#i love that she looks so different every time i draw her xD
miru667 · 2 years
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Ahhh!!! I drew so much, SO MUCH art for Camp Weehawken!! These are not even all of them; I just chose some of the ones that haven’t appeared on this blog yet. In fact there’s gonna be another photoset after this. Click the readmore for context, credits and links to the archived RPs
1) [link] Audrey underwater with her face being held by Coal’s hands 2,3) [link] Audrey and Johnny doing their secret handshake, Johnny belongs to @clarabellumsart 4) [link] Audrey holding Som’s hand after giving him first aid, Som belongs to @jannaydean 5) [link] Kay telling Audrey how Collins’ evil plans have just been foiled. He’s whispering because Collins is right there looking at them lol. Kay belongs to @mcmoddity 6) [link] Audrey looking at Bankax’s scar, Bankax belongs to @nalak-bel 7) [link] Coal presented Audrey with a handmade music box for her birthday and Audrey is so touched that she’s having trouble putting the key into the box because her eyes are full of happy tears. Coal belongs to @ampreh 8) [link] Audrey placing a flower crown that she made onto Vin’s head, Vin belongs to @hybridkilljoy 9) [link] Dance outfit! Before the demon clown fight and after the demon clown fight. I just really wanted to draw the dishevelment haha. Don’t worry those are just dirt and grass stains (mostly).
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
Lute sees Vaggie's wings have grown back and tries take them again. She grabs them to pull them off, but her hands burn right through her gloves. Sp, Lute tries to cut them off with her sword, but the blade shatters the second it hits the feathers. That's the power of love, bitch!
this could be either so dramatic or so fucking funny so i'd love to imagine it being Both
(fuck this turned out looooooong XD)
Emily: "Good news!”
Charlie: "YAY!"
Vaggie: "How good can it be, if we had to come all the way to stupid heaven to hear it?
Charlie: "Vaggie, c'mon- We could REALLY use some good news!"
Emily: "Then you'll love this. I looked into it and, Vaggie, you being abandoned in hell was wrong, not to mention Adam never cleared it with anyone else anyway- so you can come back here to heaven! Isn't that great!"
Charlie: "Oh... thanks Emily, that's..."
Vaggie: "Not happening."
Charlie: "Maybe she could have some time to think about-"
Lute: "No.”
Vaggie: "No."
Lute: “An angel's place is in heaven. Hell is a prison for sinners, demons, and the fallen who reject the very order of creation. If you choose to stay down there, then what does that make you?"
Vaggie: "It's making me fucking happy, for one thing."
Charlie: (whispers) "... a happy day in hell?"
Vaggie: (whispering back) "Every single one."
Charlie: (BEAMS)
Lute: "Then you've made your choice. You're not an angel. You’re not one of us. You're a traitor."
Vaggie: "And it's been better company than I had up here."
Lute: "Think so?” (grins) “Sera, respectfully, hell is rebelling-"
Charlie: "We were PROTECTING ourselves!"
Lute: "-they killed Adam and one of their people is up here acting like he doesn’t still sympathize with murderers and filthy sinners. We can’t risk anyone else getting past heaven’s gates.”
Vaggie: “Like I’d ever want to!”
Lute: “So you wouldn’t lead the charge if your demon bitch said the word and pointed at us?”
Emily: “Lute!”
Charlie: “Vaggie wouldn’t-”
Vaggie: “Charlie never would! That’s what makes her different from assholes like YOU.”
Lute: “You think everyone’s as weak as you are, don’t you? She’s a hellborn princess. She just called violently resisting a sanctioned extermination ‘self defense.’”
Lute: “Sinners are not people. They had their chance and burned it. And they’re not the only ones.”
Emily: “But they can be redeemed! We’ve seen it happen!”
Lute: “Once.”
Emily: “It doesn’t matter that it was only ‘once’- it matters that it happened and we still don’t understand why. We have a duty to the people of heaven, but if sinners can find their way here then that duty includes them too! And the exterminations were just wrong from the start!”
Lute: “Careful Emily, you’re starting to sound like a traitor too.”
Emily: “If the other choice is sounding like YOU, then-”
Sera: “Enough! Both of you! Emily is not the one on trial here, Lute.”
Lute: “Then listen to the ones that ARE! Sera, listen to them, listen to HER- she’s made her choice. She’s fallen even more than Lucifer Morningstar did-”
Charlie: “Don’t you DARE bring my dad into this!”
Lute: “-and there should be a PRICE for that. We need to take precautions.”
Emily: “Precautions? What does that even mean? She’s locked in hell with everyone else, like Lucifer is, what more can you even do to her?”
Lute: “Same thing I did before. Only this time.” (draws sword) “I know how to make it stick.”
Charlie: “What?”
Vaggie: “….you… bitch.”
Lute: "Traitor's don't need an angel's wings, do they? Traitors don't deserve them."
Charlie: "Well she has them again now anyway so CLEARLY having angel wings doesn’t mean what you think it does!”
Lute: “It means I didn’t use heavenly steel the first time.”
Emily: “You-”
Charlie: “Don’t. Come any closer.”
Emily: “Lute stop! Sera stop her! This isn’t helping anyone!”                        
Sera: “I have only one question.”
Lute: “Ask and get it over with, we all know what the answer is already.”
Sera: “Hush.”
Sera: “Vaggie. Do you reject our offer of a pardon, and the orders of and service to heaven, in favor of remaining hell?”
Vaggie: “…I do.”
Sera: "Understanding that no other angel has ever done so before?”
Vaggie: “They would’ve, if they’d met Charlie.”
Sera: “Then you are guilty of treason.”
Vaggie: “…”
Sera: “Lute. Make it quick.”
Lute: (grinning) “As the seraphim commands.”
Emily: “Wait-”
Charlie: “BACK. OFF.”
Sera: “You are not in hell, miss Morningstar, this is not your domain and you have no power to draw on here. I will honor our former treaty not to spill hell’s royal blood but do NOT test my patience with it. Emily, restrain her.”
Charlie: “NO-”
Emily: “Sera you can’t! This is-!”
Sera: “Fine. Exorcists, hold the hell princess. And Emily, if you cannot obey a command or bear witness to my rulings then leave before I remove you myself.”
Emily: “I… you…”
Lute: “Kneel. Traitor.”
Vaggie: “Charlie don’t struggle don’t fight them- get those fucking spears out of her face- Emily!”
Emily: “…what…?”
Lute: “I said. KNEEL.”
Charlie: “VAGGIE!”
Vaggie: “Please! Don’t let- AGH- don’t let them hurt her!”
Emily: “I won’t… I.” (grabs Charlie and holds on tight) “I- I have her. Spears down. I, have her restrained.”
Sera: (relieved) “Thank you.”
Lute: "Let's make you look the part first shall we? Trim this hair out of the way?"
Vaggie: "You're pathetic."
Lute: "I'm not the one chained up and crying on my knees."
Charlie: "PLEASE I can make a deal I can make a new agreement with heaven- Whatever you want! What do you WANT from us!?"
Lute: "I want her to hold still. If she flinches, I might nick that left over eye of hers."
Vaggie: "Fuck. You- Ah!"
Lute: "Whoops. Hope that won't scar."
Sera: "Lute I said to make it quick-"
Lute: "We want to it be clean too don't we. I'm just cut cutting off some loose ends- wouldn't want to miss her wings and MANGLE this, would I."
Emily: “Charlie-”
Charlie: “YOU!”
Lute: "There. Now you look just as pathetic as you did three years ago."
Emily: “Charlie just close your eyes, she’ll be okay-”
Lute: “No she won’t.”
Charlie: “VAGGIE-”
Lute: “AARGH!”
Sera: “…….” (horrified)
Lute: “My hand! My sword-” (rounds on Charlie) “Demon BITCH! WHAT DID YOU DO!?”
Charlie: “Vaggie? Are you..?”
Vaggie: “….fine. I’m. I don’t think it’ll even bruise?”
Emily: (awed) “Your wings broke her sword. They shattered heavenly steel-”
Emily: “A miracle.” (releases Charlie)
Charlie: "Vaggie-" (snaps the chains off vaggie and pulls her close)
Sera: “Traitor. How did you regain those wings.”
Vaggie: (huddled in Charlie’s fierce hug) “C- someone told me I had to fight with love, and I thought about Charlie, and they just…”
Lute: “SEE!? They were made in HELL they’re as profane as the love that spawned them-”
Emily: “Then they’re not under heaven’s jurisdiction to take away, are they? They belong to Vaggie. Not to us.”
Lute: “Belong to- she doesn’t DESERVE-”
Emily: “And you don’t deserve to cut them off her apparently.”
Lute: “I-”
Sera: “Lute. QUIET.”
Lute: (seething and bleeding from sword shrapnel) “…”
Sera: “You, fallen. If I bent my power on you, I could very likely burn those wings from existence.”
Charlie: “If you want to start a war with hell that’s a VERY good way of doing it. Sera.”
Sera: "...."
Sera: “…you will no longer be allowed past the gates of heaven. You are here on and forever more bound to the regions of hell, regardless of your wings-”
Vaggie: “Fine by f-fucking me.”
Sera: “-and in time you will lose all your divinity. You will bleed a demon’s blood one day.”
Vaggie: “Good.”
Lute: “If you live that long.”
Charlie: (Unholy SNARL)
Emily: (getting between them) “Can I send them home now? Or are we going to do something else to shame all of heaven in front of our guests?”
Vaggie: (sighing) “I’d love to be home right now…”
Charlie: “We’ll be there in a second.” (hugs her tighter) “I promise.” (kiss her hair) “Want to stretch your wings?”
Vaggie: “…yeah.”
Sera: “No, Emily. I will banish them.”
Charlie: “Okay.” (suddenly glaring) “Ha ha thank you Sera but don’t bother. It’s straight down from here and the prison wards don’t stop anyone from coming IN do they?”
Emily: “Are you sure your wings are okay for flying with, Vaggie?”
Vaggie: “That’s what I wanna find out.”
Charlie: “We’ll be fine. And we won’t be coming back.”
Emily: “I’m sorry.”
Lute: “Like you’d have the chance.”
Sera: “Go. Heaven is no place for either of you.”
Charlie: “Wow really I hadn’t noticed! I mean no one in HELL ever tried mutilating my girlfriend in front of me, but whatever I guess!” (muttering) “Sadistic homophobic pricks.”
Vaggie: “Told you.”
Charlie: “You did. You did tell me. I’m sorry I didn’t-”
Vaggie: “I love that you didn’t listen.”
Charlie: “…okay.” (deep breath) “Okay.”
Vaggie: “Besides, there’s Sir Pentious up here now.”
Charlie: “True. They don’t deserve him.”
Vaggie: “And Emily.”
Charlie: “Hm.” (burns a hole in the clouds beneath them) “Ready to fuck off together for all eternity?”
Vaggie: (weak chuckle) “Yeah, sweetie. Let’s go home.”
- they go home-
Sera: “Emily.”
Emily: "..."
Sera: “I hope you will think hard on what you’ve done and very nearly did today. Please.” (touches Emily’s shoulder) “For your own sake. Please.” (leaves)
Emily: “…she’s never going to forgive me, is she.”
Lute: “Oh shut UP. Sera will forgive you for ANYTHING.”
Emily: “I meant Charlie.”
Lute: (disgusted noise) (throws her broken sword down after them) (stalks off)
Emily: (sits down on the edge of the clouds) (finds one of Vaggie’s loose feathers floating by) (picks it up and twirls it sadly as she stares down at the distant warm glow of hell)
-down in hell-
Angel Dust: "Unholy fuck, Vaggie Tales, what the hell happened to your hair?"
Charlie: "Lute."
Vaggie: "Heaven."
Angel Dust: "Huh. Shit that's a bad enough cut to make a guy rethink the whole redeemin' himself stuff to get up there, y'know?"
Charlie: "I know. Trust me Angel Dust- NOW, I know."
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polarisbibliotheque · 4 months
Can You Hear The Rumble? - Vergil x Reader
Music Inspired Fics (Devil May Music) - Cirice, by Ghost
Pairing: Vergil x Reader
Summary: Everyone knew the kind of demon a hunter should be wary about is the one who plays with their victim's minds. You and Vergil were very proud on the outside - but how would it be when having to save each other on the inside for the first time?
TRIGGER WARNING: A lot of blood, cuts, bruises, scars and suffering on both Vergil and the reader's sides. The reader also struggles with perfection and self-loathing - in a "I'm never going to be a good person" kind of way, because I needed to get more intimate on the reader's part as well - and there are scenes with the reader covered in cuts and bleeding, though not self-imposed, it could be read like that. Those scenes are the reader's and Vergil's internal images of themselves. Reader and Vergil meet each other on their imperfections and the darkest parts of their souls, so BE WARNED. This might not be everyone's cup of tea and there are lots of potential triggers.
Author's Note: @tokkis-shelf asked me if Vergil's part of the Halloween special was inspired by Cirice, and here we are now. It is what kickstarted the song-fic requests! As with a lot of people, I think, Cirice is pretty personal to me.
In the video, it was so comforting to me seeing the black sheep being represented hahahaha and I guess that's why people love it so much. The part where they hold hands? I died, I'd never let go, I cry my soul out upon watching. (I did a very similar drawing to that scene when I was in school around 15 years ago, so it drop-kicked me out of my body xD)
Now, when writing this, I kept in mind that this song has a double meaning and can be quite comforting and quite manipulative at the same time - hence why I use the "can't you see that you're lost without me?" in two different situations, 'cause I think Cirice can be interpreted in so many ways and each person takes what they need from this song. I hope you guys like it!!
Plus, the song the reader and Dante sing at the end is The Power of Love, by Huey Lewis and The News
Cirice, by Ghost
“Can’t you see that you’re lost…?”
It happened every time Vergil walked in the darkness.
That voice in the back of his head, silently taunting him, the hiss of a quiet viper in the hopes of taking him back to the darkest parts of his soul. Quiet, lurking, whispering… Mundus always there, somewhere in the folds of his consciousness, guiding him back into the void – luring Vergil back into his shackles.
“Can’t you see that you’re lost without me?”
As if Vergil couldn’t belong anywhere else, as if his place was in Hell. After all he had been through, after all the sins he perpetrated, he believed wholeheartedly there was no hope for him at all – only a fool’s hope; only a glimmer of a wish he wasn’t as tainted as he was… A desire to not be such a monster as he was.
Pacing quietly through the empty cathedral, Vergil had already learned not to give in to those thoughts – to keep them at bay, as only a whisper in the darkness, of trickster voices that would always remind him of how inhuman he was.
It was times like this Vergil longed for the faint glimmer of the moon, or the warm ghostly light of a candle. It was easy to get lost in the dark, but a single ray of light could help through the direst of situations. That night, though, it seemed like the moon had fallen asleep behind the curtains of the clouds – Selene hiding her tears for her earthly lover in his eternal sleep.
None of you knew what that night entailed – you weren’t even certain what you were dealing with. That was the reason why Lady strutted in the Devil May Cry, not too fond of taking a job she didn’t know if it was up to her abilities.
“Well, looks like I have a new one for you to pay your debt, big guy!” Her singsong voice interrupted the ambience of the jukebox; Lady entering the shop with Kalina Ann and all.
“Eh, I’m never gonna be free of my debt, Lady, let’s be honest.” Dante sighed, putting his feet down and throwing his magazine across the table, shooting her a serious glare. “But things have been borin’ lately, so one of your odd jobs’ not gonna hurt. Whaddya have for me?”
“You talk as if I never help you enough to maintain this place.” She lifted one eyebrow, approaching the big desk at the middle of the shop.
“Gotta give the woman credit, Dante. Last month’s bills were on her.” You shrugged as you had finally come out of your shower, happy to see Lady around, still drying your hair with the towel as you went down the stairs.
“See? Someone who has a bit of common sense.” Her smile was nothing short of devilish as she gestured towards you.
“You know where you are, Lady. ‘Common sense’ isn’t much of a thing in this household.” You greeted her by quickly blowing her a kiss while passing by, making your way towards the couch where Vergil was quietly reading.
“Ey, you’re hurtin’ my feelings like that.” Dante put one of his hands over his heart, laughing alongside you as you kept on your way. “But fine. I’ll give ya that, Lady. So, what’s up? What job do you wanna throw at me this time?”
“I am not throwing it at you.” And there it was: you could always see when Dante stroke a nerve when Lady got defensive and with that fiery stare on her multicolored eyes. “If you wanna do it, great, if you don’t, I can deal with it myself just fine. I’m here to be a good friend since you can barely afford all that pizza you keep stuffing yourself with!”
As you sat by Vergil’s side, you both exchanged a telling glare. Just like you, Vergil was used to observing people. Granted, he didn’t know Lady as much as Dante or even you, but he did know her since he was very young. That fiery, easy-to-anger personality had been there since they first met at the Temen-ni-gru – and Vergil argued it was one of Lady’s traits that would never change.
Something he was quite pleased with, if he had to be honest with himself. It was a good trait for a human demon hunter like her. Dante always praised human’s hearts and particularly their love and empathy – Vergil praised their burning anger that made them unconquerable in the direst of circumstances.
“Jeez, alright, alright, don’t shoot me!” Dante raised his hands as if he was at gunpoint, making you wheeze quietly. Vergil side-eyed you for a while – half judging, half holding his own laugh. “It’s not like I have much of a choice, do I?”
“Humpf.” Lady rolled her eyes and took a slice of pizza from the box resting on the desk, pointing at Dante with it right after. “You know I wouldn’t bring you something if it wasn’t important.”
“Actually, you would.” With those words, Dante rested his arms crossed on the table – all the while, you and Vergil watched it all as if it was a show. Who needed a TV when you had those two? “But you’re bein’ too dodgy ‘bout it, babe. What’s goin’ on?”
“I got a call from a priest in a city nearby.” Lady’s answer was uncharacteristically quiet, followed by a bite from the pizza while she seemed pensive and in any hurry to chew it. “I’ve done some jobs there, know the guy, he’s nice. All the times he called me, it was always a quick, good-paying job. He said some weird things have been happening at the cathedral for the last couple of weeks.”
“Not to sound mean, but there’s always somethin’ strange happenin’ at churches.” Dante’s eyes carried a bit of skepticism: ‘weird things’ didn’t always entail a job for the Devil May Cry – and it usually ended with all of you hunting a rogue raccoon or something.
“I know. But this guy, he doesn’t get scared easy, ok? He’s one of those types of priests who’ll try to shoot down a couple of demons with a shotgun and, if that doesn’t work, he gives me a call.” Those words, though, made you and the Spardas raise your eyebrows. Indeed, it was a rare type of priest, but a good one to keep as acquaintance. “He said the cathedral is increasingly quiet, even from noises outside, with occasional distant noises that are not done by any of those who live there. After it all started, the other priests reported having weird nightmares, of being chased by something in the dark, inside the cathedral – this thing whispering things they can’t understand. Alright if it happened to one or two, but soon all of them started waking up in the middle of the night with similar nightmares – and, catch this, the higher ups of the clergy didn’t tell the common priests about it, but they all reported the very same dream.” Those words caught everyone’s attention. Vergil finally closed his book and leaned forward, paying attention to Lady’s retelling of the priest’s misfortunes. “The priest has been trying to figure out what’s going on, but some old books appear to go missing from the library, only to re-appear as if nothing has happened. Some books are missing pages, something that never happened before. He also said the inside of the cathedral has been getting darker and darker as the weeks go by. As if something is approaching – his words, not mine.”
Vergil immediately furrowed his brows and seemed to turn into an ice sculpture right by your side. You risked a glance, finding him with his usual dark aura – pensive, somber and quiet; hunter’s eyes showing themselves in a matter of seconds.
“Rare are the creatures in Hell in search for knowledge…” He muttered loud enough for his brother and Lady to turn their attention to him. “But those who do, are usually among the worst. Haunting noises, torn books, nightmares, dead silence and total darkness…”
“What? You think those Hell Piranhas came out of their pit?” Dante’s question had a bit of fun in the words, but his eyes were serious and he didn’t allow his lips to smile.
“Could be. Could also be a demon trying to mimic them to hide something else.”
“Hell Piranhas?” You and Lady didn’t need a cue to ask at the very same time. Neither of you had ever heard of that – and both of you had heard of a lot.
“This is not their name, but it is how Dante calls them since we were kids.” Vergil almost sighed in response.
“How we both called ‘em. Mister smart-pants over here isn’t that much better than lil’ ol’ me.” Dante winked at both of you, making you giggle quietly in return. “They’re kinda like illusion demons, but they like stayin’ in the darkness and gatherin’ knowledge. Usually work for someone bigger, though.”
“And even if they don’t, they swallow up all their knowledge and that is dangerous in itself. Afterwards, they feed from the victims they have been toying for so long.” Vergil continued Dante’s thought, ignoring his brother’s previous words. The more you didn’t think about what Dante had said about him, the better – for Vergil couldn’t deny it. “They hunt in packs, and the more victims, the more powerful they become. Some call them the Pit Deceivers, others call them the Lie Weavers…”
“You call them Hell Piranhas.” You concluded bluntly, making Vergil stare at the horizon with emptiness in his eyes – he could say all he wanted, flex all his demonic knowledge, you heard the Piranhas and now you’d never forget it.
“I never heard of them.” Lady had her eyebrows furrowed, searching her memory for some story like that.
“They either don’t leave the pit that much or not many humans survive to tell the story. That’s why.” Dante pointed at a great, old book Vergil had left on one of the tables a long time ago and now it was its official resting place. “You can find it only in the likes of the Codex Daemonica.”
“So either we have them around, or it’s something else. Something bigger. Right?” As you asked, Vergil only agreed with his head as the attentions turned to you. “Or something mimicking the Piranhas.” And Vergil had to sigh at your addition. He would never have peace again. “The mimic or the master, what kind of demon would the Piranhas answer to? If they are that obscure, I take it their existence is more of a niche knowledge in Hell rather than a common information.”
“On that, you are correct…” Vergil murmured in response, falling back into his pensive demeanor. You knew he would be lost for a while.
“See? Good thing I brought this for you, then.” Lady waved dismissively at Dante, but you could sense a little edge in her playful voice. Dealing with big things was fine, same as dealing with cruel demons and the ones that played the big-scary-one persona. Unknown demons were another kind of monster – one only Dante and Vergil used to deal with. “Plus, they always pay well.”
“Eh, I won’t be seein’ much of that money, if I know ya well.” Dante scoffed, having a small smile hidden in the corner of his lips; his tone and demeanor, though, were quite somber and you knew the red devil was taking it seriously.
“If you don’t mind, Dante, I would like to take over this one.” Vergil finally declared while getting up from the couch. “I know some of the hellish creatures who might make use of the Weavers or mimic them.”
“Fine for me, I’m needin’ some time to rest.” Dante sighed, but looked right back at you while Vergil rested his book on the big Devil May Cry desk. “But I’m gonna feel a lot better with someone around to keep an eye on ‘im, pretty thing.”
“Well, I didn’t intend on letting you guys deal with this all by yourselves anyway.” You got up from the couch, immediately receiving a glare from Vergil. “I’m going, blue devil, whether you want it or not. I want to get acquainted with these Piranhas.”
Vergil only closed his eyes, letting out the longest and most regretful sigh you ever heard in your life.
And there you were – although Vergil lost track of you quite a while ago. He knew the stirrings rippling through his heart when you were in danger; and being the fierce human you were, Vergil wasn’t worried about having you search for the demons in the cathedral.
There was, though, a slight uneasiness. That voice echoing in the darkest parts of his soul, it always came as an omen – causing nothing but destruction, inside or outside of himself. Vergil never could really say which one would be, but both were devastating.
His steps came to a dry halt in the middle of the cathedral. The night outside the colorful stained-glass windows was pitch black, robbing the colors of their warmth and light – the fire on the candles, long dead in that cold night. The whisper that crept to his ears, like stark chalk on a chalkboard, dragged itself through the marble floor and took a hold of his soul in its clutches.
It was a different kind of sound – different from the ones inside himself, calling him to the darkness. It was from the outside… The Lie Weavers. Slowly coming up, finding him as their next victim. He was close to one of the places they were certainly lurking in the shadows, patiently waiting for someone they could consume.
Vergil never feared the darkness. Tightening his grip around Yamato, his steps resumed his way, approaching the places in the cathedral the faint light of the night could barely touch. Those demons should have known their end was near, and he was the harbinger of their demise – he expected all kinds of trickery, of resistance, of fight from them.
He did not expect to hear a familiar voice, filled with uncertainty.
Halting his steps once more, this time his silvery eyes lost their predatorial gaze as his heart jumped in his chest – even if for a slight second.
His answer was but a whisper before he was swallowed by darkness.
When engaging with illusion demons, one should be aware of not falling into their element: when engulfed by it, those demons were more powerful than expected, able to subdue even the strongest of foes. Breaking from their control required mental and emotional discipline rather than brute force.
It was a slight second – a foolish slip from his human soul, disarmed by the trickery of Eva’s voice – and Vergil was surrounded by a sea of darkness and turmoil. His heart stirred with anger towards himself for being such a child, a vulnerable stupid child, tricked by a puppet of something his heart missed so much.
Eva was long dead. There was no demon able to bring her back. And he would never see her again. All that logic was tossed aside in a spark of a second by his stupid human heart, trembling upon hearing her speak his name again. Granted, Vergil only heard his mother in his dreams, barely remembering how her voice sounded in reality, and this time he heard outside himself – but he should have seen it coming. Illusion demons, trickster demons, cruel demons… They all relied on the barely closed scars inside his damned human soul.
Vergil could always count on them to re-open those wounds, making him bleed as much as he did on the floor of that cursed cemetery so many years ago – and he was a fool to fall for it after he had been through so much.
“Vergil… Can you hear me…?”
“I can, you damned deceiver. You can stop these theatrics – mimicking my dead mother will not affect me.” His voice cut through the dark like the sharpest of ice, his predatorial gaze back into his silver eyes.
“I… Don’t understand you, son. I cannot find you.” Her voice had a tinge of sorrow and desperation – but it was exactly like Eva’s voice. Vergil remembered it with a tinge of gold, probably a result of the haze of nostalgia, but today it was grounded and melancholic – perhaps, that was how Eva had always sounded… He just didn’t remember it. “I can’t find you. You aren’t home.”
“I haven’t been home for a long while.” Vergil didn’t even try to hide the growl that raised from his chest as he argued with that creature. He was used to having a puppet of his mother parading in front of him to hurt his human soul even more, but that was already getting on his nerves. Taunting him about the fact his mother ran to find him that fateful night wasn’t part of the usual games those filthy demons played – and to say they were honing his wrath was an understatement. “And I will never be back.”
“I… I cannot see you, Vergil. Where are you…? Why…?” He could hear the weeping in her voice, faint sobbing while the desperation made her words tremble. Vergil raised his head in the darkness, holding his own heart not to quiver: she wasn’t real and it was all a gimmick to affect him. He would not be affected. He was stronger than that. “Why couldn’t I save you? Those demons they… They hurt you, didn’t they? Oh, my child! My son! They hurt you and I could do nothing! I couldn’t be your mother!”
“Enough with this, filthy, hellish creature!” His voice finally exploded from his chest, roaring in the dark and echoing through the void, finding only silence. “You have no right to desecrate my mother’s memory like this! Shut your putrid mouth and stop with your rancid lies!”
The glint of the Yamato being unsheathed made the darkness recoil for a split second, only to envelop the Dark Slayer once more. His grip was tight, his eyes fiercely looking for his first opponent to direct a very well-placed judgement cut that could end all those creatures with just one swing of his hand. Vergil had enough and all the patience he carried in his being wouldn’t be enough to stop him from overkilling those demons – he just had to know where to direct his wrath.
“Don’t say those words, Vergil… You are not… Not like this.” Her voice still trembled, and his hand was still certain around Yamato. Vergil knew quite well at that state he was a weapon of mass destruction, he just had to find his opponent. His soul was screaming for him to do that, to put a stop to all that mockery. “You are good… You are my son.”
Vergil would have sliced that demon into a thousand million pieces without flinching, even if it took the form of his mother – but his eyes widened as a soft, warm hand touched his face. In all those years being taunted by demons, being tricked and mocked, seeing so many puppets of Eva, Sparda and Dante, none of them had touched him… And none of them genuinely felt like them.
It had been so many lost years he hadn’t felt his mother’s touch – last time, she could cup his entire face, thumb lovingly caressing his innocent eyebrows, but now her thumb could only reach his cheekbones. Nevertheless, it felt like her: not like a golden, nostalgic lost memory of how she felt, but exactly like Eva’s hands, even with the slight roughness of her continuous gardening.
“It took me so long to find you… I am so sorry.”
“You are not my mother.”
“Don’t say that.” Her answer was a sorrowful whisper, her thumb now carefully caressing his sharp cheekbone. Vergil closed his eyes, unable to move, convincing himself all of that wasn’t real and not allowing his heart to sway – forcing his arms to remain frozen by his side, fighting the urge to embrace her. Reminding himself: his mother was dead, killed while trying to save him, a long time ago, and nothing could bring her back. “Your heart hasn’t hardened as much as not to recognize me. You…” Her voice once more became soft, as if trying to do the same with his soul. “You are not a monster… You are my son, my Vergil.”
With those words, Eva’s hand was finally met with a tear – melting the ice from those silvery eyes.
There was an impending storm rumbling inside your chest.
Whenever that turmoil took ahold of your heart, you knew Vergil was in trouble. You had just finished checking your side of the cathedral, finding some things out of the ordinary but no demons, when the waves became aggressive in your chest. Your steps were already taking you to meet him, but you found yourself walking even hastier – the sound, though, eaten by the shadows that seemed to only grow around you.
Neither of you had calm seas of feelings: they usually raged like a maelstrom of emotions you could barely get through without some destruction – be it internal or external. But there was a certain note of melancholy and desperation in your heart at that moment that made you know Vergil was hurting – and that hurting, you knew quite well.
It was almost ironic how you apparently despised each other at the beginning, but after a while you came to understand; that aversion was there because you, in a certain way, were a mirror of each other. You could see in him the traits in your soul you disliked the most, and Vergil did see in you the same thing – those traits, however, were the same ones that brought you together, and made both you and Vergil feel seen and understood for the first time in your lives.
He didn’t judge your sins, as you didn’t judge his. To your eyes, he was never a monster, and to his, you could never be as crooked as you thought you were. You found each other in imperfection and, in that, you managed to talk and feel on the same level – after that, every feeling of admiration, care and love was easy to blossom.
You understood that storm, that thunder rumbling inside your chest at that very moment. You could feel it exactly the way he felt – and you knew Vergil needed help… Even if he would never say so himself.
You couldn’t hear or see him, though. You found yourself exactly at his area of patrol in the cathedral, but there was no clue as where your blue devil had gone – and for him to completely disappear, imposing presence and all, was quite an achievement in itself. The air was stiff, heavy as if the windows had never been opened, eating up any sound from the inside and the outside. The darkness was heavier than the one you had previously patrolled, shadows allowing only a few glimpses of the opulent decoration and the path in front of you – although, you couldn’t see more than a few meters beyond your feet.
If you couldn’t trust your sight or your hearing to find him, you could trust your heart: the storm would guide you. Closing your eyes, you allowed your feelings to take over, following with your footsteps in the direction you could hear his soul calling.
Those shadow creatures wouldn’t be able to hide him from you: no matter what happened or where you found yourselves, you would always be able to feel Vergil’s presence and find him in the darkest of hours.
And as the thunder in your chest cracked violently, your feet came to a halt and you opened your eyes.
Right in front of you, there was only darkness. Not like in the shadows that took the cathedral little by little, but pitch-black darkness, that no light could cast aside. To enter it would mean to be completely bare: vulnerable, lost, without guidance, naked – but the screaming in your soul made it very clear Vergil was in there.
Contrary to your lover, you were afraid of the dark. You always preferred to have a little light by your side, for you never knew what could be lurking alongside you, ready to pounce and drag you to certain suffering and death. You protected yourself by being forever vigilant, as you always did – a trait that exhausted you, yes, but luckily, in the last few years, you had Vergil around to keep a light by you when your body started giving out.
For that reason, you would never fear entering the darkness for him.
And with a deep breath, your bold steps took you inside the dark.
Your feet were cold, bare, stumbling over a sticky floor. Even if your eyes could see only darkness, you felt the freezing air of that night slicing your skin: you were shirtless and something was hurting… Oozing. The cold wind mixed with a faint warmness that leaked from the open wounds on your skin.
Blood. You were bleeding.
Your arms immediately wrapped around you – those scars, they were showing. They never showed before.
Running your hands quickly over your body, you could feel the warm blood slipping through your fingers; some wounds barely holding themselves closed while others still poured as in the day they were created.
That was the version of yourself you used to fiercely hide. None of those wounds were physical, none of them could be seen… But whenever you looked in the mirror, you saw them there, under your skin, under your soul, quietly resting until you couldn’t hide them anymore.
“You are lost…”
It was always the same voice, of something dark, something inside you that could break your soul if you didn’t shove it back into the darkness like you always did. That was why you were afraid; that was why Vergil always kept a faint glow by your side whenever you couldn’t hold yourself together. The dark was dangerous to you – to both of you.
“You are lost without me…”
“I can survive quite well without you…!” You growled to the darkness, keeping that part of yourself at bay. The part that gave in to the pain, that bathed in the blood and didn’t want to get up… And the part that would bathe and rise in rage, making you survive at great cost to those around you.
You were past that. And you didn’t need that to survive. You didn’t have to survive, you could live.
“Can’t you see that you’re lost…?”
“Vergil!” Your scream was a roar in the dark, looking for the one you plunged into the darkness to find. You wouldn’t give in to the trickery of those Piranhas – and you would get Vergil out of there.
They would learn they shouldn’t fear only the son of Sparda: they should also fear you.
“You think you can find him…?” After the mischievous ethereal voice questioned, you heard a giggle rippling around your feet as you stumbled on the sticky floor to find your lover. “You think you are that good? You think you aren’t a monster?”
You furrowed your brows, doing your best to ignore the voices. You knew it was that part inside of you that always taunted how broken you were, how imperfect your soul was. For the longest time you believed there was nothing good in you, nothing to save you from a life of loneliness, until you crossed paths with Vergil.
He was broken too – and he would never judge the things you did to survive your lethal wounds.
“Vergil! Can you hear me?! I’m here to find you!”
“How chivalrous, how heroic! What are you trying to accomplish?” The giggles pooled around your feet, threatening to drag you inside that pool of viscous darkness. “Trying to prove yourself? You’re never going to be perfect. You’re a black sheep, an outcast, remember? The likes of you aren’t heroes.”
“Oh, I’m no hero…” You growled back, fighting against the things trying to pull you back; fighting against the pain of the freezing cold and warmness of blood. “I’m a fucking fighter. You’re messing with the wrong kind of monster, fucking Hell Piranhas.”
“Piranhas…?” A faint whisper in the dark broke whatever control those things were trying to have over your body, starting at your feet. It was Vergil’s whisper – followed by a louder speaking tone. “Y/n! I can feel you, where are you?!”
“Trying to find you!” You screamed back, immediately dragging your feet towards Vergil. You couldn’t see him, but you could feel where he was – and there was nothing those demons could do against that.
The darkness seemed to shift for a couple of seconds. You couldn’t understand what was happening, but you saw a faint, ghostly pale glow in the dark – almost imperceptible, but your heart knew, you could finally see Vergil.
And, in return, he could see you. Moving his feet, Vergil dragged heavy shackles through the floor, screeching in a horrid, soul scratching sound as he willed his body to move towards you. You could hear him grunting with the effort, another set of chains being dragged as Vergil moved his arms – slowly, but surely, wearing all of his strength to get to you.
You felt the viscous ripples of the floor creeping up your legs, almost on your knees, doing their best to pull you away – back into the darkness, back to the taunting voices, to the doubt, the hurt, the self-loathing.
“Vergil! Let me hear your voice! You’re still there, right?!”
“Yes. I am always here.” His answer came with grunts of effort, barely above the noise of the chains screeching around him.
The darkness shifted again, and his form became even more visible, as yours did to him – followed by a scream that rumbled in his chest, Vergil managed to get even closer. That made something spark inside yourself, that thundering storm breaking in your soul cracking in a scream that broke the insidious tentacles holding you back and making you lunge forward.
Once again, the glow you diffused only to each other seemed to get stronger as the darkness wavered.
“Y/n…” He growled once more, the shackles screaming on the floor as he reached out to you.
“Vergil…!” You reached out in return, barely making out the form of his fingers in the dark.
As you were almost touching each other’s hands, the heavy, muffling darkness faltered once more. You could finally see one another, as you were in that godforsaken place.
Vergil was shirtless, his body covered in wounds – new and old – bleeding profusely. His silvery eyes were red, sunken in deep shadow, surrounded by a deep purple mist on his dry skin. You could see his bones under his pale skin covered in so many lacerations you wouldn’t even know where to start healing him. His knuckles were battered, showing the flesh underneath, as well as his wrists covered by heavy iron shackles – wounds from fighting against them for so long. His hands were still long and elegant, but bony and covered in bruises.
You had never seen Vergil so hurt, so broken, so… Vulnerable.
In return, his eyes took in shock the vision of you: as shirtless as him, as battered and wounded as he was. Even if not locked in the shackles he wore for so long in Hell, you walked barefoot leaving a trail of blood behind you. Those scars, those wounds, those bruises… He knew they were there, but he had never seen those. You looked weak and tired, bloodshot eyes under dry skin, as if you hadn’t slept in ages… And those things you fought so much to conceal, now crystal clear in front of him.
Those were the scars you carried inside yourselves. The wounds you had to fight against every day – that you had to try to heal, even if sometimes it seemed impossible. The things you would never show, but, somehow, you managed to sense it in each other… Now you could see it, clear as a bright night.
And, even if you wouldn’t admit to yourselves, those were the very same breaking thunders that would keep you moving – fiercely fighting, fiercely surviving.
As you took in each other’s internal selves, Vergil’s silvery eyes finally found yours.
A loud thundering noise shook the floor underneath your feet twice, as your hearts rumbled alongside the devastating sound. You lunged forward, holding Vergil’s hand as if your life depended on it. Never breaking your eye contact, Vergil held your hand with the strength you would expect of the legendary Dark Slayer. You made each other stronger, and there was nothing that could come between you now.
His shackles immediately screeched back, pulling Vergil violently away from you. At the same time, you were grabbed by the viscous darkness – your knees, your legs, your abdomen, your arms. It pulled you back with vicious strength, doing its best to drag you away from him – back into the darkness.
“Don’t let me go!” You screamed back, tightening your grip around his bony hand.
“I will never let go!” He growled, doing the same, trying to drag his body forward – failing to notice you willed yourself towards him as he pulled you into his arms. Those silvery eyes never moved away from yours.
“You are lost…! Lost…!”
The voices chanted and screeched around you, doing their best to drag you apart. For a moment, your hand slipped and you let out a desperate scream, hurting your lungs as you were almost pulled back into the void. Vergil’s cry resembled a roar as he willed his body to move and tightened his grip in a way he didn’t hold even Yamato.
He hadn’t held his brother’s hand once. This time he wouldn’t make the same mistake. This time, he would hold you even if that damned the both of you to the darkest pits of Hell.
“Can’t you see…? Can’t you see that…?”
“I am lost…!” You barked back to the voices, still staring into Vergil’s eyes, trying to catch your breath while your lungs stung as if you were inhaling a thousand knives.
As Vergil looked into your eyes, though, he knew exactly what you were going to say – and he could safely say it was the very same thing he struggled to find the words to.
“Without you.” His answer came in a dark tone, ragged from the effort he too made to be able to hold your hand.
The thunder rumbled twice again – the voices shrieked and you suddenly found yourselves being launched into each other’s arms as the forces that bind you broke into a million pieces.
Vergil’s arms wrapped around you, one of his hands holding your head close to his chest, as you wrapped yours around his waist, keeping him as close as you could. His head rested on top of yours, and you kept your eyes closed – washing away the blood above his heart with the tears that streamed down your face.
“Don’t ever hide from me.” Vergil’s voice was uncharacteristically shaky, somber but reassuring. You had never been so vulnerable in front of him – and even upon seeing you like that, his reaction was to take you in his arms, to welcome you. “I’m not afraid of the dark.”
“And I’m not afraid of your darkness.” You tightened your arms around his cold, bony body as you felt tears running through your hair. “I can see beyond your glimmer, and I’m not afraid of what’s in the dark.” Your voice shook as you took a deep breath and Vergil’s arms held you even closer – his body shaking with the tears falling from his eyes. “It’s you. And I’m never afraid of you.”
“Neither am I of you.”
His answer was but a whisper – a whisper enough to break the darkness into a memory to be kept away in the deepest pits of Hell.
I can feel the thunder that’s breaking in your heart I can see through the scars inside you
“You killed the Piranhas from Hell with the power of love?”
Vergil wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear. Or die. Or both.
Probably both.
The whole crew was there as you and Vergil never came back from the job as quickly as expected – and when you did, it looked like you hadn’t slept in days.
The priest was more than happy with the result of your work – even though you never discovered why the Weavers decided to come out of hiding nor what they wanted. The congregation was just happy they were gone and the whole reason behind it would be a long-term thing for the Devil May Cry to work on – or to keep an eye on; maybe something bigger was approaching.
You and Vergil didn’t feel like going back to the shop, though. When you were hurt physically, things were very much ok to deal with, but when the wounds were emotional… You needed time for yourselves.
Unlike his brother, Vergil was a little more responsible with his money – and you, a lot more than the two. You managed to find somewhere to spend a few nights… Which involved the both of you talking out everything you felt and saw. It was harrowing at first, something neither of you were versed in and honestly were terrified of, but it eventually brought you even closer together.
So, to say you had defeated the Lie Weavers with the power of love was something that killed Vergil inside.
And you could almost see his internal self, glaring at you with a ‘really, after all of this you say this kind of foolishness’ look in his sad, silvery eyes, as Lady stared at both of you and made the question everyone was thinking.
“Yep. Power of love, it’s a curious thing.” You shrugged, making Vergil physically groan by your side while Dante slapped his table with a huge grin on his face.
“Make a one man weep, make another man sing! Hell yeah, Back To The Future, babe!” He winked back at you as you smiled in response.
“Of all the people you could end up dating, Vergil…” Trish sat on Dante’s desk, crossing her long legs while sporting a devilish smile on her rosy lips. It was interesting how her voice could never really sound like Eva’s. “It had to be someone who references the same songs as your brother.”
“Alas, fate plays many games…” Vergil rolled his eyes, but as they rested on you, there was a vulnerability you saw only once in that pitch black darkness. “But it is kind enough to give us what we need.”
No one ever really understood what he meant, but Dante was the only one who managed to see something inside his brother’s silvery eyes that could only reflect in yours – and that made him genuinely smile.
Indeed, you would never be the romance of a fairy tale book or a romantic comedy – but you could see what lied beyond each other’s scars; taking a glimpse at the worst of each other without fear and finding whatever light was left inside. You could understand – and that was much more than most lovers in the world would ever have.
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puryartist · 2 months
I wanted to tell you how much I love your work and how much your illustrations make me smile every time I see them. They are so beautiful *v* .
Can I suggest the idea of ​​a little Hans and a little Elsa but with the children's clothes of Elsa's parents. I find that adorable.
Or an impromptu meeting at sea between Hans' boat, known as the admiral, and Elsa in all her fifth element grandeur. Too classy on both sides, I think.
Afterwards, like many, I have lots of ideas. But I can only draw stick figures, and not very successful ones at that. My great misfortune. But I work, as far as writing goes. Too many ideas on that side too XD.
I don't know if I could have helped you with your inspiration, I hope so a little.
Don't hesitate if you have any ideas gaps, the Helsa family is here *w* . to help.
Strength and courage : ))
And thank you again for your sublime work that you offer us.
[Hans & Elsa with Agduna outfits]
I love to hc that Elsa would have a different personality if she lived in the Enchanted Forest. Of course, she still has the eldest sister vibes, but not as cold as herself in the first movie. She's chill, she's silly, and her favorite hobby is bullying that one bad attitude Prince from the Southern Isles.
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Elsa didn't like him at first because he was so arrogant and vain that he looked down on everyone. But after spending many years together, they have become friends eventually. Hans was charming and seemed like a person you could lean on. Unfortunately, everything changed when Elsa entered the fifth spirit phase. She could sense the ambition in his eyes and I smell a betrayal in the air.
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(I'm so proud of this Hans he looks so yippee lol)
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isabeauwolf · 3 months
Since it's been days since we've gotten to see our beloved birdman Kai Chisaki one more time in the manga, we've all let our feelings out about his ending, either you hated it or not. Felts depressed and sad.
I gotta ask all of my fellow Overhaul, Kai Chisaki stans and fans: What made you pick Overhaul as your favorite character/ Villain in MHA?
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What made him draw you in?
Fascinate you?
Fall for him so hard, he drew you away from your previous anime/manga husband or wifu?
Where you a manga or anime only before his handsome villainous yakuza birdman came into your life?
Was it is character design? Mannerisms? His powerful quirk? His plan to erase quirks, his serum and determination to restore the Shie Hassaikai into power? His godly voice by both Kenjiro Tsuda and Kellen Goff?
(Pst, honestly, I love it all ;) His man's got my heart is a death grip; even if, he's competing with Trafalgar Law for my attention and affection, and now Dabi.)
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Instead of throwing around all the hate surrounding this man. Let's send him off with a bang! Love, support, the whole she-bang, even if, you still high disagree with his actions towards Pops and Eri.
(If every seems out of order or all over the place, I'm sorry! Please be, patient with me, and thank you!)
I've give my personal thoughts on Kai Chisaki, Overhaul. My yakuza birdman husband here! (huge breakdown/ summary, rant about this man; spoilers ahead!) Not like, I haven't been doing that the whole time, I've been on here XD I've talked with other Overhaul/Kai stans and fans on here, giving my two cents, which I love and appreciate to everyone who's talked and fangirled/boyed with me!
Be warned that I might to ramble, and this whole thing might now make sense, or is all over the place, again, I'm sorry! But if you don't mind, I thank you!
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I started off as an anime only, and watched on my own time. Even if I heard AFO's introduction, and All For One's and All Might's battle at Kamino Ward and All Might saying goodbye One For All in subbed first; my husband was watching it the living room while I was on my laptop watching a different series. The music drew me in and I couldn't look away, watching the whole battle with baited breath until it was over.
Then I watched the series by myself since I couldn't sleep months after. Cheering for Deku, smiling and crying with hm.
I watch in dubbed first, since it's hard to focus on subbed while having a toddler running around. XD Then rewatch it in subbed form.
Anyways, at the end of season 3 we get a tease of Overhaul's introduction. His voice, golden eyes drew me in, hook line and sinker.
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I've always been a sucker for bad boys and I love a man that wears a suit. lol So it gave Overhaul some brownie points. I know it isn't just me! Don't lie, haha.
The fact that Overhaul straight up challenged Shigaraki for the spot as the next King of the Underworld, pointing out his mistakes and lack of motivation once more; the same as Stain had in the previous hard, showing that Overhaul himself had been in the game a bit longer than Shiggy.
Overhaul while insulting the younger villain was indeed asking the right questions. Shiggy had misused and lost his powerful NPC's during the Training Camp attack with the Vanguard Action Squad, Muscular and Moonfish.
He had every right to question his motives.
Overhaul is blunt and spoke the truth about Shiggy's leadership skills, even if it ending with Magne's death. As sad as it was she did attack him first when if she was defending her belief's and the league, she didn't have to die. Compress didn't have to lose an arm.
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The confrontation and damage done on both side makes you see that Overhaul is a dangerous man, with an equally dangerous quirk on top of being able to bring someone back to life if he wanted to, showcasing the quirk erasing bullets. We hadn't really seen an onscreen death before then, or at least, not that I remember.
Overhaul is cold blooded and driven, but calm and calculated; he's a man who's not afraid to get his hands dirty when he needs to, despite his quirks drawback and hate of the aftermath.
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When we meet him again with Shigaraki at the Shie Hassaikai underground meeting room, and the bits given by Sir Nighteye, it's clear that Overhaul has the means to til the scales of Villain and Hero society, if he was given more time and wasn't fighting against the clock. He still needed more funding and man power to mass product both sets of bullets.
Had he succeeded and gotten away with his arms still intact, despite losing Eri to the Heroes, we might have seen him and the right bullets again down the line, but it wasn't in the cards.
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(We finally get to see Kai, our birdman unmasked and his poor man get's done soooo dirty! First it's his stoic and impressive, criminally handsome face, then Shiggy took his hard work, him and Mr Compress tag-teamed taking his hands away, leaving him quirkless, helpless, in despair and he's terrified! Not for himself, but because without his quirk he can't reverse the damage he's done to pop's, he can't wake him up or talk to him again.)
Underestimating the Heroes, The League, and being overly cocky and arrogant played a major part of his own fall. His isolation from others and seeing his subordinates and closest friend as pawns to be used and thrown away didn't help, yet the men closest to his inner circle were indeed the most loyal of his followers.
It wasn't outright said, but shown that Overhaul himself was forgiving and understanding when Chrono or Nemoto made mistakes, he didn't scold them or yell at them.
( If I missed anything in this summary, let me know. XD )
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He's a well written character and villain. A man possessed and obsessed with fulfilling his goals, repaying Pops, the man who took him in and gave him a home, a place to be himself.
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The way Pops found Chisaki as a boy, alone, covered in filth and I imagine he was hungry, always made me feel as if we were missing something from his past. He wanted more than anything to replay the man who saved him and rebuilding the Shie Hassaikai's former glory and reputation along with returning people quirkless.
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Might have saved so many lives who were eventually lost, but at the end of the day, he still choose the darkest route and solution.
If the Quirk Doomsday theory we've heard about and snippets we've seen so far. Different combinations of quirks are getting stronger and stronger, people like Touya who's bodies destroys itself while using his fire. There may come a time where not even support items could save a person from their overly strong and destructive quirk.
Could you imagine what he could have done with his quirk, if he was a doctor?! He could have replaced recovery girl's position as UA's school nurse or even a Doctor since healing quirks are so rare.
Of course, I'm not saying what he did was justified by any means.
Kai Chisaki, Overhaul is practically The Fullmetal Alchemist in MHA without the use of Equivalent Exchange! Yes, he threw away his human name, becoming, "a demon with no heart" as Pops says.
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As we see him fuse with Nemoto and Rikiya Katsukame, each fusion he becomes more monstrous, a much more darker version of himself; fulling giving into "Overhaul," his villain persona, not carrying who he has to hurt to get his way.
I will admit that I'm down bad for Kai/Overhaul and his Monsterhaul form, Nemoto version, but the giant monster form, lol
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Now, let's get down to the nitty gritty.
Knowing about him being in Dr Garaki's/AFO's orphanage and that Shigaraki has a copy of his quirk. They more they parallel each other so much more after that reveal.
It explains so much about his character!
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Kai Chisaki won't flat out say it or address it, neither has Horikoshi but its clear that he was heavily traumatized and abused as a kid before Pops found him.
Oh yes, the trauma bucket! Like our beloved characters in the series doesn't have enough trauma as it is. Let's see how far that habit hole goes for Kai? -_-
The lack of remorse for his victims, justifies his action, manipulative, lack of physical response to violence, deception, and hostel, his acts are usually well planned in advance, irritability and aggressive behavior when provoked, reckless disregard for safety of others - antisocial and sociopathic tendencies.
Lack of empathy, believes he's special and the only one who can cure the world, need for admiration from Pops, his abandonment and self-worth issues go hand-in-hand with his fear of his father figure throwing him out of the Shie Hassaikai with his final ultimatum of dropping his plan.
Out of everything, we only get sprinkles here and there that Kai had done before snapping.
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You can see it, the way he tenses and his hands ball into a fists, no doubt, surprised, shocked, hurt even before redirected into anger and violence.
Putting his father figure into a coma, and taking matters into his own hands. Become the villain, we all know and love, adore, praise, however you see him as.
Before becoming "Overhaul," Kai used to get into brawls with anyone who dared disrespect the Shie Hassaikai, and wants to help the boss; protecting the honor of the yakuza and protecting them from being called, "Villains." (Classic delinquent behavior, I imagine he did it in high school since we've seen him do it as an adult.)
We see him wear normal clothes: black dress pants, blazer and purple dress shirt, no gloves and a black duster mask over his face. (I'd honestly, love to see Kai in more civilian, classy outfits! More unbuttoned shirts and all, please!)
Even if Pops scolding him and explaining that they must protect civilians instead of hurting them, the old man still affectionately pets the top of his head and praises him for protecting their honor. Which in itself is a kind gesture, but something I think he took a little too much into his heart.
The scolding for doing something dishonorable, but praised for his intentions has overtime been taken form into the most cold and logical extreme actions.
Nobody can deny that Overhaul's got drip! XD
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Overhaul's more professional outfits: the red and gold plague doctor's mask, and white gloves. Borrowing inspiration from All For One, he uses his quirks name as his alias, his Villain name and quirk ability, the idea for his quirk erasing and serum, as "Overhaul", he can kill and wants to change the world.
To preserve the past, he must engage with the present and became a villain out of necessity.
What's the difference?
The differences between a young Kai standing up for his father's honor and the snarling demon he has become. All of it against a world that had clearly outgrown him and the old ways of the Yakuza, but he refused to accept it and to protect his only family and most precious person, Pops.
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As we've been in the latest chapter of MHA, without his quirk, without his arms and plague mask, and the last time we saw him. Kai Chisaki, inside is still a boy who wants to make his father figure proud and wants attention and praise.
As Pop's said before he took things too far again, shoving the older man's wisdom and wishes aside, taking action into his own hands, not only crossing the line between the gray that Pop's held against the Villains' and Heroes, Black and White, Kai instead, erased the line and jumped over it, making his own line and walked into a dangerous and dishonorable path.
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======= What I missed last minute, sorry guy's.... I'm almost done, I swear! =======
It's clear, that he's smart and well educated, he could have studied as a medical student, read medical journals during his free time or just because he was a huge science and medical geek, we will never know.
My bet's on the ladder, practicing how to control his quirk and for the fun of it. He's the type of person to obssess with something and run away with it, a concerting amount.
You can't tell me that Pop's didn't walk in to Kai's room or living room, seeing Kai asleep on the couch or floor with a book either on his face or on his chest! Or Kai geeking out over a first edition or rare medical journal he found or Pop's and Hari had given him as a birthday present!
The birdman is such a workaholic that he's no doubt forgotten about his birthday, if Pop's or Hari didn't plan something for him!
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If Kai is such a health nut and germ, wash your hands after every speck of dusk lands on your hands, then I need to know his skincare routine!
Do you think his hands is soft?
We know he works out from how jacked he is from his back and abs, fuck, I'd gladly claim him like a tree X////////////x
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I'm not the only one who wanted him to have those traditional tatts, right? Of course, it's optional and traditional, but come on! I excepted to see the Shie Hassaikai's embalm, sakura or at least, a raven something! Anything! Hell, all three! Well, in my fanfic he does.
Also, Lady Nagant, you lucky woman, getting to touch and dress Kai!
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Wish, I could trade places to pamper and comfort this man.
Screw you, AFO, Kai comes first.
I don't care if Kai comes off as stuck-up, spoiled rich brat, a bubble bath princess, narcissist and a asshole. If given the change to rock this man's world and fuck his brains out, you bet your ass I would!
If he could put up with my ditzy, clumsy, sassy, way too honest and smart-ass mouth, then fine. Baby needs to laugh more! I wanna see him smile!
Well, it's almost 2am and I'm going to be. XD If you've had to through my rant/rambling of Kai. Share your thoughts with me... again, sorry for it being too long and wayyyyy all over the place.
Of course, I always forget something...... XD
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lara-cairncross · 4 months
Hi I did not expect to be hit with this much nostalgia for pixie hollow fairies lol
The way you draw them is so pretty!?!?!?!?! I love their designs so much
I'm considering drawing fanart now, especially since I saw the suggestion of drawing my personal OCs in your fairy au, and I realized.... I have an oc. That I created recently. Like so recently that I haven't even named her yet. And she's already kinda fairy-like??? She's the result of a one-night stand between Leo and a random bird yokai who decided to dump the egg on Leo (it's the accidental baby acquisition trope except its more like you-really-should-have-expected-this-leo baby acquisition XD)
Don't worry though, she's not bird-like enough to want to eat your fairy boys if she met them. She's basically just a feathered turtle who loves shiny things, and I haven't even finalized her design but now I wanna draw her as a fairy haha. I do know her feathers are blue-purple-pink-ish with red streaks, so her colour scheme matches Fairy Leo haha
Hmmmm maybe I should actually put a question here uhh....
You keep hinting at plot points but you've also said you don't plan on making this a comic, so are we ever going to find out what the heck is going on???
And I know the idea of making a whole entire comic can seem overwhelming, but have you considered viewing it as just doodling and practicing? For my own au comic I only have one part drawn so far and it is the first part, but I'm planning to just draw any part of the story at any point in time, just depending on what I feel like. Cuz no one says you have to do it the "normal" way, right? And I like to think of drawing the comic pages as practicing new skills, like learning how to do page layouts and composition better. Aka focus on the journey and not the end goal.
Whoo, that got kinda long and I only really asked one question, but based on previous asks you've answered I have a feeling you don't mind ;)
OK that was entirely just stream of thought after going through the whole au tag (there are more thoughts but most are incoherent and overlapping so this is what i managed to pick out of my brain), but to summarize: I love your fairy au and the boys are gonna be living in my head now, along with every other version of the turtles that I love <3 <3 <3
I'm glad to hear you're liking the fairy au!! I had a ton of fun coming up with their designs :D
I do actually plan on making this into a comic of sorts! I dunno if I could ever make, like, a long-form webcomic or anything like that-- but I'm definitely planning on doing at *least* a few mini-comics to elaborate on the story! And maybe build my way up to something longer and more fulfilled :D As of now, I'm trying to experiment with different comic styles on my own time so I can try and find something that's quick and easy, but still looks decent. I like the idea of treating it as essentially a glorified doodle page. Honestly, as soon as I try to take any of my stories too seriously, I burn out fast-- so I'm trying to stay pretty chill about this one and just making content whenever I feel like it lol
Yup, I'm totally cool with everyone drawing their OCs as fairies if they want to! It's not like I own the idea or anything lmao. The only caveat is that I have jurisdiction over whether or not something is canon to my particular au. Leo and the rest of the boys are still canonically kids/teenagers to me, and I've been writing/drawing them as kids this entire time, so I won't be including anything/anyone related to one of them having a "one night stand" with somebody. I can't really police what anyone else draws though, so have fun :D
Sorry about these little guys buzzing around in your brain ❤️💜🧡🩵
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sevi007 · 4 months
Warning! I will be blogging about my first Tales of Abyss playthrough here. If you don't want to see it or be flooded or smth, blacklist "sevi plays tales of the abyss"
@magicmetslogic get tagged!
Soooo started Tales of the Abyss now! (I kept thinking it's called Tales of Abyss, without the "the", RIP me) Must say, this immediately felt incredibly different of a premise to Vesperia (the only Tales I have finished til now) and Zestiria (which I... maybe barely passed the prologue, lol). I think a lot of that is because of Luke and his situation. Getting into that later on.
But! Let's start from the top.
Absolutely gorgeous opening for one, really loved it. I probably got spoilered without realizing it, but with no context, that's not terrible. I remain blissfully unaware!
It immediately felt a bit faster paced story-wise. A bit more emotionally taxing on the protagonist, too. To start, I open the game and get immediately met with red-headed, hot-headed Luke (who is fittingly spoken by Yuri Lowenthal, who voiced Tidus in FFX) and Ithink he's an upbeat headstrong guy - which he is but -
I barely leave his room to get thrown a skit immediately:
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I hit the mental breaks when I read that because what. What. You just kept your kid inside like a pet or something?
I mean, in Vesperia, Estelle had a sheltered upbringing as well, and was certainly a bit on the naive side, but she at least was acutely aware of the world outside of the walls of her prison. Luke is not even given that, which you realize approximately two minutes into the game since his only contact to the outside world seems to be his swordfight trainer Van. I am absolutely flabbergasted. This is damaging to a kid!
(And no, this is no normal response to your kid getting kidnapped. Protecting him is one thing. Putting him on house arrest a whole other. I suspect it's not just a security thing but there is more going on here.)
And then next mental break: What the hell is Flynn Scifo doing here?
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I'm joking, I'm joking. And yes I have been informed that technically, Flynn is a copy of Guy since Vespy came out later. But still. With my minimum knowledge of Tales, forgive me for immediately drawing connection to Versperia at every turn. And the likeness is startling! XD He seems to be a good guy that Guy (pft) so for now, I like the boy.
(Stop climbing outta windows like a thief though!)
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Ah. Really glad I decided to explore the rooms a little. This is...
Well. I assume this was meant to be one of those anime-typical jokes of "haha, he's afraid of this or that" but... call me old-fashioned or a snowflake or whatever the correct term is but I don't think this is very funny. These two quite literally have him cornered, and he looks outright terrified of them. And instead of backing off - or Luke rescuing him - we just have to leave again? Uff. Don't like.
Never quite liked making fun of things others are afraid of, not even if it seems silly from outside.
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... Oh wow. Luke is even more sheltered than I thought. This seems to be general, public knowledge, and he got nothing? Does he not get any kind of schooling while on house arrest?
From their reactions, this is not something he is supposed to know but forgot, but more like, nobody even told him. That's... okay. I seriously question his parents right now as well as Van for not teaching him even basics of the outside world.
(On the other hand, in a sense of dumbing it all down for a new player, this is quite genius. Given that Luke needs to be explained everything, so does the player learn at the same time. but still. Questionable decisions all around.)
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Utterly. Questionable. Decisions.
Yes I'm already going full on protective mama bear mode on Luke. Give me a caged, sad kid who tries to put on a loud and confident facade and I immediately go "mine" XD
And now, for that faster pacing...
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Ma'am I JUST finished the tutorial would you please refrain from killing me til I got to practice some more!
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itsyagurlchip · 3 months
Another ROTTMNT request!!
Platonic, funny hc about the 4 brothers reacting to younger sister reader who has a gloomy/angsty personality who acts like a tragic heroin but in reality everything in her life is completely okay.
She's just a bit dramatic like leo and dee xD
☀︎⋆.ೃ࿔*:・OUr Our YEA~☀︎⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
alt title; reader loves a style but does little research on it and uses pinterest as a ref
ᯓᡣ𐭩 warnings: cussing(!) cringe(!) stereotyped emos (!) crack(!)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ngl- i feel reader w/ this one 😭😭 Thank you so much for requesting <33 btw, this is not to make fun of actual emos, you guy's aesthetic is beautiful <3 instead, this is actually written from a 2 day experience by your's truly! There is absolutely no plot in this, so if you can't follow at all I don't blame you.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 "Oh god she's blasting SleepToken again-"
kanabo; a japanese weapon similar to a spiked bat, used for offense.
"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME!" You screamed as you slammed the door closed.
Raph stood there, stunned and confused.
"I don't get it...all Raph told her to do was to wash the dishes?" He sighed and walked away. Deeply, he was too tired for this shit and the headache he has was forming faster the more he thought about it. He needed a nap.
Meanwhile Leo and Donnie were snickering in the far corner, watching the whole ordeal go down.
"That cannot be real-" Leo said, holding his gut trying not to shit on himself at the atrocity you just committed.
"Of- ha- of course it itz! I caught it on camera!" Donnie waved the evidence in the air.
The two burst into obnoxious laughter, echoing throughout the sewers.
So yea..you're a bit cringe. But who's stopping you?
You truly believed that this wasn't a phase.
And future you is looking down at you in tears.
The group was fighting a tiger villian. Silly cat, he had guns. Tch, that was nothing for someone like you.
"I blast you into the abyss as dark as my soul" You said, raising your kanabo, swinging the weapon in a circular motion, aiming for your target.
"What the f-" And he got blasted. You hated how your weapon was pink...
It all started with the "pick me girl" trend.
You hated those people (despite them not even existing half the time).
So, you wanted to be different 😈
And thus, the color black was an immediate yes
Mikey, not really caring about the sudden change in his sibling's style, used you for his art inspiration! Even if you begged and begged for him to draw you with hair.
(he already sketched it, but won't tell you. he's not gonna let it go that far into your head💀)
"Turn- now pose, ohhhh! Lookin great Pink! Wooo, you got it girl!"
"The only thing I deserve to have is a dirt pit. To put myself in, not your praise."
"Oh- oh."
Looking through pinterest you found your first outfit inspo and fell in love.
While not actually having any problems, mentally or physically (from what you know), you felt like you fit into this category so well!
Your scales were black, check
You love eyeliner, check
Your siblings force you to do things that you didn't want to (chores) , check
You were all set.
All it took was a few hundred dollars from Donnie's bank and you were ready to show the world-
"we are literally just asking you to go on this mission-"
They just let you sort your feelings out, poor baby.
No one actually knew when it really started
But suddenly you started to ask April for her makeup and nail polish for the first time.
And April, bless her, did so each and every time.
"Of course honeybun!"
Worst part was, you never gave it back.
"Hey, have you boys seen my makeup bag? I can't find it no where."
The boys sighed, already sick of the shenanigans, and pointed towards your room where every light was off.
Walking inside, April came in to see a singular lamp shining, with you underneath it writing inside of a black notebook.
"Hey Pink! Watcha doin sweetheart?" April nervously said, "It's pretty dark in here-"
"Writing down the names of my enemies. They need to suffer the pain I go through everyday, not only the physical- but the mental."
April wasn't really sure what you were going on about, but she spotted her makeup bag and dipped.
Donnie walked into your room, music blasting at goddam 3 in the morning.
"ARe yoU inSane!?!?" Donnie yelled as Ely Ottto raged over his voice.
"THIS IS THE REAL ME DONNIE! DEAL WITH ME!!!" You flipped him off, head banging as you jump up and down on the mattress. The plushies that were sitting on the bed even had black marker scribbled all over them.
This was too much damn noise! And quite frankly, very much overstimulating for this time of night for anyone to experience.
"YOUR NOT MY DAD BOZO!" Like a child (*cough cough*) you blew a raspberry at him and turned the music up louder.
Donnie was twitching in anger as he disabled your speaker with a tap of a few buttons.
"I HATE YOU" You yelled, stomping towards him and pushing him out. Slamming the door, you screamed into your pillow (as if that would muffle the sound.)
Dear supreme pizza in the sky-
Oddly enough your behavior would also vary between people.
For example, you wouldn't take shit from Donnie, even if he was trying to help you, you would even go as far to make fun of him for no reason.
You would talk about your woes and suffering with April and Mikey, even when they didn't understand it half the time because it was ever on subject???
You simply just ignored Raph when he told you to do something.
And Leo, pray for his soul, would play along. Or even worse, bully you *kindly*
Leo was walking you to the park, walking with a crip like those bloxburg characters when you don't take a bath. His head was facing the concrete, set in a mock scowl, mimicking your own.
You rolled your eyes and walked faster, flipping the wig you bought.
Good thing it lasted for another two days, or everyone (not including Leo) would've blown their tops.
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Man- had to get the rest of that brainrot out. phew~
heres part 2 btw
૮₍˶• .•⑅₎ა tags: @kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl
૮₍˶• .•⑅₎ა @ziipzeepzop-eez @wheezdostuff @spongejuice @cyb3r-st4r @nuncscioquidsitamor-14
if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
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onmywaytofanfic · 1 year
Thanks a lot for the tag Kaz @akamikazae let's see if I can do all of them!! :3333
Name: Boro :3
Pronouns: She - Her/ They - Them
Where do you call home: I heard once that home is that place where you can go to the toilet without any problem. I would also add that is that place where you can get yourself a glass of water without asking for one.
Favorite animal: People assumed that I am a cat person, they are wrong I love every animal...also cats, felines in general.
(˚ˎ 。7
Cereal of choice: I have a problem with cereals I love them!!! My favourits are honey puff like cereals and those that are squares filled with chocolate or milk. Those are ddelicious GIVE ME CEREALS!!
Are you a visual, audio, or kinesthetic learner: I remember that we have to do this test at the Uni and I was like a mix. Most of the time I doodle while taking notes and when revising stuff I need to move around my room. Also, when I am thinking in general I need music or a podcast while pacing around and a small notebook where I can write down any idea that crosses my mind or doubt while revising something. I tent to do more than one thing at once so, pacing while listening helps me so... Audio-kinasthetic-reading learner
First pet: There is a festivity here Los tres Reyes Magos, Three Wise Men, that we celebrate durign the Xmas time. That night my neighbours dog gave birth to who would be my first truthful friend. I woke up and the neighbour told us that the mother couldn't pass the night. In a small basket they got both pups, one seemed so full of energy the other one was curled up and shaking. I got the curld one without a second though and hugged them. He would be my friend for more than 10 years. I miss him a lot. He got the name of my favourite journalist ever but I keep it for myself ;) Friends know his name.
Favorite scent: Baked cookies, cinammon, but mostly flowery scents like lavender and also, please do not laugh, there is this deodorant chocolate scented ...wow.
Do you believe in astrology: I prefer to keep my thoughts to myself on this one, yet I find astrology interesting but I would not let it choose my life or stuff like that. It is very interestign to have a look at it.
How many playlists do you have on Spotify/apple music: 10
Sharpies or highlighters: Highlighters! I actually enjoy the layers that you can do with them and they got this Cyberpunk effect when done right that I love.
A song that makes you cry: ‘Fucking Perfect' by P!nk or 'The crow and the butterfly' Shinedown.
A song that makes you happy: ‘Lady Domina' Haloo Helsinki! or 'Master of the House' Les Miserables the musical... I have a problem with musicals in general.
And finally do you draw/write/create? I write and draw, a different thing is that I have the guts to call what I do something creative or even worthy. But I just do it, hoping to get better eventually... hope is the key word there. So I do both and technically create since both are creations *badum tsch* I also do tons of memes so...that's creations too, isn't it? One day I may post here those abominations that I call memes.
Hmmmm I tag @succikko-nebulae , @shinoposting , @yamanaka-shin and @spellcasterlight <3<3<3<3<3
Thanks again Kaz!!1 This was fun, I did not know that I had so many playlist on Spotify...and I use one in a loop most of the time xD.
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Yes I'm alive.
Yandere FNAF 1 headcanons:
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(yes the art is indeed mine, I'm trying out something)
Yandere Freddy:
🎩 so first of all this dude is the looks like he could end your life in 1.0 seconds.
🎩 he definitely knows that he scares/intimidates people and thrives in it.
🎩 especially rude customers/Karen's, he loves the look on their face when he politely asks them to leave. It never gets old
🎩 now there's multiple ways you could meet this guy:
A: your working night shift and he slowly becomes obsessed
Or B: your working dayshift and you draw his attention. By either kicking someone out or just being kind to the kids.
🎩 either way he's certainly interested in you.
🎩 th first time you guys actually officially meet he tries to make a good impression. Y'know: being all gentlemanly and nice.
🎩 this bear LOVES to follow you around, but he doesn't want to come off as clingy to you so he restraints himself and stays on stage.
🎩 he really enjoys physical affection, he likes to give you bear hugs and nuzzle in to you.
🎩 although do not be fooled by him, he may seem to be a cute cuddle bear but when he doesn't like someone which is almost anyone who approaches you he gets mad easily.
🎩 he has some anger issues (not as bad as Monty but)
🎩 he deals with you being defiant in two ways:
He either waits till your done with your 'tantrum' as he calls it or he just locks you backstage for awhile.
🎩 he doesn't like having to punish you, he prefers to just cuddle you and smother you in affection.
🎩 most of the FNAF 1 gang are definitely some of the softest when it comes to you.
"are you ready for Freddy~?"
Yandere Bonnie:
💜 he's probably the most aggressive and cunning of the group. Finding ways to manipulate and toy with people.
💜 that however, does not apply to you. He would never.
💜 when he met you he just knew that it was love at first sight.
💜 this dude is 100 percent a worshipper, he can't keep his filthy paws off of you! Your just so perfect~
💜 he doesn't care if he comes off clingy tbh, cause he IS clingy. He, also like Freddy: loves to follow you around like a lost puppy.
💜 now he isn't delusional, at least completely. He smart enough to know that what he's feeling is wrong that he shouldn't be feeling it. But the thing is that he straight up doesn't care that he's delusional, He's happy and everyone else can die in a ditch 😀.
💜 he really likes to call you pet names like: darlin', sweets, and even cottontail is he feeling frisky 😉 (yes, I do headcanon them with ai's that are supposed to replicate humans and their feelings).
💜 but he....doesn't take defiance very well: it causes him to sober up a bit out of his delusions that he created. And as such he will get kinda pissed with you.
💜 but on a bit of a lighter note he likes to play music with you :)
💜 he likes to play your favorite song on his guitar and sing to you. (Yes, he can sing)
💜 he loves you so much, and you'll never get rid of him.
"sweets! I was worried you'd left...."
Yandere chica:
🧁 ah yes, mama chica.
🧁 I headcanon her as very sweet and loveable. Everyone likes her.
🧁 she's also an excellent cook, meaning whatever your favorite food is she will try to cook it for you.
🧁 she loves to give you hugs! She just loves you in general. There is absolutely nothing you could do that wouldn't make her just adore your every move.
🧁 you could litterly be a serial killer that kills for sport and she will think your an angel from heaven.
🧁 she isn't delusional, just lovesick. And oh so desperate for your affection and attention: like foxy and Goldie, she wants your attention a lot. But she isn't forceful like Cassidy is.
🧁 she deals with your tantrums in a different way, instead of punishing you like the others she just shuts you up with food XD
🧁 but if someone were to hurt you their dead meat.
"honey would you mind helping me make more cupcakes?"
Yandere foxy:
🏴‍☠️ our favorite pirate fox boy ✋☺️.
🏴‍☠️ ngl he's probably the softest out of the group. He's just so lonely to the point he craves attention. Please give it to him 🥺🙏.
🏴‍☠️ he's probably the only one that wouldn't kidnap you (unless your in danger)
🏴‍☠️ he's a soft boy ✋. Also those ears? Give em a pat.
🏴‍☠️ he really likes telling you about his adventures (pirate stories). He is quite a talker, he'll talk for hours about random shit untill it's six.
🏴‍☠️ he littlerly talked the night away.
🏴‍☠️ he gets kinda sad when you go home but he understands. He has some humanity 👌.
🏴‍☠️ despite being soft he flirts with you like there's no tomorrow. He does it in front of the others to.
🏴‍☠️ he deals with you yelling at him in a way he knows squeezes your heart strings: he just looks down in shame with his ears flat. Works every time.
🏴‍☠️ you wouldn't even guess he's a yandere till someone gets a little close to his liking.
"yarharhar! Don't worry darlin', i'll show that scallywag!"
Yandere golden Freddy/Cassidy:
💛 oh Lord, if you thought Freddy and bonnie were bad, wait till you see him. He's littlerly the biggest simp ever.
💛 you could just be breathing and he'll compliment on how utterly ✨bootiful✨ you look.
💛 being an old fredbear suit (this is my au) he can't move around much, but he can still somewhat move his arms. Which works well when they have to dispose of someone.
💛 he would littlerly jump off a cliff if you asked him.
💛 and they just love you so much they can't even say.
💛 they aren't to big on physical affection but he likes cuddles alot :D
💛 if anyone even much looks at you though he's ready to roundhouse this bish-
💛 how dare they breathe the same air as you 😤✋
💛 he's actually pretty manipulative, he does things he knows you like to attract you to them.
💛 and with tantrums? He just holds you and ignores all the biting and crying :)
💛 he isn't delusional but he isn't all that....sober either. He switches off.
💛 he's not very emotionally stable, but he tries :'(
💛 though he just likes to hold you with that same lovesick look in his nonexistent eyes
"darling....could you please come here? I would like to hold you right now"
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Skidding in with sparks coming off my heels, panting, holding out...
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Makeup. Fashion. Gossip. And annoying the heck out of the main character. Faraena tiz Draler is the royal seamstress in Black Castle, hired by the last "Mistress", or commander-in-chief. She is responsible for overseeing the army's tailoring department, and also making sure the higher-ups have nice things to wear for formal events. She does this job quite well... most of the time. But she and Vellatra, the new Mistress, get along like cats and dogs... so instead of her normal "style advice", she keeps coming up with more and more ridiculous outfit designs...
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Here's an old fic fragment:
I took a deep breath, edged closer to the doorway, and... quickly sprang past it. I was about to walk casually on when‒
“Well, hello there, Vellatra,” came her high, girly voice. “What perfect timing! I was just thinking we hadn't had a chat in awhile.”
“I've been busy,” I said, turning back to her and crossing my arms.
“You always say that,” Faraena said with a pout. “And yet you always have time to slip off by yourself for hours on end. You go and do Grandparents-know-what every day, and never spend any time on what really matters!”
“Such as?”
“Take that outfit you're wearing, for example. It's just a plain, solid black and solid gray set with absolutely nothing to make it stand out, no frills, no sparkle, no color, no skin, nothing! You look like just another one of the soldiers! You shouldn't be seen in public with those threads, but you wear that sort of thing every day instead of trying to look like a proper Mistress!”
“What would you suggest?”
“Here, have a look!” said Faraena, grabbing my hand and jerking me into her sewing room.
The room was full of pink lace, red ribbons, and golden baubles from top to bottom. Faraena started digging through a chest of drawers, pulled out a book, and came back with it, opening it and setting it on a nearby work table.
“I've come up with some designs I think you'll look quite ravishing in,” she said as she leafed through the pages of what appeared to be a sketchbook.
“That's what I was afraid of,” I said.
“Ah, here we are!” she said, stopping on several drawings of what appeared to be me. “There's this one,” she continued, “a nice one-strapped one, lots of frills and layers, a dramatic dip toward the unstrapped side‒ that'll make for some lovely cleavage‒ and it's floor-length on one side but above the knee on the other. In back‒ (here she pointed to a different picture) the skirt stays above the knees most of the way until it drops to join the floor-length front panel, and your back is almost completely bare until the big, sheer-fabric bow that starts off the skirt. What do you think?”
“Too low in back. Why am I in that pose?”
“Here's another one,” Faraena said as if she hadn't heard...
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Faraena and her husband Raymi out shopping for more fancy fabrics!
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Look at her. Is she not simply fabulous? XD
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seigephoenix · 2 months
Happy DADWC day! How does a bit of “I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain this to you.” “What are those?”  “Crayons.” sound for M!Warden x Morrigan?
Happy DADWC! For @dadrunkwriting Here is my Maximillian Amell and Morrigan for this lovely prompt. Poor lovely Max. He just doesn't have much experience in these kinds of things and takes them quite literally. XD
Ship: Maximillian Amell x Morrigan Content Warning: Awkwardness and a sudden smoothness that shocks everyone Length: ~900 words
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Max was bound and determined to get Morrigan to speak more with him.  He understood she was wary of Circle mages, and he couldn’t blame her.  The hatred and distrust apostate mages received was enough to make anyone wary.  He just wished she’d talk to him even a little.  Each and every time he tried to get closer to her and speak about a magical theory, he’d get brushed away.  Her favorite was always: I have neither the patience nor crayons to explain this topic to you.
Maximillian Amell was nothing if not clever.  He had popped over to the merchant in Denerim who had been quite bewildered over his request but thankfully had what he was looking for.  Max knew that he just had to get close to Morrigan again.  She was warming up to him in other areas, but clammed up whenever he wanted to talk magical theory.  So frustrating.
“You look quite pleased with yourself tonight young Maximillian.” Wynne broke him from his thoughts as she joined him by the fireside.  “Is it a pair of pretty painted lips that tickles your fancy today?”  Max fought the flush.  Wynne was as close to a mother as he was likely to ever get after his thrust him into the circle at a young age.  Instead of the usual teasing, Wynne merely smiled at him.
“She is good for you.”  Max was surprised.  Wynne was accepting of an apostate?  She must have read the question on his face.  “Apostates or Circle mages, we both draw from the same source do we not?  The only difference is one has a set of iron bars as their prison and the other the constant state of unease from being hunted.  Same prison different jailers.” Wynne explained as she held out her hand for Max’s hound to sniff as he came over for treats.  “You could learn from one another.  It is cute to see you showing affection for someone.”
Max rubbed the back of his auburn hair as he remembered how awkward he was in the Circle.  He was so studious that he hadn’t even realized his good friend had a love affair going on with a Chantry sister.  The entire incident regarding the First Enchanter and Jowan made Max realize he lived in a bubble of his own making.  A bubble he had to break if he expected to survive out here in the real world.  “I.”
“She is looking your way my dear.” Max’s head snapped up at Wynne’s words and she chuckled as she saw Morrigan’s turn just as quickly.  “Such stubborn people.  Well, I have faith that you’ll break her resolve.” Wynne gave Max a reassuring pat on his shoulder before she turned to pester Alistair.  Max took his chance and strolled over to Morrigan’s small tent.
“Are here to bother me with your apostate questions yet again?” Max narrowed his eyes as she didn’t even bother to look at him.  She waved towards the small log near her fire and Max settled himself down on it.
“I have, in fact, come to pester you with more questions.”  Max saw the hint of a smile on her lips and his heart kicked up a notch.  She turned to face him and he fought the flush on his cheeks as he faced her.  She made him nervous, but not in a fearful way.  He enjoyed her company but the quiet looks she sent his way had his palms itching sometimes.  Alistair told him it was because she put a spell on him, but Max knew that wasn’t true.  Wynne had teased him that it wasn’t a magic spell Morrigan had cast on him but another one, more powerful than even the strongest mage in Thedas.  That had him thinking for days about it.
“Wonderful.  Just what I needed to ease the boredom in my otherwise dreary night.”  Max arched an eyebrow as she turned to face him.  He rested his hand on top of his pocket, relieved to still feel the weight of the box in there.
“You said you could teach me how to shapeshift?  I want to learn.”  Max knew this question always without fail resulted in her annoyance.
“Again?  I’ve told you before, I do not possess the patience nor the crayons to explain this complicated.” Morrigan paused as he held the box in front of her face.  “Pray tell what are these?”
“Crayons.”  Morrigan’s lips parted in a perfect o shape as she realized what he had done.  She pushed his hand away and stared at him.
“Are you that determined to learn shapeshifting?”  Max felt his chest grow tight at the imminent dismissal on her lips.  He didn’t want to be turned away again.  He let the box drop to his feet and he grasped her hand in his.
“I just want to spend time with you.”  Max saw his words stunned her.  Her lips struggled to form words and he swore he saw the hint of a flush on her cheeks before she schooled her features.  Morrigan turned her head and he saw the pursed lips and thought he had messed up.
“You could have just asked.”  Now it was his turn to be stunned and they stared at each other for a quite moment before his grin broke the tension.
“Then can I?”
“Can you what?”
“Spend time with you?  I really want to Morrigan.”  He pulled her hand towards his face and pressed a kiss to the back of it and grinned at her reaction.  Her cheeks did indeed turn a bit pink under the firelight.  Max suddenly realized the bold move he’d pulled off and felt his own cheeks grow warm.  Her fingers shifted until they were intertwined with his.
“I’d like that as well.”
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perplexingluciddreams · 4 months
Two times of big progress that I am proud of!
(Plus some amount of ramble and probably repetition… sorry!)
On Saturday, best friend came over to the house! And we did even more than just wave from bedroom door!! They come in and sit in my room (and lie on floor XD) and we chat and hang out. It was really really nice. Lots of nostalgia and love to hear a familiar safe person voice. And I missed their smell - it is the same.
At same time - have body reaction of tense all muscles and feel anxious. Like “protection mechanism”. Because years of feel scared and unsafe all the time around People. I have to work very hard to unteach my body those reactions. And teach that I am safe now and not danger.
It is harder to do, because of way brain makes connections and memories links. And relate certain people/places/sounds/voices/smells, etc. with memory of how body felt at that particular time.
Emotions I don’t recognise, so it is all about body feelings for me. Tense muscles all over, a lot sweaty, movements clumsy and impulsive, tummy uncomfy, squeezy chest and throat, fingers pick and pull and clench and never still, teeth clench need to bite, lick and bite lips, tongue curl up and always moving, etc. etc. etc.
The connections are so strong. It is hard to “override”.
Nevertheless, I am proud. I am very brave. I work so so hard to overcome brain barriers. And this is a HUGE achievement for that. BIG step in the right direction. I try so hard. Mum says I am brave and she is proud.
On Wednesday, it is another Emily (support worker) day! I did very well and had a lot of time with her in my room. We played card (with Mum also) a bit, and watched some musicals bootlegs! Second half-ish of Heathers, and first half of Mean Girls!! Next week we will finish it.
I also did some sewing at the same time as watching (/listening). Emily say it is very neat and intricate! 😁
Here is messages I write to Mum after Emily leave: I am happy. Also tired and muscles sore from automatic body reaction of tense. But at the end I started to get focused almost fully on the watching, so I relaxed a tiny bit. Because I was not having full focus on just Person. It will take a long time to break down that body response… but it is all steps in the right direction! I laughed and smiled a lot - partly from anxiety but it is also funny and makes me happy. And also was relaxed enough that I had automatic happy stims, instead of such amount tense body that I am frozen.
What I mean in message about “focus on Person” is: because of anxiety and years of around unsafe bad people (and unsafe and environments in general), I have “survival mode” where brain puts all focus on just protect myself from Danger. Except now, it is no danger. But still, it makes me put all attention to the Person there (no matter who), and be so so careful about what I do, how I do it, careful not draw attention to myself, not “annoy” or “bother” (because that means bad consequences in past).
It is like fight/flight/freeze. I used to live in that state almost every second of my life.
When I finally feel relaxed/safe enough, my attention goes fully to the thing I watch/listen/read/do. And go into my natural mind bubble state. Only focus is on one thing, like mental tunnel vision. (It is not quite as intense as hyperfocus - that is more extreme). It means I forget People is there (sounds bad, but actually just means I am not in fight/flight/freeze response).
I think I probably seem less attentive/aware when I am not in “Survival Mode”. And maybe seem like less interaction. That is because I have tiny more control over body when I feel safe and relaxed. Less automatic body response, less unintentional reaction, less immediate impulsive etc. etc. More able to wait until I process - then true response.
It is hard to explain to people that some things that look like they “get worse” on outside, is actually sign of Good Stuff happen for brain/body. And if there is different behaviour now compared to childhood, that is not bad - in fact opposite!
Anyway, I am starting to get closer to that level of relaxed with Emily (and best friend). It will take a LOT more time, but I am proud of the progress.
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candy8448 · 28 days
Watching oshi no ko s2
(Previous post)
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Whoa she traumatised him not cool 0.0
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Is it just me or does the shadow thing look like aqua when he was a doctor in his past life? Im guessing that is deliberate. Probably because as a doctor it was his duty to keep ai safe
Anyways this episode was so good, aqua's emotions and panic were portrayed so well in such a haunting way :(
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Kana absolutely destroyed her D:
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Bonding! :D
I love the animation in this episode! The colours! The way its so fluid and bouncy! The eyes! So good! I can also see a lot of kaguya sama vibes from aka akasaka whoch is so fun! Also while i was kinda meh about akane, im kinda starting to see more character traita from her that i like, i love how she is becoming more fleshed out.
Not much to say about it other than than the MUSIC IS SO GOOD!! I loved it so much and it sounds sick playing loudly in my earphones, especially since its very different from the music in other episodes.
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Im so glad that the website im watching from has the sub have background talking in a smaller font or else i would be so lost all the time =_= (also glad it translates everything important, and also in the colour of that text in the animation)
Melt went in a full on magical girl transformation 0.0
I liked the development tho, so cant wait for next episode
Is... okay
I guess interesting to see the reasons behind the conflict between arima and akane but this episode wasn't that engaging. I cant wait for next episode though. I kind of really liked the focus on the other cast members tbh.
Again it was fine ig but
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WHOA this episode is good! Finally another episode that i like, i was worried since i was kind of bored with thw previous few!
Love the lil peep into when ai was still alive 😭
This is crazy how everything is depicted. (Seeing ai alive feels like one of those "A.I. vine continuations/au trend that my sister has been showing me on instagram, lol)
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(I wanna and probably will draw this)
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Kana's pure look at aqua bridal carrying Akane XD
Also "im gonna go ho-" "im going with them" "im in" is hilarious XD
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Well okay... 0.0
Im excited again :DDD
(Im kinda dissapointed by the ed. Its nice, and it sounds good, but it doesnt have the energy that makes the ending of each episode just pop. Mephisto made every ending of each episode just go so hard, and i feel like this season also kinda needs that feel, especially how the ed starts during the episode's last min. I get that ppl think it is "op is aqua pov" and "ed is ruby pov" and it does fit that theme, but it just doesmt go as hard as mephisto :/)
(Not me seeing the tumblr posts for this ep and the official art and just letting the most littlest squeals because there is family around but i physically cannot contain myself)
(Unrelated to this episode but i can feel how much the akane nation has grown with this season, this season writes he so well and makes her less unintresting like how she was to me at least in s1)(dont get me wrong, she was cool or whatever, she just failed to keep my intrest in her 0.0)
(Next post)
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rorah · 8 months
Your Leraje design is so beautiful!!!! I loved Ammeh's story so much and your design brought it to live marvellously!!! It felt like you guys made her a completely new and original character instead of a copy of Byleth or Dimitri.
Do you have any extra headcanons / brainworms about it??
PS. By the way the wiki says Leraje is a handsome demon in green who is carrying a bow. And in Yugioh there's a card that is called the "Leraje The god of Archery".
PSS. If Leraje loves horsies thanks to Dimitri in Ammeh's fic, Bow Knight Leraje when??
Oh, dear anon! let me smooch you =3= Thank you!! Hope you had left a good comment on Ammeh's work, because It's beautiful 💕. I mean, it's not a duty, but it's always appreciated by authors 🫶 Now, for brainworms I can't really say much because she's mainly under @ammeh7 's conception. I only translated her in visual language👉👈. If you ask me about those visual aspects I can expand🫰. For example, Given Byleth's and Jeralth's raw haircut, you could imagine Leraye should have look like a wild kid on the streets, however, Alois have been with them, and who knows where his spouse and daughter are during that time. I just imagine they could have go to them and get the extra help needed for those stuffs. But of course, it's not really something on me to say. Perhaps They went to someone else for a fresh haircut who knows (tbh, i went with the 2 idea that came to my mind, If I were serious I should've explored different hairstyles and such). Besides, I did Leraye's hair thinking about a mix of both, Dimitri and his princely straight hair, and Byleth's fluffy and wavy hair (I draw her fluffy bc Look at Sitri's). So since she has those royal genes, that hair must be something manageable ✨ I could expand on her clothes too. Since Jeralt and Byleth's clothes have similar patterns, I imagine Jeralt must know some tailor he can commission. In addition, since he already has experience in that matter, he can tutor Byleth on the topic of "Wearing big clothes because kids grow like weed." So some type of garment that can be adjusted over time comes in quite handy, since they can't carry a lot of things. Not to mention the footwear because it is also changed every so often. So sometimes you have to be creative xD I also could think of motherhood suits Byleth so nicely, since being a teacher made her grow, now that she doesn't have that in Hopes, she can take this chance to learn and develop herself a bit. And there's Sothis too. Perhaps Sothis wakes up early and she is fond on the little kid so she is less condescending than what was portrayed as in this game C:
Btw I looooooove the idea of Leraye could have a preference for bows 🥺. I like to think Byleth learned bows because for kids, it's convenient to just hide than fighting in close range (It totally doesn't have to do with the fact That I almost always made my Byleth a Falcon knight with bows bc brrrrrrr). Bow knight Leraye would be Awesome!! 🙌💓 (I am concerned about her strength though 😅)
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katkat030 · 11 days
I just saw something you reblogged about Pearl being drawn as a moth? My desire to draw has whacked me in the face because of that, but I don’t know much (I’m not even sure what her mc skin looks like XD)
Could you tell me some stuff about her?
(I’m mentally making the polite grabby hands people do when they’re excited and want to have (or in this case know more) about something)
I'm going to STRUGGLE to keep this short.
Pearl/Pearlescentmoon is a part of both Hermitcraft (joined in season 8) and the Life Series (joined in Last Life)! She's typically drawn as a moth hybrid, with moth wings and quite often little feathery antennae to match. Which type of moth seems to vary on like. Symbolism I suppose. No set design!
In the third Life Series season, Double Life, she's known for having a very distinct storyline.
The gimmick for this season was for every player to get a randomly assigned "soulmate"/life-linked partner. They share both a health bar and their 3 lives; if one partner takes damage, so does the other. If one partner dies while they're on a green life, they both move from that shared green life down to a yellow life.
Early on in the game, Pearl made the decision - in the first session! - to risk her life (and that of her later-to-be-discovered soulmate) and go to the nether and collect resources with a guy called Martyn [his in game name is InTheLittleWood].
(By the way, any time I ever mention Martyn imagine someone yelling lore in the background. it's. kind of insane /pos but not particularly relevant to her story.)
This decision, which could very easily have gotten them both killed, kickstarted a chain of events in which Pearl was cast out when she eventually discovered her soul bound partner, told she was cursed, a sign that death was near in just about any alliance she tried to make, and unwanted. Her one companion was her dog, Tilly. For a good lot of Double Life, her base was one lone tower.
As the only Australian there, she had to wake up at 5am to participate in the series (don't we love timezones), so her double life character was coined "5am Pearl" and associated with a "crazy" <- depending on who you ask. from an outside point of view she was definitely called that, incredibly lonely wet cat of a woman. She also has a very well known red life skin for it:
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someone created this absolutely incredible one and a half-ish minute animatic which gets the vibes of the series across much better than I could.
In Hermitcraft, Pearl is a multitalented, wholesome chaos gremlin. Her buildings and organics are absolutely jaw dropping, and she even picked up redstone this season to make a version of Wordle in Minecraft! She's actually headcanoned as Grian's sibling pretty often, which has been dubbed skyblings by the fandom (they knew each other outside of HC for a while, and they definitely can get up to mischief together).
In season 10 (the current season), Pearl has a different skin from her default because she's running a postal system - she's been dubbed "postmaster Pearl".
In Season 9, she also had a different skin because she was "cleaning lady Pearl", and took care of recyling resources and all the chest monsters on the server.
In Season 8, she wore star pajamas briefly (boatem my beloved <333 will always be famous to me.)
S10 skin:
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S9 skin:
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S8 skin (only for a few episodes, I think):
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that moon is totally normal sized don't worry about it <- lie
Default skin:
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you're welcome to make grabby hands about any of em any time :D I'm currently obsessing over Scar and Pearl, but I'm also insane over Etho (AND Ethubs/Etho and Bdubs because oh my GOD. the way they act about each other), Pearl and another content creator who isn't involved in Hermitcraft save for the one time he voiced over one of her builds <- one minute clip :D recommend watching his voice is super soothing (gosh they are the loveliest together!)
Plus a bit of treebark (Ren/Rendog and aforementioned Martyn ITLW) and shinyduo (Gem/Geminitay and Pearl/Pearlescentmoon) on the side :)
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