#i love that the gentry are included here
Killing Time: Prologue
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, includes violence, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: a job offer could be an escape from your old life, but the new one, may not hold freedom.
Characters: Kraven the Hunter, August Walker, Lloyd Hansen, James Conrad, God the Bounty Hunter, Court Gentry
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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“Yes, he’s here again,” your voice creaks as your hand shakes. “Please. I called yesterday…” And every other day for months. Almost a full year.
You peer out between the small space that divides curtain from window. The shadow looms, looking up at you. Your phone vibrates as the operator hems and haws on the other end.
“Are you sure it’s him?” She asks. They always doubt you. Report after report, phone call after phone call, and it’s always question, question, question. You sigh.
“Yes,” your voice peeks as you pull back and hide against the wall. “Yes, I know it’s him. He’s texting me.”
You don’t even need to check. It’s the same thing every time. Next, he’ll try to sneak in the front and be knocking at your apartment door.
“Well, ma’am, you say you’ve called before and we’ve sent a cruiser and we’ve filed reports. And this man keeps showing up, so what exactly do you want me to do now? I can’t issue you a safety order over the phone--”
“Excuse me?” You gasp. “Excuse me? Are you serious? I have an order already and much good it does me. I call you and I get accused of being dramatic and questioned. What I want is for someone to protect me.”
“Ma’am, don’t get abusive with me,” she warns. “Have you tried telling him to go away yourself?”
“Wow, wow,” you throw your hand out. “Really? Really? No, I never thought of it,” you say sarcastically, “is there someone else who can take me call? I really don’t feel safe.”
“If it makes you feel better, I can reroute an officer to you. Alright?” She speaks as if you’re a child. You’re too weak to argue anymore.
“Whatever,” you hang up.
You can’t do this anymore. You need to get out of here. Not that you didn’t think of it before but you can’t afford anything else. Your rent control is the only thing keeping you under a roof. You’ve already switched jobs, just to get away from him. There isn’t that much else up there.
You drag yourself through the shadows and sit on the bed. You exist in darkness. You don’t turn on the lights so he can’t see in. You keep the curtains shut. You only leave for work and always take a different exit, never the same route; not always the bus, not always the train.
And friends? What are those? Most of them took his side, said you were throwing around false accusations, and the others accused you of being obsessed. The single coworker you confided in told you to leave town. Wow, well, if you could afford that, you wouldn’t stay in this building with the grinding radiator and rattling fridge.
You look at your phone.
‘I see you.’ The message was sent while you were on the call with emergency services. Several more followed. ‘I just want to talk’; ‘you look so pretty’; ‘please, I love you’.
As you read each text, you can hear the last conversation you had with Jake. He’s a relic of your former friend group, the very reason for your dejection. It’s almost funny how the rest just cut ties but he won’t let go.
It all started with a kiss. A kiss and rejection. New Years Eve and the clock counted down. You didn’t expect him to turn and plant one on you and when you shoved him away, that dreamy look in his eyes turned to fury as you fled. New Year, New you, right?
The new you is scared and paranoid and tired. So, so tired.
You get up and move the chair in front of the door. Just in case. You retreat, keeping your phone close, and grab the extendable baton from the table. You sleep with both, if you can sleep. That night, you won’t.
You settle in on the couch. You don’t use the bedroom. You need an easy escape. You sit back against the cushions and scroll on your phone. It might be hopeless, but you trawl the job board and the apartment boards. You might find a nugget of gold in all the pebbles.
You sign into the job site and see the red dot in the corner. It’s always a marketing promo. ‘Recommending’ a job you don’t qualify for or an invitation for an MLM scheme. It’s a joke. You don’t understand how anyone ever gets a job but everyone seems to have a better one than you.
You tap the inbox to make the red dot go away. You hate it floating in the corner of your vision. Your thumb twitches and hovers over the screen as you read the subject line. Hm.
‘Caretaker Position: Relocation Required’.
Well, you don’t really have the experience for caretaking but the second part sounds intriguing. You hesitate. It’s too good to be true. You’re sure there will be a list of qualifications longer than your resume.
You open up the message.
We’ve reviewed your profile and determined you might be a match for this position.
New Applicants Welcome.
We are seeking an individual to undertake caretaking duties for a property. This role would include the following:
Lawn care
General cleaning and maintenance
Manual labour requiring lifting of up to 60lbs
24/7 tenancy within property (no rent for chosen candidate)
Subsidized relocation
Training on-site
If you are seeking a fresh start and to learn new skills which can take you into future roles in a custodial or caretaking capacity, this is the job for you. To apply, please submit brief profile and resume for consideration.
Applicants are subject to a background check.’
You bite down on the inside of your lip. It sounds interesting but you’re not sure you’re a good fit. It’s so general, too. Would you need to know how to deal with electrical issues? Your apartment sure has taught you a lot about dealing with broken utilities, but your formal training is lacking.
And it’s a big thing. You want to get out of here but it’s still daunting in comparison to your current predicament.
You tense as you hear footsteps in the hall. You brace yourself and lower the phone, staring at the door. The thumping on the other side makes you flinch. Your heart races.
“Baby, I know you’re awake. Please. I just wanna talk.” He keeps tapping. “If you just talked to me, we could figure this out.”
You shudder and look at your phone again. You stare at the big blue button; ‘Apply Now’.
“I forgive you. For lying about me. Everyone knows you were just upset. I’ll tell them all it was just a misunderstanding…” he begs as the door shakes in the frame, the chair knocking against the handle. All that stands between you and him are those hinges and that flimsy piece of furniture.
You press down on the button. It can’t get worse than this.
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tavina-writes · 1 year
I started writing an essay in the tags of a post that was not strictly related to this topic but started getting me thinking and realized I should just. Make my own post about this because I have kind of been sitting on this frustration for a while? And mmmm idk how to feel about this.
(For the record, the post that inspired this is this one.)
I want to make it clear UPFRONT that I am not knocking on ANYONE's interpretations of NHS or about having gender headcanons about a character in general. I think people can headcanon NHS as whichever gender they like because those interpretations are fun and exciting and I like to read about those too.
What I have been getting progressively iffy on, and am not entirely clear on how to express until I came across the above post is the idea that 'NHS is femme-coded because he has femme-coded hobbies' or 'NHS is very gender/gender nonconforming because he likes to paint and doesn't like exercise/practice his saber' or 'NHS is not very masc in comparison to his brother and people in his society put him down/are irritated with him/react to him differently because his gender presentation is more femme.'
And I think what's always kind of boggled me about interpretations like these that I've mentioned above is because...
Hobbies like keeping birds* and painting and calligraphy and poetry** and being well dressed and fashionable*** were strongly masculine coded scholar gentry hobbies for bored rich men**** in historical China. People react to NHS they way they do in text (at least from what I can understand of the social norms of the MDZS jianghu) because NHS is determined to be a particularly foppish dandy and also yknow, actively wailing about his many problems.
So, I think the tldr of this is that: NHS can be interpreted as whatever gender people would like! But his society and his peers and the other characters are not reacting to him in a certain way because he's femme-coded, they're reacting to him that way because he's an irritating asshole and kind of foppish (affectionate)
*keeping birds (as pets and not like, just raptors for hunting) was a rich man's hobby in Ancient China from at least the Zhou dynasty, though which birds were popular as pets (everything from parrots to orioles) differed depending on the dynasty, but the Ming and Qing dynasties were extremely big on pet birds in rich people's houses in particular.
**it is unclear if NHS is particularly good at say, painting or calligraphy OR poetry but the point is that he appears to like these things
***men's fashion has been a wild beast throughout the ages both in the east and the west, and men have done things for fashion like wearing gaudy archer's rings to show off archery skills they didn't have, high heels, Song dynasty men wore flowers in their hair, and my own personal unfavorite: the Qing Dynasty queue.
****the four gentlemanly arts were for example: qin qi shu hua -- playing the qin (music), weiqi (Go if you want to use the Japanese name for the game), shu (calligraphy), and hua (painting). See brief wikipedia summary about the four arts here. There were different things also included in the education of an aristocratic gentleman in pre-imperial China but we have no time to delve into that in this post. HMU for more info if you want it because I love to talk about historical things.
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vals-sims-world · 1 month
Hey guys! Thank you so much for all the love you've given to my Sims versions of Merlin and the knights!
Since there's interest in my Merlin save I will be sharing some stories about what's been happening in that world. However, before I do I feel I need to explain the way I play this save since it's not your standard Sims 3 fashion. I typically play rotationally, spending a week with each family before moving on and using nraas story progression mod to keep everyone from aging while I'm not there. My nraas setup also keeps sims from changing their relationship status or progressing in their careers when I'm not playing them but they can meet new sims, make friends, declare enemies, and start up a bit of a flirtation on their own. I like coming back to a household and seeing what dynamics have formed when I leave them to their own devices, though I get the final say on what romantic interests they end up pursuing.
Now that's just my standard setup for most of my games. For my Merlin save I decided to add some interest by using Merlin characters for my own version of The Medieval Charter Challenge! For those unfamiliar The Medieval Charter Challenge is basically a sims 2 build-a-kingdom challenge where you start with a small settlement and slowly build your world up until you have a medieval city. There are a lot of rules including a tax system and class structures that I'm not going to go over but if you're interested you can check out the original rules here For those of you who are familiar with the challenge just know that I've tweaked some of the rules to fit better with the sims 3 and I don't always follow them strictly. I treat them more like guidelines than actual rules, especially since I'm using pre-established characters, some of which have magic which opens up excuses for all sorts of shenanigans. So if you see me doing something that doesn't follow the rules don't worry about it.
Mainly what you need to know is that I started with an empty world, 3 households who are not part of my rotation but are there to help populate the town (druid camp, knights barracks, and the Ladies' manor), 5 peasant families (du Lac, Smith, Hopper, Emrys, and Ealdor), 2 Yeomen families (Macken and De Grance), and the royal Pendragon family. As my save is currently I have 9 community lots, 3 peasant families (Hopper, Ealdor, Oliver), 1 yeoman family (Emrys), 1 Merchant family (du Lac), 1 Gentry family (Macken), 1 Noble family (De Grance), and the royal Pendragon family that have all dramatically changed as they intermarried, had kids, built up their businesses, and rose in the ranks.
My plan is to make a post on each of these families explaining their story. This will take time though as I plan to give you guys family portraits, before and after tours of their homes, any screenshots I happened to have taken while playing, as well as writing out the twists and turns of their tales. So please bear with me while I sort that out.
In the meantime here's some screenshots of some shippy poses I did with my sims that aren't part of the save
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Tagging those who expressed interest in knowing more about my save (let me know if you want me to tag you in future posts about this): @tansyuduri @building-camelot @chairwiththreelegs
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sterina-sims · 1 month
Sul sul! I'm living for your medieval charter posts. Could you please explain how the challenge works? And possibly how to set up such a flawless medieval style neighborhood? Thank you 😃
Sul sul! 😊 Thank you so much! I'm thrilled that you're enjoying my medieval charter posts. Ok, this is a daunting question, but I'll do my best to explain how the challenge works!
How the Challenge Works
First off, here's the MTS thread from the original creator of the challenge. I've also re-uploaded the document here for convenience/easy reading.
The Medieval Charter Challenge is all about building a medieval-style community from the ground up. You start with a small group of sims and gradually expand your neighborhood, adding different types of lots and families as you meet specific goals. Here's a quick rundown:
Create Your Founders: In CAS, create a Royal Steward (single Sim; they won't be played until a monarch is crowned), 4 peasant families, 2 yeoman families, and 1 gentry family (the head of this household will be the Squire). Move any secondary adult males into their own homes within the same social station, and assign farming and artisan trades accordingly. Create 1 group of 4-8 adult males (military barracks) and another of 4-8 adult females (almshouse), as a pool of eligible sims for marriage.
Seasonal Play and Taxes: Play each family for one season, stopping at the first Quarter Day (this is the first day of a season) to assess and pay taxes, tithes, rent, fees, and fines to the Royal Steward using Christianlov’s Wallet Controller.
Growing Your Settlement: Track the Treasury Funds. When the total reaches $5000, add a communal well, village green, and hedge tavern. At $8000, add a church with a cemetery and a weekly market.
Leveling Up: The levels are as follows: settlement (starting point) -> hamlet -> village -> town -> charter city. Each level has fiscal and infrastructural requirements, as seen above. As you continue through the challenge, you collect enough taxes to build the necessary lots and add more families, thereby growing the settlement. The challenge is completed once you reach the level of charter city and crown a monarch.
Setting up Your Medieval Hood
Use the Lot Bin: With regards to building, create 1 peasant hovel, 1 yeoman house/farm, 1 gentry manor, and so on. Save these residential lots to the Lot Bin for future instances when you'll need the required type of home. There is A LOT of building that goes with the challenge, so save yourself the trouble by doing this. The lots can be personalized for each household afterwards.
Communal Spaces (pro tip!): This is my nth time doing this challenge, and so, I suggest staring off with a village green or communal well (or both). It goes against the original MCC rules, but I say this because it gives your sims can have a place to meet and mingle with other settlers, and a break from monotony of staring at the same four walls.
Hood Decor: Hood decor is truly fabulous and can completely change the look of your neighborhood. I would suggest deco grass, deco rocks and cliffs, deco fields and/or flower fields, especially if excessive tree use slows down your game.
Custom Content: Invest in some good medieval custom content, including clothing, furniture, and architecture. Sites like Plumb Bob Keep, Mod The Sims, and Tumblr creators have lots of medieval-themed downloads. I have listed the majority of the mods, hacks, and custom content on my side blog's resource page.
I hope this helps you get started! Feel free to ask if you have more questions, and I'd love to see your progress if you decide to give it a try. Happy simming! 😃
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dearausten · 10 months
just rewatched pride and prejudice 1995 and i loved it, even more than before! here are some thoughts:
- the best thing about this adaptation is, to me, the performance of jennifer ehle as elizabeth. honestly, she nails everything about her character, in my opinion. from lizzy’s wit and sense of humor to her firm resolution in rejecting darcy the first time and dealing with lady catherine, while also displaying all her conflictimg emotions not only during the whole wickham affair, but also when she found herself longing for darcy’s good opinion (who knows why!). she was absolutely charming and one can’t help but root for her.
- this might be obvious, but i love how it is pretty much the same as the book! it’s very clear that having six episodes worth of screen time instead of two hours as you get in movies played in their favor.
- i love the bennets! i love seeing the sisters interact! i love seeing them in their daily lives and watching their dynamics. i also think they got almost all of the characterizations perfectly. lydia, kitty, mary and mrs. bennet were all on point! however i do feel like they toned down mr. bennet’s flaws and only focused on the funny/sarcastic side of his character. other than that, i liked him too :)
- i’ve seen many people who don’t like this mr. collins but honestly i really enjoyed him. he was ridiculous and absurd, and he annoyed the fuck out of everyone, which is accurate lol. i do wish they’d made him age appropriate bc... that man is not 25 lol. anyways, i actually thought this collins was more accurate than 2005!collins.
- oh, caroline, you sneaky thing! i have nothing to say about her, really. i think she was portrayed very accurately as well. and they included the hursts!
- mr. bingley was good too! love me some golden retriever energy
- and, of course, how could i not talk about colin firth as darcy! he was DISGUSTED to be around common gentry people. he looked like he’d rather hang himself from the ceiling than be in those goddamn social gatherings for one more minute. he was so displeased with everyone and clearly thought they were nothing but a pain in his ass, and i love that lol.
- but OH MY he’s a simp! he can’t stop staring at elizabeth for the life of him. istg he is so fascinated by her. that scene at rosings when lizzy is talking to colonel fitzwilliam and darcy just stared at them while she roasts the fuck out of him????? top tier
- one thing i adored about his performance was just how miserable he looks when she isn’t around! and mind you, this is DARCY we’re talking about.
- the ONLY note that i have is that i wish he smiled more, especially when they meet after the letter (but before that too)
- honestly the only bad thing i have to say about this adaptation is that the second proposal felt a little... underwhelming. it’s supposed to be this big emotional moment why do they look like they’re talking about the weather 😭
my conclusion: i’ve worshipped 2005 since the first time i watched but i feel like i’ve just become a 1995 stan, it was just so so good and so faithful to the book. and yes, i finished it two days ago. yes, i’ll be rewatching today.
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mightymizora · 10 months
I don't often talk on here about that many passions outside of D&D but inspired by a very brief exchange by @plethomacademia I want to talk very briefly about my great love for period dramas.
I'm a particular fan of Georgian era and Victorian era (but you know, every gal of a certain age had their brain chemistry altered by the 1995 Pride and Prejudice as Greta Gerwig knows well) so I wanted to talk very, very briefly about some of my absolute favourites (and whether the adaptation or the book has my heart)
Poldark. The books and the 1975 version, not the modern version (I liked the Elizabeth, wasn't a fan of the rest.) Poldark man. It's the ONE. Incredibly romantic, but with a real political agenda too around landowners rights and the changing role of the gentry. The books were hugely formative for me - and there's LOADS, so get them from your local library and enjoy.
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. The book, and the delightful 1997 BBC adaptation. I love this book. It's one of those early novels where the narrator just fucking talks about whatever they want. And because it's set in the earlier Georgian era where people did whatever they wanted, it's super sexy. Tom is basically fucking his way through the West Country and London.
Vanity Fair. The book, I've not liked any of the adaptations I've seen. Becky Sharp, beloved. The first real antihero I read. I love her to the ends of the earth. All adaptations try and soften her too much for my liking but the 1998 and 2018 both have good strengths.
The House of Mirth. The book and the 2000's film. Just sublime.
Anna Karenina. One of my favourite books. Western adaptations of Russian novels never quite hit the mark but I have to give a shout out to the 2000 version with Helen McCrory because she really sold the sexual obsession to me in a way others didn't. Man, she was the GOAT.
North and South. The book is great. The adaptation really is superb. Probably the best on the list, one that I would rank just as highly as the novel.
Wives and Daughters. The book was unfinished so they filled in a lot of gaps in the 1999 adaptation starring Justine Waddell (who incidentally was in EVERYTHING for a while? Like every period drama cast her, it was bizarre, and then she just disappeared. This also stars Keeley Hawes who was also in everything, including the very underrated Our Mutual Friend.) I know this one isn't the best, but I'm very fond of it.
Middlemarch. Listen, the book is the greatest book of all time to me. You have to read it at least once. The 1994 adaptation does a great job but it will never be the book, whose strands come together so perfectly, which teaches us so much about the intricate webs of being human.
The Crimson Petal and the White. The book is extraordinary, and the 2011 adaptation tries its best but suffers a bit from some odd casting. Still it's very worth the watch.
I Claudius. Curveball lmao. But it's perfect. Utterly perfect. The cultural impact of the 1976 adaptation can't be understated. A masterpiece.
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travajoke01 · 23 days
I wanna enroll her in a contest so infopost here we come
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casual outfit still developing, please stand by
rottmnt OC Chimera Solbritt, she’s a bombyx. Aaaaaand also she’s a witch (i’m almost sorry for Donnie).  
Va: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFOBe5rGrqc&list=PL0ZdQpFsexGEB8-p_dN7jflu7y7bB4Upe&index=5 Noël Wells
Her little caterpillar-like buddy is Cat (as in Cat-tools and caterpillar)
 Really hate that we saw so little of witches and furthermore they were not so…..thrilling. I’m not a good writer, so i’ll just throw out some facts about her and backstory. Maybe my headcanon will make creators and nickelodeon so angry that they’ll decide to continue the show just to prove me wrong.
So this little cutie has problems with her family (on account of them being killed) and were took in by Big Mama and trained by her great-aunty Moti, so her english is better, otherwise that would be a disaster.
BM took her as last favor to her friend (a witch), trying not to dig Chimy into her illegal business too much, but girl would peak her nose once in a while (she’s a real fan of true crime, how could she miss something like that?). 
She’s a product of love of a human (scientist) and yokai (witch), whose bond was a problem for the witch’s town by itself, and a reason of their demise. Chimera was thought to be dead too, but she was teleported by her papá along with Cat, who was supposed to be her nanny, but became a life-long companion. He recorded some things from the crime scene, including her father’s goodbye and face of the killer.
Unfortunately, it took some time to reach her mother (she was in the witch town currently, while dad was above), and since she had no idea her daughter was alive, she took the poison to rejoin her fam.
Knowing that Mira (I really see so much potential In her being evil), would want her own granddaughter dead, Moti knew that girl cannot stay, so by the advice of  Chimy’s mother, she took her to the hotel, sneaking there once in a while to teach her and tell stories of her parents.
Of course, Mira was playing the victim, crying and telling that both of her parents died in the accident from one of their experiments.(those damn scientists can’t do anything right). 
It was hard for Chimy to study, especially, when she saw Gentry getting the attention and magic lessons from Mira she craved so much. But i guess  with having the half of capabilities of others-it is how it is. Or maybe Mira didn’t trust the bombyx just as much.
So to begin her way to the top properly, Chimera had do enlarge the amount of magic she can hold\produce, call it mana if you want. Before that, to learn magic ways properly, she had to use her enchanted umbrella and Cat’s help to make and store potions and elixirs, particularly healing ones. Quite a useful buddy this Cat, after all, a creation of magic AND science. 
School days weren’t exactly easy, on one hand, because she enrolled in the already formed collective that got used to each other, on the other, because Chimera was mostly looking humanish, the only things visibly telling that she is certainly not a human were her little wings, teeth, eyes and ears. She’s not unusual enough to blend in with yokai, and way too unusual to blend in with humans. Her fluff, retractable arms, spots and colour, the size of her wings were developed during all these years, heck, even the silk wasn’t always the thing. All of that made it only harder to get used to, she was clumsy and insecure. You can’t say she was bullied necessarily, but she’s never felt being a part of community. It definitely affected her, so she seeks admiration and attention.
Being tired of this buzz of thoughts and failures in her head she quitted the school and embarked on her little adventure outside the New York, (approximately during the time of season 1-2 and the movie) travelled to the temple where she empowered her dark magic (hence the mark’s ob her hands, the more she uses them, the more they grow), and enlarged her mana. 
Coming back to NY, she had to pass an exam to show her progress in magic, which wasn’t a problem for her this time, and took private lessons from a wizard.
second and third pair of arms are retractable. First pair, normal skin, second-fluffy, third-more like a chitin, they’re thinner than the other pairs. Her height is actually about Mikey’s, but since she’s walking on her “tiptoes” (it’s more comfortable bc of her bone structure) she appears to be higher.
produces silk (uses it to lengthen the range for touch-based spells or to crochet) and pheromones (to attract or to repulse)
umbrella has planetary signs and on the top is a sun sign (solely decorative)
her bailiwick is dark magic mostly (darkness based harm\destruction spells, creating a field of darkness), but she tries to learn other kinds of elementary attack spells, but they’re more tiring for her to perform.
has bags under her eyes,mostly because she stays up late, her sleep schedule is a mess. She just likes staying up late and doing hobbies, with all that learning there’s should be time for fun, right? After meeting the Mad Dogs, she could spend several nights without sleep, learning\practicing spells or looking for a particular one that they need. 
Even though she sometimes seems insensitive, she’s very emotional towards animals and animated little creatures (like robots),probably because she feels they are weaker and has an instinct to protect them.
doesn’t like any physical touch if she doesn’t like\know you. For some reason, this irritating, orange masked turtle grew fast on her…maybe her shell is getting thinner. (they’re totally besties, she freaking loves Dr. Delicate touch)
They also share a hobby with Mickey-drawing. Also she crochets, watches true crime videos, destroys the patriarchy, u know, girl stuff  
uses her wings for DAZZLING and casting(it’s absolutely extra), more than for flying, because that would be an easy target and not as fast as umbrella and magical means. So she uses umbrella for fast travel\dodging, but at least she looks great
She considers incident in witch town very amusing (Donnie vs witch town),considering her tense relationship with this place.
She genuinely finds Donnie entertaining. Her reaction to his noises and attempts to be a mad scientist is pretty much the same as Luz’s reaction to King (like: awww he steppet his wittle foot~) Does it irritate him? Very much. But at least they both have a topic to infodump (science and magic) and they can’t understand eachother, which is a new experience for Donnie, to be in his brothers’ shoes. But she actually supports Donnie and tries to listen, though rarely understands terminology.
Giggles almost every time boys have an argument (if it’s not very life-threatening situation or it’s a real time to be serious)
She likes Raph’s roughness combined with his sweetness. She would totally crochet smth for him.
Leo is the one she shows her new nails first.
April is a kind of friend she always wanted, she can tell her about her nails with the same interest as about true crime (and learn smth new from April). She would also teach her magic too or escort her somewhere she could learn it.
She has a good developed emotional intelligence but rather from a logical point of view, like “ofc they do not know they’ve hurt u, they’re not u, but if they did it on purpose and u found out about it-ditch them, u deserve better that that”. Also, she’s a crybaby, but hates showing strong emotions like crying in public, cause it makes her feel weak.
 She tells “failing is okay” to smbd mostly to absorb it herself, she will try to comfort them with the words she would like to hear. But it’s only if she cares for you, otherwise you can jump off a roof and she’ll be like “do a flip”. 
Even though she seeks attention, she’s an introvert and she needs to “recharge” every once in a while to avoid being overwhelmed. Otherwise she’ll be a real buzzkill.
Totally infodumps boys about serial killers and true crime stuff, Raph and Leo ARE DEFINATELY CONCERNED. 
Greets u with “Supies~” and it irritates Don-Don (that does too)  because it’s not a real word
She hates dancing, because she hates embarrassment. But somehow Donnie takes it personally and insists on dancing lessons from him ofc. She says yes just to get him out of her hair ,but he takes it seriously. Somehow, it’s fun with him, even though very awkward at first. 
eyesight isn’t that great, wears special lenses to be less sensitive to light
learns spanish 
sings when she’s nervous
has slight anger issues
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subzeroparade · 1 year
is there a reason that you portray ludwig as a cainhurst man? does something point towards it in canon? i love the concept but am beyond curious
I think if you string a few things together via lore you can make the argument, without being able to prove or disprove it either way. 
(I’m not the first to point out any of this btw, all credit to precedent lore-hunting) -
Cainhurst has several visual references to horses, including the castle’s mounted knight statues not found anywhere else; the spurs on the boots of the male Cainhurst noble's garb; the reiterspallach’s literal meaning of rider’s broadsword; the NPCs called, in English, Indentured Chevaliers. In French, the noble’s getup is translated as Chevalier - which can mean simply knight (as in the military rank) but does also literally mean mounted combatant. This is why, in my writing, Ludwig has the formal title of Chevalier - because of his ancestry.  
Outside of the Cainhurst context, there are almost no references to horses or mounted fighting within Yharnam itself. Take all of that and apply it to the fact that Ludwig looks a lot like he was riding a horse when he succumbed to the scourge, and you’ve got a connection, if a little tenuous - but so is most speculation in Bloodborne. If I were to argue this as an art historian, I’d slap a footnote on this with some caveats but I’d still put it forward.  
For my own narrative purposes - I’m going to assume you’ve read my work and that’s why you’re asking - it makes for a fairly compelling “outsider” perspective to the intricacies of Yharnam, and a different lived experience/history when I’m writing from his POV. The overt xenophobia of Yharnamites and the tension with Cainhurst are rich textural and plot elements for storytelling - there’s more than one way to lose your humanity, and being a foreigner in a hostile environment is one. It also creates opposition and variation alongside both Gehrman and especially Laurence: Ludwig, a member of the landed gentry who has never wanted for anything in his life but still feels duty-bound to be of service; in contrast to Laurence, who grasps at every advantage he can get and still acts like the world owes him.    
Ty for the ask :) Here is an unironically pretty WIP of Ludwig in some Cainhurst-inspired costume ideation. 
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lifeofresulullah · 5 months
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Before His Birth, His Birth and His Childhood
The Famous Grandfathers of the Prophet
Undoubtedly, we do not have much knowledge on all the ancestors who carried the Master of the Universe’s light as a Divine trust on their foreheads. The ancestors about whom we have the most knowledge are the ones who are closest in time. Here we will take a short glance at their lives and personalities.
Qusai, the fourth grandfatherof the Holy Prophet and whose real name was Zayd, was a very important figure. He had only one male sibling by the name of Zuhra.
From these two siblings, Qusai was granted the honor of bearing the noor that came down from Hazrat Adam. From childhood, Qusai garnered much attention for his talents and grew up to be one of the leading figures of Mecca. In a short time, he gained much reliability amongst the people of Mecca for his fair decisions as well as his skills in governance and administration. For this reason, the governance of Mecca was given to him.  He divided Mecca into districts for the first time. He situated every tribe into the district that he allocated for them. The most important decisions of Mecca were discussed and decided in his home.  Important tasks such as safeguarding the Ka’aba, providing water for and hosting the pilgrims of Hajj, erecting the flag at times of war, and governing the Meccan assembly, were entrusted in him. The first house that was across from the Ka’aba and whose door faced the Ka’aba was specially constructed for Qusai. This house was a parliament, like a type of governmental building or the state of the Meccan city, where all sorts of works and issues were discussed. Historically, Qusai’s residency was known as “Daru’n-Nadwa” and it found fame with this name. It was conserved until half a century after the Hijra (migration).
Qusai was loved and respected by everyone without exception. The noor belonging to the Master of the Universe that he carried on his forehead, made him beloved to and the bosom friend of the Meccan people.
In accordance with the custom, Qusay handed over the role of the family chieftain to his oldest son, Abduddar when he got old and said, “My Beloved son, I appoint you as the chief of this tribe”.
However, Abduddar did not possess the skills to undertake such a great duty. Throughout his life he was unable to fill his father’s place because the noor of the Patron of the Universe was not shining on his forehead, but was on his younger brother’s, Abd Manaf who had four sons: Hashim, Abdusshams, Muttalib, and Nawfal. 
Hashim is the grandfather of the Holy Prophet from the second generation.
Hashim was a tradesman; he was one of the notables of Mecca’s gentry. As the birth date of the Holy Prophet was nearing, the noor of the Holy Prophet on his forehead was shining even brighter. In addition, he had eminent virtues.
He was extremely generous. During a year of drought, no bread could be found. He had snow-white bread made from the pure wheat he brought from Damascus, cut several camels and sheep, and offered a huge feast composed of bread, meat, gravy, and broth to the whole of Meccan people.
Because Hashim was of high moral character, aptitude, was wise, generous, virtuous, was loved and respected by everyone, and had a noble personality, his name became the title for his family and posterity. For this reason, they termed this great lineage that includes our master of the Universe as the “Hashemites”.
Hashim had four sons: Shaiba (Abdulmuttalib), Asad, Abu Sayfi, and Nadla. 
Hashim’s progeny continued from his sons Shaiba and Asad. Shaiba is the Holy Prophet’s grandfather from the first generation whereas Asad is the uncle of Hazrati Ali’s mother, Fatimah.
However, when Hunain, who came from Asad’s progeny, did not have any descendants; every Hashemite was descended from Abdulmuttalib’s branch, proliferated, and spread across the Earth. 
Shaiba (Abdulmuttalib)
Shaiba is the Holy Prophet’s grandfather from the first generation. Since he was born with white hair, the name “Shaiba” was given to him; he gained fame with his nickname, Abdulmuttalib and was mentioned more by this name.
The story of how he was given this nickname:
Shaiba stayed with his maternal uncles in Medina during his childhood. One day he and his neighborhood friends were throwing arrows with the other children in a public square in Medina. Amongst all the children, he was easily distinguished by the noor belonging to the Master of the Universe that shone on his forehead. There, a crowd of grownups gathered to watch the children compete.
It was Shaiba’s turn to throw an arrow. He placed the arrow in the bow and stretched the bow in a confident manner. For a moment, he stopped breathing and unleashed the bow. The arrow that sprung from the bow hit its exact aim. When everyone looked at him with amazement, he brought the following words to his tongue through the happiness and excitement that he felt with this success:
“I am Hashim’s son. I am Sir Betha’s son. Of course my arrow will find its target”.
The adults that came to watch heard Shaiba’s commendatory words. One of Harith bin Abd-Manaf sons came close to him and learnt that he was Hashim’s sons by cross-examining. On his return to Mecca, this man explained the situation to Muttalib and remarked that it was not right for such a talented and intelligent child to be left in a foreign province.
Upon hearing this news, Muttalib immediately went to Medina and brought Shaiba to Mecca. As Muttalib was arriving to Mecca with Shaiba on the back of his saddle, they asked:
“Who is this child?”
Muttalib was afraid that this child would be affected with the evil eye so the words “my slave” came out of his mouth.
When he arrived home, his wife, Khadija, asked the same question. Once more, the answer was “my slave”.
The next day Shaiba began to roam the streets of Mecca with the new and beautiful clothes that his uncle bought for him. Everyone became curious about his identity and began to ask questions. Those who knew answered, “Abdulmuttalib” (Abdulmuttalib’s slave).
Despite his identity being later revealed, his nickname remained “Abdul-Muttalib” from that day on.
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Northanger Abbey Readthrough, Ch 8
Some hints that Isabella's affection for Catherine may not be all that it seems, starting with this, "Isabella having gone through the usual ceremonial of meeting her friend with the most smiling and affectionate haste" and then Isabella taking an entire three minutes to abandon her friend to dance.
I love this part:
She could not help being vexed at the non-appearance of Mr. Thorpe, for she not only longed to be dancing, but was likewise aware that, as the real dignity of her situation could not be known, she was sharing with the scores of other young ladies still sitting down all the discredit of wanting a partner. To be disgraced in the eye of the world, to wear the appearance of infamy while her heart is all purity, her actions all innocence, and the misconduct of another the true source of her debasement, is one of those circumstances which peculiarly belong to the heroine’s life, and her fortitude under it what particularly dignifies her character. Catherine had fortitude too; she suffered, but no murmur passed her lips.
This sentiment is so real, it's like assuring the waitress that you aren't at the café alone and your boyfriend is coming. Catherine wants people to know that she has a partner! She's not unselected and unknown. It doesn't matter that she may never see these people again, the disgrace is real.
Then worse (!) she finally sees Mr. Tilney again but she can't dance with him! The horrors! I love how Catherine doesn't fall for the "mistakes sibling for spouse" trope, which continues to happen in fiction to this day, but instantly realizes that Henry is with his sister.
Thorpe finally appears (ug) and he doesn't have any good excuse for keeping Catherine waiting. However, this reminds me of three other men:
of the horses and dogs of the friend whom he had just left, and of a proposed exchange of terriers between them
We know that Mr. Rushworth of Mansfield Park also annoyed a woman by talking too much of horses (his "sport" would include this) and dogs:
Maria, with only Mr. Rushworth to attend to her, and doomed to the repeated details of his day’s sport, good or bad, his boast of his dogs, his jealousy of his neighbours, his doubts of their qualifications, and his zeal after poachers, subjects which will not find their way to female feelings without some talent on one side or some attachment on the other Mansfield Park, Ch 12
Also, Sir John and Willoughby are arranging the exchange of some terriers:
Such a scoundrel of a fellow! such a deceitful dog! It was only the last time they met that he had offered him one of Folly’s puppies! and this was the end of it! Sense & Sensibility, Ch 32
Now I'm sure a big part of these quote aligning is just the era and being gentry, them with their fancy horses and fancy dogs, but both Rushworth and Sir John notably can't really talk to women, I think we can easily argue that Thorpe is in the same camp. And inconsiderate Tom Bertram delayed another woman from dancing with concern about horses:
He came towards their little circle; but instead of asking her to dance, drew a chair near her, and gave her an account of the present state of a sick horse, and the opinion of the groom Mansfield Park, Ch 12
The real problem here is that men are putting their concerns above doing a duty or a kindness to a woman. Sir John gets away with his devotion to hunting because he is very kind and accommodating otherwise, but John Thorpe, Mr. Rushworth, and Tom Bertram especially really show their selfishness and self-absorption in these scenes.
ANYWAY, joy of joys, Catherine is introduced to Eleanor Tilney, who seems like 10,000,000% more rational and genuine than Miss Thorpe:
Her manners showed good sense and good breeding; they were neither shy nor affectedly open; and she seemed capable of being young, attractive, and at a ball without wanting to fix the attention of every man near her, and without exaggerated feelings of ecstatic delight or inconceivable vexation on every little trifling occurrence.
Catherine does not immediately become friends with Eleanor, but engages in the very small talk that Henry spoofed back in Ch 3.
The faithless "faithful Isabella" reappears, but she's far too absorbed with James to really focus on Catherine, no matter what she claims. Both Catherine and Isabella refuse to dance with their partners more than once, though like Willoughby and Marianne, Isabella and James don't find new partners but instead talk with each other. Poor Catherine barely spends any time with Mr. Tilney as he got bored and danced with someone else.
Now, we know Catherine is already half in love with Henry at this point, but what is he thinking about her? He does seem to have sought her out and he asks her to dance again. This may just be polite, and he certainly feels that nothing is keeping him from finding another partner. I would say he probably enjoyed the first dance and is happy to see her again, but I doubt he's been dreaming of her...
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triviareads · 10 months
Any good marriage for convenience romance books?
I actually had a hard time with this one because there are so many historicals where the marriage is convenient for one party, or like, convenient in that otherwise she'll be "ruined" or she's possibly pregnant. But here are some of the ones where both parties agree to marry without any (or much) external pressure:
Convergence of Desire by Felicity Niven: Harry wants to devote her energies to proving Fermat's Theorem (which I now know way too much about) rather than being out in society, and Thomas needs a rich wife, so they decide to marry and Harry even says he can sleep with whoever after they marry..... unfortunately this man is only able to get it up for her soon enough.
Fiona and the Enigmatic Earl by Grace Callaway: Fiona wants to be free to continue her work as a member of an investigative agency, Lady Charlotte's Society of Angels, and Hawk wants to marry but without any emotional entanglements and to continue his spy work, so they agree to a marriage of convenience where neither party will hinder the other.
How the Wallflower was Won by Eva Leigh: After fucking up his sister and best friend's (DOM MFING KILBURN) marriage, Finn needs to marry or he'll be cut off, and Tabitha wants to join an influential intellectual society that only admits married women, and so marriage it is.
The Scot of Mine by Sophie Jordan: Kind of a marriage of convenience? Except the terms aren't laid out super clearly beforehand and Clara's brother does have a hand in the marriage, but this one is too funny to not include. Clara lies about being pregnant to escape marriage to an asshole, but when she's sent to Scotland, she meets Hunt, a laird who has a generational curse on him which means he will die before his heir is born. So Hunt decides to marry her because she's pregnant with someone else's baby so obviously, he won't die!
Except, well, it's a lie, and he finishes inside her multiple times after they're married so........
The Beast of Beswick by Amalie Howard: Astrid proposes marriage to Thane, a scarred misanthrope duke, so that her sister can escape marriage to the man who ruined Astrid's reputation. Thane eventually agrees because he's intensely attracted to her but has no intention of falling in love with her.
The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare: Another scarred duke, this time in want of a wife that won't faint when she sees him so he can begat heirs; Emma is the seamstress who made his former fiancée's wedding dress and shows up for payment, but Ashbury decides she'll do just fine as a wife.
Worth Any Price Lisa Kleypas: The only male virgin in Kleypas-verse (well at least in the beginning), Nick Gentry is tasked with finding Charlotte on behalf of her family and fiancé, but it turns out the fiancé is, among other things, deffo a groomer so he agrees to marry her to protect her.
Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas: You know the deal with this one; St. Vincent needs to marry a rich heiress since he's about to be cut off and his attempted kidnapping of Lillian failed miserably, and Evie needs to escape her abusive relatives, so off to Gretna Green it is.
Lush Money by Angelina M Lopez: Prince Mateo agrees to marry billionaire Roxanne and have sex with her three nights a month so she can have a kid in exchange for money for his impoverished country. The resentment in this man is real, not that it stops him from calling her mi mujer and jumping her every 10 seconds. Basically, the only wife guy I condone.
Unfortunately Yours by Tessa Bailey: Natalie and August agree to marry so Natalie can access start-up capital and August can improve his shoddy vineyards. I really loved August's (objectively dumb) no-PiV-sex-until-she-won't-regret-it rule because it actually made the wedding night kinda great, and it also drew out tension until they had no choice but to admit their feelings for one another.
The Harlequin fave Jackie Ashenden very helpfully made a page on her website devoted to all her marriage of convenience books, and yes, I recommend all of them.
Crowning His Lost Princess by Caitlin Crews: Warlord touches down in a Kansas (?) field and announces that this farmer gal was switched at birth, is actually a princess, and that they must marry for political reasons.
Trust Fund Fiancé by Naima Simone: Reagan needs access to her inheritance and proposes a marriage of convenience to her friend Zeke in order to gain access. This one is also technically friends-to-lovers but a really well done one.
*tbh your best bet in terms of modern marriages of conveniences might be harlequins because the stakes feel somewhat high and the tension is real, unlike a lot of contemporary romances which have people marrying to like, inherit a family ski resort or something.
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laevigataaccept · 1 year
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Sekka 2023 - Winterized (Reference Sheet)
It's my tiger rogue! 2023 version includes more integration with the cultural inspirations from traditional Thai and Japanese attire! You can read my thoughts under the cut!
It's been two months since the Guiding Lights have left the Underdark, and it's beginning to become Winter. This is the coldest climate Sekka has ever experienced in her life, and she decides to stop shaving her head, and let her hair grow out a bit longer. Since copper is sacred to her tribe (or "streak", or "clan"), someone must be deemed worthy before being given any copper to wear. It represents someone's trust, love, and loyalties, and removing someone else's copper (or just their jewelry in general) is seen as a major offense and grounds for self-defense; her streak views each piece of copper as a piece of themselves, inherited from someone that cares about them. The Guiding Lights' adventures in the Underdark had driven Sekka to the edge with the kinds of enemies they were facing. With new copper captured from what she deemed to be unworthy owners, she had commissioned some Dwarves to purify the metal and use it to create some new accessories for her to replace what she had given to her teammates (read as: "newfound family").
Here's what the old reference looked like:
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Credits to @stephanoodle for the adorable and badass character art of Sekka <3
Looking at the new reference, there's a lot more that can be spoken about.
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The ear ornaments are little filigree covers which support the back of her ears, held in by simple piercings. The filigree pattern itself is inspired by thai lineart, such as the kranok pattern.
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Traditional Thai clothing also many times features a chain belt made of precious metals like gold. For Sekka, this metal would invariably be copper. I chose a rectangular pattern for the belt because I felt it could represent the silhouettes of people, bound together, like family. The belt centrepiece is a four-petal flower that follows the kranok inspiration.
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The pants that she wears is actually just a chongkraben- a traditional Thai garment that when girded, becomes something akin to pants, but when ungirded and left loose, would create a skirtlike silhouette like the sarong. I added a pattern-cut hole through all layers of the chongkraben for a copper ring to be inserted, for her tail to slip through. I especially like this garment because most anyone can wear it, men, women, children, adults, and everyone in between. This indiscriminate clothing with the ability to change silhouettes at the simplest tug speaks a lot to my inner thoughts on Sekka. On the field she is efficient, deadly and brutal, exploiting anything in the vicinity to keep the enemy crippled. These last few months have given her time to reflect and realize that at the end of the day, she just wants to be a normal woman with normal needs, desires, fears, and dreams. I think the chongkraben is a subtle symbol for this duality which she has begun to confront.
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Her shirt is also inspired by Thai raatpatan pattern shirts. It filled her need for something that reminded her of home, but also something that fits in both a practical and aesthetic sense.
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The way she wears the shirt is inspired by Meiji-era Japanese clothing. I found it difficult to find many references for this mixing of cultures from an era that was trying to look forward to the future but also not wanting to forget where it came from. One source suggested it was called Syosei or Shosei style, where people of the gentry class who lived in the city would mix both modern western clothing and traditional clothing. I felt it created a very elegant and unique emotion in the outfit and wanted to incorporate that. This becomes especially apparent when she adds the grey kimono over the top of the shirt, tucked neatly under her chongkraben as if it were hakama.
Seeing as it was now Winter and beginning to snow, Sekka decides to take advantage of the spoils of combat that other mercenaries and adventuring groups have contributed to the market. Direwolf pelts and Remorhaz parts seemed perfect for winterizing her clothing. I chose to use the membrane and spines of a Remorhaz as the gaiters and mantle of her clothing as some light protection and waterproofing against the snow and rain. The Remorhaz spines within the membrane also offer a bit of structure similar to whale bones that the Europeans used to structure corsets.
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The silhouette of the mantle (and loosely the body of the cloak) are inspired by the rice-straw cloaks worn in East Asia's history, for example, the mino.
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In the group's adventures along the coast, they run into a shop selling hats. We had all decided to purchase hats to accompany a pirate themed ensemble since we were about to head to sea for the next leg of our journey. I immediately thought about the round hats we had back home that farmers would wear, and also about the Wokou pirates of Japan. I felt this was a ubiquitous enough shape to add to her, and I feel it adds quite a bit of edge and an enigmatic presence to the new design. Especially with the attitude of the angle she wears her hat.
Included in each diagram is also a notation for the amount of tail she had amputated from her backstory, and the reason her tailcap is present.
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thewolfisawake · 1 year
Ceilidh had returned to the library to find it was not empty. She prepared to start her spiel as to how she could assist. However the words halted when she noticed the visitor in full.
He was reading from the history section. Though it was flitting, she was sure he was actually reading them. Amusement seemed to grace his features. Ceilidh normally wouldn't mind someone that wanted to browse the library...since it was ever rare that anyone bothered with it. But is it not a little strange for the Unseelie king to be wandering the Seelie library?
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"Your Majesty, welcome to the Alcove of Prose," Ceiliidh greeted with a curtsy, "I apologize, I was not made privy to your desire to visit here. I would have prepared properly."
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"So formal, dinnae pay me any mind," he said, "but ah tend tae be intent on learning no matter where ah gan. Yet ah widnae ask Camhlaidh tae extend himself further fir the sake of a visit. Shattered lad, innit he? So ah wandered doon myself."
"Och aye, my generals dae hae interests outside of me," he chuckled. Risteard likely off negotiating his poisons. Solanine seeking whatever pretty things strike her fancy. And his Bheinnan, he deserved his rest, "but Ceilidh if I recall correctly, dae you tend tae this place yourself?"
"There are those that do physical maintenance but for the most part it does fall on the Scribe to maintain the Alcove, yes," Ceilidh said, "so I can recommend some Seelie literature if is so pleases you. However, I would like to ask for permission from His Majesty on allowing you to peruse the historical records."
Balmoral raised a brow, "Haw, so reading aboot the fun you a' goat into is off-limits? Fir wye?"
Saying 'because you could be an enemy' would not be the move to make. However, she couldn't prove that the man would do anything with the history. It likely held no advantage to him but if he wanted it, Ceilidh had reason to be unsure. Part of her wondered why should she care, it wasn't as though her king cared about what she was up to. Nor had he asked her of anything unlike his gentry. But yet she straightened as she said:
"......I have yet to finish transliterating our records. So they are incomplete and thus not acceptable to show to our guests. Especially an esteemed one such as yourself, Your Majesty, I am terribly sorry."
Canny lass, Balmoral thought. At least Camhlaidh has some interesting characters to surround himself, "Course, though when you finish ah would hope tae hae a chance tae read. Your prose is quite beautiful yet mensely informative."
Ceilidh flushed. No one had ever complimented her work before. Much less encapsulate her intent so easily. She stuttered, "You f-flatter me. I...I simply try my best."
"And your best is quite the feat. Of course ah cannae check a'thing within your collection...but the few historical records ah was able tae read, you are wan responsible fir its continued legacy. And ah bet if ah checked much of em, they're penned by your loving haun," Balmoral remarked.
He met the gaze of the Scribe as he informed, "Ah'm interested in an archivist like you, Ceilidh. While my haun with the kingdom is young, ah hope tae have it endure much like the Seelie has. But because of the conflicts much of our pasts are scattered. And it's better tae have a record fir despite our long-lived selves, the mind does nae always remain so keen and unfortunately with some in the Unseelie, they do nae last as long as they like to believe."
"Including yourself, Your Majesty?" Ceilidh questioned. Maybe he was trying to get someone to write nicely about his reign? She didn't like the idea of that and found it brazen of him if he did. However she wanted to get a read on his intention. Yet not once so far has he stalled or stuttered from the draw of a lie. So he had to be speaking something true in all this speak...but she wanted to know if he'd spill a little more.
"Noo you've goat it," he grinned, "ah'm nae so arrogant tae believe ah can rule fir eternity but ah aim tae build something thon'll last thon long. In whatever form ah can manage. A' this blether to simply say: if ever it interests you, the Unseelie does have a place fir you. And while ah dinnae necessarily have gentry tae begin with, as ah said, your best is quite a feat. And ah prize highly--and reward highly--those thon are good at whit they dae."
He placed the book back in its proper place as he said, "Of course, if you are content here. If you are happy here, then ah widnae force you tae leave. But ah would like tae put forward thon you have options, Ceilidh Ìomharach. Ah hope you might be able tae visit the Unseelie tae see if it suits your tastes. Consider it willnae ya?"
With that, Balmoral moved past the stunned woman. She was not expecting that. Were the Unseelie all as strange as him? Or was there some kind of game she hadn't caught onto? Either way...she'd just been given a job offer. Oh, her father would have a fit...and it was something she'd have to bring up to His Majesty.......joy.
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seekdevotion · 1 year
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*          𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐘𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒     𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐃          :          hiiii  :3  spare  mws  please?
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haiiiiiiiiii  x3  already spared  twice  in  these  posts  here  and  here  ( feel free to peruse the whole tag, this post included in fact and please mind any repeats 🫶 ) but  worry  not!  i  shall  as  i'd  live  love  laff  to  complete  the  triology  and place cap on mw asks so  here  we  gaur!    —   sasha  lane,  jack  mulhern,  simone  ashley,    ayo  edebiri,  jessica  sula,  kaylee  bryant,  liv  hewson,  courtney  eaton,  ncuti gatwa, cailee  spaeny,  camille  hyde,  jennie  kim,  toby  wallace,  natasha  liu  bordizzo,  inde  navarette,  nicole  wallace,  grace  van  patten,  molly gordon, daniel  ezra,  yara  shahidi,  sophie  thatcher,  jharrel  jerome,  spencer  house,  barbie  ferreira,  tawny  cypress,  sophia  ali,  rain  spencer,  lee  know,  myha'la  herrold,  summer  madison,  maia  mitchell,  kiana  madeira,  haley lu richardson, vanessa  morgan,  fiona  palomo,  mason  gooding,  jordan  alexander,  chay  suede,  lauren  ambrose,  madeleine  madden,  choi  yeonjun, kedar williams-stirling, antonia  gentry,  ciara  bravo,  mark mckenna, sophia wilde, quintessa swindell, charlie  heaton,  brigette  lundy-paine,  natalia dyer, aimee  lou  wood,  emily  rudd, alice  pagani,  odessa young, eduardo  franco,  melanie  lynskey,  victoria moroles, carlacia  grant,  josh o'connor, brianna hildebrand, zoe terakes, samantha  logan,  asa butterfield, lovie simone,  hari nef, hafsanur  sancaktutan,  charithra  chandran,  owen teague, jessica  alexander,  mia  healy,  felix  mallard, sophie  nelisse,  roberta  colindrez,  sofia  boutella,  toby  wallace,  priscilla  quintana,  lorenzo  zurzolo,  nat  &  alex  wolff,  christopher  briney,  kaia  gerber,  nathalie  emmanuel,  odessa  azion,  raymond  ablack,  rebecca  ablack,  aimee  carrero, henry zaga,  erana  james,  jeremy  allen  white,  chante  adams,  park  jihyo,  kelvin  harrison  jr.,  golshifteh  farahani,  raveena  aurora,  alba  baptista,  kathryn  newton,  olivia  scott  welch,  jan  luis  castellanos,  mike  faist,  dacre  montgomery,  halle & chloe bailey, eli  brown,  reina  hardesty,  jonathan  daviss,  lee  felix,  kelly  mccormack,  greta  onieogou,  peter  gadiot,  alisha  boe,  madison  bailey,  kristine  froseth,  michael  evans  behling,  nicole  maines,  kim  dahyun,  son  chaeyong,  lana  condor,  cierra  ramirez,  jacob  anderson,  hwang  hyunjin,  lauren  tsai,  sean  berdy,  kevin  alves,  brittany  o'grady,  taylor  zakhar  perez,  diego  calva,  sarah  pidgeon,  rachel  sennott,  camila  queiroz,  maika  monroe,  keke  palmer,  simone  kessell,  julia  rehwald,  ryan  destiny,  belmont  cameli,  lalisa  manoban,  thomas  doherty &  lili  reinhart  !
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proper-goodnight · 1 year
Encounter (Into The Gray Chpt. 4)
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Fandom: The Gray Man (2022)
Pairings: Sierra Six x Reader, Courtland Gentry x Reader, Sierra Six x You, Courtland Gentry x You
Type: Multi-Chap
A/N: I had a lot of lovely comments on this so far with people telling me how much they were loving the story, and I did not have the inspiration for the longest time to continue it. I had multiple chapters typed out, and I went back and forth between every chapter multiple times. I wanted to continue it, and I want to finish it, but the only thing that got me rolling again was to tweak the plot and shove it into a new direction. I had done it before with adding a few new things here and there, but there were several chapters that I completely redid, and others that I took concepts from other chapters, and added them into new or old ones. I split up chapters, rewrote chapters, etc. etc. etc. If you happened to read this before 5/19/2023, I encourage you to reread chapters 1-3, as there are probably new things or concepts that you may not recall. I appreciate every single comment that I have received and I hope that you guys who had read it before continue to enjoy it! (: I also did not include tags in these next few chapters to avoid accidentally spamming.
Encounter Chpt. 4
The Gray Man’s moniker stemmed from his ability to keep a low profile. The entire program was built with that conception in mind. Donald Fitzroy may have been the first, and he had slipped past your notice until his untimely death in pursuit of a drive filled with Carmichael’s baggage, but you had been right when you told Dani about cornering Sierra Six; Fitzroy and Lloyd had just been the one’s unfortunate enough to end up in Six’s corner, whether willingly or not. That was your own personal baggage that you pushed aside for later, your feelings about the two not consistent with each other at any given time. 
Carmichael basked in the victory, and the skeletons in the CIA’s closet were far outside your area of concern, but you did find it rather humorous that all it had taken was a long list of resources that Sierra Six had single-handedly upended at every turn. Single-handed if not for Dani Miranda’s involvement, but that was another secret put into the ground along with a busted drive and the truth about Lloyd Hansen’s death. 
You had never met Sierra Six personally, but when he’d been brought into the CIA’s custody–bloody and beaten, but still able to address the corporate assholes with witty remarks and sarcasm–you thought that you got a better understanding of his quirks and his mannerisms. He didn’t pretend to be anything, or anyone when it best suited him–a measure of himself that was as infuriating to everyone else as it was intriguing for you.
You could see why Fitzroy would employ him. Where you lied and manipulated to survive, he endured on skill alone. So when you’d learned that he’d broken free of his restraints and executed a number of their best operatives on his way out after the shitstorm with Carmichael’s drive, you weren’t surprised. 
“You’re punishing yourself,” you’d said to Dani shortly before you’d left to pursue his contract alone, resorting to stark statements if you weren’t allowed to ask questions. She couldn’t handle your ‘answering a question with a question thing’ but you thought that she asked a lot more questions than you did, even when she wasn’t trying to pry. 
“The Sierra agent,” she’d said by way of explanation,
“ Sierra Six,” you’d confirmed. 
“He escaped the hospital,” she’d huffed, breathless, a fierce punch landing a definitive and resounding tap against the punching bag, echoing out across the abandoned silence of the gym and nudging you back on your feet where you held it steady for her. “ He’s on the run. Probably going to find Claire.” 
“ This upsets you ?” 
“But not you?” Another tap, then another. Part of you was glad that you hadn’t decided to practice one-on-one this time around if an escapee was enough to get her fired up. 
“Should it?”
Dani slowed down, then stopped altogether. You’d let go of the bag, the resistance of holding it still the last few hours made your palms feel raw, a tingling sensation traveling from your palms to your fingertips. She turned around to grab a bottle of water, wrapping a towel around her shoulders. 
“ You can never give a straight answer, can you?” Her words were lost on a long swig of water, shoulders rising and falling with the continued adrenaline rush, slowly filtering down until she only looked exhausted. “I was using Claire as leverage to keep him safe from Carmichael. Now he’s going to shoot up the countryside until he finds her.” She shook her head. “ That might seem okay to you, but it’s not.”
“It’s not okay,” you’d corrected. “To him, it’s probably necessary.” 
Dani’s low-browed stare only further cemented the confusion behind your support or disapproval of the asset. You hadn’t needed to explain. Carmichael had grabbed the two of you for busywork immediately after that, and as soon as you’d had the chance, you’d slipped out.
There were many things that Six could run from, but time wasn’t one of them. It’d taken you a few weeks, but you’d found him. You’d thought that he would have a more sporadic schedule, or be constantly on the move, switching hideouts and being like other typical textbook deserters that you had pursued before. He proved to be the rare exception. 
Having settle in a small neighborhood in the outskirts of Tallahassee, Florida with deceased senior CIA official, Donald Fitzroy’s daughter: Claire Fitzroy– Claire –you’d spent some time before advancing on the target to map out his schedule, only to come to one conclusion:
His schedule was very mundane, and you would even consider it domestic.
All of his time was spent keeping up with Claire, and that included things that you believed had been beyond the program’s realm of teaching. Aside from cooking, he did relatively well for himself, having adopted a new identity with a steady supply of odd jobs to keep him stable financially. Six, who was renowned for being characteristically stoic, stone-faced, and having a preference for dry-humor, looked the complete opposite now; an approximation of happiness that only someone like him could get. It was a perfect picture from an outside perspective, but that would never get rid of what he was. A weapon. You could use a spear as a walking stick all you wanted, but that would never change its nature. 
You’d never been much of a poet, but you suspected Six traversed along that fragile line somewhere. He’d fallen victim to the easiest mistake someone like him could make: caring . The agency had said that Claire was the leash to bring the wolf to heel, but you weren’t morally unethical enough to consider kidnapping a kid, let alone using one for your own personal agenda. You remembered what you’d told Dani: His actions following his escape had been necessary. If you were in his position, were you more foolish, you strongly entertained the idea that you would have done the same.
For now, you considered a different approach, combatting natural instincts that begged you to satiate your natural curiosity, positioned at the peak of a hill with binoculars and taking note of his day-to-day. The safe way. Also the boring way. Regardless, you didn’t send in any of your notes. A location was enough to bring in a whole team–albeit as many as the agency had wouldn’t be sufficient, considering they were still recovering after his initial escape. 
Until you could find an adequate approach to the Sierra agent, you were left reverting back to the stone-age of personal recon.  Observation cameras, GPS trackers, public information, drones, social media–all would be naturally ineffective against someone as familiar with watching his back as you were. 
You’d counted day fifteen when Carmichael finally caught on to your absence–the timing couldn’t have been better. You’d settled down on your stomach on the hill, binoculars having become a permanent fixture to your eyes, and draped in a poncho because of an inconvenient storm–knowing Florida weather, you knew it would be clear in a few minutes anyhow. A resounding buzz emanated from your pocket. Wiping your hands dry on your poncho, you grabbed your phone, knowing the caller without having to look.
“I’m working.” You said, flat.
“I’ve got another job for you,” came Carmichael’s calm baritone over the phone. If you didn’t know him and his less than endearing quirks, you could almost see him in an 1800 Regency Period romance drama. He had the voice and the looks for it if he didn’t talk so much. “How do you like the beach?”
“I don’t,” you answered absentmindedly, binoculars still held in one hand, hovering just over your eyes. “What’s the job?”
There was a moment of pause, as if he genuinely considered your likes and dislikes, or that you had told him that you disliked something in the first place before settling with pointing out the obvious. “I don’t remember you mentioning that you were pursuing another job. Aren’t those supposed to be approved through me?”
You looked through the windows where Sierra Six had disappeared into the bedroom, panning over to the adjacent window to watch him rifle through some drawers, yanking his shirt over his head in favor of another one. You noted his well-muscled frame, his shirt catching on the bulging muscle riddled with deep scars–his own private collection of imperfection. “I’m making progress.”
“I expect a full mission briefing, but I’m going to need to pull you out. We’ve located our target, Sierra Six.”
“Have you?” You managed to keep your voice level, but the amusement rumbled just underneath the surface. “I’m surprised. I thought it’d take you a little longer.”
“He is our highest priority until he’s brought in.” Carmichael went on. If he had any tips on your sudden change in demeanor, he didn’t mention it, but you knew that he was marking your exchange in a private file for later. “He’s been filtering between the border of Florida and Georgia, but there’s a middle point that we believe may be a safe bet to where he’s hiding. I’ll send you the location. Meet me there ASAP.”
“Understood,” you said and ended the call. 
With no other choice, you rose to your feet. There would be enough suspicion against you already if you didn’t meet Carmichael, but approaching the target was your first priority. With less urgency than you likely should, you traversed down the slope, your feet slipping in the mud during your descent. Compared to your training the first few months, it was basic child’s play, a trail winding downward guiding you the safest route for the most part. 
You picked the lock with relative ease, slipping through the front door with a silent grace that you’d been taught in your youth. Efficient study of the house and mapping out its interiors led you to be able to traverse through the dark with little difficulty, noting the minimal furniture, and the lack of pictures on the walls. Even after the last few months since his escape, Six wasn’t getting comfortable. He was ready to run at any time. 
You’d turned as a light to your left flicked on. Six’s stark outline stood in the entryway to the hall, and the light that illuminated his face almost made him look soft if his neutral expression didn’t appear so deadly, lethal . His eyes were focused and searching but not showing any sign of the suspicion and sudden security that you were sure he felt. He’d glanced around, but there was no one. 
Just you. 
And him, with a gun aimed at your head.
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open-hearth-rpg · 1 year
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Hearts of Yokai: A PbtA Hack
For the last couple of years I’ve played around with a PbtA hack of Changeling the Lost. CtL’s my favorite setting across both Old and New World of Darkness. I love the core idea of a modern urban fantasy with people changed by their encounters with supernatural forces. I love that they have to band together to make sure those beings don’t threaten them again. I love exploring how broken people work through that trauma and accidentally perpetuate it.
My CtL hack could charitably be described as a mess. It blended together ideas from Urban Shadows, Masks, Fate, Hearts of Wulin etc. It discarded over iterations a lot of the CtL specifics and elements: the Kiths, Contract sets, the approach to the Hedge, Pacts, the more Fae elements, etc. Over time it became more and more about the core campaign and play I enjoyed. I don’t think I’ve gone back to look at any CtL sources in several years. It’s become its own thing.
So one of the three big projects I’ve been working on has been to revise my “fan fic” version of Changeling the Lost into its own beast. That’s meant going back and rethinking some of the base mechanics, reconsidering the story and cosmology, and revising the terminology. A lot of that has been about the conception of the world– one originally elaborated for me by Life and Times of Phillipine Gamer. He spoke about viewing the form and actions of the Gentry through the lens of colonialism. Potent forces coming in from outside, stealing resources & people, and those who escaped being changed by the experience and having difficulty re-connecting with their past lives. Kieron Gillen’s stretch goal mystery for Apocalypse Keys made everything click into place. It has the Faeries of old as a version of the East India company, magically fracking the world.
Below are some of the sketches I’ve made for this going into a fourth quarter playtest. I’ve used the term Hearts of Yokai as a placeholder, with the idea that this is a term the Changed have grabbed on to for themselves. I’m not sure yet about that. In fact there’s a chunk of terminology I’m still figuring out. If you want to check out the character keeper, you'll find it here.
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