#i love my supe and am so grateful for her helping me through the last 3 years of grad school hell
honeymoonjin · 4 years
day 13
I have come to realize the weight of your warning all those weeks ago in regards to the contestants remaining at the villa and how it might very well be a double edged sword rather than a blessing. You can see that slowly coming to fruition throughout this chapter. And as much as I want to tackle that potential mess of a final scene (because golly do I have feelings about that bit!) I want to talk about our lady first. 
It feels as though you are determined to write her into becoming my favorite character in this entire story. I’m sure by now, it’s rather apparent how much I love how you portray her with such complexity so instead I would like to take the opportunity to talk about how some aspects of her personality is drawn out in different scenarios that she is presented with in this chapter. For example, given the scene in the kitchen, she was the voice of rationality and the most empathetic of the three characters present. The scene stood out to me because this is the second time that Jungkook had snapped at her without provocation and it seems that she is determined to keep a cool and level head despite the fact that it is so clearly hurting her. It’s an interesting choice. I wondered as I kept reading the chapter if you had chosen for the scene to not escalate beyond that because it’s not in either Taehyung or our lady’s nature or if you had decided that there would be no need for it to escalate because Jin was going to defuse Jungkook in the next scene anyway. I don’t think I recall our lady being confrontational in any scene prior so perhaps it wouldn’t have happened either way. Still, I don’t know why but it just seems as though the words that Jungkook said should have elicited more of a reaction. Hmm, there’s a chance I’m simply projecting… haha! 😅 This is not to say the scene was not good; quite the contrary. I’m just trying to work through my feelings for the scene by breaking it down. 
Which brings me to Jin and Jungkook trying to break down their feelings in an impromptu counseling session. Jin gets such a wonderful chance to shine in this scene. I really love his vulnerability and candidness. It feels reminiscent of Yoongi confiding in Jin or Namjoon confessing his feelings for our lady to Jimin; each of those scenes offered the members a chance to get in tune with what they were going through internally but also offers a glimpse into their stance with the other members of the house. I was surprised when it’s revealed that Jungkook may have become attached to more than one person in the house; I can’t help but wonder if all the hard work Jin had put in to calm Jungkook down would go up into smoke if he were privy to the pact that the threesome had agreed to at the end there. 
When I said that that final scene could be so potentially messy I mean in the sense that when the other occupants of the villa were to find out (because, let’s be real, we all know that “keeping a secret’’ is just a smoking gun waiting to go bang) things are bound to get ugly. And all this is with characters who are 1) very aware of the potential consequences of their actions and 2) the nature of the show going into this scenario. And yet against better judgment they do the most human thing and give in to their desires. It’s heartbreaking thinking about the train-wreck this could lead to. I’m worried, scared, anxious, and any other synonym you can think of for “feelings of trepidation” for the days to come. (And, yes, I said “days” as in, there is no way that these 3 are gonna be able to carry this on for more than a ½ week at best! The proverbial shit will hit the fan before the week is out; I’m calling it now! There’s too much tension built up, especially after the elimination round!)
That being said, I had a wicked fun time reading this chapter! 🤩 I know I made some hard stances this time around (something I typically don’t like doing because if I’m wrong, my reviews don’t age as well) but maybe I’m in the mood to play devil’s advocate. Because as much fun as it is to theorize, nothing is more gratifying than when I don’t see something coming. Your ability to surprise me has always been one of your strongest attributes and I hope I will be proven wrong. Not for sake of shock value but for the chance to see the story being pushed to places I could never imagine myself. I have not been disappointed yet, and I don’t expect to be anytime soon, if your track record is anything to go by. Thank you once again for your continued hard work. Your confessionals this week might be some of my favorite to date (Yoongi’s rant session, Jin’s “non-existent” items on the grocery list poor Sejin, Lady Mango’s new tricks, Jin’s full denim ensemble for Y/N, members’ sleeping habits). The quality of this series continues to blow me away and I am just grateful to be a part of it (aka off to vote!). Thanks for weaving your magic. 💜 Jan
ooh i was supe curious to see how everyone took this chapter, so you don’t have to worry about taking hard stances. i was absolutely expecting it ! 
we’re starting to, after almost two weeks, enter the stage where people’s flaws, poor judgement or clouded emotions are beginning to seriously impact their time on the show, and so i know for sure not everyone will be happy with the character’s choices, or the way things pan out.
that being said, i can’t help but enjoy writing some of this angst or the setups, because even i don’t exactly know where they’ll end up. fan favourite and elimination change a lot, and so it’s exciting turning on a ticking time bomb with yet no concept of how long it has til 0:00. 
it’s really cool to hear your interpretation of yn !! i think to a huge degree her non-confrontational efforts come from her being very aware that they’re all stuck together, and the guilt that she’s already going to have to systematically vote them out (jk certainly gave her quite the reminder). will that last? who knows. but for now, she’s doing her best to make room for the fluctuating emotions of the others. It’s also very very funny that you note about wondering what would happen if things escalate bc of a future chapter i have planned but shhh you didn’t hear that from me
that jinkook scene is perhaps more important than it initially appears, but we’ll see why in future chapters ;)
once again thank you for writing such a thoughtful review!! and extra thank you, because i saw the confessional ask you reblogged w those tags you absolute sweetheart ;;-; i hope you’re keeping safe and healthy, and i’ll look forward to posting a new chapter either on saturday or tuesday (most likely tuesday)
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Rant about ur fav superhero ready go
Okay so like I have a lot of favorite superheroes loool but thank you so so much for this Alyssa I adore you I CRI
Before we start I believe it is my civic duty to inform you that when Animated BatmanTM (aka. superior batman) walks in the batsuit the cape falls around him and he just kinda shuffles across the floor and it’s the cutest thing my eyes ever done did seen
okay so Imma pick batman cuz i was recently reading a batman comic. I feel like sometimes batman gets flack and like yeah no one is perfect but a lot of times it’s because batman is written incorrectly. But thankfully whatever version of him I don’t like I get to write off lol because superhero canon is so weird. 
I wanna do a full analysis of batman some time but I think what originally drew me to the character is that he’s like the emo dude dressed like a bat, something that I feel is normally reserved for villains? Like the darkness-coded character was the good guy. That was so cool to me. He’s an amazing detective, he is incredibly smart and resilient, and he helps people not just as Batman but also Bruce Wayne. 
What sticks out to me about Bruce is that not only does he have his strict no-kill rule (COUGH COUGH BATMAN V SUPERMAN U GOT THAT WRONG) but he also is the type of guy that genuinely cares and will try to save even villains. And like not just save them from falling, like he will try to help them get back on their feet and stop following a life of crime. 
He has like a huge heckin family because he adopted so many kids but not only is that adorable because he’s the orphan who lost his family who finds them a family but he also makes a new family for himself. He trains the robins and tries to be there for them so that they never feel the same way he did, which is kinda his whole mission.
Everyone makes jokes about his parents dying, but the thing is as an eight y.o. kid that would be extremely traumatizing, no wonder he’s so messed up. You see your parents gunned down for no reason, and then you’re all alone in the ally. Not knowing if the dude is gonna come after you next, and you cant do anything, the two people you’ve always believed would protect you from anything are dead, and you saw it happen. 
Bruce runs away from home, from his past, from Gotham. He doesn’t want to be found. But he chooses to come back. Because he doesn’t want anyone to go through what he did- he fights for those scared lonely kids left on the street alone. Side note, I also love how sweet Bruce is to kids, like here’s this big hulking shadow of a man dressed like a BAT and he’ll kneel down and try to calm some poor kid down and distract them from what they’re going through, or write that he likes some kid’s drawings of him. 
Also, Bruce is heckin dramatic . Like SO DRAMATIC I love it. He makes everything bat themed because he understands branding. He fights silently but then he will make these really dumb snarky jokes and I love him for it. Also he some how always gets the upper hand on other people, like he’s so freaking smart. Like he can genuinely freak people out and outsmarts em. And I love how he’ll appear out of nowhere and scare the crap out of people lol. Also, the dude just has PRESENCE. And if you hurt someone he’s comin for your butt.
He’s also really really bad at communicating and getting across his emotions, like he’d rather jump out a window than confess he cares about someone. Like. Which is bad cuz sometimes his kids need to hear that, but I also think that they kinda know. Bruce will literally go to the ends of the UNIVERSE for the people he cares about, and I honestly think he’s a really emotional guy he just has no clue how to express his emotions. Like he comes off super grumpy but idk. I think it’s kinda funny.  
And like always, he’s always a hoe for self sacrifice. Like Bruce. Stop. I know you have a death wish. But maybe don’t be so gun-ho about it. 
 I just love the concept of Batman. Just this dude. Runnin’ round the city. Chasing baddies. Ordered coffee where you work last week at 2am. Gave you a crazy big tip. He has like 50 children, and a really sick car. Oh also there’s this Bruce Wayne dude that is a rich orphan who also has coincidentally 50 kids, and he’s like such a himbo but you love him and sometimes he really pulls out some sick burns???
 I feel I’m missing so much but thank you for the ask, this was so much fun. Love you Alyssa <3
(included are. some short clips of why I love Bats. You will notice none of them are from the Dark Knight trilogy, and while I am grateful to those movies for getting me into batman, they do not do him justice. At all.)
Batman and Ace
(if you want them. just batman best moments on youtube itll pop up) (there’s literally so many)
ALSO THERES THIS ONE TIME THAT WONDER WOMAN TRIES TO SAVE THIS TOWN FROM LIKE A FALLING PILLAR OR SMTHN I DONT REMEMBER AND SHE LIKE GETS CRUSHED UNDER IT STOPPING IT AND BATS IS THE FIRST TO RUN OUT AND HES LIKE TRYING TO DIG AND PULL HER OUT like this dude is the weakest one of the justice league yet he’s always trying to help and somehow he always manages to keep up AND HES LIKE FRANTIC and Supes tells him they can’t get her out and he looks so freaking upset but then she lifts up the pillar thing and reveals herself to be okay and everyones so happy and she’s like :))))) “YOURE VILLAGE IS SAVED” and goes and stands by the other heroes. and . when she does. she looks down and sees Bats’ muddy gloves and smiles and he like quick hides them under his cape I just-
The Justice League animated show made me a WonderBat shipper okay and it’s never gonna go away 
okay I’m finally done thank you for the ask ILY
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ashleighxx · 6 years
Prankster Ghost|Dorm Room Ghost
My first drabble in forever... hope you enjoy! (Unedited and shite 😂)
“I wish I was a normal witch.” Caroline sighed as she plopped down on the sofa next to her best friend, Bonnie. “Why? Why did I have to be a necromancer?”
She was absolutely exhausted from cleaning up the latest prank her ghost roommate had pulled on her.
Their college for supernaturals usually paired ghosts and necromancers due their ability to see spirits. It can help the spirit connect and keep a footing in the real world and gather strength, being able to communicate with others eventually.
There was all kinds of supes, short for supernaturals creatures, at the prestigious college from zombies to sirens. Caroline’s dorm is closer to the outskirts of the main campus nearby the forestry. The witches used it for their spells and summoning, the wolf dorm next door also uses the woods for learning how to shift.
That means for now, Caroline was stuck.
Bonnie grabbed the remote from beside her and paused the TV show she was currently binge watching to focus on Carolines dilemma, stifling a laugh behind her hand as she tried her best to keep a straight face. “What did he do now?”
“What makes you think he done anything?” She whined as her friend looked at her knowingly. “Fine, he ruined my date… Again!”
“I can see, all you need now is a horn and you'll have a beautiful rainbow mane!” Bonnie burst into hysterics, a pillow flying into her face as Caroline grabbed another one and the two battled each other, helping vent her anger out from Kol.
“I've just got glitter out of my hair from last week prank! Stupid glitter bomb card…” she muttered, hiding behind the large pillow she’d attacked Bonnie with. “Now I got rainbow hair Bon, RAINBOW! How am I supposed to go to class like this”
“How the hell did he managed to dye your hair?”
“Kool aid in the shower.”
“You know Klaus wouldn't care right?” Her best friend tried to comfort her, pulling Carolin into a huge hug.
In theory she knew Klaus, her date, wouldn't mind at all. He would laugh it off and stay in for a takeout and movie instead, but she just felt super embarrassed. Cancelling another date due to her pesky roommate and his need to make her liven up in life.
She had been crushing on Klaus since the first time she saw him. He’s a year older than her and he offered to show her around the campus, bringing her to her dorm building, explain he could scent she was a witch with his werewolf abilities. It had taken a year of close friendship before Klaus plucked up the courage to ask her out this year.
Ever since they started to date a few months back, Kol has decide to up his hilarity by pulling pranks. She’d kill him if he weren’t already dead. Though she could try and bring him back to life and then kill him.
Her phoned vibrated in her back pocket to alert her of a text, or a few texts seeing though she’s been avoiding reality. Mumbling a goodbye to Bonnie, Caroline headed out of her friends room and walking across the hallway to hers.
She was extremely lucky and grateful that her childhood bestie was able to snag close quarters.
Klaus was already chilling on her sofa, black boots propped up on her coffee table, pencil and sketch book in hand. He glanced up at her, amusement shining in his eyes before going back to his drawing.
“You know, this whole dating thing isn't gonna work out, huh?”
Panicking, Caroline whispered a ‘huh?’ Before her mind started to think about all the possibilities to keep Klaus, kick Kol out of college, anything but break up with the werewolf who stole her heart the first time he opened his mouth and called her love.
“Maybe we should just be a couple?” He raised his eyebrow at her, waiting for her overactive mind to calm down and click onto what he was saying.
Her mouth couldn’t form the words she wanted to say, but her legs managed to take a few stumbling steps towards the couch. He put down his stuff down next to him, grabbing the back Caroline’s thighs, pulling her onto Klaus.
Caroline’s arms instinctively wrapped around his neck as her thighs straddled him. “So you wanna be my boyfriend? Even after all this crazy my roommate puts me through?”
“Uh huh…” He gently pulled her for a quick kiss.
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