll list these things one by one from the first 2 episodes..
This post is going to be quite a long one, so I’ll keep it minimal enough to just tickle your thoughts. And believe me, things got clearer to me as I am making this post.
The anime starts in a sort of a dream world.. or is it?
1) The firefly
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In some cultures firefly may not have a positive reputation. But in Japan, where they are called "hotaru," they are beloved – a metaphor for passionate love in poetry since Man'you-shu (the 8th century anthology). -Namiko Abe @ thoughtco.com
Ai can be seen looking at a dead firefly. She seems caring for it and she even gave it a proper burial. Could this symbolize someone dear to her? Now let’s proceed..
2) person in the car
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Is this a clue? I’ll remember that hair for some reason..
3) Ai’s conversation with the firefly and the Special Gacha Machine
firefly: What are you doing in a place like this?
Ai: Walking.
F: This late at night?
After burying the firefly, it suddenly came out the soil and spoke to Ai with a male voice. Their conversation seems to me like a suspicious man talking to an innocent girl in a place where a young one like her isn’t supposed to be..
F: The first time’s free. Next time bring your wallet.
This is one of the things commonly used to convince someone to try something they are usually not willing to for the first time. Like a free trial..
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..and was then led somewhere underground where the “Special Gacha Machine” is located.
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That’s a lotta eggs. What could this underground facility be? And here’s the Gacha Machine:
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So that’s the thing in the poster.
Weird huh? But the next morning, Ai wakes up with the egg beside her..
4) The dream
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..Or is it not entirely a dream? I mean the egg appearing beside her is one thing although it could be that the egg is just in her mind. But the thing that complicates things is the injuries she gets in real life, to the point where she and even Neiru needs to get hospitalized.
Ai asked why this (the whole dream she’s in) is happening to her and this is what Kurumi said:
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“Nothing costs more than a free gift huh?” Indeed, life is priceless. But in this story, it is only free the first time. The second night, Ai paid a huge price. Could those injuries mean this?
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“This is a dream to you, but to me it is reality.” -Kurumi Saijo
Ai will not die in this dream, as long as her eyes and heart are okay.
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Did she really sneak at night twice? Since getting the Wonder Egg to saving Kurumi? In this scene we also see the teacher in full for the first time and I dunno about you guys but I think that hair is familiar..
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The firefly even asked her this. We’ve seen Ai sneaking out at night but the things that follow are strange enough to happen in real life. Is it possible that what we're seeing is a mixture of Ai’s imagination and reality?
Something caused these injuries. Or is it Ai herself? Let us find out..
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After saving Kurumi, a mysterious male voice said “Too bad, you only get saved. But you have to cheer up if you want your bestfriend back.”
She then asked this:
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..but got no clear response. Of course we know the answer, Koito is not going back to life. but why does the voice demand her to do that? Not even the firefly could answer her clearly. But she continued to believe that this will get her bestfriend back. 
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“If you can’t protect them, you won’t make it either.” -Firefly
“There’s no point going to save someone if she gets herself killed.” -Ura-Acca
Does they mean the guilt might kill her too? Does this imply suicide? Could this be a hint where Ai gets her injuries?
And Neiru asked her who she is fighting for.. Ai firmly said it was for Koito.
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“You don’t like yourself now, so you go. You want to change the self you hate.” Well this could also be true for herself despite saying it’s for her sister whom she let die. How? We’ll soon know more about this I guess.. At the moment, we know that Neiru loves her current self. 
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Ai hates herself for betraying her bestfriend. The first friend she ever had.
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Koito probably asked her to film the bullying as evidence, but Ai was too scared of being left out. She wasn’t able to get a good shot, but Koito only smiled at her and knew she did her best.
5) The egg
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From the title itself, the egg is a very prominent object in this anime. We still do not have a clear answer as to what it really represents, but according to the speaking firefly and Kurumi, it contains what a person wants the most, and in Ai’s case, it is a friend. She denies this to both of them but they both know it is the truth.
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The eggs appear in different colors, with letters, numbers and symbols printed on them. Once cracked, it reveals a person. This is where we can relate the egg’s symbolism of life and creation. 
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A mysterious male voice angrily told Ai to break the egg, and this is what he said afterwards:
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Ai is “good” at it, huh. What could he probably mean I wonder..
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It was later revealed that Kurumi is another sculpture, a “captured maiden” in a different world like Ai’s bestfriend Koito. This confirms that Kurumi is also dead, which leads me to think that the eggs are the souls of those who died from suicide or abuse. 
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They couldn’t pass on unless the guilt of their friends stop holding them back. And this I think is also what’s happening to our MC Ai and Koito’s soul.
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6) Kurumi Saijo
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She wears a different uniform than Ai’s. A victim of bullying by 3 girls.
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Like Ai, she also said she did not have any friends, just superficial ones.
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And this could be hinting at the reason why she was bullied by those girls. She does have the looks. But these looks might be the reason why she had no real friends. And a boyfriend of this fake friend probably liked her and broke up with her fake friend which started the bullying. I smell jealousy.
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In this dream, she found her resolve while saving Kurumi.
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I gotta say though, the animation is impressive from start to finish. That button popping off has me goin “whoa they even thought of adding that bit.” And the explosion that followed.. oof.
After being saved by Ai, she asked Ai to not forget her and disappeared into dust. Was Kurumi able to finally pass on?
) Minami Suzuhara
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Seriously, in this anime, adorable girls have no friends.
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Damn her “trauma” is a ridiculous boob monster. 
She could have died due to over fatigue and stress from her coach’s verbal abuse.
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Ai had another injury the following day.
) Ai’s enemies
The Seenoevils, a disorderly mob. In real life, they are the ones that pretend not to see the bullying, letting it happen and thus contribute to the damage being dealt to thee victim. And the form of the egg’s “traumas”, the Wonder Killer, which are the main cause who led the victims to their deaths. In the dream world, they do not attack Ai. But they can damage her, only for the effects to appear outside the dream.
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Ai uses Kurumi’s pen as her first weapon, and Minami’s ribbon wand as the second.
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Like Kurumi, after she was saved she also asked Ai to remember her before disappearing into dust.
) The teacher
Ai’s teacher seems really nice, going as far as to visit her and deliver the week’s print outs to their home. Ai must not be attending school for weeks..
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We now know that Ai’s location is nearby their teacher’s home. Could he be the guy in the car then? We don’t have enough evidence of that as of yet.
In the second episode, Ai’s teacher visited again.
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Now we see his face. He’s got a mole huh.
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But why this question teach? 
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So that’s his name. And why the special treatment?
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Here we see him walk behind Koito and she follows..
) Acca & Ura-Akka
The most intriguing thing I found in the first ep..
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After discovering the truth about Kurumi, Ai was led to the end of the underground tunnel and found these two strange dolls playing Go, a japanese traditional board game. One looks like a professional, and the other just casual. They introduced themselves as Acca and Ura-Acca.
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Judging by that definition, these two dolls could be the same person. Let’s watch out for that.. Who could this person be? And what is his connection to Ai?
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“Haste makes waste.” These two are worried about Neiru. They strongly advise on taking the process slow or else she might die. Is this person a therapist?
) Neiru Aonuma
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Did I read that right.. VICE PRESIDENT?? I get the feeling her sister died caused by neglect from their parents because they were more focused on this Neiru who “loves herself”. She also seems to me like a foreigner. She speaks english quite well and we see the mom with a nice cute afro.
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She was too greedy to get multiple eggs at once. She could have fought through an intense battle. Probably why she was put in the intensive care unit. 
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She also does not know the fun of being in a friendship. But then she agrees on being friends with AI :) I am glad how Ai is starting to change too.
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I am looking forward for these two’s friendship <3
And that’s about all the curious things I’ve gathered in the first 2 episodes.
I am definitely going to continue watching this series and witness the truth unfold. Until the next egg time!
201 notes · View notes
readyplayerhobi · 4 years
Flower | 40 | End
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; Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, angst
; Word Count: 6.9k
; Warnings: Slight anxiety attack, mentions of panic, slight body issues
; Synopsis: You finally decide to take a dip into the world of online dating and find the Flower dating app. One of the top matches for you proves to be a guy who looks to be your complete opposite; tattooed, pierced, a metalhead and oh…incredibly handsome. What happens when you throw caution to the wind and reach out to him?
; A/N: So...this is it 😢 Flower is officially over! I started writing this on November 15th, 2019. Almost a year later, here we are with 40 chapters, 3 drabbles and 180k of words. Can you believe I actually finished it? I hope you’ve all enjoyed reading it and the journey of the MC finding herself and falling in love with Hoseok. It’s been so fun to write and it’s sad to let it go. If you’ve enjoyed reading this, please let me know with a comment or an ask! I’ve loved reading how much you’ve all felt seen or embraced by the MC with her struggles and I’d love to hear your thoughts on not only this chapter but the whole fic! Feedback is what keeps authors going and I came very close to leaving writing once Flower was finished but I’m still going to carry on. I’m not sure if this chapter is good or not, but I hope you enjoy it anyway and think it a fitting end to the story!
; Flower Masterpost
“Okay...okay. Let’s do this...you can do this. It’s easy. Just...walk down the aisle. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? Well, Hoseok could not be there or I could have a heart attack and drop down dead. That would suck. But it would resolve a lot of my issues, I wouldn’t have to worry about everyone watching me. On the other hand...I’m going to marry the love of my life. As long as he turns up” The soft sounds of your muttering are probably barely heard over the soft playing music through the speakers in the room, YouTube playing mindlessly to itself.
It was a good job, as it meant that no one else in the room could hear your panicked thoughts that were being verbalised. Hoseok and you had decided to get married at an exquisite mansion hotel with the ceremony itself being in the elegant gardens outside. There was a full-sized maze alongside a stunning fountain, the centrepiece being a marble depiction of Aphrodite rising from the shallows.
You’d taken a walk around the perfectly groomed gardens the night before, taking in all the decorations that you’d painstakingly picked out over the months that had been artfully arranged by the staff. The flowers in the gardens were beautiful, a smorgasbord of pinks, oranges, violets, reds and yellows that brought the whole area to life. Alongside it looking visually perfect, it also smelled amazing as well with the soft scent of different flowers mixing.
At night, the tiny fairy lights that had been strung up around the building front and the metal trellises that were organised in the garden gave off a soft, golden glow. It made the whole place look ethereal and you were excited for everyone else to get to see it during the reception tonight.
The actual wedding ceremony was scheduled to start at two in the afternoon, with only friends and family invited for that. It would be outside as well, with Hoseok and you standing at the end of a make-shift aisle on the lawn section of the hotel’s garden. Temporary chairs had been arranged on both sides for your guests, dark wood with ivory silk draped over everyone. At the end of the aisle, each chair had a silk bow in ivory and deep purple alongside a bouquet of specially arranged flowers. 
It all looked perfect and you’d marvelled at it yesterday, amazed that they’d managed to bring your vision to life. Now all you had to do was walk down it and get married, which was where you were a little panicked.
The room that had been assigned to the bridal party was on the lower floor of the hotel, reducing the risk of you potentially killing yourself by tripping over your dress while walking down the stairs. It was technically two hotel rooms connected through a shared bathroom, which you found bizarre.
Your mom and Hoseok’s mom had taken the other room for their use to get changed, the hairdresser and makeup artist they’d hired working there to make them look their best for the ceremony. Even now, you could hear them chattering and laughing away with each other. Even through your anxiety, you can’t help but smile as you hear them get on so well.
Any fears you’d had about them not liking each other had quickly disappeared. Instead, they’d become good friends and liked to meet up now and then to have a talk over coffee or something. It pleased you to see your mom getting to have more friends.
Eden and Amelia had also chosen to get ready in that room, not wanting to crowd the one you were in too much. It was already full of dresses and a ridiculous amount of makeup and hair product with only four of you so you couldn’t even imagine the chaos with five of you.
In your room was Soyeon, Chungha and Dahyun alongside you. Dahyun was currently three months pregnant, having successfully been inseminated with Jungkook’s sperm. He’d agreed to their request and after a few months of getting prepared for the attempts, Dahyun had undergone the procedure. What it had been exactly, you didn’t know because you hadn’t felt it was your business to pry into something like that.
It was a privilege to even know they were trying before anyone else. Their announcement had come at your bachelorette party when Dahyun had refused alcohol, immediately leading Soyeon and you to be suspicious. You’d never seen Chungha’s beloved ever turn down a drink so it had been a clear sign of something at least.
Needless to say, your party had happily become a celebration of their impending baby. Thankfully, you weren’t one of those people who got overly annoyed at others announcing things at events. Or at least, not big events. Your bachelorette party had been a perfect time to find out, whereas you might not have been so amenable if they’d told everyone today instead.
That was normal though, right? Today was your day. Yours and Hoseok’s. People who felt the need to co-opt special days like that were a special type of self-absorbed in your opinion.
Given it was so early into her pregnancy, Dahyun isn't showing that much. Which meant her bridesmaid dress hadn’t needed to be altered too much. None of them has gotten into their dresses just yet, instead currently in the process of getting their face and hair done. Chungha’s hair has already been done, elegantly styled into a beautiful updo with a few tendrils curled around her face.
The makeup for the girls was a smokey eye with subtle blush and contour, alongside a neutral lip. It wasn’t anything flashy, but you’d loved the concept of it all. Particularly with the small and delicate crystals that dotted along their waterline, adding a little sparkle to match the tiny crystals on their deep violet dresses.
As a present to each of them, you’d bought them a gift set from Pandora. In each one was a pair of dainty stud earrings with a heart design alongside a matching heart-shaped pendant necklace. All the hearts were encrusted with brilliant-cut stones, making the perfect gift that could be used again in the future for casual use.
They’d all been in awe of it and surprised at being given presents as well. You hadn’t even known it was a thing until you’d looked up wedding preparation online, discovering that you should also buy something for Hoseok. Which had led to you buying him the fancy watch he’d been drooling over for months now. It had been eye-watering expensive, but it had been worth it for his excited text this morning.
Along with the watch, you’d also written him a letter. It was meant to be light-hearted and fun, but you’d ended up writing way too much as you’d poured out your love to him alongside everything you felt for him. To your eternal embarrassment, you’d ended up crying while writing it as you’d told him everything you’d never been able to vocalise, including writing possibly a million times that you love him.
He’d been instructed to not read that until just before the ceremony.
His present to you was a gaming table, which might not seem to be very sentimental to anyone else but you’d been ecstatic over it. For years now, you’d been saying that you wanted to buy a proper table that was designed for board games and that could then be used as a normal table when converted. They were super expensive so you’d resigned yourself to never getting one, but he’d printed out the receipt of what he’d ordered and put it into an envelope for you to open tonight.
Neither of you had ever been a traditional couple, and that certainly wasn’t about to change with marriage.
“Hey, you okay?” Amelia asks, interrupting your intense thought process as she sits down next to you. As usual, her aura is warm and reassuring as she reaches over to gently squeeze at your hand. You don’t spend a huge amount of time around her, but you knew both Eden and her enough to want them in your bridal party.
“Yes? No? Maybe? I don’t know. I’m just…” Trailing off, you struggle to find the right words and instead gesture towards the air. It makes no sense but you can’t quite figure out what you’re trying to say. Mainly because you can’t figure out what your mind is thinking.
“It’s okay to be worried, don’t feel like you shouldn’t be. If you’re anxious or nervous then that’s okay as well. Don’t let anyone tell you how you should be feeling, just feel what you are. Trust Hoseok, trust yourself and all your family and friends. We’re all here for you and we want you to have the best day possible. Tell us if anything is wrong, okay? I have no doubt that Chungha and Soyeon would strong-arm everyone into whatever was necessary to make you feel comfortable.” She says, smirking as she nods over to the two women who are chattering away in their respective chairs.
“I know, I know. I’m trying. It’s just...god, everyone is going to be staring at me and I hate being the centre of attention,” Looking down at your hands, you chew at your lips. “What if I mess up the vows? Or I freeze or drop the ring?”
“Hey, it’s normal to feel that. I doubt there’s anyone who’s gotten married who wasn’t at least a little bit anxious about messing something up. Yes, everyone is here to watch you, but they’re for Hoseok too. I’m sure he’s just as worried that he might make a mistake, and if you do then, so what? It’s not going to ruin anything, it just means your human. If anything, people will probably find it endearing. The only person you should concern yourself with is Hoseok, and I doubt there’s anything you could do today to ruin the day for him. Unless you don’t go.” Amelia laughs when you give a shocked gasp, jaw-dropping open and eyes wide.
“I would never do that! But what if he decides he doesn’t want to get married anymore?” Now the worry that had wiggled itself deep inside your mind comes to the fore and you find yourself almost whispering the words. It feels like a betrayal to Hoseok for even thinking he’d do that, but you can’t help the fear.
You must not have been quite enough though as Chungha speaks up, facing you in her chair with a stern expression on her face as she wags her finger. “Lady, do not think that. I don’t want that thought to even enter your head. As if Jung Hoseok is ever going to back out now. I think that man would’ve eloped with you if you’d asked instead. He’s going to be standing at the end of that aisle, probably bawling like a baby.”
“Maybe not that far.” This is from Eden, who’s laid out on the bed in the centre of the room, playing Zelda on her Switch. She’d had her makeup done earlier and is now waiting for the hairdresser to be free while Amelia is waiting for her makeup. All of you had decided that you’d be last to get ready to make sure that everything looked as fresh as possible.
“Want to bet? That man is gonna be sobbing.” This starts up a whole ten-minute discussion about whether or not Hoseok was going to cry at seeing you. Namjoon hadn’t cried but Jimin had during their weddings, surprising no one. But Namjoon had cried at the birth of his daughter.
You weren’t sure, to be honest. Hoseok didn’t cry all that often and you could probably count on one hand how many times you’d seen it over four years. On top of that, you weren’t entirely sure that you wanted to see him crying. It made your chest hurt when he did and you always ended up crying too.
Something about seeing strong and proud men cry was just heartbreaking to you. 
For a while, you just sit back and let the conversation wash over you as they all debate and borderline argue, intensely amongst themselves. They’d all switched around now and they’ll soon start getting into their bridesmaid’s dresses, which meant you’d be finally getting ready.
Your nails had been done the night before with a beautiful design in the same colour scheme as the wedding. They looked so pretty and elegant, which was a surprise to you every time you looked at them as you never really bothered doing your nails. While you liked to do fancy makeup looks now and then to post onto social media, nails were not something you were interested in.
Maybe you should reassess that thought.
“Anyway, what we’re all trying, and failing, to say is that Hoseok loves you and if he doesn’t cry then he’s crying inside at how beautiful you are.” Soyeon states firmly, sitting next to you and admiring your nails as well. All the bridesmaids had the same style to keep the theme going and she wiggled her fingers with a bright smile.
“I’m not even ready yet, you don’t know if I’ll be beautiful.”
There’s dead silence in the room after the comment, with even the hairdresser and makeup artist turning to stare at you. Between the six other women in the room, you’re pretty sure that they’ve got every emotion from shock to annoyance to incredulity covered. Feeling yourself get warm at their attention, you look down to your lap in embarrassment.
Obviously, the wrong thing to say.
“Okay, we’re going to ignore that you just said that. You don’t need to be dolled up and in a wedding dress to be beautiful, it’s just going to enhance what you already have. And I don’t want any arguments on that.” Poking your side lightly, you playfully wince at Soyeon as she scolds you. Everyone else is nodding along solemnly before they carry on with whatever they’d been doing.
“Seriously though, I overheard your conversation with Amelia. She’s right. Embrace your feelings but don’t let them overwhelm you. Standing in front of a crowd is nerve-wracking for anyone, but you’ve got the love of your life standing there with you. Just focus on Hoseok, he’ll get you through it. He always has, right?” Soyeon said.
Giving her a half-smile, you nod and do a remarkably good job of looking like a scolded child or something. You know it’s just because she loves you that she doesn’t want you to berate yourself, along with the fact that she knows what you’re like. If someone doesn’t verbally acknowledge your problems then you’ll just obsess over them.
Your phone screen lights up in your lap before it begins to vibrate suddenly, Hoseok’s name visible on the screen. Frowning down at it, you wonder why he’s calling before a multitude of emotions and thoughts runs through your mind.
“Go take it in the bathroom.” Pulling you up, Soyeon practically pushes you into the bathroom before giving you a smile and a thumbs-up as she closes the door.
Seeing the other door is also open, you peek out and let everyone in that room know that you’d be using the bathroom for a few minutes and to not come in. Once you get the acknowledgement, you close and lock it as well before pushing up to sit on the counter.
“Hobi! Why are you calling?” Leaning back against the mirror, you frown deeply as you question him. The first response is just his familiar deep chuckle, the sound already helping to soothe some of your frayed nerves.
“Amelia texted Joon, who told me. I don’t want you to stress yourself out! Not today, today’s meant to be a happy day. No stress. Or anxiety.” Snorting, you roll your eyes as you trace an invisible design onto your thigh.
“Sure, like that’s gonna happen. You know me. And why are you calling? We’re not meant to see each other until the wedding, it’s bad luck!” There’s a brief pause and you can practically hear him rolling his eyes, the deep sigh he lets out telling you all you need to know.
“Meeps, I’m pretty sure that only counts for physically seeing each other. I can’t see you right now. I don’t recall anything about not being allowed to hear you, or talk to you. Besides, we make our luck.” He sounds so nonchalant and now it’s your turn to sigh at him.
“You’re going to get us hit by lightning or something.”
“Impossible, the weather schedule for today is meant to be sunny with a little bit of cloud later on. Nice warm temperatures that aren’t too hot but also not too cold. Perfect. No lightning.” His immediate rebuttal has you laughing, unable to stay mad at him for too long. Not when he’s trying so hard to take your mind off things.
“Seriously though, are you okay? What are you worried about? Talk to me.” Hoseok asks, his voice calm and steady as he stops joking around. There’s a brief moment of resistance, the thought that you don’t want to bother him with your silly thoughts or annoying emotions before you remember that you can trust him. No matter how ridiculous it sounds in your head, Hoseok will listen and he won’t make fun of you.
“I’m just...scared. Of all the people. Like, they’re going to be watching me or staring. What if I look fat or ugly? Or I fuck up saying the vows? Or I drop the ring or my dress splits or something? Or if I trip down the aisle?! Or if you decide you don’t want to marry me anymore?” As you begin to reel off the questions that have been plaguing your mind, you can feel your chest getting a little tighter and your breathing shallower.
With the practised ease of someone who’s dealt with your panic attacks over the years, Hoseok makes calming and reassuring noises over the phone until you’re silent. Just listening to him, you take in the comforting words as he lets you know that you’re okay and everything is fine. Finally, once he thinks you’re calm enough, he carries on.
“Meeps, that’s fine. Don’t be upset that you’re having those thoughts. I’ve had every one of those thoughts today as well. I mean...not the dress one. Substitute that for pants splitting or something, which is even more embarrassing because my underwear is not black today. But the point I’m trying to make here is that it’s normal to have those thoughts today. I’d probably be more worried if you weren’t having them.” He pauses to laugh before you hear shuffling noises.
There’s no doubt he’s probably not even getting into his tuxedo just yet and you curse the fact that men take far less time to get ready than women. He’ll probably only start like...an hour before the ceremony begins or something.
“But all I’ll say is, it doesn’t matter if anything goes wrong because we’ll fix it. You and me, just like always. You won’t look fat or ugly because you’re neither fat nor ugly anyway, instead, you’ll be the most beautiful woman here. Which you always are to me but don’t let my mom hear me tell you that. And I’m going to be standing at the end of the aisle, I promise you that. I’m the one who proposed to you and I will be there, waiting for you. That’s one thing I can assure you of completely.” Hoseok says this firmly, his voice perhaps more serious than you’ve ever heard it before.
You can practically feel his determination to make you understand that he’s going to be there. That he’s going to marry you today, no matter what happens. It makes your heart swell with love and emotion, causing you to press your hand against your mouth.
Hoseok takes your silence as a positive, choosing to let it carry on for a little longer before speaking once more.
“I love you, Meeps. And by the end of today, you’re going to be my wife. We’re going to have a great day with a beautiful ceremony and a fun reception before probably going to bed drunk. Or at least, I’m going to be drunk. Not entirely sure if I’ll be able to take you to Poundtown tonight-”
“Don’t ever say that again.” 
“But if not tonight then definitely tomorrow. Unless you don’t want me to drink, in which case probably tonight if you’re up for it.” Shaking your head, you can’t help but smile at his stupid comments. He always knew how to cheer you up, even if it was with the most ridiculous thing you’d heard today.
“You can drink, I’m not going to make you sober throughout the entire reception. I want you to have fun with everyone, so if you end up drunk then that’s fine. Just don’t go overboard.”
“Choosing to ignore my Poundtown comments, I see.” 
“Jung Hoseok, I am going to hang up now. I will see you later, okay?”
“Okay. Love you.” Feeling a little shy, you murmur your next words into the phone.
“Love you too.”
The ceremony is officially about to start and you stare at the open door, knowing that outside all your guests are waiting. Not only that, but Hoseok is at the end of the aisle. You’d been reassured by everyone there who had peeked out to make sure, quelling your fears and worries.
All the groomsmen had come inside upon finding out you were here, lining themselves up alongside their specified bridesmaid partners and chatting away happily. They all looked incredibly handsome in their suits, the colours matching the bridesmaids perfectly and you felt a little pride at having thought of a good colour scheme.
Your mom is fussing around you, making sure that your dress looks perfect and that your bouquet hasn’t fallen apart or anything. Sighing, you gently push her hands away as she tries once more to move your necklace.
All of them had given you something as part of the tradition for the bride. Dahyun had lent you a beautiful Cartier bracelet, glowing with diamonds, as part of the ‘something borrowed’ while Chungha had bought you diamond earrings for the ‘something new’. Your mom had given you the bracelet she’d worn for her wedding, now occupying your other wrist and Hoseok’s mom had provided the necklace adorning your neck.
It was a beautiful silver necklace with a dainty leaf design, leading to the main piece in the centre which was dotted with tiny diamonds. Each leaf spreading out had either amethyst or an aquamarine gem in alternating order. She’d ordered it specially made for your wedding, matching your engagement ring with the gems and fulfilling the ‘something blue’.
You’d been amazed at everything they’d given you, understanding now why they’d all told you now to buy any jewellery for the day. They’d all decided to make sure you had everything you needed anyway.
But you knew that your mom’s need to keep straightening out your dress or brushing away unseen dust was just to keep herself preoccupied. She’d already cried once when you’d come out in your wedding dress, makeup and hair all done. That had earned her an exasperated sigh from the makeup artist.
“Mom, mom, come on,” You coo to her, smiling before taking her hands and squeezing. “You gotta go out there, go get your place.” 
She hesitates for a moment, unwilling to leave you before nodding. After a few words of reassurance from her to you, telling you that you’re going to do well and it’s all going to go fine, she turns and hugs your dad tightly before kissing him. You’d feel embarrassed at the sight of it, never quite being comfortable with your parents' displays of affection, but it just causes you to laugh softly.
Once she’s out the door, you hear the music begin from outside, the notes flowing through the door faintly. Everyone inside quietens and you can almost feel the excitement ramp up. It just makes you feel more nervous though, particularly when they start to head out in their pairs slowly.
“Are you ready?” Your dad asks, his eyes already going glassy with tears as his lip wobbles slightly. Giving him a concerned look, you immediately reach up to wipe the tears as they start to fall, feeling your heartbreak at the sight of your dad crying. He never cried.
“Dad! Don’t cry, oh my god. I’m sorry.” Cleaning up his face quickly, you’re stopped by the gentle way he grasps your wrists. For a moment, you think that he’s going to push you away but instead, he pulls you closer and carefully hugs you.
It’s a little awkward as you’re trying not to ruin the carefully done hair and makeup, but you can’t deny your dad a hug. Especially when you’d never really been much of a hugger growing up. You would be cruel to deny him one, especially on your wedding day. Your parents were feeling emotional that their little girl was getting married today.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. It’s just your old dad getting sappy. You look so beautiful. Hoseok is so lucky, you better remind him of that every day.” He’s pulled back now, giving you the softest smile that is still a little watery. His hands move to your shoulders and he stands back to examine you fully, his eyes taking in everything.
Before you can respond to him, Yoongi is disappearing out of the door and heading towards the aisle. He’s alone, as you’d planned, but in one hand is the bouquet that Hoseok’s sister would’ve held had she still been alive. It had been his suggestion to hold it, symbolising the family member that Hoseok didn’t have anymore and you’d been more than willing to agree.
You wondered what Hoseok thought when he saw it as neither of you had told him that Yoongi would be holding it. Hopefully, he was happy with it, along with his parents.
Turning back to you, your dad squeezes your shoulders reassuringly before smiling at you. Ironically, all it does is make you more nervous as you realise that now you’re the one who’s going to have to walk down that aisle next. 
“Come on, it’s time to make your fiancé cry.” His words in a teasing tone, your dad turns to face the door before offering you his arm. Standing there, you stare at him before looking at the door with trepidation. Nerves roil in your stomach as you hear the faint sound of music playing, knowing that everyone out there is waiting for you.
Which in turn means everyone will be staring at you.
Those nerves quickly turn to anxiety and your breath comes faster, chest feeling a little constricted by the tight bodice of the dress. Without even realising it, your hands start to shake and the bouquet in them shudders visibly.
Quickly, your dad takes the bouquet from you to make sure that you don’t accidentally deflower them or crush the stems. The last thing you needed was to ruin your perfect bouquet only minutes before you were supposed to walk down the aisle.
It frees up your hands and you find yourself flapping them as you stress, trying to shake out the negative emotions as you pant. Your dad’s eyes widen, obviously panicking himself at your obvious distress. He’s never had to deal with you struggling like this before and he doesn’t know what to do but his paternal instincts kick in quickly.
“Hey, come on, sweetheart. Breathe, breathe. Take a big breath in, come on, that’s it. Not let it out slowly. And again, that’s right.” Talking to you in his comforting voice, tone level and low, you follow his instructions and start to feel a little calmer as you force yourself to calm your breathing. It’s hard, and you still feel the anxiety but it feels a little more manageable now.
Closing your eyes, you run through all the tips your therapist had given you for how to cope with anxiety attacks. What worked for you was to sing in your head, the lyrics, whatever song you were loving lately. It probably takes longer than you’d have liked but finally you feel like you can cope with your emotions enough to carry on.
When you open your eyes again, your dad is giving you an expectant, yet worried, look. Shaking your hands once more, you reach out and take the bouquet from him before taking a deep breath. Linking your arm through his, you straighten your shoulders and lift your chin before smiling at him.
“Okay, okay. Let’s go.”
Walking down the aisle is surprisingly less stressful than you’d imagined. The famous wedding song plays through the air as you walk slowly and the whole atmosphere feels almost like a fairytale. The soft lights twinkle even in the daylight while the gentle, warm breeze makes the ribbons on the chairs flutter delicately.
Along the floor, the white and purple rose petals that Namjoon’s daughter had spread in her role as flower girl were strewn haphazardly. A few of them caught the breeze and rolled delicately to a new place, making it seem like the floor was consistently changing. You liked it, smiling at the sight of how beautiful everything looked.
Everyone was staring at you, as you’d expected, but surprisingly it wasn’t as intimidating as you’d thought. You didn’t exactly enjoy it but it wasn’t terrible. Probably because you were more focused on initially admiring how perfect everything looked. How months and months of thought and money had finally accumulated into the perfect wedding.
But mostly, you weren’t as bothered by the staring because you were focused on the end of the aisle. There was no real altar here, given that it was being held at a hotel and everything, but the metal garden arch at the end had been decorated in delicate flowers, ribbons and lights to make an even better end.
And beneath it stood Hoseok.
If you’d ever thought Hoseok looked handsome before then it paled in comparison to him today. His black tuxedo made him look tall and slim, every part of him looking perfectly put together and elegant. The deep purple waistcoat beneath his jacket contrasted with the white of his shirt perfectly; the colour combination making his skin almost glow with health and happiness.
There was only the slightest hint of tattoos at the edge of his collar, leaving to the imagination the artwork he had permanently on his body beneath his clothes but you didn’t need to imagine. You’d seen them all, traced them delicately into your memory over the years until you could point out where they were without even seeing them.
Finally reaching him, you paused to look at your dad and gave him a bright smile of gratitude before giving him a second hug. This one was a little tighter than before and when you let go of him, you saw that he was crying once more. He didn’t give your hand to Hoseok, instead just gave him a stern look while trying to surreptitiously wipe away his tears.
“You look after her, Jung Hoseok. You make sure she’s the happiest woman.” There’s iron in his voice, telling Hoseok that it wasn’t a question but more a command. But there’s also love and affection in it, something Hoseok can tell as well by the way he nods his head.
Handing your bouquet to Chungha, you take Hoseok’s proffered hand. Up close, you can take in the details of his face better and you take a moment to simply admire him and imprint him into your memory.
The sides of his head had been shaven, the undercut short and seen with the style he’d chosen to wear today. His hair had been styled back, pushed away from his forehead. It was a look that had made you weak in the knees many times over the years and you’d practically begged him to have it for the wedding, knowing that he’d blow everyone’s mind with how handsome he looked.
Hoseok had a face that looked like it had been hand-carved by the gods from the finest marble anyway and this hairstyle showed off all the highlights of his face. The high cheekbones that made his smiles so animated, his cutting jawline, the clean slope of his nose, the heart-shaped smile that lit his entire face and the dimples that made him seem so human. 
His lip ring was still in, the silver shining in the sunlight. He’d been unsure whether to wear it but you’d told him to embrace himself and keep it. You’d fallen in love with him as he was, and you wanted him to show himself how you saw him. Which included his piercings and tattoos.
Your heart clenched though when you looked into his eyes finally. Hoseok’s eyes were one of your favourite things about him. The crescents they turned into when he smiled brightly, pushed into the shape by his cheeks and the way his eyes could practically dance with delight when he was happy.
Today though, those beautiful and expressive eyes were watery with tears. The wet streak on his cheek told you that he’d already had some of them fall and you frowned at the sight of them. Everyone had been right; Hoseok had cried upon seeing you down the aisle.
“Baby.” You whisper, unsure if you’re meant to talk to him. Deciding you don’t care, you reach up to wipe away the tears and smile when he kisses the palm of your hand before nuzzling into it, uncaring of everyone else.
“Meeps, you look perfect. I read your letter, I love you too.” Before you can stop him, he’s leaning forward and pressing a quick kiss to your lips. There’s a murmur in the crowd, alongside some laughter and he looks over at everyone with a raised brow.
No one says anything though and he gets a satisfied look, ignoring your shy expression as you turn away from everyone.
“You’re not supposed to do that.” Keeping your voice low, you give a hesitant smile to the official who will be taking you both through your ceremony. Hoseok lets out a snort of laughter as he squeezes your hand tight, letting his thumb run along the back of your hand lovingly.
“I don’t care. It’s our wedding, I’ll do what I want.” And before you can stop him, he turns you and gives you another kiss, this one lingering a little longer. Eyes widening, you can’t help but giggle as you hear yet more laughter.
You should be annoyed at him, but you know he’s a force of nature. Plus, you don’t care. It feels nice to know he can’t help himself.
“Okay, let’s get married, Meeps.” He grins at you before facing the officiant once more. Staring at him a moment longer, you smile at him and nod.
“Let’s get married.”
Hobi Hobi,
We’re getting married today! Are you excited? I hope you’re reading this when I told you to, if not then you’re cheating >:[ it feels weird to write a letter. I don’t even know if I’ve ever done this before, so I’m sorry if it sounds really cheesy and lame. What do people write in these normally? I’m just going to write what comes to mind so if it ends up sappy then you’re not allowed to tease me later about it. 
Anyway, I want you to know that I’m sorry that I suck so much at telling you how I feel and my emotions. I wish I could be one of those people who’s telling you every moment how handsome you are and how much I love you but I can’t. I’m sorry :( I’m trying, I swear! Even if I don’t get to tell you as often as you deserve, I hope you know that I love you more than anything in the world.
Don’t ever forget that, okay? Even when we’re arguing over something silly or we go to bed mad at each other, don’t forget that. I know we’re pretty good at talking things out but there’s always that chance that we could have a big blowout. So I want you to remember that I love you. 
I’m still not entirely sure what I did to deserve you, but I don’t regret sending you that message. If anything, I think I should send the Flower team a big bunch of flowers or something for creating the algorithm that brought you up as a match. Imagine if it hadn’t and I’d just deleted the app, we’d have never met and I’d still be lonely and sad.
But we did meet, and I took a chance on you by sending you that embarrassing message. And then you took a chance by actually meeting up with me and going on that date. I still remember it, and I don’t know if I ever told you but I still have the ticket for the escape room. I know you still have yours in your wallet :) Thank you for giving me your time, even if I wasn’t your type. I hope I’m your type now.
I’m not sure that I will ever be able to tell you how important you are to me. Not only myself but my life. You’ve helped me to embrace myself and learn to love myself over the years through kindness. I know my limits in terms of my mental health now and you’ve helped to support me with the medication and the therapist. Neither of those were things I’d been comfortable with doing before your encouragement. But you also gave me a safe space to break down in; somewhere that I knew I could be at my most vulnerable mentally without having to risk being hurt even more.
You held me when I cried, you comforted me when I panicked and you calmed my anxiety over the years. I can never thank you enough for helping me to understand that these aren’t deficiencies and I’m not broken. I just need a little help to get through things sometimes. At the same time, I hope that I’ve become that safe space for you as well. I know that you’re not as emotional as I am, but I feel that you’ve opened up to me about things that hurt you. I’ll keep your secrets safe and I’ll always be here for you!
I hope you’re happy with your life now. With me, and our home and our furbabies. I hope you stay happy, and if you don’t then talk to me. Please. I don’t want us to ever realise that we’re making each other unhappy and I don’t want to ever be the reason for negativity. I want to spend the rest of my life with you in our little home, growing old together as we play board games and dote on our animals while you increase your tattoo collection even more. I know that people like to say that they can’t imagine their lives with their significant other, but I really do feel like that.
My life without you would be hollow and monochrome, as you bring colour to my world and fill it with joy and happiness. I’ve never laughed as much as I have these last few years with you and I know we’ll keep that in our relationship if we try hard. 
I don’t really know where this letter is going and I’m babbling now. But I guess the main thing is just that I can’t wait to marry you. It may not be very feminist of me but I can’t wait to take your name and be your wife. I can’t wait to call you my husband. I’m going to be terrified in the ceremony and so nervous but I’ll be happy too, I promise! I still can’t believe that you picked me, out of all the women you’ve seen, to be your girlfriend and then decided that you wanted to marry me.
Jung Hoseok, I solemnly swear to treasure you for the rest of your life and make sure you know how much I love you. I might not be able to tell you all that much, but I’ll show you. I’ll make you smile and laugh, I’ll buy you things that make me think of you, I’ll hug you tight and cuddle you until you’re complaining.
So in case it wasn’t obvious enough, I love you. I just want you to know because I know I suck at telling you, like I said. I’m also bad at writing letters but what’s new? I’ll finish this off quickly so you’re not spending too long reading this. Don’t want to make you late for our wedding after all.
I love you. I love you, Jung Hoseok. I love you, Hobi. I love you, I love you, I love you.
Lots and lots and lots of love, your soon to be wife <333333
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junicai · 4 years
Relationship with NCT Dream
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➣ MARK ☾ mari
½ of the best friend crew
honestly at the beginning, mark and aria weren’t very close, having only really seen each other in passing or with johnny
but after being dropped into training together the two quickly became fast friends, and now they’re borderline inseparable
you thought you knew pain? watch aria’s reaction to mark’s graduation from dream :)
mark’s the reason why aria felt confident enough to pitch some of her lyric ideas to the team, after staying up until 4am to help her make some edits so she was as confident as possible
kinda just, rests his head on her shoulder? and wraps his arms around her waist when he’s tired
mari being confused in foreigner: ???
aria said once in a vlive that she finds mark really comforting to be around - when she feels stressed or worried about something she’ll go to mark’s room and just sit on his bed for a while
aria is so close with his parents - “ahh, how’s my favourite child” “i’m doing great mom.” “no not you, how’s aria?” “wh-hu-MOM?”
you’d swear sometimes mark is younger than her, considering the pout he puts on and how much he whines when they’re not on the same team together for promotions
mark big protecc boi but also little small cuddly boi
they’re so soft for each other ( ╥ω╥ )
in one of the fancams for mark’s solo stage during superm, someone zoomed into aria singing along with him in the wings and dancing to herself with the Proudest Smile™
he’s! so! proud! of! her! constantly! she could be walking and he’d be like “omg get it”
when aria refuses to get up and make herself food (this happens way too often, she just gets into the groove of her work and doesn’t want to move) mark gets her to by threatening to do it himself
consistently caught by czennies just standing behind her and holding her hand in crowded areas - airports, waiting rooms, etc.
mark and aria were standing off to one side as the mc explained the rules of the game they were about to be playing. mark looked totally confused, and elbowed aria in her side before looking down and mouthing “what?” to her. aria opened her mouth, before closing it and looking down at the ground, muttering to herself, “결합… 結合….. le chéile…. le… le.. oh oh - combined! we have to put them together, markie.”and thus, a new confusion meme was born
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➣ RENJUN ☾ renjaria
renjun and aria room together while she’s promoting with dream
they were so awkward around each other at the beginning :(
only really spoke in passing, or when they had to
it was renjun that broke the ice at first, asking if she wanted to go shopping for the dorm together
now it’s their thing
“no aria, we can’t get more ice-cream we’re all supposed to be on diets.” “but  。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。 please”
he’s lowkey soft for her but he’d rather throw himself off the roof then tell her that
piano pals
he started teaching her how to properly play once he found her messing around on a keyboard in the studio one day
they actually argue quite a bit
not about big things, but about smaller things that push each other over the edge because of stress
the first time he yelled at her, aria spent the night in hyuck’s room 
hyuck yelled at renjun for making her cry 
now they’re probably the best pairing for talking through their emotions instead of blowing up on each other
they’re both quite opinionated people, and they’ve learnt to navigate that well so fights don’t happen as often
does that stop renjun from teasing aria an within an inch of her life? absolutely not
“i’ll kill you” “can you, reach?” “LISTEN HERE-”
he acts like he’s 10ft tall, excuse you sir you are barely 5′6″
renjun was her mandarin teacher for a while, but then kun kindly told her that her “introduction” was actually calling herself an idiot 
aria has a bad problem with saesangs go away bitches and renjun is iconic for going off on them for her because she doesn’t like to make a big deal out of it all 
he gets so angry on her behalf
that was actually a topic of one of their biggest arguments smh
aria was leaning on a pile of books to prop herself up as she leant forwards to try and hang a string of lights on her bedroom wall. renjun walked in, and immediately came to her aid, speaking with a teasing tone. “need a hand?” 
aria, without ceremony just elbowed him in the stomach and used his then folded up figure to push herself up higher. “yes, thank you!”
she got hate for that one, but it was all in good fun and renjun was laughing after it
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➣ JENO ☾ nori
aria is his princess and everyone else can fight him
like they’re both doyoung’s children, but if it comes down to it he will lay down his life for her
and not even in a romantic way, just a “you’re too precious i have to protect you” kind of way
czennies thought he was in love with her for the entirety of nct 2018 promotions
this boy was hanging off of her at any given second, and there was an edited video of jeno “glaring” at lucas’ back when the taller boy walked away after hugging aria
it was faked, stan twt needs to chill out
he drags her to the gym 
he’s basically her big brother? but they’re the same age - its a weird dynamic but they make it work
they’re so LOUD together
not chaotic, but he makes her laugh so hard 
vlive 191030: “nono-ah makes my cheeks hurt so i can’t spend too long around him. my sides hurt too ~  ♡(。- ω -)”
any and all fanfictions written about the two are definitely either coffee shop, university or library AUs
this man walks like a bodyguard around her - boy got the arm over the shoulder, tucked her head into him, covering her face, its a whole ordeal
dispatch released some pictures of aria one day and accidentally blurred out jeno’s face because they thought he was her bodyguard 
is so. so mindful of how long aria spends in the training rooms
like, yes everyone else expects her home before midnight (long story)
but jeno actively makes sure to ask people what time she left the dorm at, and texts her to remind her to take water breaks and to come home at a good time so she can sleep 
these two are the creators of so many iconic vlives - they have a bad habit of going live at 1 or 2 in the morning, just doing random things
“hi hi! so, nono and i- jeno stop it, stop it! - nono and i are walking down to the park to go feed the birds - yes we’re going to feed the bird- no! we are not going to feed the ducks, bread can kill the ducks! why did you bring brea-”
jeno pulled the camera from aria’s hands. “ari and i,” he looked at her purposefully, “are going back to the dorms because someone forgot to bring the bird seed, and apparently we can’t give bread to ducks anymore.”
*sounds of aria intermittently hitting and scolding jeno ensue*
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➣ DONGHYUCK ☾ arichan
the other half of the best friend crew
absolute heathens to be around when they are together
donghyuck is the person aria is closest to, and someone she’d call her best friend (only when she was sure he wouldn’t hear her)
she calls him “the demon child i can’t get rid of” but will, and has definitely pouted when he ignored her for too long
generally aria is a pretty soft spoken person, but not with hyuck around - he brings out all her chaos energy (please pray for the patience of dotae)
the pair have a little tradition of kissing the back of each others’ hands before going on stage for good luck. they can’t even remember how it started, but now its an unnegotiable pre-show ritual
he’s so clingy with her absolutely everywhere its painfully adorable  (ಥ﹏ಥ)
interviews? hyuck has a hand on her knee, or if she’s wearing a skirt he’s tucked his hand in between their chairs so she can hold it discreetly. in the dorms? full body tackle onto the couch, where he proceeds to lay on top of her completely.
because of hyuck’s nickname being the sun, and aria always being around him, czennies gave her the nickname “moon” to go with him
fans thought that aria was older than hyuck for a good year and a half before she released her birthday on a vlive, because she’s normally the one tasked with reigning his chaotic energy in during promotions (that is, if she hasn’t already joined him)
but off-camera, aria is absolutely hyuck’s baby there is no disputing that. aria’s sad?he’s there with ice-cream and a blanket and a baseball bat.
the winnie the pooh character that is on aria’s bed was a gift from hyuck for her 17th birthday, after she made him watch seven episodes of the show on netflix with her one night
yes he complained, but he slapped her hand away when she went to change it to something else
a twitter thread of a czennie comparing their horoscopes together went viral when people realized that it was quite plausible that the pair were each others (platonic) soulmates
after an incident involving blueberries, donghyuck took it upon himself to check the ingredients of every. single. food item in their dorm to make sure it was ok for her to eat
hyuck clowns her for her irish accent, and aria curses him out in japanese
tldr: they cute or whatever
donghyuck was doing a vlive in his bedroom, sitting and talking to czennies when aria opened the door to his room quietly. she didn’t say anything, just waved slightly with almost closed eyes before she crawled underneath his covers and tucked her plushie underneath her chin. hyuck didn’t even blink at it - so it must have been a regular occurrence.
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➣ JAEMIN ☾ nari
jaemin highkey flusters her
not in a oo you’re so cute, cute boy make nerves go eeee
but he’ll wink at her and teasingly compliment her and now she looks like a firetruck this isn’t fair
he absolutely takes advantage of this where ever possible 
“riri, can i have some?” “no, i just made these you should have helped me (-_-)” “riri~ but you looked so cute making them i didn’t want to interrupt you~” *aria.exe has stopped responding*
but when aria isn’t trying to get her cheeks to stop being red, they’re really cute together 
you’d swear aria is older, by how much jaemin whines for her attention
the mighty battles between jaemin and hyuck
hyuck’s just biding his time for the rooftop fight
kinda panics around her when she’s crying, but is always the first to offer up a hug 
has a period tracker on his phone but no one knows about it 
he doesn’t like to coddle her because they’re so close in age, but that doesn’t stop him from getting protective in certain situations *cough cough the fansign cough cough*
jaemin and aria cuddling when they’re drunk? more likely than you’d think
he definitely professed his undying love for her at one point while being drunk, and chenle caught it on video 
“noona we’re playing that at your wedding” 
designated blanket/pillow hunter at award shows, and if he can’t find one then he usually just gives her his jacket
the amount of coffee these two consume should be illegal 
aria prefers to call him nana and he prefers to call her riri in the dorms, so when either of them get called by their first name by the other it means A: they’re on a schedule, or B: someone’s about to die
nct dream on idol room were trying out jaemin’s death-in-a-cup (his coffee) and as the cup got passed around, aria grew more and more concerned with each face the members made. “jaemin if i die from this-”
he only smiled at her while passing over the cup. aria held it up to look at the black liquid skeptically, before sighing in resignation and bringing the cup to her lips to take a sip. 
and then another.
“wait this is good i like this”
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➣ CHENLE ☾ leri
hide yo kids and hide yo wives because leri is entering the chat
*cue aria and chenle wearing 2000s rapper clothes with backwards baseball caps*
these two are so chaotically calm
its like the energy cancels out or something 
aria with hyuck is just so loud and obnoxious, and the same with chenle with jisung
so when you put those two together it just turns into le positive vibes
you ever meditated to those 132 hertz sounds? thats them in a sound 
aria will hold him like a baby kitten she’s expecting to try wriggle out of her grip at any moment and its comical because he’s a good head taller than her
aria definitely has a knack for making her groupmates’ parents fall in love with her
every two weeks or so she goes for dinner in chenle’s house upon his mother’s request
they have a mutual understanding of the mental toll it takes to be around the rest of the dreamies constantly
chenle and aria sitting peacefully, watching a cdrama: 
the dreamies, throttling each other: AAAAAAAAAAA
will never admit it but he misses her the most when she goes away to promote
he thinks of her as a big sister and the dorms feel empty without her there
aggressive proud hugs 
so aggressive, he legit tackles her
he had to tone it down after knocking her over once backstage and she narrowly missed clocking herself on a nearby soundboard 
he always gets a little bit anxious when they eat things outside of the dorms because he’s never seen her have an allergic reaction before and he’d like to keep it that way  (`皿´#)
chenle was particularly restless that day, constantly shuffling about in his seat to the point where renjun forcefully tossed an arm over his shoulders to hold him still while the vlive was still playing.
not one to be defeated, chenle then turned to press his lips to renjun’s cheek playfully, laughing when the older boy turned away in disgust. he turned to do the same to aria, coming closer to her cheek before aria turned her head to face his.
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➣ JISUNG ☾ jiri
oh god oh god oh god
if aria could take this boy and wrap him in a blanket and keep him in her pocket she would - no questions asked 
jisung knows she loves him the most out of dream sorry markhyuck and takes advantage of it every second
she used to coddle him a lot when he was smaller, but now that he’s older aria tries to rein it in as much as possible
that doesn’t mean it goes away completely though
“noona can you cook for me?” “of course jisungie! what do you want?” 
*jeno gobsmacked in the background* “you just told me you were too tired to cook tonight”
aria: big baby, must protect
jisung: tiny noona, must protect
jaemin and aria are really the only people jisung is ok with seeing him be super emotional - and he flip flops between the two depending on the reason why he’s emotional
self-esteem, feeling poopy side of it all? straight into aria’s bed, letting her roll him onto his side so she can tuck his head into her shoulder and covers the two of them with her duvet the way she used to do when he was shorter
this boy cannot curse around her unless he wants to get his ass Beat
dancing bros
they go so hard in their NCT Dance duet videos 
he keeps band-aids in his bag for her in exchange for her keeping an extra bottle of water in hers because jisung always forgets his own
jisung rests his elbow on her head a lot
but only briefly because the last time he stayed there for too long she stamped on his foot
tldr: aria is jisung’s emotional support gnome
jisung and aria were doing the chicken leg battle (this one) to fight for first dibs on the rooms they were going to be sharing for the next week or so. just before they were about to start, mark started laughing and pointing at how high jisung’s leg came up on aria’s, with aria’s knee barely hitting jisung’s mid-thigh
“this is an unfair advantage! this is cheating!”
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thefairyletters · 3 years
✨ Spooky Recs✨
I read a lot of fanfictions... More than I am proud of. I thought I should recommend as I go before I lose sight of their existence among the sea of my favorites.
Since past few days I have been craving for some creepy, unnerving fanfics that will keep me restless and awake at night. I remembered my favorites and wanted to read more of the kind so I looked up, patiently going through each story that sounded compelling. I also revisited old stories for nostalgia's sake.
Of course, rare as they are, in Naruto fandom no less, it's even harder to find a horror and mystery fic that is well written, not dropped under 2 chapters, and really keeps your attention.
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Genre: Horror, Mystery, Comedy
I've rated 4 aspects of the work -
Writing – I don't judge writing based solely on the grammar and vocabulary. I also consider how the author expands upon a subject, if they are consistent with the facts, if they are able to keep the attention of the readers regardless of their creative writing skills.
Characters – If the characters are well-developed, in their given character, if OCs have any real significance to the story.
Plot – How gripping is the storyline, if the story sticks to its original plot, the structure of the story, plot holes.
Flow – Mother-of-slow-burn, slow-but-steady, steady, fast, I-am-speed
When the flowers cry : TCOOKIES777 || M || AO3/FFN || SasuSaku || Goth Horror || Post-Canon, set during Blank Period || Ongoing
When one of the greatest medical-nin in the world goes missing in what should have been a simple delivery to the Land of Spring’s Hidden Snow Village, the rest of Team 7 must reunite to find her. But even the most powerful team of shinobi will find themselves challenged in a battle against the supernatural. With Sasuke's return, vengeful ghosts of the past will test him and his love.
My thoughts : One of the best stories I've read in a while, and top tier SS stories. I read this in one sitting. I never listen to music while reading, preferring silence, but for this one, I suggest you do as the author says. Also, keep some tissues and food with you. This story is major in mystery and minor in horror but otherwise full of SS fluff.
Writing: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Plot: 9/10
Flow: Steady, if a bit confusing (but that's why it's mystery)
Kyuro : silver_shot || T || AO3 || SasuSaku || Mystery || Post-Canon || Complete
“Oh,” says Naruto, “well, its sort of like that. Except in this village, the story has a way more darker ending – it basically goes like this: the girl and the guy plan to run away together. The guy steals a bunch of treasure, and stashes it away. But then, when he goes to get the girl at her village, he kills her and decides to run away with all that money. But then he is killed by the guards of the girls village and now they're both dead and the treasure is hidden away somewhere”. Sasuke stares blankly at the blond, “that story makes no sense”.
My thoughts : I know you must be thinking the same thing as Sasuke – "makes no sense". I did too, but it's a pretty cool short story. It lies on the funny, creepy side that slowly starts to lose its funny touch. SS makes stupid mistakes later on but it could be because they are MCs. The ending is very ambiguous. It's not my favorite mystery but it is something. Enjoyable read but not something I will pick again.
Writing: 8/10
Characters: 8/10
Plot: 8/10
Flow: Fast
Moon stuttering in the sky : xfrinz || T || AO3 || Gen || Mystery || Pre-Shippuden || One-shot
Kakashi is suspicious of many things about Haruno Sakura. Too many things about her don't make sense, with too many incongruous explanations.
My thoughts : Author of this story just summarised Pre-Shippuden in less than 4k words and made some tiny changes to it. Not much though. One of my favorite gen fics yet. Read it if you haven't yet. You'll feel more sad than thrilled tbh. But worth it.
Writing: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Plot: 10/10
Flow: I-am-Speed
Breath mints : silver_shot || T || AO3 || SasuSaku || Comedy-Mystery || Post-Canon || Ongoing (maybe)
Their home no longer exists with the life it once had – in fact no settlement thrives anymore; they exist only in a snapshot that contradicts time itself. Families within their own homes sleep in a slumber that they cannot wake from. Those that were chatting on the street prior to the event simply drop their heads and remain unresponsive.
My thoughts : I picked it up for Mystery but I stayed for Comedy. But of course that's not to say supernatural elements in this story is not it, but it sure pales in comparison to effortless humor in this story. Lee and Kiba pair is something you don't see often but they get along too well here. Charactisation is on point as well. SS angst! + NS angst (but it's downplayed)
Writing: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Plot: 9/10
Flow: Steady
The Curse : sincerelyLen || T || FFN || SasuSaku || Horror || Post-Canon || Ongoing
Team 7 is unexpectedly assigned an S-Ranked Mission involving an unsolved mystery of 10 years. An eerie adventure that will test their teamwork, strengths, and greatest fears. Do you believe in Curses?
My thoughts : My all-time favourite horror Naruto fanfiction. To me, this sets the standard of how mystery and horror elements should be handled. I have never been able to get this story out of my mind even it's been years. Perfect charactisation of Team 7 with Smart-yet-Stupid!Sakura, I-can-fight-aliens-and-reanimated-corpses-but-keep-ghosts-away-from-me!Naruto and I-dont-get-paid-enough-for-this!Sasuke. I especially love OCs here. They kinda reminds me of Pillars from KnY. You must read this story, loosely based on Zombie apocalypse + curse concept.
Writing: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Plot: 10/10
Flow: Slow-but-Steady
Silent High : Istoria || T || FFN || Gen || Mystery || Post-Canon || Complete
A bit of the Silent Hill series mixed in with Naruto. Trapped in an illusion whose rules are unknown, they struggle to find answers before darkness consumes them.
My thoughts : One of the best mystery fanfictions I've read. I especially loved how this story handled Genjutsu in the best possible way it could without it turning into some cliche, ghost story. Though really, this story has shown what my greatest fear actually is. I will never be able to leave my back open to a wheelchair. This story has simple writing yet it gives you creeps with the twists and turns. A must read one because it is unlike any other in this list.
Writing: 9/10
Characters: 10/10
Plot: 10/10
Flow: Steady
Silence of the Damned : Daystar Clarion || T || FFN || Gen || Psychological Horror, Mystery(?) || Pre-Shippuden || One-Shot
When Naruto wakes up to a dead body in his bathroom, he begins a quick spiral into madness.
My thoughts : Listen to Halsey's Control while reading this. Quite chilling, deals with mental issues and morbid but in a fascinating way. It gives a new meaning to Dark!Naruto, but one that actually makes sense. I never saw the ending coming... I had something else in mind and I was convinced it would be, but nope. Here's a sequel to this One-Shot (Uzumaki's War) which I never picked up.
Writing: 10/10
Characters: 9/10
Plot: 9/10
Flow: Slow-but-steady
To the Victor : Letta || T || FFN || NaruSaku || Psychological Horror || Shippuden || One-Shot
Naruto loses the fight and Sakura is a trophy of war.
My thoughts : A very twisted NS, if you squint. It's not horror but it might as well be... it is still a disturbing story to see from the eyes of Sakura. Quite chilling to be in Sakura's shoes. But I love this because it is one shot and I loved the ending.
Writing: 9/10
Characters: 10/10
Plot: 8/10
Flow: Steady
Under the Skin : BukkakeNoJutsu || T || FFN || Team 8 || Body Horror || Pre-Shippuden || One-Shot
Your actions don't make you a monster. Your reasons do.
My thoughts : There's a reason why Shino is my favourite team 8 member. In my opinion, Shino is also one of the strongest Shinobi of his generation. His clan techniques are just that horrifying. This story is testament to that. He is so terrible.
Writing: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Plot: 10/10
Flow: Slow-but-steady
Instant Message : Keelah || T || FFN || SasuSaku || Murder mystery || Modern AU || Incomplete
She gave him names to kill, in order not to be killed herself. But having blood on her hands was turning out to be much worse than dying. "…There's still round 2…3…4…" When does this game end? She asked. "Don't you see, Sakura?" He said, "It never does."
My thoughts : I read this story a long time ago and have read this twice. Personally, it has the most interesting concept of all stories in the list. It reminds me of Vocaloid series, "Bookmark of the end". Kind of. To those who are thinking of picking this up, go ahead! It's a great book and has one of the best suspense I've read in Fandom. BUT, it has been stopped in mother-of-all-cliffhangers and Author is MIA for 4 years now. But, all things considered, it remains to be one of the best stories I've read.
Writing: 10/10
Characters: 9/10
Plot: 10/10
Flow: Steady
Monomoth : Ohtze || M || FFN/AO3 || SasuSaku || Horror || AU || Incomplete
Everything ends, eventually. Eight years after the war, Sakura's unhinged and Sasuke's obsessed. The fields are filled with corpses.
My thoughts : I read this story right after "The Curse", my favourite. From what I remember, Sakura and Sasuke are both mentally deranged, in different ways. Lots of death and gore to stomach, so not for weak readers. There's no speak of fluff in this one. Zero, Zilch, Nada. I wouldn't call it your classic 'Horror', but it is very disturbing, so psychological horror is more like it. Don't eat food while reading this one. Did I mention how Sakura is mentally disturbed beyond help in this one? And Sasuke is obsessed. If these suit your tastes, go ahead.
Writing: 10/10
Characters: 9/10
Plot: 10/10
Flow: Slow
I hope you enjoy this list. Let me know your opinion in comments.
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