#i love how my art looks printed on wood sm
vextik · 2 years
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I'm so fkn excited about this new stuff I'm posting before I do nice product photos but EEE look at them!!! I'm gonna have these at Akimatsuri next week but I'll have any leftovers after up in my shop :3
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workofheart · 4 years
hi!! first of all i love ur writing sm!! for the drabble thing i was wondering if you could do levi+24+friends to lovers, preferably canonverse:) thank you lovely<33
this was so adorable :’) thank you for requesting, i had so much fun writing it! it got kind of long but i just couldn’t help myself lol... also this is barely edited i’ll come back soon for that😭
the art of dance and wordless confessions | levi + friends to lovers + “i thought you said you can’t dance?”
it’s late in the evening when you finally pluck up the courage to see levi. the sun has long set and the halls of the barracks have gone quiet, the only sounds being the hushed whispers of cadets who have yet to fall asleep.
with the military ball approaching, it went somewhat unsaid that levi would be taking you, because who else would it be? after knowing him all these years and growing so close, it would almost be weird if you didn’t go together. that being said, you desperately hoped he wouldn’t laugh at you.
as one of your long time comrades - and truthfully, best friends - it should be easy to reach out to him for help. maybe it’s because you’re embarrassed, or because you might have caught feelings, but such right now is simply not the case.
your knuckles are held up hesitantly to the door of his office. luckily for you, levi senses your presence before you even have to knock. in a way, he almost expected you to be here at this hour.
“come in,” he calls, voice muffled through the wood. you take a second to prepare yourself before pushing in the door.
inside, you find levi sitting at his desk, hunched over piles of paperwork. his lips are turned down in a slight pout and the shadows beneath his eyes are unfortunately dire. he looks like he hasn’t slept in days, instead reading over the same print sentences again and again, which you know is most likely the case anyway.
“hi,” you say, padding over to sit in the chair across from him.
“hi.” he releases the pen he’s been clutching so tightly to for the past few hours onto the desk and rubs his eyes with his fists, trying to clear them from his working haze. he’s glad to see you.
levi doesn’t like beating around the bush. his patience is visibly thin, so after a deep breath, you force yourself to speak up.
“so we’re going to the ball together, right?” you start, fiddling with your fingers in your lap.
he takes a sip from his tea cup, glancing at you over the back of his hand. you look cute when you’re nervous, he thinks.
“well, i kind of have this problem-”
maybe it’s the late of the night, the exhaustion clouding his train of thought, but he interrupts you without even thinking. 
“do you want to go with someone else?” he asks, and immediately berates himself internally for it. god, he’s so stupid. 
his voice is nonchalant, but his heart sinks at the thought. why would you want to go with him in the first place? there’s so many other scouts that would be dying to take you, so he should have at least expected this.
“no, no!’ you assure him. he quirks an eyebrow. “it’s not that, it’s just…”
“spit it out,” he says. the words are harsh, but it comes out encouraging in a way only you would know. 
you whine in embarrassment, pinching the bridge of your nose before committing to the confession. “i...can’t dance.”
you can practically see his thought process through his expressions. at first he’s relieved you’re not trying to reject him, and then he’s confused as to how that’s possible, and finally he’s delighted that you’ve come to him for help. the thought makes his heart inexplicably warm, despite the fact he would never show it on the outside.
“alright,” he sighs, pushing his chair back. “i’ll teach you.” he cracks his knuckles and stretches his back, thankful to just be out of his seat.
“really?” you ask, eyes bright and swimming with excitement. levi’s stomach flips.
“yeah, ‘need a break anyway.”
he walks around his desk to meet you, extending an open palm to help you up. when you stand, he leads you to the center of the room, using his free hand to put yours on his shoulder before settling it on your waist.
“just follow my lead, you’ll pick it up.”
he ignores the way you swallow, chalking it up to nerves.
stepping forward and to the side, levi guides you with firm hands. he’s assured and confident, leading you even when you stumble, even disregarding how silly he feels when he murmurs small counts to help you. 
with levi, it’s easy to fall into step. when your feet trip up, he’s quick to correct you, and his hold makes your skip a beat. once you have the basic box down, he changes the angle and shows you around the room, slowly turning in small circles.
you don’t even notice how intensely you’re staring at your shoes until he mentions it.
“stop looking down,” he says, “look at me.” 
apologizing sheepishly, your cheeks flush with heat. when you finally meet his eyes, he thinks that he could look at you all day without getting tired, but he can tell you feel awkward from the way your gaze flits around the room.
he speaks to distract you. “i thought you said you can’t dance,” he mumbles, a hint of a smile on his lips.
you breathe out an air of laughter that has his chest tightening. “can’t mentally doesn’t necessarily mean can’t physically.”
his eyebrows furrow at your strange logic. “what does dance have to do with mentality?”
with a shy roll of your eyes, you admit, “i dont want to look stupid.”
and yet again, his heart gets the best of him. something about your presence takes the filter right off his mouth, breaks down the dam that always holds him back from saying what he really thinks.
“i don’t think you look stupid,” he says quietly. “i don’t think you ever look stupid.”
it catches you off guard. for a second, you almost convince yourself that you imagined it. but then his eyes dart away from yours, letting it hang in the air for a second too long, and suddenly it’s simply too late for him to mean it in a way that’s just platonic.
“thanks, levi,” you whisper. you don’t know where you find the courage, but then you’re leaning in and pressing a small kiss to the cheek he has turned to you. 
the feel shocks him from his self-pitying daze. he turns his head back to face you, gaze flicking to your mouth, sees how you’ve pinched your bottom lip with your teeth in hesitation. he doesn’t bother trying to speak - he knows his words will fail him.
his movements fall still along with yours, the dance long forgotten in the span of just a few seconds. your hand drifts closer to his chest from his shoulder and his head seems to cloud with a haze of only you. he leans in slow, tentative, but you don’t hesitate to meet him halfway, effectively closing the gap.
lashes brushing lightly against your nose, levi’s eyes flutter shut. his lips are pillowy and soft as they move against yours, still dark and malty from his earlier choice of tea.
it only takes a moment for his previous caution to blossom into a fond conviction. it’s a gentle, tender sort of warmth that fills your chest when levi kisses you. the spread starts where you connect and flows through you entirely, even reaching right to the ends of your fingertips pressed against him, and the feeling cycles back to where it begins.
your other hand breaks from his hold and moves to his neck, sliding up through his undercut and entangling with his silken locks. a small noise escapes levi, and he has to pull away.
it’s hard to deny the smile that tugs on your cheeks. he has to look away to save himself from the obvious heat radiating off his face - you’re so close, he’s sure you can feel it.
in response, your head hangs, dropping until your forehead rests against his chest. a shy laugh leaves you, one that levi can’t help but follow with.
levi clears his throat and you bring your face back up to his. he’s torn between wanting to look at you and shielding his face from showing how flustered he is. this side of levi is soft and timid, and he’d only ever consider letting you in to see it. 
“i think you’re probably set,” he says, looking down to where his hands lie on your waist. he plays with the cotton cloth of your shirt, smoothing his thumbs over the seam.
“yeah,” you agree, brushing the hair back from his face. it makes him gulp. “thanks for all the help.”
that night, you leave his office assured with more than just your ability to dance a waltz.
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blind-band-geek · 5 years
Witch Barbara! Au fic
(IM- THIS IS SO LONG. But please enjoy this fic au because I love it sm. Also mermaid Barbara au fan art 🤔🤔🤔 dam we really do like making Barbara like a magical goddess or sm because she IS)
In a world full of witches and worlocks you’d assume a boy like Adam would have run into one by now? Well you’d be quite wrong.
Adam Maitland was the third son of a very well respected witch hunting family, though he had never hunted nor in counted a witch before. His two older brothers had captured their first witches at 18 and 20, wile his parents had captured countless. Morbid? Sure but, that was just the way things had always been. Adam was just around 25 and, he was always looking for ways to impress his family. Grades, a degree, a stable job, and they were very proud but Adam always knew he could do more. He knew capturing his first witch would finally be the key to helping secure his family’s name and really make them proud. It would also give him maybe the lightest bit of accomplishment. The only thing standing in his way was, where DOSE one locate a witch? Surely they were hard to find and only lived in deep creepy woods where you’d have to hunt them. Right?
Adam let out a sigh of defeat as he leaned back in his work chair. At this rate it be almost impossible to locate one, since well his parents had ticks on EVERY witch in their area they probably had-. It hit him.
“I’ll just check the map! God why didn’t I think of that before!” He grabbed the glasses that sat neatly on the desk and put them on. He quickly walked across the dusty attic where he worked on most of his projects to a desk parallel to his own. The desk was perfectly spotless as his parents checked the map almost every day. Turning the map around he scanned over the town with his finger. Most names had an X crossed through them, seeing that they were dead or captured. Though one remained in marked. A little name at the top of a hill just a little ways out of town. Adams eyes scanned over the name;
“Barbara Miller. 25, no recent activity.”
“Barbara?” Adam questioned to himself, after all he didn’t expect a witch to be named something as ‘tame’ as Barbara. His parents always brought home weird names witches, like Jadis or Locasta. Not Barbara.
Though it didn’t matter to him this old hag would be dead by morning, and he’d make sure of it. She also didn’t seem like the type to put up to much of a fight as ‘no recent activity’ was printed next to her name. Adam set back the map where it was and went to a near by window, outside the sun was just going down but on the far skyline he could see the faint outline of a house, his destination.
Just as the sun left the sky it very quickly retuned. Before sunrise Adam was already packing for his trip. What did one need for a trip like this? Is packing necessary? Will I be staying there for more than one night?! Adam shook his head and put many things in his bag in a blur. Food weapons things like that.
Once the bag was finished he slung it across his shoulder and took one last look out the window to the house. His hands shook a bit as he looked, maybe regretting how cocky he was last night at the map.
Adam stepped out onto the porch just outside his front door and waved goodbye to his parents, who were in the living room. Once the door was completely shut he let out a sigh then regrouped and was ready to go. Or, as ready as you can be. He started his journey to the house and by logic thought it be best to sneak around the back through the woods. So that’s what he did. The woods went from in town just by the department store all the way to god knows where. Though he did remember seeing the woods go just behind the witches home.
As he came into town it was quite bare, for good reason seeing how early it was. So he had no trouble slipping silently into the wood. The woods were nothing special, lots of grass and fern, lots of trees, and maybe the occasional fairy. Adam found himself stumbling however over the steep hills and fallen debris. He struggled mostly on having his feet correctly placed of the steep hills as to not fall. He held trees with his left hand trying to keep himself stable as the other gripped anything infront of him as to pull himself up.
Through the woods he went, and before long he could see the exit just as the sun started to peak over the sky line. Adam smiled as he watched the sun, still concealed by the trees and shrubs. His eyes however were drawn to something else, a house just infront of him.
He came up on the left side of the house. The house is what you’d expect from a witch, it was mostly surrounded by shrubbery and a large garden of multicolor flowers. There were also many fruit trees and berry bushes along with vines of fruit. Though there were lots of things Adam didn’t expect from the house. There were lots of candles Incased in beautifully bent metals, and pretty chairs placed side by side on the porch. The house’s exterior also caught him by surprise, it was pearly white and had a more country feel. The house seemed sturdy and was decorated with brick and lots of arch windows. Adam was fully expecting an old rickety house with a poison ivy path that lead to a front door where he was sure to be risking his life. But, this really wasn’t it.
Adam waited a bit, his mind a little unleaded by the normality of it all. But, he was here to slay an ugly old witch and that’s what he was here to do. He gripped the strap of his bag and got up on one knee, then onto his feet. He went to step out of the brush when he heard the sound of windchimes and a door opening.
He immediately stepped back into the woods and took cover, who knew what could come out of that door. He squinted a bit trying to see the figure clearly. Sure enough off the porch came Barbara, the witch.
She wore a black sundress with roses and a large black hat with flowers decorating the top. Though because of the hat Adam couldn’t see her face clearly. He watched as she went to tend her garden and to Adam surprise, without magic. She walked about her garden with a silver watering can sprinkling the plants with water. Adam turned away from the house and sighed softly in defeat. Surely his parents must have just targeted some weird lady in a house. Though just when he was about to give up and go home he heard the soft “wosh” of magic behind him. He sat in petrified fear, had she heard him? What’s she going to do to him? He surely didn’t have enough time to-. His throughts were cut off by a soft voice.
“Hello? Are you alright.”
Adam slowly turned to face the voice and when he did he finally saw the face of the witch. Adam was unable to speak, she didn’t look like a witch at all! In fact she was, beautiful.
“Are you Alright? Why are you in the woods. Are you lost?” Barbara spoke again. Adam shook his head.
“No I’m alright I uh.” Adam looked around, telling her he was up here to kill her was probably not the best explanation at the moment. “Was hiking and I got lost.” Barbara’s eyes lit up.
“Oh! Well then please come in you look very tired. Can I offer you some tea or cake.” She gave him a warm smile.
Adams Brain was running with so many thoughts but, eventually he smiled back, “Yeah. I’d like that a lot!”
Inside her house was absolutely breathtaking. It was a mix of rustic country and a mystical otherworldly style. Adam was surprised at all the color and again normality of it all. Barbara was maybe, just maybe changing his mind about witches. Maybe what his parents told him, wasn’t true? Barbara brought him into a rather large kitchen with a nice little table in the corner, the tea and cake already set. Adams mind raced, was this a trap? Was it enchanted was he going to DIE! Barbara laughed a little as she went and hung up her hat by many others of different styles.
“It’s ok relax. You look like someone’s trying to hurt you. I assure you, no evil spirits can enter my home.” For some reason Barbara’s voice made him a little less petrified.
He politely found his way to the table as Barbara did too. Barbara poured the tea into two cups infront of her and face one to Adam. He started down at the slightly tinted water his mind racing on what to do.
“Oh dear. You’re not allergic to lavender right? I heard it helps with stress.” Adam looked up to see Barbara’s once calm and friendly exterior fade into a worried one. Adam was very yuck to respond,
“No no! I just spaced out that’s all.” He took the cup in his hands and drank some, it was possibly one of the best teas he had ever had.
“So whats you’re name?” Barbara asked from across the table cutting into a cake that was also on the table.
“My names Adam Maitland, and you?”
“Barbara Miller.” She smiled oblivious of his last name. And for the first time someone saw Adam for him, and not just his family.
“You know I really love that name, Adam. It really suits you.” Adam adjusted his glasses a bit, “Well your name is very pretty too.”
After a little wile of small talk became hours of long chats and conversations. Weird conversation that almost included no magic what so ever. Soon Barbara had peered our the window and the sun had already started to set. She turned back to Adam who had just started on a story about his first dog.
“Adam,” he stopped, “look!” She pointed to the window where the orange and pink hues filled the dimly lit room. “Would you like to go watch?” Adam nodded and she smiled taking his hand and leading him outside. They stood on the porch Barbara still holding Adams hand as they watched the sun set below the horizon.
Adam looked over at the witch who’s head was now rested on his shoulder, and though he shouldn’t he felt some sort of feeling toward her. A strong and ever present one. As the sun set Adam felt as if his hatred for witch dissipate, perhaps they weren’t all they were talked about. Barbara surly wasn’t. He tried not to think about it to hard and to stay in the moment. Taking this moment with only him, the beautiful sun and the wi- wonderful Barbara by his side as if it were to last forever.
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