#i love seeing insane starbucks orders
mlady-magnolia · 5 months
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Yes, this was a real drink someone ordered at my Starbucks except it was a Chai Creme Frappe
I don’t know why either
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 4 months
Jennifer Jareau x Reader Headcanons
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Mostly SFW, but a few lil spicy ones throughout.
Eidetic memory for one thing and one thing only: everything you've ever said ever
Like, one single time you mentioned that Reese's taste better from the fridge and now there's always a pack in there for you
You catch her checking you out all the time
At first she’d get all flustered but now she just kind of shrugs and says, “I’m allowed to look at what’s mine”
Loves giving you forehead kisses <3
Often won't leave the house at all on her days off, would much rather order takeout and spend all day snuggling with you (among other things)
Immediately puts on sweatpants when she gets home from work
Loves to take you out on a fancy date (or vice versa) and get dressed up. She absolutely drools over you in a suit or a dress
A bi queen, whether you lean more masculine or feminine or both, she’s obsessed
Had a hard time letting you take care of her/receiving love and affection (emotionally not sexually) at first, but is getting better and better about it
Loyal to a fault, would catch a grenade for you (a la Bruno Mars) without a second thought
Will love you forever if you get her a peppermint mocha (but not from Starbucks, obvs, because of g*nocide)
She always gets whipped cream on her upper lip and it’s very, very cute
If she’s off work, you will be having morning sex. There is nothing she likes more than waking up slow and taking her time with you
Secretly really into books like A Court of Thorns and Roses but she’s embarrassed about it so she always reads either on a Kindle or at home so no one can see the cover
Her favorite flowers are tulips and you send her some at work at least once a month
Incredibly direct, there is no beating around the bush
When she asked you out she was so blunt you just kind of floundered for a minute
Wildly jealous, like Gone Girl levels of jealous
At first it drives you kind of crazy but then you realize that she’s just scared you’ll leave her (insane), so you do your best to remind her often that you're hers and only hers
Tells you that you feel like home
Her job is so serious, she loves that she can come home to you and you make her laugh
Loves to be the big spoon, anchors you to her so hard that your limbs fall asleep
Always, always kisses you good morning
After a long day at work or a hard case, she’ll want to hug you forever
Gets butterflies when you give her a shoulder massage
Her pet name for you is "beautiful." As in Hey, beautiful. Good morning, beautiful. I love you, beautiful. <3
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jocelynscrazyideas · 5 months
Coffee Breath | Quinn Hughes x Fem Reader
Summary: Quinn and Y/N go to Starbucks and Target after Team practice, and they prep for the Hughes Brawl that is being played in 4 hours.
Warnings: language, and only one kiss (it’s a peck)
A:N- I hate this sm but I needed to post smth 🫶
All i know is that you talk to much
You’ve got those big blue eyes
Drive me crazy, make me fantasize
‘Bout you baby
After team practice before the next game, Quinn and I leave the rink and we pick up some coffee. Quinn is wearing a letter this year on his jersey so, he has to take his body seriously now. All he does is workout. I’ve been dragging him to get coffee with me, just like it was in the past.
“You wnat your Gingerbread Oatmilk Chai?” Quinn says as he looks into my eyes. All I see is his light blue eyes, almost as if they were grey.
I look to his right eye, and to his left, then down to his lips, I love him. He sees my trick, and he grabs my thigh, as he moves his fingers into my warm special place.
He’s such a cunt.
“Yeah, the chai is perfect. And could I get a Gouda sandwich- the one I like.” I say as we pull into the Starbucks drive through. He turns his head as he pulls his blue hood off his head.
Said you can’t trust me
I said it’s fine.
I’m wearing the perfect outfit. Black leggings, pink sports bra, and of course Quinn’s hoodie. My shoes, are also his, they’re wayy too big, but they’re just crocs. Quinn, in the drivers seat wearing a blue hoodie, black sweatpants, and his grey slides. We’re matching. I love him.
“Mobile order for Maya Ray.” Quinn says as he looks at me with a smirk. Maya- which isn’t my name, and Ray- is also not my name nor his name. We use fake names, out of our safety, and for fun. He pulls up to the second window and he grabs the Iced Chai and swings his arm to me, and he also grabs the sandwich I asked him to get me.
“Don’t get crumbs in my car. I’ll kill you.” Quinn snaps out at me.
What an actual cunt.
“Cuntasaurus.” I say underneath my breath. I grab the drink and the sandwich and place the chai into my lap. I unwrapped my sandwich and started to bite in.
“Do you have change?” Quinn asks. Weird. He payed online, he doesn’t need more money- unless he’s going to leave a tip. Then I thought that he could already leave a tip online.
“Why.” I say in response, only after I remembered to answer his question. I was lost into thought that I literally forgot to respond.
“So I can leave a tip, I forgot to tip online.” sure. I think to myself, I know he’s lying, he’s a freaking millionaire, he should have at least $10 freaking dollars on him.
“Yep.” I say and grab my phone case. I pull the $20 out and hand it to the lady, only because I know if I gifted it to Quinn, that money wouldn’t make it to the tip jar.
“I could have done that.” Quinn says snapping at me… again.
“Well obviously not.” I say as I open the middle console that splits our seats apart. I pull out $100 dollars and shove it in his face.
a side eye is all I get in response from him.
“Shocker. You know where my money is.” Quinn says after we turn into the parking lot of a target about 10 minutes later.
he’s literally the sassiest man I’ve ever fucking met. He’s… so, teenage boy. Literal brain rot. We need to pick up some groceries so I made a list of things that I needed. Of course I made a list of things that again only I need.
“So, why did you need to stop at Target?” Quinn says as he finds the farthest fucking parking spot there is. God, he better carry me back out here. I look into his blue eyes again, he literally drives me crazy, I can smell his cologne, and that makes me insane.
He smells like flowers, but in a masculine way. It’s hard to describe, he’s just so beautiful. It’s just a normal day for us, but it’s THE Hughes brawl. New Jersey Devils vs Canucks in Vancouver.
I’m excited, but no matter what I’m going to be proud, I’ve known Luke for the longest of times, and even before I met Luke and Wuinn I was friends with Jack.
“You coming?” Quinn says as he opens my door and grabs my left ass cheek. Let’s just say his love language is physical touch, he’s really touchy, clingy and childish, but so am I.
“Yep. Also Quinner-” I say before he freaking cuts me off.
“I know. you always make your own list. Never something that I would need, it’s always oh, what do I need? And oh, I ran out on shampoo, better get ME some.” Quinn says as he mocks me. He’s such an ass. But an ass taht I love.
Again as he swipes his right arm under my butt, he grabs my back with his left arm, and he tips over to the left as he swoops me into his arms and over his shoulder. Quinn pulls my leggings over my red lacy thong that I’m wearing under.
“I hate when you do that.” Quinn states as he closes my door and locks the car. He grabs my hand and we walk to the the doors of the store.
“Do what?” I say in actual confusion.
“You tease me, then you follow up with that with oh, I’m too tired and sorry I’m not in the mood.”
Quinn seems really upset, which is why I love to do it. I pull my hoodie down over my butt and I get an cloud of Quinn. I love him. I really do.
I’m hit with this wave of horny desperation.
“Hey, give me a kiss. Please!!” I say as I stop him and we stand in the middle of the parking lot. I stand on my tiptoes and wrap my arms around his neck. I look deep into his eyes in pleading guilt.
“I know what you’re doing.” He says, he’s convinced that I’ll do the thing.
“Omg, just kiss me.” I say. But he won’t. So I grab his hand, and pull him back to the car, and I grab his keys form his pocket and unlock the doors.
“Please. Quinn I’m ready. Right now.” And I pull him into the backseat.
I pull at his silver chain that I bought him, its charm is a heart, and the back of the heart is a photo of us. When we were like 16.
“Please. Don’t. Not right now.” Quinn says as he pushes up agisnt me. I feel him getting hard. There’s truly a tent being built in his sweatpants.
“We have like 4 hours until the next game. We have time.” I say as I look into his neck ready to make a move. I can feel his pulse penetrating from his artery.
“No.” Quinn’s consistent with his answer. And I respect it. So I climb into the passenger seat and I forget about the target trip in general. And he climbs back into the drivers seat as well. And he pulls my cheek towards him. And he leans in for a kiss.
Taste like coffee.
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grapebritain · 1 year
Pretty much everything Shawn does can be pinpointed back to his childhood, and it's sad too see because most of his toxic traits could have been mended if his parents just had a bit of stability, or just where a little less controlling when he was younger.
His relationship with henry for example is one of the most obvious pointers to why Shawn is the way he is.
Shawn HATES losing, he hates not being on top and he hates not being the centre of attention. Even though some of this is ego, a lot of this is to do with self worth issues as well which is why he gets so irritable when people 'beat' him.
One time this behaviour really stuck out to me like a sore thumb was an episode or two after "from earth to starbucks". In the episode itself , shawn helps lassie with his mental health. he gets it so he feels as though he can solve cases again, and as a result of his confidence boast Lassiter really DOES start solving cases on his own much better than he was before. Evethough Shawn clearly was happy for him at first, and does care a whole lot about Lassiter than he would say out loud, a few episodes after when Lassie starts getting TOO good, Shawn starts acting pretty toxic about him and competitive. Which is a little paradoxical when originally he wanted him to be better, and do better than he was before. I'm pretty sure he does anyway cuz i remember watched a few eps after being like "why is he doing that, i thought he wanted him to do better?".
Regardless, Shawn starts getting hostile to people "better" than him because his dad basically engraved into him that if you are anything other than a winner , you are a loser and you see this all the way from episode 1. When shawn wants cake, he has to get all the hats in the room perfect otherwise he won't get anything. This same thing comes up again when he goes to his dad much older now to ask for help. he has to "win" the hat game in order to get anything out of his father. No matter if his dad had good intentions or not with it, mostly only rewarding shawn when he wins and being so intense about being 'the perfect cop' MADE shawn hate being anything other than the top of the top. the best of the best. Especially when it came to police work.
It's why he gets hostile over any form of competition, and even gets more hostile when people in his life show more interest in anyone but him. He does it with Jules, he does it with Lassiter, and i think he may even do it to gus at some stage. Jules it was her boyfriends, because he viewed himself as the 'best' to be with her. He was on top, so he should be the one to be her boyfriend right..? Then with Lassiter, there are two guys that are somewhat similar to shawn,are good at police work and Lassie clearly admires a lot which makes Shawn pretty heated and sulky that Lassie is no longer looking to him. With gus he got annoyed because Lassiter started spending time with him and 'took away' his best friend from him when be believed gus was HIS friend, not Lassies.
life doesn't work as black and white as 'winner and loser' .People don't have to be the 'best of the best 'to 'earn' love and appreciation, which seems to confuse and aggravate Shawn. It sort of makes him insecure. If people like them more, they...must be better than him because the 'best' are only deserving of appreciation. Well, in his eyes anyway. I think some part of him knows thats insanity as he only has this mentality with his own self worth, but because it was programmed into him at such a young age, it isn't something he can easily brush aside.
To him, having someone be admired more than him, to be 'better' than him for even a second basically diminished his value as a person and makes him less deserving. That and he still feels as though hes the best so people should be looking at him (bro has a HUGE ego). A lot of his anger issues have roots in insecurity , especially this one, and i think it's why for a comedy show there is something so....almost tragic about Shawn despite all the jokes and references he makes.
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1d1195 · 10 months
Protection Extra II
Read the rest here: Protection
~2.6 words of light and fluffy nothingness :)
I really love them.
Her heart felt weak. “Really?” She whispered her voice cracking at her overwhelming love for someone she never could have dreamed up herself. Yet here he was: pretty, perfect, and completely in love with her.
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Harry spotted the shop when they were strolling through the city one warm spring day. His arm was draped around her shoulders, and she was busy looking at her phone to make sure she had the right coupon for the store she wanted to go to in a bit. It was peaceful. He remembered the time he chased after her right before her birthday on the very street. That seemed like eons ago.
“Do you want tea or coffee?” She asked sweetly.
Harry kissed the top of her head. “If y’want t’stop, kitten.”
She opened the Starbucks app and placed an order for the nearest one a few blocks up ahead. He glanced over the top of her head, committing the number of the sign in the window to memory. “Something wrong?” She asked, craning her neck around to see if there was some sort of danger lurking behind them.
“No,” he murmured, squeezing around her carefully. “Not at all,” he promised.
No longer needing her phone, she wrapped her arm around his waist. His other hand held the three or four bags she accumulated on her shopping trip. New décor for their apartment, more office supplies for her study sessions and office hours with her students, and a pretty new blouse that reminded her of spring.
“Do you need to go anywhere?” She asked.
He shook his head. “No m’fine, love.”
She dropped her head against his side and felt so utterly happy and comfortable it seemed downright unfair. After all that awfulness, it seemed like...heaven to be in Harry’s embrace so easily and casually. Maybe she had died all those months ago. Harry was the figment of her mind trying to make sense of her afterlife.
Her phone pinged with a message reminding her that this was real life. She begrudgingly reached for her phone but was elated to see Harry’s sister had texted her. “Gemma wants to know if you’re coming for Mother’s Day.”
“Just me?” He asked incredulously. That didn’t sound like Gemma.
She rolled her eyes. “I paraphrased. She actually asked me specifically and put you in parentheses with a ‘if you must bring him’ but...I don’t know. Thought you might want a weekend to yourself or something.”
Harry sighed, shaking his head. He completely ignored Gemma’s banter but wanted to ignore her comment as well. “You’re completely insane, m’love. Hardly want t’go t’work without you,” he mumbled. She felt the rush of blood to her face, and she couldn’t help but smile. “Don’t think Mum would let me in the house without y’anymore. Think Gemma would tell airport security t’take me back if I arrived without you.”
Her giggle made Harry so unbelievably happy. He couldn’t imagine living without hearing it anymore. The latter half of the last year seemed like a nightmare when he was going through it. But he was also incredibly lucky that he got to meet the pretty girl. “I still think you might want a weekend to yourself,” she explained with a shrug of one shoulder.
He frowned. “Do y’not want t’go?” He asked. They hadn’t been apart for longer than their time spent at work. She arrived home before Harry and immediately began making dinner. At least until he returned and was so overcome with excitement to see her cooking in the kitchen and that she was alive and well. He had no choice but to shower her with kisses, pull her clothes off, and make her forget that she had left food in the oven on more than one occasion.
The idea of spending a whole weekend away from her, not snuggled up on the sofa watching rom coms seemed sinful. She shook her head. “No, of course I want to go,” she promised. “It’s just...Mother’s Day is really hard for me,” she mumbled quietly. “I wouldn’t want to...dampen the mood,” she made her voice light. Like it didn’t eat at her the way Harry knew it did.
Harry was an idiot. “Oh.”
The pause wasn’t necessarily awkward, but Harry was struggling to figure out what he was supposed to say. It was stupid of him to forget something like that might be difficult for her. Of course, it would be. “It’s not a big deal, baby,” she promised quietly after a few more beats of silence. It ached him in so many ways to know she could sense what he was thinking. It made him so happy that they were so attuned to one another. “Plus, I’ve kind of taken over your life...might do you some good to be separated from me.”
“I would sew us into the same shirt, kitten.”
She smiled, wrinkling her nose cutely. “I’ll wear my scrunchie the whole weekend.”
His chest ached more knowing how much she didn’t mind how stressed he was with the thought of being apart from her for so long. Even with therapy and talking endlessly about how nervous and scared he was, the idea that something might happen to the angel at his side worried him to no end. She was so easy-going about it and tried to assuage his worrying as much as she possibly could. She placated his every whim of near neuroticism of making sure she was alright. For the first month they returned home, he wanted to be the one to enter the apartment first. He did a security sweep of the bathrooms at restaurants. She never walked across campus at night alone. But after a month off, Harry went back to work and some of those security measures lessened. The anxiety he felt waiting for her to text that she was safe at school made him feel a bit crazy still, but she didn’t seem to mind in the slightest.
“Think DSS would throw a party if y’did that all those years.”
She giggled. “Well...I only really like one member of DSS these days.”
“Niall?” He asked with a smirk.
“Yeah, exactly.”
He rolled his eyes because since they returned from England he had been working in the office. Niall being promoted meant he could have Harry essentially do whatever he wanted. As much as Harry hated paperwork, it passed the days so much quicker while the sweet girl did her thing at the university—where he knew she was safe and protected. Harry wanted a new job, but his search was a little lackluster and he was willing to have the cushy job with his friend until further notice.
“But you should go, it’s right before spring break. You can go for a long weekend and then come home, and we’ll watch movies and make out until your heart’s content,” she promised. Harry opened the door for her to Starbucks while he looked inside, scanning the room for any signs of trouble.
“Hmm,” he hummed. “Y’trying t’get rid of me?”
She glared at him so cutely his heart could have exploded. “No,” she shook her head. “S’not funny.”
He pressed his hand on her lower back, while she peeked at the waiting mobile orders. “Sorry, honey,” he murmured kissing the top of her head.
“I just don’t want to ruin the mood,” she shrugged. “I’ll come any other time.”
He nodded. “I know, m’sorry. I wasn’t thinking ‘bout what s’like for you. It was insensitive—”
“No not at all,” she shook her head. “You’re the last person to ever be insensitive about me.” The barista placed their drinks in front of them and she thanked her graciously before they left the building again. The clouds had turned totally gray in the few moments they had stepped inside causing her to frown. “Guess we should head home.” They turned back for the car as the clouds seemed to darken with every step. “It’s like I’m a thousand years old,” she muttered to herself. Harry knew her injury felt the cold of rain approaching making her limp just the slightest bit that if Harry didn’t know it hurt her, he might not have noticed.
“I could carry you,” he offered already knowing her response.
“Unnecessary, thank you.” He smiled sadly. She knew he still felt immense guilt for how her body ached when it rained because of the injury he had given her.
They passed the little shop again as they neared the car. Harry opened the passenger door for her, made sure all her limbs were inside before kissing her so sweetly her toes curled. “Mmm,” he hummed. “S’nice, kitten,” he murmured against her lips and then closed her door before getting in the driver’s side. As he closed the door, the sky opened up and poured heavy rainwater onto his windshield.
“What a thing for timing you have coming to my rescue,” she smiled.
Harry adored her.
Harry returned from his weekend home with presents from his family and kisses like he had been gone for four months, not four days. Not that she minded. Being showered with kisses made her utterly happy. Especially when Harry was the one kissing her. “Baby,” she giggled. “M’right here.”
“Missed you s’much,” he mumbled pecking her cheeks. “Was way too long.”
“It was four days!”
“Well, I love you more...so...” he shrugged.
She rolled on top of him, so she straddled him against the sofa. She shook her head. “No way,” she said seriously. “No way you love me more,” she promised tickling him like they were a pair of children. He laughed so freely it warmed her all over.
“I have t’show y’something,” he looked at her shyly. His laughter trickling away so he was nearly breathless. “Can y’get off me?”
“Don’t think you’ve ever said that to me before,” she giggled.
“M’always surprised how horny you are, kitten.”
“Just for you,” she promised sitting on the empty space of the sofa once Harry sat up.
He pulled out his laptop and opened it, clicking on a couple screens before he placed it in her lap. “Been thinking ‘bout this,” he explained. His voice was gentle. Quiet. There wasn’t much else to be said.
She scrolled through the screen. “Where is this?” She asked.
“Er...in town.”
She turned to look at him. He was already gazing at her. “Yeah?”
He nodded. “What do you think?”
Her attention turned back to the screen as she looked it over. “Looks like you’re rich,” she muttered. “You can afford this?”
“I told y’I was comfortable...s’not what we’re talking ‘bout right now, kitten.”
“Just in it for the money, baby,” she smiled impishly looking at the screen for longer. Harry rolled his eyes watching her a bit anxiously as she read every word on the page.
She smirked looking at the plans and schematics in silence for a few moments. “Wow,” she murmured to herself.
“You think m’stupid,” he frowned.
“No!” She gasped quickly shaking her head. “No, Harry. Of course not! I’m just...processing. This is...it’s very different than what you’ve done in the past and what you do right now.”
“I think I need a good change.”
She nodded in agreement. “Yeah, sure. Of course. When would you buy it to get started?” She asked.
“I already did.”
Turning she blinked at him. “You bought it?”
"So you are rich," she murmured.
He rolled his eyes again. “I saw it and I jus’... felt like I had to. S’the first time in ages where I don’t feel anxious. S’like it makes sense.”
“You’re sure this is what you want to do? You don’t want to be an EMT again or a PI...you want to...own a flower shop?”
He smiled at her so sweetly. “Did y’see the name?” He reached over to switch tabs and show her the floral design. The one that she was certain would be famous before they knew it. It would be in all the tourist magazines. People would want Harry’s flowers for weddings and birthdays. Men would be buying his bouquets to give to their loved ones for making them angry. Girls would get their prom dates corsages.
But no, she didn’t look at the name. She was too busy gazing at the man beside her who she missed so much over four measly days. His perfect, adorable smile had her in complete shambles. Her chest ached looking at his grin. He was adorable. Perfect. It was hard for her to look back at the screen detailing Harry’s plans for the shop downtown. He was so utterly cute it seemed cruel to even think about turning away from him for even a second. A florist. Harry wanted to be a florist.
In the middle of the email correspondence between the person Harry would lease from and the engineer that needed to do the construction necessary to run such a shop was the perfect elegant script: The Wildflower
Her heart felt weak. “Really?” She whispered her voice cracking at her overwhelming love for someone she never could have dreamed up herself. Yet here he was: pretty, perfect, and completely in love with her.
He chuckled airily. His dimples made her utterly flushed with love for him. “Course, kitten. What else would we name it?” The name that would be everywhere. It would be on stickers, labels on flowerpots, and bouquets. The insignia was going to be written on little business cards, thank-you, and get-well-soon notes.
Her chest was going to explode from Harry’s kindness and love for her. A shop was going to be named after her. Not that anyone but herself and Harry would ever really know that. “We?”
“Well, I know y’have your stuff, but I will need help during busy seasons and I know y’have an eye for flowers.”
“Really?” She whispered again in shock. “You don’t want to be a bodyguard anymore? Or on someone’s security detail? Or even hang out with Niall all day?”
He smirked. “I love Niall...but the only body I’ve ever enjoyed guarding is yours, Miss Wildflower.” It was the cheesiest and most perfect thing to say. Just like the rest of Harry. “Have I finally made y’speechless?” He asked pressing a hand to her cheek and kissing the middle of her forehead. It was like when he cared for her injured hand in the middle of her kitchen. Her pupils had to have turned into little hearts. An H and an S glinting in the middle of each eye. He had taken her entire heart.
She rolled her eyes but nodded at the same time. “Harry,” she put her hand on his cupping her cheek still. “It’s perfect.”
“So is the girl s’named after,” he pressed a kiss to her temple.
Her heart was so utterly full. “Have I told you lately how glad I am that you took the DSS job?”
He laughed loudly and nodded. “Yes, kitten. I know. M'glad I did it too. Wouldn't have met you."
She smiled. "You'd be a little richer right now too if you didn't buy a flower shop."
He knew she was a little worried that her love of flowers and his love for her was making him purchase something he didn't want to. It had everything to do with her, but he wouldn't regret it. He was sure. "Can't have it all, honey," he winked.
But she kind of thought she did. At least with Harry beside her. "I'm going to love you for forever, Harry Styles."
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @perfectywrong @foreverxholland @lolyouallsuck @buckybarnessimpp @stylesfever @harrysxcarolina @haarrrys @lovrave @st-ev-ie @pandeebearstyles
Protection taglist: @youcouldstartacult @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @luxiorchive @ameerakane20 @be-with-me-so-happily @cherryshouse @tenaciousperfectionunknown @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @cherrystyle @kaiohnsa @snwells @st-ev-ie
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
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pistachiotalenti · 2 years
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saw this post by @bottleofchaos, decided to write something for it! idk!
"Golly, you two are too sweet."
It doesn't process in Dream's head, at least not at first. But then a weird silence falls onto them, the kind that's made when someone is expecting a response that hasn't come yet. George's eyes fall from Dream's face to search for the source of the voice, and Dream follows his gaze until it lands on the small, white-haired lady sitting at a table nearby.
She stares at them, eyes wrinkled, lips curled into a knowing grin. Now that they're all looking at each other, Dream understands that they've officially started a conversation with this woman. He has nothing to contribute besides a series of stuttered false starts: oh, uh, haha, uh, thanks–?
She interrupts him before he can spit out a whole thought. "So which one of you popped the question?" she asks, her smile spreading even wider, sweeter.
Dream nearly chokes. "Who– what–"
"I couldn't help but notice your rings," she says, uncurling her hand from her walker to point between them.
My rings? Dumbly, Dream looks down at his own hands, at the rings he wears with nearly every outfit. There's nothing really to notice about them today, other than that the one he usually wears on his pinky is missing–
George pulls his hand up between them, the thick silver of his borrowed ring gleaming pretty on his second-smallest finger. Dream starts to feel faint.
"Oh," he starts. "We're not– uh–"
"He did," George replies, and the shock that slams into Dream's entire body nearly throws him off his feet. He looks to George at a breakneck speed. George merely smiles up at him with that cheesy beam, the one where his cheeks pucker up into his eyes and his mouth spreads so wide that the very edges of his teeth show, the one that makes Dream so fucking happy to see up close in person—and my god. It hits Dream now that it's that exact type of exchange that makes them look so incredibly married, not just to the millions of viewers who search for moments like this, but also, apparently, to this random lady waiting for her order in Starbucks.
Satisfied, she claps her hands onto her knees and leans into George's space. "Oh, that's lovely! I'm sure you must've felt like a million bucks."
"I did," George answers, uncharacteristically sweet. Dream thinks that each word coming out his mouth feels like a punch to the face.
"And you," she continues, turning to Dream, "I bet you were really nervous, huh?"
Dream falters. He didn't ask for the spotlight on him, but now he's left to deal with it and this insane lie George has crafted for the two of them. He figures he should just be honest and tell her that this was one big misunderstanding, a big joke, but then he jumps at the invisible touch on his lower back. It's George, looking up at him with wide, inquisitive eyes and resting a hand on his waist like it's something he does all the time, or even ever.
Dream feels his entire face turn hot. This fucking asshole.
"Uh– I– yeah, I mean–" He can't think at all, not with this weird, dumb warmth lingering at the base of his spine. A small, still-coherent space in his mind flashes back to a few months ago at Twitchcon, where he had infamously held George's waist for the briefest of moments. He hadn't been so eager, hand not as solidly placed against his back the way George's hand is on him right now, but even if it had been, Dream wouldn't expect it to look (and feel) so... romantic.
Maybe it's a weird thought, but Dream feels like such a girlfriend in this moment, such a piece of arm candy, small and held and cared for, and it's so strange—yet also only so expected—to find himself in this position alongside George. It's a lot to think about. It's so much that he abandons thinking at all, and instead lets his tongue and teeth go on autopilot.
"I was, yeah. I mean, look at this guy. He's gorgeous. Of course I'd be nervous asking him to marry me!"
George lets out a sputtered laugh. The hand on Dream's back twitches, curling briefly into the fabric of his hoodie before slipping off and away. Dream would feel smug at successfully throwing George off-guard, if only he didn't miss the touch.
"Oh, shush. You're both handsome. You look great together," the lady assures with a wave of her hand. "But you know, in all honesty, looks don't matter. What really matters is how you two interact, and work together, and... and love each other, really."
It's an alarmingly heartfelt bit of advice, one that George takes with unexpected sincerity. "That's true. I mean, I... we met online, so I actually... I didn't know what he looked like for years, even while we were talking."
"Oh, wow. Really? That's... that's real commitment there. That's lovely." Awe flashes across her face. Dream catches George's eye, and by his strained smile, Dream can tell they both feel exposed in this instance, teetering on the edge of something a little too real, cutting a little too close to who they are and what they've been through together. The stranger before them knows no difference, chatting onward. "No, of course, I should've known two young men like you would've met on the Internet. What is it called, the one on your phone? Tinder, or Grindr, or..."
"Uh–! Grindr," Dream says, chuckling a bit as he falls back into the absurdity of this conversation.
"Sure! That sounds right. My grandson, Brian, bless his heart. He actually met his partner on one of those apps on the phone, and now they're engaged. Isn't that wonderful?"
Dream and George both chime in with the polite response, congratulating the woman for the exciting development in her family. Giddy, she basks in the well wishes. "It'll be first time one of my grandkids will get married. I'm so excited." Her dreamy expression off into the distance suddenly lazer focuses onto the both of them. "What are your names? I'll have to tell Brian about you two. I think it'll really please him to know that there are other young folk like him who are married and happy and thriving and..."
Dream and George exchange a precarious look. There's no way in hell they'd give their real names, lest the wrong people get the wrong idea and end up spreading rumors across the Internet about Clay and George's secret marriage. So George looks back to the woman. "My name is Nick."
Dream scoffs, just quiet enough to escape suspicion. "And I'm Karl."
"That's lovely. Thank you, boys. I hope you two live long, happy lives together!"
It's a sweet sendoff. The two wish her and her grandson the best, then they leave the Starbucks, making sure to pick up their drinks before the barista can holler out their true names in front of this woman they wholly, egregiously lied to. And for the most part, the moment is over with reality restored and all turning back to normal.
They're not married, or engaged. They're not even a couple. They're just... Dream is just...
"Idiot." It's the first thing either of them have said since stepping out into the Florida sun. Dream turns to George, who despite the mean name-calling, shakes his head and smiles along his straw like he's as fond as ever. "You're an idiot."
"What do you mean?" Dream asks coolly. It earns a bright smile from George, as he had hoped.
"Oh my god, don't even do this right now."
"No, you're such an idiot. I can't believe you did that to that poor lady."
"Did what?" Dream laughs. "You were the one who lied to her first."
"No, I didn't lie. I was just going with it. But you were the one who straight up said you proposed to me."
"What? There's no way– you know that's not how that works. You are not gonna pretend you're innocent in this."
George smiles his little shit-eating grin. "I'm always innocent."
"Okay, now that's a lie."
George barks out a laugh, loud and wonderful and so very George that it makes Dream's chest ache a bit. And it aches more when George raises his hand again to brandish that matching silver ring, the one that brought them into this mess in the first place. George sighs wistfully.
"But really, I can't believe that actually happened. Like, after all the times we talked about someone thinking we were actually a couple?"
"It's insane."
"It's epic."
Dream snorts. "Sure."
"Next time, we should do that thing where one of us pretends to propose in a fancy restaurant so that we get free dessert or something."
Dream giggles, "Okay, that actually would be epic."
"Right? You can be the one that proposes." George waggles an eyebrow at him. "Unless my gorgeousness would make you too nervous."
With a roll of his eyes, Dream turns away and laughs. "Oh my god, shut up. You're so–"
"Or was that a lie, too?" George challenges, smirking because he already knows the answer.
"No, that– okay, no, I would– in this fantasy scenario, I would not get nervous just because you look... handsome, or whatever." It's a weird hill to die on, so Dream decides to make it weirder. "I would be super cool when I propose to you, all Chad-like."
"When?" George echoes. He's not even able to hide his surprise at the slip.
Dream flounders further. "No, oh my god, I mean 'if'. Er, I mean– I'm not proposing to you."
Dream rolls his eyes again, fond. "Yeah, sure, yet."
George laughs, pleased with himself. Then he shrugs. "Ah, I dunno. I guess we'll see if you get nervous then, once it actually happens."
Dream smiles behind his cup. "Idiot."
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starryriize · 11 months
when you're on your period | xikers
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a/n: nah I LOVED this 😭 they're all so bf-coded, it was so easy to write for them! definitely ask more when i open my inbox 🫶🏼 btw when i repost my previous works, i will not change anything about them!!
warning: not proofread! lowercase intended!
minjae - he comes in with snacks, painkillers, and his amazing hugs. whatever you need, he'll make you feel better! your cramps hurt and painkillers don't do enough? don't worry, minjae has weighted plushies and will massage your stomach to relieve the pain.
junmin - #1 bf!! he knows periods can make you slightly moody, so his way of taking care of you is being with you through everything. you're crying? he's right there with a hug. you're upset? he's putting on tangled for you and cuddling you. regardless, he always knows what to do to make you feel better.
sumin - he's been through school, so he reacts in such a sweet way. he views it as simply a natural thing you go through, and he cooks for you!! he thought he would be stressed out and a mess when you got your period, but he was okay. when you check for stains, he reassures you that there aren't any. if there are stains, he'll tell you not to worry about it and get you a change of clothes before cleaning it up.
jinsik - ahhhh he's a little unsure of what you want him to do, but he is willing to do anything you ask. need new pads? yes. want starbucks? he's on it. craving pastries that definitely aren't good for you? done. he even stopped by to get a plushie for you. best of all, he then tells you that you have him for cuddles.
hyunwoo - #1 bf as well!! this man is perfect. he understands and does not let you do anything when you're on your period. you have emails and work to do? no. he's handling it for you <3. oh, you have burning cramps? he's already got a heating pad and a cup of hot cocoa. he's got everything covered, even buying pads and pain meds.
junghoon - he's concerned, in a caring way. goes a bit overboard in comforting you because he doesn't like seeing you wincing in pain. he researches what's best during periods and adds it to your favorite things. you need pads? he's got one with wings. you're hungry? he's already bought your food. probably has your food order memorized. 
seeun - now seeun is the type to literally ask what to do when you tell him you're in pain. he's more confused when you explain it feels like your insides are being ripped out, but he brings you fresh flowers, lots of chocolate, and well, a whole lot of love. he offers to make your favorite meals and brings you warm coffee. needless to say, everything he does is purely out of love for you and he always kisses your forehead.
yujun - yujun to the rescue!!! he's so cute and wholesome about it. asking you every other minute if you're okay and if you need anything. your pain might drive you insane, but yujun is there to be your sunshine! brings you bubble tea and makes ramen for you. he doesn't forget to also heat your towel in the dryer to surprise you. he offers himself for you to hug when you're in pain.
hunter - hunter knows what he's doing. it's shocking to you at first, but you learn that he went to minjae to ask how he should comfort you. cuddles, cuddles galore! he knows comfort is a must, so he sets up breakfast in bed for you and gets your favorite plush animal. always there to wipe your tears and stays by your side even when you have mood swings.  you want to be held? he's there. you're just thankful you have a bf who loves you so much.
yechan - just like yujun, he's also wholesome about it. he already has your favorite movies and tea prepared. he spoils you with so many hugs and cuddles that you forget about your pain. when your pain is too much, he gets painkillers and your favorite takeout. he *claims* cuddles will get rid of your pain quicker- it works.
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us3rnam3-r3dact3d · 1 year
I was scrolling thru my old posts and found the one about the boys coffee orders and… I disagree with my former self. So…
New and Improved Redacted Coffee Orders
It started as a red eye, no sugar, no cream. Eventually he graduated to a black eye. There’s a small coffee shop across the street from the den that he frequents. The staff knows him by name and, while most of them were scared of him to begin with, seeing how giant he is, they warmed up to him. He’s very polite to service workers and tips very well. The owner started keeping his favorite brew (a light roast single origin from Coast Rica) well in stock. Most days, when he comes in, the barista decides how many shots he needs based on how tired he looks.
- [ ] Asher
Frappe all day baby. He knows that there isn’t a lot of caffeine in those, but he’s already hyperactive so it balances just fine. He has a taste for chocolate, but always tries the seasonal ones when they come out. While the baristas hate making his order, they love his personality and always make his, as he puts it, with “extra love.” Ash claims he can taste it.
- [ ] Milo
Cappuccino. Sometimes with a pump of flavor, most often as it comes. Milo is an espresso snob. The man is Italian. Whenever they go to a new coffee shop he orders a solo to see how it tastes. He refuses to drink Starbucks espresso. Will be an asshole about how to pronounce coffee terminology.
(As a side note, Darlin’ orders straight espresso shots and takes them like actual shots. Milo is always horrified and tries consistently to get them to sip it but they simply won’t.)
Caffeine doesn’t work for vampires, but Sam just likes the taste of coffee. He’s a conoceré who loves fruity notes, unwashed processed beans, and dark roasts. His favored form of preparation is a French press, but he recently got a very nice syphon set up that he’s still figuring out. He takes his coffee with cream and a bit of sugar.
Iced lavender lattes. Listen… Vincent is fruity. He’s a fruity fruity man. He likes it sweet and he will take it iced no matter the weather. There’s a late night coffee shop he frequents whose baristas think Vincent is an incredibly attractive gay insomniac.
William is more familiar with the early Parisian style of cafes than he is with American coffee culture, and he absolutely misses that. William staunchly stands by the idea that Le Procope was the first cafe in Paris, and that he drank coffee with Voltaire. He loves noisettes (espresso with a drop or two of cream) and has one nightly after dinner.
Hux doesn’t drink coffee, but he does call the energy drinks he drinks coffee which drives Damien insane. Dames has started passive aggressively bringing Hux cups of black coffee when he asks instead of his Monster flavor of the week.
Iced coffee, no sugar, no cream. He drinks it iced because no matter how fresh the coffee is, it still feels a bit tepid to him. Drives him crazy, so he sticks with iced. When he’s feeling a little wild, he’ll add some oatmilk.
Canonically, he drinks a doppio americano. I like to think it’s because he is too nervous/ conscientious to ask for something more complicated. He drinks it with two sugars and cream, but he doesn’t really enjoy the taste of coffee. Just the utility of it. Freelancer tries to get him into other drinks, and he enjoys the things that they get, but he never has the nerve to get them for himself when it comes time to order.
Gavin has absolutely no interest in coffee. Caffeine does nothing for him, and he doesn’t like bitter things. What he does have, however, is a massive sweet tooth. He likes boba, but the fruity bursting type. His and FL’s favorite coffee shop is a small cafe that serves a wonderful selection of boba. He mixes it up often, but his go to a pink lemonade with blueberry popping boba.
Morgan is a tea guy for sure. The potency and intrusiveness of seer magic can be worsened by substances, and that includes caffeine. Morgan doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink, doesn’t take anything. He drinks herbal tea, sometimes decaf black tea. He likes a decaf London Fog when he’s feeling fancy, but often drinks his tea with just a splash of milk and two sugars.
Red Bull energy. This man drinks energy drinks like he isn’t blessed by the gods with an unholy amounts of hyperactivity. Since he does have adhd, caffeine often makes him sleepy. He can be found drinking Red Bulls of all flavors at all hours of the day. They’re the only things that manage to get him out of the absolute energy slump he has first thing in the morning, but he has been known to drink them late into the night. He’s also a fan of a vodka Red Bulls.
Black coffee. And not good black coffee, either. He likes the instant shit. Coffee so tough he can chew it. He’s had good coffee before. Freshly ground French presses, premium Italian blends, single origins from the heart of the coffee belt. And yet, nothing satisfies him like Folgers instant. Smartass does have a fancy ass espresso machine, but he refuses to use it, and only politely sips the sugar-filled lattes they lovingly make for him.
Elliot loves coffee. It’s a byproduct of his trade. Maybe it’s a stereotype to say that all dreamwalkers love coffee, but given that he spends the majority of his day asleep, it helps when he has to be conscious and functional. Elliot loves cold brew, since it’s a really concentrated brew. He makes his own using a very dark roast. He likes it a bit sweet, a bit creamy, but he really loves
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theinconveniencing · 10 days
daddy long dick has landed in washington baby and since this was my first time in new england I would like to discuss some of the differences I spotted/things I noticed. new england east coast mutuals get in on this
obviously I had a limited experience and I'm comparing this to western washington let me have my fun tho 
okay the Main thing I noticed. like the first thing. this is gonna sound insane but you're fucking houses. WHERE is the overhang on the trim. like you have roofs yeah but there's no overhang on the gabled part. the sides of your house are getting dirty!
your trees are bigger. like the non needled trees. on the west colonizers pulled up and chopped all that shit down and we had to start over. save for a couple of trees that got spared. love it.
speaking of trees you guys don't really have very many needled trees. I can't imagine how that place looks in the fall
CICADAS I LOVE YOU. wish I got to see one. that's all.
your place names are like. parodies of what I would guess east coast city names are like. like fucking west yorkshire libertyville englandtown bullshit WHAT is that. whenever my mom and I were driving we would read the town names out loud and just laugh
everything is just older. like duh but we would see signs for buildings or cities that were established before white people even started colonizing over here. like damn!
boston accents are real. I always thought they were kind of a myth. I know i already said this but people really talk like that. love it.
FUCK PATRIOTS FANS I HATE PATRIOTS FANS. okay jk but they were being really mean to me my mom and my sister :( like guys it's just a sport. ALSO just throwing it out there that when the crowd was supposed to be loud it wasn't loud. like it was Loud but I couldn't still very easily talk to my sister. girl at the seahawks games you can't even Hear over how loud everybody is. we cause earthquakes over here bitch fuck your team! 
where are your birds.... I didn't see many birds and I certainly didn't hear them. where are they.....
your houses just generally look cooler I'll say that. like most of ours are all very 1970s suburban but you guys have a nice wraparound porch victorian ish style thing going on with a lot of yours. but you could do with more color. and less of the fake window shades.
dunkin vs starbucks. we all knew this. but what I Knew but wanted to See was that yall don’t have coffee stands. nor coffee shops coffee Stands. I'm pretty sure it's a pnw thing that we have little tiny coffee places that are only drive thrus and are usually manned by one singular young blonde white woman who is running that shit like the navy frankly. if you want a coffee you can get a coffee. or a redbull charger or a lotus. which my sister's friends have never heard of but they're not a diverse sample
I'm sure this is probably just the area we were in but the lack of estate sales. disappointing
but on a similar note I'm pretty sure this was just this one person but we saw signs for a "tag sale" and my mom and I went obviously but it was just a garage sale. tell me if this is a thing yall say. listening and learning.
your water tastes like shit
washington is not super walkable but the places I was in new england were somehow less walkable. which I don’t get bc your towns were all established when people had to walk or take a fucking horse everywhere so what gives 
I learned that when you order a mocha at dunkin it's not implied that it's a a latte. black coffee and some chocolate is not a mocha I fear....
think that's all I got I'm sure I'll post more in the coming days. overall it was nice but unforch I don’t think I would live there... I like my state. bless.
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elisela · 1 year
‘I missed you’ + sterek
west coast swing sterek, wild about you, long distance relationship
Somewhere in the air over Colorado, Derek gets cold feet.
It’s insane what he’s doing, actually. It’s just—no reasonable person would buy a last-minute ticket halfway across the US just because they miss the guy they’ve been dating for all of six weeks. Even if he and Stiles talk and text so often that Derek feels like it’s been twice as long, it’s just not … it’s not him. It’s not something he would usually do, and the rush of adrenaline he’d felt buying the ticket and driving to the airport is starting to fade, leaving anxiety and doubt in its place.
He blames Kira. And Jordan, who’d made a considering face and said, “Actually, I think you should go for it,” when Kira suggested he go meet Stiles out west. Lydia had called out her agreement behind him so she’s also on Derek’s list of people to ignore for the rest of his life if this turns out badly; even Allison hasn’t escaped potential blame, because she’s the reason he has a rolled up, ratty poster in his carry-on bag.
This is a mistake. He should just grab a hotel in Anaheim for the night and fly back to St. Paul in the morning. Maybe call Cora and see if she’s still in San Diego, but if she’s not he’d have to explain why he’d asked and he’s not up for that. Another point to the absolute insanity of this decision—he hadn’t even thought to book a hotel before throwing clothes into his bag and leaving.
He needs to never listen to his friends again.
A notification pops up on his screen as he’s scrolling through available hotels, then a torrent of them—all the texts from Stiles he didn’t get while he was in the air. Derek hovers his finger over the screen for a few wavering seconds before tapping on it, watching as the screen fills with four hours worth of Stiles’ thoughts, questions, and right at the bottom—
Stiles Stilinski [2:34pm]: Sorry for all the messages I didn’t give you time to respond to
He frowns, swiping away the text from Lydia that drops down in order to respond.
Derek Hale [2:34pm]: I didn’t have service, sorry. Not ignoring these—composing my essay about the validity of pepperoni and pineapple in my head right now, you’ll get the fully edited version later tonight.
Stiles Stilinski [2:35pm]: Heads up that the peer review board is going to be striking that one down as soon as it’s submitted.
Derek grins at his phone and navigates away so he’s not tempted to spend hours talking instead of actually making a decision, then clicks on Lydia’s text so he can put off making said decision for a moment longer.
Then he stares.
Lydia Parrish [2:35pm]: Did you know Jordan’s never been to Disneyland? Unbelievable. No time like the present though, right?
He’d ask if it was a joke, but Lydia had apparently anticipated that and had sent a photo along with the message, Jordan’s outline silhouetted against one of the large airport windows.
Derek Hale [2:37pm]: I didn’t need a babysitter.
Lydia Parrish [2:37pm]: Of course not. I took the liberty of booking you a room at our hotel. The confirmation is in your email. Lydia Parrish [2:38pm]: Coincidentally, it’s the same hotel the team is staying at tomorrow night. Lydia Parrish [2:38pm]: Our flight doesn’t get in until much later tonight, I’ll text you when we land. Lydia Parrish [2:38pm]: Just know we’re doing this because we love you and support you, but also because we knew there was a 90% chance you backed out before the game.
Well—she wasn’t wrong. He sighs, pushes off the wall he’d been leaning against outside the Starbucks, and opens his email as he makes his way outside to where the line of taxis wait.
He buys Lydia and Jordan tickets to the game—another thing he’s putting firmly on his questionable decisions list, if only for the teasing that will occur once they realize what he’s brought with him. He goes to Disneyland with them in the morning, takes pictures he’ll share on his Facebook later, and picks up a pair of Yoda ears he thinks Stiles would get a kick out of. Halfway through the day he gets a text—Stiles complaining about an extra mandatory practice, followed by a half-hearted threat to trip and injure himself to get out of said practice. But he really must have to focus because he doesn’t text again until later, just as they’re leaving the park and heading back to the room to get ready for the game.
Stiles Stilinski [3:54pm]: Do you watch my games? Stiles Stilinski [3:54pm]: I should actually be congratulated on my restraint because I’ve been wanting to know if you’ve changed your mind about hockey for weeks but I held back. Stiles Stilinski [3:54pm]: There’s no right answer but there’s definitely a wrong one so you know. Tread lightly. Or lie.
Derek has not really changed his mind about hockey, but it’s not like he’s watching the games for the hockey aspect of it.
Derek Hale [3:55pm]: I watch most of them. Some of them start too late for me though.
And then—inspired, he texts again.
Derek Hale [3:55pm]: Do you want me to watch tonight?
Stiles Stilinski [3:55pm]: Derek Stiles Stilinski [3:55pm]: I kinda always want your attention Stiles Stilinski [3:55pm]: In case you hadn’t noticed
Surprisingly, there’s no teasing. It’s the opposite, in fact.
“This,” Lydia says, pointing at where Derek’s unrolling the Marry me, Stiles Stilinski sign, “is romantic. Jordan? I hope you’re taking notes. You could learn a thing or two.”
Jordan grins and rolls his eyes, even as Derek shoots him an apologetic look. “Got it. You want a sign asking you to marry me.”
“Ha, ha,” Lydia says, sinking back into her seat. “I do want some of those fish tacos though, if you needed ideas.”
“You can both go get the tacos,” Derek says, because players are starting to appear at the tunnel for warm-ups and he’d like them both gone. Or there and quiet, but he knows that will never happen.
“Oh no, we’ve got too many people to send videos and second by second reports to,” Lydia says sweetly. “Speaking of—I’m pretty sure that’s him, so—no, Derek, don’t cover your face with the sign, Jesus.”
Derek’s stomach is in knots. It’s too much, it’s not enough; he wants Stiles to come over and give him the same wide smile he’s been used to seeing every day and also wants him to skate by without seeing him at all. His hands feel sweaty as he grips the poster, plastering it to the glass in front of their seats, and he looks down at the concrete floor like it’s the most interesting thing he’s ever seen the moment he sees recognition dawn on Stiles’ face.
“Derek,” Jordan says quietly, warm hand patting Derek’s back, “he’s smiling, man. Look.”
Stiles is less smiling than grinning maniacally, and he all but throws himself at the glass. “Derek!” he yells, and the knot that’s been in Derek’s stomach since Colorado vanishes. “What are you doing here?”
Derek grins back helplessly, and the words come easy in the wake of Stiles’ obvious joy. “I missed you,” he calls back.
Some of the exuberance slips off Stiles’ face, and Derek is suddenly looking at a smile that’s softer, much more private. “I missed you, too,” Stiles says.
Stiles Stilinski [1:38am]: You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me
Derek Hale [7:35am]: I know
Stiles Stilinski [10:16am]: Nvm I take it back
Derek laughs when he picks his phone up, leaning back when he feels Stiles slide in behind him in line for coffee, a kiss being placed on the back of his neck.
You’re the best thing that’s happened to me too, he writes, and hits send.
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
AGHH this proves exactly why I'm not a writer, I can't look at this anymore but HERE it's for YOU. 😭💖
(sorry this took forever I was hoping it would fix itself if I ignored it :/ )
So I feel like we all kinda agree that dabi isn't great with words. He never grew up hearing "I Love You" and it's hard for him to say for a while. It was even hard for him to accept physical affection until he got used to it, and then he started Craving it. Always touching you. But this isnt about that.
I feel like he gives you a lot of gifts. Your favourite snacks, a stuffed animal, silly little trinkets. Hell, one time he got you a cool rock because "I dunno, it looked pretty, made me think of you"
And after that, every time he got you a gift he'd say "hey, thought of you" "made me think of you" "thought you'd like this"
At first it was just stuff he could easily swipe and stash into his pockets, but eventually he thought more and more about it and decided that you don't deserve stolen "junk" (he doesnt know that to you, they're prized possessions)
He's determined to be the man you deserve. He saves up every penny so he can spoil you. He wants to be good to you so badly it hurts.
Every time he comes home he has a little something for you. Take-out if he knows you're tired and don't want to cook. Your favourite candy bar if he knew you had a rough day. Your go-to starbucks order. A stuffed animal. A tshirt he thought you'd like. It's definitely something small more often than not, but he just can't stop thinking of you. Running through his mind so often that when he can't see you he feels like he's going to go insane.
Now Dabi never thought he'd be one for marriage. But, he can't help it...
He saw the ring and thought of you
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dabi thinking about you as he watches the sunset and then snaps a photo of it before sending it to you like:
“made me think of you...”
and after few seconds he types
“missing you so bad princess”
ONLY THE THOUGHT IS MAKING ME MELT SO. DAMN. BAD. LIKE— literally hyperventilating at how much i want dabi to be lovesick as fuck over me 😭💔
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izzytown · 2 years
okay so i had a request to redo my “the fellowship reacts to starbucks” post but with the company (and since this is my niche now, i’m here to provide!)
the premise is mostly the same as the other post, just my silly little headcanons on what the characters would drink at starbucks. i now present to you “the company reacts to starbucks coffee” (part 1/2)
i adore the hobbit, but even though I’ve read the book (and watched the films) a fair number of times, i’m much more well-versed with LOTR characters than i am with those from the hobbit, so bear with me.
note: will not be including gandalf as i’ve already included him in the fellowship’s post - pop over there if you’re curious!
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thorin: the grumpy-ass prince himself need not trifle with complicated orders when going to the bux. in fact, i propose he only goes if he’s DRAGGED by his arms and legs by fili and kili during babysitting duty—he gets a dark roast pourover, regardless of what roast is brewed, just because he “respects coffee craft.” you will find him rolling his eyes whenever a frap is ordered, silently mumbling about how his local coffee shop under the lonely mountain is WAY better.
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fili: the quieter, more thoughtful sibling, fili is hit or miss on caffeine. if he’s looking for something pretty caffeinated with flavor, i think he goes for an iced brown sugar, toffee nut latte. not too sweet, but very flavorful (just like his personality). if he ain’t feeling a lot of caffeine, he probably gets an iced black tea to have something to sip on while supervising kili's shenanigans. also, he gets a cheese danish as a little snack, it’s canon-
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kili: this man is on crack. he’s a kid in a candy store when he walks into starbucks- first off, he gets a birthday cake pop EVERY time without fail (much to thorin’s bank account’s dismay). he’s okay with caffeine, but the taste of coffee is a little much for him, so he cycles through a strawberry açaí lemonade, a vanilla bean frap, a chocolate cookie crumble frap, or an iced chai with cold foam and caramel drizzle. just gallons of pure sugar in a 16oz “coffee” for this guy!
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oin: now i know very little about oin, but what I do know is that he seems like he doesn’t give two shits about anyone (respectfully). to me, that sounds like someone who drinks an insane amount of espresso and could care less how long it takes to pull 8 shots. therefore, I propose he drinks a 6-8 shot espresso over ice in a venti cup, with a light splash of cream. the pedro pascal special!
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gloin: dark roast is the only acceptable roast of coffee in gloin’s household, how else would gimli acquire his profound appreciation for coffee? gloin tends to go for heavier, powerful drinks, contrasting gimli’s love of a good 'ol cappuccino. gloin’s go-to if there’s no dark roast available is probably a hot black americano with a couple packets of raw sugar, keeping it classic while wanting a drink that packs a punch.
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ori: this is the sweetest dwarf you ever did see, and i think his drinks reflect that. not only does he give the vibe of someone who doesn’t drink anything too caffeinated, but he also seems like he has drinks for every season. he’s happy to have a nice chai latte in the autumn, a decaf peppermint white mocha for winter, a peach tranquility tea with two honey packets during the spring, and probably a passion tea lemonade (sweetened with liquid cane) during the summer.
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dori: he so slays. dori seems like a mom friend to me, rolling his eyes and being a responsible part of the company, so i’m gonna make the executive decision and say he probably gets a typical “mom” drink, which to me is an iced mocha (or black and white mocha) w/ no whip. or maybe a honey citrus mint tea if he’s feeling sick, trying to cut back on sugar (as if it’s any better for you Lmao)
part 2 is available here
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Jo! Bakugou getting starbucks! As someone who loves starbucks...
I imagine he has all the upcoming limited edition cups/tumblrs releases saved on his calendar. He takes it a step further and researches the releases in other countries. He's the best so his partner has to have the best of the best stuff even if he has to have it shipped over from the other side of the world.
I also imagine he takes you to the South Korea cause they have some beautiful starbucks or the biggest one in the world located in the states. Maybe he had to go for work or something and had you tag along. He surprises you by taking there to get the pastries and cups/tumblers that you can only find there.
Seriously, tho. Those starbucks in SK looks gorgeous. Here's of my faves:
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Yes!! Luckily Japan has the cutest (imo) Starbucks merch so he wouldn’t have to go far for it, but the queues can be insane so he always makes sure to order it on the website. He gets a sidekick or a secretary to do it for him, but if it’s a particularly pretty/important cup he tries himself too because he’d rather end up with 50 fucking cups than miss out.
And he knows I love some of the American Starbucks tumblers, especially the Disney world/land ones and he specifically orders them for me whenever there’s a new release🥺
Or like just imagine him going on a mission overseas and he specifically finds time in his busy schedule to go shopping for me and pick one up?🥺 or the flavours that are different to Japan? Ahhh.
And omg that Starbucks looks stunning! He absolutely would organise little Starbucks runs during holidays just so I can see the pretty stores and also get my coffee fix. Just the thought of him letting me tag along with him while he’s away for work, and taking a break from meetings or hero work just to take me on a lunch date?🥺 and he turns up all handsome in his work suit or he’s in his hero costume and he looks so cute taking pics with all these random fans in Starbucks because of me🥺😂
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theangelwithawand · 1 year
Incorrect Shakespeare Quotes: Much Ado About Nothing 1
Benedick: Beatrice, I screwed up, big time.
Beatrice: Benedick, given your daily life experiences, you’re gonna have to be more specific.
Benedick: I can't take this anymore, someone needs to take me out!
Beatrice: In a dating type of way, or an assassination type of way?
Benedick: I don't know, surprise me!
Beatrice: I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing them under the moonlight.
Benedick: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther?
Beatrice, already taking off their clothes: God, Benedick, you’re so fucking stupid.
Beatrice: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
Benedick: I wrote you a poem.
Beatrice, already crying: You did?
Benedick: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers?
Beatrice: Peonies, why?
Beatrice: Were you going to get me flowers?
Benedick: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
Benedick: Strawberry milk doesn’t taste like strawberry OR milk.
Beatrice: Go the fuck to sleep Benedick.
Beatrice: You’re overthinking this.
Benedick: You don’t know the appropriate level of thinking, Beatrice. What if I’m underthinking?
Benedick: I have a problem.
Beatrice: Kill it.
Benedick: Can you chill for like, two seconds?
Benedick: Anyone down to take couples counseling and see at what point the therapist realizes we barely know each other?
Beatrice: Idiots to lovers, 20k words, angst with a happy ending.
Beatrice, laying in bed: Get out of my room.
Benedick, standing just outside of the door frame: I’m not in your room.
Beatrice, ordering Starbucks: Hey, I just got my heart broken, what do you recommend?
Benedick, who’s running the drive thru: …
Benedick: Tequila.
Beatrice: I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you.
Benedick: That's great, Beatrice. Especially considering the fact we've been married for 6 fucking years.
Beatrice: *standing on a balcony and sneezes*
Benedick: *standing on the roof* Bless you.
Beatrice: God?!
Benedick: Do we have any orange juice left?
Beatrice: *pours the remaining juice into their cup*
Beatrice: Sorry, we’re all out.
Benedick: Am I right, Beatrice?
Beatrice: I’m almost certain you’re not, but to be fair, I wasn’t listening.
Benedick: Hey, Beatrice. What kind of flowers do you prefer?
Beatrice: I like sunflowers.
Benedick, pulling out a bouquet of Venus Flytraps: Well, shit-
Benedick: Go fuck yourself.
Beatrice: Come over here and fuck me yourself you coward!
Beatrice: Don’t weep for the stupid. You’ll be crying all day.
Benedick: Capitalizing every word in a sentence is vomit inducing.
Beatrice: Enjoy Your Trip To Puke Land, Boy!
Beatrice: Benedick, can I ask you a question?
Benedick: Sure, anything.
Beatrice: Why don't you go back to your own house and leave us alone?
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geraskierbrainrot · 2 years
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This is a collection of Alternate Universe fics that happen in coffee shops where Jasier or Geralt are baristas
the wallpaper inside my heart by @echo-bleu | T | 6k
Jaskier is unfailingly kind, unfailingly cheerful, and unfailingly talkative. And he never, ever says anything about himself.
(not technically a coffee shop AU but this is my list so I do what I want)
Jitters by @lovelyrita1967 | T | 7k
Jaskier is an aspiring musician working in a coffee shop. Geralt is a fancy lawyer in expensive suits. It could never work between them… right? Jaskier turned and found himself looking up into the face of the most beautiful human being he had ever seen in his life. He felt his jaw drop, his cheeks flush a fiery red, and, had he been a cartoon, his eyes most certainly would have done that “boing-oing-oing” thing.  “Good morning!” Jaskier announced, perhaps a little too loudly, eyes a little too wide. “What can I get for you, sir?”  The man met Jaskier’s gaze, and he felt his cheeks burn even hotter. What was happening to him?  “Double espresso, to go. Please,” he rumbled, in the deepest, sexiest voice Jaskier had ever heard.
→ Follow The Sun | M | 7k
Jaskier is an aspiring musician working in a coffee shop. Geralt is a fancy lawyer in expensive suits. Against all odds, they have been dating for 4 weeks. Most of this fic is a flashback to Part 1 (“Jitters”), but this time it's from Geralt’s perspective, plus a little bit of his lawyer world with Lambert and Eskel. And then finally, we see where Geralt and Jaskier are now as their relationship gets a little more serious. (Hint: check the tags!) I would highly recommend reading “Jitters” first! Jaskier was standing at the floor-to-ceiling windows of Geralt’s penthouse condo, high above the lights of Kaedwen, admiring the view. Geralt was admiring the view, too, all long lines, sharp jaw, soft brown hair... Jaskier turned away from the window suddenly to look at him. “You look really fucking hot in that tux,” he said, voice low.
#blessed by aiyah | T | 7k
Sure, the pay at Yeast Meets Zest is great and all (and the food's even better, in Jaskier's opinion), but there's just one thing nipping at his nostrils: being allergic to the unfairly attractive customer who comes every Tuesday and Thursday. In hindsight, Jaskier should've applied to work at Starbucks instead.
Café Morhen series by musicalgalaxy1000 | 21k and ongoing
→ A Fine Night For A Song | G | 3k
Café Morhen is hosting an open mic night. A few new customers could be what keeps them afloat should the land lord raise the rent. Not too many people show up, but one new face in particular seems to want to stick around.
→ Can't Tune You Out | G | 1k
As tired as he is from closing the café from the Open Mic, Geralt can't fall asleep. There's a song stuck in his head.
→ Unexpectedly Sweet | G | 1k
Sometimes the only saving grace of working a minimum wage job was the consistency. Geralt should be fed up with Jaskier's increasingly insane drink orders, but he carries on anyway, learning to expect the unexpected.
The one day Jaskier tells Geralt to make him "whatever's easiest," he just can't bring himself to break the newest consistency in his life. So he makes the sweetest drink he can reasonably muster for a more than just regular customer.
→ Teasing and A Cup of Tea | G | 5k
Two oblivious men are pining for each other and are teased about it while also given reassurance. What are loved ones for?
→ A Call, A Confession, A Kiss | T | 9k
Geralt works up the nerve to text Jaskier, who had gotten a little tipsy while waiting for his crush to reach out. Geralt makes sure Jaskier gets home safe. And Jaskier finally gets to make a move.
i like you a latte (warning: hot contents) by rcfthns | Not Rated | 28k
“It’s not satisfying,” the man states, as he places the coffee on the counter and pushes it back to the barista. I can be satisfying!, Jaskier is about to say in response but bites his tongue at last. “Is there anything missing?” he asks instead.  “There is,” the man answers, shaking his head. He glances at the drink again, displeased. The look doesn’t suit him at all.  He deserves to be pleased. “Ah,” Jaskier acknowledges. The “ah”-s are very fitting around the man. Although “oh”-s would be even better. “I’m sorry, I’m just out of it today. What’s missing?” The man grins, leaning over the counter. “Your number.” Jaskier is a barista at a coffee shop and he isn’t (for sure isn’t!) in love with a customer.
Show love to all these authors by leaving kudos and comments, and happy reading!
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asbestieos · 2 years
holds microphone up to u Thots on junkana . also kohaai bc ive been thingkging abt them
AGAUAHAHHEHEHEH!! HUEUEHESUH!! hi melty hehe ehejdeh eh GO TO SLEEP SOON but hi ♡
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KANAJUN JUNKANA MY WORLD.. please they never had a chance they shouldve been inseparable they shouldve had everything.. theyre like asuka evangelion.. the way kaname clings to and relies on jun when he initially demoted to ns student.. and how theyre both a little tsun so its hard for them to even get around to realizing they think of each other positively… sorry i cant be normal about guy who admires his friend’s tenacity and sees the good in him + guy who has never ever been looked up to or loved ever, i know jun would be kaname’s #1 fan and support if he were there at the metamorphosis live 💔 please the casual homosexuality between them is insane. pheromones. sexy pheromones. theyd be so annoying and obnoxious together, can you imagine? take my hand. ill show you. they come to starbucks and hold up the front register for five minutes. kaname’s too anxious to order he doesnt even know what drink he wants and hes whining to jun about what drink he should get and jun has Never Fucking Been Here Before. hes staring at the pastry case. he thinks he wants a bagel. kaname does not want to eat he wants something to drink. jun suggests a drink kaname rejects it for too much sugar or too bitter he somehow knows the flavor profile of the entire menu despite having only ever ordered caramel frappuccinos (and i should know i have watched him regularly enter). they continue this cycle with every single drink on the menu. it has been ten minutes. the line’s backed up to the door. kaname settles on a caramel frappe. what size. venti. no, grande. actually no venti jun split it with me. youre splitting it with me. actually could you make that a caramel crunch frappe? could you make it decaf? how much? 6.02. both kaname and jun take out debit cards. they spat over whose paying. it has been fifteen minutes. the line is backed up into the parking lot. they pay. five minutes later theyre kicked out of the cafe for disturbing the peace and making out so sloppily their drool could be used to polish the table tops. end scene
yeah ♡
edit: kohaai is so everything to me because fate really did bring them together.. its funny i hc that before he was put in the zashikirou, kohaku literally told aira everything about his situation like being an assassin and everything and aira straight up thought it was fake and he was just being 9 and an edgy emo boy weirdo GDJDBDJ like kohaku is funny because he comes off as the type of sixth grader to type very seriously. He tries to act really mature on the internet. He uses perfect grammar and verbose vocabulary and whatever the hell and youd never expect hes some little scrungly with an accent. i think when they first realized they met irl aira was like NOOOO HES 100% DISAPPOINTED WITH ME IN HIS HEAD ISNT HE HE SECRETLY HATES ME NOOO and kohakus like heheh 😊 he is my sun ☀️
they mean much to me they simply adore each other and its so sweet.. auagauagaugh a aahaug ygau guaga ga a aga a im getting cavities
honest opinion ship ask game
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