#i love my gf . if you see this natalie. hi
sheepgirlmaidtummy · 6 months
came after huffing a fat girl's pits. i feel awesome
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Possibly one with Dr Halstead please where he realises his gf is pregnant before she does because he knows and recognises the symptoms very early on and he waits for her to realise and tell him and when she does, he's like "I know baby, I realised ages ago"
Or or, maybe he suggests he thinks she's pregnant and she's like "no I'm not, don't be silly" and he gets her a test and acts smug when it's positive
Idk, whatever you think
Will Halstead- Known For A While
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I loved it this much I will be doing one for Will and one for Connor. Both imagines will be very similar though.
Trigger warning- emetophobia (talks about feeling sick and being sick)
Will and YN have been married for only 3 months after dating for 4 years. Of course the topic of pregnancy and babies had come up and they both knew they would like a baby at some point but they haven't been actively trying.
Recently YNs breasts have been tender but she is due for her period and it's not unusual for her breasts to grow and be sore, she also has a day before her period where she feels nauseous and a bit faint.
This morning YN wakes up feeling sick. Groaning she sits up and rubs the sleep from her eyes 'that seafood medley I had last night must not have agreed with me at all' YN thinks to herself
"Baby" Wills gruff voice pulls YN out of her thoughts "what are you doing awake?"
"Think the sea food was off. I'm gonna go grab some water, you want me to make you a coffee?"
"No, I'll get up with you" slowly YN gets out of bed and makes her way downstairs to the kitchen, but the urge to throw up overcomes her and she rushes off to the bathroom. Within seconds Will is by her side rubbing her back
"Shit. You think I got food poisoning?"
"Not sure. Why don't we get you back into bed see how you feel later" YN throws up once again but now she feels better
"I actually feel a lot better"
"Yeah. Maybe I just needed to get it out of my system"
"Huh. Well I still think you should have a bed day and rest. I'll bring up some water"
Throughout the day YN stays in bed while Will waits on her hand and foot.
That was a month ago and YN's missed her period and thrown up a lot, she's also started crazing weird foods so after talking to her friend Natalie, YN has decided she should take a pregnancy test. After reading the instructions and peeing on the stick YN waits 5 minutes before looking.
2 lines
YN excitedly runs back to the store to find a bag to put the test in. She also decides on getting some cute baby socks and a hate. While in the store YN bumps into Jay and Hailey, her brother and sister in law. YN quickly puts what she has in her hands behind her back
"Whatcha got there?" Hailey asks smiling
"Nothing" Jay moves around her to quick for her to know what he's doing. He gasps seeing what she has in her hands
"Are you pregnant?"
"Yes, but Will doesn't know yet, so when he tells you can you please act surprised?"
"Of course. Congratulations" Jay pulls YN into a hug before letting her go pay for the items.
Back at home YN puts the pregnancy test in to the small gift bag with the socks and hat. She then makes dinner for them both for when Will gets home from work.
"Hey baby I'm home"
"Hey" YN rushes over to her husband smiling wrapping her arms around his neck then placing a kiss to his lips
"Woah what's got you so happy"
"I made us dinner. Come see" YN drags Will to their dining room
"YN this is...."
"Want a drink?" YN asks
"Yeah, just a soda"
"No beer again? You feeling ok?" YN asks chuckling
"Yeah yeah, just not feeling like drinking"
"Ok soda it is" YN leaves the dinning room to grab them both a drink, but also picking up the bag. Placing the bag behind her back she carries 2 sodas into the dinning room with one hand. Will take one off her
"What's behind your back?"
"I got you a present"
"A present?" Will smiles "what for?"
"Just because I love you" YN shrugs. She hands Will the bag. He opens it up and laughs taking out the baby hat and then the pregnancy test. YN frowns not understanding why her husband is laughing
"Babe this isn't a prank or something. I'm actually pregnant"
"No I know. It's just I've known for a while. Probably a month or so"
"What? And you didn't think to tell me?"
"Wanted to see how long it would take you. I saw the early signs most people probably would chalk down to period or bugs, bit like you"
"Oh.... are you happy?"
"God course I'm happy baby" Will gets up and moves over to YN hugging her from behind "we're going to have a baby"
"We're going to have a baby" YN repeats smiling.
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blushingdread · 10 days
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Hi MLB fandom, I am a passerby that tried to watch the show for my GF and failed, but I have read a bunch of fanfics and I think Butterfly Emilia would be cool as fuck
Some headcanons:
The butterfly does long-range magic by connecting to others and giving them magic, they're weapon isn't a weapon. It's a tool for communicating with their champions. Emilia has this big ass old timey microphone bc she's a former performer (actress if i rember correctly?) And she's all for the dramatics (Gabriel would have a head set) Despite it not being a weapon, she still wacks people with it
She has seven different pieces of butterfly jewelry on her transform (2 earrings, 2 rings, brooch, hair piece, and one holding her skirt in the back) fighting her directly is very annoying because they have no idea which fucking one is her miraculous
You may notice she's not wearing a mask, just makeup. Her face has been run through every database known to man. The cloaking magic makes it impossible to actually figure out. She doesn't really see herself as a villain, and she doesn't read comic books. Her outfit is more of a performance outfit (Marinette likes western comic books and is super hero themed, Adiren sees himself as a magical girl)
Her main motivation is that she's a MASSIVE control freak with entitlement issues. She was born rich rich and stumbled upon God jewelry. She is drunk on power 24/7 and doesn't think consequences exist. She wants to revive Gabriel bc she loves him. She's terrorizing Paris bc she thinks her happy ending is the most important and doesn't care about anyone else
Gabriel "died" from using both the peacock and butterfly to make Adiren (who Emilia designed herself, with blueprints) despite the fact that Noorou and Duusuo told them that using two miraculouses at once was a bad idea. He's her SIMP
Natalie is her childhood friend who is used to her "eccentric" behavior, and isn't in on the evil
Monarch constantly hyjacks tv/radio waves to harass the heroes. "This would be all be over if you just gave me your miraculous", "Why do you have to drag out this conflict? I just want to fix the wrong thing this magic caused.", "did that old man tell you anything before he gave you those?" <- at first. She tries to have good pr by making all her akumas only capture and sometimes helping people, but eventually she shows her true colors and she's no longer able to make the media call Ladybug and Chat selfish for not giving her their miraculouses. After her flip switches, she still does this, but it's more obvious. "This is all your fault, you know."Maybe I'll just keep doing this at 3am :D." kinda shit
Let's Adiren go to school bc both of the Kawami were like, "He doesn't actually love you. You just made him love you. You're actually a shitty mom." And it hurt her pride so much that she let her control of him slip to prove that he prefers her, and then he wanted to public school and it made her so maddd that she constantly targets the school to scare him and chase him back into her arms "of his own free will"
Emilia thinks Marinette is absolutely perfect and fits in her family so nicely. Except for some minor defects, she can correct ♡ much to Mari's slow dawning horror
Very vindictive and petty. Like, have a butterfly follow Ayla around for a week for reporting on her petty. She is doing psychological warfare on the children
Let's Chloé be childhood friends with Adrien literally bc she makes him uncomfortable, seee how good your mom is compared to others + Really likes Audrey and having perks from the mayor which means they have to be childhood friends
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ennieasys · 6 months
We are re-watching all the star wars movies bc we forgot almost all of it and here are our reactions to Episode II The Clone Wars. Everything Kat says is in bold (and trust me she says a lot) and CW for language, inappropriate/sexual jokes and references and a whole lot of gayness. Enjoy!
Little bitch (Anakin) jumps out of flying cars often?
Yes yes use your mindfuckery
Istg is little bitch a perv?
Am I the only one who thinks that dream scene was weirdly erotic?
Boba is but a babe
Run dilf run (jango fett)
Oh my fuck Natalie Portman's a cutie
Asshole (Obi-wan) you don't go in the same hole as another man it's just not polite
*Anakin leaves* Oh no, Padme's all alone, who will take care of her?
Oh it's the man I thought was an object in the first movie (viceroy) - Tate
She does not have the right to be that sexy
Oh shit little bitch did a fuckin massacre
I can be a better boyfriend than him~
Little bitch don't be a villain I didn't and I had worse, wait is that unempathetic
*Idk Padme does something hot apparently* Nice one gorgeous
Did jar jar just say the f slur?
The Jedi are not very good at their goddamn job
Oh so that's how the sith got the clones! - Tate
Oh shit she looks fuckin hot 🥵 (Padme in the white suit)
Ew the walls are gremlins
Poor c3 he doesn't deserve this madness - Tate
Kill him so I can get his gf
*Padme says I love you to Ani* NOOOOOOO
Ugh imagine if Padme had a high quality gf this movie would be so much better. I actually thought that the queen and the handmaiden were in love in the first movie. - Nic
*They get chained* BDSM? This was unexpected
*Anakin rides the creature* I wish I was Anakin and Padme was the beast
*Droids come* oh fuck murder cubes they're literally circles
Hot man is on fire (Samuel L. Jackson) you like difs? Yes.
Oh fuck is daddy fett gonna die? sighs I wish she'd call me daddy Oh shit he did die.
R2 is the best character. -Nic how dare you disrespect my queen like that
Oh shit it's sexy blue lady (Aayla Secura apparently?) u cheating on Padme? She has a boyfriend I can look!
The clones are still ass at shooting though.
*Baby fett with with Jango’s helmet* now that's childhood trauma!
Ick, am I the only one who hates the the young Padawan thing? It's like demeaning.
Do the Jedi know they're practicing slavery? Cause that's a no-no in my book
Bitch, they destroy the death star in like the first movie. That isn't that ultimate.
*Obi-wan says Don't let your feelings get the best of you!* Wow u really are an asshole
JEDI HAVE ELECTRIC FINGERS??? I have electric fingers Kat! - primary caretaker
Why is everything Ani does weirdly erotic?
You had that lightsaber for 2 seconds. How did you break it already???
Oh shit green grandaddy (yoda) is here
I guarantee someone has made a compilation of Ani erotically moaning
The name tyranus sucks.
*Anakin and Padme get married* wow that was fast Kat cries in background u knew this was gonna happen at some point cries louder
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prying-pandora666 · 9 months
I Just Need To Vent
So I’m a writer and storyteller who also sings and sews. I know this is a strange place for this but I NEED to vent about the most insane choir practice I’ve EVER experienced!
Let me introduce you to the choir members in this story because it is WILD.
First we have the actual choir director. Let’s call him… Boss.
Secondly, the students. This isn’t all of them, but at least the ones I can remember. The names have been changed etc etc.
Manuel - Top of the class. Total teacher’s pet. The kinda guy who follows all the rules to the letter, even when it’s annoying. He really loved his pet birds and was all around a fair and likeable guy though, despite being kinda naive and easily fooled.
Good thing he had his gf.
Valencia - Manuel’s gf. Super smart, both book-wise and street-wise. You couldn’t fool her. She was also really athletic and SUPER GORGEOUS. Anytime she entered a room, she lit it up. She was that radiant. This one guy Micheal was down bad for her, but we’ll get to him later.
Aaron - You know that guy that’s really good with his hands? That was Aaron. He could fix things, make things, build things. I’d later see these incredible figurines he made and painted. Guy was an artisan. But he was also the kinda guy to bend the rules when he got too excited.
Ulrich - Besties with Manuel. I didn’t know him well. He was kind of a loner, unlike Manuel who was so outgoing. But he seemed chill! He was super into the ocean and marine life. He usually was pretty nice but if you got on his bad side? He had a hella temper.
Yasmin - Aaron’s gf. She was the hippy girl that is super into nature and the environment. She was always planting things. That kind of lady. Surprisingly, she wasn’t too overbearing about it? I only really ever saw her argue about it with Aaron and—ugh—Michael. Friggin Michael.
Tyler - An MMA fighter. Total meathead. He wasn’t a bully exactly? But he was always ready to throw down at a moment’s notice. That kind of energy.
Owen - Had a podcast about surviving in the wild and was super into camping and hunting and horseback riding. Made his own leather.
Vanessa - I think she might’ve dated Owen? I don’t remember. But I know she was Yasmin’s little sister and also kind of an animal loving hippy.
Ester - She was a nurse. Really caring and looked after everyone.
Then there were these three siblings, Manfred, Natalie, and Lanz.
Manfred - A lawyer. Really serious. No nonsense. Kind of a killjoy but fair minded.
Natalie - Grief counselor. She took on so much emotional labor for EVERYONE.
Lanz - Suffered from epilepsy which made him have some wild hallucinations sometimes. He needed a lot of care.
Oh wait! I almost forgot one before we get to MICHAEL.
Noelle - I think she was dating Owen? NGL I remember her the least. She was also a dancer and had incredible body control. But outside of her admittedly very impressive dancing, I can’t recall anything more about her.
And finally MICHAEL.
Friggin MICHAEL.
Look I don’t even know how to describe Michael. But fair to say he is both the protagonist and the antagonist of this story. Here is my best attempt to capture that magnificent jerk-off as best as I possibly can in my own words.
Michael - The most beautiful man you will ever see. Talented at everything. Anything anyone else in this choir group he could do? He could at least replicate at a passable level if not outright master. Give him an evening to learn a subject and he’d be proficient if not an expert
Michael HATED Manuel. A feeling Manuel didn’t return, and often tried to be friendly with Michael only for Michael to pull a fast one on Manuel.
Did I mention these two were BROTHERS!?
Yeah. Imagine what that family home must’ve been like. Yikes.
Okay so on to the story.
So one day, BOSS calls us all in to record this song he’s been working on.
Now you have to understand, this was a musically gifted group. To say they were beyond average skill level is an understatement.
We all knew this was going to be LIT.
So everyone already knows the song. I don’t know if they’d gotten the sheet music earlier or what, but basically everyone was already 100% familiar with how it goes.
But Boss was the kind of music teacher who really wanted his adult students to express themselves creatively.
As such, he basically gave everyone free rein to rehearse the song however they wanted.
Yasmin wants folk rock? Done.
Ulrich is feeling more metal? Sure.
Valencia wants rhythm and Tyler takes that an excuse to SMASH DRUMS while he sings his part? As long as it’s on beat.
You’d think this would create a horrible cacophony! But surprisingly, no. Boss had everyone so well trained that it was like they all locked in and even as they added their own flair and unique flavors, it all sorta… came together?
It was incredible. A mash-up of genres and styles performed by a team of some of the most talented singers in the entire world, as I knew it! I’d never heard anything like it. I was speechless. I couldn’t look away for a moment. Boss was a genius.
There was just one problem.
Friggin Michael.
So here’s the thing. Michael was the best singer.
I won’t pretend that’s not true. Even in a group of god-tier choir singers, Michael was on another level. The guy was a stand-out among stand-outs and Boss knew it.
But so did Michael.
And he NEEDED to prove it.
Anyone who has ever been involved in the arts has probably encountered a Michael. That person who is ungodly talented but a so insecure and narcissistic that they just have to constantly PROVE IT? Even at the cost of whatever you’re trying to perform?
Yeah. That’s exactly it.
So Michael chimes in and starts singing OBNOXIOUSLY LOUD. Trying to drown out literally EVERYONE ELSE.
Boss notices but like a patient teacher trying to sculpt Michael’s talents, he just signals to some of the others to pipe up their harmonies more to support Michael.
But a well supported solo isn’t enough for Michael. Oh no. Not content to simply be the star for a section of the song, Michael starts singing IN THE WRONG KEY.
Look, I’m no expert in music, but even I could hear what he was doing. His gorgeous, powerful voice, singing so well. BUT IN THE COMPLETELY WRONG KEY!
I looked at Boss and he seemed to sigh. But instead of stopping, he tweaked a few things, signaled to the others to change their parts they were signing (it all went above my head so sorry if I’m not being very detailed), to work in Michael.
Soon Michael’s discordance actually worked! The song was a little more crunchy rather than perfectly harmonious, but the slight dissonance actually made it all the more haunting and beautiful. In a way it was even better than before.
Like I said, Boss was a genius.
Which only pissed Michael off more.
And so, clearly desperate for attention and pushed to his limit, Michael jumped so far out of line that the line was left in the dust.
He went CRAZY. If Boss’ song went high? Michael sung bass. If the song went low? Michael sung soprano.
It was like a musical battle except Michael was the only one fighting.
If someone else tried to contribute a neat little flourish or solo? Michael RAN UP TO THEM and drowned them out with his bullshit! I’m serious!
I thought for sure Boss was going to stop the song, but no.
Boss was starting to lose his patience. That much I could tell. But still he persevered, trying to just get to the end of the piece at the very least!
Soon some of the other choir members started dropping out. Michael was ruining it for everyone.
As I remember:
Valencia stopped, rolled her eyes, and refused to engage any further. She sat down and waited for the piece to end.
Vanessa broke into tears which got Yasmin to stop and glare at Michael.
Several of the others either lowered their voices or stopped altogether.
But not Manuel.
Goodie two-shoes Manuel had just tuned out the class and was only looking at Boss for instruction. Singing the song exactly as he was supposed to.
Nothing made Manuel miss a single note or beat. He was in the zone. No matter how chaotic or awful Michael’s disruptions got.
This only served to piss off Michael more, who started singing at the top of his lungs RIGHT at Manuel.
But Manuel didn’t even flinch. It was like he had Michael on IRL server mute.
So Ulrich, who had sat out with Valencia, sees this go down. He realizes this is getting to Michael.
Remember how I said Ulrich was usually chill but had a temper if you got on his bad side? And how he was besties with Manuel?
Yeah, Ulrich also couldn’t stand Michael.
So Ulrich gets up and decides he’s gonna be Manuel’s ride or die. Ulrich starts singing again. Louder.
The more mad and crazy Michael gets, the more Ulrich backs up Manuel on the part they’re SUPPOSED to be singing.
Michael notices he’s been challenged and just goes HARDER. But Ulrich is in it to win it and won’t back down.
This gets Aaron’s attention. Never one to say no to a chance to try something new, especially if he gets to bend the rules a little bit, Aaron gets hyped and stands by Ulrich, joining him in his crusade. Now it’s Aaron and Ulrich backing up Manuel while Michael rages and sings furiously at all three of them.
This whole time? Manuel obliviously just keeps singing.
So Tyler, who at this point is only half-assedly doing a note here and there, realizes this has turned into a fight.
So HE squares up and starts copying Ulrich and Aaron. He just wants to be a part of the conflict. Classic Tyler. 🙄
Natalie thinks Tyler might lose control so she gets up to chime in and temper him a bit.
Manfred won’t leave his sister to herself so he tells Lanz to rest with Ester and joins in to back up his sister in the good fight. Manfred always liked order.
Owen at this point decides, yeah okay whatever, let’s do this. Noelle hasn’t stopped dancing so she just starts singing again.
Soon most of them are back in it now, all of them backing up Manuel who has just been oblivious to the resistance movement he has accidentally started. He just wanted to sing the song real good and make Boss proud.
But everyone else knows what’s up, especially Valencia, who rallies the stragglers.
Michael is LOSING HIS MIND at this point. I’m not even sure he’s singing. He’s practically just screaming. Even Boss can’t work with this anymore.
Still, Boss expertly conducts so that Michael’s strongest and most triumphant notes still fit into the wider song. It’s a war zone.
FINALLY, with great frustration and a giant crescendo, Boss at last ends the song.
Everyone stops, winded, catching their breaths and surveying the room in confusion. No one says a word.
Michael stares right at Boss. Unblinking. Daring him to say something.
Boss reveals he’s been recording this entire time.
He pulls out his computer and plays it all back for us to see what we have created.
And with great authority, he looks right at Michael and says that he chose every single one of them for a reason.
That their talents he has fostered in them for so long are exactly the ingredients he needed to complete his magnum opus.
And that INCLUDES Michael’s shenanigans.
Every sour note.
Every crunchy bit of dissonance.
Boss wanted it all in there. It’s his masterpiece. And it’s just the way he wanted it.
Michael, predictably, throws a tantrum and storms off to the corner like a child. But everyone else is awed with the result. For a first draft, it’s phenomenal. Unlike anything anyone’s ever made before. They can’t wait to start workshopping it to get the finished product.
Anyway that’s all. Thanks for listening, you guys.
This is Vera, storyteller and weaver, signing off.
If you’ve followed the story thus far, I am ready to reveal to you that this isn’t a real life event.
This is the Lord of the Rings creation myth. I just tricked you into reading the beginning of The Silmarillion.
And if you’re dying to know what happened next?
The book is widely available and written with language so beautiful it will make you cry.
So check it out and find out what happens to that asshole Michael aka Melkor.
Because Sauron ain’t got a THING on him!
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
Feel free to disagree, but there has to be a reason why, as your one anon put it, they continue to poke the bear when they could just not.
think about other celeb couples that were controversial or hated by fans; Harry and Olivia, Sebastian and his gf, Henry and his gf, ana and Ben affleck (not sure if hated but annoyed a lot of ppl lol during Covid).
What did all of these couples have in common? They all continued to push through even tho fans reacted so negatively (usually the fan base on the male counterpart side). Sebastian got vilified by his own fan base and it was quite similar to the CE stuff. His own fans became his worst haters and he was canceled at least a dozen times. He ended up leaving SM likely due to it and there was a ton of times you could tell he was having a meltdown due whatever what was happening. The main difference between him and CE was that Sebastian made it more obvious he was seeing all the hate (he literally captioned an IG post, thanks for the love, thanks for the hate) and then made comments on interviews that ppl were stalking him (not untrue). But he continued to show up with ale despite getting attacked everytime.
Henry put fans in their place and keeps showing up with Natalie. I think his situation is a bit different but maybe also the same.
Harry and Olivia kept showing up with each other but during don’t worry darling press it looked like they barely ever interacted (did anyone think that was odd they did a whole press tour and I don’t think they interacted once? But she kept showing up in pap pics with him later).
Ana and Ben got made fun of relentlessly due to their Covid pap walks. But they didn’t stop. The comments were relentless on every tabloid and ana clearly was scarred by it all, but she still had to push through and keep showing up with Ben.
This is my theory:
CE continues to be associated with AB despite the backlash because he, like all his predecessors, have to be.
He just doesn’t want to have to be seen with her unless he has to be.
His reserved list of friends continue to allude to spending time with her and her crew. AB also doesn’t appear to want to address CE publicly, but continues to let herself be associated with him and hide unless it’s to let people speculate she’s with him.
This is their way of pushing the narrative instead of doing pap walks.
They did do one and you could tell, I think, that AB has never done anything like this before. She looked completely out of her element and CE did not look like he wanted to be there at all. He’s hiding his face behind a mask outside. They got made fun of by fans and tabloids alike. To my knowledge, they haven’t really done one since.
I think they can’t make it believable but they need to, just like all those other couples. So this is their only route. They have to continue pushing the envelope, despite backlash and despite fans getting so upset and more and more rabid.
It’s the same formula, but you’re not seeing them “together” because either one or both sides refuses to flaunt it, so it’s causing some team real to make assumptions they’re just private.
No, real privacy - you wouldn’t know a thing. CE doesn’t live in LA. He could keep his dating life on the DL which he apparently had all these years after breaking up with Jenny S. Its only when he dates an actress or HW person that these things don’t remain on the DL.
I’ve always thought that if AB was a real thing, those ten months leading up to their public reveal would have given him/them reason to not go public. He and his family were harassed so much that they all retreated to hiding away. The comments about AB, just rumors, were abhorrent. I think they could have kept it secret and just kept on keeping it secret.
But they didn’t. Which tells me, they had to make it public and they have to use it for publicity. He had to let her show up to his movie premiere because it was big press for him, first movie of the year. If they wanted to keep it private, she could have not attended. But she showed up and pretended he didn’t exist and vice versa. By contrast, Ana was happy to be papped with her bf on the same day of the premiere, but we don’t get that with AB. Just her showing up looking like she played dress up in her mom’s closet.
This may now be a very unpopular opinion, but I think everything that’s happened this past week gives more reason for PR than not.
You can disagree, but this is what I’m seeing. They have to continue this and this is CE’s workaround. I don’t think he’s an idiot. I think he is much smarter than people give him credit for. Also, I’m thinking him having to show up with her in CP and post those IG videos probably had him cringing for weeks after. All the comments coming from haters probably has him sick to his stomach and it’s probability why he looked so solemn and nervous the first day of that comic con. I also think for the fans or I guess haters? That are sticking around, you’re going to be here for a while. He’s stuck in this and I think it’s going to continue, like you, mod, have said - until it’s run it’s course.
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I agree 💯 I don't have to add anything :)
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rainbowdelicsunshine · 2 months
If your TF2 merc OCs were My Little Ponies, what would their cutie marks be?
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I'll be talking about my TF2 OCs from my Respawn Children AU (my TF2 Next Gen) and my PolyMercs AU in that order!
Hope you're all set for lift off!
The Respawn Children (TF2 NG) OCs
Natasha Ludwig (My HeavyxMedic/Red Oktoberfest FanKid): A Bone Saw Cutting Open a Sandwich That's Omitting a Green Skull Shaped Smoke (Her Special Talent is basically the Battle Medic Strategy: Good at Nursing/Medical Care but Mostly Loving to Chop People TF Up and Working with Poisons and Toxics AKA Poisoning Peoples' Food for Funsies)
Madeline "Maddie" Mundy (My SniperxSpy/Bloody Suit FanKid): A Butterfly Knife and a Hunting Knife Crossed Over Each Other (Her Special Talent would be Knife Combat (Specifically Knife Throwing, Her Speciality Knives being Both Butterfly Knives, Hunting Knives, and Kukri Knives), Also Well Versed in Sniper Rifles
Abigail "Abby Baxter (My ScoutxPauling/Ride Along FanKid): A Can of Spray Paint That's Drawing Out a Orange Smiley Face (Her Special Talent is Graffiti Art, Stint Performance, and Being in a Two Person Band with her GF June)
June Doe (My SoldierxEngineer/Helmet Party/Rocket Science FanKid): A Red, White and Blue Colored Rosette Ribbon with a Explanation Point in the Center (Her Special Talent is Rock Launching, Rocket/Mechanical Engineering, and Being in a Two Person Band with her GF Abby)
Bruce DeGroot (My DemomanxPyro/Molotov Cocktail FanKid): An Exploding Pinata, the Explosion is Rainbow Colored (His Special Talent is Creating IEDs/Homemade Bombs Out of Ordinary Objects such as Pinatas and Soda Bottle and Cryptozoology/Monster Hunting)
The PolyMercs AU OCs
LuluBelle: A Mosaic Sphere that's Divided into Three Parts; One Red Part, One Blue Part, and One Yellow Part. In the Center of the Red Part is a Paint Brush Spreading Paint, in the Center of the Blue Part is a Sparkling Microphone, and in the Center of the Yellow Part is a Star with a Face; One Half Smiling While the Other Half is Frowning (Her Talent is Art/Animation, Singing, and Voice Impersonation/Voice Mimicry/Voice Acting)
Leon: A Snowboard with Wings and Two Lightning Symbols Hovering Over Each Side (His Special Talent is Snowboarding and Making Rock n Roll and Heavy Metal Music, Specifically Playing Electric and Acoustic Guitar)
Natalie "Nat" (A ScoutxPauling/Ride Along FanKid That Becomes an Addition to the Fam Much Later): A Zig Zagging Tennis Ball with a Yellow Trail Behind It (Her Special Talent is Playing Tennis)
Thank you oh so very much again for sending in this prompt to me my dear sweet and awesome friend, I really hope the long read will be worth it!
I hope to hear your feedback here or see you here again real soon and have a fantastic night!!
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 3 months
"the entirety of this message is a problem and a projection - he doesn’t look pissed at natalie. no one was forced to be there. they did not look “distant”. they looked like two people with cameras shoved in their face and a whole mass of fans screaming for evan. i want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but please be serious and use not even critical thinking, just basic reasoning."
Admin, I really love you and I mostly agree with everything you say, I find you a breath of fresh air and reason in the fandom, or any fandom for that matter, because you remind me that truly funny and reasonable Evan fans exist and have a whole life of their own.
But, I think that you might be going to hard on the anon here 🥺 What they were trying to say, maybe, is that he seemed pissed. He did, what can you do? Maybe he wasn't,all they say is that he did seem pissed. As for the distant part, I don't know, they looked normal to me, but hey, I am not them,so how would I know. And how do we know that he was not forced to be there? Not by his gf of course, I don't think so, but by an agent / a deal? A deal he couldn't say no to because, you know marketing ties and everything? I'm just listing a couple of possibilities that may or may not be true. An anon a couple days ago in here ( I cannot find the post lol) has said that we don't know anything. I cannot say that Evan is happy, because I don't know. I can only say that he looks happy or he seems at a good place and hope for the best. We can only make assumptions, so why go hard on someone that insinuates anything that might actually be possible even by a tiny winiiiiee little bit?
Sorry for the long post, I hope my point is clear 🥺
Oh and I loved the new content from today, he does look uncomfortable but that's regular Evan in social situations I guess ✨ I loved his gf's dress too ❣️
first of all, thank you 💗 i hear you, and i genuinely do appreciate your perspective on this. but there’s a few things i want to expand on and be crystal clear about: there is no scenario in which it’s okay to make, nor entertain, entirely baseless accusations of domestic violence. this is not, and never can be, something we treat as a “let’s hear both sides” type situation. everyone who wants to play softball needs to remember how very quickly their words can sprout wings and start doing the rounds on social media, destroying an innocent persons character. some people may actually BE acting in good faith out of concern over the discourse they’re seeing about natalie potentially becoming violent with evan - again, based on dust. nothing. it’s already happening, and this is not okay. those that don’t want salacious and harmful rumors persisting must shut this down immediately and relegate those who play into it to the fringe parts of the fandom that no one takes seriously.
please take a moment to reflect back on the damage done during the worst of the brigade some fans started on frances. i literally spent hours debunking an elaborate plot where people photoshopped nude images of “evan” and his privates, fran’s tumblr page, AND patreon so that they could sell a story where she victimized evan and posted revenge porn. before that, these fans created a made up story about frances selling evan’s phone number to fans, and it STILL gets repeated years later. i’m sorry. i have thousands of people on this blog and with the audience i have, i DO have a responsibility to use strongly worded language to denounce people attempting to, or unwittingly going along with character assassination against a woman some hate simply due to her dating evan.
on a lesser note, i don’t find it appropriate to analyze every facial expression or movement actively looking for reasons to say they’re unhappy together, when we are quite literally discussing something that’s by nature, uncomfortable and unnatural. posing for photos in front of flashing lights, screaming fans, socializing with strangers… again, please place yourself in their position and try and imagine if you’d look jubilant and at ease. if you’d look like you were having fun and wanted to be there. now imagine you’re socially anxious as a person. i am asking people to stop seeking out negativity and projecting it onto these people - it’s not fair, and whether or not you are purposely trying to be problematic, it’s honestly just not necessary to paint every interaction in a negative light. as i said, i want to give the prior anon the benefit of the doubt that they got swept up in the negative commentary and baseless allegations.. and that’s why i responded to them directly. sometimes, we just need to take a breather and think critically before we put serious stuff like that out into the universe. i really hope that makes sense and you understand where i am coming from. 🫶🏼
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peonylover2 · 8 months
Now listen…
I have some good intuition on me 90% of the time and I don’t walk around suspecting people of things
Another thing is i have been in fandoms for 13 year. I know when something doesn’t smell right.
Last: pattern recognition
Now thats said… currently i live in the Henry Cavill fandom, mostly because I haven’t found a show worth while yet.
Been there since season 2 of the Witcher
I know how to spot an account that isn’t really a fan. The news there sound too much like someone is scripting it, how did YOU, a fan, hear about something that hasn’t been common knowledge in that fandom?
“ he asked that actress personally to be in his warhammer serie”
HOW DID YOU KNOW? Why is no one else talking about it then?
Also the elly conway=henry cavill post?
And the major tip off :
Same points repeated like you just using sentences we all know but not adding any personal opinion.
The comment section is dry but for pro-Natalia comments and ‘shitting on haters’ and the lovely marriage comments.
The behavior of the person posting, the content and the comment section is 🚩🚩🚩
Stop posing as a fan. Its demeaning
She is meeting the cast of argylle. BOY I WAS RIGHT.
Because obv, just because you post about henry and CONSTANTLY updating about the premier like its your JOB, AND the elly conway is henry cavill, with evidence… you posing. You work for them. Also idk if i said this already;
Not many comments on her page
Her reactions feel unnatural
Is the only person saying henry is elly. Which I don’t mind, would cheer him up for it, but its a dead giveaway.
Pro-natalie . Be real, where in the fandom did you see the support? The whole fandom has been dead.
I have been in the fandoms for 13 years, i know a dead one when i see it. The issue is with his alleged gf. If our hearts aren’t feeling well about something, we clock out and wait for the truth to come out. The only thing reviving this dead pigeon would him posting noting about work or natalie and being his old self. Or ditching her and going back to posting as himself.
No one is interested in an actor’s page when its only life updates, its bound to die.
There are obv some actors who post only work and occasionally a pic about their life, but IT FEEL GENUINE.
If the genuine intentions aren’t there… we will know. Also… does he know that some of us have clear-seeing? (Clairvoyance) or can read cards or have other gifts?
My gift is in relationships.. i know it won’t go well. Unless for some forsaken reason we find out the natalie wasn’t ever a bad person or even annoying but genuinely a very good person. BUT IDK… i am not the judge. But my intuition is telling me he has been corrupted and is only focusing on going higher/better with no regards to fans. He sees that his support isn’t from fans but industry. The plan a in acting of “ the fans would love me and that would get me the fame” went in flames.
Now its plan B, the people he works with. I mean come on, tom cruz and Beyoncé&jayz. The music industry is THE LAST thing you want an association with.
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lilicohirukoma · 2 years
ok ok whoop whoop here we go, my hopes for this season: even campier and joe finally gets caught
- ‘well id hate to call a woman crazy’ youve murdered women babes dont pretend you care
- ‘because of Love-’ because of your own damn actions dumbass
- this beard looks great on Penn tho FUCK JOE but it looks stunning on Penn
- last minute hire is the explanation??? ill let it slide bc crazier things have happened in You but idk
- His class is all about love that is nice touch, also ofc tell-tale heart bc of Joe’s ‘guilty’ conscience of yknow murdering people
- You really predicted the complete downfall of the British Government huh
- Also I feel like he’s gonna fall in love w Nadia OR shes a red herring like Natalie we’ll see
- Joe is gonna kill Malcolm I feel it. I’ve rewatched the show so many times I just have a ‘This person is going to get murdered’ radar
- Okay multiple Ellie references, I think she might return
- Why did I think for a second he was going to fall in love with Malcolm lmao but ofc its his gf/wife/whatever
- Couple of Nepobabies, Viscount and Supermodel are basically the same thing right
- Guinevere Beck flashbacks, so Kate isn’t long for this world?
- come to The Netherlands Joe I promise I’m not gonna beat your ass <3
- Anway I’m eating chocolate cupcakes and drinking cherry lemonade, no one is curious but this is my post and I spent money on them so youre gonna know
- Oh okay thats kinda smart but getting a whole job and flat when shes only at one art fair? do art fairs take really long or something?
- Convient robbery but then again if I’m gonna complain about that then I might as well complain about everything
- Malcolm is kinda entertaining tbh, in like a Sherry kinda way
- Oh aight nvm entitled asf
- ‘We built this country’ the monarchy doesnt do shit and a fucking viscount absolutely doesnt do anything
- Yes finally Lady Phoebe I’ve wanted to know about her since the cast dropped
- The girls look STUNNING, Green works so well on Kate
- ‘Smells rich in here’ Rituals air fresheners, fresh flowers and a slight hint of airfyer smell after you cooked something in it. Trust me this is from first hand experience
- ‘I have too many friends call me when one is dead’ is fucking hilarious, Simon is alright in my book
- Ooooooh Sophie is shady and smart, I’m gonna love her
- Ofc they dont like each other they are rich they hang out w each other bc of status not enjoyment
- Goddamn everyone is shady asf I love it
- Okay Rhys is gonna be Joe’s only friend I can tell, he’s gonna get fucking murdered
- Tbh Joe is me at literally every social gathering
- Drunk girls are just inherently psychic I guess
- please wake up covered in blood after your drug binge please wake up covered in blood after-
- Using the victims car to transport his corpse??? How to get caught 101
- How do you get a girl to fall in love with you again? Obviously you chase her into an abandoned building
- Youre not gonna get caught its episode 1
- He emptied the bank account on the day he ‘died’? He was begging to get caught
- But okay this makes sense, the Quinns would def know how to get a good fake identity
- Oh god do not tell me he actually did it
- Yeah Rhys is cool, I’m gonna be so sad when he dies
- Not killing Marienne (although I am happy about it) is def gonna bite him in the ass later
- But yeah I really like Kate, she doesn’t take shit but still has respect for people. She 100% doesnt get along with her mom
- Oooohh alright, murder mystery party whoooo!!! I’m excited for the next episodes
- Kate, Rhys and Adam are my top 3 suspects for now
Final thoughts: Good episode, it was very true to You. 
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A/N: Hello, my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓! I'm back with another fic for you! Couldn't find a better pic
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Pairing: Yandere Henry Cavill x Trans male reader; Tyler Hoechlin x trans male reader. (mentioned)
Rating: MATURE
Warnings: Male Pregnancy, use of drugs, kidnapping, no consent. (what you expect? This yandere)
Word count: 3560
Summary: It started out with acting, then it went to stalking, and it went to him kidnapping you. And it ended with you spending the rest of your life with him.
I hope you enjoy this! Sorry if it's bad! And sorry for any errors that are found!
If you like what I write, how about check out my masterlist?
E/c: Eye color
H/c: Hair Color
H/l: Hair length
S/c: Skin color
Y/a: Your age. (Pick an appropriate age)
Henry was currently waiting for this someone to come. 'I wonder who it could be.' he thought to myself. We were going to start acting in the new TV show, Superman & Lois.
(Okay, I know that Tyler stars in this, but I'm just going to switch him out with Henry and play as Lois. You can change the name)
He then sees some guy, who looks small and innocent. You had h/l and beautiful, most dazzling e/c. His s/c looked smooth and soft like a freshly made bed. (?)
He looked to be Y/a. You looked so ethereal, a walking sex god. The source of men's sexual desire. He was so sexy and hot- 'Wait- what am I thinking? I'm not gay- I have a beautiful girlfriend, I need to stop thinking like this.'
Henry sees you approach me. "Hi! I'm assuming your Henry right?" you questioned, tilting your head. "Y-yeah- I'm Henry! N-nice to m-meet you!" Henry sturred over my words.
'Shit, why am I nervous around him? What is he doing to me?' Henry then heard a little chuckle. 'His laugh- AAGGHH!'
"Well, nice to meet you, Henry, I'm M/N!" you gave your hand out, Henry hesitantly shook it. 'His hands are rough and large!' you thought.
(Sorry, but I'll be using M/N.)
'His hands are so soft, like a baby's skin! I just wanna hold it forever-' Henry said to himself before pulling back. He didn't realize he had a rough grip on your hand.
"Ah- sorry about that," Henry said scratching his head out of embarrassment. "It's okay!" you gave your famous smile. Henry blushed.
'Why is this happening?! What is he doing to me!' Henry's mind was going all over the place, he was having a gay panic. 'What's wrong with this guy? I thought he was supposed to be calm and collected?'
You had no idea what was going on with him. "Well- I gotta go..." you said, backing away slowly before going to someone and starting a conversation with them. Hoping it won't be as awkward or weird
Henry just stared as you walked. He didn't notice that his hands were twitching. You could feel his stare piercing through your head. Such a dark and dominant stare.
'Maybe, he's just staring at something that so happens to be in my direction!' you said to yourself.
(No you dumb shit!)
"OKAY! Everyone, we're gonna be starting soon. Everyone to your stations and gets ready!" The director yelled. "Take M/N and Henry to their dressing rooms."
"Okay, sir. Come on!" They grabbed you and Henry to get dressed and ready.
They put on Henry's iconic Superman suit and they dressed you as Lois or the male equivalent of her. You looked at Henry and blushed a little. 'If I wasn't married to my husband, I would've gone for him. But he's straight.'
You looked away so Henry wouldn't notice but he did. 'He was blushing... AT ME- STOP IT!' Henry then glared at you. You noticed his glare and looked away. He didn't mean to glare.
"Okay, everyone get to your positions! Do you two know your lines?" The director asks looking back and forth. You both nodded your heads. "Okay, go on the scene and be ready!"
Once you both got there and got in position, the director yells, "ACTION!"
(I don't know what they be doing at the studio.)
"Hey- Uh... M/n!" Henry called out. You turned to face Henry, "Mh?" Henry looked at you trying to get the words out. "Uh... You have something to say?"
"Uh- well." Henry scratching his head. "I'm sorry... for glaring at you earlier today." He was now blushing hard while grinning.
You looked at him confused about what he was talking about. Then you remembered earlier. "Oh-, Its okay Henry! I know you didn't mean it." you smiled at him, reassuring him that it was okay.
You were about to continue, but you got a call. You looked at the caller ID. "Hubby😘" is calling, your husband was calling. "I got to take this call." you then walked away to a private location.
Henry was curious so he followed you. He knows this is eavesdropping, but he wants to know, "what was so important about a phone call?"
Apparently, he took too long but he heard this. "I love you too." Henry left before you could spot him. 'He loves someone? Why do I care if he is in love with someone?'
"I'm gonna have to go! Bye Henry!" You then left leaving Henry behind to think about what was happening.
'What are you doing to me M/n? I never felt this way before.'
TIMESKIP (6 months)
You and Henry have been acquaintances for 6 months. Henry's feelings for you grew and grew but there wasn't that ultimate trigger that would finally set the bomb off.
Until now and later on today. (so two ultimate triggers.)
You wrapped your arms around Clark's neck. You were shorter than, so all you saw was his muscular chest. Clark then wrapped his arms around your waist, looking into your beautiful e/c.
Alarms were going off in Henry's mind as he pulls you closer to him. 'This is actually happening.' M/n smells so nice like fresh lavenders.
Your lips then met Clarks. You tilted your head a little to the side to have better access. Though his nose was kind of in the way. You closed your eyes as you fully gave in.
'He tastes so sweet like chocolate and strawberries.' (You eating my children?) Henry was getting real intimate with the kiss.
(Was that a good kissing scene? I have never seen the TV show)
"CUT!" you pulled back before walking away to get a drink. Henry was still in a daze. Your lips were so soft and delicious, he wants more. Henry never felt like this when kissed his girlfriend.
In fact, he was getting disgusted by her touch and only wants you to touch him. Hell, sometimes you made him hard and he would imagine having sex with you while having sex with her...
He was about to approach you before he heard that... voice. "BABE!" his girlfriend... Henry then felt two arms wrapped around him and a small kiss on his lips.
Henry felt like he wanna puke. It wasn't like the kiss he had with you- even though it was just acting but it was real to him- but he had to act like he enjoyed it. "HI! You must be Henry's wife, right?"
You intervene in their conversation. "Yes, I'm Henry's wife- well girlfriend! My name is Natalie Viscuso! You must be M/n? I'm a big fan of you!"
You and Natalie kept talking and getting along. Henry was just watching, he was getting angry and jealous. After about 30 minutes, Natalie went back to Henry.
"Sorry about that, I got carried away. How about me and you have some fun when we get home?" Henry just nodded his head without giving an expression.
TIMESKIP (5 hours later. At Henry's home)
(I know that Henry's real-life GF/Wife is a good lady. Remember, this is fiction)
"A-ahh! H-henry... you f-feel so good! Y-your... dick is... s-so BIG!" Natalie moaned as she rode Henry's cock.
Henry didn't seem to enjoy it, not one bit. He pushed- not too hard - Natalie off of him. "Why did you stop?" she said confused, Henry was getting dressed.
Henry didn't pay attention to her and just walked out.
The next morning, the news of Henry's and Natalie's break up spread like wildfire. Nobody understood why he broke up with her, they were doing just fine.
Henry didn't feel upset. While walking around last night, he began to think how you made him feel feelings he has never felt before.
He likes how you touch him- even though you didn't mean to. He likes your soft lips- even though you two were acting. He feels disgusted whenever he was with Natalie. Angry and jealousy surge through his veins whenever you talked with someone that wasn't him.
Henry now accepted that he likes you.
When you got the news of them breaking up, you were shocked. "Henry are you okay? I heard you and Natalie broke up," you asked worriedly.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Henry replied, nonchalantly. "You don't seem upset about it..." Henry just stared at you with his deep, dark eyes. 'What's wrong with him?'
You've been waiting months to tell Henry something very important. You were nervous, scared, and... paranoid.
During the 3 months of waiting, you feel like you were being watched. Wherever you gom even in your own room.
You told Henry about it -since he was a close friend- and he told you not to worry about it saying, "You're just paranoid, it something you shouldn't worry about."
But you still kept your guard up. You made to look around and if you see someone looking suspicious. But tomorrow, you were going to come out to him.
You arrived at a... Dunkin Donuts (?) and ordered some donuts and coffee and took a seat by the window. You looked out to see some people walking by. There was a car that had black tinted windows, you couldn't see who was inside.
You pulled your phone to text Henry to come and talk with him. But that wasn't necessary, Henry walked and turned in your direction. "Hey, M/n!"
'How did he know I was here? Or was it a coincidence?' you thought. Then you felt a rough hand on your shoulder. "Mind if I sit here?" you shake your head.
Henry took his seat and ordered some food and coffee. 'It's too crowded here.' While seating there, you could feel stares and glances. You just ignored them.
Henry stared at you with love in his eyes, taking in all your features. Then he notices something on your finger, 'Is that a ring? IS HE ENGAGED? Or..... is he MARRIED!'
Rage was running through his veins but he had to calm himself down or you'll notice.
You had enough of his staring and break the silence. "I need to tell you something but it can't be here." that snapped Henry out of his daze. "What do you need to about?"
"It's something personal and it can't be here." You said getting up, and stressing your muscles, and heading out the door. Henry nodded his head before getting up and following you out.
As you two were walking, just taking in the fresh air and sounds of cars driving by. "So, what did you want to talk about?" Henry turned to you.
"Well... I hope you don't look at me differently..." you said looking down at the ground. "I'll never look at you differently bab- M/n."
You took a deep breath. "I'm trans..." you said quietly but Henry still heard you. "Oh... just because you're trans doesn't change what I see in you. You're still a man," Henry said putting his hand on your shoulder.
You smiled at him before jumping onto him. Henry wrapped his arms around you. He wanted to stay like this forever, you just in his arms feeling your warm, heat against him.
But sadly, you pulled away. "Thank you! Thank you!" you're glad Henry accepted you.
But Henry knew you were trans. Remember how you feel like you were being watched? Well, that was all Henry, he would watch you play with yourself. He would masturbate to this, he was quite turned on about this discovery.
'I'll accept whoever you are baby.'
TIMESKIP (1 week)
It's been one week since the whole coming out thing and Henry was gathering the confidence to ask you out. But today is the day.
Henry got a text saying, "Meet me at the park." so naturally he did. He didn't spot you at first until he recognizes your h/c. Then it's at that time he notices someone else there.
This bastard had his arms wrapped around you, and he gave small kisses on your lips. Henry's right eye twitched as he watched the display right in front of him.
'Who the hell is he?!? Is HE the one that M/n married?' he snapped out of it when you called his name to come over.
"I'm glad you came Henry! This is my husband, Tyler Hoechlin. Tyler, this is Henry, one of my friends!" you said with a smile. 'So, that means his name is M/n Hoechlin.'
Tyler gave his hand out and Henry shook it. Henry had a rough grip on his hand, squeezing it. And he just glared at him. "Well, let's go!"
Henry just glared at Tyler the whole time. 'M/N should ONLY have my last name! I should be the one with him!' Tyler notices how Henry was glaring at him the whole time. But he wasn't fazed by it.
'I'm gonna find a way to get rid of you! Or I could just take M/n?'
It had been 3 days since Henry met your husband, and he wasn't happy at all. Today he wants to hang out with you, and talk about something. Henry called your phone and waited for you to pick it up.
Meanwhile... (This is my first shot at writing smut with TMR.)
"A-ahh! d-daddy... your c-cock... is so... b-big!" you moaned as rode Tyler like your life depended on it. "Fuck, you're so wet and warm for me, M/n. Your tight little pussy feels amazing!" Tyler groaned as he thrust further into you.
Tyler sees that your phone is vibrating, 'Henry?' Tyler smirked, he knew that Henry was glaring at him with hate and stared at you with love. 'This will teach him who my baby boy belongs to.'
"Be a good boy for daddy and answer the phone." Tyler handed you the phone, you took a look at the caller and noticed it was Henry calling. "D-daddy... I-i can't do... it with y-you- thrusting... i-into me!"
Tyler stopped his thrusts but as you answered his call, he thrust right back into you. "A-ah!"
"Hey, M/n! Are you okay?" Henry questioned. "Y-yeah... I'm okay..." Tyler stopped thrusting, you could his cock pulsing and twitching inside you.
"You're little pussy is wet for me. You like it when I rub you here?" Tyler then began to rub your small dick. You tried to not moan out loud.
But Henry could tell, that you were moaning. And he was angry and just hanged up. "H-hello?... I think he... h-hung up." "Now, I can fuck you!" And he went back to banging you.
5 days after the little event, Henry hasn't called you. You tried calling him and seeing what's wrong, but he never answered.
Tyler kept telling you to not worry about him. Meanwhile, Henry was just in his room masturbating to a picture of yours and mutters, "You belong to me... Tyler and your's relationship is fake! We kissed, we held each other, and so many other things."
The acting seems to make Henry delusional, cause he believed it was all real and that you meant it. He has to find a way to make you his and he just how to do it.
There was a party coming up. You and Tyler would both be attending.
You and Tyler both arrived at the party. People were drinking, dancing, and doing other weird things. "I'm gonna go get a drink." Tyler nodded his head.
He went over to a table and sat down. Tyler wasn't the type to get a drink. Meanwhile, Henry kept his eyes on you. 'This is going to be a fun night!' You thought.
But this will turn out to be the worst night you'll ever have.
Had a few drinks, you were trying to find Tyler in the crowd but couldn't find him. You didn't feel the vibration in your phone, "I'll be waiting for you in the car."
As you were walking around, you felt yourself being pushed up against a wall. "Oh... *HIc* T-Tyler... I didn't *Hic* know you could be *Hic* this rough."
Henry pinned you against the wall and crash his lips against yours. Sweet but tasted like alcohol. 'Since when did Tyler become all muscular' Then you felt a needle pierce through your neck and injecting you with some kind of drug.
TIMESKIP (After the party.)
You woke up with a massive headache. Your mind is still blurry but after a few moments later you could see properly. You noticed a cup of water and headache pills by it. You took it.
Then, you realized, this isn't your room and that you were wearing a bunny outfit! 'What the fuck? Where am I?!' Then you began to feel hot and needy.
Your pussy was leaking and clenching around nothing. Your small dick was aching to be touched. "Is my little bunny awake?" A deep husky voice said.
You turned in its direction to notice that it was Henry?! But your mind was getting clouded with lust and want. "H-Henry...?"
"Shh, baby. Daddies here." Henry said getting closer to you and pulling you to his lap. Your hands were now on his shirtless chest, feeling his hairy pecs.
"Where's... T-Tyler?" you questioned, bad mistake. Henry smacked one of your cheeks. "DON'T EVER MENTION HIS NAME! YOU BELONG TO ME! FORGET ABOUT HIM!"
You were getting turned on. It must be the drug he gave you, cause you don't like it someone yells at you. "You're leaking so much slick? You want daddy to help you?"
Before you could respond, Henry pushed you down onto the couch and you could feel his meaty cock at your front entrance. "Your little pussy is leaking so much, you don't know how much you turn me on."
Henry lubes his cock with your slick before pushing in. "F-fuck! You're so tight! I guess Tyler didn't fuck you that good." Henry groaned as he pushed all the way in you.
He let you adjust a little before thrusting back into you. "You're so wet, tight, and warm. Better than my ex!" Henry groaned as he feels you tightening around him.
His hand then went down to stroke your cock. "A-ah!" you moaned as you tried to turn your face away. "You're close? Me too!" you could feel Henry thrust into your womb.
He was hitting your pleasure spot tip-on. "M-mmhh!" Your body clenched before convulsing beneath him. Your muscles twitched around his cock.
"Fuck, you came! I'm close! You'll look so beautiful swollen with my kids. The thought of spending the rest of my life with you just makes me wanna cum!"
You could feel his cock burst inside you. Feeling you up with his cum. "Get pregnant from this!" He stayed inside you before collapsing onto your smaller body.
He was leaving love marks. "You belong to me now, M/n..."
It has been a decade since you were taken away. A decade being with a monster- who you looked up to before. He had taken you away from others.
You were in the kitchen cooking some waiting for him to come home. "PAPA! When is daddy coming home?" your oldest child said playing with his lego spaceship.
"He'll be home soon. How about go play with your siblings?" they nodded their head before heading to their room. You gave birth to Henry's children, when you had O/C/N, you promised that you'll take them far away from this monster.
You looked at the ring. It was no longer Tyler's ring but Henry's. Just as you said Henry, two strong muscular arms wrapped around your waist.
"How is my beautiful husband doing?" you tried pushing him away but it didn't work.
"Just accept it, M/n. You'll never escape me, and you don't want anything bad to happen to your- no- OUR kids? Right?" tears began to pour out your eyes.
"No. Please don't hurt them... they're just kids, they did nothing wrong." you cried trying to not alarm them.
"Then just accept your fate. You've been resisting for 10 years, it's no use. No one will ever find you." Henry whispered into your ear.
"Just accept it."
A/N: I hope this was good! I'm sorry if anything is incorrect. Do you like my new format? Anyways, bye my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓!
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penneferofvenerburg · 2 years
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@henrycavillfan @henrycavilledits @henrycavillfanfics @henrycavillnews
Hey everyone I'm so.glad that I've just caught this on my feed literally last night I had been most horrible nights sleep I couldn't stop thinking about Henry I am hes okay though of course I knew it wasn't him that had the dreaded Covid 19 because that man ho early is so super healthy and regularly goes to gym to train. Seeing him ticketing with his PC was a godsend because if he had got it I'm sure his Brilliant and beautiful gf Natalie would be looking after him.
Honestly Henry have the most amazing time shooting again as you know I'm huge supporter of yours We love you Geralt!!!
Lots of love @penneferofvenerburg xxxx 😘😘😘😘😘❤❤❤❤
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sohoharlem · 3 years
To your question fake vs real relationships and PR, I’ve been reading lots of different opinions about Henry and Natalie and now that the dust has settled, to me a few things stick out:
REAL: I’d say by now definitely no. If it was, when the s*** hit the fan, he would have not resorted to the Signal / pap shot of the phone that felt like a Sherlock easter egg. he would have defended his love for her more directly and we would have seen them together again in real time, rather than those odd sightings that all came out weeks later. No matter the trolls and the memes and all that. It’s his life and he would have put his foot down and she would have done a much more structured apology than that bs thing to the DM. This was a highly controlled stunt from the start with clear strategic benefits for him and fame for her but it went south so fast, it was not worth saving cos it was never real in the first place.
FAKE: at least in part, for sure. i buy into the studio strategy, she was or is supposed to be some kind of embedded cell him and Dany were hoping to infiltrate within echelons that they wanted to have more of a stake in. most likely related to Witcher S3 but we can’t know for sure. This very much looks like a Dany idea, that was well received by Henry... I see her as the gordon gecko of our times... if any of you even know who that is lollll. In their heads, the sly foxes thought we’re gonna make a big splash with MT, with the career woman/arm candy love story, and with the new movie bookings, all of which would counterbalance S3 cancellation rumors. , now gotta move on lightly because optics can’t make it look too quick or henry will look even worse for dumping his gf in the trash.
MIX: same as fake but they are actually together. somehow this feels like the most believable one right? Why wouldn’t two hot people pretending to be lovers actually want to get it on, especially because it was not presented as a fling, but as a serious relationship. NV’s MO (moonlighting as an escort) is not that uncommon. People know that she is someone who could be willing to exchange sex for power. And Dany knew that and put her in front of Henry who lapped her up, contract and all. Forgive me for theatrically clutching my pearls, but if that’s the case… yuck. That’s a new smear on his name. I am sure tons of celebs use escorts, but veeeery much behind closed doors.... and hardly anyone is careless enough to accidentally out themselves unless they are are an approved hollywood bad boy but that's definitely not his remit.
And to clarify: I am a full supporter of sex workers, they deserve protection and dignity. I admit that I do struggle with people using sex to advance in their careers because it reinforces the notion that men still have the upper hand in the grossest possible way and is so unjust to people who are trying to advance fairly, especially women.
SO: I think this relationship is very much dead in the water, but it will be a while before it will be obvious.
PS: I know there are some trolls out there who are apparently reporting and harassing Tumblr accounts that publish this kind of stuff… I wonder why? What are they so afraid of? Hmmmmm.
- SH
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undertheknightwing · 3 years
so, pros: I really liked Clark/Lois' storyline and who i'm guessing will be the villain(s) already got my interest. Anderson who's turning metahuman kids into weapons(?), I never trusted the d.o.d anyway and whoever the person is at the end in the mech suit. Can't wait to see who that is. Clark having weird visions and losing control of his powers I knew was gonna be super angst and I love me some good angst. I like John Henry and Natalie but having them live with the Kents so quickly is just eh to me mostly because Titans taught me that adding more characters into the main storyline that fast never ends well, hopefully they can avoid that. Also Teagan is gone so that's good and COACH CLARK IS BACK! that's nice because I thought that Clark would leave since Jordan doesn't play anymore but maybe he's sticking around just in case Jon does get powers.
onto the cons: Jordan and Jon felt so shoveled into the storyline that every time they were on screen I wondered why they were even in the episode since they didn't add anything to the story at all. It's not a surprise that Jon had nothing going on in the episode, but I wasn't expecting that with Jordan. And speaking of Jordan, now I'm far from a fan of his but damn I feel so bad for him. It seems like Sarah maybe cheated on him and umm?? Jordan sweetie if your gf cheated on you just because you both were separated for like what.. two - one month?? she's not the girl for you. And like Jon and Jordan, I don't think Lana and Kyle added anything. Their subplots are always boring.
random thought(that will hopefully change over the next few weeks): I expected Jon to be reduced to the jock character who just cares about girls when I saw the s2 trailer but seeing it on screen after we saw how his character was in s1 and what happened to him is just another level of bs. I see we're using the Titans three months time skip rule where the characters become a different person from what s1 set up to fit whatever situation they want to throw them in. I hope they actually do something with Jon this season that's not "oh no football is hard :(" or "I wanna get laid but my mean parents won't let me" because WOW what a waste of a great character. I did however laugh at Jon saying 'sus' that was the most in character he felt in the entire episode.
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brelione · 4 years
Can you take it? (Rafe Smut)
Request:How would Rafe react to his virgin gf asking if she could give him a blowie?This.This is why I call you guys my hoes.
You had been Rafe’s girlfriend for a good three months.Or, as he liked to call you, “his queen”.You were a virgin for reasons that he couldnt understand. “You’re like a model with the body of a goddess.How the fuck are you a virgin?”Was his first reaction.
A month ago you had asked him to take your virginity but he declined, claiming that you ‘werent ready for it’.That being said you two had done plenty of other things that would get you sent to hell.
He had eaten you out plenty of times, so often that he often found himself daydreaming and masturbating to the thought of it.You had palmed him through his pants a handful of times, trying to learn what pleased him.But you still werent satisfied.
He would never even pull down his pants in front of you, only letting you put your hand over his underwear and you were sick of it. “Rafe?”You asked, sitting up to look at him.He frowned, putting his phone down.You never called him by his actual name unless you really needed something. 
“Whats up?”He asked, curious.You felt your face heat up as you pulled at your fingernails nervously. “Can I….can I like...give you a blowjob?”You asked, looking up to see his reaction.His eyes were wide, not expecting that but already feeling himself get hard at the offer.
 “How-do you….do you know how?”He asked, biting his lip as he felt his jeans restrain him.You hummed, moving between his legs that he had opened up slightly. “You think you can take it?”He asked, unzipping his pants, slowly pulling down his boxers to reveal his boner, seeing your eyes get wide and your jaw drop.
 “Shit.”You whispered, staring at the huge cock in front of you. “Can you?”He repeated his question, moaning when you licked the tip. “Yeah, I can.”You replied, taking him in, his hands tugging at your hair. “Fuck.”He moaned.He gulped, already knowing that this would probably end with you riding him or with you under him as he pounded into you, groaning at the thought.
@sexytholland @28cnn  @popcrone818 @fttayla @cherryobx @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @drewstarkeyobx @poguestyleskye @judayyyw @jjtheangel @jj-iz-bae
@sunwardsss @meaganjm  @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @natalie-kate-98 @nxsmss @broken-jj @joshy-obx @prejudic3 @annmariek8 @outerbongs  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey @teenwaywardasgardian @drewswannabegirl  @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee  @on-socks-off  @abbiesthings @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @i-love-scott-mccall
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hoochy-coo · 3 years
I have a bunch of questions for WS anon since I am interested in other celebs possible pr too!
1. With your job, is it regular for anyone working in the industry to have tea? And do people working in or share what’s real or not?
I would say it gives you the opportunity to hear gossip or rumors that only people in the industry would know. I will say you'd probably need to go out of your way to learn about it. In my case I work with athletes and aside from the people they hookup with, their scandals, vices it's not really a place with tea. But I do make a lot of friends in the industry and we gossip all the time and they share from their respective fields and about the celebs they work with or have a connection to. I guess it's the same as any kind of workplace gossip.
Working in what? You mean working in pr? A celeb's pr team will never tell you what is real/authentic or straight up fake or a mix of both. The most they'll give is what strategies they impose or how they mold things. But not directly, oh this is fake btw. For obvious reasons, they keep a lot of things secret and things only they would know. A lot of friends in pr do like sharing input or teach our gc how things go or look for the signs or the strategies we wouldn't even have figured without their help. A lot of times we also just hear a lot of rumors from inside sources that just outward contradicts what is being presented by the media/pr play of a celeb.
2. Can you tell me your thoughts on often thought pr couples? I am not a harrie at all and I see this from pop culture blogs.
lily/timmy - I don't know if it's pure pr or not but I've at least heard Timmy was also hooking up with other women during all those times he was with Lily. A lot of people have told me it's pure pr/mostly pr though. They did seem like a nice match as future it girl/boy but their reunion it didn't seem as interesting.
seb/ale - I actually don't follow either of those two enough. I thought Seb has always been pretty open about his gfs? At least I thought him and Leighton were pretty public. For his current gf, if it's pr then he hasn't gain a lot of fame imo. The only place I see him relevant or getting talked about is the tumblr/twitter stans which while loud isn't that big. I mean his fans sure let his last film flop hard, I doubt the BO was even enough to pay him.
henry/nat - I feel like I blocked out Henry's love life when he was dating a 19 year old. But I would say this is real. Until I see Natalie suddenly becoming a star I'd say this is pretty standard for Henry. Him and Kaley, yeah none of you can convince me that was real.
chris/jenny - A lot of people will kill me, but since Jessie admitted she also thinks they're pr then I'll admit I do too.
tom/zendaya - I think they're real. Either way I love it. We can probably judge based on how long this will last.
shawn/camila - real, but my friend says they're way more subdued in private at least
bennifer - I already sent an answer to this before
ben/ana - the blueprint
hiddleswift - pr
abelena - pr
If you're asking if I think they're pure pr, I don't know what happens when they're alone together to say it's all fake. I imagine hiddleswift, abelena, ben/ana probably hookup in private but was never as serious or real as they made it appear. If you're asking if they're real and using it for pr, well yeah I would say all of these would qualify as they're using it for pr too which isn't a bad thing. Like Ryan/Blake are obviously real and using their relationship for publicity.
3. Do you think hiddleswift was bad pr for Tom?
Not really. I do think it was meant to be longer with a full better rollout and ended too early with Taylor backing out. As someone who considers herself a self-hating swiftie, Tom gained a lot of loyal fans in the fandom for example and hiddleswift was pretty memorable pop culture moment in general.
4. How do you really feel about the holivia questions and harries in general since you tend to get the most abuse from them?
I'm irritated because of the angry anons and people who can't respect opinion. Other than that, my opinion on holivia still remains the same and it will not physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, or financially hurt either Harry or Olivia. In the first place, I don't remember ever spending money for them. I think as long as Jessie allows pop culture discussion and allows the question, we can all and should respect opinion. I'm not in any way anti or pro holivia. I don't mind a pr relationship cause to me it's a normal and harmless part of their job. I also don't think pr should be equated as bad at all. We're kidding ourselves if we don't think celebs are like this.
5. I’m just basing this from the harry stans in this blog, but how do you see Harry benefit from holivia?
I already said this to my one harrie friend here but I always saw his fans overestimate his fame. Harry is big but he isn't BIG. He hasn't come to the level of Taylor, Drake, Ed, JB, or their counterparts for actors. Every celeb who came at that level went to levels of attention seeking and pr. When you're trying to venture into film, there are separate pr that could also be demanded from you. Being big in one industry doesn't equate to being an instant hit or success in the other. Especially when the film industry does have a lot of hesitation with singers to actors. Especially when with Harry he seems to want to be taken as a serious actor rather than the easy going route many of his contemporaries have done to jump start their acting career. Harry is being talked about a lot by blogs and accounts that used to barely mention him before. He is being discussed as a regular gossip which didn't happen for years. Imo fans just think he's too big for anything or that he is immune to pr or attention seeking. Me and my friends never saw him that way and we also never saw Harry as incredibly relevant or big, rather than he has an incredibly dedicated fanbase
Question for WS anon but I would also like to hear your opinion Jessie? Do you think Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling call the paps . Because I've generanlly heard that he is an extremely private ccelebrity but all those spottinga with his kid don't necessarily seem very organic to me Also are there any celebs that dont really call the paps?
You can be a private celeb and still call the paps. Ryan is a private guy but he has always been pretty open who he's dating and end of day they don't give us a lot of update or info about their relationship. Abel has started calling the paps a lot, but in hindsight he's still very private about himself.
I think the only celebs who don't call the paps are ones who don't have publicist.
- Worcestershire Sauce Anon
You answered this so thoroughly, thank you! X
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